#i think of her as a Karen ngl
kathinkapng · 1 month
Inspired by the Darcy from Fields of Mistria who has her own coffee stall ingame UvU
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19 notes · View notes
dimitrscu · 3 months
everyday i go online and get exposed to the worst takes imaginable and everyday i have to fight the urge not to kill
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9 notes · View notes
back2bluesidex · 3 months
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Chapter 7- Finale (18+)
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Pairing: Model, ex-boyfriend!Jungkook X Child psychologist, Fem!Reader X Lawyer, Single Dad!Hoseok. 
Summary: Jungkook stripped your emotions naked, left you bare in the chilly wind of despair and self-doubt with an unending heartache. You tried your hardest to move on from him, to live for yourself but failed miserably. Each night you had to come back to your empty home where memories and broken dreams were scattered all around the floor, until one day a little angel and her unbelievably beautiful father came into your life. Finally, when you find yourself healing, maybe falling too, Jungkook had to show up! Again!
Theme: Angst, pining, heartbreak, break-up, smut
Warnings: some explicit smut, Jungkook being immature, a little time leap, a fairy tale ending. NSFW!!!
Word count: 5k+
Taglist requests are closed.
Minors and karens are not allowed in this blog
A/N: Guys, we have come to the end. ngl, I am emotional and sad and not ready to let them go yet. but it's been more than 10 months since I started this series and it's the right time to end it. Please let me know about your thoughts in the comment section or in my askbox. More notes at the end.
Main Masterlist
Prologue/Masterpost || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 - Finale
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There is a lot in Jungkook’s mind. 
He has been trying to calm himself down, trying not to think about you and focus on Jiwon but he has been failing terribly. 
The person he thinks of (or misses) mostly during all of his waking hours is, you. 
He knows he has been a dick to you. He borderline stalked you, invaded your privacy, riled you up and tried to justify his actions even when he should be the last person to do so. 
But he couldn’t help it. 
He still can’t. Just the thought of you belonging to someone else other than him drives him insane. 
Something shifted inside of him after that night. Something shifted so terribly that now he is questioning his life choices. 
He is questioning if he really fell out of love with you or not? ‘Cause if that was the case, his blood wouldn’t boil when your special client almost kissed you. 
Also, he wouldn’t walk up to your door and start questioning you as if he still has some kind of rights over you. 
So, what is it? 
Why does being with Jiwon never seem to be as exciting as it was with you? Why does kissing her never ignite that insatiable hunger you could induce with your lips? Why can’t he picture a future with her like he used to daydream with you? 
He misses you! Fuck! He misses you! 
His eyes crave for your one sight, his skin wants your touch, his ears are dying to hear you call his name once. 
He doesn’t realize when he starts crying silently. 
He takes a hold of his phone and opens the gallery. Scrolling through the application he looks for the evidence of your once in-bloom relationship. 
But he finds none.
There is not a single photo. 
No photos from Jimin’s show two years ago, no photos from the last picnic of you two, no photos from the jeju trip, no photos with your parents. Not a single one. 
He frowns at that. 
He very certainly didn’t delete a single file. Then where are those memories? 
“Kook, can you drop me off at the set?” Jiwon speaks from behind the couch. 
He doesn’t pay attention at first, his fingers work vehemently scrolling up and down on the device. 
“Kook!” she almost screams now. 
“What?” Jungkook screams back. 
“What are you so busy with that you can’t even hear me out?” 
“My photos-” Jungkook starts speaking but he stops immediately. 
He never locked his personal phone with a password or whatever, so it remains accessible to almost everyone. Given the fact that he mostly uses his work phone, this particular device stays at home, unlocked.
“Did you.. Did you go through my phone?” he asks finally. 
Suspicion takes over his mind when Jiwon doesn’t say anything for several seconds. 
“I asked you something, Jiwon.” 
“Why? Is there something wrong?” Jiwon raises one of her eyebrows. 
“You know exactly what’s wrong, don’t you?” 
“I don’t think we should be having this conversation now-” “Why did you delete her photos? Who the fuck gave you the right to?” 
Jungkook yells at the top of his lungs, taking Jiwon by surprise. 
“What do you mean I don’t have the right? I am your girlfriend and she is your past, Jungkook! You’re supposed to let her go! Why are you still looking at her pictures?” Jiwon screams back, by the time her sentence ends, she is crying. 
“Because I love her. Yes! Yes, I still love her.” Jungkook yells as if he is realizing the words himself and not just telling Jiwon for the sake of it. The realization hits him like a truck.
“What? What are you-”
“I thought I liked you, Jiwon. But it was an illusion. It has always been her. I never felt for you as intensely as I felt for her.. I feel for her. I- I’m sorry. This is so fucked up! I am sorry to both of you. I misjudged my feelings and now-” 
“Stop it! Stop it! I can’t hear it anymore. Let’s take a break, Jungkook. Let’s take a few days away from each other. It will be fine. It will be fine.” 
Before Jungkook could reply to her, Jiwon runs out of the door. 
He knows he is the main culprit here. He hurt you both. But he also knows nothing can be fine anymore. Not at least between him and Jiwon. 
About you though, he can beg you until you take him back. 
You still love him after all. Don’t you? 
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Jungkook feels nauseated as the scene unfolds right in front of him. 
He has come to beg you. He has come to tell you that he would do anything for you to take him back, he even lied for you to open the door. He did all of these only to have you turn your back at him. 
You tell him it’s too late but he is adamant. He silently promises himself that he will win you back but just then his eyes fall on the purple bruises littered all around your throat. 
You look like someone has been kissing you breathless. 
His heart drops at the thought. But he consoles himself, tells himself that you still love him and only him. 
But his fears take shape when a male voice speaks from the dining place of your once shared apartment, “Didn’t you hear what she said? She asked you to leave, Mr. Jeon.” 
Jungkook’s blood starts boiling when he sees it’s the guy from the other day. Your special client. 
So you are most definitely sleeping with him. 
“And who are you to come between us?” he grits through his teeth. Everything he sees is red. 
“I am her boyfriend.” the man replies as he comes to stand between Jungkook and you. 
Jungkook chuckles evilly, “No. You are just a rebound she is using to get over me.”
Jungkook expected the man to retort, to have a crack in his confidence but he only smirks, “I think you are confusing reality with your fantasy, Mr. Jeon.” 
The older guy gives him a flashing smile and continues, “you know her better than me. Do you really think she will be using someone for her own needs and benefits?” 
Jungkook’s heart breaks further. 
He knows you are definitely not a hypocrite. He knows if this guy is in your house, calling himself your boyfriend then he is your boyfriend. 
But he is determined to fight until he can’t anymore. 
He will be fighting until he wins you back. 
He diverts his attention to you again, “Y/N please-”
“Jungkook.. Now is not the right time. Let’s talk. Let’s talk things out but not now. I will text you the time and place. Please leave now. Please do as I say for once.” you cut him off. 
Your calm voice calms him down as well. And he decides to listen to you. 
“You promise to meet me?” 
“I promise.” 
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You cover your face with your hands as soon as the door closes behind you. 
You are ashamed, so terribly ashamed of whatever happened that it’s tough to even look at Hoseok. 
He doesn’t deserve this, neither do you. 
“I’m sorry. I- I’m so fucking sorry, Hoseok.” you mumble inside your palms. 
Hoseok’s strong arms wrap around you and pull you into a hug. 
“It’s okay, Y/N. It's not your fault.” Hoseok speaks into your ear with his soft and comforting voice. Stroking your hair with one hand, he pats on your back with another. 
You’re incredibly grateful that you found this man and he likes you as much as you like him. 
If your life had driven Jungkook away to make space for Hoseok, then you would be incredibly happy with the sacrifices you made. 
“You don’t mind me seeing him, right?” you speak into Hoseok’s shoulder.
“No. Not at all. As long as you come back to me… I will be fine.” 
“You can be assured about that. I will always come back to you no matter what.” 
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You can’t help but smile to yourself a little at the turn of events. 
Almost two months ago you were sitting at the same restaurant, in the same cabin, at the same spot. You were waiting for the same person but the reason was completely different. 
That day you were all nervous and fidgety. You knew you were aiming at a blind spot and your efforts might be nullified but you were determined to try. 
You were even ready to beg Jungkook if that means he would stay beside you, with you. 
And today, the situation has taken a wild turn. 
You are here to hear him out and today he might become the one to beg you to take him back. Your ego soars high but you know how to keep that in check. 
Jungkook is, as usual, late. 
When he finally arrives, he apologizes a ton of times, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. The traffic was so bad today.” 
“It’s okay. But I don’t have much time, so can you please tell me why you have been pulling all those stunts lately?” you start the conversation. Even though you are very worked up, you try to keep your voice neutral. 
“I- I am sorry, Y/N. I am actually ashamed. I know I shouldn’t have barged into your house like that or question you about your life. But I couldn’t- I couldn’t stop myself. At first I told myself that I am just concerned for you. But later I realized I have been deceiving myself. I have deceived myself for that every second I thought I didn’t love you anymore or I loved someone else. That’s not true. I- I still love you. I love you so damn much.” By the time Jungkook completes, his eyes turn glassy. 
The anger you have felt prior to this moment, vanishes into thin air. Now you feel bad for him. You really do. 
You nod, “I understand. It’s common for us to misjudge our feelings on several occasions but” inhaling a sharp breath you continue, “what’s done can’t be undone.” 
Jungkook leaves his seat and walks around the table to reach where you are sitting and then he is sinking down on his knees, “Y/N please. Please give me another chance. I- I will make things right.” he grabs your hands with his huge ones. Big fat trails of tears roll down his cheeks. 
The scene breaks your heart even further. 
You break his hold on your hands and hold him by his shoulders, hoisting him up on his feet. 
“Jungkook, there is no point in doing this. You know I have moved on.” 
“But- but you still love me. Don’t you? Tell me honestly, Y/N. don’t you still love me?” 
“A part of me will always be loving you, Jungkook. You have given me so much after all.” you give him a small smile, “but I have left that part behind. And now, I’m afraid, I’m in love with someone else." Just the thought of Hoseok puts your mind at ease. 
