#i think this took me 40 minutes? idk
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5 August 2022- Rarity sketch on note app
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ranvwoop · 1 year
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this is the only image
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ibuprofenlesbian · 8 months
how do therapists typically react when you say you think you have something
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Also I never heard back from that job interview where the guy just mansplained to me and didn’t ask me any open questions.. do you guys dare me to send a snarky email requesting feedback
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Hardest fight in the games for you? I just got to3 and wow! I'm struggling 😅
Oooh yeah- the best advice I can give with 3 is block block block! I literally am adverse to blocking, i prefer attacking but even I had to cede and block lmao
As for hardest fights for me? Hmmm.... God that's actually slightly tricky because these games have been pretty easy for me overall and my memories bad........ Excluding Y7 bc it's a totally different combat system altogether- the big boss fight of y3 was probably the most enduring fight (I don't know if you know who that boss is yet lmao) it wasn't so much hard as it was slow, I don't think I even died I just had to keep blocking and healing and blocking and healing and- Other than that I can't think of a fight that was too hard 🤔
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I think it'd be cool if you did a prompt ask game for nanowrimo! I love your writing!
Okay, great to know, Nonsie! Thank you for answering, I kinda want to gauge how receptive people would be to something like this so I know how much writing I'd end up doing.
Perhaps it'll get me to the end of the month (or beyond), or perhaps it'll just buy me enough time to come up with a premise for another project to finish out the month! Either way, didn't wanna just reblog something without saying anything :)
But yeah! I think I'll go looking at some prompt lists to see if I find one I like, thanks for the feedback! And thank you for the compliments, that's very kind of you and I truly appreciate it <33
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
three thoughts
1) drawing myself in the mirror, i expected, would be very hard w my body image issues. they are deeply ingrained from childhood and though i cope w them better nowadays they are not gone, and they have taken me to very dark places before. i’ve mainly coped w it by not looking at myself for too long since fixating on my appearance can make me spiral. but once i sat down and actually started drawing, it wasn’t that bad at all. i didn’t have the fear of whether or not my arms were too big or my belly too folded since i was only thinking about how my shoulder was aligned with my collar bones and at what angle those are in relation to my elbow, etc. looking at the plain contours of my body in relation to each other, objectively, that wasn’t so bad at all since i wasn’t worried about whether the product was “beautiful” as much as if it was accurate. and, i wasn’t looking at my body as a whole until i finished the drawing. i was looking at parts of them, though not the parts i normally fixate negatively on. i was just trying to navigate the landmarks. it was kind of healing to realize i could do this. normally when i feel detached from my body, it makes me resentful of the fact that i live in one. today i was not resenting my body but just looking at it for what it was. a thing that exists. like anything else.
2) wow, i mean. i always know i’m flat-chested. but i’m flat-chested.
3) my back hurts.
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tenrose · 5 months
I'm not dead (yet)
Slightly better cause the medicine is working but I still feel it underneath.
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4ln-stay8 · 6 months
Rainy hearts
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>summary: Lando was late for a game session with his friends due to picking you up
>author’s notes: I hope this isn’t as bad as I think it is
>warnings: idk some assumptions, some ignoring, some fluff at the end
Lando had promised Max that he'd join their gaming session and stream with their friends that evening. They had all been looking forward to it, but he found himself running late because you, his secret girlfriend, had called him in a rush. You needed a ride from your work to your university for your evening classes.
"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late" said the brown curly haired man
Lando finally joined the stream, but Max couldn't help but ask, "Lando, where were you? We had to start without you."
Lando sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "Sorry, Max. Sunshine needed a ride to her university, and she was in a hurry. She acts like such a spoiled brat sometimes, you know? She thinks I'm her personal chauffeur and that I'll be wherever she wants whenever she wants like I don't actually have anything else to do. She has a car and a driving license yet she still bothers me."
'Sunshine' was the code name they gave you for whenever they wanted to talk about you without people snooping in their business, and it worked.
Everyone knew about 'Sunshine' but no one knew the mystery identity of 'Sunshine'. Everyone knew she was Lando's girlfriend but no one knew anything about her. No one knew your name, your age, anything, and both you and Lando loved that!
Unknown to Lando, you've been discreetly watching the stream from your class, hurt by his comment. Did he really think that you were a spoiled brat? Does he really think that you see him as your personal driver?
You didn't wanted to be seen like that. That wasn't you! You never called him to pick you up just because you didn't want to take the bus or walk to university. You only asked him to pick you up when you were in a hurry and you were running late, and that wasn't often.
You have a driving license but due to the very busy neighbourhood your work was situated in you never took your car. To find a parking space there was nearly impossible and you would have to wait a while to actually find a spot which would result in you being late for work.
When your classes ended, you decided not to call Lando for a ride as you had agreed upon. He insisted that you would call him when you were done for the day so he could pick you up. After a while you agreed to call him, but now you weren't gonna do that. Instead, you walked home, and as luck would have it, the rain started pouring down.
Back at yours and Lando's place, thunder echoed as he anxiously checked the time. Realizing that your class had ended, he started to worry. It's been nearly 40 minutes since the class ended and there was no sign from you. He checked his phone at least 5 times but there was nothing there from you.
He said goodbye to the boys as he decided to leave the stream and go outside the gaming room and call you to see where you were. As he did that he heard the front door closing. Walking towards the entrance, he was met by his drenched girlfriend.
"Why didn't you call me, Y/N? I was worried sick!" Lando exclaimed, his worry turning into relief at seeing you safe.
You, avoiding eye contact, replied, "I didn't want to bother you or act like a spoiled brat who treats you like her personal driver,"
You looked at him, your eyes filled with a mix of hurt and determination, before turning away and leaving him standing in the hallway, his heart heavy with regret.
You walked into your shared bedroom, walking to the closet to find some dry clothes as you were wet and cold. Lando followed you like a lost puppy trying to find some words.
Lando sighed, realizing the unintended consequence of his words. "Y/N, it's not like that. I do want to help."
With a bitter tone and without even looking at him you told him "I appreciate it but I don't want to make you late for gaming with the boys" you said sarcastically and walked in the bathroom to take a hot shower.
He went to the kitchen to make you some tea so you could warm up even more, and something to eat, hoping that this would also make you a little less mad at him.
Around 20 minutes later, you walked out of the shower, dressed in some of Lando's clothes. You were mad at him but you won't deny that his clothes were more comfortable and warmer than yours.
You sat ok the bed scrolling on your phone while you snuggled in the blanket trying to get more warm. On the other room Lando was warming the tea, making a plate of food for you to eat.
