#i too would like to end a career this way
xxacidnekoxx · 2 days
I remember how nice people acted to me when I was in the closet and literally coming out as trans was traumatic for me and how angry people got at me that I "would become more ugly" if I did testosterone . . . I know that it just all means the friends I had weren't good in the first place it is so... upsetting to be living in this body that I have that I dont feel like I should be in and also experiencing misogyny, and how angry people get at me for things that are so small in comparison to how it used to be when I "was cis" yes I often miss being a cis bisexual lady because everyone was so niceys to meeee ..... But no... there are people who treat me right and its better knowing its real, I will never go back even if I decide to wear dresses or anything I'm still a man too.. idk I heard a lot of trans mascs end up detransitioning and it makes me sad because I totally understand the pressure to give up and become a cis girl and I have nightmares about detransitioning and everyone around me saying things like "OH FINALLY ... you're WAY cuter like this I HATED that you had that phase but finally you're cute again :) " also I never ever had been called "creepy" before I came out that whole "creepy freak" vibe thing only happened after I became trans and yeah people were calling me creepy by the day I came out (and I was never called that before and I already had a pretty long art career beforehand.. ) >_> ? my art has gotten more tame over time too its literally the most tame its ever been LOL
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russo-woso · 7 hours
No space || Kim Little
Requests here. Prompt lists here.
"It's fine, you can just sit on my lap."
Quick little one :) (sorry I had to do that)
You had made plans to go with it with the team to celebrate the end of the season.
Finishing on a big high, a 5-0 win against Brighton, it was definitely a well deserved night out.
The season has been a crazy one at that.
There were lots of firsts for a lot of people, first debuts, first goals, for you, it was first time being captain.
With Kim being on the bench, Leah out injured, and Katie also on the bench, the armband was given to you.
Although that was a major first, it wasn’t the biggest one.
The biggest one was dating a teammate for the first time.
When you joined Arsenal during the 2021-22 season, you knew who your new teammates were.
Some you knew internationally, Leah, Beth and lotte, some you knew from playing against them, some you hadn’t met at all.
There was one person who you had never met personally but had always been intrigued and impressed by.
The way she played, the way she spoke, the way she smiled, it had you in a chokehold even though you’d never met her.
Kim Little.
When you first met Kim, it was, well you liked to put it this way, love at first sight.
As the rest of the 21-22 season went on, you and Kim got a lot closer.
There was a noticeable age gap between you and Kim by five years but when you really started falling for Kim, that worry disappeared.
And she felt the exact same way. At first Kim was weary of the age gap, but she figured love was love, and she loved you.
Near to the end of that season, Kim bit the bullet and asked you on a date.
She thought it out very well and had noted down over the months which foods you liked and didn’t like, and made a three course dinner for you.
As you were leaving her house that night, you said goodbye and hugged at the door, and as you jumped in your car, you realised you forgot something.
Running back to her door, before you void even knock, Kim opened it.
“Y/N, wait! I forgot something!” Kim shouted, not knowing you were just there.
“I forgot something too.” You smiled, walking closer before leaning down to connect your lips.
That was a long time ago now, and although you thought in that moment you couldn’t be happier, you really could.
Within the past year, you and Kim have moved in with each other, which was perfect.
You were having the highest of highs in your career, having been arsenals top goalscorer, with 21 goals, this season.
So when you were asked to celebrate tonight, there was no way you were saying no.
“Y/N, Kim!” An Irish accent was heard from the other side of the club. “What drinks would you like? First rounds on me.”
“I’ll have a margarita Katie, thank you. I’ll come with to help you carry the drinks.” You told her before turning to Kim. “You go find us seats, baby. I won’t be long.”
You pressed a kiss to her cheek before walking over to Katie who was at the bar.
“So, you and Kim got anything planned for later tonight?” Katie asked, passing the time whilst the barman got the drinks prepared.
“I don’t know. It depends on what time we get back.” You responded, a light pigment resting on your cheeks.
“There’s your drinks, ladies. Enjoy your night.” The barman smiled politely, handing you a tray each filled with numerous drinks.
Making your way back to the table, you helped hand the drinks round before looking at all your teammates, noticing there way no more space left.
“Where should I sit?” You asked aloud, most of the girls looking in your direction.
“It’s fine, baby, come sit on my lap.” Kim told you, gesturing for you to come sit on her lap.
You smiled, walking over to Kim and settling on her lap, leaving a kiss on her lips.
She wrapped her arms around you, attempting to rest her head on your shoulder but with the height difference, it made it hard for her to do that.
“Switch?” You asked and she nodded straight away.
Once Kim was comfy on your lap, you finally noticed the girls all smiling at the two of you.
“You two are so in love.”
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alottiegoingon · 3 days
our song
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jackie taylor x gn!reader
summary: where the famous singer jackie taylor writes an entire album for actor!reader after three years apart.
warnings: cursing, angst but happy and sweet ending, not proofread.
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you were the luckiest person in the entire world. the great jackie taylor, with her magnetic personality and soaring career as a talented singer, had chosen you to be her partner. with millions of fans captivated by her melodic voice and genuine charm, she wasn't just a star but a phenomenon. her albums topped charts, her concerts sold out within minutes, and her presence lit up every room she entered.
as for you, your career as an actor was blossoming. you had worked tirelessly to earn your place in hollywood, landing roles that showcased your versatility and dedication. small and perhaps insignificant ones at first but slowly turning into something that captivated the public. together, you and jackie were a power couple, admired for your talent, grace, and the undeniable chemistry that sparked between you both on and off-media.
jackie reclined on the sun-dappled blanket, her fingers interlaced with yours as the two of you lay in the park, soaking up the warmth of the late afternoon sun. the serene setting offered a rare moment of peace amidst your otherwise chaotic lives, practically a miracle.
“it's still the same as when we first came here,” jackie pointed, eyes sparkling with the memory. “you tried to impress me by catching that frisbee and ended up tripping over your own feet.”
you chuckled, grip tightening around hand. “hey, i still maintain that the ground was uneven. besides, you were impressed. i saw you trying not to laugh.”
she rolled her eyes playfully. “i was laughing with you, not at you. there’s a difference.”
“of course there is,” you teased. “wouldn’t it be wonderful if every day could be as peaceful as this?” murmuring, you gently lose your grip on jackie’s hand to play with her fingers, twirling the rings adorning her index finger.
she exhaled contentedly, leaning her head against your shoulder. “it would be perfect,” she agreed. “though, knowing us, we’d probably get bored. like that time when we decided to make pasta from scratch at 2 AM and almost destroyed the kitchen."
you laughed, the memory bringing a warm glow to your heart. “you ended up covered in flour, and we had to clean the whole apartment. but it was worth it, even if it tasted vile.”
jackie giggled, her eyes widening. “vile? it was insufferable,” she reminds you, marveling at your different perspective, probably because you were too happy being with her to care about the food.
before you could respond, both your phones buzzed simultaneously, pulling you back to reality. you exchanged a resigned glance and picked up your phone to find a message urgently demanding your presence on your manager's office.
fuck. nothing good could ever come off this.
in the sleek, modern office, the atmosphere grew heavy. yours and jackie’s manager gave you both uneasy glances before addressing you.
