#i think I should edit this look because ahhh
strawberrychampayne · 2 months
Hi, could you make an enemies to lovers evie x fem reader fic where reader is gaston’s daughter, so she’s very vain and basically acts just like gaston but the more girlypop version
End Game
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Evie x Fem!reader
Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 3321
Edited: No
A/N: AHHH this is my first request so PLEASE bear with me! I'm still pretty new to writing fanfic so there is always room for improvement. Thank you for the request Anon, I hope it's to your taste!!
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She can remember the first time she decided she hated Evie. She had stolen a piece of bread from a couple of men on the road. She was hungry and bored and they looked preoccupied with yelling at each other. What she hadn’t accounted for was the fact that they would notice and were fast. They chased after her but she managed a little distance between them. Darting around a corner she bent over trying to catch her breath. She watched as blue heels made their way into her vision. 
“You truly never know who you’re going to run into, do you?”
She knew that voice. One that haunted her dreams like a siren of the night. Evie and her never had fought or even interacted besides looks when they passed by each other. Mal and Uma hated each other so she was supposed to hate Mal and her friends by association. She only knew Uma because her brother, Gil, was a part of her “crew.” Though she always thought it was because he wanted to prove something to their father. She picked her head up and leaned against the wall behind her. 
“You really don’t. Is there something you need?”
Evie glanced down at her. Her heels making her slightly taller. Her face held an emotion the other girl couldn't understand. Evie nodded slowly, glancing around the corner. A wicked smirk began to make its way onto her face.
“Excuse me,” she yelled, “I think I have who you’re looking for here.”
The girl's heart stopped. Not understanding why the blue haired girl would out her. She’d never done Evie wrong. She stood dumbfounded and watched as the brown eyed girl turned gracefully on her heels and walked away with a bounce in her step. That’s the day she realized that she hated Evie. The scar on her cheek from the fight that occurred served as a reminder. It would stay that way from then on, she’d throw insult after insult. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t mad when Evie, Mal, Carlos, and Jay got to leave the Isle. She held a grudge, wondering what made them so much more entitled to it. Though she wasn’t expecting them to be returning so soon. 
She was wandering around the Isle. Uma had wanted her to retrieve something she couldn’t remember. She honestly didn’t care, Uma could have someone else do it. Walking up to a stand she smiled at the man working there. She slowly made her way over, making sure to act innocent and interested in him. She trailed her hand on the baskets and stopped at his arm. She talked to him about how his day was going and kept his eyes on hers as she slipped bread into her pockets. Though she lost focus when she heard a familiar voice in the distance. Her heart dropped and she abruptly left the man hanging. She slowly crept around the corner and her question was answered. There they stood, there she stood. The girl who still haunted her dreams, the girl she hated most. She acted like she was just walking and “accidently” bumped into a man. A king. 
“Oh hey, do I know you?”
She watched with a small smirk as Ben fumbled on his words. The other 3 crowded behind him. 
“Um no, don’t think you do.”
She laughed and then looked up. Posters of the man in front of her were taped on the wall. She glanced at them and back at him. 
“King Ben. That’s where I know you from. You don’t know who I am?”
Ben’s eyes widened and he glanced back at Evie. 
“No I don’t.”
The girl's eyes lit up and she realized the man truly had no idea. Truly an opportunity to mess with him. 
“You should know my father, I’ll give you a hint. Quick, slick, and his neck,” she pointed at her neck, “is thick.”
She watched as the boy's face realized who she was referencing. The 4 teens scrambled away from her. 
“It was wonderful seeing you. Oh and Evie,” the girl yelled after them.
Evie stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly. A frown on her face.
“You truly never know who you’re going to run into, do you Belle?”
She watched with glee as the girls face dropped and she stared before running after her friends. 
“I’m loving this, Uma is going to love this.”
The girl said aloud to no one. 
The girl walked with Harry down the alley. They had captured Ben when he was trailing behind the group. Now it was her and his job to find everyone else. She watched as they all turned around and watched as they both walked down the path. 
“Ben?” Evie questioned into the dark. “Ben, don't scare us like that.” She said with a huff and her hands on her hips. 
“Don’t scare you?” Harry mocked
“We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” the girl added.
She watched as the 3 faces of Evie, Jay, and Carlos drained color. 
“What did you guys do with Ben?” she questioned. 
“Him? Yeah we nicked him from you and if you want to see him again, Mal will come to the chip shop tonight.” the girl replied, slight malice in her voice. 
“Yes, Uma wants a little visit,” Harry added, looking at the group. 
“Aww Jay, looks like you’ve lost your touch” the girl said with fake pity.
She laughed as the boy lunged at her, only to be held back by Evie. 
“Well, this has been fun but we must be going.”
She turned on her boot and began to walk away. Harry followed closely behind her. 
“See you later!” she yelled behind her. 
She had been tasked with keeping Ben in his place and not letting him escape. She walked slowly around him, like a predator stalking its prey. She was in her own head, Evie and the others being back brought up feelings she’d want to let out for so long. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know.” she heard from beside her
She turned to look at him. A small smile playing on her lips. 
“And why is that? You don’t know what I need to do.”
He looked like he was deep in thought. 
“I’ve heard the story, you know. About your father, conniving, misogynistic, rude. I can only imagine what he was like to his daughter.”
Rage filled her body and she took her sword to his neck. Putting pressure on it, not enough to slice him but enough to scare him. 
“You don’t know anything about my father. You live in a pretty little castle above everyone else. You’ve heard stories, that’s all they are.”
“I could help you, I could get you off this island. I understand how you feel.”
She backed off slightly. Getting off was all she wanted for as long as she could remember. She almost wanted to ask him how before Harry approached. She watched as he got all in Ben’s face. 
“Just think about it.” Ben said, staring at her. 
She shook her head and walked to the side of the ship. Watching the water crash against the wood. Before she could get lost in her thoughts again she heard commotion behind her. Turning she saw Mal standing there, her friends behind her. 
“Well let’s get this started” she thought aloud.
Grabbing her sword she began to advance. She was stopped by the Gilsf hand on her stomach. 
“Hold on, we have to wait for Uma.”
She sighed annoyed and began to pace around the ship, sword swinging around. Her heart began racing with anticipation as Uma and the rest of the crew drew their swords. She glanced over at Ben and Harry. He was playing with him, pretending that he was going to push him in. She felt conflicted after what he had said. She walked up behind Uma and Harry. Watching as her and Mal went back and forth. Glancing behind Mal she saw Evie giving a slight wave, to egg them on. Bringing her hand up she blew a kiss and a wave back at the girl. To hopefully throw her off. It did and she watched as the girl lowered her hand and eyes. 
“Hey! We don’t have to choose. There has to be a better way. Uma I’ll give you a chance, you’ll have your say,” Ben moved his focus onto her, “and you I’ll get her somewhere better, I promise.” 
She watched as Uma stood her ground and she didn’t make a move either. She couldn’t trust him. With her breath held she watched Mal begin to hand Uma the wand.
“Too easy, why don’t you give it a test drive? I want to see it work, we all do.”
Mal scoffed and turned to a dog that had walked onto the port. The girl watched as Mal casted a spell that would make the dog talk. 
“Does this vest make me look fat” 
She laughed with the rest of the crew at the words. Surprised that the wand was even real. She moved to the side as Harry drugged Ben along with him. Giving him back to Mal. Gil walked up to them. 
“And, before you go, tell your mom that our dad says hi. And also let your dad know that my dad wishes he finished off yours when he had the chance.”
Shaking her head she watched as Mal and Uma got ready to make the trade. She was concerned as to why they’d give up the wand so easily. When Uma finally had the wand in her hands the crew began to cheer loudly. She held her breath as Uma tried to cast a spell and let out an angry huff when the wand didn’t work. Uma snapped the wand in half and yelled out. The girl grabbed her sword and advanced towards the group. It was almost like fate that Evie was the person she had to battle. She swung her sword towards the girl and their swords clashed into each other. 
“You know, I knew it was so weird that you’d give up a want that easily”
Her and Evie struggled against each other to get the upper hand. 
“Yeah? And yet, Ben is in our hands and you all have nothing.” The girl replied with a laugh. Rage once again filled the latters body and she pushed heavily. Knocking Evie to the ground she wrapped her legs around her. 
“This almost feels like you’re trying to kiss me.” Evie said, trying to distract the girl. The other decided to play along.
“And if I was? Would you let me belle?” she whispered back with a smirk. Evie's face turned a dusted pinkBefore a reply could be said a cloud of blue smoke made the girl panic and tumble back. Her head hitting the wood below her. Her vision went blurry and the sounds around her were drowned out by a ringing in her head. She could just make out Evies figure running away from her. When she finally was able to stand again she watched as Mal kicked out the bridge that led to a tunnel. With her chest heaving she walked away. Her head pounding and her thoughts going a mile a minute. What just happened. 
As she walked away from the port she glanced to the ground and saw a familiar book. With a curious glance she picked it up and ran back to Uma. 
“You’ll never believe what I just found.”
Uma looked at her with anger in her eyes. 
“What.” she said 
“A spell book. Mal's spell book to be exact.”
She watched as Uma’s eyes brightened and a smile began to grace her face.
“Well I know just what to do now. Follow me, we have a boat to catch.”
The girl was spelled into a red dress. It clung to her body and shimmered in the light. She was on the boat. Hidden downstairs in a random room. Uma had left to go and find Ben. She said he was important to her plan. She was pacing around wondering what exactly she was doing. The words Ben had said to her were swarming her brain. Would he truly help her? She didn’t have time to think before she heard the sounds of trumpets. She heard an older man introduce Mal. She couldn’t hear what the people were saying until trumpets were heard again. Now the man was introducing Ben. This time she heard louder cheering as he made his way. She decided to move up to get a better view and was peeking around the corner so she could see everyone. Her eyes were locked on Evie. Ever since the boat fight she couldn’t get what happened out of her head. Ben slowly walked towards Mal and bowed to her. The girl watched curiously. 
“Mal, I wish I had time to explain.”
The girl watched as Uma walked in front of the stairs. So that was her plan, to steal Ben? Ben leaned down and kissed his ring that rested on Uma’s hand. She almost felt bad for Mal. Though pride wanted to get in the way. She watched as Ben tried to explain the connection him and Uma had. Uma claimed it was love. Mal was trying to get his attention. Asking if he had gone back for her. 
“He didn’t have too. I dove through the barrier before it closed.” Uma said to him. Uma grabbed Mal's hand and thanked her, giving her a hug. Slow music began to play and Ben and Uma began to dance. Twirling around the dance floor. Jane ran up the stairs and yelled for the man to reveal Ben's gift. It was a beautiful stained glass piece of him and Mal. She now really felt bad for the girl. It was stunning. Ben looked as though the spell was going to wash away. Uma yelled for them to cover it back up. 
“Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben”
“I have an announcement. Uma will being joining the court tonight,” Ben said
His father tried to reason with him. “Not now, Dad!” Ben yelled at him. 
“So as my gift to her, I’m bringing down the barrier, once and for all.” Ben finished. She wasn’t expecting all that. People around the boat gasped. Ben told the fairy godmother to take down the barrier and she told him no. The girl watched as Mal advanced on Ben and Uma. Begging him to see that he really loved her. Mal finally confessed that she loved Ben and leaned in to kiss him. Uma began to rage and tried to grab the wand from the Fairy Godmother. She held her breath as Uma jumped into the ocean, her shell necklace glowing. Swirls of gold began to circle in the water and Uma rose up out of it with an octopus tentacle. She hadn’t known that she could do that. Water splashed onto the deck and drenched people with the smell of salt. Uma began arguing with the people on the boat. Her tail whipping around and launching at people. Mal walked away from the crowd and her head began to twitch. A swirl of purple gas filled the space around her and she rose up as a dragon. Soaring into the sky she let out a breath of fire onto the water. Her and Uma begin to fight. The boat was swaying back and forth. The girl was losing her footing. Ben let out a roar and dove into the water. He pleaded for the girls to stop fighting. Ben held his hand out for Uma. Hoping she would take it, instead she gave him his ring back and swam away. As Ben climbed the rope, Mal landed back on the ship. When she turned back into a human, gone was the blue and gold dress. It was not replaced but a purple dress that complemented her hair. Walking towards Ben, he and Mal kissed. The hidden girl thought this would be a good time to make herself known. She stopped in her tracks when she heard what Evie said.
“Actually. Ben there’s a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon,” her voice trailed off as she looked up and made eye contact with the no exposed girl. “People like her.” she said and pointed behind them. This made the girl tense up with all eyes now on her. Ben looked at her funny and the other teens stared at her. She cleared her throat and began to speak. 
“I completely understand if you want to send me back to the Isle, but I was hidden away on this ship thinking about what you said, and I was hoping I could get a second chance? I’m sorry for the chaos I helped cause but I didn’t have a choice. If you’ll let me, I’d love to help make a difference here, at Auradon.” she finished, her eyes glancing down at her feet. Ben was silent for a while, seemingly in thought. Before he could say anything Evie spoke up. 
“She is truly a quick learner, Ben, and I really think she could do some good, if she’s given the chance.” She finished and smiled at the girl, who then smiled back. 
Ben nodded his head and started to smile. 
“You’ll be our fifth kid out of many that will come to Auradon.” he said. 
The girl wanted to cry and thanked him a million times. She smiled at all the VK’s and mouthed a thank you to Evie. As the night progressed, there was singing and dancing happening all around her. She had the time of her life, until the party ended and everyone made their way back to the school. Ben set up a room for her to stay in for the night and she was able to sleep on a bed that felt like it was made for a queen. 
When she woke up the next morning a box was awaiting her on a desk in her room. It was tied with a blue ribbon but had no name. Inside was clothes for her to wear, almost exactly like the clothes she wore on the Isle, though these were clean. Under everything was a note. Nothing was written except for an E. That's when the girl knew who it was from. She got dressed quickly and set out to find Evie. After an hour of searching she noticed the girl in the courtyard. She was sitting under a tree sketching what seemed to be a dress. She took a deep breath and walked up to her. 
“Thank you for the dress, and thank you for what you did last night”
Evie jumped and looked up, startled by the girl. 
“It was truly nothing, us VK’s have to stick together.” she replied with a smile. 
A silence filled the air as the 2 girls stared at each other. 
“Can I ask you something?” Evie questioned
“Anything,” the girl replied, leaning down to listen better. 
Evie began to blush again, her words caught in her throat. 
“This almost feels like you’re trying to kiss me again.” Evie said breathlessly. 
“And if I was? Would you let me belle?” the girl replied with her eyes on the blue haired girl's lips. Evie gleaned between her eyes and leaned in more.
“Well I’d have to let you” she said before closing the distance and smashing her lips onto the other girls. Grasping the blue hair and pulling her in more. 
“I KNEW IT!” Both girls jumped away from each other and turned their heads to see Jay, Carlos, and Mal making their way towards them. Both girls laughed at said peoples reaction.
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
Hey!! I just wanted to say that your recent speak now gif set is sooo stunning. I was wondering how you managed to create that cassette tape effect if it isn’t any trouble? It’s really so pretty.
Have a great day! ✨
ahhh thank you so so much! first of all, i cannot take any credit for this effect, as it was greatly inspired by this amazing yellowjacket gifset by @thewintersoldier!!
but here's how i recreated the effect, from a cassette png (found on pngwing here), to this animated cassette effect (as seen in my speak now set):
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psst: i usually always create in photoshop cs5, but for this effect you need a recent version of photoshop because it's using transform keyframes (i think cs5 doesn't let you do that, or i just don't know how to lol). i used cc 2019 for this.
sorry if this is lengthy or has too much or too little details haha, but i hope it's comprehensible! english is not my first language so i also apologize in advance for any mistakes!
so, starting with the png here:
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i removing everything i didn't want on the cassette png with the brush tool by just drawing the right color over the unwanted text. for the color, i then went to image > adjustments > hue/saturation and in the red tab, i played with the hue slider to get that purple color. finally, i added some text to my liking, and this is what i ended up with:
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(not necessary but: i also selected the white lines on each side with the magic wand tool because i wanted these lines to be transparent. once your selection is done, go right click > layer via cut. it will create a new layer of the cutout you just made. you just need to disable or delete the layer to make the selection (lines) transparent.)
at this point you want to have only 2 layers: the revamped cassette and the text layer. you can remove the text layer actually, and just add the title back at the end, as it is not necessary for this effect. i just like to have the visual.
if you have multiple layers, you need to select all of them (except the song title layer), right click on the png layer and click on merge layers. this will create one layer with all the editing you made on the cassette. if you think you will need to edit this later though, i would save the file as a psd before merging the layers.
