#i tried to incorporate their messy bangs
bookshelf-dust · 2 years
it worked!
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eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 1,119
warnings: literally none other than swearing, sweet sweet fluff and candy eating
a/n: another halloween fic!! i hope you like it!! also i’m a sucker for eddie and wayne, so i had to incorporate him. <333
October 1989
“Sit still! It’s gonna get all over your face!”
“It tickles! And it’s cold!”
“Stop being a baby!”
“You stop being a baby!”
You slammed the mental canister down on his dresser, putting your hands on your hips. “Eddie. If you don’t stop writhing around because I’m spraying something in your hair, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.”
He crossed his arms, stuck his nose up in the air, looking at you indignantly. “Do it.”
You took his chin in your hand, planting a quick and sweet kiss on his lips. He grinned as you pulled away, tilting his head. “Oh. That was cute.”
“Oh, that was cute.” You mocked him playfully, reaching for the can of bright green temporary hair spray again.
Eddie sat on his hands, squeezing his eyes closed like the spray was gonna get him. You went back to work, coating his curls as best as you could, putting your hand under his bangs to prevent it from getting on his skin at all.
You walked around the back of the chair, making sure you hadn’t missed any spots, and set the can down again. Raking your fingers through his hair, you began to separate clumps and make sure everything looked okay, messy as his mop was.
Eddie peeled one eye open, looking at you. “Am I safe?”
“Yes, Munson. The big bad can of hair spray can’t get you anymore. I’m all done.”
He hopped up, bounding to the mirror to look at his newly green hair. “I kinda like it.” He shook his hair around, head-banging to test it out. “Okay, your turn.”
Just to get back at him, you did your best to not move a muscle while he sprayed your hair black, ignoring his death stares as he gets the chunks framing your face. Finished, he handed you your little clip in bangs—ones that you’d already put gel in to separate the pieces—albeit aggressively.
“Show off,” he mumbled, jumping into his black and white striped pants. You got distracted watching him get dressed, pulling on a white shirt, slowly buttoning it up. When he got to the tie he stopped.
“Wayneee,” he whined, stomping out of his room and down the hall to the living room in search of help.
You cracked the door so you could change, pulling on tights, and then your multitude of black layers until you felt eclectic, but lazily so.
“How many times have I tried to teach you this, boy? Did you even try this time?” You could hear Wayne’s deep grumble of a voice from the other room, giggling to yourself. No, he hadn’t tried.
“It’s hard,” Eddie pleaded with his uncle.
“Yeah, well you’re not gonna live here forever.”
You were smudging black shadow around your eyes when Eddie returned, tie knotted neatly, suit jacket slung over his shoulder. You met his eyes in the mirror. “You really do need to learn how to tie a tie, Ed.”
“Oh, fuck off. Need me to zip this?” He pointed to your bare back that he could see where the fabric hung loosely, considering you couldn’t reach to do it up properly, what with all the accoutrements.
“Please. There’s buttons at the top, too.” You felt his lips graze your spine, above the band of your bra, before he got to work securing you in. You fastened the choker around your neck and turned to face him, outfit all finished.
“Yum,” Eddie said, finally putting his stripey suit jacket over his shoulders. He’d found it at the thrift store and then spent a couple nights painting thick black lines all over, claiming that he’d worked so hard he’d be using this costume for the rest of eternity.
“Oh, shut up.” You held up a purple fingertip, skin covered in shadow, and beckoned him to sit again so you could fix him up real nice. “You know, this is pretty easy considering how deep the circles under your eyes already are. Maybe if you got some sleep once in a while.”
“I am a busy man, my sweet. Sleep is overrated.” You hummed, slightly annoyed, but still enjoying putting makeup on him.
Once you were both finished, you trudged out of his room, ready to be photographed by Wayne, as per usual. He was very fond of a photo album, and the one of Eddie and you was growing exponentially.
“You two be safe tonight.”
“Always are uncle Wayne.” Eddie waved him off, walking you outside.
You were just going to a costume party at a local bar, one where Eddie knew the owner, who had been very generous to Corroded Coffin in recent years. You planned to try and win this costume competition, bring home a shitty trophy, and stop for candy on the way.
You wandered through the aisles of the video store before ending up at the market, now having separated from Eddie who went to get ice cream, leaving you to pick through the leftover candy aisle, still in your Lydia Deetz costume.
You were off to look for him, having scavenged as best as you could, but he’d obviously gone somewhere else, no longer in front of the frozen section. “Beetlejuice…”
Another aisle, another miss. “Beetlejuice…”
Skirting around the corner to where the chips were, you hoped to find purchase there. “Beetlejuice!”
Eddie’s fingers grabbed at your waist, spinning you around. “It worked!”
“So it did.” He took the candy from your arms, putting it in the basket hooked over his forearm with two little pints of ice cream.
“You were following me, weren’t you?”
“Sure was.”
Given that Wayne had no idea what the two of you had dressed as, and he’d had the night off, the three of you sprawled out in the living room, watching Barbara and Adam drive off a bridge.
Wayne laughed at their joint death, his sick sense of humor being one of your favorite parts of him. He was set up in his Lazy-Boy, you and Eddie on the couch.
Eddie’s legs were in your lap, his hand in the popcorn bowl sitting between the two of you. He still had purple shadow smudged around his eyes, green in spots across his neck, and he’d yet to rinse his hair out, even though he’d helped you do yours a little earlier.
He’d never looked prettier. You found yourself hoping every Halloween looked like this.
You smiled in his direction, reveling in his deep laugh at something Delia said. Your eye caught the said little trophy sat on the shelf above the television, seeing as Wayne had chosen it’s spot. “Best couple’s costume,” it read.
Indeed it was.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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saijspellhart · 1 month
Lyndis x Hector and number 46
46. Kisses that are interrupted by an unsuspecting party walking in. (Hector x Lyn)
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“Ow, ow ow…” Hector held the saddle horn in a death grip as they crested the last rocky moor overlooking the low forests of the Caelin march. They could finally see castle Caelin in the distance. Without much prompting his horse started down the winding, rocky trail towards a dense forest below, where there was no doubt a stream with fresh water.
Eliwood and his steed followed Hector’s lead, starting down the path with a little more care than Hector’s mare exhibited. “You doing alright there, friend?”
“Peachy,” Hector grunted as the horse barreled none too gracefully over a particularly rough patch of path.
“Won’t be long until we reach castle Caelin. Lady Lyndis will no doubt have meal and a room waiting for us.”
Eliwood and Hector had come to visit for both a Caelin rain festival, as well as a newly implemented Sacaen Moon and Sky celebration. Lady Lyndis was fighting tooth and nail to incorporate a part of her culture in this new march she’d inherited; Hector and Eliwood came to show their support. They would be staying in Caelin for the next month.
Hector hoped they had a doctor that could amputate his saddle sore ass. “She’ll have a room for you.” He told Eliwood, “I bet six gold pieces that she puts me up in a chicken coop.”
Eliwood laughed, and patted the side of his steed. “And put out the chickens?”
Lyn was going through a mountain of paperwork when a big blue-maned berserker stormed into her study.
She tried to catch a wobbling stack of papers before it toppled over the edge of her desk and onto the floor. She failed.
Lyn ran a hand through her bangs, and looked up as the man stalked over to her massive cluttered desk. “Hello Hector, an elegant entrance as always.”
“What are you doing in here? Eliwood and I have been here for nearly two hours and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of y—gods this place is a wreck.” Hector shook one of his boots to dislodge a letter that had attached itself. He tried to carefully step around the flurry of papers on the floor.
“Not all of us have an Oswin to manage our affairs while we galavant across the countryside.”
“Oh,” Hector leaned a giant palm on Lyn’s desk. “Kent not working out? Tell Sain to pick up the slack.”
“If I did that the only papers leaving this office would be raunchy love letters.”
“A marked improvement over the letters Ostia has received from Caelin of late,” Hector snipped back. He revealed a beautifully carved and stained oak box and slammed it down on Lyn’s desk. He opened the box, plucked out a letter, and waved it at Lyn.
“Why Hector,” she raised her brows and smiled coyly, “I wasn’t aware you desired raunchy letters from me.”
Hector sputtered, and attempted (and failed) to hide the blush that stained his cheeks. She could see him trying to quash an embarrassed smile.
He proceeded to unfold the letter in his hand, a letter marked with the Caelin seal. In fact every letter in the chest was marked with a Caelin seal. “‘Dear Hector,’” he read “‘I find myself at a loss for words that you would propose becoming pen-pals. Delighted as I am, Sir Oswin is busy enough with Ostian affairs, surely he doesn’t have the time to transcribe these letters for you.’” Hector tossed the letter on her messy desk. “Implying I can’t write, Lyn?”
She opened her mouth to answer with a barbed remark, but Hector didn’t even finish the first letter before opening another letter from his box.
“‘The coffee stain footnoting your recent letter was a bold flourish to compliment the elegance of your brigand prose.’” He proceeded to dump the entire contents of his box over the top of her desk. There were a lot of letters. “Say it to my face, Lyn. Tell me again how my penmanship brightens your day like a parade of drunken caterpillars.”
She turned her face, an attempt to hide the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
While Hector prattled on about the contents of her letters, Lyn slowly and carefully placed a hand on her own stack of letters sitting on the corner of her desk. Every letter in the stack bore the Ostian seal, and the bundle was tied up neatly and lovingly with a ribbon of dyed and woven Sacaen grasses. She very slowly slid the stack to the edge of her desk, where she had toed open a drawer to receive them.
“‘It’s lonely in Caelin these days.’” Hector unfolded yet another letter in his quest to make up for lost time. As if she hadn’t written these all herself, and knew exactly what she’d put in them, “‘The castle is so dreadfully quiet since Grandfather passed. Sometimes I find myself reminiscing about our adventure, longing for the companionship we had then. Tragically I’d even prefer your snoring, that could shake the walls of a tent, over this mind-numbing solitude.’”
She didn’t normally keep the stack of Ostian letters on her desktop where anyone could find them. But she’d just recently received a letter from Hector, mailed off just before he and Eliwood had departed for Caelin. It had arrived just the other day, but she’d been so inundated with paperwork, she’d only just managed to sit down to read his letter and really appreciate the message today. And like every other letter she received from Hector…it joined a slowly growing collection.
But Hector didn’t need to know that.
Actually, there was a giddy flip in her stomach to find out that Hector kept all her letters in such an ornate box. Or maybe the box was just for the ease of transport while they traveled.
“‘I miss those late nights~,’” Hector quoted in a ridiculously wistful impression. Lyn made a choking noise, ears catching fire, and fumbled her stack of letters, flinging them over the front of her desk instead of into the drawer. Hector continued reading as he blindly bent to scoop the stack of letters from the ground, “‘sparring with you under the stars. Exhausted but determined, pushing ourselves to our respective limits. There was a language between us in those moments that I fear I lose a piece of day by day.’” It was from one of her more recent letters to him. A letter she wrote on a night when she’d been more sentimental and melancholy than usual.
Her face heated when she thought of the letter Hector had sent her in response. She buried her face in her hands and willed the fire in her skin to die out. It still made her heart stutter thinking about it. Regardless of his boorish prose, he certainly had knack for…
“What’s the matter Lyn, can’t stomach your own words?” Hector loomed over the desk, sneer pulling his mouth. “What’s this anyway?” He held up the bundle of letters he’d rescued from the floor.
“They’re nothing!” Lyn bolted up from her seat and made a grab for them.
Hector dodged her. “Ostian seal…” a spark ignited behind Hector’s eyes. She swore his gaze was burning as it shifted between her and the bundle of letters. The biggest grin spread across his face. “No way…is this a Sacaen ribbon? This has to be imported, unless… you made this yourself? But then you definitely imported Sacaen grasses to make it…”
“Give them to me!” She practically leapt over the desk at him.
Hector danced away, escaped papers crunching under his boots. “You keep all my letters!”
“So what,” Lyn snipped, “you kept all mine! In a fancy box no less. I thought for sure you’d burn them.”
“But you’re my best friend.”
Lyn about tripped, and actually did slip on a few papers. Her heart hammered erratically within her chest, knocking the air from her lungs. When she found her voice she said, albeit roughly, “I thought Eliwood was your best friend.”
“He is. I can have two best friends. Don’t put me in a box.”
Clearly the definition of “best” eluded Hector. Despite herself, Lyn began to shake as she broke into a fit of silent giggles. She shut her eyes as tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks. Leave it to Hector to say something so recklessly sincere.
“Wh-what’s wrong.” Hector crossed the room in a couple of strides, he placed a large hand on Lyn’s shaking shoulder. “Gods, I didn’t say something stupid again did I?”
Of course not you oaf. Somehow you say the exact thing I needed to hear. She couldn’t put into words how worn thin she’d felt, running Caelin all by herself after her grandfather passed. How she’d had to hold everyone, even Kent and Sain, at arms length while she erected an icy barrier around herself bit by bit; her only defense from the other nobility and their ever present scrutiny. Everyone around her was pretension. Their words a dagger dipped in honey and poison. She realized quickly she couldn’t trust anyone no matter how flowery and sweet their words.
Hector’s letters were never that.
They were brutish and playfully antagonistic, much like the man himself. But they were also honest and heartfelt. And the longer they traded letters the funnier and sweeter his words had become. She’d be lying if his letters weren’t the highlight of her every week.
She wanted to tell him he was the only person she felt like she could be “just Lyn” with.
Instead, her near hysterical giggling just devolved into straight up sobbing when Hector pulled her into the most awkward hug. He held her like his strength might break her.
Lyn buried her face in his shoulder, blotting tears against his shirt. “H-hug me f-f-for…real, mo-oron.”
The air was forced from her lungs as Hector wrapped her in a crushing embrace. He smelled of horses and sweat and fresh clean linen. A mix of scents that were as grounding as they were familiar.
She needed this. Gods, she needed this. Lyn buried her her fingers in the front of hector’s shirt. In his embrace she finally felt safe enough to let out all the tears she’d kept bottled up inside. Vulnerability she could never let anyone else in Caelin see.
Hector’s body was so warm, radiating heat like a furnace.
Lyn didn’t want to let him go.
He held her until her sobs abated. Until all she felt was the heavy weariness coming down from the emotional high.
“I’m here,” Hector whispered into her hair. “I’m right here.”
“Everyone is so…fake,” Lyn whispered hoarsely back.
As if Hector finally understood, the tension in his body relaxed. He pressed his cheek to the top of Lyn’s head and replied, “I know.”
“You’re not.” She turned her face until her nose brushed his throat.
Hector swallowed thickly and she could feel it. “I’m not,” he agreed. “I promise you, I’m not.”
“Your last letter…” Lyn trailed off, she struggled to say out loud what he’d written.
“I meant it all. Every letter, it was me, Lyn.”
They both fell into pensive silence then, their breathing punctuating the moments. Lyn was pressed so close she could feel Hector’s heartbeat in her own chest. It was a steady thump-thump that comforted her.
Hector loosened his hold just enough to run a hand down her back, smoothing the fabric of her Sacaen clothing. So touch starved, Lyn had to resist the urge to arch into that touch like a cat.
Normally, while in Caelin she wore Lycian fashion. Mostly to appease the Lycian nobles. But lately, homesickness had set in, and she’d begun blending Sacaen and Lycian fashion. Today though, she wore a familiar ensemble. Clothing she’d kept from her late tribe, the Lorca. She’d wanted to dress in something familiar to greet the boys; something from the time she’d spent traveling with Hector and Eliwood.
“The Lycian nobles,” she started to say.
Hector gave a hum of acknowledgment, his hand caressing her back paused briefly to comb through her long ponytail. She shivered, and he must have felt it.
“I’m so tired of the feigned niceties, their insincere flattery; flowery but otherwise shallow talk.” She tilted her face to trace her nose along the corner of Hector’s jaw, causing his breath to hitch. It was a modicum more forward than appropriate, but given the contents of the last couple letters he’d sent…well. When her nose reached his ear she spoke lowly, “I’d trade a million pretty words for one touch that is real.”
Hector made a very tortured noise in the back of his throat.
All at once he twisted his face down and to the side to press a kiss to Lyn’s cheek.
Had her mouth not been at his ear, he might have kissed her lips.
Regardless, the chaste kiss sent a pleased shock from the base of her skull down to her toes.
“Lyn…” he breathed, voice low and throaty at her ear. “Can I touch you?”
Lyn could only nod, pulling back just enough for Hector to capture her mouth in a proper kiss.
It was all the confirmation he needed.
Months of pent-up restrained emotions—having been stoked to a fever pitch by their respective letters—boiled over and set ablaze.
Hector’s fingers dug into her back as he kissed her with all the desperation of a man drowning. She met his enthusiasm in kind, throwing her arms around his neck and burying one hand in his stupidly coiffed hair.
He let out a covetous groan, both his hands running down her body, over her hips, until they reached her exposed thighs. His touch ignited fire against her skin. With strength akin to a bear he gripped her thighs and hoisted her up off the ground effortlessly.
Lyn unconsciously hooked her legs over his hips. She pressed her body to his, chest flush against him, delighting in the touch of someone real.
Nights spent fantasizing paled in comparison to this moment.
Hector tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His lips were rough, almost chapped, no doubt from elements during the long trip from Ostia. But Lyn didn’t mind because this too felt so real. It was him, and he was actually here in Caelin, and he wanted her the way he’d alluded in all his letters. The same way she wanted him.
She tugged at his hair as she kissed him back, matching his energy. When he gasped into her mouth she savored the noise.
Lyn took the opportunity to slip her tongue past Hector’s lips, drawing a throaty moan from him. His grip on her thighs tightened.
Hector took a step back towards her desk, his boots crunching papers.
She should have been concerned about those papers—and she had no idea where Hector had placed her bundle of letters—but found herself too blissed out to give a damn.
She knew the moment his backside reached her desk, because her shins struck it too. The scandal of making out on her desk sent a crack of heat straight to Lyn’s stomach.
With the added support of the desk, Hector shifted her weight to his hips and one arm, so his other hand was free to tug at the saffron colored sash around her waist.
With the shift, their kisses lessened to a series of smaller sweet sensual ones. The glide and pop of lips pulling over lips.
Hector was struggling to find the ends of the sash, and Lyn dropped her hand from his hair, fingers over his, to guide him where to start.
He made an appreciative noise against her mouth, and they both felt the fabric begin to fall away when the door to the office creaked open.
“Excuse me, Lady Lyndis?” A familiar shock of red hair poked into the study. “I don’t mean to intrude while you’re busy, but have you seen Hector, I can’t find-“ Eliwood froze in the threshold, hand still on the door handle, and words stuck in his throat.
“Shit!” Lyn cursed, breaking away from Hector so fast that pain lanced through her neck. She pushed against his chest.
The brute of a man didn’t release her.
Instead he had the audacity to give his best friend an exasperated look.
“I-I am—excuse me. Gods, I’m sorry.” Eliwood clapped a hand over his eyes, “I should have knocked!” He fumbled blindly for the handle of the door with his other hand. The speed in which he slammed the door caused a rush of air that displaced a bunch of the papers littered over the floor. “You have my blessing. Carry on!” They both heard his muffled call from the other side.
Lyn’s whole face, ears neck and shoulders all burned with shame.
Honestly the state of the room looked about as compromising as their position.
“Someone put me to death,” she whined, pushing once more against Hector’s immovable chest.
Hector frowned, turning his cobalt gaze to Lyn. “Why? It was only Eliwood.”
Lyn fixed him with a glare that could have cleaved steel, “because the Marchioness of Caelin was just caught in a compromising position with the Marquess of Ostia! This is a scandal. Never mind that I’ll be seen a Sacaen “dog” whose seduced the most powerful Marquis in Lycia. The other Lycian nobility have been waiting for me screw up, be given reason to depose me from Caelin. Hector, we’re neither engaged, nor courting!”
“Then let me court you,” Hector stated bluntly.
Lyn went slack jawed, stunned silent.
Thank you so so much for the ask! You’re the best CapnQuaggles! You’ve always been so supportive and kind. Following me through every fandom I’ve been in over the last decade. You’re so dear to me. Thanks for indulging my rekindled interest in these old Fire Emblem games. I hope you like both the art and the fic.
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lemontartca · 10 months
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Progress on my River Styxx custom (tentatively named Anais). They had more damage than I thought (to the point where I'm worried I created some of it removing their hair) and stained discoloration pretty much everywhere their hair was touching them. I tried to cover it up with pastels but I think in some places that accentuated it. It's not noticeable head-on, at least.
