#its been knocking around in my head for the past few days ngl
m0ssycobblestone · 5 months
Thinking about a Trigun au I made a while back that is super self indulgent with a side of projection /pos
I called it the Stale Donuts AU after the donuts I would sometimes get from H-E-B as a kid that, as far as I can remember, were always vaguely stale.
It is at its core, a modern AU–Cryptid Vash–Vashwood story hybrid hodgepodge thing that was also!!! Very much inspired by multiple fics I had either read or was reading at the time!!! And of course full of yummy delicious self indulgence and self projection with bits of me spread throughout like the stale donuts thing!!! Yippee!!!!!!
On to the bits and bops of the au itself in a very rambling way (I'm sorry):
Wolfwood is Mexican American and the main pov of the thing. He lives in an apartment with Livio, who's going to the local college (go girl go, get that higher education ✨). Wolfwood drives a motorcycle because why wouldn't he BUT he ALSO owns a motorcycle place where you can get shit repaired and customized an shit like that (I don't know vehicle things ITS A COOL IDEA I DONT KNOW IF ITS ACCURATE). Meryl also probably works there with him, because in my mind I can't for the life of me separate the thought of Meryl and driving things probably because I watched Stampede first but that's besides the point—we're ignoring that. Livio, Wolfwood, Meryl, and Milly were all friends in highschool (maybe they were in a shitty band?? That's a thought for a different day) and stayed friends into their adult lives (they all care about each other so much guys). ALSO this whole thing takes place in Texas, so AT SOME POINT one of them worked at Whataburger and one of them worked at a DQ I don't know WHO WAS WHERE but at LEAST ONE OF THEM I SWEAR.
On his way to the motorcycle shop, Wolfwood passes the H-E-B and has to drive over a short bridge. Guess where he finds Vash.
One day he's coming home from work, and as he's crossing over the bridge he suddenly stops because JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING. Illuminated by the motorcycle headlights, a large, feathered...something startles and crawls over the edge with a sound of pain, leaving behind a trail of blood. Yippee!! Vash makes an appearance!! Of course Wolfwood's freaked the fuck out by the bleeding thing under the bridge, yet for some reason he follows it anyway (I haven't really thought of anything except hey that thing looked kinda hurt and Melanie raised him with compassion ig so)(and I love stupid men). He sees that this giant bird is 100% actually kinda injured (imagine getting hit by a car) and manages to calm it down enough to help it out at least a little, but he's also kinda on his way home and can only see with a flashlight, so there's not much he can do. He does toss it a snack he found hidden in his jacket tho. After that whole cryptid nonsense, Wolfwood stops at H-E-B! (YIPPEEE!!) Livio sends him a text. "You should totally get me a donut from the bakery"
"Still can't believe you actually like those" he sends back, still getting a plain glazed for himself. He offhandedly wonders if the bird thing would like donuts.
The next morning, now armed with a first aid kit, he buys a donut and stops at the bridge, hoping the creature from before is still there. Oh hey look, the creature from before! Now that it's daytime, Wolfwood can clearly see that yeah, that thing is definitely hurt. He says hi, and the creature seems to recognize him from the night before, but still won't let him get close enough to fully see anything other than feathers and old scars. Donut time!! The perfect distraction!!! I don't know what kind of injuries Vash has, but whatever it is Wolfwood manages to patch it up at least a little bit while he's munching on the donut. I like to imagine he's at least a little bit good at caring for animals (specifically birds) because Tristamp Wolfwood taking care of Thoma chicks makes me ill (/pos) so uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh chickens. And maybe like, a cockatiel for fun. Miss Melanie had chickens and a cockatiel that the kids would help take care of. It ends up becoming a routine where Wolfwood stops at the bridge to chill with the bird cryptid every morning and evening. Eventually he ends up telling Livio, Meryl and Milly about Vash. He also very quickly figures out that Vash has human level intelligence and isn't just a giant freaky animal and Vash manages to communicate what his name is!!! Yippee!!!
In this Vash has the Big Bird™ cryptid form and a normal human one, but can't switch between them when he's injured (like being hit by a car) so it's really great that this random human guy is helping him out.
The first time Wolfwood sees Vash de-birdified is hilarious because he goes to the bridge like normal and sees feathers everywhere, no giant bird in sight, and a vaguely familiar naked blond man chilling in the middle of it all. As soon as he sees Wolfwood, his face lights up and he starts excitedly waving.
"Needle Noggin?!"
"Look I'm all better!!"
Plot wise, no fuckin clue where it goes from here, vibe wise fuck it we ball. All I know is hijinx ensues and it's great fun all around YIPPEEEEEEE!!!
I think that's all I got for now, might post more if I think of anything✨✨✨
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) -  Ellie Williams x G/N!Reader 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, Fear of thunderstorms, Fear of ending up alone, kind of angsty, fluff though I swear
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - I forgot about this series ngl I'm so sorry this is kind of short promise they'll get longer I'm just going through some mental things rn
Part One | Part Two | Part Three (Current)
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You hadn't been this nervous in a while, standing outside a house that Ellie had given you directions too just a few days prior. A windchime hung nearby, blowing in the wind playing music as it moved.
Butterflies grew in your stomach as you knocked on the door, looking around at the different colored trees. The street in front of the house where a few people were walking past.
You crossed your arms over your chest, the sky was a dark gray. It was going to storm soon, and you weren't sure how long that was going to take. You just knew it was going to suck walking home. Leaves blew violently in the wind as the trees rattled loudly. You seemed to get lost in your head, as the door opened you jumped.
Heartbeat picking up as your head shot forward. Ellie standing on the other side, a little smile on her face when she seen you.
"Hey stranger." "Hey yourself, was taking a walk, thought I'd stop by." It sounded like an excuse, and about half of it was. You'd been meaning to come by since she asked you, but every time you thought about it your stomach would drop, nervous. You hated it.
"Yeah.. good, here come in." You walked into the house, warm was the first thought you had. Shivering as you were met with the temperature rise. You looked around her house, peaking into the living area where her TV was playing a movie on it. Around was a few wood sculptures decorating the place. A few pictures on the fireplace that was burning brightly.
"You're house is so homey, its cute in here." She laughed, scratching the back of her neck. "Thanks, I should probably of cleaned though." "Wish I could've called ahead." You both stood there for a minute, right in front of the door, it was a bit awkward if you had to admit it out loud.
"So, what was it you wanted to give me?" "Oh, right, shit." You stood by the door, watching her disappear upstairs for a moment. Walking around awkwardly before watching the TV going. Dinosaurs displayed on the screen, it was playing a bit loud, but it was something you'd never seen before.
"Here." She pulled you from your thoughts, handing you a shoebox. Rather heavy once you took it. "It has some DVD's inside, a DVD player that was mine, don't really need it anymore. A few other things." "Thank you, really." She shrugged, looking at the TV before looking at you. "It's nothing, I'm watching Jurassic Park." "Oh.. my dad talked about that once."
You turned to see the screen once again, watching the creatures with curiosity. "How's it all going?" You turned back to her, shrugged as she did, eyes on her while she walked towards her couch. "Alright, nights haven't got much better. I think its the emptiness... that... that uh, gets to me." You looked down at your shoes, feeling a bit stupid at the admission. Heat rising to your cheeks.
"I get it. Oh hey, come here." You looked back up at her, walking over to her as she sat on the couch, grabbing the box from your hands. "You can sit down." Ellie smiled at you, watching you avoid her eyes as you sat down on the couch. "So, the way you use it is press this, it'll push out whatever disc is inside, but its empty right now. Here's how you turn it on and all of these cords go straight into your TV. Don't worry its all color coded."
You listened to her, watching her hands move around the DVD player while humming. What you didn't realize was more then half the time, her eyes were on you, watching you nod. Listening intently to what she was telling you.
"Yeah... I was just gonna wing it, thank you." You chuckled, eyes flickering up to meet hers that were already on you. "Y'know, my favorite movie, is this one." Ellie picked up a movie case, handing it to you. "What's it about?" "Superheroes, aliens destroying the city, I have one already, don't need an extra." She explained a bit awkwardly, watching you examine the case. "Came out the year before the outbreak."
"It does look cool, I'll watch this one first. That's if I can figure out how to set it up, despite your amazing teaching, I'm not the brightest." You laughed setting the case back in the box. "I'll show you how mine is set up. If you're... not busy." You shook your head. "Nope, you're, like, the only person I talk to." "I could say the same about you." You both stared at each other for a moment before you looked away.
A loud crack of thunder soon broke you both from the moment. Your body jolting, turning towards the window as it began to nearly poor down rain. Your heart then skipped a few beats despite already racing, Ellie's hand moving to your upper arm.
"Hey, you alright?" "It's um, I don't..." You trailed off, refusing to say it out loud. It felt foolish, childish, a grown adult afraid of thunder. Afraid of the loud noises that it brought and the flashes of lightening that made frightening shadows on the walls.
"Shit, it looks rough out there." Ellie looked out the window at the dark gray sky, it looked like it was night out there. Despite it being only the evening. "I don't like storms." You then muttered softly, looking at her with fear filled eyes. "I should go, before it-" A loud boom then ripped through the air again making you nearly jump out of your skin.
"Stay." It was one word but it brought a boat load of comfort with it. Relaxing at the thought of not being alone, meeting Ellie's eyes. "Are you sure?" You voice was shaky, and so were your hands. "I get it, the dark... is what gets me." She seen you physically begin to untense. Listening to her instead of the storm. "Brings back memories, shitty ones." You nodded, taking a deep breath.
"We can watch the superhero movie, I can get us food, or something..." She sounded unsure, but in reality it was nervousness wavering her voice. It had been a long time since Ellie had anyone over, let alone someone like you. It felt nice, to sit and talk to someone. "Thank you, but really I don't want to bother." "You're not. Trust me, it sucks being alone."
You nodded, Ellie finally standing up. "I'll be right back, alright?" You nodded again, nervously watching her walk towards the kitchen. "You can take your shoes off, looks like it'll be raining for a while." Standing up from the couch you took your shoes off near the door before also taking off your jacket, hanging it up.
You could hear her rustling around in the kitchen as you walked back to the living room. Trying to ignore the heavy rain outside. The lightening that danced along the walls as you sat down on the couch, pulling your knees up.
"Here." Ellie handed you something; you took it realizing that it was a cup of your favorite drink that you'd mentioned on one of your walks from the graveyard. "Thank you, so much, really-" "You don't have to thank me, it's alright." You blushed at this, watching her sit down beside you, taking a drink of whatever she had gotten herself.
Ellie knew this was a bit for herself as well. She hadn't like storms, especially at night, when it was dark. Ellie didn't like the dark, but as it began to creep up on her, she realized it wasn't so hard to deal with when you were a beaming light sitting on her couch. Smiling at her, listening to her.
"Ellie?" "Huh?" She liked the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed, shaking your head. "I said, are we gonna watch the superhero movie?" "Oh! I forgot about that!" She nearly flew off the couch, grinning at your giggles, thunder ruining the moment when you suddenly went silent.
She cringed, quietly cursing the outside along with the weather gods. "I feel stupid, for being afraid of a storm." Ellie took the Jurassic Park DVD from the player, looking at you over her shoulder. But your eyes were somewhere else in the room, staring at a photo on her fireplace. A drawn picture of a man. "It's loud noises, but I feel so... stupid."
As she put the DVD in, Ellie slowly stood from the floor.
"I'm afraid of a lot of things." The couch sunk beside you, nearly a cushion length away, staring straight forward, was Ellie. "Like what?" You whispered. "Ending up alone. After... after all of what happened. I thought I was gonna.. be alone."
Silence then filled the room, the soft pattering of the rain outside as the storm calmed just slightly.
"What changed?" You asked softly, watching her turn to look at you. A beat of silence passing before she shrugged, smiling slightly. "Ready?" You looked at the TV screen, the girl holding the remote ready to start the movie. "Yeah, yeah I am." "Good, cause you're gonna love this." And there was that laugh again, the laugh she was really growing to love.
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A/n: Pew pew pew pew
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1kook · 4 years
disney+ & bust
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this is part of my netflix & chill collection !
summary; There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb. It’s not. It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door.  warnings; arguments, feelings of insecurity, bit of asshole jk, smut in the forms of degradation, dumbification, choking, fingering, spit kink, self punishment, unprotected but [ passionate ] sex, jk losing his cool, return of mean jk, he is actually an emotional mess in this one wtf miscellaneous; ANGST, anniversaries, the L word😳, app developer kook, rip ‘pretty girl’ </3, we all become phineas and ferb stans word count; 13k !!
notes; me: *writes couple who’s whole arc is being silly* y’all: MAKE THEM SUFFER GIVE US ANGST!! u ask I deliver so now we all suffer 😐 ngl it was hard writing this fic n u might notice there’s some parts that seem weird n that’s bc this was TWO fics w diff wording but I ended up mixing them bc I’m insane. still had a lot of fun! felt like I challenged myself!! not proofread bc when I say we suffer we SUFFER
please let me know what you think!!! a simple ask goes a long way <3
previous part: kissanime & foreplay
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Approximately one week after The Bullet Bestie’s rise to prominence, Jungkook grows annoyed with it as his weirdly competitive nature rears its ugly head the more and more orgasms that little vibrator coaxes out of you. It turns on a weird switch in him, something slightly stuck up and snooty that he’ll never admit to out loud but is there nonetheless. By the following Friday, The Bullet Bestie is nestled deep in your garbage can and Jungkook’s back to pleasuring you with his tongue and fingers alone.
He had those moments in him, the ones where he liked to think he was better than any and everyone else, and occasionally they manifested against inanimate objects like a bullet vibrator.
Despite his polite and generally soft exterior, you catch glimpses of that cocky spirit more than anyone else. Over the past year, you’ve come to realize that Jungkook’s personality was like a coin that had been left out in the sun too long. He had this sweet and reserved nature you saw most times, a kindhearted boyfriend who adored you almost as much as you adored him. He was your angel whom you knew had a heart of gold, even if you were slowly bringing out his more childish tendencies. You knew him like the back of your hand, knew what his mom’s favorite color was and how he liked to stack the plates in his cabinet according to size and make. It was a side that was rusted from years of being out in the sun, basking in its adoring warmth, and you loved every inch about it.
And still, there was this other side to him you rarely saw. This cocky asshole who hid beneath the soft smiles and careful hands, making his appearance only through sly smirks and a tongue prodding against the inside of his cheek. He was a braggart, a man who knew his greatness yielded for no one and wanted that fact shoved down everyone’s faces. This Jungkook, this other side that never saw the light of day, was like the Hyde to his Jekyll. An unexpected, almost mean side to him that only dared make his appearance when his exhilaration was at an all-time high. Like when he was fucking you into another dimension, or kicking your ass in Mario Kart, or like now, when he was receiving an award at an annual tech ceremony.
On the eve of your one year anniversary, Jungkook’s company invites him to an awards ceremony for other web and app developers like him. It’s a grand event, filled with all the biggest nerds in the developing industry here to present the baby nerds with awards. Jungkook lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, both a seasoned player and a rookie all at once. He spends the night tolling you around in a floor-length gown and fangirling over all the “legends” in the room.
You know next to none of these people and none of their accomplishments but still pretend you respect them to hell and back. By the end of the main dinner, you’re sympathizing with Barbie’s ever-smiling features because your cheeks feel sore.
Towards the end of the night, Jungkook wins that random award— okay, who were you fooling? He wins the Platinum Mobile Standard of Excellence Award, recognizing him for all the hard work you’ve seen him put in this past year. It’s probably the highest recognition he can receive at this point in his career. It was an esteemed award that was bestowed upon only the most innovative developer of the year among tech companies, something Jungkook had briefly mentioned he always wanted. It’s basically the equivalent of placing first place in his field, but given Jungkook’s competitive industry and his young age, you think it’s like telling all these old Facebook lords to suck his big fat cock. (But that was your job when you got home.)
He gives a short little thank you speech, promising to work hard and own up to this title. The people around you are swooning, obviously endeared with his soft puppy dog features and melodic voice. They don’t know him like you do, don’t know that uppity twist to his grin like you do. It doesn’t slip off his face even when he steps down off the stage, arms wide open as he comes barreling towards you. Even with you in his arms, the congratulations that are thrown from every direction ring loudly in his ears and swell that ego of his.
The night goes like that for the most part, Jungkook’s acquaintances approaching him every few minutes to rain down their praises. He goes a little crazy at the open bar after a while, shoving the gold trophy into your arms as his beloved work seniors whisk him off for drinks. You don’t mind because you resigned yourself to a night of playing Jungkook’s perfectly perfect partner anyway, watching him politely mingling with his coworkers. Despite his earlier success, you know he won’t brag about it verbally. No, he’ll wait until the two of you get home—your place or his—and remind you how amazing he is with a quick snap of his hips.
As you said, he’ll never boast aloud.
However, that doesn’t mean you won’t.
“That’s my boyfriend,” you explain to the seventh person that greets you that night, excitedly pointing to where said boyfriend was slowly losing all sense of self by the bar. You don’t know anyone here beside Jungkook, and you’re pretty sure no one in their hammered minds is going to remember who you are anyway, so a little gloating never hurt anyone. “He won the ‘I’m Better Than Everyone Else’ award tonight,” you emphasize to the tipsy woman beside you who only laughs at your exaggeration. You assume she’s like you, accompanying one of the many developers here, because as soon as you finish boasting about Jungkook she moves to brag about someone too.
Truth be told, you spend the whole night re-analyzing the Zootopia movie you saw on Disney+ the other night in your head. So if the little fox fellow didn’t control himself would the city have fallen to ruins? Why was the useless sheep girl so evil and bitter? Why was there an unreal amount of romantic tension between the fox and the rabbit? Whatever, you’ll have to rewatch it some other night, and with your new Disney+ account, you could watch it anywhere you wanted to.
Now, you had never bothered to purchase a Disney+ subscription or even tried to swindle Jungkook for his password before. As far as you know, Disney+ was filled with old tv shows from your childhood, sitcoms that made you laugh when you were ten. There’s nothing wrong with that, but personally, you were a firm believer that that which was perfect should not be touched once finished; in other words, you were utterly terrified you’d rewatch an old episode of The Wizards of Waverly Place, only to find out the same joke you’ve been regurgitating for the past ten years doesn’t actually go that way.
However, the harsh reality was that Disney+ was good for a few things. Ugh, you hate when giant corporations provide decent services. Aside from Zootopia, you’ve watched about every animated media on there as well, all of which you replay in your mind as Jungkook has the time of his life with these nerds, knocking back champagne glass after champagne glass.
Anyway, the night ends a little past midnight, and Jungkook who is buzzed on alcohol and high on exhilaration ends up calling an Uber for the two of you. Your apartment— the new one he had not only helped you hunt for but also helped you move into, greatly cutting the cost of movers out with those glistening biceps and thick thighs —is still going through her rebellious phase where the potted plants are trying to take over, courtesy of Kim Namjoon. So for now, there’s a potted plant in an awkward corner that both of you stub your toe against on your way to your bedroom.
You’re thinking Jungkook is going to go to town tonight, given the fact he’s on Cloud 9 and has had his ego stroked by a bunch of dudes for the past couple hours. Maybe you guys can try out the hot role-playing scenario you saw on GirlsWay a few weeks ago, or the handcuffs you impulsively bought from Amazon one Monday night. Or maybe, and this one really makes you flutter, he’ll let you fully take the reins for once.
All those lewd fantasies end up being for naught because just as you shimmy out of your gown (with the help of his hands, of course) and turn to climb him like a tree, he’s on the other side of the room getting your makeup remover out for you. And also talking. A lot. And way more than usual.
“Did you see him, babe?” he sighs, dare you to say, dreamily, handing you the cotton pads as he begins pulling a million pins out of your hair. Slowly and with a lot of confusion, you pull your fake lashes off and begin cleaning your face. “He was amazing.”
“Uh-huh,” you say, having absolutely no idea who ‘he’ is or why Jungkook is so in love with him and not you at this very moment. “But so were you,” you add. Perfect. Stroke his ego and then stroke his cock.
Jungkook sputters at your praise. He’s carefully placing your hairpins on your thigh, cheeks flaming red every time he leans over you. “Was I?” he murmurs, voice sweet in that cute little way it always gets when he’s downed one too many shots of whiskey, enough to be buzzed but not enough to be wasted.
You turn and the pins clatter to the floor and across the bedsheets. “Yes,” you confirm, ignoring his sad huff at the mess you’ve made. Instead, you grab him by the collar of that pink button-up he taunted you with all night. “You were fucking incredible and I think incredible men deserve to have their dick sucked.”
Jungkook laughs at your vulgar statement, holding you gently by the hips as you climb into his lap. “Is that so?” The soft, shy persona is gone now, replaced by the gentle stirring beneath his dress pants. You nod hurriedly, plopping down on his lap and running your hands through his styled hair.
“Yes,” you confirm, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Luckily for you, I know this nymphomaniac who would gladly gobble up your cock at your every command.”
He snorts just as you push him into his back, nose adorably scrunched up. “First of all, you know I hate that word,” he chuckles, finally gracing you with a sweet peck that only makes you want him to fuck you into the fifth dimension. “Secondly, please don’t ever say you’ll gobble my cock up ever again.”
Something inside of you squeals with excitement as he rolls the two of you over, firm body pressing down on yours. “Oh, baby,” you groan, lazily throwing a leg over his hip. Jungkook grins and then decides to entertain you for a few minutes with a sloppy kiss.
You say a few minutes because just as things are heating up, he pulls away. He smiles apologetically. “As much as I’d love to be here with you, I actually have an early morning tomorrow.”
You frown at the sudden change in events. “Huh? They’re gonna make you work the morning after a Gatsby party?” you gasp, sitting up as he gets off of you. With every step he takes away from the bed your heart breaks a little more. “They can’t do that— that’s illegal!”
From the doorway he levels you with a comically raised brow. “No, it’s not.”
You scamper after him down the hall, watch the muscles in his back flex as he pulls his suit jacket on. “You can’t work on our anniversary— that’s illegal!” you offer instead.
He stops at your front door, feet squeezed back into his shoes. “Baby, it’s not,” he rolls his eyes, leaning down to peck your forehead. “It was either I work in the morning or work at night,” he explains, giving your messy hair a soothing caress. He’s looking at you with those eyes, the ones that make your heart lodge itself into your throat and make life a tightrope experience. There’s a devastatingly lovesick part of you that wants this moment, this kind face, to be engraved into your mind for the rest of your life. You want this to be the first and last thought you have and nothing else: just Jungkook’s adoring gaze on you for the rest of time.
The moment ends too soon when he flutters one last peck against your lips. “I’ll be done in the afternoon, okay?”
You pout. “Okay, your place?” you huff, making sure to get one last octopus squeeze around his waist. He nods. “Promise you won’t be late?”
The corners of his gaze soften. “You know I won’t,” he smiles, leaning down to bump your noses together playfully. “Can’t stay away from my pretty girl too long. Besides, I have a gift for you tomorrow.”
It’s with that sentiment and a hammering heart that you let him go. With Jungkook gone, there’s really nothing for you to do now. You took the next two days off in preparation for your anniversary sex, so you don’t have to head to sleep early like usual.
With nothing else planned, you decide on rewatching that Zootopia movie that had plagued you all night, ready to dissect every plot hole to hell and back. You don’t think Jungkook’s seen this movie yet so you add it to your long list of animated movies you’re forcing him to watch.
Part of you is actually really surprised Jungkook left. Well, kinda sorta, very, but not really. Jungkook was a good boy, that much was obvious. He took his job seriously, and if his job wanted him to come in at the asscrack of dawn, then he’d come in before the sun even rose. He was a goody-two-shoes, but even so, you were occasionally able to bring out that darker side in him.
Jungkook working, like actually working in an office setting, was pretty rare though. The dude had a chill job that let him stay home most of the time, and essentially clock in whenever he wanted. Every now and then you were able to convince him to stay, tucking him beneath your body or the covers, depending on the night, and refusing to let him go the morning after.
Once he had eaten you out until the wee hours of the day, ravenous between your thighs, and then went to work the next morning like he hadn’t broken you. Another time you had persuaded him into watching every season of the 2017 DuckTales reboot through the night. When the alarm had rung in the middle of the season finale, he had simply gotten into your shower and gone off to work.
So maybe you were a little confident in your skills, and Jungkook slipping between your fingers tonight was a huge bummer. But there was no use crying over spilled milk, you tell yourself, flinging your bra off somewhere in the corner as you snuggle back into your sheets. You’re ready to tear this Zootopia movie apart, scene by scene.
Even though your apartment is a little cold, you’re comforted by the fact Jungkook will be here to keep you warm all day tomorrow.
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All men do is lie.
Despite his promise to come home early the next day, Jungkook ends up lying. The meeting he had been in all morning— the same one that had stopped you from getting bent like a pretzel the night before —drags on well past noon. Then, Kim Namjoon, AKA Jungkook’s favorite senpai in the entire world, catches wind of Jungkook’s success last night and absolutely has to take him out to lunch to celebrate.
You scoff, glaring down at your phone and the impulsive messages you’d sent out an hour ago when Jungkook had first texted you telling you he would be late.
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You whirl around to stomp off in the direction of his living room, where all of yours and Jungkook’s favorite foods were growing colder by the minute. You had spent the longest time carefully laying them out, making sure the fried chicken was closer than the pizza but not closer than the breadsticks. Truthfully it’s a nightmare. There are about eight stomach aches worth of food sitting on his coffee table, the greasy stench makes you gag and will certainly stick to your hair for weeks, but none of that mattered because it was all for your beau.
Your very late beau who was making you grow more and more agitated with each minute that passed. Ugh! How inconsiderate of him to test your patience on a day like this. You didn’t want to be upset with him, but this was your first, real milestone as a couple with him. You had wanted to spend the whole day cuddled up, maybe finally tell him how much he really meant to you— definitely not waking up alone with eyeliner crusted eyes and an aching heart.
Deciding you’re being a little too dramatic, you head into the bedroom to calm down. This was fine, you tell yourself, carefully laying out the damn near harlotrous lingerie you had yet to put on. Jungkook would come over soon and everything would be A-okay.
Except for the part it’s actually F-not okay because soon it’s nearing sunset and the food has gone cold so you’ve stocked it into the fridge, and the pretty sheer bra has a wonky wire that’s two seconds away from piercing through your heart, but that doesn’t even matter because Jungkook being late for your all-day anniversary celebration has already ripped it to shreds anyway.  
You plop down on the couch in defeat, impulsively opening up the Disney+ app to cry through another episode of Phineas and Ferb. You’ve abandoned the satin robe that came with the lingerie in favor of donning a big t-shirt that smells like him and makes your heart hurt even more. The setting sun paints the living room in muted oranges, the chirping of birds outside the soundtrack to your lonely day.
You end up watching some other cartoon on Disney+, avoiding the Marvel section because you had promised Jungkook he could be there when you lost your Marvel virginity. Well, at least one of you was good at keeping promises, you think bitterly. For a second, you think about randomly watching one of the infamous MCU films out of order just to spite him. But then you think of that soft puppy gaze and how disappointed he’d be in you.
Whatever! It wouldn’t ever match up to the way you felt now.
Anyway, you circle back. When you’re five episodes into Phineas and Ferb you hear the doorknob rattle.
You sit up just as the door swings open, visible from your spot on the couch. He meets your gaze almost immediately, big doe eyes caught in the act. What act? You’re not really sure. In fact, you don’t even know what you’re looking at when he walks in because he’s drowning in shopping bags. His lips twist into a grin. “Honey, I’m home,” he says playfully.
You don’t laugh.
Jungkook frowns, dumping all his bags down at the entrance before waddling over towards you. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, coming to stand before you and cupping your face in his hands. He’s towering over you, so tall and gorgeous but for the first time, you’re not dazed by his beauty.
“Kook, you said you’d be back hours ago,” you say slowly, avoiding his gaze. You try to keep the frustration out of your voice, but you’ve had hours to dwell on it now, and those annoying cartoon characters, though charming at first, had only served to multiply your annoyance.  
Jungkook blinks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I mean… yeah. But I got you presents?” he beams, glancing back at the mountainous pile he made by the door. You look over too. There are some luxury bags squeezed in between other shops you like, the occasional jewelers' logo on the side.
You stand with a sigh, sauntering off into the kitchen with him on your tail. “I don’t want presents,” you mumble, reaching to pour yourself a glass of water. You’re briefly aware of how childish you must seem. Jungkook hovers behind you.
“What? Yes, you do,” he says. “You had an entire wishlist on my Amazon of things you wanted.” It’s his turn to level you with an unreadable expression, slowly crossing his arms over his chest.
Your frown only deepens as you turn to match his stance against the counter. While it may be true that you did indeed have an entire list of impulsive items on his Amazon, that didn’t necessarily mean you wanted them all. Sometimes you just wanted to stare longingly at a pair of satin gloves without actually buying them. You don’t know how to explain this much to him. “They’re not…” you stop with another deep breath. “Forget it. Thank you for the presents.”
Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to question you. “What,” he says in an unimpressed tone, padding over to you before you can escape back into the living room to watch the entire princess movie collection on Disney+. “No, tell me what’s wrong.”
For some reason, that’s exactly what you don’t want to hear. “Jungkook,” you say flatly, narrowing your eyes at him. “You come home six hours after you said you would without telling me why, and normally I wouldn’t care, but today was supposed to be a special day for us.”
Jungkook reels at your bluntness. “Babe, I was out getting stuff for you. I know it’s our anniversary— that’s why I wanted to treat you,” he responds, oddly condescendingly like you’re a child who doesn’t understand what exactly he was doing.
You brush his hands away from your shoulders. “Yeah,” you huff. “Now I know that. But I spent all day waiting for you,” you stress, chest puffing as you grow more and more agitated by his inability to understand you. God, can he let you go now? At least a bunch of animated, geometrically drawn cartoons won’t question you like this and make you feel as childish as he was.
When he doesn’t say anything else you stomp back into the living room, snatching up your phone from its forgotten spot against the couch. “I’m going to bed.”
At that Jungkook seems to kickstart back to life. “What? ___, it’s barely six,” he says as he follows after you into your bedroom. You ignore him, shuffling beneath the covers. In all actuality, you’re going to bed to mope and watch more animated family shows, maybe cry under the guise of the plot just being so sad. Jungkook sits beside you just as you click back on to finish off your episode. “Baby, I don’t get it,” he sighs. “You’re always talking about how much you want this or that, and I go out and get you it all but now you’re mad?”
You bite down on your lip, eyes lasered in on the pictures moving before you. “Jungkook, just forget it.”
“No,” he says, more sternly than he’s ever been with you before. “If there’s a problem, tell me.” There’s a heavy pause, and then he says, “don’t make me waste my time guessing what’s wrong, okay?” 
“Waste your time?” you scoff, sitting up with pinched brows that you find match his. “I’m not trying to waste anyone’s time— in fact, that’s hot coming from you, Jungkook.”
He rolls his eyes. “What are you even saying? You’re mad because I took a little long getting presents, for you, might I add,” he huffs, plopping down on the edge of the mattress beside your knee. “You’re always saying you want this and that, but you can’t handle me going out to get those things? Do you hear how weird you sound?”
You whip the covers off of you. “Me talking about things doesn’t always mean I want them,” you defend.
Jungkook snorts. “Yes, it does,” he says. “Anytime you ramble about stuff for minutes like a little kid it’s because you want me to buy it for you.”
You blink. “Like a little kid?” you repeat, stunned by his comparison. Granted, you always knew you were the more childish of the two, but you never thought that would equate Jungkook thinking of you as a child. Something red and nasty flares in your chest. “Well sorry,” you spit, crossing your arms over your chest defensively, “sorry we all can’t be perfectly mature golden boys who would never see the light of day if I constantly wasn’t dragging them out.” You know it’s a somewhat low blow, especially because Jungkook’s told you before how his introverted tendencies were a sensitive issue growing up, but you can’t help it.
Jungkook groans, dropping his head into his hands. “Baby, don’t do this now,” he warns, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes. “Stop acting like this.”
“Like how?” you spit, “like a kid?” Jungkook says nothing, leveling you with a blank stare from the corner of his eye. You roll your eyes, phone falling off your lap. Another episode of Phineas and Ferb had started, the corny opening tune filling the space between the two of you. “At least now I know what you think of me,” you mutter over the guitar riff.
“Oh my god,” Jungkook blurts, sitting up wildly. “Of course I’m gonna think of you as a stupid little kid, look at you,” he seethes, gesturing at the phone beside you. You flinch. “All you do is watch kids shows and whine whenever I wanna watch anything normal adults watch. You complain every single day about the most normal things, like your job? Why should I fucking care that you’re working a dead-end office job in a field you didn’t even study for— that’s not my problem, __!” he snaps, eyes narrowed into little slits. “I just won an award last night,” he says suddenly, voice back to its regular volume. “I’m at the height of my career and I’m only going up, but I can’t even enjoy that because I have to come home and cater to you,” he finishes, a loud scoff punctuating the final word.
You had never imagined Jungkook finally bragging about himself would be at your expense.
A beat of silence passes, the angry glint in his eyes quickly fading away the longer you don’t say anything. You sniff once, turning your head idly to the side where Phineas and Ferb is still blaring loudly from your phone speaker. Picking up the device, you throw it across the room where it hits his closet door with a terrifying bang the breaks the silence.
The sound snaps Jungkook out of whatever shock he’d been in. “Baby…” he says slowly, carefully, like you’re a caged animal that’s just escaped the zoo.
“I’m going home,” you say, also a little too calmly. You saunter over towards his closet where your shattered phone screen glares up at you as you yank a pair of sweats off a hanger. Jungkook is still frozen on the edge of the bed, watching you with wide eyes as you move about the room.
It’s when you’re in the hallway leading downstairs that Jungkook finally snaps out of his daze, scampering behind you as you descend the stairs. “Baby,” he rushes out, loudly bounding down after you, “___, wait,” he gasps, catching you by the kitchen counter collecting your keys. “I-I didn't mean that,” he rushes out, eyes wide and frantic as they flicker over your expression. “I don’t think that—I don’t, baby, please, just… let me explain, please.”
“Jungkook, let go of me,” you respond, shaking your wrist in an attempt to release yourself. He’s not even holding you tightly— he never would—but the sound of your heart pounding in your ears makes your movements jerky and erratic. “I wanna go home.”
“No,” he chokes, cornering you against the counter. “No, baby, please just listen to me, I-I—“
“You what, Jungkook?” you snap, placing a hand on his chest and forcefully pushing him away. He lets you, stepping back with a wobbly bottom lip. “You need to tell me how you’re too good for me? How much I hold you down because I wasn’t lucky enough to get a job like yours straight out of college?” He says nothing, swallowing roughly as you jab a finger into his chest. “Well let me tell you something,” you snarl, chest heaving, “I may be childish and a huge complainer, but I’m not stupid enough to let someone walk all over me like this.”
With that, you make your great escape. Truthfully, you don’t want him to see the tears in your eyes as you yank his door open, stomping down his steps and in the direction of the nearest bus stop. The door opens right after you tug it shut, painting your shadow across the sidewalk. There’s the scrambled sound of house slippers against the concrete that follows you down. “Go the fuck back inside,” you snap without missing a beat.
Sensing your obvious anger, he pauses before he can reach you. “Text me when you get home?” he calls out quietly.
“No,” you respond.