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okay, so now that you have your cassette, make sure your video timeline is activated, not frame animation, and you are ready to go.
first, you want to create a perfect circle shape around one of the reel with the elliptical marquee tool (hold shift while dragging the circle). make sure it covers the entire area that will later be rotated. make sure this circle is perfectly centered around the reel or otherwise the animation will be a bit lopsided.
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then right click on this selection and go "layer via copy". this will create a layer of only that circle selection. important step: right click on that new layer and go "convert to smart object". the layer should look like that, i've renamed mine:
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now if you go to your timeline and open that new smart object layer, you will see that you have 3 keyframe options. we only need the transform one.
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go to the start of the timeline and activate the transform animation by clicking on the stopwatch button. a keyframe will be created automatically.
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to create the actual animation, move the position of the cursor on the timeline further, i put mine at the 01:00f mark so it's easier to create the right timing.
then what you want to do is select the reel smart object layer and hit ctrl + T. a box will appear and this is how you will make the reel rotate.
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to rotate the reel shape, move your cursor near the blue box on your canvas and drag it until you have rotated the shape halfway through and hit enter. another keyframe will be created and if you play your animation, the reel should rotate on itself for half a turn
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move your position on the timeline to 02:00f and do the same thing: select the left reel smart object, hit ctrl + T, rotate for another half turn, and hit enter. this third keyframe should be the last one needed for the animation and you should have a full animated rotation of the reel.
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play your animation, and adjust the speed to your liking by dragging the keyframes on the timeline (but make sure they stay within the same distance from each other). the closer the keyframes are, the faster the animation are, and the further they are, the slower it'll be.
then you can just trim the smart object to your animation's length, and duplicate (right click the smart object > duplicate layer) this layer the amount of times needed (i find this less finicky than duplicating keyframes), and placing them one after the other. three full turns should be enough. this is what my timeline looks like right now:
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and my animation for the left side looks like this:
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as you can see, we can see the little "dents" peeking through behind the animation. we don't want that! to remove it, select the revamped cassette layer (that should be under the reel smart object), and create another perfect circle around it with the marquee tool. this time make sure it's smaller than the previous one, it just needs to cover these dents.
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then right click on this selection on your canvas and go "layer via cut". this will create a new layer with that selection, and all you need to do is to disable it. this is removing the information in that circle.
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once you are happy and the animation works, you can just delete that cut layer. now the animation is done and looks like this:
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one you have done it on the left side, you just gotta do the same thing on the right side. you can also try duplicating it, but i found it finicky for some reason (or maybe i'm just not used to the controls of this 2019 photoshop version?).
this is what i have once i've done the same thing on the right reel:
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once i am happy with the speed and everything, i want to have only one layer so it's easier to use on gifs. first, i will save this animation as a psd file, in case i want to reuse it. then i am removing the song title layer and will be flattening everything and creating frames from this animation. to do so i am using the "save" action from here.
i'm not sure why it does that, but it's creating a couple of frames where the reels are a bit offset from their position everytime there's a full circle done, so i just delete these 5-6 frames. you can also change the speed here, but by default it should be 0.05.
once you are happy with it, just turn these frames into a smart object with the video timeline again (convert frame animation to video timeline and select all the frame layers > right click > convert to smart object)
now you have a smart object that is ready to be used anywhere!
for my particular speak now gifset, i have multiple layers of the animated cassette on each gif:
1, bottom one - cassette layer set to the blending mode "hard light" and set to opacity 86%:
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2, middle - this same cassette layer set to hard light, but with the opacity at 100%, AND with a layer mask so it's only applied to the animated reels (i wanted them to show up more):
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3, top one - and finally a third layer with another layer mask because i wanted the white label and speak now area to be less see through. it's set to the normal blending mode and the opacity is at 75%
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and then i just added the song title on top at 100% opacity and normal blending mode, and added some drop shadows, and tada!
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there we have it, i hope this was helpful <3
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w1zard0foz · 15 days
because i’ve committed to this now i guess: rewatching apocalypse:
some thoughts:
everyday i wish jubilee had more screen time
“i think that was probably my favourite tree”
ugh moira (i don’t like moira)
off topic (there is no topic) but erik looks so good with those safety glasses
also he should have just let that guy die tbh
(okay full disclosure i started this like two weeks ago and forgot about it but my mom randomly turned on apocalypse so i guess the universe decided i should finish it- here’s the rest)
“you don’t know what it’s like to be trapped inside your own head!” stfu jean
“not my babies” D: D: D:
poor little guy
ugh moira
oh erik
my baby- he needs a hug :(
(yes i am calling a grown ass man baby, but i am also a grown ass man and i do what i want)
“who the fuck are you?”
unfortunately the only time erik gets to say fuck (he deserves to say it more)
bro brought him back to the camps- he does not want to be thereeeee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
he feels charles in his mind before he even says anything
“charles..?” </3
“come back to us me”
i know what you are
“wreak havoc” STFU
another absolutely phenomenal scene from peter
“where’s alex?” D: D: D:
“pretty sure i got everybody”
i just know that erik is the one who folded up charles’ jack to make a pillow for him
“i told you from the moment i met you that there is more to you, erik. there is good in you too.”
just fucking tell him you love him smh
“what’s wrong with you?! is that gonna happen to all of us?!?!”
who said these movies weren’t funny?
“he’s my father” “WHAT?!?!”
i’m sorry logan looks so goofy in the movie- i love him
kurt is so cute
“you have charles”
damn right he does
“i’m your- i’m here for my family too”
bro was not being subtle there is no way in hell erik didn’t figure it out
if only kurt was a little bit faster </3
erik’s face when he realizes charles was in that plane
they should have set it to music
THE TEAR !! i fucking can’t
erik when peter gets hurt
he so knew
charles does not know that he’s bald
aghh erik!!! ily!!
ugh moira
erik ily but do you really have to be levitating all of the time???
he’s rebuilding charles’ house <3
the turtleneck <3 <3 <3
“you’re sure i can’t convince you to stay?”
“you’re psychic charles, you can convince me to do anything”
“goodbye, old friend”
“good luck professor”
cowards won’t give them comic accurate costumes </3
10/10 very gay
(maybe i do dark pheonix? idk)
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months
My Thoughts/Kind of a Summary on "Katie's Yokai Butler"
This will all be from memory, so I apologize if some things are off, out of order, or otherwise incorrect `~` Edit Yomo here! I watched it about halfway through this but i have an awful memory ahhh! Anyways, screenshots n stuff might be included now! This'll basically be somewhat of a summary as well as a few observations I've made. Also, I'll be using the English names for characters! Keita is Nate, Fumi-chan is Katie, Warunyan is Baddinyan, so on so forth—☆
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The alternative timeline in summary is basically if Katie had gotten the yokai watch instead of Nate. It's first (and last) anime mention to my knowledge is in the Season One episode "Katie's Yokai Butler" if my memory served correctly! The episode follows Whisper through his 'dream' in what is presumed to be a look into the alternate Whisper's life. After a little argument with Nate about his messy room, Whisp cream goes to bed upset. He first wakes up to the smell of roses, and quickly realizes he isn't where he should be. (Probably bc Nate's room smells like cheeto puffs/j) He looks around to find himself in Katie's room. ( >Д<;)
This brings us to the first major difference in this timeline; it takes place in Katie's house obviously! Makes sense since she got the watch instead of Nate >u○ Her room is a lot cleaner, and even appears to be more spacious than her male counterpart. That aside, Katie comes upstairs at some point to wake Whisper, to which he responds with confusion as to where he is and how she can see her. To this universe's Katie, she thinks he's acting strange. She pinches him upon request to make sure he's not dreaming, to which he didn't wake up. That confirms that!
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(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
After a bit, Katie returns back downstairs when she hears her father calling her. This leads Whisper to wonder about another difference; the inclusion of Baddinyan. Besides the obvious fact of it not being Jibanyan, this also means Katie is probably going to interact with other yokai in a rather different manner than Nate! I say that because Nate met Roughraff in Season 1, Episode 3. He didn't even get Baddinyan's medal! (which sucks because that's one of my favorite yokai! Goofy little cat,,, °□°)
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Baddinyan's first appearance in the episode 💞🐛👾
If we're talking on all timeline differences—not just the ones in Katie's house—then the meeting with Roughraff might be a good point to bring up. Considering the fusion was involuntary in Nate's timeline, what happened in Katie's? Did they decide to stay fused after that for whatever reason, did Katie fuse them at a place like shonen temple (which doesn't exist in the anime I think >~>), or did something happen pre-canon for them to have became friends and fuse? Sometimes, a fusion can be in the same place as the yokai that fused them in the anime due to certain yokai like Baddinyan forming a separate consciousness from either original host ( 〃=▽=〃) (I probably sound like a huge dweeb rn </33) Maybe Katie said something to the newly existent Baddinyan to make him give her the medal, and thus hanging around her from now on!
After some vague threats at fighting Whisper from Baddinyan, the yokai butler in question wonders about who replaced Hidabat in the closet. He goes to open it leading us into our next difference; Shadow Venoct. There isn't much from me to say about this one to be honest, he doesn't have any lines except for maybe the hissing of his snake-scarf thingies hissing at Whisper (¤o¤|||. I've noticed that a lot of Katie's friends seem to be more powerful, or at least a higher rank than Nate's. [Ex: Shadow Venoct being S Rank, Baddinyan being B Rank, and another S Rank we'll get into later—!♡]
Sometime after that, Katie calls Whisper down to help her investigate the strange way her mother was acting. Whisper attempts to use the Yokai Pad to identify the yokai...although Katie swipes it away just as quickly. <°[O□o;]°> She says that Whisper (or this timeline's original version of...) promised to try and memorize the information instead. It seems un-Whisper like, but to be fair, alternate Whisper probably formed a different dynamic than the usual! She identifies the yokai with the watch, to which Whisper (discreetly uses the pad and) figures out it's Noway!
To deal with him, Katie said that she'd summon a special rare friend. This turns out to be Robonyan's timeline counterpart; Goldenyan! Upon asking the golden robot cat for help, he says that this was 'beneath' his capabilities and basically that his power shouldn't be wasted on it...;  ̄Д ̄ Anyways, he leaves to the future and the episode ends with Katie using Whisper as a special attack against Noway, much to his dismay >u<. Oh, and it's revealed here that Whisper was dreaming.
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Although it may have been a "dream", I'm 99% sure that was a plot device to not have to script in 'Whisper going to another universe!!' to the episode and how he eventually gets back. I personally believe it would be cool to see a spin-off dedicated to something like this! There's Nyanderful Days I guesssss but that doesn't really count cuz it just has Whisper and Jibanyan and it's just inserting Katie into the og series plot (¬_¬) There's a lot of potential, and I'm sure viewers over here in the west and Japan would be happy to see our girl the the spotlight for once wwwwww. Maybe it'd also be an opportunity to have McKraken put into the anime? Hint hint? That, as well as several yokai who might not have been seen by Nate due to him going different places as Katie, hanging out with different people, etc! Anyways, that's all for now!
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nexility-sims · 8 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟐   ❛ 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❜   |   NAKAWE, EARLY MARCH 1991
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ News about the royal family filled broadcasts throughout the day as cheerful early birds, irreverent talk show hosts, and straight journalists alike seized on recent developments. Nothing was too trivial or unremarkable. With the quiet of death and mourning over, the messy aftermath presented opportunity—for ratings, among other things.
❧ ahhh !!! ngl, i'm very proud of this, and i think that it's an improvement on the last television montage. happy to report that there will be more :^) big grateful shoutout to @madebysimblr for the two hosts i lightly edited and renamed ! also shoutout to tom noguchi’s book for the direct inspiration djdhjf
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
morning news
[J] That bird risked everything to put out the fire! Inspiring.
[E] It’s the Morning in Nakawe promise—wholesome coverage to start your day, every day.
[E] Now, as you know, it’s been several weeks since Princess Safya’s tragic death. It looks like her family is finally getting back to normal. We got a glimpse of some beach outings this week.
[E] Safe to say Abelina has quickly stolen hearts nationwide.
[J] Everything we’ve seen suggests she’s a sweetheart.
[E] And there she is enjoying some fun in the sun with her father. I think we’re all excited to see more of this little family—especially with two new members on the way.
[J] First Reyes twins in recent memory!
[J] Princess Leonor also took to the beach in Nakawe, although she spent her time reading instead of swimming. I bet booksellers are going to see that one flying off the shelves this week.
[E] I’ll admit that I already bought my copy! That’s Ogechi Suzu’s 1987 magical realism bestseller Learning to Fly. No spoilers, but it’s about a woman who can suddenly transform into a parrot.
[J] That’s a classic story, isn’t it? What’s Suzu’s take?
[E] A Nakawe city girl has to crisscross all of Uspana to find herself. There’s love and computers. It’s a modern update.
daytime talk
[F] Okay, we’re back! We couldn’t get a Reyes on our little broadcast, so Mencia Cipac’s here to discuss where we are post-Princess Safya. Mencia was a palace correspondent for years, and she published a fabulous book on royal childhood last fall. Today’s person of interest is a big girl now, but—well, is she really?
[F] Safya’s baby. That’s how we know her. Who is she now?
[M] That’s the question. In my book, I thought I had an answer. We’re going to watch a young person invent herself in real time—all while dealing with such extraordinary events. The premature death of a parent. Losing a role that was, by all accounts, her nascent identity.
[F] In public! Publicly.
[M] That’s right. The scrutiny and attention ... We know how hard it is. Going from a little girl to a young woman is always hard. In the public eye, even under normal circumstances, it’s absurd. In our modern history, this turn of events is unprecedented.
[F] To think, we really haven’t even known who she is.
[M] We never really know, but we make great educated guesses. We’ve see her through the prism of her role, particularly this past year. That isn’t unusual for royalty, here or elsewhere. A hard worker. Our queen’s “little shadow.” That just won’t be true anymore. I mean, we know—we’ve guessed—how Queen Beatriz is.
{Audience murmurs}
[M] So, where does that leave her? It is hard to predict. I wonder if she’ll continue to work in a similar fashion—become a loyal worker for the institution like Martin, perhaps.
[F] Oh, I hope not! Can you imagine? How dull! A beautiful girl. She’s so young. She should do something interesting—for me, because I want to see it. Someone get her on the line!
{Audience laughs}
[M] The recent surveys suggest that’s how many Uspanians feel. They sympathize, but they crave newness and excitement. Our public figures let us live vicariously, don’t they? Leonor’s generation is lagging—all children, of course, all off-limits. That means she’s the lighting rod for that collective anticipation.
[F] She was at the beach here in Nakawe the other day. The gossip is some surfers out there were chatting her up. You’ve seen those boys! She deserves the attention but, oh, so do I—!
{Crowd cheers}
[M] The talk has shifted immensely, hasn’t it? We thought there would be a wedding in a year or two, and now it’s all up in the air.
[F] Who cares about that nobody, really? The whole thing was so sweet it made my teeth hurt. Give us someone new. Someones, even.
[M] To people in my profession, the coming weeks are going to be significant. Whether she’s working as we expect or occupied some other way, her public life will be different. Romance is part of that, sure.
[F] A young girl needs it. Us old ones, too. Maybe a self esteem boost will help her out of this funk. It’s depressing, frankly, how bad she looks in those photos we’ve seen lately.
{Audience murmurs}
[F] Hey! She looks great, though! The baby fat is melting away. That mourning diet did wonders, wow. She always looked like her mother—the body, too, you know. Blessing and a curse.
[M] There’s some resemblance to her father, too.
