#i swear i watch people other than scar hes just been On My Mind ever since i rewatched third life
vantabrooke · 5 months
I think there's something poetic about tl!Scar telling tl!Grian to kill him once it was just the two of them, and sl!Pearl doing the same for sl!Scar when it was just the two of them left. Scar is able to inspire a sense of sacrifice, not just in others but in himself.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Fem!reader Isekai in Lookism ?
Anon, so sorry I'm answering this exactly 3 months later. You're my last request from May and I was soooo close to deleting it because I have had exactly zero ideas. Then I got partly inspired by @honeyhotteok fic here and now I'm running on less than 3hrs sleep in work and it's your fault. Oh yeah, and I've completely twisted the ask as well. It's not even close. So all that wait was for nothing 🙇🏻‍♀️
Adventures of YOUR part time job in the Lookismverse
G/N. You work the graveyard shift in a convenience store. You meet bizarre characters on different nights. Part 2
There's something wrong with people your age these days.
Everyone seems to be either in a gang or up to some shady shit. Seriously what is going on. Is this all a big joke that only you aren't in on?
Just the other day you swear you saw a group of guys in boiler suits punch through some walls across the street. Like what the fuck? What did the wall ever do to you? And then someone apparently called Tabasco starts chanting something about Burn Knuckles and oh my fucking god it's 11pm please shut up.
Oh course you never said that, you still have some sense of self preservation.
And how does anyone even have the time for all this. Between school and this part time job, you barely have enough hours to sleep.
You miss Daniel, the coworker who you haven't seen for a good year but used to gossip into the early morning with. He always seemed a bit nervous and fidgety when you voiced your concerns and observations, but you just assumed he was a nervous and fidgety kinda guy.
There would have been some fun stories to share. Instead now you work the graveyard shift on your own.
Case in point, the guy standing in front of you looks like one bad conversation away from a mental breakdown.
And really you're not in the habit of checking out customers but he cuts a striking figure. Every exposed inch of skin besides his face inked, and (you silently ask for his forgiveness for the objectification) the biggest chest you have ever seen. What even is this guy eating? What is this guy injecting? Lifting?
The question is almost out of your mouth but then you see the look in his eyes and slam your lips shut.
Nevermind. You ring his purchases through and tell him to have a good night.
You're restocking the shelves when you notice a guy with a scar across his lip and nose, dripping blood from god knows where all over your freshly mopped floor.
Which is alarming in itself but come on man. Look at the floors. You're making it so fucking gross.
He notices you watching him, gives you an apologetic look and says he'll take care of it.
He makes a quick call and in comes 26 guys, one after the other and they line up in front of him.
You know it's exactly 26 because you counted all 26. And you've also watched all 26 pairs of dirty shoes trample over your previously nice clean floor.
The blood drippy guy asks politely for the mop and bucket and you think this must be some sort of prank because why the hell is this even necessary. 26 guys to share your one solitary mop and bucket and to clean a goddamn floor that you managed in 10 minutes.
"Get out." He blinks at you, taken aback by your tone. "Or I'm calling the police."
"You can bring your pups in!" You call out to the emo teen lurking outside.
Health and safety be damned because look how fucking cute these dogs are!
He hesitates but then the rain grows heavier and all three rush in.
You miss the suspicious glance he gives you, too fixated on how adorable the dogs are. You don't even mind their wet fur or muddy paws because look at these little babies!
And huh, this guy must really love them too with his, you squint, God? Dog? hoodie on. D'aww that's so stinking sweet.
Damnit, you knew these two would be trouble the moment they stepped foot into your store.
The tall blonde just gives off a distinct creepy vibe and the shorter one has his entire eyebrows shaved off.
Shaved. Off.
You couldn't help but stare when you put their purchases through and noticed some regrowth and stubble. Is this a trend you missed out on? Either way you're glad because there's no way you're shaving off your own eyebrows.
They converse in Japanese, not even saying a word to you. No thanks or anything, which is fine you suppose. But then they pay you in fucking yen.
They're out the door by the time you see the cash and fuck. Your boss is going to go apeshit when he finds out.
"What do you think, sweetheart?"
A new blonde guy addresses you tonight and for crying out loud, you just want a quiet shift.
What do you think of his white suit? With the garish LV logos? That it's tacky as fuck. That anyone with any sort of taste would never ever wear that. You keep your actual thoughts to yourself and instead just say it's fine.
That does nothing to subdue the blonde. He does stop talking to you though, and just mutters bitterly under his breath. You catch the words blind and tasteless.
His partner smirks at your response.
And isn't that a whole other kettle of fish because it's currently 2am and you're indoors and who the hell wears sunglasses right now. You think he's a douche of the highest calibre.
The smirk is wiped from his face when he asks for cigarettes and you ask for ID. He doesn't have it on him.
"No can do. No ID, no sale."
He leans aggressively into your space, and reveals his eyes peering over his sunglasses.
My god, what is up with this duo? One with the tacky suit, and this one with the ugly black contact lenses.
You don't budge and the guy is dragged out by the blonde cackling.
Ugh. That laugh gives you a headache for the rest of your shift.
You really wish customers would stop involving you in their conversation.
This one, who looks exactly like how you would imagine a SoundCloud rapper that has their mother following them and no one else, asks you to listen to his music.
He insists that he's good as the blonde girl rolls her eyes.
You listen to about 10 seconds and make up your mind.
He's wrong. He's very wrong. You want to suggest he gets checked out at the doctor because clearly his ears aren't working properly.
Instead, you mention you like Duke Pyeon, he's more your taste. Has he heard of him? It's the wrong thing to say though because this guy looks angrier than you've ever seen anyone.
"Don't start Vin, I've seen you listening to his music." The girl scoffs.
'Vin' shouts in indignation and storms off with his friend trailing closely behind.
"Can I help?" You ask with your customer service voice and customer service smile.
He has been standing in front of the hair dyes for a good ten minutes as his friend looks increasingly bored and you can't blame him.
"No thanks, I'm just browsing," he responds and you tell him you'll be just over there if he needs anything.
You kill some time playing on your phone, look up, and both of them are still in the exact same spot.
The one with the H on his neck looks about ready to tear his hair out.
"Come on bro, just pick one!"
"No Warren, this is important. I need it to suit my new aesthetics."
You shrug and return back to your kitty kat restaurant game.
"Cool glasses," you tell the guy walking around the store and he looks affronted at first before realising you're being sincere and gives you a small smile instead.
You wonder if you can pull off orange tinted glasses too or whether you'd just look like an idiot. It's probably the latter you decide when you ring up his energy drinks.
"I'm a boxer," he offers, as if you're judging the amount of caffeine he's going to slam down.
"I need it for my training."
You've seen weirder purchases and weirder combinations. The people coming in looking frantic and buying a single plunger or pack of toilet paper never fails to make you chuckle.
To be honest the amount he's buying is a bit nuts, and you wonder if he's going to drink it all in one go. You probably wouldn't sleep for a year if it was you.
"Enjoy your training," you say, heaving and handing over the bag of 19 cans.
A mute blonde gestures at you
You try to use some sign language, but he looks at you as if you're crazy. At least you think he does but you can't see his eyes.
Somehow you're able to decipher he's lost his dogs. Four. Golden retrievers. And he asks if you have seen them.
(Huh. Do you have telepathy? Do you have the gift?)
You tell him no and he sprints out.
You spend the rest of your shift trying to move things with your newly discovered psychic powers.
Spoiler: you have zero powers. Zilch.
You think you might be having a stroke.
Because on what planet did this K-pop idol think the disguise would work. Cap and mask on but tufts of pink hair poking out and dressed completely in white.
It's like he's asking for attention and for people to ooh and aah over who that could be.
As he leaves, you shout that you can't wait for his next album. He turns around in complete shock that you recognised him, as if you solved the world's hardest puzzle.
It's a good job that DG has such a pretty face because what an idiot.
You hear two voices mention the words Daniel Park and your ears perk up, wondering if it's about your old colleague.
Nah. You're just being silly. It's not an uncommon name at all and too much of a coincidence.
"I haven't seen Daniel in ages! Have you heard from him, Zoe?"
"No," you see her friend shake her head from the corner of your eye.
The brown haired girl tilts her head in thought, "I wonder how Zack is doing too. I haven't seen him in so long."
"Ohhh~ you miss him!"
"O-of course I do! He's a friend!" She blushes bright red and you chuckle to yourself.
'Friend', sure.
For the rest of the shift, you reminisce about how you used to tiptoe around your feelings with your boyfriend, Taehoon, too.
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acotarspritz · 29 days
Medals and Misunderstandings - an ACOTAR Olympics AU
Azriel x swimmer!reader
Blurb : You run into Azriel in the Olympic village and he can't seem to get you off his mind, but when you see him again you are convinced the handsome guy with amber eyes doesn't like you, so you go out of your way to avoid him. (Part 1)
Author's Note: AHHHHH here is the first part of my Olympics inspired Acotar AU. I will most likely do multiple short series or oneshots for different characters (if you have any ideas/ requests please send them in), and I will most definitely write a second part for this, I just wanted to get this first part out before overthinking it and disappearing from the face of the Earth! This is my first time writing fanfiction for ACOTAR, and my first time writing fanfiction in a long time (live, laugh, love the inspiration draught), so please don't expect me to turn into Jane Austen. Other than that, hope you enjoy !!
warnings : english is not my first language so please excuse any/all grammar errors, not entirely proofread, slight mentions of injury, slight mentions of burn scars (Az's hands), swearing, reading thinking people are laughing at her
lemme know if I missed any and I'll add them !
You couldn’t believe your alarm hadn’t rang. You thought back to the night, before when you had set it to make sure you would have enough time for breakfast before practice, as you ran to exit the Olympic Village. The good news was that the pool wasn’t too far from the village, but as you looked back at your watch you felt your panic rise. No matter how close the pool was, you were still very late, and you knew your coach would be extremely angry when you showed up.
Before you could even contemplate what she would say to you, you felt yourself run head-first into something, and the next thing you knew you were sprawled out on the pavement. Pain shot up your spine at the impact, and you were grateful you had packed painkillers in your bag last night. 
A hand appeared in front of you, to help you up you assumed. As if your morning couldn’t go any worse, of course you had to run head first into someone. You looked up as you grabbed the hand held out to you, and your eyes fell on what you were sure had to be one of the most attractive men you had ever seen. He helped you up with a sheepish smile, but all you could focus on was his eyes, like pools of molten gold. 
The stranger cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, I should have been more focused on where I was going, are you alright?”
His deep, slightly raspy voice broke you out of your daydream, and you realized in panic that you were still extremely late to practice. You grabbed your bag that had fallen off your shoulder when you ended up on the floor, and looked back at him before spluttering “I’m okay, um, it was my fault really, I was the one running and I-”, your phone ringing in your pocket, most likely your coach, told you that it was really time to get to practice, “I have to go, sorry!” 
You were already running as you uttered your apology, leaving behind the mysteriously attractive man with honey eyes, and heading to practice, where you were certain to get an earful from your coach. 
As Azriel walked back to the cafeteria to grab breakfast with his teammates, he couldn’t help but think of the girl he had run into this morning. Well, technically, the girl who ran into him. He had gone for an early morning walk to clear his head of the nightmares that had plagued him and had made it impossible for him to get enough sleep, when you had barreled into him at full speed. He hadn’t seen you coming, and before he could react you were on the floor in front of him. He had hesitated before holding his hand out to help you up, the burn marks on his hands often causing people to avoid touching him as though he carried some sort of disease, yet you had grabbed it without a second thought and let him pull you up. 
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, or just didn’t care, but your reaction had caused him to falter slightly. You had run off about as quickly as you had run into him, and you would probably not think twice about him today, but he couldn’t seem to get you off his mind. You had looked so effortlessly beautiful, with your hair up, and your slightly red cheeks, although he wasn’t sure if it was from running or embarrassment. Were you an athlete? Or maybe a volunteer? 
Azriel didn’t have much more time to think about who you were as he had already made it to the cafeteria, and he saw two of his teammates and friends sitting while waiting for him. He sat next to Cassian, who passed him a black coffee and a few slices of toast that he had grabbed, knowing that Azriel didn’t like anything too complicated for breakfast. He gave a small smile at how well the man knew him before sipping on his coffee. 
His mind once again drifted back to you, as he listened to Cassian rant about his girlfriend, Nesta. He hadn’t recognized the colors you were wearing, but maybe you had decided to wear something other than your olympian uniform, which made finding out who you were a lot more complicated. There were thousands of athletes participating in the games this year, and even more volunteers, what were the odds of him running into you again? 
Azriel could feel someone’s eyes on him, and looked up to find Rhys, another teammate and his team captain, looking at him with a calculating gaze. Cassian, who had stopped talking when he realized neither man was listening to him complain about how much time his girlfriend spent reading instead of with him, whined, “How come you guys never care when I’m having relationship problems?” 
Azriel and Rhys both let out a laugh. They were used to his dramatics of course, having grown up together, but that never made his reactions any less entertaining. Before he could complain any more, Rhys shot him a look before turning back to Azriel. “What’s on your mind, Az?”
He wasn’t sure how Rhys knew something was bothering him. He had always been able to see when Azriel had something on his mind, even if Azriel was convinced he didn’t show it, almost as though he could read his mind. But then again, they had known each other for years, and were incredibly in tune with each other, which is why all three of them worked so well on the field, or perhaps Azriel just wasn’t as discrete as he had always thought he was. 
“Nothing’s bothering me, I’m just a little tired I guess,” he answered with a shrug of his shoulders. 
He could see Rhys’ eyes narrow as he looked over his face. Whatever he saw convinced him to drop the subject, but he sent Azriel a look that very clearly told him that the conversion was not over. Cassian must have sensed that the conversation would not go any further, and broke all seriousness as he exclaimed, “Now can we get back to the matter at hand? Nesta loves her books more than she loves me!” and sent the two other men into a laughing fit.
You had underestimated how angry your coach would be because of your tardiness. Not only had she yelled so loud you were certain everyone within five kilometers of the pool had heard her, she had also pushed you a lot harder; more core strength exercises that had left your abs throbbing, and so many more laps than she usually made you do. You were already slightly sore when you had sat with Tarquin at dinner, but you were sure tomorrow it would be much worse. 
Varian and Cresseida had joined the two of you about twenty minutes ago with their food, as you guys had been doing since the Olympics had begun a few days ago, and were currently arguing over who the faster runner was. It was a silly argument, considering neither of them were runners, and you were pretty sure the only time you had seen Cresseida run was when there was a sale in one of her favorite shops. Suddenly, the table fell quiet and a cocky smile appeared on Varian’s face, and you knew exactly who had approached your table. 
It was a routine by now; Tarquin, Varian, Cresseida and you would sit down for dinner all together, and half way through, Amren, Varian’s girlfriend or something of the sort at least, would join. No one truly knew what those two were, and your questions remained unanswered everytime you brought it up, but everyone knew they were something and that was enough.
You turned your head to give her a small smile, which she answered with a slight nod towards you before heading to sit next to Varian. She often came off as quite cold and disinterested, but you had grown to see beyond her facade over the years of her “dating” your friend, and had also grown to appreciate her calm presence, a big contrast to Varian’s ever present energy.
The two broke off into their own conversation, so you turned back to your other friends, who were already looking at you. They exchanged a quick look and before you could try and detect what they had communicated in that instant, Tarquin looked back at you, “So how badly did you get rammed into this morning by Coach Claire?”
Cresseida was quick to reach across the table to smack his arm, “You fucking idiot, we said we would ease into it! God, I should have known you would be useless,” her irritated tone softened when you sighed and she asked, “You okay Y/n? We all know how bad she can be…”
“Yeah I’m fine, don’t worry. I think she’s just stressed, you know? And I know she expects perfection at every moment of every day, but god it’s exhausting. Plus I’m gonna be so sore tomorrow.” 
Both your friends smiled in compassion. It was no secret how strict Coach Claire was, and how much she valued perfection above all. You were just glad your qualifying rounds didn’t start tomorrow, as it would give you a bit more time to overcome the soreness that was slowly increasing in your legs.
You all turned to Amren and Varian when you heard her scoff and throw up a middle finger to another table in the cafeteria. “I swear if they don’t stop staring I’m going over there and hitting all three of them. Any time I sit with anyone else they take it so personally as if I’m not allowed to have a life that doesn’t revolve around them.” Amren shook her head and you heard her mutter “Illyrian babies” under her breath, which prompted you to turn and see what table she was talking about.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes met with the honey-colored eyes of the stranger you bumped into this morning, sitting between two other guys. You took the opportunity to look him over, as you hadn’t had much time when you had seen him earlier. He had messy black hair that kind of flopped over his forehead, as though he often passed a hand through it in frustration, or when he was thinking, and he was buff. You expected him to be, considering you thought you had run into a streetlight when you ran into him, but still, he was more buff than you had thought. His arms were huge, and when you mentally compared them to yours, you found the image ridiculous. Your eyes drifted over his chest, where his dark navy blue, almost dark purple, shirt stretched, and you narrowed your eyes to try and read the silver writing you could see on his top. Velaris. 
So he represented Velaris? Just like Amren then. Velaris was pretty well known across the United Courts of Prythian, and although it belonged to Night, it often participated in competitions as an independent federation. You looked back at his face and offered him a small smile, all while raising your hand in greeting. Although you were very embarrassed about your encounter this morning, it was no reason to be rude, especially if these were people that Amren was close to. 
You felt your cheeks redden in embarrassment when he simply stared at you with those amber eyes, and did not smile back, or even give an indication that he recognized you. You quickly turned back to your table, slightly humiliated. Cresseida raised an eyebrow as she looked at you, clearly having seen the interaction go down, and you simply shook your head as your cheeks became even more red. 
A boisterous laugh broke out somewhere behind you, and you instinctively glanced at the table where you knew the Velaris athletes were sitting, and your humiliation only worsened. The laugh belonged to the man sat on the right of the one you had run into, and you noted that although your mysterious stranger was buff, the one laughing was somehow even more muscular, and had more of a rugged look. The one on the other side was also laughing, although his laughter was more controlled. The five girls, three of which had originally been facing away from you, were all looking at your table, no, they were all looking at you, and to make matters worse, the stranger from that morning was still looking at you, but you knew he recognized you.
Your eyes quickly shifted to the hands that were in your lap, and you found yourself playing with your ring to avoid focusing on the burning slowly growing in your eyes. Were they really laughing at you? You wanted to say they weren’t, but considering they were all looking at you, the odds really weren’t in your favor. Okay so maybe bumping into him this morning had been embarrassing, but was it really that bad? Or perhaps they were laughing at your humiliating attempt to be nice and saying hello. Or maybe your hair looked like a bird’s nest. Did you have something in your teeth? God why had no one told you you looked bad when you had arrived at dinner. You knew you should have made more of an effort, but practice had been so exhausting that you truly didn’t have the energy. 
You blinked back the tears as you felt someone put their hand on your shoulder. “Hey, Y/n what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Tarquin. You met his blue eyes and gave him the best smile you could muster, despite the turmoil in your head. “I’m just sore, I think I’m gonna go to bed early,” you pushed yourself out of your chair and gave them all a small smile, choosing to ignore the concerned look on everyone’s faces, “Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow,” and walked out of the cafeteria, to go find sanctuary in your room, without a single glance back to your table. 
A single glance would have shown you Azriel’s beet-red face as he stood up from his table to escape his friends mocking him, and would have shown you Azriel heading to your table, as if to talk to you. But you did not look back, and as you lay in bed that night, thinking back to the mysterious athlete from Velaris, you decided that it was okay if he didn’t like you, and it was okay if they had all laughed at your expense. You were at the Olympics and would not let anyone, especially a man, ruin that experience for you.
And voilaaaa the first part! Please do tell me what you think and what you thought!
@julesvanslutta i wasn't sure if you wanted me to tag you for a specific character or not, but here you go !
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glassartpeasants · 9 months
Run Rabbit Run pt.04
Yandere!Eustass Kid x F!Reader
Warnings: Slight gore, nightmares, being stabbed, death, Heat being a real one once again, blood, mentions of injuries, trauma responses, forgotten memories???, edited to the best Grammarly would let me, long fic
Trash Summary: After an incident that blurs reader's memory, she's met with a crisis. Turn a blind eye and continue to love the man who saved her or dig deeper and find out who Kidd truly is.
A/N: I was feeling a little silly and decided that Kidd hit the reader a little too hard after the last chapter, so here you go. This shit is fucking LONGGGGGG. And very much edited to the best of my abilities. Grammarly wasn't on my side so it is what it is. really hope it's not confusing
music playlist
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
@rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @menifire1092
It was always so easy to sleep when you lay next to Kidd. His heartbeat was like a lullaby when you laid your head on his chest. Your fingers would sometimes trace the scars that adorned his body. All of them containing a different story. You liked to place small kisses on them just to see Kidd’s face turn brighter than his hair.
When you weren’t sleeping next to each other, you’d sit on his lap and watch him work on whatever new project he had in his shop. You even got to help him make his robotic arm! The happiness you felt inside when he praised you made your face burn hot. You loved making him happy. 
He’d tell you stories about his travels on the sea’s before meeting you. Tell you all sorts of things that only you would ever know. The trust he put in you had your heart overflowing with love. 
When you laid in bed together, you’d tell him about your day or about the new book you’ve read. He’d just sit there and listen, not saying a word, only humming when you ask if he was still awake. He might not be the most romantic guy in the New World, but he was perfect the way he was. 
And that’s all that mattered to you.
Leaning against the railing, you look out to the sea. The beautiful sunset had a calm washing over you. Even though the smell of salt hit your nose, it still didn’t change your mood. Why would it? This is the happiest you’ve ever been in your life! How can you be sad when you have the love of your life by your side?
You don’t know what you would’ve done if you hadn’t met Kidd. No one’s ever made you so happy! He truly was an angel in disguise. He saved you from a group of pirates who burned down your home! At least, that's what Kidd helped you remember. You couldn’t remember what the pirates looked like, but you remember seeing Kidd’s face. With that in mind, he helped you remember that he rescued you.
According to Kidd, PTSD and trauma can cause people to forget things. He told you it was okay to forget things. Everyone does. It made you feel better that he knew you so well. You swear he knows you better than you know yourself.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice beside you. To your shock, it was Heat leaning against the railing next to you.
“It is. You’ve been pretty busy these past few months, huh? Feels like I’ve barely seen you.”
“The New World keeps you busy. How’s it with…Kidd?” Heat sends you a look that you couldn’t decipher. Almost sadness, maybe pity? But what would he have to pity you for? You were perfectly healthy, and your life is great!
“Great! He told me he’s making me something, so I’m looking forward to that!” You feel a big smile crawl across your face as you look at the man beside you.
“That’s good.” A silence followed after his words.
“Oh! Also, he’s teaching me self-defense! He’s worried that other pirate groups are gonna take me away. Isn’t he such a sweetheart for worrying about me?” Your gushing didn’t help fix Heat’s expression. Instead, it seemed to worsen it.
“What’s wrong, Heat? You look sad?” Heat sighs before pushing himself off the railing.
“Does the name Sabaody mean anything to you by chance?” 
“Huh? I mean, the name sounds familiar, but I can’t remember.” You hear Heat mumble to himself, but you can’t make it out. 
“I see. Well, just know that I’m sorry.” You furrow your brows as you watch him walk away. His words made an unease settle inside you. What could he have to be sorry for? Maybe you just misheard? Yeah, that’s the logical answer.
The whole experience made you tired and the calming sunset didn’t help either. With one last look at the sea, you make your way to your and Kidd’s shared bedroom. You couldn’t wait to snuggle under the covers and lay next to him.
Opening the door, you see Kidd already passed out. You smile as you discard your own clothes before joining him in bed.
Throwing open the covers, you lay behind him and look at his bare back. The skin looked so soft that you couldn’t help but gently drag your fingers against his shoulder blades before kissing them. You can feel him tense slightly but let out a small sigh. Rolling his shoulder blades, Kidd turns to look at you over his shoulder.
“Having fun?” Kidd’s groggy voice had you silently laughing.
“Am I not allowed to admire my love? You work so hard as a captain. No doubt you’ll become King of The Pirates.” Kidd turns around to face you, his hair cascading down his face. You smile at him before cupping his cheeks and moving to give him a kiss. His flesh arm grabs you and pulls you closer. You scoot up so your face to face with him. Wanting nothing more than to look in his eyes.
“Cheesy.” He laughs as you pout at his words. With a huff, you turn around, upset that he ruined the mood. 
“You big baby.” Kidd places his head on your shoulder before kissing your neck. He kisses the sensitive skin before nibbling across your neck, making you sigh.
“Your so lucky I love you.” A groan leaves Kidd’s lips, and it vibrates along your neck.
“Say it again.”
“I love you Kidd.” You smile as you move your hand so you can run your fingers through Kidd’s red locks. The familiar silk feeling never faded. You can feel Kidd start to suck against your neck to the point red blotches appear.
“I love you too.” It was a silent whisper but still loud enough to have your heart overflowing with love. You never wanted to leave his side. He was the love of your life, and you couldn’t bear the thought of living without him.
“Come on! Let’s go shopping! You’ve been busy all week! I haven’t seen you other than bedtime, and even then, you're out cold!” You grab Kidd’s flesh hand with both of yours as you try to drag him away from leaving the bedroom.
“I told you I’m working on something. Don’t be impatient, princess.” Kidd laughs with a cocky grin before throwing you over his shoulder and leaving the room.
“There’s something I want you to try.”
“Oh? Did Killer make something new?”
“No, and why do you assume Killer made something? I can cook!”
“You’ll be good at cooking the day the sky turns green.” You feel a slight pinch on your thigh, causing you to slap Kidd’s back.
“That hurt you jerk!”
“Kidd!” The sound of footsteps running caught your attention as you caught Killer in the corner of your eye.
“What? Can’t you see I’m busy?” You couldn’t help but laugh when you heard Killer sigh.
“Anyways, we’ve got everything stocked, so we can set sail anytime.”
“Alright, let’s get going.” Kidd’s response had your face drop and your mood souring.
“Hey! You said we could go shopping after you had me try something!”
“Never said that. Nice try, princess.”
“Well, you heavily implied it!” Kidd laughed at you, and it only pissed you off more.
“I actually needed things! I could have just gone by myself-”
“No!” Kidd’s voice boomed in the hallway, echoing repeatedly in your ears. You could feel your mouth grow dry, and your heart skipped a beat. Turning back, you see Kidd glaring at you with his amber eyes. His piercing gaze made you freeze as the look was something you’d never seen before from him.
“You are never to leave this ship unless I say so. Do you understand?” His words put a heavy unease in your stomach. You look at him with shock before you grit your teeth. The air was so tense you could cut it with a knife.
“I’ve got somewhere to be. Bye-” Killer quickly left, leaving you and Kidd alone.
“Kidd put me down.” Seemingly, Kidd snapped out of whatever ‘trance’ he was in and started tripping over his own words.
“Shit I-well…I mean-” You didn’t want to hear it. You were an adult woman who could make her own choices. Even if you loved Kidd, you wouldn’t let him talk to you like that.
“Put me down now. This is not for discussion.” He held onto you for a few more seconds before putting you down. You look up at his face, and to your distress, it was blank. No emotion or anything. But he emitted an aura that had you scurrying away without saying another word.
Seeing Kidd like that deeply disturbed you. Why weren’t you allowed off the ship? And why did you need his permission? Does he not trust you or something? What reason would he have to keep you trapped on the ship?
Your head started pounding, causing you to stop in your tracks. Another migraine. You’ve been getting them a lot more recently, and you couldn’t pinpoint why you got them or why they’ve become more common. It was always in the same spot, right in the back of your head. There happened to be a huge scar there so you originally thought it had to do with that, but Kidd was very insistent that it had nothing to do with the headaches. That it was just a councidence. Per  your request though, kidd’s brought doctors to the ship to check you out, but no results. They gave you some meds, but nothing worked. No ice, meds, dark rooms, or water helped with the pain that it caused. Even though the meds didn’t do anything, you still took them just in case. Which is why you needed to go to town today. To get meds and scar cream.
The scar cream was needed because every time your eyes landed on your body, you saw scars that stuck out like a sore thumb. It bothered you more that you can’t remember how you got them. Well, you did know a few now after Kidd told you what happened. The two rough scars that adorned your left thigh was caused by a Marine after they stabbed you in the thigh when you wouldn’t tell them where Kidd was. There were times where it made you scratch your head cause you were sure that you’d remember something like that.
Another scar you don’t remember is the one on your ankle. Kidd said a pirate tried kidnapping you by putting a shackle on your ankle. While it fit the scar mark, surely it would have taken much longer to make such a scar if you were only really kidnapped for a day or two, like he said. He said the same thing about the one around your neck. Still, your logical side said it was impossible to cause such scars in such a short time. By the looks of them, it would have taken months to cause such damage to the skin. But it didn’t make sense. Why would Kidd lie about something like that?
You understood that trauma can cause memory loss. How much memory is lost truly depends on the person. If that was the case with you, did that mean you endured so much that you forgot almost everything? The thought ate at you. You only had so many memories with Kidd, and when you tried asking him to help you remember more, his eyes went wide, and he stuttered on his words again. At that time, you let it go. Having no reason to question him.
While walking along the ships halls, lost in your thoughts, you passed by a door that caught your attention. Stopping in front of it, you look at it with curiosity. While you don’t remember the door, it feels like you’ve been here before. Curiosity got the best of you, so you went to open the door, only to realize it was locked. A frown works its way on your face before you start backing up. Maybe if you charge at it a little bit, it’ll open.
You didn’t know why you needed to get in so badly, but you wouldn’t leave till you saw what was in that room. So, with a deep breath, you charged your body towards the door.
The sound of your body impacting the door rang throughout the hall. Strangely, the door collapsed after one hit. The sound of the door hitting the ground had a thunderous noise coming from it. You look at the door hinges and notice old damage compared to the new damage you just caused.
“What the?” Looking inside the dark room, you can barely make out what was a lantern light near the very back of the room. Biting your lip, you move quickly through the dark and turn on the lantern light. The suffocating dark of the room soon leaves.
Once you turned on the light, your eyes met an entire wall full of tally marks. A tingling sense of fear hits you as you look closer to them. They weren’t deep enough to be caused by a knife, so it had to be something else. 
Looking closer at the scratched wood, you see something embedded in it. Leaning down, you grab it and bring it closer to the light to get a better look. To your shock, it was a fingernail with dried blood on the very bottom of it.
Goosebumps prickled at your skin as the thought of who this could belong to had an unease forming in your stomach. You’ve never heard of this room, and you never heard of Kidd keeping prisoners. The room felt soul-crushing the more you looked around it. 
Books scattered across the floor, dust slowly collecting on them. A makeshift bed with a mattress and a few blankets. The bed hadn’t been made, so it caused more questions to roam in your head. If a person was actually in here, did something happen to them? If so, what?
The final nail in the coffin was when you see a spot on the wooden wall that looked darken then the rest of the room. With a deep breath, you slowly move to the spot. With shaky hands, you carefully touch the wood and the texture had a shiver running up your spine. You lifted up the latern light to get a closer look and you can feel time stop as you stare at the wall. 
There was no doubt in your mind that what you were looking at was dried blood and how some of it soaked into the wall. Your eyes even catch what seems to be strands of hair stuck against the nails that secured the walls together. Moving the lantern closer, you can see the color of said hair. The room tempeture seemingly dropped to zero when you see that the type of hair stuck against the wall was almost the same as your own.
Your heartbeat quickened, and you decided it was time to leave the small room. While grabbing the light, you see a white piece of paper sticking out from the floorboards in the corner of the room. Almost as if it was trying to be hidden. The paper moved side to side even though there was no wind.
Quickly kneeling down to grab it, you carefully pick up the paper only to realize it was a viver card with the name ‘Rayleigh’ scribbled on it.
“Rayleigh? Who’s…” Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps coming down the hall. The feeling of impending doom hit you hard, so you quickly scrambled out of the room before running away in the opposite direction of the footsteps.
All you did was stare at the food in front of you. It was dinner time, and you still couldn’t get rid of your migraine or the intense feeling of unease. The room full of tally marks that contained an unknown viver card, the dried bloody spot on the wall, Kidd’s outburst, and Heat’s words from the other day all mushed up inside you. You didn’t know what was happening, but you wanted to eliminate the gnawing feeling you were experiencing on the ship you were supposed to call home. 
The thought of the tally marks didn’t help you when you remembered the fingernail you found embedded in the wood. While it was disturbing to see it, it was even more distressing when you looked at your own nails. The nail that was supposed to be on your pointer finger was missing, and it seems like it never regrew another one. Not to mention how hair with the same color and texture of yours was also embedded into the the bloody wood.
While it could be an eerie coincidence, it still fueled an unknown fire inside you.
“Hey (Y/N), you okay? Your staring at your plate, and you haven’t eaten a thing.” Looking up, you see Killer sitting on the other side of you.
“I just have a huge migraine, and I’ve been feeling really uneasy. I’m probably just tired or dehydrated. No need to worry.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” You snap at the man in front of you.
“Is it about Kidd? Have you talked to him yet?”
“No, I haven’t. He needs to apologize first. Treating me like a captive rather than a girlfriend.” Killer coughed, causing you to look at him.
“Ah, I see. I’ll go talk to him. How does that sound?” Letting out a sigh of relief, you smile at Killer.
“That sounds good. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Killer left without another word, leaving you alone now with a cold dinner. Even with Killer going to talk to Kidd, you still didn’t get rid of the unease. 
“Psst-(Y/N)!” You hear someone whisper next to you. Turning your head, you see Heat standing outside, waving you over. Quickly looking around, when you saw no one was watching you, you made your way to Heat.
“Hey, what did you need-”
“Eat this.” Heat suddenly shoves something against your chest. You quickly grab it before looking down at it—a yellow-colored fruit with an unnatural pattern and shape. 
“What the hell is-”
“No time to explain. Eat first.”
“You didn’t poison it, did you?”
“Eat it!”
“Okay! Okay!” You quickly take a bite and swallow to try to appease the man before you. The fruit's disgusting flavor hit your mouth, and just as you were about to puke, Heat stopped you.
“I know it’s gross, but you need to eat it all. It’s vital that you do.” Looking Heat in the eyes, you see a look of urgency in them. Despite how disgusting it tasted, you had no reason to doubt Heat, so you choked it down.
“Alright, it’s down. Now tell me what the hell I just ate.” You gag slightly before looking at Heat. 
“I’ll tell you later, okay? I can’t right now, not when everyone’s awake.” Before you can ask what he meant, you see Heat run across the ship without a sound. It was dark, so he was hard to see to anyone not looking for him.
“Heat you ass. You better tell me what I ate the next time I see you.” The gross taste of the fruit only stuck to your tongue as you whispered into the dark sky. The disgusting aftertaste had you grabbing some water to try and get rid of it. Whatever he made you eat, there better be a good explanation for it.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. You could feel Kidd staring at you as you faced away from him. He hasn’t apologized, and you weren’t going to talk to him till he does.
“Enough of this bullshit.” Before you could question, you felt his flesh hand grab you and pull you close to him. Your back hit his chest as he wrapped his arm around you, locking you in place. Kidd places his head on your own before letting out a sigh.
“Clingy.” You feel him grab your breast, causing you to yelp and hit his arm.
“Mm, not clingy.” Kidd moved his head to your shoulder before placing kisses along your shoulder blade before making his way to your neck. Even though you were mad at him, he always managed to make you forgive him by fucking your brains out. But this time was different. The way his voice sounded, and the look he gave you wasn’t something a simple fuck could fix.
“Us fucking won’t make me forgive you for the way you talked to me earlier. All I want to know is why you were acting the way you were.” With your best attempt, you turn to face him. His hair was down and his face bare, letting you see tiny freckles adorning his skin. You’ll never understand why he hides them. It makes him look so cute.
