#i think i have issues
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Idk I really dont know what im doing, im getting too hyper
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 6 months
Does anyone else way over think when writing YouTube comments wether to address the creator or the audience, and so awkwardly dodge using any pronouns at all so that it's ambiguously using neither second nor third person pronouns, and thus not explicitly addressing either
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lotusketch · 2 years
Looking at TPF Ratchet : Old man. Grandpa. Doesn’t know how to work a smart phone. But knows how to reroute the wifi. Solitaire 3 year champion. (affectionate)
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purpleminte · 11 months
“Oh you seem so nice I bet you’re flooded with friends. I bet at this very moment I’m one of like twenty people vying for your attention cuz you’re so cool :D”
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magical-girl-enjoyer · 6 months
since no one will ask me things i will do it myself
kaneki ask game
fav thing: i adore little guys who r absolutely feral. he will cut a bitch
least fav thing: idk i dont really like his characterization at the end of :re (honestly i just pretend the end of :re didnt happen)
fav line: honestly just all of his death scene from root a?? it hit me really hard and i love when hes unhinged. also "good night haise, im done dreaming." idk why but that stuck with me
brotp: touken. i think they balance each other out and care very deeply abt one another
otp: hidekane all the way. hide deserved so much more characterization and screen time
notp: anything w shuu or uta. i can see the toxic yaoi potential for shuu but they would not work well together
random hc: he is so transmasc to me. also he would listen to horror podcasts while doing dishes
unpopular opinion: i hate it when ppl treat haise/diff points in his character arc as separate characters or personalities. i feel like it undermines his character development. ik there are points in the series where he talks to the diff versions of himself but as i told my friend:
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song: i feel like he would be an mcr kid, but unfortunately i dont know much of their music
fav pic:
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i want to put him in a bottle and shake him around
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this page makes me go feral
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i genuinely love the first episode of community so fucking much because it's everything that could've been but was not yk?? like you can tell what it was supposed to be,,, you can tell the relationships that were supposed to be central to the whole thingy,,,like Britta was smart but just passive (in a weird way,,, i still think they did her character dirty by dumbing her down like season 1 Britta and the ones after that are so different and you can't change my mind about it and it's not even about negative or positive growth) and Troy and Pierce were supposed to be the comedic beloved-ish duo rather than Abed and Troy,,, and they were not doing the weird Annie and Jeff thingy at that point (jeffannie makes no sense and I can't believe it's actually canon-ish because while there is a big age gap , the way their dynamic is shaped also feels very age centric wherein Annie constantly feels infantilised and Jeff has all the power) and the way dean pelton is a distant figure who's scatterbrained but trying to make best of the situation but still somehow making blunders (which is precisely why he's such a big part of community tbf because while he might not be a student, he's as much of a part of the community of people trying to function as people) (also will never not love his speech) and the way Abed and movies were always supposed to go together and to some extent the way Jeff and to a lesser extent Britta were supposed to be his entry into the group understanding him and the way he and his brain functions and embracing him and how Pierce was supposed to be just too out of touch of the present (because he'd grown up in a different time nad age and was unable to embrace the change that followed) and the way Shirley was supposed to be limited in a way to her character as a mother with anger issues and be very restrained with the group in a manner of speaking (i don't think I'm explaining it well but eh)
but then it formed, it breathed life into itself in the form that it took a life of its own, as if it doesn't really matter what it was supposed to be rather what it ended up being,,, and I understand that this is the way that shows work and the way plotlines and story arcs bring characters to different point in their lives but it feels different here (for me at least because this is the first time I've been able to look at a show in the way it was supposed to be and the way it ended up being and still love it so completely)
also it's very weird not hearing the community theme song in the first episode and just hearing bg music and I can't-
(also also I understand that there are things that it could have handled better but as a show I will never not love community and rave about it and love it with all my heart)
regardless I will always love this episode so much because If nothing else,, it is what started everything else :))
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hhops05 · 9 months
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absolutelyzoned · 3 months
i tgink ive been pushing my emotions down for so long that i cant process what i feel anymore and when i try its so overwhelming that i just break down
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~somewhat angsty NY headcanons because I love to torture him (purely out of love)~
-if he gets pinned down in a fight, there is chance that he will panic, cuz it reminds him of how Britain used to pin or restrain him before beating the he// out of him.
The first time anybody found out was in a sparring match that York got into with Texas. Texas had York pinned on the ground with his arms above his head and his knee on the smaller’s chest, not knowing that York was starting to panic and have flashbacks to Britain beating the crap out of him. So ofc when York started sounding more and more desperate and panicked every time he told Texas to get tf off of him, it left the Lone Star State a bit confused. When he got off, York immediately curled up in a ball and had a pretty bad panic attack, but was on calmed down by his brothers. He also made sure to reassure Texas that he did nothing wrong.
