#i tried to make a realistic looking portrait
hystii · 1 year
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Lady Marjorie Grant
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aerostaticsurrender · 3 months
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Dream brother with your tears scattered round the world
Dont be like the one who made me so old
Dont be like the one who left behind his name
Cause they’re waiting for you like I waited for mine
And nobody ever came
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l3ominor · 18 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
HFHDHHF :DDDDDD YEEEE ART RAMBLE TIME! (Most of this is recent stuff for Recalled and all but ye)
My first two are my designs for Hylia and the Fierce Deity! I don't think I've posted them here before, but I'm super happy with how they both turned out!
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For the Fierce Deity, I personally describe him as being the Hero's Spirit, and so whoever puts on the mask gains the knowledge, skills, and strength of the heros who came before! (Each person has a different FD appearance that I've been working on designing, but the one here is just the general base for FD)
For Hylia, I wanted to sort of dip into that Biblically accurate Angel look, making her seem more otherworldly and elegant. I also wanted to add on a bit more color to her, so I tried to give her a sort of pearly sheen.
Next is a little doodle I did of Captain and Twilight just chilling! I was practicing my more realistic style, and I figured I should be nice to them for once XD
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I also just really like that Twilight has wolf ears on his hood. It amuses me to no end XD
Next I have a page from a comic that I'm working on, called Blind Faith, Blind Rage, which is a comic I'm doing about the First Hero, and one of his encounters with Ghirahim (in which Hero gets royally beat up)
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This page in particular I'm very proud of, just because backgrounds yeeeee
And finally, I have the portrait I did of Malon a few months ago!
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I'm still absolutely in love with how she turned out, with all the colors and bdhdjfhhfjs she pretty! I had so much fun drawing and coloring her, that it didn't feel like it took 2 hours XD
But ye! Thank you so much for the ask, and thank you for letting me ramble a bit! (I'm always happy to share art and ramble for hours hfhdjhf)
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sonluxa · 2 months
Well, hello! I'm not quite dead yet, just very busy with....life?
Anyways, I just remembered that we never got to see Lenores portrait (if there ever was one), so I participated in the challenge. Its still in progress but I wanted to share it anyways :D
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This time I tried to stick to the original artstyle (and failed miserably?) to make it look similiar to her brothers portrait but I'll change it to make it more semi-realistic.
I had used some references but mostly from the Webtoon to keep it more authentic. Let's see how it will turn out..I mean, at least it looks like her, Ig?
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stinkysam · 11 months
Buggy the Clown - This is you.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "Imagine if you will a scenario where a character finds out the reader is an artist (or has knowledge of it) and mentions it in passing or brags about it to everyone else. Then, per everyone's curiosity the reader is forced to pull the sketchbook out from his bag and is like "okay but I'll only show you the pages *I* like" before someone immediately wrestles it out from his grasp (and trust me I played tug-o-war for a good five seconds). Nothing too embarrassing was in it thank goodness but mayhaps there's a fluffy twist where it turns out the reader has numerous doodles or candid sketches of the person he likes in there? Cue a confession sequence lolol" - @intrepid-captain
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You had briefly mentioned to Mohji you liked to draw in your spare time. He repeated it to Cabaji, who told Alvida you knew how to draw. And Alvida told the others she saw your drawings -she saw one from afar- and that they were the prettiest and most beautiful things.
And of course, it ended up falling in your captain's ears who now wanted to see them too.
But you did everything you could to hide your sketchbooks away from him.
Not because you weren't confident in your art, but because in all of your sketchbooks there was his face every few pages. If not on almost all of them.
You had clearly underestimated him. Or overestimated, as he sneaked into your room to rummage through your things.
"Captain !" You called out, making him jump. "There's a creep in my room ! Ah. No, it's just you." You joked as you watched him from the entrance of your tent.
"Eeeh !? Do I look like a creep !?" He stomped, his hands flying to your direction to shake you by the collar but you grabbed them first.
"We're holding hands !" You say, acting shy, but there's nothing shy about your sly smile. "What are you looking for ?" You ask, laughing a bit at his unamused expression, and get in, throwing him back his hands.
"Your sketchbook." He simply said and you froze as he went back to searching, looking under your pillow.
"Why ?" You smiled nervously.
"Can't I be interested in what my freaks do in their spare time ?"
"I… guess… ?"
"Well then ? Where it is ?"
"Uh… okay, but only the pages I want, okay ?"
