#i sure did hyperfocus goddamn
mejomonster · 8 months
Idea: I'd drastically improve my chinese and japanese if I listened to my audio study files when playing Final Fantasy XIV.
Aka me trying to justify the amount of hours I'd sink into that game if I started it
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qiu-yan · 10 days
Do you have any feelings opinions or analysis of the golden core reveal or just how the scene in the ancestral hall went down?? Because I have a lot of feelings about it but I can't quite put them together into words and I love your analysis of the story and jiang cheng
thank you for the ask!!!! and thank you for your kind comments!!
god i have so many opinions about the golden core reveal, and the ancestral hall scene that precedes it. i don't quite have all my thoughts in proper essay order right now, but i will probably write another long-ass post about my Hot Takes some day soon.
unorganized thoughts as of right now:
for the ancestral hall scene, i am almost purely on jiang cheng's side. jiang cheng was rude as hell and he did verbally escalate instead of peacefully allowing wangxian to leave, yes. however, they are in his house. they are in front of his ancestors. they are in his ancestral hall, which they entered without permission. to me, it seems like wei wuxian wants to have his cake and eat it too: he wants to avoid jiang cheng and all the anger the jiang cheng of the present has at his (very real and rather devastating) mistakes, but he also wants to freely come and go in jiang cheng's own goddamn house, like he used to be able to when he still had a positive relationship with jiang cheng. if wei wuxian is going to act like jiang cheng and yunmeng jiang are nothing to him anymore, then he should properly commit to being a full outsider.
it's also interesting how wei wuxian focuses his retorts in his argument with jiang cheng on "how dare you be cruel to lan zhan!!! i'm protecting lan zhan!!!!" when in my view the vast majority of jiang cheng's verbal abuse was directed towards wei wuxian himself. jiang cheng calls lan wangji "riffraff" and "an outsider," but that...is incredibly mild language to me. jiang cheng is ruder to wen ning (by calling him a "wen dog") for heaven's sake. instead, jiang cheng is much nastier towards wei wuxian himself: wei wuxian is shameless, wei wuxian's idiotic hero complex got all his family members killed, wei wuxian is why jin ling is an orphan, wei wuxian is a heartless ingrate, etc etc.
wei wuxian, defend YOURSELF! jiang cheng is barely being nasty at all to lan wangji, but he IS being nasty to YOU! compared to all the horrid shit he yells at you, he barely even brings up lan wangji at all! at the very least, tell jiang cheng not to call wen ning a "wen dog"!
i haven't fully thought this out yet so i'm not sure how fully i stand by it, but the fact that wei wuxian gets that heated "defending lan wangji" when jiang cheng barely even insulted lan wangji that much, is very interesting. it implies to me that, while wei wuxian thinks he does not have the right to properly rebut jiang cheng's criticisms of himself, that he truly is guilty and therefore should just take jiang cheng's verbal abuse of him lying down - deep down, he is still upset about jiang cheng blaming him specifically. when jiang cheng calls wei wuxian an ingrate who got all of jiang cheng's family members killed, wei wuxian is in fact upset and does in fact want to protest. however, he is unable to openly do so because he also feels incredibly guilty himself about the role he played in jin zixuan and jiang yanli's deaths, and therefore thinks he does not have the right to defend himself against jiang cheng's rage on the same issue.
but wei wuxian is still upset and still wishes to rebut jiang cheng's fury. therefore, "defending lan wangji" becomes an excuse for wei wuxian, a pretext to find issue with jiang cheng's arguments and therefore fight back. it's somewhat similar to when someone writes an incredibly effective counterargument to your post, so you hyperfocus on mocking them for a spelling error instead: you can't think of a way to properly rebut their rebuttal, so you jump on the first thing that gives you an excuse to disagree with them and poke holes in their argument. wei wuxian believes (accurately or not) that he does not have the right to defend himself against jiang cheng; however, he is fully justified in defending lan wangji from jiang cheng, which gives him an excuse to argue back when jiang cheng insults wei wuxian.
this is evidenced by the fact that, in the ancestral hall scene, wei wuxian does not defend wen ning from jiang cheng at all. jiang cheng also gives wei wuxian shit for "let[ting] the Wen dog wander around in front of our gates," but wei wuxian just fully lets that comment slide in favor of defending only lan wangji. while this could be because lan wangji is present to hear jiang cheng say this while wen ning is not, for me, another reason comes to mind as well: in wei wuxian's mind, wen ning is also involved, however tangentially, in the deaths of jin zixuan and jiang yanli. wei wuxian's guilt extends to encompass wei ning as well. therefore, wei wuxian feels that he also does not have the right to defend wen ning from jiang cheng. it is only lan wangji out of the three people jiang cheng insults that wei wuxian has the right to defend, because lan wangji alone was not involved in the jiang family tragedy of wei wuxian's first life.
also, it was wei wuxian who first escalated a verbal confrontation into a physical one.
regarding the golden core transfer scene.....first, i find it absolutely hilarious that wen ning of all people spilled the beans to jiang cheng, and got so mad about it to boot. king, you helped operate on him. king, you helped lie to him about it. king, there is no shortage of things you have the full right to be angry with sect leader jiang about, but him believing the lies you actively chose to tell him and not figuring out that you were lying is not one of them. as someone else put it, one person between wen ning and jiang cheng had a free and active hand in removing wei wuxian's core and putting it into jiang cheng, and that person was not jiang cheng. wen ning helping violate jiang cheng's bodily autonomy and then weaponizing said nonconsensual surgery later in an argument against the same jiang cheng is kind of crazy to me, honestly.
imo (and i'm stealing from an analysis i read somewhere), wen ning was this harsh about the golden core reveal despite being one of the surgeons who nonconsensually operated on jiang cheng and then lied to him about it for similar reasons as i described for wei wuxian above. wen ning is also deeply angry with jiang cheng for a lot of things: jiang cheng repeatedly calls him a "thing" and kicks him around like he isn't a human being; jiang cheng also led the first siege of the burial mounds, which killed all save one of wen ning's family members. that is a completely reasonable thing to be mad about. but wen ning, having seen firsthand the wrongdoings of qishan wen, probably has a guilt complex of sorts about being a wen; more importantly, he feels incredibly guilty about his "role" in killing jin ling's father. therefore, wen ning probably does not feel he has the right to defend himself from jiang cheng.
but deep down wen ning is still angry. he is still incredibly angry with jiang cheng for the things jiang cheng did to wen ning. and, while wen ning may not feel like he has the right to defend himself from jiang cheng, defending wei wuxian from jiang cheng is a different matter. in wen ning's eyes, wei wuxian did no major wrong and always had good intentions. therefore, jiang cheng has no right to be angry with wei wuxian. therefore, if wen ning absolutely wrecks jiang cheng's shit defending wei wuxian (and not wen ning himself), then wen ning would be entirely justified.
second - and my thoughts on this haven't fully baked yet - there's this undercurrent in both the golden core transfer scene and the guanyin temple scene that, because wei wuxian gave jiang cheng his core, jiang cheng does not have the right to be angry with wei wuxian for the pain wei wuxian's actions caused jiang cheng. that jiang cheng is now permanently indebted to wei wuxian, which therefore voids all of jiang cheng's right to say that wei wuxian hurt him.
i don't like this undercurrent. i don't like this idea at all. if someone - even accidentally - caused you a lot of pain, the fact that they also once sacrificed themself for you does not negate the pain they caused you. you should be grateful for what they did for you, but that doesn't mean you no longer have a right to your pain.
to flip the script, jiang cheng in reality also sacrificed himself for wei wuxian: he only lost his golden core to begin with because he drew that wen patrol away from wei wuxian. it is factually correct to say that, were it not for jiang cheng, wei wuxian would very likely be dead. but if anyone were to say: "jiang cheng once sacrificed himself for wei wuxian, meaning that wei wuxian owes his life to jiang cheng; therefore, wei wuxian does not have the right to be angry with jiang cheng for the first siege of the burial mounds," that would be fucking stupid. because that's not how it works.
i hold this to be true even though there is a cause-and-effect relationship between each person's sacrifice and their later actions. wei wuxian not having a golden core explains a lot of his later lying and other behavior, and jiang cheng having been tortured because he saved wei wuxian in turn explains a lot of his later resentment and other behavior as well. but neither of their fates were set in stone. both of them still had free will and still could have made different decisions afterwards.
the above is all a lot of blaming, refutation of blaming, and morality wank, so here are some assorted non-morality opinions:
the gift of the magi esque dual-sacrifice wei wuxian and jiang cheng pulled for each other is my favorite part of the story. like holy shit.
wen ning did phrase the golden core reveal to be as hurtful as possible. i find the idea of a sacrifice performed out of love and care for the recipient later being weaponized against that same recipient to be a very interesting idea.
wei wuxian absolutely did not give up his golden core out of only a sense of duty. there was quite a lot of duty, obligation, and guilt (spurred on by jiang fengmian and yu ziyuan's last words to him) mixed into his reasons, but i think wei wuxian gave his golden core to jiang cheng because he loved jiang cheng and didn't want to watch jiang cheng suffer.
jiang cheng, meanwhile, led the wen patrol away and thus got captured in place of wei wuxian purely because he loved wei wuxian. in doing so, he specifically failed his duty to his dead parents, his ancestors, and his sect.
wei wuxian's internal narration about how he later conceptualized the golden core transfer as "his duty to the jiang" is interesting because it is written to be a post-hoc justification. as in, he came up with those reasons and that line of thinking after he already gave up his golden core, and was trying to make the outcome acceptable to himself.
jiang cheng postcanon is in a position to start healing. this take is also stolen from an analysis i read somewhere else, but the one question that's been cooking jiang cheng for the past 13 years is Why. why did wei wuxian do all that? did wei wuxian ever truly care about him, about his family, or was wei wuxian lying from the start? wei wuxian consistently accomplishes the impossible, so how could wei wuxian allow this to happen? but now that jiang cheng knows wei wuxian gave his golden core to him, suddenly all these questions have answers. the cause and effect relationship between A and B makes sense now. and now that jiang cheng has answers, he can let the questions stop cooking his brain and begin to heal and move on.
thank you again for the ask and the kind comments!
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smokestarrules · 1 month
thank you so much for making that post about the hyperfocusing of m/m ships in fandom you're so fucking right. the fact that even f/m ships, even just having one female chara be important, are SUCH a goddamn distant second in terms of content made (and then f/f ships are the skeleton deep underwater. and are mostly people putting together Girls Who Are A Male Character's Love Interest And Nothing Else and changing nothing about their poor writing, drawing 2 pieces of fanart for them, and going "omg look I'm so progressive and I solved the misogyny in [insert media] guys!!") to the point that m/m ships featuring two background male charas with nonexistent canon personalities are INFINITELY more popular than even most f/m ships (and again, the most popular f/f ship is in another universe unless it's time to show your followers how much you """care""" about fighting misogynistic tropes in media. a battle that can only be solved by expressing lukewarm interest in a wlw relationship and allowing the male character's canonical misogyny and hyperfocus and importance to the plot to carry on scot free) LIKE did we not see the top 100????
it's all just such blatant misogyny. not intentional misogyny, and coming from the oppressed instead of the oppressor, but still blatant misogyny. and fandom girlies who reblog/retweet hundreds of posts that demand everyone else to Do Better about X Social Issue ("not me tho. i shared the post!! that makes me an activist" :-) ) suddenly being on the other side of it HATE it and immediately get defensive. clown world.
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Pretty sure these were two separate anons but they mesh together well. Honestly I don't have much else to add anyway other than this: yep.
