#i tried to stay away from yandere elements because i feel like i use those too often
stargazeraldroth · 3 months
Hear me out, stars sans poly but it’s shattered and whatever like swap sans would qualify for the shattered star sanses, but ink’s normal
What do you think of that?
You have been heard, anon! I am fully supportive of this concept/dynamic and I am here for it.
As a matter of fact, me and @lix88888 have actually talked about this very idea before! I believe the evil Blue that we used was a tweaked version of Yanberry, where we took away a lot of questionable and UwU traits. And I believe both Blue and Shattered were yanderes, but I could be wrong about that. But for the sake of the ask (and because I don't remember much about the AU right now), I'm gonna start from scratch on the dynamic.
From a general standpoint, I think this pairing has a lot of potential dynamics and ways it could go. You could take a yandere approach, an angsty approach, or you could be fluffy with it. I'm going to try and keep a very neutral approach that could be applied to any of these interpretations (though whether or not I'll succeed in doing so is another subject)
I think Shattered would be more open about his attraction than Dream would be. He's more flirty and isn't shy about his feelings, so he's very upfront with them with the other two. He would find any shyness about it on their ends to be adorable, but would be displeased with himself for any hesitation. The way he sees it, Dream was all the "weak" parts of himself, including any bashfulness about feelings. And do you wanna know something? He likes that Ink hasn't changed much. He likes that Ink's still working as the Protector, that he still values the AUs and goes to stop Error and Nightmare. Imo, Shattered wouldn't be very fond of Evil!Ink (which a lot of people have as just blank). Not only would a constantly blank Ink be utterly boring, but that's not who he fell in love with in the first place. That's like someone else entirely. Also, if Ink DID turn evil like them, then they couldn't have their play fights whenever they decide to cause trouble!
As for Blue, I'm not gonna be doing a Yanberry iteration here. He's just... evil now. I don't know why he is, but he is. Not much has changed about his dynamic with the other two, though he is a bit confused on why Ink's so... casual about all of this. Doesn't he care that they're not helping anymore? There's no tension with that, it's mostly surprise and curiosity.
And Ink? He doesn't really care what they're up to. After all, this must've been the Creators' will! It's all meant to happen! So he has no reason to interfere with any of it. Besides, they know how hard his job is, it's not like they're making it any harder on him.
Just. Ink with evil boyfriends. Yes.
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remotepixel · 2 months
Hi, it is a bit angsty, but imagine yandere platonic avengers with an outcast/wanderer teen mutant reader (maybe some elemental powers like fire) who is cynical because her parents kicked her out because they discovered her powers and thought of her as a freak? Can you please write how would they react to her and what kind of thing would they do to make her trust them? Thanks a lot.
Hiii! Thank you for requesting and sorry this took me so long <3
TW: yandere themes
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-Assuming the reader didn’t want to become a hero in fear of being outcasted even further, it’d probably be someone like Clint who met you first - someone who isn’t immediately spotted by the public.
-As a father (or, to be fair, just a normal empathetic person), seeing an obviously homeless/mistreated kid would be setting off a series of alarm bells and a want to help. Since he’s trained for stealth, I think he’d be able to recognize the distrust in your overall posture and gaze, so he wouldn’t push too much. He’d probably hand over some money, a simple suggestion to stay safe, and head on his way.
-Obviously, his concern starts to grow into obsession (you’ll start seeing him more, he asks a few more questions than last time), but he wouldn’t mention it to the avengers unless he felt there was a higher need to: like seeing you start a fire with just your hands.
-As you can probably guess, they’re not a big fan of hearing some kid could just burn down the entire street if they wanted to, but, since, at the end of the day, you’re just a kid using your powers to survive, they wouldn’t be trying to hunt you down or anything of the sort. In a mixture of sympathy or some member’s wariness, they would be joining Clint in his (now daily) check up on you.
-Natasha is an expert in reading body language and changing hers to get what she wants, so she could smell your distrust from a mile away. She’ll keep up a emotionless façade despite your best efforts to make her leave.
-It’d probably annoy you more at first, the fact she’s so calm when you’re having the worst time of your life, but she’s careful to not cross any boundaries she knows she won’t come back from and you start to feel bad later on, thinking of your emotional outbursts against her stoicism.
-When you’re starting to trust her more, she opens to you in return. She don’t ask about your home life or what happened, she mostly listens or sits in the quiet with you, with the hopes of becoming a safe place against everything (or anyone) else.
-Bruce would be another more comforting figure out of them all. He knows how it feels to be judged for something - destructive - out of your control, and it would offer a comfort to know you’re not alone.
-I don’t see him visiting as often as some of the others (he’s too nervous to do so - just in case he messes anything up), but normally brings something when he does; something small like a trinket or a book. He doesn’t want to come off as pitying, and he assumes you won’t be accepting of any ‘extravagant’ gifts, so he hopes you would at least accept those - a way of showing he cares and something to do for you.
-He wouldn’t push his luck, similar to Nat and Clint, but he would suggest moving into the tower or similar thanks to him being science bros with the pushiest member of the team: Tony.
-Tony would be the worst person in this scenario. Sure, he knows his way around the social scene, but normally that’s with fellow arrogant businessmen, not angsty teens.
-Despite understanding your distrust, he doesn’t have the subtle cues mastered like Nat. His first line to you is probably a question/joke about your powers, which definitely doesn’t help when that’s the reason you’re cynical in the first place. He’ll attempt to be casual, then just blurt out how the tower has extra rooms - an not-very-subtle offer you have declined too many times in the past week.
-What he makes up with badly-formed conversations, he tries to make up with gifts: blankets, shoes, way too much cash he just shoves into your hand before leaving. He doesn’t view you as a charity case, but he hopes his attentiveness to your needs/wants solidifies the fact that he’s trying to help.
-Steve’s a 50/50 I think. He’s an easy person to trust, but once his obsessive thoughts start taking over, he gives off heavy ‘i’m going to gaslight every interaction into something positive and you’re never getting rid of me’.
-Like, even if you don’t trust him (yet), he’ll be sitting next to you with a smile on his face thinking about how well this is going. It clear he’s trying though. He’s persistent in his efforts - making sure to visit everyday at a set time - with either food or maybe his drawing kit if you’re interested in that.
-He’d probably pull out the ‘:(’ face if he deems you haven’t opened up enough to him, and basically try and guilt-trip you into doing so (because he’s the epitome of goodness, right? Shouldn’t you trust him at least?)
-Thor probably doesn’t realise you don’t trust him. As long as you stick around, cowering in the corner or not, he’ll happily talk about his newest adventures or how much you would like Asgard (never mind the fact you won’t even think of the idea of following him somewhere and he’s already trying to bring you back to his home realm).
-He’d be similar to Tony in terms of being overly-interested in your powers, but his is out of such pure enthusiasm that’s it hard to completely brush him off. He doesn’t even flinch if you decide to show how dangerous your powers can be on a stray piece of trash, he’s just happy to see you using them.
-When you eventually open up about your parents, the avengers aren’t happy obviously. They knew you probably weren’t living in the streets for fun, but to hear that the people you were supposed to trust most were the reason?
-Don’t be surprised if you hear your parents have suddenly gotten fired from their jobs and moved across the state (or, at least, that’s what people think since they’ve also cut off any contacts they had).
-However, in a twisted way, there is a sense of satisfaction that your parents were fully out of the picture, no ways of them ever being able to regain your trust. It leaves an open spot for the avengers to swoop in; pick up the broken pieces and claim the number one spot in your heart.
-You can happily stay in the tower with them, far above the streets you once lived in, knowing that they’ll never let you leave go back.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Yan Childe x Reader x Yan Scaramouche HCs.
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Warnings: Yandere themes, unwanted touching, and unhealthy relationships. Note: i need to warmup my brain so i wrote some headcanons... 
The Tsaritsa had taken notice of the bad blood emanating between her two Harbingers. It would be impossible for anyone to miss, though few held the bravery to acknowledge the matter. Rather than leaving the problem to fester, she came to negotiate an arrangement between them both. Your time was to be delegated evenly between them both to prevent the inevitable carnage that would result otherwise.
Naturally, your feelings are taken with a grain of salt here; the Tsaritsa’s more concerned about preventing the two from being at each other’s throats than what you want. Perhaps there’s a gleam of pity in her eyes when she gazes down at you, yet it’s gone before you could blink. 
Neither Childe nor Scaramouche are entirely content with the end result. However, their Tsaritsa had spoken, and no longer wished to dwell on the matter. The final sentiment that they’re left with is that maybe you could be given as a reward to whoever completes her creed to the fullest. Thus begins your life of being tugged between two crazed individuals who feel as if they have everything to prove. 
Childe doesn’t want to dwell on what he cannot change. Where Scaramouche is forced to bite his tongue when receiving news of the arrangement, Childe is already thinking of all the ways he can use it to his advantage. He wants to set himself up to be your “favorite” of the two. Which is easier said than done, as you actively despise them both. 
Still, he’s never been one to back down from a challenge, and that’s exactly what he views you as. A lovely challenge for him to conquer. Childe is used to those around him being on edge due to his affiliations, yet he always manages to get what he wants out of them regardless due to his diplomatic abilities. He can say the right things at the right time and gets results. 
He quickly adapts to the new circumstances. In his allotted time with you, you can expect to be dragged from one place to the next. Childe is so confident in his strength and ability to keep you from running away that you almost thought he was bluffing. However, the few times you tried slinking off, you quickly discovered that there’s truth to his claims. His senses are almost inhuman. 
It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling on the road or staying in an inn — you’re going to be sleeping right next to him. Childe might joke about how it’s because he doesn’t want to let you slip through his fingers, but in truth, he just likes having you close. He’s by far the touchier and mostly openly affectionate of the two. You will not know what having space is like when he’s around, he always has his hands or arms around you. 
Childe doesn’t mind bringing you along on jobs that are going to be dangerous. It serves a few purposes. One, he’ll be extra diligent as there’s the added element of protecting you, which is even more thrilling than fighting alone. Two, you’ll get to witness his incredible strength that he’s honed his entire life firsthand. He’s something of a showoff. The adrenaline he gets from knowing you’re watching him is addicting, he can’t get enough of it. 
If you play your cards right, you might be able to convince Childe to grant you some simple freedoms. Nothing too grand, but you’re willing to take anything you can get. He’s more willing to take you on walks or bring you out in public to eat at restaurants. This is a privilege that can be rescinded, however, so you have to remain cognizant of that. He’ll keep an arm around your shoulder almost the entire time you’re out. 
You’ll find that Scaramouche is both a shrewd and determined man. Nothing gets past him — a lesson that you’ll learn early on — so it’s better not to take more risks than necessary. He has a very low tolerance for disobedience but might entertain some verbal disagreements, if not for the satisfaction of proving you incorrect. 
He expects you to accompany him on most jobs. Since his time with you is somewhat limited, he wants to take advantage of every second, and thus you become his travel companion. Scaramouche isn’t a fan of camping outside unless it’s absolutely necessary, unlike Childe, who is fine either way. He prefers the privacy of an inn when you’re with him. It also helps that the locked doors and windows makes it harder for you to escape. Scaramouche still stations guards outside as a precaution, but facing his wrath is often enough reason to discourage you from trying anything. 
You’re given a touch more privacy with Scaramouche than with Childe. While he does take you almost everywhere with him, for very important jobs, he’d prefer you stayed back until he returned. He doesn’t want to risk you making a scene. The alone time is a valued reprieve from all the stress being on edge around these men causes, so you’ll take what you can get, even if the reason for it is dehumanizing. 
Scaramouche finds himself treating you like a confidant at times, oddly enough. He berates your intelligence yet still speaks to you about his work. It started as an accident. He only wanted to vent about a diplomat who had messed up his plans, but grew to enjoy how it felt to get the feelings out of his system. You were surprised to learn he talks a lot under the right circumstances. He’ll normally wave off your tentative suggestions, though if they’re actually viable, he’ll make a mental note of it. Not that he’d ever tell you this, he can’t let it get to your head that he sometimes takes your advice. 
He has an entire wardrobe dedicated to the clothes he’s bought for you. Scaramouche is very particular about what he wants you to wear, down to the accessories in your hair. He mutters under his breath that Childe has a boorish taste in fashion while handmaidens rush to fix you to his liking. Scaramouche finds you aesthetically pleasing to look at. You’ll sometimes be called into his presence just to sit in silence while he works, occasionally stealing glances in your direction. 
