#i spent all week cleaning the apartment with no help to the point of a nervous breakdown
the-hinky-panda · 3 days
The Hare Series: Part I
Title: The Hare
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Richie Jerimovich x Reader
Summary: You and your brother leave Ireland to open a pub in Chicago...just a couple blocks away from the new restaurant "The Bear." Connections are made and maybe The Bear and The Hare will help each other become successful.
Warnings: mentions of suicide
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“So,” you set down a fresh pint of beer on the bar in front of the patron who’s been entertaining your patrons with wild stories for the last two hours, “how long has your friend been gone?” 
His good natured demeanor falters for a split second. “What are you talking about?” 
You had just opened the corner pub two weeks ago, around the same time that the deli down the block had closed for renovations. People who frequented the deli ended up at your business, including some of the people working on the restaurant. There were a few that you saw on smoke breaks that hadn’t crossed the threshold yet, but some like Fak and Angel, had shown up for drinks a couple times. Tonight was the first time that the tall, charismatic, blue eyed Richie made his way into the establishment. Two beers in, you figured out why. He and his best friend used to hang out here when the previous owner had it. Under new management, and Irish management at that, meant the familiarity went away with the sale of the bar. 
“Your friend, Mikey,” you wipe down the bar. “How long has it been since he passed?” 
“What makes you think he’s gone, Irish?” he counters, pulling a cigarette from behind his ear and lighting it. 
“You just spent the last two hours entertaining my patrons with stories of the shenanigans you and he got up to in here. I figured if he were still around, you wouldn’t be here alone.” 
He laughs. “Shenanigans. Way to keep it authentic. The accent’s not bad either.” He rubs his forehead with the back of hand and blows the smoke out the side of his mouth. “You always ask personal questions to people trying to drink away their fucking problems?” 
“Only if it looks like the person needs to talk about their fucking problems.” 
“Well, I don’t. Thanks anyway.” 
“Fair enough.” 
You move away from him, cleaning glasses and snacking bowls as you move down the bar and talk to the other patrons. By the time you ring the last call bell, Richie has disappeared. You’re surprised to find yourself disappointed in his departure but closing up the bar keeps you busy until the last patrons leave. It takes another hour to clean the dishes, wipe down the bar and tables, and make sure the kitchen staff put the small kitchen right before they leave. 
With all lights off and doors locked, you start the short walk down a few blocks to the shitty apartment you’re renting with your brother as you work together to get the pub off the ground. Your commute takes you past the closed deli and that’s where you see Richie, leaning on the brick face, smoking a cigarette. The lights are on in the restaurant, dim behind the newspaper covering the window, so he must have come over to work on the renovations. The drywall dust on his pants and shoes confirm it. You cross the street and he nods at you. 
“Kick everyone out?” 
You smile. “The entertainment left.” 
He offers you a cigarette but you shake your head. “You gotta get better entertainment.” 
“We’re still working out some issues. Never opened a pub across the pond before.” 
“How many do you have over there?” 
“Two. One in our hometown of Thurles, another one down in Cork. This one,” you point across the street, “this is just practice for Dublin. Figured cutting our teeth in Chicago would be a good training run.” 
“If you can make it here…” 
You nod towards the newspaper covered windows. “Well, you’re certainly trying.”
“Trying. Yeah.” He drops the cigarette on the ground and grinds it out with his shoe. “It’s been almost a year.” 
You know the deli has just closed a couple weeks ago. “A year?” 
“Since my friend, Mikey, died.” He shoves his hands into his coat pockets. “It’s been almost a whole fucking year. I can’t believe it.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
He gives you a serious look. “You actually sound like you mean that.” 
“I do.” You lean back against the brick wall next to him. “When I was nineteen, my little sister was killed in a car accident. I was bartending at our family pub and called her to come pick up our dad who was pissed and asleep in the corner. She never made it so I brought dad home that night and found out why she never showed. Some locals, drunk off their arses and joyriding, hit her.” 
“Fuckin’ drunks.” 
You nod slowly, remembering that evening when the family priest arrived with the police to tell your family the news. The wailing, the not being able to breathe, crying until there wasn’t anything left. Your mother pointing to you from across the living room. This is your fault. You called her. She would have been home if you hadn’t fucking called her.  Nevermind the fact that you wouldn’t have called her if your father had been sober. You clear your throat, shoving that memory from your mind. “Fucking drunks.” 
“Mikey shot himself. On the State Street Bridge.” 
“Fucking hell.” Suicide. Nothing accidental about that but the what ifs are just as brutal. 
“You can say that again.” He lights another cigarette. “I just keep asking myself, what did I miss? What if I had shown up five minutes earlier, caught him before he left the house. What if…I don’t even fuckin know anymore.” 
“You never will, dovey. Those of us left will never know.” 
You’re both quiet for a few moments, standing under the streetlamp in front of closed down Beef of Chicagoland, remembering Mikey and your sister, still running through all the what ifs that will never let either one of you go. Moments of silence are like that. They should be spent remembering the loved one and the joy they brought, but all they hold are your own personal failures. 
“So,” you break the silence, “I never did get to hear that voice message.” 
“The Bill Murray one?” 
“Oh well,” he pulls out his phone with a flourish. “Can’t have you missing out on this piece of history.” 
And standing under a streetlamp in front of a closed down deli in Chicago listening to a voice message that could or could not be Bill Murray is how you fell in love.
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cheoliehansolie · 5 months
The Hoodie
Summary: Wonwoo learns something interesting about you wearing his hoodies.
Word Count: ~2.8 k
Pairing: fem reader x Wonwoo
Warnings: Implied smut and a bit suggestive
an: I'm finally back after accidentally taking a break for a month. Thank you guys for waiting patiently <3. As always, if you liked reading this, please reblog or leave a comment. If you have any suggestions or you just want to talk, send me an ask and we can be friends 💕
To read more, check out my masterlist.
You woke up to the soft rays of sunlight filtering into your room through your blinds. Waking up to the warmth of sunlight on your cheeks had to be your favorite part of spring. Glancing at the clock on your bedside table, you shock yourself with how early you’ve woken up on a Saturday.
Normally you’re one to sleep until you absolutely need to get out of bed on the weekends, but today you’ve somehow managed to wake up at 7:30. Feeling proud of yourself, you decide to take this as your sign to be productive and to spend the day finally cleaning your apartment.
This past week had been hectic with work and the semester coming to an end that you barely had time to sleep, let alone clean your space. So, your apartment had been looking like a tornado blew through it for a while now and it definitely was not helping your mental state.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you shove your blanket from off your figure and force yourself out of bed. What? Just because you woke up early and decided to be productive in your head doesn’t mean that it’s not hard to get out of bed, especially when the mornings are still cold.
You rush into the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and shower to warm yourself up. Once you’re done with your shower, you put on a pair of leggings and your hoodie (yeah, definitely yours and not your boyfriend’s).
As you’re tying your hair up into a ponytail, you make your way out of your room and into the living room. You immediately groan seeing all your college papers on your dining table which is serving as your makeshift desk, the trash on your kitchen counters, and the pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
Seeing the amount of overall filth in your living space, you were extremely tempted to just go back to bed and pretend you never had plans of cleaning, but you knew that if you didn’t clean your apartment now, you never would. So, you grab your phone, blast your cleaning playlist, and get to work.
It took you basically all morning just to clean your kitchen and it’s safe to say that morale was at an all time low. You collapsed onto your couch out of exhaustion and hunger. You hadn’t expected it to take so long to clean so you thought you could just eat breakfast after cleaning.
The second your body began relaxing on the couch, you heard a knock at your door. You laid there silently hoping that the person at your door would leave, but less than a minute later the knocking continued.
You let out a groan of frustration as you force yourself off the couch and make the trek to the front door less than a few feet away.
You swing open your front door, a frown still on your face. It takes you a second to register who’s at your door, but when you do, you’re left confused.
Wonwoo stands in front of you dressed casually a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tee shirt. You notice in one hand he’s holding a white plastic bag, which you can only assume contains take out.
“Wonwoo? What are you doing here?” you ask as you wrack your brain trying to remember if you had plans to see each other today.
“You weren’t answering any of my texts so I decided to stop by and make sure everything was okay.” he explains as you step aside letting him into your apartment.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I spent the past few hours cleaning. I haven’t been on my phone since I got up. I didn’t mean to worry you.” you say with your lips slightly down turned and eyebrows furrowed.
You felt bad for making him worry to the point that he felt the need to come to your apartment.
“Hey, it’s fine.” he says softly, noticing how upset you looked at yourself. “I wanted to see you anyways, so you not answering gave me an excuse to see you.”
Once Wonwoo took his shoes off, he finally registered what you looked like. His lips almost immediately turned up into a small smile as he realized that the hoodie you were wearing was none other than his own. He noticed the subtle flush in your cheeks, the thin sheen of sweat creating a film over your skin, and the way strands of hair were falling out of your ponytail. 
Noticing the fact that Wonwoo was just silently standing in your entryway, you ushered him deeper into your apartment. Honestly, you had noticed his eyes wandering over your figure and you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed by the current state of your appearance. You and Wonwoo had been dating for about a year, but something about the way he looks at you makes you feel the same way you did during your first date.
“So, whatcha got in the bag?” you asked, looking pointedly at the plastic bag in his right hand.
“Oh, this? I picked up lunch from your favorite place. I thought you might’ve been sleeping or something when I texted you so I thought it would be nice to bring you some food.”
“Aww, thank you so much babe!” you exclaim in excitement. “Why don’t you go sit on the couch and I’ll just grab us some plates from the kitchen?”
Wonwoo gives you a nod as he makes his way to the couch. He places the bag of food on the table in front of him and he watches as you walk around the kitchen grabbing plates, utensils, and glasses of water for the two of you. He can’t help but coo every time you tug at the sleeves of his too large hoodie to grab everything.
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” you ask once you’ve joined your boyfriend on the couch.
“No reason. You just look cute in my hoodie, that’s all.” he says, a small smile of endearment grazing his lips.
You feel yourself flush at his statement and pull your hair out of your lopsided ponytail as an attempt to distract yourself from how flustered Wonwoo still makes you even after how long you’ve been dating.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” you ask, trying to steer the conversation to more neutral territory. 
Wonwoo can’t keep himself from smiling a little wider at your flustered state, but he decides to take pity on you and drops the subject. Just this once, though.
Soon enough, conversation flows easily between the two of you as you share your meal together. Before you know it, the plates in front of you are empty and there lies another thing left for you to clean. Just as you’re about to get up to clean the small mess in front of you (it merely is a drop of water in the ocean of a mess your apartment is), Wonwoo beats you to it and is stacking the dirty utensils in his hands.
“Wonwoo, I can clean it.” you whine when he motions for you to stay seated as he continues cleaning.
“You can rest on the couch. Didn’t you say that you spent the entire morning cleaning?” he asks.
“Yeah, but I -” before you can finish your sentence, Wonwoo cuts you off.
“No buts! You looked exhausted when I got here. The least I can do is clean up the mess I helped make. Besides, I’m not called the dishwashing fairy for nothing.” he says with a smile.
Before you can protest, Wonwoo gives you a pointed look and you realize there’s no way that you can change his mind so you collapse backwards onto your couch letting him do whatever he wants.
You’re left alone with your thoughts for the first time today with the soft clattering of dishes coming from the kitchen serving as white noise. You’re suddenly aware of how warm you feel and you feel as though you are overheating. 
You had spent the day either distracted by cleaning or distracted by Wonwoo that you didn’t realize the rise in temperature in your apartment. It was finally spring time and as much as you loved it, you despised how it would be so cold in the mornings and evenings but warm in the afternoons making it almost impossible to dress appropriately without freezing in the morning or melting in the afternoon.
Feeling sweat prickle on your skin, you decide the only thing you can do is change out of Wonwoo’s thick hoodie into a thin, flowy tee shirt.
When you get up to go change, Wonwoo can see you from your kitchen sink a few feet away and he’s instantly curious as to what you’re up to.
“Where’re you going, love?” he asks from the sink as he continues to scrub the plate in front of him.
“I’m gonna change into something thinner. It’s too warm to be wearing a hoodie right now.” you say as you stop at the entryway of your kitchen to respond to him.
“Why do you need to change for that, though?” he asks, taking his eyes off the plate in front of him to glance at you with his confused eyes.
“I just told you, I’m overheating.” you say, confused as to why he’s confused.
“Can’t you just take it off here?”
You feel heat rush to your face, and you’re now feeling warm from embarrassment.
“Well… I would but…” you trailed off, hoping that you would just disappear or he would drop the subject.
“But…?” Wonwoo asks, having finished washing the dishes and giving you his full attention.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself. Just say it quickly, it’s like ripping a bandaid off. you think to yourself.
In one breath, as quickly as you can, you say, “I would but I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
It takes Wonwoo a second to understand what you said, but when he does, less than ten seconds after the words left your mouth, you’re already in your room with the door closed behind you.
Wonwoo feels his cheeks heat up as he realizes that this entire day, including the past hour plus that the two of you spent together, the only thing separating your top half from the rest of the world was his hoodie. He originally thought you looked so cute drowning in his hoodie and while he still does, this new information changes his entire perception of the time you’ve spent together.
Meanwhile, you were pacing around your room silently screaming at yourself. I can’t believe I just told him that I was both shirtless and braless under his hoodie. Why would I do that? What if he thinks I’m weird? Or worse, what if I made him uncomfortable? 
Letting out a defeated groan, you force yourself to push all these worries out of your head. You decide that you can’t hide in your room forever, mainly because you know Wonwoo would come looking for you at some point. So, you change into a loose fitting shirt, take a deep breath, and step out of your room.
Your eyes immediately search the kitchen to see if Wonwoo is where you left him, but he’s not there anymore. You wander deeper into your apartment and you find Wonwoo sitting on your couch, casually scrolling on his phone. 
You don’t think he notices your presence and based on how calm he looks, you feel hopeful that he either a) forgot the conversation happened or b) didn’t think it was as much of a big deal as you made it out to be in your head. But when you sit on the other end of the couch and Wonwoo drops his phone to the side to look at you with a knowing smirk on his face, you realize that you were so, so, so wrong.
“So, you wanna talk about it?” Wonwoo asks with a teasing glint in his eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you respond, feigning innocence and looking anywhere but your boyfriend sitting a few inches away from you.
“Really? Because I seem to recall you saying that you weren’t wearing anything under my hoodie today.”
Your face flushes for the thousandth time today and you can’t help but feel a little guilty.
“Listen Wonwoo, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. That wasn’t my intention.” you say, looking into his eyes earnestly.
“Wait, why are you apologizing?” he asks you confused.
“Because it’s obvious that I made you uncomfortable earlier.” 
“Babe, I don’t know why you would think I would feel uncomfortable by it. The only reason I didn’t respond was because I was just a little shocked, that’s all. If anything, it’s kinda hot now that I know that you’ve been walking around with nothing underneath my hoodie.”
Feeling embarrassed by assuming that Wonwoo was uncomfortable and by hearing his true feelings, you grab a throw pillow from your couch and bury your face into it.
“I can’t believe I embarrassed myself in front of you twice in one day.” you mumble into the pillow.
“Hey, this can’t be as embarrassing as when you tripped over Vernon’s bag and ended up spilling your drink on Mingyu’s lap.” Wonwoo says.
“I thought we all agreed to not bring that up anymore.” you whine as you hit him with the pillow in your hands.
“I’m just saying, you’ve done more embarrassing things in your life than telling me you're naked under my hoodie.”
“Wow, thank you so much Wonwoo. I feel so much better about myself.” you say sarcastically.
“Aww, babe I’m sorry.” he says as he reaches for your hands.
“Forget it.” you say, faking annoyance as you get up to go clean off your dining table turned desk.
“Babe.” Wonwoo whines as he rushes behind you and grabs your wrist.
Before you know it, Wonwoo tugs at your wrist pulling you close into his chest. Your breath hitches at the boldness of his actions and you peer up at him through your lashes to see what his next move is.
He removes his hand from your wrist and gently raises your chin so he can look into your eyes.
“I’m sorry babe.” he says.
When you’re about to open your mouth to tell him it’s fine, you’re silenced by his lips on yours. Deciding that you actually had nothing to say, you choose to melt into the kiss instead. 
Once the two of you part for air, you say “I guess you’re forgiven.”
“You don’t sound too confident about your answer.” he says, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Maybe I’m not confident in my answer. What’re you gonna do about it?” you challenge.
“Then let me make it up to you in a different way.” he says as he pulls you into another kiss.
It’s safe to say that you didn’t get any cleaning done for the rest of the day.
When you go over to Wonwoo’s place for movie night a few weeks later, Wonwoo is more than happy to see you wearing one of his hoodies you’ve taken from him.
While the two of you are cuddling together on the couch, Wonwoo can’t help but let his curiosity get the best of him. When you’re engrossed in the movie, Wonwoo takes his hand that was resting on your thigh and brings it up to the hem of hoodie loosely covering your frame.
This grabs your attention and you turn to him to look at him with your eyebrows furrowed. But Wonwoo’s eyes are fixed on the screen in front of you and it makes you wonder if you were just imagining things. Deciding that you were just being weird, you turn your attention back to the screen.
When Wonwoo notices that your attention is on the movie again, he takes that as his sign to move his hand again. He slips his hand under the hem of the hoodie and he slowly inches closer and closer to your chest.
Although your eyes were trained on the movie playing in front of you, all of your attention was on Wonwoo’s hand slowly grazing your skin as he made his way up your body. Your breath hitched when you felt his cold hand gently graze your bare breast and you turned to face Wonwoo.
He looked at you with a smirk on his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Something told you that you wouldn’t know how the movie would end.
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
housewife || mary earps x reader ||
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mary makes a comment about you not doing enough around the house, tipping you over the edge.
"mummy!" dillion cheered as mary walked into the flat. you glanced over the back of the couch to watch as your wife took in the chaotic state of things. you had spent all afternoon loading up the things that absolutely had to be shipped to france, but waited to pack up other things for mary to get home.
"good evening my little prince." mary bent down and scooped dillion into her arms. you watched her set him down again and push him towards his room, muttering for him to pick out more toys to pack up. "you know, if you're gonna be home all day, you could at least clean up a bit. i don't work myself to the bone to come back to this."
"mary, i'll give you one chance to tell me that you're joking," you told her. mary looked at you incredulously, as if she couldn't believe your audacity. you matched her look, resulting in the two of you just staring at each other for a couple of minutes.
"i don't want to fight with dillion here," mary told you. it wasn't a resolution by any means. in fact, it was your warning that this was going to sit and simmer with mary for the rest of the week.
whenever you had met mary, you had lived a very different life. you worked for a big company as a marketing advisor. the lionesses had hired you for help, and once you saw mary, it was love at first sight. the two of you hit it off immediately, and within the next year, you were married. you still worked from home sometimes on various little projects, but nothing that would have distracted you from dillion.
he was your son from a previous relationship, and for almost two years, his father had been involved. mary had been very understanding in letting you take time to yourself to figure things out. eventually, she had suggested that you stay home and focus on family. you had been skeptical for this exact reason, but you had agreed anyway. and for years, it worked until it didn't.
you could see the cracks form almost immediately. mary's frustrations with united seeped into your relationship. she was a great wife, but she had grown angry and demanding. at times, you pondered divorce, but no matter how bad it got, you never even mustered up the courage to leave.
"what's with the box?" mary asked as she watched you carry one of the boxes from the hallway closet into the bedroom. most of mary's things were packed away and set to arrive at the new place in france, but you were still sorting through your things. you'd arrive with mary, and then collect the rest of your things when you flew back to england to finish up the last couple of projects you had left.
"i'm unpacking," you told her. mary looked confused, but didn't say anything. you could still see the anger simmering beneath the surface. dillion was tucked away in his bed, fast asleep. you were glad that he could sleep through anything because you had a feeling that mary was going to blow a gasket when you told her your decision. "i don't think that i'm going to france."
mary's phone clattered to the ground. you winced at the sound and knowledge that it was definitely cracked. still, mary made no move towards it. she just stayed frozen in her spot on the bed. mary had cooled down a bit since she had gotten home, and while she wasn't at the point of an apology, she was willing to talk things out with you and try to listen.
"don't be ridiculous, it's a done deal (y/n)." mary was spiraling, and while you wanted to stop it, you knew that you couldn't just give in to her. "i've signed. we talked about this. it's a big step, but i think that we're ready. dillion is so excited."
