#i still kind of haven't fully calmed down yet
sturniolo04 · 4 months
Ignoring for 24 Hrs Prank M.S.
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Bf!Matt x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary: in Matt ignores Chloe.
Matt: okay today I am doing something that I know I'm going to regret
He sighs out as he confesses to camera
Matt: I'm going to be ignoring my girlfriend Chloe for 24 hours if I make it that long
He admits honestly under his breath
Matt: so anyway me and Chloe were suppose to be going to dinner tonight but obviously we aren't considering I'm supposed to be ignoring her
He states simply already feeling guilty about it
Matt: let's just see how this goes
-time skip hehe-
Matt's POV: Chloe finally arrive at the house and routinely had made her way to my room nothing out of the normal for her. I know I'm going to feel so bad
Chloe: hi
She greets as Matt keeps his attention on his phone
Chloe: hi
She greets again coming over to Matt opening her arms to get a hug
Chloe: Matt
She says seeing he didn't it give her a hug
Chloe: okay are we still going to get dinner tonight
She asks him shaking off that fact he didn't even say hi to her and give her a hug
Chloe: Matty did you hear me
She questions seeing she didn't get a response. She looks over to see Matt's attention is still fixated on his phone. She walks over and grabs his phone out of his hands
Chloe: hi hello Matt pay attention to me your girlfriend
She exclaims staying calm from Matt clearly being annoying as she slips his phone in the back pocket of her jeans.
Matt playfully smacks his face to keep him from giving in already considering it hasnt even been an hour yet
Chloe: what are you doing
She giggles out noticing his actions hoping he is now going to give her any kind of attention but no
Chris had made his way to Matt's room and by this time Matt had move away from Chloe sitting on the floor next to his bed.
Chris: hey Matt hey Chloe whats up
Matt: nothing much
Chloe: what you're kidding
Chris: what
Chloe: he didn't respond to me
Chris: weird
Matt: do you and Nick want to get dinner Chris
He states fixating his eye contact with Chris
Chris: I'm down what time do you want to go
Matt: 7 is fine I guess I don't haven't anything going on
Which was a lie because that was the exact time him and Chloe were suppose to go to dinner
Chloe: matt what hi hello about us getting dinner
She exclaims now finally sitting on the floor next to him. Him still ignoring her presence
Chris: okay word I am going to get ready then
He replied leaving Matt's room as Trevor slowly made his way to Matt in his room.
Matt patted the spot on the floor for Trevor to come over but instead of Trevor sitting there Chloee moved
Chloe: do want me to sit right here
She states trying play along.
Matt proceeded to smacks himself lightly trying not to laugh at his girlfriends actions
Matt's POV: ok I think I might have taken the whole ignoring Chloe for 24 hours too far but what's weird is she is being some what of a team player because I know if she pulled this shit ok me I would loose my mind
Chloe: Matt why are you not speaking to me
She slightly whines out trying not to cry
Chloe: what did I do
She says sighing letting a couple tears fall down her cheeks. Matt faces her as she looks at him as she is fully crying right now
Matt: No don't cry chlo it was just a prank
He exclaimed standing up slowly
Chloe: noo Matt
She cries out as she scoots away from him knowing that it is clearly evident she is crying
Matt: I'm sorry it was just a prank
He states again as he reaches out to her grabbing her waist and standing her up with him hugging her. He pulled away and looked at her as she moved past him and climb into his bed
Matt: noo Chloe
He exclaims out trying to pull the covers away from her
Matt: it was just a prank
He reiterates as she finally turns her face to him as he caresses her face with his hand
Chloe: I hate your pranks
She states pushes his hand playfully away and he giggles at her actions
Matt: but you know you love me
@adirtylittleheart @mintsturniolo
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Pitch Black (Astarion x Reader)
TW - panic attack, claustrophobia, themes of death/rotting
I based this off some sad lore I found out about him yesterday :(
Recommended Song: Rainy Day Loop - SALES
There's a lot of things Astarion hasn't told you. You don't mind, because a lot of those things are hard to relive. Everything he tells you comes with a price, but he does it mostly out of necessity. There are times you know something lies deeper, and yet you don't pry. It will come to light if he decides it needs to.
However, he never told you about one of the first truly cruel things Cazador did. How one day he refused him, told him no for once. He woke up buried six feet under, starving in undeath for an entire year until his master dug him up again. That was the last time he disobeyed.
This led to a fear he never told you about, claustrophobia, that terrifying feeling of being unable to escape small spaces. He doesn't like closets, this you knew, but you assumed it was because they're dark and sad, not because they're small rooms.
One morning you're sleeping, peaceful, arms wrapped around him tight. He wakes up before you, calm at first. When he realizes his discomfort at feeling trapped in your arms, he gently tries to move you off of him, but you grab back in your slumber, not knowing what's going on beyond the barrier of sleep. That first wave of panic sets in as you wrap yourself tighter than before, and he freezes up, remembering the smell of musty dirt and bones. He tries to scoot away, and you unknowingly pull him in again. That second time is enough for him to feel fully trapped, and without thinking he bites down hard on your arm.
You bolt up out of your sleep, holding your arm, realizing it was Astarion who caused the sudden alarm. He sits at the edge of the bed, breathing heavily, still trying to ground himself. You try to ask him things, why the hell he'd do that to you, but he can't hear your questions. The worms, the beetles, at some point you become accustomed to the tiniest sounds. He wondered if they'd start to eat away at him, if vampires were like corpses, if he would slowly decompose in the ground. You go to touch his hand and he yanks it away, standing up.
And he finally turns to see you on the bed, your arm bleeding badly, how concerned you look. He can't speak though. Footsteps, people passing by, unable to scream because of how tightly packed the sediment is. You try anyways.
"Aster, listen to me. I need you to listen to me, okay?"
You're panicking. You haven't seen him this bad in a while. He's not there, at least not truly there. To be knocked out, only to wake up in pitch black, what a horror.
"I think you're having a panic attack my love, can you try to focus on one thing in the room?"
A painting, a landscape of a graveyard. He was put in a graveyard, some kind of cruel joke. His eyes wander to the frame, golden, like thread. He remembers stitching little phrases and stories into his clothes, he remembers the first time he did such a craft for you. The breathing starts to settle, still shaking, he sits back down next to you, and just starts sobbing. You go to hug him and he flinches.
You are almost taken aback, but you remember that it's not your fault.
"Okay, that's okay. I'll just sit here with you."
He just cries for a while, and you let him. Clearly something startled him badly, badly enough that he bit you. You forgot until now that you were bleeding. Not only did his fangs pierce, but many of the rest of his teeth got through the skin. As you're analyzing your wound, you take part of the blanket and press it into your arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Astarion notices the movement, and you see guilt overcome his face immediately. You interrupt before he can speak.
"It's okay darling, I know you didn't mean it."
He wipes at his tears, finally coming back to reality, truly grounding himself.
"I... I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay."
He stares at a crack in the floorboards.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He nods, mainly because he hates it when you're confused.
"So... a long time ago, Cazador decided it would be fun to bury me alive."
He almost laughs at how ridiculous it is, how someone could even think to do that. You just listen.
"And I stayed there for an entire year. And I don't know how it happened, but you tried to hug me tighter while you were asleep, and I- I just panicked, I felt so trapped and it just reminded me so much of-"
He can't even bring himself to say it again.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea."
He scoffs.
"Yeah, you were asleep, and I freaked out like a monster and bit you."
He gazes down at the wound, wincing at what he's done.
"Hey, look at me. Wounds heal, I'll be okay. What matters is that you're okay."
"I... I think I'm okay now. Just, feel miserable."
"That's okay, you're allowed to feel however you want."
"I know. Thank you my sweet."
He picks your hand up off the bed, holding it to his face. It takes weeks after for him to be hugged again, especially being the little spoon, but you don't mind. You'll go through every phase of his, good and bad. This one just happens to be bad, and that's okay. He'll be okay. You'll both be okay.
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Reader seeing Alastor Frowning
This was just an idea I came up with after seeing the new teaser, where Alastor explains his smile. I thought "what'd he be like if someone caught him frowning?" Then my brain immediately went "NOT GOOD." So, little story!
TW: Threats of Violence/Death, Invasion of Personal Space
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You walk through the hallway of the Hazbin Hotel. You have only been here for a few days, so you are still getting lost when trying to find your way around the place. The hallways all kind of blend into each other, at some point, and you've already forgotten where your room is. Much worse is the fact that you are a bit lost on where you are in the hotel. So, you begin wandering aimlessly, hoping to find someone that can help you.
It seems like, either nobody is at the hotel right now, or nobody comes to this part of the hotel... because you haven't found anybody, yet. You're honestly a bit frightened. That is, until, you see a door that is cracked open. Seeing some light coming through, you are so excited that you peek through to see if anybody is there. It's Alastor's room.
You see the front half, which looks like a hunter's cabin, and a tiny bit of the half in the back that has some... grass? Your eyes are immediately drawn to Alastor, though. He's sitting in front of his fireplace, staring at the ominous green flames, as it casts a sickly glow on his face. His expression is a bit empty as he stares at it, as if he's staring somewhere beyond the fire, or as if his mind is somewhere completely different than the present.
The most shocking thing, though, is that he's frowning. Alastor is frowning. It doesn't even look like he's just resting his face, either. He looks genuinely upset. It's quite a shock, truly, since you haven't seen him frown before. Granted, you've only been here a few days, but you've heard others saying that they've never seen him frown either. Others who have been at the hotel much longer than you...
You lean a bit closer, trying to get a better look, and see if you can figure out what has made him so upset... only to cringe as you hear the door creak a bit more open. Alastor immediately stands, closing a book in his lap as he does so, then looks over to you. The smile is back on his face, though much more strained then usual. You've been spotted and he doesn't look happy with your presence.
"You know that it's rude to spy on people, right, dear?"
You tense up as he steps towards you, his eyes seemingly beginning to glow. You've messed up... you've really, really messed up! Panicking, you begin to run down the hall. However... You still have no idea where you're going, and you can still hear Alastor's footsteps following behind you. When you look to see how close he is, though, you don't even see him.
You look back in front of you just in time to see that he's now in front of you. He instantly grabs you by the shoulders, holding you against the wall and covering your mouth with one hand. "Now now, dear! Calm down. We can talk this out like reasonable adults, yes? There's no need for all the running and panic, even if it is fun to chase you around."
Alastor then chuckles, before letting go of your mouth. You quickly begin talking, but keep your voice quiet. "Look...! I didn't know you'd get so upset-" "Hush. No need for the excuses. I just want a little deal to make sure you don't speak a word of you seeing me without my lovely smile on." "It's just a smile..." He then let's out a fake gasp. His grip on your shoulder tightens a little, causing you to grimace a bit. "My dear...! Just a smile? You're never fully dressed without a smile! Now, listen up. I'm giving you one offer."
His grin suddenly relaxes a little, seeming much more calm, like he's in control. He then boops your nose, speaking. "You don't say a single word about my sour expression that you just saw..." Then, he points to himself, his nails now digging into your shoulder. "And I don't shred you apart and use you in my next batch of delicious jambalaya! Deal, dear?" You nod slowly, your eyes going wide as they stare up at him. "Yeah... Deal. I won't tell anyone..." "Fantastic, dear!"