“Y/N- that guy has a kid!”
You chuckle at his complaint, “and how does that make him less deserving of love?” 
“He is a good human being, Jungkook, and he loves me just as much. That’s more than enough for me. I was never very demanding in the first place, you know that.” 
Jungkook doesn’t seem to understand just yet, “One last chance, please?”
You exhale loudly now. Diverting your eyes from him you murmur, “I love Hoseok, Kook. I really do. Please let me go now. Please?” 
Jungkook burst into tears upon hearing your verdict. You step closer to his body and hold him close to you. You pat on his back to calm him down. 
As a few seconds pass, he seems to stabilize himself. 
“But I won’t be giving up on you. I will wait. I will wait for you to take me back.” Jungkook states with a weird determination. 
You don’t say anything but nod a little. 
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If Hoseok says he is completely comfortable with the idea of you meeting Jungkook alone, then it will be a lie. 
Because he is very much afraid of what may come out of this meeting. 
What if you decide to give the guy another chance? 
Hoseok trusts you with the entirety of his heart but sometimes fears are greater than the trust itself. 
This is the fifth time he takes a look at his watch. The meeting is still an hour away and the drive from the restaurant to the school is only fifteen to twenty minutes, so if you come out now, he will have enough time to understand what has been your decision. 
Just when he is about to peek at his watch another time, the restaurant door slides open and you walk out. 
You give him one of your iconic blinding smiles while running towards him to fall back into his arms.
Hoseok is now relieved. 
Because the way you smiled at him, the way you ran to his arms and the way you are placing a kiss on his lips now, tells him that he has nothing to worry about. 
That he has you all to himself now. 
He kisses you back with urgency, as if to confirm that you are really here in front of him. 
“You okay?” Hoseok asked once you are on your feet properly. 
“Umm.. I was fine. But now that I get to see this handsome face of my boyfriend, I feel even better.” you flirt shamelessly. 
God! How can you be this addictive? 
The tip of Hoseok’s ear turn red. He smiles a little sheepishly. He can’t remember the last time he felt this giddy around a woman. 
He squeezes your sides, lips almost find yours to capture in another kiss but a voice interrupted the affectionate moment. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” The question is directed at him. When Hoseok looks for the source of voice, he finds your ex, Jeon Jungkook, standing right behind you. 
He leaves your side, you turn around to face the younger man. 
“Sure” Hoseok cuts you off. 
If Jungkook has something to say, he would make sure to share a piece of his mind as well. 
Hoseok non-verbally asks you to sit in the car while he figures out what in the world Jungkook would say to him. 
Once you are inside the car Jungkook starts speaking, “Just so you know, I won’t give up. I will always be here for her if she decides to come back to me.” 
Hoseok smiles at that “that won’t be necessary, I believe.” 
Jungkook fixes him with a glare, “I don’t know how things escalated between you and her but she-” he pauses at first and then diverts his eyes from Hoseok’s face, looks towards the car, “she is in love with you.” 
“The feelings are mutual.” Hoseok replies, keeping his calm demeanor. 
“Just don’t fuck things up like I did. Don’t hurt her like I-” he doesn’t continue.
“Don’t worry. I won’t.” 
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“What did you two talk about?” you seem to be genuinely curious about what your ex boyfriend had to say to your recent boyfriend. 
“You don’t need to know that, sweety.” teases Hoseok. 
You huff at his reply. 
In the span of your short relationship one thing Hoseok got to know about you is that you are incredibly cute when teased and he takes advantage of that knowledge whenever there is an opportunity.
“Okay but just tell me if he cursed you or something like that?” Now he knows that you are worried. 
“Not a chance, Y/N. He wouldn’t get away doing that, I am an attorney, remember?” he gives you one of those smiles that he knows you love way too much to admit.  
You nod. 
“You need to boast about your profession for this upcoming meeting a lot.” you say after a moment of silence.
“I know” Hoseok’s voice turns serious, “but I don’t know if I can do this or not, Y/N. I might just lose my cool.” 
You rest your left hand on his right one. Squeezing the same a little you reply, “I am here with you, Hoseok. I will handle it if things go out of hand, even though I don’t think that'll be the case.”
Hoseok’s mind sets itself on ease. If you are with him, he can do this. If you are with him, he can do anything.
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“So.. you want me to believe that my son has been bullying your daughter?” The pitch of Jaemin’s mother’s voice is unnecessarily high and it hurts Hoseok’s ears. But he tries to calm himself down while focusing on your touch where you are holding his hand under the table. 
“Yes.” hoseok voices. 
“Do you have any proof?” the woman cocks one of her eyebrows. 
 “I am the proof myself, Mrs. Park. Being Sua’s therapist, I have gotten the chance to talk to her. Or rather I would say, I have made her talk to me as the child was way too afraid to share anything. And I assure you, your son has been bullying Jung Sua by outcasting her, calling her names that probably he doesn’t even know the meaning of, locking her in dark rooms and by damaging her relationship with her father. All apparently because she doesn’t have a mother.” you complete with a professional tone, something that the other woman can’t dare to defy. 
“B-but he is just seven years old-”
“That’s exactly my point, Mrs. Park. Given the fact that Jaemin is only seven years old, there is no way he knows what illegitimate is. He must have heard it from someone. Someone he could easily pick it up from.” you lean a little towards the table, narrowing your eyes on the woman. 
“What? What are you trying to say? Are you blaming me? That I have bad-mouthed Sua or something?” Jaemin’s mother screams at the top of her lungs. 
“Ma’am please, don’t shout.” the homeroom teacher rushes to stop the woman from yelling. 
“Yeobo! Stop it.” Jaemin’s father tries to do the same. 
He has been quiet from the start and from the looks of it, you can tell that the man is wiser than his wife. He probably understands what you and Hoseok are trying to convey. 
“We have not said anything explicitly. But you are getting worked up anyway, which suggests you are the one he picked it up from. If that’s the case then… just so you know that I can sue you for defaming my family and indirectly torturing my daughter.” Hoseok states flatly, even though his insides are burning already. 
“No. no, Mr. Jung. I am sorry for what has happened. I know my apologies are not enough and these can never undo the mental trauma that my son has caused to your daughter but I promise I will move him to a different school. Just please don’t drag us into anything legal. Please.” the man, who is clearly the oldest in the room, practically pleads Hoseok. 
Hoseok feels a little uneasy but then you squeeze his hand again, giving him a sign to settle the matter here. 
“I am okay with the proposition.” he lets everyone know. 
“Okay. This is settled then.” the homeroom teacher huffs out of relief. 
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“We are all good now.” you say as the two of you are outside of the school.
“Shut it, Hoseok. Thank me one more time and I will run away.” you whine angrily, a little pout graces your pretty lips. Hoseok wants to kiss it again and again.
He laughs instead. 
“Okay okay fine. Let’s go home.” he pulls you closer to his body by holding onto your forearms. 
“Sua is away on a Gwangju trip, right?” you seem to recall it finally. 
“Oh yeah. We can have our own trip tonight, baby.” Hoseok replies, licking on his bottom lips. His eyes drop on the narrow opening of your dress shirt. 
“What trip?” you smirk.
“Sex trip.” he whispers, squeezing on your waist. 
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“Oh my god! Ho-Hoseok!” you groan seductively as Hoseok pounds on you as roughly as possible. 
He spreacds your asscheeks with both of his hands to take a look at the spot where his cock is disappearing into your hole. 
“Fuck baby! You are taking me so good. Your little cunt is swallowing my cunt so well, baby.” he praises, you moan as a reply. 
Two of his fingers chase your clit to draw slow, torturing circles.
“God! You are swollen!” he bemoans when his fingers come in contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Guess who ate me out minutes ago? As if it was his last meal?” you manage to say in between your ragged breaths. 
“Can’t help when you taste so good!” His reply is accompanied with a harsh thrust.
“Hoseok. -seok ah, I’m clo-” and even before you could complete your sentence, you cum.
The sight of you on all fours, drenching his cock while moaning his name, makes the tension in his lower stomach unbearable. 
So he releases inside the condom embarrassingly early. 
You fall on your face on his mattress, he falls on top of you.
“Let me run you a bath, hm?” he says in your hair. You nod. 
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“Y/N” Hoseok calls your name as he strokes your hair softly. 
“Hm?” you mumble in his chest.
“I am thinking of telling Sua once she comes back from Gwangju. What do you say?” 
Your heart races at the thought. Honestly, you have been pondering on the topic for the past few days. You totally understand if Hoseok doesn't want to tell her anything just yet. But you also wondered what if she rejects you, unapproves you just as she did with Mina. 
“We should tell her. But-” you let your voice fade.
You pull your face away from Hoseok’s chest and look into his eyes, “what if she doesn’t-” 
“I love you. I will be loving you, nothing can change that. And if she doesn’t approve of us together, I will try my best to change her mind.”  He gives you a smile. 
You return the gesture and you find solace in his chest again. 
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“Oh I always knew.” Sua is more focused on the cookies you baked her than the conversation, which is indeed very serious. 
“You knew what?” you try to coax the answer out of her. Her father is sitting still with his mouth open ajar. 
“I knew that daddy likes you. And that you like daddy." She bites on the cookie. 
“How did you know it, Sua?” your eyes open much wider than you have ever had them opened. 
“He doesn’t take anyone to the bakery, you know. Not even emo and halmoni. And the way he panicked when I talked about Mina aunty.” the kid giggles. 
Apparently, a seven year old caught on to the feelings of two adults. You two have been that obvious all these time. 
“So… you are okay with Y/N?” Hoseok asks. It is as lf he is asking permission from his parents, which in this case might have been less nerve wrecking.  
“Ummm yeah. I like her and I always wanted a mommy.” Sua smiles at you. Her eyes crinkle. 
Is this what true validation feels like? 
Not what your partner thinks about how your dress or makeup looks or how well you have been taking care of your skin, but a seven year old kid, giving you the place of her mother despite knowing you for less than two months? It is true validation for sure. 
Tears prick your eyes but you are quick to blink those away. 
