#i still can’t get over the crush i have on clem it’s just something about him
inspectorseb · 7 months
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gross-gal · 2 years
"First Kiss" a.k.a. Weeb's first Repo self ship fic
Alright, here it is. This is the first self ship fic I've done in a looong time. Don't have much to prelude soooo, hope y'all enjoy this incredibly self indulgent thing I made.
*6 months into their friendship, Repo decides he wants to show his appreciation about their relationship for Clementine/Clem (Weeb). So the two go on a friend date and he spoils them. Both are crushing hard on one another but neither are ready to say how they feel. 
*This takes place after the date and they’ve returned back to the Scrapyard. Clem wants to say her thanks.
**Clementine is a placeholder name cuz I’m not calling my sona Weeb here lmao. ALSO I use multiple pronouns to address them (she/they/he)!!
“Noooo shut up. Let me be nice now..”
Repo knew he wasn’t going to win against Clementine’s kind and stubborn heart. They always had to make it known their appreciation for the ones they loved, even if it wasn’t called for, she was just sappy like that. Which overtime, Repo had grown to adore.
“It’s really lucky that we got to meet like this. I kinda just asked you for a job on impulse, that wasn’t something I normally do…but I’m really glad I did. I know you don’t see it but you’re a pretty sweet guy deep down, the bestest friend I could ask for haha…so thank you for today, not just cause it was fun but it means a lot that you went out of your way for…uh…meeee…”
She dragged on the last word for a second or so. The awkwardness from being so vulnerable already getting to her. 
Repo smiled warmly.
“Heh! Yer such a jokester most of the time, I always forget yer so sentimental Hahaa!”
“Whatever, I can’t exactly compete with your gifts, I wanna show my thanks somehow, you know?”
His comment only fanned her embarrassment. She was kinda regretting saying what she did but chose not to linger on that thought.
Truth is, Repo said that only to distract from his flustered state. 
Not wanting to make her feel bad, he swallowed his pride and responded after clearing his throat.
“Ehhh well…anyways I should be the one thanking youse. Yer also the bestest friend I got…one of the only ones.”
He took a second to think on what he wanted to say. Looking off to the city and focusing on the skyscrapers from afar.
‘Damn…how does she do it so freakin’ eloquently??’ He thought to himself.
“I ain’t too good with the words, kid. Not even my gifts can compare with yer bleedin’ heart. But I care about ya and youse been a real nice thing in my life. So thank ya, again.”
When he turned his head back to them they had a dopey grin forming on their face.
“YOU’RE SUUUUCH A GOOOOOD FRIEND!!!” She blurted, mockingly.
She narrowly avoided the lunge he prepared. Looks like he was aiming to put them into a headlock.
Clem could dodge well enough but they could never hope to match Repo’s swift athleticism. 
He tackled them to the ground and their bodies came crashing to the dirt together. Repo quickly sitting on their back before they could worm away, he twisted their arm back, though not nearly enough to seriously hurt them. Wrestling was a thing they were used to and enjoyed.
“Ah right, take it back!”
“Heheh, dis the thanks I get fer bein’ so charitable?” Repo chuckled at the predicament they brought on themselves. 
Sincere, kind, a joker, fighter (sorta)… those were a few of the traits he saw and admired from them. 
“OKAY!! I’m done, my back is hurting…pbbt!” Clementine tried turning their head to face him but just ended up catching their large hair to the face.
And good hair…he liked that too.
An exasperated sigh blew out their mouth once Repo got off them. Though he was fairly lean, he still had some weight thanks to his abdomen, which did a number on their back after the tussle.
“Ya been werkin’ for me fer 6 whole months, how the hell do ya still got no muscle or anythin’?”
“Heh…genetics?” She joked.
“Pfft- yeah right. Lazy ass.”
“I’m an artist~ I don’t have to worry about muscles. I need to conserve all my energy for my drawing, you know that!” He proudly emphasized this by raising his chin.
“Oh yeah, I getcha…better go easy on ya so youse can still finish dat logo thingy I asked ya for!”
“Hmmm, how long ago was it I asked ya to do that?” His elbow lightly nudged her shoulder.
“…yeah okay…” Clem begrudgingly muttered.
It was a jab but he didn’t really mind all that much she neglected it. He just liked having a hand in keeping her artistically motivated…though it would be nice if they actually got around to it…
The smoother part of his claw then moved to rest on their head and he tussled their hair. This was his way of saying “you’re okay” Without actually having to. He’d done it a few times before but neither of them ever really got used to it. 
It never failed to make Clementine smile.
Repo wasn’t a particularly emotionally vulnerable person, she picked up on that after sometime. And he especially wasn't the physically affectionate type, that was reserved for his cats and on certain occasions like today, only for Clementine.
That alone was enough. 
She was content on her assumedly one-sided crush. Though it brought an ache to her heart, knowing that these feelings she had would never be reciprocated, she still was able to make him happy and was allowed to share intimate moments such as these with him. Those brief, warm moments, they’d treasure.
About an hour had passed, they spent that time mindlessly chatting until Mrs. Nubbins hungry mewls put their conversation to a halt.
“Oh it’s that time already?”
“Never a dull moment around ‘ere…PAPA’S COMIN’ MY SWEETY PIE!!”
Had this been months ago, she would’ve made a joke at his sudden cutesy-ness. But Repo is incredibly unabashed about his love for Mrs. Nubbins, so that wore off long ago. And now to her, it was actually rather cute. Which they sorta hated to admit.
“Ah uh…guess dat means youse should be leavin’?” His voice lowered, saddened.
“Nah, I’ll stick around and help you with Mrs. Nubbins at least.”
His antennas perked up…
“After all, I AM her favorite~” 
And then laid flat…
“Watch yer mouth, kid.” 
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She was careful to keep her snickering to herself. This was a satisfying little victory.
Repo went onto share stories about his bond with Mrs. Nubbins till they arrived at her cave of junk. 
It was a lot easier feeding her now with Clem here. She still wasn’t used to mutants and certainly not Repo, perhaps had something to do with the new instincts she had. But humans were alright to her and she grew a liking to Clem.
This was another thing Repo was thankful for but he’d never admit that. 
After finishing up with Nubbins’ dinner, Repo escorted Weeb out the yard.
He didn’t really say much during the walk. But his mind was racing with a thousand thoughts per minute. Mainly thinking on what more he could’ve done to make today special, was it really enough? Wishing he could’ve said more about his gratitude, was he too mean? Was he open enough?
‘No…don’t think it…’ But it was too late.
Today would’ve been perfect to tell them how you feel.
‘Keep dreamin’ jackass…he just considers ya a friend.’
Why did he have to get caught up in his feelings now of all times? All these emotions made him feel like a stupid, confused, lovey kid. 
“You okay?” Her concern pierced through his mind.
His head shot up, checking their surroundings. They’d already reach the gate. 
“Yeah! Just thinkin’ ‘bout what I’ll have to eat later.” 
Despite having eaten already earlier, they chose not to inquire about his appetite. 
“Alright…get some rest soon though, okay? I promise I’ll make it up to you when I can!!”
“Oh ya don’t gotta haha…” 
“I wanna though! And I’ll make sure it’s reeeeal special!” 
“Whatever ya say, kid.” There was no point in fighting him, not like he would bother any further, any chance they’d give to see him, he’d take it. 
They made him feel so cared for. It was too hard to keep himself from smiling, his cheeks were hurting a bit too.
In fact he felt so giddy, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling them into a hug.
‘What...?’ Was all Clementine could think at this sudden contact.
She couldn’t remember the last time, if he’d ever done this.
Their hearts were pounding, as if they wanted to burst from the walls that were their chests and embrace one another even further. This was all too much. 
What was going to happen when they pulled away?
It was less than a minute that this actually went on for. Eventually they would have to pull away and it had to be soon so neither seemed suspicious.
Repo was the first.
For a few seconds, Clem’s brain stopped processing and seemed to black out whatever had happened in those instances.
Why had the air gotten so tight? It seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.
The face Repo was making was nothing they’d seen before. It was…bewilderment? Shock? Fear?? And why had their faces felt warm?
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‘And my lips…?’ Though it was only barely, they’d also had been puckered. 
Oh shit.
“OKAY SEE YA BYE!!!!!” Clem blurted before their brain could fully put the pieces together. But they knew enough that whatever had happened, it wasn’t typical.
Repo was stunned and face flushed. 
None of it really made sense to Clem as they focused on running to the suddenly arriving bus. They showed their pass and collapsed into the seat towards the side exit. 
Now it was all coming together.
Oh god…
She kissed him. On instinct. As if he was a loved one. A significant other. She, carelessly, had kissed his cheek. 
They gave a loving goodbye kiss to her crush/best friend. 
Repo proceeded to spend the evening yelling into his pillow.
He was 25% embarrassed this socially awkward nerd put the moves on him first, and the other 75% elated.
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pi-creates · 3 years
I hope people don’t mind – but I have a theory… one that’s been mulling around in my head for ages but didn’t really know if people would be interested in hearing it. I shared my thoughts with a few people and they seemed supportive of me sharing my theory further, so here we go.
Basically, I feel like something that the fandom deems as crucial to Violet’s character might actually be a misclassification. The short version of this post is that I theorise that Violet doesn’t have excessive abandonment issues (at least not to a significantly greater extent than any of the other characters), and what she is actually displaying is signs of survivor’s guilt.
From a behavioural view point, there’s a lot of overlap between both issues – withdrawing from others, fixating on other’s and their actions, being irrational at times as a defence mechanism, and applying unrealistic expectation on oneself and others. But the difference is the reasons behind those behaviours.
Someone with abandonment issues assumes that everyone will inevitably leave them. It leaves them insecure and assuming that they are somehow at fault for other’s leaving them. The thing is, this form of dependence on others tends to lead people to constantly be seeking approval, and they reel their neck in when they feel like someone is not going to agree with them. Basically, they become people pleasers who need constant reassurance that you aren’t planning on leaving them – but at the same time they keep things shallow, because they don’t feel like they can expose anything that the other person might leave them for. Then if things are on the rocks, they sabotage, if you push someone away before they reject you, then it doesn’t hurt as bad if they decide to leave. It’s a self-destructive cycle that centres around the person being anxious and not having trust in others to accept them as they are.
And while parts of that fits Violet, other parts don’t. I don’t feel like Violet comes across as insecure in what she offers to others or being afraid to have a contrary opinion. In fact, she seems quite confident in her skills and choices. There isn’t any hesitance to bring up tough questions or to  speak her mind when she doesn’t like something. She takes on a leadership role and makes decisions that she knows the bulk of the group don’t agree with at that point. It doesn’t come across as someone who is afraid that those people she’s disagreeing with will leave her. Basically, I don’t feel like she acts out of fear that people will leave her – she does express not liking that people leave and believes that certain levels of loss are inevitable, but it feels like cynicism rather than fear.
A big example of this is her asking Clementine in the first card game “Out of all of us here, which one is going to die first?”… to me, that doesn’t read as someone afraid of loss, it reads as someone who views loss casually and also doesn’t feel compelled to sugar-coat the morbidity of such thoughts to a newcomer or old friends.
But if you look at something like survivor’s guilt – it has some similar behavioural patterns, but those behaviours stem more from guilt than fear. They survived a situation when others did not, and I don’t think there’s any denying that everyone who’s still alive in an apocalypse situation has outlived a friend/family member, and potentially also been there when they died. And those thoughts of “Why did I survive when they didn’t?”, “Could that have been different?”, and “Was it my fault?” eats away at them. They start picking apart every detail of an event and questioning if they were responsible, or if someone could have done something to prevent it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s logical or not, they fixate on the idea that they could somehow have changed the events if only they said/did something different, they should have known the outcome and stopped it. It’s irrational, it’s placing the blame on oneself or others for situations that they had no means to avoid or predict. And all of that guilt and stress makes the people irritable, withdrawn, and regretful. They get so stuck in that moment of loss that they don’t move forward. They lose interests they used to have, they feel disconnected, they don’t trust people or the world to be safe or fair, they pull away from others...
And I think this sounds like Violet. It makes more sense with how she talks about her grandmother and the twins – we hear how she processes these events. She tells us what she was doing when someone died (or she believed they died) and how she should have been doing something else – for her grandmother she should have called for help, for the twins she should have been there and not in the greenhouse. And since we hear more about the twins, she goes further and talks about how she also questions the actions made by others – she feels like she could have changed the outcome if she was there instead of Brody or Marlon. When in reality, she couldn’t have known, she can’t change what happened, and it wasn’t her fault that those people died (or were taken).
I feel Violet did lose herself to a degree in those fixations, that’s why she withdraws and seems apathetic about things until after we learn that Minnie is still alive. Some of that guilt is somewhat absolved when it becomes clear that Minnie isn’t dead, it opens up the possibility of fixing her perceived ‘wrongs’ of the past (e.g., out surviving her). She talks about not liking arts and crafts – but she makes you a pin. She suddenly wants to dance with you when we had no indication this was an interest of hers before. She sings a song that she clearly used to hold to high regard when Minnie sang it – though we never hear her sing or hear her talk about her own voice. She’s a different person once the guilty moment is re-framed as something she can fix. Those interests she lost before are suddenly back, or maybe she’s just more open to reevaluate things and move forward with new interests.
And I think this also explains part of Violet’s ire in the captured route – it’s not just that she feels like you chose someone over her, it’s a literal replay of the thing she felt guilty about for years. She’s in Minnie’s shoes, but this time the people at the school know she was taken and not killed at the school – they could have stopped it in the way she wished she could have done with the twins. Then Clem shows up, and she isn’t exhibiting the same crushing guilt that Violet carried for so long when this happened to her friends – and that has to hurt.
Not only does the situation suck, but she’s being confronted with someone who isn’t coping with the “loss” of an important friend in the same way she did. I feel like it would only be logical for Violet to wonder why, and she is also clearly not in a good frame of mind and will come up with some of the worst possible answers.
Is she not as important to the others as Minnie was to her? Is she not worth the same emotional devastation? Was she wrong to feel the way she felt, or is Clem wrong for not feeling that way now?
The situation may be different, but after dealing with the traumatic experience of being captured, seeing Minnie again, and being manipulated into behaving – I don’t think Violet can think clearly enough to realise the differences of the situation. Clem isn’t dealing with the same level of guilt because her method of coping with the tragedy is immediate action… an option that Violet never had. It has nothing to do with Violet not being worth the same devastation as the twins, though I bet it still feels that way to her. So not only does the perceived betrayal sting worse, she also is being told she has the option of protecting Minnie by going along with the Delta – it just feeds into her preexisting guilt that she didn’t save her before, so of course she’s going to act in a way that she believes will make up for it.
And yeah… that’s my theory. Whether you agree or not, I’d be interested in hearing other’s thoughts on this – especially when I’m very aware that the abandonment narrative is seen as near universal amongst the fans. It just happens to not have been my initial stance, and I dunno, maybe an alternate point of view will be interesting to you guys.
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broken-clover · 2 years
I love that it seems to be a ‘thing’ with the Punch-Out fandom to have OC’s based on WVBA staff, it’s made for some fun concepts and there’s totally a lot of ideas to be taken from it! I love seeing the sheer amount of creativity people have in making them (and, to a lesser extent, just the fact that this is a series that still has a fandom despite the last entry being way too long ago)
Since I can’t think of a better excuse to talk about my own guy, here I am. Like how a lot of OC’s work in the wings of the WVBA, I decided to go with a medical professional employed to patch up the injuries that boxers sustain during matches. 
His name is Dr. Clement ‘Clem’ Hazel, hailing from a large family in Appalachian Virginia. He’s very affable towards his patients, skilled in his work and very committed, but a bit scatterbrained when not in ‘doctor mode.’ While he adores his family, he has a bit of a sore spot over the idea of being seen as an incapable idiot due to his ‘hick’ background. He also very much despises the nickname ‘Clem,’ something Aran has managed to discover and use to tease him with ever since. Aside from him, though, he prefers getting along with all of the fighters, or at least have them tolerate him, as it means less having to wrestle people twice his size to ice their bruises and stitch their cuts.
(Though he won’t admit it, he’s fostered something of a crush on Bear Hugger, as he finds the man charming and views him as a kindred spirit from his similar small-town ‘backwater’ background. He’s also the only person who can get away with calling him ‘Clem,’ though the first time was unintentional and Hazel simply couldn’t bring himself to correct him)
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obeymebabes · 4 years
Hi hi! Could I request a hc with the brothers where Mc does the same thing Clem,from eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind does? Like,MC and the brother breaks up and MC decides to get a procedure to erase him and their relationship? Sorry if this is confusing:(
I unfortunately have never seen the movie so I can't exactly base it on that, but I do like the idea of MC having their memory erased, so I did the best I could.
⚠️ Warning: Absolute pure angst. This broke my heart. Grab the tissues. Seriously, you'll need them. I cried writing every single one of these.
The break-up really hurt him. It hurt his pride, his heart, and his soul. This broken man was now in a million pieces.
Lucifer wasn't isn't very good at receiving kindness, or love, so it was new to him, but he still did his best.
Now, everything he had ever loved had found a way to betray him, and now you belong to that list as well.
Where did he go wrong? What happened? Was he not enough for you? He always tried, even going out of his comfort zone for you.
He would try his hardest not to show how broken down he truly was, not in public. But behind the scenes he would break down, letting the tears fall.