You’ll eventually conclude that Scaramouche is a very lonely man. His disagreeable personality has him at odds with many people, you’re just about the only person he spends his free time with, and that’s because you don’t have a choice. The fact that he has to “share” you with Childe is even more of an insult because of this. He wants to have you all for himself and will stop at nothing to make that a reality.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Who do you think would be able to noncon and wife Lumine? Since she's been traveling worlds and stuff she's probably stronger than what we give credit for, so who do you think would be a good match for her?
Oh there's a lot of good candidates and I am a Lumine Harem Enthusiast™ and honestly everyone has their own advantages.
I mean yes Lumine is powerful, but still visibly struggles at times like the golden house fight, with Baal, etc, so I think it's fair to say she has combat experience/technique skill and elemental power but still the actual physical strength of the average female of her size, so, not too strong. Unfortunately without a vision, she can't just have her power stripped from her, but most of our boys are candidates in their own way.
She visibly struggles against Baal, so it's fair to say she's no match for an actual archon like Zhongli or Venti, probably not Xiao either. In terms of physical + elemental power she's not even close to a combative threat. Those three would have the easiest time of it. Of them, the most likely to do so would definitely be Xiao, based on some of his dialogues and birthday letter and teapot lines he's pretty direct about having some form of attachment to/affection for the traveler and just based on his personality I feel like he's the most likely to snap into yan mode, so to speak.
Side note interestingly one of the things I haven't discussed much is that like, yandere is rarely the natural state of a person, it's more like an underlying tendency/a state of mind/a "side" of a person that can be triggered or snapped into, and certain individuals are more or less likely to do so. Some have to be driven to a breaking point through a lot of stress, some just a few conditions have to be met, and then for a few it's basically their default when they experience affection or attachment. So certain characters are far more likely than others to "become yandere." Xiao is absolutely high on that scale for likeliness, would be in that last category, so yeah, the most likely of those 3.
Venti would be least likely, but he could be driven to it, and Zhongli is somewhere in the middle. All of them would be able to do so with some ease, though, and Zhongli and Xiao specifically could lock her in an abode. Not to mention they don't really die as easily as a person I think? So even if she attacks they'll probably be fine. Venti also has psychological manipulation on his side, he can probably easily gaslight her into seeing her brother as an enemy if he really tries. If all else fails, sweep her up with that burst of his and knock her out.
Any human or human adjacent would have a significantly harder time since Lumine's elemental powers cannot just be taken away so easily. If anyone can find a way to do so though, that would probably be Albedo. He's also smart enough to not make his intentions too obvious, much like with his quest - he would just perform harmless experiments he claims are for this or that reason, eventually developing a way to strip her of her power. His biggest advantage is obviously intelligence. He'd always be one step ahead of her, always predict her next move, and that's just as good of an advantage as any physical or elemental one.
So while it would be more difficult if she still has her power, the thing about Kaeya and Diluc is both of them are the kind of stubborn (Diluc) and deranged (Kaeya) enough to... Just restrain her. Arms and legs bound. At all times. Can't use your powers if you can't move. Diluc can just keep trying to be kind in his own way, because he *can* be sweet and caring when he tries, and would eventually just mindbreak/Stockholm her. Kaeya on the other hand... She's a lot more likely to end up... Permanently incapacitated. Can't escape if you can't use your limbs. For those two, the hard part would be getting her - most likely grab her while she's asleep, but once they have her and get her restrained, they're set. They're both bigger stronger men and can easily beat her in terms of pure hand to hand strength. Pyro is a rather frightening element and can be used as a projectile in Diluc's case, a burn can easily incapacitate. And if she tries to escape in the rain or cross a river she can be easily frozen too, and Kaeya's one of the least afraid to seriously hurt her to begin with. Eventually she'll become conditioned, the pain she experiences every time she tries to escape will eventually outweigh her desire to be free and find her brother, eventually she'll crack and give in to despair and give up, he can break her with time.
Childe and Scara would have it a bit easier than those two, because they have more help. The Dawn Winery maids can help Diluc sure, but they can't really contain her quite like Fatui can. She can't fight off 10 of them by herself. So even when they're not nearby, they can just have people watch her. Sure she puts up a fight, but they both kinda like that. In the end even if she escapes, they can probably manage to get her back, especially with help. For one I feel like Childe is a lot more capable when in a wide open space like the outdoors chasing her would be, in comparison to a tiny enclosed space like our fight with him.
The smaller boys would have the most difficulty. Razor and Xingqiu have the advantage of pure numbers/outnumbering her. Xingqiu has guards but in the end they're just normal guys and can't do too much. Still, when their entire force is gathered, they might be able to overpower her, especially if she's not in anemo mode and can't blow them away.
Razor has a similar thing going on -- sure, they're animals, you can blow away five wolves, but fifteen? Thirty? Fourty? She'd be able to escape eventually but the problem here would be staying escaped. Boy has no limits and inhuman levels of stubbornness and will gladly chase her across the entire map. Catch Lumine reaching Inazuma thinking she's finally safe and our boy comes emerging from the water like the cryptid he is just "found you, we go home now", he fucking swam across the ocean for that Lumine coochie and he'll do it again. Unbelievable.
Razor also has an elemental advantage. Other elements like hydro + cryo combo can freeze her if you have dual yans, but his is the only element where getting one good hit in can completely shock her into unconsciousness or paralysis.
The ones who have the hardest times would be Chongyun and Kazuha. It's just themselves, really, I doubt the Crux would be too willing to help imprison a girl, especially since Kazuha isn't in a position of power over them the way Diluc, Xingqiu, Scara and Childe have power over their forces, and they're not as insanely loyal as the wolves. Chongyun is on his own by default, maybe can enlist help from Xingqiu and his forces, but it's unlikely they'll help him all the time. Both are pretty determined, but they'd have a difficult time fighting her. It's a toss up honestly, but even if they lose one battle they can find her again and eventually win. They would both likely try to catch her by surprise, take her while she's sleeping, etc. Kazuha has no qualms restraining her, Chongyun feels bad, but he'll do it if he has to.
Bennett has the pure protection of being Bennett. Like yeah you want to find your brother but is it worth making Bennett sad? No. No it is not. I'd drop my entire journey right there bc I can't bear the thought of hurting him. He doesn't even have to restrain her, could you imagine breaking his heart you monster? No. Lumine is finished.
Dainsleif could probably manage. He has tricks up his sleeve, I guarantee it. He's been around long enough there's no way he hasn't learned how to handle a being like her, probably knows of a way to strip her of power.
Tbh? Ultimately, the best choice in terms of being able to handle her is her brother. He knows her too well. He knows exactly what her strengths and weaknesses are, he probably knows exactly how to beat her. He knows her better than anyone, and it gives him an incomparable advantage, so she's pretty much done for.
So tl;dr Lumine is fucked both figuratively and literally and should just accept her fate :)
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The Batboys Growing Up as Yanderes Part 1: Bruce Wayne
This is a yandere story; it mentions elements of death, murder, stalking, kidnapping and unhealthy obsession. If any of this is triggering for you, I understand, and you don’t have to read it.
As always feedback is welcome.
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Something broke in Bruce the night his parents died, and it only got worse as he grew older. It started with Bruce becoming afraid that everyone he loved would leave him. Even you, the girl he’d known for as long as he could remember. As time passed, that fear would lead to an all-consuming need to keep you by his side.
Alfred had tried to tell himself that this was normal, Bruce had just lost the two most important people in his life, and that he would grow out of it once he realized you weren’t going anywhere.
Alfred had never been more wrong. Once he realized that the changes in the boy were permanent, he was left with a choice. He could continue to be willfully ignorant, or he could accept that the young master wasn’t entirely sane and do his best to help him not get caught.
Alfred loved Bruce like he was his own, so he chose the latter.
As time wore on and Bruce’s feelings for you became more romantic than platonic things got worse. Bruce was always convinced that someone would try to take you from him, that you were going to leave him behind in the dust, or that you’d end up dead like his parents.
It didn’t matter that you were from one of Gotham’s more destitute neighborhoods and could only afford to survive because Bruce started paying your bills when the power was cut while your dad lay strung out on the worn old sofa.
Nor did it matter that you were only able to attend Gotham Academy because he paid for it. Bruce knew the world would try and take you from him one way or another, but he wouldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t let that happen.
So he subtly sabotaged your grades so that they were barely good enough to keep you in the prestigious school, really the only reason he paid the tuition was that he liked to keep you close; you wouldn’t need a college education or a job. After all, he’d take care of you.
The dark parts of his brain kept whispering to him that you couldn’t leave if you weren’t able to look out for yourself, it didn’t matter if you could anyways, that’s he was there for. What good was being a billionaire if you couldn’t use that money to make sure that the girl you loved was safe and well kept?
Bruce thought one of the other kids was going to realize that you were everything good about the world concentrated into its purest form, and they were going to take you from him. It didn’t matter how many times Alfred tried to convince him it wasn’t true, that even if they did try and win you over, you’d never just abandon him.
Bruce’s possessiveness came to a head when you were fifteen, one of the kids from school wanted to take you out on a date and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Bruce pulled you in and kissed you fervently right there in the middle of the hallway. It was a statement you were his, and no one was going to take you from him.
When the kid who was hitting on you was found stabbed to death behind a bar that was known for overlooking age if you paid well enough, who would suspect Bruce Wayne, after all, he’d gotten the girl. Even if someone did think Bruce did it, what evidence could they find when the culprit dumped the knife in the river and burned everything else.
It wasn’t even a year after you first kissed that Bruce proposed, he’d done it on your sixteenth birthday. It started out with diner at the manor, he’d made sure to have the whole nine yards ready, candles, music, and a spread of your favorite foods. When he got down on one knee didn’t even hesitate when you said yes. Little did you know that you were celebrating when you should have been running because once that ring was on your finger, there was no going back; you were going to be Mrs. Wayne for the rest of your life, whether you liked it or not. 
The ring had been in the Wayne family since they founded Gotham, students and teachers alike knew that ring, because it meant that the person who owned it would have a level of power and prestige only a Wayne could achieve.
Suddenly teachers were a lot nicer to you, and the students who used to hiss at you over your lack of wealth wanted to be your friend. You weren’t stupid enough to fall for any of it; they just wanted to be your buddy because when you and Bruce got married, it would give you a level of influence only a Wayne could achieve.
Bruce hadn’t planned on you freezing everyone besides him out, but he can’t say that he’s too terribly upset by it. It just makes it easier for him to keep you for himself.
Bruce’s protective traits don’t surface until several weeks after the engagement, he gets a call from your father’s loan shark demanding ransom money. Apparently, dear old dad traded you in exchange for his debts being forgiven. The fiancée of Bruce Wayne would fetch a lot of cash; even more then the twenty-grand, her father was in debt.
Bruce wasn’t Batman yet; he knew he wouldn’t be able to take out an entire crew of crooks. So, he called the one man in the GCPD he knew he could trust, Detective James Gordon. Gordon came up with a plan to get you out safely. If it wasn’t for him, Bruce wasn’t even sure if he’d have gotten you back alive.
That moment is what sealed his fate as Batman, sure he’d been toying with the idea before, but now he knew that he’d have to make Gotham a safer place for you and everyone else who lived in it. Only there was something he needed to do first.
Sure, Bruce wanted to give you the big fancy wedding you deserved, but that would have to wait until he got back. Right then, he only wanted to ensure that you had unhindered access to the Wayne fortune while he was away so that you wouldn’t go without, Bruce also knew it would make it harder for you to leave him if the distance got too much for you to take.
It hadn’t taken much convincing from Bruce to get your dad to agree to sign the papers after all the man owed him big time, because your ransom had nearly been three times your dad’s debt. It had taken even less persuasion to get your dad to stay in Vegas after the wedding, Bruce didn’t want him anywhere near you.
It was only about a month after the wedding that Bruce left Gotham, though over the nine years he was gone, he never failed to send a letter each month. Sometimes they’d come with a gift, a dress from Paris, a jade hairpin from china, a painting from Venice, among other things.
When Bruce decided that it was time to come home he surprised you by coming back on your anniversary, he called Alfred as soon as he landed in Gotham and asking him to pick up a bouquet of your favorite flowers, and to make sure dinner was perfect.
Bruce may have not been ready for Gotham to know that he was back yet, but he’d been away from you for nine years, far too long.
You flew across the room and in his arms in a heartbeat when he walked into the manor. He’d gotten taller while he was away, broader two. It was almost impossible to believe that he was the same person who’d left Gotham nine years ago, but it was him, you’d recognize those eyes anywhere.