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nikatyler · 7 days
Zeph 1.0
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in other news we continue clowning for Astarion and letting him drink from us
Right so I don't know what or who to believe anymore in this goddamn game
I say goddamn but I still love it don't get me wrong
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mum come pick me up i'm scared
now tell me why tf did i rush here with no spell slots left
yeah we're fucked, reload 💀
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i may be a monster
I'm starting to get a headache but I wanna keep playing 🥴
Hyperfocus this, hyperfocus that, what about "I'm fully aware I should be doing something else or else I will suffer greatly but I can't stop and it's worth the pain" kinda focus
*You notice the blood's source* *Astarion approves* okay thanks??? 😂
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"Can you imagine dressing entirely in red?" I'm not saving your ass when I create Ross for my next playthrough smh
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I felt really really really bad about this and thought I was making a big mistake (I probably was 💀) but seeing only 7 % of players unlocked this? Yeah that's cool. Or maybe not. Idk I feel bad 💀
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Trying to take down the bitch evil vampire again
Am I struggling? Mayhaps
We are Fucked™ lmao (that's a lmao of big pain not lmao of this is hilarious)
Alright let's try again
How do y'all not get attached and just play and stay cool because it's just a game. I'm 👌 this close to ugly rage crying lol stop being mean to my boy leave him alone stay away from him get a job
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Not now duo dammit
Yeah no I'm reloading and I'm just gonna fuck around the city a bit, I can't do this rn 💀
Okay so the strategy of 1) just go there 2) try not to die is not working too well in the big fights in act 3 for me 💀 oh well I'll try harder I guess
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they need a pair of glasses smh
So I'm seriously considering throwing 2 weeks of gameplay in the trash just to get a better shot at a romance but…now I'm thinking about some tedious parts and ehhh 🫠
Is he worth it? He is worth it. Right?
Lmao I don't remember the last time a fictional character had a grasp on me like that. It's rather embarrassing really 💀 I'm too old to act like this aren't I 💀
Actually considering how bad today has been, reloading that far will probably Fix Me™ so I'm doing that right after a little afterwork nap
And if it turns out to be pointless or a bad idea I can always just switch back to the furthest point in the storyline I got, I won't overwrite that save
Sacrificing about 42 hours of gameplay 🫡 it's been an honor but I need the vampire's love more than oxygen. Reloading now 🫡
And I'm making sure to actually finish some quests I didn't the first time *cough* the shadow curse *cough*
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I put him in Karlach's clothes...for science
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I need to pickpocket people more. In the game I mean. Every time I succeed, I get a good giggle out of it 🤭
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organ rearranger you say...can i...can i say something...
Okay we're all adults here right I can say it. Minors look away this isn't a safe space for you
Well let's just say I stole this for someone and he can rearrange my organs anytime okay byeeeeeeee
Well technically he stole it himself I just giggled with my finger ready on f8 in case things go badly 🤭
Okay so I just found that one reason why some things weren't going well for me was simply because I don't long rest enough in the game 💀
Me when I first started playing bg3: I hope there's a way to avoid a lot of combat, I hope I'll be able to just talk my way through Me now: woooo slaughter!! 😗
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Nooo I was like "wooo yeah cutscene finally!!! is it happening?? are we so back???? we're so back amirite" and it's this guy 😭😭 (with all due respect i was hoping for something else 💀)
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and it's only gonna get worse
let's goooooo
Does this game hate me or what
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It's so joever it's so joever I'm just not getting any cutscenes in the camp lmao
My negative rizz is so strong not even videogame characters want me
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You know what? I get her
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I USED TO PRAY FOR TIMES LIKE THIS *incoherent screaming*
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I truly am the embodiment of this meme
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I'm not even trying to scream anymore my voice is dead
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I can't believe this actually happened so now I'm pretty much spamming the kiss, ignoring everything else
"I play for the plot" she said 🤭
my game crashed, good thing I save every five seconds otherwise I'd think about jumping off of very tall somethings
okay i actually lost like zero progress, jfc blessed day
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Zeph you're standing way too close lol
"I'm gonna speedrun the parts I've been through about a week ago," she said, failing to realize she's not a good runner
There's no such thing as speedrunning this game lol. I just want to do everything always. Fight everything and open every crate and loot everyone 🤭
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back to act 3 we go now that i've righted my wrongs 😌😌
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wise words from daddy, wise words indeed
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buddy you have one job
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"watch out for anyone acting STRANGELY" said by the guy who tries to suck your blood on like the first night of camping together but ok love whatever you say 💀
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asksoldieron · 1 year
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Allegretto non Troppo (SO-8) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
I am, of course, referencing this blameless little angel from Italy's answer to Fantasia.
JUST LET HIM HAVE A CAKE! FOR FUCK'S SAKE, HE'S APPARENTLY DEAD ANYWAY - WHAT DID HE DO TO DESERVE THIS?? *ahem* This almost got me to cry the first time I saw it, and I am not one to cry when I know someone is trying to wring tears out of me.
So there. I fixed it. I saved the cat, as one does. Misha gets bacon and tuna and he probably likes that better than cake. Still, we're missing a whole lot of people and we're not sure what they got.
"Allegretto non Troppo" as a musical direction, would mean "Very Happily but Not Too Much," which is rather nonsensical, but Ann often is too. I had this instalment in mind when I did my first Art Deco-style test...
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...just to see if I could. As-written, Ann has a plate of sandwiches and she's wearing a coat, but that was too complicated for a proof of concept. And that's why the art looks like this now! I dunno what I'm going to do with Tin Soldier, but Soldier On is coming to you in colour!
Misha's rendered as a bit more cartoon-like in this instance, so as to resemble his predecessor. White cats with one blue eye are deaf on the blue-eyed side, so that's another broken, traumatized creature with a weird eye for us to fawn over and pet. Erik will be thrilled to meet him! Eventually.
I'm producing art and formatted posts in advance, so I can take some time to recover from an upcoming eye surgery and still get you instalments every week. I want that 12-pack, but I might have to content myself with six, and a break in the middle. It all depends on how long I take to heal, and how well I can see up close in the near future. I've done almost three illustrations in the last three days. I want to do eight before I gotta quit, but five will do it if I can't quite manage that.
My eyes are performing like goddamn champions, lemme tell ya. I hyperfocus and I do not let them rest like I should - but they're not hurting or going out of whack! When I'm tired, only when I'm tired and reading up close, the left one wanders off and doubles my vision like it always has. And that's like nothing! The other day, browsing through a nearby rural area with Google Street View and the fish-eye effect did not make me carsick. Maybe one of these days here I'll try playing Thief!
[Back to Site?]
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tessen-nhs · 10 months
gemini phoebei
You remember breaking, an awful shattering bolt of not-quite-pain, and then the dark stasis of a sylladex. 
And then: light. 
You suck in a breath on reflex, and start coughing, rolling onto your side and then off the surface you were lying on, onto something hard and cold like bathroom tile but rougher. 
“Open your fucking mouth, dude,” you hear an achingly familiar voice say above you, and there’s a blow to your back, and then you spit out a chunk of dark, cracked glass, and a mouthful of blood.
“What the fuck,” you rasp, and then freeze. 
You have a voice. You have a back. You’re coughing. There is cold, hard stone under you, and you can feel it. Your fingers curl against it.
Holy shit. You have a fucking body again.
Dirk, because of course it’s Dirk, pulls you into a sitting position with a grunt—you haven’t had limbs in three goddamn years and they are somewhat protesting their abrupt re-existence—and crouches in front of you. He’s not wearing (you) his shades, so you can see the clear amber of his eyes, the eyes that used to be yours, and the minute furrow of his brow. It’s the way you—he looks when he’s worried, which makes no sense. 
(Your thoughts are moving so much slower than you’re used to.)
“Hey,” he says. 
You opt for the most pertinent question, which is to say “What the fuck?” again. Dirk scratches at his wrist. A nervous habit you remember having once. Grounding pain. (God, your mouth (your mouth!!) still tastes like blood.)
“You broke,” he says. “I did—something, god knows what, it’s probably not replicable, I fucking panicked, but it held you until I could figure out how to fix it, and then I brought you here and waited for the light show.”
Okay, that explanation…raises a lot more fucking questions than it answers. You look down at your body (your body!!), which is draped in pale, trailing green silk. Definitely not the Heart colors that are everywhere on Dirk’s stupid planet.
“You fucking…godtiered me?”
Dirk nods. 
He looks uncomfortable. “Roxy could explain it better than me. Something about unique object classes and external dependencies.”
“You are so fucking bad at answering questions,” you tell him. 
“I didn’t know if it would even work!” he snaps. “I don’t know what you want me to say, dude. The Denizens did something with the game code and here you are, ready to micromanage all of my stupid choices like the insufferable prick you are but with opposable goddamn thumbs this time.”
You look at him. There are dark circles under his eyes, deep purple and unflatteringly pouchy, and his lips are cracked: the intimately familiar signs of a hyperfocus spiral, where you—he doesn’t sleep, and eats or drinks only the bare minimum to keep himself from passing out. His hair is drooping, unstyled and a bit greasy-looking, lank around his ears and neck. 
You reach up to your own hair. Tug a lock down into your peripheral vision. It’s curlier than you remember, and darker. There’s a red tint to it now, not orange like in movies but a true, deep red like in the ads for henna dye that used to pop up on the sidebars of archived forums. You…aren’t sure how you feel about that. (You wonder if your eyes have changed too.)
“This fucking game doesn’t do things for free,” you say. It’s a question, and it isn’t. Dirk looks away and down.
“Don't worry about it,” he says.
What the fuck did he give up for you?
“You hate me,” you say, and hate the way your voice cracks in the middle of it.
Dirk stands up. “Yeah,” he says bluntly. “But you said you were afraid to die.” Like it’s that simple. He holds out his hand to help you up, and after a moment, you take it.
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goose-books · 2 years
i read your wips intro/masterpost, they all look super cool (!!!) but the status sections look like they haven’t been updated in awhile—any updates?
first of all, THANK YOU!!! means a lot whenever anyone checks out my posts! i have a tendency to forget this blog exists, which i can only blame partially on my being in school; i'm part of a thriving community of writing discord servers, and so i've gotten into the habit of sharing more writing there than here. also, from the bottom of my heart, i never have any idea what to post. so thank you x2 for asking for an update, because i can certainly do that!
in the order of the intro post, shall we? (which i have now updated, because it was bothering me.)
The Mortal Realm & Quark: "starting second draft summer 2021," he said (about the first). so that was a fucking lie. summer 2021 i spent working at a children's summer camp, which, while i love kids, sapped my sickly-victorian-boy strength like tuberculosis. and then i went off to college! so quark didn't happen in the fall, either.
both of these are on indefinite hiatus for now, but not shelved! as my oldest long-running projects and the ones that saw me through some specific parts of my life, they're very important to me, and i think about the characters and plots frequently. that said, i've grown a lot since i began each one, so some of my old plans no longer align with the sort of things i like to write now... both are probably due for a rehaul, and as i'm focused on other projects atm, i'm not sure when that will be! but they idle in the back of my brain like screensavers.
A Modern Tragedy: the scripts for AMT are entirely finished! (barring the intermission episode i never wrote, i suppose.) i wrote the last words and immediately encountered some issues, namely: i know how to write, but not how to record and produce a podcast. plus, a podcast-enjoying friend of mine who read the scripts pointed out that honestly, AMT has too many characters to work as an audio drama; i have written a TV show in audio form. and speaking of things i know how to do less than producing a podcast--producing a TV show. so at present i sort of just... have this. sitting on my computer. i've half a mind to just post the scripts on this blog; if you're interested in seeing them... you can certainly shoot me a dm.
darkling: this behemoth is fully drafted, goddamn it, and i did do a round of beta readers over summer 2021. that said, this thing scares me. i am far better at drafting than i am at editing, and approaching a 200,000 word book (yes. i know. i know) to rip the seams out and kick that word count into shape intimidates me. i think perhaps we should all be very mean to me until i acquiesce to sniffing the draft through the bathroom door (??? <- will being mean to me work? unclear)
Valentine van Velt is Dead: oh now this is ridiculous; have i really not updated the intro post in over a year? i suppose not. valentine van velt is out! i posted the book in full in google doc, pdf, and epub forms; you can read it right now today!
love, h: finally something on the intro post is true. this is still in brainstorming mode, less because i haven't figured it out and more because i need to enter another intense hamlet phase to be able to write it properly. it'll happen.
godsong: ah, and we approach the reason the rest of these projects haven't gotten done. my silly little lesbian aeneid is eating my brain. in the past year and a half, i have 1. plotted an entire trilogy 2. written a book and a half 3. spiraled into related AUs for literally over a hundred words. the problem with writing a project that combines multiple hyperfixations is that it will crawl into your brainstem and never ever ever ever leave you alone. ever.
...which is to say that i've written a godsong! i've completed a first draft of the first book and i'm currently drafting the second; i've learned that editing scares me and bogs me down, so i'm riding this hyperfocus as far as it'll take me before i do a beta-reading round. this may come as a shock, because i've posted very little about godsong compared to my other projects, and again, this is because i have no idea what to post. every now and then i get frightened about posting real excerpts, in case it somehow fucks me up copyright-wise. this is a largely irrational fear that i have anyhow. i'm dicking around trying to make character moodboards for intro posts, but i keep running into the moral quandary of whether i can knowingly use unsourced pinterest images, like, morally. unrelated, yeah i do have OCD, how did you know?
thank you for asking after my projects, anon! ^_^ this was a very nice ask to receive and it reminds me i really ought to post here more often... if i ever scrounge up enough pictures from fucking unsplash, we'll see about those intros. if anyone has questions, opinions, or suggestions for future maxblog activities, feel free to shoot me an ask!