Even with all of his hurt, he always tried to make an effort to smile at you when you passed him in the hall, even though it physically pained him to see your face.
One day after RAD, you passed him in the hallway as you normally do, but he noticed you didn't even bother to look up at him, which was unusual for you.
Turning around, concerned, he painfully uttered your name, "MC?"
You turned around, a confused look on your face. "How do you know my name?" You paused, "Do I know you?"
There goes the rest of his pride. His heart sank. Did you really not remember him? What about your memories together? The relationship you had? All of those special nights you had spent together?
He was left completely speechless. He simply took a breath to try to avoid letting tears form and mumbled "I'm sorry" before fleeing the scene.
Lucifer desperately tried to erase such an awful memory from his mind but his negative thoughts became too much for him.
That night he was a mess, putting every ounce of blame on himself. He drank until it hurt. He cried alone in his room. His broken heart fueled a now drunken rage that tore him apart from the inside, out.
You were the last thing that truly held him together. You were his stability. Now, everything you ever shared was just a memory of his, and only his. How could this happen to him?
Mammon never truly processed the break-up. He avoided it like he avoids his debt papers.
In his eyes it never happened. It was just a little fight, right? There was no way either of you meant any of it. He never meant what he said. He was just frustrated. His brothers stressed him out.
Mammon tried desperately. He begged, pleaded, did everything he could to try to convince you to take him back.
The memory of you crying and screaming "I wish I never met you!" haunted him, day after day, night after night.
However the memory never stopped him from trying to win you back.
Having a sudden burst of confidence one night he went down to your room, breathing a deep breath before knocking at your door then letting himself in.
"MC we need to ta-" His words cut short as he noticed the terrified and confused look on your face.
"Are ya okay? Why are ya lookin' at me like that?" Mammon's heart pained at the confused look you gave him.
"Should I know you?" You asked, staring blankly at the demon before you.
"MC, c'mon that ain't funny! Of course ya remember me! I'm The Great Mammon!" Mammon's golden blue eyes were now overflowing as his heart broke all over again as you sat in front of him with a very confused look on your face.
You eventually called for Lucifer, who had to remove his absolute mess of a brother from your room.
From outside of his door, the sound of destruction filled the empty silence of the halls. Through broken sobs he yelled to himself, saying he was nothing but scum.
While the scenes of you both together replayed in his head he couldn't understand how he had let it come to this. He had lost his most precious and treasured gift. You.
Levi didn't take the break up very lightly.
Night after night he would stay awake, distracting himself by playing games, watching anime, and talking to Henry 2.0.
"Of course this would happen, Henry, no one ever likes me. I'm just a stupid yucky otaku. I'll never be good enough, not like my brothers."
Levi spent many hours sobbing, just heartbroken at the little things that reminded him of you.
He didn't understand where he went wrong. What did he do to deserve this? Why did he have to get so attached to a normie anyway?
Rather than trying to talk to you about it, he hid in his room, making sure to avoid you at all costs.
What Levi didn't realize, is that the memories you shared, were bothering you just as much as they bothered him.
His heart ached, but eventually after being hyped up by his best pal, Henry, he mustered up whatever confidence he had to finally get out of his room and talk to you when he saw you.
He wasn't at all prepared for what was about to happen.
Already shaking like a leaf, his target was aquired. He noticed you were walking towards him. His heart beating out of his chest.
As you neared closer he took a breathe, tried to focus, and spoke up, "MC? C-Can we talk..? About u-us.. please. I-I need to know what happened. I can't take it anymore."
Your blank expression tugged at his already hurting heart, but your words truly felt like a final hit on a boss.
"Sorry, have we met before?" Your voice was calm and pure, indicating to him that you truly didn't know who he was.
Left frozen in shock, he could feel his body tingle, his eyes watering, his chest tighten, his throat left dry.
"N-No, I'm sorry. I-I thought you were someone else.."
When he finally got back to his room, he was both torn, and upset. Envious that you now didn't have to share the guilt and pain of remembering all of the great memories you both shared. He should've known better than to fall in love with a normie.
As good as he was at controlling his rage, he completely lost all of his cool after you both broke up. His heartbreak overwhelmed his emotions and he was barely able to keep himself in check.
He spent many nights trying to talk himself through the pain, reciting everything that went wrong and how he could've fixed it.
Satan tried desperately to look at the logistical side of this. But his heart hurt too much.
He had spent his time in the library, trying to use books as his way of keeping him grounded. The more he read, the more he realized that the scenes in the books he was reading reminded him of you and everything you shared together.
That was until you casually walked into the library.
His aching heart pained at the sight of you. He wasn't ready to see you just yet, but he maintained the little composure he had left. He had to speak the truth.
"I thought I'd never see you in here again. You know.. I miss you, and I'm sorry that things ended the way they did. I hope you can forgive me for acting like such a fool."
He studied you, but the more he watched, the more he felt his heart crush under the weight of your expressions.
"What? Oh, you're talking to me? Sorry, but I can't say I know who you are. I think you might have the wrong person."
Confused, he watched your puzzled face try to look for any sign of familiarity, "MC, what are you talking about?"
"Sorry, are you the librarian or something? Is that how you know who I am?"
Then it finally clicked in his head. You truly didn't remember him.
This boy was somehow even more shattered than before. His emotions too shocked to form a proper response.
"My apologies, I must get going."
When he finally reached his room, he slammed the door shut, sent into a seething rage from the pain that now flooded his chest, he destroyed his room, books tossed everywhere.
Satan wasn't the same after that. Blinded by the hurt, he went on a rampage, not making any attempts to hide his anger. He was torn apart, angry that he couldn't even do anything to prevent such a disastrous situation.
Now he holds all of your previous memories, and he can't do anything but cry over how much he misses what you had. Before the world around him turned dark.
Of course Asmodeus didn't handle a break up very well. He either spent his time sulking around, or he out partying, overspending, and trying to hide the pain that you caused him.
Most nights Asmo would come home absolutely wasted, then eventually cry himself to sleep while he stared, broken-hearted, at the spot that you used to lay.
He wanted nothing more than to forget everything, to start over. He never wanted to lose you the way he did.
His broken heart could barely stand the sight of seeing you, and it was getting to the point where he was even ashamed to look himself in the mirror.
One of his drunken nights he stumbled through the empty midnight halls, tears already streaming down his perfect face.
His glossy eyes met yours as you headed down the hall for a late night snack.
"BABYYY!!" Asmo called, wiping his face before quickly clinging to your frame. He started to sob again, repeating his drunken slurs.
Carefully but with force, you pried the intoxicated demon from your body and looked at him confused.
"Sorry, I don't know who you think I am, but I don't know who you are, or what you're doing, so if you'll just...excuse me..." Your confused tone made him break down more.
"W-What do you mean you don't know who I am? I-I'm Asmo! I'm the... the prettiest d-demon in Devildom! Y-your lover!" He could hardly speak through his broken sobs, trying to crawl towards you, just to be able to touch you again.
Asmo pathetically watched you shake your head and stumble away from him, heading off to the kitchen like you intended.
Left a mess in the middle of the hall, Lucifer eventually heard his groaning and helped him back to his room.
Upon getting to his room he crawled to sit in front of his full body mirror, his peachy eyes examining every flaw he could find.
"How!? How could they forget me?! I-I thought they loved me? W-was I not enough? Was I ever enough?"
He continued to stare at himself in the mirror, mascara stains dripping down his face, lipstick smudged, hair a mess.
"I'll never be good enough. Why can't I be as pretty as I was when I was an angel? Why did I have to get cursed with this sin? Why? Why!?"
Asmo was broken. All he wanted was to be happy, together, with you. Now he was left with regret, a broken heart, and the precious memories that he could no longer think about without tearing up.
While he may have seemed completely fine on the outside, Beel was absolutely torn to pieces after the breakup.
Not everyone noticed, as he tried to play it off like he normally does when he is feeling upset.
Beel is one to keep his emotions to himself in fear that he will upset the ones he cares about most.
In an attempt to fill the painful void in his heart that was left from you leaving, he ate more. Everything in sight. It was a lot worse than usual.
Some nights after Belphie would fall into a deep sleep, he would just stay awake and cry, questioning himself and where he went wrong.
During a late night breakdown, with a growling stomach, he left the comfort of his room to quickly grab a snack from the kitchen.
While rummaging through the fridge, he wasn't able to hear you enter the room.
"Oh, I didn't expect anyone else to be in here." Your voice making him jump a bit, not expecting to hear you. His heart pained at the sound, but he quickly wiped his eyes before turning to you.
"Huh? Oh. Hello MC! I was just getting a snack, like I usually do. You know.." He tried to keep his composure while looking at you. He admired your face, missing being able to gently press his lips to yours, and hold you tightly in his arms.
"Oh? Uh, how did you know my name? I don't remember ever seeing you before.. are you new here?" Your words felt like needles throughout his body, but he smiles a soft smile.
"S-Sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Beelzebub, the 6th born, Avatar of Gluttoney.. I uh, I hope to see you around more." And with that, he made his way back to his room.
Letting the pain of everything he has even been through wash over him like a tsunami, he let himself go. Belphie eventually woke up and found him still a mess and tried to comfort him.
He poured his heart out to his younger brother, who was now crying as he watched his soft-hearted brother cry to him.
Beel never truly recovered. He was just a shell of what he used to be, going many days without eating like he used to. He wanted to feel the pain of his hunger to distract himself from the memories he helplessly carried of your past relationship, and all of the other pain he has deep in his heart.
Similar to his twin brother, Belphie was very good at hiding his emotions.
Your separation had him very uneasy. His mind wasn't able to fully grasp that you were no longer his.
He spent many of his days sleeping, much more than he normally would. He would miss meals, miss school, even miss student council meetings.
His sadness and pain of losing you only made him lose more motivation. He knew that there was nothing he could do.
After everything you'd been through, he knew deep down it was for the best.
Eventually he started having nightmares. At first they were nothing too unusual, simply reminders of your loss of relationship.
As time continued, they got more vivid, worrying the sleepy demon.
One night he had a dream you'd forgotten him. As if you'd never met him. He woke up in a cold sweat at the thought, but simply tried to brush it off.
The next morning he managed to get up for breakfast, sitting across from you. It was eerily silent as his brothers were worried about the tension between you both.
Watching you lean to your side towards Asmo, you'd whispered something that Belphie couldn't quite make out, but judging by the look on Asmodeus, it was not something he would've wanted to hear anyway.
Curiosity eventually getting the best of him, he pulled Asmo aside to ask what you'd whispered to him this morning.
With a dull face and hesitant expression, the Avatar of Lust told him that you'd asked who he was, as you didn't recognize his face.
With a heavy heart, Belphegor set off to try to find you. He had to know if his nightmare was in fact coming true.
"MC? D-Do you remember me?" The demon asked, holding himself together the best he could.
"I'm sorry, have we met before? I can't say I've ever seen you before?" Your words cut like knives.
So it was true? You didn't remember a thing.
While he was thankful he was able to start over, it pained him to know you'd never understand how he knew so much about you. Of course he couldn't say anything either, in fear of driving you away.
It haunted him for so many nights. Over and over he'd have the reoccurring dream that became reality. Eventually he gave in, staying up as many nights as he could before his body gave out from lack of sleep.
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I love that we as a fandom have declared the clem comic an noncanon lmao. i'm curious tho, do you believe clem will get a new love interest? do you think it will be amos or someone else?
Yeah, gotta love seeing a fandom come together to agree on something.... even though that something isn't exactly invoking happy feelings, y'know? Like yeah, the comic sucks and at this point I doubt the trilogy will be much better unless Tillie suddenly starts to understand Clementine and makes some impossibly massive improvements..... but it's nice to see all of us mostly getting along?
As for the whole love interest thing, I'm like 98% sure that Clementine's going to get a new girlfriend in the comics. That's my prediction.
During the dumb xpo thing, Tillie talked about how she's excited to explore Clementine as a queer character in the apocalypse and considering Tillie's other works, I will bet literal cash that Clementine gets a new girlfriend. I don't think Amos will be the love interest, and if he does end up being that for Clem or if Clem gets a boyfriend, then I will genuinely be shocked.
.....Y'know what, I need to get this off my chest and this seems relevant enough-
I was talking with my roommate about this the other night actually. I told her all about my predictions for Clem getting a new girlfriend and how annoying this whole comic is, but also how annoying people are being to Tillie over this and like.... everything is a mess.
My roommate, who knows that literally everything is wrong in the 12 page comic and who I told about the xpo where Tillie talked about Clem being queer is important, asked me how I would feel if she ended up getting Clementine's canon bisexuality wrong, and what if she decides to make Clementine a lesbian?
And like...... I actually stopped what I was working on because this wave of dread crashed through me at the thought of that, and I could actually imagine it happening because she already got everything else wrong and if she hasn't actually played the games and is pulling this shit out of her ass.... I can't even describe to you the feeling I felt...
I want to believe that Tillie would at least know and respect the fact that Clementine is a canon bisexual. From what I've gathered, Tillie herself is wlw and I don't believe she would erase a bisexual character. She knows that Clementine is a queer character. Clementine's bisexual.
Like obviously, if I'm right and Clementine gets a girlfriend, she'll still be bisexual. Nothing will ever change that.
But I'm going to tell all of you this right now because just thinking about it upsets me.... if for whatever reason, if Tillie Walden actually erases Clementine's bisexuality and makes her a lesbian in the graphic novel trilogy while "exploring what it means to be queer in the apocalypse," I'm done.
I will have nothing left for Tillie. I will no longer support anything she does. I won't condone harassment towards her because that makes you just as shitty, but I will absolutely call that bullshit out and then never support her again. I will never talk about the comic again because how dare you think you can get away with that and still expect me to waste brain cells on your comic? Hell, I will probably be so fucking livid that I'll drive my ass all the way to barnes and noble just to return the books I bought of hers.
Dramatic? Yeah, but y'know what? I've never really touched on this outside of a few "Clem being bisexual is important representation and we love it" but her being bisexual means so much to me. It truly does, I mean.... after the dumb "btw Javi is bi, we just wrote him straight and threw in a line of flirty dialogue with jesus so we can have our cake and eat it, too-- the straight homophobes will still buy our game and the lgbt+ community will love us, win win," I cannot explain the joy I felt when Clementine was written as a bisexual woman and that she was given two love interests that meant so much to the players.
Like.... I dunno, I never got any real bi rep in games or books or movies, especially bi girls, when I was a teen trying to figure shit out. In jr high and high school, I could never find stories that has bi women as a lead because I was too afraid to look anything up. I didn't wanna be caught reading/watching things that were lgbt+ because I had a shitty boyfriend at the time and our friend group were heavily religious and judgmental. My best friend [who I haven't spoken to for years now] was one of those people who claimed to support lgbt+ people.... but also once told me that she thought lesbians were okay but gay men were lowkey gross and probably only into other dudes because girls wouldn't date them. Oh, and I'll never forget the time she told me that bi people don't actually exist because you either like one or the other.
That's a great thing to here from the best friend you've know since you were an infant after you've realized that you aren't only attracted to boys.
But now I'm out of that environment and I haven't talked to anyone from high school since I graduated, and I've felt more free to intake all the things I wish I could've before...
I just.... Clementine is important to me for a lot of reasons. I've played these games forever, I've gotten to watch her grow for years, and she's just so well-written and amazing in tfs, and the fact that the writers wanted to write her as a bisexual woman means so much, I just.... even though it's not canon, I can't help but take this disaster of a comic personally. Just from those 12 pages, everything about Clementine is destroyed and it sucks. It hurts..... but I'm still not holding anything against Tillie herself. Her comic is bad, but that doesn't mean she's bad..... however, erasing Clem's bisexuality would be the last straw for me.
.....This turned into a rant. Sorry about that. You asked a simple question and I dumped my life story on you but I dunno, I needed to get that off my chest because it's been bothering the back of my mind.
I do wanna add once more that I don't think Tillie's actually going to do that... she should know that both Louis and Violet are canon love interests, plus Clementine canonically had a crush on Gabe in ANF. I think if she's going to get anything right, it'll be the fact that Clem is bi.... I'm just expressing a major fear I have and what it would do to me, and others, if it happened..... y'know?
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averylainey · 3 years
A Second Date
Clementine and Louis have a second date to continue getting to know each other better.
“I hate you,” she jested. “I love you too.” He smirked. “Even if you do have a weird thing for cowboys.” “Damn it, I do not! You’re never gonna let this go, are you?” “Absolutely not.” 
~  AO3  ~  FF  ~
Clementine grit her teeth and dug her nails into her bed sheet as a sharp pain shot up her leg. She  raised her head slightly and looked to the foot of her bed where Ruby was busy dabbing the limb with a wet cloth to clean it. The redhead insisted on cleaning it every day until it scarred over. It was already a miracle that Clementine had survived the amputation; Ruby didn’t want to test their luck with an infection. She gave the other girl a sympathetic look.
“I’m sorry, hon. I know it sucks, but it’s gotta be done,” Ruby said, rubbing the injured girl’s other leg in a futile attempt to soothe her. 
“I know,” Clementine grumbled, squeezing her eyes shut and resting her head back against her pillow. Of course she was grateful to Ruby for looking out for her, but God, did this suck.
