#i started it on christmas eve.... i thought i would finish it okay
puhpandas · 8 months
A Fozztastic Christmas
(7,041 words) 🎄🎁❄️
Its Christmas day, the first spent with Evan, and somehow, Gregory's family manages to get them a dog for Christmas. Yes, them a dog. They play with him in the snow.
There's wrapping paper all over the floor and boxes thrown around when Gregory grins at his final present. Presents had been piled high at the start of this morning, but he and Evan (and his family) had shot through them all as quick as his Aunts four wheeler.
His Dad is cleaning up the mess and stuffing the trash in a garbage bag next to him. Gregory just admires the tree and all the cool stuff next to him during the moment of peace. They chose classic warm yellow lights, and all of the ornaments hung on the branches are homemade. Theres ones from when his family were younger, some from when he was younger, and new ones he had made just this month. The one he carefully crafted is hung right next to the ornament Evan had made alongside him.
Gregory glances over to his friend to see him smiling gently at one of his gifts. Evan had been suprised for some reason when they had started handing him shelves of gifts at the start of this morning. Gregory just laughed at him when he'd gaped like a fish out of water and stared at the beautifully wrapped presents with some sort of awe in his eye.
Gregory sighs loudly, flopping backwards on the carpet. He cushions his head with his arms, and Evan startles a bit and glances over at him. He grins when he watches Gregory make himself comfortable.
"Already done?" Evan asks, a smile quirked on his face. He's wearing a green Christmas sweater he and his family had surpised him with one day this month. It matches with Gregory's red one. Evan puts down his box of brand new cozy sweaters that fit and shifts to lean against the floor like Gregory. "Its only noon. We still have all day, you can't get tuckered out now."
Gregory shakes his head, even though the warm breakfast he ate certainly isnt helping with his energy. "I'm fine." He insists. "Dont worry about it. We'll just... take a short break before getting into the snow, okay?"
Evan giggles at that, but he just nods, and flops down besides Gregory on the rug. Gregory stares up at the ceiling, and takes a moment to admire how the glow of white snow outside the window shines on the tinsel hung up on the walls.
Theres a moment of peace, where Gregory let's his eyes slip shut and revels in how good this Christmas was. Not only is it his first Christmas with Evan since they met this January, but his family somehow managed to get every present on his list with room to spare for Evan as well.
Well... not every present, but Gregory can live. He isnt going to linger on that too much. He has his family, and his friend, and that's enough for him.
His family is milling about around them, and all Gregory can hear is the shuffling of footsteps and the murmuring of voices. He's aware of Evan's silent presence on the carpet next to him, and when the moment gets a little too still, he peeks an eye open and kicks at Evan's leg.
Wordlessly, Evan kicks back, and a grin splits on Gregory's face. He can't help how the laugh bubbles out of his throat, and Evan is quick to join him. Gregory's eyes are shut in the mirth, but he can feel Evan roll against him while they both giggle. It makes the scratchy sweater he's wearing rub against his skin.
"Look." Evan says when they finally stop laughing. Gregory opens his eyes and sees Evan's hand pointing at the tree in front of them. "You can see how you put too much glue on your ornament from here."
Gregory grits his teeth, but it's not very malicious since hes smiling. He pushes at Evans side, and he laughs heartily at him. "Very funny." Gregory says. "Acting like you didnt remake your ornament like three times because you were worried you were wasting your chance."
Evan doesnt respond immediately. Probably because Gregory had already given him an earful about just making what he makes because it doesnt matter how good it is. But eventually he hums, and kicks at him again. Gregory kicks back.
It's only when his Dad enters his peripherals does he raise a brow at how quiet it's been since everyone finished with their presents. Dad steps over some leftover trash, and smiles at the two boys laying flush against the floor.
"Hi." Gregory says to him. His Dad just smiles wider.
"Hello, Gregory." He says very suspiciously. Then, exactly but not exactly how Gregory was expecting, "What if I told you I had one last present for you to open?"
Gregorys eyes blow wide, and any sleepiness he'd felt left from the meal and the contentment melts away in a blink. "Really?" He asks, scrambling to sit up on his elbows.
His Dad nods, humming a confirmation. He smiles wider when Gregory hits at Evan's arm, rushing him to get up already. "No way. You already got, like, everything."
"We got more than everything, this year." His Dad says, smiling warmly at them both. Gregory can feel his Dads gaze fall on Evan beside him at his next words, though."Its a very special Christmas, after all."
"Well, come on!" Gregory exclaims, yanking Evan up by the arms with all his might. Evan almost topples over on him all over again because of it, and he yelps when he catches his footing. "What are we waiting for?"
"Nothing, I suppose." He grins. "But sit back down, because we're bringing the present to you two."
"Its for both of us?" Gregory asks, and he grins when Evan looks suprised all over again. He shakes his arm a bit to shake it away, and it works, if how Evan smiles at him is any indication. "We get to share!"
Dad laughs again, a quiet hum. Evan grins back at him, warm with a glint of excitement in his eye.
"Bring it out, Bonnie!" His Dad yells, and Gregory forces himself to plop back down on the carpet and drags Evan down with him.
Theres some shuffling, then Gregory's Papa steps from behind the wall separating the dining room and the living room. He's holding a big, red, shiny present box.
Gregory smiles when his Papa brings the box closer, and for some reason, carefully levels it down onto the rug, just in-between both Gregory and Evan. He steps back, and kneels on the ground in front of them with a smile. "I think you two will really like this one."
Gregory doesnt respond to that. He just eyes the shimmering red of the box sat in front of them. The box has a pretty silver bow on top, and its not wrapped; it has a lid. For some reason, its nudged a bit open.
To: Gregory & Evan, From: Dad's is written on the sticker.
Theres a stretch of silence where nothing is said at all, but eventually, Gregory caves into the anticipation. He takes a glance at Evan, who's looking earnestly at the box, before he snaps out of it when Gregory nudges his arm.
He conveys a silent interaction, and Evan nods, a small smile on his face. Gregory grins, just for good measure, and he and Evan lean in real close.
Gregory nudges the lid with his fingertips. Its slippery and shiny, and it nudges loose with no effort.
Gregory doesnt remove the lid entirely, and just for fun, he leans in and tries to peer in-between the crack. Evan does the same.
It's dark, but then, the lid slides off of the box without Gregory moving it.
He gasps, and Evan does too next to him. His Dads both laugh somewhere in front of him, but Gregory only has eyes on the contents of the box.
A little brown snout is poking out of the opening, and then an absolute ball of fur is wiggling it's way to the mouth and setting its paws on the rim.
A dog. Gregory gapes, lost for words. Evan does the same beside him. It's a dog.
The dog; a little dark brown Pomeranian, probably not even fully grown, looks up at him with dark, beady eyes. It sniffs at him, then Evan, and all Gregory can even do is stare, something fluttery in his chest.
Then, the dog is smiling, its little tail wagging, and it sticks its tongue out, little baby teeth becoming visible.
"A dog." Gregory says breathlessly, and he picks up the puppy with utmost care, carefully holding its little kicking hind paws when it shifts at being handled, and he settles it in his lap. "You got us a dog."
"The last thing on your Christmas list." His Papa smiles at him. His Dad, Freddy, comes up behind him and admires the puppy himself. "We reckoned it would be the perfect gift for the both of you."
Gregory doesnt respond. He just keeps his eyes dead on the little brown puppy in his lap, who's settled quickly with no fuss.
"He likes you already." Papa says softly. Theres some sort of unsaid agreement in the air that this is a time to be quiet and soft, like the moment is special.
Gregory just nods silently, looking closely at the soft brown head of the puppy and its two little pointy ears. The dog has plenty of energy; that's clear in how its panting and its eyes are wide and excited, but its let itself be softly held in Gregory's lap with no complaints.
A smile stretches on his face at that, soft and small and disbelieving. It doesnt feel real, that's for sure. That in an instant theres suddenly a brand new member added to his family.
Evan shifts suddenly, and Gregory thinks he must've been in that same awed state he was in. He scooches forward, slow and quiet like he would startle the animal if he made any sudden movements. Gregory huffs a laugh at the thought, knowing just how careful and caring Evan can be.
Evan leans down, a sparkle in his eye and lips parted as he becomes face to face with the puppy. Gregory smiles wide and big when the dogs tail starts wagging when Evan gets closer.
"Hi there." Evan says, soft as silk, but it turns into a sputter quickly when the puppy suddenly leaps out of Gregory's lap to crawl on top of Evan.
Gregory makes a suprised noise, and Evan does as well. He falls flat on his back, and the puppy wastes no time pawing up his chest to lick at his face.
A startled laugh bubbles its way out of Gregory's throat, and his cheeks hurt at the mirth. Evan keeps sputtering, moving his face every which way to avoid slobber on his mouth. "Eugh-- Gregory-- help!"
Gregory keeps up his giggles, and his Dad laughs heartily next to him as well. His Papas laugh is boisterous, and its contagious quality makes Gregory laugh harder, just watching as Evan is glued still on the floor lest the puppy get bucked off.
Eventually, after being unable to respond because of his laughs, Gregory leans forward and plucks the dog right off of Evan's body, holding it close to his chest. He once again marvels at how soft the puppy's fur is; it feels like how he would imagine a cloud to feel, soft, and so thin its almost undetectable.
The puppy yaps a few times, high pitched and excited. Evan heaves himself off the floor, immediately wiping at his face with the sleeve of his sweater. The whole time though, hes grinning and giggling just like Gregory is.
"He likes you a lot." Gregory observes, not that Evan needed to be told; he got the message loud and clear. "You were like, drowning."
"In slobber." Evan points out, shivering and making a face in disgust.
"Maybe you're his favorite already." Gregory says, absentmindedly petting the dogs back and sticking his fingers in his fluffy mane. "You can be his Dad. And I'll be Uncle Gregory."
Evan snorts a laugh at that, grinning widely. "I'm too young to be a Father."
"It is a lot of responsibility." Gregory's Dad chimes in, his blue eyes shining in delight, but a hardness to them as well. "Food, water, walking, playing... you will have to keep up with it all, Superstars. It's your duty to take care of this little guy."
Right away, Gregory nods feverishly, grinning. That's a promise, and he intends on keeping it. He knew the responsibility when he'd first asked for a puppy all those months ago. Evan is doing the same next to him, and it makes Gregory smile wider. "Yeah, we know."
"We've gotten hard and soft dog food, since the puppy still isnt fully grown yet. We've kept him well fed before giving him to you both, so..." Gregory's other Dad chimes in, his bangs falling in his eyes as he smiles at him and Evan. "How about you two take him outside? Play with him a bit?"
Gregory, in the event of gaining a brand new family member, had completely forgotten about his plans with Evan to play in the snow.
His mouth drops open, but the corners are still upturned in a smile as he looks back at the little dog in his arms. The puppy twists its neck to luck up at him, and its beady black eyes are wide and energetic, if its tongue hanging out and its wagging tail wasnt enough.
Immediately, his mind is flooded with thoughts and ideas of how he and Evan could have fun with their new dog in the snow with eachother. He looks back up to see Evan smiling as well, and they meet eyes, undoubtedly having the zsme thought process.
His growing family, Gregory can't help but acknowledge. Two new members in one year. That's a new record.
"I guess that's a yes." Gregory's Papa chuckles, eyes crinkled at the corners.
"He still does not have a name." Gregory's Dad informs him, patting a hand on Gregory's hair. He does it to Evan, too, and Gregory feels a small bit of pride when Evan doesnt flinch away like he did only months ago. "You two should be the ones to give him one."
Gregory goes silent, looking back down at the dog in his arms.
The puppy quirks its head sideways up at him, ears straightened and head tilted in curiosity, and Gregory feels warmth bloom in his chest. He smiles instinctively, and it gets wider when Evan reaches over and pets its little head.
Just before he begins to brainstorm names, his Dad pats his own head, smiling warmly. "No need to rush." He says. "It is a big decision. Why dont you think on it when you two go play outside, hm?"
Gregory nods at that, reminded of how he and Evan's new puppy are going to play with them in the snow. He grins, fluttery excitement in his chest, and he readjusts his hold on the dog, scrambling off the floor.
"What are you waiting for, Evan?" Gregory asks, already running to his room to get his shoes and coat on. "Cmon, let's go!"
"Wait up!" Evan calls behind him. "I'm coming I'm coming!"
Gregory only puts the puppy down to slip on his thick windbreaker winter coat, and it overjoys him to watch the little guy walk around his room. He'll be in there a ton, from now on. The puppy is his.
He already has so many ideas for which place in his room can be for the dog, and how theyll play and what toys he'll get him and how they'll watch TV on the couch together, but he shoves them down for now. He'll leave them for when he isnt about to go hang out with Evan and their shared dog during a white Christmas.
It's not long before they're barrelling out the door, only careful on the icy steps on the porch before they're sprinting into the snow, Evan hurrying behind him with the ball of fur in tow.
The cold nips at his nose and his ears, but the toboggan his Dads insisted he wear warms him up enough. So do the knit gloves hes wearing. Evan skids to a stop beside him, kicking up dusty wet snow at him. Gregory giggles, shielding himself.
"Sorry." Evan says. He's still holding the puppy, and Gregory looks at the flat, untouched inches of snow on the ground right below their feet.
"Put him down." Gregory grins. "He can play with us."
Evan looks a tad worried, probably because the snow this year is pretty thick and a lot came down and the puppy is... very small. But he still sets the little guy down anyway, and Gregory cant help his chuckle when the snow comes all the way up to the puppy's chin.
The dog, the little trooper, Gregory cant help but think, doesnt shy away, he just takes a moment fo adjust, and then he's sniffing at the white surface, taking big steps and walking in long strides to wade through the snow. The formally perfect sheet gets disrupted, and Gregory almost squeals (how embarrassing) when there are little tiny pawprints left behind in the snow.
Evan doesnt hold back, chuckling in delight at the sight. He follows along with the puppy, keeping up with him to make sure hes alright. "He seems to be keeping up pretty good!"
"He's trucking on." Gregory says, his boots crunching down on the snow when he meets Evan's side. "Nothing can stop him now."
Evan doesnt respond at first, and when Gregory looks over, Evan is crouching down and picking up a stick that fell from the big tree in the front yard. "Except maybe this."
Evan whistles, still somehow quiet, but immediately, Gregory can see how quickly the puppy perks up. His ears straighten to a point, and then hes tilting his head back to investigate the sound.
"Come here, buddy!" Evan calls, patting his legs, and Gregory wants to aww when it sticks its tongue out and begins to hop over the snow to rush over.
Evan makes a delighted noise, and he kneels down despite the wet slush and pets the puppy's head when it arrives. Gregory kneels over and ruffles its fur, saying praises and watching the snowflakes shake out of the fluff.
"He really likes you." Gregory comments, smiling at how theres a huge smile stretched on the dogs face and his tail is going a hundred miles an hour. Gregory knows he and Evan's faces arent much different. "You should be the one to name him."
Evan pauses, and Gregory looks over to Evan staring at him with wide eyes, looking something adjacent to worried and earnest at the same time. "Oh! No-- Gregory its okay." He rushes out. "Um. We can both name it? Hes your dog anyway."
Indignation on Evan's behalf rushes Gregory's senses. "Uh, nope." He replies. "He's our dog. Not just mine. He's yours too and I think you should be the one to name him." He says matter of factly.
Evan frowns, looking unconvinced. "He's going to be staying at your house, like, all the time." He counters. "And what if I think you should name him?"
Theres a moment of silence where Gregory just stares at Evan, and Evan stares back. It's like a standoff, and even the puppy to their side goes quiet, watching with wide eyes.
"We can both name him." Gregory settles. "But also you get to have the first pick."
Evan's frown is still present, and he frowns, knowing what Gregory did. He doesn't comment, though. Even when Gregory sends him a grin. He just pets the dogs mane and fluffy fur while humming long and drawn out.
Gregory gives him a blank look. "My Dads name is Freddy."
"Oh yeah." Evan mumbles. He looks a bit embarrased, but then hes quick to respond with, "Okay, your turn."
Gregory frowns, pursing his lips and giving Evan a look. He's unsure if Evan did something there, but either way, he'll give his friend his wish.
He taps his chin, looking at the little dark brown dog with hair sticking up in places and almost defying gravity. It has big brown eyes, and Gregory suddenly jolts, remembering when Evan commented on both his hair and eyes one time. Something about how his hair shouldn't be able to do that and that his eyes are a color hes never seen before.
What name he suggests next should be obvious, but he goes for a different idea instead.
"Evan Jr." Gregory says, crossing his arms. Evan looks at him blankly, and Gregory just smiles at him. He almost bursts out laughing when Evan looks at him in a way where he knows Evan isnt sure he's serious or not.
It takes him a few second, but he sputters out a response eventually. "Greg Jr."
Gregory's eyes widen, and he meets Evan's eyes. It's funny, but Gregory still isnt sure if this is a standoff or a joke. The puppy looks between them silently, and Gregory can imagine it eating out of a bag of popcorn.
Gregory retaliates, peering at Evan through the snow flurry. Its landing on Evan's toboggan and bits of his hair. "Evan the Second." He says.
Evan scoffs, but Gregory can tell it's a mix of a laugh and exasperation. "You only call someone the Second if they're a male in the family, and they're anything other than a father."
"Oh." Gregory says. He's about to ask how Evan knows that, but the implications only dawn on him too late. He sees Evan's face, looking self-satisfied and thrilled, and Gregory remembers exactly what he'd said to Evan about him, himself, and the puppy only a little bit earlier today.
"Gregory the Second." Evan says smugly.
Gregory surrenders, letting Evan have this one. "You got me." Gregory grins, laughing a bit. Evan looks pleased as well, and when he starts laughing as well, the puppy starts to pant with its tongue out and wag its tail.
"Okay, but we should probably actually decide a name for this little guy." Gregory says afterwards, picking the little guy in question up in his arms. He settles quickly again, just like last time. Gregory smiles wider, once again overjoyed at having a dog.
"Right." Evan agrees, taking big steps over the many inches of snow piled underneath them. The snow is so deep, It comes up to Gregory's calves. Evan is taller, so he has less trouble, but Gregory has a feeling one of them will fall at some point. The snow is deep and thick, with enough capacity to build one of those snow igloos if they wanted to by rubbing the snow until it creates a sheet of ice over the surface. "Your turn."
"Right." Gregory nods, and he looks at the puppy again, which hes been doing a lot. It's still a little surreal to him, give him a break.
He thinks hard and genuinely about names that would fit the little dog. Its brown, small, with a tiny snout and brown beady eyes. It's been a sweetheart so far, so as much as he'd like to, Gregory's not thinking names like 'Destroyer' or 'Turbo'.
His mind comes up blank, and the thing is, he really does want Evan to be the one to name the puppy. Gregory's wanted a dog since he was old enough to even know what one is, but Evan's never even had the liberty to wish for things until they met. Evan's told him so. Gregory knows Evan had been suprised over the dog and happy in a different way. To Gregory, this was a dream come true. To Evan, this is something he'd never even considered or believed could happen, purely because he never thought about it. Gregory's thought about what he would name a dog for years anyway. He thinks Evan deserves to make the call. He thinks Evan deserves to have a little something of his own that he doesnt share with someone else.
Its their dog. But Gregory wants it to be Evan's name that their dog is called.
"Just hear me out here, Evan, but..." He begins to say. Evan immediately looks like how he imagines his Dad would look; a little worried or exasperated about what hes about to say if he has to begin with that. But Evan is too kind to ever feel that way about something Gregory would say. No matter how weird it is.
"I want you to name the dog." Gregory tells him. Gregory doesnt like eye contact, but he makes an effort to look Evan right in his when he says this. Evan's like him, so he starts to glance away, but he too makes himself look back.
Evan looks suprised, or taken by it, more like. He looks shiney eyed, or emotional... Earnest, is the word Gregory's looking for. Or disbelieving. Maybe Evan doesnt think he should, but Gregory does.
Gregory musters up all his earnesty so Evan'll see he means it. "I really do." He says. "I'll try not to ruin the moment, or something, but... I just think you should get to do this. Its our dog, and I already get to have him at home all the time." He tells him. "Just... it's fair, isnt it?"