"mary, i've been trying so hard, but i can't. things were supposed to be different when you signed to a new club, but they won't be. this rough patch, it's not getting better like i thought. maybe we should take some time apart," you told her. mary's eyebrows furrowed and she sat up on her knees to crawl to the edge of the bed. "i think i'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight."
"no, please don't," mary pleaded with you. she followed you into the living room, where you had obviously done some unpacking after putting dillion to bed. "you're serious, aren't you?"
"yes mary, i am. some days, you're exactly the woman that i fell in love with, but most of the time, i don't recognize you. you're angry, and i get that it sucks, but you can't take it out on me."
"i would never take my anger out on you, never," mary said. she tried to move towards you, but you put your hand on her chest to stop her. "(y/n), i've never laid a finger on you. i wouldn't, no matter what."
"not physically mary. i spent all day moving your things around and making sure that everything was packed up correctly. i did all of this with a hyperactive four year old who is struggling to work through his french workbooks. not to mention that i'm also trying to learn this language for you because i know that maybe if i have a head start, i can help you too. i've been doing so much for so long, but all you can ever do when you're here is lay around and complain. i'm done, i won't live like this!"
the look in mary's eyes was nothing short of regret. she crumpled down to her knees, and if it was anyone else, you would have brushed it off as a performance. because it was mary, you just watched as the guilt took over and she began sobbing. the anger turned inward, and mary donned a look that you hadn't seen in years, not since you had nearly broken up before.
"go up to bed. i'll be back," mary told you. she stood up and began to walk towards the door, pausing when she was behind you. "i love you, don't forget that. i love you, i'm sorry, and i don't know what i'd do without you and dillion in my life. if i'm out of the house when he wakes up, tell him i love him too, okay?"
"mary, where are you going?" you asked her.
"for a walk love, go up to bed," mary told you. she didn't move until you were gone, but you could hear the front door shut from the bedroom. this wasn't by any means the night you had envisioned for yourself when you woke up that morning, but you knew that your relationship needed some space. all you could do was hope that you'd see mary in the morning when you woke up.
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kisseobie · 5 months
making up w jongseob after an argument…🙏🏽
thank god i’m getting jongseob requests ohhhh my goddddd he makes me feel insane. he’s such a sweet boy that i feel like making up with him after an argument would be so wholesome but for the sake of hard hours!! let’s go with this..
it can either go two ways
1. you pissed him off so bad that he can’t help but fuck you into submission and remind you who you belong to
2. you both fucked up and said some really hurtful things to eachother in the heat of the argument, leading to tearful apologies and slow lovemaking in your bed
for the first option, i can see jongseob being very hyper-focused and calculated with his work, and when he chooses to work from your shared apartment, he can’t help but get annoyed at your constant interruptions and nagging. it’s nothing too serious, and the first few times you sparked up a conversation with him, he was happy for the break from all of his stress. eventually though, you begin to become impatient, murmuring under your breath that he isn’t giving you any attention, that he’s always too invested in work, that you’re bored and the dishes from breakfast are still not clean and he said he was gonna do them tonight! maybe he overreacts, but when you try to pull him out of his desk to spend time with you, he pulls his hand away and scolds you for not allowing him to focus, which pisses you off and leads to the two of you uselessly bickering over little things. after awhile of fighting you decide to cut the arguing short, grab your purse and keys, and make your way to the door to go anywhere away from him, but he reacts quicker, pulling you back in his direction (much to your dismay)….
after some resistance on your part, you both are able to silently sulk in the aftermath of your argument. seob surprisingly is the first to admit his wrongs, admitting that he might actually benefit from a break and that he was just being stubborn. you however, opt to be a brat, shutting down his excuses and irritating him once again. he finally decides to shuts off his pc and make his way towards you, apologies still woven into his lips as he pulls you into a hungry kiss to shut you up. it’s almost laughable how easily you melt into his embrace, but he doesn’t give you enough time to bask in the kiss before he’s pushing your back to the couch, climbing onto you, and taking off your pants in one swift motion. fucks you into oblivion, angrily thrusting into you and mocking your tears, not allowing you to apologize at this point because “weren’t you so hell bent on being a brat earlier?”. he’s not usually this dominant, this mean, but he figures you’ve forgotten basic manners and respect and he needs to fuck those principles back into you. after a few orgasms, you both lay next to each other spent, panting and making out some more before you break into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous the argument was. you definitely keep in mind, however, that if you ever want to get pounded into next week again, pissing your boyfriend off is the ideal way to go.
for the latter of the scenarios, i believe the insecurities of dating an idol could possibly catch up to you, and instead of jongseob being reassuring like he typically is, he isn’t in the best mood already and your constant questioning of his love makes him feel like he isn’t doing enough for you. tensions are high as he brushes your questions off, indirectly calling your insecurities silly, and on any other day you would agree with him and laugh at yourself for ever doubting how he feels about you, but on this instance, you take it more personal. you pause whatever movie the two of you are watching and continue to demand answers out of him, which leads to a huge fight that neither of you anticipated. the breaking point for jongseob is when you angrily ask “do you even love me?” to which he takes great offense, yelling back that “maybe i shouldn’t, i wouldn’t if i knew it was going to be this hard!”. he regrets his reply as soon as it exits his mouth but it’s no use, your eyes well up with tears and he can feel his heart sinking as he begs you to forgive him. eventually you both are in tears, with seob frantically explaining that he never meant it, that he loves you so much more than you’ll ever know, that he’s sorry he hasn’t been showing you that well enough.
when the pair of you’ve settled down from the fight and the tears have stopped spilling, jongseob pulls you into a kiss, taking breaks every now and then to whisper “i love you” against your mouth. the feelings and regrets become so overwhelming that you need to be close, need to feel each other, need to hold on to each other because you’ve never fought like this before, and kisses become hungrier as jongseob undresses you with the utmost love and care, never going a minute without telling you he loves you as your bodies connect to become one. your boyfriend’s thrusts are slow and passionate, both your eyes and fingers interlocked the entire time as the two of you continue to push apologies and words of affirmations from your lips. jongseob kisses you deeply as you both climax at the same time, the emotions only making the feeling more intense.
later, when you both have regulated your breathing, you cuddle up to eachother, jongseob peppering kisses all over your skin as he whispers more sweet nothings at the latest hours of night. your naked chests are pressed up tightly against each other, as if the two of you are afraid of letting go. jongseob strokes your bare back as you begin to fall asleep, and finally, you both feel at peace
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a/n: i rambled so much this is a mess sorry..
taglist: @woozixo @hearts4chanhee @kyokopi @astro-doll-the-star @soobiary @kyaaramello @t3ssamoodboard @angelcbf @idontknow-1s-world @vivienne-sim @elissasimp @imjustayapper @ihatewreckingballmains @sosaverse @seobing @www90kitsch @khfviq @barbiekh86t @bbyjjunie @taeyangi @fullsunstrawberry @jihnyah @intheemptymirror @watamotee33 @dreamer1299 @jixnnsie @wonootnoot @yukx-x047 @cysier @fishsquishh
© kisseobie, please do not repost my writing!
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skrrts · 5 days
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Home Is ✧ yeosang version (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x kang yeosang ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, romance ✧ word count: 1,3k ✧ warnings: food / eating
You have found the love of your life, and now the two of you are ready for the next step in your relationship: moving together. Neither of you can wait to finally be able to spend every day together but it's out of the question ... the whole progress looks a lot more casual and aesthetical on social media than it actually is. Chaos. Your furniture delivery is delayed but that doesn't mean you can't have a cute dinner in the middle of unpackaged moving boxes and fake candlelight. It still feels like a dream, looking at the most beautiful man with whom you'll now truly spend your life with.
a/n: #2 of my friday oneshot series for September ft. the hyung line. delayed because i deleted the original post while on a trip. hope the start of autumn is a pleasant one for you so far 🤎🍂
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It was a little silly, the way how you shoved some of the moving boxes together as a replacement for a table and threw a bedsheet over it so that it looked much nicer than simply doing it without that. You placed one of your smaller plants on top and added one of the LED candles you bought the other day. Soft sounds came from the kitchen, Yeosang unboxed a few plates to use instead of eating out of the plastic containers your takeaway food arrived in.
This was your very first apartment and everything was so new and exciting, easily outweighing the downsides of it, the stress and endless amount of work still waiting for you. Your parents owned a small house and until last week, you lived in the small rooftop apartment your dad built for you. It had been small but perfect for you and you’d always cherish the hours you spent there growing up, time with friends and most of all, those soft nights with Yeosang. 
The two of you had been dating for over two years and when Yeosang proposed to move together, you accepted it without hesitation. Your parents were thrilled and excited to see their youngest child venturing into this new part of life and there had been many helpful hands to help bring all you needed here. Now all that was left were shelves to set up and boxes to clean out, well and waiting for your bedroom and living room furniture which had been delayed by a week due to poor weather conditions in your area.
It would take weeks until this really would be homely but Yeosang and you both were simple people and you managed to feel happy with the smallest of things.
“The dinner is served.” Yeosang carried two large places swiftly inside, placing them on your small setup table. 
You allowed yourself to admire his beauty for a moment. While he wore comfortable jeans and a loose white shirt, his muscular body still was showcased beautifully, and while his brown hair reached his eyes by now, the birthmarks you adored so much were still visible.
Yeosang covered them up still when you two started to date but now, he was comfortable not to do that anymore and you were proud of him.
“What are you looking at?” he asked in his deep voice, a curious smile on his lips when you blinked, being caught once more and quickly picking up the fork and knife. 
“Just was thinking how I get to stare at you properly now at any time of the day without having to answer anyone’s question of what I am looking at,” you teased but wanted to be sincere. Your parents always taught you the importance of being sincere and honest with your partner and you liked how the two of you boosted each other’s confidence, helping out with the insecurities you faced.
You weren’t perfect but you could remind each other how you were perfect in the other’s eyes.
“Is that so? Well, I cannot deny that is a good point,” he chuckled and clapped his hands together: “Thank you for the shared meal.” 
With that, Yeosang also started to eat but he was slow, his eyes on you adoringly. You did not realize just how hungry you must have been after all the hard work of today and it tasted even better than usual, your plate empty in no time.
Your boyfriend disappeared for a moment and returned with two plates of cake and you didn’t even know when he had the time to get those. “Now you are tempting me to eat sugar at such a late hour,” you laughed and he winked.
“Well, I was just thinking how I can spoil you to any given hour now without having anyone to ask if we always do it like that.”
Tch, using your own words against you, all you could do was smile.
Yeosang picked up a little bit from the cake, offering it to you on the tip of the fork. You carefully leaned over and accepted it. His pretty face was lit by the fake candles, making him look like what you thought angels must look like.
The cake was delicious and you soon repaid the favor. This was nice, you enjoyed how soft everything felt, the excitement to know you’d share your life like this from now on.
Once you were done, you cleaned up and decided to call it enough for the day. 
Yeosang prepared the couch, there were blankets and pillows and more candles. Yet, the most beautiful part was him with arms wide open, inviting you to come into his embrace and you did so without hesitation. 
He hugged you tightly, wrapping your bodies into the blankets as he turned on the TV. You relaxed against his body and his arms kept you tight as you picked a random show you two watched before, something easy that did not require your full attention. Today really had been too exhausted to pay any show much mind.
Yeosang began to place little kisses on top of your hair and you find yourself sighing. 
“You are okay?” his voice was soft and caring, his fingers entwined with yours as he leaned a little forward so that you could look at his face.
“Mhm, I was just thinking, this is nice. I mean, I know in theory we do not do anything different from all the evenings we spent at your or my old place but knowing this is our home now…”
The budget had been a bit tight but this would be more than enough, you did not need a whole lot of space.
Yeosang’s eyes wandered over the living room or the parts you managed to set up earlier before he smiled too: “Knowing how it won’t get boring.... I am excited, thinking about mornings where you get nervous because you cannot find your keys and they just fell off the shelf or when I have no memory just where I left my phone in the middle of the night.”
It was something the two of you would do very likely. You could already see it in your mind, how two mature people just were silly and clumsy together, maybe a little lost. 
“But also, do not forget how we will be too late at work because we got lost in each other’s embrace, little kisses exchanged while one of us mumbles how we should get going but the other is simply unwilling to let go just yet.” 
Most of your friends had a hard time imagining how the two of you were like that as you were considered the mature ones but it occurred several times and now living together, well.
You loved how you were a little more silly when it just was the two of you together like that. 
“That sounds amazing,” Yeosang admitted, humming as his gaze wandered back to the TV.
“I do not care if in the end, we do decide to expand families or live just like that, the two of us. I know that now, my home in form of the person I adore the post and the place where I return to are finally together and I am so very lucky for that.”
Your cheeks turned red just a little when he said that.  “Sh, you make me all shy!” you complained and Yeosang grinned: “Good, get used to it.”
You rolled your eyes and he laughed, pressing a gentle kiss on your lips.
“I love you, so very much,” he whispered and your hand rested on his cheek.
“I love you too, Yeosang.”
Yeosang looked happy and content when he looked at you and for a moment you just remained like that before snuggling closer to him again. The TV was still running in the background but all you could think about was how you had a future, one really starting now, together with the man you loved more than anything in the world.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Moving into your new apartment with Nanami
Nanami who asked you if you wanted to move in together as you had began spending alot of time at his place rather than your own. From then you realized you needed a bigger space so he went online and spent months looking for the perfect place.
Nanami who dragged you to every viewing and took photos of every inch of the apartments. He also brought a notepad to write down the pros and cons. After long months of looking you found the perfect place that overlooked the city.
Nanami who finalized the deal within a week and began getting ready to move. Due to his job as CEO of a publishing company money was no issue and shushed your attempts to at least pay half the rent. 'My love all my money is yours so technically you're paying as well' he says as you sit in his lap as he sips his morning coffee. 'You don't need to worry your pretty head about any of that'.
Nanami who started packing way before the moving date. He's already buying boxes and putting things in them before you've even begun going through your belongings.
Nanami who sits on your bed as you go through your draws and closet deciding what to get rid of and what to keep. Moving gave you the excuse to go through your clothes finally. 'what about this dress Kento? do you like it' you say holding the dress to your body. He looks at it intently before saying 'its short. I like it'
Nanami who helps pack up your apartment and put everything neatly in boxes. you always thought you were good with cleaning but Nanami was on a different level, neatly folding your clothes up at an unimaginable speed.
Nanami who on moving day drives you and your belonging to the apartment. You were stood at the doorway of your old place for ages, not out of sadness but excitement for the change and happiness as the memories of everything comes flooding in.
Nanami who fumbles with the key putting it into the door while his other hand wraps around your waist. 'oh Kento its beautiful isnt it' you say walking in and looking around the apartment. he hums in response pulling you into a soft kiss by your waist.
Nanami who takes a week off to help unpack everything. He never takes days off even when he's sick but he wanted to spend time with you and help with the decorating. He would be up till 1am unpacking boxes of plates and cutlery as you dance around with a glass of wine in your hand.
Nanami who really couldn't care less what color the living room wall should be but still acts interested while you blabber on. 'hmm what about this shade? it would go match with the sofa we ordered but it's also bland so may not?' you say holding a sample color to the wall. Nanami comes up behind you putting his chin on your neck 'I think this color' he says picking up a sample and placing it on the wall. 'Oh, Kento that's the shade! It's perfect' you say in excitement kissing his cheek.
Nanami who lays in bed with you curled up to his chest scrolling on his iPad through furniture. 'this would match with the rug we ordered' he says pointing to the lounge chair on the screen 'hmm its cute but it doesnt match the vibe' you say looking up at him. 'vibe? and what is the vibe?' he asks. 'well since were practically in a penthouse in thinking something timeless and luxurious, see like this' you say now pointing to a different lounge chair a cream color.
Nanami who makes sure everything is perfect to your liking. He's hiring the best decorating team and builders to make sure the place is perfect. he also make sure to pay a little extra to ensure the work doesnt take too long and you can enjoy peace and quiet soon.
Nanami who signs in relief as the last builder leaves leaving you alone in your now complete new apartment. 'ugh I love it so much' you say looking up at him. his hands find your cheeks as he puts his lips to yours. 'I love you so much' he says picking you up and taking you to your room.
Nanami who finds himself saying 'God im going to fuck a baby into you' as he thrusts into you. The now larger apartment makes him think about the future and having a family with you. 'is that what you want' he asks looking into you eyes as his fingers toy with your clit.
Nanami who groans as you nod your head 'yes, Kento f-fuck' His thrusts quicken as you reach your high with him not far behind and finishing in you. his body crashes down on you and you mumble 'Maybe we should talk about me coming off my birth control' his head lifting up and his eyes filled with excitement 'Really?' he asks
Nanami who now cant wait to come home. he always finds you in the kitchen dancing to music as you cook dinner. He places down his bag and you rush towards him wrapping your arms around his neck showering him with kisses.
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testrella · 8 months
⭑dealer! s. geto headcanons⭑
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synopsis: college dropout geto starts selling to you, a straight A but stressed out college student. fandom: jujutsu kaisen ⌗ dealer suguru geto x reader ⌗ modern au content warnings: smoking, drug use, weed, drug dealing.
☆ dealer! geto had a client tell him about you. how this girl desperately needed something to deal with the stress a university gives to a student. 
☆ dealer! geto who is surprised by how naive you looked. there was no doubt in his mind that it was your first time from how timid and shy you seemed.
☆ dealer! geto who tries to make the process as calming as possible for you. he’s a 6 '3 male that was meeting you in a random street. there was nothing calm about him.
“hey you’re y/n, right?” he walked over to you, hands inside his pockets and a hood over his head. what a typical look for a dealer you thought. 
“um yeah. can we make this q-quick, i don’t want anyone to-”
you were cut off mid sentence from his deep chuckle. it never failed to amuse him when talking to first timers. but he admired the way you made it cute.
☆ dealer! geto who receives a message from an unknown number, asking him how to roll a blunt. 
+81 ### ### ####
hey how do i actually use this oh sorry it’s y/n from the other day
☆ dealer! geto who is so infatuated by your clueless mentality that he invites you over to his apartment to teach you. it takes a little convincing of course.
☆ dealer! geto who makes sure his apartment doesn’t reek of weed before you arrive. he spent extra time cleaning and organizing his home.
☆ dealer! geto who opens the door to see you fidgeting again with a slight red tint spreading all over your face. he felt like an awkward teenager letting you in his home.
☆ dealer! geto who never thought he’d find himself, a college dropout, teaching a straight A college student how to roll a blunt. 
“so this,” he holds up a small, thin piece of paper in the air. “this is a rolling paper, you put the weed in here then..”
he then demonstrates. his large hands grabs the already grinded weed and starts loading it onto the paper. you watch intently, mentally taking notes.
“then you gotta lick it like an envelope.”
before doing so, he looks you dead in the eye. brooklyn baby was playing in the background and his apartment lights were dim. he slowly licks across the paper while giving you a look that you couldn’t quite figure out. it was almost like a scene out of a movie.
“you light it to seal it up and there you go. your very own blunt made by yours truly.” he winked while passing you the blunt. you swallow any hesitation left and attempt to smoke it.
☆ dealer! geto who is glad he’s there for your first time smoking.
unfortunately, you inhaled too much and found yourself coughing up a storm. you gently pat your chest and try to get yourself together. meanwhile, geto rushes to the kitchen to get you a cold glass of water. by the time you’ve calmed down, geto passes you the glass of water.
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to-”
“it’s ok, it’s normal since it’s your first time. you’ll get used to it.”
☆ dealer! geto who doesn’t charge you as much as he did when he first met you. when you asked why, he said it was a ‘holiday discount.’ who knew the new years holiday would last for more than a week.
☆ dealer! geto who eventually stops charging you in total in exchange for a small smoking session with you. how can a broke college student say no?
“jeez geto, how much do you smoke? you’re asking me to do this with you almost every other day.” you giggled while rolling your own blunt. you had become a pro at this point. 
“you agree every time though.”
“but i don’t smoke every time,” you reasoned. “you know geto, if you want to hang out with me you can just ask. i don’t even need help with rolling or anything anymore.”
☆ dealer geto who can’t seem to act normally around you when he’s sober. he’d actually ask you out to a normal hang out if his sober self didn’t feel like his heart was doing summersaults around you.
