#i take forever sometimes to 😶
batfambitches · 2 months
continued from @babs-gordon-girl-genius
“People don't have to say it for me to know they think that.” Jason told her, clearly he was in a sulky mood. He couldn't help it, he just got sulky when it got close to his death day. The fact that B had gotten on him about snapping at some visiting billionaire at the Gala he was basically forced to attend the night before didn't help. Vlad Master had it coming though, even if he couldn't exactly tell them that.
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most boys could be improved with a little nail polish bit thomas bordeleau especially. like what is not clicking for him that he hasn’t done it already my god
EX 👏 ACT 👏 LY you understand. i saw this post one time and simply never looked back so without further ado here are the top ten nail polishes, in no particular order, that i think thomas bordeleau should try:
1. sally hanson xtreme wear in 140 rockstar pink
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we’re starting with this one because i previously mentioned it in another post, and, while i think thom gives the vibes of a single color natural nail mani, i like this one because it’s one polish that’s multicolor—dark pink glitter with a little bit of blue to call in the sjs and the baby blue suit he was wearing. also, glitter nail polishes will last you FOREVER
2. chanel le vernis in 339 cassis
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also have to start out by including my closest approximation to the nail polish in the photo that started this all. i love the sheerness of this polish, which means it can be more unobtrusive and a little blink-and-you’ll-miss-it barely-there detail or more prominent with more layers
3. gucci glossy in 715 winterset snow
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personally i don’t often go for a white nail but i think borde would like something very crisp and clean (white does look nice on him). however, i think his white and/or cream needs to be a little cooler and not as much on the yellow side, which made finding this polish difficult but like. what else was i doing today (so many things)
4. les mains hermès in 85 rouge h
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we have solid evidence that borde loooves a good maroon moment and i did specifically pick hermès (no idea why. fancy? would appeal to him?). love the cooler tones in this red for him and i heavily debated giving him this really deep rich purple (violet byzantin) of the same style of polish but we can work up to wearing that one
5. cirque colors x live. love. polish in puttin’ on the ritz
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while i know the first color on here is literally a fine glitter, To Me thomas bordeleau is a chunky glitter gorl. it’s got artsy details, a bunch of different types of glitter, it’s iridescent, it can be layered, i’m in love with it. it will match any outfit thom i promise
6. maniology in b333 gold rush
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imho i would wear more silver jewelry to compliment the cool tones he likes to wear BUT. borde almost always sports gold (honestly not bad wrt bringing out the california tan, it doesn’t wash him out) so i am giving him a boring, but very specific metallic not-too-yellow-or-light-or sparkly gold nail color. sorry. just paint one nail and use it like an accent or for french tips for spice, idk bud you’re the hand model here and i am simply an incredibly picky art director
7. àuda.b in my cactus
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i love how vibrant this green is, i love the finish on it, i think we could convince thom to branch out into more jewel tones and pastels. also yes i picked this to match his houseplants
8. nails.inc caught in the nude in hawaii beach & boy de chanel in 404 black
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i have a lot of shiny and glittery finishes on this list and i reeeeally wanted to throw in a matte finish so. this is a two for one because i couldn’t find a matte version of this chocolate brown that i really liked for him but also i’m giving him a special matte black polish because to me these are both neutrals
9. mooncat in millennia
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this one just looks dope. i feel like he would like the chrome effect to it? it is more high effort because it’s a magnetic polish, but also given that he loves juicewrld now i think i could swing this one on that basis alone (it’s the same colors as legends never die).
10. zoya in zp797 cecilia
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how could i make this list and not include a pacific teal nail polish for the san jose sharks 🦈 this also would be stunning as a pop of color to accent his grey game day suits just saying
ok if you made it to the end of this i love you ✨ thank you for coming to my ill-advised impromptu ted talk @ thom please paint ur nails and also confirm or deny whether you have pierced your ears thank you
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sillygh0st · 11 months
maybe a hot take but as a Brazilian it feels to me that a LOT of people (especially the english speaking part) on the qsmp fandom only care about the english native speakers streamers AND manages to take the "spotlight" (not the right words) of the other characters
Like tazercraft got their big lore friday and like even if people talked and saw the stream, many people still dont care about , I saw people making it about q!Foolish and its kinda? Like bro you guys are saying that "we just want a villain arc of someone" or "traitor arc when" but when a characther do something similar or just like that you guys treat them like "oh no they didnt mean It🥺" or acting like they are angels (no attack to any streamer okay)
Im saying that because people that are trying to victimize q!foolish are the same than wants characters taking bad or ambiguous actions, no hate to any streamer or anynone in particular but like wow it was TAZERCRAFT lore and instead of seeing the qsmp fandom (english speaking side mostly) talking about them, about how it afected them, their new and old traumas, I saw MANY acting like q!Foolish is a baby that cant do ANYTHING that can be wrong or just very ambiguous on that part 🫣 (and also guys even if all of them, q!pac, q!Mike and q!Foolish, are all victims, q!Foolish is not a silly little angel that didnt do anything wrong)
Also, with the french streamers, and even the spanish speakers ones I kinda see it, because, for me atleast, a lot of people only care about one or two streamers and like we already got the language and culture barriers (already makes things very difficult) and in addition the fandom Just dont care about streamers that are not considered as "bigs", and will only care when its related to their streamers
Felps, tazercraft, the french speakers ones, fit and maximus like, their lore is so good and people usually dont talk about It? Like if you Just watch qsmp for the streamer in question and is not on the qsmp fandom, Just the streamer fandom, its okay, but like If you are on the qsmp fandom in general its weird to me ignoring all the other ones😶
Even with cellbit and forever that are the "biggests" of the Brazilians, the ones with more content and viewers, sometimes people Just dont care about them or do horribles takes about them, like q!forever and q!cellbit are like extremelly Not understood by the fandom
Its okay to watch the ones that speak your language, but its not okay to ignore all the other ones and taking the spotlight of their characters
My english is terrible and I mean no harn to any streamer sorry If something is put wrong here :c (im talking about the fandom not the streamers guys)
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demonio-fleurs · 1 month
the headcanon ask game!