“Just worry.” Kidd moves his gaze away from you. 
“Worried that I’ll get hurt?”
“Yes. Happy now?” A red hue covered Kidd’s face. He wasn’t a man of many words when it came to expressing what he felt. You sigh before placing a kiss on the tip of Kidd’s nose.
“What are you doing?!”
“Giving you a kiss 'cause I forgive you. Just promise not to do that again, alright?”
“Fine, I promise.” It was a whisper, but you’d take it. You smile at Kidd before going to kiss every inch of his face.
Kidd grumbled before his face was as red as his hair. He always got so flustered when you showered him with affection. His cheeks would burn and warm up your cold fingers every time.
“Once we hit the next island, we’re going shopping together, okay? If you're truly worried that I’ll get hurt, you need to plan the day with me.” You softly spoke as you connected your forehead to Kidd’s.
“Why do you wanna go so badly? I can have Killer shop for you-”
“Killer has shit taste. Plus, I’d like to pick out my own panties. What do you want Killer to see-” Kidd pulled you down to his chest, your face smashed against it. 
“Okay, you made your point. On the next island we go, we’ll shop. But you are NOT leaving leaving my sight.”
“So paranoid. It’s not like I’m gonna run away.” Kidd squeezed you tight, causing you to cough.
“Just go to sleep.” Rolling your eyes, you press a kiss to his chest and close your eyes. Happy that he finally let you go shopping with him.
Your eyes flutter open when you feel drops of water hitting your face. The water pounded against your skin as you picked yourself up. Rubbing your eyes, you find yourself in a deep forested area caked in mud.
Standing up, you feel your feet sink into the mud, only stopping when your foot is fully covered. The rain slightly cleaned the dirt out of your head as it drenched your now shivering form.
You looked around, and you couldn’t see the end of the forest for miles. A sinking feeling settles in your heart as you realize your alone. You try to scream out for Kidd or anyone, but nothing comes out. Even when you tried to talk in general, all that left your lips was silence. Your heart starts beating against your ribs as the thought of being alone in such a dark forest makes fear fill you.
Just then, the smell of smoke and the feeling of blazing heat sneaks up behind you, causing you to turn around. Terror filled your body as the forest behind you was engulfed in flames. The harsh, pounding rain did nothing to stop the fire from devouring the forest.
To your dismay, you hear screaming coming from the flames before all black silhouettes of humans emerge from the fire. Your mouth falls open as you take a few steps away from the blaze, only for it to spread closer to you.
Taking a deep breath, you take one more step before you start running as fast as you can from the hell behind you. The mud clung to your feet, making it all the much harder to run away. You look behind you and feel your heart stop when the number of silhouettes doubled from the last time you looked at them. Their screams were ear-piercing, and yet, they sounded so familiar. All of them had the same pitch, and all of them sounded like they were in a constant state of agony.
You tried picking up the pace, but the fire only stayed right on your tail. The screaming getting closer as the rain hit your face, making it slightly hard to see in front of you. Despite your lack of voice, you begin screaming for Kidd to come and save you. To get you away from whatever hell is chasing you.
You can feel the flames lick at your feet as your tears mix with the rain. Covering your ears, you desperately tried to ignore the blood-curdling screams coming from behind you. The fact they sounded so familiar disturbed you as you tried to pinpoint the person they came from. Turning around to see how close they were, you could only ‘scream’ in horror when you saw yourself running at you. Different versions of you hunting you down. All of them have some sort of injury covering their body. The same injuries that matched your own scars.
You see yourself in a metal collar and a shackle chained to their foot. Tears streaming down their face as a look of despair plastered on her face. Another was limping but still kept up the pace of the others around them. One of them had obviously been beaten by the swollen black eye all the way to the minor cuts that littered their skin. You see one with a horrifically burned chest. It took you only a couple seconds to recognize that the burn was the exact image of your branding of Kidd’s Jolly Roger on your chest. It then finally clicked on whose screams you were hearing.
They were yours.
Turning back to face forward, you see Kidd standing at the edge of the forest line. Relief washed your body as you drew closer to him. He’d save you from the clones that chased you. He’d save you from them even though they screamed no. Why they were was a question you didn’t care to find out.
A burning grip grabs your left arm and jerks you back towards the flames. Countless more hands grabbed your body  trying to drag you away from Kidd and into the blaze. Their screams of a desperate ‘NO’ rang all around you. You were surrounded by yourself as they held onto you for dear life. Seemingly begging you not to run to Kidd, silently telling you to join them in the flames. Despite their begging, you ignored them as you escaped their grasp and finally made it to Kidd’s arms. A loud scream came from behind you and the sound of flames flickering stopped.
Turning your gaze, you no longer see your disfigured clones. The fire that once chased you gone, almost as if it never existed in the first place, the forest green and lush. Your heart felt like it was gonna beat out of your chest and your lungs burned, But now you were safe, Kidd would never let anything hurt you-
An excuricating pain comes from your stomach. It was something that you couldn’t even describe. Quicly looking down, you see a knife plunged deep into your abdomen and to your horror, Kidd’s hand connected to it.
Looking up, you freeze when you catch a glimpse of his face. The look of insanity stared right back at you.
He pulled the knife from your stomach before lifting it up above his head. His other hand harshly gripping your hair, making you unable to move. You pound your hands against his chest and kick anywhere you can, but he doesn’t move an inch. The way your blood dripped from the blade above your head had your heart stopping before your mouth drops open when you see Kidd violently bring down the knife. It’s only then do you finally hear yourself scream.
Your body jolts up as your scream starts to echo all around Kidd’s room, making the man himself wake up. 
“Jesus! What the fuck-” His words died in his throat when he saw you with tears pouring down your face. Fear swirled in your eyes when you turned to look at him.
“(Y/N)?” Your body shook feverishly as you desperately tried to calm yourself down. The room seemed to spin around you as you try to catch your breath. Only when Kidd grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, did you finally come back to reality.
“What the hell is wrong?” Kidd’s grumpy voice only contributed to your never ending tears. You wrapped your arms around him the best you could before hiding your face in his chest.
“It felt so real…I was so scared…” Kidd says nothing, only letting out a low hum. Indicating he’s listening.
“You were in my dream…” You say with a shaky voice before you hear Kidd’s laughter as he puts his chin on your head.
“Oh really? What was I doing?”
“You killed me…” Kidd froze before finally coming up with the words to say. 
“I’d never hurt you, alright? So quit your crying princess.” You let out a few sniffles before looking up at him.
“Promise.” You both lay back down on the bed, holding each other tightly. A few tears still slipped from your eyes before landing on Kidd’s chest. He starts rubbing your lower back before whispering in your ear.
“I’ll never hurt you. Never have and never will.”
Ever since the dream, you’ve been extra jumpy. One wrong sound had you heart almost jumping out of your chest. The constant migraines didn’t help either. You just wanted to sit in bed all day and sleep. Unfortunately, overwhelming questions overtook you urge to sleep.
What was the small room and who did it belong too? Who was ‘Rayleigh’ and why was his viver card stuck in between the floorboards? Who’s blood was on the wall? What did Heat make you eat and what was he talking about that day when you both watched the sun set? Lastly, what was the meaning of your nightmare? It must have meant something!
Your head pounded and to your displeasure, you ran out of water and the cool towel you placed on your head earlier had now turned room temperature. With a groan, you slowly get out of bed and wrap a blanket around you. Maybe grabbing some meds will help. It’s been a slow day so hopefully the kitchen won’t be too loud.
While making your way to the kitchen, you hear Killer’s voice whispering to someone else. You carefully get closer to hear what they're saying, you're nosiness getting the best of you.
“Aren’t you worried? At least a little bit?”
“Why should I? The accident was 5 months ago and ever since then, everythings going my way. She remembers me and only me. Not the pathetic straw hats and anything I’ve done before she hit her head again!”
“I don’t know Kidd. You should at least have a plan in case anything were to happen.”
“What the hell are you going on about? What could possibly happen?” You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you bit your lip.
“I found the room’s door busted open a week ago. The dust had been disturbed and it was obvious someone has been in there-”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” 
“I tried but you weren’t paying attention! So don’t yell at me for your lack of listening skills.”  A tingling feeling moved through your fingers before spreading to your whole body as you try to make sense of what the conversation between Kidd and Killer could be about? But one thing you did know now was that whatever room you stumbled into, you were never suppose to see.
“Board up the door. Hell place small traps, just make sure she can’t get in.” Another uneasy feeling filled your heart as you eavesdrop on a conversation that had given you more questions. What could have been so important behind that door that Kidd’s making Killer board it up? 
A pounding in your head started up again which helped you remember what you really left the room for. After taking a quick breath, you start to walk down the hallway where they ‘hid’. Just to see if they’d continue the conversation if you walked by.
“Oh, (Y/N)! What are you doing up? I thought you had a migraine?” Killers panicked voice rang in your ears, giving you the confirmation that you weren’t suppose to know about their conversation.
“Was going to the kitchen to get some meds. Did I interrupt something?”
“Nope. Not at all.”
Almost everyone was asleep by the time you went out on the deck to watch the stars. Kidd was in his workshop no doubt while Wire and Killer were tonights lookout. It allowed you to have a nice quiet evening to count the stars and ponder on your thoughts. 
With a warm cup of tea in your hands and a fuzzy blanket wrapped around you, it was hard not to give in to the temptation to fall asleep. The waves hitting against the ship was a smooth melody that had your eyelids grow heavy.
“Mind if I join you?” Turning your head, you see Heat sitting down a few feet away from you. 
“You owe me an explanation on that wretcehd fruit you made me eat.” A quick laugh came from the man next to you. 
“I thought you might have known by now but I guess I was wrong. But what I had you eat was a devil fruit.” His words had you spitting out the tea you were drinking before you looked at him in shock.
“A devil fruit?! Why on earth would you feed me a devil fruit?!” You whisper yell at him while looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
“You won’t understand it all right now but trust me it’s going to be a big help-”
“No more cryptic messages! I want to know what’s going on!”
“It’s hard to explain alright!” Whatever Heat was withholding from you had to be something serious cause the way he was acting was starting to piss you off.
“Just tell me, what’s the last vivid thing you remember?” His question caught you off guard. Last vivid thing you remember? What could he mean by that?
“Go back from times from when you met Kidd.” Furrowing your brows, you turn to stare down at your knees.
Kidd told you that he met you after saving you from the other pirate group that burned your entire town to the ground. Saying nothing was left except ashes and smoke. With that being said, you try to remember it, but all you could see was fog. The same thing happening with other memories or things Kidd told you happened. All your memories were so foggy that it soon felt like you were missing a whole chunk of your life that you didn’t remember.
“Nothing. I…don’t remember anything at all. All there is, is fog.” Heat whispers a curse and you can feel another tingling sensation crawling across your skin.
“You need to trust me, okay (Y/N)?”
“Trust you? What are you going on about?”
“Everything Kidd’s told you? It’s a lie.” Hearing Heat’s words, your eyes widen.
“What are you talking about? I don’t understand?” The tingling sensation grew stronger as you try to understand Heat’s words.
“Kidd is not the ‘savior’ you think he is. He’s lying to you (Y/N).” The world seemed to start spinning around you. You knew that there were things that Kidd could’ve been hiding from you after overhearing his conversation with Killer. But is Heat was acting like this, then there had to be something more that you didn’t know. Yet the question still stands.
Why would Kidd lie to you? What was there to lie about?
“Don’t trust what Kidd says. No matter how convincing he may sound. I can’t explain everything right now but you have to believe me.” Heat grabs you by the shoulders and looks at you, the look of desperation filled his eyes. You can feel your heart beat quicken as you try to make sense of the whole situation. How deep could such a rabbit hole be if Killer, Kidd, and Heat knew something that you didn’t? You go to say something but no words leave your mouth. Every one of your senses was overloaded to the point where your body started to get fidgety and your breathing starts getting faster. 
Just then, you see a bright light before a loud ZAP could be heard. You see Heat recoil back shaking his hands as if to cool them down. Worry filled you as you go to see if he’s okay, but your eye catches something slithering along your hand.
With wide eyes, you watch as what you could only describe as lightning snake across your arms and hands. A low buzzing could be heard as you comeptley forgot about Heat in shock of watching what was happening to yourself. 
“Fuck that hurt.” Heat’s words went through one ear and out the other as small bursts of electricity started to accumulate in your palms. You quickly make a fist to try and stop whatever was happening, only for it to continue the moment you opened your hand again.
Your hands start to shake as you slowly move your hands together and watch as the small flickers of electricity grow louder and bigger. Heat’s words from moments ago lost on you as you couldn’t help but be memorized by what you were creating with your own two hands. 
The sound of it flickering reminded you of flames while you looked at it. The fact you were creating something so unnatural, something so extrordinary, had you speechless. It felt like a dream watching the ball of pure eletricity crackle in your palms
It’s only when it started to get bigger that it started to burn and shock your palms to a painful amount. You started freaking out as you turn to Heat for any advice.
“What do i do?!” 
“Throw it out to sea like a ball or something!” Without a second thought, you did just that and to both of your relief’s, the ball of pure electricity left your hands and flew straight out to sea. Small lights flashing around it as it grew smaller and smaller the farther it got.
The low buzzing quickly stopped and the small ropes of electricity fizzled out. Your heart beat still ran wild as you slowly turn your head to Heat, who looked just as shocked as you. No words could’ve been said as you both look at each other, astonished at what had just happened mere seconds ago.
To your dismay, the familiar sound of Kidd’s footsteps approached where you and Heat sat. You both try to quickly shake off the shock that covered your faces and try to act like you didn’t almost electrify Heat moments ago.
“There you are. Why are you on the deck? It’s late.” With a quiet gulp, you respond.
“I had another nightmare so I came to get some fresh air and Heat was already here.” A low hum comes from Kidd as you see him give Heat a questioning glance before moving towards you.
“Well your gonna get sick if you stay out here. Let’s go.” Grabbing your blanket wrapped body, Kidd threw you over his shoulder.
“I can walk you know?” You laugh before turning your attention back to Heat. He puts a finger to his lips before you lose sight of him as Kidd walks away.
The sounds of peoples screams had your eyes shooting open in fear. What could be causing such a horrific noise? Rubbing your eyes, you let your vision adjust before you finally got a look at the hell that surrounded you.
Flames higher then the sky flickered and roared as it engulfed the buildings around you. The heat it produced almost as suffocating as the smoke that came from it. 
You look around, hoping to find the cause of the screams, yet no one was there. All that was there, was you. You and the fire that circled you. It closed in closer and closer as you breathed in the smoke. It burned your lungs as the heat soon started to affect how open your eyes could be. You couldn’t even hear your own breathing due to how loud the flames yelled around you.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from behind you, causing you to walk away. Whatever could survive in such heat was not something human. Through the flames, you can see a silloutte of a man. Taller then any man then you’ve ever seen. Due to the flames, it even looked like the man had horns and a tail. He looked like the devil himself engulfed in the blaze. Yet when the man finally stepped out of the flames, it caused you to step back and lose your footing, falling to the ground with a thud.
It looked like Kidd. But it couldn’t be Kidd. The man in front of you didn’t have a single scar to be seen. Both arms in a competely different coat. Yet when you looked into the man’s eyes, there was no doubt that the man in front of you was the man you called your lover. 
Your eyes scanned him and you can feel your blood freeze when you see his hands covered in blood. Fresh enough to where the blood drips down his fists. His boots covered in the red liquid as well. 
“Must be my lucky day. I get to burn down an entire village and keep a little trophy.” The laughter that left his throat had your body shaking. A sense of dread filled your soul as you unknowingly get on your feet.
The man in front of you started running at you with speed you could never compare to, yet you still ran.
Running through the flames, you can feel them eat away at your flesh as you try your best to run away from teh laughing man behind you. Smoke invaded you lungs as breathign soon became harder and harder. Your eyes scanned your surroundings and its then when you realize where you are. 
The building collapsing in on themselves causing ashes to float into the air. All the buildings that stood with you through your childhood burning to the ground. Not a single one was spared from the blaze. Everything from the homes of the citizens to the hospital was burning to the ground without a care in the world.
The sight was too much to bear and hearing Kidd’s words earlier had your mind racing. A trophy? Burning down an entire village? 
Your village.
No it couldn’t be right. Kidd saved you. He saved you from the monsters that took everything away from you. He couldn’t be the one to cause all the destruction that left you the only surivor of a village that had once been bustling with people.
“Your too slow princess.” A large hand digs its fingers into your hair and grips harshly. Your jerked back as you can feel your scalp burn as the man behind you pulled you to the ground. A sickening crunch echoed in your skull.
With your eyes wide open in seconds, you sit up and look around. Your breathing heavy as you see that your in Kidd’s bedroom. It’s almost pitch black but you can see teh sunrise peaking out in the horizon, casting a small light into the room. 
Looking to yoru side, you see Kidd laying away from you. His breathing calm and a small snore left him. His body covered in the scars that you love and knew. Yet at the moment, you couldn’t bear to look at him. 
With your heart still beating against your ribs, you carefully lay back down against the soft sheets of the bed. But instead of curling up next to your lover, you moved to the very edge of the bed. Anything just to get away from him.
A week has passed since Heat confronted you about Kidd. Not a second goes by were you didn’t think about it. Was there something Kidd was lying to you about? If so, what could it be? And why? Could it possibly have to do with the small room? What about the secret conversation between Kidd and Killer? Who were they talking about? What was the ‘incident’ Kidd was babbling about? All these questions burned into your brain and bothered you every second of the day.
And it’s starting to show.
According to some crew mates, you’ve been more quiet and reserved then normal. Killer has noticed it too but Kidd hasn’t said a word. Was he holding back? Has he not noticed? He’s been busy in his workshop so maybe that’s why? You were hanging out with him in the workshop as well but he’s got all his attention on his trinkets at that point. Either or, the knowledge that something was going on and you have yet to figure it out what it is has affected you to the point you started to lose sleep over it.
It was about 1am when you looked at the clock. You had tried to go to bed at 10 but all you could do was toss and turn. Your eyes had slowly adjusted to the darkness and all you could do was stare at the ceiling. Counting sheep didn’t work and Kidd wasn’t in bed to give you some sense of warmth and safety. He was on watch tonight and the loneliness didn’t help your insomnia.
Even though you were perfectly warm in bed, Kidd’s presence might be able to help your uneasy mind. So grabbing your comforter, you get out of bed and start journey to find Kidd.
Walking down the corridors of the Victoria Punk at night never bothered you before. It was home so there was no reason to be scared, but now it feels as if a million eyes were watching you. Staring you down without a word. The feeling was suffocating as you try your best to quickly run out to the deck of the ship.
Once you were out on the deck, you looked around to try and find Kidd. There was a new moon tonight so the sea’s were even darker than normal. The floorboards creaked with each step you took as you continued your journey to find Kidd.
“Kidd? Where are you?” Your voice were quiet as you looked for any signs of life. It’s only when you saw light in the corner of your eye that you finally let out a breath. A small smile played on your lips as you decide to give him a little scare.
You tip toe to the light source and you see Kidd’s shoes popping out from the corner. Just as you were about to attack, you were flung forward, causing you to fall on Kidd’s lap.
“Next time you try to scare me princess, don’t wear metal bracelets that clink around.” Kidd gives you a smug grin before pulling you up, having you sitting on his lap. Your head laying on the soft fur of his red coat.
“Kidd, can I ask you something?”
“Have I been more closed off then usual? Maybe it’s just the migraines and my lack of sleep, but I feel…I don’t know how to describe what I feel.” You throw the comforter covering you to cover the small part of exposed skin Kidd had on his chest. Moving your head to look up, you see Kidd staring back down at you. His amber eyes scanning your face.
“I haven’t noticed. Probably cause you’ve been following me around like a lost puppy. You’ve just been hanging out with me more as you should.” He wasn’t wrong. You’ve tried to stick closer to him, hoping that his presence will push away the questions that have raided your mind. It’s worked but the times where it hasn’t out weights the time it has. In fact sometimes it even worsens it. The thought of him doing anythign behind your back that could possibly involve you had you tearing up. And now with Heat’s words plaguing your mind it plays in your head like a broken record.
“You’d never lie to me right?” Your voice laced with insecurity as you grabbed his metal hand and held it.
“This about another nightmare? Told ya princess, their not real. What would I possibly have to lie to you about?” Kidd lets his flesh arm wrap around your body and lets you continue to hold his metal hand. A slight red hue on his cheeks.
“I guess. I’m sorry for bothering you so much.” You turn your head to kiss his neck lightly before snuggling on his chest.
“Good. Now go to sleep. I ain’t going anywhere.” Without another word, your eyes flutter shut, letting the darkness embrace you.
Your awaken by loud explosions and the ground shaking harshly, yet when your eyes open, you find yourself laying on lush green grass. Rubbing your eyes, you notice that your surrounded by the biggest tree’s  you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Bubbles floating all around you, giving you a small feel of childhood nostalgia.
Reaching out, you go to touch a bubble in front of you only for a gunshot to echo around you and simultanisouly pop all together. Jumping to your feet, you look around trying to pinpoint teh cause of the gunshot. The sound of the soapy substance under your feet had you worrying that someone might hear you.
Another gunshot rings out and in your panic, you bring to run away from the direction of where the sound came from. As soon as you were 20ft from where you woke up, the sounds of gunshots multiplied. Not it sounded like there were hundreds of shots being fired instead of just one. Fear coursed though your veins as your heart worked harder to pump blood into your system.  Quickly glancing back, you see hundreds of shadows holding guns and shooting them in your direction.
It’s then when you go to look up to the sky, you notice to your horror that the sky was black. A never ending black abyss that not even the blackest of nights could compare. You were speechless as you continue running from the shadows that followed your every move. It was a miracle you haven’t been shot yet.
You can hear bullets passing by your head as they broke through the wind. Panic started overtaking your sense of reasonas you look every which way to try and find a spot to hide. You don’t know how much longer you have left to run on your feet.
The familiar sound of buzzing hit your ears, making you look down. You see ropes of electricity moving across your body, causing your heart to quicken. What could you possibly do now? You have two problems to take care of now! Running from teh gunshots that threatened to take you down and now trying to control your new found devil fruit power before it gets out of control and ends up hurting you.
Before you could take another step, the sound of gunfire ceased. NO more bullets whizzing past your head and no more jumping to avoid getting shot in the leg. Whipping your head around to see why it stopped, you can feel your blood freeze at what you saw. 
A huge scarred red snake looking right back at you. It’s amber eyes staring right through you. Your words caught in your throat as the snake lifted itself up, making it taller than you by 10x. It’s body longer than any sea king you’ve seen. The sound of it hissing brought you back to your senses. With a quick turn around, you start running away from the giant predator. The ground started to shake as you could hear is slithering right behind you. To your horror, you didn’t even make it 10ft before the giant snake wrapped it’s body around your own.
Even with your body emmiting the cursed electricity, the snake was unbothered. You struggled to free yourself, but were no match against it’s strength. The snakes hissing simply got louder as it got closer to your trapped form. It’s eyes locked with yours and only then did it hit you who’s eyes they belonged to. 
“K-Kidd? What the h-hell?” You can feel the snake tighten it’s grip against your body as it opened it’s mouth. Two gianormous fangs protruded from it’s gums. The snake moved it’s head back a little more before striking towards you.
Only then, did you scream at the top of your lungs.
Your eyes shoot open as you quickly looked around. To you relief, you see the Victoria pushing through the waves. Looking up, you see Kidd sleeping, his arms still tight around you. Your breathing calms as you lay back down on his fur coat, your eyes never leaving his face.
“What are you hiding?”
After teh most recent dream, you started to distance yourself from everyone, includding Kidd. You needed time to think, and time to control the power that digusting fruit gave you. 
So far, everytime it’s shown itself, it’s been when you were overwhelemed with emotions. It brought you to the conclusion that you might have to think og things that upset you for it to show itself. Which brought you down to the hallway with the small room was in. Even though the small room freaked you out to no end, it was far from everyone and at the very bottom of the ship. No one would be there so it’d be easy for you to truly practice wihout being interrupted!
As soon as you reached the small room,  you curse yourself for being so forgetful. Wooden planks nailed in front of the door along with a sign saying ‘OFF LIMITS’. This must have been Killers doing after Kidd told him to board up the door. You furrow your brows as you look at teh door. THere was no way you’d get in normally, no with how thick those boards were. 
Scanning the door a little bit more, your eyes catch a tiny spot at the very bottom of the door that Killer didn’t board up. If the door wasn’t there you’d be able to crawl under teh planks.  Your brain went through idea after idea before one finally had your interest piqued.
Looking at both ends of the hallway to see if it’s clear, you sit down and move your body closer to the door. Putting your hands on teh ground for support, you move your leg back before kicking it forward with all your might. THe sound of the wood splittering had you smiling, knowing that your plan to kick a hole in the door was going to work. All you had to do, was give it a few more powerful kicks, then you’d be in the room in no time!
Finally, your foot kicks through the door. A quiet yes leaves your lips as you look around the hallway once more to check if anyone heard it. Seeing you were alone once more, you scoot closer to teh door to kick in more of the wood, just to make sure it was big enough to crawl through.
Splinters of wood scatter around the newfound hole in teh door. But you didn’t care, now you could crawl through and do what you originally planned to do.
Crawling through the hole, your met with darkness once again. You move around and try to feel for the lantern light that you had left last time you were there. WHen you finally manage to find it and turn it on, you stand up and take a deep breath. Looking around the room, you ignore the tally marks and blood, and get ready for your new ‘training’.
“God this is much harder then I thought it’d be.” You didn’t know how long you’ve been in the small room, but it was certainly long enough to feel your body on the verge of collapsing. With a few last stretches, you get ready to crawl back under the door. As soon as you start moving towards the hole, horror washes over you when you hear footsteps echo in the halls. Heavy footsteps make their way closer and closer to the busted door.
You quickly move your body through the small opening, trying to get out as fast as you can. As you almost make it halfway through, a piece of sharp wood scratched your back and ripped your shirt, taking a small piece with it. Biting your lip, you try to hold in a yelp of pain. Once you finally make it through teh door, you knew you didn’t have much time left to hide. You desperatly look around the hall before a small pile of crates catch your eye. Quickly you manouver yourself to hide behind the crates as quietly as you could.
Once you were out of sight, you manage to have a small sliver of light that allowed you to peak outside your hiding spot and look directly at the door. The footsteps go louder and so did your heartbeat. 
“Fucking shit.” Your eyes widen at the familiar voice of your lover. Looking between the crates, you see him kneeling down, inspecting the broken door. You can feel your blood freeze when you see Kidd holding the ripped piece of your shirt in between his fingers.
“Heat, you are so fucking dead. This is the last time you play hero.” Kidd returns to standing and starts storming back the way he came. A deep dread fills you after hearing Kidd words. You needed to warn Heat! You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you had gotten Heat killed due to your recklessness.
You needed to warn Heat and you needed to warn him now.
Once the dark of night had covered the Victoria punk, everyone had made their way to bed. Ever since you made your way back to the deck after teh events of earlier today, you made sure to always be by Kidd or always have Heat in your eyesight. There hasn’t been an oppurunity to warn him yet. What if you couldn’t warn him fast enough?
But thankfully tonight, the crew decided it was Heat’s turn to keep watch for the night. Hearing that, it was the perfect oppurtunity to warn him! All you needed was to keep Kidd distracted for a second. But first, you needed to brush your teeth since whatever the hell Killer had cooked left an unpleasant aftertaste. Kidd was following you to the bathroom probably to do his skincare routine and drag you into it like always. You didn’t mind usually, but tonight was different.
“Make anything in the workshop today love?”
“Working on my arm.” Turning your head, you see Kidd leaning against the wall behind you.
“Adding anything cool? Or just repairs?” You question as you brush your teeth. 
“Repairs.” His plain answers had an unease bubbling in your stomach.
“Kidd! Where are you?” Killer’s voice broke through the small tension in the room. 
“Oi! Give me a second!” You see Kidd go to leave teh bathroom making you quickly grab his metal arm.
“Don’t go! Stay with me!” Kidd looks at you and you give him a pout.
“It’ll be a second alright? What’s got you so clingy princess?” You wrap your arms around his torso the best you could before looking up at him.
“Am I not allowed to want to spend time wiht my lover?” Leaning up, you manage to press a kiss to Kidd’s lips as you stand on your tip toes. You can see Kidd’s face turn red before he grumbled and tried looking away from you.
“Your clingy.”
“Clingy cause I love you.” You send him a smile which caused the red hair man to sigh before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Love you too. Now, give me a second to see what’s got Killer bitching and moaning.” His first words were mumbled against your lips before he pulled away and walked out the bedroom door. You could thankfully hear them talking so it calmed you down knowing he wasn’t far and anywhere near Heat. Heat would be okay for a little longer.
Kidd had been talking for awhile. What on earth could be taking him so long? 
After finishing your own skincare routine, you leave the bathroom and make your way out of the bedroom door. To your surprise you see nothing. But you could still hear Kidd and Killer’s voices. Quietly, you tip toe towards their voices, yet the closer you got, the more you notice the voices didn’t sound quite…human.
When you finally turn the corner, you feel your heart drop to your stomach. Instead of what should have been Kidd and Killer, was pre-recorded responder snails ‘talking’ to one another.
Horror filled yoru body when you realizing what’s happening. Turning around, you start running as fast as you could to make yoru way to the deck. Praying that Kidd hasn’t done anything to Heat. You cursed yourself for being so dumb and taking so long to realize. The sound of your footsteps echo the halls and ring in your own ears.
After finally making it to the deck, your eyes quickly scan around to see any sort of movement or light. Suddenly, a loud thud comes from your right and you see a bright light. Not wasting anymore time, you make a mad dash towards light and sound.
The closer you got, you could finally hear Kidd’s voice break through teh silence.
“You think your fucking slick?! Did you think I wouldn’t notice?!”
“Kidd, what are you talking about?” Another thud rings across the deck as Heat lets out a rough cough.
“I’ll be damned if you ruin this for me, Heat.” When you finally make it close enough, you see what was happening.
Heat sitting against the railing breathing heavily, red slowly seeping into his clothes. You turn yoru eyes to Kidd as you let out a gasp of horror when you see a bloody knife clutched tightly in his hand.
Heat coughed once more and you can see droplets of blood leave his mouth. You see Kidd getting closer to heat and that’s when you start running cause you knew right then that if you didn’t do something right now, Kidd was going to kill him.
Your footsteps had Heat slowly looking up before his eyes widen. Shock evident in his face as he sees you running in his direction.
“I’ll just tell the others you fell overboard. That’s all I need to tell (Y/N) and she would never ask another question.” Kidd moves closer to Heat still clutching the knife.
“Should have stayed out of things that don’t concern you. Now, you get to see what happens when someone tries to take something that belongs to me-”
“No!” Before Kidd could strike, you move in front of Heat and move your arms so theyre spread out to protect Heat from both sides. A silence fell over the three of you as Heat’s ragged breath was the only thing you could hear.
“(Y/N). Step aside. Don’t you know what he’s done? He’s a spy for the marines! He’s a traitor!” Despite Kidd’s words, you didn’t move a muscle. The tingling sensation grew stronger has you fear Kidd’s next move.
“Move (Y/N). I’m trying to protect you. Come here, it’s not safe to be next to him-” Kidd moves his flesh arm to grab you and before you could properly think, the familiar buzzing before a loud ZAP echoed across teh Victoria Punk.
“Son of a bitch!” Reeling back, you lover moves his hand up and down against his red cloak, trying to get rid of the shock.
“(Y/N)...” Turning around, you quickly move to Heat’s aid. You look around to see for any more wounds but only see teh stab wound that was stationed dangerously close to his heart.
“Hang on! You’ll be okay! Just give me a second!”
“Where did you get devil fruit powers.” Kidd’s voice broke through your panic and you turn to see his face. His face looked just as sinsiter as his voice. The look was worse than teh day he refused to let you off the boat.
“You gave her devil fruit powers?! I’m going to kill you, you bastard!” Your hear almost stops as you watch Kidd stomp towards the two of you. It truly felt like another nighmare the way Kidd’s face looked. Standing up once again, you place yourself in front of Heat as you move your arms away from your side. Buzzing hit your ears and you can see electricity slither around your body, helping you by giving off a threatening aura.
“Don’t hurt him Kidd!” Kid moves his hand towards you and just as you think he’d gonna grab your am, his hand grip your hair and throws you behind him. Your body landing against the wooden deck with a loud ‘thunk’.
The air was knocked out of your lungs and your head pounded. You cough and struggle to regain the air before turning your eyes to Heat and Kidd. With eyes widening in horror as before you could do anything else, you see Kidd grab Heat by his shirt and lift him to his feet.
“Have fun at the bottom of the sea Heat! Say hi to the sea kings for me will ya?” With the rest of yoru strength, you pull yourself to your feet. You only took one step before you feel time stop.
Giving Heat a harsh shove, you watch Kidd throw him back, causing Heat to tumble over the railing. A scream leaves your voice as tears rim your eyes. Your legs move on their own as you go to the railing, hoping to see Heat hanging on, but the sound of a splash crushes your hope almost instantly.
Kidd turns around and looks at your shaking form. A look of insanity plastered on his face. You didn’t even have the time to register how close Kidd was before you feel Kidd dig his fingers in you hair, dragging you away from teh crime scene. 
“You couldn’t just mind your own buisness and wait could you? But that’s fine. I can teach you once more. I’ll do it as long as it takes, no matter how much blood that needs to be spilled.” Tears start pouring down your cheeks. The monster dragging you was not the Kidd you knew. Well, the Kidd you thought you knew.
Unfortunately, you were too late to see the truth, and Heat paid the price for your ignorance.
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vinnoa-articles · 1 year
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[Image by Eiichiro Oda]
Habit Substitute Drabble Series! This will be 7 out of the 8 drabbles I will be writing, because, why not? Some characters like certain things on a daily. But what if you were there?
Here are the links for the others.
[Luffy] [Zoro] [Usopp] [Sanji] [Law] [Smoker] [Crocodile]
Rating: Everyone
Word count: 2,124
Type: Fluff, some angst, flirting
Characters: Crocodile, reader (AFAB)
Trigger warnings/content: Some threatening words, pet names like "doll", swearing, mentioning of death/trauma about the marines
“Hm,” as he sits on his throne, looking down at those pure eyes. Kneeling before his steps, pledging her allegiance to him, her soul, her body, her loyalty, everything to him, it bored him to just watch everyone do the same thing, quietly fearing him, glancing over their shoulder to see if he was there, to take his orders without hesitation. “So…” ah…another one of these, thinking as he gently scratched the armrest with his hook. Same shit, different people, every.single.day. Slipping into the same routine, not wanting to go out of the habit of the ordinary, because what is the reason? There was none. Everything was boring, it was not fun, no point, it didn’t give him a challenge, no goal in sight, no reward at the end, not even gratification.
“Go help out the others, do what you want, just don’t cause issue fo’me  just get out of my sight.”
“Did you want me to pick up some cigars from the village?” Her voice smooth as sand, another futile attempt to kiss his ass, typical of new recruits.
“Do what you want,” avoiding even looking at her. She was merely another pawn within his empire, no one really notable in his mind. Other than his rivals, no one stuck out, it was the same people, interacting with him day in and day out, passing the days as if it was clockwork as days turn into nights, nights turn into weeks, weeks into months, with people coming and going, dying or being taken away. The gentle shuffle of her getting up, bowing as her outfit harmonized with the sound of sand kicking up.