He frowns and raises an eyebrow, not understanding why such a rule.
"Okay." He said, but you could tell he was lying.
"Turn around. I don't want you to see where I hide 'em."
He huffed, really not liking all those rules but accepted anyway, turning around and crossing his arms as his hands flew to hide his eyes.
Quickly you took the pillowcase from under your bed, opening it to reveal a bunch of sketchbooks. You chose the first one, the oldest, where you were still in denial of your feelings for him so there wasn't as much art of him as in nowadays' sketchbook and put back the others under your bed.
"Are you done yet ?" He grumbled, not wanting to wait any longer.
"Yeah." You say, opening it to a certain page.
He stared at it, grabbing the sketchbook while you still held it up. He said nothing, his eyes analyzing every little thing on your drawing. It was Mohji with a big lion. God it was beautiful. Alvida was right. And it reminded him he wanted that fucking lion.
He tried to turn the page but you stopped him, going to another page instead. He frowned, not understanding and not liking the restriction, clicking his tongue in distaste.
When he looked at you, you smiled as innocently as you could.
He watched your sketches this time, the Big Top from several angles. Like a plan.
"Fuck, you're even good at perspective ?" He said and you snorted.
He tried to turn the page once again but you turned it to another one. A realistic portrait of Alvida.
His eyes twitched. This was getting on his nerves. Not only he can't see everything but you draw "some other" captain ? And not even him ?
He began to pull on your sketchbook and quickly you did the same, followed by five good seconds of silent struggling before one of his hands let go of it to stab a finger in your side. Making you yelp and pull away, giving him free access to your drawings.
"Ahhh !" He laughed, his hands flying above your reach, turning pages and pages how he wanted. Until he stopped at a colored page. A red thing catching his eyes. His… nose.
More accurately, a watercolor work of his face.
He stared at it, bringing the sketchbook closer to his face as you hid yours with your clothes.
There was a silence as he admired himself. Why did he look so… good ?
He turned the page again and…
There were multiple portraits of himself. Sketches of his eyes, his nose, his lips, there even were comments on his make-up when he changed it. It was scribbled and hard to read but they were compliments. Compliments you never said to him.
His heart was beating loudly as he stared at himself and your pretty words.
He turned to you.
"Why did you never tell me this ?"
You finally looked at him and shrugged. Buggy closed the sketchbook.
"Can you… draw me. With… a normal nose ?" He asked quietly, looking into your eyes, hoping you'd say yes and let him see how he would be if he didn't have this atrocious and ridiculous nose. Would he look prettier ?
You stare back, a bit taken aback and you don't know how to answer for a moment.
"No." You finally say, but your tone sounds almost insulted.
He frowned immediately, not pleased by your answer.
"What, can't-"
"I like your nose." You say, ignoring him.
You stare at each other in silence, and you continue.
"I know you don't like your nose. Always thinking we're talking about it. But I like it." You step closer, and he looks at your face for any sign of lie, mockery. But there is none. "I don't want to change it. I don't want to change your face or anything about you."
His heart almost melts at your words. But he's still mad you won't grant him what he's asking. It's just one small drawing. What bad could it do ?
He opens his mouth to talk but you cut him off.
"No. I won't obey this order. I won't help you compare yourself to a drawing of someone who looks like you with a different nose. I'm not gonna help your insecurities."
He scoffs and reopens the sketchbook, pointing at drawings of him. Him ? Insecure ? Fine, let's use that word then.
"How can I not be insecure when you draw me like this !?"
"What ?" You stared at him, confused. "You think I add some sort of magic to make you look more handsome or prettier ? Buggy, that's how you look, I'm just putting it on paper. But thank you, I accept the compliment."
"No, you-"
"You are handsome. Buggy. You're the prettiest man I've ever laid my eyes on." You say, trying to ignore your heart beating crazily in your chest.
His was beating just as fast and loudly as he stared at you, your words slowly sinking in.
You grabbed the sketchbook, turning to another page of him.
"This is you."
You bent down, throwing it on the bed and grabbing the pillowcase with your other sketchbooks inside before pushing them into his arms.
"Here. Take these. You're in it too. You."
He looked at them, not daring to open them and looked back at you. Unsure of what to say.
"Keep them."
"No, they're-"
"I insist, captain."
"Why are you doing this ? Why are you being so…" He grimaced, unsure of how to finish his sentence.
You hesitated for a few seconds.
