#i think that the doctor was making eyes at mickey
takeyourpillsbitchh · 17 hours
Drabble bingo day four: “Is anyone here a doctor?”
This turned into kind of a meet cute and I’m not mad about it
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
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“This is stupid, Mick, I’m fine. Really, just got dizzy,” Mandy huffed, holding his bundled up plaid shirt to her bleeding forehead.
“The fuck you’re fine. Your head is split open Mandy,” Mickey scoffed, “I’m going see if there’s a fuckin’ doctor here or something.”
Mickey leaves the bathroom, where his sister had fallen and busted her head open before texting him like he could fuckin’ fix it. Fuck the blood was everywhere. He has stripped his flannel off to try and stop the blood, leaving him in his a white, now stained with blood, tank top.
He stops the first waitress he sees and her eyes widen as she looks him over.
“Yo, can you find out if anyone here is a doctor? My sister fell in the bathroom…” He trails off, fuck, maybe he should’ve just called 911.
“Oh, um, I—I think there’s a paramedic here!” She says quickly before scurrying off. He really hoped she was actually going get someone. He rushed back to the bathroom, trying to avoid the eyes that fell on him and the blood on his hand and shirt.
“Apparently there’s a paramedic here, just your luck, huh?” Mickey tries to smile but he’s worried as fuck to be honest.
“Let’s just hope he’s cute,” Mandy says but before Mickey can say anything back there’s a quick knock on the door.
Mickey pulls it open quickly and meets the green eyes of a tall redhead in a blue long sleeve, clearly the paramedic. His eyes assess Mickey quickly, and maybe it shouldn’t but it kinda turns Mickey on, but Mickey shakes his head and steps to the side.
“Not me, man. My sister.”
The attractive man, Ian, based on his name tag steps past Mickey and sits his bag on the ground. He talks to Mandy gently as he treats her head wound, telling her she’s definitely going to need stitches and have go to the hospital.
“Lucky for you, I can get you there pretty quickly,” Ian jokes lightly and Mandy’s looking at him with that love sick puppy look that makes Mickey want to gag. He grabs her hands and stands, “Come on, up slowly. Any more dizziness?”
“No,” she shakes her head slowly. “No, I think I’m okay.”
“Good,” Ian smiles and it lights up his entire face. He’s kind of beautiful if Mickey’s honest. “Why don’t you keep your hand in mine, I’ll help steady you while we walk out, okay?”
Mandy nods, lets Ian start leading her.
“Gonna go grab our stuff from the table,” Mickey says and suddenly those green eyes are meeting his, pinning him to his spot. “Do you want to ride with your sister? Or do you want to follow?”
“Oh, uh, I’ll follow,” Mickey nodded before looking at Mandy. “You cool with that?”
Mandy shrugs. “Yeah, but make sure you bring my food. Fuckin’ hungry.”
Mickey lets out a breathless laugh. “Yeah, the fuck ever.”
He rushes to the table, grabbing Mandy’s purse and shoving their phones inside of it. He flags the waitress down and gets a to-go box for the food and quickly hands his card over.
He starts heading to the front of the restaurant, stopping at the front.
“Hey, uh, that paramedic,” he says, when his waitress comes back, “did he get a chance to pay for his food?”
“Ian? No, usually if him or his work partner have to leave quickly they’ll come back and just pay the next day,” she shrugs casually.
“Can I pay for his food, like a thank you or whatever?” Mickey says and he swears this girl gives him heart eyes as she nods and takes his card again.
Once he gets his card back, he signs the receipt and before he can overthink it signs the bottom with his number, telling Ian to call him. Then he rushes out, the ambulance isn’t parked far from their car and he sees Ian inside stitching up Mandy’s head. He catches her eye and holds up the boxes of food with a grin and she chuckles.
The whole thing is over fairly quickly. The hospital isn’t far and they don’t want to do any X-rays. They assess Mandy and end up sending her home with some extra strength Tylenol and instruction to be ready for the next few days.
When they get home and Mandy showers he helps her get set up in bed, makes her some tea and leaves the bottle of Tylenol beside the bed.
It’s only after he showers, washing his sister blood from his skin, and changes into a fresh set of sweatpants does he notice a text on his phone from an unsaved number. And he can’t stop the stupid grin that stretches across his face as he reads it.
(Unknown 10:55 PM): Thanks for paying for my food Mickey, let me repay you with lunch tomorrow?
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hobgoblinns · 1 year
i know almost every s3 and 4 dw episode off by heart but i don’t watch s2 anywhere near as often so when i do it’s always like “oh my god a shot of ten that hasn’t been permanently ingrained into my memory yet!!!!”
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roosterforme · 8 months
Always Ever Only You Part 29 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Your hormones are raging to the point of distraction, but Bradley channels that energy toward a purpose: christening the new Bronco. When the two of you attend Mickey's birthday kegger, Bradley realizes everything would be easier if his friends knew you were pregnant. Hopefully the first visit with your new doctor will set your minds at ease instead of making you more anxious.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, pregnancy, angst, fluff
Length: 6000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You woke up to your alarm for work on Friday morning, groggy and nauseous with a growling stomach. "Roo?" you asked, popping up in bed when you realized he wasn't there. The house was silent. His spot in the bed was cold. You groaned and rolled over to grab your glasses. You needed to eat something immediately or the vomiting was going to start.
Still wearing your underwear and shirt from last night, you shuffled to the kitchen and downed a full glass of water and the plate of peanut butter crackers Bradley left out for you. "Roo?" you asked between bites. You opened the sliding glass door, but he wasn't in the backyard. When you turned toward the front door to see if the Bronco was here, something caught your eye through the front window. "What the hell?"
You grabbed the throw blanket from the couch and wrapped it around yourself as you shoved the last cracker into your mouth. When you opened the front door, you saw your husband and your dog in the driveway. Bradley had moved the Bronco to the street, and he was wearing gym clothes and hosing down the cement slab. 
"What is going on?" you called out, squinting against the early morning sunlight as he waved to you. "What are you doing?"
Bradley was smiling brightly as he dropped the hose next to the industrial sized broom and started running toward you. "You have to hear it, Sweetheart." He was fumbling with his phone. "The most beautiful words." He thrust the phone in front of you as a voicemail message started to play.
"Hi, Bradley, this is Terry from the Ford dealership. I'm just calling to let you know your new Bronco is here."
You groaned as he bounced on the balls of his feet, and Tramp wandered past your legs and back inside. "I still don't understand why you have the hose and broom out...? Are you cleaning the driveway? For the new Bronco?"
"Yes," he replied as if he was talking to a very small child. "I wouldn't want to bring it home to a mess. I want it to feel welcome."
You closed your eyes as he put his phone away and let his palm come to rest against your belly. "It's barely even light out, and you're cleaning the driveway for our new car to feel welcome."
"It's not just a car, Baby Girl. It's a Bronco. And I was too excited to sleep."
You opened your eyes and kissed him before you shook your head. "I can't imagine how you'll be when we start shopping for baby stuff."
His brown eyes lit up as he rubbed your belly. "As soon as you give me the green light, I'm ready to go. I can't wait to decorate the nursery. And I really think we should talk about getting a contractor to work on the attic."
You held up one of your hands, trying to keep the blanket wrapped around you. "Can we just do one thing at a time, Roo? When are we picking up the Bronco?"
He kissed your cheek and moaned. "I knew you were as excited as I am. We can go right from work later today."
"Okay," you agreed with a shrug before shuffling back inside and leaving him to finish cleaning the driveway.
It was Friday, Bradley's wife was pregnant, he was about to pick up his new Bronco, and everything was perfect. A little too perfect. He tapped on your office door as soon as he got out of his afternoon lecture, and when you opened it, you looked upset.
"What's wrong?" he asked, ducking inisde with you and closing the door. He cupped your face in his hands and stroked your cheek. "What is it, Sweetheart?"
You let out a needy moan and then licked your lips. "I am so fucking horny."
Well. At least that was better than there being something wrong that he couldn't take care of. You turned your head slightly and took his thumb between your lips, and Bradley grunted. "Holy shit. You're not kidding." He was met with another soft moan and your fingers on the fly of his khakis while you sucked. He had to grab you to make you stop before you had your hand down his pants. "Okay," he whispered. "Here's what we're about to do, alright?"
You nodded, looking up at him like you trusted him completely as he removed his thumb. "Tell me."
"If you're ready to leave, we'll stop and pick up Bronco number two and drive them both home, and then I'll do whatever you need, okay?"
You sucked in a deep breath, and your voice shook. "Okay."
Bradley carried your work bag for you, and when it was just the two of you in the elevator, he wasn't sure how you managed to make it through the day. You were a mess. You had him pinned to the wall, one hand at the back of his neck, the other resting on his abs, and you were kissing him like you would at home in bed. 
He wanted this. Badly. Your tongue stroked against his as you traced his scars with your fingertips. Every little gasp and sound you made went right for his cock. "I need it so bad," you whispered, pressing your lips to his mustache. "God, Roo."
"Fuck," he groaned as the elevator started to slow. "I'd take you right here if I could."
You were whimpering as the doors slid open revealing Maverick. Bradley desperately tried to move your hands to more suitable places on his body, but you just pressed your cheek to his chest and smiled as you said, "Hey, Captain Mitchell."
He smirked and replied, "Lieutenant Commanders."
"Sir?" Bradley croaked, taking both of your hands in his and pulling you out of the elevator. 
Maverick shook his head, and Bradley expected that he would get a text this weekend, but he'd deal with that later. Hand in hand, you and he ran toward the Bronco, and he quickly got you inside and buckled your seatbelt. But you lured him in for more kisses with your fingers in his hair. 
"You taste so good," you whined, licking his lips and tongue. 
"Shit." He was hard now, and he was going to have to try to get you to behave on the short drive to the dealership. Bradley wrenched himself away from you and tucked your hands to your sides. "I love this, I really do, but you need to try to behave for like thirty more minutes."
He ran around to his door, wrenched it open, and soon he was pulling out of the parking garage. You had your head tipped back and your eyes closed as you whispered, "I can't explain it, Bradley, but all I can think about right now is your cock. Just huge and delicious. Fucking me and making me scream."
"Jesus, Baby Girl," he gasped, nearly driving off the road. 
You turned toward him, eyes wide now. "And I swear to god, you have never looked hotter than you do right now. I want to put my mouth on you."
This was doing nothing for his raging erection as he adjusted himself at a red light. When he saw your hands coming his way, he grabbed them and said, "Absolutely not. Sit on them." You whimpered, but you did as you were told and tucked your hands beneath your thighs. "Now listen closely, Sweetheart." The light turned green and he gunned the accelerator. "I love this enthusiasm. So I'll tell you what we're gonna do. When we get home, we're breaking in the new Bronco."
"Yes," you gasped, biting your lip and nodding. "Fuck me in it."
"I sure will," he rasped, unsure how he was going to manage your hormones for the next eight months. He really hoped this elevated sex drive meant everything was healthy for you and the baby. 
As he pulled into the Ford dealership, the bright cherry red Bronco was parked at the front of the building, and he sighed when he saw it. "There she is. Isn't she gorgeous?"
You unbuckled as soon as he parked. "It'll look even better when I've got my pants pulled down inside of it."
"Damn straight," he growled, climbing out his door and adjusting his pants the best he could. You came running to his side, and the two of you walked into the building, trying your very best to act normal. Bradley wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed your temple as you took some deep breaths. "You're doing great, Sweetheart," he muttered as he flagged down Terry who left him the voicemail message.
"You're back for the red Bronco!" he said as he headed over. "Why don't you step into my office so we can sign the final paperwork and get the keys."
Bradley felt you link your fingers with his, and the two of you sat side by side while Terry printed out some pages and rambled on about the extended warranty. You kept glancing at Bradley out of the corner of your eye and squirming in your seat. And if you thought he looked hotter now than he ever had before, then the feeling was completely mutual. You looked so damn good, even struggling through your morning sickness, that he wanted to get his hands all over your body. 
When your teeth sank down into your lip as you looked at him, he thought about sweeping everything off Terry's desk, telling him to get the fuck out of his own office, and nailing you right here. God, you'd make the prettiest sounds, too.
"How does that sound?" Terry asked, looking from you and then back to Bradley.
"I'm sorry, what?" Bradley replied, trying his best to get his libido under control. "I missed what you said."
Terry smiled serenely like he didn't know he was practically in the middle of a porno right now. "Would you like me to show you all the controls and interior features? Go over how everything works before you drive off with it?"
"Nope. I think we'll be fine figuring it out on our own," he replied immediately as he grabbed the proffered pen from the other man. He scribbled his signature on the bottom of the paperwork and then passed it to you to do the same. "You ready to get busy, Baby Girl?" he asked as he stood. 
"God yes," you moaned as he took the two sets of keys from a rather stunned looking Terry. "Let's go."
The two of you ran back out to the Broncos, and Bradley groaned. "Oh, hell yes. A hot wife, a baby and two Broncos. Someone pinch me."
"Just get in," you commanded, shoving him toward the red one. "You can deal with not knowing the controls, and I'll meet you at home." 
Bradley let you take the keys out of his pocket before he climbed inside the new one. He took a second to inhale that fresh, new car scent. He ran his fingers over the leather steering wheel. Then he kissed the keys and cranked the engine, barely taking the time to adjust the mirrors before pulling out onto the main road behind you. 
It took eight and a half minutes to get home, and the sun was dipping lower in the sky, but it was by no means dark outside when Bradley pulled in the driveway next to you. Your movements were sure and intentional as you unbuckled your khaki belt while you walked around the blue Bronco and went straight for the back door of the red one. 
"Are you coming?" you asked with desperation as you climbed in the back and looked at him still sitting in the driver's seat. You were on your knees on the seat, pulling your uniform pants and cute underwear down your thighs. "Please?"
"Holy fucking shit." On all fours. On the backseat. Back door open. You were just asking for the fuck of a lifetime, and he was going to give it to you.
He killed the engine and left the keys on the dash as he climbed into the backseat behind you. It was roomier than your shitty Honda, but he still had to work with what he had. "I got you, Sweetheart," he promised as you folded your arms and let your head rest on the seat with your gorgeous ass up in the air. He tasted you there, running his lips and mustache down through your soaking wet pussy while he undid his own belt.
You sighed in relief as you pressed slowly back for more pressure, and as soon as he had his hard cock hanging out the front of his pants, Bradley took your hips in his hands. You tasted and smelled delicious and familiar as he licked and kissed you everywhere as his hands slowly crept around to your belly. His fingers stroked you softly where he knew your tattoo was, and he licked you from hole to hole. 
"You're really worked up," he murmured as he kissed along your ass cheek and swiped his fingers through your pussy.
"I told you, Daddy!" you moaned, and he coated his cock up with your wetness and his precum. Then he got himself in position behind you, glancing around to see if any of the neighbors were out and about. But it didn't matter. You were already too far gone. He reached behind himself and closed the door a few more inches before it hit his boot, and then he covered your body with his own.
As he slid his cock slowly inside your pussy, he could already feel you clenching around him. When he bottomed out, you were whimpering pathetically. "Roo."
"Shh. I know, Baby Girl. I'll take care of it."
You nodded beneath him, glancing back as he kissed your perfect cheek. "I love you."
Bradley's heart melted even as he started to slowly thrust. He kissed your shoulder through your uniform shirt and wrapped one big hand around your belly. "I love both of you," he promised. Then he patted the seat right next to your folded arms. "In a few more months, there's gonna be a car seat right here. And I can't fucking wait. I can't wait to meet our baby."
"Daddy," you whined, and he planted his palm on the upholstery and held your body as he started to fuck you harder. He knew you wouldn't feel better until you could barely walk, and right now that's what he wanted, too. He thrusted harder as the sounds got more obscene, knowing anyone could see what was happening right now if they looked this way. You turned back with an absolutely delighted expression on your face and whispered, "Watch where you're bracing your foot."
Then he really let you have it, spanking your pussy lightly with his damp fingers and making you squeal while you clenched around him. He turned your head with his other hand so that your mouth was pressed to your forearm, hoping to muffle some of the noise before returning his palm to the upholstery. Oh, you were close now, and so was he, but he'd spend all night out here fucking you with this steady rhythm until you got what you needed from him. Because you always gave him everything.
As he stroked your clit with his middle finger, you whined his name, and your legs started to shake. "Come on, Baby Girl. Come on," he coaxed, pushing himself deep and staying still while you squeezed his length and shook beneath him.
A pitiful cry of Daddy was all he heard as you started milking him for everything he was worth. He rolled his hips until he was done, and then he gently wrapped his hand around your neck and guided you so your back was against his chest. He kissed your ear, letting you hear how he was panting to catch his breath while he said, "Baby number two gets made in a Bronco."
Well. The red Bronco now smelled like new car and filthy sex at the same time. And you had Bradley's cum all over your uniform pants. And your nipples hurt from rubbing against the backseat. But you felt incredible as Bradley closed up the doors, locked it and patted the hood before leading you to the house with his arm around your waist.
"All better?" he asked, slipping the key into the lock as you rubbed your face against his bicep. 
"So much better," you replied as Tramp greeted both of you. "In fact, I think I'm going to go relax in the bathtub."
When you tried to walk away from him, Bradley grabbed your hand. "Whoa. Not so fast." He yanked you gently back into his arms. "First of all, now that the new Bronco has been appropriately christened, you get to take a set of the keys." He dropped them into your hand as he kissed your forehead. "And second, I read about taking baths during pregnancy, and you can't have the water as hot as you're used to."
You gaped up at him. "You read about it?"
He nodded as his cheeks started to turn pink. "Yeah. Just online. You know, just because you like taking baths. And sometimes we take them together.  And I know I told you I wasn't going to start shopping too much yet, but I did order a tub thermometer on Monday. And it arrived yesterday. And I hope you don't think I'm crazy right now."
You squeezed him tighter as you whispered, "I don't think you're crazy. I think you're sweet and smart. You always seem to think of things that I don't. And on that note, would you like to get the thermometer and meet me in the bathroom? Naked?"
He patted you on the butt and whispered, "I'll feed Tramp and meet you in there."
You stripped out of your uniform and turned on the water, but you didn't crank it as hot as you normally would. You dipped your toes in and swirled them around as you thought back to last weekend when you sat in the empty tub and counted for three minutes until your pregnancy test was ready. It was fascinating to you, growing something inside you that made you so reactive to everything. Every time you thought about your upcoming appointment, you got antsy, hoping they would tell you everything looked as it should. 
Bradley kissed your shoulder as his body met yours. "I brought the goods," he whispered as he dropped the floating thermometer into the tub and held up a sleeve of crackers and a bottle of cold water.
You moaned and reached for the food, knowing you should eat something now while you still felt okay. "You're the best husband in the world."
As you shoved some crackers into your mouth, Bradley knelt and kissed your belly. "Hi," he whispered, making a huge smile break out on your face. "It's me again. Just checking in." He kissed your belly button and looked up at you as he said, "Mommy and I are hoping to see you next week with an ultrasound." He paused and pressed one more lazy kiss a little closer to your tattoo as he stared. "Your tits look fucking incredible, Sweetheart."
"Do they?" you asked, looking down at yourself. "They're so sore." 
Bradley grunted and shut off the water after he checked the thermometer. "So what you're saying is I can look, but I can't touch? Because that's just mean." He climbed into the tub and helped you in while you laughed. 
"It didn't hurt too much the other day when you were very, very gentle," you whispered as you straddled his lap facing him. These slightly cooler baths would take some getting used to, but it wasn't too terrible. 
"Got it." You ate a few more crackers as he intently focused on your half submerged breasts like they were about to cure cancer. His thumbs were soft and when his lips met your nipples, you arched your back until you were getting just the perfect amount of pressure. 
You let him kiss and nuzzle around for a few minutes while you played with his hair. When his mustache started to feel a little too rough, you yanked him back, and he stopped. "You're bristly."
He raised one eyebrow. "Do you want me to shave?"
"No!" you gasped running your fingers down his cheek to stroke his facial hair.
"I will if you want me to," he whispered, kissing your palm and pulling you a little closer. You curled up against his chest and hugged him.
"I don't want you to shave, Roo. You're so handsome this way." You kissed his sparse chest hair. "Thanks for getting the bath thermometer and making sure I got a new car. And thanks for fucking me all the time and taking care of everything."
He chuckled. "How can you go from feral and horny to sweet and snuggly so quickly?"
"It's the hormones," you replied with a yawn. "And as soon as I get out of the tub, I'm probably going to fall asleep. So if there's anything else we need to talk about, we have to do it now."
"Just Mickey's birthday party tomorrow," Bradley reminded you, and you groaned. 
"I forgot all about that. I'll have to bring crackers and hope I don't hurl everywhere. And how the hell am I supposed to avoid drinking at a kegger?"
"I have a few ideas."
Bradley's ideas were decidedly not the best, but you didn't come up with anything better, so you just went along with him. It was blazing hot out the following afternoon at the beach, and you felt a little bloated in your bathing suit, but your husband literally couldn't keep his hands off you.
"Roo!" you scolded when he came running over to you mid football game while you lounged on your back on a towel next to Phoenix. He dripped water all over your legs before dropping into a pushup position above you and kissing your lips until you giggled. 
"I can't help it," he panted. "I'm obsessed with this bathing suit. You wore it to the cliffs beach the first time you kissed me."
"Gross," Phoenix moaned as Bradley dipped his tongue into your mouth before standing again. 
Then he flopped down on her towel and kissed her cheek as he said, "All thanks to my very best friend."
"Go away!" she screeched, pushing on him until he got up and ran back to the rest of the guys who were all tipsy and trying to tackle Mickey. "He's horrible. I can't believe you married him," she said as she rolled onto her stomach. You wanted to be able to do that, but you were feeling pretty nauseous.  
"We all make mistakes," you replied, trying to discreetly eat another cracker. "Bradley's is the fact that he didn't reapply sunblock yet. I should probably call him back over."
"Please don't," Phoenix moaned. You sat up on your towel and tried to stretch, and then you saw Bob making his way down the beach. But he wasn't alone. 
"Maria!" you called out, waving your friend and Bob's new roommate your way.
Phoenix raised her arm in greeting, and you didn't miss the way Bob smiled down at Maria as she turned toward the towels as Bob headed for the water, catching a pass from Javy on his way.
"Hey," Maria greeted, dropping her bag down next to yours.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" you asked, patting your towel next to you.
She dropped down as she said, "I didn't really know I was. I got home from taekwondo right when Bob was getting ready to come here, and he invited me. Then he waited while I got changed."
You could tell she was looking at him through her dark sunglasses. Interesting. 
"Is he driving you crazy with his dice collection yet?" Phoenix asked her, and Maria started laughing.
"No, but it was so cute when he unpacked them. He has them all sorted by color, and he told me about his Dungeons & Dragons character while we drank a bottle of wine." Suddenly she stopped talking and cleared her throat. "So, how are you two?"
You gave her side eye as your stomach started to gurgle. You were really afraid you weren't going to make it through the day without being sick. You watched Jake pumping the keg of beer and squirting it directly from the nozzle into his mouth, and you prayed they finished the whole thing before anyone tried to offer you another cup. "I'm fine," you said absently. "I'll be back. Let me make sure Bradley puts on more sunblock."
You grabbed the tube from your bag and headed toward the water as Maria and Nat started to discuss workplace politics. "Bradley!" you called when you got a little closer, but he couldn't hear you over the sound of the waves and the guys all yelling. "Roo!" You waved your hand in the air, and Reuben turned toward you right as he was looking for a receiver to catch his throw. The football spun in slow motion, powerfully thrown, and you gasped as it was headed right for you. It was going to hit you in the stomach.
At the last second, you dropped the sunblock and turned, squeezing your eyes closed and holding out your hand. The ball hit you hard in the hip, and you gasped in pain.
"What the fuck, Payback!" Bradley thundered as he ran toward you, kicking up wet sand as your eyes welled up with tears behind your sunglasses. "Sweetheart! Are you okay?" His big hands were all over you, as you tried to nod. When his fingers grazed your belly, he pulled you close. "Where did you get hit?" he asked, wrapping his other arm around you. 
"My hip," you managed, and his hand dropped lower as he pulled you to his chest. "I'm okay. I just wanted you to put more sunblock on."
Now Reuben came rushing over. "I'm so sorry!" he said, reaching out a hand and placing it on your shoulder. 
You could feel Bradley tense up, and you had to whisper, "I'm okay. It didn't hit my belly. I swear, Roo."
Then he snapped at his friend. "Can you fucking pay attention next time?" 
"I'm sorry," Reuben repeated, and you left Bradley's arms to give him a squeeze instead. 
