#i tried to break into my own car and then the sheriff came and was like what are you doing and i told him and he was like. ok
xreaderbooks · 1 year
Paradise on Earth (19)
Chapter: 19. Trapped
Pair: JJ Maybank x Routledge! Reader
Summary: The hunt for the cross continues as it's stolen from the pogues, y/n and her friends go on a chase to save it, and now Sarah.
Warnings: language, violence, car accidents, kidnapping, not fully proofread
Word Count: 2.5k
Links: Wattpad - AO3 - Playlist
Chapter 18 - Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 20
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The next few hours were a blur, everything happened so fast, you couldn’t process it through the tears and anxiety. Pope had fallen, and the cross came soon after- you all successfully dodged it, but as you were figuring out what to do with the cross and how to carry the heavy-ass pure gold cross, Pope had an allergic reaction to the wasps that stung him.
JJ’s cousin Ricky came in clutch giving him a pediatric dose of epinephrine, it had everyone freaking out for a couple half an hour on whether or not he was going to make it. Thankfully he was revived but unfortunately because of how hyped up he was due to the side effects, he insisted and driving and crashing Kie’s dad's truck straight into an oak tree.
So much for him ripping the ears off of everyone inside of the car. 
After everyone safely exited the car John B tried stopping him from getting run over by a semi, you noticed the person driving the truck and the person in the passenger seat as Rafe and Renfield who were driving from the direction of the church.
It was gone.
Pope was pissed as hell but coming back to the church and not seeing that cross there had lit a fire of determination in him. You all went straight to the Chateau for the Twinkie and drove back to the road where the accident happened.
“Oh shit!” Kie groaned. “They found the truck.”
Several police cars blocked off the road where it was, John B had no other choice but to stop as Shoupe approached the van.
“Good evening, Officer,” John B squinted as the cop pointed the flashlight into the car.
“Sheriff,” He corrected.
“Speed kills, huh,” John B joked about the scene of the totaled truck.
“I pulled the tags and I know whose truck that is,” Shoupe pointed the flashlight through the driver's seat window and to the back of the truck where Kie was sitting behind the passenger seat in a ball, hiding from view. “Hey, Kie! You drop your weed pen back there?”
“Found it,” Kie gave Shoupe a thumbs up with a weak smile.
Pope who was behind John B’s seat, spoke up between the headrest and the door, “Sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault. She had nothing to do with this, I take a hundred percent full responsibility.”
“Nothing to do with it, huh?” Shoupe scoffed, “You wanna try that again? Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago and the keys were missing from the house, I’m taking you home or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident.”
You exhaled stressfully and rubbed your temples, not one day, not one day without a break.
“I gotta deal,” Kie gave you a ‘save me’ look. You sent her a pitiful smile knowing that it wasn't going to go down well for her. “Hit me up later and make sure I’m still alive.”
The rest of you would have to retrieve the cross without her.
The truck that carried the cross had just pulled up to the Cameron house as the five of you did.
“How much you wanna bet Rafe has the cross inside that truck right now?” Pope comments as you all peer over the concrete wall to get a better look at what was going on.
“There’s only one way to find out,” Sarah walks in the direction of the front gate. John B goes after her and catches her before she’s gone.
“Jesus Christ,” You facepalm and lean your head against the wall. You hear Pope and JJ make their own comments in protest of wasting time for declarations of love.
Pope whispers to him as John B limps back to you, JJ, and Pope with a dopey smile, “Do you want me to perform your vows while you’re at it?”
“Did you say ‘be safe’?” JJ asks.
“Could you take any longer?” You drawl out sarcastically. Part of you was actually bitter about your own love life and part of you was concerned about the time frame for whatever Sarah had planned, “What is she doing?”
You could make out her figure sneaking around the truck and shrugging, you could see barely hear her whisper something about keys. You whisper shout for her to come back but she points to the inside. All of you try signaling for her not to but she goes in anyway.
“I told her not to go inside,” John B says.
“Do the birdcall,” Pope tells him, though you're not sure that would help since she was already through the glass doors.
John B cups his hands around his mouth to make Coo-Coo sound but with his hesitation, it sounded nothing like it was supposed to.
“That is not what a bird sounds like,” You judge.
“You try doing something better then.”
“Too late, dipshit, she’s already inside. Maybe next time I’ll do a detailed demonstration for you.”
“Whatever, I’m going over,” John B uses the strength from his arms to push himself up from the top of the wall but a horn was honking from the street. You turn and see the headlights from a golf cart roll up.
“Uh, excuse me, can I help you?” An old white man with a shotgun stops where the four of you were caught in the act of going halfway up the wall. He cocked the gun and chuckles, “I got double-aught bucks in this thing, so, I can’t miss.”
He steps out of the slow vehicle and warns you all to get off the wall, you slip down it with your hands in the air, anxiety creeping in. What if he called the cops? What if he made you all confront Rafe? What if he shot you?
“Sir, It’s not what it seems,” JJ speaks up beside you.
“You all are on the wrong side of the island.” He keeps the long gun pointed at you as he tells you all to get on your knees, “I think I’m gonna call the police.”
“You don’t have to do that, sir,” JJ pleads calmly.
“I’ll decide for myself what I need to do.”
“Sir, Can I just talk to you for a minute?” You stutter a little nervously, there was a chance he would believe a girl more than he would the boys, so you would have to fabricate a story. “Just to explain.”
You get up from your knees slowly, John B tugged at your flannel but you ignored him. “I know what this looks like, but I promise this is all a misunderstanding. We look like some derelict kids from the cut but we weren’t that to Mr. Cameron, he gave me and my brother a job, I did some housework for him and his wife, and my brother did some yard work along with my boyfriend, and our friend. See I’m just going along with their plan to get an associate of theirs, s-some row flowers for his memorial.”
He lets his gun falter, “Now why are you three boys letting this poor girl do all the talking?”
JJ struggles to get himself up from the kneeling position as you back up into his place, “Sorry, sir, you’re right. She’s right, we’ve just had such a hard time dealing with his death-”
You tune out the story he tells the old man who let his guard down with every lie that slipped out of his mouth. In the time JJ came up with a ridiculous tale about where the flowers you were all going to ‘plant for Mr. Cameron’ came from and why it was relevant, Sarah had still not come back. You were getting antsy but you couldn’t let it show in front of the man that was eating up JJ’s lie.
“You smell that right?” JJ asks the man.
He sniffs, “What is that, night-blooming jasmine?”
“No, that’s more like,” JJ thinks about it for a second, he knows nothing about flowers or plants. “Natural Viagra.”
Your eyes widen, “Okay!”
The boys beside you try to get JJ to stop now but the old guy seemed genuinely interested which concerned you more.
“One sniff and bam!” JJ claps his hands, “It’s hammer time you know what I’m saying. Isn’t that right, baby?”
Your jaw drops, one of his arms goes around your shoulders pulling you closer and the other leads the man to his golf cart, like a couple walking out the last guest from a dinner party. John B grabs your wrist and pulls you from under JJ.
“We’ll be quiet, alright, and we’ll finish up here. I’m so sorry to bother you.”
“See that you do,” He seats himself back into the cart and drives off muttering to himself. “I gotta get myself some of that.”
Once he was out of view, JJ hops over the wall, “Let’s go.”
“What the fuck,” You whisper to yourself.
“What the fuck was that for real,” John B helps you climb over before going himself. The four of you hide behind the bushes trying to get a peek or a sign of Sarah anywhere. Rafe comes out of the same doors Sarah once went in.
John B surges forward only to be pulled back by Pope and JJ. “What do we do then?”
“He might have the gun so what’s in our favor?” JJ snaps his fingers to think, “The element of surprise, that’s what’s in our favor right now.”
“He’s leaving, there's not much you can do there,” You tell them. Pope whispers something and seconds later he’s running after the truck and jumping onto whatever he can grab on. “Has everyone lost their minds?”
“We got the house now that Rafes gone, let's storm the fort.”
Noise from the front door caught your attention, Rose and Wheezie had Sarah’s arms around their shoulders. If Sarah wasn’t moving they must have done something to her to knock her out.
“Let’s go!” John B shouts at you and JJ, running after Rose’s car.
“This is so fucked,” You run to the Twinkie to follow after them because there was no way they were going to get Sarah out. John B and JJ were running back as you slowed down for them to get in.
The sun rose for the next day as John B tailed Rose’s car to where they loaded up ships with cargo. You parked in a semi-discrete area and snuck behind the slow-moving semi that stopped for a security check.
While the guard was busy talking to Rafe, you, JJ, and John B snuck through the metal gate and weaved through large materials meant to fix or be put on the ships. You hide behind some large rusted metal thing that you couldn’t name, watching Rafe proudly talk to the other guys around him.
“God, I hate that guy,” JJ exhaled.
You shifted your attention to where Rose’s car was parked, Sarah was being brought out of the car.
“JJ, we gotta come up with a plan,” John B anxiously stares at the boy. Once again, it was you three alone, probably the worst trio combined. JJ with his plans, John B with the follow-through, and you with the backup in case anyone (meaning either of them) needed it.
“I know, I’m working on it. If we get over to that barge, we go over, we’ll have to get into the water though.”
“That’s fine,” John B replied.
“Then we’re gonna be sitting ducks.”
“It’s like you say you’re thinking but then what comes out of your mouth has no thought behind it at all.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t have time to get it approved by you first, princess.”
“Apology not accepted, you’re plan sucks, and Sarah’s gonna die,” You clutch your head. “How about-”
“Howdy,” A feminine voice comes up randomly behind you and you almost jump out of your skin.
“Holy shit, girl I almost bitch slapped you to yesterday!” Your hands that were clutching your head were now on your chest. You hug Kie in relief at seeing her alive and present despite the shit her parents gave her.
She chuckled, “Had you scared shitless.”
“How’d you guys find us?” You saw Pope come from the same place she did.
“Geo-located your phone.”
Observing the state of Pope, John B asked what happened.
“Rafe, Round 3.”
“You freaking kidding me?” JJ grabs Pope to face him but he moves out of his hold.
“This was a tie, is that the cross?”
“Yep, they’re holding Sarah hostage,” John B informs Pope and Kie of the new development.
“We gotta get on that boat, but first we gotta get past the goon squad.”
“Okay, come on,” John B waves over for everyone to follow him but there was no plan. Pope doesn’t move from his spot.
“I have an idea, just trust me.”
John B tries to stop him but Pope reassures him that he’ll meet up with the group after. You just hoped he didn’t get caught in whatever he was planning but then again Pope was smart, he wouldn’t do anything to create attention to himself.
Not a second after you thought about how calculated he was, there was an explosion in the direction where he went. All the crew members bolted to the explosion sight.
“What the hell was that?” You ask Pope who panted from his running.
“That container’s going on the ship, we can get in that way,” He pointed. Thanks to his huge distraction, the path where he was directing you all, was free.
“Poopy, you badass!” You pat him on the shoulder, hyping yourself up to make a run for the said container.
At the entrance of the metal box, JJ pauses, “Did we think this through?”
Pope nods assuredly, “Yes, this is the plan.”
“That’s a trap right there, you see that right?” He points to the container that Pope already climbed on, “We can’t get out once we get in.”
Now that JJ was mentioning it, he was right. This container was going on a ship, God knows where, if you got caught it could be jail time or whatever the punishment was for sneaking onto a ship illegally. Not to mention if Rafe or Rose found you, that would be an execution itself.
“You guys don’t have to come,” John B has a hand on JJ’s shoulder and a hand on yours.
“Right, this is our fight,” Pope agreed.
Doubt clouded your loyalty, but you shook it away. Your friend was on the ship, your brother was going, and Pope needed the support to get the cross. It wouldn’t be fair to leave them now after all you had been through together.
JJ looks to Kie, “Nothing to lose?”
“Nothing to lose.”
John B climbs into the container, Pope helps Kie in.
“All in?” JJ climbed into where Pope once was and reached out a hand for you to take. You slipped your hand into his, letting him pull you up.
Your bodies almost colliding from the momentum of you coming up, your faces inches apart in a second your eyes flicker to his lips, “All in.”
“Y/n, JJ, let’s go!” John B shouts. The sound of heavy footsteps that were no doubt the crew member returning to their posts. You and your friends hide at the very end of the container, behind the dozens of stacked crates.
You saw the sunlight fade as the worker closes the container shut.
One more chapter to go til season 2 is complete!!
Chapter 20
@jbassettjmaybank - @deanwherescas - @thtbwltts - @nerdypartytrashpsychic - @random-girl-army - @wisegirlies - @instabull - @sexyfoxlady - @bubs-world - @sdawn03 - @mendesclines - @obx-pogues-4-life - @mentalforfics - @p-prettybitch - @namacissi - @dczedhee - @inkandpen22 - @royalavenger - @ayeitsjustmee - @80strashbag - @onlyangel-444 - @freds-slut - @poppet05 - @itsjuststaticnoises - @ahnneyong - @lovepizza567 - @jasminfelling - @rana03 - @loki-loveer - @rana030 - @lostinatimeline - @boldlypessimistic - @clinelyn - @a-j-stuffs - @yunhobug - @syd223sworld - @strawberry--fawn - @mysticalavenuecheesecake - @itsmytimetoodream - @natashtessabeth12 - @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinski / Original Female Character
TW | S2
chapter seven
fic summary; as if the last month and a half hadn't been stressful enough – now there were a few more werewolves, a kanima, and a seriously disturbed old man added into the mix. but amber, stiles, and scott could totally handle it. it would be fine. everything was great.
word count; 19k
warnings; the possibly triggering scene from the show with Jackson being creepy in the locker room, slight gore maybe?, eventual explicit sexual content, oral sex (both m and f), fluff fluff and more fluff
chapter notes; the group tries to figure out who's been controlling jackson all this time. ben davis makes a brief return as my own personal plot device. stiles is his typically over-dramatic self and amber is, as usual, super into it.
c h a p t e r s e v e n
Amber's nerves had her nearly dropping her phone to the floor of her car as she climbed behind the wheel while simultaneously trying to get ahold of Stiles. Fingers of her free hand fumbled over the touchscreen, already turning her key in the ignition as the call began to ring through. Stiles was answering before the first trill through the speaker had even finished sounding out, his voice frantic.
"Why the hell haven't you been answering your phone?" He shouted through the speaker, the pitch of his voice higher than normal.
"Is Scott still with you?" She asked immediately, taking the turn off of her street a touch too quickly than was probably good for her tires, "Because I was just with Lydia and-"
"Jackson escaped." Scott's voice supplied through the phone.
"He what?" Amber squeaked, letting off the clutch to shift gears and increase the speed of the car that much more, "Guys he's not-"
"Yeah, he got out and the asshole went straight to the police," Stiles told her, "His dad's here and my dad's pissed and Scott's mom is on her way down to the station."
"You guys are at the station?" She cursed, slamming on the breaks so she could make a messy three point turn and backtrack in the direction of the Sheriff's station.
"Yeah, and we're totally screwed," Stiles was telling her as she reoriented her car in the right direction, "My dad said the Whittemore's are filing a restraining order against Scott and I. As soon as Scott's mom gets here my dad has to read out the terms and-"
"Stiles!" Amber interrupted sharply, "That sucks but it's not important right now, okay? Lydia translated part of the kanima entry from the bestiary-"
"How'd she do that?" Scott cut in.
"She knows Archaic Latin, Scott. Now shut up and listen to me," Amber snapped as she turned onto the next street, "Mrs. Morrell translated it wrong! The kanima doesn't seek a friend, alright? The kanima seeks a master! Which means someone's controlling Jackson-"
"Woah, what?" Stiles exclaimed through the speaker.
"Stiles, you said that Jackson still didn't believe you when you were explaining everything to him earlier, right?" She asked, shifting gears as she went around a sharp corner.
"Yeah, pretty much." Stiles agreed.
"Well, so- If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing then he must not know someone's even controlling him." Amber deduced.
"Or he doesn't remember." Scott supplied.
"What if it's the same kinda thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles questioned.
"Right!" Amber recalled, "Like a fugue state-"
Scott's voice came through the phone again, "But then he'd have to forget everything.. The murder-"
"Getting rid of all the blood-" Amber offered up, an image flashing behind her eyes of Jackson's bloodied body at the nightclub. She thought of how he would've had to have washed the blood away himself after he'd killed Tucker, and Isaac's dad, and then the hunter-
"Yeah," Stiles agreed, "He had help with one thing though.. The video. Someone else helped him forget that." He reminded them of the erased footage.
"Whoever's controlling him." Scott said quietly.
The tires of Amber's car squealed quietly in protest as she peeled into the parking lot at the station and jerked to a slightly crooked stop between the painted white lines.
"Jackson thinks that being with Lydia somehow made him immune and, like, delayed the whole werewolf bite thing-" Amber told them, throwing herself from the vehicle and nearly falling to the pavement in her haste to slam the door shut behind her, "Where exactly are you guys?"
"What d'you mean?" Stiles asked in confusion as Amber pushed the front door to the station open, "I told you we're down at the station-"
"Yeah, so am I," She panted slightly, adrenaline still pumping in her veins from the wild drive from her house, "So where are you guys?"
She let her phone drop from her ear to her shoulder as she stepped up to the door that led to the interrogation rooms, only to find the door locked, the handle stiff and unmoving when she jiggled it. She turned to cast an incredulous look at the female deputy who was watching her from behind the front desk and Amber gestured wildly at the door with her free hand.
"Tara, I know you recognize me," Amber said in exasperation, "C'mon, buzz me in-"
Tara frowned, slowly eyeing the girl's frazzled state, but pressed her finger down on the button to unlock entry into the hallway. Amber sighed gratefully as she rushed through, nearly running straight into Stiles' chest when she stepped into the hall at the same time that he and Scott stumbled out of the room at the front end of the corridor.
"Jesus!" She exclaimed in surprise as her boyfriend's hands came up to steady her.
She abandoned her phone completely, ending the call and shoving it into her pocket as she looked at her best friends.
"We need to find out who's controlling him." Scott quietly continued their conversation from before.
"D'you think he'll talk to us?" Amber questioned, "I mean.. After what we did? Kidnapping him and all?"
Stiles shrugged, "Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us," He nodded before catching Amber's unsure frown, "..Right?"
It was at that moment that Sheriff Stilinski stepped out from a room further down the hall and cast a disappointed look at the three teens.
"Scott, your mom just pulled in. So, you boys get your asses into this room," He said firmly, "Now."
Stiles and Scott lowered their heads and followed the order, moving down the hall and into the larger interrogation room. Ms. McCall hurried past Amber only a moment later and the girl immediately moved to follow but Sheriff Stilinski held up a hand in signal for her to stop.
"No." He said simply.
Amber spluttered, taking another aborted step forward, "Wh- But- If I could just-"
"This doesn't concern you," He told her firmly before raising his eyebrows in question, "Does it?"
"Um.. No?" She told him cautiously.
"Then you stay out here." He said, giving her a serious look before moving into the room himself, leaving the door into the hallway open behind him.
Amber moved to the edge of the doorway, attempting to listen closely to what was going on just on the other side of the wall. Ms. McCall hovered at the edge of the room, her arms crossed over the scrub top she was still wearing after having rushed down to the station straight from work.
"Scott. Stiles. This is going to apply to both of you, so listen to me very closely," The Sheriff said in a stern voice, "You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him.. You will not approach him.. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically."
"What about school?" Stiles questioned immediately.
His father sighed, "You both can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."
Amber shook her head, unsure how such a thing was possible when they shared so many classes with the other boy in addition to lacrosse.
"Bu- Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time-" Stiles started, words rambling together quickly as Amber clenched her eyes shut and silently willed him to stop talking while he continued, "-And there's only two stalls available, and those two stalls are right next to each other?"
There was a brief silence and Amber brought her fingers up to pinch the bridge of her nose in exasperation.
"-I'll just hold it." Stiles said quietly after a few moments.
A few minutes later, Stiles' father was leading him out of the room with a hand fisted in the collar of the boy's sweatshirt, "Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges?" The Sheriff demanded.
"Oh, come on! It was a joke!" Stiles attempted to justify their actions.
Amber had to physically fight the urge to press the palm of her hand against her forehead in vexation.
"It was a joke?" Sheriff Stilinski repeated incredulously.
"Yes!" Stiles agreed quickly, "I didn't think it would be taken this seriously. Dad, humor's very subjective, okay? We're talking, like, multiple levels of interpretation here."
His father's gaze cut to Amber and she stepped forward slowly as if pulled by the weight of his glare.
"You and Stiles have a pretty similar sense of humor," Sheriff Stilinski pointed out, "How would you interpret the situation? You think it was funny?" He questioned sternly.
"I, um.." She bit down on her lip as her eyes bounced between her boyfriend and his father, "Not.. Not wildly funny."
'Traitor' Stiles motioned with his lips silently, shaking his head at her cowardice under his father's attention.
"Uh huh," Sheriff Stilinski looked between them with narrowed eyes for a moment before refocusing on his son, "Well, uh, how exactly am I supposed to interpret the stolen prison transport van, huh?"
Stiles spluttered, hands waving around wildly, "We filled the tank!"
His father raised his hands with a deep breath as he stepped away, removing himself from the conversation entirely with a shake of his head and leaving the two of them alone in the narrow hall.
"A prank?" Amber hissed, landing a hard punch to her boyfriend's shoulder, "You told them it was a prank?"
"What? Like you had a better excuse lined up?" He questioned while he rubbed at the sore spot on his arm. Amber's face pinched as she tried to quickly come up with something and Stiles nodded at her after a few seconds of silence, "Yeah, that's what I thought, smartass."
Her eyes narrowed at his words, "You are infuriating sometimes, y'know that?" She muttered quietly.
Stiles' lips pulled into a slow grin, his cheek dimpling as his eyes flicked over her frustrated expression. He noted the way she'd petulantly crossed her arms before his gaze trailed back up to her face, "Infuriating in a way that kinda makes you wanna kiss me to shut me up?" He questioned in quiet optimism.
She glared despite the flutter in her stomach at his words, "No."
Stiles took a step closer, his palms dragging softly up and down over her upper arms, "You sure? Because I could keep saying infuriating things if that'll-"
"Move!" Ms. McCall yelled at her son sharply as she shoved him out of the interrogation room and they stepped out into the hall, "It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think you would reach quite this soon." She scolded loudly.
Amber and Stiles both winced as Scott followed closely behind his mother, the family unit walking a few steps past where the couple had been loitering.
"-It's everything on top of it!" Ms. McCall continued, spinning around to face her son with a disappointed look, "The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris to let you make up that Chemistry test that you missed-"
"I missed a Chemistry test?" Scott questioned in genuine confusion.
"Really, Scott? Really?" His mother shook her head with a deep sigh, "I- I have to ground you. I'm grounding you. You.. Are grounded."
Amber blinked in surprise. She couldn't remember a single time in their lives when Scott's mom had been angry enough with him to do such a thing. He'd been punished, sure – lots of times – but never to the point of a grounding.
"What about work?" Scott questioned immediately.
"Fine. Other than work." His mother acquiesced, "And no TV." She added as an afterthought.
Scott merely shrugged, "My TV's broken."
Amber shook her head silently and tried to catch his eye, pleading for her best friend to shut up.
"Then no computer." Ms. McCall said easily.
"..I need the computer for school." Scott said slowly.
His mother's face pinched in annoyance, "Then no, uh.." Her gaze drifted over Scott's shoulder, eyes catching on her son's best friends. Her face seemed to light up with an idea, "No Stiles and no Amber."
Amber squeaked in protest, "Wh-"
"No Stiles?" Stiles repeated, voice high.
"No! No Stiles! No Amber!" Ms. McCall repeated with more authority than before, looking back to her son again, "And no more car privileges. Give me your key-"
Scott reared a small step back in response to his mother's words, "But-"
"Give 'em to me!" Ms. McCall snapped.
Scott pulled his keyring from the pocket of his jeans and handed it over weakly. The three teens all watched his mother pulled frantically at the split ring, trying to separate the pieces enough to slip the car key off of the loop with clumsy fingers and working herself up further the more that she struggled.
"Oh, for the love of God." Ms. McCall muttered with a frustrated sniffle.
Scott reached out toward her with caution, "Mom, do you want me to-"
"No." His mother snapped.
"Mom, come on. Just let me- Mom!" Scott pleaded, his hand wrapping around her shaking ones to grip the keys, "Mom."
Ms. McCall sniffled again and Amber took a small step back, her knuckles knocking lightly against Stiles' before he tangled their fingers together wordlessly.
"What is going on with you?" Ms. McCall asked quietly, "Is this about Allison?"
Scott turned his head to shoot his friends a pleading look and Amber instinctively chewed at her lower lip, knowing exactly how badly Scott wanted to come clean about all of the supernatural crap that had suddenly infiltrated their lives.
"Do you really wanna know?" Scott asked his mom slowly.
Stiles began to shake his head vehemently at Scott as Ms. McCall begged her son to explain what his problem was. Scott looked to his friends desperately once more and Amber gave him a small shrug as Stiles continued to silently display his disapproval.
"-Is this about your dad?" Ms. McCall asked weakly.
The question seemed to catch him off guard and Scott was still trying to decide on his next words when his mom continued.
"It is, isn't it?" Her gaze caught on Amber and Stiles still hovering just a few feet away and her posture straightened up with a final sniffle, "Okay, you know what? Um, we'll talk about this at home. I'm- I'm gonna go get the car."
They all watched her go with varying expressions of dismay and Scott waited until the door at the end of the hallway sealed shut with a click before turning to face his friends fully.
"I'm the worst son ever." Scott said with a shattered look.
"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes either." Stiles countered easily.
"It's gonna be okay," Amber assured them, her voice coming out sounding less firm than she'd intended, "It- It is gonna be okay, right?" She asked after a moment as she looked between them anxiously.
Stiles wrapped his arm around her neck, their joined hands coming up to rest at her shoulder as he pulled her into his chest, words muffled slightly in her hair, "Yeah. Yeah, everything's gonna be fine."
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Upon arriving home, Amber was entirely surprised to find her brother standing in their living room. His shift had only started at the fire station a few hours before, so she wasn't expecting to see him for another eighteen hours, but he was currently dragging his feet across the hardwood restlessly as he paced back and forth across the space.
His attention snapped up at the sound of the front door closing as Amber dropped her keys onto the table in the entryway, his face pinching in a tight frown the moment his gaze found her.
"Jase..?" She asked cautiously as she toed off her shoes, "Is uh, is everything okay?"
"Get in here. And sit." He demanded, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the couch.
"Okay.." She said slowly, stepping into the room, "What's-"
"Amber Evangeline Callisto-"
The girl's eyes widened at the use of her full name, something she was nearly certain she hadn't heard in a scolding since their mother had been alive.
"-Sit. Down." Jason finished sternly, the volume of his voice was wholly surprising and Amber's butt landed on the couch immediately.
"I- Um, I'm going to take a wild guess from the fact that you're, y'know, here, and the deeply pissed off look on your face.. And assume that Sheriff Stilinski called you?" She pulled her socked feet up underneath herself on the cushions nervously, eyes focused on her brother's stiff jaw as he clenched it in anger.
Jason ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands as he looked around the room and neither confirmed nor denied her assumtion, "Am I supposed to confiscate your phone and take away your car keys?" He questioned frantically, "Lock you in your bedroom and just.. Homeschool you? Is that what it's gonna take to keep your ass out of trouble, or what?"
She balked, "I- I'm not even in trouble! Jackson only filed for restraining orders against-"
"If you honestly think that I am gonna believe you didn't have anything to do with this so-called 'joke' your knucklehead best friends pulled-" He took an angry breath that sounded loudly through his nose, "Do you think that I'm stupid? Or just insanely fucking unobservant?"
"Well, I -"
"Amber, I am fucking trying here, okay?" His voice cracked and Amber felt a little like her heart might have cracked too as she watched her brother's internal struggle, "I feel like I'm just watching you kids spiral out of control and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it-"
"You don't- You're not doing anything wrong-"
"Well clearly I am!" He yelled suddenly. His own shout seemed to catch him off guard and he sat down on the edge of the coffee table in front of her with a sigh, "I- I don't know what I'm doing. It's been four years and I still feel like I'm fucking drowning sometimes, trying to be your parent and your brother at the same time."
"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly, her voice thick with unshed tears as her eyes welled.
"I don't want you to apologize. I want you to stop getting into trouble.. To stop showing up at all of these crime scenes, and inserting yourself into murder investigations, and-"
"I- I don't know what to say." She admitted quietly as a few tears broke free and rolled down her cheeks.
Even she were to try and explain, Amber didn't know where she could possibly start.
She could start with Derek; how he'd come back into town and started showing up everywhere all suspicious-like before revealing that he was a werewolf and that Scott was no longer her sweet best friend, but instead, a genuine danger to be around. She could tell him about Peter; explain that he hadn't been as weak and incapacitated as everyone had initially thought and that, really, this whole thing had all started with him. She could mention how Allison's family played into it all; the heinous things her aunt had done before her demise and all of the things her father and grandfather were still a part of now. She could tell her brother about all of the new teenage werewolves running around town and the murderous rampage her classmate had unknowingly undertaken and okay, yes, she'd helped kidnap him but they'd had no other choice because Jackson was seriously dangerous and he didn't even know what he was doing-
Amber couldn't find it in her to voice any of those things, however. Instead, she gnawed on her lower lip and sniffled quietly as she guiltily avoided her brother's gaze, settling back into the couch with the acceptance that the evening was only destined to get more difficult.
