#i think its silly suzie was there as she was with the idea she had no ability to do the slightest protecting of herself
goatpaste · 4 months
I feel like I’m missing something.. what is the eated him incident of 89 I mean I get the premise but I feel like I’m missing like, the first post? I saw the short comic but that’s it and I NEED to know
oh man.. itS YEARS of AU writing iv done its soo fucking indulgent, iv literally been working on this AU since.. good lord April of 2022..
If you wanna go digging (which you can but a warning that theres OLLD ugly art post way back in there lol) its all tagged on my blog under #Pillar Fam
but even then its a lil non chronological
the best i got for that, is forever ago i tried to put the general info in a google doc, but its kinda outdated at this point as well lol
But the general idea for this 'incident' in this AU is simply, Jotaro didnt just kill Dio, Jotaro ate Dio
it stems from a P2 rewrite that ultimately ended up with everyone living for better or worse. Along with Joseph and Suzi having a relationship with Wham. Holly is born under both the Joestar Curse as well as Half Pillar man. Theres a lot to dive into with that, but thats just the bases for the bigger topic of 'Eated Him' which is a silly Nickname to a horrific Jotaro event in my AU lol
Jotaro coming from his half Pillar man Mom, is also part Pillar man. And everything we know of Jotaro and the way he behaves and the fear he had over his own stand he thought to be an evil spirit, all lumped on top of being part 'monster'
Jotaro is afraid of himself because he thinks he is a monster because he came from monsters. From comments from his granny Lisa on how cruel and mounterious his grandfather Kars is. To the way his mother doesn't open up about her own feelings of how she and her family is seen in the eyes of human society (which to her is meant to put on a smile and say nothing wrong in hopes that it can keep everyone happy and not burden anyone with her own sadness)
Then he gets this big scary evil spirit haunting him thats supposes to be from his own soul, and it looks just like his mean, cold and disliked 'monster' of a grandfather kars. Baring Fangs, horns and the works.
Jotaro and his mom in their large house, no husband usually around, or friends who come to visit. Just a large empty monster mansion.
So when it comes to the Dio fight in Egypt and as far as Jotaro knows everyone he cares about is dead or dying and he's back into a corner. Its just
fight or flight, and Jotaro doesn't even know whats happening, and how its so instinctual to him. Something so ancient in him that tells him to destroy Dio absolute.
He kills and eats Dio the way any good Pillar Man would a Vampire.
And Jotaro can never take that back. Jotaro has hurt many people, but always as a human, nothing beyond what any of the others in his new found circle of friends cant do. But this? this is what a monster does. Standing there in the middle of the streets of Cairo, covered in blood that isnt his own, dragging back and the last arm of flesh to his dying grandfather. In his eyes he has become his grandfather.
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enha-doodles · 2 years
Grave 128
⌦ Pairing : enhypenxreader!
⌦ Genre : Horror
⌦ Word count : 2.1 K
⌦ Disclaimer : The idea of this story is from this reel . Credit to the owner . I wrote the story based on my imagination only so stuff might be different from the reel . I don't support any of these behaviours . This is all a work of fiction and my imagination . None of the members have the same personality or resonate the traits mentioned below .
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Your mom often told you that your friend group was fucked up and the people there would have somebody killed because of their stupidity , huge ego and bitchy silly pranks they think are funny . Not to mention your friend group was filled with 7 guys and 2 girls , you and your bestfriend . The boys were Heeseung - the oldest , jay - your group's sugar daddy aka bank . Jokes aside he would probably be the only sane one , Jake - soft puppy guy but also the one with the shittiest ideas , Sunghoon - egoistic playboy . People would ask why ware you friends with such a person , the only answer would be because you were all childhood friends and he changed after being bullied . You all did try to stop it as much as you can and now he has changed , not completely offcourse but atleast it's just flirting now . Sunoo - the sassiest sunshine , jungwon - the brain of the group and lastly Niki - the 6ft feet but childish guy . Coming to your bestfriend , her name is Suzy and you brought her into the group . The guys still don't like her that much but it's hidden most of the time . She isn't completely unaware of that situation but she can't do anything , atleast she has you . You both often hangout in evenings and your favourite place would definitely be the convenient store . It has all the things there , the sunset is perfectly visible and it's peaceful .
You were both coming out of the convenient store , it was pretty late and the sky was so pretty that you were spaced out after staring at it for 2 minutes . You got out of your trance when Suzy shook you and told you to listen to the girls who were gossiping about something in a hushed manner . They were passing by and you both pretended to be talking too . “The famous 128 grave is told to be active with her spirit tomorrow because that's when she died , I heard she was a witch , so pathetic” the girl laughed but got a hit from her friend as she realised how loud she was . They were wishpering yet again but this time you couldn't hear them . “Ugh damn them , they left the main part just like that and now I'm curious” Suzy grumbled but you just shrugged . This seemed made up and you had no time to think about some stupid rumours . Yes you've heard them before , the reason behind it being that it was quite famous considering people called it 'the most haunted grave in the town' . Some people said they saw the silhouette of the women and some said they saw it glowing on that particular day but Jesus it was all so unbelieveable . Dragging her back you both bid goodbyes on the connecting road where the path of your houses met . You reached your home humming a song and went to bed after taking a shower , while Suzy just couldn't get the story out of her mind . Her mother never let her hear any rumours since she was small and this one was just so mysterious that she couldn't help herself . She went to bed thinking about talking at this topic tomorrow with her friends . The morning rose and you went to your school , greeting your friends , it was lunch so you and Suzy were walking to your table with your trays . Everyone settled down and jungwon spoke up “whats up Suzy , you look like you wanna say something- since the morning” ahh here comes the observing cat , but to be honest you noticed it too . You thought that it would most probably be because of that rumour she heard last night and you were right “its just that last night when me and Y/n were out we heard some-” “bullshit . It was some weird ass rumours , nothing else” you cut her off . Niki chuckled while sipping his drink “lets us hear it too , I bet it might be something related to the grave” your group laughed “you win the money nishimura , it was infact about that” you spoke . “Why does everyone except me knows about this ? I wanna know too . Tell me something about it” Suzy said and her face twisted into a one with curiosity . “basically the whole town knows it and the story is quite weird and just in bits and pieces” jay said while eating his pizza . “go on , I'm listening” Suzy exclaimed with some excitement of finally knowing something about this matter that was so big that the whole town knew ? Sunoo rolled his eyes at this and started speaking while eating his food in between “its just rumours . Something like the person who died was a witch who used to do black magic and she died while doing some woo-doo shit” “that's it?” asked Suzy “you want it to be more?”aked Jake while raising his eyebrows “no but like- then why is the town so afraid of it ? What's the big deal?” “why don't we see it for ourselves toady?” asked Sunghoon while smiling evilly
“what do you mean ?” you asked sitting a bit up from your seat to show you were serious “i say we go there toady and Suzy can stab a knife at the grave if she thinks it's not a big deal” Sunghoon stated nonchalantly “what the fuck no-” you were cut off by Suzy “will everyone come?” ”yup” said Jake “suzy no-” you were again cut off by her “then let's do it today night , at 10” Suzy said . She was thinking that maybe if she proves them that she isn't a coward and it's all just rumours they can maybe like her more ? She can be someone great at their town ...it was all getting in her head . You were totally against this idea “guys , this isn't funny . We're not doing this” Niki came at your side hugging you “you'll be with me , don't worry nothing will happen . It's all bullshit right ?” “it is but-” “then it's final , I'll come pick everyone in my van” said Sunghoon . When you were going to say something to disagree the bell rang . God clearly has his favourites and you were not one of them . You can only pray it goes alright and Suzy doesn't get in danger , end up cursed or worse dead .
You were the last one to enter the van and you were quite sleepy . You sat beside sunoo and Jake and slept on sunoo's shoulder telling him to wake you up if you reached to which he nodded and hugged you telling you to sleep comfortably . You were close with the guys and all this was quite normal at this point . You reached there and sunoo woke you up . You saw how everyone was sleepy and Heeseung said he'll drive them back since Sunghoon was tired . You saw Suzy leave the van with a knife that you didn't know where she got it from . Safe to say you dozed off on Jake and so did everyone , it wasn't like they were actually here to confirm the rumours . They just wanted to prank Suzy and Heeseung did that . He drove away a little far away . Turning to Suzy , she was just walking towards the grave when she felt something odd . Shrugging it off she just went up and started to find the grave in the cemetery . It wasn't that hard considering how the other graves were kept a few extra inches away from it . She stared at it and raised the knife higher , the place where her body was burried beneath her tombstone . She stabbed the knife in the grass and yelled “take that you old witch” . Now it was getting scary . She was breathing heavily by the fear that was now consuming her and the fact that when she turned around to leave instantly , she was stopped . Something was dragging her back and it could only be the witch . No matter how hard she tried , it was like the grip on her dress was 10 times stronger . She was never this afraid , she screamed for her friends desperately trying to get away . She couldn't see because she closed her eyes tight not wanting to see anything demonic or anything similar to it . Definitely not that witch . Her heart was beating like crazy and it seemed as it was tired by beating so fast and so it gave up . Her body fell limp to the ground with a thud .
You woke up after your nap and when you looked at the time it was 11:45 meaning it was already 1 hour and 30 minutes since Suzy left and she wasn't back . Everyone was sleeping and now you were worried sick . You shouted “guys wake up , it's near 2 hours and Suzy isn't back , come on wake up” you were getting ready to go out when Heeseung suddenly stopped you “hold up” you were so confused but when you saw where he was looking your heart dropped . It was police . On that particular grave . You all got out and you had to kinda run since the van was kept in a hidden place far so that Suzy couldn't find it that easily . Your luck , police didn't find it either . When you reached there your heart shattered . You saw Suzy's body laying there , her face frozen in fear and dried tears that were now covered with dirt . You saw something Suzy didn't when she was screaming . Her dress stuck on the knife pinning it on the ground but there was a drop of blood on her dress . What the actual hell was happening ? “officer what's happening?” asked jay “who are you kids and why are you all here at this late night?” you were going to say that you came here with the dead girl when Heeseung spoke up confusing everyone “uh we are actually looking for a friend , she stopped at a store 2 hours ago and hasn't returned yet so we were looking for her when we saw you here” what ? Looking for her ? What's he saying ? “oh well I think this might be your friend , check it and let me know right now” jungwon stepped up with sad expression “yes sir it indeed is our friend we were looking for” the officer sighed “ I'm sorry to inform you this but she's dead from heavy fear and shock , the doctors already checked her and there was no bruise on the body and no intake of hazardous chemicals , medicines or pills . We've called her parents , they are out of state and will be reaching here soon . We're deeply sorry for your loss . You should all go home” he said while turning to other officers to continue their work . No bruise ? Then where did the blood came from ? Did the police miss it ? You all slowly walked back at the van and you bursted in tears the second you entered . Jay came to comfort you while everyone had a sad expression . Sure they didn't really like her but they didn't wish for her death , atleast not all of them . “shh it's all going to be fine” said jay and you sniffled “i told you all it wasn't a good idea and wait- Heeseung why did you lie to the police out there ?” you asked kinda angry . He rubbed the bridge of his nose while everyone looked at him expecting an answer “i did it so that we can be safe . If we told them the truth they would've thoight it's us , I had no choice” it did made sense but- “lets just - just sleep at my house today and we'll talk tomorrow okay ? It's late and this is all too much to handle” said jay , everyone agreed while they missed someone's eye turning black . When everyone was asleep at jay's house , the person walked up to the balcony smiling madly , while starting at the stars , they muttered “you cannot make fun of my grandmother”
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
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no7of9 · 3 years
Little Jimmy : - 3 -
Monday evening came and went without incident until quarter to five the next morning. James woke up with a strong need to shit. There was no way he was going to do it in his nappy, so he threw back his duvet and began walking toward the bathroom.
At first it struck him as odd that the door was closed, especially since his folks had their own bathroom, but when he turned the handle and realized that the door had been locked the desperation of his situation struck him. He leaned in against the door hoping that it was merely stuck but overexerted himself a little.
As he leaned in, he pushed a little too hard and felt a smooth and wet substance moving between his ass cheeks. “Fuck!”, was all he could say under his breath as he tried not to think of the shit in his ass.
Slowly, walking on tiptoes he made his way back to his bedroom and stood at the window looking out over the dark neighbourhood. In less than a minute, no matter how hard he pressed his ass together Jimmy felt yet another long sausage of shit sliding down his butt pushing the first one into his diaper.
If the sensation of crap pressing up against his ass was not bad enough, Jimmy had to admit the smell was worse. Stuck, with no choice, but to use his diaper for its intended purpose Jimmy stood carefully filling his diaper and trying not to think of the shit which was pressing up against his balls.
He was caught quite unaware by the sound of his father who came in saying, “Smells like somebody needs a change.”
“How could you lock the bathroom door ?”, Jimmy asked his father who simply smiled and shrugged his shoulder. “Babies don’t use toilet silly. Now come on, we need to give you a bath and get out of the yucky nappy.”
His father grabbed his son’s hand and led him to the bathroom which was already unlocked and had bath water running in it. He laid his son down on the cold tiles and began untapping the diaper. “Phew, but you made a stinky, didn’t you ?”, he asked and took a wad of toilet paper to wipe his son’s ass and balls.
Once he had gotten rid of as much as the crap as possible Harold helped his son into the warm water and proceeded to run a basin of warm water to shave in. “You be a good boy and play in the water while your Daddy shaves.”
After he was finished shaving, he gave Jimmy a quick bath paying particular attention to the boy’s anus and private areas. From there he walked Jimmy into his bedroom where his wife had a diaper and Jimmy’s school uniform already laid out on the bed.
“Be a good boy and lie down so that Mommy can get you ready for your day.”
Reluctantly, with tears in his eyes, Jimmy did as he was told and soon felt his mother apply a thick layer of bum cream to his dick and balls. Before he knew it he was dressed in his diaper and socks and sucked on his binky which his mother had popped into his mouth as she dressed him. “There we go, the baby’s already for school.”, his mother announced and added, “What do we say Jimmy ?”
“Thank you, Mommy.”
“There’s a good little boy. Now you run along to the den, where I’ve put the telly on for you.”
As he was sitting watching cartoons Jimmy saw his Dad come into the room with a bowl, bib and bottle. In a quick flash the big baby found himself on the couch with his father tying his bib around his neck. Jimmy had no choice to eat his cereal as his father fed him and then gave him a bottle of water to nurse on.
Before he knew it Jimmy was finished his water and saw that Suzy had let herself into the house. “Good morning baby Jimmy. Hello Mr. Strauss, Lillian.” “Morning Suzy.”, Jimmy heard his mother call back.
“I think you need to get something to remove Jimmy’s nasty pubic hairs.”
“Why yes dear, I suppose you’re right. I’ll get something today. Now Jimmy, I’ve packed you a diaper bag for you to take to school. Be a good boy and be sure to get changed when you need to. Bye bye sweetie.”
Although the idea of going to the school nurse to have his nappy changed filled Jimmy with dread he did not protest and had to admit to himself that it would be far better to be out of a wet diaper than have it leak in front of the class. Having nothing to say to Suzy he simply and meekly walked next to her as they made their way to the bus stop and parted ways.
It was little after first recess when Jimmy felt that his diaper had reached maximum capacity. Nervously he raised his hand and looked over at the teacher. “What is it James ?”
“I, er, need to see the school nurse Mam.”
“Why ? Ah yes, now I remember. Very well Jimmy you may pack your bag and go the school nurse. Just make sure you get to your next lesson on time.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds.”, he heard himself say and quickly headed out of the classroom.
Inside the administration block he quickly made his way to the nurse’s office and tapped on the door. “Yes.”
“Um, I, er, . . .”
“Yes ?”
“need a diaper change.”
“So you’re the boy I was told about. Well, come on in and sit down on the bed. Really, in all my years of serving at high school I’ve now heard everything. Take your pants off boy.”
“Aren’t you going to close the door Mam ?”
“No, I see no reason why I should. Now hurry up and behave.”
Stripped down to his diaper the old grey school nurse wasted no time in removing his diaper and wiping his penis off with a medical wipe. As expected, Jimmy raised his ass while she positioned the new diaper underneath him and almost chocked on the smell of baby powder which the diaper changer spread very liberally over his penis and balls.