“thank you for coming on such short notice,” he began, his tone serious. it couldn't be good. “as you know, the fan frenzy is getting out of control.”
that was his polite way of demanding your relationship to end.
jackie raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a wry smile. “so, let me get this straight. you think breaking up will magically stop our fans from being obsessed? what’s next, telling the sun not to shine?”
your manager sighed, running a hand through his hair. “it's about your careers. you haven't released new music in months," he faces jackie for a moment. "and your latest movie faced a lot of unnecessary backlash because of the rumors. this isn’t sustainable.”
jackie’s expression hardened. “so we should just give up on each other because it’s convenient for you? that’s absurd.”
"we’re not saying it’s forever, jackie. just until things calm down. you both have worked so hard to get where you are. don’t let this jeopardize everything.”
jackie took a minute to absorb the suggestion, and your lips parted in shock as she somehow seemed convinced by all that nonsense.
you looked at her, your heart breaking at the thought of losing her. half of you were furious, holding yourself to now jump on the mid aged man in front of you and ripping his fancy hair our for suggesting such a cruel idea. the other half... “jackie, you can't actually be considering this.”
she took a deep sharp breath. “i don’t want to lose you, but I also don’t want to hold you back," you wanted to tell her that she could never hold you back, but you had a immense lump stuck on your throat. "maybe... maybe they’re right. maybe we need to focus on our careers for now.”
“jackie,” you whispered, reaching for her hand. “this isn’t what i want. i don’t care about the fans or the media. i care about you.”
she squeezed your hand back tightly, her voice trembling. “i know. but maybe... maybe this is the only way. for now.”
yet, the 'for now' turned into three years.
three years had passed since the decision was made for you and jackie to go on separate ways. for jackie, those three years became a period of creative hibernation, or at least that's what she told the media. once a prolific artist whose songs resonated deeply with millions, she withdrew from the limelight entirely.
meanwhile, your life had taken a different trajectory. the breakup had fueled a fire within you, driving you to immerse yourself in your work. acting roles came flooding in, and with each new character you portrayed, you climbed higher in the movie industry ranks. yet, no amount of success could fill the void jackie had left behind. you buried yourself in scripts, hiding from the emotions that threatened to break through.
your latest project had brought you to a new movie set, where you worked tirelessly to bring your character to life. the film set became your sanctuary and your proving ground, especially after your ex-girlfriend had came back to the public's eye, releasing a new album out of nowhere.
oh, that's why you had been receiving so many calls and texts and spending a lot of time ignoring every single one. it didn't surprise you that her name was all over the internet, doubling your efforts to avoid her name like the plague. you didn't give a fuck about jackie taylor.
or you liked to think you didn't.
it was during a rare moment of downtime that you heard it—her voice, lilting and haunting, spilling from the trailer of your co-star.
you stumbled upon the trailer nestled within the labyrinthine studio lot. melodies drifted through the half-open door, the familiar voice stirring memories you had tried so hard to forget. curious, you approached quietly, recognizing it instantly.
as you leaned against the doorframe, the lyrics unfolded like a poignant reflection of your shared history. you remained silent, unseen, grappling with the emotions stirred by each familiar verse.
as the song ended, your first instinct was to rush back to your own trailer, tears welling up in your eyes. you should have been studying your lines and preparing for filming, but instead, you found yourself hurrying to listen to your ex-girlfriend's new album after years apart.
with trembling hands, you opened your laptop, fingers shaking as you searched for jackie’s latest album. the cursor hesitated over the play button, torn between reluctance and a deep yearning to hear her voice.
you pressed play and jackie's haunting melodies filled the small space of your trailer. the first song washed over you like a wave, stirring memories long buried in your heart. each verse unveiled a tapestry of emotions—love, longing, regret—all laid bare in her soulful voice.
after listening to the entire album, you became a sobbing wreck by the time the final track ended. all that remained certain was the need to see her, torn between sadness for jackie, pitying her regretful confession delivered so cowardly, and fury at how she chose to reveal it all.
without a second thought, you booked a flight to the city where jackie lived, not caring about the scenes they were supposed to film later that day, leaving it all behind. you had better plans.
jackie had just finished a late-night interview, her thoughts drifting back to you as they often did. the doorbell rang, startling her from her reverie. she wasn't expecting anyone to show up, and definitely not you.
opening the door, she was met with your familiar face, just like she remembered. her heart leaped into her throat, and for a moment, neither of you spoke.
"really, an album? you couldn't have called me to tell me this is how you felt after three years?" your voice trembled with a mixture of anger and longing, finally beating the silence.
"it's nice to see you too. you look nice."
"really? i miss you every day since that day and you decided to put your feelings in a stupid album instead of talking to me?"
jackie's attempt to brush the awkwardness away was useless when you could perfectly see the fear in her face. "i didn't know how to reach out to you."
"you didn't know how to reach out to me?" you repeated, your voice rising. "we've been through so much together, and you thought an album was the best way to communicate?"
her expression hardened, hands clenched into fists. "do you think it was easy for me? do you think I wanted to put everything into songs?"
"yes, i do!" you stepped inside, forcing jackie to walk backwards, slamming the door behind you. "because that's exactly what you did! you hid behind your music instead of talking to me like a fucking adult."
"don't you dare judge me!" jackie shouted back, her arms gesturing in agitation. "you think it was easy watching you move on with your life, seeing you in the headlines?"
"move on?" you laughed bitterly. "you call that moving on? i was drowning myself in work because I couldn't deal with losing you. every script, every role, it was just a way to distract myself from the pain that you created when you agreed to that entire breakup shit."
jackie took a step back, her eyes eventually softening, but she kept quiet. she had a great way with words when writing songs, but not in situations like this. "i know," she whispered. "i didn't want to hold you back."
her words hung in the air, the weight of their implications sinking into both of you. you took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.
"holding me back?" you repeated, your voice tinged with disbelief. "jackie, you were never holding me back. you were the one who kept me grounded."
"i thought i was doing the right thing. everyone kept saying it was the best for our careers, for our future."
"everyone but us," you said, your voice sounded like a broken whisper.
she looked at the living room, then met you again, her expression filled with regret. "can we just sit and talk?"
the last thing you wanted now was to sit and listen to her excuses. still, you had come all the way down there. you were just as scared as she was.
jackie motioned towards the couch, and you hesitated for a moment before following her lead. the place was dominated by an unsettling silence, the air heavy with unresolved emotions.
as you both settled into the cushions, she took a deep breath, her fingers nervously twisting a strand of her hair. "i know i fucked up. i thought i was doing the right thing."
you glance at her, she was having a hard time looking at you.
