#i still have wizard worm icon
thetragicallynerdy · 11 months
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Slime icon. Covered in monster jizz icon. Absolutely blasted by a radioactive werewolf icon. So glad to see tumblr returning to their monster-fucking roots.
[ID from Alt text: a screenshot of Tumblrs new Halloween icon, which is the Tumblr T covered and dripping with a thick viscous purple ooze. End ID.]
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fishing-for-blood · 6 months
I think Tumblr finally broke from my refusal to update it. I can't view anyone's blog (my own included), can't reply to comments on my posts, nor can I view my 'following' dashboard even tho the 'for you' and 'tags you follow' pages still work.
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creachercrunch · 1 year
how is my mobile app i haven't updated for months better than tumblr desktop now. fucked up
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figgybeans · 9 months
FHJY trailer frame-by-frame
because i love these freaks. ok lets get into it (this is gonna be long)
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love the dome this season !! the backgrounds are beautiful. the steps up in production across FH is amazing
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ADAINE !! JAWBONE !! BOGGY !! i think her splash art is my have from the six. i have no clue what ESF stands for so anyone lmk
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her mini is also i think my favorite, the pins on her leather jacket really sell it. minus points for boggy's HUMAN ARMS though, theres a clearer shot later on
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fabian time ! love the blanket. bill seacaster art as well ! god hes terrifying. the doodles on the owlbear stickers are cute too
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apples bee ! plus some art of cassandra. kristen is in her strong arc, which the world is all the better for. i think its also important to remember that from the start of the series kristen has always had a higher strength score than fabian (ignoring her 4 dex)
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ignore the phantom riz mini, the trailer hardly stayed on his intro art for long. which is a shame cause LOOK AT IT !! the kalina picture, fuckin baron, the corn cuties, so much night yorb, bizz in the corner, captain whitclaw, coach daybreak - the man riz shot through the head in cold blood, the bardy boys !! its perfect.
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fig !! sad theres no ayda art in here but theres gotta be in the series. "-and a wizards paramore, YES its part of my identity, thank you" iconic. glad her mini has a custom bass. also gilear <3<3
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gorgug my boy. with his giant fuckoff axe. so happy his mini is including his artificer level, PLUS that probably means he takes another level in it, and unlocks infusions >:)
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this two headed dragon guy. red dragon can always mean some Kalvaxis callback, but we never know. i DO know that there's a statblock for two headed dragons in Monster Manual Expanded III, so maybe brennan uses that ? or just gives a regular dragon two breath weapons. we will see
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this was one of the clearest frames i could get for this art, but what we can see is still cool. love kristen in her kill bill jumpsuit. as an aside im still a riz-has-a-tail believer
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now THIS is a battlemap. im like 99% sure that that's the Thistlespring Tree in the background, and the Sig Figs are having some kind of concert here. HOWEVER, if we zoom in, it doesn't look like any of their minis are on the stage. intrigue.
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the internet mall ! or something. i have no idea who the minis could be, BUT the IDK-wearing purple one in the middle could be some Guardian of Faith representing cassandra. also adaine and boggy have matching berets in the wide shot
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this set i think is a gladiatorial arena of some kind? because we see a bunch of monstrosities and aberrations with this in the background later. also the big gates and monster-keeping pens are a clue.
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BOGGY ARMS. BOGGY ARMS. adaine is covered in blood. but fig looks to have some kind of ghost opossum familiar. BUT, my friend pointed out that it could be edgar, zayn's ghost rat ! so maybe we have him return for an episode. this house looks spooky enough. maybe mordred manor gets infested by demons or something
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otyugh spotted !! my favorite monster of all time
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this roper-looking thing. it overlays when brennan says "an eldritch beast that threatens all of the denizens of this world," so im really thinking there's gonna be an overarching Aberration theme in these combats
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also this guy. i have no clue what he is honestly. the rectangle in the background could maybe be a mirror or painting, so this might take place in the mordred manor-looking set from before
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purple worm, in the gladiator arena !
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some sort of ghost ship? doubtful that its bill seacaster's ship again, and the mist could mean the ethereal plane
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the bad kids !! just noticing that fabian's eye patch is either missing or on the wrong side
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im pretty sure this is an umber hulk, also in the gladiator set
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skateboard fig mini. also, this could be the hang van (?) but it also could be too long and be some kind of ghost limo. idk
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graveyard ! maybe they team up with zayn here
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a blue dragon, which makes me think the red dragon from earlier isnt kalvaxis related and is just a dragon
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more POV arrow shots, but this one's going into a fucking hydra. which looks like it grows three heads instead of two ? if that's what the attachment on the right side means.
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this could be the red wastes ? back on the kalvaxis theory.
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a wider shot of the internet mall. note the "YARRRRbucks" behind lou
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aaaand the final art frame !! fig finally gets her license (or not)
all in all 10/10 frothing at the mouth till jan 10
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aniron48 · 2 years
Yaay thanks for putting Love Letters up on ao3! I don't have polls on mobile (stubbornly not updating app for silly reasons aka I still want the tumbly logo) so I haven't been participating, but I'm looking forward to reading a happy 00q thing :) Also I hope you're getting good rest and you continue to feel better! *brews you more tea*
Hi friend! You know what, you absolutely made the right choice, I updated my app and 1) I don't like the weird wizard icon? Is he a snake? A worm? A stick? What is heeeeee? and 2) I don't like how they moved the icon to access your blog and replaced it with the store. 0/10, do not recommend the new version.
And thank you so much for the tea and kindness! It is appreciated on all counts. 💜
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freetobeeyouandme · 2 years
I have polls now and tumblr has a funky new icon so:
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emmi-kat · 4 years
SPG Kazooland Master Post
Kazooland is the alternate dimension in the Steam Powered Giraffe Universe.  This post contains various facts and tidbits mentioned by David and Bunny Bennett about it on tumblr and the official SPG websites over the years.  Please feel free to share more information in the reblogs!
Kazooland was named for the mentor of David Bennett, Bunny Bennett, Jon Sprague, Erin Burke, and Bryan Barbarin, Mr.Jerry Hager's mime persona: Kazoo the Mime
By 1897, Peter Walter had unlocked the power of Blue Matter and   subsequently, created an alternate reality he dubbed   Kazooland.
Excerpt from The Story of the Cavalcadium
The Cavalcadium tried to  make a permanent portal to Kazooland in their building, based on Peter Walter I’s studies.
The  Cavalcadium was wiped from existence in an instant, and it took Peter  a few months to realize it had simply vanished. Time and space itself  left a void to forget it ever was.     
The  Cavalcadium building now exists in the seams of Kazooland, and acts  as a hub to many other parts of the dimension. A few doorways even exist on Earth.          
Current link to the map of Kazooland: https://www.thecavalcadium.com/Kazooland.html
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Information available about Kazooland as late as 2014
  Asininia*             The dark kingdom of Ignatius Becile. Long having taken refuge from Earth, the   black-handed Becile has built a giant city which is depleting Asininia of its   natural resources and precious rock candy veins. His aim is creating an   unstoppable army of candy-powered automatons to consume the universe.
*name is derived from “asinine”
The 8th Dimension of Absolute and Infinite Terror           The only persistent door to the  terrible 8th dimension. Its history is unclear but it is indeed locked and guarded by Jumbo, The Pink Whale With A Top  Hat.* The 8th dimension is notorious for being the place of fermenting  nightmares and evil Lovecraftian Beasts.
*Jumbo can be found in the album The Vice Quadrant, guarding Commander Cosmo and The Necrostar
A jagged mountain range of ash and  death, which is primarily a refuge for monsters. A couple of human  settlements exist, but the majority of inhabitants of the continent  are Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Zombies, Witches, Cultists,  Poltergeists, Man-Eating Hamburgers, and Hamburger-Eating Men.
Hypexion V     
A presumed alien homeworld of the  Hypexions; thin bipedal humanoids with a sweet tooth.
Ironically Foreboding Shaped Islands     
The Chaos Sea marks these bodies of  land as a legend, but time travelers and fortunate explorers speak of  adventurous sailors, pirates, and buried treasure. It is  believed the famous Captain Albert Alexander was the first to have  sailed the Chaos Sea, yet only stories remain.
The Hypexion Moon infested with the  diabolical Moon Worms. The Moon Worm Queen is held responsible for  eating a chunk of Hypexion V before she was destroyed, but a newly  born Moon Worm Queen is the talk among the stars. The   talking stars of course.
An ancient dust land belonging to the  ancestors of the Kingdom of Set. Though primarily a land for the  outsourcing of dust and camels, the age old tales of Jackal Men,  Living Mummies, and Scarab People still invoke questions of mysticism  in even the most skeptical of skeptics.
An icy northern land of Snow Queens and  Mystical Creatures. Many a wise pipe smoking old bearded man tell  stories about this enchanted place, but few are listened to.
Merveille is the remains of the once  great Circus Empire, which exploded eons ago and left a watercolored  land of saturated imagination. The inhabitants are mostly the  Speechless Ones, also known as Mimes. It is often described as a  tangible dream, and artists from all over the multiverse have tapped  into its presence for inspiration and escape.
Cities:                    Bip
The capital of  Merveille was named after its founder, and is a favorite spot for  vacation for Peter Walter VI. It was also in Bip that the Great War of 1823 was ended by a mysterious mime with a magical  kazoo.
New Pieland    
Once a paradise of wilderness, pilgrims  from Old Pieland settled here declaring it New Pieland after their  former continent was completely devoured since it actually lived  up to its namesake. It was quite literally a giant land mass of flaky  crust with a warm gooey appley interior.