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"Did Lydia finish translating the entry about the kanima?" A hushed voice questioned from only a few inches behind Amber, causing the girl to flinch in surprise.
"Jesus," Amber exclaimed as she spun around, locker door slamming shut when her shoulder collided with the cool metal, "A bell. You need a bell."
Allison rolled her eyes with a fond smile and crossed her arms over her chest, "Well? Did she?"
With a nod of her head, Amber pulled a crisp, brand new composition notebook from her bag and held it out toward the other girl.
"She did. I went over first thing this morning to get it. She's, uh, pretty annoyed with us, but she did it."
Allison studied the words on the pages with determined focus for a few moments before pulling a tablet from her own bag and motioning for Amber to hold the journal for her. Amber dutifully held her arms out to display the pages, flipping through them slowly as Allison photographed the information to create a digital copy.
"Have you shown Scott or Stiles yet?" Allison asked as she finished.
Amber slapped the book shut and slipped it back into her bookbag with a shake of her head, "I was on my way now. They're waiting in the library."
"I'll come with you." Allison said easily, adjusting the strap of her shoulder bag and moving in the direction of the library while still studying the photographs she'd taken of the notebook pages.
As they pushed through the double-doors, Amber's eyes peered through the spaces between bookshelves, flicking over the students spread out at tables trying to finish up last minute assignments before the start of morning classes.
She toyed with her lower lip between her teeth as she searched for her best friends and when she finally spotted them, Scott and Stiles were tucked at the back of one of the stacks having a hushed conversation. As she approached, hand absentmindedly dragging over her boyfriend's shoulder and up to his neck, her fingertips dug into his skin softly as she stepped up beside them.
Her backpack hit the ground at the base of the bookshelf and their attention turned to her, Stiles' eyebrows raising a fraction as he took her in for the first time that morning.
"Hello," He greeted with emphasis, reaching out until the backs of his fingers could skim over the soft material of her sundress, "You're looking spring-y."
He pinched the hem between his thumb and forefinger, his knuckles brushing against the smooth skin of her bare thigh as he idly rubbed at the fabric.
"Thanks," She said somewhat breathlessly. Her own hand dropped to wrap lightly around his wrist in warning and she waited until he let the skirt fall back down against her legs before she continued, "I, uh, I'm trying to manifest warmer weather or something."
His lips pulled into a small smile and she felt slightly overwhelmed by the butterflies that bloomed in her stomach.
"Well, you look really beautiful." He told her softly.
"Can you guys be disgusting later?" Scott interjected in clear impatience.
The couple flinched as they were torn from the romance-heady bubble they'd somehow managed to slip into.
Amber was quick to recover and she laced her fingers with Stiles as her eyes narrowed in Scott's direction, "You're just jealous because of the whole Romeo and Juliet thing that means you can't flirt with your girlfriend unless it's in a dark creepy corridor or, like, a janitor's closet-"
"Ha," Stiles said in amusement, seconding her assessment, "What she said. The green monster's not a great look on you, buddy-"
A soft throat clearing from the other side of the bookshelf caught Amber's attention and she spotted Allison peering through a gap from the next aisle over.
"Lydia's translations.." Allison prompted gently as she pulled a book from the shelf and pretended to look at it in interest.
"Right, yeah," Amber nodded, "So Lydia gave me her translations this morning. She was up pretty late last night writing it all down for me-"
"Apparently she's not thrilled about still being left in the dark." Allison supplied quietly, sliding her tablet through the gap in books so that Scott and Stiles could peer down at the photographs she'd taken of the translated pages.
"Oh, yeah," Scott realized as his gaze found Amber, "What'd you tell her?"
Amber winced, rolling her shoulders and tightening her fingers around Stiles' hand, "Um, I'm only about thirty percent confident she bought it.. But I, uh- I told her we were a part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."
Stiles perked up, "I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." He said quietly, the words fanning out over his girlfriend's neck as he peered down at the tablet.
A breathy laugh slipped from her lips and she knocked her hip against his lightly, "Yeah, I know. I helped you figure out that part with the evil goblins, remember?"
"They were actually gnomes." Stiles corrected immediately.
Scott was shaking head at his friends in clear exasperation, "Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling Jackson?" He questioned in an attempt to redirect the conversation.
"Not from what I read." Allison frowned, swapping the book in her hands for another as she tried to hide the fact that she was conversing with them.
"But Stiles was right about the murderers." Amber revealed.
"Yes!" He cheered excitedly, dropping his girlfriend's hand to punch the air at the small victory.
Scott and Allison both narrowed their eyes at him for his slightly too loud reaction and his hands slowly lowered under the weight of their glare. Amber shuffled closer as he deflated and his arm slipped beneath her cardigan to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his side as she continued to share the information she'd recently obtained.
"The bestiary calls the kanima a 'weapon of vengeance'," She recited quietly, "There's a story in there about this South American priest who used the kanima to execute murderers in his village-"
"Alright, see?" Stiles interrupted, "That's not so bad."
Amber leaned more heavily against him with a grimace, "-Until their bond grew so strong that it eventually just killed whoever he wanted it to. Murderer or not." She finished.
"All bad," Stiles backtracked, "All very, very bad."
"Thing is, though-" Amber continued quietly, dragging her finger lightly over a sentence displayed on the tablet, "The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But, it can't be until-"
"'Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it.'" Scott read aloud.
"Okay, if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." Stiles said with a roll of his eyes.
Amber sighed, "Yeah, no shit. The guy's basically unresolved anger and toxic masculinity all wrapped up in a stupidly handsome bow-"
"Euck, handsome?" Stiles repeated with a displeased frown.
"Oh, be quiet," She scolded him, turning in his grip to brush her lips lightly over the corner of his mouth, "You're the most handsome." She whispered quietly against his cheek.
With a satisfied huff, Stiles slid his arm up around her shoulders to tug her back against his chest, releasing his exhale into the loose waves of her hair to hide his grin.
"What if it has to do with Jackson's parents?" Allison pondered, "He's adopted, right? So maybe its something to do with his real parents."
Scott nodded in agreement, "Does anybody actually know what happened to them?" He questioned, eyes flicking to Amber curiously as he spoke.
"I mean.. I know he never really knew them. He was adopted as a baby. Like, really young, I'm pretty sure-" She said slowly, face pinched up in thought, "But, I- Lydia might know more."
"Great," Stiles nodded, "You guys talk to Lydia and Scott and I'll talk to Jackson-"
"Nope. Not gonna work." Amber interrupted with a shake of her head. "Restraining order." She reminded him.
He sighed in annoyance, "God, fine. Then what-"
"During free period, you go talk to Lydia," She told Stiles, "Allison and I will team up to talk to Jackson. And Scott-" The boy in question looked at her with wide eyes, ready for whatever job his best friend was about to dole out, "Scott's gonna go and ace his Chem make-up test."
He made a face like he was going to argue but his girlfriend cut in quickly.
"Scott, she's right." Allison said softly, reaching through the gap in the bookshelf to take Scott's hand.
He sighed in reluctance, "If he does anything, you both run the other way." He said seriously, looking back and forth between the two girls.
"We can take care of ourselves." Allison whispered with a frown.
"I'm serious," Scott whispered, "If either one of you gets hurt while I'm taking some stupid test, someone's gonna need to take care of me," His jaw clenched, hand tightening around Allison's as his eyes continued to bounce between them, "If he does anything-"
Amber scoffed, "Like-?"
"Anything.. Weird. Bizarre. Anything-"
"Anything evil." Stiles interrupted finally, arm tightening around his girlfriend.
"We'll be fine," Amber told both boys, "This is serious, okay? If either of you guys get in trouble for breaking the restraining order, it could mean serious, like, legal consequences. And, Scott, You know you need to retake this test to bring your grade up." She said firmly.
Scott groaned but nodded, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders as they all slowly broke away from one another and filed out of the library.
"We, uh.. We're totally sure it's safe for you and Allison to be talking to Jackson alone?" Stiles worried privately as they stopped in front of his locker.
"We'll be fine," She assured him in a soft voice, "And besides, it's kind of our only option right now-"
"Yeah. Because those are reassuring words." Stiles muttered sarcastically, yanking his locker open to grab his books for English.
"Okay, worry wort. I'm pretty sure we've established that he doesn't actually want to kill any of us," She reminded him as he slammed the metal door shut again, "I mean, if he wanted to kill me, I'd be dead like three times over at this point, right?"
His face scrunched in clear reluctance to agree with her, "Yeah, I guess."
She reached out to cup the side of his face, her thumb skimming over the tiny constellation of moles that created a path toward his mouth. The tip of her finger had barely brushed the corner of his lips when Stiles leaned in to press them to her own in a quick kiss.
As they finally turned to head in the direction of the English classroom, they only managed to get a few steps from Stiles' locker before a familiar voice was calling out loudly behind them.
"Stilinski! Amber! Wait, I- Hold up!"
They both turned as there was a loud crash. Ben Davis slammed his shoulder into the lockers beside them in what both looked and sounded like a painful collision. He rubbed at his shoulder with a frown as he righted himself and looked between Amber and Stiles wide-eyed.
"Davis," Stiles greeted with a wince, "Listen, if this is about the ball that almost hit you in the junk this morning at practice, you should know that I haven't perfected my backhand and I swear it was-"
Ben shook his head in surprise, "What? No. Stilinski, you're fine." He assured the other boy before turning his attention toward Amber, "I actually, really need to talk to you, if that's cool-"
She frowned at the urgency in his voice and began to step forward when Stiles pulled her back with a hand fisted in her cardigan.
"And what exactly do you need to talk to my girlfriend about?" Stiles questioned suspiciously.
"I, uh-" Ben's gaze flicked between them nervously, "Just.. A thing?"
Amber held up a finger in a signal for Ben to give her a moment and spun around to face Stiles, stepping close to give them more privacy as she spoke, "Stiles. Babe, I'll catch up with you in a few?" She whispered in question.
His eyes flicked between her and the spot over her shoulder where Ben was standing behind her and a small noise of distress slipped past her boyfriend's lips.
"But he-" When Amber brought a hand up to rest on his shoulder, he continued in a whisper of his own, "I could stay.. Just as backup, y'know. In case you need me. In case he tries to make a move or-"
Ben's snort of laughter from behind her let them know that he'd heard the hushed comment.
"Dude, when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about between me and Amber-" Ben started in amusement, "I am very, like, keenly aware of how into you she is. I know we went on a date but I mean, she literally said-"
Amber could tell that he was only a second away from bringing up her embarrassing slip of tongue at the end of their tragic date the month before and she turned her head to shoot him a warning glare, causing Ben's words to cut off sharply. When she deemed it safe, she turned back to Stiles again.
"You're sweet and it is stupidly cute, but you really don't need to worry about Ben, alright?" She said even more quietly.
Stiles' lips pulled up reluctantly, "Yeah, okay."
She couldn't hold back a grin, endlessly endeared by his protectiveness. She leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips before giving him a pat on his cheek, "Okay, cool. So I'll catch up with you later then."
Stiles pinched her chin between his forefinger and thumb to tip her head back up again and she went easily. Their lips met in another kiss, this one lingering for a moment before she pushed him away with a flustered laugh.
"Alright, I'm going!" Stiles said, raising his hands in surrender as he turned to leave.
When she turned to face Ben again, she was still sporting a faint blush and giddy smile that wouldn't seem to fade.
"So, what's up? What's the gossip?" She joked, hoping to lighten the mood when she noticed the stressed expression on his face once again.
"I wanted to talk to you about Matt." He said in a hushed voice.
"Daehler?" She asked curiously, frowning when he nodded, "What about him?"
Ben wiped his hands on his jeans as if his palms were sweaty and he looked around them cautiously before speaking, "I, uh.. I saw some pictures on his camera that were kinda.. Um. Well, they were of you-"
"Oh!" She relaxed, "That's what you're all worked up about? It's fine. I know about the pictures."
Ben blinked, faltering for a moment, "You.. You know about the pictures?" He repeated slowly.
"Yeah," She waved off, "He's good with a camera.. It's art — No big deal. It's kinda flattering, honestly, the way he knows how to frame his pictures just right? It's like I'm a model or something except, y'know, all his photos are candid."
"So.." Ben drew out the word, eyes squinting in disbelief, "You know he's been taking these.. Candid pictures, and you're.. Cool with it?" He asked slowly.
She reached out to pat Ben on his broad shoulder with a laugh, "Yes. I'm totally cool with it. He was worried I would think it was creepy, but like I said, it's art. I can appreciate that, y'know? I was actually thinking that if he gets another really good one, I might ask for a copy? Get it printed out and maybe I could frame it and give it to Stiles as a part of his birthday present or something.. That might be cool.." She shook her head as she began to get lost in her thoughts, laughing again quietly, "Anyway, my point is, don't worry about it."
Ben's previously tense shoulders seemed to slump in relief, "I- Okay, then. I just- My bad, I guess." He blew out a long breath through his lips and shrugged awkwardly.
"I seriously appreciate your concern, though," She said honestly, "It was really cool of you to come to me."
He nodded with a serious look, "Yeah, of course. I'm just glad I came to you first instead of, like, immediately confronting Matt and giving him shit about it-"
"Oh, god, yeah!" She nodded in realization.
Ben shook his head, taking a small step back, "Right. So, y'know.. See ya later-"
She waved and bid him goodbye, watching him go with a small smile, grateful that things had been cleared up.
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When free period rolled around, Amber and Allison followed as stealthily as they could manage behind Jackson, lurking in the nonexistent shadows as they waited for the right moment to corner him. They kept a safe distance as he walked into the east wing of the school, heading toward the locker rooms and the gymnasium, on his way to get more lacrosse in even after the team's morning practice.
As they entered the more deserted area of the school, devoid of voices and the laughter that had drowned out their steps before, Allison slipped her heels off to quiet her footfalls beside Amber, opting to hold them in her hand instead.
The two girls loitered as he practiced shooting on goal with Danny. When they finally headed back inside, the girls peeked around a corner to watch Jackson enter the boy's locker room as Danny headed in the opposite direction down the hall.
Amber reached for the door handle as they got to the already closed locker room door, but both girls reeled back in shock and a touch of fear when it swung open from the other side just as Amber's fingers brushed the metal.
"You just scared the hell out of me!" Matt Daehler laughed as he exited the locker room while Amber tried to calm her now-racing heart.
"Sorry!" She apologized with a breathless laugh, "Holy shit. I, uh- We we're just-"
"-Nothing," Allison interrupted weakly, "We were just, um, nothing.."
Matt blinked at them in confusion and shook his head, gaze dropping down to the shoes still clutched between Allison's fingers, "Uh, nice heels." He commented with a curious eyebrow raise.
"Oh!" Allison realized, having forgotten she was holding the footwear at all, "Yeah, uh-"
"Her feet were hurting." Amber supplied quickly.
Matt shrugged with a grin, "Same reason I never wear mine." He agreed jokingly.
Amber laughed in surprised amusement and Matt's smile seemed to brighten at the sound.
"Uh, hey.. Did you hear about the underground show?" He asked, eyes focused solely on Amber as he fiddled with the strap of the backpack over his shoulder, "Apparently they've got some big names spinning."
"Spinning-?" Amber repeated the word in confusion.
"Yeah, y'know.. DJ's." Matt clarified.
The pieces clicked together slowly in Amber's mind, "Oh, like a.. Rave?"
Matt scoffed with a smile, "Is it still a rave if you don't roll?" He questioned, "I just call it a party but- Hey! I've got a friend who can hook us up with tickets, if you're down. Y-you want me to get you one?" He asked her hopefully.
"Oh, um-" She frowned, "I don't- I mean, y'know Stiles and I are together-"
"Oh sure, yeah," Matt interrupted, "No, I know, but.. We could still go together as friends, right?"
Amber hesitated, "I mean, yeah, but- Parties like that aren't really my-"
"It'd be really fun, I swear." He promised with a hopeful smile.
Allison nudged at Amber's shoulder anxiously with a nod toward the locker room door to remind Amber of the task at hand.
"I, um- Just as friends?" Amber repeated quickly.
"Yeah, yeah. Just friends," Matt agreed, "I, uh, I could get both of you a ticket?" He suggested, gaze finally drifting over to Allison.
"Uh, fine, yeah," Amber agreed finally, her eyes flicking anxiously toward the locker room, "Sure."
"Cool! Um, it's Friday so I'll get the tickets and-" Matt stepped around them to begin his retreat down the hallway toward the main part of the building, "-Looking forward to it."
As he disappeared around a corner, Amber locked eyes with Allison and saw the other girl was frowning, "That kinda sounded like a date." Allison said quietly.
Amber scoffed, "Which part, exactly? The part where we talked about how I have a boyfriend, the part where we both agreed to go just as friends, or the part where he offered to get you a ticket too?"
Allison's lips were parted with a retort at the ready when there was a sudden ragged coughing from inside the locker room as if Jackson were choking.
"Shit-! Go get Scott," Amber told Allison with wide eyes. The other girl looked like she wanted to fight her on it and Amber shook her head as Jackson's choked noises grew more pained, "Alli, come on. He could be either hurt or going full kanima in there- I'm serious. Jackson won't hurt me but you need to go and get Scott. He's more attuned to you anyway, he'll probably hear you coming before you even get out of the stairwell."
Allison scrunched her face, "Fine. Just.. Be careful." She huffed before turning to run down the hallway.
Amber dropped her unzipped backpack to the ground carelessly, throwing the locker room door open with a bang as she stumbled through the doorway. She listened for sounds of distress, but the noises that Jackson had been making only moments before were gone, now replaced with the quiet sound of running water from the showers at the far side of the room.
"Jackson?" She called out cautiously, slightly worried for the boy as she moved through the rows of lockers in search, "Jackson?"
"In here." Jackson's voice supplied casually from the direction of the showers.
Amber's feet carried her that much faster, converse slapping against the tiles as she headed toward his voice. As she rounded the lockers and came to a stop in the entryway of the showers, she stumbled over her feet in surprise, quickly spinning away at the sight of Jackson's very naked body beneath the spray, staring in her direction with a blank, unaffected gaze.
Amber was staring at the row of lockers across from her with wide eyes as she leaned against the tile wall outside of the showers.
"Something wrong?" He questioned from behind her.
"I- Shit, Jackson!" She exclaimed in disbelief, "A little bit of warning when your dick is out, maybe?"
There was a high-pitched creak as he turned the knob to cut off the flow of hot water and Amber tried desperately to erase the image of Jackson's privates from her brain.
"You're the one who walked into the boy's locker room." He pointed out blankly.
"Wh- I thought I heard you-" She began to defend automatically, thinking back on the horrifying choking noises she'd heard from the hallway, "I mean, I thou- Whatever. Nevermind." She shook her head.
"Did you want to talk about something?" He questioned, his voice sounding from directly behind her now, prompting her to flinch in surprise at his close proximity.
"I- Yeah, but we can-" She huffed out a disbelieving breath as she began to step past him, "We can talk later-"
"No-" Jackson's arm shot out in front of her, his palm pressing against the tile as he caged her back against the tiled wall outside of the showers. Amber immediately forced her eyes upward to avert them from his still-naked body as it dripped with water. She was staring up at the ceiling while he quickly continued, "-Let's talk now."
Her gaze fell to his and she watched Jackson's jaw clench as he glared at her with an especially dark look. She found her heart stuttering slightly in her chest at the coldness behind his eyes.
She licked her lips in thought, "You know? I, uh- I actually should probably start heading to my next class-"
"Oh, no, no-" His face pulled into an irritated snarl and he immediately blocked her attempt to step around him, "No, you don't. You have perfect grades. You can skip one class."
She swallowed audibly at the sudden closeness of the boy's wet body to her own, their torsos practically brushing against one another. A small flash of fear filled her and she felt suddenly stupid for being so blinded by the noises that had sent her barreling into the locker room worried for Jackson's well-being and unafraid of the kanima.
The way Jackson was acting now – the way he was looking at her – It had her feeling suddenly afraid of him for reasons entirely unrelated to the kanima-fueled dangers that she'd mentally prepared herself for earlier in the day.
His gaze fell to her sternum and his lips pulled into a smirk before his eyes returned to hers, "You okay?" He asked condescendingly, "Your heart's beating like crazy."
"I'm fine." She said in a rush as she moved past him, her eyes glued to the tense lines of his body as she began to back away slowly.
"I thought you wanted to talk?" Jackson questioned teasingly, raising his eyebrows and matching her steps.
"I, uh, ch- Changed my mind." She stumbled as she spoke when she backed into one of the wooden changing benches, arms flailing for a moment as she caught her balance.
"You sure? Because you look a little stressed-" His face contorted into anger again and Amber took a shaky breath, still backing away as he continued, "Is it Stilinski? Things falling apart between you two already?"
She shook her head slightly, lips parting to speak but cut off before she could say anything.
"-Can't say it would surprise me. It's not like you two are gonna last," Jackson scoffed meanly, "You know that one day, he and Scott are gonna decide they don't need a little cunt like you always dragging them down. I mean, what teenage guy honestly wants a chick for a best friend, huh? Now that Stilinski's gotten into your pants, it's really only a matter of time."
His words cut deeper than they probably should have, and she was surprised to find her back thumping blindly against the far wall of the locker room. Amber's eyes went wide when she realized she'd unintentionally caged herself again, Jackson's naked frame towering over her as he stepped close enough that patches of her dress darkened with the water from his still dripping body.
"You're being a dick." She told him.
Jackson scoffed cruelly, "I'm being honest. And if you don't realize that then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town. Well, other than Scott and Stiles because they seem to be pretty stupid bitches themselves-"
"Just stop." Amber demanded with a clenched jaw, gaze drifting toward the door to the locker room as she contemplated whether or not she could make it into the hallway before he caught up to her – she wasn't entirely confident that the odds weighed in her favor.
"What are you gonna do, Amber?!" Jackson shouted, his anger seeming to grow as he leaned even closer, "When your stupid bitch of a best friend- When Scott turns on you! What are you gonna do!"
His fists slammed into the wall on either side of her head and she couldn't hold back a quiet whimper as she flinched in fear, her wide eyes glued to the blind rage that had overtaken his face.
"They almost killed Lydia!" He spit the words in her face in sharp reminder, "Who do you think's gonna be next! Hm? Not you, oh no- Because you're in love with Stiles, and Scott's your best friend and he'd never let you get hurt-?" He shook his head condescendingly. His face was flooded with anger and his nose nearly brushed against hers as he continued to tear into her, "Is that what you tell yourself? Huh? If that's what you tell yourself then you're already dead."
One of Jackson's hands left the wall behind her, sharp claws now on display. He stroked them delicately down the length of Amber's cheek before pausing at the edge of her jawline, the sharp points poking at the skin of her throat just light enough that, while they didn't cut through her flesh, the threat was evident. Jackson's lips pulled back in another terrifying snarl and Amber found her heart racing anxiously at the combined feeling of the tips of his claws against her cheek and his naked body against her.
"Tell me, if your big bad werewolf of a best friend really cared, would he really let you walk around without any way to protect yourself?" Jackson's hand drifted, claws lightly skimming farther down the length of her throat as he spoke.
"I, um," She licked her lips as her body trembled anxiously, trying to work up the nerve to do what she needed to, "I wouldn't say I'm totally helpless-"
She threw her arms up and out to shove his hands away from her, thrusting her leg up sharply in the same moment to slam her knee into his naked groin. When he stumbled back half a step in surprise, she moved to rush past him, but she was yanked back roughly by her arm before she could make it more than a step away. Her cardigan tore from her shoulder as he spun her back around and suddenly they were falling through the air. Her back slammed down onto the ground and a pained grunt slipped past her lips as Jackson's weight landed heavily on top of her.
The moment they collided and his naked body pinned her to the floor, Jackson's eyes were widening, lips parted in surprise as if he'd suddenly been broken from a trance.
"Amber?" He questioned in panicked confusion as he scrambled to his feet frantically, "What are you doing here?"
The girl's heart was sill pounding in her chest too heavily for her to formulate a response. Her lips parted in a loss for words as she shuffled along the floor to put space between them. Her back hit the wall and the cold tile pressed against her bare shoulder where her sweater and the thin strap of her dress were still askew, the fabric dangling loosely down her arm. She watched as Jackson reached for a discarded pair of athletic shorts on the changing bench and moved to cover himself.
The locker room door swung open before she could respond and her wide eyes cut across the room to see Scott standing in the doorway, his gaze flicking back and forth between where she was on the floor, looking disheveled and afraid, and where Jackson was still pulling a pair of shorts over his naked legs with frantic movements.
"I- I'm fine," She assured her best friend quickly, "I'm fi-"
Her words didn't seem to quell the way that Scott's face morphed into one of blind fury. It was only then that Amber realized exactly how bad the scene in front of him appeared.
Without a moment of hesitation, Scott was storming toward Jackson furiously and Amber clumsily climbed to her feet as she watched her best friend shove Jackson back through the air with enough force that a row of lockers caved when the boy's body slammed into them.
"No, Scott! Scott, stop! I'm fine!" She repeated quickly.
Jackson righted himself with a renewed rage, "I. Have. A. Restraining order!"
"Trust me, I restrained myself." Scott retorted angrily.
In a blink, Jackson was tackling Scott and Amber watched in distress as they began to throw one another around the locker room with superhuman strength. They moved toward the showers at the back of the room and she heard an unmistakable crack as the tiles shattered from the force of their brawl.
Jackson stepped back into view, breathing heavily and scowling at Amber where she was still standing wide eyed at the front of the room, but before he could make it more than a few steps toward her, Scott was launching himself out of the showers and sending him hurtling back toward the weight benches.
"You guys, seriously! Stop!" Amber pleaded as she watched Jackson grab a forty-five pound weight, his fingers wrapping around the plate and launching it in Scott's direction as if it weighed nothing at all.
Amber squeaked as her hands came up to cover her mouth, but Scott caught the weight before it could crash into his chest.
He didn't get a moment to recover. Jackson rushed forward to kick him back into the wall, tiles cracking beneath Scott's weight only seconds before he was thrown into the row of sinks along the wall.
The porcelain shattered with a loud crash, water spraying from the burst pipes as the boys continued to throw one another back and forth across the room.
"Guys!" She tried again, voice hitching slightly. Her back hit the wall when they moved closer as she tried to stay away from the action, "Guys, stop!"
As if she hadn't spoken at all, the two continued to shove and kick at each other and Amber's heart pounded anxiously in her chest with each minute that passed, growing more and more worried that one of them might truly get hurt. Her hands scrambled as she patted herself down in search of her cell phone, a disbelieving whine leaving her lips when she realized it was in her backpack in the hallway due to the lack of pockets in her attire.
Jackson sent a final hard kick to Scott's chest and Amber watched her friend slam against the locker room door with a loud crash, the door tearing from its hinges as Scott fell back on top of it and into the hallway.
Amber rushed behind Jackson when he immediately stormed out of the room after Scott, the girl finding Erica already restraining Jackson and pulling him off of Scott. Stiles was attempting to hold Scott back while he tried to charge forward again and Amber pushed her hands against Scott's chest as Stiles wrapped his arms around him.
"Scott!" She pleaded, "Seriously, Scott, I-"
"What the hell is going on!"
Amber's eyes pinched shut in disbelief of their luck as she heard Mr. Harris yelling down the hallway, his footfalls growing louder as he stormed toward them.
"Hey!" The teacher shouted when he saw the boys still fighting against the students that were attempting to keep them apart, "Enough!"
Jackson and Scott seemed to deflate at the sound of their Chemistry teacher's angry yelling, both boys slumping against the arms holding them back as they finally stopped fighting.
"What do you idiots think you're doing?" Mr. Harris yelled, looking between the group of teens with a scowl, "Mr. McCall? Care to explain yourself?" He questioned sharply before his eyes drifted to the two teens who had released him but were still standing beside their friend, "Callisto? Stilinski?"
Amber swallowed loudly and looked around, but the entire group remained silent for a long moment.
"..You dropped this." Matt's voice cut in awkwardly, stepping from behind Mr. Harris and handing Amber's unzipped backpack to her.
Her notebook of bestiary translations was laying at the top of her books in a way that she hadn't quite remembered it being when she'd stuffed it into her bag earlier. As she took her backpack from him, she winced at the water dripping from the fabric due to the leak that had flowed out of the locker room and into the hallway.
"You, and you," Mr. Harris pointed between Jackson and Scott before shaking his head and letting his eyes rake across the group again, his gaze even drifting to where Matt was hovering behind him for a moment, "Actually.. All of you. Detention. Three o'clock."
They all slumped at the announcement of their punishment, Jackson shooting them a dark glare before storming off behind their teacher and Matt as they retreated. The moment that the hallway had cleared out, Scott was rounding on Amber with a furious glare.
"What the heck were you thinking?!" He snapped.
She flinched underneath his anger suddenly directed at her and took a small step back from him, "Wh-"
"Why would you guys split up?" He asked loudly, barely glancing at his girlfriend before he was glaring at Amber again, "That was the stupidest, most reckless-"
"Hey, Scott.." Stiles interrupted Scott's enraged scolding to move between them, nudging Scott back a step, "Take it down a notch, man."