The first layer was to sketch and do the pastels while the second layer was filling in the brows and lips and painting on the eyes. This was my first time working with paint (I mean... it's my second doll ever and the first is only half finished, but I used to draw with colored pencils a lot so I had familiarity there) and the first thing I put down was the white eyeliner. The moment I did, I went "oh no." It was so messy and wide. It took me awhile to salvage it but I did eventually figure out how to make it passable. I then tried to do the rest of their eyes in pencil before I realized that it just wasn't possible. Some combination of River's skin-tone, the kind of shimmery/translucent plastic her head is made from, and how pale and pastel the colors I wanted to use are made it basically invisible on her (the entire eye is drawn out and even filled in on the first image! You wouldn't know it) so I had to pick up the paints again. I must have gone over each area a dozen times, but I did finally figure it out and I'm happy with how it looks. It doesn't match my plan, but I'd rather it looks good than "accurate."
Layer three darkened up and finished the brows and lips and then added dimension to the eyes. I'm a little on the fence between liking the eyes on the second or third layer more because my perfectionist brain says the irises in the second image are better because they're smoother and blended... but irises don't actually look like that, they have more dimension like I added in the third layer. The image quality is bad for the third one, I know, but I wanted to get the plan sketch in the background too. I still want to give her 3D lashes, but I want them to be white, so I'll have to find some (that aren't expensive since they're "specialty") first and then add some gloss varnish to her eyes and lips before her faceup will be done. Once I've finished the rest of her, I'll take nicer pictures.
In regards to her hair... I considered saving it because I liked the color, but it was matted, dirty, and I hated the bangs. I tried to look up precedent for wigging on top of rooted hair remnants, and I couldn't find anyone doing that specifically, but I did find someone wigging a Gooliope without even removing her hair first, just braiding and tucking it away so the wig can be taken on and off like a normal human one would be. Of course that's on a larger scale than a regular-sized Monster High, but it did make me think I could probably get away with leaving the roots, especially with the hairstyle I'm planning since it does still incorporate bangs that can hide some hairline sins. We'll see how it goes, but if I can avoid removing heads and scraping roots in the future, then I definitely will whenever it won't be obvious. It's a good experiment and I was just really worried around busting her head open trying to get her roots out since she's showing signs of degradation.
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academicgoblin · 3 years
Dark Academia Hair Inspo
So i’ve tried to compile a little list of some hairstyles/hair inspiration that fits into the dark & soft academic aesthetic that is EASY to do. Even though most of these are pretty simple and basic, sometimes I just need a quick refresher to get some inspiration. Hope this helps :)
If you have thinner/straight hair, adding some big loose waves can look really nice and give you an effortless yet unkept look. Super easy and you can do it the night before. I especially love when you do tight curls and then brush them out. gives off victorian vibes (i.e. the photo on the left).
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If your hair is shorter, (and even if it’s long) adding in some clips to one side is very cute and practical. I think a lot of academic hairstyles are ment to look easy and simple. Pulling hair away from your face with a matching clip is a great way to incorporate some color coordination into your look as well.
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A simple pony tail especially tied off with a ribbon is also a great look for so many hair types. I think you should keep your texture here for that effortless, messy look as well. And I love boxbraids that are tied up with a ribbon. it’s an easy way to change up your hairstyle when you’re a bit more restricted. (and again, a good time for color corodoinatio with the ribbon.) Gives major Belle vibes.
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If you have really short hair, like really short, honestly, a nice clip or just leaving it as is is always really simple and looks good. If you have less texture hair, using some texturizing product (just a little bit) and messing your hair up can make it look more styled ironically.
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Putting your hair up into looser buns is nice. If you have bangs, leaving those out (and curling some side pieces if you have the time) is quick and easy. I think getting front bangs is such an easy way to make simple styles, like pulling your hair into a bun, look a lot more fresh and put together. And adding some clips into the look, especially ones that are a bit more unique, can make the hairstyle stand out a bit more. Or try tying a ribbon around the bun. Low buns are a personal favorite of mine and then pulling framing pieces out and curling them.
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And of course, pulling your hair half up (the more messy, the better) is a very academic look. I’ve seen some people use braids to hold their hair up, or just a clip/ribbon. My favorite thing about these styles is how easy they can be. The more they look like you just rolled out of bed and threw your hair into a quick style, the better.
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doomed-prophetess · 2 years
I super love the idea of Athan growing his hair out and tying it back because Daddy Issues™!! Thank you for putting that thought in my head—
I tried to deviate juuuuuust a tiny tad from Jennette's default bangs in this, but honestly it still looks pretty samey. I will definitely be trying to vary it a lot more in the future, I'm still salty about Nettie only being allowed to have one style of bangs...
Also if I remember correctly the magician uniform has green in it, right? And I associate green with Jen, so in a way even though he got sent away Athan is still carrying a piece of Jen with him. I should incorporate light blue stuff in Jen's accessories
The idea came originally from someone else. But I've always pictured male Athy with a ribbon and a ponytail.
Adding on that headcanon that Athan's hair is wild and messy and he cares less about his appeareance than female Athy. He avoids using a mirror and even avoids looking at the reflection of his face in the wash basin because he dislikes seeing his father's face staring back at him. Lily used to brush his hair until he was send away and then he did neglect himself a bit (depression episode).
Male Athy focuses on his strenght rather than beauty/cuteness to get people on his side.
And yup, the uniform of the Imperial wizards is dark green/lime. Here is a pic:
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julyarchives · 3 years
Tendae (텐데) || (M) Teach Me pt.4
You realized that Wooseok is the one person that can bring you comfort whenever you two are together, and the holiday spent alone with him only intensified the tingly feeling inside that scares you so much.
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→ Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
→ Genre: Smut
→ Words:  4.5K
→ Contains: Smut; Friends To Lovers; Virgin!Wooseok; fingering; there is a small anxiety attack at the beginning; lots of touches; conflicted feelings
→ A/n: So, this chapter incorporates 2 requests that have been recently sent to us, thank you so much to the people who've done it, it was really nice to imagine Wooseok in these situations and turns out we are a sucker for him (can you blame us tho?). Anyway, we hope you guys like it! (Also, yes, the title is inspired by Bobby's song, because that has GOT to be their theme song, it's perfect)
→ Index: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You tried to sleep, really. You put on some calming music and the tv was on to keep the room dim light but it was no use. Tossing and turning in bed was something that became a habit after you had to deal with your life choices. You got yourself in a really tiring situation, between babysitting your best friends and dealing with two simultaneous educational courses, you barely had time alone to just relax. To make it worse, the rain started to pour heavily outside and you sighed, it was only a matter of time for the nightmare to begin. Sometimes even you forgot how scared you were of thunder and storms, they didn't occur often and when it rained, it was light but you just knew that an anxiety attack was on the way when the first loud thunder resonated. Covering your head with the blanket, you sank into the mattress and wished for it to go away. There was only so much you could deal with by sighing and wishing for the best. The noises got louder and the light music was no longer catching your ears, tears now threatening to fall and your fear only growing bigger. It seemed like a couple of minutes went by you figured, even though it felt like hours to you and there was no sign of the storm stopping. A somehow even louder bang caught your attention and you jumped, how the hell did it thunder inside your room?
"Y/N?", a desperate whisper was heard by the door and you cautiously peeked from under the covers. Wooseok was standing by the door with a pillow under his arm and his hand holding his chest as if to catch his breath. "I was asleep, the thunder woke me up. Sorry it took me so long to come", he said, still whispering, maybe to not scare you even more.
You nodded without being able to speak, you just knew the tears would fall if you tried. Wooseok closed the door behind him and even jumped lightly when another thunder filled the room. That spurred him on, quickly moving to gently pry the blanket from your head and you scooted over, making room for him, only to have him settle quickly with his own pillow and pull the covers back up, covering both of your heads. He smiled sweetly at you and opened his arms in invitation, one which you gladly accepted. The moment your head was against his chest you cried, feeling protected like this after the overwhelmed fear you felt so strongly was too much and you felt Wooseok hugging you stronger. Your small sobs were barely audible because of the thunder but you knew he felt how your body moved as you cried and you were thankful he just hugged you in silence. You heard him hum to some tune and you wondered if he could hear the music you had put to sleep.
"Y/N?", Wooseok called you and you moved your head back to look at his face, "are you still crying?", as he asked it, you let out a sniff, making you both chuckle.
"Does that answer you?", your voice wasn't sounding normal and even then you knew it was okay because he understood it.
"I remember when I didn't get much screen time at a tv show and you found me crying in my room…".
You remembered that. It was at the beginning of the friendship, he was reserved and shy but when they guys showed up looking awkward and Wooseok just walked past everyone, you had to follow him. He was under the covers and you heard the small whimpers of crying and you didn't think twice, your instinct told you to slip into the mattress with him, you laid down to watch a wide-eyed Wooseok who was sniffing and trying to control his crying. You understood how he must have felt, not good enough because the editing and the hosts ignored him almost completely. You needed to show him he was so much more than that but he was too reserved for you to know what to do, so you just held him and he quickly hid his face in your neck and cried until he fell asleep. Since that you always shared a bed and got so much closer.
"I remember that too", you said, your crying slowing down. "I'm glad you let me stay that day". He sighed, holding you closer.
"I'm glad too". He shyly kissed the top of your head and went back to humming a song. Paying attention to the vibration of his chest and his warmth, you soon fell asleep even as it still poured outside.
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Waking up was the hardest part since it was a while that you slept so well. Moving a bit you noticed that the blanket was no longer covering your head but Wooseok was still next to you, hand-holding close by the waist. He was soundly asleep and you sighed, torn between wanting to stay with him and needing to start your day. The struggle didn't last long as you needed to go to the bathroom, so you wiggled a bit so he could let go of you but you ended up being pulled closer against him, his hand possessive around you. He groaned in his sleep, displeased that you were moving and you chuckled silently, now taking his hand in yours to move it away from you. For a second you let your fingers intertwine and you smiled, a warmth you knew all too well invading your chest but as always, you decided to ignore it and move away.
The house was abnormally quiet and you did your morning hygiene quickly and surprisingly in peace. After choosing a comfortable slip-on dress, you got into the kitchen which was also weirdly empty. Usually, at least one person was rummaging around for snacks and you made sure to look around to search for any of the boys. As you made your favorite breakfast food and drink, you noticed the fridge covered in small notes in all different colors and shapes, each of them from one of the boys letting you and Wooseok know that they'd be out. Some would be traveling since it was a holiday, others would be visiting their families and you frowned, you didn't even know it was a holiday, studies were taking up most of your time and all you knew was your deadlines. Opening the group chat for the house, that featured all the boys, you typed a quick text wishing them a good holiday break and resumed eating.
After finishing, you slightly debated if you should go to your own home to study but with a sigh and a shy amused smile, you got up and went to the empty room they reserved for you so you grab your notebook. The boys going to the army was something not very pleasant but at least you got a bed and a room to yourself, lucky two of them went almost together.
You got inside quietly and tiptoed around the bed so as to not wake up the giant asleep on the bed, his feet almost completely out of it. Your backpack was at reach and you took it with you as silent as you could. With your back turned to the bed, you made sure to look twice to see if you forgot anything.
"Tell me you made breakfast", a raspy sleepy voice resonated behind you. You jumped and your backpack almost flew away from your hands.
"Don't do that, Wooseok! Warn me before talking!", he laughed at that, arm resting on his face.
"Sure, I'll squeak before talking so you don't get scared", he was fully laughing and you watched him fondly.
"Shut up", you slightly pouted and he sat upon the bed, moving so you could almost stand between his knees. "There is breakfast but I should eat it myself for that".
"I just woke up, Y/N. Give me a break", he smiled and gosh, wasn't he charming, hair all messy, voice deep from sleep, made you remember all the times you two shared touches, your cheeks feeling warm.
As if sensing where your mind was going, Wooseok slowly moved his arms and placed his hands on your waist, barely touching it. Your first answer was to drop the backpack and place your hands on his shoulders, moving closer. When he stretched his upper body, your body knew what to do before you even registered the action. You moved lower and your foreheads touched, such an intimate touch and yet so innocent. Both of you whispered good morning shyly and like waking up from a dream you almost flinched away, grabbing your things from the floor and clearing your throat.
"There's food ready. I'm gonna study, alright?", he nodded a bit stunned by your sudden change. "Everyone is away and it's just the two of us today", and with that, you walked away.
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The morning went by without a single problem, you focused on your studies while Wooseok watched something with headphones or just played on his phone. Your only breaks were bathroom breaks and you were almost certain that you wouldn't even drink water if Wooseok didn't leave a bottle there every half hour.
Lunchtime came and you got up your chair to stretch and rummage through your phone, sitting next to Wooseok. Part of you noticed how there was a full empty large couch and two chairs available but you still sat on the two-seat couch thigh to thigh with him. You shook your head physically to get rid of these thoughts and quickly opened the food delivery app, nudging Wooseok to check it with you.
It wasn't a hard task to decide on lunch since you two knew what you liked and soon enough the food arrived. The small chit-chat was alien even to you and part of you knew that it was because you fled his embrace earlier. That scared you because even though you started whatever you two have it shouldn't be affecting you this much. Of course, he was your best friend and you knew everything about each other, and yeah, knowing a girl at work was coming onto Wooseok was bothering you and staying alone with him like this made you nervous like never before but hey, if you ran away it'd go away sometime, right?
After eating, Wooseok took care of the dishes and you laid on the big couch, closing your eyes for a moment to at least pretend everything was normal. After a few minutes of you being completely still, you felt a presence in the room and then the external lights went missing and the dark of your closed eyes got even darker. You opened one eye and fought back a smile to see Wooseok standing and looming over you curiously.
"What", you breathed out.
"Checking if you didn't die", he seemed serious and that made you crack, sitting up while laughing hard after he stepped back and he sat next to you, his arm going to your shoulder like it was natural. Did you two always do stuff like that? You weren't even sure but you let yourself enjoy the moment for a bit before going back to reality. "Seriously, you looked dead".
"That was my soul you were seeing", you smiled at his horrified face and you held it with both hands. "I'm joking, silly. I'm just too tired". Without thinking straight, the impulse to feel the moment was too strong and you left a peck on his mouth, quick and yet it made a small sound. "Gonna go study", you rushed over your words, getting up like a lightning bolt and running to the table. If you looked back, you could see a blush spreading on his face, him watching you, face torn between amusement and shock.
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It wasn't before three hours went by that Wooseok showed up at the table you were studying on and threw a bag of chips on it.
"Not hungry", you mumbled, a very important part of the analysis you were writing was being refined and you were so close to finishing it that you barely looked up.
The sound of the chair next to you being pulled didn't bother you, neither did the sound of a bag being open. Somehow not even Wooseok sloppily placing a chip on your mouth didn't bother you either. What did bother you was his face showing up between you and the computer screen.
"Move!", you said rather loudly. He didn't answer and moved, thankfully. Some minutes went by and the chips kept coming for which you were thankful.
As you finished writing and started proofreading what you wrote, you felt the ghost of a hand touching your thigh. You frowned and looked at him, who was casually scrolling on his phone with the hand that was away from you, even though you noticed his cheeks being red. You took a deep breath and resumed reading, only to have your thigh gently squeezed by him.
"What are you doing?", you said through your teeth. Since when does he have the nerve to touch you like that?
"I'm checking my phone", he showed you his phone, looking at you as if you were crazy and his actions were obvious.
"Wooseok, I'm busy right now".
"Oh, I know, Y/N". The hand squeezed harder and you shuddered. Shit.
You decided to see how far he could take this and honestly how far could you rest it, so you just ignored it once again. Your mind was on the verge of shutting down but you were almost finishing so you pushed forward. All the time you read, his hand went further on your thigh, reaching your pelvis but not really touching you. It was driving you mad and the way he pretended he did nothing was somehow attractive.
When you finished reading and started closing the software, his hand got braver and touched you through your panties, rubbing lightly, long fingers teasing the extension of it. The tension of his hand on you this whole time was taking all your attention and you bit your lip to not smile as you closed everything. Truth is, there was no way you could focus on anything other than Wooseok with his hand on you like that and you knew how shy he was, so you read your work as sloppy as you could, not paying attention at all, just to make him stay a bit longer.
Your back fell on the chair and you groaned, his finger insistently massaging your clit through the panties. You looked at him then, his phone forgotten on the table, his other hand gripping his pants' leg enough to turn the knuckles white. His eyes were trained on you, his mouth slightly parted and breathing irregular. He looked as affected as you were and you were the one being touched, you reached to his nape and caressed the hair gently, hoping to get to him how grateful you were for him.
The action spurred him on, his hand moving to touch you inside the panties and that got you surprised. You'd be lying if you didn't think he never looked hotter than now, the hand caressing his locks now gripping it. He groaned when he felt how wet you already were for him and moved his hand harder on your clit, getting small whimpers from you. Your hips moved on their own accord, his other hand now touching himself above the pants and you noticed.
You snapped when he flicked your clit perfectly as he gripped his member and hissed, the stimulation being too much for you. Moving fast, you got his hand away from you and straddled Wooseok fast enough to surprise him. Luckily he caught on quickly and held you, hands firm on your ass. You kissed him with fervor, hands making a mess of his hair and it almost seemed like no matter how close you were it wasn't close enough.
You moved your hips almost too desperately and he matched your rhythm, giving as good as he got and you moaned, the whole thing too hot. All the times you two had together flashed through your mind and it only spurred you further, lust overpowering anything else.
"Y/N", he whimpered as you moved just right on top of him, his hips stuttering. "We can't do this here", he panted out.
You stopped and looked at him. His eyes were dark and he was out of breath, his hands never once relenting his grip on you, his hair was a mess and his lips were red and plump from kissing. The pang on your heart almost made you back out, get up and leave but his face was watching adoringly, also lust-driven, and he started leaving small kisses on your neck. You knew you lost the fight.
"Since when you know how to be so bold?", you chuckled and he followed, the humming feeling good on your skin.
"You taught me", was his simple answer, kissing your mouth gently. "We can go to my room if you want or we can go where you're sleeping".
"Your room. It'd be too weird to do this in Jinho's and Hui's room, right?", you smiled and he answered in kind, helping you get up at once and holding your hand during the walk upstairs.
You were very nervous out of a sudden and you didn't even know why. It wasn't your first time with anyone and you knew what you were doing. You taught him after all. But when you felt his hand slightly shake when you reached the room it finally dawned on you. If things went where you felt they would, it would be the first time with him. It would be his first time when it came to actual sex.
Wooseok opened the door and waited for you to enter so he could close and lock it behind you. Even though you were alone in the house, you knew it was better to be safe than sorry here. As you expected, he was nervous and stood there looking at you with his hands on his sides. You smiled fondly, your heart taking leaps on your chest and you touched his face gently.
"It's okay. It's just me". He smiled, kissing you slowly, savoring the moment just like you were. "We don't need to do anything else, reall-"
"I want it", he cut you off eagerly. Then he laughed shyly and gave you a peck. "If you want to, that is".
"Of course I do", you felt a sudden calm wash over you, and that made sense. Not knowing where stood and now having sure he wanted this as much as you made you feel better.
You took a step back and took your dress off, leaving you in your undergarments. He did the same seconds later, standing there in his underwear. Holding his hand, you took you both to his bed and since it was a tight fit, you laid him down and sat on top of him, gently laying down to kiss him and moved with it. That seemed to ease him into it again, this was something you did before and he excitedly followed, rubbing his hard member on your clothed core.
The moans coming out of your mouth were needier than you intended but your body needed him badly and you knew he was the same. You didn't waste time getting up and losing the rest of your clothes, staying naked in front of him. You fought your own shyness back as he stood again and took off his underwear. Wooseok stared at you for a second and then smiled, kissing you tenderly and laying back on the bed. You followed and laid next to him, touching him just like the first time, him nervously watching you only this time was during broad daylight and he was more confident, his own hands traveling across your body, feeling your breasts, your stomach, your arms, everywhere he could reach.
"Do you have any condom?", you whispered.
"Yeah, top drawer". Honestly, you didn't know what answer you expected but you raised your eyebrow at him as you got up to get it.
"Can I ask?", you said coming back.
"One of the guys gave it to me when a girl at work invited me out", Wooseok answered shyly, barely looking at you.
You scoffed and straddled him, letting his cock fit on your slick slit and you moved lightly.
"Too bad you'll be using it with me, isn't it?", you said with more intensity than you expected. "I heard about this girl before", you kissed his neck teasingly, he could stare at you and hold onto your waist. "What was she thinking? That she could take you away from me?", jealousy waking over, and even you were surprised. The first time you heard about the girl you got mad but apparently it was bottled up so nicely inside you that you only noticed now.
