#i think eichi saw him and was like oh. this is my brother now
neolxzr · 1 year
aira and eichi are so brothers to me like the two of them watch idol dvds together and then they like. go get milkshakes or whatever (its like ice cream but a drink! a first for me!!) and gush abt how much they love idols and aira talks to him abt his silly little 15 yr old boy crushes and eichi talks about wataru and how disgustingly in love with him he is and aira jsut eats it up because he loves love and also idol relationship gossip. you know
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aeoki · 7 months
SS Finals - Melee: Chapter 17
Location: ES Dome Lobby Characters: Touri, Hiyori & Nagisa
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Nagisa: …………
Hiyori: ? What’s wrong, Nagisa-kun? What are you looking at so intently?
Sorry for keeping silent. You’re generally quiet so things get even more so when I don’t mutter a word.
But recently, Ibara or Jun-kun would make a fuss instead, so it would never feel lonely.
Nagisa: …Look there, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: There?
Touri: …………
Hiyori: Oh, it’s Touri-kun! I wonder what he’s doing by himself?
Nagisa: …I think he’s here for the same reason we are.
Hiyori: Oh, he must have an interview as well.
They want to hear what the enthusiastic “General Leaders” – “Eden” and “fine” – have to say before the Finals, don't they?
Nagisa: …Yeah. That’s why we’ve gathered here.
Hiyori: You see it a lot during sports broadcasts, but I can never understand why they’d want to talk to the players right before and after the game.
We want to gather our focus and don’t have the energy to spare for those sorts of things.
Nagisa: …Hehe. They don’t know we’re putting our lives on the line for it.
…In the eyes of the public, “SS” is nothing but a large-scale music programme held at the end of the year.
…No. They can never personally experience or understand how many things idols are shouldering whilst they stand on stage.
…In the eyes of ordinary people, we’re simply celebrities who will show them a good time.
…I think that’s fine, though.
…No. That should be normally considered “correct”.
…If only idols only existed “for that reason”.
…Father was perfect and magnificent but maybe that’s also why he overestimated idols.
Touri: ⸻
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Touri: …………
Hiyori: ……!? Touri-kun!
(What’s going on? He swayed back and forth and collapsed!)
Nagisa: ………!
Hiyori: What? Are you asking me what you should do like in the past? It’s obvious what we need to do!
Nagisa: …I want you to hit me.
Hiyori: Excuse me!? What? What do you mean? Are you confused, Nagisa-kun?
Nagisa: …I watched him with my own two eyes as he fell.
…And thought, “That’s perfect”.
…A “Support Idol” will have to replace an idol who’s unwell.
…Making “that” happen is also one of my goals right now.
…During the last performance with you, Eichi-kun and Tsumugi-kun as “fine” in the past...
…It’s the same when I saw “him” slowly collapsing.
…I thought, “That’s perfect”.
…Back then, it was only because Eichi-kun collapsed that we could use that as an excuse to leave “fine”.
…We gained justification for moving elsewhere because one of our members was hospitalised and that would be difficult for our activities.
…I even thanked God for that stroke of luck.
…I thanked him for bestowing such a perfect fate upon me.
Hiyori: I don’t understand a word you’re saying! I’m going to see Touri-kun!
Nagisa: …No, I will. I know first-aid.
…I knew back then and on that final day too.
…Hiyori-kun, there are a lot of eyes here. I want you to distract them and get their attention away from Touri-kun.
…You’re good at that, aren’t you? I’ll look after him while you do that.
Hiyori: At times like these, you’ll never tell me why even if I asked you, right?
So as your kind-hearted big brother, I’ll say “okay” without asking anything!
Yoohoo, everyone, over here! I, Hiyori Tomoe, have a grand announcement to make before the Finals begin…☆
Nagisa: …Thank you, as always, Hiyori-kun.
Touri: Ugh…
Nagisa: …Touri-kun. You’re okay – it just seems to be anaemia.
Touri: Eichi-sama…
Nagisa: …I’m not Eichi-kun but I suppose I’ll do the task he’s supposed to do.
…As a friend who wore the same outfit and fought alongside him.
(...Now, this is quite an unexpected emergency. Issues I cannot predict will still crop up even with perfect calculations and precise actions.)
(...I should have known that “those things” can happen in this reality.)
(...Ahh, I’m still so far from being a god – I’m just a mere powerless human who knows nothing.)
