#i stole this from a twt reply
delirisse-au · 2 months
I'd like this man's hand in marriage
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doveyeellie · 2 years
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same energy
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machathecat · 6 months
home is wherever I'm with you (part 2)
part 1
Flor woke up- in Jeremy's arms- his head in they're chest fluff-
it took him a few seconds to even 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 what was happening, then he backed away from them and turned back to the other side of the bed so quickly flor almost fell off of it.He acted like he was still asleep, which was kinda hard when he was shaking like hell and flora heart was beating so fast you could almost hear it outside of his body as he was trying to understand what the 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 just happened. He heard Jeremy waking up and completely froze.
"did you slept well ?" they yawned.Mr flower didn't really knew how to react for a second or two, still panicking over how he just woke up, but he managed to stutter a "yeah" which was probably the best flor could do woth the level of anxiety he had at the moment.
"no but because with how much sore my arm is i have the feeling 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 may have used it as pillow last night.." They added with a sarcastic tone. Mr flower got up from the bad probably as fast he physically could and shouted:
"im making breakfast" and almost ran up to flor cupboard to grab two mugs and rushed to the fridge to get milk, poured it down and practically trew the cups one by one into the microwave, overthinking this whole situation again while they were heating up and trying to hide the fact he was blushing like crazy.He was putting chocolate powder in their drinks flor heard Jeremy sitting down at the table in his dining room, it didn't took long for him to finish preparing the choccy milks and to go sit with them.
They both sat at the table and drank their hot chocolates in silence for a few awkward minutes before Jeremy said something.
"so about last night -"
"we are not going to talk about that." Mr flower shouted back taking a sip from flor drink as an attempt to dodge anymore questions.
"you know you're really bad at hiding the fact you have a crush? you're blushing so much you look like a hyacinth macaw." They said back giggling as mr flower choked on his chocolate.
"I-W-WHAT I DON'T - I don't have a crush on you!! what even is a hyacinth macaw?!"
"It's just a very blue macaw specie. I like birds. and don't try to change the subject"
"I was just clinging you because you stole the blanket and i had no other way to keep warm!"
"Of course" Jeremy replied rolling they're eyes as they finished they're drink.
"I gotta leave now, it's gonna take a long time to rebuild my whole roof, and also cleaning out all the mess..."
As they started heading out to the door, mr flower quickly got up and grabbed their arm without even thinking about it, like a reflex. Jeremy stopped and turned back, confused. When he realized what flor has done Mr flower released they're arm as quickly he had gripped it and then went about 10 seconds which felt like hours of awkward staring between them, no one knew what to say.
"..uh... do..do you want to help me..?" Jeremy asked.Flor noded and ran to the bedroom and quickly changed to warm clothes, relieved to being able to get out of the uncomfortable situation.
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵
..He was starting to overthink once again as he walked up to Jeremy and they both got out of the house in direction of the forest, and as the morning breeze blown through Jeremy's fur, Flor started to have thoughts he shouldn't have again.
Once again please reblog I worked really hard on that TwT /nf!
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officialtayley · 4 months
Hi ash, you don’t have to reply to this if this goes under “paramore activism”. I saw someone on twt claim that hayley quit social media that one time cause she got called out by fans for being on Mayim bialik’s podcast during solo album press. I’m just confused cause I thought she quit that time cause someone stole private photos from her family member
Maybe it’s just me but the biggest Mayim Bialik controversy I’m aware of a couple years ago was that she’s an anti vaxxer, that’s why I was surprised that hayley was on there. I had no idea that Mayim’s zionism was rightfully called out like now. Like maybe I forgot but I just don’t remember hayley receiving any kind of backlash cause of that, especially from fans to the point where she had to quit social media 
i'll answer this and that's it.
but i don't remember hayley being called out back then either. pretty sure she just quit social media cause that's what she'd do back then every so often. i think someone is just trying to connect things that aren't connected
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paperstorm · 1 year
Ronen is been lurking on twt for ages lol. He's always posting gifs that he "stole" from fans, I'm convinced he has a secret account 👀 given how he makes sure to reply to certain questions without spoiling. He gets to tease mercilessly and twt fans gets even more crazier 😂😂
I just!!! Like do you, twitter folks, I am happy if you're enjoying yourselves. But I could not. The idea that he would even see me saying something nice about him makes me so anxious, let alone if I'm saying I didn't like a storyline or his outfit or something lol. Fans should have spaces where they can talk without having to worry that actors or writers or whoever might be lurking. The nazi bird app is a hellhole anyway but it's even worse to me if he's reading stuff he wasn't even tagged in. I'm gonna stay over here.
