#i think in game I named them Clem
wo0zyw3ezer · 11 months
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Day 18 fairytale
Little red riding Steve’s encounter with a bulborb! Plus a sketch to make up for not posting yesterday
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bad268 · 7 months
hi I was wondering if you could do a fluff w felipe, where reader is a 02 leclerc, and the whole grid knows that reader has a crush on felipe and felipe on the reader EXCEPT the leclerc boys. one day reader is rambling about school and felipe stares at her lips and eventually leading to kissing (maybe when they kiss you could add like the reader nervously pushing felipes face away w her palm bc she’s nervous, but they kiss) it’s ok if you don’t want to though
Why Are We Killing Clem? (Felipe Drugovich X Leclerc! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Clearly (I loved this, I hope you do too <3) Also, yall please vote on this POV poll
Warnings: none.
POV: First Person (I/me)
W.C. 1003
Summary: Overprotective brothers and crushes aren't a good mix.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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I am a pretty open book, any of my friends will tell you that. That’s not to say that subtle isn’t my middle name; it is and I can keep a secret when I need to. I just have nothing to hide.
So that might be a lie.
When you have three overprotective older brothers, it’s only normal to fib a little. Like if I had broken that plate or if I borrowed/stole a hoodie or if I liked anyone. Especially when it came to people I liked. Especially if that hypothetical person I liked was also a racing driver. Especially if that hypothetical person was a racing driver for another team. Especially if that hypothetical person was Felipe Drugovich.
Hence why I don’t say anything to them. I would never be allowed to go to a race again! If they knew that I had a crush on Felipe, I would never be allowed out of their sight on race weekends. As far as they are aware, he is just my best friend, and until I see a clear sign that he likes me back, it will stay that way.
I found out from a few of my F2 friends that they were heading to the next race early to hang out and party before getting back to work since there was a gap week, and it took a little (a lot) of begging before I was allowed to join them. Granted, I am old enough to make my own decisions, but I travel with Charles. It just seemed like the nice thing to do. 
During this week, I still had online classes, so I needed to work around my academic obligations when it came to having fun with my friends. One day, in particular, I had an essay to work on, so I brought my computer since the plan was to hang out at the hotel’s pool.
I sat off to the side, typing away while most of my friends played volleyball in the pool. I was not too far away, just enough so the water being splashed between teams would not destroy my laptop.
“Are you going to join the game?” A voice asked, causing me to look up and see Felipe standing beside me. He took a seat toward the end of the lounge chair I was on as he looked at my screen, seeing how far I was. He noticed I was not anywhere close to being done, but something caught his eye, so he asked about it. “What are you working on?”
“An essay for my English class,” I did not delve into it, thinking he would not care. “I decided to relate it to one of the topics in my major since we could choose the topic.”
“Is there a reason you’re being vague?” He joked, leaning forward to read a little bit of the paper. “I’m interested in what you’re doing.”
“You’re just saying that because you don't want to get in the water, and I’m the only one that’s sitting on the deck,” I chuckled nervously. Felipe and I were never this close when we were alone. Even if our friends were not that far away, they were too busy with the game to notice anything happening between us. “You don't have to pretend you’re interested in my academics.”
“Who said I was faking it?” He feigned hurt as he put a hand to his chest. “I’m offended you think so little of me.”
“You are the least offended person I know,” I laughed, setting my laptop aside. “You are the most laid-back, chill person ever. There is no way this offends you.”
“You always listen to me rant about racing. Maybe I want to hear you rant about your interests,” Felipe whispers. “You always give your opinions on the race or our strategies, but we never talk about what you like. Now, we have the chance, and I’m all yours.”
I don’t know if it was the general sincereness of someone being interested in my life or the fact that it was Felipe, but I started rambling. I explained the entire timeline of the topic I chose, going off on tangents as I did so, and throughout the entire spiel, he remained interested. He nodded along, and even provided his own input here and there but left most of the discussion up to me. He also helped me figure out a subtopic I could use for my paper. Maybe I really just needed to talk it out with someone, so I was super appreciative of him.
Felipe, on the other hand, found it endearing. He didn’t even think before he leaned forward, and in the middle of my sentence, he placed his lips on mine. At first, I froze and tried to push him away until I realized.
This is the guy I have been pinning after for who knows how long, and now, he is kissing me.
I moved my hands from his chest to wrap around his neck as I closed my eyes and kissed him back, leaning into his body. It was just like I thought it would be, fireworks exploding between us. It was just us, no one else.
“I’m telling Arthur!” That French fucker.
“Clem, I will kill you!” I shouted as I laughed in embarrassment, knowing that all of our friends just witnessed our first kiss. I leaned against Felipe’s shoulder as we both looked over at our friends who were mocking us until the sound of the pool gate distracted some of them.
“Why are we killing Clem?” A voice I immediately recognized as Arthur said as he walked through the gates to the pool area. My eyes grew wide as I jumped away from Felipe, but by then, I knew he already saw us. He looked confused as he came into my line of sight before pointing at us. “And why are you and Felipe so red? Don’t lie to us.”
“I am so dead.”
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terrak0 · 7 months
I think the cabin group should’ve been a little more sus and morally dubious, as a treat. There’s little snippets of it in the game, but it’s never looked at too closely:
Alvin apparently killing a man name George during the groups original escape, who was his friend. Sarah asking her dad if he’s going to hurt anyone before Luke reassures her.
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Carver even says “you shouldn’t trust them” and then proceeds to never elaborate.
Just the implication that some of the group members were up to some shady shit prior to Clem meeting them.
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samnia · 9 months
For example, think about rnb, hip-hop, pop, and K-pop girl groups.
Fem reader
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You never told him, he found out by himself. Marlon was looking through the principal's office for shits and giggles, right? Then he came across an album that contained a picture of you and 2 other people. You all looked pretty young. That's how he knew it was before the walkers existed.
"Y/n, come here for a second." Marlon said, excitement in his tone. You walked over, and he helped you huddle down. "Look what I found!" He handed you the cd. "Oh my god! I forgot about this. Marlon, where'd you find it?" You asked in shock.
"I guess the headmaster had a copy. Y/n, I didn't see you as that type of girl." He teased, you took a relieved sigh. "What can I say? The chance was presented, so I took it." You rested your head on Marlon's shoulder.
"This was my favorite, I swear there was a Cd player layin around."
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She found out at another one of Ruby's hootenanny. It was time for music to play. A.J. and Willy was dancing with glee while Tenn hyped them up. You sat down and watched with Violet. Dancing just isn't your strong suit. "Now this song is more modern.
It was my Mama's favorite!" Ruby voiced, she played the song. the beat gave you deja vu. "Y/n, you alright? You look kinda pale." Violet asked with concern. You nodded your head. It was only when the first chorus started to play. You realized something.
It was the song you made with some other girls and made a song.. It was getting deadly close to your part of it. You started to sweat a bit. "You don't seem fine. What's wrong?" Violet muttered. She wrapped her hand around your shoulder
"This is my song. My part is coming up real soon." You chuckled out. before she could reply, your voice came on the player, bright as ever. Everyone and anybody looked at you in shock. "Wow, you sound really amazing." Violet claimed, "you think so?" You asked. "Yeah."
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He first found out through the card game. When Clementine asked if they ever met anyone famous, you decided to speak on your own experiences.
"Kinda, I was a part of singing trio. Those kinds of things. It was for 3 years, though.." Soon as you uttered those words, he started to flood you with questions. Did you ever blow up like crazy? What were your favorite tunes to perform? Oh, and where in the world are the other two? You seemed to like and entertain his questions.