☆ dealer! geto who sees you in public and isn’t high out of his mind to be as nonchalant as he usually was.
“oh hey geto, what are you shopping for?” you questioned while leaning onto your shopping cart.
“you know, just grocery shopping, you?”
he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye. the words coming out your mouth were barely audible to him. all he knew is that you were interested in a recipe you found on tiktok and the rest went static. it was almost as if he had a noise cancellation feature to help with his nerves.
“oh, i’m probably holding you up! i’ll see you around.”
☆ dealer! geto who makes a plan to try to talk to you without being high or nervous.
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lavenderstobins · 2 months
Stobin childhood friends AU headcanons?
I’ve been thinking about this and I Finally have some ideas
I think first and foremost they’d be close childhood friends who drift as they get older and then get thrown back together again. Like, Steve’s a year older, so there’s already that gap between him starting high school and Robin starting high school, and they live in such different worlds that I think it would ultimately push them apart… until it doesn’t.
More under the cut, because this got long.
It starts with socks.
They meet on the school playground. Robin had tried to join their game of soccer and Tommy had sneered at her that girls didn’t play soccer, boys did. Robin had said that was stupid, and besides, Tommy couldn’t even score, so what makes him the decider of who gets to play football?
The other boys had laughed at that, so Carol had loyally pushed Robin over, and she’d scraped all up her knee. Carol had frozen, thinking Robin was going to snitch and get her in trouble, but Robin had only wiped the blood away, lip trembling, and stalked off. It had been up to Steve to ‘negotiate peace’, because Carol would get grounded if she got detention again and Tommy refused to apologise to someone who made him look stupid.
Robin had scoffed at him when he’d walked over. Steve couldn’t help noticing that she’d bled through her white mid-calf socks. She was going to get in trouble with her parents, because his mom always got mad when he got blood on his clothes.
He’d told her as much, matter of factly. “There’s blood on your socks.” She’d looked at him with narrowed eyes, and he’d continued, “I know how to clean them.”
She’d looked at him stupid, and he’d defensively said that his nanny knew how to get rid of stains, so the offer is there.
Robin had taken it, so after school, he’d explained to his nanny and Robin came home with them. They had to wait for her socks to get cleaned so Steve awkwardly showed her around his room, and Robin had immediately started rummaging around and commenting on things. By the time the socks were clean, they’d both forgotten that’s why they were even there, and they’d become fast friends.
Tommy and Carol didn’t exactly like Robin, but they respected that she wasn’t a snitch. Steve liked Robin a lot. She didn’t really act like a girl, not the way Carol always did, and she wasn’t scared of spiders, which, was like, ten million cool points.
So Steve and Robin became friends in school, and spent time together outside of school, and both of them were often left alone it wasn’t uncommon for one to spend the day at the other’s house to be watched by the babysitter, or nanny, in Steve’s case.
I think things started feeling different when they hit puberty, because so much emphasis is put onto girls and boys. Steve was self conscious because of his squeaky voice, and Robin didn’t like that she had to wear bras now, but for the most part they were still SteveandRobin, best friends.
Then Steve started high school, and he found himself popular, and busier, and he was spending less and less time with Robin. Robin, at that point, was sore about Barb ditching her for Nancy, so when Steve started to pull away she stopped trying. Neither of them really fully noticed what was happening until it had been weeks without them spending time together.
Steve told himself that it was because Robin hadn’t started high school yet, and when she did, everything would be back to normal. Except when Robin started high school, she didn’t fall into popularity like he did. She wasn’t considered cool or a party girl. She didn’t want to attend the parties at all.
I think the final straw for them at that point was some jocks making fun of Robin, and Steve had joined in by making a joke about something Robin had shown him, and he hadn’t understood why it was a big deal when Robin got upset. He’d insisted they were all just joking, that they didn’t mean anything by it, but Robin had turned around and said they were all nothing but bullies. The other jocks had mockingly “oooh”ed at her, but Steve was genuinely hurt that she saw him like that, and when Robin started avoiding him, he avoided her, too.
Which brings us to the s1 plot, because it’s only after the shit with Jonathan and Nancy that it occurs to Steve that he had genuinely acted like an asshole. He tried to catch Robin at some point to apologise to her, but she always mysteriously managed to avoid him.
He’d known they were in Click’s class together in this AU, but Robin would’ve been pointedly ignoring him, so that doesn’t change too much. It does, however, mean that he’s horribly aware the entire year that Robin’s sitting behind him, and that hurts more than Jonathan punching him in the face did.
They don’t have anymore shared classes after that, which is both a blessing and a curse. He sees her in the marching band when he’s playing for the basketball team, and that’s the closest he gets to being near her those days.
Then, 1985, his first shift at Scoops Ahoy, the stupid job his dad made him get. He shows up early to make a good impression like his dad had drilled into him and discovers that Robin also works there, and that she’s his coworker for that shift. Robin looks like she might throw up. He half expects her to walk out.
She doesn’t, though. Turns out, she needs this job and its shitty pay as much as he does. The first few shifts are spent in mostly frosty quiet, conversation only happening when deemed absolutely necessary. It makes Steve’s skin itch. He’d once known everything about her life and now she can’t even meet his eyes.
It’s hard to work shifts and maintain silence, though, so slowly, day by day, things warm up between them. Robin talks to him, even if it’s just a complaint about a shitty customer. He tries desperately not to seem too eager in taking it.
They’re not exactly friends again. He’s not naive enough to think that slinging ice cream together undoes the hurt of before, or that they’re okay again. But the work environment is friendly. Robin teases him for striking out with girls and makes snarky remarks when he does something stupid. They complain about customers and bitch on their breaks. It’s something, and he cradles it, like a flame being shielded from the wind.
Then Dustin comes barrelling in, and they’re wrapped up in being true American heroes, and suddenly they’re trapped miles underground and held captive by evil Russians. Everything happens in a blur, and Robin is there with him, and he tries to apologise to her for what he’d done but she interrupts him and says she doesn’t want to hear it. She thinks they’re going to die, refuses to take an apology in her last moments. He doesn’t know how to tell her it isn’t a spur of the moment regret. Doesn’t know how to tell her he’s regretted it since it happened, that he figured out too late he’d fucked up.
Dustin and Erica rescue them. They throw up the drugs in their system in a bathroom, and they drive out to the middle of nowhere for Dustin to set up some device, and they crash a car to stop a flayed guy from killing their friends, and they throw fireworks at a huge monster made of melted flesh. It all feels surreal.
Afterwards, Steve finds Robin huddled under a shock blanket, staring off into space in the direction of the now-burning Starcourt. She’s sitting alone. The kids have all been taken home, with poor El going with the Byers and Max going with the Sinclairs.
Robin’s parents haven’t shown up. Just like his haven’t.
He takes a seat next to her, his own shock blanket draped over his shoulders. Her face, at least, isn’t beaten like his, but he can see cuts, bruises, burn marks from the fireworks on her arms.
There’s a cut on her leg. It’s bleeding through the white mid-calf socks of her Scoops Ahoy uniform.
Quietly, he says, “There’s blood on your socks.”
Robin looks at him, her eyes tired, but there’s the smallest ghost of a smile on her face. “I know someone who knows how to clean them.”
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maximoffcarter · 4 months
Is it over? - Part 2.
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader.
Summary: Second part of Is it over?. After Emily's death, it was hard for the team, and specially for y/n to cope. As they try to find Declan, more things come to light, and an unexpected person makes their return.
A/n: Second paaaart! I was seriously thinking if I'd do a second part or not to this, but I am happy with the results. I knew that posting this story would come with you beautiful people asking for a part 2 cause why would we want more angst for our beautiful Emily, right? So here it is😌 I hope you guys enjoy this, if you got any requests for Emily, send them my way😌 Leave comments, hearts, whatever you’d like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
Part 1.
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*not my gif*
Seven months. It had been exactly seven months since Emily had passed away, and there was not a day where y/n didn’t think about her or missed her. Hotch had offered a whole month of vacation, so she could take her time to process things and to be able to clear her mind, but she had only taken two weeks, and in those two weeks, she had gone with Garcia and Morgan to clean Emily’s apartment and take everything back to her apartment. Y/n had tried her best to remain calm and show everyone that she was okay, but deep inside she knew the struggle she had. It wasn’t every single day that they spent the night at each other’s apartments, at times, it happened that they were able to spend the night together, other times they were away and sometimes they were not lucky enough to end up in the same room together, but in all of these months, y/n had a hard time sleeping to the point where she had to take sleeping pills to be able to help herself.
Hotch had made the call for her to see a therapist, Hotch had already talked to everyone in the team by Strauss’ orders, and when Hotch mentioned seeing a professional, y/n didn’t argue back, she just agreed. She knew she needed it, she knew she needed someone to talk to, the team had seen enough of her weakness, and she wanted everyone to think that she was okay, and she had started to move on. Y/n had made Hotch promise that it would stay between them that she had gone to a professional, and he had agreed, which y/n had noticed that he had only agreed because he knew that this whole thing with Emily had been a hard thing for her, but well, she would accept it as long as he wasn’t on her back every day, she’d accept anything. Spencer had been the one who had spent most of his time with y/n and JJ, even y/n had gone with Spencer to JJ’s house, and to be honest, Henry was one of the reasons y/n kept smiling too, they had become so close that y/n couldn’t help but want to be there every single day.
It was no lie that she had her bad and good days, more bad than good, but she wouldn’t admit that. At times she didn’t even know if she should be truthful to her therapist and just pretend like she was having a good day just so she could discharge her and things could slowly go back to normal, but she also couldn’t deny that talking to someone about this whole thing helped her more than anything. But today specially, it had been a really bad day. After getting back from a case, y/n found herself going back to her apartment, it was early in the morning, perfect timing to take a shower and go to bed to sleep all day. But as she got out of the shower, she got a notification on her phone, a reminder that today, they had planned a trip. She had planned a trip with Emily for her birthday. And she was now gone. Her birthday was tomorrow.
Her eyes got teary as she remembered the joy in Emily’s voice as y/n mentioned a trip with her for her birthday. They were supposed to go on a trip too for her birthday, but she had spent all day at JJ’s house with the rest of the team. And today, she was supposed to go on that trip with Emily, and by tomorrow, they’d already be at their destination, just having a day for them. She threw her phone on the bed and started sobbing uncontrollably, feeling her chest tightening as she dropped to the floor. Why did this happen? Why it had to be Emily? Why couldn’t she get there sooner? All the questions returned to her mind as she sobbed, wrapping her arms around her legs, holding them closer to her chest. She didn’t know how long she stayed there, but next thing she knew, she felt arms wrapping around her, startling her for a moment before she heard the soothing voice against her ear.
“You’re okay, I’m here.” JJ whispered softly as she held y/n tighter.
Y/n sobbed quietly as she turned in JJ’s arms and buried her face in the crook of her neck. “JJ…” she whispered softly as small sobs left her lips.
“I got you.” JJ said in a whisper as she kissed her head.
They stayed like that for a while, until at some point y/n started shivering noticing that she was still in just a towel and her hair was still dripping. Y/n sniffled as she pulled away slowly from JJ, looking up at her. “I should uh…I should get dressed.” She chuckled softly.
JJ nodded softly as she offered a smile, helping y/n stand up from the floor. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Coffee?”
Y/n nodded softly as she smiled. “You can look around, I’ll be out soon.”
JJ nodded again as she walked out of the room. Y/n sighed softly as she went ahead to get ready. JJ had been the only person who had seen y/n break like this. She had been the one checking on her daily, not leaving her side. Not that the rest of the team didn’t check on her, it had also been really hard for Spencer to process, so he had also spent most of his time with y/n. Y/n sighed softly as she finished brushing her hair and walked out of her room to meet JJ, who had already put some waffles in the toaster and was now doing some bacon. Y/n smiled softly as she sat on one of the stools as she looked at JJ.
“Why would you come here when we just got back from a case?” Y/n smiled.
JJ chuckled as she turned to put the bacon on a plate and shrugged. “Henry is at my mom’s, Will left for work before I even got home. Thought you could use some company.” She smiled as she looked at y/n. “And I also kind of needed it.” She went to grab the coffee, placing it in front of y/n.
Y/n tilted her head. “It’s been 7 months, JJ.”
“And I found you sobbing on the floor.” JJ raised her brow as she went for the waffles.
“It’s a bad day, you know I have those.”
“And I’m here for the bad days too. You don’t have to hide from me like you hide from the others.” JJ walked around the kitchen island and placed a plate in front of y/n, sitting down next to her.
Y/n sighed as she looked at the food in front of her. “Tomorrow is her birthday, you know?”
JJ nodded. “I know. Spencer wants to buy a cake for him and for Emily.”
Y/n shook her head. “I cannot imagine how hard this is for Spencer.” She said softly as she picked up her mug.
“Just as hard as it is for you.” JJ smiled softly as she placed her hand on y/n’s free hand. “We’ll go together. The whole team already signed up for it.” She grinned a little.
Y/n chuckled softly as she nodded. “Of course they did. What would I do without you guys?” She grinned as she turned to look at JJ. “Thank you. Seriously. You don’t have to do all of this, and yet, you’re the one who’s always here with me and for me. And I will always be thankful.”
“It’s nothing really. I love you, and I’ll always be here.” JJ smiled as she leaned in to kiss her head. “Now, let’s eat so we take a much needed nap, I’m exhausted. And yes, I plan on spending my day here with you.” She grinned softly.
Y/n chuckled softly as she nodded, rolling her eyes playfully. “Alright.”
“So…” Y/n closed the door of Morgan’s office behind her and looked at both Morgan and Garcia. “What do you know so far?”
Morgan and Garcia stared at each other for a moment before Garcia looked back at y/n. “Uh…about what?”
Y/n tilted her head as she raised her brow. “Maybe the rest of the team wanna pretend that you guys are not doing anything, but I know you two.” She sighed. “So…you’re looking for Declan, aren’t you?”
Morgan sighed as he dropped the file he had in his hand and nodded. “We found him.”
Y/n’s heart stopped for a moment as she stared at Morgan. “Is he…is he okay?”
Morgan nodded as he offered a smile. “Emily made sure he was okay and had a good life. He’s in a good school, living with the person he grew up with.”
Morgan sighed. “We know that’s not gonna last forever. Doyle could find him sooner or later.”
“So now the mission is to find him?”
Morgan nodded. “Yes.”
“And you’ll let me help you.”
“Y/n…” Garcia said softly.
“I will help.” Y/n snapped as she stared at them. “Yes, I wanna kill Doyle. If I see him I…” she nibbled on her lip as she took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I’d do if I see him face to face. But all I know…is that I want Declan to be safe. Emily worked hard to keep him safe.”
Morgan nodded. “Okay. But you gotta keep up with us, no games, Carter.”
Y/n grinned softly. “You got it, boss.”
Y/n knew maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea, she knew she has been thinking about this too much but never got the guts to do anything about it, and now that Morgan was a step ahead of her, she wanted to do this right. Not only was she at risk of losing her job if something went wrong, but she also didn’t know what she’d be capable of if she had Ian Doyle right in front of her. But so it went like that for around two months. Between Morgan and y/n, they’d go to Declan’s school to check on him and make sure he was safe. At times, y/n sat there in her car and stared at him, getting to see a bit of the kid he was and smiled at the thought of Emily doing anything and everything for him to be safe. That was Emily. That’s what she always admired from Emily, the dedication and empathy she had for the victims.
And then one day, it brought the memory of a conversation she had with Emily on a random rainy day at Emily’s apartment. They had been watching a movie, cuddling on the couch when all of a sudden, the power went off and they were left in the darkness. They both gathered all the candles that Emily had, and they stay cuddling on the couch, engaging in random conversations to keep each other busy.
“You know what JJ said?” Emily smiled softly as she ran her fingers through y/n’s hair. “She said that she saw me with kids…and the thought crossed my mind for a moment but…” she shrugged. “I don’t think so.” She chuckled.
Y/n sat up and sat down in front of Emily, smiling softly. “Why not?”
Emily’s brows furrowed slightly as she stared at her. “What? You…” she tilted her head. “…you’d consider it?”
“Kids?” Y/n smiled. “With you?” She shrugged. “Yes.” She nodded softly. “I mean…I’ve always liked kids and…I always imagined myself with kids. But the job…it just didn’t fit at the time.”
“But you’re willing to try?” Emily raised her brow curiously, waiting for her answer.
Y/n stared at her and smiled softly as she nodded. “JJ is right. I see you with kids and…” she shrugged. “I’d be lying to say that I haven’t thought about it.” She scrunched her nose and shook her head. “Too soon, right?”
Emily chuckled softly as she moved closer to y/n, placing her hands on y/n’s hips and pulling her into her lap, making y/n wrap her legs and arms around Emily’s waist and neck. “No…not too soon. Cause I’ve thought about it too.” She smiled softly.
Y/n’s smile widened as she leaned in and kissed Emily’s nose softly. “A little Emily wouldn’t be too bad…” She grinned.
“What if it’s a boy?” Emily raised her brow as she grinned. “Carter is a good name.”
Y/n furrowed her brows. “That’s my last name.”
“We could change it.” Emily bit her lip as she tried to hide her smirk.
Y/n’s heart stopped for a second as she stared at Emily, a silly smile appearing on her face. “Are you already proposing to me, Prentiss?”
Emily shrugged. “Just a thought.” She smiled. “Y/n Prentiss…sounds perfect to me.”
Y/n tilted her head and chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss her lips softly. “It does.”
Y/n’s eyes filled with tears at the memory, but she pushed it away as she leaned back in her seat and noticed recess was done so he was going back inside. And so it went on like that for a while. But then everything changed when they figured out that Doyle was back and he knew where Declan was, which made things more complicated now in a way. It seemed like this whole thing was not really over yet.
“Y/n, Morgan is going to take care of it.” JJ said as she followed y/n.
Y/n shook her head. “He already tried, and he said nothing. I’ll go in there and get it out of him.” She said while she rapidly walked to the interrogation room.
JJ sighed and grabbed y/n by the arm, stopping her. “Hey!” She looked into her eyes and shook her head. “Maybe this is not a good idea.”
Y/n scoffed. “Why? Because he killed the love of my life so all of you think that I’ll kill him? I know better than to do that, Jennifer. Our priority is finding Declan, whatever happens to Doyle, is the least important thing on my list.” She snapped as she went back to walking.
Y/n knew JJ was right, it wasn’t a good idea for y/n to go in there with Doyle, but they needed to find Declan sooner or later, and it was hard to believe that he really didn’t know where he was when they perfectly knew that they had seen him already, so no…she didn’t buy it. She walked into the interrogation room, her blood boiling as he stared back at her.
“Agent.” Doyle nodded his head as he stared at her.
Y/n took a deep breath as she stood leaning on the door, her arms crossed. “Where is he, Doyle?”
Doyle shrugged. “I already told the other agent. I have no idea.”
Y/n scoffed. “And you think I’ll buy it? We have footage of you driving by the house where he was staying. Try again.”
“I don’t know.” Doyle simply said. He then smiled. “You right. I did find him, after you guys did. I should’ve thought harder.” He chuckled darkly. “Our beautiful girl liked cul-de-sacs. I should’ve bought her one when I could.”
Y/n felt a shiver run down her spine as he spoke, wanting nothing more than to walk to him and beat him up, but she stopped herself. “Where. Is Declan.”
“I know you’re trying to scare me. This is your strategy and-“
“I couldn’t care less what happens to you. It is known that not only us were looking for you, and I have no doubt that there is at least someone who would love to have your head. So don’t test me.” Y/n snapped. “I only care about finding Declan.”
Doyle tried to hide his worry with a huff of a laugh, staring right at y/n’s eyes. “Ah. You the girl she went to visit the day before. The person she was protecting the most.” He grinned. “She meant more than just a simple coworker, right?”
Y/n’s breathing became heavy at the mention, trying to stay as calm as possible. “We’re not here to talk about me…or Emily. We’re here to talk about Declan.”
“Did you get enough of her? Or did I took her way too soon?” Doyle smirked. “Because let me tell you that…even if she was not who she said she was…she was really good in bed.” He laughed.
Before y/n could think twice of what she was going to do, she was by Doyle’s side and soon enough, she punched him right in the face. But before she could do anything else, Morgan had walked into the room and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her out of the room as y/n yelled at Doyle to go to hell. Y/n tried for Morgan to let go of her, but Morgan kept his grip tight until they were in the hallway, JJ following them and leaving Rossi and Strauss behind.