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spicymotte · 3 years
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genshins1mpact · 3 years
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just kidding it's my bath curtain lmfao sorry for trolling yall
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lesbiancarat · 4 years
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dengswei · 5 years
yixing for the meme ask game
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staragroza · 2 years
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can u believe were getting desertduo in mcc holy shit 
screenshot redraw ! i stole this ss from someones replies on twt 
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illyaana · 3 years
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Squiggles - Oikawa Tooru
Thanks to @pocky-writes for this collab! It was so fun to do~ Check out all the other writers involved in the collab here ヾ(•ω•`)o
Tags: Oikawa's POV, Angst, Minor Fluff, Cursing, Kissing, SFW, Manga Spoiler (Oikawa and Iwaizumi's future jobs)
Synopsis: You entered Oikawa's life - and it hasn't been the same ever since. (If I give anymore, it'll be spoilers TwT) (I also named Oikawa's sis Miho-)
Word Count: 4334
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Liked my writing? Do you want a drabble specifically made for you about your love life with a character of your choosing? Check out my 50 followers event over here!
All stories are basically a squiggly line - it has ups and downs with multiple loops in random spots. Some parts might be thicker or shorter than others, but all points of the story make up a giant, huge squiggly line that either brings you joy or sadness. I wanted my story to be as thick and long as possible - to outshine all the other squiggles the world has to offer. It was going to be the best squiggle ever until you came along and made it loopier and uneven.
I remember the first day you came into our class so vividly.
I had rushed to the school to copy Iwa-chan’s homework. The Kitagawa Daiichi blazer I wore was soaked in sweat thanks to me running a few blocks in several minutes. Of course, Iwa was in the classroom, waiting for school to start. He had rolled up his sleeves and was reading the literature component assigned to us - the very book I never touched ever since volleyball practices began.
“You are of a different breed, Oikawa,” Iwa-chan mumbled as he passed his book to me, “This is the last time you’re doing this.”
No, it isn’t.
“Yes, sir.”
I pulled out my book and began to move at top speed, hoping I would finish before class began.
That’s when you opened the door, breaking my concentration.
You were glowing. The school blazer seemed so big on you - as if someone with a bigger physique gave it to you - but you look so precious in it. You had a jump in your step, a wide smile plastered on your face. Your hair looked so soft even from a mile away. You seemed so at peace with everything - even when you entered a new school.
You carried yourself with such confidence it scared me.
I loved being the confident one, the hot one, the cheerful one - yet you stole those roles from me the second you walked into the school campus.
I didn’t know what I felt; was it inferiority or was it just pure admiration? Maybe a combination of both?
All of this… It was so new to me.
I was always surrounded by those who were eager for my approval - to be part of my posse and be connected to me in some way, but I just wanted to be around you. It was the first time I ever took an interest in anyone excluding my volleyball team.
It’s weird, isn’t it? The feeling of warmth rushing through your skin, but your throat just feels tight - it doesn’t want you to say anything you would regret, so it tries to hold you back. Your palms sweat and become clammy, goosebumps rise on your skin - it is so freeing yet restricting.
I wanted to come and welcome you to the school - maybe take you around the school grounds, show off a bit at the gym, find out who you are as a person - if I got lucky, even get your phone number.
“ ‘kawa, are they new? I feel like I’ve never seen them before…” Iwaizumi asked, pulling on my rolled-up sleeve.
Of course, this had to happen, didn’t it?
Iwaizumi tried to cover his red face with his arms, but he was failing miserably. His forehead began to sweat, a trail of water dripping down his chin. His chocolate eyes glowed just like your skin - so much so you could see the hazel flecks within them. His whole arm was covered in raised goosebumps, just like mine.
He was attracted to you.
“I think they are,” I replied, hiding my feelings with a smile, “Why Iwa-chan? Oh my god Iwa, you’re blushing!”
Iwaizumi threw a book to my face, earning a groan from me.
“Shut up, Shittykawa,” he says, blushing in a deeper red, “...but yeah, I think I do.”
“Well, if you want them to swoon for you just like how almost all the girls of the school do for me, I can help you. Just with the daily fee of milk bread during recess, I can turn your single ass into a full-fledged bachelor!” I say, trying to lighten up the mood.
“I'll buy you milk bread for lunch, either way,” he mumbled.
“See? It’s basically free, isn’t it? The best part of it all; it comes with a free gift! A box of milk every day so that you can grow taller-” Book number two found its place on my forehead once again.
“You’re such an idiot,” he says midst chuckling, “Thanks for the offer, Tooru. I think I’ll do this by myself, though.”
“Ok, then! Just so you know, the offer is always on the table,” I smirk, teasing the shorter male even more, “Don’t forget the milk.”