Eventually, someone intervened, " Louis, knock it off!" But that didn't stop the both of you from fooling around somewhere else. Just two melodic idiots whistling into the distance.
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You and Mitch had just found a working van capable of carrying a lot of people. But it needs a bit of renovation if everyone wants in. You bought Clementine, Willy, A.J., and Assim along. Mostly because Mitch and Clementine want this to be a learning moment for their adoptive siblings. But Assim is there to actually work. "Mitch and Y/n, we're going to need some parts to get this thing going. It'd be nice if you went and got us these things. Go out further if you have to." Clementine offered.
"Sure, anything to get out of here," Mitch exaggerated. Clem handed me the paper. It had all the car parts and where they're located.You two have been walking for a while. You came across a vehicle with some stuff inside, "Mitch, I found one." You yelled. He came over quick. "No walkers?" Mitch checked. "Nope," you reassured. He used a crowbar to force it open and then started to search.
You joined him, looking into the front seat. You found a rolled up poster in arm rest. You were about to unroll it until Mitch called your name, "Y/n! Come here, we really hit the jackpot!" Y/n came out with the poster in hand. Mitch was supposedly siphoning gas. A whole lot was coming out of the tube and in the canister. "Damn, this can last us a lifetime." You claimed. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to your hand. "A poster I found. Im gonna open it up right now." You told him. Mitch got up from the ground and standed next to her
Y/n unraveled it, only for a wave of shock to overrun her face. Mitch had catched a glimpse of it, too. "Holy shit, y/n- is that you?" He beamed, a picture of you and two other girls were holding bubble letters, spelling something out. A lot of junk was on it, so it wasn't readable. One word was crystal clear, "concert."
"It's been so long, I didn't even get to perform." You marveled. "How did you even get the chance?" He questioned. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that!"
Y/n sighed, "My parents were friends with one of the girls' mom. She got me on set." You paused, "if I remember the poster came with an cd. Maybe it's in here."
Please send requests, no smut.
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hockybish · 9 months
Online Sibling Night
l hughes!sister au l lola hughes l masterlist l
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Once or twice a month the three of them tried to some sort video call. Since it was the night before the game between the Ducks and Canucks in Vancouver, Lola got hang out with Quinn while Luke called in from New Jersey. Tonight it was Lola's choice on what they did, and she chose Spa Night.
"Which one?" Lola held two different face masks out for Quinn to choose from.
Quinn, not really caring which one she put on his face, picked the one in the blue package. Lola handed it to him. He was about to open the thing and apply it to his face, but Lola stopped him, insisting that he needed to pin his hair back with a plush headband that she had just flung at him.
"Are you two ready yet? I feel like I've been waiting for forever!" Luke piped up, tired of watching and waiting for his sibling to be ready. He already had his hair pushed back and a face mask on.
"Hush you, it's not my fault Quintin has issues"
"I don't have issues!"
"Yes you do." The two younger siblings chimed in at the same time. Quinn glared at them, threatening to call Ellen for ganging up on him, because it's not fair.
Once they all had their masks on Lola set the timer for 20 minutes and they got to catching up on what's been going on with them. Lola talked about a boy named Robbie, who was news to both her brothers, and Quinn informed them about a teacher he was seeing.
Lola was going to ask Luke about that one girl he had feelings for, but they got interrupted by Jack coming home, so Luke had to scurry off to his room. Quinn and Lola took the opportunity to quick make a noodle dish for dinner.
"Lukey, what about that one girl? What's her name? Did she like the new camera?" Lola took a big bite of noodles. She was the one to give Luke the idea to get her a new one.
"Who Maisie?" The thought of the cute photographer who worked for the Devils brought small smile to his face. Luke forgot he had told Bah about her and what he did "No, she gave it back. She uh told me that I can't buy her forgiveness"
Jack had notice Luke acting weird since he had gotten home. He had ran off to his room as soon as Jack got home and had been in there pretty much ever since, aside from the few times he's come out to get snacks.
He was curious to say the least. At some point in time he went to Luke's room and held his ear to door, trying to hear anything. Only thing he could really make out was a laugh he didn't recognize.
"Never have I ever slept with a siblings friends or teammates" Quinn smirked knowing he was about to get Luke because of that one time he dated Lola's bestie/teammate, to his surprise Lola put down a finger as well.
"Okay Lu, your turn." She wanted the game to move along, before either one of them could comment on what she just did.
"Wait a minute Luke" Quinn stopped Luke from speaking and addressed the girl sitting next to him. "Clem, who did you sleep with."
"No one. No one. I didn't sleep with anyone" She played it off by trying to put her ring finger back up. "I just put it down for funsies."
"No. You slept with someone, tell us who or at least which one of us is friends with the guy" Lola was still quiet, how do you say you slept with least favorite brother's best friend.
"Oh god not him" Quinn groaned "anybody but him"
"Who?" Luke still confused.
She spilled the name just as the door to Luke's room opened and Jack appeared in the door frame. Lola was completely embarrassed when she heard Jack talking as Luke was pushing him out and locking the door.
"I think I'm gonna go now. I should get back to the hotel and get some sleep." She looked around for her things she brought over.
"No Bah, I'm sorry, I thought I had locked the door. Don't go! We can play another game or something. Please."
"Yeah I think I have that one game Wavelength? We can play that."
Lola agreed to stay for a while longer, after Luke reassured Jack wasn't going to be popping up anymore.
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trulybetty · 7 months
13 x mountains - frankie morales x ofc
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prompt: mountains pairing: frankie morales x clementine (ofc) word count: 697 notes: un-beta'd is the name of the game, alcohol, drunk frankie, unspoken feelings, responsible friends looking out of friends, always have a DD when drinking peeps or a plan to get home if you don't have a clementine. Also do not come for me on Tom. summary: not the valentine's clementine expected, playing designated driver
x. masterlist
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Clementine killed the engine and stepped out of the car. A modest slick black SUV, one that Benny the week before had mocked her over as a true sign of a middle-aged emergency room Doctor. He'd winced when the needle in her hand slipped as she was stitching the cut above his eye, but it hadn't stopped him laughing at the disapproving scowl that crossed her face.
Truth was, she'd have much rather been driving something more her style, something a little more rugged. But given her career, she needed something reliable for those nights on call.
The air was cooler than expected when she stepped out of the car, and before she could reach back inside for her jacket Tom's voice boomed from the doorway of the bar she’d pulled up outside of, “Clementine!”
Closing the door she made the short walk over to where Tom stood tall framed by the doorway, clinging to his shoulder, Frankie. Who, just as described over the phone, looked worse for wear and one too many drinks into the night. 
“Clemmie!” Frankie murmured, though in his state she wasn't entirely confident that it was her name he'd said.
“So, alone on Valentine's Day?” Tom grinned as Clementine took Frankie's other arm over her shoulder.
“Out at the bar with the guys on Valentine's Day?” she retorted as the two made their way to her car with a stumbling Frankie between them.
Tom laughed, “Touche.”
“So why me?”
“Come on Clem, you know why.”
“Jesus Clem,” he laughed, “we may have been divorced the last twelve years, but I still know when you're lying,” he pointed at her to emphasize his point.
Clementine chewed the inside of her cheek, determined to keep her emotions hidden. She also knew Tom too well. He had always been able to see through her facade, even after all these years. There was a reason why they'd worked so well together in the forces. 