"I'm fine," you promised him. "Bradley's just protective, and it did hurt a bit."
"I will be extra careful," he promised.
"And I won't wander into the game unless I'm completely ready to play."
"It wasn't your fault," Bradley growled, and now you had to put your hands on his arms. 
"I'm fine," you reiterated. "Just put on more sunblock, okay? I don't want you to be in pain and bright red tonight when I will probably need you for special activities."
That got him to quirk one eyebrow up as you kissed him. "Okay." He bent and picked up the tube and tucked it into the pocket of his cutoffs, and as soon as you wandered away, the football game picked up again.
By the time Javy and Jake started the bonfire, Bradley was feeling pretty drunk. Reuben was still keeping a safe distance from him, which was making Bradley feel a little bit bad. It wasn't like he hit you on purpose, but the idea of the football hitting you that hard even close to your belly scared him. A lot. But you were claiming you were just fine, and he believed what you said. You even showed him the exact spot where you said you would be sore and bruised by tomorrow, and it seemed like it was a little closer to your butt than anywhere else. 
Right now, you were laughing with Nat and Maria, and you had a red solo cup of beer on your hand that you weren't drinking. Every time you looked at him a certain way, he pretended to fill his cup all the way and switched with you. It was working out well enough, except that he was getting drunk twice as fast this way.
"Come on," Nat was saying as she pulled on your arm. "Do a keg stand! I'll do one if you do one!"
You gave him the look and he sighed. He hadn't done a fucking keg stand since he was at UVA, and frankly he was too old for this shit, but he knew what he needed to do. "Nat, I can drink you under the fucking table any day of the week."
She turned to him, eyes flashing. "Prove it."
Next thing he knew, he was doing a handstand on top of the keg, one leg held up by Bob and the other by Javy, and Jake was squirting a steady stream of whatever shitty beer this was into his mouth while he tried to swallow it before it dripped down to his nose. Everyone started counting, and he made it thirty seconds before he started shaking his head. Once his feet were back on the sand, he realized his vision was a little blurry. 
When you wrapped your arms around his waist, he hissed. Shit. He never did reapply the sunblock like you told him to. Oh no. Now Mickey wanted him to do another keg stand. 
"Okay, birthday boy," Bradley replied, and you released him so he could have another go. This time, he couldn't remember how long he lasted, but everyone was slapping his sunburned back and jostling him around a lot. And he was drunk. Like really fucking drunk.
"How did he get like this, Angel?" Jake asked as he slung his arm around you. 
Bradley scoffed. "Hey, that's my wife," he slurred as he reached for your hand.
"Yeah, I'm well aware," Jake replied, and then Bradley started laughing when he remembered that you and Jake were friends, and he decided to lay down on your beach towel for a little bit. 
He couldn't be sure how long he was there, but the air was cooling down as the night wore on, and he felt kisses on his forehead. "Baby Girl."
"Yeah, I'm right here, Daddy," you whispered, taking his hands in yours. "Thanks for drinking enough to kill a horse."
He started laughing hysterically as he got to his feet. "You're fucking funny."
"I know, Roo," you said as you tugged him along the beach. "That's why you married me."
"No, it's not," he swore. "No. No. Not just that. I married you, because I had to."
You laughed as the new Bronco came into view, and Bradley wondered where everyone else was. "You had to marry me?"
"Oh yeah," he replied. "I knew it right away. Couldn't live without you. You're too sweet. And your ass is too fucking fine."
He let you push him into the passenger side door, and he kissed your forehead as you buckled him in. "Oh, Bradley," you giggled. "You're a mess." You were cupping his face gently, and you were going in and out of focus a bit, but he knew he didn't have to worry too much about anything while you were here.
"I love you," he whispered, and you pressed the softest kiss to his lips. "I love you and the baby."
As you brushed your fingers back through his hair, you told him, "Please don't barf in my Bronco, Sweetheart."
Bradley couldn't even move until Sunday afternoon. You tried your best not to laugh too much, but the combination of his hangover and the sunburn were perhaps the funniest thing you'd ever seen. He was walking around the house completely naked and holding his head. When you tried to facetime your parents, you had to send him back to the bedroom, and you could hear him moaning the whole time. 
"Do you want more aloe?" you asked him as you munched on a peanut butter cracker. "Or something to eat."
"Stop talking about food," he begged from his spot on his stomach on the bathroom floor. "And if you put more aloe on my back, I need you to do it very softly. Like how gentle I was with your tits, okay?" Then he groaned and lifted his head up from the bath mat. "God, I can't even fuck you properly right now."
You squeezed aloe onto your hands and carefully massaged it into his skin. "That's okay. Maybe you can watch me masturbate later?"
"Fuck! That's like a punishment! My hands are fine. I'll finger you. It'll be great." He winced as you rubbed him a little too hard by accident, so you kissed his pink cheek. 
"Just rest up, Daddy. We have a big week. I need to finish my portion of the presentation for Annapolis."
"I can help you practice it," he promised, petting Tramp when he wandered in to get an update on things. "And don't forget about 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon. That's the most important part of the week."
You combed your fingers through his hair, and his eyes closed as your tummy swooped. "First appointment with the obstetrician," you whispered. Excitement filled you up every time you thought about it, but so did a bit of anxiety. You'd been waiting seemingly forever to get to this point, and as you rubbed your sore hip, your mind filled with negative thoughts. What if they couldn't do an ultrasound? What if you didn't get to see the baby? What if there was something wrong?
"Hey." Bradley was sitting up, and his arms were open for you even though he looked a bit like a lobster. You crawled willingly into his overheated embrace, and if you were hurting him, he didn't say a word about it. "Wednesday, Baby Girl. I couldn't be more excited. Just wait, everything will be perfect."
You were surprised to find that the week didn't drag too much. Work was busy, and Bradley's sunburn was starting to peel. When you were on the verge of tears on Tuesday night because your libido was so insane right now, he fucked you hard in the kitchen while he said, "Next time, please force me to reapply the sunblock!"
"I will," you moaned as you came, delighting in the feeling of perfect release. 
And next thing you knew, it was Wednesday, and you were about to meet your new doctor for the first time. And hopefully you were going to see your baby for the first time.
"Are you nervous?" you asked Bradley as he laced his fingers with yours as you sat in the quiet waiting room together. There were expectant mothers at varying stages of pregnancy sitting around you, and you tried to imagine how big you'd be in a few more months. 
"Excited," he replied, kissing your cheek and ear. "Just really fucking excited. I've been thinking... about starting a notebook. Kind of for the baby? Like how sometimes I like to write down what I'm thinking and feeling for myself."
You nodded. "I love your deployment notebooks. I love what you wrote about me."
He kissed you hard on the lips. "I think I want the baby to be able to read about how much I was looking forward to meeting them. When they're older, I mean. They can read about how I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest right now," he said with a laugh. "And how I can't wait to hold them and give them a name. All about how much I love their mom."
Tears filled your eyes as you turned to tuck your face against his neck. "I like that idea." You kissed the side of his neck and told him how much you loved him back, and then you jolted in your seat as a friendly looking nurse called your name. 
"Come on back, you two," she said with a smile. "Hopefully mom and dad can leave with some new family photos."
I'm hoping for a family photo in the next part! I also don't know how she's going to survive Annapolis right now. I also can't believe Maria and Bob aren't about to fuck nasty. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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Hello!! I love your work so much ❤🥰. I wanted to know if I could request something with Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia? Something fluffy, loving with him?
Thank you so much ❤🥰
Dr Cupid.
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Synopsis - Mickey Garcia passes out in hospitals. Luckily, this time there's a pretty nurse there to catch him.
Pairing - Mickey Garcia x Nurse!Reader
Warnings - a little cursing, a lot of tooth rotting fluff. mentions of blood and hospitals. brief abuse mention.
Age Rating - 16+
Word Count - 1.5k
Author's Note - thank you for this request!! i love mickey so much. i've been a HUGE danny ramirez fan for years, so i was so excited when he was cast in top gun, and mickey did not disappoint. an angel <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You pull back the crinkly blue curtain with a bit too much force, startling the man sat on the edge of the bed.
"Sorry!" you apologise, closing it behind you. "These things are always lighter than I think they're going to be."
"It's alright, ma'am. No worries."
He's handsome. Really handsome. Big blue eyes, golden blonde hair, an air about him that exudes intelligence and compassion. You smile at him gently before retrieving his chart, giving it a once over quickly.
"Lieutenant Robert Floyd. United States Navy."
He introduces himself, shaking your hand formally. You tell him your name, and he repeats it carefully.
"Pretty name."
"Thank you, Lieutenant."
"Please, call me Bob."
"Thank you, Bob."
He smiles at you bashfully, nodding his head.
"So, Bob, what seems to be the problem today?"
"Training exercise gone wrong. I'm clumsy. You can probably tell by my medical history."
You look over the chart, and laugh softly.
"So you are. What happened this time?"
"It's just a little cut, on my shoulder. I fell onto it, onto the tarmac. I told everyone I didn't need to see a doctor, but they insisted."
"Well luckily for you, I'm a nurse," you wink, chuckling when he blushes. "Let's get this shirt off you so I can take a look. You mind if I cut it?"
"Go ahead."
You cut a line clean down the middle of his t shirt, an old, grey thing. It falls off of him, allowing you to see his shoulder wound.
Just as you're about to explain your next steps, the curtain flies open, a man in a flight suit rushing in.
"Sir, can I help you?"
"He's with me. He's in my squad," Bob reassures you. "Fanboy, you don't have to be here."
"I want to be."
"Fanboy?" you ask, confused about the unusual name.
"It's my call sign. We're pilots. US Navy."
"Why didn't I know they had pilots in the navy? I thought that was the air force."
Fanboy grins at you, all gleaming white teeth, before holding his hand out for you to shake.
"Lieutenant Mickey Garcia. Weapons Systems Officer."
You tell him your name, followed by 'nurse', which makes them both laugh.
"Well, Mickey, if you take a seat, I'll patch up Bob here and you can both get back to flying your jet planes."
Mickey steps around you, eyes darting over Bob as he goes. He catches sight of his bleeding shoulder, and all the colour drains from him.
You've seen this before.
He goes pale, and then wobbles on his feet. You stride over and wrap your arms around him, catching him as he passes out.
"Shit," Bob swears. "I'd help, ma'am, but I'm a little out of commission right now."
"It's alright," you chuckle. "This happens a lot. I'm stronger than I look."
You manage to walk Mickey backwards, sitting him in the chair that you originally sent him towards. You cradle his face in your hands, holding up his head. His eyes flutter open, straight onto you.
"Did I die? Is this heaven?" he whispers.
Both you and Bob try not to laugh as you check him over.
"I'm afraid not, Lieutenant. You're in the hospital, visiting Bob. He's hurt his shoulder. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember," he murmurs, embarrassed.
You grab him a cup of water, placing it into his hand carefully.
"You okay?"
His big brown eyes are locked on you, not leaving for a minute. He's beautiful, you realise suddenly. Yes, Bob is handsome, but Mickey is beautiful.
"I get a little weird around blood."
"You're telling me."
The smile he gives you is enough to move mountains.
"Okay, Garcia, listen up. You're gonna sit here and drink your water. Take big, slow, deep breaths. And do not, under any circumstances, look at Bob, okay? Keep your eyes on me, no matter what."
"Yes ma'am."
You leave him in his chair, returning your attention to the blonde. You take a good look at the wound, and decide it'll need a couple of stitches.
"I'm gonna clean this up for you, and sew it shut. I'm sure you'll heal fast, being a healthy pilot and all."
You glance over at Mickey, and see that he's still watching you. Gazing at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
"Bob, I won't lie to you. This is going to hurt. Feel free to hold onto me if you need to."
You numb his shoulder, before getting to work stitching it up. You flick your eyes to Mickey intermittently, smiling gently when his stare meets yours.
"Garcia, did you bring any spare clothes? I had to cut Bob's shirt off. I doubt he wants to walk out of here shirtless."
"Yeah, Phoenix has a bag in the waiting room. I'll go and grab it."
You watch him carefully as he stands, making sure he doesn't pass out again. He leaves, and Bob grins at you.
"He likes you."
"Everyone likes me, Bob. I'm a good nurse."
"No, he likes you. That's the quietest I've ever heard him sit. And he took your orders. He doesn't do that for anyone."
You shake your head, smiling as you do it.
"Are you single?"
"Very forward, Lieutenant."
"For him, not for me! You're beautiful," he justifies, "but I'm sort of dating my copilot."
"Sort of?"
"It's complicated."
"Then make it uncomplicated, Bob."
He thinks for a moment, before nodding.
"You're right. I'm going to talk to her."
Mickey comes barging back in with a t shirt in hand.
"Phoenix packed you an overnight bag, just in case. She says this is your shirt anyway."
You look at Bob and wink, chuckling when he blushes.
"Anything else, ma'am?"
"That's all. You've been a perfect patient Bob," you say, squeezing his other shoulder. "If you go to the desk, they'll give you some spare dressings for when you need to change it. Besides that, just take care of yourself, okay?"
"Okay. Understood. Thank you, for everything. I appreciate it."
The two of them leave in a flurry of thanks, Mickey casting a longing glance back at you. You can hear them bickering on the other side of the curtain.
"Fine!" you hear Mickey say, before he reappears.
"Uh... hi."
"You forget something?" you ask, looking around the bed.
"Yeah. To ask you out."
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise, corners of your lips twitching.
"And to apologise. For before. Passing out, and all. I, uh-"
He scratches the back of his neck nervously before perching on the edge of the bed. You move to sit next to him, leg pressing into his.
"I practically grew up in a hospital. My Dad wasn't a nice guy, so my Mom was here all the time."
You lace your fingers with his, resting them on your thigh.
"I used to try and clean up her injuries at home the best I could, but sometimes it wasn't enough. He finally left when I was thirteen, and I didn't have to play doctor anymore."
He takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
"Now, as an adult, I have this crazy reaction to blood. Even just a papercut is enough to have me hyperventilating. I guess I saw so much of it when I was a kid, that I can't handle it now?"
He looks at you expectantly, unsure of what you'll say.
"It's way more common than you think, you know. I have people pass out on me all the time. You're not alone, I promise."
He smiles at you softly, and you're convinced you've never met someone more beautiful.
"I have a friend who works on the fourth floor. She's a psychiatrist - which I know people roll their eyes at, especially men - but, she's really great to talk to. About anything. She can help with phobias. I've seen her do it."
He nods almost imperceptibly.
"I mean... it can't hurt to talk to her, right? Just once?"
"Exactly. I can give you her number, you can give her a call whenever suits you."
He nudges your shoulder with his, your hands still linked.
"Thank you. Bob doesn't love hospitals either, but you really set his mind at ease today."
"Just doing my job."
"Trust me, you're doing a hell of a lot more."
You feel the heat rise up your chest, praying he can't hear how fast your heart is beating.
"I know you probably work crazy shifts here, but... would you like to go for dinner sometime? I'd love to get to know you in a less... uh... clinical setting."
You grin at him, squeezing his hand tightly.
"I'd love to. As long as you promise not to pass out," you wink.
"That is a promise I cannot make."
You laugh with him, shaking your head.
"I should get back to work. God knows this place needs me."
"Of course. Do your thing, SuperNurse."
You lean over and press a kiss to his cheek, handing him a card with your number on.
"Call me."
"What time do you get off?"
"I'll call you at 7:01."
"Deal," you laugh, pulling the curtains back.
You watch as he leaves to join Bob and a woman you assume is Phoenix in the waiting area. You wave at Mickey as you go, the other two pilots looking between you with knowing grins on their faces.
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gallawitchxx · 5 months
hi beeee!! i hope you're doing okay 💖💖💖
ooohohohoho okay for the kiss thingy: god knows why cuz it sounds potentially very painful but i feel so compelled to request 28 🙏
sweet deanna! i'm hanging in, thanks love! 💖 so you & @lingy910y both requested #28 & i want to fill both of your prompts. but because you were (rightfully) afraid of pain, i gave you one that's a bit strange, but has a promisingly happy ending? you can be the judge! xx
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send me a number & i'll write you a smoocheroo 😚
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#28: ...as a lie ps. this is inspired by this post about dealer!mickey & insomniac!ian, who have now rotted my brain.
Ian hasn’t slept in days.
It’s happened before—endless energy is one of his tried-and-true symptoms of mania—but this isn’t that. He’s taking his meds, his skin isn’t crawling and his mind is fairly quiet. Quiet enough to frustrate him as he tosses and turns and wonders what the fuck’s going on.
His schedule has been all over the place lately; his normal routine lost to the endless cycles of employment and Gallagher family responsibilities. He’d been hoping to add school to the mix this semester so that he could have other, less hectic options than a rig-riding EMT, but he’d pushed it off. A pity, now that all-nighters are apparently his thing.
Night two, he googles a few things, which is a huge mistake. Who can fall asleep after reading about how even just twenty-four hours without sleep can begin to derail your bodily systems? Sleep deprivation can cause or worsen conditions like Type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure, Stroke, Heart attack—his pulse leaps as his phone clatters to the ground.
Night three, he takes to the streets, running around the Southside until his lungs burn and his knees wobble. As he passes the clinic that gave his seventeen-year-old self a lifetime prescription for antipsychotics, he knows that if this lasts much longer, he should call his doctor. Tell them his nighttime meds aren’t putting him to sleep anymore. Nip this insomnia thing in the bud before it can overthrow the delicate balance he’s worked so hard to maintain.
Night four, desperate and a bit delusion, he pulls up a number he hasn’t used in years, saved under a contact labeled, DO NOT TEXT.
He breaks his own rule: Hey. Still making house calls?
The response is almost immediate: the fuck u care for?
Ian rolls his bloodshot eyes, typing: It’s an emergency.
Three little dots herald a response that makes him laugh: a weed emergency?
He stays strong: Wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need it.
The next text makes his chest clench: u ok?
He decides to keep it vague—I can’t sleep, but it’s not what you think.—and hopes he doesn’t have to explain further and is relieved to read: u want ur usual?
Another clench: Indica
Two texts arrive in rapid succession: what else do u want? can i give u head while u smoke or no?
There it is: the reason Ian doesn’t use this number anymore.
Maybe in another life it would be a blessing to have a weed dealer to lovers arc with your childhood crush, but in this one, it was a curse. A curse that lasted almost a whole year, bringing with it an endless bouquet of blissful fucks and free weed, and a million moments of tenderness Ian knew nobody else was getting out of the guy. A curse that eventually came to collect payment in the form of bloodied knuckles, broken hearts and ego wounds. A curse that still clings to Ian’s psyche, filling his dreams with gentle, tattooed fingers and bright blue eyes and a sweet and savory scent that can only be described as Mickey.
Mickey, now DO NOT TEXT.
On second thought, maybe he should never sleep again.
The knock at the door makes him hard—a Pavlovian response that irks him more than the three sleepless nights he’s suffered so far. Three raps, one right after the other. The last one no more than a brush of his hand.
Ian adjusts himself and answers the door.
Fuck, one look at that smug asshole and he’s immediately right back in it. Lust and like and maybe even a little bit of reckless fucking love fill his body, rising to the surface like sweet cream. A layer of fat on the roof of one’s mouth; a treat to lick later, a reminder that they didn’t end things because they weren’t insanely hot for one another and potentially soulmates. They were just idiots. Stubborn, petty dicks.
Oh Pride, the great slayer of men.
Jesus, he needs to sleep.
“First one’s on the house,” Mickey says as he crosses the threshold, a joint held tightly between C and K.
Hours slip by. They laugh, they smoke. It feels like old times. Ian’s body is loose in a way it hasn’t been in years. It feels good. Like maybe-he-could-sleep-tonight good. And as he melts further into the couch, he starts to get a little horny too. Because Mickey’s yapping on and on about some asshole that frequents the bar he works at, and Ian’s listening, he swears he’s listening, but he’s also staring at Mickey’s mouth like he wants to take Mickey up on that text message and shut him the fuck up with his dick.
Like he wants to taste the stale smoke of his tongue.
Wants him to stay the night.
Forever, maybe.
Mickey finishes his story. His eyes go soft and he drums his fingers against his knee. “Should get outta your hair, Gallagher,” he says. “Letcha sleep.”
That’s the last thing Ian wants.
“Not tired,” he fibs.
Mickey cocks an eyebrow. “You’re not? ’S been days, man. This shit’s gotta be hittin’ ya by now.”
It’s true. It has been days and this shit is hitting him. Or maybe he’s having a sleep-deprivation-induced stroke. He just knows Mickey can’t go.
“Can’t go to sleep without a goodnight kiss.”
Mickey’s already leaning in when he asks, “Then you promise you’ll hit the hay?”
Ian nods as Mickey presses a kiss to his lying lips.
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37sommz-archive · 5 months
✼. COME TO ITALY | 2015.
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CH. 01. NOW PLAYING: dreams by the cranberries [fluff, angst]. ✼.⠀summary: prema saves michaela's career, 2.1k.
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MICHAELA WAS NEVER GOOD AT SITTING STILL. Her mother used to scold her for the fidgety nature that seemed to plague the young girl when she would bounce around the doctor’s office or disrupt the teacher during storytime. Her father thought it was a good trait to have as a racer. He found it helpful that his daughter’s endless supply of energy allowed her the chance to spend many hours in their garage fixing up a broken kart or reviewing racing footage from that day. She would bounce around, spurting out corrections for her form, or her pace.
I’m breaking too late… 
too early… 
I’m much too wide…
that was a chance to overtake.
As hyperactive as she was, she was also incredibly self-critical. Her uncle always lamented she was much too focused on being perfect—in action, in talent, and in response—that she often missed her chances to celebrate. Her response was always the same, “For every single mistake I make, they give the same amount of grace to the boys on their 10th.” She reasoned that her perfection would eliminate any opportunity for the males in the sport to discredit her. 
Not that they needed much opportunity.
✼.⠀OCTOBER 20, 2015 — surrey, england
“WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOU A SEAT FOR NEXT SEASON.” That was what the team principal told her after she fell short of the rookie cup. Second to il Predestinato and his shiny Dutch car. Though Michaela was rarely still, she stood still in that moment. Staring up at the older Englishman’s eyes as he continued on with some excuse she had no interest in hearing. 
It wasn’t until he delivered a short, “The team wishes you the best. We’re sure you’ll have your fair pick of teams to choose from next season.” 
She muttered to herself as she turned on her heels to leave without her famously permanent smile to comfort the older man. 
“I outperformed those jerkoffs in every single race,” The words stormed into the silent room as Travis, her uncle and manager, stood across from her.
Approaching her with caution, he gently reached to grab her shoulders, pulling her in for a gentle hug. Meant to calm her, but it did anything but. After a beat, Michaela tore herself away from her uncle, a sigh emitting from his chest signaling to her he was just as frustrated as she was. 
He cut her off before she could say what they were both thinking. His eyes slowly tracked her movements as she paced from one end of the room to the other. 
“Mickey, we both know that you outperformed Ryan and Gus. But let’s not pretend we don’t know what’s going on here.” 
She scoffed at that, eyes rolling with angry disbelief as her arms found their way back into their pretzel over her chest. Travis, in his stubborn wisdom, continued speaking, “This is a test—”
“A test?” 
She exclaimed, arms thrown from their place on her chest. Her head shook from one side to the other as Travis watched on with a subtle sympathy for his ambitious niece. 
“They tested me all season.” 
The words peaked in tone, hitting Travis’ ear with a sense of pain he hadn’t seen in the 15-year-old since she was back in Australia breaking the news over the phone that her father had been laid off.
“They gave me the least reliable car, they refused to protect me from the pricks who terrorized me off the track. Then, when I get a win in Germany—” 
Her lips pursed together at the memory, stopping in the middle of her words to keep herself from crying. 
“The only win between the three of us—” 
Failure finds her, tears puddled in the corners of her eyes spill over. 
“The engineers abandon me on the podium to talk strategy with the other two.”
“How many times do I need to prove that I’m just as,” Stopped to correct her words her head shook again, “...better than the boys?”
It’s Travis’ turn to fold his arms over each other. His head fell back against the door that stood behind his frame, too pained to watch Michaela fight to hold back the tears that kept flowing down the sides of her face. Their lips equally pursed as the silence filled the room once again.
This was what most of their conversations ventured into. That question of being enough tortured both of them, for admittedly different reasons, but the toll of it weighed upon their shoulders the same. It had been a question Michaela frequently asked her uncle, usually in jest, though revealing the depth of her insecurities just the same. 
They both knew Travis would eventually have to offer her an answer. 
One definitive so she would stop asking. 
But Michaela would be lying if she tried to act as if she was naively unaware of the answer Travis fought back every time the question was posed. 
