#i think about this an ungodly amount
i am certain i am not the first to declare kunikidazai are the sun and moon trope however, not by the tropes most on the face meaning-
you see kunikida at first glance is the sun and dazai the moon, their respective mentalities, backstories and mannerisms reason for this assumption- but it is their mindsets, their outlooks on life and the mindset-driven worlds they live in that they are in fact inverse.
kunikida is the moon, as there is an underlying darkness within his idealistic naïveté- holding its place in the sky yet unable to shine his light in a way where the world will see to it that it is properly appreciated.
dazai however, is the sun, as his odasaku-driven change in heart drove him to channel his internal light as a guide for others (atushi, akutagawa) radiating a sense of stability and hope that of the sun offers to all whose lives are touched by its light.
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veirtyel · 5 months
the sickly white boy from that boat movie and his social anxiety has captivated me
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driftingvoid-155 · 6 months
Ah yes. My favorite characters and their canon appearances. Corpse man and paper check.
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sciderman · 1 month
Wades the type of gal to binge watch those weird cringey Alpha shows, can't explain why, I just imagine him in bed, gasping at the most outrageous plot points with a bowl of popcorn or 2 for 1 ice cream tubs.
i wish i was informed enough to offer any kind of knowledgeable take on this but this falls entirely outside of my jurisdiction someone who has no idea what an alpha show is
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The light of the Jedi?
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Come on Star Wars give her a break that woman is very tired
Bonus fans under the cut:
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serious-goose · 1 year
What's a Velvet Underground?
You wouldn't like it.
Oh, bebop.
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Meanwhile inside Crowley's pining demon brain:
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fabaceous · 1 year
Is there ever a hypothetical world where Jackie and Shauna’s situation is reversed (as in Shauna dies and Jackie makes it home)? And if so, how do you think Jackie would react and deal with it?
this is ANOTHER of my favorite cans of worms to open lately so THANK YOU for giving me an opportunity to talk about it!!
i was thinking about this mostly because i was thinking about how shauna's hallucinations of jackie provide us with such valuable information about shauna's thoughts/feelings/desires, how she thinks of jackie, how she thinks of herself (via jackie). hallucighost jackie i think sort of has two sides that are intertwined but serve different purposes - there's one side that's more straightforward and even sweet: it shows how shauna, in her grief and pain, wants to remember jackie (the fun, lighthearted moments; braiding her hair, joking about randy). the other side is more dark but gives us just as much if not more insight into shauna: she uses jackie as a mouthpiece for her own bad thoughts about herself. hallucighost jackie is the whip that shauna self-flagellates with. and she punishes herself, but she's also sort of repressing the fact that she even feels guilty (which maybe is why she needs jackie's "ghost" to guilt her, because she can't admit to herself that she feels guilty). and it all must hurt even more coming out of jackie's mouth - which, if you think about it, is probably why she does it (better fuel for her guilt complex).
ANYWAY, i digress (sort of). my point is, i've always wondered what we could learn from jackie hallucinating shauna. how would jackie want to remember shauna, but at the same time, how might the memory of shauna torture jackie?
if we do a simple swap and have shauna leave the cabin when jackie tells her to during their fight and then shauna freezes, that's one option. we get jackie feeling both immensely hurt by shauna's nearly inconceivable betrayal but, at the same time, feeling guilty for sending her out there. this could lead to some interesting hallucinated convos and, personally, i 100% think it could also lead to jackie doing shauna's makeup in the meat shed lmao. (and thats how you know they're made for each other!)
BUT ALSO. shauna's betrayal (i mean, combined with jackie losing her social status in the wilderness and having the other girls turn on her ofc) made jackie so depressed that she was unable to eat, and shauna dying on top of that would have the potential to completely destroy jackie's will to survive. it would be a big ask, at that point, to get jackie through to rescue. id say its pretty likely she dies of a broken heart, so to speak. like, just loses all her remaining will to live (because her will to live was literally hanging on by a thread and that thread was shauna). the only way i can imagine her surviving long enough to go home is if she has a complete and total break from reality and like, just sort of dissociates from the entire year-plus that follows. i think (? let me know if you agree bc this actually just came to me while writing this and im not sure if it holds up) that if the writers really sold it right, they could convince me that jackie basically goes catatonic and retreats into some fantasy world (one where shauna is around, of course!) for the rest of their time in the wilderness. not exactly the way shauna talked to jackie in the meat shed, because shauna knew she was hallucinating and was more or less able to walk away when she had other obligations. i think jackie would actually legitimately just lose her grip on reality, and succumbing to this would be the only way for her to survive. kind of like the bacchanal but about, like, everything.