“I will try my best to be your best mommy, Sua. I promise.” you open your arms wide. Sua takes the invitation and jumps on your embrace. 
You hug her smaller frame, while your smaller frame gets engulfed by Hoseok’s body. You feel his tears on your head. 
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A year later
Jungkook was euphoric when he got your message a week ago. You had asked him to meet you at the same place where he broke your heart once and then in turn you broke his. 
Today he got a good feeling about it. 
It’s been more than a year since he fucked up and lost you. And as if to redeem himself, he waited for you. 
He checked up on you from time to time. He asked to see you, even though you declined. But what’s more important is that he kept telling himself one day you will be coming back to him. 
And he thinks… today is the day. 
He is not late today, rather he came thirty minutes earlier than the time you decided to meet. However, waiting makes him nervous. And waiting for you is overwhelmingly so. 
The cabin door creaks open and he sees you entering.
It’s been more than a year since he last saw you. If there’s anything that has changed by the time, then it’s that you have gotten even more beautiful. 
You look gorgeous in the midnight blue bodycon dress that you chose to wear today. He can’t help but grasp at your beauty. 
And when you smile at him, fully, he loses his breath. 
How the fuck did I even think I fell out of love with her? he thinks to himself. 
“Hey” you chime in, taking the seat across from him, “you are in time.”
“Yeah. I didn’t want to disappoint you. Not this time.” he replies genuinely. But he can see your smile dulling a bit. 
“So..” you start. Jungkook crosses his fingers under the table, “how are you doing, Kook?” 
“I am doing fine, Y/N, at least physically. But mentally, I don’t know. I am- I am not over you yet.” he confesses. 
You sigh, “you should move on, Jungkook. It’s been more than a year. It’s time for you to forgive yourself and move on.” 
“I don’t even want to try, Y/N. I am going to wait for you.” and he is serious about it. 
“Okay. Now let me come to the reason behind wanting to meet you.” you change the topic as you busy yourself in looking for something inside your bag. 
You pull out an envelope and extend it towards him.
One look at it and Jungkook knows what it is and suddenly he can’t breathe at all. 
“I’m getting married next month, Jungkook and I would be very happy if you come to congratulate me and Hoseok.” you look at him as if you are pitying him. 
He laughs. He laughs out loud, “You really are getting married to him?” 
“Yes. Thank you for leaving me back then. If you didn’t leave me, I would have never seen this day or be as happy as I am now.” 
Jungkook tries to find mockery in your voice or in your eyes but what he finds is sincerity. 
You are actually thankful to him for leaving you. 
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The heavy door of the waiting room opens as a staff walks in, “ma’am you have a visitor.” she says before standing away from the door and allowing the visitor to come in. 
It’s Jungkook. 
You never expected him to actually come. But he did and you are happy to see him here. 
“Kook.” you call him, making him smile. 
Jungkook ogles at you. You look like a dream come true. You look better than his imagination in which you wore this white gown to take vows with him. 
And it would been him if he was good enough, instead, he had to fuck things up.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. You look perfect.” Jungkook’s genuine words make your heart melt. 
“Thanks. I am glad you came.” 
“I had to. Congratulations. I am happy for you.” Jungkook smiles easily, he extends his hand to invite you into his embrace. 
You accept it. 
A knock rings on the door. 
“Y/N. come out. It’s time.” Mi seon screams from outside. 
“Yeah coming.” you reply, breaking the hug, taking one last look into your ex-boyfriend’s eyes.  
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Hoseok had never thought a day like this would come for him as well. 
A day where he would wear an immaculate tuxedo, stand at the pavilion and wait for his bride to walk up to him. 
But it’s happening. 
And it’s happening all because of you. 
It’s safe to say that you have changed his and Sua’s life within this one year. And now he can’t imagine a life where you aren’t there to make it better. 
Sua, too, now loves you more than him, probably. 
His parents love you, his sister cherishes you, his friends call you incredible. 
All in all, he has found heaven in you. And he hopes you found peace in him as well. 
The piano starts playing as you appear at the other side of the aisle, holding your father by his arm. 
You are smiling from ear to ear. Even from a distance he can tell that you are staring right at him. 
You know Hoseok is devastatingly handsome, but he looks even dreamier as a groom. You could cry from just the way he stares at you with eyes full of love. 
Your father squeezes the back of your hand, nodding at you and probably praising your choice in men. 
Initially you were scared of your parents' reaction, of what they might think when they get to know that Hoseok is a single-father and he has never been married before.
But with Hoseok, things can’t go wrong. Your parents accepted him and Sua readily when they got to know his past. 
Now, your parents and Sua are practically inseparable. 
You start walking towards the man of your dream waiting for you to make him yours. 
When you get closer to him, he holds your hands so softly as if you are made of porcelain. 
One by one you take the vows, intertwining your life with his. 
“You may kiss the bride.” The priest says. 
Hoseok lowers his head to catch your lips, “forever?” he asks.
“Forever.” you answer, as you seal your promise for an eternity.      
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Taglist 1:-
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@llallaaa @mikrokookiex @parkinglot-nights @hiqhkey @diamonddia-mond @00frenchfries00 @koalasandcuddles @superchamchi88 @ttanniett @coralmusicblaze @multiasf @kookscumrag @sumzysworld @knjjjk @xtrataerrestrial @survivalistghost @kelsyx33 @aann95 @btsffreader92 @jjk174 @dragonflygurl4 @xwniazx
A/N: Thanks thanks thanks to all of you for being incredible readers. I really can't thank you all enough for being so into the story, for interacting with me through the progress, for being as attached to the characters as I am, for being patient whenever I was late to upload. Where Do Broken Hearts Go will remain very close to my heart and your positive reaction is a big part of the reasons why. Just know that Nika loves you. Nika loves every single one of you a ton! <3
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
I Can't Say Part 3 (Finale)
Summary: Everyone is waiting for Reader to wake up after surgery. Eddie finds out what has been causing her behavior and as soon as she wakes up he apologizes for doubting her. She knows she'll never lose him again after what he does next.
TW/CW: Eddie Diaz x Reader, Make Up, Injured Reader, Hospital Setting
Requested?: No   
Word Count: 3,194
A/N: Our grand total of words for this trilogy is 11,325… I’m ngl was kinda stuck on how I’d get from break up to make up but then I was rewatching season 2 the other night and well… Earthquake it is. Anyways, hope you enjoy the read! Love to all! Requests are Open!
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Part 1
Part 2
--- Third Person POV --- 
Hours later, the team has been given the go ahead to go home but every one of them is heading to the hospital in hopes of seeing (Y/N). Hen cleared it with Bobby first but decided it was best if she stayed with Eddie who has been pacing the waiting room the entire time since they sent (Y/N) back. She had sent messages to everyone she could think of, letting them know which hospital they’re at and keeping them updated. Unfortunately, the phones have only just now been able to start working again. Her phone begins exploding with notifications. Carla is bringing Chris as well as a change of clothes for Eddie. Athena says she and the kids are on the way but stopping for coffee and snacks. Karen confirms she’s getting Denny and Mara in the car now with a change of clothes for Hen. Maddie and Jee are on their way too. Every single person that Hen texted, responds except for the 118 members, Talia, and Tommy who all changed out of their gear as soon as they got to the station and piled into Bobby’s truck and Buck’s Jeep. 
Those who responded all trickle in with Athena, May, and Harry bringing up the rear as they drop several bags of snacks and a couple gallons of cold brew on the coffee table that everyone has gathered around. Carla and Chris have convinced Eddie, who is now nursing a cup of cold brew, to sit down and are posted on either side of him, Carla rubbing his back and Chris holding his hand tightly. Karen and Hen are playing patty cake with Jee while Maddie begs the nursing staff for an update. Harry, Denny, and Mara are quietly discussing some video game while they snack. Athena and May share a look before they make their way over to Maddie and gently tug her back to the group. It seems everyone lets out a breath they had been holding when the group of firefighters step through the glass doors. The waiting room is brought to life as everyone greets each other. Eddie on the other hand is rooted to his seat and staring at the floor. 
Just as Bobby is about to place his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, the doctor enters the waiting room. Everyone waits with bated breath as he approaches them, Talia and Eddie both rushing to meet him. He looks around at the rather large group before chuckling, “You’re all here for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” Several in the group nod so he continues, “Good. She’s out of surgery. It was a little touch and go but she’s stable. The anesthesia will wear off soon but, due to the amount of blood she lost, it may take her some time to wake up. Once we get her settled into a room, I’ll let you all know.” Everyone nods in understanding and releases the breath they were holding. A few of them thank the doctor as he walks away. Eddie drops back into a chair, laying his head back against the wall, and grabs hold of Christopher’s hand again. Talia is pulls Tommy away from the group to ask him what’s going on between (Y/N) and Eddie, soon finding herself in tears upon hearing the news. Tommy pulls her into a tight hug, hating that he had to break it to her. The others strike up conversations to pass the time. 
A short while later, the doctor returns to the group, “She’s in a room. Anesthesia should be worn off but as I explained earlier, she’s not awake yet. That being said, you can see her now but you’ll have to take turns. I don’t want more than two or three in there at a time. You can find her in room A204.” As he departs, Eddie kisses the top of Christopher’s head and heads to her room.  
Everyone else has their eyes on Talia who hasn’t moved a muscle. Tommy places his hand on her shoulder, “Go.” She looks up at him and around the group with uncertainty but with a nod from Bobby she’s off toward the room as well. 
When Talia enters the room, Eddie is sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from the door. He is holding (Y/N)’s hand tightly, tears streaming down his face, and mumbling under his breath, “(Y/N) please, you gotta wake up for me.” She takes a seat on the other side of the bed and the room falls silent aside from the steady beep of the heart monitor. 
A few moments pass before he clears his throat, “If it weren’t for you, she- she wouldn’t be alive right now.” 
Fresh tears paint her cheeks as she looks down at her lap, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.” 
He looks at her, head titled, “What do you mean?” 
