#i used paint and three different types of glue
alsoanyways · 6 months
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a painting from last january (mixed media is an understatement)
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headstoned · 1 year
S T O C K H O L M 🍒 S Y N D R O M E
《Toki Wartooth, Metalocalypse》
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Warnings: abduction, cursing, alcohol/drug use/mention,
Chapter 2, Fade To Black
"no one but me; an save myself; but it's too late; now I can't think; think why I should even try..."
Chapter 1; "Oh boys..." Toki groaned to himself. Little did he know.
Little did he know what he was in for.
It was loud until the lights came on over the stage. It was empty. Not even a drum set or microphone. The fog machines cut on, as routinely, but still no band. There were no cheers. Only confused murmurs. Even the scent of earthy marijuana arose, but there was still no band. Minutes passed before people started shouting angrily and starting a mob.
Then a man stepped onto the stage, announcing that the band was... gone.
"What the fuck?! You alcoholics would really go out of your way to kidnap a whole ass goddamn band for kicks?!"
"Yeah! Be more original! Wait are we in a fucking plane?"
"No, dumbass."
"Noia, get us out of heeere!!"
"Dumbass, I am also tied up, just be quiet. Please!"
The room was so pitch black you couldn't tell who you were talking to. They had been knocked out, tied up, and shipped to a whole new location. It smelt like beer and weed, and the band only does one of them. The two men (and one woman) were out of their minds from this new type of marijuana they got their hands on. It surprised them that it's lasted this long.
"Oh shit."
"Reefer" was the band's drummer. Active and loud. He had long curly hair that he usually kept pulled up, a few strands straying over his forehead, and looks like 1988 Jason Newsted. He was the one who supplied the others with their gold.
"What.. did you piss yourself?"
There was a sudden burst of laughter from the rhythm guitarist at her own joke. She was Reefer's sister, "Mary Jane". They were inseparable and equally annoying and energetic. She had curly blonde hair, too, but it was more like the Steven Adler curly hair than the Jason Newsted curly hair that Reefer had. They were literally the same person just with different genitals. They weren't twins, Reefer was a year older, but they sure could pass as such.
"Gross, dude."
The bassist chuckled. He had long, dark brown shaggy hair. He was soft spoken and never said anything to hurt another. Though his personality was often misinterpreted by his dark clothes and black metal tees. He was the most tolerable out of the three. "Gasper" they called him, and he just so happened to be the siblings' cousin.
"Hey, Noia?" Reefer called out. His tone serious and foreshadowing a question. "What?"
Lastly, there was "Paranoia", or Noia. She was the face of the band, the singer and lead guitarist. She didn't smoke as much as the rest. In fact, she rarely ever did unless they drove her to that state of need. She had slicked back dark hair and a black and white distortingly painted face and over it, a skull cat mask. She was the only one in the band to wear something other than their regular clothes on stage: a long black witch-like spider-like dress with a high slit and elbow-length white gloves. She was the glue that held the band together, the one who got them popular, the one that got them together. Currently, she was mildly annoyed at her bandmates' immaturity in this situation.
"I think your folks probably kidnapped us uh..." Reefer chuckled tensely and started to cough. By the feel of the wet droplets on her leg she could tell he was beside her. She turned her head with a snarl. "Do not fucking joke about that." She spat. "Yeah, Reef... that was... uh-" Mary started to giggle, "kinda insensitive."
"Womp womp."
"Reef, dude, you need to stop. She'll fuck you up." Gasper said cautiously. "Sorry.."
"Better be." She huffed, shuffling her feet within the scratchy restraints. How these fuckers managed to abduct a whole band? Easy, ... Yeah, how did these fuckers manage? Her memory was fuzzy from fainting. She must have gotten knocked out by some gas.
"Noia, I'm sorry." Reefer repeated. "Yeah, you already said that." She chuckled. There was a second of eerie silence. "Oh yeah." He started to giggle. She sighed out of her nose and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her head on them. She tried to convince herself that it really wasn't her folks.
The faint alcohol scent... it was like a bottle was spilt in here. She thought. Her folks didn't drink alcohol. That soothed her a bit. There was a rattle in the darkness and the room went silent. No sniffles or coughs. Not even a shuffle. Then a light flicked on, temporarily blinding the four.
"Alright, uh, so here's the plan..." A growl-like voice echoed off the walls. "Oh fuck off dickhead!" Reefer shouted and started to cough again. "Ignore him!" Mary exclaimed. "Oh uh... sorry, doods... for de whole uh... kidnapping thing." The redhead chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. There was a moment of silence. "Yeah, no problem." Reefer remarked.
"Y'know, it's only mandatory that we uh keep you guys in here until we release the new album. To get out fans back, you know..." The big noir said awkwardly. "I mean, uh, you guys are cool and brutal, but that's kind of our thing." The four stared at the men in front of them in silence. The noir cleared his throat and started again, "So uh... we'll be out there- working and shit and uh you guys can uh... hang out in here."
"What if I have to take a shit?" Reefer asked bluntly. "Yeah! What if we get hungry, huh?" Mary Jane added on, kicking her red-booted feet out. She had on some bell bottoms and a white tank top with a denim jacket to pull the look together. Her glittery eye shadow glimmered in the dim light. "Um..." The tall blonde exchanged glances between the other three and blurted: "Tokis will takes cares of that."
"Rights, Toki?"
The long haired brunet lifted his head "Uh, yeah. Sures." He sounded like he desperately yearned to be elsewhere. To not be apart of this offense. And he did. He yearned to be out of here, back in America in that shabby little shop with the girl he labeled "His". He didn't want to be apart of this from the start: he liked this band. He didn't like how the cat last was glaring at him with her dark eyes behind her mask, because it reminded him of His Girl. There was a nature aroma in the room with hints of cheap, manly cologne and sweet, fruity perfume. Yet, he couldn't guess who was wearing what.
As quick as The Talk, as they had called it behind the door, began, it ended. The others left, leaving the door open and Toki behind to collect their needs. "Hey, Toki! Get me some chips or something, man." Reefer said, throwing his head back in boredom. "Yeah! Me, too!" Mary added. Toki nodded. There was no other requests so he turned around for the door.
"I want a beer."
He stopped and turned back. It was the car lady. Her intimidating glare had dropped and she was looking down at her black heels. She sounded defeated and tired, even Reefer could catch the lack of hope in her voice. Toki added it to his list, feeling greatly sorry for the lady, and left the room. The door closed with a gentle bam and the intoxicated ramble erupted.
"A beer?" Gasper repeated almost sadly. Paranoia drinking wasn't rare, but drinking alone? That was a once in a blue moon event. He wasn't exactly sad, but worried and sympathetic. Had the siblings finally tugged her strings too hard? She didn't respond. "Noia," he said. "You could get us out of here, right? You were working on it. The soft one."
"I can not."
"I said I can not!" Her voice raised with anger and aggravation. This instance was rare. Especially if it involved Gasper. "You can't or you can't take advantage?" Reefer scoffed. His tone was laced with spite. With spite from all those failed times of getting a record deal in the past. No one wanted a cover band full of stoners. And Paranoia had all she needed to convince the companies, but she couldn't. "I refuse to take advantage. It would not feel right if we did not earn it ourselves." She'd say.
There was silence. Not even a smart remark from Reefer or a whiney protest from Mary. Silence. The brunet came back soon and there was still silence. He had two bags of chips and a green tinted glass bottle in his hands. Also a ring of keys between his fingers. Paranoia looked over to Reefer, the chains around his ankles and wrists, as the brunet crouched down on the other side of him. She noticed that she was bonded with scratchy rope. As Toki unlocked Reefer and Mary, only to lock their hands back to their front, Noia shifted in her restraints. They were tied with a tough knot. No amount of pulling from her advantage would knock it loose. He then moved over to her.
She felt the rope come loose and she instantly rubbed her tired wrists. He was gentle with his touches as he brought her hands to her front. He then began to tie them loosely as she stared into his eyes. He could start sweating at how coldly she was staring. Every time he glanced up to meet them, he felt his soul contort painfully. He popped the lid off of the bottle with on of the keys and slipped it in her hands. That cold stare of hers made him shiver. "Thank you."