She knew the answer was never. 
She knew the answer would destroy her if confirmed by the one person who believed she was better than the boys. She knew the answer would tear down every step forward she took in the name of chasing the success she so desperately craved to taste. 
So Travis didn’t answer. Neither of them was sure he ever would.
Instead, with his head pressed against the hardwood behind him, he offered up a solution. As he always did.
“We’ll call around in the morning like we always do. We’ll use every trick, every piece of leverage we have. I’m going to get you that seat. Doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter how.”
When Michaela didn’t respond, his head broke away from its hold tipped back. His eyes met hers searching endlessly for a sliver of hope in her clouded brown eyes. The same eyes she shared with his older brother. 
“C’mon Mickey—” He coaxed in an attempt to draw an emotion out of the teenager who stood before him. Any emotion would do in that moment. “I’ll make it happen. You believe me? Right?”
It must have been nearly a minute before she broke the staring contest she held over him. She shrugged her shoulders, arms folded over to offer a sense of comfort to her pained self. 
“Yes?” Travis pushed once more, eyebrows raised in a way that reminded her of her father’s own instinctive heroism.
A nod was all he needed to cross the space over to her. With a shake of her shoulders, Michaela released the smallest of giggles. His paler hand ruffled at her curly hair, a move to diffuse the tension that hung between the two family members. 
“Right,” He exhaled as his hand retreated to its place. “Let’s get out of this shithole.”
✼.⠀NOVEMBER 05, 2015 — london, england
“In a post to her blog, Susie Wolff has announced her formal retirement from Formula One.”
“The prospect of a female driver on the grid.”
“The events at the start of this year and the current environment in F1 the way it is, it isn't going to happen."
IN THE FEW WEEKS SINCE HER DROP FROM JAGONYA, MICHAELA HAD NOT LEFT HER RACING SIMULATOR IF NOT TO EAT OR SLEEP. The TV directly to her left was left on Sky Sports, news within the racing world kept her both alert and melancholy.
Paradoxically, it worried Travis, and his wife, just as much as it reassured them. The duality of the feeling pulled at their emotions as they witnessed the extent of Michaela’s worries that she wasn’t—and couldn’t be—as good as the boys. That’s what most of her hyperactivity came down to. At least in their eyes.
“Michaela, love.” 
Bea’s words were as gentle as ever given the depths of her concern for the teenager. Her eyes caught the end of Michaela’s racing journal as it perched on the edge of her desk. Battered from her obsessive writings, Bea picked it up carefully to place it down carefully. 
As she turned back to her niece, Michaela’s tired eyes stared up at her, hands still gripped at the wheel of her simulator with the screen paused in wait. 
“It’s been ages since you got up.”
With a softness, her eyes conveyed the true weight behind her words. Michaela was more than aware her obsession with perfection worried her aunt, though she was unwilling to give it up. A relaxed sigh left her mouth as she rose from her chair, the simulator shutting down as Bea observed from her stance just across the room.
“Come eat, Travis has news.”
The casual words stunned Michaela more than she would be willing to relate. A knowing smile pulled at the corners of Bea’s mouth before she shrugged calmly. 
“I’m not sure what it’s about, but he was quite insistent you come down.”
Those words were all it took before Michaela rushed down the stairs, her hair flying behind her in a messy haze of brown and blonde curls, bouncing against the gravity of her run.
Travis’ voice beamed with excitement as he caught the attention of his excited niece. 
“We have a guest,” His head shook with a laugh. “Best behavior?” His pinky finger reached for Michaela’s own, an ill-fated attempt to calm her down before the unnamed guest presumably seated in their living room. 
A clear of her throat and a twist of their pinkies and Travis led her to the living room.
A full head of dark hair turned to face the overzealous 15-year-old clothed in a raggedy Lightning McQueen t-shirt. With a laugh, he stood to attention, and a hand reached out to shake hers. 
“René Rosin,” She exhaled with a breathiness that conveyed her amazement. A smile graced his features at her recognition, sure his decision had been reassured in that moment.
“I heard the Brits left you without a seat for next year.”
“Can you imagine?” She muttered, her smile never faltered despite her uncle’s clearance of his throat as a reminder of her ‘best behavior’ promise from just moments before.
“Sorry, I’m really—” 
She cut herself off as René raised a hand to signal he graced the comment. 
“When I found out, I can admit I was shocked beyond belief.” 
The team principal’s Italian accent bled beautifully into his words. Michaela almost found herself distracted by the flourishes he added to the end of his sentences as she hung on to every word he expressed to her. 
“How has your break been?”
Caught off guard by the question, Michaela shrugged her shoulders. With a nervous bite of her lip—terrified and in awe of the principal’s appearance in her living room—she chose her words wisely. 
“Unfulfilling. I miss the track.”
With a nod of his head, René exchanged a knowing glance with Travis who gently chuckled at his niece’s criticalness. 
Michaela’s mind spun at a mile a minute, an infinite number of scenarios of René’s next words ran through her consciousness. Hope was tussled with paranoia at the back of her mind. Hoping that this would be her moment of redemption but paranoid she would be put in her place once more. 
They got someone to convince me to give up.
The thought displaced her for a moment before she snapped back into reality. Her teeth chewed at the inside of her mouth and her fingers pressed into her palms. Both were nervous habits that didn’t escape Travis and Bea’s attention though they exchanged subtle smiles that completely escaped Michaela. With a gentle tap on her shoulder, Travis coaxed Michaela to stop her movement. The action reminded her to exist in the moment before her.
“How soon would you like to be back? Racing?” 
Michaela didn’t need the clarification he offered before she burst with attention.
“Tomorrow—today—I… I don’t care when. Just as soon as possible.” 
René chuckled again at her eagerness. With a clap of his hands that startled Michaela as much as it excited her, René cleared his throat.
“Then tomorrow, I’ll see you in Veneto.”
Michaela tilted her head in confusion, feeling as if she had missed a few words before the statement. 
“Sorry,” She stammered, paranoia crept back into her. “What—what do you mean? V-Veneto?”
His smile did little to calm her until his response accomplished the mission instead.
“How would you like to race for Prema in GP2?”
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
Blyth Family: Baby shower
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Warnings/ fluff, pregnancy
baby’s nickname is Mikey pronounced like Mickey Mouse
You grunted as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to put up a Winnie the Pooh decoration on the wall. You felt a cramp on your hip, and discomfort from the baby. You scrunched your face up and rested it on the wall, hand going to your very large baby bump as you let out a noise of pain.
“Love, what are you doing?” Tom asked, rushing to your side, taking the decoration from you, and putting it down.
You lifted your head up and smiled at him. “I was just hanging up the decoration.”
“Let me do that, love.” Tom ordered, softly putt his hands on your hips, making you hum. “Does that feel good?”
“Yeah. I have a cramp in my hips.”
“Does this help?” He asked, massaging your hips, smiling when you let out a satisfied hum, leaning your head back on his chest. “Yeah? Does it feel that good?”
“It does, Tommy. It feels so good.”
“I’m glad,” he smiled, carefully leading you to the couch. “Come on, you need to sit.”
“Tommy, I’m fine!” You protested, a bit of a whine in your voice, as you waddled to the couch.
“No. The doctor said you need to be getting lots of rest, and we have a big day ahead of us, so you need to rest now. Besides Rach and Josh should be here soon to help, okay?”
“Okay,” you sighed as Tom helped you move to set on the couch. You let out a moan as you plopped on the comfortable cushion.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” You breathed, hands running on your stomach.
You caught your breath as the baby kicked you rather hard in the ribs. You let out a moan once she stopped kicking your ribs.
“You okay?” Tom asked, lifting your dress to see her movements.
“Yeah,” you sighed, watching her move with a smile on your face. “She just hit my ribs pretty hard.”
Tom gasped as he put his hands on the bump and calmed her down. “Now Miss McKinley that wasn’t very nice of you.”
You smiled as Tom ran his hands over your stomach, calming your daughter’s movements.
“Why would you kick Mummy’s ribs? She’s working so hard and tiring herself out to help you get bigger and stronger before you come in the world, honey. We know you didn’t mean to, but you hurt Mummy. Say sorry for me honey.”
“She is.” You breathed, lacing your fingers with Tom’s as they rested on the bump. “She is going to be such a daddy’s girl.”
“How do you know?”
“Because when ever she hears or feels you she calms down. She listens to you, and when you’re not around she’s antsy. She’s already got you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
“Well if she looks anything like her Mummy then of course she does.” Tom smiled, kissing the swell of your stomach.
You were sitting on the couch, a plate of Winnie the Pooh themed foods in your hands as you talked and laughed with Rachel, Taylor, Hunter, and some of your other friends.
Tom was standing in the other side of the room talking with Josh, Travis, and Daniel. He had a smile on his face as he watched you talk with your friends, as they all took turns feeling your bump.
“She’s going to be such a great mom,” Josh smiled, clapping a hand on Tom’s back.
“She is.” Tom smiled.
“When is she due again?” Daniel asked.
“June 3rd, ironically the same day part two comes out.”
“She looks like she’s doing good.” Travis let out.
“She is. She just gets really tired easily. The doctors told her she needs lots of rest.” Tom explained, not taking his eyes off you.
“It’s crazy to think that she’s been pregnant the entire time part two has been in the works. I mean it feels like just yesterday you took the day off from filming in the freezing cold to take care of her and making sure her and the baby were okay.”
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “And here we are now. I got really lucky.”
“Come on, baby.” You smiled, poking the bump trying to get Micky to move. “Don’t be shy, it’s okay. They’re not gonna hurt you.” You smiled as she started to kick and everyone took turns feeling.
After everyone felt her, you looked up and smiled as you might eyes with Tom as the boys made your way over.
“Hi, my love,” he smiled, kissing your head, and taking the free seat on the couch next to you.
“Hi, Tommy,” you smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.
“All right, we’re gonna play some games now.” Tom explained, as Rachel and Josh passed out some cards. “The first one is guess who.”
Everyone got their cards and got ready to play.
“Who was born first?” You read, running a hand over your stomach. You waited till everyone answered correctly saying it was Tom.
“Who cried when they found out?” Tom asked.
“Trick question.” You explain once everyone answered. “We both did. Who told the family about the baby first?”
“We both did.” Tom explained. “Who will take more photos?”
“Definitely Tom,” Rachel answered last.
“Yes!” You replied. “And it’s so annoying. I’ll be looking terrible and he just takes pictures saying I look beautiful.”
“Because you do. You just don’t listen to me.”
Everyone was in aw and how cute the two of you were.
“Who is enjoying the pregnancy?” You asked. Everyone answered and you agreed with them. “Definitely Tom, I can’t wait for her to be out.”
“Today was a good day, don’t you think?” Tom asked, while the two of you were soaking in the tub that night. Not to hot so the baby was okay.
“Yes,” you hummed, as Tom held the bump for a bit. McKinley was sleeping and giving your ribs and bladder a brake from her usual dancing.
“How about tomorrow, we start putting everything in the nursery?”
“Yeah. And the bassinet Uncle Robert gave us in the bedroom.”
“Of course, my love,” Tom smiled, kissing your head. “Whose side do you want it on.
“I don’t know.” Yiu honestly answered, looking up at him. “My motherly instincts want her next to me, but that’s because she’s been inside me for nine months, and I don’t know if I’m ready to be separated from her. But I know you also want her, and I want you to have her too. She’s our baby, not just mine.”
You were full on crying at this point, making Tom’s heart hurt that this is what you’re feeling.
“And I don’t want to keep her all to myself, but what if she needs to be fed, and you need sleep because of an interview or something. And what if you need to go somewhere for a few days to film and she’s not used to be away from you. What if—-“
“Darling,” Tom gently cut in, stopping your spiraling. “Darling, first of all, I am not going anywhere. I’m going to be here with you for the rest of the pregnancy and the birth of our little girl. I’m going to be there with you every day you’re in the hospital, and I’m going to be here helping both of you when you get home. Once the time comes for me to start filming again, then we can worry about it. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, not now. And if you want her in your side, I totally understand. You are not keeping her al to your self, it makes since that you want her. However, I will be getting up at night to take care of her so you can sleep okay?”
“Okay. I love you so much!”
“I love you more.” Tom explained, kissing her head. “You and our baby girls.”
“Speaking of, is Lady already asleep?”
“She is, my love. Both of our baby girls are asleep. And you should get some sleep too while Mikey’s asleep.”
Tom helped you get in bed and lay down in a comfortable position. Yiu let out a sigh as he started rubbing your feet.
“Have I mentioned just how much I love you?” You asked in a hushed whisper, trying to to wake up Lady who was asleep next to you.
“Yes.” Tom smiled, kneading his way through your feet. “And I love you more. Now, get some sleep my love.”
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insomniac-101 · 1 year
So something that I often don't see people discuss is the manner in which the 9th and the 10th doctor's seasons are so intrinsically connected that it is almost impossible to understand a lot of key character arcs if you choose to skip it upon rewatch. The reason why I say this is because the moment you reach season 2, 10 is essentially the product of the development 9 achieves at the end of his season. To skip him, would mean that you also miss context as to the reason why Rose is so important and in turn, not understand the reason why their bond in particular is such a big part of the plot during the 10th's era.
Now bare with me, because I'm about to go off a bit lmao.
The first season of nuwho not only serves as an introduction to many of the key characters we see later on, such as: the Doctor, Rose, Jackie, Jack, Mickey, Harriet jones, etc. but it also serves as an introduction for the concept of the series as a whole. Prior to this, doctor who as a franchise had a reputation of being a geeky sci-fi show with no real wide spread appeal. Remaining as a niche interest to many, up until the reboot returned and reintroduced the show to a newer audience.
This is important to note because this is one of the main reasons why we see such a huge emphasis placed on the companions' lives in the reboot. Because RTD meant to expand the world of Doctor who and its audience, and by doing so, he strived to try a multitude of new plots that were otherwise never explored previously. This is why the romantic plotline of his season is so crucial to the story itself because he means to explore a facet of humanity not previously seen with the Doctor as a character. RTD essentially built this plot line from scratch, as the only other attempt at exploring such an angle was received negatively (The 8th Doctor's movie). So there's a degree of leniency that I give his writing In particular because like I said prior, he had no prior reference for exploring humanity to the degree in which the new series does.
The ninth doctor, when we meet him, is essentially a recluse. He is in a state of stagnation, implied to have been alone for some time after the war and it gives off the impression that he's no longer accustomed to being around people. He's often direct, rudely so and very standoffish to anyone that isn't immediately measuring up to his standards. This isn't to say that he isn't charming in his own way. He's sarcastic and when he tries, he can actually be very good with people. But the war still weighs heavily on his conscious and so, he views the world through the eyes of a soldier. Prioritizing the act of surviving rather than slowing down and actually taking the time to live life.
I mean, the man essentially meets Rose while blowing up her workplace and if that isn't concerning on its own merit than I don't know what is lmao.
A scene that sticks out to me the most about him in particular is when he looks at himself in the mirror for the first time. He notes that he has big ears, and from the manner in which he says it the implication that he perhaps has not seen himself in a long time is not lost to us. This coupled with the knowledge that he had indeed been seen traveling prior to meeting Rose, gives the phrase a more dark connotation that makes sense for his character.
I like to think that this indicates that the guilt of what he did to stop the war weighs so heavily on him that he could never bring himself to face his reflection. Because truly, to have gone so long without seeing yourself, not even in the reflection of a window or other surface is not something that is easy to do. Rather, it is something you have to go out of your way to do. Also it's important to note that his appearance is in fact a reflection of that weariness he feels. With his body, being older outwardly (appearing 40ish ) and his features being very sharp and serious. Even his hair is pretty short, much like how a soldier would keep it as a means of not wasting any time on worrying on something so inconvenient. His preference for darker colors and his constant outfit is also very noticably practical, not at all decorative like his prior bodies. This is purposeful, because it is what sets him apart from prior versions of the character and an easy way to visually see his most prominent traits.
Now with that out of the way, now I can discuss how 9 changes and what his relationship to Rose is like, so that one can better understand why Rose is such an important part of the Doctor's character.
From the moment the two meet, you can see he harbors an immediate curiosity towards her. Here they are, trapped in an elevator being attacked by a group of living mannequins and yet, Rose is almost unaffected.
That isn't to say she isn't afraid, she is, but her fear doesn't stop her from asking questions and demanding explanations. She doesn't shy away from him, rather she confronts him head on and even shows a level of concern for other people while she is actively the one in danger. It is enough to prompt him to ask her name, but not enough to involve her. Preferring to instead keep his distance.
It is not until another chance meeting that he gradually lets her in, allowing her to humor him with her curiosity and we see once more that he is in fact very good at socializing, but only with certain people. The reason why I stress this is because he often outwardly puts this front of coldness towards those that don't interest him. Rose was able to look past this front, and seems to look past his rather cold attitude towards other humans. He often stresses how inept they are, going on tangents about how they're nothing more than apes but she ignores it and tries to get at the core of the issue. That's why they mesh so well, because she is able to separate the fluff he inserts into his answers and take it for what it is. That isn't to say she's a doormat, she just knows when to pick her battles.
"do you know like we were saying? About the world revolving. It's like you're a kid, the first time they tell you that the world is turning and you just can't quite believe it cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning 1,000 miles an hour and the entire planet is hurtling round the sun at 67,00 miles an hour. And I can feel it, we're falling through space you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go.. that's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler"
He is describing the manner in which he views the world. Unlike how a kid is unable to comprehend the vast truths of how the world functions and remains naive of it for a period of time, he is a man that was never given that chance to be unaware of how it functions to an infuriating degree. He sees the world for how it is, dark, unforgiving and so direct. Everything is calculated so precisely and he can't even begin to comprehend why anyone would see the good in it as it's just that, a planet.
But that's why he finds humans so interesting. There's a part of him that holds onto that hope that it is something more, that perhaps he is missing out on a purpose behind all the darkness. That's why he is running amongst them, to find a reason behind their way of thinking. To experience the world through the eyes of the hypothetical child, rather than the adult who breaks the illusion.
Not only that, but this conversation also let's us in on how touch-deprived he is.
For it is in a moment of vulnerability that he allows himself to reach out and touch Rose physically. Grabbing her hand for emphasis on how heavy this revelation burdens him. It's a cry for help in a sense, because he has reached the point where he has metaphorically "let go". Dropping her hand, to show that he is losing that last part of him that clings to that hope of finding something that will allow him to question his view of the world. He is miserable and lonely, because when you view the world through such a cynical lens it becomes all the more apparent that life is so lonely. If everything is doomed, then why go out of your way to care?
You see this in the way he remains unaffected by the reveal of Mickey's "death." Having grown so used to it, that he finds it off-putting to see that Rose is freaking out as a result. It happens everyday to people far more important so why give it any real weight if it's inevitable? Why ascribe a meaning to something that just is?
Remember when I mentioned it is implied that he was traveling on his own for a while? What places did he visit? The Titanic, the Kennedy assassination, the explosion of Karakota. These are all fixed points of time that are associated with absolute tragedies. But all the same, they're key points in life where the world remained cruel without reason. Thus fueling his very uncharitable view of the world and how it functions.
That's where Rose becomes key to his overall development. As a human, she inevitably views the world through the lens of that child. She doesn't know the ins and outs of the universe's processes, yet she continues living without ever really seeking to understand it better. It doesn't matter to her that the people around her aren't necessarily important in the grand scheme of things, they matter because they just do. She is capable of loving others and affording care to others simply because she wants to, not because she has to. She is confronted with alien threats the moment he walks into her life, and yet her view of the world and her existence doesn't really change. She does not harden rather, she curiously grows from it. Growing wiser and more aware rather than crippling under the discovery of another threat in the universe.
She is clinging to the understanding of the tiny little world she lives in, yet her hold doesn't relent. For she is not falling, to imply so would mean that he was right in his assertion that our existence is doomed. No, instead in the place of any real meaningful explanation about the world's existence is something so innately human: hope. An illogical thing to always maintain, yet she always seems to have it.
After all, it is such a confusing notion when you think about it. We have no reason to believe that things will improve, and that we'll be met with good outcomes. It's so metaphorical, not at all tethered to something practical like numbers and data and yet, even when the odds are against us, somehow we hope things will improve.
It's that aspect that he wishes he understood.
(i would love to dedicate a whole analysis on Rose in a separate post so for now, I will only focus on the Doctor and her role in his life)
This is why he takes her to the ends of the universe on their first trip. He's testing her, seeing if this will be enough to prompt a reaction out of her that fits his narrative. He also seeks companionship, to have someone understand what it's like to see your planet burn and to have yourself remain as the sole survivor. In a way, to justify the validity of his misery and guilt. She's affected of course. It's in that moment that she realizes, the scope of the universe and is faced with the undeniable truth that everything does end. It shakes her and you can see her sort of doubt her view of the world. No longer able to remain blissfully unaware of the big picture when it is quite literally in your face.
But something she has, and he lacks is a foundation. Rose still has her mother, someone to return to at the end of the day. She can be comforted by the people in her life while his inability to let anyone in, essentially stunts him.
When given the choice to spare Cassandra, he refuses. He lacks the capability of seeing past the evil, and assumes that there is no good in her. No second chances. An act that catches Rose off guard, who in spite of personally recieving the brunt of Cassandra's cruelty, she asks the Doctor to save her.
Eventually he takes her back to her time. He entrusts her with more information regarding the war and the death of his people. People pass them by, oblivious to his presence as he is wallowing in the sorrow of remembering. It's a metaphor, of sorts. While our two protagonists are brutally aware of the doom that awaits them in the future and they remain stuck in place reminiscing, the world around them continues moving on.
He is giving her every reason to run, to leave him behind and save the very last shreds of naivety she has.
But when he asks her if she wants to leave, to no longer accompany him on his adventures, she refuses. Because his confession puts it all into perspective.
He is hurting.
He desperately craves company: to have a hand to hold onto and keep him grounded as the world falls apart. Yet more than ever is she aware of her limitations; that she cannot undo what has been done to him.
And so, she does what she knows she can do to help ease the pain even if it is very miniscule. Tells him that he has her, and that his pain is one she can now share and understand. She offers him chips, not because it will magically make it all disappear but because it will distract him from the pain of remembering. It's also her favorite food, so no doubt she is trying to share that sense of comfort it brings her with him.
Such a human thing to not focus on fixing the bigger problem and instead focus on what can be changed in the current moment. They still have time until the end of the earth, so why spend more time dwelling on it?
That is her response to his question.
I believe the episode the unquiet dead is where he realizes the extent of his feelings for her. There they are about to be pulled apart by a horde of zombies yet Rose doesn't regret coming along. She tells him so and in the end all she asks of him is that they fight for their lives. Still clinging on to that bit of hope that they could get out of this, even if it is misplaced. To stay together in spite of their inevitable deaths is all she asks for, and he in turn tells her how glad he is to have met her. Assuring her that he is glad it's her that is there by his side as he clings to her hand like a life line. Somehow, having someone there to hold made the inevitable more bearable.
For a single moment, he remembers what it is like to not regret something.
But no, they live! Again and again, even if logically it makes no sense given how the world works. All the while, he meets more and more extraordinary people. With Rose, always reaching out to others as they embark on every new adventure. Thus indirectly providing him insight on the manner in which normal people are capable of doing brave and incredible acts even if it is at the cost of their own life. Their hope in a future for the people they hold dear, motivating them to put everything on the line if it meant that there was even a slight chance everything would be alright.
There's good in people, even those that outwardly appear to not be worth the trouble. And it's that potential he latches on to, and why he tries so hard to lend a hand when he can.
This is actually where the trend of the importance of knowing people's names starts, because the companions often serve as his connection to the humans around them. They ground his perspective, reminding him to not focus so much on the grand scheme of things that he forgets to look at the smaller details. This is why in the episode Midnight it is so tragic that no one asked for the stewardes' name. For up until that point, he knew better than to not at the very least humanize her (by asking for something as basic as her name, her story, etc.) rather than see her as pawn in the midst of the problem. That is the principal that Rose instilled in him and yet when left alone, he finds himself forgetting to do so. Thus, why he takes the revelation to heart.
But I'm getting ahead of myself lol
It is when he is confronting the last of the daleks that he has to reconsider his beliefs of how the world had up till now functioned. He has been proven time and time again that the world is not always such a negative place, and that there is at times tranquility that could be found in the midst of the chaos. That the universe and it's inhabitants are capable of doing both good and evil.