{Audience grumbles}
[F] Jail! Legal won’t let me talk, but: right, ladies?
{Audience murmuring, interspersed clapping}
[F] Anyway, she has his coloring, yes. The darker skin—which, you know, is a shame since her mother had a very pretty complexion. Brighteners? Sunscreen? Maybe we could have a segment on good products. Bring in a dermatologist or two?
{Audience applauds}
evening news
[B] Alright, last update before the hour ends.
[R] That’s right. The Office of the Crown has given a timeline and some details on the transition. First, Princess Safya’s three children will be retaining their titles—that’s “princes” and “princess.”
[B] Courtesy, most likely.
[R] There was no explanation, but our colleagues over at Palace Affairs seem to believe so. Arnaut, meanwhile, is officially the Crown Prince of Uspana, per the same memorandum released today.
[B] That’s a big deal. I mean, we are looking at the future head of state. People my age associate him with, well, velvet and gambling. He’ll lead the nation in time. In your lifetime, if not mine.
[R] Well, Bernardo, the reality is that does concern some.
[B] It remains to be seen whether that’s fair. The coming months are going to be quite the test for him.
[R] You’ll recall better than me that he was tested in the 1970s and still hasn’t recovered—according to this month’s polls, anyway.
[B] Uspanians may not want to give him a chance, but he’ll be addressing the Assembly to formally accept the role all the same.
[R] And we’ll be reporting as it happens later this week. For now, that’s it for us. UBC Nightly News with Inti Rivera starts now.
nightly news
[R] Yesterday afternoon, Crown aides joined the chief medical examiner involved in the investigation of Princess Safya’s death for a press conference. Some reporters’ questions revealed the influence of rumor on what Uspana’s public now wants to know.
[R1] My understanding is that the Crown has not accepted the investigation’s conclusions. Can you confirm?
[A1] Incorrect. The Crown is uninvolved. Dr. Siodina issued a ruling, and the family asked questions strictly as surviving loved ones.
[R2] Did intoxication play a role in what happened?
[S] It isn’t my opinion that it led to her being in the water. It did contribute to the drowning itself.
[R3] Why did she leave the yacht?
[S] That’s a question with a psychological answer rather than a forensic one, I think.
{Reporters murmur}
[R4] Did an altercation with her husband, Lord Rodrigo, occur that night that would have caused her to leave?
[S] Um .... A moment, please.
{Reporters resume murmuring}
[A2] {whispering} Officially, yes, they argued.
[S] There was a disagreement, yes.
[A2] {whispering} No violence.
[S] It was, however, entirely civil.
{Reporters, clamoring}
[R] Following what some are now calling a, quote, “unmitigated disaster,” the Crown announced that it plans to conduct its own formal but unofficial inquiry into the accident as well as the investigation itself. In a twist, sources suggest this plan could have been in the works prior to the conference. This is a developing story.
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 12/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
If you guys see any changes when re-reading a chapter, means that I'm just proofreading and editing it haha
I proofread after I post something. Anyone interested in being a beta reader/proofreader?
Lucifer is anxious.
After his no more than 10 minute nap was interrupted by the arrival of Belphegor, they were the only 2 in the room. The Sin of Sloth all but ordered that no one enters Lucifer's quarters until she is has looked him over and deemed fine and safe.
He didn't even get to see Charlie but Belphegor in doctor mode is someone he doesn't want to be difficult with.
He could hear the rest of the Sins beyond the door, probably pushing each other to try and sneak a peak or hear something. It reminds him of the time when the Sins first came into existence and acted like clingy children to him and Lilith.
With all the experience he had with them, he still managed to fuck up with Charlie.
Belphegor: -head?
Oh, Bel was talking.
Lucifer: Hmm?
She purses her lips at his inattentiveness and type something on her tablet. This can't be good.
Belphegor: I asked how is your head?
Lucifer: Still attached to me.
Bel gave him a deadpan look.
Belphegor: Very funny.
Lucifer: I am a clown.
Belphegor: Do not let Mammon hear you say that, he might include you as one of his trademark jesters.
Bel fired a few more standard questions and despite her doubts, he was honestly feeling fine. His body and mind is just craving sleep right now but he's in not any sort of pain. Plus, it's not like Bel can cure his problem no matter how good she and her meds are.
Belphegor: Charlie mentioned stuff came out of you? Like dark smoke?
Lucifer: You have to take her word for it because I have no idea what was happening. I was basically asleep the whole time. You should check on her too though. She looks worse than I did.
Belphegor: Yes. Maybe next time, inform one of us of your whereabouts so that the princess doesn't have a mental breakdown when she finds you near dead.
Lucifer: Yeah yeah. But I was only there for a nap. Honest! You know how these Heaven trips are always so tiring, Bel.
Belphegor: Which brings me to my next question, how long have you been coming and going into Heaven?
Lucifer: Uhhh I don't know what you're talking about.
Belphegor: Don't think I did not get that slip of tongue. You said trips.
Lucifer: Did I? I meant trip. Cos this is the first time I've come back there. Yep.
Belphegor: You are supposed to be the father of lies yet you cannot even make up a good enough excuse when the situation calls for it.
Lucifer: Ouch.
Belphegor: So, how long have you been making your secret Heavenly trips without us knowing…… Your Majesty.
Ahhh ever so respectful, even when she's scolding him.
Lucifer: It looks like you already had your suspicions even before I fucked it up.
Belphegor: Opening a portal to a place that is obviously not the entrance to Heaven, having a key to open said portal to a private quarters, not one message above for a permission. It's not rocket science.
Lucifer: Jeez. I didn't even know you were watching that intently.
Belphegor: What servant would I be if I did not keep an eye on my King.
Lucifer: Ain't a good servant supposed to follow their King with no questions asked? This is feeling a lot like an interrogation.
Belphegor: You are correct. And you have mine and the Sins' unyielding loyalty. But.. it does appear like you've forgotten a simple detail.
Lucifer: Oh yeah? And what's that?
Belphegor: You are our big brother. We value you as our family, not simply as royalty.
Lucifer doesn't know what to say to that. Instead he opts to steer the subject.
Lucifer: Do the others know?
Belphegor: I do not think so. And I have half a mind to let them loose on you but.. no. I have a very good inkling you don't want anyone to know of your endeavours.
Lucifer: Just don't tell them. Not yet.
He know Bel won't but he still wants to ask anyway.
Belphegor: Very well. But you are not answering my question. How. Long?
Lucifer can't help but gulp. There's really no getting out of this one. He's a bit glad it's Bel and not anyone else. If there's anyone of the Sins who knows how to keep something to themselves, it's the Sin of Sloth.
Thankfully, she's also too focused on the fact that he's having secret meetings in Heaven than what happened back at the palace.
Lucifer: ….More or less 5000 years ago. It was Michael who reached out first. No one else knows except my siblings up there.
Belphegor: Not even the head Seraphim?
Lucifer: As far as Sera is concerned, I am still banned from setting foot beyond the pearly gates.
Belphegor: Why would the Archangel Michael take that risk then? If found out, would that not affect his standing in Heaven?
Lucifer: At first it was just to stay up to date. He said that he didn't fully trust the council but I think that's just an excuse to have me alone with no one hovering. It's not frequent enough that anyone in Heaven will be able to sense me. But I stopped going when the extermination was proposed.
He took Bel's silence as a cue to continue.
Lucifer: Long before the Fall, Michael and I promised never to lie to each other. And during those secret meetings, I still thought that. I told him everything. But he never told me about the extermination so I guess it was just me upholding that promise. I'm such a fool.
He buries his face in his hands because the he really is a fool. Michael wasn't the only one pretending everything was okay; that anything barely changed. Lucifer hopes that Belphegor doesn't take his secrecy the wrong way.
He just wanted to be the little brother again.
Belphegor: You are a fool.
He can't help but shot Belphegor a pitying look but she puts up a hand before he could say something.
Belphegor: But so was I when I kept that secret that almost destroyed all of Hell. So was Satan for antagonizing the Son of God on Earth which consequently made them think it was you. So was Asmodeus for making his crystals and allowing illegal travels on the human world. So was Mammon when he tried to sue you for the first time and sent you to one of your self-isolation punishments. So was Leviathan for picking a fight with Lilith when you were already in distress. So was Beelzebub for almost letting you drink yourself to death. And so was Lilith for leaving.
The Sin of Sloth moves in front of him so their knees are touching. Bel had never been a touchy person. Much like Alastor, small gestures of touch are her way of shouting her love for you.
He'll forever be honored to be on the receiving end of those kinds of affection because he knows that those gifts given only to people who they think they deserve.
Belphegor: We're fools and we must learn from it. Was it not you who gave humanity the gift of knowledge? Who gave us life? Who gave us free will? So now you have the free will to choose if you'll remain one.
I don't know why but I love writing Belphegor so much. It's the way she talks that is just easy to keep writing.
Anyway, continuation of this is tomorrow!
I only wanted a Bel and Luci chapter again, you'll see the rest of the Sins and Charlie again tomorrow!
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!
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vanillafalvoredcoffee · 3 months
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My personal views on Kianna as a Yandere!
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[ !Warning! This blog mentions : Bad writing, Stealing, very brief mentions of kidnapping (not attempted...maybe), Depression, Obsessive behavior and Overall toxic behavior teehee ]
I couldn't help but see Kianna that would be that kind of person to be in denial about her love for her love interest...at first ofcourse!
Maybe she'll be more distant to her love interest or even unintentionally became more cold and mean towards them, because she doesn't know how to express her feelings properly at that time, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't love them...it's the opposite in fact
She'll try to make it up for it though! She does feel bad about making her beloved cry that one time...would just an apology be alright? Or should she buy some biscuits for them? Oh That reminds her! The bakery across her school has limited edition cheese cake right?
Occasionally she'll visit the place her love interest usually go to just to hang around in there until she finally see who she wanted to see all this time...
she would glance at them from afar but as soon as they notice her she'll immediately act like she didn't see them at all, it's not like she came here to see them or anything! She just happened to be around here that's all! >:T
Day after Day her affection for them only grows and grows, she finds herself in her darling's house holding a stuffed doll...Ahhh it used be their favorite when they're a kid right? Hopefully they don't mind...but they'll probably forget alll about this dirty little thing anyway <3
It's not time she's been here, her darling invites her there all the time! But they don't know that she has her hands on every little thing her darling has, the old toys that they have, the book that they never care to read...all the small things that her love interest wouldn't even notice, it may not be all that important to them but...it's important to Kianna 'kay?
Even after that, everything is going quite well
The only thing that's different is that...her darling seems to be a lot more clingy to her lately...strange...but it's not like Kianna really mind <3
Soon, her beloved began to buy her favorite foods for lunch, complimenting her looks, and even spending more time with her...what's with all the sudden attention she's getting? Are they trying to flirt with her or something? Oh well...she'll entertain them
She actually kinda enjoys her beloved's presence all this time, ever since she met them...it's the very first time she met someone like them...someone that's so incredibly nice to her despite...well everything about her.
Deeper down she feels very guilty about what she feels about them...she knows that it's wrong but she couldn't help but wanting absolutely anything to fulfill the hole in her chest and to not feel so disgusted when she's looking in the mirror.
She always hated how she looks...that flat chested, ugly, fat looking thing in the mirror...no matter how many times she tries to forget about it. The only time she could put that feeling aside is to have her beloved by her side :(
Suddenly they're the one confessing their love to her with a pink envelope in their hand with an embarrassed look on their face...cute.
Kianna never thought they would love her back but... she was delighted to finally see that her angel is finally hers and hers alone ♡
♡ It's too late for them to escape from her grasp now because if they do...she'll do anything to keep them with her...forever ♡
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(Note: This is a character made by @nunezs-stuff, and the purpose of this is for anyone wanting to self-insert themself into this shitty short story or any character that you think Kianna should be shipped with to be getting obsessed over by Kianna...including me :'])
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karis17love · 7 days
My previews ranking Part 2:
- finally -
1. Yeah!
Listen, guys... I love everything about this map, the song - ahhh memories, the background looks amazing and the reference to DDR? That's everything to me!! The choreo looks great and I think it's fun to play, also the coach looks so cool, maybe a little too colorful, but I don't mind, so big yeah! from me
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• - •
2. Something I Can Feel
I think this is literally the most beautiful map of this edition, it's wonderful in its look and meaning. I'm glad we'll finally get a map with sign language. The song is amazing and Mandy Harvey is such an incredible and talented person. I'm very excited to see what the whole map looks like.
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3. Vogue Classic
This choreography looks so fun, I love the footwork! Also April looks so happy and cute here
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4. Party In The U.S.A. (Night Parade Version)
Again, the choreo is so fun and catchy, the map is not "wow" (because we already know this place from the classic version and we know the coaches), but I love this vibe, so I'm here for it!
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5. Unstoppable
This preview is only so low because I had other hopes for the theme of this map and I don't know what to think about the choreography yet. It looks beautiful, but I don't know how to feel when I dance to it yet, like the preview is too short :((
but overall the whole map is wonderful, the background, the coach, the camera movements - everything is just amazing and I can't wait to see the whole thing.
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6. BANG BANG! (My Neurodivergent Anthem)
Everything looks great and the reveal of Epsilon was a shocking moment (and awesome, I love it), honestly it's a pity that they revealed it already in the preview, but maybe there will be many more surprises waiting for us in this map.
Idk, it's just a song, I need to get used to it somehow, at the moment it doesn't hit me as hard as it should, so well
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7. Vogue (Ballroom Version)
This map looks beautiful, literally is on the next level, it's so good;
It's in last place for me, mainly because I was just more enchanted by the other previews, but I'm still very excited about this map!
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Overall, this previews week: 9/10, maybe even 10/10 👀
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samyanggs · 2 years
can you please do yandere headcannons for heimdall and buddha? (also srry if I did this wrong, it’s my first time requesting for anything)
ahhh sorry I just got out of school and is currently going home. Ty for the request! And you’re fine! I can do heimdall and Buddha Yandere headcanons. Ive got a headache tho so sorry if some of these doesn’t make sense I’ll edit it later on after my headache is gone (I can barely think rn so I’m sorry if this isn’t done to your liking)
Warnings: gore(?), mentions of violence(?), manipulation(?), mentions/implied kidnapping, and others (I don’t support any of these actions done in this, this is just for entertainment for fictional characters)
Yandere headcanons
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Where did you come from and why were you so goddamn pretty? EVERYTIME he saw you or talked to you he got even more mesmerised by you. You even went out of your way to get him some sweets to snack on. You were perfect, at least in his eyes. You deserved everything so he did whatever he could for you. And you only.
He absolutely hated seeing somebody other than him talk, flirt or even look at you. If they went missing the next day after looking at you? He totally didn’t have anything to do with it.. totally.. anyways how was your day?
Someone touched you? Even if it was a friendly touch? No. Nobody can touch you nobody but Buddha at least.. he’ll allow family members and close friends but if anyone gets too close or goes a bit too far? Gone, and maybe dead the next day.
God you were plaguing his mind and he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He wanted, craved and needed your touch. Doesn’t matter where, his hand? His arm? His head? He doesn’t mind. He just wants you.
He will actually give and devote his entire being to you if it meant that you would be with him forever. Numerous thoughts came to his mind EVERYTIME he thought about you. All of them, needy, wanting and craving for you.
You recently got a boyfriend? Oh. Seems that he was too late.. maybe he should just give up? … HAH never. He’s never going to give you up. You’re his and he’s yours. It goes both ways. If you already took his heart (despite unknowingly) he might as well take your heart too.. literally or metaphorically? yes.
Oh no.. your boyfriend broke up with you.. and now you’re crying in his arms.. would you like to stay with me? Do you need anything? You deserve someone better. He said hugging you, whispering in your ear. He comforted you. He made himself keep a straight and sympathetic face but he honestly couldn’t be any happier. Now that, that.. that person was out of the picture he might have a chance.
Let me take care of you. I can do it for you. Let me do it. He did everything for you.. everything that someone like a boyfriend would do to be exact. Was he doing this on purpose? Perhaps, but it was working, you started to become easily flustered, blushing and stuttering mess around him. You’re finally his. And only his.