"i was scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "scared that if i fought for us and it didn't work out, it would destroy me. i took the easy way out, and i've regretted it every day since."
"yeah, you did take the easy way out," you said, a hint of bitterness creeping into your voice but soon vanishing. "but i guess i wasn't much better. i threw myself into the first plane and will probably get fired just to tell my ex-girlfriend how pissed i was."
she gave a small, insecure smile. "that's really stupid."
"tell me about it," you mumble, mirroring her sad smile.
jackie laughed softly, a genuine sound that seemed to lighten the room. "we're both a bit stupid, aren't we?"
you couldn't help but chuckle too, the tension in your chest easing slightly. "oh, yes. a lot," you nod, the sad grin shifting to a more comfortable one. "at least we were stupid together."
the corners of her eyes crinkled in that familiar way that always made your heart flutter. "stupid together," she agreed.
for a moment, the two of you just sat there, smirking at each other, a shared understanding passing between you. the silence was no longer heavy, but comfortable, like slipping into an old, worn-in pair of shoes.
jackie shifted closer, her hand reaching out hesitantly to rest on yours. "so, where do we go from here?"
you take a look down at her hand on yours, feeling the warmth of her touch. "well, i guess we start by being honest with each other. no more hiding, no more running away."
she nodded, her eyes earnest. "right. i can do that."
you squeezed her hand gently. "and maybe we can take it slow, figure things out as we go."
jackie grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "does that mean no grand gestures like flying across the country without telling anyone?"
you laughed, feeling lighter than you had in years. "no promises. i might still have a few dramatic moves up my sleeve."
the two of you talked for hours, sharing stories, laughing about old memories, and making plans for the future. it felt like a weight had been lifted, and for the first time in years, you felt hopeful.
a loud snort falls from your lips when you hear a loud and sudden growl coming from jackie's stomach and she mirrors you, cheeks instantly turning pink.
"do you wanna cook something?" you ask, a specific memory showing up on your mind. "maybe pasta."
"absolutely not. we promised to never try that again," she added, grinning.
"maybe we should break that promise," you glance at the kitchen, a mischievous twinkle in your eye. "try again and see if we can actually make something edible this time."
she raised an eyebrow, amused. "are you suggesting a rematch?"
your smile widened. "absolutely. I think we can do better this time. and if not, well, there's always pizza."
"alright, you're on. but no cheating."
"deal," you agreed, holding out your pinky.
jackie linked your pinky with hers, sealing the promise.
the kitchen soon filled with the aroma of garlic and tomatoes, and before long, you were sitting at the table, enjoying a surprisingly delicious meal. each bite felt like a victory, not just over the failed attempts before that, but over the misunderstandings and pain that were now behind you.
it was past midnight when you found yourselves nestled in bed, illuminated by the gentle glow of the bedside lamp. your fingertips traced idle patterns on jackie's stomach, the hushed tones of your conversation blending with the city distant and muffled noises. with exhaustion catching up, you pulled her nearer, jackie's head resting against your chest as you wrapped your arms around her, finding solace in the shared peace of falling asleep together.
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dekusleftsock · 22 hours
I think that there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly is…happening with Izuku’s character. Specifically in regards to chapter 425.
I’m glad that a lot more people generally recognize that Izuku is not a character that can be read at a surface level, given that he’s both a repressed person with built up emotion of basically everything and also a very glaringly HUGELY unreliable narrator, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the ways I’ve seen this most recent chapter spoken about.
I see posts, comments, etc with ideas like “Izuku don’t suppress your emotions! Open up with people! It’ll be okay I promise!” When that’s fundamentally not what is happening here.
There’s always always ALWAYS been a distinct difference in character throughout horikoshi’s writing when he is showing that a character is:
A—Avoiding emotions, thoughts, ideas less than ideal for them. Not opening up when they probably should about their problems given that they’ve been handed the space to do so. Just genuinely not acknowledging, feeling, or expressing emotions that they don’t want.
B—Reflecting on the ways they feel about the world, themselves, or other people given their new perspective on a situation. Not outright reaching out to others to talk about these problems/feelings, but instead waiting until the moment they feel they have the most confidence to do so with their new outlook on their own life.
And genuinely, guys, to grab your BkDk attention rn, this is the exact reason why Ochako’s reflection on her feelings for Izuku and thereafter decision to pull away from them WAS NEVER GOING TO END IN OCHAKO EXPLODING WITH HER LOVE FOR HIM.
This was another common interpretation I saw of Ochako and Izuocha for a long time. That because she pushed these feelings away, they were somehow going to explode in this unbelievable way and she would “get the boy” because of it. That her arc would surround accepting her romantic feelings and that she can’t just push away how she feels for a career.
But yk. That didn’t happen. At all. Nowhere close even.
The same kind of goes for Katsuki, allmight, etc. They all had moments in their arc where it was spent genuinely reflecting, and the only reason we as the audience never connected it in the same ways we do ochako or Izuku was ALWAYS BECAUSE the narrative showed their inner thoughts while doing so (mostly because Allmight’s arc after losing OFA and Katsuki’s arc on what it means to be a hero were so intrinsically tied, both starting at the same time and ending at the same time during the final war. And because they were so tied this caused their own reflections, development, and thought process to be broadcasted to us frequently throughout their arcs… to each other. They also somewhat shared aspects with Izuku, but these were cherry picked more often than not, like dvk2 for example).
To us Katsuki never seemed to be.. idk, suppressing his anger in any way because we were always told what he was doing and why (side note: this is why I’ve always thought arguments against Katsuki were so weird, bc unlike characters like endeavor or Ochako he wasn’t like… hiding who he was and how he was changing. Ever. Like the audience knows at all times past basically season 3 what Katsuki is thinking and doing. Like how do you watch this happen, stare me dead in the eye, and tell me how much of a terrible and awful teenage boy he is. Like damn I didn’t think we were this dumb. This is also my theory as to why he’s most popular, his arc is very… in your face if that makes sense). Katsuki’s entire mini arc on reflecting his mistakes and his childhood and his future is spent TELLING YOU that it’s what he’s doing. (I’m referring mostly to the endeavor internship arc, the provisional license exam makeup, and basically everything in the war arc related to him leading up to bakugou Katsuki rising here)
And see, Horikoshi will stare you dead in the eye, tell you “this girl has taken into consideration that she doesn’t want to waste her time training her career focusing on a boy because he kinda caught her fancy”, and y’all will still say that this will explode in her face.
Y’all this is a series about learning how to manage emotions, maturity in relationship to one’s emotions, how to feel an emotion, but in a way that is helpful. Horikoshi isn’t telling you “go buck wild, feel everything all the time and always express it”, in fact he explores why you DONT do that! Through Toga or Shigaraki, they show how grief and anger can genuinely consume you. But he also shows why you shouldn’t just put everything in a box to never look at or acknowledge, or why you shouldn’t just let your grief destroy the world around you, or pretending that some emotions simply don’t exist.