“Let go of me!” Y/n pushed Morgan away and turned to look at them. “Didn’t you hear what he said?!”
“Which is why I told you it was a bad idea, y/n.” JJ said softly, not trying to pick up a fight with her.
Y/n ran her hand through her hair as she tried to calm down. She shook her head as she felt tears in her eyes. “He knew…he…” she sighed as she nibbled on her lip.
Spencer walked to them and placed his hands on y/n’s shoulder. “Let’s go get some air.” He said softly as y/n turned to look at him.
Y/n looked back at Morgan and JJ. “I’m sorry.” She said softly before she followed Spencer to the rooftop. Once they got there, y/n shook her head as she looked at the sky for a moment, her hand finding her necklace. “I knew I’d lose it.”
Spencer looked at her and nodded. “But you still went inside.”
“I don’t know why.” Y/n sighed. “I do want to find Declan. I know Emily cared for him.”
“But you also want revenge for Emily.” Spencer simply said as he nodded, shrugging. “I get it.”
Y/n looked at Spencer and smiled softly. “Cases like this gets the worse of us, huh?”
Spencer nodded as he offered a small smile. “Apparently.”
Y/n raised her brow as she grinned playfully. “You’re not gonna make a smart comment? Quote? Story?”
Spencer huffed a chuckle as he shook his head. “I just thought we could use some fresh air.” He looked at y/n and smiled. “And that you needed a friend.”
Y/n smiled softly as she walked to him and leaned her head on his shoulder as she looked back at the sky. “You’re always right, Reid.” She said softly.
They stayed there for another twenty minutes or so, until they both got a text from JJ saying they were needed for a meeting. Y/n furrowed her brows and looked at Spencer but said nothing as they returned inside. Once they got there, y/n stared at Garcia with a confused look, no one really knew what was happening, which confused her even more. When Morgan walked in with JJ and Rossi, y/n knew that something was definitely not right, but she tried to stay as calm as possible as she crossed her arms. Finally Hotch walked in the room and told everyone to sit down, making y/n turn to look at JJ for a moment as she stood beside him, but she stayed where she was along with Morgan.
“Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team.” Hotch said calmly, staring at all of them. “As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her.”
Y/n felt her heart drop as she stared at Hotch. “W-What?”
Hotch sighed softly as he looked down at the table. “She was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know.”
Y/n felt dizzy at his words, gripping the back of the chair in front of her. “You…you’re saying…”
Garcia stared at Hotch with tears in her eyes, her voice weak as she spoke. “She’s alive?”
“But we buried her.” Spencer simply said. Everyone had confused looks at this point.
“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision.” Hotch said as he stared at me. “If anyone has any issues, they should be directed toward me.”
“Any issues?” Morgan snapped.
Y/n didn’t know where her eyes had started to water, her whole body trembling as she tried to process everything. She looked at JJ and suddenly everything made sense. “You knew.” She said almost in a whisper.
JJ swallowed as she stared at y/n. “Y/n-“
“You knew.” Y/n shook her head. “You…” she scoffed as she tried to avoid the tears to leave her eyes. She looked at Hotch and shook her head again. “How could you?”
“Oh, my God.” Garcia whispered softly.
Y/n furrowed her brows and turned to the door, her heart dropping as Emily stood there. Emily stared at everyone in the room until her eyes landed on y/n, a faint smile on her face, tears forming in her eyes. Garcia and Spencer were the first ones to stand up and walk to Emily to hug her. Y/n stared at Morgan for a moment and then her eyes went back to Emily. Her hand unconsciously went to her necklace as tears rolled down her face. She heard Emily’s voice, but it was like she was stuck in a dream, one of those dreams she’s had in the last seven months where Emily comes back and apologizes for leaving, and in the dream, she’s the happiest person, hugging her and kissing her and begging her to not leave again. But this was reality. She was here. They finally gave space for Emily to walk to Morgan and y/n, Morgan hugging her, a confused look on his face. And then there she was; right in front of y/n.
Emily had tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at y/n. “My love…” she whispered softly. “I am…so sorry.”
Y/n stared at her, tears rolling down her eyes. She shook her head in disbelief. Her eyes studying Emily, her face, her body, just all of her. “You’re alive.” She finally whispered.
Emily smiled sadly as she nodded. “Yes.” She whispered softly as she stepped closer, placing her hands on y/n’s cheeks, stroking them softly. “I’m here.”
Y/n felt like her chest was going to explode as she felt her touch. She tried her best not to pass out right there as she stared at her. But instead of what she did in her dreams, she took her hands and took them away, letting them go. She cleared her throat as she turned to look at Hotch.
“Do you need me?” Y/n simply asked, her voice lower than she expected.
Hotch stared at her and understood what she was asking. He shook his head. “No. In case we need you, we’ll call you.”
Y/n nodded softly before she walked away. Emily sobbed quietly as she tried to follow after her, but Rossi stopped her. “We need to find Declan right now.”
JJ looked at Hotch. “I’ll go.” She said quietly as she went after y/n. She tried to catch her before she walked to the elevator, grabbing her by the arm carefully. “Hey-“
“You knew!” Y/n turned to look at her, tears rolling down her cheeks as she sobbed. “All this time…you fucking knew, and you didn’t say a thing.”
“You heard Hotch. It was for her safety, y/n. I would’ve told you if I had authorization, but-“
“Bullshit!” Y/n snapped as she sobbed, her bottom lip trembling. “You were there, JJ…you saw how I s-suffered.” Her voice broke as she spoke. “You saw me at my lowest and you didn’t think that it was a good idea to tell me the truth? She has been alive this whole time, I have been mourning her…I-“ she sobbed uncontrollably.
JJ tried to hold back her tears as she stepped closer to y/n. “Y/n, I’m sorry…”
Y/n shook her head. “Right.” She simply said before she entered the elevator and pressed the buttons to close the doors.
“So…how angry is the team?” Emily asked as she walked with JJ.
JJ sighed. “They’re in shock.”
Emily stopped JJ and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry if y/n is upset at you.”
JJ shrugged as she smiled. “We knew it would happen. She’s just…she’s overwhelmed. Confused even.” She shook her head. “She had it bad for a long time, Emily.”
Emily’s heart broke as she heard JJ, nodding her head softly. She cleared her throat as she tried to swallow back her tears. “You think…you think that she’ll…want to talk to me?”
JJ smiled sadly. “I don’t know. At least, not right now. I don’t think she wants anyone from the team.”
Emilly nodded, smiling sadly. “Thank you…for keeping your promise.”
JJ smiled. “It is really good to see you.” She chuckled softly as she wrapped her arm around her waist as they walked back to the team.
Emily knew this would happen. All of these months that she had been away, she kept thinking of the day where she’d finally be able to come back and find y/n again. Of course she hadn’t expected y/n to wait for her, she didn’t even know how long it would take until she could come back to the states, and if she was being honest, it had happened way before than she thought. For a moment, she wished and begged that things would be okay, of course they wouldn’t be perfect, but at least that they would understand why she did this. And in all honesty, they had taken that decision for her, not giving her the chance to even tell the close people in her life that she was alive. Yes, she had been upset, she had been mad about it, but there was nothing she could do in this case, so for a long time, she had to play another role. Every single day, every single night, y/n was in her mind, wishing she could just reach out to her and tell her everything, even if it meant that she’d be in trouble for it, and that had been her greatest mistake. And now…he didn’t even know if y/n wanted to see her or talk to her.
Emily took a deep breath as she stood in front of y/n’s door. It was past midnight, and she was sure that this was a mistake, and she was supposed to be staying at a hotel but all that had been in her mind, had been y/n. It had been such an eventful day, very overwhelming, and she wished she could just walk in and hold y/n in her arms. She took another deep breath before she knocked on the door softly, nibbling on her bottom lip as she waited, hoping that y/n would open the door. She looked back and hoped that the neighbors wouldn’t wake up for the knocking or ask why she was here so late. She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking that maybe y/n wouldn’t come to the door, thinking that it was anyone from the team, or even knowing that it was Emily, and she wouldn’t want to open the door and-
Y/n opened the door and felt her heart dropping as she stared at Emily. “Emily…” she whispered softly, her eyes on Emily’s.
Emily smiled a little. “Hi.” She whispered as she stared back into her eyes. “I uh…I’m sorry. I know it’s late and-“
“You just finished with the case.” Y/n nodded. “Morgan kept me updated.”
Emily nodded as she sighed. “Oh…well. Then you know what happened.”
Y/n nodded. “Are you okay?”
Emily nodded again as she smiled a little. “Declan is okay, which is…all that mattered.”
Y/n smiled a little. “I’m glad.” She said softly. She then looked around the hallway and knew perfectly that Emily was not just here to tell her that, so she decided to swallow back her feelings and let her in. “Come on.”
Emily’s heart warmed as she smiled, walking into the apartment. She looked around as she walked through the small hallway, noticing that nothing had changed. She then heard a meow, making her turn to the floor and her smile widened. “Serge!” She chuckled as she picked him up. “You kept him.” She looked at y/n as she walked to her.
Y/n smiled softly as she leaned over the wall. “P and I share custody.” She shrugged. “Since sometimes I need to leave, Penelope takes care of him. I decided to pick him up today.” She looked at Emily.
Emily sighed softly and kissed his head before putting him down and looking back at y/n, licking her lips nervously. “So…I don’t…there is so much to say.”
Y/n nodded as she crossed her arms. “There is.” She whispered softly as she looked down at the floor. “I…get why you did what you did.”
“But you’re still upset.” Emily said softly as she stared at her.
Y/n looked up at Emily and shook her head. “I’m not upset. At least…” she looked down at her hands as she cleared her throat. “…at least not anymore.”
Emily nodded. She didn’t say anything for a moment, taking in y/n’s appearance and feeling her heart sinking as she noticed the redness on her face and the puffy eyes. And then her face softened as she noticed the necklace. “You still using it.” She smiled softly.
Y/n looked up at Emily and then at the necklace. She chuckled softly as she grabbed it, smiling softly. “I never take it off.” She said softly as she looked back up at Emily. “You gave it to me…it was…one of the only things I had to hold on to you.”
Emily felt her eyes getting teary as she looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. “I’m so sorry, y/n…” she whispered softly, her voice cracking slightly. “I never…if I had had the chance…I’d have told you.”
“You called.”
Emily looked up at y/n, her lips parting slightly. “I…yes.”
Y/n nodded as she smiled sadly. “The first time the phone didn’t register the call and it said unknown. And the other times…I noticed the number and I didn’t recognize the code.” She huffed a chuckle. “I asked Penelope, and she told me it was from Paris. I told her to ignore it and drop it.”
Emily nodded. “You blocked it.”
“No one ever answered anyway.” Y/n shrugged as she smiled.
Emily smiled. “I wanted to.”
“I bet.” Y/n nodded as she just stared at Emily.
Emily tilted her head as she nibbled on her bottom lip. “I made JJ promise that she’d take care of you. That’s why she was with you this whole time. And I know that…you’re…”
“Hurt.” Y/n interrupted her, feeling her eyes getting teary again. “I’m hurt that…this whole time…she was the one who saw me at my lowest. She was here when I was sobbing and holding your clothes, looking at your pictures. I went to her house, and we stayed in her room as I sobbed because something reminded me of you. She went with me to your…grave…whenever I wanted to go.” I shrugged as tears rolled down my eyes. “And the thing is…that I understand. I understand all of it and I dreamt so many times of you showing up at my door, telling me you were sorry but that you were back. And I’d hug you, and you’d hold me close, and I’d kiss you…and it would feel so real.” She sobbed softly. “And I wanted to do that when I first saw you. I’m…I don’t know how to feel, Emily. I am so confused. I don’t even know if I’m mad at you. God, I was so upset when I found out about everything. But I was so worried. And I was upset that you were gone.” She shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking down at the floor.
Emily took a deep shaky breath as she walked to her, raising her hands to touch her but then backing away, not sure if it was the right move. “I wanted to tell you everything. I swear I wanted to. But if I had…you would’ve been more at risk. I couldn’t let him know about you. I couldn’t…I couldn’t let him get to you.” She felt tears running down her cheeks as she stared at y/n. “I wanted to protect you. I wanted to protect the team.”
“You could’ve actually died, Emily!” Y/n snapped as she looked up at her. “I saw you bleeding! You were dying and I couldn’t even hold you because I was scared if I moved you, you’d bleed out! You…” she sobbed as her voice cracked.
And then she tried to push Emily, but Emily placed her hands on her shoulders, and then she started hitting her chest, not hard enough to hurt her and not for long. Emily wrapped her arms around her and held her close to her, cradling her to her chest. Y/n sobbed uncontrollably, gripping Emily’s jacket as she buried her face on her chest. Emily couldn’t help the tears that rolled down her cheeks, sobbing quietly as she kissed y/n’s head softly, her hand gently stroking her head, her fingers running through the strands in a soothing motion. They stayed like that for what felt like forever, neither of them saying a thing. Y/n closed her eyes as she heard Emily’s heartbeat, helping her calm down.
“I missed you…” Y/n whispered softly, small sobs leaving her lips.
Emily kissed her head again, her lips lingering there for a moment. “I missed you too. So much.” She sighed softly as she closed her eyes. “I missed you terribly. I am so sorry, baby. I am deeply sorry.”
Y/n sniffled as she wrapped her arms around Emily, nuzzling her face in the crook of her neck. “At least you got the vacation Rossi told you about.” She mumbled softly, a faint chuckle leaving her lips.
Emily chuckled softly, tears still rolling down her cheeks. Her smile then fainted slowly as she thought about it. “But you were not there.”
“We can always fix that.” Y/n said softly, pulling away enough to look up at Emily.
Emily looked at her, her face softening as she smiled, her face falling to her cheek to stroke it softly. “You…you forgive me?”
Y/n smiled softly. “There is so much we need to talk about…but Em…I cannot lose you again. I can’t.” Her voice cracked as she spoke the last words, looking right into those beautiful brown eyes that she missed.
“You’re not gonna lose me. I’m here to stay. I’m not going anywhere.” Emily smiled softly as she looked into her eyes.
Y/n smiled softly as she nodded. “I’ll find you if you ever leave again. Garcia and I won’t let you get away.” She grinned playfully.
Emily tilted her head, chuckling softly. “I don’t ever want to go. I’m here to stay.” She smiled softly, her eyes darting down to her lips for a split second before they returned to her eyes.
Y/n bit her lip softly as she smiled. “Do it.”
Emily furrowed her brows. “What?”
Y/n smiled softly before she leaned in and pressed her lips gently against Emily’s, a soft and yet firm kiss being placed on her lips. Emily smiled against her lips before she kissed her back, her stroking her cheek softly as y/n’s hands were placed on her back, pulling her close against her body. The kiss was gentle, sweet, it wasn’t rushed or hungry. It was like they just needed to feel each other’s lips, slowly dancing against each other’s, and that was it. As they pulled away, Emily couldn’t help the goody smile spread on her lips, a soft chuckle falling from her lips as she leaned her forehead against y/n’s.
“Yeah…I wanted to do that but didn’t know if it was the right thing to do.” Emily chuckled softly.
Y/n smiled, pecking her lips softly. “Like I said…I’ve wanted to do it since I first saw you.” She then tilted her head and raised her brow. “Unless…you have someone waiting on you in Paris.”
Emily laughed softly and shook her head. “You know I…” she scoffed. “All these months, I was scared that maybe you’d decide to move on and…once I was back…you would be happy with someone else.” She stared into her eyes. “I wouldn’t have blamed you, though.”
Y/n smiled softly, rolling her eyes playfully. “I, instead, spent all these months ugly crying on your favorite hoodie and then was upset because it didn’t smell like you anymore.” She grinned playfully.
“Oh, poor baby.” Emily said as she laughed. She leaned down again and kissed her lips softly. “I know there is so much we need to talk about but…do you think I could stay with you tonight?”
Y/n raised her brow playfully. “Is it too soon to talk about you moving in with me?”
Emily’s eyes light up at her words, her smile widening. “Not soon at all.” She giggled and leaned down to kiss her lips again.
For the next two hours or so, they both talked about everything that had happened while Emily was gone. Emily mentioned some of the things she did back in Paris, and then what was a serious conversation at first turned into a comfortable and sweet conversation, making up for lost time. Y/n knew deep down, she was still somehow hurt and maybe a little upset, but the fact that she had Emily back, that all of those dreams she’s had came true, made her realize that even if she still had a mess of feelings, she was happy to have her back, and this time she wouldn’t let her go so easily. Before they knew it, they were wrapped around each other’s arms and fast asleep, and for the first time in months, both of them had the best sleep.
After being suspended for the events with Ian Doyle, y/n and Emily took a much needed time for themselves, ignoring phones and any technology, just spending their time with each other. They decided it was best if they looked for another place, start over, and so they made it their mission to find the perfect place for them. When they got called to court, both were nervous about the teams reactions, knowing that they were still shocked and a bit upset about Emily, and y/n hadn’t actually talked much to them. As Emily went in, y/n talked to Spencer for a while, until she saw JJ walking to them, offering a small smile as she approached y/n. Spencer noticed the hint and walked away, joining Rossi and Morgan.
JJ smiled softly as she stood in front of y/n. “I thought I wouldn’t get to see you today.”
Y/n shrugged. “I heard they’ll get us all inside at some point. So, you would’ve seen me inside.” She smiled softly. “JJ…”
“I’m sorry.” JJ said rapidly. “Emily and I wanted to tell you. I begged them to let me tell you, But they-“
“JJ, I’m sorry I snapped at you like that. I know why you did what you did, and I forgive you. I’m sorry I just snapped and didn’t let you talk.” Y/n titled her head as she smiled. “You were there for me, and you never left my side. Emily told me all about it.”
JJ smiled. “So I take it you guys are okay?”
“More than okay.” Y/n smiled softly. ‘We’re looking for a new place.”
JJ clapped softly as she chuckled. “I’m so happy you guys are okay. I’m so happy for you.”
Y/n chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around JJ, hugging her tightly. A few hours more passed before they were back in the BAU, everyone waiting to hear from Strauss if they were free to go or if they were in more trouble. But then, Strauss broke the news that they were okay, and that Emily had to do with it, and to their surprise, Emily was offered back her job, which didn’t take her long to accept. Even if Emily knew that it would still take the team some time to adjust to her again and to forgive her for what had happened, Emily was willing to do anything to gain their trust back, and she was just happy to be able to be reunited with her family again.
Y/n closed the door behind her and walked to the living room where Emily was not sitting with Sergio beside her. She chuckled softly as she leaned over the couch. “He missed you.”
Emily looked up at her and smiled. “Guess he did.” She raised her brow playfully and patted her lap.
Y/n chuckled softly as she made her way to Emily, sitting on her lap with her legs on either side of Emily and wrapping her arms around her neck. “Hi.”
Emily chuckled as she looked up at her, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Hey there.” She smiled.
“So tomorrow we have an appointment at two. We got enough time to have a lazy morning.” Y/n grinned softly as she leaned down to kiss her nose softly and then kiss her cheeks.
Emily chuckled and nodded. “Perfect.” She leaned in and kissed her softly, smiling against her lips. “You know I love you, right?” Y/n raised her brow at her words, making Emily laugh. “I am going to say it more often, so get used to it.”
Y/n chuckled as she leaned down to kiss her lips. “I love you more. Thank you for coming back to me.”
Emily smiled and nodded. “Always, my love.” She kissed her lips again, pulling her closer to her, not leaving any space between them.
After months of insufferable pain, late nights, long days, etc., Emily could finally say that this was over. She was back to the place where she belonged, she was back with the love of her life and there was nothing else she could ask for. It was finally over.
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Easy to Love
Your wife finally comes home from a month long mission, and tooth-rotting fluff ensues. Presumably poorly translated Russian/Serbian.
Just a little drabble that popped into my mind. Mentions of injuries, really no TW outside of that.
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It felt like it had been forever. Forever for everything. Both you and your wife had been so busy of late that the only interaction you had was shuffling around the bathroom in the morning as one of you was brushing your teeth, and the other was hopping into the shower to get ready for work. Even the weekends were fleeting, as the late weeknights and early mornings meant you slept in on the weekend and saw each other for maybe an hour unless Wanda was on a mission, which had been happening a lot of late. 
