#i use my quotev account that i made in 2017
mx-piggy · 5 months
i write self-insert fics based on shows i've never/barely seen, and that i've experienced solely through clips online and reader-insert fics. it's normally just basic excerpts of dialogue and scenes that aren't remotely descriptive. i know if i ever watch any of these shows properly, i'll be like 'hey, that's not my version of this character', and i probably can't watch these shows without my fics being forever ruined by the sheer canon divergence because i'm the kind of writer who gets stressed out when i diverge from canon 'too much'.
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eldritch-nightmare · 5 months
you seem like the type of person whos tried making a creepypasta before this isn't an insult or anything by the way thats just the vibe i get from you
thank you??
you would be correct. i did try writing a creepypasta, way back when i was 12 years old. i didn't. never finished her bc i utterly despised writing back then. it was like... the bane of my existence. my worst enemy.
this anon is now going to provide top-secret v lore bc memories flooded my brain when i saw it so!! pretend there's nostalgic piano music playing magically in the air as i clear my throat.
if you knew me from 2014 to roughly 2017 or 2018 (which i certainly hope you do not) then you already know this but i used to rp in this fandom. heavily. on quotev dot com. i still do rp, though not for creepypasta anymore because i lost contact with the people i used to rp with. i do however like making random accounts on q bc i made a jeff the killer account and i also plan on making a bloody painter one and also perchance maybe a nina one bc i have no sense of self control.
so, fun fact, all the creepypasta roleplays i did is what honestly made me get into writing but anyways.
i typically just roleplayed as the creepypastas since that's what everyone else did, y'know? original characters and self-inserts were looked down upon at the time because people thought it was 'cringe' and because i desperately wanted to be cool and accepted, i never really. roleplayed as my ocs. not that i had any fleshed out enough to rp as but. we'll get to that in a moment.
so, the three creepypastas that i roleplayed as exclusively, never once rping as any other because my mind latched onto them and refused to fucking let go, was homicidal liu, and both jane the killers. but mostly jane arkensaw. i love arkensaw so much it makes me look like a fool, honestly, and the way that i write her today is still heavily influenced by how i used to write her when i would roleplay. i never wanted to stop roleplaying for creepypasta because they are so near and dear to my heart but a lot of stuff was going on at the time and my friends at the time had moved on from the fandom so i just... stopped.
now, on the topic of ocs. i never had a fully fleshed out creepypasta oc. i always found it difficult to make one?? because it felt like there were a bunch of guidelines on how to properly make an oc so the oc wasn't 'cringe' or whatever and i found the whole thing to be tedious and annoying so i just never properly made an oc. i would come up with concepts, and would even draw some out every now and then but i threw all those drawings out.
i was, and still am, however, a big fucking fan of self-inserts. i only ever rped as a self-insert with one person bc they were the only person i knew that was chill with it and self-shipping and fucking hell it was the best rp i have ever done in my entire writing career nothing has ever compared to it man. the way we did it was we would control our two characters, our self-inserts, and then i would control the character they wanted to be shipped with and they would control the character i wanted to be shipped with. you... you can guess who that was i don't have to tell you, you already know. and we would make our self-inserts friends and have them interact and then they would meet the two creepypastas they were gonna get shipped with and it would slowly branch off so they'd have their own things going on so it was like two separate stories that still connected, and we would discuss what to do next in the rp in a separate message and.
god. it was one of the best moments of my life, excitedly sitting there and continuously checking my notifs, waiting to see a notification telling me they replied to our rp. i miss it, truly. both roleplaying with a friend and roleplaying as a self-insert. i never understood why self-shipping was frowned upon back then, because it was probably the most fun and cathartic thing i've ever done tbh.
thankfully, i've grown and no longer feel the need to please people so i happily and proudly ship myself with characters <3
anyways this got way off track to the anon uh, sorry. but!! special v lore!! yippee!! the more you know, i guess.
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sunriseverse · 3 months
Since you asked for questions...