I can’t say this enough, so let me say it now, mha is about the extremes of your psyche. That you should control something, but not too much. Everything can be harmful. Everything can be good.
Izuku is not controlling too much, he’s expressing just enough.
I LOVE shaming this dickhead at all times in all my posts. I love saying he’s an ignorant dipshit with a weird amount of distaste for a girl who just confessed to him. I’ve joked that chapter 348 is basically an entire chapter spent on Izuku calling Himiko a mean dyke. And yet I also believe he’s doing nothing WRONG here.
In fact, I’ll even say that this moment right here?
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ISNT EVEN IZUKU DOING THE SOCIALLY APPROPRIATE THING ABOUT IT! But he’s still TRYING to reach out to someone he thinks MIGHT be able to understand. (And frankly, this moment is far deeper than what it’s being made out to be, to me it reads more like an unrequited friendship that Izuku both desires and has thought of them to have, while simultaneously showing the distance Ochako has successfully wedged between them for her own sake. Maybe it was always there though, maybe in weird, miscommunicated Horikoshi fashion, this is a representation of how Ochako always read all those “fun friend hangouts” as a little more than that, and without those feelings the friendship never really held any substance to her in the first place. Where Izuku saw his first real friend at UA, she saw little more than acquaintance)
Simultaneously, Izuku is genuinely reflecting on what it means for the world to change, to be a hero, to live after loss—and trying and failing to gain the connection he desires from individuals who can not and will not afford him that.
Izuku is ready for the world to change, a few select characters are also ready for the world to change (mirio, for example), but not nearly enough are. So maybe I’ll have to take this back if I’m proven wrong and I accidentally looked into this far past what everyone else did for no reason, but I genuinely believe with moments like this
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And this
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Aand this
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That Izuku has come forward with that aspect of his character development. He’s reflecting on his new beliefs, not repressing his emotions for them.
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sgiandubh · 2 days
Dinna fash, Sassenach
Ashley Hearn's arrival aboard the HMS Sassenach...
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... has immediately been met with an expert smirk across the street:
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I was not really surprised. The blogger could not help herself (she rarely does). She had to weigh in, with that insinuating tone that seems to be part of her personal brand. And, in line with what she consistently posted, the idea is that S, a highly functioning alcoholic in her book, thoughtlessly hired another highly functioning alcoholic, with NO credentials to boot. Plus a profiteer of sorts, right?
Perhaps that blogger wanted to be their new marketing manager and there she is, instead, somewhere farfarfar away from Walhalla. An unsung, compliment deprived and undiscovered hero without a cape? For I have no other elegant & merciful explanation for what could be logically construed as an outburst of hurt ego (we KNOW she has PROPER CREDENTIALS, she shouted it REPEATEDLY across the UNIVERSE), coupled with the usual pettiness, every single time things seem to challenge her view of reality.
Let's unpack:
Ashley has decent education credentials. I am writing this because I bet the farm many casual readers of that legit calumny ended up thinking that she had NO education at all:
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A BA in Mathematics, at a good public university in Maryland. And a Master's Degree in Teacher Education and Professional Development at Walden University, a for-profit education institution based in Minnesota, most likely online.
A word about Walden University, though, simply because of the recent controversy related to it. While it is true that Walden has been forced to settle a class action outside of court ( it cost them 28.5 million dollars to do so), that lawsuit was strictly related to African-American students denouncing the lack of transparency related to the university's DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program.
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[More on the lawsuit: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2024/03/29/walden-agrees-285-million-settlement-class-action-suit]
Anyways, here are her real professional credentials, carefully hidden by the blogger:
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Eight years and a half consistent work experience for the US subsidiary of Mast-Jägermeister, one of the most prestigious German liquor companies, founded in 1878 (https://www.mast-jaegermeister.de/). Would anyone be such a fool as to think she'd be constantly promoted by those people just for her eyes only, especially as a complete outsider to the very closed world of spirits business?
I see a hard-working woman, with good professional skills and obvious qualities (brand loyalty, for example), given a new career opportunity she clearly thought interesting enough to make her jump onboard. And I very much prefer an honest underdog, ballsy enough to take her passion and make it happen (thanks, Flashdance!) in a cutthroat, male dominated business environment, to the many lukewarm and half-hearted executives still lingering around in so many companies around the world just for the sake of commodity, predictability and mortgage.
And I honestly wish her every success. She does not deserve this. Nobody does. Luckily for her, she couldn't care less that a Nobody with a blog tried to rain on her parade.
Interestingly enough, Norouzi was the only SS bigwig NOT to congratulate her on Insta. He didn't relay the news, he didn't even like the post, even if they mutually follow eachother (their interaction always seemed to be minimal, though). But that is another story and it is way too early to speculate.
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Hello!!! If it’s okay may I request some hcs of Sol n Geo (separate) comforting their partner after the partner got off the phone after arguing with their parents and the convo made them cry? Sorry ESL so I hope things make sense ORZ
have a good day ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
A Pillar for your Palace (Sol + Geo x MC/Reader - Post-fight with Parents)
Sweetheart, genuinely, I hope you feel better after that incident (this isn't me pitying you btw).
And have a wonderful day as well love <33
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
You were pissed…no. Pissed didn’t cut it; you were wrath itself. You were ornery, annoyed, frustrated, upset…so much so, that you threw your phone into the wall, loudly cursing as you did so.
You balled your hands into fists, your lips quivering from the cathartic release. You’re fucking exhausted. Of everything. You hated how fucking riled up you got over them; how furious you were over your own flesh and blood, over your parents themselves.
You sank to the cold tiled floor of your kitchen, your eyes resting on the cracked glass of your phone and the dent that now remained in its side from the sheer brutality of the impact the wall had on it.
You felt hot tears pelt your thighs as you sniffled. 
“MC? MC, what happened?!”
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Sol would immediately hug you and wipe your tears with his hands. Hell he might even start crying too. 
He wouldn’t even have to guess why you were crying; it wasn’t like he’d never had parental issues himself, and he probably figured out you had familial issues if you hadn’t told him prior. (He totally wasn’t eavesdropping on your convo with them nooooo).
Depending on the argument you had, Sol’s ‘Comfort Intensity’ would vary. If the argument relates to studying or school, he’d remind you of how smart he knows you are, how capable and talented you were (these aren’t empty words by the way, you all are definitely gifted in some way, especially the other people in this fandom). If it relates to your career, he’s gonna tell them to fuck themselves (but politely????? Idk, he doesn’t care that much about them tbh, he loves you at the end of the day).
If it was something more personal, such as them asking for money or them trying to get a favour from you, he’d firmly remind you you have boundaries, his grip a bit tighter on you. After all, how dare they try to siphon anything from you?
This man, no matter what the hell happened, would take your side 110%, mans wouldn’t even hesitate.