You realized he’d left as a boy, but he’d come back a man. The thought of how many years you’d lost brought tears to your eyes. Bruce gripped you tighter as you fought back your tears, the years had been lonely for you, but for him, they’d been agony, now that you were back in his arms he wasn’t ever going to let you go again.
It hadn’t taken you long after his return to realize Bruce was no longer the boy you’d fallen in love with, he was less open about his feelings with you and distant. You’d also changed over the near-decade the two of you had been apart. You realized how unhealthy it was for Bruce to want to know where you were at twenty-four-seven, or that he wanted to control who you talked to.
When you were younger, you brushed these off as him just wanting to keep you safe, but now you understood that something was seriously wrong with your husband. The final straw was when you’d found out he’d been stalking you over the bat-computer. He’d investigated every aspect of your life from when he was gone
You packed your bags and tried to make your way out of Gotham, maybe even to leave the country, but you hadn’t even made it off the manor’s grounds. There was a sharp sensation on the back of your neck, and before you knew it, Bruce had caught your falling body in his arms.
Bruce had been afraid this day would come, and always he’d been prepared for it. There was a room in Wayne manor that he’d have to keep you in until you realized that staying with him would be the best thing for you.
Bruce held you to his chest as he walked to the room. He wasn’t sure if he was more angry or sad about you trying to leave him, but that didn’t matter, you were his wife, and he wasn’t going to let you go. Not now, not ever.
He hoped that in time you’d understand that it’d be better, you’d be safe, and Bruce would make sure that you were well cared for, heck all you had to do was ask for it and he’d give you the world. The only thing he wouldn’t do was let you leave him. You were his wife, and it was going to stay that way until he drew his last breath.
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shoujolover-666 · 4 years
A fae’s love
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27197677
Characters: Yandere!Lilia, Reader
Summary:  Lilia could feel that they were being watched.
A frustrated sound filled the oh so silent room as they threw their phone against their bed, a look of anger was on their face as they ran a hand through soft strands of hair. It was the Halloween Event in Twisted Wonderland, and they saved up quite a lot of summons just for that. They didn’t manage to get any of the cards they wanted though.
Not a single Jade, Vil or even Azul was in sight. No, the only one they got was Lilia.
Over and over again.
Even when they maxed him out, the gacha didn’t stop throwing the young looking ancient being at them.
Really, at first they didn’t mind it at all. Lilia was one of their favourite characters because of how fun, interesting and mysterious he was, but that didn’t mean that he wanted to get him. All. The. Time.
They lied down next to the phone he just threw a few seconds ago, grabbing it before rolling around in a lazy manner. For now… he would probably level him up and put him in his team. His attack stats weren’t bad after all, and the element combination was decent enough.
Still, they had no intention of keeping him there permanently.
While they were trying to calm themself down, they didn’t notice the pair of red eyes following him through the screen.
~ 🦇
Lilia was watching them from the homescreen. It was the only time he had the chance to watch them, for usually, he was busy doing other things usually.
Being with his dorm mates, watching some of the other students or doing whatever task he had been given by the teachers who were like little children in comparison to himself.
But when he was summoned by that strange entity, he was able to take a glimpse at a person who seemed to be the one who was watching over all of them, influencing the child of man in the way they wanted him to act to a certain extent. Something that was quite fascinating to him.
A person who was watching over them from time to time, almost as if they were some kind of god… he wished to know more about them. He wanted to see what they would think of all of them, and he wanted to know in what way they would tick.
That was how he started to watch them from the background, hidden in places in which he guessed that the entity was not able to see him. Lilia was able to feel when he was being watched, which he used to his advantage. The ancient fae started to be around the other students more as he observed Yuu. In a way, he acted way too passive for it to be natural. Almost as if he was simply a vessel for the being who was watching all of the things at the school unfold.
There were times when he was stuck at a strange place, in which he couldn’t do much, he had the opportunity to take a close look at them.
It was fascinating. They were neither unbelievable beautiful nor ugly, but there was something so fascinating, that he couldn’t help but be in slight awe.
A pair of eyes that were shining with excitement. Locks of soft looking hair that he wanted to touch and maybe do something with. Rosy cheeks and a bright smile on cute lips.
“Isn’t it interesting how mysterious I am?”
“Hehe, did you notice? Today I was able to tie my necktie into a prettier butterfly knot than usual.”
He loved talking to them, and sometimes, they even answered with an adorable laugh of theirs. It always made his heart beat in excitement, and he couldn’t help but look forward to those meetings more and more, no matter how sudden they were. With time though, he noticed that they spent less and less time with him, until at one point he wasn’t being summoned anymore. At that, he became annoyed, which he hid behind his usual smile. Certainly they will summon him again, won’t they?
He was wrong. They did not summon him, and he got angrier and angrier each time. They paid more and more attention to the other students than him, and he could feel his blood boil.
How were they worthy when they did not even notice their presence? How were they more deserving of their love than him. At one point, he snapped and decided to take matters in his own hands.
Each time he could feel the pull, he would get in the other students way, so they would only have him in their mind. When it was time for Halloween, he made sure that they won’t get anyone but him.
Like that, they would have to notice him again. To love him again and to pay attention to him.
Lilia could feel the anger, even see it sometimes, but he didn’t care and kept on smiling. As long as they looked at them, he was happy.
That was what he thought at first at least. The longer that went on, the longer he desired to be able to interact with that deity, with that god.
With that goal in mind, he started to research. Day and night, he spent his time in libraries while using his connections to all kinds of people that he built up over the years he has lived to get more magical texts and scrolls.
There had to be something that would let him do the thing he wanted, right?
Time passed, and he got more and more frustrated. His obsession only grew with each day.
Until it finally happened.
A magic spell that required a few living sacrifices to summon a being into his world, into his arms. It was not guaranteed that it would work, or that it would bring him the person he wanted to meet so badly, but he didn’t care.
Sacrificing a few was worth it, as long as he could get to touch them, to talk to them, to take them.
Maybe there were a few people who wouldn’t be missed? The headmaster might be willing to part from a few of his students if he offered him a few favours.
Lilia was numb to killing and death because of the things he did in the past.
War was taxing on the mind, even if it had been such a long time ago. Now though, it helped him with having an easier time to get the things he wanted.
To his surprise, Crowley was not willing to offer students, but he was willing to use contacts of his own.
Well, as long as he got what he needed, he didn’t care.
Like that, he started to prepare the ritual. He was careful, everything had to be perfect. When he had the time, he was preparing the room he would keep them in.
Soft, pillows. Silken sheets. Comfortable beds. A wardrobe with the finest clothes.
Anything less could not be accepted. A chuckle crawled up his throat, which he hid behind his hand before he continued to prepare everything.
~ 🦇
They were playing the main story of Twisted Wonderland. Chapter five to be more exact. Their fingers were resting over the screen as they read the text, chuckling over the funny moments while getting angry over moments that they saw as unfair. Every time they played this game, they couldn’t help but feel with the characters and get invested in what they are doing and how they felt.
Still, in the end, they were just fictional characters. And soon, they were sure of it, they would find another fandom to get into and start obsessing over that. It was simply a cycle, and they didn’t mind as long as it brought them joy.
A surprised look was on their face and they looked around, searching for the source of the voice. It was Lilias voice, they knew it all too well by now, having heard it almost every time they visited the game.
But how? He was nowhere to be seen on the screen, the only characters visible were Vil and Epel!
Screeching was echoing from the walls as their hand suddenly went through the phone, a force seemed to suck them in. They tried to fight against it, but to no avail. Laughing was the last thing they heard, before they lost consciousness.
~ 🦇
Lilia looked at the summoning circle that appeared on the ceiling he was in and grinned from ear to ear, holding out his arms so he would be able to catch them. They landed safely in his arms, and he could feel their sweet scent enveloping him.
It was difficult to describe because of how intoxicating it was to him. The body he held close to himself was warm, and full of life.
They were perfect. So much more than he expected.
With the person still in his arms, he turned around and left the place that was prepared for him. He didn’t care about the mess that he left behind. Crowley would surely clean it himself anyway. Even if he didn’t, there was no time to worry about trivial matters like these, for he had to take care of someone way more important than that little bit of dirt.
The ancient fae walked with them through the halls of Diasomnia to bring them to the room he especially prepared for them, a place where no one else but him and Malleus were allowed to go. Maybe even Silver and Sebek if he was in an especially good mood. None of the fellow students dared to look at them or even dared to ask him who the person in his arms was, for they were way too afraid of him.
Not without reason.
When they finally arrived, he gently placed them on the bed before he traced their lips with his pale, thin fingers, feeling the body heat that radiated from them. Without a second thought, he placed his own lips against the others, one hand was placed on a cheek. Lilia tugged on their bottom lip with his teeth before he bit down, letting the metallic but also sweet taste of their warm blood fill his mouth.
A moan escaped him, it was better than any wine he had tasted, better than even the freshest bottle of tomato juice.
It was addicting, and he never wanted to live without it again.
And he wouldn’t. He would make sure that this being, this entity would stay here in that safe, comfortable place forever. There will definitely be resistance at first, but it was nothing a little curse or spell couldn’t salvage.
He lied down next to them now, pulling them into his arms and caressing their hair. This… finally he had what he wanted. In the past, he felt that something was missing, but he could never tell what it was.
Now that he had them with him, he knew. Finally he was complete.
Anyone who would try to take this happiness away from him would not be spared.
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Don’t Breathe | 3.0
»Genre: hitman!au || stalker!au ||
»Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, obsession, themes of potential Stockholm syndrome, mono-phobia, mature elements, manhandling, breakdowns, yandere (? i think ), he thinks it’s cute when she cries, eventually they fall in love, Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest stalking/kidnapping or anything of that nature, this is pure fiction ok, kidnappers and stalkers DON’T love you.
»Summary: He doesn’t get shaky hands, he never forgets his gloves and he never leaves a trail. He was told to get rid of everyone who witnessed the conversation between a gang lord and a politician, they were picked off, one by one. He found out a month ago, he missed one. A young writer who attended the event where the exchange took place. He has to kill her. Can he do it?
✤ pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.2.5 - pt.3.0 - pt. 3.5 - pt. 4.0 - pt.4.5
A/n: it’s literally been a long a** while, but it’s here💙 ps will edit later probably
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“Okay, ma’am, can you explain to me how you found out she was missing one more time? I just want to verify that the report is consistent with what you told us previously.”
“Sure,” Suzy squirmed in her seat, feeling squeamish due to the busy police station. “I went to her apartment to check on her because her upcoming article was missing and she never forgets to log in her articles. She wasn’t answering my calls or texts, I got worried. When I knocked on her door, I didn’t get an answer, but that’s when I saw that the door was unlocked. I walked inside and everything looked normal but she wasn’t there, and her necklace was on the floor,”
Her mouth goes dry the more she recalls the emptiness of your home, the sheer horror she felt when she saw your most prized possession on the ground.
“She never goes anywhere without that necklace.”
“Alright ma’am, have you seen or heard from her on any social media in the last 24 hours?”
“No, I haven’t…”
She smiled. “Okay. Our officers will do everything they can to find her, alright? So don’t worry too much, she might’ve left her phone off or something, things like that happen all the time.” The woman laughed a bit, nonchalantly, as if she wasn’t talking about a human being who could be scared for her life. 
“Alright, thank you…”
She left the station, heart heavy. And she couldn’t figure out why, but something about the woman’s words made her feel worse.
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You woke up really early, around 4 or 5 in the morning, and you were trying so hard to quietly try to open the window but it was bolted shut. You tried the door, but even that was locked from the outside. After an hour or so, you gave up and went to sleep.
But you’re up now, and you’re trying to escape, again. 
You screamed at the top of your lungs but you know you weren’t heard by a soul. He had cuffed you again while you were asleep and it was extra tight, you felt like your wrists were being crushed. You were furious. You were mad at that monster, the restraints, and the stupid bed he left you on. You started to think, how will I be able to escape? What did I do wrong? Is this really the life I have to live now?
Your thoughts are interrupted by a wobbling doorknob and you freeze, watching it open slowly. It’s him of course.
“Why are you screaming?” He looks annoyed and you curl into the corner, brows furrowed. 
“Why do you think?” You spat, yanking against the cuff instinctively as you have the strongest urge to scratch him.
“Listen,” He approaches the bed and you lean into the corner as he takes a seat on the edge, “I’m being very generous. I’ve given you food, left you in very humane living conditions...Do you want to go down to the basement like an animal? Is that what you want?”
“I want you to let me go.” 
“Well, that’s not gonna happen,” He stands to his feet and stares down at you, making you feel ten times smaller than you already did. 