7, 13, 17, 19, 21, 33, 39
thanks so much for the ask!!!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
i love putting the images in my mind into words, and i love being able to construct a cogent narrative from what starts as only scraps of those images. i love my writing style, love the way it sounds and the way it paints pictures so vividly. i'm by no means the best writer in the world, but i like the way i write. also, hearing peoples' reactions to my writing! i love when people engage with me and tell me what part of something particularly hit them.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
hardest would probably be involuntary institutionalisation/psychiatric mistreatment/abuse. i've never written anything in this vein (to my memory, at least), and while i think i have a lot of interesting concepts in that vein, i..............don't think i'd probably ever be able to properly manage to write it. as for easiest..................basically everything else? if you're just talking about subject matter, i think i'm fairly skilled and can pull off most things. the easiest would probably be various types of mental health issues, internalised dehumanisation, and intense longing and pining, which is a little bit of a funny combination on its face.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
okay i will not make you sit through my ramble about sunrise because it is literally thousands of words long, so i'll just link my sunrise crash course post. that said, a short thing i can say is the zhang sect's formative history is steeped in the tragedy of familial infighting and murder, and the later generations, especially after zhang ruitong's period as zhang qiling, really hold up the murder as a good, righteous action, when the murderer was devastated and horrified by what she had done and essentially became a recluse and a shadow of herself because of it, and zhang ruitong is maybe, possibly, heretically killed by a snake that's a reincarnated version of the murdered brother in question.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
oh, this is a long one. so, i've been writing for..............a bit more than half my life, now. i started out writing fanfic by hand as a kid, and then migrated first to ffnet , where i spent a good few years mostly lurking until i finally got an email and was able to post my own writing (i did briefly use lj and quotev before ffnet, but i never had an account on them). i wrote a lot of warriors fanfic, since that's what i was mainly into, as well as a good deal of guardians of ga'hoole and inheritance cycle fanfic by hand (none of this was ever digitised and is probably lost to the ages). after this, in 2017, i finally made the shift to ao3, after having heard about it for years but never making the transition, because an author i read a lot of talked about migrating over there, and began posting my own writing. by that point, i'd been writing for a good portion of my life, and my writing skills weren't too shabby, so some of the stuff from that period is still intelligible, even if it's bad. then in 2018 i began taking prompts for a fandom i'd just gotten into, pacific rim, and i was a serial promptfic writer between 2018-2021, which is where i credit my rapid improvement of skill to—i was writing sometimes two or three prompts per month, and generally the reaction was positive. however, a combination of events almost led me to stop writing entirely in 2021—people had started calling me a big name fan, which made me incredibly uncomfortable, because i felt like i was being put up on a pedestal and people were treating me as an idol rather than just...............you know, another fan. i also had a falling out with another big name fan in the fandom over a "joke" they made. i actually never talked about this publicly, because i genuinely don't think it was like................something worth dragging into public, especially since as a so-called bnf myself, i was aware that if i were to talk about it, people would be very polarised about it. after i blocked this person, they went and left a massive ao3 comment on one of my fics, which freaked me out pretty badly, and for about a year afterwards i had really bad shutdowns and paranoia surrounding that event and fanfic generally that made writing really hard for me, because i found it really hard to extricate my writing from the harmful ways i was practising and thinking about my writing. but after a series of url changes, making new friends, and finally getting medicated for the plethora of mental health issues i apparently had had most of my life (shocking, who could have guessed), i was able to finally begin seeing writing as something for me and something i did for enjoyment. moving into cdramas and cnovels as my main types of fandom also helped a lot, because it took off the pressure i felt to write a certain way, since a lot of the english fandoms for them are much smaller, and i've purposely tried to ensure that i never wind up in another situation where i'm being called a bnf again. also, my writing now is probably the best it's ever been, and that makes me really happy and helps stave off any issues i might have with falling into a bad mental state again.
21. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
uh. not very. i have a notes app folder with jotted down fanfic ideas i'll sometimes go through, but most of the time i just start writing in a google doc with some stupid title, and i rarely use outlines—mostly my "planning" process consists of either 1. rambling to my friends to help solidify my ideas and copypasting that conversation into the docs for reference, or 2. a singular rambling line detailing the points i want to hit in the fic. once it's finished, i toss it into ao3 and call it a day. i'm an adult who's also been in university and college for years and i have a lot of things to do, and fanfic is something that i do for fun, so i don't really bother to be too meticulous about it—unless you count sunrise, which is just generally an outlier in my life overall.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
yes! i draw and (very occasionally) make amvs. usually though my art isn't tied to any of my writing, and my amvs are separate too. i would love to illustrate my writing, but my art is..........not that good. mostly i just use my art for character design/redesign these days.
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
spite, mostly. my life and other people have taken a lot of things from me, and writing is the one thing i've stubbornly held onto since i was a child. it's in my marrow by this point; i wouldn't be myself if i didn't write. also, there's something so satisfying about drawing together a concept over thousands of words—and i love trying to figure out how a concept would work while still keeping characters, well, in character.
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dodzishere · 2 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "dodz107"?
I'm so sorry. I'm only just now seeing this!
My top 10 fics in any fandom would be a very hard choice. I think I might have to go with Top 5 because I honestly don't know if I could go through all of my bookmarks atm. They aren't in any order of favorite to least favorite because honestly, I don't think I could choose.
1. "victory tastes sweeter when i'm with you" by curovogel. It's a Soriku fic and although it is a oneshot (21k words to be specific) it's incredibly dear to me seeing as it was one of the first soriku fics I read upon really getting into Kingdom Hearts in 2019.
2. "Tempo" and its companion "Movement" by foxdreams. These are yet again Soriku fics. I'm not usually one for reading non canon compliant stories, but this one was honestly such a beautiful read. I think it captured their personalities very well!
3. "discriminating taste" by Jenanigans1207. This one is a bkdk fic. The concept is just *mwah* chefs kiss. I'm a sucker for social media being involved, and this one is exactly that. It's not complete, and it's been a while since we've got an update, but I have trust!!
