#i think that will help people filter
sunlitmcgee · 6 months
guys be real with me did I come off too mean or accusatory here or was this. fair and honest
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also the bit about it being okay to sexualize him being chubby refers to like. him being fat and Hot. like I'm trying to ask people not to be Weird about him being intersex while gently showing all the other things abt them that are hot and sexy and fun to talk about as such......idk I'm just worried I came off in a weird way here...
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drewpicturesani · 8 months
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The Traveller
So Chants of Sennaar is a good game-
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falderaletcetera · 1 year
the thing about post-rose ten is he IS casually cruel. he tells donna to her face that she's not clever, not special, not important - and gets slapped for it, which to my mind is kinda the reason the doctor-donna relationship works. he tells martha's coworker not to waste his time, to stay behind, she'll only hold them up. leaves her crying. and like, devoting his energy to the problem at hand (the hospital is on the moon, there's an alien situation going on, everyone here and possibly everyone on earth is at risk) is the practical move at the time. but there's an obvious casual cruelty to it that he wouldn't have stooped to before.
and I'm just reminded of the way donna forgot all her loudness and bluff and immediately snapped to empathy when there were people hurt. you're a doctor, you can help. I remember her watching in horror as the doctor presided over the execution of children and the destruction of a species - and telling him he can stop now. I remember her saying that yeah, her ex-fiance, the man who poisoned her and used her and secretly looked down on her all this time, he didn't deserve to die like he did, which is a pretty big admission given the freshness of that betrayal. she has a good heart. and I can see why she would be good for this new, cruel, forgotten-his-kindness-in-all-his-pain doctor.
and I'm just so, so sorry that martha had to know this version of him in the meantime.
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angelic-waffles · 2 months
Back on that grind
Eyeless Jack headcannons
Goes by EJ to differentiate itself from Laughing Jack
He doesn’t age like a human, but in humans years he’s roughly mid twenties
Still not a human but if he was he’d be Hispanic trust
He/it pronouns, not really a specific gender identity. He doesn’t have time for that.
Doesn’t really have a set sexual identity either. He doesn’t have time for that.
It’s not a demon of many words. Probably goes full days without talking, but if needed he’ll speak.
Has a messenger bag full of medical supplies (ex surgical needles and thread, gauze, scalpel, etc)
Usually takes organs you can technically live without so you can continue to be a food source
Has a habit of staring at people for prolonged periods of time
He doesn’t actually live in the slender mansion, it just crashes there a lot
There’s a few different forms it has, but he mainly uses the form most in between human and demon (grey skin, a little too tall, multiple tongues, claws and sharp teeth)
Fairly serious about things, he gets a little annoyed at people joking around too much
Because of this he isn’t too much of a fan of most the people in the mansion
Or really anyone
EJ why do you stay here?
The clean, methodical, and somewhat cold way its kills commonly carried over into his personal life
It also tends to study people from afar
Very confusing relationship with Toby, it’s annoyed by him in a way, but he also quite enjoys his company, and being close to him.
He tends to do acts of service to show he cares for people (eg making food, cleaning someone’s room)
Doesn’t actually need to eat human food, only organs
Additionally, the way it eats is very close to a snake. He only needs to eat like once a month, but he eats a lot of organs that day
Unwillingly is the sort of doctor for the mansion
Has had to preform emergency surgery more than once
Would kick a child
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stilltoolazy · 7 months
So there’s, what, a week left before the first three episodes of The Bad Batch final season hits?
Can we all just. Please. PLEASE. Tag your posts appropriately? I’ve seen so many untagged posts about the trailer already and some apparently leaked clip? And I am scared for the actual show guys; I would like to be able to watch it in my own time and also not have to fully avoid tumblr for days or weeks at a time. Please just put a nice little ‘tbb s3’ or ‘Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3’ or ‘tbb spoiler’ or something in your tags, okay? Thank you!
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frnkmush · 1 month
DO NOT send me links to gofundme pages for ANYTHING, including ongoing wars such as ukraine or palestine.
even though nobody on this site appears to give a shit about ukraine anymore.
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pa-pa-plasma · 8 days
one of the things that will always destroy me is people believing that good story = darker/more mature/more sexual. this belief has ruined so many stories that could have been amazing & has prevented almost everyone from enjoying other really good stories simply because the age range it's aimed at is one they believe can't have complex themes, characters, plot, etc etc. they don't believe they can be moved by something a publisher or studio decided is for kids & so write it off without even thinking about it. biggest curse of being a writer who actually loves stories & telling them is that literally no one else cares in the most pessimistic, higher-than-thou, capitalism brainrot way you can imagine. & it's all automatic. because that's just what you're taught.