“We need to talk about some things. I have someone coming over, someone who wanted you dead and thinks you’re dead. So, if you want to stay alive, you need to listen. I’m going to put you in my room and you’re gonna stay there until he leaves.”
“Who- Who wants me dead?...” You stutter.
“My boss, he gave me the job. If he finds out I took a hostage in instead of selling you to him or killing you, he won’t be happy.” He takes in a breath and looks you over, your wrists are all bruised up. “Are you going to cooperate and walk to the room or do I have to drag you?”
“Take these ropes off my hands and you’ll find out.”
He shrugs. “Ok.” 
You’re taken aback when he kneels on the bed and waits for you to turn your back towards him. Cautiously, you turn your back to him and he starts to loosen your binds. When you feel that your hands are free, you turn to sit on your butt and rub your wrists. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it...” It’s only now that you realize that he’s staring at you, and you make the mistake of meeting his gaze. His eyes are surprisingly soft and you hadn’t noticed it before, they’re captivating and you force yourself to look away.
“Come on, he’ll be here soon.” With that, he walks out of the room, assuming that you’ll follow him, you don’t.
He looks at you, waiting for you to realize that you’re being unnecessarily difficult. When you see the slight move towards you, you decide to get up and follow him. He takes you down the hall and after a few turns, he walks into a large bedroom, one that’s well kept and fresh-smelling. Once you’re both inside, he closes the door.
“If you get hungry, there’s a mini-fridge in the closet,”  He points to the closet, “If he finds out you’re here, we’ll both be in trouble.” With that, he closes the door—funny how he doesn’t lock its door, assuming you won’t try to leave.
This isn’t the best idea, having the person who thinks you’re dead in the house with you. But there was no way he could say no to Minho, that’s his boss and it would look odd if he canceled. While waiting for his guest, he orders some food. He placed the order at his regular take out place and went to the kitchen to wait.
What am I doing? This is the most reckless decision he’s ever made. In an attempt to reason with himself, he blamed his change of heart on the fact that he met you—he should have never run into you. The rules are simple, don’t make contact with the target, don’t get attached, don’t watch them for too long or you will get attached. He did all of that, and now he’s finding out why those rules were made in the first place. 
He hears a knock on the door and pushes those thoughts away.
When he lets his boss inside, any thoughts he had of you vanished and he became the person his boss knows him as. Emotionless, calm. 
“I wanted to talk to you about your last job,” Minho takes a seat in his living room, in his usual seat in near the window—he always said the view was priceless and to let him know if he were ever willing to sell, “I heard from an informant at the police station that she was reported as missing, do you know anything about that,” He takes a sip of the tea Tae always gives him.
“No, I don’t,” He deadpans, taking a seat and turning the music down with a low command to the speaker, “the girl is gone.”
“They found a necklace at the scene, the woman who went to check on her, I think it was her boss or something, said she doesn’t go anywhere without it,” Minho relaxes, exhaling in thought, “it’s getting a little messy.”
“That comes with the job sometimes,” the doorbell rings and Tae is thankful for the speedy delivery, the growing tense air was beginning to suffocate him. After putting the portion he bought for you in the fridge, he brings the food to the living room.
“But she’s not a high-profile target, she’s a writer,” Yet, people are worried about your disappearance.
After a few minutes of sitting on his massive bed, you choose to disregard his instructions and crack the door to try to listen to what they were saying. Gosh, the food smelled good.
“What did you do with her?”
“You know I don’t like to tell, but she’s taken care of,” Taehyung opened up his food, “this will blow over eventually.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Not much I can do about that,” 
Minho laughs, wondering why some useless girl would be the issue they have to face with a case as sensitive as this one. “You should have sold her to me, I’d make good use of her. And teach her a lesson on minding her own business, if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have had to go back to the job. She was your first female and your youngest target yet, I went through your headcount file.”
“Yeah, she was around my age,” 
“She was cute too, would’ve done well at House Lucia’s,” That dreaded place, “but I know you don’t like that place but it’s better than the other options.” Minho pulls a letter out of his suit and sits it on the coffee table.
“That’s your next job, Park’s gonna join you.”
Taehyung cringed, anyone but Park.
“Why Park?” He opens up the envelope and examines the case.
“He’s skilled with squeezing information out of people. Besides, it’s not an eliminate the target case. Go to the Gala, Park will handle the mistresses and you find the guy. Do you accept it? It’s a 75k payout.”
“Yeah, when is it?”
“Tonight,” Minho gets up, “he’ll be here tonight. Attire is formal and he’ll have your invitations. I enjoyed lunch, as always,” Tae walks him to the door and his boss goes to the backseat of the car that came for him.
“Same here,” He bids him goodbye and closes the door he breathing a sigh of relief.
“You can come out, I know you’re listening.”
You creep out of the hallway and stand at the banister, looking down at him. 
“I bought you some food, you can eat it in my room,” He walks to the kitchen to get it out of the fridge and when he walks upstairs, you’re already back in his room. 
You eye him as he enters the room, glancing at you when he sits the food on the end of the bed. He kneels down and suddenly he’s cuffing your ankles together, you frown, not responding fast enough to move
“Why are you-”
“I’m gonna let you stay in here while I work on some things, I don’t want you to run.” He stands to his feet and you sit on his bed, you wondered, how could he have known that you planned to run from him.
 “I’m bringing you back to the basement tonight, so enjoy this while it lasts.” 
It’s a Styrofoam plate, harmless enough. You hesitantly lift the lid to see white rice and other little sides, it looks good but you don’t want to eat it, not while he’s in here.
“How could I enjoy this? You have me chained up, how could anyone enjoy this...” You mumble. 
That’s all he says before sitting at his desk and turning on his desk top, ignoring you.
Eventually, you decided that you weren’t going to miss out on getting food. If you’re going back to the basement, there’s no telling if he’ll forget you again. 
So you eat, but you do it spitefully.
He scrolls through the hundreds of file his target database with the letter G until he finds the mans name. Gorka, Ulysses. The man is a big-time statesmen, he has his hands in a lot of underground stuff and it seems like the ex-wife did too, she’s the one who paid for job. He scoffs, the man probably has no idea she’s hiring people to end his entire empire—this is one of the interesting parts of his job, the research.
“Um,” You clear your throat and he looks back at you from writing something in his notebook, “I have to use the restroom...”
“Go ahead,” Pointing to his bathroom, he turns back and continues his writing.
You take small steps towards the his bathroom and you close the door behind you, locking it.
Even though he’s fine with the job, he’s never liked working with partners, disturbs his process a little bit. But he’s fine with being flexible, looks good on his resume.
When you finish washing your hands, you slowly open the bathroom door to see him looking through a drawer under his bed. It’s hard to see what he picked up, but you look a little harder and realize that it’s some of your clothes. You shudder, thinking of how he acquired your belongings when he took you from your house.
He looks back at you when you walk further into the room, your awkward search for somewhere to sit catching his attention.
“You’re in a better situation than you would have been,” He turns to you, hair dangling over his piercing eyes, “you’re lucky...”
You frown, unsure of where he’s going with that. How could you be lucky? Right before your big article, you get kidnapped and forced to live with your kidnapper. “Are you serious?...” You couldn’t believe what he just said. “How am I lucky?” 
No response. 
“Hey, did you hear me?” You raise your voice, standing to your feet. “This isn’t luck!”
Calmly, he eyes you.
“I want to go to the basement, put me in there.” Your request catches him off guard but he shrugs, turning back around as if you didn’t even say anything. “Fine, I’ll go myself...”
You try to walk to the door anyway, your shuffling not letting you leave as quick as you wanted to. Before you can even make it halfway, he’s closing the door with a slam and locking it. 
“Get on the bed.” His eyes lock on yours like a predator to prey—you have goosebumps.
“But I just want to go back to the basement, I won’t run.” You’re frozen where you stand, trying to determine his temperament. “Just leave me down there-”
“What did I just say?” His tone firms as he slowly approaches you.
“But- But you’re gonna put me down there anyway- Ah!” You gasp when you’re shoved back first onto the bed, holding you down by your arms as he kneels one knee between your legs. Eyes wide and heart-pounding, you whine, words not leaving your mouth.
“Do you know how lucky you are that you’re here? Had you been assigned to someone else, do you have any idea where you’d be right now,” He leans down, limiting the proximity between your faces but you turn your face to the side, trying to push your face into the comforter below you, “you’re a target, you’re not being treated like a target and you need to realize that. Stop acting out.” 
He let’s go of one of your arms in favor of turning your face to him. “Look at me.” 
“No, no-” Tears stream down your face and your nose glows red, your sinuses responding to your weeping. You use your now free arm to try to push his chest, he shakes his head at your poor attempt. 
He let’s go of your arm so he can snatch both your wrists and holds them to your abdomen with one hand. 
“You’re gonna stay in this room until I take you downstairs. If you act like this when I try to grant you some freedom, I’ll give you something to cry about.” Your breathing is shaky and you sniffle, eyes watery and wide. He wipes a tear from your eye with his knuckle and lets you go, walking back to his chair as if he didn’t just threaten your life.
Still in shock, you curl up on the bed and do the only thing you can do—you cry. He’s not phased by your fit at all, he continues to finish his work as your whimpers accompany his soft piano music on his Bluetooth speaker. 
This is really happening. 
Normally, you’d scold yourself for feeling sorry for yourself. You’d tell yourself that there are people who are suffering far more than you are—that you shouldn’t complain, you’re lucky. But you’ve never felt more unlucky, you’ve never felt more alone.
After a good two hours, he notices that your cries aren’t heard anymore and he looks at the bed, you had cried yourself to sleep. Poor thing, he thinks to himself. It’s about time for him to get ready to go, so you finally get your wish to return to the basement. He picks you up and walks you down the stairs, your out cold the whole walk. 
He hopes you’ll find it more comfortable, he made you a fluffy safe haven on the corner of the large space. While you slept, he set up the plushy floor cushion that he ordered last night so you wouldn’t have to sleep on a padding-less mat. It was pretty expensive but he didn’t mind the price, it actually complimented the basement nicely. Laying you on the cushion, he un-cuffs your ankles. Instead of the small ones, he uses a long-chained cuff attached to the steel on the wall behind the cushion and hooks it to your wrist.
He covers you up with a fluffy blanket, caressing the side of your face when you snuggle against the cover, sighing in comfort.
Admittedly, he wishes you’d look that comfortable with him one day, sigh in his arms. In time, he hopes you’ll be able to realize that everything he’s doing is to spare your life.
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He slips his gloves off, tossing them in the bin outside the lavish room in the wide-open halls of the mansion. After adjusting his suit jacket, he looks down at his watch, it’s getting late. 
The party is still going on downstairs and now that the dirty work is done, he needs to find Park Jimin. A short walk past the many bedrooms and just when he thinks he should go look downstairs, he hears a giggling female. That means Jimin isn’t far. He approaches what looks like a powder room.
When he slowly opens the door he immediately turns his head, rolling his eyes, such class.
He takes out his phone and calls him, hoping that’ll get him to hurry up. With that, he takes a walk to the stairs and not long after, Jimin is fumbling out of the room, hair disheveled.
Our little secret, remember? Taehyung nearly throws up when he hears him say that to the woman who’s at least ten years older than him. He looks back at his temporary partner, watching as he zips his fly with the utmost class if that were possible.
“Hey, I got a little sidetrack, but I have what I need,” He walks beside him, a red glow on his cheeks, “you?”
“Of course.” Tae shrugs, “We should head out.”
“Already?” Jimin scoffs. “You’re no fun, Kim.” 
Shaking his head, the two of them leave the party swiftly, Jimin’s Lambo growling in the night as Taehyung sits restless, he left you too long. He wonders if Jimin can pick up on his eagerness to get home, he’s sure it’s not that detectable. These jobs were never his thing, alcohol, too many people, too many distractions. 
When Jimin drops him off but asks to come in so he can use the restroom.
“Down the hall, to your right.” Taehyung points, taking off his suit jacket and tossing it on the couch. For the life of him, he hopes you don’t start screaming, the last thing he needs is for Jimin to find out that you’re here.
It's painstakingly long few minutes before he breathes in relief, Jimin is walking down the hall, wiping his hands.
“It was a pleasure Taehyung, as always,” He leaves out of the front door with a wave.
Locking the door with the app on his phone, he waits for a few minutes. Just long enough to know Jimin had pulled out of the hallway and is halfway down the road.
Quickly, he goes to the kitchen to get you a snack and some water. He puts it on a plate and goes to the basement door, he presses his ear against the door to see if he could hear you moving around. Sniffling, he hears your sniffling and his heart drops a little bit.
