#in the astrology world
rosicheeks · 2 years
I am a Virgo but I absolutely love how bubbly and sometimes goofy you are 😍😍😍🙏😘
Ok ok ok why did you say ‘but’ though
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It's amazing what a good affordable telescope will do! So do y'all feel small now? Think we're the only ones with life? Nah there's life out there somewhere.
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lvlexish · 5 months
The 12H and our hidden fears and trauma 🚪
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These are my observations 📝 (Check each ruling planet for the sign of your 12H to get a more in depth understanding.) PT 1.
Aries 12H : Hidden anger and rage. When you were younger you could have been told you’re too sensitive and that anger secretly turned into rage. Fear of asserting yourself or coming off as aggressive. Headaches can happen when you work yourself up.
Taurus 12H : Could have wounds surrounding money. You could secretly be good at cooking and only like to do it for those close to you. Creating beautiful art that no one is allowed to see. Thyroid issues could be a thing here as well. It could be hard for you to see the beauty in yourself. You could secretly overindulge in things. Binge eating could be a thing here as well, but no one knows you do it.
Gemini 12H: Issues surrounding communication. Possibly when growing up, you could have felt that no one listened to you or heard you. Maybe when growing up you were shut out of a lot of conversations because people perceived you as someone who wouldn’t understand or someone that doesn’t have anything necessary to contribute to the conversation. You ended up in your head up a lot and there were so many things that you were cut off from being able to express and let out. Could have issues with your nervous system as a result now.
Cancer 12H: You could have really deep seated mommy issues with this placement. Growing up you were labeled as too sensitive and in turn that made you go into your shell even more. You had no one to connect with emotionally and could have felt really alone especially as a child. Possibly some body image issues here as well. Maybe you were a late bloomer. UTI issues could be prevalent.
Leo 12H: There are issues surrounding your confidence and being your true authentic self. You could have a fear of standing out amongst the crowd, tending to draw inwards but people constantly put you in the spotlight. Could deal with heart palpations.
Virgo 12H: Stability could be an issue for you. Maybe growing up a routine didn’t exist in your household. Also from a young age someone close to you could have been extremely critical to you, creating OCD and wanting to present as “perfect” at all times. Control issues could be a thing here as well. Tummy issues present here. Also it could be the other end where a routine was pushed so much that you can’t operate without being busy and possibly become a workaholic.
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 5 months
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the infinite desires
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skeletonmob · 3 months
Worldbuilding Survey 1
A quick worldbuilding poll for my fantasy world, Ouranos. I'm trying to gauge what the distribution of magic is and what the average mage uses. Obviously, I could just make something up, but I think it'd be better if I had some actual data to work with.
Please comment and reblog!
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lilacstro · 2 months
your moon sign and what it can say about your relationship to your mother
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well, hi :) I am making this post randomly and also because it is my mom's birthday very soon!!
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EDIT: I'm getting a few asks saying this does not fully resonate or that they love their mom and wth is this, i think you all need to understand that this just a simple moon sign based post and all of this really depends on so many factors so for it to be extremely accurate, it has to be extremely personal :) even if a few sentences of the description relate to you, it's okay ;)
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Well your moon sign can infact pretty much reveal your relationship to your mother and I have seen a lot of accuracy with this with my clients up until now. This is another reason why two siblings are very very unlikely to have same moon signs, because your relationship to your same mother can be different for all kids, and I second this.
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Let's go.
Aries Moon: Your mother could actually be someone who is very fierce by nature, and also someone with anger issues at times. Your relationship to your mother could be unpredictable, intense and full of highs and lows. You may feel your mother is at some competition with you, maybe some selfishness and ego or some rage or rivalry is possible at worst. But if the moon is well placed, your relationship is likely to be intense, but in a good way, a lot of attachment to your mother, wanting to do things for her or she may be the one who fights and provides for you
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Taurus Moon: This placement is actually the archetype for mother in astrology. Now people with this placement have a lot of love, immense love I must say for their mothers. They may talk to their mothers softly, politely and feel really motherly with them, the moms are also very caring and loving and nurturing, until you have a really bad moon placement and really bad tight aspects, it is highly unlikely that you felt uncared for in the presence of your mother. But you are very likely to be fixated on your mother and her opinions, which are also very stubborn at times, so that is one thing
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Gemini Moon: People with this moon placement have a black and white relationship with their mothers. Moon in Gemini people tend to be born to emotionally unavailable or overly intellectual mothers When it is good, it is really good, its bad, its really bad. Their is no in between. The relationship gets better when you grow up. Your mom in fact could have two extreme and different sides to her which may make it hard to keep up with her at times. Your mother is also likely to be really extroverted in nature. It is also very possible for you to have trust issues with your mom tbh, you both may also have a communication gap with each other at times. Mother may have had you when she was going through a hard time or probably was not really ready.