"N-no", he stuttered as you bit his neck, hips never stopping its movement. "I kept it because I wanted to use it with you". You stopped. Did he want to do this with you? Wooseok was hoping to get you alone and go all the way with you. It was different hearing it directly from him and you were stunned. He saw it and smiled, it was his turn to kiss you, his upper body more sat up than laying down. His hand caressed your cheek and he looked deeply into your eyes. "I want you".
You could have sworn time froze and your heart stopped. He was staring so intently at you that you felt frozen, only remembering to answer when he changed from intense to doubtful and you were quick to kiss him and hoped that the kiss would tell him everything you couldn't. After you came up for air, you quickly sat next to him and put the condom on for him, which he watched attentively.
"I want you on top of me", you said in a small voice. After all you said, somehow you felt pliant, needing his proximity to deal with it.
Wooseok obliged and you quickly adjusted on his bed, his frame towering over you. Your hands were on his face, thumbs caressing it gently while he supported himself in one hand and aligned himself with the other. You nodded when he faltered, waiting for your approval. As he entered you, two things were registered by your lust hazed brain. The first one was how deliciously he stretched you, you enjoyed his dick before but now you just knew you were doomed. The second one was how lost in pleasure he already looked when he got inside inch by inch. He was dragging the movement to get inside, going slowly and you didn't think it was for you. His mouth was open and a long groan escaped him.
He looked at you a bit desperate, needing to move as quickly as you'd let him and you almost chuckled. You settled for a smile and moved your hips up, indicating he could move. He started slow, going almost completely out before thrusting inside hard. His pace was driving you mad, hands now roaming on his back while his face was buried on your chest, kissing and licking his way all over it.
You endured it as much as you could because it was so good and he seemed so lost in pleasure but it got unbearable and with a hushed "please go faster" you pleaded. Usually, you were vocal during sex but somehow you were so lost in pleasure and in feeling his body all over yours, his cock moving so perfectly inside that you seemed lost for words. Wooseok quickly changed his pace with a grunt and his noises started to come out. Your mouth was open while you tried to keep your eyes open as well but failed many times. You could see he was trying the same but more often than not he got lost in your chest or closed his eyes in pleasure.
You knew neither of you would be able to last longer and it felt like heaven to feel him getting closer to his orgasm with you, his body moving fast and him gripping the sheets while he supported himself on his upper arms. You were sure his back had a few scratches because it was just too good to know you were marking him, his noises while you did that didn't help at all. Wooseok didn't need to say anything to you. Neither you did to him, you were in sync even then and he gave you space to touch your clit, which you gladly did. He tried to warn you but he couldn't, he came with a shout mid-sentence, body trembling as much as yours. Your orgasm followed his, watching him being too much to handle and the overstimulation was perfect.
You two kept moving even after, riding off both of your highs, and all the while you stared at each other's eyes. His stare was so full of feeling that you felt breathless a bit, you closed your eyes, relying on your orgasm to blame if he asked, even if you knew he wouldn't. He awkwardly laid next to you because he could barely fit and you laughed, moving to the side so he could fit. Wordlessly he took the condom out and tied it, placing it next to the bed and you made a mental note to not forget that there.
Laying facing each other you didn't know what to say so you giggled, amused, nervous, and happy at the same time and so did he, possibly for the same reasons. Wooseok moved so you could lay on his chest and so you did, even though you wiggle up in the bed to lay your head on top of the pillow, body seeking support on his. You kept staring at each other until he moved to give you a peck and a small nudge nose to nose. Butterflies invaded your stomach and you felt yourself holding on for dear life inside.
"Do you feel as fucked as I am?", Wooseok said.
"What sense of the word are we talking here, Wooseokie?", you laughed with him.
"You know what I'm talking about. You know, the stares and stuff", his way with words made you smile. You were thankful you didn't feel it alone.
"Yeah, then I feel as fucked as you are…", you kissed him and caressed his hair again, earning a noise almost like a purr.
"Hm. What do we do?", he asked while caressing your hair as well.
"I don't know. Decide what's for dinner?".
"Easy. Pizza", he answered naturally and you snuggled closer.
"Then what we do is call the pizza place". You said quickly and he agreed with a hum. "But now we nap".
"Nap first, pizza later", he said almost asleep and honestly you were the same, the atmosphere too cozy and nice to not succumb to sleep. Maybe you were fucked but at least you were with your adorable dork.
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skyemak · 4 years
Yume Week Day late for Day 1: First Fever
Azul leaned his elbow over his desk in the VIP lounge, his forehead pressed against his gloved palm. His eyes strained as he glided his ink pen over the document before him. Normally, his movements would be precise and articulate, but today his words looked messy and disorderly.
With a deep sigh, he set down his pen on the desk. It rolled a few times across the document before clanking against a nearby teacup. The man shrugged off his jacket to let fall on the seat behind him. He loosened his dark purple bowtie and collar. He pulled at each digit of his glove and slipped each one off to reveal sweaty palms.
Azul slouched against his chair and tilted his head back. He placed his finger and thumb around the middle part of his glasses between the lenses and slipped them off to place lazily over his desk. His head felt cloudy. The room felt warm. He debated about leaning against the cold metal of his safe for some sort of cool relief.
He knew not how much time had passed when he heard the door open. At first, he remained in his position, presuming one of the twins had entered. Small thumps could be heard as the person walked across the carpet and approached his desk. He heard a small tray clank onto his desk. Azul presumed it was Jade bringing him a cup of tea.
“Azul-senpai?” a timid voice fluttered.
His eyes popped open at the realization of who it was. Azul craned his neck from the back of his chair and straightened his back. Before him was Octavinelle’s one female student, rather, all of Night Raven College’s single female student. Her eyes showed strong suggestion of concern as she leaned over the desk to peer at his unusually pale complexion.
Azul moved a bare fist to his mouth and quickly cleared his throat. “Mairéad. I see you brought me tea. Thank you. You’re fine to go back now.”
Mairéad pushed her white hair behind her ear. She stared at him wordlessly for a few moments, causing Azul to nervously tap his fingers against his wooden desk.
“Did you not hear me?” Azul pressed.
Mairéad stepped around the desk. Azul turned his chair toward her and opened his mouth to protest, but she quickly pressed her palm against his forehead. He sat petrified at the sudden touch; his eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t wish to admit, but her hand also felt cool against his skin. After a few moments, Mairéad sighed.
“You should return to your room,” she murmured.
“I can understand your concern, but I have work that needs completed.”
Mairéad crossed her arms and tapped her foot as she stared at him. Her mouth scrunched in thought. She then quickly made her way to the door and left the room. The door shut quietly behind her.
The man heaved a sigh before sitting back against his chair, causing it to creak a bit in protest. He couldn’t believe he’d accidentally showed her such a vulnerable state. His clothes were disheveled and his glasses were just tossed to the desk. Mairéad was a very quiet girl however, and not one to try and cause harm. Choosing to just let it be, Azul gripped his fingers around the small teapot she’d left and gently poured himself a cup. Sat nearby on the tray were a few packets of calorie-free sweeteners. The teapot clanked quietly against the tray as he returned it, his eyes fixated on the packets. Steam rose from his cup as he picked up one of the packets. It crinkled slightly in his fingers, and he could hear the contents shift slightly. Mairéad somehow found out about his struggle to eat healthy with as few calories as needed for the day but tried to incorporate sweets into his diet just to make his day that much easier.
With a small tear, he opened one packet and poured it over his cup. The liquid in his cup swirled as he stirred a small teaspoon, dissolving the liquid. Maybe he should ask for honey next time…?
Opting to have the liquid cool down before his first sip, Azul took a hold of his pen and turned his attention back to the document before him. However, he’d only written a few symbols before the door creaked open again. When he glanced up, he saw Jade and Floyd standing there with toothy smiles.
“Floyd? Jade?” Azul looked at them, surprised to see them.
As they approached his desk, his eyes darted to see Mairéad standing in the doorway. She stood there fidgety, avoiding eye contact from him.
“My my, I hear our poor Azul has become ill,” Jade cooed, standing at Azul’s right. The twin stood straight with his hands clasped in front of him.
“Jade, he looks pretty pale to me, doncha think?” Floyd bellowed. “And his clothes are all sloppy~” The other twin had his hands deep in his pockets. He bent his hips down to Azul’s eye range.
“W-What are you two doing?!”
Both men grabbed a hold of Azul’s arms and lifted him from the seat.
“Azul, you’re always workin’ too haaaard,” Floyd whined.
“Mairéad called to us to strongly encourage you to take you to rest in your room,” Jade explained.
Azul rampaged and fought against their grip, but they held him up with his feet dangling in the air and walked him through the doorway. Eventually, he found himself out of breath, and finally yielded to the two. Azul slouched in their arms with a pout but feeling thankful they’d take a route to keep him from being seen in this state. As the twins carried him through the hallway, Azul could hear faint footsteps frantically walking behind the three. The eels’ strides were long, and Mairéad had to power walk to keep up.
They soon approached his room and placed Azul to the edge of the bed. Mairéad stood at the doorway of his room, too timid to follow all the way inside.
“Ne, Jade,” Floyd asked, looking toward his brother.
“Yes, Floyd?”
A grin fell on Floyd’s lips. “Azul shouldn’t be sleeping in his uniform, right?”
Jade smiled. “He indeed shouldn’t, Floyd,” his smile turned toothy.
“W-Wait!” Azul protested.
Mairéad covered her eyes and turned away from the room. She heard the ruffled noises of clothes and Azul voicing his protests. “I can dress myself!”, “Don’t touch me there!”, “You don’t need to remove my underwear!!”
She felt her face grow hot.
“Really you two…”
Mairéad turned around, her fingers separating to let a single eye peer inside. Azul looked exhausted as he sat on his bed, wearing a plain white shirt and plaid fleece bottoms. When Azul and Mairéad’s eyes met for a moment, they both averted their eyes.
“Mairéad!” Floyd called out. “We’ll leave the rest to you!”
The twins approached her at the doorway. Each of their gloved hands patted her shoulder to give an encouraging(?) smile before making their way into the hallway. When she glanced back inside, Azul was laying on his bed, facing away from her and under his blankets.
She was hesitant at first, but Mairéad eventually stepped inside, quietly shutting the door behind her. As she stepped closer to his bed, Azul’s ear twitched when he heard the sound of a package being pulled from Mairéad’s pocket.
Mairéad stood at his bedside, and gently pulled at his shoulder to turn him onto his back.
“Azul-senpai…?” she murmured. “Can I put this on your forehead?”
Reluctantly, and figuring he lost any opportunity and looked composed after being dragged down the hallway like a small child, Azul turned to his back. His eyes darted toward a pair of glasses hanging over her breast pocket.
“Oh,” Mairéad looked down, realizing where he looked, “I brought back your glasses.”
She pulled them from her clothing and set them down, folded onto his bedside table. Azul said nothing, averting his gaze.
“Well? You said you had something?” Azul pressed.
Mairéad tore open a small, flat wrapper. Mairéad gently traced the tip of her finger over his forehead to push aside his silver bangs. She pulled out a white towel-like item and softly placed it on his forehead. It felt unbelievably soothing against his skin, and he felt a bit of the cloudiness in his head subside. He shut his eyes and for a few moments, he indulged in the sweet coolness on his forehead, forgetting he wasn’t alone.
“Does it feel okay?”
Azul jumped, his eyes shooting open. His eyes darted toward Mairéad and quickly turned away. His face felt hot. He tried to internally tell himself it was from the fever.
“It’s…nice,” Azul spoke, his voice growing quieter. “…Thank you.”
For a short while, it was silent. Mairéad did not say anything else. Azul grew curious and turned back to look toward her. He was surprised to see her smiling warmly at him. He noticed a part of her white hair slip over her shoulder, and dangle from her head. Mairéad’s emerald eyes staring at him made his chest tighten slightly. It must be the fever.
“Azul-senpai?” Mairéad finally spoke.
“Do you have any potions for fevers?”
“…There might be a few vials in my table.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
The Dragon Egg (Parts 26-29)
Final parts for @secrettunnelatla
Azula is several unique and distinct layers of anxious. There is the first layer; the typical stresses that come with knowing that she is in for a make or break moment. The layer beneath that is a knowingness that a break is going to be particularly devastating for her. And below that is knowing that Blue Talon is in the room over, that she will once again be forced to listen to Chan’s botched version of her abuse story.
Under that layer is knowing that the subject of said story will be in the crowd, she has already spotted him striking up conversation with Wan Shi Tong after being snubbed by Raava and Vaatu.
And then there is the deepest layer. Hama has invited herself to the performance, after she so adamantly refused to take her advice to not perform. The old bat tried her damndest  to dissuade her. Worse still, the woman’s concerns are more than valid. After finally confessing that she had done cocaine, albeit only a little, Hama lamented that that’s more than enough to explain her baby’s low birth weight. And more than enough to put her into early labor. Early labor when her age alone already put her at risk for that. “You can go into labor any time now.” The woman had put it. She can’t say that she doesn’t feel as though it is a possibility. The contractions are becoming more regular.
She holds out her hand and their makeup and SFX artist carefully dresses her fingers with blue claw tips. The fix her up with dragon contact lenses and carefully paint shimmering scales onto her cheeks, neck, and hands.
The woman hands her a sugary blue drink, it is the one comfort she has tonight. With luck it will give her tongue the blue effect that she is looking for.
They fashion her hair into a messy bun and begin working on her undercut. She hopes that it will be another seamless blend between metal and opera aesthetics. With her locks in a pile on the floor they dress her hair with ornaments and hand her, her prop mask--the final piece to her costume.
It has been some time since she has worn something form fitting and she has to admit that she is a little nervous to do it for the first time in front of so many people. But the design team that Zhao had hired for her is masterful, they have crafted a dress that works well with her baby bump. The scales are positioned in just the right ways to shimmer over and around the bump. And they are rather comfortable, more so than she anticipated them being.
“Azula, you have a visitor.”
“Tell Seicho that I got her flowers and we can talk after the show.”
“It’s...uh...it’s Chan and I think that the other two are here as well.”
“Send them away.” Zhao calls from across the room. “We don’t have time for drama.”
“What do they want?”
The woman shrugs. “I didn’t ask.”
“You can let them in.”
Chan is anything but discreet when staring at her belly and even less so when they fall on her chest. Perhaps if she didn’t want to risk breaking her faux claws she would have given him a good slap. “What do you want?”
“To wish you luck.”
“I don’t need luck. I have skill.” She pauses. “And I didn’t leech off of someone else’s material.”
“We’re not going to be performing those songs.” Ruon replies.
“We should though.” Zirin mutters.
“I figured that it would be disrespectful.”
“You figured that out quite late, didn’t you?”
Ruon sighs. “Maybe, yeah.”
“And let me guess,” she turns to Chan, “you decided that you want to be a father.”
“Fuck no!” He replies abruptly. “I don’t want anything to do with the baby, okay.”
“Then I want nothing to do with you. See yourself out.”
“I am quite busy. Zhao can lead you out if you can’t find the exit yourself.”
She watches him leave with Zirin tethered to his side. “Sorry about those two, Ruon mutters. If it makes you feel any better, we’re going to be going with our new surf rock image after this concert. I convinced them to take up a new band name and  give you the rights to Blue Talon.”
At least she can go into her performance knowing that at least one of her former friends isn’t morally bankrupt.
She gets one final visitor before she takes to the stage. Raava pulls her into a careful hug and kisses her on the cheek. “I am delighted that you were able to make it.”
“I couldn’t possibly miss this.” She replies. “Not for anything.”
Her baby shifts.
She is cradled in an egg, a large shimmering thing blue in color and shot with veins of gold. The hiss of a smoke machine lets her know that it is almost time. By now Zuko has emerged from a pile of simmering soot.
She hears a bang and she knows that his fiery wings have burst to life. She makes a note to incorporate pyrotechnics into her shows after giving birth. She hears the crackle as his phoenix wings flare. And in tendrils of curling smoke with the mightiest roar she can manage, she emerges from her egg.
Slipping back into her harsh vocals is like slipping back into a well worn and favorite robe, somehow it always fits just right. Somehow it is always comfortable. She is aware of her limits, well aware and they have several plans to work with them. Should breathing become too difficult, she will gesture for Zuko to fill in. She will resume with an adjusted set of clean vocals.
For the time things are going well, she is still pleasantly reeling from the explosive applause that came with her appearance. Her surprise appearance.
Her lips curl into a smirk as her initial, teaser verse echoes about.
“It’s good to see you all again!” Zuko calls.
The claps are damn near deafening.
“I’d like everyone to give my sister an extra pleasant welcome, we wouldn’t be here without her pestering and nagging.”
“You’re an ass, Zuko.” She scans the crowd for her father. She finds him, arms folded, the most hideous snarl on his face. She imagines that the two bottles on the table will be empty by the end of the night.
“Tonight, a dragon joins the Phoenixes!”
Tonight, a dragon will take flight. TyLee pounds out the first notes on her drum. The crowd is already abuzz with a frantic energy. An ecstatic energy. An energy that has been slowly building band by band. She can only imagine how frenzied they will become by the time it is The Tui Las’ turn to take the stage.
She doesn’t have the energy to move and flounce about as she usually would, so she stands upon a raised platform with glittering ashes at her feet, singing into the microphone while thin wisps of smoke furl and unfurl around her.
Mai’s guitar thrums, she can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy that the woman can so liberally headbang, it is washed away by the sight of a banner unfurling from the balcony. She sees, in glittering acrylic paint, the maw of a dragon, its forked blue tongue thrashing. She can’t quite make out the words upon it, but she knows that it is for her. For her and her alone. Likely a gift from one of the fanclubs that had caught wind of her surprise enrollment. She closes her eyes as Mai’s solo wails on. And it is sound, everything is pure sound.
For a moment anxiety and trepidations give way to elation. To the highs of success and adoration. To the thrill and liberation that only music can bring. She tilts her head back and spreads her arms out. The spotlight glints off of her dress.
And while Zuko runs through his part, Azula points to the banner. She makes eye contact and sticks her tongue out, mimicking the image on the banner. The light twinkles upon her tongue piercing. And the crowd goes feral.
Zuko helps her down from the platform as she works her way back into the song. Her head spins with euphoria as the last vestiges of her misery, fear, and helplessness are shaken away by Zuko’s bass.
She makes a mental note to learn to play an instrument too. Perhaps the drums, she can’t name many lead vocalists who also play the drums. But she can do it, right now, she can do anything. The dragon is in flight and her wings are powerful.
She transitions into her operatic vocals. By now she is somewhat breathless, but it is alright. This is the sound she needs. The sound that is on her albums. The sound that has granted her so much attention. It is all her own. Indisputably so.
Zuko grins at her as she lowers the mic, a job well done. He gives her shoulder a little squeeze. And then he steps back. And Mai steps back while TyLee comes forward.
Zuko and Mai lay their instruments in the egg and TyLee sets her drumsticks at the bass of it. An offering to the dragon.   They lay themselves down in those glittery ashes and wait until it is their turn to rise once more.
The stage goes black and then the light falls on her. A single beam that paints her body in a radiant halo.
As a forest falls into a hush before a storm, the venue falls into a silence so complete. Complete until she decides to break it. Break it with a voice like wind sifting through curtains. Like a summer storm rousing bells into a frenzy. Something powerful and light all at once. Something both airy and sturdy.
The spotlight is growing uncomfortably hot, and there is a new energy in the air. She doesn’t think that she has ever been paid such close attention and from so many people at one. She slides into the next note. The baby shifts. The breath she draws is sharp, she improvises a high note to accent it. There is a murmur of amazement.
A small smile play on her lips as she transitions into the next set of notes. The theater throws her voice back at her and she throws it back at the theater. It is a deviation from what she had planned but it is easier somehow. Easier and otherworldly. It is an experiment, a risk. This whole night has been a risk, what is one more? The night is going too well for her to not garner successful results.
As her last chorus begins, her wings unfold as shadows on the back wall. The smoke machines cough out plumes until she is lost in the smoke. And with her body fully enveloped, the stage fades to black once more.
She isn’t sure what to make of the tangible silence to follow. Not until it erupts into a deafening applause.
And then come the sparks, the sparks and flames and Zuko, Mai, and TyLee spring back into action for a bombastic finale. She feels much bolder now, unstoppable. Perhaps if her solo had been even a degree less successful she would have come down enough to know that she is pushing too hard.