Would be silently livid at your parents, especially if he found out (either from you directly or his less-than-legal recon missions) that they were neglectful or God-forbid abusive.
Would contemplate threatening them to back off from you, especially if he knows they dislike him. Would be pleased that you trust him as much as he loves you.
Comfort-wise, Sol’d just try to take your mind off of it, whether through really kinky sex watching a movie, going out to get take-away, or some other form of activity that he knows you’ll enjoy.
He’d also buy you a new phone, or get your old one repaired if it's possible.
Essentially serves as a very emotionally and physically sanctuary for you, you know you can tell him anything and he’ll support you. <33
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Geo would just be awkwardly offering you a hug (guys he’s trying okay), would be a bit irked as to why you shattered your phone against the wall.
If you tell him you fought with your parents, he’d be a bit more understanding about the incident, after all, he does have massive big dick energy daddy issues.
Would ask what the fight was even about (he probably overheard but still wants to get as much info as possible, he’s more logical with determining the best approach to comforting you).
If it relates to school, he’s going to ask for more details, so if needed he can offer aid with anything, or just figure out how much of the shit they say is somewhat reasonable, if at all.
Will be silently disgusted if he finds out they’re harassing you over small things, or nitpicking at your career choice or anything related to your future. It’s your life, he’ll just say it point-blank.
If they are annoyed with the fact they deem him as a ‘bad match’ for you, he’s gonna pull the biggest eye-roll known to man. May or may not get a bit affected by the comment deep down though.
If they’re trying to get your money, or get you to give them something and threatening/guilt-tripping you, he’ll probably nonchalantly call them later (maybe with permission, maybe not, depending how annoyed he is at them) and coldly tell them to back off from you.
Will take your side, you’re one of the handful of people whom he genuinely appreciates and cares about.
When it comes to comfort, I feel Geo was raised with a suck-it-up mentality, so he’ll be slightly less experienced in the art of emotional support. 
He’ll probably spend money on you, or let you buy yourself what you want, maybe will even let you hug him.
Might even pamper you, if he likes you enough (omg Geo doing your makeup and hair when?!)
Will be a teensy bit upset if you’re still sad about it (not at you, at your parents oml), will buy a fake plant to make you feel better.
Alternatively that’s when you both decide to get a #bonsaibaby, along with a new phone for you (rest in pieces old phone, you will be missed).
Will be slightly more attentive to you for a while, is the type to cut fruit and just silently leave it next to you when you’re not looking.
He’s trying hard, okay. He’s not exactly the best figure when it comes to words of affirmation, but he is superior at making sure you understand, clear as day, that you’re capable and intelligent; and he isn’t the type to lie about it either, so that helps as well.
Basically a banger s/o, he’ll aid you however he can. <3
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lurkingshan · 6 hours
Japanese QL Corner
One of my favorite shows of the year comes to an end, and we continue to be blessed with another great Japanese drama with queer themes. This first show is on Gaga and the second is available via fan sub, and I highly recommend watching both! And in case you haven't heard, a full series version of I Hear the Sunspot is taking over this timeslot, so we'll be kicking that off next week!
At 25:00 in Akasaka
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
We come to the end with Hayama and Shirasaki, and what a sweet ending it was. This is officially my favorite jbl of 2024, and I am so happy it stuck the landing. Also fascinated that counter trope and genre expectations, there was not actually a classic jbl run in this show! Hayama technically ran after Shirasaki when he tried to slink out in the morning, but it happened mostly offscreen and was not in the usual mode of the big realization followed by the frantic run. Hayama thought he had already made himself quite clear, but our Shirasaki needs to be told things several times and with no ambiguity before they will sink in, god bless him. I loved seeing the instant relief in every line of Hayama's body when he finally realized the misunderstanding that was getting in the way, and immediately cleared it up. I also love the way the show faked us out on the show within a show ending, and we saw today that it was definitely a happy one. I do have one real critique: we are missing a beat or two that would have more clearly landed the arc on Shirasaki's lack of confidence both in love and his career. But that is a minor complaint. This is a great drama and everyone should watch it!
Bonus: Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte ii janai ka
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Episodes 5 - 7 have been made available on @isaksbestpillow's blog, and I got to watch 5 and 6 before posting this. I still love this show to pieces. I continue to love that this show makes time for all its characters and their struggles. In episode 5, we got to spend more time with Daichi and Madoka and see the origin of their love story, as well as see Makoto learn that being an ally is a bit more complicated than he realized when he accidentally outed them at a family BBQ. I loved this conflict because it made perfect sense for Makoto to think he was doing the right thing by welcoming Madoka and explicitly acknowledging who he is to Daichi--he was trying to express his interest and make it clear they were safe with him. But Madoka is not out and this immediately put him into a state of fear and anxiety. Makoto has much more to learn!
In episode 6 we got to see him process and sincerely apologize for that, and I loved that he asked Daichi not to give up on him. He really is trying his best, but he is simply not equipped for some of the nuances around these issues yet. We also got to see more about Mika in this episode and explore the ways her family takes her for granted. All she wanted was a couple minutes of acknowledgment of her hard work, but they were all too wrapped up in their own stuff to notice. Her thoughts on how women are often expected to give up on their dreams to be caretakers were heartbreaking and resonant, and I really liked that Makoto figured out on his own how they had fucked up and came up with an idea for making her feel seen. The family banding together to get her those kpop tickets was just adorable.
Tagging @bengiyo for a manga update.
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cyberrfangs · 23 hours
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“Velvet Ring” — . . . Big Thief ♬
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
You’ve always had feelings for Nick. But, has he ever felt the same way you feel for him?
WARNINGS: male!reader, angst, use of Y/n
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“BEN, he loved her like he loved no one”
“THE way she laughed and held a smoking gun”
“THE way she always said, ‘What’s done is done’”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
My feelings towards Nick were always there. When we were kids, I would always get nervous whenever we hid together in hide in seek. Or whenever we would partner up together in class.
It took until Nick had come out that I finally came face to face with my feelings. And they only grew stronger once the realization settled in.
I had always been there for the triplets, helping start their YouTube career, moving with them to L.A., and things like that.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I sat in the Sturniolo’s living room occupied on my phone before a text chimed from the top of my phone. From Nick.
— “Hey, just finished filming today’s video! Coming back now.”
I always volunteered to watch over their house whenever they filmed. Well, why wouldn’t I? I would get a free opportunity to see Nick and snag a few of the snacks in their pantry. A win on both ends.
— “Alright! I’ll see you all soon, drive home safe.”
I typed, setting down my phone with a light sigh as I got up. Freshening up the kitchen and living room, fixing whatever I had messed with throughout the few hours.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
The sound of the front door unlocking before creaking open caught my attention, and my head turned to look in the direction of the noise. An instant smile spread across my lips as my eyes fell onto the triplets. Getting up to greet them.
“Hey, guys! How’d recording go?” I asked, my hands falling into my hoodie pocket while I walked over to them. Their grins are always a telltale sign of a good time.