Once she had rubbed it in, and applied some to his bum, Jimmy soon found himself rediapered and smelling of baby powder. “There we go little boy. All done. You can throw the soiled diaper in that bin over there.”
Jimmy sat up and swung his feet off the bed “Uhm, right. Thank you.”, pulled his trousers up and left the room.
He was grateful that nobody in the next lesson said anything about the smell of baby powder and spent the rest of the day limiting the amount of liquids he drank. Although he tried to hold his piss by the time the final bell rang James found that he was squirting liberally into his nappy and head for the bus where h kept to himself.
Back home, he busied himself with his homework and then asked Suzy to making him a sandwich. The annoying thing about today was the fact that he was actually looking forward to his afternoon nap and gratefully put the bottle between his lips before closing his eyes.
At least in his dreams James was not wearing a diaper, or being spoon-fed or even worse being bathed by his Dad, but unfortunately he soon found himself awake in a very wet nappy.
He laid on his bed for a while and was rather annoyed to see that Suzy had come into the room and pulled the cover off him. “I reckon it’s time to check your deedee, little baby.”, he heard her say as she stuck her hand into his diaper. “Yup, just as I thought. You’re very wet so let’s change that nappy shall we ?”
Working quickly Suzy undid the diaper and stared down at Jimmy penis which was erect and pointing toward his stomach. “Oh my, seems the little baby enjoys getting his diaper changed, doesn’t he ?”
“Aaah well, no harm done, it’s just a pity that your peepee isn’t very much bigger this way.” James heard his babysitter say as she brushed her fingers down his dick and rolled the diaper up, underneath him.
With his groin exposed to the elements Jimmy tried very hard not to think of Suzy and her little bumps of breasts which were forming under her blouse. He especially tried very hard not to think of them as he felt her pulling his pp downward and closing up his nappy. His efforts did little to relieve the tension he was feeling, and he turned over on his bed and started to rub his diaper against the bed.
“Jimmy, STOP that.”
” You are a dirty little boy, James Strauss. Wait till I tell your mother what you’re doing.”
“OH NO. Please don’t tell her that. Heaven knows what she will do or say. Please Suzy ?”
For a moment, their eyes met and then Suzy shook her head very firmly and said. “I’m deeply sorry but I don’t see that I have much of an option. I certainly can’t have you playing with yourself. After all, nice babies don’t wank, now do they ?”
Hanging his head in shame Jimmy said “No.”
“There you go. I’m sure your Mommy will be able to think of an appropriate punishment.
Now come on get up and go through to the kitchen where I can watch you.”
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COSMIC - S3:E1; Chapter One, Suzie, Do You Copy? - [Pt. 4]
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A Will Byers x Reader Series
Summer brings new jobs and budding romance. But the mood shifts when Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong.
Warnings: Hopper being a c*p 🤢 [ACAB BABEY], mentions of animal death, very brief mentions of anxiety
**Y/H = your height, ex; short, tall etc H/C = hair color**
||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
"Alrighty. One scoop of chocolate, that'll be buck twenty five."
Steve places the cone in the girl's hands, smirking to himself when her hands meet his. With a shy yet charming grin he mumbles a soft 'there you go' and suddenly her hand is no longer touching his. The brief physical contact didn't seem to mean quite what it meant to him, as she looked rather eager to get back to her day at the mall. But Steve still saw a fighting chance when he spotted the gold letters displayed across her sweatshirt.
"Ah, Perdue." His eyes light up in recognition, and he sends her a silly smile. "Fancy."
She smiles brightly and Steve's spirits lift. She nods, handing over the money and readjusts her purse. "Yeah. I'm excited."
"Ah, you know I considered it." Steve nods, fingers flying across the register. "Perdue, but then I was like, you know what?"
A light air of resolve falls over him and the across the counter begin to shift as uncomfortable smiles flit across their faces. The second even trying to wipe the amused expression off of her face at Steve's obvious attempts at her friend. A knowing look is then passed on between the pair as Steve continues, seemingly unaffected. 
"I really think I need some real life experience, ya know, before I hit college. See what it feels like to, kinda uh, like, I don't know," He shrugs with a charming smile that doesn't quite reach the girls who now boredly lick at their melting ice cream cones. "See what it's like to earn a working man's wage, you know and uh-"
The register he fiddles with decides his time is up, its circuits shorting out as they did every few weeks and stuck itself into one endless high pitched beep that cuts him off. Flustered, Steve attempts to save the conversation not before subduing the intrusive noise, as he mutters a quick apology.
"-I think that's really important, and uh,"
"Yeah, totally," She responds, choking back a pathetic laugh.
Rolling with the punches, Steve shrugs goofily still wearing his best smile.
"Yeah, anyways, this was like, so fun," he laughs, the nerves now overtaking him. "We should, like, I don't know, maybe hangout? Like this weekend or something-?"
Yet again, he is cut off as the change he intends to give her spill out of his hands and onto the counter.
"Oh, sorry about that," he fumbles as she begins collecting the scattered coins off the counter. "Uh, I don't know, maybe next weekend?"
"Uh, I'm busy." She laughs uncomfortably as she tucks the coins away into her purse.
"Oh, that's cool. And I'm-" Steve nods, scratching his head. "I'm working here next weekend so... the following weekend is probably better for me."
"Uh, no. I'm sorry, I can't."
Her friend begins to laugh into her ice cream and even she is biting back a smile as she hurriedly collects herself to leave and Steve nods.
"Okay," The girls chuckle to themselves as they make their leave for the door. "Thanks."
"I..." Steve stumbles, his voice awkwardly trailing off as they do. "This is my first day here, so..."
But they were already filing back out into the crowds, giggling between each other at his poor attempts. Not that he could blame them.
"And another one bites the dust."
He sighs heavily, head sagging over his shoulders before swiveling around to face the girl carrying a mischievous glint in her eye and that damned scoreboard. Scrawled across the top of the divided two sections; YOU SCORE, which remained completely blank, and YOU SUCK which carried a total of five--
"You are oh for," --now six. "six, Popeye."
Steve nods bitterly with his arms folded over his chest. "Yeah, yeah, I can count." He sighs.
"You know that means you suck."
Against all odds - and the bitter taste of annoyance on his tongue - Steve still finds a smile creeping up on his face, however forced.
"Yep, I can read, too."
The spark of mischief in her eyes is fueled like a small flame, and a cocky smile twists her lips. "Since when?"
"It's the stupid hat." Steve groans, ignoring her comment and saunters over to lean against the back counter. "I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature."
Robin tucks away the menu-turned-score board back against the wall before folding her arms on the counter, draping herself lazily in the back window.
"Yeah, company policy is a real drag." She drawls. "You know, it's a crazy idea but have you considered... telling the truth?"
"Oh, you mean, that I couldn't even get into Tech and my douchebag dad's trying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour and I have no future? That truth?"
Robin's eyes drift past his shoulder and she quickly gestures. "Hey, twelve o'clock."
Steve's head whips over his shoulder to find a small parade of girls striding towards the counter, reigniting the nerves in his gut. "Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay... Uh..."
He turns back to Robin, his eyes darting across the counter as his mind races. Robin can practically hear the silent pep talk he's giving himself.
"I'm going in. Okay?" He says, more to himself than her. He nearly whips around to face them had it not been for the sudden hesitation brought on by a burst of confidence. "And you know what?"
He rips the tacky sailor's hat off his head pulling a curl loose that dangled on his forehead as he smirks. "Screw company policy."
Less than impressed, Robin doesn't even attempt to hide her boredom. "Oh, my god, you're a whole new man." She deadpans.
"Right?" He shakes his head around on his shoulders in a goofy manner as he backs away, drawing out a weak chuckle from the girl.
In one step he whirls himself around to face the small posse of girls at a frightening speed, even startling several gasps out of them.
"Ahoy ladies! Didn't see you there," he shouts, propping himself up on the counter with his arms. Several girls in the group watch him wide eyed and still a bit off put. "Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain. I'm Steve Harrington."
"Oh, god." The red head mutters to herself, exasperated as her friends begin to giggle.
"Can I get you guys a little taste of Cherries Jubilee? No? Anybody? Banana Boat? Four people, four spoons?"
Robin watches from the back room as the fire spreads, a wince overtaking her face as she steps back to her board, uncapping her pen as his boisterous voice echoes throughout the ice cream parlor.
"Sharing a booth? Anybody? It's hot out there."
Make that oh-for-seven.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"And I know this is a difficult conversation to have..."
Hopper's unsteady voice travels at a slow pace as he digests the words on the scrap of paper in his hands. His face is contorted in an uncomfortable grimace as he hears them leave his mouth but he tries to persist.
"but I hope you know that I care about you very much. And I know that you-"
"Eye contact-" Joyce softly reminds, from where sits opposite, her legs dangling off the empty pharmacy counter.
There's a brief lull in the station between songs before a familiar melody spills from the wire speakers in the corner of the store, Patsy Cline's She’s Got You. It's quiet and hard to hear but the lyrics still seep into Hopper's subconscious, briefly aiding his nerves in throwing his attention off course as he meets Joyce's deep brown eyes.
"And I know that... we both care about each other very much." Immediately he rejects the words coming off his tongue and shakes his head at her choice of words. "This does not sound like me at all."
"Just keep going. Come on." She reassures.
Hopper draws in a deep breath, clutching the makeshift script between his balled fists that were tucked nervously in between his knees. "Which is why I think it's important to establish these boundaries..."
He squints, straining against his anxieties to remember the words she had helped him brainstorm. "moving forward..." 
he sneaks a peak at the crumpled up paper in his hands, earning a soft chiding from Joyce who shakes her head.
"No looking. You know this. Come on."
Another deep inhale brings an uneasy look on Hopper's face as he shakes his head, tucking away the paper back in between his knees.
"so we can build an environment... uh... where we..."
Joyce silently watches with a series of encouraging nods, her hands gently waving like that of an orchestra conductor.
"all feel comfortable and trusted and open..."
Joyce nods once more, a light in her eyes as that silently encourages him. That puts him at ease. "'Share our feelings'..."
"...to sharing our feelings-- This isn't gonna work." He shakes his head, giving into the discomfort building all around him and he rises to his feet. "Um, it's not gonna work. It's not gonna work."
"Yes, it will!" She scolds. "I promise."
He shakes his head as he expels another patch of nerves, and joins her on the counter.
"Oh, come on." She pleads softly.
"Maybe I'll just kill Mike," he grunts sarcastically. "I'm the chief of police, I can cover it up." [👁👄👁]
Joyce gives his knuckles a reassuring pat before she sends him another encouraging smile. Even as he leans against the counter that she is currently hoisted onto, he still manages to tower over her. 
"You got this." She gives another reassuring squeeze, and Hopper feels like a cheesy bastard for noticing the timing of it all. The swelling of the music and the spark she left whenever their hands met in the past few months, but he didn’t mind. "I promise."
The music seems to grow louder around them, and she still hasn't taken her hand from his. He finds himself smiling down at her with that goofy smile he had been wearing a lot lately. It only seemed to make an appearance around her, and he knew this.
"I really don't know what I know,"
Joyce meets his eyes with a genuine look, something familiar brewing in both of their chests. And that scares her. Her mind returns to Bob and the grip of fear tightens around her heart as Hopper looks at her like that.
"You want to have dinner tonight?" He asks, finally breaking more than one kind of silence that lingered between them.
Her heart catches in her throat, and she looks away growing bashful. And uncertain. Joyce can still feel his eyes on her and as he grins down at her flustered expression.
"You can give me some more pointers."
"Oh, I... Um..." Her hand leaves his and settles on her knee, and she returns her gaze to him with an apologetic look swimming in her eyes. "Um, I... I have plans."
"Okay, sure." He smirks, much too enamored with the awkward smile that graced her face to be offended by her answer.
Another comfortable silence befalls them as they sit enjoying one another's company. But even this moment is short lived in the wake of the customer bell announcing a new visitor to the store. Joyce perks, gesturing excitedly to the front as she excuses herself.
"Oh, a customer." Breathlessly, she heaves herself off the counter and eagerly makes her way to the woman up front. "Hey, Carol!"
"Oh, hi, Joyce!" The woman beams as Joyce scurried across the store to meet her. "How are you? So good to see you."
Hopper watches the exchange from where Joyce had left him standing, his eyes locked on the woman who had so quickly and so sneakily became such a vital part of his life. It was only logical to him that this friend of hers, Carol was so happy to see her; Joyce had a way with everyone she met. Not a single person left her company without their day brightened. She knew how to make everyone feel welcomed, heard and loved.
"She's got you,"
Looking at her now, there was no denying it. Not anymore. Hopper wanted that for her, and he hoped more than anything he could be the one to give her that.
||𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
The sun beats heavily down on my neck and shoulders the most, and I shiver every once in a while when I feel a bead of sweat fall down my skin. With a groan, I readjust the backpack on my shoulders and put all my energy into just keeping up with Max and Lucas and not on the burning sensation on my skin.
"This isn't fair," I pout. "Heat's my whole thing, I shouldn't be sweating like this."
"Well, good news is we're nearly there," Dustin assures, though I do not feel very comforted.
"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asks, tugging at the large bag he was lugging over his shoulder.
"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters."
I groan up at the sky as I continue the hike up.
I began to hear spouts of quieted laughter from behind me but it's quickly cut off by Max's flat remark.
"I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones."
"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin replies.
"Oh shit." Lucas says surprised. "She doesn't have electricity?"
She's five or six steps ahead of me with her back turned and yet I can still make out Max's eye roll. "Oh, that's the Amish." She corrects tiredly.
"Mormans are super religious white people," Dustin begins. "They have electricity and cars and stuff but since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve. It's all a bit... shakespearean."
"Shakespearean?" Max indulges, a smirk in her voice.
"Yeah," Dustin answers, puffing his chest out a little. "Star crossed lovers."
"Well, regardless Dustin," I begin, sharing a smile with Will. "I can't wait to be introduced."
I see Dustin perk up even more, and my smile grows. "Yeah?" He asks hopefully.
"Yeah!" I answer. "I wanna be a good sister. Can't wait to repay you for being so cool with me and Will, ya know?"
I bite back a laugh but my smile is still triumphant. Dustin stops in his tracks, the others stopping as well seeming more than relieved. When Dustin turns to look at me, his face is hardened completely in a threatening glare.
"If you do or even say anything, I swear I will-"
Me and Dustin break away from our small fight and everyone turns to find Mike and El several feet down the hill. They're standing hand in hand and sending us all weak apologetic smiles and I feel my heart sink.
"This was fun and all, but uh..." Mike trails off, tapping his watch obnoxiously.
"I have to get home." El finished.
All mischief I was previously feeling with Dustin vanished, quickly replaced by guilt as I stole a quick glance at his saddened expression and the duo before us.
"We're almost there!" He says, completely bewildered and I can hear the hurt in his voice.
"Sorry man," Mike says, not sounding very sorry at all. "Curfew."
He starts to back away down the hill and he takes El's hand and whispers something to her that I don't catch.
El sent us all a warm look, as if nothing was wrong and for the first time I was upset to see her smile.
"Good luck," she says, before following on Mike's heels with an elated giggle.
I stare after them, my eyes burning holes in their backs and my hands no doubt burning holes in my pockets if I wasn't careful enough.
"Curfew at four?" Dustin asks, finally catching on to the majority of our summer without him.
"They're lying." Lucas huffs.
I see Will shrug angrily next to me. "It's been like this all summer."
"It's romantic," Max offers but even she doesn't sound so convinced.
"It's gross."
I shake my head, letting out a short sigh.
"It's... not healthy." Another flicker of anger attacked me suddenly, and I looked at all my friends bewildered before my glare landed back on the retreating couple. "And what the hell happened to 'friends don't lie'?"
"I don't know but it's bullshit." Dustin replies, his voice sad and filled with disappointment. "I just got home."
I look back over my shoulder and give my brother a sympathetic smile but I know it won't fix anything.
"I'm sorry Dustin. I really didn't think they would do it this time. They seemed so excited for you to come home."
He meets my eye and nods. If I look close enough I can see him rebuilding himself.
"Whatever... They're loss, right?" He smiled at us all and gestured to the hilltop behind us. "Onwards and upwards."
He takes off for the hill at unnatural speeds for our condition and cheers excitedly into the air. "Suzie awaits!"
Well shit, more climbing.