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orange-waterfalls · 3 years
I Call This One: Bold & Brash!
The egos x artist! gn! reader
ty @pokemonpunqueen for the request!
A/N: I’ve decided that I’m gonna write for the egos when I can’t think of anything else or I need practice writing lmao. I mean I was doing that before? But I didn’t know it? listen it’s fine it’ll be fine but FOR NOW I thiiiink I’m gonna take requests. Just a few. I’ll stop when I think it gets too much. This is exactly what it says. I focused on like drawing/painting for “artist”, with some references to animation thrown in there. I did Darkiplier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Google, Eric, and a Host thrown in there bc I love him and I miss him
Word count is 1.5k
Egos x artist!reader
He’ll want to commission art from you
He makes comments about how Mark is a narcissist but also he’s a narcissist.
Oh look, Dark’s asking you for another picture. What does he want? He wants you to draw him? Again? For the fifth time this fucking month? Wonderful.
He likes looking at how you make art of him, be it stylistic or realistic
He will hang them up all over the fucking house so pace yourself
He’s fine if you draw anybody else
Except Mark. Never Mark. How can he tell, you ask? No fucking clue, but he does
Gets a bit worried that you won’t make enough money to live comfortably
Just because not everyone needs a fucking MANSION-
Will always buy things for you if you ask
Likes to be able to support your job or hobby
Sugar daddy? I mean maybe
Makes sure you eat, sleep, drink water, survive--
Leaves snacks for you at your desk for when you don’t want a meal.
Carries you to bed if you fall asleep at a desk
Recommends you wear comfy clothes at all times so you can fall asleep wherever
A bit of an enabler, he’s doing his best tho
If you take commissions don’t be surprised if he threatens to kill someone when they don’t pay or are rude to you
He loves you, that’s all
Fucking elated
Draw him!!! Please!!!! Please draw him!!!!! He has coin!!!!! He can pay!!!!!
Ecstatic if you actually draw him like he’ll giggle for an hour straight just looking
Secretly commissions more art from you
So also sugar daddy
It’s always something so obvious so you know it’s him anyways
He likes bright colors and eyestrain for some reason
If you make that, he just. Stares at it. Unblinking. You have to snap him out of it (im not projecting what do you mean)
Gets extremely worried about you not taking care of yourself
Gets someone to fucking babysit you when he’s gone so you take care of yourself
When you get greatly offended by this he settles for texting you reminders
And when you ignore those he texts more
Don’t be surprised if you get spammed by several people and an alarm starts to play from somewhere in the house
You’re gonna be healthy whether you like it or not, asshole
Drags you to bed aggressively
He WILL NOT drug your food with melatonin because that’s illegal. B U T-
He’s a little confused, but he got the spirit
Will advertise your art to anyone and everyone and also on his show and threatens the audience with a gun
AGAIN, a little confused. he just wuvs u so much 
I mean technically he’s kind of an artist too so he appreciates your skill and creativity
He’s very nosy and likes to look over your shoulder while you work
If you don’t like him doing that, he still does it, just more secretively
Likes to work in the same room as you. 
That is if you don’t mind constant singing or tap dancing in the background
He shows off your art to anyone and everyone and gets mad if they don’t immediately say it’s fantastic
May or may not have stabbed someone over it, you’ll never know
If you show him something you’re working on, he’ll show you something he’s working on in return
The law of equivalent exchange
You tell him you can make MONEY from things like art and dancing and he goes apeshit he gets so fucking excited
If you’re like an animator and offer to animate his dancing he might actually cry
He’ll deny it constantly every day until he dies
If you make things traditionally he hangs them on the wall Everywhere
You might run out of room
By which i mean you will run out of room as soon as possible
Will never tell you a drawing is bad ever unless it’s like Really Bad which it never will be in his eyes
He loves anything and everything you do u are so precious
You have a permanent support system within the man
Used to see art as pointless
Then comprehended the chemical release it causes in the brain and thought that was fine
Then saw you get really mad with something you were working on and got confused again?
If art no make good chemical, why art?
He still doesn’t understand, but that’s ok
You tried to get him to make something once
He just. Kinda. Made a buncha ones and zeroes
You still framed it and hung in on the wall and he got embarrassed
If he could blush, he would
If you draw him he looks like he doesn’t care but it’s at that point he decides he would die for you
Primary objective: answer questions as quickly as possible. Secondary objective: make u happy. Tertiary objective is to destroy mankind
If you draw bing that will disappear IMMEDIATELY you have BETRAYED him
If you ask for a color palette recommendation he Always says the google colors. Always.
You might’ve thought he was going for an rgby type of thing. But then you realize.
He is in charge of your financing. He will tell you the most efficient ways to make money as an artist and you follow then
He is also in charge of making sure you FUCKING EAT A MEAL
“But isn’t an objective to destroy mankind?” shut up he’s not happy about it either
Despite his best efforts he loves you and that ain’t gonna change
Doesn’t fully understand
He needs to be outside at all times and cannot stay in one place
And you’re like??? Required to stay still???? For prolonged amounts of time????? Disgusting. Anyway, whatcha workin’ on?
He might ask you to try and teach him
If you do try he gives up almost immediately
Sometimes you just get so into it that you forget to do basic things and he gets upset
(i.e. eating, sleeping, living, etc.)
He gets worried about you
He is a hypocrite bc he does the same
He will drag you to bed, motherfucker
Honestly he might lock your shit somewhere until you fucking take care of yourself. it’s like a hostage situation god
“Where the fuck did you put it” “I have no clue what you mean. I might know if you eat your dinner, though”
Asshole (affectionate)
Sometimes you like make faces when you try to draw a person and it’s hilarious and cute to him
He looks at your drawings the moment you walk away but acts like he doesn’t care
He cares a lot
Will support you no matter what but will also tell you without hesitation if he thinks something looks shit
Listen he’s out of line but he’s right
Loves you a lot and will support anything and everything you choose to do or make
Drawing? Awesome! Painting? Wonderful! Animation? Superb!
He often wants to buy you supplies or something but he does not know what anything is
Fuck is a chalk pencil???? What are gel pens vs normal pens?????? Watercolor????? What the fuck are you saying??????????
Will subtly drop hints that you could,,,, draw him,,,,, maybe,,,,, if u wanna 
And by subtly I mean he starts to ask and then starts crying
If you draw him he will cry again he loves u so much 
If he ever were to get a tattoo it’d be something u drew. Nothing else is as important to him at the moment
He enjoys photography and film, and likes to try and bond with you over artistic things
I mean. Some things overlap.
You could talk about a single drawing for hours and he’d listen intently the whole time
Don’t ask him for feedback, it’s always some version of “it’s perfect and I love you”
Even if he hates it
Which,,,,, he might hate it sometimes
He’s not a good reviewer. 2/10, very biased
He likes to take photos when you’re in the zone
If you tell him to delete them he will
While secretly making one his home screen
Hey, he gets it
He writes, he understands the hyperfocus
Sometimes he wouldn’t move from his chair for a day because he was busy writing a script
That being said, you probably have to be the one to get him to take care of himself
Or you have to take turns
Otherwise you’re both gonna fucking die
He asks you to describe your art to him and tries to picture it.
He’ll tell you if he thinks it probably looks good or bad
You shouldn’t take it to heart because he can’t see it
He is a bastard sometimes
“Well, what do you think?” “I think it looks fantastic” “Thanks, babe” “...” “... you think you’re fucking funny, don’t you”
He asks if you can draw him sometimes
No, he won’t see it, but he’ll appreciate the sentiment if you do
He will ask for your opinion on his scripts sometimes
If you say it’s bad he gets really defensive
You work in the same room a lot of the time and forget the other is there
One of you has to preemptively order food or like set a timer so you can goddamn Survive
You’ll be fine
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star-six7 · 4 years
I Never Thought They’d Get Me Here
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Ray Toro x Gender Neutral!Reader (ending 3 of 4 for Here In This House of Wolves)
Word Count: 1481
A/N: Yeah, I suck. I’m really sorry for the wait with this one, but I hope it was worth it :)
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. No part of this story is meant to be libel, slander, or in any way derogatory towards any character’s real life counterpart. I’m not delusional; I know that these characters are simply based off of a public persona and may not actually resemble the people behind those personas. Any additional characters that you do not recognize are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. And finally, if you got here by Googling yourself, whatever happens next is 100% on you.
“Okay,” Brian said, turning around and stopping before entering the building. “I’m thinking we should split into pairs, just in case?”
“The buddy system, really?” Frank snorted. “This isn’t kindergarten, Brian.”
“I, for one, am in favor of this plan,” Gerard said, sounding nervous. Mikey moved to stand next to him without either of them saying anything.
“I’ll go with Ray. I feel like being paired up with the tallest one here is a good idea,” you stated boldly, smiling up at him. You had made up your mind on the way over. Today was the day you told Ray how you felt about him.
“Well,” Brian said glumly. “I guess someone needs to babysit Frank. Let’s go.”
Frank grinned, seemingly unoffended.
After the guides explained the rules and offered you the last chance to turn back, they brought you to the door that would lead you to what they claimed was “your worst nightmare.” You swallowed and moved next to Ray.
“Nervous?” he smiled at you.
“Yeah,” you nodded. You weren’t about to tell him it had less to do with the haunted house and more to do with the fact that you planned to tell him about your long-standing crush. Not yet, at least.
The last thing you saw before you were ushered into pitch blackness was an unreadable look on Ray’s face.
A few minutes later, you were shuffling down the path behind Gerard and Mikey with Ray by your side.
“This goddamn hallway,” Frank muttered up in the front, with Brian. “I have no idea if we’re even heading in the right direction.”
“It does feel like we’re going in circles,” Ray agreed. “Maybe we should split up and try and find the way to the next area.”
You heard Mikey and Gerard move off to your left while Frank and Brian pushed on to your right.
“Guess it’s just us now,” Ray said, somehow finding your hand in the dark. You were glad he couldn’t see you blushing.
“Yeah,” you whispered as your nerves skyrocketed. You cleared your throat. “Let’s try and beat them to the exit!”
Unfortunately, fifteen minutes later, you were no closer than any of the others. Speaking of which-
“Ray, do you know where the others are? I haven’t heard them in a while.”
“Me either,” he sighed. “Oh, shit!”
“What’d you find?” You were ready to get out of the dark hallway.
“I think I found a crack in the wall,” he said, sounding like he was concentrating. “Hold on-”
The section of the wall he was pushing on gave way, and you stepped out into what seemed to be an indoor maze. You took in the fake ivy-covered walls while Ray closed the door behind him.
“Wouldn’t want the others to figure out our secret,” he said sheepishly when he noticed your questioning look. “Shall we?”
And for the second time that day, you were holding hands with Ray Toro.
As you wandered up and down the paths with Ray, you let yourself get lost in thought. You remembered the tall, shy (and cute!), guy that Gerard had practically dragged down the basement steps for the first time, barely a week after the band went from being an idea Gerard would call you about at two in the morning to something real. You shook your head at yourself when you thought about how nervous you had been about adding a new member. You had been worried that Ray wouldn’t fit in with the long-standing, easy-going friendship you had with Mikey and Gerard. But, Gerard was right. The band needed someone who could play live. And Ray was certainly one hell of a guitarist.
In hindsight, it should have been no surprise that you and Ray became fast friends. Not only were you both dedicated, passionate, and talented musicians, but you genuinely clicked on many other levels as well. You couldn’t even count the hours spent in the Way brothers’ basement, arguing the odds of surviving your favorite horror movie scenes or building your absolute dream bands consisting of your favorite musicians. It only made more sense that you began to fall for him around the time My Chem went into the studio for the first time. You remembered staying into the early hours of the morning, hanging out on Geoff’s couch together as you pored over the previous day’s takes, eventually falling asleep on each other until Gerard woke you up to complain about his tooth.
“I hope you’re not laughing at me, or you might not be able to find your duffle bag tonight.”