for both sabo and koala:
Send in a character or characters and an icon and I’ll give you...
i am so sorry this took so long btw, a mixture of me being busy and also having to come up with these on the spot made it take longer than i wanted it to!
these also range from "simple and straight forward" to "mini fics/drabbles" haha, sorry for the inconsistency
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
they're both bisexual, although koala is (in my opinion) far more likely to be vocal about it than sabo, who is too busy with work to think about relationships.
koala realized she was bisexual when she met betty for the first time, and no i will not elaborate further. meanwhile sabo has just always kinda known that gender doesn't matter for him.
(more under the cut!)
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
one day, while traveling the seas with the sun pirates, their ship was attacked by slavers looking for a profit. they were arrogant, and believed they could easily take out the group of fishmen on the ship.
koala doesn't remember much about that night, except for how frightened she was, as the ship had been caught up in a cyclone right before being attacked.
but she does remember huddling in a corner of the ship, wide eyes staring as a man came rushing towards her. she remembers jinbei, stepping out of nowhere and using Samehada Shotei against the slaver, and how the sheer force of it was enough to cause the man to be tossed across the room, knocking him out. jinbei then turned to her, and had her crawl onto his back for safety until they could ensure there was no one left on the ship.
that memory stayed burned into her for the rest of her life, and the day that hack told her that she'd finally perfected the Samehada Shotei technique was one of the happiest moments of her life.
for the longest time, sabo's childhood was not defined by memories, but rather feelings and vague nightmares. he remembered there being a great, terrible fire, and the fear he felt when he saw it. he remembered the feeling of a bird, trapped in it's cage and wanting so desperately to fly free. so many dark emotions, so many nights waking up in a cold sweat, gripping onto his sheets.
but sometimes, there were positive thoughts and dreams from his childhood. a song played in a bar on a mission might bring back the memory of tall, towering trees amidst a humid jungle. koala clinging to him in the middle of a hot night brought back the feeling of creaky wooden boards beneath him, and the starry night sky above him.
it wouldn't be until after ace's death that he gained the context necessary to understand those lingering childhood memories, but context didn't make his heart feel any less heavy in his chest.
🎶 A headcanon about music
one day while laying low in a bar and trying to plan out their next steps on an important mission assigned to them by dragon, koala began singing along to an old song that was being played on a dingy old piano in the corner. to her surprise, sabo began humming along with it, despite it being a song that was usually only known by pirates.
after their mission, she sat down with him and sang the lyrics in the hopes of triggering some memories from his past, but the only thing that came to mind for sabo was a warm summer night in a jungle.
later on, he'd put together that he must have heard the song from luffy, who taught both him and ace the lyrics to "prepare them" for their life as a pirate.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
sabo is a very "physical touch" person, when they are alone he is constantly either in their lap, or clinging onto them, almost as if when he lets go of them, they'll disappear forever.
koala, on the other hand, is more of a "quality time" type of person. to her, so long as she is near the person she loves, that is quality time, even if they aren't doing the same thing. this doesn't mean that she isn't physically affectionate, in fact she can be quite clingy when she's worried or upset, but that isn't her primary love language.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
oh gosh, haha, i'm honestly one of the worst people for romance but here we go
one of sabo's favorite things to do when coming home from a mission is to put his head in koala's lap and fall asleep. almost every outside observer wonders when koala will get fed up with him and kick him out of her lap, especially since she'll complain about it to anyone who will listen, but hack knows that koala secretly loves it. when she thinks no one is looking she'll often run her fingers through his golden locks, and simply enjoy the downtime with him.
😶 A random headcanon!
sabo has fangs like a dragon 3:
koala has an incredibly high spice tolerance, but primarily bc she enjoys food that has strong flavors.
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thegirloffans · 1 year
My WF Heavy/Lightweight HC's
Alright, I have Wakanda Forever brain rot especially with my concept of my new Found Family Hyperfixation and the Wakandans wanting to show the Talokan Trio the ways of surface dwellers.
This is my idea of them under the influence 🙂
Riri❤️: Starting off, I know in the movie Riri is 19 but come on you guys, we all had a drink or two in college bffr..., the point is to not get caught.... That being said, M'Baku, Okoye, and Nakia would most definitely be on little girl duty and watch Riri like a hawk to make sure she's not drinking behind their backs. (of course she is, and Shuri and Aneka are the ones slipping her a shot or two here and there 🤭she appreciates their bravery and sacrifice). She would get herself into trouble by masking her intoxication as best as she can, but her dead giveaway would be the goofy grin on her face and her never-ending chatter. She would just talktalktalktalktalktalktalktalkTALK and then Okoye would pull her to herself and smell the liquor on her breath, leading to her AND Shuri being cut off for the night...