“If it weren’t for me, the love of her life wouldn’t have broken up with her, she wouldn’t have been in that therapy office, and she wouldn’t have been run through with rebar,” she admits, struggling to get the words out through her tears. He is immensely confused at first but she clarifies before he can ask, “A few weeks ago I called her because I needed someone to keep me from hurting myself. She came no questions asked. She’s been stopping by to check on me a lot. She always answers the phone when I need her. Selfishly, I made her promise not to tell anyone because I didn’t want my team finding out.” Eddie’s heart breaks as he realizes but she continues, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess.” 
He reaches his hand across the bed for Talia’s who hesitantly takes it. He looks her dead in the eyes, “You cannot blame yourself for any of this. You did the best thing you could which was ask for help when you needed it. You don’t know where she would’ve been if not in that office with you. It could- it could’ve been much worse.” He pauses for a moment, looking back at (Y/N), “I wish I would’ve just believed and trusted her when she said she had a good reason.” 
Talia wipes her tears away; she still feels terrible about everything but knows (Y/N) would’ve told her the same exact thing that Eddie did. She squeezes his hand gently, “I know I’m not around you and the rest of her new family that much but I’ve heard a lot about everyone.” He looks up at her and she continues, “I’ve heard more about you and Chris than anyone else. She always has a blindingly bright smile on her face when she tells me about you two and I know without a shadow of a doubt that she loves you more than life itself.” Eddie nods as Talia squeezes his hand once more before dropping it and standing up to leave. Before she opens the door, she stops and looks back at him, “She still does. She wouldn’t hesitate for a second to take you back. Hell, I don’t even think she even let you go.”  
Eddie kisses (Y/N) knuckles as Talia leaves, “I don’t deserve it but I hope to god you can forgive me for being so stupid...” 
It’s not long before the door opens again, this time by Buck and Tommy. Eddie does his best to slap on a smile when he sees Chris right behind them. He watches his son take the seat Talia had been in previously and grab hold of (Y/N)’s hand, “Is she gonna be okay?” he asks hopefully looking up at his father.  
Eddie nods reassuringly, “Yeah, she’s just sleeping so her body can recover.” 
Chris nods and looks down at where his hand meets hers, “Where’s her bracelet?” 
“They had to take it off so it wouldn’t get messed up during the surgery and recovery,” Eddie responds. In his peripheral, he sees Buck and Tommy patiently waiting their turn. 
Chris seems deep in thought for a few seconds before stating, “She’s gonna kick their asses when she finds out. I gotta fix it.” With this, he gets up and exits the room on a mission. Buck goes after him, motioning for Eddie to stay put. 
It’s quiet again as Eddie and Tommy listen to the steady beep of her heart. Finally, Tommy takes a seat. Eddie makes eye contact with him, “I’m sorry. Talia told me everything. I know I fucked up and I know she means the world to you.” 
Tommy looks over at (Y/N) face and reaches up to brush her hair out of her eyes as he thinks. Taking a deep breath, he responds, “Just promise me that the next time you think about doing something stupid, we hit the mat first so I can knock some sense into you.” 
Eddie chuckles, nodding, “I will.” It’s quiet again while Eddie debates with himself before finally pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to Tommy, “Does this count as something stupid?” 
Tommy looks down at the ring box in his hand as his smile grows. After opening it, he answers, “Never in a million years.” He closes the box and hands it back to Eddie, “But you should know that Buck was looking forward to helping you pick it out. He’s gonna be heart broken.” 
Eddie puts the box back in his pocket, “Technically, he did help me pick it out. Whether he remembers that or not is a different story.” 
Tommy knits his brows together in confusion, “What?” 
Eddie smiles, “I went with him when he bought you that bracelet a while back. He was looking through the cases while we waited on them to bag it up. I was zoned out thinking about (Y/N) when he slapped me on the shoulder and very excitedly pointed at a specific ring saying, ‘(Y/N) would love this one!’” 
Tommy shakes his head chuckling, “So, you bought it?” 
Eddie shrugs, “Not right then but after a few days of constantly thinking about it, I had to.” Tommy laughs but Eddie’s face drops. At the tilt of Tommy’s head, Eddie adds, “I held onto it, trying to find the right time to ask her but then she started acting weird and...” 
Tommy sighs, “You still have it though. You didn’t let her go.” 
Eddie shakes his head, “I couldn’t. I broke up with her because I was scared of getting hurt but it hurt so much more to do so. I thought maybe if I just distanced myself from her for a while that it would stop but if anything, it got worse.” He takes a deep breath, “I just hope she’ll forgive me because I don’t know how much longer I can take this ring burning a hole in my pocket.” 
Tommy nods, “She will. She’ll do it in a heartbeat but then you gotta nut up and give her that ring.” 
Eddie smiles, “Would it be too much to ask her to forgive me and marry me in the same conversation?” 
Tommy shakes his head violently, “Absolutely not.” 
Eddie laughs, “Good.” 
Over the next few hours, people come and go. Everyone gets their own turn of checking on her and reassuring Eddie that she’ll be okay. Finally, with only Eddie in the room, she stirs. She squints up at the ceiling as she tries to process where she is. The sound of her moving her head to look around alerts Eddie who jerks up from where he lays on her arm, “Hey, you’re okay. You’re in the hospital.” 
She nods, trying to speak but her mouth is dry. Eddie hands her the bottle of water, Carla had brought him earlier, from the side table that and helps her take a few sips. When she pulls away, he sets the bottle back down on the table and brushes her hair from her face, “How are you feeling?” 
She stares at him for a few seconds before whispering, “I’m just glad you’re here.” 
He kisses her knuckles, “Of course I am, baby. I love you so much and I’m so sorry I doubted you.” The confusion on her face prompts him to add, “Talia told me what happened. I can’t believe I ever thought you’d do something like that. I should’ve known you had a good reason.” She smiles softly but he still feels the need to ask, “Will you forgive me?”  
She nods immediately, “Of course.” Out of habit she reaches to fidget with her bracelet but finds it missing, “I’m gonna kick someone’s ass.” 
Eddie laughs heartily, “Chris said you would.”  
She reaches up to cup his cheek, “I love you.” 
He leans into her touch, “I love you too.” 
The moment is interrupted when the door opens again but both are immediately delighted to see Carla opening the door for Chris who is overjoyed to see (Y/N) awake. He takes a seat as Carla waves with a smile before closing the door to give the small family a moment. With one hand, Chris reaches over and takes (Y/N)’s left wrist and wraps her bracelet back where it belongs with the other. She smiles brightly but Eddie is suspicious, “Chris, did you pester the nursing staff for that.” 
He grins proudly, “Yup, I told them my step mom would kick their butts if they didn’t give it to me.” 
Eddie and (Y/N) share an amused look before she ruffles Christopher’s hair, “Thanks, buddy.” He grins and reaches up to take her hand in his. 
Eddie’s eyes flick between the two before he stands and joins Chris on the other side of the bed.  (Y/N) is slightly confused when he places his hands on Christopher’s shoulder and whispers something in his ear. Chris listens intently before nodding incessantly, “Yes! Do it. Do it now.” 
Eddie grins and ruffles his son’s hair, “Alright, alright calm down. I will.” He places himself between Chris and (Y/N). She is utterly bumfuzzled but Chris is dancing in his seat excitedly. Eddie removes something from his pocket and drops to one knee causing her to slap her hand over her mouth. The man smiles up at her, “I know this isn’t at all the ideal time or place to ask you this but,” he looks around the room and then back at her, “I was very recently reminded that we aren’t promised tomorrow, especially in our line of work.” He opens the ring box and holds it up to her, “(Y/N), will you marry me?” 
Chris cheers happily upon hearing her answer, “Yes!” Tears of joy fill both Eddie and (Y/N)’s eyes as he slips the ring on her finger, stands, and kisses her with every ounce of love that he can. 
The couple parts when the door opens again as Buck and Tommy poke their heads in. Tommy grins, immediately noticing the ring on her finger. Slightly confused having missed the small but important detail, Buck stutters, “Sorry, Carla told us she’s awake. Are-are we interrupting something? We can come back later.” 
Tommy pushes past his boyfriend and makes his way to (Y/N)’s right side, making eye contact with Eddie, “I told you she would. Does your leg feel better without that hole burning in your pocket?” 
Eddie nods, laughing as identical looks of confusion settle on (Y/N) and Buck’s faces as Buck paces over to Tommy’s side. Eddie looks down at her, “I showed it to him earlier.”  
Understanding replaces her confusion but Buck is still lost, “What hole? Showed who what? I’m so confused.” (Y/N) holds her hand up to Buck showing off her ring. He gasps for words as excitement floods his entire body and he takes her hand in his to inspect it. None of them notice as the doctor stops in the open doorway, observes what is happening, and then immediately makes his way to the waiting room. After a minute or so, Buck’s face drops to disappointment as he looks up at Eddie and Tommy, letting go of her hand, “I kinda wanted to help pick it out...” Tommy pats his head before wrapping his arm around his waist.  
Eddie shakes his head chuckling, “Do you not recognize it? You were so damn sure she’d like it that you bruised my arm to get my attention.”  
It takes a few seconds but realization finally smacks across his face as he gasps, “This is that ring?”  
Eddie nods as (Y/N) who is admiring the ring confirms, “He wasn’t wrong. I love it.” Everyone smiles as Eddie kisses the top of her head. Before anyone can say anything else, the door opens and their friends and family flood in. Everyone gushes over the ring, offers the couple their congratulations, and states how glad they are that (Y/N) is okay.
Talia takes a seat on the edge of the bed to (Y/N)’s right, “The doctor had to step out of the way of the stampede after he told us you had a ring on that you weren’t admitted with.” (Y/N) laughs, barely able to spot the doctor in the doorway through the crowd of friends and family. She gives him a thumbs up and he nods with a smile as he returns to his rounds.  
She looks to Talia and takes her hand in her own but before she can say it, Talia assures, “I know what you’re gonna say. Eddie already did.” (Y/N) looks to Eddie who is locked in a tight hug from Bobby with a smile on his face that is bigger than she’s ever seen. Talia leans over to whisper in her ear, “You weren’t kidding when you said Tommy is wrapped around Buck’s finger.” As (Y/N) turns back to look at Talia, she spots Tommy who is wrapped around Buck from behind. Both are smiling brightly as Buck and Maddie are already discussing bachelor party plans.  