It had been a little over a week since she returned home, and her recovery was going a lot more smoothly than anyone expected it would. The color had returned to her skin, and she was able to stay awake for the better part of most days. The pain was still overwhelming at times, but with the help of painkillers and emotional support from the other kids, she was able to push through it. 
AJ had been particularly attentive-- not that that was at all surprising. He spent most of his time by her bedside when she was awake, keeping her spirits up and making sure that she had everything she needed. He wasn’t beside her today, however. This was the first day he had left the walls of the school since they came home. He had initially been reluctant to go too far away from her, as even though she was improving, he was still terrified that something would go wrong. He was still terrified that he’d lose her. But that morning, Clementine was finally able to convince him not to worry-- that she wasn’t going anywhere, so he hesitantly agreed to go hunting with Aasim and Louis. 
When he headed out, leaving her alone in her room, part of her regretted telling him to go. Having him around kept her from thinking too hard about her condition. She tried her best to suppress it, but she couldn’t help the grief she felt over the loss of her leg. She knew that her disability would make life a lot harder from here on out; there were so many things she’d probably never be able to do again….
A light knocking at the door brought Clementine out of her thoughts. She propped herself up on an elbow and called out, “Come in.” 
The door opened and Louis stepped in. 
“Hey,” he greeted her with a grin and shut the door behind him.
“Hey, you.” She smiled affectionately at him then raised an eyebrow when she noticed that AJ wasn’t with him. “Where’s AJ?” 
“He wanted to help Aasim get a rabbit ready for dinner,” he told her then glanced at Ruby, who was still busy tending to Clementine’s leg. “Uh, I can come back later if you want.”
“No, it’s ok.” She stared down at her leg and frowned before meeting his eyes again. “Honestly, I could use a little moral support.”
Louis mirrored her dejected expression and walked the short distance to her bed. He crouched down beside her and took her hand in his.
“I’m so sorry, Clem. I--”
“Hey, I said I need support, not a pity party,” she interrupted.
He dropped the rest of his sentence with an amused exhale and squeezed her hand. “Right. Sorry.”
“So… how was hunting?” Clementine asked, wanting to shift the conversation away from her plight.
“Pretty good. We caught a couple rabbits, and I showed AJ how to reset the traps.”
“That’s good.” She chuckled before adding, “Guess you’ve replaced me as his sidekick, huh?”
“Hey, he’s the sidekick,” Louis joked, earning another light laugh from the girl. Of course, the sight of her laughing brought a grin to his face, as it never failed to do. 
Clementine looked lovingly at him for a moment before extending her arms to him for a hug, which he happily gave. 
“Thanks,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
“Just, y’know... being here. It helps.”
He pulled slightly out of her embrace and kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll always be here.”
A soft giggle from the end of the bed caused the pair to separate. Ruby had finally finished cleaning the girl’s wound and was looking fondly at them. They both blushed and lowered their eyes; they had almost forgotten she was there….
“Y’all are too cute,” Ruby remarked, shaking her head. She noticed the redness on their faces and gave them a small reassuring smile. “You don’t have t’ be embarrassed. It’s real sweet how close you two have gotten.”
Ruby picked up a roll of bandages and turned her attention back to Clementine’s leg. 
“I’m a lil’ jealous,” the redhead admitted, still looking down as she began to wrap the fresh gauze around the limb. “Not, y’know, of either of you specifically,” she quickly clarified. “Just of what y’all have, I guess.”
Ruby paused and looked back up to them. They were staring at her expectantly, apparently waiting for further explanation, so she continued:
“I used t’ read those sappy romance books the old English teacher kept in her desk and wish I could experience somethin’ like that,” she continued and smiled sadly at her hands. “I stopped a while ago, though, when I realized it wouldn’t ever happen.”
“Well, how do you know it won’t?” Clementine cut in gently. 
“I dunno… Not a lotta people left... And I doubt any of ‘em would like me.”
Clementine was surprised to hear that she felt that way. Did she really not realize that Aasim had a massive crush on her? He wasn’t exactly very subtle about it….
“You don’t know that. Maybe somebody does,” the brunette hinted.
She looked to Louis, who had his hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide the huge knowing grin that spread across his face. He dropped his hand and opened his mouth to speak but was stopped short by a light tugging on his wrist. He glanced down to find Clementine gripping it then shifted his gaze to her face and gave her a questioning look. ‘Don’t,’ she mouthed, knowing exactly what he was planning to say. As much as she herself wanted to just tell Ruby about Aasim’s crush too, she knew that they shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Louis pouted but obeyed and stayed silent.
Ruby raised an eyebrow at their behavior but chose not to question it.
“I don’t think so,” she sighed as she tied off the fresh bandage on Clementine’s leg. “Well, think I’m all done here.” Ruby stood and wiped her hands on her pants. “Anything else I can get’cha?”
Clementine shook her head. “I’m ok. Thanks, Ruby.”
She gave a little nod in response and turned to leave the bedroom. Clementine and Louis watched as she exited the room and gently closed the door behind her. They stayed quiet for a moment, listening to the sound of her footsteps down the hall fade away.
“I can’t believe this,” Louis quickly broke the silence, shaking his head in incredulity.
“I know, right?” Clementine agreed. “She really has no idea.”
 “I gotta tell her.” He turned to Clementine. “Come on, you shoulda let me tell her. This is too perfect.”
“No, he needs to tell her.”
“But he won’t, Clem. It’s been, like, a year.”
“Just... give it a little more time. He’s not very good at hiding it; she’s gonna find out eventually.” 
Louis crossed his arms and quirked his brow at her, clearly unconvinced. Noticing his skepticism, the girl continued:
“What if someone else told you that I like you?” she asked. “Wouldn’t that have kinda ruined it?”
“Honestly, I would’ve just thought they were fucking with me.” He stared at the door and frowned, pausing to consider her point for a minute before sighing in defeat. “...I guess you’re right.”
“Of course. I’m always right.”
He smirked at her. “I’m still gonna keep harassing Aasim about it, though.”
Clementine snickered. “That’s fine; you should. Just don’t tell Ruby anything.”
Louis looked down in thought for a second. He sat down on the bed beside her and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “So, um...anyways... I actually came in here for a reason,” he said.
“Oh? What’s that?”
“Well, y’know, I figured you must be bored laying in here all day, so I thought, ‘Hey, what better time for our second official date?’” He pulled his deck of cards out of his coat pocket, set it on the bed between them, and looked to her with a hint of anxiety on his face as he waited for a response. 
She gave him a soft smile. “That’s a good idea. I am pretty bored.” 
Louis smiled and let out a breath of relief, which Clementine took notice of.  
“What? You thought I was gonna say no?” she asked as she sat up and rested her back against the wall.
“I mean, not really, but”-- he shrugged-- “you never know. Maybe, in the last thirty seconds, you realized you actually hate me.”
Clementine rolled her eyes. “No such luck,” she joked before focusing on the deck of cards sitting on the bed. “So, did you have a game in mind?” she asked the boy.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Y’know, I still don’t really know a lot about you, so I thought we could play the game we did the night you first got here. Remember? Highest card asks a question?”
“Yeah, I remember,” she confirmed. “Is War the only card game you know?”
“Of course not; it’s just the easiest. I know Golf, Spades, Cribbage, some that I made up...” As he listed off card games, Louis split the deck in half and handed half of the cards to Clementine. “I also know how to play Poker, but I hate it.”
“It’s boring.” He paused before mumbling, “And Violet always beats me.”
The girl chuckled. “Really?”
“Yeah. She’s impossible to read. I think she’s secretly a lizard-person,” he said, somehow keeping a completely straight face.
Clementine burst out laughing. 
“Don’t tell her I said that,” Louis added, as he laughed along with her. 
“Don’t worry; I won’t.” The girl’s smile faltered. “She… doesn’t really talk to me anyway.”
Not wanting to ruin the mood, Clementine quickly changed the subject. “So”-- she held up the stack of cards Louis had given her-- “are we gonna play?”
Louis nodded and gave the cards in his hand a quick shuffle. They each drew a card from their respective stacks and flipped it over; Clementine won with an eight of diamonds. 
“You win,” Louis said. “What do you wanna know?”
Clementine looked up and thought for a second. She couldn’t think of anything particularly creative to ask, so she just asked the first question that came to her mind:
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Damn, we’re already starting with the real hard-hitting questions, huh?”
The girl smiled and rolled her eyes in response before looking back at him expectantly. 
“It’s green,” he told her. “What’s yours?”
Clementine raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. “Hey, I thought only winners got to ask questions,” she teased.
“Ok, new rule then: losers can ask follow-up questions.” 
“Fine,” she chuckled before answering, “Mine is pink.”
“No way. You’re lying.” 
“What? What’s wrong with pink?”
“Nothing!” he laughed. “I just wasn’t expecting that. I thought you were gonna say something hardcore like black or blood red or something.” His expression softened. “That’s kinda cute-- that it’s just pink.”
The girl snorted, trying to hide the slight blush that crept onto her cheeks at his words. “If you say so.”
“Wait, what kind of pink, though? Hot pink?” Louis suddenly asked. 
“Ew, no.” Clementine wrinkled her nose at the thought of that obnoxious color. “Just regular pink,” she specified.
“Ok, good,” he chuckled and took the card she had drawn out of her hand, stacking it with his and setting it to the side. He motioned for her to draw again for the second round. “After you.”
Clementine drew another card from her stack and flipped it over: six of spades. Louis followed and produced a three of hearts.
“I win again.” The girl smirked at him. 
Louis shook his head and said flatly, “You’re cheating.”
She scoffed. “What? How do you even cheat at this game?”
“You stacked the deck.”
“It’s your deck!” she laughed.
“Alright, fair point… I got my eye on you, though.” He winked at her. “What’s your question?”
This time, she already had a question in mind. “Where are you from?” she asked. “Before you came here, I mean.” 
Louis smiled and answered, “Baltimore.”  
“That’s cool; that baseball guy I met was from there,” Clementine shared.
He raised his eyebrows. “No shit? What was his name?”
“Javier Garcia.”
“Wait, seriously? I’ve met him.”
Clementine’s eyes widened. “Really? When?”
“Yeah. Well, kinda. My grandparents used to take me to the baseball games in the city sometimes. He signed a ball for me. I think I still have it somewhere...” He shook his head and chuckled to himself. “I can’t believe you met Javier Garcia and didn’t tell me.”
She giggled at his enthusiasm then shrugged. “You never asked.”
“Alright, you gotta tell me everything now. How’d you meet him?”
“Well… I, uh…” Clementine sighed, slightly embarrassed of how she had acted back then. “I almost shot him; then, I tried to rob him.” 
Louis snorted. “Really, Clem? I mean, I knew you were edgy, but damn.”
She rubbed the back of her neck and said sheepishly, “Yeah… I was going through some shit at the time… He was pretty cool about it, though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. He was a pretty cool guy in general,” she said and placed her card atop the other discarded ones. “He’s kinda like you-- little less dorky though.”
“Dorky!?” Louis clutched his chest and feigned offense.
“In a good way!” she quickly added with a laugh before switching focus to her stack of cards. She held them up and asked, “Round three?”
“‘Round three?’ You’re really gonna act like you didn’t just insult me like that?” He continued pretending to be offended as he drew another card. Before Clementine could respond or even draw a card herself, he blurted out, “I win.” and revealed that he had drawn an ace. 
“Not necessarily,” she protested. “What if I get an ace too?”
“I’d be very shocked.”
Clementine picked the top card off her stack and lifted it up in front of her face so that he couldn’t see it. She smirked. “It’s an ace,” she told him.
Louis looked at her skeptically and peeked over the top of the card to see what it really was. “That’s a four, darling.” 
The girl sighed and dropped the card. “Fine... I guess losers do deserve to win at least once.”
“Exactly,” he agreed before asking his question: “What’s your favorite kind of music?”
Clementine smiled; that was such a him thing to ask. She pursed her lips as she considered the question. Music hadn’t really been a part of her life like it had Louis’. When she and AJ were living on the road, they avoided it for the most part; it was unnecessary noise. She had probably heard more music in the past month at the school than in all her years on the road. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. I never really had the chance to listen to much music before I came here,” she admitted. “Sometimes me and AJ would listen to some rock CD in the car; I guess that was pretty cool.”
“Rock? That makes sense.”
Clementine shrugged and moved to draw another card, but Louis interrupted her:
“Wait, you’re not gonna ask what mine is?”
“I already know what yours is.” She smirked at him. “It’s obviously super girly pop music.”
“Ah, shit! How’d you know!?” he joked. 
“Gut feeling,” she joked back as she grabbed the next card off her stack.
She drew a Jack, beating Louis’ draw of a nine.
“Yes!” Clementine pumped her fist in celebration of her victory. “I have a good one this time.”
“Oh boy,” Louis said, slightly worried. “What is it?”
“What’s your biggest irrational fear?” she asked.
He eyed her suspiciously. “Um, you’re not trying to get ammunition to use against me are you?”
“No!” she laughed. “I’m just curious.”
“Ok...” Louis sighed before answering, “I’m terrified of wasps.”
“Yeah. I hate them. A couple years back we found a wasps’ nest under the lookout tower. I wouldn’t go outside for a week.”
“Are you allergic to them or something?” the girl asked.
“No, they’re just… fucking demonic, y’know?” he replied as an involuntary shiver ran down his spine at the thought of the wretched insects.
Clementine giggled. “Yeah, I guess they kinda are.”
“I’m glad you understand,” he chuckled then raised an eyebrow at her. “So, what’s your irrational fear, then?”
 “Oh, I’m not scared of anything,” she responded matter-of-factly.
“Everyone’s scared of something.”
“Not me.”
 Louis pouted. “Come on, I told you mine.”
She stared into his pleading eyes for a moment before groaning and giving in. “I guess I’m kinda creeped out by mirrors,” she confessed.
“What? Mirrors? How could someone as pretty as you hate mirrors?”
“Ha ha,” she replied sarcastically before explaining, “They give me a weird feeling... like they’re watching me or something.” She shuddered. “I don’t know how to explain it; they’re just creepy.”
The boy gave her an amused look. “Not gonna lie, that’s… a pretty weird fear. Was not expecting that,” he said.
“Hey, don’t judge me.” 
“I wasn’t.” He held up his hands. “There’s nothing wrong with you being scared of mirrors. In fact, if you want, I’ll go smash every mirror in the school for you right now.”
Clementine snickered. “I think I’ll be alright.”
“Ok, if you say so.” Louis picked up his stack of cards, preparing to draw for the next round, but before he did, he added, “If you ever change your mind, though, lemme know. I will do it.”
“I’ll let you know,” she promised. 
The pair each drew another card, and this time, Louis won with a seven of clubs. He held his card up to his lips as he considered whether or not he really wanted to ask the question he had in mind. Clementine cleared her throat and raised her wrist as if she were checking an imaginary watch, teasing the boy for taking so long to ask his question. So he decided to just go for it: 
“Alright, I gotta ask… And I’m not judging, ok? But...” Louis reached over her and picked up a book that had been laying on the opposite side of her bed. He held it up in front of her and asked,“What the fuck is this?”
“Oh God.” Clementine could feel her face begin to burn when she saw the cover. It was one of those cringeworthy western romance novels with a shirtless man in a cowboy hat on the front. The terrible thing was mixed in with a stack of a few books that Ruby had given her a couple days prior. The girl tried to explain herself:
“It’s a book Ruby brought me to read when I get bored. She gave me a few different books, and-- and I already read all the others. So y’know, I thought reading it would at least be better than staring at the ceiling. I--It’s super dumb. I swear I’m only reading it to laugh at it.”
Louis smirked at her babbling. “Right. Sure.” 
“I promise!” Clementine really wasn’t lying. The book was horrible-- probably the worst thing she had ever read in her life. It was almost impressive how bad it was, and that made it hilarious to her. But of course, Louis wasn’t going to let her off that easy.
“So what’s it about, then?” he asked as he scanned the pages, stopping when his eye caught a particularly cringeworthy passage. He smirked at the girl beside him and began to dramatically recite it:
Annabelle watched with wide eyes as he dismounted the horse, his bare six-pack glistening in the afternoon sun. God, he was sooo hot. He took off his cowboy hat and ran his fingers through his hair before turning to her and smiling. “Howdy, baby. I have come back for you,” he said in his deep, sultry voice.
Clementine lied back and buried her burning face into her hands. “Please stop,” she laughed. Of course, he ignored her and continued reading:
“Oh, Bill. I knew you would.” She ran into his arms and kissed him passionately. He tightened his hold on her and pulled her to the ground with him. He tenderly stroked her-- 
Louis cringed. “Oof, that’s a little inappropriate,” he mumbled to himself and quickly flipped a few pages ahead until he found a different section to read. “Here we go.”
Luckily for Clementine, before he could start reading whatever awful new passage he found, the dorm door opened and someone stepped inside. Louis lowered the book and turned around to see who it was. He smiled when he saw that it was AJ.
“Hey, little dude!”
“Hi,” AJ greeted the older boy then raised an eyebrow when he caught sight of Clementine lying back with her hands covering her beet-red face. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“I’m just reading Clem her favorite book,” Louis replied nonchalantly. 
“It’s not my favorite book! I hate it!” the girl blurted out. 
“Oh, stop lying, Clem. Your secret’s out; you might as well own it.”
“I hate you,” she jested.
“I love you too.” He smirked. “Even if you do have a weird thing for cowboys.”