Pulling her keys from her pocket, she unlocked the car and helped Frankie into the front seat. As she buckled Frankie in, his head lolled slightly to the side, mumbling something incoherent about a mission and needing to fly out at dawn. Clementine couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto her face, affection mixed with exasperation.
She straightened up, meeting Tom's gaze with a resigned sigh. “Don't read into it too much. Someone had to pick him up.”
Tom chuckled as he closed the car door, “Yeah, but you didn't hesitate. You came.”
Clementine shook her head, “Take care of yourself Tom, hey?”
“I will,” Tom promised, stepping back as Clementine moved to the driver's side of the vehicle. “And Clem?”
“Yeah?” She paused, hand on the door handle.
“Happy Valentine's Day,” he said, a hint of melancholy in his voice, recalling their own past Valentine's Days spent together, now a lifetime ago.
Clementine smiled, this time a bit more genuinely. “Happy Valentine's Day, Tom.”
With that, she slid into the driver's seat, started the engine, and glanced at Frankie, who mumbled something incoherent as he lolled his head back against the seat's headrest, his eyes heavy and already Clementine had heard soft snores from him more than once. 
“One day,” he turned his head to look at Clementine, a sweet smile on his lips at the sight of her profile, “I'm going to fly you over the mountains.”
“I think you forget you've done that already Captain, how many reccies and missions did we complete together?”
“No, no,” he shook his head, “I mean properly, like take you up north and see some real mountains.”
Clementine smiled softly, this was the alcohol talking and he wouldn't remember this conversation come morning. “I'd like that, Frankie. Real mountains sound nice.”
His gaze, though clouded with the haze of too much alcohol, held a depth of sincerity that caught her off guard.
Frankie's voice softened, “I mean it, Clem. You and me, up there where it's quiet—just us and the sky.”
“Sounds beautiful Frank.”
“It's a deal Clem,” he murmured, the words barely escaping his lips before he finally gave in, his breath evening out as sleep overtook him fully.
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more twdg season 2 headcanons and baseless accusations (mostly luke)
- The first bit of the apocalypse Nick, Pete and Nick’s mom stayed with Luke and his family until it got overrun by walkers (twd season 2 esque) and then they hit the road and met Carver, so between being isolated on the farm and Carver’s camp they never *really* knew how bad things had gotten until they left (hence why eleven year old Clem who’s been out in the open with Christa so long is more fucking competent than half of them)
- Luke’s machete is actually a family heirloom/was gifted to him, might have his initials or a family name or something engraved on the handle
- Luke moved back home to his small town after college but def did an internship or at least tried to break into something related to his degree- I like to think he might have gone into Art Restoration or Curation
- Nick never had any siblings or cousins really, Pete might have been married once but kids never came of it, he might have gotten divorced when Nick was young and having to step up and be Nick’s father figure didn’t leave him a lot of time for his own family.
- On that note: Nick was always super close to Luke’s parents (and siblings?), having a mom who was probably a working mother he would spend a lot of dinners and sleepovers at Luke’s.
- If Luke does have siblings I can only picture him having sisters- maybe Nick just takes up that brother spot in my mind. If I had to be delulu about it Luke’s probably the middle child, high sense of independence, strong social skills, sharing behaviours etc. But I also think being the only boy in his family and growing up in what was probably a small southern town cultivated his whole leadership skills, even if he doesn’t like confrontation
- Sarah had a horse girl phase- or maybe was one when we meet her in the apocalypse. She also definitely did Kumon.
- Sarah’s mom died pre-apocalypse or in the earlier days, meaning Carlos was always very protective of her from early on and her having anxiety or PTSD as we see in the game clearly lead to him sheltering her but I think the death of her mom either pre or early apocalypse would also add to that
- I like to think that Carver pre apocalypse had a pretty shitty life where maybe he didn’t have a lot of power OR he had jobs where he had a bit of power and it kind of got to his head, like the teacher from The Breakfast Club for example. I think he saw the apocalypse as, obviously a bad thing, but also a way out of his menial life and an opportunity to have powers over others
- I don’t believe the Carver being Luke’s dad theory HOWEVER I do think that Luke’s dad was probably also a gruff n tuff older man, I don’t think he was on Carver’s level but I definitely think that Luke’s dad was a hard-ass southern man (hence “minor in agriculture to make the old man happy”) and I think that would also explain why Luke doesn’t like confrontation despite liking control and a leadership role, I don’t think his dad was abusive or anything and I think Luke probably had a good homelife but I also think that maybe there was a seed of resentment there and some ways that his dad was that was part of the reason why Luke, despite being shown to be conflict avoidant and a mediator “butted heads” with Carver so much and why they seemed to have such a weird beef going on
anyway these are baseless accusations to twdg season 2 characters
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thesimquarter · 1 year
Some Unused Urbz (GBA) Dialogue
I was looking through the string table in the Urbz for GBA and noticed some dialogue that goes unused in the actual game and decided to catalogue it and share it because I just love things like this.
If you see an '@1', in the dialogue, that's just a placeholder for the player's name (or at least for all of THESE. Sometimes it's used for other things.)
As a side note, the dialogue for this game is pretty well-organized and all the characters have distinct enough voices (TS2GBA DO NOT INTERACT) that it's incredibly easy to figure out who said what. There's also a lot more unused strings, but I'm just focusing on the dialogue right now
First of all, all characters, not just those you can have as a roommate, have roommate acceptance dialogues. So, here are all the unused ones.
BAYOU BOO: Gosh, that's fine idea. Don't mind if I do. BERKELEY CLODD: Sure I'll move in with you. What a splendid way to meet a whole new set of clients. LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Sure, I'll live with you, buddy. But be warned: I stay up late. CRAWDAD CLEM: You know, It'd be real fun to share accommodations with you for a bit. Sure. EPHRAM EARL: To haunt your house with your permission, this I will do. PRITCHARD LOCKSLEY: Sure, so long as you help me memorize my lines. HARLAN KING: Of course I will. How wonderful! LOTTIE CASH: Okay! That'd be killer! We're going to have such an awesome time. LUTHOR L. BIGBUCKS: Sure, why not. It'll be just like college all over again. MAMBO LOA: I would gladly share accommodations with you. When do I move in? Now? MAXIMILLIAN MOORE: Sure, why not? So long as you don't mind the smell of bleach. OLDE SALTY: You're darn tooting! I'd be your roommate any day. CRYSTAL: Okay! I can't wait to redecorate your dumpy pad. POLLY NOMIAL: Yes. To maintain a domicile with you would be most enlightening. GIUSEPPI MEZZOALTO: Why not, right? It'll be loads of fun. I'm moving in today! ROXANNA MOXIE: Sure, why not? It'll be fun, you know? A real laugh. THERESA BULLHORN: Yes! I would love to share your life of glamour and fame. DARIUS: Heck yeah, dawg. We can kick it together. DADDY BIGBUCKS: You betcha! DET. DAN D. MANN: It's an interesting proposition. Hm… Consider it done! LILY GATES: An excellent plan! Your place is much closer to where I work! KRIS THISTLE: You want me to move in with you? After all I've done? Wow. You're great. GRAMMA HATTIE: What a grand idea. Your house will be a great place to hold meetings.
There is also an unused set of rep group-related dialogues. These ones most likely being used if you managed to get an exceedingly poor rep with your rep group.