Her voice was much warmer than her stare. It game him a sense of comfort. Oddly. "N-no problems." He stuttered as he stood up. "Anythings else?" He asked the room. There was no answer.
Finally, they had all fallen asleep. They all except Noia, of course. She was sipping on her second bottle of beer. She stared blankly into the darkness. The only sound in the room was her nails against the glass occassionally clicking and the sleepy breathing and snoring from the others. Her mind spun. She had so many thoughts but only one stood out: this is all my fault.
She got them together. She got them famous. She got them stadiums. She got them in this position. And then soon she'd get Dethklok in trouble and their fans would riot. She'd get them killed. It was a risk before when they were just a party and garage band. Her folks.
During her rapid fire self-blaming episode, the door opened. It was left unnoticed as she gulped down the rest of the beer. The figure didn't catch her eye until she felt hands tugging at her restraints. She gasped instinctively and jerked away. Her eyes were adjusted to the darkness, but she could only see a masculine figure. She didn't complain about being untied. He moved down to her ankles and her knees fell apart. She jumped up to her feet, holding the glass bottle like a bat.
"Comes with mes."
It was their server. Toki.
She lowered her weapon and he began to step over the sleeping bodies. There were no lights on outside the door. The others mist have also been asleep. She followed closely behind the brunet, her heels clacking on the floor. He lead her down a hall, up stairs, and into a room which he quickly locked behind him. She sighed and threw the bottle away in a near trash can. Then, suddenly, but gently her grabbed the noir by the arm.
She turned, faced him. Her eyes didn't burn through him anymore. They were soft. Soft voids behind a mask. Her face paint was smudged, showing patches of her rosy cheeks. Her tongue graced over her red, glossy lips, fully uncovered. Her hand went up and covered his. Her long nails were red. There was this energy in the room: his room, which was like a demented child's. His cheeks were growing warm, and his palms sweaty. The energy filled the room, but it seemed to originate from her hand atop his. It reminded him of the record shop. His Girl.
Her other hand rose and removed her mask. It fell down to the floor beside her. And her hand pressed against his chest. His heart, it was like earlier. It scared him. Her hair wasn't perfectly slicked back anymore. It was shiney and wispy, strands falling over her eyes. And his eyes fell to her lips once more. Because they reminded him of cherries.
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carla-maria · 2 years
3 recipes for making Wax seals at home
Wax seal making materials are kind of expensive so I wanted to find a way to make them at home with accessible materials. These are the three ways I found work well. Each one of them have advantages an disadvantages.
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Different color crayons cut up in chunks of about 1/2 a cm.
Hot glue sticks also cut up in the same sized chunks.
Candle wax in 1/2 cm chunks.
Tea light candles or other type of candles.
Metal spoon. The bigger the easier it will be.
A stove for melting wax, it can be homemade (optional, but it makes things easier)
A surface to pour the wax on. Could be glass or a piece of stone/marble countertop
Oil. It helps removing the seals from the chosen surface, especially the hot glue seals.
Stamps. These are made with two part epoxy, lino, coins and even laser engraved acrylic.
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The easiest one of the three, the only thing you need is a hot glue gun and some hot glue sticks.
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Pour a glob of the hot glue in your surface of choice and put the stamp on top of it.
- The easiest to setup
- Doesn't require candles or spoons
- It produces detailed seals
- It's really flexible
- The texture is not waxy
- Needs paint it if you want color
- It's too flexible
- Needs oil to remove it from surfaces
This one only requires one more ingredient: crayons.
Like stated above I've cut up the crayons and the hot glue in pieces approximately the same size.
The ratio is: 3 parts hot glue per 1 part crayon.
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You should put the hot glue first because it takes the longest to melt.
Then add the crayon and mix it up using whatever tool you have.
When it's combined pour it on your surface of choice and put the stamp on it.
- You can choose whatever color you want
- Has a fair amount of detail
- Texture is more waxy
- A little flexible
- Requires more setup and materials
The most elaborate of the three but still fairly simple.
Requires candle wax on top of the other two ingredients.
The ratio is: 2 parts hot glue, 1 part crayon, 1 part candle wax
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Again, put the hot glue first to let it melt.
Then add the crayon and the candle pieces.
Pour and put the stamp.
- You can choose whatever color you want
- The most waxy texture
- Requires the most setup and material
- Kind of brittle
- Not much detail
This is a comparative table showing the 3 wax recipes and how they look with different types of diy stamps.
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You can add glittler, mica powder or makeup powder to make your stamps shiny.
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mi4012mariaperera · 2 months
Set design for Lion (pt 3)
Although we were supposed to have lectures for MI4016 (sound design), our lectures Ravindu and Trishan allowed us to work on our movie sets.
Ayodya, Shiza, Movindul, and I were the only group members present for yesterday's lectures.
During the morning session, Ayodya, Shiza, and I worked on adding the incense onto the base. (The reason why I chose this angel incense is because it was just lying around in my house and the color seemed to be the perfect shade of Grey for the Gravel) It took us at least 3 rounds to use binder glue and multi bond to make the gravel stick onto the base.
Next, Ayodya and Shiza fixed the yellow door handles onto the train door using a glue gun.
Afterwards, the three of us got started in building the railway tracks. Although it sounds like such a simple task, it really wasn't. We had to get the measurements of the vertically placed popsicle sticks and see if the length was right with the train. To paste the train tracks, we used the hot glue gun and added the hot glue only to the corners of the train tracks. (It would've been impossible to stick it onto the gravel texture:(
During the afternoon session, Movindul worked on the platform. He may have been working on the pillars and the placement of the roof. He also got started on taking measurements for the backdrop walls!
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Afternoon feedback from Dinendri:-
While we were working on the set, Dinendri came into class to look at our progress so far. She had a look at the 2nd bench model that we had made and suggested that we should use a different type of material for it since the cardboard texture is quite noticeable and the blobs of glue from the hot glue gun are visible as well.
To be honest, I had gone through the 5 stages of grief while Minuthi and I had to work on the 2nd bench, but we had to try our best and make a better bench that all the group members and the lecturers would also like.
Here's what our 2nd bench model looked like!
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Luckily, the 'Seven' group had a white hardboard material that seemed ideal for making miniature furniture. (They used this material to make cupboards and shelves for their set. Uvindu (The 'Seven' group leader) helped us out by cutting the parts of our bench with that material. (A 'Lion' x 'Seven' collab! Thanks for your help Uvindu :D )
All Minuthi and I had to do for the next work session was to paint these bench parts, check the proper measurements, and paste them to assemble the bench!
The White hardboard material we got from the 'Seven' group
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That's all for this post! Thank you so much for reading :) Stay tuned for part 4 of our work in progress!
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plywoodsinchennai · 6 months
Elevate Your Space: Opt for Modern Classics with Plywood Furniture
What comes to mind when you hear about plywood furniture? Commercial Plywood is often used for ceilings, Modern Plywood Doors, and walls in homes and offices. But furniture?
Do you quickly question whether we can make one? Will it be strong enough, like natural wood? Well, the answer is a big yes. Plywood comes in different types and grades. Plywood with great structural stability and a smooth finish is used for making furniture.
If you are pretty bored with decorating your interiors with the same furniture for the nth time, try bringing in something fresh—Plywood furniture.
This blog will give some ideas on how to get creative with plywood furniture. First, we will brush up on the basics of what plywood is and how it’s made.
What is Plywood?
Plywood is derived from natural plantation wood. It has several thin layers of wood bonded together by special glue and the extra effects of temperature and pressure. Pressure-treated materials can easily last about 30 years or more, even on the exterior.
Why Plywood Furniture?
When it comes to strength, plywood often has the upper hand. The cross-grained structure of plywood makes it incredibly strong and resistant to warping, cracking, and twisting. One can cut the plywood easily to their desired size or design when building furniture.
5 Ways to Opt for Modern Classics with Plywood Furniture
Plywood comes in a light shade and color palette. So, a piece of plywood naturally makes a room more spacious and elegant. This is why interior designers love to use plywood furniture in their decor.