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Uhh hellooooo? Who were you exactly? And why did you catch his interest so goddamn fast with those amazing looks of yours? You seemed like a good person and you were so adorable and cute.. he couldn’t just let you go like that. He went up to you and made conversation and he was right. You were an amazing person AND you were cute and adorable, well to him at least.
He made sure to talk to you everyday until you got closer to him. You were in his mind 24/7 without stop, he even started dreaming about you! You were so perfect and you both fitted together like a puzzle piece.. you guys just clicked. He’d be damned if he couldn’t have you.
He saw someone talking to you and he got jealous.. maybe too jealous because the next thing he knew he had somebody tied up to a chair in his basement. The next, he was picking up a metal bat and beating the shit out of the guy. He put down the bat soon after thinking that it was enough for now and warned the guy if he ever tried to go near you, warn you, look at you or even breath the same air as you that he’d kill him. The guy quickly agreed, afraid of heimdall.
He loved seeing you smile so he tried his best to make you smile whenever. He wanted, needed, craved and lived for your smile. He will sell his soul to you if it meant that you would keep smiling so pleasantly to him.
He was so terribly jealous once he found out that you found a lover. However, just to make you happy he endured the pain, jealousy and rage that he had in his body anytime he saw or heard your boyfriends name.
Your boyfriend cheated on you? Ok. Now your boyfriend was hurting you? It was bad when you both were together anyways but now he’s cheating on you? Thats the trigger. He comforted you, holding you close relishing in your warmth and touch whispering sweet nothings to you as he planned out how he was going to murder talk to him.
If your “boyfriend” suddenly disappeared the next day, he had no idea on who did it! He swears! But it was okay now. At least your boyfriend won’t hurt you anymore. A small price to pay for your happiness..
155 notes · View notes
Drarry & The Goblet of Fire: 4th Year Rewrite
Chapter 7 ~ Something Exciting/Wicked This Way Comes
(A/N: Don't panic. YOU HAVE NOT MISSED THE PREVIOUS 6 CHAPTERS!!! I just started it at 7 because this is where my story diverges from JKR's original Plot. Also, I'm new to writing in 3rd person so we'll see. I'll try my best to imitate the original HP style but it might be a bit off. Ahhh! This took me way too long. I feel like it isn't perfect, so I may edit it later, but at least it's done. My very first Drarry fic!!!)
The Weaslys and their youngest son, Ron's best friends, Hermione Granger, and the famous Harry Potter have been up since before even the sun had made its first appearance in the sky and Harry feels as if he's been hit by Jelly-Legs Jinx. But now, arriving at the destination, the campgrounds for the finale of the Quidditch World Cup, his energy is completely restored. In fact, there's been a sort of buzzing in him since the group met up with Mr. Digory and his son, Cedric.
The moment is still fresh in Harry's mind, despite the slight disorientation from the Port-key.
The older boy had been perched in a tree when they reached the top of the hill. Harry hadn't noticed him at first, still too busy laughing at Ron's groaning complaints about the long walk. But when Cedric greeted everyone Harry's eyes went immediately to him.
His red hair caught the light like the suncatcher in Mrs. Weasly's kitchen making it almost appear to sparkle and the sun gave his skin the same glow. Harry thought he must be part faerie or nymph or something because no boy should be this attractive.
Cedric jumped down from the branch in one fluid movement and strode over to shake everyone's hand. Harry swore he smiled a bit brighter when he got to him, but maybe that was just his imagination. He recalls how Cedric's hands were warm and his grip was pleasantly strong, fitting of his build.
Harry blinks away the memory to look at the Hufflepuff seeker again. Somehow the boy, three years Harry's senior, is even more handsome in real life. 
'I've never been jealous of a bloke like this before. And I've always thought I looked alright, but this is weird . . .'
"See you 'round Arthur. Ced and I have got to be off now. Got to meet the Missus before she gets all in a twist. And goodbye Harry. May the best team win."
Cedric looks away, clearing his throat lightly, embarrassed at his father yet again referencing Harry's terrible fall last year. "Well, it's been truly great meeting all of you. I guess we've got to go. Hopefully, we'll see you around. If we don't see each other before September, know that I'm looking forward to that re-match. I would like to beat you on fair terms." He winks at Harry, his competitive spirit clear in his eyes. Whatever skill he may or may not lack, his spirit certainly makes up for it.
Something about the gesture makes Harry feel warm, a slightly different feeling than the blissful buzz of Quidditch camaraderie. He looks down, then slowly back up to Cedric, not quite meeting the boy's eyes. "Y-yeah. Me too. It'll be . . . fair."
Harry has never been a master of words but even he thinks that was awkward. But he can say no more because with that the Diggorys are off. Thankfully for Harry, most everyone is too preoccupied with the majesty of the grounds to pay much attention to his fumbling. After all, they are something of a sight to behold. Tents in every shape and size imaginable stretch on as far as Harry can see (and probably farther accounting for his notoriously unreliable vision).
"Is this okay?" He asks, his breath taken away at the sheer expanse. He's never seen so many wizards in one place. People from all countries, children younger than Ginny, and adults with silver hair.
"What do you mean, Harry?" Mr. Weasly asks.
"What about the muggles, won't they get suspicious?"
"Nope, there are hundreds of charms around the campground. If any muggle comes within a mile they suddenly remember something urgent they have to do at home. It's quite the sight actually, the poor people, running off like that. And, of course, each family puts charms on their own tents. We wizards rarely get together like this so when we do, we can't resist showing off a bit." The man giggles with joy, sounding more like a Hogwarts student himself than a ministry employee of many years.
Harry's amazement only grows as they walk down the rows upon rows of enchanted temporary homes. Most tents look fairly ordinary, their owners making a somewhat decent effort to blend in, but they're still spectacular by their sheer number. Not to mention the few obviously magical tents that look more like small houses. He's not the only one impressed. Hermione gasps.
'These must all involve such advanced, precise charm work. Extension charms, cloaking charms . . . if only I could make something like this, even something small like a bag.'
Even Ron, despite his magical upbringing, has never seen this many international wizards before and gapes at the sheer decadence of some of the tents. He is not so silent about his thoughts, muttering "Must be the pureblood families, right rich snobs the lot of them."
Hermione is too lost in thought to hear and Harry ignores his best mate's grumbling in favour of scanning the crowd for a particular tent. He's not quite sure what he's looking for but is sure he'll know it when he sees it. He frowns when he fails to spot it and follows the Weasleys dejectedly.
After labouring for an hour and a half to set up the tent, everyone heads inside. The cloth enclosure, which from the outside looks hardly big enough for two people, much less 10, has a small loft with a window, invisible from the outside. It's through this window that Harry spots the largest tent he's seen so far. A black mass with turrets, balconies, and several peacocks tethered to the outside.
'That has to be it!'
Harry's suspicions are only confirmed when he sees a familiar head of white-blond hair parting the crowd to enter. At the sight, he jumps down from the loft, scaring an unsuspecting Ginny into dropping her copy of Witch Weekly: 100 Most Influential Women in Quidditch Edition.
She blushes at his sudden appearance in front of her, but he hardly notices. "Ah, Harry. What on earth?"
"Sorry, I've got to, er, get some water?"
"Yeah . . . I'm really thirsty, from the walk, you know."
"Okay. Well, the pump's a bit of a way away, would you like me to go with you, I can help. I'll tell Dad."
Harry sighs, wishing she'd let him go, but that's seemed impossible since he rescued her from the Chamber of Secrets in her first year. As much as Harry denies it, he's easy to read and Ginny is hardly stupid. He should've known she wouldn't accept his lie so easily. 
"Ah, well I kind of wanted to explore on my own, meet up with some of the boys from my year, and do, you know, idiotic boy stuff." He lies easier than he thought he would, quoting Hermione.
Harry feels guilty when Ginny deflates, shoulder sagging with obvious disappointment, "Well, Dad won't want you just going off, this is a big place."
"I know. But I saw Dean and Seamus just outside. I won't be going far. And I'll do everyone the favour of bringing water back."
'Agh, drat! Well, hard to be subtle when you're Harry bloody potter I guess. Probably best though, Ginny's right. I still get lost around the castle sometimes and I've been there loads. And Mr. Weasley isn't the nosy type., I'm sure it'll be fine.'
The thought of being sent out to trek across the grounds for water in the summer heat makes the idea more infinitely palatable and reluctantly, she nods. "Alright, I'll tell Dad so he won't worry."
"Thank you, Ginny. You really are the best."
She lights up at that, and Harry wonders if it was the wrong thing to say, but not for long because his thoughts turn to another as soon as he's out of the tent flap.
Surprisingly, for all their talk, the Malfoy family tent isn't a far walk from the Weasley tent. 
'Everyone must be inside. I'd bet Pansy and Blaise are there, probably Theo too. We didn't plan to meet, I wonder if he'll even want to see me.'
Taking a breath, Harry points his wand at the tent, sending a shower of harmless silver and green sparks, the colours of Slytherin house, inside. It's a spell he learnt from one of the tent's occupants. He snickers when he hears a girl scream. 
'Sorry, Pansy.'
"Ah, what in Merlin was that?" he hears Blaise mutter.
"I told you the Irish are crazy, I don't even know why you're cheering for them, Draco. The Bulgarians have Viktor Krum, who's only the most famous seeker in all of history." Pansy scoffs dismissively.
"Famous, but not best. And we're cheering for the Irish because Malfoys always cheer for the winning team."
'You knotheads, those weren't Ireland's colours, they were ours.' Draco keeps the comment to himself, not feeling like risking Pansy's wrath just now.
"Famous but not best, eh? Like Potter."
Harry, who'd know the sound anywhere, notes the absence of Draco's laugh in the chorus of snickers. 
There's a pause and all sound from the tent stops. "Ugh, bloody Potter. It's always something with him, isn't it? Stupid perfect Potter no one ever shuts about him. I swear if I hear another word about the Golden Boy, I'll puke."
'But you're the one who never shuts up about him, Draco.' Pansy keeps these thoughts to herself, giggling as she looks around at her friends, all thinking a similar version of the statement.
'He's such a good liar, if I didn't know I'd think he really meant that.' Harry shoves the insecurity down. His friendship with Draco has always been a rocky road, fragile due to the circumstances around them. For one thing the natural distrust between the two and then the animosity between the adults in their lives. What started as politeness neither is sure has blossomed yet into kindness. It's quite difficult to know where you stand with someone when you can't even talk in public. 
Harry may not be the most observant but he now knows Draco well enough to see that ever since they met it's seemed as if some invisible barrier prevents Draco from getting close to Harry. Though Harry isn't sure if it's a natural defence mechanism or something more. He can't imagine what it could be since after the Third Year he's assured Draco that everything he does in public is for show. The teasing is all a part of the fun. He's not sure if he can say the same for Draco because sometimes his words feel so real. But what could possibly be the reason for that?
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come back quick though, I want to paint your nails in Bulgaria red."
"How about you don't, and I go find the imbecile who nearly set our tent on fire. Probably some poor drunk Irishman." 
Harry can hear his friend's voice getting closer and steps out of his hiding place. The blond's grey eyes widen when he sees Harry, then narrow again, face falling into an easy smirk on his face.
'He's harmless like this.' Harry thinks, 'Still a snake, but not a venomous one.' 
"My, my, so that was you, Potter. You've improved greatly over the summer. I didn't know you knew any spells besides Expleiarmus."
Harry punches his arm lightly "Git!"
The smirk shifts into something more genuine. "Hah. Sorry, I love my friends but I know they can be intense sometimes. But seriously, what are you doing here, Harry?"
"Oh, nothing much. I was just out for an afternoon stroll, that's a thing muggles do, you wouldn't know, and before I knew it, I was here. It's not far from Surrey really, only a couple hundred kilometres." Harry answers casually.
"Be serious, Harry." But Draco's own seriousness is lost behind the smile that he's trying to hide.
"I'm watching the finale of the Quidditch World Cup, don't be dense." Harry laughs
Draco nods, mostly to himself. "Oh, the Weaslys took you along with them, then."
"You knew the Weasleys were coming?"
Draco rolls his eyes, "Yes, of course I did. I heard my father mention that Mr. Weasly sold his house to get tickets so I assumed he used connections at the Ministry." Both boys wince. "Anyhow, that's very kind of them. I'm glad they did. I think you might love Quidich even more than Weasley."
Harry laughs, "Maybe, but his room is basically a Chudley Cannons shrine."
Draco frowns in mock disgust, "The Cannons? I've always been more of a Magpie fan myself."
"Magpie? Like those Australian birds that attack shiny things? I learnt about them in primary school a bit."
"Oh, right. Gosh, Potter, You got to tell Weasley to drag you to more Quidditch games. The Montrose Magpies. They're one of the best teams in the British-Irish league."
"Cool. Your friends are here?"
"Yeah, Pansy, Blaise and Theo. Crabbe and Goyle are probably off somewhere buying out the concessions. But, I'm sure they'll manage without me for a bit."
"Yeah." Harry agrees. There's something Harry finds satisfying about Draco ditching his friends for him. Like he's bringing him to the Gryffindor side, Harry guesses. But both boys know that Draco could never be a Gryffindor. Perhaps that's even why he and Harry are such good friends. After all, how could he not befriend the boy who risked his father's wrath to secretly help him learn about the history of Slytherin and Parselmouths and then gave them the clue that helped them solve the mystery of the chamber and made Harry realise he was not, in fact, going insane.
"We should probably go, you know, so they don't see us."
Draco doesn't respond for a second, staring off into space and right at Harry. Harry's found that Draco is almost always staring at him. At first, it was a bit uncomfortable, his gaze heavier than anyone else Harry has ever met, grey eyes looking down at him with the intensity of the sun when Dudley uses his big magnifying glass to fry ants. But now Harry is just used to it, used to those grey eyes boring into him. Sometimes he'd swear it's grown almost pleasant now. He never bothers to guess what Draco might be thinking about because he knows he couldn't anyway.
Despite his hefty stare, Draco's tone is light when he speaks. "Right, I know a place."
He looks around as if searching for something, then he points his wand and despite him saying nothing at all, a comically large green top hat with an even larger green shamrock and green jacket also adorned with shamrocks come whizzing into his hands. Harry stares at his use of non-verbal magic. Draco takes no notice of Harry's amazement, throwing the garments at Harry who lets them fall.
"What are you waiting for, get those on." Draco's face falls into comic offence, "Oh . . . oh, don't tell me you're cheering for Bulgaria?"
"I don't know who to cheer for, it's not like I get to follow Quidich much when I'm at home. Why?" Harry asks stupidly, then answers his own question. " . . . Right, yeah. Duh."
"Merlin, you forget you're famous, don't you." Draco sighs, ignoring the mention of Harry's unfortunate home life for the both of them.
Sheepishly, Harry picks up the garments, shrugging on the too-small-looking jacket which somehow (probably by magic) fits him perfectly, and the large hat which casts rough shadow over his face to cover his scar and the white section of his hair above it.
"Come on!" And then Draco is grabbing his hand and pulling him along. 
They end up at the edge of the campground, just in the woods exactly where Mr. Weasley told Harry not to go. The forest looks thicker than it should and green light filters through the trees casting a greenish glow over them. It makes Draco's hair look mint green instead of blond. They both laugh, a little out of breath from the sudden run across the huge campground and relieved to be away from the eyes of their respective groups. 
After he gathers himself Harry notices for the first time Draco's clothes. For Harry, being raised by the Durselys, dressing like a muggle was his first nature, robes feeling awkward and out of place, but, of course, this wouldn't be the case for someone like Draco Malfoy, a member of one of Great Britain's wealthier pure-blood families. 
And yet . . . Harry finds that Draco wears muggle clothes well, even better than he does. This isn't the first time he's seen him without robes, but outside of school, it feels somehow different. He's dressed in all black, an all-black suit with a black shirt. It makes his hair almost seem to glow.
'I guess I can see why all the Slytherin girls fawn over him.' Harry thinks. It's an odd thought, but not objectively untrue. He ignores it when another question enters his head.
"Aren't you hot?"