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Cancer Moon: Oh, motherly moms. Your mother could have been a source of emotional comfort for you, someone who felt like home to you, someone who you could confide in. If your Moon is badly aspected or in the hidden houses, the results may rather be opposite and you guys may actually be on different emotional wavelengths which can be problematic at times but other than that, you are indeed someone who despite of this would still love their mom and she would too, there is a lot of attachment to your mother regardless of what the relationship is like. But there is a need to separate the strings of emotions, to avoid too much of a tangle, unhealthy attachment or emotional manipulation at times.
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Leo Moon: Ah boy, I 10/10 come across posts that mention children with Leo Moon may have mothers who may be competitive to them and this is not very accurate way of describing the relationship dynamics and this is just my opinion and may be different for others. Children with Leo moons have mother who automatically may draw attention to themselves, be it through drama or something else, and this in fact can instill a feeling of being the priority after her to her children. They may feel overlooked and unattended for. But on a positive note, these mothers are highly protective of their children, and do not mess around when it comes down on them. People with this placement often have mothers that have some kind of chaos or distraction happening in their life, and they may even have really dramatic moments with their own mother, which I do not blame. The relationship is overall confusing imo.. The mother is keen on setting their children free, but within her sight. She expects her children to be bold and daring, but most of the times, without giving training for it.
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Virgo Moon: People with this placement have stable relationships to their mothers 8/10 times. The mother is likely to be understanding and someone who may also be influential in shaping their children early in their lives, especially in the way they think and act. The relationship overall is likely to be comfortable, however it is also possible for the mother to be really critical of their children, especially academically, which may cause issues. Mother is likely to think from a stable, calmer perspective but despite of all good communication the relationship may feel as if it is just merely coherent and lacks empathy at times.
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Libra Moon: Well, people with this placement are very likely to have siblings. Other than that, the mother may actually be really big on the idea of being fair and equal to everyone, to a point that it may feel unjust to their own child at times. The relationship is likely to feel superficial at times, lacking emotional depth and you may feel that the relationship is just for the show of it, though it is not as often. There maybe an effort to maintain a happy public image of the relationship, there are very likely to be conflicts with the mother since people with this placement are very sensitive to feeling unjust in any way or form. Otherwise, the relationship is mostly harmonious. Mother may also be interested in luxury, beauty, arts etc.
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Scorpio Moon: This placement again has mother issues, especially because of a lack of emotional understanding or the mother maybe absent all together. The relationship is likely to see extremes, maybe the mother is not as unattentive and maybe even if she is present, people with this placement often raise themselves regardless, there is always a longing and absence in the heart and it is likely to close them off emotionally to love all together. People with this placement often have mothers that have a lingering attachments to some other thing in their life, be it substances, money, or even their own husbands. Mother is likely to be introverted.
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Sagittarius Moon: People with this placement do not really have an either of an extreme relationship with their mother. The mother is likely to be a teacher for the native with this placement, and that can either be a real teacher or professor or someone who teaches things to their children. Mother is also optimistic and the relationship is more than often lighthearted and humorous. Again, if there is a bad or afflicted moon, the relationship may actually have a different picture all together, and you may not really connect to or pay much attention to your mother at all. But regardless of whatever it is, good or bad, there is not too much of an attachment to the mother (i mean none of y'all are extremely clingy and the relationship is comfortable in that sense, it doesn't mean you aren't attached to your mother or don't love her :) ) and the mother is also very likely to be a little eccentric but may love travel and philosophy. It is also very likely that the mother was from some other culture or country.
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Capricorn Moon: Ah, workaholic mothers. Now I tell you, there are either two extremes, either the mother is the earner and she is dominating and controlling or she is suppressed all together. People with this placement don't really have emotionally unavailable mothers all together, but more so the mother gets less time for interaction due to her work, or she is just not ready to express her emotions for the relationship to have some real emotional depth. People with this placement may not interact with their mothers as often, and they mother is also very likely to be strict very often and as a result natives with this placement learn how to choke and restrict their emotions and deal with them alone and take a good time to open up. This is often a karmic placement alongside a Pisces Moon.
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Aquarius Moon: Moon in Aquarius people are born to mothers who may offer conditional love and actually be really indifferent to their children's needs most of the times. There are indeed a lot of similarities to the natives of Capricorn moons but instead of work or lack of emotional depth, the mother may just have been busy prioritizing her own needs or desires and may also expect the child to be a certain way to feel love and as a result these natives tend to always be the black sheep of the family, someone who is attains this feeling of wanting to fit in the shoe box they are not meant to, but eventually comes out of it, breaking out. This is why they love being detached emotionally at times, and are a little eccentric because they learn to embrace themselves. They value emotional freedom and when they love, they accept you for who you are, which they sadly weren't. Often seen that people with this placement connect more to their fathers atleast more than their mothers.