New Pieland is home to many American immigrants and many other multiverse settlers.  Humans, Robots, Clowns, Cat People, and Vleeds are just a few of the races you'll find in the melting pot which is New Pieland.
Cities:                    Biscuit Town
Biscuit Town is a famous small  mining town in the eastern part of New Pieland. It is home   primarily to clowns, wizards, and talking animals. Biscuit Town has   been run by Walter Robot The Jon until recently, and was the first  town in New Pieland to elect a robot for Mayor. Currently, in  the Jon's absence the Mayor's Assistant Boft is  struggling with the encroaching rogue nation of Asininia, a  resource-hungry super kingdom of mad scientists and candy-powered  androids.    Preferbia   This large sprawling landscape   of suburbia is a metropolis of 1950's ideals, where the  beautiful residents are protected from the ravages of time by a blue  matter rich force field over the city. Created by a visionary man  from Earth after slipping through an interdimensional rift, Howard  Lloyd saw the potential of the unstable rift and created what some  have called the 1950s utopia of mankind. Those who enter  the city rarely decide to leave the prospect of eternal youth, but  some do choose to escape Preferbia's roving gangs of fish mutants and  frequent attacks by the Hypexion Moon Worms.
Snornia is the last remaining haven for  mystical beings. It is cut off from the rest of the world by a  vengeful Dragon God, but those who have seen it speak of a fantastical world of magic and danger, with princesses in towers,   dexterous elves making shoes, and six winged warlocks. Humans  who find ways to enter usually do so to train to become wizards or  dragons, but many are eaten by the Dragon God, and even more give up  and sail to Party Island.
South Adventurica
A largely unexplored tangle of   constantly transforming jungles, swamps, and plains unbound by  any mappable record of time. Adventurers have sought to unlock the   continent's mysteries for years, and its surprises still continue to   surprise avid surprise seekers. Dinosaurs, giant insects, carnivorous   plants, elementals, Forgotten Gods, Bobby Darin, and Santa Claus are   all said to live here, but the only proof of their existence are the   ravaged journals from explorers of the past...
And that captured dinosaur amusement  park off the coast.
A rainy settlement of time travelers  from the 1890s. It is separated from the world by an ethereal mist of  aether called "Henry's Breath," long believed to be   generated by the fat ghost of England's Henry the 8th.  Most settlers began traversing the aether via multidimensional  travel from when Colonel P. A. Walter I discovered Blue Matter in  1896, but all matter of being from the multiverse seems to have  leaked through to embrace knowledge, Victorian style, and to tinker with steampunk abominations.
Cities:                    Dandyton
The Capital of Verk is a bustling city  of inventors, scientists, airship pilots, alchemists, airship pilots,  ghosts, and airship pilots. It is home to the Verk Dandy Candy  Factory, many airships, and the Verkian Rift, a dimensional  hub to countless other realities.
The (old) Cavalcadium landing page including links to Worlds (Earth, Kazooland, and the 8th Dimension), Characters, and Species
Characters include (but are not limited to): Beebop, Bip, Boft, Brown Suits, Buster Becile, Captain Albert Alexander, Delilah, Doc Laborday, G. G., Guy Hottie, Hatchworth,The Highwayman, I. M. Becile, Kazoo, Lily Brennan, Lorene Keaton, Norman Becile, Peter Walter I, Peter Walter II, Peter Walter III, Peter Walter IV, Peter Walter V, Peter Walter VI, Rabbit, Rex Marksley, The Jon, The Spine, The Suspender Man, Uncle Ralphie, Upgrade, and Wanda Becile
Species include (but are not limited to): Robots, Samurai, Scarab  People, Seafarers, Steampunks, Talking  Animals, Trolls, Vampires, Vleeds, Warlocks, Werewolfs, Witchs, Wizards, and Zombies
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The Temecula Rift
Prior to the 2013 Walter Robotics Expo, an accident occurred while 26 y/o Peter Walter VI accidentally sealed a Blue Matter Rift that he was trying to open for high speed inter-dimensional travel between Earth and Kazooland.  The result was an explosion that singularly hit Peter Walter VI in his face.  He now wears an iconic keyhole mask to hide whatever the results of the explosion may have been.
Audio posts of Isabella Bennett discussing Kazooland Canon circa 2015:
Kazooland Canon 1/3
Kazooland Canon 2/3
Kazooland Canon 3/3
Rabbit’s white faceplates are made from a porcelain-like material from Kazooland called Impossium
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kindofwriter · 4 years
I am starved for balance content, please, tell me about your extremely specific Taako designs
Lol, big same, I started taz waaay too late. I literally cannot even begin to explain what kind of can o’ worms you’ve opened up there, OP, this is gonna be a goddamn essay! I imagine Taako changes his style massively depending on the arc.
But first, the basics: I will accept nothing other than this boy being from Fantasy Mexico. He has brown skin. Brown eyes, but flecked with purple in a cool, magic kinda way. Freckles, bc that’s cute. A real chonky boy, bc I want nice things for fat people, and Taako is a very nice thing. Taller than Magnus with the hat, but only because it’s a very tall hat. And, of course, the iconic tooth gap.
And now for specifics you never asked for or wanted!
Here There be Gerblins:
Taako just has the world’s most obvious adventurer outfit. He’s a classic celebrity on the run - trying to wear clothes that will help him blend in, but his face is still adorned with gorgeous glamour spells (aka stage makeup). He has loose, belted brown pants, a loose pirate-esque cream shirt, and a brown cloak, topped with a matching brown wizard’s hat. His hair is pulled back into a long, blond plait. He just looks kind of sad.
Murder on the Rockport Limited:
Cha’ boy has some knowledge back and he’s shown the fuck up! A tailored evening-blue suit with silver trim, one-inch silver, heeled boots, a blue hat with a silver buckle, pale blue lipstick, and flowing, straightened silver hair, with a pair of small, blue-tinted oval glasses sat on his nose. I also really love the idea that the umbra staff changes to match Taako’s style, and turns from red to blue with silver frills.
Petals to the Metal:
I imagine that for the first half of the arc, after Rockport, Taako has a bit of a cute conductor thing going on. A loose fitting dark blue suit with a cute little blue conductors hat. Long, wavy brown hair. Blue eyeshadow and bronze lipstick.
But then after they steal from the racing gang he’s in full Racer Boy couture. Black leather pants, black leather jacket, studded choker, red, cropped cotton shirt, bright red lipstick. And he re-does his hair so he has a black fringe and red waves, which get tied into two mangeable little space-buns for the race.
Crystal Kingdom:
We all know what the space suits look like. But as for the rest of the look: bubblegum pink hair, curled and messily pulled back into those same buns, with matching lipstick. The Soft Boi look.
The Eleventh Hour:
We all know of the iconic mauve skirt, but I imagine he had a matching fringed jacket and hat, cropped white T-shirt, and white cowboy boots. Pink, circular sunglasses. Loose, wavy, ginger hair. And cute little cherry earrings, bc why not?
The Suffering Game:
The ultimate hot boi circus look. Candy-floss-pink fringe, with candy-floss-blue space buns. Matching blue lipstick, and matching pink heart-sunglasses. A pearly-white, almost iridescent, jacket with matching skirt and heels, and a pink crop top.
After his legs are mangled in the first challenge Taako quickly (w/ magic, ofc!) changed his outfit: flat, supportive boots, long, loose fitting pants, a white shirt and a blue and pink ring masters coat. The sunglasses are g o n e, lipstick wiped away along with the blood, makeup sweated off, and space buns now two messy tangles he shakes out into waves.
I imagine the spell that takes his beauty chews his hair up a la howl’s moving castle, leaving him with a cute, but ultimately awkward and frizzy bob of wavy hair. It also strips all the dye, leaving it natural. A lot of the scars he got that didn’t get healed immediately are visible again.
The glamour spell smooths his hair out and allows him to dye it back, but it needs to grow out again naturally.
The Stolen Century:
The classique IPRE uniform, plus long, wavy red hair and a blond fringe. Obviously this look would change depending on where they land and what they do, this is just the re-set look.
Story and Song:
Whilst the turn-around between Suffering Game and Story and Song is literal minutes I imagine Taako used magic or returned to his quarters to get rid of his blood-stained Suffering Game garments. He gets a long, black skirt, supportive boots, black tights, a black shirt, and a red cloak. Not a robe, just a regular red cloak, but it feels familiar and nice to be fighting in.
I imagine when he sees Kravitz and drops the glamour spell his legs give way (bc there’s no healing in wonderland!) and Kravitz kinda catches him and steadies him, then, without asking any questions, summons him a cool, raven’s-head walking cane. Lup eventually makes him a new umbra staff, to support him when he’s adventuring, but he uses Kravitz’ cane around the house and in town, bc spells are kind of tiring and it’s nice to be able to walk without holding yourself up with magic.
Over time Taako stops using the disguise spell daily. It’s exhausting, and he feels comfortable around his boyfriend, his sister, his best friends - his family - Ren, Angus, most of his students, actually. He still likes to look perfect on occasion, he is still, y’know, Taako? From TV? But he feels very happy and supported in his life, and that happiness no longer relies on him looking his best.
Just, I have the whole world in my head, every tiny detail of it, and it’s so vivid and whole. Fuck, I just really love podcasts. Thanks for the excuse to rant, OP.
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thesilkenlair · 4 years
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(Casey Here!)