"I'm a Malfoy, I am always hot, Potter."
Harry cocks his head, ignoring the twinge of annoyance that Draco still uses his surname sometimes, "What? That doesn't even . . . oh. Hey! That's not what I meant!"
Draco laughs. Harry ignores his embarrassment being mocked because it's a real laugh. Rare even when he's alone with Harry. "I know that. Mother put a cooling charm on all our clothes." 
"That's nice."
Draco looks down, "Sorry."
"About what?" Then Harry gets it. He hadn't been thinking about his long-dead mother before, but Draco probably felt bad for bringing up his own, very alive, mother. "It's really fine. You don't have to walk on eggshells, I hate it when people do that. You never have before, so don't start now. Let's just talk. Okay? About anything else, something funny."
"Alright, well father," Draco says the word with heavy exasperation, "keeps hinting about a mysterious event taking place at school this year but refuses to give any details. And I know mother knows as well but she won't budge either. Cruel, the both of them, keeping me in suspense like this."
"Event? Well, I only hope it's not an exam."
"Scared, Potter." The quip is stupid, stupid, and familiar.
Harry gulps dramatically, "A bit yeah. If it is an exam, the homework is going to be enough to fill the entire lake."
"Merlin, yeah. Binns and McGonagall are the worst, sorry, I know you like her, but five essays in two months, really? The professors are aware we have other classes, right? I'm going to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a muggle affliction of all things." He moans, throwing his head back in a typical display of theatrics, his blond hair ruffling with the sudden movement. When he recovers himself his hair falls perfectly back into place. 
'It's quite nice, his hair', Harry notes. If only his own hair could look as nice instead of sticking up like he's taken a shock. 'Is it a spell?' he wonders. 
Harry can't help but laugh. He's heard of the ailment from Aunt Petunia's awful friends when she used to host Thursday afternoon book clubs in the Dursley's parlour.
Harry groans, "I bet it's an exam, that'd be just my luck. If Voldemort can't get me, sleep-deprivation will."
Draco winces at the name, looking suddenly serious. Privately, he worries that the upcoming event may have something to do with the mysterious people that his father started inviting last year. Now he doesn't even invite them, they just show up, anytime, all the time. He's caught whispered words through walls, snippets of conversations not meant for him.
Death Eater.
Is his father involved in that? Surely not? Narcissa Malfoy never talks to her son about the war, but that must be because she lost someone, collateral damage, or even had a cousin or something who was a traitor, right?
But before Harry can ask, he's smiling that Slytherin Prince smile of his again. "If you're really worried about it, I'd be happy to help you study . . ." The sentence trickles off, the sound dying on the breeze. Draco looks around, eyes landing on everything but Harry, seemingly surprised at his words.
'Shite! Why . . . why did I say something like that? Merlin, Draco, get yourself together. If you keep acting like this . . . I have to fix this, let him know I didn't mean . . .'
"If you'd like, or not, of course. You don't have to." Then he recovers himself, laughing (but in Harry's opinion it seems half-hearted) "But, Potter, I'm sure someone like you could use all the help you can get. I am second in the class after all. Second only to your bushy-haired menace of a friend. It's like she can make the days longer just to study. I bet if she ever found a way that's exactly what she'd do."
Draco laughs bitterly.
'What's he rambling about? Does he really resent Hermione's grades that much? Is he jealous? Of what though? He's got the brains to beat her. I bet if she didn't have the time-turner, he would. Is this about our friendship? Surely he knows I'd be happy to study with him. I know he's emotional, but this seems a bit much, even for him. Is something wrong?'
Taking a breath, Harry tries to clear his mind. He's not used to thinking so deeply about something like this. It's kind of tiring.
"I'd rather study with you, actually. You're about as bossy as Hermione, but at least you don't expect me to know everything, acting like it's all obvious." The words come out before he's entirely thought them through, but they're not untrue.
Draco thanks Merlin that the darkness of the thicket hides the pinkness of his cheeks.
"It is obvious, and I would expect you to know everything, if you paid attention in class, that is. But I know you don't, so I'm patient. It's as simple as that. Though it's nice to know I'm better than her at something." The words come out slightly sharper than he means for them too, like a snake coiling up, using insults to mask embarrassment.
"Hey! I do, I just daydream sometimes. And you're better than her at a lot of things."
"Oh?" Malfoy arches an elegant blond brown.
'It's like he was made for smirking and sarcasm, isn't it?'
"Well, flying for one. You're a brilliant flyer." Harry knows that Draco knows exactly how smart he is and that he shouldn't be fueling his ego but he can't help it.
'Maybe compliments are what it takes to get his walls down. Ah, I know better than that, he's not that shallow. But I've still got to try.'
Draco moves farther into the shade. 'Look at me floundering over some nice words just because they came from Potter. Pathetic.'
"Well, thank you, Potter. You're not so terrible yourself."
"Oh my god! Wow! That's like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!" 
Both boys nearly fall over with laughter at Harry's impression of a high-voiced American schoolgirl.
"Your American accent is shite. You sound just like Sally."
"A Hufflepuff from Astronomy club last year, and I'm so sorry, I'm sure she and her family are very . . . nice people, but she's got a voice like she's inhaled helium."
"Oof. Speaking of Hufflepuff, I met Cedric Diggory and made such a fool of myself"
"What? Why? You're not still embarrassed about the broom thing are you, everyone knows that wasn't your fault, don't they?"
"Yeah, but I think I must've sounded like a right idiot."
Draco tilts his head, resembling a confused cat. "Well that's to be expected, but why in particular? I mean, it must have been severe if you picked up on it."
"Oh shut up! I- I just . . . I don't know but I was so embarrassed I couldn't speak. Not even about the fall, just like, I don't know . . . stuff."
"Stuff." Draco questions, trying not to get ahead of himself. 'It's fine. It's probably nothing, don't worry. Just totally straight Quidditch bruv stuff.'
"Oh well, he just good-looking, I guess, and-"
"Oh, are you gay now as well, Potter? Welcome to the club. Would you like a pin" It comes out bitter, and hurtful because Draco is bitter and hurt.
'Does . . . does he like guys now too? If he likes guys why can't he . . . what's bloody Diggory got that I haven't?'
"Huh? What?" Harry blushes the colour of his quidditch robes, "N-No, it's not like that. I actually like . . . erm . . ." he says the first girl's name that pops into his head, "Cho Chang!"
"Cho Chang?" Draco raises an eyebrow, relieved, hiding embarrassment again, but not fully convinced.
". . . Yeah? What's wrong with Cho?"
"Oh, nothing." Draco's tone is sing-song, relaxed, his face calm as always. But Harry sees the glint of mischief in his eyes, the one that's usually there even as others accuse him of scowling.
The look on Harry's face is one of confusion, embarrassment, and terror all in one. 
"I just think you're lying." Draco's expression turns sincere, "I mean, it's okay, mate. You know me of all people won't mind. You know you can talk to me . . . anytime, yeah." But by the end of the sentence, Darco's smiling, a laugh colouring the words.
Once again the two fill the silence with shared laughter.
'His laugh's not half bad, I wish he'd laugh this much in school.'
"Yeah, I don't think I will." Awkward silence. "Not that it's bad to be gay, obviously, love who you love, that's fine, it's just that . . . well, you know . . . I'm not."
"Potter, you dunce, it's fine. I was only joking."
'Because that's all this will ever be.' Draco hides the disappointment behind a practised smile.
"Yeah, right, of course." Harry is too relieved at not offending his friend to see through it.
"Enough of this." Draco waves a dismissive hand, "You know I love good gossip, Potter. Tell me exactly what happened with Diggory."
"You'd better not tell anyone!" Harry swats at him, but Darco shares his seeker reflexes and doges easily.
"I won't. Malfoy's honour." Draco places a hand over his heart and bows like a prince from times past.
'Not that that means much anymore . . .'
"Okay, fine, gosh!"
"'Gosh'?" Draco questions teasingly, "Just say Merlin for Merlin's sake!"
"Malfoy." Harry warns, teasing as well, "Do you want to know or not?"
(A/N: Harry will swear as a form of rebellion and because he learnt it from Dudley doing it behind Petunia's back, but the Durselys never took the lord's name in vain so it's not a habit he picked up.)
Draco puts his arms up in surrender.
'Being with him like this, alone together, talking, laughing . . . I wish we could do this all the time. At school, away from everyone maybe we could- Merlin, I'm turning into some dewy-eyed schoolgirl! But I'd skip around like an idiot if it was with Potter, I know I would. Merlin, am I really such a simp? Is this what he's done to me? Stupid knight!'
"Okay. So I have no idea why but I was just really jealous all of the sudden, well, not jealous exactly, but, I don't know, I just felt so . . . insecure." Harry still isn't quite sure that that's the correct word for the strange tingling feeling he experienced but nevertheless, he wants to hide as he says it.
Draco's brows furrow, considering this, readying advice.
'His advice is usually good. . . . Maybe not this time though. It isn't like the Slytherin prince has got much to be insecure about, then again, he did seem weird about being behind Hermione in year rank . . . I don't know. It's been two years and I still barely know him. Ugh.'
'Potter, insecure? What a bloody joke. Gyffindor's knight? Perfect, popular, seeker, saviour of the entire wizarding world Potter? Ah, well, we all have our down moments. I- . . . Pansy's the prettiest girl I know but sometimes I catch her staring in the mirror with that look in her eye . . . If a friend is all Potter and I will ever be then I should at least be a good one and help.'
"Well, don't be. You're a bloody brilliant flyer, and you've got a talent for Defence Against the Dark Arts. Diggory can turn watches to whistles? So what does Diggory know about a few charms? I could do that in my sleep, without a wand. What's that going to do if You-Know-Who comes knocking at his door?" 
It was a joke, but neither of them laughed.
Anyone observing both boys would notice how they paled at the words.
Frames from Harry's dream flash behind his eyelids, the greenlight blinding him for a second. He would swear that he can hear the thump as the gardener's body hit the old wooden floor.
'No, no, I'm here. Here in the Quidditch World Cup. . . with Malfoy.' Harry reminds himself.
It was a joke. A poorly timed one, one echoing the words of the little voice in the back of Draco's head.
Draco opens his mouth but closes it without saying anything. Harry can tell he wants too, that the words are on the edge of his tongue, dying to spill out, but as always, held back by some invisible barrier.
'I know I've hardly earned the right to his thoughts, but I'd like to know all the same. I felt like I understood him better when we were enemies, but now I know that there's so much more I don't know. That seems like a running theme in my life. Heh. Maybe Professor Binns should just let me write my essay on that. How there always seems to be something that someone isn't telling me, a memoir by myself, Harry James Potter. I've never wanted to know so much about magic before, about the families who carry it, that's Hermione thing. Will Malfoy ever tell me what he really thinks? Not just the brutal honesty about trivial things, but, like . . . real stuff? Hermione says bottling things up isn't healthy.'
"What?" Draco almost forgot his original comment amongst his worries.
"Yeah, charms won't be much help. They weren't for my parents."
Draco nods, looking a step behind for once. "Right."
Neither boy knows how to broach the subject of what's going on in their heads. But they both know they don't want to leave the presence of the one person who seems to understand.
"Let's meet up later." Harry blurts out, "as friends, of course." he adds using the old gay joke to cover the awkwardness, it sort of works.
"Of course, I could never date an idiot of your magnitude, Potter."
"Right, right, how am I going to"
"I'll find you," Draco assures. 
The words reassure Harry more than is really necessary. The warmth of having a good friend, of course. It is reassuring to have a confidant . . . maybe. If Harry didn't know better, he'd say there was something else in the blond boy's tone, but Harry has never been good at reading people so he must be wrong.
'What? What, why did I- Merlin that was like something out of a cheesy film! I need to stop this. Potter is only so daft. He'll realise eventually. . . . Or maybe he won't. And that might just hurt more. I'm a Malfoy, we're not supposed to be so invisible.'
Suddenly: footsteps!
"Quick, Potter!" Draco whispers, the words a near-silent shout.
But there's nowhere to hide, the trees aren't thick enough.
"What's going-"
"My father." The two-word explanation is enough to send shivers down Harry's spine.
"Shite! I can't-"
Then Harry is shoved violently up against a tree trunk, by Draco of all people.
Draco slaps him. "You call yourself a wizard, Potter? Pathetic. I can't believe a wizard as 'great' as you would go wasting your time with low class refuse like the Weasleys, with . . ." Draco pauses for half a second, guilt clear in his eyes, he can't bring himself to say the word, not again. For better or worse he doesn't have to.
"Draco? Is this where you scurried off to? Off fighting with fists like some lowly muggle?" Lucius Malfoy says the word with unmasked disgust. "Did your mother and I simply waste the money we spent on dulling lessons for you?" His look of disapproval is penetrating, the kind of look that freezes one's self-esteem and then shatters it all in the same instant. 
Harry would say it reminds him of his wretched Aunt, but Petunia Dursely could only dream of looking so cruel. 'Aunt Petunia wishes she could look at me like that.'
Draco doesn't want to look at him.
'Don't be a coward, Draco. Not in front of Potter.' He tells himself.
Draco turns to face his father, a calm, unbothered look in his eyes, not like a boy desperate for approval but scared of what it means.
"Well, you see father, I simply couldn't duel him."
Lucius quirks a blond eyebrow, hair barely darker than his son's. "And whyever not?"
"Because it would be too cruel. You see, Potter, here, can't duel. He was raised by muggles." Draco makes an aghast face, but it's theatrical. "He only knows how to use his fists. Isn't that ridiculous, Father? Can you believe such an imbecile is 'The Chosen One'? He's like a troll-"
"Draco, quiet! I hear of nothing but bloody Potter all summer. Now let him go before you dirty yourself. After all, he consorts with mudbloods."
"Of course, father. I shan't touch him any more than necessary." Draco shoves Harry back, slamming him into the tree just hard enough, yanking his hands away like Harry is a hot cauldron, throwing one last artificially nasty glare then turns to follow his father back to his tent.
"Idiot boy." Harry can hear Lucius Malfoy whisper cruelly as he exits the forest with his son. "Did I not tell you to make friends with 'The Chosen One'? If only you'd gotten on his good side then perhaps you could've been useful. Hmmph, surely he will find something an ingrate like you can do."
Harry would like to say the words shock him, after all, Lucius has done nothing but gloat of his son's perfection whenever he's encountered Harry, especially when he's with the Weasleys, but Harry has seen the cruel glint in his eyes. It was inevitable he'd turn that gaze to his son if he hasn't been from the beginning.
'Is this why he never tells me anything? . . . Is he . . . afraid? No, Malfoy isn't afraid of anything.' But Harry knows that isn't true. He remembers that time in the woods in first year, even before the boys encountered Voldemort, Malfoy had been shaking. And when Lupin had mentioned the Boggart. No, not Malfoy, Malfoy isn't afraid of anything, he couldn't care less, but Draco is. Draco is the young boy who cares all too much.
'What would have come out of there?'Harry wonders distantly.
But behind his hard exterior, it can be hard for anyone to see that, even the boy he'd now call his closest friend. Harry ignores the gruesome memory, blinking away the visions of split unicorn blood turning the ground under his feet silver, telling himself not to feel guilty. 
It takes Harry a moment to catch his breath, he doesn't know why. He's definitely the fitter of the two boys, with all his running away from near-death experiences. But Draco is stronger than he looks, and at the moment, with all that fear and adrenaline, the pressure building, mounting to an explosion under his father's watch, he pushed Harry a bit harder than he meant to. Harry doesn't mind. He's used to being shoved. He's had much worse. He understands. It feels almost nice to be shoved for a reason other than someone's enjoyment of seeing him in pain.
With one last glance in the direction the Malfoys left, he leaves the forest, heading back to the Weasly tent.
'Wait . . . the water! Fuck. Right.' Sighing Harry ducks to avoid an explosion of bright green sparklers and heads to the pump.
As he walks a feeling of embarrassment washes over him for the second time that day. He hadn't noticed in the moment, but Draco had been so close, his silver eyes looking so guilty, guilty, and something else. Harry thinks it was far more guilt than was necessary. It's not like he's had a choice. How else would he have explained their being alone in the forest together? It's just the way that things have to be. Harry's learnt to be fine with that. 