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You would never admit to anyone that you spend the entire night eating a tub of mint chocolate ice cream. It’s disgusting and makes you gag, but it’s the only one you have in your apartment. And of course, it was brought over by none other than Jeon Jungkook himself a few days ago. Even when you’re trying to comfort yourself over how mean he was, on your anniversary night no less, you’re plagued by thoughts of him everywhere.
As much as you want to brush his words off, put on that cool girl exterior you’ve maintained since high school, there’s something different about this situation. You guess it’s impossible to brush off such hateful words when they come from someone you love and adore so much.
Were you too childish? You had always believed that side of you was what made your relationship with Jungkook so perfect. The two of you meshed well because of your differences, like yin and yang. So how had he been able to so easily deconstruct every inch of that balance in a matter of a few seconds? Was this perfect reality all in your head this whole time?
You want to tell yourself it was just a heat of the moment outburst from Jungkook, give him the benefit of the doubt because he’s never snapped at you like this before. Of course you’ve fought a couple of times in the past year, but neither of you had ever stooped as low as you did yesterday. Furthermore, the insecure part of your brain says he obviously felt this somewhere in his heart to bring it up at all. What he had said to you wasn’t something someone could make up on the spot.
You don’t text him when you get home, partly to spite him, but mainly because you had left your phone at his place anyway. You know he tried calling you last night because the call log is synced up to your laptop. He called on and off for about thirty minutes before he probably found your phone in his room. Whatever, he can mope in his regret for all you care
—is what you wanna say, but the longer he goes without showing himself to you the more your insecurities and hurt fester. Was this it? Was this the end of what was probably the best year of your life? It’s too painful to think about, to even consider the possibility that Jungkook might have gained a new insight last night and decided, hey, maybe this is for the best after all.
You drown yourself in an ungodly amount of sugar for breakfast, your laptop blaring yet another episode of Phineas and Ferb on the dining table. Muscle memory has you making Jungkook’s favorite pancakes before you can stop yourself, and by the time you do realize, you’ve resigned yourself to the blueberry smell anyway.
There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb.
It’s not.
It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door. You open the door with a fright, jumping back when he slumps forward and almost crashes face-first into the floor. “You didn’t call,” Jungkook cries, leaning a little too much of his weight onto you when you reach out to steady him.
The thundering of your heart slows upon registering it’s him. “Kook?” you frown, nose pinched at the ungodly stench of alcohol wafting off his clothes. “Have you been drinking?” you ask even though the answer is staring you right in the face (and in the nose).
He groans, staggering deeper into your arms. You blindly push the door shut behind him, resigning yourself to this new situation while your pancakes grow cold in the other room. “Baaaby,” he slurs, letting you guide him into the living space. He’s unceremoniously dumped onto the couch, half-opened eyes gazing up at you. “Let me,” a hiccup, “explain.”
You won’t lie. There’s a very obvious sense of discomfort sitting in your chest, torn between two paths that you don’t wish to choose between. His skin is warm and flushed like he’s just walked all the way here in this morning sun. You step over to the window that faces down onto the street below. There’s no sign of his car; you would have killed him if he ever tried to drive in this state.
“Did you walk here?” you ask instead, deciding there’s no need for one singular path, not when you can walk straight down the middle, both cleaning him and grilling him at the same time.
Jungkook’s response is delayed, head lolling from side to side as you help him out of his sweater. His skin is sweaty beneath, scorching to the touch. “Uh-huh,” he groans. Jesus, you sort of assumed but him confirming it really set things into perspective.
By no means did you and Jungkook live on opposite ends of the earth. On a good day, a drive from your place to his took about ten minutes. But walking? Easily an hour. Had he walked all the way from his place, drunk on top of that?
You brush his hair away from his face, his eyes fluttering shut at your touch. His lips are pouty yet chapped, dehydrated from the sun and the alcohol he reeks of. “Sit up for me,” you instruct, scampering off to your room for chapstick and water.
“Anything for you,” Jungkook wheezes, throat probably dryer than a desert. When you return, he’s two seconds from face planting into the coffee table and breaking that pretty face of his. You catch him with a hand on his shoulder, keeping him balanced. “Tell me what to do,” he chokes out, voice hoarse.
“Just need you to drink some water,” you say, pressing a cup against his lips. He drinks it, but a drop still dribbles down his chin.
“No,” he groans, catching your wrist in his hand when you reach up to apply some chapstick on him. “Tell me what to do,” he stresses, “to fix this. Fix us.”
His words make you pause, the tube of chapstick hovering over his plush lips. “You don’t have to do anything,” you respond quietly, trying to finish the application so you can pull away.
Jungkook doesn’t let you go. You try to look away, but there’s something about him that looks off. Maybe it’s the raw skin under his eyes, red and swollen. Or the sad droop to those same eyes that hold you captive. Or maybe it’s the subtle tremble in his hands, the fingers that hold tightly to your wrist, not to keep you there but to ground himself. “I don’t wanna lose you,” he rasps out, shakily bringing your hand to his mouth, where he presses one airy kiss to your knuckles. “Tell me ho-how to fix this and I’ll do it,” he pleads, a vulnerable look in his eyes.
Unable to withstand the sheer amount of agony on his expression, you look away. “___, please,” he chokes out, stumbling off the couch in his drunk and desperate haze until he’s kneeling in front of you. “I can’t… I can’t,” he sniffles, tears clouding those pretty eyes you’ve come to love so much. “I don’t know who I am without you.”
You clench your jaw. “You’re Jeon Jungkook,” you murmur, slipping your hand out of his hold to run through his hair. It’s knotted and a little too greasy, two things Jungkook would usually never allow. “This year’s Platinum Mobile Standard of Excellence Award recipient,” you remind him, trailing your thumb across his cheekbone when he turns to look up at you with those big Bambi eyes. “Sweet and shy, but you love being rowdy with your friends. You love movies and TV and organizing your shirts according to fabric type. You work harder than anyone I know and never complain. You date me, even though I’m a huge child,” you smile sadly.
“No!” he jumps, turning that frantic stare back into you. “Y-You’re not— it’s not,” he stammers, words still slurring together. “I’m a liar,” he cries, resting his forehead on your knees. His shoulders shake. “I don’t deserve you,” he weeps quietly. You place a hand on his shoulder. “Y-Y-You make my life so much better, ___, so colorful and fun. I-I wish I knew you in high school,” he admits, “maybe I wouldn’t have been so emotionally constipated now.”
“You’re not,” you reassure him softly.
He disagrees. “You bring out the best,” he hiccups, “the best in me.” Your heart skips in your chest. “I-I love you, you know that?”
You sputter, eyes wide at his sudden confession. “I… love you so much, y’know? I think about you ev-every night, ___,” he rambles, eyes dreamily gazing off into some miscellaneous spot on the wall behind you. “I can’t get you out of my head. Like you're a song, o-on repeat but it’s not annoying because it’s my favorite song, and I could listen to it for the rest of my life, y’know? My favorite song, I know all the words b-because it’s all I think about! I love... My love… I love you so much.”
“Kook,” you rush out, cheeks flaming as you try to pull him away from where he’s slumped over your legs. His passionate speech has you abuzz, body tingling everywhere until you feel overwhelmed, head spinning like you’re on a rollercoaster. “Let’s get you to bed.”
He nods sleepily, seemingly coming down from whatever alcohol induced rampage has allowed him to walk for an hour straight in this searing heat just to confess to you. “Y-You don’t have to say it back,” he continues to stutter as you guide him through the living room on wobbly legs. “I just-I just— can I?” he babbles. “Can I love you, ___?”
You pass through the kitchen space, where whatever you were watching on Disney+ is blaring loudly. It distracts Jungkook for about two seconds before his attention returns to you. When you don’t answer, he presses on. “Is that okay?” he asks, whirling around to face you, catching your shoulders in his hands. He towers over you by the entrance to your bedroom, dark curls tickling your forehead. His eyes are dark and glazed over, both in tears and an emotion so raw and unfiltered it squeezes around your chest until you can’t breathe. “Is it okay for me to love you?” he murmurs softly, knocking his nose against yours.
Your cheeks blaze. “Yes, th-that’s fine, Kook,” you blubber, placing a hand over his chest, where his heart is also hammering away. “Just need you to go rest now, okay?”
He nods sleepily, nudging your nose with his one last time, like a soft almost-kiss, before letting you push him into the room. “Yes, yes,” he breathes, his body finally crashing from his adrenaline spike. He flops down onto the bed unceremoniously, dark waves fanning across your pillows. You try to wiggle him out of his shirt, but it only gets about halfway up his chest before he blindly reaches for the covers. His legs stick out awkwardly, clad in the sweatpants you’ve come to associate with him.
When he’s all swaddled up in your blanket he finally goes limp, tiny snores leaving his lips as he dozes away from reality. You sigh, pressing a palm to his forehead. He’s still warm and clammy, but at this point, there’s nothing you can do but wait for him to sober up.
With a final kiss to his forehead, you leave the room, closing the door behind you before sliding against the wooden surface. There’s a trapped bird in your chest, wildly flapping its wings in an effort to get out, and it’s all stupid Jungkook’s fault in the next room. Stupid Jungkook who demolished and remodeled your heart all in less than twenty-four hours. It doesn’t calm down, even when you rush off into the kitchen for a glass of water, or when you try to immerse yourself in some other show on Disney+. It stays beating against your ribs and your chest until you’re forcing yourself to sit down on the couch and process.
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He wakes up a little before dinner. You hear him from the living room, where you’re flicking through the options on Disney+ for the nth time that day. You’ve seen the first fifteen minutes of about twenty different series and movies by now, always growing antsy and abandoning them early on. The only reason you know he’s awake is because the shower turns on for a few minutes, and then his bare feet are heard padding across the hallway back into your room.
By the time he resurfaces in the living room, you’ve resigned yourself to just more Phineas and Ferb, nonchalantly watching the silly cartoon. (Except you’re anything but nonchalant, and your heartbeat rings in your ears.)
Jungkook hovers by the door, clad in a pair of shorts he’s left here before, and a t-shirt you stole from him. “Hey,” he says quietly, lingering by the doorframe. You nod back in response. “Can I watch with you?” Again, another nod.  
Slinking over to the couch, he’s rather careful as he sits down, leaving a few inches of space between the two of you. You don’t even think he can see the screen of your laptop until he murmurs, “he’s my favorite character,” when Perry the Platypus appears on the screen.
You hum. “Thought you didn’t like these kids shows?” you ask. You don’t mean it to sound as petty and backhanded as it comes out, but that’s really no one's fault but his own.
Jungkook’s breathing tightens beside you. “No,” he admits, “I don’t. Only watch them because I know you like them.” You contemplate pausing the episode and engaging in a real conversation with him, but at this point, you’re very tired from the events of the last day. Jungkook doesn’t press either, just shuffles more comfortably beside you.
You get about five minutes in, quiet chuckles shared between the two of you, before he strikes. “I’m sorry about yesterday,” he says, so hushed you almost don’t hear it. His hand is resting in the space between you, pinky brushing against yours. “About… being late. And the presents.”
You inspire slowly. “That wasn't even the problem, silly,” you brush off. From your peripheral, you see Jungkook’s slow nod. “I didn’t want any presents,” you mention, “I just wanted you.” You look away from the screen immediately after, pretending like the spot on the ceiling is actually really interesting.
The two of you fall into silence, the animated characters on your screen rapidly chattering away. “Oh,” Jungkook says after a moment.
You roll your eyes. They’re moist but you don’t want him to see. “Yeah, oh,” you parrot back softly, relaxing into the couch again. “Did you eat the food I left out?”
Jungkook shuffles beside you, the soft lull of the speakers soon being cut as he reaches over to pause Phineas and Ferb. A couple of seconds pass and then he’s leaning into you, head resting on your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, placing a palm over the hand he had been teasing for the past few minutes. “I thought I knew what I was doing but I was wrong.”
His voice is so soft and sincere, it makes your chest ache. You try to burrow your face against your opposite shoulder, try to hide the stray tear that escapes out of the corner of your eye. “It’s fine,” you brush off, voice choked off and hoarse.
Jungkook leans up, pecks your cheek so tenderly it makes you go mushy. “No, it’s not fine. I acted like a know-it-all and said something way out of line,” he murmurs, raising his head to look at you. His hand feels warm over yours. It’s the touch you craved all day and yesterday, the warm feel of his body against yours. You’re embarrassed at how easily you melt into it. “You’re the best thing that has happened to me in a long time,” he tells you, holding your hand close to his chest. “I had no right to say those things to you.”
You sniffle, resting your head against his shoulder now. His heart beats loud enough for you to hear. “Was it true?” you mumble. “Do you really think of me like that?”
He shakes his head, his soft breaths fanning across your forehead. “No, never,” he answers. “I think you’re incredible. My brain was just trying to justify my dumb anger.”
You nod, even if you don’t believe it just yet. But that was a conversation for later, you suppose, sometime in the future when you aren’t on the verge of tears and threatening to crumble apart at the simplest word that leaves his mouth.
“I should have come home like you wanted, thought about my words before saying them,” he says, snuggling closer to you. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop,” you sniffle, covering your face with your free hand as he presses a kiss to the vein that runs over the back of the hand he’s holding captive. “Now it just sounds like I'm just being inconsiderate of your gifts and a crybaby.”
Jungkook kisses your temple softly, gently. “Don’t think about the gifts,” he says. “Just tell me what you wanted to do, doll.”
His voice calms you, has you like putty in his arms. “Watch movies,” you mumble, toying with a thread on your couch cushion. “Be with you.”
He hums. “Then we’ll do that,” he says, reaching for your laptop again. The screen nearly blinds you when it flickers back to life before you, Jungkook’s low breaths against your ear making it near impossible for you to process the titles on the screen. “You liked Disney+?”
Belatedly, you nod. “I like the animated movies,” you admit quietly, the anxieties of before slowly melting away, even more so when he slides his arm around you, pulling you close against his chest.
Unlike other times where he’ll critique the hell out of such childish films, Jungkook says nothing as he starts up the Zootopia movie instead, the same one you had wanted to show him before, right from the beginning. “That bunny looks like you,” you murmur when Judy Hopps first appears on the screen.
Jungkook snorts. “You say that about every cartoon bunny.”
You turn your head to glance at him over your shoulder. He meets your gaze with a small smile you return. “It’s because you’re so cute,” you say softly, lips twisting playfully when his cheeks grow scarlet.
He knocks his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut. “Not cute, just lucky,” he chuckles. “Lucky enough to have you.” Your heart turns over in your chest, threatening to burst out of your rib cage at his words. You try to turn in his arms. Before you can say the words that have been sitting on the tip of your tongue for months now, he’s beating you to it once again. “I love you,” he confesses in a hushed whisper, no alcoholic influence. 
Something inside of you blossoms, eyes wide as he chastely kisses you. He pulls away without you ever reacting, too caught up in surprise to kiss him back properly. He stays close, curls tickling your forehead as he leans over you. “You don’t have to say it back, I just wanted you to know. I love you,” he says again, long lashes blinking down at you. “So much. It makes me feel like a stupid teenager again, going to the mall to buy a gift for my crush.” He laughs sheepishly, reaching down to tangle your fingers together. “Is that okay?” he asks quietly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
It mirrors the confession he’d given you that morning, those slurred words and teary eyes. It had been difficult to pinpoint the legitimacy of it before, the meaning scrambled by his hazy mind. But with him staring at you like this now, like you single-handedly plucked the stars from the sky to put them in those sparkly eyes of his, it makes something inside you ache.
Still, you choke on your own spit. “I-Is it okay for you to love me?” you sputter incredulously, realizing the oddity of the same question he’d thrown at you earlier. But now, you’re both sober and you can really tear apart that sentence. Jungkook nods a little too seriously for your liking. “Are you crazy?” He blinks in confusion, brows pulling together as you slowly but surely lose the last bits of your sanity. “You’re an idiot, Jeon Jungkook,” you huff, “a stupidly handsome, rich, walking dream, idiot who goes out with stupid girls like me.”
“Not stupid,” he murmurs, closing in on you again as he finally understands the truth behind your masked insults. He smells minty and like his favorite body wash of yours.
“No,” you deny. “You’re actually, like, insane. You have a bachelor pad, make enough money to sustain an entire litter of kittens, look and talk like every teenage girl’s dream boyfriend— but you mess it all up by dating evil, conniving hoes like me who lose their shit over Disney cartoons.” He says nothing, watching you with an amused grin as you talk over yourself, basically regurgitating his statement from yesterday except it kinda seems plausible now that you’re over it. “It’s stupid. No, you’re stupid. No— I’m stupid.”
Jungkook chuckles, kissing the corner of your mouth gently. “Done?” he says, a dimple appearing on his cheek. You could kiss it away, but you need him to know the amount of stupidity in this room was astronomically high. “You’re not stupid, baby,” he says. You level him with a look. “Well. You have your moments.”
“Moments?” you repeat, standing up in a hurry that has him flopping down beside you. Your laptop is lost somewhere on the cushions, the voices faded as they grow farther away. “I am so stupid. I called Namjoon a whore for taking you out for lunch!” you cry. “I am the stupidest person in the world.”
Jungkook cackles, standing up beside you. “Yes, yes, you’re my stupid girl,” he teases, tapping the pout on your lips playfully. “So stupid she slanders herself instead of just telling me she loves me too.” He bumps your noses together, dark eyes staring at you almost daringly after his claim.
You fold soon enough. “I love you,” you mumble, “even if I’m too stupid to say it.”
He rewards your confession with a kiss, pulling you into his arms soon after. He sighs, almost wistfully. “Whatever shall I do with my very stupid girl?”
After exactly three minutes of feeling safe and loved in his arms, he abandons the living room in favor of leading you back to your room, where he pushes you down against your mattress. You cling to him, leaving him positioned over you at an angle. His chest presses against yours, arm curled around the back of your head. “Gotta get up, baby,” he laughs.
You shake your head, caging him in your arms. “Nuh-uh,” you murmur, legs wiggling when he places a hand on your hip.
Jungkook chuckles, pressing a kiss against the side of your ear. “Your movie is still playing in the other room,” he reminds you, thumb drawing soothing circles on your hip. You don’t release him, his mindless touch only encouraging you to keep him close. “Babe?”
You say nothing, relishing in the comfort of Jungkook’s presence. His hair smells good and feels even softer against the side of your face. The cotton shirt he found is crumpled beneath your fists, dark blue pattern wrinkling. Finally coming to terms with his new home, Jungkook eventually relaxes into your hold with a sigh.
“Alright,” he hums, patting your hip as he repositions himself more comfortably. “I get it. My pretty girl must’ve missed me, huh?” You nod, soaking in every detail about him in this moment. Jungkook shifts, the hand on your hip suddenly falling over your thigh instead. “Or should I say my stupid girl?” he purrs, hand slipping between your thighs. “My stupid, little girl?”
A gasp catches in your throat when he runs his fingers over the front of your panties. Your legs kick out wildly at the sudden touch, toes curling at the hands you dreamt about all day and night. “Oh,” you pant, each brush of his fingers feeling better than the last.
“What?” he says, mouthing against the side of your neck. His tongue feels warm, but the trails of saliva he leaves have you shivering. “Too dumb to speak?” he scoffs, biting down against a particular spot on your neck. You whimper, unsure if it’s because of his hands or his mouth.
“N-No,” you try to sneer back, fingernails digging into his skin through his shirt. His hands are getting braver now, the pad of his pointer finger dancing over your engorged clit. The sheer material of your panties certainly doesn’t help, each touch feeling like it’s being magnified three times over. And if it felt this good with underwear, you can’t even begin to imagine how it’d feel without.
You don’t have to ponder for long, because soon after Jungkook is slipping his hand beneath your waistband, touching your sensitive pussy head-on. “Kook.”
He uses your momentary vulnerability to ease himself from your hold, finally recoiling enough to smother your mouth with his. You moan in surprise, thighs quivering as he gets to work circling your hardened bud sans your panties. Jungkook isn’t the least bit kind as he kisses you ruthlessly, likes he’s trying to compensate for something with his movements. When he finally pulls away it’s with an obnoxious pop and cherry red lips. He huffs, glancing down to see where he’s got his fingers pleasuring you.
Your thighs are squirming back and forth, closing around his hand every few seconds. Jungkook snorts. “Huh, look at that,” he mutters, trailing down until his fingers are gliding over your quickly sopping folds. “Stupid girl is good for something.”
Your cheeks burn. “Kook, I’m not—“
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed glare. “Not what? Not stupid? But I could’ve sworn you just spent the last few minutes saying you were,” he drones meanly, landing one light slap against your cunt that makes your hips buck.
You bite down a whimper. “I was just…” you trail off, eyes rolling back when he teases one finger against your opening.
“Kidding?” he supplies. “Well, I wasn’t.” Your heart stutters in your chest, eyes growing wide as he finally pushes himself off of you, propping himself up with an elbow beside your head. His gaze is dark and unrecognizable. “I think you’re so fucking stupid, doll,” he sneers. “And what are you gonna do about it?”
You should have seen this moment coming, the manifestation of that shiny side of the coin finally reaching its full potential.
While Jungkook wasn’t exactly shy about his interests, he certainly wasn’t tripping over himself to tell you every new kinky thing he wanted to try. You sort of guessed he had some interest in this sort of play a few weeks ago when you watched the Barbie movie at his place. A lot of that night had branded itself into your three am wet dreams, but there was one particular moment that stood out to you. That was you, on your knees, with him condescendingly patting your head. Or just last week, you vaguely remember the term slipping through his lips as he pleasured you with The Bullet Bestie.
The thing about Jungkook was that, until last night, he would have never admitted, or so much as even thought, that he was better than you. That was fine because you would say it enough for the both of you anyway. Did you think Jungkook was amazing, an absolute diamond among these measly rocks? Absolutely. (Were you slightly biased because you were his girlfriend? Skip.) However, you also had this insane evil villain complex that made you want to brag about everything you possibly could, especially if that meant bragging about your boyfriend.
Realistically speaking, he was better than you, that much you could look past yesterday’s anger to admit, and not even in a stuck-up, conceited way; he had a really good job, an architecturally amazing house, and a hot girlfriend. Meanwhile, you had a mediocre job, an okay apartment, and an insanely sexy Calvin Klein boyfriend, half of which he had pointed out yesterday. Regardless of how powerful that third factor was, he still outnumbered you three to one.
Sue you, Jungkook was amazing. Anyone could see that! Except, maybe, himself.
And if the only time Jungkook would openly brag about his greatness or establish how much better than you he was, was in a post-fight, sex-induced setting, then you were more than happy to be his punching bag. So long as it was on your terms, and not as a result of his weirdly bottled up feelings.
(Yeah, you would have a long talk about that tomorrow.)
But for now, you pout up at him, clamping your thighs shut purposefully. “You’re stupid too,” you defend, “stupid and mean.”
Something in his expression changes. Suddenly, he’s moving at superhuman speed as he snatches his hand out from where you had previously trapped him between your legs, yanking you up by the front of your shirt. “Mean?” he mocks. “Isn’t that what you always wanted?” You shiver, fingers wrapping around the wrist that holds your sweater. “Wanted me to be mean and push you around like a little rag doll?”
Jungkook looks at you for another two seconds, before he’s slowly pulling away from you, leaning back on his knees. His tongue is pressing against the inside of his cheek, jaw tightening from the movement. “Baby,” he says so quietly it instills a prickle of fear in you, tainted with delicious excitement.
“Yeah?” you whisper, sitting up tentatively as you watch him, He was a bit frightening, like a wild animal about to devour you whole.
Jungkook rolls his neck, the joints in his spine cracking as he begins tugging off his shirt. You salivate at the sight, too focused on the sinewy muscles of his body to catch the dark gaze he levels your way. He throws it off to the side, his sleeve of tattoos that wraps around his bicep and begins to crawl down his chest wonderfully unobstructed now. “Eyes up here,” he says and you quickly meet his gaze. He leans forward, muscled arms coming to cage you against the headboard. “Stupid little sluts don’t have the room to make such comments,” he rasps out, unamused expression adorning his normally soft features. “Don’t you think so?”
“I-I don’t know,” you stammer, leaning away as he comes closer and closer, eventually just turning your head to the side to avoid that emotionless look. It’s the wrong move, and Jungkook lets you know as much by forcefully digging his fingers into your cheeks and turning your face back around to meet his gaze.
A hand grabs beneath your knee, tugging harshly until you’re flopping down onto your back with a squeal. You settle with his knee pressed hotly against your core. Jungkook stays towering over you. “Dumb little girls who make me watch cartoons,” he spits, tracing a hand over your chest, molding your breasts beneath his hands roughly enough to make you gasp. “And watch little animal movies on Disney+. Aren’t they just so stupid?”
“So stupid,” you concede, subtly shifting your hips for some desperately needed friction. Jungkook snorts, finally granting you your wish with one rough slide of his thigh against your core.
“I agree,” he says, and surprises you with a hand around your throat as he leans in to properly grind his thigh into you. “All they’re good for is being dumb little sluts with good pussy,” he murmurs darkly, thumb pressing into the side of your neck forcefully. “Sometimes, they don’t even do anything,” Jungkook continues, his other hand on your hip hauling you higher up his thigh. You mewl, soaked panties rubbing roughly against your folds. You miss the soft swirl of his thumb, the gentle prod of his fingers. Even so, you can’t deny this change in Jungkook is doing something to you, riling up a part of you that you hadn’t known existed. Maybe it’s the horniness from yesterday that was left unfulfilled, the one year anniversary sex that was put on pause. “Just lay there and take it, too fucked out and dumb to say anything.”
His fingers loosen for the briefest of seconds and you gasp for breath. “That’s terrible,” you whimper, rolling your hips up into his thigh, so close to his swollen cock.
Jungkook chuckles without an ounce of humor, pressing your foreheads together as he helps grind you to completion. “Isn’t it? I think that stupid little girl is cute though.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurt, vision spotting as he tightens his hand back around your throat. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you moan, stomach tight from all the stimulation.
Jungkook hums, slowing you down with a tight grip on your waist. “Hm, what are you sorry for?” he croons, pink lips pulling into an evil smile. “You said you weren’t that stupid girl, __.”
You shake your head, trying to roll your hips up again but he’s holding you too tightly now, rendering you immobile beneath him. “I am,” you choke out shamefully, grabbing at the hand on your hip in a feeble attempt to remove it. “I am a stupid little girl.”
Jungkook smirks, leaning down to slot his mouth over yours. “That’s right,” he murmurs, “nothing but a dumb little slut.”
You shiver, opening your mouth when he slides his tongue against your bottom lip. He’s not the slightest bit nice, and more messy than usual. He pulls away with a bite to your lower lip, meeting your trembling gaze with that same unrecognizable glint in his eyes. “Come on, dummy, keep up,” he snarks before devouring you again. You try to, you really do, but he’s moving like an animal today, despite his slow and drunken movements from that morning. So you end up with his saliva dripping down your throat, clinging to the corners of your lips as he begins slowly grinding you against his thigh again. He flashes you a wicked smile, pearly teeth on display for you as he glances down at your messy appearance.
“Are you gonna touch me?” you ask, lower lip trembling at the thought after your desperate rutting. Jungkook purses his lips together in thought.
“Mmm,” he hums. “Don’t know yet.”
You whine. “Jungkook, please,” you whimper, wrapping your legs around his waist. “I need you.”
Jungkook chuckles, running his hand up your waist and taking your shirt with him. He slips his fingers beneath your bra, pushing the wire over your chest as he mouths at your neck. “Cute,” he says. “Can’t do it yourself?”
You tremble, chest arching into him as he rolls your nipple between his fingers. “I-I can,” you gasp. “Just feels better with you.”
Jungkook follows your statement with a nip against your skin, tongue soothing over it right after. “Why? Because I do everything better than you? Even make you cum better than you?”
Your cheeks heat up at his blatant ego rearing its head, hands carding through the hair at the nape of his neck. You say nothing, and that only eggs Jungkook on. “Come onnn,” he teases, finally, finally rolling his hips down onto your core. You squeak, head falling back against the pillows as you’re granted the one thing you’d been chasing. “Say it.”
“Say what?” you ask, voice wobbly as he continues to slowly rut against you, the front of his shorts pressing against the soaked crotch area of your panties. “Oh, oh, Jungkook,” you whine.
Suddenly he bites down harshly, teeth digging painfully into your skin. You yelp in surprise, pussy throbbing at the pain that shoots throughout your body. Jungkook pulls away and doesn’t bother soothing over it as he leans up to capture your jaw this time. “Say you’re a stupid little slut who can’t do anything without me,” he purrs, kisses too soft for the words he says.
Your mind blanks, torn between the humiliating phrase he wants you to say and properly checking him in his place. In the end, it’s with a twisted need to please him that you’re repeating the words back to him. “I-I’m a stupid slut,” you whimper, fingers digging into his shoulder blades as he continues pushing you right along the edge. The rope pulled tightly in your core is slowly being pulled apart, threads hanging on for dear life. “Can’t... can't do anything without...”
“Without who?” he asks, reaching down and untying the front of his shorts. “Can’t do anything without who, baby?”
“Without you, without you,” you cry, bucking your hips up against his, the combined movements of both your bodies making you shake like a leaf. “Ah, K-Kook,” you wail, hips stuttering as your orgasm finally swallows you up. Your panties quickly grow wet and icky from your own arousal that pools between your thighs. Jungkook lets you writhe beneath him as you chase your high, mouth sucking a pretty blossom against your jaw.
You know better than to expect the night to end here, especially after seeing the glint that had been in his eyes as he watched you unravel.
He leans close, let’s his nose brush against yours as you catch your breath. “So perfect for me,” he groans, slotting his lips against yours. You can barely keep up with him, languidly going along with his hot tongue. “Perfect, perfect girl,” he murmurs, a stark change from the less than friendly adjectives he used just moments before. “Tell me you love me?” he says softly.
You nod, mind fuzzy as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Love you,” you exhale, letting your fingers knot in his hair. Your proclamation does something to him, makes him grind the front of his cotton shorts hard against you. For someone that was often rough and brutal with you in bed, he sure was sensitive to the mushiest of things.
“Don’t deserve you,” he huffs, hot breath fanning across your skin. He switches gears fairly quickly. “Tell me you hate me,” he begs hoarsely, rutting against your soiled panties. “Tell me I’m a piece of shit and you could do better without me,” he pleads, voice too airy to be another one of his usual sex-induced thoughts.
You shake your head, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he rolls his hips. “It’s not true,” you whisper, “I love you more than you’ll ever understand.”
Jungkook groans, suddenly winding back and tearing your ruined panties down your legs. You gasp in surprise, letting him haul you about in his blind, self-inflicted rage. “Stupid, stupid,” he huffs, though at this point you can’t tell who it’s directed at. With your underwear out of the way, he wastes no time plunging his fingers back into your cunt, bypassing the tight ring of muscle around it without any of his usual care. “You should hate me,” he snarls, lips pressed against your ear.
You moan, back arching at the sudden pleasure that blossoms between your thighs. “I-I don’t,” you gasp, toes curling.
Jungkook groans, the sound traveling down your spine and straight into your pussy. “Stupid girl,” he huffs, slipping an arm around you to pull you so close until you can’t breathe, chests lined up together. His skin is warm to the touch, scorching almost. “Fuck,” he groans, curling his fingers inside of you. You whimper and moan, incapable of staying still beneath him as he tortures you with a thumb to your clit. “Tell me you hate me,” he seethes again.
Despite the fog that’s settled over your mind, you still manage a resolute shake of your head. “N-no,” you cry, digging your nails into his back. They run dark red lines over his skin, making him hiss at the sting.
Whatever punishment he’s trying to put himself through is falling through with your refusal to admit such a thing. It aggravates him even more, your adamant stance on loving him so, and he’s retracting his fingers before you can cum again. “Please,” he chokes, face tucked into your neck. He’s sloppy with his movements; as he pulls his shorts down and kicks them away, he nearly suffocates you with his weight. “I don’t deserve you, ___, please.”
“I love you,” you whimper for lack of explanation. Jungkook leans back, that same madman gaze in his glossy eyes. He’s looking at you in disbelief almost, pouty lips puckered and swollen. Your hands slip from around him, falling on either side of your head.
Like a cobra he strikes, collecting your wrists in one hand he pins above your head. The sudden movement has him leaning in close, lips brushing over yours. His lashes are coated in a wetness he refuses to acknowledge, looking at you like you drive him insane. “If you ever try to leave me,” he whispers, jerky breath fanning over your skin, “I’ll lose my mind.”
He loves you so much it aches.
“I won’t,” you whimper, feeling your own eyes well up with an emotion that consumes every inch of your being. “I’ll never leave you, you stupid, stupid boy.”
A faint smile crosses his features at your words, lips quirking to the side. You relish in it for all of two seconds before he’s ramming his cock into you, your sensitive walls spawning around him. You sob loudly, eyes rolling back into your head. Your legs instinctively hook themselves around his waist, digging into the base of his spine as he rolls his hips into you.
You feel full and complete like he belongs there in this moment and every moment after this. It makes your heart constrict painfully. Jungkook’s soft groans follow your more unraveled noises, the vulgar slapping of skin on skin the underlying melody to it all. “Ffffuck,” he spits, greedily swallowing your moans up. You whine, arms bucking in an effort to hold him close. But he’s determined in his act of restraining you, long fingers tightening around your wrists until they hurt. “I warned you, didn’t I?” he huffs, snapping his hips into you.
Your walls clench around his hard cock, the drag as he exits sending shivers throughout your body. Jungkook’s body towers over you, glistening in sweat as he nails you into your mattress. “Remember what I said?” he asks, voice but a shuddery exhale. You shake your head numbly, overwhelmed by the rough drag across your walls. “All those months ago, when you first came over,” he adds. The hand on your hip abandons its post to cup you beneath the jaw, palm pressing sinfully against your throat enough to block the tiniest of airflow. “I’ll fuck you and keep you forever,” he murmurs, voice deeper than the pits of hell. He licks a fat stripe over your cheek like you’re nothing but a sweet for him to devour. “Do you remember that, pretty girl?”
You nod jerkily, hips arching up into him when he thrusts into you again. It’s a memory that replays in your mind every so often, your first night with the man you had planned to humiliate over a mere misunderstanding, now your boyfriend of one year. “Want that,” you gasp, tears blurring your vision when he begins picking up the pace. “Wanna be y-your pretty girl forever.”
Jungkook groans, kissing the corner of your mouth. His thighs are some magnificent beings, keeping his pace consistent even as he loses himself in his overwhelming need to kiss you. “Always,” he manages, soft lips pressed against yours. “I won’t ever let you leave.”
A shriek tears itself from your lips as he picks up that harsh piston, releasing your jaw to hold both wrists above your head. It makes his curls dangle in front of his eyes, covering that beautiful dark gaze. It makes his thin little necklace swing back and forth too, though it’s too small to actually touch your face. The rhythmic swing has you hypnotized, just like everything else about Jungkook.
With the length of his hair, you’re left staring at his lips, pulled taut between his pearly white teeth. The word from before sits heavy in your chest, begs to drip from the tip of your tongue. But he’s moving too fast and too hard, scrambling your thoughts until all you can think about is the cock plunging into your heat. His name falls from your mouth like mindless blubber instead, arms thrashing as your second orgasm swallows you up. It sends you crashing, body spasming as the sheer euphoria waves over you slowly and then all at once.
