#i still have the doc written up
oreana-galena · 1 year
Jald, don't fuck with me.
I swear it.
I'll join your fandom too if you so much as try this BS.
CW below cut: mentions of trafficking.
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snowthornes · 1 year
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➸ Avriel | @uroboros-if
✦ Moment of Creation 🍂
In the all-encompassing cradle of the universe, Avriel came into existence within the embrace of light. They first felt pain. The universe wracked every thread of their existence with the agony of every being, all at once — then soothed the fractures left behind with the love of all that ever was and ever will be. Upon his first time laying eyes on another being, he attempted to replicate her smile. The first... emotion he ever felt in the waking world was curiosity.
✦ Pieces of a Soul 🍂
➸ Avriel stands at 5'9. He sits with his knees curled against his chest whenever he can get away with it, making him appear to be smaller than he actually is. 🍂
➸ He can be quite contradictory in the sense that while he approaches the world with an unrelenting — sometimes reckless — optimism, he’s always very surprised whenever someone seems to enjoy or even want his company. Years of subtle, minor, rejections have trailed him since his creation, as if the waking world was determined to wear him down little by little. As a result, he has a severely low view of himself when it comes to his worth as a friend or as company.
Despite that, he persists with dogged optimism and continues to seek out the company of other beings. He keeps trying, keeps hoping, but he never really… expects to actually get anything back. 🍂
➸ Rarely holds grudges. He could be called forgiving at best, and overly passive at worst. 🍂
➸ Not one to hide his emotions, he often speaks without thinking. Fortunately, for what he lacks in tact, he makes up for in intuition. He’s quick to sense the emotions of others, including discomfort or distress, and will immediately back off and apologize if he feels he was the cause. He’ll attempt to make amends, but whether he's successful or not is a different matter. 🍂
➸ Avriel loves to dance! He started learning when he was young and picked up different styles by observing other mortals and deities, though Rafaele was also a very willing (and delighted) teacher. Would be all for dipping his dance partner in a dance! In fact, it's at the top of his bucket list! 🍂
➸ Has a sword he often uses in his dances. Avriel picked up sword dancing when he was young. Years of diligently honing his skills in the art have made him skilled in the dance of the sword, able to move his body and blade with the lightness of a swallow. 🍂
➸ Like most beings, Avriel has his personal preferences. He particularly likes eating meat. His favorite flower is the Krio firosafa. Delicate and enduring, they are often overlooked because they are always there, as if there would never come a day when the streets would truly lay bare of them — Avriel thinks there is much worth treasuring in that. 🍂
➸ Extremely affectionate. He makes it incredibly obvious when he's happy to see someone, whether platonic or romantic, and will perk up with sparkling eyes upon seeing them approach. Loves pestering friends once they've gotten close enough — a befriended (or romanced!) Ciocana may find that a happy and secure Avriel can be even more of a menace than they are. Although he would settle down somewhat when with a more reticient friend, content to accompany them in quieter activities. As long as he's given a sense of security and acceptance, Avriel is happy to follow their lead.
It's uncertain what the ettiquette is in Galaio in regards to skinship, but if Avriel were a being in the modern world he would be the type to affectionately link arms with his friends or drape himself over their shoulders. 🍂
➸ Becomes quiet and subdued when upset. It is rare that something affects him to this extent, but when it does, he shuts down like a flower withered in winter. There is an off-putting silence in his expression, in his downcast eyes. It is best not to leave him alone when in this state. 🍂
➸ Is very active, and prefers to take the longer, more creative route rather than simply using the streets. He often climbs, leaps, and bounds his way around Lucidio in an effort to add some fun to his hectic yet rather repetitive schedule. It works, most times! He appears to be drawn to high places, and can often be seen crouching on a pillar or making himself at home on a roof. 🍂
➸ Is actually quite content with his current life. While he’d probably definitely fall over from shock and joy if he got even a single offering from a mortal, his lack of power or recognition isn't something that weighs on his mind, not anymore. He’s long come to terms with his status and makes the best of it — though the mockery occasionally thrown at him still affects him.