Shuri🐈‍⬛: I can see her not really liking drinking because she always likes to be focused and aware. Even when she's hanging out with friends, she doesn't necessarily need a drink to have a good time but bc everyone else is having a glass or two, she doesn't see the harm in it. WRONG. Princess Shuri of Wakanda is a lightweight to the fullest. Give her a White Claw or two and she'll be out like a light. She would definitely be a flirty drunk, like we all already know she has a sense of superiority and pride, so her being under the influence would definitely bring out her cocky side, and she would shock everyone at how she equally goes after both men and women. and the kicker is that she would only do like little playful flirtatious teasing with her friends, and they all know not to take her seriously, but she seems to do it with everyone BUT Namor. He's sick about it lol it really hurts his feelings...
Okoye👩🏾‍🦲: Again, not really a drinker but due to experience and life in general, Okoye is actually quite the heavyweight. She prefers a nice sparkling wine or maybe a merlot, or red wine bc it definitely mellows her out. She can be sedated on about 3-4 glasses but when she's had a rough day, that woman can take an entire bottle to the head and still be asking for more. Now when going out, especially with Aneka, Okoye doesn't really have much of a choice but to take a few shots to get the party going (and to keep up with her energetic friend). Wine never really has the effect on her like straight liquor does, but when she's well inebriated, the woman is a TALKER. She's the kind of drunk where if you were ever wondering what she really thought about you, give her a few shots and she'll tell you. That's why she never messes with the stuff! She gets all sentimental and emotional, telling her closest friends just how much they mean to her in a way that makes her subconscious self squirm! And Bast forbid Attuma is around bc then things start to get interesting...
Nakia💚: She's actually quite in the middle! Depending on the alcohol content and ingredients is a huge factor on when the spy chooses to cut herself off. She's had tastings of different mixtures from all around the world and sometimes can be alright from a single cup or will find herself pouring up all night long. How she knows that she's proper drunk is when she starts to slur her words and stumble. It takes a while for it to travel through her body so Nakia always finds herself having her drunkenness sneak up on her. And when it hits, it HITS. She finds it hard to keep her body upright and when she tries to speak, it sounds like alphabet soup to her ears, so she mainly just stays quiet and only reacts with facial expressions or laughter. Usually, M'Baku or Okoye are the ones to carry her back home 😅
Ayo😶: Ah yes, the quiet one out of the group. Well give this lady a few drinks and watch that cold exterior melt away! Just like Nakia, she has a pretty average tolerance, only needing about a good number of drinks, whatever they may be, to get her wasted. She still remains pretty quiet when she's drunk, but everyone will start to notice that when she is, she gets really touchy. Aneka notices as soon as she feels her wife's body pressed against her backside, warm hands sliding around her stomach to hold her close. Ayo is all strict and expressionless, but when she's drunk, it seems like her entire being has been cracked open and is exposed for Aneka and Aneka only to see. She never has eyes for anyone but her beloved as she hangs herself over her lover the entire night, never taking her hands off of her.
Aneka😁: Quite the opposite of her wife in every aspect, Aneka is the Leader of The Lightweights. She's a delusional one too, because if it wasn't for her wife or Okoye, she would drink herself into a coma. She thinks she's a heavyweight but gets a heated blush across her brown skin after just 2 shots. Get her started off the Henny and this woman becomes a personified Energizer Bunny; dancing, talking, socializing with just about everyone in the club, eating everything in sight, taking more shots- she's just the grind that won't stop! She knows it's time to wind down when she feels her wife's hands on her more than usual, leaning into the woman's touch and letting her lover's presence calm her down. A few touches and kisses later and they're definitely the couple who leaves early to go fuck.✌🏾
Namora🧡: Oh man...first of all, in Talokan, Namora is considered a heavyweight. She can even outdrink Ku'Kul'Kan which is a fact that burns the older man up... but surface world liquor puts her on her ASS. The first time they went out with the Wakandans, they shared some kind of alcohol containing "sugar cane" as they called it and Namora was expecting it to taste sweet, but not only did it not, but it seemed to have no flavor at all. The next thing she knew, she was singing pop songs at the TOP of her lungs, hanging out the window of Riri's very red and loud vehicle as they sat in the parking lot together. She laughed along with the young girl and enjoyed the feeling of fuzzy emptiness in her mind. All she was focused on was having a good time and concentrating on not throwing up in her new friend's pretty car...
Namor🐉: The Feathered Serpent God of Talokan...can't hold his liquor for shit lol. Not in Talokan and definitely not on the surface. He actually doesn't even like the taste of alcohol; it burns going down and always leaves him with a nasty hangover the next day, so he usually stays away from the stuff. But of course...not being one to show weakness (and also trying to impress the Princess) he takes each shot or drink handed to him to the head. He's actually good at masking his inebriation, his only dead giveaway being the rosy red tips of his ears and wide blush across his cheeks. It's also super cute to everyone how he will just get fed up with fumbling around walking and start to hover around instead. He's also an honorary member of the Chaos Clan along with Aneka, Riri, M'Baku, and Attuma so more than likely if everyone starts drinking and hears something break, you will see those little winged feet getting tf out of there.
Attuma🦈: If anybody's the heavyweight champion of the group, it's good ol' Sharkboy himself. He's the same as Namora in Talokan, being deemed a very heavy drinker, but where they differ is that he can also hold his own against surface world concoctions. Liquor, wine, spirits, seltzers- it almost seems like you have to drown this man in a tub of alcohol before he starts feeling the effects. Literally the only person out of the group that can rival him, is M'Baku and they have many drinking contests between themselves to see who is the one and only true Heavyweight Drinking Champion of them all. They always end up tied up 🙂Now even if Attuma does find himself pretty under the influence, he is definitely a flirt just like Shuri. He's actually almost gotten close to getting the shit beat out of him because the Princess would come up to him and start playfully flirting with the man and he would simply match her energy! But one look from his God King from across the room has him deterring the Princesses' teasing (that TikTok sound: "let me stop playing around before I get my ass delt with" 💀) but that only makes her call over Okoye, the Talokanilian warrior growing rigid as his crush glides her way over to him...