“Perfect,” he grunts, leaning down to slot his mouth against yours, “my perfect girl.” Your cum makes the sound of his hips erotic, the loud squelching following your panting. Still sensitive from your high, your body unconsciously tightens around him, keeps his cock from fully leaving. It brings a soft whine out of Jungkook, one he tries to muffle against the side of your face.
“Inside,” you whimper, even though your body feels like jelly beneath him. “Cum inside, Kook, please,” you beg.
It only takes a few more thrusts into your leaking hole for him to finally reach paradise, hips stuttering when that first shot of pleasure hits him. “Fuck, fuck,” he growls, wildly snapping his hips into your achy cunt. You moan, feeling just about brainless at the overstimulation. His cum leaves you full, almost makes your belly bulge from it. When he’s done he doesn’t bother pulling away, simply slumping into your limp form. His cock, though quickly softening, serves as a plug for the cum threatening to spill out of you.
There’s a muted noise coming from the other room, the faint sound of the mail slipping through your letterbox, the quiet chattering of the street outside. And of course, the loud blaring of your laptop playing the Phineas and Ferb theme song. Jungkook registers it at about the same time as you, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
He pushes off of you soon after, leaning on his palms over you. He’s got that molten look on his eyes, the heat of a thousand suns burning behind those irises as he looks at you. Like he can’t get enough, even though he’s just about taken everything there is to take. “Love you,” he murmurs quietly.
A drop of sweat rolls over his forehead, clinging to the end of his eyebrow. You reach up and brush it away, let your hand trail down his face to cup his cheek. Immediately he leans into the touch, eyes falling half shut. “Love you more,” you respond.
“Impossible,” he scoffs.
Soon after you’re both stumbling out of bed, clothes haphazardly shrugged back on as you drift through the living room. There’s a thin, hot pink package sitting at the door, just having slipped through the letterbox; the stark Sexuality Unleashed logo is printed on the visible side, so you have to wonder what Doyeon could have possibly ordered this time that could be so thin. The laptop is awkwardly sandwiched next to a throw pillow, barely open a crack. Jungkook retrieves it, sets it on his lap as you scamper over to the couch.
“More Phineas and Ferb?” he asks quietly. He hates it, you know he does. And still, he wants to watch it with you.
You nod. “Please.”
He isn’t so concerned with the plot as you, clicking some random episode to start. You snuggle into his side, quietly singing along to the opening. After a moment, Jungkook speaks again. “Phineas and Flirt?” he offers cheekily.
You roll your eyes. “That might’ve been your worst one yet,” you sigh, trying to drown out his indignant huff by focusing on the screen.
“I don’t exactly see you coming up with these,” he points out, obviously feeling wronged.
Without missing a beat you say, “Disney+ and bust.”
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commercial break one ; the resolution
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Runner (Part 2)
(Part 1 here)
A/N: THIS IS MY 50TH FIC WTF!! Ngl I'm not so confident about this one but that's just my anxiety being a demon. I hope you all like it.
Word count: 3823
Summary: With Darren being on the warpath, Chris takes great care of the reader...along with some friends.
The next day you walked into work with a big smile on your face. Last night you shared food with Chris Evans, watched a film with Chris Evans, got into a tickle fight with Chris Evans and ended up being cuddled by Chris Evans. You were certainly on cloud nine right now.
“Black coffee for Mr Evans please! Black coffee!” a call came over the radio. You strode into the kitchen to make it but found another runner already on the case.
“Nevermind,” you thought to yourself. There’s no way you were gonna go the whole of today without seeing him anyway.
You turned on your heel to leave but walked straight into Darren.
“Oh, um, sorry, I-I didn’t see you there,” you stuttered.
“Watch where you’re going,” he said, sternly.
“Sorry,” you repeated.
“There’s a mess on the set, you need to clean it up before the next scene begins shooting,” he demanded. You looked at him.
“But, I’m not a cleaner?” You said, puzzled.
“You were perfectly happy to clean the set a few weeks back,” he said.
“Well yeah but-”
“No excuses, clean up that mess now,” he interrupted, marching out of the kitchen. You sighed but decided not to argue.
You went onto the set and helped the cleaners with the mess.
A few hours had passed and you were sitting on set filling out an accident form. Apparently, Sebastian Stan had slipped on set whilst filming and managed to cut his hand. Only a tiny cut, but any accident has to be filed. Unfortunately, you didn’t get to sit with Seb and fill it out but was given the details by his assistant, Jane.
You got up and walked into the set office, where all the paperwork was kept, and filed away the accident form. When you walked back onto the set, Darren was standing there staring at you. He lifted up his hand and ordered you to go over to him. You slowly walked over and stood in front of him.
“So what exactly did you do to clean the set earlier today?” He asked.
“I...I swept up the debris. I just cleared the mess,” you replied.
“You cleaned the floor, didn’t you?”
“I cleared it yeah but I-”
“You cleaned the floor and left it in a slippery state. No wonder Mr Stan slipped over,”
“No, but, I..I just cleared it! I never-”
“He could have broken a bone,”
“I didn’t clean it, I only swept!” You protested. Darren grunted at you and walked off, leaving you feeling deflated.
The rest of the day you were silent. You didn’t dare speak to anyone in case they thought the same as Darren. When your lunch break finally came around, you walked outside to the back of the studios and sat in a quiet corner where all you could hear was the wind sweeping through the trees and the birds singing. You finished your lunch in silence, a single tear escaping from your eye.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!” said a familiar voice. You looked up to see Chris walking towards you. A smile involuntarily grew on your lips.
“Oh, hey!” You said, quickly wiping away the tear.
“What’s wrong? Have you been crying?” He asked, sitting on the bench next to you.
“No. No, I’m fine,” you replied.
“You have been crying. What’s the matter?”
“I’m fine,”
“No you’re not,”
“Yes I am, I promise. I’m fine,” you said, a little too quickly. Chris gently put his hand on top of yours.
“What’s happened?” He asked, softly. You looked at him, then looked down and burst into tears. He pulled you in for a tight cuddle.
“It’s all my fault,” you sobbed into his chest.
“What is?” he asked.
“Seb. I made Seb slip. He’s hurt because of me,” you cried.
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Chris asked, rubbing your arm.
“I cleaned the set earlier, I must’ve put something down because Seb slipped and cut himself and it’s my fault,”
“Seb didn’t slip?” Chris said, confused.
“Seb didn’t slip, he tripped and fell over. That’s how he cut his hand, he grabbed onto a bit of the set for support and caught a sharp edge. He never slipped,” Chris said. You looked up at him.
“So...so it wasn’t me?” You asked.
“Of course not, he’s just a clumsy idiot. The floor wasn’t slippery at all. Plus, he’s fine. Just got a big boy plaster on,” he chuckled.
“But...but Darren said-”
“What did Darren say?” Chris asked, more seriously.
“Darren said Seb slipped. And that it was my fault because I cleaned the set earlier but I didn’t remember actually putting any product down to clean and I thought I only swept the set which it seems is all I did and-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, breathe. Darren told you this was your fault?” Chris asked. You nodded.
“Right, I’m going to talk to him,” Chris said, standing up.
“No no please, he already hates me. If you say something then he’ll know I told on him and he’ll be even worse,” you begged.
“Y/N, he cannot treat you like this,”
“It’s fine, I can handle it,” you lied.
“He made you cry, Y/N. That is not okay. I’m going to speak to him,” Chris said. He walked off and you ran after him. When you turned the corner, you both ran straight into Seb.
“Whoa Speedy Gonzales, slow down!” Seb said, catching you as you tripped over Chris’ foot.
“S-sorry,” you said. You looked up and suddenly registered who was in front of you.
“Oh god. Oh I’m so sorry, Mr Stan, I didn’t mean to-”
“Y/N, calm down, it’s okay,” Chris said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and took a few deep breaths.
“Ohh so you’re Y/N. Chris has been telling me all about you, it’s nice to put a face to a name,” Seb said, smiling at you. You gave a shaky smile back. He looked at Chris.
“Where are you off to?”
“Going to see my assistant,” Chris said, sternly.
“Ah yes, ‘Divine Darren’,” Seb said, sarcastically. “More like Distasteful Darren.”
“Well, quite. He’s been so unpleasant to Y/N, so I’m going to talk to him,” Chris said, he sounded very angry.
“Chris please, it will only make things worse,” you begged. Seb looked at your worried face and looked back at Chris.
“I think she’s right, Chris. At least wait a little bit until you’re calmer. Then I’ll come and back you up,” Seb said. Chris let out a sigh then looked at you. His face softened.
“Okay. But he’s not going to get away with this,” Chris said. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“Good lad,” Seb said, patting Chris’ shoulder. He then turned to you.
“So, you’re the reason our Chris was so chirpy this morning, eh?” He said. You blushed.
“W-well...I...um…” you stammered. What had Chris told Seb?
“Seb…” Chris warned.
“What? I’ve gotta be polite to your new tickle attacker!” Seb said.
“SEB!” Chris cried.
“Chris told me you used his weakness against him last night. Nice to have you on board Y/N,” Seb winked at you. You let out a nervous giggle, praying that Chris didn’t tell Seb that you shared the same weakness.
“Although, it seems you may struggle more. We can’t have someone who is equally as ticklish on the front line until he’s not strong enough to retaliate,” Seb said. He winked at you again and smirked.
Fuck. He knew.
“Anyway, gotta get ready for my next scene. Catch you both later,” Seb waved goodbye and walked off.
You turned to Chris and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?!” He exclaimed.
“You told him?” You asked.
“Ohh...yeah...yeah I did,” he said, giggling. You punched him again.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I just had a great night last night and couldn’t keep my mouth shut,” he said. You couldn’t help but smile.
“So did I,” you replied. He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. You relaxed in his arms until he squeezed your side.
“Hey!” You yelped.
“That was for punching me,” he said.
You sighed and walked back into the studios with him, ready to get back to work.
The day finally came to a close. Scenes were wrapping up shooting and members of the crew were packing up to go home. You had purposefully been avoiding Darren all day, terrified of what he may try and do next.
Chris has invited you to his caravan again for another movie night, so you decided to quickly clean up the kitchen area before you clocked out. You took the half-filled jug of coffee out of its hold and turned to pour it down the sink. But, as you turned, someone knocked into the back of you and you dropped the jug which smashed all over the floor.
“What the hell are you playing at?!” Yelled Darren from behind you. You swiftly turned around.
No words came out of your mouth, just incoherent babbling.
“Look at what you’ve done! You’ve smashed the bloody jug you blundering idiot!” He yelled. You took a step backwards and slipped slightly on the spilt coffee, you held the kitchen side for support as tears leaked down your face.
“I-I didn’t mean….I never meant to...it was an accident!” You cried.
“You did that on purpose. You’ve been messing about ever since you started here. Have you any idea the damage you’ve caused?!”
You burst into tears, frightened of the man standing before you.
“Hey hey, back off!” A voice said behind Darren. He turned around slightly and there stood Scarlett and Lizzie, both with their arms folded.
“Did you see what she did? She broke the coffee jug!” Darren exclaimed, gesturing at you.
“Then buy another one,” Scarlett said, shrugging.
“Better yet, buy another one secretly and we won’t tell anyone that you purposely fell into her,” Lizzie said.
“What? I never fell into her! Stupid girl tripped over,” he said, a wobble in his voice. Both women titled their heads and raised their eyebrows at the same time.
“She dropped it all by herself! She’s caused nothing but havoc since she started,” he tried to explain but the girls were having none of it.
“Grrr. Out of my way,” Darren huffed. He pushed past Scarlett and Lizzie and marched off.
“Hey, are you okay?” Lizzie asked, approaching you. You shook your head and burst into tears. Lizzie drew you in for a hug.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” Scarlett asked.
“Y/N,” you responded, quietly.
“Oh goodness, you’re Y/N! Chris has mentioned you a few times today. He’s waiting for you, we'll take you to him,” said Lizzie.
“B-but the mess…” you stammered.
“Leave it, we’ll clean it up,” Scarlett said.
She and Lizzie each put an arm around you and guided you away from the kitchen. Chris was standing at the back of the studios, near the caravan park. His posture straightened up when he saw you, but his face grew more concerned as you approached.
“Oh my god, are you okay Y/N? What happened?” He asked. Scarlett looked at him and raised one eyebrow.
“No. No no. This wasn’t Darren again was it?!” He said, his voice getting louder. “Where is he? I’ll kill him!”
“Chris, he’s probably gone home by now,” Lizzie said. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head.
“That little….he has no right treating you like his,” he said. You tilted your head down. He drew in a deep breath and took you from Scar and Lizzie, wrapping you in a hug.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now,” he said, stroking your hair. You cried into his shoulders and hugged him tightly.
“Tell you what, Seb’s using the green room to relax in for a bit this evening. Shall we go and join him?” He asked.
“Will he mind?” You replied, lifting your head slightly.
“Not at all! We could have a group film night if you’re both up for it too?” Chris asked. Scarlett and Lizzie nodded. Chris put his arm around you and all four of you walked to the green room.
“Knock knock,” said Chris, entering the room. Seb was sat on the sofa, scrolling through Netflix.
“Hey man, how’s it going?” Seb asked, turning to greet you all. “Ooh more guests, this is exciting. What’s the occasion?”
“Another incident happened. We thought we could join you and watch a movie together?” Chris said.
“Why of course! The more the merrier!” Seb said. He shuffled up a bit on the sofa and Chris placed you between himself and Seb.
“I’m gonna go grab some food. Do you two mind helping me?” Chris said, gesturing at Lizzie and Scarlett. They both followed him out and into the kitchen area. Coffee and bits of jug were still splattered on the floor so Lizzie bent down to start cleaning it up.
“What happened?” Chris asked.
“Y/N was cleaning this area. She went to wash out the coffee jug and Darren purposely bumped into her so she dropped the jug and he had a proper go at her. She was terrified,” Scar informed him. He hung his head.
“I can’t let him get away with treating her like that,” he responded.
“Well, what are you gonna do?” Lizzie asked, sweeping the floor.
“I don’t know yet. But he’s not getting away lightly,” Chris said. “Do you think she’s okay?”
“I don’t know. I think she’s just putting on a brave face,” Scarlett said.
Chris, Scarlett and Lizzie finished cleaning the kitchen and grabbed some bags of popcorn to take back to the room. When they returned, they found you leaning forwards with your head in your hands and Seb rubbing your back.
“What’s happened??” Chris asked. He put down the popcorn and sat next to you, putting his arm around you.
“She keeps saying everything that happened today is her fault. I’ve told her it isn’t but she’s pretty shook up,” Seb whispered softly.
“Oh Y/N. Nothing that has happened is your fault! We’ve been through this my lovely,” Chris said, gently.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you mumbled.
“What? Chris said.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you said, standing up from the sofa and heading for the door. Chris grabbed your arm.
“Whoa whoa whoa, steady on. Where are you going?”
“Darren was right. I have no right being here. I’m just a runner.”
Another tear fell down your face and Chris’ heart broke.
“Y/N, listen to me. Yes, you are a runner but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be here. Runners are an important asset to the studios, how else would I get my coffee?! Besides, you’re not just a runner. You’re incredible. You’re the first non-celebrity that hasn’t treated me like royalty and it’s a breath of fresh air,” Chris said. You looked up at him.
“Yes really! Don’t want you bowing down to kiss my feet, they’re not that great,” he said. You gave a shy giggle.
“Come here,” he said, pulling you in for a cuddle. You happily accepted and relaxed slightly in his arms.
“Now then you, we’re gonna have a great movie night, yes?” He asked, you nodded. “Good, but I want you to be happy before we start. Where’s that smile?”
He had a hint of playfulness in his voice. You knew what was coming but didn’t want to fight it, so you buried your head further into his chest.
“Come on...where is it?” He teased. He started poking up and down your sides and you squirmed.
You murmured a giggle into his chest as he continued to poke you.
“Where’s that smile?” He teased. You giggled louder as the pokes turned into squeezes.
“Chrihihihis!” You squealed, trying to twist out of his grip.
“Where are you going?” He asked, bending his head slightly to look at you. His hands squeezed your sides and tickled your ribs, making you squeal. You put your hands on Chris’ stomach to push him away but decided to tickle his tummy instead.
“Hehey!” He yelped, stepping backwards and releasing you from his grip. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.
“So that’s how you wanna play…” he said. The playful tone in his voice made you giggle but also kicked in the instinct to turn on your heel and run.
Bad move.
Chris lunged at you, as you turned, and picked you up - spinning you in the air before lying you flat on the sofa. You shrieked.
“No Chris!” You pleaded as he sat next to you, trapping you between him and the back of the sofa. He cackled evilly and started squeezing your sides again. You shrieked and kicked your legs out.
Seb, Lizzie and Scar all shared a smile as they watched Chris tease you.
“Show me that smile,” he teased once more. You were going bright red in the face and tried to bat his hands away, but you couldn’t stop giggling.
“Hey Chris, I think it may be in here,” Seb said. Before you realised what was about to happen, Seb had placed his fingers in the crook of your neck and started wiggling them.
“WAIHIHIHIT! You cried, not expecting Sebastian Stan to join in. You scrunched up your shoulders, trapping his hands in your neck, and shrieked.
“Wow, Chris, you’re right. She’s super ticklish!” He teased. Your face turned ruby red as you twisted and turned on the sofa.
“NOHO I’M NOHOHOT!” You cried.
“Oh yes you are,” Seb said. His hands trailed down to underneath you and started tickling your shoulder blades. The noise you made was different to any other you had ever made before.
“Whoa, I think you found a bad spot,” Chris laughed. He started squeezing and spider tickling your tummy and you let out a scream. You kicked your legs frantically as your arms waved around trying to stop the attacks.
“Girls, we need your help!” Seb said. Scarlett and Lizzie looked at each other and laughed. Scarlett got up and approached you.
She positioned herself next to Chris and gently fluttered her fingers over your kicking feet. No one had you pinned so you were free to twist and kick as much as you liked, but as soon as you twisted from one pair of hands you fell right into another.
“Does this tickle Y/N? Does it? Tickle tickle tickle!” Chris teased, now spider tickling your waistline.
“Oh but you’re so fun to tease!” Chris said, laughing evilly.
Lizzie looked over at Chris and narrowed her eyes. Then, a thought hit her. She slowly crept up behind Chris before lunging at him, sitting on top of him so he was pinned to the floor. She wasted no time in shoving her hands under his armpits and wiggling her fingers.
“WHAHAHAT THE HEHEHELL?! AHAHAHAHA!” Chris yelled, taken aback by the sudden attack.
Seb and Scarlett instantly stopped tickling you so you could all watch the action unfold.
“Does this tickle Chris? Does it? Tickle tickle tickle!” She cooed, repeating his own teases. He thrashed below her and boomed out a laugh. You started giggling too.
“I’ve got him, Y/N. Come and get your own back,” she said, turning her head to wink at you. You jumped off the sofa and basically slid over to him.
“Do any of you know his worst spot?” You asked.
“His ears. Get the spot just behind the right one and flutter your fingers over the top of his left one and you’ll have him a babbling mess below you,” Seb said...a little too quickly.
You grinned at him. Lizzie stopped tickling but kept her hands positioned under his arms. You followed Seb’s instructions and, before you knew it, Chris was a babbling mess on the floor. A mix of squeals, giggles and high pitched laughs came out of him as he twisted his head from side to side. Every time he tried to lift his arms to stop you, Lizzie would tickle his armpits and he’d slam them back down again.
“Cootchie cootchie coo, Chris…” you teased. Your heart did somersaults at the sound of his precious laugh.
All of a sudden, Chris let out a booming laugh and jolted his body. You looked up and found Seb trapping one of Chris’ feet with one hand and using the other to scrape up and down his sole. Seb looked at you.
“His feet are his second worst,” he informed you.
You and Lizzie were too distracted by Seb tickling Chris’ foot that neither of you noticed him lifting up his arms. Because you were sitting right next to him, he managed to grab you and pull you over his torso. He held you close to him as his hand trailed up and down your back and sides. You shrieked loudly and bucked your body.
Seb stopped tickling Chris and instead made a lunge for your foot, trapping it in the same way and raking his fingers up and down it. You burst into a loud laughter.
“Oh dear, we really are trapped now aren’t we?” Scarlett teased. She shoved her hands between you and Chris and started tickling both your tummies at the same time. You both shrieked loudly. Lizzie giggled and decided to join Chris in tickling your sides and back. Chris was giggling below you but you were screaming and shrieking before falling into a silent laughter. You hid your face in Chris’ torso and jolted your whole body. They all took this as the sign to stop.
You lay on top of Chris, getting your breath back. He was still giggling which made you giggle more.
“You okay?” He asked, now stroking your hair. You nodded and placed your head on his chest.
“You passed the initiation,” Seb said. You lifted your head and looked at him, brows furrowed.
“What?” You asked.
“You passed the initiation. You got through our torture without murdering us,” he laughed. You got off of Chris and sat on the floor, still giggling. Chris sat up too.
“You’re officially one of us now. That will never change,” he said, pulling you in for a cuddle. “And tomorrow, I promise, I will sort out this mess. Darren will never treat you so badly again, I promise.”
“Just don’t ever clean the set again,” Seb teased. You scoffed and playfully punched him, making him laugh.
Seb, Scarlett and Lizzie shuffled forward and all four cast members engulfed you in a massive hug. You felt so safe and secure, all of your worries left you for that evening.
Tomorrow is a new day.
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
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pairings! ushijima x reader
summary! sitting on the beach, so close to each other they can hear each other’s heartbeats. They both smile and they watch the world end right in front of them, reminiscing on all they’ve been through together. Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
genre! angst
word count! didnt bother actually counting so ill estimate maybe 2000+
warnings! end of the world, death, murder mention, slight ooc ushijima idk its the end of the world so pff
a/n! uh idk i wanna hurt people, sorry if this is bad i havent written in a while :p i feel like the beginning was really good, the middle was ass and the end was okay but hoh im happy enough w this. I also cried writing this ngl lmaoo also did not fix any errors so my bad
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You knew it was coming, you both did. New reports, articles, it was trending on all social media platforms. It was unavoidable, what could you do but waste away your last few days, watching old shows you watched as a kid, harsh knocks and cries from your doors from friends and family. You couldnt face them, you just wanted to drown out the thought of what was coming the next few hours of the day.
You had woken up and sluggishly dragged yourself from the comfort of your bed to your dirty kitchen, littered with dirty dishes and some uneaten food that youd try to make, but didn't have the stomach to eat. Your phone rang atleast every hour or two, many unanswered calls and long voicemails you couldnt bother to listen to.
There was a knock on your door, and you sighed, not wanting to bother with facing the person at the door. You turned on your heels, about to head to your room when you heard the voice call out to you.
Out of all the people why did it have to be him. You bit your lip and let out shaky breaths. You took another step, freezing at another set of knocks. The last persom you wanted to see was your boyfriend.
"y/n let me in or ill tear this door down." His voice was stern, laced with seriousness and slight concern. You wanted to open it, let him in and crumble into his arms, but it hurt so bad.
"Go away." You spoke, loud enough to be heard through the door, but not loud enough to be a yell.
You hesitantly walked to the door, unlocking the bottom lock, the top lock remaining unlocked, too bothersome for you to have delt with anyways. At the sound of the click of the locks he opened the door with quick motions, while also being careful not to knock you over.
At the sight of his big frame you felt like the world had just stabbed you through the chest 28 times. You backed up with quick steps are your boyfriend reached out to hug you, scared that his touch would break down your facade. You tripped over your own feet, landing hard on your butt.
"Ush.. Ushijima," you started, not knowing exactly what you were trying to say, "Please dont touch me."
His heart sank when he saw you, lifeless and so frail. He guessed you havent been getting much sleep- or maybe too much sleep, and not eating as he took a quick glance towards the food littered kitchen counter.
It wasnt any better for you, seeing your normally cold and calm boyfriend with a worried expression and eye bags that made it obvious he hasnt got much sleep either.
You pull yourself up, your eyes boring through your boyfriends abdomen as you bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, and to also keep yourself from falling apart. "What do you want?"
"y/n. Dont be cold to me." It wasnt a question, but it wasnt a demand. "Sorry," you mumbled, leaving you two in silence for a while.
"Ushi, you should go home," you said, feeling your heart race, every second you spent in his presence, under his gaze, killed you. "You should call Tendou or something."
"Toshi." He said, making your head shoot up, looking him in his eyes, seeing a tear roll down his cheek, his face remaining mostly emotionless, fear slightly present in his eyes. "Please keep calling me Toshi."
You felt a pang in your heart, suddenly the reality of things hitting you. You were the only one going through this, you knew this but never gave it more than a mere thought. He was scared, he didnt know what he was doing, he just knew to find comfort in you, like youve told him to for many years into your relationship.
"Toshi," you breathed, reaching up to wipe the tear from his cheek, "Toshi lets go somewhere."
You never felt the need to go outside, wanting to be isolated, but being here with your boyfriend, you felt like running away, wanting to escape from the dark pit of your home. "Lets go to the beach"
"Lets go. Lets go, right.. right now Toshi," you felt as if though youve felt shoked by lightning, like you suddenly got hit with some sugar rush.
"We dont have time–"
"We do Toshi, we do, we do," you saw the corner of his lips raise up into a small smile. He hated seeing you like this but he was glad you were more alive than you were minutes before. You knew this, what he was thinking, and you knew his smile had so much sadness behind it, "we have time, lets go, lets go!"
You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of your apartment, not bothering to change from your days out clothing or close the door behind you. It wouldnt matter in another hour anyways.
The ride there was mostly silent, songs playing quietly on the radio. You watched as you passed through the town, the streets were slightly empty, stores looked run down, some stores even tore up and empty.
"Has it been like this since.. since the announcement?" You mumbled, earning a hum for Ushijima.
"Yeah, yeah it has." He knew that you didnt go out, and he was slightly grateful for it. The world went to shit after the announcement, many lootings, murders and other various crimes being commited.
"Im glad your safe Toshi," you spoke into your palm.
"Im glad your safe too."
The ride went on in silence until you got to the beach. You both climbed out of the car, the beautiful blue sea sparkling under the sunny sky. It was funny how such a depressing day could look so so beautiful.
"Hmm, this is the beach we went to with the team our senior year, remember?" He asked and turned to face you. The fear in his eyes was much more evident in the light, along with signs of personal neglict. He hasnt been taking good care of himself either.
You walk around the front of the car to grab his hand, your small hands tracing light circles on his rough palms before linking your hands together, giving him a comforting squeeze. "I remember."
He let out a shaky breath he didnt know he was holding in, and you two found a nice spot on the beach to sit and watch the sky. "Toshi, do you remember the time goshiki got gummy bears stuck in his nose?"
He looked at you, and his face softened, "yeah. Yeah i do." He let out a small chuckle at the thought of his old teammates. "Do you remember when Tendou took my water bottle and filled it with really sour lemonade?" He asked, you could hear his voice unravel into a more comfortable tone, instead of one holding in so much hurt and fear.
"Ha, i actually helped him with that you know?" You spoke up, a small grin on your lips as your boyfriend grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. "We'll its okay, because it was 2 years ago."
It had been 2 years. 2 years since you had become shiratorizawas manager, 2 years since you made the number 1 ace fall head over heels for you, 2 years since you had went on your first date with him.
"2 years, its been so long." You laid your head on Ushijimas arm, feeling tired. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss atop your head.
"Thats when we first started dating," you spoke, shoulders shaking with a small laugh, "i would've never imagined to have the nations number 1 ace fall so madly in love with me." You laughed and turned to your boyfriend to continue your teasing, but stopped when you saw him looking back at you.
He couldn't respond with anything more than a mere chuckle, tears now streaming down his cheeks. You bit your lip, scooting closer to him so you were in his lap, wrapping your arms around his large stature.
"Toshi, I love you." It was no more than a whisper and he placed a warm, loving kiss to your temple, rubbing your back softly as he let out a shaky laugh.
"y/n god, you make it so hard not to cry." He whispered in an unstable tone, resting his head atop yours. "I love you too."
This was how it was, clinging to the other and sharing old tales of your days spent with Ushijima and the boys, tales of times tendou had snuck out of the dorms and got caught by washijou, or when goshiki cut his bangs too short, or how Ushijima brought your parents a half eaten watermelon as a gift.
Those last moments spent with laughs and tears, kisses and hugs, warmth and comfort, those were your best memories. Despite the fate to cross you, Ushijima and everyone else in the world, you felt like you could smile for the first time.
You would smile alot, but it felt different this time. You convinced yourself that it was just because you had been withering away for the past days, but you knew it was because you felt free.
You had no worries in the moment with your lover, you didnt need to think about getting up for work the next day, or how you would afford next months rent. You felt like the largest weight had been lifted off of you, and you could really smile for the first time.
There was a slightly rumble if the ground that had made you and Ushijima go silent. You pulled away from your spot in the crook of his neck to look at him, fear still in his eyes.
"I dont wanna die," he chuckled out, "but im not sad." He drew small shapes into your hips with his thumbs, looking onto your laps instead of your face, and you just stared at him.
His usually stoic face was calmed, relaxed, his jaw unclenched and his eyes soft. You hadnt seen so many emotions from your boyfriend so much, it was almost scary. But he looked so gorgeous, he was your world.
"Wakatoshi Ushijima, you know," your placed your hands on both sides of his face, "it doesnt matter what happens to this world, because," you placed a passionate kiss to his lips, the tears finally falling from your eyes, "you, you're my world Toshi."
He let out a noise that was similar to a choke, tears rolling down the apple of his cheeks as he placed his forehead to yours, letting his shoulders shake with hard sobs. Loud crashes, screams and car alarms had let you know it was coming, the end of the world.
The last thing you saw was Ushijima, smiling snd crying, mouthing out one last 'I love you'.
Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. do not translate. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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ramonadecember · 3 years
Prompt list #3:
58, 59 for Jed and Theo 👀
taking prompts.
these are perfect for them. ngl, really excited to write something for them that other people will see because I love our boys so damn much. for those unaware, Jed Blackwood and Theo Hawkins are Chaos and my's RDO characters. anyone who follows me on Twitter has definitely seen them before, haha (god it was hard to limit that to just three tweets worth of pics, I have SO MANY of them).
also, i'll have you know that I did in fact have to check, and people did in fact refer to each other as 'hot' in the 1800's lmfao (as if that would've stopped me anyway).
58. “Why do you always convince me to do the stupidest shit?”
59. “How is it that you’re so stupid and so hot at the same time?”
Theo was skeptical about the plan for the day—Jed’s plan for the day—from the start. Jed was far too elusive on Theo’s requests for details for it to amount to anything good. Written all over this were the makings for this to be like the time Jed insisted they were going after a hardened criminal only for them to show up at a goat farm where the ‘master thief’ ended up being a billy who’d rammed Jed so hard it knocked him feet before then claiming Jed’s hat as its prize—and lunch.
“Why do you always convince me to do the stupidest shit?” Theo groused as he plodded along behind Jed. As much as Theo liked a day spent in the forest, they’d been wandering for too long for comfort with no clear destination in sight, at least not one Theo was aware of. “How?” he amended.
Despite Theo’s strong aversion to the cold, in the past he’d let himself be swayed into heading out past the Grizzlies with Jed on some lead Jed got about a herd of horses seen roaming around the more remote areas up there, horses that they could sell if they could wrangle. Theo didn’t think it was worth the effort for the money they could possibly get, saying that if the herd even was there—and Jed’s source gave Theo doubts—they still couldn’t be certain they could find the horses, and Theo didn’t really fancy freezing his ass off for no guarantee at a payout. But with a few sweet words about Theo’s great tracking skills, and promises of how Jed would keep him warm, Theo had relented. They ended up seeing neither hide nor hair of any horses, but they did find themselves between two bull elk during rutting season, and that was a fearful experience Theo never needed to experience.
Happenings like that were common with Jed, and that wasn’t even the worst example of how Jed seemed to excel at getting them into trouble. Theo didn’t even want to touch on what it said about him that he kept allowing it to happen.
“Only a little bit further, I swear,” Jed said instead of entertaining Theo’s grumbling.
Not the first time he’d insisted as much, and he was pretty sure that Theo had noticed they’d gotten a little turned around and had to backtrack at one point, but this time Jed really meant it. Jed still breathed a sigh of relief when they finally broke through into a clearing and their ultimate destination. “Told you,” he said, unsure if he was convincing Theo or himself more.
Theo stopped and looked around him, hands on his hips. “I don’t get it,” he confessed, asking Jed if they were waiting on something, if maybe Jed knew a bounty target would be coming through the area and this is where they would ambush them. Jed’s reaction was to laugh and take Theo by the hand to pull him further into the clearing, toward the pond that sat in the middle.
“No job,” Jed told him. “Not today.” Hopefully they’d buried themselves deep enough in the woods that not only would there be no work, but no other people at all. Today was just supposed to be about Theo. It was no secret that Theo had been a little… higher strung than usual lately, and Jed was trying to ease some of that tension before Theo snapped.
It took Jed a while to put his finger on what was wrong, but what it boiled down to was that Theo was feeling homesick.
A handful of months ago, Theo had tried reconnecting with a family he’d spent years only having as much contact with as was necessary for them to know he was still alive, only to have it blow up in his face in the form of a heated argument with his mother over the way he was living his life—or namely, how he was living it with Jed. Theo had acted like it didn’t matter, but Jed saw how it weighed on his mind and heart, even as they put time and distance between them and Theo’s family. And maybe it was getting less painful, but what brought the feelings back full force was the approach of Theo’s birthday.
While they’d been staying at the Hawkins residence, Theo had picked back up with one of his sisters, Tess, like no time had passed at all, and how in sync they were really had Jed wondering if it was true, what people say about the eerie connection between twins. Leaving her behind again had been the hardest part for Theo, and as their shared birthday drew closer, he drew all the more closed off and crabby.
He knew it was silly, Theo ended up saying, but he thought for the first time since they were kids, he’d get to spend his birthday with Tess. They always used to disappear for the whole day, leaving the rest of the family to only wonder what type of mischief they’d gotten up to. Theo was hoping to recreate something like that with his twin this year, but now it just… wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t go back to that house right now, not even for her.
It broke Jed’s heart, and he vowed to himself he was going to something to make it better, even though Theo had told him to forget about it when Jed asked what he could do. He knew he was no replacement for Theo’s twin, but he still thought he could do something, and lucky he knew what ‘something’ might work as a just the distraction.
When Jed first stumbled on the area while trying to pull his weight with the hunting, he’d immediately thought of Theo. It may be no bayou like Theo was missing, but it was lush and green, if not a little overgrown, and it had two of Theo’s favorite things—a pond to fish in, and a sense of solitude.
“I know you said you weren’t wantin’ any fuss over your birthday,” Jed said, “But I didn’t think a little change of scenery counted as much fuss.”
Theo made a noncommittal noise before walking to the water’s edge, surveying the area further, but Jed knew him better than to think this plan was a miscalculation. Sure enough, when Jed approached, Theo slipped an arm around Jed’s waist and craned up to kiss his cheek. “Starving,” is all he said. “Someone’s been marching me through the woods all day with no rest. Let’s eat.”
Theo’s version of expressing his approval, this Jed knew too. It had Jed breaking into a grin. “Alright, but after you’re teaching me how you go about catchin’ all those frogs.” Lord knew there were enough of them hopping around the pond.
One side of Theo’s mouth pulled into a small smile. “Alright,” he agreed.
