#i think bubbly is such a cute compliment
rosicheeks · 2 years
I am a Virgo but I absolutely love how bubbly and sometimes goofy you are 😍😍😍🙏😘
Ok ok ok why did you say ‘but’ though
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bugeyedfreaks · 2 months
I bought the comic! 💖
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I have a couple of my usual little minor nitpicks (as I am want to have), but I don’t even want to get into them because there were so few and they didn’t impact my enjoyment of the comic all that much. I thought it was super cute!
I won’t spoil anything in case anyone’s interested in buying it for themselves (which, I would say… yeah, buy it, totally!), but what I appreciated the most– especially since this is the first issue and it’s establishing who the girls are for anyone not super familiar with them– is that the girls end up saving the day together. It shows the importance of them not just being heroes, but also being a team (and also being supportive sisters, which… 🥹🫶) and that makes me feel like, even on a basic level, they get the characters. And that’s reassuring! Yay!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
pure fluff, i had 3rd year katsu in mind when writing this :3, kissing and katsuki in a suit <3
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“i look fuckin’ stupid.”
you throw your head back and laugh, katsuki glares at you from the mirror he was just glaring at himself in.
“no you don’t, silly !”
“so why’re you lauging, you moron ?” he pouts, shoulders slouching as he stares at your figure in the glass. you lean against his shoulder and smile at his reflection. it squints at you.
“‘cus you’re a baby,” you cut him off before he can continue opening his big mouth, pressing a kiss to his cheek which makes any noise die off awkwardly in his throat “i think you look super handsome.” you whisper, leaning back against his shoulder just in time to see your words register in his brain, the tips of his ears and cheeks dusting into a cute pink. he scoffs and you giggle, shaking him by the shoulders a bit. he grumbles, pretending to nudge you off.
“hate this fuckin’ tie.” he decides to not respond to your compliment, trying to ignore his reaction to it all together. “can’t you just come with me ? you know the hag wouldn’t mind. pretty sure she loves you more than she does me.” you poke his side at the sarcastic remark, he growls at you. this is probably the fifth time he’s asked you to come with him to this business dinner his parents got invited to.
“don’t talk about your mom like that, katsuki. and i can’t just come with, this is like, a family thing right ? i’d feel way out of place” he scoffs hard at that. he wants to tell you that that’s total bull, his mom keeps making jokes about you’ll be part of the family soon anyway, but he’s too embarrassed to tell you that. “tch. whatever.” he ends up scoffing.
“stop making that face.” you chide playfully.
“i don’t like this shit.” he clenches his fists, shoving them in his pockets.
“i know you don’t baby, but you’ll get wrinkles.” you tease again, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and they shake as you hear him scoff in response, but he cranes his neck to give you more space. the button up he’s wearing tightened by that god awful tie as he calls it make it a bit hard to, but you make due. peppering kisses all the way from his neck to his ear, he grunts.
“what if i just..” he trails off.
“just..?” you mumble against his skin.
“don’t. go.” you giggle at his childish complaints and pull away, to which he glares at you in the mirror like you’d betrayed him. you stick your tongue out at his reflexion. it glares harder.
“katsu !” the giggles bubbling out your throat make him throw his head back with a loud groan. “c’monn, look at you !”
he cranes his neck further away, out right refusing to look at his own reflection that has beet red cheeks now, too much praise for one katsuki. “cut it out.” he pushes at your hands wrapped around his middle.
“look at this face !” he growls when you grab onto his cheek and you wrestle with him to get him to just look at himself, but ever the stubborn little shit he is your boyfriend will not. “you’re so handsome ! it’d be a waste not to go. and you spent so much time on your hair !”
“cut being dramatic, took me like five minutes” his eyes look down towards his dress shoes, kicking at the them and voice dying down at your praise. you sigh “you want me to come with you that bad ?”
at that, he looks up at you, not at the mirror but at you. you’re faces are close. he looks hopeful for a second, before he’s hiding it again as his eyes lower to your lips, a habit. “‘m just sayin’..it’d be less unbearable if you were there.”
“nevermind, fuckin’ take it back.” he groans, you let out a loud laugh. his lip trembles like he’s holding one of his own back. “fine then, suit yourself !” you giggle. he cracks a smile when you jokingly turn your nose up at him. swiftly turning towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. and something about his slightly gelled back hair and the suit and that smirk just does something to you. he really does look handsome (not like he doesn’t usually) you’re sure you have hearts in your eyes.
“thought you didn’t even wanna come.”
“i don’t, but i still wanted you to want me to !”
“that’s confusing as fuck.” he snorts, rolling his eyes again. then he leans in towards you and quickly presses his lips to your before immediately pulling back, he still wants to look at you before he has to go spend time with his parents and pretentious old fashion industry bastards. least you could do was allow him to keep this image in his mind to keep him company.
“i still want you to.” he admits to you, voice gruff from how low he speaks. it’s suddenly very quiet now. and wow, he looks very handsome in that suit.
“i know, handsome. but i can’t. ‘m sorry.” you reach a hand up, trying your best not to mess up his hair too bad even as he leans into you more. maybe he thinks if you mess up his hair enough it’ll foil his plans and make him late so his parents will decide to go without him, nice try.
he sighs, long and very dramatically loud. “ ‘s fine.”
“yeah ?”
“mm,” he grunts “ ‘s not, but i’ll be fine. you owe me though.” a smirk breaks onto his handsome face and it’s your turn to roll your eyes, but you’re glad he’s not actually upset.
just because, you decide to humor him “sure. what do i owe you ?” you catch a peek of his teeth when his smirk widens and he’s on you again, practically dipping you to kiss you. it takes you by surprise and you squeal loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck and trying your best not to wrinkle up his blazer as his hold on you tightens.
he’s about to explore your mouth further when you hear a car honk, katsuki groans and cranes his neck to look out his window just in time to see his mother look up at him. she waves at you but points to him and back to the car, basically telling him to “get his ass over there, stat.” you’ve known katsuki’s mom long enough to decipher it and you feel like you can almost hear her speak. you send your grouchy boyfriend off with a final kiss to his cheek when his mom looks away.
“try to have fun tonight, yeah ?” he grunts in response. “and not to blow anything up ?”
he snickers lightly “no promises.” you share a laugh, and he grabs your hand “i’ll walk you out.” well it’s not like you could’ve just stayed at his house, but you know neither him nor his parents would actually mind that so you stay quiet.
“oh, but you never told me what i owe you..” he freezes, then blinks. a grin settles on his face and he leans in until he’s just a breath away. then he surprises you again by pressing his lips to yours, less roughly than a moment ago but still just as heart racing. he eyes your lips one last time when he looks away like he wants more, instead he smirks, low eyes set on yours.
“just make sure you’ve got one of those ready for me when i see ya next, and we’re more than good.”
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dira333 · 4 months
Big Stretch - Kenma x Reader
@luvring you cannot post a Kenma hc and think I won't find out and marinate it in my head until I have to write it
Haikyuu taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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"Oooh, big stretch."
Kenma turns to glare at you, arms not fully extended yet. He folds in again, pouting slightly. "I'm not a cat," he says and you cock your head to the side to observe him.
"Could have fooled me." You tease.
He huffs, face growing red as he looks to the side. Oh no, did you go too far?
“Hey,” you lean in, try to catch his eye, “That was meant as a compliment. I like cats.”
He hums low in his throat, turns his amber eyes back to the paper in front of him.
“Can we just go back to work?” He asks and you nod. “Yeah, sure.”
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma sends you a pointed glare. The guy next to him, hair dark and disheveled, chuckles low in his throat.
“Your friend?” He asks and Kenma makes it a point to shake his head exaggeratedly.
“Should I turn around so you can finish stretching?” You ask, leaning into your seat, “Or can I stay to enjoy the show.”
Red blooms on Kenma’s face as he ducks behind the collar of his shirt.
“Stop,” he whines, “There are people around.”
“Ah, young love,” the guy next to him whistles and Kenma digs an elbow into his side. “Stop it, Kuroo! I don’t even know them!”
“Liar,” you call him out, “You love me.” And though it’s said as a joke you can’t help but think that it’s more of a manifestation. If you say it often enough it will come true.
“Oooh, big stretch.” 
Kenma huffs. He stops moving, frozen for a second before he throws his arm around you, rests his head on your shoulder and fakes the loudest snore you’ve ever heard.
“Long game, huh?” You ask, eyes finding Kuroo’s who’s got the usual knowing smirk.
“Aren’t you tired too, dear manager?” He asks.
You shake your head, heart bubbling in your chest with how close Kenma is. Even if you had been exhausted, you couldn’t be anymore, not with him cuddling into you.
Out of sight of his teammates, his ankle crosses yours.
Truly, feet-holding is so much cuter than hand-holding.
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma blinks, sleep settling heavily into his skin. He makes grabby hands, calling you in, and even though teasing him is as necessary to you as breathing, you cannot stay away when he’s cute like this.
You settle on his lap, lean over him, hands on either side of his face as if you’re kabedon-ing him into the mattress.
“Slept well, little kitty?” You ask and he smiles, hair fanned out around his face. 
Instead of answering he hooks one hand around your neck and pulls you in, his lips soft and a little chapped, writing poetry into your skin.
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma glares, lips stretching into a pout at your words. You can tell he’s not fully done stretching yet, but he’s unwilling to stretch again just because you commented on it.
“In my defense,” you tell him, nudging his back with your socked foot, “You are napping like a cat.”
“‘m not.”
“Am too. It’s cute.”
“Your mom’s cute.”
You snicker. “I’ll tell her you said that.”
He groans. “Look away,” he says, “I need to stretch.”
“Mhm, no, I got full staring rights when you said ‘I do’.”
“Should have read the fine print.”
“Should have, yes.” You lean forward, fold yourself in a way that’s making your back ache, but now you’re face to face with him, able to press a kiss to his nose. 
“Now you’re mine.”
He smiles, unable to keep up the pout, ducking his face behind his long hair.
“‘m yours.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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lordprettyflackotara · 4 months
fill the void || fred weasley
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It felt odd in a way, being alone for the first time.
Usually you were surrounded by your fellow Slytherins, the smell of cigarettes and cologne something your nostrils had grown accustomed to. The sound of vicious insults or bitter rants making a nest in your ears. The sight of scowls with liquor in their hands, their knuckles typically bruised and bloody.
But right now, all of that was gone. The air in the courtyard was clean, the breeze blowing past you providing you with the smell of the earth. Your sights were centered on a giant oak tree, as well as the moon that dimly illuminated the area below. It was an odd change, your surroundings being so settled. You couldn’t help but wonder what you would’ve become if you hadn’t been placed in Slytherin. Maybe yellow would’ve suited you better.
It wasn’t that you despised your housemates, even if they were a group of misfit toys. Mattheo protected you, Theo tutored you, Draco was always glued to your side. It wasn’t them that troubled you. It was what wearing the sickening shade of green meant. Submission to the dark lord. Following the ideology of pureblood nonsense. Especially being one of the only prominent girls, there was always the lingering question who’d you marry and reproduce with.
“Am I interrupting?”
You didn’t need to turn around. You’d recognize a Weasley’s voice anywhere. “Unfortunately not,” You admitted. You hated to admit you knew which Weasley twin it was, a lanky Fred Weasley plopping down beside you on the concrete steps. He stretched out his long legs, mere inches separating both of you. “Is there a reason you’re perched out here instead of doing shots with your friends?” Fred asked. How could you explain why? Oh yes, I am having an existential crisis because of the fact my dress is emerald. Want to go inside and split a chocolate frog?
“Where’s your other half? Didnt think you two separated,” You quipped, brushing off his question. Fred took the hint, leaning back on his hands. “Currently snogging Angelina Johnson,” He answered. This caught your attention, your head snapping to look over at him. “The chaser that wiped the floor with Blaise last season?” You asked. Sometimes you forgot how small this dreaded University actually was. Fred nodded, shrugging. “Aggressive on and off the field, just the way George likes em,” He replied.
You snorted. “Ahh yes. Makes sense a Weasley would enjoy being slutted out,” You snickered. It was too easy of a jab. Fred began to man spread, his long legs in your personal bubble. “I wouldn’t be so hasty little serpent. A few of us know how to put a brat in their place,” He smirked. The cocky motherfucker winked, heat dashing across your cheeks. You must be in a different dimension. There’s no bloody way a Weasley made you blush. “You’re cute when you blush,” Fred praised. He couldn’t help but notice how good you looked in the moonlight, the beams highlighting your features.
“Are you complimenting me Weasley?” You questioned. You avoided his gaze, trying to ignore the fact your heart skipped a beat. “Obviously not, i’m flirting with you,” Fred replied, unable to control the smile creeping across his lips. You were just so easy to tease. “What makes you think you can flirt with me?” You asked, turning your head to look over at the ginger. He shrugged, meeting your firey gaze with ease. “Perhaps it’s because we’re in the same boat, sitting out here alone in a bloody courtyard while the yule ball is less than five hundred feet away,” Fred explained. You audibly scoffed. “Weasley’s can’t afford a boat,” You spat.
Fred chuckled at your insult, your venom harmless to him. “Considering you’re out here I think it’s safe to say your boat has sank. Guess we’re on the same island together then,” He replied. You couldn’t help but find his facial expression smug. “Great,” You grumbled. You rested your chin on your knees, contemplating your life decisions. Fred sighed. “Well, if my presence really isn’t that valued i’ll relocate,” He said. He began to rise to his feet, your body doing a one eighty. You didn’t realize your hand was gripping his wrist until it was, desperately holding him in place.
“Sit down Weasley. I-,” You paused, looking up at the ginger. “I’d prefer it if you stayed.”
Fred grinned down at you mischievously, resuming his place beside you. “Figured you’d say that. Just wanted to hear you say it,” He gloated. You slapped his arm. “You’re unbearable. You know that don’t you?” You grumbled. Fred couldn’t help but laugh. Your annoyance was adorable. “You seem to like it,” He replied. You frowned as he stood up in front of you. “Do not,” You argued.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
Fred extended his hand in front of you. The faint sound of classical music could be heard over the stillness, the wind having faded out. “Care to dance?” He asked. The choice was standing right in front of you, demanding an answer. You could say no and continue moping on the stairs. You could say no and go back inside, all eyes on you once again. Or you could say yes, potentially having a good time with a boy you didn’t belong with. Dancing with a Weasley? Draco would have a field day with this one. But Fred’s hand never looked more appealing than it did in that moment.
Hesitantly you took his hand, allowing him to bring you to your feet. Even in heels he easily towered over you, the ginger not hesitating to bring you close to his chest. “You know you can drop the bad girl act with me, I won’t tell,” Fred said, guiding you back and forth. You were an awkward dancer, despite the endless ballroom dancing classes your parents put you through. “It’s not an act,” You argue. Fred looked down at you, his face painted like he knew you. Like he could see right through your hollow shell.
“Sure it isn’t. And i’m not the best prankster in Hogwarts,” He quipped. You slowly spun you around, giving you time to catch up as you almost tripped in your heels. “You’ve really got quite an ego, don’t you Weasley?” You asked. Fred grinned as he pulled you back close to him. “Thats a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?” He asked. You glared up at him. “I think not,” You argued. Even though your words were laced with venom, you couldn’t deny how much you enjoyed his touch.
So gentle but so assertive, guiding you. Your mind strayed away, imagining him guiding you a different way. Guiding you to take his cock, to ride him until the sun came up. “Hey? Are you listening little serpent?” Fred asked, his voice coming back into frame. You blinked a few times, trying to regain your composure. “Sorry, what?” You asked. Fred slowly guided the dance to a stop, the song ending. You couldn’t help but wish it’d last forever. “I was asking what you’re thinking about,” He said.
You could feel yourself turning red, your filthy thoughts flooding to the forefront of your mind. You felt tongue tied, unable to confess your dirty fantasies. “Ohh, I see,” Fred said. You couldn’t bear to look at him in the eye, embarrassed enough to be in this position. You felt his slender fingers slide under your chin, guiding you to look up at him. You allowed him to guide you, his eyes boring into yours. You liked that, allowing him to guide you. Even if he was supposed to be bad for you, his touch put you on cloud nine.
“Do you like that? When I guide you? Take control?” Fred asked, his voice dropping an octave lower than before. You could’ve dropped to your knees in an instant. “Maybe I do,” You replied, not wanting to cave, not just yet. Fred leaned down further, pressing his lips against yours. His lips were warmer than you thought they’d be, filling the void inside of you. The void that craved approval and validation. His lips provided all of that and more. He guided you towards the giant oak tree, pinning you against it.
The sharp bark scraped at your back, a groan escaping your lips as Fred’s refused to stray from yours. You raked your hands throw his hair, pulling at the roots roughly. Fred whined into your mouth, smirking as he pulled away. “Cute,” He murmured. His eyes flickered behind you, ensuring no one was around. “As much as i’d love to make you squirm, we can’t do much here,” He whispered. You pulled him back to your lips, sliding your tongue into his mouth. You couldn’t get enough, your body craving him.
