#i think this is an mcyt one idc
sooo i found a blorbo blingus card
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themidnightpanda · 1 year
I am so normal about this fic I'm writing. So normal.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hello! i absolutely love your writing and i was wondering if you could do something with mcyts, especially slimecicle and foolish (if you can’t think of anything for them don’t feel pressured! i don’t mind), and anyone else you want to write for x a reader that has a career in musical theatre? maybe something about them seeing shows reader is in and just overall hyping them up? feel free to ignore this, it’s just a little thought i had! have a good day 🫶
oooo yeah sure!! ; idk much ab musical theater but I tried lmao ; also added tommy bc I had leftover ideas + I was mostly only focused on charlie and foolish lol
MCYT ; musical theater
includes ; tommyinnit, slimecicle, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language
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"mean girls musical?? the fuck"
"my show is better, L"
he's secretly your biggest fan let's be honest
he'll sit off somewhere you won't see him after the first night so he can just stare at you without you noticing, since you like to tease him about it afterward
taking pictures of you then posting them during the show like hyping you up and talking about the plot
there's one of you singing and looking up toward the sky and he posted a tweet w a pic that says "me praying to god" and it dramatically left the mcyt circle 💀
he'll go and watch the source material before show dates just to see what you're performing and he'll talk about the plot with you
"why the hell are you walking down the yellow brick road?? THERES AN EVIL WIZARD, GO THE OTHER WAY???"
he shuts up immediately when you're practicing vocals at home just to listen to you
sometimes he'll buy extra tickets last minute to get you guys some more money LMAO
he definitely helped with prop making idc
at least painting the backgrounds and set things
your biggest supporter istg
always hyping you up
helps you improv act within the character to get used to the character themselves to not make them another version of you
he can sing too, so yk damn well he's helping you sing/getting into another character to help you rehearse the singing parts at home
shows up to every show to cheer you and your colleagues on
he's all smiles and like in a trance watching you on stage
like literal stars in his eyes
after every show he gives you the biggest hug and literally bombards you with compliments
he's secretly taking pictures and recording the whole way through, he doesn't care about those rules /j
attempts to try on your outfit/s at home if you get to take them with you as well
he can literally pull off anything wtf
it's like that video of mckenna grace and aryan simhadri where they're both wearing red dresses and they both killed it like?? okay, power couple who??
he's always posting shit ab you online as well, pictures videos, just talking about how cool you are etc
you two do theater karaoke every once in a while on stream and its the funniest thing
"how do you sing like that??"
also tries on your outfits 💀
if you're in newsies... it's over
he seems like the biggest newsies fan for some reason LMAO
he's always hyping you up before rehearsals/shows and showing off his support for you ❤️
he is mesmerized by your performance, hearts and stars in his eyes the whole time
you almost went on stage w his snapback on because you were messing around with your friends backstage 💀
the second you got a part in the mean girls musical, he was jumping up and down
he'd probably never seen the musical but 100% watched the original movie 9477391 times
you show off your theater singing to him every once in a while and he's just like 🤨😨
he gives the biggest hugs after a performance
"Oh my God that was awesome!!"
if there's any merch, yk damn well he's buying it
he'll watch your performances on stream as well 😭 just to show you off
your contact name is probably "Broadway star"
you have to make Broadway Baby jokes after that (broadway baby was abby lee millers dog back in the day, only dance moms haters would get it 😔🙏)
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rincewinds-hat · 17 days
here's the thing
When i was a kid, i ADORED watching LDShadowlady (still love her, although i generally don't watch mcyts anymore), and she's like an idol to me.
When i grew up a little, i was watching the dsmp (yes, hate me all you want for my likes idc, i wasn't one of the crazys) and I really liked Technoblade, Tommyinnit and Ranboo. I still follow them, though as i said, don't watch as frequently.
Yesterday, my mom and aunt were discussing how ridiculous it is to watch people play video games, saying 'just play the games yourself' or 'where's the satisfaction? It's someone else's accomplishment' and other things like that
And then i realised - it was never about the game. It was about the story.