(...But even so…)
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Bruised Ink - Kageyama Tobio
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Soulmate AU: When you write on your skin it appears in the same spot on your soulmates body
Requested (though I changed it a bit to keep it as canon as possible)
Tags/Warnings: GN!Reader, Kageyama being a bit of an airhead, mild swearing
Word Count: 1.7K+
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Art club, morning, lunch, and after school. Though admittedly your art club supervisor / English teacher didn’t enjoy seeing an eager face so early in the morning. She, over a matter of days, had gotten used to your silent presence in the corner of the art room as she worked on papers, occasionally asking for your opinion on a topic. 
“See you after school!” you called down the hall, before waving to your aforementioned supervisor who was talking to the art teacher in the corner.
You flicked your uniform jacket off, letting it hang off the top of a chair as you ran to your canvas. The clean paint brushes waited patiently next to the progressing piece of art and your pallet rested next to them, mummified and waiting to let it’s paints feel the air again. You delicately picked at the tape wrapped around the pallet, pulling it off to reveal the chemical smell of acrylics.
You gazed at your painting for a moment, admiring the contrasting muted colours that blended nicely into the slowly fading background. Taking a brush, no larger than the width of your pinky, you reached for a vibrant green and royal blue, ready to dollop small portions onto your pallet. You huffed through your nose as a clump of blue stuck to your fingers. With no paper towel in sight, you kept your mouth shut and rubbed the paint against the back of your opposite arm. 
“You’re going to stain your skin,” your teacher huffed behind you as she walked to her desk, brushing a free hand through her bob cut. “It looks almost like a bad bruise.”
You sighed, picking up your pallet and brush, gently working the bright teal colour you mixed into the layers of your canvas. “Maybe, but if I’m lucky it’ll be gone before any of the other teachers notice just like every other time.”
She gave you a quirked brow sliding into your spinning chair that was tucked into the corner of the room. She grabbed a pen with one hand and sipped on her coffee mug with the other. “What do you mean by that?”
You laughed. “Every time I doodle, draw, paint, or just anything on my skin whatsoever, it’s gone before I see it again.” 
“So your soulmate’s washing it off before class?” she hummed, turning her eyes away from your blocked-out painting and onto the sheets before her.
“I don’t have a tattoo or a red string, so most likely, ya. They probably don’t want to get in trouble. Or maybe they’re in a swim club and don’t even notice it?”
Chuckling she looked up but kept her head down, gifting you the sight of a mischievous look. “Or they could be sweating it all off.”
“How often does a person sweat to get rid of that much ink on a daily basis?”
“There are some dedicated athletes out there.” She shrugged, rubbing the golden tattoo on the back of her hand. “Then again, all soulmate connections are a bit different.
Humming, you turned back to your painting that leaned against the wall. “What are you working on this morning, Ms. Ono?”
Behind you, a page flipped followed by a groan. “First-year English.”
“First-year? I thought you taught second-year English?”
“I did for Sugawara’s class, but I usually teach the first-year.”
You pushed your brush into the canvas a little harder. “Damn, I thought I would get to be in your class.”
“Sorry, kiddo, but you wouldn’t be in my English class anyway. But your Japanese is improving!”
You huffed through your nose. “I’d hope so, the Sugawara’s really aren’t giving me a break.” You studied your canvas and took a step back, looking at how the light bounced off the surface and made the teal look with the less saturated colours.
“Good on them.”
“Don’t encourage it!”
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“Kageyama, what happened to your arm?”
The boy’s grown out bowl cut swished as he flipped his arms around turning his head in search before eventually finding the offending colour that had spread into his skin. Twisting his arm, he gave the colour an indecisive look, before poking it his index finger. “Must be a bruise. Probably smacked it when we were setting up the net. Doesn’t hurt though. So hurry up, let’s get started.”
“Why does everyone have to get to school so early,” Sugawara mumbled to himself, pushing the door to the gym open as he ruffled his hair. He spoke louder, “Tanaka, can’t you stop these two?”
“Sorry, dude. But I’m having fun with this. Why are you here so early anyway?”
Sugawara sat down in the doorway, changing his shoes and rolling off his uniform pants to reveal his loose shorts for practice. “(Y/N) has been coming to school early to paint. And my parents said ‘they’ll get lost, you go too’ instead of ‘no, sleep a little longer.’” 