As things are, she is taken by the night, by the magic of sound and melody. By the connections; to Zuzu, to Mai and TyLee, to the audience… These connections, for a time, block out a different connection. A connection she should be feeling by nature.
She slips back into her harsh screaming vocals and just in time. She holds her note as the first sharp pang bursts through her core. She screams louder, harder. By all means, it is the best scream she has ever done on stage. She isn’t sure if she is dismayed or relieved that the audience thinks that it is just part of the show. Most of the audience anyhow, Hama goes rigid. She grits her teeth as Zuko sings through his part. She feels a cramp like no other. And she sees faces. There is her father his expression is something conflictingly smug and shamed, he turns his head. There is Seicho, wincing. And Raava, she hasn’t seen that brand of concern since her mother died. She can’t find Hama.  
The music cuts suddenly and with it, her dreams and aspirations.
Zuko hooks her under the arm.
“What are you doing?” She mutters, “you need to finish the show.”
“We need to get you to the hospital.” Mai replies.
“Or, at least, to Hama.” TyLee adds.
Y’all are gonna have to forgive me lol, I don’t know too much about childbirth and I couldn’t find some of the answers to the questions I had about c-sections. That said, this is your warning if childbirth and surgeries make you squeamish.
She wants to cry. Cry for the pain and cry for her lost dreams. She had been so close. So, so very close.
And now she is here in a hospital bed, here in excruciating pain that anesthetics can only seem to take the edge off of. They give her commands, they tell her to push and breathe. They are vaguely reminiscent of the mock sessions that Hama has taken her though. But her head is too dizzy to truly do anything beyond hear the orders.
She picks out Hama’s face, but the woman mostly lingers back waiting to be called on for reminders and forgotten rundowns on her condition and medical history. She thinks that Seicho is there too, banished to the other end of the room so not to obstruct.
Azula screams again and they demand that she pushes. She thinks that the push she gives is more instinctual than a response to the order. There is another reminder to breath. She can’t do it. She is growing faint.
She thinks that this baby is going to rip her in two. Spirits, she could have sworn that they said it would have a low birth weight. Spirits, she can’t imagine what a standard weight baby would feel like.
Tears are running down her face but she barely registers them. And then she hears the words Caesarean section. Her face pales further and then further still when they mention that the baby’s heartbeat is unstable.
It is just as well, she doesn’t think that she can keep herself awake to deliver this baby naturally. She clutches the bed sheets as they clean her abdomen. They say something to her, something that she doesn’t catch. She thinks that they are trying to explain what they are doing.
She feels a hand holding hers. It is Seicho’s. Woefully and resentfully, she wishes that it was Ozai’s. Her father should be here. He should be holding her hand. He should protect her when she can’t do it herself. And this time she doesn’t think that she can.
“It’s alright.” One of the doctors promises. “You’re going to be fine.”
To her horror, they keep her awake. They carefully fix the IV into her arm and administer a regional anesthesia. Agni, she wishes that they would just put her out entirely.
“You did good tonight.” Seicho says.
“Mmm hmm.” Azula mannages as they begin to make the incision.
“Really good. You should see what they’re saying about the performance.”
Azula grits her teeth, “that I’m a fool for performing eight months pregnant.”
“No! Okay, well, some people are saying that…”
She must admit that Seicho has just provided her with a rather solid distraction. “They have no right to say anything about…”
Seicho laughs. “But they’re also saying that it was impressive that you could do it at all. And that your performance was amazing, they were only disappointed to see it cut short.”
“Are ‘they’, the audience or the judges?”
“Both, I think?” Seicho replies. “The competition is still going on of course, but your odds of winning still look pretty good according to the live updates.”
Azula’s grimaces at a tugging sensation that radiates up her abdomen.
“Are you in any pain?” The doctor asks.
She shakes her head, “it’s  not comfortable though.” And the discomfort seems to last hours. The doctors insist that it had been only an hour and twenty-minutes. And for that hour and twenty-minutes she doesn’t even get to hold her baby.
“She’s being transferred to the NICU.” They inform her. “It might be several days, possibly weeks until you get to hold her. We need to get her stable first.”
Azula can only nod. She is lucky that her baby is alive at all.
Her baby comes with a list of risks and warnings. Obligations and an extensive list of follow up appointments. Here and there she does interviews, ones wherein she promises that she is still very much active, that new songs are in the works and that she has several music video ideas in mind. Ones wherein she announces that she plans to collaborate with From Ashes to Phoenix more  and that she plans to take up drumming while on maternity leave. That interviews will be less frequent and that her first tour isn’t slated for at least a year.
She thinks that she is driving Seicho mad with anticipation, she has only been promising her a real date for ages now. But she has things to attend to first. She is putting the finishing touches on her nursery, while profusely but silently thanking Zhao’s wife for providing her with the toys and baby care supplies that she had neglected to buy herself. What Zhao and his wife don’t provide comes in the form of gifts from Iroh, Zuzu, Mai, TyLee, Raava, and Vaatu. Chan has given her a gift as well but a boob pillow isn’t exactly the sort of thing that she wants in her baby’s crib. She supposes that it’s the thought that counts. It is a small little gesture, something that has her inclined to think that he doesn’t want to sever ties with her completely. She puts that to the side for when she has time to deal with it.
“This is so exciting!” TyLee gushes.
Azula is nearly inclined to say that TyLee is more excited to see the baby in her mother’s arms than she is.
“You must be thrilled.” Seicho notes.
Truth be told there is a shot of nervousness too. She hadn’t had enough time to consider what kind of mother she would be. And that in itself is a red flag. Surely she can be no worse than her own father.
The doctor beckons her into the room. “Are you ready to meet your baby?”
Azula nods.
“Did you pick out a name yet.” Inquires another doctor as the first leaves to retrieve her baby.
Azula nods again. “It’s Anzu.”
“That’s so pretty.” TyLee smiles.
“Thank you.”
The doctor emerges. “Here she is.” Gently the woman transfers Anzu into Azula’s arms. She is a precious little thing. Soft, squishy, and terribly small.
“Is she going to stay this small?” Azula asks.
“Most likely, yes. Even if she wasn’t a pre-term baby, you are rather small.”
Azula flushes lightly.
“That’s her polite way of saying that you’re super teeny!” Seicho ruffles her hair.
Azula holds Anzu’s head against her breast. It doesn’t remain there for long, Azula finds that the baby is a wiggly thing. She opens her eyes but they don’t seem to find focus on anything in particular. Azula holds out her finger for the girl to grasp.
“She’s quite a fussy one.” The doctor notes. “Preterm babies tend to have irregular sleeping and eating patterns, so that’s something to prepare yourself for. We’ll be keeping her for another week, just to make sure that she stays stable, but she’s just about ready to come home.”
“I’ll pass the warning onto Zhao.” Azula replies as she strokes Anzu’s hair. “Have you been playing music for her like I asked? I want her to be a musician too.”
“We have.” The woman assures her. “Mostly classical music for now. But she is fond of zither music and the pan pipes.”
Perhaps she will learn to play the zither and the drums. “You know how to play the zither, don’t you, TyLee?”
“And the harp.”
“I can play an accordion!” Seicho declares.
“You can?” Azula furrows her brows.
“Sure. I just can’t play it good.” Seicho shrugs.
Azula sighs, she isn’t sure of just what kind of upbringing Anzu is going to have. With Seicho as a fill in father. Though Zhao, his wife, and Iroh show more promise. At least she has options. Options and a solid support system.
A musical career and motherhood. She will make them both work somehow.
She lets Zuko, Mai, and TyLee tag along. Zhao and his wife have kindly extended her a much needed night off and she is spending it in Seicho’s chair. “I don’t need hand holding, Zuzu.” She rolls her eyes as Seicho brings the needle to her chest. “If I can handle childbirth, I can handle another tattoo.”
“You were numb for the childbirth.” Zuko points out.
“I suppose that I was, yes.”
Seicho makes great time, at this rate they will have time to go out for dinner after the tattoo has been finished. Already, she has the outline of the dragon egg and she is working to surround it with music notes.
Azula closes her eyes and relaxes as much as the constant needle bites will allow. Her mind wanders away from the tattoo parlor and to the stage. It is strange to think that it has only been a month since Audio of Agni. A month since she was able to hang her award certificate on the wall of her recording studio.
She almost can’t distinguish the buzzing of her phone from the whir of the tattoo gun as it pumps more shimmering blue into her skin. She declines the call.
“Who was it?” Zuko asks.
“It was father.” She mutters. “He’s been calling a lot lately.” A lot since he realized that his gleaming little star is shining perfectly fine without him. Much better in fact, without the pressures that he puts on her.
“What does he want?” Mai grumbles.
“Who cares.” Zuko scowls.
Deep down, she does. Deep down she misses him. Misses his praise and his subtle and hard to acquire affections. Misses the man he was before the booze. “Do you think that rehab would help him, Zuzu?”
“Maybe. I don’t know.”
“I think that you shouldn’t make it your problem.” Seicho pulls the tattoo gun back and shrugs. “You have a baby and a career to worry about and that’s plenty. You can talk to him when he calls you to tell you that he went to rehab on his own.”
And yet her heart aches for the people that she has cut out of her life. She supposes that she has let enough people in to balance things out. She has friends now, real friends. She has a brother, an uncle, a spunky, highly agitating, girlfriend. She has that dolt Zhao and she has her baby.
She has more than she had lost.
“I don’t need him.” She finally replies.
“Good.” Zuko replies. He has made more progress of his own, perhaps more than even she. He’d built From Ashes To Phoenix from nothing. He’d kindled the flame and then doused it and then flared it up again higher than before. All that remains of his troubles are a series of faint puncture scars on his arms.
“When does your tour start, Zuzu?”
“The beginning of next month. Are you gonna see us play?”
“I’ll let you know when Anzu tells me.” She laughs.
“Well, let us know when you’re touring again, we’ll see your show.”
“I sure hope so, TyLee, you guys will be the opening act!”
“Stop moving so much!” Seicho exclaims.
“Sorry.” Azula mutters. She watches as Seicho moves the tattoo gun across the egg. Somehow she has managed to create an effect not dissimilar to that of her Audio of Agni dress. She pauses to swap out the ink colors. Her hand is so dainty and elegant as she fills in and shades. Finally she pulls it back and hands Azula a mirror. She doesn’t need it to know that Seicho’s work is as fine and painstaking as ever. That it is perfect. That it is worthy of being on her skin.
Seicho gently applies a layer of antibiotic ointment.
“Are you sure that you don’t want me to make adjustments to that tattoo while we’re here?” Seicho gestures to the dragon curling around her arm.
“I’m sure, Siecho. I need this tattoo as it is.” There are nights when it is painful to look at. Nights when it is a glaring reminder of the people she lost. The friends who betrayed her, who almost reaped her of everything she had. But it is also a reminder of what she had tamed and reclaimed.
For better or for worse, Blue Talon is a part of her. Just as much as Anzu and the music industry. And for better or for worse, Blue Talon is a mark on her skin. Just like Anzu.
Tattoos aren’t art, she decides, they are stories. Profound ones. And Seicho has a particular way with words. A particular way of helping her tell her story.
“Alright then, we’re all done here!” Seicho pecks her on the forehead.
Seicho locks and darkens the parlor. She takes Azula’s hand. TyLee takes her other one. And Mai takes TyLee’s free hand. Zuko completes the chain. She walks down the street. A dragon among phoenix.
She thinks that it is best this way.
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a-world-in-grey · 5 years
Magic HCs
Here we go, the long ramble on my various head canons on Lucis Caelum magic in general and how some of their specific abilities work and what can be done with them.
Putting under the cut because this pretty long.
-So in general, LC magic is Light based. Which, given Bahamut’s element is Light and the literal meaning of the Lucis Caelum name... I might be stating the obvious.
-Still. With the exception of Elemancy (which I imagine draws more from the abundance of natural magics given the various elemancy points you can draw from) the Lucis Caelum abilities are all based off light. Teleporting from one spot to another by shattering and reforming in shards of light, summoning glowing shields of shining hexes, items from their armiger appearing and disappearing like shards of light, and even healing bringing forth a bright radiance of magic (admittedly, this is more seen with the Oracle magic, but that also comes from Bahamut).
-We’ve got these magic users, divinely blessed to pretty much be literal beacons of light against the encroaching darkness. Are daemons attracted by concentrations of LC magic? Like moths to a flame? We see no few daemons around royal tombs and other places where there’s LC magic.
-Could an LC create a burst of sunlight? Could they bottle it up and create flashbangs capable of really hurting daemons? Could an LC radiate enough light to kill any (standard) daemon in its radius, essentially turning the area into daytime?
-Basically I’m going with yes to all of the above, and if the Hunters could get their hands on a supply of those flashbangs, they would really appreciate it. 
-(Crowe: We’re testing this. Literally Everyone Else: NO.)
-Throw weapon, burts into shards of light, reform from shards of light clutching said weapon. If someone knocks the weapon aside mid-warp, say hello to a new set of bruises.
-But my theory is that you don’t necessarily need a weapon? Or any warp-anchor, really. The warp anchor is just that, an anchor for the magic to hold on to and act as a focal point. It’s the magic one warps too, and I imagine someone really good at warping could just throw their magic in the direction they want to go and warp - without telegraphing it to their enemies by throwing a physical object or, you know, their weapon. 
-It would be hard, don’t get me wrong. The warp anchors are pretty much a requirement for most magic users because they provide something physical for the magic to latch on to, something the warper can physically sense and have confidence that it’s there. Without the anchor, it’s harder to convince the brain that yes, there’s something there for them to warp to, because most magic users and a lot of LCs can’t really sense magic unless it’s through one of their physical senses like sight or sound.
-Without that sense of magic or the anchor, you need an almost inhuman will to overpower the instincts insisting that there’s no focal point to bring you back into a physical form (that’s why warping is so hard on magic users, the body wigs out over being essentially incorporeal). 
-Even if you can sense magic, you do still need the talent/skill for warping.
-(Yes, Nyx absolutely learns how to do this.)
-Phasing through attacks and storing things in the armiger works on a similar principle. You start the warp process, but don’t have the extra force, the ‘throw’ needed to warp to a different spot. For phasing, that results in temporary - even partial - incorporeality. For the armiger, the warp process is started, paused, then completed when the item/s are pulled from the armiger again, the magic user themselves acting as the focal point/anchor.
-(Am I saying that warping involves storing yourself in your armiger and exiting at a different point? Yes, yes I am. Could you store someone else in an armiger? Yes, but I really don’t recommend it. That person is not likely to be anywhere approaching sane when you pull them out. If they’re alive at all.)
-(King Mors found this to be a very effective... interrogation technique. Much less messy than more traditional methods of questioning.)
-Interlocking hex-like tiles that can take a certain amount of damage before shattering. Stops everything from passing through it from either direction, which makes for a pretty decent barrier, if potentially inconvenient.
-That said, this has the potential for some serious crowd control. Being able to shape barriers that change the battlefield terrain has immense tactical value and the reason we didn’t see more Kingsglaive using shields in such a way is probably because the power levels needed for something on that scale isn’t worth it when shields aren’t an offensive spell. Not enough bang for their buck, so to speak.
-Shields also don’t move once they’ve been created. (At least, not as far as I know.) Likely the shields are created on a fixed point, and to move it afterwards requires physically moving the focal point or an inhuman amount of concentration. Otherwise the shield tends to collapse in on itself. Far easier to dismiss the shield and call another one.
-Meaning you can create your own terrain. Floating, temporary steps, ‘door jams’ for people to clock their heads on, little lips on the floor to trip people... ramps, chairs, makeshift tables, etc.
-(Titus has in fact used it to put troublesome Glaives in time-out. No, he doesn’t care that calling it ‘time-out’ makes them sound like five-year-olds. He’ll stop treating them like toddlers when they stop acting like toddlers.)
-Not gonna lie, this is my favorite spell to play with just for the sheer versatility. It’s a utility spell, yes, but there’s so much you can use it for.
-Then there’s the tiles making up the shield. I headcanon that each tile requires a set amount of magic to conjure, and can take a set amount of damage before shattering. Larger, more diverse attacks are less effective against shields because the overall damage is spread out over a large area, where focused attacks can punch through individual tiles pretty quick.
-(For those of you familiar with psi (pounds per square inch and whatever the metric equivalent is), that’s pretty much the concept I’m using here.)
-Shields with large tiles are less costly to make, but can’t take as much damage before shattering. Shields with tiny tiles need a lot of power, but they can pretty much tank anything because the individual damage to each tile is far less.
-(Yes, the Glaive have the hard numbers for how much force a tile can take before shattering. The experiments involved were for Ignis’ thesis for his masters degree in physics. Said thesis is very much restricted to the royal library and everyone involved in reviewing said thesis sworn to secrecy, but Ignis is quite proud of the work. The Glaives were just happy to get the numbers and tried again to get Ignis to join the Glaive, “as a consultant!” Ignis refused. For the eleventh time.)
-It’s possible to change the size of the shield tiles, shrinking or growing the shield from it’s focal point. Often times this requires conjuring or dismissing tiles to accommodate. 
-Shrinking a shield around an object without adding more tiles... whether the shield or the object is destroyed first entirely depends on the comparative durability. Humans and most daemons? Not that sturdy it turns out.
All I can think of for now that I haven’t classed under spoilers. (It’s also half-past two in the morning, so I should probably get to bed anyway...)
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crookswithbooks · 4 years
Two Times They Mentioned Something Involving McDonalds Incorporated and One Time They Acted On It - Part Two
Notes: I do not own McDonalds or anything relating to it. This is my own fictitious work.
Summary: After Bill is tasked with working with his nemesis, Janet, the two have some strange encounters with customers and a new side is revealed to Bill.
The next week, Bill and Janet stood semi-attentively before Steve who was giving out instructions.  
“Alright guys, it’s very simple. Neither of you have to worry about food as you’ll both be primarily focused on register duty.” He wrung his hands together nervously. He had been lecturing them frantically about the rules for the past twenty minutes, making sure they understood how to work the cash register, where the safety exits were, and what to do in the case of a fire. Now he was going back through everything they had already heard at least ten times now, and Bill was reaching the end of his rope. “You remember what to do if anything goes wrong?”
“Call you,” Bill recited. rolling his eyes. 
“And if the food burns?”
“Sell it for cheap and call it some fancy name to make it sound more appealing.”
“And if somebody chokes?”
“Laugh at them while pointing.”
“Heimlich maneuver, relax, okay?” Bill muttered, rolling his eyes. “You’ve explained everything in perfect detail; I don’t think I could forget it if I tried. Can we please just get started so I can get this over with?”
Steve bit his lip with a sigh. “Of course, of course. I just don’t want anything to go wrong.” He took a deep breath, nodding. “Alright. Just remember--everything can be sold if you just smile wide enough, try to be nice, and Bill, no escaping through the vents. Relocating to a new bee’s stinger was very difficult and the building’s still not that stable.”
Bill froze where his hand hovered near the air vent. Janet wilted when she saw him. “You were going to escape?”
Bill pulled his hands back, coughing. “No, I was just... I mean... maybe?”
Steve fixed him with a disapproving look. 
“Alright, alright! I’ll stay put.” He crossed his arms. “With Janet.”
“Excellent! I’ll just leave you be then.” He grinned at them. “I’m just so proud of you guys!” 
“We’re literally just taking over a shift at McDonalds, get over it!” Bill pushed Steve towards the door, grumbling. “Just get out already.”
“Have fun!”
“Drop dead.”
And then they were left alone, just the two of them.
It was a slow day, only a few customers milling about the tiny restaurant. In the corner was a young woman with a laptop and at the table opposite her was a fighting couple and besides them a child crying. Bill banged his head against the counter, groaning for the thirtieth time that day. “This is so booring...” he moaned, scrubbing his hands through his hair. 
“Oh, it’s not so bad,” Janet nudged him, smiling at the few people with them. “I find it peaceful.”
Bill glanced up at her. “Peaceful is just a nicer word for boring.” There was the telltale dinging sound that meant someone had come in and both their head snapped up. 
A man with a messy beard that tangled around his chin walked up to where Bill stood tapping his foot impatiently. “Can I help you with anything?” Bill asked in a tone that mocked good manners. 
The man furrowed his eyebrows, staring up at the menu. “Hmm...” His voice was gruff and deep. “I think I’ll have a... no, wait. Maybe I’ll--or maybe... ah, no. Oh how about--wait, that doesn’t feel right.”
Bill’s eye twitched dangerously and he tapped his fingers against the counter. “Are you ready, sir?” His voice pitched dangerously. 