He put them on a tray, picked it up and walked to your shared bedroom. He knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
“I brought you something to eat and some tea to warm up a little more” he whispered
You rolled your eyes at him trying not to give in and forgive him so quickly. “Thanks” you whispered as well, standing up a little and taking the tray from his hands.
“Look baby, I’m really sorry for what I said. I swear I didn’t mean it!” He whispered, his eyes pleading for forgiveness
“Am I really a bother to you? If I am I won’t ask you to pick me up again. Be honest!” you whispered avoiding his eyes, scared of his answer
“Of course you are not a bother to me, my love! I would come pick you up from the other side of the world if I had to! I swear baby I didn’t mean it! I was just annoyed because the traffic was bad when I got back! I am really sorry! Please forgive me!” He said, regret present in his voice
“I forgive you, but please don’t do say that again” you said, hurt still lingering in your voice
Even though you didn’t wanted to give in too easily, the tone in his voice made you break. You could feel how sorry he was for what he said, and after all he was your boyfriend and you loved him, so you did gave in.
“I swear I will never say anything like this again! What can I do to make it up to you?” the british man said desperately
“Just come and cuddle me, I’m still cold from the rain” you said putting the tray away and opening your arms
“Gladly!” He whispered and jumped on his side of the bed to cuddle you for the rest of the night.
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callmelola111 · 9 months
loser!ellie ♡ dating app headcanons
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synopsis: totally sfw hc’s of loser!ellie (modern au) on dating apps, including a cute little 1st date scenario. basically just pure fluff !!!
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 1.4k
a/n: never written headcanons before, crazy ass shit. idk if i did it exactly right but i think it will be an entertaining read no matter what. i’ve recently caved and downloaded hinge which is what inspired this---but there’s only like 40 gay bitches on there and that’s it (also like no mascs?? i’m attracted to any kind of non-man but still,,, the shortage is real y’all). ALSO let me know if this is something you’d like a nsfw/smut part 2 of. much loveeee ♡~ lola
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who took weeks of convincing from dina and jesse to finally download hinge after she wouldn’t shut up about how she’s “never beating the loser lesbian allegations”. truly she could have any girl she wants but just doesn’t know how to speak to them in real life. they were so fed up with her bullshit.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who only has like 3 pictures of her actual face so the rest of the photos on her hinge profile are just art pics and gay memes
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who had to beg dina for help writing all the little prompts just to reject all her ideas because she’d “never say something like that!”
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who started getting so cocky as soon as those likes began to roll in. saying some shit like “ooo i have rizz” in the cringiest way possible. jesse just says it’s cause there’s a masc lesbian shortage and of course she flips him off in response.
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose cockiness immediately leaves her body when she realizes she has to go through the likes and accept/reject every girl. eventually she just gave up and stopped looking because it felt “too mean” and like “too much work”.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who SUCKS at responding to messages and likes after she lost all interest about 2 days into having the app. that is until she stumbled upon your profile…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose glued to her notifications after she matched with you on hinge. at this point you’re her fixation, and every other message besides yours are going unanswered. as soon as she works up the courage to ask for your number, and you oblige, she immediately deletes the app.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who stares at her screen for like 5 minutes straight at the first text message she plans to send you, even though it was literally just “hey, is this y/n?”. she even googled the difference in connotations between hi, hey, and hello. it’s safe to say the girl is straight up mental about you.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who gets more and more unhinged as y’all get better acquainted with each other through texts. eventually she's spamming you with updates about her day, instagram memes that she thinks are funny, and an occasional flirty message—but of course, she’s waiting for that first date to really test the romantic waters. like yes she’s obsessed with you, but to the extent where she’s so scared to screw things up so every little move she makes is with caution and regard to your feelings and boundaries. it’s honestly super sweet.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who eventually asked you on a first date after you sent like 3 different flirty memes to get the point across that you like her a lot and wanna be taken out for real. you definitely were sending her some shit like this…
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who planned out a whole agenda for y’alls first date so it would be absolutely perfect. she refused to tell you where she was taking you or what you guys would be doing because she thought it would be better as a surprise. and although you were kinda stressing about what to wear and what to expect, the element of mystery was kind of endearing.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who pulls up to your house in her little beat up sedan that she had cleaned for like the first time ever just before she came and picked you up. there was still clearly some reminisce of her mess as seen on the stained seats and crumbs on the floor, but you didn’t mind—yours was just as bad (probably worse).
| ❀ | loser!ellie who took you out for sushi as the first stop on your date, to which she graciously paid for even with you fighting to put your card down on the table first. she looked so adorable with her little california roll, and even cuter when she accidentally got too much wasabi in a bite and was fiending for water while simultaneously trying to play it cool in front of you. you just laughed which immediately made her feel better about the whole thing. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who then took you to your town’s expansive park to walk the dirt trails and just talk. neither of you had ever gotten along with someone so well, the conversation was absolutely effortless. you talked about all your interests, funny life stories, your fears, and so much more. ellie listened attentively with nods and affirmations throughout which made you feel so cared for, something most girls on dating apps could never do. you extended the courtesy back and ellie told you all about her own stuff, including her obsession with space, to which she pulled out her favorite book on the topic to show you. space had never really piqued your interest before, but when it was coming out of the freckled girl's mouth, it seemed like the coolest thing in the world.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who sat next to you on one of the park’s wooden benches. time had flown by and neither of you had realized until your head was resting on her shoulder as the sun set in front of you. the orange cast hit her auburn hair just right and it looked like she was practically glowing. you couldn’t help but stare at her beauty which she noticed and with a concerned look questioned if she had anything on her face. you informed ellie of the trance she had put you in and she blushed the color of your pink nails just before leaning in to give you the most tender, loving kiss you’d ever received.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who couldn’t stop kissing you once she started. your lips remained locked with hers for a solid 5 minutes, lips puffy and saliva exchanging, until the sound of a dog barking a few feet away broke the exchange. the energy had shifted in the best way possible and the both of you quickly opened up about how much you liked one another. one thing lead to another and suddenly ellie has out her pocket knife and is carving an E + R (reader) into the wood of the park bench. how lesbian of you guys ♡
| ❀ | loser!ellie who didn’t want the date to end and you were right there with her, so you somehow found yourselves in an empty parking lot at 9:00pm, drinking slurpees while she tried to teach you how to skate. it started off as a real attempt with her teaching you the basics like where to put your feet and the importance of bending your knees. after about 4 different falls onto the dirty asphalt you gave up on your genuine pursuits. discouraged, you sat right down on the board, knees up, before ellie gave you a push and you rolled across the lot. she was laughing her ass off and you were too until you hit a bump and tumbled off. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who bolted into the CVS the parking lot belonged to and bought a bunch of unnecessary first aid items for the small cut on your knee. she came back out of the sliding doors and you died of laughter as she pulled out a box of peppa pig bandaids for your skating “injury”. ellie insisted you needed to be taken care of though, so you let her do her thing and she finished it off with a small peck to the cap of your knee and one on your forehead.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who spent the trip back to your place with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh, driving you absolutely wild. you almost had to remind yourself that this was just the first date.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who had been parked in your driveway for 10 minutes already but continued to stall your departure with more of her shenanigans. soon she ran out of things to say though and leaned over to kiss you goodbye. this goodbye turned into more and you ended up in her lap before the night was over. it wasn’t until your back hit the steering wheel making the car honk that you finally exited the vehicle. 
| ❀ | loser!ellie who waited for you to completely make it inside before she drove home, giving you a final little wave as you opened the front door. after she was back at her place she instantly texted you about date 2 and thanked you for the best night of her life. in her eyes, you were a keeper!