Gregory knows he didnt say the full story, but he also knows Evan understands him. He always understands what Gregory means to say very well, which a lot of other people dont. Gregory thinks he doesnt need to elaborate; Evan gets it.
By the way hes looking, Gregory's sure hes right. Evan looks actually shiney eyed this time, and his look is heartfelt. The snow is still falling in his hair, and theres snow in the still unnamed, puppy's fur, and Gregory's sure hes got it in his hair as well. It's still outside, save for the faint and knipping wind of winter, and it makes the silence feel like it stretches longer.
"Fozzie." Evan mutters. It's barely over a whisper.
Gregory jolts. "Huh?"
"Fozzie." Evan repeats, blinking away some of the mist in his eyes. He smiles at Gregory, and then flicks his blue, almost silverfish eyes to the puppy in his arms. "Like Fozzie Bear."
Gregory smiles at the name. Hes never really been a fan of the Muppets, but he knows about it enough to know that Fozzie Bear is a character from it. It's not his thing, and he can barely recall the characters appearance, but it feels... right. Hes not particularly fond of the origins of the name, but to Gregory, the origin of the name is Evan. and any name Evan came up with would feel right to Gregory.
"Its perfect." He says outwardly, and fully means it. The puppy-- no, Fozzie seems to react at the name, wiggling in Gregory's arms and wagging his tail wildly. He loves it, too.
Evan giggles, patting Fozzie gently on the head with a gloved hand. Fozzie barks a bit, still wiggling, and Gregory finally maneuvers his arms to set the puppy free in the snow. "Okay, okay! Here, buddy!"
Immediately, like before, the height of the snow almost completely submerges Fozzie when hes back on his feet-- er, paws. For a moment, Gregory can only see the puppy from a top down view, before just like earlier, Fozzie hops out of the snow chasm and frees himself.
"They grow up so fast." Gregory mimics wiping a tear, glancing at Evan. Evan laughs.
"So, Fozzie." Evan grins, and Gregory feels his own stretch wider at how Evan's eyes light up at the name. "Do you wanna play?"
Fuzzies ears stick straight up again, and Gregory giggles along with Evan, feeling like it's a little quirk he and Evan will be laughing over on their dog for a long time.
"Come on, buddy!" Evan whistles, taking big strides as he runs in the snow. It crunches under his boots and his footprints reveals the layer of sleet itd covered up. Fozzie doesn't move, just tilting his head and watching Evan get further. It takes a second for Gregory to realize why.
It's only because Fozzie jerks his head to look at him. Gregory sighs, but it's in a good way. Hes still smiling when he takes off after Evan, whistling as he catches up.
"Come on!" Gregory yells behind them. "Chase us!" Evan finishes.
Fozzie takes off like a rocket, or more like a rabbit, then anything. Gregory just knows Fozzie would take after his speed if he wasnt hindered by snow, but for now, the puppy has to hop like a bunny rabbit over the snow.
But hes still gaining, Gregory realizes. Their leisurely pace to help the puppy keep up was underestimating him. Fozzie is better than that. The thought sends an energized laugh out of Gregory's throat. If Fozzie can keep up with Gregory now... He cant wait for it to get warmer. He can already imagine how itll be in a few months with him and Evan and a bigger Fozzie in the green grass.
He waits just enough for Fozzie to be on their heels, then yells "Scatter!" He and Evan split up like the letter T.
Fozzie picks him to chase, and that's just what hed wanted. Gregory grins, knowing the puppy likes the thrill of the chase like he does. He risks a glance behind him, and sees that Fozzies already gotten better at maneuvering through the snow. His tongues hanging out, and his snow covered fur whips in the wind.
Gregory picks up his speed, not even caring that the wind is biting at his nose and his cheeks and his ears. His breath puffs out in little clouds, and he let's himself run at full power.
And hes very fast. Fast enough that Vanessa kept telling him to join soccer before she left for college. Even Fozzie cant keep up with him, and when Gregory makes a turn because he reached the edge of the yard, he can see Fozzie still chasing after him, but further away. The little guy is using his footprints as a pathway to avoid as much snow.
He books it back towards the other side, and Fozzie doesnt cut through the yard to gain on him like Gregory thought he would. He just continues hopping along his own path.
He brings his eyes back towards the direction Evan had run in, and sees no Evan, but instead, a wall of snow with a sort of trench around the sides. Like someone had dug all around them to build the wall that's about two feet high off the ground.
It's a shield, and a base, Gregory recognizes. And he'd been too distracted watching Fozzie to notice when Evan had been preparing for his arrival.
And he'd also looked right at Evan too late when hed gained closer, and he'd been nailed right in the face with a snowball.
He yelps, the cold snow on his face and over his eyes doing nothing for his already freezing cold face from the wind. He can't see anymore, but he knows he had just reached the area he and Evan had originally split.
The snow already being gone from their previous footprints and his lack of sight make an unfortunate combination when he takes another running step, and his heel slips and slides straight on that sleet the snow had originally covered up.
He tries to blink as he pinwheels his arm, yelping and feeling his heart drop in his chest. The snow is melting on his face, and not only is it freezing, but the water does nothing for helping him open his eyes.
His arms cant wipe it away, though, they're still pinwheeling, and eventually, he finally drops to the ground. Snow now not only on his face but also going up his jacket sleeves and seeping through his pants.
"Oh my gosh!" Evan yells from across the yard. Gregory's already pushing himself up with his arms by the time Evan drops to his knees next to him, pulling him up. Fozzie makes it just in time, sniffing him and shaking the snow from his fur. "Gregory! I'm so sorry!"
"Ugh..." Gregory groans, sounding hurt. The fall was a little bit nasty, but he isnt actually hurt. Not really. The fall probably looked way worse from Evan's point of view.
He's just giving himself time for his other hand to mold snow together quick enough before Evan notices.
"Oh no..." Evan's brows are so furrowed and upturned it looks like it hurts. His hands hover around Gregory as he wipes the snow off of his face, still kneeling in the snow.
"I'm okay, Evan." Gregory says. He may be plotting something, but he isnt going to make Evan believe he actually got hurt. That's not cool, and Gregory knows Evan'd really believe it and feel incredibly guilty.
"Are-- are you sure?" Evan asks worriedly, peering at him intensely when Gregory finally gets most of the water and slush off of his face. His face is so cold it's starting to get like that burning warm feeling. "I didnt... I didn't want you to fall."
"Really." Gregory insists, making sure Evan can tell hes serious. "That's what snowball fights are about, anyway. That's what the snows for. Is to cushion your fall."
Evan still seems unsure. "If you say so..."
"Besides," Gregory says to him, a smile just a bit too pointed regarding him. "I'll get you back."
Evan opens his mouth, but before Evan can speak or even show any reaction, Gregory takes the fully finished snowball in his hand and smushes it into Evan's jacket.
Not on his face. Evan may have nailed him in the face, but that's because hes okay with it. Evan doesn't like stuff like that.
Besides, he smushed the snow right over where the jacket zipper is. Meaning some of the snow will go down underneath and inside.
Evan shrieks at him, squeezing his eyes shut when Gregory tackles him, cackling wildly as he does it. Fozzie barks at them, jumping up and down by their side and switching to left and right. Evan may be yelling, but he also is smiling wide and laughing as he does so. The screams about the cold are real, though, Gregory knows, so he takes both arms and pushes snow from their sides all over Evan to cover him like waves. He's yelling and screaming the whole time.
Then, to Gregory's disbelief, Fozzie keeps barking and chooses a side, climbing up on the little hill of snow by Evan's chest and digging at the snow. He's trying to uncover him.
Gregory pauses in his revenge to gape at the puppy, while Evan takes a second to process, but then hes giggling like crazy.
"Betrayal." Gregory breathes out, still disbelieving. Fozzie doesn't regard him, just keeping at digging Evan out. The boy in question is laughing so hard tears of mirth are in his eyes. "My nephew Fozzie! You betrayed me!"
Fozzie just yips at him. Gregory doesnt know what he said, but he likes to imagine itd been some clever response.
"W-What was that you said earlier?" Evan manages through his laughing. "About me being Fozzies favorite?"
Gregory frowns at him, but he isnt really hurt. Evan knows it, too. Fozzie can play favorites sometimes if he wants to. Gregorys feelings wont be hurt.
...It just means that next time, there'll be a score to settle. He likes to imagine Fozzie will understand that too, and he knows when to pick his battles. Next time, for sure, Fozzie will betray Evan to help Gregory. That's how the world works.
They sit there for a little while, and eventually, Gregory is laughing along with Evan. They're there long enough for Fozzie to completely dig Evan out, and then he's yipping and licking Evan's face with his tail going a hundred miles an hour.
The snow is still lightly flurrying down around them in a way where you know the white lawns wont be going away anytime soon. The clouds are getting yellow and the sky a darker blue with the horizon a kind of off white. It shimmers on the snow and sparkles and shines, and so do the icicles hanging off of the trees.
You can still hear the faint yells and laughs of other kids in the neighborhood echoing outside, and theres a couple snowmen in the front yards of the houses around his. As it gets slowly darker outside, the neighbors Christmas lights on their roof trims and in their front yards shine and blink even more.
They havent made a snowman, or even finished their snowball fight, but Gregory thinks it may be time to go inside. His face is on fire, and his clothes are drenched in melted snow. Hes sure Evan is the same, after the stunt he just pulled on him. It reminds him of the cartoons where they bury someone neck deep in sand. He wants to do that someday. He doesn't think Evan would like it, but Gregoryll be the victim if Evan agrees to be the burier.
He says his thoughts to Evan, and they both got up out of the snow with creaking joints and chilly cheeks and sore throats from laughing. The electricity of excitement still buzzes under Gregory's skin, but he thinks he can still be excited under a warm blanket in his warm house with a warm drink. And he just knows, his aunt Chica would never skip making cookies and other delicious warm treats for Christmas.
When he and Evan get to the welcome mat and stomp their boots to shake the excess snow off, Fozzie scratches at the bristles in the mat and shakes his fur to get the snow out. He and Evan laugh at him. His fur must be soaked.
They go inside, and the burst of warm air is like a sigh of relief to his ice cold face. He takes his shopping wet winter garments off, and sees that there's still slush on his windbreaker and snow on his toboggan. He's shivering when he realizes how warm it is compared to out there, and he almost makes a dive for the couch. Evan follows right after him.
So does Fozzie. They make a short break away to get a towel from the bathroom and dry their own soaking hair. Evan grabs it first and immediately dives for Gregorys own head. He yelps and laughs as Evan does a tornado with the towel, and he does the exact same to him afterwards.
Then, they both dry off Fozzies fur, laughing when after the first round, he shakes his fur and water droplets fling onto them. They lay the towel down on the floor after the second, and Fozzie rubs himself against it, rolling on his back and wiggling on top of it.
Only then is when his Dad and Papa let them burrow under the covers, when they're completely dry. Aunt Roxy is in her elegant chair watching a movie, The Polar Express Gregory recognizes, Dad is talking to his aunt Chica in the kitchen, and his Papa comes by to sit in the armchair just next to the couch.
Fozzie hops up on the couch with them, burying himself a little next between his and Evan's legs. He let's out a little sigh, probably winded from his day of playing. Gregory smiles and lays a hand on his head. Evan does the same on his back, sticking his fingers in Fozzies mane.
Eventually, the cold ebbs away and his fingers start feeling less like icicles, and himself less like a Gregcicle. With perfect timing, Gregory thinks, aunt Chica and Dad come back into the living room with a hot ceramic plate of chocolate chip cookies. Theres a couple there with M&M's instead of chocolate chips, and he knows those are for him. Evan takes the ones with milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate.
"My favorite part is when the train is drifting on the ice." Gregory tells Evan when they get further in the movie. "That guys like. The best conductor in the world."
"I would throw up." Evan says, shivering at the mere thought. Gregory always thought the scene of the train plummeting down the steep tracks like a roller coaster would be fun, but even he knows that'd be too much for him. He's fainted on roller coasters before.
"My favorite part is when they sing to Billy." Evan says, biting into his cookie. "I think it's kind of them."
Gregory nods, thinking it's a good favorite part to have.
They finish the movie, and by the time they do, the sky is already dark outside. The streetlights make the snow shimmer and glow through the blinds. Gregory cant wait to see what it looks like under the moon.
The warm cookies and fatigue from the exciting day are enough to have their eyes fluttering as soon as the credits roll. Despite it all, though, he still finds it in him to be excited over his first night with his new dog.
Evan takes the air mattress this time. After brushing their teeth (Evan got a toothbrush in his stocking. One to keep just here only for him), they head to bed, and Gregorys almost out like a light instantly.
Hes awake for a little longer though. Just enough to acknowledge how Fozzie chose to sleep with Evan that night on the air mattress curled up behind Evan's knees.
Gregory's not jealous, mad, or sad. He really isnt. He's just content. Gregory'll have plenty of time for Fozzie to sleep with him. He's going to be at his house. But for now, Evan gets the honor of being chosen by Fozzie for his first night home, and along with his name, Gregory thinks Evan deserves it.
ao3 link
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slut4prongs · 1 year
Could you please write a part two with a happy ending to Sirius Blacks first fight? I’m a happy ending girl too and it’s killing me that it ends like that! 😂
sirius black x reader
part 2 to this
very willing to finish this as a happy ending
Its been two weeks since your fight with Sirius. Actually its been two weeks since you last even saw him seeing as two days after the fight everyone was heading home for the holidays.
And now, as you stand in your fire place on new years eve, preparing to use the floo network to get to the Potters for a party, you are panicking.
Two weeks. Two weeks away from Sirius was all it took for you to realize you didn’t want to be away from him, but what he did was wrong, and he never apologized.
So you were panicking, scared that the second you saw his stupid, perfect, flawless face, you’d be apologizing, retracting your previous argument, even when you still stand by what you said.
So with one last deep breath, you throw down the floo powder and speak ‘Potter’s Manor’
Moments after you appear in the Potter boys fireplace, you are pulled from it by an already tipsy James.
“Y/n, you’re here!”
Accepting the uncoordinated hug he’s giving you, you laugh softly at him.
“Yes James, how-”
You’re quickly cut off by a familiar voice,
“Oi, Prongs, who are you over here harassing now”
James quickly, or as quickly as he can with his current state, releases you from his arms and looks at the source of the voice behind you.
You turn to face Sirius, mentally preparing yourself, yet again, to see his stupid flawless face.
Only this time, you’re not greeted by a flawless face. No, there’s actually a flaw, one big one. A big black eye.
Of course you know of Sirius’ home life, but never had you seen him with a bruise like this. His parents always seemed to make sure the abuse the enacted was hidden away.
Apparently you had been staring, mouth slightly agape, at Sirius’ eye for long enough for James to have wandered away, and for Sirius to feel the need to regain your attention.
“Hello? Y/n?”
Blinking harshly a few times to pull yourself out of your trance.
“Hm? Sorry, Hi, Sirius.”
Sirius can’t stop the small smile that forms on his face hearing his name coming from your lips.
“How was your christmas?” He questions you, pulling you even further from the trance your still kind of in.
“It was nice, missed my family. How was yours?”
You felt silly asking him that, obviously it couldn’t have been good. Unless the only thing on his christmas list was a bruised eye.
Sirius’ answer abruptly ripped you out of your thoughts. “It was really good actually,” he pause and smiled softly, not his usual smirk, but a genuine smile that looked like he couldn’t help but do it.
“Spent it here, with the Potters.” He continued, which made your lips part in shock for the second time this evening.
“Yeah, I’m, uh, actually living here now. But, um, would you mind going upstairs to talk, I have a lot I need to tell you.”
“Oh, yeah, sure-” You start before getting interrupted yet again, this time by Marlene grabbing your arm.
“Y/n! You’re here! C’mon we need to get you a drink.”
With that she pulls you away from Sirius and towards the table that has a spread of various liquids on it.
A few hours pass, only around 20 minutes left until midnight, and you’ve still yet to stumble upon Sirius again.
That is until you are stepping out of the bathroom and straight into a hard surface, Sirius’ chest. His arms speedily wrap around your waist, much to fast for someone who was drunk, which leads you to believe he hadn’t drunk which is very unlike him.
He keeps his hands on your waist when he looks down at you, “You okay?”
“Mhm, Sorry Siri” Immediately after the words left your mouth you’re mentally berating yourself for it, the stupid nickname just slipped out.
Sirius doesn’t seem to notice or at least if he did he didn’t show it.
He removes his arms from your body and takes a small step back to give you your personal space.
“Could we maybe talk now? My rooms right there,” He is picking at the skin around his nails as he talks, a nervous habit of his you could recognize anywhere.
You can’t stop yourself from reaching out with your own hand to take one of his, as to stop his picking.
“Sure, Sirius” You give him the warmest smile you can muster up, but you’re 99% sure it was more a nervous smile than anything.
He doesn’t release your hand but instead uses it to guide you a few feet down the hall into his bedroom.
Scanning the room while Sirius shuts the door, you notice that his room is lacking in anything very personal, that is barring 3 things.
The first being a drawing of his star and his brothers that they drew together as kids taped to the wall, the next being a small stuffed lion you had given him in second year when he was upset that Regulus was sorted into a different house.
And the final thing being a set of photos from a muggle photo booth taped up on the wall next to the drawing, they are of the two of you on your third date when you snuck out of school to show Sirius a muggle carnival.
Sirius steps around you to take a seat on the end of his bed and pats the spot next to him for you to sit.
The moment you sit down next to him, he quickly turns to look at you and speak.
“I just wanted to tell you how sorry i am, for everything.”
“Sirius, I-”
“Y/n, please just let me say this,”
You stay silent, and nod to let him know to continue.
“You don’t have to forgive me, but I just felt like you deserve an explanation. I have no idea why I let that girl flirt with me, and I especially don’t know why I did it back. It isn’t fun, I don’t enjoy flirting with anyone but you. No one else scrunches up their nose and blushes when I compliment them like you do. No one else’s entire face turns red and hides in my neck when I kiss their head, not that I’m kissing anyone else’s head, by the way.”
You giggle softly at the was he rushes out the last part and he smiles.
“And that, no one else has a laugh that makes me want to do as many stupid things as I can just to hear it, no matter the consequence. I think I flirted back with her because I was scared, that if i wasn’t the same flirty, confident, ‘I don’t care about anything’ person, no one would like me anymore. But I realized, I really don’t care if they like me, I just want you to like me.”
You let out a shaky breath before speaking, “Sirius,”
“Hold on, I’ve still got more.”
That makes you burst out into a fit of giggles for a minute until you can calm yourself down.
“Okay, okay, continue.”
He’s grinning at you ear to ear when you look back at him when you speak.
“Thank you,” He chuckles
“I’m also sorry that I don’t know how to love you the way you deserve. I know that you deserve better than me, and I planned to leave you alone so you could find that. But after my parents beat the shit out of me a week ago and I had a few minutes to grab some of my stuff and run, the first thing I grabbed were our pictures. I know its selfish, but I love you so much that i can’t help but be selfish when it comes to you, I don’t want you to go find someone else who can love you better, I want you to help me learn how to love you right.”
When he finishes there are tears building up in your eyes, threatening to fall down your cheeks.
A small “Sirius..” is all you manage before the tears to fall and you wrap your arms around his waist and burying your head into his chest.
“Oh, darling, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He murmurs softly into your ear as he begins to run one of his hands up and down your back, soothingly, and the other through your hair.
“How can you say things like that and not expect me to cry?” You say through sobs, squeezing your arms around him tighter.
“Oh sweetheart,” Is all his says as he continues the movements with his hands until you calm down and pull back from his arms.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped on you like that.”
“Please don’t be sorry, all I’ve wanted since I ran away was to hug you.”
That makes you frown a little before you reach out and grab his hand.
“Sirius, I forgive you, and I miss you so so much, I was to harsh when I told you that you weren’t good at loving people. Its not your fault your parents are pricks,”
Sirius laughs fully at that, and squeezes your hand tighter.
“I shouldn’t have handled that situation the way I did. I was acting purely out of jealousy and wasn’t being rational. I’m not saying what you did was okay, but I understand why you did it, and I believe you when you say you won’t again.”