Before Bill got them both fired for homicide, Janet interfered and directed the man’s gaze with her finger to the left of the menu. “Would you like to try our special for day? It’s similar to a quarter-pounder deluxe, but with double the size! How about it?”
The man nodded gratefully, handing over a wad of cash as Bill rung him up, yelling at their associates in the back to hurry up. “You have to be nicer to the customers,” Janet scolded after the man had walked away, burger in hand. “Do you want to get us both fired?”
“Maybe.” he sat back against the counter, glaring over at the vent he was forbidden to use. “It’s not my fault if all our customers are annoying. You should already have the order prepared before you come here.”
“Just... be nicer,” Janet pleaded, turning her attention to their next customers; the fighting couple appeared to have finally come to an agreement. “Besides, that man looked like he could have killed us.”
“Woah, stereotyping,” Bill said. “And I’m the mean one.”
The day proceeded at a slow, languorous pace, and Bill kept shooting longing glances over at the clock. Finally he snapped, “Are we done yet?”
A couple people in the building jumped at his volume. “We’ll be done soon--be patient.”
Bill blew out an impatient breath, leaning his head back against the wall. A young man with a cocky grin and a fedora tilted impishly to one side leaned against the counter, directing that grin at Janet. “Can I help you, sir?” she asked, all former irritation at Bill gone as she put on her customer-face. 
“Actually I think you can.” Without even looking at the menu he reached over, grabbing one of her hands and pressing it to his lips. Bill’s eyebrows shot up. “How about a Big Mac with a side of your number?”
Janet giggled weakly, pulling away her hand. “Um, I don’t think I can help you with that...”
“Aw, c’mon,” he murmured, sliding closer. “Don’t be like that--”
The two startled as Bill slammed his hand down on the counter. “I’m sorry, sir,” he said in a sickly-sweet voice, folding his hands. “But I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
The man jerked back. Offense was written all over his features. “What’s your problem, man?”
“What’s my problem?” Bill’s face was heating up now and he leaned forward until he was spitting distance from the man. “You’re the one trying to pick up my co-worker! We do not accept that kind of attitude in this establishment. She is a person not some object you can just toy around with! You will treat her with respect or we’re gonna have a problem here. The only person who gets to flirt with Janet is me, got it?! So why don’t you just skedaddle out that door over there and think about this next time you try to pick up some random chick for a good time.”
Despite his short stature, he almost seemed to rise above the man as he roared, glowering intently at him. Janet blinked in astonishment at him. She had never seen him that angry, not even at her or Steve. The man paled, backing up a few steps. He narrowed his eyes. “Whatever man.” He stalked moodily out of the building, stuffing his hands deep in his pockets. 
Bill sighed, shaking his head. “Idiot.” Without so much as a word to Janet turned to the next customer, an old woman with an upturned lip, and continued on with their job as if nothing had happened. Noticing Janet still staring at him he scowled, folding his arms. “What?”
“You’re the only one who can flirt with me?” Janet repeated, eyes wide. 
Bill blushed violently as everything he had said occurred to him suddenly. “I-uh, I just meant that... you know... if I were to--which I never would of course--um, you know, just that other people shouldn’t be a creep, okay?”
“Okay,” Janet said placatingly, trying to hold back a grin. “Will you excuse me for a moment?”
Bill glanced at her quizzically, but she was already gone, pulling out her phone and dialing in a number. She gripped the phone to her ear, beaming. “Steve, you’ll never guess what happened with Bill!”
On the other end of the line, Steve fumbled for his phone, nearly tripping over several stray puppies. “Janet? Aren’t you supposed to be working right now? Bill hasn’t escaped, has he? Oh I knew I should have made those vent bolts tighter?”
“No, no!” Janet was practically shaking with excitement to tell her news. “It’s about Bill! He stood up for me! And then he said no one could flirt with me but him! Which is, you know, kind of sexist, but still!”
Steve blinked, sitting back against the tub he had just stumbled out of. “You’re sure? It wasn’t just someone who looked like Bill?”
“I’m sure.”
Steve leaned back on one hand against the tub. “Man.: He had begun to smile, never a particulary hard feat for Steve. ‘Well, c’mon, spill! What happened?”
“Okay, so...” She glanced back at Bill was, unastonishingly, arguing with the old lady now. “This guys showed up and tried to... erm, uh, hit on me--”
“HE DID WHAT?!” Steve demanded, leaping to his feet. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come and get you? Do I need to murder someone?”
“No, I’m fine,” Janet assured him, giggling a little. “Besides, Bill already took care of it.”
“Bill... took care of it...?”
“Yeah! Bill, like, blew up at him! He started yelling about how we don’t do that kind of stuff here and how he had to respect me and that’s when he said the thing about flirting.”
“Well I’ll be...” Steve shook his head. “Our Bill...”
“I’ll let you go now. I have to get back to the register and I don’t want to distract you from...  what exactly are you doing?”
Steve glanced around him at the people reclining on massage chairs or taking mud baths and the children playing with puppies. “Uh... not spending one of my few days off at a puppy spa? A puppy spa that I should really get back to, if I was at one that is. Tell Bill I said hi and that I’m so proud of him!” He shoved the phone back in his coat’s pocket and sunk back into the tub. 
Janet returned to Bill, still grinning like an idiot. He was currently arguing with their earlier customer, and as the situation unfolded it appeared that he was about to throw hands with an old woman.
“This is a restaurant, woman! You can’t haggle!” He pointed fiercely at the menu. “You see there? It says $1.79. $1.79. That is how much the fries here are. I’m not lowering them just because you had one bad experience!”
The woman clutched her purse, equally as aggravated, as if she too might participate in the potential throw-down. “There wasn’t any salt on my fries. What are fries without salt?”
“Crispy potato slices!” Bill exploded. “I’m not going to waste my time arguing the philosophical definition of French Fries!” The other patrons in the building were watching the two of them with growing interest like they might have watched a cage match on TV. “The fries are perfectly fine.”
“What’s going on?” Janet asked, peering over at them. 
“Oh. Janet.” Bill heaved in a deep breath uncurling his hands from the fists they had been clenched into. “Nothing. This woman just won’t accept that you actually have to pay for fries if you order them.” He looked up at her then and cocked an eyebrow. “What are you so smiley about?”
She hadn’t even realized she was still smiling. She flushed, averting her gaze. “What? Oh, nothing. Here, I can grab some salt for your fries, madam.” She took the fries from Bill’s angry fingers and hurried off to the back to salt them. 
“Thank you. Now there’s someone who knows how to treat their elders with respect.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, granny,” Bill muttered,
Janet returned with the fries, panting a little. She accepted the money from the woman and waved after her as she left. “Aw, I liked her; she was sweet.”
“Sweet?” Bill asked incredulously. “She looked like she wanted to decapitate me!”
“So did you,” Janet pointed out. She paused, fiddling with the money. “Bill?”
She blushed. “Thank you. For... for standing up for me, I mean.”
He did a doubletake at her words. “I...uh...” Red crept up his neck and he cupped the back of it, turning away. “Yeah well, don’t worry about it,” he blustered, snatching the money away; he started to shove it into the cash register. “It wasn’t for you--that guy was just being an idiot and a pervert and it pissed me off. That’s all. Don’t get a big head about it.” 
He was smiling, however, through the rest of their shift, possibly one of the only times she had seen him show a genuine smile that wasn’t a cruel smirk.
It was nice. 
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falseq0d · 4 years
last week pa ata ‘to nangyari, pero dapat magpupunta ako sa bpi to pay for my hylt album. hindi ako natuloy pumunta kasi sabi ni ate nikki, siya na lang daw magbabayad through online transfer and then ibigay ko na lang sakanya yung mismong bayad. pero nagpunta parin ako sa supermarket with them tapos they bought milktea for me. tapos out of the blue, maia asked me if may malapit daw bang J&T express sa amin. i told her na meron sa bocaue but i’m not really sure if it’s open, i told her to check it online. she’s an online seller kasi tapos may item siya na need ma-send ASAP. and then sabi ko, i’ll accompany her kasi may ipapadala nga ako for celine. kaso, hindi rin ako nakasama dun sa pagpunta niya sa J&T kasi tulog ako. so she suggested na lang na ibigay ko sakanya yung package, and then siya na bahala magsend once na nakauwi na sila sa makati. 
so kaninang madaling araw, i prepared the package na. kasi aalis na nga sila para bumalik sa makati. medyo nagpapanic ako kasi ngayon na nga lang ako ulit nakapagsulat. tbh months na atang nahinto ang hand ko sa pagsusulat. eh i panicked because gusto ko talaga na maganda yung sulat ko dun sa letter. feeling ko pa kamo ang pangit ng letter ko for celine hng. yes, i am vocal with my feelings pero for the first time na-speechless talaga ako while writing the letter. alam mo yung before ko hawakan yung pen, parang alam ko na lahat ng sasabihin ko. parang na-organized na siya ganon, pero nung nagsusulat na ako nawala na lahat nung gusto kong sabihin. ang ending, naiyak na lang ako kasi parang nagkaroon ng flashback sa utak ko nung nagsusulat ako letter. alam mo yung parang everything that has happened between us suddenly flashed. sa sobrang overwhelmed ko with my feelings while i’m writing the letter, feeling ko ang disorganized nung letter. and syempre i don’t want na may correction or what dun, kasi it’s the first physical letter that i’ll give to celine. super napapangitan talaga ako dun sa content nung letter and i know that i can do so much better than that, pero na-speechless talaga ako nung sinusulat ko siya kasi sobrang na-soft ako :( i even wrote that letter habang may amats ako konti. we drank cocktail kasi celebration ng birthday ng tita ko. so ayun, siguro isa na rin ‘yun sa factor HAHAHA :( i’m not going to go into detail pa about the content of the letter kasi syempre gusto ko mabasa ‘yun ni celine from the letter mismo. 
nagpanic din ako about dun sa envelope na gagamitin kasi wala nga kaming envelope. and hindi rin ako sanay gumawa nung envelope na medyo crafty tingnan. hindi naman kasi talaga ako artsy na tao :( like as in hindi talaga, kaya nga nung highschool ‘pag may mga art projects, hindi mataas grades ko HAHAHA eh syempre gusto ko na kahit envelope, maganda rin tingnan. naalala ko pa kamo yung lalagyan nung letter from PLDT, envelope kasi ‘yun. dapat ayun yung gagamitin ko, eh kaso i thought to myself na “dumb fuck, you’re gonna give that envelope to her? i don’t think so”. kaya ayun, i decided to create one. ang ginawa ko pa, binakat ko yung envelope ng PLDT sa bond paper, kaso it didn’t work. naisip ko na lang na gawin yung simplest envelope na alam ko. yung ititklop lang yung bond paper tas lalagyan mo lang ng glue ganun. buti na lang kamo, glue stick yung meron ako. para kasi sakin, sobrang messy talaga nung ordinary na glue. kabang kaba rin ako nung tinitiklop ko yung bond paper :( ayoko kasi talaga na pangit yung ibibigay ko kay celine. kaya i tried my best na dapat pantay yung pagkakatiklop ko. nagkaproblem lang slight dun sa parang seal part nung envelope, may excess glue around it. i decided to put scotch tape on it na lang para mas less messy tingnan. although it’s not super super messy, pero alam mo ‘yon HAHAHA. tapos feel ko pa na hindi sobrang white nung bond paper na ginamit ko for the envelope, that’s why i decided to draw on it na lang. not gonna tell kung ano yung dinrawing ko pero it’s cute hehehe.
dun sa shirt na binigay ko, hindi nasunod yung plan na ibigay ko sakanya yung shirt na suot ko at that moment kasi i remembered na hindi sakin yung shirt na ‘yun, kay daddy nga pala HAHAHAHA that’s why i decided to give another shirt to her na lang. i put a note on the shirt as well, di ko rin sasabihin kung ano ‘yun pero malaki rin yung shirt na ‘yun sakin kaya that’s not my actual size. naiimagine ko na nga si celine na suot suot ‘yun, super laki nun sakanya for sure. sarap gawing pantulog lalo na if malamig HAHAHAHA. naglagay din ako ng note dun sa may necklace. di ko rin sasabihin ano nilagay ko. nilagyan ko rin ng perfume si paopao, para maganda. ang bonak nga eh, naisip ko na dapat pala ginamit ko si paopao habang nandito siya samin para mag-incorporate yung amoy ko dun sa stuffed toy. HAHAHAHA.
ngayon na lang ulit ako nagbigay ng gift sa taong special sa buhay ko. sa tao na mahal ko. isa ‘yan sa factor bakit ako kinakabahan nung pineprepare ko yung package for her. dapat nga may kasama pang food ‘yan, yung mga gusto niya na snacks, kaso hindi na kinaya ng time plus money, siguro papadalhan ko siya ulit ng another care package next time hehe
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starsailorstories · 4 years
A Soundtrack Pick for Every Short Story I Posted in 2019
From Out of the Shadows | Magpie to the Morning (2013 version)//Neko Case
“Come on sorrow, take your own advice. Thundering and lightening gets you rain. You’re on a top-secret mission, a Cousteau expedition to find a diamond at the bottom of the drain.”
The umbralis bows her head. “I’ve never let myself think about any other life. I’m so lucky to have what I do. I…luck runs out, one day.” Bolt pats a few stray hairs into place, and she raises her chin in response to the guiding touch. “I want to do my duty. But I think that…that maybe it shouldn’t be my duty to die. Not even for her will, or for–or for–” Her hand covers the silver moon badge beside her factory insignia, as if it were a bullet wound. “I want to come back someday. I suppose I don’t really know when.”
The braid released, she turns to face Bolt’s voice as she replies, “If you want my advice, well–I’d say come when you’re ready, but nobody’s ever ready.” She sits still a moment, her gaze aside, before she meets the unit’s unveiled eyes again. “Come the first time they break your heart. It will happen. And you’ll know.” 
Playing Telephone | The Station - Oneohtrixpointnever
“Oh the whole station’s gonna burn down. Oh the whole station’s gonna burn down. Oh the whole station’s gonna burn down. Oh the whole station’s gonna burn down.”
She drew the glass under her veils to cup it to her light, closing her eyes to wait for the telltale, just-audible sizzle. In this miniature atrium of silence she could steal one thought fully formed.
Maybe these people were the sum of their loyalty, their diligence, their patience and attention and above all their willingness to work, just as the teachers who’d done her factory program had claimed she was. But they were also the sum of their habitation, transportation, education, and elocution--the sum of their building crews, their hospitals and libraries, and the fuel in their ships and the air in their cabins. 
She placed the heated glass in the far stem of the vaporizer and turned it, with practiced grace, to inhale the first hot whiff of steam, sparing the guests its bite, covering the mouthpiece with her fingertip as she moved again to offer it to them.
She was the sum of a door, a vase, a sofa, a safe, a wall clock, a stand for parasols, and a row of green-windowed doors. 
She watched the three traders lean in, taking the delicate glasswork in gold-ringed hands and oddly wet lips. They were separated from her by circumstance, by species and age and galactic cartography. But most of the things that got someone behind those green windows were just things.
Embarkation Stories | Expectations - Belle & Sebastian
“Hey, you’ve been used. Are you calm, settle down. Write a song, I’ll sing along. Soon you will know that you are sane. You’re on top of the world again.”
What made the rebels fight the immovable for their world?
What makes the crowd in the square sing of their fight?
What wavers the voice of an outer-disk girl who’s made it?
What makes the bellhop genuflect to a one-word dismissal?
Loyalty, easily divided by the chancest of circumstances.
7 Rooms | Flowers (Eurydice’s Song) - Anais Mitchell
“Dreams are sweet, until they’re not. Men are kind, until they aren’t. Flowers bloom, until they rot and fall apart. Is anybody listening? I open my mouth and nothing comes out. Nothing, nothing’s gonna wake me up now.”
Her gaze fell on lux directly, and it settled like a physical thing: heavy, but only for its preciousness; grave, but only for its importance; like an official standard weight that everything would be measured against. She accepted it in unexpressed raptures, understanding that it was her greatest dignity and her best shot. Knowing she would be carrying it for a long, long time.
Unravel You | Four Five (I Will Survive) - Ava Luna
“Maybe your heart ain’t what it used to be, and maybe your devastating beauty’s something I won’t survive--but I’ll be damned if I don’t try.”
“Oh.” Her voice was intolerably soft. Their hands were still touching. The ex-umbralis’s suddenly floated just above: “You’ve got a little bit of something here.” Her fingertip lit again, trying to brush a microscopic bit of fiber--the last evidence of the unraveled end--from her knuckle.
The captain’s yanked her hand back as if she’d been bitten. “Gah! You’re too gentle, I can’t stand it when you’re so gentle,” she cried.
“Well that’s all very well--I didn’t even get it. It’s stuck in your static. Give me your hand again.”
She drew it to half an inch before her mouth, tautening her veils against chin with her other hand. The instant saw her lips contract and rest; the tiniest puff of air skipped across the space between. The raveling flew away. The captain’s shivered.
The Supernova Monologues | Help Me Mary - Liz Phair
“As they egg me on, and keep me mad, they play me like a pit bull in a basement...”
There was a time—cycles, turns—I was twitching in my sleep. For the first time since the first week my face stung again. For the first time ever I noticed that I was biting my tongue at every touch. I couldn’t tell you what had changed. I just reached a natural end, like a planet going through a polar shift. Like a sun, burning her final iron.
I remembered the way the visionary fought—with a staff like a fulcrum she’d take down yellowjackets three times her size. I made my weapon, or something that’d pass for one. Bare foot to broom head. In any second I could steal, any second out from the grind of her eyes, I learned. From the day I began forward, I was fighting a war of attrition. When they said go fetch I brought back the vacuum’s fury. When they said jump I grew ten feet tall instead.
The Bernino Interview | The Louder I Call The Faster It Runs - Wye Oak
“Like any other day, we will make the bed--thinking, ‘It is dead, it is finally dead.’“
1: Well maybe it does piss me off. I’ve barely shaken the crash off yet and you come asking me to elaborate my moral dilemmas.
2: I think you should tell the truth even if you don’t believe anyone will listen. Don’t you think you’d be less frustrated watching things change if you were changing something too?
Rise and Shine | A Cannon - Regina Spektor
“Bare feet on the cobblestone streets, then the beach, then a splash on my ankles, my knees, then my thighs, and my eyes opened wide--I threw myself right into the sea.”
That is the first time it occurs to her: the world outside is just there. It won’t melt if she tries to touch it. She won’t burn if it touches her. She shrinks back physically from the thought, one of those phantom reactions that makes the supervisors say she’s touched by the void. She is, of course, but not in the way they think.
An Education | Love Yourself (Reprise) - Sufjan Stevens
….“If you don’t know things, fear is all you have. I realized that, seeing how different she was from me. The imperial vocivographer, I mean.”
“I don’t think they’re any less smart than we are,” the girl says suddenly. “But they live in a tiny little world. And there’s a big universe out there.”
Letters From Tropovoxia | Sixteen Tons (Cover) - My Terrible Friend
“I was born one morning when the sun didn’t shine. I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine. Loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal, and the straw-boss said well bless my soul. You load sixteen tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt...”
“As to the latest turns of events out there, I don’t see any reason to worry. Clones can be a great deal like schoolchildren--in a sea of barely formed personalities, a single beam of confidence draws every eye. Your orator is a queen bee, nothing more. You’ll get one every few shipments. With your and the foremaidens’ guidance, she can work in your favor with the others--they see her as worth paying attention to, so they may be persuaded to see her as worth imitating. I trust you’ll understand what I’m driving at. Otherwise, let them have their little lives…”
Two Can Play | Mutiny, I Promise You - The New Pornographers
“What’s the weight of the world worth to ya, kid?”
They settle in the two seats, under the high slanted windows and under the stars behind them. Rugsy seems to sigh her indignation out, visibly flinging it from her shoulders, and then, a few moments later, starts to laugh under her breath. “Well,” Dialtone says over her, replacing the hairs disturbed by her ecstatic performance in a compact mirror pulled from an invisible dress pocket, “that was messy.”
“That was, unequivocally, the best thing we’ve ever done.”
“We had our fun, probably at great expense.”
“I love watching you lie to the feds. It’s like a chamber concert from a virtuoso.”
Very briefly, flattered light blossoms over Dialtone’s face. She comports it sour again. “In which I’m forced to incorporate the sound of you banging two washbasins together.”
“Hey! That story got them gone.”
“The execution of it got them gone.” Dialtone heaves a sigh. “You have the boldness required to sell an audacious claim. It’s no small feat for an ex-umbralis.”