“That eager, are we?” Fred asked, pulling you back in for another kiss. You gently bit his bottom lip, pulling it towards you. “Fuck me, at the very least Weasley,” You ordered weakly, your body betraying the attempt at dominance you were spewing. Fred grinned mischievously. “Turn around for me pretty girl,” He purred. You did as asked, his large hands pushing you against the tree. You could hear the clinking of his belt, your core throbbing in anticipation.
His large hands pushed up your dress, pulling your panties to the slide. “You’re lucky we’re in the courtyard, otherwise i’d make you beg and scream for me to fuck you,” Fred purred. You felt his tip brush up and down your folds, a moan escaping your lips. One of Fred’s hands flew to your mouth. “Gotta keep quiet little serpent. Dont want anyone to hear you being a whore for a Weasley, do you?” He taunted. He pushed himself inside of you slowly, your body feeling like it may split in two.
“You’re fuckin soaked for me,” Fred mused, placing a sloppy kiss against your shoulder. Your moans were muffled by his hand, your walls struggling to accommodate his size. “I’m bigger than Malfoy aren’t I?” He asked teasingly as he bottomed out inside of you. You grabbed onto his wrist, yanking it away from your mouth. “In your dreams Weasley,” You spat, whimpering as he bucked his hips ever so slightly. Fred began to suck at the side of your neck, harsh enough to leave a hickey. “Dont leave marks on me,” You argued, moaning as he began to thrust into you. Fred released your neck with a pop, satisfied as the skin began to turn purple.
“Whys that? Afraid your boy toys will find out you’ve let me in between your legs?” Fred asked, beginning to pick up the pace. His pace was brutal, his hand flying back over your mouth to muffle your sinful noises. “When they ask tell them. Tell them how I ruined you. How a Gryffindor made you cum in a courtyard like a dog in heat,” Fred huffed. He continued to viciously snap his hips into yours, his cock abusing your g spot with each thrust. You moaned his name into his hand, gripping one of his wrist and the tree for support.
“You’re so fucking tight, so perfect,” Fred groaned into your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He removed his hand from your mouth, his hands taking their rightful place on your hips. “I’m going to make you cum on my cock. You understand me? You’re going make a mess for me,” Fred ordered. His orders were hypnotizing, your legs beginning to shake as he held onto the fabric of your dress. You could feel the knot inside of you tighten, a familiar feeling coming.
“Please make me cum Freddie, fucking please,” You pleaded, your orgasm coming faster than you’d like to admit. Fred chuckled, fucking you mercilessly against the tree. “There she is, there’s my sweet whore. Go on, cum for me,” He panted. You squeezed his wrist tightly as you came, euphoria washing over you as you came on his shaft. Your legs trembled, threatening to give out on you at any moment. You felt Fred’s hips stutter, the ginger pulling out of you.
He guided you onto the ground, your bare knees hitting the dirt below. You stuck out your tongue, allowing Fred to cum inside of your mouth. “Holy shit,” Fred moaned, watching as you swallowed every last top. You both sat there for a moment, your highs subsiding as you soaked in what you had just done.
“Hey y/n?”
“You wanna grab a butterbeer sometime?”
“Shut up Weasley.”
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heehoonies · 28 days
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description: sunghoon is absolutely infatuated by his step sister, and he knows his best friends, jay and jake, both want a taste. sunghoon shows them they can touch, but only with his permission.
word count: 8k
contents: step bro sunghoon & (step) brother's best friends jayke x reader, porn with (little) plot, STEPCEST!! dni if uncomfy, hoonie is possessive and mean at times >.<
smut warnings under the cut
now playing: lemonade by nct 127
smut warnings: reader is kinda dumb and innocent (but she knows what she wants), sunghoon has a monster cock, a couple mlm moments (bisexual king jay rise!!!!), hard and soft dom!sunghoon, service dom!jay, dom!jake (a few sub!jake moments bc.. yeah), sub!reader, daddy and sir kinks, foursome, unprotected sex (do not. do this!), pussy drunk jake, breeding kink, praise, degradation, pet names, slight voyeurism, cum eating, multiple orgasms, cumming inside, creampie, anal, y/n gets fucked in all three holes at once, oral (m. and f. rec), face fucking, spit as lube, choking, bulge kink, possessive and kinda mean sunghoon... erm i think that's it!
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“dude, there’s no way you don’t think she’s hot!”
sunghoon shakes his head at jay’s admission, groaning as he waves a hand at his best friend, trying to shoo him away with pure willpower. “shut up, will you? that’s my step sister you’re talking about dude.”
sunghoon watches his best friends with disinterest, anger bubbling as he scoffs at the way they grill him. the way you and him behave behind closed doors is truly none of their damn business.
“your step sister is hot as fuck, hoon, “if she comes out here in that tiny ass yellow bikini she wore yesterday…” jake nearly moans at the thought, staring up at the underside of the beach umbrella he sits beneath, snuggling further into the lounge chair he lies on. “i’m gonna take her in the damn pool, i don’t care if either of you fuckers see us.”
“not if i fuck her first,” jay shoves jake, forcing the younger man to spring to life, chasing jay before they both jump into the pool. the two continue fighting once they land inside, jay dunking jake’s head underwater for a moment as sunghoon shakes his head, watching his best friends wrestle. he scowls at the two of them, knowing neither of them deserve to be around let alone fuck you. but he tolerates it, for now, knowing you somewhat enjoy their presence, often giggling at their dumb antics. a giggle that sunghoon often thinks about when he’s jerking it in the shower, not that he’d ever admit it.
sunghoon watches the pair as they jostle around in the warm water, time passing quickly as they fight for dominance. “you two are so annoying,” jay and jake both wave him off, “whatever man, you love us!” jay blows sunghoon a kiss before jake wrestles him under the water’s surface once more.
“hi, hoonie,” you smile as you step outside, the sight of a brand new bikini sunghoon has never seen adorning your gorgeous figure. it takes everything in him to not pop a boner in his swim trunks, watching as the deep pink material compliments your skin beautifully. a bikini that he wants to see on the floor. “what are they doing?” you watch jay and jake with a small pout.
“hell if i know,” sunghoon trails his gaze up from your feet, with cute pink painted toenails to match your swimsuit. he sees strong, sleek calves followed by plush thighs, ones that he’d love to feel clamped around his head as he makes you see stars. the waist he’d love to grab and bruise in his tight grip, to the toned stomach that he wants to see bulge from the press of his cock deep in your cervix.
his eyes go further, to the cleavage visible in your poor excuse for a bikini top, plump tits nearly spilling out, begging to be sucked and marked. sunghoon can see your nipples poking through the thin fabric and the sight makes his mouth quirk up, fangs urging to nip and bite at them until they stand at attention, begging for more. your shoulders, which would be prettier covered in purple and blue and sprawled out against his white sheets. your neck, begging to be bitten to the point of nearly bleeding, his fangs digging into your delicate skin.
“sunghoon?” you tear him from his thoughts, eyes darting up to meet your gaze. well, fuck, now he’s hard, right when you’re looking at him with your big eyes and pink, pouty lips. pouty lips that never fail to tease him into oblivion, giggling lightly as you manage to press your ass against his bulge at every possible moment. “hoon, can you put this on my back? i can’t reach…”
you lie on your stomach on the lounge chair next to him, turning your head to the side to watch your step brother. he doesn’t move, and you whine, “hoonie, please.”
the tone in your voice makes sunghoon groan, throwing his head back to hide the noise that slips out, not wanting you to see how easily he’s crumbling when he hears you practically beg for him to touch your back. sunghoon knows you’d sound even prettier begging for his cock, squirming in his hold and nearly crying from how good he’s making you feel.
“sure,” sunghoon obliges, rising to his feet before straddling you, sitting on your ass as he squirts a glob of sunscreen into his hand. you reach back and untie the back of your bikini, the sides falling down to allow him to further cover your back. sunghoon feels his dick stir and press against your ass, catching a glimpse of your sideboob as it spills out of your top and lies against the fabric of the chair. you press back against him discreetly, biting on your hand to prevent a moan from tumbling out of your glossy lips. you love the little game you and sunghoon play, pushing further and further until one of you breaks. he’s yet to fuck you, often times stumbling away from you to hide in the bathroom, fucking his fist at the thought of your tight heat wrapped around his achingly hard dick. you continue to hold back, waiting for him to make the first move, trying to protect your heart from him. you don’t want to just be a quick fuck for him.
sunghoon begins at the top of your shoulder blades, rubbing diligently with gentle pressure as he spreads the cream along your upper body. “mmm, feels good, hoonie,” you smile against your hand, eyes flicking back to look at him. you find his gaze trained on your body, taking in the relaxed look of your shoulders. “keep going,” you stir him on, keeping your voice low, feeling his hard on press further into the fat of your ass.
“fuck,” sunghoon mumbles under his breath as he takes another dollop of sunscreen and begins making his way further down your back. it feels so good, your eyes fluttering shut as you take in all the sensations of sunghoon pressed against you, hands wandering and cock stirring against your bikini bottoms. you take in the feeling of sunghoon, his presence overwhelming you deeply and clouding your thoughts with images of your pussy stuffed with his big cock. what you wouldn’t do to have him slide your bottoms to the side and slip right in, wet enough to not need any prep. the thought of his cock filling your hole in the middle of your backyard, right in front of his friends, as he continues to massage your back makes your wetness seep deeper into the flimsy fabric. you wish he’d claim you right here in front of them, not completely oblivious to the feelings both of his friends share for you.
it doesn’t matter how jake and jay feel, though, because you know they could never satisfy you the way sunghoon could. you wouldn’t mind a little fun with them while you wait for sunghoon to finally pounce on you though, like a little warm up before the main event of your step brother bottoming out in your aching hole.
“there you go, princess,” sunghoon ties your bikini top again before rising to his feet, adjusting his swim shorts to conceal his raging boner.
“thank you, hoonie,” you rise to your feet, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek and not waiting for his reaction before approaching the pool, walking down slowly, finally catching the attention of jay and jake. sunghoon blushes lightly at your affection, his heart stirring now alongside the hard on in his trunks.
jay lets go of jake’s head, who bobs back up from underwater. he gasps, pushing his water soaked bangs out of his face as he blinks, adjusting to the bright sun beaming in his eyes once more. “hi, y/n,” jay’s sultry tone makes your knees buckle, but luckily you’re only a few steps into the warm water, able to reach the bottom of the pool with your feet.
“y/n!” jake’s alluring accent makes you smile, his excitement to see you filling your heart with joy. “glad you could join us, it’s always more fun with you here, beautiful.”
you quirk an eyebrow, training your gaze on jake, “is that so?” he nods, approaching you. “if we can convince hoon to come in the pool, we can play chicken,” jake exclaims, “and i’m the strongest base out of all three of us. i’d never let you fall into the pool, angel.” he winks at you, the sight stirring a flutter against your ribcage.
“okay, jakey,” you spare a glance towards sunghoon, who is watching the three of you with a guarded look on his sharp features, his eyes now adorned with sunglasses to shield his true emotions as he waits for his cock to calm down. “hoonie! come join us!”
“he’s refused to get in the pool all day,” jay joins jake at your side, your head feeling a little lighter at the realization of having all three men’s attention on you, with jay and jake both crowding your space intentionally. “even tried to bribe him but he didn’t move.”
“i can think of a way to get him in here,” jake mumble absentmindedly, jay snickering at the off handed comment.
sunghoon sets his sunglasses down, finally feeling like his dick has calmed enough to be in your vicinity once more. he dives into the pool gracefully, head peeking back above the water and pushing the hair from his eyes in one swift, elegant movement. you watch as his shoulders glisten in the sunlight, urging the water to part so you could trail your eyes further down his torso, want to take a peek at his bare skin as you know how hard he’s been hitting the gym recently. the sight of him sweating in the makeshift gym he’s made with jay in your garage always brings you to your knees before you retreat up the stairs and whip out a toy you picked out specifically after hypothesizing how big sunghoon’s cock is.
it’ll never be as good as the real thing, though, and you ache for him to finally give up this back and forth game you’re playing. your resolve is too strong to cave first, afraid that his feelings won’t mirror your own.
“jake wants to play chicken, let me on your shoulders.”
sunghoon obliges with a huff, ducking down to allow jay to hop on his shoulders as jake hoists you up onto his, gripping your plush thighs tightly, glancing up at you with a sly grin on his face. one turn and jake would have his nose pressed into your heat, he imagines how good you’d taste, how warm you’d be as he dove in with his tongue, fingers reaching where he can’t as he eats you like you’re his last meal.
the game begins, jay reaching over and grabbing your arms and shoulders, leaning in to try and throw you off balance. your perky boobs press against his chest and he feels his strength begin to crumble, “stop being so strong!” you whine, pushing against jay as you try to shove him off sunghoon’s broad shoulders. the words hit his ears with a rush, his resolve tumbling down along with his body as both him and sunghoon fall into the water. the realization of you thinking he’s strong rings in jay’s mind as he watches you celebrate above him. “get down from there,” the corner of his mouth tugs up into a smile as he watches you.
“but i like being tall!” you complain, hands reaching down to hold jake’s to keep your balance.
jake squeezes your hands as he tries to lead you off his shoulders, “come on, y/n.”
you shake your head, watching as sunghoon trails his way up your figure to meet your gaze. “y/n,” is all he says before you’re allowing jake to help you down, your stubborn, flirty resolve crumbling instantly under sunghoon’s hard stare.
jay wraps you in his arms as you breach the water again, leading you to squirm in his hold, “jay, let go of meeeee,” you whine, slapping at his shoulders lightly.
“let me hold you, pretty,” jay replies lowly, the timbre in his voice sending heat to your core, “mmf– don’t call me that, jay.”
“yeah?” jay laughs, low and sensual as he holds you, “why, baby?”
you shake you head, shoving to get away from him, unable to hide your whiny tone, “let go!”
his steely voice draws your gaze to meet his, eyes going wide. “you can’t even give me a reason why i should let you go, can you?”
you shake your head meekly, watching his eyes darken as he watches you, eyes darting around your face. “that’s what i thought.” he snakes a hand down your body, relishing in the smooth curve of your hips before resting a hand on your thigh. your breath hitches, glancing over at sunghoon, who is playing basketball with jake merely a few feet away. you miss the way he watches you and jay out of the corner of his eye, jealousy brewing beneath his gorgeous skin.
jay dips down to kitten lick once at the junction that joins your neck to your shoulder, chasing the action with a shallow bite in the same spot as he snakes a hand inside your swim bottoms. you yelp in response to his hand as it swipes through your folds, pinching your clit lightly before retracting his hand and giving your ass a light squeeze. 
“i’m hungry!” jake whines.
“come on, i’ll make sandwiches,” jay jumps out of the pool and you watch as the water drips off of his body, highlighting the taut muscles of his back. he grabs his towel, turning back to see you staring, winking at you as you float below him. “you coming, sweetheart?”
you blush at his double entendre, whether intentional or not, and nod lightly, making your way to the stairs. jake steps out, grabbing two towels and waits at the last step. you join jake and he wraps your body in the towel, relishing in the expanses of skin he feels in this fleeting moment.
“can i have a peanut butter and jelly?” you stand next to jay, drying yourself off before tossing the towel into the laundry bin next to the back door, skin now mostly dry with a grumbling stomach.
“whatever you want,” jay smiles, leading the way into the kitchen where he begins grabbing items skillfully, knowing the layout of sunghoon’s kitchen better than sunghoon himself.
sunghoon lags behind, cleaning up the area around the pool outside like a good step brother would. you hoist yourself onto the kitchen island, eyes trained down on jay as he settles the items next to you. he gives your thigh a small squeeze before he begins preparing your sandwich.
jake makes space for himself between your legs, pressing himself into you with a smile. “i’m hungry, angel,” he watches you with a look swimming in his eyes that you’ve seen often on jay, but infrequently on jake. jake is staring at you with want devouring his gaze, his hands resting on the outside of your thighs. “you gonna help me, baby?”
you blush at the implication, “what’re you hungry for?”
jake’s hand reach your waist, gently toying with the ties of your bikini bottoms, his touches burn against your skin, lighting everything aflame with his fingertips. jake leans in close, his lips ghosting over yours, his slightly labored breaths fanning across your skin. “take a guess.”
you shake your head lightly and jake quirks an eyebrow at your disagreement. jay glances over, chuckling deeply, the sound missing your ears as all of your sense are dialed in to jake’s body hovering over you.
jake moves his hands from the strings of your bikini, instead resting them on the inside of your thighs, “don’t even need to take these off, do i, baby?” jake hooks a single finger in the fabric, tugging it to the side, revealing your wet pussy. “mm, jay, look at that,” jake groans, head falling back as he glances at his best friend. jay feels his dick stir at the sight of you exposed for the two of them. “look at you, dirty girl,” jay quips, cutting your sandwich into two triangles before handing you one of them in the middle of the kitchen, where anyone could walk in. “eat,” jay commands and you nod, not knowing the word was for both you and the man between your legs.
jake dives in, testing the waters with a kitten lick at your clit. your hand stills, unable to bring the sandwich to your mouth. jake notices your reaction, flattening his tongue and licking a long stripe this time, dipping through your folds. he moans against your heat, a rumble you feel all the way up in the crown of your head.