So why is he so quick to want to kill the last of the daleks and cling to that cynicism he was beginning to reconsider? Here he is faced with a being who understands his pain, but in the form of his biggest enemy. It is not innocent, having been at one time capable of monstrous acts that caused mass suffering but...neither is he. There it stands defenseless and unarmed and yet he is the one threatening it with a weapon, just like Rose reasons. She is alive and unharmed, standing next to a dalek yet the active threat is not the dalek, it's him. He is tempted to kill it because his first instinct is to resort back to that hatred that gave him purpose for so long. The same poison the daleks used to eradicate the rest of his people. But is it truly incapable of being good, if not, then why is he any different? To give into the temptation would mean to validate that goodness could not be found everywhere. That if he followed the same mindset that once drove him to pull the trigger on everyone involved in the whole war, than he was doomed to become one of them. To repeat the endless cycle of violence and prove once and for all that he is a monster that cannot change.
Again the answer to the question is up to us to decide. But for him, there's only one clear answer.
No one else has to die. By choosing to not do anything he can live another day, without carrying the guilt of another being dying at his hands. Not because it has to be done, but because he has the option to refuse.
He can no longer assert that its existence as the final survivor of his race isn't important. That just because he hates it, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a second chance like he got.
Really who is he to pass judgement, when there was a point in his life where he too was blinded by rage and the very narrow view he held of the world?
There is always a choice, and sometimes, the choice is to not take part in that decision.
And so that's what he does.
Rose takes on the burden for him, reaching out to the dalek in the same compassionate way he once did for him. Ordering the dalek to die not out of spite, but out of mercy because that is what the dalek wanted. A being born with the ultimate goal of surviving at all costs with hatred running through its blood, yet it's last moments are spent anguishing over all the death it caused. But unlike the Doctor, who strived to change as a result, he used up his second chance to end the pain. All it asked in return, was comfort or in other words...a hand to hold.
Or..so we think.
It's this ability to look past his biases that allows him to see the good in individuals like Mickey, Jack, and even Rose, when she inevitably screws up. He is able to grant them a second chance to prove themselves and keep them grounded, just like they did for him. His bonds to said people strengthen as a result and now he travels with a group of individuals he can trust with his life. People that can ease the burden and see the good in him.
Now the final episodes of his run is where the final test to his resolve to change is put into question. In a cruel twist of faith, history repeats itself.
Once again, he is given a choice: to let humanity die at the hand of the daleks, or end it all himself.
But alas he chooses not to give in. To not let himself become like the very thing he despises, because the alternative would mean witnessing the mass death of humanity at his hands. A group of beings he personally saw was capable of so much good, and was directly responsible for his change of heart. They reminded him that he was not above changing and that he could find meaning in simply continuing to find the good in others. He refuses, and so he seals his fate.
Yes he would die as a result, but at least he'll die knowing that he did all that he could. That he did not repeat the same cycle of violence that drove him to make the decision to eradicate all that he knew in an act of desperation.
He was free at last of the hatred that poisoned him for so long and it's due in part to the emotion that now stood in its place. Something he slowly cultivated throughout the span of his episodes: Love.
Love for humanity.
Love for Rose.
Love for himself. Because he finally did something he would not live to regret
" Before I go, i just want to tell you that you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!"
When he finally regenerates, it is done with the intention that his final act is not one of destruction, but love. This man, with the blood of so many on his hands, was able to forgive himself through the compassion extended to him when he was at his lowest. Rose a mere human, through sheer kindness, was able to motivate the doctor to keep going. To not hang up on the inevitabilities of life, and to find beauty in what was fleeting.
To have faith in the good of the people around him, even when it wasn't easy.
Most importantly, she reminded him that his journey was not one that had to be solitary. He could share the burden with others, and in turn, build genuine friendships that would help ease that loneliness he felt.
What makes Rose special to the doctor is not that she is inherently special. She is not someone of high status nor this faultless god that is capable of doing no wrong. No what makes her important to him is the fact that she was perceptive enough to realize that he needed help, and selflessly gave it at a time where he was at his lowest. She extended the best of humanity towards him during a time where he desperately needed a reminder that life was more than just pain. She never gave up on him, always assuring him that he was capable of doing good even when he himself didn't believe it.
This was not a bond forged on shallow appearances or attraction, no, it was a deep friendship in which both people involved grew to become better versions of themselves by the end. They just so happened to fall in love in the process.
Something I want to point out is that the reason why he has the courage to kiss Rose is because his love for her, he feels, is unrequited. He thinks this will be the last chance to show her how much she means to him in this body, and perhaps ever. He is insecure, you see that in the way he practically sneers at any man that looks at her yet he never makes a move himself. That is why he is deeply confused as to why it takes her so long to warm up to his 10th incarnation in the Christmas invasion. Going as far as to claim that she had given up on him. A behavior that to him, makes no sense as he was essentially tailored to her tastes. A pretty boy, just like the ones she showed interest in previously.
This is why he asks her upon regenerating what she thinks of his appearance and once again when he wakes up from his coma. He wants her to fawn over him but doesn't take into account that maybe, bursting into flames isn't exactly a normal human occurrence lol
But we see that that is not true. His looks were never something that bothered her. Because whenever she is made to make a choice between the doctor and someone else, it's always him. Even at the expense of what he would consider to be the safer options.
Rose loved him since his 9th incarnation. This is made evident in the manner in which she immediately asks him to change back once he regenerates into 10 (Doctor Who Born Again, Children In Need Special 2005).
"Can you change back?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Can you?"
(note: if you haven't seen this clip, I strongly recommend doing so as it adds so much context to the conflict explored in the Christmas special)
If she had solely loved him when he was 10, then she would have accepted him easily but she didn't. It took her the entirety of the Christmas invasion to understand that he was still the same man. This is why the episode focuses so much on 10 sort of dancing around her, trying to earn her approval by showing off how he's still the same man. Going as far as to pan on his face numerous times as he wistfully looks at her direction, all while he fights the sycorax as if to make sure that she is watching him be impressive. (it's something I realized upon rewatch, just how desperately he is trying to earn back her approval lol)
So with all of this in mind, nine essentially transforms into a new man. Figuratively and literally lol. A man that finds the joy in living again and meets each challenge with a curiosity akin to that of a child. He's fun, far less burdened (outwardly) by the death of his people and more open to meeting new people. He becomes what 9 physically believes to be the ideal image of a partner Rose would want, down to the wispy hair and handsome features. Not to mention younger, as if, physically representing the the burden being lifted from his body, thus de-aging him.
But with this new man that was born out of his love for humanity and Rose, there's a conflict that is more apparent than ever. Will he be able to overcome the implications that come with falling in love with a human?
This is where the conflict shifts, because with confronting this question he is left to actually take into consideration what it means to fall deeper in love with her. A scenario he previously only humored in fantasies because he was unaware that she returned them.
Had she simply loved him as a friend, it would have been easy to ignore it but no she had fallen for him too. So now he can no longer skirt around it. To fall for a human would mean to expose her to what a Time lord's life and perspective entails. How alien he truly is and how that especially affects the manner in which they communicate. This is explicitly said in the Christmas invasion, when her whole world shifts at the reminder that he is in fact not human.
"The thing is, I thought I knew him, Mum. I thought me and him were...and then he goes on and does this. I keep forgetting he is not human"
This is what series 2's main conflict is.
But it is far from one sided.
She in return, has to confront the inevitability of her death. Can she ask that of him, to put aside the pain and let her live out the rest of her days by his side? Once she outlives those she loves, would she become someone unlike herself?
Because now it's not a question of will they won't they, they know how they feel about one another. No, it's a matter of when.
This is why series two appears to have very little conflict between the two at first glance, but that's because the conflict is within themselves. Since ten was made with her in mind, they tend to operate very similarly and so they don't get in as many arguments as they did previously. Because again, ten exists from the changes made in nine. You cannot have one without the other,as they are the two sides of the same coin.
Another tid bit that must be mentioned is that 10's desire to be human can actually be traced back to 9's era. This is because the 9th doctor always made it a point to separate himself from Rose's family life. This is what causes him to have such a strained relationship with Jackie in the first place, because his refusal to take part in Rose's personal life directly interfered with Jackie's relationship to her daughter. Jackie does care for the Doctor. He is important to Rose and so she makes an effort to welcome him, even when he refuses.
But really from a few comments he makes off handedly in father's day, one can infer that the reason why he stays far away from their home life is more of a reflection of how he views himself. Like an outsider who cannot afford to get too close to the people around him.
After all he had this to say about the importance of living a life that is ordinary.
"i don't what this is all about, and I know we're not important -"
"who said you're not important? I've traveled to all sorts of places, done things you couldn't even imagine, but you two. Street corner, 2:00 in the morning, getting a taxi home. I've never had a life like that.."
You can't always trust the Doctor's words because he often puts on this unbothered front. But in this specific instance, he says this not as a means of diminishing it but rather being rather fond of the idea. To live the one adventure he could never have, sound familiar?
It's because of this that the 10th doctor makes an effort to be more involved in Rose's personal life. Extending his care towards her mother, and even spending the holidays with them. He even goes as far as to imply they were the closest thing to family when he tells Donna about it.
This long ass essay is all to essentially say that the idea of pitting ninerose, tenrose, and tentoorose against one another is rather pointless lol because they're all essentially the same ship but at different stages of their relationship. You cannot have the existence of one without the other because they all occupy the same man. All are equally valid according to the narrative and canon so please can we lay this useless competition to rest?
There's enough Rose to go around!
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
thing about rose, for me, is that she wasn't there first -- this in a "she was first in nu!who in the sense that this was the first person to travel with nine, and the first person since the timewar, and the last person that nine was with, to the point that ten was born out of that experience/modelled on her."
and in that framing, I am a big fan of her haunting of the narrative, because it start outs with her placing herself inside the doctor's ribcage and rebooting their ability to want to feel things, but unfortunately rose is still a human, like every human the doctor travelled with before, it's just that the doctor forgot how to steel themself against that inevitability because of the circumstances around meeting rose
this is The thing that I find tragic about martha, because I think she could have been that person, if she'd been the first person post-timewar to travel with the doctor, but because she's coming in during bleeding-heart times, she's got to deal with triage instead. and yes, there are wonders, and yes, there are good times, but for a lot of it, it's shrapnel, and I think if it hadn't been, she would have had a very different attitude towards *waves hands* space and time travel and aliens and the universe (one where she wouldn't be the person trusted with something like the osterhagen key)
and donna had a sense of that Space the doctor was in post-rose (she canonically stopped the doctor from dying in runaway bride) and stepped away from it, and didn't get back to the doctor until some of that hole-in-chest had been bandaged up, which martha did a great job of, but didn't get to really benefit from, and I think that's the sad thing about martha jones, is that she absolutely got a taste of the beauty and the splendor, but never without all the violence and heave weight that was put onto her
which, again, she seems to have been very aware of, considering she joined UNIT and Torchwood. her eyes were barely ever rose tinted (no pun here) during her whole journey in the story. martha really is in my opinion the most tragic companion (that I've met so far, I know Adric straight up dies, but maybe he had some fun times before that?), because yes, donna loses her memories and rose is in a parallel universe, but that's more tragic for the doctor -- they've both built lives
in donna's case there's probably a lot of imperfection in that life, but clearly a lot of joy as well, with her and her husband and her kid and her mum, and I'm sure she'd have preferred to be the donna who saw the universe and was splendid, but martha never gets to forget, and has to continue her life one step out of sync of everything she could have been
which, maybe her life is pretty flipping fantastic, but we really don't know, which is the biggest thing I side-eye about the first nu!who era. that whole weird ending with the sontaran and mickey is like... anti-character work, it answers nothing and it makes very little sense
all I know about her at the end is that she more than anyone saw the doctor's life and became a soldier (still a doctor as well, but...) because that was the work she saw needed doing, and she's the kind of person who does what needs doing. but is she... okay? youknow?
but going back to the original point, is that framing martha through the lens of rose is all well and good in the sense that rose is the reason the doctor is at that emotional point when he meets martha -- although donna absolutely had a very big hand in that as well -- but once we've established that, martha's arc is martha's arc, and it's dull to me to frame it as the "rebound" arc or even particularly about alloromanticism (including -- and this is why i get why people do it in fandom -- some shit said by rtd, which is just less interesting than what I get out of it, so shhhh)
she's got so much going on, and her relationship with the doctor changes the trajectory of her life, and it's in many ways a more interesting and far less straightforward trajectory of bad-to-better that many companions get -- it's a wonderfully complicated narrative that (and again, I get that some of this comes from within deliberate framings of the text, even though I think it's more than open enough to do more with, death of the author and all that -- but certainly not all of this is text either, some of it is ignoring what is actually there) is done a disservice by not going through the real messed up fascinating extraordinary shit that's going on during her era + arc in s4
but also... is she ok? I want to know. it's one of my top three burning questions, since we're getting a bit of best-ofs of the noughties DW era, some of your crimes can be righted by a simple bit of martha mr davies
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leikeliscomet · 2 months
Flop and Bubble - I’m Not Stanning RTD2’s Racial Commentary
On Dot and Bubble, experiencing fandom backlash and what this means for the Black Brit (or lack thereof) in the writer’s room.
Part 1 - The Episode
If you’ve already seen my posts, I don’t like this episode. At all. I watched it on Friday night with everyone else not knowing what to expect and live-tweeted away. It wasn’t worth the late night stream. I rewatched it on Saturday and still felt disappointed. Apart from 50 minutes of cringe millennial/Gen Z parody, mid social media commentary, boring aliens and a whole intense, action-filled scene dedicated to Lindy trying to walk in a straight line, Dot and Bubble tried to give us a racism commentary too, which in all honestly felt like someone was taking the piss. Opening up Twitter and Tumblr to see this episode being called the best of the season and ‘the greatest’ episode of nuwho felt like a 73 Yards of my own. Most posts about how ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘important’ this story is make my eyes roll into the back of my head I’ll be honest with you. I don’t wanna copy and paste everything I’ve already said in my original thread (here’s the Tumblr version), but I’ll recap my main issues with it.
The predominantly white casting fails as a racism commentary in a show that’s already predominantly white. White fans who’ve grown up in white areas watching a predominantly white show have no reason to question why that show would be white too. It’s their default. Including that of the writer's room, as there were no Black writers for series 14. White fans who didn’t notice the white casting have no reason to. Why would they when the show has catered to them for most of its run? There is no fundamental difference between Dot and Bubble’s predominantly white cast and the all-white main cast of Series 6 or the episodes of RTD1 where Martha or Mickey were the only Black characters of the episode. But only one of these results in pearl-clutching. The self-flagellation from white fans late to notice felt very strange. Apart from the guilt of not noticing something they had no incentive to notice, nothing productive comes from this guilt. Being upset about having white privilege is an acknowledgement I guess, but what material actions are coming from this? RTD and co. wanted a message about predominantly white representation then didn’t have any Black writers in the room to create that message. There’s no point in gasping at how white the table is and then not offering Black people a place to sit. Dot and Bubble wasn’t a new story either, as it was originally planned for the Moffat era instead. What would the ending look like for the 11th Doctor? No bowties allowed? To say this episode sprinkled in racism last minute doesn’t seem that far-fetched considering it wasn’t originally a part of the script in the first place. How can I credit an ‘intentional’ build-up of microaggressions to the big racism reveal in the last 10 minutes when they were never originally there to begin with? How can this be a good commentary on the Black experience when Black writers were not only missing but the Black main character himself?
RTD Who’s campness is already something I disliked from RTD1, but for the big white supremacy episode out of all to choose from was just in poor taste to me. I already hated the Love and Monsters style episodes of the OG RTD run, but for an episode that represents systemic racism of all things felt like a slap in the face. Not to say racism can’t exist in comedy because it can. Many Black writers including in the shows I recommend later in the thread do this, but they use humour as the Black characters’ coping mechanism for racism. The actions of the racist characters aren’t minimised because of this. Dot and Bubble doesn’t have the range for this that Doctor Who fans think it does. Lindy’s incompetence is a way for Fifteen, Ruby and the audience to look down on her in the sense she’s clapped basically and her racism comes from the fact she’s unintelligent. But in the real world, white supremacy is a lot smarter. White supremacist rhetoric is hidden and cloaked intentionally so it can’t be noticed and this is used as a way of recruiting white people to join in and maintain it. White supremacy is a system constructed for the purpose of oppressing Black people and other people of colour. It’s a bit more than a few silly billies trust me. Even if we do entertain the idea of ‘accidental racism’ the only reason it happens is because of this white supremacist conditioning which tells white people it’s okay. It’s not your fault for being born in this system but it’s absolutely your fault for continuing to maintain it when you have the choice not to. The only sign of intellect Lindy has comes from when she betrays Ricky and gets him killed. This was what Lindy could’ve been. A white woman who weaponises her incompetence and innocence to her own advantage because she knows how it will benefit her in a white supremacist state. An episode with a darker tone exploring racism in a technological dystopia. This is what fans think the episode did but frankly, it didn’t, but they wanted it to because they idolise RTD to the point of creating his writing intentions for him. Lindy didn’t weaponise being incompetent she is incompetent. Her incompetence is attached to her social media obsession and youth and without these things she lacks even more intelligence than she already does. The episode promotes the idea that racism is the product of low intelligence and overreliance on technology. She is a walking talking caricature for the fans to project onto than a real person capable of actual harm. Apart from the ableist connotations that the lower the intelligence the lesser the person morally, it’s an overly basic and mediocre representation of racism. I won’t speak for the Black people who do relate to the representation of Lindy as a racist, but for me personally, the Lindys of my life were never silly in their racism. They knew what they were doing. They knew no matter how harmless their actions were (to them not me that is), they would get away with it. And they did. I didn’t have time to laugh about how silly the racists I’d met were. I was too busy trying to survive. It’s hard to giggle about being smarter than a racist when they hold the power to dehumanise you completely. What use is an intellectual high horse then?
Speaking of projecting onto characters, I don’t care about Ricky September. His main role was to get Lindy to walk in a straight line and find the escape. He provided as much interest to the episode as water adds flavour to white bread. Ricky is raised in the exact same Finetime conditioning as Lindy but he’s an antiracist icon because he likes walking and books I guess. White fans will be disappointed to know that racists can read and exist outside too. He becomes the ideal white man, a white saviour we’re supposed to distance from the rest of Finetime. The episode again reaffirms that racism is about moral character and not a system. The Ricky Midtembers of my life still benefit from racism even if they are just are just ‘nice’ white guys. Ironically, Ncuti Gatwa’s interview about white mediocrity becomes relevant again. Ricky is put on a pedestal for just existing, expecting applause from the audience. My hands are staying still.
What makes the episode’s politic even more flimsy is how it’s missing from the rest of the season. In The Devil’s Chord, Fifteen opened the TARDIS doors in 1963 with an afro and big smile on his face and I was confused. The arrival of the Windrush generation, the Bristol Bus Boycott and the Notting Hill race riots had all taken place by the time Fifteen and Ruby landed. Would this play any key role in this historical British episode featuring a Black man as the Doctor for the first time? Nah! Only a week after D&B he and Ruby were kicking it with British aristocrats in Rogue, a group of people well-known for respecting Black people for sure! The show’s avoidance of addressing Black British experiences almost feels intentional at this point. Black British history is rarely if not never taught in the British education system, let alone the rest of the world. From previous discourses on Rosa, Thin Ice and Human Nature, ignorance about our history is so prominent in the Doctor Who fandom. White British fans can’t accept the idea of racism being British, not exclusively American, on the same level as the US or even worse. And the show passes up the opportunity yet again to debunk this. So far the show’s closest attempts were Human Nature/Family of Blood and Thin Ice, but even then these episodes had limits. We had Mary Seacole in War in the Sontarans but as the title suggests, the Sontarans were the focus of the episode, not her. Whilst some white fans think the futuristic focus is a smart move, it just highlights the lack of depth a Black perspective can provide. When was the racism of Britain’s past actually addressed? How on earth can you claim learning about Britain’s racist past is limited when you don’t even know about it? How can you address race in the future when you can’t even address it today? Racism can only exist in a futuristic world, far away from Earth in a fictional blue-blooded race of the white bourgeoisie because we can’t have this sci-fi-attempting-fantasy show getting too real. Dot and Bubble’s racism needs to exist in its own isolated white echo chamber so that the racism of the Doctor Who fandom’s one can stay intact.
Dot and Bubble is a failure because it reinforces the bias white fans already have. That as long as they aren’t a specific flavour of white person (rich, Christian, cisgender, heterosexual, allosexual, able-bodied, neurotypical and perisex) they can’t be capable of anti Black racism. The episode comforts them in knowing what they already want to be true and need to be true. They don’t have to question or self-reflect their own antiblackness because the episode doesn’t give them any reason to. Why should they? They’re a Ricky not a Lindy, right? The white fans ‘saddened’ by Lindy’s low assumptions about Black men will continue in their hatred of Ryan Sinclair, Danny Pink and Mickey Smith. The white fans disgusted by Lindy’s disgust will keep going on about how ‘off’ they feel about Martha Jones but ‘don’t know why’. The white fans that ‘hate’ Lindy’s hatred of Ruby and Fifteen’s close proximity will keep gagging at the thought of the Doctor having any romantic connection to Martha Jones because she ‘deserved better than that’. The white fans ‘heartbroken’ for the ‘first’ Black doctor will keep erasing the Fugitive Doctor. The white fans that stan the ‘anti-racist’ slugs today will hate the Black people that fight against racism tomorrow. The white fans praising this episode for being ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘inspirational’ and ‘important’ will be racist to Black fans that dare to say that maybe it was a bit shit. And that is exactly what happened.
The fandom’s praise of Fifteen’s compassion, kindness and humanity (of a Time Lord that is)  hinges on him being a ‘good’ Black man for the racists that hate him to the core. If he hadn’t begged and screamed to save Lindy, that praise would’ve been revoked instantly. Fans uncomfortable at his anger towards the Chuldur and the killing of the Goblin King confirm this. Despite the long morally grey history of the Doctor, Fifteen’s darkness is uniquely ‘out of character’ because thanks to bigeneration this isn’t supposed to happen anymore (allegedly). Deep down, this is what the white audience wants. There can never be an alternative to Dot and Bubble’s ending. It’s easier to imagine racism as an inevitable part of the natural order we must experience for the sake of storytelling, the only form of conflict that Black characters and people can ever have than that we could ever, just maybe, say ‘no’ to the white standards put before us. We must beg. We must be nice. We must be compassionate. Even when history and current events have shown us time and time again white supremacy can’t be killed with kindness. Why take the boot off your neck when you can find out how strong and brave you are for handling it instead? Either that or just pretend it doesn’t exist. White incarnations of the Doctor on the other hand have and will continue to be the radical icons of the show because unlike Fifteen, white characters will always be given more agency to explore their actions and behaviours. Punch racists! Free the Ood! Stan the anti-racist slugs and eat the rich! Slay!
When Black people stop chasing after the boat, we don’t get this same radical praise. We pay a price. And the response to Dot and Bubble’s criticism would ironically prove this.