Shadowcraft 1 and 2.0 were absolutely wonderful to watch. I loved it because of her charisma mostly, but you can't deny that it had interesting lore and such.
Empires, 'insert number/word' Life series, Hermicraft, Dream freaking SMP, and for the sake of nostalgia series like Stampy's Lovely World, Stayceplayz and Squaishy (i think that's their names, i haven't watched them in years) and their Cake Island in space (or whatever it was, those who know will know)... They all have LORE.
In it's core, all these people playing Minecraft are telling a story. And it's not some shit story, no it's meaningful and fun and interesting. These are people born to create, born to tell stories, but maybe don't have the gift of being amazing writers or directors or never got the chance they should've. YouTube and Minecraft were ways to express yourself, share a piece of yourself and your work with the masses without needing to be published or hired to write.
You wouldn't shame directors or actors or writers for doing the same exact thing. So why shame these people? What have they done that's wrong?
Just like a director, you choose how it'll all look. You produce your own sets, and costumes and have actors. In it's core, it's all an indie movie/series.
The older generations don't realise that what some people you don't consider artists do almost the same thing as people you shame and call 'attention seekers' (yes, mom, I'm looking at you)
Im sorry im yapping so much, but i feel like it's important to say this
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Us-the-voices intro card!
this is a work in progress but currently it will house the tags we use, our DNI, and alter intros and a couple other fun things!
Link to resource page, filled with many resources. LINK
——————⭐️🦀SIDE BLOGS🦀⭐️————
A blog for all things blinkies, xenogenders and pixel art
you want awful. awful advice? send it in here!
this blog talks about mature topics! Such as Sexual abuse, death, trauma, child abuse, ableism, sexism, racism, police brutality, some really depressing environmental issues, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, gore, capitalism, and MORE!
so please consider this your warning!
———————⚠️ DNI ⚠️—————————
Terfs/radfems, transphobes/queerphobes, (I have had enough of you. Why do you have to be so awful Jesus, it’s not like awful people don’t come in all shapes, sizes, races, and genders. I ain’t defending awful people. But trans people just exist and I believe in judging people on a person to person basis. I don’t think you are bad I just want you to shut up about it, I’ll always be loudly supportive of trans people and loudly a feminist too. So deal with it! Also I don’t hate men, why would i??? So shush)
ableists/sanists (like the people who discriminate against mentally ill people),
animal abusers/people who spread misinformation about animals and animal care, (I hope you stub your toes)
syscourse (yeah I don’t ever want to engage in it idc shut up this blog is about literally everything else BUT that.),
bad faith gender/other Identities (E.G BLM gender, transabled, ect.)
racists/xenophobes/antisemites, misogynists.
non-binary exclusionists.
pro-censorship people.
anti-therians/otherkin, (if you are it’s not a deal breaker lol, it’s just some of us are therian/otherkin due to plurality)
only NSFW blogs (like if you occasionally post NSFW your okay, if it’s less than 50% nsfw your fine on this blog lol),
MAP’s AND PEDO’s and people who like l*licon/sh**tacon (fuck off and stay off) (sorry I am actually anti censorship but following our most recent ban I’m being more “careful” when mentioning these topics so sorry)
Dream Stans (yeah I fucking hate that guy, I like MCYT but dream and co can stay off of here REAL) (I have always hated him and I will continue to, fuck off dream Stan’s),
anti-good faith xenogenders (yeah so what if the term xeno-identities is more the “right” term idgaf! I literally have no qualms nor problems with xenogenders, in my mind it makes sense because gender is a social construct and so why not have fun with it?)
And more to be added :)
——————————- ALTER INTROS —————————————
Now expanded in our tumblr page!
Pop (hi I’m pop, I’m usually the one on here when it’s not everyone else. If you see me more than usual it means LIFE happened. I’m technically host? But me, Lena, And poppie kinda share that role. They/them he/him)
poppie (cat girl, you see her a lot on here. She’s SUPER into the veganism scene and animal rights and is a cat-therian lol we all love her she’s the best. She/her any cat neopronouns actually.)