"You didn't see the way-" Scott shook his head, his anger seeming to fade suddenly into concern in the time it took him to inhale and exhale. He moved forward again, "I- Amber, are you alright?"
"I- I'm fine, Scott," She promised, taking Stiles' hand gratefully when his fingers nudged against hers in offering, "I told you-"
Scott's chest heaved as he took a breath to keep calm, "If he.. I swear to god I'm gonna kill him-"
"Scott, stop." Amber interrupted, "It seriously wasn't what it looked like, okay? He didn't-"
"What did it look like?" Stiles questioned in confusion, he and Allison both slightly lost in the conversation.
Scott let out another sharp breath, "It looked like Jackson was-"
"I know what it looked like!" Amber cut him off again frantically, not wanting to hear the words, "Scott he was just yelling at me, okay? He was being an asshole but he wasn't going to- He-" She took a shaky breath, "He wasn't going to do anything. Not what you're thinking. He wasn't going to do.. that."
"Do what?"
Allison and Stiles voiced the words at the same time, the former still sounding confused and the latter simply exasperated at being left out.
Scott didn't speak, but he held eye contact with Amber for a long moment as if he were trying to search her face for any trace of a lie, even after having listened to the way her heartbeat remained steady while she'd spoken the words. He nodded slowly in indication that he believed her, his shoulders slumping from their rigid stance. Amber took a small step forward to pull him into a one armed hug, her other hand still extended behind her with Stiles' fingers trapped in her grip.
"I'm okay," She murmured quietly into his ear, "But regardless, I'm glad you came when you did," She said slightly louder as she released him and stepped back, "Did- Did you do okay on your makeup test? Did me and Stiles' flash cards help?"
There was a pause before he responded and she frowned at his moment of hesitation.
"I, uh, yeah. Totally. They definitely helped!" Scott said after a moment with a bit too much enthusiasm.
Amber groaned, her head rolling back on her shoulders, "You weren't finished and you bombed it to get down here and help me, didn't you?"
Scott winced, "Yeah."
Amber sighed, her grip tightening around Stiles' hand as she shook her head to clear away negative thoughts, "It's fine, it's totally fine! Y'know why? We- New game plan! Stiles and I will help you with some extra credit work instead and your grade will just-" She pulled at Stiles' wrist as she slapped her free palm against their joined hands, imitating something shooting up into the air, "We can still fix this."
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At the end of the day, Amber was surprised by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind, warmth filling her chest as the scent of Stiles' cologne washed over her. His mouth pressed softly against the side of her neck and Amber's breath stuttered at the feeling. She abandoned the book she'd been pulling from her locker to reach back toward him, fingers wrapping around the back of his neck as she tipped her head at an awkward angle to catch his lips with her own.
"Mm, hello." She greeted quietly against his mouth.
"Hi," Stiles grinned, his arms tightening around her ribs as she turned back to collect her World History textbook, "You ready for detention?"
"As ready as one can be for punishment in the form of forced labor." She zipped up her backpack and closed her locker as she turned in her boyfriend's arms. Her back hit the lockers softly as Stiles leaned into her space to press his lips against hers again in a quick kiss.
"We're going to reshelve a couple books. It's not exactly punitive labor." He commented in amusement, prying her backpack from her fingers and releasing her so that he could drape the strap over his shoulder atop his own bag.
She took his hand in hers and rolled her eyes, "Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're supposed to agree with your girlfriend no matter what? Even when you think she's wrong or being ridiculous or batshit crazy?"
"I dunno, I think that might be a myth.." Stiles teased with a barely concealed grin as they headed toward the library.
"I'm just saying.. Maybe you should look into it-" She couldn't fight the smile that pulled at her own lips as his thumb ran softly back and forth along the back of her hand. She changed the subject with a quiet huff, "D'you think Erica really kept all the kanima stuff about Jackson a secret after you talked to her earlier? That she didn't tell Derek?"
Stiles sighed, "I freakin' hope so. You guys only just convinced me that we shouldn't kill him, it'd be a real bummer now if Derek just ripped his throat out anyway."
She winced, "That's.. Graphic."
"Sorry," Stiles made a face, "But, I mean- Wouldn't be the first time, would it? The guy didn't even hesitate when it was his own uncle-"
"That's a little different, I think-" She defended weakly, "I mean, his uncle was a psychopath whereas Jackson's technically one of Derek's Betas. Or, y'know, he would be if he didn't have so much repressed shit-"
"You think Derek being the one to give him the bite would really make him think twice?" Stiles questioned, pulling open the library doors and letting Amber step through first.
She shrugged, "I wouldn't necessarily count on it, but there's no harm in hoping, right?"
She dropped into a chair across the table from where Scott was already sitting and Stiles was quick to claim the one beside her.
"Oh, um, we can't be in detention together," Jackson told Mr. Harris as he sat down in the seat behind Amber, "I have a restraining order against these tools."
"All of these tools?" Their teacher asked with an unimpressed look, eyes flicking over their table.
"No, just us tools." Stiles supplied with a sigh, pointing between himself and Scott.
"Fine. Jackson, sit there," Mr. Harris said with an eye roll, gesturing to the empty seat at the table where Matt and Allison were sitting on the other side of the room before focusing back on the other teens as Erica sat down at an unoccupied table behind the teacher, "You two keep your distance from him."
Their teacher's attention left them to focus elsewhere and Scott took the opportunity to lean across the table, his face pinched tight in anger, "I'm gonna kill him." He stated, eyes flicking over to Jackson before refocusing on his best friends.
"No, you're not." Amber whispered.
"You're gonna find out who's controlling him." Stiles reminded him.
"-And then you're gonna help save him." Amber finished seriously.
"No," Scott whispered with a determined look, attention drifting to Stiles, "You were right. Let's kill him."
"He was not right," Amber whispered sharply, "You two are killing me. Get it together."
"Hey, I'm on your side now, remember?" Stiles defended, reaching out to pat her leg beneath the table as he spoke.
Amber gripped his hand over her bare thigh and squeezed it with a grateful nod.
"Hey, what if it's Matt?" Stiles pondered aloud after a few minutes, his eyes focussed on the boy sitting across the room beside Allison, "-I mean this whole thing comes back to the video, right? It was his camera-"
Scott shook his head, "Danny said that Matt was the one that found the two hours of footage that was missing-"
"Exactly!" Stiles whispered, raising his eyebrows as he continued to make his point, "He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."
Amber and Scott let their gazes drift across the room to watch the boy in question as he crunched on a chip from the snack bag he'd been picking at since the start of detention.
"..So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?" Scott deduced in confusion.
"Yes!" Stiles hissed.
"Why would he do that?" Amber questioned incredulously.
"Because.. He's evil." Stiles supplied slowly.
She peered across the room again and watched as Matt shook his bag of chips across the table at Jackson in offering.
"Yeah, he looks like a real criminal mastermind." Amber whispered sarcastically.
"You just don't like him." Scott told Stiles with a shake of his head.
"The guy bugs me, I dunno what it is," Stiles agreed quietly, "Just.. Look at his face."
Amber pulled her hand from Stiles' with a wince and bit down on her lip, "Does that mean now is a bad time to mention that he asked me to go to that rave concert thing with him on Friday-"
Stiles shot her a look of disbelief, eye twitching as he searched for words, "He what?"
"I mean, as friends, obviously-" She added, feeling slightly guilty from the look on her boyfriend's face.
"But you said no, right?" Stiles whispered, his gaze flicking over her shoulder to scowl at Matt before returning to her face.
She scrunched her nose, "Not exactly."
Scott listened in on their interaction silently, eyes bouncing between his best friends as if he were watching a tennis match while they went back and forth.
"Well what exactly did you say, then?" Stiles followed up.
"What!" Stiles said a little too loudly, shrinking back as everyone looked over at him and repeating himself in a hushed whisper, "What?"
Amber dropped her hand over his knee with a sympathetic frown, "I made sure he knew you and I were together and that we'd just be going as friends. And in the end he offered to get a ticket for Allison too," She promised quietly, "I didn't realize you despised him quite so much or else I would've-"
"Well if I disliked him before, I freakin' loathe him now." Stiles glared over her shoulder once more.
She sighed, grip tightening on his leg, "Babe, I'm sorry, but.. I'm not canceling on him after I already agreed to go-"
"I didn't- I'm not asking you to-" Stiles huffed with a shake of his head, "Just, be careful, alright? There's something off about the guy."
She turned her head to look back at Matt again and watched as the boy finished his chips and began meticulously folding the empty bag in half over and over until it was shaped into a small square of trash that he proceeded to tuck away in the pocket of his jeans.
"Right.." Amber drew out the word quietly, unconvinced.
A silence fell over their table, the quiet stretching on for a few minutes before Jackson suddenly pushed out of his chair and began to stumble toward the library doors with a mumbled excuse about needing to use the bathroom.
"Are you alright?" Mr. Harris questioned, looking genuinely worried for the boy in a way that had Amber very nearly rolling her eyes, "You don't look so good-"
Jackson merely pushed past the teacher when they crossed paths, "I just need to get some water." He muttered as he pushed through the doors and exited the library.
Mr. Harris watched him go for only a moment before he moved to follow behind him, pausing at the doors to turn back and glare at the rest of them, "No one leaves their seats." He warned.
The moment the doors closed behind him, Amber, Scott, and Stiles all shared a look in silent communication before they wordlessly pushed up from their chairs and rushed over to the table Erica had taken up by herself.
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott addressed the blonde, wasting no time with beating around the bush.
Erica looked between the three of them as they sat down and shrugged in nonchalance, "Maybe."
"Talk." Scott urged quickly.
Erica flipped her notebook closed with a sigh and leaned over the table on her elbows, "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he turns eighteen."
Stiles narrowed his eyes in disbelief, "So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?"
"Yup." Erica grinned at the annoyance in his voice.
"There is something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles muttered.
"The last thing that boy needs is more money to further inflate his ego." Amber agreed quietly.
"You know what?" Erica murmured, opening her laptop and clicking around on the trackpad as she navigated the screen, "I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox.. He keeps everything."
"Scott McCall, Please report to the principal's office. Scott McCall. Principal's office."
Amber had pushed out of her seat and was headed to the opposite side of the table where Stiles and Erica were sitting when the announcement rang out loudly through the PA system. She frowned as she looked at her friend in question but Scott shrugged in response with a frown of his own, patting her on the shoulder as he stood and moved to head down to the front office.
Stiles spread his legs over the sides of his wide chair and Amber settled between his thighs easily so that they could both peer at the computer screen while Erica did a deep dive through her father's old emails.
As the blonde finally pulled up the message thread they were looking for a few minutes later, the doors to the library reopened with a quiet click as Jackson and Mr. Harris came back into the room, but the three teens paid no attention, continuing to read through the attachments as Erica opened them up on the screen.
"Wait, wait-" Amber whispered, her eyes suddenly catching on the words written on the copy of the insurance claim, "Look at the dates."
"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA-" Erica read from the middle of the page, "The estimated time of death - 9:26 P.M., June 14, 1995." She finished with a questioning lilt to her voice, eyebrows lifting as if she wasn't sure what could be possibly important about that particular piece of information
"Jackson's birthday is June 15." Stiles pointed out, pulling the words straight from Amber's mouth.
Erica turned to blink at them in surprise.
The sudden zing of a zipper rang out through the room and everyone's attention was drawn to where Mr. Harris was pulling his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his things as he moved to leave early. The teens all followed suit in collective relief, beginning to gather their own belongings together before the sound of their teacher chuckling quietly made them pause.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry-" He laughed, not sounding the least bit apologetic, "Uh, yes.. I'm leaving. But none of you are," He explained, stepping up to one of the many wheeled carts stacked high with books, "You may go when you're done with the reshelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
Mr. Harris chuckled again as he left the room and Amber's face pinched up in disgust.
"I genuinely hate that man." She muttered, dropping down into the seat again and leaning back into Stiles' chest with a sigh.
Erica's eyes were flicking over the screen of her laptop again, still searching for something following the discovery made by Stiles and Amber.
"What?" Amber questioned after a moment.
Erica closed the lid to her computer and blinked, "They kept his mom on life support until they could get her body prepped for surgery." She explained quietly.
"Jesus." Stiles muttered.
All of their gazes drifted over to where Jackson was leaning heavily over the top of his table, looking slightly sweaty and feverishly unwell.
"You think he's good?" Amber questioned in a whisper, head tipped back onto Stiles shoulder so she could speak quietly into his ear.
Stiles shrugged behind her, "Maybe the bite's finally gonna kill him." He joked.
Amber pinched his arm between her fingers in reprimand, "Cut that out. Now, c'mon. Let's do some reshelving. I'd like to go home at some point today."
Erica rolled her eyes at the couple just as the doors were thrown open once again and Scott reemerged. He immediately came to stand where Amber was already beginning to roll one of the carts of books in the direction of the stacks, nodding his head toward Allison in a motion for her to follow them. Stiles stepped around Amber to pull the cart from the other side, grabbing a book at random once they were hidden away between the shelves and peering down at the sticker on the bottom of the binding as he searched for the place where it belonged amongst the shelved books.
"Did you guys find anything?" Scott questioned his friends as Allison stepped up beside them.
Amber grimaced as she grabbed a book of her own, "Yeah, kinda." She supplied weakly, pushing up onto her toes to shove the book onto a high shelf.
"You guys found something?" Allison repeated curiously, "About his parents?"
Amber and Stiles both nodded, looking at one another silently as they debated who should speak and eventually the girl caved with a sigh, "Well, you know they both died in a car accident-" She whispered, fighting against the flashes of painful memories that cropped up at the reminder of how her own parents had been taken from her, "But it was only a couple of hours before Jackson was born." She continued.
"What does that mean?" Scott asked in confusion.
"It means he was born after his mom died," Amber explained, "..By c-section."
"They had to pull him out of her dead body." Stiles supplied grimly.
"Oh my god." Allison whispered.
Amber nodded in agreement as she reshelved another book, "So, yeah. His parents were killed before tiny Jackson was even born into the world."
"Killed.." Allison repeated slowly, "So, was it an accident or not?"
Stiles shrugged, "The word all over the reports is 'inconclusive'."
Scott leaned on his elbows, resting his weight onto a stack of books with wide eyes, "What? His parents could've been murdered?"
Stiles nodded with another noncommittal shrug, "If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth, right?"
Amber nodded in agreement, "It seeks out and kills murderers but.. What, because it had a loved one who was also murdered?"
"Would that go for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison questioned in a hushed voice.
"Maybe both?" Amber pondered, "I mean, maybe that's why they bonded in the first place."
"Could be." Stiles agreed easily.
"Regardless, I don't think Jackson wants to kill anybody," Amber whispered, "I mean, if he knew what he was-"
"We have to talk to him," Scott interrupted, moving around the book cart to walk to the front of the aisle, "We have to tell him."
"I don't know if that's such a good idea," Amber countered, stepping forward to follow after him, "I don't think he's gonna listen to-" Scott left the row of shelves without another word and Amber sighed as she turned back to Allison and Stiles, "-And he's gone.. Y'know, he used to listen to me."
"Yeah, him going Teen Wolf and no longer being such a pushover is a real pain in the ass, isn't it?" Stiles lamented in agreement.
"Yes." Amber agreed in discontent.
A loud crash from a few rows over had Amber flinching in surprise, head whipping toward the commotion as another crash immediately followed, the second one sounding out slightly closer.
"Erica!" Scott yelled from another row.
Amber took a nervous step back toward Stiles as her heart picked up in her chest. The next crash sounded from directly above them as a dark blur jumped from one towering bookshelf to another, slamming into the ceiling and shattering lights as it moved. Amber brought her hands up to cover her head as small shards of glass along with styrofoam and dust from the ceiling tiles rained down over them and Stiles pulled her to the ground, wrapping one arm around her waist and positioning the other protectively over their heads.
They heard Erica let out a small scream from the next row and as Stiles lowered his arm slowly, Amber looked between him and Allison with wide eyes.
The shattered light bulbs above were sparking dangerously as electricity continued to flow into them and Amber took ahold of Stiles' wrist as the sound of wood splintering and loud crashes continued from beyond the stack that they were tucked away in.
The familiar screech of the kanima sounded out only moments before Scott was tossed back into a cart of books in need of re-shelving at the end of the bookshelves. Amber made a small, unconscious move to go toward her friend to help but Stiles tugged her back into his arms without hesitation, scolding her quietly.
Scott groaned as he righted himself and he slipped into the row of shelves upon spotting the three of them still ducked down beside the other book cart. He came to a crouch in front of them all, blocking them off from the end of the row and stretching his arms out protectively as Allison flocked to her boyfriend's back.
It was only then that Amber's eyes fell on Jackson. He was stood in front of a blackboard across the room, half-shifted in a way she'd only ever seen when he was unconscious outside of the nightclub, his skin lightly covered in scales though he remained looking mostly human. His head lolled to the side limply as he gripped a piece of chalk and began to write on the board, showing no indication that he knew what he was doing, like a puppet controlled by someone pulling at its strings.
The chalk clicked loudly against the board in the sudden silence as Jackson's unfocused yellow eyes gazed at nothing in particular across the room and Amber gripped onto Stiles that much tighter in unease. Jackson finished his messy scrawl of large letters on the board, remaining still for a terrifying moment before he launched himself out of the second story library window in a loud crash of shattering glass.
Amber let out a shaky exhale and Stiles pressed his mouth to her temple, not quite kissing her but simply panting anxious breaths into her skin as they all took in the message that had been left behind on the blackboard.
The four rose to their feet, slowly stepping out from the row of bookshelves as the lights continued to flicker and spark above them. Amber's gaze drifted to the next row over as it came into view and she stumbled over her own feet at the sight of the blonde werewolf convulsing on the floor.
Amber pushed past Stiles and fell to her knees, rolling Erica over onto her back until she could see the other girl's face.
"Woah, woah- Hey!" Stiles alerted the others immediately as he followed his girlfriend's footsteps and helped her hold onto Erica while the girl thrashed.
"She's having a seizure-" Amber shouted in confusion, "She's a werewolf! How- How is she having a seizure?"
"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital." Stiles announced obviously.
"Derek-" Erica disagreed in a quick burst, "T-To Derek."
Their grip on the blonde tightened further as she twitched and Scott dropped down to the floor alongside them, looking over to the next row where Allison was checking on an unconscious Matt.
"He's alive." Allison declared.
Scott sighed in relief, his eyes meeting Amber's panicked ones before his gaze dropped down to Erica for a moment. He looked back at Allison, "When we get her to the hospital-"
"To Derek," Erica was quick to repeat, jerking beneath Amber's hands, "To Derek."
"Okay," Amber agreed easily as Stiles sat Erica up in his arms, "Okay, we'll go to Derek." She promised.
Scott was still looking at Allison longingly and he stood suddenly before rounding the bookshelf to drop down beside his girlfriend.
Stiles' head snapped up in annoyance, "Hey, Scott!"
"Asshole." Amber muttered under her breath as she pushed a clump of curls from Erica's face and tucked them behind her ear, "Scott!" She called out again in frustration.
She could hear the hushed whisperings between Scott and Allison but couldn't quite make out the words that were being said and her eyes went to her boyfriend's to meet Stiles' own irritated gaze.
"Scott, go." Allison said loudly.
"Yeah, Scott, get your ass over here!" Amber snapped as she helped Stiles get to his feet with Erica draped in his arms bridal style.
Scott finally approached them again a few seconds later and immediately took Erica's weight from Stiles' arms, carrying her effortlessly as he rushed toward the exit. Stiles huffed quietly in annoyance as they followed behind Scott with quick steps and Amber's hand found his back as they moved through the empty halls.
"I had that." Stiles muttered quietly.
"I know you did." Amber assented, rubbing her hand over his shoulder blades as they rushed down the hallway.
"I wasn't struggling that much. I could've carried her-"
Amber nodded empathetically, "I'm sure you could've."
Stiles huffed as they rounded a corner to head toward the front doors, "Why do I get the feeling you're just trying to appease me?"
"Because I am." Amber said easily, grabbing his hand to pull him to move faster.
"Wh- I mean, I've carried you plenty of times! You know I could-"
"You're very strong, baby, okay?" She placated quickly as they followed Scott through the doors and down the steps to the sidewalk, "But we both know Scott's stronger. There's no point in wearing out your human muscles, right?"
Stiles frowned as he pulled out his keys, "Yeah, I- Okay."
She knew that couldn't possibly be the end of it, the very last thing Stiles was known for was his ability to let things go, or concede in a fight — but it seemed he was willing to drop the subject for now, and Amber rewarded him with a tender stroke of her thumb over his cheek before she climbed into the vehicle.
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As sickening as it was to watch Derek snap the bones in Erica's arm to jumpstart her healing process, it was nothing compared to the positively blood curdling scream that Erica let out when he sunk his claws into her flesh to squeeze the kanima venom out through the broken limb.
Amber had never had any real problems with the sight of blood, but as Derek dug his fingers into the skin of Erica's arm and thick red streams of it poured out onto the dirty floor of the train car, she had to hold back a gag as nausea flooded her body.
Stiles' warm breath against her neck as he shielded his own eyes from the gore-y scene was a welcomed comfort. She reached to cup the back of his head and he burrowed his face further into her hair with a wince when Derek tightened his grip once more and Erica's screams started up again.
"Derek-" Amber choked out, tightening her other hand around Erica's as a few tears leaked down the blonde's cheeks.
"I'm almost done." Derek promised them.
The next few minutes were painful for everyone involved and their ears were still ringing with Erica's cries of pain by the time Derek released his grip on her arm. They all slumped in relief at the sudden silence while Erica caught her breath and Derek and Scott were quick to rise to their feet and exit the ratty train car.
Amber stumbled to her own feet, temples throbbing slightly from both the anxiety and the screams that had filled her head for the last couple hours. She gave Stiles' shoulder a squeeze before she followed the path out of the train car in search for where Scott and Derek had wandered off to only moments before.
"You knew who it was." Scott accused Derek as Amber stepped up behind the two werewolves.
She watched with a sick weight in her stomach as Derek wiped Erica's blood away from his hands with a rag before he nodded and spoke, "Jackson."
"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott asked in annoyance.
Derek nodded again but Amber took another step into their space before he could respond, "You're not going to hurt him."
"I'm not?" Derek crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows.
"Face it, Derek. You need help from Scott and his worthless pack of humans," Her words were laced with venom and she almost felt satisfied by the look of surprise on the older werewolf's face, "And we'll help you, alright? But we're not hurting him."
"Amber-" Derek's words were cut off when Scott cut in.
"She's right," Scott nodded seriously, placing a hand on Amber's shoulder in a show of support, "We'll help you stop him. But we do it on one condition; we're gonna find a way to catch him, not kill him."
Derek sighed, "So what's your plan then?"
"You want to do things 'your way', but neither of you has a plan?" Derek huffed in exasperation.
"The rave on Friday.." Amber said after a moment.
Derek shook his head immediately, "There'll be too many people-"
"Exactly," Scott agreed immediately, "Jackson won't be expecting us to corner him in such a crowded location and he'll be a whole lot easier to catch if he's not expecting it."
"So, Mr. I'm A Werewolf And I Know Everything-" Amber looked at Derek expectantly, "How does one set a trap for demented lizard-wolf?"
"We could use mountain ash, maybe.." Derek said with a shrug, "But I don't have any."
"Well who would?" Amber asked immediately.
Derek frowned, "Scott's boss might-"
"You think Deaton has this stuff?" Scott questioned.
"There's a lot you don't know about him, Scott," Derek supplied unhelpfully, "And I doubt he'd give it to me, but he might be willing to give it to you."
"Okay," Amber said easily, "So we ask Dr. Deaton for this ashy shit.. What exactly is it though? How is it gonna help us catch Jackson?"
Derek sighed a long suffering sigh before giving them a painfully undetailed run down of how they might be able to use the mountain ash to trap Jackson, but voiced that he was unsure how they'd subdue the kanima once they had him trapped. Scott was quick to insist that Deaton would be able to help them come up with a more thorough plan and that he, Amber, and Stiles would go and speak with his boss after school one day.
"Cool. So we have a week to come up with a plan, then," Amber said, bitterness seeping into her voice as her eyes drifted to Derek again, "I guess we'll just have one of your precious Betas let you know once we have it all hashed out, since you've made sure that it's impossible for any of us to get a hold of you."
She turned away with a huff and made her way down the dark, dirty hallway, needing just a moment by herself as anger pulsed violently in her chest. She flinched when a hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her to a stop in an empty stretch of the abandoned railway cars.
"Amber, hang on a second." Derek said calmly.
Her eyes narrowed, hurt creeping up inside her as she recalled what he'd said just a few days before to shed some light on why he'd entirely cut off contact with her.
I didn't want you to be a part of my pack if you wanted to stay human.
"What?" She sighed weakly.
"I know I hurt your feelings," He said slowly, "And I-"
"You didn't," She lied with a small shrug, "Why would I be hurt?"
Derek gave her a look as if she were being wholly ridiculous, "I know I hurt you," He repeated, "When I told you I didn't want you to be a part of my pack-"
"I'm a part of Scott's pack, remember? You said so yourself. I don't want to be a part of your stupid agro-pack anyway, okay?"
He appeared sad as he frowned at her and she couldn't quite tell if it was hurt or pity swimming in his eyes, but her throat tightened regardless.
He sighed, "I just wanted to apologize, alright? My mother never really considered the human family members to be part of the pack and until I saw the bond that Scott's formed with you, and Stiles, and Allison, I thought that was just how it was supposed to be. I didn't-"
"Didn't want a sixteen year old little girl to get in the way and ruin your perfect pack of werewolves?"
She refused to even look at the older werewolf as she spit his words back at him, her eyes focussed on the dirty cement wall behind him instead. She hadn't even been truly angry when he'd initially said the words, but now that her frustration had pushed its way to the surface, she felt her emotions taking over for the first time since the night she'd turned down his offer of the bite.
"I shouldn't have said that," Derek confessed quietly, "I didn't mean it. I was angry that you turned me down but I shouldn't have pushed you away the way I did."
Her jaw clenched, "No. You shouldn't have."
"I'm sorry."
At his apology, her eyes finally flicked back to Derek and her stiffness loosened slightly at the genuine regret on his normally stoic face.
"All I ever wanted was to help you." She said quietly.
"I know."
"I- I was starting to think of you like a brother and you just.. You said you didn't want me anymore and you left." Her voice caught in her throat and Derek's eyes widened at the shift in her emotions, "I cared about you."
"I.." Derek's face scrunched up like he was struggling entirely too hard with his words before continuing, "I care about you too."
Her face broke into a grin accompanied by glassy eyes as she threw her arms around his shoulders, "Aw, Sourwolf.. I forgive you. For being such a big stupid dickhead."
Derek chuckled quietly as he returned her hug and Amber's chest felt decidedly warm.
"Oh, come on! Alpha paws off my girlfriend. For the love of God." Stiles' voice exclaimed as he rounded the corner.
Amber laughed as she released the werewolf and she took Stiles' hand in hers as soon as he was at her side, "How's Erica?" She asked.
Stiles smiled sadly, "Healed. She passed out but she looks a lot better than she did."
Derek nodded at his words before moving past them and Amber's arms looped around her boyfriend's waist the moment they were alone. She nuzzled her head into his neck and he huffed an amused laugh as he returned her embrace, combing his fingers through her hair in a familiar motion.
"What's up?" He asked quietly.
She shrugged and attempted to bury herself deeper in him, "Are you and Scott ready to go?"
Stiles hummed a confirmation before dropping his arms around her waist, "Should I carry you to the Jeep? To prove my more than adequate human strength?" He tightened his arms and lifted her until her toes could only just brush the ground but she shoved him away with a squeal of laughter.
"No," She said quickly as she moved down the hall, "Nope, no carrying necessary. Let's go get Scott. We can start planning Operation Capture Jackson on the way."
Stiles ran up behind her and she broke into laughter again while dodging his attempts to get his arms around her, tangling her fingers with his instead as she pulled him along.
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Amber fisted the fabric of his flannel between her fingers in the scramble for something substantial to hold onto as her voice rose.
"I'm serious! Put me down!" She demanded in a shout.
"Nope," He slammed the passenger door of the Jeep closed and turned to head inside the house, his hands gripping her thighs tightly to ensure she didn't fall from the place where she'd been thrown over his shoulder after insisting he help her from the vehicle in what she'd thought had been an act of chivalry, "Not until we're upstairs. I'm-"
"You have proven your point!" She found herself laughing despite the way his shoulder was digging somewhat painfully into her gut.
"Not yet."
As he stepped into the house, Stiles took a moment to toe off his shoes while using one hand to pull Amber's from her feet and dropping them to smack against the floor one at a time.
"I'm wearing a dress!" She squealed when he still didn't set her down. She suddenly found herself desperately hoping that none of his nosy neighbors had been looking through their windows at the right moment to receive a full view of her ass as he'd carried her inside.
"You sure are," Stiles agreed as he moved past the entryway and deeper into the house, his right hand sliding dangerously further up her thigh as he went, "Thanks for that, by the way. It's a nice view."
She pinched his backside in retaliation as he began to climb the stairs and his knees buckled worryingly for a moment in surprise on the bottom step.