As much D&D as I play, you'd imagine I would eventually get around to illustrating some of their most iconic monsters! Which is to say, the ones that I personally find the most iconic. Which is to say, the ones I memorized when I was reading my dad's monster manual at age nine. Purple worm - Sandworms never go out of style. I've seen a lot of rad designs for this bugger over the editions, but I favor the slightly less reptilian older takes for this particular critter. It's kinda basic, but sometimes that's what you want. It's like a shark or a crocodile: Just flat out unchanged across the ages. Hook horror - I've heard it rumored that Gygax used a small Gigan figure to represent this monster. I can't verify that, but it definitely sounds right. Hook horrors are one of the very first things you meet when you play around in the caves, and they kind of remind me of the Father Deep monsters of the Hork Bajir homeworld that way. Mind flayer - Mind flayers! Basically, take all of your Dracula conventions and dip them in a fresh coat of Lovecraft. There's that old "decadent aristocratic upper caste system who literally eats the poor, but still somehow comes across as less evil than the actual real life 1%" setup that will never stop being relevant. Though personally, I see mind flayers as the first alternative for folks who want to play that monster-who-feels-the-urge-to-eat-their-friends-but-refuses-to-do-it shtick but don't want to deal with vampire baggage. You know, the furry option! ... Slimy? Rubbery? Do we have a word for anthro-cephalopods? I'm only a casual furry. Gelatinous cube - I'm not apologizing for giving this one a slot. Froghemoth - So, back when I participated in my very first long-term campaign, I played a druid. You've met Talia before. Naturally, I was chomping at the bit for the day I finally got to turn her into a froghemoth, and celebrated the day my wish was finally granted and she was allowed to chug human-supremacist-cultists like popcorn. Yeah, okay, the froghemoth is one of the classic vore-monsters. But it's a charming design in its own right. Kind of a freaky Hanna Barbara critter, like you'd see Space Ghost fighting. No matter how many artists draw it, they can never shake that inherent goofiness that third edition tried so hard to purge. I would probably cram them somewhere onto Fronterra if I was sure they were public domain. As is, I'm 99% certain that this is what Visser Three turned into when he ate Elfangor. Tarrasque - D&D's original kaiju! Kind of just takes the name and nothing else when it comes to its mythological origins, but I don't mind. The Tarrasque is that endgame "let's test the players" final boss monster... Or at least it's supposed to be. My DM reskinned it for our final Pathfinder session, and one of the PCs still nearly killed it in a single turn. Also, he let Talia turn into one, so maybe Pathfinder is just bullshit? Regardless, the Tarrasque has one of those simple, iconic designs. I've heard rumors it was based on the concept art for Fallout's deathclaws, and like the Gigan-figure, I can't verify this in any way. With its reptilian features, twin horns, spiny carapace and grabby fingies, it has an undeniable lizardlike quality that I can't help but find charming. Kinda feels like a more refined version of Zilla? Though for an insatiable eating machine, I notice a lot of artists give it very little belly to work with. Come on, this guy eats entire cities! Give him somewhere to put it! Rust monster - An icon of icons, the rust monster! Drawing its origin from a bizarre Chinese "dinosaur" toy, later designs have made it more insectoid in appearance, but never feeling QUITE like anything Earthly. It's the four limbs. Between the four limbs and the tail, it's hard to tell if it's an arthropod mimicking a vertebrate or the other way around. I'm pretty sure this is part of what inspired my ossaderm creatures for Fronterra. Also, Ryla can turn into one in our campaign. I have no shortage of havoc to wreak when the opportunity comes. Behir - Dragons in D&D are kind of... extra. Godlike beings, paragons of whatever personality trait they represent. Whenever there's something uber powerful in D&D, it gets compared to dragons. It makes them kind of unapproachable. Behirs provide all the essentials of a dragon - Serpentine body, scaly skin, horns, sapience, breath weapon, taste for human flesh - wrapped up in a smaller, weirder, IMO cooler package. You know, your Lambton Worms. A lot easier to port in and out of adventures, a lot less of an event when they show up, but still a formidable force in their own right. I like the behir. The behir knows how to taunt me just the right amount. Bulette - Another Chinese "dinosaur" figure monster, the bulette is actually another one I associate with Talia. Whenever we faced a problem that didn't have a glaringly and immediately obvious solution, she would turn into a bulette, whether it was for beating up robots, digging through obstacles, trampling smurfs, navigating labyrinths, distracting slashers with cute dog tricks... it was kind of her signature form. But shenanigans aside, the bulette is just an excellent monster. While the "land shark" shtick may be common, there's a lot more going on with the bulette's design. It's rumored to be a mad wizard's creation, as he combined a snapping turtle with an armadillo and mixed in a helping of demon blood to taste. Personally, I always considered that to be a neat little rumor to flesh out the world, but never assumed it to be true. The bulette just feels too naturalistic for that. Like some kind of protomammal or crocodylomorph, or weird triassic monstrosity. Magic and demons and dragons and so on DO affect the ecosystem. I always figured the bulette was just something that evolved to compete in this new biosphere. Owlbear - This one, on the other hand, I fully believe the "mad wizard was bored" explanation. Another chinasaur critter, the owlbear is frequently made fun of. What makes it scarier than a regular bear? It can't fly, so why have owl parts at all? Why trade fangs for a beak in what is at best a latural move? Well, first of all, fuck you, owls are creepy motherfuckers, and that alone is enough to justify it. But secondly, that's part of its charm. Besides some improved vision, the owl DOESN'T make it more dangerous. What makes the owlbear dangerous is that it's an insane, Frankensteinian monstrosity roaming uncontrolled through the wilderness! It doesn't need weaponry, its sheer temperament is enough to make it a worthy opponent. Sure, the practical threat might not be hugely above that of a bear, but storytelling isn't about numbers. Any asshole can go outside and get eaten by a bear. The owlbear is part of this world. The owlbear is a reminder of what magic can do. Someone somewhere actually made this thing, for whatever reason, and now the world is irrevocably changed because of it. Owlbears go beyond practicality. They bring the lore! Also, bears don't have very good eyesight, so the big owl eyes probably make them better hunters. Flumph - Is that a Japanese-style martian? Do we just have aliens in D&D? Dear lord, I love them! Okay, the flumph has got a sizable hatedom. And that hatedom can eat my ass, because the flumph is precious and perfect just the way it is! Flumphs are designed as a sort of sidekick-type creature. They're not very good fighters, but they bring knowledge and lore to the table. Whether they're aliens from some far off star, seeking your aid to prevent catastrophe, or psionic natives of the Underdark eager to bask in your positivity and hopefully stick it to the tyrants they're forced to share real estate with. My group generally treats them as straight up aliens, benevolent but strange. Course, we're all pretty strange, so we get along just fine. Otyugh - Okay so, the aberration creature type implies that this is something from another world that doesn't belong. And yet otyughs, which are aberrations, are an essential part of this world's ecosystem? Okay, I can buy the idea that an alien organism adapted to our world and is now a key part of it. Fronterra's got a TON of that. It just feels like after a point, the otyugh would be considered a beast? Otyughs are great. Every ecosystem needs a decomposer, and every fantasy story needs at least one dive into the sewers. Otyughs provide both, and are intelligent enough to keep the plot moving if it hits a snag. There's always going to be garbage, refuse, carrion, decay, things that need to be broken down and processed. Carrion crawler - The carrion crawler is pretty similar to the otyugh in that it's technically not considered a beast, and therefor must have its origins elsewhere, but feels so integrated into the ecosystem that it just feels like it belongs. They usually can't talk, so they're not just reskinned otyughs, but I still consider them pretty essential. Otyughs find a singular spot where waste is dumped and shovel it down at their leisure, while carrion crawlers skulk through the tunnels, actively seeking their food. The crawler got one of the most radical redesigns on the transition from second to third edition, but I can't really choose a single favorite. The oldschool tentacle-faced cutworm looks like it could be a real animal, while the googly-eyed Halloween decoration feels like it could be from another world, merely having set up shop here. Could there name apply to two wholly different creatures? If so, then I'm not sure which one mine would be considered. I kinda mashed them together into something that doesn't quite feel like either. But I like it for what it is. Maybe I'll sneak it onto Fronterra. Aboleth - Tentacled, telepathic sea creatures who turn humans into slimy minions, who remember everything their race has ever seen, and who are always plotting something behind the scenes. Yeah, the aboleths really crank up the Lovecraft elements. Actually, between the mind flayers, the flumphs and the aboleths, even the most oldschool D&D covered quite a few essential Lovecraftian bases. The flayers are your corrupt yet still recognizable humanoids who can be considered truly evil, the flumphs are benevolent-yet-bizarre guardians who know more than you, and the aboleths are the truly unknowable, sinister intellects. The fact that they can barely function on land honestly only adds to that, IMO. They're inherently difficult for a party to reach, and they offer some nice underwater adventure seeds. Not enough adventures go underwater. There's this perception that the ocean is bad for storytelling because so many writers lack the creativity to make it work. I wanna run an underwater adventure now. Beholder - Icon of icons! THE D&D monster! The beholder! Paranoid, jumpy, always five steps ahead and twenty steps perpendicular! Beholds are fun in just about every way. Between their wacky, diverse designs, their elaborate lairs, their eccentric personalities, their bizarre powers, you're never gonna run out of fun with beholders. Remorhaz - It's always been a thing that bothered me with environment-based monsters. Why does the ice monster who lives in the cold use ice as a weapon? Aren't most of the things it encounters going to be resistant to the cold? Sure, a cone of cold will still kill a polar bear, but a lot of the monsters in the tundra are outright immune to cold. A while dragon's not going to get much use out of its breath weapon fighting frost worms and frost giants. That's one reason the remorhaz sticks out to be. We have an icy tundra beast whose insides are a scorching furnace, which it can intensify and weaponize as it sees fit. Which also conveniently explains why its design - a sort of cobra-esque centipede - invokes warm-weather creatures, despite its icy environment. It's a nice subversion of the usual tropes, plus it's just a memorable, cool looking critter to begin with. On a smaller note, the remorhaz feels like a good loophole for Ryla's "no cold weather morphs" rule. Turning into something elementally affiliated with ice is no good, but a non-magical monster that survives the cold by superheating its insides? That seems perfectly viable to me!
