#i tend to make them more found family but their Closeness can be literally whatever /pos
bibibbon · 2 months
Hi again! So when it comes to friendships in MHA, I tend to notice that most of Class 1-A antics usually centre around mineta and bakugo's behaviour to the class, (Violence and Seggsual Harassment) like they just react to it, but never bother correcting them (Mineta being an exception, but not enough to completely change him).
Like the whole class as whole feels... Empty and stale when it comes to forming new friendships, since they're already established ones, but we never get to see them hanging out with the others. And some of them have potentials like Momo and Deku due to their self esteem issues or Ojiro and Uraraka training together to perfect each other's martial arts.
There's a scene where Momo agrees to tutor the other failing students thats cute as heck and it showcases Momo's willingness to help them improve to become better heroes, and I want more of that.
But with the series ending, I don't think this is even possible to have more that, and it almost comes off as fake to the audience that these are found family, where in reality we barely see them acting as friends. (Teasing has a limit, and making fun of Kaminari's dumb moments when he overcharges his Quirk doesn't count.)
What do you think? Again I don't watch the series full episodes, but I get these impressions from watching cut out moments.
Welcome back anon! Iam guessing that you're the anon who asked for writing advice and honestly Iam hoping that you found the post and the reblogs with advice useful as well. Good luck on your first project and make sure to have fun and take your time with it!
Now getting on to the ask you're somewhat right. Class 1A doesn't have a strong found family dynamic at all and I chalk this up to two main reasons.
The lack of "filler" academic arcs meaning that we don't get a proper focus on what they do as regular teenagers.
There are too many people within class 1A. 20 characters are a lot of characters to develop and make sure that they're all unique with different dynamics.
Due to these two reasons hori's attempts at making 1A seem like a big found family that would do anything for eachother fails and it's also why the the whole "we are all the greatest hero" thing fails and why the vigilante izuku arc feels so underwhelming.
When it comes to class 1A's dynamic they somehow always try to incorporate bakugo into whatever they're doing and sometimes even make him the center of attention which personally seems very weird to me since if someone is being aggressive and doesn't want to join I (and most people) would probably leave them out and let them be by themselves.
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Mineta on the other hand is someone that's behaviour (like bk) continually goes unchecked by both students and teachers until mina tortures him into stopping. I get that this is supposed to be a gag scene but it honestly irks me out and shows 1) how neglectful aizawa is as a teacher to see this and only momentarily stop mineta while not putting a permeant stop to it and 2) how dense and persistent mineta is. Throughout certain arcs like the campfire arc mineta is literally tied up when the boys are sleeping so he doesn't do anything to the girls or we literally have a panel of mina staying close by to shoji's side to avoid mineta and his creepy behaviour.
This brings up the question of why does no one complain? It's at this point become a problem for both the boys and girls who have to deal with mineta. The boys are continually on his side, basically man handling him to stop him from doing stupid disgusting stuff to the girls and the girls are in constant fear/irritation around mineta. Do they not trust UA? Do they not trust aizawa or any teacher to properly deal with the issue?
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We have established friendships in 1A but the lack of content of them hanging out and enjoying eachother company. Now you can find this in side mangas or light novels but not many read that and it's better to have it in main manga in the first place. Usually the opening or endings of MHA show us some scenes of the kids hanging out together but it's not much at all.
I remember reading a post that horikoshi wanted to include a karaoke scene with 1A after they finished their final exam but that sadly didn't make it into the final cut and Iam so disappointed because things like that could of helped us see the cute class bond they had and the found family thing that horikoshi tries to use later on.
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Honestly momo and izuku interacting and becoming besties is a need and I know that @sapphic-agent has tried to prioritise that in her rewrite which is why in the battle trials it's Izuku and momo together instead of izuku and ochako.
The kaminari teasing is something that's a bit meh to me. I wish we could maybe see a duality in it that yes his friends would tease him but they would also worry and care for him. We could of seen this with ojirou who lets denki play with his tail whenever but that's only small little moments.
Horikoshi please make class 1A interact more in the main manga although it's now too late to ask for such things 😭
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punksocks · 1 year
Pluto in 1st house + Scorpio Rising: Jealousy
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So Scorpio rising/Pluto in the first is a really divisive placement to gain perspective on. And of course it is! It’s Pluto after all, and if Pluto is going to do anything it’s going to make a strong polarizing impact. I wanted to share my perspective as a Pluto 1st house and Scorpio rising individual.
The jealousy aspect is very divisive. It can sound conceited to go out in the world with a “they’re just mad because they’re jealous” attitude but I find this is often oversimplifying the experience of Pluto 1st housers/ Scorpio risings. 
My experience is colored by my Scorpio rising so this may not apply to everyone with Pluto in the 1st house, but Scorpio for all its allure and strength is still a water sign. Scorpio placement individuals have gone out into the world and been emotionally vulnerable at some point in their lives. Scorpio (and Pluto) is known as mysterious in part because of all the transformations they have gone through and how many identities they’ve appeared to shed throughout their lives. 
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With gemini in the 8th house I’ve often found myself attracting enemies that would be really duplicitous. People would belittle me to my face then copy my ideas and my actions as if I’d be too naive to see that they’re blatantly ripping me off. I put distance in after my boundaries are crossed and that makes those people even more upset.
I feel like every Scorpio rising/ Pluto in the 1st individual has had an experience of someone growing close to them in order to attempt to take some part of the Asc individual away from them. The other side of jealousy is envy, and envy makes some people feel entitled to what they don’t have but feel like they deserve.
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Often this envy/jealousy shows up in mimicry. I think Scorpio rising/Pluto in the 1st people dislike copycats because the lack of authenticity really goes against Pluto’s nature of stirring polarizing but authentic reactions from people.
Personally I’ve had these experiences with peers and family and friends. (Ex. I posted something I created to my story and someone at work literally looked at my story, copied it, and took it to our boss to show off their idea… then they got mad at me when I hid my story from them and they and other coworker called me conceited for it… And that’s just a tame example.)
I’ve also had my fair share of people that have tried to “mentor” me into being completely different so that they can control my ambitions and ability to manifest. Which has only made my perception more fixed/stubborn in how I’ve perceived people coming into my life. I used to second guess my assumptions and try to calm my intuition to be more considerate of what other people are going through, as a water rising but I had to stop. Not stop being considerate, of course, but stop letting in the people I sensed were resentful.
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So through experience after negative experience I still stay open and positive with all the folks that enter my life for whatever reason, but I keep everyone except very few people at an arms length and out of my plans until they’ve happened. I don’t assume everyone is jealous of me, I honestly still assume the opposite but I’ve learned through a lot of trials that unfortunately envy does manifest more commonly in people that have been in my life than I had hoped for.
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But using my Scorpio rising/Pluto in the first house filter for my experiences has saved me a lot of heartache and improved my life a good deal.
Often it turns out that, aside from tried and true loved ones, strangers tend to be the most benevolent and helpful. People that barely know me have been very kind and often impressed by my tenacity and have wished me the best. I believe that’s because these strangers have entered my life with only our small interactions in mind and haven’t been tempted by what they could gain by being immersed in my life. Whatever that may be. (Also, this isn’t everyone ofc just random good people I’m grateful for)
Deep down I still believe in the good in most people and showing at least kindness at first, even if I’m not wearing my heart on my sleeve and being as open as I once was in my youth. And I’m grateful for those that share sincere kindness in turn.
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jackyandjackster · 5 months
Undertale Au Ideas full of witches!
Feel free to use them or whatever!
(Yes they're incomplete strories i couldn't finish)
"Sold my soul for a friend!"
Story follows Ink as a witch who's been lonely for thousands of years, the world had been revolving through war and peace. Many people he used to love had died due to war, sickness, sadness or old age. Because of this he decided to seclude himself from any mortal, only a few select witches like himself can visit him. Years passed, he grew bored and lonely, other witches don't really visit since they have their own lives. Ink as the ever so bored and sad witch decided to get an old book she found before secluding himself and sold his soul to the devil for a companion! An immortal, never dying companion non other than Error the cat! This particular cat can talk, do magic, help Ink and other cool stuff! With no more sadness and grief bothering Ink's mind and a brand new companion at that, he became carefree and re explore the world once again!
Bonus info:
-Ink is short that many misunderstood him as a kid.
-Error loves spooking children and adults. He can become a literal shadow and most of the time possesses Ink's shadow so Ink can move for him.