M'Baku🦍: This man is definitely one to hold his liquor down, okay? He can keep going all night long (👀...) and almost seems to have no stopping point. We've all seen how this man acts on a regular day, just know that when he starts drinking, that boisterous, prideful, enthusiasm gets cranked up to 100. Just like Aneka, he is a force that can't be stopped, dancing with all the pretty ladies on the dance floor and letting them marvel and gush at his outstanding display of raw masculinity. I don't care what anybody says, I know for a fact this man is leaving the club with at least two beautiful women on each arm by the end of the night.
Ross🕶️: You know we gotta include our token white boy! This man worked for the CIA, I think by now he would work up quite a tolerance for alcohol (especially after being married to that witch...). It actually surprises the group that after watching their tiny friend down drink after drink, he's still standing! The girls would be cheering him on to keep going and take as many shots as he can and not wanting to be the one to disappoint, he keeps throwing back shots like it's nothing. Now out of everybody in their group, no one has the cutest drunk blush like Ross. He's white lol so of course his entire face all the way down to his neck is flushed. He definitely seems like a silly drunk to me, cracking jokes and telling stories to everyone and even though he tries to keep the Chaos Clan from doing any further damage, someway somehow he finds himself in the midst of their misdeeds lol.
So those are my headcannons of my WF Friend Group when they're loaded!
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deepspacedukat · 2 months
Hi, I asked a Soval question a year or so ago. But I’m back to ask if you take commissions, perhaps through patreon? 😶🙏🏻🖖🏻🥰
Hi there! Welcome back! So, I write fanfiction, and as it is not legal to take money in exchange for fanfiction because the rights to those worlds are the IP of the original creator, no, I do not take commissions. I write all my fics based either around my own little random ideas, or around requests (which are obviously free, but only open when it is convenient to me, the writer). Requests are not currently open as I have a ton of them that I'm already working on from the last time I opened them (yes, I know, it's taking me forever, I apologize, but sometimes the words come out slow and life gets Big Busy).
I also do not have a patreon or anything. I might make a patreon at some point if I decide to start making my art into less of a hobby and more of an income source, but for right now, I do not.
For fanfic writers, the best way to support us is to leave comments and reblog fics you like! Even if its just a blank reblog with no tags or comments or anything (although the comments are really REALLY appreciated because it lets us know that we're not just screaming into the void).
Anyway, I apologize for replying so late to this, but thank you for the question!
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weskerssunglasses · 2 years
If you do poly relationships could I request a gnc!reader (afab but leans into like soft butch) dating Carlos and Jill? Possibly a mixture of SFW & NSFW?
They're such a great that dating them both seems like it'd be divine. Carlos is emotionally intelligent and Jill speaks her mind so I feel like communicating with them would be easier. Because relationships take collaboration and communication. And they're so steady too. It's not managing a bunch of raging hormones and a couple that's only just figuring each out while adding a third. Instead, they're comfortably established.
Im kicking and screaming my bisexual ass adores this concept!! I haven't written anything poly before and I am personally not polyamorous irl, so if I get anything wrong please let me know so I can improve <3 I didn't do NSFW because I'm not sure how to do NSFW for poly couples justice, my apologies!
Rating: SFW
TWs/CWs: Gender non conforming/gnc reader , AFAB reader, polyamory
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Although Carlos and Jill got together shortly after the raccoon city incident, you didn't join the relationship until around a year after Wesker's death and Jill's safe return home
You're a close friend to Carlos, which is how you ended up meeting Jill
Jill is forever grateful to you because you 100% kept Carlos from losing it while she was missing and presumed dead
When Jill and Carlos realize they want to add you to their relationship, they invite you over but treat it like a date
Home-cooked meal via Carlos, Jill rents your favorite movie, etc.
Although Carlos isn't afraid to speak his mind, he does have a decent fear of rejection so he lets Jill do most of the talking
Once the three of you are actually together y'all are THE power couple
You're all super open and honest with each other, and because you're all stable adults that actually communicate, fights that are much more than bickering rarely happen
Carlos and Jill are also viciously protective of you, especially if anyone gives you shit for your gender identity and sexuality
Jill punched a transphobe for you once 😶
The three of you prefer to spend time together, but due to conflicting work schedules and what not, none of you tend to get jealous from two of you spending more time together
You and Carlos have to drag Jill away from her work sometimes, and on occasion you'll have a contest to see who can annoy her enough to get her to put her laptop away
Carlos can and will blow up your phone with memes while he'd bored
Jill likes to hold you while she sleeps, and she will fight Carlos if he tries to steal you
Eventually you come to an agreement for night where you're between the two of them
They both adore your soft butch style, and if you prefer to be called handsome Jill will call you that everytime she sees you in a new fit
Carlos thinks you look cooler and dresses better than he does (please give him fashion advice, his closet is exclusively jeans and montone tshirts)
Your relationship is not unlike two bad bitches and their fun golden retriever boyfriend
Overall y'all are super cute, balanced, and have everyone jealous 😌
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princen-monkie · 1 year
For the headcanon thing, how about Sun Wukong with 👽 😶🍫 and📓?