Tanaka huffed through his nose, “Has (L/N) been settling in well?”
“Oh ya. Eichi loves the new company. But now I have to keep up with essentially two siblings instead of one and these two idiots.” The silver-haired boy yawned as he gestured at the two first years that yelled at each other while throwing balls into the air.
Tanaka gets out a gruff chuckle before running into the centre of the gym to join the duo with endless energy.
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“Gone again,” you mumbled as you slowly packed up the bento box that Koushi’s mom had prepared for you.
Your arm, which had been covered in paint stains and ink marks across the whole colour spectrum, had been wiped clean. No doubt the work of your soulmate and whatever activity they partook in during their free time. 
Grumbling, you took out your white ink pen and doodled a subtle frowning face on the inner crease of your wrist.
Ms. Ono rose from her seat, patting away invisible dirt that clung to her dark pencil skirt as the warning bell sounded through the speaker system. “Alright, (L/N). I have a class to teach, out you get.” She shuffled hat stacked papers in her hand, pausing for a moment as a look of realization was thrown onto her face. “Oh and, there won’t be art club this evening, so tell the other members too.”
“What? but that’s the best part of my day!”
“Sorry, (L/N) but I can’t be in here all the time.”
You whined, following the English teacher out of the room. Mr. Sato, the art head, walked into the paint-filled classroom as you left. You both gave him a friendly nod, before continuing with your conversation. “What can I do then? I’m not allowed to go home alone.”
Ms. Ono hummed, “Why don’t you sit in on Sugawara’s volleyball practice, you can use it as a figure study and sketch in your notebook.”
“I guess that’s not a bad idea.”
“Well, there you go. Alright, get, to class or you’ll be late.” She stepped into her sunlit classroom, walking straight for her desk with clicking heels.
You left the entryway of class 1-1’s homeroom and started making your way down the hall to your own room in class 1-4. As you weaved through the crowded hall of first years you kept your head up, looking for the nearest tunnel of space, only to get locked against the wall staring into the eyes of an intense schoolmate you were unaware of.
“Uh sorry,” you mumbled, looking away from his pinched brow and sharp eyes that only held your gaze for a moment.
He raised a brow, looking down the hall behind you to his classroom. Saying nothing, he huffed and schooled his expression. Placing the opposite hand on your shoulder, he spun your body to be behind him, switching locations, and continued down the hall. You watched his flat black hair bounce as he turned into class 1-3’s room.
“Well, isn’t he sweaty,” you mumbled to yourself as you made the last few steps into your classroom.
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“Koushi, Koushi, Koushi. Are you sure it’s okay for me to sit in?”
“Just don’t encourage any foolishness and it should be fine. We still have to practice.”
You nodded, following your homestay as he led you to his club’s gym, rambling about his teammates.
“Ah, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi? They’re in my class. I didn’t know they played volleyball.”
“Do you talk to them?”
“No sir, I do not think Tsukishima's intimidating.”
Sugawara led you to the side where their manager stood, speaking with one of the teachers you had seen running around the school, you bowed silently as Sugawara quickly gave an introduction and ran off to change his shoes and clothes.
The group had an easy time ignoring your presence as you sat on the metal bench, flipping coloured pens between your fingers. Rough doodles filled the page as messily scribbled outlines took the form of the players you saw before you. Some were stretched out in the air while others dove to the ground in elegant swoops. 
Your pen skidded across the paper.
“Damn,” you muttered, lifting the tip and forcing it into the papers again. Nothing.
Twirling the ink-filled tool between your fingers you shifted the sketchbook off your lap and taking the pen to the surface of your skin.
The ink skidded, leaving uneven marks in an indecipherable pattern along the surface of your skin before running dry. You reached for another pen, only for the result to repeat. You grabbed another, and another. The pattern continued, pushing and pulling, dragging the fine tips as they slowly began to cover the entire surface of the back of your hand in every colour including your white ink, which luckily still worked fine and contrasted brilliantly with the muddied mess on your hand.
You huffed out a quiet cheer of success, finding that a majority of your pens worked fine, and placed the forgotten book back into your lap, coloured pages ready to be drawn over with your trusty series of pens.
“Yo, Kageyama. Is that another bruise?”
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God this one is vague as hell but I didn’t have to brainpower to make it any more decipherable. 