Here are some ideas for incorporating plywood furniture:
A Classy Coffee Table
A quick way to make a contemporary house more classy is to add a coffee table made of plywood. Since plywood coffee tables are durable and sturdy, they can serve their purpose well and also enhance their aesthetics.
Minimalist Plywood Shelf Headboard
A plywood headboard is a fantastic choice to maintain a low-profile look. Start with a full plywood sheet to achieve a clean and industrial aesthetic. Adding floating shelves is a breeze since you can easily attach them using screws from the back of the headboard.
An Easy-to-carry Sofa
The idea is not to build a big, functional sofa that can seat numerous people. But a super simple one that you can make at home using plywood. It just takes two or three frames glued together and some cushions for seating. Tada, your DIY plywood sofa is ready.
An Impressive Bookshelf
A rustic and classy plywood bookshelf is a must-have if you love reading books. Be sure to choose Commercial Plywood that is resistant to termites, durable and dimensionally stable for your bookshelf.
How About A Modular Kitchen?
Are you bored of using the same tiles and granite slabs in your kitchen? Try plywood instead. Plywood can be used for windows, shelves and even as slabs. Since this material has low flammability and smoke generation, it’s kitchen-safe.
Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood emerge as the undisputed leader among plywood suppliers in Chennai. With a legacy of excellence, unwavering commitment to quality, and a customer-centric approach, the company continues to set new standards of excellence in the industry.
Is plywood furniture suitable for outdoor use? While plywood furniture can be used outdoors, it's essential to choose weather-resistant finishes and materials to protect against moisture and UV damage.
Can I paint or stain plywood furniture to match my decor? Yes, plywood furniture can be painted or stained to achieve a custom look that complements your interior design scheme. Be sure to prepare the surface properly and choose high-quality paints or stains for optimal results.
Are there any design limitations when using plywood furniture? Plywood furniture offers tremendous design flexibility, allowing you to create virtually any shape or form imaginable. However, it's essential to consider the structural integrity and stability of the design to ensure its functionality and longevity.
Is plywood furniture more sustainable than solid wood furniture? Plywood furniture is often considered more sustainable than solid wood furniture due to its efficient use of raw materials and manufacturing processes. Additionally, plywood can be sourced from responsibly managed forests, further reducing its environmental impact.
Can I repair damaged plywood furniture myself? Minor repairs to plywood furniture, such as filling small cracks or sanding out scratches, can often be done at home with basic tools and materials. However, for more extensive damage or structural issues, it's best to consult a professional furniture repair specialist.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
We're on the hard knock kicker 5150 frame and I'm assembling mine and I'm going to sell it in the large format but he's right we need people to do it and Mac is actually trying and Ben they have a couple versions and ours is like in Nevada Ariana and the saddles go on the connections and it goes in the shape of the original and exactly the tubing is a little wider it's about 7/8 of an inch whatever the size is of the metal near that and the connections it's elongated 3 in and it fits in very snug and you glue it in with no paint of course raw and the metal is the type that doesn't rust and it's stronger is a few grades and you can go with like the middle one and it'll work they only put three bolts in a connection and your stagger them and you want to tap and diet and glue it and you can try it it really works and we only have three cross members and it's not the same design as the hard knock it doesn't have to be and it's very similar the shape is the same no shock in the rear yet and we want to go to the Softail the shop would be underneath and our son and daughter say that would work because they're they're like different bikes it wasn't the greatest design that said because the shock is exposed to also so dirt but you put a cover on it and that's the way it is too it's kind of like a component that's exposed but really it works real well and it's my idea but it is kind of a down and dirty way to do it but it saves a lot of energy putting it together it works really it's really well. So we have approval for that and he wants to start the front off Megan Michael was a Springer and you can use shocks from anything cars okay and the rear swing arm with the shock underneath you can use from a car too and then it retains the look of the hard knock kicker 5150 it's not a hard design and he's never looked at it so he doesn't know but we know you know how to do it that's going to come up next but it's harder to make and these are going to be RTA and they can put these together all day and night and she's smiling and saying that's great the Springer is sitting here free this is a lot easier to build and a lot easier to make and we'll have to include that in the frame construction and for crying out loud to use the same tubing that used for the frame and the seat of course I'll have to have springs and be bigger and cushy and she says good because good and the tank a little bigger so it's practical and hard not kick your 5150 came out with big tanks later you can use the old tanks and this one that looks great is a Honda and she says that's good anything else used to wonder boys wheels and tires from old motorcycles they're all about the same size and a different size isn't going to matter much it's slightly different give me a lot of 24-in it's outside diameter of the tire 23 in and 22 in all three of work on the HK one and the look is pretty much the same they're all disc brakes and they all have the sprocket already and all over the damn place and they don't work and really the ball bearings can be replaced and we suggest you do and you can use the brakes she says good so those are the parts I mean pretty much she's laughing cuz he can take these motorcycles apart and put them all together and the frames are part of what goes first they rust and they're no good and the engines the other parts sit there forever and she's got a whole bunch of scavengers they're going to work right now as part of what blade runner has those big piles of metal from and scrap they just pile it out there and she says you have to melt it down and they're not real good at that and they melt it and it like Burns it off or something so that's not bad you're just cooking off excess and waste in different materials and she says okay so did you set it off and they use it but during the movie it's on hold this is great this is going to work and the Springer is awesome a lot of people pay more money for it she smiles says I know it's stupid
Thor Freya
This is great it's working and this is a great ideas we have a lot of great input coming in right now and usually the shaft is the same size for the axle and they can make new ones this is this is great and in new ball bearings packed in there it's really easy the ball bearings packing real quick a lot of the tires are still good and the street tires is faster than hell I mean these things are going to be great but they're going to put in a 25 horsepower and it has three gears and you shift it with a handle so it looks like the hard knock and that will go about 90 to 95 mph with 150 lb person Meghan Markle there mostly 100 lb and they look bigger cuz the bike is smaller and it's a perfect fit they will go 120 and they like it and you can off-road with them the light and they like it and they're going to try and put in the shock in too and design it and testing it and they might as well but they can put the other frame together now and they're starting to move on it and they know how to make it and they know how to cut them and they're going to make tons and tons of these things put in the frame together like this is very fast and in the factory they like the idea that you just drill the ones in and you screw them in and glue them and it's like no big deal it's a very simple frame to build and assemble there's no welding it's there's no set up it takes a little time you just let it dry a little and the sand a little and if your paint touch up but they can do it raw and then you don't have to worry about it probably no sanding at all and she says you're really just wipe it and it's smooth and fast and it's molted so glues and it dries quick second hour then you paint it and it's done they're moving on now
This is greatness and we love it and we have to get going on it now
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gree-nsky · 2 years
Paint by number kits
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Nowadays, there are so many ways to create something beautiful. One of my favorite techniques is paint by number kit! The process involves drawing shapes on a canvas with pencils and then covering them in paint according the color code, once they’re all done it'll look incredible!!
With a paint by number kit, you can create your own masterpiece and make it as complicated or simple as desired.
The process for these types of painting sets is easy; First decide on the colors that will be used in each layer (base color + three accent). Next cut out all pieces from vinyl canvas/heavyweight paper using template provided inside box - carefully following instructions about positioning masking tape over certain areas so they don't get painted over later while working outside- then apply Shared App Province Glues along edges.. And finally use spray adhesive to stick
Some people might be intimidated by the paint by number kits. But if you follow these steps, it will not take long before your first masterpiece is ready for display!
First off all - do I need any experience in art or design? No worries there because they provide tutorials on how best to use their products so even total newcomers can create something beautiful without feeling like hey don't know what's going on
The best part about these types paintings? You don’t need any experience or skill; all it takes is some imagination (and maybe an outline first). There seems like they're made especially designed so that even novice artists can create beautiful works without feeling too overwhelmed when tackling them their very first time around - which means this could be just what anyone needs after spending hours trying in vain figure painting skills on something else entirely different altogether than originally planned.
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haruharuz · 2 years
Fake it Until You Make It
We can all agree that appearance has a ton of value in society. Everyone hears "fake it till you make it" but no one tells you HOW. So here's some quick, easy budget tips. Am not affiliated with any brands.