“Damn it, I do not! You’re never gonna let this go, are you?”
“Absolutely not,” he laughed, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. 
“Lou, I swear to God when I get out of this bed...” Clementine playfully threatened.
“I’ll go into hiding,” he chuckled and stared down at the book in his hands. Something suddenly occurred to him. “Wait, so Ruby gave this to you?”
Clementine nodded. “She did.”
“I wonder if this is one of those sappy books she was talking about.” He mindlessly flipped through the pages then slipped the novel into an inner pocket of his coat and flashed her a sly grin. “I’m gonna show it to Aasim-- tell him to take notes and act it out for her.”
“Great idea,” she snorted. “You can torment him instead.”
“He is pretty fun to torment.” He grinned mischievously then glanced at the door. “...I’ll be back.”
Clementine watched as Louis stood and rushed out of the dorm room, his coat flapping behind him. She chuckled to herself as she heard him running down the hall. She loved that idiot.
“...I don’t get it,” AJ suddenly said. “What just happened?”
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo,” Clementine chuckled. “He's just being a dork.”
End Note: Thanks for reading! ♥
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Color Me Pink
Summary: Marlon gets ready for the day and notices something that shows that the competition with Renata is far from over.
Word Count: 2786
Read on AO3:
Marlon gave a tired yawn as he got dressed; it was just another morning like any other. Another day where he would go to school and try to pass classes. But now there was something else that came with each school day: his competition with Renata. As luck would have it he had somehow fallen for the same girl as her. Once the two had learned of this fact, neither of them would budge and instead made a deal. They would have a competition and try to woo this girl. Whoever won her heart first would get the girl.
Marlon had no idea why Renata was going after Sophie though. Well, that was a lie. How could someone not fall for Sophie? She was smart, beautiful, funny, kind, her eyes shone extra bright whenever food got brought up. Marlon gave a happy sigh at the thought of his crush but soon snapped himself out of the moment. He had to get out of the bathroom so his siblings could brush their teeth or take a shower before they all had to leave for school.
With another sleepy yawn, Marlon reached up to wipe off the steam on the bathroom mirror. His fingers brushed through the condensation and slowly revealed his image but something about it was off. Marlon’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion as his hand wiped the mirror faster until it was completely clear. The reflection in the mirror made Marlon’s eyes widen in shock. There was no way…
Renata hummed happily as she sat at the dining room table with a big bowl of cereal, her legs excitedly kicking underneath the table. So much so that her leg ended up colliding with the table, causing Prisha’s orange juice to nearly fall over. Prisha made a panicked yelp as she caught the glass just in time, saving a piece of paper she was jotting stuff down on. She took a deep breath then shot over a look at Renata.
“Hehe, whoops! Didn’t mean to almost ruin your homework, Prish.” Renata smiled and stuffed a spoonful of cereal in her mouth before talking again. “Whad homework diwd you not fimish?” Renata’s words were muffled by the food that struggled to stay in her mouth.
“Eat your food first before asking a question, and this isn’t a homework assignment, it's something for the school musical.” Prisha gave a long sigh then resumed her work.
“Ooo! That’s cool! That reminds me - Mom, can I join the dance club at school?” Renata looked back at Carley who was busy flirting with Lee while fixing his tie. The two seemed completely lost in their flirting as Carley leaned forward and captured Lee’s lips in a warm kiss that quickly turned into another one.
“Mom… Mom... “ Renata tried to get Carley’s attention but it wasn’t working.
“Lee!” Clementine spoke up from her spot at the dining room table. The sudden yell made Rosie stand up on alert and give a low bark.
“Hmm? What’s up?” Lee looked over at the table where most of his kids sat.
“Renata wanted to talk with Mom,” Clementine explained as she tossed a piece of bacon in her mouth. Bits of the bacon didn’t hit the mark though and ended up landing on Aasim’s tutoring notes that he was prepping for a certain redhead that he swore was just a friend.
“What’s up, Renata?” Carley walked over towards her middle daughter who opened her mouth to speak when a scream from the upstairs bathroom drew everyone’s attention.
Loud footsteps erupted from the second floor before a series of frantic thumps echoed on the stairs. Seconds later Marlon appeared, only wearing his jeans and a sock that was half on his foot and flying around wildly with each step he took. But that wasn’t the thing that made his family look at him with mouths slightly ajar. It was his mullet that was now a soft pink.
“Why the fuck did you dye your mullet?” Mitch’s eyes focused on his brother’s hair as he ate a piece of toast he had burned to hell and smothered in butter and jam.
“I don’t know, why did I?” Marlon’s eyes wandered over to Renata who gave a smug, playful smile.
“The world is full of mysteries. But didn’t you hear? Soft pink is in!”
Marlon’s frown deepened. “First you changed my alarm, then you caused my pants to rip at school and now my hair is pink! Y’know what? I’m still winning this!” Marlon pointed at Renata then whisked around and stormed back up the stairs.
“Really, Renata? Is it all worth it?” Aasim glanced up from his notes at his older sister who was busy high fiving Mitch.
“Well, considering that Marlon has been pulling similar pranks on me, yes. Yes, it is worth it,” Renata leaned back in her chair and tilted her head back, immediately noticing Carley there.
“I have to go to work but we are going to talk about these pranks. Both you and Marlon are escalating this way too much,” Carley looked at her daughter, her hands on her hips. Renata glanced away, not wanting to add any potential fuel to the fire.
“Your mom is right,” Lee walked forward, placing a hand on Carley’s shoulder with a smile. “After school today we’re going to sit down with you and Marlon.”
“Okay,” Renata gave a small nod, looking sad for a split second before smiling once more when she realized she still had breakfast to eat. Soon the rest of the morning prep was done and the six siblings set off for school. Prisha and Clementine led the way down the hall talking about this and that when all of a sudden Clementine noticed Louis walking the opposite direction. Both of them shared soft smiles at each other.
“Hey, Clem! Ready to see my skills in action during music class?”
“I can’t wait,” Clementine held Louis’ gaze as his smile grew. He then proceeded to spin around and walk backwards to still be able to talk with her.
“I can’t wait to finally hear you play!”
“Gonna have to keep waiting because no way I’m playing an instrument today,” Clementine gave a playful smile back at Louis.
Louis held his heart in mock pain. “You pain me, dear Clementine. Alright, but one day I will!” With a final wink Louis turned around and continued down the hall.
Clementine gave a small, happy sigh and was about to resume her conversation with Prisha when she noticed her older sister’s smile. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all,” Prisha’s lips held a teasing smile which made Clementine’s embarrassment grow but not as much as it did when Renata jumped into the conversation.
“So, when’s the wedding?’ Renata poked her head out from the back of the pack, causing her dark purple shirt to sway as well as some of the jewelry she had on.
“There’s not going to be a wedding,” Clementine replied, looking back at her younger sister.
“Guess you’re eloping then,” Marlon added into the teasing, although most of his energy seemed to go toward shaking off his nerves at all the eyes staring at his soft pink hair.
“Not before you and your mystery girl, Pinkie,” Clementine shot back a smile and Marlon frowned before he focused on seeing if his sports jersey could make his new hair work better or not.
“Speaking of mystery girls, here comes Aasim’s,” Renata jogged forward to be next to Aasim in order to tease him more.
Aasim’s eyes wandered over towards Ruby who was walking down the hall with Jesse and Violet. Ruby was talking happily with Jesse about the idea of visiting the horse stables and going horseback riding together while Violet seemed more focused on her loose shoelaces that she wouldn’t bother to tie. Jesse continued to speak with Ruby, giving a warm smile to his litter sister before he felt eyes on him and looked over towards Aasim.
Aasim immediately pretended to be finding a piece of paper from his notebook. Jesse’s aura was always intimidating so he’d rather not be on the bad side of him. While Aasim was busy trying to find a piece of paper that didn’t exist, Prisha was busy stealing a glance over at Violet who seemed to be doing the same to Prisha. Although perhaps that was hopeful thinking on Prisha’s part. At least that's what she told herself as she watched the blonde for a moment longer.
“Oh?” Clementine’s voice made Prisha look her way to see her playful smile. “Who’s having the wedding now?”
“That’s preposterous, I was simply…” Prisha couldn’t think of any good excuse which only made her siblings tease her more. All of them except for Aasim who was busy waving goodbye to Ruby, both of them blushing a bit when they locked eyes.
Soon the siblings split off and went their separate ways. Marlon tried his best to not let the eyes on him make him nervous but he couldn’t help it. As he worked to open his locker he heard a familiar voice that made his heart pitter patter.
“Heya, Mar! Ready to kick this school day’s ass!” Sophie leaned forward and gave a smile to Marlon. Marlon felt his heartbeat quicken and he tried to work to open his locker faster in case Sophie saw his hair and hated it. “Oh! You dyed your hair?”
Sophie’s words made Marlon freeze. “Yeah, I know it’s-”
“Super cute!” Sophie smiled at Marlon, her eyes focused on his soft pink hair. “It looks kinda badass too!”
Marlon couldn’t believe what he was hearing; his heart was pounding in his ears as he struggled to find the right words. He was in the middle of trying to figure out what to say when his eyes caught sight of Clementine and Mitch. Clementine was busy giving a thumbs up while Mitch seemed to be pressuring Marlon to go ahead and kiss Sophie. Both of his siblings’ actions made Marlon’s nerves grow. Snapping his eyes away and back to his locker he opened it. “Thanks,” Marlon gave a smile towards Sophie who immediately returned it.
“You wanna walk with me to my first class? I think it's on the way to yours,” Sophie’s offer made Marlon happy.
“I’d like that,”
“Say no more!” Sophie spun around and began to fidget with her baseball cap for a second before leading the way.
Marlon sent a look back at his siblings and waved them off, telling them silently to cut it out. Once he was partially successful, Marlon jogged up to join Sophie on the way to class.
The day flew by and lunchtime quickly arrived. Marlon had snuck off to go on a tree climbing adventure with Sophie while Renata focused on wooing the girl she was sure she and Marlon were competing for: Minnie. It only took her a moment to find the redhead sitting on the steps of the school with her guitar. She was busy tuning the guitar and strumming it before sneaking in a small break where she would toss a french fry in her mouth. Renata beamed and immediately made her way over there.
“Hey, Minnie!” Renata sat down beside the redhead with a playful smile.
Minnie, startled by the sudden voice and flustered by Renata’s presence, failed to toss the french fry correctly and ended up hitting herself in the eye. “Ow, fuck,” Minnie blinked wildly for a few seconds.
“Oh no! Are you okay?” Renata asked with concern.
Minnie closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I think so,” She opened her eyes and felt her face grow extremely hot when she saw how close Renata’s face was to hers. Her eyes traveled down to Renata’s lips for a second before scooting back and clearing her throat. “What are you doing here? Not that I don’t like you here!”
“I saw you and I thought you could use some company. Plus I always love hanging out with you,” Renata kicked her legs lazily back and forth and gave a casual, flirty smile.
Minnie felt her heart flutter at that and she resumed her focus on her guitar. “I’m just playing my guitar, so I hope that's not boring,” She began to pluck at a few strings.
“Nope, it's not boring at all!” Renata shuffled closer to Minnie and listened thoughtfully as Minnie began to play. Both of them were enjoying the simple joy of the moment when things took a turn as Renata opened her lunchbox. As soon as she lifted up the cover a small explosion of pepper shot up and got in Renata’s nose.
“Ren! Are you okay?” Minnie placed down her guitar to check on Renata who gave a smile.
“I’m fin-” Renata was cut off by a series of small sneezes, the force of which made her head shake a bit. Minnie watched on, finding Renata’s sneezes cute, but snapped herself out of that to offer Renata a napkin.
“Here,” “Thanks,” Renata’s hand brushed against Minnie’s and the two locked eyes for a moment. Quickly Minnie pulled back and grabbed her guitar, starting up the song she was writing once more. Renata smiled over at Minnie then resumed enjoying the music. Turns out Marlon had also enlisted the help of Mitch. Well played. Renata glanced over at Minnie then looked up at the sky. It seemed that everything had worked out though. Renata gave another sneeze. Well, sort of.
The rest of the day flew by and soon the Everett siblings were on their way home. Both Marlon and Renata seemed rather smug even though they were about to have a talk with their parents about their pranks. They had each taken huge steps today with the girls they thought were one and the same. It would only be a matter of time before things took a romantic turn and when they did Marlon and Renata were sure they would rub it in the other’s face.
Sophie walked up to her room, a happy smile resting on her face. Today had been amazing, spending all that time with Marlon, going on that tree adventure with him, seeing him with that cute new hair. It was official: she was definitely falling for him. How could she not with how nice he was, his smile, the way he always seemed to really care about what she was saying?
Sophie sighed with contentment as she opened the door to her room. One day she’d get up the nerve to confess to him but for now she’d just continue to be great friends with him. She was so lost in thought that Sophie failed to notice Minnie until she tripped over her, landing harshly on her butt. Sophie looked over to see Minnie wrapped up in a blanket burrito.
“Happy or sad burrito?”
“Happy,” Minnie wrapped herself further in the burrito, trying to hide her somewhat goofy smile.
“That’s good. Is it because of that girl? What was her name again? Renata?” Sophie smiled when she saw her twin get even more flustered. “You have to introduce me to her! I don’t know how I haven’t met her yet, but she's gotta be great if she's turned you into a five foot eleven inch burrito blanket of happiness.”
“She is,” Minnie’s eyes traveled over to her sister. “I think I might have a crush on her.”
“Holy shit! Is that what you’re experiencing?” Sophie teased Minnie who rolled over to bump into Sophie. The two began to laugh when suddenly a knock appeared on the door and James poked his head in.
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to play some more Stardew Valley-” James stopped when he saw Minnie in the burrito blanket. “Happy or sad?”
“Happy! She has a crush!” Sophie had a teasing smile on her face as she nudged Minnie playfully.
“Shut up, I know you have a crush too! On that mullet dude,”
Those words seemed to shut up Sophie as her eyes grew large.
“Really? You two have crushes too?” James walked forward and sat down with his sisters.
“Wait, ‘too’?” Minnie popped her head out of the burrito blanket.
“Holy cheeseballs! Is it that guy playing soccer that you spotted when you were taking nature shots?” Sophie asked excitedly.
James tried his best to hide his blush at the mention of his crush.
“A soccer guy? How come I didn’t hear about this yet? You gotta spill!,” Minnie pressed James for details and soon the three siblings were all chattering away, each of them talking about their crushes while the other two cheered them on.
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cloudsrust · 5 years
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Everyone wants a piece of the angery musician oh oh
(also, hope that no one was expecting a dom!Wolfgeist from me-.. he can still kick ass tho)
My gawd- rip to poor Amadeus but these were a lot of fun to do! ..I’m finally getting better at drawing characters’ interactions c,=
(also the Steward one was supposed to be a bit more explicit- with bite marks and all.. but I know that that isn’t everybody’s cup of tea here so yeah- tame version! I’llJustPostTheOriginalOnMyMatureTwitterCoughCough)
Opinions on the ships under the cut if someone is interested!
(Positions in the ships:
Amadeus : Normally dom. Sub if constrained/limited in some way (like with Morty and Steward in this case- Clem just has to hope to be strong enough to receive his “refusal”). He a bottom (rarely a switch and only w/ Steward)
Steward : Practically like Amadeus, just reversed: Normally sub. Dom if in a position of power/high ground. He a switch.
Morty: He is neutral, just wants his partner to feel nice. He a top.
Clem: Dom and a top. That’se it. )
Morteus: it was actually my ship of choice for Wolfgeist in the beginning, but since I already shipped Moruigi I ended up letting it go.(I can’t betray my Luigi boi like that;;)
Now I simply headcanon it as a “past one-way kinda ship”, with Amadeus being one of Morty’s past crushes (One of his muses-), that rejected him once he started getting too close. Now they’re just weird artist buddies that support each others’ works.
Clemadeus: I’m kinda divided on this one since I usually love couples with very contrasting traits but in this case the difference is way too much? Hhhh-
With this ship I can only see Clem dirty flirting with him and Wolfgeist just going completely mad over it.. I hope Clem knows how to dodge ohoh-. 
Maybe with a more gentle and distant approach the Sewer Boi could have a chance tho-.. maybe;;
Stewadeus: ...Tbh I absolutely have no idea how ya all came up with this one but damn now I ship it too;; especially with how I headcanon Steward now- 
He may look like a gud innocent steward boi- but he has quite some tricks up his sleeve when he wants something- or well someone in this case.
I like the idea of Wolfgeist secretely liking someone who can stand up to him in such a way- but I’d still be worried about what is gonna happen once that belt finally snaps off his wrists-
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yellowsugarwords · 4 years
Walking Dead Game FanFiction - “Dirtied Fabric”
Title: Dirtied Fabric Characters: Ericson Kids Summary: The Ericson kids tease Clem about not washing her hat. When she gets upset about it, Louis defends her as he knows about Lee. Author's Note: I’m so happy with this one wow ;-; Requested By: ebimanami support me with ko-fi ♡ ---------♥️♥️♥️----------
“Okay Ruby, truth or dare?”
Violet leaned deeper into her seat, arms crossed, visibly begging for the game to be over as quickly as possible. She was definitely the only Ericson kid visibly not enjoying herself. She stared at Ruby, already knowing what she was going to say.
Louis hummed. “Tell us who you have a crush on.”