"Headless witch"
Error was born in a family of witches. he was an immortal who lived in a small cottage in the middle of the forest, although small for outside it was a castle inside! Of course he can shift inside of the house to look like a regular cottage for lost strangers, he still prefers large space because of how messy he is and he tends to keep random trinkets he finds when visiting a human village.
He made friends and great memories but like all mortals do they die and wither away, he wasn't depicted nicely either on books or folklore and was often being 'hunt' down and getting burned in a stake. Grief, sadness and betrayal fill his soul, he created a 'memorial' for those he once loved, it grew over the years and it hurts to see but he can't help but visit every day and cry.
He became cold and stoic to mortals, he doesn't wanna get close to any mortals anymore. He doesn't wanna experience the sadness and betrayal all over again. But he couldn't help it, a lost mortal soon found their way to his cottage, he was so kind and friendly, Swap was him name, they became best friends over the years but due to old age Swap died, and the memorial had another addition. He was so heartbroken and sade that he couldn't stop crying! Strings of tears continued to flow over the years and having enough of it Error cut half of his skull of but those damned eyes won't stop crying either way!
He made a special room for the half skull in witch automatically makes the strings into a ball, something like a yarn winder. But soon the room was flooded with plenty of string balls and he grew very annoyed and decided to throw his half skull on the far away lands in which the witch of darkness reside, Nightmare. The witch was very annoyed of Error, as strings flooded the pit of darkness, the problem was sold when Error brought back his skull back and re used the winder. The witch of darkness grew curious of him over time and follows him and soon became friends with him.....(idk what goes next)
(Inspired by a donghua called "brainless witch)
"Get my annoying brother away from me!"
Witch of dreams, Dream lives with non other than the king of darkness and vampires, Nightmare his older brother. On the outside they have a stone cold and rough relationship. Nightmare a stoic, stone cold and terrifying king and Dream the cold and science/alchemist maniac who loves to experiment on mortals.
Although in reality, Nightmare is a drunk lord who gets clingy to Dream for no reason, and Dream loves experimenting woth alchemy to discover hidden and unknown things! For knowledge of course, Nightmare is annoying to say the least always drunk in his brother's lab, one of the reason why rumors started that Dream was experimenting on Nightmare everytime he catches him. Nightmare is also very very lucky for some reason, people often misunderstood him to the point he somehow became a king! Darkness overlord?! More like Drunkness Overlord!
Stealing alcohol on chapels because apparently it has 'divine' taste. Dream doesn't know if that's a god-damned pun or he's just fucking with him or he's serious. (┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌)
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i23kazu · 2 years
valorant found family brainrot below: disclaimer: these are all my personal hcs. if you disagree, please just move on :^) they may be very ooc also im very new to valorant so some things i say may or may not be canon. pls dont hate huhu
ok i intentionally made the young adults abit more kidlike FOR A REASON bc they make my brain go weewoo in a very very good way.
firstly – roles!
• dads of the year go to cypher and brimstone. cypher can be a gentle dad and he's usually the comfort / gentle dad that the younger agents like. brimstone tends to more of the discipline / also comfort side of being a parent, but its safe to say that both dads can switch roles easily. the agents love them :) (also the voiceline from the killjoy-cypher interaction talking about the dark web makes my brain go to mush.)
• moms of the year goes to (obviously) sage! and more distantly viper and reyna. i love the idea of the other two being more mentor-like towards some of the agents – like viper to raze and reyna to jett and killjoy. i read about it somewhere and i'm not sure whether it's canon but its defo fanon in my mind. sage is #1 mommy (heh. sagemommy69) and she's genuinely so gentle and loving its unreal. it hits harder for jett because of the whole omega-alpha counterpart venice confusion thing that left her and her bio mom's relationship cut off.
• uncles include breach, omen, chamber, kay/o, harbour. the tough love uncles: breach, chamber, sometimes omen. i can see kay/o and harbour being uncles that offer a bit more TLC when people need it though. i like to think that killjoy and chamber have a somewhat okay relationship because of them being brainiacs <3 again im not too sure what's canon and what's not but this just made sense in my head
• aunts include fade, astra and skye! i was debating on whether or not i should put skye as one of the moms but she defo gave me more of a big sister/aunt vibe so she's here. fade is one of the agents that the younger agents can talk to about their problems – she's more down to earth than anyone else and can often get phoenix and jett out of their heads. astra has a super comforting vibe but i love the hc that she can do really good girl talks with the female agents. and skye is just comfort. she lets neon and jett play with her wolves :D
• second to last; sova gets his own category because i wasn't sure where to put him – as a kid or an uncle? but i realised there was a middle ground hehe. therefore, i give him the burden of being the oldest sibling – the innate nature to protect and care, but also the longing to be cared for the way he does for others. all the younger agents regularly go to him for advice because of his calm, cool and collected nature! he also just generally gives good advice while instilling confidence in his younger siblings teammates.
• lastly, the kids <3 phoenix, yoru, jett, raze, killjoy, neon! i loveloveLOOOOVE the idea of the five being siblings since they're all relatively close in age – yoru albeit reluctantly, i think. phoenix and jett get along so well ; a bit too well, the older ones think. they're often up to pranks around headquarters and regularly get raze onboard, and neon likes to tag along with her squish-squish attached to her hip. yoru begrudgingly takes care of the younger ones like killjoy and neon, although killjoy protests that she doesn't need his protection. (yoru does it out of his respect for reyna.)
secondly – more headcanons!
cypher knows how to do the girls' hair because of his daughter.
brimstone has a soft spot for the younger female agents (/p) and often lets them out of training early, much to phoenix's disdain.
sova gives HELLLAAAA good advice!!! plus he's literally free-flow confidence. he oozes confidence to his teammates.
cypher can cook really well and often makes dinner.
astra loves sitting down with her girls and talking them through whatever problems they have.
secretly, yoru goes to reyna to talk to her (get comfort) when he wants to (when he desperately needs validation from a parental figure)
harbour and breach both train the younger team!
when missions go well, brimstone and sage treat the whole team to a good meal.
when neon gets nightmares, the #1 person she goes to for comfort is cypher!
yoru also likes to hang out with omen because #emobois support group is definitely a thing
sage tries to get jett and raze to read more as a pastime but that usually fails. because the both of them cannot sit still for the life of them
skye and sage try to get everyone to sit down and have a meal together every week bc team bonding! but ofc that doesnt always happen bc of how tired the agents are from their missions.
sometimes neon feels left out bc of how young she is compared to the rest of the agents — even the younger group :,) ♡
the team likes sharing songs from their native languages!!!
also hc that cypher knows how to speak multiple languages and once he heard neon listening to pano by ZT and he just went “sweetheart who hurt you”
and neon is just shocked bc tf???? dad knows how to speak my language??? yes he does hes a cool dad
sova sometimes gets torn between the whole needing to protect and wanting to protected and the parents definitely give him the option sometimes when he looks so burnt out
sage loves talking with him because of how reliable and collected he is and she loves to give him advice when he needs/wants it! (ofc, he defo asks for it)
cypher uses a lot of petnames!! sweetheart, darling, dear, etc <333
brimstone’s knows all of the agents favourite foods and he tries to cater to everyone’s likes for dinner at least once a month bc the smiles on their faces are #worthit #loreal #becauseyou’reworthit
honest chamber is just there and viper just. does not vibe with him. she tries to leave the room when he enters but i love the hc that once he tried to kabedon her to stop her from leaving but she flipped him around and kabedon-ed him instead. then left like the girlboss she is
skye takes over the medbay healing when sage needs a rest!!!
also i think sage and omen’s relationship is slowly getting better but i like the idea of them being able to communicate without talking. just body language — nodding heads, eye contact, head pointing, etc
reyna trains the agents very hard but she also gives good breaks!!
once she tried to squeeze neon’s shoulders because the girl was clenching and neon yelped. turns out she’s not a massage person yoru is though and he goes to her when hes alone (/p)
game nights!!! phoenix beats everyone and got cocky until he played with omen and omen TRASHED him. so bad to the point where yoru started patting phoenix’s back out of sympathy
riot please just give yoru a good support system he needs to work out his anger issues and aggressiveness
brimstone and kay/o can often be seen hanging out together i like that
kay/o tried knitting once and hes not bad at it! just that it was too tedious and now he has a half done scarf in his room.
raze and cypher like to bake together :) <3 (theres a fanfic about this on ao3 but i cant rmb the name)
harbour is the second agent the younger ones go to for advice, next to sova!
also movie nights. when they watch horror movies, fade can be seen putting a palm on whoever’s knee to comfort them a little bit :,) its her own way of loving others
ok this is getting very long i’ll make a part 2
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reborrowing · 1 year
I've seen other folks make a reference post to how borrowers work in their fiction so here's some random worldbuilding I've done with mine
There's not one universal culture, this varies by community, which can be as small as an individual family or be spread throughout a neighborhood. Communities tend to ally through loose trade networks that at least share a language, if not cultural norms.