“I see sir,” her voice velvety, soft, gentle like those calm nights. “I shall come back in a few hours to give you a report then.” Typical, just a worthless pawn that won’t be of use to him. Other than a pretty face that can maybe get some money from the village, there was no way she had any potential at Baroque Works. A yawn, and rolling his eyes as he waves his hand before leaning on that same hand, his jaw resting as he stares up at the hole in his ceiling. The blue sky overhead with no clouds in sight, it was bright out, a bird or two flew over, as free as ever. Resting his eyes would only pass by some time before maybe someone brings paperwork, maybe a civilian, treasure, who knows at this point. Rubbing his cheek, the finger running along his scar, breathing in and out, the taste of musk, dust and tobacco flow through his lungs. Slowly ensuring the steady flow of oxygen with the intoxicating taste of bitterness pulsing his veins. 
“Boring…” muttering under his breath, his words breathed out with the exhale of smoke. “Hm…what to do now…” his mind wondered what he could do, it’s been awhile since he had any action, both fighting and just touch. Sure, he could take anyone in the village, but many feared him. Though it turned him on to see people trembling in others arms, it was more so how they ran to their partner for comfort, wiping the tears with their fingers as they soothed their emotions by stroking their hair, and yet it wasn’t enough for him to pursue. If only they would melt in his arms, instead of fearing him, he wanted someone to run into his arms for comfort, inhaling in their scent, kissing the top of their head to show protection, knowing their place as they are useless and they have to rely on him. Yet, not one person ran to him for protection, rather, they always ran to him to warn him or tell him something, quickly running away in fear of his reaction, which was overbearing as he was a warlord, now serving under an emperor that he could easily overthrow.
“Sir?” Fluttering his eyes open, the new recruit was before him, her figure in a tight near black navy blue dress. Thin straps decorating her shoulders, doing nothing to hold up the tight dress that hugged her body, the subtle musk, floral perfume, lips dusted with dark red like wine, hair moving subtly as her head tilted up at him as she kneeled on both knees, those lips so sinful that maybe he didn’t see it earlier when she was bowed down earlier. “I got you a gift from the village,” holding a tan satchel, with a purple string tying the top together. “A gift for letting me join.” Humming, there was a lot of doubt this was a true gift to create a simple connection, instead to butter him up to get a higher status.
“Open it then,” his cigar falling from his lips as it dissipates as it hits the ground. Grabbing another cigar from his coat, a simple box adorned with gold as he places another cigar between his lips, lighting it. That addicting taste of tobacco that he craves every waking moment. The crown of her head moves, as she opens the box so seductively, her fingers gently tugging, pulling, her lips parting to softly gasp as the bag opens up. Grabbing a box, she sets the satchel down on the ground gently, opening it with a black lighter with some silver accents. Lighting up his cigar and holding the lighter palm up to offer it to him. Raising his eyebrow, she places it right on his knee, something so casual, yet different. Another item she pulls out, a simple fabric that she runs through her fingers, finally letting it stop on her palm, a silk pale yellow sash that she folds, paying attention to her fingers with every pinch she does with the silk. Standing up, she leans closely, but he doesn’t falter, staring at her face as she moves, steadily breathing to breathe in the familiar scent of his, but that hint of roses twinged his nose. Her arms wrapped around his neck, feeling the sash go around his neck as she tied it. There was a small mark on her upper arm that he definitely did not see earlier, she was trembling, typical of this fragile thing to fear him. He really thought she was different.
“I think it suits you,” her hand tying it and tucking it into his dress shirt, then moving some loose bangs behind his ear. Making sure he was uniform, yet he didn’t protest, no one dared to touch him without asking. Her smile was soft, but he was done with her kissing his ass.
“A'right, what do you want?” Grabbing her wrist with force as her nails trail his sideburns. Her eyebrows arched in question, it irked him that she was toying with him at this point. “If you fear me, then leave me, no need to do such trivial things.” A chuckle, a laugh, it was brighter than the sun above, it was more refreshing than water, his lips felt dry.
“Me? Fear you?” The trembling in her body was no more, he could feel her steady pulse through his palm. “I am smitten with you, it’s only normal for me to follow you with my heart instead of fear.” His grip softened, looking at that wound on her upper arm, it was fresh. His hand grasping her wrist, trailed up to touch it, it was wet, deep, warm, twitching under his touch, he could see fear flash in her eyes.
“Who?” Silence, her demeanor did a complete 180, her eyes darting around. “Tell me the true reason why you are here,” running his thumb over the wound, smearing the blood, but seeing if it pained her. She didn’t speak, getting up to put his hook under her chin, the sash fluttering to the floor, the lighter clattering and opening on the rocksand, tilting her head up. “Stand,” moving immediately to his calling, making her meet his cold eyes that even marines feared. “I said, who?”
“T-the marines sir. They killed my village.” “So you seek a criminal?” Scoffing, it was like a contract with the sandman, an evil that no one wanted, yet she seeked it. “You do know I can crush you easily, dispose of you where no one could ever find you.” Relaxing into his touch, she leaned forward, letting her body lean against his torso, her breath making his abs feel hot. 
“The marines killed with no purpose, they pillage for money-”
“As do I,” growling to see her weak explanation as to why.
“Sir…” her face didn’t move, her nose pressed against his abs, without realizing his hand wrapped around her shoulder to hold her in place. “Though you seem to have everything, it seems you do some things because you still don’t want to lose some companions. Marines still hire anyone, yet you pick out people you want by your side.” Her skin was soft on her shoulder, he wanted to dig his fingers into her shoulder to see her reaction, but part of it was stopping him. He didn’t want her to fear him, she wanted asylum, something many did not want before. “If the marines are corrupt enough to hire pirates to do their dirty work…” He could see her eyes open, her jaw gently resting on his body, her lips peeking into a smile as her lashes opened and closed to keep her tears from pouring out. “Pirates are just doing things to survive, yet you aren’t a savage, you have your reasons for keeping the people you have.” 
“Okay lil’ doll, but how do you know I won’t get rid of you like the marines did?”
“Because, you looked at me and let me in here. The marines…they didn’t even look at anyone when they were killed, they feared their leader and feared for their own survival.” Those words sent shivers down their spine. Was that how his underlings viewed him? It made him smile unexpectedly, turning quickly into a frown. Crocodile took a deep breath in, letting the cigar taste burn his throat, letting that taste linger as long as he could. “Plus, maybe we can shake things up a little sir.” Her doe eyes got him, hook line and sinker, literally. Only then did he realize, he was inhaling his cigar at this point, that it was almost a nub already.
“And how on earth would a little fragile doll like you do that?” Her finger curled, beckoning him to come closer. There was something odd, taking orders from someone else, but with her, it felt like first nature, instinct as you will. He leaned in, his face past hers, almost resting on those small shoulders of hers. Her voice is a soft whisper.
“Come closer, I don’t want anyone else to hear,” groaning, he could feel the heat radiation off her cheek onto his cold skin. A wet peck on his cheek, as she stole his nub of a cigar from his lips. Turning, she stole a quick kiss, that warm beckoning smile plastered on her face like a wanted poster. “Maybe I can give you a reason to keep me around, maybe a level head to make sure you aren’t bored like you were earlier.” As if she read him like a book, though this small woman could be easily crushed within his grasp, it felt like she knew him for years, reading his body language, his facial expressions, every groan, rolled eyes, shape of his eyebrows, twisting of his torso, to the angle his face, she knew what he felt. No fear in her heart for him, something that wouldn’t run away from his fingers, being finally careful he wouldn’t break this figure of glass. He stood upright, towering over her, looking at the hole in the ceiling with the sun tinting the sky pink.
“Al’right doll face,” turning his face away to avoid her sunny face. “I’ll work you like a dog.”
“Alright alright Sir, loud and clear,” giggling as she buried her face in his chest, her arms around his waist, hopping back to wave at him, then bowing as she left the room. Things wouldn’t be the same, just maybe he could get used to having something to do, just anticipating that woman’s next move was a mystery in itself, and he was ready to dive in head first, stepping out of bounds just to find out. “Well,” his hand went into his coat to grab his cigar box, only to pull it out and look at it, putting it back into his coat pocket. Glancing at the sash on the floor, hooking the sash with his gold hook, while picking up the black lighter, flickering it on. “Things just got interesting.”
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝’𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞
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remus lupin x animagus!reader
𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 : 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢, 𝚒 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠
summary: you've kissed, you've confessed your love... still, nobody is quite sure what your relationship is with remus. regardless, the slytherins seem to have already made up their minds.
notes: slut shaming, swearing, i'm a bit rusty pls forgive and hey one more chapter left! special thanks to my lovely mutuals @emmaev @sw34terw34ther and to @mooncleaver for the sweet comments
w/c: 6.3k
now this is an open-shut case i guess i should've known from the look on your face every bait and switch was a work of art
“c’mon, i think it makes me look badass,” sirius grinned, holding up his robes in the middle of the dining hall to admire the long, faded scar that crawled on the left side of his body from his thigh to his knee.
“face it, padfoot. you’ll never look badass, not when you have a five step haircare routine,” james spoke through a mouthful of waffle.
“you’re just jealous.” sirius pointed his fork at james. “you mess up your hair on purpose so that people think your bird’s nest is cool and intentional and not because you’ve never used conditioner in your life.”
james turned his head to the side and met your eye. “back me up here, thumper. my hair looks good, right?”
you held your free hand up to your mouth as you finished chewing. “do you want the nice answer or the real answer?” you teased. remus, sitting on your other side, plucked the toast from your grasp while you were distracted. he took a bite, simply raising his eyebrows at the glare you tossed him.
“you wound me!” james shook his head, curls flying. “i s’pose it’s my bad. you’re mean to everyone except moony.” james looked at you meaningfully and the amusement slipped from your face. remus froze mid-chew.
“you’re right, actually,” peter said, quirking his head as he took in the slow blush creeping across remus’ cheeks. “the two of them have been awfully sweet on each other lately.”
from under the table, you stepped on remus’ foot indicatively. there was a mutual understanding.
ever since that morning at the hospital wing, where remus had finally admitted to you (and himself) about how he felt, there’d been an almost imperceptible shift in the marauders’ dynamic. neither of you told the other marauders what had occurred. you two hadn’t officially talked about it either. of course, there’d always been an obvious electricity between you and remus—that was evident to more than just the marauders—but this new development was subtle enough to fly over your friends’ heads. even peter, the most perceptive of all five of you, hadn’t been able to put a finger on it.
sirius pressed his palms to the table and pushed himself off his seat, leaning over his breakfast platee. he made a show of getting in remus’ face to examine his expression. “is there a reason you’re blushing, moony, my boy?” 
“i’m not blushing,” remus said, blushing.
“sure,” james said, stretching out his vowels sarcastically. “and you haven’t been playing footsie with thumper either, right?”
“yep. i mean, nope. wait-” you stammered, “-i mean, no, we have definitely not been ‘playing footsie’ or whatever. why are you guys so obsessed with what we’re doing anyway?” you stared at james pointedly. “i think you should mind your own business. maybe then you would’ve noticed the syrup on your shirt.”
james looked down. there was a growing spot of sticky maple syrup on the collar of his white button down, which he’d layered under a sweater. “damn it,” james muttered, rubbing at the stain and making it worse.
“just take off your shirt, james,” you chided, settling into your seat as you watched him struggle to neaten up.
“woah there, thumper. at least take me on a date first before you try and take my clothes off.”
you pursed your lips in an unsuccessful attempt to keep a straight face. james stuck his hands under his sweater and began fiddling with the buttons of his shirt. you felt a pair of arms drape over your shoulders and clasp together at your front. remus’ sighed in content, his breath tickling your ear.
your heart jumped and began to sputter to life with a little more enthusiasm than seemed dignified. you hoped remus couldn’t feel it.
“what are you doing?” you whispered, keeping your eyes fixed in front of you. you were scared that if you turned your head, remus’ face would be too close and you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself back from kissing him right then and there.
“can’t i hug you?” remus said, feigning confusion. “what, are friends not allowed to hug each other?”
“what are you doing?” sirius butted in loudly. “you’re being real touchy-feely with thumper…” sirius looked at peter knowingly.
peter huffed, all disgruntled. sirius was, to put it gently, not the most graceful matchmaker.
“what, are friends not allowed to hug each other?” you repeated remus’ earlier words, and the boy behind you tightened his arms around you approvingly. 
“fine, then why don’t you let me hug you like that?” james had his stained shirt tucked under his arm as he stood above you and remus, unconvinced.
“i mean, your arms are kind of busy at the moment,” you pointed out, referencing james’ shirt.. “don’t play coy,” james tutted. you were saved from answering by a shift in conversation. “anyway, i have to bring my shirt back to the common room. anyone wanna come?”
you and remus made no effort to move or offer your company.
“fine, i’ll come,” sirius said, standing from his seat like spending time with james was draining his life force. “i can’t believe you’re tearing me away from my best girl…” sirius grumbled. from the corner of his eye, he checked for any of remus’ tells. nothing. if anything, remus looked a bit smug.
“you’ll be fine for ten minutes,” james rolled his eyes, hitting the back of sirius’ head. james lowered his voice so only sirius could hear. “moony, on the other hand, looks like he’d shrivel up and die without her.”
“is it just me,” sirius murmured, “or are they more disgusting than usual?”
“nope, not just you,” james agreed. “at first i thought i’d caught a bug, but then i realized it was just a physical nauseated reaction to the two of their mutual pining bullshit.”
“godric, i’m just waiting for one of them to grow a pair and confess; put me out of my damn misery.”
for two of the brightest students in your year, it was laughable how inept your communication was. something had shifted between you and remus; that much was obvious. the facts were laid out, plain and simple, like playing cards facing upward. you loved remus. remus loved you. you would do anything for remus. remus would do anything for you.
so why was it so hard to pick up the damn cards?
your lives had quickly become intertwined and there was an unspoken agreement that the two of you belonged to each other, whatever that meant. this is to say, quite literally, as neither of you had clarified what that hospital room night actually meant for your relationship. your friends continued as they had before, dropping sly comments and encouraging either one of you in private, but if anything, with more vigor. you were hesitant to tell the girls about what happened at the hospital wing. nothing had really transpired, but it felt so intimate, like the sheen of a bubble that could be popped by the slightest shift in surface tension. remus made you feel comfortable and safe, but he kept you on edge too. there was nothing you feared more than losing him, and the unpredictability of his condition, rising tensions in the wizarding world, and volatility of a budding situationship did the opposite of give you the confidence to broach the conversation of “what are we?”
it should’ve been easy. it should’ve been obvious.
remus had become ambidextrous, writing with his left hand so he could hold yours with his right. you carried a little comb with you and would work out his bedhead at breakfast every morning. if remus got to breakfast earlier, he’d make your coffee exactly the way you liked it. if you beat him, you’d steep his tea with water at the correct temperature to pull all subtle flavors from the leaves. you may or may not have stayed after divination class to ask professor trelawney for tea brewing tips.
tonight, like countless others, remus was by your side like a shadow, whispering affections into your ear throughout the day and offering his warmth during quiet evenings in the common room. remus could listen to your voice, low and steady and hushed, spinning visual films with your words. it would’ve been so easy for him to fall asleep, grounded by your weight on his lap and the popping of logs and soft flipping of pages, but remus always fought sleep. he treasured these peaceful moments with you too much to lose a single minute to unconsciousness.
remus couldn’t recall a more beautiful sight than you backlit by the dying flames of the common room fireplace. he nuzzled his head further into the crook of your neck and chuckled quietly when he felt you shiver.
“rem?” you closed your book. you wrapped one of your hands around remus’ side and let the other find its way into his hair, where you dug your fingers into his roots with a loose fist.
remus hummed in acknowledgement.
“oh, are you sleepy?”
“no, no, i’m awake,” remus insisted, speaking into your neck. his lips, warm and familiar, brushed against your skin with the tenderness of a lover’s caress. 
“if you say so…” you sighed, more than happy to fall asleep with him cuddled up to you. “i believe you. i totally do.”
“thanks…” remus whispered, more so to himself than to you. “i love you.” his confession was breathless, muddled by the thick exhaustion in his voice, but you could understand well enough. there was a distance between you and him, a restraint from remus yet to dissolve, but in these intimate moments his barrier fell and he allowed himself to love you fully. you didn’t need the constant reassurance to know how remus felt. his hand on the small of your back, the massaging of your wrists after they’d cramped from writing an essay, and the seeking of your body in a sea of students during passing periods was enough.
it should’ve been easy, right? it should’ve been obvious. in a very un-gryffindor-like fashion, it seemed neither of you wanted to take the leap into labels… into commitment. 
there would be a right time, you promised yourself. and you’d wait for it patiently, because you’d waited for remus for years now, and you’d wait forever if it meant having him in your arms like you had him now.
it seemed you were alone in your patience, because when morning came and lily screeched, overjoyed at the prospect of her friends together, at last.
“oh merlin!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “i bloody knew it! i saw it coming—didn’t i see it coming, dorcas?”
“yes, yes you did,” dorcas rasped, still recovering from her interrupted slumber. “to be fair, we all saw it coming. even james saw it coming.”
“right, but i guessed most accurately, didn’t i? you and mary better cough up,” lily said while wiggling her shoulders triumphantly. her boasting was not lost on you.
“lily, did you bet on us?”
“um- well, yes.”
“dear godric.” you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “what time is it? actually, it doesn’t matter. all i know is that it’s too early for this.”
“wait-” mary scampered out the dorm room. “you said ‘us.’ so you admit it? there’s an ‘us’ now?”
“yeah, an ‘us’ that fell asleep on the couch together! for the second time,” dorcas pursed her lips judgingly.
“i swear, i am going to rip whoever is being this loud into tiny little pieces-” sirius complained, stretching his arms and stumbling groggily out of the boys’ room to investigate. he immediately sobered at the sight of the three scheming girls and the two curled up figures dominating the common room. “holy shit,” sirius breathed. “prongs! wormy! get out here!” sirius turned and hurried back into his room, socks sliding, to wake up the other marauders.
you knew this from the last time you and remus had been caught sleeping on the couch, but remus was not a morning person. he groaned, turning his head so his face was flat on your chest, hiding from the unforgiving sunlight and your friends’ voyeuristic gawking.
“we’ve already done this,” you snipped, “can we collectively move on and start the day, please?”
“but it’s so fun to make you uncomfortable!” james smirked, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, elbow on the banister. “other than quidditch, it’s my favorite pastime.”
you had half the mind to slip out from underneath remus’ body and hex james’ mouth shut, but how could you, when remus was resting so soundly and holding you so snugly? you could count each freckle on his face if you tried. you could feel his eyelashes tickle your skin. if you focused, you could hear the rhythmatic beating of his heart, slow like molasses and indicative of how much he trusted you; how comfortable he was.
gone was the anxiety of trying to be perfect around him. remus felt like the only person you could trust with your whole being, and knew you would do anything for him, unconditionally and always.
on the rare occasion remus was not the one walking you to class, lily would have her arm linked through yours as she pulled you through the crowd, an expert navigator commanding the respect of the sea.
“it feels like forever since we’ve spent time together, just the two of us,” you said, voice raised to be audible over the bustling students. “that’s probably my fault too; i’ve been- uh, spending a lot of time with rem.”
“rem…” lily mimicked. “yeah, you definitely have. don’t stress about it, though. i’m happy—and i truly, truly mean this—that you and him have finally figured out your feelings for each other. you make the best couple.”
“oh, well we’re not officially dating or anything-”
“are you kidding?” lily scoffed. “i swear, the man could propose to you and you would still think he’d meant it platonically. you’ve kissed, haven’t you? is that not enough?”
“i mean, i don’t want to push it. he’s still figuring things out, i think, and i-”
you never finished your thought, nor did lily finish scolding you, because your conversation was overshadowed by the snide voices of lucius malfoy and his lackeys. 
“have you heard?” barty crouch sneered. “lupin’s started fooling around with the mudblood girl, that filthy blood traitor.”
“he’s a half blood to begin with,” lucius said. “hardly pure enough to ‘betray.’”
“it doesn’t matter to me,” evan rosier spat. “he’s still sleeping with the school slut. he’s a mudblood by association, that scum.”
your brows furrowed and you craned your neck to catch the conversation. lily was pale and her eyes flickered between you, the slytherins, and the crowd of students headed toward their next classes. lily tugged at your arm, silently asking you to leave it be.
you bit your lip hard enough to leave indents. it didn’t matter what the slytherins said about you; they were horrible blood supremacists who’d find a way to spread rumors no matter what. you knew remus wouldn’t take them to heart.
“and the evans girl? she’s sloppy seconds, isn’t she?” barty cackled. “y’know, she’s not bad for a mudblood. if she weren’t such a stuck-up bitch, i might go for it.”
“that’s disgusting, crouch,” malfoy jeered. “have you really become so desperate? you’d seek comfort from a mudblood?”
rosier elbowed barty. “she’s a fuckin’ prude anyway. even if she weren’t, why’d she ever go for your ugly face?”
“hey!” crouch protested. “look at yourself, why don’t’cha?”
“boys, calm down,” lucius said coolly. “you’re making fools of yourselves.” there was an evident distinction in the way the three of them spoke. lucius was articulate and his voice, sleek. evan rosier and barty crouch were crass and loose-tongued.
something about hearing lily’s name come out of the three slytherins’ slimy mouths made your blood boil; potions be damned, you were stewing in fury. you could deal with dirt on your name, but lily had been dragged into the center of gossip by association and you wouldn’t stand for slander on your innocent friend.
“i swear to fucking m-” you seethed, cracking your knuckles. you jumped when lily placed a placating hand on your forearm.
“it’s okay. let’s just go,” lily said nervously. lily was never one to shy away from confrontation, especially not when it came to putting blood supremacists in their place, so her cautiousness spoke volumes. 
you shook lily off you, perhaps with an undeserved amount of aggression, and let your bag drop to the ground with a heavy thud. you stalked in the slytherins’ direction, not sure what you were going to say but at least sure you were going to walk away with the three of them in quivering, pathetic shambles. 
“oi, crouch!” you called as you approached, clutching your wand a little tighter in your hand. “you been talking about me?”
“ah, it’s lupin’s girl!” rosier snickered, lightly elbowing lucius.
“ah, the marauder’s mudblood pet,” lucius said, lip curling in distaste. his eyes bore into yours and you shivered—not in the way remus made you shiver, but a trickling stream of dread down your spine. “what can we do for you?”
“don’t play dumb, malfoy,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “i mean, you could at least pretend to be capable of forming coherent thought. stupid isn’t a good look on you.”
there was a flicker of fire in lucius’ usually cold, expressionless eyes. you knew it was a bad idea—a reckless, thoughtless, potentially dangerous idea—to provoke someone like lucius, who had the family name to ruin your life, probably. still, you couldn’t help but stand a little taller as you watched lucius’ jaw twitch, smug at the prospect of having gotten under the pompous bastard’s skin.
“watch yourself, little girl,” crouch hissed, defensive on his leader’s behalf. “you should know your place by now. and if you don’t, we can show you.” rosier pushed out from behind lucius and crouch, tilting his head to look you up and down crudely. 
crouch was taller than you, not by much, but it was still a bit of a power imbalance to be looking up at him. “i could say the same for you,” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “keep my name out of your fucking mouth. keep evans’ name out of your dirty, foul mouth.”
“we’re not the only people talking, sweetheart,” rosier smiled viciously. his tongue ran over his top teeth like he was sizing you up for his next meal. “the whole school’s curious; who’d you fuck first? potter? black?” he spat out sirius’ name bitterly. “those fucking blood traitors… and now you’re going for remus lupin, the half-breed?”
“watch it,” you snarled. “you better fucking watch yourself.”
lucius, who’d been acting like he was above all this, cracked an amused smile. “the real question is, where does pettigrew stand?”
barty crouch laughed like lucius’ comment was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. crouch’s tongue darted out, wetting his lips. his eyes roamed your body greedily and it took everything in you not to cover yourself and run. “i’d love to know… what’s lupin like in bed? lupin’s a bit of an animal, isn’t he? tell me, is he rough with you?”
crouch’s mouth was still moving. he was going on about remus’ scars, his clothes; worst of all, using too many words that made it seem like crouch knew more than he should. you weren’t sure. you couldn’t hear it. blood was rushing to your face and your cheeks burned; if you pressed your hands to your face you thought you might hear a sizzle. your heart was halfway up your throat, threatening to beat a hole straight through your chest. the world had gone muddy. your vision was clouded by your fury, and all you could hear was a shrill alarm in your head, screaming at you to punch someone, slap someone, knee someone in the groin…
“shut up!” you shrieked, holding your wand out in front of your body defensively. your voice cracked. your eyes were burning, and the three slytherins could tell how much their taunts had affected you. you felt like you’d lost, just by showing emotion.
“shut up!” crouch mimicked in a squeaky, sing-song voice. “shut up, shut up, shut up-”
“why do you care?” you felt like a child throwing a temper tantrum. but your question remained—why you? why lily? why remus?
“because you disgust me,” lucius spoke through bared teeth, venom dripping from each syllable. “you and your little blood traitor troupe are a black mark on this school. you-” lucius pointed at you, “-have whored your way into the purest wizarding families, and-”
you slapped lucius across the face with a resounding crack. it was delightful.
crouch rushed to lucius’ side immediately, fretting over his role model like an overbearing mother. lucius’ face was scarlet, from both the humiliation and the blood you’d raised to the surface of his cheek with the impact of your palm. his pale skin made the handprint all the more obvious.
“bitch!” lucius cupped the side of his face tenderly. “do you know who my family is? you pathetic, stupid girl. my father will hear about this!”
“you’re a bloody asshole, malfoy! and the two of you-” you gestured broadly to crouch and rosier, “-can go fuck yourselves. you leave us alone, or i swear i’ll hex you straight into the hospital wing next time.”
you forced yourself to hold their gazes, clenching your jaw to stop your bottom lip from trembling—because damn it, you were nervous—and swallowed down any creeping regrets. it was necessary, you thought. maybe now they’d finally leave you alone. there’d been too many close calls of late, and if this was what it took to get the slytherins off remus’ back, then so be it. you’d take a million horrible names; that was nothing compared to the destruction if remus’ secret was revealed.
you turned around, closing your eyes and releasing a breath so deep that it felt like you’d just compressed your lungs, before dragging yourself over to where lily stood in the corridor, clutching your bag with white knuckles.
you smiled at her weakly. lily did not return your smile. instead, her mouth dropped open in a panicked exclamation, and before you could ask what was wrong, she was flinging a spell at you.
no, not at you. behind you.
“expelliarmus!” lily shouted, voice strong and clear. she set your bag on the floor and flung hers off her shoulder before rushing to your side. you swung your head in both directions, eyes wide as you caught up with the sudden action. lily held crouch’s wand in her hand, eyes flaming as furiously as her cheeks. strands of lily’s hair stuck to the chapstick on her lips, and even as she awkwardly wiped them from her face, she looked absolutely terrifying.
“dear merlin,” you gaped, watching your friend storm toward the three boys, all hesitancy evaporated. in fact, it seemed like she was steaming clouds of fury out her ears.
“you!” lily seethed. “you pathetic, gargoyle-faced bastards! yeah, i’m talking to you!” she threw crouch’s wand at the ground and you imagined she was currently resisting the urge to stomp it in half. (lily had always displayed more self-restraint than you.)
lily’s outrage drew the attention of students who’d begun trickling out of their last classes of the day. “only cowards attack while someone’s back is turned,” she said, shoving an accusatory finger into crouch’s chest. “and you are the most deranged coward i’ve ever met. you talk big game around your little friends, but you don’t have the balls to say it to my face, do you?
“sloppy seconds, did you say i was? merlin, i didn’t realize you had enough gray matter to become more brainless,” lily scoffed. “i am nobody’s. unlike you, i have a sense of self-worth. i don’t need to cling onto some man-” lily glared at lucius, “-to validate myself. you’re pathetic, is what you are.”
crouch opened his mouth, likely trying to find the right words to respond, but lily was swift in her exit. tossing her long hair over her shoulder, she crossed the courtyard with a stony, unwavering expression. you watched in a mixture of awe and admiration as she swept up both your bags and nodded to you in beckoning. she was casual, like casting magic and digging verbal talons into blood supremacist slytherins was an everyday practice.
“are you okay?” you whispered, taking your bag from lily and letting your shoulder brush against hers to let her know you were by her side. “wait, that’s a stupid question. how are you feeling? should we go back to the dorm? or- or- we could talk to mcgonagall?” you stammered, tripping over your feet as you tried to keep up with lily’s long, determined strides.
“i’m fine,” lily said. her fists were gripping the fabric of her skirt, so lily was obviously not fine. “i’m fine. let’s just go back to the common room,” she repeated, reassuring herself more than she was responding to you.
you rubbed your forehead. the conflict felt neverending, and you were beginning to feel naive for thinking there’d ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. the wizarding world was on the path to war, after all. there was nothing but dark days ahead. it seemed like you were at the edge of the hurricane, not quite swept into the relentless winds but already swaying as the force of the storm challenged your resilience.
as expected, the common room was bustling with frenzied post-class students rushing to their dorms for afternoon naps and gossip about the day's happenings. 
“lily?” marlene called, arm swung loosely over the velvet arm of a plush couch. she looked very cool. “y’good, darling?”
“no,” lily said bluntly. “not at all. those bloody slytherins-”
“it’s not bellatrix, is it?” mary asked nervously. regardless of blood status, bellatrix was an intimidating figure to all. 
“no, it’s malfoy. unfortunately.” you frowned. “hoenstly, i’d prefer if it were bellatrix… at least she’s not a bloody coward…”
the mood quickly dampened, evident by the way marlene pushed herself up on her elbows to listen more attentively and mary took a seat on the ottoman, pushing her essay aside in the middle of writing a word.
“wait, what about malfoy?” dorcas asked, hushed.
lily seethed. “the foul git was talking shit in the courtyard, blabbing on about r-”
the girls looked surprised. lily wasn’t one to swear.
“bunny!” remus called from the portrait hole, waving his arm excitedly as he stepped over the threshold. “hey, i missed you in potions, is everything alright?”
five heads whipped around to stare at remus and the three boisterous marauders just behind him. lily rolled her eyes.
“i swear to merlin, if i have to deal with any more of these idiot men, i’m going to be in azkaban by tonight,” lily said, glaring at james very specifically. “i can’t stand them.”
“sure, lils.” marlene didn’t push, but her insinuation was clear.
you ignored lily’s complaints. you, for one, would never object to seeing remus.
lucius malfoy had been wearing his hair down recently.
“how’s your hand?” remus asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. the courtyard didn’t feel the same after your previous altercation, but here you were, sitting with your legs swung over remus’ lap as you skimmed your potions textbook.
“a little sore, but probably not as sore as malfoy’s face,” you snorted. “it was so worth it. if i could do it again, i would’ve punched him. maybe i could’ve broken his nose, or something.”
remus hummed. you’d told him what had happened. at first, you’d omitted the worst of the details, but with a bit of coaxing, remus pulled the full story from you. it was a new feeling, being able to share everything with someone and knowing that they wanted to carry everything you had to offer.
“want me to kiss it better?” remus said coyly, taking your hand in his and pressing a long kiss to your wrist. his lips crept in small steps across your skin. he placed one kiss on the fleshy part at the base of your thumb, another on the back of your hand, a dusting of kisses across your knuckles, until he grew bored and tugged you closer with the hand of yours he was already holding until you were close enough for him to kiss your lips instead.
“much better,” you laughed, giddy. “you- you make me feel safe, remus. sometimes i’m scared that there’ll be… well- and sometimes i’m scared something will happen to you. i don’t know what it is, rem, but there’s nobody else for me. i know it for a fact.”
“fuck, i love you so much,” remus breathed, pulling you in by the chin for another breathless kiss. “merlin, i don’t know what i did to deserve you.”
“you’re cute. and you help me carry my books,” you answered thoughtfully. “that’s what you did.”
“i see how it is,” remus grinned. “i’m just your arm candy and bookshelf, huh?”
“i suppose you could also be my boyfriend.”
“boyfriend?” remus furrowed his brows. a volt of panic shot through you—was it too early for labels? but remus only smiled. “boyfriend… yeah, can i be your boyfriend? i would love to be your boyfriend. i would love to be yours.”
“yes,” you nodded enthusiastically. “yes, rem. yes, be mine.”
“yours,” remus agreed, leaning his forehead on yours. “yes, i want to be yours forever, as long as you let me.”
“wait, does this mean i get to be your girlfriend?”
remus choked with a surprised laugh. “i thought that was implied?”
“just checking!” you poked his cheek. “i just don’t wanna get things wrong with you.”
“you could never do anything wrong, silly girl,” remus chuckled, enveloping your poking hand in his own warmer one. “i agree. there’s nobody else for me either. whatever we do, or whatever happens, it’s enough that i get to do it with you.”
with your back pressed up against the rough trunk of the crabapple tree, feet pressed into the dusty earth, hand squeezed in remus’, and his reassurance in your mind, you felt grounded for the first time in…
“it’s been a long time.” snape said curtly. his robes swished around his calves and he gripped the strap of his bag tighter as he came to a stop in front of you and remus’ conjoined bodies.
you raised your eyebrows. “come to avenge your pal, malfoy?”
snape ignored your question.  “i hear the astronomy class is studying moon phases this week. yes, that reminds me… how are things for you, lupin?”
you felt remus tighten his grip around your hand and you placed your own on his thigh reassuringly. as much as you’d love watching snape’s face as you slammed it into the bark of the tree which was so close and right there, you’d drawn enough attention to yourself to last months. 
“i don’t understand, sniv- severus. are you falling behind in astronomy? i hear the ravenclaws have a fantastic tutor group for struggling students,” remus quipped.
snape swallowed hard. his eyes flickered around the courtyard before returning to remus’. snape had barely acknowledged you.
“what do you ev-” you started, but were cut off.
“you and your blood traitor friends best watch your backs, lupin,” snape hissed, emphasizing remus’ name like it was a poison. “i’d watch the attitude too. perhaps the missus could learn from that as well.”
remus’ eyes narrowed. he stood, sick of looking up at a boy he despised. at his full height, remus towered over snape. he stood much taller than most at hogwarts, anyway.
“are you threatening me, severus?” remus said lowly, fingers twitching at his sides. you weren’t sure if he was holding himself back from punching snape or grabbing his want and hexing him into next monday’s charms class.
“is there a reason you’d feel that way, remus?” snape bit back. “the innocent need not keep secrets.”
“oh fuck off, would you?”
the three of you redirected your gaze to james, swaggering over with his shirt collar crooked and wand tucked behind his ear, covered by his intentionally disheveled hair.
“potter,” snape spat, even more venomous than he had been with remus’ name. “what are you doing here?”
“can’t i enjoy a lovely afternoon, snivellus?” james waved his arm in a broad gesture to the weather. “i could ask you the same. i’d think that with all your free time, you might’ve had time to try taking a shower. i guess i was mistaken.”
“yes, you are mistaken,” snape said. “you never were the smartest, were you?”
james looked unfazed. “are you a procrastinator, snivellus? i know you’d drop anything for slughorn, but personal hygiene is just as important, mate. how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you’ve got lice and such a sallow, sad face?”
sirius smirked. “we can give you some tips, if you’d like. ‘course, you’d have to step away from our mates here. i wouldn’t want them to get caught in the- aguamenti!”
with a sputter and burst, a stream of continuous water sprang from sirius’ wand. he held it with both hands, waving it side to side like a firefighter putting out a flame.
snape was furious as he stood shivering in his drenched robes. if he hadn’t been such a lecherous little blood supremacist, you might’ve felt bad for him. he looked like a bad luck-stricken black cat, drenched in the rain and trembling on his feet.
“incendio!” snape shouted, aiming his wand directly at sirius’ chest.
sirius, always on the offense, would have surely caught on fire if it weren’t for james’ quick protection spell. 
the two boys stared at each other through james’ magical shield, and you and remus took this time to sneak past snape undetected. you rounded the courtyard until you were behind james and sirius. sirius was breathing heavily. james’ jaw was clenched.
there had always been something much deeper and more personal between snape and james and sirius. peter went along with the deep rivalry simply because his friends felt the same way. remus was forced into it through snape’s blackmailing. and you, by asossiation, were now on his blacklist.
you suppose, as a muggleborn, you would’ve been on that list regardless.