Although it would be nice if the world wouldn’t look upon him so harshly, Avriel’s dearest wish is to have meaningful relationships with other beings — bonds where he can safely go to them and know that they want him there. If he were able to have such relationships one day… well. Who could ask for anything more? 🍂
➸ His fathers are his anchors. Avriel is a being who thrives off love and attention; his fathers have always given him the steadfast, unwavering love and acceptance that the world so often withheld from him. Even now, he actively seeks out them out when the endless streams of errands in Lucidio start to make him feel a bit too lonely, a bit too isolated. He adores their frequent visits very much, and is always noticeably livelier than usual for a few days afterwards. Avriel loves them dearly. 🍂
✦ Height Chart
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✦ Afterword from Distant Lands
You’ve reached the end of this monstrously long post. Congratulations! You survived 😌✨ I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to see this little person that I made, so. Thank you. Thank you very much. Ahead is an afterword elaborating a little more on the background of Avriel’s relationship with the others. I tried to make it short, but… it appears I’m not very good at this short and sweet thing. 🫡
When I started forming Avriel, I wanted to make it clear that he had imperfections of his own. He has qualities that will make him clash with the other characters of Uroboros — at the beginning, anyway. 
(In case you missed the link at the top of the post, Avriel is my MC for Uroboros by @uroboros-if !)
Due to his passive tendencies and his subconscious wish to preserve the “peace” that he has carved out for himself, Avriel will initially be extremely wary of Alessi and everything they stand for. The fall of the reign of the gods? He really doesn’t like the sound of that. But passive he may be, Avriel carries a heart that stubbornly longs to love the world and all its beings. The things Alessi will show him may just break Avriel out of the passive shell he's unknowingly created 🫡 I’m looking forward to seeing how they will clash and develop together in the future.
Avriel will have to look past the lens of his hero worship for Luciel in order to truly understand the person they are — imperfections and all. Though come what may, you can rest assured that Avriel will always be Luciel’s number one supporter! But to close that distance between them, Avriel will have to do his part and understand that putting the other person on a pedestal will only do more harm than good to a relationship.
His relationship with Luciel is inspired by the ‘looking’ scene with them. I imagine Avriel halting in place and staring Very Starry-eyed at Luciel during the times he meets them as the text from the Looking scene skitters through his head at the speed of light, a scenario I find extremely funny and will hold onto till the day I die. The MC talks about Luciel’s eyes and kindness a lot, and I took that fact and ran with it.
Salvatore… Avriel's relationship with him is quite complex. I’ll wait to see how future chapters develop before I write more about their relationship. However, I will say that I pounced on these paragraphs from the game to use as a foundation:
He opens and closes his mouth, tasting the words on his tongue before deciding. "Please, let's speak another time! I wish to hear more from you." You see a glimpse of his younger self—Salvatore from a bygone era, when things seemed less complicated, less troubling. You think time has robbed him a part of his spirit. He has become busy. So very busy.
I suppose I felt a faint sense of regret from that last paragraph. The regret of standing before a person once so very close to you, and now so changed. For the better, most people would say, but Avriel secretly wishes that Salvatore could have stayed as happy and carefree as in the past. Though Avriel doesn’t really know that. He’s not one for introspection. He just feels very complicated whenever he meets Salvatore, though he still does his best to regale the deity with comedic retellings of his errands in Lucidio. Just to make Salvatore laugh.
As for Ciocana, I’ll also wait to see how future chapters develop before further shaping his relationship with Avriel. I feel that Ciocana has a lot of hidden depth that we have yet to see. But going off of initial impressions alone, I can say that Avriel definitely had a very good first impression of the other deity. It was an instant squish, if you will. Avriel’s boundless energy syncs quite well with Ciocana’s mischief, and if given enough time to develop, I feel their dynamic has the potential to become the “ride or die (enthusiastic)” kind. ���✨
Aaand, that’s all. Thank you for reading this far (again). If you've somehow managed to read this far, then 💐🥺💍hand in marriage pls. Avriel was a joy to create, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how he develops in the future. The world within Uroboros is so wonderfully crafted, its characters so vividly alive; Avriel would not have existed without it. I’m very grateful to the author for sharing their world with us. Thank you. Have a very good day, and may you all have as much fun writing and creating your characters as I did!