Alastor immediately lets you go, taking a step back. His eyes are still staring at you, almost like how a starving wolf would its prey... or, in this case, a starving deer... You rub your shoulder, shaken up by what has just happened. He laughs a bit as he grabs his microphone, which you hadn't even noticed he had with him in your frenzy, before chirping happily. "You're lucky that you're so new here, my dear, or else I wouldn't have been so lenient on you. I like those who have manners, but I am not so cruel as to punish you cruelly without giving you proper time to learn." He then taps your sore shoulder with his microphone, adding on "That shoulder there should be good enough, this time."
You swallow thickly, clearing your throat. "Yeah... um... thanks... I'm going to go to my room, now. By the way, have you seen any of the others?" His demeanor instantly shifts, again, as he wraps an arm around you. "Of course I know! Charlie has went to visit her dead beat father. Husker, Angel Dust, and my dear Niffty went on a little outing to try to convince a few more sinners to come to the Hazbin Hotel. Vaggie has been in her room all day, and the snake fellow went to buy some more parts for his inventions." You simply nod, before gently pushing him away and beginning to walk down the hallway.
"Dear, don't you need someone to show you to your room? You're lost, aren't you?" He then walks over to you as you pause in place. How did he know...? "I am... but, I'll find my way-" He grabs your wrist, dragging you along. "Nonsense! I'll show you the way! As a member of the staff here, it's only right I help the guests find their way about!"
Thus, your uncomfortable walk with Alastor begins. Whenever you look over to him, you find him staring at you, like he's trying to figure out what to do with you now that you've seen him frowning. Why the hell is he so upset about it? It's just a facial expression! It's completely normal to frown...
Once you make it to your room, you quickly scurry inside as if it were a lifeline. He stands in your doorway for a moment, his hand on the doorknob. Before closing the door, he gives you one last little warning. "I'll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on, dear. I have to make sure you hold up your end of our deal, after all."
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sexiestwerewolf · 5 months
my new Ninjago OC!
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more information ↓
I haven't come up with a name for him yet bc I suck at those but I've got a backstory
- He was outcast by his species before the merge because of a reason I haven't fully flushed out yet (thinking of making it so that he can't do any shapeshifting at all and making it an entire allegory), but he deals with a lot of feelings of inadequacy because of this and he thinks he's failed as an Oni
- he was outcast before March of the Oni and was lost between realms trying to find a way back home to the first realm without the power of the darkness to guide him. essentially the realm crystal is the EASIEST way to travel realms but it isn't the only way, and he spent a lot of years alone
-When the merge happens he's forced to live in a world he doesn't understand at all and a lot of people during this time are struggling to figure things out. He manages to find a job at Chen's Noodle House and starts to enjoy the life as someone who serves food so eventually he leaves with enough money saved up and opens up his own restaurant
- I like the idea of someone gaining weight when they're happy bc he used to be really emaciated and could barely eat even 3 times a week due to how hard it was to survive but now he's got a healthy relationship with food and his body and he's generally a pretty sound guy and pretty mature considering things. It doesn't look like he's fat in the image but from experience an apron will hide a lot of that lol
- He does a lot of introspection and his outlook on life is that "it's complicated and messy but at least it's life," and he usually looks at things from a realistic perspective while hoping for the best.
-He still gets irrationally angry at a lot of things though and often he'll find himself taking it out on inanimate objects and then he'll feel bad about it afterwards. He doesn't do it a whole lot in front of people, especially customers, but if he's comfortable around you you'll see him swearing and breaking things (usually with his claws on accident) a lot more
- Meets Lloyd a few weeks after the merge when he just started his job at Chen's and initially Lloyd is weary at first because yk he's an Oni and Lloyd had subconsciously associated Oni with bad and everything wrong in his life, but [name I haven't come up with yet] is essential to something Lloyd is trying to figure out so they need to interact and Lloyd figures out through sheer power of being exposed to something that HEY you dumb idiot your ancestry isn't evil or bad
- He had severe issues for awhile with meeting people's expectations and he constantly ran himself ragged trying to keep himself in multiple places at once. He felt like he had to depend on only himself for a while because of the fact he let down his Oni tribe and because of the fact he lived so long in isolation away from others. When he's hired by Skylor he burns himself out within the first week because he doesn't take a break except to go home and sleep.
- Y y y es this is meant to be an OC shipped with Lloyd but they're both demisexual here bc I will always make my favs be on the ace spectrum no matter what
-Hes 21 when the merge happens and by the events of s1 he's 27 (2 years older than Lloyd). He was outcast by the Oni when he was 15 years old (around the events of season 1)
-fun fact, Oni still have pupils in my hc you just can't see them very well. they're kind of like the changelings from mlp where they do have pupils once you look closely but they blend in so well with their irises that you can hardly see them. most Oni eye colors are red, purple, or blue. some are occasionally orange, yellow, and pink. [name I haven't come up with yet] has purple eyes
- he has so much fur/hair (think kind of like mohair on a goat) that he has to stuff a lot of it in his shirt and then use pins to hold it in place and he spends like 30 minutes each day just combing it
- he works out every other day to help clear his mind and to calm himself down but Oni are naturally pretty big anyways and really strong
- despite the fact he knows how to cook he has the worst appetite known to man and will not hesitate to eat the nastiest things ever. I like to think that anytime Lloyd gets offered gross food (as he's somehow done a lot in the show) he pretends to "steal" it but he does genuinely enjoy every single food he comes across and it's not just something that comes from his life of being outcast it also comes from his Oni biology. Though, he seems to be a lot more inclined to eat certain things even for an Oni
if it's not poison, it's food!
- has abnormally large ears for most Oni and he can hear slightly better than most people. it's also another reason why he stretch himself too thin while working when he first started because he believed everything he heard needed his attention and he was constantly trying to get to multiple places and do many tasks all at once
okay now imma go to bed hehe this was actually really fun
-has a better work/life balance in the future at the very least lol so dw
-has digitigrade feet! they're not very exposed bc he wears baggy pants all the time but if you look down you'll see he's never wearing any shoes and his paws are just out
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bugfayce · 17 days
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Amelia and her pseudo-daughter thing Carrie (Carrie belongs to @lymriith !!!) The digital sketch is an older drawing which is why her design is outdated lmao
more shitty Amelia school doodles and some info abt her below the cut (just so i dont take up too much space on the tags)
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Word dump time because I love Amelia sm and I need to talk about her or I'll die, tried to keep this brief but I think I failed lmao:
She LOOOOOVEDDD going to parties when she was still working as a researcher. Dressing up, drinking, drugs, dancing, music she loved it ALL.
Born in the UK (haven't decided where exactly just yet), moved to America when she was 19 to study medicine, science and other subjects along those lines. (extra note: Only reason I made her British is because of that one video where a guy is screaming about how much he hates Birmingham)
Fiercely independent to a fault: She can still ask for help and other such things (though not without having her ego a little bit bruised), but when it comes to interpersonal relationships, she tends to keep to herself. Despite that, she still maintains a decent "friendship" with her old colleagues and sometimes talks to them through the glass after a trial, though they don't always respond back.
Secretly a huge hopeless romantic lmao. She would rather die than admit it. Has a couple romance books she stole or smuggled in, a lot of her favourite songs are love songs or have romantic lyrics. I think it's a funny contrast with her constant "grrrr I hate everyone >:(" attitude. If you try to confront her about this, she'll either try to gaslight you, or just straight up kill you depending on who you are.
With the mask on, her voice sounds really staticky, similar sounding to how your teammates voice sounds when you're far away from each-other in trials.
Adding onto her favourite songs: She likes slower and calmer songs. Loves The Ink Spots especially. I'm working on a spotify playlist with her favourite songs, so I'll probably share that one day once I finish it lmao.
Being a woman who sought higher education in the 30s-40s, I imagine she'd have faced a lot of sexism which could contribute to her incredibly closed off personality.
She does have the capacity to care for people but she refuses to acknowledge it, instead trying to convince herself that they're only a means to some kind of end.
Got turned into a Pusher after accidentally inhaling too much psychosis gas and killing 2 other researchers. She seemed abnormally calm after coming down from her high, and later was deemed too high of a risk to keep around as a researcher. Even after being fully integrated into the trials, she seems somewhat sane, but there's always just something off about her.
This is all I got for now but there's gonna be way more later once I get struck with more beams of information from nowhere.
done being cringe now okay bye!!!!!
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aylacavebear · 20 days
The Traveler - Chapter 24 - Earth, End of January 2002
You're from a specific dimension, Solaris Eclipse. It was a dimension of magic. When your kind, the Eldrathiren, turned fifteen, your unique power would awaken within you. Most times, it was something small, levitation, teleportation, creation, elemental manipulation, and things like that. Once in a while, a fifteen-year-old would just disappear, and those were called Travelers. None of them had ever returned. Your parents had told you stories about them, and you hoped that wouldn't happen to you.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 3553
Pairing Eventually Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You & Sam Winchester x OC Reader/You
Warnings: Grab the tissues folks, this has all the feels. <3
----------------------------------------- Chapter 24 - Earth, End of January 2002
The familiar surroundings of the bunker came into focus. You were standing in the war room, and it looked as though nothing had changed from your last visit. Turning to look toward the library, you noticed a man sitting at one of the tables, his back to you, papers, books, and objects spread out before him. He almost reminded you of Sam.
“Sam?” you called out, your voice a mix of curiosity and caution as you took a few tentative steps forward.
The man turned around and stood up, and you stopped, taking a step back, feeling apprehensive. It wasn’t Sam. He wasn’t even Dean or John. He was a stranger, and your heart sank, instantly.
But… I thought I was going home.
At first, the man just stared at you, like he was taking in your features, and you noticed a diminishing glow from behind him, somewhere on the table. You had backed up to where you were now against the map table, but the man hadn’t moved any closer to you. Then, realization spread through his expression, and he grabbed what you could only assume was a phone.
“She’s here,” was all he said, and you tilted your head in curiosity, just watching him.
He nodded a couple of times before he hung up the phone and looked back at you. “I’m Henry. Henry Winchester. You must be  Y/N. My grandsons will be back in a couple of hours. Please, I am no threat to you.”
It took a few moments for what he’d said to fully register, as the man did not look old enough to be their grandfather. You could smell the familiar scents of the brothers and John still in the air, although they were faint. Oddly enough, you could also smell Bobby and someone or something else, other than Henry.
Henry pulled out a chair for you, a couple of seats away from him, and gestured for you to sit down before he returned to his seat. Cautiously, you went over and sat down, your eyes never leaving him, still not sure when you were. You slipped your bags off your shoulder, letting them sit on the floor next to you.
His gaze softened as he looked at you, still in awe that you were sitting there. “I know this must be overwhelming.” He pushed a glass of water toward you. “You look like you could use this.” Taking the glass, you stared at the liquid, watching the light reflect on the surface. “This isn’t what I expected,” you murmured, more to yourself than to him.
“What do you mean?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he leaned forward, genuinely interested.
“I thought I was going back to the brothers,” you answered quietly, lifting your gaze to meet his. “When I shifted dimensions to when they were in the bunker, they were older, and it was 2013, I think. It should be fall or winter, 2000,” you continued, a sinking feeling settling in your heart. You took a sip of the water, its coolness doing little to soothe the confusion inside you.
“It’s January 23rd of 2002,” Henry explained softly, his voice calm. “I’ve been trying to help them with this compass for the last year, a lot of people have. They’ve been trying to find a way to bring you back since you shifted roughly two years ago.”
His words didn’t make sense to you. The tree had said the pendant would guide you back to them, that your journey was close to its end. But sitting there, in the bunker with the timeframe Henry had given you, it didn’t feel like things were right. Perhaps it was your own doubts that allowed those thoughts to find their way through your mind, casting shadows over your hope.