“rictusempra,” you muttered under your breath, discreetly pointing your wand at snape’s ankles. you tried not to smirk as the boy fell to the ground, trying his best not to laugh. he looked like a seal, all slippery and wet in his all-black garb, squirming around on the ground collecting dirt and dead leaves.
sirius found this extremely funny, and needed no magical push to burst into raucous laughter. james looked impressed. when he met your eye, he could tell by your poorly concealed amusement that you were the culprit.
“severus snape!”
bellatrix’ voice slashed through the air. “severus, get up! you’re making a fool of yourself.”
with great difficulty, snape pushed himself onto his knees, still clutching his abdomen in pain. bellatrix rolled her eyes unsympathetically and flicked her wrist in snape’s general direction, lifting the spell and allowing him to collapse to the ground in a damp, defeated heap.
“ah, the little blood traitors,” bellatrix taunted. “i presume you are responsible for this?”
you looked at remus with tired eyes. “let’s go. if a teacher catches us, we’re dead. mostly me. i’ve been involved in too many of these… scuffles of late.”
remus nodded.
snape was clambering to his feet in shame. he swung his damp bag over his shoulder, then flipped it open and began frantically checking its contents. he glanced up at james and sirius, but his eyes were searching for remus. when they settled on remus’ face, emotionless and poker, severus’ expression turned murderous.
from within the bag he tugged out a book. it was soaked through and most likely water damaged beyond repair, but snape lifted the book far enough out of the bag to flash the cover and spine at you.
it came back to you like fragments of glass.
“lupine lawlessness: why lycanthropes don’t deserve to live.”
you knew snape hadn’t come over for the sake of saying hello. you figured he, being the creep he was, just enjoyed making people uncomfortable.
he had wanted you to read the spine of the book, just like he’d wanted you to find it in the first place. he’d dropped it in the potions classroom, knowing you’d pick it up. he’d done so the day of slughorn’s party, when he knew he could catch you off guard.
snape, who’d been thrashing on the ground like a fish out of water only moments ago, was now eye level with bellatrix and suddenly looking like much more of a threat than you’d anticipated. his hand was hiddin in his bag and you assumed he must’ve been gripping the book. he narrowed his eyes, acknowledging your presence for the first time, and imperceptibly, jutted his head in bellatrix’s direction.
your blood went cold. in this very same courtyard, a few days ago, barty crouch had tried to attack you while you had your back turned. isn’t that what you’d just done to snape? 
maybe you should’ve known better than to underestimate snape. he wasn’t as physically capable as james and sirius, as influential as malfoy, or as frightening as bellatrix, but he was sly. snape was nowhere near bellatrix’s good graces, but he was about to be.
taglist: @im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @yourallihave @cowboibeepbeep @liszblog @springflwer07 @getawayfrommewerewolf @soumya-13 @ilovedilfs13 @valqarh @valvlry @losa12308 @darkenwolfie @bookishlover13 @lonniepoo @fromcabin13 @mystarlightswiftt @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @emmaev @urgrandadsashes @girl-ln-green @vilentia @bibli0thecary @khayhuij @summer-noir @ggfamert @jack1n @siriuslydestiny @fluffybunnyu @thegirlwhohides @woodyrubster @swimmingunknowntimetravel @viridescense @rosaliesrealwife @arisarise @theghostofshadows @derpymidnight
(check blog info for taglist rules)
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ourtearsofrain · 8 months
Chapter 7- Catching the Stars
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Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre: angst
Word Count: little over 1 k
Warnings: minor violence, once again talking about death of parents
“You know her, Polaris-?” Danny starts, hurt dripping from his words as his mind scrambles, hoping his worst fears weren’t true.
Helena whips around, stalking over to him and slapping him across the face, hard. Her nails have been sharpened into claws, leaving three clean cuts against the smooth skin of his left cheek.
“You will speak when spoken to.” She spits.
Samuel lunges forward, attempting to shake off his captor’s grasp to get to Helena. This earns him a blow to the stomach, and he doubles over in pain as he wheezes to regain his breath.
Helena turns back towards you, ignoring the events that just unfolded as she grins at you.
“How long has it been since I last saw you, hm? Oh right, when I plunged a sword straight through fathers’ stomach.”
She laughs as angry tears come to your eyes, threatening to spill over as you looked at her with all the hate you had in your heart. Jake, Danny, Samuel, and Joshua’s jaws drop as they realize your connection to Lady Helena; rage overtaking Joshua and Samuels features as Danny and Jakes expressions contort into ones of hurt and deceit.
“Was Helen not good enough of a name for you? Or did you just not want to slander mother’s name, as you were named after her.”
“Lady Helen just doesn’t have the same ring to it as Lady Helena, don’t you agree? You’re one to talk, Polaris. Isn’t that what they called you? Consider your sister, Helen, dead. Lady Helena killed her when she killed our father.”
“Was that before or after I gave you that scar? Heard you have told people it was from a ruthless pirate lord. Barely able to escape with your life, right?”
She grabs your chin, intentionally digging her nails into your skin.
“You will say nothing more if you know what’s good for you.”
You control your expression, not allowing the pain to appear across your features as you look down at her. She lets go roughly, using it to push your face backwards as she turns towards the others.
Helena knows exactly how to hurt you most, and she grins as she looks between the four men.
“I would love to know how you all feel about Polaris and I being siblings. I assume they didn’t tell you that crucial bit of information by the looks on your faces.”
Samuel is the first to speak, each word hurting you far more than a blade ever could. “Fucking traitor. I knew we should never have trusted you. Didn’t I tell you, Jacob?” He looks at his brother with rage burning across his face.
Jake says nothing as he stares at the planks below him, trying to blink back tears and keeping his gaze away from you, knowing the second he allowed himself to look, they would surely spill from his eyes.
“Jake, I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I haven’t seen Helena in years, I have no loyalty to her.” You beg, trying to keep your own tears at bay as you watch his heart break.
“Liar! You suggested this island, you brought us here to die!” Joshua yells, equally enraged as Samuel was.
Helena rolls her eyes. “As much as I’m enjoying you berate them, you give them too much credit. They aren’t lying, they are no ally to me. They are, however, a fucking hypocrite.”
She stalks over to you, her expression one of almost hurt as she looks at you.
“I offered them a place by my side, to be my right hand. And they fucking turned me down like I wasn’t offering them the best opportunity of their life.”
She turns back to the others with anger in her words and across her face. “Only for them to jump at the next opportunity to join someone’s crew.”
“I didn’t fucking choose this!”
Your yell causes her to turn to face you once more with shock written on her features.
“You attacked my town, destroyed my home! They saved me from the attack, I had nowhere else to go.” Angry tears roll down your cheeks as you breathe heavily, surprising everyone with your outburst.
Helena looks past you at the pirate preventing you from lunging at her.
“They’re coming back with us to my ship.”
She turns towards the others, sizing each man up.
“Now, what shall we do with you all?” She makes her way over to Jake first, and she tilts his face up to make him meet her eyes.
"You must have been the one to save them, huh?" He says nothing as she grips his skin. "How's that knee holding up, by the way?" She flashes him a grin before swiftly kicking the side of his right knee.
He screams in agony as his leg gives out, the pirate behind him preventing him from dropping to the deck for any relief as he holds him, forcing his weight onto the leg.
Helena grasps the front of his shirt, yanking him forward until their faces are an inch apart. "Still glad you saved them?"
She releases him roughly, shoving him backwards towards the man holding him as his step falters, his right knee still weak from the blow.
She walks over to Samuel next, bringing her hand up to caress his cheek as she slyly smiles.
“Oh, I quite like this one, I think I’ll keep him.”
Samuel spits in her face. “I would rather die.”
Her face contorts with rage as she wipes it away. “I think we can arrange that.”
Before anyone can process what’s happening, she nods slightly to the man holding Samuel, her face serious and cold.
The man raises his fist, bringing it down hard on the back of Samuels head. He sags in his arms, crumpling to the floor.
Both Jake and Joshua try to rush for their brother, the large pirates holding them preventing them from doing so.
“SAM!” Danny lets out a broken sob as tears began streaming down his face. He lunges for Helena, earning him the same blow to the back of his head. He too goes limp, falling to the ground with a loud thud.
“YOU MONSTER!” You scream, struggling in the pirates’ arms to reach any of them; Helena, Samuel, and most importantly, Danny.
She rolls her eyes with an annoyed sigh. “Oh, don’t be melodramatic. They’re not dead, only unconscious.”
“Why not kill us?” Joshua spews angrily.
She walks towards him, stopping only inches from the man with a sweet grin.
“Because, killing you all is too easy. I would much rather have my fun with Polaris and Samuel, leaving the rest of you driven mad not knowing their fates.”
Jake speaks next. “We will hunt you down.”
“With only the three of you? Your crew is dead. You’re not leaving this port for a very long time, Jacob.”
With that, she nods to the pirates holding the twins, and the last thing you see is Jake and Joshua joining their brothers on the ground before everything goes black.
A/N: the title, of course, is taken from the lyrics to The Indigo Streak
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lazydreamsublime · 2 years
Do You Pinky Promise
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Got Trust Issues, I admit it, Scar Tissue to Prevent The Pain That Waits
Summary: Things slowly return to normal, with the exception of Silco's now frequent visits. You can finally relax in your home - wait……no the hell they didn’t. 
Triggers: There is drug abuse, there is violence, different kinds of smokes and child abuse in this story. Please be mindful of the following content.
Silco x addict!f!reader
Graphic depictions of violence in this chapter!!
Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter4
Another month has passed. Silco is visiting weekly now, mainly on Thursdays. He comes in, asks how you're feeling, if there's been any changes in work. Of course, he doesn't believe a word you say, so he inspects your hands and face to see any obvious signs of decline. He doesn't, and he leaves it be.
He’s actually declared that you’re fine now. Funny it only took two months to convince him. ‘You’re more capable than I give you credit for’ he said. He still visits though for some reason. Anytime you ask he just responds how it’s his facility, he’ll do as he likes. When asking the other Factory executives, they share that they rarely ever see the guy. So why you? Why Here?
Next to that, when you're working around him you can feel his eyes burning into your back. Yet when you turn around, he’s focussed on something else entirely. You swear he’s watching you. You can’t help but be paranoid around him.
Other than that, work has been steady. You have hired guns with every transport now, and none have caused trouble yet. Silco is still hesitant on your decisions, and if you're honest - so are you. Like hell you'll tell HIM that though. No, you just take extra precautions when dealing with them.
You pay them half at the beginning, and the receiving facility pays the other half when the cargo arrives. You've made sure everyone is clear on these rules, and they all agreed. It's been working surprisingly well.
Now, it's Sunday. It feels like it's been forever since you've had a break. It's also been a while since you and Sevika sparred.
Sevika has a friend who owns a gym. The equipment isn't in the best condition but it does the job. It's actually more foot traffic than you thought, judging by the crowd that was forming around you two.
Now, contrary to popular belief, you are a DAMN good fighter. Sevika may be bigger than you, but you've managed to make her lose her balance. And with that, all you had to do was make sure she stayed down. She's even tapped out a few times.
Between the two of you, it was a pretty even match. While she fights with brute strength, you fight her with her own weight. A trick your old man taught you before he up and left for topside.
By the end of it, Sevika won. You stand there, hunched over panting, as she accepts 'congratulations' from the betters in the crowd.
It was a fucking sparring match. What the hell?
You both sat down together now. Taking a smoke/water break.
You spoke up to her immediately though, "Hey Sev? Can you do me a favor in the future?"
"Don't give my pills to Silco anymore. If you can't show up, then I wait another day. It's not the end of the world."
She laughs at you, "It must've been pretty bad if it has you thinking of going a day without these things." She holds up a bag of what you can clearly see is two new bottles.
"Sevika, I still have the one. It's still full."
"Well, now you're ahead. No nasty withdrawal symptoms."
"People are gonna start thinking you're my dealer."
"At this point? Might as well be. Just be glad I don't charge you."
"And why don't you? This shit is a pain to get, it's all from topside."
"Hey, I make plenty of money at my current job thank you. Besides, I guess…you're supposed to go out of your way to do shit for stupid people like you."
……Was…was that?
"Was that your way of saying, you care?"
"That's my way of saying, I've seen how bitchy you are without your 'candy'. You not being that shitty is payment enough."
You laughed at that, agreeing with her. You weren't the best person when off your meds. But that was the closest you were ever getting to being called a friend by Sevika.
It was nice to know she felt that way.
Has nice as it felt, you did not like the sentimental feeling that is now looming over you. Topic change, now.
"You got any plans after this Sevika? Meet a nice girl? Get some drinks with her? Maybe spend the night at her place?"
She actually barks a laugh at that, "With my line of work? You actually thought I'd have time for that? No, unfortunately the boss is calling everyone in. We got some business to take care of."
"Wow, everyone needs to be in for that?"
"Sorry, I can't go into detail for why."
"I understand, just business."
Sevika gets up and starts getting ready to leave.
"What about you? Got any plans?"
"Mmm, thinking about taking Tammy out for a walk."
"Doesn't she just go off on her own now?"
"She does but everytime I come home she's whining and holding her leash. She misses going out together."
"God, you're such a sap."
You chuckle at her response and help her with her poncho.
"You still need to tell me what exactly happened with your arm. You haven't told me shit yet."
She looked right at you, "Just business." And walked away.
Back at the house, as you said before, your Saint Bernard, Tammy, was there holding her leash whining to spend time with you.
"I know Tamtam, let me look over these forums real quick and then we'll walk around."
Just because you weren't physically at work doesn't mean you didn't take some home. All you had to do was confirm the shimmer transport anyway. Shouldn't take long.
You were looking over the documents of the last transport when you got a gut feeling. When comparing your numbers with the neighbor factorie's everything added up correctly. So why was stockpile incorrect?
You kept looking until you got to the signature that passed everything. You knew EVERY managers signature, just so you knew if anyone screwed up.
You were beyond pissed that anyone would even try this. You grabbed your shotgun from the gun cabinet and turned to Tammy, who could sense that something was up.
"Want to play fetch instead girl?"
Silco was not a patient man. If a mistake is made he understands, but if it happens again he is not so understanding. When questioning the east side factory manager on why there was a shortage of shimmer coming from here, he was met with nothing but a confused look.
Sevika held the man down in his seat while Silco drew out a knife from his jacket.
The man started talking quickly, "I-I don't know! Everything has always been in order!"
"Mistakes are already an annoyance. Ignorance is unforgivable."
Before he could start cutting, the door to the main office is kicked down. There you standing with a double barrel shotgun and a Saint Bernard at your side, baring it's teeth.
You look at him, then at Sevika. "THIS is just business? Torturing my coworker?"
Silco jumped in before Sevika could retort, "Leave. This does not concern you."
Silco turned back around facing the manager again, only to now realize just how upset you were.
"Actually asshole, it does. More than you think. So how about you move the fuck aside while I deal with this problem."
He whipped back around facing you again after that, with a look that could kill. That doesn't even make you hesitant.
"He's not the guy you want anyway! All the more reason for me to take the reigns, since you're obviously way to impatient to follow the obvious thread that'll lead you to who you really want. So move aside asshole, before I make you."
Your dog barks at him while you walk towards the terrified and confused man.
"Sorry about all this Gary."
"Can you just tell me what's going on?" His voice was far too shaky to be taken seriously.
You threw some papers in front of him on his desk. Silco recognized them as the stockpile and cargo docs.
"Tell me who was in the inbound position and in charge of this truck."
Gary looked over the documents you tossed at him. Silco couldn't help but note how intimidated the man was of you. He can't help but wonder what else you've done.
"This - this was Dan. He was stationed there then - I didn't sign ANY of this!"
"I know." After your curt reply you start walking out, "Tammy, nāc."
The dog follows her out.
Silco follows closely after you, only for you to hop off one of the catwalks to roll onto the ground floor. When he looks down he sees four other people with you.
One was Santos, your secretary of sorts. Another was a bulky one that was holding down a man in a chair so he couldn't leave, much like Sevika was with Gary. Only difference is this poor sod had his hands bound as well. The last two you brought with looked to be paramedics. Of course they didn't have the attire, but the equipment they carried hinted at medical support. And this was taking place in the middle of the factory. In front of everyone.
Just what were you planning?
You approached the man in the chair - who he assumed was Dan - with this slow menacing walk that had even him on edge.
In a different way from everyone else, he's sure of that, but still on edge.
He saw your pet catch up with you, after taking the stairs, and take it's place at your side again. He decided to follow it's example and rush down the stairs as well.
He HAD to see what happened.
"Well would you look at that Dan! That's two against one!" He could hear your voice from the stairs, you sounded unhinged. He moved faster.
"You're really taking Gary's word over mine!? Hotshot, we've known each other for years! The fact you don't trust me on this hurts my feelings-"
"I'm giving you two chances, but you won't like it once we get to the second."
Silco had made his way through the crowd and got there just in time to see you place the barrel of the gun on top of his left leg.
“Who did you sell it to?”
Dan looked at everyone around him with a forced smile, "She isn't serious everyone! She's a jokester like that! It's just a thing of ours! Everything's fine-!"
The second a loud boom was heard, Dan's leg was nothing but chunks of flesh on the floor amongst a pink mist.
Blood splattered over five feet away into the crowd, gore dripping from people’s hair. Eyes were wide in horror at what they just witnessed. Silco’s was more shock than horror.
He looks at you again, noting the uncaring look in your eyes as you gazed at the man screaming in pain and agony. He can’t even make himself care about the noise. He was fixated on you. Covered head to toe in the blood of a traitor, how tall you made yourself stand over his squirming body.
He can’t help but admire you. You’re breathtaking like this. You’re beautiful.
You’re powerful.
The women holding Dan down had to use more force after the shot. He was squirming in all different ways screaming. She was glad you tied up his hands.
You smacked your hand over his mouth to shut him up. “I warned you, didn't I? You wouldn’t like it?” You crouch down and squat in front of him, your hand still on him.
“Let’s try this again. Answer my question, and those guys over there will patch you up.” You gesture to your ‘doctors’ standing to the side. “Otherwise we can leave you here to bleed out.”
You take your hand back and he immediately starts screaming a name, almost hysterically.
Everyone in the room felt the air change instantly. No one knew why, no one but Silco. He remembers the spy he sent out relaying to him what happened. He remembers that name and what it means to you. You look ready to snap.
You raised your hand and snapped your fingers. Medical assistance came over and started on patching his le- eerrr, nub.
You stood up again, whispered something to Santos, walked away and out of the building. Tammy followed.
And so did Silco.
You walked down empty streets alone, until you heard your name from behind. You turned to see Silco walking towards you.
“If you came here to lecture me on my methods, save it for morning-”
“I planned on nothing of the sort.”
“....What do you want, Silco?”
He paused, he didn’t really know what he wanted right now. He just needed to speak with you. Ever since the beginning, he’s wanted something. It’s why he’s made the excuse to check on your performance, why he teased you with your addiction, and now making random visits to the factory. He wants SOMETHING, but he doesn’t know what. Just a chat? You don’t look much in the mood for that.
“You knew the colluder?”
“He at least wasn’t lying about that. Yeah, we knew each other for years. He’d always get in trouble and I’d bail him out. There were times where he’d help me too. I don’t know when or how things changed though. But now I think I have more of an idea.”
Right. Brent. He had a feeling you’d be going after him, and he won’t be able to stop you.
“Are you just going to stand there?”
He didn’t realize he’d been staring at you.
“Look, I’m really fucking tired tonight, okay? Can this wait another day?”
You start walking again and he just watches. He doesn’t know what to say to you, to at least ease the pain.
You hear your name again and turn around once more, looking more irritable. You don’t say anything.
“You’re not the only one to feel the pain of betrayal.”
Once he said that, he could see you struggling to keep it together. He could see you brows curl up more, eyes watering - you look away so he can’t see you breaking on the inside. He understands. And yet for some reason, he puts his arms out. Not real wide, but enough for an invitation.
You look at him confused, all he says is, “No one should know such suffering. Especially alone.”
In a moment of weakness, you run into his arms. You hold on to him tightly crying your eyes out. You’re very quiet, refuse to show more than you already have. He doesn’t mind however, the feeling of want he’s had for two months now has finally subsided - at least slightly.
So here you two stand, hugging each other, in the middle of a lone empty street. With Tammy looking up at you both with her head cocked to the side
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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pairing: Steven Grant x insecure! gn! reader (no other specifications!)
word count: 1310 words
summary: After taking a trip abroad together with Steven, your hesitation to go to the beach leaves him perplexed.
warnings: swearing, alcohol mention, implied smut, body image.
a/n: requested here by @micheleamidalajedi, I hope you will enjoy the piece :) lowkey this made me cry because i used to have a problem with scars/markings on my body when i was younger so honestly this was very cathartic and i find it so funny this is a req ngl bec is like you read my mind.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics || banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Marc Spector Masterlist
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Split, Croatia. 
Steven and you had been working together on the museum in London for quite a long time. Yet he only got brave enough to ask you around the end of the spring holidays but some mishaps and a couple of days of you being sick with a bad cold led you to finally go on your first date in the middle of June. It was beautiful, you both had a wonderful time and found out you had shared many things in common. A love for reading, a love for animals (Steven adored your dog!) and you both had very calm natures. You had more in common than you could ever imagine. 
The relationship was flourishing, you met always on your days offs and tried your best to coordinate them and together you visited a lot of museums and old buildings and tried every vegan place in London. Lots of walks and small hikes with your beloved dog and tons of movie nights.
This is why when the topic of vacation was coming up, you suggested finding a place to travel to together. Steven hadn’t really traveled much in his life but he was enthusiastic about going with you and as for you, you were an avid traveler in your college years. You decided to travel to Croatia after finding a good room on the internet since it was both a historical city and had beaches close by. Steven really wanted to go swimming. You were hesitant at that aspect but Steven reassured you that you’d have a wonderful time. 
Now it was your first night after arriving and you were both still talking and giggling with each other about all the things you saw and all the new people you met. A bottle of wine on the floor, your head in his naked chest as he gestured on about a strange man he met on the plane. In the back of your head though your anxiety was getting the best of you. Even though you had managed to avoid the beach today, you knew that tomorrow he’d insist on going. Your plan was simple. To try and exhaust him so much from going pretty much everywhere and then hope he’d be satisfied with going at night. 
It wasn’t like Steven hadn’t seen you naked. But the truth is you knew you weren’t as attractive as you’d be if you had fewer scars and markings all over your body, in places where winter clothes and clothes, in general, could always keep occupied. Where sometimes if you didn’t take your shirt off during sex it wouldn’t mind. You tried to keep your thoughts to yourself but accidentally you visibly flinched when he mentioned how cool it would be to take vacation pictures together in your swimsuits. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks as you get up from the floor. 
“I got a little dizzy from the wine, I’ll just throw some water on my face.”
“Oh, I’m sorry love, want me to turn the air conditioner on?”
“No, it will be alright. Be right back.”
You jolt towards the bathroom and look at the mirror. You didn’t know how to get out of this. The pictures would surely make everything worse. You knew you were feeling insecure but you were only human. 
“You alright, love?” A faint knock is heard on the door and that’s when a small tear falls off your face.
“I’m alright.” You try to shout but there is a broken cry in your voice. He pushes the handle open and watches you, eyes wide trying to decipher what’s wrong. 
“You don’t seem alright, love. I am right here for anything you might need. Please talk to me, I want to hear what you want to say. Is not good not to express ourselves.”
You take a deep breath and glance at him, a small pout on your face.
“I’m afraid.”
“Of what, baby?”
“The beach.” You hesitate and take a deep breath. “Well, not the beach itself, the place.”
“You don’t have to swim, we can just hang outside.” 
You look at him and press your lips together. 
“Tell me what’s the wrong baby and I will try and fix it. “
“I don’t want people to see me.” Your lips tremble, another tear falling from your eye, and Steven comes closer to you holding your arm.
“But why, my love, you’re beautiful.”
“Maybe on the face but people will stare at me.”
“Only because you’re gorgeous. I might have to fight someone off you.”
You chuckle and shake your head.
“You know why.”
“Nobody can stare at you for simply having a couple of-”
But you cut him off frustrated with yourself. “Is not just a couple!”
“I look at you every day and I know how beautiful you look. No one is going to look at you funny. “
You look at him, fire and anger on your face and he only holds your hand softly. You hate this, you hate talking to him like that when you are the one feeling insecure but you can’t help it. You are scared. 
“We could go at night. No one would look then.” You whisper. Eyes darting away from him. “We don’t have to draw attention to ourselves and not to mention we could find somewhere off the city, more countryside…”
“Go ahead and put on your swimsuit for me. Right now.”
You look at him, study him, observe him, his expression is still calm, a certain tone of intimate love thick on his tongue. 
“I won’t hear one more negative word coming from your lips, love.” 
“No buts. Go ahead and put it on for me.”
You relax your shoulders and nod your head. You begin to walk allowing him to follow you as your reach in your bag and take it off. See, he was the one who had gifted it to you, asked your color and your size, and thought it would have been fun for both of you to wear each other preferences, this is why you had to wear it. 
“Put it on please.” He pleads again looking at you with loving eyes. You only sigh in response and begin to undress and redress quickly and slowly at the same time. Steven is watching you, adoringly so, and you feel vulnerable yet safe under his eye. You sigh as you wrap your hands around yourself turning to look at yourself in the mirror.
But he stops you, placing his hands on your shoulders, and then after taking one very deep look at you, invisibly asking you to trust him, he presses his lips against your skin. Slowly he starts kissing each and every one of the markings dragging his lips alongside them. Placing love right where you seemingly couldn’t. 
“You are absolutely gorgeous.” He mumbles around your skin continuing in his worship journey, small tears have formed now in the corner of your eyes. You never knew how one could love you so much or so deep. You bless your lucky stars and tenderly caress his curly hair smiling. 
Slowly he sinks down to his knees dedicated as before looking up at you as he grabs your hands and intertwines your fingers together. 
“Do you trust me, love?”
“Will you come with me?”
He smiles, and he brings his lips to your locked hands and kisses them. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The rest of the night he makes sure just how much he just loves you and admires you and that is completely fine by you. The next day you stick to your plan to exhaust him as much as possible but not exactly how you expected yourself to. But Steven makes sure to show how much he loves every single minute of the day. 
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for updates follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary!
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no-droids · 4 years
Out of a Trillion
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gif credit: @bestintheparsec​
Part Fifteen of the Rough Day Series
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.6K
Warnings: uhhhh so there is a bit of SMUT in this one, not too much and I imagine if you’ve made it this far then that won’t be too big of a deal LMFAOOO uh some ANGST and my attempt at HURT/COMFORT and also violence/blood/injury description, so look out for that!
A/N: I started writing this before the season finale aired and I know we all want a bit of goodness and softness after it, but hopefully this will be okay!  I’ll start working on the next part tonight
Everything changes and yet somehow nothing does.  
From that point on, it’s like… like you’re both just suspended in this perpetual state of wondering, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  You know he said it’s up to you, but what the fuck?  Look whenever you want?  That’s way too much fucking pressure, he’s out of his mind.  You’re not equipped to handle that, who does he think you are?  Someone that can just… decide things?
And it’s not like you’re afraid of the commitment, or that you don’t want to look.  You do, but every single time a moment comes, it just never… feels right.  You don’t know what you’re waiting for, what feeling or meaning you’re expecting to magically present itself to you, but you can’t shake the idea that there should be more to it than just randomly deciding to open your eyes at some point, shouldn’t there?  Din said there was no ceremony, nothing fancy, and he gave you permission to look because he said he’s not allowed to ask outright, whatever that means.  It’s a standing offer because you guess he isn’t allowed to prompt it for some reason, but unfortunately, that leaves you in just about the shittiest position possible.  Now everything falls to you—initiation, execution, and consequence—and Maker knows you’ve never been that great making decisions under pressure.
But you do want to look.  Sort of.
Sort of.  Because… well, this probably won’t make that much sense, but you’re afraid.  Mostly for him.  What if he’s making a mistake?  It sounds stupid, but you’re afraid of what this means for him, the sheer perpetuity of this decision he’s now expecting you to make for the both of you.  This isn’t your creed, not yet, and you feel like there’s still so much to learn.  Not only about the Mandalorians and his culture, but about him.  To know is to love, and so you’ve taken to asking any nonsensical question you can think of whenever he’s around.  Though you weren’t expecting it at first, you’ve learned that he’ll always give you some sort of an answer.  Some of the highlights include:
“How old are you?”  (“I don’t know.  Probably mid-forties, but there’s no way to tell anymore.”)
“You don’t know your birthday?”  (No, I… think it was in the winter.”)
“What’s your last name?”  (“Djarin.”)
“Do you have any freckles?  Or moles, or birthmarks?”  (“No, none that I’ve ever noticed.”)
“Do you cut your own hair?”  (“Yes, but it’s been awhile.”)
“Do you have dimples?”  (“I don’t smile in mirrors.”)
“Are your earlobes attached or detached?”  (“What kind of question is that?”)
And so forth.
He also gives you so many fucking opportunities to look.  One right after the other.  You used to think Din was incredibly trusting with how often and voluntarily he decided to take his helmet off around you—he didn’t wait a single day once he first felt your hands on his skin to take it off in your presence.  You remember being blown away by his unexpected willingness to part with it after hearing so many tales of the Mandalorians from Kuill; stunned by the ever-present ability to just open your eyes at any moment and that’s all it would ever take.  One simple movement—life-altering, and so easy.
Now you find it nearly impossible, muscle memory just won’t allow it to happen naturally.  And yet somehow, avoiding it is like stepping around land mines.  He doesn’t trick you—he doesn’t set it up, he doesn’t surprise you or anything, but he’s… less careful.  When the kid is awake, Din acts normal—he walks around fully armored, he goes on hunts and returns a few days later with a quarry, teaches you more self-defense techniques in the cleared out hull while the kid watches and giggles at your pain from the safety of his floating crib.  But when the baby goes to sleep, he’s taken to lounging with the helmet off.  He only used to remove it to eat, sleep, or… do other things with you, but he never used to take it off just… because.  Now he does.  Now he’s less careful about darkness, less strict about how much light he allows to touch him.
Now he shares every single meal he can with you, sitting just off to the side so you’ll never see him on accident but providing the free exercise thereof should you ever decide to seek it out purposefully.  Now he interrupts you in the middle of your complaining about the bruises on your knuckles just to lift the rim of his helmet the slightest bit, lean down and give you a quick kiss, and then lower it back into position again before you can even catch a glimpse of the lips you only recognize by touch.  Now he keeps the light on when he goes to take a shower, he leaves the door cracked.
It’s starting to give you heart palpitations, you swear.  At one point, he lets you to see the entire back of his head and it nearly launches you into a fucking crisis.
It’s the middle of the night and he just got up from bed to use the restroom.  He’s quiet enough not to wake you on the way over, but then across the hull and with his back to you, Din flicks the light on in the small bathroom without closing the door.  Immediately rousing you after being so accustomed to the pitch blackness, you lift your head from the warmth of your shared pillow just enough to blearily make out the sight of him leaning a hand up against the wall and dropping his head down, and it takes you a second to realize that it’s actually him.
Soft, dark brown locks ending at his collar but somehow looking longer than you ever imagined when you’ve run your fingers through them.  Cascading in shaggy, natural curls—tall, broad shouldered and trim waisted, naked as the day he was born.  Your heart starts to squeeze in your chest and it just never stops, and for the second time in your life, you feel like he woke you up in the middle of the night just to show you one of the most beautiful things the universe ever decided to hide.  There are trillions of people in this galaxy and how many of them have ever seen a sight that would compare?  He’s just a man, you don’t think a single person would bat an eye.  But to you, he’s… his own monument.  Constructed in honor of everything dazzling that happens to lie just underneath something else.  A breathtaking view, even from this angle, that could only ever mean something to you.
Would you ever be able to know him?  No, that’s not phrased right.  What you mean is that… over the course of all your time together, you remember thinking that if he ever took his helmet off, he could walk right by you and you’d never be able to tell the difference.  He could be anybody.  There are trillions of people in this galaxy and how many of them have the same features?  Brown hair, brown eyes, sunkissed skin that only one person is allowed to kiss, not even the sun.  Would you ever be able to know him?
Staring at his back in the blissful silence of hyperspace and feeling like the Maker himself is letting you in on one of his proudest secrets, some wild thought suddenly occurs to you that… you think you would.  Somehow.
You can’t explain it and you’d never be able to prove it, but you feel like if you lined up every single person in this galaxy shoulder to shoulder, all however many trillions of them there are, then you could walk the entire length of it and somehow come to a stop right where he’s standing.  Every single time.  You feel like you could do it in the pitch black.  You could do it with your eyes closed.
And, he must just be so gorgeous.  Maybe not in a traditional sense (or maybe in one, you’d have no way of knowing), but mostly in just… the rawest sense imaginable.  Not like how symmetry and straight lines are gorgeous, but how a mountain is gorgeous.  Rocky, dangerous, steep, the product of constant conflict between two immovable sides.  He’s got scars littering his body, one of which you remember giving him yourself with a cauterizer on his lower back.  He holds himself like his shoulders could tell their own story if anyone ever asked them; built to endure, weighed down and made strong with a collection of burdens he chooses to strap to them, steel or otherwise.
You don’t want to close your eyes once Din slowly turns around to look at you, but it happens anyways and you’ve never been so disappointed in your own cowardice.
But then, in a way, it could just be your own self-preservation instincts taking over.  No matter how stunning and life changing the spectacle would be, why would anyone ever stare directly at a supernova?  For so long, you’ve told yourself that his face is something you shouldn’t ever see on principle, but in a way, you suppose it’s fair he put this decision on you because he always has, even from the very beginning.  He trusted you to keep your eyes closed for months on end and you never had a problem with it, so why is it so hard to open them now that he’s given you permission?
A couple weeks of that, and you start to worry that you’re unintentionally rejecting him.
It’s the last fucking thing you want, but how can you avoid it?  Din is… different, he notices.  He’s made a living off of finding things that inherently don’t want to be found—he knows all too well what secrecy looks and sounds like, he’s quick and observant and you don’t stand a single fucking chance against him in all the years of his practice.
But strangely, for as often as you feel like you can figure out what he’s thinking without ever seeing his face—realizing what his intentions are ahead of time and not feeling slighted when he phrases things a certain way or just chooses not to speak at all—you never truly realized how much that extended back to you.
He knows you, too.  He told you so.
For some reason, you didn’t even consider the possibility of it working just as well the other way around.  That you could choose to stay silent, and he’d know why.  You feel like the mystery of him just eclipses you in every single way that you don’t consider even yourself much of anything, much less something else to be contemplated and understood.  While you wouldn’t necessarily qualify the conflict as not being ready to commit, he seems more than willing to respect it regardless and nothing about the way he treats you or interacts with you changes.  Normally you’d say it’s like he forgot the whole thing ever happened, but it’s almost the exact opposite.  Like he was just naturally expecting it from you.
Are you truly so predictable, you wonder?  He said you’d say no.  Was he right?  You’re not saying no, you just… can’t remember the word for yes right now.  It’s right there on the tip of your tongue and the harder you work for it, the more frustrated you become with your own inability to find it.
But, instead of waiting, you think Din just decides to continue the conversation with the promise to come back to you when you finally figure it out.
Sometimes, especially when he’s gone, you find yourself thinking about what moment you’d choose, if you could.  Since you can never seem to find the right one naturally, how would it all go if you could construct everything yourself?  Where would it be?  Naboo?  No, that’s too cheesy.  One thing you and Din both have in common is your practicality, your respective propensities for wanting to tackle one thing at a time and not needing frills attached to something in order to find a deep connection to it, a personal value to it.  You weren’t even bothered when he didn’t claim you as a girlfriend to Peli, that’s how reasonable you used to be about labels.  Now you’re your own antithesis, trying to conjure meaning where there isn’t any just so you don’t feel like you’re the one who’s ripping it away.  You want this decision to feel as permanent as it is.  You want it to be a happy thing, something that happens when you’re both so in love that you can’t bear to have metal separating you any longer.