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Pisces Moon: This is a magical placement all together to me, beautiful. But when concerning mothers, these natives are extremely attached to their mothers and really sensitive to what she may say to them, how she may react to them etc. There is very likely to be a past life relationship to the mother. Often after the birth of a child with Pisces moon, there can be cases around police, law, or even someone having to deal with substance abuse in the family. The mother is also very religious and spiritual by nature, but people with this placement may feel their mother does not understand them and the mother's emotions are a priority and they are just pleasing them which can cause problems in emotionally maturing as a person. They are also very likely to feel misunderstood or not looked after with their mothers at times. But other than that, their is indeed some kind of strong connection between the mother and the child, that especially may originate from the womb itself. The child and mother are very likely to be attuned to each other's emotions, if one may feel upset the other may experience it too. You are very likely to experience unconditional love from your mother. Mother is also likely to have artistic talents.
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deltawebsistem · 1 year
If Saturn were as close to the Earth as the Moon is, this is how it would look
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punksocks · 3 months
Me when I hear someone talking about their birth chart in the wild:
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illustratus · 1 year
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saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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I'm taking a minor break till next week writing "The Energry Series", since I want to perfect it, seek more knowledge, do better all in all! So today I'm writing a gitty and playful post.
Rising signs are important to the extent that they rule over our outer appearance and how we come across to the world around us. They are the sign showing up first on the eastern horizon the moment we are taking our first breath. Most of the time it is described as the "mask" or "shell" we put on for the world, but I think the energy of your rising sign cannot be a changeable nor is it a mask. It's a natural stance you take on while heading out the door. The second point in the " Big Three" in astrology. Also the planet ruling your rising sign is the main ruler of your chart. Meaning if you are for example a Pisces, the ruler Neptune will be prominent in molding your appearance. Also called the Ascenendant (AC), meaning "rising in power/influence".
So let's get started!
We start of with our energetic baby Aries. These girls win over the color red, that's for sure. Even though I can see Aries rising in a short skirt with a crop top and a ponytail, they also look amazing in street style/baggy clothes in my opinion. For the makeup I see a simple false lash, rosy cheeks and some fake freckles. Cute with a bit of sass!
My beautiful Venusian girls, who just look right with wavy hair drenched in the smell of argan oil and patchouli perfume on their wrists.These girls in my opinion look right in any boho, hippy, loose clothes. They also can make any long non fitting dress look amazing. For the makeup I would keep it very neutral, with grounding colors and a soft lip color. Also for some reason white looks amazing on them aswell, so angelic looking.
Oh my, o my here come the funky babes of the group! Gemini risings are known to be a slimmer frame, so I would suggest to play with silhouettes. You can always count on a Gemini to brighten up your day, because of this not only does a bright personality suit them but bright colors and crazy patterns also! They look amazing in anything that stands out. I also se our Gemini rising girlies with some sort of facial piercing, a septum maybe? Or a cute navel piercing, sounds good to me to be honest. For the makeup I can see any dramatic looking eyeliner, eyeshadow or lip...Anything experimental for that matter
Here come the mini Venuses with their stunning eyes and round face. They also look so good to me with their hair in some sort of updo, messy with clips. Their body is know to be also rounded, with a prominent chest and hips. Cancerian girls look good in anything delicate and soft, the risqué look isn't really for them. For jewelry I can see them wearing dainty silver rings or a shiny necklace. I mean pearls are their best friend being the sign connected to the sea and ocean. Think of the mermaid look, fresh, young and mysterious. I also don't know why but Cancers suit coconut scented anything on their skin...again going with the beach theme.
Leo's are just the moment, we have all agree on8 that. With their athletic frame and crazy hair I can see why they get the attention. They look amazing in any colors. I would say royal purple, pink, red and gold are my top picks. They look amazing in anything that's dramatic, skin tight or just plain sporty. I can also see them wearing very classy perfume like the Chanel 5.
I absolutely adore my Virgo risings, they can step out in a button down and some jeans and just look so put together. They are the queens of the minimalistic look. In my opinion greens, greys, soft browns and muted colors look great on them. Jewelry wise maybe some stud earrings and a tiny pendant necklace? The fragrance I see when I think of a Virgo rising is the Armani Aqua de Gio. Think Bella Hadid, she is the opitime of the Virgo rising. Chic but so simple.
Their don't need a lot, and they absolutely know it. Being the second Venusian babe in our signs they imbody the extravagant look. Think anything trendy, but they also look good in anything classy. I can see a Libra rising with a white corset and puffy skirt, filled with jewelry around her hands and neck smelling of lavender and lemon. Red lipstick and a little bit of mascara. Hair in some sort of braids and big sunglasses! Also I can see them in long sleek dresses making everybody fall in love with them!