I groan, head landing on Will's shoulder in a tired pout. My voice isn't alone for as soon as I do I hear Max and Lucas throw back similar whines at the remaining trek ahead.
By the time I pick my head up off of Will's shoulder, everyone else is already several steps ahead. I sigh, ripping my stiffened and tired legs from where they rooted into the ground and start after them. Readjusting the backpack over my shoulder, my eyes drill into the top of the hill- the finish line - as I push ahead.
"Think they'll carry me if I fake a leg injury?" I chuckle to Will under my breath.
There's a small silence aside from the distant giggling of El and Mike as they descend the hill and the panting of the others as they run out of breath from the climb above us. I look to my right where Will was previously, only to find him several steps behind me. His back was turned to me and he was nervously clutching the bag of wires he had been carrying.
I took a few cautious steps towards him, my heart pounding for reasons I did not understand.
He scrambles back, jumping from one foot to the other as if dancing on hot coals and it looks as if he sees something in the grass.
"What, what is it? Will!"
He snaps out of his trance, turning to me wide eyed and now several steps closer to me. I quickly bridge the gap to stand by his side, searching his eyes carefully. He casts one last lingering glance out onto the grass where he was previously standing before meeting my eyes. There was something he was holding back, something deeply uncertain in the way he held himself and I got a sinking feeling in my gut.
A sinking feeling not unlike the night I found him outside the arcade. Anger quickly bubbles to the surface at the thought of something else getting him, and without a second thought I take his hand in mine.
He seems to relax a great deal at my touch, and he looks greatly reassured and instantly so am I.
He was still Will.
There was a silence that hung between us as he put on a smile for me. It was far from genuine, that I knew and the only thing it reassured me of was the fact that something definitely scared him.
Will looks past my shoulders, and gestures. "Come on, we better catch up. We've got some revenge to enact." Another forced laugh is let loose and he starts off after them.
Tries to at least, but he's pulled to a stop when I don't move an inch, my hand still tethered to his. He stops, looking back at me curiously.
"Will, you know you can tell me anything right?" I see a flicker of fear in his eyes. "I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what. And so are your friends. Well,"
I laugh bitterly.
"you know what I mean."
Will presses his lips into a flat smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and nods a little too eagerly.
"I know," he reassures. "I promise."
One final flicker of fear flashes in his eyes as he seems to purge it from his system, quickly replacing it with a bright and happy expression. He tugs gently on our interlocked hands and gestures up the hill.
"Now... you ready to meet Dustin's first girlfriend?" He asks with a growing smirk.
I shake my head as a small laugh bubbles up despite the anxiety brewing fresh in my stomach. It still lingers in the back of my mind, but slowly boils down to a simmer, melting away as I meet the now genuine smile of Will's and I find myself giving in to the temptation of blissful ignorance. My legs begin carrying me to his side and quickly we start pacing up the hill with matching grins.
He might be able to tempt me with the offer of getting back at Dustin for now, but there's still a thought - a feeling - burning in the back of my mind. Something is definitely up with Will. The problem is, I don't know what and even worse, I don't think he knows either.
||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
The endless parade of rats dart through the overgrown blades of grass, blending perfectly into the summer breeze passing through their surroundings. An undeniable instinct draws them onward to Brimborne Steel Works as sure as it set their skin ablaze in a horrendous flameless fire that ignited their insides just from their path even mingling with the Y/H, H/C girl who lingered nearby. Even a slight change in direction of the breeze had given them, the hosts, a feeling similar to standing atop a fresh layer of cooling magma that sent them scurrying off their path and was even strong enough to send pins and needles in the heels of their masters previous host.
They don't know their master, of course, or what a master is or why they have blended colonies. All they do know is the unceasing pull in their gut to follow orders. Orders to scavenge the unscavengable, feed on the inedible, and flee, flee... Flee.
And now hundreds of them scurry across the dying grass surrounding the abandoned steel works where they soon disappear inside. The wearhouse floor comes alive as hundreds more file in from every nook and cranny that can possibly be found. Their speed is fast enough to create its own gentle breeze that sweeps away several stray leaves that have collected on the concrete over the years as they head for a single steel stairway.
The enclosed space is soon overflowing with a sea of rats that create a symphony of pitter patter as their tiny feet scuttle down the metal staircase and into the deep lake of shadows that sat under the wearhouse. The only light that found its way down in the depths of Brimborne was the skylight leaking in from the doorway that illuminated the only possible clue to the sudden phenomenon;
Scattered across piles of glistening pink and red jelly were the hundreds of rats that had found their way home. The new home promised to them by the seemingly never ending pull in their gut. But the pull had mysteriously stopped when they reached the basement. But the presence of something dark and sinister remained.
The driving force - the pull - had not vanished but had instead morphed into a warm buzzing that grew intensely worse. It grew hotter and hotter, shaking their small bodies harder and harder as it spread to every cell at unnatural speeds that crippled them. They twitched and squealed in discomfort as they fell to the floor, their last cries for help before erupting into the very goo that they laid in.
The basement was filled with pop after sickening pop as the rats exploded into nothing, all of them and their remains glistening in the single beam of light just outside of the realm of shadows that held the true monster.
This monster that had poisoned Hawkins before. This monster that had spread its rot and death, and inevitable decay with everything it touched. However...
This was not the return of the Shadow Monster.
For the Shadow Monster had never left.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · All links are provided in the comments might not be accessible via the app BUT should work on the mobile website and desktop website. Please use them. Possible Warnings to black readers, and any other readers of color who might be triggered I have included several petitions to save POC facing the death penalty. However, first, here is the masterlist of black mental health resources if you need them. I've posted it many times but mental health is so important, and getting treated properly by people who truly understand you and your experiences can make all the difference, im sure. All my love 💓
Black Mental Health Carrd
[picture text id: there are other people on death row who can still be saved, petitions below]
Below is a link to @ SUNSETSAPPHICS twitter thread from the picture up above filled with several links that each take only a couple seconds to sign each, that i strongly urge - that I ask you to sign. You could potentially save a life. Please sign, spread the word anywhere and everywhere, tag people on your message board, tag people here, make a chapter about somewhere, idc just let your voices be heard and make a difference in these people's lives! Save. A life! It has happened before and we can do it again!
Petition to Abolish the Death Penalty
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Tag List: @dickkwad @aimee-lucass @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa   @ @miscellaneoustoasts @happyandlonely-blog @missmulti @youpi-chan @peeperparkour @ba-responds @bibliophilesquared @blogforhoes ​ @witch-of-all-things-soft @shawkneecaps @whothefuckstolemykeds @mirdall @fishswimbetterunderwater @daughter-of-the-stars11 @stranger-things4 @kpopanimegirl @nightbu-g ​ @lozzybowe @bluechildrenlickmytoes
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@gingerreggg just some fluff
Heads Up- Part 12 (Joseph x Bust!Caesar)
"Are you ready to go out?" Suzi asked Caesar, as he sat atop the kitchen table.
"Really?" he replied skeptically. "I thought you didn't want anyone to see me?"
"And that's why we've got this!" Joseph exclaimed joyfully as he pranced into the room with a small carrying crate. It was quite lightweight, and across the top of one side a narrow, horizontal slit had been cut into the hard cardboard material, to function as a viewing window.
Caesar felt uneasy, somewhat queasy to the stomach if he'd had one. This was the first time he'd see the world, beyond the confines of Joseph's apartment. Well, of course, aside from that one escapade, but he didn't really get far.
"You really mean it?" he said nervously.
"Look, if you're gonna go bouncing away at night to see the world then I thought I'd let you have in on the fun with the two of us! We picked a nice place, I bet you'll love it." Joseph smiled, as he lifted Caesar off the table and gently into the box, fitting him perfectly with just a little bit of room to spare. "Just remember to be very quiet."
"Joseph," Caesar complained, as he was laid snugly into the box. "You cut the view-hole too high."
"Aw shit," Joseph groaned. "I should have measured."
Fortunately it wasn't a problem a few layers of newspaper couldn't solve, and with some cushioning beneath his neck the peeping hole was perfectly level with Caesar's eyes.
"That should do the trick," Joseph huffed, as he gently covered Caesar with the lid.
"And now...it's time," grinned the sculptor, as he carried his created companion, tucked safely into the box, out into the warm light of late afternoon.
Joseph mostly got around town, and to and from the university, in his trusty old bicycle he'd gotten as a birthday present from his uncle Speedwagon. It had seen better days, but still served him well, especially after he installed a small sidecar so he could carry his art along with him on the way.
"This is fun!" Suzi cheered, as Joseph pedaled along down toward the beach-view that he and Suzi had agreed on earlier.
"Just don't let go of me!" Caesar cried, from inside the box. He laid upon her lap as she sat in the sidecar, and each time she raised her hands in excitement the hapless bust feared he might fall off.
But at the same time, as he peeked out of the narrow slit, Caesar felt a strange elation.
He was seeing the world beyond.
Buildings, cars, streets and people rushed by, illuminated in the orange light of sunset, as Joseph came pedaling along, so quickly that Caesar couldn't keep up with seeing them all. There was just such a big, big place to see, and with a little help, Caesar was going much, much further than he could possibly hop by himself.
Caesar smiled, a hidden smile from within his box that no one could see.
Perhaps it was far nicer to see the world with friends.
Perhaps he didn't have to be alone.
And yet, at the same time, Caesar felt a hint of sorrow as he admired the sun-kissed landscape gleaming in its tangerine illumination. There was a vast world out there, full of people, full of experiences, of stories in the making waiting to be told.
And he knew he could never be a part of it.
"We're here!" Joseph said excitedly, as he halted near the parkway by the beach.
"And look!" Suzi exclaimed. "We're just in time for the sunset!"
"I can't see!" Caesar complained. "Get me out of this box!"
Dismounting from the sidecar, Suzi stood up and with Joseph's help, removed Caesar from the box, after glancing around to make sure nobody was around to witness them unloading their unusual cargo.
Caesar couldn't believe his eyes. They were at a quiet little corner of the beach, with the floor a smooth, wooden viewing deck. Beyond him was a view of the ocean, stretching all the way into the horizon, and hovering just above it was a brilliant orange orb whose rays Caesar felt onto his clay skin for the first time in his newfound life.
"So, what do you think?" Joseph asked as he gently laid Caesar down onto the deck, and sat cross-legged next to him.
"It's...it's beautiful," gasped Caesar in pure amazement, as he made a few hops forward.
"Whoa, easy there, Cae," Joseph cautioned. "Try not to fall in the water, I doubt you can swim," he said with a snarky laugh.
Caesar nodded, but was too absorbed in the splendor of it all to heed Joseph's dry wit. He could smell the refreshing salty breeze, feel the warmth of the descending sun, hear the waves and the wind and the calls of the birds. Just like the one time he'd left the house, except this time, Joseph wasn't trying to stop him.
And never before, in his short existence as a bodiless sculpt of clay, had Caesar felt so free.
Joseph shifted himself forward so that he was next to Caesar again. "I thought you'd enjoy this," he said, gently cradling the bust onto his lap.
The sun's rays were fading in warmth, but Joseph's arms felt warmer.
Soon the brilliant orb began to sink into the horizon, fading away into the distant mists as the deep pinks and purples of the sky began to crowd out the oranges and yellows of the sun's final rays. Caesar was awed. It was something that happened every single day, sure, but it was no less of a glorious spectacle to behold.
It wasn't long until the stars began to appear.
A few bright points, here and there, gradually emerging from the darkening sky. There were scarcely any clouds, to Joseph's delight, and soon, the night had come: enveloping them in a calm, peaceful darkness lit by the thousands of glittering pinpricks up above.
"Caesar," Joseph said softly. "Look."
He laid down onto his back on the wooden floor, after he took the newspapers from Caesar's box and gently laid the sculpture's head onto them so that Caesar could also recline comfortably. Side by side, artist and artwork lay down gazing skyward, into the infinite vastness of the night sky above.
"You know, Cae, my grandpa Jonathan used to tell me," Joseph began. "He said that as the night comes it paints over the sky, swiftly and in a rush, leaving a few spots uncolored in its hurry. I'd always thought it was a silly story," he laughed.
Caesar chuckled. "Your grandfather?"
"Yeah..." Joseph sighed, sadly. "I miss him."
"Now it's just Granny Erina and me, and really, just me, after I came to live in my flat. Mom was always away, and I'd never met my dad. But Grandpa Jonathan...he was the best part of my childhood."
He gestured to the sky.
"I like to think he's up there where he belongs, up among the stars. We are Joestars after all," he said with a mix of a laugh and a sigh, gently running his finger over the birthmark on his neck.
One he remembered his grandpa also had, which Joseph imagined was a mark, a promise, perhaps, of where he'd since returned.
There was a moment of silence as Caesar momentarily pondered.
"Do you think I belong among the stars too?" Caesar asked, after a pause.
"Huh?" Joseph turned to look at him. "Why would you think that?"
Caesar gave a melancholy pause.
"Because...because if I really am Anthonio Zeppeli, as Suzi said...shouldn't I be up there? And yet, I am here."
That one word, that had struck Caesar earlier, hit him again.
"I mean, if you really think about how big the universe is, and how small we are to it, it's downright humbling, and a little bit frightening," Joseph mused.
"But we're tiny specks that simply exist, and maybe, we make our own existence worthwhile," he added, stroking Caesar's shoulder stub.
"Then I guess I don't really need a purpose, then," Caesar mumbled, watching the unimaginable vastness twinkle far beyond.
"I mean, do you?" Joseph answered. "You exist for the sake of existing, and that should be enough."
Caesar smiled.
Joseph was right. Why did he have to bother figuring out why he was alive, or who he was, or why he was where he is today?
He was alive today, even though he shouldn't be.
His existence was an unexpected blessing.
He existed for his own sake. And, looking into his sculptor's brilliant blue eyes, mesmerized at the heavens, he thought, perhaps for Joseph's sake too.
"I'm glad you made me, Joseph. Whether or not I really am Anthonio or not. I'm just glad to be here today."
"However way you created me."
Joseph chuckled. "You know what they say, Caesar. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift."
"That's why they call it present."
Caesar groaned.
"Oh come on, Jojo," he grumbled. "You stole it from that turtle from the panda cartoon."
Joseph burst out a hearty laugh. "So you have been watching the movies Suzi brought, huh?"
"I was bored," Caesar said, embarassed.
Joseph was just glad for the time they were enjoying together, by the beach, under the night sky, with only the glimmer of lamp posts and the now-rising moon lighting the way. It felt peaceful, and very calming, for both weary artist and lonely creation.
He wished they could do this forever.
Just the three of them.
Oh yes, Joseph remembered, three.
"Say, where is Suzi, anyway?" wondered Joseph after a few moments. "We'd gotten too busy with our little talk there... Suzi?"
A faint snore came as the only response.
"Oh great," Caesar moaned, rocking back up into an upright position with a little help from Joseph. "She slept through the whole thing, and this whole trip was her idea."
"You can't blame her," Joseph explained. "She's pretty tired."
He couldn't help a small giggle as he saw Suzi splayed out awkwardly onto the sidecar seat, dozing away like she was on her sofa.
"I think it's time we went home." Joseph said.
Rousing Suzi to make sure she was safe throughout the ride back to Joseph's apartment, the three friends made their way back, Caesar once more tucked inside his box.
As Joseph pedaled home Caesar peeked out at the view of the city through the hole in the box. The city at night looked so different.
Thousands of brilliant lights shone through the darkness, outlining buildings, illuminating streets, marking the passage of cars.
The city's lights were like the stars on the earth.
And in a way, they were among them, after all.
A sudden halt to the gentle motion of the box indicated to Caesar that they'd reached home. Soon he felt himself being lifted back into the house, as Joseph had done the night he snuck out. Yet this time, it didn't feel like a punishment, as it was when Joseph had forced him back inside. It felt like a reward, at the end of a long, grand adventure.
And at the night, Caesar knew he could look forward to end his day with another night in bed lovingly cradled in his beloved maker's arms.
Suzi sleepily staggered her way into the house and flopped onto the couch with a yawn. "Sorry about that, I hope I didn't miss too much," she said to Joseph, a little regretfully.
"Don't worry, Caesar loved it," Joseph reassured her. "We had a little talk."
"Hmmm?" she hummed drowsily.
"Oh, just stuff, about the stars and the world and the niceness of being alive, he had a lot to say." Joseph explained. "Also he's been watching your movies, he gets references," he laughed.