After a quick lunch, they did just that. Jed was just as miserable at it as he thought he’d be despite Theo’s deft demonstrations of how to snag the frogs right out of the mud, but it was hard to be too discouraged when all his fumbles kept Theo smiling and laughing—even if it was mostly at Jed’s expense.
Theo retired back to sit in the grass and watch as Jed kept trying, determined. Jed ended up lunging for a frog at the same time it jumped at him. Startled, he took a stumbling step backwards only for his foot to get sucked into the mud, and no amount of windmilling his arms would keep him upright. He splashed ass-first back into the water to a peel of laughter from Theo.
All Theo had been able to do was stare as the scene unfolded, impressed by the near-slapstick levels of failure, but he was distracted from making a snarky comment and his laughter petered out as Jed picked himself up out of the murky shallows, because then Jed peeled off his sopping wet shirt and it didn’t matter how many times Theo had seen the sight by now, it still had the potential to render him a little tongue-tied. Theo couldn’t pull his eyes and thoughts away from broad shoulders, the flex of Jed’s arms as he wrung out his shirt, or the rivulets of water running down his taut stomach long enough to make words.
“What?” Jed questioned when he noticed Theo’s staring. “Got somethin’ to say?”
“Nah, nothin’.” Theo shrugged casually, refusing to acknowledge or be embarrassed by the fact he’d been ‘caught.’ “Just wonderin’ how is it that you’re so stupid and so hot at the same time.”
For a beat, all Jed could do was stare back in return. He knew he should probably be offended, but instead a grin split his face. He had no retort, only to start slogging out of the water towards Theo, who realized too late what Jed’s intent was and wasn’t quick enough to avoid being hauled up and chucked into the pond fully clothed. A wrestling match ensued that was more splashing and trying to drown one another than anything else until they pulled themselves up onto the bank, breathless and laughing.
Jed propped himself on one elbow so that he could lean down and kiss Theo. “Happy birthday, sweet,” he said against Theo’s lips.
For the first time in years, Theo could truly say that it was shaping up to be.
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brelione · 4 years
After (The Best Boys)
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Series Masterlist
Warnings:Smut, hospitals, mental breakdowns/panic attacks.
After the three weeks that Topper was in the hospital everyone was  in pure agony.None of you were really sleeping properly, your days spent at the hospital with your friend, voices never going above a whisper.
He was getting better, able to sit up in his hospital bed and play uno with you and Rafe while Kelce napped on your lap.Kelce was getting the least sleep, the stress all catching up with him.
You didnt know how to bring it up, instead helping him in the only way you really knew how.That was by extra hugs, a shit ton of forehead kisses and sleeping in his bed with him when he stayed at your house.You had no idea what was happening with you and Rafe.
When Kelce would leave whether it be to the grocery store or to pick up McDonalds you would find yourself on the couch with Rafe, sharing feather like kisses with your arms wrapped around eachother.You still hadnt figured out all your feelings.
You knew that you liked kissing Rafe but you werent sure why.He was gentle and it calmed you but that didnt mean you loved him, right?Sometimes when you were kissing Rafe you’d start to worry about Kelce.
You would usually go with him when he went grocery shopping but he now preferred to go alone, figuring that it would help him clear his head and get lost in the music from his radio.
You laid with your chest pressed against Rafe’s, your hand twirling his hair with his head resting against your neck, arm around your waist.You were still wearing Topper’s hoodie, switching between the gray hoodie you had took from him and the black one with a rabbit sillouhette on the back.
You still felt scared of touching Topper, way too worried about hurting him even when he was practically begging for hugs and forehead kisses.It killed you to not be able to, wanting nothing more than to hug him and kiss him and laugh at how stupid he was.
Rafe sighed, lifting his head from your shoulder, the tip of his nose resting against yours, letting out a small sigh. “You excited to take Topper home tomorrow?”He asked, his eyes only half open as he spoke.You hummed, a small grin on your face. 
“Mhmm...Ive missed him a lot.”You glanced down at Rafe’s lips, looking back up at his eyes.A small smile tugged at his lips, leaning towards you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, smiling a bit.A dozen of gentle pecks later and he had ended up on top of you, elbows on either side of your waist, sighing against your lips. 
“The nurse said we can do movie nights again soon as long as its not too loud.”He informed you, placing a gentle kiss on your nose, smiling when you let out a small laugh. “Thats good...I think he has to have like infinite movie picking nights.”You replied, leaning up to kiss him again.
He nodded, biting his lip. “Yeah, definitely.But the no horror movie rule still stands, right?”He asked, looking down at you with a big smile.You rolled your eyes, pulling his head down so you could kiss his forehead. 
“Yeah, the rule still stands.”You grinned, your hand going back to play with his soft hair.He had washed it today.You could tell because it was nice and soft, well conditioned with some high end conditioner.
Out of curiosity you sniffed it, face heating up when he lifted his head, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sniffing my hair?”He asked, trying not to laugh.You rolled your eyes.
 “Shut up.”You grumbled, tugging lightly at the dark hair.He let out a low moan, surprising you both. “Did you just…”You trailed off, noticing how red his face had gotten, his face burying itself into the soft fabric of the hoodie. “Shut up!”He exclaimed.
You simply laughed, sniffing his soft hair again, trying to figure out what the scent was.He laughed, holding onto you tightly.His hair smelt like maraschino cherries and roses. “Your hair smells really nice.”You told him, inhaling the scent again.
He let out another laugh, biting his lip. “Yeah?”He asked, trying to remember which shampoo he had used that morning.You nodded, not able to feel your legs from his weight on top of you.The door swung open, Kelce coming in with a brown bag of Chinese food, setting it down on the table.
He didnt say anything, just sat down on the floor and started to take the food out, placing the boxes on the table.You frowned, Rafe getting off of you so you could move across the couch, hugging Kelce from behind. “You okay?”You asked, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.
He sighed, leaning back against you and letting you wrap your legs under his arms. “You seem stressed.Do you need to talk about something?”You asked, quiet enough that only he could hear it.He shook his head, opening one of the boxe and handing you a crab rangoon, laughing when you took it in your teeth right from his hand. 
“We need to save rice for Topper.”You reminded Rafe as he scooped it onto a paper plate with a spoon.He frowned, shaking his head. “Nope, Topper drove off a bridge.He gets no rice.”he replied, staring up at you as you glared down at him.
It took a few seconds before he hummed, putting some of his rice back into the container. “Should we get him cake or something?They wont let us smuggle him McDonalds so maybe we should get him that.”You thought out loud, grabbing another crab rangoon.
They shrugged, not really knowing. “My mom wants me to be home more often because she’s convinced i’ll crash like Topper did.I dont know, she just wants me home tomorrow for a family day or something.I’ll probably just stop by Topper’s house after you guys drop him off tomorrow.”Kelce fixed himself a plate, the two of you ending up switching positions so that you were on the floor while he sat on the couch with his legs on either side of you.
You sighed, resting your elbows on his knees while you bit into a piece of shrimp.Rafe turned on the tv, staring at you and Kelce.He wasnt sure what was happening with you.He didnt really understand why you two did what you did or why you guys never talked about it.
He ended up turning on Nickelodeon, glad when Victorious started playing.Rafe was grumpy the whole night, up until three in the morning as he scrolled through his phone.You and Kelce were cuddled up at the end of the couch, your arms and legs wrapped around him with your nose pressed against his chest, loud snored escaping the two of you.
Eventually he fell asleep, his phone on his chest and his head on the arm rest.He was woken up by you jumping up and down on the couch, grinning when you saw his eye open. “You gotta get up, bubs.We have to go get Topper.”You reminded him, hopping off the couch.
Rafe groaned, shifting on the couch and resting his face against the cushion.He dozed off again, grumbling when you climbed on top of him, demanding that he get up. “Hmm...where’s Kelce?”He asked, eyes half open. “He went home, its almost three in the afternoon, Topper can leave by four.”You kissed Rafe’s forehead, noticing how confused he was. 
“Three?”He asked, looking over to check the time on his phone.You nodded, getting off of him and heading upstairs to change your clothes.He groaned, finally getting off your couch and stretching his long limbs.Dragging himself up the stairs and into your guest room he had nearly fell on the stairs twice, closing the door behind him.
His clothes were scattered all over the room, groaning as he searched for his yellow shirt, cursing.He forgot to knock, walking straight into your room. “Hey, do you have my yellow shirt?”He asked, watching you tie your shoes.You bit your lip, glancing over to your closet.
 “No.”You lied, standing up straight once you had your shoes on.He chuckled, walking over to your closet.You quickly grabbed his arm, trying to prevent him from opening the door.He easily held you back, seeing the yellow shirt hanging in the closet.
He grabbed it, running past you. “Rafe!You cant have that!”You shouted, running through the house.He laughed, running into your kitchen before realising he had cornered himself.You ran at him, trying to take the shirt back.
 “Rafe-thats mine!”You exclaimed, clinging onto his arm and trying to bring it back down so you could take it from him. “No, no its not.”He answered, holding it high above his head.You sighed, wrapping your arms around his torso.
He frowned, eventually giving in and hugging you back, forgetting that he was holding the shirt when you swiped it from him, holding it to your chest. “thanks.”You grinned, stepping on your tiptoes to kiss him lightly.He sighed, arms tight around your waist, knowing it would be the last kiss he got that morning since you two would most likely be with Topper for the rest of the day.
 “Hmm...we gotta go.”He mumbled against your lips, not really wanting to pull away.You sighed softly, kissing him again. “Let me just grab my backpack really quick.”You kissed his nose, noticing how tired he looked.You grabbed your small leather backpack before coming back into the kitchen, seeing Rafe eating a handful of frozen berries right out of the bag.The two of you got into the car in silence as you texted Kelce.
You:Hows family day going?
Bean:we cant decide on a movie
Bean:hows Topper doing?
You:We’re on our way to the hospital rn.My heart is literally pounding im kinda nervous ngl
Bean:felt that.How’s Rafe doing?He seemed mad last night
You:Rafe’s fine he just slept weird
You:Are you ok?You’ve been really stressed lately
Read at 3:43 pm
You sighed, placing your phone between your thighs.Rafe raised an eyebrow, wondering whether or not he should ask about your sudden mood change.You were out of the car before it even stopped, speed walking to the hospital entrance with Rafe close behind you.
You took in a deep breath as you walked through the motion activating doors, the cool air conditioned air hitting your skin.Rafe came up quick behind you, not wanting to lose you in the hospital.
Topper was sitting at a little waiting area on a red couch, reading something from a magazine.He was wearing loose gray sweatpants and a white T Shirt, squinting as he tried to read.You ran over to him, grinning when he looked up at you, slowly standing up and letting you hug him.
You closed your eyes,arms tight around his torso, his nose in your hair. “Hi.”He grinned, trying not to laugh.You were acting like you hadnt seen him in months, cautious of his casted arm. “Hi.”You replied, feeling your eyes moisten.
You refused to let go even when Topper lifted up his head to greet Rafe.His forehead wound had healed nicely, a stip of medical tape over the area.The stitches had been removed a few days prior, the tip of his tongue fully healed so he could eat better foods.
 “(Y/N).”He mumbled, a red blush across his face.You took in a big breath, looking up at him curiously. “I asked the nurse and she said I can have forehead kisses now.”He replied, flicking your hip lightly.
You sighed, cupping his face so he’d lean down a bit, placing a gentle kiss to his forehead.A weight lifted off his shoulders, letting out a low sigh.He had missed that feelin so much, glad he could finally enjoy your touch again.He sighed softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
 “We’re gonna get McDonalds and Kelce said he’d stop by your house later.Do you need to check out with the nurse or something?”You asked, feeling his hot breath against your collarbone. “Noo...we can just go.”He replied, most of his weight on you.You sighed, rubbing his back. “Are you sure?”You asked.
He nodded, kissing your jaw lightly.You looked over to Rafe, seeing him just standing there nervously.Once Topper had picked up the magazine and slid it up his shirt you guys walked out, Topper holding your hand tight, the sun causing him to squint.
You sat in the backseat with Topper, making sure that his seatbelt was secure. “Its scary to be in a car again.”He admitted, holding onto the door handle.You sighed, squeezing his hand. 
“The ride to your house from here is pretty smooth, no bridges or anything.”You reminded him, feeling his good hand on your thigh. “Can I turn on the radio?”Rafe asked.Topper sighed, kissing your temple. “Low volume.”He told the brunette, leaning against you with his eyes squeezed shut as the car started moving.
Your hand was running though his hair, rubbing at the back of his neck and avoiding his hairline.You placed a kiss on the top of his head, feeling yourself blushing a bit. “Hey, hey what do you guys want?”Rafe asked as he pulled up to the drive thru, stopping the truck.Topper grinned. 
“Uhh...a quarter pounder with extra pickles and large fries.”He replied, noticing how you were staring at his blue cast.Rafe pulled up to the window, handing you the large brown paper bag.You were quick to unwrap Topper’s burger halfway for him, letting him hold it. 
 “What about meds?Do we need to pick them up for you?”You asked, taking one of his fries.He slowly shook his head, slurping down his burger, nearly dropping a pickle. “No, they’re getting dropped by my house.”he replied, offering you a bite of his burger.
 “Thats good.”You mumbled, taking another fry. “What kind of meds?”Rafe asked, shutting up when he saw you glare at him. “Just like, pain meds.I dont know.Ive gotta take like three a day for two weeks I think.”He replied, halfway done with his burger when he quietly asked you if you could wrap it back up for him so he could save it for later.
Your heart dropped when Rafe pulled into his driveway, knowing that you wouldnt be able to see him again until tomorrow.You got up, helping him inside the house and shutting the door behind you, sighing. “Its been a while.”You muttered, taking in the white tile of the opening room, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
He nodded in agreement, slowly walking into his living room.It wasnt too different from yours except for the gray carpet and the different couch.He sat down on it, seeming confused.You placed the McDonalds bag on the side table, looking down at him. 
“Hey, can I tell you something without you freaking out?”he asked, shifting in his spot so he could look at you properly.You hummed, hoping it wasnt something too bad. “Yeah, yeah I guess.”You replied, waiting anxiously.He gulped, taking in a large breath.
It took him a second to finally form words, his legs tingling. “Um...so im in love with you and I have been for a while now.I dunno, when I called 911 the last thing I thought about was you.I just thought you should know.”He confessed, his heart thumping so hard that if he were still in the hospital the nurses would come rushing in.
Your eyes widened, trying to think of something to say.That wasnt what you were expecting him to say, taking in a large breath that hurt your ribs. “um...uh….I um….”You stuttered, taking in another breath.You let out a nervous giggle, covering your face.
 “Im sorry, this is just crazy….um….so can we just….can we talk about this another time, please?”You asked, not sure you could handle everything that was being thrown at you.Topper nodded, grinning.
 “Yeah, yeah its fine...we dont have to talk about it.I just wanted you to know.”He muttered, avoiding your gaze. “Alright...um...im gonna go but i’ll see you tomorrow.”You left quickly, shutting the door and hopping into the passenger seat, still shaking.
Rafe frowned, trying to figure out what had happened. “Whats wrong?”He asked, hand on your thigh to get it to stop bouncing.You sighed, looking over at him. “Topper just….he’s talking weird.Its stupid, hes drugged out of his mind anyways.Can we just go home, please?”You asked, wanting to focus on something else.
Had all those hugs and kisses meant something different to Topper this whole time?Or did they just mean something different to you?Now things were starting to make sense.Why Topper had left that night three nights ago, why he had always glared at Kelce whenever the two of you were cuddling.
Now you felt all the guilt.You were hurting Topper this whole time by being so close with Rafe and Kelce when he was supposedly in love with you.And now you would be hurting Topper now because of how often you and Rafe did things that shouldnt be done between best friends.
Everything was so fucked up now.Rafe was pouting, trying to understand what possibly couldve happened in the five minutes that you were inside Topper’s house. “Are you okay?Did something bad happen?”He asked, reaching for your hand.
You sighed, lifting your hands so your elbows were on the armrest, resting your head against his hand. “No, just weird shit.Its fine, Rafe.”You replied, sighing when he pulled into your driveway.It was already 5:30.You got out of his truck, going inside quickly. “Hey, why are you walking so fast?”Rafe asked, struggling to keep up with you even with his long legs.
You simply huffed, going up the stairs.He was confused, following you anyways. “I just…”You trailed off, groaning as you flopped onto your bed.He pouted, sitting at the foot of your bed after closing your door. “What?”He asked, not understanding.
You rolled onto your back in a starfish position, staring at the ceiling. “Im just stressed is all.Do you want to watch something?”You asked, looking over to see your remote on your night stand, surprised when his hands gripped your hips. “Do you want me to help with the stress?”He asked, hovering over you.
You knew where he was getting at, not sure how to think about it.It had been nearly a month since he had touched you like that but it had lead to something bad happening.But thinking something bad would happen everytime you messed around with someone was crazy, right?
You slowly leaned up, kissing him lightly.It didnt take long for his hands to move down to your pants, carefully pulling them down your legs.He looked up at you before pulling down your light blue underwear, making sure that you were okay before dipping his tongue into you, holding your thighs down as he pressed a kiss to your clit.
You let out a low moan, fingers squeezing at your comforter as he licked a stripe up your folds.One of your hands moved down, tugging lightly at his hair.He let out a moan, letting you direct him the way you wanted, his tongue plunging in and out of you, eyes closing.
He sucked on your clit, trying not to smile at how loud you were, slipping a finger into your entrance.He wasn't sure how this would end up, remembering your promise from last time.You moaned loudly when he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you.
He could feel you getting close, kitten licking your clit to tease you.A shiver ran up your spine, moaning loudly as your eyes clenched shut. “Rafe-please.”You whimpered.He smiled up at you, adding another finger to stretch you out a bit, slowly moving.
 “Rafe.”You whined, trying to get him to move faster.He simply chuckled, giving you what you wanted and beginning to speed up, your moans only making him move faster.You climaxed with a loud, high pitched moan, letting go of his hair as you panted.
Feeling his tongue moving again you let out a soft moan as he cleaned you up, your fluids on his chin and fingers as he licked them clean.He wiped his chin off with the back of his hand, looking up at you. “Rafe.”You whispered, knowing how crazy you were about to sound.
He leaned back over you, his nose touching yours. “yeah?”He asked, not sure what to expect.You let out a soft sigh, kissing him gently. “I want...I want to go all the way.”You told him, noticing his breath hitch in his throat.He gulped, not sure if he could do it.
He didn't want to hurt you. “Are you sure?”He asked, looking into your eyes.You nodded slowly, anxiety building up in you as he slowly pulled down his pants, letting you palm him through his boxers.He let out a moan, wanting you to apply more pressure.
 “Are you sure that you want this?”He repeated his question, biting his lip.You let out a shaky breath, nodding. “Im sure.”You replied, eyes widening when he pulled down his boxers.He was huge.You just had to hope it wouldn't hurt as bad as it looked.
 “Its gonna hurt a little, alright?I need you to tell me what you want.If you want me to stop I need you to tell me.If you want me to slow down I need you to tell me, okay?”He asked, wanting to make sure that everything would be okay.You nodded, touching his hair lightly.
The first few inches didn't hurt but when he was about half way in you hissed in pain, gripping his shoulders.He came to a halt, looking down at you with a concerned expression. “Baby, hey, hey.Do you need me to stop?”He asked, preparing to pull out when your fingernails dug into his skin. 
“no...no.Keep going.”You replied.He began to move again slowly, biting his lip.He was nearly fully inside you, trying not to moan as you kept clenching around him due to his size.You were whimpering, eyes becoming watery as he was finally inside of you.It stung a lot, scratching up his back.You sniffled, glad he was taking things slow.
You took in a deep breath, a few tears rolling down your cheeks. “Shh...I know, I know.It’s okay, you’re okay.”Rafe whispered, cupping your face and wiping away the tears. “It hurts.”You whispered, sniffling.He bit his lip, kissing his forehead as he tried to help with the pain or at least distract you from it.
He wanted to pull out and run you a bath, trying not to make himself cry. “Do you want me to stop?”He aksed, trying his best to stay completely still.You shook your head, holding onto hims tighter, his  face in the crook of your neck with his chest pressed against yours.
 “Baby- I indeed you to try and relax, alright?Tensing up only makes it worse, take deep breaths, ready?Breath in, breath out.”He pressed a gentle kiss to your collarbone, listening to your breathing. “Good girl...in and out, just keep breathing.Im gonna start moving a little, okay?”He asked, feeling you nod against his shoulder.
He took in a deep breath, pulling out ever so slightly before pushing back in, clenching his eyes shut. “You okay?”he asked, pulling his head from your shoulder, looking down at you.You nodded, taking in a deep breath. “Yeah-it hurts a little but im okay.”You confirmed, kissing him lightly.He let out a soft sigh, squeezing your waist lightly.
 “Ready?”He asked, keeping his hands on your hips, waiting.You let out a shaky breath, nodding.He was careful, only pulling out a quarter of the way before slowly moving back in, jaw dropping when you moaned.His heart was thumping fast as he moved slowly, groaning.
 “Shit.”He whispered, leaning down to kiss your cheeks, nose and lips. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”He asked, pulling out halfway this time before pushing back in, watching as your eyes widened and a moan came from you.
  “Shit, Rafe.”You moaned, nails digging further into his back.He took a deep, shaky breath. “God, youre so fucking tight.”He moaned, letting out a low whimper, repeating the action of pulling out halfway before pushing in again. “Rafe-”You couldn't even form a full sentence before you were moaning again.
He was pleased with your reaction, moving a little faster and pulling out almost completely before pushing back in. “You want me to slow down?”He offered.You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. “Faster.”You muttered, seeing a surprised look spread across his face.
He began to speed up his actions, pulling out nearly completely before plunging back into you, both of you moaning loudly,He was panting, a light layer of sweat covering his face, going as fast as he could. “Rafe-im gonna-”You moaned, your head rolling against your pillow as you clenched around him,cumming all over his cock.
He licked his lips, slowly pulling out of you.He picked up a towel from your floor, carefully wiping your thighs clean. “You did so well, baby.How are you feeling?”He asked, picking up his boxers from the foot of the bed and pulling them back up, laying down next to you.
The sun was just going down, red and purple hues covering the sky like a wonderful painting, the golden light coming through your blinds.You held onto his arm, resting against his bicep. “Im fine...im tired as shit but im fine.”You replied, hearing your phone ringing from your shorts.
You sighed, too tired to move.Rafe grabbed it for you, telling you that Kelce was trying to call you.You were panting too hard to answer, Rafe gulping and licking his lips before lifting the phone to his ear. “Hello?”He asked.You noticed the way his eyes widened, eyebrows knitting together. 
“Chill, man.Just- what do you mean you broke it?Well dont-hello?”Rafe asked, realising his friend had hung up.You looked up at him with a confused expression, trying to figure out what was wrong. “So Kelce broke his door and he’s on his way now.He really doesn't sound too good.”Rafe answered, slowly sitting up.
After the call about Topper you thought you had heard the worst news you’d ever recieve.But hearing that Kelce had broke something made you want to vomit.Kelce freaking out was how you knew the world had hit rock bottom but it didnt help that you didnt know what he was freaking out about.Shit.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Fickle Love (Akaashi x Reader x Bokuto)
A/N: So this was supposed to be for Akaashi's birthday...whoops. But its here now lmao ngl I just kinda wrote with no idea in mind and this is what ended happening so yeah. Hope you enjoy and happy late birthday to Akaashi 💞
Details: 7.8 pages 2,758 words
Date: December 8th, 2020
Warnings: Mentions of poly relationships I guess, angst if you squint, Gn! Reader not really a warning but I didn't know where else to put it
Theme: Akaashi wasn't the best when it came to love. Having a habit of ignoring you and burying himself in work. Leading you to turn to Bokuto which leads to some revelations and a question for Akaashi.
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Love was a fickle thing Akaashi knew. People fell in and out of love all the time so he never trusted love. He didn't want love he wanted to avoid it. Avoid the heartbreak he was positive would follow. But instead he met you a bright-eyed student in his class. It took almost nothing for you to mesh yourself into his life completely and making yourself comfortable like you belonged there.
It took even less time for you to weasel your way into his heart and make yourself comfortable. Only a year after you'd met and he asked you out deciding that love may not have been as fickle as he thought.
Four years later and he knew he had been wrong love was indeed fickle and his proof was in the sight across the street from him. There you stood hands clasped around Bokuto's as he kissed your cheek. He waved before running off and Akaashi rushed home preparing for the worst.
A few hours later you slipped through the door "Keiji? I'm home!" You called hearing the soft pads of feet come up to you. Love was fickle he knew you were going to lie when he asked his next question "Hey Y/n. What did you do today?" You suprised him though. Only after you'd gotten over the shock of being called Y/n and not darling.
"I went to lunch with Bokuto today," You said happily slipping off your coat and hanging it up. He certainly didn't expect you to be honest about what you did today. He loosened up a tad bit in response "Oh? Why?" You laughed at his question "Bo needs contact with us you know that. But you haven't been answering his calls so we went shopping and I filled him in on how you were. Afterwards I treated him to lunch as a thank you," You smiled up at him eyes bright with nothing hidden.
"Yeah? Did you guys hold hands so he wouldn't lose you?" He joked and you shook your head "He grabbed my hands at the end of lunch because I promised him I'd bring you next time," you had laughed remembering the incident. Relief flooded him then no of course you weren't cheating on him that'd be insane. You were as loyal as Bokuto was plus he couldn't keep a secret to save his life and neither could you. He relaxed as he realized how wrong he was to assume something.
"Im sorry," He said suddenly while you tilted your head in confusion. "What for?" You had asked before Akaashi leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I forgot to give you your welcome home kiss," He rolled off casually hiding the fear he'd felt earlier. This fear had only continued to grow as the days went on but it was his fault anyway.
"Keiji are you free today?" "No I'm busy," "Oh...Okay," 
"Keiji we haven't gone on a date in weeks!" "Im not stopping you from going out somewhere," "I want to go out with you though,"
"Keiji-" "Im busy Y/n,"
Two weeks this cycle continued as you walked to Akaashi's at home office. Two taps against the door and you opened it "Kei-" His eyes snapped up frustration was on his face but he took a breath before it faded. "What?" You sighed turning to leave again "...Im going out to lunch with Kotaro again. He says hi by the way," You left the room quickly and Akaashi blinked 'Kotaro?' Surely you meant Bokuto but there was no way you two were on a first name basis it'd only been a few days since the last lunch.
His eyes landed on the calender and he froze what had only been a few days to him was actually two weeks but still too short for a first name basis. You'd only know Bokuto for a few months and he'd known the male for years and still never used his first name.
He sighed returning to his work. He'd question you when you got back from lunch he didn't have the time to right now. Nor did he know your location so going to find you was like a needle in a haystack. A very big bustling city of a haystack and the needle being you with a slightly bigger needle in the shape of a volleyball player next to you.
He continued work for a few hours before his office door was thrown open. He expected many things when he looked up but he didn't expect Bokuto. But what got him was the fact that Bokuto was furious it was a look he'd never seen before on him. The glare he had on his face was enough to make Akaashi freeze. 
He knew Bokuto was typically happy like a dog but right now he felt fearful since now he staring down an angry German Shepard who was defending their owner. It was silent for a long moment before Bokuto spoke. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Akaashi felt his blood turn to ice at the tone Bokuto used.
"W-what?" He cursed silently at his own stutter Bokuto would latch onto the weakness he showed. "Whats today Akaashi?" Bokuto had asked in that same icy tone. It was so razor sharp and cold that Akaashi was convinced the room cooled and ten degrees.
"...Its December 1st Bokuto-san," He elected to answer the question instead of ask why Bokuto didn't call him Keiji. Based on the mood Bokuto was displaying he didn't expect to be called Keiji. However supplying the date only seemed to rile him up more as his glare sharpened.
Akaashi shivered involuntarily at it "Are you forgetting something?" He barked out and it was then that Akaashi realized Bokuto hadn't blinked yet. "No," he was confident in the answer. Your birthday wasn't until b/d and his was in four days. Bokutos had already passed but said male wouldn't have been mad at him. Sad maybe but not mad.
"Oh really? Then tell me why Y/n is at my place crying because you forgot that today is your anniversary," Bokuto had stepped towards him in anger and Akaashi took in involuntarily step back in fear. "They're at your place?" Akaashi asked and Bokutos jaw clenched.
"Yeah. And they are going to stay there until you sort yourself out," Bokuto growled turning and slamming the door closed with enough force to crack it. Akaashi stood frozen for a few extra moments trying to regain his composure after being afraid. He shook his head as he processed Bokuto's last sentence.
No you'd always come back to him, even if a fight had broken out between him and you, you would always come back. You had to come back he was your fiancé and the wedding was going to be in the upcoming w/f/s/s so he continued to work shaking off his encounter with Bokuto that had manage to worm a tiny bit of fear back into his heart.
Akaashi didn't fully leave his office again until December 5th. He'd left it plenty of times before then but only for something quick eat or the bathroom or something to drink. In these moments he never bothered to look around the place but now on his birthday he did.
He expected to be greeted by your sparkling voice like you had done for the past four years but instead the house was silent. "Y/n?" He called out walking around the house was still perfectly clean. The last time he could recall hearing you was on the first with the vacuum running and the patter of your feet running around.
Since then he realizes the house had been silent except for his movements. As he walked into the dining room something glinted on the table in the early morning light. When he turned to look he froze there was your engagement ring. The thin band of silver sat there almost mockingly on a yellow sticky note.
He picked up the note and written on it were a few simple words. 'They aren't coming home - Bokuto' his brain filled in the missing words Bokuto had told him a few days ago "Not until I fix myself," he mumbled thumbing at the sticky in his hands. He knew what Bokuto meant he'd been borderline ignoring you for weeks to work.
Thoughts of your anniversary had left his mind but he didn't think it was that bad until right now. Forgetting had been the final nail in the coffin for you but he still had a chance. You weren't gone forever just temporarily misplaced. He rushed to shower and go buy flowers his brain running a mile a minute trying to figure out how to get you back and apologize.
He felt nervous and he was unsure of why until he remembered where you had taken up residence. Bokuto had never been scary to him, just a bright ball of happiness but the fear Bokuto had instilled in him a few days ago had lingered, and he was about to walk right into the lion's den.
He couldn't see you as he approached the door. Maybe you were tucked away upstairs or in a place the windows didn't show but he'd seen Bokuto. The male was pacing clearly on edge and definitely dangerous but Akaashi would have to face him sooner or later so with a shaking hand he knocked.
Only half a second later the door swung open and Bokuto stood there mouth set in a hard line. Akaashi fought to supress the shiver that wanted to trail up his spine. "Is Y/n here?" He asked and once again cursed himself for sounding so meek. It was just Bokuto he wouldn't hurt him the man couldn't even hurt a fly! Although that sentiment didn't hold much when he felt like he was staring down the loaded barrel of a gun.
"Yes," Bokuto answered after a few beats of silence. His eyes raked over Akaashi's form judging him and seeing if he was ready to have Y/n back. "Can I see them? I'd like to talk," He was definitely playing with fire when Bokuto looked back up at his eyes. "About what?" He asked lowly Akaashi noted that Bokuto was staying quiet which meant you had to be downstairs. "I'd like to apologize for ignoring them and forgetting our anniversary," Bokuto nodded once before swinging the door closed.
He blinked in mild suprise "Bo-Bokuto-san?" He questioned wondering where he went wrong that warranted the door being closed. He was about to knock again when the door opened revealing you. Your h/c hair was slightly messy and e/c eyes half lidded in sleep.
What Akaashi didn't like was the MSBY jersey that swallowed you figure. The number 12 emblazoned on the front and long enough to cover your thighs. He couldn't tell if you were wearing pants but he hoped you did. You never walked around his house like this unless it was after a fun night but he couldn't assume things. Not now and he especially couldn't accuse you of cheating when Bokuto was on the staircase right behind you.
He could see that the golden eyed male was poised to attack when the conversation would start heading south. You tilted your head in confusion "Hello Akaashi," You had mumbled and he did flinch then. No pet names or his first name no, you had decided on formal. "Hi darling," He whispered the pet name but you merely shook your head.
"Why are you here?" The genuine confusion on your face made Akaashi feel a lot worse about everything. "Im here to apologize and seeing as its my birthday id like my present from you to be going on one date with me," He said slowly "Please," was tacked on as an afterthought. You turned your head eyes meeting Bokuto's and Akaashi hated the jealousy that crawled up his spine when his eyes softened.
"Um actually Akaashi I wanted to talk to you about something," Your hands had balled into fists tightly gripping the hem of the shirt you wore. A nervous habit you had whenever something scared you. He felt his heart drop in response to those words and you shook your head. "No no! It's nothing bad- well I guess that depends on how you feel about it," You were quick to try and sooth him and Akaashis heart swelled at the fact that right now even if you weren't getting along you still worried about him.
He didn't even realize you had led him inside until he was on the couch. His eyes trailed over you figure as you sat across from him. The shirt rode up enough exposing part of your thigh and Akaashi could see the hem of a pair of shorts. They followed their path until his eyes rested on the new gold band around your ring finger. It was decorated in a series of small gems that were the same blue as his eyes and he took a deep breath.
"What is it?" He lightly questioned when the silence began suffocating him. Bokuto was behind him somewhere he felt the stare being burned into his back. The second this conversation possibly turned south Bokuto was ready to jump in. "Well...I was wondering how you felt about the two of us becoming um...three of us?" You looked down afterwards hands nervously ringing together.
"...three of us?" He wanted more clarification were you implying a kid or something else? You hummed meeting his eyes before they flickered to the male that was behind him 'oh' it pieced itself together then. You were implying a poly relationship with him and Bokuto. He must have been quiet for too long since your hands began rubbing at your sides.
He scrambled for an answer he knew he was unbothered by it but this was...The two of you were only a few months away from getting married and you wanted to add Bokuto into the mix? Now of all times? He took a shuttering breath as he thought.
"Well...I guess I have to call the restaurant and tell them to change the reservation for three people then," he offered a small smile and your head whipped up. "Really?" You whispered and he could only supply a nod. 
"Yeah now when I'm busy with work the both of you can harass me into taking a break," it was a poor attempt at a joke but you had laughed anyway. He heard a chuckle from behind him as well and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Keiji are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything...," you trailed off and he smiled "im sure but are you sure about Bokuto? Hes a little chaotic," He asked "Hey!" Bokuto had an immediate reaction to the accusation.
You laughed reaching out and taking his hand "So is it a fancy dinner place?" You asked as Bokuto came over to take your free hand. He watched your thumb move back and forth across Bokutos hand a comforting gesture and he noticed the minute shake of Bokuto's hand. Unconsciously he reached out with his free hand and took Bokuto's which seemed to startle him slightly as wide gold eyes met his.
Akaashi gave a light squeeze and Bokuto settled with a sigh. "Its the restaurant I originally proposed at so yeah I'd go with fancy," he answered after a second. "You're making me get dressed up for your birthday dinner? Despicable really," you dramatically sighed and he found himself laughing. "Well I suppose we don't have to go since you've already given me the best present I could ask for today," He smiled tilting his head to the side and looking at Bokuto who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a look of concern on his face.
"You alright Bo?" He looked up at the unfamiliar nickname eyes meeting Akaashi's once again. "M'fine just...I don't own a suit," He said quietly. The silence that stretched afterwards for a long moment before you broke it. "Kotaro what do you mean you don't own a suit you're a professional athlete!" "It wasn't an issue until now!" He shouted back love was fickle yes but as he watched you and Bokuto interact he knew
It was fickle but he wouldn't trade it in for anything.