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Part 2 ->
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astaraels · 5 months
so let's talk some more about gallavich and their adopted runaway trans daughter Starr (more on her here and here; it'll make more sense if you read those posts first)
I mentioned that I think Mickey and Ian would move back to the South Side, and they'd have a house instead of an apartment, and that Starr would clean up the place in thanks for letting her stay—while she's doing so, maybe she runs across a school photo of a little blonde kid with a goofy smile, and familiar blue eyes, and big glasses, and she'd bet anything that this kid is related to Mickey
and she finds a frame that isn't being used, maybe up in the attic, and puts the picture in the frame and sets it on the mantel in the living room next to other family photos (Debbie and Franny; Debbie, Carl, and Liam; Lip and Tammi and their kids; a selfie of Fiona at the beach; Mickey and Ian's wedding photo; stuff like that)
so Mickey is home one day while Ian is off visiting his siblings—Mickey is too peopled out that day and decided to stay home—when he notices the new picture with the others; Starr sees his reaction, like he's seen a ghost, and she says she found the picture when she was cleaning, and thought it looked good in the frame. but Mickey's reaction maybe spooks her a little bit, and she's like "I hope that was okay"
Mickey doesn't say anything at first, but he's uncharacteristically quiet when he nods and says "yeah, that's okay" but he doesn't explain—and look, Starr knows when people wanna talk about stuff but also don't want to at the same time, but she's thirteen or fourteen years old and has no impulse control so she asks who the kid is, and even though she guessed it she's still kinda surprised when Mickey says "that's my son"
and she asks him "do you wanna talk about it?" to which he says fuck no; she's all prepared to drop the subject when he says that he hasn't even seen the kid in years, not since he was in prison and Svetlana brought Yev to visit. and slowly—maybe over the next few weeks—she learns more of the story, and even though Mickey doesn't tell her everything, she's smart enough to put the pieces together
because I really love the idea that Mickey and Svetlana get back in touch after everything went down and he and Ian got married (she'd give him shit about where was her invitation and he was all "I didn't know your fuckin address!" but she loved seeing the pictures and said "you and carrot boy look very happy together"), and now they meet up every few months for lunch or something, maybe text now and again; she keeps him updated on Yevgeny and how he's doing in school ("he wants to go to college and be doctor") and she told Mickey that if he wants to meet Yev properly he can, but he's never taken her up on the offer because he thinks Yev is better off without him
and Starr just looks at Mickey, and the picture of Yevgeny—he's a couple years younger than she is, I figure this would be when he's about ten or so—and tells him about how she thought her parents loved her, but that was only when they thought she was their son, and "I don't know what you did before but you can't be worse than my folks"
they talk about it now and again—Ian knows they do but he's learned to let Mickey work through things at his own pace—and she finds out Yevgeny is about to start middle school, and Starr eventually tells Mickey that he should go see his son. Mickey of course thinks it's a terrible idea but she's like look, man, you guys have been great to me, and it wouldn't be the end of the world if your kid at least knew you were out there. unfortunately she's painfully aware of what it's like knowing your parents don't want anything to do with you, but it's also clear to her that it's painful for Mickey to think about his son ("talking to him might be hard, but it can't be worse than staying away")
finally after Starr has been staying with them for a while—she eventually got Ian on the "talk to Yevgeny" train too, and Mickey complained that they were "fuckin ganging up on him"—Mickey goes into the kitchen after dinner, and Starr and Ian can hear him talking on the phone to someone about "-wanna see the kid next time, if that's okay" and they give each other a tiny high five
when he comes back from lunch with Svetlana a few weeks later it's with a smile on his face and some new pictures of him and Yevgeny on his phone, as well as one with him and Svet and Yev
Ian is absolutely over the moon, too, and insists they print out the pictures and put them up on the mantelpiece; and Mickey asks if the two of them wanna come along the next time he sees Svet and the kid (and Ian is like uh yeah I haven't seen Lana in forever and I wanna know how Yevgeny is doing because he loved that kid so much and I really feel like the show dropped the ball on Ian and Svet's relationship too, which is a crying shame)
and the three of them settle in to watch TV together, their cat Duchess sprawled across Mickey and Ian's laps, and their pit bull Lady curled up by Starr's feet in her chosen armchair, and Ian just grins at Mickey and doesn't have to say how proud he is of his husband, because it's written all over his face
(I'm sure I'll write more about Starr and her adopted gay uncles in the future but I just love the idea that she'd be a catalyst for Mickey reconnecting with Yevgeny, and how he'd try his best to be the exact opposite of his own dad ;~; )
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roosterforme · 6 months
Covering the Classics Part 5 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob was willing to try to be friends with Anna, but he knew his feelings wouldn't go away overnight. The more time he spent around her, the harder it seemed to make that happen. When Bradley and Jake make a suggestion about Bob's dating agenda, Anna doesn't seem crazy about it. And Bob ends up even more confused by her actions than her words. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, mentions of cheating, eventually 18+
Length: 5700 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Being friends with Anna was one of the worst things Bob had ever had to do. But being around her while still keeping his distance was better than the alternative, so he had to do it. When she texted him, he responded immediately, and he couldn't stop thinking about how much he'd like to hold her hand.
She was all smiles when he saw her again a few days later. This time, she was the one who invited him out for a cup of coffee on Saturday morning, and he jumped at the chance to go. After cancelling his breakfast plans with Mickey with the promise that he'd be at the bar before Dungeons & Dragons, he hopped in his truck and drove off to meet Anna.
He was early, but she was already there. "Hey, Bob," she said, waving to him from a small table near the back as he approached. She already had two drinks in front of her, and Bob's brow creased in something like annoyance as he made his way to her.
"I was going to pay for your coffee," he said, meeting her brown eyes as he dropped slowly into the empty seat. 
"You paid the other day," she replied, sliding the hot tea a little closer to him. "Plus, you bought me two books."
All Bob could think about as he looked at her tentative smile was the fact that he wanted nothing more than to buy Anna every book she wanted for the rest of her life. Massive anthologies and slim romance novels and poetry collections and autobiographies... he wanted to get her every single one that sparked her interest. He wanted to catch her attention in just the same way literature did. He wanted to be what she curled up in bed with after a long day.
Bob cleared his throat. "Thanks for the tea, but next time I'm paying."
"Deal," she said softly before blowing on her hot coffee with another smile. 
"Great. In that case, we can go out for an expensive lobster dinner," he told her with a little grin. "You already agreed."
Anna looked at him as she took a sip. "Is an expensive lobster dinner something friends would enjoy together?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.
Bob's heart started beating a little faster. "I think friends can do whatever they want."
She studied him for a moment before reaching into her tote bag and pulling out a book. "This is for you. It's from my own personal stash, so it's a little worn out, but I thought you might like to borrow it."
When he accepted the dog eared paperback copy of The Remains of the Day, her fingers brushed against his. "Thank you. I'll add it to my list of Dr. Webber recommendations."
She blushed slightly, and her hand went to her cheek as she said, "Dr. Webber. Sometimes I still can't believe I finished my doctorate after putting it on hold for so long."
Bob sipped his tea. "Why did you put it on hold? It's easy to see how much it means to you."
Anna chewed on her lip before she softly said, "I made some bad decisions, but I won't be doing that again. Do you want to split a croissant?" 
"So," Jessica said, heaving a deep sigh at lunchtime on Monday. She looked like she had just received some devastating news, and when Anna glanced toward her other friend holding her tie dyed lunchbox, she found a similar expression on her face as well. "It's true? You and Bob are friends?"
"You don't have to say it like that," Anna replied, dropping down onto the bench between the two of them with the weird looking tree behind her. "You were the ones who encouraged me to make a new friend in the first place!"
"We thought you'd snap out of it after like ten minutes alone with him again," Advanced Calculus said as she bit into the pretty lunch that Bradley had clearly packed for her. "Poor Bob."
Anna scuffed the toe of her old, beat up shoe along the concrete in front of her as she sipped her can of ginger ale. "It's not like I'm some amazing option or something," she muttered, remembering how adorable he looked when she handed him her own book for him to borrow. "Bob could do better."
"Anna!" Jessica gasped. "Don't say that about yourself! It's simply not true! You're the best!"
Anna swallowed hard, embarrassment starting to fill her up as tears pricked the backs of her eyes. She wasn't used to being around anyone who said kind words to or about her. The fact that she almost couldn't handle hearing them was making her feel vulnerable. "I just mean... I'm not really emotionally available, so it would be in his best interest to stop returning my crush on him." She was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to stop her own feelings at this point.
The other two women were quiet for a beat, and Anna started to get nervous, but then there was a fancy container of veggies and some sort of dip being held out in front of her. She helped herself to a carrot stick as her friend finally asked, "Are you ready to talk about Kevin?"
She crunched hard into the carrot before saying, "I don't like to talk about cheaters."
Jessica made a disgusted sound and said, "That's probably half of the male population. But... I think it's safe to talk about Bob." Anna groaned, and Jessica quickly added, "Okay, fine, I'll stop now!"
"Kevin cheated on you?" Advanced Calculus said, cutting right to the chase. "What a fucking dick."
"Yeah," Anna whispered, wondering why this lunch meetup was becoming so emotional. "It went on for years, as far as I can tell. I was just too busy working and trying to stay above water to notice at first. He's... still with her. I think." But Anna knew the truth; all Kevin really did was find an upgrade and stick with her. He found another medical doctor with a thriving career, just like himself.
"Men are disgusting," Jessica said ferociously. "I was going through a bit of a rough patch when I met Jake, so keep your head up, okay? There are some good ones out there."
Anna snorted. "I think the two of you found the only good ones left."
"Nah. But I do think they might all be in the Navy."
Bob was surprised on Friday night when he got to the Hard Deck a little later than usual and found Anna there. The deep copper of her hair was illuminated by the lights above the pool table as she stood next to Jake, sipping a glass of ginger ale. She looked like she belonged here now, even though it was just her second visit, and when Bob got closer, he could hear her asking Jake about him.
"So everyone has a call sign? In the entirety of the United States Navy?"
"No," Jake replied with a chuckle. "Not everyone."
"And your call sign is Hangman? And Bradley's is Rooster?"
"That's right."
"What's Bob's?"
Bob smiled softly, enjoying the fact that she was asking about him without realizing he was standing right there. "It's just Bob," he said, making her jump a bit in surprise as she looked up and found him immediately with her dark eyes.
She examined him with a soft smile on her lips. "Just Bob. I think I like that better. I'd probably want to be just Anna if I had a call sign. Do you want to play pool with me? We can lose to Jessica together."
It took Bob a second to put everything together in his mind. Anna wasn't making fun of his call sign where everyone else usually would have been. And now she was holding out a pool cue toward him with a hopeful look on her face that was slowly starting to fade away as he stood motionless. "Yes," he finally said, reaching out to take it from her. Just like at the coffee shop, their fingers met briefly, and Bob just wanted to hold her hand in the worst way. And maybe try to count her freckles. And maybe kiss her. He cleared his throat. "I'd love to play. Losing to Jessica is so much fun."
"It's everyone's favorite way to spend a Friday night!" Jessica replied, brandishing a Sam Adams in one hand and a blue chalk cube in the other.
"No way, Smart Girl. I like what comes later even better," Jake replied, wrapping his arm around her waist, and Bob had to look away as he kissed his girlfriend. Jake had been talking about engagement rings in the locker room the other day, and Bob was sworn to secrecy. 
He promised not to say anything. He wouldn't. The two of them belonged together, and Bob could tell how happy they would be, but he still felt nauseatingly jealous of their love. Especially when Jessica kissed Jake and whispered, "Save the dirty talk for later."
Bob's eyes found Anna's as she got the table set up. He was going to work really hard at this friendship thing, but someday when he inevitably saw her with another guy's arms wrapped around her, hugging her, he was certain he was going to have to excuse himself from her presence. But for now, all he could do was look at her.
"Do I have something on my face?" she asked, touching her cheek after she set the eight ball in place.
"Just a cute smile," Bob replied, and then he had the distinct desire to disappear as said smile grew a little bigger before she pressed her lips together. Clearly he couldn't be trusted not to make things weird. "Let's play."
They were about five minutes into the game when Bradley and his wife walked over, and Bob was really enjoying the way Anna accidentally bumped into him. Twice. But then he was reminded of the other topic of conversation that had been brought up in the locker room at work.
"Hey Bob, you still thinking about downloading a dating app?" Bradley asked him casually. Anna fumbled and dropped the blue chalk that she was holding. Bob picked it up and handed it to her, but she didn't even meet his eyes when she took it.
"Uh, I might," he replied, watching Anna miss her shot at the nine ball by a mile. Bradley and Jake were the ones who mentioned the app to begin with, and when Bob showed the slightest bit of interest, they ran with the idea. "Still undecided."
"I can help you make a profile," Bradley said, clapping him on the shoulder. "You'll just have to let me know if you'd rather find your soulmate or be knee deep in as much pussy as you can handle."
Bob felt his cheeks warm up as Bradley's wife smacked him on the chest and told him to be quiet. When he chanced a glance at Anna, she was already looking at him with wide, brown eyes. Truthfully, Bob kind of wanted to find his soulmate and be getting a lot of pussy, but just from that one person. 
"Can we talk about this later?" he muttered, sinking the nine ball for his team when it was finally his turn.
"Sure. We can download it later," Bradley said with a smirk that didn't quite sit well with Bob. That wasn't what he meant at all, and now Anna wasn't even looking at him. It took him bringing her another glass of ginger ale for her to even acknowledge he was still there.
"Thanks," she said softly as she took it from him. They'd been trounced by Jess and Jake, and now they were standing off to the side together. "You know," she added, "if you download a dating app, you'd probably get a lot more attention if you put up a photo of you in your uniform. Or one of those jumpsuit things."
Bob shook his head and looked at his feet. "You'd swipe right?" he asked before he could think better of it.
Anna laughed and said, "Honestly? I'd swipe right if you were wearing your Dungeons & Dragons shirt."
Once again, he didn't know what to say. She only wanted to be friends with him, but this was the second time she told him she found him attractive. "It's called a flight suit," he said, waiting for her to meet his eyes. When she did, she looked confused. "Not a jumpsuit."
She smiled again at the clarification. "Well, whatever they are, I like them. And the call signs. Especially yours. You seem like you don't need a lot of fancy stuff. Just Bob."
"Just Bob," he whispered. He didn't need anything fancy, but right now he sure wanted Anna.
On Tuesday at lunchtime, Anna was the first one to the bench, and she had to sit there awkwardly and hope that her friends showed up. She could be back in her office, alone, thinking about what she wanted to do in her next Feminist Literature lecture. She was about to text them when she glanced up as Jessica's glasses reflected the bright sunlight, and both women were heading her way. Then she saw her beat up copy of The Remains of the Day held in the same hand that was holding the tie dye lunchbox.
"This is from Bob. He gave it to Bradley to give to me, and I had to promise to give it to you."
Anna took the book from her and whispered, "Thank you." Had Bob already finished reading another of her recommended books? Was he really this perfect? That's when she noticed there was a slip of paper peeking out between the pages, and she barely heard her two friends talking as she pulled it out.
You really need a bookmark. All of the dog eared pages made me feel terrible for this poor book as I read it. I enjoyed the story immensely, but seriously, you need to stop folding the pages over to save your spot. Unless it was your intention to bring an element of horror into the tale? If so, well done. Also, now that I have your attention, do you feel like grabbing a drink on Thursday evening? We could go to Chippy's and eat some of the best peanuts in the world. Just text me and let me know.
She whimpered softly. Everything this man did delighted her. She wanted to recommend a dozen more books to him if it meant she could have one more little handwritten note to tuck away. Or to use as the bookmark that would keep him from stressing out about the pages.
"Earth to Anna," Jessica said, waving a hand in front of her face and making her finally look up. 
"Bob asked me to go to Chippy's with him," she blurted out, holding the note tight in her hand. 
"Oh!" Advanced Calculus gasped. "You should go!"
"No," Advanced Physics whined. "That was supposed to be a girls' night outing!"
"I want her to go. It's the only thing that will get Bob off the dating app. I can't believe Bradley brought that up in the first place. He doesn't know a damn thing about it."
"I want her to go with us for the first time!"
Anna looked back and forth between the two of them, that familiar whiplash feeling returning as they argued with her in the middle. But in the meantime, she got her phone out and texted Bob.
If we go to Chippy's without Jessica, I think she might have a fit.
Bob must have been on his lunch break as well, because he wrote back a minute later while the two of them were still arguing. 
Bob Floyd: All the more reason to do it, really.
Anna laughed quietly as she told him about her office hours on Thursday, promising to meet him for some life changing peanuts at 7:15. Then she put her phone away and announced, "I'm going with Bob. The three of us can go to Chippy's on a different night."
Jessica looked mildly annoyed while her other friend looked smug and said, "Get him off the dating app. Those women will eat that sweet man alive."
But Anna knew she couldn't and shouldn't even try to do anything about that. Friends were supposed to be supportive of each other, and Bob was her friend. Just her friend. But when she thought about how much attention he was probably getting, it just made her so sad. She could have had that. She could have been the one with his beautiful eyes focused on her while she inhaled his delicious scent.
Maybe she'd just make one quick comment about the app when they were together. "I'll see what I can do."
Of course Bob would get dismissed early on Thursday when he had nothing better to do than wait around until it was time to go to Chippy's with Anna. He skipped the locker room shower, opting to head home to get ready instead, and it looked like Jake and Bradley were of a similar mind as they walked out to the parking lot at the same time as him.
"You said you'd share your lasagna recipe," Bradley said, annoyance laced in his voice. "Sugar really likes it."
"I said I would think about it," Jake replied smoothly. "It's not like you need help getting laid. It's not like you're Bob. No offense, Bob."
He just sighed and glared at the blonde. "I don't need help getting laid."
"Sure, pal," Jake replied as he approached his truck. "But I'll give you a free tip anyway. I'm going to go home and shower and pack up dinner. Then I'm going to stop and get some flowers for Jess, because girls like that shit. Then I'm going to her office hours where the combination of a homemade meal and pretty flowers will have her pulling her panties off as soon as I walk in."
"Please," Bob moaned. His stomach turned at the thought of Jessica, who made up a ridiculous voice for her D&D character, removing any article of her clothing. "Please stop. She's my friend."
"So is Anna," Bradley said with a smirk. "Did you download Tinder yet? Or are you going to stop and get some flowers and man up before you go to Chippy's?"
He didn't know how to explain to them that the last thing he wanted to do was push her away, and he was almost certain that a romantic gesture like giving her flowers would do just that. He also wished he hadn't even told them that he and Anna were going to Chippy's together. It was another excuse to see her, sure, but he was convinced she'd really like the peanuts.
"I have it under control," Bob muttered, passing Bradley's Bronco and heading for his own truck. Anna told him she'd made some bad decisions in her life, and he wanted to know more. Maybe going out tonight would be a way for her to open up to him a little bit. He knew from real life as well as some of the books he read that love could be built on solid friendships, but he tried not to tell himself that something like that could work out for him. Friendship was enough. 
"Robert!" Suzanne called from her open front door as he walked up the path. "You're home early."
"Hey, Suzanne. Yeah, got out early today."
"You know what you should do, Robert? You should spend this extra time getting on a dating app."
He paused with his key in the lock of his own front door and listened to the game show that she was watching as the sound filtered outside. "Thanks so much for that amazing idea, Suzanne. Have a great night."
It didn't take him too long to get ready, and while he definitely didn't want to show up at Chippy's with a bouquet of flowers, he came up with another idea. A better idea. And if he could manage to locate Anna's office in the English building, he would meet her there.
Anna had one student show up to her office hours, and even then, it was just so he could complain about how they were only reading 'books by girls' in English 522.
"It's Feminist Literature," she explained slowly. "The main themes and topics revolve around equality of the sexes and advocacy for women's rights. The female point of voice is what we are exploring this semester."
"But why is it all chicks? I don't really like these books."
She sighed and said, "Everything has been on the syllabus since the first lecture, and I haven't deviated from it. If you don't think you can handle it, then I suggest your drop the class."
When he finally left, she groaned and put her head down on her desk. Just a few more minutes, and she could go meet Bob. Bob Floyd. The man who read books by authors of every kind. The man who would probably enjoy sitting in one of her lectures. The man of her dreams.
"Fuck you, Kevin," she whispered before picking her head up and fixing her braid. When there was another knock on her door, she jumped in her seat. "Come in!"
And then there he was, pushing the door open and filling up her tiny office with his broad shoulders and handsome features. Bob smiled at her, and she immediately believed everything would be okay forever. "Hi," she whispered, standing up behind her desk, the large piece of furniture the only thing between them now. "Bob."
Then her eyes dipped down as he held out his hand. "These are for you." He was holding a six pack of ginger ale cans, and it was then that the smell of clean soap and hot tea invaded her senses. "An office warming gift."
"You're sweet," she said softly, and he smiled as she accepted the treat from him. "Thanks."
He just shrugged and looked around the room. "Nice place you got here."
Anna laughed. "You don't have to lie about it. You're tall enough that you could touch that wall with your hand and the opposite wall with your foot at the same time," she said, pointing from one side of the space to the other.
"It's still nice," he told her as he adjusted his glasses. "You must have two hundred books in here. And it smells like a library. And bread?"
She nodded and said, "That's because I'm near the cafeteria. You get used to it."
Bob's laughter and genuine smile had her whole body clenching. "Smells better than jet fuel. You ready to go to Chippy's?"
"Yeah." It came out like a whine. This felt like a date. She wanted it to be a date. She wanted to live in an alternate universe where she could feasibly date someone. As she set her ginger ale cans down and picked up her office key and tote bag, she started to make her way to the door. When she stopped, Bob bumped into her, his hands landing on her waist.
"Sorry," he muttered, and he put some space between their bodies immediately.
"It's okay," she replied, pulling the door closed and locking it. Anna couldn't control the thundering of her heart as they walked side by side down the hallway and stepped outside into the cool, evening air. What was she supposed to talk about with her friend Bob when she just kept thinking about his hands on her body? She cleared her throat as they walked quietly down the sidewalk toward the bar. "Did you wear your jumpsuit at work today?"
Bob's smirk made her giggle. "Flight suit, Anna. For someone who has a bunch of friends in the Navy, you could really use a tutorial. And yes, I did wear my flight suit."
She bit her lip and tried to picture him in it. "I liked your khaki uniform with all the pins on it."
His brow scrunched up as he looked at her, leading the way toward Chippy's. "When did you see my service khakis?"
Oh shit. She'd been staring at the selfie he sent from the bookstore so frequently, she just outed herself. "Um. You sent a picture to me. A while ago."
His features smoothed out as he held the bar door open for her to walk past him. "Right." His voice sounded a little deeper as she passed him. "Forgot about that."
She sure hadn't, and she never ever would. Scrambling for something to say as she walked across the sticky floor littered with peanut shells toward a group of students drinking beers, she blurted out, "I thought all Naval uniforms were navy blue."
When he pulled out a stool for her at a high top table, she took a seat. His voice was close to her ear as he said, "Your tutorial begins now. Can't have you embarrassing yourself like this next time you come to the Hard Deck. You want a beer?"
She wasn't much of a drinker, and the last thing she needed was something that would amplify the way her heart felt like it was beating erratically right now, but she simply nodded. Then Bob disappeared, leaving her really wondering what this tutorial might include. She tracked his movements back toward the bar where an older man with a deep scowl on his face started to reach for two pint glasses. Bob pulled his wallet out of his snug pocket, and Anna was too distracted to realize that he was paying for something for her. Again. 
"Damn it," she groaned, realizing how quickly she was slipping tonight. She wanted Bob to explain in great detail everything about the United States Navy while she ate peanuts. She wanted to feed him some and let her fingertips brush his lips. "Stop it." He was returning to the table now, and she watched as two women at another table pointed at him subtly. He was so attractive, and the way he was carrying two full glasses cupped in one big palm left her dizzy.
"Here you go," he said, handing her one of the beers along with a big dish of peanuts. "Best peanuts in San Diego. I swear."
Anna took one and smashed it open as she said, "I'll be the judge of such things." Bob looked really sure of himself as he sat down opposite her, and as soon as she tasted it, she knew he was right. It was roasted to perfection with just the perfect amount of salt. "Oh, god."
"Told you," he replied, reaching into the dish for a few. "But don't tell Penny I said that. I don't want to break her heart."
And that was just thing about Bob. Anna would have believed him if he said he never wanted to break anyone's heart. His fingers brushed against her as they both reached for more peanuts at the same time, but he ended up scooting them a little closer to her. 
"There are some that are navy blue," he said, his eyes bright behind his glasses. "Uniforms, that is."
"I knew it!"
"But we hardly ever wear them," he added with a soft smile. "We wear the white ones even less frequently."
"White ones?" Anna asked as she took a sip of her beer, eyes fixed on Bob's fingers as he worked a peanut out of the shell. She could write poetry about his hands, they were just that graceful and strong looking. He was talking, but she could barely keep up with the conversation, and when she set her beer down, it was half empty. 
"But that's just when I fly with Phoenix," he was saying. "I've been getting tossed around from pilot to pilot recently, which I hate. But my flight suits are what I wear the most, followed by my khaki uniform."
"It looked nice on you," Anna whispered loudly, surprised that she said it out loud. Again. 
"You said that before," Bob replied, his cheeks flushed a delicious shade of pink. Would he feel warm to the touch? Why was it so hot inside Chippy's? Why did Anna agree to come here without the girls?
She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants, wishing she wasn't so awkward. "Why did you study aviation? You seem like you'd have been a spectacular English major."
Bob shrugged. "A free ride to the Naval Academy is prestigious enough that you just don't turn that down. Where did you get your PhD?"
Anna hated answering this question, but she'd be honest with Bob. "I started out at Princeton, but it was expensive, and I decided to use my money for... other things. I finished at a state school. A New Jersey state school."
"But you finished," he said with a smile as she gulped down the rest of her beer in one go. "You've got more letters after your name than I do."
Anna laughed, because he wasn't wrong. "But you've got more letters before your name than I do. Lieutenant Floyd."
"No, I don't," he said easily. "Dr. Webber."
"Shit," she croaked, really feeling the beer now. "You're right. That sounds so badass."
"It is badass," he promised as Anna's head swam with warmth and desire and contentment. He cracked open another peanut, slipping it between his parted lips. She leaned in a little closer, and his eyes went wide at what she said. 