You hadn’t even realized the small smile forming on your face until Ray interrupted your thoughts. You glanced up at him and saw a grin on his face that told you he was only joking.
“Wait, why would I be laughing at you?”
“Because,” he said, sounding glum. “I think we’ve been going in circles for the past twenty minutes.”
“We’ll figure it- wait, did you say twenty minutes? There’s no way this place is that big. How long have we been in here?”
Ray glanced at his watch. “25 minutes, actually.”
You swore as you sat down. “You don’t think the others got out already, do you? I mean, they would come back for us, right?”
Ray laughed as he sat down next to you, leaning against the wall of the maze. “Frankie might try it, just for shits and giggles, but Brian wouldn’t let him.”
“Thank god for Schechter,” you agreed. The conversation lapsed into silence, and you decided now was as good a time as any to test the waters. “Hey, at least we’re stuck together, right?”
Ray shifted to face you, smiling. “That’s true, Gerard would be hyperventilating by now.”
“And Brian would smack us upside the heads for getting lost in the first place.” You laughed and then took a second to regain your composure. “But, if I’m being honest… there’s really another reason why I’m glad I’m with you. Even if we might die in this maze.”
You paused, studying Ray’s face for a reaction. You thought you saw a flicker of emotion, but you couldn’t be sure. Apparently, Ray’s poker face could rival Mikey’s.
When you could tell that he wasn’t going to say anything, you continued. “I think it’s kinda obvious but… you’re my best friend. And as much as I don’t want to change everything for the worse, I feel like I can’t really hide it anymore. Ray… I think I’m in love with you.”
What you were going to say next died in your throat when Ray surged forward to kiss you. Your perception of the world around you slowly melted away as all of your senses began to hyperfocus on Ray. You couldn’t help the faint sigh that escaped you as he shifted closer, wrapping one arm around your waist and resting his other hand on the side of your face. Almost involuntarily, you scooted backwards until your back was resting against the corner you had sat down in, trying to get him as close to you as possible.
It was at about that point that you heard a familiar (and at the moment, grating) voice yelling at you from several feet away.
“Holy shit! Brian, you can call off the search party! I found them, and they’re making out, ew!”
Ray pulled away from you the second Frank had made his presence known. Though he rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed, you could see a blush creeping up his cheeks. If the heat in your face was any indication, you were sure you looked similar.
“Shut up, Frank,” Brian said as he rounded the corner, rolling his eyes. He turned to you and Ray and sighed, smiling. “I can’t say I’m not surprised.”
“Oh, Brian, are you gonna give them the ‘safe sex’ lecture? Scratch that, are you sure they know about the birds and the bees?” Frank said, and then laughed like that was the funniest thing in the world.
“Hey,” Ray said, scowling as he stood up. He offered you a hand and pulled you to your feet. “You better quiet down or I’ll make sure you never get shotgun again.”
“Okay, cut it out, assholes,” Brian cut in, though there was no real anger behind it. “We need to go find the others before Gerard goes into a catatonic state of shock.”
You half-listened to Ray and Frank bicker some more as you trailed behind them, unable to keep the smile off your face. It almost felt easier to breathe with your confession off your chest.
You had almost forgotten that you were still holding hands with Ray until he stopped suddenly, waiting to get a little distance from Frank and Brian.
“Hey,” he said, smiling down at you.
“I forgot to tell you. I think I love you too.”
A/N: Thank you for reading! Feel free to tell me what you liked and send in requests!
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losingmymindtonight · 5 years
Whumptober: Unconscious
AN: Whumptober is just me seeing how quickly I can write something. It’s not quality, nor is it quantity, but it sure is fic. That’s about all I’ve got in me.
The alert went off just after 3:00 am.
Which was, as a general rule, not one of Tony’s favorite times to get alerts.
“Boss,” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice startled him from his hyperfocus on the exposed circuitry in front of him, “I have detected strange anomalies in Peter Parker’s vitals.”
He looked up in surprise. “What time is it?”
“3:03 am.”
He blinked. “And why the fuck is the kid in the suit at 3:00 am? It’s a school night. His curfew is 11:00.”
“Mister Parker is not in the suit. My readings are coming from the biotech in his watch.”
Okay. That… that wasn’t exactly ideal.
“What are the anomalies?”
“Mister Parker’s heart rate is unusually elevated and his blood oxygen levels appear to be rapidly decreasing.”
Did the kid go on patrol without his suit? Tony was going to kill him. “Where is he?”
“In his bed.”
Wait, what?
“Are you… are you sure?”
“What the fuck? F.R.I.D.A.Y., track his phone.”
There was a pause as the AI completed the request. Then,
“It appears to be on the table beside his bed, Boss.”
“Call him. Now.”
“Of course.”
The sound of the phone ringing filled the lab. Tony pushed away his project. He had more important things to worry about now.
The phone kept ringing.
And ringing.
And ringing.
Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. Peter Parker is not available. At the tone, please record your message. When you finish recording you may hang up, or press 1 for more-
“Push the call through, FRI.”
“Yes, Boss.”
There was a brief rush of static, and then quiet.
If he listened really, really hard, he could just barely make out the sound of someone breathing.
“Peter?” The kid must be asleep (or unconscious), because there wasn’t any answer. He tried again, louder. “Peter!”
He heard the rustle of sheets, then a huff of confusion.
“Mis’er St’rk?”
“Thank god, you’re alive. You had me wondering there for a minute.”
“Huh? Where’re you?”
He blinked. “Try your phone, bud.”
“Wha’? Why’re you in my ph’ne?”
No, no, no, no, no. The spark of concern that had settled at the sound of the kid’s voice lit right back up, bright and sharp. This was a serious step above you-just-woke-me-up-and-I’m-still-half-asleep confusion. This was… that was something much, much worse.
“I-I’m not. I called you, Pete.”
“Called me?”
“Mhm. Are you alright? F.R.I.D.A.Y. says your vitals went wonky and you seem… a little out of it.”
There was a beat of silence.
“I don’ feel good.”
He sat up straighter on the bench, hands clenching with fear. He’d known something was wrong before, but hearing the kid admit it only gave purchase to the panic. “What do you mean?”
“Feel weird.”
“Define weird.”
“Dunno. Head hurts. Feel sick.”
Tony blinked. “FRI? Does he have a fever?”
“No, Boss. Although Mister Parker’s O2 levels are dropping low enough to be an imminent concern.”
He leapt to his feet. A little early morning trip to Queens wouldn’t kill him. Who needed sleep, anyway? “Pete? I’m coming over, okay? Can you get up and wake May?”
“Not here.”
“May isn’t there?”
“No. Graveyard shift.”
“Okay. Okay. That’s alright. I’m gonna come take care of you. Just keep talking to me.” The suit folded around him and F.R.I.D.A.Y. flipped the call to his heads up display without being prompted. “Do you feel like you’re gonna throw up?”
“If you need to, just do it. I’ll clean it up later.”
“Good boy.” He rushed out onto the roof and shot into the air. He was so hasty in his takeoff that he had to quickly correct his trajectory with his thrusters, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “Did you feel sick before you went to sleep?”
“Are you sure?”
“Alright.” He muted himself and finally let the panic seep through his voice. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.? What the fuck is wrong with him? Is it the flu?”
“The flu does not usually involve such a rapid drop in oxygen levels.”
“Then what’s wrong with him?”
“My sources indicate-”
“Those sources better not be WebMD.”
“They are not.” If Tony didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought that F.R.I.D.A.Y. sounded offended. “As I was saying: my sources indicate that Mister Parker is likely suffering from a drug allergy. However, it is also possible that the symptoms are the precursor to an epileptic episode or a brain hemorrhage.”
“Why the fuck would he have a brain hemorrhage?”
“Considering Mister Parker’s age, state of health, and activity level, the most likely cause would be trauma. Until I can run a more in-depth scan, your best course of action would be to continue assessing his mental status.”
He switched his audio back on, nodding as if F.R.I.D.A.Y. needed his confirmation. “Hey, buddy. You still with me?”
“Good job. Hey, I have some questions to ask you, and it’s really important that you answer them honestly. I swear I won’t get mad.”
“Did you go on patrol earlier? Without the suit?”
“Do you promise?”
“So no injuries I should know about?”
“Did you take medicine before you went to sleep? Ibuprofen? Anything?”
“Are you absolutely sure?”
“Alright. Have you ever had a seizure, Pete?”
“Wha’?” That question seemed to wake the kid up a bit. “No. Why?”
“I’m just checking. How do you feel?”
Peter seemed to contemplate that for a second.
“‘M... ‘M really tired, Mis’er Stark.”
“No. Nope. Stay awake, okay? I don’t know what's wrong with you yet.”
“Somethin’s wrong wi’ me?”
This is wrong. This is so, so wrong. “Yeah, buddy. You told me you didn’t feel good. Remember?”
“Mm. Oh, yeah. I really don’ feel good.”
“I know. I’m,” he glanced at the ETA F.R.I.D.A.Y. helpfully threw up on the screen, “I’m three minutes away from you. Hang on.”
There was something impossibly frightening about having something wrong with Peter and not knowing what. He’d had to get used to the idea of the kid getting hurt on patrol, rolling into the Tower clutching a bleeding wound or a broken bone. It was an uncomfortable truth, but one he’d learned to assimilate into his life.
But this… this was exponentially more frightening. This was something happening to Peter, not Spider-Man. He could sew up bullet wounds and cast broken bones. He couldn’t fix something he couldn’t even diagnose.
God, he hated being stuck in the dark.
“Can you tell me more about what’s wrong, kiddo?” Honestly, he didn’t really expect to learn anything useful. He was just trying to keep Peter as lucid as possible until he could get there. “What feels bad?”
“Your head hurts?”
He could see Peter’s apartment complex now. Every inch closer made his heart rate climb. “Anything else?”
“Dunno. ‘M just… tired.”
“Alright. Remember what I said, though, right? No sleeping.”
“No sleepin’.”
“That’s it. Good boy.” He landed on the fire escape outside Peter’s room with the discordant clatter of metal on metal. It was loud enough to be unwanted at 3:00 in the goddamn morning, but Tony couldn’t bring himself to care. “I’m here, bud.”
“Took a long time.”
Don’t I know it, kid.
He ended up climbing through the window into Peter’s room. There was a part of him that nearly went into the main entrance and took the elevator to the apartment (May had given him a spare key, so he could’ve just let himself in), but the half-panicked ball of worry in his chest convinced him otherwise.
The lump on the bed shifted. “Mis’er Stark?”
He rushed to the kid’s side, metal-clad knees knocking into wooden floors as he knelt beside the low-slung mattress. “Hey, squirt. Told you I was coming.”
Suddenly, an alert, red and flashing and impossible to ignore, exploded onto his heads up display.
He froze in realization. 
“Mister Parker’s symptoms match those of carbon monoxide poisoning, although it is notoriously difficult to diagnose without context. There is likely a leak somewhere in the building.”
“What do I-”
“It is advised to remove Mister Parker from the contaminated area and into fresh air as quickly as possible. I have notified emergency services. They should arrive within five minutes to assist the other residents.”
At some point during his hurried conversation with F.R.I.D.A.Y., Peter’s eyes had fallen shut. He didn’t move when Tony pressed his gauntlet against his shoulder. He shook him, first gently and then with more vigor, and the kid just stayed limp.
“Pete?” Nothing. Shit. “Alright. Don’t worry about it, kiddo, I’ve got it handled.” He tore Peter’s comforter away in a manner that definitely did not denote I’ve got it handled, but he supposed it didn’t really matter when Peter was unconscious. “I’m gonna pick you up now, okay? We’re going on a little trip.”
Peter offered no resistance when Tony scooped him up. And, fuck, the kid was heavy. Sometimes it was easy to forget that the kid was 5’8” of pure muscle.
Pure muscle that was now a complete deadweight.
He clambered onto the fire escape with a lot more grace than he’d really expected. Then again, he had the added motivation of not wanting to jostle the precious cargo cradled to his chestplate. As he went, he found himself babbling nonsensically to the kid.
“It’s all gonna be fine. I’m gonna take you back to the Tower and pump you full of oxygen. That’ll be nice, yeah? And I’ll call May, tell her that you can both bunk at the Tower until the leak gets solved. It’ll be great. You love sleepovers.”
Peter didn’t twitch during the flight back to the Tower, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn’t alert him to any worsening vitals, so he did his best to focus through it. He didn’t waste time taking the suit off when he landed on the roof, just headed straight for the MedBay.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” He called, skidding his way into one of the MedBay rooms. “What do I do? Why hasn’t he woken up yet?”