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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jeonlicious · 2 years
MASQUERADE I ; jeongguk
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pairing: prince!jk x princess!reader
synopsis: “You love me,” — “Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming loser.”
genre: smut, angst, fluff
word count: 1,8k
warnings: enemies to lovers (idk), y/n gets SAd but jungkook comes to rescue, angry kook, jungkook takes care of y/n in the best way possible, needy!kook, he’s also shy shy shy, y/n is a total angel (pls i love her, my poor soul), oral (m receiving)
author’s note: i didn’t expect this to have 1,8k words but 🤷‍♀️, I hope you enjoy reading this!! (english is not my first language)
series masterlist | chapter two
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“Miss Y/N you need to hurry up, your father is waiting for you at the ballroom.” Currently you were getting ready for another boring masquerade ball. Your father planes them every Halloween, it's been a tradition in your family for years.
Every year hundreds of people come to your castle. You don't know most of them, except for one family. The Jeon’s. Mr. Jeon is a very well-known king in a kingdom not far from yours, he's a great friend of your father. He and his wife are very nice people, well you can’t say that about their son.
Jeon Jeongguk, the motherfucker has been annoying you the second you were born. He is two years older than you but still acts like a toddler. Of course, there are moments when you enjoy his presence. Like the one time 4 years ago on your 16th birthday, he came to your rescue when he saw prince Han getting way too close to you.
After 40 minutes you were finally ready. Red ball gown, and a matching red mask with black rhinestones. Your hair was down with a little black tiara decorating your head. You looked stunning. When you walked into the ballroom all eyes were on you, people showering you with compliments. Well most of them were mothers of the princes that were here, all they wanted was just to get their sons to be your future husband so they could steal money from your father.
“Ah Y/N, you're finally here!” Your father cheered as he came to you and gave you a small peck on your forehead. “Yeah, the maids wanted to do their best.” You chuckled and walked away to the buffet. Different types of drinks and desserts on display. While you were deciding between wine or liquor a familiar voice rang through your ears.
“Y/NN.” Jeongguk whined putting his head on your shoulder. “You're out here drinking without me? How rude.” He continued. “Good to see you too.” You lowered your shoulder so his chin almost fell on the ground. “You love me,” He teased as he continued to walk by your side. “Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming loser.”
“Oh my, Y/N you look gorgeous!” Mrs. Jeon gasped when she saw you, giving you a big hug and kissing you on the cheek. “You look gorgeous as always Miss Jeon.” You complimented her. “She’s pretty and polite, you raised her well, my friend.” Mr. Jeon said as he came to you, hugging you. “Thank you, Mr. Jeon.”
While you were enjoying your time dancing on the dance floor prince Han came to you. “Look who's here.” He chuckled as he eyed you up and down, eyes stopping at your cleavage. “Good to see you too Han.” You gave him a fake smile as you continued to slowly sway your hips to the music. “Looking alone, your prince charming isn’t here today?” He kept on coming closer to you and you started to get uncomfortable. “Firstly, Jeongguk is not my prince charming. Secondly, I already told you that I don't want to have anything with you.” You declared.
Han’s face was covered in something mixed with anger and shock. He grabbed you by the wrist and took you to the nearest room. “Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing!” You shouted as he covered your mouth with his palm. “Let me show you how you should respect a man.” He spit and his nasty fingers started to undo the strings on your corset. He was almost done undoing your corset when the door flung open.
“What the fuck is going on in here!” Jeongguk screamed, pure anger in his eyes. He looked at Han first then you, he saw your scared expression and already knew what was going on. “You son of a bitch!” Jeongguk punched Han in the face. Blood splattered across Han’s face as he fell on the ground, blacked out. “Y/N are you okay?” He came to you, a warm hand cupping your cheeks, fingertips rubbing your tears away. “N-no, can we go?” You sniffled coming closer to Jeongguk softly trembling. “Yeah, sure let me just tie your corset.”
When Jeongguk was done he gently took your hand and led you out of the room. Your lipstick was smeared and your hair was messy. But you couldn’t give two fucks about that right now, the only thing you wanted was just to be in your room with Jeongguk by your side.
“Which room is yours?” He asked as you two ran through the corridors. “The last one on the left.” You replied, feet hurting from the heels you were wearing. You and Jeongguk entered the room, the familiar scent of cinnamon hitting your nostrils.
“Take off your clothes and I'll prepare a bath for you.” He said and gave you a small peck on the lips. You were too shocked by the fact that he kissed you to even process what he was saying.
While you tried to get the massive dress off your body you heard a knocking on the closed door. “Hey, you alright in there?” Jeongguk’s muffled voice came through the door. “Yes, I just ca- fuck!” The heel of your shoe pierced through the bottom of the dress, tearing the skirt completely. “Y/N!” Jeongguk opened the door immediately covering his eyes when he saw your bare legs. “D-do you need my help, or s-should I just go?” He was too startled to even comprehend full words. “Guk it’s fine just help me out of this dress.” You assured him and peeled his hands off his eyes.
Jeongguk’s hands took off the remains of the skirt. “Guk could you maybe help me with the corset too?” Big doe eyes staring up at you. “You sure? I mean after what happened.” “Yes Jeongguk. I trust you.” Jungkook’s hands went to your back, untying the knots. The corset slid off your body showing off your black lace bra.
Jungkook’s cheeks were tinted a rosy color, his breath quickened and the bulge in his pants started to grow. “You okay Gukkie?” fuck, how could he be okay when you’re here in your laced underwear looking so fucking beautiful “Yeah I-I’m fine, I think the bath is ready.” He stuttered, quickly leaving the closet.
You weren’t stupid, you knew Jeongguk since you were kids. He always had this ‘big spoiled brat’ persona, but when it came to you he was a stuttering mess.