"Did you download a dating app? I don't think you should. The guys don't know what they're talking about, and you don't really need it. You could get anyone."
Bob studied her as she tried to keep her expression neutral, fingers spinning her empty glass around nervously in front of her. "No," he said slowly. "I didn't download an app. If I'm being honest, I think I'm still hung up on the idea of meeting someone and falling for them naturally. Like accidentally bumping into them in a bookstore." Her mouth went dry as he softly said, "That's kind of what I always wanted."
It was her. She was the one he bumped into before they even knew they had mutual friends. She was that girl from the bookstore. Why couldn't she have this? She wanted it, too! And now he thought she didn't. 
"It's okay," he said before finishing off his beer. "We can be friends." He set the glass down, and Anna felt his gaze move from her lips up to her eyes. "You ready to go?"
"Yes," she whispered, slowly reaching for her things. "Thanks for the beer."
Bob shrugged as he helped her down from the stool. "Any excuse to come to Chippy's."
As they walked past the clusters of students on their way toward the door, Anna waved to the bartender. "Does he always look that cranky?"
"Ol' Chippy? Yes. Always."
She made a point to wave a little more vigorously as Bob's hand found her side and guided her outside while she laughed. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a lightweight, and now it's my goal to get him to laugh."
"I have a feeling you'll be working on that mission for a while," Bob said close to her ear. "Are you drunk?"
"No," she whispered. "Just silly."
Bob couldn't seem to help himself as he chuckled and led her along the sidewalk with one hand resting softly between her shoulder blades. "I don't really know what that means yet when it comes to you, Anna. Let me drive you home."
"Okay. It's not far," she replied, trying to imagine what it would be like if Bob ever saw the inside of her tiny apartment as she rattled off her street address. She climbed into his truck with a little bit of help, and then he reached for her seatbelt before pausing and placing it in her hand. 
"Buckle up," he told her as she stared down into his face.
"I will," she said slowly, narrowing her eyes. "If you promise not to download that app."
His lips twitched into a smile. "You have my word."
Bob walked around the front of his truck before climbing in and starting up the engine. He played with the radio dials while he drove as Anna breathed in her surroundings. Everything smelled good in here where Bob's fresh soap scent seemed to blend with the tang of jet fuel. She had to press her thighs together as she imagined running her nose along the front of his flight suit before he got himself cleaned up after a shift at work. 
"Oh no," she whispered as Bob pulled up to a red light a few streets from where she lived. Sky Writing's poetry swirled around in her mind, and she was afraid she might have whispered the words out loud when Bob turned and looked at her in surprise. 
"What did you just say?" he asked, eyeing her closely.
She thought about the words she had memorized once again. Passion pulses through my veins like a wild river. Binding me to you in a dance of fire.
"Nothing," she told him as the car behind his truck honked, still sitting after the light turned green.
When he parked at the curb in front of her building, he turned toward her with curious eyes and whispered, "I thought you said-"
But Anna had reached her limit with Bob. She released her seatbelt and leaned toward him, feeling more and more sure of herself the closer she got to his mouth. Then she pressed her lips gently to his and whimpered as she kissed him. Bob reached out and ran his graceful fingers along her cheek, and Anna melted into him before he abruptly pulled away. 
"Anna. I don't think this is something friends do," he croaked, voice raspy enough that she was forced to consider that she just kissed him.
"I'm so sorry," she gasped, hauling herself back across the seat and throwing the door open. "I'm so sorry, Bob."
I can't decide if that was a mistake or not on Anna's part. But the longing got to be too much for her. She wants him badly. I hope she doesn't go into hiding. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
424 notes · View notes
bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year
prompt: "don't worry, i’ll keep you safe." + tenrose. 🩷
thank you for the prompt! here’s 700 words of word vomit, set after the age of steel
send me a prompt + pairing! read on ao3
The Doctor was missing.
If Rose were to be honest with herself, it wasn’t one hundred percent out of the blue. He hadn’t wanted to stay in the first place—but she’d sensed he felt like he had to make something up to her, after everything that’d happened with Mickey, so she’d taken the plunge.
“It’s Mum’s fortieth, next week,” she’d said casually, staring at her feet. “And I was thinking…well—since we’re here, already…”
“You want to stay,” he’d surmised.
His tone was measured too, had been since they’d returned to the prime universe, each word careful and infused with thought. Like one slip would be enough for her to call it quits.
“We could,” she’d said, ignoring that. “It’s bound to make her feel better about the whole thing. Less lonely.” She was, of course, talking not only of Jackie.
The Doctor was tactful enough to not mention this. “We?” he’d repeated instead. “Alright.” He’d rocked back and forth on his heels a little, thinking hard. “It’s just…it’s very domestic, isn’t it? An entire week?”
It’d made her laugh, despite everything, so Rose had dried her eyes, taken his hand in hers and squeezed. “Don’t worry, Doctor,” she’d said lightly. “I’ll keep you safe.”
She hadn't really expected him to stick around the entire week, but he had. He’d made himself scarce, evidently of the belief that she needed some alone time with her mum, but he hadn’t snuck off to the TARDIS —hadn’t complained once about boring, linear life on the slow path.
Which was why she could probably let him get off with this one afternoon to himself—even if it was the day of the party itself he’d chosen to finally tire of her.
He was the Doctor, and he didn’t do domestics, and Rose couldn’t honestly expect him to stick around and chat with old Mrs Evans, could she?
(She could. She did.)
The thing about being a full time companion to an alien from another planet, was that people tended to have questions. People, who were currently milling about her tiny flat now, little slices of pastry clutched in their hands, said questions on their tongues.
“We heard you’ve been travelling. With a man.”
“But where do you go all year? And leaving your poor mum by herself…we hardly see you anymore.”
“And where is this travelling companion?”
And when she’d successfully darted all that, (something she thought was quite laudable, actually), they flipped the script and began serenading her with everything she’d missed out on.
It was dreadful. It was boring. It was hard to pretend like she cared that Mrs Evans had finally had her grandson.
She was completely out of place among these people—a fish out of her bowl, a Rose out of the TARDIS. She realised with a jolt that this was probably what the Doctor felt like all the time. The thought made her feel oddly empty.
Almost as if it was that that’d done it, the Doctor ducked through their doorway, plastic bag in hand, shrugging off his coat. “Hello,” he said, eyes bright. “Haven’t missed too much, have I?”
Silence fell across the flat, everyone’s curiosity piqued at the much awaited arrival of Rose’s mystery man. The Doctor either didn’t notice or he ignored them. Rose wasn’t sure.
He waded through people, smiling and nodding politely, his eyes fixed on Rose. It was the strangest feeling—like someone had set the world back on its axis—and she felt the unease seeping out of her, bit by bit.
“Sorry,” he said once he reached her, squeezing her into a half hug. “Only I just noticed you were out of milk. Thought I’d pop over to the shops.”
“Oh,” she said. So he hadn’t run away. Mickey usually brought over groceries for her mum when she wasn’t home.
The Doctor bit his lip, and she realised she’d said that last bit out loud.
“It’s alright.” She offered him a smile. ���Thanks.”
He glanced around, moving to deposit the bag on a nearby shelf, before drawing her head into his chest, arms wrapping around her back. She only hesitated for a second, before melting into him. He wasn’t warm; he never was. But somehow it didn’t matter that she was out of place anymore.
With him, she fit.
57 notes · View notes
"Ask me anything" huh? Can I ask you to rant about stuff you love about Doctor Who for a handful of paragraphs, with the additional requirement that you cannot use correct grammar NOR can your statements be fully coherent?
Doctor Who is like 50% fun nonsense and I think commentaries on it should reflect that. No elaborate and precise statements, just pure joy unhindered by foolish concepts such as "making perfect sense".
I was waiting until I was close to going to bed to answer this because this really needs my half-asleep brain to answer properly. (Or improperly, in this case.) Now, onto as grammatically improperly as I can make this (hopefully I pulled this off. like to think I did!):
you know what i love about doctor who? i love that this show covers every single genre in the universe. that it is horror and comedy and historical fiction and sci fi and alternate history and dystopian and myths and steampunk and biopunk and murder mystery and western and fairytale because genre doesn't apply, because the doctor is a mad man in a box telling the story, except that they're not, the doctor's not the one telling the story, because this is really a story about the companions of the doctor, the people who are reflections of them, the people who become the doctor, the people who were doctors all along, the people who were kind and brave and traumatized and curious and above all, wanted to see the stars, because this is a story about the stars, about the grand expanse of space and time, about everything that ever was and ever will be, but the thing is, the mechanics of the show and how seasons are shot and that no actor can ever stay young forever, because the show is made with real people, everyone has to move on, and that's the beauty of it, isn't it? that people have to move on.
writers and actors always have to move on but with doctor who, because some genius (affectionate) in the 60s decided that regeneration would get to be a mechanic in the show we get to have an eternal canon, we get to have renewal, we get to have companions reflect back on the doctor in an infinite number of batshit insane and unhinged ways, we get to see hope and grief and a bottomless fall and an infinite rise because the doctor cannot die even though everyone around them can BUT ALSO because this show is about travelling, about running, about having the entirety of everything that has ever existed or will exist or can't exist or might exist at our fingertips.
as a result you can have episodes like midnight and partners in crime in the same season and no one will bat an eye, you can have the farting calcium invasion-of-the-body-snatchers be the monsters that propel two of the best character pieces i've ever seen in my entire life, you can have capitalism critiques involving fish poop under the thames, you can have them visit the greatest people that will ever live and the worst, you can have them inspire artists and scientists before they die and that's just as important as the aliens or saving the world, you see, because at the end of the day doctor who is about love, it's about the small moments as well as the big saves, it's about wilfred staring at the stars and amy demanding her imaginary friend show up to her wedding and harriet jones worrying about her mother and about danny admiring the fact that a student said please and about ryan and graham learning to ride a bike together and about jackie being the last person that mickey said goodbye to in journey's end, it's about love and character development and charles dickens and vincent van gogh getting to smile and laugh before they die, it's about the love, you see?
doctor who is about running as far and as fast as you can because even though you're more afraid than anyone who has ever existed you have to see them all, you have to love them all, because you have so much love you can't contain it in one heart, that's why you have two hearts, because you love so much, too much, and you will never find peace, you will never find an ending, but right here, right now, you can have this. and that will never be enough, it can't be enough, but it still matters.
because the love was there.
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edensbuttercups · 11 months
Hello, it is I!
I'm here to officially request the Mickey hospital AU, maybe with reader (or Mickey 👀) being the nurse and the other one being the doctor, if this isn't too much to ask for!
Lots of love 💕💕💕
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Great minds think alike because this had already started being written in my mind when you mentioned this idea (does this sentence make any sense? Probably not) Had an absolute blast writing this, I think this is probably one of the prompts I have considered less, and read about the least, but that has won me over so easily, it's so very sweet, especially with nurse!Mickey (I might have to explore this universe more if inspiration strikes 👀) Also I clearly know very little about hospitals and nurses and doctors and all that jazz so hopefully this is as accurate as it could be (even with my keeping as vague as possible strategy) Anyway, love you so much, thanks for this request, I hope you like it!!💕💕💕
Words: 2.6k
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Saying that he hadn’t caught your eye would’ve been a lie, because the truth was that he had, from the very first day. 
The hospital wasn’t big, but it had felt intimidating the first time you walked past the main doors, some nurses rushing past you to reach one of the rooms, a patient loudly talking to the secretary in the reception area, and you remembered looking around, noticing how the whole floor was buzzing with what felt like electricity, noise and chatter and emergencies and calls coming from all around. 
You had taken a step back, sighing softly before looking at the papers in your hand, the first letter on the pile, the one with the information about your job, stating the time at which you’d start and who to talk to for more information. You approached the main desk, waiting for the secretary to look up at you, her short brown hair bouncing when she turned her gaze upwards to meet yours, a tired smile on her carefully painted red lips.
“Hi there, how may I help you?” She asked, tilting her head as she spoke. You smiled, “Hi. I’m here for my first day?” you hummed, showing her your letter. “Ah, yes, perfect” She nodded, “well, dear, you’ll have to head up to the third floor, go to your right all the way to the end of the hallway. Dr. Wilson’s office is there, on the… left.” She said, turning her body slightly and chuckling, “he’s the head of your department, so he’ll explain everything else.” She explained. “Thank you so much” You nodded, “and nice to meet you” you added, reaching out to shake her hand, smiling one last time before heading to the lift, waiting patiently for the number on the top to descend.
And that’s when you met him for the first time, his eyes focused on the page in front of his eyes, a report on a patient, you assumed, his concentration only wavering when he looked up at you, moving out of the way so you could press the button for your floor. “Morning” he hummed, studying your face for a few seconds, a hint of a smile on his lips when you replied. He waited for the doors to close before focusing on the report again, pulling his pen out to jot something down.
There wasn’t much to say about him, if not that he was stunning, and pretty, and had a kind smile and kinder eyes, his hair curling so perfectly, especially around the nape of his neck. A quick glance at his name tag revealed his name, M. Garcia, one you made note of, wondering what his first name was many times before his introduction. Manuel? Matthew? Max? Martin? 
The answer came a few days later, when you bumped into him, once again in the same lift, his curious gaze no longer occupied by a report, this time able to fully focus on you. You hummed a good morning when you pressed the usual button, third floor, taking note of how he replied back, his eyebrows scrunching up before they raised when he realized where he had seen you before, no longer wearing the soft dark blue jumper like you had last time, this time wearing a doctor’s coat and scrubs that matched his own underneath it. “Oh. We met the other day” he said, tilting his head as he looked at you, his smile warm. “Yeah” You chuckled, “it was my first day. Or, well, I simply had come to get some information before my first day. But here I am now.” You smiled. “So we’re colleagues.” He hummed, holding his hand out, “nice to meet you. My name is Mickey Garcia, you’ll usually see me on the first floor running around, but occasionally I venture on the higher floors” he joked, glancing at the number on the small screen, wishing the ride had taken a little longer. “Aha, so you’re a nurse?” You asked, glancing at his name tag again, the small writing under his name confirming just that. “Yep. So whenever you need, you know who to call.” He said, winking just as the doors dinged and opened, “see you around” he added, stepping out and smiling at you as the doors closed again, taking you to your own floor. 
After a few weeks, you had settled into a routine. Mornings, sometimes afternoons, occasionally evenings, depending on your shifts, called for a coffee break, one you managed to time just right to match with Mickey’s on most days, happy to see him especially when he was busy with other patients, his company one you missed. “Second floor” Kathrine hummed one afternoon, smiling knowingly when you looked around. “What?” You asked, focusing back on her. “Garcia, he’s on the second floor. His patient, Mr. Hubert, he’s not doing too well, stopped responding to treatment, so they’re trying to figure out what the next course of action is” she explained, “so that’s where your boy is. He’ll probably be around later, though, so don’t worry.” She smirked. “Not my boy” You huffed, rolling your eyes, the blush on your cheeks not helping your statement. “With the way he looks at you? Yes, your boy” She teased, sipping her coffee. “Unrelated, When are you off next week? I need to buy a dress for a wedding and I need some help” She smiled. 
“Honestly, I can’t believe you liked it” you laughed, shaking your head, the steam from your cup rising into the darkness while it warmed your hands, the cold making you shiver nonetheless. He moved closer, his arm linking with yours, warming you up ever so slightly, yet making you blush easily. He always did this, greeted you with an arm wrapped around your shoulder as he asked you how you were, winked at you with a big smile when you crossed each other in the hallways, sometimes rested his head on your shoulder when you shared an elevator ride, usually only if it was just the two of you. “Never said it deserved an Oscar, but it was a fun movie” He smiled, his eyes studying your face as you looked into the distance, the parking lot mostly empty tonight.
He loved the moments he could get with you, an effortless break from the heavier days or from the slower ones, and the added bonus of getting to look at you was one he’d never admit to, but that he loved.
He loved the shape of your lips, or the way your hair curled, or how you laughed when he made a joke. And he loved listening to you, getting to know who was behind the incredible doctor he sometimes got to work side by side with.
“It was weird.” You commented, cocking an eyebrow as you looked at him, chuckling when he grinned. “Yeah, so am I, so you know, works out” he shrugged, laughing when you nudged into him, muttering a shut up and rolling your eyes, his free hand settling on your other shoulder to balance himself, absentmindedly rubbing it up and down over your coat when you shivered again. “Only telling the truth.” He laughed, “and you can’t lie.”
You shook your head, watching as your breath formed a small cloud that soon dispersed into thin air. “Well, maybe I like weird. Not the movie, though, that was just plain wrong” You laughed, missing the way he looked at you, your pager making you glance down, frowning as you read the room number and the surname of the patient on your screen. “Gotta go” You hummed, handing him your cup, “see you later” you said, rushing to the lift and making your way to the second floor as quickly as you could, blushing as you thought back to your words, the elevator ride seemingly endless. He spent the rest of his shift with a question at the back of his mind and a smile occasionally popping on his lips, the words of Mrs. Brown reminding him of you. “And that’s when I met him, so you see, we’ve been together for many years now. And I miss him so much, so make me feel better soon, okay? I’m sick of visiting hours.” She chuckled, looking at him. “I’ll try my very best, Miriam.” He smiled, taking note of her vitals, then reading her folder again, “Actually, I’d say you can probably leave tomorrow” He hummed, pulling the chair closer to her bed so he could sit for a moment, the shift slow enough to allow it. “Yeah?” She asked, eyes lighting with happiness. “Yeah.” He smiled again, holding a hand out for her, “I’ll talk to the doctor that’s following you and if she gives me the get go, I’ll make sure to contact Jorge so he can come pick you up.” He said, closing his eyes. “My doctor, the one you like?” She asked, squeezing his hand softly, a knowing smile on her lips when he opened his eyes, expression dropping at her mention, not really expecting anyone to have noticed, no one other than your colleagues, anyway. “Oh, c’mon boy, you’re not very subtle” She laughed, “You’re always so focused, but when she’s around, you’re focused on her. Which is fine, you’re one of the best nurses that’s ever taken care of me, trust me, but if I may take your role for a moment, you have a severe case of love, child” she grinned, letting go of his hand to pat his cheek.
He sighed, looking the the side, “I… she… Is… great.” He mumbled, nodding, “great doctor. And a good friend.” He said, his crush for you mostly evident, but not one he had openly admitted yet, if not to himself, the increase in the speed of the beating of his heart when he was around you not something he could ignore forever. “A great friend, I can imagine, yeah. And she is an incredible doctor as well, I agree, from what I’ve seen. But maybe she could also be a great girlfriend?” She asked, recognizing in him the same hesitation she had seen in her own son years earlier, too nervous to ask the girl of his dreams out on a date without a little motivation. “I’m not even sure if she’s single” He chuckled, shaking his head, the idea of asking you out making him more nervous than what he wanted to admit. “Did she ever mention anyone?” She asked again, trying to help out. “Nope. And there’s no ring on her finger.” He said, shuffling back in his chair and sighing again, “I have to ask her, don’t I?” He muttered, sighing again. “I’d say so, yeah. You’ll never know if not.” She replied, smiling when he chuckled, squeezing her hand and standing, pushing the chair back in place. “I will. I’ll let you know how it goes” He hummed, winking at her before stepping out of her room, his pager beeping again. 
“I’m sick of visiting hours.” He announced, pushing the chair back and sitting down on it, looking at you with a serious expression, one you only saw on his face when something was up with his patients, his usual smile substituted by focus and sometimes worry. “I… don’t think I can do much about that, Mickey” You chuckled, “I can tell Dr. Wilson, and he can talk to his superiors about it, but I think it might be a State issue. Actually, a Nation issue, and a World issue, too” You hummed, placing your pen down. He sighed softly, smiling and shaking his head, then looked back at you. “Do you have a moment?” He asked, glancing at the documents on your desk. “Yeah. It’s a report, but I can finish it later. Oh, actually, she’s your patient too, maybe you could help me, I have a question or two about what treatment ended up working better.” You said, holding the files towards him before dropping them, nodding when he kept his eyes on you, smile growing. “Sorry” You hummed. “No problem, doctor.” He smiled. “Actually, it’s kinda about her.” He said, the name at the top of the page the one of Mrs. Brown, the one that had, unknowingly, spurred him on. “Oh?” You asked, crossing your legs and sitting back, “tell me more.” “She missed her husband, and was telling me to get her to feel better so that she could see him again, since she hated visiting hours. She wanted him to be around all the time, not only when we allowed.” he explained, smiling at how kind she had been to him, sharing short stories every morning when he checked her vitals, and small morals when he’d pay her a visit. “Well, she must be happy then, since she got dismissed. She can now spend more time with her husband” You hummed, smiling at him. “Yeah. But she also made me realize that I also am kinda sick of visiting hours. With you” He said, clearing his throat as he tried to ignore how his heartbeat picked up. “With… me?” You asked, frowning, “Mickey, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was a Shutter Island type of situation.” You chuckled, biting your lip. He laughed, shaking his head, “It’s… not like that, no. It’s more of a I really like you and I’d like to spend time with you outside of work, too. Because I like you a lot.” He said, his words growing quieter as he spoke, his nerves taking the best of him. You blushed, realizing what he meant. He liked you. And in a perfect turn of events, you liked him too. Takes two to tango, right? “I don’t think I ever saw that film” You hummed, smiling, standing up from your seat and making your way in front of him, sitting on the edge of your desk, caging yourself in between him and the table. He shook his head, “neither have I, but I’d like to. Are you free tomorrow?” He asked, standing up, the distance between you significantly smaller than what would’ve been appropriate usually, his eyes focused on your lips as he waited for your reply. “I am free tomorrow” You confirmed, hand settling on his arm, pulling him ever so slightly closer.  “Lucky me” He smiled, “then would you like to go out with me?” He asked, all of the tension he had felt bringing him to this moment. “I’d love to” You answered, smiling and blushing at the relief you saw on his face, his cheeks growing red, his smile wide and eyes full of warmth, chuckling when he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you softly.
You pulled back after a few instants, gazing at his lips, then studying his faint freckles, then looking into his eyes. You couldn’t wait to kiss him, but more than everything you couldn’t wait to be with him in a different setting, listen to his stories without any rush, tease him and laugh at his jokes and tell your own without the constant worry that your pagers would go off, or that your break was about to end, or dad someone would interrupt you. You couldn’t wait to be with him. To simply be. “Tomorrow, then?” You asked, leaning into his touch when he cupped your cheek, nodding. “Tomorrow.” He hummed, “I’ll pick you up at six?” He asked. “Isn’t the usual pick up time at eight?” You teased. “I can’t wait until eight.” He hummed, leaning forward to press a light kiss to your cheek, unable to hide a smile. “Six it is, then” You chuckled, squeezing his arm and taking a step back, feeling the butterflies in your stomach when he waved at you, walking out of your office with a pep in his step, his smile not leaving his face. 
Your hand cradled your cheek, skin tingling from where he had kissed you, the promise of tomorrow making you excited about what was to come. 
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Fever Pitch
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Fandom: Stranger Things; Doctors Office AU
Word Count: 10k
Summary: Doctor!Eddie gets super sick, but refuses to admit that doctors can get sick too. Eddie spends half the week grumpy and annoyed until he finally breaks in the most whumpy way.
CW: Flashback mentions of domestic abuse // gunshot wounds, minor mess
Monday, April 3rd
“Hey! Earth to Eddie??”
Eddie blinks himself back to reality and realizes he’s been staring at his mug of black coffee for a few minutes.
“Sorry what?”
Steve shakes his head and laughs, “I asked if you’re almost ready to go? It’s 6:58.”
“Yeah!” Eddie grabs his travel mug from the cabinet and empties the contents of his coffee mug into it, dropping the mug in the sink, “Good to go. Sorry, just a little spacey this morning I guess…”
Steve grabs the car keys off the hook and opens the front door, still chuckling, “I can see that.”
Usually the drive to work is filled with banter, but today Eddie is tired in a way he almost can’t explain. His ears feel weird too and he can’t quite place it.
Steve parks the car in their usual spot and they both get out. The bell chimes above them as they enter through the back door.
“Good mooooorning!” Comes a voice down the hall. Robin.
“Morning Robin!” They call out in unison.
Eddie heads to his office, slumping into his chair and turning the computer on, while Steve makes his way towards his station where Nancy is waiting and Robin is hanging out.
The dirty blonde is sitting on Steve’s desk, kicking her feet talking to Nancy. Steve approaches his childhood best friend and jokingly waves the air at her. “Shoo! Off my desk.”
She playfully sticks her tongue out at him and hops off. “I just opened the front. First patient isn’t until 7:45 I think?”