O Morticia Addams, the goth queens and killer looks girlies. The color black is their best friend, but also dark blues, grays, browns, greens. Silver, only silver for the jewelry. They look really good in tight long dresses, leather pants or skirts and platform shoes are a must! They really embody the the dark princess look to me. They are gracefully creepy and I mean that in the nicest way ever!
Sag girlies are the girls how can pull of a lot. On their it days they look amazing in bright colors, high heels, any type of skirt or dress. On their off days they best suite the lazy athletic type. With a matching gym set and some cute uggs they rock the city streets. The perfume I see them in is anything with a little bit of spice, that has pepper undertones and are on the "stronger" side, the Versace "Eros" for example.
My beautiful Caps with their high cheekbones and piercing eyes. They are the classic rising. For some reason Caps always look serious and put together, even when not trying. They love dark colors and maybe a statement piece. Like a ruby ring or extravagant necklace piece. White button downs, skinny jeans, knee length skirts, black corsets and lace anything. Also a suit really is your best friend.
These girlies are the trend setters of the zodiac, everybody loves how creative Aqurius risings are. They love to look put together just like their sister Capricorn but when it comes to spicing up they are the queens for that. I think they look cool in metalics too. Their hair looks good sleek backed or maybe some fun pixie cut? Bangs also, not gonna lie. They also need some fruity perfume to add to the look.
Lastly my etheral babes, with their glossy big eyes and tiny frame they look stunning in anything made out of silk. They also look good in airy dresses and skirts. Also a small winged eyeliner with some white dots to to make their eyes pop. For some weird reason Pisces rising are made for white dresses and clipped back hair.
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lvlexish · 5 months
The 12H and Our Hidden Trauma PT2.
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These are just my observations 🧚🏽‍♀️
Libra : Fear of being perceived. Secretly insecure. You don’t see yourself the way others see you. Subconscious fears surrounding your looks. You fear indecision as well. Could have had traumatic things that happened to you in early childhood, so now you try not to be seen on purpose. You could have felt it was your fault for whatever happened, it wasn’t.
Scorpio: You can have fears surrounding your sexual orientation or just about intimacy in general. Traumatic experiences surrounding sexual themes can also be seen here. Subconsciously you’re not very comfortable in your own skin. Its like you wanna be someone else but you know it’s not possible. Don’t let trauma define you. There could also be fears surrounding death in general. Could have gone through many rebirths in life that no one saw. You had to take on a lot of transformations all by yourself. Fear of codependency. Controlling.
Sagittarius : You could have been really restricted in life when it came to religion and higher learning. Maybe other peoples beliefs were forced on you and you were forced to Shutup and accept it. People could perceive you as not being very smart or knowledgeable but that’s far from the truth. Maybe traumatic experiences were very prevalent in early childhood, especially when it came to elementary school and middle school, possibly even in high school. I feel with this in your 12H people doubt you a lot and then they get reminded why they shouldn’t. You have so much knowledge to share, stop keeping it all to yourself! You are enough. Possibly afraid of planes so it makes traveling a bit harder for you.
Capricorn : Fear of not being enough and not having enough, especially financially. Maybe growing up your family wasn’t the one with a lot of money so barely scrapping by could have been a thing. You are a workaholic who acts like their not a workaholic. You try to distract your painful memories using money or possibly buying expensive things to fill the void. Subconscious mommy issues could also be prevalent here.
Aquarius : Fear of being your true authentic self. You could have been bullied for being different than your peers, so you don’t show people your real personality much unless they are really close to you. Also subconscious fears surrounding your sexuality. Fear of being put in a severe emotional state so you try to stay neutral almost always.
Pisces : Growing up you could have seen the people around you being severely dependent on drugs and alcohol. Possibly now you stay sober for that reason. Could have had a drug or alcohol problem yourself but you overcame it. Fear of not being realistic, people around you could have always told you to stop dreaming and come back to “reality”. You constantly need to retreat to recharge as you are highly sensitive to the world and energies that surround you.
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 7 months
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I will follow your footsteps until the end of time
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skeletonmob · 2 months
Worldbuilding Survey 2
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This isn't the full extent of the magic system, but I've attempted to condense each type of magic so that you can understand the gist of what it is.
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deltawebsistem · 1 year
The Earth and moon in the same photo from a million miles away
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This is real. Since OP didn’t actually provide the source: This image shows the far side of the moon, illuminated by the sun, as it crosses between the DSCOVR spacecraft's Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) camera and telescope, and the Earth - one million miles away.
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nocturnalstarz · 1 month
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✿ " Is it morning already?.... " ☽
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[ Astro AskBlog / Roleplay Account ] ☻✦
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- This is my first attempt at an Askblog, so it may be out of character or not completely lore accurate ! <3
- Account owner is a minor! This ties into the SFW only ask rule ^^ !
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