DARIUS: Hey, @1. Check yourself before you wreck your Rep. The Streeties are getting sick of you hanging around. LUTHOR L. BIGBUCKS: Sorry to be the one to break this to you, @1, but the rest of the Richies think you're getting a tad uppity. Clean up your act or we'll boot you. POLLY NOMIAL: Our patience with your gradual assimilation into our social sphere is waning. Progress or be excommunicated from the Nerdies. ROXANNA MOXIE: A few words of advice @1. Shape up or ship out of our group. End of story.
These MAY not be unused, but I've never heard of anyone getting any of these messages, and, for the life of me, I could not get them to activate through my own twiddling. There exists no dialogue for actually kicking you out of the rep group. So even if this WAS used, it would just be an empty threat. (I mean… it's implied that it was your rep group that picked you up after you crash landed in Miniopolis, which is why you're apart of it despite not really knowing anyone.)
As a side note, when I was going through getting to -10 rep points with the Richies, after about -6, every time I lost a rep group point, Roxanna Moxie kept on giving my silver plaques. RICHIE silver plaques. Using the Artsie silver plaque dialogue. By the time I was done testing things out, I had five of them. Strange glitch?
So, the Urbz GBA, for whatever reason, doesn’t let us romance the elderly. That doesn't mean that there isn't flirting and kissing dialogue for the unromancable characters! The first dialogue is flirting, and the second one is refusing to accept a kiss.
EPHRAM EARL: A piece of human interest seems to be the loving way. EPHRAM EARL: I cannot kiss that which I cannot touch. HARLAN KING: Eh? Does that have a saucy secondary meaning I am not aware of? HARLAN KING: Ugh! No! Your breath smells like everything but fresh! OLDE SALTY: Arrr, you've cracked my barnacle encrusted heart! OLDE SALTY: I'll kiss no one! Not until you proves your devotion! DADDY BIGBUCKS: Hello there… do you mind if I buy you a small island? DADDY BIGBUCKS: Get away from me, you pest! I'd sooner kiss a sneezing dog. GRAMMA HATTIE: Stop it this instant. I know you're just trying to fool with an old woman's mind. GRAMMA HATTIE: Ack! Help! Help! Police! This boy is trying to inhale me!
Related, when a character accepts a hug or a kiss in-game, they don't say anything. However, there is actually unused dialogue for this event. Almost all of it is just "Aw!". However, there's a few exceptions.
BAYOU BOO: Aw! BAYOU BOO: Plant one right here, girl! BERKELEY CLODD: Come hither and embrace me, @1! BERKELEY CLODD: Ah! LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Come here, you! LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Oh! EPHRAM EARL: If arms were ribbons consider this my bow. EPHRAM EARL: Ah! EWAN WATAHMEE: Hugs are free, yes. But they are also round. EWAN WATAHMEE: Ah! PRITCHARD LOCKSLEY: It's so good to see you too! Let's do lunch. PRITCHARD LOCKSLEY: Ah! LOTTIE CASH: It's fun to be this close to me, huh? LOTTIE CASH: Oh! LUTHOR L. BIGBUCKS: Wrap your arms around me, baby. LUTHOR L. BIGBUCKS: Yeah! MAXIMILLIAN MOORE: You washed your hands before you hugged me, right? MAXIMILLIAN MOORE: Eek! CRYSTAL: Gee, thanks. You're sweet. CRYSTAL: Oh! OLDE SALTY: That's right, give poor Olde Salty a nice hug. OLDE SALTY: Yay! DADDY BIGBUCKS: Normally I don't let people touch me if they're not wearing an expensive coat. But for you'll I'll make an exception. DADDY BIGBUCKS: Normally I don't let people kiss me if they're not wearing fruity lip gloss. But for you'll I'll make an exception.
The first dialogue here is accepting a hug; the second is accepting a kiss. All characters not listed here just has "Aw!" as a response to both being kissed and hugged.
There seems to be a scrapped interaction, most likely called 'Talk about Pets.' from the subject of the replies and the fact that it was tucked between 'Talk about Ninjas' and 'Talk about Politics,' which would make the placement alphabetical. I wonder why it went unused!
Not every single character had a line for this. The following characters do not: Bayou Boo, Crawdad Clem, Ephram Earl, Ewan Watahmee Harlan King, Luthor L. Bigbucks, Mambo Loa, Misty Waters, Olde Salty, and Theresa Bullhorn. Some of these characters do have other lines that refer to owning a pet; they just don't have a dialogue here.
BERKELEY CLODD: I looked into buying a talented chimpanzee, but very few know how to pick pock- er, pick their nose. LINCOLN BROADSHEET: I have my pet rabbit to thank for my interest in journalism. Why? Well… isn't it obvious? PRITCHARD LOCKSLEY: I was so proud my pet lizard Harvey was cast as the lead in a new gladiator film. Sure he beat me for the role… but he was wonderful! LOTTIE CASH: I have a cute little pug named Paris. You don't think I'll get sued for that, do you? I hope not. MAXIMILLIAN MOORE: Sooner or later, every disease that pets get will jump to humans! The end is near! CRYSTAL: I totally want a pet dolphin so it can protect me from sharks. PHOEBE TWIDDLE: My mom was a cat lady and my dad was a dog guy, so I learned to love pets very early on. But I'll never forget the smell. POLLY NOMIAL: Your colorful colloquy is highly amusing. GIUSEPPI MEZZOALTO: If I tell you I like snakes, you'd better not make any jokes. Got it? ROXANNA MOXIE: Come by the carnival sometime! There are lots of needy animals there. SUE PIRNOVA: I'm not organized enough to take care of another creature. The best I can manage is feeding ants. DARIUS: I like goldfish. What? DADDY BIGBUCKS: Yuck! There is nothing worse that a sniveling, drooling, hairy servant who cannot follow orders. DET. DAN D. MANN: When people don't clean up after their pets, who do you think has to do it for them? Huh? I'm asking you because I don't know the answer. LILY GATES: Every time I buy a pet, I get so busy I forget to feed it. And then… well… I shouldn't own any pets. KRIS THISTLE: Don't remind me! My landlord doesn't allow pets, so when I moved here I was forced to sell my ferret. CANNONBALL COLEMAN: I owned a crow a few years ago. He made enough noise to scare ghosts away. I miss that old bird. GRAMMA HATTIE: I'm definitely a cat person. And a dog person. And a chicken person too. I'm really a pet person. DUSTY HOGG: I used to own a small python and a small dog. Now I just own a bigger python.
'Talk about Pets' does not show up in the list of interactions earlier in the string set.
Lincoln Broadsheet has some mission dialogue that, again, may not be unused, but I have never seen, and I have never seen anyone else talk about it.
YOU: Mister Broadsheet, would you help me write a thesis? LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Gosh, I would if I wasn't so busy. Tell you what I can do though: I'll let you use my computer to log in to my research database. That should give you some good ideas. LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Hey, have you heard the recent news? A local TV station is filming a new Reality Television Show. YOU: Interesting, but I don't watch much TV. LINCOLN BROADSHEET: Me neither, but don't let that stop you from going up to Paradise Island and signing up. If you do well I could write a big article about you. YOU: Are they still letting people sign up? LINCOLN BROADSHEET: I think so. Head up to Paradise Island and see for yourself. And if you do well Id love to write an article on you.
Note: I have been informed that the first two lines in this section actually can happen in-game!
It is also appears he would have given the player the Reality TV Show plotline.
And finally, ‘The Bad Ending.’
DADDY BIGBUCKS: People around here call me Daddy Bigbucks. If you like what you see in Miniopolis, it's a good bet I own it.