“what did i say?” jay asks you and you hesitantly meet his gaze, seeing blown out pupils meet your own. he guides your hand to your mouth, forcing you to take a bite. jay uses his other hand to push jake’s head further into your core. you groan, barely able to swallow your food as you clamp your thighs around jake’s head.
you groan, eyes watching jay and his gaze that’s trained on you. “mmf–” he shoves the sandwich back into your mouth as jake takes a devastatingly long lick before dipping his tongue into your hole. you choke down the bite of food, glancing down at jake, his need to eat you out pouring out in droves that wash over all three of you. jay’s hand never leaves the back of his head, encouraging jake to go deeper.
you hear the backdoor slam gently as sunghoon enters, drying his hair off with a towel. he glances over at the three of you, fire stirring in his stomach as his body goes completely still. sunghoon feels stupidly angry at the display in front of him. his two stupidly horny best friends truly couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, could they? even after he’d endlessly warned them?
sunghoon is determined to show them who you belong to.
“all three of you,” he booms, tossing the towel on the floor, “upstairs. now.”
jake continues lapping at your heat, adding a finger along with his mouth as it dips further into your warm walls. jay yanks him off by his hair, shoving him towards the staircase, knowing how absolutely pussy drunk his best friend gets, a feeling that makes every sound fall on deaf ears when speaking to the blonde man. jake looks dazed before seeing sunghoon standing there, not realizing the man had come inside, considering he was neck deep in your pussy. jay takes the sandwich from your hand and sets it to the side, helping you off the island, no urgency in his actions. jake nearly dashes upstairs, the slightest bit afraid of sunghoon and what he’s going to do, not that he’d ever admit it outloud.
you adjust your bottoms so that they’re covering you fully once more, shame covering your features, cascading over your cheeks and reaching the tips of your ears.
jay steps upstairs slowly, not sparing a glance back at you and sunghoon, who stand alone near the backdoor. sunghoon raises an eyebrow at you, “oh, now you’re shy?” his tone drips venom.
you shake your head lightly before turning to the stairs and trudging up, belly burning at the thought of what sunghoon has planned. you find sunghoon’s room, stepping inside and you’re greeted with the familiarity of his space, one you often spent a lot of time in. mostly teasing sunghoon, pushing him to his breaking point, lingering as long as possible before he’d shove you out with a frenzied lock of the door.
jay is sprawled out on sunghoon’s desk chair, swaying back and forth lazily. jake is sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes trained on the door. you join jake on the bed, meeting his eye for a moment, the fear and need in your eyes overflowing with blink of your long lashes.
“hoon, please don’t be mad–” you beg him, eyes wide as you watch him enter, the familiar sound of the lock twisting behind him.
the anger ruminating off of sunghoon’s body crowds the small space, soaking the air. “i told you two idiots to stay away from her, didn’t i?!” jay rolls his eyes.
“hoon, be for real man. you really thought that would keep us away?” jake watches his younger best friend with a confused look.
“jake hasn’t got his dick wet in so long, hoon, let him have this,” jake throws a pillow towards jay, one which hits him square in the face. “i’m trying to help you, asshole!”
“hoonie, i’m sorry,” you plead, “it just happened.”
“it’s not hoonie anymore, you lost that privilege.”
your face runs cold at his words, sniffling lightly under his intense gaze, “h–hoon, i’m really sorry–”
“yeah? you’re sorry? you’re fucking sorry?” he mocks, squishing your face with one of his veiny hands, “you’re not fucking sorry, you’re just sorry you got caught. but i’ll make you sorry. show you who you really belong to.”
you whimper, heat rushing to your core, nearly dripping out of your bottoms. “lucky for you, i’m a good step brother, so i’ll let you have your fun with jay and jake, princess. just not behind my damn back, and certainly not without me,” he releases his grip on your face. jay glances at hoon, confusion lacing his features. “what are you waiting for, jongseong? i’m giving you permission, just this once.”
“yeah? and what if she doesn’t want it just once, hoonie?”
sunghoon cracks one of his knuckles absentmindedly, his eyes narrowing in annoyance as he hovers above you. “well too fucking bad, that’s not her decision to make.”
jay chuckles darkly as he rises and approaches you, his figure towering over you as he stands next to hoon. “you want us to make you feel good, baby?” he holds your cheek with one of his large hands and you unconsciously lean into his touch, nodding as you look up at him. “daddy will give you whatever you want, angel.”
you moan at the name and glance at sunghoon for guidance, finding him already watching you with a trained gaze. he gives you the smallest nod of permission, the sight of his possessiveness sending wetness dripping into the fabric covering your core. your brain is torn between focusing on the two men in front of you, their presence completely overwhelming you with how close their bodies are pressed to you, not knowing whether to watch jay or sunghoon.
“you want jake to finish eating you out, pretty?” jay strokes his thumb over your chin as he watches your face change, heating up a bit.
“yes what?”
“yes, daddy,” jay groans, “that’s right, good girl.” he lets go of your face as he comes to sit behind you, spreading his legs out so you can sit flush to his back. the hardness of his dick presses into your back and you groan, glancing back at him with lust clouding your gaze.
jake settles himself between your legs, his touch gentle as he finally unties the flimsy material clothing your pussy, tugging on the ties until you reveal yourself to him. jake bites on the plush of your inside thigh, “fuuuuck, look at this pussy.” jake interrupts his own groan by diving in, resuming his movements from merely moments earlier. he grips your thigh tightly with one hand, the other joining his tongue inside your wet heat with two fingers now. he scissors inside, searching for the spot inside you that no doubt makes your eyes roll back.
sunghoon watches your face, gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, bringing your eyes to focus on him. “only look at me, slut.” you feel your eyes tearing up a little at his harsh words. “aw, my baby’s gonna cry because i called her a slut? couldn’t even be patient for your brother, had to go fuck my friends because you couldn’t get me to fuck you quick enough, could you? dumb whore.”
you can feel the thoughts slipping from your mind as sunghoon stares deep into your eyes, your own bubbling with tears as he degrades you, the words filling your mind with a mix of shame and desperation. desperation to feel his hands on you, hurting you in the most delicious way then soothing the emotional welts with kisses and a cock kissing your cervix.
jay reaches around your body, palming your tits in his hands, fondling them gently outside of your top. “i’ll fuck you nice and deep, princess, don’t worry.” jay whispers as he trails kisses down your jaw, interspersing harsh sucks in with his actions, hoping to leave a mark.
you feel almost brainless as he touches you, and jake continues working your pussy with his mouth, “mmh– daddy,” you groan as jay pinches one of your nipples through the fabric. you reach behind you, swiftly untying your bikini top and yanking it off your body. “needy girl,” jay presses a kiss behind your ear as he continues his movements, his need growing after feeling you bare beneath his hands. sunghoon takes your top from your hands, throwing it somewhere in the room before catching your lips in a searing, passionate, possessive kiss.
sunghoon, sunghoon, sunghoon is all you can think as he presses against you, hands holding your face tightly, like if he doesn’t you’ll slip from his grasp.
jake’s nose brushes against your clit as he dips back into your heat with a particularly strong lick, fingers reaching deep and finally prodding against your sweet spot. “eugh!–” you moan against sunghoon’s mouth, gasping lightly as jake repeats the same motion. jake grins against your pussy at your reaction, noticing the way your legs are beginning to tremble as the thigh he’s not holding tries to close in on his head. sunghoon pulls away, keeping his face close to yours, his shallow breaths ghosting over your lips. “my naughty little sister, look at you.”
“sweet girl is close, jakey,” jay bites at your neck, “come on, pup, work your magic.” jake’s ears burn at the nickname tumbling from jay’s lips, his cock stirring as he continues his ministrations on your sopping wet core. “you gonna cum for me?” jake speaks into your pussy, the vibrations enhancing your pleasure and you nod fervently, “yes, jake!”
sunghoon’s hand digs into jake’s hair and yanks him off of your clit, causing you to nearly scram from the loss of contact, “h-hoonie please!”
“naughty girls don’t get to cum, do they jay?” sunghoon watches jay with a small smirk adorning his plump lips, watching jay’s nose twitch slightly. “i think she deserves it, making jakey feel so good down there.”
sunghoon glances down at jake, who he now notices is panting loudly, fighting to dive back in to lick further at your core. “he’s close, too, hoon, don’t blue ball our friend.” jake whimpers the longer sunghoon holds him by his hair, far away from any skin that he can suck and bite.
“fine,” sunghoon relents, glancing up at jay, “but no more requests from you, daddy,” he says the nickname with a mocking tone, watching his best friend continue to fondle your breasts lightly. you gasp at jake’s return to your core, the man between your legs quickly slides two fingers in beside his tongue. “and you keep your eyes on me when you cum.” you nod quickly, babbling a small, “yes, hoonie,” breathlessly.
jake prods against that special spot in your gummy walls repeatedly, licking deep inside next to his two fingers. his nose rubbing incessantly against your clit paired with jay biting your skin and gripping your breasts has you tumbling to the edge. jay aids you, pinching harshly against one of your nipples as he whispers, “go ahead, babygirl, let go.”
your eyes dart to sunghoon, who’s already staring at you with need swimming in his irises. you hold his gaze as you cum with a loud moan, body going limp as the pair continue their motions, working you through your orgasm. your vision is blurry and limbs fuzzy as you come down from your high, body bathed in heat as you still feel three pairs of hands all over you. you whine as you come back into your mind, trying to push jake away.
sunghoon groans lowly at the sight of you cumming under his best friends, trying to keep his composure, vowing to himself to make you cum harder.
jake sits up, a cocky grin on his lips as he collects the cum from his face with his fingers and shoves them into jay’s mouth. you lean back, watching as jay sucks it all off of jake’s fingers. you blush, body feeling hot knowing he’s eagerly sucking your essence off the other man’s gorgeous fingers. jay pulls off with a pop, his attention turning back to you.
“you gonna let us fuck you, baby?” you glance up at your stepbrother for permission. sunghoon brings his hands to grip onto your hips, rubbing his thumbs on your skin, each movement spreading fire across your body as he burns you with his gentle yet possessive touch. “is that what you want?” you nod, looking up at sunghoon with wide eyes, “want all three of you,” you tell him with a pout. sunghoon groans lowly, masking it by kissing your lips chastely.
“my baby,” he whispers with a smile, one that hides his need to take you right here in front of both of his friends. sunghoon decides to let you have your fun, knowing this will be the last time you fuck anyone besides him for the rest of your life. “just this once, okay?” you nod with a smile that matches his own, hiding your need to be claimed by your step brother deep within your expression, “yes, sir.”
a moan escapes his throat, “fuck, don’t call me that right now or i’ll kick these two idiots out and take you all for myself.”
“later?” he nods in response before stepping back, watching with a trained gaze as you interact with his best friends. you reach out to play with the hem of jake’s swim shorts, “go ahead,” jay smiles, always wanting to please you. you see hoon nod at you from the corner of your eye, so you take it as permission to continue.
you pull jake’s shorts down slowly, gasping as his cock springs up, hard and veiny, his mushroom tip blushing as you take in the sight of him, so so long with a decent girth.
“you too, jay,” you pull yourself from his lap, crawling to the center of the bed. you watch jay tug his own shorts down, tossing them somewhere across the room. jay’s thickness alone makes your eyes go wide, knowing he’s going to absolutely stretch you out with how wide he is. his length is nothing to scoff at either, especially not knowing he’ll be rearranging your guts shortly enough.
jake glances over at sunghoon for a moment, “can i fuck her in the ass, hoon?”
sunghoon doesn’t reply, glancing at jay for a moment with a quirked eyebrow. jay pushes jake onto the bed, forcing his best friend to settle against the pillows. “no, i’m fucking her ass.” jay tells him, lifting you like you weigh nothing, groaning as you take in the sight of his bulging biceps. “mmh– you’re so strong…” you drool as you watch jake stroke himself a few times to ensure he’s fully hard for you.
jay lifts you and jake holds his dick, the two working in tandem to slide you onto jake’s length, the action making you wonder just for a moment if they’ve done this before. his tip sits against your hole for a moment, pulling a whimper from your lips and returning your mind to the present moment, before he’s breaching your wet heat, the stretch delicious as you sink lower and lower until you feel his pelvis pressed against your own.
sunghoon takes his shorts off before kneeling next to the three of you, the sight of him being even bigger than both of his friends has you drooling and leaking around jake’s cock.
“fuck–” you moan, body feeling limp, his strong hands on your hips being the only thing to hold you upright. jake loses all restraint after feeling himself bottoming out inside of you, his insistent thrusts making you fall into his chest. “fuck, baby,” jake groans, eyes rolling back at the feeling of your tight hole wrapped around his aching dick. “pussy’s heaven.”
jay moves while you’re still distracted, tip poking against your tightened rim. your eyes go wide, glancing back at him. “it’s okay, baby, it’ll feel good, don’t worry, princess,” he presses a kiss to your lower back to soothe you. jay holds your ass cheeks apart so he can watch the slide. he spits down on your fluttering hole so he can slip in easier, pressing just the tip inside as you’re rocked against jake’s length. “ah!–” you scream at the intrusion, his cock nearly splitting you open as jay stills for just a moment. he rubs your cheeks with his thumb, nearly cumming right there from feeling how tight you’re wrapped around his cock. “jay, ‘s too big,” you mumble.
“you can take it, angel girl,” he tells you, his weeping dick being further enveloped in your impossibly tight hole as you whimper and squirm beneath him.
sunghoon interrupts any further ramblings about any of them being too big by bringing your face down to his length and tapping your cheek with his cock. he smacks your cheek again before resting it against your lips for a moment. you eagerly open up, taking him in. sunghoon groans at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth sucking him in so easily. he fists your hair in his hand, beginning to manipulate your mouth up and down his cock, knowing you’re probably already too fucked out to be able to bob up and down on your own accord.
“there you go,” jay whispers once he’s fully inside. you feel double stuffed, no, triple stuffed. the sensation is completely new to you as you cry out with nonsensical pants and moans, gripping onto sunghoon’s thick thighs.
you feel their cocks inside you moving in tandem, jay more controlled and pointed as jake nearly crumbles inside of you, all control slipping out of him the moment he breached your warm heat. sunghoon is controlled with his thrusts in and out of your mouth, holding strong in his resolve despite how fucking warm and tight your mouth feels wrapped around him. the push and pull is delicious, your body being tugged this way and that, sandwiched between the three men deliciously.
jake can feel jay’s thick cock through the thin wall that separates them, “fuck, you should feel this pussy, jay,” jake moans, “bet she could fit us both.”
“mm, our good princess could fit both of us in her tiny hole, couldn’t she?” jay teases, the words nearly making you drip down jake’s length. you can feel jake’s thrusts becoming even sloppier, and jay is speeding up behind you. sunghoon has switched from using your hair to move you against his length to thrusting up into your mouth instead, reaching deeper than before, his cockhead fucking against the back of your throat deliciously. jay reaches around, thumbing at your hardened nub with practiced expertise, biting into your shoulder.
you hear sunghoon’s voice from above you, dark and biting with his words, “don’t you dare fucking cum inside, jake.”
“fuck, i–i’m close,” jake groans, his thrusts never ceasing. you can sense it in the air, both men that are pressed so deep inside of you are nearing their ends, with sunghoon not far behind. jake becomes sloppier, panting loudly in need as jay keeps pressing himself deeper, forcing his cock to stretch your hole further with his girth in every move.
“jay,” jake groans and jay tugs you off jake’s dick before you feel liquid hitting your stomach. jake paints your abdomen with cum, watching in awe as it slides down your soft skin slowly. jay plants kisses all over your shoulderblade, “fuck, you fit so tight around me, baby, gonna cum inside this tight little asshole of yours.”
jay’s thrusts pull you away from sunghoon’s cock. your step brother moves instead to begin fondling your tits with practiced intention, his grip sending shockwaves through your system, “fuck, daddy–” jay cums deep inside, pressing his hips flush against your as you milk his cock.
jay pants, glancing up at sunghoon, who is watching him expectantly. jay pulls out slowly, watching the cum drip from your hole with a deep groan. “fuck, look at that.”
“alright, move out of the way.” sunghoon commands to the duo after only a beat, still massaging your breasts and tweaking your nipples, “i don’t care where you go, you can watch for all i care, just get the fuck off my bed.”
jake, tumbles off the bed onto the floor, utterly spent and too tired to even stand. jay takes a seat at the desk, watching with a lust filled gaze.