➸ Picrew:
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doctorbrown · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 17 / 31 * DAVE'S NIGHT OFF 」
March 3, 1986, Twin Pines Timeline(β)
Five months since Marty’s sudden disappearance. 
Linda doesn’t even have to pretend she doesn’t know exactly where she’ll find Dave when he’s not at home. If he’s not working, busting his ass taking whatever job that pays so he can keep funnelling it into the supplies to stock this cursed garage, he’s hunched over on the couch, buried up to his brain in papers that may as well be written in Greek for all he can read them. 
It’s the same place he spends most of his free time these days; surrounded by ghosts and a couple of Mom’s swiped bottles of vodka.
Not like she notices when a couple of them go missing. 
Dave once said he could hear Marty in here. Like he was still alive. Still here, because Marty’s not dead. He’s somewhere, God-only-knows, but he’s not dead because they only found one body in that parking lot and Marty had to be there because he was Doctor Brown’s fucking shadow—but since Marty’s body wasn’t there, just that truck and that poor dog—Einstein or Edison or whatever; some dead scientist—lying next to the body, according to the cops, that meant someone must have kidnapped him.
They're faint echoes, Linda, he'd said, three-quarters deep into a bottle, but he sounds happy.  
It sounds like bullshit, but it's far more than anything they have at the moment.
And it means, regardless of however tightly she has to wring her own heart to get even a single drop of hope out of it, there's a chance Marty is still alive. 
“How long have you been here today?” Dave pretends not to hear her. Or maybe he wilfully ignores her. Once, she knew how to tell. “Dave, face it. T—”  
“Shut the fuck up, Linda,” Dave snaps, and it takes every ounce of her resolve not to march up to him and slap him in the face for that. 
It’s grief that made him an asshole. It isn’t him. It has a way of burrowing into the deepest, most vulnerable parts of a person and poisoning them from the inside out until they were but shadows of their former selves. 
It’s already hollowed her out, stuffed her full of ice and made a cold, heartless bitch out of her until she was numb to the world. She figured that out when her mother’s broken sobs didn't spear her through the heart like they used to. As if it was her fault.
Why weren't you nicer to him that night?
That shouldn’t be an excuse. But she lets it be for Dave’s sake, and her own, because maybe, as fucking crazy as it sounds, they’ll just find that one in a million breakthrough scattered in the ramblings of a dead man. 
Who apparently claims he learned to leap through time. 
Some good that did him if it was true. He’s buried in Oak Park Cemetery, looking like Swiss cheese. Wasn’t time-travel supposed to help prevent exactly that?  
Maybe it could have saved Marty.  
Maybe it’s exactly what stole Marty away from them.  
“They’re going to tear this place down, Dave. In two weeks! T-w-o. And they’re not going to stop the bulldozers because you’re glued to that fucking couch. What good are you going to be dead? Do you know what that’s going to do to Mom?” She puts her hands on her hips and might have inwardly shuddered at how much she sounded like Mom if she had the energy.  
With Marty gone, she didn’t expect to be an older sister again. 
After a long, tense silence, she finally sighs. She didn’t come here to fight. “Did you eat anything today?” He’s swimming in his T-shirts now; they’re all but falling off his shoulders.  
Dave huffs, dragging his fingers through his shaggy hair. “Jen left about twenty minutes ago; she’s grabbing Chinese. You know, that place...where...”
Yeah. I know.
“I gave her some money. Then we’re gonna go back to this.” He spreads his arms, gesturing to the mess of paperwork that makes just as much sense as it did four and a half months ago.
“Are you staying?”
Linda says yes because a part of her, too, is trapped within these four walls.