He opens the door, the sound of his footsteps prompts you to wipe your face, he doesn’t get to see me cry again, that’s what you told yourself. You stare at him as he walks down the stairs, he’s wearing a dress shirt and dress pants. The dark blue silk shirt is rolled up to his elbows and a little unbuttoned, you assume he went somewhere fancy.
“Are you hungry?”
You shake your head no, not looking him the eyes.
“Well, I’ll leave it, just in case you change your mind,” He sits it on the cushion right beside you. For a moment, he stares at you for a bit longer than what most would deem comfortable.
“I bought this for you,” He’s referring to the cushion he so kindly chained you to, “hopefully you’ll sleep better.” Still refusing to give him eye contact, you bite at your lip anxiously, why won’t he just leave you alone?
He lightly touches your hand and you flinch away, a panicked glint in your eyes as you press yourself to the back of the cushion to be as far from his as possible. He backs away from you, a little confused. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” He furrows his brows, eyes landing on your wrists, still bruised from your previous attempts to get away, “You need something on those bruises, I have a salve that’ll help,” He stands from his kneeling position.
“I’ll be back,” With that, he retreats upstairs.
As soon as the door closes, you wait a few seconds but eventually, you reach for the water and take a small sip. For all you know, he could have put something in the water, but you choose not to care.
It’s not long before he’s open the door, skipping down the stairs in sweats and a t-shirt, the salve in his hands, and what looks like cloth bandage.
“You drank some water, that’s good,” He’s scarily observant. Naturally, as if he had done it a thousand times, he reaches for your arm but you don’t shy away. What he had said to you early today comes to your mind so you decide not to give him any reason to fulfill the threats. 
Sitting on the cushion beside you, he brings one of your wrists to his lap. You watch him gather some of the salves on his fingers before gently applying it to your skin. He does the same thing to the one hand he has chained and then wraps them in the soft cloth, careful not to make it to tight. When he closes up the jar, you bring your hands to yourself and you look at him, his face illuminated by the dim lights.
“I’ve never done this before,” He speaks suddenly, “I don’t know if that makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t...” You mutter, staring down at the metal circle on your wrist. 
“I don’t expect you to trust me, but everything I’ve done, it’s not what you think.” He turns to you, causing you to look away once again. “You’re a good person, it’s nothing you did.”
“Then let me leave,” You swallow, “I- I promise, I won’t tell anyone, just let me go home, my family will be devastated when if they find out. I heard that guy you were talking to, someone reported me as a missing person, that means someone is looking for me... ”
He sighs. “I can’t.”
“Why not? You don’t seem like a bad person. If something in you is telling you to let me go, why don’t you listen to it?” You quietly plead, hoping your desperate tone affected him in some way.
“If they find out that I let you go, if my boss finds out that you’re still alive-...I can’t let that happen, you know too much, he’ll kill you.”
“The article is destroyed, so the guy who wanted it gone has nothing to worry about, I don’t understand why I even matter...”
“You just do. You can’t bargain with me about this. If there was a way for me to let you free without anything bad happening to me or you, I’d do it, but there’s not...” He pushes his hair back, brows furrowed in what seems to be distress.
He sighs, “I’ve never been assigned someone so young, you’re so close to my age. And I probably could’ve completed the job, but when I met you, and I looked in your eyes...” His words trail off and he stands up. “I couldn’t do it.”
“I feel like I’m being punished...” You look away, hands finicky, “I don’t feel like I’m being saved or protected, do you have any idea how afraid I am of you? You’re a stranger who’s saying all the things that I don’t know anything about, and you’re keeping me locked up in a basement. What you’re doing to me, it’s wrong...”
He suddenly gets on his knees and kneels in front of you, taking your hands into his despite your efforts to pull away.
“I hope you’ll understand that this is the only way like I said...You might eventually learn to like me, but you don’t have to,” He looks up at you, his doe eyes looking incredibly sincere, very different from how you’ve been seeing him, “and I won’t make you.”
You bite your bottom lip, “I don’t want to be here...” 
Suddenly, he reaches a hand up and cups the back of your head. “it’ll be okay,” The size of his hand is now brought to your realization when his finger grazes your ear. He presses his forehead to yours and your eyes squeeze shut a the contact. When you feel your nose almost touch his, you instinctively jerk back and your hand responds on its own accord.
The sound of skin bluntly meeting skin is heard and you’re cowering back, immediately regretting your innate response. He lifts his hand to his now reddened cheek, he didn’t expect it to hurt so bad—you’re stronger than you look.
“Don’t- I just- Were you trying to kiss me?...” You stammer, a frown on your face. When you don’t fully elaborate, you settle on your own conclusion that he knows what you’re trying to say. He looks up at you finally, now standing tall above you. 
He grabs your wrist, tugging you forward. It hurts a little but you stay silent, “This is why I like you, Y/n, that fiery spirit,” He suddenly drops your hand, seeming as if he decided not to physically respond. His response leaves you speechless, it’s not what you expected, “keep it up, you’re tempting me...”
With that, he leaves the basement and flicks off the light. “Goodnight,”
After staring at the door for a good minute, you decide it’s safe enough for you to lay down. You’re not sure how to feel about him right now. But for some reason, fear and apprehension aren’t as intense as before. And you might be wrong, but he sounded like he was convicted about doing all of this to you. Maybe he was just trying to make you feel like you could trust him, it’s hard to tell. But if there’s one thing for sure, something in your gut tells you that he’s not bad, he’s not the monster that you thought he was...
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“She’s missing, her supervisor called me, said I was on her old emergency contact list,” He holds his phone between his shoulder and ear, not in a million years did he think he’d be calling his ex-girlfriend's mother with information like this, “don’t worry too much, I’ll try to get in contact with her.” 
It’s been a few weeks since you two have talked, so when Suzy called him, his heart just dropped. Even after your break-up, almost a year ago, you two considered yourselves friends. The two years you shared together were great. You were thriving in your career, he finishing Med-school so he could begin his residency. Many nights were spent with you staying late at the office, or him pressing for finals—your lives just weren’t merging. That’s when you both decided you were better off as friends. But you still have platonic love for each other
“Dr. Kim, I switched shifts with Katelyn,” Sara, the new medical assistant at the clinic peeked on through the open office door, ”I’ll make sure she gets those messages,”
He nods, getting his keys so he can head out too. When he leaves, getting his car, he decides to shoot you a text, hoping you might respond.
Jin: Hey love, I know it’s been awhile, hope you’re doing okay. I got a call from your supervisor this morning, apparently I was still on your emergency contact list at work. She said she went to your house and you were’t there. She waited 24 hours and you still hadn’t shown up to work , contacted anybody. She went to the police station, reported you as missing. If you’re okay, please contact me or anyone, I’m a little worried
Taehyung lies in his bed, not bothering to slide under the sheets, his skin is warm to-touch. His cheek still stings, the feeling brings the image of your face to his mind, and he feels remorse. Never in all his years alone, did he think he’d long for someone's company, someone's gaze meeting his. This penthouse has always been a bit lonely, all this money and space, it can’t take the form of a person. A companion. 
He feels guilty. He doesn’t have the right to think of your face, your eyes, your gentle hands that can inflict such pain, your spirit, what right does he have to grow so fond of those things. He’s never kidnapped anyone, especially not someone he was supposed to have killed months ago. But he did it to you, to the one he missed, in the words of his boss. The guild’s warnings prove to have been true all along. Don’t keep a target as a hostage, don’t get attached—it’s happening. He’s starting to want to get to know you, to get you to smile for him, at least once—it’s damn selfish, he hates himself for it.
When he hears a buzz coming from the drawer of his nightstand. He sits up, confused for a moment until he opens it up, realizing he had put your phone in there. He picks up the phone and presses on the message. He reads the message, eyes narrowing at the endearing term he used. Curious, he unlocks your phones and goes through your text vigorously, searching for what he hoped wasn’t there. As he goes to your past old messages from months ago, he sees I love yous, I miss yous, dinner at 7 my place? Then the texts become less frequent, the tender tone is no more and there’s apologizing on both ends. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this guy is your ex, now he’s on the list of people who are worried about you. 
He drops your phone back in the drawer. There’s no way anyone could find you yet, he’s nervous. This is getting too close, and at this point, he shouldn’t, but he wants you closer.
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jaderabbitt · 4 years
A/N: I wanted to move away from my usual Jotaro brainrot, so take this Bruno fic! I’ve had this idea for a while, but I didn’t know exactly which character to write this for, and I was also unsure if I wanted it to be yandere or not. This is the wholesome route, but if you wanted to see like an alternate yandere ending, I would be willing to write one. This is a songfic based off Roxanne from Moulin Rouge, specifically the Aaron Tveit version. I tried to keep the reader mostly gender neutral, but there might be a few places where it seems gendered towards a female. This is also 1,000 words, which is shocking to me because I can barely write essays this long. As always, please show your support by liking and shiz!
Warnings: Implied sexual content, but not enough to warrant 18+, escorts/implied prostitution? Bruno/Reader, semi-AU, songfic
His eyes, upon your face…
Being a capo, Bruno had attended many of these parties previously. Wealthy businessmen and politicians gathered to chat amongst themselves and become so intoxicated that they’d agree to any proposition. It was his job to make sure no shadier than usual business went down, and that the boss got the deals he wanted. Being that the participants consisted mostly of the upper class, extravagant parties such as this current one were held in rich ballrooms with a live band to cater towards the even richer guests. But, being that this was an underground gathering, there were underground elements.
Escorts. Mingling with the masses, they were hired to mostly keep these men company, and occasionally the women. They ensured that when given a business proposal, there was enough alcohol, and perhaps drugs, in their systems to agree to anything. He had his suspicions about the ages of some, but he was sure that was for the purposes of potential blackmail.
But there was one escort that ever caught his eye. He had seen you many times during these events. Your skin glistened as you chatted up and entertained the crowd, and it seemed like everyone saw the glow he did. The way that red silk clung to your curves, the way you seemed to use the same shade of rouge for your lips and your cheeks. The flittering of your lashes as you pretended to be engaged in the poor quality flirting. All of it just made him want you all to himself.
His hand, upon your hand...his lips caress your skin…
You had allowed for one of the guests of honor to take your hand and quickly apply a kiss to your knuckle. In reality, you were quite bored, but you were desperate to make money tonight.
“What is your name, dolcezza mia?” the older man had asked. You gave him the name that had become a reflex at this point, as it might as well been your real name with how little your actual one was used in your field of work. Roxanne. It had a sultry, venomous tone to it. It was as if you were a siren, luring your next meal in with the utterance of that name. He hummed in approval, looking as if he were going to try and converse with you more. However, at that same moment, the live music had begun. The tempo started out slow, and you watched as many of your...coworkers? And their...dates moved towards the center of the ballroom. You had a feeling the man in front of you was going to ask you to the floor, and you dreaded it. You sighed and grabbed a flute of champagne from a nearby caterer, quickly downing it and placing it back onto their tray.
It’s more than I can stand!
“May I have this dance, amore?” you heard behind you, and you swiftly turned towards the direction in which the voice came.
He couldn’t stand watching your hand in the hand of another, of the lips of another on your glistening skin. He knew he had to act at that moment.
You smiled that million dollar smile, and nodded, taking his hand in yours. The music had begun to pick up at this point, and it seemed that the both of you recognized the tune. The intermingling of your limbs in this sensual tango brought a natural blush to your face, amplifying the already deep rouge of your cheeks. You studied the handsome features of your dance partner, from the deep blue oceans of his eyes, to the natural tan of his skin. He wore a strikingly white blazer, with what seemed to be inverted black tear drops, and matching slacks. He seemed to not be wearing an undershirt, and you got a peek of what you assumed to be an intricate tattoo on his chest.
The way you both moved through the dance reminded you of the waters of Venice, flowing freely across the floor and swaying like one would on a gondolier ride. As the dance concluded, leaving you both with heaving chests, you heard the crowd start applauding. You took a peak around, and realized you two had attracted an audience with your movements. Both of you were left in the middle of the dance floor with many guests surrounding you, having watched your dance.
As if nothing happened, the ballroom once more flooded with conversation and light music. Looking back to the man who still had a hold on your waist, you found him looking at you with an indescribable passion in his eyes.