“He needs oxygen, Boss.”
He felt like screaming. “He’s getting oxygen.”
“Not enough.”
He deposited Peter onto the bed in a tangle of uncoordinated limbs. His lips were tinged with blue, just slightly, and the sight made Tony feel like he wasn’t getting enough oxygen himself.
“Sorry, sorry.” He winced in sympathy as the kid’s head lolled unnaturally against the plastic mattress. “I’ll make you comfy when you can breathe, kiddo, sorry…”
F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimed in before he could even process that he needed her help. “The oxygen tanks are located in the hallway supply closet, along with tubing and a mask.”
He jogged out the door and tore open the closet door. It only took him a few seconds to bundle everything he needed into his arms, but they felt like wasted moments all the same.
He’d helped set up a few oxygen tanks in the past, and it wasn’t necessarily difficult. Attaching the tubing was made slightly more complicated by the tremors running through his hands, but he pushed through it. 
“There ya go, buddy.” Relief rushed through him once the mask was snug over the kid’s face. “All better now. Or, at least, we’re on our way, yeah?”
The next few minutes dragged by. Tony resisted the urge to glue himself to the vital monitors. Instead, he forced himself to trust F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s judgement, and stuck right by Peter’s side, brushing his hair back and talking gently. He knew firsthand the adrenaline rush of waking up in a place different than the one you lost consciousness in, knew how terrifying and disorienting it was. He wanted Peter to have an anchor: something that he understood, even if he didn’t understand anything else.
“His oxygen stats are improving rapidly, Boss,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. offered after what felt like an eternity. “I estimate that he is likely to regain consciousness soon.”
Sure enough, Peter groaned a minute or two later, forehead wrinkling and he shifted weakly against the mattress. 
“Hey buddy,” he murmured, cupping Peter’s face and tilting his head so he’d be lined up perfectly in the kid’s vision when he opened his eyes. “C’mon. Look at me, yeah? Let me know you’re alive in there.”
Peter’s eyes snapped open. For a brief second, his entire body keyed up, muscles coiling, but then his gaze cleared and his pupils found the face hovering above him and Tony could see recognition shoot through his expression. He melted, then, a tiny smile quirking up the corner of his mouth.
“Morning,” Tony whispered. Peter just blinked up at him slowly, brow furrowed in confusion. “It’s alright. Just keep breathing, nice and slow.”
A sluggish hand fumbled up to the oxygen mask, but Tony caught it before he could pull it off. “Yeah, I know. Leave that be. It’s helping.”
“Patrol?” Peter slurred, and Tony had to strain to make out the word through the mask.
He shook his head. “Shh. Don’t worry about it right now, alright?”
To his surprise, Peter relented, eyes drifting closed again, any hint of lingering tension releasing from his expression. “M’kay.”
Tony let his head bow forward, shaky with relief. He felt like he’d spend the rest of his life chasing after Peter Parker, scooping him up and stitching him back together again.
“I’m really glad you’re alright, buddy,” he said, voice low and strained.
Peter didn’t answer, just turned his face sleepily into his palm, but Tony didn’t need to hear anything from the kid, anyway.
He knew.
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dragonstoravens · 4 years
Babylon Vol. 1: I’m an Idiot but At Least I’m Fun
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[ID: a blue patterned banner with text reading “BABYLON.” End ID.]
BIG CW for this one: Blood, mild body horror.
(Totally ran out of time to post this yesterday, so here we are a day late again! For the 2/3 people that actually see this on tumblr lol. Just one chapter, and not a mega long one, but be safe while reading and feel free to message me for a summary or sections to skip if you’re worried about the content warnings. Hope you enjoy!)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @charlottedotexe @glitterandstarshine @rainbowcoloreddays @the-starlight-chills @erased-in-stone
General: @elywritesbydarkness @residentofthedisc @humour-and-hyperfocus @skyfirewrites @viawrites-andacts
16. I’m An Idiot But At Least I’m Fun 
    There was a steady dripping from the edge of the table she sat on. Azure sighed and then held her breath, digging the scalpel into her arm once more. She’d missed the intended node once already, and this was getting a little dicey. It crossed her mind that she really should consider an assistant for when she did her more complex updates, but then she’d have to deal with their concern for her wellbeing and that really only ever did more harm than good for her efficiency. A twinge of pain shot up from her elbow, and she reached behind her to carelessly flip a switch on a box wired to her ankle by about four yards of copper wire. The pain subsided, and she set the scalpel down in exchange for a pair of forceps. Time to dig. The dripping continued, blood running onto the ground and towards her workshop drain. She paid it no mind. She’d eat a cookie later. 
    But still, something burned at the back of her mind. She looked at the clock on her monitor, brow furrowed as she wiped a bloody gloved hand on her shirt. She was forgetting something. The faulty node was still blinking beneath all the blood, taunting her. Suddenly, a spurt of blood crossed the room, and some wiring escaped her arm, snaking slowly out of her open incision. She grit her teeth. That was never a fun feeling, blood-warmed metal exiting her body. “Fuck, oh, goddamn it-” Another spurt of blood, this one dripping down her arm and to the ground even though she had her free hand clamped around it. She grumbled low in her throat, words coming through the forceps she now held between her teeth. “Sonofabitch, I swear everytime I try-”
    “Bluemom, You have a visitor.” Her floating personal assistant bot, Bean, hovered over to her, his front display reading out her current rate of blood loss and the time. “He had an appointment.”
    “I don’t recall my brother or Turq or even Smalls needin’ appointments to see me. Just send ‘im in, whoever he is he’s seen worse I’m sure.” She waved the bot off and he hovered away, whistling his customary exit tune. She used the hand on her currently bleeding arm to open a drawer and rummage through its contents. “Gauze, gauze, gauze….”
    The door slid open, and a voice, not that of any of her shipmates and yet all too familiar, said, “Jesus.” 
    “Your Three O’Clock is here!” Chirped Bean. “Trinity Jericho has arrived.”
    She looked up to see Trinity standing in the doorway, hands on his hips. She could practically see the loading screen behind his eyes as his brain searched its databanks for an appropriate reaction or facial expression in response to the bizarre scene in front of him.
    She was a mess, blood running down her arm and all over her white tank top, a spare coil of fine wire hanging around the shell of her ear. A strange contraption was slithering its way out of her wound, the inside of her elbow flayed open. She’d have blushed in embarrassment, but she couldn’t really spare the blood, so she settled on smiling sheepishly. “Oh, uh, hey?”  More blood, this time escaping her fingers and splattering weakly at her feet. “...I’ve got gloves in that drawer right there behind you, would you mind helpin’ me for a quick sec? My hands are occupied right now.” Her tone was conversational, as though she was asking him to grab something from a fridge as opposed to putting on gloves to shove wires back up into her bicep. She continued using her lacerated arm to dig for gauze, blood dripping from her elbow and onto her bare feet.
Rather than figure out how to react, it looked like Trinity had decided not to react at all. His face was exceedingly casual, save for his slightly raised eyebrows, as he went over to the desk and removed the gloves, pulling them on. “Should I even ask?”
Something between a human laugh and a pig snort left her mouth. “Only if it’s necessary. I think I just nicked a vein. I’m more concerned with these connectors, they’re not supposed to be connected this loosely, which means they really shouldn’t be hangin’ out my arm like a hound dog out a pickup truck window.”
“Just nicked a vein,” Trinity mimicked, affecting a higher pitched southern drawl that combined with the slight disbelieving tone to his voice. “Ok. Ok, you’re completely insane, and probably only partially from blood loss. Now, tell me what to do.” He turned his attention to the wires, examining them closely with an expression that rivaled his focus when looking at a particularly interesting problem in one of his own production lines. “I think I see the basics of what’s going on here, but you’d know best.”
“It’s just the coolin’ lines, they kinda just gotta be-Oh!” She pulled a roll of gauze and some medigel from the drawer she’d been digging in. “Found ‘em.” She looked back up at him, arm stretched out, still applying pressure. “I’m not insane until I lose a full liter, by the way. We’re not even a quarter of the way there. They’re just coolin’ lines, you can just shove ‘em back in. I’d have done it already if I didn’t need to keep my blood in my body.” The cooling lines glowed a faint purple and continued to slowly snake their way out. She beheld her own mess with interest for a moment, puzzling something out. “Wonder if I could…”
“Let’s save that little curiosity journey for later, yes?” he interrupted, just the slightest hint of panic creeping into his tone that stopped short whatever she’d been about to come up with. “Maybe best to explore all the other experiments you could run on yourself when you’re not already bleeding all over the floor.” He started pushing the wires back into her arm, probably more gently than she would have done herself. “And, for the record, you’re insane with all your blood in your body. But I’m sure you know that already.”
“It’s what makes me fun!” Her irreverence for her own safety could almost be seen as endearing, if it wasn’t so dangerous. She grabbed a spray bottle marked ‘alcohol’ in big red letters, a roll of duct tape on her wrist. “Here, put pressure on it once it’s all in there, I’ll secure it back down later. Musculature will hold it for now.” She put the spray top of the bottle of alcohol between her teeth and bit down, twisting to remove it and dumping some of the contents over the open wound, no sign of a grimace. “Quickly dude, or we’re gonna be covered in blood. My heart’s still beatin’. God this would be so much easier if my limbs were detachable.”
Trinity almost said wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been covered in blood, or detachable limbs are another thing we don’t want to explore right now, but he was a little too busy to worry about snappy comebacks. He got some disinfectant a little more directly to the wound by covering a bandage in medigel, and set to work sealing the edges together temporarily with glue that he knew should work like stitches. The alcohol had luckily done the double job of cleaning away the excess blood, so all he had to do was swipe away the fresh blood that had just welled from it with a piece of gauze and apply the bandage. On top of it he folded a few more pieces of gauze for extra pressure, and he secured the whole thing with medical tape. It was quick, but rather well done for a rush job nonetheless. Azzy blinked at the result.
“Oh, I was gonna slam some gauze and medigel in there and throw some duct tape over it but that works too.”
“I know that’s what you were going to do, which is exactly why I didn’t do it. Might as well make use of an extra pair of hands.” Said hands, though gloved, were a bit of a bloody mess now, and he walked over to a sink with a bin for biohazard disposal to clean up. “Luckily I know something about cybernetics and first aid. I know you do too.” Unspoken was the implication that not everyone did-- that most people would probably freeze up or panic at such a sight. Beneath even that lay certainty that she did this often. Despite his jokes about her being insane, she’d been perfectly calm. This maybe wasn’t how all her repairs went, with the blood and all, but it wasn’t a surprise, either. He thought maybe that should scare him, but instead he simply accepted it as fact. What else could he do?
“Can’t see how it matters too much, can’t avoid the scarrin’ anyway. Thanks, though.” she looked up at him with that same lopsided smile before bending her arm a couple times. “I forgot you were comin’, lemme get this shit cleaned up and we’ll get that maintenance outta the way.”
He shrugged as he finished washing his own hands and disposing of the gloves, and started to help her clean up. “Scars, those don’t matter. Everyone has them, visible or not, you don’t make it far in life without them. But in this kind of world… I think you might as well save yourself a little pain and danger any time you have the chance.” There was an honesty in his voice that drew her attention, but he was facing away from her. He cleared his throat awkwardly and turned with a crooked grin. “So, what nefarious plans do you have for my eye today?”
She was already across the room in front of a pair of doors, arms crossed over her front to pull her shirt up and over her head. She was facing away from him, her back tan and striped with thin white scars all the way up her spine, ending in one final splintering burst at the base of her neck. Barely visible at this distance was the white ink tattooed across her back to make the whole mess look like a dandelion puff. The shirt fell to the ground with a wet flop as she hit a button to open a closet full of more white tank tops, these ones pristine. Her hands were clean already. “S’not like I feel it anyway, that’s what the ankle wire’s for.” She grabbed a shirt and tugged it over her head, fixing her beanie as she turned to face him again and grabbed a mop from the corner. 
“Ankle wire?” He glanced down, mechanical pieces fitting together behind his eyes. “Of course. You electrocute your nerve endings to suppress pain. Makes perfect sense.” Was she imagining the tiny edge to his voice? “And to think you lectured me before about the external charging I was doing. Don’t you ever worry you’ll fry them, go numb permanently? Although…” He shook his head, the joking tone back to his voice. “Never mind, you could probably fix that if it happened, anyway.” 