You have to admit, the bath is very nice. Warm water relaxing your muscles, bubbles swaying around you and muffled sounds of the tv coming from the bedroom.
You closed your eyes, letting the warmth of the water swallow you. Thinking about the previous events that happened. How could Han be such an idiot, thank God Jungkook noticed that you were gone. What if he didn’t come, would Han rape you? You knew Han for about 6 years, he was always quite shy and didn’t like being around people. That changed when his mother tragically died in a car accident and since that, he’s been acting like a total douchebag.
“Y/N?” Jeongguk’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “Yes?” You turned the faucet so you could hear him properly. “Can I come in?” His voice sounded so small and fragile. “Yeah.” The doorknob turned allowing Jeongguk into the room. As soon as he saw your naked figure covered by bubbles his ears turned bloody red. “I-I think I have forgotten I- uhm m-my.” “Gukkie it’s fine don't be nervous.” you leaned against the bathtub, head resting on your forearms. You've never seen him like this, he looked as if he could crumble under your touch.
He was staring into the ground, avoiding your gaze. “What have you forgotten?” His eyes looked up at you, traveling up and down your body, stopping at your plump lips which were still a little stained with lipstick. “Uhm I can’t find my glasses, I-I thought I left them here but I guess not.” You looked at him and then snorted. “What?” “You're wearing them on your head silly.” You giggled, the bubbles moving around exposing your body. Jeongguk gulped, his bulge now fully visible.
He followed your gaze and then quickly covered his crotch area with his hands. “Fuck I'm sorry Y/N, I-I didn’t mean to, you just looked so pretty and I couldn't.” He was full-on blabbering right now. “Hey Koo, look at me.” Doe eyes find yours, nervousness leaving his body. “It’s okay, I can help you.” His lips quickly turned into a smirk. How could he look like the cutest being on this planet and then look like a total sex God.
“Y/N fuck!” Jeongguk was a whimpering mess right now. Hair messy, eyes rolling to be back of his head, thighs trembling. “Shit, if you keep sucking me off like that I'm not going to going to last- ah!” Hot spurts of cum went down your throat. “I'm so sorry, I-I didn’t mean t-” “Open.” You pushed two fingers into his mouth. Sucking them slowly, he tasted the bittersweet taste of his cum. “Good boy Jeongukkie, just like that.”
While you and Jeongguk were having the time of your lives your father called from the other side of the room. “Y/N are you okay? I heard some whimpers are you crying?” Jeongguk’s eyes almost popped out of his skull. He quickly stood up picking up his clothing. “No dad, everything’s fine.” You assured, getting dressed up too. “Alright then, and please if you see Jungkook tell him that his parents are looking for him.” And with that, your father left.
“We should go shouldn't we?” Jeongguk stared at you, cheeks pink from the orgasm. “Yeah, yeah we should.” You were done tieing the laces on your heels when you felt Jeongguk’s hands on your waist. “This will be our secret right?” “Of course bunny.” You giggled and gave him a small peck on his lips.
“Ah finally, where have you two been?” “Sorry, Mr. Jeon, we were just walking around the castle.” “I see.” He smiled and walked away. “Jeongukkie what is that red mark on your neck.” Jungkook almost shit himself, looking at you in panic. “Oh, don't worry mom it's just a scratch.” He assured her. “Oh okay then dear.” She smiled.
“‘It's just a scratch’ Really Guk, you will need to work on your lies.” You mocked and grabbed him to the dance floor. “Okay next time I'm eating out that sweet pussy of yours and then we are going straight to your father, how about that?” He snickered. “Ah that offer sounds delicious.” You giggled and started to dance to the rhythm of the music.
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© 𝐉𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 2022. All rights reserved.
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negrowhat · 5 months
Hello! Kind of a specific one lol, but what are your Top 5 “I need to pause this bc I’m so overwhelmingly pleased with what’s happening and need to take a breath” moments in BL from this year, if you have any?
Hey Opal! Of course I have had those moments this year! We've been gifted so many grand things this year.
Top 5 "HOLY CRAP I need to pause and take a breath" Moments. I'm sure these will mostly be NC scenes...
Hira and Kiyoi's bathtub scene from Utsukushii Kare: Eternal. Between Hira's excitement to bathe with his mans, Kiyoi's red embarrassed face, and him basically asking Hira to manhandle him more often???? It took me 30 minutes to watch that scene because I couldn't stop pausing and screaming! Also when Hira had Kiyoi facing the mirror??? AND TELLING HIM TO LOOK AT HIMSELF? AT HOW PRETTY HE WAS???? That about ended me. I just couldn't deal. Hira really gets to see the best parts of Kiyoi.
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The Kitty Scene from Bed Friend. I really don't think I need to explain this one that whole scene was insanely good. But highkey I think my fave part of that scene was King asking Uea to do this and not cashing in his "You owe me one thing" ticket he won in their bet. He didn't want Uea to feel like he had to participate in the Kitty Play. But what honestly that whole scene had me pausing every few seconds.
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The role reversal locker room scene in Pit Babe. Color me surprised at how well they both remembered their first encounter. Charlie turned on his naughty boy mode quite seamlessly and I literally kept pausing because I couldn't stop screaming...also Babe's moaning??? HIS FACES??? The SCREAMS I SCRUMPT.
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LomNuea's wedding in Wedding Plan Special Ep. It was just so fucking beautiful. I had to pause to gather myself because I felt like a guest. Loved that it was a traditional wedding. Loved that Namnuea's entire family was there. Love that YiwaMarine were there to represent Sailom's family because they're really the only ones who were always there for him. It was just really perfect and I was very emotional and crying all over the place. (I didn't even try to find a gif from the special ep because literally no one was talking about it.)
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Wen telling Jim he liked to eat old people from Moonlight Chicken. After their insane one night stand. Wen really looked Uncle Jim right in the eyes and told him he wanted to eat him up like breakfast. Well that's what I got from it. The sexual tension between JimWen was extremely strong in that scene...they still didn't even know each other's names but really I just had no idea Mix could deliver a line like that so incredibly seductively that I had to pause and rewatch it idk like 40 times...
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ryusuisloveinterest · 7 months
Hi! Could I request something please?
I loved your birthday party drabble!
So could I request some fluff please? For Ryusui, Tsukasa and Ukyo ( separately) please! Feel free to drop a character here if you want!
I was thinking about their reaction when crush offering their lap for them to rest ( idk, for whatever reason they are very tired XD). Bonus point if crush's feelings about the boys are mysterious.
Thank you ! If you don't feel like writting this, is ok too. Take your time!