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russellacali · 4 years
What is Empowerment Technologies?
This blog, Empowerment Technologies, is an insight into what I have learned on our lessons about Empowerment Technologies: ICT for Professional Tracks, for 11th grade, under the teaching of Miss Shaira Denise Dela Cruz. The goal of this blog is to promote ICT and give you some insight into ICT
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The first lesson that was discussed was, what is ICT? ICT is the abbreviation for Information and Communication Technologies. It refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications such as mobile phones, wireless networks, telephones, and other communication mediums. The current state of ICT is WWW or World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web(WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which may be interlinked by hypertext, and are accessible over the Internet. It has three versions which are Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 is the first version and most web pages were static or “read-only web.” 
The second and most used is Web 2.0, which allows users to interact and contribute with the page instead of just reading a page, the users are able to create a user account. Web 2.0 offers us five features: Folksonomy, Rich User Experience, Long Tail, User Participation, and software as a service.
The last is Web 3.0. Its aim is to have machines understand the user’s preference to be able to deliver web content specifically targeting the user. Web 3.0 hasn’t released yet as it still has some problems. Those problems are compatibility, security, vastness, vagueness, and logic.
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Moving on to the next lesson which is all about ‘Online Saftey, security, ethics, and etiquette.’ 
The Internet consists of tens of thousands of interconnected networks run by service providers, individual companies, universities, and governments. It is defined as an information highway, which means anyone can access any information through the internet. That is why the internet is one of the most dangerous places, the reason why it is important how to keep yourself and your personal information safe. Some of the information that is in rick when spoiled on the internet are names of your immediate family, address, phone or home number, birthday, email address, your full name, and your previous and current school. It is important to keep this information top secret as cyber-creeps can use these to find you. 
To keep yourself safe:
Be mindful of what you share online.
Do not just accept terms and conditions, read it.
Keep your passwords to yourself, and make sure your password is long, strong, and unique.
Do not talk or meet up with someone you don’t know.
Never post anything about a future vacation. This can signal some robbers about which date they can come and rob your house. It is better to post about your vacation when you got home already.
Add friends you know in real life, don’t accept someone you barely know or met.
Avoid visiting or downloading anything from an untrusted website, make sure to check the icon beside the search box. *picture* According to DigiCert Blog, “How to Know if a Website is Secure?”, Look at the URL of the website. If it begins with “https” instead of “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL certificate (the s stands for secure). SSL certificates secure all of your data as it is passed from your browser to the website’s server.
Make your home wifi private by adding a password.
Make sure to install and update antivirus software on your computer.
Do not reply or check links from suspicious emails as it can lead you to an untrusted site and can hack your laptop or social media.
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To give you more information, here are some of the internet threats that we need to be aware of and try to avoid:
The Malware, stands for malicious software. It includes virus, worm, trojan, spyware, adware, and ransomware. The virus is the most common malware. It is a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another (internet, local networks, FDs, CDs,etc.). Worms is a standalone piece of malicious software that reproduces itself and spreads from computer to computer. The trojan is a malicious program that disguises as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information. Spyware is defined by Webroot Cybersecurity as "malware used for the purpose of secretly gathering data on an unsuspecting user." It is a program that runs in the background and spies your behavior as you are on your computer. Adware is malware that forces your browser to redirect to web advertisements, which often themselves seek to download further, even more, malicious software. Lastly, Ransomware, also known as scareware. This is a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim’s data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.
The Spam, this is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication, often an email, that gets sent out in bulk.
The Phishing, is a cybercrime in which a target/s are contacted by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
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Lastly, before we move to the next lesson it is important to know ‘The Core Rules of Netiquette’ are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.
First, Remember the Human.When communicating online, practice the Golden rule:  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Remember that your written works or messages are read by real people, therefore you should ask yourself, "Would I be okay with this if someone else had written it?" before sending it. 
Second, Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. It is a must that your best to act within the laws and ethical manners of society whenever you inhabit "cyberspace." Standards of behavior may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life. Be ethical. Don't believe anyone who says, "The only ethics out there are what you can get away with."  
Third, Know where you are in cyberspace. What's perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another. And because Netiquette is different in different places, it's important to know where you are. Thus the next corollary: Lurk before you leap.
Fourth, Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. Online communication takes time: time to read and time in which to respond. Most people today lead busy lives, just like you do, and don't have time to read or respond to frivolous emails or discussion posts. It's your responsibility to ensure that the time they spend reading your posting isn't wasted.
Fifth, Make yourself look good online. One of the best things about the virtual world is the lack of judgment associated with your physical appearance, the sound of your voice, or the clothes you wear. However, you will be judged by the quality of your writing so keep in mind the following tips: (1)Always check for spelling and grammar errors, (2)  Know what you're talking about and state it clearly
Sixth, Share expert knowledge. The reason for asking questions online works is that a lot of knowledgeable people are reading the questions. And if even a few of them offer intelligent answers, the sum total of world knowledge increases. The Internet itself was founded and grew because scientists wanted to share information. Gradually, the rest of us got in on the act. So do your part. Despite the long lists of no-no's in this book, you do have something to offer. Don't be afraid to share what you know.
Seventh, Help keep flame wars under control. "Flaming" is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion.g. While "flaming" is not necessarily forbidden in virtual communication, "flame wars," when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, must be controlled or the camaraderie of the group could be compromised. Don't feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive direction.
Eighth, Respect other people’s privacy. Depending on what you are reading in the virtual world, be it an online class discussion forum, Facebook page, or an email, you may be exposed to some private or personal information that needs to be handled with care. Thus, Just as you expect others to respect your privacy, so should you respect the privacy of others. Be sure to err on the side of caution when deciding to discuss or not to discuss virtual communication.
Ninth, Don’t abuse your power. Some people in cyberspace have more power than others. There are wizards in MUDs (multi-user dungeons), experts in every office, and system administrators in every system. Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take advantage of them. For example, sysadmins should never read private emails.
Tenth, Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. Everyone was a network newbie once. So when someone makes a mistake, whether it's a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If you do decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely, and preferably by private email rather than in public. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better.
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The last lesson that was taught to us is ‘Advanced Word Processing Skill’. This lesson focuses on the software word processor the ‘Microsoft Word.’
A Word Processor is an electronic device or computer software application that performs the task of composing, editing, formatting,  and printing of documents.​
Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by  Microsoft and the first released on  October 25, 1983.​ Microsoft Word has features and functions which are not mostly known by others. These are the Auto-Correct, Grammar Checker, Read Aloud, Template, Thesaurus, Mail Merge, and Text Wrap. 
Advance Features of Microsoft Word are discussed. Beginning with the kinds of Materials we can have in Microsoft Word.
The first is Pictures. Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved on any local storage device.​ There are three file formats that pictures have which are JPEG or Joint Photographic Expert Group, this can support 16.7 million colors so that it is suitable for use when working with full-color photographic images, GIF or Graphics Interchange Format, this is used for computer-generated images that support animation,  can only support up to 256 colors., lastly, PNG or Portable Network Graphics, this is similar to GIF except it has smaller file size but does not support animation, it can display up to 16 million colors and allows the control of the transparency level or opacity of images.​
The second material is Clip Art. This is generally a GIF type; line art drawings or images used as a generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate into your document.​
The third is Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. The fourth is Smart Art. Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
The fifth is Chart. Another type of material that you can integrate into your Word document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
The sixth is Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or  procedure will require the integration of a more realistic image of  what you are discussing on your report or manual.
Moving on to the most focused part of the lesson which is the Mail Merge. Mail Merge is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels, envelopes, name tags, and more using information stored in a list, database, or spreadsheet. When these two documents are combined  (merged), each document includes the individual names and addresses you need to send it to. The two components of Mail Merge are the Form Document, this contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send., and the List or Data File, This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to our form document is placed and maintained.​
It was demonstrated to us, how to use and make mail merge, and here’s mine:
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Before ending this blog, I would like to show you some of my modules for the subject Empowerment Technologies(ETech): ICT for Professional Track.
First, the open forum about the “How can you promote Netiquette?”
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Second, an assignment about “Cyberspace:  Share an experience that you have always tend to do but later did you discover that it is not a standard of ONLINE SAFETY, SECURITY, ETHICS, AND ETIQUETTE. “
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Third, another open forum about “What is the importance of Microsoft office in your education?”
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Lastly is another assignment, making an Infographic: Promoting your specific track/strand. My infographic is a promotion of my strand, STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
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Hope you learn a lot from this blog as I learn a lot from my subject teacher for  Empowerment Technologies(ETech): ICT for Professional Track. 
Let this day be filled with success in all the ventures you make today. Have a great day!
Photo Credits:
https://cdn.guidingtech.com/imager/assets/2019/05/226896/Image-Best-Microsoft-Word-Online-Tips-and-Tricks 2_4d470f76dc99e18ad75087b1b8410ea9.png?1558678050 
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sally-mun · 5 years
TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY AWESOME BIRTHDAY PARTY~ below the cut since it’s a biggie!
So as is tradition in our household, I’m sequestered in my room while the party is set up downstairs. I mostly spend the day watching Dance Moms (shut up) and playing Animal Crossing, amusingly to get my birthday party there as well. Eventually @fini-mun​ comes to my door and summons me, and says if I want to record it I should start. I got my phone out and recorded the “First-Person Leda Experience” as I called it. I’m glad I did, because THIS WAS AN EXPERIENCE.