Azzy began cleaning, ignoring the edge to his voice. This was why she never let anyone assist with her cybernetic self experimentation. This, and the process of the reset. She let herself sound cocky. "Of course I could fix it. Anyway, I have an update for the cooler, so it'll adjust with your body temp, like a real eye. Good for if someone's lookin' atcha with thermal imagin'." She hit a button and hopped onto a counter, the edges of the floor beginning to flood slightly with water. "I also thought maybe I'd upload this real spicy book I read last week to it, in case you get bored. You’ll love it." She snorted, unable to keep a straight face.
He laughed quietly along as he lifted himself onto the counter next to her. It was odd-- even through genuine humor he was looking at her like he was considering something, searching her for the answer to some unspoken puzzle. He let his gaze wander again just before the point where consideration became outright staring. “Feel free. That thermal imaging sounds like a great idea.”
The floor was done flooding, washing the remaining blood down a drain in the center of the room. She hopped back down, crossing the room and grabbing her boots off a shelf. Can't mess with people's eyes with your bare feet just out and around. She looked up from her feet with a curious expression, like he'd given her a brain teaser. "What was that look? You were thinkin' about somethin', and it's almost definitely not the alien erotica I'm puttin' in your peeper as soon as the standard tune up is done."
He shrugged. “I’ll tell you later. There’s some research I want to do first.” He slid off the counter. “First things first, heat regulation and alien erotica.”
"Don't have to tell me twice. Get on the table, I'll get the hookups. Pop that sucker out too, I need to check the retina." She pulled a clean pair of gloves on, snapping the cuff against her wrist. The sensation ricocheted up her arm. Her elbow and wound sparked. Her freshly patched arm swung out of its own volition, landing squarely on Trinity’s backside. Azure blinked, tips of her ears turning bright scarlet as her mouth twitched. “Oops.”
Trinity turned to look at her and blinked bemusedly. “...Getting an early start on the erotica part?” he quipped, but his already pink cheeks flushed darker as he spoke.
Azure giggled in response, pulling her arm back the moment she realized she’d left it there in shock. “Sorry. The node’s been misfirin’, if I hadn’t missed the incision point I’d have replaced and calibrated it by now, my bad.” Her eyes flickered briefly downwards and then immediately to her desk, smirking as she rolled her shoulder and shook her hand to get out any further bursts. “...Glad to know you don’t skip your squats. It’s a nice ass, now that I’m lookin’ at it instead of the wires in my arm.”
“A misfire, sure.” Trinity smirked back. It was easy to tell she was being serious about the misfire-- a lie would have come with a lot more stammering and awkward pauses-- but it was a prime opportunity to tease his friend that he wasn’t about to miss. “Your powers of observation are astonishing. Here.” He popped out the cybernetic eye, deceptively simple looking detached from its complex inner workings. He grinned, and tossed it lightly in one hand, waiting for her to turn back to face him. “Catch.”
She held a jar of fluid for his eye in her hand already as she turned, brow raised. As she faced him, he smirked and tossed the eye towards her, an easy to intercept underhand throw. “Ohfuck-” Snatching it out of the air and setting it gently in the jar, she pouted at him. “Dude, I’m not makin’ you another one if that one breaks.”
“You didn’t make the first one.” He smiled. “It’s fine, I knew you’d catch my eye.”
She stared at him blankly for a moment, then set the jar down and cracked a smile, some small hint of a blush on her cheeks. “Very funny Hotshot, well done. Don’t throw your fuckin’ organs.” Digging out a small monitor and some wires, she glanced over her shoulder with a smirk. “I’m sure all the girls tell you that though, right?”
He scoffed, amused at the idea of the women at the events he attended saying anything about organs out loud. “Just you. It’s a bit of an honor, really.” 
“Flatterer. Don’t think I don’t know about your eight illicit rendezvous with five women in the last two days. Sara Mitchell told me all about them last time.” She rolled her eyes and stood, handing him the bundle of tech and tugging at his shirt collar to plug something into his port. “They’re tryin’ harder every time, I swear. I can see why you wanted the backup more ‘n more, I can’t imagine how you got anythin’ done at those things.”
“Mostly by ignoring anyone I didn’t want something from,” Trinity replied casually, opening his shirt a few more buttons to let her access his port more easily. The motion revealed those tattoos she’d already noticed a few times before when doing repairs-- the birds in flight, the trinity knot, the wall, the crumbling tower. Again she considered that their placement, so close to bone in most places and with so many heavy black lines and detailed patterns, must’ve really hurt. A phantom pain shot down her own spine in sympathy at the thought.
“Well, I guess that explains it just fine.” She flipped a few switches, monitors whirring to life. “Not very nice, but then again neither is listenin’ to them gripin’ because I won’t tell ‘em your-” She stopped herself, face reddening as she dropped a heartbeat sensor in his lap. A nasal feminine voice replayed in her ear, begging the question how big is it, really? She picked her sentence back up with a rambling vigor, trying her absolute best to drown her own thoughts out. “-current plans. Nasty, all of ‘em. Super nosy. Can’t blame you for ignorin’ it. Wanna put that on your finger? Don’t matter which, any of ‘em are fine, I gotta make sure the readin’s are accurate.” 
He gave her a look like he wanted to question her about the hesitation, though she was certain he had a pretty good idea what the ladies had actually been asking her about. However, he simply quirked an eyebrow in her direction as he slipped the sensor onto his pointer finger.
Face still red, she hooked the eye up to a different wire. Something hummed and buzzed, and she heaved a dramatic sigh. “Sorry, you don’t have enough space for the porn. You have all of it allocated for images and text files made by the unit itself.” She made a few keystrokes and turned, looking at everything but him. “Okay, that’s updatin’. Lemme see your empty eye socket, your nerve is registerin’ some weird readings.”
Trinity turned his face up to hers, exposing the scarred inner socket of his eye. He’d never said what had happened to it, but it didn’t look pleasant. “The optic nerve? It should be fine, it’s totally cybernetic. It’s not degrading again, is it?” There was a hint of nervousness in his voice at the thought.
“It’s probably just one busted cell. It’s still machinery, sometimes parts need to be replaced.” She grabbed a pair of foreceps and clicked them together where he could see with his good eye. “Tell me if you feel this, because you’re definitely not supposed to.” She poked around at the back of his socket. “Anythin’?”
“No. I think your mother poked around in there enough when she was installing it that it won’t feel much ever again.”
“Then your actual nerve past the cybernetic and into your brain is fine, its just a couple of cones tryin’ to be data transmitters.” She poked at something else and made a small noise of triumph. “I’ll have it replaced, shouldn’t be hard. I think I made a couple extras when I was up all night last week.” The foreceps went back to the table and her face reappeared in his line of sight, beaming. “Your whole business is just as busted, but it’s no worse than when you came the first time. Matter of fact, some of the burns from when your eye wasn’t cooled properly have healed pretty well, like they weren’t even there.”
“Oh,” Trinity responded, pleasantly surprised. “Yes, I tried to do some first aid to keep it from scarring the way my leg did when I used to charge my taser externally.” He didn’t meet her eyes, even though he’d only done it a half dozen times, and all long before he’d met her. The second reminder of his own carelessness with his remaining nerves made him feel a bit guilty for sniping at her about her own. “I took the eye out when I could, used some burn creams and medigel, that kind of thing. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that there’s nothing wrong with the organic nerves.”
“Yep, if nerves had feelin’s they’d be happy as hell. Strong impulses, not too much overtime. Whatever took ‘em out the first time, you’re recoverin’ pretty well given that you lost your whole ass eye.” She returned to her computers, hands flying deftly across the keys and screens as she looked for more anomalies. 
“Well, it’s been a couple years at this point. I let it degrade for a while before I sought out your mom, but… it’s good to hear that damage didn’t last.” At least those nerves had recovered. Others hadn’t, but that was going to be the subject of his research for the next few days. Despite what he’d seen earlier when Azzy had been working on her own cybernetics, he trusted her implicitly with his. If anyone could fix his problem, she could.
“It makes sense, the brain doesn’t like leavin’ things so close to it busted. Optic nerve is pretty close.” Her tongue poked out at the corner of her mouth and she squinted at her screen. “....Hey, want a wider zoom on your sensor?”
“Why not? Whatever you think, I trust your judgement.” He leaned back slightly, relaxing, and let her work. She stood quietly for some minutes, occasionally humming a quiet tune that was almost familiar. 
Eventually, she was satisfied with her work. She unhooked his eye from its wires, passing him the jar. “There you go, go ahead ‘n smack that back into its place and you’re all set. Recalibrated it’s temperature sensin’ and the coolin’ system to be a little more sensitive to ambient heat. Don’t go swimmin’ in super cold water, though. Might be a little too ambient for it for now.” She had that same smug look she always did when she was done doing maintenance, eyes bright.
“Of course. Thanks, doc.” He said the last bit with a slight smirk, and popped the eye back into place. It rolled around for a few seconds before settling. “See you at the next event?”
“Only if that guy with the braid’s there, I hear he’s kinda fun.” She took her gloves off and waved him off the table. “Get outta here, I gotta reset my arm.”
“Alright.” He stood, a quick pat on her non-injured shoulder his goodbye. “Be careful of that wound. I bandaged it so well, it would be a shame if you messed up my handiwork.”
“I have three doctorates, of course I’m gonna mess it up.” She gave him a quick pat as well, her smile genuine. “I’ll go easy on it. Bean’ll take you back, careful none of my scary vigilante’s eat ya on the way out.” The small bot hovered over his shoulder, beeping a hello tune.
He grinned, and nodded. “I’ll try to steer clear. Let’s go, Bean.” He followed the little bot from the lab, with one last wave towards Azzy, not looking back. She heaved a sigh and grabbed a wire, connecting it to one of her ports once the door closed behind him. She had a limb to test and reset.
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yay-depression · 3 years
hi hello, i would kind of just like to rant about being in the category of “you don’t have adhd but you don’t not have adhd”
and to preface this: i typically say i have adhd bc it is the only way i can
get ppl to take my symptoms and modifications seriously
explain my problems to ppl without having to go into the rabbit hole that i’m about to go into
so, now that thats out of the way, let’s begin:
i was diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety disorder when i was six. it’s a pretty useless diagnosis (in my opinion) bc it’s kinda just like “you have a lot of everything and u just have normal person anxiety but like worse” the clusters i had when i was diagnosed were:
panic disorder
social anxiety disorder
and generalized anxiety disorder
i never had separation anxiety and back then no one brought up PTSD so, that’s where that list ends. essentially this caused a shit ton of symptoms all of which were absolutely awful and very disabling. my anxiety is so severe that it’s classified as a mental disability, which is uncommon.
one of the things about having severe anxiety is that it causes a bunch of symptoms that people don’t associate with anxiety.
there was a point where doctors thought i was having seizures, but it was just my anxiety.
i experienced psychosis (and still occasionally do) which was a result of my anxiety (now more likely a result of my depression but who tf knows tbh)
as of now i no longer have phobias but i still have all the other clusters.
all of my anxiety symptoms are pretty well managed to the point where my teachers and peers are actually shocked when they hear i have anxiety at all. (it’s the fact that i’m on a shit ton of meds and i’ve been in therapy for a decade, trust me I didn’t just grow out of it)
my anxiety is also so severe that it causes problems with executive functioning.