Anything I say can be taken w a grain of salt. I'm not telling you what to do, only sharing what I do/what I will be doing.
Ballin on a Budget
For stronger nails get the super strength nail builder from la colors for 98¢ Stops nails from chipping, allows you to grow them.
LA colors polishes aren't the best but if you add two layers of a nude color, they work ! I danced in my heels for 7 hours with my toes painted (one coat) and it didn't chip at all.
If you can't afford acrylics but like the lookthe beetles gel polish set is great, but you need to take time to LEARN. Do be aware this is an investment so it costs more than the $2-3 for LA colors. My nails aren't strong enough for this again yet, but some tips:
→I don't use full coverage tips, I find it's harder to control the polish.
→I use a base gel as nail glue for tips, cure, and then use a base or builder gel to build an apex. This is KEY to nail strength
→ Wipe with alcohol before and after your base coat.
Walmart / Amazon hair tools will get the job done if used correctly. Here's a few I found :
→ Wave Maker : $25 I've used this myself, it's not the best but it does give pretty waves !! Be careful with the temperature though, section your hair, especially the top layer so it doesn't have big lines near the part.
→ Curling Wand: $20 I have this one as well. It's alright! Be careful not to burn your fingers. Fairly easy to use. Gives bigger/Loose curls.
Roll on wax is on Amazon, the entire kit is like $60 I believe but you can wax yourself at home. After that you just need to buy the papers & the wax refills. I've been meaning to try this, when I do I'll let you know how it goes.
Walmart has a toothbrush for like $10 that comes with multiple changes etc and it vibrates. I used that with a 3D whitening toothpaste and my teeth went 3-4 shades whiter in two to three weeks.
Bodycology toasted s'mores and chocolate smells like chocolate. It wears off fast, isn't great quality at ALL but I've had people compliment me over and over when I have the lotion etc on. It's like $4.
Dossier fragrances are dupes for luxury brands at $30 a pop. I'll be doing a haul of these as soon as I can so I'll update you.
SheIn clothing CAN be better than people expect. I've been complimented NUMEROUS times on a $10 dress. By customers, coworkers, strangers. Read the reviews. I post SheIn outfit ideas here.
Go to 5 below. Essential oil diffusers, heart shaped makeup mirrors, the works. Cheap as hell, too. Get some makeup sponges and stuff.
There's a $10 rainbow palette (not the one that expands, it's in a black flip top package) on Amazon I've been using for months. Pigment is okay, so is blending. Okay function for amazing price.
Wet n wild & elf brushes are A+ for like $1 a pop.
Elf primers (jelly pop and mint melt) are SO good. Do research on what kind of primer you might need as there's many different types
Listen, listen. Korean skincare is the best goddamn skincare out there. My acne scars are gone, my redness is down, my skin hardly breaks out. And it's budget friendly, as most of it is like $10-20
Alright now that... THAT is taken care of I'm going to work on part 2 of this, which will be focused on the body + diet stuff.
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einno-arko · 2 years
Father's Day Text
Word Count: +900
Summary: Marc was never good at showing his father how much he truly loved him.
Warnings: Mentions of character death, angst, mentions of neglectful parents.
A/N: I know I'm a day late, but the idea came to me late last night and I figured I should type it out. This is the first actual fic that I've posted for Moon Knight, and hopefully it won't be my last. This did not have a beta reader so I apologize if it's rough!
This is self-indulgent! I do not condone the actions and mistreatment that Elias put Marc through as a child!
All it took was one message to send Marc’s mind spiraling.
A deep-rooted chill bled through his armor as rain pelted his crouched form, the tremble in his hand threatening to send the phone careening down into the alleyway below. The smell of copper and ancient sand permeated the air, blending with the petrichor of the overhanging storm. He had grown accustomed to the smell that seemed to cling to his God and, in turn, his armor throughout the few years he had acted as his Avatar, but it did nothing to ease the growing pit in his stomach.
The message that stared up at him was a painfully simple one, one that took him all night and multiple drafts to type out. It was not the content of the message that bothered him, though, but rather who the message was meant for.
His mother died almost a year ago and, in wake of her passing, Marc was left with a bitter cocktail of grief, anger and regret. He used to think that gifts would bring his mother back to him—that the handpicked bouquets of dandelions would grace her sullen features with a smile as bright as the sun. But after years of finding crumpled up paintings and wilted weeds tossed haphazardly into the kitchen trash, he grew to learn that he could not breathe new life into something that’s already dead.
“There’s movement coming from inside the warehouse,” The echoing voice of the Moon God bellowed from the other side of the roof, but the observation fell upon deaf ears. The downpour was loud, muddled with the sound of linen gracefully whipping the empty space beside him. Marc was usually on high alert during his nightly patrols, a habit that was instilled into him during his time in the service. Tonight, however, his mind was elsewhere.
“Marc,” another voice spoke over the dissonance, and Marc turned his attention to the small puddle of rainwater that had gathered beside him. He was greeted with the sight of white and red, speckles of blood dotting the surface of his mask and hood as a pair of moon-lit eyes gazed up at him, “You don’t have to send it if you don’t want to. I can send it.”
Marc shook his head,” I know, Steven, it’s just—I can’t—” he let out a soft sigh, “I don’t want him to think that I don’t love him, you know?”
Unlike his mother, his father did not retreat into his grief. Instead, he tried his best to hold together what was left of their broken family, gluing together any cracks that formed between the three of them. He was the one who took care of Marc growing up; patching him up after a rough day outside, tucking him in at night and comforting him when he would wake up in a panic. It was as if he were trying to make up for his mother’s distance. But it did not make it hurt any less. If anything, it made it worse.
It felt like he did nothing to really protect Marc from her wrath, almost excusing her abuse with his lack of input. He always made sure to be there for him during the aftermath, but you can only glue the cracks together for so long until everything falls apart.
“He knows we love him; a text won’t make him think any differently.”
“I should have gone to see him today, took him out to lunch and—and—” he shook his head again, “I should have done something that isn’t this,” he gestured down at the phone in his hands, the urge to let it slide from his grasp returning tenfold.
Even after leaving home, he could never bring himself to reach out to his father. He used to blame him for his mother’s torment. But as he grew older, the resentment melted into regret as he came to realize that his father had been just as helpless as him. Much like Marc’s gifts, nothing his father did seemed to free his mom from her grief. And when she died, Marc did not want to let his dad believe that he had truly lost everyone.
“Look, I personally think the message you’ve got typed up there is perfect, really. I think he’ll appreciate it.” Steven assured him tilting his head up slightly towards the phone.
“Are you sure? I don’t want-” a volley of gunfire echoed up from the alleyway below as a chorus of screams followed in suite. Marc sprang to his feet, a string of curses escaping his mouth as he peered over the ledge of the roof. The same group of men he had been tailing all night now stood at the entrance of the docking bay, firing into the darkened warehouse. He turned his attention to Khonshu.
“The idiots activated the scarab,” Khonshu clarified as he too peered down at the warehouse, “you need to get down there, my son, and retrieve it before the curse makes its way onto the streets.” Marc simply nodded in compliance, turning his head back towards the action before pausing. He glanced down at the phone still weighing his hand down; it would only take a second to send the text and get it over with. To let his dad know that he does still care and that he loves him. But to send the message is to commit to something he quite frankly couldn’t right now, not tonight. With a heavy sigh, he returned the phone to his pocket before diving over the ledge. Father’s Day had to wait.
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simplyotometrash · 4 years
Some Obey Me Headcanons!
Part One!!
Lucifer has always been the dad sibling. After each of his brothers were “born” while they were angels, he was the one to raise and teach them everything.
It’s common knowledge that Mammon is his favorite. Even if he hates to admit it. He’s hardest on Mammon because it’s the only thing he knows how to do anymore.
Despite the fact that they don’t seem to get along because of Mammon’s antics, Lucifer only ever confides some of his most pent up feelings to the second born. 
The only other person he confides in this deeply is MC.
Before the fall, Belphie was his second favorite brother. Even after things have settled after Belphie was free again, he can never look at the youngest the same.
All he wants is for his brothers to be happy and live on. Even if it means working himself into the ground for their sakes.
He doesn’t ask for help. Help has to be forced upon him.