Sirius’ faces grows into a bigger smile the more you speak.
“So what does this mean?” He questions excitedly.
“It means that I want you to be selfish, I want to teach you what it feels to really love, and I especially want to be your girlfriend again.”
Sirius jumps to his feet and pulls you up with him and into his arms to hug you.
“Oh thank Merlin, I think I would have died without you.”
You smile against his neck from the position he has you stuck in.
“There’s my drama queen, oh how I missed you.” You tease and he pulls away from the hug slightly.
“Oh, you-” He starts but cuts himself off when the sound of everyone down stairs counting down from 10 can be heard.
He looks down at you and smiles.
He leans closer to your face, and moves one of his hands to push a lock of hair behind your ear and rests it on you cheek.
You stand up on your toes so that your lips brush lightly against one another’s.
“Happy new years, my love.” Sirius whispers against your lips.
“Happy new years, Siri.” You respond before standing up a little taller to fully press your lips together into a deep passionate kiss.
You break away a few moments later, foreheads resting against one another, heavy breathing matched up, and the yelling cheers of your friends celebrating down stairs.
“I love you, Sirius.”
“I love you, Y/n.”
Theres a sudden crash and the sound of breaking glass down stairs along with someone yelling “James!” that breaks you both out of your lovesick trance.
You both groan, and separate from each other except for your hands which are still clasped together.
You head out into the hall before you speak again.
“Oh and we need to circle back to your parents beating the shit out of you,”
“Shit, I thought I distracted you enough that you’d forget about that.”
“Sirius. What?!”
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Holly Jolly Christmas
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Summary: Christmas Eve and Christmas morning fun with Joe. The last days of your week in Cincinnati with your boyfriend before you go back to Athens.
(Part one to - Part 2)
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Everlasting Love
December 24, 2023
The love and warmth flowing through the house were off the charts tonight.
It was Joe and I’s first Christmas Eve that we would spend together.
Last year, we had only been dating for five days when Christmas rolled around.
My parents weren't exactly fond of me spending the night, two hours away, with my twenty-six-year-old boyfriend as a nineteen-year-old either. Especially, since I'd be missing Christmas with them.
I still don't know how I convinced them to let me have Christmas with Joe this year, but I won't question it.
Tomorrow morning after exchanging gifts with Joe, he'd be driving me back to Athens.
Though I was glad it wouldn't be two months till the next time I saw him, I'd prefer not to even go a week without seeing Joe, but you can't always get what you want.
I'll savor the time with him as much as I can though, and I know Joe’s doing the same.
The sun had just gone down, and Joe had just put some wood into the living room fireplace.
Now, the Christmas Eve festivities begin.
Joe said he had a cookie craving, but after dating the man for a year I knew he was not a baker.
“Can I help?” - Joe
He had just walked into the kitchen from the living room, to find me opening the box of cookies he requested.
“Joe, honey, you sure?” - you laughed
“What does that mean?” - Joe
“You aren't exactly a baker, baby.” - you
Joe made his way behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his chin on my shoulder.
“You’re always telling me to try new things. I can start right now.” - Joe
“Why do you want to? I thought you'd avoid helping me like the plague.” - you
His arms squeezed me tighter as he explained himself.
“I just wanna be with you right now, as much as I can, to savor our time together while you're with me.” - Joe
“You’re willing to bake just to spend time with me?” - you giggled
“Baby, I'm willing to fuckin’ skydive.” - Joe
I put the box back on the counter and turned around in Joe’s arms. Looking up into those eyes, I felt my chest tighten up.
Like it was so overwhelmed with love it hurt.
“I love you, Joe.” - you
“I love you too, y/n.” - Joe grinned
He craned his neck to kiss me, so I raised to my tiptoes to meet his perfect lips.
After a minute of kisses, I pulled away to start baking.
I was making classic sugar cookies but putting Hershey's Kisses on top.
“So, first, we have to put the dry ingredients in a bowl.” - you
Joe grabbed one of the bowls I had set out and quickly placed it in front of me, the small act making me giggle.
After getting the all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into the bowl, I handed Joe a whisk.
I felt like a mom letting her young son help her make cookies, and that thought resurfaced when Joe flung a bunch of the mixture out of the bowl.
“Shit.” - Joe deadpanned
“It’s okay, baby. The dry ingredients are hard to mix.” - you
After taking the whisk from Joe’s hand, he stepped to the side to let me finish his job.
Once that was done, it was time to move on to the next step.
“This might be easier… wanna use a hand mixer, Joey?” - you
“Sure.” - Joe
I plugged it in and handed it off to Joe, who was looking slightly intimidated.
“I’ll put everything in there, you just mix it, okay?” - you
Joe nodded his head, and I put the butter and granulated sugar into another bowl.
He looked adorable, waiting for me to tell him to start.
I gave him a nod and Joe slowly started to mix the contents up.
“How do I know when to stop?” - Joe
“When it's fluffy.” - you
Joe was doing great, but at one point, I was buckled over laughing at the sound of the beaters hitting the side of the bowl repeatedly when Joe lost control of the mixer.
“Don't laugh at me!” - Joe
A second after he said that, it happened again. I couldn't help but laugh, and this time Joe was laughing with me.
I moved behind him and laid my head on his shoulder blade when he turned the mixer off, and the content sigh that escaped his lips told me he liked the contact.
“Baby…” - Joe
“Mhm?” - you
“I've never felt as happy with someone as I am with you.” - Joe
“Feelings mutual, Joey. I love you.” - you
“I love you too. I just wish things weren't so hard.” - Joe
“Me too. Soon though, I promise, I'll be with you every day.” - you
“Can’t wait.” - Joe leaned into your touch
I contently stood behind my boyfriend, relishing in his touch, when seemingly out of nowhere, he remembered the task at hand.
“Wait, baby, what's next?” - Joe
“Oh shit, the cookies. Uhm, we have to put eggs and vanilla extract in what you just whipped up. Then add the dry ingredients.” - you
Joe grabbed the bottle of vanilla extract, thinking it would be simple enough for him to do without messing up.
So he thought.
When he went to open the glass bottle, his hand slipped, and he dropped the bottle onto the counter. It broke, and the extract went all over his pink sweatshirt.
My reflexes quickly grabbed the rest of the bottle before the rest could spill out, the lid was the only part that shattered. I thought everything was okay, but that was until Joe spoke up.
“Are you shitting me! Why can't I fucking do anything right!” - Joe
“Joe, baby, calm down. Did you get glass on you?” - you
“No…” - Joe mumbled
He looked down at his sweatshirt and let out a loud, annoyed groan.
It was stained for sure, and sadly, it was my favorite one of his sweatshirts. The bright pink Nike top always looked so good on him, and I loved stealing it.
“Just take it off, I'll get the stains out.” - you
“You just want me to take my shirt off…” - Joe
Deciding to play along with his pouty statement, I put my hands on Joe’s shoulders and bit my lower lip as I looked straight into his eyes.
“So what if I do? Are you gonna take it off for me?” - you
“Yes… ma’am.” - Joe stuttered
“Atta boy.” - you backed away and Joe pulled his sweatshirt over his head
After he pulled the sweatshirt over his head, he handed it to me. I put it on the chair to tackle later, and when I turned back around I couldn't stop myself from admiring my boyfriend.
Joe was toned, not too much, the perfect amount. His chest was my biggest obsession, and those veiny arms… god, he was a work of art.
My gaze trailed down his flat stomach, where the slight blonde happy trail ran from his belly button and down.
Knowing what it led to.
Knowing how good he made me feel with what that little patch of hair led to.
It made me hot all over.
“y/n, the cookies…” - Joe
“Oh- yeh!” - you snatched your eyes away from Joe’s body
I hurriedly busied myself with mixing the vanilla into the mixture before turning back to Joe.
“You wanna crack an egg? I know you can do that because you make eggs for breakfast all of the time.” - you
Joe felt a flutter in his stomach. He loved how much I was trying to make him feel useful.
“Sure.” - Joe smiled
He executed the step with no problem, and now that the combination of everything was mixed, it was time to add the dry ingredients.
When I grabbed the bowl containing it, I heard Joe grimace beside me.
“I have beef with those dry ingredients.” - Joe
I looked up at him just in time to see his stank face as he stared down the bowl. His look made me let out a snort, and he laughed with me.
Soon, they were mixed into the wet mixture, and Joe was pleased to see that it was turning into sugar cookie dough.
Joe helped me scoop the dough into balls on the cookie sheet.
I slid them into the oven and set the timer from the recipe.
“Thank you for helping me, baby.” - you
He wrapped his arms around me and placed a huge kiss on my lips.
“I didn't do much helping, more messing things up.” - Joe chuckled
“It’s okay. I had fun with you nonetheless.” - you
“Good, I'm glad.” - Joe grinned
A few seconds of silence went by till I spoke up.
“While we're waiting, what else do you want to do?” - you
“Uh, we can… decorate the gingerbread houses I bought.” - Joe
“Ooo, yeah!” - you
A few minutes later, Joe and I sat at the bar with our separate gingerbread house kits opened and spread out.
“Have you done this before? You act like you have a system.” - you
“I’ll have you know, I'm actually a reigning gingerbread house decorating champion.” - Joe
“Where? Within the team?” - you laughed
“My family Christmas. I've been winning it since LSU.” - Joe
“Oh really?” - you grinned at him
“Yup. If you're lucky I'll teach you my ways.” - Joe
“Mmm?” - you
“Joe, how is your’s staying together?!” - you
It was thirty minutes later. The cookies were on the cooling rack, and I was struggling to keep a gingerbread house together.
Looking down at my house, which had a caved-in roof with two walls, I muttered something under my breath.
Struggling might be an understatement.
“What was that?” - Joe
“Nothing.” - you sighed
My gaze shifted over to Joe’s perfectly intact gingerbread house. The roof had M&M’s in the colors black and white, alternating in a pattern.
He was already done with the structure, so now he was just adding random stuff onto it. Including using green icing to make grass on the plastic base.
“Baby.” - you whined
Joe tilted his head to look at me, wanting to know why there was a slight annoyance in my tone. I watched his eyes flick down to my pile of icing and gingerbread, and he had to bite the insides of his cheeks to not laugh.
My glare intensified causing him to giggle, but he leaned forward to press his lips to my forehead.
“looks beautiful, baby.” - Joe
“It looks horrible, Joe!” - you
“I was talking about you.” - Joe laughed
I felt my cheeks heat up as he said that, averting my gaze to anywhere but his intense eyes.
“Oh wait, do you want a cookie before we go to bed? It's getting late.” - you
Joe chuckled at my pathetic attempt to shift the mood and subject before answering.
“Please.” - Joe
I got up from my barstool and walked over to the cookie sheet. They were small so I grabbed a napkin and placed two on it, sliding it across the island to Joe.
“Thank you, my love.” - Joe
“You’re welcome.” - you grinned and bit into a cookie yourself
“Our last sleepover…” - Joe sighed
I was already lying in the bed when Joe crawled in beside me.
“For now.” - you smiled
Joe pulled me into his chest with a content sigh and squeezed my waist tight.
My hand lingered over his naked body, having just gotten out of the shower and opted for no undies. When I reached his hip, he grabbed my hand gently and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.
“Can I just hold you tonight?” - Joe
His statement set off butterflies in my stomach. Joe and I had engaged in at least a round a day this entire week, enjoying each other while we could. Hearing him say he just wanted to hold me made me feel so loved, and gosh, was he sweet.
“Of course.” - you
That night, Joe and I held each other so tight.
December 25, 2023
That's the only way I could describe how I felt.
Christmas morning with Joe was amazing, making me look forward to my future with him even more.
I mean, I was sure my future had Joe in it.
He had to be because after he came into my life, I was sure I wouldn't know how to live if he left it.
We had just exchanged gifts and smiles never left our faces.
Currently lying on top of Joe, my face smashed into his chest as he rubbed my back with a big hand, I could never feel more content than this.
Christmas music played softly on the TV, and at the same time, we looked at my bags by the front door.
“I love you.” - you both whispered at the same time
Joe and I laughed softly, his hand on my back trailing to cup my head.
“I love you too.” - you both whispered again
“So… when is the next time I'll see you?” - Joe
Joe and I stood on my front porch. It was around three in the afternoon now and my family was getting Christmas dinner ready inside.
My bags sat next to us, our arms around each other, holding one another as close as possible.
“When I get my schedule, I’ll tell you every single day that is free to come to Cincinnati. Anytime you're here to see your parents, if you can… stop by, okay?” - you
“I will. I'm not going two months without you ever again.” - Joe
Just then, one of my cousins came out onto the porch telling me to come inside because dinner was being served.
“Just a minute.” - you
They nodded and turned back into the house.
“I love you so much. Remember that okay? Even when I'm not there in person to tell you, just know I love you with my whole heart.” - Joe
“I love you too.” - you
I felt tears well up in my eyes and then spill over onto my cheeks. Joe quickly kissed them away.
“None of that, okay? It's not goodbye forever, just a temporary one.” - Joe
“Okay. Okay, yeah. I'm gonna see you again. This isn't goodbye forever.” - you reassured yourself
“That’s my girl. Uhm, I think they're gonna shoot me if I keep you up any longer so…” - Joe
“Bye, Joey.” - you buried your head into his neck
“Bye, baby.” - Joe
I leaned in and pressed a long kiss on his lips, never wanting to break away, but knowing I had to.
Joe stepped away from me and took a few steps back.
“You go ahead. I'll feel better if I see you walk in safely.” - Joe
I walked away slowly and turned towards the door, reaching for the doorknob and opening it before turning around to look at Joe one last time.
He gave me a sad smile and it gave me enough reassurance to walk into the house and shut the door behind me.
Everyone in the living room stopped and looked at me.
My mom's eyes flicked from my sad face to Joe’s through the window.
I watched him look at the door and then down at his feet before slowly walking back to his car.
Before he could reach for the handle he felt something cold hit his nose. Joe looked into the sky and saw that it was snowing. It was a white Christmas.
Joe smiled to himself and flinched at the sound of a door being slammed.
He looked around before his eyes landed on me. I was standing on the roofed porch as I watched the snow fall from the sky.
“It’s snowing!” - you
Joe stood there and admired me; his girl, the woman he was in love with, the one he thinks is his forever.
Slowly, I walked off the porch and over to Joe, who was leaning against his Porsche with a wide grin on his face.
The snow collected in his blonde hair, and as I admired him, he pressed his soft lips onto mine.
When we pulled away, all we could do was look into each other’s eyes… and just smile.
“Merry Christmas, Joe.” - you
“Merry Christmas, y/n.” - Joe
Authors note: RAHHH. This was one of my favs.
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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jinkoh · 9 months
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woozi x gn!reader
summary: woozi is spending new year's eve without you, but it's fine though. he's fine (he's not)
tags: song fic, exes to ?, hopeful ending, new years eve, SFW
word count: 657
a/n: there's just something about woozi during habit performances (specifically the "anijyo" part) that feels so heart wrenching i had to drabble about it. either way, happy new year everyone~
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Working on New Year’s Eve was fine. Of course the guys had tried to drag him along to their party but Woozi didn’t care about celebrating the new year all that much and it seemed way more sensible to spend the evening in his studio, working on songs he’d been struggling to finish. He wasn’t the type to be sentimental about the year ending. Tomorrow would just be another day, new year or not didn’t really matter. What also didn’t matter was that he was all alone while you most likely were laughing with friends. He’d seen the pictures from christmas that you’d posted on instagram, your face gleaming with happiness, and he was sure you were just as happy now.  That was good, of course. Woozi didn’t want you to have a hard time, because he was okay too. His studio didn’t feel lonely without you lounging on the couch. He also wasn't exactly by himself—instead of you, he was accompanied by a soft tiger plush that Hoshi had left with him because he couldn’t bear the thought of Woozi being alone in his studio during holiday season, and that was company enough. It was all good, really, and he was ready to forget the two of you had ever been a thing.
And yet, for the past weeks he would sometimes call out your name to ask for your opinion on something, just to be met with the deafening silence of an empty room. It was the same now, his voice a little hoarse from not having spoken for a while as your name left his lips. But of course, there was no response, the tiger plush on his couch meeting his gaze in silence when he turned around in his chair. In moments like this, it seemed wanting to forget about you had to be a lie. Why else would he still call for you, if not because he was missing you?
No, that wasn’t it. He shook himself out of it, quickly abandoning those silly thoughts. It didn’t mean anything. Rather it’d become a habit, his traitorous lips calling for you all by themselves the way they’d always done. 
Woozi sighed, trying to focus his attention back on the track he’d been working on. Not that he’d made any progress in the last few hours, his restless mind coming back to you over and over again, in an endless circle of wanting to both remember and forget all about you. 
A quick glance to the corner of his computer screen told him it was almost midnight now, just a few minutes until the start of the new year. Perhaps he should have taken the invitation to celebrate with the guys after all, surely they were having a blast right now. Surely you were the same, too. 
When the clock hit midnight, he turned around in his chair to face the window, just in time to watch as the fireworks started and lit up the sky in colorful sparkles. It was mesmerizing and beautiful and it only made his chest feel heavier. Maybe he could capture this feeling in a song to mend his heart a little. For now though, he would just watch, comforting himself with the thought that you were watching too, the same bright lights reflecting in your eyes as his. 
Would it be weird to text you? To wish you a happy new year? To ask if you were enjoying the fireworks? To ask if you were thinking of him too, calling his name pointlessly in an empty room?
The sound of his phone vibrating on the desk pulled him out of his thoughts. Like so many times today he sighed, in disbelief of how pathetic he’d become. He grabbed his phone to check his messages. There were some in the groupchat and from other friends, but then he also spotted an unexpected name, making the breath catch in his throat. Perhaps you were just as pathetic as him.
Are you watching the fireworks too?
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m4k4yl4 · 10 months
Christmas Dinner[🔥]
Day 3
Summary: y/n and her boyfriend Felix decide to invite Changbin over for their Christmas dinner, not wanting him to be alone, but after a few drinks, some things slip out..
Content warning: unprotected sex, breeding kink, threesome, double penetration, nicknames(doll, sweets, slut, baby),making out, dirty talking
Skz 25 days to Christmas fics🎄☃️ series
Posted: 11/03/23
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Felix makes his way into the kitchen as soft christmas music plays in their house , coming up behind y/n as she's cleaning greens. "How's it going, baby?" He says while leaving kisses in her naked shoulder that had slipped out her christmas sweater.
"Good. I finished almost everything. I just gotta start the greens, and then I'll be done. Have you texted changbin to make sure he's coming?" He pulls out his phone, "yeah. He said he was on his way soon."
"Great, I should be finished by the time he gets here!" She smiles as she puts the greens into the pot, letting them cook. "You're so amazing. What would I do without you, honey?" She laughs, "probably burn do the house trying to make Christmas dinner."
He fake gasp, "I would not! I'm great at cooking and baking!" She rolls her eyes as she makes her way into the living sitting down, Felix following. "Yeah, tell that to the cookies you tried to make a few days ago." He scoffs, "That was an accident! Salt and sugar look similar, okay?"
"But you didn't taste it beforehand or look at the able I put on the containers?" He laughs, "Okay okay shut up!" The two sit with each other as they quit for their plus one to join.
Y/n pops up from her seat as she hears the doorbell ring, "I'm coming!" She sliding to the door on her christmas socks opening the door seeing the buff men in his ugly christmas sweater, bags in hand.
"Binnie!" She goes in for a hug, "I'm glad you could make to spend Christmas Eve and everything with us!" She guides him into the house, taking his jacket and bags. "And miss free food? I would never"
"Using my compassion to get free food? Can't believe you." He laughs at her reaction, "y'know I would never doll." She didn't like the way that nickname made her feel ignoring it as she put up his jacket carrying the plastic bags.
"What did you bring with you? Thought I said you didn't have to bring anything?" She brings changbin into the kitchen with her opening the bag finding bottles of Soju and three christmas theme shot cups, "thought bring these would male tonight a little more entertaining."
He comes up behind her, reaching to grab the bottles and trapping her in between his arms as her breath hitched, "I'll put them in frigerator, okay?" She just nods as he walks to the frigerator.