This is actually listed next to all the character introductions, so this would have been how Daddy Bigbucks introduced himself, if he were to actually introduce himself. There are placeholders for the other characters who don’t get to say a proper introduction as well (Kris Thistle, Det. Dan D. Mann, Crawdad Clem, Harlan King), but they’re just placeholders. No text of relevance.
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garciafamlover500 · 3 months
Javier Garcia HC's because why not? (Some things are most likely OOC)
Bisexual (Canon), Transmasc and Polyamorous (both HC).
Autistic + hard of hearing (My man shot a gun right beside the same ear TWICE)
Dating tripp and jesus (Tall, big muscles, beards, this man definitely has a type-)
Cat person all the way, can and will adopt any stray cat he sees
He has a massive sweet tooth and his favorite dessert is pudding. But he also loves latino cuisine with his favorites being nachos, Ropa Vieja, Arroz con pollo and Tamales
Can't cook for shit, never let him inside the kitchen
Lets clem and mariana paint his nails, and sometimes he even lets them doll up his face a little
One time, he lost a bet to tripp and conrad during a game and had to wear a dress for the entire day. At first he felt embarrassed as hell, but as time went by he actually grew to enjoy wearing it, heck some people (including david surprisingly) actually complimented him about it! Needless to say, this was when javi realized he was GNC
(Pre transition) Javi used to bind with ace bandages for awhile because he didn’t have enough money to buy a proper binder until David bought one for him
Started taking HRT when he was 16
Hates hot weather and prefers the cold, he loves snuggling up by the fireplace while drinking a nice cup of hot chocolate with his two giant boyfriends
used to hate his freckles because when he was younger some asshole kid called them ugly. However, after a little reassurance from david he started to grow fond of them. Tripp and jesus love planting small kisses on them whenever they get the chance
Had an emo phase when he was in middle school
Has a tooth gap
Taught gabe and mariana how to play baseball when they were little
Infodumps about baseball A LOT, stims in multiple different ways, and whenever he feels overstimulated mariana would usually lend him her headphones and tape player so he could cool off for awhile
Since he’s HOH, they’ll be times when he has difficulty hearing certain things, so he communicates through sign language sometimes
He also uses sign language to communicate whenever he feels over/under-stimulated, this is due to him going nonverbal when overwhelmed or underwhelmed
Does NOT fully forgive Eleanor, and probably won’t be anytime soon
He and David are slowly staring to rekindle their relationship, they’ll be times when they meet up on one of the rooftops of one of Richmond’s buildings at night and just talk about random stuff, be it from current events or past memories, while staring up at the stars and enjoying each other’s company
One time, some random douchebag kept bothering javi about his past with gambling, and David just walked up to the guy and fucking decks him in the jaw
David tended to tease javi from time to time whenever javi would gush about Jesus and Tripp. And when javi announced he was dating them, David couldn’t help but feel a little overprotective
He and David would speak spanish when having a conversation somtimes
David was the classic older brother when they were growing up: Pranking javi, putting things out of reach for him, calling dibs on everything first, you name it!
I HC that David was actually pretty good at baseball as a kid, that’s one reason why javi really got into it as well
David was the first person javi came out to as trans, bi AND neurodivergent
After the whole new frontier fiasco, David started to have nightmares about nearly killing javi back at the water tower and would wake up screaming his name with tears in his eye. One night javi caught him having one of these nightmares and when he was able to wake him up, David just broke down in his embrace while apologizing over and over again and javi would just hold him and encouraged him to let it all out.
(possible part 2! Let me know what yall think)
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spiralling-thoughts · 1 month
THE MENTORS WERE NOT GOOD PEOPLE (except sejanus and lyssie)
Okay this is something that I have been wanting to say for a while but was really scared that I would anger some people because of it but seeing that others spoke up about this made me feel safer to get this off my chest
Disclaimer I am very much biased towards the tributes and is a movie only fan I learn about the differences between the book and the movie from the wiki and the reviews and the enormous book vs movie posts . And something I noticed when reading these posts is that fans tend to...for lack of a better term baby some of the mentors and act like some of them were entirely good and the movie made them entirely bad and while I agree that the movie didn't include aspects of the mentors personalities and I understand peoples frustration with the changes they did for clem 's character but something that I don't agree with is people saying that they were entirely good in the book wich is not true let me give you examples
Fans : clemensia was a nice and understanding person in the book
Clemensia in the book: suggests turning the tributes into avoxes and think that them living as slaves and having their tongues cut out would be better than the games. Refers to reaper as "hers" and sarcastically mocks the fact that he got reaped and his name and circumstances
Fans: festus was a nice and good person in the book
Festus in the book: suggests forcing everyone to watch the hunger games and execute anyone who refuses to watch, doesn't understand why coral would despise him
and wither or not they cared about their tribute you have to understand that they only care about their own tribute meaning that they are still wanting the deaths of 23 children and lots of them referred to their tribute as belonging to them which is really dehumanizing towards the tributes and take away their individuality and that to me is very missed up
Now if you like them okay that's fine I won't take away your fun but don't pretend as if they are these innocent perfect people who didn't do anything wrong they are raised within a corrupt and evil society of course they won't be the nicest people on earth they have their fair share of flaws and a narrow world view
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so.... I just finished my first read through of Clementine Book Two and... spoilers below the cut, but what the hell did I just read?
I don't even know what rating I'd give this honestly?? It was certainly more enjoyable than Book One but probably not for the reasons intended..... 2/5 stars for now?? I think?
I guess my feelings about this second installment are... it feels like a very big missed opportunity.
The art style is significantly improved though the characters do still sometimes look like potatoes, but the environments? Lovely. Really makes me wish this was done in color but alas, the walking dead is allergic to color.
The story goes that Clementine, Ricca, Olivia, and their pet cat Dr Barnaby ended up crashing the plane in Canada... because if you'll recall from Book One, they all escaped in a plane after Georgia decided to be evil and murder Amos, then tried to murder everyone else.
So they're in Canada, and Clementine's leg got so infected due to lack of proper cleaning that she goes into a coma for a month... no really, she goes into a coma. But it's okay, because Ricca and Olivia manage to flag down a boat to help them. Clementine wakes up on this island, we're introduced to a whole new cast of characters, we see how the island works, all that.
I like the Island group. They're not as likable as the Ericson crew, or any of the groups from the games. But we've got:
Miss Morro: the "doctor" of the island
Emi: She saved them and brought them to the island.
John: Miss Morro's son
Amir: A kid who lost his arm because his father didn't believe him when he said a dog bit him and he was too little to fight getting it cut off. Also one of my favorites.
Shu-Fen: she's probably the most interesting of the new cast. She and her family were on vacation here on the island when the outbreak occurred, and since she's originally from Taiwan, she's slowly trying to piece together a map to see if it's possible to ever make it back home.
Ginette and Giles: elderly couple who only speak French.
Mercy: a little girl that Ginette and Giles take care of.
There's a lot more focus on emotional drama and trauma, which I don't mind, especially since we're not given any real antagonist... well, I guess the closet person to an antagonist is Miss Morro, but she's just kind of... an asshole? She's verbally and physically abusive with her son. She's petty. After Clementine and Ricca have a big fight, Miss Morro says things clearly meant to hurt Clementine, and imply that Clem's incapable of love.
Miss Morro used to be a pathologist who performed autopsies, and her whole thing is she spends all of her time in her little hut doing these autopsies on every walker the group kills, she documents everything, and then buries them. She prioritizes this over the living people of the group in a way that feels like she's trying to convince herself that she's a good person?