With how much he works, even at home, it’s not uncommon to find him napping with a pen in hand at his desk and his head on his paperwork.
He wishes he had done better raising Satan. He blames himself for their strained relationship, but he feels as if it is too late to truly fix it.
Sometimes he also wishes he had raised Satan as his son and not his brother, considering Satan was born from his wrath.
Children, for some reason or another, flock to him.
His control issues and needing to know everything that happens under his roof stems from the trauma of the war, the fall, and what happened with Lilith. 
It’s his deepest fear that he will lose his brothers and be completely and utterly alone.
A bisexual mess of a demon. No one can convince me he doesn’t have at least a small crush on Diavolo. 
Oh the second born brother. He just wants to see everybody happy. But he always messes up and ends up making people angry instead.
He has severe impulse control issues, hence why he’s broke all the time. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to save his Grimm, I headcanon that his sin of Greed compels him to spend. It controls him and so he struggles to keep money. 
But by gods does he have great luck with gambling. Get him going and he will win big every single time.
But keep that money where he can’t just grab it or else he will be compelled by his sin to buy things.
He doesn’t even want most of the things he buys. His sin took root in that empty space left from the fall and being cast out by the one he called his father. 
His sin pushes him to try and fill that void with objects and money when really he just wants someone’s love.
After centuries of being called scum and a degenerate because of something he has little control over, he gave up trying and gave into just being his sin.
He cries easy but only to MC or Lucifer. He won’t show his tears to any of his other brothers. Maybe Beel sometimes. But only sometimes.
He knows Lucifer’s most precious and deepest secrets. He’s his brother’s confidant. But he doesn’t even breathe a word of these secrets to anyone else.
He tries so hard to get attention, so he does stupid shit. After falling to Devildom, his family was changed forever. So any attention is good attention even when it’s him being punished. 
MC is the one who showed him positive love and attention again. It is one of many reasons he sticks to their side like fucking super glue to skin.
He’s actually a total mom-friend, though you wouldn’t guess it. You’d think he is the type to get drunk and pass out at a party? His alcohol tolerance is actually much higher than he lets on. He cleans up and takes care of people after they’ve all passed out.
He wasn’t nearly as anxious and against socializing before falling to Devildom. He retreated into himself out of fear of the unknown world they had all fallen into after the war.
He has an anxious attachment style. He knows it isn’t healthy. It’s rooted in the trauma that losing Lilith created.
The longer he stayed closed in on himself, the worse his anxiety got. To the point he became a recluse. 
He fears getting close to someone. He feels insecure in relationships, not just in himself. He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough.
He’s had relationships in Devildom before, but the first one ended poorly and it only made things worse for how he saw himself. The demon only dated him because of who he was, and preferred his status as the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. Not as who he really is. 
The few relationships that came after all ended before they really could begin because his anxiety monster was screaming that he wasn’t really good enough. That they only ever pursued him for who he was in status and power.
MC’s persistence to become his friend is what made him begin to do some self-reflection.
They tried so hard to become friends with him, they put so much effort into him, and they encourage him to just be himself. If they do all of that, maybe he really is enough as he is.
He does try to step outside of his comfort zone more because MC opened his eyes to the truth of himself. 
But baby steps are needed.
He taught himself how to code just so he could make games. He got bored after making one and preferred playing to creating.
He doesn’t actually hate Mammon. Their little rivalry traces back to when they were angels and still growing up, competing for Lucifer’s attention. He actually loves his brother very much, despite how irritate he gets.
His envy is its own thing. It took root within his insecurities and has a voice all its own. It used to be so loud that he couldn’t think. But the growth he’s had since MC came into his life helped quiet that voice down a lot.
He’s closest with Satan and Asmo, feeling like he doesn’t fit with his older two or youngest two brothers anymore. 
He knew from day one that he wasn’t like the rest of his brothers. He was always different. Born a demon, never once an angel. He knew that they weren’t truly his brothers.
All he ever wanted was for Lucifer to be his father. Not his brother. 
Lucifer once was his hero, the person he admired and respected with all his might.
As he got older, his wrath only grew with him. And his anger at Lucifer grew as well.
He wanted to find himself as separate from Lucifer. He knew where he’d come from. But everyone treated him as if he were just some offshoot of Lucifer. He wanted to be his own person. For everyone to see that. It fueled his anger and built the wall that came between them.
He’s an excellent shoulder for comfort. He often comforts Levi when he breaks down or provides reassurance to Asmo.
These three are the middle children, they stick together.
He was alive when the Library of Alexandria was burned. Even though he wasn’t supposed to go to the human realm, he saved some texts from the library and keeps them safe.
The real reason he wears his jackets the way he does is just like when you’re in bed. If it’s full on with both sleeves, he’s too hot. If he doesn’t have it on at all he’s too cold. So one arm in a sleeve and one arm not in a sleeve.
Asmo has tried and failed to give this boy fashion help. He refuses to take it. He thinks he looked like an intellectual (for the love of god please lose the black undershirt at least, Satan).
He carries cat treats and cat food in his bag at all times in case he comes across a kitty in need.
He has sneaked many cats into the House of Lamentation. Lucifer knew the entire time but let Satan have a few days before he “found out” about the cats.
His wrath has burned strong for so long, even when he was passive, that he didn’t know what it was like to feel calm. But MC’s very presence sends a wave of peace right to his very core. 
If you’re insecure and you know it clap your hands. 
Levi might seem like the king of insecurity, but Asmo takes the cake.
He masks his insecurities with what people think is narcissism and over confidence. He puts on a show so nobody knows how he really sees himself.
Lust was always shoved down his throat as sexual only. So he went with it. He was supposed to be the Avatar of Lust. To be what was expected of him and to make sure he was liked, he did what he thought everyone wanted.
And it turned him into someone he never wanted to be. He didn’t know how to find himself again.
He isn’t nearly as sexual and lewd as everyone thinks. He’s touchy and clingy, yes, but touch is his love language.
When he’s hurt or doesn’t feel well, if he’s had a bad day, if he’s sad- all he wants is to be held by the person he loves and who loves him. He wants to hold hands or link arms. He wants to wrap his arms around them all the time. 
But because everyone in Devildom only saw him as a sex symbol, he had to bury his truest desires. He had a persona to keep up. 
While he does love to take care of himself, he used to break mirrors because he was so sick of who he had become. It took a lot of time for him to get through it. 
His MC is the only one who wasn’t tainted by his power. A power that seemed to just be active all the time whether he wanted it or not.
Everyone was all over him but it wasn’t as if he could control it. His sin was always active, it attracted people.
But MC wasn’t interested or affected. 
And that was what was most attractive to him. 
They saw him for who he was and encouraged him to just be the true Asmo. Not the Asmo everyone wanted to see.
He is excellent at sewing. He loves making his own accessories and clothing from his own designs. 
He’s ambidextrous. You think that the king of fashion only uses one hand? Darling, if he only used one hand then his homework would never get done. He write with one hands and be painting his toes with the other. 
One of the few people that can get Levi out of his room to hang out. They’ve always been close. Sometimes he does that just so the others can get Levi’s laundry and dirty dishes.
He’s the most emotionally open and stable of the brothers. He’s made peace with his inner monsters and can coexist with them. He’s also surprisingly good at advice. 
Can and will break into Lucifer’s study to make the eldest relax because he’s working too har.
He has bobby pins on him at all times. Not just for fashion but for lockpicking! He can be clever and beautiful!
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An Illuminating Tale of Tracking Turtles
by Amanda K. Martin
*All research was conducted under approved permits from by IACUC, ODNR, and Metroparks. Do not try this at home with local wildlife. Photos by A. Martin unless noted otherwise.
Where do eastern box turtles go? When I started my graduate schooling in Dr. Karen Root’s lab at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, I was quite intrigued by this question. To address it, I conducted a study of box turtle movements in the Oak Openings Region, the distinctive landscape of oak savannas, woodlands, and wet prairies that stretches across seven counties in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.