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missfluffywriter · 4 years
Purple Irises I Mafia Park Jimin x Reader
Authors note: Oh my god I did not expect to people to actually read this. Let alone like it. And I’m so happy you guys liked it! But yesterday I read back on what I had written. And was like, what is this shit. And that was when I realized I sucked at writing second person pov. But I found a way to improve my writing. At least a little but :’) Though it will take longer for me to write chapters, at least they will be better quality. I actually did a lot of research for this chapter. Ngl kinda proud of it Btw still working on that master list. But for now the links are below. Which is like two right now. Thank you for all the support! Happy readings!
Word count: 9k 
Genre: Mafia au, this ones kinda fluffy, kind of suspense not really
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader 
(Series) Summary: You were supposed to be delivering flowers, how did you end up in an operation room digging out a bullet from a mafia boss’ shoulder? 
Purple irises: Royalty and wisdom
Warning: Guns, violence, smoking, 
Previous chapter I Next chapter I Masterlist
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You gasped, eyes flying open, awakened by an abrupt pull on your hand. Scrambling backwards, startled from your sleep, you look up, head still in the haze of sleep, sight fuzzy, you freeze. When your eyes meet the muzzle of a gun. Vision trailing upwards to its owner. It was Jimin, on his knees, face contorted in pain. He was cradling his injured shoulder with his good arm, he held the gun with his damaged one. A splotch of red stained the white bandages around his left shoulder.
“Who the hell are you!? And what are you doing here?!” He thundered, eyes twitching from pain. The boom of his voice wakes the other men in the room, they jump startled from their slumber. Jimin growls, clicking the gun’s safety off, more than ready to shoot you where you sat. You open your mouth, hastily trying to respond.
“Hyung! Wiat! She’s not a threat!” Jeonguk cried, stepping in front of you, trying to calm his panicked elder. Jimin’s eyes snapped to the younger male’s, before returning to your form behind Jeongguk.
“What?!” He spat, confusion flooding his pained expression.
“Jimin, Calm down, he’s telling the truth, she's not a threat,” Namjoon interjects, hoping to diffuse the situation before anyone was shot. He eased his way towards the bed from where he had been resting. Careful steps, moving as though approaching a wild animal, at that moment Jimin could be considered just as deadly as one.
“Do you remember anything from yesterday?” He questions, taking calm strides, coming to a stand next to Jeongguk. “Do you remember the surgery?” He asks.
Jimin eyes shift trying to recall any memories from the previous day. He cringed when he remembered the surgery, and the searing pain he of someone digging around his open wound with strange medical instruments. His eyes scanned your face, you did look mildly familiar. He had seen you somewhere... right, in the medical room. He had caught a glimpse when you when you were poking around in his shoulder. The majority of your face had been covered by a mask, but he remembered your eyes.  
“And she has no connections so the Yeong’s?” Jimin asks, still unconvinced of your harmlessness.
“None,” Namjoon assures.
“You know that because?” Jimin raises a brow.
“I ran a background check, and no connections,”
Jimin’s posture relaxes, Namjoon’s intel was nearly never misplaced. He lowered his gun, and fell back onto his bed. Flinching in pain as he did so. You wearily released a breath you didn’t know you were holding, before deeply inhaling and gathering your bearings, you stood.
“The bandages, I need to clean your wound and change your bandages, but you might have reopened your sutures. So I may need to replace them. But we can start you on pain meds after you eat something,” Using the table behind you for support as you stood, still shaky from the encounter. You weren’t too sure if you should’ve said that or not, but the doctor in you couldn’t take the need to attend to the possibly re-opened wound.
“I’ll need clean water, any kind of antibiotic ointment like bacitracin or Neosporin, cotton pads, gauze, and bandages,” You recount your supplies list, voice soft, as your eyes fly within your eye sockets trying to recall if you had missed anything.
“Anything else” Hoseok piped, shuffling past Namjoon and Jeongguk. You shook your head no. “Alright, I’ll go get the stuff,” His lips curved up, giving you a gentle smile before scampering out the door.
“Right then, I’ll have the maids deliver breakfast,” Jin announced, breaking the short quiet that had fallen.Your gaze followed Jin as he booked it. A soft smile tugged at your lips when you caught a glance at his expression. He looked tired but wore a relieved expression.
“You okay, (Y/n)?” You shifted your eyes to meet Jeongguk’s. And smiled to let him know you would be fine. The awkward silence returned, and you fidgeted with your fingers. Until Hoseok burst in through the double doors, supplies in hand. You let out a breath of relief, now you’d have something to do instead of sit there and fidget.
You quietly thanked him and helped him place all the supplies on the edge of the large bed. Your gaze met Jimin’s, “Um May I?”
He nodded, looking away.
“Can you turn around for a bit? It’ll be easier to take off the bandage,” You asked him, pointing to the bandage clip that was holding everything together. He paused, considering whether to turn his back to you or not. It would leave him vulnerable to you, but you were surrounded by his men. If you tried anything, they were there. And so he did, eyeing you before wordlessly facing the other direction.
You could see the contemplation in her eye, he had just froze for a few minutes. You were even thinking of teaching one of them to change his bandages. But turns out you wouldn't have to after all.
“This is gonna hurt,” You gently undo the metal bandage clip, you grab hold of the loose end of the bandage and slowly begin unfurling it. Moving as delicately as possible, you reach over his shoulders, under his right armpit, then over his back, then repeat.
You muttered an apology when Jimin winced as you took the last layer of gauze off. Once the bloodied bandages and gauze were gone, you needed to clean the suture. You breathe out, backing off the bed, you stand. Jimin’s eyes follow you, confusion riddled on his face, as well as on the faces of the other four men in the room.
“Is there a clean towel or washcloth I can use?” You ask, meeting eyes with each men.
“Hyung I’m gonna grab one of your towels,” Jeongguk bolts towards Jimin’s massive closet, not even waiting for an answer. A faint smile made its way onto Jimin’s face as he watched the youngest male. The folds on his forehead fading as his eyes follow his little brother came charging into the room a fluffy white towel in hand.
Delivering the towel to you, Jeongguk rushed into the bathroom, and you hear the water running. Jeongguk is holding a glass bowl, attentively taking slow steps as to not spill the water. He gingerly places the large bowl on the floor next to you.
“Thank you,” You smile widely at the brunette, who returns the smile with one of his own, and oh, it's that bunny smile again. His nose scrunches and he shows off his pearly whites.
“No problem,’’
Namjoon smiles at the interaction, happy to see his usually reserved friend talk  so freely around, essitenially a stranger.     
Dunking the towel into the bowl, you felt the warm water hit your skin. And smiled at the feeling, the temperature was perfect, not hot but not cold either, it was warm. Wringing out the towel, Jimin now sitting as he did before. Jimin hissed in pain, as you tenderly dab the towel before, softly dragging the towel across the sutured wound. Once the blood had been wiped away, you were able to get a clear look at the sutures. The sutures were still in place, good.
“Looks like you don’t need to replace any. Hm, you probably moved too fast,” You muse, opening the tube of bacitracin and squeezing some onto a cotton pad.
“Okay, this is gonna sting,” You warn, eyeing Jimin. He tensed, letting out a breath, nodding, giving you the go ahead.
Gingerly rubbing the ointment on, you mutter apologies as he displays his colorful vocabulary. Once you properly applied the bacitracin, you folded some gauze into a decent sized square placing it on the injury then wrapping gauze around and over his shoulder. Then gently wrapping the bandages like you did the gauze, finish the dressing by clipping the bandage clip on.
“Okay, all done,” The corners of your lips lifted, looking over your handy work. “We’ll have to change your bandages twice a day, so be ready for that,” You laugh as you pick up the water bowl. Which, now that you were looking at it, it seemed more like a decorative bowl than a regular glass bowl. The glass had been carved into, patterns of vines and blooms twisted around the bowl. You grinned, did Jeongguk just bring whatever bowl he found in the bathroom?
“Here I’ll take it,” The male in question offered. You eyed him with a grin. “No, I did not take the flower bowl from huyng’s bathroom.”
“Uh-huh,” You nodded in mock belief. Jeongguk puffed his cheeks, stomping away, then panicked when some of the water in the bowl spilled.
You laughed out loud at the male’s adorable childishness, leaning against the bed on the floor. Hoseok burst into a fit of laughter as the Jeongguk scrunched his face in disdain. The men agreeing with your sentiment, chuckled along. This wasn’t funny, now he had to clean up this mess. But an unknowing smile snuck its way onto Jimin’s lips as he watched you giggle.
Knock Knock Knock
“Ah it must be breakfast,” Namjoon called, voice light from the rueful moment. He opened the door and let two maids in. They wore long black dresses with full sleeves, and a white apron tied around their body. They wore what you would call a traditional maid outfit. And each wheeled in a food trolley, leaving them with Namjoon, who gave them a small smile and a nod. They respectfully bowed and left the room.  
Breakfast had arrived yet still no sign of Jin. Was he not going to eat with you guys? You frowned with an involuntary tilt of your head. Jimin blinked at your actions, you looked…like a puppy. The soft furring of your brows, and lips that tugged downwards. That was...adorable. He snapped his eyes away, realizing he was staring.
Though your frown melted when a figure entered through the double doors. It was Jin! And he had a trolley of his own. However, instead of food, his trolley featured an array of spirited beverages. From margaritas to martinis, what was that red thing in a cocktail glass?
“I brought everyone’s favourites!” Jin announced a wide grin on his face.
This time around, the plates of food hadn’t been placed on the coffee table. You blinked, ah they were eating together, with Jimin.
“Come on, let's eat!” Hoseok bounced, handing you a plate. You smiled gratefully, thanking him for the food. And he gave you such a brilliant smile that would put the sun to shame.
It was an english breakfast; eggs, toast, sassauges, and some colorful vegetables. There were condiments too, butter, jam, and honey.
As everyone grabbed a plate, they each sought a place close to Jimin. Jeongguk sat directly beside him on the right side of bed, Namjoon sat on Jimin’s left with Yoongi in the space in front of Namjoon. Hoseok sat cross legged at the center of the bed. But Jin had yet to sit, he was handing out everyone’s drinks. You sat on the rug, this time next the foot of the bed.
Nothing could stop the smile forming on your lips, it was incredibly endearing watching these men interact. Growing up, you had always enjoyed observing others, not in a creepy way of course. And just watching these men get along and laugh together warmed your heart.
“What are you doing all the way over there? Get over here! We haven’t introduced you Jimin yet!” Jin called in faux anger, waving his hands in a ‘get over here’ motion.
Your eyes widened in surprise, were they inviting you to eat with them? Would they truly invite you in such an intimate moment? And your questions were answered.
“Would you like a written invitation?!” Jin hollered, and you scrambled your way to the group, careful not to drop your food. You sat between Yoongi and Namjoon on the rug, so Jimin could still see you.
“Sorry, I didn’t know what you liked, so I just got you coffee,” Jin handed you your cup, making himself comfortable next to you. And you shook your head.
“No, it's fine. I don’t really drink that much anyway,”
“Sounds to me like someone’s trying to cover up the fact that they’re a light weight,” Yoongi jokes, and the others chuckle with him, but the laughter faded when you refused to meet his eyes, your cheeks slightly flushed.
“Wait, you’re actually a light weight?” Yoongi asked, with a mild look of shock on his face. You turned your body away.
“I was busy studying most of the time, okay? I didn’t have time to go partying,” Jimin smiled, amusement dancing in his honey brown orbs, as you puffed your cheeks grumbling, stuffing eggs into your mouth.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,”Namjoon chuckles at you child like behaviour, before continuing,  “But I believe that we should formally introduce you to Jimin,”
You nodded, “My name is (L/n) (Y/n), but please call me (Y/n), I am twenty-four years old, and an ex-doctor trainee? Current assistant florist,”  You explained everything in one go.
“I apologize for what happened earlier, you startled me, was all. I am Park Jimin, and the head of this group,” he introduced himself, a smile on his lips. Though amusement still plays on his expression.  You nod, going back to your food.
Breakfast somehow seemed rowdier than dinner the day before, with Jeongguk and Jin play fighting. Jeongguk overpowering Jin. Yoongi and Hoseok made small talk, sharing jokes and playful jabs.
By the time breakfast was done, the sun was its highest point, shining brightly. So it was more of a brunch than a breakfast. You crawled to one of the trolleys, placing your ceramic plate on the lower deck. Then standing and stretching, as you did you thought of your pupper, technically she was still a puppy at one years old. You looked at Namjoon a little anxious. Shelty hadn’t been today, she was probably starving by now.
“ Ah yes, we can get your dog today,” Namjoon said, almost reading your mind. “Actually, why don’t you and Guk head out right now?”
Your eyes snapped towards Jeongguk, you gaze pleading. Jeongguk chuckled and crawled off the bed, coming to a stand next to you. “Alright let's go,”
You practically bounced with joy, happy you were going to see your baby again. Sure, it had been less than twenty-four hours since the last time you had seen her, but missed her fluffy cuddles and slobbery kisses.
“We’ll be back!” Jeongguk called heading out the door. You waved at the men still sitting before rushing after the brunette who was already out the door.
“She has a dog?” Jimin questioned, meeting Namjoon’s eyes. Who simply nodded in response. “What kind?”
“You’ll see,” Jin snickers, organizing the dishes on the trolley.
“By god they were rich!”  You thought, flabbergasted, as you stood in the underground parking. The garage had to be as humongous as the mansion above. And cars took up nearly every parking space available. And here you stood, in some section of the garage in front of a SUV that probably costs more than your life. It had a white body and the hood of the car slightly sloped toward the nose end of the car. And Right above the bumper sat a crest of shield with a golden bull you knew this car was a Lamborghini. You didn’t know the model it was, all you knew, all you needed to know was that. It. Was. expensive.
“Come on get in,” Jeongguk says, sliding into the driver's seat. You staggered as you gently pulled on the handle and gingerly sat in the passenger's seat, in all honesty afraid you might scratch the beauty. Jeongguk chuckled catching onto what you were thinking.
“Don’t worry, it’s not gonna break,”
The drive to your apartment was spent with Jeongguk telling you the story of how he learned to drive. It was easy talking to Jeongguk, conversations just flowed smoother than a stream. Topic to topic, story to story, before you knew it you at the gate of your apartment complex.
“Ah, let me open the gate,” you say clicking on the remote to the remote control gate. “I don’t have a car, so you can park in my parking spot. My parking is C3”
Jeongguk nodded, steering the car to the vacant parking space. You giddily unbuckled your seat belt, excited to you girl. A soft smile making its way to his lips at your excitement.
“Come on slowpoke, my apartments on the third floor,” you holler, already half inside the building.
“Coming, coming,” he jogs to catch up to you. He would see your dog now, she was a wild dog. He wondered how big she was.
“There, at the end of the hallway,” you point to the door that read 54. Keys already  in hand you, quickly unlock the door.  
“Shelty! I’m home!” You cheered as you walked in.
The apartment was a studio, it was small, much smaller than that Jeongguk was used to. But it looked cozy, the dim-ish lighting and soft glow brought by the fairy lights that hung on your ceiling. The walls were white, cracks in the plaster here and there. A decent sized window on the left wall,insight blue curtains covered the windows. A fluffy baby blue blanket and a fuzzy puppy blanket on your queen bed. A low umber brown headboard, Jeongguk chuckles to himself, as he counted over twenty pillows on your bed. But, where was your dog? He pondered eyes glancing across the many bookshelves that decorate your walls. All of them filled to the brim with books. Did you like reading? His thoughts wandered, when a shadow moved in the corner of his eye. Jeongguk snaps his head toward the direction of the shadow. He froze, eyes wide.
There stood a jet black wolf, about as tall as his upper thigh, it’s ears barely reaching his hips, with golden amber eyes. The large wolf sauntered over walking past him as you stood.
“Shelty! Oh my good girl, I’m sorry I wasn’t home yesterday,” You bend down massaging her neck, placing kisses on her forehead, nuzzling into her fur. Shelty’s tail swished, from one side to another happy to see you.
Now Jeongguk understood why you insisted on being here yourself, if he had walked in here and was welcomed to the sight of that giant thing bearing its teeth, he would’ve shot it thinking a wolf had broken into your home.
“ You really weren’t kidding, when you said more wolf than dog,” Jeongguk laughs breathless, taking in the sight before him. The majestic wolf—dog stood tall, as its piercing amber eyes scanned him. Before turning back to you for more scratches and love. It seemed awfully gentle, contradictory to its hulking size. Shelty tilts her head, directing your pets to where she wanted.
“Yeah, and you’re still growing, aren’t you my good girl,” You coo at your puppy, kissing it’s forehead again, as it pawed at your arms.
“Come here you can pet her if you want,” You invited him.
“Are you sure about that?” Too late, Shelty was well over half way over to where he stood. Her fur was a luscious jet black, that almost gleamed in the light. She was well taken care of. Her beautiful coat looked far too soft for him to just not touch, and before he knew it his hand was petting her ears. He let out a breathy laugh as he now pet the creature with both hands, now eagerly petting the wolf-dog.
“Why don’t you two hang out for a bit and I’ll grab some clothes,” You smile at Jeongguk as he excitedly pets Shelty, who seems very pleased with all the affection she was receiving.
You along the wall that connected to the bathroom, you had a tall wooden dresser with six drawers. Grabbing the large backpack that sat beside the drawer, your eyes roaming the six open drawers, mentaly choosing the clothing you would take with you. Baggy clothes? Baggy clothes, you nod to yourself, grabbing as many sweatshirts and oversized hoodies you could, leaving some room for a couple pairs of jeans, leggings, and sweatpants, while tossing in as many pairs of bras and underwear as you could fit. Assuming you wouldn’t be going shopping anytime soon.  
Satisfied with your packing skills, you set the backpack aside, you turn to grab another bag and pack all of Shelty’s favourite toys. You search around the floor for her toys, placing her tennis balls, tug of war rope, frisbee, and her pink stuffed owl into .inform Jeongguk that Shelty still hadn’t had breakfast yet.
“You ready to go?” He asked, still petting the wolf-dog.
“Ah, about that, I still need to feed Shelty,” Hearing her name, Shelty strolls her way to you, brushing against your left leg, she rounds back behind you, nudging you right thigh with her head.
“Why don’t you do that at the mansion? What does you give her,” You blink, at the mansion?
“Shelty’s in a raw meat with some veggies diet, but I’d like to feed her as soon as possible,” You answered, brows scrunching slightly. Sure, she had a whole chicken yesterday, but that was yesterday.
“That’s perfect, we have lots of raw meats, there’ll be a variety to choose from at home. And they’re all premium grade too! Plus I bet Shelty’ll love the backyard” Your head tilted unconsciously, still yet unconvinced. “Besides, I don’t think the hyungs would like us staying out for too long,”
You relented with a sigh, how could you say refuse those doe eyes, especially when paired with that bunny smile. “Alright, let me grab her pre-cut meals, I’ll give her an antler to tide her over for now. Then when we get back we can give her, her actual meal”
You could practically see his eternal victory dance, as he bounced on his feet. You walked past him into the small kitchen space, pulling out a large reusable bag that you usually used for while shopping for groceries. Opening the freezer portion relatively small silver fridge, you place her pre-cut meats then the veggies into the bag, once everything is set, you turn to Jeongguk informing you were ready to go.
“Alright! Let's head out,” He cheered, pumping his fists into the air. You reach to pick up the well packed backpack, staggering from the weight as you did. Jeongguk snorted at your gratefulness, then taking the backpack from you, effortlessly slinging it over a shoulder. Then proceeding to smirk at you. Curse biology and your non-existent upper body strength.
“Tell me something,” You said, staring nowhere in particular. “With how everything’s going, I’m assuming I’m moving in with you guys, right?”
“What about this place? What am I gonna do with all this stuff? My job?”
“You should ask Jimin hyung about your job and stuff, but we can have all your stuff moved into a room if you’d like,” Jeongguk replied, thoughtfully observing your expressionless face, he didn’t realize he had tensed until he relaxed when he saw you melt into a smile.
“I’d like, if you could… could you please?” You asked ruefully.
“Of course,” Jeongguk smiled widely.
“Shelty, come, let's go for a walk, forever,” You laughed, as the wolf-dog trotted over to you. “Sit,” You commanded, and she sat obediently as you placed her lavender slip on leash, which seemed to drown in all that fur.
“Wait, she can do tricks?!”Jeongguk gasped, amazement in his eyes. You giggled a ‘yeah’ before grabbing the bag with Shelty’s toys, the bag with her food already in hand.
You were just about out the door when you noticed Jeongguk intently staring at a wall.
“Not taking those?” He questioned, pointing to your framed diploma that hung on the wall.
“I probably should, shouldn’t I? I did work my but off for that” You smiled, padding over to where it hung and took it off the wall.
“Alright, now, let's actually go,” Jeongguk uger you out the door, locking it behind him.
“Oh my good girl I can’t wait to show you your new home!” You giggle as he coos at Shelty, who was comfortably seated on the back seat of Jeongguk’s SUV.
Unfortunately Shelty did not get an antler on the way to the mansion. You were afraid the drive there would be too bumpy for her to safely have an antler, besides the drive was short, you’d just end up taking it away soon after giving it to her. Shelty, unaware she was supposed to receive an antler was happily enjoying the ride. Jeongguk had rolled a window down for her to lean out of. Which she seemed to have loved, her tongue lolling out, a smile on her face.  
Just as Jeongguk pulled up to the front gate, you were stopped by two security guards. As one of them approached the car, Jeongguk rolled his window down and nodded at the guard, who bowed to him then returned to his post. Before the large iron gate swung open. Anyone could see the twinkle in Shelty’s eyes as the SUV strolled through front lawns. You turned your head to Jeongguk and shared a laugh when you both saw the stars in the amber orbs or your adorable puppy.  
Jeongguk parked the suv in front of the house, where you had parked the delivery van the previous day. Your eyes look at Jeongguk in silent question.
“See the dude coming here?” With a tilt of his head directed your eyes to the man walking to you. “He’ll take the it from,”  
Humming at the answer you undo your seatbelt, and step out of the SUV. Then opened the door for Shelty, who excitedly jumped onto the ground, taking in her new surroundings. You called for her attention then held out your palm and closed it into a fist. The jet black, wolf-dog obliged, coming to a heel around your right foot.
“She can heel too!” An excited voice exclaimed, Jeongguk had made his way to you around the back of the SUV, getting your bags while on route.
“Aw, I was gonna help,” Pout formed on your lips, to which the brunette replied with a chuckle. “Here let me help,” Reaching out your arm, you step towards him, Shelty on you heel.
“‘Sfine, just make sure to have her leash on hand, just cuz I know she’s well behaved doesn’t mean others do,” He said, ignoring your hand and strolling towards the double doors. You exhale loudly, bending down and picking up the end of Shelty’s leash.
“Come on already!” An impatient Jeongguk bellows, half way through the door.
“Aish,” You breath jogging up the steps and into the house, a midnight black wolf-dog, half the size of Jeongguk in tow.
People seemed to have been productive while the both of you were gone. The furniture had been replaced, the same design and color just these didn’t have bullet holes. How did they do that so quickly? You pondered as your eyes roamed the newly refurbished room, finally taking in the appearance of the space.There were still holes in the walls but everything else had been replaced.  
There was a floor to ceiling window that you would see right as you walked in, the short hallway to the living room was a little narrow, but the actual living space was huge. The walls were white with a tint of blue, large paintings of different landscapes hung from the walls. Two L-shaped sofa sets were in the center of the room, decently spaced, with two armchairs on one end of the sofa. A large tan fuzzy rug underneath the sofa sets. Vases in corners of rooms, each providing splashes of color.
“Jin hyung! Hoseok hyung! We got (Y/n)’s dog!” Jeongguk announces, his voice reverberating through out the house.  
“What the hell are you yelling for braAHH!” Jin jumped when his eyes landed on the large amber eyed wolf.
“What happened?!What's wrong?!” Just as Jin retreated, Hoseok rushed into the room, entering from the west wing hallway. “Holy shit!” He exclaims seeing, to him a jet black wolf, in the middle of the living room.
When he bounces a step back, pulls out his gun. Jin following Hoseok’s action, pulled out his own gun, you wave your arms trying to explain that the wolf was actually your dog. However, your voice drowns over Jin and Hoseok yelling for you and Jeongguk to get away from ‘that thing’.
Startled by their abrupt movements, Shelty protectively steps in front of you. Taking a defensive stance, ears low and out to the side, teeth bared and a wrinkled snout. She let out a threatening snarl. ‘Aish what a mess,’ you think looking at the two hollering men and then there was Jeongguk, who seems to be enjoying the chaos.
“STOP YELLING,” Jin and Hoseok quiet staring at you, “This is my Shelty, my dog”
Both men let out a soft ‘oh’ before lowering their weapons, tucking them back into their holsters. Their shoulders relaxing, still on guard, but no longer holding lethal weapons at your baby.
“Wow, you weren’t joking around when you said more wolf than dog,” Jin gulps, somehow managing a smile.
The men may have settled down, but your puppy’s body language was still communicating aggression. So you folded you left foot behind your right, giving her a soft nudge with the heel of your foot. Not to hurt her, just to redirect her from her aggression.
Shelty’s head snapped upwards and looked up to you, licking her nose, her aggression fades into a more neutral standing. You smile at her behaviour, making a note to give her a whole chicken again for being such a good girl, even though she was in a place she's never been before.
“What was all that yelling about?” A voice booms from above, you tilt your head to the speaker. Jimin stood on the second floor, expression holding a hint of annoyance. Namjoon and Yoongi on either side of him. He wore a cream sweatshirt that was paired with gray sweatpants. That guy looked good in everything didn’t he?
His eyes met with each of the men, then you as he descended the winding staircase. But his eyes widened when his honey orbs landed on Shelty.
Just as he steps down the last stair, raising a brow, he question, “Anyone care to explain why there's a fucking wolf in the middle of my living room?”
“Jimin hyung! That’s (Y/n) dogs!” Jeongguk exclaims happily, coming to pet said wolf. Jimin blinks at the wolf, then at you, his gaze communicating a silent ‘really?’.
“This is Shelty, she's part german shepherd, part wolf, though as you can see she’s more wolf than dog,” You sheepishly chuckle, you hand rubbing the back of your head. “You can actually pet her if you want, she just started earlier.”
“And she can do tricks, (Y/n) show them,” Jeongguk pipes in, his eyes sparkling at the idea of your wolf-dog being capable of tricks. You look to Jimin, almost asking for permission, since he was the boss. When he gives an amused smile and a nod, you oblige to Jeongguk's request.
Jeongguk had set your bags down near the sofa closest to the floor to ceiling window. You search the bag with Shelty’s prepped meals for her homemade treats. Earlier that week you had baked her sweet potato chips. You brought out the bag with the treat and a clicker, which instanously got Shelty's attention.
Deciding to show off your baby you hold two fingers out then wave them in a downwards motion. Shelty, recognizing the command, sat. a clicking noise was made and you gave her a chip. That she downed in less than three seconds. Then you open your palm and close it into a fist, your intelligent pupper understanding your command walks towards you and comes to a stand a little behind you right foot. Clicking the metal clicker again you gave her another chip.
“Shelty, up,’’ You say and she stands on her hind legs, you move back a few steps calling her to you. She staggers as she does and you catch her paws before she drops them, placing her front paws on your shoulder. You pet her body, clicking the clicker then giving her another chip. The six men looked in awe, not particularly at the trick but her height, when standing on back two legs, she was about as tall as you.
Now it’s time for the finale, your favourite trick and the one you were most proud of. Facing your open palm at her, you give her a stay command, then you take a good four steps back.
“Bang,” You call, and Shelty fall to the floor as she ‘dies’. You hear gasps and ‘wow’s resound from the men as you quickly pressed the clicker bolting to her giving her her treat.  You felt like a proud mama as the men in the room praised her.
“Wow, (Y/n) that’s so cool, she knows bang!” Hoseok cheers in excitement. “Can I, can I pet her?” he asks, a little hesitant from the incident before.
“Of course,” You smile, “Go on they want to give you pets. You love those,” cooing at the wolf-dog you gesture to the men. Sheltie lazily stood then padded her way over to the men. Hoseok tentatively ran his hand through Shelty’s fur, a sunny smile forming on his lips. As it does, the other men also seemed interested in petting her. Hell, even Jimin had a sparkle in his eyes.
You stood to the side as the men showered your puppy in attention. Who seemed to be drinking all the praise and affection. How cute, someone looking at them now
Jimin chuckles, looking over his brothers fawning over the wolf-dog. It had been a while since he had seen everyone smile and laugh together. This was… nice. But how long would this last? He sighs, breaking from the group over to where you stood.
“(Y/n), I’d like to talk to you,” Your head snaps to find Jimin's eyes, now serious again. “Come, sit,” He gestures to the spot across from  him.
“Yes?” You gingerly sat where he had directed you to.
“I’m not gonna lie, it would be easier to just kill you be done with it,” He admits, eyes serious. You froze where you sat, a jittery feeling bubbling in the pit of your stomach. But they let you bring Shelty, didn’t that mean you got to live? Shelty alerts on your nervous energy, ears standing straight up, she trots over to you, placing her head on your lap.
At her actions the men caught on to the situation. They give each other a look before taking their seat around Jimin. The air in the room grew tenser at the silence.
Shelty whined, nudging her nose into your stomach, trying to comfort you. A soft smile tugging onto your lips as you per head. At least you knew she would be well taken care of, you knew Jeongguk had fallen in love with her. If anything would happen to you, you were sure he would take care of your baby.
“Why would I let you live when killing you would be so much easier?” He says tracing the small scars on his hands. You gulp at his words. “At the moment you contribute nothing, just another hassle to look after.”
“I guess you’re right,” You hum, watching Shelty nuzzle into your touch.
“So, I offer you a job,” His honey brown eyes stare into yours, “Work for me.”
“Excuse me,” You blink, confusion forcing an involuntary head tilt.
“Become a doctor for us. We’ve all seen you work, you’re good at what you do. You work for us, and everything else will be taken care of, your safety, living arrangements, dog, and the pay isn’t too bad,”Jimin nods at Yoongi’s explanation.  
“Do you not have a doctor or like a medic or something?” You ask, confusion muddling your thoughts.
“Oh we do, we have a doctor, yes, but as you can see he doesn’t live with us. And has to be brought anytime there is an injury. Besides, we saw how useful it can be to have a doctor close by.” Yoongi continued
“On top of having living arrangements and pay, you’ll only be looking after the seven of us. Not a bad deal if I don’t say so myself. So how about it?” Jimin concludes, a coy smile on his plump lips.
You sigh, deeply exhaling, “Do I have a choice?”
“Not particularly no,” Jeongguk speaks up showing off bunny smile. You return his gesture, but could you do it? Could you be responsible for another's life again? Could you become a doctor for them?
There was a reason as to why you were an assistant florist instead of a doctor. You bit your lower lip, fidgeting with your finger nails, eyes downcast. The darkness from you past coming to life once more. Your anxiety and self-doubt resurfacing, slowly swallowing you into their depths. Until you felt something warm and wet brush against your cheek.
Shelty whined again, reflecting your nervous energy. A fond smile found its home on your lips. And you knew your answer. Sure, it was true Shelty would be taken care of even if something had happened to you. But… you didn’t want to leave the creature that had in your darkest times brought light into your life. You wanted to stay by her side, just as she had always been by yours.
Jimin watched as the turmoil that had once inhabited your face, faded and transformed into something else. He couldn’t quite recognize the expression on your face. It wasn’t happiness, it wasn’t the darkness from before, but it wasn’t sadness either. More like wistful acceptance.
He sighed, “I suppose you could have some time to think about it,”
“No, it's fine. I’m sorry, I just spaced out. I’ll take the job,” You shake your head, apologizing.
His lips tugged upwards, pleased with your answer. “Alright then, we’ll have all your belongings moved to your new room” Jimin says.
“By the way, shouldn’t you be in bed?” You questioned, a mischievous smile playing at your lips.
“Oh? Seems like the doc’s already on duty,” Jeongguk snorts, pushing himself off the back of the sofa, where he been standing.
“No rest for the wicked as they say,” Jimin sighs. And you chortle, agreeing.
“True, very ture,”
“I’m back!” A tall figure bursts through the front door, cheerfully announcing his arrival. A small suitcase in tow. He had chestnut brown hair and symmetrical features. He held a gray blazer, and wore matching gray slacks. A slightly wrinkled dress shirt, and a navy blue stripped tie with a silver tie pin completed his look.
“We have a guest?” He questions, giving his coat and suitcase to the maid that had seemingly appeared out of thin air. Who disappeared into the west wing hallway just as fast as she appeared.
“Meet (Y/n), our new personal doctor,” Jeongguk introduced you, as you gave him smile.
“Wow, I’m gone for one day and now we have an in house doctor,” He chuckles.  
“Welcome back, how was the flight?” Jin asked, from his seat.  
“It was only like an hour thirty minute flight,” He coasted over to the group, plopping down on the sofa the group sat at.
“ Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you (Y/n),” Taehyung reached out for a handshake, which you reciprocate.
“(L/n) (Y/n), nice to meet you too, though Jeongguk kind of already introduced me,” You chuckle.
“So, how was one of the biggest cities like?” The youngest male inquired, petting Shelty, who had made her way over to the men for wanting more attention and affection.  
“It was good,” He gave a short reply.
“How was the beach? It should have been a sunny day in Tianjin. Were the waves really big? honestly I’ve never surfed before,” You questioned absentmindedly, trying to make small talk. A silence fell upon the room and realized, eyes widening as you did… He hadn’t talked about the beach yet. The other men looked at each other, how had you known that Taehyung was in Tianjin?
“How did… how did you know?” He sat a little straighter, now on alert.
This was a skill that developed over time as a result of observing others. Originally, you had planned to use your power of observation to help you become a better doctor. But it had its side effects. Ah great, this didn’t always happen. You had made a habit of thinking before you spoke, but on occasion, your mouth moves faster than your brain.
“I said ,how did you know?” Taehyung asked again, voice firm.
“Ah sorry, it's just a thing that happens,” The tall chestnut haired male stared at you unsatisfied with your answer. You sighed, “Your watch, its an hour delayed an hour”
“And? You couldn’t have known I went to Tianjin just because my watch is set back an hour, for all you knew I could’ve been in Japan and how did you know about the beach?” Taehyung remarked.
You shook your head, “There isn’t a time difference between Japan and South Korea,”
“Tianjin, how did you know I was in Tianjin? I could have been in Beijing.”
“Jeongguk said “big city”, so it narrowed it down to major cities. Then you said it yourself, your flight duration was an hour thirty minutes. Major cities along the seashore any further have either longer or  shorter flight durations. And Flights to Beijing are an hour forty minutes to two hours. Besides, Beijing is landlocked, there are no beaches, and you can’t surf in a swimming pool,”
“How did you know I went surfing?’’ His voice breathy. Disbelief swimming in his eyes.
“Your hand, neck and face are tanned, but there's no tan past your wrists. Your shirt was loose so I saw the skin past your neck was paler than your neck or face. And that’s because you wore a wetsuit, the sea that meets the chinese coast is cold. So surfers usually wear those because it traps a thin layer of water between you and your suit. Your body heat actually warms that water and the suit traps in the heat to keep you warm. That's… how I knew,” You finish, rubbing the back of your head, a small smile on your lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean creep you out or anything, I was just trying to make conversation and it just slipped.”