Lena (demon, yeah she’s a demon! She’s nonsense hardworking and in the demonkin/otherkin scene. She/her)
belle (psychology nerd, actually knows how to write ANYTHING is honestly the best. She/her)
————————————. Tags ————————————————-
#Anticapitalism stuff (a tag that argues against capitalism, and trashing multinational corporations and a bit of environmental stuff.)
#anarchism stuff (a tag for all things anarchism)
#art stuff (a tag for stuff related to the ethics, discussion, or making of art.)
#music stuff (for all things music and music theory!)
#tv and movie stuff (the tag for film and television, kinda fun kinda sad! It’s good tho)
#anti-censorship stuff (a tag for anti-censorship stuff, and why it’s important!)
#trans stuff (a tag for all things trans! Includes dark topics, mostly happy stuff tho.)
#queer stuff (a tag for all things LGBTQIA+, mostly happy but with triggering and dark topics.)
#mental health stuff (A tag for all things mental health, let it be help or just memes or darker topics.)
#mental illness stuff (a tag for specifically mental illnesses, like anxiety or depression or whatever usually REALLY dark but sometimes happy usually dark tho.)
#veganism stuff (a tag for all things vegan, not recipes just ethics and whatever. I [pop] don’t usually add to it but poppie does ALL THE TIME.)
#disability (for all things disability, let it be activism stuff, vents, information, or just funny stuff! It’s a tag I tend to use for myself because fun fact I [pop] am not okay! Health wise lol.)
#punk stuff (A tag for all things punk, let it be C-punk, madpunk, neuropunk or whatever! It’s a tag for all things punk! Including art, crafts, sewing and punk beliefs and politics I love punks I am not really one due to a whole lotta reasons but I love them so much <3 )
#environmentalism stuff (Climate change, mass extinctions, greedy corporations and politicians, animal rights, and more stuff. Mostly climate/animal related but intersects with disability stuff, anarchism stuff, activism stuff, and veganism and punk stuff. Fun fact these types of things are extremely intersectional but are never presented as such due to infighting!)
#healthcare stuff (The weird tag related to health and healthcare, not a disability tag, not a environmentalism tag literally health and healthcare which is weird. Mostly PSA’s)
#animal care stuff (For all things animal care, I disagree with veganism’s doctrine here. Keeping Some animals and keeping animals can be done well and awesomely and help petstore and wild animals, but people who do animal care just absolutely trash just don’t deserve anything or anyone. It’s a fine line, but I genuinely believe if you take good care of your animals and give them an amazing quality of life I genuinely don’t see a problem with keeping animals.)
#animal abuse stuff (Goes hand in hand with animal care stuff, it’s pretty bad at times, it is what it says on the tin. Mostly also animal care stuff.)
#child abuse stuff (For stories, children’s rights, or experiences. It’s pretty dark.)
#youth liberation (for youth liberation stuff, it’s important honestly.)
#children's rights (A tag for all things children’s rights it’s super cool!)
#homelessness stuff (a tag related to homelessness and just all the things that come with it, it’s a dark tag. Sometimes happy.)
#uhoused stuff (Same same but different, more related to cost of living crisis’s and capitalism then disenfranchisement and outright just the sad reality that is being mentally ill and homeless or a substance abuser and homeless or trans/queer and homeless or any other absolutely insane and awful reason people are homeless.)
#communism stuff (For all things communist, I don’t super believe it will fix anything and it is kinda extremely hard to get rid of monetary currency. But communism, socialism, anarchism, and punk theory are all connected in ways and have some BASED ideas and principles. So yeah that’s why it’s tagged on here!)
#socialism stuff (I actually do believe socialism can work, it’s definitely not the end all be all of ways to govern/live life but I think it’s a good stepping stone to all different wonderful things that can change the world for the better, usually the CIA/FBI/US government appears a lot in this tag due to reasons that will become apparent. But it’s a fun one!)