Hi girlypop! Thank you so much for the request I got really excited writing these! I assumed you wanted a Drabble so that’s how I wrote them lol. Anyway I didn’t write all of them in the stone world so I specified next to the name. Let me know if it’s ok. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Ryusui, Tsukasa, Ukyo, laying on their crushes lap
Ryusui: pre-petrification or 4d science 
You’ve worked for the Nanami Conglomerate for a while, helping with basic tasks like cooking, cleaning, things like that. You first met Ryusui when Francois had to take a sick day, hearing you would get double the pay you took up the offer to be Ryusui’s personal maid/butler for a day or two. It’s safe to say Ryusui absolutely adores you! Even when Francois returned, Ryusui HAD to have you by his side, even if you weren’t “assisting” him. One day you were on your brake, sitting in a room for the servants to relax in (which Ryusui made such was super nice for you) when you hear a door slam from the other side. You close the book you were reading to see-you guessed it- Ryusui, looking more tired than he usually is. “Welcome home master Ryusui.” You smile at him. His face lights up, not looking nearly as tired as he was before. “(Y/n)! Thank God your beautiful face is here!” He says while walking over to you, his head placed on your shoulder. You blush only a little, getting used to Ryusui’s clingyness. “A long day sir?” You chuckle. “Yes! There were a bunch of boring meetings and I could barely work on my ships, no matter how much I desired to!” He says, huffing cutely. His arms start to tighten around your waist as he buries his head deeper into your shoulder. “Why don’t you get some rest?” You suggest to him. “I wanna stay with you…” Giggling ever so slightly, you propose an idea that makes his heart go crazy. “Then why don’t you rest your head on my lap for a while hm?” He looks you in the eye, so excited by your sudden suggestion. “I’d love that (y/n)! Now that’s something I desire!” Giggling once more you barley get to sit down before Ryusui practically tackles your lap. Your hand cups his cheek with a couple of fingers tangled in his hair. His smile fills up the room as his eyes flutter shut. Right before he falls asleep, you hear him whisper, “I love you (y/n)…” As the blush on your face darkens slightly, you can’t help but respond with what you’re heart tells you, “I love you too master Ryusui…”
Tsukasa: pre-petrification
Tsukasa just got done winning one of his fights. You walk into his locker room, about to congratulate him on his win when you notice him passed out on one of the benches. Sighing, you walk over to him, carefully picking up his head and placing it on your lap. “Moron. You have a press conference in an hour.” You pick up strands of his hair and begin braiding them together. It could have been your imagination, but you could swear he had some sort of smirk on his face. For about 40 minutes you sit there, watching his chest rise and fall, hearing his quiet snores and smelling the salt of his sweat. Not even thinking, you lean your face over his, only inches apart. As you slowly lean in, an alarm goes off, causing you to raise you head quickly. Tsukasa groans, slowly opening his eyes to his favorite sight. “(Y/n)..?” “Morning sleepyhead.” Tsukasa’s face reddens as he sits up from your lap. You didn’t know why he was so nervous, after all you’d let him lay on your lap when you were kids.“I-uh…I have to get ready for the conference….” He rushes up and walks towards the showering area. “Tsukasa!” You call out causing him to turn his head. “You did a great job today! I’ll be right here if you need anymore rest!” He turns his head away from you, his long hair covering his blushing face. “Thank you (y/n), that means the world to me….”
Ukyo: Kingdom of Science or Tsukasa Empire
After a long day of hunting Ukyo arrives back around 10 at night, making your worried self finally feel at ease. Some of the men help carry the fresh meat as Ukyo groggily walks to his quarters. To his surprise, you were there fixing his bed and cleaning up a bit. You look up at him and smile. “Welcome back Ukyo! The hunt go well?” You speak quietly, not trying to hurt his delicate ears. “Yeah, it went better than usual.” He yawns, rubbing his eyes. You smile at him as you sit in his bed. You pat you lap, “why don’t you get rest?” He’s embarrassed at the clear suggestion that he lay on your lap, but who is he kidding? He wants nothing more than to relax, and being able to sleep on YOUR lap is just a bonus. He walks over to you and gently lays his head down. “I’m not heavy am I?” He asks, making sure he’s not making you uncomfortable. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Just get some sleep ok?” I slightly nods, closing his eyes. You take off his hat and rub his head making him fall asleep faster. Letting out a soft sigh he sleeps soundly mumbling out one last goodnight. “Thank you (y/n), im glad you’re here with me…”
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
There was an independent terrorist attack in the Gush Etzion region today, 2 Palestinian terrorists fired at Israeli soldiers, didn't manage to injure anyone, and one of them was eliminated.
Barak Ayalon, a man in his 40's and his mother Mira, in her 70's, were murdered today, while the father, also in his 70's, was moderately injured due to Hezbollah shooting anti-tank missiles from Lebanon at a home in Kfar Yuval, a community in northern Israel.
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This follows another incident that took place during the night, in the area of Har Dov (where I was stationed when I was doing my mandatory IDF service), 4 Hezbollah terrorists used the heavy rains, infiltrated Israel, fired at soldiers, injured 5 of them, and ended up being eliminated.
I think this is so important to understand that the IDF truly does its best not to harm civilians. Here's a compilation of moments when air strikes were aborted, when civilians were identified in the vicinity of the intended targets:
Today, the entire country of Israel is observing 100 days since Oct 7.
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100 days since the start of this war that is costing so many lives every single day, and more than anything, 100 days since innocent civilians in Israel were attacked, abused, tortured and kidnapped to Gaza, where 136 continue to suffer in captivity. There is a 24 hour protest, many companies and organizations are striking today for 100 minutes, and in a Tel Aviv square that was re-named after the hostages, there is a model of a Hamas terror tunnel, that people can walk into, and stay in there for 100 seconds, to get an idea of how suffocating it is. When the model was opened, the families of the hostages visited it, and shared some of their thoughts on the walls.
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On Oct 23, a Hamas rocket hit a kibbutz called Yad Mordechai, named after Mordechai Anilevich, the commander of Eyal, one of the two Jewish underground movements, which fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The kibbutz is home to a Holocaust museum, one of the first in the world, and Hamas' rocket hit the gallery that recreates the command bunker of Mordechai Anilevich (you might be able to recognize the red bricks used in most of the Warsaw Ghetto):
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As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, IDK if I can explain how this image is chilling to the bones.
This is Nassrin Yossef.