Felix comes from downstairs, spotting the two, "changbin! You finally got here." He comes up dapping him up before walking back to y/n kissing her cheek. "Well, are we ready to eat?"
The three sit in the living room after dinner movie playing shot cups on the table with three bottles of Soju, one(almost two) of the bottles empty. Y/n lays Inbetween the two men head on changbin's shoulder and legs on Felix's lap as he massages them.
"You just live this, don't you?" Felix said, laughing a bit, "Hm?" Y/n hummed at him, "it's just you look so comfy like this sweets, using us as a makeshift bed. So cute with binnie." She giggles, digging her head in the crook of changbin's neck.
Changbin's face heats at the feeling of her lips touching his skin. "Aw, look sweets, you got Binnie blushing over there." Felix laughs as changbin looks away from the two. "Shut up.."
Y/n looks up at the man, "Aw, you're so cute changbinnie,can't believe we didn't invite you over for Christmas sooner. Should have you here every day." She giggles, wrapping an arm around him.
"She gets touchy when she's tipsy." Felix comments while watching the two. Changbin's face heats up more at her action. "This shouldn't be happening.." changbin said, looking at Felix.
Felix leans in from behind y/n hand, sliding up her waist. "What shouldn't be happening?" Changbin, let's out a shakey sigh, "This! I mean, yall, are you in a relationship and everything? Don't you find this? I don't know... weird?"
Felix chuckles, "Not really. It's kinda hot seeing my girlfriend like this. Looking like she's already go dumb for my beat friend and she doesn't even have a cock in her..yet." He smiles down at her as thigh squeeze together at his words.
"You see that? She likes us talking about her like she's not here. Ain't that right sweets?" She giggles as answer, sitting up more nodding as she looks to changbin. "Binnie, do you want to join us?..could help you out with your problem.." She looks down at his sweatpants that now feeling tighter with hia bulge.
Changbin lets out a whimper at the feeling of y/n's hand gliding over his cock, "Fuck..y/n.." She smiles, "yes binnie?" He grabs the side of her face making out with her as his tongue slides between her lips as she moans at the sensation.
Felix kisses down her neck, biting it, causing her to whimper into changbin's mouth. He slides his hand down, unbuttoning her pants to slide hand in playing with her clit.
"Felix, don't stop.." She moans separating from changbin's lip. "You're pussy so wet baby, is the thought of me and changbin's cock turning you on this much?"
She nods humping her pussy into his hand as xhangbin lifts her sweater up, "Such pretty tits doll." He leans down playing with her tits pinching her nipples. "Please! Want you, both, please."
Felix laughs, turning to changbin. "Should we give her what she wants, Binnie." Changbin separates from her tits with a pop, "I think this doll deserves it.."
"B-baby! Fuck!" Y/n moans out as she sits on her boyfriend's lap as he penetrates her as her walls clamp down on his cock, "so tight baby, how are you gonna fir the both of us?" His eye flutter shut as he feels her pussy squeeze him.
Changbin sits on his knees in front of the two jerking his cock off as he watches, "so good doll, taking Felix cock so good." He leans over her kissing her forehead as his cock lines up with your filled hole.
"Put it in, please, binnie. Wanna fill full." She begs him, holding onto his shoulder. Changbin slowly slides in right next Felix's cock making you both moan at the sensation.
"God you weren't lying Felix, she's fucking tight." He starts moving slowly as felix follows his lead. Y/n moaned. Each time one of them left, the other went in.
"You love this, don't you doll? Getting fucked dumb on our cock. Want us to fill you up, too? Watch our cum spill out you?"
Tears run down her face as they keep fucking her silly, changbin going back to play with nipples as felix holds her in place. "Goddamn! I'm gonna cum sweets, you're gonna let us come inside? Right?"
Y/n nods whimpers and moans, getting louder each thrust, "Such a sweet girl! Why don't you come for us, yeah?" Felix groans. "Yes, yes yes- cumming!" Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she finally let's go.
"Fuck!" Felix yells as he cums right after. Felix slowly pulls out of her sore hole as changbin still continues to pound into her. "Changbin!" He kisses her, "shh doll, I'm almost there. Just let me use your hole real quick."
She nods letting him fuck Felix's cum back into her hole legs shaking as he lifts them higher. "You're so good to me, doll letting me use you like this." He throws his head back, finally reaching his climax moaning.
"Damn, that was hot.." felix said from the sidelines as he watched the two trying to catch their breath. Felix comes over bottles of water in hand, handing one to both.
"You're so good to me, baby, and you too, binnie. Thank you." She leans in giving a kiss to both. "We should be saying that to you doll letting us fuck you stupid like that. You're such a slut.." Felix laughs, "our slut though right?"
"Of course. Would want to be anyone else's. " She laughs along. "Now let's clean up, please. Home alone is supposed to be coming on TV soon."
The two men laugh, helping her up to head to the bathroom. As fhangbin commented, "This was the best Christmas dinner I've ever been to."
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A/n: I definitely didn't get this out late- totally not😊‼️ ANYWAYS DAY 3
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lumosinlove · 10 months
Christmas Eve Will Find Me
One: Finn
King’s College
London, England
“So, to wrap up…”
It was nearly a half hour too early, but Finn was tired. This class wasn’t clicking with him, not like his 11:00 o’clock. Maybe it was because it was nearly Christmas holidays. Not even a week left. The students were sluggish. They were giddy. They wanted to go home so badly—homemade meals and presents and holiday markets—that it didn’t even occur to them to think anything other than that Professor O’Hara would want to do the same.
Finn didn’t want to go home. Home wasn’t there to go to. Just a building now. Just a room.
“Um.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I know this is the last reading of the semester guys, but let’s at least try to be a little comprehensive. Austen is badass, okay?” They laughed. Somehow, swearing always worked to crack open a class’ shell. And Finn was an expert. “Give the ending what it deserves.”
He looked up when no one said anything. Hands were on bags, poised to go, and it ticked something wrong inside of him. He wanted out, too, but he didn’t know where. “All right. See you on Wednesday for our final class.”
Even before he finished speaking, people were leaping out of their chairs. He’d expect half attendance. Tops. He tried to clean up his desk quickly. Tried not to forget anything here.
You’re always leaving something, mon amour, aren’t you?
“Professor O’Hara?”
Finn looked up. “Oh, hey, Martha.”
Martha. He could always count on Martha. She was a third year, took almost all of his classes. She was smart, if not a little eager and quick to cut her classmates off.
“I just wanted to say that I won’t be here on Wednesday. I have a pretty long way to go, and the flight was cheaper. I hope you don’t think I’m ditching.”
He could almost always count on Martha.
“Nah, of course not.” Finn picked up his books. “Have a good break.”
“Thanks. Um. And this is for you.”
She was holding out a tin. Cookies, probably. Or, biscuits, as they called them here. It was always something with her. Last year, she’d given him a scarf and he really had thought he’d have to sit her down and firmly say that, not only was he her teacher, but he had a husband.
Finn almost laughed. Almost.
Mon Rouge, they all have crushes on you. Don’t even pretend you don’t know that. Hands in his hair, familiar mouth on his cheek. But you always come home to me. All for me?
“Thanks that’s really kind of you.” He dredged up a smile. He took the tin. “Happy holidays.”
“Are you and your husband doing anything special?”
A strange cotton-buzz started up in his ears.
Martha blinked, a little confused, and pointed tentatively at the background on Finn’s phone, which had lit up with an email.
“That’s your husband right? You always mention him—or—sometimes you do. And he came to our class once, remember? Last year. I think he’d just gotten back from a business trip and he surprised you. It was so cute, everyone was talking about it for ages.”
Finn remembered that. Logan had been gone for a month. A month. Remember when he thought a month of spaced out phone-calls from strange numbers was difficult to deal with? Last week, someone had gotten a wrong number at 9:30 at night and Finn had sobbed himself to exhaustion on the kitchen floor. Hope was stubborn, it was so stubborn.
“Yes,” Finn said. “I remember.”
He stared at the phone background. Logan, early in the morning. About a year and a half ago now, Finn had received a ticket to Spain with a little heart drawn on it. It had brought him straight to Logan and the most luxurious hotel he’d ever set eyes on. Private suit. Private pool. A whole week, just the two of them. No sudden phone calls, no pulling the go-bag out from the back of their closet, no apologetic smiles, and no last kisses that Finn knew, despite all of his efforts, would fade eventually.
Logan, early in the morning. On the balcony, softer than the sunrise. Oh, that smile. Finn couldn’t do this. How was he doing this alone?
He needed to start telling people. More than their families, people in his daily life. He had been given a story by the agency and everything. It was the story given to Logan’s family. His parents. His three older sisters. God, Noelle’s voice on the phone, the two of them crying to each other. The one Finn had stumbled through for his brother Alex and his parents. He needed to. Logan Tremblay had died in a freak accident while overseas for work. He’d been killed on impact and had felt no pain. He had died overseas. Finn had seen the body, that was how the story went. Finn had seen it off the plane and he’d correctly identified him.
But there had been no body.
Only silence, which felt just as dead.
“I don’t know.” Martha shrugged. “Beach trip?”
Finn managed to shake his head. “No.” He swallowed. He put his hand against his chest. Logan’s necklace rested there. It was a ritual that he guessed was dead, too. Logan put the fleur-de-lis pendant, silver, around Finn’s neck every time he left. Finn placed it back around Logan’s every time Logan came home. “The usual.” That wasn’t really an answer at all. “Family.”
“Oh, lovely.”
He was planning on going to New York. His brother Alex and his family would be there. His parents. He thought his mom’s sister, too, maybe. What he would do there, he didn’t know. It would all be absences. One after another. Oh God.
“Have a great vacation, Martha,” Finn said. He grabbed his phone, and his notes, not bothering to even put them back in his bag. The tin of cookies. “Don’t worry about next class. You’re ahead anyway.” He didn’t know if that was true.
In his office, Finn shrugged into his jacket. He paused, looking at the green scarf on his office’s coatrack.
Two hands pulling him in.
“I didn’t know you were back,” Finn said against Logan’s mouth.
“No one ever knows where I am.” Logan smiled into their kiss. “That’s kind of the point.”
Finn came to—and it was like that, like waking up from a horrible sleep every time—from the force of catching himself with his palm against his desk. His chest hurt. He should tell someone about this. About losing time like this to memories he knew better than his own present. The tears came like this sometimes, too, unstoppable. He sent a glance towards the the small window in his door, but the blind was shut. He kept it that way now for this exact reason. The first breath heaved out of him and he sucked it right back in, dropping to a knee.
Happy holidays, happy holidays, happy holidays.
It was cold enough to feel like Christmas was coming. Finn hoped he didn’t look too horrible in the evening light as he made his way towards the Underground. His bag felt heavy and his eyes still felt warm from crying. Had it been crying? Part of him wondered—and sometimes he dreamed—that he was reliving Logan’s death somehow. Like if Logan had had to go through something, he needed to go through it, too. Maybe he had drowned. Or suffocated. Killed by someone? An accident? A cover-up, dragged through an backroad, buried in a shallow grave—Finn was about to get pulled under again, hand already against the brick wall, when a voice said his name.
He looked up, the wind brushing his hair off of his forehead. It was snowing, he realized, very lightly, and he had to blink against it to see who had called to him.
He actually didn’t recognize them at first. He supposed that was their job. Shifting shadows. A million different identities at once, depending on what they wanted a target to see. Not that he was a target. Their clothes were unimpressive, nothing to be remembered. No long dark coats, no hats. James didn’t have his glasses on and Sirius’ black hair was ruffling back in the wind. He might remember how handsome they both were, if he was a stranger.
But he wasn’t. Those were Logan’s team members, and Finn wasn’t supposed to know that.
Finn couldn’t look them directly in the eye as he approached. They waited for him.
“What are you doing here?” Finn asked. Logan?Logan?Logan?
James said nothing, but Sirius took something out of his pocket and handed it to Finn.
It was a photograph of Remus Lupin. Remus. Finn had really liked Remus, and so—he looked up at grey eyes—had Sirius.
“This was captured on a bank security camera in Athens,” Sirius said.
That’s where Remus and Logan had been. Accident. Not recovered. No more information. Back road? Shallow grave? Shot in the back of the head? Bruised wrists from tight ropes? Plastic bag struggle—
“What,” Finn began but had to cut off. It was happening—was it? Again. The panic. The sick sadness. The air just…went. Disappeared. Just like Logan. “Does this tell us what happened?”
He couldn’t stand the way Sirius hesitated. He reached out and gripped his arm. He didn’t feel like a ghost like Finn had expected him to.
“Does this tell us how they…” Finn whispered.
James stepped forward, hazel eyes looking so different without his glasses. “It was taken five days ago, Finn.”
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allthingsfangirl101 · 9 months
Underneath The Tree – Joe Keery
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The only thing worse than being alone for Christmas was being alone and sick for Christmas. I pulled the blanket up closer to my chin as Jimmy Fallon introduced his next guest, Joe Keery.
Joe and I have known each other for several years. We met when he was filming Free Guy. I worked in the Starbucks cafe Amazon had on set. It started with Joe stopping by every couple of days. He then started stopping by every morning. This turned into him coming in every morning and before he left every day.
After months of him stopping by, he finally asked me on a date. We dated on the DL because we weren't sure how his director would react to us dating. We've been official ever since Free Guy came out. Six months ago, Joe and I decided to move in together. We thought it would help our relationship since Joe's always gone for work.
I smiled, ignoring the fever as I watched Jimmy interview my man. He was a natural. He answered Jimmy's questions while being respectful and funny. He was perfect. It's no wonder girls all over the world were in love with my boyfriend.
"So, tell me how things are going with Y/N," Jimmy said, shifting the conversation to Joe's personal life. "Still going strong?"
"Of course," Joe chuckled.
Behind his professional actor smile, I could see a slight blush building. He never minded talking about his job, but he was hesitant to talk about me and our relationship. He didn't want to accidentally share too much. The last thing he wanted was to share information about us that made me uncomfortable.
"Come on, Joe," Jimmy teased. "Give us some details. You two have been dating for, what? Two years?"
"About a year and a half," Joe corrected politely.
"And?" Jimmy elongated.
"And things are going great," Joe chuckled. "Y/N is amazing and she makes me incredibly happy."
"That's wonderful," Jimmy cooed. "You two live together, right?"
"Yep," he said shifting in his seat. This conversation tended to make him a little uncomfortable. Some people thought moving in after one year was too soon. We received some backlash when it leaked. Ever since then, Joe's hated interviewers talking about our living situation.
"Once we got to the one-year mark, we decided to move in together," he continued. He quickly added, "I'm gone a lot for work and we would sometimes go weeks without seeing each other. We figured that moving in together would allow us to see each other more."
"Has it?"
"It has," Joe said, relaxing. "I get to see her every day I'm home. She's the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to bed. It's perfect."
"Well," Jimmy chuckled, "it sounds like the two of you are really in love."
"We are," Joe said. My breath got caught in my throat when he looked at the camera and smiled.
I don't know who the musical guest was. I fell asleep after Joe finished his interview. I woke up about an hour later to my phone ringing. Without getting up, I grabbed it off the coffee table and answered it.
"Merry Christmas Eve Eve, Joe."
"Crap," Joe said into the phone.
"Hello to you too," I chuckled as I slowly sat up.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, baby," he sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I said as I slowly sat up. The movement of me sitting up sent me into a coughing attack. I pulled the phone away from my ear and tried to cover it. When I finally calmed down, I put the phone back to my ear.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Joe asked.
"I'm fine," I brushed off.
"I'm so sorry," he sighed.
"What for, baby?"
"For not being there," he sighed again.
"Joe," I tried to interrupt him.
"I should be there," he continued. "I should be there to take care of you. To make you soup. To draw you a hot bath. To get you water when you go into one of your coughing attacks. To hold you as you fall asleep. To take care of you."
"You had to go to New York," I said, making sure to sound as strong as I could. "You had an interview. It was a plus side that you're family is spending Christmas in New York. Besides, you'll be home after the holidays."
"I know, but. . ."
"Please, don't do this, Joe," I sighed, a small cough getting caught in my throat.
"But. . ."
"No," I said firmer. "Joe, you know how much I love you. You haven't seen your family since before we moved in together. They were taking that trip to New York at the same time as your interview. It was perfect. You got the interview done and now you're spending Christmas with your family. And don't forget that we talked about this."
"That was before you got sick," he whispered.
"I'll be fine," I said slowly, mainly because it hurt to breathe, but also to make sure he heard me. "I'll spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day watching classic Christmas movies. You know my tradition of watching White Christmas on Christmas Eve. I can't skip that just because I'm sick."
"I wish you weren't doing that alone," he said, slightly speaking up.
"Well, it's not your fault my dad spends the holidays with his real family," I shrugged.
"Does your dad even know you're sick?" He asked.
"I called him," I sighed. "His wife sent me a care package."
"That was nice of her."
"Yeah," I scoffed. "The only reason she sent it was because she's 'trying' to show I'm a part of their family."
"At least she's trying," he offered.
"It would mean more if it was coming from him," I whispered.
"I know," Joe sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. I should've brought you with me to New York."
"Then your poor family would be stuck taking care of me," I chuckled.
"And they would happily do it," he said instantly. "Even my mom would rather have you here with us instead of alone."
I tried to avoid it, but sighing sent me into another coughing attack. Through my coughing, I could barely hear Joe sighing. For a second, it sounded like he was talking to someone.
"Baby?" He said, his voice coming out clearer. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," my voice horse from coughing.
"Get some water. Do you have some water?" He asked quickly.
"I do," I said, my voice slowly returning. I grabbed the water bottle I had next to me and took a large drink. I stopped drinking when I heard Joe talking to someone, maybe his mother.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," Joe said, sounding a little strange. "My mom just asked how you were feeling."
"Oh," I said softly. I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the sudden guilt. "How's your family?"
"They're good," he said, still sounding strange. "They miss you. I miss you."
"I miss you too, baby." I paused before adding, "You'll be back before New Year's, right?"
"Yes," he said quickly. "My flight is on the 30th."
"Perfect," I said, no longer able to hide how tired I was.
"You should get some sleep," Joe said softly. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Sounds good."
"I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Joe."
* * * * *
After my call with Joe last night, I fell asleep on the couch instead of our bed. I half-woke up when I felt someone gently move some hair out of my face. My eyes started to open but fully shot open when I saw who it was.
"Joe!" I gasped. I would've jumped into his arms if the excitement hadn't sent me into a coughing attack.
"Hello to you, too," he teased. He chuckled when I pouted. "What's with the face, Pout-pout Fish?"
"I want to kiss you," I said sadly. "But I'm sick."
"How about we do something else?"
"Joe," I sighed, laying back into the couch. "If we can't kiss, we definitely can't do that."
"I wasn't talking about that," Joe laughed. "And we don't have to kiss to do it."
"That may be true," I smiled, "but I'm still too weak."
"That's a different issue. One that can't be fixed or avoided," he chuckled. "Anyway, I meant this."
I smiled as Joe carefully crawled over me until he was lying behind me. I closed my eyes as I focused on the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. He reached over and grabbed the remote.
"What are you doing?" I mumbled.
"Putting on White Christmas," he said as he put the remote on the nearest side table. "Duh."
Joe wrapped his arm around my waist and I instantly draped my arm over his. Joe kissed my temple before relaxing behind me.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too, baby. Merry Christmas, Y/N."
"Merry Christmas, Joe."
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thrashyraccoon · 9 months
Patch (Eddie Munson x metalhead!reader)
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Summary: You buy a Christmas present for Eddie.
Warnings: none.