the other scenario that occurred to me (and it's a pretty awful way for shauna to die and makes me really unhappy btw, so, sorry in advance) is what if shauna's abortion attempt had gone really, really wrong and she had gotten an infection and died from that? obviously jackie has no clue at this point about jeff/pregnancy/rutgers/etc so its pure unadulterated heartbreak. taissa could play a really interesting role in this situation as the only other person who knows this huge, earthshattering secret. would she keep it from jackie? i think that would be the prudent thing to do. losing shauna would already be almost too much for jackie to take, but she could maybe survive that by designating herself as the keeper of shauna's memory and she could probably convince herself she owes it to shauna to stay alive because if jackie dies then shauna is gone for good. but, as we've seen in canon, finding out that shauna betrayed her sends jackie into a really dark place where she doesnt have much will to live. i think she could plausibly survive with her sanity intact if one or the other happens (shauna betrays her OR shauna dies) but, as i discussed above, experiencing both would either break her sanity or effectively kill her.
and i suspect taissa is smart enough to realize this too, so if she wants to keep jackie alive she'll withhold this information (hide/burn the journals?) and let jackie cling to whatever romanticized image of shauna she comes up with. once they get back to the real world, who knows? taissa might tell her because she feels like jackie deserves the truth, jackie might read shauna's journals from before the crash in an attempt to feel close to her again and find out that way, or even jeff might tell her (worst case scenario IMO)... and im honestly not sure what jackie would do at that point, like, murder jeff maybe? (im joking but i actually am not sure how that whole situation would play out. maybe depression 2.0 but in the real world, but that's not as fun as murder.)
i haven't even said what i think jackie would hallucinate, so lets end with that. for shauna, it's primarily about self-flagellation and self-punishment, although it has some ability to soothe her as well, like when she imagines having fun with jackie.
for jackie i think its actually fairly simple: its obvious to all of us that what jackie wants most is shauna's authentic and full love, and my personal theory is that the main (and maybe even sole!) function of jackie's hallucinations would be escapism and wish-fulfillment, and imagining that shauna really did love her.
jackie doesn't have a self-destruction/guilt complex like shauna does. jackie, i think, would be able to just feel guilt in a more straightforward way. as well as anger! so in the scenario where shauna freezes after their fight, jackie would certainly be feeling a lot of guilt, but she doesn't need or want shauna to remind her, she could just apologize. and she's feeling a lot of anger, but she'd be able to say it to shauna's (hallucinated) face instead of putting it through some twisted alchemical process that turns it into something else. like, i think she actually does have a chance of getting closure in a way that shauna doesn't because shauna would never let herself get closure because then she'd have nothing left to fuel her guilt/self-destruction complex.
i think jackie would want closure for her immediate anger and guilt about shauna's death, and because she wants it, she'd be capable of getting it. but after that's dealt with (assuming she survives long enough to deal with it), or in a scenario where jackie doesn't know about shauna's betrayal/isn't responsible for her death, i really think (and i just made myself sooo miserable realizing this btw so you're welcome. or i'm sorry) that the thing that would cause jackie eternal and relentless pain for the rest of her life would be the immense regret and the feeling that she didn't love shauna enough, or didn't love her right. and her hallucinations of shauna would, by and large, simply be an outpouring of all the love she didn't get to show her in life (and imagining the reciprocation of that love that she always wished shauna would give her).
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maddymoreau · 7 months
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imagine if sole and Deacon were just randomly on an undercover mission and sole calls him by his real name and Deacons just like 👁👄👁
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infernal-feminae · 29 days
Also would it really surprise anyone if I said I already have a hateship playlist for Carmilla and Val?
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the brain worms crave seeing kunikida with his hair down- but alas the brain worms and my hands which know only the creative bounds of shitposts are unable to bring this notion into reality,,,,
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hellerism · 1 year
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the unsent project: deanvictor (2/?)
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silvertherogue715 · 3 months
Hello! How are you doing? apologizes for being late I got a bit busy this week and wasn’t able to send in an ask that fast ;-; but I brought Terra his coffee
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(This particular blend is called death wish coffee this stuffs got 165 mg of caffeine in it… in other words don’t let any menaces get to it.)
since Terra’s the one getting the coffee I thought we focus on him for this ask. Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow stardroids (romantic or otherwise) and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi?
What is his job in the stardroid group I assume from the sketches of him he keeps an eye on any Navi trespassing near by specific regions? I also assume he’s the second in command or another job or rank?
How exactly does Terra act like emotionally? Besides how bad this man needs a coffee ;-; he looks so tired and done all the time XD.
Im also kind of curious as to how to came to deciding on his final design? I hope you have a great rest of your day/night! Thank you!
I'm doing well! Thank you for asking. Don't stress about taking time to send questions, I get super excited to see them all the same! If anything, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Been busy and art is very time-consuming :”) 
Also, I love the cup design. Terra is gonna need every ounce of that caffeine! Long answer below. Art included!
Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow Stardroids (romantic or otherwise)?
Terra and Sunstar eventually become a couple in the AU. 
