#like educate me pls
rosicheeks · 2 years
I am a Virgo but I absolutely love how bubbly and sometimes goofy you are 😍😍😍🙏😘
Ok ok ok why did you say ‘but’ though
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asbestos-11 · 6 months
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that one post that's doing rounds on twitter is made for me and my fellow mpreg enjoyers.
the twitter post in question. made by user tarraerae
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Four: Why is it this one peer reviewed journal is saying that propranolol is helpful in cardiac remodeling but then this other source is saying it doesn’t help?? WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO GET A STRAIGHT ANSWER???
Time: Why are you looking at cardiac pharmacology?
Four: No reason.
Legend: You’re becoming a turncoat and going to the CV ICU aren’t you??
Four: Wh—how is that being a turncoat?? You’re ED, you work everything, not just trauma!
Warriors: I understand, Four. You just don’t want to deal with Time anymore.
Malon, still annoyed at him for harassing a resident: We all need a break from him sometimes, it’s okay, honey.
Time: >:O
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franken-loser · 6 months
I wish my brain had the capacity to actually analyze frankenstein characters cause they're sooooo interesting and i adore them and i would LOVE to write an analysis on some of them
but most of what goes on in my brain all day is literally just victor and henry kissing, i wish i was joking
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papirouge · 8 months
"Taylor swift porn deepfakes dropped and leftists are arguing it’s ok because she’s white and rich !! It doesn’t matter if she’s white and rich, because misogyny affects all of us uwu"
and yet, when brown Muslim Palestinian women struggling in their war torn country got displaced in camps and resorted to cut their tent because they didn't have menstrual products were PLEADING for help/attention, you remained quiet
...but yes, the discourse calling out the selective mobilization of western feminists who constantly cape for rich/White/Western celebrities while not displaying an ounce of this energy to speak up for women struggling & dying en masse in the biggest conflict in the world right now is just silly "leftism"
shut up. like, forever.
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akkivee · 4 months
i am once again getting excited over stuff that isn’t even confirmed lmao but what if hypdream has a similar story format to arb s1 where it’s split into six separate stories centred around the divisions where the final boss of each story is the evil version of the division so you have to strategise how to defeat the divisions with the characters you have unlocked like what if i have to beat bat with bat would evil kuukou have priority and his ability might go off before i can seal evil kuukou’s myself idk how jyushi’s ability works but can i negate the damage he supposedly can heal by reflecting his attack phase back at him with hitoya’s would the three of their attack stats combined be enough to beat them if evil kuukou’s ability can be used more than once—
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metaben · 4 months
wait a second
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that settles it for me you can't tell me a LINGUIST who was writing his story for over a decade was oblivious to the fact he "accidentally" kept implying that the "queer bachelors" in his story who never married or had love interests and spent all their time with men-
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suchafuckingriot · 7 months
Wilbur Soot as an abuser
cw, physical abuse, graphic descriptions of physical abuse
this analysis seeks to break down the supposed type of abuser wilbur is for the purpose of showing people what abusers can look like and why they do it the way they do. especially in this instance, where it can feel ambiguous or exaggerative to call that person an abuser when you’re in a relationship with them. WARNING: this post will be uncomfortable and sad to read. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.
first and foremost, go watch shelby’s stream. she said exactly what she wanted to say and she said it very well, and i’m not going to synthesize it. additionally, the only reason i feel comfortable writing this in the first place is because i’ve experienced the exact same thing, bites and all. because of that fact, some of this information might be biased towards my own experiences, but know that this essay is not about wilbur as much as it is about this one type of abuser. this is not drama or gossip like usual, it is meant to be educational and give awareness to a covert type of abuse that is often hard to recognize, a type of abuse that i know and understand. it is also meant to explain why it happens, as i’ve seen a LOT of questions about “why biting?”. remember, wilbur is just our poster boy in this instance. you could swap his name out with any other, he’s just who sparked the discussion this time. anyways,
How it Starts
remember my post from a while ago about wilbur and manic pixie dream girls? (if someone could send it to me i’d like to reblog it) there is a simple process to wilbur’s attraction to women:
find “special” girl -> rizz her up -> it fails -> spiral into self loathing bender -> (“update me on your life and now you’ve found the one, but i don’t like his eyes…”)
find “special” girl -> rizz her up -> it works -> oh wait she’s not special to me anymore -> she’s supposed to be special -> but she’s special i cant not like her she’s such a catch -> she loves me and i hate her -> i’m in love with the fact that she loves me -> (“you’re just so painfully punctual, i’m starting to get bored”)
and here we get to what happened with shelby.
she was his childhood crush. she is also petite, beautiful, very cutesy, giggles, is very sweet, has a distinct personal style, is SHUBBLE. to name a few things. she is a perfect dream girl for wilbur to chase.
wilbur catches her -> he loses interest -> the ego boost and additional benefits from dating shelby is so great that he values her status as his girlfriend above her as a person -> she is still a person with relationship needs -> he lashes out at her in seemingly innocent ways in attempt to satisfy both his ego and the needs of a relationship. which brings us to
Biting/“Playful” Injury
love bites are a fairly common form of affection. the important distinction to make is that they are usually gentle, and done by someone because they know it’s silly. it’s a human thing to do. a very common question i’ve seen: why did he bite her?