4. "go west" by ssstrychnine. This a Reddie fic and my goodness if you've seen the art for this made by someone on here that I do not remember the name of, then you know this one is good!!
5. "it's always been who is spider-man and never how is spider-man" by i_regret_thatpersonalityquiz. This one has Parkner in it, but I came for the Peter Parker angst. I actually didn't know what parkner was before this fic, sooooo... ANYWAY. If you want angst and whump and found family and overall cheese, then this is the fic for you!
honorable mention to the first fanfic I ever read in 2017 on quotev. Idk where it is now, and I doubt I could find it, but it was Percabeth and set in the 1960s.
Now, onto my username. I had gone through a lot of usernames in the past most all of them including the word "art" or "doodling" or having a combination of my lucky number (10) and my favorite number (7) (not counting my old wattpad account in 2018 that has since been deleted going by the name "EverythingInBetween"). In 2021, I made 3 online friends in the content creator "Ranboo" s discord server. My name at the time was "Doodlezly," but they wanted to call me by a nickname. So they started brainstorming things like ly (pronounced lee) lez and Doodz. I thought doodz was weird, but then I had a vision and took one of the O's away. Hence the name Dodz. Most of my accounts now are under the name "dodzishere," but its og form is Dodz107. OH!! And it's pronounced "Dahdz" kinda how you say dots but with a d instead of a t.
Thank you so so so so much for the ask! I'm not sure how long it's been sitting in my askbox for, because I'm not on tumblr as often as I used to be, but still thank you for even giving me one in the first place!
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List of quotev drama from 2015-2019 that I remember! Not in order fuck that
In late 2021-2022 people made groups specifically targeting DID systems that had persecutors
2018 someone set their PFP (profile picture) as just... Actual shit, their shit, in the toilet.
Someone claiming to be underaged made an account where their PFP was furry porn and their whole account was filled with bragging about being a minor, they said it was a joke but it wasn't because they proceeded to RP as this same character on several different accounts
In about 2017-2018 every thought reverse racism existed
A group of people (me included) would search out on purpose for pedophiles just to get them IP banned off the website.
People on the website still have no idea what the word groom means (some 13 was telling everyone another 13 year old groomed them bc they broke up with them?)
THE ONLINE DATING SCENE WAS INSANE made a small diagram of shit that had happened in my friend group when I first joined quotev
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8. Every other day someone is getting canceled.
9. A band called rats on acid joined the website and encouraged minors to Drink and simp/Flirt with the pr manager, using aave in an attempt to seem hip, ignored people's pronouns while those pronouns where in user names and called people gendered terms after they specified not liking those terms, bullied people for liking MLP (at the time there was a thriving sub culture of people who liked MLP on quotev) being furries (on a small site filled with mostly autistic queer people who are furries? Yeah that'll blow over well) encouraged their "fans" to harass people (no one did) all while plagiarizing nirvana songs. It's been 3 years and they haven't been active since then.
10. The trumed vs tucute debate of 2015-16 haunts my memories
11. Several people claimed family members were missing. Several times people found their missing loved one just fine. On Facebook. Not having gone missing at all. Almost every time.
12. Several people showed off fresh s/h scars in art books
13. Recently someone made a straight pride and allosexual pride phone background.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Holy shit! Dude You may not know me but I used to read your yandere works in 2016 in quotev. I was suprised that I found you again on Tumblr out of all websites and Writing Twisted Wonderland, not that I'm complaining since you're a great author
That's crazy. Ah, 2016, such simpler times. I actually made my Quotev account in early 2016, and didn't start publishing until late 2017. And it wasn't that great back then, but I'm glad you read it!
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frost-skyder · 4 years
This person started the stalking on deviantArt, but has also posted the stolen artwork on here, and has harassed a fellow artist for about 3 years. The original beware is on dA and is linked above, but I’ll share a few examples below and under a readmore, I will show the beware as it is written on dA.
This is beware is about the tumblr user @pipermccloud / @the-sly-fox-artist / @stefano-and-obscura​ / @oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap / @ask-albert-vanderboom​
Not only did they trace, copy, and color-pick designs from another artist, but they stalked him, harassed him, tried to frame him for various things, emotionally manipulate him and others, and continually block-evaded when he made it very clear he no longer wanted any contact.
Some Examples of tracing/theft before the Readmore:
Stolen (Traced & Color-Picked): https://pipermccloud.tumblr.com/post/168634706953
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/OTA-frisky-pirahna-700430168
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Stolen/Traced: https://oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap.tumblr.com/post/190797235061/
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Stolen Character:
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The Full Beware Below
Disclaimer: The purpose of this journal is for awareness purposes only. It is to make the community aware of activity happening that is harmful and causing someone harm. This journal is not to be used to bait or harm others; only to spread awareness. If I see others using this journal to perpetuate harm, they will be blocked and no longer have access to this journal.