“I am never buying you anything ever again.”
Classes went on as usual, but I couldn’t focus at all.
I kept on staring at you from my seat - enjoying every single thing you did. I saw how you’d raise your shoulders in frustration when you couldn’t understand a question, how you’d bite the end of your pencil when you were focusing on the class, how you’d play with your fingers when you were stressed - I was taking mental notes without even realizing it. I loved all the small little huffs you’d make when you’re agitated. Judging by how you were speeding through most of the questions, you seemed to be a smart student.
I kept on playing small scenarios that I would do to get your attention.
Maybe I’d ask you a question and act like I couldn’t understand the whole topic so that you could tutor me, or I should just ask you about your opinions on the essay topic we discussed in class, or I could tease you about that small thing you did in front of the classroom when the teacher wasn’t looking.
But I would never do that to Iwaizumi.
My mind replayed that small scene of him blushing just at the mere glance of you. If he could, he would’ve already gushed about you to me - tell me all the things I already knew just by looking at you. He’d go on and on about how you squinched your nose when you drank that hot drink a bit too early and burnt your tongue.
His squiggle was already slowly moving around you, making a loop fitted for you and you alone - and I will happily watch from the sidelines when you two finally become a thing.
“Welcome back, Tooru!” My sister said from the kitchen, “Give me a minute, I’m helping mom prepare lunch.”
I placed my bag in front of my room and headed to the kitchen.
“Don’t make poison, please!” I tease her, enjoying the annoyed expression on her face.
“Tooru!” Mom sighed, “We’re inviting our new neighbors for dinner today. Go shower and get ready.”
I stuck my tongue out at my sister, earning an anger-filled hum from my mother. I ran to my room and soon headed to the shower to get ready.
Slinging the white towel on my shoulder, I head back to the kitchen area and set the table for the meal.
“Where are they from again?” Miho asked Mom.
“They’re apparently from Tokyo. The father passed away recently, so the mother had to bring the rest of the family to Miyagi to reduce the financial burden. Sad, isn’t it?” she replied.
“We should help them here and there,” Miho started, “We don’t need to give them money, but maybe help them get used to the city?”
I nodded, but I wasn’t present in the conversation ever since Mom mentioned Tokyo.
“Do they have a kid my age?” I ask, hoping that I’m wrong.
“I think there’s one that just transferred to your school?”
Please, don’t be who I think it is.
The doorbell rang, shaking me out of my thoughts.
I slowly headed to the door, gripping the doorknob tightly as I slowly opened the door.
I was right.
“Hello, Oikawa-san! It’s me, Y/N, from your class,” you said, a smile on your face.
“I just wanted to thank you and your family for your generous offer, but we can’t join you for dinner today,” you started, “Mom has to go get some things settled before she can come for dinner. Sorry, again…”
“What about you? Have you eaten anything yet?” My mom asked as she walked towards the door, “If you want, you can eat dinner here and bring some back for your mom.”
“Really?!” Your lips widened, “Thank you so much, aunty!”
You sat right beside me, just like Iwa-chan does when he comes over. I loved seeing you talk so comfortably with my family. I could see my mom’s adoration towards you when you talked about your life back in Tokyo. Your eyes lit up when you talked about your family - even if you were talking about your father.
You didn’t know it yet, but your presence makes my squiggle a little lighter.
“What school are you going to, Y/N?” Mom asked.
“I’m going to Kitagawa Daiichi like Oikawa-san. I am in his class, actually... “ you trail off.
“Do you want me to walk you to school? I don’t mind doing it, but Iwaizumi would be joining us too. Are you okay with that?” I ask, gripping the ends of my shirt.
For the first time in my life, I hated the fact I had to be beside Iwaizumi.
“Thanks, Oikawa-san. It means a lot,” you smiled.
I regret asking you that question.
I had to see Iwaizumi try to flirt with you.
I had to see how you’d occasionally lean your head on my shoulder when we walked to school until Iwaizumi met up with us in the middle of our walk to school.
I had to see Iwaizumi carry your bag - something I wanted to do.
I had to see Iwaizumi make small jokes to you - something I wanted to do.
I had to see you enjoy Iwaizumi’s presence - something I wanted you to only feel for me.
I had to let it happen in front of me, didn’t I?
Books and movies never compare to the real thing; to see the person you love gush over someone you love like a sibling.
But you were closest to me, not Iwa-chan.
You came to me when you had problems, not Iwa-chan.
You stayed over at my place to relax, not Iwa-chan’s.
You watched movies with me, played games with me, told secrets to me - not Iwa-chan.
Your squiggle intertwined with mine more than Iwa-chan’s.