Void Song | Generator (First Floor) - Freelance Whales
“We keep on churning and the lights inside your house come on. And in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs. And when we quiet down the house chants on without us.”
It occurs to her that over the afternoon of preparation, they’ve come to understand that she’s let them be part of something important, even if she never let it slip. They don’t want to disappoint her. She wishes she would ever say that she almost came out here and did this alone, and that is what would have counted as doing it wrong.
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thewolfisawake · 5 years
{Home // Cavetown}
Kai held the letter in his hand. He read over the information over and over. It was correct but he still read it again and again. Across the top was printed ‘Request for Transfer.’ He walked the busy halls filled with hunters milling about. Getting new assignments, submitting paper work, and chatting. Stray eyes made him shrink into his jacket. They weren’t looking at you, he told himself. Seeing a group laugh as he walked passed still made him pick up his stride, bangs hiding his gaze.
Making it to the set of glass windows with cutouts, he walked up to one of the workers finishing some writing. The man looked up, expectant, and suddenly Kai felt sheepish as he slowly slid the paper through the opening at the bottom. The man took it as his hand held where the wrinkles on the sides were. He didn’t know where to look as the man reviewed the sheet and settled to the laminated notice on the counter.
“I...I’m thinking of transferring from the Asia branch,” he admitted into the phone. On the other side he could hear Daza kick up her feet, “About time.”
About time she said. Was it really that obvious? Or was it just Daza being Daza? 
“So where are you going?”
Daza clarified, “Where are you transferring to? There’s a lot of branches. Back to Oceania?”
“Ah, no. I was thinking...well, you always said how you liked it out where you lived. So I...” I wondered if I could go that way. It sounded better in his head. And as the words fell out, he was realizing how silly it sounded. Going just because his mentor said it looked nice. 
“Then let’s do it. Let me know when you’re heading out so we can meet.”
He didn’t know if she was a mind reader or if she really meant that. But it still made a small smile reach him as he remarked, “Yeah, I’ll let you know.”
“It’ll be about two weeks,” the man brought his attention back as he took a stamp out, “and you’ll need to get a new license when you arrive to your new branch.”
“Anything else?” 
“No, thank you,” Kai replied as he gave a small bow before turning to leave. Two weeks. Yeah, he could do that. 
A sigh escaped him as he started to pull the laundry from the clothesline. The breeze provided one last drying as he reached for the clips. From behind him a soft ‘ding’ reverberated His eyes fell onto the wind bell. Its bright color overshadowed by the parchment attached with Yukina’s calligraphy, “I probably should take you down, right?”
He reached his arm up, causing the the bell to ding. As if protesting being moved. Pulling back when the breeze brough his hair in his face, he wondered if it was okay. Who knew, Yukina could be back tomorrow and complain of how much of a pain it was to put it up the first time. A small smile reached his features. Kai folded his clothes into the basket and slid the door back into the apartment. Perched atop the pile was the wind bell, “I’ll put back up when she gets back.”
He promised this to no one in particular. He just really would hate if a torrent washed it away. It just one of many little preparations Kai worked on during his two weeks. He swept and dusted it from top to bottom, finding old wrappers that had fallen in obscure areas. He washed dishes and put them away. He tossed out all kinds of food. And every bit of him pained him.
When he finished, Kai flopped onto the futon. He looked at his phone. No messages. He went into his mail and started a new letter.
Are you tired of me yet?
He started it for a minute. It was a question he wondered some times but wasn’t what the content of his letter. He went on to write:
I don’t really know if these annoy you not and since you haven’t answered back, I’m just gonna think you love it  ♡ ~('▽^人)
But seriously, you don’t have to read them. I just feel I need to update you as I go. Which is why I’m telling you, I am leaving the Asia branch. I know we talked about doing that together some day--and we totally can when you come back--but I’m...I’m keeping our promise. It took a while to actually do that since I kept waiting. I still am waiting but you’d probably hit me on the head when you got back and say I’m a dummy for not going anywhere for at least a year. 
So I’m doing it. ╰(✧∇✧)╯ Just watch me. I’ll try and maybe--
Kai paused. He then deleted the last sentence.
I hope you come back soon. I miss you, Furu. 
He hit send and closed his phone. A sigh came to him as his eyes fell onto the duffel bag filled with his clothes and the few possessions he owned. Currently resing atop it was a small gravestone with crudely carved writing on it. Kai sat up to bundle dark locks into a messy , resolving to get dinner before the bento were all gone. 
“Transfer?” the word came out much louder than Kai hoped. He nodded, “Yes, this is my last assignment before going to the Europe branch.” 
“Why would ever do that? You barely complete missions as is. Much less suceed at them,” to that, Kai barely covered his grimace with his cup. Going out with other hunters was expected in the Asia branch, it reminded him of the salarymen that were probably heading out soon. And this time ended up with some hunters he graduated with. Another piped up, “There’s more dangerous beasts out that way. It’ll eat you alive, Adler.”
Kai remarked, “It’s true it’s different but maybe--”
“I give it a month.” 
“I thought more of two weeks.” 
It dissolved into another conversation. One that he didn’t care to hear the results of. He took another sip of his drink as he watched them chatter. Yeah, it was about what he expected. Not that he really blamed them. His track record was...abysmal at best. If not for how often he worked in the two years since licensing, his rank would’ve been just as terrible. Nevermind the senpai, seonbae, and tiền bối that would offer no guidance, still finding him a fluke. Nor pay mind to those his age or younger that would refuse cooperation or participation to add to an already ill reputation.
His fellow hunters were looking at the menu and gesturing to the server. They pointed out other things to get. Their attention momentarily on him to lead the server’s gaze to him as they explain it being his last night with them. So thus, they were celebrating. Translation to Kai, they would drink and eat as if no tomorrow and he would pay for it. As they made their orders, his gaze went to his phone as his free hand twirled a lock absently. How long would it be this time.
Kai ended up giving another deep bow in appreciation and apology as he finished dumping the last of the hunters to their accomodations. He apologized to the staff again as he exited. It was well into the night now and his apartment a good distance away. He started his trek back with streetlights and the neon signage as his light. It all felt too bright and made his head spin. Or maybe that was all the alcohol. Walking past characters of all sorts, Kai tread in the general direction of home. As he went, his thoughts wandered.
He’d heard about Europe branch. As the area serving as origin for many legendary beast, it had history. It was where the Bastion started and where those connected to it where likely to be. And living amidst some hotbeds of magical activities, hunting was often more fraught with physical danger than the incorporeal and spiritual as often the case over this way. The hunters from there sometimes thought to be cut from an entirely different cloth. Tougher, more cunning, and meaner. 
It would be hard. But what wasn’t in this body of his? It would mean learning an entirely different kind of tactics. Well, his journal could use the update. It could be like it was here. If it was, at least he’s used to it and there’s a few places he hasn’t been. He would be without anyone he knew. That was fine, since he could find someone that he can spend some time with on occasion. Tonight proved that. It might show what everyone had been telling him: that he wasn’t cut out to be a hunter.
Kai bit his lip, his hand brushing against his bracelet, “But still...”
He placed the last of his belongings within his bag. It felt weird looking back at the apartment. He could see the gaps from where his trinkets were taken. The collage of pictures held splotches of the wall. Some valuables left imprints of their former place. It almost look like something was missing but Kai brushed that off. It was Yukina’s place, he was just crashing there for a while.
Like a ghost. 
A quiet laugh left him with a smile without warmth. His eyes grew dark as he thought maybe he should stay. At least here he could pretend he was a hunter. A really crappy one but one nonetheless. He would have to live with being the liar, the failure, but at least he was alive. Instead of this living dead. Waiting in a limbo that hurt his heart as much his body. It might’ve served him right, the monster that got so many killed. And this existence...this hell was what he deserved, a sentence he should serve out.
 His head bowed as his frame trembled. Those words drifting around his head. Words that he’d thought so many times to himself. Variations of it spoken to his face and behind his back. The thoughts that made his eyes sting. The hatred that would always lead to something drastic. 
His heart seem to beat in his ears as he stumbled to his feet. He wandered to the bathroom, opening a few drawers. Then he found it. Kai looked at the mirror for a moment, drawing a breath.
SNIP snip snip snip snip
It might be hard. 
The hunter put down his bag onto the bed. It felt like it’s been forever since he’s had a bed to himself that wasn’t a bunk bed. Although it was merely a hotel room, he found himself wandering around the room. Looking into the bathroom, closet, and ‘kitchen’ before flopping onto his bed. Jet lag tried to creep on him when he shot back up, “Oh right.”
I could never move on and be waiting for a person that’ll never return. It might all be for nothing and it will be just like before. I could fail over and over and show just how much I don’t belong here. 
“You could’ve have done this before you got here?” the worker asked from behind the glass. She seemed more confused than annoyed. He sheepishly scratched his cheek, “It just sorta happened...I’m sorry for the trouble.”
The confusion turned to perplexion however she asked no further. Instead she finished typing into a computer and showed a screen to him, “Is the information on here correct?”
“Alright, just give me a minute to finish this up. Now you’re going to need a new to take a new photo. So if you’ll head over to....”
Even though I’ve told myself ‘it wasn’t my fault,’ I’ve heard dozens of times over how much it was. And despite what I’ve said...I still believe it. Maybe I do deserve to live detested and miserable. And yet...
He arrived to the meet point a bit early. It was his first mission over here and the last thing he needed was to keep anyone waiting. The coordinates were a landmark at a park. He ended up hanging around, snacking as he waited for someone else that looked...’hunter-like.’
There’s this quiet yet stubborn thought...
“I thought I was getting here early but looks like you beat me to it,” came a voice from over to the side. His gaze fell onto a guy, probably only a little older than him. He had an interesting shade to his eyes, a blue he couldn’t quite place, and definitely tall. But if his words didn’t give the guy away, a few of the scars and build would’ve.
“Ah, well, maybe next time,” he said, immediately mentally cursing himself. This was supposed to be a good first step...The guy chuckled, “Hopefully, that doesn’t mean camping out.”
The newcomer offered his hand, “I’m Emil and you are...?”
A completely selfish wish...
“Aspis,” he replied, the beginnings of a smile, “Hope we can get along.”
I want to live. 
4 notes · View notes
mianaac-blog · 6 years
The Greatest Guide To banana face mask
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks on an organic and natural kick today and I like not To place nearly anything on my skin that I could not, perfectly, take in. This implies I'm moisturizing much more with oils (Imagine sweet almond and coconut), I am scrubbing my skin and lips with brown sugar and coconut oil, I'm steaming my face about my teapot and i am taking baths in milk and salts. All You need to do is unfold some honey about your face and wait quarter-hour. Clean https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask off applying lukewarm water, then gently pat your face dry using a tender, clean up towel.[23] [two] In addition, orange peel also incorporates potassium that can help the skin keep its humidity as well as magnesium that helps fight skin ageing induced by mobile oxidative problems. Suffice to convey then, that the rightful place for orange peels just isn't within your trash can but inside your attractiveness regimen. "My face is very oily and I have blackheads on my nose and chin. This worked really well, I will be applying it twice every week from now on."..." additional AO Afi Owusu I tried it yesternight …… The results had been remarkable …… My face was truely glowy glowy ……. I utilised the rice powder wnich I've grinded myself…. It has a little gritty composition which gave a wonderfull scrubbing xperience ….. Totaly in really like with the results….. *Thankyou* *thankyou* You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in in your Hubpages account. No info is shared with Facebook Except you interact with this function. (Privacy Coverage) bdw I've a question … Can a lady eat tangy oranges for the duration of her intervals …. I suggest vitt c contented eatables For hundreds of years, individuals have been working with honey masks to be a remedy for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. There's not only one recipe for just a honey mask that treats acne, but relatively, it might be comprised of different combos of herbs along with other substances. On this page, we’ll make an effort to include all related facets linked to utilizing honey masks as a treatment method for acne. Mixture skin signifies you will have a slightly oily T-zone and drier cheeks with dry patchy places below and there. This rose-primarily based mask is ideal for balancing out the oily and dry regions of your skin. We will make use of your facts to handle your account and requests and for study and analytics. We may perhaps share your details with dependable events acting on our behalf together with other The Body Shop firms. Honey consists of a significant serving of antioxidants for moisturized and vibrant skin. Polyphenols in honey damage no cost radicals that bring about oxidative worry in skin cells, thereby slowing down the growing older technique of skin. OEM ODM rorec moisturizing nourishing Olive honey aloe vera pomegranate blueberry cucumber sheet face mask Avoid the Solar between 10am and 2pm, as This really is when its rays are most dangerous.[18] If you don't like wearing sunscreen, consider using a moisturizer or Basis that have already got sunscreen in it.
5 Easy Facts About strawberry face mask Described
Banana Face Mask For Different Skin Types Get 1 ripe avocado, take out seed and 1 medium sized banana and blend it to kind a thick paste. Include 1 tbsp of honey and mix all the ingredients extensively. Apply this paste all on your own face (keep far from eyes), neck and hand and canopy your eyes with cucumber slice. Honey is naturally antibacterial, which allows your skin fight off acne. Moreover it has an a fantastic antioxidant potential, and you desire antioxidants about to battle the no cost radicals that hurt the skin. Keep your eyes crystal clear even though implementing these banana face mask, Go over your eyes with freshly Minimize cucumber slices. This also help to lessen the appearance of darkish circle below your eyes. Together, they cited info from 27 references. wikiHow's Articles Management Crew carefully monitors the perform from our editorial team to make certain that Every short article fulfills our substantial benchmarks. When you have cystic acne, white toothpaste (not gel) is an excellent remedy. Use some prior to deciding to head over to mattress each night time, and you will see a massive difference any time you get up. No prob, Amy! Just desired to Enable you to and anyone else examining that I feel Costco carries that very same manufacturer of coconut oil for a few bucks a lot less. I don’t Dwell around a Costco, but anybody else who does is likely to be happy to know that You might really feel a slight stinging through the baking soda, if you have delicate skin. On the other hand, don’t stress the baking soda doesn’t warrant a serious concern. In case you are uncertain how your skin will react into the baking soda, examination a small, inconspicuous area of your face very first right before making use of it throughout. "It really is definitely refreshing and successful. It's the easiest face mask to help make with what is actually by now on-hand. I attempted it and obtained Excellent effects."..." far more CK Corrina Knape Orange peel incorporates highly effective Houses that aid hold aggravating pimples away. Utilize a thick coat of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and generate out the Grime, grime, surplus oil, and microorganisms, all of which result in pimples and blackheads to type within the skin surface. To have the most bang on your buck and the ideal results, look for cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil. I use THIS coconut oil. You will discover chilly pressed, unrefined coconut oil in the majority of grocery and overall health food items retailers. "I know that almost everything in this article will function. I'm hoping for the very best! Thanks a great deal!" AA Abhishek Arora Incorporate the dairy product and stir right up until a sleek paste varieties. You should utilize a lot less dairy if you like a thicker paste. 4 tbsp. finely floor espresso or coffee beans (now floor coffee and also prompt coffee perform if you do not have your personal grinder) As this mask could possibly get messy, it would be a good idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You might also want to contemplate draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders to safeguard your apparel.
Not known Details About honey face mask
Together, they cited details from 27 references. wikiHow's Content material Management Crew carefully displays the do the job from our editorial workers to make certain each posting fulfills our significant benchmarks. Kindly suggestions on the most effective blend to first obvious the black acne heads, which resulted from my buying the face. It occurs unconsciously. Next is to restore my glowing sleek skin texture. As it burns I am able to’t leave it on for too extended. I clean it off and utilize the rest of the banana and depart it on for fifteen-20 min and clean it off with chilly drinking water and end off having a moisturiser. I'm loving it. Perfect for troubled skin. Some medical doctor’s termed that banana is really a purely natural Botox as this is a purely natural approach to achieve youthful skin that’s free of charge from pimples and wrinkles. In this banana face mask, I incorporate yogurt and orange juice. In case you read my preceding posts you may know that I wrote a write-up on how to handle acne utilizing papaya With this submit I wrote numerous ways to employ papaya to treat acne. Originally, apply the yogurt evenly about your face and depart on for quarter-hour. If following a couple of days you are feeling like your pores are smaller sized and skin Over-all enhanced, try out preserving the mask on for a longer time future time. (i) Whilst implementing a natural face mask such as this, help it become positive to stand about your sink or in bathroom to stay away from slippage on the floor. Tend not to rub your face to wipe from the mask, just use a clean cloth with warm h2o. It makes the removing much easier. Wear dark outfits while you are applying this mask since it stains the clothes (I learnt it the hard way!). This mask by itself gained’t dispose of the acne episodes. You might have to do that mask as well as other residence-treatment. To your acne and pimple complications research This page. This site has very best treatment options for acne and pimple concerns: Scientific studies have revealed that egg proteins significantly contribute in preserving the elasticity of skin. An egg incorporates about 69 distinctive proteins, which have the magical electrical power of lowering good traces and provides temporary reduction for the deep kinds. i am having pimples for 1 calendar year i utilized many but practically nothing worked .could you advise me by utilizing pimples and marks received by them The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and improve the potential of breakouts for individuals who have acne vulnerable skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects include the unfold of germs over the skin, as raw egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that might cause foodstuff poisoning.
Top Guidelines Of egg white face mask
As this mask might get messy, It could be a smart idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You may additionally want to contemplate draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders to protect your outfits. It also will help take out blackheads and scars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJNSnAWK8Y is surely an age-outdated skin cleanser. It eliminates impurities and performs like a normal emollient. Has highly effective antibacterial Homes. Kills microorganisms to stop incidence of pimples and acne. Enable your acne and rough skin troubles disappear Then you can certainly use these cures to eliminate dark circles: Simply because cinnamon is so effective, I'd personally propose only using this honey mask as soon as per week at most. You can utilize one of many other, gentler honey masks on other days in the event you’d like. Thanks in your quick reply. Could you please allow me to know any face pack which I'm able to use day by day in order to avoid extreme oil on my face. Transform and detoxify your skin which has a facial mask formulated to expose pure, clean and dazzling skin To accomplish your registration you should enter the verification code you acquired on your cellular. In case you haven't gained the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 It’s all approximately the person skin. A lot of people locate basic, organic yogurt functions like a magic to deal with acne, Other people obtain their skin is worsened. So, attempt it some instances and check its result upon your skin over a number of weeks. Make sure you recommend some excellent face mask to ensure my skin will likely be distinct from small acne on forehead and oil. Hope you may me to receive very good skin:) This stone mask within the pre-ceramic neolithic period of time dates to 7000 BC and is probably the oldest mask on the earth (Musée "Bible et Terre Sainte") Immediately after implementing honey compresses for eight times, he identified the microbes had entirely disappeared with no his taking just one antibiotic. And how to care day-to-day regime fir my below eye skin to help keep it youthful for prolonged a long time. Be sure to assistance me…. Here are several of the greatest pure moisturizers for oily skin. As you're a male, use these skin care strategies for Guys:
The 5-Second Trick For coffee face mask
In case you are looking for an all-pure Option for managing acne, good lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, then you might want to consider using an egg white mask. These masks, which you can have completed skillfully or make at your house, are considered helpful in managing many skin difficulties due to the proteins current while in the egg whites, which could boost skin tone and elasticity. Incorporate brown sugar to desired thickness. The amount of brown sugar you include will rely all on your own preferences. If you need the paste to become thicker, incorporate a lot more sugar; to get a lighter, runnier exfoliating paste, add considerably less sugar. Hi Fahi! Sure, I’d give it a try and see how your skin likes it! But something else that actually works very well for obvious pores is my deep pore cleaning mask recipe — I think you’ll definitely like that a person and spot a big change. Merge lemon juice and olive oil in container. Make certain that They can be nicely blended. You may use the container that you will be storing the exfoliating scrub in. For Sophisticated Dermatology, that affiliation features collaboration in generating, sustaining, and funding This web site. For Formulyst, the affiliation contains that we make a percentage of the proceeds on revenue of Formulyst products that are obtained via our web site as Component of our affiliate partnership. The associations with State-of-the-art Dermatology and Formulyst might have an impact on how products and solutions are reviewed and rated on the internet site. Pour one tsp of sugar into the palm of the hand. You can utilize whichever sugar you prefer. Many people recommend using brown sugar as it’s softer and gentler to your skin.[two] It's also possible to use coarser, granulated sugar if you like. It’s truly a make any difference of non-public choice. Wow, I am able to’t hold out to do this! Likely to test it tonight simply because I can’t wait around. In this article’s the insane issue I put on my face. …I purchase the massive aloe leaves in the make section at Wegmans. I peel them and Lower the insides into very little chunks that I set in a very jar and keep in the fridge. Coconut oil melts with very little warmth. Just putting a dab in strong kind in the palm within your hand will soften quickly. In case you’re concerned about it clogging, I would propose running some sizzling h2o inside the sink with a sprint of dawn dish soap to interrupt it up Once you have completed Together with the oil. It shouldn’t truly do any hurt, even so the dish soap could possibly be a straightforward preventative measure. There are a wide variety of masks used in Africa. In West Africa, masks are Employed in masquerades that sort part of religious ceremonies enacted to communicate with spirits and ancestors. Illustrations tend to be the masquerades of your Yoruba, Igbo, and Edo cultures, such as Egungun Masquerades and Northern Edo Masquerades. The masks usually are carved with a rare ability and selection by artists who will often have acquired their instruction as an apprentice to some learn carver - regularly This is a tradition which has been passed down in just a family by way of numerous generations. You might just preserve it in an air-limited container and set it inside the freezer. Then subsequent 7 days, just take out it about an hour or so before you decide to apply it in order for it to thaw. thanks a lot of Kelly.. My skin looks so fairly each time following I take advantage of this mix.. my skin improving as well .. and i constantly do use this mix in advance of any vital event and also the glow really lasts quite extensive ample for till the top of activities.. like u Rinse your face with awesome water. Rinse your face with interesting water until finally the scrub is completely absent, then pat your face dry with a clean up, dry washcloth. You must notice that your skin includes a slight glow and feels smooth. If you can and you've got the necessary components, then It's a necessity. Nonetheless if you do not have the required ingredients or time, then make it frequent but not every single day. step toremedies for making your account on EverydayMe. This text or item is added to the favorites.