A method called radio telemetry was vital to my work. I walked around under the forest canopy searching for individuals (female or male) and whenever I found one, typically sitting still on the ground, I would pick it up while wearing gloves. In order to track its movements, I attached a radio transmitter onto the carapace (upper shell) using a special type of glue (Fig. 1A). After about a month of searching, I was able to track box turtles at two locations in the Toledo Metroparks system, six individuals in Oak Openings Preserve, and three individuals in Secor Metroparks.
Two to three times a week, I would travel to these local parks and track each turtle using a silver three-pronged antenna and attached receiver. This portable combination detects the signal frequency produced by the transmitter on the tagged turtles, generating a “beeping” sound as it receives the electronic pulse. Guided by “beeps” I could re-find each turtle within an hour (Fig. 1B) depending on how dense the forest understory was. If I walked in the wrong direction, the noise would fade away and become quieter, but as I moved closer to the turtle’s location, the “beeping” sound would get louder and more frequent until I reached the turtle. Sometimes I would walk right past an individual sitting quietly in the leaf litter or under a log as their shell is often highly camouflaged to blend with the sunlit and shadowed patterns of a forest floor. One nice aspect of tracking box turtles with radio telemetry is that they do not run away very quickly, so they are easy to follow!
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Fig. 1A (top) and Fig. 1B (bottom): A box turtles with a transmitter (A) tracked by A. Martin using radio telemetry (antenna and receiver; B) in Oak Openings Region, Ohio, USA. Photo by S. Martin (B).
Radio telemetry is an excellent method for re-locating individuals, and provides a snapshot of where the individual is at a given time. With long-term tracking over the active season (mid-March to early November), researchers can better understand movements within a turtle’s home range, the area the animal regularly travels to meet its daily requirements, including food, shelter, and thermoregulation. Home ranges are estimated by drawing an outline around the outermost locations where a turtle was detected throughout the year, and assuming that the individual uses the area inside this boundary (Fig. 2A). Each time a turtle was found, I recorded the GPS coordinates of its location, and could then measure how far the turtle traveled by drawing a straight line between each location point. However, turtles may not always travel in a straight line, but rather follow an indirect route between detection points (Fig. 2B), so this method likely underestimates actual travel distance.
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Fig. 2A (top) and Fig. 2B (bottom): Box turtle home range (blue area) with daily movements (each color represents one day of travel) using fluorescent powder (A) and an example of an estimated distance traveled (solid black straight line) and actual distance traveled (dotted black curvier line) between location points (black circles; B).
A research technique involving fluorescent powder can produce a far more accurate picture of daily box turtle movements. Non-toxic fluorescent powder is applied to the turtle’s plastron (underside; Fig. 3A) which then leaves a distinct trail as the turtle travels throughout its environment. At night, with the use of an ultraviolet light (Fig. 3B) these trails can then be illuminated, traced, and mapped. Since box turtles tend to travel near or over the same pathways, and because individual home ranges frequently overlap, multiple powder colors are required for some tracking studies.
I used multiple colors (red, blue, yellow, orange) for different days and individuals. The results of my tracking work using this technique demonstrated that box turtles traveled 32 meters per day, with females traveling slightly less than males, and that 95% of movements were less than 6 meters.
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Fig. 3A (top), Fig. 3B (middle), and Fig. 3C (bottom): A freshly painted plastron of a male box turtle (A), A. Martin with a field assistant illuminating the fluorescent powder trail with an ultraviolet light (B, photo by A. Kappler), and A. Martin measuring leaf litter along a box turtle’s pathway (C).
Tracking animals with fluorescent powder is more laborious than radio telemetry but demonstrates fine scale movement patterns not detected by radio telemetry. The frequent use of short movements, for example, is likely related to thermoregulation requirements (the need to move in and out of cool, shady patches), or encounters with multiple obstacles ranging from small to large logs, dense shrubs, and trees. Radio telemetry provides an estimation of home range size, while fluorescent powder tracking provides details on how that home range is utilized. In tandem, these research tools can provide important information on habitat use for local land managers, who can facilitate preservation of these reptiles.
For more information on this project, including data on eastern garter snake movements, check out Chapter 4 of my dissertation.
Amanda K. Martin is a Post-doctoral Researcher in Section of Amphibians and Reptiles. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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Summer Roads - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Sean x Fem! reader
Description: You’ve always been Lyla’s best friend, but since Sean moved you became an inseparable trio. But who could say that, after all these years together, you would start growing feelings for Sean?
Warning: swearings only.
Word count: 2,207
A/N: it just came to me that I never put Chapter 4 in my masterlist, but that error is already corrected! Have fun <3
You woke up with the sunlight on your face, making your eyelids tremble. The first thing you noticed was that Sean’s sleeping bag was empty. Lyla was still asleep. Once you get up you head for the kitchen, where the smell of toasts and coffee filled the air. Lyla’s mom had a cup of steaming coffee on her hands as she talked with Sean, who devoured the toasts.
“Wasn’t the night chilly?” Lyla’s mom asked.
“It was alright, the sleeping bags are warm,” Sean answered, a toast midway to his mouth when he saw you. “Ah, you up.”
“Good morning, Y/N,” Yu-jin said. “Make yourself at home, of course,” she gestured for the kitchen, meaning that you could serve yourself as you pleased.
“I sure did that,” Sean mumbled, mouth full of toast.
“Don’t do that, Sean,” you whispered at him, meaning his lack of manners in front of Lyla’s mom.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. If you need anything, I’ll be upstairs.”
“Okay, thanks,” you and Sean said at the same time.
“Plans for today?” The boy asked you. You shrugged.
“I don’t know, I guess Lyla actually made a list of things she wanted us to do, but I don’t know what’s there and I’m a bit afraid to ask.”
“She’ll probably keep us busy the whole summer.”
You took notice of Sean’s hands as he cleaned the crumbles of toast from the counter. His index finger was still coloured from the spray paint. You looked at your own, still pink.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, one shower and it’s clean,” you heard Sean saying about the spray paint.
“I’m not worried about that.”
“What is it, then? That troubles you? I know there’s something, you’ve been acting all weird yesterday, zoning out and whatever.”
You could never, not in a thousand years, tell Sean what really troubled you, so you decided to lie, which wasn’t much of an easy decision - you hated lying. But in that situation it was perfectly acceptable. 
“It’s just my brother,” you said with a wave of your hand, as if dismissing the subject. “I don’t think he’s coming this summer and, well, that kinda sucks.”
“Oh,” Sean raised his eyebrows. “That’s awful, yeah. Why do you think he’s not coming? He didn’t say anything yet?”
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N,” Sean got up from the stool he was sitting on. “I’m sure he will come,” and Sean hugged you.
It wasn’t supposed to be or to feel weird, since you always hugged Sean, but now it was a delicate situation, since you weren't looking at him with the same eyes. You tried to think as fast as you could to relax your body and hug him back, passing your arms around him. The texture of the fabric of his shirt felt soft under your fingertips. You hugged him tight.
“Thanks,” it was all you could manage.
“Hey, hey - don’t get all sentimental,” Sean tapped your shoulders, a little smile on his face. “You know I’m always willing to trade Daniel.”
That comment made you laugh out loud. “I’d love to keep Daniel just for me for a couple days. We would play so much you’d be jealous!”
“You don’t need to play with Daniel to get me jealous.”
The volume of his voice was so low that at first you doubted he even said anything. Sean was going out through the back door, so you couldn’t ask him if he’d say anything, and those words stuck to your brain like glue.
In the end, Lyla’s mom needed her to help clean the house, so the second day of summer vacation wasn’t going to be spent by the three of you together. Sean asked if you wanted to go over his house and kill some time, but you were so scared of spending time alone with him that you declined.
“Dude, you can’t be sad over something you don’t even know it’s gonna happen,” he said, sounding worried.
“I know, I know, but I need to clean my room, you saw how the situation is.”
“Your room is not even slightly different from what it usually is.”
“Ouch,” you mimicked a stake going through your heart.
“Silly,” Sean said as he shook his head. “Well, if you feel like doing something, anything, don’t hesitate to hit me up.”
“You got it, boss,” you saluted him and jogged to your house without looking back.
What you didn’t know was that Sean was the one who actually looked back.