“Tooru,” you said as you played with the rogue strands of my hair as your head laid on my lap, “Do you want to go out on a trip?”
“What? Why?”
“We’re graduating, but we never had a trip together. It’s weird, isn’t it?” You say, slowly getting up.
I pushed your head back on my lap, earning a muffled squeal from you.
“It isn’t, to be honest,” I say, “...but I do like the idea.”
“So, we’re doing it?” you say as you wiggle your feet in excitement.
“Yeap. I’ll ask Iwa-chan if he wants to join,” I say as I grab my phone.
“I was kind of hoping that it would be just the two of us? I haven’t been able to talk to you without anyone intervening for a long time, and there’s a lot I wanna talk about.”
You looked at me, hoping for some reaction, but I couldn’t say anything.
If I was not friends with Iwaizumi, I would’ve said yes almost immediately.
I know I love you - ever since I saw you, I have.
But Iwaizumi deserves someone amazing like you.
I don’t.
“Tell me, then! I don’t think Mom’s coming home anytime soon and Miho is working right now, so there isn’t anyone who’d disturb us now,” I say through gritted teeth.
I felt your disappointment when you sighed and moved to lie down on my bed.
“I guess I’ll tell you another day.”
I felt your squiggle moving away from me - moving on without mine.
Soon, our one-week trip to Tokyo began.
Thanks to months and months of pestering, our parents let us go by ourselves to the city you grew up in.
I could see everything in your eyes, thanks to your stories about this place. The small, quaint shops, the smell of freshly made Taiyaki at the side of the road, the small kids running on the pavement while being chased by angry parents - all of it.
“Oikawa!” you patted my shoulder, “That’s the bakery I talked about last time. You know, the one with amazing cheese tarts? Oh, that’s where my dad gave me my first cup of coffee!”
Iwaizumi chuckled as he focused on the road, admiring your love for the city.
“Why are you laughing, pine cone hair?” You tease Iwaizumi, trying to get more reactions from him.
“Nothing! You sound cute, that’s all,” he said as he focused on the road.
“Oh, really~?” You move closer to Iwaizumi and whisper something in his ear, making him blush instantly.
There it is.
That icky feeling I hate.
Why did it come now? I was with Y/N and Iwaizumi - the people I care about the most.
Go away.
Get out.
I don’t need you.
“Well, I’ll just chaperone Oikawa then, Hajime. Have fun all by yourself in a huge city you don’t know well,” you say, teasing him even more.
They said Hajime - not Iwaizumi.
“Geez, get a room, you two.”
“Sad I’m taking your husband away, Tooru?”
“The fuck, Y/N!” Both Iwa-chan and I scream.
You laugh as you lean back into the backseat.
“What? You both are an old couple,” you begin, “Oikawa is the flamboyant one and Iwaizumi is the man that’s only gay for Oikawa and actually thinks before doing something.”
“Did everyone think I’m gay for Oikawa?” Iwa says under his breath.
“Yeap,” you reply, “Many girls were sad, to be honest. I kept on telling them you’re straight, but they didn’t listen,” you shrug.
“And me?” I ask.
“You were labelled as the hot pansexual, lucky you,” you reply with an eye roll.
“Why did no one tell me…” Iwaizumi said to himself, worried.
“Honey~,” I began teasing the ‘pinecone’.
“Shut the fuck up, Shittykawa.”
“ ‘Shut the fuck up, Shittykawa’ - why don’t you give an actual nice nickname for the brunette over here,” you ask him, playing with the stressed driver.
“Do it or I’m calling you pinecone for the rest of your life.”
“Do it or I’ll tell them-” I say before getting cut off by Iwaizumi himself.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” I wiped my fake tears, “He called me pretty! Darling~”
“Oh my god, Oikawa,” you say, laughing as I hug Iwaizumi’s arm.
Our squiggles were intertwined and in a good way - that’s all that mattered.
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi looked at me with a serious face, “I think I am going to confess to them tonight.”
Wait, you are?
Please don’t.
Don’t take them away from me.
I need them.
Iwaizumi, please don’t.
“Finally! It’s about time you made your move - I think they like you too, so you have a shot.”
It’s true - I see how they stare at you.
Their eyes are filled with admiration, lips fixed in a soft smile, their hands grazing your cheek - they love you as much as you love them, Iwaizumi.
“Thanks for supporting me, Tooru. It really means a lot to me,” he says as he hugged me, “Thanks for being my best friend.”
I haven’t been a good friend, Iwa.
I fell for the same person.
I want to steal them from you so badly, but I can’t bring myself to hate you.
I want to hate you so bad, but I can’t.
This feeling… I hate it.