So right outside my door is this chufty motherfucker:
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Deebs explains that this is a time machine that’s powered by imagination, and we’re going to take a journey through time. At this point I’m a little puzzled, because the time traveling thing makes me wonder if the theme is Doctor Who, but this clearly isn’t a Tardis so I guess not??
Turns out, I’m correct that it’s not a Tardis; it is, in fact, a Time-A-Tron. Deebs first says we’re going to go into the future and encourages me to turn the dial clockwise. And, well...
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WELL THAT DOESN’T BODE WELL. Deebs and I abort this idea and I turn the dial the other way. It turns out, we were going back to the 80′s and 90′s! This was SUCH a great idea for me because I whine all the time about how much I miss these two decades, so I’m very excited to do my time warp!
Deebs sends me on ahead to go back in time, mentioning that they’ll catch up because they want to check out that apocalypse first. So, I head through alone.
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There’s a pretty cool warpy swirl on the door ahead of me to give me the full time vortex experience, then I head downstairs. There’s lots of 80′s and 90′s themed swirly banners hanging from the ceiling, balloons with various animal prints all over the floor, and garland in the kitchen doorway featuring boom boxes and sunglasses and lightning bolts and all kinds of nostalgic icons! My friends are waiting for me and I quickly realize they’re dressed for the past too: Jay is wearing overalls and Ivan is wearing a Metallica shirt.
As I’m descending the stairs music suddenly starts -- music from the 80′s radio channel on our TV, and I can’t help myself from bopping around, so the camera got a little shakey at this point (sorry, future!me). We have a little mini dance party at this point while waiting for Deebs to catch up. I even flip my phone around to do my best at filming myself dancing, and upon reviewing the video as I write this I KINDA DID SHOCKINGLY WELL.
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(Yeah I normally don’t post pics of myself but I just HAD to show off how well I did for filming myself completely blind.)
I also used the opportunity to teach my young friends the Hand Jive, proving once and for all that even in my prime I am nothing even remotely resembling “cool.”
So finally Deebs rejoins us, and now also has a great retro shirt! It’s got “Totally Rad!” written on it with lots of color splashes. Deebs then explains that in the future Water World is how the world ended, and as a result the survivors elected Kevin Costner as Godking due to his experience making the movie.
We then move into the kitchen and review the food: McDonald’s chicken nuggets, which I loved as a kid and still do to this day! Macaroni and cheese, for the same reason! Little weenies wrapped in bacon, which I only discovered last year but are fucking delicious! Faygo Red Pop, which I practically drank intravenously as a wee one! And of course, ZEBRA CAKES!
The plates and other food vessels are all retro and neon, and I can see that the party’s goody bags (which have become a tradition of our parties at this point) are all very neon as well.
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Then Deebs brings out the cake: A DIRT CAKE~ I haven’t had a proper dirt cake since I was like 12 years old!! Deebs even went the extra mile and got rock candies and gummy worms to mix in to enhance the delicious dirtiness~ Deebs also mentioned worrying about having gotten the recipe right, but I pointed out that there are like a thousand “recipes” for dirt cake and there’s no single right way.
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I’m so excited and already having such a good time, and I make a passing comment that I’m glad I wore a neutral shirt since it’s not something that would clash with our time traveling. Deebs says it’s funny I should mention that, then hands me a present and tells me to go to the bathroom and change. I obey, and I find that I’ve been given this shirt to wear!!
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IT’S SO AMAZING AND I LOVE IT!! It’s like THE essence of what I love about the 80′s~
We all get food and go sit down to hang out, and Deebs mentions we should watch a retro movie. My mom starts flipping through the TV guide, and I can hardly believe my eyes: Coincidentally, THE WIZARD IS ON!! I direct my mom to go to that channel, and it’s actually still pretty close to the beginning of the movie. I just CANNOT believe that this happened to be on during my party, I’m fucking stoked.
We watch the movie and make some pretty great commentary over it, though I notice that one of my guests is spending a lot of time on her phone and the other is preoccupied with a book he brought. OH WELL, THIS IS MY PARTY AND WE’RE WATCHING THE WIZARD. DEAL WITH IT. Besides, I can’t fault them TOO badly because let’s face it, most of us just watch that movie for the game battle at the end anyway. (Speaking of the ending Deebs and I got each other going and eventually concluded that the actor playing the host of the game tournament spiked several small children into the floor. It’s a long story.)
So once we’re done eating Deebs hands out the goodie bags, and holy shit they’re amazing. They’re so smartly put together: A slap bracelet, a pencil and mini-phone book (because we don’t have cell phones yet so this is the only way to save numbers!), some Pop Rocks and Bazooka gum, and we each got a miniature version of a classic 80′s toy of some sort: Mini Rock’em Sock’em robots for Jay, a mini Rubik’s cube for Deebs, a mini Etch-a-Sketch for Ivan... and guys, I nearly rocketed through the roof when I saw I got A MINI LITE-BRITE!! I legit lost my mind for a minute, I didn’t even know this EXISTED as a mini and I was SO EXCITED because I fucking loved my Lite-Brite as a kid and I couldn’t believe Deebs found something like this for me!!
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So after we have dirt cake and the movie wraps up, Deebs brings me the rest of my presents, and I was not prepared for how many there were. The gifts carried through the theme very well, as I got some new classic Sonic dolls, an officially licensed Genesis controller for the PC, and 80′s/90′s-themed card games! Ivan was also very shrewd in getting me a couple of Rurouni Kenshin graphic novels, as I’ve not only mentioned to him several times that it’s my favorite anime but also that I have a very, very strong preference for 90′s anime in general!
After that Jay had to leave, so Ivan, Deebs, and myself went up to my room to unwind from the excitement by watching Youtube for a while. We did what we call a “friend pile,” aka where we all try to cram onto my little-ass twin bed and just sort of watch TV and cuddle and hope our limbs don’t all go numb. We took turns suggesting videos to watch, which exposed us all collectively to a lot of new stuff. Some of the videos were fucking insane.
All in all, it was a pretty fantastic day XB I’m very satisfied with my time traveling adventure! Thank you SO SO MUCH to @fini-mun​ and my friends for showing me such a great time!!
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RPG Minis Guide: Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica (Golgari)
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Many roleplaying books (especially D&D and Pathfinder/Starfinder ones) come with sets of minis made specifically for them, that can be used for the iconic NPCs and prepared combats. But that doesn’t necessarily help for your specific character, or for any improv portions you have to make up in the game. And heaven forbid if you wanted to use the setting for more than that one game.
So I’m putting together a reference of minis that fit that setting that can be gathered from a variety of resources - if you feel like I miss anything relevant, please let me know and I will try to add it to the post! (for the sake of ease, I am not including the prepainted minis that are put out alongside these games)
I’m going to start with Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica, and break it down by each guild. Since there is a lot to pull from for each guild, I’m going to give each guild their own post.
The first one I wanted to focus on was Golgari. The Golgari Swarm was a big one to tackle, because with the varying “sects” of the golgari, there are a LOT of very different types of characters to work with - from Erstwhile zombies to Devkarin elves, with creatures ranging from gorgons to fungal abominations to insectoids, trolls, and more... it’s a lot of ground to cover!I doubt this list will be exhaustive, but it should at least be a good starting point and provide you with a decent pool to pull from.
So, without further ado, here is my line up for Golgari minis!
Warhammer Miniatures
These minis are not going to be quite the same scale as traditional D&D minis, so keep that in mind - and maybe buy smaller bases
Charnel Throne
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Crypt Horrors/Flayers
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Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazzgar Stinkmullett
Wizkids: Nolzur’s Marvelous Minis
72558: Spiders
72572: Phase Spider
72573: Troll
72637: Elf Ranger
72571: Ghouls
72642: Elf Druid
73393: Adult Remorhaz
73537: Blights
73535: Carrion Crawler
72641: Elf Druid
73392: Fomorian
73191: Medusas
73405: Myconid Adults
73403: Shambling Mound
73352: Thri-Kreen
Wizkids: Deep Cuts Unpainted Minis
73089: Swarm of Rats
73364: Wizard’s Room
73422: Pile of Bones & Entrails
Wizkids: Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Minis
73548: Ghouls
Reaper Miniatures 
This is the longest list of minis to peruse, but should have PLENTY of choices!