You had been sure to give Steve a piece of your mind, as it seemed that Wands was the only one being sent out, and when you saw her- she was drained- purely exhausted. The dark rings under her eyes, dragging her feet, and her borderline disheveled appearance made your heart ache. She had currently been on a mission for the last three weeks, and Steve and Tony both assured you she was ok and would be home this week. 
So, you decided to take a step back and take some time off work so you could be here whenever she came home. You just wanted your girl back- back in your arms, and to be able to have a few nights, or a weekend, to yourselves. You felt the strong urge to need a reconnection. While you both worked well in tandem, you both had spent so much time apart to this point, that you were both on different poles. 
You stood on your back porch, a cup of coffee warming your hands, a hoodie and sweatpants adorning your body as you watched the sunrise. Wanda always told you that no matter where she was, the sun and the moon rose, and she would always be under the same sky, watching it with you. You always took solace that she was always under the same moon or the same sun, and it was highly likely that she was watching the same sunrise as you. Looking down at your cup of coffee, you swirled the liquid around, becoming enamored at the appearance of it moving in your cup. Who knows how long you had been staring into the cup- what brought you out of it was a pair of arms, wrapping themselves around your waist from behind. 
“Good morning, moy lyubovnik.” You can hear the exhaustion laced through her words. You set the cup down, turning around in her arms, before wrapping yours around her. 
“Good morning, baby.” She lets out a deep sigh, burying her face into your chest. 
“It’s good to be home.” She whispers into your hoodie, grabbing a tight hold of it as if trying to bring her face impossibly closer to you. 
“Nedostajala si mi, ljubavi” You whispered into the top of her head. You feel her pull away, looking up at your face. Even in her dressiest, tallest heels, you still stood over her by a couple of inches. 
“When did you learn?” She had the smallest, brightest smile on her face.
“I’ve had some time without my favorite girl here. Figured I should learn the closest thing to her native language. Or both.” You smiled down at her, taking in her worn features. She looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks, the faintest trace of a bruise leaving her high cheekbones and a decent cut over her left eyebrow. “Mnogo te volim, lepa devojko. Nedostajao si mi.”
“I’ve missed you too, darling. So much. It’s been so lonely on the road. I wanted to come home, so, so many times.” she whispered, a pained expression crossing her face.
“Shhh, it’s ok. You’re here now, baby girl.” You squeezed her tighter, before picking her up by the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up to wrap her legs around your waist. “Lets get you some rest, after a hot bath, hmm?”
“Mmmm hot water sounds amazing, but so does the bed.” She moaned, and you laughed at her reaction. 
“Well, moya lyubov, as much as I love you, you aren’t getting into our nice, comfy, clean bed until you rinse all the work grime off. Plus, it’ll help you relax.” You speak quietly into her ear before she nestles herself into the crook of your neck, another deep sigh leaving her body, the hot breath tickling your neck. You felt her yawn against your neck, as you climbed the stairs to your ensuite. You slid her exhausted body down yours, sitting her down on the toilet before reaching for the dial in the shower to turn on the hot water. As the water began to pour out of the tap, and you waited for it to reach its near-scalding levels, you turned to your exhausted partner, reaching down and slowly pulling up her tattered shirt. 
“Looks like it was a rough one, babe.” You comment, the torn and dirty shirt tossed to the side as you looked over her torso, some gashes, cuts, and bruises all over her. You sighed, knowing this was a part of her line of work. You just hated to see that someone would do this to her. She was your girl, since the first time you had met her- the redheaded assassin with whom you had become best friends, had introduced you to the Sokovian witch at one of Stark’s tower galas. You were terrified at first, her gaze seemed to cut through you, but it was still so gentle that you wanted to melt into her. She had always been easy for you to love. 
Despite her history, she never made you climb an uphill battle alone and never held anything against you. Her smile was so genuine and bright, so much like the smile she had given you on the patio a mere minutes ago. You had never (thankfully) been on the receiving end of her infamous head tilt, but Nat certainly had. You vowed to never be at the receiving end of that tilt- that would mean weeks of groveling, apologies, and kissing ass. You weren’t above showing your wife affection and apologizing, but begging wasn’t typically your thing. So you found it best to avoid reasons for her to become so upset at you. Happy wife, happy life. And you were happiest with her in your arms. 
“You in there, lyubov?” She asked, a slight smirk on her lips as she watched you closely. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” She asked, her hand tracing down the side of your face, as your hands found their home on her hips. 
“Yeah baby, I’m here. Sorry,” you ducked your head sheepishly into her neck, a rosy tint on your cheeks as she had caught you in your little dream of the first time you had met, and by her choice of nickname. “Just thinkin’ is all.” You heard her hum in response.
“Bout what, honey?” She asked, placing her hands on your cheeks, and pulling your face away from her shoulder. 
“About when Nat first introduced us.” You smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. You could feel her smile against your lips, and you pulled away, smiling down at her. “I love you. So much, Wands.” You looked into her eyes, they wrinkled slightly when her smile grew. 
“I love you, Y/N. So much.” She said back, smiling as you leaned down, kissing her again. This kiss was deeper, had more feeling, and conveyed everything you had felt in the time that she had been gone. Her arms crossed behind your neck, pulling you into her even more. Your body resisted, but you knew you had to pull away, or you would never get her rinsed off, relaxed, with wounds tended to. You rested your forehead on hers, relishing in the feeling of her here, once again. 
“Let's get you rinsed up, baby girl. I know you’re exhausted.” She just hummed in response, shimmying out of her pants as you checked the water, knowing she liked to “roast like a Thanksgiving turkey” as you so lovingly told her time and time again. She groaned as she eased herself down into the bath, and you took the hand shower, running water through her chestnut locks, so you can help her rinse out her hair and wash it. You began to take inventory of the various cuts and scrapes, deeming a few worthy of a bandage before turning to wash her hair with her lavender and vanilla shampoo. It felt like she was going to fall asleep in the tub, her body had relaxed into the heat, and that coupled with her soap and your touch was easily rinsing away any of the stressors she had from this last mission. The various grunts and groans she would emit as you worked your hands over the places you knew she held her tension or ran your hands up and down her back, or through her conditioned hair. Finally, her viridescent eyes fluttered open, giving you a soft smile. 
“Thank you, baby. This has helped.” She looked down at your arms that now hung over the edge of the jetted tub, hands skimming the surface of the water. Her eye caught on a new tattoo, one that had become more visible now that your sleeves were pushed up around your elbows, that you had gotten while she was gone on this mission. “That’s new…” she grasped your hand, pulling your arm closer to inspect. It wasn’t a hard tattoo to miss- it was covering the entirety of your forearm. It depicted two separate places- a bustling cityscape and a desolate vista, both drenched in darkness under the same sky. Just as Wanda had always said. If you look closely, you can see the constellations buried into the details- your zodiac on the barren side, hers on the city side. Her initials now adorned your thumb, middle finger, and pinky- her vow to you from your wedding on the back of your hand. You watched as she took in the details, the silhouettes, the vista being one of your favorite paintings she had made, and the house that looked like yours, lit up in the night if she needed to come home back late. Her eyes began to water, she sniffled and wiped a stray tear away from her cheek as she looked up at you with a misty expression. 
“You like it, Wands?” You asked as she continued to watch your face.
“Baby, I…I love it. It’s beautiful.” She sniffled. “You remember my vows?” She asked, tracing her thumb over the back of your hand. 
“How could I forget them?” You asked, a slight smile on your features as you stared into the very eyes that you used to avert your gaze from, for fear she could see how you felt. As if that never made it obvious. Now, they were your source of comfort, what you pictured when you needed some solace through a rough day. The ghost of her touch would give you a sense of repose, but it was always her eyes that made you feel at home. You grabbed her hand, gently tugging her towards you, kissing her once more. “I know I say it often, but I love you. You, my love, are my kraj sve budi sve. Ti si to za mene. Moja jedina, prava ljubav.” You smiled at her, kissing her hand, standing as you helped her get up from the cool water. 
“Ne znam čime sam te zaslužio, ljubavi.” 
“Nonsense, Wands, You deserve the world. I'll do everything I can to give it to you.”
“I love you, baby.” She smiled, standing on her tiptoes, giving you a quick peck on the lips. “What brought on all this, my love?”
“Nothing. I just have missed you, and don’t feel like I make it clear to you how much you mean to me when you’re here. You’re always away, on missions, or doing something for Tony or Steve. I feel like I haven’t had a wife for the last year. They’re running you ragged, and I worry.” A somber smile flashed across her face, she stepped into you and placed her hand on your face. 
“Baby, there’s a reason they’ve been sending me on a bunch of missions lately.” A look of confusion flashes across your face.
“But…I yelled at Steve… Why?” You ask.
“Because baby. I’m stepping back. I’ll still be an Avenger, but no more missions. Turns out I need you just as much, Y/N.” A look of disbelief appeared on your face, as you processed what she just said.
"I need more Y/N in my life, baby. I don't want to worry you anymore. A little more predictability, and I can be with you daily. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you, I wanted to surprise you. But this last mission was a doozy. I never want you to worry about me again."
"Wands, I'll always worry about you."
"That's okay, baby, now it won't have to be a worry of me coming back." You let out a large sigh of relief, one you had no idea you were holding in. 
"Let's get you to bed, babe. We can discuss this tomorrow." you smile, guiding her back to your massive bed. 
"I can't wait to do this every night and morning, moy lyubovnik."
"Me either, Wands. Me either."
Nedostajala si mi, ljubavi - I missed you, my love. 
Mnogo te volim, lepa devojko. Nedostajao si mi - I love you so much, beautiful girl. I've missed you
kraj sve budi sve. Ti si to za mene. Moja jedina, prava ljubav- end all be all. You're it for me. My one, true love. 
Ne znam čime sam te zaslužio, ljubavi - I don’t know what I did to deserve you
moy lyubovnik - my lover
Lyubov - love
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frozenlight-gvf · 1 year
Strawberry Wine: Part 1
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pairing: barn au: danny x fem!reader (enemies to lovers)
summary: you'd spent the whole summer tormenting the new barn hand, but things were finally reaching that inevitable tipping point where you two would either fall in love or fall apart... or both
word count: 4.5k
warnings (for this part): language, dirty talk, ~digital penetration~, something to do with a hayloft...?, praise/degradation all that good stuff (18+ MINORS DNI)
a/n: this one is dedicated to my youth spent riding horses, everyone who likes imagining danny in levi’s and a cowboy hat, and “strawberry wine” by deana carter
Even without the heaviness of the southern July sun and that infamous humidity, you would still be hot under the collar.
You seemed to always wear a scowl. Perhaps it was because the muscles of your face were permanently screwed-up in a sun-blinded squint, or it was because Daniel never let you win a single argument. 
Susannah– your mother and owner of the Nightingale Ranch– had hired the man to help around the barn– feeding the horses and cleaning the stalls and that– but she also had a not-so-secret hope that maybe her only daughter would take a bit of a liking to him. You were always a lone wolf, howling at the moon and snarling at any human– specifically the male type– who got too close.
Daniel Wagner was only the latest victim of your bared teeth; you’d ruthlessly torn out the throats of three other barn hands in recent years, mercilessly tormenting them until they quit the job, citing “workplace tension” to Susannah as the reason for their seething resignations. But despite your constant raised hackles towards him, Daniel stayed. And he stayed with a shit-eating smile.
“Wagner, how many times do I have to tell you not to feed Chief until after the 4 o’clock lessons?” you scolded with a bite in your voice.
He flashed a teasing grin at you, carrying a saddle towards the tackroom.
“At least one more time.”
You stomped your boot on the packed-dirt floor of the stable, knuckles planted firmly on the waistband of your jeans. You knew tugging on the horse’s lead rope would be completely in vain, so rather, you focused your frustration at the man walking brazenly down the line of stalls.
“You know I need him for one of my riders, and he won’t do shit when he’s got food in front of him.”
“Come on, that spoiled little priss can ride any other horse here. She doesn’t always need to ride Chief. Put her on Tucker today.” 
Scoffing, you marched after him, following him towards the dusty tackroom, the saddles and pads lining the walls making the entire room smell like leather and sweat.
“And who are you to tell me which horses to put my riders on? I’ve known these horses my whole life, and I’ve been teaching lessons for three years.”
Daniel grunted a bit as he lifted the saddle up to one of the higher slots, reaching his arms above his head then turning to you, catching your eyes flickering to the glimpse of torso you got as his shirt lifted.
“My bad. I forgot that you're just so far above me, heiress."
You bristled at his nickname. “I hate it when you call me that.”
“Exactly why I do it– heiress.”
Since your mother owned the barn and all the horses, you were the technical “heiress” of all of it, just as your mother was. But Daniel always made it sound like you were some rich princess, rather than the granddaughter of an honest man who built that barn and raised all the horses. 
You grabbed a saddle from the rack, begrudgingly heading towards Tucker’s stall and tacking up the flea-bitten grey stallion. You would never admit that he was a perfect fit for your rider in the absence of Chief.
After the lesson, the little girl dismounted Tucker, going on and on how she wanted to ride him every week rather than Chief. There was no way in hell you could ever let Daniel know. 
You led Tucker back down from the lesson ring to the stable, both of you covered in sweat and desperate for a cool breeze. Once his tack was off, you patted his soaked side, feeling his huge lungs expanding and contracting rapidly, panting.
“I know, me too. Hotter than hell out there today. Let’s get you a bath, huh?”
The sun was setting over the barn, so you decided to take Tucker out back to the pasture to cool him off, rather than using the hose right outside the barn. The grass was soft and green, and the cicadas were starting to sing. You looked to your left to see Daniel hunched over the broken fence, placing a fresh plank of wood and nailing it in. The incessant noise of the hammer was spoiling what would have been an otherwise peaceful moment.
“Do you mind?” you called over to him. Daniel looked up in the direction of your voice, and a smile dissolved the concentration etched in his face. You could have sworn for a moment that he was happy to see you.
“Susannah said I have to get this done before I leave today. So… no. I don’t mind.”
You rolled your eyes and led Tucker towards the water pump, feeling the heavy softness of his hoofbeats resounding in the ground under your feet. Trying to focus on the sunset and the rousing song of cicadas rather than the pounding of Daniel’s hammer, you cranked the handle of the pump a few times, waiting for water to come out of the hose you had attached to it. 
After a few more cranks and crouching down on your knees to see what the matter was, you were about to give up on the old thing and go back to the barn to give Tucker his bath, until water exploded from the pump, sending the hose flying off and soaking you to the skin. You shouted a curse and tumbled backward in surprise, landing in the grass.
Daniel’s loud cackles from across the pasture were not welcome.
And of course you had decided to wear a white t-shirt today.
“Did Tuck get any of that water or no?”
You growled in frustration, reattaching the hose to the pump and finally getting some water to come out. You grabbed the hose tightly, wishing it was Daniel’s neck. 
“Do you wanna come do this? Considering bathing the horses is part of your job description?” You shouted as you shook the hose, coaxing the low-pressured water out from it. Your wet shirt was sticking to your skin, making the nagging heat of the day even more insufferable.
Daniel took the nail he was holding between his teeth and dropped it in his toolbox, closing it up. He gave the fence one last look-over before sauntering over to you. You tried to hide behind the horse to cover yourself; now that your shirt was practically see-through, your black bra was prominently making its presence known.
“Go home, Daniel.”
He didn’t stop walking towards you.
“But I thought you wanted me to bathe Tuck?”
He was close enough now that you had to physically angle your body away from his eager eyes. You watched as his gaze shifted from your chest to your face and back again.
“Black, huh? I always pictured you in pink,” he said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
Your eyes shot open wide at his baiting tease, and words came flying out of your mouth.
“You shouldn’t be picturing me in anything!”
Daniel cocked his head, his smirk widening and a laugh bubbled from his chest.
“Alright then. I won’t.”
Your jaw dropped, then you clenched it up tight, hating the fact that a blush was rising to your cheeks. Maybe you could blame it on your anger. Or the summer heat. But the idea of Daniel imagining you naked made your whole face burn pink.
“I said, go home.” Your voice was quieter now, but there was still an unmistakable venom to it.
Daniel chuckled and shook his head, putting his toolbox down in the grass and extending his hand for the hose. 
“Come on, give it to me. I’m the barn boy, so I’m the one who has to keep the heiress’ perfect hands from getting all dirty.”
You kept a tight clutch on the hose, skimming the water from Tucker’s coat with your other hand. At this point, you thought your teeth might crack. Daniel moved closer to you, keeping his hand outstretched.
“Y/N, come on, let me have it.”
“No. I know what you’re trying to do. If you get the hose, you’re gonna bathe everything but the horse. And I’d rather not get any more wet than I already am.”
You heard Daniel snicker a bit, and you instantly regretted your choice of words.
“You’re fucking impossible, Wagner,” you grumbled.
He grinned, moving even closer. Leaning down, his voice was low and taunting, almost whispering in your ear.
“But you like me anyways.”
Immediately, you turned the hose on him, relishing in the brief look of surprise in his eyes as he instinctively raised his hands to cover his face. You didn’t let up, bending down to crank the handle of the pump to produce even more water for your attack.
A devilish grin crossed your face as you watched Daniel try and back away, but it was too late. His shirt was already drenched and clinging to the defined muscles of his chest and abdomen underneath. 
Before you knew it, Daniel was upon you and wrestling the hose from your grip. You yelped as you felt the water soak your hair and pour into your eyes.
“Daniel!” you shouted, trying to push him away, but one of his strong arms was wrapped tightly around you, keeping you held fast as he laughed and let the remainder of the water drain from the hose.
Sputtering, you wrenched yourself out of Daniel’s arms, stumbling slightly, trying to keep a grip on Tucker’s rope.
“Fucking dick!” you shouted, sweat and sunscreen stinging your eyes.
Daniel just shrugged and smiled, wiping his wet curls from his face.
“Oh, so you can dish it out, but you can't take it?”
“I swear to God, Wagner, I’m going to get you fired.”
He dropped the dripping hose into the grass, taking the horse’s rope from your hand as you kept trying to get your eyes to open without them burning. 
“Susannah loves me. There’s no way in hell she’d fire me.”
“Then quit,” you growled, starting to make your way through the pasture, back towards the barn.
Daniel chuckled, following close behind you and leading the horse with him. 
“Aw, but if I quit, that means you’d never get to tease me again. And that’s your favorite thing in the world.”
“My favorite thing in the world is watching you leave the barn at the end of every day so I don’t have to be around you anymore,” you shot back.
“You watch me leave every day? Someone’s obsessed,” he teased in a sing-song voice.
You clenched your fists and continued your trudge back to the barn, not turning around or responding to Daniel. When you got back, the sun had fully set, and your mother was standing at the back entrance of the barn, watching as two soaking wet figures and a horse approached. You heard her mutter something like “I don’t even want to ask” before turning and heading up towards your house, which was a short walk from the barn. 
The lights inside the barn were warm and cozy, the heat of the day still lingering. Your body was still simmering with anger as you squeezed out your hair. You turned to take Tucker’s rope from Daniel, but he didn't let go.
“I’ll put him away.” His voice was surprisingly soft, and he was wearing a warm smile as opposed to his usual roguish grin. You stared up at him, in a bit of shock– and hating how the sight of him looking down at you made your heart flutter.
“Do you not trust me to put the horse back?”
“I don’t trust you being in the barn alone.”
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Set all the horses loose?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Come on, heiress, I love these horses just as much as you do.”
You scoffed and opened your mouth to speak, but Daniel cut you off with a wave of his hand as he started walking Tucker back towards his stall.
“I know, I know, ‘I grew up with these horses,’ ‘I know them better than anyone,’ blah, blah, blah. Ok, I love these horses just a little bit less than you. Better? Are you gonna correct me on that, too?”
You cocked your head proudly, biting back a smirk. 
“Alright then.” Danny removed Tucker’s lead rope and hung it up on the nail outside his stall, turning the lock on the gate. He turned to you, giving you a dramatic bow. “Am I dismissed, heiress?”
Without a word, you turned to leave, but you felt a firm grip on your wrist. Danny pulled you back to face him, suddenly very close to you. You could feel the heat of his muscular body radiating off of him, making you flush even hotter. Your breath hitched in your throat. Once again, his eyes flickered down from your face, catching on the areas of your body that your soaked white shirt revealed. His voice was low and smooth, sending goosebumps up and down your skin.