“They’re next, I’m calling it now,” (Y/N) tells Talia who laughs loudly. Their hands stay locked together as (Y/N) looks back to Eddie who now has an arm around Christopher’s shoulders as they chat excitedly with Carla. Carla notices her looking and nods in her direction as she shoves the two toward her. Eddie takes the hand she offers him and Chris climbs up to sit beside her. An hour or so passes before a nurse squeezes through the crowded hospital room. She smiles at (Y/N) before proceeding to check her vitals and give her fresh bandages. Only when (Y/N) is nodding off and very obviously struggling to stay awake does everyone wish her well, promise they’ll visit again later, and head home. Soon, the only ones left are her boys. She kisses the top of Christopher’s head as she notices he has fallen asleep carefully tucked into her side. She pats the right side of the bed for Eddie to join her. The three of them have to scoot in real close to fit on the hospital bed but after the week she’s had, she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
More 911
Main Masterlist
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more of my dreams for s8
(mainly for bucktommy im ngl - i love them and they're rotting my brain)
TRIVIA NIGHT. with everyone from the 118 and their partners but buck and tommy are on a team and it quickly becomes clear that they are an absolute menace to society when paired together (like we already know tommy attends a trivia night - let him match buck's energy - i want him deeply passionate about winning)
buckytommy dinner w/madney - we see the like neatly laid table, clearly set up for a grown up dinner only its just maddie and chim sat there and it pans round to buck and tommy having been pulled into playing tea party, or ponies, or smth with jee bc she wanted their attention and buck is physically incapable of saying no to her (the same way tommy cant say it to him 😜) (tho lets be real - he was playing princesses either way) (chim is just thrilled with the blackmail/mockery martial he is gathering)
muay thai lessons - only it quickly becomes clear buck hates it (idk in my mind buck is like innately opposed to violence. he'll put himself between two people but he'll never be the one to throw a punch. that's just how he is)
he does however very much enjoy watching tommy and eddie spar (i want full bridgerton levels of pining/horniness (think daphne at the boxing match))
more hen/karen
specifically more of henren's private investigation firm™ - i want them all up in councilwoman ortez's business (but generally just more henren. HAPPY HENREN.)
this one technically kind of follows on from my last list of dreams but i want athena to discover henren's and also bobby&michael's "investigations" (just picture her expression. her disbelief that she puts up with these well-intentioned idiots. it would be glorious)
and finally - more seriously - bobby retirement/promotion???? most people probs hate that but i kind of feel like the 118 are all kind of stagnant at the moment? so the only way to keep them together is to move bobby on 😞 idk maybe we can just have food-truck!bobby
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idanceuntilidie · 9 months
I hope it was okay!! it accidentally got long.. sorry pookie wookie woo damn this would make a good vn ngl
yan angel x gn reader x yan demon
tw: yandere themes and behaviours, mentions of killing
The light from the billboard always shinesBut it changed twelve times since you went away
Requests are open
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“An angel sat on one shoulder, a devil on the other. Both of them wore my face.” But you are not really sure they have your face. You are not a very religious person, so you didn’t understand why they decided to bother you exactly but at least you weren’t lonely anymore. Mirui appeared first, you remember the meeting very well, hell, it gave you a heart attack. You work in a small cafe, a gem hidden in the mud. You liked it very much, your boss was nice and you even made friends with some of the people you worked with.
Well you didn’t think it was so nice and fun now, working as the cashier reminded you about the thing you dreaded. Interactions with other beings that you do not know, see for the first time and could be really fucking mean at times. Homosapiens. A woman in her mid twenties stood in front of you, waving her hands and screaming her lungs out. Your polite smile tightens as your nails dig painfully into your forearm. She found out that what she ordered was really expensive, it’s weird because there are prices next to the stuff you guys make. The woman's face flushed deep beet red in anger, and you are pretty sure she spat on you. Ew. You heard a small chuckle followed by a loud snort and laughter from your right, it startled you, but when you looked there you saw no one. After another fit of laughter you noticed a small red thing sitting on your right shoulder. A small human-like creature. It looked back at you, eyes flickering with mischief and a small full of white sharp teeth. “You should spill that coffee on her, ya know? It’s still hot, it can’t go to waste” it said Your eyes slowly went back to the screaming woman, then on the hot coffee on the counter.
To be fired or not to be fired, that is the question. Before you even got a chance to fully think this through, your boss appeared behind you and shooed you away to deal with the customer. Your boss was a savage old lady, the customer stood no chance against her. Out of sight out of mind. The small demon muttered something, disappointed, it crossed its arms and pouted. You scurried away, to the kitchen to take your mind off of things and maybe help around a bit.
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Faith appeared a few weeks after Mirui did, successfully stopping you from chugging only energy drinks, spilling coffee and doing pranks on rude customers. “Do it, do it, do it, do it!” she giggled manically, clapping her hands happily. Today Mirui decided to be feminine, she sat on your right shoulder like she always did. You noticed every day she had new outfits, very revealing of course, it made you blush slightly. “Shut up, I can't focus.” “Dear child, they might fire you.” a new voice on your left stated calmly. God damn it another one. This time a painfully white angel sat on your left shoulder. He didn’t even look at you, his attention was focused on little stone tablets sitting on his lap.
“Ew who the fuck are you” Mirui spat pointing a very sharp manicured finger on the angel.
“The only rational one here” “It looks disgusting, Y/N quickly throw it off!” she grabbed your collar and shook it violently. The angel rolled its eyes and looked at her. “Stop it demon spawn, I was sent here to make sure this disgusting-” it started but when it looked at Mirui, a look of disgust appeared on its face. “Piece of work won’t do too much damage to such a pure soul, y/n leave that salt alone.” You and Mirui groaned, you will have revenge on that karen. “You suck” “Go suck dick and shut up” “Language both of you” “Ew, let’s call it Faith or Angelico or something, it’s basic- just like it” Mirui gagged. Faith went back to his stone tablets, not looking at you or the demon. Even though it wasn’t looking, you could feel how he judges you. In the end, they didn’t leave you alone. 
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You wake and fall asleep to their constant bickering. You figured it’s because Mirui is a demon, and Faith is an angel. Or maybe it’s because they are so different? It makes you tired honestly. Yet their different personalities and behaviors made your life a little bit more interesting.
Faith sat on the edge of the couch, watching as Mirui did a little fashion show. You were forced to watch too,  he wouldn’t leave you alone if you didn’t. Your eyesight got a little blurry, you were tired. Very very tired, so in the end you couldn’t help but just doze off. Mirui noticed it first, giddy as he returned to his normal size. Giggling and swinging his feet as he watched you slowly fall asleep. Carefully, he gets up to sit right next to you. He sighed dreamily as he played with you hair. Aren’t you just the cutest? Naive too, just perfect. He nuzzled against your cheek, smiling widely. He could feel how warm your body was, hell he could even smell you. Mirui covered his mouth with his hand to prevent the laughter that was slowly bubbling up.
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He heard a very loud scoff from Faith and when he looked at them, they had a very unpleasant look on their face.
“What’s up?” he smiled „Jealous?”
„It’s disgusting how you cling to them when they are asleep.” Faith hissed
“Oh is the baby mad because they don’t have the balls to actually get this close?” Mirui smiled proudly, cuddling up to you even closer than possible. You stirred a bit in your sleep, your pretty face scrunching in confusion before returning to a calm state. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep on your side, only to be yanked back by his hair by Faith. “Back off, you demon scum” “Oh oh careful now or I might start to like it” “I am serious Mirui” Faith hissed, grabbing the demon's throat as they squeezed it painfully. Their touch was painful, Mirui swore he heard a small sizzling which made him hiss. “leave, they are mine and you knew that.” “fuck off, I love them more than your sorry ass does.” he said as he tried to get away from the angel.
It happened a lot, especially when you slept. None of them wanted to give you up, let the other have your love and attention which resulted in fighting. Oh how surprised you would be if you found out that those arguments were about you, and they didn’t just appear out of thin air. Hell they have known you way before you even noticed their existence. Always there, in the background, watching, listening, admiring. Mirui was first to approach, thinking that Faith would eventually back off, and then he wouldn’t need to kill them, but they didn’t. 
And Faith, well, at first they didn’t know about Mirui, but when he eventually wanted to meet you he saw that little red slut sitting on your shoulder whispering sins. Oh their poor sweetheart, tainted and tortured by a monster. He decided to watch for a bit then appear as your savior.Now both of them are stuck being next to each other almost all the time, none of them would give up though. They will stay by your side.
Your eyes slowly open to see a white and red blob strangling each other. Your face twists into a frown, before sighing and going back to sleep.
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Hello! I'm sorry for not getting to this post earlier, life's been crazy the last week hahaha (adulting, ya know?)
I watched the finale and boy howdy it had me in my feels 😅😅
If you haven't watched it yet, this is a post that definitely contains spoilers so read at your own risk!
Wanted to start off with some of the plots that stood out to me the most. these are just my thoughts and opinions/ feelings so please be nice in the comments. I kinda wanted this to be a discussion post for anyone interested.
Bobby- he lived! I'm so so so glad he was okay, i lowkey thought we were losing him. He's honestly one of my personal faves so idk how I would have felt if he didn't make it 😭😭 I also just wanted to point out, he literally quit, almost died, and then walked into the station like nothing happened. I cannot wait to see how the team is going to handle him quitting and literally not saying anything before everything went down. Like was he just planning on not telling them at all?? Also, in terms of what his plan was, honestly broke my heart. He DESERVES the life he built. He DESERVES the family he built. And the scene with him and Amir just.... ugh. Amir might not forgive him but I wasn't expecting him to tell Bobby he earned the right to a life and family despite what happened. His montage at the beginning of last episode BROKE ME.