The holidays were approaching and you were wondering what to buy your boyfriend as a gift. You didn't have much time because it was a week until Christmas. Your thoughts landed on Eddie's combat jacket as you remembered how many times he had praised your jacket and the number of patches on it. You're not surprised at all, his jacket was quite "naked" compared to yours, if I could put it that way, because it was decorated only with a few patches on the front and a few pins. There was absolutely nothing on the back. Focusing on this thought, you decided to go to a music store selling vinyl and cassettes in Hawkins. Due to the fact that it was the only music store, there were quite a lot of musical genres, from Michael Jackson to Black Sabbath. At first glance, it didn't look like they sold metal band patches there, but you've bought patches here a few times before. You saw the salesperson hiding them behind the counter because of the various customers milling around the store. You approached the salesperson and asked the classic question about patches. Despite the newer assortment, the selection wasn't too huge, but you finally decided on one large Dio patch from the album "The last of the line". You were lucky because of the larger ones there were only two patches. This one from Dio and the other from Metallica's album "Kill em all". You really liked the other one, but you only had money for a patch for Eddie. When you saw her, you knew this would be it. Eddie loves Dio very much, including this particular album, which the boy calls the best of the band's entire discography (even though it was 1984 and his discography was not large yet). You were already heading towards the entrance when you saw Eddie enter the same store. You packed this patch into your bag so quickly, not even knowing it was possible. When he saw you, he was as surprised and slightly stressed as you were at that moment.
“Hi, baby,” he gives you an awkward smile, “What are you doing here on this oh-so-cold day?”
"Well… I decided to go for a walk, see the… new assortment, but there's nothing interesting, you know," you answer him with a similarly awkward smile as his. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at band practice today?"
"I should, but we finished early today… but I had to… come get a present… for Wayne… you know… I wanted to buy… a vinyl record" you admit that you rarely see someone so awkward, but at this point you wanted to leave as soon as possible.
"Oh yeah? Well then I hope you find something."
"Me too…me too," he replies, looking away.
"You know, I'd like to talk to you more, but I still have to look for gifts for my parents, so you know…"
"I see, it was nice meeting you."
“I love you too,” you smile before giving Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek and walking towards the door. Jeez, you really were terrible at improvising.
A week passed and you were already at Eddie's. You decided to meet Eddie one day after Christmas at his place. Even though you suggested that the boy spend Christmas Eve together, Eddie insisted that he would rather spend the entire Christmas Eve with Wayne. You're not surprised because, after all, it's his closest plus, even though your parents accepted Eddie and already considered him their new son, your extended family, not necessarily. You were currently sitting on your boyfriend's bed with your eyes closed, waiting for him to let you know when you could open them.
"Okay, you can open it." you hear Eddie coming towards you. You open your eyes and see him holding a medium-sized red gift bag. "Happy Christmas".
You smile as you accept the gift. You bend down to give him a gift. "Merry Christmas, darling"
"So," he begins to say, "who unwraps first?"
"Maybe you?"
"No, I'd rather it be you." You start laughing and then say after a while
"Okay, why don't we unpack them together?"
"Actually, that's a good idea." You both start unwrapping your gifts from each other. You take a gift out of the bag and you see a patch, that patch you saw in the store a week ago, which makes you laugh, as does the metalworker sitting next to you.
"I can't believe we thought the same thing."
"I'm impressed too, honey," he says before giving you a kiss, "When I saw this patch, I thought it would be perfect for you. I know how much you love Metallica."
"I also made my choice based on how much you love Dio," you say, and then it dawns on you, "Wait… did you buy it the same day we met at the music store?"
"I guess so," he laughs, "We had good timing, it turns out."
"And you told me you were buying a present for Wayne, didn't you?" you say, feigning outrage, and you inhale dramatically. "Did you lie to me?"
"And you were just there to see the new range?" Eddie clearly gets your game and continues.
"Oh no, you can't avoid the answer, Munson," you laugh, climbing onto the boy's lap, stealing a passionate kiss from him.
"Well, turns out we're both liars, honey." he says, wrapping his arms around your waist, "what do we do with this fact?"
“Well…” you get off his lap, heading towards a nearby chair in his room where his combat jacket is, to which Eddie is slightly confused. "We can sew our new patches onto our jackets right away." You smile, tossing him the jacket.
"You know what?" he says, slightly resigned, but also amused, "Okay, you're in charge here, sweetheard."
I don't know if I'm satisfied with what I created, but this idea was in my head and since I wrote that I would write it, that's what I did. I know the holidays are over, but I can at least wish you a happy new year. As usual, I'm waiting for your opinions on this fanfic.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 10 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader : Christmas Break
Summary: You plan a fun outing for your family. Covers the ‘Sledding’ square of Holiday Bingo.
Warning: None.
Word Count: 2k
* * * * * * * *
The house is quiet, incredibly so. Given the fact that your children are home due to the holiday break, you were expecting quite a bit of noise.
At the beginning of the week, when you came home around noon, you found them having a blast on their day off. You were certain their excited energy of not being in school would last until the very last day of break but now you’re not so sure.
Leaving your home office, you stroll down the hall to the living room where you find your boys, Billy and Tommy, slumped on the couch with bored expressions as some cartoon plays on the TV screen. The scene causes a frown to form on your face, curiosity and the tiniest bit of worry coursing through you. Before bothering them, you go looking for your wife for possible answers.
Wanda, your gorgeous wife and mother of your children, is in the kitchen standing over the stove. She slightly sways to the soft Jazz playing from her phone as she stirs the contents of a pot on the stove.
Unable to fight the smile that forms on your face, you sidle up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist.“ Hi, my love.” You greet her, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.
“Hi, milaya.” Her soft voice flows straight into your ear as she turns her head towards you.“ You finished already?”
You hum,“ not yet but it was oddly quiet so I came to check on things.” Reluctantly parting from her, you move to lean against the counter beside her, arms crossing as you look through the space at the boys.“ Those two have never been that quiet. Everything okay?”
She sighs, lowering the burner, then turning to look at them as well.“ They’re fine, just really, really, bored.”
“Well, with the way they’ve been tearing through this place the past few days, I’m not surprised.” You admit, knowing that within the first three days of their vacation they played every game they could think of.
Wanda nods, mentally agreeing.“ I know but they just look so sad. That’s their favorite show and they’re barely even reacting to it.” Your wife’s insanely soft spot for them bleeds through.“ I offered to make them hot chocolate to lift their spirits. The smell usually has them running over before it’s even done.”
A hefty sigh sounds from you, eyebrow furrow as you take in her words and start thinking.
Christmas Eve is two days away and while you have plenty of fun activities and things planned for then, you hadn’t given much thought to what to do before. You figured they’d be able to keep themselves occupied until you finished up the last bits of the work you had before your time was completely free. Now though, the ever present need to make sure every member of your little family is happy causes your brain to kick into overdrive to find a plan to cure your kids’ boredom.
It’s with a glance outside, seeing the snow fall from the sky and further cover the streets, that inspiration strikes.
“Wanda, I know what we’re gonna do today.” You beam, quoting one of the phrases from the very cartoon on screen.
She rolls her eyes, lightly slapping your arm with the back of her hand.“ What is it, goofy?”
“A surprise.” You stick your tongue out at her.“ Get that hot cocoa into some thermoses, I’ll tell those two to go get ready, and then grab everything else we need.”
Loving the enthusiasm in your eyes and always willing to have some fun with her three favorite people, Wanda nods.“ Will do, mama.” She says a little teasingly.
“Thank you.” You slap a soft, quick kiss on her cheek before heading to the boys.
When you step around the couch into their view, they don’t move a muscle but their eyes follow you as you take a seat on the coffee table in front of them.
“Hi my beautiful boys.” You greet.“ I hear we’re havin a bit of a boredom problem around here.”
It’s Billy who speaks.“ There’s nothing to do.” He practically groans.
“Well, what if I told you I have something really fun we can do,” your words cause them to perk up a little, faces showing their curious excitement,“ it just requires you two putting on your snow gear.”
“Snow gear?” Tommy asks, fully sitting up now.“ What’re we gonna do?”
You smile, eyebrows wiggling playfully.“ Go get ready and you’ll find out.”
Not needing anything more than a mysterious promise of fun, they hop up and run off upstairs to get ready.
Sharing an amused look with your wife, you shake your head and go off to get ready yourself. After having pulled on your boots, coat, hats, and gloves, you dipped out the backdoor to the shed to grab a few things.
With your truck warming up and the things you needed in the back, you slip back inside the house, stomping the snow off your boots on the rug at the door.
“Oh Mrs. Y/ln-Maximoff,” you sing softly, smiling at the beauty that is your wife.“ You also need to go get ready my dear.”
“I will, love. Was just packing a few snacks along with the hot chocolate.” She informs you as she packs a few more things into the lunch bag you usually use for family outings.
When she finishes, you go to grab the lunch bag, smirking as she runs a flirty yet tender hand across your chest. She gives you a wink as she heads up the stairs and you push away the hundreds of thoughts that fill your head with a deep breath, then take the bag out to the car.
Shortly thereafter, your sons come running down the stairs, the swishing of their snowsuits sounding loudly.
“Aye, no running on the stairs. Not safe.” You lightly scold them, making both boys nod as they’ve been reminded of this a few times before.
“So, where are we going, mama?” Billy asks, coming to a halt at your side. He looks up at you with those eyes that are strikingly similar to Wanda’s and you are quick to smile.
Cupping his cheeks in your hand, you lean down and say,“ it’s a surprise,” before planting a kiss on his forehead.
He giggles, wiggling out of your grasp just to send a light and playful punch to your arm.
Immediately going with the flow, you begin play fighting with the boy, his brother jumping into the fray as well.
The scene of you on the floor, both boys laying on top of you, letting out shrieks of giggles as you tickle them, is a warming sight for Wanda. She smiles, pulling her phone out and snapping a few pictures of the three of you. She sends one to the group chat containing your former teammates with the message, ‘Avenger taken down by twin boys’, attached to it. Then she pockets the phone and calls for your attention.
“Boys, your mama can’t take you to your surprise if you never let her up off the floor.” She tells them, which has the 7 year olds scrambling up off you and even assisting you to stand as well.
You chuckle, brushing yourself off and straightening your clothes.“ Thanks for the save, gorgeous.” You wink at Wanda, leaning over to kiss her cheek.
Taking her hand, you shepherd the boys outside and into the truck. You’re all more than happy that the truck is already warmed up, the blasting heat pushing away the chill you felt from the front door to the vehicle.
After everyone’s seat belts are buckled, you turn on your usual playlist for riding with your family, and pull out of the driveway.
Singing along to the songs keeps the boys distracted for about ten minutes, then they shift to repeatedly asking what the surprise is and where you’re going.
Instead of helping you deflect or dodge the heat, Wanda merely watched in amusement, letting out the occasional laugh.
Luckily the drive isn’t long so, in a few more minutes, you’re pulling down a snow covered gravel path and parking off to the side, the bed of your truck facing the destination.
With nothing but trees and a rather large hill in sight, the boys are a little confused. That quickly fades away the second they see the sleds you pull from the bed of the truck.
“Sledding?!” They both exclaim, running closer to take a look.
You know they’d seen kids sledding in movies, having made mention of wanting to do the activity a few times. Before winter last year you’d purchased the sleds but hadn’t had the time to use them until now.
“Yup, sledding.” Turning to them, you pass a smaller plastic sled and a helmet to each of the boys and they happily accept them and take off towards the hill. You turn to Wanda, noting the smile she has just at seeing them happy, and say,“ don’t worry Mrs. Y/ln-Maximoff, they won’t be the only ones having fun.”
When you pull out a larger wooden sled, Wanda can’t help but admire how beautiful it looks. The dark wood shines and the red accents and straps add a nice pop to it.
She takes your hand after you pull it out, tugging as she heads to the mountain with excitement that nearly rivals the twins’.
Atop the hill, you run through some simple safety precautions with the boys(and Wanda) and tell them the fairly simple instructions on how to ride. Everyone gives a confirmation that they understood you completely and in no time you’re all seated on the sleds.
The boys are at your right, giddy beyond belief, while Wanda sits between your legs gripping the red straps with excited anticipation.
“Everybody ready?” You ask.
“Yeah!” They boys and Wanda cheer.
“Alright. 3! 2! 1! GO!”
Pushing off with your hands, all of you slide forward a little slowly, then shoot down the slope of the hill.
Despite the cold wind whipping across your face, you still smile at hearing the happy shouts and giggles from your family.
You all skid to a stop a few feet away from the bottom of the hill.
Dismounting, you check over your family. Smiles are still present, even as their chests heave and their faces redden from the cold.
“Fun?” You ask with two thumbs up.
“Yes!” Wanda exclaims hands landing on your shoulders and slightly shaking you.
“Oh my god that was so cool!” Billy exclaims as Tommy yells,“ we went so fast!” Then they look at you with big brown eyes and ask,“ can we go again?!”
Still matching their energy, Wanda gives you the exact same bright brown eyes.
“Of course we can. Let’s go.” You wave for them to head back up the hill.
You lose count of how many times you all sled down the hill. At some point Tommy even gets a little air which you panic over until you confirm he’s okay. You then have to tell them both not to purposely try to push themselves into the air.
Eventually you and your wife grow tired, so you leave the boys to keep going and head back to the truck.
You prop the sled against the tire before opening the trunk. Spreading a blanket out over the bed of the truck, you nod for Wanda to get up and sit before going to grab the lunch bag from the front and going to join her.
With cups of hot cocoa in hand and the snacks Wanda packed set out, you watch the boys sled with your woman under your arm.
She cuddles into your side, happily sipping from her cup. Unexpectedly, she raises her hand for a high five which you accept.“ Great idea, mama.” She tells you.
“Why thank you, my love.” You respond, placing a kiss on her head, then resting your head against hers.“ They’re gonna be out like a light when they get in the car.”
She snorts.“ I’m not at all opposed to that inevitable future.”
* * * * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @blackxwidowsxwife @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @iliketozoneout @alotofpockets @storiesofsvu
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postwarlevi · 9 months
Happy Christmas/Merry Birthday III
Content: 2.3k words. A second sequel (part I, part II) of dad Levi's birthday and Christmas in one.
A/n: Why do I rush each of these out?! I hope you love it and the idea for Levi's present!
It's warm and cozy in the house. Outside there are piles of newly fallen snow overnight.
You yawn as you wake up and stretch, opening your eyes with a smile. It's the best sleep you've gotten in nights.
"Morning." You hear the mumble of your husband who has been awake waiting for you. He reaches over to hold you in his arm.
"Morning Levi. Merry Birthday." You snuggle into his chest for a few minutes.
In your mind you know you should be up and out of bed already. It's daylight and your little ones must be ready for you.
"Eveything is fine." Levi tells you, knowing your thoughts.
Your ten year old daughter is up, it is Christmas morning after all. She's watching her six month old baby brother in his swingset while having some oatmeal, after helping her father feed the baby.
"Did you sleep okay?" You ask, kissing Levi's cheek and stroking his arm, taking his word for it that all is well.
"I did, love." He leans in to kiss your forehead. He came back to bed just a few minutes before.
Yesterday, an old injury of Levi's acted up quite a bit. He limped around some before you got him into a warm bath.
He felt bad about not being able to help around the house much, and on Christmas eve, but you told him not to worry. He always takes good care of you and your children, you are happy to be there when he needs you.
Plus your daughter is a big help. She adores her baby brother as much as you do and would do anything to assist, especially when she knows her father isn't feeling well.
It put a big smile on her face earlier in the day when she saw he was feeling better today.
"Come on, let's go see our babies." You finally say after a bit of cuddling time.
You and Levi get up and put on our robes and go out to the living room.
Your daughter who just finished her oatmeal comes over to hug you. "Happy Christmas mama."
"Happy Christmas my sweet girl." You kiss her head and hug her.
"Merry birthday daddy." She goes over to hug Levi again and they sit on the couch together as you go see your bright eyed baby boy.
"Hello my little prince!" You light up at seeing him and he makes happy babbling noises at you.
Picking him up you join your family on the couch.
You bounce the baby on your knee while your daughter plays peek-a-boo with him. Levi smiles at the sight and reaches out to stroke your hair.
"I'm so happy you're feeling better." You tell him.
"Thanks to you I am. Thank you." He gives you an adoring look reserved just for you.
You've gotten used to what to do to help him through when his leg pains start in again. Of course you all wish it wouldn't happen, but it's more bearable for him with you there.
After some sweet silent looks pass between you, you turn to your daughter.
"Sorry I'm a bit late today. What do you want to do this morning?"
"Uncle Jean and Connie are coming over to take me sledding later! Can we bake some cookies for them?" She asks, looking between you and Levi.
"Well of course! Come on!" You grin and stand up with the baby.
Levi pulls his swing into the kitchen, a safe distance from any appliances, and you put him back in so you can keep an eye on him while you bake.
Last night the boys called to see if it would be okay to come over. A few hours in the early afternoon wouldn't interrupt family time, and they themselves are considered your extended family.
You'd already started exchanging a few presents Christmas eve, and would finish the rest in the evening, while also dedicating some of the day to Levi for his birthday.
You put on your "world's best cook" apron you unwrapped last night while Levi puts on a chefs hat, both presents from your daughter. She giggles and claps at seeing you wear the things.
"Daddy, it's your birthday, what type of cookies should we make?" She asks him, pulling out pans and spatulas.
"Hmm, those almond cookies we made recently were pretty good." He knows everyone likes those.
"Yes! And we have all the ingredients." You smile and together begin baking.
Soon you're all humming along to holiday music on the radio and laughing. Somehow the baby sleeps through most of it, once in a while giggling along with you.
With everyone helping you're able to make a second type of cookie, and you insist on an apple pie recipe that you found in an old magazine you got at a thrift store.
You see Levi's eyes light up. Apples are his favorite fruit.
"It is your birthday after all." You give him a kiss as you pass by to get more ingredients.
Levi stands back a moment, taking in the scene of his wife and little girl dancing around the kitchen, with his sleeping baby boy being rocked by the swing set in the corner. Somehow he's still the luckiest man alive.
"Daddy! We need another bowl!" Your daughter calls to him, snapping him back with a blind.
"Yes my little reindeer, coming right up." He is glad the pains of yesterday are gone and he is able to participate in the fun.
Just as the new cookies are coming out of the oven there's a knock on the door.
"Yay!" Your daughter tears off the oven mitts and heads to the door.
"Ouch!" Levi grabs a hot apple cookie for himself before anyone else can get to it, burning his fingers slightly, tossing it back and fourth from hand to hand.
"See who it is first!" You yell out to your daughter. "Levi!" You turn to him next, getting a plate for him.
"Sorry. Thanks." He says a little sheepishly.
Your baby boy is up now making a fuss from the commotion.
Levi washes his hands and picks him up while you finish laying out the goodies on the counter, smirking at your husband as he uses his free hand to pop the apple cookie into his mouth.
You go into the living room to find three new faces.
Jean and Connie are laying out presents they brought for everyone as Sasha is hugging your daughter.
"You've grown!" She says to her.
The trio then turn to greet you.
"Hey all." You smile at them, thanking them for the gifts, and let them know before they head out there's cookies in the kitchen.
"Awesome!" Connie cheers and goes over to greet Levi and the baby before going to get some goods.
Jean does the same, but Sasha comes over to tickle the baby a little bit, making him giggle. She has been a great babysitter since your daughter was little.
"Go get some before those bums eat them all" Levi tells her, knowing she really wants some sweets.
She doesn't need to be asked twice and now you're all back in the kitchen eating cookies.
"These are delicious!"
"Thanks for sharing!"
The younger trio may cause a ruckus at times, but really are a big help when you need a bit.
"Come on princess, ready to go sledding?" Jean asks your daughter who lights up.
"Go on, we'll put your brother to bed first then be out." Levi tells her, and she and the guys head out.
"Can I help?" Sasha asks you. She has lots of little siblings and will babysit for you again soon.
"Sure." You thank her and head up to put your little boy down for a nap. Making sure he's comfy you take the baby monitor and go out into the front yard.
You find the instant camera that you got for Christmas last year and take photos of all the fun.
There's sledding and snowman building and a small snowball fight leaving everyone laughing.
"Thanks for coming over guys. What else do you have planned?" You ask as you head back inside after a while.
"We have a few other places to go. But of course we had to stop here!" Sasha says happily.
Before they go everyone asks to see the baby again and you wake him from his nap. He's slept enough that he's not too fussy and is content being passed around for a few minutes.
You open up the gifts from them, both your children getting more spoiled, and a couple things included for you and Levi.
"Here, for you." You give each of them a little something too, and a couple cookies for the road.
You say your goodbyes soon after and are back down to just the members of the household and make something for lunch and put on a movie while eating. You let Levi pick.