"Do not drop me, Stilinski-" She threatened seriously.
"Don't distract me!" He countered.
"You're being ridiculous!" She argued, watching with unease as the distance between her head and the floor grew, "And you're lucky I don't get motion sickness because looking down all of these stairs is mildly terrifying-"
"I'm not gonna drop you." He promised.
He made a point of tightening his fingers around her thighs further to reassure her but his actions had an entirely different effect. She had to bite down on her lower lip painfully to hold back the quiet moan that threatened to escape as his fingers dug into the soft flesh just beneath the roundness of her ass, his thumb dipping torturously between her thighs as he squeezed, the tip achingly close to pressing against her lace-covered core. So close, she could very nearly taste it.
When they made it to his bedroom, Stiles unceremoniously dropped her down onto the bed and she quickly propped herself up on her elbows to look up at him in disbelief, her cheeks flushed with heat.
"That.. Was so unnecessary." She said breathlessly as she pushed herself to sit up at the edge of his bed.
Stiles only grinned, "Told you I could do it, though. I'm not even winded. In fact, I could've-"
His words cut off in surprise when Amber dragged him forward with a hand fisted in his shirt, his knees bumping the mattress as he stumbled to a stop between her parted legs. She blinked up at him while she continued to catch her breath, tongue poking out to wet her lips unconsciously as her gaze flicked from his eyes to his mouth.
Stiles watched the movements and leaned down suddenly with one knee on the mattress between her thighs to pull her into a kiss, his hand gliding over her jaw to cradle the back of her head until his fingers could tangle in her hair.
She groaned into his mouth, her arms sliding across his shoulders to loop around his neck so that she could pull him down against her as she fell to her back on the bed. The sparks that had pooled in her belly crept lower, fluttering excitedly between her legs as his weight settled on top of her and she sighed contentedly through her nose when he deepened the kiss.
His fingers skimmed with the ghost of a touch over the skin of her biceps, dragging up past her elbows where he untangled her arms from around his neck to push them down against the mattress. His hands trailed back toward her own to tangle their fingers together once her arms were splayed out on either side of her head. When his lips left hers, she tipped her head back while his mouth left a wet trail of kisses along her jaw and down the length of her neck.
Her hips canted up reflexively as his teeth scraped softly over the sensitive skin of her throat, his warm breath tingling along her skin, and Stiles groaned into her neck when her pelvis made contact with the growing bulge at the front of his jeans.
"Stiles-" She breathed as his hands tightened around hers, arching up against him again in a desperate search for friction.
The scratch of denim was rough against her bare thighs as he shifted between her legs. The smell of his body wash still lingered on his skin from his morning shower and it filled her lungs with much needed oxygen while simultaneously filling her head with a giddy static that left her reeling, like the black and white fuzz of a channel that didn't come in on the television.
His lips trailed lower to leave hot kisses along her collarbones, his hands releasing her only so that he could slide her sweater from her shoulders, the strap of her dress following suit and slipping down past her elbow. His mouth was quick to find the newly revealed skin of her chest and she groaned while he stripped her of her cardigan completely, allowing him to tug it down her arms and toss it blindly over the side of the bed.
She pushed his own overshirt from his shoulders in response and his hands gravitated back to her skin the moment it was stripped away so that he could hike the fabric of her dress up, his thumbs pressing into her flesh intoxicatingly when he reached the tops of her thighs. She helped him drag the fabric up over her stomach and chest, tearing the dress over her head in a quick movement.
Stiles stared at her in awe for a moment before he was crowding her back against the bed to recapture her lips. Their tongues danced between hot breaths but eventually he was leaning down to reattach his mouth to the skin of her chest with wet kisses instead.
She felt his hands slip beneath her back to tug at the clasp of her bra. His mouth paused distractedly where he'd been kissing at her skin and the offer to assist him was on her lips when the fabric suddenly fell loose around her chest.
"Got it," Stiles boasted quietly, pulling the article from her body and throwing that behind himself as well, his lips immediately gravitating back to her chest, "Stupid demon contraption-" He muttered against her skin before sealing his mouth around a pebbled nipple.
The moan she let out was pornographic as her spine arched up from the mattress, chasing the feeling of his mouth, of his teeth scraping lightly against the bud while his thumb brushed lightly over her other breast.
It felt all too sudden when he pulled back and she blinked at him in confusion, feeling ridiculously disheveled from just fifteen minutes of kissing and a few seconds of his mouth on her tits.
"Hickeys," Stiles said simply as they looked at one another with lust-filled eyes. He licked at his swollen lips before continuing, "How do you feel about hickeys if they're not on your neck? Y'know? Is that still a no, or-"
She nodded wildly, "'S fine, that's fine."
An excited grin spread across his face and Amber wondered for a fleeting moment if she'd later regret granting him permission, but the thoughts were cast out of her mind the second he bit down on the sensitive flesh on the side of her breast, teeth sinking into the softness with a sudden and pleasurable sting.
She keened and gripped at the back of his neck as he sucked harshly on the sensitive skin before moving on to a new spot, his mouth leaving a smattering of biting kisses over both her breasts, littering her with spots in a wide array of pink and purple. He gripped her waist tightly, one hand holding her still as he worked while the other trailed down the outside of her thigh to pull her leg up around his hip.
When he finally kissed his way back up to her mouth, she angled her head to deepen the kiss immediately and reached between them to press her palm against the bulge beneath the zip of his pants as their tongues tangled. Stiles groaned into her mouth and she was quick to begin working at the button on his jeans, tugging it free and yanking down the zipper before pulling at the fabric at his hips.
He leaned back to rid himself of his jeans and slipped back into the space between her thighs in a flash, his hips rolling down against hers lightly as he reattached their mouths. He didn't waste any time before his lips were dragging back down her neck and chest, leaving a wet trail in their wake as he kissed and licked at her skin.
She was about to plead with him to do something but the words died on her lips when he moved lower, kissing a line down her stomach and nipping lightly at her hip bone before trailing lower still and repeating the treatment he'd given her breasts on the skin at the top of her thighs with teasing bites and kisses.
His fingers finally hooked beneath the waistband of her underwear and he slipped the fabric down her legs until they were out of the way, absentmindedly leaving them hooked around just one of her ankles in his rush to get back to the task at hand.
His head dipped down between her thighs tongue first and Amber cried out, gripping desperately at his shoulders over his shirt as he began to work his mouth against her clit.
"Yes," She praised simply in a low whisper, "S-shit."
He slid a hand up her stomach to massage her breast and she found herself having a hard time holding back the breathy noises that left her as he alternated between licking down at her entrance and moving a little higher up to flick his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves there instead. He swirled around her clit a few times, warm and soft and so fucking incredible, before he was flattening his tongue to apply more pressure.
"Sti-" She gasped, "Shit, y-yes. Just like- You- S-shit-"
Her chest was heaving with strangled breaths, fingers digging into his shoulders desperately as she tried to vocalize how good he was making her feel.
Her thighs began to tremble with the build of her orgasm, legs tightening around his shoulders as he worked her closer and closer to her peak. She was teetering on the edge, gasping and whining slack-jawed, when Stiles closed his lips around her clit and sucked lightly, his tongue still flicking against the nub, and her orgasm suddenly crashed over her in a wave of white-hot pleasure. Her hips twitched beneath him and his name spilled from her lips as her whole body jerked with her release.
He didn't back off until she began to wriggle uncomfortably beneath him from overstimulation. He haphazardly wiped the slick covering his mouth off against the love-bitten skin of her thigh before he crawled his way back up her body to drop his forehead against hers, their noses brushing lightly as she caught her breath.
"It- It's almost annoying how good you are at that." She murmured, tipping her chin up to catch his lips against hers lightly.
Stiles grinned in satisfaction at the compliment and he leaned down to slot their lips together more firmly, the taste of her own arousal lingering on his mouth.
After a moment of recovery, Amber reached down to wrap a hand around the hard line of his cock over his boxers, a surprisingly large patch of precome dampening the fabric, his length warm and heavy in her hand. He huffed a sharp breath into her mouth and she pulled back from the kiss slightly to peer up at him, watching the way his eyelashes fluttered and his lips parted as she tightened her fingers around him and worked her hand slowly.
Stiles groaned weakly when she released him but she ignored his noises of protest, forcing his boxers down his hips and pushing at his shoulders determinedly until he was laying on his back. She pulled her own underwear up over her thighs again before discarding his and settling between his spread knees.
He was achingly hard now, his cock long and thick where it curved up his stomach, the head of it red and leaking a small trail of precome into the dark hairs of his happy trail. She took him back into her hand while pushing the fabric of his shirt up his chest slightly, her fingers scratching through the damp trail of hair that led up from his groin before pressing into the tensed muscles of his stomach.
She fought not to cringe at the action as she spit over the tip and began to jerk him off in earnest, thumbing away the strand of connection to her mouth. Her embarrassment washed away in a flash of confidence when Stiles let out another devastatingly weak groan, the sound of it high and breathy.
Her hand tightened at the head, collecting the precome leaking from his tip and combining it with her own spit with an easy twist of her wrist before slipping her fist back down his length, the glide smooth and noisy with the slick of the makeshift lubricant.
She leaned down slowly after a moment of simply pumping him with her fist, guiding the head of his cock to her lips. She watched him watching her — watched the moment his eyes slipped shut with a curse and his thighs twitched as she wrapped her lips around the tip.
"Oh, shit." He hissed, hands tangling in her hair, his fingers fumbling to gather her it away from her face so he could watch her move with no obstructions when he looked down again.
She swirled her tongue around the head once, relishing in the stuttered noises of desperation that Stiles was letting out, the way his thighs twitched as he tried not to thrust up into the heat of her mouth, the muscles of his stomach growing firm beneath her palm as he tensed.
"Babe. Baby, I'm-"
As he moaned, she was tightening her fist around the base, sucking lightly at the head and suddenly, Stiles was coming with a groan, warmth coating her tongue as his muscles tensed further and his grip tightened in her hair. She pulled back slightly in surprise, swallowing what was in her mouth, the taste of it salty and slightly metallic. She rubbed her thumb over the slick tip while come continued to shoot out in weak spirts, watching her boyfriend twitch with the waves of his own release, the way his muscles tensed and relaxed rapidly beneath dark hair and pale skin.
"Holy.. shit." He whispered, hips jerking and eyes closed as the last dregs of his release coated her fingers.
She waited, momentarily mesmerized by the rise and fall of his chest with labored breaths, before she reached past him to grab a tissue and began to wipe the mess away from the bottom of his stomach and her hand. When she reached back up for a second tissue, Stiles halted her movements to look at her with wide eyes.
His thumb rubbed along her jaw softly, "Oh my god," He whispered, "I'm.. So sorry. I just.. Shit. I'm sorry." He repeated quietly, looking adorably flushed from embarrassment or his orgasm or possibly some combination of both.
"What exactly are you apologizing for?" She asked curiously, her hand trailing up his cheek as she reached up to drag her fingertips through the softness of his short hair.
He grimaced, "Well first off for having, like, zero restraint whenever you're on top of me and always embarrassing myself by coming in like ten seconds-" He began quietly, "But mostly for just coming in your mouth without any warning-"
Amber knocked their foreheads together as she snorted an amused laugh, "Mhm. Totally unforgivable.." She teased, "But I guess.. Just this once.."
She leaned down to give him a kiss but his head tipped away to avoid her lips as he continued.
"I'm serious. I swear I usually last longer, but-"
"Usually?" She repeated the word playfully, "What, when you're jerking off in bed all by yourself?"
His nose scrunched up cutely in annoyance, "Well, I.. Yeah."
She laughed, "Aw, Sti. I'm sorry that having a real life half-naked girl on top of you is proving so detrimental to your sexual stamina."
"It's just not the presence of a naked girl that's been ruining me. Y'know, just for the record," He said quietly, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear as he continued, "It's that it's you."
"You're ridiculous." She blushed despite herself.
"I'm serious," He corrected, "I've wanted you for as long as I can remember and as if listening to the sounds you make when I'm eating you out aren't bad enough, then you actually get your hands on me, tits out, and you look up at me with those freakin' eyes while you put my dick in your mouth?" He shook his head with a small smile, "Nope.. No fuckin' way. I don't stand a chance."
"You're a pretty smooth talker aren't you, Stilinski?"
"I'm not trying t-"
She silenced him with a kiss, their mouths separating and quickly reconnecting in fluid movements until she had no choice but to lean back so that they could both catch their breath again.
"We should probably get started on homework if we don't want to end up like Scott." She commented reluctantly.
"I'm not sure it's even possible to fall as far behind as Scott," Stiles squeezed her hip lightly, "But you're probably right."
Amber leaned over the side of the bed to retrieve his underwear, passing them to him before crossing the room to dig around in his dresser for something comfortable to wear, "What do you want to do for dinner? Is your dad working late or should we maybe wait for him-?"
As she spoke, her eyes caught on a rolled up bundle of white cotton at the back corner of the drawer and she pulled it out excitedly, rubbing her thumb over the faded logo on the front before tugging it over her head.
"Working late. Again." Stiles sighed as he stepped up behind her, swapping the drawers to pull open the one stuffed with his sweats and pajama bottoms. He paused in his search for a pair of pants and grabbed at her shoulder curiously, "What shirt-?"
His words cut off as she was turned to face him with an excited grin on her face. She stretched her arms out at her sides with a flourish as she showed off the shirt she'd uncovered from the depths of his dresser.
"How long d'you think it's been since this even fit you?" She laughed.
Stiles was staring distractedly at the way her hardened nipples poked out beneath the faded Star Wars logo covering her chest and he shook his head after a few seconds of deafening silence before responding, "I, uh.. I dunno. Maybe when I was twelve? Thirteen?"
The soft worn cotton of the shirt only reached the tops of her thighs, not quite long enough to cover her underwear completely and Stiles was weak to do anything but immediately crowd her back against the dresser. He toyed with the loose collar, fingers brushing against the column of her throat, and her heart stuttered at the warmth of his body pressed against her. His free hand slipped beneath the hem to run along her stomach, sliding back to the bottom of her spine while he tugged the collar to the side and dipped his head to press his lips softly to the base of her neck.
"Sti, we.. We're supposed to be getting dressed-"
"Maybe we should get undressed one more time, and then get re-dressed." He suggested before kissing her neck again.
"Homework. Studying.."
She sighed, closing her eyes and tipping her head to the side in contradiction to her words so that she could bask in the feeling of his mouth just a little longer. The knowledge that they needed to be responsible did nothing to quell the heat that pooled beneath lace as he nipped lightly at her skin, just soft enough to teasingly suggest the threat of a real bite.
She gripped the warm skin of his hips, fingernails digging into pale flesh as she let out a breathy sigh and relaxed back against the dresser.
She let him continue for a long minute before pushing him back slightly, cupping his face in her hands, "Homework. We'll do homework and eat something and then maybe, before bed.."
Stiles groaned, "Fine."
She kissed the pout on his lips lightly, "We're making good choices."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
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itsany62 · 1 year
SteveTony - 22/23 favorites
Here are some of my favorite fics of 2022 and 2023 . Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic! 
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...but the place where you belong by Mireille, 2k, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, Post-Avengers (2012).
Steve meets somebody very important to Tony, and makes a good impression. (Pre-relationship fluff.)
The Northern Cascades by resurrectedhippo, 81k, Grief/Mourning, Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Civil War Fix-It, Road Trips.
“I’m asking.” Steve walks two steps forward and waits. Tony’s wide eyes track his movements. “If you’d like to come. Like you said, see the country. How it’s changed. How it keeps going forward.”
A post-Infinity War fix-it set three years after the Snap where Steve tries to outrun his grief. This time, Tony runs after him.
met my destiny (in quite a similar way) by ishipallthings, 1k, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Post-Avengers (2012), Getting Together. 
“I’m in love with you.”
The spatula in Tony’s hand clatters to the floor with an audible thwack.
(In which Tony is incredulous, Steve is determined, and absolutely no pancakes are made for breakfast.)
Punitive Measures (Met your Match) by BladeoftheNebula, 19k, Alpha/Omega, Alternate Universe - Historical, Dom/sub Undertones. 
“Gods, he’s a beast,” Tiberius said from beside him, and for a moment, Tony had forgotten he was there. “I don’t envy the omegas, he looks like he’d have a strong hand.”
When the village elders bring in someone from the outside to fairly administer justice in the community, the alphas leap at the chance to send their unruly omegas to the Flagellator.
Tiberius Stone can't understand why his omega keeps acting up so much.
by your hands or mine by apricity_and_soulshine, 1k, Alternate Universe - Western, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. 
A short little one-shot featuring protective parent Tony and equally as protective mate Steve.
Steve looked comfortable where he had dozed off at his desk. His arms crossed over his chest, boots propped up lazily. His Stetson was tipped down to block out the light bleeding in through the windows of the Sheriff's office. Steve's peace, however, like most days, could only last so long before he was so very rudely startled from his mid-afternoon nap. He jolted awake at the shouting that ensued as Alexander Pierce clambered into the station, Tony hot on his tail. The sheriff barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his mate and the man who owned most of the town spitting curses and crude remarks at one another.
this love came back to me by meidui, 8k, Breaking Up & Making Up, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie).
It’s been five years.
Tony is softer than he remembers, in navy blue wool, silver in his hair and beard, laugh lines deeper around his eyes and mouth, holding onto his little girl. Steve thinks he must look rougher than Tony remembers, from the way Tony holds her tighter and steps back from him when he shuts the door of his car, as if looking for an escape.
As if he could get away from Steve.
The Best Laid Plans by ChocolateCapCookie, 3k, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Single Parent Tony Stark.
“Pete, we need to set dad up with Mr. Rogers!” said Harley excitedly. “Think about it, they’d be perfect for each other! Dad’s always so tired and stressed, he could use someone like Mr. Rogers to calm him down a bit. And I know Mr. Rogers is single, he’s always talking about it being just him and his dog…”
“Harley, this is a stupid idea,” Peter interrupted. “You don’t know that Mr. Rogers is into men. And even if he was, what do you want to do, lock them in a closet together?”
"No, Harley”
On Today's Agenda by Annie D (scaramouche), 779, Established Relationship, Mpreg.
Tony and Steve have been on a baby-making agenda, and Tony wants to get right back to it.
Today Was a Fairytale by iam93percentstardust, 2k, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Prince Tony Stark, Getting Together.
Today was a fairytale You've got a smile that takes me to another planet Every move you make everything you say is right Today was a fairytale
Steve gives Tony daisies.
And it’s… nice.
Tony’s suitors send him roses and exotic orchids and genetically modified blossoms that bloom in impossible colors no one could ever hope to find in nature. His mother makes sure there’s always a fresh bouquet of irises in his room—they usually come from her own garden, but he still doesn’t know how she manages to find them even in the middle of winter.
And Steve… Steve gives him daisies.
love me like a sinner by ArabellaAM, 5k, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie),  Misunderstandings. 
“So,” he says in the end, attracting Steve’s gaze towards him. “Is that everything you wanted?” It’s only then —when he swears he can feel Steve’s breath tickling his cheek— that he realizes how close they actually are. So close the hunger in those blue eyes is undeniable, just as it’s undeniable Steve is no longer looking at him in the eye, but rather to his lips. “Not really,” Steve says, voice raw and thick, as his eyes move quickly to Tony’s annular finger before returning to his lips. Tony tilts his head and asks, in a tone that sounds more like a dare, “then what are you waiting for?” Steve doesn’t actually answer; it’s Tony that makes an educated guess as he tries to grasp for air once Steve dips his head and drowns in his lips.
Or, Steve visits Tony after five years and it's not the salvation of the world he's after.
as long as you love me so by ohjustpeachy, 1k, Established Relationship, Snowed In, Christmas Fluff. 
“For what it’s worth, this is not how I imagined our first Christmas going,” Steve groans from where he’s sitting on the floor. It’s hard wood, and Tony knows it simply cannot be comfortable sitting that way. Even super soldiers aren’t immune to backaches, surely, and after the day they’ve both had, Tony wants nothing more than to lay right there beside him, ice and snow and ruined Christmas and failed mission be damned. 
Or, after a mission goes wrong, Steve and Tony find themselves snowed in at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. On Christmas Eve.
69 notes · View notes
spookitapes · 2 years
-double trouble.
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summary | levi's ackerman has been acting weird. everyone can notice the difference in him, even connie the gas station clerk near levi's house was in shock from the smile gracing the usually grim ackerman's face. 30 minutes later he heads out for a smoke break and spots the town's dealer bending the pastor's daughter over his all black 2021 camaro zl1, all while the sheriff's son and connie's co-worker– eren jaeger, stands on the other side of the hood harshly fucking his fist with a lit blunt going in the other. 
pairing | plug!levi x pastor's daughter!black!fem!reader x gas station clerk!sheriff's son!eren ft. gas station clerk!connie 
warnings/cw | smut, angst, fluff, switch reader (first time topping), switch levi, dom eren, mfm poly relationship, mxm, fxm, drug usage (weed), double penetration, anal, dirty talk, fingering, nipple sucking, doggy style, riding big dick, secret relationship, cockwarming, recording sex, fucking in public, getting caught/voyeurism/exhibitionism, humiliation, praise, degradation, minor blood kink, face slapping (once or twice), oral(m receiving), jealous!eren, jealous!levi, bratty!reader
wordcount | 5.8k 
not proofread, sorry for any mistakes !!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────────
"what flavor you want, baby?" levi asks as he puts the car in park in front of the familiar mini-mart. 
"mmm surprise me! i heard they came out with a few new limited edition flavors in the white owls, but you know i will never complain if you get a game, love. just get whatever sounds good," you lean over and kiss him quickly before he gets out to purchase the rillos and grab eren from his shift. 
you've all been so reckless lately, but it's been sooo worth it. levi and eren hate having to keep the relationship a secret, but you remind them constantly of the hostility between all of your families. even in your twenties, your father forbids you from being seen with either of the men. he tries to beat it in your head that you have a reputation to uphold, that you can't allow yourself to be seen with 'criminal junkies' like levi or a 'piece of shit dropout' like eren. that you can't get caught up in that lifestyle…and you've always followed the rules– until you were old enough to sneak around and not get caught. it all started with you hitting up levi for a 3.5, wanting to try smoking after finally moving into your own place– far, far away from your parent's prying eyes…which is why they definitely didn't know about your roommate or more importantly, your choice in a roommate– eren. 
after searching for months and months around town for an affordable house for rent, you find a place that reaches all your requirements, with the exception you'd have to share the house with someone else. but you kind of liked the idea of a roomie, especially after walking in and being graced with the sight of eren jaeger half-naked and dripping wet in your brand-new living room. your eyes bulging out of your head as you try to commit the image to memory foreveeer.
of course your thirsty ass don't even notice him smirking at you checking him out, basking under your gaze and letting you get your spank bank material before he got an idea. his hands start to slide down to the towel hanging around his waist, your eyes following them but redirecting to the water droplets rolling down his lower stomach and past his vline until your eyes got even wider– turning your body around and letting apologies fly past your lips. your horny lil gremlin on the inside was cussing you out for turning around before getting a glimpse of the gorgeous man's cock, especially when he was the one stripping like that for free…you subconsciously start biting your lip, thinking of how the imprint was rather..large..like that thang was heavy and long— and oh my god why are you thinking of eren's most likely pretty dick ?! you don't even get to keep debating with yourself before you feel a presence behind you, pulling you back into his frame as he closes the door. you don't dare move, just relish in the feeling of his dick pressing up against your ass. oh yeah, he's big. 
eren just chuckles to himself, turning you around before speaking,
"your room is the one by the patio doors, across from the fridge, angel."
"don't call me that, jaeger," you scoff. quickly backing yourself out of his personal space. 
"i remember you liking it before or what? correct me if im wrong, angel, go right ahead."
you just roll your eyes and give him a little huff before storming off to find your room. he knows what that name means between you two. how he use to call you that back in school, well before he dropped out. before he ran away and had the whole town looking for him and that's including you. he left you without a word, without a trace if he was alive. the weeks of heartache turned into months of grieving, but you weren't grieving his life: you were grieving your relationship, your time spent on him, and the time you'll never get to waste on him. the walls you let down, and the bricks you'd have to pick back up to rebuild that barrier around your heart. 
eren was your first love. the first boy to ever really– see you. he's your first kiss and the first person to make you get butterflies in your tummy. the first boy to call you beautiful and stay up all night on the phone just to hear your voice. you wanted to believe you had a strong wall rebuilt when he finally came back, but you didn't. not when you saw his long hair and tattoos– you just find him more attractive, but the sad angry look adorning his face made the hardened shell around your heart start to crack..and it starts chipping away a little more every time you see him around town. you want to see his beautiful smile again, even if was from a distance, but you still knew better than to be the first one to reconcile..so you two haven't talked since the whole ordeal went down, just the glances exchanged in passing from time to time. who are you kidding it's not glancing, you two be staring at each other from across the street like no one's business. 
when you're finally in the comfort of your room, finding it rather quickly, you start unpacking trying to destress…but that doesn't work. your nerves are shot and you're mad at yourself for letting eren get you that flustered like you're a teenager again. it's infuriating and making your brain hurt, so what do you decide on? levi. 
only problem is, you don't have a car..and levi very famously is not mobile this late. you're not taking another taxi at this time of night, so you suck up your pride in favor of mind-numbing bliss and go to ask eren for a ride. your palms start sweating as you twist the doorknob, and you slowly inch toward the living room where you left your ex. you spot him and freeze, but he quickly notices you and pauses the tv.
"what's up with you, y/n? thought you were gonna go pout in your room?" 
"god, you're such an ass, eren..but i'll bite back my insults for now because, uh..i actually need to ask you a favor."
"go head and ask then."
"can you please take me to levi's place? i'll smoke you out and buy us milkshakes after?" 
eren can't help but give in to the hopeful look in your eyes, pleading for him to take you. so he sighs and runs a hand through his semi-dried locks before standing up and stretching. 
"go get your fucking shoes on and hurry up then," he pushes you by the head as he walks by, making you stumble back a little. 
you flip him off behind his back while the smile on your face grows, yeah he's still whipped…and let's just say you two ended up smoking with levi, which turned into getting cross-faded, and that led to you three learning a lot about each other and each other's bodies oop. 
now it's six months later and you're officially all dating..after a lot of confusion and fucking and hiding feelings and more fucking..and ever since that first night, when they took your virginity, you've been dickmatized. every chance you get you're sucking or fucking one or both of them. hell, you even blew levi on the way to the mini-mart, swallowing his cum at the red light beside the gas station while rob zombie blasts through his speakers. he still hasn't told you about the lil drop of him that rests just on the corner of your mouth, in his mind, it'll be a nice little 'just got off of work snack' for eren. 
the ding of the automatic doors opening and closing alerts you, and just as you start getting impatient you see your men walking toward the car. you can't hide your excitement as you hop into the backseat to attack eren with kisses as soon as his door closes. his giggles fill the space as the engine roars to life and he tells levi to just pull around back. he's had a rough day and he just needs to smoke real quick and then they'll head home. so levi complies, stopping right out of view of the security camera where eren instructs him. 
"baby come sit with us, pleeassseee. know you like sitting up there, but wanna be close to you," your bottom lip juts out as your eyes get that look in them. 
"fine, but don't act like a bratty fucking slut. wait till we get back home or i'll drag you inside and fuck you right over the counter so connie can watch you cry for my cock and ruin that precious reputation along with that makeup of yours, understand?" 
"better listen to him sweetpea, sounds serious," eren chimes in as he finishes breaking the rillo open, dumping the guts out. "can i see the weed, babe?"
levi hands eren the bag before stepping out of the car, walking around to get on the other side of you in the backseat. you throw your legs across vi's lap, snuggling into eren's side while he rolls the blunt. 
"lev and i missed you soooo much," you release a big sigh you didn't realize you were holding in. "know it was only a 10-hour shift but i don't care..missed you so so much."
eren looks at you, wrapped up in his side all cozy and looking at him with those needy little eyes. he knows you missed him because he missed you and levi ten times more. he never hated going to his shifts more than when he finally had a reason to stay at home all day. 
"missed you guys, too. so so much, sweetpea. thought of you all day and even watched that pretty video levi sent me earlier of him edging you on break. you ever get to cum today, baby doll?"
"n-no." you barely whimper it out, and the duo in the car barely catch it.
"cause she was being a fucking bratty whore. you want me to tell him don't you? want me to tell him the nasty shit you do to get a rise out of me when he's not there? huh, sweetpea?" there's a special venom that attaches to the pet name when it spits out of levi's lips. 
the tears start to fill your eyes, you know now that he's brought it up eren's gonna find out. you can get away with a lot more when it comes to levi, not that he doesn't punish you..but you know better than to act up like that around eren. know better than to act like that without him there, too, but sometimes your pussy thinks waaaaay before your brain. 
"p-please don't lev! wh-why'd you even have to bring that up- what the fuck did you do?" eren's booming voice cuts you off. the now lit blunt going between his lips as he awaits a response from you..but you can't say anything, not when it comes to this. levi knows that, that's why he speaks up just as you let your tears fall; all while never breaking eye contact with ren. 
"locked herself in the bedroom and used the wand while screaming out connie's name. begging for him and saying how we can't fuck her like he can– not even close. when i got in she didn't even stop, just stared me in the eyes as she slide her fingers in our cunt. like she fucking owns it." he starts growling out his words near the end. eren cocks an eyebrow at you, taking one last puff before passing it to you. 