Immediately, the teen went beat red. She glanced around the circle nervously, as though scanning for the least embarrassing way she could answer the question. “Uh,” she finally breathed, “Clem!”
Clem smiled, then chuckled, leaning back into her seat. “Nice.” Was all she could say. The two of them both already knew it was a lie — it was obviously Aasim — and clearly the feeling was reciprocated given the way Aasim’s shoulders fell.
Clementine smirked, adjusting her spot in her seat. She knew what was bound to happen if she said ‘truth’. There was going to be a choir of follow-up questions about Ruby’s confession. Not wanting to dig the girl into a deeper hole, Clementine smiled warmly. “Dare.”
“Clem-en-tine.” Louis said, forcing out every syllable.
To that, Clem just smirked, beamed, thrilled that she had a chance to entertain her friends. “Gimme the best you got, Ruby.”
Ruby stared at her, drinking the teen in from top to bottom. “I dare you to let Mitch wash your hat.”
Instantly, the very moment the words escaped her lips, Clementine’s blood ran cold. “What?” She forced out, just above a whisper. “No, I can’t.”
Mitch chuckled. “Hey, you’re the one that picked dare.”
Clementine furrowed her brow. Finally, she was starting to get on Mitch’s good side and here she was about to throw it all away. Currently, she was so passionate that she didn’t care. “I’m not doing that.”
“I can’t and I won’t.”
Mitch blinked, his brows suddenly relaxing. Realizing the bitterness in her tone, they furrowed. “Hey, you’re the one that picked dare.”
“And I’m saying to give me another dare.” Clem pushed, glaring. “Now can we drop this?”
“We’re just playing the game, Clem.” Marlon said, brows furrowed, as if irritated by her sudden outburst. “It’s just a dare.”
“And it’s just a hat.” Mitch shot back, arms crossing, glare unmatched compared to every other confused, or somewhat irritated, gaze around the circle.
That was the sentence that felt like a knife to the gut, so much so that Clem could feel her shoulders fall and her stomach lurch. They didn’t understand, and in that respect she couldn’t be too mad at them. To them, it was just a hat. Just a messy, falling apart hat. They didn’t realize the reasons behind why she couldn't wash it.
But that didn’t mean they had the right to push her so much on it.
Louis cleared his throat, gaze locked on the side of Clem’s head. “Lets uh,” he coughed shyly, hoping the rest of the group could back him up. “Let’s just pick a different dare.”
Mitch scoffed. In response, Louis shot him a look. Louis was the only person Clementine had ever told about Lee and how his blood was still stained to her hat; her last remnant of him. He was the only person around that campfire that knew why she refused to clean it.
And, since Clementine didn’t have the heart to defend herself in that moment, it was his job; one he took very seriously.
“This is stupid.”
“Mitch.” Louis said, glaring intently.
“No Louis, this is so fucking dumb.” He scoffed. “Here wanders in Clementine, wandering into our school, fucking up our shit, and now she refuses to even play a fucking game with us.”
“It’s just a game.” Louis said back, feeling Clementine’s heartbreak swelling given their conversation. “We should--”
“The fact that it’s just a game should mean she should just suck it up and wash that disgusting hat.”
To that, Clem jolted back slightly, the words physically smacking her. Then, she cleared her throat, adjusting her hair, and stood.
While Louis was already standing, lips parted, ready to continue his part in defending her, she silently wandered away and started for the school. He was halfway through a speech, telling Mitch that he needed to lay off and try to ‘have fun’ instead of taking the game so seriously, when he heard Ruby call after her.
“Clementine!” The redhead sighed, slowly easing herself back into her chair from where she’d momentarily stood. “Oh no.”
Louis hesitated, staring after her, instinctively moving a foot in her direction. He paused, his worried, pained stare turning force and snapping back to Mitch. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Louis,” Marlon said, standing, a hand outstretched in his best friend’s general direction. Louis never talked like that, not even when he was furious or devastated or bitter. Something was really wrong. “Let’s just take a second here, okay?”
“No.” Louis said sternly, casting the blonde a quick glare. “I can’t believe you ganged up on her like that.”
“She was being dramatic.”
“No, she was being honest.” Louis snapped back Mitch’s way. “Did you ever think to bother asking why she refuses to wash that hat?”
To the question, the circle fell silent. Regardless, Mitch’s glare persisted. “It’s just a hat, Louis.”
“Not to her. You’d know that if you bothered to get to know her.”
“Louis, please.”
Louis ignored Marlon’s request, storming away toward the front doors of the building. No. He refused to take this. He refused to let her name be slandered for no reason; with everyone showing no desire to understand. He had more important things to be doing. More important places to be.
Like with Clementine.
The moment he slammed the front door shut behind him, he bolted to her room. He needed to see her, to apologize for not doing more, for listening them speak to her like that before he spoke up and did something.
He knocked, hearing a quick shuffling noise inside. Delicately, he opened the door a crack. “Clem?” He called inside, voice wavering.
The door was whisked open, Clementine immediately turning her back on the male, pacing away. She seemed nervous, and sluggish, and….dishevelled; very unlike her usual self.
The moment he entered the room, he frowned and sighed. “Clem, I’m so--”
He wasn’t even able to get the words out. Before he had a chance to, Clem swung the door shut behind him and wrapped her arms sweetly around his neck, holding him close. It took a moment for
Louis to register what was occurring, and when he did, he wrapped his arms around the small of her back, settling them there, rubbing and hushing her.
“Thank you.” Was all she managed to say. That was when Louis realized she was crying.
Delicately, he lifted a hand to the back of her hair, stroking back and forth, holding her as tightly as she could. “Hey hey, come with me.” He hushed.
For the remainder of the night they sat on Clementine’s bed, her head nuzzled under his chin, leaning on his chest, pressed to his cheek, trying to find any bit of peace. The entire time, Louis’ arms were wrapped around her, whispering reminders that he was on her side, planting gentle kisses in her hair, and hushing nothings whenever she grew solemn.
Because then, he was in the most important place he could be; with the girl he loved in his arms. ---------♥️♥️♥️----------
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Mitch x Female!reader (Possessive)
Request: Hello, happy new year!!! ^.^ I just found your blog and omg I love your writing style I'm hooked ❤️
could I maybe request a Mitch x reader please where she is best friends with Clementine and in love with Mitch and vice versa. When the raiders come to take them Abel goes after the reader and Mitch gets really possessive over them which results in their confession. Thank you so much and keep up your amazing work ❤️❤️^.^
Fandom: The walking dead Season 4
Pairing: Mitch x Female!reader
Pov: Reader’s
“--All I’m saying is that you don’t need to do everything she says,” Mitch said. 
He really wasn’t the biggest fan of Clementine. I was hoping everything would be resolved after the greenhouse but I guess I was wrong.
“Mitch, I’m just trying to help Clem out. The Raiders will be here tonight and I don’t want to be… I don’t want the raiders to take me,” I voiced my concerns. 
A wave of shock resided through my body as Mitch grabbed one of my hands to calm me down. I never pegged him to be the sensitive type. I could feel his thumb tracing shapes into my skin. Somehow, it was actually calming me down.
“I promise you, on my life, that they won’t take you. Not if I can help it.” He was serious. He’d protect me? “Come on, you can do Clementine’s task later. Everyone is fine. We’re all almost ready. You can come with me and help me make my bombs,” He said, wanting me to accompany him whilst he made the bombs.  
I gave him a look, he already knew what I was about to say but it didn’t seem to get through to him. My words went in one ear and out the other. God, those eyes. He had the worst puppy dog eyes, it was like they just pulled you in and didn’t let go… but--
“Mitch, I don’t know how I would be useful. I have no idea what even goes in bombs. I need to go back to Clem. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” 
I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before pulling my hand out of his loose grip. I granted him a small smile before I slowly walked away from him and his finished bombs. I may not know too much about bombs but I did know that he had been finished for at least 20 minutes. What if I had said yes? What would he want to do with me? Talk?
Well, he was the last person to check on, besides Violet and Louis, but then I needed to go check in with Clem.
Great. I was sure the three saw everything. I walked up to Louis who was trying to figure out how to work the bow.
“Hey, Louis. Everything okay over here?” I asked.
The taller boy slowly put down his bow and turned to me, a light smile spread across his features.
“Yeah, I’m kinda getting the hang of this. But what I really want to talk about is you and Mitch. What was that whole thing over there? You guys were having a moment. You two would make a cute couple.” 
I pressed a hand to my face, hoping to cool the hotness as my blood quickly rushed to my face within a matter of seconds of hearing mention of his name. I liked Mitch, I do. I was sure he felt the same considering how he held my hand and everything.
“He was comforting me about this whole Raiders thing. I’m really scared about it,” I explained. 
Louis’ eyes became softer, a hand reached out to console me but he stopped short as his gaze met something behind me. He let out a small laugh before letting his hand lay limp at his side.
“You don’t need to worry about it, Mitch looks like he's ready to attack me after just trying to touch your shoulder. I think the Raiders should be afraid of him. You should talk to him about how you feel after this thing is over, okay?” 
I smiled up at Louis, thanking him silently before I turned around to check in with Violet and Clem. God, they were in love. If their aura with each other wasn’t enough, they always seemed to be holding hands with each other.
But Mitch…
I turned slightly to the other side of the yard to see Mitch sitting on the park bench and staring at me intensely, I did want to talk to him, like all day, but I should check in with Clem. I gave Mitch a small wave. I could see his face flaring up from over here.
“(y/n)! Stop flirting and get over here!” I jumped in my spot and quickly ran over to where Clem and Violet were sitting. I could feel how hot my face was right now, it was kind of making me dizzy. But that was no excuse. “How is everyone? Are we ready?” 
I gave Clem a small nod and gesture vaguely with my hands. “I mean, there were a few arguments, but I got them settled. We’re all ready.” 
Violet nudged Clementine in the side, she was smirking. Were they planning something else for the Raid? What else could we do? We barricaded the gates, everyone was armed, we had traps, bombs, not to mention that the school was in the middle of a forest and was difficult to find.
“And Mitch? How’s he?” Why were they asking about Mitch? Did everyone watch us while we talked?
“He’s ready too. His bombs work great and he’s got plenty for the Raiders,” I answered. 
Clementine shook her head lightly, standing to her feet and stretching lightly.
“That’s not what I meant. He has like, the biggest crush on you, you two should talk about that after this thing is through.” 
I narrowed my eyes lightly and crossed my arms over my chest. Did everyone know about this? First Louis and now Clem?
I opened my mouth to tell her that I had already planned on it when Willy shouted from the top of the watchtower, “It’s the Raiders! They’re here!” 
Louis ran over to me quickly and handed me the bow before arming himself with Chairles. The rest of the kids got into position as the gates were knocked over. I thought there was going to be some sort of negotiation but I barely had enough time to shoot enough bows into some of the Raiders before I was tackled into the dirt. My bow flung out of my grip as a heavy adult settled on top of me.
I could feel my body squirming to get him off of me, but he was too heavy.
“We could have made this really simple, you just hand over a couple of kids and we leave you alone for a good bit. Simple enough, right?” 
I glared at the man on top of me, Abel. Clem found him in the woods while she was trying to get food for the school. There was no way she could have known that Abel was part of the Raiders or that she knew the leader from a long time ago.  
“Why would we do that? So we can win your little war for you? And then you’ll just feed us to the Walkers? No thanks,” I snarked at him.
A whimper escaped my throat as a knife was pressed against my neck. Clementine was busy facing Lily to help me. If I could just reach for the knife in my pock--
I felt shock overwhelm me as Mitch appeared out of nowhere and roughly shoved Abel off of me and stabbed his leg, preventing him useless for the rest of the fight. I was shaky as Mitch pulled me to my feet and tossed my bow toward me.
“We’re talking later,” Mitch grunted to me. 
What did he mean? About what?
I couldn’t think about it now. I needed to make sure that everyone was alright. Mitch ran to the side of the building, lighting bombs and throwing them into the field, blowing away half of the army.  
“We’ll be back for the rest of you!” 
Mitch pushed me behind his back at the sound of Lily’s announcement, I didn’t fight with him about where I was positioned. Abel, he… I could have died if it weren’t for Mitch.
“Are they gone?” I asked.
Mitch held a hand out, blocking anybody from coming near me, not that anybody was in the vicinity. At the sound of Horses' trotting away, Mitch gave me a small nod of his head and grabbed one of my hands gently, turning his body to face me.
“Are you okay? Hurt?” He fretted over me, checking my body for any cuts or bruises.
He was so worried about me? Why? I shook my head softly, I had a headache and some bruises but I’d be okay. “Just a headache and scrapes, nothing I can’t handle.” 
Mitch dragged me to the front of the school where Clementine, Violet and the rest of the kids were waiting.
“Is everyone okay?” Clementine asked
Clem’s face brightened a touch once seeing me, but she carried on her leadership duties of checking on everyone. 
I turned to Mitch, my hands were still shaking from my encounter with Abel. “And you? Are you okay? I didn’t really see you until… until you saved my ass.” 
Mitch ruffled my hair lightly, his fingers combing through my locks lightly. He was smiling at least, That was good.
“You don’t need to worry about me. My bombs did most of the heavy lifting for me anyway,” He replied. 
I jumped toward Mitch as a yell was ripped into the air. Abel. I glanced at the boy next to me for a moment before staring at Abel as Clementine threw him in front of our small group.
“Who stabbed him?” 
Mitch immediately came forward, not ashamed that he did that to someone. I guess Louis was right.
“If I didn’t, he would have killed (y/n),” Mitch answered, a stoic expression on his face. The air was still so tense. I thought things would be better afterward, but… It was almost like it was getting harder to breathe. “Do what you will with that information, but I would gladly do it again if the opportunity came up. I’m going to bed. (y/n), come on.” 
The yard was silent as Mitch dragged me into the dormitory building. Why were they being so quiet? Maybe planning an attack on the raiders? Mitch was tense as we walked up to his room, should I leave? I didn’t really know what he was planning.
Mitch pushed me lightly to his bed before shedding himself on his jacket. Somehow, the buildings were always warmer than the weather outside. Even after all of this time.
“Why were you on the front lines?” He abruptly asked.
Was that what he was worried about?
“It was purely a coincidence, but Clementine wanted me next to her to fight,” I answered truthfully. 
Mitch sat next to me on the bed. He still had something else he wants to say, didn’t he?
“You got hurt.” I bit my bottom lip lightly in an attempt to keep the tears in. I had never been more scared for my life than I was at that moment. “Oh, shit. You’re crying.” 
I tried to use a hand to wipe away my tears but more just appeared in their place. I reached over to grab Mitch’s hand but he ended up engulfing me in his arms, a hand combed through my hair to soothe me.
“I felt so helpless, I couldn’t reach my knife or my bow… I couldn’t do anything,” I cried out, my hands shaking from the sobs racking through the body. 
Mitch’s hold on me became tighter and tighter.
“I won’t let you feel like that again. I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner.” I glanced up at him and feel an urge overtook me. “I like you, like a lot. Tonight only proved that further. When I saw him on you, I snapped. I’m surprised I didn’t kill him.” I leaned forward to gently press my lips to his, he quickly returned by kissing back. He slowly pushed me so my back was on the bed. “I promise that I’ll take care of you. That’s not going to happen to you again. Besides, you’re more suited for Stealthy, not right in the middle of the action.” 
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.
I was glad that he was there to save me. I thought something might’ve happened to me.
Or him.
Mitch was holding me like I was his lifeline. I think he’d keep his promise.
I trusted him.
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chilling-seavey · 5 years
Anything But Mine (d.s.) - Chapter Five
A/N :)
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Saturday, September 7th, 2019
Florence, of course, called Callum right away to tell him the news. Her call, as usual, was sent to voicemail. For once, it didn't ruin her mood. She talked excitedly into the phone, spilling how she met this gorgeous boy and how he made her feel all these ways she never knew she could feel before. The rest of the day was spent getting her apartment back together, leaving Clementine playing on the living room rug while she worked. Laundry was started, dishes were washed, and a good vacuuming was done to the hardwood floors.
As much as she was loving life that day, her mood depleted quickly with the lack of text from Grayson. Two days had passed and she had still not received a text back. She tried not to overthink it, yet it still took a toll on her. She was in a sensitive state of mind once Matt left and she couldn't help but think she did something wrong.
It was Saturday around noon when Florence went over to the frat house for a spur of the moment visit. Daniel answered the door, barely getting a word out before she threw her arms around his neck.
“Hi.” Daniel laughed.
Florence let herself into the house, pushing the stroller with the sleeping baby in it.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, not being able to hide his smile over her cheery mood.
“The apartment was too quiet and I missed you.” Florence shrugged, letting herself grab a pop from the fridge.
“I missed you too.” Daniel smiled.
“How's school?” Florence leaned against the counter.
“It’s good. My producing professor is tough but I’m sure that’s a good sign.” Daniel shrugged. “What have you been up to?”
“I’m glad you asked.” Florence said dramatically. “I met the most amazing guy.”
Daniel’s smile faltered but she didn’t notice.
“His name is Grayson and he’s our age too and he’s so gorgeous like chiseled from the earth gorgeous and he’s so sweet and funny and-and-“ Florence gushed, hiding her pink cheeks behind her can.
“Where did you meet him?” Daniel asked softly.