The distinction between borrowing and theft is rooted in the idea of taking from surplus/excess. Finer nuances vary by community, but the concept is true whether taking from humans or from each other. There's usually an implication of reciprocity, that you would surrender your excess if someone else has use for it.
I'm a little wishy-washy for the actual size range, but my named ocs range from 3.5" (Kiwi) to 4.3" (Ben).
Senses differ from their human counterparts. They have a wider range of hearing, more sensitive sense of smell, weaker distance vision (but stronger night vision), and lack the degree of tactile sensitivity found in human fingers (which is why they don't have fingerprints, definitely not just because I wanted another reason for Hand Awe)
Most borrowers are colorblind. It's not unheard of to have the red-green distinction, but it's unusual enough that a lot of communities have superstitions around those who do, ranging from "psychic in a blessed way" to "probably gives good advice sometimes" to "probably can see ghosts" to "psychic in a cursed way"
An almost forgotten biological feat by modern indoor borrowers, they go into torpor when the temperature drops too low. Outdoor dwellers are well aware of this fact and factor it into their survival strategies—a frigid but hidden shelter is more appealing than somewhere warm but with a high risk of exposure, even if the latter is more comfortable. (Though of course, hidden and warm is ideal)
Borrowers have long, relatively dexterous toes that can aid in climbing, especially when un-shoed. It tends to be an individual choice to prefer the warmth and protection of full shoes or the dexterity of bare feet/foot wraps. (Everyone is clumsy and uncomfortable when forced to change their footwear habits)
Prolonged eye contact is an intimate gesture, something only to engage in with close friends, family, or lovers and often only when expressing or listening to someone express deep emotion. Lingering eye contact outside that context of closeness is seen as invasive or aggressive and definitely rude
Nipping is a common gesture of affection and excitement, lingering from childhood play instincts and almost never translates quite right across species
Coincidentally, baby teeth canines are significantly duller than the adult fangs that replace them.
Adult fur pattern varies, but typically covers at least the lower half of each limb. Fur along the back and outer sides of the upper limbs is very common. Chest and facial hair is less common, but evenly likely across the two sexes.
Young children, however, are fuzzy all over.
Borrowers require more sleep than humans do, with a healthy individual hitting at least 8-10 hours in a 24 hour period, but not all at once. Most keep biphasic or polyphasic schedules. Winter torpor is the only time long sleep periods are "normal"
There's no strong biological preference for being nocturnal or diurnal, instead people tend to follow whatever schedule they were raised on.
Yelling and screaming are considered inappropriate, animalistic behaviors. It would be like literally growling at someone. Strong anger is expressed through hissing, pain and fear are expressed through squeals and chittering. (And body language, naturally)
Tails are semi-prehensile and used for balance and body language communication. They're technically dexterous enough to wrap around and grab things, but the limb is pretty weak and injures easily when made to pull any weight. Like with rodents, tails are prone to degloving if pulled. Long tails are seen as an attractive feature because they're are so easy to deform or lose, so keeping a long one intact suggests someone is capable of avoiding danger altogether.
Purr purr purr, like cats, borrowers purr to express joy or as an attempt to self-soothe. In most communities, it's seen as kind of childish in public but still encouraged and enjoyed during positive physical interactions. Someone who purrs in their sleep is often seen as blessed by [insert community's higher power here]
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
so, going off of @oldestenemy 's comment about the Boys being a family unit, but not like what Max seems to want, I'm going to ramble a bit about my Thoughts on that. Thisi s going to be pretty stream of thought so bear with me.
So, first off, let's talk about vampires in general.
The world of the Lost Boys gives us precious little to use by way of greater vampiric worldbuilding, AND A BIG NOTE HERE, I HAVE NOT SEEN THE OTHER MOVIES OR READ THE COMICS AND I DON'T PARTICULARLY WANT TO, SO THIS WILL ONLY BE USING THE FIRST MOVE'S CANON, THANK YOU. We are left with a lot more questions than answers about how vampires even work, let alone how the Boys may deviate or conform to what's considered the 'norm' for vampires. This leads to having to use two things following that - extrapolation, and headcanons, not mutually exclusive, but I do like to make the distinction because one is 'using details in the canon to read between the lines' and the other is more 'this feels like it fits or make sense, despite nothing explicitly supporting it in canon'.
Non-traditional family dynamics and the Boys. I love 'em. I think their group dynamic is fascinating to toy with. I also think Max was a fuckin' headcase, and has been for a while. Like a guy walking a bunch of wolves on leashes and swearing up and down they don't bite, which is basically what he's doing.
It's implied that Max is all of the Boy's sire, and thus has some sort of...parental complex about it, because as far as literally the rest of the movie is concerned, the Boys don't give half a shit about Max. They taunt him, if from a distance, they break rules he's explicitly set for them (ie, 'I told you not to come here anymore' when in the video store). Max has less control over the Boys than I think he'd like, which makes me think about what a head vampire even is, and if it even exists at all.
The only 'evidence' for such a thing in the movie, is whatever the Frog brothers are presenting us - WHICH IS ALL BASED ON COMICS. In the movie, we get no other explanation from anyone, and certainly none of the vampires. Star gives us her take on it, but she never says 'David told me this what's true', it's just what she assumes, which can also be flawed. She's unreliable as well. All we knows for sure is that David was sired by Max, and with the way Max refers to them as 'his boys', the rest of them are his as well.
So, there are a couple ways I think that vampires can organize themselves socially:
one, is as the Boys do: packs. Groups of vampires who all share a common sire living together
two: clans - vampires who may not have the same sire living together; clans tend to be a little less close than packs, and a bit more common as packs geeeenerally don't (can't) get much larger than the Boys' pack
there's also a secret third option, but that one is almost entirly made up by me and my writing partner, ask us about it if you want, but it's strictly oc stuff, so I'm not putting it here.
Max is basically trying to force upon the Boys a way of living for vampires that not only doesn't seem like they want anything to do with because WE HAVE NO IDEA IF MAX EVER MENTIONED THIS TO THEM AT ALL?? THEM BEING INTERESTED IN MICHAEL SEEMS ALMOST LIKE A COINCIDENCE, and on top of that, as vampires, like, the species, they may not be able to live as anymore.
I could go on forever about vampire psychology, but I'll leave it at that. The Boys don't want 'family', they want 'pack.'
As my partner says, 'found family, but make it like, 10% more intense'. The Boys want nothing to do with anyone outside their pack if it's not eating them, or fucking around with them. Vampires are both more social than 'lonely, stalking monsters of the night' and less social than 'literal hive of undead monsters crawling like zombie hoards from the sewers'. They want their pack, the people they Connect With, the people they hunt with, sleep with. They don't want some...human thing. I would be uncomfortable to them.
And for the Boys' specifically, it would mess with their group dynamic. David and the rest have things just the way they'd like it, and Max interferes with that.
My partner and I have come up with a known phenomena for packs in the Lost Boy's universe.
Sire-Killer packs. :)
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butteredfrogs · 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
you already know it’s elvene who else would it be?! anyway let’s go elvene facts i’ll try share my best to share stuff i havent before but sometimes i forget what i have and haven’t posted so i apologise if i’ve already said some of these. (this post turned out way longer than i meant for it to so i’m putting it under the cut)
1. elvenes favourite flowers are daisies! they remind her of home as there was a huge daisy field just a short walk away from her home village on the outskirts of the forest. her mother also taught her to make daisy crowns when she was younger, and when she returns to the village many years later when shes older to pay her respects to her family (as she never got the chance to as a child and she wasn’t strong enough to return to her destroyed village prior to this) she leaves a flower crown at the site where her mother passed
2. one thing i’m sure everyone knows about elvene is that she’s very sarcastic and she doesn’t really show her emotions meaning she can come across as quite cold at times. however deep down elvene is a very caring and protective person! for instance in bg3 when she finds arabella in the cursed shadowlands, her immediate first instinct is to help her. there are a lot of similarities in their situation and so she vows that she will do whatever she can to help and protect this young girl. when she finds out the fate of arabella’s parents however for the first time elvene breaks down crying, she doesn’t know how to face this again and she doesn’t know how to tell this young girl (she probably makes shadowheart or astarion do it for her). she ends up taking arabella under her wing and caring for her much how her party did when they found her and took her in! there’s a lot of similarities between their situation and i defiantly think she becomes somewhat of an older sister / mentor to arabella, and if you so much as even dare try lay a hand on arabella you will loose that hand. also because arabella has druid powers i like to think elvene helps teach her how to use this powers because her mother was a druid and so she has a little knowledge about it!