It was originally requested that the reader be Sugawara’s little sibling but he only canonically has a little brother, not everyone physically looks like Sugawara, and the adoption trope is meh to me. So I went with a foreign exchange student that is being housed by his family. (if you couldn’t tell)
This au, in particular, is very hard because we try to keep our character (being Y/N) physically ambiguous for the purpose of allowing everybody to enjoy reading it. This au very much panders to those with lighter skin, so I apologize if I didn’t make it as open as I could’ve and please let me know if there are ways I can make this sort of au better. I want everyone to enjoy reading them and not feel excluded.
That’s all, and I hope everyone is healthy and safe. - Bacon
Posted: 06/12/2020
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mihai-florescu · 3 years
enstars or idolish7
Yee idolish7:
The first character I first fell in love with: yukiii<3
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: i fully expected to dislike nagi and he's in my top 3 idolish7 members now
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: in no way do i hate him, but i like ryuu less than any of the other main characters
The character I love that everyone else hates: i dont think there are people who hate yamato right? But maybe during his angst arc in season 3 when he almost killed yuki, i still liked him😔✊
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: i find myself not caring much about riku im sorry
The character I would totally smooch: yuki but realistically it would be very awkward for both of us
The character I’d want to be like: maybe nagi? Oh no wait. Banri.
The character I’d slap: kujo maybe?
A pairing that I love: i didnt know love until momoyuki
A pairing that I despise: just dont ship the twins pls
The first character I first fell in love with: tsumugi! I saw a bunch of amvs with him and natsume and i had to find out more.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: remember when i first realised im an eichiP...
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: i dont care much for trickstar. Any of them. Maybe mao a bit, and i want to see subaru go wild, but yeah i dont find myself looking for stories with them.
The character I love that everyone else hates: yall dont actually hate eichi right?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: oh um when i first watched the show i thought id like mao bc the anime pushed trickstar as the protagonists
The character I would totally smooch: fuck it. Anzu, babygirl, im taking u on a full on date, she deserves a break
The character I’d want to be like: sigh. Once again, eichi...
The character I’d slap: gatekeeper??
A pairing that I love: wataei,,
A pairing that I despise: again, just dont ship the brothers. Any of them.
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kanasmusings · 7 years
I love reading your thoughts on your favourite songs! From everything that you've posted about Tsukipro, I've been wondering about the songs you like so yay! I'm new to the fandom so I'm glad you answered my ask, now I'm gonna go listen to all those songs. XD Okay! Next question, top 5 favourite Tsukipro Characters and why?
First of all, welcome to the TsukiPro fandom  ~ヾ(・ω・) I hope you’re havingfun!I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my thoughts on myfavorite songs XD 
I’ll put the answer under the cut for length asusual ^^
Here we go  ヾ(☆▽☆)
Number1: Sakuraba Ryota (Growth) (hence the username XD)
Lol aside from the fact that he’s voiced byYamashita Daiki, I really love everything about Ryota. I like how he looks andhis personality. Oh! Fun fact about me is that the very first TsukiPro unit Ilistened to (aside from Tsukiuta) was Growth ^^
Ryota’s personality is complex to the point thateven he himself knows what part of his personality he should work on but hedoesn’t know how to fix it lol. He’s very self-aware but doesn’t know howto hold himself back sometimes. He has a sharp tongue usually but he’s veryloving and protective of those that he cares about (specially Koki XD) I thinkhe’s a very well-written character and I love that. He’s not afraid of achallenge and will do anything he can to help his friends. I also really likethe fact that he’s so tsundere aroundMamoru~ It’s also funny how he’s such a neat-freak and how much he’s afraid ofbugs. Like, he even threatened to never forgive Mamoru if he uses bugs to scarehim lolol.
Number2: Kuga Issei (QUELL)
The first time I saw Issei I knew I’d love him! Alsobecause Shuugo. He loves QUELL so much I don’t even know how to react tothe pureness that is Issei’s personality. 
What I really find appealing about him though isthe fact that he wants to learn and experience a lot of things. He doesn’t wantto just rely on anyone all the time because he fears that he’ll never learn tobe independent if he does (aww bby ) It’s also cute how he likes takingpictures because he says that it’ll make happy memories last longer. It’s alsoreally cute how he’s Ichiru’s “voice of reason” XD
He’s a really innocent child who just wants to provehimself useful to the people he really loves. And I just, wow, I really admirethat about him.