'Or should I feel guilty as well, for nearly making him say . . . that word again. How didn't I realise before? Of course, Mr Malfoy reserves his highest standards of all for his family. Maybe having no parents at all is better than that. I know I'd rather have been put in a group home with Nuns than with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, then at least the beatings wouldn't have been personal.'
Harry looks down just in time to see his pail overflowing. It seems heavier than it should as he carries it back.
'Relax, Harry. Not everything is about you. Here no one cares, they're all just here for Quidich. The dream can't have meant anything, nothing bad is going to happen. Don't go being all paranoid. Voldemort is gone. I can't let him have any more power over me. Ron would tell me to enjoy myself, so that's what I'll do.'
Harry nods, waving at Dean and Seamus as he passes them, they nod back, then go straight back to setting sparklers. Harry was going to have fun at a non-school sporting event for the first time in his life, yes he was, and absolutely nothing was going to stop him.
(A/N: OMG! The first chapter. I really hope it's alright, characterisation can be hard for me sometimes. I hope I kept Harry's sass in enough.)
(A/N: Use of underage magic can be explained by this reddit post: [Harry Potter theory] The underaged magic law was created in a subtle effort to remove non-pure-blood wizards from wizard society. : r/FanTheories and these Quora posts: If underage wizards and witches can't perform magic outside of school, how can Harry use Lumos at 4 Privet Drive? - Quora)
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I’m new to your page but I love it so much and your writing is literally amazing!! I don’t want to say you have talent because that under mines all the hard work you’ve put into writing but you are amazing :< My request is a one piece fluff with Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Law, Robin, Nami, Killer and and any of your favorite characters too ^ I don’t know if this is considered modern or not but basically them asking you to go grab their wallet and you see their drivers license or ID picture and it’s such an old crusty caught off guard picture like (sanji’s wanted poster bad) and they get embarrassed about it once they see you start laughing 😭. It can be modern or even within the one piece realm I just thought this would be so funny since this just happened to me 💔 Have a good day!!!
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Warnings : modern AU, cursing, lighthearted teasing from the reader, Kid always has a couple of empty threats at hand, they are all disasters, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff, crack
Word count : 2.4K words (oh shit)
Additional notes : Ahhh, you’re being so unbelievably sweet! I’m so so glad you enjoy my writing. I loved this idea so much because it’s the perfect mix of playful and cute. Sadly, I’ve only ever seen Killer like twice and he’s barely said anything, and I haven’t really graspd his personality yet, so please excuse me if he’s OOC🥲 I just wanted to give you a heads up that I only write for a maximum of 6 characters per post, and in headcanon form. If fluff pieces were what you wanted, then I only take single characters per post🫣 I did them all anyways and as fluff pieces because I’m sure you didn’t know this, given that you’re new to my blog. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! Let me know what you think💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“Could you grab me my wallet from my bedside table, sweetheart?” Sanji called from the kitchen, “I’m a little busy at the stove right now, and the set of knives I ordered last week should be here in a few minutes. They’ll need my identification.”
“Sure thing.” Getting up from the living room couch, they went to snatch his wallet off his table. It was a little messy, filled with tiny coupons and various credit cards (yes, including the ones he froze years ago after his estranged biological father had practically forced them upon him). Struggling to pull out his ID amidst all this jumble, they said, “You really should sort out the stuff you don’t use anymore. I’m pretty sure at least half of these coupons have—“
They paused, their fingers finally picking at his ID. “Oh my fucking God,” they choked out, before a wheezing laugh escaped them, “Sanji, what on earth is this?”
“Hey!” he cried out, thumping sounds coming from the stove as he no doubt was switching the knobs off, “Stop looking at that!”
“It looks nothing like you,” they laughed, as he ran to their side. “What’s with the terrible frown? And why did they edit your face to look so… boxy? And—“
“Yes, yes, very funny dear,” he scowled even deeper than in the picture, cheeks burning red with embarrassment. He snatched it from their fingers, as they continued to shake with laughter. “Stupid shitty photographer didn’t even give me a chance to blink before he took it.”
“You do look like you had your eyes open for hours,” they chuckled behind their hand, trying to stifle the sound as he stuffed it back into the wallet, preferably for burial. Shaking their head, they sweetly kissed his cheek, enjoying his raging flush.
“Oh well, might as well keep your handsomeness for my eyes only.”
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“Zoro, did you pay our taxes?” they asked, frowning as they stared at the letter that had been sent to their mailbox.
“…No, I forgot,” their boyfriend grunted from the next room, continuing to deadlift in his little private gym, “Just use my phone and do it online.”
“Fine,” the sighed, making to get up, “Where do you keep your wallet? I’m gonna need your ID.”
“Probably on the coffee table.”
Humming in response, they followed his instructions and began to take out what looked like his ID, before they loudly cursed bloody murder.
“What’s wrong?” Zoro’s voice was worried, and he soon appeared in front of them with a concerned look on his face, drenched in sweat and a little flushed with the exertion of effort.
“This fucking jumpscare,” they managed to cry out, choking on a laugh as they thrust the ID in his direction, “You look like you’ve been convincted of twenty cases of homicide. What are you glaring so hard for?”
“Shut up. It’s only cause I couldn’t see well,” he grumbled, blushing furiously as he stomped over to reach for it.
Swooping out of his way, they snickered at him, “Was your “not seeing well” also the reason behind the tongue in your cheek and hardened jaw? Or is your face just programmed to permanently look like you want to deck someone?”
“Should’ve done these taxes myself if you were gonna be a little shit about it,” Zoro swore, his entire face blooming red down to his neck. The mortification won over, and he grabbed his ID.
“You probably should’ve, yeah,” they giggled, leaning over to kiss his jaw, much to his chagrin, “Guess you’re not photogenic. Doesn’t matter, you’re the best looking man to me.”
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When Luffy asked them to go for a trip of snack scourging at the supermarket, the implication that they would buy booze was very clearly there. His hands busy with all the bags of food they’d bought, he’d pointed out the bottles of sake and beer he’d wanted, but hadn’t been able to pull out his wallet with his hands full.
“My hands are full, can you get that for me?” Luffy begged, after having huffed and puffed for a few minutes trying to pull it out of his pocket with only his pinky finger.
Chuckling, they nodded and did as their boyfriend asked, before glancing at his ID photo and choking on their spit.
“Holy shit, babe,” they wheezed out, body trembling with their laughter as they handed it over to the cashier, “What’s with that face? Constipated much?”
“Listen, I was hungry,” he moaned pathetically, one of his busy hands pressing onto his stomach as he pouted at them, “Like right now. And the man kept stalling for no good reason. I thought I was going to pass out.”
“So you somehow ended up looking like a wilted flower?” they arched their brow at him as they carried their drinks and tugged him by the arm. “Should I worry about you dying out on me now?”
“Yes, if you don’t hurry and drive us back quickly.” Luffy looked dead-serious as he started moving so fast that it turned into him pulling them along and not the opposite. “Unless you want me to eat the snacks right now—“
“Coming, coming!”
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As per their almost-monthly usual, they got pulled over by the police in the middle of the road, and Kid could only grit his teeth and hiss out a “Fine” when asked for his driver’s license (because past experience taught him that calling an officer bringing him in for speeding a “cunt” was a sure fire way to end up in jail).
He fumbled with his pockets, before realizing that his wallet wasn’t there as it usually was. Before he could ask for it, they found it in the space between the driver’s seat and the gearstick. They quickly pulled out his driver’s license, briefly glancing at it once before their eyes blew comically wide and they slapped a hand on their face, trying to muffle their laughter.
Kid murderously glared at them, before finishing the routine up with the officer. As soon as they drove past him, they let their hand fall and howled with laughter.
“The fuck do you find so amusing?” he growled after they grew increasingly more hysterical.
“Your-your face!” they cried out, tears now falling down their face, “You never told me you had an emo phase! The black bangs, piercings, smokey eye…” they trailed off, interrupted by their loud laughter.
“I think I’m going to actually fucking kill you,” he hissed, despite the light dusting of red on his cheeks, which only fueled their amusement even further.
“Was this another one of your catchphrases in your teenage years?” they chortled, wiping away their tears and very clearly enjoying this.
“I’m parking right fucking now and kicking you out of the car.”
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“Got everything?” they asked Law at the doorstep, pulling their suitcases along behind them.
He nodded, but still went on to flit through his waistbag, checking the stuff along as he did. Their flight was still in a bit, but he didn’t want to turn around halfway through the drive to the airport. “Passport, visa, cash, credit cards, ID… wait. The driver’s license.”
Cocking their head to the side, they looked a little confused. “What do you need that for? We’re vacationing abroad.”
He gave his partner a very pointed look, and they shrugged and went to get his license nonetheless. “Weren’t you the one who insisted on visiting every single monument around the city? We’ll need a rental car for that, and I’m the one that has an international driver’s license.”
Before he could say anything else, a howl of laughter erupted from the bedroom, growing louder as they came up to him. Exasperation in his eyes, he turned to them, already knowing the reason behind their extreme amusement.
“Yes, haha, very funny, Law’s squinting at the camera,” he drawled, holding his hand out, “Now could we get this over with? We’ll run late.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this,” they smirked, clutching the license close to their chest and taking another peek. “The squint’s not so bad, honestly. I can tell you just weren’t wearing your lenses. My problem’s with the god-awful hair.”
“Mullets were a thing when I was 18,” he snapped, trying to come up with an excuse—and clearly failing, if their peels of laughter were any proof. “And most teenagers don’t have much of a sense of style.” Law finally snatched the driver’s license from them, and took his suitcase rolling behind him on the way to where their Uber would pick them up.
Locking up behind him, they grinned, shaking their head. “Not much of a sense of style now either, love…”
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“Robin, darling, I love you, and I would buy you anything you ask for, but we’re going to find ourselves broke by the end of the month if you keep spending ludicrous amounts of cash on book shipments,” they sighed, hurrying over to the bedroom where their girlfriend sat perched on her armchair, book in hand, “I think you need an intervention.”
The girlfriend in question chuckled, setting her reading glasses down, “Oh dear, that must’ve been last month’s ARC package. Let me get my wallet.”
“I already paid for it, but they asked for your ID for confirmation of the delivery. Is it in your wallet?”
Robin looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, I think I left it out on the coffee table when I came back from buying wine for our date night.”
They nodded and made their way out. It was silent for a few moments, before they snorted with laughter. “Oh God,” they choked out, before muffling the sound and opening the door once again. Moments later, it shut behind them, and they exploded into a fit of laughter, bursting into their bedroom.
“What’s so funny?” Robin smiled patiently, watching them fail to catch their breath.
Patting their chest, they finally managed to speak. “Y-your-your face! Why do you look so murderous?”
The woman chuckled, closing her book and walking up to them to glance at the ID. “I think I’d been woken up pretty early that day to take this picture, so I was rather grumpy. The photographer had made an inappropriate comment, and this was the only way I could express my displeasure.”
Their laughter quieted for a moment as they mumbled, “Fucking bastard,” before they glanced at the picture again and giggled, “And what’s with the half-shaved head?”
Robin shook her head, swiftly taking the ID from their fingers and pocketing it stealthily. “Let it be a reminder to not let teenage bullies stick gum in your hair.”
“There’s a lot to unpack in that statement…”
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“I’m telling you, sir, I’m definitely old enough to be driving this.” Nami gritted her teeth, trying her best to smile sweetly at the police officer. “As a matter of fact, I’m old enough to carry out every single legal procedure in this country.”
“No driver’s license, no passage,” he firmly said, though he did hesitate for a second afterwards, probably after noticing just how stunning she was as she fluttered her eyelashes like that.
They placed a hand on her arm. “It’s alright, Nami. I’ve got your wallet in the drawer. Brought it just in case.” Pulling it out, they began to rifle through her numerous cards, before blurting out, “Holy fuck,” and bursting into laughter that they desperately tried to muffle behind their hand, their other hand giving their girlfriend her license.
With a look that could kill, she snatched it and gave it to the waiting officer, who soon sent them on their way. Revving the car back up, Nami glared at them.
“What, you didn’t expect me to comment on that picture?”
“What do you say we forget about that and turn on the radio?” Nami forced a big grin on her face, though the vein in her forehead remained prominent.
“Aw, it’s not that bad,” they cooed, before cracking up, “I mean, of course there’s the outdated perm, and the garish blue glitter eyeshadow, and the very obvious fact that these are not the eyes of anyone even remotely sober…”
“You’re paying for today’s date and next week’s one too,” Nami snapped, before exhaling loudly and slumping in her seat. “God, why’d you have to see the worst photo I’ve ever taken? I’d even had a terrible acne breakout then, so my face was in pain the entire time.”
“It’s alright, love. I still think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world,” they said as they leaned across to kiss her cheek.
Tension left her body, but she still managed to say, “You’re still paying for the next two dates.”
“Fuck, I’d been hoping you’d let that go.”
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Killer had been stopped at the entrance of the concert arena as usual. With his mask almost always on, the security guards always needed to check he was of age by asking for his ID. He didn’t say much, knowing that this was a routine procedure, but he did tense a little with annoyance at having to take time out and possibly miss out on the best seats up front.
“I’ve got both of ours’ here,” they nodded from beside him, taking out both their wallets from their pockets and pulling each of their IDs. When it came to their boyfriend’s, however, they couldn’t help the snicker that left them at the sight of his picture.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” he grumbled, before taking it and handing it over to the man, briefly lifting his mask for a second for him to confirm his identity.
As they began to walk in, they took his hand in theirs, still laughing a bit. “Not my fault you never told me you used to imitate Kid’s punk style.”
“He was the only friend I had, of course I’d want to look like him,” Killer shrugged, “No one told me that straightening hair like mine does that much heat damage though…”
“Can’t believe you had a side part, Jesus,” they chuckled, shaking their head, “Not to mention the patchy beard. And what’s with the panda makeup?”
“Again, Kid’s idea,” he sounded a little annoyed, a light dusting of pink climbing down his neck, “He was all for the kohl-rimmed eyes, but neither of us knew how to apply it—hence why it got all smudged.”
They hummed, squeezing his arm lovingly. “Love the bright red lipstick-hair combo, by the way, but I still prefer the light purple lipstick on you. It’s very… you.”
Killer cocked his head curiously in their direction, wondering what they meant by that. With one last chuckle, they said, “As… interesting as other colors look on you, purple suits you best because it goes well with your pretty blue eyes.” Before he could get flustered and grunt that they were being foolish, they began to drag him by the arm. “We gotta hurry, there’s only 2 front row seats left.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro @finch-ya @livwritesfics
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lazzarella · 3 months
Back again with my Wandee Goodday weekly rambling! I will say that, while I'm still adoring it, the editing is starting to feel weird? Like, I know there's not a cut and an uncut version but sometimes it feels like it.
But! I'm also the kind of person who can nitpick something I love to death, so I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to ~ac-cen-tchu-ate the positive as Mr Mercer wrote. And, like, I'm just here to see two beautiful idiots fall in love XD Anyway! Here we go:
- Dee going straight for the necklace! XD
- HAND HOLDING SHOT!!! Will never get enough of those!
- Love that they don't talk >:) (No, really, I'm not being sarcastic lol I love it haha)
- Aww, I want to know what the souvenir is!!
- Love their apologies! I especially love that he said he'd have let Yak beat Ter up if he wasn't a doctor 🤣
- Seriously, though, his apology made sense! I'm totally extrapolating(?) here but I almost feel like he didn't know why he acted the way he did in the moment
- Okay, kissing only once is silly 🤣 but I'm here for silly! And he did say Yak has to learn to wait, which must mean he does plan on kissing him again. At some point. I can just FEEL Kao's long suffering BFF senses tingling however many apartments away haha
- (I weirdly love being frustrated by shows I love??? Just me??)