Henry watched you, still studying your features and remembering what his grandsons had told him about you. The further your ears drooped, the more concerned he became. “Hey, why do you look so sad?” he asked, his tone gentle and caring.
You shrugged a little, feeling a lump form in your throat. “I’m in the future and not when I’m supposed to be. I thought this thing was supposed to guide me home,” you replied sadly, gesturing to the pendant around your neck. The weight of it felt different now, like a promise that had been broken.
He was now more confused than ever. “But, this is when you’re supposed to be.”
Looking up at him, it still didn’t make sense to you, not even thinking about the last world you were in, which had absolutely no rules that governed it. Before you could ask another question, a familiar grumbling voice pulled your attention to the library archway. “Henry, I found that damned book,” Bobby grumbled as he entered, his gruff voice stopped abruptly when he saw you.
“Bobby?” you asked, surprised. He hadn’t been in the future with the brothers, and seeing him here was like a piece of home you hadn’t expected.
Bobby stopped mid-step, his eyes widening in surprise. “Y/N?” he asked, his voice a mix of disbelief and relief. 
With tears in your eyes, you ran over and hugged him tightly. The book he’d been holding fell on the floor as he wrapped his arms around you, his grip strong and reassuring. “We got so worried when you hadn’t made it back,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
His scent was familiar, and at that moment, a comfort you needed, as was his embrace. Henry just leaned back in his chair with a relieved smile, as he hadn’t been able to convince you that you were when you were supposed to be. His hope was that Bobby could.
“She got here about ten or so minutes ago,” Henry explained to Bobby. “I already called the boys. They’ll probably be here in an hour, if I know Dean and how he drives, probably sooner.” There was a lightheartedness to his tone near the end as he thought about how much you meant to the brothers.
Bobby chuckled, pulling back so he could get a good look at you. “You’ve grown up, kid,” he said proudly, his eyes scanning your face as if trying to memorize every detail.
“I’m only eighteen,” you replied with a small smile, a mix of relief and confusion still swirling inside you.
“No, you’re almost twenty, and you look it too,” he told you, looking you over one more time. “Come on. There’s something I want to show you.” He explained, leading you back over to the table after picking up the book he’d dropped.
Bobby gestured to the organized chaos on the table Henry was sitting at, his expression turning serious. “This is a Dimensional Compass. We’ve all been looking for the pieces that complete it. There are only a few more, but we haven’t been able to figure out what they are or where they’re located. It’s what will tie you to Earth, so you can stay here.” Bobby explained, his eyes flicking between you and the device.
You leaned in to get a closer look at the compass, which looked like a normal compass on top. The pendant around your neck, though, seemed to move of its own accord, like it was trying to get closer to it. The moment you reached out to touch it, Bobby’s hand caught yours.
“Better wait till the boys are back,” Bobby advised, his voice a mix of caution and warmth. “The last time Dean touched it, the needle moved. I’d hate for something to happen and them not get to see you.”
You nodded, a small sigh escaping your lips. “That’s fair. I’ve really missed them,” you murmured, pulling back and returning to your seat. For now, you sipped your water and watched the two men delve into their work, tinkering with the compass, leafing through books, and shuffling through papers. You found your mind wandering, mostly to the memories of Sam and Dean and what it would be like to see them again.
Time has an odd way of passing when it’s not being paid attention to, and the sudden sound of a door opening quickly pulled your attention. Your ears perked up instantly, and you knew before you even turned your head who it was. Quickly, you made your way to the war room, your heart racing. Dean was there, meeting you halfway, his familiar grin lighting up his face as you threw your arms around his shoulders.
“God, Kitten, I missed you,” he whispered, pulling you close, his arms a welcomed reprieve to your aching loneliness as you inhaled his scent. You purred softly against him, as the storm within your mind slowly calmed.
Sam stood behind Dean, a smile on his face as he watched the reunion. Dean held onto you tightly, reluctant to let go, and a new feeling washed over you—a sense of belonging, like you really were exactly where and when you were supposed to be, home.
“Come on, Dean, stop being greedy,” Sam chuckled, his voice light and teasing. He was trying to wait patiently for his brother to let go of you so he could hug you, which made you giggle a little. 
You placed a soft kiss on Dean’s cheek before stepping back, turning to Sam, who had grown quite a bit, now taller than you. His warm hazel eyes met yours as he pulled you into his arms. “You’ve grown, Sam,” you whispered, hugging him tightly and purring with contentment at finally being home with them.
“Yeah, I guess I have,” Sam replied with a laugh, holding you close.
Being around them, feeling the bond that connected the three of you, brought a sense of peace and serenity to your soul after having been away from them for what felt like far too long. In that moment, you made a choice to find every way possible to stay there, with them and the people who were now your family. 
Your ears perked up, remembering the gifts you had gotten them. “I got you guys a couple things,” you told them excitedly before going back into the library.
Both brothers watched you with adoration. Even at nearly twenty, your childlike wonder and excitement were qualities they had and would always love about you. Bobby and Henry observed the interaction, partially engrossed in the compass but unable to ignore the joy radiating from the room. 
As you plopped your bag onto one of the library tables, Sam and Dean joined you, one on each side. They were both attempting to stifle chuckles as they watched you rummage through your bag, pulling out all sorts of strange objects, and setting them on the table. After a moment, you finally found the two books you were looking for and turned to Sam.
“These are for you. I remembered how much you liked history the last time I was here. They’re about a place called Mechoria,” you said, handing him the books.
Sam gently took the books from you and leaned down to kiss your cheek, causing you to blush a little. “Thank you, Kitten,” he replied softly, his voice full of warmth. And that, too, made you blush, since he’d never used the pet name Dean had given you on your last visit to Earth. Quickly composing yourself, you pulled out the knife you’d gotten for Dean. “I thought you might like this,” you said, handing it to him. “You’re kinda hard to pick things out for since there wasn’t anything on Mechoria that had to do with things you liked,” Your voice carried a hint of nervous excitement as you watched him examine the knife.
Dean took the knife from you, his expression barely showing his thoughts as he admired the craftsmanship. He turned it over in his hands, running his fingers along the sharp silver blade and the sturdy sheath. “This is awesome, Kitten. Thanks,” he said, a wide grin spreading across his face. He pulled you into a tight hug, enveloping you in his familiar scent and warmth. A wave of relief and happiness washed over you, and you felt a weight lift off your shoulders.
“The blade is silver, so you can use it when you hunt,” you explained, not wanting to let go of him yet. Dean’s grip tightened slightly, as if he, too, was reluctant to let this moment end. 
Meanwhile, Bobby and Henry were looking at the items you had put on the table when you’d rummaged through your bag. Bobby, his brows furrowed in curiosity, picked up a few of the items, turning them over in his hands. “Looks like you brought back more than just souvenirs,” he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You looked over at Bobby but remained nestled in Dean’s embrace. “Well, I sort of saved Mechoria,” you explained, a modest but shy smile on your face. ”The people in the city there gave me lots of gifts for it. You can look through ‘em if you want to,” Your mind drifted back to the time you spent in Mechoria, the tasks you’d undertaken, and Arina, your closest friend.
Henry picked up the odd-looking gear that a young boy had given you, his eyebrows knitting together in concentration. “Some of these look like they could fit into the back of the compass,” he mused, exchanging a glance with Bobby, whose expression turned thoughtful.
The comment caught Sam and Dean’s attention, drawing their focus to the objects on the table. You, however, still felt a bit confused. It wasn’t as if you’d seen the back of the compass, nor had you saved the objects for any other purpose than the memories they held. Dean slowly released you from his embrace, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he picked up the necklace that Arina had gifted you. He turned it over in his fingers, the tiny gear pendant glinting in the light.
Bobby flipped the compass over, revealing a series of intricate indentations on its back. The shape of the indents almost took your breath away, and you felt a shiver run down your spine as you recognized each one corresponding to something you had. Goosebumps danced their way down your body as you reached into your pouch, pulling out the small metal dome piece. Setting it on the table near the compass, you then removed the necklace from around your neck—the pentacle and the tiny orb from Levithar Labyrinth nestled at its center.
Sam picked up another odd-shaped object, a peculiar metal leaf that had caught your curiosity at the time, back on Mechoria. The three of you handed the items to Bobby and Henry, remembering Bobby’s caution about touching the compass. One by one, the pieces clicked into place, each fitting perfectly into the indents as though they had always belonged there.
Just as Henry set the metal dome into another spot, John walked into the library. “Any luck?” he asked,  then stopped short, seeing not only his sons there, who were supposed to be following a lead but also you, whom he hadn’t expected to see. “She’s back, and nobody told me?” 
“Sorry, John,” Bobby sighed, his eyes never leaving the compass as the final pieces were fitting into place. “Kinda got wrapped up in this.”
John joined the group at the table, his eyes widening as he watched Henry take the pentagram necklace with the orb and nestle it into the center of the back of the compass. Suddenly, the compass seemed to come alive with movement. The needle on the front spun wildly while the pieces on the back moved in sync with each other.
Dean grabbed the silver knife you’d given him, his movements quick but deliberate as he unsheathed it. “Quick, it needs at least one drop of each of our blood to tether you here,” Dean explained, his voice urgent but steady. He pricked his finger with the knife, a small bead of blood appearing on his fingertip.
Despite the whirlwind of questions swirling in your mind, you held out your hand without hesitation, as did Sam. Dean gently took your hand and pricked your index finger, a sharp sting quickly followed by a warm trickle of blood. He repeated the action with Sam, the three of you forming a triangle around the compass.
As each of you let a drop of blood fall onto the compass, a faint glow emanated from it, growing stronger with each addition. The air around you seemed to hum with energy, and you felt a strange sensation, as if a tether was forming, binding you not only to this place but also to both of your soulmates.
When the final drop of blood fell, the compass shone brightly, then dimmed to a steady glow. The needle, which had been spinning, now pointed firmly north, symbolizing you now tethered to this world. After a few moments, the glow gradually faded, and then went out completely, leaving the compass dormant once again. 
Dean was the first to break the silence, his excitement palpable as he wrapped his arms around you. With a sudden burst of joy, he lifted you off your feet and spun you in a circle. You squealed in surprise before bursting into laughter, your heart light with happiness at his antics. As he set you back on your feet, he cupped your cheek in his hand, his eyes shining with a mixture of relief and pure joy. 
“Welcome home, Kitten,” he said softly, his voice brimming with affection.
As he leaned down to kiss you, it felt like the rest of the world melted away. Everything else in the room faded into the background as you closed your eyes and leaned into him, reciprocating his tender kiss. It was soft, slow, and filled with a deeper intimacy than any other kiss shared with you before. Now, with the connection you felt, it seemed as if you could sense the depth of his emotions, just as he had sensed yours the last time you’d visited Earth.
Bobby’s voice cut through the moment, grumbling with a touch of amusement, “Can you two keep the public displays of affection to a minimum.” Though his tone was gruff, you could hear the underlying warmth in his words.
You pulled back from Dean, a soft blush coloring your cheeks as you grinned at Bobby. You didn’t see Dean flip Bobby off with his free hand, the one resting on your hip, but you did hear Sam’s laughter. Even John chuckled quietly to himself, finding the situation more than a little amusing.
The three adults had watched the brothers struggle with your absence for two long years, and it had been hard on them all. Bobby, Henry, and John had spent many nights pondering over the compass and the missing pieces. But they had never given up hope of finding a way to get you back. Now, seeing the three of you reunited, it was clear that the bond between you, Dean, and Sam had only grown stronger.