"Because I love you." You said with a shrug. "I thought that was obvious." You chuckled. "Or it'll be once you open these. It's a bit embarrassing how much you're in it."
He smiles.
"You could've just said you don't take commissions. No need to get sappy on me."
You snort.
"To never get paid ?"
"I would've paid you." He said, almost offended. "Can I really keep them ?"
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
What types the Crows would fall for:
Includes Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan van Eck, Nina Zenik, and Matthias Helvar.
Kaz Brekker:
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This man relies on every realistic aspect. Whenever planning something, or even thinking about something, he runs through everything that could go wrong and analyses it properly. He needs someone with a mind that completely contradicts it. Someone who could think of creative solutions he usually wouldn’t come up with. And not only the mental aspect of creative. If you engage in something such as painting or embroidery, he’d love that too. His mind is complicated, and completely logistic and analytical. He doesn’t leave much room for imagination or creativity. He relies on you to do that for him. And when you can, it’ll grow on his list of things to adore you for. Your ideas are the most captivating for them; he’s always admired a good mind. But that doesn’t mean other outings of creativity go unwanted by him. He will proudly display your items throughout his office, leaving portraits for heists hanging in the halls.
Inej Ghafa:
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Inej is very hesitant because of obvious reasons. She has been through some stuff and it still messes with her. She’d 100% love someone who just soothes her when necessary, but in a somewhat distant manner. Words of affirmation or tiny services are good enough for her. She’d fall for the type who is able to see the good in everything. To turn even the glummest of points into something somewhat positive. When she has that dip in her mood, she tends to see the worst in everything and make it add to her already terrible state. If you would point out all the things that she can learn from this, or all the things that are not necessarily evil, she’d be comforted so much. Even by the mere thought of it. Gently reassure her that you’re there, even after everything she has been through. She can run to you, she can find refuge with you. She adores the way your voice switches tone when she’s down, or how you’ll approach others on a daily basis. Everything about you is so calming, not just to her. She takes great pride in that.
Jesper Fahey:
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Outwit him, please. When he flirts, flirt back. Play that uno reverse card. It only takes one sarcastic or charismatic remark to make him fall. “You come here often?” “No, but seeing you here, I think I should.” BOOM, GONE. Just like that. Now, he’ll constantly follow you around, placing compliments here and there, flirting with you continuously. He’ll buy your drinks, he’ll hold your chair, he’ll take your coat. This man becomes a puppy, but with attitude. And once you actually get together, he will not stop. But now he’ll include kisses on top of your head, hands around your waist, hugs from behind, hands buried in your pockets, hands running through your hair, hands everywhere. He needs to be touching you constantly. If you grow uncomfortable under this, he’ll try to keep his hands to himself, but he cannot help the occasional touch on your shoulder. A simple remainder he is still there. He respects it, he truly does, but he cannot always help himself. You’re just so gorgeous and witty and breathtaking and you picked him???? He wants to show that shit off, okay?
Wylan van Eck:
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As Kaz, Wylan has always loved creative people. Mentally or practically. Most adoration would go towards sculptors, I’d like to believe. Whether you create tiny statues out of clay or huge cut out marble. He doesn’t care. Hell, you could make a birdhouse from wood and he’d like it. Though your looks and kindness would initially captivate him, his admiration grows as he discovers your hobbies. And from that, he decided to do a lot of actual research! Need some inspiration? He’s your guy. He makes it his entire duty to give you a good idea. I’m talking, nose deep into books to note something. He himself loves to tell stories, and it gives you a lot of ideas through this. The funniest part is that he doesn’t even know it. When he tries to look for something, you usually dismiss it (kindly), but when he’s ranting about something or comes up with a funny story, the ideas start flowing. Late nights are always spent on the bed, hand entangled as he talks and you listen, occasional kisses places on top of your head.
Nina Zenik:
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Nina is smitten with badasses. I mean the people who practise sports such as Kung-Fu, Judo, Krav Maga, boxing etc. etc. Not only is it incredibly hot to her, because who wouldn’t think it’s hot, but she loves the movement of your figure throughout the practises. It looks so flawless and graceful. There is so much commitment and dedication in your eyes, she thinks it is absolutely stunning. And you, quite literally, kick ass. It’s a turn on for her, okay? Anyone who can beat her in physical combat. If you have some good strong arm and/or leg muscles to go with that, she falls even deeper. Because, you’re kidding. Not only are you the most awesome person she has ever met, but there are muSCLES???? You actually met through a argument gone wrong at the Crow Club. Someone got too close to a friend of yours and you full on body slammed them into the table. She was nearby when it happened, and she thought that person was going for her. In her eyes, you saved her. You haven’t corrected her on it. She’d wrap her arms around one of yours when walking constantly. Not because it makes her feel safer - even though it does -, but because you’re so damn huggable, she cannot get enough of it.