#fat stuff (A tag about fatphobia, diet culture, ableism and just annoying stuff about being fat lol. Mostly medical negligence and malpractice because holy shit fuck is it bad in this tag. Also Eating disorders are talked about in every post in one way or another, it’s a big problem. Dark tag.)
#religion stuff (A thing for all things religion, it’s basically every criticism and deep cut anyone and everyone has on every single religion, which yk obviously no one literally agrees with anything. It’s mostly everyone going “QUEER/TRANS/DISABLED/WOMEN/“SINNERS” DONT DESERVE THIS TREATMENT IT MAKES NO SENSE!” Other religions “NO THEY DO” and it’s actually very well written and argued for. Also atheism is talked about a lot too, it’s mostly like a deep philosophical and ethical debate that has spanned literally everything and everywhere where it’s all boiled down to “yeah some fuckers deserve prison, but the average normal guy kinda just exists we guess??? Religious or not???? And there’s kinda nothing wrong with it but we would rather them be religious in some way????” And that is still the shittyist summary ever too. But it’s the gist of this tag. Also memes!)
(and where I put all stuff related to religion it’s very much a mixed bag i’m not making fun of anyone actually it’s that there is genuinely too much variety in this tag to accurately tell you what’s in there. It’s everything related to religion all religions!)
#autism stuff (Specifically for autistic stuff, it’s used from time to time.)
#activism stuff (a tag for all things ally posting, and human/animal/land/just everything rights. It’s fun!)
#food stuff (A tag about all things food related, sometimes recipes sometimes diet culture and why it’s bad. Sometimes it’s just cultural things related to food. Food is a big topic LOL)
#comics and book stuff (a tag about all things comics, books, and written works.)
#tv and movie stuff or #film and tv (a tag about all things TV and film, let it be discussion, gifs, or videos or fun facts.)
#neurodivergent stuff (For all things neurodivergent! Fun stuff, kinda happy kinda dark. Intersects with mental health stuff and mental illness stuff and disability tags. Because like why wouldn’t it???)
#animals (yes just for animals, nice calm usually no triggering animal stuff. It’s just cuteness usually! Unless I put something dark in there then sorry.)
#too queue for school (A tag for all queued stuff I remember to tag! Usually wholesome most times not. But it’s just a fun “today’s thing queued!” Thing if I’m not online.)
—————————————- Our post tags —————————————
#us-the-voices Cooks (a tag for recipes, food we make, and random cooking tips???)
#us-the-voices reviews (a tag for all things reviews! Let it be movies, shows, games, art, books, fanfics, whatever!)
#us-the-voices talks (A tag for like personal affairs? Or just “haha update stuff went DOWN in our personal lives” or just general chatting with mutuals who knows I haven’t decided yet.)
#us-the-voices recommends (weird tag for all weird recommendations of shows/books/tv/fanfic/movies it’s there it’s weird and if your bored and want something to do maybe you’ll like it lol.)
#us-the-voices rants (a tag for rants, don’t take them seriously it’s usually momentarily sad/existential/angry/fed up/annoyed/trauma dump RANTS. suggest you just block the tag lol, I will probably make half of these while I’m unwell and sick or just stressed and under all sorts of stress. So honestly it’s just a tag so you guys don’t have to deal with it because I will eventually be stupid on the internet and I’d rather you understand these are nonsense rants that are just a release of information that’s been annoying us.)
#the voices talk (A tag for talking about alters or specific things some alters want to talk about but not all.)
#poppie weblogs (poppies tag for her stuff, it literally has everything in it.)
and more to come!
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below the cut because they strobe!!!!!
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bluiex · 11 months
curious if anyone else has this opinion, and irl polls have been inconclusive, so thought i should ask here. Fellow Bluie anons (and bluie themselves):
does it annoy/irritate you when people tag ‘not RPF’ SPECIFICALLY on a fic where it is obvious it isn’t RPF??
like, if you are writing RPF (and you do you bestie, idc) then you can obviously tag it ‘this is RPF’, yknow?