You think… you’ll just know it when the time comes.
“I have to leave,” comes Din’s hushed voice through the darkness, and even though it’s the first thing either of you have said in hours, it sounds frustrated.  Like it’s been bothering him for awhile and he’s just now finally telling you.  “I… fuck, I can’t stay here, I should’ve left a long time ago.”
You whine softly into the pitch black, turning your head into the pillow and curling your fingers into his hair.  “But it’s still so early…”
“It’s mid-afternoon,” he groans back, dropping his forehead down against your skin and breathing hot air along it.  “We’ve been parked here for hours, I don’t know how you can sleep so long.”
“I’m not sleeping,” you pout, before gently dragging your nails down his scalp and feeling his whole body shudder with it.  “Earlier I was.”
“Mhm,” he murmurs, leaning down to give you one last long, slow kiss.  You sigh when his tongue comes out and glides soft and hot against your lips, tightening your grip on his hair.
But soon he pulls away, lifting the covers from over his head and pushing up from between your spread legs.  “This one shouldn’t take long,” he gruffs, planting both palms next to your head and kissing you once more in the darkness, dipping his tongue into your mouth this time.  You moan softly and taste yourself on him, moving to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, but he breaks the kiss and leans back before you can, preemptively avoiding the possibility of getting lost in it.  “I’ll be back around dawn.”
You’ve known it was coming for hours now, so you’re able to play it off way better this time around.  “Okay,” you breathe softly, dragging your palms up his bare chest as he lifts himself tall over your body.  The slight disappointment underneath is so masterfully hidden, you’re almost positive you’re going to get away with it.  “Be safe.  Please.”
But then… well.  Bounty hunter.
Din pauses for a moment like that in between your open legs, letting you slowly slide your hands down his ribs and over the lines of his stomach.  You wait for him to move, find his clothes so you can get around and make some food, wake the kid up from his nap in an hour or so.  Can’t stay in bed all day, no matter how much you wish you could.
Only, he still hasn’t moved and you start to become concerned.  “Din?”
But then he suddenly groans like he just can’t help it, grabbing both of your spread legs and easily lifting them up.  You make a sound of confusion as he maneuvers them until they’re pressed together and draped over one of his shoulders, and then his hips drop and push forward to slide himself thick and perfect into your blazing hot cunt.
Still drenched and swollen from cumming in his mouth so many times earlier, you gasp and he just groans louder, a ragged thing scraping out of his throat while you struggle through blind and unexpected euphoria to reach him.  But you can’t—Din hugs your legs tight to his chest and settles in just like this, turning his head to drag soft lips and a hot tongue over your ankle before he starts fucking you.  Right up against your g-spot, with your whole lower body in the way and preventing you from slowing him down.
You just have to clap both hands over your mouth just to keep quiet since you can’t reach him.  You feel his teeth sink into the meat of your calf, hips pistoning far beyond your reach and it feels so fucking good that you almost don’t hear his gritted words against your skin.
“I have to go,” he groans, repeating it over and over until his voice begins to pull tight and it just sounds like a plea.  “I have to go, I have to go, I h—have to… h-have to go, I have to, I have to, I have…”
When Din finally steps foot out of the ship, fumbling with his rifle and cursing quietly through the modulator, it’s the middle of the night some twelve hours later.
—and… you blink as bark splinters.
Did you…?  You look down at the blaster in your hand and then back to the ginormous charred tree trunk for a few seconds, wondering if you’re just seeing shit.
No, it’s real.  You actually fucking did it.  You…
… hit the target.
All of a sudden, your ecstatic giggle echoes loudly throughout the foresty autumn wonderland around you, reds and oranges and yellows crunching under your feet while you start to dance.
“Hey!  See that, bug!?”  You call out, shoving the blaster into your waistband and shimmying up to your enthralled audience of one, who just so happens to be smiling as wide as you are as he’s scooped up into your arms.  “I hit the target, I hit the target,” you sing, beginning to sway the baby back and forth as he squeals, laughing while you bounce him.  “No demon powers necessary, little man!  I figured it out, I just have to use one hand instead of two.  You can retire now, you’re the right age for—”
A twig snaps in the distance somewhere to your left, and you quickly spin around while reaching for the blaster behind your back.
Except all you see is a blue Twi’lek standing out amongst all the fall foliage, his hands cuffed behind his back and stumbling a few steps at a time while a considerably taller suit of beskar shoves him forward.  You relax and immediately turn to look down at the ground, trying to bite your lip so you don’t smile too hard while they both approach.  You did it—finally, you did it, you’re on top of the fucking universe right now.
You wait for them to pass by and move up the open metal ramp to the carbonite chamber, but then Din apparently decides to pause when he’s directly behind you, yanking the quarry to a sudden halt.  
You know you should probably turn around to address them, but you can’t hide the happiness from your expression, it’s way too obvious.  Though, after a moment, you decide to shyly turn to face the two men while continuing to bounce the baby in your arms, hoping that his and your matching expressions of excitement aren’t too terribly inappropriate right now.
Din looks from you to the splintered bark on the tree, and then back to you again, before slowly tilting the helmet up in a way that feels… proud of you.
“Congratulations,” he finally says, and you can hear the genuine smile hidden in the modulated drawl.
“Thank you,” you beam up at him, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks.  “Was pretty awesome.”
“I’m sorry I missed it,” he tells you, and you don’t know why, but the tone of his voice makes you go so warm.  It’s not like he’s openly flirting with you, but coupled with your giddiness and sounding like that in front of a bounty he caught in record time, it just makes your heart fucking throb for him.
“It’s alright,” you murmur, shuffling your feet through the crunchy leaves below and trying to play it as cool as possible.  You have company.  “I’ll be able to do it again.”
“Let’s see it, then.”  He tips the helmet over at the tree, and you look between him and the unfamiliar quarry for a second, not used to Din just… ignoring their existence entirely for you.  It’s not like the Twi’lek has said anything or inserted himself into the situation at all, but still.  Din has one hand latched onto the cuffs behind his back to prevent him from booking it, but other than that, it’s like he’s pretending he’s not even there.
“Uh…”  You immediately feel yourself get nervous.  “I can… try.”
He nods one single time in silent encouragement, and you slowly turn to face the tree once more.  The kid stays cradled in your arm while you reach for the blaster in your waistband, removing it and using your longest finger to flick the safety off with a practiced fluidity.  Then, extending it out in front of you and taking advantage of your newfound strategy of only firing with one hand, you line up the sight and pull the trigger.
You wish you could say it hits.  It would be so fucking cool and impressive if you hit the target like that, wouldn’t it?  But it doesn’t hit.  It misses, like usual.  Miserably.  And then an amused snort comes from behind you.
“Right stormtrooper, you are—” you hear an unfamiliar accent begin to snark, but the rest of it turns into a garbled howl the second Din jerks his elbow back to slam it in his face.
You whip around just in time to see a cascade of blood pouring down blue lips and sharp teeth—holy fuck.  You gasp and take a step backwards with the kid, not horrified by the sudden display of violence (not after Din spent an hour teaching you how to do that, too) but not quite expecting it at that moment, either.  But then, well… that’s the second time he broke a quarry’s nose for addressing you with disrespect.  There was that other one he choked, you’re pretty sure—though you can’t remember exactly what initiated that.
Din yanks the bounty up the ramp without another word, leaving both you and the kid there to process while he shoves him through the hull and towards the carbonite chamber none too kindly.  However, by the time he seals the quarry to his fate and eventually makes his way back to you, you just… 
Fuck, you feel so stupid.
You shouldn’t even bother, what’s the point?  All that practice and nothing to show for it.  If you can’t even hit a stationary target with the pressure of others watching, what makes you think you’ll have any hope at all in a situation where you actually need to shoot?  Are they gonna stand still for you?  Are they gonna be as wide as a fucking treetrunk?  You’re horribly embarrassed, so downtrodden in the face of a cruel taunt that you don’t even want to look at Din when he steps in front of you.
“Hey, just try it again,” he says without delay, but the damage has already been done.  It’s not his fault, you’re just… not the kind of person who is meant to shoot a blaster, maybe.  
“Ah… it’s alright,” you look out and smile sadly at the line of trees surrounding you, wondering how it’s possible that you only managed to hit one of them this whole time.  You don’t see it, but Din quickly touches the tips of his fingers to the side of his helmet twice before you look back at him.  “I hit it earlier.  I did, I promise.  You can see the mark if you look.”
His glove reaches out to brush your hair back, so unbelievably gentle after using the same arm to shatter bone just a few minutes ago.  “I know you did.  It was a perfect shot, you hit dead center.  I see it.”
“I did it with one hand, that’s why I tried the thing,” you mumble stupidly, looking down at your feet.  Dumb.  Dumb.
A strand of your hair is tucked behind your ear.  “Wish I was here.”
You glance over at him, feeling your expression suddenly go soft with a wave of affection.  It stops all the harsh criticisms, halting your negativity in its tracks and replacing it with just… soft, abstract things.  Mostly just warm, nonsensical fluff, but one clear and resounding thought breaking through.  You wish he was here, too.
“Maybe I’ll get good at it eventually,” you sigh, slowly handing him the blaster with the barrel pointed down and away from both of you.  Din carefully takes it from you, tucking it away somewhere on his utility belt while you gaze out at the designated target and victorious char mark decorating it.  “Or hopefully just okay at it at some point.  I guess I just need to practice more, right?”
“That’s right,” he tells you warmly, catching your free wrist.  “Try using this one when you do.”  And then a lightweight piece of metal is gently pushed into your empty hand.
Your expression furrows while you quickly look down at it, and—
You go utterly still at the gift, not even knowing what to think.
The first thing that you notice is the craftsmanship.  Brilliant, structurally flawless, the perfect size to fit your hand.  You don’t recognize the specific kind of metal that was used—definitely not beskar—but you think it might be constructed from the same material as Din’s old armor.  Dull silver, but with reflective chrome filigree accents around the handle, trigger, and safety.  It’s uniquely constructed and unlike any weapon you’ve ever seen before—no hard lines or edges, just a soft fluidity to the design that’s so aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t really even resemble a blaster at all.
You can feel the visor silently studying your reaction while you continue marveling, noticing something new every time you look.  The safety is towards the back of the chamber, just like he said it’d be.  The sight is electronic, and you examine the way it’s built directly into the barrel.
Are those extra magnets on the inside?  Is this able to micro-adjust the plasma release for the best shot?  Holy stars, it must have cost a fortune.
“Din, this is…” you can’t decide where you want to look—the gorgeous crafting, the custom design, or him.  Standing so close to you, not saying a word while you search for the right ones.  “It’s so beautiful, I…”
“Was made for you,” he murmurs.  “Had to be.”
You look back down at the blaster to stop your eyes from tearing up.  He didn’t have to do this.  This is so… sweet, such a lovely thing to do.  Don’t cry, don’t cry—
“What is this?” You ask breathlessly instead, rotating the gun until he can see the symbol branded on the handle.  You recognize that it’s his signet, but you never bothered to ask him what it’s called, you never saw it as your place.  It’s an animal of some sort, one with a giant spike attached to its skull, and you’re glad you’ve never come face to face with one.
“It’s a mudhorn,” he answers quietly.  “They’re… dangerous animals.  Fiercely protective, preferring solitude.  The kid saved me from one a few days after I met him.  It’s… the mark of my clan.”
How fitting, you think, and an honor.  Perfect for him, and a bone-deep reminder of your two favorite people in the galaxy on your hip wherever you go.
“Thank you,” you tell him, hoping the sincerity in your voice sounds anywhere close to how you feel.  You haven’t even had it in your hand for longer than a minute and it’s already your prized position, the most important thing you’ve ever called yours.
Din nods and takes a small step back.  “Now hit the target.”
Feeling invigorated and renewed in every single way, you keep the kid tucked firmly in one arm while raising your blaster with the other.  The safety clicks off and your back straightens, chin lifting until something about the angle feels… right.  The trigger moves easily under your fingertip, and there’s almost no kickback considering how light the weapon is.  What you’re not expecting is the pure white beam of plasma shooting out of the barrel—unlike any blaster you’ve ever seen before—but then the immediate sight of it hitting the tree dead center sends a roar of triumph through your ears.  Fuck yes.
“Look at that!”  Din calls out over the kid’s happy squeal, and there’s nothing you can do to stop your loud whoop of victory.  Even though you know it only hit with the addition of those extra magnets to correct your terrible aim, that still feels so good—you feel so fucking powerful and dangerous.  You glance over to Din with a wide smile, but then his arm extends out towards the trunk directly next to the one with charred bark.  “Hit that one.”
You automatically swing the blaster in that direction and shoot.  A few pieces of wood split on impact and send sharp bits flying as soon as the bright white beam collides with it.
“That one,” Din tells you, and then bark splinters a half second later.  “That one.”  Bark splinters.  “That one, that one, that one—” hit, hit, hit, white plasma flying through the air and bark splintering in rapid succession.
He stops and spins around, pointing to a tree at the very edge of the clearing.  “That one?”
It’s furthest away but the trunk’s diameter is enormous.  As you lift the blaster, you know you’re likely to get it easily with this sophisticated weapon, even across the considerable distance.  So instead, feeling like nothing at all can touch you right now and wanting to see how smart the aim mechanism is, you raise up a few degrees higher before pulling the trigger.  Pale plasma launches from the barrel, and then one of the tree’s most prominent branches comes creaking and crashing to the ground right where you split it.
You’re beaming by the time Din turns back to you, the most excited you’ve ever been with your own progress.  He holds there for a moment while you lower your blaster and wait for him to speak, both of you looking at each other and not moving, until suddenly you hear his voice coming back to you.
Hit the target and I’ll marry you.
One of Din’s hands slowly comes up to the edge of his helmet, but before you can even process the implication behind the gesture, you’re immediately looking down at the crunchy leaves under your feet and clearing your throat.
There’s a beat of silence where you stare down at the dead foliage and wonder why the fuck you just did that.  Right in front of him, right to his face, too startled at how quickly you were being confronted with the possibility that you responded in an equally startled way.  It was instinctual, automatic and entirely out of your control, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to take it back.
But… you can’t take it back.  That’s the way things are, and after a few moments, you hear his boots begin to cross the distance to you.
“Come on,” Din murmurs gently through the modulator, carefully taking the blaster from your hand and clicking the safety back on again.  “We have to get going.  The fifth quarry is far.  Three day trip through hyperspace.”
He doesn’t sound upset or disappointed by your unintentional rejection, thank the Maker.  You want to explain yourself somehow, but it appears it isn’t necessary in the slightest.  His arm wraps around your lower back and he leads both you and the baby back up the open ramp of the Crest, squeezing you close enough to his side that you have to learn how to walk in a different way to stop yourself from tripping over his boots.
The helmet turns and presses to the top of your head while you focus on moving straight.  “Proud of you,” Din murmurs quietly, and your chest fills with enough air that you’d be worried about floating away if he wasn’t latched onto you so tightly.
He eventually releases you and walks over to the armory, pressing a button to unlock the doors while you hold the kid and watch him start to remove the multitude of weapons strapped to his body.
Maybe… maybe this isn’t the right time, but something brave surges up inside you.  After receiving the most precious gift imaginable from him, hitting all those targets and hearing him say that he’s proud of you, you’re buzzing with just enough energy that for better or worse, it makes you open your mouth and ask.
“Could I… come with you this time?”
Din nearly jerks upright and looks over at you immediately, but he takes a while in responding.  You hope he sees it in your eyes.  You hope he sees just how much you don’t want to be stuck here again when this is possibly the one time you’d be able to tag along.  It’s a bullshit quarry, one he could do in his sleep, and you’ve been getting increasingly restless while stuck on this ship.
When Din eventually does respond… well, judging from his shift in tone, you’re assuming he was just shocked at the question and didn’t take any of that time to actually consider his answer.
“No.”  Short.  Unfeeling, and not sorry about it in the slightest, before turning back to return the blasters you were using previously to the armory as if you said nothing at all.
Okay…  Um.  Not great, not what you wanted to hear, but maybe if you explain yourself better, he’ll listen.
“I just… I’m the only reason you have to get this quarry in the first place.”  Your voice is quiet, trying to let go of some of the concerns you’ve kept to yourself over the past two weeks.  Your fingers fiddle idly with the kid’s little woolen sack as he hangs out in your arms, wanting to plead your case but feeling slightly nervous now.  “You were out having a crazy expensive blaster made for me while I shook hands with Karga and agreed that you’d take more work for less pay.  I hate that I did that.”
“You had no choice,” Din mutters, turning around and striding past you while pressing a button on his vambrace to close the Crest’s ramp.  “My fault for being late.”  And… for as warm and comforting as his voice sounded earlier, it now just sounds… dismissive.  Aloof.  Half-listening, not really wanting to talk but forcing himself to.
“Well this time, I thought maybe… I might be able to help?  Maybe?”  Maker, you feel yourself going quieter the more he walks around the hull and ignores you.  “Karga said it was just a missing person, not even a criminal…”
“Karga says a lot of things,” he grunts with his back to you, voice completely monotone through the modulator.
Come on, speak up.  You’ve lacked a backbone for so long, you’ll never get what you want unless you say it out loud and let it be known.  You take a deep breath and straighten your shoulders, trying to put a little bit of spine into it.  “I can be useful.  I can fight now, I’ve been working on my—” 
“You think I’m telling you no because I don’t think you’re capable?”  He suddenly whips around, voice ringing sharp and challenging throughout the hull while you freeze.  You don’t move but everything about you suddenly feels like it shrinks.
“I-I didn’t—” But he cuts you off, taking a step forward.
“I know you can fight, a Mandalorian taught you how.  I know you’re useful, I know it’s just a missing person, and I know you hate it when I leave.”  He pins you with his eyes through the visor, his tone harder than you think you’ve ever heard it before.  “No.  Your job is to stay here, on this ship, with my son, where it is safe, and my job is to go get the quarry.  Quit asking.  I’m not telling you again.”
The baby makes a tiny little distressed sound in your arms and you blink a few times up at the cold metal, feeling all the good feelings from before just… drain out of you.
Okay, that’s fine.  Uh.  You… the cockpit is behind you, you’ll go up there and fly then.  No reason, just… he should get going.
“Okay, yeah,” you nod and tell the wall over his shoulder brace in immediate agreement, before abruptly spinning around and grabbing the ladder.  Din doesn’t move a single fucking muscle while you try to find your way up to the cockpit with the baby held to your chest and a dead stone sitting heavy inside of it, hoping your face doesn’t show the vulnerability you feel wanting to take over as you retreat.  Get to the cockpit first, get to the cockpit first, get to the—
“Sweet girl, I…” you barely hear murmured through the helmet from the floor, soft enough to sound slightly shocked, but you scramble into the cockpit and shut the door behind you before he can say anything else.
Silence didn't used to feel like this.
At first it was eerie, unnatural and stifling when you spent years in a wide open desert, wind swirling and dust pelting.  It suffocated you the first few times you jumped into hyperspace, a phenomena you read all about and considered mathematically fascinating before ever experiencing for yourself.  It was… foreign and strange, but you began to value it more and more as time passed.
Then, you started to get to know him and silence just became comforting.  Something you could bask in, knowing it was a comfort to him.  A choice he made because it just fit him best.  You felt safe in it, you felt like you didn’t have to be anything else but you.  You never had to break it just to avoid awkwardness, you became… closer to it, until you learned to fall in love with it.
But only when he was with you and it was his silence.  Not… everything else’s.  Now it’s haunting again.  Now the sheer lack of sound through hyperspace is a stranger to you, and the distortion of light surrounding the cockpit feels less about the sheer magnificence of manipulating space time and more about the fundamental disconnect it causes.  Gorgeous, but at its core, a severance.  Ripping the fabric of the universe apart, tearing a wound in it.
It’s been a few hours and nothing exceptional has happened since your conversation in the hull.  
You’ll admit that you’re a sensitive person, and because of that, you’ve always had a problem knowing if you were right or wrong when someone comes at you with a hard enough will.  You second-guess yourself, it’s one of your worst traits, and you feel like trying to squash that tendency without knowing the limit is partially to blame for why you’re holed up in this cockpit with the kid.  You’re quiet but in a different way from Din.  When he doesn’t speak, it’s because most of the time, he’s sure of himself and doesn’t need to.  When you don’t speak, it’s because most of the time, you’re insecure and don’t want to.
After being left alone with your thoughts for this long, you’re starting to realize that… he was right.  What were you thinking, wanting to tag along?  Wanting to hang out while he risks his life for this occupation, you probably sounded so fucking ignorant.  Maybe… maybe he didn’t have to say it like that, but his point is still very valid and you’re not sure if you’re really justified in hiding like this anymore.
The way he said… your job, though.  That still stings a bit.  This hasn’t felt like an actual job in a very long time.  Was that just an expression, or did he mean it literally?  You’re stuck on it, you’ve just been going over this for hours in your head, trying to figure out if you should be the one to apologize or not—or if this is just you overreacting from the start and no apologies will be necessary at all.
“Sorry you got stuck with me, kid,” you mutter sadly to the baby, watching him fiddle with his favorite metal ball in your lap.  He makes a little gurgle, purring in that weirdly adorable little way of his and it somehow feels like a reassurance directed to you that he’s just fine the way he is.
Maker, you haven’t heard anything from the hull in a fucking eternity; it’s like Din turned into a ghost, hasn’t even made a single footstep that you could hear since you last left him standing there.  You remember performing a quick flight check as soon as you got up here, lifting off as fast as you could and hoping the thrusters would rumble loud enough to cover your series of pitifully shallow sniffles at being yelled at unexpectedly by a very large and intimidating man, not really crying but not really able to breathe normal either.  The little monster was able to wiggle himself around in your lap as you were trying to punch in the correct coordinates for the fifth quarry with rapidly blinking, watery eyes, and then proceeded to give your belly the smallest hug you think you’ve ever been given and pretty much break your heart with it.
Lovely little boy, so sweet when he wants to be.  He’s sat with you this whole time, he even tried giving you his metal ball to play with but ultimately decided to keep it to himself when he realized you aren’t nearly as fascinated by it as he is.  You know it’s probably getting late for him, and you’ve been weighing the idea of handing him over to his father so he can at least get a good night’s sleep somewhere that isn’t your arms.  There’s no blankets in here, just your lap.
“I think I gotta go take you to your dad soon, tiny.  He’s probably missing you,” you tell him, trying to keep quiet enough that you won’t disturb Din in the hull.  There’s a good chance he’s already asleep.  “I think… he might still be mad at me.  Maybe you can give him the big eyes, soften him up a little?”
Right on cue, his enormous eyes start to droop closed, and you let out a tired sigh of exasperation.  That’s not gonna work, come on.  They gotta be open, booger.
You watch him slowly drift to sleep, his ears relaxing until they too start to droop, but when you try to take the ball from him and set it down on the console, his eyes immediately pop back open and the toy slips from your fingertips.  It levitates right back into his tiny hands as you watch, and then he closes his eyes once more while tightly cuddling the thing he loves most to his body.
He’s a child, and yet he’s…
“How are you so strong?”  You ask him, unable to even fathom.  “You’re the smallest, most helpless little thing I’ve ever seen and you’ve got such… strength.  You defy the universe for a piece of metal.”
He doesn’t hear you, you think he’s asleep again.  It’s just as well, you figure.  He needs to go sleep in his crib, it’s time.  You scoop him up and make sure the little ball stays tucked snugly in his arms, before finally standing up and stumbling over to the door on numb legs.
Only, when it slides open, you quickly stop short.
Because there, sitting on the floor and resting his helmet against the corner of this small little platform leading to the ladder, is the Mandalorian.
So much closer than you expected him to be.  So big, crammed into such a tiny place.  You didn’t hear his footsteps climbing the ladder, and you would’ve noticed it during the hours you’ve spent in the suffocatingly muted quiet of hyperspace.  He can be silent but not when absolutely nothing else exists and he’s got a thousand fucking pounds of steel weighing him down at any moment in time.  You took off almost immediately once you barricaded yourself inside the cockpit, so has he… did he follow you up in those last few seconds, right after you shut the door?  The ones when you were sniffling like a child and trying desperately to turn the thrusters on before you let the tears come?
His head lifts and his back straightens as you’re looking down at him with his sleeping son cradled in your arms, your eyes slightly redder than they should be.  You’re a mess and… he’s been here this whole time?
“Could you hear me in there?”  You whisper in sudden mortification, but Din just keeps gazing up at you through the impenetrable metal visor.  A complete mystery again.  Unreadable—he could be anyone.
When he doesn’t answer you, your heart twists with the possibility that he’s still upset with you, and you quickly turn to the ladder to figure out the best way to get down without jostling the baby.
“I’m sorry.”  His voice stops you dead in your tracks.  It’s so soft, nearly flipping in and out of the modulator from the lack of volume, the most cautious sounding thing you’ve ever heard coming through the filter.  “I… hurt your feelings.  I’m sorry.”
And…  Maker, if anybody else had said it.  If literally anybody else had said it, you know it would’ve sounded like the most sarcastic, dickish remark in such a delicate moment.  But, you also remember him telling you once that you were tenderhearted.  That the galaxy would never be as kind to you as you are to it.  This… comes out sounding like he’s trying to change that.
It comes out sounding like he’s trying to use his voice to hold you because he doesn’t think you want to be touched right now.  Like… like he’s doing everything he can to be as careful as possible here because you think he might be attempting to do something he’s never done before.  Apologize for saying something he didn’t mean.
“You don’t have to,” you quickly tell him.  He’s not good with words and apologies are difficult enough to phrase for normal people, you don’t want him to fret over it if that’s what this is.  “It’s okay, I know you’re not… you don’t have to.  It was stupid of me to ask.”
“It wasn’t,” he instantly counters, his voice finally seeming to find the floor when it was just hovering before.  Not loud—still gentle, still making sure the kid doesn’t wake up and you’re not frightened away, but a bit more grounded this time.  “It wasn’t… what I wanted to hear, and I didn’t take it well.  Not stupid.”
“It was stupid,” you return amicably, looking down at your feet.  “That’s not my… job, like you said.”
Din suddenly hangs his helmet down to his chest, pressing his gloves to the part that curves over his forehead and rubbing it.  “Shit.  I didn’t mean—”
“You were right,” you acknowledge, having spent the past few hours coming to the understanding that it’s the hard truth and he just phrased it poorly.  “I’m not… built for it, I’d only get in your way.  I barely just managed to shoot stationary targets with a blaster today, and that’s only with that aim corrector built into the barrel.  I’m here to be helpful, not—”
“What are you saying?”  He suddenly lifts the beskar to study you, sounding genuinely confused.  “What aim corrector?”
That… makes you pause.
“The, uh…”  Now you’re confused.  “The one that adjusts the plasma release on the gun you gave me.”
He doesn’t move an inch or say a single thing to you in response and you awkwardly shuffle your feet for a second, everything so quiet that you can hear every little snore that goes in and out of the kid’s tiny button nose.
You blink at him after way too long of that, not knowing why he still hasn’t said anything.  “There’s an electronic sight and like a bazillion extra magnets packed into the barrel, Din, what else could—”
“Sweet girl, that���s… that’s for the Philithiorium,” Din breathes out, like he’s absolutely blown away by you right now.  “That gas is less stable than normal canisters, it takes more magnets to focus the white beam without overheating the metal.”
You stare at him, not truly processing.  He’s saying that… you made all those shots today without any help at all?  By yourself?
Your eyebrows furrow and you blink a few times, but then his slow, heavy sigh echoes throughout the metal walls with disappointment… and you don’t think it’s directed towards you.
“You’re just… always so unsure of yourself.”  He sounds genuinely distraught as his helmet tips down to look at the ground.  “I made that worse today.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you quickly shake your head, your chest already beginning to loosen slightly by just being around him, hearing his voice, seeing the metal glint under the fluorescent light overhead when he’s in such a vulnerable position on the floor.  “It’s okay, let’s just… pretend neither of us said anything at all, okay?”
“Is that what you really want?”  He asks you after a moment of quiet, and for some reason, you hear something in your mind tell you that his arms look so nice right now, don’t they?  You could fit right there, perfect and safe again.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you smile at him, feeling a bit of the ache trapped inside you continue to work itself out little by little.  You’ll be back to normal soon, it’s fine.
“No, I mean… do you really want to come with me?”  Din asks you, the words sounding cautious.  Confused, like he truly never expected the proposition from you at all.  “Or… do you just not want me to go?”
Oof, what a fucking question.
Why would he ask this?  It’s not pointed; it’s the softest, gentlest inquiry you’ve ever been posed.  Maybe in other circumstances, you’d say that him leaving doesn’t have anything to do with it, but… you’re certain that internally, it absolutely does have at least something to do with it and he was just able to know it before you did.  Which is probably why his sharp words seemed all the more cutting earlier.  It hurt because he said the truth first, verbalized a very deep insecurity you’ve been trying to hide from him and threw it right in your face when shutting you down.
Though, if it worked differently and you were the one who had to be away while he stayed here, you’d like to think you’d handle it way better than how it is now.  At least you’d have a real mission to focus on, new things to see and experiences to have.  You just feel… confined sometimes.
You take a deep breath and figure you’ll use sitting down as an excuse to think for a second.  There’s practically no room but you find it in the back of the cockpit near the doorframe anyways, doing your best to keep the kid level while you slowly lower yourself to the ground near him.  Not touching him, but close.
“I just… I lived my whole life stuck in one spot, wanting to see the galaxy,” you finally admit to him, staring at his chestplate but seeing the helmet tilt slightly in your peripheral.  “Sometimes it’s just… hard to see the galaxy and still be stuck in one spot, I guess.”
“…You want an adventure,” Din proposes quietly, and though there’s not a single hint of mockery in his voice, you suddenly feel like it’s really fucking dumb when he phrases it like that.  What are you, an eight year old?  Wanting to go on an adventure, see things you’ve never seen without any concept for real life?  Credits?  Time?  Resources?
You shrug a shoulder to make it seem like it’s no big deal.  Why is he even entertaining this right now?  “It’s stupid, I kn—”
“Like on Naboo,” he goes on, ignoring your harsh self-criticism, not allowing you the ability to even get it out once he heard the first couple words.  “Going through the forest, seeing that waterfall.  Someplace to find for yourself.  Explore.  Experience.”
You… you want it so badly that you think your eyes might tear up just hearing the words coming out of his mouth when he says them like that.  Like he… just inherently understands.  He knows.
He knows you.  He’s not good with words and yet he found the single most succinct way to put what you thought was a complex yearning without even trying.  You can’t even answer him, he hit the target dead on and you’re left with nothing to say that wouldn’t just be a miserable lie.
“Okay,” Din says after a moment, giving you a small nod.
You’re lost now.  “…Okay?”
“You’re never going on a hunt with me,” he tells you very seriously, no room for arguing.  “Ever.  And not because you can’t handle it, understand?”  He inhales, quickly adding on to his response before you’re able to analyze it the way you want to.  “But if you want an adventure, then… I can try and find a way to give you one.”
Stars.  He’s… too kind.  You somehow feel like it’s more than you deserve.  You were honestly hoping to just shadow him on a hunt, watch him work and stay well out of the way when he needs you to.  Helping if you think you’d be of any help; an extra set of eyes and hands.  You would’ve been fine even if he didn’t apologize for raising his voice at you, he doesn’t have to do this for you.
“Thank you,” you say for the third time today, feeling like each one has somehow multiplied in sincerity.
“It can’t be right now,” he quickly tells you, apologetic but earnest about it.  “I have to find the quarry, and I’m supposed to meet with Karga again in a week.”
You never did let him know about the other part of the deal you made with Karga, you admit.  Four pucks, no hassling, no hard time constraints.  That’s what you shook on, but you just never found a way to bring it up to Din.  Especially since you’ve been so preoccupied with hiding your growing disappointment from him whenever he has to go.
“If…” you pause, wondering the best way to phrase this.  Yikes, this is a toughie.  “Um.  If Karga… I don’t know, hypothetically, if Karga decided to loosen the time constraints back to the way they were before the Corellian bounty, would you… still need to meet with him again in a week?”
You don’t think he even bothers shuffling through all those words.  “Say what you mean.  Please.”
“That was part of the deal I struck with him,” you quickly explain.  “You can hunt on your own timetable again and he’ll keep giving you four pucks like before, no more or less after this one extra quarry.  It’s like a… replacement of sorts, for the one I kept you from getting the time before.  If credits aren’t an issue, you can take more than a week.  But only if you want to, you don’t have to.  It’s just there and you should know, that’s all.”
He takes his time responding, lifting his helmet just the slightest bit in… surprise?  Maybe?
“You never told me you did that,” Din finally murmurs.
“Ah.  Well.”  You look down at the sleeping kid in your arms.  “I didn’t want you to think I was trying to… keep you here.”
It genuinely is a struggle for you, and you think he’s just now realizing that.  As much as you know he gets frustrated with you for always wanting him to be here when he physically can’t be, you think it’s only now that he’s truly realizing the lengths you go to in order to stomp that part of you down whenever you feel it threatening to come up.  You allowed him to leave every single time without telling him he could stay, knowing that all that was left for you was babysitting and target practice for days on end.
“Will you come over here?”  Din finally asks, and the tone of his voice just punches you in the chest.  So soft, so distressed from having you so close yet so far from him and just… full of a quiet hope, like he’s fully expecting you to say no.
“Will we fit?”  You whisper after a moment, even quieter.
He doesn’t answer, he just reaches for you.  You do your best to scoot over to him without waking the kid, and then Din pulls you the rest of the way once he has a grip.  You go right into his arms, laying sideways across his lap and supported by his steel embrace.
Oh, it’s not comfortable but you’ve also never been more fucking comfortable.  One of his knees lifts and allows you to rest your back against it without worrying about falling over sideways and down the ladder to the hull, thank the Maker.  The beskar pauldron over his shoulder digs into your cheek, but Din immediately pushes an arm up to nudge his helmet off and make it better for both of you.  Your face automatically fits into the crook of his neck while he sets the beskar on the bend of his knee, and then he silently cradles you while you do the same to his little boy… who does the same to his favorite metal ball.
“Ni tar’tayl su,” he murmurs into your hair, the one phrase in Mando’a you do recognize, especially with how beautiful and elegant it sounds rolling off his tongue.  “Forgive me.  Ni ceta.”
You sigh your contentment and melt into him, well aware that you’d still be more comfortable in bed.  But when you’re pressed hard against his chest like this and the baby is fast asleep in your arms, you get to feel both of them breathing.  Din’s right lung is probably bigger than the kid’s whole entire body, but you like the radically different cycles they go through.  You think you count six full breaths coming from the brown sack in your palms for every one of Din’s and two of yours.  It creates the most beautiful little symphony that sometimes gets a little off track, but always finds its way back around again.
“How do you say…”  You ask, feeling his hand slowly move down the curve of your spine, mindless and hypnotic.  It catches the edge of your shirt and goes underneath, and even though it’s not his bare hand and there’s no skin to skin, it still feels so good.  Not sexual or sensual even, just… a comfort to you.  “In Mando’a, how do you say… out of a trillion?”
Din’s breaths pause for just a second, his portion of the synchronized rhythm faltering.  Soon it starts back up, and his head turns to press his lips against your hair.
“I don’t think there’s a word for it,” he admits, gently brushing a thumb across the baby’s forehead while he snoozes.  “There could be, but I don’t know it.  I’d use… out of a million million millions.  Dayn alanyc bal alanyc bal alanyci.”