- Awww! Love the scene with Yak and Yei <33
- Dee didn't feed him?? Tut tut, doctor! Not taking proper care of your boxer guy
- "Let's pound" uh, sure... But right in front of everyone? 🤣
- Lmaooooo, Cher! I love him! Telling Dee the necklace suits him better haha. I love the way that he and Yei have just accepted Dee into the fold and omg they don't know it's "fake" do they??? I would love to see their reactions
- I loved the whole som tam scene
- Hm. I guess Taem *does* like Yak then? Not really keen on that, but I'll just go wherever the show takes me, IDC
- Yak getting horny watching the others get oil massages lmao love that they used that 'o yeah' sound bite
- (actually, there's a bit in one of the songs that sounds like part of O Yeah by Yello)
- but he got his oil massage!! Dee is doing a thorough job
- Ahhh, Yak asking Yei about the consequences of him losing the fight!!! He looks so young there D: and I'm glad Dee asked some stuff, too!
- Okay, but what is UP with the Nazgûl dude???
- Dee knows Yak's lying!!
- ...wait, how does Dee know about the hallucinations to tell Kao? (Is it really a hallucination when you're asleep? Is that not just a dream? I'm guessing this is a translation thing though) Like, I can infer Yak told him at some point, but it feels like a weird choice to not show that. Whatever, I'm not going to think too hard about it
- Boo, Ter!!
- "No because I must bring my special someone" is the best response to Kwan asking if Dee was asking Ter out! Lmaooo (I paraphrased a bit I think)
- Okay, it's so funny that Dee knows Yak is his special someone and that's why he's asking him, and he's happy to let Kwan and Ter and whoever assume that, but he won't tell Yak 🤣
- "Just one more time" ??? One more time for what? Maybe I should stop watching this when it drops because I'm always half asleep by then lol
- Whatever Yak says about it would be nice to have someone cook for him every day and Dee's desperate 'oh pleeeease let it be meeeee' kinda look lol
- Costume time!!! They looked soooo good in the first ones (I don't know if they're specific characters or just traditional)
- I love how grandma describes dancing but I didn't note it down. Oops! It was lovely, though! And very true—you have to be in sync with your dance partner and you have to give and take equally, otherwise it's not going to work and you may hurt yourself or the other person
- Lmao, they're still pretending! So silly after the kiss and I LOVE IT! XD this is what happens when you don't talk. Please keep it up! lolll
- Tbh, I think Dee's equally afraid if he tells Yak how he feels he'll disappear now (he probably has abandonment issues, I get it! He said that thing about presents making him feel like he hadn't been forgotten about a child, so yeah...)
- Product placement time! There hasn't been much though
- Ooh, they're gonna get married :D
- Aww, that was a really sweet proposal!
- Thor is so much bigger than Fluke... Just needed to make a note of that lol
- More product placement!
- Dee! How are you going to feed your boxer man every day when you only have neatly arranged cartons of soy milk and a bowl of apples in your fridge??
- YAY ANOTHER HAIR DRYING SCENE!!! But this time with a hairdryer!!
- I knew Taem would be the reason Yak wasn't at the ball in the previews!
- gee, there aren't many people at the ball
- Yak is going to rock up at the very last second...
- ngl, I thought Taem was into Ohm as well!
- Just say no, Dee! Just say no!
- I mean, that's a pretty good speech, pity who it's coming from lol
- Phew! He pushed him away! I knew he would, but still
- Yesssss! I actually fist pumped at Dee telling Ter he wouldn't be a good dance partner and that HE'S TOO VANILLA bahahahaha
- He was very gracious about it, too, which makes it even better
- Ooh, Ter's crying! Tbh, I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a manipulative jerk XD he cries pretty, though
- Poor Dr Kwan!
- Dee waiting for Yak is breaking my heart!! Come onnnnn, Yak!
- YES!!! THERE HE IS! Cinderelly, you shall go to the ball! (IDK...)
- "My prince!" (x 2) Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! MY HEART!
- This is the most awkward dance routine lmao I kinda love it
- Ooh! Slow dance time!
- (So what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that there's no cure for, a love that I'm not sure of... Uh, ahem, where was I?)
- I think my whole heart leapt into my throat!! That was NOT what I was expecting at all and ahhhhhhhhh it was perfect! And Dee's happy little face!!!!! He's so amazed and happy and ahhhhh I don't want to wait seven days to see what happens next!!
-Also was that a new sing playing in that scene or something that already exists? Kinda sounded like Inn singing but idk
- Okay, but I am SO here for Yak trying to woo Dee next week lol like, he so doesn't have to, but I would definitely want to let the handsome man woo me for a little while too XD
- (I bet when Dee says enough and Yak's little face drops, it's going to be when he says the thing about loving Yak for who he is maybe, but IDK, I could be very wrong)
- Anyway. I THINK I LOVE YOU! Yesssss! Yak was so brave!! <333
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kaineillian · 2 years
"Poe is a timid, cute looking man who enjoys writing books about you and him together, married and having sex—"
Would you be willing to write parts of this weird books?
Also your amazing<3
Ehe, thank you anon! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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Warning(s) : Suggestive, a little gore, freak poe.
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Poe fantasizes about you all the time yet he cant bring himself to make a move towards you. So, to cope up with it he made books about the both of you together. The first book is called ' My lover and I'.
-Edgar Allan Poe's Point of view.
On a faithful and sunny day , is where i met my first love. I had been stressing out on my newbie partner, he's clumsy and would trip and fall on air. He is starting to annoy me but he is too nice to get yelled at and me being so timid that i can't even talk properly.
Oh no, thats not a good sign—
"AHHH! POE-SAN I AM SO SORRY! "... My documents... My project... Its wet... ohhhh NOOoO! Boss is going to kill me! I have to pass this by tomorrow and i now its wet! I just finished it awhile ago are you serious?!
I looked down feeling miserable;ignoring my clutz of a partner apologizing to me. I grabbed my things and head out without a word. I mean, who would forgive and forget about this! This is by due tomorrow! And i have to start all over again!
Now you might think im being overacting and saying i should just blowdry it but no. My boss is too picky and when he sees a mess on any report he will make them re-write it again and decreasing their pay check for a week. And i can't have that! The limited edition Karl plushie is already out;i need to get that plushie! I've been working my ass off because just to buy that thing. And its expensive as hell! If i wont buy it there will be no next time.
-3rd person Point of view.
Poe grumbled stomping on the ground;cursing the world. Bystanders looked at him with a confused and weird expression, with poe acting like that no-one walked near him and kept their distance. They might have think he's a madman.
"verfluche diese heilige Welt. Verbrennen Sie es zu knusprig mit diesen sich einmischenden Leuten darin. verflucht alles. verflucht..."
(curse this sacred world. burn it to crisp with these meddling people in it. curse it all. curse it..)
A man heard his strange curses and was intrigued by poe. He listened to poe continually curse the world and more specifically—his clutz of a partner. He laugh quietly making his way towards poe. "Du solltest solche Leute nicht verfluchen, weißt du?". Poe got startled by the sudden voice and looked up to see a man in black. Poe stood completely still by the man's beauty. Poe knows German but he isn't fluent enough to understand it well.
"Pardon...? "
"Oh, you don't understand me? I thought you know german. "
"Well, yes. I do know german but im not that good yet so i don't understand what you said... " The man smiled and translated what he said in English (you shouldn't curse people like that you know?).
"Ohhhhh... " Poe nodded then blushed when he realize that the man understood him. 'Ah! How embarrassing!'.
The man laugh at poe's red face with poe even more embarrassed. "You look like a good lad, what's your name?i am (Male name)" With his short introduction, his coat flew up from the wind, his hair flying back ever so slightly. Poe saw his hidden face, he could feel his heart beat.
"Poe.... Edgar Allan Poe... " He whispered enough to (Male name) to hear. "Its nice to meet you, edgar. "
I think im inlove...
Now, after your interaction. Poe seems to be very attached to you. When both of you got in a. Relationship with each other, poe clings onto you whenever you go. Poe cooks for you, cleans for you and works for you. He insisted to do everything and for you to relax in the house, but of course you cant let your dearest boyfriend to get overworked. So you continued your job with poe doing all the house works.
Few years later. Both of you are married and started a family. You two had adopted a boy that was named ' Cooper ' .
A very romantic and fluffy book eh? Now. Lets head on to the erotic ones.
If i remember it correctly... Poe only haves 3 or 5 books that are fluff and romantic while the others are erotic. 10 to 15 erotic books...
How bizarre.
How bizarre.
-3rd person point of view.
Edgar Allan Poe... What a beautiful name, no? A tall handsome man, such cute features, his waist so small, his eyes rolling back every time (Male name) thrust in him. The timid mans eyes always capture his lovers attention.
(Male name) always loved his eyes, those eyes looking at him, those eyes covered by poe's hair, those beautiful violent eyes that someday he will gouged out of those eye socket of his. He tried to test his waters and asked poe what he would do if he would have gouged his eyes out during intimacy. Poe supringly, didn't mind and agreed on the idea! He even said to keep his eye so it would remind (Male name) that por is always watching him.
With a bright and petite look comes with a messy mind and kinks.
(Male name) recently knew that poe is a masochist and a freak which is a good combination. He himself is a sadistic maniac too. How bloody romantic.
Maybe one day they will drank their bloods as a promise.
-3rd person point of view.
Poe scribbled on his paper with karl clearly disturbed sitting on his shoulder reading the paper. You can almost feel like the raccoon said 'What the fuck'. Karl could not handle such gore anymore and jumped off poe's shoulder.
"Ah! Karl, where are you going? " poe halted his writing looking down at the raccoon.
"Rawr." Im getting the fock out of here away from your twisted ass.
"Huh?! You we're reading my notes! " Poe blushed heavily, feeling embarrassed that his friend raccoon saw his sick mind.
"Rawr, rawr. " Of course i am, i got curious on what you were writing. And you were also panting. You're such a weirdo. Im telling (Male name).
And there goes the two bolting outside the office, karl went to start his journey on finding the man while Poe is starting his hunt;trying to find the small raccoon.
Little did they know that ranpo and (Male name) was behind poe all this time.
"Damn, i didn't know he had this in him. " Ranpo chewed on his lollipop looking at the paper poe had written.
"I definitely did not see this coming. " Ranpo snicker at him, ranpo took out his phone and took a picture of the paper .
"What are you going to do with that? " "Blackmail."
" Understandable. "
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gojonanami · 4 months
lovely, lovely sab!!
i just got to prof. geto pt. 6 and it's so good!! i loved it so much!! this is defo, defo my fav series on tumblr atm xxx
tbh i have a lot of work currently, so i'm sorry this message isn't as long as it should be, but i just really wanted to let you that i really enjoyed this part!!!
as someone who has studied philosophy & loves philosophy & wants to do a phd in philosophy, i adore this series.
i love it so, so much & i think you tackled that side of the fic so, so well xxx it really, really made me smile hard xx
but i am also just so impressed by how well you crafted this story!! it's so good xx it's such a compelling plot <33 you're so good at plotting & picking out which scenes to focus on
and your writing style!! so, so good xxx looks publish-ready and the fact that you barely edit amazes me!! and this comes from a serial over-editor <33 i adore you & your writing xxx
professor geto is literally my loml xxx i love, love, love the way you write suguru xx i think you're one of the rare people who really gets his character?? your suguru feels like suguru and honestly? perhaps because i'm really tired, but i feel like you honestly do more justice to suguru than akutami
but with regards to this part specifically <33 i loved it xx i think you tackled the break-up/make-up really well & you honestly made everyone likeable (esp our main leading lady, suguru & yuta)
i loved, loved, loved the panic -> suguru helping with citations scene xx i honestly felt the anxiety so potently & i think you represented that feeling so, so well (...tbh it felt super, super familiar!!)
and then suguru helping out? dropping everything and helping?? i honestly thought that was so cute xx
and ah!! that scene in his office!! don't even get me started on how sexy, wonderful, amazing prof. geto is xx :))
(but also the ice cream scene with yuta was really memorable & fun & such a cool visual image!)
i had so much fun reading this series & i am sincerely really, really looking forward to extra credits!! and all of the ideas look so good!! i saw the poll and i fell in love with all of the options <33
(and there is just something about suguru having a poodle that is super duper cute?? i just love that visual image!!)
lastly, i feel like i just really want to leave a little thank you note to you for writing this series in the first place!!! i know it takes a lot of time, energy and confidence to write something as long as this!! and you did such a good job!!! such, such a good job!! i wish i could congratulate you in person on your efforts xx
i saw some time ago that you're writing books?? that's so, so cool!! i really hope i'll get to read them some day!! xxx
wishing you only the best of the very best xxx <333
– tired philosophy student <33
babe this message is so sweet and plenty long — don’t apologize!!
I’m so glad you loved part six 😭😭 I’m honored to be your favorite series on tumblr — that’s such high praise
ahhh and from a philosophy major?? It means so much because I literally don’t know much philosophy aside from the good place and my own research — so to hear your praise means so much to me 😭😭😭
thank you so much 😭💕 I always struggled with plotting in the past but I think I’ve gotten better with practice and it means so much you think so!! 🥹🫶
you’re so sweet 🥹🫶 thank you — I’m self conscious about my style so it means so much. honestly I always wish I could edit / revise more but I don’t have time between my work and my life — but the fact you think it’s publish ready makes me want to melt into a puddle of tears 😭😭😭
ahhh thank you babe — prof geto is so special to me, I love writing it so much. geto is a character that I kin so much and to write any character in an AU it’s sometimes difficult to keep the essence of the character in tact. but I’m glad you think I was able to 😭😭💕 and the fact you think I do better than Gege?? 😭😭😭🫶 are you trying to make me offer you the world??
I’m so glad you think I tackled the break up and make up will — it was really important to me to handle those things with care because they are so pivotal to the characters. especially in regards to geto and reader because yuta definitely got the short end, so I really wanted to make it so that the pair weren’t hated by the end lmao. I think that’s why this part was so long to really flesh out how reader and yuta fall apart.
that scene with the panic was hannah’s (my beta reader) idea — and the citations came to me as a perfect idea because I think everyone in academia had a nightmare experience with citations. we all need a suguru in that situation — I wish I had a suguru when that happened to me 😭
I’m so excited for the extra credit fics I’m definitely gonna be writing some soon!! I can’t wait to write the poodle — I only wonder what his/her name would be 💕🥹
Thank you so much babe — i love you — it means so much. This series was a love letter to philosophy and to suguru. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the series — it means the entire world to me and I can’t put into words what this means. You’re so sweet — I’m gonna cry 😭😭😭
I am writing books — I hope to publish them one day :) and if you could read them, it would make me so happy. Wishing the very, very best to you (aka professor geto) 💕🥹🫶
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Hey again 😼 maybe another idea for you? Maybe Gorillaz members w a trans ftm s/o who’s insecure about being trans; like they don’t like that they still have feminine bits ig lol
Hope you’re having a slaytastic day
FTM S/O dealing with dysphoria from their appearance
WRITERS NOTES: Hey great to hear from ya again 🍜Anon. And Y E S i love this idea, i think your talking about body baised gender dysphoria, which i can relate to hugely- that shit sucks ass. I think I got outa had with Murdoc's hc, and I had more ideas for some then others. And with that I hope you slaytastic day yourself. And honestly no to sure how I would go about writing this, so if this isn't exactly what you wanted sorry. And sorry if they aren't as long as usual, but like I said I lacked Ideas for this sadly
[ANOTHER NOTE: eh... sorry this took awhile I won't be posting at my previous pase due to the fact a lot of life stuff has been happening recently, and I just don't have as much time as I would like, though I hopefully won't be this slow at writing but just working at a more comfortable pase.]
Edited: fuck no
All art in this post is mine
TW:Curssing, gender dysphoria, transphobia, Implied drug uses, Murdoc being drunk, T, Murdocs dad, Murdocs childhood, ahhh- theres probably more but I can't think of it- so tell me if ya think of anything
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What do you mean you don't like you body?
What is there to not like?
Huh- specific parts you say?