14548: Bloodstone Beetle Lancer 
14568: Bata, Beetle Rider Captain
14437: Bloodstone Gnome Priest and Familiar
14169: Dauron, Necropolis Hero
03042: Morrdha, Vampire Noble
03023: Worm Corpse
14502: Necropolis Ghast
03423: Cerberus, Hound of Hell
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59020: Glom
77014: Zombies (3) - there are a ton of zombie packs, but I felt these lent themselves to being painted with the golgari aesthetic best
03736: Dread Wolves (2)
77369: Shadow - this is almost more of a Dimir thing, but there are technically some spirits that haunt the depths of Golgari territory, so... still works
03748: Lich
03841: Graveflesh Servant (female)
14485: Kurand The Everliving
14526: Necropolis Standard Bearer
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77581: Mudgullet
77367: Spell Effect: Shadow Tentacles (2)
77394: Filth Beast
77226: Charnel Grub
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77375: Mashaaf
03658: Ankheg
77032: Oxidation Beast
77136: Well of Chaos
50289: Hound of Tindalos
77006: Great Worm
02695: Fungus Patch
77345: Mushroom Men (3)
03041: Mushroom King
03580: Garzuhl, Mantis Man Ranger
03552: Klichik, Mantis Warrior
03142: Zizzix, Mantis Warrior
02902: Slithe Queen
02517: Hooked Terror
80043: Kulathi Right Handed (3) - These are for Chronoscope and have guns that you’d need to remove, but it’s pretty easy to do
80042: Kulathi Two Guns (3)  - These are for Chronoscope and have guns that you’d need to remove, but it’s pretty easy to do
80041: Kulathi Left Handed (3)  - These are for Chronoscope and have guns that you’d need to remove, but it’s pretty easy to do
77130: Vermin Beetle Swarm (2)
77129: Vermin Rat Swarm (2)
77128: Vermin Spider Swarm (2)
77127: Vermin Beetles
77126: Vermin Spiders (2)
77125: Vermin Scorpions
77321: Giant Cobra
03676: Giant Snake
77198: Barrow Rats (2)
77259: Fly Demon
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77377: Toad Demon
77284: Zombie Ogre
77337: Giant Scorpion
77371: Basilisk
03773: Giant Centipedes (2)
03772: Giant Ticks (2)
03247: Nanuranidd, Dark Elf Sorcerer
14590: Liela Mordollwen, Dark Elf Sorceress
14630: Dramorion, Dark Elf Sorcerer
77123: Zalash, Dark Elf Assassin
03648: Kyrekia, Dragonthrall Mage
03180: Cadirith, Colossal Demonic Spider
03243: Swamp Shambler
14504: Saproling Warrior, Elf Adept
06202: Saproling Warriors (9)
03355: Bat Swarm
03422: Dire Crocodile
14595: Frost Wyrm
59031: Terrantula (2)
77025: Giant Spider
03050: Thelfoea, Medusa
14183: Aysa, Necropolis Solo
14150: Grave Horror, Necropolis Monster
02908: Undead Ooze
I hope someone out there finds this useful :p I’ll try to get to all the guilds in a relatively timely fashion. And after I do, if a lot of people seemed to like these I’ll do more!
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intothestarkerverse · 5 years
Highway to Hell Pt. 3
Summary:  Once again, I will reveal no details about the story’s plot to respect spoilers for Endgame.  If you want to read the fic, click below and have at it, though! 
Read on AO3
Part 1, Part 2
Y’know, there are times when I think that nothing can surprise me anymore. Things I’ve seen. Things I’ve done. Call me jaded, but some part of me just expects my life to go to shit from one breath to the next.
Know what?
Scratch that.
Only time I’m actually surprised by anything anymore is when my life isn’t going to shit. So, this? This doesn’t even register on my scale of ‘what the fuck’.
At least, not until I see the kid.
Last thing I remember, I was getting dressed.
Actually slept last night. You know how fucking rare that is? Rare as a funny Carrot Top joke, that’s how fucking rare. I didn’t just get a good night’s sleep, I had a good dream, too. Can’t even remember the last time I had one of those. I had a kid. In the dream. Little boy. It was a good dream.
This? I don’t know what the fuck this is.
Day to night in the blink of an eye. Bedroom to dark alley and I didn’t even see the setting shift. I’m alone and now I’m here, squatting beside Peter Parker after he looks like he’s been hit by a damn steam roller. Y’know what’s worse? I can’t even tell what the fuck happened or who the fuck I should be killing for doing this to him. Doesn’t seem like he’s going to be talking anytime soon, either.
The kid is just clinging to my hand like it’s a lifeline, trying to speak but the words just aren’t coming.
The Iron Legion isn’t responding. At least one of the suits should have arrived by now, but the night is clear and the kid won’t let go of my hand long enough for me to activate the suit from it’s nanocasing. I can’t even raise Friday, which worries me more than anything else. Even my own AI is ignoring me…
There’s a strange, hesitating movement to the way Peter gropes with his free hand. Awkward. Ungainly. Finally, after several failed attempts and barely audible whimpers of frustration, he pulls the phone from his pocket, thumbs the screen to life and thrusts it towards me all without lifting more than his arm from the cold concrete.
The first thing I notice are the number of missed calls. A few are from May. That’s to be expected. The rest, and there are quite a few of them, are from someone listed as ‘The Wizard’ in his contacts. Just as I am trying to contemplate who this Wizard is and how Peter has a friend I’ve never heard of, the phone goes off in my hand.
Harry Potter theme ringtone. Cute, Kiddo. Cute.
I tap the green phone icon and lift it to my ear. The Wizard is already speaking and I don’t like the sound of him. He’s older. Not a kid. Probably closer to my age. Why is Peter getting this many phone calls from a man old enough to be his father? And no, that’s not jealousy. That’s not what I’m calling it, cause if I call it that…whole different can of worms I don’t even want to get into right now.
“Parker? Listen, I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t what you wanted to hear right now, I wish this could have been the answer, but trust me when I say it’s for the best. Please come back to the Sanctum, or go home to May, or go stay with Dr. Banner for the night. We’re all worried sick about you and this…this isn’t helping.��
“Are you done?” I ask, waiting impatiently for the man to finish his impassioned speech which gives me a few answers, but not many. “Now, care to tell me who this is?”
I pause, pulling back the phone a little to look at the display. Yep. The bastard hung up on me. Oh well, didn’t really want to talk to him anyway. I’m in the process of calling Happy for an assist when something catches my eye a little to the left. Sparks flying in midair, slowly growing into a circle that expands and expands until I can clearly see a house through the opening and a man in a decent D&D cosplay steps through with his brow knit in concern that only gets worse when he sees me. “The Wizard, I presume.” I mean, the kid had used the term ‘Wizard’, I don’t know why I’m surprised that he actually is one.
“Take your hands off the boy.”
I don’t like the way he thinks he can just make some hocus pocus and order me around. ”Willing to bet I saw him first, so…no.” I really wish Peter would let go of my hand long enough for me to activate the armor. I could force him to, but a part of me is afraid to break the physical contact. Something is seriously wrong with Peter, but he’s calm while he’s got my hand at least. “Who the hell are you and what makes you think you think you have the right to order me away from the kid?”
The wizard seems to be thinking about something, I don’t like the way he’s looking at me, but finally he waves a hand idly and the red cape around his shoulders flies off, winding its way around Peter’s limp form and slowly, gently, lifting him off of the ground.
“What do you think you’re…”
“’The Kid’ needs medical attention. He’s in shock. I can help him…and probably answer your questions while I’m at it. Just swallow your pride for five god damn minutes and…follow me.” He turns to walk back through the portal that has failed to close behind him through our whole exchange. He’s muttering to himself, and I can’t decide if he knows I can hear him or not. “At least I know you’re not an impostor, no one could convincingly fake an ego that size.”
The Wizard is not my favorite person.
Peter needs better friends.
Although I’m not excited to follow, the cape is taking Peter and I have to agree that the kid looks like he could use a little first aid. Since none of my resources seem to be working, this one seems like my only option. Peter, at least, seems to trust the man. And he said ‘Dr. Banner’, so is he a friend of Bruce’s too? Answers sound good just about now, so I follow, still not removing my hand from Peter’s as we step from the street into a room with an antique sofa and a roaring fire. The cape deposits Peter on the sofa and remains curled around him, the corner of the cape stroking affectionately at Peter’s cheek. The kid leans his head into it, and I’m not jealous of a damn piece of outerwear either. Just so you know.
Behind us, the portal closes and I find myself in a strange house in serious need of an interior decorator. The Wizard is ignoring me beyond practically pushing me away from Peter and forcing me to drop his hands. I really dis like this guy…and the whimper that Peter lets out when he break contact threatens to pull my beating heart from my chest. The kid is cognizant, at least I think he is, because he is following the Wizard’s instructions…albeit very slowly and only after he repeats them several times in a loud tone of voice. I remain quiet, only because I want to make sure Peter is okay, and because I don’t want to distract the Wizard just yet. Besides, I’m a little interested in what is going on over there.
“Peter?” The wizard checks his heart rate, checks his pupils, makes him follow a finger and after he presses a cup of tea and honey, that he had literally conjures from thin air, into the boy’s hands and forces him to drink it down, he follows up with a few questions that Peter is able to answer hoarsely. He loses me at the first question, but can you blame me?
“What day is it?”
“August 31st, 2023.”
When the Wizard doesn’t seem to be the least bit concerned about that, I have to speak up. “Uh, Gandalf, you aren’t going to follow up on that? The kid’s way off.”
The wizard glances up at me, lips set in a frown. “And what do you think the day is, Stark?”
“April 27th, 2018. Like I said, the kid is way off.”
When I give the correct date, Peter lets out a little squawk that is at once alarming and adorable, but that is neither here nor there. At least the kid recognized the actual date when he heard it, but where he got August 2023 from is beyond me. Peter is staring at me now, though he’s squinting his eyes in a way I’ve never seen him do before.
The wizard notices too. “Where do you keep your glasses, Peter?”
“Top drawer of my desk.” Peter answers softly. “In my room. Right hand side.”
With a few hand gestures, the wizard conjures another of those portals and his hand dips inside, drawing out a pair of wire rimmed glasses that he hands to Peter. Once they are sitting on his nose, Peter stops squinting and seems to relax, at least a little. I’m glad one of us can relax, because seeing Peter needing glasses has got me pretty fucking stressed…even if the glasses do give him an endearingly nerdy air that I can kind of dig… “What happened to sense being dialed to eleven, Pete?”
Pushing his glasses up his nose, Peter swallows hard before answering. “They’re not…anymore.”
The wizard lets out a long sigh, standing up and scrubbing a hand over his face. “The date Peter gave was correct, Stark. I wish I could be more tactful, but I have a feeling that the only way I’m going to get this through your thick skull is to be blunt. You died. Peter, here, has found a way to bring you back from the dead, even though I told him that it was impossible.”
“It wasn’t impossible.” Peter’s voice, though still hoarse, has a bit more force behind it now. “You lied to me, Dr. Strange. It wasn’t impossible because he’s here, isn’t he?”