Your eyes begin to drift closed, exhausted from keeping them open after shedding a few tears earlier.  Your first fight and you’re already completely in love with him again after a handful of hours of sulking and one conversation.  How is that possible?  You’re normally a very forgiving person and it wouldn’t have taken much to make you feel better, you just never expected him to… actually want it from you that badly, care enough about it to get on the floor and ask.
Din doesn’t move the entire night through.  You assumed he’d make everyone get up at some point and move to the hull, but he doesn’t.  You fall asleep against his chest, comforted by the silence once again.
The next morning, Din quietly climbs into the cockpit while you’re humming in the shower.  You’re too busy basking in the indoor rainfall to feel the ship pull out of hyperspace, and then jump back into it a few moments after.
“How long do you think you’ll be this time?”  You ask two days later, sitting on the extended flattop of Din’s old cot and swinging your legs back and forth.  The baby is currently sitting on your lap and trying to roll the metal ball down your knee so you’ll kick it in the air, you think, because he keeps dropping it at different moments and forcing you to stop moving your legs to prevent accidentally denting a wall.  Every time the ball clatters to the floor, he makes a sad sound and it immediately lifts back up into his tiny hands for another try.
Heavy boots clang against the metal floor as Din drops down from the ladder, having just landed the Crest on the surface of whatever planet you’re on.  “I’m not leaving yet.”
“Oh…”  You blink, surprised.  “Okay.”
“I wanted to do some more training with you first, if that’s okay.  You can say no if you want, but maybe not,” Din drawls, striding over to the armory and opening it.  He carefully removes your blaster from the front shelf, speaking with his back to you.  “You’re going to run.”
“Um.”  You take a moment to glance around the enclosed hull, before turning to look back at him with your eyebrows raised.  “What, like… in place?”
Din sighs and closes the armory before leaning back against the doors, rubbing the face of the helmet in exasperation.  “From me, sweet girl.”
Your legs stop swinging, and the baby grumbles and slaps three fingers against your knee.  “What?”
“We’re on Sanctuary II,” he explains, turning to grab his black bag from one of the storage shelves.  He unzips it and reaches back into one of the larger pockets on his utility belt, before grabbing a handful of credits and stuffing them inside.  “It’s a moon, the New Republic occupied it years ago and made it a safe world for refugees and orphans of the Empire.  You’ll have your blaster, some credits, a communicator, and a day head start.  You’re going to run from me.  Show me how much you’ve learned.”
Is… he for real?
Right now?  You don’t even know how to respond, you’re too surprised.  Even when Din approaches and carefully trades the kid for your blaster, setting the bag down next to you on the metal bed, you still haven’t answered him.
“If you want?”  He asks after a moment, and you quickly jerk your head into a nod and jump off the raised platform, almost knocking into him with your sudden excitement.
“Okay!  Fuck yeah,” you grin, but Din shakes his head.
“Rules,” he says seriously, and you quickly do your best to frown, trying to compose your thrilled expression to match his tone.  “One.  This is a safe world, but things can always happen.  You have a blaster now, but it’s for emergencies only.  Do not shoot me with it.  Do you understand?”  You nod, but Din reaches forward to grab your elbow.  “Out loud, please.  For me.”
“I will not shoot you with this blaster,” you vow obediently, carefully cradling the precious firearm in your hands.
“Do not shoot me,” he repeats while pointing a leather finger at you.  “Do not… shoot at me.  Near me.  Around me.  No, just—don’t shoot.  Unless I am… very far away.  Okay?”
Well, he didn’t have to phrase it like that.  You frown, but acquiesce regardless.  “I will only resort to blastering if it’s an emergency and you are not around.”
He nods a thank you for putting it into better words.  “Second rule.  Since you don’t have a ship, I won’t either.  We’re on foot.  I don’t doubt you can hotwire a piece of junk to do what you need it to do, but I’d prefer it if you didn’t.  Good?”
Entirely accurate and entirely fair.  “Good.”
“Three,” he says.  “I’ll have the kid with me, which is both good and bad news for you.  Good news is he’ll slow me down, bad news is I can’t promise he won’t also try to intervene at some point if you’re serious about putting up a decent fight.  What I can promise is that I won’t encourage it.”
“Reassuring,” you nod.  “Also not really a rule.  Please continue.”
“Four.”  He pauses for a second.  “I think I’m wanted by the New Republic.”
You nearly jerk back.  “What?”
“I can’t confirm it and I’m not proud of it,” Din quickly tells you, probably the vaguest possible explanation he could provide.  “I’m only telling you so that you’ll know your advantage and find a way to exploit it.  I can’t be seen by any officers, or they might arrest me.”
Is he fucking serious?  “I don’t want you to be arrested, Din, I—”
“I won’t be,” he assures you.  “They owe me one, I just don’t want to cash in yet.  Trust me.”
You… do.  Insanely, and against every logical thought flittering through your head, you do.  If you were ever going to bet money that someone would be able to navigate a safe world on foot without being caught by the numerous officers scattered across the surface, then you’d put all your credits on Din Djarin.  It… also shouldn’t really surprise you at all that the people seeking his incarceration also owe him a favor, should it?  It actually sounds right on par for him.  “Okay.”
“Fifth, and this one is important, so listen up,” he continues gruffly.  “You check in with me tonight over the e-comm, alright?  I don’t care where you are or how safe this planet is, if you don’t check in, I’ll come find you before the sun rises.  Say you understand me.”
“I understand you,” you tell him, your heart beginning to pound in your chest at the reality of this actually happening.  “I’ll check in tonight.”
“And if,” he goes on, “by some miracle, you manage to make it more than a full day, you check in with me tomorrow night, too.  Say it.”
“I will check in with you every single night for the full five days it’ll take you to find me,” you assert, the adrenaline starting to make you brash and giddy.  
Din tilts his helmet at you sternly.  It is a very, very stern tilt.  “Okay.  New plan, forget everything I just said.”
Your expression furrows.  “What’s the new plan?”
“That is the new plan,” he says, dead serious.  “Us.  Not doing this.”
“Oh, come on,” you grin cheekily up at him, poking his chestplate.  “I’m just giving you some motivation to find me quicker, that’s all.”
Din stares down at you, and… yeesh.  Tough crowd.
“Tell you what,” he finally grunts, sounding incredibly unamused with your jesting.  “If you can last that long with only a day head start, I’ll let you come with me to collect the fifth quarry.  You can even cuff the bastard yourself.”
You know it’s just because he’s rightly confident in his own deadly skill, but hearing him propose the possibility still shoots a thrill down your spine.  “Oh ho, you are gonna regret saying that, shiny,” you beam up at him, starting to hop back and forth on each foot with excitement.
“But if I’m able to find you, you can’t ask me ever again,” he finishes shortly, and you immediately go still in front of him.
“If I’m able to find you in five days, I don’t want to hear about you coming with me on a hunt and you can’t ever ask me not to go on one,” Din tells you, his voice rough and gravelly through the modulator.  Not mean or harsh, but firm.  “From now on, it’ll be off-limits.”
You… take a moment, not knowing if you should feel scolded or not.  When you don’t immediately say anything in response, he sighs and turns the helmet away from you.
“Leaving is hard enough as it is,” he mutters, looking at the ground.  “Hearing you ask… makes it impossible.”
You slowly lower your gaze to the floor as well, feeling your heart constrict tight in your chest.  There’s a real pull under his voice, telling you that information even though it sounds like he doesn’t really want to admit it out loud.  It… really is a struggle for him too, then.  You understand.
“Okay,” you nod.  There’s not a single part of you that actually thinks you’ll be able to stay hidden from him for five days while stuck on foot, so this is essentially a given.  You’re not thrilled about the idea, but you’re going to do your best to respect it nonetheless, especially if he cares enough to put off hunting and allow you this experience for yourself.  It’s a better compromise than you ever imagined, and you’ll do everything you can to hold up your side of the bargain.
Din clears his throat and straightens his spine, turning the visor until it faces you head on once more.  “Final rule.  I reserve the right to break any rule we just agreed to, or any fucking rule in this galaxy to keep you safe.  Good?”
Your cheeks flush with heat, your stomach suddenly filling with butterflies.  He doesn’t do that.  Din says what he says or he doesn’t say anything at all, there’s no… taking things back, he’s already breaking his own code.
“What happened to The Way says no take-backs?”  You ask quietly.
“This is my way,” he answers you.  Quick, not even taking a moment to think about it, before pulling out a fancy looking wristwatch thing and clipping it on you himself.  “This is your communicator.  It takes more power than the one you have now but it’ll reach a further distance.  I have one just like it, they’re locked into the same frequency and timesynced together, and the batteries need to be charged every three days.  If you make it that long, I’ll remind you.”  Din grabs the bag while you slide your arm into it, helping you hook it around your shoulder with one hand while he cradles the kid in his other.  Your heart is pounding now, pumping with adrenaline as he pulls you towards the middle of the hull and then wraps an arm around you.
“Hey,” he murmurs, pulling you tight to him and pressing the helmet to the crown of your head.  His voice is barely a whisper through the modulator.  “Gar darasuum.”  For an eternity.
You find some way to wrap your arms around him, even with your blaster in your hand and the kid hanging out in his dad’s other arm.
“Dayn alanyc, bal alanyc, bal alanyci,” you murmur dutifully against the beskar chestplate, knowing your accent is probably butchering the words but hoping they still carry the same sentiment.
And then you’re squeeeeeezed hard enough to get a little air out of you, before you’re let go and he turns around, pressing a button on his vambrace so the ramp begins to lower.
It’s bright outside but not too bright, and everything is warm and gentle and breezy, right in the middle of a lush plain.  You inhale the fresh air into your lungs, looking out across the wide open field, having no fucking clue this is where your day would be leading when you woke up this morning.  Oh Maker, it’s gorgeous here.  Not like Naboo, where every single thing is picturesque and fit for an e-card, but in a soft, understated kind of way.  The sky is a canvas of swirling pastel clouds, pale pinks and yellows and blues, and the communicator on your wrist lets you know that it’s just after noon here.
You take one single step down the ramp, before immediately stopping and turning around to bite your lip at him.
“How am I… how am I supposed to outrun you?”  You ask, already clueless.  “You’re too good, better than me at everything.”
“That’s not true,” Din reminds you sternly, grabbing your hand at your side.  “You already know who’s after you, that’s an advantage nobody else has ever had against me.  You know how I think.  I don’t know how, but sometimes it’s like you can…”  He slowly shakes his head.  “See me.  Through the metal.”
“But… but that works both ways,” you point out, breathless at hearing him say that but needing to focus right now.  “You know me, too—you’ll know exactly where I—”
He shakes his head again, but quickly this time.  “Remember what I told you a long time ago?  What your best weapon is?”
You… do not.  He told you so many things, and you’re assuming every single one of them is going to come into play during this endeavor if you want to outlast.  You’re going to have to think back and remember all of them individually, find the time to figure out your best plan of action based on the remarkably little you know about how he hunts.
“You’re smart, remember?”  Din murmurs, squeezing your fingers.  “Your mind works differently, it sees things in ways I’ll never be able to, not even with this helmet.  So…”  He shrugs a shoulder like it’s the simplest thing in the galaxy.  “Don’t try to outrun, okay?  Just try to outsmart.”
You give him a nod after a moment, still not really sure about it, before giving his hand one last squeeze in return and eventually letting go.  
Outsmart.  Outsmart him, use what you know about him to be the most elusive quarry he’s ever hunted down.
As you make your way down the ramp, you’re already thinking.  His helmet tracks footprints, that’s a thing you know.  You’ll have to find someone to trade shoes with, then—yours aren’t too beat up, maybe you can find a local who’d appreciate a better pair.  Are you going to a city?  Would there be one in walking distance?  The wilderness won’t work, you’ll be too exposed and it would make you an easy target for either him or wild animals.  The weather seems clear here though, and you don’t think you’ll need to worry about rain or snow, but if—
“Oh—but when you do see me,” Din decides to add when your feet finally touch the grass, and you pause once more to turn around and look at him.  He stays quiet for a second, studying you through the helmet for too long.  Like the anticipation is getting to him already.
You bite your lip back at him and adjust the bag on your shoulder, tummy swirling with nerves and excitement.  He tilts the visor up, gazing down at you from the hull with the kid tucked in his arms.
“Try to outrun,” he says gruffly, before turning back into the ship and letting the ramp slowly close behind him.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— Shouto becomes victim of a quirk accident. In that he become two people who get along as well as fire and ice do. They clash at every moment, and only seem to agree on one thing: their love for you. Or in which Shouto gets split into two by a quirk that spilts chimeras and in order for peace to be found you find yourself in a threesome with two halves that make the one you love most.
pairing: split!todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, threesome, split!shouto, anal, double penetration, blowjob, rimming, cunnilingus, cursing, degradation, praise 
word count: 8,930
a/n: LMAOOOOOO this waas actually fun to write the names I gave them were super easy because I am uncreative. I used an anons rec for shoutos hero name: reisho so that’s what that is. and thank you to my lovely canasian for finding the original drabble I wrote. pls enjoy!
kinktober day 6 main kink: threesome
“What’s going on?”
It was a series of words that often came out of your mouth because, as a Pro Hero, there were many times where you had no idea what was going on. It usually ranged from asking why Kaminari and Kirishima were giggling and avoiding your gaze when you walked into a room to coming onto an active battle where Bakugou and Midoriya were bloodied and crazed. There was nothing off-limits to those words, as they were, after all, said in complete confusion. 
“Where is he?!” you tried again, watching as nineteen different eyes look everywhere but at you.
However, it was without given when you watched your twenty -- wait, was that twenty-one? -- former classmates both stumble into one another as they turn to face you.
“Y/l/n-chan!” Mina squeaked, stepping up from the crowd, trying to cover up the two people in there that you couldn’t quite recognize as your classmates. “How was patrol? I heard that Todoroki-kun left you midway!”
You wished that last comment didn’t make your cheeks burn as intensely as it did.
Today had been one of the rare days that you had gone off on your route with your boyfriend, Todoroki Shouto. Both of you watched the busy streets and whispering between yourself as you avoided the masses, not wanting to get caught up with fan interactions that were rather unneeded. But there had been a large altercation that required Shouto’s expertise. Specifically, the voice at headquarters commanded that you stay on patrol while Shouto would leave. So you had watched as Shouto placed a hand on your cheek, his thumb softly petting your cheek, his smile warm.
“I’ll be back,” he had promised before taking off in a mist of ice and fire.
You continued the rest of your patrol with a rather childish pout on your face, you hadn’t enjoyed being sidelined like this, but you calmly assessed the situation. It probably wasn’t a fight you would be much aid in, and there was never a reason to send more than enough heroes onto a single area. But your route was coming to an end, and Shouto had still yet to reappear. Trying not to overthink it, you frowned while passing a store with TVs out in front.
Staring at the bright, flashing screen, you suddenly felt a sense of panic at the headliner: Chimera Quirk-Wielding Villain Apprehended by Pro Heroes Froppy, Pinky, and Reisho. (slight injuries on the hero team.)
With concern pitting up horribly in your stomach for your friends and boyfriend, you finished your assignment as calmly as you could, before finally getting to rush back to your agency. You had taken to the rooftops to get there as quickly as you could.
Through all that, you found yourself right where you had been in the beginning, staring at Mina, who despite the few scrapes of dirt and soot on your costume, looked normal. Your eyes glanced over at Tsuyu, who, like Mina, was unharmed -- which left Shouto.
“Something strange happened during that battle,” Momo spoke up, her face set with concern, her eyes, although not horrified, was definitely a bit at a loss for an explanation.
“The person we fought against could make chimera’s out of people, but the limits of their quirk meant that once they made a chimera, they couldn’t add more to the creation,” Mina explained, her head nodding as she looked from Momo to you. Her fingers were tugging at her pink curls, and you tilted your head.
“Is Shouto still smashed together with someone or something?” you asked, a bit hesitant to see what potentially horrific creation your boyfriend could have turned into. “I’ve seen Shouto show up home after the poop-villain fiasco, I swear I won’t cry if he’s ugly!”
“Well, no, kero,” Tsuyu frowned, her finger pressing to her lower lip as she tilted her head. “Mina-chan and I were a chimera for a bit, and the quirk has a limit when they make a chimera.”
You didn’t like how that was worded.
“Just fucking show her the idiots who threw the match!” Bakugou snapped, his eyebrows furrowed as he shoved the crowd away in the middle, parting them like Moses did the red sea. 
Idiots? You thought, your confused expression growing as you looked from Bakugou’s frowning face onto what they had been hiding from you.
And you instantly understood why when you were greeted with two heads. One entirely redheaded, the other entirely white-haired, each with identical faces who looked at you with the same tone to their eyes.
“You see, their quirk can also separate chimera’s, and well… I — we, guess that Todoroki-san is one,” Momo informed you as you stared at opposite replicates of your loving boyfriend. “The villain said they’ve never split a natural-born human chimera before, it had been their first time, so the lasting effects of the quirk are unknown.”
The redheaded Shouto still sported a scar on his face, but he felt completely different. His face was cold, stare distant, and burning with a suppressed, denied fury that you couldn’t recognize on him outside of a battlefield. But even with the cold look encompassing his body and stature like a thick sheet of ice, when he looked at you with his set of two burning turquoise eyes, you knew his feelings for you were still the same.
The white-haired Shouto had no scar, and he looked much closer to the man you knew currently, except maybe a bit more open? His face quipped into a smile, his eyes swimming with mirth, joy, and content with finally seeing you here, all good emotions but emotions you weren’t used to him exposing to the public like this. But even with the warm, loving look burning softly around him, his set of grey eyes shone with feelings you knew were true.
“My boyfriend is split into two?!”
There was something wrong with that sentence, something that carried heat because the moment you said those words, both Shouto’s seemed to freeze next to each other. Icy and fiery glares meeting in an electric firestorm as Deku promptly dragged you out of the room with Momo and Mina. You struggled against Deku’s iron grip, only seeing white-haired Shouto’s jaw drop in the beginnings of a speech while redheaded Shouto glowered at him with all the intensity he could muster.
“Y/l/n-san, we need you to never, ever mention that they’re the same person,” Deku immediately spoke as soon as the door between the hallway and the room where the Shouto’s were closed. “He’s — they’re — not handling that information very well, and are acting rather… immature about who the real ‘Todoroki-kun’ is.”
“They’re not connected by the same mind?!” you spluttered, your own mind feeling like it was split down the middle at the hypothesis that your boyfriend was both of these men, but none of them. “So, it’s like a split personality manifesting completely?”
“We’re a bit sure on how to compare it to something such as dissociative disorder,” Momo spoke calmly, undoubtedly her mind working a mile a millisecond to make sense of the strange predicament you all were in. “He’s been in here for some time now. And from what we’ve managed to question from him, both parts of Todoroki-san remember everything. It seems they differ in just how they felt about it on an emotional basis.”
You blinked once, twice.
“Do you mind giving me an example?”
Goddamn idiot you were.
“Well, I guess the bigger emotional differences were during our high school years,” Midoriya mumbled, his fingers pinching his lower lip in thought. “A good example would be why he challenged me during the sports festival. Redhead Shouto said he did it because he hated Endeavor so much back then he was willing to prove his strength no matter what. White-haired Shouto says it was an overreaction on his own part and that he’s truly sorry.”
You frowned.
“It almost sounds like if Todoroki-san’s quirk had been only one of his parents, and his two halves are insights to the life he would have led if he had only one,” Momo offered a pursed stare. She didn’t seem too sure of her conclusion, but for you, it was enough.
“Honestly, you were the only one I saw both Todoroki-kun’s act the same toward!” Mina exclaimed, her hands grabbing your shoulders as she leaned in close, a sly grin on her face. “It’s like the two of you are destined lovers, no matter how the world is!”
“Mina!” you whined, feeling utterly embarrassed as she snickered loudly, her eye falling into a wink before straightening up.
“Alright, so just a recap: don’t mention which one is the ‘real’ Todoroki,” Mina warned, already moving back into the room.
“What do we call them then?” you whispered, feeling not at all prepared to stare at two, stupid hot versions of your same boyfriend.
“Ah-ha, well,” Midoriya smiled embarrassed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as you all walked back in. “Only Kacchan brought up a nickname so far.”
“YOU STUPID FUCKING RED HALF!” Bakugou’s voice roared the moment the door opened, and immediately, you were pulled back into the mess of the situation. “I’LL MURDER YOUR ASS!”
“Someone was clearly not raised on manners,” came the snide remark from Shouto’s white half, and you watched on in horror as your old male classmates worked together to hold off all three rambunctious boys to keep from fighting.
But you stared at the apathetic face on Shouto’s red half, his eyes somehow empty, dull, and angry as he glared at Bakugou.
Red half.
You looked at Shouto’s white half that was grinning at the challenge, icy frosting off his body akin to the explosions on Bakugou’s fists as he egged him on. 
That would be easy enough.
You snorted, before walking forward, grabbing your boyfriend(s) hands in yours, and they quickly turned to look at you. Their gazes turning warm and full, their demeanor utterly different as the raging Bakugou faded into the background. 
“So, I’m sure you both know what’s going on at the moment,” you spoke clearly, just loudly enough to be heard over the popping explosions on Bakugou’s palms. “I also know you’re both confident in who you are, but the truth is you both have the same name, so we’re going to need a new thing to call the both of you. Is that okay?”
“Ah, I see,” white-haired Shouto nodded, his hand tightening around yours, his thumb running along the backside of your palm. “You will continue to call me Shouto, and we will call him, the Imposter.”
Wait, what?!
“I’m not the imposter,” redheaded Shouto rolled his eyes, taking the hand he held up to his lips, pressing a gentle, warm kiss to your knuckles — it contrasted chillingly with the cold, aloof tone he continues to have with his white half. “I am, after all, the one with the facial scar. It is the most recognizable feature of me. Clearly, you’re the imposter.”
You had to ignore the way your stomach fluttered and how your cheeks exploded in heat as both Shouto’s were suddenly kissing your knuckles. They only went further after leaving warm, chilling kisses on your skin. For they pulled you closer by your waist, a physical challenge between the two to claim you. Even though they both were for you.
It was only made worse by the wide-eyed, cheek splitting grins, and spluttering noises made by your old classmates who relished in this rom-com type embarrassment.
“Oh my god, enough!” you squeaked, trying to shove both overpowering men away from you.
“See, you’re being too much,” white-haired Shouto snapped, ripping you from redhead Shouto’s hold.
“Let. Y/n. Go.” redhead Shouto growled, hand exploding with fire, and you wrestled yourself out of white-haired Shouto’s hold to press your palms flat against each of their chests.
“You both better calm down right now, or else I’ll send you off with our friends until you’re back to normal!” you snap, your cheek radiating with explosive heat. With the threat heavy on their minds, redhead Shouto took away his flame, and white-haired Shouto took a less defensive stance. Relieved with their current treaty, you thrust a finger at both halves, looking between your way too amused classmates and your boyfriend(s). “You will be called Red--” you jabbed redheaded Shouto with your finger-- “and you will be White!” you spoke clearly, tapping white-haired Shouto with your other finger.
“Am I understood?”
You glared at your boyfriend(s) who were staring down at you with wide eyes and gaping jaws.
“I said, am I understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” your boyfriend(s) sputtered.
Highlight of Day One of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Where is Red going to sleep?” White asked as you settled into the, thankfully, large bed the two -- now three -- of you shared. “On the floor?”
The bed had been a present from Endeavor when Shouto had moved into your apartment with you. It was much bigger than anything you owned, and while you hadn’t been fond of the length and stretch of the bed, you indeed were grateful for it now.
“Y/n likes to be warm when she sleeps,” Red duly noted, glaring at White the entire time it took him to crawl onto the right side of the bed. He settled right by you, arm wrapped around your waist, chin grazing against your temple. “You sleep on the floor.”
“You need comfort to stay beautiful, and since you’re eliminated from being that because of the scar on your face, you can sleep on the floor!” White countered while reciprocating the same position Red was doing.
Red’s eyebrow twitched at that before his glare soured and became icy cold, “I have the bigger co--”
“Both of you shut up now!” you snap, the palms of your hands shoving their faces away from one another. You were feeling more like a mother to a pair of troublesome twin toddlers than the girlfriend of your boyfriend(s). “I don’t want to hear it!” you groan as both their jaws dropped to attempt to speak their mind. “If you can’t shut up and sleep, I’ll sleep on the floor!”
“Then shut up, love me more, and let’s go to bed!”
“You don’t have the bigger cock--”
“Oh my god!”
“Please don’t go, my love, White is an idiot.”
Highlight of Day Two of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Well, this is certainly an interesting thing to be experiencing,” Rei’s gentle voice filled the room as both Red and White sat at her sides. Neither one of them touching her, but their gazes warm and soft for their mother. Rei touched the cheeks of both her son(s) and sighed softly before returning her attention to you. “Has it been hard? I do hope they’ve been behaving themselves.”
You smiled in hopes it would help to hide the grimace on your features as you laughed.
Just this morning, the two of them nearly burned down the kitchen while trying to outperform one another in making you breakfast in bed. It was of ample notice to realize that just one Todoroki Shouto was not to be trusted in the kitchen, but putting two Todoroki Shouto’s in there had caused them to somehow burn water and melt the stove.
The eggs they managed to pull together were burnt yet undercooked and had eggshells in them.
It wasn’t the worst meal you’ve had fun enough.
“They’re doing just fine,” you lie, your smile warm at the woman you would hope to one day become your mother-in-law. “Just a bit odd to deal with two people when I’m so used to one.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is. In fact, they initially saw Shouto was to be twins, but he absorbed the other one in the womb,” Rei admitted, a small laugh on her tongue as she politely covered her mouth, her eyes closed in her mirth. “A bit funny how it seems like this could have been the outcome of that life.”
You feel a cold sweat drip on the back of your neck as Red straightens, his eyes darkening as he makes contact with Rei’s arm, and fear thrums through every fiber of your being.
“Yes, Shouto?” Rei asked, her warm grey eyes taking in Red’s gloomy form.
“White called me ugly.”
Highlight of Day Three of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“My love, I’m not feeling too well,” White groaned on the couch when you first arrived home.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, you were still being cleared to work during this time of split Shouto. After a much-needed relatively short time away from home, you had returned after a patrol to a clean apartment living room and Red sitting on the singles armchair, and White sprawled on the couch. 
You froze, Shouto hardly ever got sick! His internal temperature was always so in tune to the things around him that no virus, bug, or bacteria ever managed to infect him with sickness. For all five years of knowing him, you had never once seen him sick.
“Oh my god!” you panicked, rushing to remove your coat and shoes as you ran over to the couch to feel his forehead for a temperature.
He was running a bit cold, as he always did on his right side of his body, so you internally freaked about if this was normal or not! Your Shouto always had a specific spot on his forehead that was considered normal, but this was not your normal Shouto.
You were fucked, so wildly fucked.
“Are you okay? What do you need? I can go get you a blanket. I’ll get some soup going! What medicine do you think you need?!”
“There’s…” White trailed off in his exhaustion, his hands rubbing his face in probably his sick delirium. “There’s only one thing that will help…”
“What is it?” you asked, leaning in closer to him so that his flushed lips were centimeters from your ear.
“I need... “ he trailed off, and you leaned in closer, only to be suddenly trapped in his arms and pulled on top of him. “Some one-on-one time with my beautiful girlfriend!”
The scent of burning leather filled the room.
“Princess, I’m not feeling good.”
Good fucking grief.
Highlight of Day Four of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“The store has both!” you sobbed, your boyfriend(s) adopting their possessive hugging on your body while out in public as you had attempted to get them out of the house because you thought that maybe, just maybe, they were feeling stir-crazy.
“But we always share our soba noodles, y/n,” Red looked down at you, tilting your chin so that you could look at him clearly. “I know you love cold soba more.”
“We get it, Ice Princess, daddy hurt your feelings, and now you still hate everything hot! Get over it; y/n always buys hot soba when you’re not around.”
“G-Guys,” you whimper, suddenly feeling drowned out with the clashing of ice and fire personalities around you as the crowd watched on in bemusement. “Please stop.”
They suddenly both turned on you, their eyes narrowed, faces fierce as they both exclaimed at the same time: “Which soba do you like better?!”
You’re too exhausted of them to even scold them like you had used to anymore.
In the end, they tried to settle it via arm wrestling, which resulted in a horrible tie. They had both tried to use their quirks to win, somehow forgetting in the heat of their battle that their quirks not only canceled each other, but their strength was painfully equivalent. 
Highlight of Day Five of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
To be frank, you missed kissing Shouto.
With them being the way they were and how horribly chaotic they acted, you knew if you kissed one, it would lead to them both impregnating you and slipping an engagement ring on your pretty ring finger well before you were ready for either one of those things. So instead, you stared at both of their equally perfect lips.
Full, slightly pouty pink lips that were somewhat chapped as they always were due to his quirk elements. Full, soft lips that you had felt pressed to your hands and cheeks for the past five days, and yet you craved it to be pressed against your lips, but that was undoubtedly dangerous.
But you continued to stare at Red’s lips, at White’s lips.
You liked seeing how their teeth exposed themselves when they smiled, or how he had barely formed dimples on his cheeks, the smile lines that had finally formed on his previously smooth face. You liked seeing the way he bit on his lower lip when he held his tongue, or how his tongue seductively swiped his lips when he caught you staring.
You snapped out of your daze, staring at the suggestive, all too pleased look on White’s face as he leaned in close to you while Red was busy performing his daily workout routine.
“You want to fuck while Not-the-real-Shouto’s busy? He won’t know, I promise.”
You flush.
It was day six of split Shouto when you woke up.
Your eyes stinging with exhaustion as you stared up at the ceiling as bodies of ice and fire sandwiched you between them. They snored softly, breathes deep and full in perfect harmony as they slumbered. You hated Shouto. You hated him so much.
This could have been a fantastic experience in your fantasies. Cloning quirks were a thing, and often you would hear about the sexual endeavors many partook in while in the company of someone with such quirk. It seemed like so much fun. Someone existing solely to be fucked, replicated from someone you already trusted.
It seemed perfect.
But here you were. Living the life of many porn fantasies, but the clones — not clones — hated one another. You couldn’t even so much as breathe next to one of them for too long before the other came to rip you away, annoyed, and ready to reclaim you. They were behaving as if you didn’t already belong to them.
Maybe you could have handled the lack of horny, lusting out of your mind sex if they had simply allowed you to kiss them without starting a war. But they claimed they would rather die than see you kiss someone that wasn’t them (singular them).
So, you were struggling.
The internal struggle only grew when they woke up at the same time. Growing when they both exposed their scarred, perfectly muscled, and toned body. It grew when they pressed their sinful body against yours, and you could only look up at them with eyes like a full moon, heat wet in your panties. You wanted something to happen because watching them go at it again for the fifty-third time today suddenly made your mind snap.
Since they wouldn’t seem to quit fighting, you might as well be fucked while they fought amongst themselves. You were a big girl, you could handle two cocks around your body.
At the moment, you were in the communal kitchen living room area. You sat at the table, trying to enjoy your cup of tea while they stood a few strides away from you… arguing.
“Would you both put those mouths to better use than fighting with each other?!” you finally snapped, your hands tugging at the roots of your hair after you placed down your cup of tea. They had been fighting for the past hour as to whether or not Shouto’s first costume idea was created because of Red or because of White. 
Neither one of them claimed responsibility on that one funny enough.
They fell silent immediately. Both their eyes wide, brows furrowed, and jaws gaping like a fish as they tried to separate their conversation from what you just said.
“Better use?” Red stated, his blink slow.
A curling, devious smirk spread on White’s face, “Oh, did my love finally cave to being fucked?”
“I didn’t think you would be into cucking,” Red admitted, his own smirk growing on his face while White frowned and glared at him. “What? It’s obvious it would be you tied up, White. You can’t expect y/n to trust either one of us to sit there, so she’d tie us up. My fire would easily destroy the bonds.”
Ah yes, how could you forget that they’d adopted only one half of the one quirk Shouto possessed. Now while you definitely wouldn’t mind cucking both sides of Shouto at some point, that wasn’t what you were craving at the moment.
“Y/n loves ice trailing down her body, I can definitely satisfy her better!”
“Like I said a few days ago, I have the bigger cock, so shut up and watch us.”
They were going to drive you insane.
Standing up from the table, the chair screeching against the floor as you did so, their attention fell on you. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks, your heart fluttering in your chest as turquoise and grey eyes that you could read like nothing gorged into your form. 
You settled between them, feeling dwarfed between their taller, muscled forms. Red was in a white t-shirt and sweats, White in a black shirt and dark jeans. You were unsure as to why you felt so shaken when you pressed your fingers between the valley of their pecs, your tongue heavy in your mouth. You blamed it on the six-day dry-feast the idiots put you in, and the mere thought of finally getting your way was exhilarating. 
“This is what’s going to happen,” you say with no room for arguing, your gaze meeting theirs through your eyelashes. “We are all going to fuck. There’s three of us, and I’m the one who wants to be satisfied, so this will be a threesome. Fuck me any way you want, I don’t care, but whoever starts fighting first gets cucked.”
Red is staring at you with his piercing turquoise eyes, White’s gaze dropped to your tracing finger on his chest. But the consensus was the same.
“Yes, ma’am.”
A warm, fluttery smile breached your face, and you nodded.
“Good… now, fuck me.”
They begin almost immediately. Two initially contradicting forces of fire and ice abandoning their internal surge for power to appease and please you. There’s no stopping the shiver and the moan trapped in your throat when two identical sets of hands you knew and craved the touch of finally made contact with your body. Red’s hands were on your breasts, groping and massaging your mounds of flesh while his mouth pressed tantalizing kisses along the curve of your neck, along the length of your clavicle. 
White had dropped down, his mouth pressing hot, kisses against the flesh of your thighs and your ass. His fingers pushing the sleeping shorts you still wore, his calloused fingers brushing against your clit. 
You openly moaned, hands pressing against both White and Red for some form of support.
“You’re already so wet,” White groans his observation, his finger slicking itself against your wet folds. 
You shake, your head nodding in full understanding as you began to rotate your hips against his finger. Of course, you were so wet, you thought, goosebumps flashing against your entire body when Red pinched your nipples through your light tank. 
“You try living with two of me and be denied every physical need,” you gasped, your voice pitching the moment Red’s teeth sank into the sweet spot on your neck the same time White’s finger curled within your walls. “Fuck…”
“It’s so cute when you whisper like that,” Red noted, his hands lifting your breast, tongue smoothing over your irritated skin. “I bet you didn’t mind our quirk accident because you wanted something like this.”
Now that was definitely something you couldn’t disagree about.
But with the way your body was so desperately deprived and how there were two sources of knowledge on you. Knowing the perfect sensations on your sensitive parts of your body, you pushed them away.
Grey and turquoise blazed into your skin, but you huffed, grabbing them by the hands and pulling on them.
“I want the bed,” you affirm, your cheeks feeling warm, your eyes keeping on theirs. “We’re fucking on the bed.”
“Of course, my love,” they responded together. And the heat in your body seemed to multiple when you pushed through into the room. 
Guiding them into the bedroom, you didn’t release their hands until they were sitting down onto the bed—Red on your right, white on your left.
Their stares are expectant, already clouded with horny, lustful need when you let go of their hands. Before they could ask what was next, you leaned in, opposite hands pressing to each of their crotches, and they both groaned lightly in their chest. You palmed them through their clothes, your cunt throbbing with the fact that you enjoyed watching their hooded, lusting expressions bore into your figure. Biting down onto your lower lip, you stopped a tethering moan from escaping when both their hands grabbed onto your ass.
They fondled the flesh as you continued to palm them, the cock buried within their clothes growing harder and larger with every quick movement of your hand. They both were so hot and dangerously heavy hidden away in the confines of the pants, and you wanted nothing more than to be choking and stuffed full of them both.
But you don’t get your way just yet.