Honestly, I was waiting for the big reveal that she was actually doing science experiments on the walkers... but alas, that's what I mean when I say this book feels like a wasted opportunity.
But don't worry, we have more drama because guess what. No, really, take a guess at what was revealed part way through this book. Do it. Guess.
That's right, Olivia's pregnant.
Yep. Apparently she and Amos had sex in Book One, and now Olivia's pregnant.
But why, though?
Can I share my conspiracy? Imma share my conspiracy, I think Tillie's fucking with us now. I know I've said time and time again, "When you review the comic, leave Tillie out of it," but my tinfoil hat says she's getting the last laugh and honestly? .....I'm here for it, ngl. I don't have the fucks to care anymore.
Because c'mon. Another side character from Clementine's group having a baby that she'll have to help raise? If Olivia dies next book and Clem and Ricca have to raise that baby, I'm gonna laugh.
Oh my god, what if they name the baby Amos Junior...... AJ 2.0
do it, Tillie, doooo iiiiiit
what, no I'm not losing my mind shut up I am so normal about this
Anyway... Clementine even has this line of dialogue: "I've seen a baby born before, but it was so scary I blocked it out." You blocked it out??? Are we talking about Christa? or Rebecca?? If it's Rebecca, that means Clementine blocked out AJ's birth.
It's absurd, right? And Olivia is soooo uneducated about it! Clementine finds her in the lighthouse and Olivia tells her she got bit *because she felt something move inside of her*..... and then Olivia asked why it matters when she last had her period.... How the hell did she and Amos even figure out what to do, honestly.
Speaking of Amos, my hopes and dreams were crushed. He did not come back as a twist villain, he only came back as the voice of the dream sequences.
No Lee in this book, btw. Or AJ. Amos served that purpose this time and I am disappointed. I still refuse to believe he's actually dead, you gotta show me his dead body or his walker form. We still have one more book, I'm just saying. He could come back. I won't lose hope. It wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing to happen.
And I guess I should talk about Clementine and Ricca... y'know, I kept an open mind. I really did. I went into this wanting to ship it because it's pointless to go into this mad, y'know? I can't change it, there's nothing I can do about it. So I had high hopes that we would get more development on their romance and we did... it just wasn't good.
Clemricca isn't a very healthy relationship, nor is it entertaining. Clementine's fickle, Ricca's demanding. She tells Clementine that she's willing to wait for her since Clem's still hesitant about these feelings. But then they get into an argument and I just... here's the dialogue. I would show the actual pages but from what I've found, no one has actually uploaded the book yet and I don't have a means to do it myself but:
Clementine: I don't want you to think that anything is more important to me than you. Ricca: That's kind of how you made it sound. Clementine: What I meant to say was that I… I want this island to be safe for us. We can't do anything if we're dead. Ricca: What do you mean "do"? Kiss? Date? Talk about how we actually feel? The dead decide when that can happen? Clementine: … Ricca: I love you. And I'm pretty sure you love me too. But you're not making me feel loved. You're making me feel you just want to protect me or… Clementine: But I do want to protect you. It's all I ever think about. Every minute of every day. Ricca: I don't need saving, Clem. I need you to love me. And I need it to be always. It can't start and stop. Clementine: …I… Ricca, turning to leave: Oh my god, maybe this has all been in my head- Clementine: Ricca- Ricca: I get it, okay? Clementine: If I let… If I let myself… Ricca: Forget this. Clementine: You said you would wait for me! Ricca: That's not fair. You want me to wait for the impossible!? Clementine: No, I- Ricca: I'm done, Clem. Clementine: Ricca, don't go in yet, please, we can talk more- Ricca: What else is there to say?
I dunno, Ricca, what else is there to say? Because I'm speechless.
By the way, at this point they haven't even had their first kiss. They don't have that kiss until the very end of the book...... and then they have sex. I think?
Again... but why, though?
It's not explicit, nothing is shown, it's not really anything, it's just implied that it happens through dialogue and a "fade to black." I don't even know how to talk about it, and I keep questioning myself like, "IS that what's happening??" but again, it's not explicit or sexualized in any way, it just is and I don't know how I feel about it. Hopefully I can collect myself for the big review and properly discuss it because... I think I get what the story's going for with it, but I don't love that direction, y'know?
So much happens in this book that I haven't covered, like... so much happens, it's longer than Book One and there are more characters. There's a lot of bullshit, but it was honestly enjoyable for what it was until the ending... which the ending was a problem in Book One, too.
I haven't covered that big tragic ending yet, I'm saving that for my in-depth review. I don't know when that will be out, I want to read this a few more times and be thorough. If y'all have read it let me know your thoughts. I'm very interested to know what you thought of that ending, just... all of it, Chapter Seven onward.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read a palate cleanser and to collect my thoughts.
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mossmotif · 9 months
mosss!!!!! do you have any songs that remind you of knight!sugu??? or maybe just knights overall?? i'm so curious heheheh
- @softgirlgonehaywire
oh my god mickey the can of worms uve just opened,,,this is such a goood question!!! ive had knight suguru in mind specifically for these along with butcher!reader in mind
divine loser by clem turner
tongue & teeth by the crane wives
sane by haley heynderickx
weak for your love by thee sacred souls
how i get myself killed by indigo de souza
i now realize nearly all of these are very angsty songs but i promise the fic itself wont be so awful!! (so far...) this is a very short list atm, but i am for sure going to update it eventually this was so fun to think about i cannot believe i hadnt before!
i didnt just want to list these so here r some specific lyrics that particularly hit for me while thinking about the au. (its taking everything in me not to include all the lyrics rn LMAO)
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first up is divine loser by clem turner!!
dear god this song guys. this song. it is so suguru geto, it has his name written all over it!! i really do overuse it in any writing i have for him because this guy is so truly a divine loser. a wet ball of eurgh but in an almost religious way i hate him (lie)
here are some of the lyrics:
My bad habits don't heal They wear a different dress I'm coming down with something I lost my own respect
I bit my fingernails Until I tasted bone So my body remains But my purpose just stopped
DEAR GOD DO YOU GUYS SEE THE VISION??? he's so..he's so....i cant anymore yall. (spolier!! this is also such an amazing song for preist!suguru I MEAN COME ONNNN)
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anyway next is tongue & teeth by the crane wives!
this one is angsty<33
And I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent
You gotta know that this won't last Desperation will erase the fact
I will only wring you dry of everything But if you're fine with that If you're fine with that
there are so many more lyrics i have in mind here but these are the ones that make me go "HURRAY HUZAH!!" for this one specifically, im seeing it as from the pov of the reader and addressed to suguru (i hope this doesnt spoil much LMAO)
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next is sane by haley heynderickx!
another one where i had the reader in mind, though it was a bit more difficult somehow. im not sure how to explain it, but the significance of this one is a little more complex? hopefully that makes sense
Why am I frightened if it's all just a game But the look in your eyes Oh the look in your eyes Oh the look in your eyes kept me sane
Why am I childish, oh why can't I make sense If everything's certain, well I'm certainly offended
(this lyric in particular has me thinking of both of them!! themes of struggling to understand the world around you. DO YALL GET IT!??!)