This is unfortunately a continuing issue, which I had tried to be resolved privately, but has been going on for years. Paper-Piper / TheOneWhoInks / lil-ol-cricket-bug (also known as oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap, pipermccloud, ask-albert-vanderboom, the-sly-fox-artist, and stefano-and-obscura on tumblr) has been stalking another user, a friend of mine named Elias here, best known as LambRot. 
Due to the fact that this stalking, harassment, and purposeful theft, I'm going to have to break this journal down into segments. I'm going to try to go into chronological order, but this has been an issue going on for years, so apologies if I make some minor mistakes. This is going to be a long journal, and I apologize for that, but it has been years of harassment and stalking.
1. The Start of Harassment
The character was reposted due to the rude comment deterring from the art, and them throwing a fit.
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The comment chain is no longer attached to the art, but the comment chain remains:
 •  www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
They chose to not leave it at that, and tried to play it off, despite several people telling them what they did was inappropriate. Warning that some of the comments on the journal are also innappropriate, and not the best way to react to the situation:
  In Case of Removal: archive.is/cickf
After this, to harass him further, Piper went on to actually copy his character designs despite their criticism of his style.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Changeling-Adoptable-617044276
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Serene-ota-582682563
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Stolen (Forgot to save a close-up all that long ago, so need to show two pics to point out the white horse with blue hair): 
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Cloud-Duster-682526649
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Piper got caught, and their response was to once again, blame the original artist for not being able to take "criticism" instead of acknowledging that they purposely copied and harassed the user. 
In Case of Removal: archive.ph/VJ5WM
They chose to contact me on my previous account, the one I had confronted them on in the past, acting as though nothing had happened.
The stash links in the notes went to this, which just shows that I had originally discussed with them that it was evident that they had mimicked designs.
 •  sta.sh/2bjcy1jfz7k
They admitted to stalking and harassing Elias, to doing this out of a sick enjoyment on their Quotev. They denied being this user previously, but were unable to prove themselves innocent, refused to report identity theft to Quotev, or do anything to actually show that this wasn't them. Not to mention their other multiple accounts, the personal info their shared on this account, and others, it was obvious that this was in fact them. 
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Them lying on another account:
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Proof of the previous account belonging to them, because it links to their tumblr, and the post exists before the other Quotev was created:
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Linking to their dA:
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Linking to their dA:
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(During the time the screenshot was taken, they had renamed the account, hence why it was now called sugar)
Admitting to having a Quotev account before the Tataina one existed:  • www.deviantart.com/comments/4/…
2. Continuous Stalking
The harassment initially started Sep 21, 2017. Unfortunately, it did not end even that year. Piper went on to continue to steal/mimic/reference designs from Elias. The journal is old and unfortunately, because the deviations were removed, it is missing the pictures Piper made, but I have screenshots to show what they were. The journal is for proper timestamp purposes.
Some of these designs were stolen a whole year later. They were obviously still watching Elias and what content he was making. It was discovered later that they used an alt account of theirs to follow him and stalk him.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Neon-Bitch-sold-764528076
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Oktober-765720469
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Banana-Bread-ota-764524791
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Sweet-Sweet-Candy-746615778
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Stolen (forgot to save original image, but saved them lying about it):
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(In this case, the drop tool was even used and the hex codes copied, so the exact same color was used)
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pumpkin-761615110
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There were even more, but I didn't think to save all the evidence at the time. I thought that would be the last time this person was going to copy and harass Elias. They had been caught twice, I thought this was over with.
Not only were they trying to copy and reference his designs, but they were reposting his art on Quotev, still criticizing his work despite their trying to get away with copying him.
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Adoptable-sonic-character-395008883
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When we found it on Quotev:
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It happened more than once sadly.
The Quotev, one of many: 
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This doesn't even take into account the various comments they made on tumblr, prolonging drama. If I find more screenshots of that in either my archives or in the archives of someone else affected, I will add them.
Also chose to use their alt accounts to bait Lambrot into action, trying to get him to react to their harassment:
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They also went on to impersonate him on ponytown. There were a few messages like this sent to Lambrot, and Piper denied being the one, but even before he started getting messages, the same day Piper was seen continuously getting on and trying to see his account for activity, which is highly suspicious, like they obviously knew what was going on.
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3. Continual and Consistent Theft
Fast forward to now, 2020, this user is still an issue. There is more traced, referenced, and blatantly stolen characters. It is obvious that they have been still trying to stalk/watch Lambrot, after 3 years.
Here's a few found from just this new year
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Hentai-758479481
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/028vup6l0ak7
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Wo-ve-yo-u-409663027
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/0181esrllez7
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/027m0cnozkpl
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The Character They Keep Referencing and Taking (Will be more evident in the stash linked below): https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pretty-In-Pink-780234661
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Liar-436104299
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Heavily Referenced, submitted Feb. 12th, 2020:
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Heavily Referenced/Traced, on one of their tumblrs: oka-and-kokona-against-bullcra… 
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Ranting about his journals/polls, further proof of stalking...  • www.deviantart.com/lambrot/jou…
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Yes, these happened right after his poll. No, it's not a coincidence.