“Wait. Wait I second. I died? What did the kid do, perform really good CPR?”
‘Dr. Strange’, that can’t be his real name, gives the kid a pointed look that has Peter staring into his lap and petting a free hand over the cape. “No, Mr. Stark. You died saving the world from Thanos and the infinity stones.”
I need to sit down. Clearly, I need to sit down. The story is a long one, though they should both be glad I don’t interrupt. Between the doc and the kid, I get a mixed up version of the story, but it gives me the jist of what happened. Not all of it, I can tell they’re both leaving things out, but…I don’t have the energy or the willpower to force them both to give me more answers then they already are. “Okay, so let me get this straight. Five years ago we fought an over-sized California raisin who wanted to use a magic glove to give the universe a mullet…he succeeded, it took us five damn years to figure out how to fix it…and in the process, I had to go all martyr/messiah and die to save the universe. But now I’m here, got no idea what the hell you’re even talking about…and somehow the kid did it which is why he looks like a goldfish in a blender. That about it, Mr. Wizard?”
“Doctor Strange, and yes…more or less.”
“The part that’s tripping me up here, and it’s probably not the part you think…is where you said you were trying to help the kid out in my absence. You know, look out for him, make sure he didn’t go and do anything stupid. Cause…me sitting here after I died, and him laying there looking like a spider-smoothie, seems like something pretty stupid that you should have stopped, right? I am right about that?” At least the doc doesn’t seem to be attempting to justify the shitty way he’s been looking after my Peter. “Okay, so how am I here, then, Kid? What did you do?” Nothing good, I can bet on that.”
“I made a deal with the devil.”
I don’t even have time to respond over the doc’s loud string of curses which he follows immediately with two quick questions. “What devil? Did he give you a name?”“There’s more than one?” Peter took the words right out of my mouth.
“Several, in fact. Did he give you a name, Peter?”
“He gave me the ‘word of Mephisto’.”
Okay, a part of me feels like I should be covering the kid’s ears. This language is a bit much, even for me, and I’ve never been accused of going light on the swear jar. “Who is Mephisto?” Obvious, question, I know, but someone has to ask it.
The doc turns on me now, almost as if he forgot I was even there. That doesn’t happen too often, let me tell you.
“He’s an extradimensional entity, built an entire dimension and persona based upon Earthly superstitions to portray himself as a devil and make deals with unsuspecting mortals.” Now I’m being ignored again, but I don’t mind, because the doc’s next question is exactly what I want to ask myself. “What did you have to give him, Peter?”
I think I already know. I hope I’m wrong. I gotta be wrong…
“My powers.”
“Fuck.” Well, Mr. Wizard and I are in agreement about this, at least. “Exact wording, Peter. What did you give him and what did you get in return? Wording is important.”
“I gave him my powers as of tonight…not like the bite never happened and stuff got undone, and I got Mr. Stark like he was the morning before the Black Order attacked not after when he might have been injured like he was on Titan or by the stones.”
“The morning of April 27th, 2018, that explains why he doesn’t remember me or the last five years…he hasn’t lived any of it.”
No wonder the kid needs glasses. No wonder he’s been acting strange. The kid gave up everything for me? “Why, Peter?” It’s the only thing I can think, the only question I have at that moment. “Why would you do something so…so stupid? Kid, I’m not worth that.”
“You are.” Peter argues, trying to rise from the couch but being pushed back by the cape. “You’re worth more than my powers, even. I would have given him my soul to get you back. I would have given him anything he wanted. For you…I’d give up anything.”
I don’t doubt that,and therein lies the problem.
Doctor Strange gives the boy a pitying look, turning another kind of gaze on me. Disapproval, perhaps? Something else, I can’t tell. No idea what the kid has told him since I died, but he must have told him something juicy because the Doc is calling the cape back to his shoulders. “I’m going to call Mrs. Parker and let her know that Peter is all right.
You two…probably have things you want to discuss in private.”
I really want to tell him not to leave me alone with the kid. I can’t. I don’t, but I want to. I’ve never known anyone willing to sacrifice so much for me before. Somehow, it doesn’t surprise me that it’s Peter doing the sacrificing. That kid loves with his whole heart, and all I ever really wanted was to be at the receiving end of it.
Now that I am, I feel like I’m the one going to hell…
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About this blog:
Independent Roleplay and Askblog for a multi-fandom, primarily Doctor Who and Star Trek-based OC (semi-OC for Doctor Who, and outright AU canon characters for some other fandoms) John Smith and variations of the character.
Anna Elizabeth Winden Who-Smith
Sean Elizabeth Winden Who-Smith
Patience Who-Smith
( @manenimittliv / @pxtienceofxsxint  / @videofaciempraeteriti Archived: @videofaciemfuturae / @dominadiversis )
Companion Blog to:
The Doctor: @doctorattackeyebrows Archived: @theclockisstrikingtwelve
Him - Eberron D&D-based OC: @thenamelessareforgedinwar
Omega/Erik, the Phantom of the Opera: @theabandonedroo / @princeofconjurers / @likeblacknessitself (archived: @princeofconjurers2)
My Erik’s Kids: @spawnsoftheoperaghost
Parent Blog of:
Tavin Bellamy “TB” Smith: @tavinwho
All of the other kids are on: @an-earthly-family
Basic Information:
Multi-fandom, multi-verse, primarily singleship
14+ years of roleplaying experience
9+ years of text-based online roleplaying experience.
4+ years of Tumblr roleplaying experience.
Mun and Muse are 21+
See the page “John’s Myth” for John’s About and Verses.
What I am willing to do:
Interactions with canon characters (characters from any canon, but John only has his own background for a certain few fandoms), crossovers (characters from any fandom John doesn’t have a background for, where he will most likely have either his Doctor Who or Star Trek background), OCs (characters created by the mun playing them, including multi-fandom OCs, fandomless OCs, or OCs from fandoms John is not a part of), AUs and canon-divergent (characters from any fandom that have been changed in one or more ways), multi-muse blogs (blogs that roleplay more than one character), and multiples (blogs that play the same character that I’ve already interacted with a different version of).
Willing to do ask memes, ask-threads, one-liners, gif or icon threads (though that one might not always be available since I’m on mobile a lot), semi-paras, paras, and multi-paras.
Violence and dark themes accepted. John is not a dark or particularly violent character (although he can get pretty existential crisis-y sometimes. Quite often. Especially in the Doctor Who verse).
IC, OOC, Anon, Personal Blog asks and M!A friendly
Willing to RP, plan or talk through IMs or asks.
What I won’t do:
Respond to inappropriate asks or anon hate
Smut. I use fade-to-black or morning-afters if it comes to that. John and his variations are asexual or at the very least on the asexual spectrum somewhere.
What you are allowed and encouraged to do:
Send me asks IC and OOC
Send me sentence starters
Send me anons IC and OOC
Send me M!As
Send me askmemes
Turn our askmemes into threads
Submit stuff to me
Tag me in starters and other things
Respond to my opens and IC posts
Plot through asks, submit, or IMs
IM me, send me an ask or submit to me just to talk
Warnings and Other Important Information:
Mun doesn’t have any triggers
I tag triggers with just the name of the trigger, no “tw” or anything (I tag it like “#death”), unless asked to tag it with something else
Mentions of: - War (the Time War, the Temporal Cold War, the Dominion War, the revolution in Les Mis, World War I, the Global Wizarding War, etc.) - Genocide, loss of entire planets and/or species (the Doctor, Kara Zor-El) - Death (see previous two, also the Doctor has caused the deaths of many beings and holds the guilt of that even if they’ve been to save people and stop bad guys, and that has been passed on to John, Merlin uses his magic to protect Arthur, which sometimes results in people’s deaths) - Violence (the Doctor tries to avoid it but still effectively does it, Kara tries not to use lethal violence but still uses violence, obviously the wars are violent, occasionally there could be violence on the starships for Jon, Merlin uses his magic to fight to protect Arthur) - Animal abuse and neglect (several versions help injured and abused animals)
John and variations have panic attacks some times
John frequently has existential crises
John and variations often have anxiety and social issues
Newt is probably on the autistic spectrum
All versions are pretty deeply introverted
There are a lot of bugs/insects, arachnids, other arthropods, worms, and other creatures people sometimes find unappealing and/or gross and/or have a fear of
I reserve the right to add to or modify these rules at any time.
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Current Music Obsessions: July 16 - 31, 2018
July is over, but this series goes on. Let's see them honorable mentions.
Phosphenes - People You Love Become Ghosts Morbid Violence - Knights Evictus - The Heart of Pandora Aural Vampire - Flare Stack Hatemagick - God ov Worms Eleine - Echoes Fleesh - Time Lapse Helion Prime - Silent Skies Vrsty - Neon 69 Chambers - Metamorphose 69 Chambers - Chemical Poetry Chaos Heidi - Anubis (Septicflesh cover) Twenty One Pilots - Jumpsuit/ Crystal Viper - At the Edge of Time Aquaria - Your Majesty Gaia Desdaemona - Invisible Thread Hell City - Your Darkest Hour 69 Chambers - Machine Aeternitas - A Case of Revenge Lullacry - Crucify My Heart Allamedah - Perspective Soul Desire - Rapture Lejana - The Dirty adn the Beast Eluveitie - Ira Sancti (When the Saints are Going Wild) [Powerwolf cover] Flyleaf - Broken Wings Tomoko Tane - Broken Wings I:Scintilla - Boxing Glove
And now for these obsessions.
1) To Paint the Sky - The Ghost
I recently cracked into my old YouTube account and decided to check out some of the music I was into back in the day and found this song. I'm honestly shocked by the fact that I genuinely enjoy this track. It's a catchy, fun jam and it's got emo/scene queen written all over it, but I really enjoy it.