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there
He assigns animals to each person he sees. Not that he would ever admit to doing it.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
One of his hobbies is... writing. I know many people say he can't write or read (which is factually wrong, both in jttw and LMK). He is dyslexic, yeah, and sometimes it takes him forever to form a coherent sentence. But he can write and he enjoys it.
🍫 A headcanon about food
He's vegetarian. And he despises sticky food because of the texture.
😶 A random headcanon!
He has a secret social media account that no one knows of, to secretly support his fans, artists, writers, etc.
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ariapmdeol · 11 months
sanemitsu for the ask game! ❤️‍🔥 🫂 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ 🦾👗🪢😬😶 but if you don't want to do all those just pick a few you want to do
SANEMITSU FOREVER (blatant favoritism) I went in with 'hmmm i can keep these spoiler free' and that was a lie ^_^
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon: OK CONFESSION im a canon compliant Fan so despite how much i like seosane i dont think either of them would ever go "we're dating" in canon. They both still miss their dead spouses so In the seosane world that lives in my head i think they just do things sometimes without labeling it as 'dating' or 'as a couple' 🏳️‍🌈A sexuality headcanon: He is so bisexual <3 to me <3 🏳️‍⚧️A gender headcanon: im never consistent w these asdkasdljdas. Trans man? cis? nb? idk i just think he's neat either way. transmasc is the funniest option bc it means we can joke about utsugi giving him top surgery 🦾A disability headcanon: I think the scar on his hand aches sometimes! it's harder to write with it (I've been treating it like a burn scar), which is ironic for a writer ^_^ 👗A headcanon about their clothes +🪢A headcanon about their family (I FUSED THESE..): Despite him distancing himself from the Harada name, it's interesting that he ends up aligning himself more with them as he gets older. Minoru wore purple, but Sanemitsu wears the Harada green and has a braid like his father did. This isn't a hc but more analysis oops I just have many thoughts about character design. 😬A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done: ^_^ sanemitsu feels guilty about a whole lot of things ^_^ defining "the worst thing he's done" isn't easy; A lot of it is interconnected but at its core, a lot of it links to this idea of running away. He ran away from his parental role for Haruki, he ran away from facing the Harada bloodline, he ran away from taking action over and over again. The Hanged Man Symbolism is strong... Even when he finally chooses to take action (re: start of DLC), it's only after losing everyone... i'm still editing the essay on this one so if this doesn't make sense yet it's coming soon i promise!!! 😶A random headcanon!: HES GOING GRAY <3 snmt with gray streaks/roots means so much to me i love this old man,,
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I havent read back over this and typed it out at midnight. ✌🏻😶
save yourself, ill hold them back—as interpreted by an angsty bitch
Where the song opens story wise: just off the back of Party Poison, busting the Kobra Kid and Jet-Star out of Batt City, this song is about the Fabulous Four breaking back out of the city itself, and the firefight that breaks out at the wall. This brings back Poison’s memories of their and Kobra’s escape from Battery City years ago. 
Are you all ready where you are?
Are you all ready where you are?
Are you all ready where you are?
{Referencing fighting and stuff}
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
{The killjoy’s general nonsense esp towards bli. Na is just a noise, not even a proper word. They sing to be fun and annoying half the time.}
I hope you're ready for a firefight
'Cause the devil's got your number tonight
(They say!)
"We're never leavin' this place alive"
{Hugh stakes high profile trips to Battery City are very often fatal. Thses are the mocking words thrown at the fab four.}
But if you sing these words, we'll never die
Get off the ledge and drop the knife
Not a victim of a victim's life
Because this ain't a room full of suicides
We're believers, I believe tonight
{this is party poison, taunting back. Again “if we sing these words we’ll never die”, the killjoys will rebel in every way possible, even if its jist their faint voice drowning in the static. But they will fight until they have nothing left. They will fight when they have nothing left. Its not a room full of suicides. They’re only leaving this place in the ways they choose, they’re believers.}
We can leave this world, leave it all behind
We can steal this car if your folks don't mind
We can live forever
If you've got the time
{this is poison remembering how they and Kobra left, the city in a firefight and cloud of dust. Children thinking even then that they might live forever, leaving everything behind them in exhaust fumes}
Na na na na na
Na na na na na (If you save yourself tonight)
Na na na na na
Na na na na na (If you save yourself tonight)
{sometimes saving yourself means putting your life in someone else’s filthy palms. Sometimes rebellion is just screaming at the top of your lungs.}
I'll tell you all how the story ends
Where the good guys die and the bad guys win
(Who cares?)
{anyone in the desert know this wont just end. That theres only so much of a difference that they can make against BLi. And it will never be enough to save everyone, or even anyone. They will all die. But if they can anyone help at all, thats made it all worth it.}
This ain't about all the friends you made
But the graffiti they write on your grave
{Killjoys will remember the smallest of graces.}
For all of us who've seen the light
Salute the dead and lead the fight (Hail, hail!)
{theyve been throught some Shit}
Who gives a damn if we lose the war?
Let the walls come down, let the engines roar
{Best case scenario, they will make change. Theyve still tried even if they fail}
We can leave this world, leave it all behind
We can steal this car if your folks don't mind
We can live forever
If you've got the time
I'm the only friend that makes you cry
You're a heart attack in black hair dye
{theyve all got trauma ig… poison and ghoul became inseparable, bonded by blood and jagged edges, theyre the only ones who have been able to heal the other enough to function.}
So just save yourself and
I'll hold them back tonight
Are y'all ready where you are at?