As the laughter subsided, Sam stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. “We missed you, Kitten,” he said, his voice warm and heartfelt. He was looking forward to his eighteenth birthday this year, and the anticipation was written in his eyes. Soon, he, too, would be able to feel the bond that Dean already had with you.
“Best birthday present ever, right Sammy,” Dean grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief as Sam wrapped his arms around you again.
“Definitly,” Sam whispered, holding you close, your purr vibrating softly against his chest.
A content sigh slipped from your lips as you nestled against Sam, “You two aren’t ever gonna be able to get rid of me now.”
Dean leaned in, his voice a low murmur in your ear, “Oh, we’ll be keeping you real close for a while,” he teased,  nibbling playfully on your ear, sending a delightful shiver down your body. 
Bobby shook his head, rolling his eyes at the display. “Enough already. I’d say get a room, but we probably wouldn’t see the two of you for days,” he grumbled, though his words were laced with a faint joy at seeing the brothers so happy.
Sam eventually released you from his embrace, and you began gathering the items you had pulled from your bag earlier. You decided to keep the other two gifts you had for them hidden for a more private moment. The brothers stayed close to you, though, and you could feel their worry that somehow you’d disappear again. The adults tidied up the tables, and soon, the room was filled with stories and laughter as you all shared tales of your experiences.
You knew that your travels through dimensions were over, that you were finally going to get to stay on Earth where you belonged. However, you were certain that your adventures were far from over. But, those adventures could wait. For now, though, you were content to take your time settling into life at the bunker with Dean and Sam. As Dean insisted you share his room until Sam’s eighteenth birthday, and things would change again.
----------------------------------------- A/N: Thank you, everyone who came on this fun journey with me. :) And thank you, @snowayumi, for your dimensional suggestion of Wonderland.
Link to the series Masterlist.
A/N: If you'd like to get in on the Dimensional Traveling, go to this link and leave me with a comment, or several, with as much or as little detail about the dimension you'd like the Traveler to end up in. If you'd like to have something specific happen, share that too. I'll make sure that you get credit for the idea you shared in the chapter in which your dimension is featured. I'd love to have as many readers involved as possible. I think this could be a lot of fun.
As always, if you'd like to be tagged, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list. If I missed anyone, please let me know.
Tag List: @littlemadamred @mxltifxnd0m @foxyjwls007 @supernaturalfreakout @roseblue373
@flamencodiva @reignsboy19 @stillhere197 @hobby27 @megs-gadom
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
Music to my Ears
(+ Tickletober2023 Day 15: Cackle)
Fic Descript: Eddie hears Steve's proper laugh for the first time and becomes OBSESSED with hearing it again. Luckily, Eddie has a way to make that happen.
~A/N  - This is my first ever Steddie fic, and I haven't actually got up to Eddie in stranger things😅 but the amount of fics I've read (mostly nhasablogg cause their fics are fucking GOLDEN) makes me think i've got a decent understanding of the guy. lemme know if I completely fuck up his character tho lmao.
Hope this is alright, and hope the start of 2024 has been kind to you all <3
EDIT: This was also meant to be tickletober2023 but I'm adding it in now
- Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link 
Fighting demonic entities from another dimension is certainly one way to bring people together.
Steve and Eddie certainly didn't have had the most typical start to their friendship, so the pair were more than happy to slide back into a more regular young adult friendship experience once everything had calmed down.
But, the less crazy shit the two experienced, the more Eddie noticed Steve's little quirks that his brain couldn't help but fixate on. Nothing that necessarily bothered him, just weird things that most people probably didn't realise about Steve.
One of those weird things was his laugh. Or, rather, his lack of proper laughter.
Any time someone cracked a stupid joke, or something funny happened in the movie they were watching, Steve would bow his head and let out a few near-silent snickers, before lifting his gaze again with a slightly-too-perfect grin.
The first time it happened, Eddie put it down to nerves. Steve wasn't quite used to hanging out with Eddie's bandmates yet, so of course he would be more reserved than usual.
But it happened again, and again, and again. And the less people that were around, the more confused Eddie became. It was almost like Steve was consciously stopping himself from laughing aloud.
From that point forward, Eddie made it his mission to make Steve laugh. He'd poke fun at Dustin, goof around with his guitar, and add even more dramatic effects to his DnD games. But nothing seemed to crack Harrington.
That was until they were alone.
The pair had been lounging on Eddie's bed, talking back and forth about whatever TV show they had just finished. Eddie had made some stupid joke under his breath, not thinking anything of it. It was nothing out of the ordinary, and had no intent other than maybe getting Steve to roll his eyes.
But with the relaxed atmosphere of Eddie's bedroom, Steve's guard was so far down he didn't have time to pull it back up, and it was almost like the laughter started before either of them realised.
It was high pitched, only a level or two below squeaky, and certainly didn't fit Eddie's old image of 'Douchebag Steve'. The giggles were bright, clear but still bunched together. It came out in a stream for only a few seconds before both men locked eyes with surprise on their faces.
Eddie was entranced. It wasn't a particularly special sounding laugh, but it was coming from Steve. It was Steve's actual real laugh.
The man in question went red, and started stuttering out a "Where were we?" in an attempt to switch the conversation back.
Though Eddie allowed Steve the free pass, and carried the conversation back to Twin Peaks. But his brain kept ticking. Would Steve let that happen again? How could Eddie get him comfortable enough to laugh like that? How could Eddie even make him laugh enough to spill?
Steve was, by now, fully under the impression he had gotten away with it, but Eddie - the meddling kid - was far from ready to let it go.
As the conversation fell to a comfortable lull, Eddie spoke.
"You know, you should laugh like that more often."
Steve completely bluescreened. "Uh- I- What do you mean?"
Eddie sat upright. "Your normal laugh is so... quiet. Just then it felt like you really let go. I liked it."
"No I didn't." Steve's eyes fell to the bedsheets, out of Eddie's gaze. "My normal laugh is my only laugh, I don't have a different laugh."
Eddie chuckled, moving closer and almost looming over Steve. "You really don't want to start this fight with me, I know what I heard."
Still maintaining direct eye contact with the bed, Steve rubbed the back of his neck. "There's no fight to be had, I didn't laugh any differently. You can't prove it."
Oh that did it. Those three words struck a chord with the resident musician, and everything clicked into place in his mind.
"I can't prove it, huh?" Eddie smirked. "I think that's where you're wrong, Harrington."
With a predatory glint in his eyes, Eddie launched his fingers onto Steve's ribs and began vibrating his fingertips against the bones.
Steve let out a strangled gasp and tensed up, half-choked grunts squeezing through his sealed lips as his hands fought to pry Eddie's off him.
"Come on Harrington, just lemme hear you laugh." Eddie teased with a wink.
"ED-EDDIE- PL-PLEASE-!" Steve groaned through gritted teeth, snickers beginning to break through his resolve as he gripped Eddie's wrists rigidly.
Almost there Eddie thought to himself. "Just let it happen Stevie."
And happen it did.
It all became just a little too much for Steve's nervous system to handle, and those adorable squeaky giggles Eddie was looking for flooded the room. Steve's hands lost their strength, and his arms crossed weakly in front of his stomach to protect himself. At least, that was the intention. In reality he had just trapped Eddie's ticklish fingers against his sides.
But by this point, Eddie had forgotten all about his little attack. His fingers stopped abruptly only seconds after Steve had cracked. Frozen, Eddie was unable to pull his eyes (and his attention) from Steve's bright giggly smile, even as Steve's laughter faded.
"Fuhuhuhuck..." Steve whined, his hands covering his eyes and breaking the silence that had formed since his little giggle fit had ceased.
Eddie chuckled, ruffling Steve's hair. "I'd say that proved my point, wouldn't you?"
"You tell no one about this." Steve said sternly, lifting himself onto his elbows. "Especially not Robin... or the kids."
Eddie grinned. "Oh I'm happy to keep this between us, our little secret hmm?"
After a quick nod in response, Steve let his gaze drift around the room for a moment. "So... uh... are you gonna let me up or..."
"Pfft, nope." Eddie laughed, and shot his fingertips straight under Steve's arms.
And this time, Steve didn't even try to stop himself.
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
The Rare Bookseller Part 12: Oliver's Grade
September 1925
TW: Mind control, captivity, vampiric blood drinking, hypnotic language
Oliver slept well and woke up refreshed, and that worried him.
First, he wouldn't have expected it to be so easy for him to fall asleep after the long nap he'd had in Lily's "care." Yet the second the vampires turned the lights out and his head hit the pillow, he found that he felt incredibly drowsy, impossible to stay awake.
Secondly, his half-remembered dreams had been filled with servitude, with Lily's words echoing through his mind. Some residual effect that Lily had left in his head had been hypnotizing his vulnerable brain while he slept. He could tell that his mind was still fuzzy from it, that he wasn't all himself. Would he ever truly be himself again, or would this wear off?
He suspected it would never wear off if his vampire captors had their say.
"You were talking in your sleep," said Emily, as they ate breakfast.
He'd been served a heaping helping of eggs, toast, and bacon, in contrast to everyone else's oatmeal. "I suppose I can guess what about."
"You're still hypnotized."
No sense pretending otherwise. "I'm afraid so. I don't know how to undo it."
Emily didn't seem very much up for talking after that, and he couldn't blame her. He'd been compromised. Even he knew he couldn't fully be trusted.
How long did they have before the auction? He wasn't sure. Would they completely break him before it happened?
He watched in silence as others were taken from their cells and dragged away. Lily smiled at him as she passed, followed by a young woman screaming for help as vampires dragged her. He shook his head and tried to clear the fog. 
The young woman came back holding Lily's hand and trailing behind her, smiling, mumbling something incoherent in her daze.
He could hear cells opening up down the hallway, a few shouts. He didn't pay much attention to it until they were at Emily's cell.
"I haven't conditioned her yet, so take caution," Lily was saying. "I'm hoping to get to her later tonight."
"Understood," said a man's voice. "May I?"
He saw them unlock Emily's cell and go in.
"Stay away! Stay back!" Emily was shouting.
"Just calm down," said Lily. "We're grading your blood for the auction."
"You're going to drink my blood? Right here?"
"Just a small sample from the fingertip," said the man. "Drinking from the neck will be reserved for your owner. Now relax and hold still."
"You're sick," said Emily. "Ow, shit! That hurts!"
"If you would've relaxed... I would give it a low B."
"Not bad, better than I expected," said Lily.
"So that's all I'm worth now?" said Emily. "Barely passing blood?"
"That's about the size of it. But really, it's my fault for not getting to you sooner. You'll feel better about all of this I've helped you."
"I don't care what kind of mind control magic you have. You are not going to turn me into some mindless drone."
"Of course I won't, dear. See you soon."
The cell door creaked shut with Emily cursing up a storm at Lily's back. Next, Lily was in front of Oliver's cell, and when she turned her gaze on him, he could feel his mind starting to cloud. "This one has been an absolute dream to work with. Naturally submissive," she said. "His word is 'quiet.'"
Oliver felt so strange, like his mind was disconnecting from his body. "What do you --"
"Quiet now, Oliver."
A deep sense of calm and relaxation washed over him. "...Yes, sir," he said, softly and respectfully. He wasn't quite sure what had just happened, but he was oh so quiet -- better not to ask questions.
"Sit down on the cot so this man can sample and grade your blood."
He sat down, staring at his knees. He couldn't help the twinge of fear at having his blood sampled. He couldn't help but think of one of the things he'd been dreading most: a vampire sinking their fangs into his tender neck, warm blood dripping down his shoulder, trying to keep himself awake and alive as a monster consumed his very life --
"Oliver, focus." 