“On the bed,” Red suddenly commands, and you stop a squeak from embarrassingly ripping from your throat. You stumble on the large bed, and both Red and White shift so that there’s enough room for you to be perched between them. Ass on Whites side, face on Red’s, and you feel your body freeze when everything picks up speed.
White’s lips are on the back of your thigh, kissing and nibbling on the sensitive skin while his fingers take up rubbing your cunt again. Your body trembles under his ministrations, hips shifting, and bucking against him as he once again buries his fingers into your blistering core.
But with the moans singing from your lips, you felt transcended. The way that your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each shift of White’s fingers proving that point, you focused in on Red, who had shoved your breasts over the hem of your shirt. You whimpered loudly when his fingers pinched at both nipples, tugging at the pebbled flesh. 
“Such pretty noises,” Red whispered, his nose brushing against yours, and you throbbed with the need to be kissed. “Are you enjoying this?”
“Yes,” you breathed, “Please give me more, more, please.”
Red inhaled sharply, his eyes blazing like blue fire before finally, he crashed his lips against yours, unable to hold back anymore, and you cried in glorious acceptance. You kissed Red back with everything you had. Your lips slick with your joining, mixing saliva while he continued to press bruising, heated kisses to your mouth. Your hands at one point had attached themselves onto his biceps, and you found your fingernails to be digging through his skin, but Red didn’t care.
He continued to play with your hanging, sore tits, his tongue entering the barricade of your mouth as he kissed you again, and again, and again.
His name spilling from your mouth until you froze, your back tightening the second something more was happening behind you.
White’s finger, covered in the slick of your essence, was probing through your ass all while he continued to finger fuck your cunt.
“Aw, you do like it when my finger goes into your ass!” White chirped, his finger pressing further past your tight rim, sending your mind into a flurry of thoughts and feelings at the sensation of being stretched out, while you collapsed onto the mattress. Red abandoned you. “Your ass always looks so fucking hot when it takes in my finger. It’s like it's sucking me back in whenever I try to pull out. So. Fucking. Hot.”
You could do nothing but choke out White’s name the second the finger curled in your ass and the fingers buried in your cunt came together to press between the thin wall separating the two cavities, and you keened at the feeling.
“White!” you yelled, your eyebrows furrowed in your pleasure, your hips bucking back against his hands. “More! I need more!”
It was at that moment his fingers abandoned your holes, but before you could cry at the loss, Red was back in front of you, naked as the day he was born. But his cock was hard, pressed against his stomach, standing tall and erect for you to suck.
“Come on, angel,” Red spoke, tilting your chin up so that he may press another sizzling kiss to your mouth. “Play with my cock.”
Still, on your knees, your back arched, mouth entirely occupied with Red’s mouth, your hand blindly grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. You kissed him harshly, thoroughly, not wanting to let him go without exploring and feeling every little thing you could offer while you run your hand up and down his length.
You fully moaned into his mouth when his fingers lightly brushed against your neck, showing how sensitive you are. He runs his hand all the way down to your hips and latches onto your ass cheek. You mewl against him, wondering just why he was doing that when something hot and wet pressed against your cunt.
Breaking off the kiss immediately, you turned around to see White’s face buried into your ass, but his tongue was meeting your cunt with every languid lick.
“Shit!” you curse, your hips bucking and moving to better find White’s tongue against your core. But before you could find your spot, his tongue abandons your cunt and presses back against your tight, tight rim.
Trembling, your eyes roll to the back of your head, all while Red reclaims your lips.
Your hand encompassing his cock began to pick up in speed as White seemed to interchange between tongue fucking your ass and cunt. Whimpering needs only resonated from your mouth into Red’s as you jacked him off sloppily, messily at heightened speeds while you begged for more.
It didn’t take long before they both pulled away from you, and you in your heat daze, teared up as you watched both Red and White step onto the floor, their twin, identical cocks out, leaking with precum that called your name. You didn't need to be told what to do at this point as you stumbled out of bed, falling to your knees right between them.
With Red’s cock in your left hand, you pulled him into your mouth, your right hand expertly, yet blindly jerking White off. You pushed your head as far down as it could go along Red’s cock, your eyes trying to keep on his the entire time. 
Relishing in the fact that his cock went unchanged, your tongue swirled around Red’s cock, your head bobbing along his length, and Red smirked down at you, pressing the tears in your eyes away. Pulling away with a string of saliva connecting his head to your lip, you alternated onto White’s cock, your left hand continuing to jerk off Red.
White groaned at the sudden heat, immersing against his length, his hips snapping into your mouth as you took him all the way in. You had been dating Shouto for a few years now. You were definitely capable of taking him in your mouth in one go without trouble. But it just felt so different with one of your hands stroking off Red, and White’s hands grabbing your head while he thrust into you.
Before you could settle on White’s cock, you switched back to Red, who decided to command your every little instruction.
It quickly became a game between Red and White on who could make you choke and moan the loudest as they fucked your mouth and throat mercilessly. You, thankfully, were entirely enjoying it, your soaked pussy rubbing against your tight panties, and you rutted against the fabric trying to relive the building, fast pressure in your core. 
“Fuck,” White snarled when Red had you completely choked against his cock. His cock was shoved as far down your throat as it could manage, and he kept you there. Painful tears falling from your eyes while your throat struggled to remain relaxed despite the burning lack of oxygen. “Keep her there, Red. Don’t let her move.”
Red, who was only entranced by you for quite some time, looked up with amusement at his other half.
“What, you like this?” Red asked a taunt hidden in his voice but was buried under so much more throbbing lust. “You like seeing y/n choking against a cock?”
You whimpered against Red, your throat muscles fluttering and flaring along his length-- what was he planning?
“Who wouldn’t want to see y/n like this,” White breathed, and you shook at the nonverbal agreement that passed between the two of them.
You whined at the unknown, finally being released from Red’s cock, and you spluttered and coughed, drool and saliva drenching your chin while you turned towards White, ready to do the same. But you shrieked, the wind knocking out of you when they both picked you up from the floor and tossing you onto the mattress. You bounced when you landed. 
Both Red and White quickly moved to remove your clothes until you were naked as well, their eyes glimmering with their treaty, a million ideas undoubtedly pouring through their mind. 
White is on you first. He joins you onto the mattress, his lips pressing and languidly moving against yours, and you moan against him.
“We’re going to start fucking you now, baby,” White whispers against your mouth, his thumb running up against your still spit slicked chin. With just his finger alone, he moves you so that you’re on your hands and knees before him, waiting like an obedient pet. Your eyes flutter open, just barely opened so that you could meet his stormy grey eyes while his thumb slips over your bottom lip and into your mouth. “I hope you’re ready to be fucked… Red?” he called, his thumb pressing down on your tongue, instinctively flaring your gag reflex.
“Hm?” Red answered back, and you stilled when something hot and heavy smacked against your ass. 
Once, twice.
“Fuck her right.”
You whimpered against White’s thumb, your eyes watering while you studied his determined, playful face. There's a chuckle from behind you, and you shiver at the fact that you could practically smell the knowing smirk on his face.
And then it happens.
Red slams his cock into your awaiting, wet pussy with a pleased groan while you lurched forward onto White at the mighty snap of Red’s hips. Naturally so, you screamed Red's name, your pussy singing in absolute love over the fact that he’s buried entirely within you, undoubtedly claiming you once again.
Before you could sing your praises for Red, White’s shut you up by replacing his thumb with his cock, and you’re forced silent.
When they worked against each other, they were annoying, irritating, and often horrifying, but together? Well, as Red’s cock shoved more profound and deeper into your womb, and White’s cock conquested your throat, you hummed with the pleasure they brought. Together they were powerful, commanding, and unbreakable, and if the sounds of your wet pussy and choking mouth were to prove it, it was more than just a fact. 
You struggled to keep up with Red’s slamming hips, the girth of his cock stretching you out in an all too familiar way, and White driving cock that choked you out every time you moved. You felt dizzy with the thumping, tingling pleasure, your hand that held onto White’s hips clutching his skin, while your other one manipulated and circled your clit.
You wanted to cum. You wanted to so badly.
“You sound so hot choking on his cock,” Red laughed, his hand coming down to spank your jiggling ass with a single, powerful thwack. You bristled at the sensation. “Do more, sweetheart, I know you can do more; we’ve experienced you doing more.”
You garbled as White smirked down at you, your eyes just barely open enough to see the knowing look in his eyes.
“Use that little slut mouth of yours better, baby,” White taunted, his hand coming to pat your hollowed cheeks roughly, quickly, in a few stinging slaps. 
This is what you liked, you realized as you pulled away from his length, mouth swallowing his balls with heightened eagerness, your hand rubbing his length as you did so. White moaned your name, his head dropping in his pleasure as you did so. 
It must have done something for Red, too, because his fingers dug into the skin on your waist, his powerful thrusts becoming quicker, shorter thrusts that moved you against his cock with rattling power and craving lust. You whimpered against White’s balls and cried out in pleasure-filled pain the moment Red spanked you again, and again, and again.
Your cunt was fluttering, squeezing, and beating in time to your heartbeat. The pleasure within you grew from a light warmth to a blazing heat. You cried for more, your knees and thighs shaking for more.
More friction, more fucking, more of Shouto.
“Turn around, you little cockslut,” White grinned, removing you from his balls. “It’s my turn to fuck your pretty little cunt.”
Whining, you did as you were told, your limbs feeling like lead as Red smoothed back the hair falling on to your face.
Before you were ready, not that you minded, their cocks reclaimed your holes.
It was different this time.
They fucked you differently, you realized when White enjoyed pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back into you. His strokes and powerful thrusts send the coil in your stomach to grow tighter and tighter. But Red, fuck, Red had his fingers in your mouth, choking you with them as he slapped your cheek with his cock, his precum mixed with your slick smearing all over your cheek as he did so. 
“I want to make sure that you realize that me putting my cock in your mouth is a blessing,” Red coldly smirked, his eyes blazing with a whole other story. But despite it all, you nodded your head quickly. Altogether agreeing with the claim that you needed to earn his cock in your mouth again. 
“I kno thath,” you whine against his fingers, saliva shamelessly dribbling past your lips, your mouth closing to suck on his fingers. “I promith I’ll apprethciate your giff.”
He could try all he wanted, but Red was whipped for you too.
His cock immediately replaced his fingers, slamming to the depths of your throat, all while the wet noises of your throat and choking voices joined the squelching of your cunt. Your eyes rolled in your pleasure, your cunt thrumming with energy as Red’s hands encircled your throat, choking you while he fucked straight down your throat.
“You looked so pretty earlier when you couldn’t breathe,” Red snarled, his cock twitching in your throat the same time White’s cock twitched in your cunt. “I’m just -- fuck do that again -- trying to get you there… faster… Your throat really feels like your fucking pussy at times, shit.”
You whimper at that comparison as you forcefully clench your throat and cunt around both of your boyfriend's cock. 
But you vibrate when White’s finger traces your rim, his finger not disappearing into your wrinkled muscle, but stimulating it well past teasing. You pull off Red’s cock with a spluttering cough, your eyes burning, but you find White’s gaze immediately. 
“What’s going on, sweetness?” White asked, his eyes glimmering with knowledge of what you want already, but the slick fucker just had to ask.
Too bad you weren’t ashamed of shit around him.
“I want you to fuck my ass,” you moan, your hips slamming back against White’s still shifting cock, your hand clenching one of your asscheeks as you split yourself open for White. “Please fuck my ass.”
“Fuck!” they both seemed to growl, and without so much as a break, White switches from your ass and buries his length slowly into your needy, tight ass.
The pitchy, unstoppable moan from your mouth sends both Red and White into whimpering messes as you collapse onto the mattress, your chest heaving with your heightened stimulus. It was starting to hurt, your lack of orgasm, you just needed a bit more done to cum, and you wanted to.
“Where’s my dick?” White finally growls at you as he bottoms out entirely within you. You tremble at the question, body shaking with every stroke of his cock he makes afterward. “Where is it?”
“I-In my ass!” you wail, your ass clenching around him, trying to make him feel this heated pleasure as strongly as you were. “It’s in m-my ass!”
“Do you love my cock in your ass?” White snarls, his hands gripping your waist and slamming you back onto him, your ass squeezing with the sensation. You can’t speak; your mind is overloaded with feeling and emotion. “Why do I even bother? I know you love my cock in your ass.”
Red comes back into the equation, his hands grabbing your jaw and pressing your mouth against his into a searing kiss. You can hardly kiss him back, your mouth pathetically hanging open as he kisses your teeth, mouth, tongue. So, it shouldn’t shock you that in your near blissful blackout, Red hands your limp arms to White, who holds onto them.
His grasp and hold on your arms elevates you slightly off the bed, your back arched, and breasts exposed as he begins to jackhammer into your ass. You want to scream, you want to shudder and cry your sensations to the world, but Red interrupts once more by pressing his swollen, purpling head into your mouth, silencing you with gags and chokes while they both use you.
They both drive into you with ferocity and power, your body nearly limp and twitching with your ever still denied orgasm that refuses to back down, and the way the lack of oxygen makes you spin as Red’s balls clash against your throat in quick, succinct, patterns.
“Sit down, White,” Red snaps at White, and White, who was ever so entranced at how your ass was swallowing his cock, dumbly nods. “Y/n is about to cum, we need to make sure she cums correctly.”
You whine against Red’s cock, unsure if you heard him correctly when White drops your arms. But instead of falling forward as you thought you would, his relaxed arms wrapped around your waist tightly, bringing you down with him.
Your back was pressed against his chiseled chest. And you moaned at the sensation this angle brought in terms of depth and stretch. Your mouth, freed from Red’s cock, opened in a loud, scratchy moan, undoubtedly raspy from the abuse it went through from the vigorous face fucking.
“R-Red!” you cried, your legs shaking when White hooked his arms under your knees and spreading them out, exposing your wet, slick core to Red, who was merely watching. You shifted pathetically, wanting to have both of them on you, not just one. “Red, please!”
But, White’s hips began to thrust upward, resuming his fucking of your asshole, and you howled in pleasure as he breathed heavily, gasping in your right ear. But as your legs trembled, unsure if White would be able to keep your legs in such position, Red pressed on top of you, his weight keeping your legs spread, and his cock quickly slamming within your cunt.
You had one hand buried in White’s hair, the other slipping behind Red’s back when he pressed onto you. The second their cocks rubbed against each other through the oh so thin wall between your ass and your cunt, you screeched. The hand in White’s hair tugging at his roots harshly, and the hand on Red’s back drawing bloody mountains on his skin.
But this didn’t stop them, the slight pain you gave them doing nothing but making them growl in your ear, making your eyes cross in your oblivion while they continued to fuck you.
Sandwiched between them, your breasts crushed by Red’s chest, and your back buried into White’s chest, White let go of one of your legs that immediately latched around Red’s waist. Your eyes crossed, rolling to the back of your head, your mouth agape, but no noise coming out as every massive, hard thrust sent your soul into a new dimension. White’s hand sneaking between Red’s drilling hips and your cunt to pinch and pull at your clit as you shook like a leaf in a windstorm. You came without realizing it, your walls clenching like a vice against Red’s cock, and your ass clenching around White’s in tandem to your orgasm. Both of them moaning against your salty sweat skin, but neither one of them stopped.
Faster and faster, they thrust into you, gaining such speed and power that you felt akin to a ragdoll as they fucked you. They praised you for taking them both at the same time, senseless names, and wordless praise as you took them without a single wince of pain. You were theirs, they claimed, and they were yours. 
The sounds of their cock drilling into the wet caverns of your cunt and ass, the sticking shivering sound of their balls smacking your ass and cunt.
It was so much, growing to be more and more, until your orgasm was once again growing as you attempted to shift your weak, still trembling hips up and down their length, wanton gasps shrill on your tongue. Your body begging for more.
“Gonna cum,” they whispered together, his deep, raspy voice filling both of your ears, and you wailed as your own orgasm tipped once again.
“Cum in me, please cum in me!” you begged with everything you had.
And with your pleading heavy in the air, they came with you. You moaned at the feeling of the hot, sticky thick ropes of cum filling up both your holes, the cocks spasming uncontrollably within you as their hips continued to ride out their orgasms. Your chest heaves as their snapping hips become rolling thrusts until finally, they stop.
All three of you still joined, all three of you sweaty and tired.
When you pass out, you can barely hear them saying goodbye.
You wake up, your body sore and bruised around midnight.
You groan, stretching out your neck as you realize that there is no body on top of you or beneath you as that was definitely how you all had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Panic filled you when the bed was empty, and you rushed to your feet, cursing when your knees buckled out from under your weight.
Crashing to the floor, you groaned as you lay there.
“What are you doing on the floor?” an all too familiar voice asked you, and you looked up to see if it was Red or White.
You blinked when instead the once two distinctive heads blurred into one, and you stared at your finally normal boyfriend.
“S-Shouto!” you cried, your body weakly pressing off the floor, your arms stretching to you.
Shouto smiled warmly, softly, the perfect in-between of the facial expressions Red and White would give you.
“I’m back, sorry for scaring you like that,” he whispered as he joined you on the floor, letting your arms wrap him into a firm hug, not wanting to let go as you pathetically began to cry.
The two of you lay naked together on the floor, his soft apologies gathering in your ear as you held him tightly, having missed him entirely.
“Do you remember?” you eventually asked long after Shouto managed to bring you back into the bed. You lay curled into his side, your fingers tracing the marks on his body that you had left on both Red and White. “Do you remember what happened?”
“Yes… and I remember how it all felt too.”
“Ew… perv…”
“Try that again? Ms. ‘I-want-your-cock-in-my-ass’.”
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Sentibubbler” summary? “Sentibubbler” salt?
Why not both at the same time?
Something a little experimental, though also somewhat reminiscent of some of my past videos. Calling it “summasalt” for now, based on the word “somersault” because this episode was an exercise of my patience.
It’s basically just me going through the episode with my usual episode summary, but salting along the way instead of making you guys read a wall of text without any images or clips or me making snarky comments.
(By the way, yes, I did in fact have caffeine before recording.)
script below for anyone who wants/needs it:
"Sentibubbler" begins with Marinette having food with the Cesaires and I already know this isn't real because Marinette is actually getting to interact with her best friend's family. That's only happened, like--when, two episodes of Season 2? [”Sapotis” and “Anansi”]
Marinette sees Trixx and points out how they're supposed to be a secret, and Alya asks why while calling Marinette "Ladybug." Marinette plays dumb but is told by Nino that everyone already knows her secret. Chloe is also there, chiding Marinette for her identity rule - it's not Marinette's rule but after "Reflekdoll" I've just gotten used to Marinette being blamed for things she didn't do - and Marinette goes to question Chloe's apperance when there's a knock on the balcony door. Alya invites Shadow Moth in and--[Shadow Moth has to duck to come inside]--huh, I thought Sole Crusher was seven episodes ago.
Anyway, now obviously, Marinette is just being ridiculous and overemotional as usual, because why would Marinette ever think that Alya would reveal any information to--["Feast"]--oh yeah, that's right.
Tikki doesn't transform Marinette and says that Marinette shouldn't have trusted Alya with her secret. Enter Chat Blanc, who says that they can be together now without any secrets. Not really sure what this episode is aiming for with the mixed message of "your identity rule sucks" but also "your fault for trusting someone instead of having a mental breakdown," but a’ight. Trixx also gets another dig in on Marinette for giving Alya the fox miraculous.
Marinette wakes up from her nightmare and panics, but Tikki reassures her that Alya is loyal. [”Chameleon”] Mm. Also, that kind of support might've been nice from Tikki literal seasons ago when Marinette could've used a confidant.
Wayzz - I swear, they've had eyelashes more often than not in this season - points out that Trixx is mischievous and Xuppu talks about Trixx being the cause of the Loch Ness monster rumors, which worries Marinette further. Marinette runs out in her pajamas and I can already predict that neither Tom nor Sabine are going to check on her later or care.
Marinette finds the Cesaires looking for something, their words vague enough for Marinette to think that they're talking about Trixx. Alya brushes Marinette off and tells her to help with looking instead of lecturing her.
Marlena makes a comment that reminds Marinette of her nightmare, only increasing Marinette's stress. A tarantula crawls up a ladle and Marinette freaks out when she sees it, which Marlena has a laugh at because Marinette's anxiety, fear, and panic is hilarious, guys!
This is my laughing face. [not a laughing face]
Nino exits, having been too afraid of the spider to leave the room, so Nora compares Marinette to him. Nino tries to play it cool, then changes the subject to point out Marinette's pajamas. Alya wonders aloud why Marinette showed up and Marinette tries to act casual, but Alya sees through it and states that she doesn't usually lose things when someone lends them to her.
I presume the exception is Marinette's trust. OH-HOOOOHHH, we'll get there.
Nora takes a jab at Alya for losing the spider and Marinette drags Alya away to talk. Nino tries to join but Alya states that it's between her and Marinette, which makes Nino sad.
Nino, does the phrase "guys' time" ring a bell by any chance?
Marinette is explaining her nightmare and is simply told to calm down by Alya, though Marinette is briefly startled by a phone ringing. Marinette puts together what she knows that Shadow Moth knows, including that Alya is Rena Rouge, adding on that Shadow Moth could steal the fox necklace if he figured out that Alya has it permanently. Alya reassures her that no one will ever know and Marinette states that this must include Chat Noir. Alya agrees and brings attention to the fanny pack around her waist, which Trixx has been hiding in, and Marinette has Trixx promise not to show up at the dining table like in her nightmare. Tikki tells Marinette that everything will be fine and Marinette admits that it was silly of her to worry, which it was! ...If you ignore all the anxiety, mental scarring, and constant pressure to be perfect or risk Paris lighting itself on fire, much like I presume they accidentally did with their original script for this episode.
Alya tells Marinette to trust her and also herself - I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Alya, thank you - then Alya loses her temper at the phone continuing to ring. She leaves to find an empty living room, then answers the phone only to hear Shadow Moth on the other line. Alya turns upon hearing Marinette scream to see that Marinette has been trapped in a bubble. Cue the reveal/return of the Bubbler, who is definitely Nino akumatized and not--like--a sentimonster, because the episode didn't spoil it at all with the title of Sentibub--
show, this is freaking embarrassing. Why even bother akumatizing someone when you can mold a sentimonster with the exact power you want?
At least they reveal it quickly, though that also means I have to live with the knowledge that Shadow Moth wINKED AT ALYA, NO.
Anyway, Shadow Moth tells Alya that he wants her to betray Ladybug. Marinette, meanwhile, is panicking over being unable to transform while in public, whereas Tikki remains calm and reassures her that Alya will figure something out and it's why Marinette gave Alya the fox miraculous in the first place.
Weird, I thought it was for the show to continuously validate Alya as a worthy choice for a confidant despite repeatedly covering up her sINS and so the show can push for more anxiety on Marinette's part while simultaneously not having to make a new hero model for Alya, which they would have to do if the realistic decision had been made to give Alya a different miraculous due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity as Rena Rouge.
Marinette texts Alya to inform her that the Bubbler is a sentimonster and so Rena can tell Chat not to use Cataclysm on him or the bubbles will burst due to the sentimonster's lack of control.
Hate to burst the show's bubble but Alya could literally see Nino up in the sky and they could see her; the bubbles are in viewing range. Did this even go through a quality check?
Alya goes to look at Marinette's text, but the phone is bubbled away by Sentibubbler. Marinette sees the phone floating by and panics, only to be reassured again to trust Alya and at this point I vaguely wondered if I was watching this episode on repeat. Tikki also adds that Alya has never let her down - [”Ladybug”] MMMM - and Marinette agrees, also certain that Chat Noir will show up soon.
Oh yeah, he exists. Oh no.
Cut to the Agreste mansion where Adrien is watching the news - dude, how is there never anything better on when you need to be told that there's an akuma? here, look, I'll show you [”Silencer” Lukabug clip] there, much better, see? - and it's pointed out that the bubbles are identical to the ones Bubbler had, yet Nino is in one of the bubbles. Adrien readies himself while Plagg is - for once - okay with leaving since his cheese isn't "edible" yet.
I feel like he should be a little more concerned about Marinette being in a bubble.
Meanwhile, Shadow Moth is explaining to Alya that Ladybug will come to give her the fox miraculous due to the bubbled people in the sky - plenty of other choices that aren't within breathing range of the obvious danger zone, but a'ight - and SentiBubbler will catch Ladybug. Alya brings up Chat Noir saving her but Shadow Moth states that she'll create an illusion of Ladybug and Rena to lure Chat Noir, who won't see Sentibubbler coming, at which point Rena will hand Shadow Moth her miraculous. He adds that her loved ones will only be returned once all three miraculouses are in his possession, though if she tries to warn the heroes then Sentibubbler will send the bubbles into space, too far for any hero to save them.
[clip of space power-ups] Hm.
Also, I would've just let her keep the miraculous as an extra bribe since he doesn't need the fox and she wouldn't have time to recharge anyway - at least to his knowledge - but that's just me.
Marinette is relieved that Alya still hasn't been captured--TIKKI, I KNOW, YOU'VE BEEN PARROTING THIS ALL EPISODE, I KNOW--but Marinette changes her tune when she sees Alya blindly calling out for Ladybug's help, unaware that Alya is buying time. Marinette laments the idea of transforming there and having using the rabbit to go back in time to reverse, as that's never a good thing (seconded), but gets the idea for Tikki to take her miraculous to someone else. Tikki rejects the idea, as the earrings won't go through the bubble, and Marinette realizes that Chat Noir is their only hope.
I mean, it was nice knowing them. Sure is interesting how Marinette has only been getting herself into these situations where she requires saving when the show needed to present Alya as a valid choice for a confidant.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir is leaving a message for Ladybug about the bubbles in the sky, saying that he'll wait for her; I already see where this is going and I don't like it.
Alya mutters to Trixx about how they need a plan to release Marinette. Through Alya Vision, we're shown Sentibubbler, a bowl of fruit, and the bathroom door. Alya tells Sentibubbler that she needs to go to the bathroom and - wow, we're really doing this, aren't we? - which Shadow Moth rejects. Shadow Moth is also on top of a building holding a coffee cup which honestly makes about as much sense as the rest of the episode, so whatever. Alya claims that she can't wait and that it'll be awkward for Ladybug to find her like that, which gets Shadow Moth to relent but also remind her of what's at stake if she tries anything. Alya states that she can't do anything without a miraculous anyway, then purposefully falls onto the table, concealing her long enough for her to transform and allowing an illusion of herself to go to the bathroom while she escapes. She detransforms in the twins' room and feeds Trixx with some grapes that she'd picked up.
Alya explains her plan to trick Shadow Moth and Sentibubbler since they don't know that she has a miraculous, though she also has to make sure that Chat won't ruin things. Rena then proceeds to call Chat Noir and claim that Ladybug wanted her to call him with her plan, but adds that it's a two-person plan and Chat himself isn't needed, so he needs to wait for further instructions. Chat demands that Ladybug call him to tell him herself, but Rena insists that she can't, as Ladybug is very busy. She warns him not to use Cataclysm if he sees the Bubbler, as he's a sentimonster, then promises to talk to him later before hanging up.
She uses Mirage again, making the Alya illusion reappear as well as creating a Ladybug. Chat Noir, infuriated at being left out, destroys part of a building with his baton. He then dismisses the action because Miraculous Ladybug will fix it.
Spoiler alert, it will, which is a very fascinating detail! I mean, I can't imagine another situation where a hero did something while there was an akuma going around and Miraculous Ladybug decided to help 'em out, but it just goes to show what happens when you're the writers' pet. Just look a little pitiful and they'll give you all the sympathy in the world.
By the way, didn't expect them to actually confirm my theory that Chat Noir does Chat Noir things because he knows that Miraculous Ladybug will fix it anyway, essentially allowing him to earn brownie points from Ladybug via sacrificing himself regardless of how it affects her mentally, yet here we are and I don't know whether to be sad, angry, disappointed, or a mixture of all three.
Chat Noir sees the Ladybug illusion jumping off and gives chase, refuses to stay where he is. Marinette, seeing that Rena Rouge's illusions are active, panics at the sight of Chat Noir, as the illusion will vanish if Chat touches it.
I like to imagine the immediate concern is the idea that Chat Noir will try to take Ladybug's hand while trying to flirt.
Anyway, Marinette flails inside the bubble in an attempt to reach Chat Noir, while illusion Alya and SentiBubbler get into position. Chat Noir watches what he perceives as Ladybug heading into the Cesaire house with Alya, but Marinette gets to him in order to tell him not to go anywhere. Chat complains about everyone telling him to stay put, but Marinette explains Rena's plan to him. Chat is skeptical of how she knows that, to which Marinette insists that she saw it from where she was. Chat Noir relents with a sigh and stays where he is.
SentiBubbler watches as the illusion of Alya and Ladybug talk to each other, Rena making it look like Ladybug is piecing together what happened and refusing to give Alya a miraculous ever again due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity. She claims that she'll find another holder and give them an even more powerful miraculous, which interests Shadow Moth and gets him to follow after the Ladybug illusion. Once Sentibubbler leaves as well, Chat sees this as his chance to stop the sentimonster, as the Ladybug illusion will vanish if it's touched. Marinette strokes his ego for the token love square moment of the episode, and Chat Noir fights SentiBubbler while Shadow Moth goes after the Ladybug illusion.
I'm noticing a real lack of tension in this episode. Once Alya has her plan, it's kind of a clean sweep from start to finish with no interference or unexpected roadblocks in the way. Even Shadow Moth following the Ladybug illusion goes fine, with Shadow Moth even punching a building thinking that Ladybug actually got away from him.
Dude, it's fine, Miraculous Ladybug will fix it, just put on your best sad face. Maybe Chat Noir gets it from you actually, is treatment from the writers a hereditary thing?
Sentibubbler and Chat Noir are still fighting. Shadow Moth shows up and Marinette tries to warn Chat, but Chat gets caught in a bubble and Marinette apologizes; she doesn't have anything to apologize for but after "Reflekdoll" I--wait I already did this.
Chat Noir uses Cataclysm to escape, only to get caught in another bubble. I'd just like to throw out there that this guy's a hero three seasons going and the love interest for the main character, yet his role in the episode has amounted to complaining about the authority of a hero Ladybug chose, throwing a property-destroying tantrum over being excluded, and wasting his power without a single thought which just got him captured again.
Chat, does the name "Syren" ring any bells by any chance? I'm just sayin', you could always quit. In fact, wasn't it you literally one episode ago saying that you understood if Ladybug couldn't always come get you? Then, after seeing the jump from "Glaciator" to "Frozer," I'm about as shocked as rubber.
Back with the competent one, Alya notes to Trixx that Rena Rouge can no longer be seen by Shadow Moth or else the jig is up. She transforms and texts Marinette to be ready, creating an illusion of Marinette that simultaneously hides the real version, allowing her to transform into Ladybug.
Chat Noir's bubble gets dragged down and Shadow Moth gets SentiBubbler to mute Chat Noir's bubble.
[clip from “Silencer” where Ladybug takes amusement in Chat being muted]
Ladybug uses Lucky Charm and receives a pot, her Lucky Vision spotting Shadow Moth's coffee cup, then SentiBubbler, then the tarantula trapped in a bubble. Ladybug deduces that the cup is the sentimonster's object, then pulls the horse miraculous out of her yoyo and unifies it with the ladybug--oh.
Oh my.
You know, it's times like this where I'm reminded that the show knows nothing about fashion... or girls... or good writing actually--there's just a lot of stuff they don't know.
Sentibubbler does a countdown, then starts sending the civilian bubbles up into the sky. Chat Noir is about to de-transform while PegaBug notices of Shadow Moth's two miraculous, up for grabbin'. She notes that she won't be able to catch everyone, so she forms a portal behind Shadow Moth and goes for the coffee cup first, thus putting her in control of SentiBubbler, who happily brings the bubbles back down at her command.
Shadow Moth erases SentiBubbler from existence though, causing everyone to fall, but Chat and PegaBug manage to catch them. PegaBug de-transforms and presents the Cesaires with the tarantula, which had been trapped inside the lucky charm. Ladybug and Chat Noir watch Shadow Moth escape and Ladybug laments that it could've been the end of Shadow Moth once and for all because it's not a Miraculous episode without Marinette being at fault or feeling guilty in some way! Chat Noir reassures her [*by “reassure,” I mean he might as well have said, “Well, you saved ME, so you did great!”] - wow, that's two token love square moments for the price of one episode, don't I feel spoiled - and Ladybug leaves to retrieve the tarantula's tank.
Rena Rouge is waiting for her and they hug, with Rena repeating that she doesn't lose something that someone gives her. Ladybug states that she never should've doubted the idea of giving Alya a miraculous and Imma just give you guys a counter real quick. [counter that shows that Tikki has complimented Alya four times, Alya has complimented herself/told Marinette to trust her thrice, and Marinette has said that she was wrong thrice]. Miraculous Ladybug is cast and everything returns to normal, with Alya explaining what she did and Marinette being relieved that Shadow Moth won't be going after her anymore. Alya confidently asks if she was smart and Marinette is happy to praise her, confirming it and stating that Alya is a real superhero and honestly? If the narrative wanted to marry Alya this badly, they should've just used some of the budget to buy a ring instead of projecting onto the other characters.
Then again, the apparent budget can't even afford a new hero model nor new akuma to a very noticeable degree, so I guess they're taking what they can get.
Alya praises Marinette as well for her work as PegaBug and they do a fistbump, thus ending the episode. There's also this ever-so-lovely post-episode scene with Gabriel and Nathalie where Gabriel laments the fact that Ladybug never makes mistakes which--I... has he even watched the series at all? Gabe, babe, Babriel Agreste, it's literally part of the show's formula that Marinette makes a mistake in every episode and she felt guilty like a minute ago over not yoinking your miraculouses when she had the chance, where have you been?
But, yeah, anyway, the episode.
Needless to say, not a fan. Like I said, the show seems so intent on immediately validating the choices they make with Alya in order to make her look like a better character. "Gang of Secrets" basically replaced her with someone different at the end of the episode, and the episode immediately afterwards in chronological order, "Mr. Pigeon 72," did everything it could to push Marinette out of her guardian position long enough for Alya to figure out the grimoire despite having zero onscreen experience with it, the episode even trapping Ladybug in a situation that forced Rena Rouge to come into play to validate that decision as well.
And now we have "SentiBubbler" here following immediately after "Optigami," desperate to reassure its audience that Alya is cool, smart, truthworthy, and that not needing to make a new model--sorry, I mean Alya continuing to have the fox--was a good decision. All the while, they continue pushing Alya's flaws under the rug [Note that it’s not even considered that Alya is even remotely at fault for Shadow Moth going after her specifically after her stunt in “Optigami” when no one else but Ladybug and Chat have ever given out a miraculous], hiding them instead of Alya actually acknowledging them, the only reason she did so in "Optigami" being the same as in "Gang of Secrets"; to make her look good while Marinette makes a big decision in their relationship.
The episode tries so hard to drill in this idea that Alya is a good friend who can be trusted, and I'm just not here for how much they try to hammer it in. Marinette's very real anxiety over Shadow Moth's power and ability to plan things is played off as her being silly instead of something to be concerned about, and instead of giving her a hug and trying to help her calm down - [clip from “Heart Hunter” of Luka hugging Marinette] I miss Luka - she's just told to trust and believe and hAVE fAiTh in Alya.
Shadow Moth is an adult; he has abilities that the teenage heroes don't. I'm not even saying that Marinette isn't overreacting [Basically, her concern about Shadow Moth is valid, especially after “Optigami” where her identity was almost found out], but she has anxiety and some obvious trauma over "Chat Blanc." I was already upset that Alya got a free pass to Marinette's identity, but the constant stressing over how much Marinette should trust her just doesn't affect me when I know Alya and I know the kind of stuff she's done that the show blatantly ignored in favor of pushing for her.