BUT i feel like if it is clearly not RPF, then you shouldn’t have to tag it? cause yeah, i’m pretty sure Scott Major doesn’t actually have ice powers and a demon brother /lh
is that just me tho?
(on a separate note, an unappreciated ship that has been briefly occupying my brain like a ship (ha) in the night is Scott/Joel, cause like they’re both insane and unhinged but one is just more obvious than the other (joel in case it wasn’t clear). i may ramble about this at some point)
I think it depends for me
I like doing it for MCYT community specifically cuz.. why is it ALWAYS LABLED RPF- ao3 needs to change that @-@
But its good to specify anyways cuz some people are weird. LOL so better to cover your bases me thinks!
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littlecountryblues · 1 year
hi welcome to my silly little blog
ok uhm hi I’m scrib but you can also call me tilly or bingo (( definitely not kin names what )) !!! this is just like a little intro post I guess idk err
uh ok so my hyperfixations are
big city greens
bobs burgers
and bluey
these shows make me really happy and I really enjoy talking about them :] !!!
kin list 💔 (( I kin for fun and comfort and prefer doubles to not interact, thank you :3 !! ))
tilly green
bingo heeler
leni loud
apart from those I also like
the owl house
object shows (( bfb, tpot, ii, hfjone ))
the loud house
pony town
danny gonzalez drew gooden and kurtis conner
the ghost and molly mcgee
the great north
central park
uhhh and more I just can’t think of anymore rn sorry 😋
uh ok now just some like general info abt me ?
I’m multifandom ! if you follow for one thing prepare to hear about anything else LMAOO
I’m an artist ! I like to make fanart of the silly little shows I like :3
unfortunately a twitter user with no idea how tumblr works bare with me guys 💔
please don’t be afraid to interact !! I may come off as awkward if we aren’t close tho but I don’t mean to !!
errrm dni list !!! real
general dni
if you support or are neutral towards loudcest and or lewdhouse then GET OUT !! also if you support chris savino you’re not welcome here !!
mcyt fans (( dsmp and related youtubers specifically ))
anti xenogenders / neopronouns
ppl who ship tilly x remy from big city greens. it just makes me really uncomfortable
self shipping involving any of my kins. keep it far away from me. it makes me extremely, extremely uncomfortable.
this was mentioned in the dni but tilly x remy also makes me very uncomfortable
this one ain't as bad for me but gloria x chip.. idc if u ship it !! have fun !!! i just personally am a bit uncomfy with it :33
ok idk what else to add I just did this really quickly uhm anyway ok bye
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quiirrel · 1 year
sorry man i gotta ask wym abt the mcyt enjoyers thing. do you mean dsmp and are using the broader term or do you think i should kill myself bc i watch stampy sometimes
mcyt referring specifically to the broad band of people that watch dsmp and similarly related ppl. i recognize all of them by sight & name but I don’t actually know if all of them are in the dsmp or not (and idc). stampy is fine I remember him … he used to film on his xbox didn’t he like that one series where his dog died and he put a tree over the grave and also his cat turned into a player for one day and he reached the cap limit for wolves
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ko-odi · 2 years
I think I should do an introduction thing? Do yall do introductions?? idk but uhhh Hi!!
my names Kodi, and Im a transmasc nonbinary artist who uses they/he and pi/pin/pins pronouns :] I dont know how else to describe myself so yea there u go?
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one of my sonas <3 literally my minecraft sona
I really like and’ll probably draw and talk about:
-animal/furry art !! u WILL look at my fursonas IMMEDIATELY !!!