“gonna fuck you the way you deserve, baby. you’ll never want another man to even look at you once i slip inside…” you open your eyes again to see sunghoon sitting before you. his dick sits hard right in front of your eyes. now, no longer distracted by the two other men that were once surrounding you, the sight stirs heat inside your stomach, his girth and length surpassing both of his friends that just destroyed you from the inside out.
“fuck, hoonie–” you stare up at him, tongue nearly lolling out of your mouth at the sight of his length.
“my sweet angel girl,” sunghoon coos at you, a different, new emotion taking over his previous jealousy and possessiveness, “waited so long for this pussy, can’t believe you made your brother wait for you.” he wraps your legs around his waist, holding them there as he presses his tip against your fluttering hole. you groan at the sensation, trying to wiggle your hips to entice him to slip inside. he tightens his grip on the underside of your knees, a warning for your disobedience.
your eyes roll back as he pulls away before yelping as he smacks your clit with his bulbous tip. you glance down at his cock sitting near where you oh so desperately need him, the veins matching the ones on his hands that make you groan.
you’d gotten that part right with your attempted sunghoon replica dildo.
“hoonie,” you whimper, “‘m sorry…”
“i know, baby,” sunghoon captures your lips in a gentle kiss, “but now that i have you, you better not even think about leaving.” he punctuates his words by pressing his tip inside, almost cumming on the spot at the feeling of finally having you enveloping his dick in your perfect little hole. “fuck, pussy’s so perfect and i only have the tip in.” you’re nearly able to cum again just from the feeling of his mushroom head fitting snugly inside your abused hole.
“fuck, hoonie,” you whimper, grasping at his large biceps for stability as he slides in achingly slow, wanting to savor the feeling of every part of your walls sucking him in. “need you.”
“need you too baby.” sunghoon presses kisses on your cheeks, moving one of his hands from the underside of your knee to your lower back, angling you closer. you feel him even deeper inside you with this action and you glance down, seeing even more length left. “you have all of me now, don’t even worry angel. hoonie will take care of you.”
“mmh– sir you’re so big,” you whimper as sunghoon finally bottoms out inside of you.
“yeah? my baby’s dildos she got as a stand in for me aren’t as big as the real thing, are they?” sunghoon taunts, a wave of embarrassment flooding over you. you shake your head, “they aren’t–”
your sentence is halted by sunghoon pulling all the way out, just the tip still sitting inside your warm walls, before shoving back in, his tip bruising your cervix with a single thrust.
“i know my baby, you just wanted your big brother so bad that you had to get one you thought was the same size, didn’t you?”
you shake your head, “n-no!”
“don’t lie, princess,” sunghoon continues pulling all the way out to the tip before sliding back inside with a quick movement, the action yanking gasps and moans from your throat. “it’s okay, angel. but i need you to throw all of those away now, okay?”
you nod fervently, wanting so deeply to please sunghoon, wanting his big cock to stretch you open like you’ve fantasized about for months now, never before having the courage to do more than a little light teasing with him.
“h-hoonie,” you whine, staring up at him with wide eyes and blown out pupils, the sight of you staring up at him with want and need and lust swimming in your gaze making him nearly bust on the spot. “i know, pretty, hoonie’s got you,” sunghoon shoves himself back in your heat, stilling for a moment before moving his hand that’s holding your leg to your abdomen, pressing against your lower stomach. “look at that, angel.” you feel a bit of drool dribble out of your mouth at the sight of him pressed so deep inside, a bulge easily visible. “pretty little girl was made for her step brother’s cock, wasn’t she?”
you groan as he somehow pushes even deeper into you, “h-hoon!” you scream, panting as he takes one of your hands and slides it to meet the delicate skin of your tummy, feeling him prodding inside your hole so deep that you feel him on the outside, too. “mm, that’s my good girl, taking everything i give you.” sunghoon begins thrusting again, the harsh movements shoving you up and down along the bed as the headboard slams against the wall with each yank of his cock in your tight hole.
sunghoon slides his hand down from his tip protruding through down to your clit, rubbing in a skilled pattern along your hardened nub. “mmf– fuck!”
“that’s it baby, gonna milk this cock, aren’t you?” you’re unable to answer, clamping tightly around him, making sunghoon’s balls feel ready to burst. “hoonie! i-i’m cumming–” you cry, staring up at him with teary eyes. the sensations overwhelm you as he pounds deep into you, rubbing your clit with rough fingers, hoping to chase your impending orgasm. the rubber band in your tummy snaps and you cum with a loud moan and a choked sob, clutching onto sunghoon’s biceps to keep yourself stable.
“fuck, baby, so fucking tight,” sunghoon’s eyes are clamped shut, head leaned back as he chases his own release as you encase his cock in a vice grip. “gonna cum so deep inside you, baby, and you’re gonna take it all, my good girl.” one particularly sharp thrust pulls a loud moan from his throat as he stills, pressing his pelvis flush with yours. cum paints your fluttering walls with long spurts, seemingly never ending.
sunghoon doesn’t move, keeping himself pressed as deep inside as possible. your head returns from the clouds slowly, smiling at the feeling of being absolutely stuffed.
“mm, hoonie–” you smile softly, leaning to hide your face against his arm.
“my good girl,” he cups your face with one hand, tracing your cheek with his thumb gently. “alright tweedledee and tweedledum, get the fuck out.” sunghoon glances at jay and jake, who both have fresh spurts of cum painted across their abdomens.
you look at them both, giggling lightly, “first and last time someone’s looking at you like that,” he tells you with conviction, his voice low, before capturing your lips in a gentle, slow kiss.
“you’ve always been a weird one, hoon,” jay teases, cleaning himself with tissues before throwing the box to jake. “and that’s saying a lot, because we know jakey boy here.”
“fuck off, jay,” jake snides, “you like it when i put my fingers in your mouth.”
sunghoon raises an eyebrow at his best friends, “you two are strange…” he chuckles, still nestled deep in your warm pussy. “can’t believe i actually allowed you to fuck my girl.” he makes a disgusted face before glancing between the pair with a steely gaze. the phrase ‘my girl’ makes your pulse quicken and your face feel hot. “this was one time, you understand me? had to show you fuckers how it’s done, you didn’t even make her cum again after you both got your dicks wet. if you even so much as breathe in her direction after this, i’ll chop your fucking dicks off.”
sunghoon smirks lowly as he feels you grow wet again at his possessiveness, still fucked out beneath him but almost fully coherent. the way he clings tightly to you even after cumming inside you makes your heart flutter against your ribcage.
“jesus christ, okay!” jay raises his hand in a surrendering motion, rising to his feet. he leads jake to the door, shoving him out in front of him. “i don’t like when he puts his fingers in my mouth, by the way.” jay says, watching hoon.
“sure you don’t, jay.” sunghoon winks at him, cock beginning to grow once more from the warm heat he’s still wrapped in, “close the door.” jay shuffles out, shutting the door behind him. 
sunghoon returns his attention to you, a gentle smile gracing his plump lips, showing you a glance of his pretty fangs. “hi, pretty girl.”
“hi, hoonie,” you giggle, watching him with adoration in your gaze.
“you kept me waiting all that time, what a tease you are, baby.” sunghoon shakes his head lightly, beginning to thrust again, fucking the cum mixture back into your hole.
“i–i was scared,” you admit through gentle thrusts, little ah ah ah’s and grunts and whimpers dotted between your words, “didn’t know if you liked me back, hoonie…”
sunghoon groans lowly at your admission, his heart hurting a bit at your words as he stuffs himself deep inside with slower, harsher thrusts, “why wouldn’t i like you back, baby? you’re absolutely perfect.”
“i didn’t know if it was in the same way as me,” you tell him, wide eyes watching his face.
“it is, baby,” sunghoon kisses you, slow and gentle. you feel every single vein adorning his length as he rocks in and out of you pointedly, “i like you so so much, need you to be my girl.”
“are you really gonna cut their dicks off?”
you moan as his thrusts increase in speed and become rougher, “had to show them who you belong to, since they had no fucking problem touching what’s mine behind my back.”
“mm– i’m all yours, hoonie,” you cry out as he tweaks one of your nipples, the other hand running up and down the length of your body as if he’s trying to memorize every curve.
“yeah?” the words make his cock twitch, “gonna cum inside you again, baby, so deep that i knock you up, my beautiful little sister.”
you moan loudly, so close to the edge already from his pointed thrusts and calculated finger on your nub, “yesyesyes! please hoonie fill me up again, need to feel your cum inside me again! need it so bad–” you beg with your wide eyes, babbling endlessly because you’re oh so close, and he’s already fucked you out of your brain, “please fill me up, sir, please please please!” your hands splay over his back, a particularly harsh thrust making you dig your nails into his perfect skin instinctively, not wanting him to pull away.
“fuck, baby,” he groans, “give me another one, you can do it,” his voice is commanding this time, pulling you the edge and propelling you over, cum rushing out of you. the tightness of your heat around his dick and the pain of the nails raking along his back has sunghoon shoving in deep and cumming once more, pushing it as deep as it can possibly go in your wet pussy.
sunghoon crumbles, falling gently atop your still shaking body. you relish at the feeling of his sticky, sweaty chest laying atop your own. peace washes over you, knowing the push and pull you and your step brother have been engaging in for months is finally over.
“fuck, i love you,” sunghoon presses kisses across the expanse of your face. “i’ve waited so long and you’re finally mine.”
“yours?” your gentle voice is music to sunghoon’s ears.
sunghoon presses a kiss into the junction of your neck and shoulder, sucking a bruise, “yes, mine.” he says with finality, and the way your eyes go wide at his words makes him think you must love him, too.
“mine forever, baby.”
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iceunhie · 6 months
HEART TO HEART — aventurine
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premise ⁠☆ the five times aventurine bares his heart out to you, and the one time it works in his favor (or, in which aventurine says he loves you, in his own little ways.)
a/n ⁠☆ lovesick aventurine, i repeat super lovesick aventurine this is not half-assed, reader is the same reader from make a bet !!
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The first time Aventurine opened up to you, he thinks that you looked like what starlight could be in human form.
He speaks your name like a victory falling upon his lips, a measured weight in its cadence. Aventurine relishes in the way you look alert, placing your attention on him (and him alone), sticking to his side like the faithful subordinate that you are.
He's come to learn that you don't exactly do friends—you are the very image of professionalism, never crossing the lines you shouldn't cross; and if he’s not careful, you could disappear at the slightest touch, just like starlight. (Would it kill you to stay just for him?)
“Have I ever told you that you look prettier when you smile?”
You pause from your game, looking up from the chessboard you and your co-worker, boss, and give him a look that one can truly only enjoy if they were either a masochist or someone who enjoyed another's disgust of them. “About 25 times now, Aventurine.”
“You've been counting? I didn't know you loved my praise that much.”
“Does every word that comes out of your lips lack sense, or is it just me?”
“Haha, it's just you.”
“Lucky me.” you roll your eyes. Aventurine's eyes melt, like butter in the sun.
Sometimes he feels the urge to always compliment you—because this is the only way for you to keep your eyes on him, to only look at him, and Aventurine has always loved looking at your eyes.
(If he kept looking, would he convey his heart to you?)
You scrunch up your face. Cute. “What?”
“Nothing.” Fondness bleeds from within him, the Kakavasha of old seeping into the cracks of his hollow shell. Aventurine plays gambles, risks death, yet this feeling of elation is something that triumphed in all of that.
He wonders if you notice; if you know that his honeyed words are genuine, as genuine as a liar like him can be. Aventurine wonders if you can tell that every poke and prod hides the underlying meaning of desperation—the words he can never bring himself to say because he thinks he's far too unworthy (for you). Still…
“I hope you know that it's true.” Just this once, he’ll let you see, just this once. “I mean it. You look prettier when you smile.”
Just this once, Aventurine thinks. He’ll bare his heart to you just this once. It's a gamble, a risk; a gamble he wants to risk.
And indeed, perhaps this is what Gaiathra’s blessing is for.
He sees you bristle like a cat, so wary—but he sees the flush coating your cheeks, reaching well up to the tips of your ears, and he knows he's won. Checkmate. “That's such a lame compliment. Is that best you executives can do?”
“Mm, wouldn't you like to know?” (To love is such an unpredictable thing.)
Aventurine may be a liar, but Kakavasha isn't, because Kakavasha strung together his remains in hopes of perceiving you.
In hopes of loving you.
Aventurine has only three words to describe himself: loser, liar, and murderer.
He can think of other words too, like Sigonian, IPC lapdog, coward, unworthy… a plethora of ugly, demeaning, visceral words— it makes his throat bubble with acid, coiling ang churning under the weight of his own existence. Disgusting.
There's another, too. Greedy. He's greedy. Whether as Kakavasha or Aventurine, the hunger to consume all lingers fresh in his mind. The strong takes all, and the weak is left to suffer. It's a need that knows no end, embittering all he cherished, cherishes. Like an iron chain upon his neck. He's greedy for solace, freedom; death, and—
“Aventurine, are you okay?” you.
How truly fortunate he is to behold your expression, when your concern is as slim as the chances of a collision of planets; when the expressive range of your emotions towards him range from either exasperation or irritation.
His smile feels rotten today, unbearably sweet. The smile of a thief. A liar. A Sigonian. “Are you worried about me?”
“You…” the traces of care don't slip from your expression despite the annoyance that betrays your tone. “Be serious here—you haven't been sleeping, have you? What is it? Is Sir Diamond assigning you yet another impossible mission?”
“No. Nothing of the sort, my friend.” His voice is flat. He doesn't know what's more agonizing. Knowing you care (and always have cared) for him, or knowing that he's making you go through all this trouble just to care for him.
He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. “It's just a minor upset, don't worry.”
(How could you even care about someone like him? Is this love? Care? How could you look at him like he's worthy of being perceived? He is a liar, a cheat, a coward.)
He doesn't want to be indebted to you. Rather, he doesn't want you to see him; vulnerable, weak. Allowing you to freely enter his study as he's buried under piles of duty bound work just to come across one of the rare times where he's just Kakavasha—alone, weak, and fickle.
(Because as Kakavasha, Aventurine cannot hide his yearning for you, for deceit is unworthy of you; just like he is for you.)
Worst of all, Aventurine feels that if you see him, you’ll find out just how ugly he truly is. You'd slip away from him, like starlight. Out of reach; never to be seen again.
(Humans cannot survive without the light. Aventurine is starting to understand why.)
“Then I'll get you something to eat at least, so you can-”
“No, wait.” He speaks your name like a plea, and you stay. Relief floods through his senses.
Aventurine thinks that perhaps because of the vulnerability he's exposed, you've even become softer. Because why else would you look like that, looking at him like he's worth something? “What is it, Aventurine?”
“Can you stay by my side?” There's a crack in his voice that he wishes to hide, but you don't mind anyway. “Just this once.” Please.
A part of him hurts, having to beg. It reminds him all too much of days when the commodity code on his neck defined the crux of his existence; it is all he will be, will continue to be, all he is allowed to be. But Aventurine is no longer Kakavasha; hiding away from the world.
“...Okay.” Aventurine’s heart throbs when he sees your concerned expression. You know better than to ask questions, something he deems both a boon and a bane. “I'll stay. As- As much as you want.”
Why is he just like a fool whenever he's with you?
They say that to covet what must not be coveted is one’s downfall, and Aventurine is no different. His eyes trail over your form, every inch of the stardust that make you. “Thank you. Really.”
Aventurine has only three words to describe him: liar, loser, and murderer. There may be others, but this defines the very tapestry of his lamentable existence, from the moment he was brought forth upon the world; that of which no longer exists, dissolving like the sand of Sigonia’s deserts.
“Don't thank me, Aventurine. Just—get some rest. I'll be there when you wake up.”
“Nn. You're too kind. Should I double that paycheck of yours next month?”
He can hear you scoff, that bit of mirth you let slip reinvigorating him, sustaining him. “....Sweet dreams, Aventurine.”
And if Aventurine strains his mind enough, deludes himself enough; he can hear you say in a voice that's tender, warm; like the warm embrace of his sister, honeyed Avgin spilling from her lips. Brimming with love. Brimming with care.
‘May the Mother Goddess thrice close her eyes for you,’
Aventurine is a Sigonian lapdog, an unfettered gambler. He needs no tears, for there will be none to shed in his victory. He has never lost, and sees no need to shed tears for something that he will never experience. (His hand still shakes, betting on his life.)
‘keeping your blood eternally pulsing.’
He feels your fingers brush against the strands of his hair, taking off his glasses. Aventurine stills. Kakavasha falls, full of love, loving you.
‘…may your journey be forever peaceful,’
He watches you, staying by his side; and Aventurine can't help but add another name to define him.
‘and your schemes forever concealed.’
A fool. (a lover.)
Two system hours later, Aventurine wakes to the scent of lavender scented candles and a blanket covering his body, with the paperwork neatly handled, your writing scribbled on some of the pages.
Get well soon.
Envy is a face Aventurine has long grown accustomed to seeing.