"so here's what's gonna happen, doll. you're gonna hit on that till you feel good, then your gonna suck this cock, kay? after you suck me dry imma have lev fuck you over the hood while daddy watches. after he cums in your greedy lil pussy i'm gonna make you take us both in this backseat. we're not going home till all your holes have been filled, baby."
you can't help the wet patch that grows in your panties, nodding your head while taking a drag, but next thing you know you're coughing. scrambling to catch your breath as eren's hand lands on your cheek, fingers moving down to lightly grip your neck.
"nah lemme hear you say it, bitch."
"i-i'm sorry! i'm sorry, wasn't thinking daddy! promise i'll behave..i'll be a good girl for you both, promise!" your thighs are clenching as he kisses your lips and releases your neck before bringing the blunt back to your lips.
"now go back to work so you can get to sucking my cock."
the weed levi gets is always good, but this shit is goooood! within a few deep inhales your mind is fuzzy, vision a little slowed as you pass it to levi and get eren's dick out while turning fully towards him. ass in the air facing levi as your front goes down to eye level with eren's cock. god he really does have a pretty dick, long and veiny with a prince albert piercing to compliment it. the sight always makes your mouth water, immediately giving him kitten licks on his tip and sucking up his precum. 
"don't you dare fucking tease me. now do it right before i fuck your throat, whore." with that, he shoves your head down to take more of his dick. you get the memo and apologize with a mouth full of cock before putting that work in. deepthroating him while keeping eye contact, playing with his balls. the groans leaving him are fueling you, making you bob your head faster, twirling your tongue around his shaft. you're interrupted by a moan when you feel levi scrunching your skirt up to your stomach from behind you, fingers playing with your soaked panties. you pull off eren's dick as the fingers push your panties aside and into your pussy. the pitiful sounds breaking into a scream when levi lets the blunt's cherry rest against your ass for a second.
"keep sucking and don't come back up unless it's to kiss lev with my cum in your fucking mouth, you understand me, y/n?" the look in his eyes is enough to convince you alone, so you say "yes sir 'm sorry!" before diving back down to gag on his cock like it's a sport. slurping on his balls until he's about to cum and then your favorite– using your tongue to play with his piercing until he's whimpering, and when he does finally cum you make sure not to swallow it all. coming up and reaching for levi, kissing him so hard and right in front of ren as he watches you push his cum into your boyfriend's mouth. levi's moaning and pulling you closer to bully his tongue into your mouth, making sure he gets every last drop from you..even sucking on your tongue before pulling away. 
"get the fuck out, can't take it anymore needa fuck you- can we, babe? please– gotta let me fuck her," levi starts whining. 
"go head darlin," eren's laughing under his breath at the needy tone of lev's voice, "bend her over and give her that pounding she's been craving."
with the permission, you're being pulled from the car, ass out and all with your skirt still up around your tummy. the cold night air nipping at your exposed skin, but the car's still warm as levi bends you over it, heating you up a little before he's ripping the drenched cloth from between your legs off your body. he lowers his body on top of yours, gripping your hair and forcing your head back to look at him. 
"you know i'll buy you as many pairs as your heart desires, so be a good girl don't give me no shit for these ones." letting out a huff before you open your mouth to scold him, you're interrupted by your own balled up torn panties being shoved down your throat as he slams your front back down onto the car. "you know for someone who spends so much time swallowing dick, you really do talk too much."
you're about to start throwing your hands back behind you, land a slap to the man who just humiliated you to the point your slick's running down your thighs..but that's when you hear eren's door open and close. counting the steps he takes before he's in your vision, right in front of you on the other side of the hood you're currently bent over. he looks so good, dick still hard and standing up out of his black jeans and boxers. the chain with you and levi's initials engraved near the clasp dangles from his neck, levi sporting a twinning bracelet adorning you and eren's initials, and that leaves you with an anklet that has tiny dangling letters– e & l, to match. you don't get to admire him long before levi's slapping your ass, positioning you to arch your back a little more before he slides into your pussy. he's going so slow, making you feel every inch of his heavenly thick dick. while eren's is a little longer, levi's cock is so wide it always ends the same way: your legs shaking with him between your legs.
"don't even think of fucking cumming without permission," his mouth is against your ear, biting at the lobe as he starts slamming his hips into your ass at a fast pace. the ambient sounds of the city are being drowned out by the slapping of skin and the noises leaving your mouths. you look back up at eren to find him fisting his cock while he keeps smoking, the hazy look taking over his eyes as he smiles at you. he reaches forward, taking the panties from your mouth to stuff them in his back pocket. 
"f-fuck sir, keep fucking me, please don't stop– pleasedontfuckingstooop!" your minds going numb, already starting to get cock drunk off the abuse your cunt's taking. the pitch of your voice is getting higher with each mindless babble you let slip from your lips. "im so wet sir, a-all for you! it-it's all over my t-thighs baby, FUUCKK!" 
"yeah i know you love this dick, baby, but don't worry i love this pussy even more. you think i don't know my pussy's weeping?" he's cruelly laughing at you as his thrusts get harder, "baby it's all over you? i'm fucking covered in it, this fucking dick is dripping in you. don't gotta tell me, love– i know, i know you're just a slutty little thing who needs her small brains fucked out her head, yeah?"
you're nodding along with him, agreeing as you rock your hips back to meet his. you're so caught up in the pleasure that you don't notice the sound of the back door of the mini-mart opening, connie stepping out for his smoke break. since it's pretty late and slowing down, he knows it's about time for the store's dead zone of no customers. now he's stuck in place, taking it all in as your moans float through the night to awaken his cock. his eyes meet with eren's, as the tattooed man takes one last drag from the roach before throwing it down and stomping it out on the asphalt. he doesn't alert you, and lets you keep acting like a slut while he makes eye contact with his boyfriend, who was already fucking into you harder under connie's gaze. like they're talking telepathically, the shared looks turn into smirks spreading on each other of your boyfriends' faces that read the same. 
"looks like you got yourself an audience, doll." 
your body gets stiff as your hips stutter to a stop. your mind racing on who it could be. you should be appalled. should be scrambling to cover your body and hiding your face so you aren't recognizable, but you don't. you should be sobbing over the reputation you've been taught to protect so hard, but you don't...and you definitely don't miss the way you tighten up at the thought of someone watching you…levi doesn't miss it either, and he sure as hell isn't letting you get away with it. 
"oh- naughty fucking s-slut! yeah she likes being watched, ren..can feel this slutty pussy squeezing me ever since you told her." levi's letting out uncontrollable sounds now, lost in your tight little pussy. he's pulling one of your legs up onto the hood, giving connie a clear view of your pussy getting dogged. it's getting too much for him, slipping his hand down his pants to relieve some of the pressure of his swollen dick against the confines. 
"nah, i want you to look at him. fucking looking at him, y/n!" eren's fucking his fist at the same intense pace that levi's slamming into you, the anger burning in his irises growing as he thinks of your words spoken about springer when he wasn't around. "look at your lil boyfriend while you get your guts rearranged."
you crane your neck back, trying to get a view of the person watching you get your back blown and you're met with none other than your ex-classmate and old youth group leader– connie springer. your eyes go wide at the sight, his hand down his pants while his chest heaves up and down looking at you in such a vulnerable state. you get so hot under his gaze, at the thought of him getting off to seeing you like this– all pliant and slutty for your daddies. you can't help it when you cum on command as your eyes lock for the first time, legs shaking and screams ripping from your lungs into the dark night as you disobey the very man who allowed you this pleasure. you keep squirming around even after levi stops his thrusts, frozen in place, in shock that you're actually cumming without asking first. the dumbfounded look is mirrored when he glances up to see his boyfriend's expression as his hips come to a stop in his own fist. 
you're so delirious, so drunk on the euphoria of levi's dick in your guts that you don't even notice the tension rising. just start throwing your ass back against your man, nails digging into his arms caging you down. but before you know it he's pulling out and turning you around, eyes on fire from you going against his orders. 
"w-wait daddy 'm s-sorry! im so so- AHHH VI, S-STOP!" your pleas are cut off by the cries you let out, body jolting from the harsh smacks landing on your pussy. quick and right after each other, not giving you any time to breathe. you just keep crying, trying to squirm away from his hits, but also trying to grind into his hand. it's a battle of pain and pleasure that's making your pussy leak more than you ever thought possible.
"get her ass in the car, i'm recruiting a cameraman first," eren walks to the other side of the car while tucking his dick back in his pants and squishing your cheeks together. he sucks on his teeth while watching the tears flow down your face before kissing you on the lips and letting go, slapping you just enough to have your eyes rolling into the back of your head. levi's beckoning you into the vehicle as ren makes his way towards connie.
"ayo springer," eren walks up as connie starts to light his cigarette, "i got a proposition for you…"
you're busy getting your clothes stripped off while levi tugs you onto his lap, his hands going back to tear your grey crop top off so he can get his lips on your beautiful brown nipples. he loves sucking on his baby's buds; wants to secretly get you pregnant soooo bad, to see you get all round and your tits fill up, wants to massage and suck the milk out of them when you're sore and need relief. you're grinding against levi's thigh now that your skirt's off your body, grinding hard. that familiar coil tightening in your tummy again. the only thing left on your body being the chains wrapped around your waist, eren's personal fave accessory of yours.
"g-gonna cum v-vi! can i cum, daddy? pleasplease lemme 'm sorry for cumming earlier— couldn't help it! you're t-too big..too fucking big daddy.…fuuuccckkk 'm gonna cummm!" right as you're about to reach your high, the doors open and levi stops your hips with a death grip from his hands. 
you're too far gone at this point, not even caring that connie's now seeing you fully naked and an absolute mess all over levi's lap. It's quite the sight: your cream all over his pants from your lil humping sesh and the prettiest tears in your eyes as you keep struggling in his grip. eren runs his hands over your body in levi's hold as you start whining out for them to touch you, subconsciously playing with the chains around your center.
"don't miss the angle because you're too busy beating your dick to my girl, springer!" eren threatens as he hands him his phone open to the camera, "and don't forget the flash like a fucking idiot!"
the blinding light of eren's flash flickers on before the count down for the video starts. you feel your pussy throbbing at the idea of connie recording you getting put in place…in the back of the mini-mart no less. it spurs you further as your hands head for lev's still-undone pants.
"gon' get your wish, baby. now suck on lev's cock while i prep this pretty lil hole to take me," he's manhandling you into the position he wants before you can even think of moving yourself. you find yourself ass up again tonight, thrusting back towards eren to grind on his reclothed dick. 
"mmph-daddy pl-pleath! wov when you mmm– fuck my a-ass!" you try to get out around levi's thick tip that's slowly disappearing into your mouth already. 
"fuuck– you're so  fucking nasty, huh baby? wanna put on a show for springer and the camera like a dirty little slut, don' you?" he's landing slaps to your ass that have you moaning around your other boyfriend's dick. sending him to thrust up into your mouth as whimpers fly past his trembling lips-
"o-ooooh fuuuuckk, mmm gonna cum down your fuck throat. gon' paint that shit– and better not waste a single drop, m'kay baby? fuuucckkk fuckfuckfuck!" he starts getting teary-eyed when you start playing with his balls. sinking into subspace as you milk his cock— while staring right into connie's eyes. "r-rennn baby can icanicanidaddypleeaasse!" the tears are falling now, levi's eyes starting to cross as he teters on the edge.
"come here– kiss me and you can cum baby. can cum all down her throat if you lemme feel your lips, haven't got a kiss from you since this morning,"
 levi doesn't miss the pout in his boyfriend's voice as he immediately shoots forward and pulls eren into a messy, nasty kiss. the movement making you take even more of his cock down your throat, your choking sounds music to your lovers' ears as they swat spit over your body. eren takes this time to break away to bring two of his fingers up for levi to suck and choke on. fucking his throat with his fingers as he cums down yours with beautiful muffled sounds of pleasure floating from around ren's fingers. you cockwarm levi down your throat as eren pushes one finger into your ass, whines coming from your mouth and overstimulating levi, but it fuels eren. fuels him to fuck your ass a little harder with his finger so you make those perfect lil noises round vi's dick and get him to keep crying those pretty tears of pleasure he loves so much. 
your fucking yourself back onto his fingers when he slips a second one in, trying to beg him to just fuck you already with your actions. brain too fuzzy and throat too full to express yourself with words. you feel lev's dick start to get hard again in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head to get him fully erect again. levi's digging his fingernails into his palms so hard it's leaving behind crescent imprints, but eren's breaking point is seeing him bite his lip so hard it draws blood. he's pulling his fingers from your ass before leaning down to spit the hole and manhandling you to get off lev's dick. a popping sound filling the space of the car as your mouth leaves his cock, and your back hits his chest before he's giving you an order—
"now ride his fucking dick till i decide you deserve mine, too." he ends his sentence with a harsh slap to your ass, making you jump a little as a moan escapes you. 
"yes sir," it's whispered as you climb onto levi's lap, reaching to put his tip at your entrance.
"now ride him like a real slut. he's all subby for you, love. don't you wanna make sir feel good? wanna take care of him?"
that sparks something inside you. seeing your boyfriend's cloudy eyes, more tears brimming behind the red cheeks and quivering hands dangling in the air because he doesn't know where to put them. 
"it's okay, sir. you can touch me– gimmie you hands, baby. touch me ju-just like that, sir!" you bring your hands to guide his to your chest, letting him take over after he starts groping your breasts. "yeah keep touching me, don't stop, vi-gon' ride you now!"
you sink your hips down, taking him balls deep till his pubes brush against your clit making you pick up your pace. you keep taking him all the way out before slamming all the way back down, wanting to see levi break– but from you this time. never took control and they're giving you an opportunity to.. especially on camera so you could play it back when you're missing your boys. 
"yeah baby, just lemme fuck myself for you! gon fuck this dick till your cumming in me and filling me up, sir~"
the sounds leaving levi's mouth are straight out of a porno— and you're getting the most of the power trip. taking his hands and holding them to the roof as you get on your tip toes to really start riding your man. leaning forward to lick the blood dripping down his chin, tracing its path with your tongue, and sucking his bottom lip one into your mouth while alternating between dropping down and swirling your hips..till you fly a little too close to the sun. you see him on the edge, hips starting to rut up to meet you as his sounds get higher and higher like yours before you nut. you're spelling your name on his dick when levi's legs start shaking at the last letter, so without a second thought, you're pulling up off him. before you can react you're being pulled back down onto his lap. dick bullying up into you as he starts jackhammering into you from underneath. the way he's hitting you so deep has you howling and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, digging your head in his neck as your screams fill up his ear. 
"nah fuc-fucking look at me, bitch! think you gon' edge me? think you're ready for that, sweetpea?" when you don't look at him he's growling and letting one of his hands tangle into your hair as he yanks you back to look at him. you've never seen him so mad, eyes set hard and glaring at you. "you ever try that shit again and i won't let you cum for a week– no a month! make you watch me and daddy fuck every day while you're tied up. gonna play with your princess parts till you're crying from your eyes and this little pussy, but won't let you have any cock or let you cum. you want that, y/n?"
"n-noo! c-can't do that s-sir! can't do it! w-won't survive without y-your dicks– will die if you don't fuck me, if you don't gimme that fucking dick, baby!" you're crying your own tears now, pussy leaking while you fuck down to meet his hips. "won't ever d-do it ever again, baby! nevereverrrr siirrr– fuckkkk right there- right fuckinthereeee!" you start slurring your words, pussy getting ready to burst all on his dick. 
both men are chuckling at you, watching as you release your juices all over lev. the sounds leaving you have connie getting his dick back out, making sure not to fuck up the visual of what he's filming in the process. eren's heart just bout thumps out his chest when you grind down on levi slowly, looking back at him with that lost look twinkling in your eyes.
"c-can you fuck my ass now, daddy? ha-have i earned it yet?" 
he just groans before pulling you back toward him a little, changing the angle of levi's cock in you as he puts his lips on yours. he moves closer behind you, sliding a hand down to play with your clit as he positions his dick at your puckering hole. he doesn't make you wait long as he inches himself in, gasping with you as he feels levi's cock rubbing up against his between the thin layer of skin separating them. his pace starts slow, but as you start bouncing harder on levi, the harsher he gets in return. you're so– full. can't even talk, just let out animalistic noises as you all fall into a rhythm. your eyes find their way back to connie's as the sound of his wet fist keeps fucking his cock despite the multiple loads leaking around the base of his dick and all over himself. this time it's connie that's cumming from the eye contact, as you watch him pull another heavy load from his red and irritated cock. 
it doesn't take long before you're all three close to cumming, always getting your nut faster when you fuck like this. it's like your bodies are puzzle pieces that match up, connecting and fitting perfectly. it makes you feel better than the drugs ever could, being this close with your lovers. the light-headed feeling starts taking over your brain as your begs to cum start pouring out shortly after. 
"hold on baby," eren's placing a kiss to your hairline before he's making levi look into his eyes. "y-you close, lev, huh baby? you gettin close pretty boy?" 
"uh-huhhh daddy, gonna breed this pretty lil slut, but not till you tell me to!" 
"can we all try and cum together? gon let you get your nut, don't worry loves. just wan' do it together, okay? now fucking cum! cum one more time for me so we can go home and do this all fucking over again!"
the words bubbling up in your throat don't make it out as the electric feeling of your pussy getting ready to orgasm bubbles up, again. your toes curl as the thursts stop inside you and the feeling of hot cum battering up your insides floods your senses. the feeling making you cream all over them, screaming into the night as your back arches into eren's back, your tit going into levi's mouth once again. you all lay there for a second after the camera's turned off, the only thing being heard are the pants of all four of you filling up the camaro. 
"tell anyone about this and i'll fucking kill you, springer," eren huffs out while regaining his breath and taking his phone back from his grasp. 
"yeah keep your damn mouth shut or you're dead, baldy." levi chimes in, sending him a glare while petting your back trying to calm you down from the pounding you just endured. 
"now get the fuck out," eren demands, a smirk returning to his face. "by my count you got about 15 angry customers waiting on you inside, playboy."
this is only my second work so feedback is greatly welcomed and appreciated !! < 333
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
Leather Houses, Chapter 2
I'll be honest, I planned to post this a week after the first chapter because, although I didn't get the views I was hoping for, my sibling specifically asked for the rest.
So, here is Chapter 2 of 4. Trigger warnings are "literally anything that would pop up on an r/NoSleep story. Because that is actually what this was originally written for, honestly.
That night, we tried calling the county sheriff’s office, Sanderson being too small for their own police force. However, when they tried to look up the missing people in the DMV database and came back with nothing, all we ended up with was a thoroughly irritated deputy who thought we were on drugs, and a dial tone.
Months passed, and it happened six more times.  Sometimes it was an entire family, sometimes it was just one person. The worst was the Jacobson family: Issac was still there, but Sara and the kids didn’t exist anymore, and Issac didn’t remember them.  Like all the rest, for some reason Joanie and I were the only ones who recalled anything different from the current version of Sanderson, and we were quickly left feeling like the walking wounded from all the mourning we had to hide from everyone else.
The first major break - if you could call it that - was the seventh disappearance.  As I had become accustomed to, I woke up that morning and braced myself to find out who didn’t exist anymore.  There was no way I could have prepared myself for what would greet me when I left for work.
The house next door was no longer a typical, cookie-cutter mirror of my own.  Instead, it was covered entirely in what looked like leather.
I didn’t even realize I was staring until I heard my coffee cup smash on the concrete of my driveway.  Nonetheless, I couldn’t tear my eyes away.  I carefully stepped over the shards at my feet and made my way, slowly, to the porch.  The sight in front of me turned my stomach… all that skin, everywhere.  Even the windows seemed to be made of flesh, stretched to its most translucent limits but still crossed with veins.  The urge to revisit my breakfast became stronger the closer I got to the structure.  It was when my foot touched the bottom step of the… home… that I realized it wasn’t the normal fear and disgust I would experience at the sight before me.  In that moment, the revulsion I felt became so powerful and so clear that I realized it wasn’t coming from within my own mind.
The house was pouring those feelings into me.
I gritted my teeth and forced my way up to the door, each step doubling the urges being forced into my body.  Finally, I stood in front of the threshold, hand raised to knock.  However, before my hand could come into contact with that disgusting structure, I was overcome.  I don’t recall anything after raising my hand to knock, up until I was standing on the sidewalk, vomiting.
After the dry heaves subsided, I staggered inside to rinse my mouth and call my boss to explain that I wouldn’t be in today.  As soon as I got off the phone with work, I immediately shot a text to Joanie.
Me: Shit just got weirder.
JoanieBug: What happened now?
I shot a photo of the house next door and tried to send it to her.  However, it was blurry and just looked like a skin-tone smear.
JoanieBug: Very funny, sending me a picture of your thumb. We have real shit going on, Mike.
Me: That’s not my thumb, J.  That’s the house next door.
I waited for her reply, refusing to look out the window again.  Instead of a text message, five minutes passed before I heard a car pulling into my driveway.  Peeking around the curtains, I saw that it was her and rushed out before she could start screaming.  By the time I got to her car, she was already out and staring at what had seemingly replaced my neighbors’ house.
She didn’t scream like I expected.  Instead, she gaped for a few moments before whispering. “Does anyone remember your neighbors?”
Fuck. I hadn’t even thought about that.  Having learned from previous vanishings, I pulled out my phone to check property records instead of trying to call anyone else.  Sure enough, there was no record of anyone having owned that house, despite the fact that I knew a family with three little girls had lived there yesterday.  Without realizing it, I stepped away from the horrible building as I did further searching.  Josh and Tammy Scott no longer existed online, either.  I even tried tracking down photos I remembered seeing in the paper when the girls were born - in a small town, triplets were big news - and found nothing.  Photos from neighborhood cookouts were the same, except no trace of the Scott family.
“They’re gone.” I bit back a sob. “How long is this going to go on for?” I begged.
“I don’t know,” she whispered as she ushered me into my house and yanked all the curtains to cover any window facing the leather house.  “Do you think that happened to the other houses?”
“Maybe?  I haven’t exactly checked.  I didn’t know where any of the others lived, except the Jacobsons.”
“But Issac is still here,” she pointed out.
I tapped my chin with my phone, still fighting back tears. “But does he still live in the same place? I just assumed he did. I never actually thought to check.”
It was Joanie’s turn to whip out her phone and start searching.  A few minutes later, her head snapped up and she looked at me. “Issac and Sarah had that house built a couple years ago, right?  After Davey was born?”
“Yeah.  Bigger house, big yard so the boys could play.”
“This says Issac lives in his parents’ old place, over on Riverside.”
I shook my head. “Fuck. We have to see if this is related.”
“Mike!” she shouted. “People are being erased from reality, and everything is patched all nice and neat so it’s like they never existed.  Now, it happened to your neighbors with a creepy-ass side of the house is now covered in skin, and you really think it might not be related!?” Her voice hit new octaves of hysteria before she pulled herself together. “You are being deliberately obtuse.”
I held up my hands defensively. “No, Joanie, I’m not. I am being overly cautious and want to confirm, with absolute certainty, that there is not some, second insanely nightmarish thing happening in Sanderson.”
“The universe can’t be that cruel.”
“The universe can certainly be that indifferent,” I grumbled. With a sigh, I stood up and grabbed my keys.  As I shoved them in my pocket, I reached under the sink for a grocery bag before filling it with several sodas and half a bag of chips.  “Let’s just drive around and see what we find.  We have to take your car… I told Greta I was sick.”
With minimal complaints, Joanie stuffed some more snacks into another bag and we headed out.  We cruised through every residential area, down every road.  By the end of the day, we had found four more houses like the one beside mine, one of which was a huge, imposing mass sitting where the Jacobsons’ home formerly stood.  Other than the Scotts and the Jacobsons, it was impossible to be sure that those houses belonged to the ones who were erased, but since those were the only two families of which we were completely sure where they lived when they still existed, it was enough to support the idea.
After the Scotts went missing, Joanie and I traded off crashing at each other’s house.  Neither of us wanted to be alone, and there was a comfort in being close to the only other person who could recognize what was going on in Sanderson.  In time, we established a routine - whoever woke up first each morning checked the town website for any changes in population.  In theory, that number should only change once a year, when property taxes were updated, along with a more precise figure being updated every ten years when the official census was done.
We were seeing the population drop every couple of weeks at first, and soon it was weekly.  While trying to see who was missing in a town of even 500 was a daunting task, we at least knew to brace ourselves for more changes that resulted from having our friends and neighbors seemingly erased from history entirely. Both of us considered leaving, but things progressed too quickly - and too weirdly - for us to make much of a plan.
Each day, we saw more and more houses in Sanderson turn into leather.  We learned that, as long as we came no closer than the sidewalks, the revulsion did not touch us, and at no point did anyone else in town seem to notice.  It was infuriating at times: by this point, dozens of houses were crafted from flesh and garnering about as much notice as an ant crossing the road.
The morning that I woke to find not just one, but four more houses around mine changed, the next alarming piece of information struck.  I was about to call sick to work, too scared to leave my house, when my phone rang just as I was unlocking it.
It was Joanie.
“Hey, Joanie bug,” I answered, only to be cut off.
“All of my neighbors are gone,” she stated, by way of greeting me.  By this point, she was in full crisis mode, and cooler than an ice cube.
“Mine too….” I trailed off, glancing out of my windows again as something nagged at the back of my mind.
“Fuck,” she swore. “That’s more than we’ve seen vanish at once, so far.  By a couple of orders of magnitude.”
I did some counting. “That’s nine houses, yeah.”   There was something significant about this.  Not just the escalation, but it had to do with the people missing around Joanie’s house.  “I’m going to call out from work - “ Click. “Oh, fucking hell. I may not have a job.  Greta lived across from you and one down, didn’t she?”
“Yeah, Mike.  That’s why I was calling…” Joanie sighed, resigned to what was going on, even if we still didn’t understand it. “I’m so sorry.  She sounded like a good boss.”
I swallowed as hard as I could. “Let me call you back.  I need to find out what this changes.” I disconnected and quickly called work. At least the company still existed.
“Holhouser Medical Technology, Sarah speaking,” a receptionist I didn’t recognize answered.
“Hey, this is Michael Andrews.  I… I’ll be honest, I don’t feel well and I need to go see a doctor,” I lied. “I think I work there, and if I do, I need to speak to my boss to let them know I won’t be in today.”
“Oh, Mr. Andrews,” Sarah sounded surprised. “Um.. Well.  Yes, I think you need to go see a doctor.  Thank you for calling, it was very conscientious of you, but… Sir, you haven’t worked here in five years.”
What? “I - I haven’t?” I didn’t have to pretend to be confused. Greta had originally recruited me, so to find out I still ended up working there, but hadn’t in several years, was curious.  “I work in IT, don’t I? I mean, didn’t I?”
“Yes sir, but… I think you need to speak to Dr. Collins.  He asked us to direct you to him whenever this happens.”
“And this has happened before,” I slowly ventured, trying to understand what had changed.
“This is the fourth time, Mr. Andrews,” she confirmed gently.  “Dr. Collins can explain why.”
“I…” I needed answers, is what I needed. “I don’t remember a Dr. Collins… Can you give me the number?”
“Of course.” Sarah sounded relieved.  She gave me the number for a Greg Collins and wished me a good day.
Greg Collins.  I didn’t recognize the name.  To my knowledge, there was no one with the name Collins in Sanderson.  Along with several disappearances so far, we had something else. Someone new had been added to our town.  Even before people started disappearing and those grotesque… things… replaced the houses in town, it was rare for anyone to move to Sanderson.  Cautiously, I texted Joanie.
Me: Do you know of any Dr. Collins?
JoanieBug: Who the fuck is that?
Okay, I wasn’t the only one who had never heard of this person.  I sent the details of my conversation with Sarah and set my phone down to grab a drink while she read and digested the information.  I was halfway through my glass of milk when my phone started buzzing furiously.
JoanieBug: There has never been a Greg Collins in Sanderson, I would remember. But I looked him up, and sure enough, he has a practice here in town.  According to everything I can find, he’s had that practice for years.
JoanieBug: I even called.  They have my file, apparently Doc Collins has been my doctor most of my life.  Probably yours, too.
I dropped my phone again, struggling to draw a full breath. Something was casually re-writing reality, one piece at a time.  Was this only happening in Sanderson?  What if the entire world was like this? A whooshing, screaming noise pounded into my ears. Part of my mind registered the distant buzzing of my phone, but I was too busy sliding to the floor. My chest ached with fear, my head spun while I tried to force oxygen into my lungs.
There is no telling how long I sat there, but the next thing I was aware of outside of my fear was a stinging pain across the left side of my cheek. My head snapped up to see Joanie, her hands holding me by the temples.
"Did you just slap me?" I asked stupidly. When she rolled her eyes, I gaped. "Joanie! What the hell!?"
"Excuse me for being more focused on the fact that you were purple,” she groaned. “At least you aren’t hyperventilating anymore.”
I rubbed the spot on my chest and throat that still ached, realizing she was right. “Did you hear that noise when you came in?”
“All I heard was you.”
“No, it sounded like… a train, or a tornado.”
To my horror, she started laughing. “Mike, that was you, trying to breathe. You had a panic attack.”