And now stating they are going to be doing a gallery purge, most likely to hide the evidence:
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Piper has been a stalker, emotionally abusive, and even went so far as to impersonate him on ponytown and harass people to try and make him appear hostile.
There's much, much more theft of characters, more traced images, more color-picked and copied designs, but at this point the journal has gotten long and I think the point has been made clear. I've made a stash with more evidence of copied characters, tracing, and overall proof of stalking: 
-- sta.sh/21crbhj20uqn --
This person has gone out of their way to harass Lambrot for years, stalked him continuously, obsess over him and block-evade multiple times. The worst part isn't that they've been stealing this long, but that they've made it a mission to purposely try to harm someone. This isn't some off the cuff petty act; this is premeditated at this point, calculated, and Piper has gone out of their way to try to defame Lambrot not only on this site, but on tumblr as well.
To Note:
Lambrot wants nothing to do with Piper. He wants no connection with Piper, he does not want to talk to Piper at all. Piper was blocked for a reason that exact day they chose to be rude on one of his pieces, and he has every right to block someone and not interact with them. Their behavior towards him, the copying, the stalking, and the continued baiting has given him no reason to ever want to make amends or speak to them ever again.
I had at one point offered to be Lambrot's representative and speak to Piper to try to reach a resolution, and Piper continued to ignore that invitation even at the request of a "friend" of theirs.
Blocking has not resolved this, reporting to dA has not resolved this, privately trying to resolve this did nothing. This has been going on for years and isn't acceptable.
Please do not cherry pick images and state "poses aren't under copyright," "you can't own colors," or that these are just "coincidence." It's obvious that you can't own colors or positions, and not the argument. These are not coincidence; this person has color-picked and stalked Lambrot for years. If it were not a stalking situation, maybe there would be more room to consider this. 
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themluckyfew-moved · 5 years
I've been bedridden most of the day with flu symptoms, but I just want to say thank you for everyone who's tagged me for positivity day! I've only been in this community for like a month and it's been one of the nicest and most welcoming online communities I've been part of. Since I am feeling better than I was earlier today, I figured I'll share why I started self shipping and tagging who's helped me become more open with it these past few months.
So, I've been self shipping for as long as I can remember, in fact my first fictional crush was actually Brock from Pokemon when I was 5 years old. It's always been a huge part of my life and I didn't know anyone else did it. I was just a kid having fun and making my own characters to kiss the characters I liked. The whole idea of self inserts were a complete mystery to me until I got my first phone when I was 13. This was when I started using the internet and I joined a website called Quotev. Quotev is a fanfiction site and the entire reason I joined was so I could comment on a wonderful reader insert I had been reading for a few days. Once I joined I met many amazing people who introduced me to new shows and books and I just acted there how I acted in real life.
I wrote self insert stories, I read them, I made art, and at one point I even made my account completely roleplay based and would post status updates of conversations I would have with Luciano and other characters I liked. Looking back on it, they were all so... Weird, but I was having fun and no one ever told me what I was doing was bad! Those silly roleplay things were the start of me openly self shipping, and it was fun! Unfortunately, this was around 2015 and 2016, a.k.a, when cringe culture started to really take off. When that happened I stopped openly self shipping and I tried to change myself. I said I didn't like self inserts and I would openly mock people's characters if they weren't up to the internet's standards. It was actually kind of a rough time in my life, and I'm glad it's behind me.
I only started to self ship again in late 2017 or early 2018. I don't know what compelled me to really, it was a mix of seeing people online so open and happy about and me being done with the whole cringe culture thing. I still wasn't too open with my self inserts, I only shared them with close friends, but as the year went on I opened up more and now here I am!
Since I've started self shipping again I've been much happier and I'm actually enjoying myself online again. In a weird way, I've always used self shipping as a coping mechanism. I have severe anxiety and lots of mental issues going on that I haven't been able to get sorted out yet, and the darkest years of my life was when I stopped doing what I enjoyed doing. Life is still hard, and lots of things haven't been going my way recently, but it's been easier for me to manage because I know have good friends I can count on, and I always have this community and my F/O's to bring my mood up
So thank you to the people who have inspired me to be more open about self shipping @star-platinums-wife (I know you've probably already jumped ship but I'm still going to tag you TwT) and @robotarmjokes and thank you to the people I've met who have been incredibly supportive since I've joined the community @theunpredictablegodess @kittyandco @lildreamysoul @the-storyteller-and-her-soldiers @miyuswhoopsiedoodles @sinningsmyspecialty @nohr-and-thirst
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bum-callout · 6 years
the full regan tea!
i know this is long as HELL so there will be a tl;dr at the end for those who dont have the time to read it or just dont want to.
disclaimer 1: screenshots will be added to this as theyre located. a lot of this persons accounts/messages have been deleted, so some are hard to find, unfortunately.
disclaimer 2: no witch-hunting of this individual is encouraged. this is merely a warning to people who interact with them and something to document and fully address their lies over the past three or so years.