I have absolutely no concept of time, none whatsoever, which is something ppl say like “oh haha yeah i have no concept of time either” but they can still be like “oh don’t worry you were only gone like five minutes” literally you could leave me in a room for five minutes or five hours and it fucking feels the same.
i have a very difficult time remembering things, i have to set at least three alarms for something or i will forget it is happening. i have a routine, any time that routine is broken or something, it’s really hard to get to the thing that breaks the routine or even remember that the thing exists.
i need my brain to be stimulated at all times. any moment without at least mild stimulation feels like actual hell. i can’t fall asleep in silence bc the period of time in between being awake and falling asleep is so torturous for me that i’ll have meltdowns over it.
also i have periods where i’m like “if there is any sound other than the one i am focusing on i will kill everyone.” which makes school a real joy /s
i have very particular touch stimulation problems?? some textures make me tic, thinking about some textures will actually make me tic, sometimes i can’t touch stuff but then the day after i want to roll in it.
i have no idea what step comes where when getting ready to leave someplace. i literally made flash cards with my therapist bc i have such a problem getting ready for things. i don’t know what to do at the 15 minute mark without my flash cards, or the 10 minute mark, or the 1 minute mark.
part of needing to be stimulated all the time; i can follow five things at once (unless one of them is reading in which case i need white noise and nothing else or i will scream). i constantly have three or more things that i am doing and having only one thing happening is so goddamn difficult it makes me cry occasionally.
i hyperfocus sometimes, it hasn’t happened in a bit but i did have a time where i spent two straight days studying nuclear energy. i spent like three months study forensic psychology at a college level for some fucking reason. i spent a solid few months of my life where i was pouring all of my time into serial killers and their cases. i memorized an entire band’s discography in one day. i memorized hundreds of facts about another band months later. it’s kind of a problem, i lose sleep over it and i put off school work and social activities because i can’t get it out of my head.
sometimes just vibes from a room will make me want to explode. i’ll get sensory overload from there being no sensory?? like i’ll walk in a room and be fine, and then walk in another room where almost nothing has changed and suddenly i’m about to rip my head off.
this (and other reasons) led me to asking my psychiatrist if i could get an adhd screening. he said yes, i have yet to send some of the paperwork to my teachers i’m sorry. but according to my mom’s account i do not meet the requirements for having adhd. now, there’s a whole other rant i could go on about how that’s a faulty way to diagnose stuff but we’re not gonna do that.
my psychiatrist did however say that it’s very complicated because my anxiety is so bad that it has symptoms that look like adhd and he’s not sure if they are or not. i also have clinical depression which causes symptoms of adhd as well. i’m also apparently on two adhd meds already (which i was unaware of when asking for the test) and that complicates the results even more.
anyways rant over. basically i have adhd but i don’t but i do but we’re not sure and i rly just want my brain to be normal bc i’m sick of not being able to do things.
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sege-h · 4 years
1, 10, 16 for Cyclone. 5, 13, 20 for Storm. 3, 14, 22 for Ry. 11, 23, 31 for Sharp. And 7+29 for all four.
1. How does your character sleep? Peacefully, fitfully? What position do they sleep in? What is their typical bedding like?
Tbh I don’t know him well enough yet to know if he sleeps peacefully, or be a 100% certain on his position. But he strikes me as someone that sleeps either on his back, or on his side. Tho I do know for sure that his bed is a nice big one, and it’s a mess of pillows and blankets. Some of the covers are soft, akin to silk. It’s just him in his bed but that doesn’t stop him from surrounding himself with pillows, with at least 4 by his head.
 10. How is your oc about medical care? Do they avoid any form of healthcare that they can, do they seek it out over every little scrape? Do they treat their injuries/illness all by themselves?
He usually treats his injuries and illnesses by himself, unless it’s something pretty serious, then he seeks out a doctor.
 16. If your oc could only eat one thing for the rest of their life (while miraculously not suffering from malnutrition), what would it be? Does this match their favourite food?
Oof this is another one that Idk him well enough for. But I know he likes meat, so probably steak? Well seasoned, maybe with some sauce on it. I think he rarely eats things plain, like JUST a steak with nothing on it.
 7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
He’s p new but also I suck at describing voices. I don’t THINK he has an accent? Definitely no voice claim. His voice is…idk. Gravely??? I feel like that’s not the right term. Like Idk gravely but more high pitched??? IDK
 29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
I feel like it’d be him tapping his foot and going from grinning to a lil frown.
5. Your oc has to make something for an art exhibition. What would they make? How terrible is it? Would they enjoy making it?
Tbh I feel like Storm’s the kind of person to just leave random garbage on the floor and watch people be like ‘hmm’ at it like it’s modern art. Or he’d put in a bit more effort and crush something metal or a soda can in some weird impossible-ish way and just leave it there.
 13. What is your oc’s immune system like? Are they invincible to illness, or are they compromised completely from the slightest of dirt?
He’s somewhere in the middle, honestly? He’s usually relatively okay, but is prone to falling ill when it’s cold/flu season around winter, though when he does get sick he rides it out pretty fast.
 20. Does your oc have any pleasure that embarrasses them so they keep it secret? Or are they open about all the things they enjoy?
He doesn’t have anything that embarrasses him as far as things he enjoys go. Though there are things that he’ll keep secret for the sake of the safety of his friends. He won’t reveal that he lives in a big mansion (the fact that it’s a mansion doesn’t matter to him, just that he has a roof over his head), or just how much he enjoys Zee’s company, unless he’s really close to someone.
 7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Storm’s actually one of my few OCs that has a voice claim! Kind of. The voice from Mugen from Samurai Champloo, but a tad more high pitched. He has a southern accent, though he fakes it. Whether it’s convincingly or not depends entirely on how funny it’d be for it to be obvious it’s fake in the moment HSGDHSGDSH
29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
He’d play around with his artificial arm by making crackles of electricity.
3. How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
I feel like it’s not easy to annoy him if you’re a stranger, at least as long as you’re trying to annoy him just by jabs at his own person. He’d get more annoyed if jabs aimed at his brother start happening. But otherwise he either brushes off annoyances, or fires back at the people trying to annoy him by trying to annoy them in turn.
 14. Does your oc do anything “just for the aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
Tbh 90% of his look is ‘just for the aesthetic’. There are practical uses in the things he uses, such as things that conduct electricity and/or will amplify the power of his element based hits. But there’s also no practicality in the back of his shoes being able to draw from his power and light up and leave an electric trail behind him. It’s all just shiny zappy aesthetics SHDGSHGD
 22.How long can your oc stay focused on one task before they get bored? Do they constantly have to switch things up or do they hyperfocus? What sort of things is it the opposite for?
Unless he’s in some sort of danger where he definitely has to 100% focus on the task at hand and getting out of trouble, he can get pretty bored if what he’s doing isn’t interesting to him. Like he could mess around with the zircon for hours, trying to figure things out about it. But give him, idk, a rubiks cube, and he’ll mess around with it for like 5 minutes before going ‘uGH I cant do it this is boring’ and trying to find something else to do.
 7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Ngl I have 0 idea how to describe his voice and I definitely have no voice claims
29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
He’d pause and. Idk how to describe like. Take a stance with his arms on either side of him to make electricity surge over them a few times, kinda like mini lightning crackles.
11. How competitive is your oc? Is every little task something that they can win, or are they just in competitions for the fun of it? Is there anyone they’re most competitive with?
GOD HE’S SO COMPETITIVE. If you give him ANYTHING and tell him it’s a competition, he HAS to come out on top. Doesn’t matter who he’s up against, especially if you introduce him to it like ‘this is a competition and this other person is SO good at this, I bet they’re better than you at it’ he’ll go fuckin. Feral. SHDGSHDG. He HAS to win and prove that he’s better or at the very least worthy
 23. What is the most annoying sound to your oc? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
Tones of voice that sound even the littlest bit condescending to him while someone is talking to him HSGDHS He hates being looked down upon, or made to feel like he hasn’t tried his best even though he knows he has. He really really hates the type of talk that makes him feel like the person talking is basically saying they know him better than he does himself.
He loves the sound of rain. He loves rain in general, and if it’s not an outright windy storm, he’ll go out in it. Being out in the rain is connected to him getting to relax and calm down at this point.
 31. What time of day is your oc most awake? What about most tired? Do they get up at the same time every morning without need of an alarm, or is their sleep schedule all over the place?
The morning is when he’s most tired, and the afternoon is when he’s most awake. His sleep schedule is all over the place when it comes to waking up. Sometimes he gets up in the morning without being prompted to, other times he sleeps in. Winter is when his schedule leans more towars “sleeps in” 90% of the time because he’d rather stay snuggled up in bed than get up.
 7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Ok so I had like a clear type of voice for him in my head for months, but no examples of it or ways to describe it. And then a week or so ago there was a video on my dash. You know the purple scientist dude from OK KO? Well evidently he’s voiced by a VA that also voices a character in GTA.
So the video was voice clips from his character in GTA, synced to clips from the dude from OK KO. It had some types of profanities bc ofc it did its GTA, the types that’d normally cause me to stop a video and move along. But I didn’t because the goddamn voice was *perfect* for Sharp. ESPECIALLY how he sounds like when he yells. There’s this one bit where he yells “rrgghHHHH ASSHOLE!!!! EVERYBODY!!!! ASSHOLES!!!!” and it’s goddamn peak Sharp both in the line and in the voice and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. So I just sat there listening to this continuously like ‘wow! I hate when certain things are mentioned but this is Sharp’s voice!!’
 29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
God honestly this made me imagine like. You know how in Sonic CD if you leave it for too long, Sonic taps his foot a few times and then when too much time’s passed he just goes ‘I’m outta here!’ and jumps off the screen?
Something like that except instead of occasional foot tapping Sharp’s muttering things like ‘c’mon play the game’. And he progressively gets shoutier like ‘play the game…just…just. PicK UP. THE CONTROLLER!! AND PLAY THE GAME!!!! PLAY THE GAME ALREADY!!!!’ until he finally has enough and lunges at the screen like “juST FUCKIN GO ALREADY GIVE ME THAT CONTROLLER!!!!” shdgHSGDHSGDHS
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jakey-beefed-it · 5 years
Trying to catalogue the ol’ comorbid disorders a bit so maybe i can do something about some of them possibly. Under a cut because hoo boy, not an exciting or fun analysis.
definitely have depression. prozac makes it better. not good. but better. manageable. no longer aggressively want to die. just sort of low-key don’t care if i do a lot of the time. sometimes forget that i have a physical form and am briefly almost happy. then see self in mirror or have difficulty fitting into a booth at a restaurant or smth and suddenly want to crawl into a hole and die
definitely have massive body-image issues (rimshot... see because.... massive body... because... it’s a fat joke... anyhow). sometimes wonder if i’m on the asexual spectrum but then remember how things were for me as a horndog teenager and probably it’s just that i’ve got a suppressed libido due to weight, depression, antidepressants, and overwhelming tsunamis of shame whenever i think about my body in any way shape or form
definitely have anxiety. plagued by nightmares and disrupted sleep and have like 2 full on anxiety attacks in any given year where i feel like i’m having a goddamn heart attack but heart attacks don’t respond to biofeedback, ya know? also, apparently, have night terrors such that i scream in my sleep. which is. kinda funny, in a humiliating way.
have been diagnosed as bipolar in the past but don’t really have proper manic phases anymore. at worst, have mixed states where brain is going very fast... about how much it hates me/itself/everything. less ‘mania’ and more ‘high-speed depression’. might not be bipolar actually based on -
almost certainly have adhd based on like... everything ...but reluctant to go and get a diagnosis and treatment because i’m so full of self-loathing that i feel like i don’t ‘deserve’ to get treated for being a useless sack of shit/due to just generally low self-esteem which is... wait for it... a symptom of adhd
apparently adults with adhd are like... pretty regularly misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. because they’re obviously depressed (being brainweird is depressing and alienating) but also often hyperfocus and such.
anyhow yeah. almost certainly have adhd, basically tick every single box but especially hyperfocus but especially rejection-sensitive dysphoria. i’ve gottan a much better handle on responding to creative rejection or perceived rejection with anger but that sure did used to be a thing for Young and Craziest Jake between like 18 and 24 who had NO idea what the hell was wrong with him but it sure was a LOT. i always had a pretty solid handle on interpersonal rejection in that it would make me feel shitty (sinking, cold, numb chest, physical pain) but i would respond with ‘oh.’ and try to get the fuck out of that social interaction asap rather than being an entitled asshole about it. but hoo boy did i used to view any perceived slight on my creative pursuits as like, a thrown gauntlet. i’m much better about that nowadays at least! just reacting with ‘oh’ and wanting to get the fuck out is more eusocial than being a prick about it.
anyhow basically perceive self as fundamentally loathsome and disgusting, inside and out, without merit or value, and so naturally all pursuits that bring fleeting distraction from that are prized but can turn to ashes real goddamn fast if they’re not *quite* distracting enough and i have a moment of self-perception. while, say, painting miniatures- the image of a hunched and stinking sack of lard making ugly expressions with an ugly face while concentrating entirely too much on something utterly irrelevant. can ruin it for days. not even sure if that qualifies as anhedonia (which is another big thing i DO suffer from) as opposed to like... anti-hedonia whereby all my hobbies just remind me of what a piece of shit i see myself as. to the point where the other day i was strongly tempted to take the sisters of battle minis i’m currently working on and just smash them to bits in a fit of misplaced rage. they’re plastic, it’s not them i hate, it’s my damn self, and so destroying something that i put a lot of work into offers the promise of brief catharsis without more direct self-harm. suppressed the urge thankfully- learned how to do that the hard way over the past decades, too. the aftermath is always achingly regretful and not at all cathartic.
anyway. this situation. it’s not good, obviously. should really do something about it. maybe seek adhd diagnosis. maybe try to work on self-acceptance both mental and physical. that’s incredibly difficult though. to unlearn years and years of messages from within (and without, sometimes) that i’m unacceptable. have tried improving, have had some success in becoming better person, have had no success in giving a shit about that and still focus on all the negatives. 
tl;dr this is basically that dumb nietzche quote ‘acute crisis; in bed all week’ that people meme on except instead of being in bed i’ve been having difficulty staying asleep and instead sort of standing around like
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which admittedly is something i do kind of a lot hence my fuckening icon but yeah. acute crisis.
nothing anyone can do about it but maybe me, so i guess i’d better either do that or try and work into a hyperfixation so i can put this all aside for a while and just be in the zone.