Matthias Helvar:
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We have seen him around Nina; he needs some joy in his life. Someone who makes him laugh. And that’s a whole task. Initially, you had stumble into something and you ended up falling like an idiot, but Matthias thought it was absolutely hilarious. And since that laugh, you had begun to make it a task to hear that more often. Yes, he had a nice laugh, but also, his usual stoic self seems to fade away so flawlessly. It’s a whole other side for him, which you seem to appreciate very much. And for him; who doesn’t love laughing? Being so gleeful you have to audibly out it? That is why he fell for you. He felt so happy and relieved around your mere presence. He knew he was safe with you and vice versa. You bring out the best in him, as cheesy as it may sound. And now, he will protect you with his life. He has this habit of stepping near you every time someone nears. Subtly, at first, but eventually he’d end up blocking your view entirely. That’s his sunshine. No one touches it with evil intent.
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mortmere · 6 months
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@eaion's wonderful "Draw due South From Memory" drawing challenge for @ds30below nearly made me despair after the first hour and a half when I tried to make realistic color portraits of the characters without looking at any reference pics (it's hard, it's fucking hard!). I got as far as the Rays in that time, and they weren't co-operating. So, a change of strategy was needed: black profile blobs! ("They're called silhouette portraits, Ray.") Compared to the first effort, this felt super easy and comfortable. I'm pretty happy with most of them, though for some characters, I had no memory of their profiles at all. (Stellaaaaaa! She looks more like Susan Sarandon here.)
As a bonus, here are my first attempts of Fraser and Dief, because they're okay-ish. Dief is always okay, his face changes in canon, so anything wolfy-cute and fluffy goes. :P
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circe-and-the-wolf · 1 month
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Portrait Practice - Work in progress (MG, obvs)
My summer goal is to try drawing portraits. Obviously, I’m also using this as an excuse important opportunity to stare at Matthew Goode.
I always hated drawing portraits but I love looking at them. I’d get so frustrated and usually ended up putting them in the bin or ruining the paper with rubbing out. Haven’t even tried one for many years. BUT drawing digitally has massively reduced my frustration levels as it’s so easy to make alterations, so 🤞 I can stick with this.
I’m finding two particular resources useful this week: Jake Spicer’s article in Artist and Illustrator Magazine (September issue), as well as his Insta feed, and ‘Portraits with Procreate’ by Melissa de Nobrega (which I bought with a gift voucher from my birthday 🎁).
I’d never really thought about tonal shapes before, so this is what I’m practising this week. Here are some progress shots (using layers on Procreate):
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We’ve been joking about yellow filters 😂 but I actually might change the yellow. Not sure about it. Although it rocks with the mauves and dull pinks.
I used the grid method for the outlines and a tiny bit of tracing for the tricky parts. This is obviously cheating but my spatial awareness is shocking and I’m just having fun, so I’m cool with that.
I don’t want it to be in a realistic style (thankfully 😂) but I struggle with letting go and adopting a different style, even when drawing plants or animals. I think I’m a copier rather than a creative spirit when it comes to drawing. So we’ll see. I love Jake Spicer’s style. The benefit of Procreate is I’ll be able to experiment…
… and continue to stare at MG as Matthew Roydon (one of my favourite of his incarnations) 😍
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itsmattchou · 1 year
1 to 10, you make my heart flutter !
pairing: zb1 hyung line x gn!reader warnings: noT PROOFREAD!, if you can play the violin NO YOU CANNOT, established relationship, intentional lowercase, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: just cute things the boys do in a relationship notes: THIS IS MY COMEBACK POST YEAHHHHH👹👹👹👹👹 WASSUP i'm back and better than ever. also I've been binging never have i ever recently and i just LOVE that show ngl. BTW THIS ONE'S REALLY BAD SO I'M SORRY
KIM JIWOONG - takes pictures of you. kim "king of taking candid pics of you" jiwoong. you're easily the most gorgeous being in this universe in his eyes. so, naturally, he takes pictures of you whenever you look extra beautiful to him. which is always. he barely takes bad pictures, but whenever one has something off about it- your face is a little to blurry? the lightning doesn't fit? you blinked? picture gets deleted and he continues on taking new ones till he gets the perfect shot that realistically portraits your beauty. every single picture of you in his camera roll is literally instagram worthy. he's like,,,, naturally skilled at being your photographer.