“Pretty good, I’ve got to get to editing pretty soon, though.” Nick spoke, slipping his shoes off before walking up to me. “Thanks for watching the house, again. Can never be too safe, right?” He laughed breathily, nudging my shoulder with his hand.
A chuckle slipped from me at his comment, my cheeks turning a soft shade of pink at the contact of his hand. “Yeah, no problem. I’m always open to doing this.” I nodded my head slightly, my eyes instinctively tracing his addicting features.
The silence between us lingered for a moment, the sound of Matt and Chris talking merely background noise as I found myself getting lost in the depths of his blue eyes.
“Well, you should probably head home, now. It's late,” his voice broke the silence, cracking me from my trance.
“Oh, yeah. I'll head out now.” I nodded sheepishly, feeling foolish of letting myself get lost in my thoughts again. Finding it harder to contain my thoughts around Nick. “Goodnight Nick, tell Matt and Chris I said goodnight as well.” I dismissed myself, slipping on my shoes before I walked out of the front door.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
It was a late Saturday afternoon, finding myself hanging out with the triplets as the four of us sat in a restaurant. Sharing laughs and casual conversation with one another.
The lack of Nick's laugh soon fell upon my ears, my eyes dropping to him. The sight of him looking down at his phone, a giddy smile on his lips as he seemed uninterested in what me and the other two guys were discussing. My curiosity piquing.
“Hey, whatcha doing?” I asked him, trying to glance over at his screen as I had sat directly next to him. Catching a glimpse of a string of text messages before he turned his phone away.
“It's nothing, I'm just… talking to someone right now,” he said with a sheepish grin, his cheeks flushed as he spoke of the other person.
My heart dropped, my grin dissipating along with it.
“But, you can't tell Matt or Chris. Promise?” he said hurriedly, though in a hushed tone. His hand reached out to sit on my forearm, the blush on his cheeks slowly falling as he looked at me.
“Yeah— yeah, your secrets are safe with me.” I cleared my throat, offering him a forced grin. Not wishing for him to know just how much that simple statement affected me.
The sounds of our waiter grew nearer, the plate of steaming food being set in front of me. Though my appetite was long gone.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I met him, I had finally met the guy Nick had been raving about for the past two months.
He was handsome, fit, and had a nice fashion sense. He made Nick happy, that was all that mattered. Right?
Envy and jealousy bubbled within me as I found myself unable to tear my eyes from them, sitting across the room from me at some party the triplets were invited to, me being their plus one. Chuckles and bright smiles being passed to each other.
I never made Nick smile or blush the way he does.
Is it me?
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
My world felt like it was crumbling around me. And I couldn't do anything about it.
I hadn't come out of my house in days. No, not after Nick and he had gotten together.
I'm supposed to be happy for him, really. But all I've found myself doing was wishing that instead of him. It was me.
That I was the one who held Nick. That I was the one who would kiss him, comfort him, love him, and be loved back.
Messages from the brothers and other friends stacked up in my phone, not finding the energy to care as I slept away my worries.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
And now, as I sat at his wedding. Watching as the vows were exchanged, I could only let my tears fall. A weak smile masked the thoughts that ran through my mind.
“If only I had won him over”
“That could've been me.”
“Is it me?”
“I love you, why cant you love me back?”
“Why not me?”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
I’M sorry💔
I’M thinking of making this into a series. But, a few things will be changed. CONSIDER THIS A TEASER (??)
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witherwallflower · 2 days
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warnings: angst , alc & weed , lots of miscommunication , chris is dumb, not proof readdd
situationship!chris x oc : ciara loveland
a/n ; yes this story is connected to fishes n polaroids and this isn’t that great to the song but bare w me
“miscommunications lead to fallout”
“the story of us seems like a tragedy now”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
chris and ciara have a complicated relationship. ciara was basically down bad for chris, she would tell herself and friends that they were “in love”, how they’d get to tell people when they’re older about their easy love story.
but then for chris it was supposedly the opposite, on his view he told his brothers and friends that “it’s just a talking stage” and in the next year or so she won’t matter to him.
chris wanted to focus on his youtube career while ciara just wanted a future with the one and only chris sturniolo.
flashback (2 months ago)
ciaras pov
recently chris has been very distant. yeah sometimes he needs days to himself but it was different this time. one word responses, always finding a way to cancel plans or ignore them and so much more.
i’ve decided to go over to the sturniolos today. not just for chris but i was invited by nick to come over.
once i reached the house, i knocked a few times. no answer. the door was unlocked so i just invited myself in, “they won’t mind” i thought to myself.
i was about to enter nicks room until i heard chris’ voice, “i know im leading her on guys but she should know im not a relationship type of person!”
i felt as if my heart dropped. me and chris are just talking but leading me on? tears took up my vision and it was like i couldn’t move my own feet.
“it’s not right either way. you got to tell her it’s been like 6 months of you guys talking or whatever you have.” nick told the younger triplet while matt hummed in agreement.
they’ve all knew this entire time and never bothered to tell me. after nick said that, i just walked out the house. my heart has never felt so heavy until now. my bottled up emotions came out the second i got in my car.
crying on the way home i called my sister aubree, “hey, can i sleepover? i think im finally done with chris.”
flashback ended
after the hard 2 months ciara pained through, she’s still trying to pick herself back up, yes it was just a situationship thing but chris took up 6 months of her time for nothing.
she hasn’t spoken to either 3 of the triplets. she knows she shouldn’t do that to nick and matt but having the thought that they knew she was being led on and not speaking up about it hurts her.
she’s only ever seen matt a couple of times because he’s dating her sister but they’ve only said hi and bye to each other. ciara knows damn well that matt wants to ask why she ghosted them because aubree refuses to tell him and the other 2 the reasoning of ciaras ‘disappearance’.
what also damaged ciara was that chris never even tried texting or calling her again. after she went ghost, he never texted first.
she saw him living his life on his social medias, he would go to parties, events and looking like he was living his life on the youtube account. while ciara would stay at home crying or even stay at her sisters house for some type of comfort.
but today, aubree made it her life goal to get ciara out of the house. “pleaseeee just come to this party with me! you don’t even have to drink or smoke or dance, get out the house for once.” the older sister begged.
“aubree you know how i’ve been doing these past months.” ciara frowned at her sister still glued to the couch. “babe, i know how you feel but it pains me too much seeing you this hurt. i don’t want you to isolate yourself forever.” she said softly, seeming genuinely upset. “fine.”
and now she regrets that. here she is standing in the corner of the room watching everyone dance and have fun while she’s sulking.
the smell of alcohol, weed, sweat and overall stench is taking up the room. ciara found herself thirsty and went to find something to drink. she didn’t want to get completely shit faced so she took 2 shots of who knows what and grabbed a can of dr pepper.
having fixing her thirst, she sat down on a couch that had an amazing view of where everyone was dancing. seeing people grind on each other, make out, or just have the time of their lives. ciara wishes that could be her.
she shook her head and looked to the right side of the room where everybody was standing and just talking. a certain group of people caught her eye. the triplets and some other random people. but she was mostly focused on someone.
chris sturniolo.
midway of him talking to nick, he turned his head feeling eyes burning through his side profile. and there sat ciara. he was completely speechless.
nick and matt had noticed this action and questioned what he was looking at and even turned their own heads in curiosity.
the triplets were all staring at ciara but her eyes were stuck on chris. she got up in disbelief and walked away.