If you save yourself tonight
('Cause we're comin' for you)
Can you save yourself tonight?
{jet and kobra have to hold together enought for poison and ghoul to get them out}
Right now!
'Cause I'll hold them back!
We can leave this world, leave it all behind
We can steal this car if your folks don't mind
We can live forever
If you've got the time
(You motherfucker!)
You're the broken glass in the mornin' light
Be a burnin' star if it takes all night
{the fab four are all so fucked up (and they know it) only people like them would find hope in people like them. You have to be pretty fucked up to find hope in shattered mirror}
So just save yourself and
I'll hold them back tonight
Na na na na na
Na na na na na (If you save yourself tonight)
Na na na na na
Na na na na na (Can you save yourself tonight?)
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nether-twins · 1 year
😶 + What are your true feelings about the foes you've faced in battle? (To whichever twin ya feel up to writing! also tbh this is probably pretty mild of a question for this meme I'm so sorry lmaooo)
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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"You really brought up a easy question, didn't you, anon? I never thought much about the foes we've faced in the past. Most were just an obstacle, something that needed to be removed in order to get the plan going. Some... were not deserving of what happened, and for that I feel guilt. But I were to tell you my true feelings about a few of my foes, then I guess Ratchet and Mr. Eye are really the only one worth mentioning here. I interacted with them the most so, yeah. I found Ratchet to be pretty annoying at first for always being in our way and trying to stop us from completing our plan. That and...I found him to be a coward, someone who lost the guts to find his race. Orvus was I quick to change my mind once I was taken to jail after the that whole Mr. Eye incident. That Lombax is far from being a coward, and I wish I had listened to him when he tried to warn me about using the Dimensionator. The fool is me and, well, I now have to live with the mistakes I've made. I don't ever expect him to forgive me for what I did. As for Mr. Eye... I hope I never have to meet that lying bastard ever again. I spent 20 years of my life trying to help him, thinking I was doing something good, and what did I get? Nearly trapped in a world I didn't feel welcomed in. I hate him, simple and plain as that."
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"I really don't have that many feelings when it comes to the foes I've faced in battle. Like, yeah, I sometimes felt a tiny bit bad for what I did, especially if it was some guy who was just trying to do their job and stop us, but that's about it. Ratchet and Mr. Eye, however, are something else. The furball started out as our foe, I even got into a fight with him and- just like any other bad guy in the past- lost, but then the whole thing with Mr. Eye happened and, well, I guess you could say things changed from there. I was pretty angry at Ratchet for taking my sis, hated him even, and didn't let go of those feelings until everything was over. Being in jail gave me time to think and, although I'm still a bit miffed over what happened, I'm forever grateful for what he did and hope I get a chance to tell him that. Though I'm not sure if it would really mean anything to him. I mean... I did let that one thing happen on the Nebulox. Mr. Eye on the other hand? I always knew something was fishy about him but I could never figure out what it was until it was too late. I'm never forgiving that monster for what he did and I hope he and the rest of our kind rots away in his dimension."
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
My day has not been good so I need this right now
Max was going to find the piece of shit and cut off their hands.
David not telling Max...this hurts me. the PAIN OH MY GOD I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY
Wasn’t Max David’s first choice?
I need tea
david :((
Omg I have an Alivia au like this ahahhshhsd Olivia figuring out the person after the murders (looooong story) is someone close to Alice. It is not a pleasant conversation, Alice does not believe it, a bunch of shit goes down ohhh I fucking love it so much it's my precious brain baby
David looked at his hands. His long, pale fingers were sweaty. “Max. She is trying to kill me.”
really? whoever could've guessed
Jackson killing Max was much more believable than Mallory killing David.
oh baby-
I wanna hug David :((
She may not be a warlock but you know wat she has? a shit ton of money to hire a warlock
I will cry I do not like this
oh wow pain
“Well, I’m not gonna be there forever, Max,” David replied. “So, you might as well get used to it now.”
Oh...Oh my god
why you gotta do this to me
Me? relating to max? yes very much, what about it?
oooo I did not remember that
oh to be able to breathe underwater
I love them so much omg I will cry
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
I just know that everyone will find out eventually
omg he's going to make her something...
Marcus, I will punch you so hard ACKNOWLEDGE ANJALI YOU BITCH
so I was RIGHT about the warlock magic thing being important
Marcus and Mallory need THERAPY SO BAD OH MY GOD
dude chill the fuck out
great jace knows too
oh my god RAFAEL 😭😭
jace my dude-
I am worried about the warlock issues...
“Or she,” Jace winked as they reached the Gard. Magnus had a permanent portal opened there for Rafael. “Or they.”
hell yeah!!
bitch-ass bitch? come on max we gotta get creative!
lbaf malec just HITS DIFFERENT
“Because my biggest fear that is that I won’t get to see them grow up,” Alec said in response. “You know shadowhunters live short lives. So, to see them grow up, it’s a blessing.”
“You will never stop being bapak,” Alec promised. “Just as I will never stop being dad.” “Or bitch-ass bitch?”
Max needed to be dragged to study math. To attend nephilim events that were ‘too boring’. To go play with children whose name wasn’t David.
such a mood on the 1st and last one like YES
oh, there's a doctor at our house. the one we usually go to doesn't open for like 2 more days but my brother is very sick. He had to get out of school early today because of it too. I'm suspecting dengue since it's very widespread rn. Well my aunt's a doctor and she has contacts so...there's a doctor taking his blood now. alright then.