2) Charli XCX - 5 in the Morning
I got curious as to why gay twitter was all over this song, so I decided to give it a listen and holy hell is this song absolutely amazing. I was blasting this song for weeks. It's such an epic jam. I really need to look more into her music.
3) Once - The Hour of Eden's Fall
I knew that their music was going to be amazing and was very excited when I heard they were going to be dropping their debut single, but I wasn't expecting this. This is some dramatic and powerful symphonic metal goodness right here. I've been a fan of Alina Lesnik for a few years now and I'm so happy that her own project is finally releasing music. I can't wait for the album to drop, because it's bound to be full of many more epic tracks, and maybe some even better than this one.
4) Zeromancer - Send Me an Angel
Another track I found on my old YT account. This song grew on me so quickly. Like I already enjoyed it, but as I continued to listen to it, I got really hooked on it. It has a really great industrial rock vibe going on with it that I really dig.
5) Ariana Grande - God is a Woman
This song is everything. Of all the songs she's released, this has to be my favorite. I know the gays are probably mad that I'm saying this, but this surpassed Into You for me. It's so powerful and beautiful and is absolutely everything. And the video. Oh my god, the video is STUNNING. And I love the screaming furry friends. So much yes.
6) Florence + the Machine - The End of Love
Not gonna lie, her new album didn't impress me that much, but this song really stood out to me. It's songs like this why I love Florence. You can hear so many of the beautiful dimensions of her voice here. It's full of so many emotions and is so captivating. Absolutely love it.
7) Foscor - Encenalls de Mort
Found this song through their record label. It's a really chill post rock/metal track. It might even fall into the blackgaze category, but I'm not familiar with that genre at all, so don't take my word for it. Anyways, this is a great track to just veg out to. It's very soft and soothing, but also has this broody kind of atmosphere to it.
8) Estrum - Abiosis
Once again, another find from my old YT account. I'm so glad I found this song, because I've had the music video for it stuck in my head for a few months now. This is a really great gothic metal track and I love how deep the singer's voice gets during the verses. I also love it when a female singer can hit some low notes. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
9) WonderOnce - Morrigu
This was a random YT find and I absolutely need to hear more from them. This is such an epic symphonic metal track. The fantasy vibes are so real here. It has such a catchy feel to it. I love the blending of all the singers' voices. It just adds to the epicness of the track.
10) Synkvervet - Room of Angel (Akira Yamaoka cover)
I rekindled my love for this wonderful cover. I honestly prefer this over the original. These guys are such a great blackened symphonic gothic metal band and they turned this cover the fuck out. It's so beautiful and still just as haunting as the original, just with some added drama, and we all know how I feel about dramatic music at this point.
11) Thy Shade - Dies Irae
These guys recently released a video for my favorite song off their debut album. This song is powerful and dramatic. Pure symphonic gothic metal right here. It has some Therion vibes to it which fuels my love for it even more. I will say this though, the studio version is way more epic since they cut a decent amount out for the video. I hope they have more songs like this on their next album. And I also hope their front woman's voice has gotten a lot stronger since this release.
12) We are the Catalyst - One More Day
I'm always seeing an ad for them on Facebook and this song is always playing and it finally got stuck in my head. This is easily one of my favorites from them. It's so simple, but the amount of energy and emotion they put into it really makes it what it is.
13) Rhapsody of Fire - Magic of the Wizard's Dream feat. Christopher Lee
Ok. How am I just learning that Christopher was an opera singer? Not only that, but that he also did a song with Rhapsody of Fire? Holy tits. This is such an amazing duet. Fabio's voice is already so iconic and wonderful, but the two of them together is a match made in heaven. Such a powerful ballad track.
14) The Gathering - Eleanor
I recently got my hands on a copy of Mandylion, which is probably my favorite album of theirs from their doom days. This song wound up really sticking on me. It's a lot faster than a lot of the tracks off the album and has really pretty "orchestrations" in it. Such a gorgeous track.
15) Twenty One Pilots - Nico and the Niners
I've never really bought into the hype with these guys, but I really dig this track. I'm a sucker for pitch shift harmonies and that's exactly what this song has. But the vibe of this track is so cool. It has a bit of a trip hop kind of vibe to it and the chorus is really catchy. And don't get me started on that epic bridge.
16) Yuki Kajiura - Bloody Rabbit
I got curious as to what all anime soundtracks this iconic composer/singer has done and found out she did Pandora Hearts. I haven't gotten around to watching it, but I read the whole manga and it's a really cool story. This track is just pure amazingness. I miss the days when a lot her songs were like this; when they had this progressive pop vibe to them. Don't get me wrong, I love her cinematic stuff, but the pop and rock stuff are always gonna be my favorites.
And that's it for July. August is looking to be pretty interesting, and I'm also gonna dive back into my old YT to find more old jams. Shit's gonna get wild.
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more 👏🏻 staff 👏🏻 hcs 👏🏻 pls 👏🏻 i honestly cannot get enough! what about hogsmeade? who runs honeydukes? what about the three broomsticks? or zonko’s joke shop? or the hog’s head? which is more common for 6th years? and which for 7th years? tell me MORE! 😋
Oh my! This question might as well be straight from out of my dreams; you guys truly enable my worst habits (focusing on this instead of my sample app? well, of course), but I’m all too happy to cooperate.
Honeydukes ⏤ Ambrosius Flume & Nectarina Flume are the original owners of the shop, and have been manning the front themselves since they first opened its doors (however many years ago now). However, as old age creeps in (which it has been for decades), more and more often has their daughter, Amrita, been picking up the shifts around the shop. By now, it’s essentially under her captainship, especially on Hogsmeade Weekends, for the kids are just plain animals. The third years can’t help but flirt and the seventh years flow in and out with an easeful familiarity (Amrita likes them the best). The hidden passageway was holed up in the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, although some of the more clever students in recent years have been up to their typical tricks and have devoted an unreasonably large amount of time to teasing the passage back open.
The Three Broomsticks ⏤ The times have certainly changed since Hengist of Woodcroft lived above the pub, but the rich and warm atmosphere that the wizarding landmark fosters has remained distinct and welcoming since its archaic creation. Just formerly owned by Madam Rosmerta for the better half of fifty years, she now officially shares the establishment with Seamus Finnigan, who came into the co-ownership about four or so years ago now. Along with being partial owner, he is the main barkeep and is very popular with the kids who dally the establishment. Known for introducing some of the more erratic drinks on the revised menu (that is still filled to the brim with old classics and relics that honor the history of the pub), he is constantly weaseling his way out of trouble with the professors for being lenient with the fifth and sixth years who are under the drinking age limit (seventh years, no matter the age, are always given a free pass with him) and serving alcoholic drinks, namely his “blow out” (er, literally) drinks. He and Madam have a very brotherly-sisterly repertoire, and his cheek is infamous with both students and staff, as well as the residents and visitors of Hogsmeade. The sixth years are particularly fond of littering the place with their presence, and can often be found holing in its infamous warmth (the drinks aren’t too bad, either), with bags of worming candy plopped upon “their” claimed corner tables.
Hog’s Head Inn ⏤ Whereas the sixth years have found a home within the walls of The Three Broomsticks, at the tender age of 140, Aberforth Dumbledore, has found himself the unwilling favorite in the eyes of this year’s batch of seventh years (and as it has been for years, originating to back when the group was first allowed to visit the village). Despite maintaining the dirty windows, floors, walls, and just about everything else, it has definitely evolved into a more popular hub with “rebellious” teenagers who think it’s chic rather than dank. Infamously, two goats are known to roam around the bar area (and occasionally smuggle inside inn rooms), and they have been fondly nicknamed “Peter” and “Pan” by the students (legend has it that even Aberforth slips up and lets the names drop from his tongue). Seeing as the rooms are rarely filled with customers, the students have gladly taken up one of the more raunchily beat up rooms for their own, and as the years passed, a build up of possessions and knickknacks have accumulated within their home away from home away from home.
Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop ⏤ As suggested by the name, Madam Flora Venus Puddifoot has long been the owner of the beloved establishment that is a popular haunt for teenage couples. (If you like your tea served with sugar that has the appearance of heart-shaped glitter, you’d best make your way over!) Though the ever-flowing scent (stench) of perfume bewitches those struck by Cupid, for those students who own the single life, the tea shop is the quickest way to antagonize your inner Hera and burn any romantic bridges in your sights. Nevertheless, the best treacle tarts in the village reside in the heart of Madam Puddifoot’s love shack. 
Zonko’s Joke Shop + Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes / Zonko’s Wonkos ⏤ Much to the utter resentment of professors and parents alike, George Weasley restored the iconic joke shop to its former glory about a decade after the Battle of Hogwarts, merging it into a branch of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, albeit with a vintage twist and a speciality on student-based products. Just as its home base in Diagon Alley, Zonko’s Wonkos is often overrun by students, and is in a friendly rivalry with Honeydukes for who can bring in the most income after every Hogsmeade weekend. George Weasley himself does not run this branch, although family members are known to pick up a shift here and there if necessary (during summertime for the kids). (Rumor has it that Minerva McGonagall bought out seven shelves worth of products on her final day as Headmistress and let them loose on the unsuspecting castle during her last feast in the Great Hall.)
Honorable mentions ⏤ Robes & Rags (a vintage clothing shop), Spills of Quills (a quill specialty shop), Merlin’s Majestical Menagerie (a pets shop and magical veterinarian office), Theatrical Thrills with Thaddeus (wizarding version of dinner theater), and Gallons of Gillyweed Dreams (basically a weed shop). 
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