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next is weak for your love by thee sacred souls!
oh this one is so sweet, it is wonderful and warm and i love the sound of it i highly recommend it. the repetitiveness of the lyrics really get to me here because repetition is such a love struck thing isn't it? and that's a huge part of the beginnings of their relationship (at least what i have in my head so far<3)
Pretty lady, you have me so weak Pretty lady, you have me so weak
You have my heart inside your hands (you have my heart) Baby, be careful what you do with me (be careful, baby) You have control of all the strings (ooh) Baby, be careful what you do with me, me (be careful)
Oh, baby, I go crazy for your love Oh, baby, I go crazy for your love
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here comes the very last one!! how i get myself killed by indigo de souza
oh and we r back to angst :'0 ++also this is by one of my very favorite artists pls check them out!!
on another note! this is a song i also used for my fic "more than living" which again, seems very redundant, but i can't help myself. reduce, reuse, recycle is my very best motto.
This is probably how I get myself killed This is probably how I get myself killed This is probably how I get myself killed This is probably how I get myself killed (more important repetition are we seeing a pattern here? LOL)
Oh, come when you're called If this all we've got to work with, then it's all we've got to blame
I'm lovin' your skin darlin', I'm lovin' this hot morning I need to be kicked, maybe fucked, maybe told I'm in the way
the initial meaning of this song, if im correct, is based on a very toxic relationship. which still somewhat applies to this au, but ive sort of expanded on it another way. i had suguru's responsibilities and duties as a knight on the mind! the beckoning!! come dog, and heel while you're at it! <- that sort of thing if yall catch my draft and ofc the reader picks up on this,,,and is maybe a little mean about it :o
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anyway WE ARE FINALLY AT THE END LETS GOOOO!!! this was soo much fun! thank you so much for the ask darling i loved it<33
BUT IM VERY CURIOUS NOW!! ur such an inspiration do have any fic playlists of your own, or any stray songs floating around reminding you of certain fics or characters or even interactions?? I WILL TAKE ANYTHING AND PLEASE DO TALK ABOUT IT (if u have the time ofc)
i unfortunately have yet to get through much of your longer writing but i would absolutely love to have something to listen to when i can!
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swallowtailed · 5 months
palisade 46…. finalisade part 1…….
i am committed to calling it finalisade btw
god what an intro. all-timer. perennial and future arguing! character intros in reverse order! everyone’s hooks and bonds! and parti with the most joy-filled bars of the entire season <3 extremely good
doubt is such an excellent setting element for the finale
love to listen to character creation at the end of the story. u know? love to gather up sprawling storylines and clarify endings. i’m always thinking abt the structural implications of playing finales in different game systems but/and the ceremony of character creation is so compelling. i remember really liking this in futura free as well
thisbe and cori came out with a really interesting pair of goals. “mend the scattered shards of divinity” and “my bloodied hands must break the wheel”. they’re very similar: huge goals, hard-won goals, goals that seem impossible. both in that space of world-altering scifi heroism, you know? while also being each other’s opposites: thisbe to mend, without thinking of herself; cori to break, and to do it personally. falls out similarly to their views on purpose, which makes sense given they’re stating their lives’ work. characters!!!!
levi’s goal being about himself rather than the revolution is: extremely good. he’s kinda where cori was at the beginning of palisade, which makes so much sense for mirage kids. knowing the ideal but not the reality
glad that eclectic’s goal is to expose the bilats’ crimes rather than to win the war by solving palisade’s mysteries because the latter is… fraught. will be interested to see what that endgame looks like—can palisade actually sell “awareness as action”?
gotta say i continue to not be compelled by clem coming back as a pc. the problem with a character who fundamentally cannot change is that after the end of their tragedy there will not be a new story to tell. treading the same ground.
brnine <3 they should get to have all three goals!!! they’re ignoring their grief by throwing themself into work! it makes sense!
“emotionally stunted, refuses to deal with grief, won’t say the name of the person most important to them, betrayed by their situationship, captain of a ship that was meant to be a promise that will never be fulfilled” yeah that sounds about right
feeling vindicated re Season About Grief. also enjoying that brnine’s goals and obstacles all hang on connection/inability to do so. it’s extremely tidy.
the joker already being perennial is fantastic. there’s probably an event horizon of too many things already having significance to continue developing a narrative and i doubt it’s actually possible to cross but if anyone would do it it’d be fatt
ugh god on a close listen the twilight mirage sound in the finale theme is so soul-shattering. falling asleep/waking up mixed with motion’s motif…
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hockybish · 10 months
Does Jack ever get chirped or something about Lola and it's honestly just so sexist and it riles him up so much but Luke is like dude.... Why you mad? And Jack is just ??? Did you HEAR how he talked about Clem?? And Luke just says "my guy, that's how YOU speak about and TO Clem??", and it's a wake-up call for him?
warning: mean names
all three brothers get things said to them about Lola all the time. they try and not let it affect them too much. but the comment that made jack angry was someone telling him she was the ducks' little wh***.
"what did you say?"
"you heard me hughes. you're sister's a -"
jack pushes the guy and got very vocal about what was said. it wasn't a fight, but things did get a little physical and the two boys were separated before things went any farther. after the game he tells luke about all things guys say to get under his skin during games.
"how do you think bah feels when you say or do things like that?"
"i don't." jack huffed
"her draft? after your little argument she ended up crying in Quinn's room and then you made the event about you by not being there. you haven't said you're sorry, you haven't apologized for anything like ever." luke listed a lot of the things jack had said or done in his lifetime to lola.
"you say a lot of mean things to her. it's a wonder she still speaks to you."
"that's just all fun an games, she knows that. i tease. i don't really mean half the stuff i say to her. and she knows i'm sorry about the draft. she knows."
"does she though?"
that got jack to think a little more. and him prompted to start thinking about how he could change before it was too late and she left the family for good.
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pi-creates · 6 months
Hey, Pi. Not sure if you're still active, but I am modding my copy of TWDG: Definitive and have been following your model swap tutorials for season 4. I was wondering if you knew how to make multiple model swap mods run together without any conflicts? My goal is to have four running at once (Player/Clem controlling Minnie, Minnie replaced by Clem/AJ as Tenn, Tenn as AJ) for a modded playthrough. For Minnie swapped by Clem, I wanted Clem to use her ranch outfit instead of default. Thanks.
I'm still here, but I'm in like a constant state of hibernation unless prodded.
To answer your question - you can theoretically do as many model swaps as you want in your game so long as you know what you're doing and have the right amount of "parts" to overwrite with. There will always be fiddly moments where things may look off, but complete breaking shouldn't happen all that often.
With that said... swapping out AJ makes certain scenes be unplayable - I don't think it matters who the character you replace him with is, it moves the interaction points in a few scenes and makes them impossible to select.
Off the top of my head, in episode one during the car crash sequence, you need to get a knife from AJ's hand via clicking on one of those interaction circles - changing AJ to another character moves that circle outside of your vision and thus causes you to fail the sequence. And in episode 2, the scene where you need to remove bullet fragments has the same problem - you can't interact with what you need to and therefore you can't progress.
The only way to get passed those moments (as far as I know) is to remove the modded content, play to the next checkpoint, then exit out of the game and put the modded content back in.
If it helps at all, this is kinda how I would go about things...
Get your files for the character parts you need: - Minerva's files: episode 3 or 4 archives [make sure to save the textures as well] - McCarroll Clementine's files: episode 4 archives [note that she uses the "sk62_clementine402.skl", but her meshes and textures use the word "Mccarroll" with both the 400 and 402 number] - AJ's files: any episode archive depending on the outfit - Tenn's files: any episode archive [note that his name in the files is "tennyson"]
Try swapping in one character at a time: - KEEP ALL THOSE UNALTERED FILES SEPARATED FROM THE FILES YOU'RE RENAMING - Just trust me, it gets real confusing if you lose track of what has been renamed and what hasn't - especially when you are doing a swap that directly "flips" characters - Make a new folder and name it clearly something like "Minnie replacing Clementine" - copy your Minerva files here and rename them to overwrite Clem's files - Replacing Clementine with Minerva for all episodes requires you to overwrite the the "sk62_clementine400" files for episode 1, then the "sk62_clementine402" files for episode 2 and onwards. Episode 4 has many iterations of Clem's mesh for her lower body - it's a pain to make files for all of them, but just replace all those files with Minerva's lower body.