Of course you didn’t clean your room - not because you didn’t think it wasn’t necessary, because it clearly was, but simply because you were the type of person who never cleared their rooms. Simple as that. Instead, you spent the rest of the morning and the afternoon eating chips, watching TV and occasionally flipping a comic - doing whatever that came to you was the very key of keeping Sean out of your mind.
Your mom was at work, so when the bell rang it was up to you to go and open the door - checking before who it was, of course.
Your heart beat increased what it felt like a thousand percent. 
Sean was at your front door.
Keep it cool, keep it cool, you kept repeating to yourself in thoughts as you opened the door to see the whole Diaz family.
“Hi, Y/N!” Greeted an excited Daniel, a Power Bear doll on his left hand as he waved his right one.
“Hello, Diaz. What can I do for you?” You propped one shoulder against the doorframe, trying to look cool and relaxed, and not someone who would probably pop and fly high into the sky.
“Your mom called my dad to say that she’s going to be back home late, so you’re supposed to have dinner with us.”
“And I asked dad if we could get some pizza, since it’s summer vacation!” Daniel was excited as far as a 7 year old could get - meaning: at full speed.
“Why didn’t she tell me that?” You asked. “I knew nothing about it.”
Sean only shrugged.
“Go put on some shoes, Y/N.”
“Is it dinner time already?” You looked behind you, at the clock hanging in the kitchen wall.
“Y/N, shooooooooes,” Sean begged. “I’m starving.”
“Okay, okay, gimme a sec,” you raised your palms and, leaving the front door open so the Diaz family could come in, you went for your room to quickly change your clothes and put on some shoes.
Once you stepped outside your bedroom, Daniel went directly towards you, pretending that his toy was flying, circling around you.
“Let’s go let’s go let’s go!”
“Isn’t Lyla coming?” You asked Sean.
“I called her, but she said she would stay home tonight.”
“Stay home tonight?” That sentence was odd, coming from Lyla. “Is she alright?”
“She seemed fine - I guess she’s just tired from all the cleaning up. A thing you ended up not doing, right?” Sean flicked a look at your room, your door cracked open. You shrugged, embarrassed. “Please tell me you didn’t get your ass all sad the whole day.”
“I didn’t!” You assured him. “I just watched TV and read some comics.”
“Y/N,” Sean said as you locked the front door - Esteban and Daniel were already in the car, waiting for you. “You don’t need to lie to me, you do know that, right? I’d never judge you.”
“I didn’t lie to you,” you quickly grabbed the key back and tossed it in your jeans pocket. Sean narrowed his eyes.
“Well, my message was received. I hope you listen to it.”
“I did. I will,” you shook your head, confused. “Whatever, Diaz. Let’s go.”
Sean smiled and went to open the car door for you. Your heart skipped a bit and you had to take a deep, silent breath to recover yourself.
Daniel seemed to command the whole show - he chose the table, he demanded to sit beside you and he also had a pick on one of the pizza toppings. Sean heavily sighed most of the time, especially when Daniel basically screamed that he’d be the one to sit by your side. Sean sat across you and you tried to look as what you thought you always did.
You wanted to be and act normal around him after the new discovery of your feelings, but it was hard to do so - you always had the idea that Sean might pick up on the hints, that he would discover somehow and, consequently, step back and not be your friend anymore.
You two agreed on pepperoni topping.
“Aww, pepperoni is awful,” Daniel complained.
“What are you whining about? You chose your own topping, Daniel,” Sean said.
“I know, but I want Y/N to eat my pizza too.”
“I’ll eat whatever’s on the table, Dani,” you told him.
“Just don’t eat the napkins,” Esteban said.
“They’re paper napkins, I think they’re edible enough,” you said.
“Ewww,” the Diaz brothers expressed at the same time, making you and Esteban laugh at them.
Dinner with the Diaz was always a fun thing - you loved to see Daniel picking at Sean and the boy getting angry, but not really angry -, so tonight was no exception. Daniel snorted soda through his nose, making you and Sean laugh like two idiots while Esteban tried to pose as a “father who had control over his children,” even though he was holding his own laugh. It was easy to forget that Sean had changed over your eyes, and as soon as that thought occurred to you, the feelings all came back in a flow.
Esteban dropped you at your house, Daniel waving and screaming bye to you until you stepped inside the living room. Your mom was in the kitchen snacking on something. “Hey,” she said. “Had fun tonight?”
“Yeah,” you said giggling, remembering some of the hilarious things that could happen in a pizza restaurant.
“You seem different, sweetie.”
You stood still.
“Different how?”
“I don’t know, just… different. I guess tonight was fun for you. Oh, I almost forgot.”
But different how?, you thought. Am I looking too tortured or what?
“Your brother called - he’s coming next week.”
Those news enlightened you in a whole new way that you didn’t think was possible. Your brother here meant that you could take your mind off of what’s troubling you, besides the fact that you could always count on your brother for advice - especially the kind you needed.
“That’s awesome!” You shouted and your mom smiled. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for that call. I gotta tell the others! Lyla needs to update her to-do list.”
You ran to your room, opening your laptop and checking if both your best friends were online. They happened to be. You immediately called them.
“Wadduuuup,” Lyla said as soon as all of you were on the call.
“Is it an emergency? I just dropped Y/N at her house,” Sean said and you could hear Daniel’s loud voice in the background.
“I think Daniel had too much soda,” you said.
“Daniel’s excited about something at his friend’s house this weekend - I don’t intend to find out what it is.”
“Well, I happen to have great news,” you said, placing your hand on your chest.
“How great are we talking about?” Lyla asked.
“The kind of great that will require an update to your to-do list,” you answered.
“Oh, that only means one thing,” Sean said.
“Your brother’s coming!” Lyla jumped on her chair. “That’s so awesome!”
If you loved your brother that much, just imagine your friends - he felt like an older brother to all of them as well.
“Okay, I’ll see where I can include mr. Peter and think of new things we can do.”
“Now that Y/N just told us the news, are you two down for some gaming?” Sean suggested.
“Sorry, Seanie, I’m tired of all the cleaning, I don’t think I can function well enough to play through the night.”
“Yeah, me neither,” you said.
“What did you do the whole day to feel tired?” Sean asked, suspicious.
“I just wanna go to bed early, that’s all,” you shrugged off.
“Sometimes it sucks being the only guy in this group.”
“This has nothing to do with you being a boy,” you stated.
“He knows that, he just likes to be a drama queen,” Lyla said. “Well, I’m off. Kisses and hugs,” and Lyla went offline.
“I’m going too,” you said.
“Yeah, I know,” Sean rolled his eyes.
“Just play with Daniel,” you teased him.
“Oh, no way. He’s too on, I don’t wanna increase the situation.”
“Good luck with the goofball. Good night, Sean.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You finally went to bed, staring at your ceiling, a swirl of thoughts running through your mind. Sean’s phrase at the Park’s kitchen earlier that day came back to you, making your heart go wild. “You don’t need to play with Daniel to get me jealous.”
It’s nothing, it’s nothing, it means anything, it’s nothing, you repeat it like a mantra until you fall asleep, having a dreamless sleep.
A/N: please let me know if you wanna be tagged in the future chapters so you’ll always know when the fic is updated!
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
The Daily Hardship of Loving You
Dastardly Danny x reader
Danny is love, Danny is life. Who wouldn’t want to be saved by this wonderful rat?
This is another trade with @greaser-wolf ( so freaking excited for this trade man it’s gonna be amazing!!). Part of this scene is from the movie Suicide Squad, where Joker comes in to save Harely (btw I am not comparing Danny to Joker, Danny will treat you like gold, not like trash). I love writing action scenes and partners working together and supporting each other!! This my weakness. Hope you guys enjoy!
⚠️WARNING: ⚠️This fanfic will have explicit words and violence, viewer discretion is advised. Also a lot of angst!
Big Mama’s words will be colored green
Word Bank:
Zoot Suit- A certain style of a suit
Tawdry- made out of cheap or poor quality 
Pennies from heaven- Easy money
Passing the buck- Placing the blame on someone or something
The crowd cheered and booed around you as you stepped in the Battle Nexus sitting area, the foul air of sweat and snacks from the concession stand filled your nose as you took in the fight below you. The atmosphere around you was warm and rigid as you eyed the crowd, your eyes landing on Big Mama on her throne, her six red eyes darting back and forth. 