Terra was created before any other Stardroid, and had the hardest learning curve–he takes pride in his work and is more or less a workaholic. 
Sunstar was the last “Stardroid” activated, but had Terra to help him learn his new role. Kind of funny, given Sunstar was created to serve a role above him. Sunstar is happy to let Terra run things, though, for both of their sakes. 
Both eventually bonded after spending enough time together, but due to plot reasons, it takes until present-day Earth for things to really move along for them.
Saturn is romantically interested in Terra, but it’s very one-sided. Terra primarily sees him as a frustratingly laid-back coworker, if anything. 
…and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi? 
Terra and Minx did not meet under...the best circumstances. A misunderstanding, yes, but not one that either would have been able to clear up prior to meeting. He regrets the outcome of it, but both learn to become semi-comfortable around the other eventually.
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He has regrets--although he was not himself at the time.
Terra has mixed feelings about humans, he prefers them over the Earth’s…last inhabitants. He is a solitary individual, and does not have any friends (for now) outside of his ‘brothers.’ This will change!
Terra’s closest friends among the Stardroids are probably...Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter.
He knows most of the MMBN main cast’s Navis (megaman, roll, blues, shadowman, napalmman, etc). he also knows and favors minx's pet cat, Tango. Cat person.
He likes Napalmman, and is distrustful of Shadowman.
Terra respects Sofie and Nenji for their work ethic, and a cautious eye on Miyabi, but admires his abilities for a human. 
He finds Lan annoying (who is also a highschooler in my AU)
He fears Dr. Wily, to a degree (plot reasons).
What is his job in the Stardroid group?
Terra is Sunstar’s second-in-command-but-not-really who maintains their spaceship and assigns the other Stardroids tasks.
The art you saw of him in a fighting stance was him getting ready to square off against Slur near the end of Arc 2. Terra is about the second strongest of the Stardroids after Sunstar–but does not fight often.
How exactly does Terra act emotionally?
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“Tired and done” is pretty accurate for Terra’s personality, honestly.
He’s no-nonsense and likes to keep himself busy–burying himself in work is his way of coping with personal problems. Which, in itself, is a problem.
Earth forces him to change this behavior
Oh, you thought closing yourself off from others would have less consequences than being open? How cute.
Despite a cold demeanor and excellent poker face, Terra cares deeply for those around him. He’s not a softie like Sunstar at his core, but he can be surprisingly gentle. 
Though he used to be a hardass, he’s mellowed out a lot since re-arriving* on Earth. 
Unrelated–his lack of experience with building deep relationships or opening up to others makes him surprisingly easy to fluster, once the joke lands.
A secret romantic at heart? Who’d have known.
I’m not gonna lie, he’s kind of bland for a decent period of time. It takes him a while to unlearn a lot of emotional repression, but it also makes it all the more worthwhile when he’s in uplifted spirits.
If Sunstar catches this man smiling it’s game over
If Sunstar catches Terra without his visor? His month has been made.
I'm also kind of curious as to how you came to deciding on his final design? 
THIS!!! Oh my god he was both a huge pain and super fun to work on (like most of the stardroids)
I wanted him to have an ‘admiral’ look to him! But also space-invader-y and elegant (to a degree)
The gloves were more to fit the ‘commanding officer’ vibe
His stomach-region is designed in likeness to a belt on the bottom and vest in the middle! 
The fun poofy boots went more with the space invader vibe, but also to give him a more navi-like appearance.
His cable-hair and visor were strongly inspired by @liskobot’s Terra.exe design. They didn't have a ton of pictures of him, but they were a huge contributor to me even realizing the potential the Stardroids had to just exist in a MMBN universe.
Speaking of his visor–Terra absolutely uses it to hide the exhaustion in his face as well as his emotions. Reliable leaders need to stay composed, don’t they? >:)
The colors were done largely in part by my lovely dearest friend @hawkthespork. She’s a coloring GOD and helped me realize that not all of the stardroids have to have super saturated colors. I use saturated colors in my art a lot.
Until next time! Terra’s gonna enjoy his coffee in peace.
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Some alt. cup designs:
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lavaheadaddy · 3 months
im on my hands and knees pound my hand on the ground for Jekyll and Hyde to set me free from its clutches
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fl0tketz · 6 months
god gives his hardest battles (trying to remember the name of this one classical music piece i played like five years ago) to his stupidest soldiers (meeeee :3)
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 3 months
kicho route got me feeling some kinda way......... oh no.... im still waiting for the other foot to drop. he's been so sweet I'm here already expecting the worst to inevitably happen.....?
so turns out I'm easier to sway than I thought, fuck his actions in the other routes but in his?? I'm deaf, dumb and blind, what flags? all this red? the blood of my enemies I'm covered in?? don't worry about it, you didn't see anything
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side note am i the only one who finds his toothless grin sprite just a tad... uncanny?
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