Number3: Satsuki Aoi (SIX GRAVITY)
Aoi was my first ever bias in Tsukiuta. Mostlybecause he’s voiced by KENN lol. But after listening to the Tsukiuta drama CDs,I noticed how cute he is and how hardworking and loving he is towards the othermembers and so I just started to like his character a lot. His friendship withArata is very cute, too, and I like their dynamic. It’s also really cute how he’svery close to both Yoru and You as well. (Nenchuu for the win!!) 
On aside note, I really love Jonin Tatsuki when he acts as Aoi XD He’s cute andrefreshing and always doing his best lolol. Even though he’s still so shy at doingfan-service from time to time (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Yumemigusa’s still my favorite play because it focuses a lot on Nenchuu-gumi.
Number4: Kagurazaka Soshi (SOARA)
Papa Soshiiiiiiiiiiiiii is the best thing to happento SOARA. Lol, I’m joking. I like how responsible and mature he is and how he’sso caring towards the members. I don’t know how he can manage to handle andtolerate Sora AND Nozomu but it seems like he enjoys doing it anyway. One ofthe things I really love about him is how brotherly he is towards Ren and howmuch he loves SOARA. He’s mild-mannered but can hold his ground duringadversity and yet he’s childish, too, from time to time. One funny thing Iremember about him though is how Mamoru thought that Soshi was already of legalage to drink when they first met (the 2016 setting) because he seemed so “mature”and “adult-like” according to Mamoru.
I also like how he enjoys teasing Sora because it’salways funny listening to their arguments in the drama CDs  ∑d(°∀°d)
Heappears so cool and tough outside but really, he’s just a big teddy bear wholikes looking out for his children brothers XD
Number5: Izumi Shu (QUELL)
This was really a hard choice because I love everyone of them but I’ll have to say Shu. Nozomu was a close choice, though. He’s such a doting dad lol. I love howmuch he loves QUELL and how he wants people to notice not only him but theother members as well. He’s so nice and sincere and it’s always great seeing a malecharacter saying unashamedly to others that he loves them or that he caresabout them. Like, he doesn’t even hesitate at all and there’s none of that “but we’re both guys” crap. He’s even happy to be called “Dad” and didn’t react negatively when Eichi compared his role in QUELL to being like a wife. (I’ll have that drama track translated soon, don’t worry XD) It’s so refreshing to see boys having a deep friendship with none of that “no-homo” stuff (o´∀`o)
Shu’s a really refreshing character to me and that’swhy I can’t help but have him on my favorites list. He’s hard-working andearnest and wants the best for the people he calls his family. It’s also niceto see how much he’s willing to open up to Issei and Ichiru and how comfortablehe is around Eichi. It’s always heart-warming seeing them act as a familyspecially considering how the twins’ and Shu’s circumstances were before theybecame QUELL.
Whew~ That got a little longer than I expected but I hope you enjoyed reading ^^
As usual, everyone’s free to message me or send me an ask to fangirl about our TsukiPro boys XD I’d be really happy to talk with new fansヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
If you have more questions, Anon, don’t hesitate to ask me ^^ I find it really fun doing this (*´▽`*)
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
I am going to request a headcanon/scenario on like a special sports event(1B and 3A are going to be girls then 3A will be cheerleaders and 1A , Tenkousei and 3B are the announcers/failicators)Everyone will form in groups of 3(Format:1 from 2A,1 from 2B and 1 from 1B) Then the 1B one must stand on top of 2A and 2B members who will be squatting down.(I also want a match up but it will be in the next ask as not enough space)
whew it’s here !!! this one ended up longer than usual… i had a lot of fun with it though ! as you’ll see i reinterpreted things a little bit to make it fit better into the story, but the original elements are still here~ those poor boys, forced to be cheerleaders… also i’m not sure what to tag this as since everyone is here, even if just for a line wwww - mod mademoiselle
Sports Festival - The Cavalry Battle Event ✰
read more’d for length !
The sports festivalin Yumenosaki Academy was going great ! ….. Well, it was great so far, anyway.You were named as one of the facilitators, and were mainly workingbehind the scenes to make for an easy festival. Fortunately, youweren’t alone : the students from classes 1A and 3B were giving you a hand.