But okay, show, I'll give Alya the benefit of the doubt that she doesn't deserve. Let's say that she's turned a new leaf, and has become the reliable, trustworthy, and loyal partner that Marinette deserves. I'm sure that Alya has Marinette's back, and will never go behind said back in order to do something completely unsurprising and wholly indicative of the character I actually know her to be.
Especially not a mere three episodes later...
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My Queen
Nikolai Lantsov x fem!Reader smut (established relationship)
Note: I make my return to write this thing that appeared in my head after reading all of the Shadow and Bone series and downing a bottle of peach wine while I finished the last one 
Warnings: penetrative sex, oral sex (fem receiving) , fingering, unprotected sex
Nikolai walked into his chambers and paused as the door swung shut behind him. You were laying on the floor, practically naked draped with a soft silk robe that left nothing to the imagination. 
“What are you doing?” His tone was playful, yet you shot him a look before closing your eyes again. 
“It’s warm down here. And it was cold underground with Sankta Alina.” The sarcasm dripping from your words was clear and Nikolai began to undo his coat. You had gone underground with the Grisha, being a fabrikator yourself it had been easy, but Nikolai had been adamant that you tell no one you were there to keep an eye out for him. 
“It is warm,” he muttered, “hot even.” He tossed his jacket on the bed and kicked off his shoes before laying down beside you. His fingers dragged along the exposed inside of your arm. The mountain hidey-hole was not a new place of his, and you’d been there before. It was always a welcome safety after traveling with him, knowing it was near impossible for anyone to find you. 
“I didn’t see you today,” he said, in an asking tone more than anything else. You turned, the cold air breezing across your warm back. 
“I have had enough of people for a while, especially the damned man and his cat.” Nikolai laughed, but his eyes were roaming down where the silk robe had slid away.  “What are you looking at, moi tsarevich.” 
“You.” He wasn't known for his short sentences, but you had prided yourself to getting him down to single words every once in a while, usually just a swear, “saints”, or a pleading utterance of your name. 
“Well, there is more to see,” you laughed, sitting up halfway and sliding the robe off your shoulders. You could see Nikolai taking in the sight of your bare back and turned, sliding a leg over his hips and resting on them. You had been thinking about him before he even came in. How it had been months since you’d last seen him and all you wanted was to be alone with him again. The light drag of his fingers across your skin nearly made you moan. 
“I missed you,” you both muttered at the same time, causing a laugh to slip by your lips. Nikolai just smiled, his hands roaming your bare skin. You hadn’t been left unmarked by the battle in the Little Palace. His fingers brushed lightly over the scar above your hip and the smattering of them where shards of glass had mauled your side. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he said finally, “my princess.” 
“Is that all?” You joked, leaning down to kiss him. It started out soft, but turned feverish quickly. Nikolai’s arms wrapped around your lower back, forcing you to stay pressed against him, forcing you to kiss him hard. When he finally let go you were breathless. 
“I’ll be king in the morning, you’ll be my queen.” He said it with such vigor that you nearly forgot about Alina Starkov. 
“Well if I ruin your britches I don’t think that will be the case,” you said, the wetness between your legs had been hard to ignore when you saw him on the throne issuing orders before. Now it was obvious and Nikolai grinned the foxish grin he’d had since childhood. 
“Well there is something to be done about that tonight.” He was nimble, but careful, in turning you over so your body rested on the soft fur rug that covered the floor ahead of the bed. It was necessary given the warmth emanating from the stone floor, but you couldn’t complain as you watched Nikolai unbutton his shirt and toss it to join his jacket on the bed. His chest had its fair share of marks as well, much older than yours aside from a few angry bruises from the fight just days before that had resulted in your rescue. As he came back down to kiss you, you braced your heels on his shoulders. 
“You’re not going to get away with just that tonight, my prince,” you retorted, feeling his hands slide up the length of your leg to rest on your hips. 
“I am to be king, you’ll have to start playing by my rules, moi tsarina.” Yet he relented with no problems. His kisses trailed up the inside of your thigh, then down the other side and you whined at him. 
“Patience, my queen,” he said, before he shifted to press his mouth against your heat. He wasted no time, hooking your knees over his shoulders, his tongue moved furiously against your clit before sliding down and pressing into you. 
“Nik,” you moaned, which pressed his fervor. 
“As you wish, my queen,” he responded. Your eyes met his as two fingers pressed into you, his chin glistening. 
“Saints, Nik, I’ve missed you.” His mouth returned, the suction and movement of his tongue along with his fingers pumping in and out bringing you close enough to start rattling off his name in waves. 
“Stop, stop, please, Nik.” You released your near death-grip of his head between his knees and pulled him up lightly by the blond hair. He could use a haircut you noticed, and added it to an ever growing list of things in your mind. 
“I need this to be together,” you said, locking eyes with him. He nodded, but before he could pull away, you kissed him, holding onto him as tightly as you could. You hadn’t been sure he was alive just days ago. You could feel his hands wrestling with the pants until he finally got them down below his knees. You helped him untangle his ankles before he had you pressed back to the warm floor, the heat almost too hot in addition to flush of your skin. 
“I love you,” he muttered, before lining himself up to you and pressing in slowly. His moan was practically music to your ears. 
“I love you, moi tsar.” His lips captured yours as he began slowly moving, building up speed. You were barely holding onto the building fire inside you, and the feeling of him on you, in you, all around you was nearly too much. 
“Saints, I’ve missed you,” he breathed, one elbow resting beside your head the other arm reaching down to deftly work your clit. You came almost instantly, head tilted back and a moan loud enough to be heard at least down the hall erupting from your mouth. Nikolai had bit down on your shoulder as he came, surely leaving a clear marking of his teeth. 
“I love you, my queen,” he whispered against your neck as he pulled away, laying next to you. You both breathed heavily, staring at the rock ceiling.
“I better be your queen, Nikolai Lantsov,” you responded, reminded of Alina again. 
“Now is that any way to talk to your king.” 
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
I feel like Dabi would be the type of dude who would bully you incessantly at the LOV and for the life of you you can’t figure out why. He’s always around you and making snarky comments or pulling your hair, trying to catch you messing up on missions. You’re sure he hates you, and you do well to stay out of his way, or sometimes when you feel bold you’ll offer a quip of your own. The bullying increases whenever you talk to other guys at the bar, especially when you make Tomura crack a smile, Dabi’s breathing down your neck the second your leader leaves, calling you terrible names and pushing past your boundaries.
Cw: language, nsfw, noncon, manga spoilers, some angst?
In a perfect world, Touya would not have been abandoned and rejected by his family. In a perfect world, Dabi would not exist, and Touya would be eating dinner with his family right now as he shows his little brother how to properly wield fire to its fullest extent.
But there was no such thing as a perfect world, and therefore Dabi did exist. And Dabi doesn’t care for anyone, or anything.
Or so he tells himself.
“Nothing but eye candy, and shitty eye candy at that”
It’s nothing you haven’t heard before, but it doesn’t make it any easier to ignore him
“What was that all about, huh? The fuck are you and crusty snickering about?”
Fed up with his continuous antics, you decide to mouth off a little too.
“Oh nothing, just talking about how adorable you and Hawks would make as a couple. And wipe that sneer off your face, it looks like some of your staples fell out of your mouth.”
It’s nothing too snarky, but in a second he’s shoving you in some dark room, forearm pinned against your throat as his hand is lit up with blue flames merely inches away from you, snarling in your face.
“You wanna be funny, bitch? I got jokes of my own too, why dont I show you what happens to dumb little girls who don’t know their fucking place? I think that would be real funny.”
But his hand is stopped from drawing near your wide eyes when you both hear Twice and Toga calling everyone for their next meeting.
He pushes you away from him, giving you a murderous look over his shoulder as he leaves the room, not paying mind to the way you slide down the wall in the dark.
You take extra precaution to try avoiding him for the next few days, not even making eye contact with him when you two get teamed up for tasks. He never mentions the room incident, if anything he acts as if it never happens. It’s like whiplash for you, he tries to weirdly talk to you more but all you offer him is mumbles and hums of agreement.
The conversation is never long, but it starts to be less talk of degrading you and more of begrudging questioning of what you’ve been up to. You never engage, opting to pretend like you never heard him, and strangely enough he leaves it be.
You give him a side eye one day as he joins you at the bar (much to your discontent), downing your glass just to fill another.
He says nothing as he slides into the stool right next to you, and pours a glass of whiskey for himself as well.
It’s awkwardly silent, you’re not sure if you should leave or not, but you’d be damned if you try to initiate small talk with this psycho.
But then, he speaks.
“Is Shigaraki sending you on the mission to get that UA kid?”
His gravely voice rumbles and cracks from his usual lack of use, and he clears his throat after he talks.
This is excruciating, you think to yourself as he mulls over the drink in his hand for a silent minute or two.
Toga calls you over thankfully at the exact same moment, and you breathe out an inaudible sigh of relief as you slip off the stool to join her.
“Wait-“ Dabi grabs your arm and you flinch out of instinct, expecting a slap or a burn to come from him.
He sees your reaction and shakes his head dismissively, letting you go and muttering a “Nevermind”. You don’t ponder over it as you trip over your own feet to join the eccentric blond.
A week passes, and then two. With each day you maneuver your way around him, request to be partnered up with different people in private, and busy yourself in random tasks. Every time you pass him by the bar he lifts his head from whatever he’s doing and tries to maintain eye contact with you, even going so far as to open his mouth to say or ask god-knows-what.
You try to ignore the foreign hopeful glint in his glacial eyes as you walk right past him, ducking your head as you do so.
It drives Dabi crazy.
He can’t handle any more rejection, he thought his family would be the last straw for him to ever want recognition or love validation from again. He wants to talk to you, to hear your voice as it snaps back with witty comebacks of your own that he secretly enjoys so much, even if it means he has to force it out of you with hateful words. He wants to feel your hair underneath his scarred hands, even if he has to mask the soft wanting of you in forms of yanking the strands. He wants nothing more than to see your eyes fill up with no other sight than him and think only of him, even if it means he has to corner you and scare you into submission.
But your silence is something he’s not used to.
Well, to be fair, you weren’t silent completely, but the only sentences he was hearing from you nowadays was when you were speaking to Shigaraki or the other League members.
You were the only idiot who didn’t notice the smoke curling from his nostrils and ears comically when he’d finally see you stop your stoic act just to open up to other men apart from him. Spinner, Twice, and Compress backed off almost immediately from talking to you for too long when they’d see the look on his face as he watched you surrounded by them, but Tomura would merely smirk from behind your shoulders and keep a level gaze with his subordinate, knowing fully well why he was so pissed off.
You began to notice the weird energy at the base soon after the rest of the men would keep curt conversations with you in comparison to your long talks about video games, sex, and life after you would all win the war.
So you thought it would be best to ask the most semi-normal person there that wasn’t fueled with testosterone and aggression.
“I just don’t get it, why are they all being weird? I mean, we all used to talk so much and now they just...try avoiding me. Except for Tomura of course, he’s still normal I guess. But he always has this smirk on his face when I’m with him and I can’t figure out why.”
Toga stops cleaning her blood-laced needle to give you a sly look, all fangs and glinting white.
“And Dabi?”
“What about him?”
She sits back on her haunches and cocks her head at you. “You really don’t know what’s happening here, do ya?”
“No,” you roll your eyes in exasperation. “But I’ll gladly take any theories here, since apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t get it.”
“He likes you.”
You gape at her for a moment and then burst out laughing.
“What? That’s crazy, he doesn’t like me, he hates me!” He can barely stand being in a room with me, all he does is talk shit and harass me.”
The blond curiously licks at a bead of red from the top of the weapon and you cringe when her own tongue rips from the sharp point.
“You say he can’t stand being in a room with you, so then why is it that he’s always there? He might talk shit, but he talks to you out of everyone else right? Regardless of if it’s something mean.”
You’re thoroughly flabbergasted. She had a point, but it was too much to wrap your head around. She cheerfully hums and gets up to flounce around the room, cleaning her already-tidy room up to a T.
“And that little silent treatment act you’re giving him isn’t helping either. I swear, Jin told me Dabi almost burned his mouth off that one day you, him and Spinner were talking about GTA. He totally cornered the poor guy and threatened his life if he didn’t stop talking to you.”
“You’re joking.”
“Am not. He wanted to do the same to Tomura but I figure he wants to keep his job, so he won’t. Doesnt make it any better for him when you’re all chummy with the one person Dabi can’t stand the most, though.”
No wonder your leader was so smug whenever you two were in the same room, your attention solely focused on him.
You run your hands down your face, moaning about the whole situation being fucked. It’s just your luck that you couldn’t take a clue, but to be fair, how could you? Being called worthless and a waste of space wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for flirty banter.
“Soooo what’re you gonna do now? I heard he’s gonna try talking to you for realsies like, tomorrow or something.”
“Tomorrow?” You yelp, jumping up to your feet. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I can’t face him!”
“Oops,” she giggles, twirling with outstretched arms around her room and falling down onto her bed.
“Oh god, I can’t do this. I don’t even know if I like him! He’s such an ass, and even when he tries to come off as normal he’s just so..unsettling. I don’t think I’ve ever had a good conversation with him.”
Toga props her elbow up to rest her chin on her hand, frowning in thought.
“Why not just tell him how you feel?”
You snort and fold your arms. “Yeah, because the psycho arsonist is really gonna take the word no well.”
“Hmm.. I see what you mean. Oh well, whatever you choose, I’ll support you!”
And with that she skips out of the room sing songing for Twice to make a clone for her.
You were fucked.
And sure enough, the next day he approaches you, hands stuffed in his pockets and an almost bored look on his face.
“Yo newbie, I gotta talk to you for a second. Come with me”.
You look blearily up at him through eye bags and mussed hair, a direct telling of your sleepless night. Your stomach drops when you hear his words, but you nod your head and take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself of the speech you practiced till the sun rose.
No one else is bothering you both today, Shigaraki having gone to visit All For One and the rest of the League left to their own devices. It was something you weren’t so comfortable with, but you doubted a hero would come to save you.
He leads you through the short winding hallways, each step of his growing louder and heavier as the space started growing smaller. Finally, he reaches a dimly lit room and stops outside the door, gesturing for you to go in with a casual wave of his patched wrist.
“After you.”
You raise an unsure eyebrow at his uncharacteristic show of consideration, and do as he says. You’re sweating bullets, fists balled so that your nails are digging into your palms, and vision going in and out of focus as your eyes begin to adjust to your surroundings.
A loud bang pulls you out of your stupor, and you whip around at the sound.
Dabi is already staring back at you with lidded eyes, leaning his weight against the door, his arms crossing over each other.
You shift on both feet, picking at your nails nervously.
“So, what did you wanna talk about?”
He says nothing, but just observes you, his head slightly tilted as if you were some abstract art piece.
“You got a lot of nerve, y’know that?”
He pushes himself off the wall and advances slowly towards you, hands stuffed in his trench coat pockets.
You immediately back up with raised palms, sputtering indignantly at his offensive movements coming closer and closer. However you thought his ‘confession’ would go, this was most definitely not starting out like how you planned
“Excuse me? What’re you talking about-“
“I know what you’re doing. You think whoring yourself out to ol’ crusty and the rest of the guys here is gonna make everyone forget just how useless you actually are. What the fuck do you even do here? You fuck up half the missions which I have to come bail your ass out of, you constantly put us in jeopardy by being all friendly with everyone, and you can’t even keep your mouth shut when I need to let off a little steam, as I rightfully should.”
In a perfect world, Dabi would be the light of your eyes, the hero of your world. In a perfect world, Dabi would be able to hold your hand in his smooth one and tell you that he wants you so much that it impairs his rational judgement and makes him say things he doesn’t mean. He’d tell you that your presence is like a weight lifted off his chest, your presence means he doesn’t have to think or worry about the outside world, he just wants you all to himself without anyone interfering.
But this is not a perfect world, and Dabi is not a hero, but rather one of the worst villains.
So he does exactly what one does as a villain.
Instead of a loving look that he knows he’s incapable of, Dabi looks down into your horrified gaze as he traps you against the wall between his scarred arms, spewing misplaced venom at you.
“I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to chill out. First you go ballistic on me ‘cause I talked to Tomura for no reason, then you act all weird and quiet as if you’re some decent person, and now you think you can just bring me in here and tell me how worthless I am? Go fuck yourself, seriously.”
You scoff and make your way to push him but stop when he does what he did a couple weeks ago. You hold bated breath as he casually brings an inflamed hand to scratch at his face as if he can’t feel the hellfire emitting from it, and let out a whine of distress as he lowers his head mere inches from yours, lips almost touching.
“Stop talking to the rest of the guys,” he breaths. “Stop smiling, laughing, or going near anyone who isn’t me.”
You wonder if he knows how insane he sounds. He does, but that’s nothing he doesn’t know already. If anything, it solidifies in his mind that if he is to be as bad as the world has made him out to be, then he is acting exactly fit for the role.
“I don’t need to give sluts like you a reason. It should come as easy, right? What’s putting out for one more person?”
Your eyes are brimming with tears now, your stoic facade showing cracks as you sniffle a little bit.
He eats it up and groans watching salty rivers cascade down your cheeks. Suddenly, he feels as though he can no longer hold back anymore, he feels as though if he thinks for one more second he’ll combust.
So, acting on instinct, he surges forward and presses his lips against yours, swallowing your cries of distress and holding your hands above your head in midst of them frantically beating on his chest.
Your lips are so, so soft compared to his and it’s making him sink deeper into this instinctual daze. He puffs against your writhing lips as he thrusts his hot tongue in your mouth.
You try to bite him but when his hands heat up against your skin you resign to your fate and wail, allowing him to pull his hips flush against yours and start humping your thighs.
He draws back and bites your lips, teeth clacking against yours as he does so. You open your terrified eyes and blanch when you see the look on his face.
Lust is clearly drawn everywhere, from his blown pupils to his heaving chest, all the way to his flushed face and wild eyes. He looks as though he’s about to eat you alive and it’s appropriate that you feel like a lamb about to be slaughtered.
“Dabi, wait, please stop-“
But he cuts your pants off again in favor of slamming his hips against yours again and grinding impossibly hard on your legs, the friction of his jeans catching on your clothed cunt and forcing a mewl out of you.
“I’m not gonna stop. I’ve had enough of you teasing. You’re mine now, and if it takes burning our dear leader alive and this whole place down for you to understand that then I’ll fucking do it.”
He thought that terrorizing you would ease the empty feeling in his heart, that continuously berating you would force him to see you as what he always said you were, just another empty headed cunt. He thought that distancing himself from you and focusing on other things would make him forget about the soft feelings he longed to share with you, feelings he thought perished in the fire he was in when he was a young boy .
Even now, there is an ache in his chest as he hears you beg for him to stop, to let you go, that you’re sorry for whatever you did.
But this is not a perfect world, and not everyone gets their way in life.
You should really learn that, because Dabi already has.
And so Dabi will act accordingly to what life has put out before him .
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Bucky Making You Squirt For The First Time Whilst In Wakanda...
Warnings | smut, squirting, fingering, mentions of disability, angst, mentions of death and murder, swearing, insecure Bucky, overstimulation
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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There were many things that Bucky had to get to doing one handed. At first, it had taken some getting used to, he no longer had a silver grip to follow out orders with, or aid his other hand with, now that the prosthetic had been removed. Wakanda had wiped away any evidence from whom he had once been, except his mind, that was still a work in progress.
But with time, he had adapted to the disability within the calm nature that surrounded him. For the first time in his life, he felt safe, he had his own home, to which he shared with you, an avenger and an old friend of T’Challa’s. It was a simple hut, but it was something that brought him comfort, never needing to pretend to be someone else behind the walls, having an enclosure of reassurance, even if the structure had no door.
For the moment, he was alone, you had gone to the new king’s coronation, despite not being of birthright to the country. The people here accepted you, and from more than just your amorous connection to him, they had slowly but surely became well adversed with his presence, sending him meaningful, reassuring smiles, and allowing their kids to run around the perimeter of his plot.
With bright eyes, he had watched as you allowed the children to assort their paints, and stroke the colours of red, black and yellow as stripes upon your skin, accumulating you to their culture. Bucky had made no attempts to move closer, he was content with watching you run around with the children, laughing at their jokes, and telling them stories of your adventures out in the world.
They saw you as one of their heroes, that had partaken in training as a youngster by their best and now aged commanders. This was your home, and that in turn, made you insist that it was his also. Though, he knew that something would eventually ruin this little life that the two of you had began together in the midst of hiding, and that had kept him awake after you had left.
He had tried to lay upon the furs that were rolled around to make a floor bed, listening to the sounds of communicating birds, and playing ancestors of the great commanders, but he did not fathom to manage to rock himself into a slumber. And his eyes were still peeled as you returned, the sky having grown significantly darker, after the celebrations that you and Shuri had planned for her brother.
Your hand reached towards an encrusted leaf of water that acted as a bowl, dampening a rag as you began to swipe at the skin of your face. Out from the corner of the one room, Bucky walked over, taking the dampened material out of your hand, with his one, and helped you in cleansing your skin of the natural pigments that had been assorted into bright colours.
“Did you have fun?” He asked tenderly, as he washed the tribal cosmetics from your skin, feeling his heart swoon as you presented a great smile, filled with teeth, and softly nodded at his words.
“Yes, though, I cannot help but feel the void of T’Chaka. He’d ruled this place for so long, keeping it concealed from greedy eyes, and I have a nervous feeling for what lays ahead for T’Challa. He insists that I don’t have to get involved in the political sides of this place any longer, I am not needed to continue to be a protecter, but it was my purpose. I have no other path in my mindset of what I should do instead.”
After speaking, you breathed, leaning into Bucky’s gentle hand, lulling in the sentimental feeling of him looking after you. “You may be a warrior, but you are also my partner. Just lay with me a little longer before you go out and search for another fight, will you?” He put the wipe down, grasping your face in his palm, humming contentedly as you pressed kisses upon his rough and scarred skin.
“I think I could just go that.” You replied, weaving your hands through his locks, and undoing the knot of the small intricate bun that rested upon the various layers of his hair. A smile tugged at his beard, as he leant slowly down, encasing his prickly bordered mouth upon your own, as you reciprocated the action.
“Get on the bed doll.” He sweetly spoke, his lips brushing against yours, following after you as did as he said, going to roll on top of him, as was usually the position, considering his impediment, but Bucky shook his head, causing a furrow to sew itself between your brows. “Stay there.”
Trusting him, you nodded, allowing him to tug at your purple robe, to which you traditionally wore nothing beneath. His azure gaze locked onto your watching eyes, as he contently kissed down your torso, passing your navel, his lips over the curve of your mound.
Bucky had ate you ate countless times, but never in this position. Usually, you would clamber your weight atop of him, descending your pussy onto his mouth, as the both of you had thought that would be the easier solution to doing things. But he showed no struggle as his lips slipped down lower, his tongue teasing your clit, as he rested his chest upon the hay adorned ground.
He raised his hand, moving the flesh of his fingers between your folds, tugging at the lips, to open you up for his adventurous tongue to explore. His eyelashes fluttered, breaking his locked gaze of you, as he lulled in your taste, his administrations pulling moans out from your chests, as you tried to keep quiet, for there were sure to be children sleeping in the neighbouring huts.
“Bucky.” Once more, your hands cascaded through his long brown locks, tugging at the root, prompting a groan to rattle through the man that was going down on you. You swivelled your hips a little, helping him hit a deeper angle with that tongue of his, yelping lightly as he added a finger, and then another, stretching you open. “I’m going to cum James.”
He paid no mind to your words, continuing his enjoyable work, as he made you spill your loving essence over his tongue, lapping it up, before returning to your clit, sucking the bud behind his teeth, swirling his saliva around the pink accessory, whilst adding another two fingers, making you be filled with four.
The stretch was delicious. After the gruelling, not to mention worrisome day, that you had experiences, unwinding in such a simplistic, and euphoric way was definitely welcomed. Bucky always had the means to make you feel good, but the majority of the time, you would insist to go down on him instead, finding it fulfilling to apt your partner with such pleasure.
But here he was, returning all those favours, with his mouth and tongue, stimulating you closer to another orgasm, and having you on the verge of screaming, though, you had to bite your hand to contain such a sound. Otherwise, it’d ring out across the land, and the last thing you wanted was the Dora Milaje bursting in, thinking that someone was getting murdered.
The only thing being viscously attacked was your pussy, but you weren’t complaining as you whined wantonly, feeling yourself spill out with your juices again, screwing your eyes shut as he rubbed the bristles on his face against your clit, prodding your entrance with his tongue as he removed his fingers, his eyes beaming wide as you brought them up to your mouth, sucking on each one, moving them down to the back of your throat.
Bucky swore he’d bust right then. He shuffled away, discarding of the red material that he was often clothed in, revealing his hard cock, as he came to rest over you, after removing his digits from your hungry mouth. “Buck, don’t you want me to go on top?” Your chest raised as you asked the question, but he shook his head, only just managing to balance himself over you, as you tugged at his cock a couple of times, before swiping his head through the river of your slit.
The sensation caused your lover’s legs to buckle beneath him, as he struggled to uphold his weight, his head falling against the column of your neck as tears pricked at his eyes. Without any trouble, you rolled him over, climbing to be straddled upon his face, as you cupped the corners of his rugged face. You could still feel the soreness between your legs from his beard, and you loved the feeling. But the regard of pleasure could be paused for a moment, as you saw his blue eyes swimming with waves of emotion.
“Hey it’s okay baby.” You ushered him, feeling him trail his hand across your spine, pulling you closer. His puffy cheeks had turned red as he looked at you, almost as though he were embarrassed from his prone accident. “Why’d you try to be on top, I thought we spoke about that?”
“I just wanted to make you feel good.” He gulped, watching as your face dropped into a swarm of sadness and guilt. “I’m useless here, and it seems like the only thing I’m good at it brining you pleasure. But clearly I’m not that good at it if I can’t even put my own dick in you.”
“Don’t James, baby. You are not useless, you are free. The people here are helping you, and then, you’ll be able to do whatever you want with the road that will lay before you. It’s about patience my love.” You grasped the sides of his face so that he was forced to look directly at you. The trailing of his eyes, curving down your exposed chest and stomach did not go unnoticed, though you continued speaking to him. “And do not ever question how good you make me feel, even out of intercourse, you make me feel like the most important woman in the galaxy. It’s okay to need help sometimes, and that’s why I’m here with you James.”
Putting pressure upon your back, he tugged you down, colliding his lips against yours, the taste of yourself that was lingering on his tongue making you moan into his mouth. You slipped your tongue in his mouth, scouring out every angle behind his white teeth, as you once again took ahold of his shaft, tapping the reddened tip against your clit.
The feeling made you wince, already feeling over stimulated, though you could not deny that you wanted to feel all of him, so you shuffled back, raising your hips over his own, as you placed him at your entrance, and began to sink down on his hard cock.
“Fuck doll.” He gritted his teeth together, leaning back as he watched your face pleasurable grimace at the various sensations that were burning up your body. But nevertheless, you began to ride him, planting your hands on his shoulders as you swayed your hips against his. Bucky raised his hand, cupping your breast with it, and pinching your nipple, watching as your threw your head back, a single tear slipping out of the corner of your eye.
That pout that had encased itself on your mouth, as you bounced atop of him, made him lick his lips. Various sounds escaped your lips as you crashed your sore pussy down on his straining cock, wanting nothing more than to cum again.
You leant back, a light laugh escaping your throat as you braced one of your hands upon his tensing thigh, the other creeping down to rub your clit. Bucky felt his whole spark, as he refused to close his eyes so that he could watch you be illuminated by the oncoming orgasm that would soon be tearing through you, and the moonlight that seeped through the opening of the hut.
The man ran his large hand down your body, replacing your hand with his own, fiddling with your engorged clit as you squeaked out indicating sounds of pleasure, as he traced it with the tip of his nail. “Cum doll.” He spoke, his voice strained, as his hips thrusted up on their own accord.
A frown settled on your face as you grabbed at your tits, your breathing escalating to the point where your skin had grown tingly. And before you knew what had hit you, you came once more, but this time it was different. You had squirted, soaking Bucky’s thighs, splattering your clear juices through his pubic hairs, the liquid reaching the bottom of his belly.
“Oh my fucking god.” You stopped for a moment, as your head felt all hazy, leaning it back, for a minute, until you began rotating your hips again, your pussy constantly clenching around his shaft. He felt close, more so as you reached behind you with a free hand, and began tugging gently at the seam of his balls. “Fill me up baby, cum in- fuck!”
Another wave had hit you, it not taking long to reach after your previous three orgasms. It left Bucky no choice, his body followed its own whim as his balls fluttered, his head spluttering his cum inside your walls, leaving you lightheaded, and all over the place. A hum fell from your lips as you moved so that his softening and cum covered cock would fall out of you, laying on his chest, as you felt your pussy trying to keep all of his seed within you, though it failed to do so, as it ran down the inside of your leg, and trailed down Bucky’s own.
“So good.” You smiled, half drunk off of how many times you had cum. Bucky smiled, running his hand up your leg, to soothe and calm your muscles, before cupping your face, bringing it closer so that he could give you a tender peck upon the forehead.
“Go to sleep doll, I love you.” He brushed his dirtied fingers through your hair, smiling as he softly heard you mumble a reciprocating response, your head falling in the dip of his chest, you falling asleep, giving him one last piece of mind until the morning.
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obanzi · 3 years
hello! so I saw requests were open! can I get the reaction of the hashira boys when their shy s/o suddenly confesses to them? Thank u in advance
yeah mhm !! idk i just got in the mood to write this .
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༄ Sudden Confession !
Summary ⤳ Hashira reacting to y/n’s sudden confession !!
TWS / Mentions ⤳ n/a
Featuring ⤳ hashira boys
Author’s Note ⤳ i had some trouble writing Uzui so forgive me :(
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❥ Rengoku Kyojuro
You were Rengoku’s Tsugoku , now , it was a regular day of training . Alright so just to get some things clear .. you had a massive crush on rengoku ever since you first saw him !!
Anyways , you couldn’t hold back anymore . All you wanted was the Flame Hashira’s love . While during your break time , you just let loose without thinking twice ..
“Rengoku-san .. I know this is sudden but I like you !!”
Rengoku was caught off guard . BIG TIME — like , wtf ?? How did he not notice this .. he was redder than the devil !! Even so , rengoku answered even with his sweating face .
“I like you too Y/N - san !!”
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❥ Iguro Obanai
You and Obanai were out on lunch with just finishing a mission , you both went to your favorite ramen shop !! Obanai loves the tea there while you love the ramen .
You and Obanai’s friendship was something that you both enjoyed every much and would hate for it to go somewhere else .. even if you both wanted to stay friends . The universe had different plans for you two ..
You were currently thinking about your feelings for Obanai while waiting for your ramen to arrive . Meanwhile , Obanai was deciding whether he should get black or green tea ..
Without thinking twice or even waiting for your ramen to arrive . You just spit it out .. “Iguro-San , I think .. I like you .” While covering your face with your hands .
That’s when Obanai went red , just like straight up red . It was so sudden that his mind went blank !! That lunch was a little awkward after .. but don’t worry . I’m sure things will turn out find :D
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❥ Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi was your best friend , you two are a chaotic duo . While sanemi thought he never caught feelings , you on the other hand have . I mean , how could you not ? He might look scary to some but you think he looks handsome !! All you wanna do his kiss his scars and tell him how much you love him .
Alright so put that aside for now , you two were doing the Hashira training . You were asked to help with pounding training !! While sanemi was scolding some of the lower rank demon slayers , you were just looking at him . Not in a weird way .. like more in a “ur cute” look .
Once he was finished , he caught you looking . “What the fuck are you looking at ?” , he was honestly a bit confused . And without any thinking .. “You , you look cute .”
Both you froze . You had just figured out what you said and got extremely embarrassed and started covering your face . Meanwhile , Sanemi was .. he didn’t know what to think . Woah you like him ? You think he looks cute ? Is he cute ? What does this mean ? I thought we were just friends ? Yeah , a lot of questions in his head right now .. 
Although once you both sort it out , maybe something will happen . Who knows ? Just gotta throw your hints luv >:)
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❥ Muichiro Tokito ( Aged Up )
You were Muichiro’s Tsugoku , as much as he is forgetful he is cute !! Is what you tell yourself most of the time . Even if he could never catch onto your hints , you still love him either way .
One day , you two were taking a break . With him laying down and you still sitting up , both of you were looking up at the clouds ! While you two were looking at the lovely clouds , you couldn’t help but notice mui’s adorable face !! Trying figure out what some clouds look like .
You couldn’t help but squeal out “you’re so cute mui-Kun !!” While holding both of your red cheeks . You honestly didn’t care if he heard or not .. you knew he was going to forget anyways .
... He didn’t . There was a small tint on pink on his cheeks but barely visible ! He actually liked you too although he wasn’t so sure of his whole romance thing so he waited and kept his feelings to himself .
Although with your small confession , he had some hope . At the end of the day .. he will confront you about this <3
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�� Himejima Gyomei
Alright so your friends with Genya !! Genya sees you as a mother to him . So basically you hang around gyomei and genya a lot — after staying around the two for most of your life , you had caught feelings for the big giant !!
After a few lunches with him , this became a normal for the both of you . So it was one of those lunches today — you were talking to gyomei about the lovely flowers you walked by before you got here .
“They were such a lovely pink ! Ah , I wish I could’ve taken them with me .” Is what you said while taking a bite into your rice bowl . After a few minutes of talking , you decided maybe it was time . Yeah , sure it was sudden but .. you loved him a lot and this is what you wanted to do .
“I’m not the best at confessing but .. gyomei-San , I love you a lot !” You said laughing while giving a cheeky smile . And you swear to GOD you saw a small tear out of gyomei’s eyes . You started to panic and ask if he’s okay !!
Gyomei was okay , just surprised . Someone like you .. can love someone like him ..? Although don’t worry .. I’m sure something will work out :)
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❥ Uzui Tengen
Uzui already had 3 wives but who said he can’t have 4 ? Sure you and Uzui were still talking but maybe something could go on . Anyways , you had kinda a crush on Uzui . Although you were restraining yourself since he already had 3 wives .
Even so , you get along with his 3 wives a lot !! They all like you , they also knew you had a thing for Uzui . So it was a huge win - win . Maybe something could work out ..
One day , you and the girls were talking about these cute clothes at the market . Once that conversation died down a bit .. the girls asked you something that would completely get you off guard ..
“so y/n-chan .. do you have a crush !!?” Suma would ask you while the two other girls waited for an answer . You couldn’t decide if you should tell them or not .. you had no idea how they were gonna react . What should you do ??
Just as you were about to say something else , Uzui did a sneak attack on all of you — “boo !!” All of you ( expect Makio ) all jumped . “Hey girls !! Watcha talking about ~?”
“Oh nothing !! Just talking about how much i like youuu .....” that’s when you covered your face and got really embarrassed ... have fun luv .
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❥ Giyuu Tomioka
Both you and Giyuu were pretty quiet . Although that didn’t stop you for catching feelings for the Water Pillar , he was quite handsome even if most people don’t like him . He’s also a great listener :D
There were many things that you loved about him . Although you kept that to yourself .. at least you tried too . One night , both you and Giyuu were out doing a night guard .
“The moon is nice today , too bad we have to keep watch .” You said looking up at the sky , enjoying the moonlight hitting your face .
You looked back at the small town before you looked at Giyuu and smiled . Oh , how he looked so cute focusing . You couldn’t help but blush and admire him !! Although , accidentally .. you said something that could maybe change a few things .
“Ah you’re so cute Giyuu-San ! I wish I could give you kiss —” .... yeah that might have been obvious . Literally Giyuu coughed and covered his face . I think he likes you too !!
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© obanzi , do not copy or steal my work . And please don’t share my work on other media platforms ! Thank you .
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