ZHANG HAO - teaches you how to play the violin. hao really loves playing his violin. it's one of his passions- and how could he not share this passion with you, his beautiful partner? the first time you tried to play his instrument was a disaster to be completely honest. it requires a certain amount of skill to sound great- and you did indeed not have that needed skill. it was kind of embarrassing, but hao encouraged you to keep going and continously gave you tips on how to improve. now, after months of dating and months of violin lessons, your skill improved. hao best teacher CONFIRMED
SUNG HANBIN - gives you piggyback rides. hanbin is a tall guy who definitely can carry some weight. he's proving that by carrying you around on his back effortlessly whenever, wherever. if you're out on a date and you even once complain about your feet hurting on the way back home, he's already about to carry you. if you'd ask him why exactly he enjoys piggyback rides so much he wouldn't be able to give you a proper reason. maybe it's the way you're giggling softly right next to his ear when his steps speed up. or mister "acts of service + physical touch" just enjoys being able to help you while keeping you close.
SEOK MATTHEW - takes you on walks. matthew really loves taking walks. with earphones plugged into his ears and his playlist busting, he enjoys just walking around in nature and forgetting about everything for once. well, this was before he met you. now he's taking you regularly on walks with him, strolling through nature or the streets of the city you live in. hand in hand you're talking about anything and everything, giggling and having a great time together. and sometimes you're just silently enjoying your surroundings: the way the sun is tickling your noses or a gentle breeze is brushing your skin.
KIM TAERAE - sings to you. a beautiful man with a beautiful voice? that's exactly who taerae is. now after months of dating his singing is one of your favorite sounds on this planet. lucky for you, there's barely a situation where he does not sing: while showering, while cleaning the house, while cooking? singing. he sings in order to comfort you after you woke up, terrified, in the middle of the night because of a nightmare you had because he knows how soothing the sound of his voice is for you. he writes love songs inspired by you and performs them during private living room concerts (basically just you two chilling on the couch after a date) only for you.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Headcanons about Living in the HOL
1- [x]
2- [x]
3- [x]
Now for more!
- You have suggested therapy to the brothers. A lot. They still haven’t agreed, but you’re going to keep trying because even with you doing all you do FUCKING HELL do these boys have trauma to deal with.
- You’ve gone down and visited Lilith’s memorial in the basement a several times. You talk to her and occasionally lay a flower on her ‘grave’ and thank her for helping you in the small ways she’s been able to.
- You hired an artist to make a family portrait and have everyone in it; even Lilith. It hangs in the living room over the fireplace.
- You’ve grown to... tolerate Solomon’s cooking. You’ve told him point blank that the food isn’t really edible. You’ve told him he’s terrible at cooking. But it’s in one ear and out the other. It normally goes as such:      MC: “Solomon. Honey. I love you. But your cooking is rancid!”      Solomon: “You love me?!” 8D “Let me make you dinner!”
- Diavolo has plans for you to eventually teach at RAD. Mostly to teach about Earth history and cultures; which has led to you studying extra hard and wondering why Solomon isn’t going to be helping you teach since he’s lived through history. But Diavolo’s plan is for him to teach ancient languages.
- You spend some nights at the palace every month. The brothers always get jealous when you go. Especially when you come back with a tell-tale limp. Or being carried back home.
- You were sadly at ground zero when Luke snuck into Asmo’s room and his innocence became lost since Asmo had porn of himself playing on his laptop and was ‘enjoying’ it (because of course he faps to videos of himself). You tried to stop the little angel but he’s like an actual child and darts the moment you blink. Simeon was outraged, but you pointed out that Luke didn’t knock. Asmo was glad you stuck up for him because he was certain he was headed for a bath of holy water otherwise. It took Luke a month before he could stand to be around Asmo again. It took longer for Luke to look at him again.
- Since Satan is not allowed to have a real cat (not that Satan cares as he has at least 10 ‘hidden’ ones), Mammon bought him a realistic robot cat for his room. Satan nearly cried tears of joy. Satan did cry when a book-a-lance fell and broke it. Lucifer replaced it so that Satan didn’t start destroying stuff once the sadness went away.