“is he even has hurt as i am right now.” she thought to herself. ciara tried escaping by sitting in the bathroom alone until aubree wanted to leave. “did aubree even know they were going to be here?” thoughts scattered her mind until she reached the bathroom. but of course it was occupied.
ciara tried knocking many times but to no surprise she heard 2 voices. and it was just moaning. she rolled her eyes knowing that those people were going to take a while. she put her back against the wall beside the door waiting.
while her thoughts were going 100 miles per hour, she saw someone walk up towards her. it was chris. ciara was in absolute shock. why would he even try talking to her after all that’s happened.
having enough she pulled herself up and walked towards the doors. she didn’t even care is aubree was her ride, ciara was certain to walking home.
after squeezing herself by many and many people she finally made it out, breathing in the fresh air. but it was interrupted by chris.
“ciara please wait up” he tried begging the girl, but she just kept walking. “im not going to stop following you until you talk to me!” he yelled out.
she turned around and viewed the boy. only the street light giving them a way to see each other. “what do you want christopher.” she said sternly.
she’s never called him his first name which brought chris a slap of regret. “why haven’t you talked to me in months?” he said seemingly upset.
“you’ve got to be joking me right?” ciara said laughing as a way of sarcasm. chris just nodded at her because he was confused.
“you aren’t a relationship person remember? you led me on chris,” she paused, “i heard you that one day i came over. you never cared for me.”
chris felt as he stopped breathing. he knows exactly what she’s talking about. “ciara, i did care for you. im so sorry.” he tried telling her and taking steps closer to her.
ciara was not buying anything he was telling her. “no you didn’t. im not believing anything you’re saying. i want to believe you chris, i really do. but after everything you put me through?” she told him feeling herself start to cry.
chris had no idea what to say or do. he just stood there and took what she told him. he looked to his feet knowing the pain he caused to poor ciara.
she was done. finally using her feet and walking away.
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mahli talks!! holy moly. this was so fun to write mwahahah anyways pt 2 will either come out tonight or tomorrow don’t know but do know it will have a happy ending cuz i love happy endings sue me 😝
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gleefullypolin · 2 days
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's – Penelope Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 3
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Penelope Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts like I did for Colin ((Part 1, 2, 3, 4, Bonus). 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Penelope.
Not surprising I see lots of hot takes about Pen, because either A) people cannot handle a woman complex emotions and facets, B) hate on a woman who does not fit societal norms and standards or C) are stans who refuse to see that all characters have imperfections which make them even more delicious to watch.
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and her reaction to it.  Question 1,   Question 2, now lets get to question 3:
Why didn’t Show!Pen give up Lady Whistledown like Book!Pen did?
Ok let’s talk Book vs Show. In the book she’s 28, but in the show, she’s just turned 20 and in the book she’s already been Whistledown for 12 years, much longer than the 3 in the show. So, she’s built an actual empire in the show and has been doing this for a very long time in her life. By the end of the book, she’s ready to give this up and move on to her novel.
In the show, this is still new hat to her. She has accomplished much, yes, but for her, its still something she’s trying to make her own. She still wants to see if this is her purpose. She knows she feels lost when she tries to give it up, that she feels that something in her is telling her that it’s not right to let it go. And I think she resents that Colin continually keeps asking her to do that.
I also think its very early in the series for her to give this up. I have high suspicions that Ben is next and even though I have not read his book, I know that LW plays a part in that story still since we skipped over him in the series, so I assume the writers want to keep LW as a part of it and make Pen the first Regency official journalist. So, Pen will use her sources, the butlers, maids, cooks, etc, where she gets her information. I have a feeling we will see her continue to determine if this is where she wants to continue with her writing and maybe that is part of Season 4 with her finding her purpose in her eventual novel.
But I really think they just felt it was still too new for Pen. As she stated to Eloise, Whistledown is power, and Pen was not ready to let all of that go. A woman in that era had no voice, no power, and with her quill she found that even as Penelope, she could be a force to be reckoned with. And just like her now published husband, her name is associated with her written word. That is powerful indeed.
In the show Portia tells her women give up their dreams for their husbands, I loved how when she did that, she burned her LW pamphlets at the same time as Colin finally got past his writers’ block and began soaring. And my heart pained. As a strong-willed woman, with daughters myself, I would never, could never imagine this for my girls. I would say we live in a different time, but I will also say for the sake of argument, with the way society has come for women and our rights in the past few years, this season hit different. Perhaps it’s why I appreciated the themes that much more.  Never give up your dream’s ladies, not for anything, especially men.
So, at the end of all of it, after she decided to give up her identify, after she decided that she could never give up herself, her writing, and with the Queen giving her the go ahead, and her husband standing by her side, Penelope has decided to continue finding herself through her writing. And maybe that will take her to her novel, “Wallflower” and maybe it doesn’t. Maybe she becomes Mayfair’s most famous journalist, but I can’t wait to find out either way.
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Stick around for part 4....
Isn’t Pen ending up with a baby right away truly ending her career and freedom for her and colin and traveling?
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wildflowerteas · 1 day
I don't really know where to begin with this i just feel like if i don't say anything I'm going to actually explode so I'm going to shout into the void but I've been agonizing over this comment i got last week that said somethigna long the lines of
'you do this [ thing that you could do better-messy POV switching ], but your writing itself is great!' and 'this is similar to [ insert popular fic ]--and by that I mean it's also good!' and '[ this thing you do ] is confusing/not done well . . . but despite that, i still really enjoy your writing!'
and even though they very clearly meant kindly by it i just zeroed in on the word choice ( like 'decent' and 'despite' ) and the back and forth and the by-all-standards very light criticism and absolutely picked it apart and swallowed the negativity and i can't think about anything else andhaven't been able to think of anything else it's just been on loop in my head since then
i'm just so sick of myself right now because this would not be such a big deal if it wasn't in my nature to always assume the absolute worst of people, and if i wasn't so self-centered and pessimistic and even if it somehow was negative or shady i know i'd end up swallowing it with a smile and saying thank you anyway even though I've agonized about it for almost a week because i have no backbone and all my life I've been mediocre at everything i do and honestly i was like wow this is familiar and it all felt like such a needed reality check for me even if it wasn't meant to be but i feel so disoriented and lost
and i'm pretty sure it was well-meaning and meant to be a compliment but I'm just absolutely tearing it apart and trying to find negativity like a goddamn truffle pig which is so pathetic like I keep saying writing is something i do for myself but I'm so affected by other people that i straight up haven't been able to respond to comments because every time i open up my inbox i just get this overwhelming sense of guilt and dread and i really don't know what to do about it i feel so awful for thinking this way about their comment and by extension, them as a person, because it's so mean and self-centered of me. and the fact that i can't bring myself to open my notifs to respond to everyone else's comments is no one's fault but my own and i feel bad about that too goddddd
none of this matters!!!! truly!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's not serious and it's just a hobby and its not my career and it's not like i got slammed by a critic who's going to ruin my chances for ever and ever i cant believe I'm acting like this it's not rational
i think i just need sleep, or a bowl of my best friend's mom's chicken biryani. that could fix everything.