"How about we watch a home movie?" He suggests, and you and your daughter think that's a very good idea.
You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddled on the couch, watching scenes of your and Levi's wedding, some of your daughters birthdays, and a trip to a national park.
In between you put your son back down for another quick nap to stay on schedule and finish the rest of the gift giving before dinner.
"Oh! The slippers I wanted!" You laugh at the furry cushioned slippers in bright yellow.
"It was the only color in your size." Levi says, kissing your cheek.
"I love them." You hug him as your daughter opens up a new puzzle.
A few more rounds reveal books for everyone and some homemade accessories your daughter made at school.
One last present has Levi's name on it.
"For your birthday." As is custom, he gets the last gift of the night.
"I don't know what else I could need or that you could give me." He says, taking the thin box.
You turn to him and your daughter sits at his feet.
"It couldn't possibly be…" He trails off, and you laugh and shake your head.
"No, no more upcoming children. That was last years present." Not to say there wouldn't be another one in the future.
Levi unwraps it and looks at it a moment.
"It's not quite as personal as a few others, but it's… well, I hope you like it." You look at your daughter who is grinning. She knows her daddy will love it.
"It's a… comic book." He realizes this but can't seem to grasp it.
The hero, is him. Somehow you have put an animated Levi on the cover of a comic book.
He flips through the pages, that have him having his own superhero identity, fighting crime, saving the day, and coming home to his family. You. You're all in this book. Even your son. Every detail down to Levi's missing fingers from his accident years earlier.
"It's our way of saying, you're our hero. Everyday, sweetheart." You say, brushing his hair back as he quietly flips through it all.
"You're a superhero dad!" You daughter says, laying her head on his knee.
"I'm… I'm your…" He's speechless. It almost would seem like a silly gift, that you would give a teenage boy, not a husband and father of two with an injury that acts up sometimes.
"Thank you." He says quietly, sounding a little emotional.
Levi loves it. He loves that you're all in it. That he can save the day, come to the rescue, and live out his days with his family.
"The suit's a little corny." He jokes, making you and your daughter laugh and hug him.
He puts the book down and hugs you back.
"I'll, I'll need an updated one in a few years." He tells you, voice a little shaky. One for when the kids are a little older.
This is how you really view him. Even though you tell him, for some reason, this finally makes it sink in. He's your hero.
You settle back in and look over the book together. It warms all your hearts. Especially the parts that you're all together.
You don't realize the time until you hear your son babbling on the baby monitor.
You put all the gifts aside and stand up. Hugging Levi you kiss his cheek. "Merry birthday, my love." You head up to get your son.
Your daughter leans on her fathers arm as they walk into the kitchen.
"You really like it, daddy?" She asks him.
"I do. I really do." He kisses her head.
"Daddy, I was thinking. I know right now isn't a good time, cause a baby is a lot of work…" She trails off with her thought.
"They are. What are you thinking of?" Levi asks her.
"Next year, maybe if we both ask, mama will let us have a dog." She looks up at him.
He chuckles and looks down at her.
Yes, babies are a lot of work, so now isn't the right time. His daughter is a smart one. She also has very good ideas.
"That could be something I could get behind." They share a knowing smile, just as you come into the kitchen.
"Ready to eat, my loves?" You ask with your son on your hip, feeling like maybe you missed something, but adoring the moments Levi gets to share with your daughter.
"Yes, let's eat!" They both exclaim, helping around the kitchen.
The plan for next year is put out of their minds. There is a lot of time for that. Tonight, you are all a happy family, another successful Christmas day and birthday. With many more to come.
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devskindawritingblog · 9 months
Okay, I have a couple of Christmas-themed Yellowjackets requests for you! The first one is for Nat. She has a fight with her dad and runs to Reader's house to see them, but because her shitty dad never celebrates she forgets that it's Christmas Eve/day (you decide). She's really embarrassed and she tries to leave again, but Reader invites her in to spend Christmas with their family. Could also have an awkward "meeting the parents" scene before Nat and Reader get to be alone together.
My second request is for our favorite Van! It's Van and Reader's first Christmas together as a couple, and they're exchanging gifts. Van gets Reader a gag gift (ofc) and it's a Vans hoodie (the shoe brand) because it looks like it says "Van's". She originally thought it was funny but gets really shy in the moment, but Reader absolutely adores it and showers her with kisses. Then maybe Van takes Reader to the team Christmas party and they wear it and Van is annoyingly smug about it/grinning and blushing the whole time. (I'm going to have a scene in my TaiVan fic where Tai finds out that Reader's already had this gift from Van, but I think the initial gift-giving would be really cute, especially when she's a teen, and I know you would bring it to life beautifully!)
Sorry for the really long ask, I just got so excited when I saw you were taking more requests! I love your writing and I can't wait to see what you do with these ideas! Thank you for sharing your work!🥰
Thanks for the long request , I really liked the Nat one well and the Van one. So I’m gonna do both.
Unexpected Christmas
Natalie scatorccio x reader
AN: I did my best with the request. I hope I did it justice. I just decided to make a simple family I didn’t want to make it to intricate . Also I know it’s 1996 but I decided to make the parents accepting. It was supposed to be nice and sweet and I didn’t want to make it about homophobia. Because that wasn’t that the request was about .I wanted it to be happy. Natalie’s text is in blue. I fear nat is ooc but I don’t know .
word count : around 1.4k
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Nat didn’t know where she was going; all she knew was that she had to go anywhere else. She had another awful fight with her father. Something about her being ungrateful. She had started to learn to just tune out all his yelling. It got to the point where she couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed her leather jacket and left, bearing the cold weather of Christmas Eve. 
Nat walks through the snow and cold. And she gets an idea. The only place she knows she will be safe is with you. She makes her way to your house, picking up her pace as the temperature cools.
As you and your mom set the table, the faint sound of Christmas music plays in the background. It’s a lovely, peaceful night-your annual Christmas Eve dinner with your parents. Your father is finishing up the food in the kitchen. It's all calm and cheerful.
*Knock Knock*
You and your mother both turn to look at the front door. You place the last plate down and walk over to the front door. You're greeted by a red-flushed Natalie, the snowflakes easy to see littered in her brown hair.
Your eyes widen in surprise, definitely not knowing she would turn up unexpectedly. She clearly walked a while to get to your house.
“Nat? What's wrong?” you say, pulling her into a hug. You know quite a bit about her dad’s issues and start thinking the worst.
“I-Im ok.” she says, her voice breaking as she shivers. “Really, please don’t worry, I’m ok; it’s just my dad being an asshole again.” she says, shooting you a small, reassuring smile. You bring her in, take off her coat, and shut the door, as your parents get curious and make their way over to the front door. You turn around, and your parents are standing in the doorway.
“Um, who's this? I didn’t know we had visitors”Your mother says.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I’m intruding” Nat says as she tries to put her coat back on.
“No, please don’t go, Natty; we're having Christmas Eve dinner; you're welcome to stay. “You say as you tug on her arm, giving her a small smile. You get a little closer and lower your voice. “And I really want to tell them about us tonight and if you were here, it would make it so much better.”
“I didn't know it was Christmas Eve; I’ve never celebrated it before.” Nat says hesitantly, not wanting to intrude.
“ See! Even the more reason to stay’’
“ Fine, I'll stay.” Natalie smiles at you and looks over at your parents before she lets you take her coat.
“Uh, mom and dad, this is Natalie; she's on the soccer team with me;can she stay for dinner?” You ask momentarily, lying to them, to at least get Natalie warm and comfortable in your house before you tell them the truth.
Your parents invite her to stay. They trust you, and Natalie looks like she had been freezing. They don’t want to lock a teenage girl out on Christmas Eve so they let her stay. The warm coziness of your home makes her feel 100 times better than she was twenty minutes ago.
All four of you make your way over to the set dinner table, and you go into the kitchen to get another plate and cutlery for her. All four of you sit down together. You and Natalie are next to one another, and your parents are across from you. The night proceeds well. Natalie is quieter than her usual self, and you almost laugh a little when your mom makes a comment about how Natalie seems like a nice girl and a good influence. She seems like she is having a good time having an actual holiday meal.
After everyone finishes eating, you take Nat's hand underneath the table, giving her a little squeeze to signal her. You sit up and smile at your parents. “Um, I've been wanting to tell you guys about something that I've wanted to say for a while.” Your dad nods non-verbally telling you to keep going. “So I was talking about how I said I’m seeing someone, and I was going to introduce them to you when I'm ready.” Both your parents look back at you, urging you to keep going.
“Well, me and Natalie are dating.” you say, slowly trying to gauge their reactions as you look over at Natalie to check on how she is doing. 
You nervously look back at your parents. “Really? That's lovely.” your mother smiles as she gets up to hug you. You're shocked that your parents don’t mind, but they have always been loving and trusting. Your father comes over as well, hugging you. He goes over to Nat and shakes her hand. You laugh a little at Natalie's face. It's a mix of nervousness and happiness all in one. You can tell she is nervous around your father and how he would react. She has had a complicated relationship with her dad, and seeing your dad being nice makes her feel so much better.
The four of you have a nice little talk. You get the whole "be safe” talk, and finally you drag Natalie up to your room to “show her your room.” You open up the door, pulling Nat in by the hand. You close the door behind you, and Nat wanders around your room, checking out your posters and little trinkets.
“How are you feeling, Natty?” You smile, ruffling her hair, as you lay down on your bed with her.
She smiles back. “Good, I'm glad your parents aren't assholes.” She jokes, but you know deep down she wishes her parents actually cared about her. 
You give her a small kiss on the nose, making her nose scrunch up. You laugh a little and sit up quickly, going over to your closet to grab something. “Close your eyes” you say, grabbing something and holding it behind your back.
“A gift? You know I hate gifts.” Natalie says, closing her eyes, even if she protests.
“Just shut up and let me do something for you.” You say walking over to her and giving her another kiss. “Okay, open your eyes.” you say as you pass her a homemade stocking with her name on it. You smile and sit down next to her. It's hard to know if she likes it or if she thinks it's cheesy because she hasn't said a single word. She just stares at it, taking it all in.
She turns to look at you as tears well up in her eyes. Your eyes widen a little, worried if she is okay or not. “I know my knitting is bad, but I didn't know you'd cry.” You say, hugging her close as you rub her back. She laughs through her tears as a small smile grazes her lips. “It’s not that. It's wonderful. It's the nicest thing I’ve ever gotten. My dad hates Christmas; he never lets us do anything; this is so nice.” She says as her tears start back up again.
Both of you lay there on your bed in a comfortable silence as you run your fingers through her hair. Natalie reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a little bracelet with your name on it.
“So I found my old beads, and I had enough to spell your name.”
“I was going to surprise you with it on our anniversary; I kind of forgot it was in my pocket until I sat down. I know it's small, and you made me a whole stocking, but-” You cut her off by kissing her, and she quickly takes the hint. 
“I love it, Natty; its the best gift I got.”
You both lay in your bed cuddled together, falling asleep to the sound of a Christmas movie playing in the background. It was both of your best Christmas ever.
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Hello I would love to see you writting more with Larisa Weems ,
It's new year and reader is teacher at school,she is sad cause last new year she come out an all family abandoned her. Larisa would comfort her and maybe they could share new years eve kiss ?
New Year
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 731
Warning: abandoning after coming out
A/n: I just wanted to finish this before midnight, at least its not yet midnight were I live. I wish everyone a very happy New Year!! Ly all! <3
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You stood on the small balcony of your classroom. Alone. The students and most of the teachers went home over Christmas break, but you knew you weren't welcome there anymore. Larissa told you that she would stay at Nevermore over the holiday, so you decided to do that as well.
Christmas had been a delight, it was just the two of you under the Christmas tree. She had gifted you her favourite book and the sweetest pullover. You had baked together and cooked the Christmas dinner. You had wished for it to never end but now?
You felt horrible. You hated New Year.
You weren't surprised as Larissa suddenly stood next to you. You two were the only ones in the whole school, where else was she supposed to go?
"I searched for you. I had expected you to come to my room again. What's wrong?"
Larissa probably was the best person you had ever met. Her whole being just radiated love and comfort for whomever might need it. She was kind, patient and supportive of everyone and everything. It was a rule that you could trust her with your heart. She had open ear at all times, and often it happened that students cane to her for help. And maybe right now you should do that too.
"I hate New Year. I used to love it, when I was younger we always used to play games. The whole family, all together. We had fun, cooked together and laughed a lot. It was the only time were we all were together. And last I had the brilliant idea to use this moment to come out to them. To all of them. I thought if I have them all together for it, I just have to rip of a bandage once. You know? But they took it horribly. The hate me and they made it very clear that they didn't want me home anymore. So now they are having fun, just like always while I'm standing in the cold alone. Hated by everyone, just because some stupid god I don't even believe in decided to make me gay." A few stray tears were falling down your tears. You could feel an arm around your waist, gently pulling you into a side hug. You turned to her and hugged her fully. Crying into her coat, leaving a slight mascara stain.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Can I do anything right?" You started crying again, a complete mess at this point. You just had to finally let it all out.
Larissa gently moved your head up to look at her.
"(Y/n), listen to me. You aren't hated by everyone. Your family is just foolish if they let such an amazing person go for a reason so stupid. I don't hate you, your students don't hate you, your friends and colleagues don't hate you, okay? And they won't even if they'll eventually find out that you are gay. This school is a safe place for everyone. And if you want it to be, it can be your home." She dried your tears with her coat and pulled you in another hug.
"I'd like that very much. Thank you." You mumbled into her coat, nearly inaudible.
"I think you are an incredible woman. You are kind, funny, strong, intelligent, beautiful. You have so many amazing qualities and I wouldn't want to spend my New Year with anyone else." You were so incredibly thankful for this woman. You couldn't put it into words. A quick look on the clock told you that it was 11:59. Maybe you could show her with actions. Right before the firework started you stood up on your tiptoes and pulled her in for a kiss.
Startled at first, she didn't move. You already thought you had ruined it all again, but suddenly she put her hands on your waist to steady you and kissed you back. It was your first New Year kiss ever. To be quite exact it was your first kiss ever in general. But you couldn't complain. It was perfect. Larissa pulled back and looked you in the eyes, a little out of breath.
"I hope that was alright, I didn't ask you-" you couldn't finish as she hungrily pulled you back in for another kiss.
Maybe you could love New Year again, if this was going to be a tradition.
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Love and pinball
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Pairings: Eddie x Chrissy x plus!size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Hey there. I know it's been a while. I'm so sorry for not posting as often. I've been going through some stuff and working on a lot of other things. But anywho, I finally finished up this next part. As always thanks for reading. Feedback is greatly appreciated and feel free to comment/ reblog. I'm always open to suggestions. Okay love ya byyyyyeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures used for this fic came from a Google search. A credit to the original posters.
Word count: 5,000+
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, jealousy, sexual situations, alcohol use and not proof read.
Summary: The truth comes out. Leaving Eddie in a world of happiness and confusion.
Part 6: How it's supposed to feel.
Christmas was perfect. Though Eddie felt bad for crashing the party, what it all came down to was being with you. Whether it be hiding in a broom closet, making out in Paul's insanely rich in-laws house. Or in a cowboy bar on New Year's Eve. Which was what you and him were currently walking into.
You somehow convinced him to go and have a few drinks. He was now sitting on a bar stool being led with countless others to a cheers. Lead by who you ask? Well, the damn beautiful girl he came with.
" Alright you crazy fuckers!" You called out and held up a shot of tequila. "Here's to the ladies who save a horse and ride a cowboy."
The crowd who gathered around you whooped and hollered. Shooting back their drinks. You smirked at him and took your shot. When you were finished you moved past a few people to get to him. You grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
" Common cowboy. I wanna dance."
He raised a brow. " I'm anything but a cowboy sweetheart."
You lifted to your toes and gave him a little kiss. " So what you're saying is that I have to find a cowboy to ride tonight?"
He pulled at your hip to make your body flush with his. He then gave your ass a little tap." Don't tease me baby. But…if you want someone to ride. I better be that only someone."
You move so that your noses touched. " Mmm curls. You know that you're the only guy I want. " You nudged his nose with yours before pulling him to the dance floor.
He smirked and adjusted himself. You had definitely made it hard to not think about the warmth between your legs. Especially when your ass was being hugged by the blue jeans you were wearing. He could watch you walk away anytime if it meant he got to see that.
Once on the dance floor to Eddie's surprise the song that started was one he knew. Layla by Derek & The dominos.
He pulled you so that you were swaying your bottom against him. While following the beat, he held you close to him. Towards the end of the song he turned you around and rocked you back and forth. You smiled up at him and he smiled back.
" Do you want another drink?" He asked.
" Yes please."
He leaned in and whispered in your ear. " Don't dance with anyone when I'm gone."
You smirked. " I wouldn't dare…I'll wait by that beam." You pointed in the direction he would find you.
He gave you a kiss and hurried to get back. He was gone for one song and when he turned to head your way, he saw some tall medium build guy with a full on beard tipping his hat to you. While Eddie was pushing through the people, he thought that the guy was passing by. But he actually stopped and was talking to you. Eddie saw you take a step away from the guy. However your efforts to reject the dude didn't seem to faze him.
As Eddie pushed forward he saw the cowboy caress your arm. A burning rage filled him. He suddenly handed off the drinks to some random person so he could get to you quicker. Just a few feet away now he saw you put a hand on the guy's chest and slightly pushed him away. That's when Eddie nearly lost it. But then he saw you laugh and he was confused.
Finally within earshot he heard the guy.
" C'mon kitten. One dance."
" Sorry. But my boyfriend wouldn't like that very much."
The guy chuckled. "Let me show you what a real man can do."
Eddie watched as the guy tucked your hair back.
" Sugar. I can make you cum with just two fingers."
That's it mother fucker!
Eddie was a few steps behind you, ready to charge when he saw you get closer to the guy. Making him stop in his tracks.
" Mmm what an offer. But…my man can do it with just one." You took a half step back. " Isn't that right baby?"
You turned and looked over your shoulder. With a smirk on your face. Eddie then moved next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. Glaring at the douche bag.
The guy stepped back and Eddie looked like if that guy said another word, he was gonna pounce. So you turned to face him, pulling at his chin so you could get his attention.
When he met your eyes he started to calm down.
You smiled up at him. " Common curls. Want to put that thick long finger to use?"
He smirked and chuckled. Grabbing you by the hip. Pulling so that your bodies were pressing against one anothers.
He quickly glanced at the guy letting him know you were his. " I'll give you more than a finger sweetheart."
"Ohhh fuuuuu…y-yeah. y-yes."
Eddie moaned uncontrollably. The way you sucked him off had his eyes rolling back. You had done this thing where you hollow out your cheeks with your hand wrapped around him. Following your mouth, creating this extra type of suction. It was incredible. He had already came once. And to his surprise you did something that Chrissy refused to do. You swallowed.
Still not done with him, you continued. Though he was so damn sensitive, he really couldn't do anything about it besides tell you. That's because his hands were tied to the headboard. Still, his pleas went ignored. Instead you pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes. Next thing he knew he was hard again. And you were doing such a good fucking job. Giving his cock little kisses and stroking him gently. Until he begged you to put it in your mouth. That's when your puppy dog eyes went dark.
You took him in a few times before retreating with a little pop as your lips left his tip.
" Mmmm you want to come again, pretty boy?"
"Sh-sh-shit baby. Please please. I want you. I-I need to feel you."
You gave him a few more strokes before untying him. After you straddled him, you kissed his wrist. Then kissed him. That's when you started rubbing against him. He could feel how soaked your panties were. Making him even harder.
A few minutes went by when he had just about enough as he could take. He rolled you over and moved you so that you were on your stomach. He made quick work of your panties. Tossing the small bundle of fabric into the darkness of the room. While pushing your hair back and kissing your shoulder, he tucked a pillow under your lower belly. Perching your ass exactly right. He then spread your legs and got into position.
Eddie smacked then rubbed his cock on your bottom. Causing you goosebumps. You felt him spread you apart and run his length up and down your cunt. Gathering your slick. And without warning he pushed in. Making you grasp the pillow and cry out.