There were fingers fluttering in front of his eyes, traveling back and forth, catching his gaze.
"There we are, dear, this will quiet your mind down. Just watch and listen."
It shouldn't be that simple, but he couldn't look away, slipping back into Miss Lily's mesmerism like a marble rolling into a groove. His doubt and fear evaporated.
"Are you frightened of a vampire drinking from you?"
Of course he was, he wanted to say, anyone in their right mind would be. But he was too far under her spell now. Docile. Quiet. "Yes, sir. I know I'm meant to be obedient, but --"
"Hush, you don't need to explain now. There's nothing for you to worry about. I'll take that fear from you before you're sold," she said. "Now keep watching. Eyes on me."
Her fingers fluttered back and forth, moving in smooth patterns, impossible to ignore. Oliver could feel his eyes lidding, succumbing. Someone with rough fingers took his hand.
"Relax. It'll only be a pinprick of pain."
"Pain, sir?" he said, a second before he felt it, a sharp pinprick on his middle finger. He dimly remembered that a vampire was sampling his blood for sale. And he was helpless to stop it from happening.
That realization only made his mind slip further.
"Unquestionably triple-A. Finest I've had in some time," said the man.
"High praise, coming from you!" said Miss Lily.
"And he takes to the conditioning so well. A top-notch thrall all around. He could sell for a fortune to the right buyer."
They were talking about selling him, and there was nothing Oliver could do to respond, too captivated by Miss Lily.
"I think I might have just the buyer." Miss Lily sounded so pleased with herself. "A certain lord who has recently lost a thrall."
"Oh, of course." The man chuckled. "Just his type, too. Good luck trying to get him to accept a new one so soon, though."
"That's why I'm molding Oliver here into a thrall impossible to refuse," she said. "And if not him, there would be plenty of prospective buyers, I'm sure. It's been so long since we've been in the city that the upper crust is chomping at the bit for fresh blood."
"I hope that's the case. I could use a new car. Anyway, we better move on to the next lot."
"Right." Miss Lily stopped the hypnotic movement of her fingers and snapped in front of Oliver's face, startling him out of his daze. "You were very good. I'll see you soon, Oliver."
Oliver blinked, trying to get his thoughts back. "Hey, wait -- !" he said as Lily shut the cell door, already moving on. He sat back onto the cot, trying to process what he'd heard. She was molding him to sell to some vampire lord. His first thought was that it was a relief, that he might have a better life with someone rich and powerful than with any old vampire -- and he hated himself for thinking that, for having accepted his fate so much that he was pondering who would be a better master for him.
As if any vampire master could be "better," when every one of them was a monster who purchased kidnapped humans at auction!
But that thought was perhaps too idealistic for his situation. Even among these monsters, there would surely be some that were worse prospects than others. If he had to choose between being a hypnotized servant or being chained up like cattle...
Not that he even got a choice in that.
"Now, then!" Lily was standing near his cell, clapping her hands. "Now that the blood grading is done, I have time to take someone for a session! Should I take Oliver or Emily? What do you two think?"
"Take me," said Oliver immediately. After all, he'd already been through this and knew what to expect. Emily hadn't been conditioned yet, still had her full faculties, and was scared. Better him than her.
"Ooh, how noble! Do you agree, Emily?"
"...Yes," she said, after some hesitation. "I'm sorry, Oliver, but you're already under their spell..."
"Then it's settled!" Lily opened his cell. "Come with me, then. I trust there's no need for restraints."
He could try to flee. He could, perhaps, get away from Lily fast enough that she couldn't stop him. There were guards at the ends of the hallway, but maybe he could slip past them. It was only the most fleeting of fancies before he followed Lily down the hall. He glanced into Emily's cell. She didn't look at him.
"Does it upset you, that you were trying to protect Emily when she wouldn't do the same for you?" she said. "Or maybe this was never about that. Maybe you secretly long to spend some time with me and this was just a convenient excuse. Hm?"
Oliver didn't answer, not trusting his own reasons.
Part Eleven >> Masterlist >> Part Thirteen
Thank you for reading this story of a man with excellent blood.
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@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears
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nixie-writes · 11 months
Hey hi hello! I'm curious if you'd be willing to write headcannons for a transmasc reader with alastor during the readers period, and how alastor might comfort them during it?
[Personally, my own periods really fuck with me, it really is a slap in the face to how I feel about myself, one minute it's "FUCK YEAH IM A TRANS MAN" to, "I still have periods." Ahahhhhh]
Make sure to take breaks, get some rest, eat some food and drink some water! Writing is hard, in general.
Hi!! I really relate to this so I hope I did it justice!
-Al is so used to calling you by your preferred name and seeing you as a guy that when you get your period he's shocked at first, wondering why you're bleeding. Then he remembers you haven't fully transitioned yet and calms down.
-he's surprisingly understanding of your menstrual pains and the pains of being transmasc on your period. He assures you that your cycle doesn't make you less than a man. You bleed for a week straight and keep going like nothing's wrong, what's more manly than that?
-he's the kind of guy to ask what size tampon/pad you wear, then come back with a four month's supply of it. He would be discreet about it, probably asking Rosie to buy it with his money and bring it to him so he isn't seen buying feminine products. It's not that he's embarrassed about it, it's that he doesn't want Vox knowing he's buying you feminine products.
-assuming you use tampons he would be confused as to how they work. You insert the plastic, then push dry cotton inside yourself. Doesn't that hurt? You'll have to explain a few things to him. One, they don't take your virginity. Two, they don't hurt if you insert them right. Three, yes they absorb blood like cotton should. Four, sizes depend on the heaviness of your flow. There's a lot that goes into tampons and if you use them, he would be fascinated to know about them and how you use them.
-if you use pads he would think they stick to your genitals and you can hold your blood in. You'd be in public with him and be like "hey Al I gotta change my pad" and he would reply dead ass with "just hold it in". You have to explain that you can't hold in the blood and you need to change your pad immediately or there will be a trail of blood leading to you.
-as for comfort, Alastor would try different things. He'd get you some expensive chocolate to nibble on with a side of nausea pills and aspirin, he'd get you whatever food you were craving. Even if it was fast food, which he found revolting.
-he would also let you lay on his lap. He's naturally very warm so he's like a heated blanket that pats your head. He'll let you lay across his lap with your lower stomach pressed against his legs for heat. He would also lay a hand on your tailbone to ease soreness there too.
-he would go to Charlie and Vaggie and ask them about how to help you. He isn't a fan of asking others for help but he doesn't know how best to help you. Charlie would suggest romantic movies and cuddles and Vaggie would suggest pain killers and food in bed. Charlie has tampons and pads of different sizes (she was planning to use them for hotel guests) and she would give them to Alastor so you could find the size and type that works best for you. He's surprised to learn that some pads have wings.
-overall he would do his best to help, going to the women of the hotel for advice and help. He would try all different tricks and ideas to help. He doesn't fully understand menstrual cycles, seeing as he was raised in an era where it was taboo to discuss it, but he's doing his best because he loves you and doesn't want to see you suffer, emotionally or physically.
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sneakersnacks · 10 months
Come Back Safe to Me
Tumblr media
A/N: Hi everyone its August, I kind of crashed and burned after traveling so much and went through a weird slump. Please enjoy part 4 guys
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You suck in a sharp breath as you jolt up, taking in your surroundings and realizing you were in Ghosts spare bedroom, you've been staying here for a good two months now, almost fully recovered. Sometimes your brain would wander whilst you slept, dreaming of the things you have seen and done. You turn on the side lamp next to you and open the little drawer in the nightstand. Taking out a pill bottle and holding it in your hands, fiddling with the cap. You didn't like taking these but sometimes, the anxiousness was too much for you to deal with on your own.
There was a light tap on your door, you set the pill bottle down being unsuccessful with getting it open, "Yea?" you say and the door opens just a crack.
"Are you alright?" Ghost said through the sliver of door, his face not visible to you. You knew he didn't sleep with his mask on and you guys haven't reached that boundary of you seeing him without it off yet, you didn't mind though.
"I am, I apologize if I woke you up, bad dream ya know?" you heard a hum of agreement come from him. He was about to close the door but you spoke before it was shut, "Can you open this for me? I promise I wont look." you say as you grab the bottle from the side table. He tells you to close your eyes and you do as youre told.
With closed eyes, you hold out the pill bottle toward the doorway. You hear Ghost step inside and approach you cautiously. His presence is comforting, familiar even though you can't see him. You feel a gentle touch as he takes the bottle from your hand.
"Keep your eyes closed," he reminds you softly, his voice carrying a warmth that soothes your nerves. You listen, your breaths slow and deliberate, trying to push away the lingering unease from the nightmare that still lingered in your mind.
The click of the pill bottle being opened resonates in the quiet room. You feel Ghost's fingers deftly undo the cap, the sound reassuring in its simplicity. He places the bottle back in your hand, his touch fleeting yet tender.
"Here you go," Ghost says, and you sense the pill bottle being placed back into your palm. "Take your time."
"Thank you," you murmur gratefully, your trust in him absolute. You wait a moment before opening your eyes, adjusting to the soft glow of the lamp once more. As you look toward the door, Ghost is already slipping out, the door shutting gently behind him.
You take a breath, your fingers tracing the rim of the opened bottle. There's a strange sense of vulnerability mixed with relief in letting someone else assist you in such a personal moment. Ghost's empathy, his quiet understanding, it's something that tugs at your heart in a way you hadn't expected.
You swallow the pill, the familiar bitter taste lingering on your tongue, and you lay back down, allowing the medication to slowly calm your racing thoughts. But as the anxiety begins to ebb away, a different sort of ache lingers—the ache of needing someone to confide in, to share the burdens you carry.
Ghost has been a constant in your life, an enigmatic presence offering support without prying. But there's a distance you can't seem to bridge, an unspoken barrier that both comforts and frustrates you. You wonder what lies behind that mask, what thoughts and emotions hide beneath its surface.
The room remains quiet, save for the soft hum of the lamp. Your thoughts drift, pondering the complexity of emotions swirling within you. There's a growing desire to understand Ghost better, to unravel the mystery that shrouds him. But you also fear disrupting the delicate balance that exists between you two.
-Next Morning-
The smell of coffee filled your nose waking you up from the light sleep that you were able to get. The medicine always made you more groggy in the morning, needing an extra minute or two to put yourself together. You grab your joggers and pull them onto your legs before heading out of the room, going directly into the kitchen and seeing Ghosts back. His compression top fitting him just right, you always wondered what color his hair was, if he had any hair? You get a small smile on your face thinking about Ghost being bald. You walk up to him and prop yourself on the kitchen counter, he is making himself some tea, he pulls another mug out and pours some coffee into it, adding a bit of cream and no sugar, the way you liked it. He was silent in this process, something seemed a bit off.
"Whats wrong?" you ask.
He hands you the mug without meeting your eyes and takes his cup of tea in his hands, his balaclava is rolled up so he could sip on it easily. He grabs his phone out of his pocket with his free hand and scrolls through it for a second before showing me the screen, its a message from Price.
I need you and Crow to come back to base, urgent
It was brief, couldn't afford giving details over text. Ghost spoke now, "I know you are about recovered but I dont like the idea of you going on a mission just yet." You were about to protest before he cut you off, "I have no say in what you do Crow but I swear if you dont come back in one piece I will end you myself."
"I'll be fine, Ghost," You assured him, your voice calm yet determined. "We've been through worse."