#mcflyjuly#mcfly july 2024#back to the future#bttf#somewhat AU leaning and heavily inspired by many-worlds theory as well as steins;gate 0 and the idea of there being 'other' martys#(this is my entirely shameless plug telling you to go watch/read/play steins;gate actually. it's fantastic.)#like - other dimensional counterparts existing on other worldlines#as well as the idea of various worldlines that all have predetermined 'endings' that can't be changed#and that their marty only escaped the cycle by unknowingly hopping to a different worldline#so even if they create a time machine - who is to say they can change the outcome of history this time#and instead of following marty we're following linda & co now#as they possibly do very reckless things in search for answers#i also think this iteration of dave has some parallels to the way he ends up in 1985A given the circumstances oops#they're all incredibly broken by grief BUT in a way - something good has come out of this#as opposed to the original twin pines timeline where they make it seem like dave has no direction yet-now he has a purpose.#it keeps him going#for some reason i really love writing for linda - especially the twin pines variant where she's a little more jaded#ALSO - i bet the news of doc's death actually ends up being a whole thing in hill valley#for 95% the very wrong reasons but - you know how people are. god the shit some of them will still say even though he's gone#(my original idea that i wrote out and hated the way it came out had dave going to chat with doctor brown after marty's been#hanging out with him for a few weeks and just non-stop talking about him. but i couldn't get it written right and i went WHAT IF...#and now we're here eyyyyy)
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whump-queen · 2 years
The Boy in the Alleyway (WIP)
This will eventually be a proper masterlist, for now i’m just collecting links and snippets i’ve posted for this wip story.
Maya finds an injured boy in an alley one night. She and her roommates take him in, hoping to help. What follows may bring out the worst in all of them.
cw: heavy angst, abuse, starvation, injuries, violence, ptsd, pet/servant whump, captivity whump (more will be added as updates are posted)
Hers (drabble, pet whump)
A Nice Gesture: chapter previews here & here (tw starvation)
Art & Visuals
Maya sketch
Maya my dreamcore kendo queen (full color)
Alleyway Taglist : @violent-ultraviolet @imnotamurdereripromise
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marsuni · 6 months
does your doctors ever just drop something on you much later about your meds or your conditions and it explains a lot
#Like my seizure meds can make me dehydrated#I've been on them three years and just kinda chalked up being thirsty to ya know...needing water but nope Keppra can make you dehydrated#Or when I was taking sucrafate for 6 months before a Dr told me I had to take it several hours before eating BC IT PREVENTS UPTAKE#OF ANYTHING INCLUDING MEDS SO I BASICALLY WASNT TAKING MY MEDS FOR MONTHS AND WAS GETTING SICK AND DIDNT KNOW WHY#BC NO ONE BOTHERED TO TELL ME I SHOULDNT TAKE IT WITH OTHER MEDS JUST NOT FOOD??#AND THE DOC DIDNT EVEN TELL ME INTENTIONALLY SHE JUST MENTIONED IT OFF HAND AND I WAS LIKE WAIT WHAT#SHE WAS SO SHOCKED NO ONE TOLD ME AND IT WASNT LISTED ON THE BOTTLE#I'm still mad about it I was getting extra seizures for months for no reason bc of an oversight#Since I got that info I've been taking my meds properly and I haven't had a seizure for almost a year#:)#Remember to ask every question you can think of and ask aggressively#Every interaction with other meds every side effect#You NEED to know you're not being pushy it's your body and health#ASK THINGS OF YOUR DR ITS WHY THEYRE THERE ITS FOR THE BEST#chronic illness#medicine#Medication#Even if you are being pushy it's your right to know everything about why and what they're giving you#I also thought Ativan was a neasua drug for a while bv they always give it to me in the er when I have a cvs episode#But it's for anxiety and they use it to put me out while the actual drugs work and that's okay!!!#But I didn't know so I stared asking for Ativan (and zofran) when I went in and got denied because they thought I was a junkie/on detox#For a med a doctor would otherwise order for my distress bc I didn't know better#Know your meds and know them well it can only help you in the long run#Keeping a list written or digital that you can show doctors also helps so they know how drugs can interact if your an er frequent flyer#Like me
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
the GOOD thing about writing my silly little stories by hand is that I can cross out words, and arrow stuff around, add asterisks, and little symbols, and comments on the margins, and basically I can just kinda futz with words. It's like the text is clay, and I don't have to fully commit right away to whether I want to make a vase or a teapot.
the BAD thing about writing by hand is that if I want to write more than one thing at the same time, I either need multiple notebooks, or just. SO many fucking sticky tabs. and there's only like FIVE colors.