" That's it. Such a good girl." He cooed.
Once he felt you relax he slowly rolled his hips into your ass.
" Jesus!" He groaned, feeling your slick drip down his heavy balls.
After a few pumps he laid on top of you. Kissing you wherever he could.
" T-to the left Eddie."
He did as he was told. He lifted your left cheek and rammed in. Causing sweet cries from you.
" B-b-baby. Ugh God! So good. Y-you feel so good."
He buried himself in you to the point where he felt your body tremble.
" Eddie! OHHHHH."
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and rested his forehead on your shoulder. Cumming along with you. This time he wished for something. He wished that you would get pregnant so that he could be linked with you forever.
As he laid there holding you after you two showered, he couldn't hold back what was shouting at him.
" I love you."
You looked up at him. Eyes moving back and forth between his. The smile that grew on your lips was beyond beautiful.
" Sucker." You whispered just before kissing him.
Anxiety and disbelief filled Eddie as he sat there not listening to a word Chrissy was saying. He had officially stopped listening when she said she was pregnant. The first thought he had was how this could happen? Then he thought about you. He was so happy 15 minutes ago when he left your house. Now his future with you was snatched from him.
How was he gonna have a baby with a girl he didn't love? How was he going to tell you? This was forsure the end of the relationship.
He was so close to having everything he ever wanted.
"Ed? … Ed?"
He blinked a few times before swallowing the rock in his throat. " H-how far along?"
" Four months."
He tried to go back to when that was. But he couldn't remember. That's when he looked at her. Actually looked at her. She was glowing. And even with her oversized shirt he could make out the smallest bump.
Tears filled his eyes. As much as he wanted to be happy. He just couldn't. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. So without saying another word, he left.
Once he pulled up to your place, he balled his eyes out. He cried for himself and for Chrissy. But he cried most of all for the future he thought he was going to have. A future with you.
He sat there for a while. Trying to put himself together enough to talk to you. But he was failing. That's when you opened the passenger door and climbed in.
" Bud? It's cold in here. You're gonna get sick."
Eddie hadn't even noticed he was shivering. You covered him in a small throw and started pouring him hot chocolate out of a thermos you brought. He then went to turn on the van and put the heat on full blast. You had settled in and sat quietly as he tried to drink what you gave him.
What felt like an eternity later you cleared your throat.
" Eddie, do…do you not want to do this anymore?"
He turned to you and grabbed your hand. " Yes y/n I do. I want us so bad…I just…" he sighed. " I just don't know how we can."
You furrowed your brow. " What does that mean?"
He hung his head and tried so hard to not cry again. After a moment you cupped his chin, lifting it so he could look at you.
"Eddie, whatever it is…you can tell me."
He looked back and forth between your eyes, then nodded.
He recounted what happened before he stopped listening.
He had walked in and called out to Chrissy. But there was no answer. That's when he went to the room and started packing. Planning on staying with Gareth until he could find his own place. After he packed most of his necessities he waited in the living room until Chrissy came home.
She smiled at him. " Hey! You're back. I hope you had a good Christmas and New years."
He got right to the point. " Chris, this relationship is over. It's been over for some time now. And I think you knew it too." He sighed a little before continuing. " I…I'm really sorry for all of this. I honestly didn't mean to fall for her…" he smiled to himself thinking about you. " But I did. I'm in love with her. And I think she loves me too. I just think she's not ready to tell me if you're still in the picture…she uhhh she asked me to be with her. And I want that. I want to be with her…just her."
He looked up and saw tears in Chrissy's eyes. He felt terrible. Still this needed to be done.
" I love her Chris… the way I loved you except…it's more you know." He reached up and wiped her tears aways. " I really am sorry Chris."
Chrissy sniffled and moved his hand away. " Eds, I know. I knew you were falling for her since the carnival…it was apart of the plan."
He was confused. " What plan? What are you talking about?"
Chrissy paused for a second freaking him out even more. " Eds I was gonna end things with you. But I needed to make sure you were gonna be okay. That's why I pushed for you to see someone else. But now I…I don't know."
Anger filled him. " This whole time Chrissy?! You wanted to break up all this time? Is that why you wanted to open up the relationship?" He stood up and faced her. " You should have just ended it! You should have-"
" Eds I'm pregnant."
A ringing filled his ears after hearing that. His stomach fell to his ass and he felt sick. That couldn't be true.
" Sweetheart?"
You weren't looking at him anymore. You were staring at your hand in his. Your silence scared the living shit out of him.
" Sweetheart?" He said again.
" C-congradulations. I uhhh. If you need anything. Just umm let me know yeah?"
Before he could say anything you were out of the van, hurrying up the sidewalk.
He quickly jumped out and chased you.
" Y/n wait."
You stopped as soon as you got on the porch. Making his stop on the bottom step.
" Y/n I'm so sorry. It was an accident."
" Go home Eddie."
He took a step up. " No please. I need to talk to you. We need to figure this out."
You turned around with tears streaming down your face. " There's nothing to figure out. There's no we anymore. There's only you and Chrissy and the baby…so go home. I-I'm sure Chrissy must be going through it right now."
" But y/n-"
" No Eddie. No buts." You took a couple steps forward. Only a few inches away from him.
He sniffled. " I'm s-sorry."
You then reached for his tears while he reached to wipe away yours.
" I... I love you Eddie…but I'm gonna love you from here…Go take care of Chrissy. And try to be happy..." you smiled a little. "You're gonna be a daddy bud."
He hung his head and cried after you left him standing there. And for the first time in his life, he heart was truly broken.
2 months later
Eddie was nothing but a shell of a guy. He was numb. Almost zombie-like. He did what you told him to do. He did the right thing. He stood with Chrissy. But he didn't expect her to need him as much as she did. She was having a rough go of it. Her morning sickness wasn't just in the morning and she was constantly crying. That or she would freak out on him. But no matter what she said or did, he tried to be a good partner. Even though he had been sleeping on the couch since the day you told him to go.
He dreamt of you almost every night. Always waking up crying. Most of the dreams he had were of how happy you two were. But sometimes he would dream of your face from that day. That pain and let down written on your face haunted him. He had never meant to hurt you. Not ever. And definitely not like that.
All he wanted to do was hold you. And tell you how much he still loved you.
There were times when he saw you heading to your shift at Family video. He wanted to say hi and ask how you were. But then he would stop himself from crossing the street. He didn't want to hurt you anymore than he already had.
Which you could say the same thing for yourself. The months were agonizing. Seeing him from afar made your heart ache so much you could barely hold yourself together. But the absolute worst thing about this break up was when Natalie asked for him.
Needless to say. Being without one another was one of the worst pains either of you ever felt.
That's why one night you decided to pick up a short shift at The Hideout on a Tuesday night.
You needed to see him. Needed to hear his voice. You had to talk to him.
Once the stage was all set up. Eddie had a quick meeting with the band.
It has been a while since he played for more than five drunks. So tonight was going to be different. Eddie made the decision to do covers tonight. Normally when the crowd was heavy like tonight, they would play a little bit of Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Metallica. Just a couple of popular songs from each band to draw more people each time Corroded Coffin performed.
The first song up was The Troop. Then immediately after they played For Whom the Bell Tolls.
The audience went nuts for that one. Reminding Eddie why he loved doing this. People from all walks of life, join together by music.
Mid song the lights went down for a split second and he l saw you behind the bar. Banging your head and smiling. God you were as beautiful as the day he first saw you. For a moment he was stunned. But Gareth got his attention back to the song and the spotlight blinded him again.
Eddie couldn't help the grin he had on. Two terrible months, almost three passed by without him seeing that gorgeous smile.
In the split of a second he knew he had to do a certain song. Just for you.
He was perfect. Eddie was as beautiful as ever. And man could he sing and play. It was so crazy that all this time, not once have you seen him like this. He really was amazing.
Another head banger started and you were totally enjoying every second of it. That was until someone asked for water.
You looked up and were surprised to see her.
" Chris- Chrissy? Umm h-hi. Erm yeah. L-let me uhhh." You stuttered.
You quickly grabbed her a glass of ice water and turned back around. Her big pretty eyes felt like daggers.
" Are you okay?" She asked.
You nervously chuckled and gave her the drink. " umm yeah. I ummm I was just surprised to see you here."
You shouldn't be here…It's not safe.
" Yeah. Eds told me not to come. But I wanted to see him…it's been so long since I've seen the guys."
" Well uhh if you need anything. Just holler."
You couldn't get away from her fast enough. Now worried that you wouldn't get your chance to talk to Eddie alone.
As soon as the song was over Eddie immediately gave the guys a heads up on a song change. Gareth shook his head and told him not to.
"Please man. I'm begging you. I need to do this. She loves that song."
Gareth shook his head and flexed his jaw. " Alright! But if she gets hurt. I'm gonna kick your ass."
" Deal!"
Eddie then went back to the mic and smiled.
" I hope everyone is having a good time tonight!"
The crowd whooped.
" Hell yeah! So for this next one we're gonna slow things down a bit."
He counted off and Jeff played the opening to November Rain.
A few moments later Eddie began singing.
"When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same?
Nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain"
The lights lowered a little and Eddie scanned the bar for you. Not taking notice that Chrissy was there.
When his eyes locked with yours nothing was better than that moment. You were smiling and swaying. Singing along with him.
"If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain"
The memory of one summer day flashed before both of your eyes.
You, Eddie and Natalie were grocery shopping. Eddie was following you, pushing the cart. Sneaking handfuls of Honeycomb cereal. Secretly giving some to Natalie.
You had walked away for a second to grab some fruit snacks when he gave Natalie a mouthful.
They were both giggling away until he heard you clear your throat.
He and Natalie both covered their mouths.
You came up to them and crossed your arms. "You both are in big BIG trouble."
There was a second there where Eddie honestly thought he upset you. Then you smiled and held out your hand
" I want some too."
He grinned and instead of handing you some he fed you and Natalie all throughout the store.
Once the groceries were in the trunk ,you tossed Eddie the keys. He had just started driving you home when you gasped a little.
" Dude! This song is never on the radio."
He looked over and saw you turn the volume up. And to his surprise you and Natalie started humming to the song. You had looked over the seat to Natalie and pointed at her.
That's when he heard her soft little voice sing.
" In the cold November Rain."
Eddie looked at you and you had this big beautiful smile mouthing the words with her.
His heart melted seeing and hearing that. Natalie didn't know all the words but it was the most precious thing he had ever heard.
" God I love this song." You said.
" It's a really good one." He agreed.
He then reached over and put a hand on your thigh. Giving it a little squeeze before returning his hand to the wheel.
The song continued and you were happy. For a moment you truly were. However, that moment was taken by Chrissy. Who ran out the bar. Without really thinking you chased after her.
" Chrissy? Hey Chrissy. Are you alright?"
She turned around and was balling. " No! I'm not okay! Okay?"
" What is it? Did someone hurt you? Is it the baby?"
She hung her head and hugged herself. " N-no. I… I just want to go home."
" Okay. Do you think you can drive?" You asked.
She shook her head. " I came by bus. My-my car's in the shop."
You should have called her a cab. But the thought of her alone with a stranger scared you. So you drove her.
When you parked in front of the apartment building you sat quietly. Chrissy was sniffling and wiping her eyes.
" I'm-I'm sorry y/n."
" There's nothing to be sorry about. I get it. The hormones are going haywire."
She laughed a little then shook her head. " It's not just that…I'm really sorry about Eddie."
You sucked in a sharp breath. Why on earth would she be sorry?
" Chrissy I-...Eddie was always yours. You just let me borrow him. For a bit. " You hung your head after that. For a little while there, you thought he was yours.
" That's not true. Well maybe it was two years ago. But it hasn't been since he met you. Maybe even before."
You looked at her a bit surprised by that.
" I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to him…actually the worst."
You cleared your throat. " It's none of my business Chris-"
She started crying again. "Yes it is! I knew you were important to him…but tonight I saw how much…you know, he's never looked at me the way he looked at you tonight."
"I'm- sorry."
She softly chuckled. " I know you are. But the thing is…I don't care that he did. I- all I care about is how Jason looks at me…"
Then why did you bring it up if you didn't care?
Chrissy let out a long sigh. " I…I've been in love with Jason for a really long time. And to be honest I only went out with Ed's to make him jealous. But then Eddie really had a way about him…He was easy to talk to. And God he was funny…but no matter how I felt about Ed's, I felt even more for Jason."
Okay this really is none of my business.
You stood quiet and listened to how she had stopped seeing other people. She wanted to be in a committed relationship with Jason but she wanted Eddie to have someone to lean on.
"I…I screwed up…I-I-I broke so many rules with Jason. But the worst one…"
Oh fuck! Don't say it.
" I don't know who the baby's father is…"
All of a sudden you felt like crying too. You felt so bad for her. It was already a lot being pregnant. But to have the weight of not knowing who the father was must have been terrible.
You didn't know what to say so you hugged her while she sobbed.
After a few minutes she let you go.
" I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry."
She nodded. " Now I know why Ed's loves you."
You guys were quiet again. She really had a way about making you feel awkward.
" Chrissy…Honey you have to tell Eddie."
She sniffled and nodded. " I kn-know. I'm just scared."
You reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. " Eddie's a good guy. You don't have to be scared of him. He will appreciate the truth…and if the baby is his, he will be a great dad."
She smiled. " I know he will be…I'm just afraid to admit what I really want."
You thought for a second. " Whatever it is, I'm sure Eddie will understand."
Before she walked away from the car you called after her.
" Chrissy, if you ever need anything. Just call me."
She gave you a small smile and wave before heading in.
Eddie was sitting on the porch when you came home. He stood up and watched you come up the walkway.
" And here I am half expecting you to be here with a radio above your head."
He looked to the side and grinned. " If you want, I can do that."
" Nah. I had enough cliches for one night."
He looked back at you and you looked a little sad. "What's wrong sweetheart?"
You took a deep breath and went to sit down, with him following.
" The band did really great tonight. I especially loved the cover of November Rain." You said shoulder bumping him.
He brushed your hair over your shoulder. " It reminded me of a really great day."
You turned your head towards him. " It was a great day wasn't it? You know I always had trouble telling the difference between Steven Tyler and Axel Rose's voice into you pointing out that Axel's voice was more-"
" Whinny." You both said together. Laughing lightly after.
He smiled and nodded. But then you looked away and his smile faded.
" Chrissy was there tonight…she was uhhh…upset."
His brows pinched together. " Is she okay? Are you okay?"
" Y-yeah. She's fine. Just stressed out…I…I think you should go home. She needs you."
He wanted to say he didn't care. He wanted to say that one of her boyfriends could be there for her. But he knew that was shitty.
" I will. But first I wanted to ask. Why did you come tonight?"
You smiled a little then stared off. " I-I missed you Eddie. I know I shouldn't, but I do. There's so much I want to say but I can't. There are things going on that you need to know."
He reached for your chin and made you look at him. " What happened? What did Chrissy say to you?"
You sighed and closed your eyes. While pulling his hand away you hung your head.
" It's…I…it's me…I'm late."
" Late for what?"
You looked up to see if he was serious…He was. He had no clue what you were talking about.
You kept silent, hoping you wouldn't have to say it again. But when he took too long you scoffed a little.
" C'mon curls. Get there faster."
You stared at each other a little while longer when you saw it click.
There it is.
At first he thought how? Then all he could think of was how excited he was.
" W-what?! R-really?! Oh man. I- fuck!" He said while pulling you into a big hug. Tears of happiness filled his eyes. "Baby I-I-I can't believe it. Do you know how happy I am?"
He leaned back a little and kissed you.
" Mmmmm. So. Mmmmm. Happy."
A part of you was glad that he was, but the other part was confused by it.
" E-eddie. Wait. Stop for a second."
He leaned back again. " I'm sorry. It's just…you're gonna have my baby."
He went for another kiss but you moved and put a hand on his chest.
" Eddie no. Please just take a second to think about this."
He pulled away and felt like he got punched in the gut. Chrissy.
You gave him a thin lip. " Yeah. Chrissy."
He shook his head and his tears of happiness were now ones of sadness and regret.
" We promised each other that we would always be honest with one another. And this is me keeping to that promise...I don't really know what happened. The first month I didn't think too much about not having a period. It happens sometimes. But then when I didn't get it again. I..well I took a test...it was positive. I confirmed it with my doctor three days ago. Turns out I got pregnant around Christmas...Eddie as much as I miss you and how much I want a family with you. I can't ask-"
"Baby you don't have to ask me for anything. I would give you anything and everything. I love you and-"
You stood up and walked to the door. " You need to go home."
He jumped up. " No! Don't walk away from me again."
" Eddie just listen…There's something Chrissy needs to tell you. And you need to hear it. Tonight."
" I want to be with you y/n."
You went to him and gave him a hug. " I know. But right now, I need you to go home."
With that said you gave him a kiss on the cheek and went inside.
Eddie drove and drove. After the conversation with Chrissy, he felt completely lost. Hours later and two states away he pulled up to a place he thought he would never be at again. But something about seeing it gave him a little bit of comfort.
Once inside, he took a deep breath and headed for a stool. He sat down and picked up the receiver that was hanging off the wall.
" Eddie?"
He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. " Hey Dad."
@marsmunson86 @browneyes528 @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @emsgoodthinkin @eddie-is-a-god @manda-panda-monium
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Different Kind of Love - Part II
Pairing: CEO! MobBoss! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Working for Natasha was never easy and being a low-level assistant for the CEO wasn’t where you thought you’d be after working your hardest for 2 years. After catching you in tears on Christmas Eve, Natasha cold ways start to warm up.
Dark Themes | Language Warning | Stalking | 2.5K | 
Notes: Dylan’s dialog is meant to sound like how a 5-year-old would talk and his nickname is Dyl and not a misspell. 
Different Kind of Love Masterlist
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"Mommy do you have to go back to work?" Dylan pouted as you placed a bowl of cereal in front of him, giving his dark curls a little ruffle. "I do sweetheart, I have to make money so we can go to the zoo over next weekend" you replied, "the zoo?! Where all the big animals are?" His pout turned into a wide smile, "that's right baby, we're going to see lions and bears and elephants" you smiled as you sat beside him at the small round table in the middle of your kitchen with a coffee. "Even monkeys?!" Dylan asked, his mind racing with excitement, "even monkeys little man" you sipped your coffee. "Kate will be here shortly so eat up honey, she's taking you to the park today" you added. 
Dylan didn't need to be told twice before he dug his spoon right into his honey cheerios, milk dripping from his chin. With Dylan not in pre-school yet it was important to have him interacting with other children so most days, Kate would take him down to the park that was only a few blocks from your apartment. There were some regular children that would spend the morning at the park and Dylan was always excited to go play with them and telling you all about it when you got home from work. Once Kate arrived, it was a quick hug and kiss to Dylan and you were out the door already waiting for the moment you could tuck Dylan in for the night. 
"Oh good, you're here" Natasha greeted you as she rushed from the copying room back to her office. "Good morning" you smiled, "I need you in my office in 5 minutes" she replied with her eyes glued to the documents in her hand, "and for gods sake David, I need those reports on my desk before midday!" Natasha snapped as David stood from his desk, "don't look at me like I'm fucking stupid! Midday!" She added before slamming the door of her office shut. You weren't sure what was going on or why Natasha was already so worked up before 10am. 
"Is everything okay Miss Romanova?" You kindly asked as you entered the office, closing the door carefully behind you. "I need to leave town for a few days, it's sudden but turns out you can't get a man to do fucking anything right!" She replied, "I need you to sit in on the Maximoff case. Husband wants custody, Wife wants an agreement, it's all in the file. Don't fuck it up! If the husband gets full custody, Wanda is going to go apeshit" Natasha looked up at you as you listened, slowly nodding as she went on. "Don't bother moving any of my meetings this week, you can sit in on them. Take notes, record them, I don't care. That stack of paper work needs to be signed, scanned and emailed. Make sure David has those fucking documents by midday, if he doesn't, fire him"
"Miss Romanova, I c-can't fire somebody" you kindly cut her off. "I pay him to do a job and he clearly isn't doing it" she raised a brow, "midday or he's fired. I have a plane to catch, I'm trusting you with all of this. Can you handle it?" She grabbed her emergency travel bag before looking deeply into your eyes. You weren't qualified for any of the legal work she asked of you, nor where you in any position to fire somebody. Even though you'd seen a kind side to the redhead, your palms still began to sweat as you nodded lightly, "Of course, Miss Romanova. When will you be back?" You asked. "When I'm back" Natasha replied leaving you in her office alone. 