“And you slapped me!?”
“I tried to talk you down, but you couldn’t hear me.”
“You slapped me.” 
“Michael Joshua Andrews. Yes, I slapped you. Now, focus. Please. Doctor Collins, who appeared out of literal nowhere. An accident that didn’t happen, but apparently put you out of work with full pay five years ago.”
"I don't even know what the accident was," I tried.
"Well, no," she accepted. Abruptly, she stopped and stared at me, eyes wide. "Because there was no accident."
"That's what I'm trying to say - "
She shook her head furiously and grabbed my shoulders. "Mike. There was no accident. Even if something changed that tells everyone else that you're on disability or workman's comp, or whatever, you aren't suddenly crippled. And for you to be on full pay, it should have been awful."
Joanie was right. Whatever cover story was created when Greta vanished, it involved a horrible accident that was fully the fault of the company. I should be completely unable to work, but nothing was wrong. "That means they - it - the thing or person behind this… can't actually affect us." I trailed off. "Is that why we aren't forgetting everyone?"
"Could be, but focus." She handed me a beer that I didn't notice her grabbing. "We need to talk to Collins, and you actually have a plausible reason."
After a brief flurry of phone calls, I had an appointment that afternoon to speak with my theoretical doctor. “Joanie, I should be back by five. If I’m not, come looking for me. Raise hell, go full on ‘grieving widow’, I don’t care - “
“Ew!” she muttered. “Wrong equipment.”
“Like anyone is going to remember that,” I argued half-heartedly. “Fine. Grieving sister. Just make a loud, over the top ruckus if they try to prevent you from seeing me or passing me a message, okay?”
“Can do.” She saluted me. “Just make sure you get as much information as you can, okay?”
“I wouldn’t be doing this otherwise,” I agreed under my breath. “Hopefully, I’ll get some banal explanation and be back at the Tangerine Nightmare by five, five thirty at the latest.”
After getting off the line, I punched the address into my GPS. Ignoring the fact that the address showed as saved under ‘Dr. Greg’, I made my way there with time to spare for my appointment. From the outside, it looked like what I expected from a doctor’s office: nondescript building, discreet but visible signage, “no smoking” signs everywhere.  I walked in, only to behold a pretty nondescript waiting room, complete with the news and weather channel on a TV in the corner and magazines from roughly a month ago spread neatly on a table.
Making my way to the reception window, I signed in.  Glancing around, I saw a bleach-blonde woman I didn’t recognize.  She took the clipboard and smiled at me. “Thank you, Mr. Andrews. Dr. Collins is expecting you, so go on back.” When I hesitated, she tipped her head. “Left hand door, second exam room on the left.”
Thanking her, I made my way back.  At first, it seemed pretty routine: a woman I had never seen in my life took my vital signs, asked a few questions, then left me with a cheerful explanation that the doctor would be in to see me shortly. So far, so good.
After about ten minutes, a man in a white coat entered the exam room.  He had solid gray hair, brown eyes, and a vaguely middle aged face - somewhere between a stressed out forty and a youthful sixty. “Hey, Mike. I don’t know if you remember, but I’m Dr. Gregory Collins. Does that ring any bells?”
I was honest. “Not really, but I think that’s why I’m here.” I didn’t mention that Dr. Collins not existing when I woke up this morning was part of that. Let him believe what he wanted.  I just wanted answers.
He seemed somewhat satisfied with this, nodding his head. “Have you had any conversations or seen anything out of the ordinary? Any odd hallucinations?”
“I wouldn’t say they were hallucinations,” I admitted. “I mean, someone else has seen them as well, despite how weird they seem to be. So, I know it’s real.” I paused, and he nodded for me to continue. “Houses, made out of skin, I think?” I played dumb, no mentioning the related disappearances. “They pulse and breathe like they’re alive, but they can’t be, right?”
“Of course not,” he responded, tone soothing and even. He walked behind me, out of my line of sight.  Shortly, I could feel him pressing a stethoscope against my back, and took deep breaths automatically.
“One of them is right next to my house,” I admitted, although I wasn’t sure why I told him that.
“That has to be distressing,” he acknowledged.  When he crossed back into my field of vision, he had a bottle of something yellow and a syringe.
“Doc…” I started hesitantly. “What is that?”
“Just the usual, Mike. Nothing to worry about.”
“And what, exactly, is the ‘usual’?”
The bastard actually chuckled. “It doesn’t matter, Mike. You never remember, anyway.”
“Never remember WHAT?” I started panicking, and moved to stand up.
He pushed me back on the exam table with one hand. “Shhhh. It’s okay.” He glanced at the door and jerked his head to whoever was standing outside.  I felt cool, iron grips holding my wrists down.
“What do you mean, I ‘never remember’, you son of a bitch!?” I shouted, struggling futilely against the hands holding me down. Jesus fuck, how many people did he have come in here?
A stinging pain erupted near my armpit. I looked down just in time to see a needle being pulled out.  To my horror, it looked several inches long - long enough to pierce a lung, or even my heart.  I struggled sluggishly against whatever he just injected me with, trying in vain to stay awake.  My vision blackened around the edges.  My hands and feet started to feel warm and numb.  I couldn’t even scream, since every noise I tried to make came out as a slurred moan.
I could barely see out of the dim centers of my vision as I heard Dr. Collins one last time. “This one keeps resetting, and we don’t know why.  Make sure he doesn’t disrupt the program.”
<;prev masterpost next>
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Dead in the Water Part 4
Sam sat with Andrea in the living room. Outside the first break of dawn could be seen lighting the lake. “Can you tell me?” Sam asked. “What happened, I mean.”
“No,” Andrea said. Behind her Dean was rummaging through their shelves, Sam tried his best not to shoot his brother a glare. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Tears built up in her eyes started to spill over. “I’m going crazy.” She dropped her head into her hands.
“No,” Sam said, reaching over and gripping her shoulder. “You’re not. Tell me what happened. Everything.”
“I heard...” Andrea said into her hands. She looked up at Sam. “I thought I heard... there was this voice.”
“What did it say?”
“It said...” Andrea paused and wiped her eyes futilely. “It said ‘come play with me’.” A sob broke free from her throat. “What’s happening?”
“It’s-” Before Sam can finish Dean slammed a photo album down in front of them and flipped it open. Just before Dean opened it Sam caught the hand written title ‘Jake - 12 years old’. On the page Dean had flipped to there was a picture labelled Explorer Troop 37. He pointed at it. “Dean, what?”
He signed ‘who’ and pointed at it again.
Sam turned to Andrea. “Do you recognize any of these kids?” he asked here.
“What? What does this have to do with anything?” Andrea asked. Dean pointed harder. “No, I mean, except that’s my dad right there.” She pointed at him and Sam suddenly understood what Dean was trying to say. Jake Devins was stood right next to Peter Sweeney. “He must have been about twelve in these pictures.”
“Oh, oh!” Sam exclaimed as he looked up at Dean. “Chris Barr’s connection wasn’t to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the sheriff.”
“Sam? What?” Andrea asked, blinking her tears away and staring at him.
Dean shook his head. “Both.”
“What about Chris? My Dad-” Andrea asked, frowning as her eyes bounced between them. “What are you talking about?”
“Lucas?” Dean interrupted Sam as he turned towards the kid. Dean moved towards him and Sam went as well.
Lucas didn’t answer, he just opened the door and walked outside. Andrea followed at Sam’s elbow.
“Lucas, honey?” Andrea asked. Lucas looked up at Dean and pointed down at the ground beneath his feet.
Dean squared his shoulders and turned to Andrea. “Take Lucas back to the house and stay there,” he said. “Okay?”
Andrea nodded and pulled her son back up towards the house. Dean told Sam to go and fetch the shovels from the car. When Sam came back, he handed Dean a shovel and they both started digging. It didn’t take long before something clanked against the end of Sam’s. He shared a look with his brother and they both dropped their shovels and started digging with their hands. Sam’s hand made contact with something and he pulled. Out from the ground, filthy and chipped, came a rusted red bicycle.
“Peter’s bike,” Sam breathed.
“Who are you?” the sheriff’s voice came from behind them. Sam turned, Dean with him, and there stood Devins pointing his gun at them.
“Put the gun down, Jake,” Sam said, raising his hands.
Devins did not lower his gun. “How did you know that was there?” he asked, pointing at the bike with his gun.
“What happened?” Dean asked, slowly rising to his feet with his own hands raised. “You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike?” Dean jerked his chin at the bike. “You can’t bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried.”
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Jake snapped.
“You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney 35 years ago,” Dean snapped right back. “That’s what the hell I’m talking about.”
“Dad!” Andrea yelled as she came running back down from the house.
“And now you have one seriously pissed-off spirit!”
Sam stepped forwards, coming to stand next to Dean. “It’s gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love,” he explained. “It’s gonna drown them. And it’s gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter’s mom felt.” Sam glanced at Andrea. “And then after that, it’s gonna take you, and it’s not gonna stop until it does.”
Jake’s gun had lowered ever so slightly as Sam spoke but he brought it back up now. “Yeah?” he asked. “And how do you know that?”
“Because that’s exactly what it did to Bill Carlton.”
“Listen to yourselves,” Jake laughed bitterly. “Both of you. You’re insane.”
Dean pushed past Sam, ignoring the gun in Jake’s hand. “I don’t really give a rat’s ass what you think of us,” he said, shaking one hand in a fist at Jake and pointing down at the bike with the other. “But if we’re gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust.” He took another step towards Jake. “Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn’t just let him go in the lake.”
“Dad,” Andrea pleaded. “Is any of this true?”
“No,” Jake insisted, shaking his head but refusing to take his eyes off of Sam and Dean. “Don’t listen to them. They’re liars and they’re dangerous.”
Andrea was crying again. “Something tried to drown me today,” she told her dad. “Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me.” Jake turned and faced his daughter. Sam breathed a sigh of relief when the gun lowered. “Tell me you- you didn’t kill anyone.” Jake looked away. “Oh my god.” Andrea’s hands came up and covered her mouth. She stepped backwards, away from her father.
Jake continued to look away, not making eye contact with any of them. “Billy and I were at the lake,” Jake finally said, his voice heavy. “Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough.” Jake glanced up at Andrea but he couldn’t continue looking at her, he looked over at Sam instead. “We were holding his head under the water. We didn’t mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned.” Sam saw the tears rising in his eyes. “We let the body go, and it sank.”
Dean pulled a face at Sam. Sam shrugged back at him.
“Oh, Andrea,” Jake said, finally looking his daughter in the face. “We were so scared. It was a mistake.” Andrea’s hand was still covering her mouth, her eyes were wide. “But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost?” He shook his head, one hand flicking down at the bike. “It’s not rational.”
“Away from the lake,” Dean said, making a shooing motion with his hands. “Now, both of you. As far away as you can get.” 
Andrea turned, about to head back to the house, and she gasped. Sam followed her gaze.
“Lucas!” Jake yelled. Lucas was standing on the end of the dock. 
“Lucas!�� Dean yelled, starting them all running towards Lucas who was now reaching for the water.
“Lucas, baby, stay where you are,” Andrea called.
Jake ran as fast as his legs could carry him, Andrea and those two boys hot on his heels. They weren’t fast enough. A hand reached up and dragged Lucas down into the water as they reached the edge of the dock. Jake stopped but Sam and Dean shot right past him and jumped right off the end of the dock.
“Oh my god.” Andrea followed them and was halfway out of her jacket when the taller boy, Sam, popped back up.
“Andrea!” he snapped. “Stay there!”
“No, Lucas!” She cried.
Jake stopped hearing what they were saying. His grandson was being dragged to his death and all he could think about was Peter Sweeney. Jake made his way down to the water’s edge. He took his own jacket off and dropped it. “Peter,” he said. “If you can hear me... please, Peter, I’m sorry. I’m so- I’m so sorry.”
“Daddy, no!” he distantly heard Andrea call.
“Peter.” He kept talking to the lake as he waded into the water. “Lucas- He’s, he’s just a little boy.” He was up to his chest now. “Please, it’s not his fault, it’s mine. Please take me.”
“Jake, no!” One of the boys yelled.
The head of a child floated up to the surface. Peter stared at him. Jake stared right back. “Just let it be over!” Peter grabbed him and dragged him down.
“Daddy! Daddy! NO!” Andrea screamed helplessly as she watched her father disappear. Sam and Dean dived back down but Andrea barely noticed. She collapsed to her knees. Her son and her father gone on the same day. “No!”
Sam popped back up, treading water. She sent a pleading look his way but he shook his head, breathing hard. Moments later Dean surfaced, Lucas clutched to his chest and Andrea sobbed in relief.
After sleeping for what felt like an entire day, Dean was loading up the car with Sam. They had stayed with Andrea last night, which made their motel room completely pointless. Lucas had barely let him move all morning and he had finally managed to pry him away only about an hour or two ago, when they had left.
Dean was restless. He kept clenching and unclenching his fists, fingers twisting against his ring or pulling at his necklace. Sam tossed a duffle bag into the back of the car and then gave him a sympathetic look, which had Dean clenching his teeth and fists.
“Look,” Sam started. “We’re not going to save everybody.”
Dean tapped his head, signing ‘I know’. He turned back to the motel door.
“Sam,” Andrea called, stopping Dean in his tracks. “Dean.” She was walking towards them with Lucas, who was carrying a tray. “Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself.”
Lucas looked up to his mom. “Can I give?” He asked in a whisper.
“Of course,” Andrea told him, smiling and kissing his forehead.
Lucas walked right up to Dean and handed him the tray. Dean took it grinning. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s load this in the car.” As Dean led Lucas around the car, Sam walked up to Andrea.
“How you holding up?” He asked.
Andrea shrugged. “It’s just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?”
“Andrea,” Sam sighed. “I’m so sorry.”
“You saved my son,” Andrea said and Dean could see her shaking her head out of the corner of his eye. “I can’t ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that.”
“Alright Lucas,” Dean said as he slid the tray of sandwiches onto the back seat and then sat down next to them, facing Lucas. “Remember what I taught you this morning? If you’re gonna be talking now this is a very important phrase. Can you repeat it for me one more time?”
“Zeppelin rules!” Lucas said, louder than anything else Dean had heard him say before.
“That’s right!” Dean cheered, lifting a hand up for a high five. “Up high.” Lucas slapped his hand. “You take care of your mom, okay?” Lucas nodded.
Finished with her conversation with Sam, Andrea came over to Dean and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered with her lips still on his cheek.
Dean smiled, halfway to flirty, then he scratched his head and stood. “Sam, move your ass,” he said. “We’re gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road.”
“Yeah I’m coming,” Sam said, he turned to Andrea and gave her a sheepish smile. “We’ll see you around.”
“Sammy!” Sam got in the car as Dean shoved a tape in the deck. Bad Company’s Moving On started playing.
Lucas and Andrea waved as they drove off.
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handsbloodiedmoved · 2 years
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Apparently, I do my best drabbles when I'm sad so, here's the modern version of Judith losing Hannah! Trigger warnings apply for: hate crime, blood, traumatic injury and death.
"I had a good time tonight." Hannah smiled, taking Judith's hand in her own as they left the theater after their late movie, heading back towards the café.
Judith returned the smile and gave Hannah's hand a gentle squeeze, pulling the brunette a little closer. "Oh yeah, because watching a movie from behind my hands is the best way to spend a date." She rolled her eyes.
As they continued down the street, the café quickly coming into view, the couple hadn't even been paying attention to the group that had followed them out of the theater until Judith was pulled away from Hannah.
"Stay the hell away from her!" One of the voices, a guy from their class shouted at Hannah, throwing Judith to the ground. Mike? Jake? What the fuck was his name?
Judith tried to push herself up onto her hands, blood quickly falling from her nose as she hadn't had time to brace her fall.
"Hannah!" Judith called out, trying to push past the guy who was holding her back while Mike, Jake, whoever the fuck turned and started to beat Hannah. "Stop it! Stop! She didn't do anything! Stop!" Judith cried, trying her best to keep her eyes closed, but not wanting to look away because she was scared of what else could happen.
"C'mon Mike, I think they got the picture." The guy holding Judith tried to bargain, but he also didn't try that hard because he was still smiling like a psychopath.
Mike just grinned and continued his assault on Hannah. "This girl thinks she can just date the Sheriff Deputy's daughter and get away with it? Fuck that!" He bellowed, now throwing Hannah down onto the pavement.
"Help! Somebody, please help us! Please!" Judith started to yell again, this time using whatever energy she could to send her left elbow into the other person's chest, managing a breakaway as she ran to Hannah, getting in the way of Mike's fist, which instead of making contact with Hannah's jaw, made contact with Judith's who was doing her best to shield her girlfriend.
Hannah, now finally having a break, pushed herself up from the pavement weakly. "Judith..." She coughed, reaching a hand out and putting it on Judith's arm.
"Don't fucking touch her!" Mike shouted, grabbing Judith by her hair and pulling her up to her feet.
Judith could feel some of her hair getting ripped out at the roots as he yanked on her, wincing and trying to fight him off, to the point where she didn't even see Hannah get up until she heard the siren's of the cop cars.
Letting out a breath, Judith watched Mike's face twist into a new level of anger as they were greeted by Rick, Shane and the rest of the Deputies, taking the three of them into custody.
Hannah, having lost her strength now, started to stumble, being caught by Judith right before she hit the ground. "Dad help!" She screamed as Rick rushed back over, picking Hannah up and putting her in the back of his car, driving the teens to the hospital.
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That was where Judith found herself four days later. The bruising under her eyes and across her nose had turned an ugly shade of dark blue and purple, and it killed her every time she took a breath, but she needed to stay awake. She needed to see Hannah wake up.
When they had arrived at the hospital, the doctors were quick to take Hannah away and Judith was whisked away with Rick in the other direction to get her own injuries looked at. Afterwards, the father and daughter sat in the waiting room, joined by the rest of their family shortly after, the waiting room now filled with the Grimes family until Shane brought Hannah's parents.
Rick stood up from his chair as Hannah's parents came in, Judith not far behind him as he explained what had happened, Emily, Hannah's mother quickly pulling the young girl into her arms. Whispered apologies and tears shed among the women while her dad extended his condolences to Jim, a sullen handshake as they all sat back down.
Hours later, they were told that Hannah was put into a medically induced coma due to brain swelling. The news brought Hannah's mom to her knees, a heartbreaking sob escaping her as Rick and Jim helped her into a chair while Judith clung to her mom.
"I'm gonna keep you updated on the trial and everything, I promise Han..." Judith nodded, squeezing Hannah's hand, a small part of her hoping that she would just squeeze her hand back. "Hannah please just squeeze my hand." She begged, tears filling her eyes as the doctors came into the room with Hannah's parents.
"Judith honey," Emily began, placing a hand on Judith's shoulders. "They ran some more tests, and she's... she's not going to wake up." She whispered.
Shaking her head, the blonde looked from Emily to Hannah and back. "No that can't be right, you need to have them check again, please I know she's going to be okay."
The doctor looked at the young girl with what could only be described as the definition of a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry sweetie, we ran them three times to be sure."
"Please just once more... I can't lose her, I can't." She shook her head, closing her eyes as she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Let me go, I'll be okay. I'll always be with you love, I promise.
The words wrapped around her in the faintest of whispers as she nodded slowly, watching the doctors shut off all of the machines.
"Promise you'll be okay." She whispered in Hannah's ear before kissing her one last time, following as they wheeled Hannah's body into the hallway and down towards one of the operating rooms.
"She's gonna save a lot of people with her organs." Jim reminded the two women next to him.
"She already saved mine." Judith smiled softly, taking Emily's hand as Jim wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
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Judith looked down at the picture she'd pulled out of the box. An old broken frame surrounding a fading photo. She wasn't surprised and had expected much worse considering it was her "time capsule" that she made and buried in her parents' backyard a month after Hannah's death.
Her dad was apparently making a garden and it was in the way so he brought it over to her, letting her know that he'd already seen the contents considering the original box had fallen apart.
I'm still here, just like I said I'd be.
The blonde smiled at the sound of Hannah's voice, she heard it quite often these days, usually saying something about the kids. And sure she was probably going crazy but Hannah was hardly the first ghost she had experience with.
"I'm glad you're at peace." Judith whispered, trailing her finger down the photo.
I'm glad you are too.
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bike42 · 1 year
Monday September 18, 2023
Nice morning - yoga and breakfast and we were in the library at 8:30am to pick up our lunch boxes, whatever snacks we wanted for the day, and to have our daily briefing.
Jenn described that there are 282 Munro’s (mountains over 3000 feet) in Scotland and it’s sport to “bag” them all! We’ll walk on the foothills of a few of them, but not to the top. Some people vie for bagging them in record time in a self propelled manner - cycling or paddling to reach them!
The leaders decided not to offer the 11 mile hike today due to the rain last night. They’re concerned about slippery conditions. All 17 of us opted for the eight-mile, 1000 ft gain (most of it in the beginning) option. They enlisted the Local Taxi Driver, Donald McDonald (supposedly they’re two of them in town) to help with the shuttle today.
It was a quick 15 minute drive to the trailhead. Keith had said we might meet a Stag named “Collin” at the car park, and he was there to greet us and ask for a handout. I was kind of shocked when Keith fed him a banana. Seems wrong to encourage what should be a wild animal in that manner! Jenn said the locals look after him year around and a vet even comes by to check on him. Still seemed wrong.
We climbed a bit, then as we overlooked and old homestead, Keith gave us a chat on “Highland Clearances.” Ruins like the one we were viewing, are known in Scotland as “scars on the land”. After Industrial Revolution, the land was “cleared” of original landowners - many were offered one-way tickets to US / Australia / Patagonia. If they didn’t leave, the “sheriff” tore off the roof and burned the house. The land was developed into large hunting lodges and sheep grazing. Scotland’s system of land ownership is said to be one of the world’s most inequitable: 83 percent of the land is privately owned, and about half of it is owned by just 500 families - many not from Scotland originally, or living outside of Scotland.
People in this area had a great cultural hub - exported whisky. Many sheep herders from this area did go to Patagonia, and came back. The old traditions are being reestablished, which is refreshing.
Right to Roam - runs deep with Scottish people! Before “The Clearances,” many Scottish families earned their livelihood as “sustenance farmers” on public lands. Now land ownership is concentrated in a few hands, but all are free to enter and landowners must maintain the trails.
Keith grabbed a handful of Spagham Moss. He squeezed it to show us how it retains water. Dried out, it can be used as a wound dressing. Compacted, it becomes a peat bog. Keith’s grandma told him be careful of the Bog man (precursor of the boogie man). Bogs can be used to pickle and preserve things (bog butter).
This area would have had trees in the medieval days - lumber used for building and fires. Landowners now keep it open as a heather meadow for hunting purposes.
Jenn talked a lot, or rather, wondered out loud, about the creation of this landscape - water and glaciers, sedimentary rock and sandstone. It’s clear to see the glacier involvement, but were there also volcanoes and/or earthquakes? Such lovely, yet different rock and scenery. And the power of water - so much water coming out of the mountains and making its way to the sea!
A first for us while hiking, we took a break about an hour into the hike and Keith pulled out a bottle of Whisky and small paper cups. I skipped the cup and had him add a dram to my tea flask - hit the spot. As our break time was ended, it started to rain so I put my rain pants on. Since it had also gotten a little chilly, I added my puffy jacket under my rain jacket thinking I’d take it off in a bit … I didn’t!
The group started splintering, Kelli had a busted boot and Keith tried to tape it up for her, but it slowed them down. We got behind 4 others and the ladies seemed to be having a tough time with the terrain and were taking it slow. We all stepped aside to let some crazy mountain bikers through, and Jeff and I took the opportunity to pass them and work on catching up with the others (the 4 from WI and the 3 ladies). We caught them, but then had a stop in the rain so Jeff and I decided to sit and eat some lunch. Jules was there too, having hiked up from the end.
We continued our hike, odd being all alone now, but we enjoyed the solitude and the trail was obvious so we didn’t have concerns of being lost. The rain came and went, but we were warm inside our rain suits. The river grew larger and the number of waterfalls dumping into it increased in numbers and volume - very spectacular.
We reached the parking lot and found two Backroads vans (a third had driven away just as we reached the end of the trail). John and Rhydian (the newlyweds) were there, along with the coolers full of drinks. I grabbed a Gin and Tonic and climbed in the van as the rain increased and I wanted to finish my lunch! About 15 minutes later, Jules came back and picked up the 4 of us and delivered us back to the hotel.
We went up to our room. Jeff showered, then I took a long, not bath. I could barely stand afterwards - maybe it was too hot. I laid on the bed trying to cool off enough to get dressed with JT napped. We dressed, grabbed some umbrellas and walked to another bar/restaurant on property for a wine tasting session, followed by dinner.
The wine tasting was led by Shane, originally from France. He came to The Torridon six years ago for a six month gig, but fell in love with it here. He said what he likes best is the people are so nice! He added “you know how we are in France!” We tried three difference single malts - I liked all, but preferred the non-peaty varieties. Here are some other facts we learned:
Five Types of Scotch
Single Malt
Blended Malt Scotch Wiskey
Single Grain (corn etc added to Barley)
Blended grain
Blended scotch (Johnny Walker Red)
France is the top consumer of Scotch Whiskys
The Angels Share - check out the movie
We had a nice dinner sitting with John and Rhydian, learning more about them. Afterwards, we headed back to the main building and had a nightcap (Scottish version of Bailey’s on the rocks) and chatted more with Shane.
0 notes
proteuus · 3 years
anyway yesterday I was stranded in a parking lot at 1 am it was terrible. im ok now though
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ghoul-haunted · 3 years
I should get annoying about Robin Hood, actually
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evilvvithin · 2 years
Hewitt Factory pt.1
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt & F!Reader
Warnings: restraints | average disturbing hewitt family stuff | blood | violence | stockholm syndrome | hostage | cannibalism
Summary: Waking up in a dark basement, you're surrounded by death, decay and blood. There might be one light of hope ... 
Words: 1,744
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Notes: Wanted to refresh my writing after a long break and this idea came to my mind. Tommy is pictured rather ordered to kill instead of killing on his own as in the movies. This whole fic is meant to be mainly angsty and thrilling, filled with helpless emotions. If I ever include a NSFW smut chapter (knowing me I will), it’s gonna be a separate chapter. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy.
AO3 link
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The mix of water, dirt and blood kept dropping on your face until you finally came back to your senses and woke up. Sharp pain immediately shot through your skull and you felt like throwing up. You opened your eyes. Your vision was quite blurry, but you were able to recognize your surroundings. It was cold, wet and dark. You were laying strapped down to a wooden table. The floor looked like it's flooded a little. You noticed another table with a saw on it and a lot of other working stuff. You had a doubt these people use them for work or to cut down some trees in their backyard. 
You closed your eyes again trying to soothe the headache. 
What happened?
You couldn't remember anything clear except a few short snaps through your mind.
Car crash.
Hot burning sun.
Massive hands dragging you out of the sheriff's car. 
You shook your head at the last memory. Remembering his hands, you didn't want to imagine the rest of the man. You knew you won't be able to get out. Pulling against your restraints didn't give you any more hope. You were weakened from the crash, exhausted, head pulsating with pain the more you tried.
You noticed heavy footsteps through the sound of dropping water. They were getting closer quickly. You tried to calm down again, calm your breathing and heart rate. 
Maybe he leaves me alone if he thinks I'm still unconscious?
You heard heavy muffled breathing and second after the heavy boots stopped right next to you. Your body started to shake uncontrollably. 
"I told him to take care of her! Meat is meat, he can handle it!"
Someone was arguing above you. Woman and man's voices. You swore you heard two different men. Sudden loud noise as something fell on the ground startled you and a sob escaped your lips. You opened your eyes and saw a giant shadow hovering above you, leaning closer to your face. You couldn't make out anything in the basement darkness. He had long dirty hair, half covered face. His hands, the exact ones that dragged you out of the car before, squeezed your cheeks roughly. 
"No! Please!" You yelped out and felt your eyes getting wet. 
You were confused and scared. His hands ran all around your face, stretching and pinching it. Without a single reaction to your cries, he grabbed a small knife and pressed it against your cheek. 
Your stomach was twitching from the panic. Seeing your cries had no effect on him, you completely changed your attitude hoping to get any reaction out of him.
"You like it?" 
Your voice was cracking, your throat hurt from the sobbing. The sudden change caught the man's attention at least. For the first time he looked at you, in the eyes. The knife was still pressed against your cheek roughly, but it wasn't making any cuts. He tilted his head slowly and exhaled deeply.
"My skin, you like it?" 
You kept talking, he stayed focused on you and forgot about the knife or anything he planned to do. You felt the pressure on your cheek faint as he pulled the knife away slowly. 
"Can I feel yours?" 
You bit your lip as you realized that question was rather dangerous. What if it angered him? You jumped as you felt his big rough hand wrap around your wrist. To your surprise, he untied the leather cuff covering it and kept his hand in place in case you tried to do some sudden movements. Your eyes widened and you looked him right in the eyes. You've never seen such dark eyes before, his furrowed eyebrows only make them look darker. You'd lie if you said he didn't scare you to the core. 
"Rough," you whispered, "your skin is really rough." 