-homestuck!!(AGAIN HAVENT FINISHED IM SORRY I will finish it… eventually…. but for now Im going to hold dave strider in my clutches and never let him go sorry <3)
-dsmp/mcyt! mainly sbi, tubbo, ranboo, and tapl! Im also getting into last life/double life rn! Ive heard the wondrous tales of the dsmpblr loreheads from the plagued land of mcyttwt…
-The Haunted by rejectedshotgun. yes I know u dont know what that is, yes I know its a 10 year old herobrine roleplay, but IDC IM PUTTING IT ON UR DASH!! u r not immune
-other things like toh, camp camp, fnaf, MINECRAFT!!! dinosaurs + animals, viva piñata, etc but Ill mainly talk abt the things above :]
sorry the colors are fun to mess with also heres some more art
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I think thats it??? idk I mainly came here bcs my partner wanted me too and so I could look at dave strider content sue me ok
also follow @dorkydoofy the bestie
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1-tr4itd4ng3r · 1 year
huh? huh? huh?
my name is Aspen, or Andrew if you want, both work. 20, hwite (slavic variety), mentally ill and probably disabled.
i'm a certified BPDer, POTS haver, depression wrangler and AuDHD bearer. also a system. don't ask, i probably won't mention this here at all besides this pinned post. all of this is self-dx though because i am piss poor and the psychiatry field in my country is horrific. no hard feelings.
boundaries question mark?
racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic etc. people are blocked and killed by an orbital laser on spot. i am also free to block you without explanation if i dislike you for some reason. you're free to ask via someone else if this happens and you want to know the reason.
i don't fucking care if you hate minecraft youtubers because you're unable to actually research shit for longer than 5 minutes, if you will come to my blog stinking about me reblogging mcyt stuff/writing mcyt posts you will get booted.
i also don't need to constantly say i view my fav media/creators critically every 5 minutes just because you think i should.
dream stans/enjoyers are not welcome at all. idc if you're "one of the good ones" i absolutely dislike dream full stop.
harry du bois and kim kitsuragi are kissing passionately and exploring each others bodies as we speak.
something else?
i genuinely don't mind any pronouns. at all. but if you're still interested, then come 'ere .
fandoms i'm probably in the most: dsmp (kinda), most mcyt (I'm interested in anything but my ADHD prevents me from actually watching new stuff), disco elysium, all for the game series, elder scrolls series, anything i'm hyperfixated on at the moment. no sideblogs we ride or die.
favorite music band(s): red vox, starset, ic3peak, twenty one pilots, elektroforez, bring me the horizon, nothing but thieves, lemon demon, arctic monkeys, car seat headrest.
my favorite ccs are ranboo, wilbah soot, philza, technoblade, shenpai and vinny vinesauce.
tag for text posts is #cry-ptid.txt, for queue - #cry-ptid.q, for asks - #cry-ptid.ask. tag for (occasional) art is #cry-ptid.art.
other than that, i do not tag shit, sorry. you can ask me to, if there's a need, but i gotta be honest my memory is very much nonexistent so i just don't bother unless someone specifically asks me to tag.
still here?
last psa: you can ask me whatever you want (just don't be fucking rude please and/or bring beef I have no clue about) but i don't guarantee I'll answer/post your ask. overall, you're welcome as long as you have basic human decency and respect my opinions, I will guarantee to do the same to you.
also, this post is updated semi-regularly. i do not have habit of creating a new pinned post whenever i need to change it, but i might reblog it occasionally whenever i make any changes.
userboxes/blinkies are under the cut
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the-somwthing · 4 months
Oh yeah thats true! It's actually kinda interesting because I'm mainly a Hermitcraft fan and somewhat causual life series watcher... Like I think I saw a bit of 3rd life and Double Life... I think Secret Life is the only one I saw from on then on pov
Haha time for the UNO REVERSE where I tell YOU to watch the life series-
Well you can watch whatever you want, idc. It feels like there’s a large group of people like you who are hermitcraft mains who casually watch the life series and it’s fun were like two sides of the same coin
I will say since I was talking about how hard it is to get into mcyt smps, the life series is quite simpler to get into which is probably why I’m super into it but struggle with hermitcraft and empires. The Life Series is very clear on what order things happen in, you know? You can easily tell if you missed something, and everyone’s online at once so you’ll have at least a little bit of an idea of what everyone’s up to even by only watching one perspective, and it’s all purely YouTube episodes, no streams you’ll need to scavenge vods for to catch up, unless you’re a martyn lore fanatic haha, and he uploads those so you can find them fairly easily.