Athena- Homegirl was out for BLOOD! Look, I love athena, but she literally misuses her job for personal gain and expects no consequences😭 both her and Bobby have been through SO MUCH these last few seasons. In terms of Amir, I think they just needa let the man live his life. Yes, her being there pretty much saved him from the cartel, but guys, she ate her words by pulling a gun on him. Im not sure what season she says it but she tells someone that it is in fact considered assault when you point a gun at someone. Angela Bassett performance this episode was 10/10, probably one of her best performances so far imo
Hen & Karen- omgggg these two I tell you. They can't catch a break😭😭 the way they lost Mara simply because a councilwoman was on a power trip just had me in TEARS. They deserve to have Mara in thier life, no matter what. I think they are good for her. She's good for them and Denny. I hope we get to see thier story progress more next season.
Maddie&Chim- THESE TWO! The fact that they were there when Hen got the call about Mara and were the ones who got her out of the group home just does something to my heart ngl. I literally love them both so much. They are so so kind and caring about the people in thier life.
Eddie& Chris- this is the one that truthfully really made me question some things. Eddie really, REALLY needs to talk to someone. The whole thing with Kim just, makes me feel icky. Did not like that little subplot one bit. I understand that Kim was simply trying to help, but I honestly think it made things so so much worse. Especially when Chris and Marisol walked in the door at the end of the moment. Chris literally stood there, and said "Mom?" He's traumatized for life. I honestly agree with his decision to call his grandparents. Little guy just needs a break. He needs space. His dad is going through something that he as a CHILD shouldn't have to endure as well. I know some people hate that Chris called the grandparents, and I know that Eddie really didn't want to let Christopher go but he needed to.. even if he didn't want to.. I think Eddie is going to be going through it next season and I can't wait to see what they do with him next season.
Buck- Buck, Buck, BUCK theres so much that I loved about him this episode. The fact that he showed up for Eddie and Chris and said "what can I do" I just... *chefs kiss* He showed up and said "I can't explain this to your kid but I will make damn sure he's okay" and DID. He made sure that Chris was okay, and on top of that made sure Eddie was also okay. And when the grandparents showed up, even though he couldn't convince Chris to stay, he didn't try to get any more involved than was necessary. You can see on his face that he's sad about Chris wanting to leave, but understands. He's sad for Eddie and put his hand on his shoulder to say, "I'm sorry, but im here for you". In my opinion, Buck has grown so so much since the first season and he's become another one of my favs.
Buck&Tommy- (I felt they needed thier own little section) I love what the actors, showrunners and writers are doing with this. Tommy and buck are in a HEALTHY, STABLE, relationship. It might have started out just a little rocky, but they've built on it and each other and im HERE FOR ITTTT! The vulnerability between the BOTH of them about thier own fathers/ father figures when Tommy asked buck if he was okay really proved that they are at the point in the relationship that they can open up to each other, and that Tommy cares. They know how to read each other. In terms of the daddy issues topic, im glad that queer, MASCULINE MEN are shown in a proper, HEALTHY, SHAMELESS sexual relationship. Buck opened the door by flirting and tommy picked it right up and im here for it. There wasn't anything "weird" or "out of left field"about it, Buck wanted to see if Tommy could match his freak and he DID! I genuinely hope they grow next season and give us more insight into thier relationship dynamic.
I also just wanted to point out, Cap literally told Buck "hes good for you, because we haven't had to talk about it" like what other proof do people need to see that they are a good match? Literally every other relationship buck has had, has ended in disaster. I don't think there was a partner he had that didn't warrant a discussion between him and Cap before Tommy came around.
The team all together- the fact that they all dropped everything to be there for Cap and athena really shows that they are a family.
Captain Gerrard- not much to say, not surprised that they brought him back, next seasons gonna interesting. Still a POS in my book no matter WHAT they do with his character.
All in all I loved the season finale. I loved that they wrapped up most of the major storylines to open the door for a new one (captain Gerrard return to the 118)
Thanks for reading if you stayed through this jumbled mess!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 4 months
something i find so fascinating about grace chasity’s brand of christianity is that there’s not much sexism in it? let me explain what i mean.
i come from a christian background and a denomination which, in my state, has allowed women in eldership positions for my whole life. i’m friends with other christians whose denominations Don’t have that and also us christian fundamentalism is very sexist, i know bc have access to social media.
aside from mark’s job being mentioned and karen’s not, as well as her doing the cooking, there’s not a real sense of gender hierarchy in the christian circles in hatchetfield. this applies greatly to the purity culture that pervades abstinence camp and npmd, with the jerris saying that “this is a progressive ministry. we believe men and women should just say no!” often, in fundamentalist circles, while men are encouraged to wait until marriage, so much more pressure is put on the women to “stop the men from stumbling” (yes, it’s bad, this isn’t a post about the horrors of purity culture).
however, in npmd (and even ac to an extent), grace is the one at risk of “stumbling” and blames men. in npmd she very much blames max for her corrupted purity (from her perspective) and that is her motivation for revenge, even before she has sex with his ghost. the responsibility is not on her to “gouge out her own eye”, so to speak, at least not without a greater risk to max. even in ac, she makes tiny sweaters for their Jesus status, which reminds me of when i would scroll down to the comments of a youtube video bc i was scared of being attracted to people (1. not a purity culture thing 2. id like to say that this was a me being scared of liking women thing, and to an extent it was, but i also remember doing it to men. 2017 was a weird time and something was probably awakening in me ngl).
as slightly more proof, she is the only one advocating for removing homecoming in npmd, and in ac she ends as the sole leader of the camp. now, an evangelical’s view of women in ministry varies on person to person (source: like two weeks ago when i was desperately trying to not get myself into a debate with other christian women), unless she’s in an ultra-conservative environment (which she isn’t, it’s middlingly conservative frankly), she would be able to do these on her own. however, this is theatre, it’s a demonstration of her desire for power and acquisition of it. she does not view herself as needing to be subservient to a man. also i think northern baptists (my hc for her) are a little less Bad than southern baptists but anyway.
the interesting thing about this, to me, is that she does share views that i would put in those less “yay women” denominations (yes this about the catholic line i guarantee you it annoys me even more when i encounter it in the real world). there’s the (internalised) homophobia. but not the internalised misogyny. this could be related to the respect given to trans identities by the depictions of idontwannabang and the chasitys in hatchetfield, creating the sense of a more egalitarian Biblical perspective than complimentarian.
like grace has this terrible relationship with purity culture, yeah, but she’s the active agent in it, and she shames the passive object of her affections, the man. that doesn’t happen that often. there are countless videos of “what women should wear to be modest” but men can go to the gym shirtless if they so choose. maybe it’s only interesting to me but still
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halliestinks · 4 months
Hello!! I really loved your cartman and reader who’s like his sister headcanons so i had a similar request
could you write another wholesome headcanons for a female reader who treats karen like her little sister? the reader only had brothers so karen is like her adoptive younger sister, and how would kenny react?? maybe he also has a crush on her? sorry if it’s too much <33
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Karen McCormick w/ Fem!Reader who treats her like a younger sister
a/n: ty for the request! I had a lot of fun writing this and I love karen, she and her brothers deserve sm better :C I hope you like it 🎉🎉 (reader is in highschool & karen is 12-13)
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• growing up with brothers was a struggle to say the least
• it’s not like you didn’t love them or anything, you just found yourself yearning for a sisterly bond
• so when you first met karen you instantly felt a connection and took on the role as the protective older sister 💪😤
• you met her at the park one day, she seemed really upset so you approached her and asked if she was okay
"my friends ditched me to go shopping, they said I couldn't come because I wouldn’t even be able to buy anything..."
“……do you want me to beat them up"
• ngl you probably freaked her out a bit at first LMAO
• she’s like ??? who are you???
• the only reason you recognised her was because she’s related to kenny. and even then, you barely spoke to him so it took you a little while to realize who she was
• to cheer her up, you took her to go shopping by yourselves. you willingly payed for whatever she wanted (though she argued that you didn't have to). and from that day on, you found yourselves hanging out frequently
• karen was definitely unsure at first, she’s never had an older female friend before so she didn’t know how to behave.
• but as time went on she started to open up, and before you knew it, you were having deep conversations and learnt a lot about her
• you occasionally invite her over to your place. and you have a girls night! giving each other makeovers, playing video games and watching horror movies is the usual routine
• since karen is also in the same sister-less situation as you, she will go to you for advice if it’s something she doesn’t want to talk to kenny about
• driving around mindlessly while blasting music is another fun activity you and karen enjoy (you jokingly follow people around town and make them think you guys are stalkers 🤭)
“isn’t that Clyde Donovan?”
“yah I think so”
“let’s follow him next”
“good idea 🫡”
• you then proceeded to follow him around until he took off running and squealing
• going over to her house is a rare occurrence, and it only ever happens when nobody else is there. you suspect that it’s because of her parents
• she only told you a little about them, but from what you heard they weren't very good people. luckily she has her older brother to take care of her, even though you didn't know kenny very well it sounded like karen really admired him
• speaking of kenny… karen constantly begs you to become friends with him. the conversation usually goes like this;
“you guys would be such good friends!! and then you can fall in love, get married and have babies so I can be a cool auntie!!!”
“what! 😃”
• you do eventually run into kenny one day when you’re dropping karen off at home and he waits until karen can’t hear to thank you for everything
• you suddenly start seeing him a lot more after that encounter, getting to know him as well (karen teases you whenever she sees you two hanging out)
• he also joins you two whenever you’re at their house, and you manage to force him into modelling with you doing his makeup and karen paints his nails (he claims that he’s only doing it for karen but in all honesty he just likes spending time with you)
• sometimes when it’s a nice night out, you’ll take karen out to go stargazing
• you find a nice spot somewhere just out of town and you lay down either on the top of your car or on the grass
• pointing out silly imaginary constellations and giggling about them until you get tired and go back home
• you couldn’t wish for a better sister 🫶
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gaycrimerat · 5 months
Okay so I was thinking (which means I wasn't listening in class) and here are some things I would like to see with Tommy in the show (or in fanfic):
- Tommy working with Athena on a case (providing support from the sky or something or perhaps helping her solve something that happened when he was on call)
- Maddie receiving a call and Tommy's team taking it (it might be fun seeing other team from LA taking a call for a change imo) (if that's even possible idk how first responders work ngl)
- Tommy hanging out with 118 fam (it might be at Bobby and Athena's or at Hen and Karen's)
- Tommy babysitting Jee-Yun with Buck
- Tommy hanging out with Buck and Chris
- Tommy hanging out with Eddie, Buck and Chris
- Tommy hanging out with Eddie alone (maybe then some ppl will realise he isn't jealous lol)
- Tommy meeting Taylor (cus I like her tbh especially as a Buck friend (a bit controversial I know lol))
Bonus: Buck hanging out with Tommy and his friends
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Kyle, Stan, Kenny (separate) x gn!reader
Kyle Broflovski💚
- Study dates, study dates, study dates!!!