The best Side of yeast face mask
Ideally, implement these egg white face masks about a sink or clean basin to avoid developing a mess. After software, keep your face above the sink for the couple seconds to collect any First drippings. Disclaimer: The content on This website is generic, informational and adjunctive at most effective, but are unable to function a alternative for Specialist health care information. It is actually your decision, you will get a truly feel for what your skin usually takes And exactly how finely ground the coffee is. ​Leftover paste could be saved within the refrigerator for several times. Rinse your face with water, gently pat dry utilizing a tender towel and implement a light cream to seal during the absorbed nutrients. I feel I’ll truly Incorporate three and four due to the fact I've dry and inflamed skin. Among the perks of working with this sort of components is that they received’t react poorly with each other like atore bought ones could! Once i was about fourteen, my hair bought a little oily from my things to do. To keep my hair fresh new longer soon after I washed it, I would use whipped egg white on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me0OTLqmi58 put it in my moist hair, and Permit it dry, then brushed it out. My hair had more volume much too. I'm wondering what my Duchess will think about all that scrumptious egg on my face. Duchess is my attractive cat. Honey is a natural humectant that pulls in dampness in the air, leaving your skin moist and easy, and it could also enable crack up extra sebum that might be clogging up your pores (and bringing about pesky pimples). An egg has quite a few antioxidants which make your skin glow and getting Banana within the face pack adds a far more nutritional importance to it. Additionally, these peels may be soaked in boiling h2o for a day plus the resultant liquid can be utilized for a skin toner. You may as well utilize it like a hair rinse so as to add glow in your hair and dispose of dandruff.   I realized the honey and lemon were being good for the skin but not the egg whites. That is the future issue I need to try out. i do believe that egg white on your own is very productive in dealing with skin concerns, my Tale of acne Once i was eighteen was cured by egg white. After i turned 22 the same remedy. and now im 27,managing my Grownup acne.just dont be lazy Place the egg white and orange juice in a small mixing bowl and whisk until it will become frothy. Insert in turmeric powder and blend extensively. Be certain the combination will not be much too drippy. Working with thoroughly clean palms, implement the combination to the face and therapeutic massage in the circular movement, letting it to sink deep into your skin. Honey and avocado are the best combo of hydrating ingredients for dry skin. Ground almonds gently exfoliate, as well as their excellent fats go away your skin feeling Tremendous gentle. If you want to add more moisturizing Rewards, insert a tablespoon of oil to the combo.
Examine This Report on skin care
How it works: Avocado is good for hydration and it exfoliates and cleans up your pores. Banana On the flip side enable lessening aging indications. Thnx lots fr ur speedy rply chandni…m much relievd nw…m glad dat i cme on diz website page n fulfill a frnd like u…thnx fr such handy n quick Do it yourself property fce packs little doubt as ud skin luks so distinct beautiful n youthful wil test dem as i hve dry skin…can u suggest a simple remedy fr underneath eye dark circles thnx in advnce Splash your face with cold h2o. Make use of the coldest drinking water it is possible to deal with, as this may help near your pores and lock in the main advantages of the mask. Afterward, Carefully pat your face dry with a cleanse, dry washcloth. Magnificence Epic will be the Natural beauty Community that sets a completely new degree of have faith in and honesty in magnificence details. We have been driven by a commitment to enhance Ladies's life by masking everyday breakthroughs in magnificence, Life style and Health. . Any in excess of that and you also’ll be dripping honey all over! I'd a problem with dripping at first, but once I Minimize back on the quantity of honey I used, the problem fixed by itself. In addition to that it’s a little more economical this way, way too! Rub the answer in circular motions over your skin for three to five minutes. You needn’t be as careful when you were together with your face, as being the skin on the remainder of One's body is a lot less sensitive. Now, a lot of the recipes underneath tend to be more effective and will only be utilised 1-2 times weekly. Other individuals You may use each day. I’ve built notes for how often Every single mask really should be applied. Utilizing cleanse fingers, use the mask onto your face and massage it systematically through your face for sixty seconds. Then reapply a thick coat in the mask on to your face and lie down for fifteen mins. Breathe calmly and Assume constructive ideas while letting the mask work its magic! • Merely rubbing clean orange peel in your face allows lighten skin colour. Additionally, it tightens the skin and increases the feel. Thanks for generating your account on EverydayMe. This information or solution has long been included for your favorites. We use cookies to make sure that we give you the best working experience on our Web-site. When you go on to employ This website We're going to believe that you'll be proud of it.Alright Dr. Boling reminds us that bananas have medicinal properties that may be used to soothe many inflammatory skin circumstances, including acne. Dr. Boling states, “According to a 2012 report in the Journal of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry No one will attempt any facial items that do not fetch any Rewards. Bananas have a great reward on our skin. Listed here are awesome banana face mask recipes you You need to use this moisturizing mask a number of occasions a week if you’d like. It’s incredibly Light on this skin.
skin care - An Overview
Our companions use cookies to make sure we show you marketing that may be pertinent for you. If you go on without having Altering your configurations, we'll assume that you're content to acquire all cookies on Boldsky Site. However, you could adjust your cookie configurations at any time. Learn more You are positive to notice a pleasant advancement for your acne scars which can appear less noticeable than just before! Vitamin B – This vitamin can help in protecting against and managing the skin from the signs of aging. Furthermore, it allows in lightening the complexion in addition to nourishes the skin from deep in. This content material is accurate and legitimate to the very best with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized advice from a professional Qualified. Together, they crystal clear up the skin pores. Honey is often a purely natural antioxidant and it has antimicrobial Homes. This eradicates the microbial infections that bring about acne. Korean masks have a long custom affiliated with shamanism and later on in ritual dance. Korean masks have been used in war, on both soldiers as well as their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to push away evil spirits; to recollect the faces of fantastic historical figures in death masks; and from the arts, specifically in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. This can be employed to gather information on traffic to content articles and other pages on our site. Except if that you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable facts is anonymized. Suffering from dry or aging skin? This honey face mask is sure to plump up and moisturize your skin cells and go away you searching fresher and more youthful than ever right before. Supply Also referred to as The Hot Face Mask, it truly is made up of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that triggers the burning feeling, but that’s if you place greater than 1/two a teaspoon! Anti-inflammatory signifies your inflamed crimson acne will likely be soothed and healed, generating them less pronounced. Antibacterial and antiseptic Homes can help fight off acne causing germs and microbes, staving off a lot more acne and pimples. Masks in numerous varieties (sacred, simple, or playful) have performed a vital historic function in the development of understandings about "what this means being human", since they allow the imaginative knowledge of "what it can be like" to become reworked into a different identification (or to affirm an current social or spiritual identification).[22] Not all cultures have regarded the use of masks, but most of them have.[23] Masks in functionality A "shameful" mask (Schandmaske in German) is devised for community humiliation; a well-liked reduced kind are donkey ears for your bad pupil or university student Combining avocado with banana this mask is a terrific way to deeply nourish and moisturize the dry skin from deep in just.
Not known Factual Statements About honey face mask
Almost Never ever had a crack from it Inspite of all prescription drugs internally and externally Despite having household made recipes. I pray this coffee will it for me Stay clear of skin-harmful foods. This contains processed or refined carbohydrates and also harmful fats. Consuming a lot of of such make your skin age faster. Prevent consuming a lot of sugars likewise.[fourteen] It is quite common understanding that oranges undoubtedly are a godsend for your skin. What isn’t emphasised plenty of, nevertheless, is the fact that when it comes to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, by far the most potent part of the fruit is, in fact, it’s peel. Image: Karen Cox/SheKnows For individuals who don’t have enough time to whip up a whole Do-it-yourself banana mask, a refreshing banana versus inflamed skin may well do the trick. To maintain pimples absent, use orange peel mask. In addition it cleans your pores of your dirt and oil and prevent blackhead as well. Insert the olive oil or coconut oil. You will need two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin emotion delicate and smooth. If you do not have olive oil, You can utilize coconut oil instead, which is also incredibly moisturizing. Will not rub your face to wipe off the mask, just make use of a wash cloth with heat drinking water. It will make the removal easier. Do you are doing a thing weird like rubbing a little something all over your face right before a date (or some thing critical), as well? Or perhaps you have got Yet another humorous ritual? I’d love to hear about it! Go away me a comment and let me know so I understand I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff Take into consideration adhering to up with some moisturizer. The lemon With this mask could be a very little drying for your skin. If you discover that your face is a little bit dry, utilize some moisturizer to your face. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 purchased a jar of it from wal mart but was $4 much more Wished I’d found This web site last 7 days. Can’t wait around to try this. I take advantage of coconut oil for a lot of things. This tends to avoid it from acquiring sticky. To protect your apparel, take into account draping a towel in excess of your upper body and shoulders. Picking sorting selection will mechanically update the items that are exhibited to match the selected sorting alternative > Onion juice is widely utilized to be a all-natural cure to treat hair decline and hair thinning. It contains wide quantities of sulfur, that is a component on the amino acids present in the hair. Blend well which has a motorized blender and make use of a beauty brush to apply this egg white face mask in your skin.
Not known Details About strawberry face mask
The amount you exfoliate is up for discussion. Some Women of all ages have skin that receives scaly rapidly. Many others seem dewy and contemporary with minimal fuss. Dermatologist Dr. Wash oranges and peel off the top most section. Seek to stay away from the white part just as much as is possible. For this, you should definitely use a sharp knife. You can buy microdermabrasion kits. See an inventory of the best facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. Individuals in the black bloc at protests commonly have on masks, frequently bandannas, to stay away from recognition, and to attempt to shield from any riot Regulate brokers employed. Rest your self as you await the combination to settle and dry on your own face. You can lie down and breathe deeply, imagining satisfied views! It's also possible to get ready a DIY face mask to eliminate facial hair by mixing egg whites with added-fantastic white sugar and corn starch. The sugar and corn starch flip the whisked egg whites into a peel-off mask on drying. Indeed, it will make a great Light cleanser likewise. I really like how it helps make my face sense within the mornings. Consider an egg as opposed to dairy When you are an egg mask lover, or substitute oils, such as olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, or sweet almond oil In case you have dehydrated skin. If utilizing oils, halve the quantity or it will be also runny. Mash up the banana, then blend in the honey. For most effective effects, put the elements inside a blender. Incorporate more info at social media in the lemon or orange. Use to face for 15 minutes prior to rinsing with a amazing washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth. Stick to together with your regular moisturizer. Coffee and cocoa face masks have long been a favorite of elegance aficionados. As a mix, they minimize puffiness within the face along with the eye location, brighten skin and wake up a dull complexion (good day caffeine!). This facial mask recipe is effective excellent irrespective of your skin form. Mix perfectly having a motorized blender and utilize a beauty brush to use this egg white face mask on the skin. Rites of passage, like initiation of younger members of the family, or funerals, were being carried out in the shrine underneath the look at on the ancestral masks. At https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Banana-Facial-Mask , professional actors would use these masks to execute deeds from the life of your ancestors,[24] Consequently linking the function of mask being a ritual item As well as in theatre. Fantastic and beneficial article. I like something do-it-yourself - It is really usually the purest and Ideal! I would use only organic and natural oranges due to many of the pesticides which can be Typically sprayed on them. Honey for the skin is largely character’s wonder, and these 4 Uncooked honey face mask recipes are a few of my favorite home made recipes for nourishing my skin.
New Step by Step Map For coffee face mask
To begin receiving timely alerts, as demonstrated beneath click on the Inexperienced “lock” icon next to the handle bar Yoghurt, as everyone knows, is a loaded all-natural source of protein and likewise contains lactic acid. This makes it the best ingredient to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin. Banana is packed with skin-useful nutrients and one of them should be to lessen the signs of aging.Indeed, banana will help you banish All those great strains and wrinkles. Oily skin is the main cause of acne breakout. Through the many solutions for oily skin The ultimate way to take care of it really is utilizing banana. Cut down your worry ranges. Strain can not simply wreck havoc on the mind and snooze, but your skin likewise. It can lead to acne, breakouts, along with other skin difficulties. Established practical objectives and boundaries on your own, and leave time every week so as to do things which you delight in. I liked the eggwhite, lemon and honey mask and I will use it 2 times a week. What https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask am i able to use for each day to improve my sagging skin, lighten the dark marks below my eyes and enable my turkey neck? I would like to question if it is regular to possess pink places showing on my face? Because I'm believing that it might be typical and just after it healed then I will have improved result if it healed than utilizing honey mask A straightforward way to independent yolk from whites is you crack an egg right into a bowl and consider an empty drinking water bottle and squeeze it, be sure to maintain that grip. then place the hole from the bottle over the yolk and Allow that grip go and it need to suck the yolk to the bottle. Do this incredibly easy and very effective treatment to deep cleanse your skin and expose a glowing complexion! Blend matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and blend nicely. (If you don’t have matcha powder, Slice open up a inexperienced tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Utilize this for the face and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off heat h2o. The necessary oil should normally be utilised with The essential oil in ideal amount. This maintains a great stability! Hold the mask on for ten to 15 minutes, then wash off with warm h2o. After patting your face dry that has a clean towel, you should definitely moisturize your face to stop your sebaceous glands (which hydrate skin by manufacturing pure oils) from going into overdrive to make up for The shortage of oils. Utilize moisturizer or lotion although your skin remains to be moist. Use facial moisturizers and creams on your own face, and lotions or system butter on Your whole body. Transform the sort of moisturizer or lotion you use depending upon the season. Once i was all over fourteen, my hair got a little bit oily from my functions. To help keep my hair contemporary longer just after I washed it, I might use whipped egg white on it. I place it in my moist hair, and let it dry, then brushed it out. My hair experienced additional volume far too.
sugar face mask No Further a Mystery
You will find a lot of well being and sweetness great things about consuming eggs. Also, Uncooked eggs can be employed to generate DIY hair masks to solve all your hair complications and DIY peel-off face masks to take care of skin complications and help your skin’s All round wellness and overall look. Disclaimer: The articles on This website is generic, informational and adjunctive at ideal, but are not able to serve as a replacement for Experienced medical advice. Turmeric masks are commonly used to even out skin tone and cut down the looks of darkish spots or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching influence though lemon juice and yogurt gently exfoliate to remove lifeless skin and really encourage new cell development. Based on the BBC, a man via the name of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with conserving his leg! Just after being cut by a koi carp, he became infected with Mycobacterium marinum and formulated a uncommon skin condition. Just washed it off. Skin is smother, complexion simply a taaaaaaad little bit brighter (not as dull) and perhaps. Pimples and redness just as prominent, perhaps a bit much more (imagined I suspect that’s through the cinnamon’s The natural way granular and abrasive texture). These four honey face mask recipes use distinctive further components, based upon your skin kind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB0QLruqRrQ are all manufactured with food-dependent ingredients which might be probably inside your kitchen area right now. Uncomplicated and practical! By promoting blood circulation within the skin, orange peel powder encourages a healthy rosy-coloured tone in skin. Enhanced circulation allows nutrients in the blood to get to the skin cells and nourish it. So ladies, future time any time you enjoy tangy oranges, don’t overlook to feed your skin with each of the attractiveness advantages of this Tremendous delicious fruit. That’s it for right now, till next time, consider care and continue to be tuned to IMBB. Here i will discuss 5 uncomplicated recipes to have you begun. Find the one particular that works on your skin form or the challenge you wish to address. No HTML is authorized in reviews, but URLs might be hyperlinked. Opinions aren't for promoting your content or other websites. With this easy blemish-eliminating face mask, You simply need to have two other substances: honey and yogurt. These powerhouse ingredients are filled with nutrients that deliver nourishing Added benefits to skin. Honey, especially, helps in night out discolorations and blemishes on skin. Elizabeth may be the founder and creative director in the Nourished Life. Her mission is to help you persons locate a far more well balanced (much less tense!) approach to living a happy, nutritious daily life. Study more details on Elizabeth in this article. These seem like outstanding face masks, honey does miracles towards your skin and leaves your face amazingly clean! An additional face mask that is super uncomplicated and intensely advantageous is a simple honey and cinnamon mask. The fresh lemon juice also will work to crystal clear acne and lighten the skin to provide you with smooth, blemish-cost-free skin.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pafCn_5-6Oc about strawberry face mask
Vitamin B – This vitamin will help in protecting against and dealing with the skin from your signs of ageing. In addition it assists in lightening the complexion as well as nourishes the skin from deep inside of. Equilibrium out oily skin with a gentle, but efficient orange peel face mask that may leave your skin refreshing and toned. Soon after making use of honey compresses for 8 times, he located the micro organism experienced wholly disappeared with no his having only one antibiotic. Banana is considered as Among the most delectable fruits all around the world. Other than The nice style, there are several skin advantages of banana. Wash oranges and peel off the best most portion. Make an effort to steer clear of the white component as much as possible. For this, ensure that you use a sharp knife. Banana being a wealthy purely natural supply of potassium and vitamin A is regarded as the most effective all-natural skin care ingredients. For those who have an American fashion coffee equipment, use the coffee grinds in the filter; For those who have an Italian style equipment, just unscrew and remove the debris left among the parts of the cafetiere. You may use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook Until you interact using this type of attribute. (Privacy Coverage) I have a little, modest pimple on my forehead(tzone) from so a few years, I have consulted the dermatologist too they gave some creams for software, Till i use Those people creams,my forehead is clear after I ended utilizing once more tiny acne will begin on my forehead. I have troubled skin including clogged pores on my forehead and lots of blackheads on my nose, what would you advise is the greatest purely natural remedies for extracting the Dust and oil in my pores? my skin could get dry pretty quickly nevertheless it tends to be pretty oily :(( गर्म पानी से नहाना पड़ सकता है महंगा-बर्बाद हो सकती है सेक्सुअल लाइफ Egg whites support tighten skin, generating them an efficient household remedy for minimizing appearance of crow’s-toes underneath and close to eyes. This do-it-yourself face mask is healthier if you have sensitive or dry skin, as it's gentler and more nourishing. You'll need ground coffee beans, two times as much floor oats and a tablespoon of honey.  Even though there are numerous skin care solutions out there out there but very little can provide you with with the sort of most effective effects that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles to your skin.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of skin care
Use a heavier, richer 1 over the Wintertime, in addition to a lighter a single in the summer. Contemplate a moisturizer that contains SPF to protect your skin in opposition to the sun's dangerous rays. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689410044/ in vitamin C, orange peel is great for lightening dim spots and acne scars. Evens out skin discolorations Honey's intensive antibacterial motion can cure present acne and prevent any more unwelcome pimples. Honey has amazing antibacterial Homes that assistance sooth irritation and stimulate The expansion of new skin tissue. Hi! Healthmunsta, I thank you for sharing this informative article about egg white face mask. When I was in highschool, I'd a Instructor who instructed me that she works by using egg white and milk combination for her face mask. No, as it has far too much oil in it. The straightforward mask works as the lemon juice acts as an astringent, although the honey can help filter the acne-resulting in germs. Thanks! Sure No Not Valuable 14 Handy 46 You can do the egg white facial as element of your weekly skin servicing plan. For face masks targeted to protecting against excessively oily skin, take a look at this hub in its place: ... I’m undecided in which you acquired the witch hazel from, but that may be a fascinating experiment. Allow us to know the way you want it Limit bath time. Very hot water and extended showers or baths get rid of oils from your skin. Restrict your bath or shower time, and use warm — instead of sizzling — drinking water. Can it be ok To place it on in the evening and snooze in and and acquire better yet success? Or leaving it on from the night time isn’t about to make any difference if leaving it on for 30 minutes? I don’t want to dry out my face If that's so. Many thanks for the posting Incidentally. Use the mask over your face and hold out 20 minutes. Wash it off utilizing lukewarm h2o, then gently pat your face dry by using a delicate, clean up towel.[22] Take into consideration incorporating a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten your skin or cut down acne. 1. As currently stated, orange juice is rich in ascorbic acid written content and deep cleanses the skin carefully. It lightens existing acne spot and blemishes. Orange juice also brightens complexion and retains in Examine abnormal oil secretion. Hi, I used honey mask for 6 times and saw a bright and healthy final result on my face then I try to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and noticed blemishes scattered on my face just on 1st working day of use, I continue working with it on one other working day hoping that It really is just the response of working with it fro the first time. Among The key tips on how to just take care of one's skin is to protect it with the Sunshine. A lifetime of Solar exposure could cause wrinkles, age spots and various skin difficulties — as well as improve the risk of skin cancer.