3. for some reason i commonly associate elvene with one of two animals (ofc both of them being forest animals) the first one is a deer, because despite her attitude deep down she is still a scared little girl who’s family was ripped away from her also her sim has really big brown eyes which give me deer vibes. and the second one is a hedgehog which may look sweet and cute (like elvene) but theyre spikey and will hurt you if you get to close (like if you try touch them) and honestly that’s so elvene coded.
4. i have defiantly mentioned this before but it’s one of my fav elvene facts because i think it’s so silly, but elvene can’t do her own hair. this kind of started because of the first hair i gave to her it was literally just pigtails with some cloth wrapped around them and i was like oh she just kinda threw it together so it was out of her way. but then as i started to give her this more intricate hairstyles i was like there’s no way that she’d take the time to do these or even know how to it’s just doesn’t fit with her character, and so the idea elvene couldn’t do her own hair was born! (in bg3 she gets shadowheart to do it for her. elvene tends to mess her hair up almost instantly there’s always strands falling out) (@/druidberries’oc lucine also sometimes does elvenes hair i actually made a render with the two of them a little while ago)
5. pretty obvious but elvenes main weapon of choice and the weapon she is the best at wielding is the bow and arrow (it’s how she got the name sharp). however, this isn’t the only weapon she knows how to wield, she just prefers it. she does know how to wield other weapons however she usually doesn’t unless she absolutely has to for instance if she somehow ends up close range in battle (which is pretty rare she typically hangs back but it does happen sometimes)
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brett-is-afraid · 2 years
And I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing
Rating: Explicit
Ship: Sam/Colby
Request: they’ve been away from each other for a week or two (maybe celebrating holidays with their families or something) and so when they are together again it’s literally the clingiest sex theyve ever had. theyre all over each other as soon as they can be. add whatever else you’d like
Summary: Sam and Colby had always viewed themselves as a package deal, two people who couldn't be separated. The holidays proved them wrong about that and once they were finally back together, they were determined to make up for lost time.
Warnings: Porn with feelings, porn without plot, codependency, top Sam, bottom Colby, anal, gentle sex, barebacking
Chapter: 1/2
Tears were burning in Sam’s eyes as he laid on his bed. The room around him was slightly cold and dark, the sun having set and the lights all being turned out. All the light provided was from the moon and distant street lamps that allowed beams of light to filter in. It didn’t matter, though. All he could focus on was Colby halfway down the bed, pressing kisses down his stomach.
“I’ve missed this so much. I’ve missed us,” Colby murmured out against Sam’s skin, enjoying being back together finally. He couldn’t remember the last time they’d spent so much time apart and he didn’t want to do it again. Sam nodded, curling his fingers into Colby’s dark hair, twirling soft locks between his fingers. He’d missed Colby so much over the past two weeks while they visited their families for the holidays. They had tried to work a way out to be back together sooner, but they hadn’t managed to think of something before they had to go back home.
“I missed you too. I always miss you,” Sam whispered truthfully. He always missed Colby. Maybe they were codependent, but it didn’t matter, they didn’t usually have to be apart. Looking down, he found Colby looking up at him. Pale streaks of moonlight hit Colby’s face, illuminating his features softly. The look on Colby’s face was intoxicating, looking at Sam as though he was the only thing in the world.
Sam’s fingers reached out to cup Colby’s cheek, just holding him for a minute. It felt painful to be away from him, even if it just meant not touching each other. A sense of comfort always washed over him when he had his hands on Colby. Colby leaned into Sam’s touch, closing his eyes for just a moment. They could’ve stayed like that forever, just being close to one another.
The contact was only broken slightly when Colby pressed another kiss to Sam’s stomach, feeling the brush of soft hair against his skin. He smiled at the feeling and a moment later, Sam’s fingers tangled back into their original position in Colby’s hair. Sam gasped when he felt teeth sink into his stomach followed by Colby sucking softly at the area. Hickeys, his mind supplied easily. Colby had always loved leaving marks all over him, especially when they’d been apart.
Colby dipped lower, pressing kisses along every inch of skin he could reach. He left a few more marks as he went along, mostly being gentle with Sam. Sam loved it either way, whether Colby was being all soft with him or if he was getting rougher with him. It seemed to be a sweet night and Sam couldn’t say he was surprised. Every time he was upset or hurt about something, Colby tended to get softer and needed to be taken care of more than he usually allowed himself to be.
“Not tonight,” Sam mumbled when he felt Colby beginning to drift lower. He knew where it was going if he let the older man continue on. As much as he liked having him go down on him, he didn’t want that tonight. It didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Part of him knew he would get too close to the edge with Colby sucking him off and he wanted to last as long as he could once he was inside of him. “Switch places with me, baby. I wanna take care of you,” He told him with a small smile.
Colby seemed reluctant, but he nodded anyway and pulled himself away. He ducked down to kiss Sam before he was willing to lay down, smiling against him. They both took their time, kissing slowly and simply going with the motions of everything. There was no sense of urgency between them. It wasn’t the typical desperate night where they just wanted to get off. Though, like those nights, they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off of each other for very long.
They couldn’t help themselves. For as long as they could remember now, they had always been a package deal. Sam was gone, Colby was gone. All that rested in their places was Sam and Colby. Never seen apart, true soulmates, each other’s guides. And neither of them could bring themselves to be upset about how interconnected they’d quickly become.
“Don’t ever leave me for that long again,” Colby murmured once he pulled away from their kiss, looking down at the other. His words were a bit sad and they made Sam’s chest tighten painfully with how much they hurt him. He hated knowing Colby had felt lonely, knowing how the other could get sometimes. His feelings often overwhelmed him, not being able to handle feeling alone, even if he tried to act as though things didn’t affect him as much as they did.
“Never again,” Sam promised. He was glad Colby trusted him enough to let down his guard and to let Sam see this side of him. Sam loved having this just to himself. “Not allowed to leave me either” He grinned, pressing another quick kiss to his lips. Colby seemed content with this and moved to rest on the bed next to Sam before the blonde haired man got up.
Colby shifted over to take the place where Sam had been laying, shivering at how warm the spot was. Sam had always been like a furnace; if he was a heater, Colby was a moth. Drawn to his warmth, willing to burn himself alive just to be close to him. Leaning over, Sam pulled up the bedside drawer and rummaged through it to find what he was looking for. He pulled the lube out first, tossing it onto the bed next to Colby because they would for sure be needing it for what he had planned.
When he reached the condom, he held it up in a silent question and Colby shook his head no. As soon as he did, Sam tossed it back into the drawer haphazardly. He didn’t need more convincing to not use one. Both of them were clean, never sleeping with anyone besides each other. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love how it felt without one.
“I’ll make you feel so good,” Sam said as he settled in between Colby’s thighs, pushing them apart as much as he needed. Colby nodded with a bright smile and Sam found himself falling deeper in love, something he didn’t even think was possible. Sam uncapped the lube with a soft click and leaned to press a quick kiss to the top of Colby’s thigh before he got to work. “It’s been too long since we’ve had time alone,” He murmured thoughtfully. Even before going home for the holidays, it had been a couple days since they had gotten to slip into bed together.