- If you ever don’t understand something he’ll be happy to help (although sometimes he does get frustrated, we all know Kyle has anger issues)
- His favorite places to kiss you are on your forehead and nose, loves seeing your nose scrunch up when he kisses it
- Not huge on PDA, mostly hand holding or hugs, kinda embarrassed to kiss you in public (not because he doesn’t love you!!! He really does, he’s just scared of his friends making fun of him)
- Although! He will sneak secret kisses with you (you guys probably do that think where you hide behind a book and kiss lol)
- I feel like Kyle’s a really good cook and he loves cooking for you! (Sheila taught him well)
- Adores seeing you at his games! It warms his heart seeing how supportive you are
- He’s your #1 fan!! No matter what you’re doing he’s there supporting you, just like you’re there supporting him!
- Ike adores you and is always asking him when you’re coming to visit
- Kinda acts like Sheila ngl, he just worries about you
“Have you eaten? How long did you sleep? Have you been drinking enough water? Did you-“
“Kyle, I’m fine stop worrying!”
“Sorry sweetheart”
- PET NAMES!! He loves calling you sweetheart or sweetie, also darling!
- Was so terrified to show you his hair, but when you told him you loved it he practically melted
- Loves having you play with it, it really relaxes him
- He’s just so in love with you, he can’t put it into words sometimes so he likes doing stuff for you! Like helping you study or clean
- He probably said I love you two or three months into your relationship
Kenny McCormick🧡
- This poor man is so touched starved. Will always be touching you. Hugs, kisses, hand holding, you name it he just wants to be close to you.
- Will melt into your touch
- Loves kissing you everywhere all the time.
- His favorite places to kiss is your neck and collarbone also your tits
- Pepper his face with kisses pls!! He’ll melt
- HUGE on PDA ofc!! (Unless you’re not comfortable with it)
- So needy, always needs your attention
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N”
“Ken please I’m trying to study”
“But Y/N!! Im more important than that stupid test!!”
- He’ll whine and pout until you pay attention to him.
- Dirty jokes and terrible pick-up lines just to make you flustered
- If you ever feel insecure about him talking to other people, he won’t hesitate to block and stop talking to all the people he used to be flirty with
- Loves laying his head on your lap or tits lmao
- Play with his hair!! He loves feeling your fingers running through his hair
- Kevin likes you and omg Karen just adores you!! Kenny is so happy about it
- He just loves you so much!! Probably said I love you within the first week of you guys dating
Stan Marsh💙
- Leaves little notes and doodles in your locker (his friends constantly bully him about it)
- Terrible, terrible at texting (it’s literally canon) always prefers to FaceTime you
- Like Kyle he’s not big on PDA but will probably have his arm around your shoulder or waist all the time
- Will give you quick pecks on the cheek or lips just to catch you off guard lol
- Not very good with his words so he’ll probably say something dumb to you on accident, always feels bad after and apologizes right away
- Big gift giver, will see something that reminds him of you and buy it for you
“I got this for you”
“Thanks, but why?”
“I don’t know, It reminded me of you”
- Terrified of you leaving him, but of course you always reassure him that you love him and won’t leave him
- Shelly really likes you, probably asked you why you were dating her brother since he’s a “turd” lmao
- Likes just having lazy days with you, hanging out all cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with the takeout you guys bought
- Falls asleep on you alot lol, you’re just so warm and comforting
- Will just stare at you sometimes, he just thinks you’re so pretty
- I think he was the one who took the longest to say I love you, he knew he loved you since the beginning but he wanted to make sure you didn’t leave him before he said it. He said I love you around 4-5 months in to your relationship
A/N: I haven’t written something like this in years so I’m terrified lmao but hopefully y’all like them, also English isn’t my first language so sorry if the wording seems wrong😅
Feel free to request if you guys want, I’d be so thankful for requests 🙏
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msmimundo · 1 year
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What if Carol gives birth once again, but the child she births isn’t Kenny?
(AU where Karen is also immortal! would Kenny tell her about Mysterion then?? I think he would be pretty sad ngl)
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finished season 4 last night and i once again have thought i would like to write down!!!
this time written on my phone bc im on holiday and havent gotten the wifi password for my laptop yet so bare with me
- may grant!!! I love that she got a bigger role this season. she’s so great and seeing her grow and learn the same way maddie had to learn was so beautiful to watch. her relationship to her mother is complicated but beautiful and i love that athena learns to accept that may is her own person. I hope we see more of her in season 5 and i hope we see more of athena and may together as well. her listening to her mom’s phonecall to 911…. I cried
-speaking of smaller characters getting bigger roles: josh!!! i LOVED what was basically a “josh begins” episode, he ATEEEEEE that one call where he had to direct several groups of LAPD officers around.
-bobby this season made me fear for a relapse. im so glad that he didnt relapse but im scared for him and worried. I hope he and athena can talk more and tbh i would love to see him open up again to the season 1 trio. chim, hen and buck helped him get sober after his relapse, i want to see them bond and vent together!!! the episode where he and michael played detectives LMFAOO
- i think ive mostly mentioned what i loved about athena this season in previous paragraphs, her relationship with may and her relationship with bobby. i absolutely LOVE how hard she went for that missing her, i loved her rescuing bobby from that sniper. there were some excellent scenes. i love her and hen together, my bestieesssssss!!!! i do wish to see her and bobby in more vulnerable scenes together, the fight and then aftermath of it was beautiful
-hen my love. what a rollercoaster. first of all i love her mom!!! she’s so fun and clearly trying to fix whatever went wrong between them. hen at med school is sosoosososo cool and i love her med school friends. she’s so cool being in med school even with everything else. I love seeing the main cast’s friends OUTSIDE of work, it adds so much to the characters . her and karen truly are so fucking important to me. the foster daughter arc with nia was so beautiful and heartbreaking. like im sorry you KNEW this could happen. but i love that they’re open to new placements even with the pain. and denny being involved!! and being scared of being taken away!!! Pls im gonna cry, the exact fear karen has
-chimney at the beginning of the season pissed me tf off. but then he was there for maddie in person and they were amazing!! girl dad chimney!! i love him, he loves his kid so much pleaseeeeee… and him telling the people who raised him how imporant they are to him. i love his character idk guys, hes just so wonderful to me. even if he clearly didnt see the signs of maddies post partum depression
- albert literally almost dying while his niece was being brought into the world was so fucking stressful jesus christ. i love him and i love his friendship with buck. uncle besties 4 life!!!
- maddie i love you so much. she was so beautiful this season, she deserves the world. she was so ready to be a mom but then post partum depression hit :( i hope she gets better, im glad she asked for help. her and buck’s storyline this season… the secret brother… for fucks sake how shocking and how HEAVY of a burden that must be to carry for so long. I love her so much.
- buck this season going to therapy…. Damn dont get too mentally stable or else they won’t know what to do with you anymore hahahaah!! nvm watch your loveofyourlife bestie get shot in front of you, have to crawl under a truck even with your trauma to save him and then literally try to keep him alive until the hospital only to then have to tell his son what is happening. heres moreeeee traumaaaaaaaa woooohooooo!!! ngl i liked him and taylor kelly this season, i kinda wish they would remain friends but i can deal with her as a love interest for now. shes an interesting character! his whole world being turned upside down when he was just starting to get better from the therapy by her sister admitting to them having a brother and him being born for spare parts. love you king, sorry you never get to be fully happy with yourself!
- eddie diaz you absolute cutie pie. will you ever be happy? Idk but you sure were bitchy this season. i fucking LOVED it, please tell me we get your bitchy ass back for season 5. him in the jinx episode??? I laughed so hard, truly an icon. I love ana flores but that man simply doesnt know what to do with a woman like her. oranywomanforthatmatter. him and chris is always beautiful, that is MY family. he loves that kid so muchz and him putting buck in the will?? hand in marriage next…. I knew what was coming from spoilers online but him being shot and the scenes after that of buck getting him inside the truck were so fucking nerve racking and also FUN!! what a moment.
-carla is back for 2 seconds and already spitting facts LMFAO
-the jinx episode was so fun and sossoossoso good pls more of it and more of ravi as well
-the treasure hunt episode was so good too!! I love episodes where they all get a bit silly
-the dam breaking and mudslide disaster was really good, especially with may being freshly at 911 dispatch and her MOM being stuck in a house that crashed down the hill. nothing tops the tsunami tho
- i want more buck and diaz scenes. and by diaz i mean chris.
thats all i can think fo rn my brain is tired i love travelling but it makes me so tired
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Yes I'm alive.
Yandere FNAF 1 headcanons:
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(yes the art is indeed mine, I'm trying out something)
Yandere Freddy:
🎩 so first of all this dude is the looks like he could end your life in 1.0 seconds.
🎩 he definitely knows that he scares/intimidates people and thrives in it.
🎩 especially rude customers/Karen's, he loves the look on their face when he politely asks them to leave. It never gets old
🎩 now there's multiple ways you could meet this guy:
A: your working night shift and he slowly becomes obsessed
Or B: your working dayshift and you draw his attention. By either kicking someone out or just being kind to the kids.
🎩 either way he's certainly interested in you.
🎩 th first time you guys actually officially meet he tries to make a good impression. Y'know: being all gentlemanly and nice.
🎩 this bear LOVES to follow you around, but he doesn't want to come off as clingy to you so he restraints himself and stays on stage.
🎩 he really enjoys physical affection, he likes to give you bear hugs and nuzzle in to you.