He saw it as Kakavasha; the look others give when they see his eyes, when they look at his profile. As Aventurine, he sees it in the eyes of space traders as they gaze upon his wealth, how the eyes of others fall onto him as he walks past.
Others get consumed by it, others deny it; Aventurine embraces it. He knows the feeling of having nothing and wishing he could have things others can have with little effort.
But the fact that he also wears its mask is ironic, especially given the subject of his envy.
The third time Aventurine bares his heart out to you, it had been an accident.
He shouldn't be jealous, envious of those who get to help you with the IPC’s missions. It is the right, sensible thing to do; because you make him feel illogical, unable to comprehend in the haze of longing.
(Perhaps lovesickness isn't too far off a word.)
This is why you make him break free of his self-imposed apathy at seeing you off. Aventurine checks the file you'd be heading off to, letters in pristine print along with his signature, an indication of his approval. Pier Point. The name besides yours that indicate that you will be travelling together burns him like scalding iron, stinging like a brand upon his skin. Something green and uncomfortable in him roars.
In a sense of uncharacteristic recklessness and perhaps brought upon by his longing; Aventurine ends up seeing you off.
“I'll get going now- Aventurine….?” your words falter when you watch as your co-worker strides toward you, terribly fast. “I thought you weren't coming to see me.”
“I can't have my dearest friend leave without seeing their handsome colleague’s face.” he says, like a liar. Small mercies to his ability to divert his inner feelings—and to not think about the fact that seeing you makes his heart throb in an ache no hunger can satiate.
You scoff, and thankfully you don't seem that irritated. If anything, you're in a good mood today. Even let him see the way your head tilts to bite back a smile. “How fortunate of me then.”
(He is.)
“Extremely.” he calls your name like a wager, seeking an answer. “How long are you going to be away this time?”
“Almost a month, maybe. I was told that since the Pier Point Incursion, many of those under your department have been stationed to help sustain the damage.”
“...I see. My well wishes to you then, friend. Seems you've got your work cut out for you.”
He's sulking, and you can't help but laugh. Like a golden retriever. “Why so glum? Don't tell me you'd miss me.”
And for all his grace at maintaining his carefully crafted mask, Aventurine's whole world stops when he hears the sound. “How could anyone ever not miss you?”
You pause mid-laugh. Aventurine feels his face heat. He slipped up. Again, because of you. Because you always made him feel as though the universe could stop and end with you; and that this rotten hunger that gnawed at his bones might just be that he cared for you far too much for his own good.
…And now he felt like he wanted to fall back into a sandpit and hide there forever. “Is that what you think, Aventurine?”
The way you say his name is so intoxicating. It sounds hesitant, seeing through him in an instant.
“Maybe.” He can't look at you right now, or else he'll imagine it—how could you ever feel the way he feels for you? When you were you and he was… him. “I'm afraid I've been too reliant on my closest colleague.”
“Then come with me next time.” you look at him as though he'd break at any moment; tender. There's something else, too. “If you'd miss me that much.”
You flash him a cheeky, lovely smile, and Aventurine loves, loves, and loves.
How unfair you are, capable of reducing him to bits; bringing him to your light and making his heart set off like fireworks in the night.
For now, he will be Aventurine—he could never resist such a tempting offer, not when its weight was far more valuable than any treasure of all.
He smiles, business-like in nature, one used to deceive, to lie. But Aventurine—Kakavasha smiles in fondness, in adoration. “It would be my pleasure.”
Aventurine has always thought that the space in his heart is empty because it was meant to be.
Because he is not worthy of feeling—he is a tool to be used; every part of him taken away and exploited away by others at their whim. In short, he is his best bargaining chip at any stability in his life.
“Aventurine, you’ll catch a cold if you keep forgetting to remove your coat.”
But you don't think that way, and it confuses him, to say the least. Like a shooting star, traces of your existence are specks in his life that have become far too important for him to let go.
Whether it be indulging in his whims of poker, allowing him to see the sight of your expressions in embarrassment and resignation, or the subtleties that have led him to believe (at least, he hopes to believe) that you do care.
And each time, Aventurine embeds your name into his heart even further, dreams of you in the far corners of his heart reserved only for the dead he needed to bury. His feelings, his family, and this growing attachment to you that became too difficult to hold back.
Even now, as you hand him a towel and take his wet coat out of the way, Aventurine doesn't know if this is a blessing or a curse. You are always like this—overwhelmingly blinding, tethering himself to you without warning with your compassion. “I won't get sick.”
“Uh huh.” your eyebrows raise, and you take him inside. “That’s what all the people who get sick after being soaked in the rain say.”
“Well, aren't you just charming.”
“Thanks, I'm told it's one of my defining qualities.”
He laughs, genuine. You're probably the only one to be able to bring out this part of him. “Such an angel you are.”
“Yes, yes, very much.” You smile with faux sweetness, though Aventurine's heart stutters anyway. “Stop patronizing me and dry off already.”
“Alright, no need to get so fussy.” he throws up his hands in surrender, and he waits until you leave his quarters, strides measured as you give him privacy to change.
Aventurine wonders if you know just how much he loves you. Because he knows he does.
Recently, Kakavasha has come to a dangerous conclusion.
Perhaps the reason the space in his heart is empty was because you had been dictated to fit in it, and that Aventurine knows he’d never want you to leave.
Grief haunts Aventurine like a ghost, an old friend. Anguish whispers in Kakavasha’s ears and dictates its path to be his destiny.
But love comes in the form of Aventurine’s adoration for you.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to die?”
A lie. Aventurine has always had a morbid, twisted curiosity of death. Death is the earliest lesson taught to him, among the lessons of Mama Fenge and the cruel acts of the Katicans. Death is his companion, a reminder that his life is merely defined by his usefulness, his luck.
“Why are you asking?” It is a mundane question, spoken atop the glamourous balcony as you and him look down at the glittering streetlights in Penacony below, watching the people of the dreamscape live the life their reality never brought them.
“No reason. Just… I wondered.” You hum, and Aventurine notes the miniscule shiver of your body, the lowering of your gaze; you're thinking about something again. (He wonders if you'd let him listen to what you want to say.) “What death might be like in this dreamscape.”
An underlying feeling of tension. You know what Aventurine's been up to. What he's been searching for in order to act out the IPC’s plan. Though it infuriates you to know he's doing this to himself, you're powerless to do anything about it. There is a wall between you that Aventurine refuses to cross.
Instead, his silent question comes in the form of his coat draped around your back. There's no motion of rejection from you, which makes him feel nice—even if it's just for a while. “Thank you.”
You didn't need to thank him. Aventurine knows that he'd do anything for you anyway even if you don't ask a thing. But you do anyway, because you were lovely and blinding; and he yearns to grasp at even a single wisp of your reality.
“For what it's worth,” Aventurine says, the characteristic lilt of amusement in his voice gone, replaced with something authentic, “I wouldn't want you to die. Such a thing would be unfortunate for someone with lots of promise in the economic field.”
You glance at him with a funny look, exasperated but not surprised. “Well, I'm glad you think so highly of me...?”
He cringes at that, huffs out a weak ‘naturally’ as he stares out at the distance. The wall between you weakens.
“And, well, the sentiment is the same for me. I don't want you to die either.” you say, and the glow of the streetlights illuminate your face, and Aventurine's eyes don't leave your presence, wanting to burn the sight to his irises, to his pupils; never letting a fiber of your being go unloved. Retaining you and keeping you close when his hands cannot.
(If only you knew.)
“I wouldn't go down without a fight.” he says, and Aventurine takes you in—the ways in which you gaze upon the scenery below, watching how you chuckle as you hear the loud countdown to the fireworks, the way your voice has always been the light, his adoration for you a stone to grab on in his gamble in life.
There's silence. Loving you is like loving the way the air fills your lungs as you breathe, because loving you was as natural as breathing in the sandy dunes of the place he once called home, as natural as the Avgin that filled his ears, and loving you is everything to him, for Kakavasha was a dreamer, and you are his dreams personified.
Loving you reminds him of home, because you have burrowed your way into his bones, his lungs and his skin, and Kakavasha fills himself with your existence and lives. Loves.
He speaks your name like it's the last thing he could ever do, and that through you, Kakavasha lived, and Kakavasha loved you.
And like always, it's there. Your attention, on him, as he always knows it will be (and as he always hopes it shall be.) as you gaze at him like he's the brightest star in the sky. Or maybe it's the light refracting in your eyes. Aventurine doesn't really care which. “What is it?”
The wall between you two disappears completely, and Kakavasha begins anew, his heart undone.
When Aventurine finally bares his heart to you for the fifth time as the burst of fireworks ricochet across the skies, he hopes those three words will reach you.
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bonus: the one time aventurine bares out his heart to you, and he gets rewarded.
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Aventurine’s hair has always reminded you of the color of gold.
It is the color of the sunlight as it gently basks against your skin, the color of expensive champagne the man next to you so favors, and the color of the edges of his sunglasses.
(You've always been fond of yellow.)
“Aventurine?” you say, tone light, urging him to wake up. He's truly relentless, adamant on sulking as though his most valuable treasure would slip away from his grasp like you are right now because you were running late. “Can you let me get up now?”
“Good morning to you too.” purple eyes greet your form and an arm winds itself around your waist, pulling you even closer. “And unfortunately for you, I'm afraid I don't want to.”
“I'll be late. You know Jade hates tardiness-”
“-And I would be devastated to not have my lover by my side and leave me heartlessly.” Aventurine feigns, the falsity of his hurt not affecting you at all.
“You…” You frown at him, and Aventurine kisses the crease of your eyebrows of your face, enjoying the way your cheeks flush the like burn of alcohol down one’s throat. “You're so insufferable.”
“Mhm, whatever helps you let out that ire of yours.” he looks at you like he would the most precious of ores, the most valuable of cards—Aventurine looks at you unabashedly, wholly, in affection.
“Will you ever let me be on time?”
“Would you ever let me stop loving you?” he presses a kiss to your palm, tender as his hand traces circles on your palm. Aventurine already knows the answer.
“Thats two completely different things.” you sigh, but it's exasperatedly fond, and Aventurine’s heart skips a beat. He finds his answer when you press a chaste kiss upon the edge of his mouth. “Don't answer a question with a question.”
“It's a great conversation tactic, though. And to answer your question, no, I don't think I will.”
“Kakavasha.” You warn. His name on your lips feels a little like salvation, and Aventurine feels a warm ache fill his stomach, blooming into something not so dissimilar to devotion.
With you, there is no Aventurine of Strategems, no Aventurine of the Ten Stonehearts. All that remains is Kakavasha, one that loves you, and one that you love too.
Aventurine laughs, and the die is cast. “Let's make a bet then.”
“Ugh, not another one of those.” you groan, but you make no notion to refuse anyway.
“Sway my heart enough to let you go.” he smirks, cunning as ever. You roll your eyes, though it's nothing if not affectionate, determined glint shining in your eyes just like starlight.
“Oh, that's way too easy. Deal.”
Recently, he's come to a conclusion; Aventurine thinks that if it's with you, no gamble is worthier than this.
(With you, Aventurine is whole, and he is home.)
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end notes im gonna kms i hate the ending like actually hate it this fic is the product of boundless hatred and the urge to never show it to the light ever but here i am
© 𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐈𝐄 : do not repost, copy, or plagiarize my work.
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rottenblur · 9 months
Post workout pump|A.ANDERSON
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Abby x fem reader 2.3k
Summary: Your gym rat Tinder date isn’t one to not kiss on the first date, a coffee date is much more interesting with her.
WARNINGS: public shit, public fingering??? Dirty talk, Abby being bold as hell, head!! Fingering, quick mention of that liquor. Fucking on the first date.
Abby’s Tinder profile was simple, a couple of gym rat pictures, and a couple cute candid ones someone had taken of her with a background of beautiful scenery. The one that made you swipe on her was a picture of her smiling in the forest, normally you wouldn’t go for “outdoorsy” people, you wanted someone you could comfortably rot away with.
It was her fucking smile. The way that her hair practically glowed in the sunlight peaking through the trees, how her freckles complimented every feature on her face. It wasn’t just her looks though, you weren’t that shallow. Her bio was simple, simple in a way it didn’t seem like she was faking it for people to like her.
“Will fight for you.” And you believed it with every inch of your body, she looked like fought off bears for a living. She could break you in half, part of you wanted her to.
Your conversation on the app was short, you gave her your number pretty fast, I mean she asked for it.
You got a text from a random number quickly after you gave it to her.
(7xx) 8xx-6xxx: Hey beautiful.
You replied quickly.
You: Hey.. this abby?
The typing bubbles popped up immediately, she responded fast and used punctuation, which was rare. In your experience, and probably rare to everyone on dating apps. To be honest, this was your first time on a dating app, you had too much on your plate to even think about dating since high school.
Abby: Sure is.
The picture was a live photo in a gym mirror, she had dumbbells resting by her feet, her body covered in a tank top and loose basketball shorts. Her muscles were huge, you didn’t think someone could be that strong, the sweat making them shiny didn’t help how hard you were staring right now.
You: oh my god…
That’s all you can get out, you have no thoughts.
You: i’m blushing
You throw your phone, you’ve only been talking to her for maybe an hour and yet she already has you wrapped around her finger.
The text bubbles pop up, she’s typing.
Abby: Aw, such a sweet girl, already blushing for me.
If you weren’t blushing before, you were now. You couldn’t stand another minute not being with her.
You: are you busy today? I need to see you
Text bubbles pop up, then disappear, come back then disappear again. Read, for ten minutes. Were you moving too fast? You put your phone down, tidying up your room to distract yourself from the stress. You get into the shower, your phone on the sink counter for music. You wash your hair when your phone starts ringing, fuck.
You grab the towel hanging up, drying off your hands and step out of the shower to pick up your phone, it’s her. You press the green accept button and put the phone up to your ear, pushing your wet hair out of the way.
“Hey.” She says. Her voice, oh my fuck, her voice. It was gentle but so heavy with intent, she sounded like she only spoke if she meant it.
“Hi.” You respond back, wrapping the towel around your body and stepping out of the bathroom to make sure she heard you well.
“God, you sound adorable. I’m not busy, just at the gym right now but I’m free in thirty minutes if you wanna go for coffee.” She says, you can hear the dumb bells banging in the back now.
Your mouth falls open, she really wants to see you? A date? Today? You forget to speak.
“Yeah, yeah please. Where to?” You respond back.
You hear her laugh slightly, then take a breath. “I’ll text you the address beautiful, you’ll like it I know you will.” God people making decisions for you was suddenly so hot.
You agree and giggle, uncontrollably. “Bye bye.”
“See ya.” She says then hangs up. Fuck you were nervous.
You get a text from her, the address was a small locally owned coffee shop just down the street from you, maybe she lived close. Surprisingly you had never been there before, maybe you could have met her sooner if you stepped out of your comfort zone more often, you would have met her sooner.
Twenty minutes had passed, you got back into the shower, finishing it and getting ready. Drying your hair and throwing on a cute fitting outfit, something easy, or just easy access, hey you weren’t against doing stuff on the first date, especially not with her.
You walk to the coffee shop, texting her when you arrive at the front doors, her assuring you she was already there. She was early, you liked that.
You walk inside and that's when you see her. She was in the back, in a booth manspreading under dimly lit lights. You walk over towards her, her hands set on the table, fiddling with a stir stick. She looks up and sees you, her blue eyes light up. She stands up, she towers over you. You look up at her, her freckles are even cuter in person.
“Hey beautiful, you look you know..beautiful.” She says looking you up and down. You smile at her muttering a greeting back. You were almost shaking, she was perfect, everything you could have ever wanted.
“You want a drink? I’ll order, just finished mine.” She says, placing a hand on your upper arm, it engulfed your arm in full. You nod and tell her your order. She smiles at you and walks off to order, you sit down scooting to the inside. A one-sided booth, leaving no choice but to sit right next to her, her boldness was attractive.
She comes back, placing your drink on the table in front of you, scooting herself right next to you placing hers next to yours. You pick up your drink taking a sip, as she lays her arm on the booth behind your back spreading her legs, getting comfortable. “Was that picture from today?” You refer to the picture she sent you earlier. She nods turning her head to look at you.
Her strawberry blond hair slightly damp presumably from a shower, her blue t-shirt clung to her arms, her jeans tight to her legs. God.
“You like what you see?” She says tilting her head at you, looking you up and down in return. You nod shyly looking away as you fiddle with the end of your skirt. She catches that, flicking your hands away, replacing them with hers. “You wear this for me? I like it, looks really good on you sweetheart.”
God the pet name, her hands on you, on your clothes. Her compliments, she has you melting. “I wore it for you Abby.” You say looking at her, she looks up from your legs to your eyes. She smiles, rubbing your cheeks, keeping one hand on your thigh. “God you’re adorable, I got you blushing already.” She takes her hand off your cheek and takes a sip of her drink.