Joseph felt a strange warmth to Caesar that he couldn't quite explain. His feelings had been all over the place since the handsome little piece of clay came into his life. He'd gotten to know him, and he'd come to like him.
He'd come to love him.
And Caesar, sitting close by on the floor, gazing up at his relatively-towering form, felt the same.
He loved him for granting him life. He loved him for the care and affection, and all the numerous things he'd done for him, even if he couldn't return the favor.
And he loved him for just... being Joseph.
Their gazes met, and two shy smiles crept across their faces.
Perhaps Caesar belonged with a certain star after all.
(Previous Chapter)
(Next Chapter)
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Sea-Hearts by Margo Lanagan & Vita Nostra by Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko
torchwood fanfic asks
9. AUs? what kind?
Edits aren’t quite responsive since they’re not quite AUs that I’d say I gravitate towards, but more AUs I’d love to see people’s take on (I’ll actually answer the question below).
First, Gwen as selkie (and not the Torchwood selkie which seems to be an opposite selkie) isn’t something I’ve seen done (though if you know of a fic that has done this, please send it my way!). There is something about the soulfulness of her eyes that says selkie to me. A little snippet of something for flavor:
Gwen loved Rhys. He was a much kinder man than the man whole stole her from the sea. He loved her because he loved her, not because he owned her. That was more than many mortal men could boast.
Second, I would love to see a Torchwood/Vita Nostra fusion where Tosh was recruited to the Institute of Special Technologies and goes through the terrifying transformation and education we witness in the novel, but ultimately rejects her place and her power. She retains her brilliance but is always a little afraid from that point on of what she is capable of of. A little snippet of flavor:
She built the sonic modulator with the same sick feeling in her stomach that she had carried with her when she first joined the Institute of Special Technologies. She remembered when she sleep deprivation was driving her to madness and incoherence; she remembered when her studies suffered and her mother was in a near fatal automobile accident. A reminder, her mentor had said, and an incentive to study harder. She remembered the horrible accidents that befell all her classmate’s family members (broken bones, heart attacks, just-too-coincidental deaths); remembered that they were all taken hostage, their families held as ransom or collateral, until the lessons overtook their senses and they fell into the heady trap of being powerful. She was careful, while building the sonic modulator, to not become too interested, to not let her sense of capability outstrip her sense of fear. She would not forget how to be human twice.
And to actually answer the questions. YES, I love AUs. Excluding my already professed love of Chosen One!Ianto and my continual insistence that everybody, Suzie included, should live, here are some of my favorite AUs (in general, I love things that decrease the stakes for everyone involved because these days I just want to be coddled and comforted):
1. Time Lord Tosh or Ianto: I just think Time Lord Tosh makes a whole lot of sense and that she would make a fantastic companion to the Doctor (regardless of whether she’s human or a Time Lord, so that’s another AU for you, Companion!Tosh).  And of course, I love the different ways that people tackle Ianto and Jack after Ianto regains his Time Lord senses (Does he get over it by sheer force of will/love? Does Jack’s fixedness not bother him at all? Does he choose to live as a human because he can’t bear to be with Jack as a Time Lord and he also can’t bear to be without him?).
2. The Team in Boeshane: I love the idea of the whole team being taken by the Rift and dropped off in Boeshane, either with or without Jack and while past-Jack is there or not. I just love Jack’s mother taking members of the team in.
3. Harry Potter AUs: I think that it’s our prerogative to pry this universe out of J.K. Rowling’s hands, take the interesting bits, and then tell better stories in it. I headcanon Ianto as a Slytherin, Tosh as a Ravenclaw, Gwen as a Gryffindor, Owen as a Hufflepuff, and Jack as a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Slytherin (depending on what happened to his family life prior to his sorting; if there are no incidents, Hufflepuff; if there was an incident with Gray, but his parent(s) didn’t reject him, Gryffindor; if there was an incident with Gray and he has a fraught or non-existent relationship with his parent(s), Slytherin).
4. Daemons AUs: I especially love Daemon AUs that keep the touching taboo and think about how the existence of daemons would impact modern life. I think that the existence of daemons also has interesting ramifications for Suzie and Ianto. Does Suzie persist with the glove even though it can’t bring back a person’s daemon? I think you could characterize her either way. Does Lisa retain her daemon despite her partial conversion? I tend to think so and that the persistence of her daemon is the reason why Ianto doesn’t give up; when her daemon disappears is when he knows its over even if he can’t accept it yet.  I don’t have a lot of defined thoughts about the daemons I’d give the team except that usually, I think of Suzie with a bird, Ianto with a scavenger, and Gwen with a canine. Jack, Tosh, and Owen are more variable in my head. I would also love to see broader HDM AUs that take more of the universe than just the existence of daemons (give me witches and the science of dust).
5. Coffee Shop AUs: Kinda. I’ve never really been particularly into Coffee Shop AUs specifically, though I do love them in the general way that I love fluffy Torchwood-doesn’t-exist AUs (Jack is a traveling artist and Ianto his muse, Gwen is a legitimate psychic who consults with law enforcement, Rhys and Ianto run a restaurant together, Owen as the A&E doctor who treats Tosh after a welding accident, Jack is a sci-fi author and Ianto writes mysteries; the possibilities are endless!), but now I’m a bit of a coffee snob (this happened independent of Torchwood; I developed my coffee habit and snobbery years after watching Torchwood) and know people who roast coffee, so I just want to see more coffee geekery. I do wonder how blasphemous it would be to update Ianto’s coffee tastes to be more in line with third wave coffee roasting preferences/innovations (which was certainly alive and well in the 2000s, especially in certain cities, but hadn’t seemed to hit Cardiff yet).
6. Role Reversal AUs: For when I feel like keeping the stakes the same, I love AUs that put Ianto in charge of Torchwood Three by whatever twist of fate you’d like with Jack working under him. Sometimes he’s immortal (so he takes on Jack’s backstory minus the coming from the future bit), sometimes he’s not (he gets put into power before or after Canary Wharf, though after seems most likely). Sometimes Jack grew up on Earth (either because his entire backstory has been changed or he was taken by the Rift as a child) and sometimes he didn’t (he can still be immortal or he can be a stranded Time Agent/Time Agent in hiding).
7. Dogs AU: Honestly I can’t explain myself. It’s completely silly and I love it. I don’t know if I’ve seen one of these in the Torchwood fandom, but AU where the whole cast are dogs and they meet at a dog park or their humans are neighbors. Jack is a retired military dog. Ianto spent some time as a street dog, was rescued, then there was some incident that put him back on the street, before being adopted (possible by Jack’s human(s)). Gwen is a former police dog that was pulled to join an experimental medical program and she now spends her days sniffing out neurodegenerative diseases. Owen is a therapy dog; his humans don’t get it because he hates strangers, but it’s like he’s a different dog around those in need. Tosh is a scarily intelligent dog who is part of the cohort of animals that is being taught how to communicate using a speech board.
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rosenmarille · 4 years
First of all: that One Day bit is quality content. Second of all I read "3.5 for Holly" and am Highly Interested
HI yes! i will explain, however i first have to correct myself. its actually a part 2.5, not 3.5. like i mentioned in the other post, the part is called “heart unbound”, this is about 25 years after battle tendency, when holly is in her early 20s!!
the rest of this im gonna put under the cut
so the setting. joseph (43), suzie, and holly (21) live in new york, smokey is in georgia, lisa lisa (75) is Somewhere in the states, erina and speedwagon have passed away (sad). its 1963! the speedwagon foundation has continued expanding, with joseph and lisa lisa closely involved after speedwagons death. they’ve mostly moved their attention into new territory, but still have all their old research kept. stands aren't a thing yeeet, but its been long enough that the pillarmen have faded into unpleasant memory.
until one night the power at the swf hq goes out for just a moment too long, and santana manages to escape.
joseph and lisa lisa are contacted asap, and they decide to travel down to texas and find him (preferably take him out for good this time). holly, who has grown up hearing about jojo’s wild escapades, really wants to come along. she knows some hamon! she can defend herself! come on!! (yes i said it, holly learned hamon, do you think having lisa lisa for a grandmother would result in anything less?) anyway, joseph and lisa lisa Really don't want her to come since it could be really dangerous and they'd rather not put her in harm’s way.
so holly (rich, unsupervised) books a plane and goes after them.
we skip to texas!! joseph and lisa lisa investigate at hq and the surrounding area and find practically no trace of santana or where he might have gone. when holly arrives, she decides that since she can't look into hq without getting caught, she’ll ask around with locals, and manages to hear rumours about a new sort of cryptid (only appears at night, weird anatomy etc), both cattle and people have been disappearing, but on a very small scale. she looks into similar stories and realizes that santana must be moving south, though what he's planning, she doesn't know. but she will follow!! (and leave breadcrumbs for her family to pick up on this pattern too, she guesses. not so helpless now, huh?)
so this goes for a while, taking her down into mexico, until she is pretty sure that she can triangulate the missing people reports accurately enough to actually Find him. holly isnt stupid, she doesnt think she can win in a battle against a pillarman. what she’s hoping to do is prove herself to joseph and lisa lisa by prepping and helping out enough for them to then take care of the problem. she's an adult now and she doesnt appreciate being treated like a child. (you may say this contradicts how she behaved towards joseph in part 3, but to that i counter: she's in her 40s in that one, and her being an adult is established enough that she knows she can act a lil silli without that being put in question)
but hey!! she does find him!! she decides to stalk him for a bit, see what he does. so she happens to be there when santana attacks a young woman (midnight snack), who pulls a KNIFE instead of running away, so Holly rushes in and deflects an attack with a quick hamon swipe. santana has learned from his previous hamon encounter and instead of sticking around, he decides it isn't worth it and absconds instead (smart). (at this point you might notice this is the first fight of the part. yeah it be like that in this one. call it battle untendency) 
holly and the woman (who later introduces herself as Maria (no last name yet; but named after Maria Maria by Santana (lol)) also get out of dodge and hide out in an alley, where maria decides that she needs to know what the fuck that Thing was, yesterday. magic?? sparkling?? hello??? and hollys like uhh hah yes so. that's an ancient semi immortal vampire creature? and this is sunlight breathing magic, which he's allergic to. yea. and maria is like ................yeah okay i buy it. teach me sunlight breathing magic, i wanna come.
maria side paragraph! she's our oc and we love her. remember that awful scene from the santana arc with all those prisoners and the one kid who doesn't get sacrificed? that's her older brother. he was “let go” but “let go” basically did just mean “free to wander the desert and find civilisation maybe”, so when he did eventually find his way back home, he'd been severely traumatized, plus on death's door. other prisoners had been turned into vampires to test on the pillarman discovery, so the word “vampire” is something he'd have heard and conveyed to his family, who didn’t. really believe him. he also hasn't really recovered from that experience :( then the war happened and maria's dad served in it, and afterwards decided that his other child needed to know how to defend herself, and maria learned how to handle a knife, as well as how to physically fight. their family managed to avoid post war financial problems for the most part, and maria was able to finish her studies! she's a pilot :)  she is, however, harbouring very deep anger and resentment for what happened to her brother, and has not really had a face to direct that anger towards, so it's been on a relatively low burner for the most part, but now there’s talk of vampires and a person she can blame for her family’s trauma.
they exchange notes and she realizes that yeahh, that is pretty much exactly what her brother had told them, so it was true. hah :) yes actually, i would like to learn vampire killing magic please holly. and holly, who didn't really want to bring someone with her, but kind of does believe in accidents not being a thing, decides that yeah, she probably should bring maria along. and sure!! if they have to deal with sanata again, why not teach her hamon!! they share stories and continue to follow the trail while they train together, and become really close friends! jobro time.
we've now reached the first third of the story.
we travel further south!! soon, holly begins to realize......... ohh..... the temple they found santana in.. that's south of here, isn't it? oh huh. what could he want there?? the masks have been destroyed as far as she knows?? she doesn't know enough first hand to know what significance there could be, but the girls prepare for anything. maybe a big weapon the researchers had not been able to identify?? MOre pillarmen, secretly living underneath the temple??? 
(there are gonna be some scenes that involve lisa lisa and joseph figuring out where they need to go, and maybe also realizing who set that trail, maybe they have smth else going on, who knows) 
holly and maria follow santana and eventually do find the temple, and prepare to stake it out, hopefully hopefully not alerting him to their presence, because that would be.........bad. (tho tbh marias kinda itching to try out vampire begone magic. wouldn't You want to if you suddenly learned how?) neither of them have ever been here so they're honestly pretty floored by the temple interior, the tunnel that leads into the main chamber dark and uninviting, with who knows what hidden dangers are lurking about. 
and then they see him. santana is investigating the place where the pillar had been cut out of the structure, the stone masks crushed and broken, strewn around the floor, running his hands over the broken stone. Then he walks to one of the murals carved into the wall, a large one, similar to the one speedwagon had been investigating, with the 4 faces representing the pillarmen, and he lingers there. dips his head, then walks back to the empty space of the pillar and sits down where it was, crosslegged, and closes his eyes. and then he stays still. what does That mean?? 
the girls decide this is enough, they should fall back and formulate a proper plan, maybe wait for joseph and lisa lisa to catch up. buuuut we can't have that be the end of it, and so something happens, maybe one of them trips? steps on rubble that falls loose? they make a noise. and get noticed. 
change of plans! fight now! except there isn't an attack? they stay still but “i know you're there.” damn it. battle formation, stances ready, they make their way into the chamber, where santana hasn't moved at all. he's still sitting there, but he's looking at them now. holly asks what he's doing here, he asks the same back. she says not to play dumb, hes been killing people this whole time, he has to answer for that! and to that, santana honestly looks a bit confused because. has he? in his defense, he's not human, his prey is humans. pillarboy has to eat.
marias like “well? aren't you going to attack us?” and he's like “not unless you bother me.” and closes his eyes again. the girls aren't sure what to make of this.
santana side paragraph: first of all, this is a santana stan account. name one (1) thing he's done wrong, canonically. woke up in a strange place. captured?? got his bearings, tried to Leave and was accosted! shot some nazis (go king), and finally only snapped when joseph got mad he didn't laugh at his clownery. anyone would get murderous as a result. tried to escape further, ultimately was stopped and detained Again! morally, he's above joseph. 
so they're just standing now. since their earlier encounter where holly used hamon, santana refuses to talk more at first, but holly has the bright idea to get his trust by having maria restrain her and then stand back with her weapon -- a show of putting herself in a helpless position and promise she wont attack. that’s enough for santana to agree to come closer and have a proper conversation.
holly asks again why he's here exactly? what's here? and he tells her that if she Must know, he's waiting. waiting for what, she asks. and maria looks back at the carvings and realizes “oh. there should be 4 of them.” now santana looks mildly uncomfortable, and holly rememebers that “oh fuck, dad killed all of them.” and then “wait they were evil tho??” and then again “wait fuuck, didn't the leader guy say they left this one behind in mexico on purpose? oh man does he Know?” holly finds herself in the position of “not only do i have to tell this guy his friends aren't coming because they're Dead, they also kinda abandoned him.” yikes.
meanwhile maria is kinda pissed that her one chance at revenge might have just been taken from her. she still blames santana for what happened to her brother, and she refuses to let that go. she’s too stubborn and proud for that. and now, especally since holly seems to be focused on creating a bond, it feels like a slap in the face. so she kinda… snaps, ruining their chance at resolving this peacefully and causing santana to run off again. she and holly have a fight. it sucks.
soon after that joseph does find holly and he Does send her home. maria, after explaining her intentions, stays with them. holly is heartbroken :( after shes gone, joseph and lisa lisa make a plan to trap santana, aimed to go off in a few days prep, and during this, maria is starting to realize that that... really isnt the right thing to do... shes now had some time to sit alone with her guilt and regret about how she handled the situation, ssso she gets an idea on how to make up for it...
meanwhile holly is sitting at home and is sad, until suzie drives her somewhere in guise of going to a fancy lunch with smokey (whos in town), but really she drives her to the joestars airpad where her friend marua(!!) is already waiting in front of joseph’s plane, which, turns out, she hijacked in the south and flew all the way up here, and suzie tosses holly a bag with clothes and stuff and tells her to hurry up and get going :3
and hollys all "but what about lunch with mr smokey? :o" and suzie winks at her and says "don't worry, he's waiting for me to tell him everything went well at the restaurant ;)" and then holly gives her a big hug, runs to her friend and hugs Her, and they are off to fly back south to save some lives. on the way, maria apologizes and explains -- how she had harboured this resentment for so long that the sudden target for her blame put in front of her, plus the immediate removal of it were so jarring that she acted impulsively... she knows santana isnt at fault for what happened with her brother... and now she just hopes they make it in time.
as luck would have it, they catch up with joseph and lisa lisa just in time to jump between them and santana (maria accidentally cuts off joseph’s prosthetic hand in the process and freaks the fuck out before realizing it’s fine) and try to talk it out. it’s a tense few minutes, but holly is determined and stubborn, and she manages to get her dad and grandma to see her side of things and santana is saved! they find something for him to eat, giving him the energy to heal his wounds. pillarmen absorbing shit never gets old.