- Lucifer knows about the cats. He lets Satan think it’s a secret so that Satan won’t try to get an amount that would be noticeable. You found this out when you went to bring Lucifer some coffee and found him petting one of Satan’s cats. You were sworn to secrecy.
- You tried edible underwear with Beel once. And only once. He accidentally bit your thigh and you have small scars from the indents of his teeth. He felt awful about it, still does, and anytime he’s between your legs for fun he kisses the scars in apology. Also he found the rest of the edible underwear you’d intended to use with others and ate them like a snack. You’ve decided to not bother with them anymore.
- Belphie and Satan ask you to every Anti-Lucifer League meeting. If you don’t attend, they email you the minutes of their meeting to see if you wanna join in in pranks.
- Despite your bedroom lock being enchanted, Diavolo can and has waltzed into your room and started cuddling you. Barbatos chastizes him every time as he comes in with him, but it still happens.
- You have shown Simeon the movie ‘Sister Act’. It’s now his favorite movie. You two sometimes sing ‘Ave Maria’ together, stomping and clapping the beat. Luke joins in when he can.
-You had a custom plush made for Levi of his goldfish. He cried tears of joy and it now sits in a glass case in his room.
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petite-madame · 11 months
I look at your art and i cannot even comprehend how you do it. Do you use procreate? what brushes do you use? I’m deeply in love with your work
Hi anon
Thank you so much for your message and for taking the time to contact me. 💗 Sorry about the late reply, I was quite busy in the past two weeks. 😳
Ok! So, to answer your question, I very rarely use Procreate. I used it a bit when I installed it on my iPad one-two years ago: it was exciting and new but I must admit that now, I work mainly on Photoshop. Don't get me wrong, Procreate is an amazing app, you can create tons of effects but I'm much more confortable with Photoshop. However, this artwork and this one were created using mainly Procreate.
More recently (= about 10 days ago 🤓), I bought an app called Rebelle 6 that emulates oil painting and watercolors. I used it on this Sherlock portrait but also on this one on Twitter. If you see this kind of textures in my art from now on, it's thanks to this app.
These were the exceptions, though. As far as the rest is concerned, I use Photoshop CS6 with an Xp-pen tablet. I tried all kind of brushes but the ones I always come back to give my artworks an "old painting" effect are the Mar-ka brushes and the Deharme brushes. (look at this artist's DA page, you have several sets of brushes available). However, sometimes, I change the settings: I add more texture, change the spacing, the brush dynamic, etc…(everything can be found in the PS brush settings). You have to see what works best for you.
On some artworks, I also add a paper texture a bit like the one below, at a low opacity (layer: soft light). Make sure it's a bit grainy and don't hesitate to adjust it using the "brightness/contrast" or "levels" tools.
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However, the opacity and the paper vary according to the artwork. What can work for one artwork is not going to work for another one because of the lighting, the exposure, the effects you want to give. You'll have to try different textures and opacities to reach the effect you want.
The rest is…my style. 🤓 I did a post HERE about how I draw realistic portraits and HERE about a step by step (it was several years ago though so I don't talk about textures, just how I block colors and how I draw realistically).
I hope I managed to answer your question. Thank you for enjoying my work so much and see you at the end of the week with a Stede Bonnet portrait (and then, I'll go on a break to rest a bit ^^)
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scatterbrainedart · 1 year
Izzy Hands’ inability to get a single fucking win in any given situation has captivated me. He’s so SAD. Brother literally cannot catch a break for the life (or death) of him. I wanna be silly about him, but he’s such a sad goddamn character that I just can’t. It just feels wrong. Like, who am I to kick at someone who is already down? And who pretty much has been down since ep 2 at BEST? Sigh.
I adore inner conflict in a character, I eat that shit UP. Outer conflict is nice too, but ohhh. Love me a good worst-enemy-is-oneself trope. Realistically, that’s more so Ed than Izzy, but still. I think it’s the contrast that does it, too.
Izzy is so terribly loyal it hurts. He just has so much bottled up for the entirety of the first season, so many things that he’s repressed that all feeds into his bitterness. That, within itself, is really interesting in a character. Let’s start with his feelings of Ed. He starts of the series smug, confident. He looks up to Ed, as pretty much everyone do. He’s the one person he doesn’t mind being “inferior” to. He’s built up this image of Blackbeard in his mind (which is precisely what Ed struggled with the most part. The way his reputation has outgrown him in a multitude of ways) which he puts on such a high pedestal. Working together with the mighty Blackbeard is an honour. He adores him, and he’s very much pleased with the role he’s serving beside him.