because when you are in a relationship with someone you resent (as shelby said) and you get the inclination to physically harm them, you know you can’t. this is obviously bad, and wilbur knows it’s bad, so he picks something that can be turned into a joke. wilbur is a known biter. this gives him a justification that shelby will take and so will everyone else that sees it happen, especially since his mom backed it up.
the bites serve to
-allow him to hurt her without feeling guilty
-affirm his ego that she’ll stay with him even if he treats her poorly
-provide a visible marker to other people that she is “his”, further affirming his ego
the bites being in her skin allowed people to see them and she’d be forced to explain that he was the one that did it, he could show them off himself if they were together, they could be passed off as a silly joke, and he got the satisfaction of hurting her under a “safe” pretense. especially because he set up a safeword, he got to justify in his head that he was not a bad guy or abusive for doing this. the bites are a mark of possession, like a brand. it’s gratifying that he’s the only person that gets to do this to her.
there is also something… attractive? romantic? about how much someone will endure for you. this type of abuser loves to stress test how much you’ll take from them before breaking. they feel validated that you’re willing to do that for them, so even if he had to stop doing it on her arms and move to her legs instead, it was still gratifying that she would take it.
one question i saw a lot: is it a sex thing? not necessarily. it could be, but in this case and in my own experience i don’t think it is. i don’t think it sexually gratifies them, just fuels their ego.
i would also like to add, biting is not the only way this can happen. here are a few more examples of covert physical abuse, from my own experiences because that’s the best way to word them:
my ex would “crack my knuckles”, meaning bend my fingers a dangerous amount until they forcefully popped, framed as an inside joke
"playfully" shove me, making sure to do it hard enough that i was knocked into a wall and would hit my head
pinch bruises into my ribs so they would hurt when i laughed
back to shelby/wilbur, her story of him pinning her down and asking her to try to push him off, then gloating when she couldn’t
i just think it’s worth noting: shelby wanting to be a bunny on origins smp, then wilbur modifying her lore saying she was a bunny until he killed her because he was lonely and wanted another ghost around. that shit was not normal
i would also like to add, often the person being hurt in this scenario does express that they are being hurt, that they do not like it, and that they don’t want it to keep happening. the abuser will dismiss it because the ways they harm you are “a joke”, or they may set up a safe word or fake apology or negotiation in attempt to placate you. or they will guilt trip you. know that almost never are any remedies they try to provide you genuine. you will not fix your relationship. they do not care about you, they care that you satisfy their ego. they want to harm you, and they will not stop.
if you suspect you may be in this situation, get out of it. nobody deserves to be hurt by their own partner or be made to feel resented by their own partner. research all of the different types of abuse, and figure out the best solution for your situation. like shelby said, she was the one that broke up with him, which is the case for a lot of these scenarios. i pulled the trigger in my own relationship. it might be scary, or not feel right, but if you can come to the conclusion that your situation isn’t right, you can leave it too.
wishing everyone happiness, health, and healing,
(p.s. in the tags)
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honeybun-kisses · 1 year
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oh he’s so fucking fine like yes daddy
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HI @mjrdm HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! im always shy posting my art buut i hope u enjoy these butlers :] ty for introducing me to the homicidal manservant ever
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kaunisbaby · 15 days
it makes my blood pressure rise every time i have a fight with my sister bc her piece of shit boyfriend who i loathe and despise radicalized her and now she thinks like a fascist
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creaturecomplications · 3 months
Hello! I know I don't really have an audience since I haven't really posted, and I haven't been reblogging or liking for a while due to anxiety stuff I'm dealing with, but this felt important enough to me to post. If you are attacking Jewish people over the war against Hamas you should block me and continue on your way. If you are Jewish you are welcome on my blog, you are welcome to message me and educate me on the conflict, your culture, your current fixation, WHATEVER. Admittedly, I probably won't be able to message back or do much interaction with other blogs again for a while yet, but I DO plan on trying to post some fandom content on here since I like to write and want to work on my anxiety issues and I would like to hear from people while I do so even if I can't reply right now. So there you go, treaty inbox like the void and shout about whatever at me. That said, antisemites and others being intentionally bigoted will be blocked and reported.
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catwouthats · 2 months
Saying that fanfic isn’t as enriching as regular books is such a fucking lie
1) not all fanfic is smutt and not all books are thought provoking, not that it matters for a book to be considered official anyways. All reading is reading. There is literally pulp fiction. There is literally Colleen Hover. A lot of fanfic authors are literally published writers too.
2) some of my most mind altering moments have been induced because of a fucking fanfic. And before y’all say “well you just haven’t read good literature!” I have literally read Charles Dickens, George Orwell and Shakespeare. Those were also good. I’d say Oliver Twist, Hamlet, and that fanfic I read were possibly some of the best shit. On equal playing fields. I analyze tf out of all media I consume.
Go fuck off with your lowkey elitist take that fanfic is below the level books are at. Just because someone can’t print their writing, whether due to copyright or a lack of money/ability, doesn’t mean that it’s “less than”.
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sanjiaftersex · 5 months
finished writing two paragraphs for my termpaper literature review
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cosmic-radio-station · 4 months
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(start by the 57% then go backwards)
um found this cool site called Obscurify
gotta have spotify for this
i usually just listen to random stuff on yt but sometimes of spotify
so yeah
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casterlypriderock · 4 months
people are still so unwell (derogatory) about sansa stark it’s getting embarrassing
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