“What made you want to talk to me?” She says as she rubs her thumb on your engulfed thigh. You’re fighting to not squeeze your thighs together. You look at her lips, and her eyes then respond. “You’re pretty, I mean you’re hot, you’re intimidating it’s attractive.” You say. She nods, humming a response to you.
“Well, I thought about how fucking cute you’d look with my head between your thighs.” She said it so innocently, her hand moving up under your skirt, you couldn’t handle it your trap her hand by squeezing your thighs together.
She clicks her tongue at you tapping your thigh with her free thumb for you to open your legs. You submit to her order, opening your legs for her. Her finger grazes your clothed clit, your panties wet from her teasing. You look at her and finally respond. “I’d like that, alot.” Your cheeks were burning up, your whole body was burning up with need.
She leans in closer to you, whispering into your ear. “You’re so perfect, so fucking ready for me, so beautiful.” A whine falls out of your mouth, uncontrollably. Her fingers continue dancing from your clit to your slit, teasing you no, torturing you.
You place one elbow on the table, the other gripping Abby’s thigh, you were dripping onto your skirt it was unbearable. You finally mutter out exactly what you need to say.
“I need you Abby, I need you.” You say. She pulls her hand away, awwing in response, turning your head towards hers with a grip on your chin. She smiles and shakes her head. “Ask nicely beautiful.” You lick your lips and nod. “I need you please, please Abby.
She lets go of your face, standing up and holding out a hand for you, you take it letting her pull you up out of the booth. Your legs were weak, even trembling, she noticed this and smirked at you.
She drove the two of you to her apartment, so fucking close to yours, her hand on your thigh the whole way there, her glances never made you blush any less each time. She parks her car and guides you up to her apartment with your hand clutched all the way there.
She unlocks her door, leading you in first, she walks in behind you, and kicks off her shoes. She grabs you, pushing you against the door connecting your lips with hers, locking the door with one hand, the other wrapped around your waist.
She pulls away, looking at you with those lustful blue eyes, they looked much brighter when you first met her but now there's nothing darker. She locks lips with you picking you up and carrying you towards her bedroom, her hands full of ass.
She’s mirroring your whimpers into the kiss with grunts, your arms wrapped around her neck. As she enters the bedroom with your legs wrapped around her, you fiddle with her braid, undoing it and running your fingers through the loose strands.
She throws you down onto the bed, the plush duvet sinking behind your back. Your quick breaths are loud in the quiet room, Abby stares are you eating you up with her eyes. “What do you want beautiful?” she says to you, stripping her jeans off revealing her grey boxer briefs, a wet spot that catches your eye. Apparently, you're not the only one worked up.
When you don't respond she hums a “hmm?” to you pulling you from your thoughts. “I want you, I want to feel you everywhere Abby.” A quiet grunt comes from the back of her throat. She leans to you, putting her knees on the bed and caging you in with her arms. She kisses you, her tongue tangled with yours. She pulls away to strip her shirt from her body, tossing it aside.
You admire her body, stripped from her tight t-shirt her muscles look even bigger. She places your hands on her shoulders pulling your shirt off. She leans down to unhook your bra and kisses you.
She scans your body, her eyes make you want her even more. She kisses your lips, pushing her knee in between your thighs applying the perfect amount of friction as she moves to make out with you.
She kisses down your bare chest sucking purple spots all the way down your stomach, your neck to your hips littered in hickeys. “So fucking good for me.” She mutters out as she flips the hem of your skirt up onto your stomach. She kisses the inside of your thighs, whines and whimpers falling out of your mouth with need.
She leaves marks leading up to your panties, now even wetter with want. She pushes them to the side, taking a quick lick and sucking on your clit then looking up at you. Her eyes, her face from the angle could make you cum right there and then.
“You taste so fucking good beautiful.” You were melting. She attaches her mouth back to your clit spiralling circles with her tongue, holding your hips down with one hand.
She rubs your hip as you fight to ride her face, take control. She sucks your clit and pushes two fingers inside, filling you so well. Her fingers found places inside you, you never knew existed.
Her tongue quickens it's pace as so does her fingers pumping in and out of you. Moans fall from the back of your throat, you can hear Abby’s grunts vibrating against your clit.
She disconnects her mouth, pumping and curling her fingers to the perfect spot at a brutal pace, she looks up at you, arched back gripping the blanket. “Such a good fucking girl.” Her praises push you over the edge. She connects her lips back pulling you quickly to your climax. You look down to her, as your thoughts dissapear.
You pulse all over her fingers, and she pulls them out, kissing your thigh. She looks back at you, as she sucks you off her fingers. “So good sweetheart, so goddamn good.” She crawls her back up to your lips kissing you gently.
She whispers into your ear. “You make such pretty noises for a slut.” That shocked you, after all those praises, she degraded you. It had you ready for round two all in eight words.
She lays next to you, looking you up and down. “Want a drink?” She asks.
You nod, she gets up tossing you her t-shirt and a fresh pair of underwear from her drawer, a pair of black boxers. They were loose resting on your hips as the shirt went to mid thighs.
She walks out of the room, and you follow her sitting on the couch as she pulls a bottle of dark liquor from her bar cart. You lay down, she sits down placing your legs on top of hers passing you the drink. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks at you, placing her hand on your thigh.
“Wanna stay the night?”
A/N: AHHHH I wrote this really fast if there are any spelling mistakes/ grammar mistakes LOOK AWAY. I love Abby thank you.
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withleeknow · 4 months
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; reader has whisker dimples bc this is self-indulgent as hell, written in one sitting and v unedited lol it is once again 2am and i am half asleep. the fake cut mimo has on his cheek in the pics is kind of exactly where my whiskers are lmfao word count: 0.6k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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"whiskers," minho says, pulling your gaze away from the laptop in front of you.
you roll your eyes half-heartedly, though you do put the device to the side to give minho your undivided attention. he's looking at you expectantly but patiently, like he's just asking you to give him a little love.
this isn't something that you've always liked about yourself, your whisker dimples as the internet has so lovingly deemed them these days. they would come out when you smile, or when your face twists into an unpleasant scowl. as a kid, people often found it odd how you had dimples so high up in your cheeks when others had them around their smile lines. you always felt a little different, a little weird whenever someone pointed this out even if it was only in harmless fun.
when minho first became aware of it, he was absolutely fascinated. he'd made you laugh so hard that you couldn't contain the bright grin that spread across your face as complete and utter joy took over you. you were clutching his arm, giggling at the story he was telling you when the dimples showed themselves, the cute indentations settling on top of your cheeks as if they were the physical manifestation of the happiness you felt inside.
you remember what minho did. he had cupped your face gently in his hands, then traced the soft lines with his fingers as he marveled at you. "you look like a cat," he had said, and you didn't really know what to make of it. it was so early in your relationship that you weren't sure if he was complimenting you or making fun of you like the others had.
but then the stars in his eyes twinkled a little brighter, the delighted quirk of his lips expressing his wonder better than words could. he had kissed you right there, softer and sweeter than he ever did in the short time that you had known each other back then, and you quickly learned that oh, maybe this little detail about yourself that you were embarrassed of your whole life was a good thing after all.
you still don't know the reason minho likes them so much. to you, they've always been something to ignore as best as you can, something to not draw attention to because you don't want people to highlight that maybe you're a little different from everybody else.
even as you sit here, years later with the love of your life who's got a very particular request for you, you're still not entirely sure why he's obsessed with your odd dimples enough to want to see them almost every day. it's a mystery to you and yet, it makes you feel all warm and bubbly inside whenever he sends this simple demand your way.
you adhere to his request nonetheless. when the dimples appear, you watch as a smile blooms on his face, growing bigger and bigger until it makes his eyes crinkle. like an instant boost of serotonin, you think.
minho traces them with gentle fingers, gazing at you in awe as if it's the first time he's seeing you like this. when he leans closer, you can't help but meet him halfway until his lips are tentatively brushing your cheeks. you can't help your own smile either, when it deepens and only accentuates the small moon-shaped dents which he kisses. five times on each side, and then he's peppering kisses all over your face while you laugh and accept the sudden burst of love.
sometimes he calls them whiskers, sometimes he calls them moons.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 31.05.2024]
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controld3vil · 6 months
sand walking?
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pairing(s): dune 2 cast x actor!reader (platonic!!)
synopsis: requested by this ask!
⤷ alt: how to seduce someone walking on sand.
notes: there hasn't been confirmed for dune 3 yet but denise villeneuve has said he's writing for it to happen. ill patiently wait for the day it's confirmed :) ALSO there are fictional/made-up mentions of the novel for the sake of the reader. they're made to be gender-neutral!! and this includes platonic flirting between cast members. i MAY have gotten carried lmaoo
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“I mean- what do you think of the character? Do you think they deserved more screen time?” The clip starts off with you comfortably conversing with the interviewer. To say you weren’t deflecting their curiosity. In actuality, you were eager to learn what others thought about your performance and take on the character. The only other interpretation had on-screen was from the classic 1984 film by David Lynch.
The clip that has been widely retweeted back is of a cute moment you had from the first film of Dune (2021). Before release, little was known about your character’s potential. Apart from the enthusiastic book lovers, film viewers were clueless about what role your character would play after the first movie.
Denise Villeneuve didn’t reveal much to you in person. He wanted to keep ideas confidential until he was 100% on board making the project come to life. Still, rumors sparked through speculation and interviews with the cast members of Dune. Including an infamous short, that you forgot about, of yourself boasting about your hopes and wishes for your character.
“Yes! How could we not!” On the opposite side, the interviewer exclaimed as they leaned forward from their chair, closing into your proximity. Their hands clenched, tightening their grip on the flash card, full of questions. “The movie left us on such a cliffhanger. I think everyone would want to know what happened to Nerre,”
“That’s for Denise to decide,” Nodding you gave a relaxed smile while lifting one leg over the other. Your shoulders relaxed, feeling content and ecstatic about their response. “I can’t confirm anything until he gives me the green light to say anything,”
“I’ve also talked to Timothée this morning,” A shift in gears as the journalist flipped over another flashcard. You two had just fussed about the finale and its dramatic cliffhanger. “And all he had to say were the sweetest things about you,” At the mention of your costar compliments, you felt your skin heat up. Your eyes soften, expressing only fondness for the lovely message. A soft awh escaped your breath. “He’s very sweet. Timothee's always been fun to be around.” A fervent chuckle from the interviewer sends them into a feverish excitement. “And- he said- you had great flirting skills!” It was then your face morphed into complete shock and giddiness . “Really?!” The camera pans up on your initial reaction, eyes popping out in surprise and a bubbling laugh slowly erupting. “I’m glad someone appreciates my talents!”
Without context, the short clip seemed harmless. Your sheer reaction to Timothee's comment emphasized the fun chemistry the two of you had on set. Mirroring much of Paul and Nerre's friendship, you both complimented each other well in the first film, being the youngest surrounded by well-renowned actors. But the reason for the recent spike of interest was partially from Dune: Part Two and their interviews.
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Fast forward to the debut of Dune: Part Two, it made success at the box office. Even surpassing the first film altogether. The entire cast of Dune was proud of the work they've made. The introduction of new characters played by wonderful actors and actresses all around.
Weeks after the early IMAX screenings, press interviews were being published amongst of the young cast members. A particular interview by IGV Presents brings together Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, and yourself.
This would be considered to be one of your first interviews with the Dune cast after the box office release. You felt nervous yet overjoyed at the same time to be meeting your co-actors again after the conclusion of filming had taken place.
The spokesperson of IGV, Simon Harkness starts off the interview strong with a pleasant greeting. "Congratulations on an incredible movie. Uhm it is the definition of a sci-fi blockbuster and is absolutely phenomenal, so huge congratulations to you all!"
"Thank you!" The five of you all politely cherish his kind words.
"It's so lovely to talk to you. Um- Timothee, Zendaya, I'm going to start with you. This is probably the hardest question I've ever asked in an interview so you've been warned." An endearing giggle can be seen from Zendaya before allowing him to continue. "Sand walking, who does it better?"
Timothee immediately lifts up his microphone. "I'm going to give it to Zendaya here." Without glancing at her, you could tell Zendaya was happily smiling at his compliments. How quick he was to answer made it seem how well connected the cast was even given the amount of time spent together. The main lead continues very swiftly, diving more into how cinematic the shot was from an outside perspective, "I think it's the most- one of the most cinematic shots in the movie and she really has it very precisely down but it's the nature of the movie too that she's supposed to be better than Paul,"
"Is that what it is?" In return, Zendaya who sat next to him gave him a teasing look.
Quietly from afar where you sat, next to Austin Butler, you whispered. "He acted like he couldn't do it but," Soft snickering can be heard across the room.
"In fairness to me, I was going 65%- 65 to 70 too hard," Chalamet reasons justly as he glances in your direction before looking back to the interviewer.
"You dumbed it down," Harkness nods in a high-spirited manner. Right after, Timothee reluctantly agrees, keeping the mood light-hearted.
"I had to!"
"Just how committed you are!" Austin steps in, joining in on the joke.
"Zendaya, you can take that crown. I love that," The brown-haired man reassures as she recuperates with appreciative laughter. In truth, it was a beautiful scene between Paul and Chani you were lucky enough to witness behind the camera. And contrary to their light banter, you thought both actors did well at accomplishing what it was meant sand walk. Truthfully you had no scenes beyond walking through the desert but understanding the mechanics and traditions of the Fremen was as fascinating as it was watching it up close.
Suddenly it was Florence's turn to speak, "Zendaya taught me the other day and I had to just stop to stare at her feet."
"The swoopy swoop?" You asked in a cutesy tone, with furrowed eyebrows. You couldn't help but remember the few instances you witnessed your costars practice the sand walk to be one of the more adorable rehearsals you've seen on the sand.
"Yeah, her feet were so pretty! She was doing the swoopy swoops," The blonde acknowledges, waving her hands in a zig-zag pattern. As the replication of water and how her feet moved.
The interviewer's eyes light up, "Honestly I tried to swoopy swoop at home- um because we have a carpet in the bedroom."
"How did it go?" The mixed actress puts forward.
"Awful!" An assembly of bewilderment is seen between Zendaya and Florence as they quickly question why. However, they reassure him in the end that they would practice together in hopes of him archiving the sand walk.
Talks with simple questions went down the row. Florence discusses her experience from her beginnings, starring in Little Women, comparing those scenes in terms of royalty to Dune. In both films, she's worked with well-known actors and now Christopher Walken as the emperor and her father. She raves about how it was a dream come true. A dream she had when she was little. From this experience, Florence emphasizes the concept of learning and observing her fellow actors.
Another intriguing topic follows Austin for his experience between learning choreography fighting and Elvis's iconic rubber legs. In a sense, as you leaned forward on one of your seats, you became fascinated by the Elvis actor's comparison of it all. While Elvis's moves were televised and had to be precise for the camera, being a Harkonnens gave him more leverage in the freedom to move. It was a captivating question that you couldn't help but want to listen to more.
Comparisons aside, you didn't have much to note for your upcoming question. Which is exactly why you felt unprepared for what he was going to ask.
Harkness brings up your name for the finale. "You have done stunt work before. For the first and now second film, I've heard you compared it to rather- dancing. Is that what you think your relationship with the choreography has been?"
You gave a content hum, "You see it with the Fremen or Harkonnens right? Everyone moves so differently and for the course for me, I've had to adjust my choreo little by little. And I think that analogy you mentioned really does relate back to dancing. I don't know if it's because I was once a dancer or that I'm a visual learner," You shrug your shoulders, "But I see the choreography as a dance routine. You're moving alongside people, doing hits and jabs. Both are very hands-on so I would like to approach it as something I can always work on." Satisfied with your answer, you clapped your hands together.
"Kind of like sand walking no?" It was then that Zendaya swerved counterclockwise to face you.
Bringing back the conversation they had in the beginning about sand walking, your eyes instantly brighten. "Exactly like that!"
"I feel like you would be great at sand walking," Florence puffs, mindlessly shaking her microphone back and forth. "You- You already got the moves." Even Timothee came into agreement, humming and commenting you worked well with the choreography.
Austin Butler raises his microphone. "I think you gotta learn with me because I don't think I could,"
"Nonsense!" You give him a silly glare. "If you can do a killer rubber leg, I think you can sand walk." Florence and Zendaya both mumble their support and your male costar leans to have his arm around the back of your chair, warmly.
"Is that an open invitation I see?" The spokesperson, Harkness giggly pokes at than the rest of the cast turns to look at you. Your scowl morphs into an innocent one.
"Hm?" As you squint your eyes in hesitation.
"I feel like you could have the potential to sand walk but just with the right partner," Timothee chimes in, spreading his arms over his chair as well. Your brows furrowed accusingly, as if wanting to clarify what he meant by his comment.
And the French actor gives you a look, one you became so sure of. "Mm right!" A slight eruption of laughs before you straightened your back with proper posture. "With just the right partner,"
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There were also hints mentioned in your interview with Timothee surprisingly not. This was one of the more recent ones to be published, as you finally were able to pair up with your favorite co-star (besides Brolin) from the first film. The two of you had strong chemistry despite having less screen time together in the second film.