You don’t have to wear that dress tonight,
Walk these streets for money…
Just like after your sensual dance, your chest was heaving into the satin sheets of this familiar bed. Your skin now glistened with sweat, and you were sure that you wouldn’t be walking home any time soon. You bared the weight of a pair of arms around your waist, the same that held you at that party. One left to grab a hold of your hand, intertwining it with yours. Then you felt the tenderness of lips kissing down your neck, purposefully avoiding some growing purples, to your shoulders, and finally, the hand intermingled with his.
“Stay with me, amore. I will provide you with the lavish life you deserve. You won’t have to do your nightly...tangos anymore,” Bruno had said. And you considered it. You heard the plea in his voice, and how he whispered your name, your real name, among other endearing terms.
You don’t care if it is wrong or it is right.
Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light.
He knew to find you in the red light district. You had created a safe haven for other escorts, providing them with the proper care and safety they deserved after rough times. The degenerates who prowled the streets of the district knew better than to bother those within your sanctuary. As you walked down the steps of the complex, you turned off the red porch light. Upon meeting Bruno’s gaze, you smiled and took his offered hand, knowing you had found your sanctuary.
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arigatouiris · 4 years
you // bakugou katsuki
Author’s Note: Bakugou Katsuki is someone I can write about anytime anyday. 
Ehh so this is my first time writing anything yandere and this is happening because guess who binged all of season 1 of You in one day? Me. Yes. And while I haven’t been posting as much, it’s been a very very hectic year for me, mental health-wise and professionally, so using tumblr is a luxury. There’s a twist here because it’s more of a reader being yandere than Bakugou.
Word count: 3254
Pairing: Yandere! Reader x Bakugou (there’s a twist)
Warnings: yandere elements, sexual references
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It had been a rather long day. 
Not that you were complaining. With rising levels of anxiety, a long day was a refreshing break from all things related to your mind. Honestly, you like being busy because it somehow takes a large load off of you, giving you a chance to breathe, move around in your own space and think of things that are actually worth thinking about.
And you’re really trying here; to make a difference to yourself. You’re really trying to not let the growing anxiety creep under your skin, to tell you about things that don’t actually matter and despite how much you want to listen to the voice that says ‘if it bothers you, then it matters’, you want to do the right thing and focus on yourself for a change. You’re going to do better, you’re going to stop fixating on things that will only damage you, you’re going to move past what can only hurt you and think of better things, healthier things—
     “Hey,” You spun around and blinked, before your eyes slightly widened at the person you grabbed your attention, “You dropped this.”
Oh no.
His eyes were on you, not to say it in a creepy way, but there they were—glowing red and power-hungry, falling on you like satin on the floor. Your hands nearly trembled when he handed you the scarf you had ‘dropped’, and your fingers were inches away from touching one another, not that you wanted to touch how his skin felt like, but it wasn’t something you would have minded. Not one bit. You smile at him, shyly, because you don’t want him thinking you were happy about dropping the scarf. 
His hair was all over the place and you wondered how it would feel like in between your fingers when you grasp at them as he’s holding you, breathing down on your neck, caressing your skin and you could finally know what he smelt like—
     “Thank you, I’m sorry.”
You’re glad your voice wasn’t shaky, and your smile sat firmly in place. You didn’t want to creep him out on the first time you met him.
Oh, but you know, deep down, that it isn’t the first time. You remember the first time like you remember falling in love for the first time. There are things you don’t forget, and there are things that you cannot forget—like the time you had your first drink or the first time you have sex or the first kiss you share with a boy you harbored a crush on for the longest time. 
And meeting Bakugou Katsuki was one such thing you simply cannot forget.
     “Don’t worry about it.” 
He sounded gruff like he didn’t even want to be there, but he didn’t mind helping people. You could see through his cold exterior rather well, almost as well as you could understand yourself. And you knew yourself quite well if you could say so.
Bakugou Katsuki was no rude or intimidating person. He, like you, only wanted to be loved the right way. Bakugou Katsuki was rough around the edges, but it was something you were willing to work with. He wasn’t too complicated, but sometimes, he’d like to think he was because then he could hide his insecurities of being terrible with people away deep inside his mind, and not let it show to just anyone who walks by. 
But you’re not just anyone. 
He’ll soon realize that. You were sure to make him see that this time, unlike the several times you’ve been wrong in the past, you were right. You were right about looking for love in Bakugou Katsuki because he was looking for it too.
The first time you met Bakugou Katsuki was not the first time he met you. Yes, it sounds strange when you read it like that, but that was how your story began. A week ago, you were trying to pick the best book from the one bookstore you knew that actually sold books from time to time, and there it was. A loud explosion that almost sent everything outside the store scattering—cars, people, name it. But, the source wasn’t a villain or anything that would normally cause such a scene, it was Bakugou Katsuki.
He ensured no one was hurt, which was remarkable in its own way, but the fiery nature he carried with himself sent your heart to the skies; there was nothing he was hiding. He wasn’t like those other heroes who smiled and was nice to every pedestrian out there. He was doing his job, and he didn’t need to be nice about it. And from the looks of it, he was doing a good job too. It took him roughly 4 minutes to catch the villain, despite the explosion, and that was the time you noticed him. 
Hi, there, your mind spoke to him as you watched him speak to the authorities. You took in his appearance, the way his hero costume sat on his shoulders; the aggression wasn’t passive, he knew what he had to do and that was attractive too because you liked men who knew exactly what they wanted. You knew of him until then but it was the first time you were seeing him in flesh. People gathered around him but kept a distance because of his reputation and you knew he liked that because, despite the loudness, Bakugou Katsuki was a private person. 
You promised yourself you were going to stay in the clear. You weren’t going to involve yourself in someone else because it isn’t good for you. Any sort of obsession is bad, you knew this to be true, but Bakugou Katsuki was inviting especially with the air he had around him. Not anyone can get through it, but you were not anyone. 
So when Bakugou Katsuki was being Bakugou Katsuki, what more could you do but love?
It didn’t take you long to find him on social media. He had a private account for everything, but since he was a hero he had a public hero account that he had no choice but to leave public. Despite his arrogance and nonchalance to the rules, he was a pro-hero at the end of the day, and that meant doing things like this from time to time.
You nodded to yourself a bit, swallowing the need to smile and browsed through the ten pictures he had in that account. It was all of him with children and you realized that despite being gruff he was someone who could be soft to kids if he tried. Maybe, he wasn’t in the past but he was now. Now, you jumped to Facebook and it didn’t take you long to find him there but then again, there were several fan accounts and just one public account of his hero page again. You hummed before noticing the various other public figures in his profile—the hero Deku and Shoto, who seemed close but there was one more person.
The hero Red Riot.
You knew from the media that Ground Zero and Red Riot were best friends from their school days, so now you had another lead. You used Red Riot’s public profile to look at Ground Zero; and no, this isn’t stalking, you were just harmlessly checking out the person you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with. 
And viola. 
There was just so much to see! Red Riot was a social media whore—and there was just so much he wanted to share. Bakugou Katsuki didn’t look too pleased in these pictures, but you could tell from the bottom of your heart that he loves feeling belonged and he loves his friends and the tough guy act was to initially keep unwanted people away but if you were a certain way for a very long time then it becomes who you are now. 
     “I know how that feels,” You muttered because you did know how that felt.
So, you waited. You didn’t want to rush, because you knew the best things came with a slow pace and a calm heart. Though you knew your heart was anything but calm, teaching it calmness is a gift. 
The next morning, you walked into the cafe and eyed the manager there. Your right hand was holding the flier for a new waitress and you were in need of a new job. Things were perfect. Smiling, you walked over to the manager and greeted him once.
     “You’re (l/n)?” He asked, blinking at you.
He was an old man, but he wasn’t weary. He seemed like the most active old man you’d ever laid your eyes on, but no matter. You were going to get this job, and you knew you were hired the second you walked in. All of this was just an unnecessary procedure.
     “Yes. Hello. It’s very nice to meet you!”
You were enthusiastic and didn’t push it. Things were going to go well.
     “Preppy! I like that. When can you start?”
     “I can start right away, haha!”
Oh no, too enthusiastic. You could see doubt cloud in the manager’s eye. You need to play this smart. You need to do something to get yourself out of this mess—
     “Perks of not having a job right now.” You cleared the air, and you finally could breathe again.
The manager laughed once before suggesting, “Today at 5 sound good?”
     “Five sounds great.” 
Five o clock didn’t come soon enough. You were tired of waiting outside the cafe like a stalker, which you weren’t, because you weren’t weird. You were just freshly in love and the enthusiasm was too much for your small heart to bear. If you were being a completely open book, you knew you had a glass heart. You gave too much and expected too little but even that little bit that you expected sometimes never came through. And that hurt. 
You get hurt easily not because you have such little faith in people, but merely because people intended to hurt these days. 
As soon as the clock struck 4:57, you entered the cafe. The manager noticed you, coming in early but not desperate early, and smiled to himself. It was just the first day, everyone comes early on the first day. You tossed him your best smile before getting to work. 
If your calculations were right, then in just 17 minutes, the rest of your life was going to begin.
Bakugou Katsuki walked into the cafe being Bakugou Katsuki and not Ground Zero. 
This was a lesser-known fact about him that most people didn’t know, except for his close friends. Red Riot, or Kirishima, and himself were at this cafe calling it “Bakugou’s second home”, which meant he came here a lot.
It was a risk you were willing to take. Who isn’t willing to take risks for love? It’s thrilling, really.
So you made your move, slowly. You were making a fresh start. You were given a clean slate and there was nothing that could hinder this progression or movement. It was going to be Bakugou Katsuki and you, in your love story, reaching a point both of you would be forever happy in. You were so elated you barely noticed someone else walk into the cafe, someone else who could be just as elated as you.
Now, who the fuck is this?
Your eyes turned to spot the brown-haired, round-faced individual walk in and sit opposite to Bakugou, who didn’t even look irritated, to say the least. You knew who she was, but who was she to Bakugou Katsuki? You blinked a couple of times before feeling the rage build in your system. 
What the fuck was Uravity doing here? 
Wasn’t she with Deku?
Wasn’t she not interested in Bakugou Katsuki?
What the fuck was she doing here addressing your Bakugou Katsuki as “Katsuki”?
You hadn’t even reached Bakugou-kun yet!
You walked over there, carefully, a soft smile on your face—knowing exactly what to say and what to do.
     “Hi, may I take your order?”
Bakugou Katsuki’s eyes shot at you before a small hint of recognition struck his features. He wasn’t going to act on it, of course, he could be wrong, but perhaps it was the entire timing—Uravity, him not recognizing you, everything made it crash down hard.
     “An Americano for him, right Katsuki-kun?”
She even knew his order? What the fuck was going on here?
     “Stop doing that, round face. Jesus,” You felt ease at him insulting her, but it wasn’t enough, “She’s not going to have anything, she was just leaving.”
     “Oh? But we have a very good—”
     “She was leaving.” Bakugou Katsuki interrupted you, and you stopped talking right away.
You weren’t going to let anyone know how elated you really were on the inside. Uravity sighed before grumbling and stopping midway as she was leaving.
     “You know,” She turned around to give him a serious look, “I really someone figures you out.”
What the fuck was that supposed to mean? You gulped before turning to look at Bakugou Katsuki, wondering what had just happened and why you were so confused.
     “You,” You jumped on your spot, “Americano.”
You nodded once before rushing to get him the best Americano he had ever tasted. While you were returning with your drink, you placed it there with a small savory biscuit and that got his attention.
     “I don’t think you remember, but you saved our lives a week ago. Just a small token of my gratitude.” 
You didn’t need him to know this. He was a pro hero, there was no need for him to know.
     “Book store girl.”
You froze. Your wide eyes didn’t go unnoticed. 
     “You didn’t even come out because of the whole hassle. Yeah, I saw you.”
He’s a hero. He had to be alert and aware of who was around. That was the only reason he knew about you. 
Six days went by, and you were slowly trying to piece together who Bakugou Katsuki was little by little. You’d leave him little savory snacks randomly and you could spot a soft change in his glum expression and notice how he’d linger longer than he would usually stay. You had more eye-contact than before and you swore you even saw him smile at you once.
When he wasn’t being a hero, he was being Bakugou Katsuki and wow, you were thrilled that he was choosing to be himself with you.
So, you decided to take it a step further. Six days was enough before you could ask him something personal right? You didn’t want to rush, but you were trying very hard to be anything but fast because you couldn’t wait to see how he felt in your hands and how his skin and hair smelled like and how it would overall feel to have love in your hands.
So, on giving him his third Americano for the evening, you plopped yourself opposite to him and smiled at him.
     “Don’t tell me you want an autograph.”
     “I’m sorry, who are you?”
Bakugou Katsuki chuckled at what you said and you swore to all the heavens you had learned language for this particular reason.