“At Mommy group! He’s Cameron’s younger brother. And he’s a twin too! An identical twin but to me they don’t look identical but Ethan is really witty and lovely and I still can’t understand how they’re so...so...” Florence held her hands out in front of her. “So.”
“Sounds nice.” Daniel nodded.
“Are you okay?” Florence raised an eyebrow. “You’re distant.”
“Sorry, I was writing upstairs so my mind is still there I guess.” Daniel cleared his throat.
“Oh, sorry!” Florence said quickly. “Go back to it! I’ll just hang out down here if you don’t mind.”
“Of course.” Daniel said. He started for the stairs but Florence ran over and hugged him before he got too far.
“Love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too.” He smiled.
Florence made herself comfortable at the dining room table, pulling Clementine next to her in her stroller. She opened the small jar of baby food she brought with her and started to feed the baby. Only moments later, Jack came down the stairs with his guitar in his hands.
“Hey.” He smiled, coming over to greet the two.
“Hey, you.” Florence beamed.
“You’re in a good mood.” Jack stated.
“I am! Life is looking up!” Florence threw her arms out. Clementine laughed.
“Do the ladies want some music with their lunch?” Jack sat down next to them, his guitar on his lap.
“I’m sure we won’t mind, would we, Clem?” Florence said. Clementine watched Jack intently as he started playing, lazily opening her mouth to be fed spoonfuls. As long as Florence knew him, Jack always had an amazing singing voice. It was clear her daughter thought the same.
At that moment, her phone rang. Florence picked it up without looking at the screen, tucking it between her shoulder and ear as she wiped the baby's face with the edge of the spoon. Jack quieted his playing.
"Hey, it's Grayson."
Florence's heart leapt like a middle schooler with a crush.
"Oh, hey." She cleared her throat nervously. "What's up?"
"I'm sorry for not texting you the past couple days, work has been a major pain in the ass."
"Yeah, I figured you were busy."
Grayson continued, "What are you doing right now?"
"Nothing really. Why?"
"I'm downstairs. I want to take you out."
Florence almost dropped her phone. No one had ever asked her out before.
"I would love that but I'm not at home right now."
"Oh. You must be busy then."
"Um, one sec." Florence muted her phone, turning to Jack. “How much do you love me?”
“A decent amount, why?” Jack said slowly, still quietly plucking away at his guitar. Living in a house of boys, he knew better than to accept something before knowing what it was.
"Can you watch Clem if I go out? I just got asked on a date by this amazing guy and I'm kind of freaking out!"
"Yes! Of course, I can!" Jack beamed. “I wouldn’t say no to quality time with my favourite little orange.” He leaned over to squish Clementine’s cheek and she giggled.
"Thank you." Florence whispered before putting her phone back to her ear. "Yeah, no, I'm not busy. I'll head home now."
"I can pick you up if you would like?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, text me the address."
"Okay." Florence couldn't wipe her smile off her face as they said their goodbyes. Jack was leaning on the table, smirking at her.
"What?" Florence mumbled, noting him staring as she texted Grayson.
"Who's the lucky guy?" Jack asked.
"Just someone I met the other day." Florence shrugged, sliding her phone in her back pocket as she stood up from the table.
"Good." Jack smiled, "Someone who can treat you how you deserve to be treated. Oops did I say that out loud?”
Florence smiled nervously, moving slowly and nervously, finishing her drink and applying light lipstick in the powder room. Florence's heart was hammering in her chest; she didn't know why she was reacting this way. It never happened this much with Matt. Thinking of him made her whole demeanor change, her shoulders slumping and bright eyes falling. She tried to focus on Jack’s music but her mind was cloudy. The wait for Grayson's text was almost tortuous, the nineteen-year-old's broken heart still beating strongly. When her phone buzzed in her hand, she took a deep breath, adjusting her purse on her arm as she called goodbye to Jack, and started for the front door.
The light blue Porsche was parked on the street out front. Grayson was stood leaning against it, his dark hair pushed back messily, and black sunglasses on his nose. He wore a black button up, the sleeves rolled up and the top two buttons undone, and dark grey cuffed jeans. Florence physically stopped at the sight of him for a quick second. When he saw her, he smiled and walked over to open the door for her.
"Thanks." Florence mumbled through a smile. The two got in the front seat again. Florence blushed at the memory of what happened the last time they were there.
"Did you have a good day yesterday?" Grayson asked her as he pulled away from the curb.
"It was alright. Just got some cleaning done." Florence answered. "How was work?"
"So long. I work at CTV studios and they kept me there for hours yesterday. I didn't get home until late."
"You work at CTV?" Florence gaped. "That's the biggest Canadian television and film company."
"Yeah." Grayson chuckled. "My brother and I were going to move to LA but they noted our social media presence out of high school and offered us an internship and then now a full time job."
"That's incredible." Florence shook her head, as Grayson turned onto the main road. "What do you do there?"
"We're on our first producing gig currently but usually we're filming or helping out with editing."
"Ah, so no talk show starring for you?"
"Not yet." Grayson laughed.
Florence looked out the window, "Where are we going?"
"You'll see." He smiled. "So, we talked about my job. What do you do?"
"I'm raising an eight-month-old." Florence sighed, her gaze flicking over to him. He was still staring straight out the windshield but she noted his eyebrows furrowing momentarily. Florence continued, "I couldn't start university here because a) I was pregnant and b) I had no money to my name. Still don’t, really."
"But you manage to live downtown still?"
"My family has a lot of money so my brother sends me enough for my apartment rent. Our old neighbours really help me with other things I need. I don’t have time to get a job or even take classes because I have to look after Clementine all the time."
"That must be hard."
"It is; but I think it'll be worth it one day."
"I don't doubt it for a second. You're putting your life on hold to raise your daughter. That's really admirable and no where near easy."
His overly kind words startled Florence into silence. She just stared at him. When she didn’t answer, he briefly looked over at her then back to the road.
"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"No, you didn’t, it's just no one has said that to me before. Callum always kind of makes me feel badly for what I do. He has this grudge against Matt – my ex – and I guess he just blames him for screwing over my future."
"Well I don't blame him for having that grudge. And obviously your brother's opinion matters a lot to you, so I get why you feel stuck in the middle. But your priority is your daughter and that's what you are focussing your life around which is the right thing to do."
"Do you take classes on sweet talk?" Florence smirked. Grayson looked over at her and smiled a goofy grin, making his whole face absolutely light up. Florence couldn't help but notice his perfected jaw line and how his light brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the sun.
"Nah but I pride myself on my honesty."
Florence bit back a smile, turning to look out the window. It was a sunny day with bright blue skies and sparkling sunlight hitting the lake water. It was only a few quick minutes later when Grayson turned onto a side street and into a parking lot. A graffitied wooden fence framed the cracked concrete lot.
"Ready?" he asked her.
"Where are we?" Florence frowned with curiosity.
"We're going bowling."
Florence could feel herself pale.
"You look like I just told you I'm a serial killer. Have you not been before?"
"No. I've never been bowling. I don't even know how to play."
"What?!" Grayson gaped. "Well good thing I brought you then. Come on."
Grayson opened his door and climbed out. Florence took a second to take a deep breath before following him. The walk around to the entrance was nerve-wracking to Florence. Although, now living alone, she was used to saving money and going through life like the average city dweller; she was still affected by the way she was raised, and the dimly lit bowling ally made her almost cringe.
Grayson stopped at the front desk, passing over his credit card in exchange for two pairs of shoes.
“I’m putting so much trust in you right now.” Florence shook her head as they got to their designated lane.
“It’s just bowling.” Grayson laughed as he sat down to change his shoes. Florence did the same.
“It was a game for the lower class in my family.” Florence admitted, sliding off her own shoes.
“Oof, ‘the lower class’.” Grayson laughed. “Your parents doctors or something? Lawyers?”
“Actors. Hollywood actors.”
“Really?” Grayson gaped.
“Surprised you haven’t heard about the scandal. DiCaprio daughter flees parents’ luxury to live alone.”
“Sounds like quite the heathen, that one.” Grayson smirked.
“Kinda a bitch, to be honest.” Florence joked.
“Well at least she’s got those stunning good looks going for her.” Grayson got up and stood in front of her, holding out his hand to help her up. Florence stood up with him and he guided her to the beginning of the lane, a ten pound ball in his hand.
“Take this.” He instructed. “Fingers in these holes here.”
He wrapped his arms around her, large hands on her wrists, guiding her arm back.
“Toss it forward, try to go straight down.”
He took a step back and Florence gave the ball a toss. It spun right into the gutter. She put her hands on her hips and turned to him, her lips pursed.
“I think I did it wrong.”
Grayson laughed, “It’s not easy.”
He took a ball for himself and aimed and shot. His back muscles flexed as he moved and Florence couldn’t help but stare. Grayson’s flawless shot knocked down all the pins.
“No one likes a show off.” Florence tisked.
“No one likes a sore loser.” Grayson teased.
It was like that for the rest of the game: Florence’s failed attempts and Grayson’s expertise of the classic game shining through. She was exhausted by the end, Grayson guiding her to his car with a hand on her lower back. He opened the door for her and helped her in. Florence thought about her mother and how proud she would have been if she had seen that simple action.
“How do you feel about steak?” Grayson asked as he closed the door behind him and started the ignition.
“I think it’s delicious but half a mortgage.” Florence said.
Grayson only smiled, turning onto the sunset dyed streets. One arm was resting on the window ledge, the other at the top of the steering wheel. Soft 80s classics were playing through the speaker and when he rolled down the windows to let the summer air in, he also turned up the volume.
Grayson sang loudly, making Florence laugh and join in. Each red light they stopped at earned them glances from pedestrians but they sang on like no one was listening. The warm summer air blew Florence’s blonde hair back in waves, her smile plastered to her face like she was sculpted that way.
The restaurant they pulled up to was coated in dark glass and black panelling in the midst of downtown. Fairy lights were strung along the patio, lighting the exterior in a golden shade. They both got out of the car and made the short walk to the restaurant from the parking lot. Grayson led Florence inside by a hand on her back. Dark laminate flooring and black painted walls stared back from the interior with white accents and red detailing. People sipped red wine in fancy dress and Florence felt out of place in her jeans and t-shirt.
“Do you take all your dates here?” Florence asked Grayson as they started to follow the hostess to their table.
“Nah. Been waiting just for that special one.”
His smooth words never failed to bring a blush to her cheeks. As they sat at their table and they were given their menus, Florence took her phone from her pocket. The only notifications were a picture of Clementine and Jack playing guitar send by Aidan and a text from Daniel.
Jack said you’re on a date. I hope he acts like a gentleman.
Florence smiled, sliding her phone back in her purse without responding. Daniel’s hopes were definitely answered as Grayson was the most polite and respectful man Florence had ever met. The perfect combination of sweet, witty, and flirty, Grayson could leave her smiling for hours. And he did. Dinner lasted longer than usual, their meals filled with childhood stories and facts about themselves. Florence learned that Grayson grew up in a small town and got into so much trouble with Ethan as a child; breaking bones and giving their poor mother grey hair at an early age. Florence told him her story, growing up in a strict family in the upper class area of LA and how punishment was intense. She even explained her confusing relationship with Matt, Grayson listening intently through the all of the details.
They walked back to the car hand in hand, pink dusting Florence’s cheeks both from the simple action and from the glass of champagne she had with dinner. The warm summer air was cooling down under the moonlit sky, the bustling sounds of the city filling the infinite space around them. Finally at the car, Florence reached for the door but Grayson took her outstretched hand in his other, guiding her to face him. He didn’t speak, instead, cupped her face with one of his large hands and pressed his lips to hers. Florence could have melted on the spot. Her back fell gently against the cool metal of the car, contrasting Grayson’s warm body beautifully. She let her hands rest against his chest, the firm muscle under her touch almost making her knees buckle. It was nothing she had ever experienced before and it was electrifying. Grayson wrapped his other hand around to her back, pulling her body close against his. The way his tongue felt over her lips made the nineteen year old, open up for him hungrily. As her nails started to grasp the front of his button up, he pulled back, leaving still minimal space between them.
“Come home with me?” Florence breathed, embarrassing herself by saying that.
“I’ll take you back to your daughter.” Grayson smiled. “I’m not the type to stay over on the first date.”
“Oh, me neither. I just-I didn’t-“
“I was teasing.” Grayson chuckled, dipping down to kiss her again. “But I do stick with that rule.”
Zach was the only one awake when Florence was dropped off at the boys’ house. Being left with a chaste kiss, Florence was in pure bliss as she came twirling into the foyer. Zach was in his pyjamas at the fridge in the darkened kitchen, watching her with amusement over his young features. Florence came to an immediate stop when she spotted him, hands catching herself on the granite island.
“Someone’s happy.” Zach chuckled.
“I had the best night!” Florence sighed, making sure to stay quiet for the other boys who she guessed were asleep since it was almost midnight. “Is Daniel upstairs?”
“Yeah I think he’s still up.” Zach said. “You staying over?”
“Probably. If Clementine’s already down.”
“She is. We sang her a few songs.” Zach admitted.
“What would I do without you guys?”
“Be sad, for one thing.” Zach shrugged, popping a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth.
With quick ‘good night’s, Florence headed to Daniel’s room and Zach started for the loft. Sure enough, Daniel was fast asleep, gentle breaths being the only sound filling the room. Since the last time Florence was there, she noticed the addition of the small bassinet by the far wall and she walked over to find her daughter asleep on her back. Her lips were parted slightly and little snores matched her moving chest. The onesie she wore was white with a print of a Clementine fruit on it; part of the set that the boys got Florence for her baby shower.
Florence left a kiss to her baby’s head before helping herself to Daniel’s drawers. She got herself changed into a light pink sweatshirt and stayed in her underwear, leaving her discarded clothes and bra on the wooden floors. Daniel shifted as she climbed under the covers next to him, a place she always felt so comfortable. As Florence got herself situated, Daniel woke from his light sleep. He shuffled up behind her, wrapping an arm around her middle, pulling her into him.
“You’re back.” he said, his voice thick with sleepiness.
“I am.” Florence smiled, her voice quiet through the dark room. She set her hand over his, the position all too familiar to when she was pregnant and staying at the Clifford’s. Daniel was stay over often to keep her company, being one of the few things that helped her fall asleep during those later months.
“It was good?” Daniel asked tiredly.
“So good.” Florence sighed, pulling his arm tighter around her. She fell asleep before he could say anything else.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
The season 2 endings should have mattered and factored into the plot for TNF
My biggest issue with TNF is the fact that our end choices in season 2, particularly Wellington is ultimately meaningless, hell it doesn't even factor into the story generator. Going with Kenny didn’t matter, he got a shitty death scene. Going with Jane didn’t matter as she was given a forced death scene.
So what I would do is this. Make it be about continuing Clem’s journey.
If we chose Wellington it's up to Clem to give AJ a good life in Wellington while also protecting their new home. And hell, this could've been the perfect way to reintroduce Christa. Clem and Christa together again and protecting AJ together. You could've also added the Garcias if you had to, Javi seeking help to save his family from the New Frontier and Wellington is there for Javi. Wellington should've mattered. I think eventually Clem, Christa and AJ would’ve moved on and I like to think Clem would’ve given AJ Kenny’s hat prior to arriving at Ericson’s
If we go with Jane, we get to make Howe’s a place they can call home and make it a sanctuary where everyone can work together to make a better life and together they would save Javi and his family. And together they defend their home against TNF. As for the final season, Jane is wary around the kids but she comes around. She views Violet as what Jaime could’ve been if she lived and approves of Clem’s crush and teases her about it. Jane sacrifices herself to save Clem and AJ from Lilly. Jane tries to sneak attack Lilly, but it ends with failure
If we chose to go with Kenny, we get to build a home for them. Little nice domestic stuff, just showing Clem, Kenny and AJ being a family, but it all changes when Javi comes pleading for help. So we get to see Clem and Kenny helping out Javi, Kate, Gabe and Marni(Marni doesn’t die in my version tbh) things still mostly happen the way they did, but Clem and Kenny are together. As for what would happen during the final season, I like to think Kenny would’ve been the dad friend to all the kids at Ericson’s, Kenny would’ve seen Louis as what Duck could’ve been if he’d grown up and he’d like Violet. Kenny along with Clem explaining why AJ can't be biting and hitting people from behind. Kenny’s shitbird senses are tingling and he senses Marlon is another Arvo waiting to happen and when Marlon's treachery is revealed and when he dares to lay his hands on AJ, Kenny's had enough to attack him and yell "YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHITBIRD" and no one could hold him back. Kenny would make the ultimate sacrifice. When Lilly reveals herself he knows what's about to happen. So Kenny, being Kenny lets Lilly have it. "You are still the same moody whiny bitch from the Motor Inn. Oh boo fucking hoo, woe is you princess. If it wasn't for what I did in that meat locker you'd be dead and you know it. But instead of taking Lee's example of helping people, you shot a defenseless woman and now you are abducting kids and forcing them to do what you are too afraid to do. You are still just a scared little girl, too afraid to live without daddy, GET THE FUCK OVER IT" something along those lines, Lilly snaps and she kills Kenny. Kenny's sacrifice inspires Ericson's to fight back.
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To Forgive and Forget - Chapter 6
Here is chapter 6. The chapter is a bit shorter than the rest but I wanted to get this updated ASAP. I go back to work full time from next friday, so I am trying to get as much done before then. 
Sorry about all the angst. I hope you are all enjoying this nevertheless. 