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She and her husband Yiad are Druze, and originally from northern Israel. They fell in love with the people of a community called Yated in the south, and move there. On Oct 7, despite a broken leg, Yiad joins the community's emergency squad (which stopped some of the terrorists). Nassrin stays with their kids, and faces the terrorists who get to their house, which happens to be the closest to the border fence. She speaks to the terrorists in Arabic, and starts "interrogating" them, getting information about how many have infiltrated Yated, and where they are. She finds out some are hiding in the greenhouse found very close to her home. She passes the info on to the security forces, who take out 20 terrorists. The phone of one of these men rang, and Nassrin replied, said she's helping to hide the terrorists, so it's okay to share any info with her. She found out from the man on the line that there's a breach in the fence they're gonna enter through, and she translated everything for the Israeli officer. She said the way the man on the phone ended the call was, "Allah willing, we'll occupy Israel by tonight." The next day, Nassrin found out that while her actions and her husband's saved many in their community, the terrorists murdered two of her friends at the community of Kerem Shalom, and a Jewish neighbor and friend named Ido. "He was like a brother to me, his family like my family." Nassrin says she broke at that point. Yiad drove them out, and she recounts that the road was full of burned and shot cars with bodies still inside. She also says that, as scary as it is, Yated is their home and they'll return to it as soon as they can. Heroes.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
mad woman — ethan landry (part five)
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words: 1,769
pairing: ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
based on: mad woman by taylor swift
author’s note: only one more part left ! and the epilogue (if i decide to give y/n and ethan a happy ending).
previous part ; next part
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Y/N AND ETHAN WOKE UP AT THE SOUND OF THEIR PHONES RINGING. The girl groaned in annoyance as she reached for the device laying on the drawer. Ethan mumbled something under his breath before grabbing Y/N by the waist to push her against his bare chest again.
The girl laughed kissing his cheek “Eth, it might be important” she whispered. He sighed, letting her go. She took her phone and read the texts that were sent to the group as Ethan pressed short kisses on her neck.
y/n, ethan we have a plan.
meet us at the park in an hour
everything okay???
answer us!!!
fuck he killed her
i told you not to go with him y/n/n
wtf mindy i’m okay
why would you text that if you thought i was dead??
idk maybe you are seeing me typing
maybe you are stuck in this world trying to get revenge
you want to haunt your boyfriend for killing you!
please stop watching paranormal movies minds
we are okay. we’ll meet you there in thirty minutes
we texted you 40 minutes ago, mindy told you to meet us in an hour
yeah we are not going to make it in twenty
we need to shower
but you went to his dorm specifically to shower
why didn’t you do that already?
i did. but i need to shower again :)
i’m throwing up rn
she literally gagged
ethan my man!! so proud of you buddy!
he’s still sleeping i tired him out
lmao i’m just messing with you, minds
thank god.
because virgins survive, so you two might have a chance
oh i was kidding about him still being asleep
the rest was all true :)
just stop taking and meet us there🤮
“Why didn’t you get rid of Mindy instead of Anika?” Y/N groaned as they made their way to the shower. “I actually really liked Anika. And my patience with Mindy is running out. I swear next time she says something mean to you I-“
He cut her off with a kiss “God, I love it when you get protective” he pressed against the wall of the shower.
“The shower is for showering, babe” she pulled away.
“Can’t help it” he said kissing her neck and shoulders. Y/N smirked as she turned on the cold water, Ethan quickly stepped back.
“Y/N! What was that for?” he glared at her.
“You are in desperate need of a cold shower” she laughed “Come on, we need to hurry. Your dad said it was important for us to be there”.
Ethan sighed in defeat “Fine”.
“I promise that once this is over, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me” she gave him a peck.
“Anything?” he smirked.
“Anything” she confirmed.
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QUINN ATTACKED GALE AT HER HOUSE, ALMOST BEING SUCCESSFUL IN KILLING HER. Right now, the whole group, minus officer Bailey and Kirby, were at the hospital lounge, waiting for any news on the reporter’s health.
Y/N and Ethan were internally fuming. How many fucking lives did Gale Weathers have? It was ridiculous. Though, they really enjoyed seeing Sam’s guiltiness eat her alive.
"What do we do know?" Y/N asked, sitting on Ethan’s lap. He tightened his grip on the girl's frame as she drew invisible circles on his chest.
"Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam said, her voice was a bit shaky. They all looked at her as if she was crazy. "He wants to punish me. Me. So maybe I'll let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth it".
"First of all, you are fucking insane if you think we'll let you do that" Y/N told her, no hesitation in her voice.
Tara stood up. "Y/N/N is right. You always protect us, now it's time we protect you. We are a team, remember?".
"We are family" Y/N corrected, standing up and walking towards Sam.
"You can say it, Chad" Mindy said, standing up too.
Chad got into his feet and with a excited smile he said. "Let's go! Core five!".
"Core what?" asked Danny.
"It's an us think" Chad explained briefly.
"He's gonna keep coming after us" Sam warned them.
"Isn't there somewhere safe we can hold up in?" Ethan asked.
"He's just going to keep finding us" Tara told him, making him sigh. "We could use that, though”.
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THE FINAL ACT WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN. The group planned on luring Ghostface into a secure location and trap him inside. The final reveal was getting close, and Y/N’s heart beat with excitement. She couldn’t wait to see the life draining from Tara’s eyes. And then, she would continue her life with the love of her life.
"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked, his hand gripping Y/N’s tightly, as they walked down the stairs to take the train.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara replied.
"So we just peel off so the killer takes us off one by one? No, thank you" the curly-haired boy said, making his girlfriend look at him with her eyebrows raised. "And I don't want to leave Y/N alone, of course".
The girl laughed. "You really don't have to come, you know? We are not going to blame you for not going".
Ethan sighed. "No. Like I said, I won’t leave you alone".
“Yeah, very romantic, lovebirds. Can you move now? We are going to miss the train” Mindy said annoyed from behind them.
They walked through the current of people, pushing and shoving to try to get into the train. Just as they were about to enter it, the doors closed right in front of their faces.
"The next one should be here any minute. We won't be that far behind" said Y/N to Ethan and Mindy.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go away" Mindy said to the boy.
"What do you mean?" the girl asked her confused.
"I don't trust your boyfriend".
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Mindy, not right now. Leave your stupid accusations aside, we need to stick together".
"Fine, you can stay with him. I'll wait a couple of feet away" she replied stubbornly.
"Mindy, come on" she said tiredly, but her friend didn't listen. She turned to face the tall boy. "Can I be the one who gets rid of her?".
Ethan tried not to laugh “I’m sorry but we have to take advantage of her stubbornness. Text Quinn, it’ll be less suspicious if you do it”.