     “Just wanted to get to know you a little.”
Bakugou looked at you. Yes, he was starting to become Bakugou now, it was slowly adjusting itself in your head.
     “You sure you want that?”
You felt a bit hurt at his sentence but couldn’t help but admire how mysterious he sounded as he said it.
     “I don’t go do things I’m not sure of.”
     “Like work in a coffee shop?”
You chuckled, “This was all I’ve ever wanted.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, “Sure.”
     “No, but really. Who are you, Bakugou Katsuki?”
He gave you another look, a softer one this time, a look you could barely discern but could spend the rest of your life trying to understand. He leaned forward and your faces were merely inches away.
     “I’m no hero, (l/n) (y/n).”
You swore you could feel your heart rate increase with the way he said it.
     “And I’m no damsel that needs saving.”
Bakugou smirked at what you said before what you knew as something very darkly sexual began between the two of you. The second you entered the cafe, you were left to wonder what Bakugou Katsuki would want to do to you later that night. The way he touched you, the way you touched him, the way he smelled and the way his skin felt when it slapped against yours, it was driving you closer and closer to insanity. 
He didn’t even have to do anything. All Bakugou had to do was sit there and be himself and you could swallow yourself wholly into whoever he was and whatever he was—it was just that easy. Bakugou Katsuki was a man who knew how to please and how to be pleasured from that pleasure and you felt no remorse for even being selfish with him.
Not that you were.
But, you couldn’t help but notice something strange. Every touch, every word that you uttered, it felt as if Bakugou knew where it was coming from and if this wasn’t a sign that it was meant to be, you didn’t know what was. 
It was one night that changed everything, however. Not that you’d know.
You and Bakugou were done for the night. Tired, but happy—wounded but whole, you were cradled into his muscular arms, naked to the very bone, but you were satisfied.
     “Katsuki.” He whispered, kissing the tip of your forehead.
You smiled to yourself, “Katsuki,” you repeated, wanting the taste of it, “I think I like you,”
What you didn’t know was he knew. 
He knew you liked him. He thought back to the time when he started heading over to the cafe you were working at, that one time with Kirishima—who obviously exaggerates everything he writes about. He thought about the fact that he told his red-headed friend that he liked the cafe, thus rendering it Bakugou’s home. He remembered that it hadn’t even been a week since Kirishima had posted that picture and yet, there you were.
There you were, now, suddenly working there.
After having seen him just once. 
Oh, if you think Bakugou Katsuki’s first time meeting you was when he handed you the scarf, then you were wrong. The first time Bakugou Katsuki met you was when you didn’t even know it. 
You had a strange habit of smelling old books right in the middle—there was something about the way the pages smelled that gave you a high. You’d smile just a bit after that, enjoying yourself a little bit publically, allowing yourself just that one gesture to please yourself. 
You licked your lips after and Bakugou wondered if they tasted just as scrumptious as they looked.
They did.
You slid some strands of your hair behind your ear and he wondered if they felt as soft if he’d pull on them as he pounds into you.
They did.
He noticed how supple your skin looked from under the light in the bookstore and wondered if they’d smell just as divine if he had you under him, begging for him to take you.
It did.
So, he knew you liked him. See, the one thing you liked about Bakugou Katsuki was that he was a man who knew exactly what he wanted.
And this time, he wanted you.
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violetosprey · 4 years
Do you have an idea for reasons why a yandere would distance themselves voluntary from their s/o? I have a story set in a zombie apocalyptic world (actually it's biological warfare but anyway it deals more with personal relationships and shared trauma so...) and I need to seperate the yandere and the s/o for character development but I don't know how
Hello!  Ah, yes the zombie apocalypse is always a fun scenario.  I saw this question yesterday, but I decided to sleep on it first to get some better answers.  
If you think about it, a zombie apocalypse also can be weirdly beneficial for a yandere.  For one, they can take advantage of the terrifying situation and become their S/O’s close companion and even protector.  They could ALSO use excuses to keep others away by saying things like, “If we keep it just the two of us, there’s less resources we have to share,” or “It’s going to be easier to travel as just a pair rather than in a larger group.” When you have a scenario where there are other, more threatening forces at work, a yandere can use that to their advantage to stick to their S/O like glue.
That being said, there are two ways you could go about separating them: Voluntary separation vs. involuntary separation.
[EDIT: I know you had initially just asked for only voluntary situations, but it was hard to think of multiple scenarios, so I just talked about both types in case you want to try doing a combination for your story.  Do whatever you’re most comfortable with.]
Simply put, the conscious decision is made that the two need to separate.  At least temporarily.  Quick example would be the two enter a high stakes situation, like being cornered by zombies.  One of the characters then makes the decision to act as “bait” so that the other can get away.  It depends on how you set up the scenario really, but it should be a plausible case where BOTH of the characters escaping at the same time has very little or no chance of succeeding.  That’s why one of them acting at bait would make the decision more appealing.
I know the whole “becoming bait so my loved one can escape” isn’t highly original, but as long as it’s pulled off in a believable and serves to further the plot (like letting their characters develop more when separated~), then I think it’s perfectly fine to use this trope.
Now remember one of these characters IS a yandere.  So it should go slightly different from the usual hero/heroine putting their life on the line in the blink of an eye to save their loved one.
First off, I personally feel like it makes more sense for the yandere to be the one who volunteers as bait.  The only reason I say this is because I think the S/O is more likely capable of taking the opportunity to run away.  I’m not actually saying it for once as this being an opportunity for the S/O to “get away from the yandere.”  No, I’m imagining this scenario where the two like each other.  The reality is, I’m concerned if the yandere is CAPABLE of running away from their S/O who insists on putting themselves in the line of danger.  I feel like the yandere wouldn’t be emotionally capable of leaving their S/O in that kind of situation in order to save themselves. Yanderes ARE obsessive, remember? It would look a little strange for the yandere to be able to just duck out to save their own skin upon request. It’s more believable to me that they’d prefer to get themselves hurt over their S/O.  Again, this is not saying it’s because the S/O doesn’t love the yandere enough.  It’s just because the yandere has an overabundance of love here between the two characters. The S/O may feel upset about the separation, but the yandere will feel almost as if their oxygen supply has been cut off.  See what I mean?
You COULD try doing it the other way where the S/O does indeed offer to the bait instead of the yandere.  There might be a way to make it work.  The trick is to make sure there’s still some serious turmoil going on for the yandere.
That’s another thing.  Unlike the usual hero/heroine acting as bait, this decision to separate from the S/O should seriously mess with the yandere.  I’d imagine beforehand they’re trying to go through other scenarios frantically in their head that allow them to prevent separation.  Coming to the conclusion that to survive (or at least one of them to), should feel devastating to a yandere.  The last thing they want is to risk never seeing their S/O again.  As a writer, you should want to show some extreme reluctance on the yandere’s part outwardly (ex. sweating profusely and holding tight to the S/O’s hand), inwardly (ex. racing thoughts) or both.
Simply put, a voluntary separation between the yandere and their S/O here requires two elements:
1)     The separation is the best/only option left in the scenario
2)     The yandere displays devastation over this development
I think as long as you have those two elements, you should be fine. If there’s hope that the person acting as bait also can live if they’re escaping by themselves, then of course the inevitable goal is to somehow make it back to each other.  You can then decide how long this takes simply by what kind of roadblocks (physical or psychological) you put in that prevent an immediate reunion.  Even just having the two characters running in opposite directions as the result of this scenario would do the trick.
I tried to think of something other than the “bait” scenario, but couldn’t come up with a whole lot.  You could do something different where the two come across the point where, again, it’s beneficial for them to temporarily separate so that they can perform different tasks.  For example, the two characters may have different skill sets.  One may be really good with computers and technology while the other is stronger and better at setting up blockades or clearing paths.  It depends on what you come up with, but they make need to perform their appropriate tasks in separate areas.  This may either be out of urgency, or it seems safe enough for them to go different paths, do what they need to do and then return to the same area shortly afterward.  However, something happens unexpectedly that makes it difficult for the two to return to each other’s side immediately.  Zombies show up, other people show up (good or bad), an accidental building lockdown is initiated, etc.  This kind of combines a voluntary separation with an involuntary separation actually.
In this case, nature just isn’t on the two’s side.  Something unexpected happens that physically separates the two characters, and further complications make it difficult to quickly reach the other.
For example, you could have the two characters walking through some construction that’s been damaged by the warfare or the military’s attempts to simply fire on some previous zombies.  It could also be a regular construction site, up to you.  Anyway, they’re walking across a bridge and it suddenly collapses in the middle (one of the characters may have pushed the other forward as they saw this happening).  The two characters are unscathed, but the gap now is too wide for either of them to simply jump across.  They think no biggie, one of them can just go around.
One or both of their attempts to reunite with the other though are halted by some unseen events.  Zombies popping out of nowhere, bad people show up, a task force shows up or some unexpected assault on the buildings via distant weaponry starts. Take your pick.  But in this scenario, it’s like having the first problem (the bridge callopsing) seem like a fake-out problem I guess, but another event actually causes further issues.
I think the yandere in an involuntary scenario might seem calm at first if it doesn’t look like they’re in immediate danger, but the more obstacles that start to pop up afterwards should cause their frustration and/or panic to build over being prevented from reuniting with their S/O.  I imagine also if the yandere comes across other individuals who aren’t their S/O after this, they’re going to be more reluctant to cooperate for a while because the yandere is solely focused on what might be happening to their S/O and how to get back to them.
I don’t know what kind of character development you have in mind (you don’t have to tell me) for the two. There is definitely some good potential for character growth in this scenario though.  For example, the yandere would have to learn to accept not having control of the situation and learning to trust that their S/O might be capable of taking care of themselves.  If the yandere is also worried about their S/O meeting someone else along the way, and the yandere and S/O are initially in a relationship, then the yandere has to learn to trust his partner will stay faithful.
That might not be what you’re going for though because it depends heavily on what their initial personalities are and how the two characters initially view each other.  Heck, I went through this scenario assuming these two characters already at least like each other or are even dating, but maybe that’s not how you have them start at all.
Whatever the case, I think the zombie apocalypse scenario is a nice way to force the characters out of their comfort zone and grow on their own because of the greater threat present (while still keeping their personal matters at heart).
Hope this was helpful!  It was fun to imagine.
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dangan-meme-palace · 6 years
Yandere DRV3 Girls
I shoulda posted this like a month ago I’m so sorry
Boys can be found right here
(Trigger warnings for the following: Kidnapping, Stalking, Non-con elements/mentions, Non-con drug use, Implied Torture, Physical/Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Gas Lighting, and Implied Murder)
Kirumi Tojo
I love her don't make me do this
Fell for you when you made an effort to lighten her load 
Definitely one of the more controlling yanderes
You thought you'd have someone you could order around? Foolish.
She wants what's best for you and so she just kinda takes care of everything for you
Which sounds great!
Until you realise she thinks she knows you better than you do
Which isn’t even wrong because she has stalked you intensely
Stalking aside she's gonna try and make your life better whether you like or not
This includes forcing you to eat healthier, exercise, etc. etc. 
Probably uses the Mom Voice™
She won't take no for an answer
Tsumugi Shirogane
Oh boy. Look away children.
Okay so there's 2 ways she’ll become obsessed with you 
1: You are really optimistic and hopeful
2: You are emotionally susceptible to abuse
Yeah this is gonna get really fucked up really quick
Sorry Tsumugi fans
If Option #1 is true for you get ready to be kidnapped
She's Despair so she's obviously gonna wanna kill your hope with no remorse
Just saying, killing your hope might include making you put on humiliating cosplays and posting pictures online of you in them
She also might use those pictures as blackmail
Depends on her mood tbh
If Option #2 sounds more like you then prepare for the stereotypical controlling yandere
She'll slowly get more and more controlling with you until you start to think there's no way out
Which is true
There is no way out
She won't let you leave
But… do you really want to leave her? 
She's all you have now.
She keeps you as a pet :’)
Tenko Chabashira
Fell for you when you showed fierce enthusiasm for something you love
She finds it cute as hell and she can't help but fall for you
She's more of an obsessive than an aggressive yandere surprisingly 
How could she hurt her one true love?!?!?
Gushes about you to all her friends
Takes pictures of you doing cute things like sleeping, showering, and eating
Will defend your honor without any hesitation 
If anyone even makes it seem like they don't want you around or don't appreciate you enough she is going off
She'll talk about every little thing that you do in a reverent tone of voice
It's like she worships you or something
Halfway through her 50th “I love them how dare you!” speech you notice something
She's talking about stuff you've never done around her, stuff you do alone
How would she know about any of that??