Check that the character appears correctly: - Go into the game directly and play for a moment to check that the swap has worked appropriately - You can see in the episode select screen if Clementine and AJ have been replaced, or you can also check the character viewer, but they aren't always accurate to how the character appears in the game - If you see the character models appear spindly like their limbs are very warped, this is probably a "skl" file issue... double check that you've used the proper skl to match with the meshes you're using in your replacement. - Invisible parts can be because textures from later episodes haven't been copied over [unaltered - you shouldn't need to rename any textures for this swap to be what you want]
Move on to the next character: - Doing it character by character will make it easier - But still, put things in their own folders with clear names - In the end, you should be able to take all of your "renamed" files, stick them in one folder, and be able to make a mod file out of it
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minquiec · 7 months
jipunk things I've been thinking about but I couldn't illustrate for a variety of reasons
streamer au -> minecraft?? au
idk this is rlly more of a crack au cause it's so unserious but I think I mentioned this some while ago but I forgor to add anything else onto it
the general idea is they're both streamers ahhayhah on a totally and definitely original streaming site called Switch hahaha so original hahaha
The both of them aren't overly popular but they have some form of reputation to their name cause for jia some of her stupid clips have gone viral (she does mostly gamer content 🎮💪🔥) where it's either her being real bad at the game or she's getting jumpscared and for hobie his content is a lot moreeee diverse I think, and he also streams a lot less than jia does cause it's just a side thing for him but some of his clips have gone viral for either music related reasons or it's something he's said (HES FUNNY IN A WAY YOU WOULDNT EXPECT KIND OF THING)
but I had this thought where it'd be kind of funny when he's streaming one day (one night tbh they both stream more at night) but he'd be on stream maybe playing his lil guitar and people just casually talking in the chat and suddenly they see the user 'oranjia' send a 'ALSMFNKS' and 'OWJDNJW' in the chat so ofc people who recognise her are all like ARIANA WHAT ARE U DOING HEREE and she gets clipped cause they're kind of two different streamers you'd never see interact
Idrk what happens next cause I haven't thought abt it but they'd probably suddenly have streams featuring the other and mostly gaming cause 🧍‍♂️how else do you collab stream idk
and then I kinda segwayed from this idea to fuckin,,,, MINECRAFT AU 💀💀💀 I DONT WANNA TALK ABT THE VERY OBVIOUS INSPIRATIONS FOR THIS (yes I used to be into them but not anymore for INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS reasons) but I've always loved the concept behind it cause you can't lie the LORE AND FANART BEHIND IT WAS SO FUN
their kid.
as if I couldn't hit a new low, I stun myself EVERYTIME 🔥 but. I've been thinking. A little too hard admittedly but I can't help it okay I'm just a girl 😞 but this is all a hypothetical cause I don't have an au where they're,,,able to have a KIDNDNEJDNENSNWS AUEGH ANYWAYS IF THEY DID I think her name would be clementine :3333 cause I think the name is really cute and for some reason i kept coming up w nicknames for her and I couldn't choose one so they all apply; clem, tina (clementine -> tine -> tina), nana
but I think she'd be so sweet :((( cause she'd be so well loved :(((((( cause both of them like kids ASHEHDH HB BEING A GIRL DAD IS DRIVIJG ME A LITTLE CRAZY ACTUALLY tbh he'd be okay w anything being gorl dad,,,,,, ueueueueueu m
chinatown singer au
I was thinking abt the lore abt this au it's kinda vague and I also forgot if I ever shared it but the idea was like the setting is a? chinatown somewhere in the middle of,,,,? The britland??? But also not at the same time cause idk the geography and history of England so I'm making shit up and making it MY version of England /jkjkjk but the idea is it's a chinatown
But I was thinking maybe like when he was a kid, he had gotten lost within the chinatown cos he randomly wandered in and it was getting dark and oh nooo I'm lost 😨😨 but wowww he bumps into this girl around his ageeee WONDER WHOOO
but she leads him out there and it's mostly jus them being sweet kids but they then don't see each other for a couple years cause 🤷 but jia grows up to be a singer in this theatre hall and hb ends up working??? Participating??? Idk he's involved with this newspaper company that's basically just. The spider society but in newspaper company form
And so one day he'd probably take a route thru the chinatown and spot her again in the big ass billboard and tbh idfk what happens next cause it's mostly just one sided pining bc he doesn't get to meet her for a good while till he bumps into her again 🤷🤷❓❓❓
sticking them into your name scene
i can't explain the emotional MAGNITUDE your name had on me and it's so funny cause at first i was like "can't be that good 😐" and then 1h 42 mins later im actually devastated but anyways
This is major spoilers for your name so just lyk
But there's this scene where the ml and fl meet up and they're about to write their names on each others palms but they're only able to see each other because of the twilight that was occurring in that moment (they're from different timelines if y'all don't know) but as the girl is abt to write her name on the guys hand THE TWILIGHT ENDS AND SHE DISAPPEARS AAUUEGHHH AND THE SCENE WAS SOOO GOOD CAUSE THE MUSIC WAS SUDDENLY CUT OFF AND ALL NOISE WAS CUT OFF EXCEPT FOR THE PEN HITTING THE GROUND THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK GO GO FUCKING WSTCH YOUR NAME
But I was just thinking and it'd just fit them SO GOOD but I just rlly like your name and I like angst and I like jipunk so
behind the scenes au
GODDDD ACTOR AUUUUUHUHHHUHUHUHU OKAY I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW HOW JIA WOULD CANONICALLY FIT?? INTO THE MOVIE?? But if she did she would just be a side character tbh (get as much screen time as pav did LMAO)
But I love actor au so much cause it means the sad parts aren't real!! What do you mean they aren't all friends HUHH but anyways imagine bloopers or just the cast being sillay uahehehe
There would b a silly moment where (if the actor au was based off jia's lore) she'd have a little 'mr stark I don feel so good' moment and reference it and it would look real silly cause she has all these green screen parts on her AUSUUA
And also I thought abt this interview where the interviewer asks gwen abt jia and hb AKDNSM AND SHE JUST GOES "they are as insufferable as they are in the show" cause she's so sick of pda HWHDHW but i wanna draw this so bad :(( i love actor au
ballet and band player au
I had this idea literally MONTHS ago but it's rlly short and I haven't gotten around to making art or lore abt it but the premise is gwen does both ballet classes and in a band (hb's band el oh el) but jia is in gwens class and they are friends :333cc and so gwen would always mention jia to hb during practice so he's like nice 👍 glad you have a friend CAUSE HE APPRECIATES PEOPLE WHO ARE NICE TO HIS FRIENDS OKAY but maybe maybe maybe one day he picks gwen up and then THEY HAVE A MEET CUTE AUYUEYGGGEHHHE AND SO NOW HB ALWAHS COMES TO PICK GWENNY UP CAUSE HES JWNDNWNSNSSJ
maybe I should get myself checked out at a psych ward idk it's really unhealthy for me but do I care nno
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