The beginning of the video cuts to a clip of you answering an innocent question. "What I think about every day, is Timothee going to send to me a meme today? Uh, I hope so!" You give a sarcastic look to your seat partner as he latently laughs in front of you. "Or when is he going to text me you know?"
It then transitions to an interviewer from Heart commercial radio as he shouts out your names. "How are you both?"
"I'm doing good!"
"Going great!"
The radio show was more relaxed than you would've expected as the spokesperson was very down to the earth with his conversation starters and contagious warmth. Timothee was able to catch up with him from his last interview when he premiered his Wonka film. Eventually, the interview became more casual discussing working together, cooking, and trendy topics.
Timothee and you both went back and forth on favorite memories you had of the first film. And talking about the new cast members and new elements it had brought to the table for the film itself.
"Cool new characters this time," As you played around with the fuzzy microphone the camera crew gave to you.
"Yup lots of new people to meet," Timothee adds on, nodding.
The interviewer proceeds with the question, "And also you have seen- there's a clip about of you running around actually." He signals to you, "Of your reaction to something Timothee said about your performance in the first film,"
"Oh! I've seen it," Almost instinctively, your co-star raises his hand. "I was supposed to send it to you but I forgot." As he turns, to finds you looking lost at the topic at hand.
"Really what was it?" You almost looked concerned, seeing how you didn't understand what they meant.
Luckily for you, the Heart radio spokesperson managed to get a hold of the video from his phone, "It was a little callback of Timothee raving about your flirting skills."
As it plays, the camera zooms in on you and your co-actors reaction. The French actor couldn't help but look slightly embarrassed but smitten when the timing of your reaction came on screen. While you held an intrigued stance, arms crossed and a content grin.
"I am pretty good at flirting,"
"You really are, huh." At the same time, you both turn to make eye contact.
"I also heard Tim- that you thought that they would be your love interest initially?" At the radio speaker's inquiry, you couldn't help but in mid-sentence, finally, swerve your head suddenly.
"Yeah well, fun fact actually," The male actor tries to reason, sitting up. "In the novels, Paul and Nerre almost did become a couple!"
It was a well-known fact of that in the first novel, there had been slight changes to the story. Initially, it was said that the author, Frank Herbert had planned for Paul and Nerre, the character you played to have a romantic connection after the fall of House Atreides. Nevertheless, it was later scrapped for another plot, that of instead having Chani as the love interest. But even decades later after the novel’s release, it was something fans still fuss about.
"Oh, I heard about that!" Almost in awe, you nodded, your attention fully on Chalamet, wondering how far he was willing to go beyond spoilers.
"Do you think Nerre would ever meet someone then?" The afro man questions, adjusting his microphone. "Since- Paul has Chani, I feel like if we ever get a potential third film, that could open some doors!"
"If a third film could happen," You start, fiddling with the lining of the mic cover, "I hope so! I mean I got the moves, I got the skills!"
"Keep practicing your sand walk and we'll see," Timothee cutely chimes as you proceed to blow a raspberry at him. Only for him to lightly swat you away.
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Despite your failures to have scenes of sand walking, your cast of a crew were more than happy to show you. Javier Bardem and Jessica Ferguson were quite supportive in your interest for something you did not have any part-time. A few behind the scene videos show the actor demonstrating from afar the slower version of the walk.
Though your back was facing the camera, viewers would pick up and recognize it to be you. Jessica as well was off to the side, in her luminescent costume of a million robes, clapping from side to side.
Another later pans to you taking long strides across the sand in the background. In front of the camera are Josh Brolin and Javier having their turn in the video, to discuss their relationship and the previous they have worked on together. However, viewers couldn't help but pinpoint your figure alongside the frame trying to master the patterns of what Javier taught you from the previous clip.
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okwonyo · 3 months
when you are shipped with another idol.
엔하이픈 ୨୧ female reader seven hundred requested ! established relationship ⠀⎯⠀⠀ not proof-read kissing skinship slight jealousy ( other )
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heeseung would be purely flabbergasted. because, with who could his girlfriend be shipped with if it is not him?you will be able to see thirty different expressions displaying on his face in the space of ten seconds. would try to hide the tiny bubble of jealousy that grows inside of him. “it was me who gave you this beanie, pft,” he’d mutter under his breath while he reads the freshly aired article your manager sent to you. you would have reassure him, “it’ll go away quickly, don’t worry, bub” and maybe with a few kisses— he would forget about it quickly enough.
jay would only give you a soft and weirdly understanding smile as you tell him that fans are spamming another idol’s name in your lives. they claim that you would look cute together and you try your best to ignore them. the truth is, he would know; he would watch your live regularly. would not mind that much though, as he would not be the jealous type. still, his still so sweet demeanor would throw you off, “you don’t care?” you would ask, only slight shock written on your face. “do i need to?” he would ask, giving you a peck, “i know you are my girl,”
jake would sulk immediately. would never think that you would be shipped, loved to be seen, with someone who isn’t him. would not try to hide his jealousy at all — rather opting for a overdramatic pout that just goes with his personality so well. “do you think he is cuter ..?be honest,” he would question you, the only response he would get would be a confused look that he would straight up take for a ‘yes’. you would have to shower him in compliments while gently stroking his hair until he becomes red and hide his shy face in the crook of your neck.
sunghoon would develop a one sided dislike for the, unlucky (in that case, because your boyfriend would think that they are really lucky) idol you get shipped with. would shoot the said idol some glares that would make cold sweat appear, would slightly roll his eyes whenever that that idol talks and would fight the urge to start a war if they are a bit too close to you for his liking. you would definitely make fun of him for it, “you know it’s really all in your head right,” you would ask him, and he would just mumble while making himself comfortable on your chest.
sunoo would feel offended, almost cheated on by your fans. would hide it well, to anyone else but not to you, with a wide smile when you ask him what is wrong. you would try to scoot over his shoulder discreetly, eyeing a tweet about you and, allegedly, another idol caught dating— knowing who it really is. “you know it’s you, right?” you would giggle in his ear and he would jump, holding his heart as you scared him. would claim that he does, still pouting, nonetheless; a few poke on his soft cheeks would make him forget about it.
jungwon would be confused. would have his inexistant comprehension of the situation written all over his face. would raise his eyebrows while he watches a slideshow of you and an unknown’s ‘dating proofs’. ridiculously enough, after scrolling through the hashtag of the freshly created couple, it would convince him as well at some point. “w-woah, these are really convincing,” he would mutter, putting his phone down to stop whatever is going on. “you are only dating me, right?” he would ask in your ear, scooting over you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
riki would not like that, at all. “which one is cooler,” showing you his phone, he would interrogate you. “him or me?” your gaze would be full of endeared annoyance and fondness. would tilt his head to the side, mirroring you and waiting for you to answer his question. “you are so cute,” you would tell him, cupping his head in your hands. would have to lean a bit towards you as he is taller. the look in your eyes would quickly take over his mind— forgetting the question he asked a few seconds ago. “you will always be my only choice,” then he would smile when you kiss his nose.
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this was really fun to write ! >_<
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svnrisee · 18 days
Jealous le sserafim is a must!!!
( 6th member × le sserafim established relationship!! )
✨️ anon
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[ A/N ] thanks ✨anon for requesting once again >D<, I had so much fun writing this lmao, I love your ideas sm :( keep sending requests
Warnings ✿ established relationship, jealousy
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Sakura noticed the way chaewon kept holding your pinky finger during a live.
She tried her best to act professional and like she didn’t see it but deep down she was burning in jealousy.
Although she put a lot of effort into trying to suppress her jealousy, it was obvious from her looks. Eunchae was the first to notice.
“Heyy is kkura Unnie jealous of someone?” She teased smirking at the older girls shocked reaction also getting the attention of the rest of the members.
Sakura immediately denied it shaking her head
“Oo chaewon unnie! I advice you let YN unnie’s pinky finger go before something happens” yunjin pointed out, chaewon immediately let go of your pinky finger looking up at sakura with an apologetic look.
Sakura face palmed. “I said I’m not jealous—“
You, chaewon and yunjin decided to do a weverse live just to check up on fearnots.
Yunjin challenged you to read out the English comments watching and adoring as you spoke, constantly asking her if you pronounced it right.
Chaewon noticed the distance between you and yunjin getting to close as yunjin was practically leaning against you.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she spoke. “Yunjin I think you’re too close” she spoke lightly pulling you closer to herself.
“Ooo is someone je—“
“Shut up!” She yelled at yunjin who looked away like a child getting yelled at by their parent.
Lesserafim were playing a game on a popular YouTube channel. A competitive game to be specific.
Yunjin noticed how you kept on looking at the oldest member and picking her as your partner.
She couldn’t bear it anymore. As you looked up at sakura one more time, she placed her fingers below you chin. “Look at meee” she whined forcing you to look at her.
“But yun—“
“No buts.. don’t look at anyone else!” She interrupted. “Or else I’ll poke your eye and you won’t be able to see anything” she jokingly threaten.
There was one thing kazuha didn’t like. Whenever you baby eunchae. She absolutely hated it.
Well today was one of those days eunchae was being cute making it almost impossible for you to baby her.
You kept on complimenting her, not noticing the jealousy swarming inside of kazuha.
She pouted tugging onto the hem of your clothes. “Yn….” She called out softly. “Baby me not eunchae!” She blurted out pouting even more.
You turned around to face her completely stunned at her sudden needy attitude.
Eventually you gave in babying kazuha instead, earning a satisfied smile from the girl.
Everyone knew how much you loved physical touches.
Your members specifically eunchae were the ones who always rendered service to you.
It was like you and eunchae were a match made in heaven. Your clingy attitude plus her bubbly and sweet persona.
Today was one of the days you felt touch starved, but eunchae wasn’t at home at that moment. She was at mubank.
You couldn’t bare it anymore, so you got yourself comfortable with kazuha and clinged onto her like a koala.
You most likely got carried away because you didn’t even notice the door swing open and eunchae stepping into the dorm.
Her mouth opened and closed as she looked over at you cuddling with kazuha on the couch. Eunchae obviously didn’t like it because the next thing you knew she pulled you away from kazuha, hugging you tightly.
“Cuddle with me instead not Zuha Unnie!!”
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ohimsummer · 4 months
“you’re trying to say that you actually like me.”
“i am.”
the flowers of the bouquet satoru has shoved in your face are strikingly gorgeous, complimenting to your eyes. it’s a wonder where he’s bought such an arrangement, let alone the amount of 0s in the cost of it.
you scoff out a laugh, cheeks growing warmer by the second. “okay, sure.”
satoru turns an even darker shade of red at that, and his jaw goes slack once more. here he is for the second time trying to confess, and you seem to be taking him just as seriously as you did the first. if his heart wasn’t about to slam right through his chest, he’d be offended that you can take this so lightly. you and your bubbly laughter at his fumbled words and the nervous furrow in his brows, as if he needs something else about you to keep him up late at night. honestly…he may even be a little jealous.
“i—“, satoru starts, clears his throat. “i’m not lying!”
oh, you know. the satoru gojo you know has never looked like this a day in his life, not as long as you’ve known him—a little pathetic, but you think it’s endearing, cute in a sort of puppy-dog kind of way. how he won’t hold your gaze for more than a second, keeps shifting his weight back and forth, lips keep parting to say something before his brows scrunch even further and whatever satoru wanted to spill dries up on his tongue.
wow. when he said he was in love with you, he really meant in love with you.
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💐: @anthoosies @staryukis @teddybeartoji @neptuneblue @hellkaiserinphoenix @lxnarphase @cinnamoneve @satoruxsc @rosso-seta @sapphireandange @biscuitsngravie @babytoshiii @kissesfrombelle @v0ctin @purplegemadventures @luvvforliaa @apatauaia @sataraxia @leilalilox @sugu-love @satoruxx @deepenthevoid @bubblez-blop @manyno @bakananya
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bluesidez · 6 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 3
content warning: small food mentions, a little suggestive at parts so MINORS BEWARE, sexual tension?? 😗, insecure thoughts about a plus size body (may or may not be triggering for some), a few mean girls, college party, alcohol, drugs, mentions of throw up like once, a bad look for sororities (sorry, y'all are probably very wonderful people)
word count: 3.2k (NOT A DRABBLE WTF 😭) not proofread, if you see a mistake lmk
GymRat!Miguel's workout playlist is here! I had to stop myself from adding more songs because it’s already so long lol. I didn't even include any cool down songs.
Prev | Next ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Masterlist
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GymRat!Miguel who wakes up without having to hobble to the bathroom for once. No morning wood because his dream of you was soft this time. You two were cuddled up on a couch with the world’s most fluffy blanket. He smiles to himself as he drags his feet to the bathroom. It was if dancing clouds and bubbles were floating around his head.
GymRat!Miguel who’s able to sit and chat with Ms. Beatrice longer today because his class doesn’t start until that after noon. He compliments her on the egg sandwich from the other day and she squeezes his cheeks when she thanks him as if he were a baby.
GymRat!Miguel who tinkers in the engineering building as he waits for lunch. He joined the small but mighty robotics team as soon as he found out there was one. There was a fighting robot division, and he needed to figure out the problems with his team’s robot sooner rather than later.
GymRat!Miguel who spots you at the student center having your lunch. He wastes no time to grab his food and book it to your table. He calls your name before he gets there, not wanting to startle you. You smile when you look up surprised to see him there.
"Can I join you?" he says, trying not to seem out of breath with how fast his heart is beating.
"Yeah," you say, arranging your things around. You push your computer to the side as he places his burito bowl on the table. "I'm finally getting to see you outside of lab."
In his mind, he takes a note of you being in the student center at this time. He wants to make eating with you a routine thing.
"What were you watching?" he asks, trying to curb the rush that your presence has on him. He opened up his bowl and started to mix his food, waiting patiently for your answer.
"This is a little embarrassing but," you pause to dump one of your nuggets in sauce. "I was watching someone explain the downfall of Chuck E. Cheese." Your voice gets softer as you finish your sentence, eyes avoiding his gaze.
You were so cute. And it's almost as if you've never met him, the ultimate nerd.
"Nothing wrong with wanting to know why more and more locations went from five animatronics to one. Or how they started to sell their pizzas under ghost kitchens," he says, taking a bite from his bowl.
You looked at him and your smile grew. Miguel could only think 'there she is. there's my girl.'
The two of you chatted about everything from malfunctioning Chuck E's to your classes to your food. Miguel was through the roof.
GymRat!Miguel who offers to carry your art portfolio case for you to the art building. Anything to extend your time together. Plus, why should you have to hold it when he's here? He holds the doors for you and presses the elevator buttons before you can even think to.
GymRat!Miguel who really loves when the elevator door closes and he can look down at as you talk away. Just for those few seconds, the outside world is quiet and it's just you two. In another world, he'd kiss you before the doors open. In another world, he'd tilt your head up and have you look at him when you speak, he wanted to read your eyes too.
You're staring at him expectantly, eyes reminding him of baby deers. He tilts his head at you, wondering why you're staring at him.
"Miguel the door is open. We have to leave before it closes," you say.
He's instantly broke back to reality.
"Right! Sorry," he says, heat rising on the back of his neck. He steps out and holds his hand in front of the opening so that the door doesn't close you.
"Thank you," you say, a giggle under your breath.
Miguel has done some pretty embarrassing things when it comes to you, but he didn't think it would bleed into when he was actually in front of you.
In this world, he needed to not give you the creeps. Get it together.
GymRat!Miguel who is ecstatic that you still want to come work out with him. You all plan to meet that Friday. You don't know what you want to work out, but you say you're excited. Miguel has tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday to plan the perfect workout for you.
Should he go buy a bottle so he can make you a smoothie? Or should he offer to buy you a smoothie afterwards? Do you even like smoothies? Maybe he should invite you to breakfast. Would you want to eat right after you worked out? You needed to eat to make sure you can speed up the healing process though....
GymRat!Miguel who waves you goodbye when it's almost time for your studio class to start, mind filled with so many questions.
Your friend turns to you immediately when Miguel is gone.
"And who was that?" she says, eyes shocked.
"He's a guy from my lab. His name is Miguel," you say, grinning in your hands. You felt like kicking your feet in the air, but alas, no time.
"He's super hot. Like, seriously," your friend says, moving her taboret next to her workspace. "I would hit it. Constantly."
"Please stop talking," you say, laughing along. "I'm not even sure if he goes for girls like me. I'd rather not get my hopes up." You wanted to keep yourself in reality and falling for Miguel might put you too close to the land of delusion. You figured that Miguel was just super nice, especially after you two worked so hard for that lab project.
Your friend stops and looks at you, she slams the liquin tin on the table and puts her hand on her hip.
"First of all, those "types of guys" love big girls, so don't give me that. Second of all, are you not seeing how he looks at you. He's giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes, like, ever." She picks the liquin tin back up and starts scooping aggressively at the sides. "You gotta be more confident! You're gorgeous, anyone with a functioning brain can see that."