If you leave it alone you'll be fine but if you don't….
She won't hurt you but you're definitely not going outside anytime soon :)
Which is fine by her!
More time to spend with you! As an added bonus you're living with her now!
However, all good things must come to an end
A certain detective was determined to solve your case
And his leads all pointed to her
*thinking emoji*
She knew he was onto her
So she just… solved the problem
Rip Shuichi
Himiko Yumeno
She's like 8 you lolicons
Would totally lure you in with her magical loli powers
A well placed “Nyehhhh I can't reach this, can you grab it for me?” and a tired yawn here and there
Yeah, she's got manipulation down to a science
Anything to spend time with you
But it's not enough
She can't get enough of you
She wants more 
So whenever you leave her she'll follow you in secret
She hates that you have to leave in the first place
So, she uh,
Casts a spell on your lunch
Translation: she crushed up some sleeping pills and mixed the powder into your food
Luckily, she didn't give you too much
Unluckily, you're living with her now
And you're not leaving
It's all thanks to ~Maaaaaaggggiiiicc~
Angie Yonaga
“Oh my god, it's god?!?”
Nah, but she thinks Atua sent you to her as a gift
She saw you and it was like the stars fell from the heavens and became you
At least in her eyes
Immediately tries to get to know you and talk to you
She also makes a wax statue of you to put in her room
Might make a body pillow of you ngl 
Talks as if you're already together
It honestly surprises everyone when you say you're not
She's super confused
How could you not be hers?? Atua sent you to her?? You're hers??
Decides that you just don't know that you were sent to her
Silly s/o~
Definitely a kidnapper
She'll frequently ask you questions and if you answer wrong she disciplines (read: tortures) you
Conditions you to love her
God dammit Angie why must you be so fucked up
Kaede Akamatsu
Don't make me do this to her please..
She most likely fell for you when she realized how passionate you were
Especially if it's anything to do with music
Partial to singing but it doesn't really matter as long as you put your feelings into it
She falls ass over elbows for you when she accidentally heard you practicing
She's so shy around you it's kind of painful to watch
She's normally so confident but as soon as you're around she's quiet and flustered
The thing is she doesn't really mind that feeling
In fact she wants to feel it more
So she starts hanging around you more and more and spending all of her free time with you and just staying close to you in general 
Absolutely idolizes you
Thinks everything you do is cute and adorable and oh god she loves you so much
She starts getting nasty with everyone else though; she kinda acts like her pregame self
Why would she want to spend time with them when she could spend time with someone as amazing as you??
Everything seems more irritating and boring without you around
She comes to a sudden realization one night when she was thinking about her feelings
She wants a songbird
You can't let birds out of their cages or they'll fly away from you forever
She won't lose you.
She can't.
So she steals you away in the middle of the night
She treats you like a princess as soon as you wake up
Might ask you to sing for her from time to time but won't push you
She understands that you're going to have to adjust to being her songbird
That's fine!
Or so she thought
But she's just so sick of seeing you inch away from her in fear
She's Kaedone with your shit
How dare you be so ungrateful!!
She gives you everything and you still treat her like a criminal!!
There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep you!!
Demands affection from you
Not afraid to punish you
She hates it though
She just wants you to love her so why do you keep making her hurt you?!
She doesn't want to!! She promises!!
So please!! Just love her already!!
She hates how you fake your smiles
She hates how you flinch before you wrap your arms around her
She hates that you don't love her
But she hates the thought of you leaving so much more
So every day
She keeps trying to get you to love her
And every day 
You don't
Maki Harukawa
She might be a little too good at this yandere thing….
So, she's The Ultimate Assassin, meaning she kills people all stealthy-like
So I'd say she's pretty good at stalking her prey
Not to say that you're her prey but… that's exactly what I'm saying
You can't go anywhere without feeling eyes on you
She's way too nervous to talk to you
So she tries to make up for it with kind gestures 
Like stabbing people who walk too slow in the halls
They're all scum anyways
No one could ever be as kind and caring as you
So who cares if they die
They're nothing compared to you
Have you seen her in-game?? literally she's borderline yandere already
She’s super suspicious of you leaving her though
She knows that her job isn’t the most well-liked career and is terrified that you’ll find out and never want to go near her
And that just isn’t allowed
So she keeps it a secret for as long as she can
Until you eventually find out where exactly all of your friends have gone
If you’re okay with it (read: too terrified to move) you’ll most likely live through that encounter
If not… well...
She always thought you were cuter than any doll anyways <3
She even picks out a cute outfit for your corpse :’D
Miu Iruma
I live for this bitch
She's another yandere too shy to talk to you
She tries! She really does! Its It's just you make her so nervous
Y’all know how she gives Shuichi food with her hair in it? Imagine that x100
A good yandere to compare her to is actually Anna from Shimoneta
Just watch this tbh
She, like Anna, has made food with little bits of her in it
Just buy some damn chocolates you absolute madwoman
She also tries to impress you with things she invents
You’re her latest muse so it’s only fair that you get to try out her inventions firsthand
If you don’t want them she is crushed
She tries so hard, the poor thing
I imagine that if she went off the deep end it would go one of two ways
She either A: Becomes obsessed with trying to impress you. Losing sleep just so she could try and make the best possible present. This leads to her stalking you on and offline because she needs to find out your likes and dislikes. It’s normal to try and find out what someone would like as a present right? So it’s no big deal. She would also bug your house and clothes just to listen to you.
Or B: Straight up kidnaps you and locks you in her lab. Now you have no choice but to try out her inventions. Don’t worry though! She only picks out the best ones for you! She eventually is able to trick herself into thinking that you enjoy all of this and were just playing really hard to get. It’s like she can’t even hear you anymore...
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The Golden Cage Part 2: Pre Room
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This is a yandere story; it mentions elements of obsession, possessiveness, death, murder, kidnapping, imprisonment, and mental abuse. If any of this is triggering for you, I understand, and you don’t have to read it.
As Always Feedback is Welcome.
You stood on the deck of Zuko’s ship, leaning with your arms resting on the railing. Feeling the night breeze blowing through your hair, the smell of salt burning your nose, and the feeling of the sea spray on your skin were a few of your favorite things about sailing.
“You keep doing that, and you're going to fall overboard.” You didn’t even need to look back to recognize Zuko’s voice, having become familiar with it over the last few months you’d spent on his ship. In front of others, Zuko was loud and brash and angry, he was still all of those things with you, but sometimes if he was in the right mood and no one else was around, he could be other things too.
“You’d fish me out,” You said, not bothering to look back at him, still enjoying the sea spray while you could, Zuko had decided to travel to the south pole next and having been to the north pole, you knew it would be much too frigid to enjoy anything on the deck. Though firebender’s from what you’d heard were mostly unaffected by the cold, lucky bastard's.
“Oh, what makes you so sure of that,” a playful barb, tonight seemed to be one of his good nights.
“You did the first time, and I was a stranger then, but now I’m your best friend.” Maybe more you thought, unsure of where you stood with the Fire Nation Prince.
“And I regret that decision every day,” Zuko said with feigned irritation.
“We both know that you could have chucked me out the second you made port, but you got attached.” You finally turn around to face Zuko your back against the railing. Zuko watched with curiosity as your hands moved. You started unconsciously fidgeting with the amber pendant around your neck. He’d noticed it when he’d had to fish you out of the ocean, and you’d almost never seemed to take it off, So Zuko knew it must be important to you.
“Do you want to see it?” you asked, noticing where Zuko’s eyes had focused. He put his hand out as you pulled the leather strap over your head.
“Is that a butterfly trapped in the amber?” Zuko asked as he inspected the Amber by moonlight. You nodded a quick yes, admiring the way his eyes matched the jewel in his hand. Zuko could be a lot of things, infuriating, bossy, and loud, to name a few, but he was also the most mesmerizing person you’d ever met.
“It’s a family heirloom; if I get married, then I'll give it to my husband, who will, in turn, give it to our oldest daughter when she comes of age, though admittedly I got it a bit early due to well you know.” Having missing and presumed dead mothers was something you and Zuko had bonded over.
“If you get married, not when?” The Fire Nation Prince spoke as he handed back your necklace, with a strange look you’d never seen before in his eyes.
“I’ve never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks Zuko that kind of makes falling in love difficult.”
“When I find the Avatar, you could come back to the Fire Nation with me.” The Prince offered. What you didn’t have the heart to tell Zuko is that you didn’t think that he’d ever find the Avatar, you like most people assumed he’d died a long time ago. Instead, you smiled and hummed in agreement, it was best not to ruin Zuko’s good mood if you didn’t have to.
Honestly, you wouldn’t mind living on this ship for the rest of your life, Zuko as troubled as he was with his dual nature, was simultaneously one of the best and worst people you’d ever met. Iroh, on the other hand, was consistent with his kindness, while not being afraid to correct the crew when they’d called you the princes’ whore, or pet. If there was one thing that you didn’t like about this ship, it was the crew, they didn’t like Zuko. That was understandable; he was an asshole to them, but you wish you weren’t guilty by association.
“And where would I stay?” You were content to let Zuko live a beautiful lie until he had to face the stark truth on his own, the Avatar was dead.
“In the royal palace, as a guest of the prince.” Your heart jumped into your throat when you saw just the slightest of smiles on his face. Even his uncle never got to see that expression. Tonight, was a very good night indeed.
As you neared the Sothern water tribe, the air grew colder and colder, and with you only having the clothes on your back, you tended to avoid going on the deck if you could. Instead, you spent your time enjoying the Fire Nation’s genius in using the heat generated in the boiler room to warm the rest of the ship. All one had to do was open their vent in their room, and they’d be nice and toasty, that is unless some asshole Firebender decided to weld it shut.
That’s how you found yourself wandering the halls of the ship because it was much too cold to stay in your room, though the halls weren’t exactly what you’d describe as warm it was better than your room at least. Eventually, you got so tired you sat down with your back against a wall; it was just to rest for a bit you told yourself but then fell asleep. You didn’t want to tell Zuko because that would only stir up trouble, he seemed to be a little more protective the normal lately.
You just shrugged it off, you and Iroh were the only people he had around to bond with, and he thought you were helpless; you could fight, but that was a secret to be played close to the vest, especially with a man like Zuko. You may have been in love with him, but if he knew you could fight, then he’d start expecting you to help him, and your place as a neutral party in this war would go up in smoke. You may have been on a fire nation ship, but that didn’t mean you stood with them.
You should have known he’d find you anyways. It was a small ship, and it seemed Zuko had a sixth sense for your location because once he’d decided that he wanted to find you, it didn’t take him long to do so. You didn’t know it yet, but Zuko had more plans for you than letting you stay in the palace as his guest, one day when the two of you were a little older, he had every intention of making you his wife.
You brought something out of him that he’d nearly forgotten he could feel for anyone besides Uncle, a steady, unyielding urge to protect the people he cared for, especially the one’s who couldn’t defend themselves. He couldn’t lose anyone else like he’d lost his mother.
So, he’d been pissed when he found your room freezing where someone had welded the vent shut. For now, his goal was to find you and bring you back to his room where it was warm, after that his crew would learn you were off-limits and any action that was brought onto you would be returned tenfold. He wondered how one of his men would like a quick dip in the frigid arctic waters.
Once he had found where you were, you were about an inch away from freezing, and when you didn’t respond to him trying to wake you up his priorities switched, save your life first then find and punish the one responsible later.
It would be several hours later that you’d find yourself safely in the arms of the Fire Nation Prince. A very shirtless Fire Nation Prince, in fact, and he was warmer than you’d expected. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d been so cold or if firebender’s really did have a higher body temperature than usual. Really you must have still been a little out of it from the cold if your first concern wasn’t the fact that you were cuddled up to Zuko, it been why he was so warm.
Now it really started to hit you, you were cuddled up in the arms of your crush, and he was shirtless. For a second, you’d tried to pull away, but he had a solid grip around your waist, so you relented and decided that you’d stay where you were until he woke up. In the morning, Zuko would inform you that until they could get the vent in your room fixed, you’d be staying with him. Part of you didn’t care if you got to crash with your crush, then it wouldn’t be so bad, and yet another part sounded a lot like the crew whispering about you being the Prince’s whore.
He never did get around to having the vent fixed, and it definitely wasn’t an intentional oversite because he liked having you sleep in his arms.
@yanderepeterparker​​ @idkmanicantenglish​​ @prettyafghan @neon-phosphorecsent​​ @phoenixambers​​
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