Now the Life Series is still pretty intimidating to try to get into imo (less intimidating than most SMPs tho, also imo) which is why I’m actually making a doc that’s a simple way to make getting into the series easier. I actually was just thinking of finishing it up right now! And then maybe I’ll finish that original doc I started that explains the seasons and players so you can pick who you want to watch and have a bit more context and such… tho that one will probably be a while
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te001e · 1 year
idc i need to talk about the dsmp ending
this meant so much to me. i found the dsmp in summer of 2020, cause i was curious about the clips i saw that kept going viral. i found animatics made by Amblerose Moon that astonished me. i needed to know more. and what i found was the most messy, chaotic storytelling i’ve ever seen, but also the most earnest, genuine, funny, inspiring media i think i’ve ever seen. truly homemade, no producers or meddling in the process, just passionate people wanting to tell a story. it is something truly so unique. i don’t think i’ll ever see anything like it again. the dsmp changed mcyt, fandom, minecraft and the internet forever. it elevated roleplay and storytelling like never seen before. it actually changed me as a person. not to get too personal, but i loved c!tommy a lot, and when the exile arc happened, through it i came to know about emotional abuse, and i came to terms with real emotional abuse i had suffered, and had no idea it was abuse until i went online and saw people saying c!dream was abusing c!tommy. so when i say dsmp changed me, i mean it so truly. it made me come to very real truths about my life. and it was all coming from honest, loving, and genuine people wanting to tell a story. every person on the dsmp put so much love, passion and heart into it. again, i must say, i will never see anything like it never again. it’s truly unrepeatable. not only from the cc’s who put so much effort and work into it, but the fanbase that truly carried it. the art, the theories, the passion and love put into something as simple as a minecraft roleplay is purely astonishing. from the highs of the pure amazing story telling of c!wilbur blowing up l’manberg, to the lows of the one and only technoblade passing, it truly has been some of the most important things to happen to me. things that have changed me as a person, changed people around me in mourning and in celebration. i appreciate and honor what it was and what it will continue to be to me and so many people. thank you to all the cc’s for putting your heart and soul into this story, thank you to tommy for starting a story that was one of a kind, and thank you to techno, who will always be remembered as a brilliant, talented, and gifted storyteller, who’s loss will never leave me. through the loss and joy felt through all of the dsmp i am truly grateful. i cannot state enough that i don’t think i’ll ever experience a media the same way again with such honesty, effort, heart and love. thank you, dsmp. for everything
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rrxnjun · 1 year
I LOVED EVERY SECONF OF THE YANGYANG FIC BOTH CUZ OF THE STORY AND THE SONG CHOICES!!!! awsten being a guitar teacher is just such a weird thing imo like i would've never imagined that about him ngl :o but now i see the fic in a new light might reread it once more later in the week🫢
I LOVE LOVEJOY SOOMUCH AND ITS SO RARE TO FIND SOMEONE WHO ALSO DOES!!!! (THAT IS ONE OF MY FAV PARTS FROM THE FIC!!! LIKE THE LOVEJOY LYRICS TOOK ME BY SURPRISE) perfume is one of their best songs istg!! i'm so glad tommy convinced them to release it!!! i was(and still am) such a diehard mc youtuber fan;-; wilbur and tommys vlogs are just so funny!! i'm glad they led u to lovejoy cuz their music is truly amaziiinnggggg;-;
aespa are so amazing i'm so excited about their upcoming album all of the songs sound like such a bop!! U SOULD CHECK OUT BEABADOBEE I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH HER MUSIC SINCE SUMMER SHE IS SO GOOD!!! I RECOMMEND HER VERY MUCH!!! AND I HOPE U WILL ENJOY HER MUSIC AS WELL