You stand there stunned, shocked at your friend's outburst. "I am confident!" Partially true. "I just...don't want to be hurt."
"I understand that, but have you even asked if he likes you or not?"
You shake your head no.
"Exactly. The night is still young," your friend says, pointing her palette knife at you. "And if you don't go for it, I will."
"Oh my god, shut up," you say, throwing a crumbled shop towel at her. You still kept her words in the back of your mind, storing it for later.
GymRat!Miguel who paces in front of the campus gym, waiting for your arrival. He got up extra early and gave himself a pep talk in the mirror. It wasn't a date, per se, but he felt that it could lead to one if he played his cards right. He decided to just invite you out to eat, figuring you would bring your stickered-water bottle.
GymRat!Miguel who spots you before you even call his name. He waves, smile taking over his features. You wave back, and it isn't until you're ten steps away that he finally takes in your full outfit. Another two-piece that was going to be the death of him, the only thing was that this was in the flesh. He cursed under his breath before you got closer, brain short-circuiting at the fabric hugging your skin.
"Ready to go?" he asks, forcing himself to not look at your body and to look at your face.
"Yeah! I'm a little nervous but I'm ready to work," you say, following him to the door.
He opens the doors for you, "Nothing to be nervous about. You're in good hands."
He brings you to his locker so you can put your bag in there, not wanting anyone to snag your belongings.
You guys start at the track, walking a lap as a warm up. Usually Miguel would do a lap or two of jogging, and as much as he wanted to watch you bounce, especially on him, this was a beginner workout. He didn't want to scare you with how intense he can get. While walking, you guys chatted about little things. Miguel tells you how wasn't nearly this big four years ago, ensuring you that the path to get here can be hard. You tell him that you just want be healthy, not caring if you lost weight or gained muscle. Miguel was secretly happy to hear this because he liked your body the way it was, but he would roll with whatever you were feeling.
GymRat!Miguel who helps you stretch. You both sit on the floor and face each other with your feet touching. Miguel saw how much smaller your feet were compared to his and his heart fluttered. His mind was filled with a million voices rambling off new things about you.
"She's focusing so hard"
"How can a gym outfit be so hot"
"She's so close to me when we do this stretch"
"Her hands are so warm"
"Maybe I should have stretched her from behind too"
That last thought gets Miguel to move you guys to the next part of the routine. How is his head always in the gutter?
GymRat!Miguel who starts you off with dumbbells, giving you the 5 lb weights to start. He starts you off with a few shoulder and arm exercises, giving you tips and praise along the way. His touches linger on your arms as he corrects your form, watching your body intensely. His constant "good"s, "one more''s, and "uh huh"s hit you right in your core. You're thankful that you're out of breath and heated from the workout, otherwise you would have melted before him.
GymRat!Miguel who pulls out all of the stops, using the heavier weights for his sets. He screams on the inside when you cheer him on. You clap at the end of one of his harder sets, happy that he pushed himself. He bows in silly way, sweat dripping down his face and laughing at your actions.
GymRat!Miguel who spots you while you use a heavier weight to do squats. You wanted to go for the 15 lb weight even though it was your first time doing weighted squats. He didn't want you to fall over, so he stood behind you and held his hands in the air by your waist as you went down. He knew that he was supposed to be focused, but he couldn't help but to glance at your ass a few times. God.
GymRat!Miguel who ends off your workout with the bikes, you guys making it a small competition. He stands and cycles, watching as your jaw dropped. You started to stand but got a little scared and gave up quick. Miguel couldn't have that. He stopped moving and got up to be by your side.
"You got it! Don't be scared," he says, watching you work.
"I literally can't do that," you say, cycling a little faster.
"Sure you can! Try it, I'm right here," he says, encouraging you.
You fight your fear and stand up and cycle. "Oh my god," you say, breaths coming out hard.
"That's it, that's it," Miguel says, voice warm as he praises you. "You're doing so good. Keep going."
You push until you can't anymore, Miguel cheering at your side.
GymRat!Miguel who guides you to the showers after your workout. It sucks that he can't be in there with you. His imagination can only get him so far.
GymRat!Miguel who waits for you to come out of the bathroom, ready to ask you to go for smoothies and breakfast. He hopes you say yes.
GymRat!Miguel who is in awe again at how you look. How many two-piece sets did you have? How does he survive them every single time? He mutters up the courage to ask you if you wanted to go get smoothies, adding on that he would pay. You glow and say yes, stating that you love smoothies. He's soaring.
GymRat!Miguel who brings your food to the table, two wraps and two smoothies. A protein shake for him and a fruit smoothie for you.
"That was a really good workout today. You definitely put me to work," you say, unwrapping the straw to stab it through the top. You hum at the flavor as you take a sip.
"Good?" Miguel asks, and you nod your head with your thumb up. "I'm glad you liked the workout. I was excited to have a partner."
"A partner? Why didn't you invite us to join?"
You both look up to see a few girls standing by the checkout counter. Miguel notices them as the sorority girls from his literature class. They walk over to your table, eyes twinkling as they take in Miguel.
Miguel chuckles awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He didn't think he had to deal with them outside of class too.
One of the girls look at you and goes, "Oo are you a personal trainer?"
You're taken aback, eyes scanning between the girls. You're about to open your mouth to respond but Miguel gets to them first.
"No, we're workout partners," he says, snapping at the girl. "And we're kind of having a conversation right now so is there anything else that you guys want to say?"
The girl cowers a bit at Miguel's words, laughing as if he told a joke and twirling her hair. The leader of the pack turns to Miguel, "Sorry about that. We wanted to see if you could come to our party tomorrow night. It'll be super fun and we would love to see you there."
A party? Miguel hadn't gone to one since he moved on campus. He always wanted to experience a college one. He turned to you and saw that you just tapped at your phone, not looking to the girls.
"I'll go if I can bring her," Miguel says, tapping his foot against yours. You look up, shock in your eyes,
Some of the girls slump, and the leader tightens her smile, "Fine! That's cool. I'll send you the details later."
The girls walk off and you stare at them, eyes squinting.
"They're an interesting bunch aren't they?" you say, continuing to eat your wrap.
"Right?" Miguel says, turning back to you.
GymRat!Miguel who comes to your dorm, ready to walk you to the party. He knocks on your door, a little nervous. He had on a nice top, the top open a little bit and a thin chain around his neck. After a while, you opened the door and gobsmacked him again with your outfit.
"Wow," he says, standing in the door like an idiot.
"Is it bad?" you ask, body glowing.
"No, you look amazing," Miguel says. "Ready to go?" He holds his arm out, softly smiling at you.
You nod and intertwine your arm through his.
GymRat!Miguel who takes in the atmosphere, frat guys yelling by a pool table, a few girls dancing with red solo cups, some people making out on the couch.
For Miguel, it was a lot.
He turned to you, yelling to ask if you wanted a drink. You say yes and you both make your way to the kitchen.
There, you both are met with the sorority girls crowding the kitchen. Some of them are passing some pills around and others are chatting by the island. One of them looks up and sees you guys lingering by the entrance.
"Miguel! You made it! Come on have a drink," she pulls him closer in the room. "Want a xannie?"
"I'm good," he says, handing you a cup of Pink Whitney. You take a sip and turn your nose a little bit. You might have to suck it up to get through the night.
"I'm so glad you made it. I have something that I've been meaning to show you," she says, batting her eyes. She convinces him to follow her up the stairs.
Miguel yells over his shoulder that he'll be right back.
You stand in the kitchen, fingers tapping against your cup. You felt a little silly and out of place. You didn't know anyone else here and the people were cliquey.
You joined a few games of beer pong, trying to enjoy yourself, but you couldn't help but to think about Miguel.
You dance a little, joining some random girls in the middle of the room. The music is ok, but you were just trying to have a good time. After an hour or so, you get nervous. Miguel hasn't been back in a while.
You head back to the kitchen, thinking maybe he could be in there.
"If you're looking for Miguel, he's probably deep in a bed right now," one girl giggles as she comes up beside you, grabbing another drink.
"What?" you say, eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah girl, why else would he be gone so long? I tried to go up there and the doors were locked. Just text him tomorrow."
Your hand grips your cup tighter, watching as the girl goes back into the thick of the crowd.
You decide to wait a little longer, scrolling on the same three apps back to back for another hour. You look at the time again and the 3 am stares back at you mockingly.
You figure that he's really not coming back down and open your Instagram to give him a text.
“Hey Miguel! I’m gonna go ahead and go back to my dorm. It's getting pretty late."
You walk back to your dorm, arms wrapped around yourself to brace from the cold.
GymRat!Miguel who finally makes it to a bathroom that's not occupied with some one hovering over the toilet. He feels out of it. Throwing back a few too many shots. He was trying to get back downstairs but there was always someone there to pull him back, offering something.
A shot? Sure.
A pill? No.
A game? Maybe.
The girl who brought him up there tried her best to get in his pants, but if he was being honest, he didn't even remember her name. Or any of the names of the girls that came in afterwards. He declined every one of them, just wanting to get some air.
He was able to check his phone.
3:35 am.
He sees your message and feels sick. He runs downstairs and out the door, the cool air sobering him up a bit.
"Fuck," he says hands to his head. He squats and texts you back.
"I am so sorry. I got caught up. Did you make it back safely?"
It was so late, there was no way you would respond. He fucked up.
He texted Gabriel, maybe his drunk mind pushing him to seek help from his little brother.
"So if I invite a girl to a party and leave her what are the chances that she will text me back? :((("
"Dude. It's almost 4am. And where is this so-called game that you have? Ik you're not asking me about anything"
"Gabri :(((("
"I'll be honest, she's probably blocking your number. IF she even has it lol"
Yeah. He fucked up.
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dividers by: @yeribbon 🩵
a/n: Miguel's gym playlist is such a jarring difference from my own gym playlist. 😭 I left you guys with an extra long addition today because I have soooo much hw that's piling up and it's tearing me apart.
As always, leave a like and reblog. Leave comments please. 🥺 I want to see your reactions! Let me know how you feel. 🩵
taglist: @ghost-lantern @miguelhugger2099 @slushycoookie @emelie-s-h @lake-lili @obsessed-with-miguels-ass @scaleniusrm @superiorspiderass @lexluvswriting @flordelalunas @froggygal @vmpz8sauceee @famouscattale @nixinluv02 @jada-of-arcadia @spideykid22 @what-the-jams @julia4today @tojishugetiddies @samjinxx @sleeklyalisha @the-pan-liquid @prongs-lover @kikaaauu @urlocallocachica @wanderlustingcastaway @peachey-pie @ch3rry-bl1ss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @love-kha1 @manlikemilesmyguy @sillysillygoofygoose @monticellohoe
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gumycandyyy · 1 year
୨♡ Winter King HCS ♡୧
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I am ashamed of tumblr for not making more fanfic of this funky fruit.
We got some general HCS and then some romantic ones under the cut! (I went a little overboard with the romantic ones, hehe!)
୨♡ General ♡୧
-Man's self care routine is off the charts
-I'm serious, he has like- 80 different bubble bath concoctions.
-Smells like mint
-or some kind of cold scent.
-I feel like he loves dressing up fancy, so he has a closet full of sparkly suits
-maybe even some dresses if he's feeling special.
-Doesn't actually need to wear glasses, he just likes how they look.
-While he loves his winter wonder world, I feel like he'd enjoy rainy weather more than snow.
-He got rid of all his madness and sadness, yes, but I think he'd cry at something especially cute. Happy tears, y'know?
"Why are you crying, sir? Are you okay?" "Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* Just those two rabbits that are cuddling."
-He is really bad at any percussion instrument
-like.. REALLY bad.
-His hands are too delicate for such a garish instrument as the drums!
-He loves playing duets on the piano, but rarely has anyone to play with.
-I mean, he could always concoct up an ice creature to play piano with him, but that's honestly quite dull.
-His favorite movie would probably be an old Christmas movie, like It's a Wonderful Life.
-He gets kidnapped by the Candy Queen so often, that occasionally he brings a book or something snuggly to help him wait for his ice scouts to rescue him.
-He once got so bored while kidnapped that he tried to read to some of the mutilated candy people
-That was the last time he saw his favorite book.
-Safe to say he doesn't bring his favorites anymore.
୨♡ Romantic ♡୧
-Will literally spoil his love interest rotten.
-You want that thing you saw earlier?
-Consider it yours
-You'd like for it to snow outside?
-A sprinkle or a blizzard?
-Literally anything, this man will go to the ends of the universe to get you what you'd like.
-Love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch
-probably acts of service too.
-Loves dancing.
-Loves dancing.
-Whether it be a slow dance or ice-skating, he will take every opportunity to dance with you!
-He adores short people.
-Good, because he's tall as a giant.
-if you're shorter than him, he will no doubt use you as an armrest.
-He always makes remarks on how cute you are.
-Even if you're only two inches shorter than him.
-If you're taller...
-hoo boy.
-Expect him to be all over you.
-figuratively and literally.
-Will want you to carry him everywhere, sit in your lap, rest against you, whatever.
-Just let him touch you.
-He'll talk about how strong you are, how you'd be the perfect chair, etc. etc.
-He does the stupid "How's the weather up there?" jokes.
-Loves your body, no matter what it looks like.
-You're skinny?
-You're easy to carry around and dance with.
-You're chubby or fat?
-Literally will always be holding onto or resting on part of you. He loves squishy people.
-Somewhere in the middle?
-He could not care less. He loves you regardless of what you look like.
-And he makes sure to emphasize his point by complimenting you endlessly.
-He will never leave your side.
-Even if you need space, he doesn't.
-So why wouldn't you?
-Back to our regularly scheduled fluff-
-Candy Queen hates your guts.
-She thinks you're an obstacle, keeping her from the Winter King.
-No doubt tries to kill you.
-Multiple times. a day
-Her plans are always foiled, but if she gets too close to genuinely hurting you, Winter will be so upset.
"Oh, Dearest, please tell me you're okay!" "You are?" "Phew. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt in any way."
-His petnames for you are probably
-My love,
-There are a lot more, but those are the main ones.
-LOVES kissing you.
-Anytime, any way.
-He finds it adorable when his nose bumps your face.
-Favorite place to kiss would probably be the back of your hand.
-He is a gentleman after all.
-Overall, he just adores you.
-And he sincerely hopes you love him just as much as he does you.
Headcanon requests are open for Winter King! Don't be afraid to send an ask, and be shameless! I know I am! (No smut tho. Some spice is okay, however.)
Have some free WK art for coming this far!
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reblog for a beginner writer?
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
So I saw your ravenclaw reader x tom riddle
I was wondering if you can do a hufflepuff reader x tom riddle for like an opposites attract kind of thing✨
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He hated everyone, always so cold and blunt with people
And you were so so sweet and bubbly and nice to everyone
He never really paid you any attention until you two got sat in class together. He hated it. He hated how kind you were and how...extra you were with him.
You would always be nice and talkative and sweet to him. He was still so cold and blunt, but over time he stopped any insults or snarky remarks. He was still blunt and kept his responses short.
You were growing on him. And he hated that. He hated that he started liking your voice. He hated how he liked your little compliments. He hated how he liked your bubbly attitude. He should be annoyed by it.
I know this man would start following you around and making sure you're safe. You're too sweet for this world, in his opinion, nothing should ever harm you or insult you.
Nor should any man touch you. Ever. He's absolutely possessive.
He is following behind you in the halls as you walk between classes and you're wondering why people are moving out of your way a lot more than usual.
He would have a hard time admitting to himself that he liked you. But god, your pretty little smile and sparkling eyes had him becoming weak.
He finally asked you out by asking you to study. You were confused because he never needed help with studying. But he claimed it was for you. And he also never specified it was a date either.
So you go to his dorm to study and he's trying his hardest to be warmer to you, to impress you. He's helping walk you through things.
You're confused about why he's being so nice. He's closer to you than normal. It's like he's wanting to touch you, but won't.
I can guarantee you this is happening several more times, several more study dates before he kisses you and you finally realize these have been dates.
He's not great with his words, so it still took him longer to ask you to be his girlfriend.
But, god, he's whipped. You just need to ask and he'll do it.
He's still walking with you in the halls and anywhere around the castle to make sure you're safe.
He's also still blunt and doesn't express himself well. But he does love you. He really does.
Same as with Ravenclaw reader, he wants you to talk, he doesn't like talking. He wants to your your sweet voice for hours just yapping whether he's doing something or just sitting/laying with you.
He can't get over how sweet you are to him, even though he isn't the sweetest person himself.
Though, he does find it really amusing when you do get angry and will sometimes do things on purpose to annoy you just to see how mad you get and see how cute you are when you yell at him.
Of course, that won't last long. He doesn't really want you to be mad at him. So he'll either smooth things over with you, or he's gonna grab your face and ask you who you think you're yelling at.
Anyways, I love our grumpy Tom with a sweet hufflepuff.
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