The silence that had fallen earlier still remained in the room. Chuckling sheepishly you looked at the men in front of you. Shock, utter and absolute shock was written on their faces. They looked flabbergasted at your explanation. Had you really deduced all that with a few observations?
“How do you know all that?” Jeongguk he asks flabbergasted.
“I read a lot,” You sheepishly smiled at the younger male.
Jimin grinned, perhaps there was another use for you than only a doctor. Seemed like that little habit of yours would come in very useful in the near future. And by the looks of it Namjoon and Yoongi had come to the same conclusion he had.
“Everyone, meeting room looks like we have a lot to talk about,” Jimin announced, standing up and heading towards the staircase. Namjoon on his heel as the other followed after.
“I still need to feed Shelty, so I guess I’ll just wait for you guys here.” You surmised, as your gaze shifts to the wolf-dog comfortably laying on the fluffy rug.
“No, you’re going with us, you can bring her with us and feed her in the meeting room” Jimin declared from where he stood. He called the wolf-dog over. Who happily bounds over him. ‘When did they become best friends?’ You sigh relenting. Digging into Shelty's bag and her food bag, you pulled out her food bowl, a ziplock bag of pre-sliced meats, at this point the chicken and beef had thawed, then reached for a bag of veggies.
“Alright let's go,” You voiced, gesturing them to lead the way. You trailed after them, up the winding steps, down a familiar hallway. The OR was the first door on the left, they walked past it. Two doors down, they stopped at a large door, the door looked like any other in the house, only this one was wider, had a fingerprint reader and a keypad on the side. Jimin unlocked the door, it opened outwards. And inside wasn’t a room, it was another, but it was an elevator door.
The elevator opened and the men stepped in, you followed after them, Shelty on your tail. The interior of the elevator was similar to the ones you would see in a mall, as a matter of fact it was identical. There was a buzz and you felt the elevator descend, you were going down, but why? Were you not just on the first floor. Unless… eyes widening in realization, you were going underground.  
Jimin eyed you as you had your epiphany, ‘Smart girl,’ He thought as a smile ghosted his lips.
The elevator doors opened, and you were welcomed into a large room surrounded with gray concrete walls. The room was more of a concrete box than a room. Ultramarine, velvet armchairs formed a semi-circle, facing away from the elevator. You counted ten armchairs total each accompanied by a small mahogany round table. Each table held an astray.  
Unsure of where you were supposed to sit, you stood at the shifting your weight from one foot to another. Until Jimin gestured to you to sit next to him, on his left. Once in your seat, you immediately began unbagging Shelty’s meal, transferring the meats and vegetables into her bowl.
“Shelty, sit,” You commanded, holding her bowl in your right hand. And the wolf-dog eagerly obliged, excited to finally have a proper meal. You gave her a stay command as you placed the bowl on the floor.
“Alright,” You say and she’s in that bowl moving faster than lightning.
“First order of business, Taehyung, how did the trip go?” Namjoon began the meeting.
“After a little talk the Shen’s were more than happy to forget the little incident, as a matter of fact, they even wanted to make a deal with us,” Taehyung smirked pulling out a brown leather case from his front pocket. It was a cigar case. He cut the end of the cigar, then lit the other end before inhaling the smoke. He holds up the leather case offering a brown cigar to the others. Yoongi and Namjoon both accept one. ‘Boujee’ You silently chuckled at your own thoughts.
“Oh? What do they want?” Yoongi says exhaling a puff of smoke.
“A thousand units of Taurus PT24/7 and five thousand units of 9x19 parabellum cartridges to go with it,” Taehyung reports, proud of his accomplishments.
“How much are they paying?” Jeongguk asks, legs crossed, leaning his head on his palm.
“The usual,” Taehyung chirps.
Jimin nods his head in approval, his gaze shifting to Namjoon, giving him the go ahead to move to the next matter.
“Alright next is yesterday's incident,” Namjoon continues,  
Jimin let out a deep sigh, focusing his attention on Namjoon, “Report,” He calls.
“It seemed like they tried overwhelming us with sheer numbers, killing off all of us in one go. Which is strange because usually they’re incredibly cautious, they’ve never been as reckless as they were yesterday. I did take into consideration that they might have used the attack as a cover for something else. So I had the mansion thoroughly searched for anything suspicious. When it comes to damage, aside from the wreck in the living room, there were no casualties on either side, most of them escaped, the ones that didn’t are being kept in the holding cells. We began questioning yesterday, but none of them talked, and at this point I don’t think any of them will.” Namjoon gave a detailed analysis of the situation. 
He truly was adept at what he did, but something seemed off, if they seriously intended to kill them all in one go, why not use a bomb? Why not plant a bomb somewhere while still under the ruse of a peace talk, walk out of the house then detonate the bomb? Something wasn’t right.
“And guess how that plan turned out?” Jeongguk scoffed, switching his crossed leg.
While deep in thought your eyebrows knitted, you rubbed your lower lip with your index finger. Jimin eyed you taking in your disdain that made its way onto your face. And he realized, though he did not know what, he knew that you had caught onto something.
“Tell me (Y/n), what do you make of the situation?” Jimin urged you to speak. Snapping from your thoughts, you looked at them. Raising your index finger to point at yourself, asking a silent ‘me?’ Jimin nodded prompting you to speak.
“Honestly, I think we’re missing something here. Killing you all off at once? I guess that would be one way to look at it, but something doesn’t seem right. If they had really wanted to kill you guys why not plant a bomb? They could have pretended to leave you present or something, safely left the premises then blow the place up sky-high.That plan would have been much more efficient, and has significantly higher rates of success than that thoughtlessly put together attack, Or hiring highly skilled fighters or assassins, that would have given them much a better chances of success ” Rambling out your thoughts as they came to mind.
“I mean maybe they just didn’t think this through?” Hoseok, adds.
“Highly unlikely. No, we’re missing pieces of the bigger picture. Especially knowing for a fact that something like they had never been so reckless. Of the men that were there yesterday, were any of them strong? Did any of them stand out? And why wasn’t the boss of the other gang there for the peace talks,” You asked them still trying to piece together the incomplete puzzle.
“None of them particularly stood out, their fighting style was clumsy, and honestly the only reason they did any damage was because they had guns,” Hoseok inputs thoughtfully. Jeongguk agreeing with him.
“Like a fisherman who just cast out a net and now waits for fishes to tangle themselve,” You nibbled your bottom lip. 
 “What kind of analogy is that?” Yoongi remarked, not understanding the meaning of you words. 
“Kind of like a trap you mean. But how? How can a failed attack somehow become a trap?” Jin alluded the situation, yet he still did not see how this attack could translated into a trap. 
“The best traps are the ones you can’t see,” Taehyung adds following you train of thought.  
Jimin hums processing your words, you were right, something didn’t feel right here. The entirety of the attack didn’t feel right. Could this have been a sign, perhaps a warning for the events to come? Jimin chewed his lips, not liking the prospect of being left in the unknown.
“But I still don’t understand why the boss of the other group wouldn’t attend a truce meeting,” Your frown deepens.
“Yeong Cheol Meong, he’s the boss of the group, was apparently out of the country but wanted to sign a一 well I wouldn’t say a peace treaty, it's more of a cease fire contract,” Yoongi explains and you hum, catching on.
“What should I do with the captured men?” Namjoon asks Jimin. Who lets out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Have any of them talked?” Namjoon shakes his head, no. “Will they talk?”
“Unlikely, they were tight lipped even after over four hours of questioning, We tried everything from pain to bribery, they refused to talk,” Namjoon reports, shifting in seat. You alert when you hear his words… They wouldn’t talk? Even refusing bribery? There aren’t very many things that keep someone as tight lipped as these people were.
“Then get rid of them,” Jimin waves his hand dismissively, and you couldn’t control the noise of disapproval that left your lips.
Jimin raised an eyebrow in question, “What?”
“Don’t like the idea of killing people? Well I guess that’s to be expected from a doctor,” Yoongi scoffs softly.
“It’s just… nothing, nevermind I’m sorry” You apologize, feeling as though you had overstepped your bounds. You were just their doctor, it wasn’t your place to influence decisions. Besides, you didn’t they’re way of working, there were things they knew did and you didn’t. So the decision they made were best for the situation 
“No, no, continue,” Jimin interjects, insisting you speak up.
“It’s just, I  think they’re more useful alive than dead,” You hesitate, still unsure of what to do. 
“Oh?” Jimin implors you to go on. 
“Namjoon… can you um.. can you get information on those prisoners? Anything and everything,” You request, turning to face the tall man that sat to the right of Jimin.
“Can he get information? My girl, I’ll have you know, we’ve got  the most extensive and the most reliable information network in all of South Korea,’ Taehyung exclaims with a loud laugh.
“What are you planning?”Jimin's mouth twitched upwards, sensing a plan.
“I think it’s time we cast a net of our own,” You answer. The smile across your lips sly as a fox.  
Staring into the azure-blue sky, Taehyung leaned against his expensive orange and black sports car, puffing out a cloud smoke. ‘Just who the hell is that girl? Did she really come up all that right then and there?’ He tossed his nearly burnt out cigar on the ground before crushing it with his feet. First those incredible deductions, and now this plan. Just who were you exactly? And were you truly capable of. ‘Man, I barely come home and already being put to work,’
He pivots on his right foot, facing his black and orange sports car. He reaches for his car door, when he feels a sharp stabbing pain on the side of his neck. In a futile attempt he tries to struggle against the hands that were grapling him before his world goes black.  
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wolfcha1k · 4 years
Flood and Flame /// Guy x Eep Fanfic
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"You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood"
"Something wrong?" Guy inquired.
She shook her head before resting it on his shoulder, getting comfortable. "No, not really," Eep told him, seeing he didn't look convinced despite all she could really see was the curve of his jawline. "What about you? I have a feeling that it's not just itchy feet bothering you tonight." 
Guy and Eep take some time to sort out their feelings, surviving The End of the World itself can take its toll. There's also matters of the heart... /// Guy x Eep /// Post!Croods but before A New Age ///
You can also read it on Ao3 or FF.net here:
- <3 -
Author's Note: I'm always fascinated by the development of Guy and Eep's relationship that we don't see leading into "A New Age", since they start off rather new to each other. I also like to explore just how the family processed surviving The End since I'd imagine that was a very traumatizing experience. Especially for Eep who had nearly lost both her father and Guy during all that, two people she cares deeply for. So this is a little "what if" into that scenario.
This is also just a little distraction from "A Tomorrow of Our Own" as I sort through my writer's block. I had wanted to post this before Valentine's Day hit but what can you do, can't rush quality. The picture here was drawn by me and I hope you like the story and artwork. Some warning, kinda steamyish near the end, skip right to it or over it, your choice. If it makes anyone feel anything, then I did my job despite my virgin awkward boyfriendless ass feeling differently, haha. Ngl, took me several days just to write the kiss because I got so much second hand embarrassment yall gotta read that.
Eep couldn't sleep but then again, how could you catch a wink after surviving The End of the World itself? Her blood was still pounding in between her ears and it thrummed through her veins. The energy hummed under her skin, desperate to burst alongside the burning that sent her nerves ablaze. It was barely a few short hours ago they'd outlasted certain death. For those short moments, all had seemed lost.
In-between the restless twisting and turning amongst the sleep pile, Eep gave up trying to sleep. The dark around her didn't help matters much, even if Eep prided herself in her courage. She hunted for light all her life, eyes drifting towards the remains of the embers that still glowed upon the ground. It gave little comfort.
Her father's words echoed in her memory, the whole ordeal still fresh as a wound. Never be afraid.
Perhaps it was easier said than done, green gaze finding the hulking mass of fur and muscle that was Grug. She almost lost her father without never telling him she loved him. It haunted her when she waited on the other side of that chasm, bordering The End and waiting for a response she knew was never coming. The anxiety came like an unwelcome stranger, knocking persistently at her skull. Giving a soft frustrated groan, she sat up and crossed her arms.
She looked up at the moon and the night sky that held all the Tomorrows, the sleeping suns shining like beacons of hope. Eep tried laying down again, cuddling close to a nearby snoring mass she assumed was her little brother Thunk. There was Chunky's loud rumbling purr, Gran's thunderous snoring and Ugga's gentle murmuring to seek comfort from. She counted each breath, in and out and shut her eyes… How did the tiger fly? Her voice echoed, reminding her of caves and the canyon that once defined her existence.
And then he stumbled into her life, well, more like she pushed her way into his with persistence rivaling the most stubborn of beasts. He held the sun in his hands and showed her there was more than darkness. She jumped on the sun and rode it to Tomorrow.
Her nerves, taut as a bowstring, nagged for release. Like the tiger in Guy's tale, she was ready to fly.
I gotta move around, she thought. Eep gave one last look at her slumbering family silhouetted in the darkness. Instinct was something she knew innately, it kept her alive.
She wiggled free of the tangled bodies around her, rolling onto her hands and knees. Eep quickly felt the crisp night time chill turn her skin to goose flesh. She shivered, partially regretting the choice to leave the warm safety of the family sleep pile. Her body was too tense for sleep though, reminding Eep of the static feeling the air got before lightning struck.
She shrugged the feeling off and like a cat on the prowl began to creep away from the slumbering clan. Eep made distance and in-between trotting along her knuckles, she sprang up onto the balls of her feet gracefully. Muscles rippling under her tanned skin, she just let loose. The lush green jungle and its many colorful flowers rushed past her in a blur of color. Breaking into a run once Eep knew she was far enough away not to make noise, she relished in the freedom the night brought her. Eep breathed in the air deeply, feeling it expand her lungs and suddenly the cold of it felt good in comparison.
Her feet carried her towards the edge of the jungle, white sand expanding far as the eye could see. The ocean was shining bright, so blue she wondered if it was even real. The moonlight reflecting on the ocean called to her in a whisper yet was loud enough to deafen her ears. Eep wondered perhaps if she dipped her hands into the water she would scoop up a shard of the moon. Eep paused at the edge of the treeline. A familiar scent blew in on the breeze upwind, Eep flaring her nostrils.
Guy, she would recognize his scent anywhere. He smelled of wind and freedom, like innovation and firewood. He was also tinged in ash from The End and the burning scent of the tar he'd been stuck in with her father. It was thick and pungent, making her tense. Again it reminded her how close she had nearly lost everything. Eep without another thought was quick to seek him out, a part of her worried about him being alone out here.
It was silly to worry, there was no danger here now. Besides, Guy had survived alone long before he ever met her and her family. However she couldn't shake it, especially when today she saw him lose hope in that moment. Guy was a dreamer and always knew how to escape the worst of dire situations. Full of ideas that seemed endless, he'd had no solution to when the earth broke into pieces around them. It had broken her heart seeing him like that, all her faith was on him and she'd never thought he could lose that spark.
It didn't make her regret the journey though, she would have always followed him to The Ends of the earth. Despite how short she'd known him, it felt like forever somehow. Were soulmates real? She hoped so.
Come with me.
She found him quickly thanks to her keen sense of smell. Seated on a tall rock on the shore, his back was to her. His knees were curled up to his chest, long arms wrapped around him. Eep crept towards him and he perked at the sound. He turned his head, squinting to see passed the dark. He relaxed when he realized it was not danger, a sigh rattling his thin, lanky frame. His smile could radiate light as he gave her one. It made her insides melt.
"Hey," he greeted, already scooting over to give her a spot on his lonely little ledge.
She didn't hesitate to plop herself next to him, quickly cozying herself into his side. "Hey you," she chirped back.
Guy didn't seem to mind the affection, if anything he was just as eager to meet her half way. He leaned his head comfortably against her temple, breathing in her scent.
"What are you doing up?" Eep asked him after several moments, needing the time to enjoy having him to herself for once. It was one of the first real time being alone together since getting stuck in the canyon.
"Just wanted to explore a bit, I couldn't sleep," he told her, turning his face to nuzzle her cheek. If Eep were a cat, she would have purred at the affection. "What about you?"
"I'm too wound up I think," she said. "I can't sit still for long anyway."
He chuckled fondly, pulling away to look at her. Eep practically whined at the loss of contact, looking into his eyes. "You do have a severe case of wanderlust, I must be contagious."
"Hey, so long as it's not the common cold I'm good."
"I'd never want to make you sick," Guy promised her. "I'm healthy as a horse fly, I swear."
Lovesick seemed to be a fitting description though, Eep batting her eyelashes as she swooned at his affection. He grinned at her.
"How did you find me?" He asked her suddenly, returning to nuzzle the soft skin of her cheek and jaw.
"I sniffed you out," she exclaimed, sounding proud of herself.
"Do I really smell that weird to you?" Guy teased her, gently lifting a finger to boop her on the nose. She went cross eyed, amused.
"A bit, I've gotten used to it though," she teased right back.
He gave her a lopsided boyish smile at that, chuckling low in his throat. Guy made himself more comfortable on his perch on the ledging. Eep watched Guy turn away from her to look towards the sky, his brows furrowed. Something seemed to be on his mind, Eep's curiosity pricked under her skin and she shuffled her weight. Feeling her shift, Guy turned back to her, questioning.
"Something wrong?" Guy inquired.
She shook her head before resting it on his shoulder, getting comfortable. "No, not really," Eep told him, seeing he didn't look convinced despite all she could really see was the curve of his jawline. "What about you? I have a feeling that it's not just itchy feet bothering you tonight."
He sighed, merely cuddling her warm body as he put an arm behind her back. "Bad dream," he confessed at last, looking up at the slumbering suns above them again. Guy's face was solemnly drawn, forlorn as seemed to search the heavens for answers. "Today was a lot."
"Yeah," she agreed quietly, mind blanking as she thought back to what had happened just barely a day ago now.
Eep looked at her arm where a fresh wound was, the blood long since dried. She'd gotten it after Grug threw her across the chasm, her bicep had grazed a sharp rock when she landed. Eep had a feeling it would scar, it wasn't like she was scared or ashamed of those though.
This one though felt different, sure, she had survived but it'd been a horrifying day. It was something that would take time to forget and feel pride in.
Guy followed her eyes and gently nudged her, drawing her from her thoughts. "What about you?" He echoed the question. "I know it's not only me who's reflecting."
"What is there really to say?" She shut her eyes, returning to the darkness that had suffocated them in dirt and ash. "I nearly lost my dad." We all almost died.
They fell into a tense silence as both Eep and Guy continued to digest all that they'd experienced today. Guy idly peeled at a piece of dried tar he couldn't wash off successfully with his finger nail. She lifted her head a little and Eep watched him, green eyes flickering between his face and the splotch of black tar.
"I know the feeling," he murmured at last and he hesitated a long moment, steeling himself as he lowered his head. "I… um… I lost my parents when I was a little boy."
Eep drew away to properly look at his face, seeing the old hurt there. He wouldn't look at her, trapped somewhere in his mind she was unable to follow. She reached out to cup his cheek to turn his head towards her, rubbing her thumb tenderly against his face.
He leaned into her touch, lifting his hand to cover hers. He pulled it away slightly in order to press his nose into her calloused palm, a gesture of deep fondness amongst cave people. Did he know that? Eep wondered. It made her ears burn despite the weight of what they were talking about.
"Guy… I'm sorry," she said finally, it was the only thing she could really say. It had been an obvious conclusion for why he was alone, so young yet wise beyond his years. His experience spoke volumes of the world he had to face.
She once couldn't imagine living without her father, no matter how much Grug frustrated and smothered her. After today she knew though at last and it was the worst feeling in the entire universe, no kind of wound she'd ever gotten could come close to comparing to it.
"The tar pit with your dad really picked at an old wound for me," he went on, voice beginning to warble a little. "They had drowned in that stuff. I guess… I guess I wasn't as over it as I thought I was. I can't forget that awful smell, it suffocates you."
Eep didn't think it was a thing you could get over, part of her didn't want to meet the person who had forgotten it that easily. She wasn't sure what to say so instead she wrapped an arm around his waist, hoping her presence would be enough comfort.
"I'm not alone anymore though," Guy continued despite how sad his voice sounded. "I got you and your family now."
"And Belt," she added helpfully and it made him smile a little bit as waned as it was.
"And Belt," he agreed. "I think my family would have wanted me to go on this crazy road trip with you."
"Log ride and all?"
"Maybe sans the log ride," Guy admitted, twisting his face up in a pout. Eep pulled him closer so she could hug him better.
They fell into a companionable silence for a time, listening to the wind as it blew over the beach. Her thoughts wandered again to places she didn't want it to go, that buzzing unused energy beneath her skin returning with a vengeance.
Eep knew thinking about things wasn't going to be helpful for either of them, her gaze jumping between Guy and the ocean. The tide rumbled softly as it eased in and out along the coastline. She tugged on his elbow, gesturing with her head in the direction of the ocean.
"Wanna go for a swim?" Eep asked, knowing the shift in topic would be welcome. They would drown their fears in the water. She idly flexed her muscles in preparation of the activity to come.
His expression lightened despite his eyes still looking sad. It was progress at least. "Yeah, sure," he relented with a small smile.
Eep beamed at him in girlish glee, separating herself from his side to spring to her feet. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" She shot off, leaping off the ledge onto the sand gracefully.
Guy scrambled to rush after her and nearly fell face first off the rock, calling out accusingly, "Hey! That's cheating, Eep!"
"No, you're just a sore loser!" She called back, turning around as she ran backwards a moment. She saw him running as fast as he could, long legs extending forward and back. Eep made it to the shore line and leaped into it in a cannonball, climbing a nearby series of rocks as a kind of diving board.
There was a dark shape distorted on the surface of the water before suddenly it crashed down after her. Eep moved to avoid being crushed and saw it was Guy. He grinned at her, paddling about skillfully. Eep was still learning this whole swimming thing, he was like a swan to water compared to her. They were deep enough that they could see the bottom yet not far enough for it to be a problem returning back above the sea. She swam after him when he went further down, showing her some coral and undersea plants that were eye candy. Some fish swam passed them, their scales rainbowy and glistening in the lowlight.
Her lungs began to burn for air and she could see Guy was beginning to feel the effects too, for he started upwards with a strike of his feet to the sea floor. Eep could see the mottled light shining above her on the water, casting the belly of the sea in an ethereal sort of glow. She kicked her feet down, paddling her way up to the surface with a gasp. She moved a clump of wet hair out of her eyes, grinning when she saw Guy resurfacing next.
She splashed him merrily, Guy lifting his arms in a feeble attempt to protect himself. He swatted water back at her afterwards childishly, Eep giggling as she began to crocopup paddle away from him. Guy followed her, easily cutting her off to dunk her when he grabbed her around the shoulders. Eep sputtered as she resurfaced, seeing the wide mischievous grin on his face.
"Two can play at that game!" Eep declared, sucking in a breath dramatically before diving back down.
She could see Guy's body twist and turn as he attempted to peer down to see what she was doing. Eep swam under him and hefted him onto her shoulders, she heard his surprised gasp as he clutched around her neck for support. She promptly tossed him head over feet before scrambling to the nearby rocks again before he could get her back.
His head popped up above the sealine, Guy wiping his face away the water and spitting salt from his mouth. He looked around for her before his dark eyes found her standing proudly on the rocks.
"What are you doing now?" Guy asked her, swimming near her suspiciously.
"I'm the queen of the rocks!" Eep called out, puffing her chest out. "And you're the dirty dung beetle," she added, her teeth shining from her wide playful smile.
"I'll show you who's the dirty dung beetle," he said, beginning to climb the rocks after her.
Eep pounced to a higher one as he got closer, her balance better than his as she lowered onto all fours. "You gotta try harder than that to dethrone me, Guy."
Guy scrambled on the wet slippery stones but found his balance before he could plummet back into the ocean. He got to her perch and the two of them began to wrestle for the spot, Eep getting him into a headlock as his arms went around her torso.
He attempted to shove her with all his might, looking rather pathetic as he went red in the face from exertion. "You're like a rock!"
"Complimenting me won't get you anywhere!" She shifted her weight, ready to throw him.
He saw an opening and Guy swept his leg against hers, forcing her to stumble as her foot slid from underneath her. Suddenly, Eep lost her footing and yelping out loud began to fall. She didn't release him, if she was going down he was going down with her. Guy gave a similar shout and the two crashed in a heap into the water.
He let go of her and Eep loosened her grip from around his neck as the two swam back to the surface, gasping for air. Eep pulled him up with her, arms loosely draped on his shoulders and back. Guy had a sopping mop of hair drooping over his forehead and eyes, his smile wide. "I win."
"That was hardly a fair victory," Eep accused him without any real bite, lightly kicking his leg. "You fought dirty!"
"You're just a sore loser," he teased her, echoing what she'd called him earlier.
She just huffed, floating there with him. She looked at his face, amused. He looked so funny with his hair covering most of his face, it reminded her of the shaggy mop sabrebunnies had. She was suddenly hyper aware of how close together they were, his face nearly touching hers as his breath came out huffing. She could feel it fan her lips and a chill that wasn't just the cold this time made her shiver. His torso pressed against hers, their knees touching and chests close together.
It reminded her of when they'd set the trap together back in the tundra with the weird rocks. They had gotten tangled together like this before, faces touching and limbs ensnared tightly. This time there was no turkeyfish or Grug to break the tension.
She swallowed, her throat felt tight. Guy brushed aside the hair from his eyes, his laughter stilled and the smile on his face fell away slowly. His eyes fell to her lips for a moment. He suddenly realized their position but he made no move to pull away.
She felt like she had butterflies inside her stomach yet somehow it didn't seem to matter at all right now. Eep only wanted to hear him say her name again like that, softly and wrapped with warmth. Only he could make her name sound like one of the most beautiful things in the world.
"Yeah, Guy?" It took her a moment for her brain to catch up to reply, she wondered if she sounded as breathless as she felt.
He was quiet, a seriousness she wasn't quite used to seeing when she thought of Guy. He was usually so goofy and strange, in a good way, of course. It was easier on her nerves though when he was stammering and a little nervous of her. Now she was the one feeling a little frightened but she also couldn't care less about that right now. It was a fear that reminded her of when she tried something new, nervous energy that fell away into satisfaction when it proved her fears wrong.
"I think I love you," he confessed after hesitating, needing to collect his thoughts. His words were soft and gentle, the fondness there even without him directly telling her. They came out of nowhere practically, yet it just felt right. Guy gauged her expression which must have been surprised because he reached for her hand as it trembled. "Are you okay?"
"It's just the cold," she mumbled with a sheepish look, attempting to ignore the gooseflesh erupting across her skin. Eep smiled.
He seemed as nervous as she was, resting her palm on his chest and covering her hand entirely. His heart was thundering under her fingers and he shivered. She felt it through her hand and arm, Eep blinked at him with concern. "Just the cold," Guy murmured back with a small grin.
"My heart feels like that too," she chuckled, shutting her eyes tight as she sucked in a deep breath. "Is that normal?"
"Yeah, it is," Guy assured her, squeezing her hand with a gentleness she wasn't accustomed to. Used to rough handling, it was something she was still adjusting to. "Least I think so. I've never… felt like this before."
"Okay," Eep murmured. "Hey, um, can I…?"
"Can you…?" He encouraged her softly.
She decided it was easier to just do it than elaborate what she wanted because something about it felt too intense to put into her voice. She forgot what words were but that was okay, they seemed unneeded. Not thinking was becoming easier, Eep closed the distance between them, not that there was much left to begin with anyway. She pressed her forehead against his, holding her breath as she waited for his reaction. He was so warm, his breath stuttering against her lips at the contact.
He was tense under her touch for a moment before relaxing, brushing his nose against hers as he tilted his head at a more comfortable angle. His touch thrilled her, a feeling she'd never experienced before until meeting him. Nobody had ever touched her like this, vulnerable and intimate. It was a long drawn out moment, Eep hearing the soft exhale of his breath.
"You need to breathe, Eep," Guy reminded her in a low voice.
"Oh," she managed to say, sounding rather pathetic as she let it out.
Guy nuzzled his nose against hers, brow against brow. "I like this."
Eep found what she wanted to say again, pressing her palm against his heart. His fingers tightened around hers. His pulse raced under her, pounding like thunder in a storm. It fueled her resolve and gave her relief that her feelings weren't something fleeting. It wasn't just because Guy was new that he fascinated her endlessly, her feelings ran deeper than that. "I... I think I love you too, Guy."
There was a hitch in his voice. "Yeah?"
They breathed together for what felt like forever, his breath fanning her face. Guy moved, she felt it in the water around them. Eyes still closed, they widened when she felt the gentle press of something against her lips. His fingers brushed along her jawline tenderly, tilting her head further. A rush of heat made her skin feel more alive than it ever had before, touched by sunlight and fire all at once. It burned her blood and pounded in between her ears. His mouth moved against hers, each movement making her heart skip a beat. He pulled the slightest bit away, lips hovering above hers. His chest heaved a bit as he caught his second wind, Eep realized she was just as bad. It felt like the rush she got from hunting or when he taught her something new, invigorating and alive. Guy seemed to be waiting for something, what that something was, Eep wasn't sure.
A shiver ran down her spine despite how warm her entire body felt, Eep gathered her resolve. She leaned back towards him, hesitating for a heartbeat before tentatively closing the distance between them. He pulled her closer, which was somewhat difficult due to being in the water. He let go of her hand to tangle his fingers in her hair, Eep stroking the indentation between his pectorals. He trembled like a leaf under her touch as it roved over his skin, her hands moving from his chest to his shoulders, kneading the sinewy muscle there. His hand gently stroked the slope of her neck and down her muscular back, tracing scars in a awed sort of way, like she was precious.
She felt the soft flicker of his tongue against her lower lip and she couldn't help but startle, pulling back the slightest breath away. He didn't chase after her lips, just shut his eyes and breathed out a long, drown out exhale like he was pained. Her face leaned closer to his again and shyly she copied him, gliding her tongue along his lip to show her what he wanted.
And show her he did, tentative and gentle as always when he sensed her hesitation. He would never push her, though once Eep found her courage, she turned the tides on him with her typical ferocity. Guy gave a sound that was nearly a growl, thrilling her. She'd never been wanted before, her palm cradling his cheek. Her other arm went to wrap around his neck as his hand fell to squeeze her waist. He gripped the furs at her hips, pulling her closer yet still feeling too far away. She wanted him closer, like prey being hunted she felt cornered but it was exciting. Emotions she never knew before raged within her, Eep couldn't help but whimper against his lips as they spiraled down.
He paused, pulling away at the sound to take in her flushed face. His chest heaved, Eep feeling it more so than hearing it now. "Are you okay? I'm um… sorry." Guy was suddenly sheepish.
"I think I forgot how to breathe," she said between breaths, exhilarated.
He swallowed thickly, gathering his wits as he gently pushed her away. "Me too." The words seemed to remind him what was at stake here, that there was more than the burning in their blood.
The distance helped her heart time to finally stop its frantic beating. It found itself a much more manageable rhythm, one that thankfully didn't make her feel like she was dying. She caught her breath, lifting her hand out of the water to see it was pruned. "Wow," she mumbled, surprised.
"We've been in the water too long," he said, looking at his own fingers. "I think I'm actually cold now." Guy shivered, teeth chattering for a second.
Eep giggled with a sheepish grin. "Me too."
Guy began making his way towards the shoreline, padding through the water. Eep followed him as she crocopup paddled. Once they reached the soft white sand, the couple flopped together on their backs. Eep wiggled into his side, curling up into a ball. With the warmth of the sun gone, there wasn't much of a way to chase off the chill.
He wrapped an arm around her, rolling onto his side to get closer. "We can't stay here, you know," he mumbled into her hairline.
"Too cold, don't care," she rebutted. "Make me warm."
Guy chuckled, pulling his hands away despite her whining protest. He blew hot air into his palms and rubbed her chilled skin vigorously. They stayed like that for a moment, trading body heat until the cool night air on their skin felt tolerable. Eep pushed herself to her elbows after pulling away, gazing at the sky. Guy followed her eyes towards the sleeping suns.
"I'll never get tired of seeing this," Eep said aloud, turning to face Guy. He finally sat up, draping his arms over his knees as he crossed his legs.
"Me either," he said, relishing the beautiful sight. "I've followed each sun for so long," Guy continued, closing his eyes with a peaceful look on his face. He turned to face her, a smile quirking the corner of his mouth. The fondness in his dark eyes made her feel shy, something she hadn't known she could be. "They lead me to you."
"I should thank them," Eep decided, getting to her feet. She stretched her arms above her head, hands attempting to reach for the moonlight. "Thank you, Tomorrow!" She called out, smirking at Guy who laughed.
He found his legs, standing up next to her. "Yeah!" He shouted, cupping his hands to his mouth so the sound carried. "Thank you!"
She giggled, giddy as she pressed into his side. He rested his head against hers, grabbing her hand to affectionately smooth his thumb over her knuckles. Guy raised her hand to his lips after, placing a featherlight kiss on each finger. "Your dad would so kill me right now," he mumbled against her skin.
"I won't let him," she quipped, practically glowing in her warmth. "Though, he might hunt you down if we don't go back to bed."
"Yeah," he sighed, sounding reluctant as he let her hand go. Eep instantly missed the warm of his calloused palm and fingers around it. "We probably should."
"We can still take advantage of the sleep pile though," she said with a slow grin, hands behind her back coyly.
He copied her expression, keen on the sneaky plan. "Not like Grug can really lecture us, everyone moves like an earthquake in there."
She toed the ground, shaking her head with a snort. "Yeah." Eep nudged his shoulder and looped her arm through his. "C'mon, it's late and I think I'm worn out enough to sleep now."
Guy nodded his agreement, seeming to suppress a yawn suddenly as he muffled his mouth. "Yeah, I'm all adventured out." He gave her a sly little look, Eep innocently blinking up at him as if not knowing what he was insinuating. "Thanks for that, by the way."
"Anytime," she quipped.
They began to make their way away from the beach and into the jungle, hearing the snores of the slumbering family through the thick foliage. Eep tugged Guy down besides her to practically curl around him. Guy wrapped an arm around her waist, shimmying into a more comfortable position before sighing. Eep closed her eyes with a low hum, listening to the soft beating of Guy's heart.
She felt something soft press against her forehead, a kiss, she realized. She idly kissed the spot where his heart was in response, lovingly without a word but he knew its meaning. His breath hitched a little and he tugged her closer.
She was asleep faster than she thought possible, content and cozy…
Of course the awakening was less so when morning came, a disgruntled and shrill sound reached her ears. Yup, everything seemed back to normal, its natural balance. Guy could do nothing more besides retreat away as the familiar broad form of Grug seemed ready to skewer him with a nearby branch he grabbed. Of course he had assumed the worst, having awoken to see Guy's body draped over Eep's, pinning her beneath his weight
"Belt!" Guy shouted as he pelted off into the forest, ducking and weaving.
But the sloth only raised his long arms in a sweeping dramatic gesture. "Dun, dun, dun!"
"Ah, young love," Gran crooned, resting her fist on her chin as Eep got up to go save her boyhog. "I doubt he will kill him, we still need his fire."
Fire indeed, Eep thought with a burning blush.