HIHIHI OFC I LOVE 5SOS🫢🥰 tbh when i realized how many of the same artists we both listen to i was like this person was meant for me💆‍♀️i love ur music taste so much!!!! and i will check out wallows cuz i listened to a couple of their songs before that were popular but i never really checked them out so thank u💞💖💓 (i'm an avid listener for both chase atlantic and the driver era as well🫡) wahhh i will check out baekhyun too i always see his name but i never listened to him!!! (and the way u wrote that made me laugh so hard, i hope u will win against haechan some day don't give up the fight🤞)
i'm so scared to recommend cuz they might not be ur taste in music😟buuttt some of my fav songs atm: kár by elefánt, macskák by elefánt, bálnák by dzsúdló, sprint by dzsúdló, na mindegy by carson coma, porszem my carson coma (and tbh i recommend anything by carson coma i feel like they would fit ur music taste the best if u happened to like any of these)
i may happened to be from hungary yesss🫣so hi neighbor🥳🙋‍♀️
AAAAH thank u sm for saying that!!! awsten being a guitar teacher is a weird concept i agree but it strangely fits?? also i remember him saying he used to teach 5sos songs which made my heart so happy AHAHA anyways perfume is literally the best song ever and lovejoy slap idc what anyone says. tommy deserves the whole world for convincing them to keep the song i owe him my life AHAHA you being a mcyt fan is so valid of you. i had my mc phase when i was younger (mainly bc i have an older brother so we played together) so i was big on my slovak/czech mc youtubers back in the day HAHA but nowadays i dont watch many youtubers tbh,,, i WAS a big sidemen girlie tho DJFKLA i still watch their vids sometimes. also the uk commentery scene back in the day had such a chokehold on me that i still follow will, alex and memelous on instagram lmaoo
DID U SEE THE CLIPS FROM AESPAS CONCERT ningnings solo killed me. i love that girl w my whole heart and thIS ?? if they dont add the solos to the album im gonna riot
i havent had time to check up beabadobee but i promise to do so soon and then give u a report!! if u have any favorite songs from her pls send them my way!!
GIRL WE ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER our music taste matches so well what the fuck this never happened to me before AAA YOU EVEN LIKE THE DRIVER ERA????????? ross lynch was my first ever celebrity crush and im afraid to admit that he has the same hold on me now that im almost 20 than he had back when i was 9. i dont know ALL wallows songs btw im more of a casual fan but the ones i know are so good omg. also baekhyun!!! my kr&b king!! pls listen to his music he is such a good vocalist AAA (i dont think im winning against hyuck any time soon tho >:()
also im now listening to the songs you recommended so let me give you a live reaction. kár sounds very very vibey omg i love it actually ???? went straight to my playlist i love the synth?? macskák has very edgy depressed vibe i love it too omg?????? in my playlist you go. bálnák sounds like a nct dream b-side but in hungarian i stan. very very vibey. sprint has a very good beat!! its enjoyable to listen to but not really my vibe tbh. na mindegy is sO FUCKING GOOD WHAT ?? you were right this is truly my vibe i added this to my playlist too omg. porszem towards the end when it gets louder?? slaps. my favorites were definitely the first two and then na mindegy !!!!!
hello neighbor hhhh im slovak <33 (if you didnt know already bc i slap it to everyones face LMAO)
dont apologize for writing so much i really enjoyed talking abt music w you!!!!!! <33
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frogetime · 2 years
Drop your "whats gonna happen when the moon hits" theories here cuz im curious
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my comfort streamers consist of:
-the braincell -the wholesome friend but only if you don't look too far into it -an eldritch being disguised as cottagecore  -radish man  -eat the rich -*commits arson* uwu  -hello lgbtq community  -gender envy
edited slightly bc i forgot to clean this up from my drafts whoops
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r0achlezbian · 3 years
solidarity with neurotypicals before solidarity with neurodivergent people who use being neurodivergent as a shield against their own racism/homophobia/transphobia/ableism
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