“Am I dismissed?”
You looked back and forth between his dark eyes, swallowing hard. Daniel smirked at your apparent speechlessness. 
“Well, heiress?”
“Don’t call me that,” you said, but your voice had lost all its usual force. Daniel’s closeness and the heat of his eyes was like anti-venom, sucking out all your bite and resentment. His hand travelled slowly from your wrist up your arm.
You backed away, shuddering slightly.
“Go home," you said, your voice sharp and trembling.
Daniel stood back up to his full height, rolling his shoulders back. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You didn’t speak to Daniel at all the next day, practically shivering with unresolved tension. He knew something was up when you didn’t say a single word to him when he once again fed Chief before 4 o’clock; instead, you headed straight to Tucker’s stall without so much as a glance in his direction. He watched you with an eager smile quickly fading from his face as he realized you weren’t going to engage. 
After you finished your last lesson of the day, you decided to retrieve your favorite horse– a beautiful dapple grey mare called Guinevere– from her stall for a sunset trail ride. The trail wound through the thick woods that stood behind the barn, just beyond the pasture. There was a lusciously cool breeze blowing, like the Earth was sighing at the end of a long day. You sighed with it, unable to shake Daniel from your mind. 
You plodded along the trail on the back of Guinevere, enjoying the feeling of her slow, steady movements beneath you, unimpeded by a saddle. Riding bareback was your favorite way to unwind; you let your mind drift away, lulled by the warmth of your horse and her dependable gait. 
A flash of a wispy black shadow flickered through the trees. The burning gold of the setting sun almost made it look like smoke from a fire before you realized it was the tail of Ares.
“Hello?” you called through the woods, wondering if someone else was there, or if Ares had broken the lock on his stall with a kick of his powerful hooves and escaped. It wouldn't be the first time.
Of course. Ares was Daniel’s favorite horse in the barn.
Daniel came trotting around a bend in the trail, saddled up on the tall black horse. He held the leather reins in one hand, forgoing a helmet for his weathered Stetson. You internally scolded him for his blatant disregard for personal safety, but you couldn’t help but think that he almost looked like something off the cover of a Western romance novel, with the golden light shining through his dark curls and illuminating his tanned skin. And him taking a liking to the most notoriously difficult horse in the barn made it even more cliche.
“You shouldn’t be out on the trails. Don’t you have work to do?”
Daniel shrugged and urged his horse closer to you. “I finished everything before 3 o’clock. You know, I do my job a lot better when you’re not constantly torturing me all day.” Something in his voice almost sounded regretful-- like he missed your taunts. But he hid it well behind that damned charming smile.
You didn’t respond. Instead, you nudged Guinevere’s mane to turn her around, starting to head back towards the barn. The trail ride wasn’t worth it if it meant having to be out there with Daniel.
He noticed your wordless retreat. Surrendering wasn't like you. “Relax, heiress, I’m done out here. I was just taking Ares back and then heading home for the day.”
You turned Guinevere back around, facing Daniel once more. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, giving you a look of concern.
“What’s wrong?”
You shrugged, urging Guinevere forwards, passing Ares. “Nothing,” you muttered. You were glad to leave Daniel behind you, so you didn’t have to try and hide the utter longing in your eyes anymore. Ever since last night, you yearned to be close to him again. But the very fabric of your being wouldn’t allow that.
“I’ll stay at the barn until you get back. In case you need anything.”
“I’m fine,” you called back to him, already disappearing through the trees. "See you tomorrow.”
There was nothing but silence behind you, until you finally heard Ares’ heavy hoofsteps grinding on the gravel at the trailhead. You let out a deep breath. 
You tried to enjoy your ride, but not even Guinevere’s gentle presence could calm you. She could sense that you were uneasy, her head on a constant pendulum swing as she looked around the darkening woods for any sign of danger. But she didn’t know that the danger was only in your mind– the irrevocable, perilous danger of falling for a boy. 
Guinevere carried you back up to the barn, and you were surprised to see that the lights were still on. Usually when you came back from your late trail rides, the barn was dark and empty, the only sounds being the sorts and sighs of the horses. You assumed your mother was sitting in the small makeshift "office," perhaps finishing up some work.
You got Guinevere all cozy in her stall, giving her some loving pets and a kiss on her nose. But before you could close the gate, you noticed that her bucket of food was emptier than usual. You decided to head towards the back of the barn and climbed the ladder to the hayloft, where you kept a stash of treats specifically for Guinevere. A burlap bag of apples was your goal, but your mind instantly shifted when you saw a figure sat up against the hay bales.
Your heart shot to your throat and you almost fell back off the ladder in fright, but the figure reached out from the shadows to grab your wrist.
“Daniel! What the hell are you still doing here?” you whisper-shouted as he pulled you from the ladder up into the dark loft. The barn lights didn’t exactly reach that area, but you could still see his flickering smile, like a candle in the night.
“I told you I’d wait here if you needed anything,” he said, settling himself back against a hay bale, one leg kicked out.
You shook your head, sighing, trying to get your breathing to slow. “In the hayloft?”
“Where better?” He said, outstretching his arms, looking around at the space, then locking his eyes on you.
The entire reason for your being up there was forgotten. “Seriously, why are you up here?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I like it up here. It’s quiet. And I get a good view of the stable. Figured I’d get some payback and watch you go home this time rather than the other way around.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, that familiar frustration you felt towards him starting to simmer. “I told you to leave an hour ago, Wagner. You know I don't trust you to be in the barn alone.”
“Why are you always trying to get rid of me?” he asked with a stupid grin.
“Because I hate you.” You spoke bluntly, with the intention to hurt him. Anger was curling off your skin like smoke. But your words bounced off of him– he saw right through you and locked onto the desire bubbling just under your surface.
“You don’t hate me. You hate the way I make you feel.”
“Oh, yeah? And how do you think you make me feel? Other than angry?” Your voice was louder than it probably should have been.
“Turned on,” he answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re full of shit, Wagner.” You snarled, ready to rip him to shreds.
“But I’m right, aren’t I?” he said, standing up. “I turn you on. I get you all bothered, and if my assumptions are correct, I’m the first person that’s ever made you feel this way.”
You chuckled bitterly: an attempt to bring him down a peg, as well as to mask the sensations stirring within you. “You’re definitely not the first.”
Daniel cocked his head, and you instantly realized your mistake. You just admitted that he turns you on. You exclaimed, stomping your feet and clenching your fists. You were seconds away from digging your claws into him.
“That’s not what I meant–!”
You bumped into a stack of hay bales behind you. You hadn’t even realized you were backing up. Daniel was stalking towards you, his eyes intense.
“Oh, don’t worry, I know exactly what you meant.”
Before you could say another word, Daniel moved as close to you as he was last night, his breath fanning across your face. One of his hands grabbed the side of your face, holding you fast. You were about to protest, and Daniel could sense it, so he leaned his forehead against yours and stared into your eyes.
“Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop.”
His lips were almost touching yours, his eyes fluttering as his breath grew heavier. His closeness almost felt like static electricity; sparks flew between your lips as they threatened to collide. Panting already, you swallowed hard as he pressed his sturdy body into yours.
“Tell me you don’t want this, heiress.”
The tension was so thick that you could see it– you could see it in the twitch in the corner of Daniel’s mouth, in the imperceptible flare of his nostrils, in the lift of his eyebrows. Months of teasing and taunting were coming to their inevitable head right before your eyes, right in front of your face. 
You didn’t tell him to stop.
He seized your face with both hands and pulled it to his, your lips slamming together in a kiss like a firecracker, setting the both of you aflame.
Your head felt hollow, weightless– but the feeling of Daniel was quickly filling it like water. He pressed you against the hay bale as the kiss deepened, one of his hands skimming down your body and squeezing your waist. You found yourself clutching at his shirt, almost like you wanted your bodies to exist in the exact same spot, with no space between them. You wanted to live inside him. 
Daniel let out a grunt, meeting your whiny sigh as his tongue pushed into your mouth, finally tasting you for the first time. His body bucked into you slightly, forcing you harder against the hay bales. 
You gasped into his mouth as you felt his thigh shove itself between your legs, applying delicious pressure on your most sensitive spot. He smirked against your lips as he started moving his leg back and forth.
“Oh, that feels good, doesn’t it?” he spoke in a soft, provocative tone, taking your little moans as a sign to keep going. “See what I can make you feel when you stop fighting me?”
You practically growled into his mouth, curling your fists around the fabric of his shirt, pulling him tighter against you. He let out a little grunt of surprise, falling into you.
“Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” He smirked down at you.
Your voice was nothing but a breathy whisper. You were just staring at his lips. “Shut up and kiss me, Wagner.”
He kept kissing you deeper and deeper, unable to get enough of you. His fingertips toyed with the hem of your shirt for a moment or two before slipping underneath the fabric to feel the soft warmth of your bare skin at your stomach. His hand was soon splayed out, his palm rubbing your waist and traveling up towards your ribs, holding you tight.
You were pinned against the hay bales by Daniel’s weight. His fingers started working at the button and zipper of your jeans, not wasting a moment before stroking your clit over your panties with the pads of his fingers. You sucked in a sharp breath, your head falling back.
Daniel chuckled darkly, and you knew he was feeling how wet your panties were. “What was that about me not turning you on? You’re soaked just from bickering with me, sweetheart.” 
Before you could shoot back, he pulled your panties to the side and made direct contact with your swollen clit, making you choke on any words you were about to fling at him. Daniel raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth in a mock look of surprise, mimicking your pitiful moment of submission.
You started grinding your hips against his fingers, instantly addicted to the friction his arousal-slicked, rough fingertips provided you. Daniel smirked, enjoying watching you already coming apart for him. 
“Yeah? My fingers feel good against your cunt, don’t they?”
All you could do was nod, squeezing your eyes shut as he slipped his fingers inside you, forcing a moan from your throat. The movements of your hips didn’t stop as you fucked yourself on his thick fingers. He matched your rhythm, hissing at the way you clenched around his fingers.
“Fuck, sweetheart… so fucking tight…”
A coil was twisting itself mad in the pit of your stomach, begging to be snapped. Daniel could tell how close you were by the crease between your eyebrows and your desperate gasps for air.
“Aw, is the heiress gonna cum on my fingers? Make the barn boy’s hands all dirty like they should be?”
You nodded frantically, mere moments from your peak.
“I bet you don’t even touch this filthy pussy with your fingers… would be such a shame to get your hands dirty, right?”
“Daniel–” you squeaked, warning him of your impending release.
“Maybe I should take care of this little cunt of yours as part of my daily chores.”
You whined as your head fell forward against his shoulder, your movements becoming frenzied as you edged closer and closer to that blissful explosion of pleasure.
“I know. Give it to me, sweetheart. Make a mess of me.”
A moan clawed up from your chest as you began to convulse, your vision going white for a moment as your entire body erupted with wanton delight. Daniel held you upright with an arm tight around your waist as your legs gave out. You clung onto him as the waves crashed against you. You could vaguely hear Daniel whispering words of praise in your ear. 
“That’s it– yeah, that’s it, good girl… good girl.”
A few moments passed before you could string a coherent thought together. You were panting, trying hard to swallow past your dry mouth. You could hardly believe what just happened– it was like your brain wasn’t allowing you to process it.
Daniel smiled at your disheveled state, picking bits of straw out of your hair.
“So, I think it’s safe to assume that you don’t actually hate me, right?” Daniel said, breaking the silence and grinning teasingly.
He slid his fingers out of you and buttoned up your jeans. Before you could speak, he was already tipping his hat with a crooked smile and descending the ladder, leaving you swaying and trying to remember your name.
"Goodnight, ma'am."
@sunandthemoontwinflames @brujamagik
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miniwheat77 · 2 years
Love Lost. (Captain Price x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, smut, yandere behavior, stalking, SLIGHT non-con, mentions of verbal abuse, hateful language, rough sex (let me know if I missed any.) Fem!Reader
(Summary): Even after all of the damage he's done to you, he just can't let you get away that easily.
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"John, I don't have the time or patience for this okay? If you want to call your son, by all means, go ahead. He's 18 now, there's no reason for you to call me anymore." You sigh into he phone. You were gathering your items up from your car to go into your work.
John watches you from outside his car, knowing what he's doing is wrong, but doesn't care. It seems like he's always around. Watching your house. Watching you come and go from work, watching you at the grocery store.
He didn't know it, but you knew he did it. You knew he always watched you, but you knew better than to fight back with John Price. There was no winning with him.
You'd been married to John at one point. High school sweethearts, had a baby by 19, married by 22. Divorced at 30.
Your relationship with John in the beginning was amazing. You begun dating when you were 14, he joined the military when he was 16 to take care of you. You spent that time together, happy and in love. When you had a baby, he was an amazing dad. When you were first married, he was an amazing husband. Than, he was stationed in Ukraine and spent two full years away from you and his son, and that's when everything started to go downhill.
When he came home, he was a different person. Cold, hateful. You tried to deal with it, but he was mean. He'd never put his hands on you, but some of the things he said to you, in front of your son. You couldn't let him get away with. You spent a lot of time with your son at your mums house. She told you to leave him. He was and could easily be very dangerous. His history in the military, track record of behavior. John heard about what she said to you, and became even more hateful to you and her. The final time you went back, he begged you back. Swore he'd change. Things were okay for maybe a week, and than during fight, he said those words that shattered your heart.
"I don't love you anymore Y/N, I want a divorce."
They struck you like a train and tore your heart right out of your chest for him to stomp on it. The fighting, leaving, crying. In all of that you never imagined you'd be alone. That you'd have to adjust to life without your best friend.
You spent a year apart, he cleaned up his act, tried to get you back but you wouldn't budge. He'd done too much damage.
This angered him to no end. You were his but you wouldn't come back to him. He tried you for custody of your son, a way to piss you off even further, and he lost in court. It's the one thing that really made him open his eyes. He couldn't see his son. Couldn't have you back. It broke him. All because he had some issues he couldn't work through. He let the anger blind his love for you and he realized it. When he'd finally changed, it was too late. He'd invited you out for dinner, you and your son. You'd gone on a couple with him, but knew very well what his intentions were. You stayed guarded. He seemed to change but knew there was that one tiny chance of it happening again.
You never held his son from him. Always allowed him to come and see him. Allowed your son to go to his house. Because despite his issues with anger, he was never that way toward your son. Always so good to him, something you could appreciate about John.
"I'm not trying to waste your time sweetheart. I texted him a couple times but he wouldn't answer me, I didn't know if you'd heard from him or whatnot." He laughs into the phone.
You can't help but smile into the phone. This John right here is the John you'd fallen in love with. The sweettalking, loving man. But you knew better than to fall for it. Maybe you imagined he hadn't changed but knew better than to put yourself out there. You didn't want to be hurt like that ever again. Wouldn't allow yourself to be. You had to admit. You wanted to run back to him every single time he asked.
The John you fell in love with, left a taste on your tongue no one else could ever fulfill. He touched you and loved you in ways no one ever had, in ways no one ever would. So of course it was hard to keep yourself away from him, but this behavior wasn't safe for your son. So you stood your ground. "Yeah, the little asshole has done nothing but annoy me with his college-kid-behavior." You sigh into the phone. "Had so many calls from his dean telling me he's failing his classes, but he's 18 so he won't listen to me." John smiles at your frustration. "Maybe I'll try him again later tonight. Try to talk to him." He laughs. "Good luck. That's all I'm gonna say to you." You disappear inside your work. "Hey, before you go. I have something to give you. Have me over for dinner?" He asks, skeptically. "What is this John?"
"No funny business. I swear."
A sigh leaves your lips followed by a long break of silence. "Okay. Just tonight okay? Just dinner, nothing else." You breath. "Yes. Just dinner. No more." He smiles.
"Alright. I'll see you around 8, John."
After he says his goodbye's, he puts his old truck back into gear and leaves the parking lot of your work.
He had something of yours. He'd been waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you.
It's a necklace. He got it for you the day your son was born. You wanted to eat something that had disgusted you through your entire pregnancy, so he went out to get it for you, stumbling upon this.
It was a necklace. A little silver infinity symbol with you and your sons birth stones on the inside of each circle. You fell in love with it when he gave it to you. When you kicked him out, he noticed it had fallen underneath your wardrobe as he packed up his stuff. He picked it up and took it. He'd had it the entire 7 years you had spent apart.
He got himself ready for dinner with you. Grooming himself to perfection, spraying on that cologne you loved oh so much. He slipped on a black t-shirt and blue jeans paired with his normal boots, wrapping the little necklace into a tiny gift box. He waited until around 7:15pm, he wanted to get there a little early. He pulled into your driveway at 7:47pm. The nerves in his stomach had him going crazy. Sure you'd allowed him over for dinner before. It usually took a lot of convincing, but all of those other times, he knew what he wanted to do. But tonight, he'd follow through with it.
"Hi. Come in." You smile, stepping to the side as you opened the door. You're still wearing the outfit you'd worn to work, but he thought it was sexy. Black pencil skirt, white button up shirt tucked into it. Pretty black heels, but you'd most likely ditch them before dinner was done. "I got off work a little late, so dinner isn't quite ready." You blush. "That's alright love. You been a busy girl ah?" he smiles. You smile. "Yeah.. It's been a miserable week." You look down. He smiles.
As you finished up dinner, he made small talk with you. Telling you about his plans, everything.
Even you felt it was a little different than normal. Something seemed off about tonight and you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
When you both sat down for dinner and had finished eating, he knew it was time.
"So, what I wanted to give you." He smiles. He reaches into his pocket, passing the little gift box to you. You narrow your eyes at him. You open it up, the smile on your face when you see it, had his stomach fluttering. "My god.. I haven't seen this since we split up." You breathe. "Yeah. I found it on the ground back then and snagged it, I was being a prick and kept it from you." He looks down. "Thank you, John. I appreciate it." You smile.
He knows how bad he's hurt you. And he knows it'll take years to repair the damage he's done. But he's going to try. Even if he has to to die trying. And maybe he'll make things worse with his plans for tonight. But he knows. If he can get close enough to you to get his lips on your skin. You'll give into him. You can't resist him. "You need help putting it on?" He asks. "Uhhh. Sure." You smile. He stands up from his chair, you doing the same. He takes it from the little gift box. He lays it across your chest, brushing your hair to one side. He takes a deep breath. He latches the little clasp. Your skin was revealed to him. "Forgive me, Y/N." He breathes into your ear, the hair on your body standing up. "Hm?" you ask, confused. He wraps his arms around your stomach, pulling you into him so that you can't get away from him. He presses his lips against your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin. "John-" You tried to push him off, but couldn't. He was too strong. You tried to stay strong, tried to tell yourself to stop him. But it was no use.
A sigh leaves your lips and your eyes flutter closed as he continues his assault on your skin. "John." You breathe. "S'alright love. I know." He breathes, sliding his left hand up your front to cup your breast through your shirt, the buttons moving to the side to reveal your bra to him. "Give into me, please. I don't want to have to take it." He whispers. Breaths of air leave your lips in pants. It's too much to bare, you skin growing clammy, you felt hot. Oh, the things he did to you. Even still.
"John, I can't." You push yourself away from him. Spinning around to look at him. He's like an animal. Dark eyes, staring into your soul. He wanted to devour you. And you knew deep down, there was nothing you could do to stop it.
"You can. And you will." His movements are quick, he grasps your thighs, lifting you up. Your back meets the wall with a thud as his hips are pressed flush against yours. His erection pressing right up against you. Your skirt had been pushed up around your hips, and he bites at his lip. "John, stop."
He leans into you, taking a deep breath. Noting the way your hair smelled. Like flowers, he wanted to get lost in it. "I need you, Y/N. Need you so fucking bad." The desperation in his voice has you flinching. You needed him too, but you couldn't admit it.
He presses his lips against the skin on your neck again, being a little more rough than before. A small moan falls from your lips, and it's all he needs.
He moves you away from the wall, making his way up the staircase to your bedroom. He lays you down on the bed, climbing between your legs. He grasps a firm hold on your shirt, ripping it open, the buttons making small tapping sounds as they bounced all around the room. You wanted to scold him for ripping your shirt, but he presses his lips to your own before you get the chance. He unzips your skirt, and freezes up when you're in your undergarments.