“Because you’re growing up,” Magnus whispered. “And one day, I’ll stop being bapak.”
dude don't be crazy you'll always be bapak
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
bold assumption y'all would still be alive in 500 years 😶
“Like sure, imma grow up and do my own shit,” Max said, eloquent as always. “But I’ll still need you. I always do.”
“And destiny,” Selena added. “That’s why Magnus’ magic is the same colour as Uncle Alec’s eyes.”
Selena so right
what the fuck do you mean it's not a fucking warlock
it's Marcus with the seashell, isn't it?
oh my god...
I have a theory. The seashell uses the magic of the other warlocks or maybe Marcus is stealing it on purpose with the seashell. And he uses that to attack the institute. But Marcus would have to be inside the institute to be portalling them there. Do the attack date sync up with the dates of the warlocks losing their magic?
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
oh honey
david stfu and let her help you
She had almost thought something was wrong with her powers. But no. She was probably just tired.
I am very worried and very excited
I didn't have the best of days and still feel weird and I am sorry if that came across in this. The chapter significantly made my night better and I absolutely loved it so much <3
Sending you good vibes <333
Actual footage of me reading your theories
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I'm sorry about the shitty days. Let's hope the rest of this week is kinder to us. And I really hope your brother recovers soon and well because dengue is the worst. Sending you love x
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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Anonymous asked the summoner:
😶 + What if the price for sealing Chaos is your life? Would you do it again or would you place the burden on White Cloud?
Uncomfortable questions
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He regarded the traveler with a look that could only be described as chilling. A wordless moment of scrutiny, blue eyes attempting to unravel the person before him layer by layer. The extent of their knowledge, their reasoning, their gall.
To ask him directly of such things - that took guts. Almost made him want to take a moment to calmly verify their presence. Just in case he was mistaken and they would prove a coward under his blade. Most did.
Most of them.. these faceless mortals, these ghosts washed ashore. They were nothing but cowards and fools.
They knew nothing of the toll. How could they possibly have any idea of what it was like to seal that devil? The Wind glared silently, only half facing the being as a curtain of disheveled red obstructed his left eye. The right, free of the dark lens of his glasses, seemed to almost glow; Lupine-like, a mirror reflecting light.
What if the price was his life...? He knew better than to assume they meant a singular life. No, this was about his very existence. These questions always were.
His life.
...Could it ever be that simple? That easy? Would the beast finally slay one of its destined killers instead of playing its twisted games? Cut through the chord of an immortal's life instead of merely torturing them and stealing parts of their being?
He wondered, sometimes. He had seen first-hand the wound left within his other's soul. A wound that yet cracked and tore at a fleeting sanity, dimmed the moonlit ghost. What would happen, were it left to fester? Would it claim White Cloud's life? His own damage was grave. For twelve years he slept, only to waken with a shattered mind.
He had not yet collected its pieces. But it never killed him. No, no... that would be too easy. Far too easy.
Far too boring for that beast which feasted off sheer torment. And yet, what if? What if the moment came and he knew he would die. Forever. Just like he once fell into deep delirium and woke up knowing Chaos would invade Windaria. Destiny. What an insane concept; And yet, was it not their driving force? The prophecy that had hounded them since birth and would continue to do so until their quest's completion? What if one day, he could no longer simply be the wall his other needed? What then?
Would he dare allow that lamb to sacrifice itself instead?!
Kaze's prolonged silence was merely contemplation. A careful consideration of every word, creeping disdain bleeding onto his features with every passing second. No, not disdain. Disgust. The way his furrowed brows framed a chilling gaze only enhanced the image.
Hypotheticals could go to hell. He needed to live in the present. Live in reality.
He hated all those "would yous" with a burning passion.
And yet... the thought of letting White Cloud take on a seal yet again - it tightened his stomach into a knot. The mere thought was as nothing but the bitter-sour taste of bile.
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"I would do what is required of me." The elder Unlimited growled, a light twitch of hidden lips. Stoic he may have been, but he was built from hatred. It was apparent in the way he spoke; Every word dripping with cold venom. How strange that he could talk so calmly and yet radiate more darkness that one ever could with open anger.
Something inside screamed at the thought. Something primal writhed. The calculating war machine drowned out its voice. White Cloud... could not survive alone. In the end, he would become that beast's prey and plaything for the rest of eternity. That's right. If he were to perish, Chaos would have no reason to try and kill his other. No - it would make damn sure death was the furthest thing the prince could hope for. What threat could a Sword be without the Gun to back it? What threat could either of them be alone?
Alone, they were nothing but dregs. So, yes... if his final death was truly certain...
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"Whatever ensures our mission will continue... shall be done."