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reireichu · 3 months
you’re jacob anderson. you play out a god damn gothic drama full of tragedy romance and horror and baby trapping. your chemistry with sam reid is off the charts. you know you’re fucking killing it as louis de pointe du lac and everyone else can suck it.
your wife wants to ask you about the show, and you preen and tell her memory is a monster, as is all things loustat.
then she says, “no, honey. i just want to know, when is armand going to fuck the old man?”
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homoeroticchess · 2 months
i cannot overstate how funny cordelia is as a character. absolute failgirl of all time like. her JOB is catering kosher food. her full time profession. she neither knows how to pronounce any of it nor makes it even edible. actually so obsessed with her in both concept and execution. she shows up, loves her wife and her friends and thats literally enough. go girl
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lhrry · 2 years
#I don’t think they’re gearing up to end it rn#I know what they’re doing is purposeful like glaringly and ridiculously so because so many celebrities would shield their kids rather than#do this unprompted#and I think there’s a reason for this but I don’t think it’s ending now (although maybe they do want it to be as public as possible idk)#but I do think it’s possible louis is stunting so hard in exchange for artistic freedom and creative control and that album is probably#going to be queer as fuck#judging by some of the lyrics we are sure of and his resistance to ascribing meaning to them and the way he’s been talking about#the album being most him and even btm being seen by the label as potentially too alternative#I really hope he’s as happy and confident in the artistic aspect of his career and the album is what he wanted to do (and I really think it#is) and I really think that that’s where he’s going to be expressing himself most and I’m really so certain it’s going to scream queer#like even the btm cover green eye george michael reference is truly… something and the layers to btm and its meaning and the way he’s#talked about the song like#he saw how queer his audience is and he saw we understand the meanings of those songs and love them and he knows that we’re going to see#that in lt2 again and that we see him and I hope the album is everything he wished for#I think he’s paying a high price for it and it’s just not totally infeasible good think that if harry paid a high fucking price to be able#to do my policeman#louis is paying a high price to be able to have more artistic freedom#anyway some food for thought#I would LOVE for this to be explainable as an ending but eh not holding my breath
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It’s possible Majima’s VA saying he wasn’t given the script yet is just a way to not giveaway he’ll be in 8. One of the devs shared a drawing when announcing they’ll be revealing LAD8 info and it contained Saeko, Nanba, Majima, and Kiryu. Make of that what you will 🤷‍♂️
yall cant be dropping info on me like 'one of the devs shared a drawing' i didnt even know the devs drew 😭 would love to see that if someon can get a hold of it
BUT that makes things a lil more auspicious for majima fans i reckon :)
#snap chats#i mean we already knew nanba/saeko/ichi/kiryu are gonna be in the mix they were in the trailer#i COULD argue majima was there because even RGG at this point figure kiryu and majima are inseparable#but THAT point ALSO can be used to argue thats why majima will certainly come back in LaD8#the timeline where he doesnt is just an interesting one- like kiryu not have /any/ of his past allies in a new game ?#mysterious..... lmao no imagine i date was still there MY RIDE OR DIE KING#i dont express how much i love date..... evil of me....#every time i play the games and i see date my kokoro goes doki doki and i say date-chan and twirl my hair#no i dont we can execute me for that SORRY but my feelings are very similar to that#hes just my guy :) and i hope he's in LaD8 :(#he wont be i know this :(#i mean he was in every other game right.... <-- delusional#this is SO off topic SORRY#anyways uhhhhh i wont be affected if majima's in 8 or not but i hope he's in 8 because his va's a sweetheart#and i was so :( when he expressed anxiety bout not getting a script#whether that reaction was real or not if there's even a DROP of sincerity in it im gonna yell#he's too sweet not to let him come back- plus him and kuroda have been VAing together for 40+ years now i think#or theyve at least known each other that long. either way would be upsettin to see their careers in rgg not end at the same time yk#which sounds deranged i love their work but everything ends yk- would be awkward if only one of them continued while the other was out 💀#im rambling i wanted to go play yk2 modded OK BYE TY FOR THE ASK <3
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berrymeter · 11 months
sometimes i think maybe i'd like to actually write & post my writing on here but then i remember the worldbuilding i was working on needs to be entirely reworked in some parts & it's like. what's the point until i've worked all that out
#perth.txt#but so much of it bothers me & idk how to fix it bc. it was meant to be a roleplay universe#it was built over time with a bunch of diff elements that were brought together & some of them just dont mesh#im afraid it might be too big for me to handle on my own bc im a little too obsessed with making a world that has similar size as earth#meaning all the cultures n countries n stuff that come with it#it can technically be made easier through the power of 'this is a fictional world but there are shitty rich ppl'#in which the shitty rich ppl ruined it for mostly everyone else#but the way i see it its gonna bring up things that i frankly dont trust myself to handle properly#bc its big & i get squashed by just. all the aspects to be taken into consideration#i probably make things too hard for myself i'm no tolkien i could just go 'its like this bc its like this :)' & go#but........ would i ever be satisfied with it.#if im not satisfied with the worldbuilding how can my readers be........#not that i intend on going into writing of all things as a career i have enough dead end prospects as is#i just. want to share the stuff i care about & sometimes that happens to be worldbuilding & stuff#but its a large world & it has a lot of barely worked on but full of potential concepts#& im bound to neglect some of them eventually if i want to focus on one single plot.#which i dont.#the whole point from the start was that the little people can get together and make things better when everything seems hopeless#a kinda salvageable thing would be a timeskip where the characters get cryostasis'd or w/e after the big event#but it feels like a cop out & i really dont wanna go for that. not the whole fleet#the fleet itself might be part of the problem. it was brought up by my friend but. i dont have to keep that. it just doesnt work for me#i feel it defeats the purpose if we have intergalactic travel. yeah our rich people suck can you help us take them down ok bye#i Do like the idea of having Big Technology Advancements of sorts but. i think maybe the fleet is stunting me.#but what to do instead... maybe i should rework the 'sacred weapon' stuff too. i don't know how though.#i was a bit attached to that & it's kinda central to two of the main plotlines...#considering one of them if centred around. the sacred weapon themself#grbrbgrbgbrgbgr i need to think on all of this
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