A single moment of consideration. A single moment of weakness. You could scramble away from him. Rush down the stairs and tell him to leave before he takes this any further. But you don't run. Instead, you look back at him with that same fire in your eyes, like you used to. He's panting, chest rising and falling with each harsh breath he takes in. "It's okay, you can do it." You breath, giving him permission finally, to take what's his at long last.
He's rough. Quickly dragging his own clothes off before you can change your mind. Before you can tell him this was a mistake and he needed to leave. And you don't. He pushes your panties to the side, sliding himself inside of you, a gasp falling from your lips.
He pauses, eyes wide in shock.
It's been over a decade since the both of you had sex. He felt foreign. He made you feel so full. You stare up at him. The both of you in the same awe.
"Holy shit." He breathes. "I-I can't believe this." he laughs. Crimson rises up onto your cheeks. It feels like the first time all over again. for the both of you.
When he draws his hips back, pushing back into you, moans leave your lips and he can't take it. "Fuck." He breathes.
He gives you a few minutes to adjust but wastes no more time to hammer his hips into yours, fucking into you like it'll be the last time he ever does. "I love you." He looks into your eyes, hips still hammering into yours. Tears gather in his eyes and he has to turn away from you. Trying to hide it but he knows he can't. You rest your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. Tears filling up your own eyes. "I love you too, John." You breathe, barely keeping it together beneath him. "I love you so much Y/N, I've never not loved you. I've been so bad to you." His thrusts seem even harder and you can't help but cry out. "I'll be better to you, I don't care how long it takes. I don't care if it takes me until I'm dead to prove it to you." Tears fall from his eyes, dripping onto your cheeks to mix with your own tears.
"Just.. focus on me okay?" you breath, pulling him to look at you. He closes his eyes, the way you overwhelmed him still has him struggling to hold back. He pushes your thighs up, sliding into you deeper. Pushing himself right up against your sweet spot that has always had you crying out for him. It was insane to you, that even after all of this time, he still knew exactly what you liked. Knew your body so well. He learned pretty quickly everything about you and how to take care of you. He leans down, running his tongue along your skin, nibbling and sucking at the skin on your breasts and chest until it was raw and you were squirming beneath him. Each time his hips meet yours, you let out a cry or whimper of some kind, he was being so rough with you. You could barely take it. Right on the brink of being too much. You clench your eyes shut, trying to focus. This was such a bad idea. You needed to stop him. But you couldn't. "John.." You pant. "I know baby, look at me." He breathes. "Wanna see you when you cum, look at me." His eyes roll back slightly, he's holding back too.
A few more thrusts and you're right there. So close for him.
When he finally pushes you over the edge, a cry leaves your lips, eyes rolling back as you finish. You have to force yourself to look at him. He keeps going, chasing after his own high. You're squirming from being overstimulated. He screws his eyes shut, finally boiling over, finishing inside of you with a groan. "Bloody hell." He growls, hips halting. The both of you are breathing heavily as he relaxes on top of you. You both slowly come down from your highs and all he can do is look into your eyes, both of your blushing cheeks and smiles makes it really feel like the first time all over again.
Once you've gotten cleaned up. and he's sitting next to you on your couch, he finally breaks the silence. "I.. I know there isn't anything I can do. To reverse the damage I've done. But.. I can be better to you." He mumbles, grasping your hand. "Just shut up and kiss me, Price." You roll your eyes.
And he does. He kisses you hard. Like it'll be the last time he ever will.
You take a deep breath. How the hell could this happen?
It was so good. So good with John for so long.
This was going to be the tie breaker. The end of this honeymoon phase the both of you were having, like the first time. You pick up your cell phone, dialing his phone number. "Hey." He answers the phone. "Hi."
"Is something wrong sweetheart?" He asks. "Can.. Can you just come over please?"
"Yeah of course, I'll be there soon love." He says, standing up and getting his shoes immediately. He drives a little too fast, worried at what this may be. Maybe you were having second thoughts on giving him another chance. His heart aches in his chest. He pulls into your driveway, sprinting up to the door. He opens the door and walks in and you're sitting at your desk. "Hey.. What's going on? I came as fast as I could." He pants.
You rest your head on your hand, passing him the little Ziploc bag.
His eyes widen when he sees what's inside. A pregnancy test, 2 dark red lines on it. "Oh shit." He snorts.
"Oh shit is right John, what are we gonna do?" You ask.
He laughs. "I can't believe it." He smiles. "You're happy about this?" you ask, shocked. "Of course I'm happy about this Y/N." He kneels down by your feet.
It means you're mine.
He has to shake the evil thoughts from his head. "I know you're worried. You don't want a replay of what happened with Y/S/N. But I'm gonna be better to you Y/N. I swear on my life." He grasps your hand, clutching it in his own. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad again." He smiles that big excited smile you hadn't seen since the first time you'd told him you were pregnant. Since you gave birth to your son. "You look so pretty with my babies inside of you." He smiles. You roll your eyes. "What are we gonna tell Y/S/N?" you look at him.
"I think just about anything we say to him is gonna piss him off Y/N." He laughs. "True." A sigh leaves your lips. "I wish we could've given him a better life."
"I do too sweetheart. And that's no one's fault but mine." He sighs. "We can be better though. We can do everything we've always wanted to do, and he'll just have to do it with us. Even if he hates it." He smiles.
Your son glares down at the little girl at his feet, a smile breaking out on his face. He swoops her up off the ground, "Ohhhh, you think you're tough huh?" he spins her around. "Be careful please." You cross your arms. "Oh come onnnn. We're just having a little fun." he rolls his eyes. You shake your head at him with a smile. "Where is dad?" he asks. "He's upstairs."
"I'm right here, ready." John says, coming down the stairs.
He's wearing slacks and a nice dress shirt, same with your son. John takes your little girl from your son, her giggles have you smiling. She's wearing a beige puffy dress. Her 'princess dress' is what she preferred. You wore a dress of the same color, maybe a shade or two off but still close. "How long do I have to keep this stupid shirt on?" Your son complains. "Until I say so." You send a glare his way. "Family pictures? Seriously? How did we go from hating each other to this?" he rolls his eyes, smile on his face.
You laugh. "I think the answer to that question is this little thing right here." John looks at your daughter, beginning to tickle at her sides.
Bursts of her laughter fill the room and you and your son smile. You had spoken to him about everything. He was happy to see you guys back together. He was happy John was able to bring himself back together. But you both could tell how hurt he was. He deserved the life his little sister got to live, but he was happy to be around for it.
He got a little taste of it. During his first heartbreak in college, he came home to mom and dad, it was nearing 3 in the morning. His small moment of weakness had him laying between the both of you in your shared bed. Just like when he was little boy. The both of you held him while he cried. Your not so little boy was there again. For you to both comfort him and be there for him. He laid there and suffered for hours, and while it hurt you and John to no end to see him like that, you were so happy you were both who he came to, to confide in.
He was doing better now. But he seemed to be around more often than he used to be. And now, all of you were getting ready for family photos. One big, happy (yet dysfunctional) family again.
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ya-bug-boy · 4 months
Can we get a TOP reader x BOTTOM Ingo? who just FUCKS ingo HARD and so LONG that he basically becomes the readers cumbump and passes out? Lots of love and after care at the end please 😁 and add a cockring on Ingo 😈 thanks!
Bottom Ingo x M! Top Reader
You're Ingo's partner if that wasn't already obvious. A gorgeous one at that. You are one of Elesa's male models that she has for her runway fashion shows and gym battles. Ingo was absolutely smitten by your dynamic boldness and confidence to strut onto the runway, not minding whatever suggestive clothes you put on. After seeing you once, he practically begged Elesa to make her introduce you to him.
Ingo swears he's never had a sudden attraction to other men so easily but you tease him, saying maybe it was love at first sight. He curls a catty smile at that comment, adding his own remarks that favor you in return.
As your relationship grew, so did your passion and devotion to him. Ingo will always admit how much he loves you at any given word, but you just prefer to hear him say that when he's completely spent and drained of cum.
You were unfortunately very busy in the last recent weeks to see each other, as you had to tour with Elesa to the Kalos region in a partnership with the champion over there. But you told Ingo that you would give him a very special night if he didn't masturbate until you came back.
Ingo needs you. You need him.
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Given that you were away for almost two weeks, you thought that Ingo would crack. He's a little deviant pervert as well in the end just as much as you are. But Ingo has been a very good boy.
When you finally return home, you're pleasantly surprised by how clean it is. Ingo does have your apartment key but the rose petals on the ground were simply so. . . divine. He really has been waiting so long for you.
You come into the bedroom to see a bashful Ingo, dressed in that lingerie you liked so much. Just seeing him like this makes you bite your lip in anticipation as you undress.
As you finally kiss him, your tongue meeting his as your naked bodies rut against each other, you find out that he's already prepared himself as he pulls out a butt plug. He whines, looking at you with big needy eyes, "Please, I need you to fuck me," but you ask hungrily if he came without you. To his hesitation, he answers yes so you do the correct thing. You punish your naughty boy toy by slapping a too snug cock ring on him.
But then the fun starts. With his hole already prepared, your dick slides in with ease, feeling his tight body clench sweetly around your cock. You only give Ingo a moment of mercy before you slam your hips into his, focusing only on your own climax rather than his.
Ingo is quick to moan and cry, begging for release but you deny him that pleasure, only seeking yours.
Granted it's been a while for you too, with you fucking him so harshly you reach climax as well. But you don't relent, you don't give mercy, you might as well fuck him until dawn comes because you're not stopping until you're satisfied.
Ingo is just so sensitive, his swollen cock leaking pre all over himself and your body as it desperately pulses, wanting to reach climax. You pin him down by the wrists, biting and sucking on his neck since your last love bites had already faded. Ingo can't help but to make whorish moans as he begs for mercy.
Hearing him call your name, admitting how much of a good boy he is while taking your hot cock all at once is just divine. Your second climax is harder than your first, draining your balls into him.
But you don't stop. You force Ingo to be face down, ass up, assaulting his body as deep as you can go. Ingo is so far gone by this point, words can't come out of his mouth right and his body goes entirely limp. You tell him it's okay to be tired, it's okay to be limp, you'll just keep fucking him until he's so full of cum. Until he can't walk at all the next day.
Your third round lasts the longest, Ingo is a total mess, his speech slurring and his vision dizzy with how badly he needs his release.
So you give him some mercy. You turn his body around, undo the cock ring, and fuck him like the animal you are, breeding your mate. He's so quick to cum but when you don't stop, he can't stop crying. He's a sobbing, moaning mess and you love it.
Then finally, as deep as you can go, you slam your hips against his one. Last. Time.
Ingo for obvious reasons is in a loose state of mind. You make sure to clean him up with a warm wet rag, providing him with some water for all the screaming he had done, and pulling him close to your body. As he gains a bit more clarity, his body is just so fatigued that he can't do anything but rest. So you give him that rest, your naked form comforting his.
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13as07 · 6 months
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Spitting Image #3
(Gaara Sabaku)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Tamengkay]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,874
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Should I do a prequel of their night together? Hmm… probably
The opal eyes my son inherited from his father are staring back at me from the door frame of my apartment. "Yoshiki isn't here right now," I mutter, clinging to the door I've cracked open.
     "I know. Shikadai and Inojin were playing with him at the flower shop when I stopped. I stopped at the flower shop, on the way, for these," Gaara races out, shoving one of the fancy bouquets toward me. Ino and I tease that it's the 'I fucked up' bouquet since its starting price is twelve thousand yen.
     "The thought is appreciated but flowers aren't a good present for a nine-month-old," I point out, a ting of sadness aching in my chest. Yoshiki has officially been out in the world longer than I carried him for.
     It's been about two months since Gaara met his son and since we met Yoshiki's family. The Hokage keeps randomly showing up, never going longer than a week without appearing back in the village. More often than not he's only gone three or four days, and while he's away his older sister tends to show up.
     The extra help is nice, for the most part. I'm still a bit on edge about letting Temari help though. I don't like someone I barely know around my kid, even if it is his Aunt.
     The only person stressing me out more than Temari is Gaara himself. He seems cold most of the time, definitely not the blushing 'oh my this is happening' guy he was the night we spent together. He also seems to not know what he's doing, which I get if it wasn't for the older son he has. It leaves room for speculation.
     That and I can only imagine how the sand village is reacting. It's a good half-a-day trip either way, and with him spending so much time in the Leaf I'm sure his council isn't too happy, especially since rumor has it our council isn't too happy with his constant appearance.
     Pair all that with the constant shove of money in my face and it doesn't sit too well in the gut. I know he's doing it in good nature, the fancy dinners, constantly buying new things for Yoshiki and leaving money around the house when I deny it from him. I know it's all meant in good faith... I think, but it stresses me out too.
     I don't need Gaara to take care of us, to take care of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Yoshiki's father can offer him the nicer things in life and a part of me is glad that he wants to. But it still stresses me out. It makes me feel like he's setting himself up for a 'you owe me'. Another worry that doesn't get stomached too well.
     I haven't used any of the money Gaara keeps leaving behind. I have been saving it though, squirreling it away, keeping it as a little nesting egg in case Yoshiki and I do have to make a run for it. My father might have kept me blind to the Shinobi world but he didn't keep me blind from ways to keep myself safe. Rule number one: always have a packed to-go bag and an exit plan. At the rate things are going, that might just come in handy.
     "I know that," Gaara says a bit defensively, pressing the flowers to his chest before leaning them back towards me. "I got them for you," he mutters, eyes jumping around the apartment I'm in the middle of cleaning. "What is it that you are doing?"
     "Cleaning," I answer, eyeing the flowers. Is Gaara acting suspicious or am I being paranoid? We shall see. "Yoshiki has grown out of his pre-me clothes and some of the other outfits he has so I'm going through them. Whatever Konah and his wife don't want is going to be taken to the women's shelter."
     "It's short for premature. Yoshiki was born just short of thirty weeks. He was really small, three point two pounds. He's doing good now. His doctors say he's still a bit underweight but it's nothing to worry too much about. Just something to monitor." During my rant I've shuffled away from the door, focusing on folding more of Yosh's clothes and placing them in the box to bring Konah.
     "I was born premature," Gaara whispers, following behind me to watch as I fold.
     "My mother was too, so the chances of Yoshiki being a pre-me was always there. Besides that's a thing that comes from the mother's DNA, so don't work yourself up over it."
     "I was not going to," he murmurs, eyes jumping around the small space as his cheeks slowly dust themselves pink. I hum in disagreement, carefully watching as Gaara makes the short walk from the living room to the kitchen. "Where do you keep your vases?"
     "I don't have any vases."
     "What do you mean you 'do not have a vase'?" He asks, face scrunched up as he looks at me.
     "Exactly what it sounds like. I don't own a vase. Never have cause I've never needed one."
     "I am going to get you a vase."
     "You really don't need to, Gaara. I don't need a vase and I don't need flowers. I appreciate the gesture but I'm good," I tell him, panic banging around my chest at the thought of him buying me something else, much less more flowers.
     His head tilts and his face scrunches more before he shakes his head. "I am going to get you a vase," Gaara says more to himself than me, nodding in agreement with himself. "And new cups," he mutters, opening the cabinet, being met with the mix-match cups I've somehow gained over the years. "You shall have a vase and new cups next time I stop by."
     "I really, really don't need a vase and those cups work just as well as any others. I don't need new cups or anything else from you. I'm doing fine for myself and my son."
     "Our son."
     "My son," I repeat, feeling like I'm going to throw up despite the hardass tone I've managed to maintain.
     Gaara blinks at me a couple of times, seeming a bit dumb-founded and looking it as he stares, still holding the 'I fucked up' bouquet. "As you wish," he mutters, finally back in motion. He sets the flowers down before opening random drawers in search of something. When he finds it - a pad of paper and a pen - he goes to work scribbling on it. "Nonetheless, I shall walk around and make a list of things you two need."
     I let out a laugh of disbelief, clothes completely forgotten because of the madman's words. "No, you are not. I already told you -"
     "If you wish me to stay out of your room I will, but yes, I am going to figure out what it is that the mother of my child and our son needs," Gaara freezes for a second, imaginary eyebrows jumping up. "My apologies, what your son needs."
     "Are you being a smart-alec right now?" I ask, another disbelieving laugh leaving my lips. "Is that what you're doing?"
"No," he says matter-of-factly. "You are not okay with me referring to Yoshiki as something we share, so I will avert from doing so."
"Dumbass," I mumble under my breath, turning my attention back to the pile of clothes I'm giving away. "I got knocked up by a dumbass."
"I'm just saying, Gaara is being a little much," I grumble, messing with my keys in search of the one that unlocks my front door.
"And I'm just saying, Gaara wants to take care of you. What's the harm in letting him?" Ino asks, her eyes are shiny with amusement.
"If you like the idea so much, ask him to take care of you," I groan, finally managing to get the key in the lock.
She laughs focusing on the grocery bags she's shifting in her arms. "Ya let me just ask Gaara to give me a baby too. I'm sure that'll go over well. Honestly, I still don't know how you managed to talk him into bed."
"You and me both," I mumble, pushing the door and leaving it open for Ino to follow. She does follow after me, silence flaking between us as we head towards the kitchen to place my groceries down.
     "Welcome home!" Shinki calls out, racing into the kitchen to greet us. "Oh! Hello Auntie Ino!"
     As Ino greets him, I head back out to the living room in search of Yoshiki. Panic starts to rise a bit when I don't find him - or Gaara.
     The panic doesn't last long though, the two of them falling into view when I push Yosh's nursery door open. Gaara looks uneasy as he sits in the rocking chair, my - our - son fast asleep on his chest. "Hello," he calls, stiffening when our son stirs in his sleep.
     "Hello," I echo, softly closing the door before I head towards them. "You know you can lay him in his crib," I tell him, carefully picking Yoshiki off his chest.
Gaara stiffens again, face scrunching up as he inches forward. "I am aware. I did not wish to."
A smile weighs on my lips as I cuddle with my son, pressing soft kisses to his head as I rock the sleeping boy. "Do you want him back when I'm done?"
He blinks at me in his slow way, his face slowly softening as he thinks. "Yes," he mutters, relaxing in the rocking chair again. "I enjoy our time here."
"I'm glad," I hum, soaking in my greeting to Yoshiki for another beat before I gently lay him back on his father's chest. "Yoshiki enjoys it when Shinki and you are here too."
"Do you enjoy when we're here?" Gaara asks, eyes locked on me, his stone-face expression on it like usual.
I think about it for a moment, trying to decide what answer to give: honestly or sugar-coated. "I enjoy spending time with Shinki, he's a sweet kid. I absolutely adore him. I'm happy the two of you are in Yoshiki's life." Both, that works.
"Are you happy we're in your life?"
"Yes," I answer before I have the chance to fully think about it. It's not a lie, I do enjoy having the Sand Shinobis around. I truly adore Shinki and like having him around. Gaara isn't terrible to have around either, it's nice having an extra set of hands, to have a man for Yoshiki to grow up looking up to, and I might have grown a bit fond of the flowers and the pale blue vase he got me.
He nods to himself, slowly rocking himself and Yosh in the chair as he spaces out. "How was your grocery shopping trip with Ino?" He finally murmurs, opal eyes set on me in their intense way. I swear Gaara can't look at anything calmly.
"It was alright. I think I'm going to make homemade ramen for dinner. I'm thinking of topping it with pork and boiled eggs."
Another spaced-out look and agreeing nod. "You should wait until Yoshiki wakes up so I can help you."
"I think I'm capable of - "
"- I know," Gaara cuts me off, eyes scrunched in a way that makes the markings of his eyes stand out. "I am aware you are capable of a lot of things. I am here to help, so I shall help. I wish you would let me help you more often."
I open my mouth to respond but get cut off again, this time by a knock at the door. "Hey, mamas," Ino's voice rings out as she opens the door, slowly poking her head into the room. "I have a meeting soon so I'm going to head out. Shinki is working on putting the groceries away. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Enjoy your meeting, I'll see you later," I call back, waving at my friend before she pulls the door closed again.
"Let me help with dinner," Gaara butts in once the door is closed, ending my attempt to respond before I can even start it. "I want my sons to see me helping around the house. It is not fair for you to work all day and then come home to do the household duties. Let me help."
I let out a long sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as my eyes jump around the nursery. "Fine, you can help with dinner," I say, giving in to Gaara's request.