a little context:
this callout regards an individual who will be referred to as “regan” and they/them for the duration of this post to avoid confusion. a list of their known aliases is located here.
they currently go by alayne, and are most active on quotev, where their most recent urls are @jonestxwn (which is super disrespectful already lol) and @yearzer0. their old tumblr is @colacans, but if they have a new one, im unaware of it.
all victims names have been changed to preserve their privacy. here is a list of people mentioned:
gail: gail refers to the main victim of regans manipulation and their partner of several years. they started dating some time in 2015 or 2016. the broken heart emoji in some screenshots refers to gail. gails alters are also changed to “gail” for privacys sake.
jake: jake is another victim of regans, albeit a more minor one. jake met regan in 2015 and started dating them. jake is also often lied about as regan. the game controller emoji in some screenshots refers to jake.
skylar: ex-qpp/partner of regans. last testimonial is from them.
taylor: an ex friend of regans who theyd had various and sundry drama with over the 3 years of bs.
jay: an ex of regans that they parted on rough terms with.
any other censored names: people who i was sure would only be mentioned once.
gail and jake:
this is, without a doubt, the most important part of the callout, and unfortunately the part with the least viable screenshots, due to deletion of accounts/messages. gail has since deleted most of her messages from regan, but the ones that ive found/been given screenshots of are here (with gails explicit permission).
regan was incredibly shitty to gail during their 2-3 year relationship. i would go so far as to say regan was abusive. as will be seen in the actuallydivine section, regan blames a great deal of things on gail, and has never permanently taken the blame for anything in their rocky relationship; it has always, according to regan, been something wrong with gail.
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here are some examples of regan exhibiting abusive behaviour (tormenting gail because its “funny”), admitting to their own shitty behaviour, and mentioning cheating on her. its interesting to note they were also dating jake at this time, but they cared about him so little they didnt even mention the effect cheating might have on him.
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i find it interesting that regan admits to being shitty towards gail as far back as 2016, but has gone back to claiming they did nothing and that gail is the one at fault. perhaps it is a bit far to claim that regan is a pathological liar, but with their behaviour, i would not be entirely surprised.
another thing to mention regarding gail is that regan claimed gail pushed them into the habit of regan calling gail “daddy,” and then saying they were ace and it made them uncomfortable in the first place, when nothing could be farther from the truth. regan has publicly in front of their followers, almost 100% of whom were minors, talked about their R*PE KINK, and often called gail daddy unprompted on the feed and elsewhere. before anyone comes for me, im not claiming that they couldnt be asexual, but i am doubtful because of the fact theyve claimed that once or twice before and decided they werent, AND because of the fact they only used it to pin the blame on gail for this.
this doesnt even touch on the amount of times they threatened to kill themself.
regan and jakes relationship went as such: they met in 2015, when jake was 13 and regan was 16, and started dating. hopefully you can understand what is wrong with that, as a relationship with that age gap is ILLEGAL in every u.s. state. there was sexual conduct involved, making regan (arguably) a child predator. there is also a statement that regan dated another 13 year old when they were 17, but that is as yet unproven and the 13 year old in question is not contactable to confirm this. to the best of my knowledge, both of their current partners are also minors, despite the fact they are 19 as of october 2018.
regan was also extremely shitty to jake during this time, constantly “bullying” him (their own words) in a way that they found funny, but was clearly extremely upsetting to jake. they also pushed him aside for at least half of their relationship, as they were poly and their other partners (mostly gail) were more their focus.
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above is a conversation between jake and regan. regan came to him and asked him “what [they] ever did to [him]” and after respondingg and explaining why exactly he had beef with them, he discovered that them saying they wanted “no drama” was absolutely bs, as they had been posting a psa trying to get he and gail deleted for no reason that same day. afterwards, regan messaged jake asking for a truce, which jake refused, as he was furious with them and felt that they were not in a position to ask for a truce when they were doing things like this just hours before.
this is mostly just them talking shit, but some of the stuff they say is clearly lies if you consider evidence. they constantly paint themself as the victim when they are a 19 year old abuser who takes advantage of people regularly.
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(this last screenshot refers to jake changing his username to a pun based on the phrase “lies and slander”; its unclear whether regan sent this pretending to be someone else, or had someone they know send it.)
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i think its also interesting to note that this screenshot and later ones where regan is friends with jake are taken merely a month apart, and then, two months later, theyre back on their bs. something about that seems super fake to me.
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regardless of your opinion on actuallydivine, if you look at the lies section, you can see regan blaming gail for all their actuallydivine stuff and saying it was all a lie. yeah. bs.
mental illness:
i know this is a bit of a controversial subject, but a lot of stuff regan said/did concerning mental illness (ESPECIALLY involving their system/alters) was really shitty imo.
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this is a good example of something shitty they did alter-wise. this was something they claimed OVER AND OVER AGAIN, saying shitty things they did were always their evil headmates, and constantly killing off and creating new headmates (that were mostly actually just them under a new name) as an excuse for their behaviour and a way to reset for being a shitty person.