So you were mainlymoving stuff around, making sure the festival’s timing was right and smoothingeverything along. Kuro, Tetora and Tomoya were working with you, andyou were really glad they were here. For once, Kuro was taking chargeof moving around all the heavy stuff. “Don’t go ‘round hurtingyourself, little miss”, he’d said earlier, patting yourback. Tetora was mainly here to fuel your enthusiasm and make jokes.Tomoya was a bit intimidated by the other two but was glad he wasbeing useful. He’d just follow your every command and run about likea little puppy. That was pretty cute… When you were done cleaningup the mess the earlier group had made during one of the events, youwent to the broadcasting committee’s tent. You had only a little bitof time to spare before the next sports event would start, and youwere looking at the students sitting in the shade with enviouseyes…
When you arrivedthere, you let yourself fall onto one of the available chairs,dead-beat. Hinata, who was busy taking care of the music playedon the speakers, gave you a sympathetic smile and handed you hishalf-empty sports drink. You accepted without second thoughts :sweet, sweet fresh liquid… Maybe that was what heaven felt like.Before you had the time to ponder about that, a familiar, anxiousvoice brought you back to earth.
“Um, nii-chan,we’re running late… the next event should have started threeminutes ago, actually… What should we do ?”Hajime wasnervously biting down on his fingers, while Nazuna, seated in frontof the mic, was frowning at his phone. Apparently he didn’t have muchluck trying to call whoever was causing trouble.
“It’sWataru-chin again… I told him not to make a fuss, but you knowhim.” Unlike his usual behaviour, Nazuna looked as tired aseveryone else. It didn’t help that the afternoon was already welladvanced. He was fanning himself while staring at a balloon soaring inthe sky. Up there was (obviously) Wataru himself, acting as the MCand announcer in place of Nazuna. Leo was trying to communicate withhim using a flashlight, not that he had much success though. Wataruwas (as usual) doing as he pleased. You were about to gently patNazuna’s shoulder to comfort him when Wataru’s voice echoed loudly, making you jump up in surprise.
“… and now,ladies and gentlemen, your very own Hibiki Wataru has the immenseprivilege to announce the beginning of the next event ! Beware, forour proud cavaliers will make your hearts stutter !”
“What the heckdoes that mean, though ?” Hinata whispered in your ear and thetwo of you giggled. Wataru was now throwing confetti, more excitedthan ever.
“Yes, it isthe beginning of the wonderful Cavalry Battle !”
Midori, who wasshielding his eyes to see the event happening further on the grounds,let out a surprised gasp. You and Hinata exchanged a glance andimmediately stood up. If even Midori was surprised, that could onlymean…
You couldn’t helpbut snort when you saw them. That looked like an average cavalrybattle game at first : two students (from classes 2A and 2Brespectively) were carrying one other (from 1B, apparently) andgetting ready to engage in a fight with another group. But one thingwas terribly wrong.
The first yearstudents were dressed as female cheerleaders.
Hinata startedhowling in laughter, pointing at his twin brother. “Yuta too !Oh my god, this is the best thing ever ! I’ve gotta film this !”The other students under the tent had also stood up in surprise…
… but your eyesweren’t deceiving you. That was exactly what was happening. Shinobusomehow managed to be proud of his position, standing on top of anover-enthusiastic Subaru and a sceptical-looking Mao. His rival, onthe other hand, didn’t look nearly as proud. “I’m going todieeeee~ ! I’m really going to die, put me down, Yuzuruuuuuu~ !”Yep, that was Tori all right. Yuzuru seemed to be smiling brightly,while Souma looked concentrated as ever. He even dodged one of Tori’shelpless kicks expertly. Nazuna somehow managed to stay concentrated,as he spoke in the mic again. “On your marks, set… Go !”
The other studentswere laughing uncontrollably. This was ridiculous. The confrontationbetween Shinobu and Tori especially so. Tori seemed to be avoidingthe fight, crying loudly that there would be consequences.
Your gaze shiftedto another fight. An ever-concentrated Natsume and Mika were carryingSora, who was pirouetting and waving to the crowd. Natsume seemed tobe busy thinking of a strategy… That group looked unusuallyserious. And they could be : their opponents were none other than thefearsome Track and Field club members. Adonis was almost carrying avery determined Mitsuru single-handedly : Arashi was barely holdinghis leg. They were rushing to Sora’s group : that one promised to bea fearsome fight. You were about to ask Nazuna about the rules ofthis event when Wataru’s voice echoed loudly in his own mic.