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pontevoix · 2 years
😶 + ' -- ma , why do you tense up around gran? ' he's 18 , going on 19 , post graduation & has always been curious as to why she stiffens up at the mention of her mother. he's finally curious enough to ask.
it doesn’t feel like katsuki asks her questions often — not questions like this, anyway. but when he does, they’re alone. when he does, she’s cooking or she’s cleaning or she’s doing something that distracts her from giving her full attention to katsuki until he speaks , until he interrupts silence with idling curiosity —- spoken like it’s nothing because he pretends he’s distracted too.
right now, she drives.
they’re leaving her mother’s house now —- which is probably why he asks. mitsuki sometimes flirts with arrogance, so she thought that maybe this a question that she could evade forever. from the corner of her eye, she can see the way katsuki’s thumbs smash against his phone screen. honestly, it’s unclear whether he’s typing or playing a game. she would probably guess he’s playing a game, though she thinks he would deny it.
but jokes on her, jokes on them ! bakugous don’t tiptoe —- at least, mitsuki & katsuki don’t. & bakugou is her married name so . . . she can’t necessarily say the same thing definitively of masaru’s side of the family. as far as mitsuki knows, her mother-in-law is very good at tiptoeing around her concerns. granted, her mother-in-law is also a very welcoming person. but maybe it’s because she’s welcoming that she has a difficult time voicing her concerns in obvious ways? she tiptoes, but she makes her point.
mitsuki reaches to turn down the car speakers. katsuki’s music plays. her hand hovers a little uncertainly before she decides ( finally ) to turn up the heat a little. she’s not cold, but she figures katsuki might be. he’s weird that way.
even if her in-laws tiptoe, bakugous are not to be trifled with; they don’t take things lightly, they like to tackle matters one by one like there’s some sort of task list with boxes to tick off.
& mitsuki likes to think that this mentality is one she agrees with. she’s never been the type to celebrate roundabout truths — she likes efficiency, brutal honesty. when she was sixteen, she was ready to chew out everyone in the world. she’s nearly forty now, & she still is ready to chew everyone out . . . but she’s learned her limitations.
of course, whether her limitations stop her is another question.
she’s coming up on a traffic light. it turns yellow, & she’s too far away. the light turns red —
she learned limitations, & she increasingly started questioning how appropriate it is for different truths to come out & when they should come out &
some things are more important the giving truths freely. it’s more important that she be —- that she be ( well . . . ) that she be a mother.
. . . that’s about it. that’s the only condition that slows her in her tracks. especially because she’s not always good at it. the other roles she plays in the day to day are: wife ( & masaru knows plenty her truths ), professional ( where her personal life is none of her business ).
the light turns green, & mitsuki chews on her words —-
though some things are more important than administering the truth without discretion . . . lying is not an option; she doesn’t even consider lying. the car slides into motion.
‘ because. we’ve lived two lives. one where she is my mother. & then one where she is your grandmother. ‘
& that takes precedence. mitsuki’s parents dote just a little on katsuki — he’s brimming with potential, with the promise for social service, with good grades. they thrive at the chance to be a grandparents, & they boast from afar —- they love him & feel the freedom to love him without responsibility.
‘ i think being a grandparent comes to her much more naturally than anything else did. she lit up when your cousin was born. she was thrilled at your first birthday too. ‘
but . . . that aside:
mitsuki’s convinced nowadays that she & her mother know a little too much about one another
to be comfortable.
please see exhibit a: a type of family.
uncomfy question | @bakgos
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gravehags · 3 months
Secret Admirer Anon here. I had to take off work today because my Day 1 cramps were so debilitating I could barely walk. Pain twins forever, hooray 😶
Would you hang out with me in bed all day and just be slobs? I'm not cool and collected all the time sometimes I crumple up into a little ball and can't move for a day. I thought about the post you made where you mentioned all the ghoulettes and yourself rotting in bed in the best way possible. I want that for me. I want that for us.
omg day 1 twins too 😩 i’m sure that’s not helping my suffering but day 2 is always worse for me so can’t wait for tomorrow!! i’m sorry it’s been so rough on you
god i love a day rotting in bed just messing around on our phones and showing each other stupid videos or posts or maybe watching something if one of us has the energy to get the remote. anon this sounds so ideal 🩵
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nouies · 4 months
hii, lou! 💗
i remember in your first message you said that you don't like when the participants in the event are required to reach out the other, because some of them are not consistent. which had me thinking someone had disappointed you in the past. so i didn't want to be one of those people. 😶
i have top 3 favorite from walls: kill my mind, defenceless, two of us (but i usually skip it, because it makes me too emotional). 🌸
i just googled how the flower of death and i thinks it's really beautiful, even though the title sounds a bit dark. ☺️
sign of the times is really a good song. when he performs it live, he puts so much emotion in each word. it makes everyone around him feel on top of the world. 🎀
sometimes i'm so excited to just tell you who i am, glad the end is near... 😋
my question for the day: what is your favorite fruit? 🦩
hope you have a wonderful february,
- your secret valentine 😄
hi my love 💕💕💕
tbh i didn’t say it bc of me. i’ve been pretty lucky with the secret santas i’ve got (bc i’ve never participated in a secret valentine before) but it seems that my luck persists :)
i also skip that song 🤧 it’s too painful. they’re a great top 3 btw (i’d say that abt any combo of songs, let’s be real)
omg yeah it sounds dark but i promise it isn’t used for bad things! in my country we honour our dead around the end of october and the beginning of november. we set our homes to welcome our dead relatives (in spirit obviously 😭) and we make what it used to be their favourite food and drinks. cempasúchitl (the flower) is used bc of its characteristic smell so the spirits know where to go. we also use candles to guide them to the right place. it’s a very important tradition and it’s just a form of remember our relatives. and now after writing all of that i realise that i could’ve just said “like the movie Coco” 😅 but yeah, basically that.
i love hearing sott live! i hope he never stops singing it <3
just a couple of weeks more!! i’m very excited to call you in my head by your name and not only “my valentine”, which you will forever be btw! 💝
ahhhh my favourite fruit. it depends but i love strawberries, bananas, and apples. mangoes too but mainly in beverages. what abt yours?
wishing you a fun friday! take care 🫂🫂🫂
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