🎩 although do not be fooled by him, he may seem to be a cute cuddle bear but when he doesn't like someone which is almost anyone who approaches you he gets mad easily.
🎩 he has some anger issues (not as bad as Monty but)
🎩 he deals with you being defiant in two ways:
He either waits till your done with your 'tantrum' as he calls it or he just locks you backstage for awhile.
🎩 he doesn't like having to punish you, he prefers to just cuddle you and smother you in affection.
🎩 most of the FNAF 1 gang are definitely some of the softest when it comes to you.
"are you ready for Freddy~?"
Yandere Bonnie:
💜 he's probably the most aggressive and cunning of the group. Finding ways to manipulate and toy with people.
💜 that however, does not apply to you. He would never.
💜 when he met you he just knew that it was love at first sight.
💜 this dude is 100 percent a worshipper, he can't keep his filthy paws off of you! Your just so perfect~
💜 he doesn't care if he comes off clingy tbh, cause he IS clingy. He, also like Freddy: loves to follow you around like a lost puppy.
💜 now he isn't delusional, at least completely. He smart enough to know that what he's feeling is wrong that he shouldn't be feeling it. But the thing is that he straight up doesn't care that he's delusional, He's happy and everyone else can die in a ditch 😀.
💜 he really likes to call you pet names like: darlin', sweets, and even cottontail is he feeling frisky 😉 (yes, I do headcanon them with ai's that are supposed to replicate humans and their feelings).
💜 but he....doesn't take defiance very well: it causes him to sober up a bit out of his delusions that he created. And as such he will get kinda pissed with you.
💜 but on a bit of a lighter note he likes to play music with you :)
💜 he likes to play your favorite song on his guitar and sing to you. (Yes, he can sing)
💜 he loves you so much, and you'll never get rid of him.
"sweets! I was worried you'd left...."
Yandere chica:
🧁 ah yes, mama chica.
🧁 I headcanon her as very sweet and loveable. Everyone likes her.
🧁 she's also an excellent cook, meaning whatever your favorite food is she will try to cook it for you.
🧁 she loves to give you hugs! She just loves you in general. There is absolutely nothing you could do that wouldn't make her just adore your every move.
🧁 you could litterly be a serial killer that kills for sport and she will think your an angel from heaven.
🧁 she isn't delusional, just lovesick. And oh so desperate for your affection and attention: like foxy and Goldie, she wants your attention a lot. But she isn't forceful like Cassidy is.
🧁 she deals with your tantrums in a different way, instead of punishing you like the others she just shuts you up with food XD
🧁 but if someone were to hurt you their dead meat.
"honey would you mind helping me make more cupcakes?"
Yandere foxy:
🏴‍☠️ our favorite pirate fox boy ✋☺️.
🏴‍☠️ ngl he's probably the softest out of the group. He's just so lonely to the point he craves attention. Please give it to him 🥺🙏.
🏴‍☠️ he's probably the only one that wouldn't kidnap you (unless your in danger)
🏴‍☠️ he's a soft boy ✋. Also those ears? Give em a pat.
🏴‍☠️ he really likes telling you about his adventures (pirate stories). He is quite a talker, he'll talk for hours about random shit untill it's six.
🏴‍☠️ he littlerly talked the night away.
🏴‍☠️ he gets kinda sad when you go home but he understands. He has some humanity 👌.
🏴‍☠️ despite being soft he flirts with you like there's no tomorrow. He does it in front of the others to.
🏴‍☠️ he deals with you yelling at him in a way he knows squeezes your heart strings: he just looks down in shame with his ears flat. Works every time.
🏴‍☠️ you wouldn't even guess he's a yandere till someone gets a little close to his liking.
"yarharhar! Don't worry darlin', i'll show that scallywag!"
Yandere golden Freddy/Cassidy:
💛 oh Lord, if you thought Freddy and bonnie were bad, wait till you see him. He's littlerly the biggest simp ever.
💛 you could just be breathing and he'll compliment on how utterly ✨bootiful✨ you look.
💛 being an old fredbear suit (this is my au) he can't move around much, but he can still somewhat move his arms. Which works well when they have to dispose of someone.
💛 he would littlerly jump off a cliff if you asked him.
💛 and they just love you so much they can't even say.
💛 they aren't to big on physical affection but he likes cuddles alot :D
💛 if anyone even much looks at you though he's ready to roundhouse this bish-
💛 how dare they breathe the same air as you 😤✋
💛 he's actually pretty manipulative, he does things he knows you like to attract you to them.
💛 and with tantrums? He just holds you and ignores all the biting and crying :)
💛 he isn't delusional but he isn't all that....sober either. He switches off.
💛 he's not very emotionally stable, but he tries :'(
💛 though he just likes to hold you with that same lovesick look in his nonexistent eyes
"darling....could you please come here? I would like to hold you right now"
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
I hate Debbie.
Debbie is the worst character. What crack have you smoked. Her and her actor suck dick and are terrible actors. Get your head straight, man.
There is no way you ship mandy and Karen. BRO RAN HER OVER WITH HER CAR AND YOU FIND THAT HOT. man you are so fucked up, seek help.
OMGGGF YOUR BACKGROUNDS LEOPARD PRINT WOAHHHH. Who tf uses Leopard Print in 2023. Naw, dawg, your New years Revolution gonna be smacking ass if you're like that.
How do you support someone who doesn't treat her daughter good. She's such a bitch to franny, she would totally vote for Trump, she even fucking looks like Trump. I think Frank would be a better father to franny than Debbie.
Even fucking Sammy's better than Debbie, better looking too ngl.
womp womp
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icetobes · 5 months
a rollercoaster of fucking emotions
911 thoughts s7 e5
- alien hand ?? lmao
- hen and her knowlate 🫶🏻
- lmao pleasee they’re struggling so much lmao
- oh bucks being choked
- bobby 🫶🏻
- oh eddie… um
- kinda funny… those poor guys
- i’m so excited this is aaaa
- NO WHAT 😭😭😭
- they’re ??? not ??? getting a little girl ????
- i’m devastated they can’t do this to me i was so excited why would they do this to me
- another girl ?? a nine year old :((((
- they’re the best chance :((( aaa
- they’re going to a movie 🥹🥹
- evan.
- the 118 was a regressive place… you did that ngl but it’s okay
- “i’m not lying” BUCK BABY
- “date with a dude” 😭
- “i guess it’s just me that makes you nervous” IM GONNA AAAA
- HOT CHICKS buck stop ??? help
- he’s so awkward :(((
- “it’s mine”
- “i think you’re adorable but i don’t think you’re ready” IM SOBBING NO
- aaaa henren again 🥹🫶🏻
- the blanket is the only thing she has left :((
- hen understanding non-verbal i’m going to CRY
- denny is so sweet im aaaaa
- karen getting emotional me too babe
- lied to eddie…
- a date…
- he’s not saying it…
- “this person” he’s so 🫶🏻
- “who it is isn’t the point”
- “HE”
- “more than an ally”
- “didn’t think that’s where you’re interests lie” eddie diaz
- he came out to maddie… kinda im shaking
- eddie and … her… ew
- i need him to find something dumb
- THE CACTUS “you’re kinda cool” he’s a loser i love him
- karen 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- oh the teddy bear:(
- mara are you okay :((
- oh she’s :(( poor baby :((
- buck at the stationnn
- “you are here early” buck you are literally so awkward
- a avoid not having sex ??? what
- “SHE WAS A NUN” “oh”
- he’s so angry about her past as a nun im crying
- not the cross help…
- GO TO CAP 😭😭😭
- “you looked like you wanted to tell me something” uh
- hen and bobby time
- talk about mara :((
- that poor baby :(
- i hope she realises she’s safe she deserves it
- oh denny :( he’s so sweet i can’t
- karen kinda side eyeing her… don’t make me dislike you :(
- her blanket is her safety net 😭🫶🏻
- “this isn’t working out” NO YOU GOTTA MAKE HER SAFE
- i need this storyline to work out good it’s got to i need this
- second thoughts about moving in BOBBY YOU ARE GOOD
- panic attacks mention
- a commitment phobe
- demisexual eddie diaz i WILL have you one day
- “only you know that” but i don’t think he does tho
- go to confession hehe
- a dog attack …
- they’re literally comparing a dog and a child i can’t
- and they’re vets now ???
- is this twice they’ve saved a dog
- dog :D
- they asked athena 😭😭
- “are you sure” oh my god i’m gonna cry aren’t i ??
- “i don’t want to be another name in a long list of people who failed her” 😔😔😔
- her little voice oh my heart is breaking
- oh my god :(( mara you poor sweet baby i hope you get the love and safety and happiness you deserve
- i’m crying i can’t do this
- “she was afraid we weren’t goig to wake up” ILL SOB
- “she wants to know what i want for dinner” lmao
- DO I??? stay in the loft 🤭🤭🤭
- “i’m gonna have to break up with her” omg best idea you’ve had
- “you and tommy have the best idea”
- “really?”
- not questinging buck but tommy 😭😭😭😭
- “is that weird” “NO ABSOLUTELY NOT”
- this do in t change a thing between us
- “he dumped me”
- “you should call him”
- i’m so happy aaaaa
- “call tommy”
- not them exiting with a parallel lmao
- hi eddie
- “heyyyy” hes so awkward
- dinner with her brother girl-
- “guy who needs a minute” eddie diaz im in your fucking walls
- EW
- “can’t wait to move out” me either LMAO ME
- karen my love 🫶🏻
- the blanket slowly coming down, like a barrier coming down
- “you’re safe here even if it doesn’t feel that way yet” :(((( AAAAAAAA
- SHE SPOKE :((( baby spoke im so proud of her im not okay
- BUCK ????
- did he call tommy 🤭🤭
- omg hiiii
- coffee date aaaa
- “mmm so not like that” LMAO
- “i would like to change that” aaa
- “i didn’t want to pressure you” AAAAAAAAAAA
- “i don’t know what im ready for but i am ready for something” i can’t do this
- “evan.”
- “i need someone to dance with” HOLY SHIT
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