5 Simple Statements About coffee face mask Explained
Don’t press tough. The sugar will do its do the job In spite of gentle force, so resist the urge to push down hard when you distribute it more than your skin. Hello there, I'm just wondering when there is something I could to eliminate or lower my sagging face specially my chin and jaw location. I absolutely beloved studying your hub! As a youngster my mother would use egg white on her face, but I'd no idea about all the opposite elements you could possibly use to lighten darkish places and hydrate skin! [two] Additionally, orange peel also incorporates potassium that helps the skin retain its dampness and magnesium that helps combat skin growing older induced by mobile oxidative problems. Suffice to say then, that the rightful spot for orange peels is not with your trash can but in your magnificence program. Must you use all of the combination and can you save the rest for one more use? Also, how frequently really should it's utilized? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689372461 may blend them, but this concoction will not have extensive shelf existence. It’s generally far better to prepare contemporary fruits masks for finest outcomes…… one. Just source:- steptoremedies : Mash a ripe banana and implement on the face and skin. Let it sit on the face for 15 minutes then rinse it off with cold drinking water. To work with orange peel powder being a all-natural cleanser, Mix it with just a little h2o for making a paste. Apply it on your skin and go away it on until it dries totally. Eventually, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. Do that before you decide to go to bed and leave the mask on overnight. Rinse your face with warm water the following morning. It is recommended to do this for 2 months then evaluate the results. I have hardly ever utilized it on my skin even though, but I will consider it. Thanks for sharing. I've bookmarked it to refer back I Voted it up and beneficial. Increase a mashed up banana for the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Minimize it to lesser pieces having a knife. Make use of a fork to mash it to your pulp. The banana should help nourish your face. No, as it has a lot of oil in it. via stepto remedies to read the full post will work because the lemon juice acts as an astringent, whilst the honey may help filter out the acne-causing germs. Many thanks! Certainly No Not Practical 14 Handy 46 Comprehensively rinse your face with cool water. Rinse your face with amazing drinking water right until the scrub is totally absent, after which pat your face dry having a clear, dry washcloth. -Everytime you rinse your face or other system areas soon after making use of these masks, never use any type of soap. The truth is, cleaning soap will not be advised to the treatment method of acne, due to the fact the condition goes far over and above basic dirt or oil.
Not known Details About orange face mask
Many of us throw out orange peels the moment they’re done feeding on or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels can be a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a increased vitamin C material when compared to the fleshy inside of! to finish the stash of egg whites I have. When you are searching for a recipe to make use of up your egg whites, look no additional! This recipe takes advantage of four egg whites and It truly is so easy to generate! I have experimented a bit Use moisturizer or lotion although your skin remains damp. Use facial moisturizers and creams on your face, and lotions or entire body butter on One's body. Change the sort of moisturizer or lotion you utilize depending upon the period. Stay clear of paying an excessive amount of time during the sun, and constantly don sunscreen once you do. Pick sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. You ought to use it every single day, even throughout the darker, colder Wintertime months. This mask may possibly seem to some degree Bizarre on This page designed for organic items, but using Aspirin – Honey Mask for dealing with acne is usually a highly effective and easy Option. No HTML is authorized in feedback, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Remarks are not for promoting your articles or other web pages. For additional honey ideas, test honey and cinnamon for brighter skin or honey with cocoa and product to exfoliate. Dermatologists like baking soda as it’s the two anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Mix it with exfoliating lemon juice and comforting honey and you have a gentle but successful mask to aid reduce acne. As you could see, applying an orange peel face mask has several rewards that work for different skin forms. No matter what you may need it for, orange peel powder is without a doubt a blessing. A caution when making use of lemon juice: Lemon might also make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face completely and use sunscreen in the event you’ll be out in the sun before long afterward. This information is accurate and correct to the ideal from the author’s information and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized guidance from a professional Experienced. Will not decide on your pimples. You may make the inflammation worse and you've got a method bigger possibility of obtaining a scar even right after it goes away. There are a selection of good solutions for obtaining rid of pimples on this page on wikiHow. Any time you set the egg white on, lay a single layer of separated tissue paper above your face. Then use a lot more egg above that, after which peel it off. Meditate. That is an historic observe which has been all around for hundreds of years—and once and for all rationale! Many of us see that it can help them clear their minds and unwind.
5 Simple Statements About orange face mask Explained
Apply a moisturizer for your skin. Seal from the moisturizing consequences of the scrub with your favorite moisturizer. You should definitely Obtain your hair away out of your face in advance of applying this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to prevent the mixture from occurring your hair. Have you ever tried using a variation of the honey mask? What are your preferred foods-based mostly components to work with in your skin? Remark below! Conditions & Conditions The photographs depict actual product or service while shade from the image and product or service might a little bit differ. You positive can! Coconut oil is a fantastic splendor oil and yow will discover extra face masks with coconut oil in this article: Tired and out? Spare by yourself a time for Yogurt and Banana face mask to replenish your skin and temper. It energizes the spirit, clams the inflammation, and relaxes the skin. That’s as the career of cinnamon is to scrub your skin from underneath, it brings out all of the microbes and also your skin will get way more acne originally because it is having rid of almost everything beneath but after that your skin will look great–it works just like Proactive, it cleans almost everything beneath advert maintains that cleanliness [25] To apply the sugar scrubs use either your fingers, a cleanse washcloth or thoroughly clean exfoliating gloves.[26] Normally your arms are going to be your best guess as they are by far the most Mild option. This is certainly used to gather info on traffic to posts and other web pages on our web-site. Until you will be signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable details is anonymized. [30] Some experts advocate averting lemon juice all together, as they are acidic and may irritate skin by disrupting the skin’s purely natural pH harmony. Safer alternatives involve pineapple or papaya blended with basic unsweetened yogurt.[31] Some specialists warn in opposition to using sugar to exfoliate skin, mainly because it can result in compact tears with your skin, producing your skin rough, dry, and flakey in the long run.[32] Other specialists recommend against sugar and assert that it basically hastens ageing by binding to proteins like collagen.[33] You should buy microdermabrasion kits. See an inventory of the greatest facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. When you've got drinking water, which you with any luck , do have at hand, use that for making your facial a little bit more watery if needed. You could continue using your facial If you prefer. Go over your overall face, but stay away from your lips and eyes. Don’t make use of a washcloth to rub the sugar into your skin, as this will likely be also harsh of the exfoliant and should irritate your skin. Retinoids (for instance Retin-A or the greater moisturizing Renova) also function by eradicating the top layer of dead skin cells when also creating collagen within the skin. "Collagen is definitely the skin's structural fiber," dermatologist Dennis Gross explained in O Magazine
5 Simple Techniques For orange face mask
The citric acid within the orange peel also exfoliates and brightens up your skin. Here are a few orange peel face masks that you could make at home for the radiant search. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Executing this will take out any Grime and buildup prior to deciding to exfoliate. Be sure to pat your face dry Carefully that has a clean up, dry washcloth just before implementing the sugar-baking soda combination. Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. If you have been to work with a scrub face clean it could irritate your skin. Orange peel has all-natural bleaching Homes which assists lighten places. Honey has effective antiseptic, antibacterial and moisturising Attributes which hydrate and nourish the skin. It's also possible to check out these property therapies to get rid of blemishes. Turmeric is a standard ingredient in Southeast Asian beauty solutions. It truly is beloved for its skin lightening talents. Just be careful, the orange can stain quite light skin. that goes properly with ice product and nearly another kind of dessert sauces or toppings.I had to go searching for some time to search out the proper sort of sugar to make use of on the very best to ensure it would not dissolve Observe The easy fifteen min stay pack time with this mask and pat dry using a clear towel. It will eventually depart your skin experience attractive and easy. Spoon the mixture into your storage container and store. Be sure you near the lid tightly. You may retail outlet the combination within your fridge for approximately 2 weeks. Goaltender mask, a mask worn by an ice or discipline hockey goaltender to protect the head and face from damage Strategy: Combine them all in a bowl and apply a thick coat on your own face. Allow it perform its magic for quarter-hour right until it dries out. Then rinse with drinking water and dry your face by using a towel. Implement a moisturiser instantly to prevent dry skin. How often you exfoliate will rely upon your skin type, age, and weather. Typically twice weekly is ample. For those who have oily skin you are able to do it far more normally; when you’re older and/or have dryer skin, 2 times weekly can be too much.[29] Only use facial masks made up of lemon juice at night. Lemon juice is phototoxic and might raise your hazard of sunburn or simply chemical burns for those who go out in daylight with any residual lemon juice in your skin. Splash your face with chilly water. Use the coldest water you'll be able to handle, as this may assist near your pores and lock in the many benefits of the mask. Afterward, gently pat your face dry which has a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. Mash up the banana, then combine within the honey. For very best success, place the components inside a blender. Increase the juice of the lemon or orange. Apply to face for quarter-hour in advance of rinsing having a amazing washcloth or a steaming heat washcloth. Abide by using your regular moisturizer. The masks are often very exaggerated and formalised, and share an aesthetic with the carved images of monstrous heads that dominate the facades of Hindu and Buddhist temples. These faces or Kirtimukhas, 'Visages of Glory', are intended to ward off evil and therefore are associated with the animal planet as well as the divine.
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lingchung · 5 years
5 Things I’ve Changed My Mind About Over the Last 5 Years
I still love work and work hard. But, work-life balance has become more important to me. I crave balance. No stress is worth my mental well-being. And without balance, I don’t feel creative. When I don’t feel creative, I don’t do my best work.
I try not to compromise sleep. There are still some odd days where I only get 4 hours, but they are few and far between. If I have work to finish, I put it aside, sleep first, and wake up early to hit the deadline. While I don’t know the scientific reasoning, I believe sleep improves my neuroplasticity. I do everything better and faster after a good night sleep. It also improves my mood.
Blue Light
I used to love bright blue light. Now, I find it too bright at night. It interferes with my circadian rhythm and doesn’t help me wind down. So I’ve moved towards dimmer lighting at night. It helps me relax and get ready for bed.
I was never a fan of Yoga. I found it too slow. I didn’t feel like I was getting a bang for my buck spending time doing yoga. Until I woke up with muscle spasm one night. With all the weight training and running that I do, my muscles are insanely tight. I knew I needed mobility training. I tried a yoga session that week, and fell in love with the practice. I cannot believe what it did for my muscles, yoga opened up my body. I struggled with some poses, this motivated me to dive deeper into yoga. This is one area of fitness I want to invest in and get better at.
I’m Chinese. We add beans to our desserts, not to our savoury courses. So the concept of incorporating beans in my mains / soups is foreign. I know the benefit of consuming legumes. Many books and podcasts later, I’ve finally decided to make this food group a staple in my diet. I pressure cook a big jar and just mash them and add them as a side to my salad. The effect is magical. Legume is to my intestines like molly maid is to a messy home, cleans me out.
0 notes
stydiamccall · 7 years
Stiles Stilinski's Epic Return
It’s been feeling too quiet for awhile, a little abnormal for the town of Beacon Hills. And it’s not like the pack took any kind of break from the supernatural, but Stiles was usually the one who brought the head start, the excitement, the loudness, the big bang to it all. Now there was nothing to look forward to… not like there should be anything to look forward to. But Stiles was what made these potential traumatizing events something fun and adventurous, at least for Lydia. Now Stiles won’t return for another six weeks, and for the last twelve she’s been trying to accept that fact. It’s not like Lydia desperately needed him to figure this whole supernatural thing out, she just missed him. However she was very happy for Stiles that he got to carry out a long time dream of his. As for the time being, Lydia has incorporated Stiles’ presence in her own little way during many separate occasions. She finds herself making little side comments, comments that Stiles would have annoyed her with if he was there. During pack meetings, she’s up and willing to mouth off all her ideas at once. Very similar to what Stiles’ messy descriptions would have sounded like. Sometimes she even mispronounces words purposely to fill the missing void for Stiles, and then later corrects herself. This has been happening gradually as he left, and maybe the others don’t notice it but Lydia does. She feels his presence every day, and there’s no denying that. Sometimes she even thinks she’s starting to get affected by some form of “pareidolia- seeing patterns that aren’t really there.” Stiles had become that for her. When she’s all alone, she closes her eyes and he’s there with her. She can hear his voice, and feel his arms around her. She feels safe living inside her own head.
​After a long exhausting night, Lydia found herself dragging her feet down Scott’s stairs. She stayed at his place for thirteen hours and still came up with no plan, no solution and no Stiles. She stared down at her phone again, hoping to receive a text message from him. ​Scott felt a little concerned for her. “He still hasn’t replied?“
​Lydia rolled her eyes and let out a huge breath that flew through her upper hair. “Nope. But I’ll let him off the hook because it’s around two in the morning in D.C.” She slid her phone back into her pocket.
​“Hey Lydia look, don’t feel upset. He’s coming back in a little over a month, and will throw the biggest party. We’ll even set up a bon fire and roast marshmallows, while streaming illegally downloaded movies on the projector okay? We’ll start from where we left off in the summer, and complete every single thing on that bucket list of yours.”
Scott’s words made her feel a little better. “You promise?”
He wrapped his arms around his best friend and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. “I promise.”
​She smiled, while starting to zip up her sweater “Scott I feel a little tired, I think I’m just gonna go home.”
​“Do you want me to drive you?”
​“No it’s fine. Thank you though- I mean it, really, thank you.” They both knew she wasn’t talking about Scotts offer to drive her. She let go of his arm and walked out as Scott quietly closed the door behind her.
​She walked across his drive way with her four inch heels clacking down on the pavement. But that’s all she heard clack clack clack. After twelve weeks without Stiles, she would think she would be used to not hearing him argue over where they will eat, or what movie they’ll watch as he closely trails behind her. Lydia suddenly stopped in her spot and turned around. No one was there. Either she was deep in a trance, or she swore she saw Stiles’ face. Anyways, she faced forward and kept walking.
​She turned the corner of Scott’s lot and finally faced her blue Toyota Prius. She wished she had parked it even just a little closer. As she neared her car, she noticed something a bit odd. It looked like someone was leaning on the side door. As she started to slow her pace, her foggy vision unblurred to find a silhouette in the shape of a man. She could easily run back to Scott, but she didn’t want to trouble him. She could easily scream, but that would wake up his neighbours.
Her heart started racing, sweat beginning to form at her brows. She needed to think of a solution, and she needed to think of one fast. She could feel her knees starting to weaken, her chin trembling, and her sensitive teeth chattering against each other. Lydia felt a negative intuition about this but suddenly built up the courage to keep walking forward.
Her eyes didn’t leave the silhouette for a second. She was walking pin straight into what felt like her dark doom. The wind started picking up, almost pushing her closer to the unknown threat. More clouds began to cover the moon, until everything was left to darkness. She tried to slow her breathing, while ignoring the wind forcing strands of hair onto her face. She could hear something. Someone else who was breathing, and that someone was standing three meters in front of her.
Her head tilted up towards the sky, she could see the cloud cover already moving in its patterned rotation until it revealed the moon. The moonlight shining in its purest form, so bright and almost crystal like. Lydia started shaking her head in fright when she realized bringing her head back down will only make her stand face to face with this mysterious stranger.
Tears started forming on the outer layer of her eyes, as her jaw clenched tighter. She brought her head down and looked directly into the stranger’s eyes. 5’11, clean shaven, dark brown hair, black and white flannel, khakis pants, Nike shoes, cheesy grin. It was no stranger. It was Stiles.
Lydia stopped in her place. Her heavy breathing became light breaths of relief. She couldn’t determine if he was real or just a figure of her imagination. Her surroundings stopped spinning, time had stopped ticking, and just for a moment she felt safe. It didn’t matter if he was real or not, she was home sick- more like Stiles sick. She never left home, but home left her.
“Stiles? Stiles is that- is that really you?” She took a step forward.
His back pushed off the car, as his body towered four inches above hers. “I couldn’t do it Lydia… I couldn’t wait another six weeks.”
She almost cried under her smile. He was real, he was there; breathing, living, moving and talking. “So you came back?” Her voice broke into this scratchy texture as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
Stiles took another step forward, wiping away her tear with his thumb “Yeah, I came back. And I’m staying.”
Lydia firmly gripped his waist with both her hands and strained her neck to look up at him. “What happened? I know they couldn’t have just let you leave six weeks early.”
He held her soft face with both his hands, while leaning his forehead onto hers. His lips, only inches away from hers as he whispered “I had to leave Lydia, I couldn’t take it anymore. Not seeing this face, or these tiny arms, or this strawberry blonde hair.” He clenched her hair into his hand like it had magical healing powers. “Most importantly, I missed you too much.” He tilted her chin up with his index finger.
She was almost too broken for words. She wanted to tell him everything; how she missed his dark brown hair, and his spastic movements, his brilliant plans and all his solutions. The person she could bicker with over the stupidest things, and later make up for it with sex. The person she could call up in the middle of the night to go on an outdoor adventure. The same person who made her feel safe, even when he wasn’t physically there. But she summed it up in the greatest way possible “Oh my god. I love you Stiles Stilinski.”
And with that, in one swift effortless movement, he kissed her. Slowly at first, absorbing every sweet thing he had missed about her. The kiss sent shivers down her spine, like an electric charge bringing her back to life. It felt like their only source of oxygen; completely devouring each other’s mouths before one of them dies. But she felt so alive, with her lips dancing on his. She could stay in this moment forever, nothing else mattered anymore.
His hands lowered to her waist, making her tiny fragile body feel helpless. Her lips sunk deeper into his, making her vulnerable to his teeth biting down. She felt like she could just collapse right there, right in his arms and he would take her home and wrap her in the blanket of his body. This all felt too good to think of anything else.
They pulled away slowly, still feeling the magnetic force between them. He looked down at her, showing her the delicate smile she drew upon his face. “I waited twelve weeks and thirty three hours to do that. It was worth it.”
Lydia chuckled under her hot breath. She glanced up at her beautiful boyfriend, with their foreheads still touching “So what else have you been waiting to do?”
He took a hold of both her tiny wrists and pressed a soft kiss to the side of her head. He bent his back over, resting his sharp chin on her shoulder blade. He whispered in her ear “Let’s go back home and I’ll show you.”
She couldn’t help but laugh, feeling so comforted and naughty at the same time. “Okay, but I get to drive the car!” She quickly snatched the keys from his hand, which was useless seconds later when she realized he had a second copy made in his pocket.
“Okay, but only if we watch Star Wars tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Because we always watch Star Wars! I think Yoda’s starting to get annoyed by us!”
Stiles started opening the driver’s door “Alright, then I guess I’m driving home.”
She rolled her eyes, and then let out a grunt. "Fine! But it’s The Notebook tomorrow okay!”
Stiles started snickering under his breath. “You love me.”
Lydia annoyingly frowned, but couldn’t help the smile already written in her lips. “Oh shut up and drive Stilinski!”
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