“Thanks for being mine, too.” I smiled, but the smile never reached my eyes.
You’re taking them away from me, Iwaizumi.
You could’ve gotten anyone else, but you took them away from me.
I don’t want to feel this - this hatred growing within, yet here I am, cursing you in my head the minute I see you.
“Go! Why are you wasting time?” I say, pushing you towards the door.
I saw the smile you gave me as you ran to her room.
You are such an amazing person, Iwa-chan.
You can care for someone who deeply hates you.
I saw how they were basically draped around you for the next few days. They looked so happy just to be beside you.
Each day, their eyes spoke stories of love for you, Iwa. They used to come over to my place and gush about you every day, like a ritual.
You’re so fucking lucky, Iwaizumi. This isn’t fair.
They’d go on and on about your physique, your personality and the small things you’d do.
Congratulations, they finally paid attention to the things you did for them. I’m happy for you, Iwa.
I am happy for the two of you, truly.
They are truly happy.
I could’ve never done that - never.
I just wish I wasn’t walking towards the gym that day.
I saw your first kiss under that tree - the tree the three of us used to spend under while waiting for practice to start.
I saw how their hands gripped on the back of your head, pressing themselves on you. I saw how you gripped their hips oh so tightly as you showed them your passion towards them. I saw how breathless they looked the minute your lips left theirs. I saw how they grazed your chin whilst staring into your eyes in admiration.
I pictured how it would’ve been if I was in your position.
I would’ve held them tighter, pressed my forehead against theirs so that our noses would brush against each other. They’d play with the ends of my hair, going on and on about how soft each lock was like they usually do. They’d eye my lips as I stared at their soft and supple lips. I’d press the tip of my thumb on their bottom lip, enjoying the view of their parted lips made just for me and me alone. Slowly, I would kiss their cheeks, hoping for some cute reaction from them. From their cheeks, I would drag my lips to their chin, placing soft kisses here and there.
I would then press my lips against theirs, enjoying the soft noises escaping their lips.
But I never will - you’re theirs as they’re yours.
Of all places, why did you have to choose there?
I can’t come back here without thinking about that kiss now.
That icky feeling…
It’s back.
Go away.
Get out of me.
I am happy.
“Damn, Iwaizumi,” Matsun said as he approached the gym, “Y/N’s really in love with them, huh?”
“Shut it, Matsun,” Maki said, looking at me.
Of course, he’d notice.
I am in love with his friend's girlfriend, after all.
“What? He’s telling the truth; they’re so in love with each other they can’t even see that three people saw their first kiss!” I shouted, earning a growl from the black-haired male hugging Y/N.
“Out of all the times, Shittykawa…”
“You better run, he looks feral!” You shouted, laughing.
“You sure he wasn’t feral ever since he initiated that kiss? I saw that hand wandering, Iwaizumi~!” Matsukawa shouted as he ran to the gym.
“Iwaizumi isn’t innocent anymore. You aren’t part of the gang anymore man, stay back,” Hanamaki said, wiping a fake tear whilst gripping his sides, “You’ve grown up too quick, Iwa-senpai.”
“You okay, ‘kawa?” Maki said as he turned to me, rubbing my back.
“I am fine, Maki. Go ahead - go to the gym, I’ll come in a minute,” I gave him a nod as I walked to the toilet.
That day was the first day I cried over someone in school, and hopefully the last.
“Tooru… Tohru…” You mumbled.
“Yes, my name is similar to the main character’s. What about it?” I sigh.
“We should get you a cat. Who knows, you might kiss it and it’ll become a girl?” Iwa chirped.
“That’s a cat version of Princess and the Frog,” I say, annoyed.
“Stupid,” you hit Iwa’s thigh, “Get with the program.”
Iwa groaned as he rubbed his leg, “That was really painful, dumbass.”
“Tohru, he called me dumbass,” you whined.
“I am not Tohru - it’s Tooru.”
“Brown hair, all of the people around them falling in love with them, high pitched voice… that’s you,” Iwa joked.
“Major flaw in your theory - I am not a girl.”
“Alternate universe Tohru then,” you said, enjoying the banter.
“Tohru plays with animals, I play with a volleyball team.”
“How do you know she isn’t in a volleyball team? It was never specified she isn’t part of a volleyball team.”
“It’s never specified that she is part of a volleyball team,” I say, clearly annoyed by this conversation.
“I’m getting you a cat - a ginger one,” Iwa said, grabbing his phone from the side table.
“Don’t get me a cat!”
“Get him a cat, love. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’ll love it,” you said, leaning against Iwaizumi’s chest to see his phone screen.
“Holy shit,” you said, holding back a laugh, “He’s actually looking-”
“Iwaizumi Hajime!” I scream, making both Iwaizumi and you laugh loudly.