Then in comes Stede, who is everything Blackbeard and Izzy is not. Or at least so it seems, until his whole fucking world has been turned upside down and everything he treasured has been snatched right out of his grasp. Then, to make matters worse, when Stede finally is out of the picture and things should be able to go back the way they were, they don’t. For a while, he could at least hold onto the idea that there was hope, that time would work its magic and things would revert back to normalcy. But it only gets worse, and worse, until it’s undeniably so much worse than it was at the former worst moment.
And the barriers start to melt away. Izzy isn’t dumb, he’s always quite aware of the situation he finds himself in. Even he, the former worst enabler of Blackbeards pirate shenanigans, knows when it’s time to stop. And so he takes on a somewhat more caring role, because he cares. He cares more about Ed than most, and he knows him better than most. Even when he’s unpredictable, and when Izzy himself thinks of him as a stranger. He still knows him better than most of the crew, to the extent in which Ed has allowed it. There is a lot of Ed that Izzy doesn’t know, but I’d imagine he knows the way he functions off by heart. The way his brain works, the way he plans, his mannerisms, stuff like that. Stuff you learn by paying close attention to someone as you spend every day together for years. And stuff you need to learn to survive in an abusive relationship, or in a relationship with someone unstable, in order to keep the water’s calm.
Izzy cares. It comes naturally to him, at least it probably did once. And now, after all that has happened all of him that has been broken down, it shines through again. It seeps out of the cracks of his crushed self, where every part of him is on display in a way he can’t or doesn’t bother to control anymore.
Despite everything, he shows mercy to Ed.
Despite everything, he teaches Stede how to survive (when it wouldn’t have been unexpected of him to want him dead at this point, again).
Despite everything, he lies about the ruined portrait to protect Stede’s perception of Ed.
Despite everything, he tries to move on and move forth.
Despite everything, he helps. He tries to make amends about things that were or weren’t his fault.
And despite everything, despite how much he pushes it away and tries to act like he doesn’t, he wants nothing as much as he wants something gentle. Something kind. He has gotten so much harm done to him by people he trusts, people he trusted and people he doesn’t trust at all. Every touch he’s ever received, to our eyes, has been one with the means of harm.
In season one I enjoyed seeing his homophobic homosexual messiness unfold, and his misery was all good fun. This season? I just wanna lay him to be cozy in a bed somewhere and give him some soup and a kiss on the forehead and tell him it’s gonna be okay. What the hell man.
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
Realistic Portraits of Assassin's Creed Odyssey
okay, this one was, though. The toughest that I've done because even tho AC Odyssey give us realistic faces, they were also kinda of not that realistic? And they were very specifics, so I did the same I've done with the Avatar Realistic Portraits, trying to match the ethnicity based on what I've sawed in the game.
I've also tried to make some characters look older or younger. Like Kass is older than Alexios cuz she is the protagonist, or me aging up Myrrine... Enjoy.
Kassandra and Alexios
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Barnabas and Homero
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Myrrine and Nikolaus
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Stentor and Brasidas
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Aspasia and Pheobe
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Markos and Xenia
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Kyra and Perikles
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Sokrates and Alkibiades
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Bonus: Layla Hassan and Ikaros(human version)
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rius-cave · 21 days
As someone who lives for angst I like to believe that Adam wore his mask all the time because deep down behind all that ego he actually hated to look in the mirror and see the face which caused him to lose two wives (because the reason totally wasn't him being an asshole, noo) and just genuinely how much his looks have changed since Eden etc. I know canon Adam is far from having issues with his looks and self esteem and him wearing it constant was merely for a big face reveal, but I still like to play around with the idea.
So, imagine Lucifer seeing Adam's face again for the first time in centuries when his mask breaks and falls off at their fight. Then he's reborn as a sinner, he doesn't have one, of course. Eventually, he tries to get or make a new one cause he's feeling exposed without it. He starts covering his face again and Lucifer doesn't like it. He doesn't necessarily know why Adam does that, maybe he just thinks Adam finds it cool or iconic or something but he wants to see his actual face so he tries everything to get him take it off but Adam just won't! And it's infuriating, why wouldn't he show his face?? Just what does Lucifer have to do to make him take it off??