#like people who love all kids media uncritically is another problem#but i find an even bigger one is people not believing animated stuff & younger age range stuff can impact you#like imagine trying to explain something you love so much it makes you cry#& every single time people react as if you told them something batshit off the walls insane like you only eat dirt or something#& they need to help you because there is clearly something wrong with you#& no matter how you explain it they always look at you like a crazy person#i feel like no matter what the kinds of art i love will always get shoved to the back of the closet#how i explain the hopelessness of trying to convince someone they're allowed to watch cartoons#but they're adamant they aren't because they're ''too old for that kind of thing''#it really makes me want to cry. & it makes me angry#anyways this is all to say that the minecraft movie is bad because people are afraid to interact with silly things in good faith#& complete 100% seriousness. they cannot take a concept like minecraft seriously#& so they can't see what it's REALLY about#it's not just haha silly block animal & because they can't see it as it is without the filter of ''for kids''#it will be a bad movie. & it won't represent everything everyone who grew up with that game sees in it#i hate seeing a huge problem & either no one else sees it or they do but just don't care because they don't think it's a problem#it IS a problem. it's a HUGE problem that people think they're not allowed to play or have fun or interact with silly concepts seriously#please take shit seriously i'm crying & i'm begging. we could have had something beautiful#people's inability to acknowledge beauty just because the setting is. in their eyes. for kids. is literally ruining art#& i'm gonna start killing about it#Animorphs save me............................................
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storytellering · 7 months
if it's okay, would you mind sharing your art process? your style is SO gorgeous dude. keep it up spardacest nation!!!
Thank you so much anon, and of course! I kinda posted about it on twitter a while ago, but for anyone not also on there, here's a paraphrasing of what I said there! (under a cut bc it's gonna get a bit long)
(speedpaint video from procreate mostly bc like I also said in that post, it's one of the few pieces I've done entirely on procreate and thus entirely recorded kdfjhdk I usually don't do the sketching + painting parts on there but every now and then I get lazy and want to get it all done quick in one program lol! It's not as good as it would look if I were using krita to render (which is what I normally use) but it gets the idea across decently of what it is that I do)
The short version of my process is: sketch, clean up sketch for lineart, then flat colors, then paint over the flats (i make the flats my shadows and paint on the light), then a multiply layer for skin details (like lips, eyebags, etc), then an overlay layer for skin transparency details (red over the ears/nose/fingertips etc), then i do hair over the lineart, then a multiply layer with the contact shadows in a light beige/grey/neutral tone on top of everything else, and then i unify layers, paint over the details, and color correct the HELL out of it The longer version is: SO, first of all, I will say, my entire process for a finished/fully redered piece is pretty scattered and uses a lot of different apps, because after many years of trying out different drawing apps I found that I just worked better when I could incorporate the parts I liked best from each individual one rather than having to adapt to another app entirely! In total, what I use is: autodesk sketchbook and procreate for the first half I do on my ipad, then krita and photoshop on my computer when I'm actually rendering (but any photo editing app instead of ps will do, I'm just used to photoshop bc that's what I learned as my first drawing app WAAAY back in the day lol), and then meitu on my phone for color filters (also any phone editing app with filters in it will do), AND also optional just for references: blender and daz3d on computer + magicposer on my phone The actual step by step of what I do: First of all, if I want to do a detailed, well rendered piece I will start by getting my references ready. That means either just grabbing a screenshot from the game if it's like, a simple portrait, or a photo reference, taking a picture of myself in the right pose/lighting, and if it's something more complex I will recreate the scene in Daz3D to simulate a realistic lighting, OR even just blender (i have the game models for the dmc characters downloaded, so I can just pop them in, pose them and change the lighting to get a realistic idea of what shadows their faces will cast in that specific angle/lighting.) Note: references are pretty essential to me, and there's nothing to be ashamed about for using them! Personally I don't struggle a lot with the drawing/sketching part of art, but my tiny little pea brain cannot fathom how to make an object 3D in my mind, and how to visualize shadows realistically... thus the reliance on 3D programs to do that for me, and then all I have to do is draw what I'm seeing lol. My art improved significantly ever since I started making 3D refs so I could get /exactly/ what I needed - there's still a lot of leeway you need to learn though, because as realistic as the lighting will be in a rendering program, you'll never really get a fully natural looking image, as far as stuff like the body stretching/squishing/pulling when it's in movement, facial expressions, folds in clothing/fabric, etc... so really it's more a guide than something meant to be followed 1:1.