He let out a sigh, his demeanor tense as he took a sip of his tea. His balaclava rolled up, revealing only a fraction of his face, but enough to convey the worry etched in his expression.
"You can't control everything," You reminded him gently, knowing well the weight he carried on his shoulders, the need to protect those around him, even if it meant suppressing his own fears.
Ghost's jaw tensed slightly, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "I know," he murmured, the words heavy with unspoken emotions. He took a deep breath, composing himself before meeting my eyes for the first time since the message arrived.
"I'll be right by your side." He says
The gesture touched you, the silent support and willingness to stand by your side despite his reservations. You could feel the depth of his concern, the silent plea in his eyes urging you to be cautious.
"I appreciate that," You replied, offering him a small smile, trying to alleviate some of the worry etched on his features. "But I'll be fine, I promise."
Ghost nodded, a silent agreement passing between us. He understood your need to fulfill the duty we had signed up for, just as he carried his own burdens. There was an unspoken bond forged in these moments, a mutual understanding of the risks we faced and the unyielding determination to see it through together.
As we finished our drinks in the quiet of the kitchen, preparing ourselves mentally for the imminent mission, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Ghost's unwavering support. His silent promise to watch over you resonated deeply, a reassurance that even amidst uncertainty, we would navigate the challenges together.
The urgency of the situation lingered, yet there was an unspoken tension between the both of you as you prepared to head back to the base. Ghost's concern for your safety was evident, his protective instincts on high alert.
As the two of you stood in the kitchen, the weight of the impending mission pressing down, You felt a sudden impulse, a longing to dispel the unease between you, if only for a fleeting moment.
Ghost's gaze was fixed on his phone, contemplating the message from Price, his balaclava still rolled up. Without thinking, you set your mug down and reached out, your fingers lightly grazing his hand, causing him to glance up in surprise.
Your eyes met, a silent understanding passing between the both of you. In that brief moment, You saw a myriad of emotions flicker in his eyes—concern, hesitation, and an underlying vulnerability.
Leaning in slightly, you hesitated for a moment, giving him an opportunity to pull away. But Ghost remained still, his gaze locked with yours, a silent invitation in his eyes.
Closing the gap, you pressed your lips gently against his—a soft, tentative kiss filled with unspoken emotions. It was a fleeting yet meaningful gesture, an attempt to convey the unspoken gratitude, trust, and reassurance that words often failed to express.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as your lips met, a surge of warmth spreading through you. Ghost responded with a hint of surprise, his lips yielding to the gentle touch before he pulled back slightly, his expression a mix of astonishment and a touch of vulnerability.
"I-I'm sorry," You stammered, feeling a rush of embarrassment flood over me. "I just... I wanted to..."
But before you could finish your sentence, Ghost's hand cupped your cheek gently, his thumb brushing against your skin. He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a more deliberate kiss this time—a silent affirmation, a reciprocation of the unspoken sentiments that lingered between us.
The kiss was tender, a fragile yet profound connection that spoke volumes. In that moment, the worries about the impending mission, the uncertainties, and the dangers ahead faded into the background, eclipsed by the intimacy of the shared moment.
As you each pulled away, the air between you seemed charged with a newfound closeness. Ghost's eyes held a softness you hadn't seen before, a silent acknowledgment of the depth of our connection.
"Be careful," he whispered, his voice tinged with emotion, a silent plea echoing in his words.
"I will, Ghost" You promised, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude for the unspoken understanding that had blossomed between you two in that simple yet profound exchange.
"Simon." he said. You raised an eyebrow at him, "When its the two of us, its Simon." he states
"Simon." You say with a small voice, a smile upon your lips, you feel him take a deep breath in.
With a shared glance filled with unspoken promises, we readied ourselves for the mission ahead, the memory of that fleeting yet meaningful kiss lingering like a fragile echo in the air, a silent promise of something more waiting to be explored.
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m0ssycobblestone · 5 months
Thinking about a Trigun au I made a while back that is super self indulgent with a side of projection /pos
I called it the Stale Donuts AU after the donuts I would sometimes get from H-E-B as a kid that, as far as I can remember, were always vaguely stale.
It is at its core, a modern AU–Cryptid Vash–Vashwood story hybrid hodgepodge thing that was also!!! Very much inspired by multiple fics I had either read or was reading at the time!!! And of course full of yummy delicious self indulgence and self projection with bits of me spread throughout like the stale donuts thing!!! Yippee!!!!!!
On to the bits and bops of the au itself in a very rambling way (I'm sorry):
Wolfwood is Mexican American and the main pov of the thing. He lives in an apartment with Livio, who's going to the local college (go girl go, get that higher education ✨). Wolfwood drives a motorcycle because why wouldn't he BUT he ALSO owns a motorcycle place where you can get shit repaired and customized an shit like that (I don't know vehicle things ITS A COOL IDEA I DONT KNOW IF ITS ACCURATE). Meryl also probably works there with him, because in my mind I can't for the life of me separate the thought of Meryl and driving things probably because I watched Stampede first but that's besides the point—we're ignoring that. Livio, Wolfwood, Meryl, and Milly were all friends in highschool (maybe they were in a shitty band?? That's a thought for a different day) and stayed friends into their adult lives (they all care about each other so much guys). ALSO this whole thing takes place in Texas, so AT SOME POINT one of them worked at Whataburger and one of them worked at a DQ I don't know WHO WAS WHERE but at LEAST ONE OF THEM I SWEAR.
On his way to the motorcycle shop, Wolfwood passes the H-E-B and has to drive over a short bridge. Guess where he finds Vash.
One day he's coming home from work, and as he's crossing over the bridge he suddenly stops because JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING. Illuminated by the motorcycle headlights, a large, feathered...something startles and crawls over the edge with a sound of pain, leaving behind a trail of blood. Yippee!! Vash makes an appearance!! Of course Wolfwood's freaked the fuck out by the bleeding thing under the bridge, yet for some reason he follows it anyway (I haven't really thought of anything except hey that thing looked kinda hurt and Melanie raised him with compassion ig so)(and I love stupid men). He sees that this giant bird is 100% actually kinda injured (imagine getting hit by a car) and manages to calm it down enough to help it out at least a little, but he's also kinda on his way home and can only see with a flashlight, so there's not much he can do. He does toss it a snack he found hidden in his jacket tho. After that whole cryptid nonsense, Wolfwood stops at H-E-B! (YIPPEEE!!) Livio sends him a text. "You should totally get me a donut from the bakery"
"Still can't believe you actually like those" he sends back, still getting a plain glazed for himself. He offhandedly wonders if the bird thing would like donuts.
The next morning, now armed with a first aid kit, he buys a donut and stops at the bridge, hoping the creature from before is still there. Oh hey look, the creature from before! Now that it's daytime, Wolfwood can clearly see that yeah, that thing is definitely hurt. He says hi, and the creature seems to recognize him from the night before, but still won't let him get close enough to fully see anything other than feathers and old scars. Donut time!! The perfect distraction!!! I don't know what kind of injuries Vash has, but whatever it is Wolfwood manages to patch it up at least a little bit while he's munching on the donut. I like to imagine he's at least a little bit good at caring for animals (specifically birds) because Tristamp Wolfwood taking care of Thoma chicks makes me ill (/pos) so uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh chickens. And maybe like, a cockatiel for fun. Miss Melanie had chickens and a cockatiel that the kids would help take care of. It ends up becoming a routine where Wolfwood stops at the bridge to chill with the bird cryptid every morning and evening. Eventually he ends up telling Livio, Meryl and Milly about Vash. He also very quickly figures out that Vash has human level intelligence and isn't just a giant freaky animal and Vash manages to communicate what his name is!!! Yippee!!!
In this Vash has the Big Bird™ cryptid form and a normal human one, but can't switch between them when he's injured (like being hit by a car) so it's really great that this random human guy is helping him out.
The first time Wolfwood sees Vash de-birdified is hilarious because he goes to the bridge like normal and sees feathers everywhere, no giant bird in sight, and a vaguely familiar naked blond man chilling in the middle of it all. As soon as he sees Wolfwood, his face lights up and he starts excitedly waving.
"Needle Noggin?!"
"Look I'm all better!!"
Plot wise, no fuckin clue where it goes from here, vibe wise fuck it we ball. All I know is hijinx ensues and it's great fun all around YIPPEEEEEEE!!!
I think that's all I got for now, might post more if I think of anything✨✨✨
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
sen’s fic rec!
i was going to write an introduction to this but i couldn't think of anything. i just want to show appreciation for a few fics i absolutely loved which in my opinion, haven't got the recognition they deserve. reblogs are encouraged, that's kind of the whole point of this! go and appreciate a writer you love rn.
Hands in your Heart, and Hearts in your Hallway by @sharpbutsoft
stonathan teen & up 3,220 words Jonathan knows, with an aching certainty, that there’s another version of events, another timeline, Will might have said, where this could go differently. Where the first time he straddles another boy, and is forced to face the fact that he likes it more than any boy should, is a tender moment.
my comments: i fully acknowledge that there might be a bias here, as this fic was gifted to me and i got to see it through the various stages of completion, but it’s really something so special. please give it a read if you miss s1 stonathan as much as i do, it does their characters justice in a way that feels so realistic yet hopeful.
how the light gets in by @fastcardotmp3 (series, still in progress)
wheelingham some parts rated m, some rated e 29,427 words Chrissy looks at Nancy Wheeler every day and she knows that this is the good, this girl is the good, with her offerings of sustenance (no matter how limited) and her promises to come back tomorrow again and again and again, never breaking and never missing. And Chrissy would die twice before she hurt the good. That’s the difference, because Chrissy sees blood on her face and in her hair, sees the knots in it and the lack of washing, and all she wants is to create her own pocket of good here.
my comments: the kas!chrissy au i didn't know i needed until it happened, this series is everything. i'm feral about it in a way i can't articulate here without sullying you guys' good image of me (lmfao as if) or getting very, very tmi
Let’s Get Out of This Country by @walkingsaladshooter
surfcheer (argyle/chrissy) teen & up 2,579 words They drive until they find a field of wildflowers. They pick them and weave them into crowns, place them on each other’s heads. The sun is warm and Chrissy asks him if he’s ever read A Wrinkle in Time and he gasps like he just won the lottery. They lie in the sun until her cheeks burn pink and talk about tesseracts and gentle beasts until she nearly feels hoarse.
my comments: this fic was so soft and i still think about it. it captures the vibe i envision them sharing so well. healing to read fr
What Water Gives, It Takes Away by @bitchsteve (saintmares on ao3)
nancy-centric teen & up 3,224 words It’s a strange feeling, the sinking. It’s almost serene, and nothing at all like she had imagined it would be. Not that she had imagined it all that much. Still, as she descends down further and further toward the very bottom of the pool, slipping into a somewhat suspended sitting position, all she feels is calm as all the peace that she had been searching for since they left the Upside Down finally finds her.
my comments: i'm not getting over this fic any time soon. such a spot-on characterization of nancy and all she's been through. getting to see her start down the path of healing and being surrounded by the people she loves (and who love her) it's just...so good.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Kanmom, I haven't seen this moment talked about - correct me if I'm wrong - so I'm submitting it to you, for your objective opinion and to check my delulu-ness.
It's one of Jimin's welives on the go, in the car. The 16-minute one on or about March 28. It's still daytime and he's got his grey hood up and make-up still on (and looking gorgeous).
Around 10:18, he says that this is fun and now he gets why JK does welives like this. Then the driver and/or manager asks, is [the welive] over? JM says no, laughs heartily, says it's fun, and then seems to assure manager-nim, it's ok, it's ok.