“You always make me feel good,” Colby replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to him, it absolutely was. If the roles were reversed, Sam would feel the same way about it. They always took care of one another. At this point, they knew each other and what they liked as well as they knew themselves. “We won’t have to go that long again,” The words were a promise that both of them knew they’d go to the ends of the earth to fulfill.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
fuck it just gonna write a little bit about my selfship family with kensei under the cut bc i want to 🤷‍♀️
we end up having four kids, three sons and a daughter. the boys are close in age, with our oldest (dominic) being only three years older than the twins (beck and phoenix). mila came around when the twins were ten, and it was entirely unplanned and unexpected but not unwelcome at all! kensei loves the boys very much, but when our last baby was revealed to be a girl he was happy to have a change of pace. boys are messy 🫠 he spent so long being a boy dad though, that he had no clue how to parent a little girl lol so our little mila has grown up in a very rough and tumble lifestyle, with the boys being rowdy and playful and her father often joining in or even straight up just starting the chaos himself. there are plenty of times where we sit on the couch while kensei and the boys wrestle, but as the energetic little bug she is, she can't help but join in eventually in a vain attempt to save one of her brother's from daddy's clutches. my bastard husband likes to drag me into it too, literally 😵‍💫 fucker will grab my ankle and pull me off the couch, literally no one is safe in our house except for our orange cat julian, though even he usually ends up jumping on top of the pile.
our kids are well behaved and respectful, though rambunctious as all hell. it can be troublesome for me to get them to calm down on my own, though The Look™ usually chills them out. when all else fails, though, kensei's drill sergeant voice booming will get them to pipe down and relax.
dominic, our first born, looks just like kensei, but younger and with freckles. he's tall, has fluffy white/silver hair, though he has heterochromia! one eye is brown, just like kensei's, and the other is blue, like mine. when he was little he had the cutest chubby cheeks, though they quickly went away as he started growing up. he's a spitting image of his father, and i always joke that the one blue eye is just about the only proof i have that he came from me. i'm his favorite parent 🤭 he says that my cuddles are better than his dad's, since kensei is all muscle and i'm like a pillow and blanket combined, since i'm so warm.
beck and phoenix are identical twins, and kensei's genes have once again absolutely steamrolled my own, though mine did fight back more than with dominic. the twins are blond, and that is a win in my eyes!! their eyes are brown and they also end up being quite tall, as kensei is 5'10 and a half (he insists on the half) while i am 5'10 myself. my favorite part about them is just how funny they are. they make kensei laugh so hard he turns red and has to excuse himself to go wipe away his tears 💀 he has never gotten through a parent-teacher conference without laughing at whatever prank they pulled on the class, and the only reason i bring him along to those meetings anymore is so i won't do the laughing myself. kensei can stand their energy more than me, and so they tend to gravitate towards him a little more than me.
mila, my precious, sweet baby girl, is really just all me with her father's hair color and eye shape. and attitude. kensei insists she gets that from me too but i disagree. she has kensei and her brothers wrapped around her finger and i find it quite amusing watching her play them for fools. and that she did get from me. she's her brother's broke best friend, as anytime they go anywhere all she has to do is ask in that sweet little baby voice of hers if she can go too and that's it. they're gone, and so is their allowance and paychecks when they get old enough to work. she's decided when she grows up, she wants to be a lawyer and when she told kensei, he thought about how expensive college would be and asked her why she couldn't be a dumbass like the twins 🤦‍♀️ mila's favorite place to be is between me and kensei, and even at twelve years old she hasn't grown out of that yet, which is perfectly fine with us!
the boys found julian in the backyard one day after kensei had kicked them out of the house so baby mila and i could get some much-needed sleep. he was a small little kitten and when kensei looked into those little dark eyes he was hooked. i'm his favorite and sometimes, he's my favorite too lmao he's not very bright sometimes and is a crazy thing, but the muguruma family is batshit insane so he fits right in.
kensei and i are as close as ever, even with four kids, a cat, and full time jobs for the both of us. we've been through a lot during our marriage, some times darker than others, but the love has never wavered once. we're thick as thieves and it's us against the world, always. we go on two dates a week, and one of our favorite spots is a drive-in movie theater and all we do is makeout in the bed of his truck lmao we haven't actually watched a movie in years. he's got my name tattooed in beautiful cursive on his right hand, but i couldn't tell you the last time he referred to me by my name rather than 'babe', 'babygirl', or 'beautiful'. i just call him ken 💀
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kamigeist · 1 year
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Sky and Nina:
Ima just Oc Info Dumb because why the hell not 🤷🏽‍♀️ (these are old drawings)
Sky and Nina are brother and sister, their relationship is very close and they tend to look out for each other all the time but I won’t lie that Sky has a bit of a sister complex 🧍🏽‍♀️
The world setting these two are in is a fantasy world, one where literally anything your imagination can muster up probably exists, so different species just casually walk around the streets. Humans exist too so I haven’t completely removed them off the face of the earth :)
Alright so let’s talk about Sky. Well he’s a 18 year old guy with severe sleeping problems such as; insomnia, sleep paralysis and occasionally might pass out during the day. Coffee and anything that would give him an energy boost is his best friend. The only other times he can get a goodnights sleep is if he sleeps/cuddles up with someone he trusts (which makes sense right? You get bad nightmares and the only way to feel safe is in the person you trust the mosts arms) and usually it is his sister, but sometimes it can be his most closes friends too. (Which I just realised is only girls 🥸 but don’t worry two of them are dating while the other is an asexual game obsessed nerd so that automatically rules them out lmao) This was only one thing about sky I HAVE MORE AHAHA-
When he was younger he encountered a few demon spirits that try to talk to him and weirdly try to comfort him whenever he was feeling down. Though they more freaked him out more than anything because whenever he would talk about one being right next to him the other person would get really confused and just assume he might of accidentally watched a horror movie and just has a wide imagination. Basically he could actually see demons and everyone would just assume it’s because he’s very imaginative. I say that he might of accidentally watched a horror movie because horror movies was actually his mother’s favourite genre of shows to watch, so it would usually be on the TV whenever she would be on it. And although the horror movies did scare him it never had anything to do with the actual demons around him. In fact ever since he was 6 years old there had been this one specific demon that has been by his side since 6 to 18 years old, Sky liked to call them Siren because they occasionally they would sound like one and it’s what freaks him out the most but actually Siren has another name which Sky refused to call them. Their real name was actually Mittens but that’s it, Mittens wouldn’t talk about themselves. Only talk about Sky and whatever he was thinking because they have been in Sky’s head most of his life that they know exactly everything there is to know about the blonde male. Almost like are trapped with Sky forever. Mittens would love to do physical damage but the chains on Sky’s wrists are made with magic to keep the demons from actually touching him or any other person. Kind of like how Sky is like the gate between Humans and Demons. Now here’s the funny part, these chains on Sky’s wrists- yeah he actually has no idea who put them on him since one day at the age of 8 years old he woke up after a long night that felt like forever and had these chains that ended up being impossible to remove. Almost like they were super glued to his skin, later on as a few years past he found out it non other than his own mother who put them on :0 DUN DUN DUNN- to protect him from the evil that would ever come across his way. Before he had them he would get injured or scratched up in his sleep so the mother had no choice but to do what she did even if it meant being in debt to someone for it. That debt was her life. She died when Sky was 9 years old.
So yeah that’s the emo boy for you 👍🏽 ON TO HIS LITTLE SISTER ☝️💥💥
Nina is 7 years younger than Sky so that would make her currently 11 years old. Now you might understand why he has the need to protect his younger sister? For she is the only family member he has. Plus Nina has actually been blind her entire life, from the moment she was born the doctor’s found out that she just about made it but will likely suffer blindness for her entire life. So she has no idea on what the world she lives in truly looks like. Though she really does enjoy being outside in the nature so she can feel the breeze and the grass and whatever animals or insects decide to come near her. Kind of the complete polar opposite to her older brother who likes staying indoors more. Sometimes she goes out with her brother (mostly) and sometimes she’ll go out with her friends who understands her blindness and tries to take care of her during school and out of school. Basically she is loved by good people with a good heart and that’s all that matters to her. Now here comes fantasy kick because from the age of 6 she once thought she could see again but really what she was seeing was the spirits that have already died but continues to live on as spirits. (Basically the brother sees demons while the sister can see spirits, I like think that they remind me as a devil and angel) And the first spirit she saw was non other than the loving mother she never got to spend more time with, sadly 😔.
I’d like to just say that their mother never purposely left it was more so that she just wanted to keep her children safe from any harm no matter what, even if it costed her life for a better result. Fun fact, she knew of both her children’s ability but never said anything because she figured they would be too young to understand the full story.
I’ve given them such a tragic backstory BUT IT WAS NECESSARY!! Also if your reading this message then congrats for reading my rambling about these two specific characters that are actually very important characters in the main story of mine. Good job 👍🏽 you might as well tell me what you think of it right? Maybe even suggest some improvements or questions 👀
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In my opinion Caroline was the worst character. She was a judgmental hypocrite who didn’t deserve Tyler after what she did to him. She was always jealous of Elena because she got everything she wanted first (ie Stefan) So unlikeable in season 1 and even more unlikeable in seasons 3-6. Seriously all that insensitive stuff she said at the dinner in season 1 (forgot what episode) LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, SHE LOST HER PARENTS! And she couldn’t keep her mouth shut when Elena told her not to tell her about her and Damon. She literally had the audacity to act like a victim to Tyler when she hooked up with the guy that KILLED HIS MOTHER and her BEST FRIEND’S AUNT! Caroline is definitely NOT a girlboss, she is a stupid shallow waste of a character.