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fvaleraye · 4 years
Ashes and Dust
Heyyyyyy, would you look at that... another Scintillam chapter. Ngl, I hit a creative block super hard for a while. I had several WIPs that I wanted to do, but... like, once I started them, I didn’t really feel it, y’know? So, I decided to start fresh, and just. Work on something chill. So I did! This is gonna be another Charthos chapter, I’ll probably swap back to the gals pov soon, but I’m just feeling my old cranky pyromancer man rn Also, I would like to give a big shoutout to @artnerd1123 for proofreading the chapter for me, and helping fix some stuff that i missed/didn’t think about. Tyvm, Belle... I appreciate you... Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy reading...
The month of the Blazing Moon meant long days, and short nights. A dreadful heat washed over most of the land, as the name implied, save for the ever-chilled northern mountains, of course. The farmers across the land harvested their summer crops and prepared for the coming of fall. Though travel wasn't exactly booming in the suffocating summer heat- unless the travel led to a coast or someplace cooler- there were many who were unbothered by the temperature. The lizardfolk especially thrived during these times. On the other hand, pyromancers considered the Blazing Moon to be a holy month, if for no other reason than the fact that it preceded the coming of the Embered Moon, when the Rite of Embers would take place. To see a pyromancer out of their lands during these months was a rarity, but one could be seen walking the roads. An old, tired pyromancer. Charthos had been travelling for weeks. Magna Terra was not small, but the place he searched for was. Just a modest little hamlet in the middle of nowhere. In the Great Plains, no less- one of the biggest open spaces of absolutely nothing on the whole continent. It was easier to navigate than the Ashen Plains. No waist-high ash to trudge through. Roads were still sparse, though. And every direction looked equally identical. At least the sun was visible, that helped. And he had a passable sense of direction. And he remembered the little town from many, many years ago. It had something resembling sentimental significance for him. Something like that. Still wasn't easy to find. There weren't exactly towers scraping the clouds to tell him when he was getting close. If he was visiting one of the cities, this wouldn't be nearly as difficult. He huffed, embers and sparks leaving his old, splintered body. He watched the little sparks of life fall to the earth. At least this grass isn't dry yet. He mused. That would cause issues for the Uncharred 'round here, huh... He let out a quiet little chuckle. For a people who didn't use fire for much more than lighting the dark or warming things up, they sure did live in some flammable areas. A few suns pass, more of the same. Eventually, hints of brown wood, stone foundations, and gray smoke from chimneys started to peak over the horizon. Thank the fucking Traveller, I'm finally here. Or, well, close enough.
Another few minutes of trudging slowly on the path lead the pyromancer to the town square. It was a quiet town. Or, at least, it was supposed to be. There was a decent crowd gathered in the middle of the square, seemed like the whole town, or near enough. They were gathered around a woman in strange garb standing on a small makeshift stage. She was not a short woman- even if she was level with the crowd she would probably still peek over their heads- but she was still clearly human. At least, from what one could tell. She wore a pale dress with no sleeves, and ribbons circled her arms. Her face was covered but a wooden mask, the face of it painted with a fierce, purple visage, with horns protruding from the sides, her brown hair braided underneath it. Around her on the stage were a few other similarly dressed individuals, though, unlike her,  they were silent. The woman was yelling and gesturing with all the fervor and energy of a young, opinionated priest. But she wasn't a priestess. At least, not like one he had seen. He stepped closer to the edge of the crowd to better hear what had the strange woman up in arms.
"-nd one day, they will return! The great, scaled beasts of time immemorial!" She cried. "The dragons will return, and the skies shall darken beneath their great wings, as they take back what was once, what has always been, theirs, and destroy those who presume to own their lands, their world!" She began pointing to various members of the crowd. "All of you, all of us, will be wiped from this world, like footprints washed away in a rainstorm, as the fury of nature itself descends on us, and we will all be but ashes and dust! Unless we supplicate the great scaled ones as we once did! Mayhaps, they will even see fit to elevate us to their greatness! You need only-!"
Charthos began to walk away after realizing that the one he was looking for wasn't among the crowd, as well as getting tired of the woman's screeching, and the looks from the crowd. Doomsayers. Dime a dozen nowadays... He thought, given an exasperated sigh. He stepped away from the main square, and began making his way towards the residential area of the little town. He glanced over each home as he walked, looking for one in particular. They were all very similar; wooden walls and roof, at least two windows, chimney, stone foundation raising it above the dirt... the differences were aesthetic. Some had nice curtains. Others had cleanly painted roofs, or walls. A few had flowers, whether gardens of them, or simply a few on the window sill. It was downright pleasant. What I wouldn't give to live like this again. Even if only for a time. He brushed off the sentimental thoughts as he turned to one house, practically near the end of the edge of town. It was simple, like all the others. It had purple curtains, and rather... exotic looking plants growing in a side garden. He walked up the steps, and gave the door a small knock. There was some silence, and then he knocked again, this time louder. Footsteps started approaching the door, the sounds of several locks being undone sounded past the wooden surface. After a moment, a pair of gray eyes peeked past a crack in the door. They looked over the demon-infested, wooden man, and closed the door to undo another lock. The door creaked open, revealing a tired looking woman in patchy clothes. "May I come in?" Charthos asked, hesitantly. The woman just motioned him inside, and locked the door before turning to face him.
"What do you want, old man?" She asked tersely, leaning on the doorway of the dimly lit, but still rather charming abode.
"Hello to you too, Penelope." He replied, his tone jabbing at her.
"If you're going to be like that, get out." She spit, her tired voice laced with venom.
"Aw, I feel so welcomed. Every grandfather's dream." He sighed, crouching down in front of the fireplace. "I need a favor from you, dear."
"Of course you do." She let out a spiteful laugh, still leaning on the doorway. "You never write, let alone visit, unless you need something from me."
Uncomfortable silence settled over the room, the tension in the air thick enough to choke on. The man simply stared into the roaring flame in the stone fireplace, lost in his own head for a moment that felt like eternity. He didn't want to reply. He couldn't reply. Not with anything she would want to hear. Nothing he could say would make up for anything. Even if he wasn't facing her, he could feel her gaze piercing through him, bright and furious, like a bolt of lightning.
"Are you going to say anything?" She said, her frustrated tone slicing through the silence like a dagger.
"What do you want me to say?" He spat back, glancing over his shoulder. "I'm sorry? I've said that. I've said it so many times to so many people it's lost its meaning. Want me to say I was wrong? Well I was. Too late to change anything. What can I say that'll make you happy?"
Silence settled again. No answer came. She couldn't think of one. She just gave a long, tired sigh.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He mumbled, turning back to the fire. "What are you cooking in here?"
She raised a brow at the question. "Excuse me?"
"What are you cooking in this fire?" He gestured to what was seemingly open air above the fire. "You're not warmin' up. Not in the middle of bleedin' summer. What are you cooking?"
After a brief moment of indignant hesitation, Penelope stepped away from the doorway, and waved a hand at the fire. The once orange and yellow flames turned black and purple, and all light they once produced vanished. In the center was a now visible deer's skull, being slowly and unnaturally devoured by the flames. Black magic. The pyromancer gave a small chuckle. "You really are like your mum." He said, tilting his head at it. "... how's she doin', by the by?"
"She's fine." The witch replied, tersely.
"... I'll take your word for it." He sighed. "How's your deadbeat pop?"
She returned with a sigh of her own, before giving an answer. "Hell if I know."
"I figured as much."
The two continued to stare at the dark flame in silence, as it casted dark and unnatural shadows over the room. The shifting shapes whispered indecipherably, in dead languages. Neither were very perturbed by it, but the girl was the only one really listening. That's why it was there, after all. After about half an hour of silence, the deer skull was gone, completely devoured by the flames, and with that, the black flames were gone near instantly, as well as the shapes, and their whispering. Light returned to the room, but silence was still dominant. Eventually, it was broken by another long sigh from the young witch. "I'll say it again. What do you want, old man?" He stared quietly at the open space where there was once fire. There were no embers. No smoke. It was as if it wasn't even there. An absolute void of space within the stone fireplace. Pristine. As if it had never been used once. He took a long, deep breath. He wanted to berate her. Tell her to maybe not make dealings with these things, but it would fall on deaf ears. Same as her mother. And besides. He wasn't one to talk, really.
"I need a coal." He said, finally. His request stilled the air in the wooden home.
After a moment of silence, the witch simply leaned over, reaching a hand into the fireplace, as a dark, viscous substance started to bleed from the stone. It wormed and writhed to the space where her hand rested, and formed into a small stone-like object. Darker than black, it seemed to suck the light out of the area around it. She handed it to him wordlessly, and he took it, stuffing it into a bag at his hip. With that now in his possession, he stood up, and looked to her. "Thank you, dear." He whispered, stepping towards the door. "I'll be going now. I know when I'm not wanted." He stepped out the door, and it was shut behind him. No goodbyes were exchanged, nothing more was said. Nothing more needed to be said. As he stepped down from the porch of the humble little house and back onto the dirt, he glanced back over his shoulder. "... I love you, dear." He said, wistfully. "You and your mum. I always did. The only flesh and blood I got left." He looked to the ground, his branches swaying a bit in the wind. "... and you." He added, seemingly to no-one in particular. Seemingly. "If any harm comes to her on account of you, I will know. And I will find you." With those final, ominous words, he started his trip out back out of town, a shape slipping out of his shadow as he left, to his next stop on this little journey of his.
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junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 4. | Hijack
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: After the intense and insane day of Venice flooding again from that gigantic water monster, Y/N and Peter want things to go back to normal but Nick Fury has other plans...
WORD COUNT: 3528 words
WARNINGS: A singular swear word from Nick Fury 
a/n: hello everyone!! here is the next part of my series ‘metanoia’ and i hope you enjoy!!
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Inside Room 11 of Hotel de Matteis
from: F/N ✌️
                                                                                                                          from: you
Hydro-Man. apparently he's a sailor who suddenly
got water powers from an experiment or smth.
from: F/N ✌️
science. always the cause.
just y/n/n, are you okay?
we saw it all on the news and that 'thing' and what it did...
from you:
i'm okay and safe. everyone is and thankfully,
not one got hurt.
are you alright?
from: F/N ✌️
it was just, a massive scare.
after the whole 'blip' and everything and now this?
we literally can't have a break! and there's no one to protect us!
from: you
yeah ik. everything's just been chaotic.
im certain things will change tho and will get better.
plus, we have each other and pretty sure Spidey and Saviour as well.
from: F/N ✌️
guess we do... thanks y/n/n
anyways, i suggest you call your mum back or text her.
she was in hysterics and was screaming at Harrington thru the phone.
was pretty funny ngl, well without the situation.
from: you
will do.
i gtg now sorry; Harrington wants us up and early.
ill get to mum in a bit and will tell you more i promise.
gn nub!
from: F/N ✌️
you better... > : )
gn geek! : P
Slumping against the door, you sink to the ground and drop your phone lazily into your lap. The moonlight shines into your face from your open window, the night's cool breeze drifts and ruffle the worn down curtains.
I just want a break.
Your mind wonders and races with flashbacks of today's events; the screaming and collapsing buildings, water rapidly running and wrecking the streets of Venice and Venetian's homes and everyone; it's only the first day of the Europe Trip and it's already a mess... typical luck.
A vibration from your lap surprises you as you jolt upward lightly. The screen illuminates with its bright light directly into your eyes with the message notification: 1 New Message.
We need your assistance Saviour.
Meet at these coordinates and go alone.
You have 10 minutes to arrive and no later.
Tell no one.
Examining the order of numbers, you pin point the exact location and clicked off your phone; the location was underneath a bridge for whatever reason and is only a 5 minute flight with the suit.
"Hey ARIS?"
"Good evening Ms. L/N, how may I assist you this evening?"  Your AI responds, blinking a tiny blue light from your bracelet.
"Nothing at the moment yet. How's your status?"
"My circuits have successfully mended and the suit and myself are in full operation. I apologise for the inconvenience earlier."
"Wasn't your fault ARIS. Anyways, apparently I have a few missed calls?"
"Indeed you do. I apologise for not alerting you; I was in Power Nap Protocol as requested. You have approximately 20 missed calls from Mum, 10 missed calls from Dad, 25 missed calls from Y/F/N and 5 from Pepper Potts."
"A-any voicemails?" Your voice quivers with a hint of fear.
"Every missed call contains a voicemail except the 5 calls from Pepper Potts. Shall I send anything to the following?"
"No thank you ARIS. I'll call Mum and Dad myself." You finish and switch ARIS off.
Grabbing your phone, you unlock it and stare again at the anonymous message and groan.
from: you
i'll be there in 20.
They can wait. First, I need to call Mum and Dad and then-
"That canal water today was filthy and full of dangerous bacteria." Mr. Dell's voice abruptly interrupted your thoughts.
Then a shower and THEN I go to the bridge or whatever it is.
Standing up onto your feet, you lean against the door and go into contacts and as your finger hovers over 'Mum ❤️', a slight sense of pain hits you as you stare intensely at the name 'Pepper Potts'.
Shrugging the feeling off, you press onto the contact name and place the ringing phone to your ear, bracing for her yells and screams of relief and anger.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The sound of water rippling against the boat's motor is the only thing Peter can seem to hear; after wishing Y/N a goodnight, Ned had started bombarding Peter with questions about the 'Water Monster' and what he as Spider-Man was going to do.
Sure Peter still had an anxious and itching feeling about the monster but all he wanted to do was rehearse his speech of his declaration of love to Y/N and score the entire day with her in Paris.
But of course that was all ruined when Ned was shot by Nick Fury with a tranquilizer and told him about more bad guys possibly lurking around. What a great way to start a 'Spider-Man free vacation'.
With his suit on, Peter stood next to Fury and gripped onto its side; in front of him and Fury was an array of monitors which appeared to be measuring amounts of frequencies within the area.
"Stark left these for you." Fury perks up and nudges a box at Peter's direction.
Carefully and with caution, Peter takes the small, rectangular box into his hands and observes it; the outside had speckles of its beige brown paint chipped away from age. Peter gently lifted the lid and in front of him was none other than Tony Stark's famed glasses with his Stark Industries card placed beneath.
Peter stared at the glasses and felt a tinge of ache of grief but in it, a feeling of content rushed over it; Peter had Tony's glasses. Peter Parker was given the possession to multibillionare, genius, literal saviour of the Universe, the Iron Man and Tony Stark's iconic and ever expensive and high end tech glasses.
Brushing over the box lightly, Peter smiled sadly at them, remembering to all the times he had seen Tony wearing them; from on the news, front pages of magazines, wearing them when he was around and now, they no longer had that owner anymore; they didn't have Tony and neither did Peter. And neither did the world or Y/N.
"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." Fury quotes and turns to Peter and even though Peter's mask was shielding his face, the raised creases of his frowned face of confusion were evidently clear as he snapped from his trance. "Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference." A dry laugh escapes Fury's lips as he turns back away from Peter and concentrates on the boat.
"Kid if you peep one more Star Wars reference today I'm going to take your suit."
"But it's May 4th Mr Stark!"
"I do not care; right now you're in my house and there will be no Star Wars references."
Peter huffed out in irritation as he continued to focus on readjusting his webshooters on his suit.
Tony let out a chuckle at Peter's demeanor and how this kid basically came dressed as Han Solo just for this one day of the year; the commitment was real and even though Tony would never tell anyone, he loved seeing Peter passionate about the things he loves.
Working in the lab was one of Peter's favourite past times; spending quality time with Tony, tinkering with his suit and just talking was something Peter loved about the Tower; it was his second home to him.
A knock from the door caused Tony and Peter to look up.
"Ms. L/N requests to enter." FRIDAY notifies.
"Grant access." Tony permits.
The doors of the lab open to Y/N holding steaming bowls of something that smelt amazing which wafted in.
"Brought you geeks some sustenance before I head home." Y/N waltzed in and placed the two bowls next to the both of them. Y/N saw something was different about Peter; not his hair or general appearance just his clothing but the closer Y/N looked at the details in his outfit, a name popped into her head.
"Peter are you Hans Solo?"
Tony bursted into laughter as Peter hid his face to hide his red cheeks. "F-For May 4th?"
"Guess that makes me Leia?"  Y/N poked her space buns in her hair. "I wanted to wear space buns to get my hair out my face and didn't even check the date, coincidences man." Y/N giggled at the convenience.
"But Tony in all honesty, don't you think Fury looks a bit like that guy from Star Wars... what's his name-"
"Mace Windu?"
"...I don't remember what he looks like... FRIDAY, can you get a photo of Mace Windu?"
Observing the photo displayed in front of him, Tony wiped the hologram away and looked as if he was in deep thought.
"...Well yeah he does-"
"Incoming call: Nick Fury." FRIDAY chimed and that was when the 3 of them lost it.
God I miss him and Y/N...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Lose the mask, everyone here has seen you without it. You don't wanna be fanning around and breathing through a spandex mask for no good reason."
Trailing behind Nick Fury, stops for a brief second and takes his mask off and as he alters his senses to his surroundings, Peter is met with sight of SHIELD agents, alongside with their small set up with crates all around the joint with weapons and technology lying around as it were nothing.
By hearing Fury's footsteps echoing through the underground base, the SHIELD agents turn to face him and Peter with stoic and intimidating faces.
"Over there we have Maria Hill." Fury points to a woman with light brown hair tied into a ponytail who was busy on a computer, looked up for a split second at Peter to acknowledge his existence before getting back to work.
"That, is Dmitri." Fury gestures to a man wearing a leather jacket, seated on top of a crate as he quietly loaded his rifle.
"And this, is Mr. Beck."
As Nick Fury stepped to the side, Peter abruptly slowed to a complete stop as he gazed at the familiar figure and outfit in front of him.
"What?" The man questioned at what Peter said.
"Doesn't matter- it's just what my friends are calling you." Peter stuttered.
"Well," As 'Mysterio' began to approach Peter, 'Mysterio' extended his hand to Peter, indicating to shake his hand.
Peter got the message as he started walking and the two met and shook the other's hand.
"You can call me Quentin." Quentin revealed his name as the two greeted one another.
"You handled yourself well out there today," Quentin implied to the earlier events of the day, "I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world." Quentin shrugged away from Peter.
"T-thanks... wait I'm sorry- your world?"
"He's from Earth, just not from ours." A voice answers from behind him.
Following the voice, Peter jumps by being startled and whips his head around quickly; walking from the entrance and to everyone else is none other than-
"You're late Saviour." Fury visibly annoyed and unimpressed exhales out.
"As my good friend Albert said, time is relative my friend." Saviour sasses back and skips straight past Fury's daggering eyes.
"S-Saviour?! W-what are you doing h-here? Oh god, now you know what I look like-"
"I've known for a while Parker and besides, you're not the only superhero SHIELD wants their hands on; Fury contacted me a while back after... Tony. And don't worry, New York is under control without me there." Saviour teases and strolls next to Beck, leans against the desk with arms crossed.
"There a multiple realities Peter; this is Earth Dimension- 616 and I'm from Earth Dimension- 833." Quentin further evaluates.
"I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse?" Peter jogs up to Beck and Saviour, full of awe and amazement from his discovery. "Because I just thought that was theoretical and that changes everything and how we understand the initial singularity, we're talking about an eternal inflation system and how does that even work with all the quantum because it's insane-" Peter's rambling falters as he sees Nick, Maria and Dmitri looking at him funny.
"S-sorry, it's just really cool-"
"Don't ever apologise for being the smartest person in the room." Quentin encourages and sends a soft smile to Peter.
"Anyway Beck, wanna fill in Spidey and myself about whatever the hell that was today?"  Saviour perks up.
A diagram of a black hole suddenly emerged as everyone gathered around.
"They were born in stable orbits within black holes, these creatures formed from the primary elements: air, water, fire, earth."
As Quentin talked, the hologram changed alongside with what he was explaining, showing images of the creatures and their general appearance.
"The Science division had a- technical name, we just called them, Elementals."
"Versions of them exist throughout our mythologies." Maria Hill speaks up as the Elemental hologram changes into their mythology forms.
"Turns out the myths are real-"
"Like Thor," Peter interrupts Quentin as he pays close attention to the presentation, "Thor was a myth and now I study him in my physics class."
"These myths, are threats." Fury clarifies as he walks away from the scene as once more it changes into an image of Earth.
"They first materialized on my Earth many years ago. We mobilized and fought them but with each battle they grew and got stronger. I was apart of the last battalion that tried to stop them. All we did was prevent the inevitable."
"And now they're here and attacking the same coordinates; our satellites confirm it." Maria adds.
"You both can thank Beck for destroying the other 3; there's only 1 left: Fire."
"The strongest one of all... the one that destroyed my Earth. It's the one that took my family." Quentin mutters as the apparition of Earth is now scorned and tarnished in red. The red light reflects Quentin's face full of guilt and remorse, twiddling around his wedding ring on his finger.
"I'm sorry..." Peter murmurs.
"So where's this fire Elemental? Do we even know where it likely is?" Saviour bluntly asks.
"It'll be in Prague in approximately 48 hours." Maria responds.
"We have one mission: kill it and the both of you are coming with us." Fury demands.
Peter's face falls as he faces Maria in disbelief and asks a second time if she said Prague.
Saviour's posture lifts as the struggle and anxiety surfaces Peter as the colour from his face vanishes.
"Listen Fury this all seems like big time, like huge superhero kinda stuff and... and I mean, I'm just a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man sir."
"Bitch please, you've been to space!"
"I know but that was by accident, sir come on, I've seen Saviour in action many times and I'll admit is probably better than me for this but there's gotta be someone else you can use." Peter protests and moves closer to Fury, "What about Thor?"
"Off world."
"Okay um, Doctor Strange."
"Unavailable." Maria pipes in.
"Captain Marvel!"
"Don't invoke her name." Fury shakes his head slightly.
"I really wanna help I do but if my Aunt finds out I left my class trip, she's gonna kill me and if I'm seen like this in Europe after the Washington Monument, my whole class will figure out who I am and then the whole world will figure out who I am... and then I'm done."
"Fury if it helps," Saviour steps up and walks next to Peter, "I'm pretty sure I can manage without Parker swinging by my side."
"Okay." Fury blankly answers, scaring Peter and Saviour a tiny bit from the lack of expression, "I understand."
Taken back by his approval, Peter and Saviour share a look with one another before going back to Fury.
"I'm sorry, what?" Peter with doubt inquires.
"Why don't you get back before your teacher's miss you and it becomes suspicious. Dmitri, why don't you take him back to the hotel."
"Thank you Mr. Fury and thank you Saviour." Peter sends a soft smile to Saviour and places a hand on the suits left hand shoulder. "I believe in you and good luck." Peter whispers only to Saviour before wishing everyone else out loud good luck.
"See ya kid." Quentin farewells Peter and watches him and Dmitri exit out.
"You really let him go Fury? No strings attached?" Saviour scoffs in astonishment by Peter's success to get himself out of SHIELD business.
Fury stands up and moves to Saviour with a stern look on his face.
"Of course not."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Groaning from your exhaustion, you roll over and press on your phone's screen multiple times in attempt to hit the snooze button.
Last night had been a rollercoaster: Peter and Mysterio are working with SHIELD with you, Fury made you stay back extra late to run through diagnostics which gave you around 4 hours sleep tops and the jetlag wasn't helping your situation at all.
Sitting up in bed, you try to stretch out your tiredness and peer to see MJ reading a book in one hand and a mug within the other, sitting on her bed with her black converses draped to the side.
Greeting MJ a 'good morning', you lift yourself up from the safety and warmth of the bed covers and slipped into the bathroom and changed for the day: rocking a pair of navy blue jeans and grey t-shirt for a casual but yet stylish look and throwing a little something over the top.
MJ mentioned there was breakfast downstairs (breakfast being cereal), you quickly did your hair and retreated down to grab a bite and sat next to Yasmin and Zoha and afterwards, heading upstairs to brush teeth and pack.
You and MJ both gave each other a hand carrying luggage down and delivering it outside.
"Oh I forgot my backpack I'll be back." You call behind as you jog back up to your room.
Rushing quickly into the room, you sweep up your backpack and stuff your phone charger inside and as you whirl around, you collide into something and hear a bang.
"I- Peter?"
"H-Hey Y/N! Sorry I was hanging up a call with Aunt May and I-"
"Pete it's fine you dork." You can't help but giggle at how flustered he is.
Peter's cheeks glow faintly pink as he shyly smiles.
"I got yelled at by my Mum and Dad for not answering the phone and I'm 98% sure I'm grounded when I get back home."
"Oh that's not good..."
"Guess not but eh, stuff happens. How are you though Peter? Feels like I haven't talked to you in a while."
"Y-Yeah... I'm good. You?"
"Yeah guess I'm alright. I'm really excited for Paris today though."
"Favourite destination?"
"Hell yeah! It's gonna be great but we gotta haul our stuff or Harrington will lose his mind." You joke.
"Oh yeah! That's why I was heading down." Peter swings his suitcase in front of him with a sly beam.
Too cute.
You and Peter talked for a far while before actually going back down the stairs and outside to everyone else.
"I'm going to get you a Vitamin C pill, you cannot get sick okay babe?" You hear Betty's distant voice as you and Peter round the door.
As you're about to walk out the door, Peter tugs your sleeve before you hit the outside and perplexed as you are, you pivot to look at him, giving him your attention.
"Before we go, I was just wondering if you wanted to um, sit next to me on whatever we're transporting on?" Peter fumbles and averts his eyes to the ground.
"Of course! I'll save you a seat Pete." You playfully punch his arm.
Peter rubs the back of his neck and lets out a laugh of relief.
You both walk out and see Betty frantically trying to receive a Vitamin C pill.
"I better go help her before she explodes." You suggest and inform Peter.
"Y-Yeah. See you later?"
"See you later!" You wave and leave Peter and Ned alone.
Peter watches Y/N tap Betty on the shoulder as Betty freaks out over the situation and remembers of why Ned is feeling 'sick'.
"Hey man, are you sure you're good?"
"Dude! I'm fine! Okay don't worry! Seriously, getting tranqed in the neck by Nick Fury, probably the coolest thing to happen to me anyway."
"It is pretty cool." Peter admits as the both perform their handshake. "I'm just glad we don't have to go to Prague-"
"Good news: we're going to Prague!" Mr. Harrington announces with a wide grin plastered on his face.
Everyone buzzes around 'whats' and 'huhs' as everyone glances around.
"Tour company called and upgraded us. Should've heard I gave them hell now come on!" Harrington begins to march as everyone scrambles for their belongings.
"Check out our upgraded ride!" Harrington chirps as the class sees a black bus with a man holding a sign saying 'Midtown High'.
Peter immediately recognizes the guy to be Dmitri from last night and gulps down his irateness.
"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation."
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official-cisphobe · 4 years
i highly admire your worldbuilding skills. can you tell us more about your OCs and their universe?
this is probably gonna be a bit lengthy so strap in! (edit: it is very lengthy)
the basics of Voidverse, like I explained earlier, is that there is a group of people tethered to each other by fate and higher forces, the purpose of the Alts is that they are a sort of keeper of balance between worlds and each of them is a sort of savour or hero in their respective timeline/universe. They weren't always aware of each other but when a great danger threatens all multiverses and all life they have to come together to defeat it—they do this with the help of someone called Katalin Huerta who has an ability called The Bridge ie she can create 'bridges' to other timelines/universes from wherever she is.
Technically the main character of Voidverse is Classic the Demon aka Classic, who is sort of a butterfly effect to get both the Alts and the end of the world running. but more about that later, I'll explain the other characters first.
anyway this ended up being super long so added a Read More to not take oevr anyone’s dash akdhsfsfg
Jojo - already explained
Leoh Yu - Leoh aka Badger is probably the most normal Alt out of all of them concidering he's not a demon or any sort of supernatural or sci-fi creature. Leoh grew up in Dazhai, China in the late 1970's to late 1980's with his mother and grandmother where they owned a farm and a bakery. His life took a turn when his mother got very sick and his family couldn't afford good doctors or treatments. at some point in the way of making money Leoh at 18-years-old was approached by a group of hitmen to recruit him, which after some time and thinking he accepted. Leoh worked as a hitman for about 30 years before retiring at age 40 to get married to his now husband Nico Mahariel as well as adopting a babygirl named Qing-Qiu. Leoh's past, however, will not let him go that easy but that's a story for another time.
Tuyja - Tuyja was a prophet of the Goddess Ghalme in an ancient civilisation called the Weykha. the Weykha lived in a sandstone kingdom and it is rumoured that they are where the legends of mermaids and Atlantis came from. Tyuja however was not of the Weykha people, instead she was born from the stars with ocean blue skin and horns made from spacedust. She was regarded as a sort of next in command from the Royal family and was basically treated as an extention of the Royal family (if not even higher than them), which infuriated the jealous Weykha prince. Tuyja had also fallen in love with a servant girl called Muza, which the Prince had used as leverage against her and turned the Weykha people against her, telling them that Tuyja would steal all their gold and jewellery and give it to a servant girl, that he had heard her say she would strip the skies of moon and star so that Muza would shine the brightest, that he had seen her tame ocean waves so that the servant girl could pick sea shells from the sand below. Tuyja had become a threat to the people who had praised her and come to her for guidance, they had banished her into the sea for 5000 years.
Quiet - named after one of my friends because I really like teir name and I've had difficulties naming this character for years, Quiet was born and raised in a lab where they were subjected to varieties of cruel and inhumane experiments going as far as getting permanent damage to their ribs and lungs. in canon Quiet only got their name after joining the Alts, Jojo who became their closest friend nicknamed them Quiet because they're,,, well,,, really quiet. ngl their story and character arc is on the undeveloped side
Lotus Draqon - Lotus is a half-human half-dragon who grew up outside his pack of origin because his mother Jupiter wasn't sure how the Matriarchs would react to Lotus' half-human trait. The dragons are an ancient people of long ago with vast magical abilities and lived in harmony with mortals, sharing their magic with them—until an evil was awakening and the Gods began to tear down entire cities. Mortals expected and begged the dragons to help them survive but the Matriarchs decided to abandon them, priotising the dragon's survival. They lived in isolation and hiding, shielded in a deep forest by magic for thousands of years. until Lotus as a young adult decided it was time for him to leave the nest and see the world. Jupiter was reluctant but Lotus was determined to never again live in fear. In time Lotus would become a very important figure to both the dragon and the mortals inhabiting the lands as dark forces began to matirialise and the Matriarchs became restless, declaring war against mortals.
Voidkeeper - demons are very hard to kill creatures, no regular blade or bullet with damage them much beyond cuts and bruises. the most efficient way to kill a demon is for one to end their own life which by Satan's rule is forbidden. It has happened technically two times but the first one was by a demon now known only as the Voidkeeper. After ending their own life as punishment their horns and tail were cut off, their magic taken away, and they were banished to the Void forever. Slyly they managed to grab some of their depleted magic and put it into a magical stone for safekeeping, it is only a very limited amount but can do very wondrous and powerful things things. The Void grants the Voidkeeper clairvoyance as to what is going on in whichever timeline and universe, they are a sort of silent watcher and will never interfere with the goingonabouts of the mortals. the Voidkeeper has a very minor but very important part to play in regards to the Alts and the saving of all life in the multiverse but for now they are patiently waiting and watching.
and finally there's our boy Class whose story is undoubtedly the most developed out of all of these so let's go through it:
Classic is a minor demon and was born at a time when the Underworld and the Human world were not so separate. He was born in a tiny demon village of about 15-20 inhabitants. His father had left him and his mother when Classic was about three years old and has not been seen since, Classic doesn't know if his father is dead or alive and doesn't really care about it either. Classic was an only child and pretty much a mama's boy, although he had a few friends in his village. Unfortunately his life changed forever at 12 years old when human soldiers pillaged his home, killing everyone—Classic would have been dead as well but his mother used her dying breath to save him with magic.
Classic had been knocked out during the raid but when he awoke he witnessed the aftermath of a bloodbath. Scared and alone and unsure of what to do he ran away from the scene and travelled days across the country until he stumbled upon a town of humans. Wrath overcoming his senses he murdered the entire town, leaving no human alive, going as far as tearing down entire houses and setting the entire place on fire.
Classic was later found in the ruins of that town crying by a group of angels. He was taken by them to a city in the sky and adopted by a family of angels. He wasn't generally liked by his neighbours but the angel child he lived with became his best friend for years to come. They grew up together, learned to use their different magicks together, Classic learned he could even materialise wings and fly albeit badly at first.
But as history has shown, wherever Classic goes, terror follows.
Classic had been having nightmares for months, very terrible ones, of dark forces beyond his understanding. They felt familiar and cruel, almost mocking.
Before he realised what he had done, the angel he spent his childhood with was dead and there was blood on his hands. Just like before, as if on instinct he ran away from the city of angels and went into hiding. Multiple years had passed by now and the human world was very different from what he remembered. It was no longer that easy to stay out of the radar of humans, since they were pretty much everywhere with cameras and police.
To say he was causing issues in the human world would be an understatement. He would steal, break into houses, even kill to survive. Random fires would start and radiation with no apparent source would appear all over.
This is where Katalin Huerta comes in—see, she is a commander of a very special branch of task force, it was her own creation. Her people dealt with supernatural oddities and threats, it was govrrment funded but entirely indepentant from their meddling albeit they can be difficult to please. Katalin was born with special abilities, a sort of family tradition—at birth her soul was bonded with that of a powerful spirit that had once been one with the soul of Katalin's mother. The spirit gave her the ability to control and create fire but her own speciality was her Bridge ability.
anyway, Katalin had taken notice of the strange indicents around town and taken some of her people to go check it out, only to find a teenaged demon crawling in an abondoned factory. She could tell the demon was just afraid and lost and decided to help him. Which is how Classic joined her task force.
Which honestly was probably the best thing that had happened to Classic, Katalin taught him to fight and better utilise his demon magic as well as taught him to use a sword (Classic has never understood guns and will never attempt to). Learning spells with a human was a difficult task but eventually they figured it out. Classic's natural abilities worked very strongly as illusion based magic as well as materialisation, although the latter has been more tricky to master even after all these years so as we speak Classic's only materialisation spells are his wings as well as his sword and teleportation.
Eventually the darkness haunting Classic began to rear its head again, Katalin catches wind of this and fortunately can help him keep it out from his head yet it still lingers in the air and grows stronger.
until now Classic had never before talked about the darkness. but at this point he was cornered and Katalin wouldn't take no for an answer.
At that point in time all Classic knew about the darkness was that it was some sort of ancient entity, it wasn't a demon because its presence felt entirely different from at least the demons Classic was used to. He nicknamed it Ash, as all he could remember from the times it has appeared are the ashes left by roaring embers.
In reality the darkness is one of the five forgotten gods of an ancient people. It was cast aside by the Creator and exiled from the land of gods. The darkness hates mortal life because of the gods' love for them, so it seeks to destroy all that is living. in its weakened state it needs a vessel to succeed and has been corrupting Classic and molding him into that vessel since that day he turned 12-years-old.
Only the Alts can defeat the darkness, whether Ash stays defeated is only a matter of time.