This got my jikooker antennas tingling. Why would the mention of JK signal to his manager that the welive is over? Because he's not supposed to talk about JK unless specifically referencing a comment from JK himself or an ARMY comment about JK? Or because he's always talking about JK in his downtime?
Anyway, I dunno if I'm reaching but this moment was fascinating for me because we NEVER hear a manager in a live. Even when they came into JK's hotel room when he was getting stalker calls, they entered and took the phone out of the situation in silence. And, of course, there are those old, sus vlives where JM has said it's a manager moving, but not talking, in the background.
Even if this was not a thing, JM being so kind and reassuring to Mr. Manager who was probably going, oh shit, I'm so sorry! You weren't done?! was so cute to see. He is really the sweetest.
Yes @jiminsthighsfr, I did notice the whole manager/driver thing that went down. And no, I have no idea why he started talking.
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Now, it's not like they arrived at their destination. We can still see the car bouncing around. So why did the manager or driver say that (not sure which it was)?
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He says that and he giggles.
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And continues:
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And then again, looks at the person and giggles some more.
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And then calms them:
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Now, that could be him calming them because they spoke while he was still live, or that could be him calming them because of whatever the reason was for that person to ask if it was over, cough JK cough.
It's a little hard to think it didn't have something to do with JM mentioning JK seeing that's exactly when the manager/driver saw fit to ask the question...
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Could the manager have thought it was over because JM mentioned his name or more so talked about JK's lives?
Went back to watch the whole thing. To see if this is the first time JM mentions JK's name out of context, meaning if this is the first time he says his name not reading a comment or reacting to one...
So up to that point JK hadn't commented yet, and although JM did mention JK it was always by reading a comment and answering it.
That statement about it being fun, that came out of no where.
Perhaps the person thought he was commenting about the live, or more like it being over, especially because he brings up JK independently.
If he wasn't fully paying attention he could have thought JM was done and talking to himself or to him kind of saying : "this was fun, now I see why JK does this".
I do have thoughts about certain guidelines they were given with regards to interactions and mentions. Let's not be naive here. For two members whom we all know were considerably the closest with each other in the group, inseparable would be the word to describe them, to go dead silent, not to be seen together, not to be paired together, not to be interacting with each other even when they are with others, like not at all, that's not a choice.
I keep repeating this time and time again. There is a reason JK did what he did with his IG account. Not everything is about them being a couple, obviously, but definitely some of it is.
Do we remember this happened in this live?
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This one JM:
I didn't even remember that JM was asked this during the live, lol.
And the way JM had to think out his answer to the question if he saw JK's photos that came out... adding Tae into the mix, even if he wasn't asked about him. Man had to think strong and hard before coming up with handsome? Saying he saw the video. Handsome? Really JM? I can think of other words that were probably floating up there in his mind. Probably also the reason it took him so long to come up with handsome, lol.
Really enjoyed watching this one again. Thanks you for making me, lol.
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hotshot624 · 10 months
✨🍊 Bullet Train Agere Headcanons: Little and Big Sib!Tangerine 🍊✨
Hi y'all! I'm so sorry this took me so damn long to make 😭😭😭. I said I was gonna make this like almost a month ago but I was just super busy with work, essay writing, resume critiquing, etc. That I completely forgot about this. And now it's not even gonna come out when I said it would so I'm super sorry y'all. Hopefully y'all are still hyper fixating on this and I didn't wait too long lol so I hope y'all enjoy this! Warring: this obviously contains spoilers from the movie so if you haven't seen it yet, then don't read this
Warning: Contains some Naughty language
(none of these pictures are mine, I found them off of Pinterest so and idk who to give credit to so if you find the person let me know so I can give credit)
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✨🍊Little!Tangerine Headcanons🍊✨
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(I was trying to find a pic of him pouting and this was the best I could find y'all I'm sorry 😭😭😭)
Okay so, like Ladybug, he also started regressing after the events of Bullet Train (because yes he survived what are you talking about?)
My poor mans was traumatized from thinking his brother was dead and being shot in the throat that he unknowingly started to regress
He would act calmer and more timid, which immediately shot up red flags for Lemon because after everything that happened, he was expecting to have to sedate his brother to prevent him from going and killing Ladybug
But no, instead he got a sweet, shy little man, who barely seemed to talk and had his thumb in his mouth as he gripped his brother's hand, not wanting to let go in fear of him leaving Tangerine alone. It kind of reminded Lemon of how his brother was when they were a lot younger. Which honestly was even more terrifying to Lemon than a blood thirsty maniac Tangerine that he was used to
When Tangerine was finally passed out again, this time instead of laying on his back fully unconscious in a slight coma that made his poor brother sick to his stomach, he was now curled up against Lemon's side with his thumb in his mouth and gripping his shirt like his life depended on it (not that his brother minded since he had almost lost Tangerine for good, so he wants to be just as close to him as Tangerine does), Lemon is able to do some thinking on what the hell is going on with Tang
Then it hits him like The Prince with the tangerine truck
His brother is age regressing! (Just like him- I mean who said that). When Tangerine wakes up again the next morning seemingly older than the night before, Lemon decides to break the news to him beloved brother
Obviously it didn't go well
Like at all
Lots of yelling and arguing
Tangerine was mainly upset because he thought what was happening to showed that he was too weak to handle his job and could no longer do it properly and professionally like he used to
Lemon of course, after figuring out what Tangerine was actually afraid of because of course his brother didn't directly tell him, reassures him that it's okay to need to relax a little and let you mind not have to worry about killing people or being killed
Tangerine is obviously still pretty distraught and angry and definitely not really listening to what Lemon was saying, and was instead trying to pace around there shared safe house, which was proving to be a very difficult task seeing how he had just woken up from a coma a few days ago and gets very dizzy and wobbly until Lemon has to force him back onto his bed he was previously laying on and get him to relax a bit
Before Tangerine can tell at his brother for touching him and trying to get him to calm down, Lemon interrupts him by telling him how Lemon regresses too
........this leaves Tang completely speechless
Lemon decides to give Tangerine some room to think about what he had just told him (he doesn't really leave, only staying just outside the door way cuz he doesn't really want to be that far away from him) and after a while Tangerine comes to the realization that if his brother can regress, than he can too!
While he was laying in bed still recovering, Lemon would put on some random cartoon and watch it with him. Tang obviously wasn't gonna regress like he was before since that was brought on by stress so they why trying to get him to relax enough just to do it without him feeling horrible first if that makes sense
It took a while but Tangerine is finally able to regress willingly
Lemon is Tang's main caregiver and Maria is the second choice. Ladybug is in dead last for.....well..... obvious reasons
However Lemon is more willing to let him and Ladybug hangout if it's for a playdate or if Ladybug is the one regressed.
Tangerine regresses between 1-3 so he's a little man✨😌
While big Tang likes to dress all fancy-shamacy so of course little Tang likes to too
But he doesn't want to wear suits tho
Instead he wants to wear cute little sweater vests and cardigans
I'm telling y'all he looks so cute😭😭😭
Tang's favorite show when regressed is blue clues when itty bitty or bob the builder when slightly older
He loves drinking out of his bottle while watching his favorite shows, sitting in a bean bag chair, all wrapped up in a big ole blanket
As for toys, he has the like leap frog toys. Ya know like the vacuum cleaner, the telephone, the laptop, the remote, pretty much all of the leapfrog toys.
He also has rattles, the weird toy were you stack the multi colored rings on the pole that idk the name of, blocks, and a ridiculous amount of stuffed animals
Like I'm not joking he has at least over 30
His favorite stuffed animal is a stuffed tiger names Stripes
Tang absolutely adores Stripes with all his heart no matter what age range he is
One time when big Tangerine was cleaning his room, he set Stripes on his bed but forgot he was their and piled a bunch of dirty laundry on top of him by accident and proceeded to put the pile in the washing machine. Unbeknowance to Tangerine, Stripes was in the pile!
So when Tang went back to his room to clean he realized Stripes was not longer on his bed and panicked.
Poor boy checked everywhere, under his bed, in his closet, trash bin, suit cases, everywhere but couldn't find him :(
He eventually regressed, do to not being able to find his comfort item, and threw a little tantrum and started sobbing
Lemon, being the over protective brother he is, came barreling into his brother's room to find out what was wrong
After a lot of snot, sniffles, and tears, Lemon was able to figure out what was wrong and practically tore apart the house looking for Stripes
Eventually he ended up calling in reinforcements, and Maria and Ladybug started tearing apart the house too
Ladybug's extremely rare good luck decided to shine at the moment and when looking through the laundry room, the washing machine went off. Not wanting their clothes to sit all soaked, he decided to take them out for them, thinking about how they had enough shit to worry about
And lo and behold Stripes made a spectacular appearance!
Ladybug ran into the living room where everyone was (well more like slipped because of the water dripping from Stripes) and presented a soggy tiger to a very upset Tangerine
It took about 10 whole ass minutes trying to convince Tang to release the soaking wet stuffed animal from his death grip as well as some bribing, but they were able to get him in the dryer so he was all dry and fluffed up for a cute little to enjoy
(and they all say in the living room watching a movie and Lemon regressed because he of the eventful 2 hours he just had and talked to Maria about a Thomas the Tank Engine episode he has watched recently with a Caregiver Maria while Caregiver Ladybug cuddled with a little Tangerine and Stripes on the couch and they all loved happily ever after🥰)
This little guy likes using pacifiers but like the deco ones
He has royal blue one and with rine stones and a shark and a turquoise one with blue clues on it
When he doesn't get his way, he gets like super pouty
Sticks his bottom lip out and will sometimes even "hmph" if he's little and angry enough
Just don't tell him he looked cute cuz he will throw a fit and let me tell you it is not fun for anyone
Really likes to sit on people's laps and be held
Big Tangerine tries not to touch people and gets really annoyed when people try to touch him (unless it's one of his caregivers but he tries to at least act annoyed) because he only lets people's he's close to touch him but he doesn't really want to be close to other people in fear of losing them so he is a little touch starved
Little Tangerine tries to make up for all the lost snuggle time he's missed out on and the caregiver trio is more than welcome to help him out with that
Ladybug is always willing to cuddle with him but he's not Tang's first (or second) pick. Tang will always want to cuddle with his brother first and if he can't he'll cuddle with Maria. Ladybug tries not to act hurt but he's def jealous
Speaking of Ladybug, Lemon will try to set up playdates for Tang with Littlebug
Tang does prefer Littlebug over Ladybug so it works out perfectly
Ladybug does regress older, but he's always gentle with Tang and almost always plays or does exactly what Tangerine wants to do
They're just so cute together omg
Lemon and Maria think so too
Sometimes Lemon will get jealous and want to play too and the ever watchful Maria always notices sometimes even before Lemon does
This usually ends with her coaxing Lemon to regress and play with the other boys but sometimes he'll push back so she sometimes discretely asks for help
Lemon: Nah it's fine love, I'll just watch them. I wouldn't want to put you in a position where you'd have to watch all three of us
Maria: Oh please, I have to do that already with you guys on mission anyways, and I've got to say, your all way more cooperative little than you are big
Lemon: Ha ha very funny. But I'm serious I'm fine (is very not fine)
Maria: *sighs* All right fine. *Now louder* I'm sure the boys wouldn't be upset at all if they found out that you didn't want to play with them
Littlebug and Tang: *Turn their heads to Lemon*
Tang: you don' wanna pway wid us? *eyes starting to get glossy*
Littlebug: Yeah that's not nice *frowning very deeply*
Lemon: *now panicking* What?! No! That's not true at all i- well I just didn't think.... Ya know you wanted me to.