He still doesn't understand- I mean he understands that the fact that you are trans which means your body is not exactly your favorite part of yourself due to the lack of matching you identified gender but he does not understand the depth of upset-ness his boyfriend feels- but like I said he tries his best
So S/O would have to try and explain it 2D
And in the end 2D does understand more but he still doesn't fully grasp everything so 2D turns to google for answers
When 2D woke up at night again from his migraines and couldn't go back to sleep he decides this is the best time to do his research... at 2:00 AM, so 2D goes on insomnia fulled google spree
And my dear fucking lord satan does he go down a rabbit hole
2D can hardly process half the shit he reads
And by the end of it his head is spinning and he's so fucking exhausted
But at least he grasped some stuff and understands even more now, and he knows what he should do!
But first he needs a little nap he earned it
When he wakes up the the first thing he can remember it binders- so his scowers the internet and orders everyone he sees- good and bad quality, I mean its not like 2D's reading the reviews he's just ordering ever single one he stumbles upon
Then he goes to the store and buys even more
It's moments like this he's glad he remembers he's got a shit ton of money
And one day when S/O comes over to vist 2D- 2D tells his boyfriend to stand there for a second
"Hun- do'ya mind stand'en dere fer sec"
He giggles to himself as he runs in the other room, leaving S/O concerned and confused
Next thing you know- your on the floor after what feels like who knows how many binders have been flug/dumped on you
It takes a silent minute for 2D to process that you may be stuck
In which 2D freaks and digs S/O and explains to him that he was trying to my S/O feel better- which touched S/O that 2D cared this much about him
And then S/O had to explain that he didn't need this many binders
So the two of you spent the next two hours picking out what binders work best
S/O was modeling each one- and figured out which one fit best(because 2D didn't really check sizes either), and were as comfortable as possible
And the whole time 2D was praiseing and tell S/O he looked amazing
After S/O picked thw ones he liked, both decided to donate the remaining binders
Its was really sweet of of him
But either way 2D will in any way possible try and make S/O feel better about himself
2D is just as physically affectionate with his S/O in this as as he would be in any other
Though he can get a bit anxious about touching S/O since his dysphoria was body baised- and was scared of triggering a bad reaction
2D has a big thing for words of affirmation, but due to S/O's body baised gender dysphoria- he tends to praise his boyfriends body spisificly, and it's very obvious what he's trying to do when he says it
"Ya' know I' didn't tink I could be attracted to someones frame... iz... broad.... and manly..."
"Your face is soooo handsome-- oh!.... an' guy-ish..."
It's not like he's lieing he's just kinda shit at subtly tell his boyfriend about it
Either way- while he can be a bit ignorant at first he tried his damn best
"Why trans people need'a binder? Are they going to school?"
*S/O facepalming*
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Ok before we can start we need talk about transgender stuff in general and Murdoc did that make sense?
In the 2D x Male S/O x Murdoc, 2D x Male S/O, and Murdoc x Male S/O I had briefly mentioned Murdocs dad being homophobic- well that doesn't even scratch the surface of Sebastian's asshole-lery
Sebastian was a dick queer/LGBTQIA+ people, not like "FUCK THE GAYS- THEIR DELUSIONAL" more like "I talk a bit of shit about queer people behind peoples back, don't be like them son" -ish way
In which he instilled those trashy views on Murdoc as a kid, as when I said 'talk shit behind people I meant he "talked" about it to Hannibal and Murdoc, and randos he hung out with at the bar(I might do a separate thing in the future on how I think murdocs childhood went down, and what kind of person Sebastion was, cuz theres A LOT I could say)
And due to his fathers ways being imprinted in his head as a kid, Kid/Teen Mudz was not exactly found of queer/LGBTQIA+ people in general either
Well it's not like society liked them at that time either: Murdocs year of birth 1966, The year Britain legalized gay marriage 2014
So at that time no one was exactly fond of them
But either way Kid/Teen Murdoc fond of them either
And because of his wasn't fond of them- Murdoc Bullied/teased any one of the queer/LGBTQIA+ community... like a lot... yeah lets just say his sense of humor wasn't exactly nice..
These actions and old views still haunt him to this day
Russel's the only one who knows the full extent of his behavior as a kid because while drunk Murdoc confessed this to him, and 2D over heard a bit- but was swiftly bunbarded by Murdoc once he noticed 2D, Mudz begged them to not tell Noodle
And most of this shit is internalized so if you can't rip open Mudz chest with your love and affection- then good luck getting a straight answer from him
This guilt didn't bother him as much in earlier phases(before plastuc beach).... though thats not saying much
But when the later phases arrived he started drinking tiny bit less, which made memories resurface.... and my god he felt guilty
Ok Fuck- on to the actual hc now...
Wether its phase 1 or phase 7, Murdocs anxious as hell around his S/O, because of the fact they are trans- and this is true before they even started dating- if learned that info before dating
I mean it's nothing to do with his S/O and the fact he's trans- in the sence of his S/O's physically body he does not care you bits you have man- he can work with either...
But... he can't stop thinking about the way he treat trans people in the past- he feels soooo guilty(which he should, he acted like a dickwad)
And what worries Murdoc the most is... he's scared his new boyfriend that accepted him for his flaws and failures, and never looked at him like was worthless.... was gonna leave him because of how he acted when he was ignorant and young
One day when he's drinking alone in the Winnebago he's hit with a overwhelmed wave of guilt, that almost felt suffocating
*Phone call from ❤️Mudzy❤️*
You pick up the phone
All you hear is Murdocs indisputable sobs of apologies- while simultaneously saying something about his dad, Trans, he was young and dumb- wait did he say something about you breaking up with him?!? What the hell is he on about?
It was obvious to you he was absolutely fucked up... like even worse the usual?
You told him to sit tight and you'll be there as fast as he can
You arive and he is absolutely fucking all over the place
The Winnebago is more trashed then then usual and he's in the center of it alllll messed up
H looks like he wants to hug you but he pulls back like if he did you would hate him
To sum it up- you two spent the next 3 hours talking about his past and how you still love him, and he could not control how he was raised
Holy fuck uhhh nevermind... NOW on to the ACTUAL hc :b
He has a hard time understanding your insecurities about you body but he tries- he just thinks you too hot
So you have to like sit him down and try and make him understand- cuz otherwise he clueless- which would make worry cuz he doesn't like not knowing whats going on
So google this shit he will
Google leeds him to some interesting things... like he learns about T(testosterone hormones for transitioning)
And after siting on the idea for a bit, when he got drunk Murdy kept trying to order T, but he couldn't cuz you need a note from a doctor/therapist/psychologist to get that shit
And you found him throwing a tantrum- screaming at his computer. Fun fact this happens pretty often, because he's really bad with computers...well except for when it come to the sketchy part of the internet, Mudz knows a lot about that stuff. I swear he's on a FBI watch list
When S/O asks whats wrong murdoc spouts on about how he FUCKING can't get T for his wonderful boyfriend- *sniff* to make him feel better- *sob* make him feel better
Yes Murdoc starts to have another drunken break down
And again you have to sit him down and explain the complex process of getting stuff like that
"Well thats stupid... I've always been able to get prescription drugs without a a prescription- I used to know a guy actually, you could get anything for the right price-..." Murdoc mumbled to himself
But in then he understands a little more, and this time please explain what he can do to make you feel better about your dysphoria, cuz he will continue to do weird shit
Murdoc's no Shakespeare, he isn't great with words or with expressing shutters feeling, so he isn't the best at comforting but he tries his best
But something nice is, when Murdoc gets really high or reallyyyyyyy drunk he tends to be more touchy and more truthful, so he'll just randomly start praising S/O, even if its a the worst time- Like:
"...dove- your the most beautiful, handsome, and stunning thing ever... no one can say otherwise- your perfect from head to toe...."
"Thats nice and all but hun this really ain't the time..."
*Murdoc looks at S/O very confused then looks at the toilet he just was hurling his guts up into*
But don't worry he doesn't always dish out his best compliments in the loo
At the end of the day Murdoc really love his boyfriend no matter what they look like.
"....I Love you..."
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Probably understands the most out of the 4
Noodle is the youngest meaning- she's 'more with the times' I fucking cringed so hard writing that for some reason-
She will try to distract you in any way to get her boyfriend to feel better, and stop thinking about it
Noodle doesn't exactly a big fan of talking that much if she doesn't find the conversation meaningful, but if needed she will spend as long as her S/O needs siting there tell him how much she loves him- and his body doesn't make him any less of a man
"Don't let anyone else tell you- who you are, ok?"
"I don't know about what you think, but what I do know is that your my lovely boyfriend!"
Noodle LOVES clothes shopping- scratch that just shopping in general
So she loves takeing her S/O to shops that can get that clothing that can make him feel more comfortable in his body
She does a bit of googleing but not like a deep dive as the guys
Noodle will round house kick anyone who dares to be transphobic to S/O
Along with Noodle screaming every curse word she knows at them in every language she know
No one fucks with Noodle's boyfriend- or I swear to satan when Noodles done with that knob- they won't even be able to look you in the eyes in fear of evoking Noodles rage once more
If Noods notices her boyfriend going through a bout of of depression due to his body based gender dysphoria(fucking hell- I'm tired of typing this out if I will now refur to that as BBGD) and she will decide to plan a date for her and S/O
She does this often- but the kind of date varies based on S/O's preference
When Nood complements S/O and his body she's very blunt, abd it's very obvious what she's doing- and knows that just doesn't give a shit
"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are?"
I can't think of any more quotes sorry
She makes sure everyone gets S/O pro-nouns right, incase that makes S/O more inscure she back handed murdoc once become he misgender S/O once- on accident and 2D told you she lecturerd him later when you left, whether it was an accident or not he never did it again and Mudz shutters at the memory-
If S/O has a melt down/panic attack due to BBGD if S/O is ok with it, Noodle will hold him and juat let him get it all out, till he's ready to talk, and if S/O just wants to sit there then thats fine to
She once teasingly called you baby boy, take that for what you will
"Noodle- please calm down-!"
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Ok... he's probably the second best at understanding your sercumstance
But that does not make it any less awkward
Russel isn't exactly a conventionalist but he tries to priase/give words of affection/affirmation to his S/O to make him feel better
I wanna say S/O is the first transgender person Rus has dated- but thats not saying much as Russel was never that big in the dating world, so his knowledge on dating in general is not that vast
So like the other guy's he does research-
And was very thorough, and comes out pretty successful in his endeavor
And before Rus decides to make and drastic decisions like a shopping spree or or almost buying T *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
He communicates with his S/O about what they want
And the root of his insecurities, as Rus wan't S/O to know that your body does not define you and just a bunch of really sappy love crap
"Honey, your body is not what makes you- you, it's whats on the inside, you get what I mean?"
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's natural to feel this way, in this kind of situation."
"I would love no matter how you looked"
And then after talking about how S/O feels on this situation
Rus then will get really serious and ask S/O if he wan't to get medical procedures done and if he did Rus would him pay for the surgerys and crap
Or he may suggest seeking professional help with you BBGD
But if S/O says no- Rus is completely fine with that he just wants his S/O to know that he loves him
If S/O is going through a especially bad bout of dysphoria, Russel will make him their favorite comfort food
Like Rus isn't great with words and depending on where you are in the relationship physically affection can be a bit stiff with him- But one thing is he's a Great Fucking Cook
Ask for any comfort food it's yours
He's a big thing for acts of service- like Noodle oftenvdoes things to distract S/O from his unpleasant feelings
Russel's a big boi with major RBF so when he's around there is less likely someones gonna say/talk transphoic shit to/about S/O
And if they do... well I hope they like confrontation, becuase Rus will not yell at them but, his words will make just about anyone shit their pants
Like 2D, Rus complements S/O that could makes S/O feel better about his BBGD- but un-like 2D he's really good at being subtle about it.
"I made you your favorite, *insert fav food*."
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lillylvjy · 2 years
IM HERE PANTING PANTING so, we fell in love in october - girl in red thats it. no but fr you're at a streamer event/party and quickly get overwhelmed nikki being the awesome person she is notices and lets you rest your head on her shoulder n stuff and she just holds you until you calm downn<3333
Ahhh this 🤭🤭
Thank you jade for this lovely prompt! Also this is about Niki nihachu for people wondering! Also I tried to make it as gn!reader as possible I promise!
But Jade I really hope you like this lovely!
Sorry how sort it is as well. I’ll make a longer one soon I promise:) also the title is just a song lyric!!! Does not mean reader is a female! This is gender neutral!
Not edited!
Warnings// kissing on the hand and cheek, panic attacks, tell me if I missed anything :-)
You will be (my girl)
^^ your welcome Jade
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^^look how pretty she is 😌
You and a bunch of others were having a party for Halloween. As much as you loved party’s with your friends, your social battery was at 1% right now and you didn’t feel like being around anyone.
As more and more people came into the small apartment, you started to feel squished. And you couldn’t exactly breathe either.
You couldn’t breathe.
The more you thought about it, the more you became aware of it. You started clawing at your chest, gripping your shirt, trying to get air through your lungs. The room started to spin and you leaned against the wall and slid down, trying your hardest not to cry.
But , from across the room, Niki saw you on the ground, head to your knees, and breathing very heavily. She knew what was happening so she quickly excused herself from the person she was talking to and rushed over to you.
Niki placed her hand on your back to let you know she was there, and started rubbing your back gently. “Love, how about we go outside? How do you feel about that? Just to get some air?” Niki asked you as you looked up at her with glossy eyes. You nodded quickly, not being able to say something from the lack of air.
Niki gave you a hand and helped you up from the ground. She led you out the apartment and down the stairs that led you guys outside.
“Ok. Now just follow my breathing, ok? In and out.” Niki tells you as she motions for you to breathe with her.
You tried your best to breathe in time with her and slow your breathing. Eventually, your breathing slowed down enough for you to breathe in fully and let out a shaky sigh.
“Thank you, bubs. So much.” You whispered to her as you grabbed her hands and kissed them.
“It’s no problem! I’ll always help you babes. I promise.” Niki said back to you as she pulled you to sit on the step that led into the apartment complex.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” Niki asked you. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” She reassured you.
You shook your head. “No it’s fine. It just got really crowded and i was just so overwhelmed, I kinda forgot how to breathe.” You smiled at Niki, as she giggled.
You felt bad for having her miss the party because of you. It was fun! I mean at least from what you saw it was. But you just get so overwhelmed and nervous around a lot of people, you couldn’t really help it. But you still felt guilty. “I’m sorry. You’re out here missing the party because of me. You should go back and have fun.” You said as you looked at your hands and played with your fingers.
Niki furrowed her eyebrows. Why would you think she’d want to leave you? She wouldn’t leave you in a million years. And especially not like this. “No! I’m not leaving. We are going to sit here and you’re going to enjoy my company ok?” She said, in a playful demanding voice.
You laughed. “Ok! Ok. Fine, but only if we can talk about books and music. I have some more suggestions for you if you need some.” You looked at her with a questioning look on your face.
“Fine! Come here.” Niki laughed as she wrapped and arm around your shoulders. You rested your head on her shoulder and held her free hand. You played with the jewelry she was wearing for her costume. You both decided to go as a duo and her side of the costume required a bunch of rings.
Lucky you.
“I love you. You know that right.” Niki said to you. You looked up at her and smiled. You kissed her on the cheek and nuzzles your head back into her neck.
“Yes I do my love. And I love you too.” You told her, your face red and having a big smile on your face.
Niki laughed and kissed your forehead. “Honestly this is nice. We should’ve just done this.” She admitted.
“I agree. Fully.” You agreed.
“Wanna go home?” Niki asked. You looked at her and nodded quickly. She laughed and stood up. “Ok let’s go say bye to a few people and hit the road. Ok?” She asked you.
You nodded and followed her inside. She grabbed her purse and your bag as you took it from her. You both said goodbye to some friends and left. You and Niki only lived a few minutes away from the apartment so it was an easy walk.
As you walked, you took Niki’s hand and pulled her closer to you. “Happy 1 year my love.” You said as you looked at her.
“Happy 1 year.” Niki giggled and kissed your hand.
Damn you were lucky.
taglist: @deadphantomsociety @aimi-chann @art3m1s-adelia @z0vamp @jadeissues (if you want to be added, you can send me an ask lovelies <3 )
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