Kurt and Patterson had been waiting together for over an hour, before her phone rang.
Kurt watched her answer it, only mildly interested in what was happening with the case. He was still really worried about the girl, but on the other hand, his heart just wasn't in the case anymore. His heart was with Jane on that table, begging her to live.
Patterson's eyes lit up.
"Really? Oh that's great news! Ok! Keep me updated!" she said. She paused while - Tasha he presumed - said something. Her face fell. She must have been asking her about Jane. "She's ah… they're doing everything they can… we haven't heard anything for a while. She stole a worried glance at Kurt. "Ok you too." She hung up the phone and turned to face Kurt.
"They've found the girl." she said happily, though the joy didn't reach her eyes. Even with the relief of finding Tyler, there was such an underlying sadness. 
Kurt felt his heart pick up a little at those words. He hadn't felt anything but crushing grief since Jane had been shot. But hearing that they had found the little girl, meant that it hadn't all been for nothing.
"Is she ok?" he asked, his voice incredibly hoarse from crying earlier.
Patterson nodded.
"They found her at Gary Andersen's address. That's why Clem rang… he had managed to track down where the guy lived… anyway she's fine. He had been keeping her in the cellar, but she had been fed and watered." she paused. "It looked like he was taking pretty good care of her… but from the intel we received, he was gearing up to auction her off." Patterson spat the last part out in disgust. 
Kurt's lip curled back, a low growl settling in his throat. How could someone do something so evil, to someone so pure and innocent.
"I'm glad they found her." he said quietly. Now he didn't have that nagging debt that he felt he owed her… now he could just focus on his poor Jane.
It was another few hours before they heard anything. Kurt was going out of his mind. Patterson had kept reminding him that no news was good news, but he just couldn't stop thinking the worst. 
It had been six hours since he had heard anything, before Doctor Thomson reappeared in the doorway. He looked exhausted, yet hopeful.
Kurt sprung to his feet.
"How is she?" he asked, unable to hold it back any longer.
"She's critical… but she's alive." he replied tiredly.
Kurt released a shuddering breath. Alive… she was alive!
He collapsed back into his chair and Patterson put her hand on his shoulder. 
The doctor took a seat beside them.
"As you know when Jane was brought to us, she was in a very critical state. She has two gunshot wounds. One bullet hit her right lung, which resulted in us having to do a lobectomy. That is where we remove a section of her lung. It was too damaged to repair." He ran his fingers through his hair. "The second bullet perforated her spleen, causing the hemorrhage."
"That's what caused her to lose so much blood?" Patterson asked.
The doctor nodded.
"We couldn't control the bleeding, so we had to remove her spleen… the moment we removed it, her levels started stabilizing." 
Kurt reached out and shook his hand.
"Thank you." he choked, nearly losing the fight with his emotions.
"As I said earlier, the next forty eight hours are crucial. If she makes it through them without any hiccups, she will hopefully make a full recovery." 
Kurt exhaled through his nose.
"When can I see her?" he asked, almost desperately.
"She's in recovery at the moment, and will be moved up to the ICU within the hour. I'll have someone come and get you once she is settled."
Kurt nodded his thanks. He needed to see her… needed to see for himself that she was alive. The last time he had seen her, they had been performing CPR.  The last time he had seen her, she had been dead.
The doctor left. 
Patterson blew out a lungful of air, reaching out and taking his hand.
At least she was alive… even if she was critical, at least they had a fighting chance. 
"I'm going to get you a sandwich." she said quietly, knowing he needed a little bit of time alone to process. She also knew that he had refused to eat or drink anything since she had arrived. 
He didn't answer her, but she could see the grateful look in his eyes. She squeezed him on the shoulder, before getting up and leaving for the cafeteria.
The next hour felt as if it took longer than the previous six combined. Now that he knew she had made it through the surgery, all he wanted to do was run to her side. 
Patterson had returned with the sandwich, and he choked it down. It tasted like sawdust in his mouth, but he knew he needed to eat if he had any chance of looking after Jane. 
Finally, a nurse came to collect them and take them up to the ICU. On the way up there, Kurt's nerves set in with a vengeance, the sandwich at serious risk of making a reappearance. As they got to the ICU, the nurse turned and looked at them.
"I must warn you, this will come as a bit of a shock. We have her sedated for now and she is on a ventilator to help rest her lung." she said softly.
Kurt eyed the nurse wearily. He had been nervous as it was, but now he was just flat out petrified. 
They stopped outside a separate room, Jane's name written one whiteboard on the door.
"I…I…" he stammered, his feet suddenly rooted to the ground. 
"It's ok Kurt…" Patterson said softly, her hand on the back on his shoulder. "Go to her… I will be right outside."
Kurt looked over his shoulder at her, sincere gratefulness in his eyes. He took a deep breath, then opened the door quietly.
What he saw behind that door stole his breath away. She looked almost unrecognizable. She looked small and frail in the bed, covered in layers of warming blankets. Wires snakes out from every angle of her battered body, attached to machines and fluids. Her face was so pale, he could see the veins running under her skin. 
Though the most unnerving part about it all was the ventilator. It whirred and hissed in a deafening serenade in an otherwise quiet room. 
"Oh Jane…" Kurt whispered. He crept quietly into the room, approaching the bed with unease. He looked her up and down, tears threatening to spill over. He reached out to hold her hand, but hesitated, too scared he might hurt her.
The nurse had been watching him from the doorway. 
"You can hold her hand." she said softly. "Talk to her. They say hearing a loved ones voice can help them heal."
Kurt gave a curt nod at the nurse, before clearing his throat. 
"Ah… hey, Jane…" he whispered softly. "You have no idea how worried I've been… I thought…" his voice broke, "I thought I lost you."
Tears started running down his face. He sat down on a chair beside her bed and reached out, taking her pinkie finger delicately between his thumb and forefinger. He was too scared to hold her hand properly, too scared he might hurt her, or disturb one of the lines protruding from her skin. 
"Jane… Jane I'm so sorry… for the way I acted… for what I said." He hung his head. "I didn't mean any of it…"
The only answer he got was the whirring of the machines keeping her alive. 
"Life is so fragile… so if you get through this… if you just keep fighting… I promise I will do everything in my power to give you the best life. I'll give you everything you want… just please be ok."
He leaned down, resting his head on the side of the bed, his forehead touching her thigh. 
"Just keep fighting Jane. Just keep fighting… because I will not lose you… I can’t"
Kurt must have dozed off because he was woken by the blaring of alarms.
"Jane?" he cried out as doctors and nurses came running into the room. "What's happening?" he cried.
"Sir please wait outside." A nurse said quickly, staring him out of the room, before shutting the curtain in his face.
"Jane!" he cried. God this wasn't happening… it couldn't be. 
He was redirected to a different waiting room to the one he was in earlier. Patterson had long gone home, so this time he was left to wait by himself. 
There was no way he would ever forgive himself if she were to die. There was no way he would ever be able to live with himself. She was his world, and without her… he was nothing.
All he could do was wait. Wait and see if she was going to pull through or not.  That was definitely the hardest part. Knowing he couldn't help her. Knowing he couldn't fix this. 
He sat there by himself, his grief and guilt crushing him, making it hard for him to breathe. 
She had to pull through… she just had to. 
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angsty-nerd · 5 years
Echo-inspired Season 1 Playlist
So I’ve been meaning to share this for… a really long time.  But I’m kind of glad that I waited so long because I found a bunch more songs to add and ended up doing an edit on this playlist this weekend, so this is where it landed.  It’s a bit of a beast—40+ songs. (And it’s my shorter Echo playlist… I have another one I’m still playing with that has all of these, plus the show’s soundtrack songs, plus recommendations that I’m still considering for future Echo use…so this is the reasonably lengthen one…haha).  If you just want to go to Spotify and check it out, here’s the link.
If you want to read my rambles about the progression of the songs and why I picked them, along with some lyrics from each one that make me think of Echo, that beastly monstrosity is below the cut for you!  Here’s just the track list:
1. Armor - Sara Bareilles 2. People Need a Melody - the Head and the Heart 3. A World to Explore - Joshua Radin 4. Missed Connection - the Head and the Heart 5. Summer Years - Death Cab for Cutie 6. It’s OK - Natalie Taylor 7. Something American - Jade Bird 8. Anchor - Novo Amor 9. Harvest Moon - Neil Young 10. Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band 11. Silhouettes - Oscar Blue 12. The Storm - The Airborne Toxic Event 13. The Space Between - Dave Matthews Band 14. Walls - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 15. Ruins - Jade Bird 16. The Last Time - Taylor Swift feat. Gary Lightbody 17. Run No More - the Talbott Brothers 18. Wild Heart - Bleachers 19. Dream - Bishop Briggs 20. Lullaby - Lord Huron 21. Watch Me - Labi Siffre 22. Grew Up Fast - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 23. 17 - Jade Bird 24. Your Hurricane - Death Cab for Cutie 25. Lose that Light - Folly and the Hunter 26. Such a Simple Thing - Ray LaMontagne 27. Make These Colors Real - Hush Kids 28. Surrender - Natalie Taylor 29. I’ll Be Your Mirror - Clem Snide 30. Courage - P!nk 31. Easy - Camilla Cabello 32. Day Too Soon - Sis 33. Truly Madly Deeply - Yoke Lore 34. Side by Side - Layup 35. Electric Love - BØRNS 36. Duet - Penny and Sparrow feat. Stephanie Briggs 37. Atlas: Two - Sleeping at Last 38. Another Story - the Head and the Heart 39. Come to this - Natalie Taylor 40. Six Feet Under - Billie Eilish 41. Hello My Old Heart - the Oh Hellos 42. Poetry by Dead Men - Sara Bareilles 43. Recovering the Satellites - Counting Crows 44. The Chain - Ingrid Michaelson
1. Armor - Sara Bareilles
Stolen from Carina’s Liz mix, and obviously heavy on the Ortecho vibe in general. I might associate it a little more with Rosa back in the flashbacks, being proud of Liz and protective of her.
You think I am high and mighty mister Wait til you meet my little sister
2. People Need A Melody - the Head and the Heart
This song just gives me images of Max sitting at home over the years, listening to music, and then Bright Eyes comes on and it just takes him back to that day in the desert when he was lucky enough to be openly in love with Liz for one day before everything went to hell. 💔
All those books in your head, Is that all this really was? Just a role you play that you could hide behind Is it what you want? To bury yourself away Before your time goes I don’t want a love that holds us back I don’t want a life that I can’t have
Cause people need a melody to open their eyes Like a key to a memory frozen in time Holding onto everything, you’re stuck in the past Boy, when you gonna learn the world moves fast?
3. A World to Explore - Josh Radin
Liz leaves on her road trip, pushing the past away, and moving forward into her new life.
Yesterday rains came Everything’s changing The past has closed its door Well I know there’s something more I know there’s so much more So far to go On this open road, a world to explore So far to go On this open road, away we go
4. Missed Connection - the Head and the Heart
Somewhat self explanatory, I think. Mostly I just think of Max staying in Roswell haunted by all of the what ifs, and how close he and Liz came to being something real.
Did you find what you were looking for? Had to open every single door I get the feeling you’ve been here before From a missed connection Don’t tell me I lost a step Criss-crossed in the wrong direction Found myself in a conversation From a missed connection
5. Summer Years - Death Cab for Cutie
This is, like, my #1 Max over the 10 year gap song. I just hear him all through it, haunted by Rosa’s death and the coverup, heartbroken by Liz’s sudden departure, and trapped in his life.  
Sometimes I’m overcome by every choice I couldn’t outrun… And I wonder where you are tonight If the one you’re with is a compromise Cause we’re walking lines in parallel That will never meet and it’s just as well
6. It’s Ok - Natalie Taylor
You know in the pilot, Max says he used to think about what he’d say if he ever saw Liz again. Meaning he didn’t really anymore. Meaning at some point he let go of the hope of her returning to Roswell. That’s kind of where my mind goes listening to this song.
It only hurts me to live this way Holding on to yesterday… Close my eyes, you’re gone And I’m the only one still holding on It’s ok I’ve got to let you go
7. Something American - Jade Bird
I have an old-school song fic just waiting to come out inspired by this song… I hear a lot of different things in it. Mostly I hear Max and the memory of Liz and Cameron in it. With a little bit of Kyle thrown in too.
In my dreams I find The stars align and they all collide And it’s you and I back in time It feels so right But you don’t call me now And I don’t think too much about you When she’s not around I can feel you’re lonely
8. Anchor - Novo Amor
Max’s reaction to Liz finally coming home & hoping she’ll stay.
I hear your ship is coming in Your tears a sea for me to swim I hear a storm is coming in My dear, is it all we’ve ever been Anchor up to me, love
9. Harvest Moon - Neil Young
Max gets that brief smile on his face when he’s watching Liz dance in the Crashdown, before he lets her know he’s there. And this is what I hear going through his head in that moment.
When we were strangers I’d watch you from afar When we were lovers I’d love you with all my heart… Because I’m still in love with you I want to see you dance again
10. Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band
It honestly took me a long time to get on board with adding this one, because it’s such an important OG Max/Liz song.  But a while back in one of her Q&As, Carina said that if she could give the pilot a title it’d be this, and even with this different version of Max and Liz it still is the perfect song and perfect metaphor for their experience in the pilot.
Lost for you I’m so lost for you You come crash into me
11. Silhouettes - Oscar Blue
I mean…. 
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Do I need to say anything more?  Okay, well here are some lyrics to emphasize my point.
She’s a diamond in the coal Something that enchants my soul Graceful and captivating Just one glance and my mind is invaded… So should I try really really hard Or just keep loving you from afar… Oh can we walk into the sunset Until our bodies are silhouettes Cause busy days cause busy lives And maybe you’ll just keep on walking by Are my hopes just gonna suffocate in my doubt Or am I being my anxious self drowning my chances out
12. The Storm - the Airborne Toxic Event
I definitely stole this from someone else’s Echo mix…but take it as a compliment! I definitely see a little bit of Liz coming home in this song, both from her perspective and Max’s. But in my playlist’s narrative I also see this as being kind of like the end of 1x02, when Liz makes the decision to stay and investigate Rosa’s murder.
I surprise myself sometimes The way the days unfold and this road unwinds You tell me you see it too And the miles seem like inches when I think of you It’s been 25 days since I’ve been gone 25 weeks since I’ve seen my home I spent 25 months chasing this song and all of this time I’ve been alone Then you walk right through the doorway You tell me you’re here to stay
13. The Space Between - Dave Matthews Band
So if the last song was the end of 1x02, that means now we’re in the awkward, heartbreaking period where Max is pouring his heart out, and Liz is pretending to feel nothing because she doesn’t trust him. 💔 Which is basically the running theme for the next few songs…
You cannot quit me so quickly There’s no hope in you for me… The space between the wicked lies we tell And hope to keep safe from the pain… We’re strange allies with warring hearts…
14. Walls - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
My brother played this song while we were driving from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon in February.  It was the morning after Smells Like Teen Spirit aired, Liz had just told Max that she never wanted to see him again, and I heard this song for the first time and said to myself, “YES.”
All around your island there’s a barricade That keeps out the danger that holds in the pain Sometimes you’re happy sometimes you cry Half of me is ocean half of me is sky But you’ve got a heart so big it could crush this town But I can’t hold out forever even walls fall down
15. Ruins - Jade Bird
Just…I think about Max and that painful scene between him and Liz at the end of this episode, and how much her accusations throw him off.  And the resulting explosion that caused the blackout.
How do we have to do this again? I’ll tell you how I’m feeling You’re like a cryptomaniac trying to connect the dots and the facts How do we have to be here? ‘Cause these hotels, I just can’t relax The more I bend, the worse that I snap I feel like a goddamn maniac
Tell me what did I do to deserve somebody like you? It’s too hard to tell the truth nothing’s real and nothing’s rude I’m just a product of my emotions and they’re all setting off again… You sure you wanna do this now? Oh, you sure you wanna do this now?
'Cause I mean it when I say that I don’t understand And I mean it when I say that I’m not sure who I am 'Cause one minute I love you and the next it’s all in ruins One minute thinking of you and the next my mind’s in ruins
16. The Last Time - Taylor Swift feat. Gary Lightbody
Very much the Crashdown “how do you truly feel about me” scene.
Find myself at your door just like all those times before I’m not sure how I got there all roads, they lead me here I imagine you are home in your room, all alone And you open your eyes into mine and everything feels better And right before your eyes I’m breaking No past, no reasons why just you and me This is the last time I’m asking you this Put my name at the top of your list This is the last time I’m asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye
Don’t Speak is one of my favorite chunks of this playlist. I love the pre-pilot set of songs, this set, and then the Recovering the Satellites to the end set the most out of all of this whole thing. Just thought I’d share. Also 3 of my 4 favorite episodes. Hmmm… 🤔
17. Run No More - the Talbott Brothers
So, this is kind of my interpretation of Max’s POV after learning that Isobel sent Liz away. I feel like that knowledge and the realization that Michael and Isobel had manipulated the biggest heartbreak of his life, and lied to him for a decade about it, kind of freed him in a sense.  And for the first time he felt like he could stop hiding and release his guilt.  If Liz hadn’t been in trouble, I think he would have gone straight to her and confessed everything.