I suppose there's no harm in letting him help more around the house, especially since he and his son spend most of their time in the village here. Of course they don't sleep here, it's only a small two-bedroom apartment, but if they're not sleeping or spending time with friends and family in the village, they are here. Which means they're here most of the day.
As I leave Yosh's room, thoughts of getting a bigger apartment cross my mind. Should I start looking for a three-bedroom or a four-bedroom? Probably a three-bedroom, I don't think Shinki would mind sharing a room with his younger brother... maybe. I'll just look for both. After all, at the rate we're going Gaara isn't going to let up anytime soon.
"You're doing that thing again," I grumble, shifting the strainer back and forth to shake the water out of the noodles I'm prepping for dinner.
"What thing?" Gaara asks, his eyes still intensely on me as they have been for the last ten minutes. I swear he hasn't even blinked during the time.
"That thing where you sit there and stare at me. You did it during..." My mouth snaps closed, not sure how to refer to our night together so long again. Not really, it's only been eighteen months. Though a lot has changed in that year and a half. "Our time together," I murmur, shaking the strainer harder.
"Did what?"
"Just sit there and stare. Even in my drunk stupor, it creeped me out a bit."
Gaara finally blinks a few times, slow and steady as he thinks of his response. "You are a very beautiful woman. Besides, I like to look at the mother of my children."
The plural use of the word makes the strainer tumble from my hands, crashing into the sink as I lean down to rest my weight against the edge of it.
"Are you okay?" Shinki asks, his head popping up from the wood blocks he and Yoshiki are playing with. Shinki is trying his hardest to teach his younger brother how to spell his name. I don't think he has grasped the concept of how young Yosh is yet. Still, it's been cute watching him try.
"Yes, sweetie. We're fine," I call before letting out a silent sigh, my eyes snap closed as the sink edge digs into my palms. "What the fuck, Gaara?" I hiss out quietly, refusing to let the boys see me lose my temper with their father.
"What?" He asks, blinking in his slow 'trying to comprehend' way that's starting to piss me off.
"Child, the mother of your child. Singular, one, I have had one baby. In total. Not just one of your sons, one in total."
"Yes, I know that," he says, face scrunching in lack of understanding. "But you are the closest thing to a mother Shinki has known, and I fully intend to get you pregnant again. Perhaps we will have a daughter this time."
"What the hell, Gaara?!" I yell before I can stop myself, snapping my eyes open and standing up straight.
"There is no need to yell. It is not something I plan on doing soon. There are things we need to get in order."
"Like what?" I hiss quietly, shifting closer so it's easier to keep my tone quiet. I don't need the boys noticing the fit heating up, and Shinki's glancing eyes let me know he's starting too.
"Well, I would like to get Yoshiki and you situated in the Sand Village, again not anytime soon if you don't wish it but preferably within the next couple of months. Then we will need to get the events in place for the wedding and of course the papers to update Shinki's adoption order. Then the matter of getting pregnant again. I do not mind the age gap between the boys but I think it would be best to have our next child sometime before Yoshiki is three or four."
"Get out." The words come out airy, disbelief and anger rooted in my mind.
"Get out," I repeat, anger quickly outweighing my disbelief. "I need you to get out of my sight. I need you out of my home, I need you out of the village. I need you as far away from me as humanly possible. Get out, now."
"What is it that I've - "
"Get out!" I repeat, shouting at him now. My hands jump forward, connecting with his chest before I start shoving him out of the kitchen. "Out! Get out! Get away from me! Get away from my son! Go away!" I yell, continuing to shove him.
"I do not understand what it is that - " Gaara tries to say, his hands jumping up and gently cupping my elbows, he's not even trying to stop my shoving.
"I swear to the lord I'm going to stab you, Gaara. Go away," I shriek, tugging myself from his grip before slamming the front door open. Once the door is open, I go back to shoving him out of the house, leaving the Sand Hokage in the hallway before slamming and locking the door shut.
When I turn back around, Yoshiki is crying and screaming in fear because of my yelling. Shinki is wide-eyed and his mouth hangs open as he stares at me. "I swear," I mutter under my breath, taking quick steps towards my son. I swoop down, picking him up before I try rocking him. "It's okay, Yosh. I know, I know. Mommy is sorry for yelling. Everything is okay," I coo, shifting us back and forth as I rub his back.
"Are you kicking me out too?" Shinki's soft voice calls out, the volume being his failing attempt to hide his sadness.
"No, no. Of course not, sweetie," I continue to coo, my fake calmness aimed at him instead of Yoshiki. "I'll never kick you out of my home, okay? You're always welcome here," I continue to soothe, dropping the arm not holding Yosh down so I can run my fingers through Shinki's hair.
"This is a safe space for you, Love. I'm sorry I've made it unsafe," I continue to soothe the older boy, placing his younger brother back on the ground now that he's calmed down. I fall to my knees in front of Shinki, wrapping my arms around him and pressing his head to my shoulder. "How about we put Yosh in his high chair and you can help me make dinner, okay?"
"Okay," the older boy whispers into my shoulder, willingly laying his head down now. "I'm sorry Papa upset you."
"You don't have to be sorry for him. Just because I'm mad at Gaara doesn't mean I'm mad at you, Sweetie," I tell him, littering the side of his head with kisses. "Let's finish making dinner now, okay?"
Ino lets out a loud chuckle, hunching over the counter as she giggles. "I'm sorry, it's really not funny... except it is."
A groan escapes me as I lay my head on the counter, rolling over my fight with Gaara again. "I do not know what is funny," Sai says, looking quite confused as his head switches between his wife and me. "I think it is nice that Gaara wants another child."
"My dear," Ino says, wrapping herself around Sai's arm. "Gaara's bluntness is what's funny. They barely know each other, they are nowhere near close enough to get married, let alone have another child together."
     "Well, why not?" He asks, head tilting as he looks at his wife. "Gaara is here about as much as he's away. They practically live together and already have one child together. The only person in the village who knows Gaara better than her is Temari... well, and possibly Naruto. It seems that the only way they are not married is by the law of the Great Nations."
     Now it's my turn to giggle at Ino's unaware father of her child. "Well," she starts, mouth gaping like a fish as she struggles with her words. "The... there's not the emotional part of it. No one should marry someone they don't love, Sai."
     "Are you blind, my love?"
      "What?!" Ino shrieks, letting go of Sai's arm.
     "Please calm down. I meant it in a joking way, not literally. I am just saying it is obvious that Gaara enjoys her company."
     "What do you mean?" I ask, turning my attention away from the hissy fit Ino is throwing.
     "Like I said before, Gaara spends a lot of time in the village. I am aware it is to see Yoshiki, but he seems quite interested in taking care of you as well. If he did not love you, why would he be interested in your specific needs? Personally, if I was not interested in the mother of my child, my sole focus would be on my child. I would not care about the mother is all I'm saying. My child's needs would be met and that's it."
     Ino's lecture about the hypothetical situation goes into full swing, a few groans of manners and politeness thrown into the mix. As she gets after her husband, I replay Sai's words in my head. Maybe he had a point, or maybe he didn't. I don't know.
     Gaara's and Shinki's constant travels have been weighing on my mind recently though. They travel to and from the village at least once a week, if not twice. It would be a lot easier on them if we all lived in the same village, and well... it would be easier for Yoshiki and me to move to the Hidden Sand than Gaara and Shinki moving here. After all, Gaara is their Hokage, and leaving that job wouldn't be easy or smart, financially.
     "Maybe I will," I mutter, letting out another sigh.
     "Maybe you will what?" Ino asks, stalling her discussion with Sai.
     "Maybe Yoshiki and I will move to the Sand Village. It's the least I can do since Gaara is doing so much for us. Besides, it would be easier for me to get a new job at the same pay I have now than it would be for him."
     Ino and Sia fall quiet for a couple of minutes, the weight of my words hovering over them as much as it's hovering over me. Ino finally pipes up, saying "Whatever you choose to do, we'll support you. Always."
I swear I'm never drinking a margarita for the rest of my life.
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capricornlevi · 2 years
aki as a dad!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!! (wc ~1.5k)
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Aki has always been the responsible one. 
Ever since he joined the Public Safety Division - even before then, truth be told, since he’s always had an air of seriousness about him, even as a child - he’s been deemed reliable by everyone he encounters. 
Trustworthy. The backbone of the force, someone you can depend on. He’s prepared for almost every eventuality, and carries out his work with diligence and stoic dignity. 
It’s a point of pride for him. He gets attached too easily, he’s well aware of that, but the fact that other people consider him to be responsible … gives him some small amount of reassurance. Almost as if he’s exuding a little bit of comfort just by being around. It feels nice.
But now, for the first time in his twenty-something years, he feels completely and utterly irresponsible. 
Clueless, some could say. 
Panicked, too. 
Out of his depth. 
As he stares down into the bassinet, gazing helplessly at the tiny baby who’s been wailing non-stop for fifteen minutes now, he feels lost. 
How can someone so tiny cry for such a long time? 
He knew babies were loud in spite of their size - he learned as much from the many parenting books that he read during your pregnancy - but he hadn’t prepared for just how much stamina they have when it comes to screaming. This kid will just not let up. How strong are his lungs?
Aki has tried every trick in the book to get your son to stop crying. The baby has been fed, changed, burped, rocked gently back and forth in the bassinet, has had his temperature checked for a fever at least three times …
Nothing has worked. Not even for a moment. The longest pause was about five seconds long, and it was just so he could catch his breath. The crying resumed immediately afterwards.
Taking a step back to reassess the situation, fixing his posture and rolling his shoulder to try and ease the stress-induced ache, Aki can’t help but notice that he feels a peculiar mix of distress, panic, and shame. 
Distress, because the sound of his son crying upsets him greatly. He doesn’t like to think of his baby in a state of discomfort, even though the cause is still completely unknown to him. 
Panic, because the cries are only getting louder, and he’s scared that his efforts are only making things worse. 
And shame, because he had assured you that he could absolutely handle this by himself.
You had only needed to step outside for an hour or so to go to a dentist appointment, but still tried to bring the baby with you - you spent most of the morning trying to gather your son’s things in preparation for the trip. Outings with a six-week-old are more exhausting than either of you had anticipated, and sometimes you feel as though you should bring suitcases with you, not just a pram. 
“No need to go to all the trouble of packing his stuff,” Aki had pointed out, watching you scramble around the apartment to find a clean pair of mittens. As always, his voice was calm and confident. “Since it’s just for an hour - it’s too much effort. I’ll stay here and watch him.”
You paused, a single mitten in one hand and an empty baby bottle in the other. 
“You sure?” 
“Absolutely. It’ll save you the trouble, plus it’s freezing outside.” 
“Certain?” you ask again, trying to keep any concern from leaching into your voice. “Because it’s not that I don’t think you can handle him solo … it’s just neither of us have had to watch him alone before. I haven’t had to do it either, since you’ve always been there to help.”
Aki nods. He’s responsible - he has read all the books, and at this point, he’s spent weeks with his son, learning all about his behaviour and micro-expressions and what babies need to feel safe and comforted. Aki’s as prepared for this task as he is for any other. He’s responsible. 
“How different can it be?”
As it turns out, very. 
Now, Aki reaches a hand out to give the bassinet another gentle rock - futile, since the last five attempts hadn’t worked, but he tries anyway. 
His brows pull together, concern weighing heavily on him. He hasn’t admitted this to anyone - least of all to himself - but deep down, this was always a worry of his. 
Because he knows that on some level, the reason why he always acts as the responsible one is that he has to be in order to keep going. He’s spent most of his life feeling the crushing survivor’s guilt from losing his family. That feeling has informed every decision, every choice he’s made in the field, even the way he interacts with the people in his life. 
Aki is responsible because he needs to protect. He knows he cannot shoulder the burden of losing another person close to him. He can’t afford to be any less than perfect.
When you first told him that you were pregnant, he had felt surprised, happy, hopeful - the pregnancy wasn’t planned, but his heart still warmed when he saw the barely-contained delight written all over your face. 
However, he couldn’t ignore the spark of deep and profound insecurity that ignited in his chest. As the months passed and your due date grew closer, the thoughts started to nag at him. 
You’re gonna fuck this up, Aki. 
You can’t be a father. You can barely take care of yourself. 
How are you ever going to keep this child safe? 
He worked for months to overcome those feelings; for all of your sake, not just his own. For the most part, it worked - the first few weeks of your son’s life had been exhausting but rewarding, filled with moments of happiness that helped drown out his worried thoughts.  
And recently, Aki had started to think that, yeah, maybe he could do this, maybe you could both do this together, since you make such a good team …
But that confidence seems to evaporate now that he’s by himself. 
When he hears the front door push open a few minutes later, Aki’s heart sinks. You’re back home early and you’re about to see his utter failure. 
He couldn’t even look after the kid for an hour … how is he going to handle the rest of his life?
“Everything okay?” you ask softly, approaching the two of them once you’ve set your bag and keys down on the counter. You could hear the sounds of crying from down the hall; the sound is never easy to hear, but it’s made all the more difficult when you see the expression on Aki’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“He won’t stop crying,” Aki admits, each syllable laced with shame. “The whole time you were gone. I don’t have a clue what to do, I tried everything.”
“It’s probably nothing,” you answer, and you mean it, too. You’re protective, of course, but you approach these situations a bit more practically than Aki does - as long as the baby is safe, fed, and taken care of, then it’s probably nothing to worry about. “Have you tried talking to him?”
He looks up at you, baffled.
“I - talking?”
You smile, warm as you can. “Talking. Letting him hear your voice, you know? Obviously he won’t know what you’re saying, but it’s worth a shot.”
And well … even though he’s still confused, Aki feels he may as well give it a shot. He’s tried everything else to no avail, and so even though having a conversation with a newborn seems ridiculous, he’s willing to try anything at this stage. He looks back down at his son, trying not to feel discouraged by the sounds of high-pitched crying, and starts to talk.  
“Ah … h-hi, there,” he begins, sounding just a little awkward and stilted. It’s strangely endearing. Aki glances at you out of the corner of his eye, and you nod, prompting him to keep going. “You’re … okay. You’re okay, you’re gonna be okay.”
He rocks the bassinet along with the rhythm of his words, his tone now more soft and soothing as he reassures the baby. 
“You’re okay. It’s all okay, don’t worry. It’s all fine. I’m here.”
The volume of the cries starts to lower - the baby is still stirring, but is no longer wailing at the top of his tiny lungs. There are even a few moments of complete silence. 
Encouraged, Aki keeps going. 
“That helps, huh?” he whispers, leaning down a little closer  - he knows that babies can’t see too far away, and wants to let his son know that he’s there. The little face that peers back up at him is an almost exact mix of the two of you both, and Aki’s eyes soften even further. “Did you just want to have a little talk? A little talk with your dad?”
At that, the baby lets out a little delighted-sounding gurgle. 
You laugh, reaching to take Aki’s free hand in your own. 
“See?” you point out when your son’s eyes start to droop shut, ready to sleep, his cries having ceased completely at this point. “He just likes knowing you’re here.”
Aki likes knowing that, too. He knows that he’s going to be here whenever he’s needed, for both of you. 
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
Omega Angel
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yes, I've written this exact trope a million times. I like it!!!
Alpha!Bakugou x Omega! reader
warnings: mentions of hosipitals and injuries, that's about it.
word count: 1,200 (about)
summary: Bakugou teases you about being a bird brain, but when he gets hurt and you're there for him, all he sees is an angel.
“Will you come to see me tonight?” you asked, it was more of a formality at this point. You knew Bakugou would come to your apartment the second he got off of work, just like he did every night. The two of you were still in bed, he hadn’t even left you for the day yet and you were already missing him. 
“Is that an invitation?” he asked, teasingly. 
“Yes, I want to see you tonight Alpha,” you whined into his chest, knowing how much he liked it when you were needy with him. A soft laugh rumbled in his chest and he pulled you closer to him if that was even possible. 
“I don’t know, I have to work late tonight, I wouldn’t be home in time for dinner, maybe I shouldn’t come at all,” he teased, he trailed a finger over your back, in between your wings making you shudder. You were particularly sensitive right there. 
“Come anyways,” you whined. 
“And what if I don’t want to have to pluck feathers out of my hair tomorrow morning? Should I still come over If I don’t want to cuddle all night with a glorified throw pillow?” Bakugou asked. You gasped and batted at his chest which just made him laugh. 
“You act like I leave feathers everywhere, I clean up after myself!” you shouted, you pulled out of his arms, grabbed a pillow, and slammed it into his face. It was his own damn fault he got so many feathers in his hair with the way he would bury his head into your back any chance he got. 
“Brat,” he snapped and shoved the pillow back at you, you tried to catch it, but it was just a distraction, Bakugou lunged and pinned you to the bed. You chirped in surprise as your Alpha loomed large over you.
“I should punish you for disrespecting me like that,” he snarled and a shiver went down your spine. you loved when he got mean like this. 
“Come back to my place tonight and you can put me in my place all night long,” you promised.
Bakugou promised he would be back before he left. Of course, he did, He almost always spent the night at your place. He still had his own apartment but it didn’t feel like home. It was cold and minimalist, almost utilitarian. it certainly didn’t feel like a home. Your place was warm, familiar, and best of all had you. 
He’d mulled over the Idea once or twice of bringing up officially moving in together, but it seemed pointless to him, things were fine the way they were. Besides he didn’t want to think of the nightmare it would be to try and move all that shit around. 
You were his mate, and everyone knew it, so there wasn’t any issue. Still, It might be nice if you were able to change your daily question from “will you come to see me tonight?” to “what time will you be home tonight?”
Bakugou pulled a feather out of his work uniform pocket and twisted it. Despite the hell he gave you, he loved your wings, and keeping a part of you with him helped him make it through the day. 
He’d snagged this particular feather a few weeks ago, you’d made yourself comfortable in the bathroom and started grooming through your massive wings. You usually did Alright by yourself, but it was hard for you to reach the inner corners where the wings met your back.  You’d whined so cutely, begging for help from your Alpha. 
Katsuki was happy to help, he would have helped even if you hadn’t asked, but it was cute seeing you so needy. He combed his fingers through the downy fluff gently as he could, preening away the feathers that had fallen out and gotten caught. He washed your back and delighted in the way you’d lightly gasp when his fingers made contact with your skin. 
You were so sensitive there, Katsuki was amazed you trusted him enough to let him touch you here. He was careful, barely letting his fingers graze the swath of skin between your two wings. Katsuki was never a particularly delicate person, but he practiced for you. 
While you weren’t watching he picked a feather from the trash back and shoved it in his pocket. It carried with it the faintest hint of your scent. Soon enough his own domineering scent would overtake it, and he’d have to swipe another one.
An alarm sounded, snapping Bakugou out of his reminiscing he sighed and stuffed the feather away, and leaped into action. 
You didn’t worry when Bakugou missed dinner, he had already warned you that he would be late, then your phone started to ring, and you saw it was his agency, and your heart dropped. He just lost his phone, you told yourself. Your hands still shook when you answered. Of course, you weren’t that lucky. 
Bakugou was fine, now at least. After hours of healing heroes working on him. You made it over to the hospital where they were keeping him. He was still asleep but the nurses let you in anyways. 
You knew Katsuki loved his work and would rather die than be anything but a hero, but you hated it sometimes.  You hated worrying like this. 
You sat on the edge of the hospital bed and held his unresponsive hand. “You’re going to kill me one of these days,” you murmured and brought his hand up to your lips, lightly kissing his bruised knuckles. 
“One of these days you’re just going to go to far, and not wake up and you’ll take me down with you,” you scolded. You thought he was asleep but then his hand flexed, squeezing you back. 
“Katsuki!” you half shouted half sobbed. You had to hold yourself back from throwing yourself onto him, it would only hurt him. Already you were starting to forgive him, this time hadn’t been so bad, Katsuki was so strong, nothing could keep him down. 
“I really must have died this time, look at this Angel in front of me,” he groaned, his voice cracked with fatigue. Tears started to roll down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if you were crying or laughing, Katsuki couldn’t tell either. 
“Come here Omega, Don’t cry,” he said and pulled you down so you were laying on his chest. He was still sensitive and your head on his chest hurt a little but he could manage. 
“Shh I’m okay baby, I’m right here, everything’s okay,” he whispered, running his hands over your wings. 
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!” you sobbed into his chest, you both knew that he would, in fact, scare you like that again. But none of that mattered for now, for now, it was enough that you were back in his arms.
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