Your heart skipped a beat when you looked over her calendar for the rest of the week, there was no way you'd be finished by 3:30pm to be home and spend a short amount of time with Dylan before it was bedtime. It left you with no choice but to text the sitter. 
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You wondered where Natasha ran off too on these random trips, what was so important that she had to drop everything at the last minute, leaving you to clean up the mess. Your first meeting was with Miss Maximoff, a quick brief before court. You were more than nervous, you weren't a lawyer and didn't have the first clue on how to fight a case, especially one that involves children. The ringing sound on your phone made you jump slightly, "Hello, Y/n Moore speaking" you answered politely. "Miss Moore, there is a Ms Maximoff here to see Miss Romanova" the receptionist replied in her normal kind tone. "Thank you, I'll pop down in just a moment" you replied before hanging up the phone. 
The elevator doors slid open, and you were greeted with the warm smile of a red head with a brief case in one hand and a takeaway coffee in another. "Ms Maximoff how are you?" you asked with a smile, "Nerves but I have a lot of faith in Miss Romanova" the redhead replied as you led her to the nearest conference room. "Is she running late today?" Wanda asked, placing her brief case on the large table with her coffee next to it. 
"Miss Romanova has had to take a last-minute emergency and has asked me to step in for her today, if that's okay with you" you explained, pulling up a chair. 
"No no no, she's meant to be here. These are my kids we are fighting for!" 
"I understand that, I also have a great understanding of your case against your ex-husband W-"
"I need her here! I don't mean to be rude, but you look extremely young, do you even know what you're doing?" 
You knew you should be honest and tell Wanda that you hadn't the first clue on how to win a case, it wouldn't be fair on Wanda if her husband got full custody of the case simply because you didn't have the skill or knowledge. "I can assure you I will do everything I can to make sure you get custody of your children" you spoke with hope as you looked promisingly into her eyes. 
"When will Natasha be back?" Wanda asked, running her fingers through her hair. 
"At this stage I am unsure but I'm under the impression that she'll be back within the next few days" 
"Next few days?! Are you serious!? She promised me that this was her most important case right now and now you're telling me she's up and left and you have no idea when she's coming back? I cannot believe this!" She spat with frustration. "I understand your frustration. If you would rather wait until she is back I'll be happy to make sure that this case is the only she will do with her return" you offered, deep down hoping she'd take the offer and save you the embarrassment. 
Wanda sighed and shook her head. "Fine, but if this happens again I will be finding a new lawyer!" 
As the rest of the week went on there was still no word of Natasha and the workload just kept piling up. Not only did you have Natasha duties to cover, but you also had your own to cover and also the entire office to keep steady and on top of things. Every afternoon Dylan was dropped off to the office with a backpack of toys and some snacks, you made a spot in your office for him to make himself comfortable as you did as much work as you could before it got too late. 
The weather only got colder with each day and with still no sign of Natasha, the overworking started to take its toll. The flu attacked you hard, a harsh cough, a running nose, a fever and aching body still couldn't stop you completely from doing your job. 2pm on Friday afternoon marking 2 weeks since Natasha left the office in your hands. Dylan was on his way with Kate shortly and your body was shutting down with the need for rest, much needed rest. The sofa in your office was calling your name as you caved and opted for an hour's shut eye before Dylan would arrive. 
"I see the off-"Natasha entered your office to find you fast asleep on the sofa with the trash can almost overflowing with used tissues, "standing" she finished her sentence with a whisper. She walked over to your desk and grabbed your coat from your chair and used it as a blanket to cover you before quietly leaving your office. 
"David" Natasha said, walking over to his desk, "Fill me in, was everything okay in my absence?" She asked. David nodded, "Yes Miss Romanova, Miss Moore was been working off her feet day in, day out since you left. She's been staying here til late. We all told her to go home but she insisted. Her kid has been getting dropped over here every afternoon" he explained.
 "What time do you know?" 
"Usually around 4pm. I know you don't like kids in the office but he's well behaved and stays in Y/n's office" David replied. Natasha looked up at the clock and noticed that Dylan would be here at any moment, she thanked David before making her way down to reception. 
"Nat!" Dylan smiled when his blue eyes made contact with Natasha, "Hey Dylan! How are you buddy?" Nat smiled softly before she noticed the baby sitter, Kate stood behind the young boy with his toy story themed backpack. "Hi I'm Kate Bishop, the sitter. I'm just here to drop Dylan off with Y/n, are they around?" Kate smiled softly as her free hand reached to shake Natasha's hand. 
"Miss Romanova" Natasha gave Kate her iconic nice to meet you smile, "I'll take Dyaln for you. Miss Moore is a bit busy at the moment" she adds. It didn't take Kate long to realise that Natasha was the boss of this place once she heard the last name. "How much does she owe you for today?" Natasha asked. 
"Oh, it's fine I can pick it up Monday when I see Y/n" Kate smiled once again before handing Natasha Dylan's backpack, "Well Dyl, be good for Miss Romanova and I'll see you Monday" she adds. "Bye Kate!" Dylan turns around and hugs his sitter who is more like a best friend to him than an adult who looks after him every day. 
"Is mommy going to be long? She promised we would draw together today" Dylan pouted while holding tightly onto Natasha's right hand as she took him back to her office. "Your mommy doesn't mean to be feeling well so I thought we could let her have a rest, can I draw with you?" She asked, looking down at the little boy. 
"Can you draw well like mommy? She's the best drawer!" 
"I don't know about well but I can draw a pretty cool monster" Nat smiled, closing her office door behind them both. 
"A big one?!"
"However big you want it" 
You woke up to the loud sounds of small giggles coming from the room next door. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, the time read 8pm on your phone. "Dylan?!" you called nervously as you jumped up from the sofa. "Dyl!" you called again when there was no answer, the office was empty as you walked out of your office, the light in Natasha's office caught your attention. 
"Dylan, you're not sup-" you opened the door to see Natasha sitting on the floor with a box of pizza and Dylan using pepperoni as eyes. "You're back" you looked at her, your nose red from the consistent blowing. "Mommy!!" Dylan ran up to you as you scooped him up into your arms, "Hey honey" you kissed his cheek and brushed his curls out of his eyes. 
"He's been great, we've played, we've drawn things and I wasn't sure what he ate so I got pizza, I hope that's okay" Natasha slowly stood to her feet, "you were out like a log when I got back so I thought I'd let you rest" she added. "Dylan can you please wait for mommy in her office?" you placed him back on his feet, confusion filled his eyes as he nodded slowly and made his way to your office. 
"Thank you for watching him, I appreciate it but I can't be picking up after you like that again" you looked at Natasha. "You're mad" she sighed. "I'm annoyed, yes. I have a son, Natasha. I need to be home for him! He is my world, not this job. The next time you have to take off at random, don't bother asking me to take over. You can fire me, I don't care anymore" you huffed. 
"I'm sorry, I honestly thought I wouldn't be more than two days. You did a great job, I can see that. I went over your notes while Dylan was playing this toys, you have the skill to do this" 
"I don't want it! Being here till 10pm with my son every night? No. You promised me better…I'm not trying to sound selfish, but I have to put Dylan first and I need you to respect that"
Natasha nodded with regret seeing how upset and run down you were, "I'll get my driver to take you both home" 
"We'll get an uber, thanks"
"Do you always keep at 5-year-old out past bedtime?" the deep voice made you look up from Dylan's drawing as you both walked the wall of the apartment complex to your apartment. Your heart raced when your eyes connected with his. "Who is that mommy?" Dylan looked up at you with worry, "No-nobody honey" You squeezed his hand tightly, not enough to hurt him. 
"Kane, what are you doing here? How did you find us?" you asked the dark-haired man as he leaned against your apartment door, "I think it's obvious why I'm here, isn't it?" He pushed himself off your door and took a few steps closer to you and Dylan, "I'm here to see my son" 
The words leaving his lips made your heart race faster, your jaw clench and your palms sweat. "He's not your son, Kane" you replied, Kane smirked and shook his head, "you think I can't see the similarities between us? He has my eyes, must hurt looking at him and missing me" he kneeled, "hey there kid, why don't you give daddy a hug?" He spoke to Dylan who shuffled himself behind you, still holding your hand. "Don't talk to him!" You stepped back. 
"Oh, come on, Y/n. Don't be like that, I'm not going to hurt him. I just want to connect with my son"
"Mommy, I'm scared" Dylan started to cry from behind you. 
"Kane, you need to leave! Now. He's not your son, he never will be" you spat. "Mommy!" Dylan sobbed, you turned around and picked him up, holding him tightly against your body. "It's okay baby" you coo'd, pushing by Kane to unlock your door. "Don't worry buddy, daddy will be back, with a lawyer" Jason said before walking away. 
You quickly locked the door behind you, keeping Dylan in your arms as he sobbed in fear. "Shhh, it's okay honey, he's gone" you rubbed his back gently, "how about we watch some cartoons in mommy's bed tonight?"
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Taglist: @marvelogic | @randomnessbecausewhynot | 
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yamst3rdamctrl · 15 days
🎄Merry Smutty Christmas🎄
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Requested by: @bhjszsdxc
Summary: YN, her best friend Ashley, and Michael spend Christmas Eve together so they can celebrate it as friends. YN has feelings for Michael, but he has no clue. Ashley is the only one who knows YN secret; however, Ashley acts like she likes Michael even though she has a boyfriend. Little does either know Michael is madly head over hills for YN.
As the holidays approached, YN, Ashley, and Michael prepped for their Christmas Friend Day, which they planned to eat and bake cookies, drink hot chocolate, and watch movies. Michael and YN started gathering everything that was needed while they waited for Ashley to come. “I hope she don’t bring her crazy ass boyfriend. He be sickening asf.” Michael said, and YN agreed. Michael and YN then reached for the same cookie batter, and YN blushed while Michael looked in her eyes. Michael looked up at the ceiling, pointed, and said, “Mistletoe”. Michael leaned into YN and before he could kiss YN a door opened and in came the loud Ashley screaming, “What’s up bitches! Did I interrupt something?” YN blushed and said, “Oh no girl” and continued to get everything ready.
As YN, Ashley, and Michael sat watching TV, and a love scene came on Michael watched YN shift in her seat. He knew she had not properly been fucked in awhile since her last boyfriend. Michael knew she was feening and he knew that, and he wanted to be the one to break her in. Ashley noticed that Michael was looking at YN in a sexual way, so she decided to expose everybody. Ashley cut the TV off and said, “Since we are friends, I have a confession, Michael, I like you so what’s up?” YN looked shocked and lost for words and felt bad. “Well...” Michael started and then said, “I like YN, and I want her. Ashley, you got a whole man. Girl bye.” YN thought to herself and said oh my God… he likes me. Ashley was upset and decided to put a spin on it, “Well, I want to fuck so let’s go.” Ashley tried to walk up because she wanted Michael. Michael got up and YN felt horrible because she never thought he would try her best friend. Michael then moved straight to YN and tongue kissed her. Ashley acted shocked and then walked away and left the house. Little did Michael and YN know this what apart of Ashley’s plan. She knew that Michael and YN liked each other and the only way that it would work if she played a villain.
Michael took his lips of YN and said, “YN, I really like you and I love being your friend, but I want to be more, and I need to fuck you.” YN looked in shock but then Michael moved further towards YN and kissed her lips before slipping his tongue in her mouth. Michael then grabbed YN by the waist and picked her up while she wrapped her legs around him. Michael was ready to have fun with YN since he knew she could take his 10 inches. Michael then dropped YN on the bed and climbed on top of her and started to kiss all over her. Michael laid on the side of YN and kissed her all on her neck and put his hand in her pants and began to rub on her pearl. YN started to moan and grind on his hand and Michael grew inpatient and ripped her pants of and immediately attached his mouth to YN pussy. He began to suck, lick, and tongue fuck her pussy as much as he could. He had no problem with taking his finger and playing with her pussy with no problem. YN was a moan mess under Michael while he ate her pussy like it was the last meal. Michael was wanting YN for the longest and he finally got her.
YN started to grind on his mouth, and she started shaking. “Nutt all in my mouth baby.” Soon as Michael finished his sentence YN came undone right in his mouth. Michael did his best to drink her water to quench his thirst. “Okay Michael, I’m done cumming move.” YN said to Michael but didn’t care he kept sucking and eating her pussy. Michael then locked YN down by her legs and had her losing it. “Oh my god, Michael I’m cumming again.” Michael allowed YN to cum from another nutt. She did not expect that she would cum that much from head alone. Michael got up and wiped his mouth and looked like a demon had awoken in his eyes. Michael grabbed YN by her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Michael stripped naked and began to stroke his dick coming closer to YN. That is when Michael plunged his dick inside of Yns tight, wet pussy. YN then yelled out in pleasure from feeling him inside of her. Michael moaned as soon as he felt her insides, and he was determined to make her feel it in her guts.
Michael then started to fuck YN harder and harder in missionary. YN could just sit there and take it, and she loved every second of it. YN then felt the knot forming in her stomach and that is when Michael said, “Give me that shit baby.” YN came without a second thought and gave him all her juices. Michael then flipped YN over on her stomach and entered her from the back. He started off so but then gradually started to go faster. Michael then kept going and had YN a moaning mess. He saw how wet YN was and decided to take it up and a bit and took his dick out of her pussy and put it in her asshole. He squeezed his dick inside of her tight asshole and made her moan hard as hell. Michael then started to fuck her ass slow to loosen her up, once he felt she was loosening up he started to fuck her harder. YN started to run from how hard he was fucking her. Michael popped her right ass cheek and said, “Take that dick” in his husky voice. The dick was so powerful she ran so fast his dick came out. YN knew she couldn’t take that much in her ass and had to get him out. Michael then put his dick back in her pussy and fucked her into submission. YN was a moaning mess when he reached around to grab her neck with both hands while getting a good angle and rhythm. Her eyes started to roll in the back of her head and that knot started to form one again. That is when Michael said, “I’m about to cum all inside your pussy.” Before she knew it, she came, and not too long after Michael thrusted so hard and nutted in her pussy while moaning and then he pulled out and collapsed next to YN. He looked at the clock and saw that it was past midnight. “Merry Christmas Baby” Michael said and he and YN cuddled and fell asleep.
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xuchiya · 9 months
 ❇just imagine san grabbing all the essentials for the christmas eve. he was walking around the house while you were preparing for the feast for the said event, chopping, stirring, etc. it was until you felt slightly sick, you rush towards the sink and spent a few minutes puking out whatever content your stomach has in, the small noises did not go unnoticed to san as he frantic walk towards you, pushing your hair back, “is something wrong? do you feel under the weather right now? we can rest for a little bit if you do.” you shook your head gently, washed your lips and gargled, “i’m fine, maybe the food i ate yesterday did not go well with my stomach.” you gave a sense of reassurance yet his face told you twice that he doesn’t believe your word one bit. you sigh, brushing your knuckles on his smooth skin, “you worry too much love, its just a stomachache.” he shakes his head, grabbing your hand, leaning on it before leaving a small kiss on your palm, “i have every right to worry about you, you’re my wife.” you chuckle, your cheeks blooming in red, “okay my loving husband.” sooner, you return back to your respective works and not once did the nauseous feeling fade but you pay no mind as you don’t want to spoil the whole day for whatever reason of your nauseousness. As you finish the dishes, san walks in the kitchen, “love, i’ll take it from here and you should take a shower now.” you smile, walking up to him, a quick peck on the lips, “thank you love.” entering your shared room and starting doing your business. 
time passes and it is close to evening when you suddenly remember the wine that you and san wanted. you check the wine shelf, indeed that both of your favorite wines are not in stock. You quickly change your outfit not until the nauseousness returns once again, you let go of the scarf and rush towards your bathroom and puke things out. when you're recovered, you wash up and sit down on your plush bed, hundreds of thoughts running through your mind but one strike, you suddenly grab the fallen scarf on the floor, purse and keys, you walk downstairs to find san asleep on the couch with home alone playing softly on the television, “love, sannie, i’ll be on the market to buy us the wine. i’ll be back.” he opened his eyes then sat up, “i’ll drive you there.” his voice deep and raspy, you shook your head, a smile on your lips as you ruffle his hair, “no it’s okay and rest up, you need it.” he seemed too sleepy to progress what you said and nodded before you gently pushed him back to sleep. you step out of the house and go to the nearest market, 2 items in mind. your heart was pounding with the thought of a life growing inside your stomach, not in a nervous way because you know deep down san will be a great father and would never turn away from you and the child growing. he is ready to become one, in fact. you, on the other hand, are more than ready to have one or two. you were married for 4 years now and sometime of those years pass, you thought of having one but not being able to voice out your thoughts to san. after picking up all the items you needed, you returned back home not before hiding the kit in your purse. you found san all dress up for christmas eve that the both of you prepare just for yourselves, “oh hey love, here let me help.” he grabs the paper bags and places them on the kitchen island, he returns to your arms, “are you okay? did you feel anything on your way back?” you wanted to tell him you did but it much more on the excitement part. You shake your head, smiling at your husband, placing your arms around his shoulders, “i feel alright throughout the shopping, how’s the power nap?” he chuckles, started swaying you both side to side, “it was okay but …” his voice trailed off making you arch an eyebrow, “but?” he sets another soft laugh, “but i saw you and somehow a small photocopy of you.” your eyes widen in surprise, cheeks flaring not even your heartbeat was safe, “you mean .. a baby?” you were walking on eggshells for a moment, waiting for his answer, he hums, a gentle smile on his lips, “yeah … a baby.” his body language and his eyes told you that he is, indeed, not joking and his answer felt a double meaning to it so your plan of using the kit before the time strikes 12 for christmas day and give it to him, so you lean in, capturing his lips on yours. it was full of love, affection and faith. you were more than happy, blessed included.
you pulled away, “wait for me here!” you dash towards your shared room leaving him there confused yet flustered. hours passed and it was 15 minutes towards 12 when you hadn't returned from the living room, san becoming worried and approaching your room, he knocked first, “love? are you okay?” he heard shuffling inside before the door opens and there you stood in a red wine dress with white puff arm length sleeves, “sorry i’m just .. nervous.” you spoke with a slight shake on your voice, you convinced yourself many times that there was a green flag on his actions that he indeed wanted a child. san grab your hands, for a moment it calms you down, he looks straight at you with softness in his eyes, running his thumbs on your knuckles, “it will be okay, i’ll understand whatever it is.”
you have always adored san’s personality, he always looks after those people he loves. His love is fair to everyone but when it comes to you, it was beyond the amount he gave to others, it was when you fell first but he fell harder. San pulled both back to the living room, christmas music softly playing at the background, wine glass and snacks on the table. You sat next to him on the carpeted floor, in front of the fireplace, you looked at the blazing fire then to your hands, it was now or never, “love?” he moves closer to you, his softness never waver, “hmm?” you look at the clock then back to him, you grab the object inside your pocket and give it to him. you saw him take it and there was a moment of silence, no sound, no certain movement until you heard a sniffle. your head snapped towards the sound and to see San, crying quietly beside you, your heart fell, “l-love? did it upset you? was it too soon? we can find a way–” “no! … no i- .. i’m happy, love.” your voice died down when you finally acknowledged his expression, there was no hint of anger or frustration or whatever you were expecting but rather his face glowed, “i’m happy! this– this is the best christmas gift ever!” you were suddenly tackled, you silently yelped an ‘oof’ as he nuzzled his nose close to your pulse, “you don’t know how long i waited for this. these kinds of gifts are unforgettable, love! i love you!” what felt like a thorn removed your chest, you were finally able to breathe properly, negative thoughts were out of the window and all your walls were down the moment you realized that San cherished the gift that was sent to both of you. A gift of life and blessing. you smile gently at your husband, running a finger through the back of his hair, pulling him close, “i love you more my love, merry christmas.” ❇
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