“I was looking at a cat meme, stupid.”
I sign out of frustration and look back at the TV screen, avoiding the mischievous couple.
I eyed the way they were sitting on the couch.
You were seated in between Iwaizumi’s legs, their back pressed against his front. Their hands played with Iwaizumi’s left hand, fiddling with his fingers as they stared at the screen in front of them. Iwaizumi wasn’t looking at the screen though - he was staring at his lover who was fully immersed in the scene unfolding in front of them. His right hand grazed their right hand, enjoying the feeling of them comfortable in his arms.
You looked happy, and that’s all that mattered.
The last episode soon finished and you looked to the ceiling, stretching your neck.
“So sad it’s over,” you said, smiling.
“At least it had a good ending. I don’t think I need to remind you how heartbroken you were when we watching Banana Fish’s-”
“Don’t remind me - I’ll cry here and now.”
You got off the couch and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.
“So,” you plopped on the couch, leaning against Iwa, “What’s the final plan, Mr Tohru?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your life after high school, of course! What’s the plan? I know Hajime is planning to be a trainer, but you never told me what your plan is.”
Again with the Hajime.
Just use Iwaizumi, for fuck’s sake.
I snap out of my thoughts. “Oh.”
“You’ve been out of it recently. You’re okay, right?” You say as you walk to sit beside me.
I chuckle, looking at your concerned face.
“I’m good - just stressed about life, that’s all. I am not so sure as to what’s the next step, but it’s going pro.”
You hug me from the side, placing your head on my shoulder.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you, now? Aren’t you scared that you might make Hajime jealous?” I tease.
“I don’t know - I just feel I need to do this, like a feeling that you might do something rash.”
I felt tears wet the side of my shirt.
My eyes darted to the sight of you, sobbing, gripping on my shirt.
“Don’t you dare forget me, okay?” You say through sniffles, “I sure as hell won’t forget you.”
I cup your face in my hands, wiping off the trailing tears.
“I won’t.”
You made a huge loop on my squiggle, Y/N - I don’t I can ever forget you.
TO: Y/N (2:30 a.m.)
It’s been so many years, Y/N.
You’ve blossomed into the amazing person I knew you’d be.
I saw Iwa-chan recently - after all, he’s training the Japan team.
I actually made it into a team - the Argentinian Volleyball team.
I kept on doubting myself, but you kept on reminding me of how good of a setter I was back in high school.
I know you’re busy being the big person in your industry - congrats on all the awards again, I keep forgetting to contact you.
If you’re down, maybe we can call? I miss your voice.
I sent the message, hoping you’d reply as fast as you used to when we were in high school.
I looked from the hotel window, trying to imagine how the scenery is back home in Miyagi.
The roaring fields, the birds flying in the sky as we walked down that small pathway, that traffic light you’d draw on while waiting for the cars to pass - I remembered it all.
I remembered it all just because you were part of it.
Funny, isn’t it? After so many years, I still think of you.
Not as my friend’s lover, but mine.
I shouldn’t have invited Iwaizumi to that trip.
I should’ve just kept you all to myself - protect you from the world.
I should’ve just kept Iwaizumi out of your life - not let him in at any point.
I should’ve just told him how I feel about you.
I tried so hard to get over you, Y/N.
I met so many other people, hoping they could fill up the hole you left when you left me for him. I had so many sour relationships just because I was comparing them to the rhetorical you that I dated. If the world had given me a second chance, I would be standing beside you - I would work to provide for you the best the world had to offer.
But in the end, your squiggle was meant to grow without mine. I had to accept it and move on, as much as it hurts.
Covid 19: Angst train :)
All reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated!!!
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soulprofitis · 2 years
*  knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,  
name:     fer / friday
pronouns:     he/him
preference  of  communication:      dms here or discord are good, I'll send you mine in dms!! I can also do twt messages if we're mutuals and you'd prefer that. I'm online a lot between work and class, so I try to answer whenever I get a moment.
name  of  muse(s):     Hythlodaeus <3 I'd like to try writing others on tumblr, but I'm not sure how to do a multi-blog TuT I've rped Haurchefant and Estinien privately, written a lot of G'raha and Thancred as well. if we're friends, I'll write pretty much any character haha!! I love to do private rps just to practice and try out new things, AUs and the like. if you ever want to just experiment with character dynamics, I swear, I am always down to try out new characters!! someday maybe I'll write my wol .. I dunno hehe, but I would adore writing npc/wol with everyone, I just. don't know if I should make another blog to do that, or. I don't know haha!! multis I respect you so hard, you are the bravest Among Us.