“How disappointing” she scoffed, pulling her phone out.
hey quinn. we are about to take the train. we missed the first, so we are taking the next one.
mindy distanced herself from us cause she doesn’t trust your brother.
it’ll be a great opportunity to get rid of her
(i’m so jealous you get to do it btw).
roger that:)
aw i’m sorry, i promise i’ll be extra brutal for you :)
stop flirting with me!
no can do ;)
“Hey, what the fuck?” Ethan whispered, reading the conversation over her shoulder.
Y/N laughed “Don’t worry, pretty boy. My heart is only yours”.
“That’s right. You are mine” he said, gripping her hips.
“You are so hot when you get territorial” she said pressing a kiss on his jaw.
When they boarded the train, Mindy walked towards the end of the wagon, away from them but at a reasonable distance so she could keep an eye on Ethan.
“This is perfect” Y/N whispered, looking around. The train was crowded with people dressed as famous killers—Jason, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Pennywise.
"What’s your favorite scary movie, darling?” the boy joked. He was towering over her, and her back was pressed against a metal tube.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Shut up, idiot. I was never a fan of those types of movies”
“Maybe that could be one of our dates, watching scary movies”
“I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you” she smiled sweetly. He got closer to her, now they were chest against chest, and kissed her cheeks multiple times.
“Gross” said a familiar voice from next to them. Just after that, the light went out.
“That’s your cue, Quinnie” Y/N told her.
“Don’t call me that” she grumbled before starting to get closer and closer to Mindy.
On the next stop, when a big number of people stepped out of the train, the couple turned around to see Mindy sitting on the floor, hands pressed to her stomach and blood staining her shirt.
"No, fuck!" Y/N yelled faking concern as she ran towards her. She wanted to smile so badly at the sight of the girl in pain "You've got to be kidding me! I'm so sorry, Minds".
"Somebody help!" Ethan screamed, but no one moved one finger to do something. "Shit. We've got to get her out of here".
Y/N nodded. "Breath deep" she told her before pulling her to her feet. The girl let out a groan of pain as the couple lead her out of the train. "Thanks for nothing, assholes!".
"Somebody call 911!" Ethan yelled as they put the wounded girl on the floor of the station. "Are you okay?".
"Yeah, I'm so good" she said through her teeth.
"You're going to be okay" Ethan told her.
"Goddam it! I got it wrong again!" she cried. The paramedics arrived and started to check on the wounded girl.
"Is she going to be okay?" Y/N asked them.
"Yes, your friend will be fine, don't worry. We are going to give her painkillers, while we drive her to the hospital" they informed her.
“Minds, they need all the help they can get. I hate to leave you alone, but…” Y/N started.
Mindy nodded in understanding “You have to help them, it’s okay. Go”.
“If you need anything, call me okay?” Y/N told her.
“I’ll be fine, really. Just… be careful with him, okay? I know he’s your boyfriend and you like him, but never trust the love interest”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay” she assured her before the paramedics took her away. “Heard that? I should be careful with you” she turned around with a smirk to face her boyfriend. “Are you gonna hurt me?”.
Ethan laughed “Depends, are you into those types of kink?”.
“You really should’ve taken that cold shower” Y/N said rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless. “Now, let’s go. It’s time for the big finale, baby!”.
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wosowrites · 1 year
Hot Tub Tease Part 2 ( Leah Williamson x Reader )
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Warnings: ⚠️ light smut, touching⚠️
A/N: I won’t write detailed smut unless actually asked too, and there are a few people I won’t write smut for. Idk how i feel about having written slight smut though. If you guys want a part 3, please send in a request because I know it’s gonna be smut you want ;) so if you could help me with a scenario, then i’ll write it.
Prompt: y/n and leah spend the night together, and the lionesses sense something going on between them.
You woke up in Leah’s bed, your leg was slung over her waist and your faces were inches apart. Her arm was around your hip, her hand resting on your ass. You didn’t want to move. It was the last thing you wanted. But it was 7:30, and you needed to get back to your room to put on your track suit and be ready to have breakfast at 8:00.
You gently took Leah’s hand off your ass, placing it beside her. You turned over gently, unravelling your leg from her waist. You pulled the covers off of you and walked towards the washroom where your bra and underwear were hanging. They were dry now. You walked out of the washroom with them in your hand, Leah still sleeping in the bed. You quickly took your hoodie and placed it on the corner of the bed. You turned your back to Leah and pulled off your tee shirt.
It’s was as though Leah could sense the lack of clothing on you. She opened her eyes just as you threw the shirt on the floor, watching the muscles in your back flex, enjoying the sight of your nakedness. "Good morning to you too." Leah said, trying not to groan as you turned a little to your side, giving her a view of your side breast.
You made sure you were fully covered-mostly to keep on teasing leah-before turning completely to look at her. "Good morning." You answered, walking into the washroom to splash water on your face. "Come back to bed." Leah whined, watching you wipe the water off your face with a towel. "I have to get back to my room, Lee. Ellie will be suspicious." You answered.
You walked back into the bedroom to see th duvets off Leah, exposing her abs. You breathed in heavily, looking at her stomach. "Um- i’ll see you later, Leah." You said nervously, all your confidence from last night seemed gone as what you felt for Leah sank in. She was captain, captain for your country. But then you couldn’t help think how good a relationship would be. You both lived in London, although your teams had the biggest WSL rivalry. A gunner and a blue?
You slipped out the room and quickly walked down the hall to your room. You knocked furiously on the door until Ellie opened it. "Where were you? I woke up and you weren’t here." Ellie said, letting you into the room. "I’m sorry, I needed air and I forgot my keycard. I just left 40 minutes ago." You lied. "Y/n… i’ve been awake for an hour. Tell me the truth." Ellie said, watching you as you pulled on your track suit.
You froze, realizing you were caught. "I was with Leah." You said quickly. "Did you sleep together?" Ellie asked. "Did we sleep in the same bed? Yes. Did we have sex? No." You answered. Your tracksuit was on and you had tied your hair into a low messy bun. "Do you like her?" Ellie pushed again. "Ellie." You said sternly, feeling bad immediately. "I’m sorry. I don’t know. Actually no that’s not true. I love her. I want to be with her. I want too- we had a moment in the hot tub last night." You told her.
And Ellie being Ellie, gave you that look that made everything spill out of you. You told her about the looks, the touching, the flirting. Everything. And Ellie listened. Soon enough, it was 8:00. "That’s… wow." Ellie said. "I know." You groaned, putting your head in between your hands. "Let’s go to breakfast. You’ll take the day to think. And i’m here for you." Ellie told you. "You’re the best, Roe." You told her, hugging her from the side. You walked out of the room together and walked into the breakfast hall.
You expected to walk to breakfast and be met with Leah’s gaze immediately. Instead, she acted like you didn’t exist. It infuriated you. But you ate breakfast anyways, ignoring Leah right back.