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nostalgia-tblr · 9 months
Between the Sylki Arranged Marriage AU and the Sylki Adultery AU and the thing I wrote for Sifki Week I feel like you and I are seeing into the parallel timeline where I am a successful yet reclusive author of filthy historical novels where the words "manhood" and "seed" get used more than they should (i.e. more than never) BUT the underwear that's being cast off in a lust-filled frenzy would be mostly accurate, and I'd be avoiding Goodreads in case I found out that this was not the secret behind the sales of what the supermarket book aisles advertise as "like Alison Weir but the characters fuck at least once every three chapters."
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jorvikzelda · 11 months
I've written like 700 words and I'm not even nearly done with the first scene. I've planned uh (checks notes) 17 scenes many of which including the first one are somewhere between Probably to Definitely going to be broken up into 2 or more. Aideen help me
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disdaidal · 1 year
The way I'm still not finished with writing the first two ideas I had in mind for this ship, I'm suddenly getting two more. 🙈🙊 Could somebody please arrange it so that I'd have all the time in the world to write it all? Because 24hrs a day is simply not enough.
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aquilamage · 2 years
getting so far ahead of myself but can't stop thinking about how I would format stuff with putting the transcript out there
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ashtcnirwin · 1 year
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
actually whats jarring isnt even being stuck on that fic for so long but rather i went from having SO SO SO MANY overflowing ideas CONSTANTLY and just going BRRRRR writing them out for funsies to just. slamming straight into a wall. COMPLETELY stopped and frozen and empty brained outta seemingly nowhere
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oldtvandcomics · 2 years
“Sunk-cost fallacy”, but for half-written fanfictions.
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throughtrialbyfire · 2 months
editing chapter 27 of CotS right now, and if all goes well, i should be able to post two updates in august as well!! hopefully i'll write enough once the semester starts to be able to keep the pace lmao, but we'll see. :3
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thefirstshootingstar · 3 months
My dumbass is not normal about my NNT OCxCanon ship, I'm ready to explode about it actually
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cheswirls · 5 months
sits down to write fic and writes 3k of notes for it instead, spends two separate hrs in the middle of it dwelling on pointless things, there were 8k notes prev so i def added almost half that amnt, have not written a single thing even tho i set down at 8p to write a scene and made a conscious decision to do this instead of starting laundry between 8 and 9 (laundromat closes at ten), it is three am currently,,,,,,
#ik the answer is yes BUT still gonna ask rhetorically#hey uh you ever sit down to write and five hours pass and you have written nothing#this doesn't happen often but i do have times where i want to write smth#then end up making notes for other scenes in the fic instead of actively writing prose#good in the long run and it is technically adding to the story!! somewhat!!!#but is it really writing???? not in my eyes no#but this is leagues better than when i was in hs and all my fic notes lived rent free in my head#at least now when i don't touch a fic for several months ill have some idea of what's going on when i go back to it#also dunno when i made it a habit to have fic notes at the start of the fic doc but i like this better#than having random handwritten notes scattered among planner / uni spirals / class handouts / paper at random#it's nice to have everything in one place#and if it gets annoying to navigate all i have to do is place a marker at start of prose#and format it as a heading so i can pull up the doc outline and click to get to it#but enough abt ease of access!!!!#i said i would eat at one when it was 12 how is it 3 already aaaaaaa#at least i am done. with notes. so now i can start writing for realsies#god it jus hit that this is why i can't jump freely into writing an ongoing longfic....#it takes so much effort to get back into it and i gotta have the time to do so#so sort n parse thru what i have so if i have an hr or only like 3 and it's been mths since ive looked at a fic#then i gotta put it aside again bc that's not enough time to absorb everything and actually get to writing#i rly need to like. cliffnotes all my longer ongoing fic. so much work but that's rly the obv solution
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