#i swear i didnt do it on purpose
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faitherr · 9 months
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“the wright anything agency is a family business,” i say into the mic
the crowd boos. i begin to walk off stage in shame, when a voice commands silence from the room.
“she’s right.” i look to the owner of the voice. there in the fifth row stands phoenix wright himself.
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zleepysnails · 10 months
i think ive seen mickey as a teenager somewhere in tumblr but tbh ive never seen teen mortimer. SO IM GONNA MAKE HIM MYSELF. AND yes hes emo
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"mickey/mortimer would not act like that" SHHHHHH. SHHH. SH SH. NUH UH. SHHHHH. did you have the same personality when you were younger? no? THEN SHUT U
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ignore the sudden style change here idk what happened
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more random oc stuff! first one is lucia as a hare and second one is some ocs in different universes. aya is a tenroe and jax is a cat fae ^^
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tcypionate · 8 months
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less people have finished the satsuma with the starting parts than drank piss in msc
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You can turn your false advertisements into real ones by doodling really bad dinosaurs in clown costumes with goofy dragon wings. That way you have the dinos, the carnival, and the dragons! /j
oh shit you're so right:
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this blog is 100% authentic now guys no lies here
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bonefall · 1 year
Why doesn't Blossom just. leave? Idk if that sounds weird since you have talked about how the clans essentially function like a cult (although this was in reference to starclan), but if Blossom feels so completely isolated and shut off, why not just. Run away.
Blossom literally gets told 'no one cares about you, why not just disappear?", and the clan does NOTHING to say otherwise, and their silence is basically agreement. Suicide tw, to someone who is already at their lowest, or just climbing out of it at least, that line could have horrible implications- you dont matter, just fade away, no one would notice, etc. Idk if that was intended (ashfur seems like the kind of asshole who would intend it but i dont think you intended it), but. yeah its horrible.
Since im believing it wasn't intended, maybe change it? Emptycry could work (instead of 'no one cares, you're a waste of space' its 'your words are empty, be quiet'), or maybe naming her Rottedpetal- the flowers have been shredded, and now they have begun to rot instead of growing anew. Or, if you want to keep the name, Blossom snaps and decides that he's speaking the truth- so she leaves. Maybe she becomes a loner (does the lake territories even HAVE any loners that function similar to Barley, Ravenpaw, Smudge, etc???), or joins another clan (i highly doubt this since the other clan would eventually learn of 'clearface' and start calling her that again, or worse kick her out for breaking the code), OR she becomes a kittypet, completely willing to trade freedom just to be loved.
...forgive me but I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of Dishonor Titles and why and how Ashfur uses them.
Ashfur is picking the cruelest possible names he can think of exactly because he wants the people who oppose him to be broken. He is finding a character's deepest insecurity and putting it on full display, forcing the other cats in the Clan to join in on his mental abuse to set them against each other.
This serves the purpose of showing that Ashfur is even worse than Bramblestar, and that he is very perceptive of people's insecurities.
The cruelty is the point. These titles from the Impostor aren't meant to be petty, they are meant to be gutwrenching.
Why does Blossomfall not leave? Because her entire family is here. Father, siblings, three children, any friendships she's finally started working on. She had to beg to come back in on their grace and she will not get another chance. Random humans aren't an option. It hurts but she eats it, knowing her only options are to take it for the next two weeks or be exiled forever.
If she was going to leave because of the name, then that is something Bramblefake can use as well. "Codebreakers are weak cats. She couldn't handle having her disrespect thrown back at her and cared more about her pride than her Clan. A traitor twice, now a traitor thrice."
But things were just finally starting to get better for her, and she's not willing to leave her entire life behind for the exciting opportunity to... live alone in the woods. Not yet.
She becomes a rebel later, but not yet.
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they so sillyy
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surprise, bet you weren't expecting THIS
ok but real this is technically just a test. wasn't actually aiming to really make this lmao, but things lined up and i realized this sounded good actually so i was "hmm maybe i should post that." idk if i'll make a video for this so for now just take the audio ig.
VSQx by Hatsune Dan, distributed by Yumeko. Some minor tuning edits by me. Mixing also by me. Original song by wowaka.
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roosterr · 7 months
babes why does reader always almost have a sprained ankle in your works?
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HEY. don't call me out like this LMAO I will sprain your ankle if I want to anon.... it's just a very convenient injury alright let me live
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danketsuround · 8 months
sunday six (queued edition)
i'm going to bed mad early and everyone lives on a different timezone than me um. tagging everyone who wants to do this because i keep forgetting who i usually tag \-/ also feel free to tag me in your stuff i wanna read it
i barely wrote anything this week ORZ but you can have a slice of my kuwareiko fic because wow it's gonna take me forever to finish this thang.
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vague carbonated water levels of nsfw below (don't worry)
For a moment her mind stopped. Her legs were bent pressed against his heavy front, both still clothed and inconvenienced by it. In that moment she could hear exhaustion in his breath and feel his eyes pinned on her. She froze, wondering what had caught his attention. His gaze was so sharp and all she could do was look at herself from where she lay; at her small chest that didn't move and her legs where her robe was slipping. She heard him, then, finally. "You're not very talkative." Which came out like a heavy, sad sigh.
In his mind, she wondered if she looked impatient with her roaming eyes and permanently a-fixed Get-on-with-it stare. After a while she finally stopped wondering, so she looked up and realized he was watching her face all along, in the obedient, reserved way he always did. They made eye contact for a split second and she turned away at once, as if she was caught staring at a stranger.
"You say that like you didn't scare me at my doorstep," she bit. "Like we do this every weekend!"
Kuwana's finger, boldly, traced the indent of bone in her knee. "That would be nice."
Reiko rolled her eyes. But really, she felt comforted by the way he tensely cut her silence. Perhaps he wanted to hear her voice again—to know what she was thinking, and to act on it. She opened her arms and brought him down by his neck. She receded into her pillow; her hair tangled by the weight of her back. Her leg eased against his side and he held it there. He felt her silk slip under her cotton robe.
"It's been a while," she finally said, with her lips parted at his scratchy cheek.
He didn't look up. He spoke into her. "In general?"
"It's okay. Me too." The fabric was probably soft between his fingers, the way he was raised to move it.
"I bet I have you beat."
"Didn't realize we were competing." His hands moved further up. "But you have higher standards."
She glanced at him punishingly. "Not that high."
He kissed her anyways. "You're a busy woman."
"Not that busy."
He stopped everything he was doing, and really looked at her. "You're intimidating."
"Is that the truth?"
He nodded.
"Oh no."
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saeraas · 1 month
when the lady drawing my blood starts saying how global warming doesn't exist and that everything getting worse is just nature taking its course and I gotta fight everything to not just say she's wrong only because she has a needle in my arm
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thedrotter · 2 months
did you. did you know?!?!?!?!? that if you jump enough times in shunsuke's bed, shunsuke's mom will yell?!?!! BECAUSE I DIDNT!!! just saying because i find it very amusing how I keep finding things to add to my transcript of the game when it was meant to be done www
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sunsage · 3 months
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"I'd like to preemptively say: not my fault this time."
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