And from there it’s mostly just everything getting settled down and smoothed out. they get back in touch with the swf and tell them the problem is handled. santana turns out to be a relatively peaceful dude when his life isn’t being threatened, and he becomes a good friend with all four of them, but especially holly and maria. they help teach him about the modern world and he decides that he’s going to do some travelling and learn about the history of his culture and other ancient mesoamerican cultures he interacted with in his youth, and he shares the things he learns with the swf so they can get the info about where theyre needed etc.  maria gets hooked up with one of the many therapists we decided work at the swf that has experience with the supernatural things she and her brother have gone through. holly, maria, and santana stay in touch and go on regular trips together. holly receives many post cards.
it’s all really good and happy :) thats heart unbound baybee!! <33
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ruinins · 4 years
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—  ϟ  ›  ( bae suzy, cis woman, she/her )  ⋆  you know , the gossip in london is insidious , and gossip about a HALFBLOOD ( SEER ) like SYBILL TRELAWNEY seems to constantly be afloat. what i know for a fact , though , is that they’re a TWENTY THREE year old DRAGONOLOGIST who graduated as a RAVENCLAW from HOGWARTS. someone they went to school with told me that roaring flames just tenderly brushing your cheek, the subtle wrongness of a reflection in the mirror, crackling records playing on a phonograph, the gentle flickering light of a firefly, and a million glittering pieces of a broken crystal ball & THE LOVERS always reminded them of HER. maybe that’s why the WITCH has publicly declared their allegiance to NO ONE ? 
NAME : sybill trelawney ( no middle name ). NICKNAMES : none, technically, but she does have a korean name she uses at work—sihyeon—which her mother gave her. DATE OF BIRTH : march 9th, 1958. HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw. ZODIAC SIGN : pisces sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising / year of the dog. AGE : twenty - three. GENDER / PRONOUNS : cis woman & she/her. SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual, biromantic. PLACE OF BIRTH : belfast, ireland. EYE COLOR : dark brown. HAIR COLOR : black. HEIGHT : 5’4. SCARS : scar on her lower back ; burn scars littering her arms.  ETHNICITY : korean. PARENTS : trelawney, silvius ( father ); trelawney, victoria née kang ( mother, muggle, † ). SIBLINGS : only child. MARITAL STATUS : single. OCCUPATION : dragonologist. LANGUAGES : english, korean, some mandarin chinese.
CARD CORRESPONDENCE: sybill’s card is the lovers, reversed, representing her doubts in herself, her career, the people who surround her, and how cynical she’s become.sybill has always been littered with self-doubt. for herself, for the lineage she’s been born into, for her dubious gift that everyone insists isn’t really there. having no one believe in you takes a toll on a witch. she’s haunted by a need that never leaves her, a need to prove herself and her sight, a need that has only worsened with time ( no one knows how nauseating it feels, to face a portrait of the great cassandra trelawney after receiving a dreadful in divination ). there’s something to be said about fake it until you make it, but sybill never quite manages to make it. slowly, the doubt has been sinking its claws into her, and she’s been shrinking away from her wants and focusing more on other things, practical things––her aimless job, her aimless life.
 until recently, sybill wandered through life with a certain naivete. it’s served her well, like most things in life that aren’t the second sight. but then, she let someone close, let herself believe they cared about her, let herself open up only to be stabbed in the back. figuratively and literally, by the scar that still stings whenever she reaches behind to brush her hands over it. she’s changed, become aware of the snakes in the grass––become aware that they don’t always look like snakes. this mistrust in others is slowly bordering on paranoia, but she can’t seem to make it stop. people call her a falsifier, a manipulator, a fool; why shouldn’t she meet energy with energy, insult with insult, distaste with distaste ? 
ministry file / pinterest board  ( EYES TW for the board ) / playlist
tw: murder ( mentioned, also attempted murder ), neglect ( ? ), parental death ( skip paragraph beginning with ‘sixteen’ ! )
you don’t know this, you’ll never know this, but it was your father who named you. hunched over your laughing mother and clutching your tiny fist between his fingers, tears streaming down his face, he pleaded sybill, call her sybill. an oracle of delphi born anew. in a few weeks, you will both be the subject of controversy: the girl who’s birth ended the pureblood trelawney line, and the pureblood who fell for a muggle. but for now, you are loved.
you live in a cottage, small and hidden, tucked into a nook of ireland where there are more animals than people. this is purposeful. your father has a manor in london, a hanok in korea, but it is this cottage where the three of you can live at peace. your father is gone most days; you have no idea what he does. instead, your mother teaches you things, practical things. “what if you lose your magic; how will you cook then ?” you think her reasoning is silly, but you play along - even if your father comes home to a look of distaste when he sees you manually scrubbing dishes.
something happens to you. you’re outside, playing, when you reach out to pet a cat that’s just appeared - and a haze settles in. fog clouds your mind, your sight; there’s nothing. no darkness, no void: there is just nothing. and then there is your mother, frantic, choking on tears as she shakes you. later, your father will grin. “has my little sybill inherited cassandra’s gift ?” he’s joking, of course. no one in the family has had cassandra trelawney’s inner eye in generations. 
but when you’re taken to a healer, nothing is wrong. nothing they can find, anyway. and a spark lights in you.
your mother is dead. your mother is dead. taken from you while you couldn’t protect her, while you were in school; your father insists he took his eyes off of her for just a second, but you don’t believe him at all. he’s always wanted you to be more witch than muggle. he’s never understood that she’s both, in a way, and that that’s okay. you wonder if he killed her or if he sent someone to do it, instead. either way, he is a coward and a fool and you hate him; this, you tell him.
the next christmas break, you don’t visit home.
you don’t come home for summer break, either. you don’t come back at all until after graduation, to face cassandra trelawney’s portrait and beg for guidance. for help with your gift. the gift that has abandoned you, it seems, along with your mother. 
you apply, young and naïve, for the position of divination professor at hogwarts. as if anyone would hire you. the rejection stings, but what hurts more is having to face your father. he seems to have planned this outcome all along, and when he offers to help you find a realistic job using his connections, you want to do the filthy muggle thing and punch him.
you take his offer, however, when he reveals it’s in korea. away. that is what you need. away from him, away from london, away from that damned portrait. a week later, you’re in seoul. a week after that, you’re a dragonologist-in-training.
twenty two.
you travel, often. your specialty is hatchlings, and the reserve has begun to branch out, so they send you on missions to other reserves - get an egg, bring it back. in one of your travels, something happens, something unexpected: you meet someone. they’re charming, kind. when you tell them about your gift, their eyes light up. they believe you. you trust them fast.
you don’t see them often, but when you do, it’s incredible. you think they might be something special. you want them to be something special.
then, that night. you’re not sure what happened. everything is a haze; you’d been feeling like that for hours, feeling wrong. they were aggressive. they wanted something. and that fog, the one that had only flickered to life once every few years, was returning. for a moment, you knew nothing. and then you knew blood. the taste of iron, the way it stuck to your fingers. they’d stabbed you. surely, they had; there was no one else in your home, no blood but yours staining your floors.
your father is the one that finds you by a stroke of fate. takes you to a healer. you live, but something in you dies. 
if you ever see them again, they will wish they’d finished you off with the killing curse instead.
twenty three.
you’re back in wizarding london. it’s been years. technically, you’re here for work - “the macfusty’s have to have a hebridean black egg, sihyeon; do well and find us one.” - but you seem to have fallen right into a budding war. you don’t want anything to do with it. you will go in, get an egg, and get out before anything terrible happens. 
hogwarts friends / enemies / bullies  ––  for, um, obvious reasons, sybill wasn’t terribly popular at school. i’m literally down for anything from hogwarts, from close friends who drifted after her mother died to people who terrorized her for making prophecies and being a “false seer”, to those she finessed with her you’re going to die in a week-type proclamations.
THE STABBY STAB  ––  so when i was coming up with this i very much wanted sybill to be stabbed instead of cursed bc a) stabbing is something that can be So Personal and b) it’s more of a muggle thing, and it’s fitting for someone who does often to things the “odd”/muggle way to find her ( almost ) end in the same way. i really..... don’t have much else for this connection; the way i visualized it, this person was probably looking for a seer for Some Reason, and whatever sybill told them during her vision - bc she did have a Real Prophecy that night - it wasn’t something they wanted to hear. or something they wanted to get out. sybill definitely had romantic feelings for them, but this obviously didn’t need to be reciprocated - the relationship could’ve been 100% platonic. does this character regret The Stab ? did they kind of want her to live ? are they prepared for the suplex she’ll give them On Sight ? 
ruin me, ruin us, and i’ll let you  ––  this is, incredibly enough, not a romantic connection. i mentioned in my now-deleted gonetalk post that i love platonic soulmates; this is that. whether they connected instantly or they had to slowly get accommodated to each other, i want someone to have an Unbreakable Bond with sybill. they don’t have to already be friends, maybe it slowly happens, but eventually they’d both do anything for each other. if u have read the poppy war series, yes this is very much a wc based off of rin and kitay, those are the Vibes i’m going for.
this town’s only big enough for one cowboy  ––  I DON’T THINK THERE’S ONE YET BUT IF U ARE PLANNING A SECOND CHARACTER..... . .. picture this: someone who’s a seer who is actually competent, and can actually prophesize well instead of Whenever The Inner Eye Wants To. the jealousy ! the rivalry ! the mocking ! the shame ! GIVE IT TO ME NOW....
family friends ? family ? cousins ?  ––  i have sybill’s family being purebloods up to her, so i’d imagine she has a few distant family members or family friends running around ?  i imagine her father runs in pro-death eater circles but isn’t one so !
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
All these DILF posts are really hot and so we'll written sjadjs but now I'm not able to get the idea of a fem!reader secretly dating Lisa Lisa whilst being best friends with Joseph and Caesar out of my head 😩😩
yessss i was honestly thinking about this the other day and then this ask popped up! perfect! i did stray away from the secret dating part… but i hope this is still enjoyable! ♥
a bit of an au, in which the hamon training arc lasts much longer and without such dire circumstances — caesar and joseph have stuck to your side since they met you at the local market when you helped them end a fight. since then, they’ve been stuck to you like glue whenever they’re not training with who they refer to as their “fitness instructor.” well. whatever she’s doing has both of them looking amazing, but you’d always been drawn to other women… 
18+ under the cut. age difference cw. both parties are consenting adults!
The second you laid eyes upon Lisa Lisa, you’d thought that Caesar and Jojo had been lying about their “fitness instructor” being 50. Lisa Lisa was drop-dead gorgeous with a body to die for — it was as if she came straight out of a fashion magazine, but better. Not only that, she was whipsmart, according to your best friends, and incredibly tough. Lo and behold, she was 50. It was explained away by Jojo that she simply took care of herself… Well, whatever it was, you certainly weren’t complaining.
Needless to say, you were head over heels. It was unlikely that Lisa Lisa would ever look at you, you thought. You were a young woman, not some handsome gentleman that you assume she’d be interested in. Jojo, as brash as he is, notices immediately how red your face gets and the way you shy away from Lisa Lisa’s stern gaze. 
He prods and pokes until he gets it out of you that, yes, perhaps you do fancy women! Is it such a problem? Jojo, to your relief, has no qualms about who you may be attracted to — he just wants to know the dirty details. Caesar, though he shamefully admits it, is also invested into your little crush. They may pout a bit that they’re not the ones you’re falling for, but they’re going to help you. Or try to, anyway.
That’s how you find yourself nervously stood beside Joseph and Caesar at Lisa Lisa’s house for dinner. It was a private affair, with a few others that worked to train the boys and a cute blonde girl that you came to know as Suzi Q. And somehow Joseph managed to seat you right next to Lisa Lisa, who gave you a little red-lipped smile that had your heart fluttering. 
And then without even noticing, the table is down to Lisa Lisa and you as you both sip slowly at your glasses of wine — she’s giggling freely and it’s so adorable on someone as beautiful and strong as her that you can barely stand it. God, you want to kiss her. Lisa Lisa is more observant than you could ever hope to understand and the next thing you know, her lips are ghosting across yours, parting to ask if she can kiss you.
Yes, yes, a million times yes — her lips press against yours gently but it’s not long before you’re kissing each other hungrily, her red lipstick smearing across your own bare lips. When Lisa Lisa lifts her head you want to whine, but you just watch as she easily smiles and promises you that next time, you’ll have all night for yourselves. Not a moment later Joseph bursts through the dining room walkway and asks if there are leftovers. You’re bright red and very obviously smudged with Lisa Lisa’s lipstick. Joseph just shouts out an enthusiastic ‘yes’ before scrambling off. 
Lisa Lisa has you over the very next night to continue where the two of you left off — and fuck was it worth the wait. Lisa Lisa’s mouth on your burning skin feels like heaven, and the way that she licks and kisses at your neck is just right. You’ve never been with a woman but it’s like Lisa Lisa knows all the right places to lick and touch — and then her mouth finds its way to your breasts and you can’t control the very loud moan that falls from your lips when she takes one of your nipples into her mouth. 
You try to protest all her attention on you — you want to make her feel good, too. She only winks, though, and slides down to your dripping sex before she has you shaking so hard she has to hold you down by your thighs. That’s four orgasms, by the time she lifts her head, still dressed.
Lisa Lisa asks if you feel good if you’re enjoying this before she primly smiles and mentions she knows this is your first time with a woman. She’ll take it as slow as you need, but she has many things she can show you. Lisa Lisa is so beautiful that you can barely think, but you nod eagerly and she grins (oh my, it looked exactly like Jojo’s smile…) before she slowly eases a finger into your sensitive sex.
You don’t know what the hell she’s doing but it feels incredible — one finger quickly turns to two and it feels like there’s a pleasant vibration. You don’t know how it’s possible but it’s hard to think with how good it feels. 
There are too many orgasms to count, by the time Lisa Lisa is finished, and you’re barely coherent in the best of ways. You weakly whine when she sends you home for the night, having not got to touch her at all, but she clicks her tongue and tells you that there will be time for that next time.
And that’s how you end up as another ‘student’ of Lisa Lisa’s. Your training, you’re sure, is far more pleasurable than anything else Caesar and Joseph have to do. Lisa Lisa teaches you with a stern gentleness that sets your core aflame and has your thighs clenching together whilst you listen to her instructions. 
Your rewards, when you please her just as she taught you, always leave you crying out her name and shaky for hours afterward. It’s not just the sex, either. Lisa Lisa is wonderful to talk to and spend time with — you feel a bit silly, compared to her, but her teases are only gentle and not meant to hurt if you ever say something off-the-cuff.
There’s a little thrill in knowing that no one knows about your relationship. Joseph has been told that it was just a silly tipsy kiss. You and Lisa Lisa sneak away for hidden moments — your face under her skirt as you lick at her, her fingers wet with your slick as she fingerfucks you in a hidden corner. 
Lisa Lisa prefers to rub herself against you to take the two of you to orgasm, but when there’s time, she fucks you. You’d never known a woman could do this or that ‘toys’ existed… But apparently, Lisa Lisa did. You too prefer the feel of her sex against your own, but there’s something great about being fucked on all fours by her while she pulls your hair and tells you what a good girl you’re being.
It’s by accident that Caesar overhears the two of you one day… Well, you. Lisa Lisa had surprised you by wearing the strap-on and had taken you against the wall, fucking into you with a strength that made your mind so hazy you didn’t even think to conceal your moans. Caesar, in his concern, had burst through the door without thinking to find you completely nude and being fucked into by a mostly dressed Lisa Lisa.