“As you mighthave guessed it, ladies and gentlemen, the whole purpose of thismounted cavalry battle is to dethrone your opponent… ! Make himfall from his mount and give him a taste of humiliation ! Only thatway will you prove your worth as a man…✰”
You weren’t reallysure how to feel about this whole catastrophe of an event, until youturned your head to the third and last fight. Tsukasa was fumblinghelplessly, while Makoto was obviously struggling to carry him andRitsu looked like he was about to pass out. When poor Tsukasa’s eyeslocked with yours, he shamefully averted his gaze, cheeks as red ashis hair. Meanwhile, Yuta was trying his best to hold his miniskirtin place. He looked decidedly pinker than usual, but for his defense,there was quite a lot of wind on that day. His “mount”,Hokuto and Koga, were rushing to their opponents. Koga was shoutinginsults to the other team : maybe they went for an intimidationstrategy… Inbetween fits of laughter, Hinata managed to shout :“Make your big bro proud, Yuta-kun~ ! Fight for your honor as aman !” Yuta apparently heard him, as he shot him a nasty glare.He wasn’t the only one : under the tent opposite yours, Rei waswaving a huge sign that read “DO YOUR BEST RITSU-CHAN” andloudly cheering on his brother. Said brother looked so pale that youwondered if he was even going to make it…
Soon enough, this farce of an event stopped, naming Adonis, Arashi and Mitsuru’steam as the winners. They’d managed to hold until the end and makeall of their opponents fall, after all. Or so you thought : you’d been laughingand joking about it with Hinata the whole time. Kanata and Tsumugiwere busy handing sports drinks to the exhausted students, whileWataru had begun throwing confetti at the crowd again. Wait, thosewere flower petals, not confetti…
“What anAMAZING event ! I hope your eyes are still burning with those vividlybeautiful images we just saw !” Wait, did he laugh ? Youthought you heard him trying to muffle his laughter while speaking…Wataru kept going anyway, pointing at a huge and empty stage. Thevery stage you helped build, and your back was still remembering itbitterly.
“To soothedown your fatigued muscles, let us revel in the beautiful song ourvery own cheerleaders will offer us… ✰” Wait. Morecheerleaders ?
Wataru was actuallyright : the 3A students, whom everyone had forgotten about, were nowstanding on the stage, waving and smiling at the crowd. And they were wearing cheerleader uniforms too ! Thankfully they didn’t wear skirts,but shorts instead. Keito was still flushing hotly. Maybe it was justthe sun getting to him, though.The show was good but you distinctlymade out two groups among the lovely cheerleaders : the “Let’sget the party started” group, composed of Kaoru, Chiaki andMadara, who were ready to shine bright as idols no matter whatclothes they were wearing… and the “Please let me hide in acorner” group, in which you’d put Keito, Shu and Izumi as theyinsisted to hide behind everyone else during the entire duration ofthe show. Special mention goes to Eichi, who winked at the crowd arecord number of times even though he looked like he was about to dieany moment. All of the students cheered a lot, and your hands hurt fromclapping, but all that cheering was probably just to make fun ofthem. Judging by how some guys were doubling over laughing, they werehaving a lot of fun with that situation.
As soon as thatstrange live show was over, you found yourself helping everyoneclean up the school. You were putting away the chairs the audience had used whenyou felt a hand suddenly clasp your shoulder. Surprised, you turnedover, nearly letting the chair you held fall on your feet : behindyou stood Wataru, looking as fresh and amused as ever. “So, dearproducer ? How did you like today’s performance ?” You couldn’thelp but smile, but still went to put the chair away as you shouldbefore answering.
“So you werethe one behind all that crazy stuff, right ?” He smiled proudly,even bowing a little before you when he saw you knew.
“That’s right,and do you want to know the best part about it ? I did it all foryour sake. You deserve to rest a little from time to time, andlaughing is nothing more than resting your heart, after all…”
You stopped in yourtracks, feeling your cheeks grow a little redder. For you… ? Beforeyou even had time to answer, he gently stroked your shoulder, addingin a whisper “Now I really should go, dear producer, lest theunamused bad guys find me… ✰” And sure enough, he went outwith a loud bang and a flash of smoke that left you coughing for amoment. When Keito hurried to you, Wataru was already long gone. As thevice-president was chastising you for refusing to tell him whereexactly he was, you couldn’t help but smile.
After all, theperpetrator was gone, but the memories made on that crazy day werenot.
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