A nerve has been struck.
I'm assuming this is coming from my post where I reference the girlbossification of Caroline.
I somewhat agree with you. Caroline is not a "girlboss". But I do disagree that she's a stupid, shallow waste of a character.
Caroline x Tyler
So much to unpack here. These characters had a lot of potential that I loved. Tyler and Caroline knew each other for a long time and saw each other at their worst. Acknowledged their worst traits and still wanted to date. They were there for each other in the beginning and then....it started to unravel.
Caroline plotting his friends murder with her other friends.
Demanding that he choose her over his "revenge" against Klaus.
Wanting his immediate forgiveness when he founds out that she slept with said tormenter.
It's interesting because a lot of the relationships in the latter half of the series tend to serve one character over another. Typically the woman making the man better.
But this relationship tends to serve Caroline's character more. Instead of them both equally which is how it started.
A lot of people, myself included, think the latter half of the series was bad for Elena's character writing and I'd say the same thing for Caroline and most of the other characters. I think Elena was blamed for a lot of strange things in the show and I think Caroline was uplifted for a lot of strange things. Both of these perspectives hurts the character and their writing. It's like the scapegoat and the golden child, both hurt but in different ways.
Caroline's jealousy and self-pity are a core part of who she is as a person in the beginning. And no outside force can placate that sense in her that she is somehow not enough or worse, too much. Not becoming a cheerleader, not becoming the captain, not dating any guy. It's never enough. Because those feelings are coming from within.
And despite it not being outwardly addressed in the show, I do believe that she was likely hurt by how close Elena and Bonnie had become in the aftermath of Elena's parents dying. Maybe Caroline wanted her old friend back too fast. Maybe Bonnie was better at holding space for feelings because of the friend group she was the first to deal with familial loss. Either way, we do see that Caroline is excluded and treated like she is exasperating. Which, she is, but it is still something that would hurt.
I think these aspects do make her relatable to people watching. But I think the part people also miss is that this doesn't make Elena the villain. It's easy to look for wrong-doing but sometimes hurt feelings happen without any wrong-doing.
Insensitive remarks
Oh definitely! A lot of things she says, especially in the first season are completely insensitive to Elena's grief. I think this also plays into Caroline's feelings that she's too much for people. She lacks tact and a filter. She honestly probably says whatever is in her head without thinking about how to make it tactful.
And the thing is.
These people exist. The people who regret a lot of what they say. The people who say insensitive things and have to apologize for it later. The people who have to learn how to have tact and empathy the hard way by continually messing up and having to make amends for it.
The show definitely didn't focus on her making amends cause she was part of an ensemble and not the main character for awhile so it's fine that we don't see it.
But still. Caroline knows she says the wrong things. She's aware of it and does show anguish over it.
Not keeping secrets
Yes, true. She does tell Tyler she's a vampire when she's been asked not to. She tells Stefan about Elena and Damon even though Elena asked for time to tell him herself. Which does suck. She probably felt bad for Stefan being unaware. She's been there before with her friends keeping her out of information. And also, she liked him a lot. That doesn't go away. Yes, maybe she had ulterior motives....
....but, it keeps the narrative moving and creates drama which is necessary for a story.
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vacantgodling · 2 years
this or that writer’s edition!
thanks @void-botanist for the tag! 💛 i’ll tag @kudzucataclysm @jezifster @henrike-does-writing-sometimes @calicojackofficial & anyone else who’d like to do this!
1.historical or futuristic
a rule of thumb about getting to know me and my writing is i’m not a fan of writing things that are TOTALLY in the realm of our reality. i will write fanfiction and i have (1) story where it’s fully set irl with nothing crazy happening but i’m just not a fan of being historically accurate. i’d rather get inspired by history and make my own shit based off of, or just be generally futuristic or removed from a time that can be recognizable.
2.the opening chapter or closing chapter
this is hard bc i kind of don’t like doing either. however i have written more preemptive endings than beginning sequences and i enjoy being able to tie everything up with a bow based on all that history established in the narrative before.
3.light & fluffy or dark & gritty
if i had to pick i’d pick dark and gritty simply bc extremely light hearted stories do bore me fjfjfjrj. it reminds me of a conversation i had with my religious mother once where i said i think the concept of heaven is boring simply because once you’re totally removed from struggles and hardships it becomes difficult to find the value in happiness and good times. i don’t want people irl to struggle for shit they don’t have to (like food or shelter or safety or whatever) but learning to work towards goals that you want and having roadblocks or hurdles you have to overcome really makes you appreciate when you get there imo. so as irl, i apply the same logic to my storytelling. if there isn’t shit the characters have to overcome then what’s the point of the story lol.
i will say this with the fact that i do enjoy thinking about and talking about characters being happy and fuwa fuwa, and i don’t typically like writing bleak or dire endings, but i think some struggle is important. builds character (literally).
4.animal companion or found family
to keep this answer short i’m just not that attached to animals personally. i think they’re cute and should be preserved and taken care of but i don’t wanna do it so i don’t put them in my stories like that.
5.horror or romance
definitely both but i really like injecting my work with horror. horror romance itself is a great genre lol so like. would rather not pick but i think horror slightly edges out.
6.hard or soft magic system
eugh this is hard bc all magic is good magic to me— however i think soft magic is a bit more flexible which i like. semi-hard magic systems are usually where i’m most comfortable because i like having established overall guidelines for how magic works and who can use it or what it entails but i don’t like getting into the super nitty gritty spell type shit bc that’s more video game land aka practical application. stories are more about the aesthetic and about the vibe so some flexibility is good :)
7.standalone or series
i am incapable of writing stand-alones every time i try it always ends up bigger than i planned. i have some standalones in the works tho that won’t be getting any bigger i know for a fact (they’re contained and i have self restraint occasionally) but i love being able to worldbuild and plan to my hearts content so series is more fun lol.
8.one project at a time or always juggling two+
adhd brain go brrrrrrrrr. tbh i’m usually juggling 10 or more ngl 💀
9.one award winner or one best seller
one award winner only bc if only one of my books was a bestseller idk if i’d ever be satisfied with which one it was and that others weren’t lmao. i think the only story i would be satisfied with being my ONLY best seller would be paramour but that is a pipe dream, this is not the climate for that raunchy mess lol.
10.fantasy or sci-fi
i like scifi but i tend to gravitate away from it bc it tends to require more hard/practical application—as in i feel pressured to have a legitimate reason why shit works as it does bc it’s more technological than fantasy where i can say “shit happens just cuz.” i think a sweet spot for me would be if i can learn how to chill out and do more fantasy-scifi hybrids but i have no clue how to do that yet LMAO.
11.character or setting description
i enjoy both, but i picked setting bc i think with how this question is worded it means characters physical appearance and that’s lower down on my list. i like describing characters emotions and headspace more than what they look like lol.
12.first or final draft
i’ve never gotten to that point but the idea of being so happy with something that i don’t have to FULLY rehaul it is a lovely fantasy.