Well. A secret with Caesar doesn’t stay a secret long, and by the end of the night, Joseph is pestering you for details about your relationship with their instructor. It’s just your luck that Lisa Lisa catches them nagging you and assigns them some training that has Joseph about to burst out in tears. Before she leaves to make sure they follow through properly, she throws a wink in your direction. 
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amicablestone · 4 years
Day 12: Solidarity and Sisterhood (not so little part 1)
From the yard behind the Hakurei shrine came the faintest tinkling of bells, followed by a loud thump.
“I think you did a little better that time” said Reimu in her best attempt at supportive.
“That was because I jumped” said Kosuzu in a heap in front of a small step ladder.
“Well, next time jump harder.”
“You know,” Kosuzu propped herself up by her arms, “I was pretty excited when you said you where going to teach me how to fly, but now it almost feels like you're just making fun of me.”
Reimu offered a hand to help her up, “I’m sorry, but there really isn’t much for me to teach. The way it feels is different for everybody, so there’s nothing for it but to just keep trying until you find the way the works for you.”
“Right...” Kosuzu sounded skeptical as she climbed the ladder again.
“I’m serious. I don’t think of anything but Marisa thinks of everything: ‘wind speed’ and ‘air resistance’ and ‘humidity’ and ‘ground topography’ and a hundred other little things that even she admits don’t make any sense.”
“You don’t think anything?” Kosuzu asked balanced precariously on top of the step ladder.
She nodded, “I just ignore the ground and float away. Watch.” she closed her eyes and held her arms out to her sides. Slowly, she started to rise into the air.
Despite the bruises this exercise was definitely going to give her, Kosuzu had to admit that it was just about the coolest thing she had ever seen. She was still a little annoyed though. “Earth! Down Ground!”
Reimu opened her eyes with a smirk about a meter off the ground. “Nice try, but I’ve been doing this for longer than you’ve been walking. It’ll take more than that to trip me up.”
Kosuzu clicked her tongue in mock disappointment, “Worth a shot.” After a moment's hesitation, she closed her eyes, copied Reimu’s pose, tried to clear her mind, took a breath, and stepped into the air.
Somehow, she stayed there.
She wasn’t ignoring the ground but she wasn’t thinking about its topography either. There was definitely something darting around the back of her head, something intimately familiar, nostalgic even, yet she couldn’t quite make it out. She tried to grab it, to make it clear, but the instant it came into focus it disappeared, and she fell flat on her face.
Reimu rushed to her side and helped her sit up. “You had it!”
“I lost it! I have no idea what I did and I didn’t even break my fall and … and …” she snorted back tears “… and that really hurt.”
“Oh, let me look at you.” Reimu cooed sympathetically, she gently held Kosuzu’s chin to better see her cheek, which was covered in dirt and had started to bleed. “Come on, let’s get this cleaned up.”
As they walked to the nearby well, Reimu noticed a small dark shape in the sky, “I think we picked a perfect time for a break anyway. It looks like your next instructor is on her way.”
The first thing Marisa did when she landed was pull out props, so after Kosuzu had her wound washed and bandaged, she found herself sitting on a small stool holding a truly ancient slate (and no chalk) facing Marisa, who stood behind a rickety-looking lectern.
Both of Marisa’s arms where posed dramatically holding the sides of the podium. “The first thing you need to know about magic,” she began, “is that it’s impossible.
“The thing that unites the things that I do, that Reimu does, that you do, and that the folks in the outside world do,” as she spoke she made an all-encompassing gesture with one hand, and without the support that side the lectern fell away, “is the fact that a person should not be able to do them.
“So how do you do the impossible? There are several methods, but the easiest is to find something you are so good at that you can use it to punch through the limitations of the world!
“Whether it’s an inherited trait, a learned skill, or a mastered magical item, it’s the seed from which your powers grow. When you hear people talking about their ‘ability’ this is generally what they mean.”
Kosuzu raised her hand, feeling only a little bit silly.
“Yes, you in the front.” Marisa pointed with her other hand, letting the rest of the lectern collapse.
“Akyuu told me that ‘abilities’ are self-reported and don’t really mean anything.”
At this point, Marisa abandoned the ruins of the lectern and started meandering around the yard. “That’s ‘cause they are and they don’t, ‘least not to anyone but the person doing the reporting.”
She settled on a rock not far from her pupil, “The truth is that most magic-users end up drawing power from a whole ton of different sources, but it’s important to think of them all as one thing, whatever form that ‘thing’ ends up taking.” She taped her temple, “A lot of magic boils down to perspective and what mental space your in.”
Kosuzu shifted awkwardly on her stool until they where facing each other, “So you’re saying nobody will be able to give me a straight answer on what I’m supposed to do.”
“Well, that isn’t strictly true; if you’re speaking generally,” Marisa scratched the back of her neck contemplatively, “us magicians have the right perspective to teach our kind magic, but it takes a real long time, plus you already have your own ability coloring the way you see magic. Even if I taught you everything I know you probably couldn’t use any of it.”
Kosuzu sighed, “Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to read whatever I want but I don’t think my ability is suited for flying around and shooting youkai”
“You might be surprised, but if you’re feeling stuck you could always go back to the source of your ability and see if you can squeeze something else from it.”
“The source?” Marisa’s list hadn’t included ‘just something you woke up with one day.’
Marisa shrugged, “Could have been anything: a drop of youkai blood in your family tree, exposure to something arcane, maybe you managed to preform the right ritual in your dreams. Figuring out what it was could be useful even if it doesn't end up giving you a free power-up,” she glanced at the position of the sun, “though maybe we should call that homework. You’re supposed to be at work soon and Reimu and me have a hootenanny to prepare for.”
With Marisa’s help, Kosuzu made it back to Suzunaan with time to spare, not that it mattered much, traffic was low in the best of times and with the harvest going on nobody was going to be borrowing books. Since she was hoping to have to explain her plaster to as few people as possible, Kosuzu was willing to count that as a blessing today.
It was late in the afternoon when the familiar face of the day’s first customer walked in. More accurately, the customer was familiar but it had actually been a while since Kosuzu had seen that particular face.
“You’re certainly here early Miss...” she cut herself off at the last second.
Mamizou Futatsuiwa put a playful finger up to the lips of her human disguise, “There’s nothing more boring than keeping normal hours, deary, and I happen to have an important date tonight.”
“Oh, are you going to Reimu’s party?”
Mamizou visibly deflated from loss of mystique as she approached the counter, “And how do you know about that, little lady? More importantly, what happened to your face?!”
Kosuzu shrunk back, suddenly self-conscious, “It’s nothing, I just fell playing by the wall.”
“Little old to be gamboling about, aren't we?”
“Um, mind writing that one down?” Kosuzu laughed nervously.
Mamizou leaned forward just enough to be intimidating, “I appreciate the effort, but you’d have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on me, so cut the horsefeathers and tell me who scuffed my favorite little bell.”
Kosuzu put her hands up in a mild panic. She remembered what had happened when Mamizou found out she’d been having trouble with a bully, the poor kid’s family was still cleaning out tanuki fur. “It’s nothing like that! Reimu and Marisa have been teaching me to fly and I just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.”
Mamizou leaned back, seemingly satisfied, “Earning your wings, eh? How’s that working out for you? Beyond the marring I mean.”
“Honestly? It feels like the whole thing was designed specifically to make asking questions and getting meaningful answers back impossible.”
“That’s definitely the way of it, sometimes,” Mamizou nodded sagely, “but I have an ear if you have the inclination.”
She thought for a moment, “I guess the main thing that’s puzzling me is that Marisa said doing things like that would be an extension of my ability, but I was able to fly for a second and it didn’t feel like that at all. It was more like someone was helping me, someone I knew but couldn’t recognize for some reason.” She looked at Mamizou, “It wasn’t you, was it?”
The bake-danuki laughed, “You got me! Giving folks invisible piggyback rides and then dropping them on there faces has always been how I got my kicks! Japes aside, I’d recommend taking everything that witch says with a grain of salt, a magician can look at just about anyone and see a failed magician.”
Kosuzu groaned, “There’s that word again. The way I ‘see’ it everyone else ‘sees’ exactly where they need to go and who they need to be, but what if what I ‘see’ right now is all I ever will?”
Mamizou ruffled the girl’s hair in a way that would have been demeaning coming from anybody but her, “Listen here, Suzy, and I’ll let you in on a little secret: growing up is all one giant confidence trick. If anyone looks like they know what they’re doing, they’re putting on a show, myself included.
“Once upon a time, I was just a mangy little thing that could only think about getting enough food for winter, and now I’m here having the time of my life surrounded by friends and family, things I quite literally could not have dreamed of before. That wasn’t a plan, I didn’t have a map, I just kept putting one paw in-front of another.
“Look, your peepers are mighty special but they’re not your be-all-end-all, and they’re not why we’re behind you. Me, and Marisa, and Reimu, and the whole gang are all thinking the same thing: that you can do anything you set your mind to. That’s not a matter of perspective, it’s a cold, hard, fact.”
Kosuzu had her eyes squarely on the counter and was blushing furiously, “Thank you Miss Mamizou... I think I needed to hear that.”
Mamizou held her head up high, “Always happy to help. Now then,” she reached into her pocket for what was only probably a bundle of leaves, “about my overdues...”
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goatpaste · 2 years
I beleive in suzie q that knows SOME hamon. Like I cannot imagine them having her stationed there without basic training and just having her be a liability and unsafe by herself ever
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otonymous · 5 years
Burnt Cake & Bitter Tea (SLBP Kyoichiro)
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Description:  Jealousy and miscommunication make for a sweet confession from Kyoichiro Warnings:  None! Word Count:  1466 words (~7 mins of fluff) Author’s Notes:  This story is set in the time before Kyoichiro and his MC have fully solidified their relationship.  Hope you all enjoy this read! AO3:  Read here
Tagging: @duerme07: Here is the fic about Tsuki MC being a bad cook, as promised.  It would mean the world to me if you remember this story the next time you’re waiting in an obscenely long 7-Eleven checkout line 😆
@dear-mrs-otome: who I know appreciates Kyoichiro as much as I do!
Tagging other lovely readers: @fieryanmitsu, @suzi-q-uinn, @kitty-kat-ty, @friedchikyorice, @whalebubblez, @selenecrawford, @kitsune-mana, @azuchi-princess, @classy-mc
All characters & SLBP owned by Voltage Inc.
“What…is that?”
Kyoichiro slips his kiseru pipe from his obi, bringing up one end to prod at the charred mass before him.
“Castella.”  MC replies brightly, hoping his sharp eyes wouldn’t notice the increasingly firm set of her jaw.  “You liked it so much the last time we were at Kiyosu Castle, I thought I would make it for you.”
Kyoichiro blinks a few times in disbelief.  
“Yes, well, that was indeed castella and edible.  This looks like something that’s destined for the garbage heap.  Please, do us both a favour and don’t overexert yourself by experimenting in the kitchen.  Not everyone has the good fortune to have a cook capable of making European sweets like Lord Nobunaga.”
MC’s eye twitches at his mention of her.  “You’re not even going to try it?”
“I think not.  Isn’t it enough that I already eat your Nanban Reuri?   Even you couldn’t whip up a stomach remedy strong enough to deal with the aftermath of eating that.”
MC moves to snatch the plate from beneath Kyoichiro’s scrutinizing gaze, sliding the shoji doors shut behind her with such force the walls tremble.
“Hey!  You’re liable for any damages if you tear the house down!”  
His voice chases after her receding footsteps, stomping towards the kitchen, before he wonders aloud to no one in particular, “What in the world has gotten into her?”
MC scrapes the fruit of her misguided labour into the trash, embarrassment blooming in crimson shades on her cheeks.  Why did she have to throw a fit in front of Kyoichiro and behave like a petulant child who didn’t get her way?  Certainly, if she was trying to gain his affections and get him to notice her the way he noticed Lord Nobunaga’s beautiful cook, this was the wrong way to go about it.
Thoughts of their last trip to Kiyosu Castle swirl about her head as she bends over the wash basin, absentmindedly running her hands over the dirty dishes.  Lord Nobunaga’s cook was young, beautiful and female, looking fresh as a flower in spring when she breezed into the main hall to serve tea and the castella she was so adept at making.  From the way Nobunaga gazed at her, it was clear that she was held in much higher esteem than a mere cook in her lord’s heart and mind.  That much was expected.
What wasn’t expected was the way Kyoichiro’s eyes followed her every move.
“Jerk!  I hope you get captured by Iga!”  
A tidal wave of soapy water spills onto the floor as MC’s fists pound the surface of the grimy pool.  And in her mind, she knows she is being silly, but all the same, the tight coil of anger in her gut starts to unwind as she sets about cleaning up the mess, sheepishly muttering,
“Just kidding.”
Ishikawa Goemon made his rounds at lightning speed that night, having another mission lined up after his usual house calls.  An exhausted Raita dragged his feet home before surrendering and falling asleep on the tatami in the middle of the room.  Kyoichiro carefully picked up the recumbent fox and tucked him into bed before creeping off to MC’s room, still donning the disguise of his alter ego.
For the past few days, she had locked herself away in her chambers immediately after supper, not emerging until serving breakfast the next morning.  Days at the shop weren’t much better either, with her keeping their interactions to the bare minimum needed to run the business.  As much as Kyoichiro hated to admit it, her cold shoulder treatment was slowly but surely killing him.  Clearly, something was wrong, but he had no idea as to what and she refused to divulge her reasons when questioned.  Tonight, however, he was determined to find out.  
Kyoichiro had stalked past her room on previous evenings when he noticed her lantern lit long after the time she should have been asleep.  Pressing his ear to the door, he heard the faint mumbling of her voice amidst the sounds of brush on paper.  “What is she doing?” He had wondered, suddenly concerned that her drastic change in behaviour was related to these novel nocturnal activities.
Nothing could have prepared him for what he discovered from his hiding spot in the ceiling.
“So what if I’m bad at cooking?  No one ever died from eating bland, unevenly chopped food that may be slightly overcooked.  You know what people DO die of?  Not having the right medicine on hand — THAT will do you in!  Sorry if I can’t cook.  Guess I’ll just have to make up for it by saving some lives then, stupid Kyoichiro!”
He bites down hard on the inside of his cheek to suppress the laughter that would have given him away had MC not been so absorbed in her journalling, slowly voicing her thoughts as her brush flew up and down the page.  Kyoichiro mentally chastises himself, thinking he could no longer afford to point out her inadequacies as a shinobi without being hypocritical.
“I bet if I were beautiful and sophisticated like Lord Nobunaga’s cook from Kyoto, he would’ve crammed the entire castella cake into his mouth without a second thought, burnt or not.  Can it be helped that my fate dictated that I be born not only a shinobi, but a fugitive one at that?  I am a country bumpkin by necessity!  What I wouldn’t have given to poke his eyes back into their sockets.  With the way he stared at her, I’m sure all types of lewd thoughts ran through his mind…”
“Oh, for the love of all the gods…the bumpkin’s got it all wrong!”  Kyoichiro sighs inwardly, the situation finally dawning on him.  Admittedly, he had been completely enamoured during their audience with Nobunaga, but the object of his affection was not the lord’s cook, but rather the tea caddy that never left her side.  
Lord Nobunaga had been testing him that day, ostentatiously serving them tea and castella as a superficial token of gratitude for the rare European clock Kyoichiro presented him with.  Though unassuming in its appearance, the Tsukumonasu tea caddy was a priceless treasure that daimyos would readily part from their domains for, and only true experts would be able to recognize its worth at a glance.  
Kyoichiro had heard talk that Nobunaga was starting to utilize prized teaware in his diplomatic negotiations.  If he was truly a merchant of worth, Kyoichiro would prove indispensable in helping Nobunaga amass his collection, given his extensive travels and contacts with other wealthy merchants and lords.  To that end, the daimyo of Owari kept his sharp eyes trained on Kyoichiro, seeking not only his recognition of the Tsukumonasu tea caddy, but also the merchant’s receptivity to be complicit in his plan.
Caught up in calculating the risks and benefits of the proposition, Kyoichiro hadn’t noticed MC’s increasingly sullen expression as she watched bite after bite of castella disappear past his lips.    
Finally slipping from MC’s room in the early morning hours, Ishikawa Goemon heaves a heavy sigh as he pulls on Kyoichiro’s robes.  He makes his way to the kitchen, anxiously rehearsing the lines he knows he will have to recite when dawn comes.