-sometimes when York needs alone time, he will teleport to NYC and just sit at the top of a tall building and cry alone whilst listening to music, drinking whatever liquor he brought with him, and staring off into the distance
-he has some SA-related trauma from his ex-bf. His ex did some non-consensual…..things to him, and always yelled at York and hit him for the stupidest and smallest things. So umm….. of course he ain’t around anymore :)
-one of the scars he has is from a type of blade that was not for him, and that was for more magical beings like Mass and Loui. After he got stabbed, there was a lot of black stuff surrounding the wound and black bile mixed with blood coming out of his mouth. He was definitely not having a good time. So he now has a weird-wonky star-shaped looking scar on his upper stomach (and like the 9/11 scar, he also pretty insecure about it).
-he has frequent absence seizures and that often results in him not listening to another person during a conversation and them having to repeat whatever they said.
-I have now decided that he has an autism assistance dog named Nico that helps him when he’s getting too worked up and/or overstimulated, and a mobility assistance dog named Kodi that helps him with his slight balance issues. Both dogs do their jobs well, and York loves them both a lot.
-because of the pollution in his state that is traveling from the Canadian wildfires into his state, and because of the pollution that was already there, he chokes on his own air a lot, and sometimes it gets so bad that he coughs up blood
-kinda related to the hc above, York has asthma, which makes the pollution situation 10x worse
-by the time the Civil War had happened, York had seen SO much war, at such a young age, that he seemed to have became immune to it in some sense. He would just kill enemies left and right without barely batting an eye and with barely any emotion on his face, and it honestly scared the sh*t out of some of the other states and enemies.
-Soooo…..I found out that Melanie Martinez was born in New York, so I’ve now decided that he listens to her music and kinda relates to some of it (not really sad, but I just wanted to put that out there)
-school was incredibly stressful for him, despite him being really smart. It was mainly cuz’ the people he went to school with, and some of the teachers he had, were absolute *$$holes
-whenever he’s really going through it, he will push others away and completely reject any help that was offered
-because of the abuse and war he went through, he somehow gained the mindset that if he gets hurt, even if it is incredibly serious and painful, he should just get tf up and continue doing what he was doing, no matter what. This man could be spontaneously bleeding out and have a broken arm, and would still try to get up and do stuff
-he has 100% fell through ice into freezing cold water, gotten himself out, and continue doing whatever he doing even though there’s the chance that he was hurt and had possible hypothermia, and he has definitely passed the f*ck out whilst telling Mass or whoever that he was fine and didn’t need medical attention.
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lunarsucks72 · 1 year
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My obsession with Adventure Time and Fiona and Cake is sad
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pnuk-r0ck · 8 months
Got out of the shower and now I’m having a hard time breathing
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underscorespider · 1 year
fuck coca cola and the fact that they own the monster energy company and everything but i cannot deny that. drink tasty <3
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 year
wow he’s so handsome it would be a shame if his nudes got leaked on twitter yeah that would really suck
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stabbedpages · 2 years
Tw....uh????? I wanna say self harm but also not rly and i also wanna say ED but also not rly? Idek man mat padho if u have any triggers tbh just to be on the safer side💀💀😭
I think I've run out of things to write about like the fact that I crave greatness so much that it can't be called ambition anymore. It can't be called determination or perseverance or even greed- it's a kind of starvation. You see, ambition couldn't destroy you half as much as hunger will. This yearning and longing and craving- it claws at the insides of my stomach. Ambition doesn't make you want to tear the flesh off your bones. Ambition doesn't feel like it's twisting your guts. Ambition doesn't feel like it's turning your skin inside out. And I don't think you can call it ambition - the way that I can still feel last night's dinner up my throat. They say that it's this desire to be great that makes me destined for glory, and honestly, I hope they are right because I would choose burning to nothing over falling short of the stars, because sometimes I think it's a classic case of Icarus and that I'm flying too close to the sun but is it bad that I would rather crash and burn than not reach the top at all? Sometimes it makes me wonder if I'm starving by choice. Am I starving because I'm not good enough for me yet or am I starving because nothing will ever be?
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jaidyne · 1 year
If you’re looking for someone with personality I’ve got 20 ;)
(And I’ll steal yours too.)
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I- i don't think we talk about the man with stones(?) (are they precious? as in money wise,, not sentimentally 💀) in his mouth shaped like the diagram of the female reproductive system enough,,, because
(this is from season 1 episode 1 btw,,, i was rewatching :)) )
(the second picture is one of the female reproductive systems that was pretty similar to my old textbook so 💀🤷‍♀️)
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i mean it could be a hammer (maybe?) but?? what the fuck is going on?? is this also a part of the ineffable plan?? why is this the thing that caught my attention and now refuses to leave my mind??
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