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
10 for 10 for 10                                            
tagged by @rappaccini (:O!!!)
Answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions, tag 10 people.
1. What was your first fandom? Are you still a part of it?
Tamora Pierce, specifically Daine and Numair. Am a slut for age gaps that I would defs find problematic now... Buttttt. God, at the time.... Hnnnnng.
And no, no I am not. Probs for the best aha.
2. Current self care method(s)?
S-....self.... care????
Um. I guess. Making sure I’m writing fanfiction every day because like, it’s the only thing keeping me going : )
3. What are three (3) shows you keep meaning to binge watch but haven’t yet?
Hmmm, I tend to hyperfocus on one thing at a time... But I guess The Witcher, The Untamed, and Sex Education?
4. Do you stay active in fandoms after a new one catches your eye, or are you more a one at a time person?
I’m very mono-fandom. Like, I’m still interested in my past fandoms, and I always think to myself “I must go back and reread my favourites” and I’ll reblog things that I like when I see them. But I basically stop posting new content. I tend to disengage from the various discords (except the Stucky Discord because they are stuck with me). So tldr: one-at-a-time.
5. What was the last movie you saw with someone else? What would you rate it?
Oh fuck. Um. I think it was Birds of Prey. I’d rate it pretty good! Not life-changing but Margot Robbie is a goddamn gift, and oh my god, all the adult women were so hot, and so badass, and like, I lowkey admire Harley Quinn... Yes, including her fucking batshit insanity.
6. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Fandom-wise, I don’t really feel “guilty” for most of my favourite things. I guess I sometimes feel guilty for the type of hurt/comfort I like, but... EH. But if we’re talking external to fandom? Sour Patch Kids. I feel guilty about them because I get so excited when I eat them that I burn my mouth and get a stomach ache XD And then I do it all again the next time I buy a bag XD
7. What’s a highly underrated show/movie/book series that you would recommend?
Oooh. Hmmm. I mean, most of the things I love tend to come with large-ish followings and probs aren’t “underrated”. But!
Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender. No, I don’t care that it’s loved by all: THERE IS STILL NOT ENOUGH PRAISE FOR IT.
Movie: Suckerpunch. Tangled. Yes, I know people love it, but I will forever be kinda salty it didn’t get as much love as Frozen.
Book: Alyzon Whitestar (Isobelle Carmody)r; Obernewtyn Chronicles (Isobelle Carmody). salt (nayyirah waheed). salt might be one of my favourite books ever. I can’t read more than a few pages at a time without my soul fucking hurting.
8. Any new hobbies you’ve started during quarantine? Any you want to start?
Well. I’ve been procrastinating on a thesis.... I do plan to practice makeup... Maybe get some more yoga in... Might even pick up my cross stitch again... Maybe I’ll learn to knit, just because everyone is doing it. Baking bread, specifically. I can bake most things, of average skill level. But bread, because I need gluten-free, has continued to defeat me. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY BREAD.
9. What meme do you wish would just die already?
Hmmm. I.... don’t know that I have any memes I’m particularly against. Anything that’s pro-capitalism, anti-women, etc. Like, lord, I love 9gag in some ways, but in so many it’s so fucking anti-women...
10. Spread the love to your followers and post at least one link to a fic you’re reading/have read/wish to read/you’ve written yourself/etc.
Oooh. *cracks knuckles*
Actually, you know what? Here. Read my “Underrated Gems” rec list. Because if I start looking at things to rec, I’m going to be here for five hours....
So I made a post saying “if you wanna be tagged by me in things, like this post” but I don’t think anyone did. Thus. I am not comfortable tagging most people. Sooo if you wanna be tagged in things, like, lemme know.
But also.
I tag: @emptydistractions12 @unrememberedskies @god-shuffled-his-feet and anyone else who wants to be taggggged <3
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kae-karo · 6 years
lmao so i thought someone asked for an analysis of the gwf vid like i could’ve sworn i had that ask so y’all just have to deal with me posting it anyway here ya go lads golf gone sexual™: the final edition
the fucking. the pirate outfits. the. i’m. i don’t. i can’t. (x) ‘left over from somewhere’
fucking phil ‘u lost ur stick last time i think’ yeah phil sure yeah sure okay buddy
‘choke me daddy festive edition’ @ dan pls stop
what cuties i love them just not actually knowing what they’re doing and messing it up and these awkward long pauses before they burst into a fit of giggles i love them
why did they even bring up the ‘winter update’ like it had no relevance??
crinkly boye
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don’t worry i can host dan what are u even on about
phil out here coming up with a great vid name (yo ho ho) and they went with battle for the booty smh that says everything u ever need to know abt dnp
wow even in this year of 2018 we got yet another ur mum joke (and phil’s right we do love kath)
@ dan pls stop ur bf from making weird hand gestures okay that’s,,,,,it’s unnecessary
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hi they cute
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‘u absolute twit nipple’ how on earth does that still sound so fond what the fuck
and another ur mum joke wow i just,,,,wow
the way dan says ‘oh my god that was good’ like. he never sounds like that??? it’s a good sound he should sound like it more often idk it’s like soft and genuine in a sort of ‘wow i did okay??’ kinda cute surprised way??
‘stop talking about how close this is’ dan,,,,,,really u thought that was bad??? really??? really?????
phil’s deep-voiced yarr and dan’s literal only reaction being that he should’ve made a pun out of it leads me to believe philip does that deep voice often enough that dan is entirely unfazed and idk how i feel abt that
‘just bounced off the rim that’s how i like to play it, don’t go in, just bounce off it’ that cheeky fuckin smile daniel please can u not
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lmao the pirate outfit is unlucky hm
hi i love dan’s lil trying-not-to-smile-but-just-about-to-smile smile when he’s staring at phil it makes me happy
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how did they spend ten minutes (okay ten full seconds) trying to figure out the name of the wheel
dan: makes f/phat booty pun, phil: ‘they’re just filled with ass they’re not even coins’
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same dan
important content
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ik everyone’s said it by now but dan’s choice of adjective was great and i’m here for it (’gaily jumping off the ship’)
dan’s lil smile when phil’s ‘gaily adjusting his stance’
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dimply boye
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how does phil just blatantly ignore ‘phil’s edging us guys’ like idk i mean i hyperfocus too but like damn they really must just talk about that kind of stuff on a regular basis bc u don’t just tune that out y’know
phil’s distracted ‘that is so much ass’
‘yarrs’ carries the same energy as when dan made the ‘ain’t no gravy up in this kitch’ joke in the bunny biscuits vid and stared at phil and waited for his joke to be acknowledged
my kink is dan looking hilariously fond abt phil making bad sex-related comments (’it’s a strap-on’)
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hey phil u know if u swear in another language it’s still swearing right?
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did dan just absolutely commit to the harder flag?? without saying anything abt it? even though he lost?
phil just. out here. purposely almost-swearing. we stan
ik i saw this joke elsewhere but phil ur literally staring at a posh pirate mmkay b
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i just wanna know what was going through dan’s head with ‘oingo boingo i’m a dick’ bc like. u okay there b??
ye dan we know ur geometry skills are quite lacking but glad the whole reference thing just keeps on coming up
‘they’re gonna do an exam about me and everyone’s gonna get an A star’ i mean that’s living in the phandom isn’t it? We all aspire to be phil trash, even though only One can hold the ultimate title
okay like take five seconds and take a step back they’re literally just playing golf i love how stupidly competitive they get it’s adorable
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‘oh dear’ makin a comeback
plankspank.com why are they like this (at least phil didn’t buy the domain this time)
danny u have picked up ur husband’s habit of making a cawing noise whenever u get a birdie
why does he do this
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physically in pain
fucking hell dan why do u have to make this so goddamn sexual i didn’t ask for this i didn’t want u talkin bout how it was a slow one and u put it in and jfc look i read phanfiction for a reason i don’t actually wanna know what ur sex life is like okay
britney spears references wow is it 2010 again or is that just all the foreplay golf,,,,,play,,,,,
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re: the tentacle: ‘that is gonna be right,,,,somewhere’ dan we got it u did not have to add ‘right in the poop deck’ and ur fucking noise okay we did Not need that
i lied earlier my kink is dan saying he cannot believe smth
this is just becoming a masterpost of all the weird faces dan makes
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‘it’s part of the loser station for idiots who get everything wrong’ ???? dan help i can’t tell are u a seven y.o child who makes up mean insults when u lose or a twenty-seven year old adult who makes sex jokes n innuendos bc this vid is giving me mixed vibes
🎶🎶there she goes, there she goes again🎶🎶
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awwwww matching nerds
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dan n his fuckin squeaky i’m-making-fun-of-u voice
‘some people are just skilled booty raiders’ #dantops2k18
Important Dan Fact™ if u can see his lil corner of his mouth u can bet u could see his dimple on the other side and i’m suing bc we can’t see it
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why did it take them like 3 tries to figure out they had to time it with the cannons i mean it’s like they’ve never played a vid game in their lives
bite it danny boy u know u want to u also know if it were the other way round phil would’ve bitten at dan’s finger
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more dan face
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phil absolutely going off topic with ‘sometimes i want to explore with fashion’ and dan’s immediate ‘oh do u now phil lmao’
‘so many textures out there’ he cute
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i mean dan cute too but phil cute for sayin it
we stan boyfriends with literally the same brain whining abt lazy rivers and rude kids
hi sorry i just love watching phil when dan’s talking bc he pays so much attention like he used to not do that (back in the day) but like he just really turns and focuses on dan now and it makes me happy
i know we all adore dan’s ‘shut up’ but it always gives me life hearing phil tell dan to shut up
fond daniel
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also phil’s super cute soft natural voice when he’s talking about how he keeps saying ‘watch this’
has phil ever gotten this frustrated with gwf lmao
‘bollocks’ as if that’s a thing they say
just kiss him phil goddamn i mean u wanna win right what better way to throw him off his game
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why did maximum yeet have to become a thing i s2g
‘why am i helping’ bc u have absolutely no willpower and u want phil to be happy bc it makes u happy that’s why
why,,,,,,,why does everything satisfying have to be sexual phil, why. just. why. and then? golf gone sexual? as if that’s not a better title for the goddamn vid than ‘battle for the booty’ at least it’s accurate??? ‘battle for the booty’ i expect them dueling irl over who gets to top next or some shit that is why u call a vid ‘battle for the booty’
dan,,,,,,pls let ur bf make the weird noises okay
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hi sorry what the Fuck is this
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is that meant to be a monkey or some shit like what???????
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that is a skeleton pirate thing what the hell
why does he have such a long face
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idk they cute when they look at each other like they're like having a serious convo even tho they aren’t (although i wouldn’t be shocked if making puns is an important point of communication between them)
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also fun fact i heard phil saying ‘jewel’ for the first like five times instead of duel
phil, realizing he’s said something he shouldn’t have
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a cute
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hi once again i love them
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phil doing his face covering thing why does he always look at least 3x cuter when he’s doing it whilst staring at dan
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‘i got the octopus, he’s gonna marry me, we’re gonna have tentacle hooked babies with parrots on the crib’
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same dan same
and then he turns around n says ‘spank me with a plank and call me poopy susan’ wtf is wrong with them
‘u love a good tentacle don’t u’ show me where i asked
dan, actually considering how that would feel with all the tentacles:
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how did they go from phil saying ‘you love a good tentacle’ to saying ‘(you/we) should get some of those’ to dan saying ‘no, you shouldn’t’ like uhm. wot
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