“You know, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my travels, I think I really prefer country bumpkins to big city girls.”
MC’s hand flies up to cover her mouth as she almost spits out her breakfast, the other reaching for her tea to chase down errant grains of rice in her throat.  She levels her eyes at Kyoichiro, who continues to talk without ever meeting her gaze, a gentle shade of pink suffusing his cheeks as his chopsticks dip gracefully in and out of his bowl.
“If anyone were to ask, I’d say those country girls are handier to have around.  Sure, they may not know much about the latest fashions or how to properly apply rouge, but they’ve probably had to do everything themselves, lacking the conveniences of living in a city.”
“Since you are of the opinion that I have half a brain, please kindly enlighten me as to where exactly you are going with this?”  MC says, brows furrowed in suspicion as she moves to set down her bowl and chopsticks.
Kyoichiro follows suit before reaching a hand down to retrieve a plate from beneath the table.  He finally meets her gaze as he slides it in her direction, sheepishly saying: “I would rather live to eat another day’s worth of burnt food than die without your medicine.”
MC looks at the peace offering, feeling ridiculously happy at the sight of the castella Kyoichiro made with his own hands, just as misshapenly charred as the one she had baked for him days ago.  
Thanks for reading!  More stories available here! 💖
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gamegrumpiess · 6 years
I was listening to Sleepwalk by Renee Olstead, and I had this idea.
Grump: Danny (from now on, most will be Danny. Unless you request someone else, which I will be happy to do!)
Btw! I'm this plot, Renee didn't write the lyrics. You did! She isn't even a singer in this universe. Just a heads up.
Y/n's POV
I can't sleep tonight. It's been a month since me and Danny broke up, but I can't help but still mourn our relationship. It was mutual, at least that's what he thinks. I would've never called it off. I was so in love with him. I still am. We told the fans, and they were pretty supportive in what we did. A lot of them were really sad, as was I. Danny is a singer just like me. I do silly songs just like him. But he encouraged me to do a cover album or a cover song. I did one album, Cover Me Up was the name. It got a lot of love, which I am very proud of.
I turn on my phone to check the time. 4:23 am. The bold numbers shine at me in front of Danny's face. I couldn't bring it to myself to change my screensaver. It's not like anyone's gonna see. I miss him a lot, every night gets harder than the last. He was my world. I've known him since senior year of high school, he was a huge part of my life. And now... That's no more. He's probably living his best life. Being Danny Sexbang and all. He probably has girls flying at his feet, throwing him their panties and offering 'the night of his life'. I understand I might be over thinking, but I can't help it. He was mine, and now he's out there doing who knows what. I let a few stray tears fall down ontou pillow. It's so lonely here at night now. I love what I do, singing, dancing, having fun. It was just so much more amazing when I had someone to share it with.
I lay my head back a stare at the ceiling. I need to distract myself, so I reach for my headphones and plug them in, looking for my Oldies playlist. I click on it and the song that comes on is Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny. Listening to the slow beat and light guitar, I cry even more. Just my luck, huh? I can't just lay here, I really should get up and something. Writing usually helps me calm down. That's when I get an idea for a song, it's a bit sad and people will know exactly who its about. But maybe that's what needs to happen. My feelings should be out there. And if something goes wrong, I'll accept the outcomes.
I pull up my pen and notebook and just start writing.
"Sleepwalk, instead of dreamin' I
Cause' I lost you and now, what am I to do?
Can't believe that we're through.
Sleep talk. Cause' I miss you, I sleep talk.
While the memories of you wither like a soul.
Darling I was so low.
The night fills me with blame. I see your face, tears through my brain.
I know I miss you so. I still love you, drives me insane.
Sleepwalk. Every night I just sleepwalk. Please come back, and when you walk inside the door, I will sleepwalk no more."
I immediately went to my computer set up and staring out my own little version of Sleepwalk. More of like a piano and violin cover, rather than guitar and drum. Once I had it to where I wanted the beat and rhythm, I pulled up my microphone and started singing away.
Danny's POV
This morning was the worst. I couldn't sleep at all, I've been up since 3:30 am. I guess I haven't really gotten used to sleeping by myself. Without y/n's body near mine, it's hard to even get tired. I do miss her. A lot actually. I know it was my idea to call off the relationship, but I was scared of what would happen if I didn't have enough time for her. I have game grumps, starbomb, and ninja sex party. She deserves someone who has all the time in the world to give her all the attention she deserves. When we told the fans, I didn't expect them to be so sad. I even lost a handful of fans because of it. She agreed, but I knew her better. She was on the verge of tears when she left. She was trying to be strong so I wouldn't see that side of her, but I know better than that. When she left I broke down. Gripped and clawed at my hair, cried on the edge of the bed, wondering if I had made the right choice. I big-huge part of me was telling myself I didn't.
My phone buzzes, and I see its a text from Arin.
When you get here I need to show you something.
Oh what fresh hell does he have to subject my eyes to. Last time he said that, I had to watch 12 Days Of Elves... Don't ask.
I finally arrived at the Grump Space. I see everyone in their usual area. Ryan and Matt at the computers, Ross and Barry in the kitchen making coffee, and the only other people here this early is Arin and me. Everyone else usually is a little late. "Thank god you're finally here. You haven't felt your phone buzzing?" I give him a confused look. "Other than you texting me, no. You know I have notifications turned off for my social media. What's going on?" He turns on the computer in front of us. "You should hear this before anything. I promise you, it's important." I roll my eyes. "This better not be some stupid shit, Arin!" I say with a light laugh. He shook his head, and I knew from the look in his eyes that this was in fact important.
Once the computer was fully on, he went to YouTube. Looking up y/n's name, I felt my stomach turn. Did she have a new boyfriend? Was she sick? Did she die?! I understand that last one is a bit of a long shot, but I tend to over think a lot.
A video was uploaded at 7:00 am this morning? "' sleepwalk? ' isn't that an old song?" I say confused. But I'm not all that surprised. She always did love the oldies. He nods his head. "She added her own lyrics and tune to it. And I think you should hear it." I nodded and put on some earphones, pushing play on the video. Her voices comes on, and it feels so amazing to hear her voice again. Even if it is just an intro in a YouTube video.
"Hello everyone. I had this idea for a song at like 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, so I made this. I hope you like it..."
The video fades to black and then it shows her at her little office space she has in her room. The music starts up, and at this point I notice her eyes. They're a little red and slightly puffy. She did a good job covering it up, but I've known her since senior year. She can't hide that from me.
She sings softly yet with so much passion and emotion. The lyrics sink in, and I know why Arin wanted to hear this. Its about me. I scroll down to look at the description and comments, and they all say things along the lines of 'I fucken sad now.' 'Wow, Danny really did a number on her' 'DANNY YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS SHIT!' 'This makes me so sad because she literally couldn't sleep thinking about him... Danny get your girl back!' 'Damn that made me tear up... '
After the video ended, I look at my phone. Y/n's face still smiles at me from behind the screen. I didn't want to change it, I couldn't do it. I felt several tears hit my leg, I didn't even realize i was crying. "Hey Dan, are you okay?" Arin puts his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "No... I'm not at all." I open up Twitter and see thousands of notifications to nsp and game grumps. All of which telling me to see what I just saw. I stood up slowly, feeling a little disappointed in myself. How could I let her walk out of my life so easily...?
Y/n's POV
After I posted the video, I decided I should really try to get some sleep. Especially since thousands of people will blow up my phone later on. Once in bed again, I tried to think of all the possibilities and outcomes of this. It could either go really well, or go really horribly bad. I guess we'll just have to see.
I wake up several hours later to my phone ringing. The sky is still a little bright to I assume it's not that late. 'Suzy <3' shines up at me. I smile, me and her always stayed quite close. "Hello?" I try to run the sleep out of my eyes. "Hey, are feeling okay? I heard your song, and I know it's about Dan. How are you, hun?"
It means a lot that she's not just calling about GET HIM BACK! She just wants to know if I'm okay. "Honestly? I feel so empty. Luckily today is just a lazy day so I don't have to adult today. But still.... I feel lost." I hear her sigh, "I know, y/n. It sucks. But you have me! And I'm way better than Danny!" She says jokingly. "Damn right you are! I'll call you a bit later when I'm more awake, okay?" We say our goodbyes and I sit up more in bed. I take a quick look at my notification bar and just as I expected, its blowin up. 'When will I stop being a pussy?' My thoughts we're interrupted by several rings of my doorbell.
Without looking through the peephole I open the door, only to see a certain curly haired man standing on my doorstep. "Danny? What are you doing here?" His eyes are glazed over and puffy as if he had just finished crying. He looked down. "I.... I heard your song. Was it... Was it about me? I'm sorry, I just need to know. I couldn't focus at all today during work. And on my way home, I just couldn't take it anymore. I have to know." My anxiety goes up a long shot. My eyes looking at everyone but him. "Y/n... I need to know." I slowly nod my head, still avoiding his eyes. "May I come in? I think we should talk.." I scoot to the side to let him in. "I'm sorry if I caused a lot of drama. I just thought... It would be better if I just made it into a song rather than.. Just telling you." I confessed. He grabbed my shoulders. "Don't be sorry, y/n. When we broke up, and you left. I broke down. I couldn't handle the fact that I just let you go.. I'm sorry."
"Then why did you do it? Why wait so fucking long to come to my house?! Why hurt me this bad, leaving me all alone when all I wanted was you! I hated knowing that YOU let me just walk out. And you looked like you... Like you didn't even give a shit..." I couldn't help it. I let all my emotions explode on him. "Why do you think I did?! Y/n, you deserve someone who has the time for you, who will give you all the attention in the world. Someone who will GIVE you the world! I want nothing more than to have you back again, but you don't deserve someone like me! I love with all my soul, hell, I'd give up everything for your dumbass! I didn't say anything till now because I thought you'd be mad, and I thought you'd moved on, hated me even!" He was standing pretty close to me by now. "Well no shit I'd be mad! You think I don't deserve you? Bullshit! You've already given me the world and more! Don't think that I don't understand about your job because I do the same fucking thing!!! I know it's hard, but I was willing to work even harder because I love you more than life itself! I deserve you just like you deserve me!" He rolled his eyes. "You're fucking gorgeous! You can have any man you want! What the hell is so special about me?" I got in his face once again, "because you are so much better than any other man I've met! We've known each other for YEARS and you think I'd just give all that up?! What kinda drugs are you on, Dan? Do you think I'm that fucken dumb? I haven't slept in weeks because it feels so horrible not having you next to me. That's some bullshit to say that I can have any man I want. I want YOU, dipshit!" I couldn't help it, I fell to my knees, shaking from trying to hold back tears. How he say that I didn't deserve him? He was my world, he still is my world. Nothing will change that.
He walks to me, and sits on the floor with me. I feel his arms wrap around me, and I lean into his chest. "I'm sorry.. I loved you more than anything. I still do. Can you please give me another chance..? Now, I won't ever think you don't deserve me. I won't think anything like that. You mean the world to me, y/n. Please don't forget that." I look up at him, seeing his eyes filled with new tears. "Well duh, how can i say no to this face?" I grab his cheeks and smush them together and laugh. "I love you too, Danny." He smiled and leaned in and gave me a much needed kiss.
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helmes-deep · 6 years
Prompt: Sue makes Sean a Christmas gift (a kind of cheesy one, like a scarf or something like it), while Sean buys her a really nice Christmas gift. She feels bad for not getting him something nicer, but he lets her know that this gift means more to him than anything she could have bought for him, because she worked so hard on it and made it with love.
“Man, that was great!” Sean exclaimed, finishing his meal with a clink of the silverware.
Sue smiled and nodded, also placing her fork onto her finished plate.
“Now, time for the gifts!” Sean said with excitement, rubbing his hands together. From across the table, he gave his girlfriend a big smile.
Sue smiled back. She was excited, too. It was Christmas. She and Sean had been dating for a couple of months now, and they were having their first annual Christmas dinner-date at her and Lexie’s apartment. Christmas had kind of become like this special time for them. It was when they had had their first kiss, realized their feelings for each other, and how their relationship had ultimately grown, quickened pace, picked up momentum, and finally come into being (despite the many, many mix-ups). To celebrate the occasion, they’d first had a nice and delicious candle-lit dinner. Next, they were going to participate in a couple’s gift exchange: they were going to present each other the gifts that they had gotten for one another.
Sue was especially excited for the gift exchange. She couldn’t wait to give Sean her gift. She’d spent hours working on it this past year, starting in the summer and then all throughout the long, fall months. She had struggled with it initially, constantly stressing over its shape and form and frustrated with doing, undoing, and re-doing its knots all over—but the thought of it keeping him warm in the wintertime had kept her going, and come late December, thankfully, she’d finally finished it. It was done, wrapped, and ready to be gifted. She couldn’t wait for Sean to open it; her heart jumped just thinking about the happy, surprised look on his face when he did.
“Okay, Suzy-Q, I’ve got your gift right here!” Sean started. He turned in his chair and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small, square box. Sue’s eyes went up a little upon thinking about the all the kinds of gifts that could possibly fit into such a small-sized container. Her excitement and confidence began to waver as Sean brought it to the table.
“Here we are,” Sean said. He gave her a lively grin as he placed the box before her on the dining room table and between the two glowing candles. “This is for you.”
“O—O—Oh… It all fits into this box?” Sue asked with a growing hint of uncertainty.
“Yup,” Sean nodded. “I was thinking about getting you something else at the same store, but when I saw this, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you and how well it would fit you, Sue.” He smiled at his girlfriend as he gently tapped the box toward her. “Merry Christmas, Suzy-Q.”
Sue offered her boyfriend a nervous, but gracious smile as she carefully picked up the cardboard box. It was small, but not too small—about the size of one’s palm—cream-colored and with pretty gold lining decorating its edges. It even had a nice, golden bow printed cutely across the top. Anxiety, hopefulness, despair, and anticipation all spun around within her as Sue brought the box closer and opened it, peering inside.
Sue gasped. And as she did, her heart sank a little.
“Oooh!” Sue exclaimed, staring with wide, wide eyes at what was in the box. She looked up at her boyfriend with a mix of worry, gratitude, and surprise. “Oh, Sean, it’s… beautiful!”
Sue’s hand went up to reveal a small piece of jewelry—a bracelet—of the jingling, jangling sort. A charm bracelet. It was really quite stunning and beautiful, the small, pretty charms making a soft tinkling noise as they dangled from the band’s elegant silver loops.
Sean eagerly scooted forward. “One of the charms is a cupcake, because of how sweet you are. The smiley-face is to show how close we were as friends before we started dating each other. There’s a unicorn with rainbows on it because I know you love those. A golden heart. And a snowflake to remind you of Christmas…” He looked up, his warm gaze meeting hers as he smiled brightly at her. “And how special we are to one another.”
Sue was speechless. She couldn’t find any words to describe her amazement, wonder, and thanks for her boyfriend’s Christmas present. While she struggled to find the right words to express herself, Sean quickly encouraged her to try on her new gift, so try it on she did.
True to what her boyfriend had previously said, the gift was an exact fit. The bracelet’s chain locked comfortably around her wrist—not too loose, not too tight. The bracelet’s colors and design were just her style. Overly cute, yet also lovely. From the glow of the dinner table, the bracelet’s charms sparkled wonderfully, glistening under the candlelight, and reflected back to Sue just how beautiful, thoughtful, and meaningful the present her boyfriend had just given her was.
The perfect gift.
A feeling of failure and inadequacy had started forming within Sue as she looked to Sean, who was beaming with happy satisfaction from across the table.
“All right, Suzy-Q, you’re next!” her boyfriend said with a wide smile.
Sue hesitated. “Oh word, Sean, I don’t know…” she started nervously. Sean gave her a slightly confused look. Sue attempted to explain. “It’s just that, your gift—it’s… so beautiful! So, so, so beautiful!” Sue gave a nervous laugh as she took another look at the bracelet hanging about her wrist. “Almost too beautiful.” She looked at her boyfriend with concern and worry all over her face, and sighed. “You’re gift is perfect… And mine… just isn’t that great…”
“Aww, don’t worry about it, Suzy-Q; I’m sure I’ll love your gift!” Sean said, shaking his head with assurance. He smiled encouragingly at her.