Then, once I'm confident I know exactly what I'm gonna draw/have the idea in my head, I start sketching it in sketchbook. Not really getting very in depth, just blocking out rough shapes - I like sketchbook and to be on my ipad for that because it feels very reminiscent of traditional sketching on paper to me, which while I'm not super confident on my traditional art abilities, I do get the most natural/fluid/non-stiff figures out that way. Then when I think I have the general idea ready, I export the sketch layer as a png and import it into procreate - which is where I kinda start picking at the sketch and polishing it like i'm carving it out haha. Lots of liquify tool, flipping the canvas to check if it's even, blending out some of the lineart to help out with the rendering later, and then polishing up what was once the sketch into serviceable lineart. I usually reimport it back into sketchbook at this stage - while I like procreate for drawing I don't love the brushes I can use for lineart there, and so I usually only draw the "base" naked figure in there - when I'm in sketchbook I use a hard pencil to refine the details, then on a separate layer add all the things "on top" like hair, clothing, etc - usually I can get it pretty easily in one go, and once I'm satisfied I erase the naked body under the clothes and unify the lineart layers. Then I will just do the flats with a hard brush, turning the lineart layer into an overlay layer and coloring things in with the shadow colors. At this point, I export the file as a psd and import it on my computer - I give it a once over in photoshop first to see if there needs to be any adjusting (like whether any layer that has an effect needs to have a different effect, if all the colors look right since the ipad screen isn't the most faithful, if i wanna change the background color, etc), and once I think it's ready enough, I open it up in krita, where I do the actual bulk of the painting/rendering (as to why specifically krita: it's because I've gotten very comfortable with the brush/painting brush dynamics there and cannot seem to get as good results anywhere else, it's just the goldilocks spot of a brush for me haha.) If anyone's curious, here's the brushes I usually use for painting:
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The one in the middle is my go to painting brush, left one for tinier/more refined details, right one for blending out soft shadows (though I learned the hard way to not overuse it, or it will look like I went ham with an airbrush tool lol). (I don't change any of the settings on these brushes, so if you wanna try out the exact ones I use! Just fresh off how they come out the app haha) I paint on the lights on top of the shadows, and just focus on that for the time being - once I'm done with the basic painting, I'll make a separate multiply layer for details like lip color, eye waterlines, makeup if there is any, eyebags, etc, and then adjust the opacity until it feels right - then I'll make an overlay layer with skin translucency details (like, when you hold your hands in front of a light and see the tips of your fingers become bright orange - many parts of your body are always a bit translucent to the blood underneath, specifically parts where the skin is thin like noses, cheeks, joints, knuckles, etc, and I found it makes the character look a lot more alive to add that subtle coloring in) - then usually I do hair on a separate layer on top of the lineart (because that way I can add small flyaways, more details, etc, and just use the lineart as a guide) After that, I'll usually make a multiply layer on top of everything where I'll add contact shadows in a neutral color (usually pretty pale, it'll be darker anyway since it's multiply), and once I feel like I've rendered everything out properly, I save the psd and re-open it on photoshop.
In photoshop, I'll mess around with the layers a little bit more (changing hue/saturation, opacity, etc), fuck around with the background to make it look pleasing, and once I'm happy with it, I'll unify the layers and start color correcting - usually by duplicating the unified layer and messing with the curve/hsl of the image and then changing the opacity of that edited layer until it's as strong or muted as I want it to be - then I also edit the RGB curves individually and adjust the opacity of that also (because I just really like how it ends up looking if I give a bit of a red/warm tint to the shadows lol), and at that point often I will reimport the finished image into procreate for some finalizing touches! Like, blending out shadows that came out too harshly, painting over anything that came out not the way I wanted it, redefining the lineart if it got messy during painting, and adding any extra small detail that might have gotten lost like catchlights, hair shines, hair flyaways, tears, etc. I also do one last round of flipping the canvas and liquify if needed! At this point, I export the finished image both to my computer and my phone - on my phone I open it up on the photo editing app, and add a bunch of different color filters - I don't hesitate from going completely balls to the walls here, and just kinda applying as many filters as will make an image look pleasing to my eye. Once I think it looks good, I'll export the edited image to my computer - and then open both the version without filters and the one with them on photoshop, and use the filtered version as an opacity layer, and adjust it until it doesn't look as crazy anymore lol. One last step I recently started incorporating was also changing the image to grayscale after I'm done, and doing one last round of curves in greyscale to make sure the values look right, and nothing is getting too lost because the values are too similar (because i know i get a bit swept up in getting repulsed by harsh contrasting lighting and can end up washing out all of rendering if I don't check myself kjdfgk) AND that's it! Yes it's a pretty long and chaotic process, but it's coming from years of trial and error and realizing I can just let myself fo whatever makes me happier with the results, and I don't have to stay constrained to one program if I don't like every tool it has to offer/don't have to accept the final image fresh off the painting app as the "finished" image with no adjustments allowed after, lol. I don't find it takes a lot more time than if I didn't do it this way, but YMMV. Hope this was helpful and sorry for taking so long to explain! I just wanted to give a thorough explanation dfhdkhkx
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romanticatheartt · 6 months
I just want to say, bringing down another character/ship to praise your favorite one, doesn't make me agreeing with you, it makes me hate the favorite character/ship of yours and despise your childish personality... just saying :)
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possamble · 4 months
I think the most egregious case of "tagging a background f/f ship" is when the f/f ship is an established couple that spends most of their screentime trying to get the m/m or f/m ship together. They barely even flirt. Many such cases. :(
I know there are real problems I could get heated about but this one truly makes me want to book a rage room
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justkillingthyme · 5 months
if it helps i really like seeing your posts and ideas ^_^
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Do you prommy?