Also, wearing that thing for everyday must have some unpleasant side effects. I don't think it's good for the skin and once he actually takes it off ppl would look at him like "what's wrong are you sick???" meanwhile he's been just wearing that thing for several days without a break lol.
hey, any excuse to give Adam more character depth is good in my book! Sure, there is a practical and realistic explanation, but who cares about that?
I really do like the idea of Adam desperately trying to get himself a new mask. He feels naked, like there's something wrong, something similar to Blitz scribbling out his face in pictures or Stolas covering his face in his portraits. I imagine Lucifer would be confused bc, idk, the mask is like part of the exorcist uniform right? So why does he want to keep wearing a mask???? Little did he know Adam made the mask a part of the uniform so he could have an excuse to wear it himself all the time.
And yes, wearing that thing all the time is definitely bad for him LOL I can't imagine how unhealthy his skin must be, uh, if that can even be applied to dead people anyway
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astaraels · 4 months
Hi Leinth! Hope you’re good🩵 I’m here to invade your inbox. Do you have any more Starr verse headcanons to share? What are they up to these days? I love reading about this universe!
If not then hope your day is going well anyway💛
Sure thing! I'd love to talk more about Starr 💫 and her silly dads 🧡🖤 (thank you for being so patient I've been so brain exhausted lately)
So I think Starr would really end up liking art once the guys get her back in school. And Ian goes all out—he and Mickey have been doing well with making money (in this au Ian is an EMT again I don't care if it's realistic, and Mickey has the security business with at least two employees because Ian nagged at him until he was gainfully (read: legally) employed, and business is doing good) and even though they're back on the South Side they have their own house and everything—he buys her art supplies and the fancy paper and pencils and she wants to try charcoal? They're getting her charcoal. Watercolors? Fuck yes. Oils, pastels? You know it! He is doing everything. Mickey tells him he's being ridiculous but Ian saw him bring home some of those drawing help books and stick them in Starr's room with her stuff so she "doesn't know" he got it for her (she totally knows, and she thinks they're both ridiculous)
She also uses the whole Gallagher clan as practice for drawing people—Debbie is absolutely thrilled when Starr does a really lovely portrait of Franny and frames it and everything; Tami does the same for Star's picture of Fred, too. It also gets her interested in photography, and Mickey tells Ian not to go crazy but he's the one who buys the super nice camera and takes her out scouting cool places for pictures or landscapes. Sometimes she just likes to take the L to different places around town and either snap some photos or sit down with her sketch pad. Ian gets nervous at first about her going off on her own but Mickey is like stop worrying—they compromise and get her a cell phone on their family plan so she can call them if she has any trouble (really she can still pass at her age for the most part but Ian still frets).
It's summer here so of course you gotta imagine her taking Franny and Fred to the pool—everyone learns pretty quickly that she's very trustworthy (she had younger siblings growing up) and the kids adore her—which makes her anxious with swim wear. But there's a specific swim line that I read about a few years ago, where the father of a trans girl put together swim bottoms specifically for trans girls to wear, and they might find something like that for her and a cute top (I figure they would help find a way to get her on HRT—Ian and Mickey got a whole packet of informational material from Debbie about taking care of trans kids once she knew Starr was staying with them), and she's nervous the first few times she goes out in her new swim wear but she starts getting more confident! Learning to love herself! It's a glow up and we love to see it <3
Honestly there might be some angst up ahead on the horizon (trying to formally adopt her would have its challenges, not to mention if her bio family tries looking for her) but right now it's just goofy family stuff! Fluff and fun!
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maousanofficiel · 2 months
Realistic Tsuno portrait (Demon slayer OC)
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Vacations started, I got my diploma aaaand didn't do any drawing sorry... I just had panic attacks in loop and reached 200 bpm with 40 degrees so I technically unlocked my demon slayer mark !!!! HAHAHAHHAH
But I'm trying to draw again and fight against it :D So here's realistic Tsuno ! That was hard to make since it's not my usual art style but I'm trying to make more realism, I also wanted to show you how Tsuno actually looks like...
Her mother was a high ranked Orian and she inherited her face and body's beauty, Tsuno is considered both beautiful and terrifying in the demon slayer universe because despite her beauty, she's albino (people confused her with demons or thought she was cursed) and has a big scar on her face... That's also why she has fangs on her right eye, she tries to hide and only show her "pretty side"...
Hope you like it :3
(Little reminder, the blonde, brown and black hair is from her dead family, it's not hers, she only has white and pink hair but keeping dead loved ones lock of hair was a tradition in her village)
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