“Okay… just… don’t get your hopes up too high when you see it,“ Sue said with a little hesitation and warning in her voice. She reached under the table, bringing up white paper bag filled with gold stuffing paper. She placed the bag onto the table in front of her boyfriend before giving a weak smile.
“Oooh, you got a bag and everything! I wonder what it is!” Sean said with a bright grin. Sue replied with a nervous smile as Sean’s hand shuffled through the stuffing paper, searching for the gift that she had so meticulously prepared for him. The unsettling feeling in her stomach grew bigger and bigger, peaking as she heard her boyfriend making a sound of recognition at having found her gift.
“Oh, wow—a scarf!” Sean remarked, pulling from the bag a lengthy and thick piece of cloth. The scarf had clearly been knitted and was a deep red color. It also had a rather stickish, but still recognizable, snowflake design at one end of it. Overall, the scarf wasn’t terribly knitted, perhaps a bit rough-looking around the edges and uneven in some parts, but otherwise it was still a fairly nice, well-enough-woven—and rather plain—Christmas gift. “And… a hat!” Sean exclaimed, pulling out another article of knitted clothing. He smiled widely at his girlfriend. “Awesome!”
The quality of the hat wasn’t too much different from the scarf’s, save for the snowflake design. But it carried the same plain, homemade ordinariness of its yarn-y predecessor. Nothing special or uncommon about it. The completely simple, homely ordinariness of her gift didn’t really hit Sue until she watched her boyfriend try both of the items on, which upon doing so, she realized that her mental sizing of her boyfriend might have been a little off, as the scarf appeared to look a bit thinner than she had anticipated, and the hat fit oddly onto his head, about two sizes too small.
“And hey, look—they both match my gray turtleneck, too!” Sean smiled, pointing to himself.
Sue frowned. “Oh, Sean, I am so, so, sooo sorry!” Sue let out a heavy sigh. “I wanted to give you something really, really special for Christmas, so I thought I’d make you a scarf, but… even though I spent hours working on it… it’s all just hitting me now how stupid and silly the whole idea was…”
Sean gave his girlfriend an inquisitive, genuinely curious look. “You made this?”
Sue nodded pathetically. “I learned to knit—err, tried to—this past summer. That’s how I got this ‘super-great’ idea to knit you something warm for the wintertime in the first place. Probably got a little over-excited about it, like I always do…” She gave her boyfriend a look of pity and disappointment. “I should have bought you something instead, Sean. It would have been a lot, lot nicer.”
Sean’s look of curiosity changed to endearment as his arms reached across the table. “Sue,” he said, taking both of her hands and warmly wrapping her fingers in his. “Your gift is perfect.”
The frown didn’t immediately disappear from Sue’s face, but she did slowly look up to Sean as he continued to explain. “Nice gifts are well, nice, but… I’m glad you didn’t buy me something instead. No one’s ever really made me something before—I mean, well, except for my mom—but besides that, no one’s ever really spent so much time and effort making me something—that was made and meant, especially for me.” Sean held up an end of the scarf that Sue had made for him—the end with the stick-figure snowflake on it. “That means a lot to me, Sue. And I really appreciate all the work and time that went into making this scarf. It makes it a lot more meaningful to me than any gift you could have bought for me at a store, even if it would’ve been a lot nicer. So…”
Sean smiled warmly at Sue, gently squeezing her hands. “Thank you, Sue. This was a really thoughtful and special gift. I love it.”
Sue slowly looked up to meet her boyfriend’s eyes. “… You really mean that?” she asked, voice still filled with some doubt.
“I really mean it. I mean—we can probably do away with the hat—but the scarf…” Sean smiled brightly at his girlfriend. “It’ll definitely keep me warm.”
Happiness, comfort, and excitement returned to Sue as she smiled back at her boyfriend and quietly nodded. He grinned, squeezing her hands one last time.
“Hey,” Sean said, “how about we establish a ground rule for our forthcoming, annual Christmas dinner-dates? That from now on, we won’t feel bad about any of the presents we submit for the gift exchange because it’s the thought—” Sean smiled at Sue. “And the love behind the gift that counts.”
Sue’s smile grew wider. “Agreed,” she replied with happily contented breath.
Sean’s face brigtened up with a smile at his girlfriend’s response. He gently took her hands within his again as he  looked to her from across the table. “Merry Christmas, Suzy-Q.”
“Merry Christmas, Sean,” said Sue.
First fic of 2018 WOOT!! Next one should also be coming soon~ :333 Wanted to get this done since it’s Christmas-sy; probably the last Christmas fic of the series, but not the last winter-themed one :‘33 I also think it’s probably the first time I’ve adhered pretty strictly to the prompt, at least in a while haha. Hope you guys are enjoying the show after it’s come back from the break (wew, what a return episode!!). As always, thanks for all the reads, love, and support so far!! I hope you all had a wonderful Merry Christmas and a lovely New Year~!! 🎊🎉
Send me a prompt and I’ll write a short Sue x Sean fanfic about it leol (closed)
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shiiza-zeppeli · 7 years
Jotaro Headcanon(s)
Okay, so I’m sure everyone who’s watched or read Stardust Crusaders is familiar with the knife scene in the Jotaro vs. Dio fight. After Jotaro gets stabbed and hits the ground, it’s revealed that he stuffed his shirt with magazines, which is what saved him. But I don’t remember him mentioning his hat, not would his hat fit one. Add in the fact that we see blood when a knife hits his hat, and it can be concluded that Jotaro definitely took a knife to the forehead. Which isn’t just something you can shrug off.
So, with that lengthy explanation over, I have this headcanon where Jotaro suffers from pretty bad migraines from the end of Part 3 onwards.
More information on this (additional explanation + fic draft maybe?) under the cut. ((also sorry if this is messy I typed it on my phone at midnight, oops))
I haven’t finished anything past Part 4, so I can’t say if there’s anything in canon that directly contradicts this, but I’m pretty sure it’s completely possible. I’m not an expert in head wounds either, but having an inch+ of steel embedded in your skull doesn’t sound like something a person could do without any side effects, so that’s what I’ve been thinking.
And as for some more headcanons…. I also like to imagine that since Joseph and Polnareff were so badly injured and down by the end of the fight, while Jotaro was still standing, he got shoved to the side when it came to medical care. As in, the SPW concentrated on those two while Jotaro just watched and hoped Joseph would be okay, sitting patiently but still bleeding out. He wouldn’t have taken the magazines out of his shirt before getting picked up, so they’d still be in there as Polnareff and Joseph were getting cared for, soaking up any blood that came out of his stab wounds. Which would exist because if you compare the lengths of the knives with the thickness of the magazines, there’s no way they didn’t stab Jotaro at least a little.
Moving on, Jotaro is sitting there bleeding out while the other two are being fussed over by the SPW, telling anyone who does take the time to notice him that the blood isn’t his, and that it came from Dio’s injuries when the two of them got too close while fighting. It would be a lie that he half believed, half didn’t, but wanted to be true anyway. Three people had already died on him that day, and he didn’t want anyone the mortality rate of his trip to Egypt to climb any higher because the doctors that should have been saving them were occupied with the less injured Jotaro.
The doctors/nurses/whatever would listen to Jotaro’s refusals, since the magazines absorbing his blood meant his shirt didn’t show how much he had bled, and his hat helped hide his head wound. The blood on his face he again attributed to Dio, since the vampire had squirted it with blood from his leg (how it was possible to make blood to that far and with such precision, Jotaro didn’t knoe). Thus, the conclusion was that Jotaro miraculously wasn’t that injured.
It wasn’t until after Joseph woke up and hugged Jotaro that the extent of the teen’s injuries were revealed. Jotaro had been trying his hardest to stay awake and alert while Joseph was out, but he started slipping once the old man woke up. During their hug, Joseph felt the odd angles of the magazines jab into him, and asked Jotaro about it, who told him about them. Joseph then made a silly comment about how it was such a waste of good material and pulled up Jotaro’s shirt, making the magazines tumble out. At this point Jotaro would be too dazed from blood loss to stop Joseph in time, so his hands just kind of shoot toward Joseph’s arm in a delayed reaction, freezing when he sees how bad the scene looks.
Because when the magazines tumble out, they weren’t the white and blues they had originally been, but pinks and reds, with some crusty brown on top. There are gashes in his chest too, ones that he never noticed, but does then. As does Joseph, who starts asking Jotaro about it, but the teen just replies that he thought the magazines had stopped the knives from hitting him, and that he hasn’t felt them in his skin, so he hasn’t noticed.
At this point his words are slurring a bit, and the SPW doctors hear him and start assembling stuff to work on Jotaro because oh god they messed up and it turns out he’s more injured than they thought and what are they going to do it a Joestar dies because they were careless (his last name not actually being Joestar an unimportant thing at the moment, because he has the blood and he has the birthmark and that’s all that matters).
Jotaro then makes a sort of offhand comment that his head hurts or that he has a headache or something, and Joseph immediately takes off his grandson’s hat and rubs his good hand against Jotaro’s head. Not only does he see the blood from the wound left there, but he sees the shine of a blade and gasps. He asks Jotaro about it, to which Jotaro replies that Star Platinum must have knocked the handle/base (whatever it’s called) off when he was blocking the road sign. Which freaks Joseph out, because he has no idea what that means (why would Star Platinum be blocking a road sign?? (because Dio, of course, but Joseph was unconscious/dead/whatever for that)).
Then Jotaro just kind of mutters and passes out on Joseph’s shoulder, sending the old man into a complete panic. His family had a history of dying young, and maybe he had avoided that, but that was probably because he tricked death by having a funeral at age 18, so that didn’t count. And what would he tell Holly if her only son died? Wait, was Holly even okay? Did they kill Dio in time? Did that actually solve the Stand problem? He needed to call Suzy, too, to make sure Holly was still okay….
So then Jotaro becomes the SPW medical team’s top priority and they remove the blade, leaving Jotaro unconscious for a little while, but alive. He eventually wakes up with a pounding headache, one that would be just a taste of the many nights and days to come spent staring at a chart or wall as the world distorted around him and his head felt like it was partying with a sledgehammer.
Loud noises would tend to bring on headaches, as would strong smells and bright lights, so Jotaro would grow even more fond of being alone. And, eventually, the ocean. Sure the water had a slight smell to it, and the hum of whatever machinery ran the boat he was on or the equipment he was using meant he wasn’t always in complete silence, but it was a lot better than while on land. Plus, the ocean could be dark. No bright flashing lights from a nighclub in its middle, and no one holding up a stereo or yelling at their boyfriend floating on its waves (for the most part, that was. Sometimes drunks would find their way into the water, but that usually didn’t happen in places where he studied).
Occasionally his migraines would be bad enough that he’d have to take the day off, but for the most part he could manage. On bad days he’d just take some pain pills and glower his way out of any conversations, succeeding in avoiding confrontations that would aggravate his condition for the most part. His co-workers learned not to ask him what was wrong, either, which was good. Because Egypt was a secret kept between him, his grandfather, and Polnareff. And his mother and grandmother, to an extent (not to mention the SPW), but mainly the three who survived it. And only his grandfather and the foundation knew about the head wound, too. He had never managed to tell his mother about it, because he knew shed worry. Suzy had probably managed to figure something out along the line, but neither he nor Joseph had explicitly told her, so she likely didn’t know the exact details.
And that was the way Jotaro liked it. Migraines were a pain, and he would love to get rid of them, but if they were the price he had to pay for living, he didn’t mind too much.
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sarazanmai · 7 years
Thoughts on the “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” English dub. Episode twenty six.
here we are at the end of all things
I appreciate that Kars is naked in this opening narration
“you dummy that’s lava!”
I just gotta hand it to Joseph
and now Kars legit looks like a Stand
I shall call this Drive
too bad it lasts for like a minute, but we are treated to lovely golden haired Kars
in which Jojo predicted the Michael Jackson “I love this song” meme, one of my personal favorite memes
also Stroheim’s eye piece can do this analysis thing apparently
drink this in, this is the most we ever learn of the pillar people
but if I’m to be honest I don’t think we needed every detail of their existence fed to us, its just that I’m left wondering how they fuck they were even here to start with
“they knew no strife and lived in peace with one another. but then a man with great pride and ambition was born among them!” this is literally “everything changed when Kars attacked”
I like the implication that Kars raised children
so after this knee injury I’m surprised Joseph didn’t have a bum leg on top of being an amputee
I meant it when I said fandom needs to stop ignoring that he’s disabled
“I wonder how do you like the taste of your own medicine?” “AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH” “hmmmm a very articulate reply!”
its a good thing Joseph didn’t drop the red stone, I mean he easily could have and then what?
oh my God they’re playing Sono Chi no Sadame!
“the Force its strong” with this one
I mean if we didn’t see the same thing happen earlier with Wamuu I would call this silly
“how do you always know?” because
“I just got lucky, but thinking I outsmarted him will drive Kars nuts” I love you
I know it makes no sense that this would suck Kars into the vacuum of space and I don’t care, this was a big ending fitting a villain like him
“the air is freezing around me!” joke’s on you because there is no air in space!
be careful not to choke on your ambitions Kars!
“so ended Kars, last and greatest of the Pillar Men. his body turned hard as rock and he floated through space for the rest of time. never to return. he wished for death, but there was nothing out there to kill him. the spark of thought within him went dim and then silent.”
see you space cowboy
like the idea of drifting for eternity with no means of ending it and eventually just ceasing to think is scary, but its exactly what he deserved
oh yeah right Joseph is TOTALLY dead
I am eternally grateful that Araki never made me watch Joseph Joestar die
I always liked how Suzie Q just sashays into a funeral for her own husband who isn’t actually dead
also her earrings are Js how cute
again Joseph is lucky he found a woman of equal intelligence to his
with parents like them I’m impressed Holly turned out like she did
while Suzie nursed him back to health she fed him cherries on a fork that were still attached to their stems, you see what I mean?
“you never sent that telegram like I asked did you!” “ah...I don’t really know”
ah the hand thing, I’d like to think Joseph tried doing it to impress Josuke because it amused Jotaro when he was like five and baby Jolyne and Josuke was all “why is my father like this?”
“aaaah! Suzie Q what the hell!? you had one job woman! ONE JOB!”
“soon after Lisa Lisa, aka Elizabeth Joestar, told Jojo that she was his mother” a scene I really wish we got to see
also at least Erina got to die a peaceful manner knowing her and Jonathan’s struggles were not in vain
“a lifelong bachelor, he left no family behind” and I personally wish he did, I would have loved to see generations of the Speedwagon name and also I just think he deserved a family of his own considering his devotion to Jonathan’s
I am happy that Smokey became a successful politician, but a black mayor in Georgia during Jim Crow would...not have happened
to be fair I shouldn’t nitpick the series for lapsing in realism on some things while saying a lack of accuracy on others isn’t important
oh my God I’m so sad that Stroheim died at the Battle of Stalingrad...except I’m not
but you see what I mean when I say he and Joseph weren’t really friends? like he did him a solid, but they weren’t close
“and so the years flowed by to a new generation” here it comes!
old man Joseph is voiced by Richard Epcar who was Batou in GITS, Ansem in KH, and Jigen in Lupin III
making Joseph hate Japanese people never made sense to me, outside of this and some moments at the start of SDC its never really addressed again so welcome to another “if Araki doesn’t care then why should I” thing
though if I have to explain it I see this as him being angry that Holly married Sadao and that resulted in her leaving the country and Sadao just wasn’t there for her and Jotaro anyway so Joseph transfers these emotions onto other people which isn’t justified, but again its barely a thing in the long run
Sadao kinda sucks and literally all we know about him is he’s a Japanese jazz musician
oh so after me writing all this Joseph literally says it for me, so my interpretation is actually canon. good.
“then again they make some rather nifty gadgets” so much for “I do like my walkman”
also we can add Sony to the list of real companies that are shown in Jojo along with Pepsi and 7Up, no change in spelling, no fake name, this is Sony
going through BT again was fun. its not perfect and still sits kinda low when I rank the arcs in the series, but its still got a lot in its favor. outside of issues with some voices I’d say this dub was strong. I’m taking back any bad thing I said about Ben Diskin when this dub first came out, he’s a great Joseph. and while SDC is also far from my favorite and I know only a few episodes of this dub have been released I am looking forward to covering it. hopefully soon we’ll have the rest of those episodes.
“a 100 year old chest like that? could be anything!” you have no idea
there he is!
tune in next time where we meet the world’s oldest teenager and his screaming purple monster
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