"Okay guys, we have a free day today but Sarina wants us to be together. I’m thinking a game day. I’m talking twister, uno, just dance, never have i ever, truth or dare." Leah told the group, standing on an elevated platform to adresse the room. The lionesses cheered, all loving game days. "You guys can all change out of your tracksuits by the way." Leah added, more cheers. You quickly stood up, not letting Leah meet your eyes. But she sure as hell watched you walk away. "Game room in 20!" She declared as you walked out the door.
You went back to your room to change and fix yourself up a bit. You chose to keep your outfit in the sportswear, deciding on a pair of black adidas shorts that went above your mid thigh, and a grey compression t-shirt. You felt daring, and you wanted to drive Leah mad for ignoring you at breakfast. Nothing better than making her sit with your whole team for hours while you showed off your figure. You slipped on white adidas socks and your orange and white air jordan 1’s along with your bracelets. You braided your hair into braid that hung midway down your back. Your natural brown roots were peaking through again, clashing in a way you didn’t really mind with the dyed in blond. Only 15 minutes had passed, so you decided to stay in the room for another 10, deciding to arrive a little late.
"Hey, we gotta be at the room in two minutes." Ellie told you, walking into the room and putting on jean shorts and a white crop top. "I’m gonna wait a bit." You told her, scrolling through tik tok. "Hm… gonna make Leah mad?" Ellie said, plopping down beside you. "Just a lil," you winked at her. "You look nice, but like, effortlessly." Ellie told you. "Thank you, i’m planning on driving Leah insane." You told her. "You drive her insane just by being around her." Ellie joked.
You arrived at the game room with Ellie, both of you being the last ones to arrive. "You came late on purpose right?" Alessia Russo said to you, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Gotta annoy the cap somehow," you answered, winking at Leah from across the room. She was obviously trying not to smile, but she did. Just a little bit. When you looked back at Lessi, she checked you out. She checked out your abs through your shirt, and how the shirt hugged your figure.
Three hours of games led to a tired group of english women. So, you all collectively decided to play a less demanding game. The group of you had brought the couches, chairs and beanbags into a circle, getting ready to play truth or dare.
"I start!" Tooney decided. "Hm… Mary, truth or dare?" Ella asked. "Dare."
"I dare you to post the absolute worst picture of yourself to your instagram story." Ella dared her. "And I get to choose."
Mary groaned, but she handed Ella her phone. The manchester united star scrolled through the keepers camera roll, eventually choosing a picture in which Mary’s eyes were rolled into her sockets, her mouth was open strangely and her nostrils were flared. The picture was from the euro final while Mary was making a save. Ella posted the picture with the caption 'vogue, call me?'
"Your turn, Mary!" Georgia said. "Okay… Ellie, truth or dare?" Mary said, asking her fellow keeper. "Truth." Ellie said, leaning back on her forearms. "What’s y/n like as a roommate? Tell us everything." Mary said.
The whole group perked up, 'ooh’s' filling up the room. You didn’t miss how Leah perked up. "Sorry y/n, but i’ve been waiting to expose you for years." She said to you. "She never wears a shirt. Ever. She keeps the doors open all the time and she doesn’t knock. Ever. She sings horrifically in the shower and when she can’t sleep she’ll come lie on top of me in my bed and wakes me up. Most of the tik toks she makes with me are filmed at like.. 2:00 am. She has no filter regarding anything and she talks about whoever she’s into at the moment relentlessly. And I love her very much and I wouldn’t trade her for any of you guys." Ellie said. "So she walks around naked?" Chloe says. "Hey! Not naked!" You say, trying to defend yourself. "I wear shorts and a bra! Shirts are just a pain." You pout at being exposed. "Whatever you say." Millie winked. "Okay, y/n. Truth or dare?" Ellie asked. "Dare." You said without a thought.
Ellie started at you, smiling cheekily. "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven… with Leah." She said.
Your eyes went wide, looking at Ellie and letting her know you would end her later on. Your gaze glanced to Leah. "Hey, you know I don’t turn down a dare. Leah?" You said.
Leah raised her eyebrows at you, but she stood up.
There was a washroom in the larger game room, which would have to do. She was the first to reach the door and opened it for you, sending shivers through your spine. You mentally cursed yourself.
"Im sorry about Ellie." You mumbled, leaning against the counter of the washroom. "I’m not." Leah said, coming closer to you and trapping you between her body and the marble surface. "You’ve been really bad today. You know? Ignoring me, running out on me, arriving late." Leah listed.
Your breath clearly hitched, partly because of how close to you she was, but mostly because of how her hand was now on your pussy. "Leah…" you said, leaning your head back subconsciously. "Yes…" Leah said, using her spare hand to pull your chin back down so she could look at you. She pressed her hand against you, making you moan slightly. And then suddenly you were sitting on the counter, your legs spread wide and Leah standing between them. Your lips were interlocked, both your tongues fighting for dominance. Your hands roamed over her, your left on her ass, your right on her hip. Her left hand was now on your face, cupping your jaw as her right touched you through your underwear, she had snuck her hand under your shorts. "Is this okay?" Leah said between panted breaths. "Yeah." You almost moaned, moving your hand to turn on the sink.
Knowing you would never have time to finish what you wanted here, you decided to switch roles. You jumped down from the counter, earning a groan of annoyance from Leah. "Shh baby, just go with it." You pushed her up against the wall with a thud, lifting her shirt up and pushing her bra up to attack her left breast. You left marks everywhere on her chest as she held onto you harshly, her nails digging into your shoulder. You knew you couldn’t leave marks on her neck, the team would know. "That’s it." You said, forcing yourself to leave Leah and pushing yourself against the far wall, panting uncontrollably. "Please." Leah said.
You checked your watch. 30 seconds till it will have been 7 minutes. "We don’t have time."
Leah’s shirt was still up. You looked at her, smiling at the colour patches on her skin. You walked towards her, your eyes on her chest, as hers were on you. She was taller than you, and watched you as put your hands back in her shirt, pulling her bra down over her tits, and then tucking her shirt back into her jeans, quickly brushing your hand over ass.
You fixed her hair quickly, and then fixed yours as well as your shorts. You sat up on the counter, turned off the sink and smiled at Leah cheekily. The door opened, revealing half of the team at the door. "You turned the sink on! You totally made out." Lessi said. "No. I turned the sink on to watch my hands because there was some nasty, sticky liquid on the counter. It was disgusting." You groaned, pushing past the girls, your poker face incredible. "What do you have to say Captain?" Jill said. "I- the counter. It was, dirty." She stuttered. Pushing past the girls as you had just done.
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