It was clear his arms were used to some heavy work. They could break your neck with ease. Seeing all the blood everywhere you knew he wasn't chopping wood.
"Please," you started to panic again as you heard the arguing above you louder. 
Your whole body started to shake trying to free yourself and just mindlessly run for your life.  His other hand quickly covered your mouth and he growled at you, which just made you panic even more. You didn't know what he meant by it. You didn't know if the talk you just had did something. You started to gasp for air as his hand was so large it covered your nose as well. The leather fell down from your wrist and legs and you were thrown over the man's broad shoulder, kicking and punching all around you. 
Is this it?
You inhaled deeply, catching up on the missing air and after a few steps you were thrown onto something that looked like a bed. 
"Dinner time!" 
A loud male voice resonated in the room and you froze, eyes wide in fear. Kneeling down at the edge of bed, it didn't make him look any smaller at all. He covered your mouth again and bored his eyes directly into yours. He wanted you to stay quiet. 
"Tommy! Whatcha doing down there?!"
The voice was getting closer. You nodded at him and he let go of you slowly. After he saw you remain calm, he walked over to a bucket and grabbed something large out of it. As soon as you saw the resemblance of fingers you shut your eyes closed and didn't open them until you heard him walk away. 
"You had fun down here Tommy, huh? This is a nice one, it's gonna be a wonderful meal."
You heard them both walk up the stairs and then some door slammed shut. Must've been a heavy door. You shivered when you imagined what they talked about, after what you saw him pull out the bucket. 
What did I get myself into?
You wiped the tears running down your cheeks. The fact he untied you and did not kill you meant nothing. You are more likely to die anyway, just later. Now that you thought about it, it would've been better if it just ended before, right at the table. 
You stood up slowly, legs shaking. You were overall weakened from all the trauma. You were barefoot and after inspecting the layer of brown water covering the basement floor that smelled like a spoiled egg, you sat back down onto the bed. It was dirty and stinky too, but at least it was dry. Quite comfortable too, considering the situation you were in. 
I need to convert him on my side. He liked something. Something… 
Your chin shivered.
I'll do whatever it takes.
It seemed like days passed by when you finally heard the heavy footsteps going down the stairs again. It must've been him. As you were sitting down here waiting and thinking, your exhaustion only grew. You didn't even feel fear anymore hearing him coming. You were tired, but determined. 
He slammed shut the door behind him and walked to you, holding a piece of fabric in his hand. The bed almost sunk to the wet floor when he kneeled on it, handing the fabric over to you. His heavy breathing turned into what seemed like muffled grunts. 
Was he trying to speak?
You just stared at him blankly as his grunts got more urgent. 
"I don't know what yo-"
He shoved the fabric into your hand and his grunts calmed down. Raising his arm slowly, he touched your cheek. You followed his movement when you touched your cheek, you felt something wet. It was blood, mixed with your tears. The blood wasn't yours, must've dropped on you from the ceiling or something. You curled your lips into a soft smile and using the fabric he gave you, you wiped your cheeks clean. 
"Thank you."
He stood up and reached for his knife once again. You gasped in fear that he decided to kill you, but he turned around and shook his head aggressively while making muffled moan sounds. You calmed yourself down even though you weren't calm at all on the inside. He grabbed the edge of your shirt and with a quick movement tore it apart using his knife. 
I'll do whatever it takes, you reminded yourself. 
He left you sitting there only in your bra and jeans, disappearing around the corner for a brief second before returning with another piece of fabric and handing it to you. This was actually a shirt, quite an oversized one. It belonged to one of their previous victims. Your stomach twitched at the thought but you ignored it. This man was trying to give you a clean shirt, not covered in blood and not smelly. You grabbed the shirt and gave him a slight nod as a way to thank him and pulled the shirt over your head. He was watching you closely, his breathing calm. 
"You've doomed us, Hoyt!" 
The arguing from before returned. 
"Doomed us? I saved us! Without me we'd starve!"
"You don't realize what you've done, do you?"
"Saving us? I do realize that sweetheart."
"They will come for us! Soon! Those kids have families looking for them, you idiot!"
"We just give them the boy if things get naughty. He's an animal, they already think he did it all anyway."
The male voice turned into a laugh. Laugh that made you feel sick. You heard heavy breathing again. The man kneeling down at the bed next to you was looking down, boring his eyes into his reflection on the flooded floor?. You swore he looked sad. Sad and angry. 
They're using him. Not treating him well. Abusing him.
Your eyes widened. You slowly touched his hand and he jumped. You started to pat his hand in an attempt to calm him down. He looked confused but didn't move an inch. His breathing slowed down. 
"Good, good. Don't listen to them." 
You made your voice as soothing as possible. You didn't have to pretend too much, you actually felt sorry for this behemoth of a man. Seeing him right now, he just looked like a gentle giant. Gentle giant used for inhuman killing and butchering by his family. Maybe that was the reason he didn't kill you yet? You were probably the first person to be kind towards him, not degrading him or commanding him. 
As you kept stroking his hand gently, the escape plan was shaping in your head.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
bittersweet ☆
possessive!rafe x plus!sized reader.
warnings: crazy rafe, possessive and obsessive behavior, swearing, underage drinking, reader gets hurt, physical fight, ect.
words: 2,167.
summary: you went to a local party by the beach when rafes unstable side peeked out. jj maybank finds you alone, and decides to talk to you. rafe gets possessive and upset, thinking that jj was hitting on you.
request?: no :)
a/n: i’m working on requests but since my computer is down it’s taking longer because i hate typing on my phone especially because tumblr always deletes what i’ve written. i’m hopeful that my computer will be fixed by tomorrow, until then i’ll try and produce a few stories since i’ve been MIA for a few days. remember to like and comment if you enjoy this! <3
my masterlist
“please just come with me.” rafe frowned as he sat on your porch pleading to you, telling you why you should go to a beach party with him. “why rafe?” you frown, not in a partying mood. instead, you would much rather stay home and do a movie marathon. “please baby, i swear i’ll make it up to you.” you roll your eyes at his begging. “fine, but only because you are so cute.” his eyes sparkle as a smile lifts on his lips, you pull him into a quick kiss.
you walk back inside to get dressed for the bonfire. rafe was wearing blue and orange, and you wanted to match him. so, you grabbed a pair of dark blue ripped jean shorts, and an orange v-neck. you apply some perfume and jewelry before putting on some shoes. just as you were finishing up, rafe walked into your room smirking. “awh, you wanted to match with me.” he smiled. despite you knowing his look was filled with adoration you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his long glance. “obviously, don’t you want people to know i’m yours?” you question him, waiting for his response. “well, matching clothes won’t change anything. everyone already knows.” you nod smiling before pulling him into a kiss.
once you pull away from the kiss, he grabs your hand and leads you to the car as he drives to the beach. his hand finding its way on your thigh; gripping it tightly. while he drove to the beach, you paid close attention to your phone, checking social media for any major updates. rafes grasp on your thigh loosened as the car came to a halt. you were parked on the beach, the sun was already setting.
you both exit the car, rafe swiftly moving from his side of the car to yours. “thank you for coming with me.” his hand finds yours, pulling them together. “of course, i love hanging out with you.” he lets go of your hand, and moves his arm to hold closely around your waist. the two of you begin to walk towards the already drunken teen filled beach.
you frown at the amount of trash that litters the sand. you stay close to rafe, as he approaches topper and kelce. “hey guys.” you say to them to make conversation. they nod in your direction, acknowledging you before their attention turns towards rafe again. you don’t pay any mind to what the boys are discussing. after a while you become bored, so you slowly slip out of rafes arm to go get a drink. “i’m going to go get a drink, do you want one?” you ask rafe, and he glances at you smiling. “yes please, thanks baby.” you lean in for a quick kiss before leaving to go get drinks. you weren’t a heavy drinker, always scared of what you would say or do under the influence, so you grab yourself a water and grab a beer for rafe.
you return to the spot you were in earlier, but it’s now vacant. rafe, topper, and kelce all leaving you behind. you frown, looking around for them but coming up short. you had no idea where they could be since this beach was huge. you don’t bother wasting your time looking for them, instead you start to head for the bonfire.
you weren’t surprised that rafe had left you all alone. this always happened. he would beg you to go to something, just to abandon you half way through it. it didn’t bother you, it just worried you, scared of what he was doing without you.
once you arrived at the bonfire, you decided to down the drink once made for rafe, the beer stinging your throat. you drank three more chugs before drinking water as well. it doesn’t take long for the alcohol to come into effect. you knew it had clouded your judgement when you were laughing at jj maybanks jokes of all people. “i’m telling you, these people were fucking crazy.” you giggled as he made exaggerated reactions. “you’re telling me! that sounds scary as fuck. i wouldn’t have survived.” he shook his head looking down at you, “i’m sure you would have figured something out.” you nod at him.
“have you seen those dudes since?” you ask, intrigued by his story. “actually, yeah. their story isn’t the brightest… sheriff told me that they-” his voice cut off as he made a slicing noise above his throat. your eyes widened in shock. “oh my god! really??” you grab his arm, “what if they came back for you! bro no way…” your heart rate quickens at the thought of evil men chasing random kids. “no, i know right, scary as shit. i guess it’s bittersweet because they died, but now they aren’t after us anymore.” he shrugs, sipping his red solo cup. “i guess. it’s still scary. so many people are unexpectedly dying nowadays, i definitely-” you were interrupted as rafe put an arm around you, eyeing jj up and down.
“continue baby, what were you saying?” rafe asked, smiling at you for a split second before it disappeared when his eyes focused on jj again. “oh we were just talking about bad men, and how this town is scarier than it used to be.” he nods at you. “jj what are you doing talking to my girl?” jj stands up straighter, “why do you care? do you own her or something?” rafe scoffed, “yes.” the confusion on your face was evident and jj was quick on acknowledging it. “oh really? by the look on her face, she doesn’t agree.” he glances at you, but you have quickly recovered. “what are you talking about maybank?” you interrupted the two immediately not wanting a fight to break out. “i was just talking to jj because he had a funny story. it wasn’t anything like that, i swear babe.” you words slurred together and it was evident you weren’t in the right headspace.
rafes eyes widened as he fully realized that you were so intoxicated that you had no idea what was going on, “what the fuck maybank? you got her drunk for what? you trying to fuck her?” jj couldn’t believe rafes nerve. “one, she was drunk when she came up to me, and two, i don’t need to fuck her, i already have.” your heart dropped at jj's confession.
“maybank, do you want to take that back?” you could tell rafe was trying to give jj a chance to redeem himself before all hell breaks loose. your hand tightened on rafes bicep trying to get him to move on, but he wouldn’t budge. “can't take back what’s already happened.” jj shrugged again, smirking.
rafe was the first one to throw a punch, you stumbled back as he had pushed you away. with your luck, your head had landed right against the beverage table, scratching the side of your face from your temple to the side of your cheek. you hiss in pain, moving your fingers to feel it. when you retreat your hand you see it covered in blood. you groan in pain, hissing as the cool air makes it sting.
you clumsy stand up, looking ahead to see rafe and jj were still fighting. “rafe!” you weakly call out, but he was stuck in his own little bubble as he pounded his fists against jjs face. you stumble away, walking far from the beach. you were too tired to even try to process what was going on. the yelling behind you quietly faded as you made your way farther along the beach.
not even a minute later you hear rafe running after you. “what rafe?” you ask, but your back is still turned to him. “baby, please just- i’m sorry okay. i, i don’t know. i was just scared he’d take you from me. i don’t want to lose you, you are all i have. you mean too much to me for some pogue to take.” his rambling only pissed you off more. “rafe, please. i have a headache, all i want is to go home.” you frown.
his eyes moved from the sand up to your face, surprised by the huge gash on your face that was oozing blood. “baby?! who did this to you?” you couldn’t contain your anger any longer. you used all your strength, pushing his shoulders back. “you did! you fucking asshole.” the fact that he didn’t even budge from the push you sent his way, pissed you off even more. “baby, i, you know i would never do anything to intentionally hurt you?” your silence only scared him even more.
“baby, i wouldn’t- i didn’t mean to hurt you.” his breathing was heavy as the realization hit him. he had undeniably hurt you, and he had undoubtedly lost you. “no, because this can’t be happening. i can't lose you. baby, i- it was an accident. please, you gotta understand i didn’t want to hurt you, it was just jj fucking all over you, and the way he tried to claim you, saying he already had you, it just- the anger i couldn’t even hold myself back.” you nod at his words. “rafe i understand that. i, just. i don’t want this. do you think i want you to assault every guy who even looks at me? it makes me feel like shit. do you know how shitty it makes me feel? that you think i would chose anyone else when i have you. it hurts to know that you think i’m not loyal enough.” you frown, tears easily falling out of your eyes.
“baby- it’s not you i’m worried about.” you nod, “i know… it just doesn’t feel that way.” he goes to speak again but you quickly interrupt him. “can we please continue this at your house? my head seriously hurts.” his eyes soften, his hand cupping your cheek. he hesitated before he pulled you into a kiss, when you kissed him back he could feel his smile come back. “rafe.” you say again, before pointing to your head. “right baby, i’m sorry. let's go.” you nod.
he walks you to his car, opening the door for you before you hop in. he puts your seatbelt on for you. his protective side shining through once again. he walks around, before hopping in himself. he starts the car. “seatbelt…?.” you question. he laughs quietly. “of course, baby.” you nod as he puts his seatbelt on. his hand reached for your thigh again, before he drove the two of you to his house.
when you arrived, your head was pounding. you could feel it throbbing, the blood dripping onto your orange v neck. you frown at the sight. the two of you walk inside, and he immediately pulls you into his room, placing you on the edge of his bed. he runs to his bathroom grabbing a table cloth and the first aid kit.
he opens the first aid kit, placing it beside you. he takes the wet washcloth, wiping away the blood. after cleaning it, he added antibacterial cream, and then covered it in gauze. he kissed the bandage covering it before walking to his closet.
“here. wear this, and i’ll wash your t-shirt.” you nod, “thank you rafe.” he turns around and you swiftly change your t-shirt. he turns around, his heart hammering inside his chest, still scared about where you stood.
“rafe. i don’t want to lose you. i love you a lot, but i don’t want to continue this if every time a guy looks at me funny, you beat him up. i appreciate you protecting me, but they aren’t worth it.” he nods, soaking up every word. “if you can promise me that you won’t fight random people anymore, then i think we can work this out, and work through this.” he smiles softly, “is that a deal?” you ask. “of course baby. i promise i won’t fight anyone unless they really deserve it.” you roll your eyes, “fine. that’s good enough; but please, let’s hope it doesn’t get too bad.” he laughs, “let’s hope.” you grab his hands, realizing they were quite bruised. “let’s ice these.” he follows you to the kitchen, as you prepare an ice pack.
once the ice pack is ready, you place it on one hand, the other is intently grabbing your thigh. “baby you don’t have to do all this.” he reached for the ice and you lightly pushed his hand away. “you fixed me up, let me fix you up.” he sat back and watched as you cared for his bruises. rafe was glad he didn’t lose you, and he was glad you were still there with him. having you so close to him made him realize he couldn’t sacrifice anything to lose you. he kissed your bandages once more before you two prepared for bed and started to comfortably cuddle together.
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Laisse tomber les filles 10
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; sexual acts and dubcon, pillow humping.
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: It’s Monday, ugh.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Your curiosity got the best of you, more so your restlessness. 
After your ride with Lee, you couldn’t settle down. You gave up on sleep, late nights not unknown to any student. You flicked on your desk lamp and sat on the chair with a blanket around your shoulders and read a few passages before that peculiar twang made you put down the book.
The flagrant language of the lewd acts made your core hot and you longed for any touch to stoke it. You fidgeted and picked the book up again. Just one chapter… Lee was right, you were learning. You pushed the blanket away as you felt yourself sweating and you recalled that night with the sheriff, his leg firmly between both of yours.
You shut the book again and flicked off the light. You had a few more hours before you had to get ready for class. You needed some semblance of sleep to function and you knew another long night awaited you.
You sprawled out on your thin mattress and sighed. You closed your eyes and tried to drift off, tried to forget the lurid excerpts that kept popping back into your mind. You rolled onto your side then the other. You gripped your head and squeezed your eyelids closed. Just sleep.
You brought a pillow down and hugged it as you tried to get comfortable. The corner rubbed along your panties and a ripple tore through your core. You mumbled nonsensically and ignored the urge tugging at you. You couldn’t…
You pushed the pillow down and clenched it between your legs. You started slowly, carefully building the pressure as you hugged it tighter and tighter. Your breath caught and soon you were panting desperately as you chased that strange plucking deep inside.
You got up on your knees and kept the pillow sideways beneath you and straddled it. You rocked your hips as the wooden frame creaked with each move and you smother your voice with your palm. 
You bit down on the heel of your hand as you hung your head back and became the woman in the novel. You imagined a man beneath you, faceless, nameless, and the mountain rose before you. Almost there, just a little more--
You gritted your teeth as you came and slowed, nails sinking into the pillow as you shook and stifled the weak moans. You fell back onto your side, the pillow caught between your legs and let your arm hang over the edge of the bed. Breathless, you felt the heavy drowsiness setting in. You drifted off before the guilt could set in.
The club meeting came to an end but you hardly kept up with any of the discussion. You couldn’t help but think of the last time you saw Lee and everything that came after. You didn’t know what you’d been thinking, why you did what you did. Curiosity, mostly as you tried to recreate that same feeling you got on the sheriff’s lap.
You didn’t realise your weekly session was over until the chairs scraped and bodies began to move. You stood and your purse fell over as you did. You bent to pick up your bag and scoop up the mess that spilled onto the floor. Another knelt across from you and snatch the red-spined book from amid the pile.
Andre held up the explicit novel and looked it over with a chuckle, “so this is what you like to read?”
“Hey,” you snatched it away and shoved it into your purse and stood, “no, I…”
You shrugged and dragged the chair back to the desk and shoved it beneath. You turned back to him as he watched you. You surpassed him as you headed for the door and heard him follow. Your skin was on fire with embarrassment.
“You know, it’s not really literature but it’s… expression nonetheless. I think it’s good that themes like that are being explored in writing--”
“It’s trash, I’m taking it to the donation bin,” you lied as you came out into the warm summer evening.
“Oh,” he said without conviction, “that’s too bad. You must be one of those prudish girls, then. I always thought so with the way you dress.”
“What?” you glanced over at him as he kept pace with you. You searched around for the cruiser but you only saw your fellow club members and the beaten up lemons they drove.
“Well, you’re not exactly pushing the envelope,” he intoned, “I don’t see you at any parties, either--”
“What does it matter?” you kicked a rock as you continued down the sidewalk. You kept your eyes peeled for Lee but you assumed he was waiting back at your residence as usual.
“Oh, I was just thinking you might want to come to one,” he suggested, “you know, loosen up a bit.”
“A party?” you asked as you turned onto Greek row, “I don’t know… I have plans and--”
“You have plans,” he scoffed, “are you that shy or that stupid?”
You were quiet as you didn’t know how to answer. Both, probably, you thought, but sniffed and kept on.
“I’m asking you out,” he said as you reached the corner of your street, “you know, maybe you can do more than read about fucking.”
“Excuse me?” you stopped short and turned on him, “I’m not lying. I have somewhere I’m supposed to be and-- and-- maybe I’m not interested in going out with you. You’re mean.”
His brows shot up and he tilted his head and laughed, “you’re such a precocious little thing, you know that?”
“Maybe,” you said, “but you should get out of here before--”
The siren whooped and you cringed. You heard the slow roll of tires as they drew up and the engine clicked into park. The door opened as Andre scowled past you and rolled his eyes. You stepped aside and looked over at Lee as he placed his hat on his head.
“What are y’all up to, tonight, huh?” he asked with half a smirk.
“Just talking,” Andre spat, “some bodunk cop like you can surely understand that.”
“Scuse me, boy?” Lee’s hand went to his belt, just beside his gun, “is that how they teach you college kids to talk to authority?”
“It’s how I talk to pigs when they oink at me,” Andre rebuffed, “now I was just having a discussion with this young woman--”
“Now don’t be uppity with me, boy, you out here making a public nuisance,” the sheriff stepped up on the curb.
“We were just talking, really,” you said quietly, “I was just saying goodbye.”
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Andre dismissed him with a wave and turned back to you, “well, why don’t you just cancel and come up to Delt--”
You gasped as Andre was hauled off his feet and spun against the side of the cruiser. Lee twisted his arm back and bent him over the hood as he reached for his cuffs.
“What are you--”
“You saw that, girl,” Lee snarled, “he swung at me. That would be attempting an assault on an officer of the law.”
“Ummm,” you blinked and clutched your purse, “I don’t…”
“That’s an arrestable offence,” Lee snapped a cuff around Andre’s wrist as he struggled, “don’t look good on your record, neither. Think the dean will stand for it?”
“Get off of me!” Andre sneered, “I didn’t do anything--”
“You sure did,” Lee growled, “out here harassing young ladies and disrespecting an officer.”
“You’re insane,” Andre’s tried to pull away as the other cuff closed, “don’t you have anything better--”
“Honey, get in the car,” Lee ordered as he wrenched Andre up then slammed his face back down against the hood with a sickening crunch, “I don’t want you to see this.”
“Lee--” you said weakly, “please--”
“You know… this pig…” Andre huffed in a nasally voice.
“Y’aint talk to her, pretty boy,” Lee warned, “or I’ll break your teeth.”
“Shhhh,” Lee hushed him and glanced over his shoulder at you, “now honey pie, get in the front seat. Don’t make me tell you twice.”
You swallowed and cautiously went to the front door. You slid across the leather seat and closed the door. You heard them arguing before the back door opened and Andre was shoved inside, barely missing his head as he did. You peeked back at him as he horked up blood onto the floor.
The door slammed behind him and Lee got in on his side. He pushed into gear and took off from the curb with the squeal of tires. He glared in the mirror than looked over at you as his expression softened.
“Not exactly how I wanted the night to go but we drop him at the station real quick then we can have some fun, huh?” he smiled.
“You’re dating this creep?” Andre snorted from the back seat.
“Boy, you shut your mouth,” Lee barked at the rear view, “I ain’t tell ya again not to talk to the lady.”
Andre snickered darkly and shook his head as he hung it. He leaned against his cuffed hands and shifted.
“Fine, take me to the station,” he said blithely, “my father will have me out on the hour. Bail in these parts can’t be more than a penny.”
“Oh,” Lee sneered at the road as he drove through campus, “is that so?”
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please-buckme · 3 years
A Broken Heart.
Chapter 1
Lee Bodecker x fem!reader
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Chapter warnings: slight mentions of sex, 18+,hitting, sad shit, break up, heart break, angst, cursing
Chapter Summary: reader and Lee breakup.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 2 //Chapter 3
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The world felt as if it were shattering around you, crumbling beneath your feet like the rapture was upon you. Honestly, if the world did come to an end right now you’d be elated. At least you wouldn’t have to deal with your broken heart anymore.
You sat against a wall in your room, wallowing in your own self petty. It’d be three days since Lee Bodecker had broken things off with you. He had said that you were hurting his campaign, that he still loved you but needed a woman of power to help him become sheriff of this godforsaken town.
Lee had taken you out in the same field he took you to every time y’all made love. He kissed you so passionately, held you so closely. If you weren’t so caught up in the way his hands felt against your bare skin, you would’ve noticed how distraught he was the entire time he made love to you. It was his way of saying goodbye before he actually said goodbye. After he’d broken up with you, you felt disgusting and violated.
You’d never felt like that with Lee. He was your deputy and sinner in disguise. He was your rock and your soft place to fall. When the tears finally fill, the most empty feeling you’d ever felt emerged in your gut. One day you thought you were gonna be Mrs. Lee Bodecker. You daydreamed constantly of your wedding day and sharing a bed with the man you loved for the rest of your life ‘til you were old and gray. To know now that dream will always remain a dream.. that’s what hurt the most.
After Lee drove you home, you sat in your room for three days straight, not even coming out for supper. Your momma tried to convince you to eat and it worked once on the second day, until you threw up right after.
She didn’t understand. She’d never been in love, not really. Not love like you and Lee had. People told y’all all the time how rare and beautiful your love for one another was and you agreed. Just looking back on those memories made you sick. You listened in awe of how beautiful your love was not knowing Lee would only break your heart days later.
Today was Sunday, the lord's day, and usually you never wanted to go to church, but today you really didn’t want to go. The whole town, including Lee and his new arm candy, would be there. It’s the first time you’d be seeing Lee since he dropped you off. It was too soon, especially since you knew he’d already moved on.
As you sat with your head between your knees, your momma barged through your bedroom door.
“Jesus, girl. Why aren’t you up and ready to go? Church starts in an hour and you aren’t gonna make me late again.” She stomped over to your closet and shuffled through your dresses.
“Momma.. I- I’m not ready. I can’t see… him with her. I just ain’t ready for that kinda humiliation.” You sighed, trying to reason with your Bible-thumpin momma.
“Oh, no. You’ve embarrassed me enough this week. Disappearin’ for three whole days over a boy? You’re pathetic. You know, back in my day, we didn’t get to sit around and sulk the days away. No. We had to carry on like everything was fine and that’s what you’re gonna do. Now, get dressed.” She threw you a dress, one of your favorites actually. It was a teal blue, babydoll dress that you usually saved for special occasions, but you weren’t feeling very special at the moment and now you were just pissed off.
You stood and came face-to-face with your momma, “I’m not going. You have no idea how I feel. You can’t. You’ve never felt love the way we had it, Momma. No one ever loved you or me the way I love Lee. You couldn’t possib-“
Just then you felt a sharp sting against your cheek as your momma slapped you across the face.
“Not. Another. Word. You will be dressed and waitin for me at the car in ten minutes. No poutin’ and no sulkin’ in the pews. I don’t wanna hear another word about that boy.” She turned to exit your room but turned around to give you one last dig to the heart, “And, honey, a man in love would never have done what he did to you. Remember that next time you wanna preach to me about love.” With that she left your room. Your cheek still stung from the unexpected hit to the face. Your momma was cruel but she’d never hit you before.
The slap, in a way, was kind of refreshing. For a split second you’d totally forgotten about Lee. Only for a second, though. His crystal blue eyes and cheshire lips never leave your thoughts completely. You shook your head in defeat, trying to erase him from your mind. It didn’t work, but you took a deep breath and began getting ready.
The church parking lot was full when you and your momma pulled in. Rickety old trucks to brand spankin new, brightly colored cars littered the dusty lot. You spotted Lee’s car immediately, thankfully he was already inside.
The whole town came to this church, which wasn’t that many people. Nevertheless, everybody knew everybody and, even if you didn’t care, everybody knew everybody’s dirty laundry. Old Man Karl got pulled over last week for a DUI, Nancy from the library cheated on her husband with his brother and.. oh yeah, Lee Bodecker dumped his long time girlfriend for the mayor's daughter.
Lee and yours breakup was the talk of the town. You were the fresh, new gossip in this boring as hell town and there’s nothing you could do about it.
You couldn’t get two steps into the church without being bombarded by women you didn’t want to know but also knew too much about, asking if you were alright and that they’d pray for you on this ‘beautiful, glorious Sunday morning’. Yeah, same shit different day, different person.
One woman stayed to chat with your momma, so you went to find your seat. Your usual spot was next to Lee and naturally that’s where you headed, only to be greeted by Lee and His new girlfriend, Laura-Jean Mancon. She was one of those girls who’d been pretty her whole life. Blind hair, blue eyes and a huge rack. Everybody thought she’d go into modeling or start an acting career but she never did. Instead, she stayed and was now going to marry Lee. In your eyes, that’s the best path she could’ve taken. You’d take her place any day.
“Mornin’ Y/n.” Lee cleared his throat, unable to make eye contact with you.
“L-“ You went to say his name but found you couldn’t. It was only one syllable, only three letters and it pained you to even think about, let alone say aloud. You cleared your throat, “Laura-Jean, nice to see you again.”
Laura-Jean said nothing in return. She just hummed, waiting for you to talk away.
“I guess I’ll go.. find me a new seat.” You took a deep breath when you felt the tears welling up in your eyes, again. Lee stared straight forward the whole time you stood there, too cowardly to even look you in the eyes. Some Sheriff he’ll be.
You scanned the crowd of people and found your momma in the front row, of course. You made your way up the aisle and took your seat next to her. The chorus sang their hems and the preacher clapped his way in on the last versus.
“How are we doin’ on this fine Sunday mornin’?” he drawled to the crowd. He got an assortment of greetings in return.
“GOOD” the people shouted in return. You could hear Laura-Jean giggling over something but you wouldn’t dare look back. Lee always made church bearable, making wise cracks at the preaches expense.
“Now, today I’d like to talk a little bit about love. Of course, we’re always talkin’ about love when it comes to our lord and savor, Jesus Christ. But just for a moment, it ain’t about him. No. This mornin’ I’m preachin’ to you about young love.”
Here we go.
“It comes and goes so fast, but when you have it, it’s one of the most beautiful things this world can offer you.. especially when you put a little Jesus in it.” The church laughed. You knew where this was going. Your stomach churned as you sunk down into the pew.
“I’d like to ask the newly engaged folks in the crowd to come and join me up here. You know who you are, soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bodecker.”
Your heart felt as if it were going to explode, a tear escaped through your lashes and you quickly wiped it away.