experience / how  long  ( months / years ? ):     nearly 10 years! not concurrently and I've only been here on tumblr for a few weeks, but I've been in roleplaying communities since I was quite young. writing is my one big hobby haha
best  experience:     I'm really enjoying my time here!! everyone is really kind, I'm sorry for being so awkward in dms lmao. I'm way too enthusiastic, please forgive me TuT I met some of my closest friends in the last rpc I was in, which was on twitter haha. I'm not a part of it anymore, though, lmao.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers:      nasty shit and forced dynamics. if you rp or write rape or pedophilia or incest stuff, I'll hard block. dark topics are fine so long as we talk them through first, those are only the few I'll block for. just don't be weird!! literally promise you, if you're not weird it'll be fine. and I really hate being cornered into stuff, just message me about what you'd like to write and I'll let you know how I feel about it! I really prefer to write with other lgbt people also because, well. most of my characters are trans and all of them are gay. I don't like talking about gender with cis straight people lmao. it's not a hard line or anything, just a preference haha.
muse  preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut:     everything!!! I prefer to write nsfw smut in dms or under complete cuts (if I ever post any of it). between fluff and angst, I love both and get inspired for different stuff every day! if I don't feel the muse for something, I'll just wait a little while to answer until I have it again so I can give you the best reply!
long  or  short  replies:     I love writing paragraph (drabble. let me be honest, I'm so sorry for how much I write.) style, but I really hope I don't make anyone feel like they have to write replies as long as some of mine are. I'm a huge collector of ffxiv lore and character details, so I tend to add more than is absolutely necessary for my own enjoyment lmao. but please do give me something to work with, however long or short your reply is. if I feel stuck, I won't be able to answer you :<
best  time  to  write:     all day, any time I get an idea. I do really love waking up to reply, but usually I have to go work, so I can only draft things and post them later!!
I stole this from @theswell so feel free to steal from me too!! also message me if you ever want to run anything in-game on crystal!!! :D
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liyuesbian · 3 years
sorry for the late reply! school has been busy :|
yeah i kinda want to see the three clans animated a bit more but it's not completely Necessary, just cool to watch I think
NOOO I didn't listen to signora's boss battle lines because my volume was off but that's so heartbreaking hhhh
I actually have a memory like a fish when it comes to the quests hsdkfjsd it's just that I review them sometimes to get the details n make sure my headcanons are loosely supported by canon
yeahh twitter artists are the only valid people sdjsjd there's so much good content there 😩 i think my timeline/dashboard is organized by latest posts first but I always feel like I don't see a couple retweets unless I go to the account profile, idk lol
went back to the 2.0 archon quest and FFFFF I remember playing the last part of that and going "what's the tea o-o" when Ayaka said that but it got wiped out of my memory after going to the resistance camp 😔 WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL... although,,, I saw your post about the french intro for kokomi and I really hope the moral grayness gets realized. It would be very fun to see especially since she's the epitome of a mermaid princess right now. (feel free to reuse canon (derogatory) lmaooo i stole it from another one of my fandoms too)
that's ok, i understand! uni's gonna start in 3 weeks for me and i'm dreading it ><
(not sure if this still counts as 2.0 / 2.1 spoilers but i'll put it under the cut anyway)
yhhh it was <//3
LMAOOO DW ME TOO. AHH MYSTIC YOU POST HCS? are they on your welcometoteyvat blog or a different one 👀 if you're comfortable with doing so, can you link me some? i'd rly like to read them!! 👉👈
twitter artists carrying the whole genshin fandom on their shoulders tbh 💪💪 hmm no that makes sense! ig it's kinda hard because twt timelines are constantly cluttered with posts where it's like "___ and ___ liked this" and they're not always relevant to your likes/interests
ya i was seriously latched onto ayaka's last line and i'm super glad there's still a chance! right? everything about her design screams the stereotypically kind-hearted character and it'd be refreshing to see a different side (kinda like how we saw a different side to the raiden shogun through ei... and it lowkey makes sense ? because, personally, i saw - and still sort of see - them as parallels to each other)
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neo-shitty · 3 years
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if you’re not interested in reading a long-ass post, here’s a summary of everything you need to know about me aka my carrd.