Steve nods in acknowledgement as he logs onto his own computer, eyes not breaking from the screen.
“That’ll be good. Give Eddie a minute. He’s being kinda weird and quiet today.”
Nancy and Robin exchange a brief look of worry.
“You talking about me in here?” Eddie wanders in.
“Just shit talking you behind your back, obviously.” Robin teases.
Eddie breaks character and laughs, playfully punching her arm. “Well don’t let me interrupt. Needed a new pen. My favorite one just ran out of ink.”
Steve opens his backpack and pulls out a fresh pen, holding it over his head for Eddie to take. The older man grabs it, slightly disappointed that it’s ballpoint and not gel. Trivial, sure, but a small detail that makes his morning that much more irritating.
He disappears back towards his office as Robin speaks up.
“Well I guess I should get to work too. I’m sure our first patient will be here soon.”
She heads up to the front of the office and sits at her desk previewing the schedule for the day. All things considered, it’s actually pretty light for a Monday. Billy is off today and tomorrow, so it’s just Eddie and Nancy.
The front door bell chimes and Robin looks up to lock eyes with Mr.Gilmore (Mickey, please).
“Hey Mr.G! How are you?” She asks in her bubbly voice.
“Oh just fine, sweetheart. Checking in for 7:45. I think my wife is coming in later.”
The man starts to scribble his name on the check in sheet while Robin skims the schedule.
“Would ya look at that! She is coming in at 2:30.” Robin smiled, “You know the drill then, Mickey. Steve will be out to get you in just a second okay?”
He nods and takes his seat in the waiting room. The doorbell rings again as Robin stands up.
“Good Morning Mrs.Harris. Go ahead and get yourself signed in. There’s no copay today. Give me one second and I’ll tell Steve you’re here too.” She grabs both charts, Mickey’s on top since his appointment is first.
“First two for you, Steve-o.” She says, handing off the charts to her friend.
He runs a hand through his hair as he looks over them. “Yeah alright. Let me bring Mickey back and into a room and then I’ll come back for Gina.”
“Well your labs look fantastic, Mickey. Great improvement since the last time. If everything’s working for you I think we’ll keep your meds at the same dosage and follow up in a few months?”
“Sounds great, Doctor Munson.” The man reaches out and gives Eddie a handshake before standing up to head out.
“Go ahead and go up to the front. Robin will check you out shortly.”
Eddie could hear muffled talking in the room next door. Nancy was probably in there with Gina.
“Hey Steve can you bring this to Robin?” He holds out Mickey’s chart with his scribbled notes on it.
Steve gives Eddie a once over, but agrees, taking the chart and heading back to the front. Eddie, on the other hand, went back to his office and uncapped his travel mug of coffee, sipping generously. Why wasn’t the caffeine waking him up like it usually did??
As he swallowed, he finally was able to pinpoint the weird feeling in his ears. It was a sticky sort of pain deep inside that sometimes happened when- his throat was sore.
Shit. A sore throat was truly the last thing he needed. Maybe it would get better as the day went on if he tried to talk less?
A few hours passed by, and instead of getting better, Eddie only felt worse. The twinge in his throat was more of a dull ache now, and worst of all, his throat was scratchy in a way that made him want to gag.
As soon as he was done with the last patient before lunch, he beelined for the break room to make himself some more coffee.
The Keurig spurted and hissed as it produced a small latte in his travel mug.
“Babe you’re having more coffee? You’re gonna be up all night.” Steve came up behind him and squeezed his shoulder.
“What are you, my mom??” Eddie snipped.
“Geez, I’m just asking. What’s up with you today??” Steve tried to hide the fact that he was a little hurt.
“Nothing’s up with me, Steve. Just getting coffee because I’m tired.” The older man grumbled and walked back towards his office and shut the door behind him.
“What was that all about?” Nancy asked as she and Robin joined too, pulling their lunches out of the fridge.
“Hell if I know. Apparently the man just wants to be fueled with caffeine.” Steve rolled his eyes and sat down with his salad, “So how was your guys’ weekends?”
Its 2:15 now. Lunch has been over for a while. He’s seen a few more patients already and his coffee is now gone. He wants more but Steve is right - he’d be lucky if he gets to sleep tonight as is.
There’s a knock on his open door that gets his attention. It’s Robin and the iPad.
“Hey Doc, can you sign this for me?” She asks, holding out the iPad for him to take.
“Have I ever NOT signed it for you??” He asks in a tone way grumpier than he’d expected.
Shit why did he say that.
“No… sorry, I just didn’t want to assume…”
“You’re fine Birdie, I’m sorry. I’m just… in a mood today apparently.”
He signs for the meds and hands it back to her.
Robin shrugs, “It happens. Mrs.Gilmore is here early by the way. Steves probably coming through with her chart soon.”
Eddie sighs as he stands up. If he could just finish the last four patients he could go home.
Steve’s humming to himself in the kitchen as he cooks the pasta. Spaghetti with brown butter and tomato basil sauce is a recent favorite of his and he took it upon himself too cook for the two of them tonight
His phone buzzes. A text from Robin.
What’s cookin, good lookin?
He rolled his eyes. Since he started cooking new dishes, she’d been requesting photos of his food. He sent a pic back of the pasta in the pot of water.
Nothing fancy… yet. Spaghetti with tomato basil and brown butter sauce.
🤤Eddie’s the luckiest guy I swear.
Steve looks over his shoulder. After confirming Eddie was still in the shower, he types back.
Eh… he’s still kinda prickly. I think he’s getting sick or something.
Doctors don’t get sick, remember Steve?? 😤
Steve chuckles to himself. By now, everyone at Hawkins Medical is familiar with Eddie Munson and his ‘Doctors Don’t Get Sick’ one man show. He’s about to say something witty back when the bathroom door opens and small amounts of steam billow out.
One sec - he just got out of the shower…
Eddie pads over to the table, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hand.
“Just in time!” Steve offers a smile as he drains the pasta. “Spaghetti just finished. Pot of brown butter on the left. Tomato basil on the right. Pick your poison.”
Steve’s already plating his own dinner, when Eddie coughs into his shoulder, following behind with the smallest scoop of pasta and a tiny bit of sauce.
“That’s all you’re gonna eat?” Steve asks after Eddie takes a small bite.
“M’not hungry.” Eddie lies, but Steve doesn’t miss the way he winces when he took a sip of water.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine.” Eddie insists, “I’m not hungry.”
He goes to clear his throat but it catches, making him cough painfully into his fist. Eddie tries to blink back the pain, each cough scraping the back of his throat.
“Does your throat hurt?”
Eddie pushes away from the table, “I said I’m fucking fine Steve.”
“Hey, watch the attitude. I’m just asking!”
“Whatever.” Eddie grumbles, setting his plate by the sink, “I’m going to bed.”
He storms off to the bedroom, door closing behind him. Steve rolls his eyes and reaches for his phone again, sending a text to Robin.
Definitely sick. He just screamed at me for asking if his throat hurt 🙄
Steve threw his phone down after sending the text and finished his pasta by himself.
Tuesday, April 4th
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The joint alarm for 6:15am pierces through the fog in Eddie’s brain. Apart from the blaring alarm, the first thing he notices is that his throat hurts. BAD. It’s now a scratchy ache that burns when he swallows.
Steve turns the alarm off and groans, rolling out of bed to brush his teeth. Eddie takes the opportunity to lay there a little bit longer, squeezing his eyes shut. His head aches at the front of his forehead and all he wants to do is go back to sleep.
“You want coffee too Eds?” Steve asks on his way from their bathroom to the kitchen.
The older man tries to speak but coughs instead. He clears his throat and groans, “Yes please.”
“Coming right up.” Steve turns around, frowning at the sound of his partner.
While Steve starts their coffees, Eddie drags himself out of bed and heads to the bathroom too. He pees, washes his hands, and then brushes his teeth. He stops for a moment to stare at himself in the mirror. He looks run down for sure, paler than normal and rings forming under his eyes. After rinsing his mouth out, he tames the hair a little and then grabs a few tissues to blow his nose.
He huffs a sigh when it does nothing to relieve the congestion that’s settled in his sinuses.
“For fucks sake…” he grumbles.
He turns off the bathroom light and goes to get dressed. His favorite black jeans and tee shirt will do. They’re just going to be under his doctors coat anyways.
He’s sniffling and scrubbing at his nose as he walks into the kitchen where Steve is sitting at the table, finishing a prepackaged muffin and sipping his coffee.
“Morning babe.” Steve says and kisses Eddie on the cheek, “Shit it’s 6:40 already?? Let me get dressed really quick!”
“Morning.” Eddie hums, dumping his coffee into the travel mug. He takes a small sip, coughing again.
Steve reappears just a few minutes later, hair done and in his scrubs.
“Okay! Ready?”
Eddie nods, “Mm hmm.”
Steve grabs his bag and heads out the door towards the car, Eddie trudging sluggishly behind him.
When the boys arrive at the office, they both head back towards the nurses station to greet the girls. Steve drops his backpack at his desk and turns the computer on.
“Hey Robin!” He calls out.
“Morning guys!” Robin bounds around the corner but stops abruptly, “Oof Eddie you don’t look so hot. Are you okay?”
She asks, having forgotten the warning text from Steve late last night.
“You flatter me.” He says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I’m fine.”
Nancy walks in just as Eddie starts coughing again. She places a gentle hand on his back as she walks past him to her desk.
“Awe poor thing, you sound awful. Are you getting sick?”
Steve and Robin look up at her like deer in headlights, signaling to her immediately that that was the wrong thing to say.
Eddie rolls his eyes, swallowing back his unwarranted anger, “I don’t get sick.”
He turns on his heels and heads to his office, coughing into a closed fist on the way.
“I’m sorry.” Nancy starts, “I forgot…”
Steve waves his hands dismissively, “Don’t be sorry Nance. He’s just grumpy because he doesn’t feel well.”
All three of them exchanged different variations of the same eyebrows-raised glance that screamed ‘not this again’.
“Well I’m going to go let people in now. The Anderson’s were outside at 7:05.” Robin headed up front to unlock the doors.
Her pastel pink scrubs were light and joyful. She usually stuck to the darker colors but today she felt like brightening up the mood a little.
“Good Morning, Anderson’s!!” She greeted as she opened the door, “Enter my humble abode!”
The two of them laughed and stood up from the bench they were waiting on outside. They were in their early 70’s and were some of Robin’s favorites.
“Well you look absolutely vibrant in those scrubs. How are you doing today, Darling?” Mrs.Anderson asked as she signed both of them in on the clipboard.
Robin jogged around the back to meet her at the desk window.
“Thank you! Pretty good! Pretty good! I see you guys are here forrrrr,” she clicked around on the computer, “Back to back wellness checks?”
“That’s correct!” Mrs.Anderson chimes.
“Well good news then! Insurance covers 100% of the wellness exams, so there’s no copay. Let me tell Steve you guys are here.”
She takes both charts and runs them back to Steve, leaning down when she hands them off.
“They’re back to back wellness exams, so hopefully Eddie can just chill with them for the next hour and a half?”
Steve nods. Wellness checks were pretty easy and straight forward to do. Eddie would definitely be grateful he wasn’t having to do any procedures this morning.
The brunette gets up and calls them both back. They walk with him to Exam 2. Robin chuckles as they walk by, Mr.Anderson telling Steve, “Stevie boy, I have to show you this new magic trick I learned from my son in law. You brought my cards right Debbie?”
Mrs.Anderson patted him on the back, “I always bring your cards, Arthur…”
“Anderson’s are in 2 whenever you’re ready.” Steve said gently, leaning in Eddie’s doorframe.
The man in question was hunched over his desk blowing his nose again.
“Be there in a seco’d…” he said from behind the tissues.
Steve just nodded.
Almost an hour and forty five minutes later, Eddie came out of their exam room, eyes wide with annoyance, the rings under his eyes even more prominent than before. He dropped the charts on Robin’s desk.
“Mrs.Anderson is fine. Mr.Anderson needs a follow up in a month for his blood pressure.” He rasped.
“Sheesh Doc, you sound rougher than earlier.” She opened one of the drawers by her feet and pulled out a fresh bottle of water, offering it to him.
“M’fine just…” he cleared his throat, “Just a lot of talking.” He took the water bottle from her and sipped from it briefly before heading back to his office to type in his appointment notes.
“Everything okay?” Steve stopped him in the hallway. “You look…stressed.”
“Yeah he just. Kept doing magic tricks.” Eddie complained.
Normally he was all for Mr.Anderson’s funny antics, but today he was too drained to entertain anything, especially repetitive card tricks.
“Sorry.” Steve started, “Your next appointment isn’t for half an hour. Take a second to chill in silence or something maybe?”
“I know how to use my free time, Steve.”
Steve threw his hands up in defeat. “Yup! You’re absolutely right. What was I thinking?”
By the time lunch had rolled around, Eddie was done. Done with work. Done with talking to people. Done with feeling like shit. He had his head resting in folded arms at his desk, swallowing past the knives in his throat.
Robin clocked the limp figure as she walked past his office on the way to the break room. She turned to face Steve and Nancy and whispered, “Is he okay?”
Eddie cleared his throat, scaring them all. Robin had thought he was asleep.
“He lives!” She joked.
Eddie lifted his head, trying to stare daggers with his glazed eyes, “Would you all quit asking if I’m okay?? I’m fucking fine alright?”
“Yeah Eddie, you totally look and sound fine.” Steve murmured.
“What was that, Harrington??” He raised an eyebrow at the three figures standing in the hallway.
“Nothing! Jesus, I said you’re fine.”
Steve grumbled his way to the break room, Nancy and Robin following suit. The three of them sat down, Steve running a hand through his hair, clearly stressed. Robin popped her Dino nuggets in the microwave and then sat next to Steve, rubbing a hand on his back.
“I’m sorry. He’s being such a dick.” Steve whispered.
“It’s okay Steve. Don’t stress.” Nancy said, shrugging as she ate one of her carrots.
The friends sat in relative silence for a moment until a trio of harsh sneezes sounded from Eddie’s office.
“N’Gshuuh! Eh’TZiew! H- h’EKSHTew!”
Robin opened her mouth out of habit to say ‘bless you Doctor Rockstar’, but Steve clamped a hand over her mouth and shook his head.
“Don’t say it.”
Robin nodded, thankful Steve stopped her in time. They could all agree that today was not the day for that.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge if his nose, “Fuck. He’s sneezing now. He’s just going to get so much more annoyed and pissy…”
Nancy rested a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “He’s a grown up Steve. Just let it run it’s course. He’ll be fine again in no time.”
Steve should have known better than that. He should know by now that when Eddie got sick, it almost always got worse before it got better. And now, just like clockwork, that’s what was happening.
The rest of the work afternoon was filled with tense silence punctuated by sneezing and coughing from Eddie’s office.
By the time they were closing up for the day, Eddie’s nose was tinged pink and he was exhausted. He leaned heavily against the wall by Steve’s desk.
“Are you alm’bost ready to go home? M’by head is killing m’be.” He asked in a weak but frustrated tone.
Steve looked up and his heart immediately dropped. Eddie looked awful. “Yeah, sorry let me just turn the computer off…”
Steve awkwardly scrambled to shut down the desktop computer and shovel a few things into his backpack.
“I’b gonna go wait in thehhh the car- H’iKTschEW! Eht’CHuhew! T’SZIEW!”
He steepled into his hands as he walked towards the back exit. Steve could faintly register an “ughh fuck” before a thick sniffle on his way out.
The younger man scooped up his backpack and jogged out after Eddie, jumping in the car not too long after he had. The car was silent except for watery sniffles from Eddie every now and again.
He figured Eddie was spaced out, too lost in a sick induced brain fog, but music seemed like it would ease the tension. Steve reached for the radio button and turned it up just a little bit. After a fifteen minute drive in the setting sun, he parked the car in their spot and made the short walk to their apartment.
“I’m gonna take a shower…” Eddie mumbled once they got inside, already dragging himself towards the bathroom.
“Guess I’ll make dinner then.” Steve said sassily to himself as the bathroom door shut and the shower water turned on.
When Eddie stepped out of the bathroom after twenty minutes or so, he’d disappeared into their bedroom to change and probably text some friends quickly.
Steve took it upon himself to take a quick shower, afterwards sitting on the sofa and watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother.
Eddie emerged from the bedroom in pajama pants, thick socks, and a T-shirt, cradling a box of tissues.
“I love this episode.” He flopped down on the other end of the couch and pulled one of their blankets over his legs.
It’s only a few minutes into the Blitz episode when Eddie frantically grabs a tissue and clamps it over his mouth, inhaling dramatically.
“ii’KTCH! H’esSHiew! H’MPTsch!!”
“Bless you!”
“Tha’gks…” Eddie groans, gurgling into the already damp tissue before tossing it aside and pulling a new one to blow again.
“On seco’d thought… I thi’gk I’b gonna go to bed.”
“Okay. Goodnight.” Steve wants to add that he hopes Eddie feels better, but refrains, keeping it to himself and his reruns.
Wednesday, April 5th
The alarm only beeps once before Steve turns it off, slipping out of bed quietly to start getting ready. Eddie’s congested snores ring out in a way that Steve just knows his throats going to be raw when he wakes up.
After throwing his scrubs on, he makes himself and Eddie some coffee. He’s on his way back to the bedroom, double fisting mugs, when he runs into Eddie, standing in the doorway.
“Steve! It’s 6:30 why didn’t you wake me up???”
Steve’s taken aback by the heat in Eddie’s voice. “I was just making you coffee. I thought you could use the extra sleep. Was about to wake you up just now.”
“You don’t get to decide if I need sleep. I’ll have to take the coffee to-go now. There’s no time.” he turned around and stormed off to the bedroom to get dressed.
Steve huffed a sigh and went to empty the mugs contents into his partner’s travel cup.
Eddie felt absolutely wrecked. He didn’t know it was possible for him to wake up feeling worse than he did last night, and yet. Here he was with full body aches, a sinus headache, and chills. His entire body hurt and his skin was overly sensitive to everything.
He opted for scrub bottoms - the closest thing to sweatpants he could get away with - and a hoodie underneath his doctors coat. He coughed as he got dressed, the tight congestion in his chest slowly loosening.
Steve sat in the living room waiting for Eddie. Being sick had really slowed him down and it was now 6:53. They were behind schedule, usually leaving before 6:50am.
They both hopped in the car, music playing faintly as Steve drove them to work. The older of the two kept stifling chesty coughs with his mouth closed - clearly his lungs were more awake than he was.
As they pulled into the parking lot for Hawkins Medical, Eddie snapped forward into his elbow.
“Eh’GSHiew! snff h’eKTCH! H’eiTSCH!!” The sneezes were harsh and desperate, followed by another productive cough that made Steve wince.
“You sound a lot worse Eddie…” Steve commented hesitantly.
“Drop it, Steve.” He quipped, which would have been a lot more threatening if he wasn’t so god damn congested.
Steve went silent as they both got out of the car. Eddie paused for a minute. With one hand on the hood to steady him, he snapped at the waist sneezing again towards the ground. Steve shook his head and made his way into the clinic, leaving his boyfriend to clean himself up.
“Did Eddie finally stay home?” Robin started, a little too excited.
Steve signaled at her to stop talking as the back door bell chimed followed by some coughing.
Noticing the girls’ concerned looks, Steve quickly hissed, “Just leave it.”
“Hey Eddie.” Nancy said sympathetically as the man walked in looking worse for wear.
“Hi N’dance.”
The back door bell chimed again. Fuck. Billy. The man walked in (late as usual) and dumped his stuff at his desk. He offered a simple “Hey.” before he caught sight of Eddie coughing into another tissue.
“Are you sick Munson? Stay away from me.”
Everyone in the clinic knew Eddie was being pissy the last couple days. Everyone except Billy, who was off Monday and Tuesday. Steve bit his lip, preparing for whatever outburst was about to come from Eddie.
“You shouldn’t have to worry about that since I was going to tell you to fuck off anyways, Hargrove!” Eddie clapped back.
“Eddie!” Steve scolded.
“Hey hey hey! Everyone stop.” Robin stood up in between Eddie and Billy, but Billy just laughed.
“Would you look at that? Munson’s got some fire in him after all. I respect it.”
Nancy, Robin and Steve exchanged looks of confusion before Robin finally stepped back, knowing Billy wasn’t going to escalate the situation.
“But seriously. Don’t fucking get me sick.” Billy pointed at Eddie on the way back towards his desk.
“How about. I go open the doors and we all take a breather? Would that be fine??” Robin asks, exasperated, slowly backing away to open the clinic for business.
Robin pulls her phone out of her back pocket and sends a quick update text to Chrissy. The two had been talking a lot more since they started flirting and so Chrissy was very well aware of the situation.
Jesus Chris, Eddie just almost fought Billy in the nurses station. Told him to fuck off and everything.
Chrissy’s reply was almost immediate:
In any other circumstance that would be the highlight of my week. Poor Eddie, he must really be feeling sick if he’s that confrontational.
The strawberry blonde had known Eddie longer than Robin had known Steve, so she certainly knew all of his quirks. Apparently this was one of them.
Ugh. Yeah. He sounds terrible. Gotta work now. Text you later. Xx
Today was unfortunately one of the busier days. The silver lining was that it was filled with familiar faces. As Robin pocketed her phone, a red haired girl who was about 21 came skating in through the doors.
“No skating in the clinic Max! I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.” Robin said.
“Sorry.” She chuckled signing herself in. Her other arm was wrapped in an ace bandage.
“Steve will come get ya soon, just. Hang tight okay?” Robin teased.
The girl nodded. When Robin came back, Steve was just behind her. He opened the door to the waiting room.
“Hey Max, come on back.”
“Hey Steve!” She clocked her older (step)brother, Billy, in the nurses station as she walked back with Steve, “Hey Dickwad!”
“Grow up Maxine!” He yelled back, flipping her the bird.
She smirked and threw two birds up in response as she followed Steve into exam room 1.
Steve stifled a laugh once the door was closed. “Authentic sibling love…”
“Step sibling. Am I wrong??” Max asked, grinning.
“I mean. He did look up when you said dickwad.” Steve laughed, hooking her up to the blood pressure cuff and slipping the thermometer in her mouth.
Steve typed a few notes in the computer until the cuff deflated. He took the thermometer out from her mouth and looked at the numbers on the BP machine. He typed some more in the computer before heading out.
“Blood pressure is normal considering you live with Billy.” Steve commented, “Eddie will be in to see you soon!”
“No rush!” She called after him. Might as well make herself comfortable. She lay back on the crinkly paper, bending her knees, feet on the table.
She stayed like this for a few minutes before a couple rough sneezes from outside the door startled her.
There was a knock on the door before it opened, Eddie stepping inside.
“Bless you.” She said, slowly sitting up, “Jesus you look like shit.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, washing his hands. “Thank you so much for the compliment. You have such a way with words.”
“Ha ha.” She teased.
“You been icing that sprain?”
“Wrapping it?”
Eddie squinted his eyes and glanced at the skateboard in the corner. “You been staying off your board?”
Max paused. Caught. “No… but I haven’t fallen on the wrist! Promise!”
“We’ll see about that. Give it here.”
Max holds her arm out. Eddie sniffles wetly as he unwraps the ace bandage.
“So are you sick or something?” She breaks the silence.
He looks up at her eyebrow raised. “You must be confused. I’m pretty sure you’re the patient in this room.”
Max matched his energy pretty quickly. “Really? Hmm I just thought because you come in here sneezing and looking all sickly…”
“Sickly?!” Eddie scoffed as best he could before turning and coughing into his elbow.
Max watched the display and just shrugged.
“Listen you shouldn’t call me sickly when your skating career lies in the hands of my doctors note.”
Now that the bandage was off she flexed her hand and rotated the wrist a few times.
“Feel okay?” He asked.
“Yeah. Feels good.” She nodded and Eddie opened the drawer behind him and pulled out a box.
He tore it open and held it up. “This. Is your new brace. Wear this for a week and you should be good to go. But no crazy skate tricks!!”
“Whatever you say, Doc.” She hopped off the table and grabbed her board. “Hope you stop being sickly soon.”
“Very funny.” He said sarcastically as she made her way to check out with Robin.
Now that she’d left, Eddie felt his entire demeanor drop. The happy Doctor facade. He put it on for his patients, but he felt like absolute garbage.
he grabbed a few tissues from the box on the exam room counter and blew his nose. He paused as the act sent a tickly buzzing through his nose and his eyes fluttered shut.
“H’eiSHuhew! E’kSHT!”
He grabbed a couple more tissues and blew his nose again before binning them and washing his hands. He was in for a long day.