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Survey #280
“this is the place in our mind with a crooked crown / we came to execute its own perfect shutdown”
Do you have a strong local accent? No. Do you prefer green or red grapes? Red, but either is fine so long as they’re crisp. Can you stand on your hands unassisted? pffff Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? Pizza guy. How old were you when you last went trick or treating? No idea. Have you ever been bobbing for apples? ”No. That’s a gross game lol you’re dipping your head and mouth into water other people are dipping their head and mouth into.” <<<< This. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing? No clue. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? Guys I actually took a selfie bc for once in my goddamn life, I felt really pretty with the makeup Summer did on me. She's working towards a degree in cosmetology and is so talented with it. What’s the last thing you drew a picture of? A meerkat pup. Have you ever been on a pogo stick? Omg, yes. I got one for I think Christmas one year as a kid and I got SO into it. I learned how to do it really well. Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? Probably not without throwing up. Have you ever been banned from a public place? No. Have you ever been in a newspaper? A couple times, I think. I know once in elementary school for when I was in chorus; we went somewhere for a small Christmas show. Then I believe I was in it for another school thing? Idr. What football team do you support? I don’t care for football or sports in general. What did you want to be when you grew up? My phases included paleontologist, vet, movie director, author, game designer, aaaand I know I’m forgetting one. But my current and long-term goal has been to become a photographer. Being an artist as a free time “job” has always been an aspiration, too. Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? In school, yeah. How often do you buy new clothes? Very rarely. Usually just around Christmas or my birthday from gift cards I get. Are you reliable? In some ways yes, in other ways no. Are you proud of yourself? No. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? If she’s ended up happy. Do you hold grudges? Nah. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? Mom does pretty much last minute, but only sometimes when looking at the past few years. Can you solve sudoku puzzles? Sure, they’re fun. What’s the most unusual conversation you've ever had? Who knows. Are you much of a gambler? Not at all. I don’t fuck around with money, especially when just $5 makes you feel great. Have you ever been to Disneyland? I’ve been to Disney World. Do you sing in the shower? Very rarely. Almost never now that I don’t play music while I’m in there. As a child did you ever suck your thumb or fingers? I mean probably? I do know I loved my pacifier and was SO upset when Mom’s doctor or someone playfully told me I was gonna have to give it up because my upcoming baby sister would want to steal it, and guess what? Nicole never fucking used a pacifier so I was tilted lmao. What time do you usually go to bed? Lol BRO it can be as early as 7 PM on bad depression days to as late as like, 2-3 AM. I’d say the average time is like… 9:30. What's your favorite animal? MEERKATS hngggggggggggggggg Have you ever been in marching band? No. Do you have any enemies? No? At least I don’t consider anyone to be. Have you ever been a cheerleader? As a kid, Mom wanted me to so I could do something with my sisters, who were actually interested in cheerleading. She certainly didn’t force me to or anything, I just agreed to it despite not being into it. We were with this Christian sports group for a long time doing various sports all the while being taught lessons in Christlikeness. I’ve actually got warm memories of it Did you ever date anyone on the football team? No. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, not that I’m against the idea tho. The plushy would just have to be very special to me and also comfortable to hold. How many consecutive days have you ever missed of school? I missed an entire week when I learned about Mom’s cancer. I could barely function. With how much school stressed me, I would NOT have managed. Have you ever been pregnant? No, not in my to-do list. When was the last time you wanted to speak out, but couldn’t? I’m sure it was recently over Facebook; most times, I keep my mouth shut over political things on there that might get me fired up because I’m afraid of confrontation. Are fingerless gloves awesome? I love them. Wore them daily in high school. I still have some of my favorites, though I’m doubtful they still fit my hands… Would you rather be cannibalistic or die in the wilderness? Okay so I’m gonna actually go kinda in-detail, so the squeamish be warned. Realistically, I think I’d choose to die. ESPECIALLY if I was the one expected to kill another person; then, there’s no question. I wouldn’t be able to do it either if I knew the person. If it was some stranger someone else killed and cooked, I don’t know with absolute certainty; starvation really can make animals out of people. I do know for sure I’d vomit. I far more heavily lean into still preferring to die, because I just believe some things aren’t worth living after they’ve been committed. I’d hate myself. I’d rather die feeling clean of conscience. Would you survive on a deserted island? Hell no. Have you dyed your hair eccentric colors in the past? Yeah, I want to do it far more often… What size drink do you usually get at fast food restaurants? Medium, sometimes small. What do you think is the best thing in life? Love, both platonic and romantic. Have you ever sold anything online either on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, etc.? If not, what is your website of choice like any of the above for buying things? We sold our previous dog over Craigslist, and I sold my iguana there as well. I know Mom has used eBay and Amazon, but idk for what. Have you ever seen an animal give birth? Have you ever had a pet give birth before? I’ve seen old pet cats give birth many times. What is something you want to try to accomplish within the next year? I want a job that I’m content with and can mentally handle. Oh, and I REALLY want to make strong progress on recovering from the muscle atrophy in my legs. What’s the most unusual kind of pizza you’ve ever tried? I have no clue; I’m not that adventurous with pizza or food in general. If you were given the chance to decorate an entire house the way you wanted, with no limit to cost, how would you decorate it? GOTHIC AS A MOTHERFUCKER WELCOME TO THE GOTDAMN ADDAMS FAMILY. What’s one of your favorite things to touch/feel? My cat. :’) How often do you wear tights? Ew, never. Has there ever been anything you’ve become interested in much later than other people? I guess Instagram, but only as a viewer. I don’t have a personal one, just for my photography that I only rarely post. Have you ever had a veggie burger? Yeah, during my vegetarian streak. Burger King’s really aren’t that bad so long as the patty is made well. Do you like candles? Yeah, sure. When was the last time you wore a sports bra? Forever ago when I was doing Wii Fit. Where did you get the shirt you’re currently wearing? I think Hot Topic? It’s an oversized Umbreon shirt. Who last messaged you on Facebook? My friend Summer when we were planning our lil witch photoshoot w/ friends. Who last walked you home? lol you don’t just have someone “walk you home” here. Bundles of homes are way too far and in-between for reasonable walking distance. Did you make any new friends lately? If so, what are their names and how did you meet them? Not really recently, no. Would you rather see your favorite band/artist in concert with 2 other people or have a free $20,000 shopping spree to Walmart? Seeing Ozzy with my mom would be a DREAM, but to be realistic, I’d take the shopping spree pretty damn quickly. $20k? That would do WONDERS for us, especially as we’re about to move into a new place. When was the last time you threw up and why did you? A long time ago when I started a new medication. Do you want revenge on the person who has hurt you the most? … I’m gonna be REAL honest. For the most part, no. But ngl there are times I’m like “I’m gonna work on getting back in shape and become H O T” like a petty bitch lmao this is embarrassing to admit. Has anyone ever claimed that you saved their life? Yes. Did you ever have that near-drowning experience? No. Have you ever performed on stage? For dance, yes, but I never did a solo. Are you a jealous person? Not jealous (usually), but I’ve come to realize I’m a pretty envious piece of shit. Morning person or night person? I’m in my best mood in the morning because I have the “it’s a fresh start” ideology. Then I repeat exactly what I did the day before. :^) Have you ever written a poem for someone? Numerous times. Do you meditate? No, but I wish I could without it only causing more stress. Do you like cranberries that they serve for Thanksgiving? EW I hate cranberries. What don't you understand that frustrates you? Finances. Do you plan on going to college? I’ve tried college three times and dropped out each time. I’m done trying with school. Do you believe the governments hide technology and information from the public? AbsoFUCKINGlutely. Which is your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales! What horror fiction character scares you the most? What’s the name of the villain in the Scream series? Ghostface? I don’t feel like looking it up, but he TERRIFIED me as a kid, and I still think he’s mega creepy. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? I was in Girl Scouts. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No. Do you have any family secrets? Don’t think so. Do you often read your horoscope? Never. They’re bullshit. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? No; also bullshit. Have you ever milked a cow? No. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? They’ve always scared me because I’m afraid of throwing up. Now with how dizzy I get, I absolutely refuse to try one because I WILL faint with all the movement. What’s your favorite sportswear brand? idc Who’s your favorite superhero? Does Deadpool count? Who’s your favorite villain/baddie? If we’re still in the comics/superhero universe, the Joker. Have you ever won a giant-sized cuddly toy from a fair? No. What would you say is your favorite album of all time? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne. I fucking adore it; it was my introduction to metal, and still after all this time, every track S L A P S. I deadass played that CD so much that it scratches at a few points. Do you dislike hairy people? lol fuck this question. I’m guessing you’re asking if I find them attractive and not as if people I “dislike” them, but in both cases, it’s no. We’re mammals, who the fuck cares how hairy you are. Do you like your own name? I actually do really like my name. My first one, anyway. Would you ever sign a Prenuptial agreement? NOPE. Want one? You’re gonna have to find someone else willing to, my man. How long has your longest ever phone call been? No less than two hours, but I know more. I have three instances in particular where I talked with either friends or Jason for SO long. Could you ever have an affair with a married person? Hell no. What is your family Christmas like? Nicole comes here so she and I open presents with Mom, then we spend the day at my older sister’s to be with the kids. We also try to squeeze visiting Dad in there the same day, but sometimes it has to be a different one. If you met a genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes does not count) Just three is hard… but #1 is indisputably world peace, and then uhhhh the end of poverty and maybe the cure for cancer. I’d have a super hard time picking a third; so many things matter to me. Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face? No, not in my plans. Do you have any strange body things? Well, define “strange,” I guess? Nothing like, really strange. What fairy tale character would you most associate with? Can I be Snow White and attract cute critters like moths to a flame? Also I would 100% take a Good apple. If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you most like them to sing? It would depend on the person and our bond, really. Is there a cherished song between us? What is our relationship like? There’s no umbrella song I can think of. Is your dad an embarrassing dancer? GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! My sister’s wedding, okay? Father/daughter dance? He actually has MOVES and it was incredible man, never gonna forget that. What if any unusual objects have you swallowed? Nothing, I think. If you were stinking rich, would you only go to places other rich people went? Hell naw, man. There are plenty of great, affordable places in all categories. I could be a millionaire and you’d still see my ass in McDonald’s ordering a burger and fries lmao. Have you ever owned a slinky? My sisters and I had multiple as kids; those were d o p e. Teenage parents, good, bad, or indifferent? An AWFUL idea. A teenager is physically, most likely financially, and mentally unprepared to raise a child properly. It can seriously affect the kid, and of course the parent. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken? I’m unsure. Pirate downloads, good or bad? It’s bad… yet plenty (myself included) have/do do it. Democracy, good or bad? Good. It’s very important to me that rule should come from the people’s majority versus a small coalition of rich guys. While the majority is not always right, it seems like the best option to me. Communism, good or bad? Okay so to be totally honest I actually don’t entirely understand what communism outlines. Like I just read multiple definitions and small articles and I’m still kinda like “????”, though judging by the countries listed as those governed by communism, I would guess it’s bad? Have you ever been electrocuted? On an electric fence, but it wasn’t too bad. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? Yeah. The war in Iraq, good or bad? Get the fuck out of it. To start with, I’m a pretty fierce pacifist, and just… killing and killing and killing for YEARS is so goddamn pointless and is just a massacre. The war in Afganistan, good or bad? jfc ^ Have you ever appeared on YouTube? LET’S NEVER TALK ABOUT THIS lmfao Have you ever eaten anything prepared by a celebrity chef? No,, but that’d be dope. Have you ever been on radio? No. Do you prefer male or female singers voices? ”Their gender doesn’t matter, but their talent does.” <<<< Do you have a list of things to do before your ‘x’ years old? Goals should not be judged by age. I’m bad at this and have to remind myself of it a lot. A goal is a goal regardless of a number. Celebrate for *you*. Are you proud, comfortable or ashamed of your body? Very very much ashamed. Do you know html? Super poorly. Have you ever flown first class? lol hunny What are better, violins or pianos? Violins. How old is your oldest blanket? As old as me. My baby blanket is stored somewhere. Do you take enough vacations? lol hell no. I’ve maybe gone on three vacations in my entire life. Have you ever been sick on your birthday? Yup. Then one time I was recovering from a wicked stomach virus but went to Olive Garden anyway lol. I was fine though, and it’s actually a sweet memory because Jason (he worked there at the time) got the staff to do the whole “happy birthday” thing. I got a bombin’ brownie. Who is your favorite person? Sara and my mom. What do you do to stay healthy? lol you assume I’m healthy. What is your favorite form of exercise? Swimming. Do you like going to church? I never did. As a kid, I would cry when/if Mom decided we were going to mass after Sunday school lmao. It’s always been boring and too long to me, even when I was religious. Have you ever fallen asleep during a sermon? Probably as a kid. Do you like to pray for others? No. I don’t believe anyone hears them or will intervene somehow if I ask anyway. Have you ever witnessed a miracle? No. I don’t think I believe in those anyway. Have you ever been the recipient of a miracle? Definitely not. How did you or whoever come up with the name(s) for your pet(s)? I thought “Roman” was a majestic name for a male cat, and Venus has the coloration that the planet does. Who did you last walk a dog with? Sara and I walked Buster the last time I was there. It was windy as SHIT so we didn’t get far because my ass was absolutely freezing, all the while Sara was used to it. Ride bikes with? Wow, good question. I haven’t ridden a bike in many, many years. Hold hands with? My friend Summer did yesterday when she was trying to reassure me of something. For what reason did you last high five someone? Ryder and Aubree each caught Pokemon in Pokemon GO. :’’’’) I was watching them in the car while my sister/their mom was doing something at work, and they wanted to play it; they’ve come to learn that between my phone and DS, I’m the Pokemon provider, lol. I was the proudest fucking aunt ever bc they did SO GOOD after getting the hang of throwing the ball like Y’ALL. When Ash came back to the car, I gave ‘em each high fives before getting back in. What color and type is your vehicle? Don’t have my own car. Looking to upgrade or add any time soon? I doubt I’ll have my own soon. What animal do you have the most possessions *of*, or featuring? Like, décor or stuffed animals, things like that? Not the actual living creature? Easily meerkats, holy shit do I have a collection. What do you use to wash your dishes? Gain soap. Last thing you measured? Uhhh idk. Last thing you weighed? Myself. Last song you danced to? *shrug* What do you remember from your dream last night? I just remember it was a nightmare about Dad being angry. How old were you when you got your first credit card? Lol I don’t have one. Do you talk to your parent(s) [almost] every day? Mom, yes. Dad, no, because we don’t live together. What does your shampoo and conditioner smell like? I just started using a Dove brand shampoo targeting dandruff, so I don’t think it has a specific smell. I don’t use conditioner, just adds grease to your hair, plus mine is short anyway. Last person to tell you that you smell good? Idk. Last person you told that they smell good? I also don’t know. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I’ve never touched it. Last person you ran into unexpectedly? Ummm idr. How many plants can you see right now? There’re none in my room. Last compliment you received on your appearance? HA On your character/personality? That I was a loving sister. Do you remain friends with anyone you met at your first job? N/A Who have you hugged in the past month? My mom, Summer, sisters, niece and nephew, Dad… Newest musical discovery? 3TEETH is great. Like, I'm obsessed. Their cover of “Pumped Up Kicks” snagged my attention, despite actually being iffy about it at first. Guess what I’m listening to this minute lmao. Last thing you cleaned? A cup. What exactly do you carry around all your stuff in? A purse. What do you carry around, typically? Phone, keys, wallet, hand sanitizer, and my iPod are items of note. Where is your newest scar? It’s on the palm of my left hand from Roman playing with me. Where is your oldest scar? Idk. Last thing you disposed of? The milk carton. What was the last picture someone sent you? Mom sent me a gif from Hocus Pocus to fit the witch photoshoot Summer, her friend, and I did. Did you hear a siren today? No. What do you typically drink? I would rather not pretend I tend to drink soda lmao Last bad news you heard? My aunt’s brother committed suicide a couple days ago. Last good news you heard? I don’t really know. How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s like, 15-ish minutes away. Have you ever been to the emergency room? Many times. Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? Y’all know me and coffee. But in place, I have my morning Mountain Dew, rip in fucking pieces. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? No, though I’m honestly curious what I’d look like. Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They were coworkers; that’s all I know. What is your favorite Chinese food? I love pork fried rice. Do you live far from your parents? I live with my Mom. I live around 20 minutes or so away from Dad. What was the last hot food you ate? I’m assuming you mean spicy as opposed to just hot as in temperature. In that case, probably hot wings. Have you ever seen a meteor shower? No. Describe your current position: I’m lying down in bed, just kinda perked up by my two pillows. Have you used a microwave today? Yes; I had a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl. Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? N/A Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? yikes- Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not that I know of. Have you killed a bug this week? Yes; we’re dealing with a lovely mix of gnats and fleas. What was the first food you learned how to cook? Scrambled eggs. Or maybe pancakes with Mom’s assistance. Idr. Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? No. How many email accounts do you have? Two. Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I like my mom to be with me. How long is your average shower? 15 minutes, maybe? It depends on the routine I feel like doing. When’s the last time you had a headache? Yesterday. What woke you up this morning? I think I woke up naturally? A rare occasion nowadays. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Summer, yesterday.
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mysticthot · 6 years
RFA Highschool AU!
lol this was requested then i accidentally deleted the request my b, but here it is!
dude let me tell u i love highschool au’s thats some good shit right there!!
wasn’t sure if u wanted just general headcanons or specific ones for each charcacter or an x mc kinda thing so i did kinda a mix of all of that lol
So the rfa is basically like the student council
They plan dances and do fundraisers and what not
Everyone knows who they are, the rfa is like an elite little club that does everything for the school
And you’re a new kid
You had gotten directions for your next class from a teacher, but you’d gotten turned around a lost at some point
Class had already started, and there was nobody in the halls to ask other than some boy standing by the windows on his phone
Ignoring the fact that he was a bit intimidating and also supposed to be in class, you walked up to the pink haired boy to ask directions
His turquoise eyes did not look amused, but nevertheless, he pointed towards the door at the end of the hall
“It’s that one.”
“...Oh, ok uh thanks.”
He was gone with no response
Speed walking to the door, you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment of having to tell the teacher in front of the whole class you had gotten lost
But when you opened the door, only 5 people were in the room on the other side
Ok...this was definitely not the right class
After you talked to the group and figured out the confusion (turns out the brother of the red headed one had been messing with you) they offered to show you the right way
While you were in there you figured out with was the student council and you noticed some unanswered details for and upcoming dance
Before you left, you gave them a few suggestions for the dance that caught their attention
They invited you back for the end of the day meeting to discuss some more and before you knew it, you were the newest member of the rfa student council
He’s a lil freshman
Cousin to last years student body president Rika, but her and V had graduated last year and had been the ones that encouraged him to join
He’s like the new kid who really wants to impress all his older friends
But at the same time, he’s already friends with some of the most popular kids in school so he’s definitely not a huge loser or anything (at least that’s what he tells himself)
He was hella excited when you showed up cause then he wasn’t the only one who didn’t know anything lol
You become besties before anything else
He shows you around and you have a lot of classes with him
Its a classic friends to lovers story
Its like one day you and him are just chillin like you always do, then suddenly, you’re seeing things differently
Things you did together all the time as friends now seems like it could be something more
And it was all because of Seven
Boi had all but forced Yoosung to ask you to dance, despite the fact that Yoosung was supposed to be helping Zen with the tickets, and while the dancing itself wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, Seven had decided that exact moment to put on a slow song
Now our boy Yoosung had always thought you were pretty
But you looked gorgeous in this moment
Despite the fact that his hands were on your waist, him holding you arms length away like you were middle schoolers, it was a very sweet moment
And the dynamic completely changed between you guys
He was nervous talking to you now??? Where did that come from???
And you?? Caught yourself checking him out?? The fuck?
You’re both confused and want to go back to the way things were before, but also you just wanna grab each other and make out in a closet somewhere
When you finally get together, you’re such a cute couple
Everyone already thought you were dating anyways, but now you held hands in the halls and it’s like everyone one in the school ships you guys
You weren’t the kind of couple that made out against the lockers between every class, just the kind that people could tell actually liked each other it was cute
You’re eachother first everything lol
You’re always helping each other with homework
And he teaches you how to play lolol
And you meet his mom, who absolutely loves you
Just so cute
Cute lil high school sweethearts type of couple
Drama student of fucking course
He’s a junior, and most people will agree, the prettiest person in the entire school
Half the school is crushing on him ngl
He went thru a phase his freshman and sophmore year where he was part of the bad crews in school, before he started acting
So he literally knows and is friends with like everyone in the school
Instantly flirty when you show up
Shows you around the school with his arm over your shoulder, and you have never gotten so many glares in your life
He’s so extra like this drama boi is explaining the school as though it were a movie
Pointing out who was who, and telling you all the gossip
Despite the warnings from Jaehee that a lot of girls would prolly actually kill to be in your possition, you continue to hang with Zen
And his flirting goes from playful to more real as you hang out more
Doesn’t take long for you guys to kiss and go on a few dates, but you havent made anything official yet, and it seems the whole school knows that and is on edge over it
Being around Zen is basically like being with Regina George from mean girls, like everyones talking about you and him, nothing is a secret
His ex’s (and a crazy girl who had a crush on him who everyone called echo girl) all hated you
And when he officially asked you out, it was like the whole school knew by the next day
But hey, what are you gonna do when you’re dating the school celebrity?
He loves when you come to his plays
His parents don’t support him doing drama, so often you and the other rfa members are the only ones there to cheer for him
Always getting that boi flowers
And he is your biggest fan in what ever you’re doing
Sports? He’s out there no matter what the weather cheering louder than all the parents
Choir? Helps you with your voice and sings duets with you. Always gives you standing ovations even if no one else is standing
Y’all are just so supportive of each other
A lot of people thought you and him wouldn’t last for long, but your prove them wrong by being a straight up power couple in that bitch
My girl hella smart
She’s also a junior, and in line to be the valedictorian when she graduates
Very academically focused, the rfa being the only club she really has time to participate in
She’s hesitant when you first show up
Home girl’s a stickler for the rules, and she wasn’t sure if it was technically allowed for you to be there??
But you help her out and take a lot of her work load off her hands just by being there
She’s so stressed all the time so when she gets to the meetings and find out you already did the thing she was worried about not having time to do??
Girl loves you
Takes you and her quite a long time to get past being gal pals
Cause she’s just so busy
Literally the last thing she has time to think about it getting a significant other, especially when she’s not even sure of her own sexuality
It was during a fundraiser that she really realized her feelings for you
You and her were handing out snacks to the people that donated while the rest of the group was busy else where when your (mom/dad/aunt/whoever) showed up
They immediately hugged Jaehee and started telling her about how you always talk about how much you admire and like being around her
And you’re blushing hella hard and pushing your guardian away from the table
The incident is not brought up for a while, but its all Jaehee can think about
She’s never been so distracted doing her homework before
Girls confused
Repeats the words “MC is just a friend” over and over
Then she’s just like...fuck it
She goes over to your house and knocks on your door and you answer and she kisses you before she has the chance to change her mind
Y’all are such a good couple
You help her balance her school life so she has more time for fun things
Encourage her to join the coffee club cause she had told you how she wanted to, but was too busy
You guys go on dates to see Zens plays and she’s just so happy
Girl never had someone like you before, and she just loves you so much
ugh let me save this girl
Trust Fund Boi
He’s a senior and the richest kid in school
Everyone knows him cause him and his dad are literally famous
But he’s just... not interested
Basically the same lol he thinks all the highschool drama and rumors are a waste of time so he just doesn’t care
Other than the rfa, he doesn’t really have friends
Mostly cause he knows they all just want to use him for something
He’s the type of person that knows highschool is not really that important, he just does his work and goes home
(other than the rfa, which he joined cause v asked him to lol)
Honestly, he’s not really that interested when you show up
You have interesting ideas and can be useful to the council, but other than that he doesn’t really pay much mind to you
Until you basically latch yourself to him like a baby duck
Always following him around cause you have a lot of classes together and he’s the only one you know
You claim you’re hanging with him because you don’t like seeing him sitting alone in class, but he thinks its the other way around
Eventually he realizes he’s not upset just by your presence
You’ve become a tolerable person to be around (how romantic) and slowly but surely, he actually enjoys being with you
In some ways, he’s kinda like Zen cause everyone knows him and everyone’s talking about him
But rather than it coming from a place of admiration, they’re jealous and interested by the rich mysterious kid who only ever talks to you
You get a lot of girls trying to ask you for advice on how to get to his heart
You’re just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It be like that
His feelings take forever to develop just cause he’s so out of touch with his emotions
But when they do, it just hits him like a train like boi’s just chilling in his house then suddenly...”I’m in love with MC”
Doesn’t even bother trying to hide his feelings
The next time you and him are alone, he confesses and kisses you and the rest is history
Y’all are such a power couple honestly
Ruling that school
He loves being around you
He met your parents, and you met his dad
You always help him when he gets angry or frustrated towards his dad’s new girlfriends
Always pay attention when he shows blurry pictures of his new kitten Elizabeth
He buys you such nice shit and your just like jumin no high schooler needs multiple diamond bracelets
And he’s just like, oh would you rather have necklaces?
707/ Saeyoung
Class clown oBVI
Known for his pranks and his jokes and getting kicked out of class and his weirdly quiet brother who’s never actually in class but is frequently seen around the school Saeran is bigfoot confirmed
He’s also hella smart
He’s in multiple foreign language classes and head of the tech club and really good at sports despite only ever eating chips and soda for lunch
He’s a sophomore and you’re a freshman, so he takes it upon himself to show you around
Acts like he’s a lot older than he is, and if you didn’t know he was a sophomore, you’d think he was a senior cause he knows everything and everyone knows him
He’s not shy about how he thinks you’re cute
He’ll hug you and kiss your cheeks and ask you to the dances despite the fact that you’ll both be working at them
But he never really goes much further than the playful flirting, so you think he’s just messing with you
But one week he’s missing from school, and despite the rfa saying this happens, often, you’re worried
You search out his brother, who is unbelievable hard to find, and eventually see him out on the bleachers
He does not look happy to have some girl who’s basically a stranger asking about his brother and his home life
Wont tell you anything so that just makes you more suspicious
Seven comes back the next day but he’s all cold and distant towards you
You’re triggered, but not having that shit
It takes a few days, but you’re able to get the truth out of him, and he had found out about how you’d been pestering Saeran about his home life and his absence
He warns you not to get involved with him, and does the whole thing where he says he never liked you in the first place and you don’t really like him and blah blah blah
You stopped listening halfway thru his rant
And then you kiss him
Boi is stunned, glasses askew
“Did you hear anything I just said MC??”
You tell you like him for him, and you would respect if he couldn’t talk about somethings, but you wanted to be part of his life
He slowly opens up to you bit by bit
It takes him a long long time for him to tell you about him mother and what’s going on at his home tho
You help him and Saeran get out of there as soon as they can, helping him with his job or with school work when he gets hella busy
You guys go fucking hard on spirit days, dressin up in matching costumes for homecoming
You guys definitely get cutest couple in the year book
And probably prom king and queen cause literally everyone loves you two
You’re the couple then even the teacher would see and just be like “yep they’re gonna be together forever”
lol guys so I’m in a hotel rn cause I flew down from my home to Boise to tour the college campus and I brought my lap top but not the charger so it’s really a race against time to hope and pray this Bitch posts before my laptop dies lmao
also my b if there’s any mistakes I had to speed edit hope u like it!!
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illusionsofdreaming · 5 years
Could I request a continuation of the imagine where Kaze was in love with the MU? Like he finally acts on the feelings- fluff or angst is up to you!
Notes: Dear Anon, I know I received your ask a year ago. I wish there was some way to tell you that I finally got off my sorry ass to finish it. Sweet Anon, if you’re still with me, I hope you enjoy this little imagine of Kaze being a flustered mess.
Longer A/N at the end!
Ft: Kaze
He had to constantly remind himself not to crush the bouquet of wild flowers in his hand as made his way towards your treehouse. From the flickering light from your window he knew you were burning the late night candle again. It’s terribly unhealthy and its a habit he’s been trying to make you break for a while. But tonight he came with a different purpose than to remind a careless master to take care of their health, tonight… he looked down at the flowers in his hands and took a steadying breath.
He’s taking a chance.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
A few hours ago…
Lately as troublesome thoughts plagued his mind, when his heart’s in disarray, Kaze found himself seeking his brother’s company. He knew his brother wouldn’t tolerate being disturbed when he’s working, kin or not, so Kaze had waited patiently for a quiet night before knocking on his brother’s window, asking softly to join in his meditation session. Other than the narrowing of his eye, Saizo made no comment to question his sudden visit or purpose, the ninja had only turned away and returned to his mat.
Kaze smiled fondly as he quietly slipped in, closing the window behind him. Where others might’ve taken offense at Saizo’s seemingly blatant dismissal, Kaze understood the words that never left his lips. Do whatever you want.
Meditation was not a foreign concept to either brother, having learned and practiced together in the past. Where Kaze’s combat skills have always paled in comparison to Saizo’s, when it came to meditation he had always been better at finding the calming fog and settling where Saizo struggled to even sit still. It’s been a long while since they last meditated together, so it was a fond, familiar comfort to hear Saizo fidget and grumble in frustration beside him as he allowed his mind to drift.
Strangely though, calm was slow to come to him this night. His breathing controlled, his muscles relaxed, the fog was just there at the corner of his mind but the moment he reached for it, it slipped out of his grasp like sand. He focused on his senses and felt the weight of his body sink into the mat, the warmth of the night’s air draped around him and his breathing slowed- he remembered the coldness of his bindings seeping into his bones as he knelt in the throne room of Nohr. His head bowed because of his humiliating capture and his failure to complete his mission. But perhaps the heaviest stone on his chest was from guilt. That you’re alive and well was a blessing from the Gods, but it also brought no amount of pain to the ninja for he had to witness the consequences of his incompetence that damning day, so many years ago through the uniform you wore and the scorn you received. Kaze believed it to be divine karma that he would be captured and put before you, his life in your hands so many years later. He was a coward and dared not meet your eyes but he would’ve accepted death gracefully for your anger towards his negligence and failure all those years ago would’ve been justified. Instead he was surprised when your shadow fell over him like a protective cape as you stood with your back towards prisoners and pleaded for the lives of strangers- his eyes snapped open, his fists clenched on his lap as he released his breath. Mortified and embarrassed he looked towards the side only to find (to his immense relief) Saizo’s still form. Shaking his head, he tried again.
Calm… Deep breaths.. Think of nature… think of the sea.. think of… the strength of your grip was bruising as the ground disintegrated from beneath him. Despite the very real risk of falling together you refused to let go, promising him fates worse than death dare he let go and give up. He remembered the shame that swarmed him when he told you the truth behind your kidnapping and the overwhelming relief of being absolved of his guilt regardless.. But most of all he remembered when he finally found a master to pledge his allegiance to and that of all people it would be you- His breath stuttered as he shook his head furiously. Again.
He focused on the sound of Saizo’s breathing, trying to match their breaths together and slow his racing heart. He remembered the lightness of your laughter, the hint of breathlessness hanging at the end. He remembered how your cheeks would color first and how your blush only brought the color of your eyes out more-
“Enough!” Kaze’s eyes flew open in shock, pinwheeling backwards as he fell on his elbows as Saizo’s shadow loomed over him
“Out.” Saizo’s face was thunderous as Kaze froze in confusion.
Kaze yelped as his brother hauled him to his feet and without waiting for him to regain his balance, began bodily dragging him at a punishing pace towards the door. Panicked, Kaze struggled to keep up, confused and more than alarmed at his brother’s sudden fury at him.
“W-wait! Brother-“ and was blatantly surprised when Saizo did stop, only to have his heart drop to his stomach when Saizo opened the door. Kaze barely had time to hold his arms up to avoid smashing his face against the railings of the balcony as he was roughly ejected from his brother’s room.
“You’re pathetic! And you dare call yourself a ninja from Igasato!” Saizo’s form framed the doorway, the light from his room threw his features into shadows, turning Saizo’s already furious expression, menacing.
“Wait brother I do not understan-“ Kaze flinched when Saizo’s sharp hiss cut through him.
“Don’t you dare! Have you forgotten everything you’ve learned from our mentors? Is this how a brother of mine should act? Moping about like an infant child who’s lost their toy?”
Kaze flushed. “I am not-“
“You are!” Saizo thundered and Kaze fought against the urge to cower against his brother’s piercing glare. “Our father did not raise us to become cowards! You will talk to ____________ like an adult and stop this revolting display or so help me I will-“
“It won’t happen!” Kaze interrupted with vehemence that surprised even himself. “They’re my master, the one I’ve pledged my service and life to! It’s unbecoming of a retainer to harbour feelings for their masters. And after waiting for so long, I do not wish to lose this friendship with ___________-“ His survival instincts kicked in and his jaws snapped shut as a dangerous flash crossed Saizo’s eyes.
Saizo took a step forward and Kaze edged backwards in response. “The poisoned cup.”
Kaze startled and his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “W-what?”
“If the only thing between you and completing your duty is a cup of wine that might be poisoned, will you drink it?”
It’s one of many thought experiments the brothers have been tested with during their training many, many times. If an important charge was taken hostage and they were given a choice, to drink the possibly poisoned wine or turn around and leave, what would they choose to do?
The answer was simple, Kaze barely had to think about it, but why would Saizo bring this up now- An annoyed twitch under Saizo’s eye was more than enough warning for Kaze.
“Why!” Saizo snapped.
“Because at least there’s still a chance in saving them if I took the risk-“ Kaze stopped abruptly, his eyes widened as his face flushed under Saizo’s scrutiny.
Saizo snorted.
“I’m an idiot.” Kaze huffed, hand rising to cover his face as laughter bubbled from his lips. The troublesome knot in his chest loosened slightly.
“Thank you Saizo.” Kaze gathered his legs beneath him and hopped up. Stretching upwards he released the pent up breath stuck in his chest and wondered at the flutter of butterflies in his stomach. His smile widened when he noticed the blush on his brother’s face.
“Get out of my sight.” His brother grizzled, abruptly turning away to head back into his room.
“Wait brother,” Saizo paused by the doorway and Kaze grinned, “Did you really just compare confessions of love to ingesting poison-“
Saizo slammed the door in his face.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Kaze chuckled at the memory, one hand smoothing back to rub his sore behind. Saizo really didn’t hold back when he kicked him out of his room.
Take the risk, Kaze.
He glanced at the flowers. He glanced at your door. The butterflies in his stomach seemed to have multiplied hundredfold in the short walk to your treehouse and he took a steadying breath to anchor himself before rapping his knuckles against your door.
There was a muffled shout and the sound of something crashing to the ground before the patter of footsteps grew in volume. The startled surprise on your face was amusing when you hesitantly peeked out the door.
“Kaze? Is everything alright?”
The sound of your voice sent his heart racing and his grip on the bouquet behind him tightened just slightly.
His smile was shaky as he breathed out and for a moment the urge to flee grasped him. But then his tender behind reminded him of his lesson. “Sorry to bother you so late __________, there’s-“ he swallowed nervously. 
It’s now or never.
“There’s something important I have to tell you..”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ BONUS ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Saizo rested with his back against the closed door, listening until the sound of retreating footsteps faded before he moved away. Kaze really was a fool, there’s still so much to be learned if he didn’t realise there was a third option to the dilemma all along.
“Don’t let your important charge get taken hostage in the first place, idiot.”
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A/N: NGL, I admit I used this imagine to explore Kaze and Saizo’s sibling relationship with each other because SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS GIVE ME LIFE and maybe somewhere along the way i forgot this was suppose to be a reader insert. Some of you might be wondering how I know this ask is at least a year old- well, smartass me decided to date all my doodles and as you can see from when I dated my little scribbles for this imagine, I definitely received this imagine before Feb 28, 2018. I wish tumblr would allow anons to receive notification of their asks being answered. Nonetheless, I’m glad I finally finished this ol’ WIP sitting in my drafts.
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