They walked up hand in hand, smiling for cheek to cheek. How could he be so happy, so calm after only being broken up for less than a week? Did he ever love you? Really love you. Like you loved him. Obviously not because you could never, in good conscience do this to him. You couldn’t stand on a stage wrapped arm in arm with another man while Lee sat, just as you were now, devastated and totally distraught.
“So tell us,” the preach beamed. “When’s the big day.”
Lee looked at you with a pained expression as Laura-Jean answered the preach.
“May 21st”
Your breathing heavies at the reply. Turning to your momma you whispered, “Momma, that’s in two weeks.”
“I know that. Now, hush.” She side eyed you with a full smile still pressed to her lips. Even your own mother didn’t seem to care about your feelings. You sat there, listening to Laura-Jean go on and on about their ‘big day’. Tears streamed down your face and you let them. You’d given up on trying to hide how hurt you really felt. When you looked up, Lee stared straight at you. He wasn’t crying but his pain ridden face told you everything. One look at him and you couldn’t breathe anymore. You stood abruptly, all eyes were on you and Laura-Jean had stopped talking.
“I- excuse me.” You said before booking it out the back door. Lee hollered out, asking you to wait. It was too late. You were half way out the door and couldn’t stand to be in that room for another second.
Your feet stomped against the grave, dust clouding up in your wake as you made your way to the road.
“Y/n!” Lee called out after you.
“Go away. I have nothing to say to you, L- fuck.” You cursed, trying desperately to get away from him.
“I said wait, goddammit.” He growled, capturing your bicep in his large hand.
“Let go of me!” You whined sounding out of breath.
“Not until you listened to what I have to say.”
“What, Lee? What could you possibly have to say?”
“I- I.. dammit. I know I put you in a tough position but-“
“A tough position?” You repeated.
“Let me finish.” He sighed and released your arm from his grasp, “I know I hurt you. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am, but, doll, this is it. This is my only chance at becoming Sheriff. You know how hard I’ve worked to get here and you’ve always been so supportive of my dream. I- I just thought.. out of everyone you would understand.”
Your skin burned as you imagined smoke blowing from your ears. Did he really just say that? That you should understand the break up and go on with your life like nothing happened like he is? You stood there frozen, breathing heavier and heavier as your brain tried to come up with a coherent response while trying to also remain a lady.
“I- I still love you. You know that, right?” He asked, bringing a hand to your cheek and wiping a stray tear away.
You flinched at his burning touch and slapped his hand away, “Don’t touch me. Don’t you ever touch me again. I don’t love you anymore. I can’t love you. Shit… seeing you was the best part of my day and now I can’t even look at you without feeling like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I can’t even say your name anymore. Everything about you, now, fills me with so much pain and dread. So if that’s what your love is, keep it. I don’t want it anymore.”
“Doll,” A tear ran down his cheek, you now being the one who’s breaking his heart. “I never meant to hurt you. I swear.” He sniffles.
“Well, you did. I’m in so much pain.” You sobbed, “I’m in so much pain and I have no one to go to because you were my person. You have left me completely empty and utterly alone.”
“Y/n, I-“
“Save it, Bodecker. I’m done talking to you.”
Lee didn’t chase after you this time. He let the tears stream down his face as he watched you walk away. He was just as heartbroken as you but couldn’t show it., not when he was so close to winning this election. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and headed back towards the church. He knew you just needed time and that he’d still see you around town.
Seeing you today took his breath away. You wore your favorite dress that he bought you for your birthday so long ago. You didn’t have on any makeup, which he loved. You were so naturally beautiful and he did still love you with every piece of his shattered heart. He’d eventually come up with a plan to get you back, but for now he would respect your space.
Once you’d gotten home and shut the door, you couldn’t help but scream at the top of your lungs. Hoping for some sort of release from all this heartache you felt. Telling him you couldn’t love him was the hardest thing you ever had to do. You sat on the floor in the same position you were in before you left; head between your knees and sobbing like a baby.
There was no escaping him in this town. There was church and the grocery store and the diner you worked at part time. He was everywhere. He’d come in every morning you worked to have coffee with you. He had been a part of every little thing you do in your daily routine for as long as you can remember.
There was never a time you weren’t together. It was always just you and him. He was the one who held you when you were sad, but where was he now when you needed him most?
To you, there was only one way to fix this; get the hell out of here. Completely leave town and start anew somewhere else. You have an aunt that lives right outside of town. You can stay there until it doesn’t hurt anymore.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you got up. Your aunt agreed to the plan and said you could stay with her for as long as you needed when you called her. You packed a small duffle bag and waited for her to pick you up.
When she did finally pull up out front, you hopped in the car and she drove off, leaving the dusty ole town you called home for so long. You took in a deep breath as you drove towards your new life. No Lee, no momma, no worries.
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Dividers by: @firefly-in-darkness
Taglist: @haydens-moles , @c00lkidvibes , @tcc-gizmachine , @buckysm3talarm , @gogolucky13 , @cryptidcasanova , @heavenlyseb , @writersbuck , @teddy-bearbaby , @bbmommy0902 , @sweetllamaparadise , @thereblogcrusader , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @frostbytebaby , @jessyballet , @emotionallyandphysicallydone , @sarge-barnes-sir , @generalbagelcookieslime
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neonponders · 3 years
I’ve never written Murder Boyfriends before, but @cuepickle ‘s art is just so lovely and powerful.
Based on this and this 💗 💜 🖤 (impending smut ahoy)
• • • • • • •
I just want to help, he’d said.
I just want to make things right, he’d said.
Steve said a lot of things. But he moaned incoherent words and exclaimed sounds he didn’t want anyone else to hear when Billy Hargrove steamrolled into his life, his feelings, and his goddamn morals.
Billy Hargrove wasn’t...right. He was twelve different shades of wrong, punctuated by Caribbean blue eyes and decorated with bronzed waves and curls. Steve knew he had a superiority complex, but he hadn’t known it was this bad.
Thing is, if he’d known, Steve couldn’t guarantee whether he’d change anything. Because knowing Billy Hargrove is a murderer would also mean Steve knew what his lips tasted like, and their softness against his neck.
All Steve had known was that Sheriff Hopper was missing, and his parents, being the upstanding white people that they are, deferred nearly every inconvenience to the police. And the police answered, because fat wallets keep their lights on, like everyone else.
But the Sheriff’s phones kept ringing. And maybe Steve had his own complex after so much time with Nancy, because he parked out front and strolled right into the Sheriff’s office.
The secretary wasn’t there.
Neither were the two deputies.
Steve tucked himself between the desks to pry apart the window blinds. Their cars were still here -
Steve’s head rotated at a sound he knew. He knew it in the way a memory piqued but he couldn’t place where or why. He followed it into the chief’s office...where Billy Hargrove sat at the desk - Hopper’s own chair - and ate a crisp apple from the strange pile in the waste paper basket.
“Hi, Steve,” he smiled. Ankles crossed on the desk. A perfect, violet crescent framed the side of his eye. An indigo shadow rested in the inner corner of the other one. Either way, Steve’s first red flag was that he ached with concern more than itched for the nailed bat in his trunk.
“What happened to you?”
Steve thought the guy might choke, the way he tipped his head back to laugh while chunks of apple sat in his mouth. Naturally, it took him some time to chew and swallow before he said, “I finally stopped being afraid. And I started being responsible. Not the way he planned, though.”
“Hopper?” Steve frowned.
Billy did not answer immediately. He licked the apple like it might drip juice and beckoned, “Why don’t you sit down? I want to see you.”
The only lights on were in the main room where Steve stood. Ghoulish, fluorescent bulbs while Billy sat in shadow and vague, evening light hatching through the Chief’s window blinds. There was some kind of irony there: Steve in the fake, green-tinged light, and Billy in the natural...honest darkness.
Steve peeked behind him, surveying the room but finding no warnings apart from the negative space where people should be.
He stepped into the office -
“I’ve always liked looking at you.”
Steve paused on the carpet. Billy had said it loud enough to hear, but with enough air in it that Steve couldn’t tell if he was drunk or hadn’t meant to say it aloud. Then he tried to sit in one of the chairs -
“Over here. Sit on the desk.”
“What?” Steve blinked at him, suddenly very aware that the light gave Billy full view of his face but Steve only got the glow in that dark blond hair.
A strong leg pushed Billy away from the desk. The apple tumbled onto its pile of brothers, discarded as he pat the desk. “Sit right here.”
Steve shook his head all at once, beginning to backpedal out of the room. “This is weird.”
“No shit. This whole town’s weird. I’ve been reading some personal files in this room. I guess the Chief thought he was being smart, but...I’ve been hiding my whole life. I know where people hide things. A lot of things make sense in this place, now. The rat pack Max hangs out with. And you. A lot of things makes sense about you, Steve.”
Steve shrugged and his hands clapped against his thighs. “Okay? You’re not special for seeing my report cards.”
Billy’s features froze, but only for a moment, and then laughter burst out of him. “Steve, please sit down. God, I wanna touch you.”
Steve Harrington is a simple person. He’d officially been single for far too long, struck out every time he faced a woman - and a couple guys who were too scared or oblivious to do anything - and he just...
He wanted.
He wanted to be touched and if Billy was offering - Hot Stuff Hargrove, Baby Doll Eyes Billy - then Steve couldn’t help but take. He’d been so patient with everyone. He waited for Nancy to be ready. He accepted defeat when everyone walked away from him with rolling eyes or obligatory smiles.
Billy...talked. He talked and talked. He’d always been a talker; on the basketball court, barking orders as a lifeguard. Always talking, or letting his radio talk for him.
But Steve sat on Hopper’s desk and felt the warmth of Billy’s palms seep through his jeans. He held onto Steve’s calves as he talked. Talked about terrible things. Broken plates and abandoned things. Being the abandoned thing. Being the broken thing. He talked for hours before finally fucking Steve on that desk.
He’d started slow. Just unbuttoning the jeans and then leaving them alone. It would be another half hour before he took off Steve’s shoes. Every time Steve looked behind him - as if asking for someone to come in, to interrupt, to break this dark dream Billy wove around him - Billy said, “Look at me.”
“I’ve been looking at you, Billy.”
A small smile twitched on his lips. “Good.”
It would be another hour before he said, “I think my dad killed my mom.”
Less than a minute before he added, “He had it coming. Feel bad for my step-mom, though. But she was a screamer. So was the tall deputy. Things can finally be quiet now.”
Steve sat very still as arms circled around his pelvis and Billy just...hugged him. Pressed his face against Steve’s soft belly and inhaled his scent. Warm laundry and Steve Steve Steve.
He couldn’t be sure how things evolved into sex. Steve was already trapped in Billy’s web, so all he had to do was decide, to give the web a pluck and Steve felt the vibrations.
He planted his hands on the desk, lifting his ass for Billy to wrench the jeans and underwear off in one go. They got stuck on Steve’s feet, bunched up so Steve had to figure it out himself as Billy pressed himself over top of him.
The green desk lamp fell with an ominous clank.
Steve finally got a leg free and wrapped it around Billy’s ass the same time teeth found his neck. The warning bells that had been ringing since he got here felt far away; church bells too high over the town to actually make a difference in the goings-on.
Billy marked him up like he had paperwork to sign. Steve’s deed was his, and Billy moaned and grunted with every sigh he wrung out of Steve. Every squeeze to his waist made him moan, and he outright whimpered when Billy licked up his neck. For how much Billy gripped, bit, and sucked, he moved surprisingly gently below the belt.
“Gonna get lube later,” he said in that way again, traveling down Steve’s body as his thoughts escaped into the air. “I’m going to have your ass every which way, Harrington.”
Steve could only gasp as his tongue shoved inside him with no preamble. “I-I-I didn’t shower - ”
A guttural, breathy hum ricocheted from Billy’s throat and into Steve’s chest, knocking Steve’s head back like a rock on the way there. Billy’s stubble and gross wetness made Steve feel filthy in the best way. His cock lay heavily on his abdomen, spurting precum every time Billy’s hands squeezed the backs of his thighs.
Steve came like he’d never been touched in his life. His breathing picked up and he rutted against Billy’s face twice before making a mess of his shirt.
Billy took his slowly fading erection into his mouth, jerking himself off almost violently in a matter of seconds.
When Steve stepped outside, the air smelled like the sunrise even though only the faintest bit of blue had begun to dilute the darkness. And as the sun rose, Steve had never felt worse. It was like seeing a demogorgon for the first time, but instead of minutes, it stretched into hours.
People were dead.
Presumably Chief Hopper too.
Billy, he...he...
He showed up to Steve’s house with a smile and freshly laundered clothes. Steve had showered but looked like he hadn’t slept in a month. Billy only tipped his head back toward his car. “I’ve got two bank accounts freshly inherited. Let me buy you lunch.”
Steve wondered if Dustin’s comic book villains drove Camaros.
Billy bought him lunch. Bought him a chocolate milkshake too. Steve didn’t want to think about his ability to swallow those down so easily. Or how he interacted with the waitress like he wasn’t covered in red and brown love bites delivered directly atop Chief Hopper’s desk. He didn’t want to think what having all of Billy Hargrove’s attention on him did to his squirming...pleased...insides.
He didn’t want to think as Billy fingered him in the backseat.
They didn’t even fit back there but Billy moved with what felt like the strength of three men. It was arousing, being manhandled like that; any fear Steve ought to have held in his gut tapped its disapproving toe outside of the vehicle. The way Billy sucked behind his ear, gripped his hips so he could slot himself right in between Steve’s legs and rut his dark pink erection against Steve’s...
The way he bought Steve more milkshakes.
And a fresh tire rotation because his car veered to the left.
And filled him up in the darkness of Steve’s bedroom, making Steve bounce on his cock as he licked the taste of him off his lubed up fingers - 
“You haven’t even kissed me yet.”
It just...came out.
The husky lust cleared from Billy’s eyes when Steve said that. Terror must have filled Steve’s eyes because Billy gently cradled the side of his head.
This is it. This is how I die. Wanting a freaking kiss from a psycho -
“I thought you’d be the one to do that.”
Steve blinked vacantly at him. He could feel Billy’s heartbeat inside his ass and the guy just smiled -
“King Steve. Never thought you were shy - mmph.”
Billy’s bravado melted against Steve’s mouth. He hummed as he felt Steve’s precum on his belly, soaking them both with what he did to him, did to Steve and all of his flawed moral systems.
Steve pushed Billy onto his back with his kiss, tongue desperately tasting and exploring his mouth as his fingers laced behind Billy’s neck.
Until Billy reached up and pulled Steve’s hands apart, just enough for the bases of his palms to sit on both pulse points.
Billy did it himself: made his cheeks go pink and his chest flush red. But Steve made his ass slap against Billy’s thighs. Made Billy’s jaw go slack and his orgasm slow. Made his eyes water and his chest heave when he could breathe again.
Maybe that was his chance. His chance to make things right.
But with an empty Sheriff’s office down the road, and still no one the wiser, Hawkins wasn’t living by any sort of right anymore. The only right that Steve knew, was Billy’s hands making him feel powerful and precious.
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jerisch · 3 years
The wrong catch
Another fantastic story by @writer-ofstuff​, featuring Derek from Teen Wolf.
Derek groaned as he came to. Rubbing his head as it ached. He remembers getting out of his car and then blacking out. He goes on the alert a few seconds later when he realizes that someone has taken him. Derek can see it in some sort of basement given the layout of the room and that makes him assume it must be the Argents. Given how they've been trying to hunt him down for weeks now. The man who steps out from the shadows however Derek doesn't recognize as one of the Argents. Unless this bastard is a hired lackey they paid to capture Derek.
 "Good, you're awake." The man says. He is dressed in a simple t-shirt with a jacket and jeans. He looks like he is around his mid thirties, his brown hair was trimmed short in a typical military fashion. Derek didn't say a word, realizing he's been handcuffed which he could easily break free of. He needs to wait though to see just who this guy is and why he has taken Derek.
 "I'm surprised it was easy to capture such a dangerous criminal such as yourself. You've evaded the police fkr a good while only to just show yourself out in public like you did."
 "I wish I was on duty when I spotted you, that being the reason why I had to take you like I did." The guy says.
 "So, you're a cop then?" Derek asks. 'Good, he isn't a hunter then.' Derek thought. It also explains the man's clean cut boring look that most law enforcement seem to wear.
 "Officer Daniels. The man who brought in the top suspect of a mass murder spree Derek Hale." Daniels sounds smug as he speaks.
 Derek can't help but let out a small laugh as he looks at Daniels with a smirk.
 "It seems you're out of the loop officers. I was cleared of those charges when they found the real murder." Derek says and enjoys the look on Daniels face when he tells him. 
 "You're lying." Daniels says. He turns his back to Derek and sees him on his phone. No doubt checking to make sure Derek was telling the truth.
 "Fuck!" He hears the older man say, and Derek laughs.
 "Seems you put yourself in an interesting position, officer. You thought you captured a criminal when you just kidnapped an innocent man. I'm guessing you wanted credit for bringing a dangerous criminal in for what, brownie points for a promotion? Surely when I get out of here and report you for what you did you'll be lucky to keep your job." Derek says. Taking pride in how the older man glares angrily at him.
 For a few moments Daniels just stands there visibly seething in anger. Nomdoubt he is thinking how he didn't boost his career but ruined it for what he did in taking Derek. 
 "You may be innocent, but I can still use you to get ahead in my career. I just need to make you into a criminal is all." Daniels says with a sinister grin.
 "How so?" Derek asked. Baffled by what Daniels said.
 "I told myself I would never use my family's gift. I wanted to separate myself from that world," he says with disdain. "But with desperate measures like this I can make an exception." Daniels says.
 Derek is confused by what the older man means. That is till he can sense the strong feeling of magic fill the room. Daniels eyes glow an inhuman orange and a bright aura emits from his hands. 
 "Your." Derek doesn't get to finish what he is saying before Daniels' magic envelops around him. Derek breaks the handcuffs and tries to make a run for it, but the magic is already flowing through him and makes him stagger on his feet. 
 "What are you?" Derek growls, his eyes flicker from his normal hazel eye color to beta blue before his glowing blue eyes disappear as his werewolf side hismstripped away from him. Derek fills hollow from losing such an important part of himself, all because of this pathetic officer trying to use Derek to get ahead in his career. 
 Rage bubbles within Derek and he turns to face the man who took a large part of who Derek was from him.
 "You bastard, you fucking worthless pig!" Derek snarls. He clenches his head as it throbs and pounds sending small tremors of pain through him.
 Moments tick by and Derek's body burns from his muscles expanding in size. Hard earned muscles bulging in a matter of moments. It being as if Derek spends so much time hitting the gym to work and maintain such an impressive physique. 
 "You think your tough shift huh? Cause you blindsided me the way you did and brought me here?" Derek goes on to say. His legs ached with newly formed muscle filling his legs out on top of his legs getting longer to make the former werewolf a few inches taller. 
 Derek's mind was in a haze from a mix of different thoughts and emotions filling his head that he didn't know what to do in the moment but kept talking as if he did.
 "You're just a pathetic pig, a dull lackey and nothing more. You can't bring me down, many have tried and every one of them failed." Derek's voice grew raspy and deeper in tone. His voice was foreign to his own ears but he didn't show any sort of reaction to it. 
 Derek's hair trimmed shorter, becoming a simple buzzed over style while his stubble shaved away to leave just a dusting shadow of facial hair along his altering jawline. His jaw which took a more defined and chiseled look. His cheeks filled out, hismnose growing a little wider, his eyebrows trim down to not be as thick as they once were. 
 Standing there now no one would ever have thought this scowling man was once Derek Hale. The man the former werewolf had became sneers at Daniels with a menacing look as handcuffs reappear around his wrists while his mind is flooded with a new persona.
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His clothes rapidly changed on his new body. The old tattered rags that ripped and tore at the seams during his growth became something new to fit his new self.
Damon Harris stared at the officer with a cold calculated gaze. How foolish, he thought. It was humorous that that pathetic excuse for a man thought he could bring in a criminal mastermind like Damon in. Damon was not only good looking with an impressive body, but he was also a genius with a seductive charm which he shamelessly used to get out of being arrested.
By sleeping with the officers who tried to arrest him Damon often used it as blackmail to get the men to drop the charges and thus making him walk out a free man each time.
This buffoon would be no different, just another bitch for Damon to seduce and fuck till the weak man's dick his dry of any cum. Damon puts on his signature charming look. Before he could even utter a single word to the officer however Damon feels suddenly drowsy. He stumbles on his feet, sputtering over his words before he falls to his knees and then falls to the ground fast asleep thanks to the sleep spell Daniels just casted on him.
"I no doubt made you into a more dangerous criminal than what you were excused for, so best to not take any chances with you till I get you to the station." Daniels says to Damon's sleeping form.
It was a paint in the ass to get the hulking man into his car, but he thinks how this, everything he did tonight will make it all worth it when he gets the promotion for bringing in one of their most sought after and elusive criminals.
"I'd say sorry for doing this, but that would be a lie." Daniels says smugly while he lifts Damon's sleeping body up and struggles to carry him up the stairs and out to his car. Once he has Damon in the back seat of his cruiser, Daniels takes a moment to collect himself. He is due to start his shift soon, he still needs to get dressed in his uniform so he quickly heads inside to do that.
He isn't aware of his magic being absorbed by Damon. The void that was left from when Damon was Derek and a werewolf takes in the lingering magic from Daniels' spells clung to the criminal. Giving him his own type of hidden power that would grow within him.
Damon wakes up when Daniels returns. The criminal thrashes in his handcuffs and demands to be set free, but Daniels ignores him and drives them to the station. He is already picturing the praise he will receive when he walks in with a handcuffed Damon.
"You may bring me in but I won't get charged. You can believe I will track you down once I'm out and make you sorry you every crossed paths with me." Damon tells Daniels in a low threatening voice as he gets escorted into the police station.
"With what we have you charged with I doubt you get out from behind bars anytime soon." Daniels laughed.
Damon clenches his jaw and sneers at the whispering officers who look at him. He won't stand for this. He refuses to be taken down so easily by a chump you used cheap tricks to capture him. Damon was a criminal mastermind, a genius Adonis. He refuses to be carted off like some common criminal like this.
"Now sit here while I get started on your processing paperwork." Daniels says smugly after he secures Damon in a holding cell.
"This isn't over! You haven't seen the last of me!" Damon calls out to Daniels retreating back. He curses and paces in his cell, thinking of how he can get out of this one. His interrupted by the door opening, he turns around and sees Sheriff Stilinski walk in. Damon rolls his eyes, the older man has been a thorn in his side for a while now and Damon is sure the Sheriff has come here to gloat about him finally being caught.
He notices how tired the older man looks, a mischievous idea forms in Damon's head while he watches Stilinski approach his cell.
"I'd like to see how you weasel your way out of this one Damon." Stilinski says.
"I'm sure you would, old man." Damon says. Loving the way Stilinski bristles at that.
"You look tired Sheriff, working long shifts again? Surely the pristine Sheriff of our beloved town knows when not to push himself too much in his work. After all, you're older now so you should be taking it easy." Damon chuckles.
"Watch Damon, I'm not that old." Stilinski says.
"Oh of course Sir." Damon says in a low raspy voice. He starts working his charm on the older man, flashing him a smile and leans close to the bars as he speaks to Stilinski.
"You do so much work for this town and do you get any recognition, any reward?" He asked.
"It's my job, I don't need a reward for doing what is right." Stilinski says.
"Yes, but surely with all you do you should get a reward." Damon says. "If a small one." He winks.
"Are you flirting with me?" Stilinski asked, taken aback.
"Depends Sheriff." Damon purrs. "If you can handle a young stud like me." He goes on to say and then rubs his impressive sized bulge. Stilinski's eyes follow Damon's movements and the criminal knows he has the Sheriff eating out of the palm of his hands now.
Men like Sheriff Stilinski who are overworked and tired are so much easier to seduce Damon's learned.
"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here Damon but I won't be like those other officers you seduced and made lose their jobs." Sheriff Stilinski says.
"This is different this time Sheriff. No one is around to see us. With you being in charge you can easily erase the security footage that shows us having a little fun." Damon persuades.
"If it makes you feel better you won't even have to let me out of the cell." Damon added. The criminal then frees his fat cock from his pants. Gripping his palm around the base of his shaft. Damon's eyes lock onto the older officer's and he can see the turmoil Sheriff Stilinski is in from the look on his face as he mulls over what to do.
"Don't keep me waiting Noah. Who knows if you'll ever get another chance to have a taste of this." Damon teases. He grins widely when Sheriff Stilinski hesitates and then gets on his knees. Damon gets closer to the bars and sticks his cock through the opening towards the Sheriff.
"Go on Noah, don't keep me waiting." Damon insists. With another moment of hesitation Noah leans forward and tentatively takes Damon's cock into his mouth.
"See? Not so hard was it?" Damon asked. He gently thrusts his hips forward into Noah's mouth, pushing his dick further into the older man's mouth. His hands stick out through the bars and cradles Noah's head in his hands. Rubbing the older man's head soothingly while Noah continues to suck him off.
Damon would tease the older officer for being such a good cock slut, only he feels a strange sensation coming over him. He remains silent, a frown on his face while his body starts to get itchy. Damon doesn't know the residual magic from Daniels' spells is flowing through him and into Noah now. The magic making the two men become intertwined with each other filling their heads with a false reality of the two of them together.
Fueling Noah's loneliness while also granting Damon's desire to be free from his incoming imprisonment. Thus triggering Damon to undergo a second transformation. This one happens more rapidly than the first, making Damon fall into a dazed trance state so he doesn't even get to react to his metamorphosis into a new man.
Damon's hair starts to cascade down from his head as the Criminal begins to lose his hair. His hairline thinning out while more of his dark colored hair recedes into his scalp till he is left bald.
Damon's hard earned physique loses some definition and tone so he isn't as muscular anymore but still remains in good shape. Dark bristles of body hair sprout and grow along his torso, stopping just along his abdomen. Damon groans, his eyes glazed over, he thrusts his hips forward. His body moving on it sown to fuck Noah's mouth to plunge his cock deeper into the Sheriff's mouth. Damon can feel how full his balls are, desperate to release his thick load.
Damon's handsome face matures while it shifts into the face of an older man with rugged looks. Damon's dusting of stubble thickening into a fuller beard. His clothing rapidly alters on him to match the similar beige uniform as Noah Stilinski wears.
Damon no longer recalls his life as a criminal mastermind. Instead his head is full of new memories of being an upstanding officer of the law. Damon's own name is fleeting from his mind. His new persona taking root to complete his transformation.
Officer Darren Stilinski's eyes refocused as he awakened. An orange hue flashes over his eyes before that fades to his normal green color. Darren rubs his hand through his husband's hair as the room shifts around them. Placing them in Noah's office rather than the holding cell.
"After all these years together and you're still the needy cockslut you were when we met at the academy." Darren chuckles.
Noah looks up and is startled for a brief moment when he sees the new man, but his mind quickly catches up and he relaxes. Now he recalls this man as his partner, on the force and at home. Two wedding bands materialize on the two men's fingers while Darren fucks Noah's mouth with a few more thrusts before finally unloading his thick load of come into his lover's mouth. He pulls out a little bit after that, letting Noah lick any left over come from his thick dick head before Darren fixes his pants.
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"That was fun." Noah says as he gets to his feet.
"Is it a surprise when you have such a stud for a husband?" Darren teases.
"You're so full of yourself." Noah chuckles.
"I know, it's why you love me so much." Darren grins and kisses Noah. His hands coming around to knead Noah's ass. The two officers stand there in Noah's office kissing when the door opens and Daniels walks in looking frazzled.
"Sir we have an issue. I brought in a dangerous criminal and now he." Daniels trails off when he notices the other officer with the Sheriff. He freezes for a moment as realization hits him and he sputters over his words.
"Yes?" Noah asked.
"You were saying something son?" Darren adds.
"N-nothing, sorry to trouble you both." Daniels settles on saying before he quickly leaves.
"That was odd." Noah says and turns to Darren.
"We can worry about him later. Right now I believe we are still on break so why don't we use it to have a little more fun." Darren suggests, pulling Noah closer to him for another kiss. Before they can continue Noah's phone buzzes, and with a heavy sigh the Sheriff answers it.
"Stiles is here to see you. Do I let him back?" The receptionist says.
"Yeah, send him back." Noah answers and hangs up.
"Our son is here." Noah says.
"Of course he is. I love him, but he has the worst timing." Darren chuckles.
"Yeah, but at least we can continue this when we get home." Noah says.
"Oh I intend to, and do a lot more to you." Darren promises. He has a flash of forigen thoughts in his head for a brief moment. He recalls what feels like two separate sets of memories in his head, but before he could focus on what they mean he quickly forgets them. He then just feels affection for his husband and their son just as Stiles opens the door.
Stiles pauses when he sees his dad and another officer around his dad's age holding hands and looking like they're close to kissing. The scene throws Stiles off and the young man is baffled over what the hell he just walked in on before reality catches up to him.
He recalls the new officer as his dad. Remembering growing up with two fathers and how much he loves his dads.
"Jeez, can't you two wait to get home to do this?" Stiles teases.
"So you can interrupt us there too?" Darren jokes, walking up and pulling his son in for a hug. Neither of them recalling who Darren was once before his transformations.
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