Mrs.Henderson is the last patient before lunch. Usually everyone loves the Hendersons - especially Dustin. However, today Mrs.Henderson came in alone, just her and her hypochondria.
“Hi Robin dear, I really need to see Doctor Munson, it’s urgent. I don’t mean to alarm you but I think I have smallpox.”
Robin stared wide eyed. This was a new one, even for her. “Okay ummm let me just get Steve and we’ll see you in just a second okay?”
Robin took the chart and headed back to Steve. “She thinks she’s got smallpox this time.”
Steve sighed. “Gimme the chart.”
The brunette took a breath and then called her back to Exam 3. “Hey Mrs.Henderson. What brings you in?”
“Didn’t Robin tell you? I think I have smallpox. It showed up a few days ago. Look!”
She points to her ankles, where he locks eyes with the most obvious flea bites he ever did see. Eddie’s gonna love this…
“Alright. Let me get Doctor Munson okay?”
Steve finds Eddie hunched over in his office, face buried in his hoodie sleeves.
“N’xxTCH! ii’xtCHU! H’tchiYUE!”
“Bless you times three!” He announces himself.
Eddie wipes his nose on the sleeve of his jacket and very briefly gives Steve a puppy dog look. “What now?”
“Mrs.Henderson is here. She’s got flea bites on the ankles…”
“And she thinks its….?” Eddie starts.
“Of course she does. Can’t you give her to Billy this time?” He almost whines.
Steve frowned, “She asked for you.
“Ughhh okay fine.” Eddie stands up, clearly at the end of his rope, and takes the chart from Steve, marching into the exam room.
“Oh good Doctor Munson! I need you to look at my legs. I have smallpox-”
“Mrs.Henderson. It’s not smallpox. I can assure you that much.” Eddie says, looking at her legs, “Don’t you have a cat?”
“Dusty brought me another one so now I have two actually. Mittens and Buttercup-”
“They’re flea bites Mrs.Henderson.” Eddie tries to stay calm.
“But I read online that smallpox can cause itchy bumps…”
“So do fleas.” Eddie stated.
“But Google said-”
“Mrs.Henderson. Do you have any other smallpox symptoms? Scabs? Stomachaches?” He cut her off.
She shakes her head and stares at him as he continues, “Do you have a fever?”
“… no.”
“Well I do.” Eddie starts, “and I don’t know how else to prove it to you, but those are flea bites. I’ll give you an antihistamine cream for the itching. And I can recommend a really good vet for your cats.”
He scribbles out a prescription on his pad while she seems to consider. She now seemed less paranoid and more sympathetic.
“Okay. That would be lovely. Thank you.”
“Perfect.” Eddie sighed and gave her his best fake smile before leaving the room. He passed the chart off to Steve and then went to his office to sit down.
As soon as the front doors were locked for lunch, Robin hit up Steve’s desk. “Wanna do a coffee run with me?”
“Yeah sure. Now?”
Robin nodded. “Yes sir I need caffeine.”
Steve grabbed his car keys and the pair left. Thankfully there was a great coffee shop just down the road. They acquired three iced lattes for the two of them and Nancy. Billy always brought his own Red Bull, and Steve picked up some hot tea with lemon for Eddie.
They were back at the office in damn near record time - only 15 minutes out of the office. Nancy was eating in the break room. Eddie was in there too now, resting his head in his folded arms on the table again.
“We come with coffee!” Robin announced, handing one of the iced drinks over to Nancy.
“Thank you!!” She pleaded.
Eddie sat up and started that god awful coughing again. He was so pale with a bright flush over his cheeks. His nose was pink and damp and his cough was definitely not getting any better.
Steve came up behind him and rubbed his back, not liking the heat coming through, even past the thick sweatshirt layers.
“Hey, you feel really warm, Eds. Maybe you should see a doctor.” Steve said, concerned.
“For fucks sake Steven! I don’t need a doctor okay?!? I am a doctor!!”
The outburst startled everyone, especially with the amount of heat behind Eddie’s voice.
“Jesus Christ Eddie I’m just trying to help. Here! I brought you tea!” Steve aggressively puts the paper cup in front of Eddie.
The older man looks at the cup and then looks at Steve as he pushes it across the table away from him.
Robin looked at Steve and then immediately looked away. She knew that look. Steve was pissed. He was absolutely seething.
“You wanna sit here and be fucking miserable?? Fine. Be miserable, I don’t care.” Steve stormed out of the room swearing under his breath. “Fuck!”
Nancy and Robin stand there awkwardly before Robin decides to break the ice.
“We’re gonna give you some space Eddie.” The two of them took their lunch and coffee and went to go sit with Steve at his desk.
As soon as everyone left the room, Eddie reached for the paper cup of tea and sipped on it greedily. He did want the tea. It helped with some of the congestion and especially helped with the chills. He wasn’t sure how, but Steve always knew just what he needed.
The rest of the day was tense to say the least. After yelling at Steve, he could tell Steve was angry and hurt and wasn’t going to talk about it. So Eddie just kept pouting until they got back to the apartment.
After a shower, he decided he’d just go lie down and give his body a break. He was fucking freezing but his face felt too hot and all the while, he was slipping into fever dreams he didn’t want to be in.
He was back in Med school, doing practice rounds at the hospital. He hated the reputation he had here. Not only was he the oldest in his group because he kept failing classes, but because it’s a small town, everyone knew about his history. About his dad.
Imagine first day of school jitters when everyone knows your dad beats you and your mom when you come home. Not exactly a golden ticket to the popular crowd, that’s for sure.
Everyone knew his family couldn’t afford med school either. So they knew he was a bartender on the side to help pay bills.
“Trailer trash Eddie thinks he’s going to be a doctor!” He could hear people teasing.
Stupid how cruel even adults can be when they wanted to.
“Help me Eddie.”
He knows that voice. He hasn’t heard it in years. Why does he know that voice???
He follows it down the corridor, but it only gets more desperate.
“Please Eddie! Please help me! Why won’t you help me??!”
He’s running. Flying down the stairs until he reaches the double doors labeled morgue. He stops in his tracks and pushes the doors open slowly. The screaming dies down and one of the bodies on the table sits up.
It’s his mom. She has bruises on her body and face, a massive gash in her bottom lip.
He runs over to her. He’s not too much taller than her when she’s sitting up on the autopsy table.
“Mom…” he hasn’t seen her since he was 8.
He cups her cold cheek with his hand and stares into her eyes, on the verge of tears. Suddenly he feels something warm roll down his hand. He looks and sees blood dripping down the side of her head and onto his arm. It’s coming from the gunshot wound from his father. Her husband.
“Oh my god!” He gasps, falling backwards and crawling across the floor.
He’d only been 8 when his father killed her and Eddie found her. Only 8 when he had to testify in open court and out his father away.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.” He sobs squeezing his eyes shut and willing her away from him.
It’s silent all around him for a minute and he opens his eyes. She’s not on the table anymore. She’s limp, being held bridal style by …his dad.
“Get up!” He shouts.
Eddie is frozen. He can’t move.
“I said get up!!” His dad commands.
All of a sudden he’s 8 years old again, scared of his dad. He scrambles to his feet while his dad looks him in the eye and drops his moms body to the floor.
“Do you know what you are?” He asks Eddie, jamming his finger into Eddie’s chest, “You’re a fucking liability. You’re nothing. You will always be nothing. You couldn’t save her. How do you expect to save your patients, huh? Certainly not by taking a sick day, that’s for fucking sure.”
Eddie starts crying quietly. “Wayne!! Uncle Wayne help me please!”
He calls into the void but there’s nothing. Just him, his dead mom, and his demons.
It’s close to 11pm when Steve turns off the tv and heads to their bedroom to go to sleep. He brushes his teeth quietly, so not to wake Eddie, and then crawls into bed next to his partner.
A small whimper makes Steve look over. Eddie’s asleep, but his brown is furrowed. He looks panicked and keeps making small whimpering noises.
Instinctively, Steve reaches out and runs a hand through Eddie’s hair. The older man almost immediately calms down a little. Steve pauses, resting the back of his fingers on Eddie’s forehead and then his cheek.
The poor guy is absolutely throwing off heat waves. Steve keeps running gentle fingers through Eddie’s hair until the whimpers are replaced by the usual congested snores. After Eddie’s settled again, Steve finally lays down and turns off the bedside lamp.
Thursday, April 6th
Steve groans to himself as he finally turns off the alarm that he’s already snoozed twice. Its 6:35 and he’s barely gotten six hours of sleep. He kept waking up in the middle of the night either to check on Eddie or because he was too hot from sleeping next to Eddie.
He peels himself out of bed, surprised to see Eddie wasn’t there. Some harsh coughing echoing from the kitchen answered that question, though.
Steve pulls on his scrubs and heads to the bathroom, not wasting any time. He added some mousse and spray to his hair, giving it a once over before brushing his teeth and washing his face. He put on his watch and checked the time. 6:48 - time to go.
Grabbing his bag, he heads into the kitchen where Eddie is sitting at the table. He’s in his scrub bottoms and hoodie again, with a thin blanket draped around his shoulders. He’s got dark circles under his eyes and his nose is red and raw from blowing it so much.
“You were up early.” Steve commented, grabbing the car keys and opening the front door.
“Couldn’t sleep.” Eddie coughed, as he exited the apartment.
“Wait. Eddie. You’ve still got the blanket.” Steve points out.
The long haired man waves a hand dismissively. “I’m taking it with me.”
With that, he gets into the passenger seat of the car and leans back, blanket still wrapped around his shoulders, letting his eyes droop. His lips are parted slightly so he can breathe, a small detail that Steve picks up on as soon as he starts the car up.
They pull onto the main road when Eddie starts fidgeting, rifling through the glove compartment.
“What are you-? Oh..” Steve knows this look. Eddie’s pre-sneeze look.
His eyes are fluttering shut and his nostrils are flaring. He’s been sniffling the last couple minutes too so he’s assuming Eddie thinks it’s going to be messy.
“Hold on, hold on!” Steve has one hand on the wheel and one hand trying to grab at the middle console, but he’s also trying to drive the car.
Eddie buckles forward, using both his hands to pull the corner of his blanket up to cover.
“H’issh! NxxTCH! Eh’GSHT! snfsnff ii’KSHT’iew!”
“Bless you! Jesus…”
Steve grimaces at how sick and contagious those sneezes sounded. There’s no way the blanket escaped unscathed. He opens the middle console and pulls a handful of napkins, holding them out to Eddie.
The older man grabs at them and quickly holds them over his nose, pausing for a second, “heh-ISHHuu!”
The raspy sneeze turns into a desperate nose blow. Eddie drops the soaked napkin by his feet and grabs another to gurgle into. After he cleaned himself up, he grabs the last napkin and scrubs at his blanket.
“That can’t be sanitary…” Steve whispers to himself.
Eddie just coughs and leans his head against the cool window of the car until they park in the lot for Hawkins Medical.
The boys walk in where Robin is once again chatting with Nancy before opening.
“Hey guys-” Robin starts.
Steve stares at her wide eyed, mentally telling her not to even address the sorry state of Eddie. The doctor follows in behind Steve, pulling the blanket closer to him.
“N’dancy do you have any m’bore tissues?”
“Yeah Eddie, sure.” She opens the cabinet under the sink behind her and pulls out a fresh box and hands it to him.
“Tha’gks.” He sulks off to his office and Nancy gives Steve a look.
She leans in close and hisses, “You are not letting him see patients like that.”
Steve shrugged and held up his hands in defeat. “I don’t know what you want me to do about Nancy. I’ve been yelled at so many times this week. My hands are tied.”
Nancy and Robin both felt bad. Steve was in a really tough position, wanting to help but also not wanting to start any fights with Eddie. Billy walked in and pointed towards the back office.
“You letting patient zero stay here today??”
For once in his life, Billy was not only right, but valid in his concern. Eddie definitely shouldn’t be here right now.
“He won’t listen to me so I guess yeah. Yeah he is.”
Billy rolled his eyes. The clinic would be opening soon. The first patient was for Billy and then Nancy. Eddie’s first patient wasn't until 9:30.
The first part of the morning went smooth, leaving Eddie to drink his coffee and work on notes in his office. But by the time his first patient showed up, everyone was walking on eggshells.
“Morning Jessica!” Robin grinned.
Jessica was one of the regular patients in her late 30’s who was always friendly with the staff. Her and her girlfriend, Beck, were two of the funniest people around.
“Hey girl! How you doing?” Jessica asked.
“Hanging in there this week.” Robin leaned in close and brought her voice down to a whisper, “Doctor E’s sick and refuses to admit it.”
Jessica mouths the knowing “ahhhhh” as she nods. “I know the type. Doctors make the worst patients though, am I right?”
Robin nodded profusely. “Looks like you had a credit from the last appointment so no copay today. Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll have Steve get you soon.”
She grabs Jessica’s chart and marches it back to Steve. “Our favorite is here for her new med follow up.”
“Perfect! I’ll bring this to sick boy.” Steve types something into his computer and then stands up to let Jessica into an exam room.
Eddie looks dead on his feet when Steve brings in Jessica’s chart.
“First one for you Eds.” He says as nonchalantly as he can.
“Yup. I got it.” Eddie stands, but has to steady himself, closing his eyes to let the wave of dizziness pass.
Abandoning his blanket momentarily, he grabs the chart and heads into the exam room.
“Hey Jessica. You’ll have to excuse this-” he gestures to his entire demeanor, “I’m not feeling the best.”
“Understatement of the year, I suppose.” Jessica teased. “Sorry you’re not feeling well!”
Eddie sits down on the chair across the room, already too tired to stand. “So last time you were here we started you on 25mg of Zoloft. That was about three months ago. How are you feeling now?”
“Honestly? Best I’ve felt in a long time.” Jessica smiles.
“Any weird side effects? Mood swings? Any more bad thoughts?”
She thinks for a second but responds matter of factly, “Nope! Feels great.”
“Then I think I’d like to keep you on 25mg for now, but if anything changes you come back and we can reassess okay?”
“Bing, bang, boom! That was quick and easy.” She exclaims, grabbing her cross shoulder bag. “See you in a few months I guess!”
Eddie nodded, “See you then! Robin will get you all checked out.”
When he thought she couldn’t see him anymore, his face fell and he rubbed at his temple. Jessica made her way back to the front window.
“He’s worse than I thought.” She whispered to Robin, “He thought I couldn’t see but he looks really out of it and run down. Needs a pick me up or something.”
Those words echoed in Robins head as she signed Jessica out. He needs a pick me up.
If there was one thing Robin was good at it was humor. Once Jessica was gone, Robin made her way back towards Eddie’s office but saw him in the hallway.
“Hey Eddie! I have a joke for you. How do you tell if a vampire is sick?”
She paused briefly before answering her own joke, “By how much he’s coffin!!”
Eddie stared at her with annoyed eyes before he shouted, “Seriously Robin?? What are you comparing me to a Vampire now?? Stop trying to be funny and go back to work.”
Thank god he stormed off to his office because Robin was too shocked to move or speak. That stung. She’d never been yelled at by Eddie before. Before she knew it, Steve had a hand on her shoulder saying, “I’m so sorry Robs, ignore him.”
Her best friend kept speed walking into Eddie’s office and shut the door behind him so he could yell at his boyfriend in private.
“What the fuck Eddie??? You cannot speak to Robin like that, especially when she’s trying to cheer you up. You owe her an apology.”
Eddie just glares at his desk.
“Did you hear me Eddie?? Fucking apologize. Either get your shit together or go home. Jesus Christ…”
Steve is the one to storm out this time, slamming the door behind him. Nancy and Billy definitely heard, but opted to keep to themselves. Probably for the better anyways.
Robin was scribbling numbers on her insurance verification sheet for tomorrow. This was probably her least favorite part of the day, running numbers and making calls to the obscure insurance companies to ask about it.
Her concentration was broken when there was a small burst of wind as someone sat on the chair next to her.
“Hey Birdie.”
It was Eddie. Still wrapped in his blanket. But this time he looked apologetic and sad.
“I should NOT have yelled at you like that. The joke was funny and you just wanted to make me laugh.”
She slowly looked up and met his eyes. They were glazed and teary.
“I’m really really sorry Robin. I didn’t mean to. I just.” His voice wavered, “I just feel so sick!”
Two silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Robin’s heart broke and she immediately pulled him into a sitting hug, holding his head to her shoulder (and shielding him from any patients that might walk in.)
Steve walked up holding papers to copy but stopped dead in his tracks. Robin looked up at Steve, shooting him a look that screamed, “SOS he broke” as she held him.
Steve set the papers down and rushed over, kneeling in front of Robin and Eddie. He rubbed Eddie’s forearm.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Look at me.”
Eddie slowly turns to look at Steve, his face wet with tears and a thin layer of sweat. His nose is running from crying. Robin brushes some strands of hair out of his face with one hand and grabs the tissue box and sets it on her lap with the other.
“I feel bad.” He sobs, “I yelled at everyone and I wish I didn’t and I just feel so sihhh hhh -sick- h’iKSHT!”
Robin bites her lip in disgust as she rubs her friends back. Steve grabs a few tissues and wipes away the strings of mess from Eddie’s nose. He runs a hand through Eddie’s hair and then rests his palm on his forehead.
“You’re burning up Eds. I’m gonna go grab the thermometer.”
“Should we like…put him in an exam room or something Steve? I can sit with him until lunch and you can take him home…”
“Uhhh yeah fuck okay. That’s a good idea.”
Robin helps Eddie up and they walk over to Exam room 1 since the bed is against the wall.
“Just. Lay down for a second Eddie.” Robin is flustered. She doesn’t usually spend much time in the actual exam rooms.
He lays down, resting his head on the small pillow, and she pulls his blanket over his shoulders. He’s still sniffling from crying, his cheeks are flushed bright red.
Steve comes in with his little vitals cart, pulling the thermometer from its spot next to the blood pressure cuff.
“Open up Eds.” Steve slips the device under his tongue and waits for the reading. “102.4° Eddie. No wonder you feel so bad.”
Robin’s already going through the cabinets in the exam room until she finds what she’s looking for. She’s seen Eddie use it on some of the Peds patients before.
She opens the box and takes out a gel fever patch, peeling off the adhesive and gently sticking it to Eddie’s forehead. He whimpers slightly at how good it feels.
“Oh my god Robin those are for children.” Steve can’t help but laugh a little.
“A fever is a fever, Steve.”
She has a point.
“You sure you’re okay watching him?” He asks.
“Yeah I mean as long as you check people in and out. It’s only an hour or so. Just turn the lights off on your way out.”
Steve nods, flicking the light off and closing the door. He’s already sending texts to Chrissy asking if she can cover him tomorrow.
Despite it only being an hour, give or take, Steve is super anxious wanting to take Eddie home and get him to bed. As soon as the last patient was out the door, Steve was already locking up for lunch and making his way back to Exam 1.
“Hey buddy.” Steve gently rubs Eddie’s shoulder after turning on the light.
Lunch hour started and Steve had come to relieve Robin of her babysitting duties. Eddie slowly blinked himself awake.
“Hey Stevie…”
“How’re you feeling?” Robin stands up from the chair next to the exam room bed, stretching her legs.
Eddie groans and rubs at his nose, sniffing, “Really really sick actually…”
“You ready to go home?” Steve asks, petting his hair.
“Yeah. I am.” Eddie sits up and touches his forehead, “What is this??”
“It’s a fever patch, dummy. Don’t touch it!” Robin playfully slaps his hand away.
She helps Eddie to his feet and he notices Steve’s already got his backpack and the car keys.
“Are you… staying home with me? Steve you don’t have to…”
“Yes I do. And Chrissy’s gonna cover for me tomorrow too. Especially if you’re finally dropping the ‘doctors don’t get sick’ act and will let me help you.”
“If some soup and the good tissues are involved I’ll gladly accept that offer.”
They make their way out into the hallway and stop outside the break room where Robin just joined Nancy.
“I’m sorry for being a dick this week Nancy.”
“It’s okay Eddie, just get some rest!” Nancy’s mom-friend tone was coming out.
Steve nodded at them and gently shoveled Eddie out the back door into their car. The drive back to their apartment was still about fifteen minutes, but it felt so much faster.
“I’m thinking maybe a shower for you and then bed.” Steve looks over from behind the wheel.
Eddie coughed into his elbow. “I was thinking the same thing.”
When they parked and got out of the car, Steve was expecting Eddie to beeline for the shower like he had the past couple of days, but instead, he gives Steve the biggest hug.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so mean.” Eddie mumbles into Steve’s chest. “I’ll do whatever you say, I’m just tired of feeling like shit.”
Steve softens and leans into the hug. “It’s okay Eddie. I just want you to feel better. Why don’t you go shower and get in bed and I’ll bring you some tea?”
Steve had started the tea when he heard Eddie get out of the shower. He didn’t want to start it early and risk it getting cold.
He let the water boil in the electric kettle, letting the tea steep after it had stopped bubbling. He stirred in a bit of honey for good measure and walked it over to the bedroom.
“Eddie, you decent?” He called gently.
When no response came, he toed open the slightly ajar door. Eddie was passed out, face down in his favorite black sweats and a waffle knit shirt. He snored softly, face buried in the bedsheets.
Steve set the tea down on the bedside table and draped a clean quilt over him, taking the dirty one to the wash. He closed the door quietly behind him and made his way to the kitchen to make himself some lunch.
His phone buzzed as a text from Robin came through.
How’s he doing?
He typed out a quick response.
Hey Robs. He’s out cold in bed already…
That was quick 🤣
Record time, I think.
Steve laughed to himself while he reheated leftover pasta. He didn’t know how long he’d have to entertain himself, but Eddie definitely needed some rest.
Friday, April 7th
Steve slowly pulls himself from sleep, vaguely aware of the wet sneezes sounding next to him.
“K’tschIEW! snrkk sorry I didn’t m’bean to wake you up. Tried to stifle them but… they were too strong.”
“S’okay. Bless you.” Steve props himself up on his elbows and reaches over to feel Eddie’s forehead while he blows his nose. “Feeling any better?”
“Yeah, but still feel like I got hit by a bus.” He tossed the tissues to the side and leans back against the pillows propping him up, “Can’t breathe through m’by n’dose.”
“I’m sorry babe. I’ll look around for the humidifier later and see if that helps.”
Eddie nodded, while Steve grabbed the thermometer off the table by the bed and pressed the ON button. He hands it to Eddie, who slips it under his tongue.
They wait for a minute until it beeps. Eddie leans forward and Steve takes the device to check the reading.
“What’s the damage n’durse Steve?”
“100.3°. Explains why you feel so crummy. A lot lower than yesterday though.” Steve kisses the top of Eddie’s head before getting out of bed to get dressed.
Eddie slumps down, closing his eyes again. He only intended to rest them for a minute, but soon enough he’s right back asleep.
Steve’s in the kitchen heating up some soup for Eddie when there’s a knock on the door. He turns the heat down to low and goes to open it.
“Hey Robin what’re you doing here?”
She smiles and holds up a paper bag, “Thought I’d drop by on my lunch break to drop off bagel sandwiches for you.”
“That’s so nice!” Steve stepped aside, “Come on in.”
“How’s Eddie doing?” She asks.
“Well…” Steve points to the living room where there’s a figure hunched over a small humidifier with a towel over their head. “His fever’s down but he’s super congested still. I have him doing humidifier treatment while I make him some soup.
“How very domestic of you.” She smirks, making her way over to the covered figure.
“Hey Eds! Brought you some bagels! Feel any better?”
He flips the towel over his head so it’s resting on his back. His face is looks clammy from the steam.
“Thanks Robin.” He turns away to cough and then teeters his hand back and forth. “Eh. Been better. Still feel like shit.”
Almost on cue, his eyes flutter closed and he turns to the side, leaning into the crook of his elbow.
“M’ptSHew! G’isSHuhew! H’ekTSCH!”
“Bless you!! I gotta get back to the clinic, but feel better, yeah? Lord of rest this weekend.” Robin ruffles his hair and heads back to the front door where Steve is waiting.
Eddie gives a tired thumbs up from behind his tissues before throwing the towel back over his head.
“Guess you finally got him to drop the act?”
Steve sighs, “Yeah. Fucking finally. Doctors do get sick after all.”
The two of them chuckle to themselves, certain Eddie couldn’t hear their teasing over the hiss of the humidifier.
“Thanks for the bagels.” Steve gives Robin a hug on her way out. “See you Monday?”
She walks backwards out the door, shooting finger guns at him. “You know it Steve-o!”
Steve smiled at the ground as he closed the front door, turning the stove back up to a boil. He was so thankful for friends like Robin. And thankful his boyfriend was finally letting him take care of him.
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