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✧・゚: * ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ *:・゚✧ 
 hi, my name’s toffee!
it’s not my real name, but it’s the one i go by on all of my social media accounts related to k-pop. it’s from a NCT fan fic on wattpad named dating hotline and i loved it so much that i stole MC’s nickname (kidding, i messaged the author on twt and she let me use it #flex)
since most of you judge people by their signs, i’m a taurus sun, scorpio moon and libra rising. i’m not sure if i phrased that right but i hope you get something out of that information because i read my natal chart thingy and most (but not all, of course) were accurate.
i’m 18, i talk with mostly no restraint on my blog. i express rage in the form of cussing whether necessary or not so if you’re uncomfortable with that, please do let me know. or don’t follow me at all.
oh, before i forget, @toffeerecs is my library/recommendations blog.
and my networks are: kpopscape, kwritersworld, stayhavens, k-diner, ateez inc., neo-the-stars, stayracha, angstyskz club, and neowritingsnet
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✧・゚: * ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ *:・゚✧ 
this blog was originally my personal blog until i got back into kpop in 2020 and discovered the writing communities for kpop fandoms here. i know, there are fic-specific sites like wattpad and ao3 but i liked the tumblr fics more because of the mood boards and aesthetics.
so i revamped this and started writing my own fics. first for ateez, then for stray kids and then nct. i’m still debating whether i’d continue writing for ateez or not since i’m growing quite distant from them.
to get this out of the way, i do not take requests. although i would love to, i’ve discovered—in the past few months that i’ve run this blog—that it doesn’t work for me. though i think most people who make requests are nice, i put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself when it comes to writing for others. 
i always think that only the best fics deserve to be up on this blog, which is also why most of my fics are stuck in my google docs. my own standards for my own fics are already high and i don’t need other people to add on to it. i hope you understand.
next, angst comes naturally to me while fluff comes in the form of daydreams and scenarios that would never happen to me in real life. i fancy writing other-worldly things and those that are out of what i consider ordinary. thriller books > thriller movies. 
lastly, here’s a link to my masterlist.
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✧・゚: * ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ *:・゚✧  
to be honest, trying to contact me here is hopeless. mainly because i’m barely on the app since it crashes a lot and i usually open it just to drop a fic and go. though i pop up every now and then to answer to dms and organize it and scroll a bit before it eventually crashes again.
i want to try that thing with the asks though and i would love anons too. but i barely get any asks which is alright to me too. i think you have better chances of getting answered if you send an ask rather than a dm. so you do that if you wanna chat.
i’m fairly good at conversing. the only problem is i take my sweet ass time to respond. i get anxious when i get notifications and i only reply when i have enough energy to talk and share (like today, which i utilized so i could at least organize this blog). 
please don’t mistake my taking a while to reply as me ignoring you. i like to converse when i’m i have enough headspace to keep a conversation going. though that doesn’t happen often, though (and i think that’s the problem).
all i’m saying is out of all the social media platforms, you have the least chances to contact me here. but i’m on these other ones where i’m a lot more active:
instagram : neoshiitty twitter : neoshiitty
or you could send me a dm and ask for my discord if you really want to chat but i’m not even sure if you read this far.
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femininemenon · 3 years
would you ever gif things to post on twitter and have a gif twt? i have considered doing that for my fandom content because i am getting bothered that the gif stealers just keep taking gifs from here to supplement their hit tweets and don't even credit the person who colored, cropped--- anyway before i launch into a rant i was just wondering if you'd ever move to twt because i'm not motivated to do so just yet
see, this is such a great question!
I am definitely getting so annoyed that people just save my gifs I've spent literal hours on doing and posing it as their own and people will retweet it and reply to it meanwhile on Tumblr I've gotten like 20 notes. this is real fucking funny bc I barely have followers here and it's always my gifs I find stolen. they just get way more traffic and interaction and it makes my blood boil. it's not like you can hop into their DMs bc a. Twitter isn't a rational place b. if they stole it in the first place they do not give a fuck lol
Tumblr tried the whole "different format so people can't save it" but it clearly didn't work and adding usernames (esp since I change it often) just feels... wrong.
my only problems are that you cannot maintain a gif account with more than one fandom which is a shame for someone with as many interests as me. I've tried posting gifs on my mix of personal and fandom stuff account and yeah they got 0 traffic so you'd have to specifically make blogs for certain fandoms and I don't think you can create side accounts either :( not to mention that many are just taken already. we'll see I guess but I'm definitely not liking how often my stuff is stolen.
look this came up on my feed in the past few hours:
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tiredsadpeach · 4 years
So okay, I use twt and tumblr a lot, and after a while you notice that despite twt seemingly hating tumblr, they steal a lot of posts. So it’s no wonder tumblr hates twt too. I usually ignored it and stuff because why would they listen to a kpop twt, but this one did not sit right with me.
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Stolen from this post:
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It made me angry that they stole it, but also that they erased the fact that it was for adhd people - and they aren’t adhd
So I silently posted the screen cap of the original, they must’ve felt threatened because they replied lol
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Anyway, I suggested staying away from this person, I know I will be
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