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misc-catgirl-anatomy · 9 months
ao3's tagging system has me so spoiled bc i go basically anywhere else (like tunglr) and it's like you can execute a burnt-dogshit-quality search along a single term
so i'm sitting over here dying from lack of good f/f omegaverse stuff because nobody tags shit consistently and i can only search via tag and the ''omegaverse'' tag is mostly m/m by volume which is fine there's a market for that but it's not what i wanna read
i'd be interested to read more original (ie non-fanfic) f/f AOB but it's hard to find so.... i don't.
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designernishiki · 1 year
okay hot take time with tumblr user designernishiki yet again.
i really don’t get the hype over majimako like. at all. I’ve tried to wrap my head around it but every time I just end up so confused how it’s such a popular pairing and wondering if we played the same game like?? they had no chemistry, barely even knew each other (and what they did know of each other was almost entirely built off desperate traumabonding) and people treat the pairing like it’s the most deep, romantic thing in the world despite there being like. nothing there. at least romantically speaking. it’s honest to god baffling to me.
their most iconic “romantic” image together comes from a scene where makoto wants to fucking run away from him because she wants to find lee, who she fully trusts and who’s in danger (and probably also because majima’s literally just admitted to initially planning to murder her.) and he has to hold her there so she doesn’t get herself killed by running (literally) blindly into the street or something. how on earth is that a romantic scene.
their little sort-of date consists of majima being kind and sympathetic to her, sure, maybe even displaying some surface level feelings, but she’s completely preoccupied because of the massively important issues going on at the time with the lieutenants who wronged tachibana, she’s more or less probably plotting their deaths in her head during that scene, and in the end she purposefully has him run to get takoyaki so she can flat out Leave without him stopping her. because she has other priorities and is Not In The Headspace For A Soft Sentimental Escapade to say the absolute least.
Whatever they were, they were not In Love, they didn’t have time or circumstances for that, or to get to know one another as Actual People rather than as incidental liferafts in the midst of a sea of traumatic, nightmarish events. majima attached himself to her and felt strongly about her safety and eventual return to normalcy because she reminded him of himself and wanted her to have the pleasant civilian life he couldn’t give himself. on her end? honestly I don’t think she felt that connected to him at all up until the end, namely up until when he fixed her watch. and even then “romantic” is not even close to the word id use for what she was feeling– in fact I think that waters it down, if anything. I mean like fuck she was there bringing flowers to her brother’s grave in the spot where he died in front of her i really don’t think this was about romanticism, it was about compassion and selflessness and wishing her good luck in her new, free life, while expecting nothing from her in return. he cared about her and her outcome in life deeply and this would be the case regardless of any romantic feelings for her.
Anyway I didn’t mean for this to turn into an essay and somehow I could go on for longer but I absolutely do not need to. I just. am so secure in my thoughts about this and sometimes seeing how people talk about this relationship and it’s supposed deep romanticism makes me feel like I’m losing my mind or played a completely different game or something ngl. don’t get me wrong, ship whatever you want I’m not saying it’s problematic or something it’s just. bizarre to me how popular and sensationalized it is. and a little frustrating how applying this overdramatic romantic narrative to them can so often water down a dynamic that’s way more nuanced and interesting on an individual character level.