It doesn’t get easier the further I run It gets harder to carry the weight of what I’ve done I am speaking from experience I don’t wanna run no more
18. Wild Heart - Bleachers Pretty much same themes as above.  These two songs to me are kind of the combo of that determination in Max.  Above is more focused on his guilt and wanting to reveal the truth.  This one is more about his love for Liz and his determination to find her and protect her and love her.
As I sat with the echoes of lies that I told I felt young, never changed by crooked hearts… Well, everything has changed And now it’s only you that matters I will find any way to your wild heart
19. Dream - Bishop Briggs
I don’t remember who did a fanvid to this…was it Mo? It was wonderful and it’s perfect for the end of this episode.  Max running to save Liz from Wyatt Long and wanting to come clean to her, even though he knew it would likely still make her turn away from him. Liz breaking down at the end…sniffles.
Oh, I had a dream that you couldn’t hear me screaming Trying to tell you everything but it wouldn’t stop you leaving I wanna wake up where your love is 'Cause your love is always waking mine
I wanna break down where your heart gets So torn it’s almost breaking mine I wanna lay here, lost and bitter So long, I feel like I could die I wanna tell you what my truth is But it’s buried down inside
20. Lullaby - Lord Huron
I heart this song… and I think it speaks to Liz in this episode so much.  The danger she puts herself in, Wyatt!Noah coming after her, Max desperately wanting to protect her… 
You arrive along with the sun Where have you been darlin’? What have you done? You were out finding trouble again There’s a fire in your eyes and there’s blood on your hands Come inside and lie down to sleep You ain’t gonna run and you know that you’re beat Rest awhile, they’re coming for you There’s a price to be paid for the things that we do
Fall asleep and forget all your troubles Dream of laughter and old friends and lovers Dream of when you were innocent
21. Watch Me - Labi Siffre Early in the episode, when they were happy and innocent. I feel like this song just kind of captures that young love, high school vibe.
Watch me when you look my way See me smiling, be my night and day Touch me in your own sweet way Feel me tremble, you take my words away All of the time I love you Make you a rhyme, I love you
22. Grew Up Fast - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Here’s another Tom Petty song from my brother’s playlist that we listened to on the way to the Grand Canyon on the day after this episode aired.  I heard it, and immediately thought of the Pod Squad (and Liz) and how the incidents surrounding Rosa’s death kind of forced them all out of their youth and into a traumatic adulthood.  Also I think it kind of bridges back to the present with Max telling Liz the story of Rosa’s death and her reaction towards him at the end of the episode.
We grew up fast when lies were just a fact of life We grew up mad cause we never had a home… Hey, my brother I’ve got no fight with you, I just can’t lie down Hey, my brother I’ve got no fight with you, I just can’t lie down No, I just can’t lie down, I just can’t lie down Well, you know who I am So don’t treat me like I’m someone else… You never talk like that to no one else You never scream like that for no one else
23. 17 - Jade Bird
This…just…the look on Max’s face when Liz runs out after telling him she never wants to see him again. It’s like his heart is breaking all over again.
You asked me to be yours, well you’re tempting fate How I left a promise but it’s one I can’t make Lord knows it’d kill me if you walked away But darling my lies, they hide you from the pain Stay, let me explain why I act so mean Don’t look away, baby, it’s not all that it seems I’m so afraid that you’ll just get up and leave My heart will break like I’m 17
24. Your Hurricane - Death Cab for Cutie
“Liz Ortecho is my hurricane.”  Max is such a ball of anger and angst in this episode.  This song may lean a little more on the anger side than really played out in the episode, but I still think it works, considering that Liz spends much of this episode creating the serum.
You used to be such a delicate kid A lonely fish in a sea full of squid So I can’t blame you for leaving how you did You just fell off the grid 'Cause heaven is a hole in the sky The stars are cracks in the ceiling of night But you can’t be your own alibi As hard as you try It’s a tired refrain you’re singing over and over again As you try to explain who’s at fault for your mistakes But I won’t be the debris in your hurricane
25. Lose That Light - Folly and the Hunter
I don’t recall where I got this song from…it may have come from someone else’s playlist.  But it makes me think about how rough of a go Max has it in Barely Breathing and how Liz is, like, the light that kind of guides him through it, that he has faith in to save his sister.
In my arms you fell, after fighting tooth and nail. The convictions you have are all gone now. You followed that trail, just to take a chance and fail. Do not let that dark voice call you out Even if it gets hard, don’t lose that light…
26. Such a Simple Thing - Ray LaMontagne
I see this as the end of the episode, when they are so close to being on the same page, but Liz is still afraid and still puts up that wall.  Max sees how amazing she is, how she’s willing to fight to save Isobel for him.  And Liz is beginning to feel it as well, because the drive to do it for Max, to comfort him, was so powerful.  “My heart is like paper” = Max, “yours is like a flame” = Liz.
Tell me what you’re feeling I can take the pain Tell me that you mean it That you won’t leave again Tell me what your heart wants Such a simple thing My heart is like paper Yours is like a flame
27. Make These Colors Real - Hush Kids
This song just makes me think about that vibe all through Songs About Texas prior to the kiss.  The heart eyes looks, the touches, how close they are to going there, even though it hasn’t happened yet.  This is also the only song I couldn’t find lyrics for online so I transcribed as best I can, but I couldn’t figure one line out, so I just left it off the post! Sorryyyy… 
I guess you win, I guess I’ll see you around again Locked eyes, brushed hands. I’ll lie and say we’re only friends Yes I want you but I don’t want to Cause I can’t hold you when I want to So maybe I’m selfish, maybe it’s reckless Maybe I’m out of my mind
Ooh you make me weak you, you make me seek you You’d make me dive down to the depth of your ocean Ooh if I could hold you… I’d make these colors real
28. Surrender - Natalie Taylor
Throughout this whole episode I feel like there’s a general sense of Liz giving up her fight against Max.  She can’t hide how much she loves him anymore.  She hasn’t quite decided to be with him yet…but throughout the episode that wall thins more and more until she finally does give in to him.
No one will win this time I just want you back I’m running to your side Flying my white flag, my white flag… Whenever you’re ready, whenever you’re ready Can we, can we surrender I surrender
29. I’ll Be Your Mirror - Clem Snide
I’m pretty sure this came from another Echo playlist…because it’s the perfect song to represent Max’s speech to Liz to reveal how well he sees her.
I find it hard to believe you don’t know The beauty you are But if you don’t let me be your eyes A hand to your darkness, so you won’t be afraid When you think the night has seen your mind That inside you’re twisted and unkind Let me stand to show that you are blind Please put down your hands 'Cause I see you I’ll be your mirror, reflect what you are
30. Courage - P!nk
That split second before Liz decides to grab Max and pull him in for the kiss…
See, I let the light in the darkest places Let the sun shine, pain goes away Nothing is permanent for me Have I the courage to change?
31. Easy - Camilla Cabello
It’s almost ridiculous how Echo’s first kiss this song is. Like, seriously, Camilla? Do you watch RNM? Are you an Echo shipper? Is this your own personal fan song?
You really, really know me The future and the old me All of the mazes and the madness in my mind You really, really love me You know me and you love me And it’s the kind of thing I always hoped I’d find
Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy Touch me 'til I find myself, in a feeling Tell me with your hands that you’re never leaving Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy All I know is you, heal me when I’m broken, heal me when I’m broken All I know is you, saved me and you know it, saved me and you know it
32. Day Too Soon - Sia
Liz making the choice that it is finally the right time for her to stop running. Okay, Max has been waiting patiently, but for Liz everything has finally perfectly collided.
Pick me up in your arms Carry me away from harm You’re never gonna put me down I know you’re just one good man You’ll tire before we see land You’re never gonna put me down You’ll risk all this for just a kiss I promise I will not resist
Promise you won’t hold me down And when we reach a good place Let’s be sure to leave no trace Promise they won’t track us down
Now I’ve been running all my life I ran away, I ran away from good Yeah, I’ve been waiting all my life You’re not a day, you’re not a day too soon
33. Truly Madly Deeply - Yoke Lore
Awesome cover of 90’s song? Check! Super romantic to the point of almost cheesy? Check! It’s got Echo getting together written all over it.
I’ll be your dream, I’ll be your wish, I’ll be your fantasy. I’ll be your hope, I’ll be your love, be everything that you need. I’ll love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do I want to stand with you on a mountain I want to bathe with you in the sea. I want to lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me
34. Side By Side - Layup
Sadly, I don’t have a lot of songs for this chunk of episodes for Echo. But they’re finally together, on the same team, being awesome, so that’s pretty much all I’m getting at with this song.
And so, now I go down all these roads with you, my home And now, I’ll keep you close I hope you know - I love you most So here I walk by your side, oh, on our own time Oh, we’ll be alright, as long as we stay side by side From the coldest nights to warmer degrees we’ll get by You and I, side by side
35. Electric Love - BØRNS
I mean… Alien!God Max channeling all that lightning to get the job done is fucking sexy. And then he just marches home to worship his love the way Liz deserves. *nods firmly*
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Baby you’re like lightning in a bottle I can’t let you go now that I got it All I need is to be struck By your electric love Baby, you’re electric love Electric love Rushing through me I feel your energy rushing through me…
36. Duet - Penny and Sparrow f/ Stephanie Briggs
Echo love scene. Just ignore that Liz is not wearing a dress. Everything else fits. And the chorus? *chefs kiss* “Because I’ve seen you and I know you”...ties right back to their first kiss and Max proving to Liz that he isn’t holding onto some high school fantasy.  “And I’m not going anywhere”...it breaks my heart because it was 100% true in that moment…but hours later Max is dead. 😭
I bet your shoulders can hold more than just the straps of that tiny dress That I’ll help you slide aside when we get home I’ve seen 'em carry family and the steel drum weight of me Effortless, just like that dress that I’ll help off I bet your back can carry more than just the weight of your button-down One by one, they’ll come undone when we get home I’ve seen you carry family and all my insecurities One by one, they’ll come undone when we get home
Because I’ve seen you And I know you And I’m not going anywhere
37. Atlas: Two - Sleeping at Last
This is, like, the most Max song ever. Especially where his head is at right at the end of Recovering the Satellites after he and Liz make love, when he is straight up in worshipful puppy mode.  It makes me both 😍 and 😭, because I love how much he loves her, but I know how unhealthy his devotion is, and that it leads to him dying. 
Sweetheart, you look a little tired when did you last eat? Come in and make yourself right at home stay as long as you need Tell me, is something wrong? If something’s wrong, you can count on me You know I’ll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat It’s okay if you can’t find the words Let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders
Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you with every single thing I have Like a tidal wave, I’ll make a mess Or calm waters, if that serves you best I will love you without any strings attached It’s okay if you can’t catch your breath You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest I know exactly how the rule goes put my mask on first No, I don’t want to talk about myself tell me where it hurts I just want to build you up, build you up ‘til you’re good as new And maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too I don’t even know where to start Already tired of trying to recall when it all fell apart I just want to love you, to love you, to love you well I just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved myself Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you without any strings attached What a privilege it is to love A great honor to hold you, love Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you with every single thing I have Like a tidal wave, I’ll make a mess Or calm waters if that serves you best I will love you without any strings attached I will love you without a single string attached
38. Another Story - the Head and the Heart
In my head this is another afterglow, Max manic on love & power and it pushes him to do something crazy song...I both see he and Liz happy together in his bed in the morning sunlights and flickering firelight...and Max deciding to heal Rosa. 😍😭
These are just flames burning in your fireplace I hear your voice and it seems as if it was all a dream I wish it was all a dream I see a world, a world turning in on itself Are we just like hungry wolves howling in the night I don’t want no music tonight
Every time I hear another story Oh the poor boy lost his head Everybody feels a little crazy But we go on living with it
39. Come to This - Natalie Taylor
Liz crying over Max’s body 😭😭😭. There is no heart eyes here.  It’s all just paaaain. 😭😭😭
How can this happen? How can this be? There is no ending, there is no peace The darkness is so close The light so quickly goes And now it’s all gone Now it’s all gone Will you hear me when I speak? Do you feel the pain with me? I’ve tried to be so strong I thought that hope would come But you’re not here
Oh, the darkness keeps its grip Oh, how’d it come to this? Oh, please come back Please come back
40. Six Feet Under - Billie Eilish
More Liz crying over Max’s body…and just love and pain and death and sadness. 😭😭😭
Retrace my lips Erase your touch It’s all too much for me Blow away Like smoke in air How can you die carelessly? Our love is six feet under I can’t help but wonder If our grave was watered by the rain Would roses bloom? Could roses bloom?
These are just kind of my headcanon songs of various post-S1 reactions from Liz at various different dark moments.
41. Hello My Old Heart - the Oh Hellos
I see a lot of people attribute this song to Liz at the beginning of the show, but I think it’s more appropriate at the end of the season. I’d love it if they use this song in Season 2.  I see it more as Liz putting the walls she had at the beginning of the show back up again after loving and losing Max, which would break my heart. But I think it’s how she would cope while he’s gone and then those walls would come back down.
Hello, my old heart It’s been so long Since I’ve given you away And every day, I add another stone To the walls I built around you To keep you safe
Oh, oh, don’t leave me here alone Don’t tell me that we’ve grown For having loved a little while Oh, oh, I don’t wanna be alone I wanna find a home And I wanna share it with you
42. Poetry By Dead Men - Sara Bareilles
I can see this scene in my head. I can see Liz and Max both longing for this scene in their head. Just the simple domesticity of drinking coffee together in the afterglow, while Max reads poetry to Liz.  Except that he had to go and die first and that just fucking sucks.  So I hear some anger and a little bit of “don’t let the door hit you on your way out” in this song, and I could see Liz occasionally just having moments of anger in her grief where she feels this way. Briefly.
By the time you hear this, who knows where I might be Singing about another near-miss love that ended incomplete I was ready, but you weren’t So jump with your net from this bridge you’ve burned I wanted to tell you things, all the secrets I’ve been keeping I saw it in front of me, but then you just kept disappearing A good dream, almost, now I tell your ghost
I wanted to be your girl in a white T-shirt Over coffee, stirring in the cinnamon While you read me poetry by dead men I wanted to be your girl with your hands on my skin Stirring in the cinnamon While you read me poetry by dead men
43. Recovering the Satellites - Counting Crows
This is one of the few episode titles where the lyrics actually get to me, like in a plotty way. But not necessarily from what happens in the episode, so much as the idea of Liz questioning later whether the brief moment of love she had with Max was worth all of the accompanying pain. 😭😭😭😭
So why’d you come home to this sleepless town? It’s a lifetime commitment, recovering the satellites All anybody really wants to know is When you’re gonna come down, when you’re gonna come down But we only stay in orbit for a moment of time And then you’re everybody’s satellite I wish that you were mine, I wish that you were mine
44. The Chain - Ingrid Michaelson
Definitely stole this from someone else, but it’s perfect and I love ending with it, because even though it’s loaded down with all of the pain we’re feeling at the end of the season, it also has a little twinge of hope and possibility for that future day when Max comes back (which we all know he will)!  So in other words, it’s 😭😭😍😍
The sky looks pissed The wind talks back My bones are shifting in my skin And you my love are gone My room feels wrong The bed won’t fit I cannot seem to operate And you my love are gone
I’ll never say that I’ll never love But I don’t say a lot of things And you my love are gone
So glide away on soapy heels And promise not to promise anymore And if you come around again Then I will take, Then I will take, The chain from off the door
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baddie-mattie · 5 years
Why is TWDG So Important to You Contest
When I first started playing TWDG, I was around 8 years old. I was baby Clem age. When I had to shoot Lee, I sobbed to the point I had soaked my pillow because... he had become a father figure to me, albeit fictional. No matter how short I'd actually been playing with him.
When I got s2, I cried a lot more. Luke dying really got to me and shooting Kenny, as well. I had really liked him during s1, so it hurt a lot to do that, but even I, at that age, could see that he was dangerous. Dangerous people do things that they don't mean to and others get hurt, so I shot him and cried some more.
S3 was happier than I expected, but losing Marianna hurt. She was just a happy little girl who got shot in the head. I cried some more with that loss. Finding Clementine made me happy because, well, it's Clem. Seeing her little schoolgirl crush on Gabe was cute, too. And Gabe. God. I got attached to him. He died the first time around and it made me sick to my stomach. I had to pause and take a break because I was truly nauseous from it. But, even with that, I enjoyed it. It was a little piece of home.
The Final Season broke me, built me up, broke me again, and covered me in duct tape to fix me up for the last time. Having to see AJ hungry but still worrying about Clem did something to me because I imagined my little brother doing the same. Pretty much the first scene and I was already crying. Once at Ericson, I was skeptical but optimistic and already loving it. The memory of Lee had me sobbing to the point my throat was sore and seeing AJ bring the axe down on Clem made me cry harder because, I knew it was the right thing, but I just hurt so bad because Clementine, the girl who I had grown up with and cared about so deeply, was dead. It left a hollow part of my heart there, if that makes sense.
Then they brought her back and I cried. But something about it just... filled me with a happiness I can't explain.
I love TWDG because it has always been a part of me and I can't imagine it going anywhere anytime soon. I love Clementine, AJ, Lee, all of the Ericson kids, and so many others and I can't leave them behind. I will always have TWDG in my heart, even if it's over now.
I follow you under @fus-ro-dah-bitch and I really thank you for creating this contest because I never really thought about why TWDG is so important to me and I think it was good for me to write this down.
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