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heres them listing their mental illnesses. now, if you look in the lies section, regan says they faked their headmates (aka their osdd), so thats more proof theyre a liar. they also at one point bashed self-diagnosis, and yet they admit to self-diagnosing here. Hmm. something else to note is that in the first image, they seem to be claiming that their therapist diagnosed them, when diagnoses are made by psychiatrists, but that could be a simple oversight on their part.
self-explanatory, but this section is mostly regan saying or implying theyve changed and are now a better person.
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as you can see in the above screenshots, all taken at different times in the last two years, theyve done this thing over and over and OVER where they claim theyve changed, theyre better, something has changed their view, and that is simply not the case, and never has been.
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this last one is from this month (october 2018). sound familiar?
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these arent so much blatant lies as it is implying theyre any different now. also, funny to acknowledge that 2015 them was a piece of shit, when they really dont act any different now.
some other ridiculous things they lied about:
their height, at least three separate times.
their zodiac sign.
regan is very much a ‘true crime’ kind of person, and i do, in some aspects, mean the fetishize-y kind. theyre borderline obsessed with serial killers, and have expressed sexual attraction for ted bundy. however, thats not the only true crime-related bullshit theyve pulled.
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yeah. regans factkin with JIM JONES. and they made one of their urls “jonestxwn” like.. how disrespectful can you be? if they were a columbiner, i would not be surprised. for those who are not aware, jim jones is the cult leader who caused the jonestown massacre, which resulted in the death of 900+ people through mass suicide. its where the phrase “drinking the koolaid” comes from, as the poison was mixed with a koolaid-like product.
you thought regan could not be any more of a freak? you were wrong baybee!
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even without context this is a gross thing to do. however, context makes this worse: the individual in question, while they were NOT a good person, was around jakes age, if not younger, meaning that they were at least 3 years younger than regan at the time, and were most likely probably 13-14, judging by the time period when regan was interacting with them, so regan was 3-4 years older than this individual when they manipulated and fake dated them.
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just gross. its of note that regan turned 18 in 2017, so they were an adult or close to being an adult when they said this.
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hmm. kind of fetishize-y, but not the worst thing ive seen from regan.
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GROSS? stay away from children.
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honestly this ones just funny all things considered.
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this isnt the only time theyve referred to themself as a fujoshi, and some of those times were when they identified as female. yikes!
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yet another one thats just funny. they are genuinely a narcissist, and regularly refer to themself as some kind of genius (not to mention their god complex, which THEY THEMSELF refer to as such).
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another one like that mentioning their headmates and the fact they are, and i quote, “the smartest person alive.” come bless us mortals with your 300 iq, o god regan.
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they were also into ddlg but i have no screenshots of that, as after a certain period, they prefaced a lot of their posts with stuff like “hehe im not into ddlg but i sure love calling my partner daddy!” despite having said, and i quote, “ddlg is my main kink,” at one point.
another point against them, which i have proof for but didnt feel was relevant enough to this: they love tearzah, and claimed to have been in a relationship with them. although tearzah (and melanie martinez... AND reinagoth) are people who they are a massive hypocrite about, as they acknowledged they were shitty and refused to support them, and then, mere months later, decided “nevermind, dont care, i love them xoxo.”
this is fairly self-explanatory; its testimonials by anonymous people who interacted with regan in the past detailing what they know of them.
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to add some extra context to the one directly above, this individual is younger than jake by a year.
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more of these will be added as i receive more.
i apologize for getting kind of unprofessional at the end, but this is a subject im emotionally involved in. again, i DONT advocate witch-hunting of this individual. theyre a shitty person but harassing them will do nothing constructive.
spreading this would be appreciated, though, as this person is genuinely a danger to those around them and has continued to lie about gail and jake up until extremely recently, if they are not still doing so.
regan is an abusive person who takes advantage of minors, blames the people they abuse, and constantly lies about everything they can, among a plethora of other shitty-but-less-unforgivable things.
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println-archive · 6 years
warning for tumblr user epiphanct
disclaimer: most of what happened between us was on now deleted quotev/quizazz accounts and my old blog that i deactivated after getting stalked by someone irl. all the screenshots i can give are from our email conversations, but i can get some testimonies from people who knew her about how she treated me in public and what i told them at the time it all went down. 