13.love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
you can pry romance from my cold dead hands
14.constant sandstorm or rainstorm
i hate precipitation but rain is better fkfjfjfj
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Little coupley things Michael Mike and jack do (this ended up being a things they do in general too)
When they're around other people Mike always tries to act like hes not seriously considering grappling onto either Michael or jacks arm (in most instances it's jacks arm) while walking or something because he knows it's not seen as positively as just holding hands (he tries so hard to seem normal and has been for most of his life)
Michael tries to sit as close to them as he can to the point if they're just with friends he will literally sit on Mike or jacks lap even if there's plenty of chairs
Their wings feel different when the others touch them than if anyone else touched them and it's mainly to do with how gods angels and demons have "mates" and certain things are reserved for mates (like stroking the underside of their wings although that has an exception for family)
Mike barely takes care of his wings and whenever Michael sees mikes wings being messy he immediately makes Mike let him fix it and Mike ends up falling asleep
Jack finds anything they do cute, Michael just ate a serial killers organs in front of him? Wonderful! Mike just passed out and smacked his face into a table? Adorable also is he ok? They could do anything and say it's inspired by their love for him and he immediately goes "awee so romantic!" Even if it's making a heart of human intestines
Mike likes a random ass kids show that's in another language and constantly buys merch related to it but is embarrassed by it and hides everything under his bed but Michael and jack found out by accident by a stuffed animal poking out from under his bed (Mike tried to say it was Abby's or something but it was obvious it wasn't) and so they ended up getting him some merch they figured he didn't have and he got really embarrassed (again he tries to seem as normal as he can)
They hang out at Michael's house the most because everyone there was already used to Mike and jack before they officially got together but they sometimes hang out at mikes and never hang out at jacks because Michael and Dave may have some... Issues (Michael would probably stare at Dave menacingly)
Mike ends up getting super hot in the middle of the night because of his ice powers fucking with his temperature tolerance but doesn't move to try and get cooler because most of the time Michael is attached to him like a parasite and he wouldn't dare wake anyone up because he knows how bad waking up in the night affects people (he just has sleep issues and a lot of people can function normally if they wake up in the middle of the night but any little bit of waking up in the middle of the night even for a few seconds makes it hard to function in the morning/all day)
If they ever went to a carnival or something jack would immediately try and win Michael the biggest prize they have and try to get Mike something he'd like because Mike doesn't like bigger things and is content with small plushies but Mike and Michael would focus on getting the kids stuff and the kids would insist on them getting something for jack
Jack and Jackie have tried to have Mike and Michael try and guess who is who but Jackie stands with more weight on one foot and jack tends to kind of sway back and forth while standing so they know who is who easily
Michael has dressed them up in dresses and Mike tolerated it for Michael but Mike absolutely hated wearing dresses at any time he ever has but jack thrives on doing embarrassing shit to get a laugh out of someone (he also enjoys the embarrassing stuff because he's probably done worse at some point) but Michael noticed Mike hated the dresses so he ended up making less dress like things to have Mike wear
Michael's hobbys are art baking and making clothes mikes hobbys are watching the kids how I mentioned earlier and sleeping jacks hobby is being a weirdo /pos (he literally has no clue what to do in his free time other than whatever someone else wants to do although he'd probably make a garden if he realized he doesn't have to live by everyone else's activities)
Jack gets anxious if he's not hanging out with someone while they're doing something else so Mike and Michael drag him along to things they like to do even if it's for jack to sit there and look pretty (jack is very content to hold a single pin for Michael while he makes clothes as long as he feels like he's being useful)
Mike seems annoyed whenever Michael tries to crawl all over him or when jack flirts with him but he actually really wants to bury his face into their chests while they hold him and talk about whatever they want to for hours (unlike Michael he doesn't know how to drop his mask of "normal guy" with anyone and not even when he's alone because "what if someone just walked in right now and saw me acting not normally")
Sometimes mikes "normal guy" mask slips and he ends up rambling about something for about and hour and Michael will just be looking at him with all of his attention (which is hard to get from Michael because he absolutely will turn to look at something if it sounds like it could be cool) and then when Mike realises he's been rambling he'll apologize and get embarrassed but Michael will try and get Mike to continue but Mike has already forgotten what he was talking about (Michael loves hearing literally anyone ramble about something they really like but he rarely adds anything to the conversation unless the person wants him to and he knows if he tries to add anything to whatever Mike is talking about he will immediately stop)
They're probably all different flavors of nurodivergent but because I'm only diagnosed with anxiety I don't feel like I can really give them any other diagnosis without accidentally being offensive (I probably wouldn't be but I really don't want to on accident)
Michael likes to wrap his wings around Mike and jack and also hold their tails with his and because he takes really good care of his feathers his wings are always really soft and are enjoyable for Mike and jack to feel and he knows it (he likes stroking his own wings because of how they feel)
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I gotta send this in before I overthink it too much lol. Even now in this ask box I’m adding shit.
•What are your interests/hobbies?
I like making genetically accurate family trees for a specific book series. Ngl though, I’ve started it, stopped several books in, restarted it completely, and repeat the cycle. I still have not finished that project. I am interested in psychology too because I’m curious as to the reason/why people do the things they do. I also enjoy listening to music and collecting random tiny objects. If I ever get the chance, I like building things too. Could be anything from legos to model houses/rooms, or an object made from stuff I found in nature or on the ground.
•How do you see yourself?
I’m polite but I usually don’t really care about people most of the time. I’m a bit detached too in that sense, because people close to me will be having problems and I don’t really care too much. I have a short temper, but I actively try to tone down my general emotions, or act like I’m fine if I’m getting upset because I feel like afterwards I didn’t deserve to feel mad lmao—doesn’t always work. When I’m not chilling and I’m in fact very upset, I tend to go for destructive answers. I would say I’m very loyal to my friends though. I’m very detail-oriented and like to do things a certain way, to the point where I’m itching to take the lead from someone because I feel like I could do it right. Sometimes I can get a little bit pushy when I want certain information out of someone. Also, I have awful time management. I know I’ll have a task to do but I’ll actively ignore it to do something else, and then I’m left to do the task 3 hours before it’s due. I’m sensitive, but I don’t like being seen as sensitive. Can you tell that I contemplate myself a lot haha
•How do you think others see you?
I like to keep track of what people describe me as because I’m curious as to how people perceive me. I’ve been described as mellow, diligent, naïve, smart, and extremely quiet verbally and physically. I don’t talk to a lot of people so I’m probably seen as a loner occasionally. I’ve also been called innocent and gullible. While I’ve never heard anyone say it, I’m pretty sure a lot of people think I’m sheltered as hell. A hard worker too maybe. They probably see me as very creative and artistic too. Maybe a bit of a know-it-all, since I have a tendency to correct people without thinking. I just want them to have the right information.
•How do you interact with your friends?
I guess I’m more chill and responsible, I don’t respond much. I give advice when it’s implied or asked for but other than that I’m kinda uninvolved. I’ve been called boring (as a joke) because there’s literally no drama worth talking about going on in my life while my friends have relationship drama every 3 hours. She once straight up told me to just lie about drama happening to me so I would have something to talk about lol. Once I feel I’m allowed to act like it, I can be a little chaotic with friends, and even be a bit of an instigator.
•What’s important to you? (Specific people, ideas, morals, objects, etc.)
It’s important to me that people are fair and honest. Like if two of my friends are fighting and I think one of them is being treated unfairly, idc if they’re both my friends, I will absolutely fight the one being unfair. I like honesty because I admit I’m kinda gullible and I do not like being lied to. I also like keeping whatever trinkets I find, I’m both sentimental and paranoid that I’ll need them in the future for whatever reason. It’s also important that I have headphones or any music player because I listen to music a lot, especially my repeated songs.
•Describe the ideal you, what kind of person do you strive to be?
I don’t really have a type of person I want to be necessarily, I just want to be happy with my choices and my life. I guess I want to be seen as smart and logical, and not sensitive and over-emotional. I don’t want to be held on a pedestal though, I just wanna be seen as some guy and that’s it.
Aspects: Time, Space, Mind
Classes: Bard, Page, Prince
Try out Bard of Time and Page of Space first, I think one of those two will feel right.
Hope this helps!
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hazel-tv · 2 years
attacking you based off of your favourite evermore song <3
how does it feel to be the therapist friend? how does it feel to want to reach out but none of ur friends know ur in the lowest moment of your life? stop acting like you only need yourself!!!
champagne problems
stop projecting ur emotions to things that will NEVER help you. listening to music isn't gonna make you forget all ur problems, eating or sleeping is not a good replacement for ACTUALLY letting all the anger and tears out. the repression is honestly just sad now. i hope you get better soon.
gold rush
the moment someone shows you a hint of care and affection, you get attached. then the moment they walk out of your life, you think it was your fault.
NEWS FLASH! it was NOT ur fault. u just hate to think about them in a bad way because ur so blinded by love.