Littlebug: No we do, we promise
Tang: Yeah! Pwomise
Lemon: okay, alright fine
Que a very smug Maira watching her regressed boys play on the carpet floor
Okay I think that's enough Little!Tang for today
✨🍊Big Sib! Tangerine Headcanons 🍊✨
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(he just looks so sweet in this pic OMG😭)
Unlike the rest of the group, Tangerine does experience caregiver space
He's not too sure why but he just doesn't
I mean while he does look after his brother, he just doesn't seem to fall into the head space like the others
That's okay tho!
He usually only looks after Lemon but will very rarely look after Littlebug
He's kind of strict with rules but like laid back too ya know?
Tang loves to make home made meals for his littles
It’s one of his love languages
But there not like normal easy foods ya know?
There like super fancy versions of simple foods like garlic bread grilled Gouda cheese or something extra like that lol
He says it’s because basic dishes are boring but in reality he just really wants to spoil his littles while putting some extra love into what he’s making for them
However because he’s somewhat of a perfectionist, the food kinda ends up straying to far from the original product AND because he’s usually cooking for littles who live and breathe off of store bought frozen chicken nuggets or craft Mac n cheese, most of the time he’s met with complaints about his meals
Little Lemon: *takes a big bite out of some coconut amino covered chicken strip*
Also Little Lemon: *immediately spits it out* It’s yucky!
Tangerine:*offended but not really surprised* What do you mean “yucky”?! This shit-I mean crap, is amazing?! Do you have any idea how long it took me to make this?!
Little Lemon:* is now kind of just saying stuff to piss off his brother cuz he thinks it’s funny* I dunno but it just taste bad
Tangerine:*glares and mumbles as he takes Lemons plate away to go make him some Dino nuggets* You taste bad…
Little Lemon:*gasps* NUH UH
Tangerine: YEAH HUH
*tomfoolery continues for like an hour*
He tries his best not to curse around any of the little ones but sometimes they just slip
He can’t help it, it’s like apart of his personality now lmao
But for the sake of his little one, he’ll try to keep it at a minimum but don’t expect anything significant
Also really enjoys helping his littles get dressed for some reason he can’t explain
It just brings him joy to be able to dress up his loved ones and make them look there best (even if they aren’t big fans of what he’s got them in)
He will also sometimes try to match with his little one
Not the whole outfit but like the colors mainly
His favorite activity to do with his little is sit on the couch and watch some TV with them
He gets a little upset that he can’t watch the shows he wants to, and with loudly and unseriously complain about it but like after five minutes of watching a show he’s just as into to it as his little is
He had literally shushed them from talking so he could hear Bluey better
Like sir if you don’t listen to Ladybug’s rant on how Care Bears are better I’m gonna have to come over there and body slam you
He’ll watch any show EXCEPT for Caillou.
Caillou is not allowed in this house hold and never will be
I’m sorry, he’ll put up with a lot of crap to keep his little happy but watching Caillou is NOT one of them
He loves to make nicknames for his little
But like not normal nicknames
Like not the ones where it’s a play on your name or a shortened version of it
He will literally call you like an object that has no correlation to your actual name
He’ll just be put her calling you something that he thinks is cool
Swear to god he’ll call you something like iceberg or tomato
Wouldn’t be surprised if he called you something like table or lamp post at this point
Ladybug’s nickname is peaches which I think is freaking adorable
Maria’s is something like Taser or Water buffalo
Don’t ask me why it’s like 2:00 in the morning when I’m writing this😭😭😭
Really into affectionately  ruffling his little ones hair
Big Tangerine isn’t super into hugs or hand holding but he does love to just pay you on the back or ruffle your hair
That doesn’t go to say that he won’t give someone a hug if they like REALLY need it
Lemon is the one exception who will get a hug whenever he asks for one with no complaints whatsoever
Touching just isn’t his go-to
Likes to do voice impressions of a character his little likes
Even though I’m the movie when he did the Thomas impression to just kind of poke fun at Lemon, Lemon still loved it (tho he definitely tried to hide it)
But just because he loves to do impressions doesn’t mean that they’re good
NEVER ask him to do a Sponge Bob impression
My mans sounds like a cat in a blender
It’s almost impressive how much he doesn’t sound like Sponge Bob
Like he should get an Oscar for that kind of acting in my opinion
He also kind of thinks it’s funny when he messes up an impression so I can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose or not
Knowing him he probably is lol
He also likes to him lullabies to his little when they’re tired
Not really into singing but really likes how relaxing it is to just be able to hum his loved one to sleep
Usually it’s just a random song that pops into his head
It could be a heavy metal song and this man is humming it like Rock-a-bye baby
And it’s sounds just as peaceful and calming too
All in all Tangerine may have the calmness and peacefulness of a Tasmanian Devil but he still makes a great Big Sib
YALL I AM SO SORRY! I literally said I was gonna make this in FEBRUARY and it’s literally November so that’s cool. I did a whole pill about it too and look how long this still took me😭. I literally don’t have an excuse other than the fact that I’m lazy and have the memory of a house fly. BUT I am making the Lemon headcanons right now. Like they’re almost done I swear. I just have to finish the Caregiver headcanons and I’ll post them which will most likely be tonight at like 2-3 o’clock in the morning even tho I got a bunch of test I need to study for but I made YALL wait long enough so this is my punishment. To the people who were asking for this I’m so sorry but I’m gonna at y’all so you can see I’m not a liar and definitely can make stuff lmao. Also cuz I feel bad. Alright lovelys I’ll see you later byyyyye💜💜💜💜
@thenarryparable @thorin-baby-bear @koala-fluff @softchonk
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driving lessons
kai parker x reader
tags: driving, friends (not yet lovers)
word count: 423
a/n: i'm sorry i haven't been posting a lot! i feel like i'm always at work 😭 but i'm filling a few requests so hopefully i can get them out soon, and here's another kai drabble in the meantime 😽
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after eighteen years in complete isolation, there was no way you’d let kai drive on the road without a modern-day refresher
he fought, of course, arguing he got his license back in the 80s, but times were a lot different then. cars were different, as were people’s driving behaviors
everyone’s a lot more aggressive now, and since kai’s aggressive too, you’d like to avoid an incident of road rage
plus, in the prison world, he didn’t have to worry about other people on the road. he’s not used to traffic and his knowledge lacks on road rules
he ultimately agrees after an internal debate that brought him to the conclusion that he’d get to spend more time with you
so, you get to work
first, you make him sit as a passenger as you give instructions. he half listens and half chit-chats about the modern day
then, you have him take over and drive it himself, once you think he’s ready
the driving part he pretty much had down, but he did struggle with the people part
he almost hit a few pedestrians, who then cussed him out, and you had to take him to the back of the parking lot to calm down
if anyone else told him to calm down, he’d kill them, but he has a soft spot for you
which is why he’s letting you teach him in the first place
after that, he started getting better
still needed instruction at times, but paid more attention to his surroundings
“fully stop at the stop sign, okay? that’s a common catch for police”
“oh yeah i remember that from when i got my license”
“this road is going to end soon, so you need to merge into the next line”
though this he didn’t understand, or didn’t hear, and therefore, doesn’t move
“merge, kai!!”
“i already did!!”
“on the road!!”
gets it last minute and narrowly misses the car behind him
you remind him the importance of blinkers after that
after a whole day of good driving, you take him out for ice cream
he admits to you he likes your company and appreciates that you treat him like a person and not a monster or a villain
you’re touched by the unexpected kindness, but terrible at receiving compliments, and reply with a blushing smile, and a boop of ice cream to his nose
your friends (rather begrudgingly) predict something more in your future, but for now, the two of you share a good, close friendship
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folightening · 14 days
Confession : Portbra
Hetalia - Portbra There was one last thing Brazil had to do to finish celebrating his independence. However it ended, it couldn't be left unsaid any longer. Vague incest warning, but not really: Nations have complicated relationships, so there is a few mentions of familial feelings in here while it is a ship fic. In case that isn't your cup of tea
He'd been receiving congratulations and compliments all day but one man's words had lifted him to heaven and left him stranded.
I'm proud of you.
The tight, warm embrace had sent his emotions into a flutter that had yet to fully calm. He had smiled at him; all pride and love leaving Brazil pleasantly hot. Then he left him to his friends. Brazil hadn't had the chance to be alone with him since.
Now that the party was finally dying down Brazil looked for him. If Portugal left earlier without saying goodbye he was going to get an earful.
Unsurprisingly Brazil found him standing at the edge of the water away from the party, staring across the waves. Brazil stood at his side and looked out over the ocean as well. Beautiful, but he'd never understand what had Portugal so captivated.
"Party's dying old man."
"I heard."
Silence stretched between them, unexpectedly light and comfortable and Brazil tried to gather his thoughts.
"I." Brazil fell silent again.
A few minutes ago he'd been fully prepared to march over and speak his mind. Usually he could. But suddenly this felt like a delicate situation he wasn't certain about handling.
"How are you feeling?" Portugal's question pulled Brazil from his confusing hesitation.
"On top of the world."
Portugal laughed and Brazil relaxed a little. There was nothing to be worried about. No reason for hesitation. This was Afonso.
"Thanks for siding with me. Your Boss couldn't have liked that much."
"You're a lot more important to me than some humans."
Even still, Brazil knew how the humans could affect them. There were times it had been difficult to hold the separation between Brazil and Luciano. He'd given Afonso a hard time for no reason other than the war between their humans. His emotions had been in turmoil and he knew Portugal had his moments of the same. It had never quite escalated into anything - Afonso knew when to walk away and Luciano'd had the sense to let him - but still Luciano felt bad about it.
"You know you're important to me too?"
"You may have said something about that a few times."
Brazil laughed. A few times was an understatement. He'd said it so many times he was sure Portugal was sick of hearing it.
Enough beating around the bush.
"Actually, I needed to talk to you about that." Brazil paused. "Now that I'm definitely not your colony anymore."
Portugal huffed in amusement and Brazil grinned. He hadn't been Portugal's colony for a while.
"I'm in love. With you."
Portugal looked at him, startled, and the next words came tumbling out.
"I have been for... A while." So much longer than a while. "I know you kind of think of me as your son, and I know it might be a little weird especially with everything that's happened,"
"But I don't... I want you. To be more than just my dad, or a coworker, or- For however long it lasts."
Brazil couldn't take Portugal's heavy gaze and turned his attention to the waves.
"You are my darling boy Luciano; I won't deny the familial feelings I have for you. But... You know I wanted you to succeed in gaining your independence. Do you know why that is?"
Brazil returned his gaze to Portugal's gentle expression.
"You want the best for your son?"
"No. Well, I do but that's not what I'm talking about." Portugal paused and Brazil waited for him to gather his words. He knew how hard it could be for Portugal. "Part of me does want you to stay my colony; to keep you as close as I can and never let you go. I also want you to stand on your own and be the nation I know you can be. You aren't just a son to me. Or a colony. Or anything else people might try and say you should be. You haven't been for years "
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
"And risk a negative reaction?" Portugal laughed. "I'm too old for that. I'm content with whatever you want us to be."
"Oh. Well, in that case..."
Brazil pulled Portugal closer and the kiss he gave the man was lingering; a series of kisses now that he finally had him where he wanted him.
"I think it's time for us to have a special celebration."
Portugal laughed and gently swatted at him, but there was no protesting when Brazil kissed him again and dragged him across the beach. There was still time left for one more activity to make the day perfect.
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