(@stillwritinghaikus & @sadcryptid knew me and eli most of the time, but @gafou was there towards the end and can say what they were like the few times we all hung out also only contact these ppl off anon, they don’t all want to be involved too publicly but agreed to be included as character witnesses to who eli is-- there are other people but i don’t have ways to contact a lot of them because we fell out of touch over the years)
anyone who has followed me for long or knows me knows i still deal with panic attacks, issues in relationships, issues with self worth, and nightmares because of a bad ex-girlfriend.
me and eli (i think that’s what they’re going by now and i believe they use they/she pronouns now) were best friends and on-again off-again since 2013 up until some time in 2017. consistently from 2014 until 2016 (i tried to detach from them in late 2016 so we talked significantly less and i would ignore them when they got angry or anything), they emotionally abused me. 
tw for incest, daddy kink, and emotional abuse under the cut-- don’t harass her about the things regarding incest or daddy kink because most of that is from when they were 13-15, i’m only including it because its a testament to what type of person they are and something that is available in our email chains to prove. i was complicit in a lot of the incest rp/kink but at no point was i legit into it, i just never called them out on it and i went with it
we met when they were 12 almost 13 and i was 13 (i think) on our first accounts on quizazz (now quotev), a quiz and story-making website, because they spoiled fred dying for me in a post about harry potter. 
from then we started talking and eventually became best friends. things were mostly normal and healthy overall for the first year until i got into my first relationship w/ someone. they started to get possessive of my time and over me but i thought it was normal and it pretty much was especially when i found out why-- they confessed to having a crush on me. i got permission from my S.O. at the time to be poly and date both of them but eventually i dumped my S.O. for eli alone. it was around when we became exclusive (when they were 13 and i was 14) that things went from normal messy teenager dating to controlling my entire life
they would get angry when i went to sleep, saying that i had to stay up for them or giving me the silent treatment the next morning if i went to sleep when they didn’t want me to. they didn’t limit asking me to stay up to when they were unstable either, most of the time their reason was that they wanted to rp. they would snap and withhold affection from me if i went to sleep on accident or my mom took my laptop away so i would go to sleep. at some point it reached the point that i was missing days of classes in a row because i was sleep deprived and throwing up in the mornings from stress and lack of sleep. i told them this and they still didn’t stop.
they would also control what i posted on my blog or what i had my layout look like on quotev, because if they didn’t like what it was they would claim we had nothing in common and should break up or they should unfollow me or they should block me. most notably, when i made a sideblog for taylor swift posts at some point i started spending most of my time on that blog because taylor swift was a hyperfocus at the time. i switched that blog to my mainly active one and made it a multifandom with a focus on taylor swift, and they got mad at me for posting so much taylor swift. to placate her, i changed it so i only posted taylor swift in my queue and then, finally, i just ran a multifandom blog and avoided reblogging anything about taylor swift more than two or three times a week. i need to emphasize here: i never tried to make eli talk to me about taylor swift after they made it clear they didn’t like them, i didn’t talk to them about it and i didn’t require that they interact with my posts or anything. they just didn’t want me to post about my interest. this also happened with pokemon and homestuck, but to a lesser extent-- the fight was over once i changed my layout from having art for them, i was still allowed to post some.
we broke up sometime in late 2014 for good, but they still made all of my decisions. they were possessive and called me theirs, they didn’t like it when i liked girls who weren’t them, and only let me show affection for them. i was allowed on relationship other than eli, and only because they approved of her and set me up with her. in the end, we broke up because, with eli’s manipulation and forced dependence on them, i was still in love with them. then, within the month of breaking up with this girl, eli switched the script completely and would randomly go through bouts of anger where they would give me the silent treatment and vague about me for still having feelings for them.
they also made it very clear that they got to pick who i could and could not be friends with. most notably with my then best friend dani (@sadcryptid, dont message them publicly abt this). when they found out i was talking to dani in any capacity-- whether i mentioned her or posted something about her-- they would give me the silent treatment or yell at me about it extensively. this went on for YEARS (two? i think) until i ended up dropping dani for entirely unrelated reasons (we’re cool now). when, briefly after, i made friends with a girl who went by luna (who sexually harassed me so eli ended up being right but they didn’t know about that at the time), they lost their shit guilt tripping me into dropping luna too because they wanted to be my only close friend. another time my friend irl confessed to having a crush on me and eli made me talk to her less and said i was theirs
they also briefly shipped reylo and wincest, i have no idea if they still do but i know they did as long as i knew them, and shipped nico from percy jackson (a canon gay character) with their girl oc. (they had a whole breakdown when nico was confirmed gay, saying it ruined the books for them)
they also would give me the silent treatment whenever something good happened in my life-- when i got tickets for the nebraska comic con, or got to see taylor swift, they would give me the silent treatment or yell at me
they had an incest kink to the point of making up ocs to be their twin and older sister, only agreeing to human aus for michael/lucifer from spn if they were related in them (until they changed their mind to getting angry at me for suggesting them), and had a literal daddy kink-- not just into calling their partner daddy but to the point where they would propose rps where their self insert was the literal child of michael and they would have sex. 
they also liked professor/student plots, especially in harry potter with professor snape and their self inserts.
so here are the screenshots now, for your ref in the screenshots, they’ve gone by “mya”, “lottie/charlotte”, “wren”, and “matt”. they also have an oc other than the fake siblings that come up a few times named “juliet” and one named “holly” and one named “casey”. i know that the screenshots don’t have proof of everything i’ve outlined, like i said above most of it happened on accounts that have since been deleted or deactivated so i only have what i could find in my gmail.
i’ll add more screenshots as i find them
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