'tis the damn season
you hold grudges. you don't make it obvious, but you do. you make sure that the amount of attention they give you is the same amount of attention you give to them. you try so hard to balance everything it just ends up hurting you.
you literally trust NO ONE. you've been betrayed and hurt too many times. when you do find someone who makes you happy, who gives you every idea that they will never do anything to hurt you, you run away, because you think when you get too close, they'll break ur trust (how can something so frail ever be whole).
no body, no crime
how's it feel to be touch deprived? you so badly want someone to hug you but even just a poke on the arm scares you. you hate touch but the idea of it brings you comfort.
you so badly want reinvention. you wish to become someone else, someone who you're not. you wish for everyone to just forget you and you could live the life you so desperately want. you want a new identity and just run away and forget everything in the past. it really is cold tonight, and all your friends really are 3 years away.
you're a damn spy. you're always checking in on people even if they're not in your life anymore. you always want to see if they're doing well, and that upsets you if they are. it upsets you that they're happy without you. because you're miserable without them.
cowboy like me
no one truly knows you. your family thinks of you differently, your friends don't know ur deep secrets. ur secretive. you don't like telling people things about you, because you feel like there's always ill intention behind it. that may be a good way not to hurt. but it's a hard way to live bestie.
coney island
you hate social interaction and you hate meeting new people. but you have no trouble doing that online. that's why you're so stuck on the internet because the people you meet through the internet makes you so much happier than the people around you physically.
long story short
you rush to do things, time bothers you, and you always wish you could do so much more. you feel like there should be no limit. you overwork yourself, you want to reach your goal quickly, you feel like anything could happen, so u focus on getting things done. a serial procrastinator my beloved.
every time you were so close to finding love, it didn't work out. that's why you believe you'll never find it, because at every opportunity it never worked. you want to love someone so bad, but you haven't - couldn't - found the person who deserves you.
people tend to take advantage of you. it's hard for you to say no to people. you please people, intentionally or unintentionally, you find it difficult to get rid of toxic people, so you wait and wait for the world to do it for you.
it's not healthy to constantly run away from your problems. look hey, maybe it gets better, maybe it doesn't. but you have got to stop PRETENDING that it has nothing to with you. you are NOT the product of all the things that have happened to you. you are you. whatever you want that to be. just stop running. please.
it's time to go
you've been gaslighted in a friendship or a relationship. it's hard for you to never feel guilty for things even if it has nothing to do with you. you sometimes unintentionally guilt trip others, and the moment you realize, you drown in guilt yourself, guiltfest. I wish I could tell you it gets better. perhaps.
right where you left me
you're still so stuck in the same damn time. you've perceived life to be still in the time where u were happy. you don't want to move on. you don't let go of the past as it's keeping you back. u hold on to it because it's the only thing that makes u happy. you can cling onto the past as much as you like my love, but that familiarity gets old (ironically). remember that no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone <3
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jarofstyles · 3 years
For mafia harry, I just love the fact that’s he’s only soft for his girl. So something soft!!!! Plss n thxx
He’s literally so soft for her it’s ridiculous.
Warnings: fluff, talk of murder, mafia type stuff
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It wasn’t uncommon for Harry to come home with bruised knuckles. While he tended to have his men take care of business, he couldn’t help but be hands on sometimes.
When it came to certain motherfuckers, he truly couldn’t help but get in on the action and keep his name at the top of the’ who not to mess with’ list.
But his one and true weakness was sleepy eyed and soft as she stepped into his arms. He had gotten home from some business only an hour ago and put on the coffee pot. Being out all night was not ideal in the slightest, mainly because he had Y/N at home. Before meeting her he could go days at a time without sleep, without even being home. But having a woman he loved so deeply in his bed, who truly adored him and looked past his very unusual career path. She was so giving to him, with her time, energy, body, affection. He had hit the jackpot when it came to women and he knew all to well. So did anyone else.
It took a lot to get a man like Harry soft. He was hard and jagged around the edges. Throwing a punch or getting rid of someone wasn’t a big deal to him. Then Y/N stumbled into his life by accident and he found the heart he had covered with ice melted into a puddle of mush that she hand shaped in her own form. It was comical at times to see his attitude change when she would walk into the room.
“H?” She whispered sleepily. She shouldn’t be awake, but her body had somehow known her hero was home. While Y/N was well aware of his faults and his dangerous job and tendencies? He fiercely protected and cared for her. Provided for her. Gave her a home and a best friend and loved wrapped into one. No one was perfect, but Harry was perfect for her. “Where were you all night?” His stomach twinged with guilt as he pulled her into his chest, large hand cupping the back of her head and keeping her body close to his.
“M’so sorry, angel.” He whispered, pressing multiple kisses to her hairline. “We found one of the rats.” He grumbled, making Y/N freeze. Her head pulled up from his chest and her eyes were a dangerous glint. One that, quite frankly? Made him hard. As soft and gentle as Y/N is, she had come to take Harry and his men as family. You fuck with them? You fuck with her.
“And you took care of it?” Her tone was low, Harry still shocked at how fierce his little angel could be. How protective. She made them cookies and tea and brought sweets to the underground clubs, but was willing to put someone on their ass if they hurt Harry. It was fucking hot.
“Y’know I did, sweet girl. M’always taking care of my people.” He was cut off by her lips pressing to his jaw, her head tucking back into his neck. It was early and she hadn’t slept well. Y/N usually didn’t when it came to Harry being out and doing dangerous things. Her sleep schedule had been the worst it’s been since dating him, but it was the easiest sacrifice to make because she was getting to be in his arms. When he was home?
She got the best sleep of her entire life. Especially after getting dicked down.
“Know you do.” She relaxed, hand running over his broad back. The shirt was slightly damp form his sweat but she didn’t mind. The skin under was hot and it did get her mind going to think about how sexy he looked when he was mad. As long as it wasn’t at her? It went straight to her cunt.
Okay. Maybe even when it was at her. But it was very hard to make him angry at her. He was 100% a pushover for his girl. Y/N was the only one ever allowed to raise her voice at him.
The first time it had happened around others, they’d all nearly choked. Harry had ate the last of the cookie butter, which Y/N had been saving. It actually pissed her the fuck off, and not realizing he was in a meeting she had stormed down the hallway with her volume on 10. The girl wasn’t one too raise her voice often, but Harry knew how to push her buttons.
“Harry fucking Styles! You better hope to god you’re busy because I’m going to shove this jar up your ass!” She seethed, the stomping of her feet making everyone’s eyes widen. The men he worked closely with usually had a softer version of her. But it was earlier in the day, not their normal time, and gathered in the office in Harry’s large home.
Harry froze, realizing what it was and winced as he watched the door fly open. There, in all her big shirt, no pants and freshly woken glory was his beautiful Y/N. Empty jar in hand. Her eyes cut around the room but the fury she felt was too deep. This was personal!
Of course, they all were tense because No One talks to Harry Styles in a tone like that and got away with it. The shock that crossed their faces when Harry sheepishly got up and crossed the room, hushing her and trying to approach her like a wounded puppy was pure and utter insanity. The big man who always had a straight face, mean punches that knocked out cold, little regard for most people and took care of many a week was letting his woman talk to him like that.
“M’sorry, baby, I meant to get more but we called an emergency-“ he was cut off by a single hand raising, lips snapping closed as he watched his little love step closer to him.
“If you aren’t ready to go to Trader Joe’s in the next 15 minutes….” Her eyes narrowed. “You’ll be cut off.” And Harry knew exactly what that meant.
No sex.
There was no way he was risking that.
“Okay, okay.” He raised his own hands in surrender. “M’gonna finish up. Go get ready, we’ll take the Audi.”
They all learned that day that you didn’t mess with Y/N’s food, and Harry Styles only had one singular weakness.
Granted, Harry never was ashamed of it. He always said that his woman was half of his strength. She didn’t need him, but he needed her. Harry loved her so wholly and deeply that he knew that she was it for him. He had bought an engagement ring only 2 months in. So no, he didn’t ever deny it.
If anyone ever tried to use Y/N against him, they ended up in the river. Or in several pieces. He had very little restraint over that, considering all threats he took very, very seriously. The one light in his life was something he kept close, protected, and loved.
“Why don’t we go shower n’then we sleep? Hm? M’sorry to keep you up late, angel.” He puckered his lips down at her to be met with a soft peck, nodding her head at the idea. “And then we can make some ‘brunch’, whatever you call it.”
It got a laugh out of her, so he considered it a win.
“Mhm. If you thought I was letting you into our clean sheets smelling like guns and sweat. It’s sexy for dirty sheets but I’m simply too tired. Got the new ones I got online too.” She sighed, playfully teasing him because she knew it would get him to smile. He saw horrors every day, and if she could get some silliness in him it would lessen his stress.
“Oi. Don’t be callin’ me smelly, little girl.” He pinched her cheek, obnoxious kissing her mouth. “Better get your ass up there and get naked so we can pass out. M’Gonna need those pretty hands helping me wash, I fear… I’m a dead man walking.” He was dramatic, obviously overtired and it got a giggle from her.
“In your dreams, Mafia Man. Let’s move.”
“You’re right, I do dream about that.”
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