#long post#rambling#it drives me a little insane. can you tell#I don’t know man#sometimes I really feel like a lot of people just like it because it makes majima seem more Normal and Less Fruity#not saying everyone is like that#but#I do think a large portion of the hype comes from this mindset consciously or not#and if I wanna get Real spicy for a second. I think the insinuation that he somehow developed feelings for her after knowing her for like#less than a week and only in the worst possible situations was written in as a way to- at least somewhat intentionally-#provide an excuse for why majima’s relationships with women in future years either crumble horribly (mirei) or he doesn’t take any#genuine interest in pursuing them at All. it helps to be able to point at shiyawase nara iiya and go look! he’s Like That because he’ll#always only have feelings for makoto! there’s definitely not anything fruity going on with him at all and he’s definitely not been#into his close male companion for possibly entire Decades#and what’s annoying is that this strategy. if it was. in fact. a strategy. worked pretty well#people really do think he’s been romantically hung up on her for years and that’s the sole reason he doesn’t pursue any women#(sans mirei but that’s. a whole different discussion. and obviously did not work out very well.)#but anyway#yeah#fun fact this pairing is the only tag I have filtered on tumblr like. period. fhfjfjdjdjdj#I KNOW that’s petty of me and like I said there’s nothing like morally Wrong with it or something it just. annoys me.#and I’m gonna be real since I’m dumping all this here anyway. every time I see an alternate timeline pic of them where they’re like. a#Normal Couple with a Normal Life and majima is a Normal Guy i physically recoil i just. i hate it dude i really do#like agshdhfhdhdh majima’s development into who he is hinges SO MUCH on embracing and accepting the fact that he’s not Normal and will never#be Normal and that’s okay– in fact that’s great in its own way because he doesn’t have to fit into a mold and can explore whatever#eccentricities and hobbies and parts of an identity he wants to create. for better or for worse. y0 majima still clings onto hope that he#has the capability for ‘normalcy’ and he sees that potential in makoto. but eventually has to come to terms with that not being an option#for him. and he mourns it at first but is quick to take advantage of the freedom that comes with that realization. and etc etc etc. it’s so#important to him as a character and such a big queer theme as well and I hateeeeeee when people erase it in favor of ‘but what if he was#Normal and not a Freak.’ bdhxhffjbfb I ran out of tags so I need to shut up fr fr
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Tbh the whole metal sonic having a hedgehog oc thing is honestly so good. Yes. The murder robot also deserves the joy of dressing up as a character she made. Reminds me of those sonic ocs that edgy kids used to make that were basically just like. emoer amy rose or something. And I mean that with the most love in the world cause i was one of them kids. He is kinda just an edgy kid too. They deseve the freedom
She literally is my emoer Amy Rose from when I was like nine she is just also in universe Metal Sonic's emoer Amy Rose. (her outfit is actually very vaguely meant to resemble classic amy's since like, metal cares about like three or four people enough to remember them by name and amy is one of them bc, y’know, sonic cd, she considers amy one of the few living things that was useful to her bc she used her as bait she is in universe literally designed after amy rose bc metal was trying to exploit sonic's heroism for like literally two minutes until they started bantering.)
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randomnameless · 10 months
"The Emperor is dead so the children won't get an education" did they mean the education the Emperor was CANONLY not planning on giving anyone? That Ferdie had to suggest to her so she'd be like "oh wait yeah that's a thing isn't it" ?
What surprises me the most is this emphasis on education.
You have people starving, being taxed to oblivion, some of them even used as guinea pigs to be turned in new Crest Beasts, but somehow, Supreme Leader planned to offer education for all, after talking to Ferdie, at the end of the war?
Or are we implying Adrestia sucks so much that even when Supreme Leader was the Emperor for around 5 years, she has to wait until the end of the War to start creating schools and her random utopia for her people?
Nopes pretty much answers to this question lol, Supreme Leader enjoys, iirc, 3 years of peace where she can reform Adrestia as she wants before declaring War on the CoS, and yet, there's no mention of "education for the children" having been put in place during her tenure.
Almost as if it has never been a priority rofl
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pwurrz · 2 days
if the tags on your ao3 fic mention rape of any kind, then i think i’m not crazy for expecting you to choose the ‘this work contains rape’ warning instead of choosing to say your fic doesn’t require any trigger warnings or that you chose not to say whether your fic is triggering or not. that’s not expecting too much is it??? i think it’s common decency and the bare minimum you can do to protect people who are trying to use ao3’s already crappy filters to the best of their ability????
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