Your head turned to look down at the fight below, the two yokai’s fighting were at each other’s throats, their weapons clashing against each other’s as dirt clouds danced around them. 
This was only the first match, you and the boys had the whole night to do this plan perfectly. 
You slowly turned yourself around and away from the yokais, the keys you had swiped jiggled in your pocket as you went down the stairs. 
For weeks you had been working for Big Mama, just like the Mud Dogz, but you were a shiftly one and was able to gain her trust, the keys to her vault below the Battle Nexus practically falling into your hands. Of course you knew about the vault she had in her hotel, but Gus guarded that one like the loyal dog he was, but you knew he couldn’t be at two places at once. 
You were on the first level now and took a hard right, your eyes falling on the three figures that kept their bodies within the shadows. You came to a halt next to them, your hand now wrapped around the keys as you threw them over to one of the shadows, his hand instantly coming up to catch them. 
“Guessing you guys didn’t have much trouble?” You asked as the dark figures finally revealed themselves. The infamous Loathsome Leonard, Dastardly Danny, and Malicious Mickey came out in front of you, each having their own signature shit-eating grin. Leonard twirled the keys in his hands as they followed you to the basement door, “not at all, Big Mama’s guards don’t really know the difference between criminal and worker,” he joked. 
You moved over so then he could unlock the door, your body slipping over to Danny as the eel and the ogre took the first few steps down into the underground. 
“Where’s Big Mama?”
“Still sitting on her throne, watching as her subjects tear each other apart,” you laughed out as you trailed your fingertips against the brick wall, the indents and curves in the wall pushed against your hands. The tall rat took a hold of your hand as the stairs started to get steeper and the only source of light was from torches.  
“I really don’t understand the whole torch in a secret basement thing.”
“It’s tacky.”
“I would’ve done glow worms.”
“But they wouldn’t stay in one place.”
“Exactly. It’s unexpected.”
You rolled your eyes as you all finally made it to the last step, stones surrounded you instead of dark bricks and a long hallway strolled in front of you. Danny stood slightly behind you, his thumb gently sliding over yours to show that he was still there. He didn’t say it, but he honestly didn’t want you to go on this mission. You were basically walking over landmines for them to get the keys to Big Mama’s secret vault, but if they were caught down here then you would be punished too, possibly far worse than the Mud Dogz since you had been working closely with the spider yokai. 
The thought of it created a bad taste in his mouth and he quickly told his mind to think of something else, to think how after this he was going to take you to one of the best restaurants in town and buy you an expensive outfit to show you off in. His mind wandered to what kind of outfit would look best on you until you and the two other yokai’s came to a harsh halt. 
All four of you had walked down the hallway and had come to a hard left where two yokai guards stood, behind them a huge metal vault door stood silently.
You eyed the two yokai, your minding working to see if they would be an easy or hard fight. 
The rat laid his head on top of yours as you both continued to stare, a sneer rising against his face. 
“Jeez, Big Mama must be desperate for new recruits to have two geezer’s watching over her dough,” he whispered, his breath and whiskers slightly tickled the top of your head and you gently shook him off, mouthing sorry as he gave you puppy dog eyes. 
Leonard looked at the ancient weapons the yokai’s were holding and then back at the gang. 
“Alright, Danny, you’re going to go up to them and distract them-”
“Hold up, why me?”
“Because you got that suit, make ya look like the richest one out of all of us.”
“Well it is a zoot suit. I’m also an ace at persuading people.”
You let out a tch as he puffed out his collar, his eyes falling onto you. 
“Mickey and I will come up when you got them distracted and then Y/N will open the vault up with the passcode.”
The eel next to you snapped a bolt between his nubs as you gave a small nod, your hand landing gently on Danny’s back before he got up.
“Hey, be careful.”
He gave you a charming smile as he took the hand that was on him and gave a light kiss, his whiskers once again tickled your skin. 
“Always, love.” And then he came out from the corner and headed over to the two guards, his voice flaring throughout the basement like a singer at a concert. 
You could barely make out what he was saying to the yokai’s, but you could make out the words clothes, Big Mama, and tawdry. Of course he would spark up a conversation with those two about fashion.
A minute barely passed as Leonard and Mickey walked away from you, their bodys sticking to the walls like glue as they stalked over to the distracted yokais. They pounced right before the two guards had time to react, Mickey taking out one with his electric shock and Leonard busted one in the back of his head, both of them falling as Danny ended a corny one-liner about them. 
One of them smacked up against the keypad that was behind them, sending off a loud alarm in the tunnels.
You sprinted behind them and quickly pulled one of the guard’s keycards, scanning it and quickly typing in the code to turn off the system and the alarm. 
“Do you think anyone heard that?”
“No, and Big Mama won’t get a warning about it. It has to go off for a long while before she gets notified about it.”
The Mud Dogz let out a relief sigh as you pushed the vault door open and you entered into a golden palace. Piles of gold, cash, unicorns, and armor that looked like they were dipped into liquid diamonds were all placed in long rows. Each one of your mouths dropped at the beautiful sight, Mickey the only one squealing in glee as he dove into one of the many loose piles of unicorns and cash. 
You didn’t know that Big Mama had this much cash, but it didn’t surprise you either; with her cheating on the Battle Nexus and bleeding customers and opponents dry, you wondered if she had multiple vaults hidden within the city. 
Your ears perked up as Danny let out one of his roaring laughs as he dug his fingers into one of the several piles of golden coins. 
“OOOH boys we’ve hit the jackpot! It’s practically pennies from heaven!” He cheered out and then he wrapped himself around you, planting a tender kiss against your lips. You took in his sign of affection and kissed him back, your middle finger flying up as Leonard and Mickey let out fake gagging noises. Danny broke the kiss for just a second to whisper against your lips.
“It’s all thanks to you, doll.”
You let out a shy giggle as you felt your face go red with appreciation, you could never get used to how Danny treated you, it had only been a few months of dating and the yokai made you feel more respected and loved than any kind of royalty. His hand stayed wrapped around your hip as Leonard pulled out the infinite small vacuum he bought in Witch Town, the magical machine swiftly sucking up every last drop of gold, silver, and diamond until there was nothing left but the afterdust of the treasure. 
The battle above you roared and stomped louder as another fighter was taken down by the champion, you were honestly surprised that none of the wealth done here was painted with blood.
You couldn’t help but feel good about this, even proud. You craved for appreciation from Danny, from his friends, to the point that it almost blinded you from the trouble ahead. As Leonard placed the vacuum back in-between his shoulders, you all made your way back to the entrance of the safe.While Danny gave you his hand to help you up, Mickey looked behind with a nervous smile. 
“Ah, there were two guards, right?”
“Oh that’s bad.”
You looked over from your place inside the door and only saw the yokai Mickey had knocked out, while the other one had disappeared. 
“Ah, I say we make it like dogs and run!” Danny ordered and you all quickly leapt off the safe door and sprinted down the hallway, your feet barely touching the ground as you kept up with the Mud Dogz. When you made it to the door, you weren’t at all surprised when the knob didn’t give in to your force and you looked down at Leonard. 
He got the hint and threw the bundle of keys back to you and you unlocked the door, your fingers barely pushing up against it so you could peek out. There was no sign of any yokai or Big Mama and you briskly got away from the door, the weight of the Mud Doz trying to peek out as well almost drowning you. 
They each gave their own sheepish smile as you glared at them and continued to look around. This was...strange. The only thing you could think of was that the guard went straight up to Big Mama to warn her, which meant you and the guys were gonna to be in deep shit in about five minutes. 
The crowd was barely a buzz in your ears as you followed them through the building, the lights from the Battle Nexus painting inself across your body like lights.
The four of you were almost to the exit of the Battle Nexus when a large guard came in front of your path, your feet coming to a slamming halt before you could run into the bug yokai. You took a step back as he took a step forward, your body instantly bending down as he swiped at you. 
More bug guards came around almost every hidden corner, giving each member of the group someone to fight. But, more and more kept coming, until you were surrounded. Each of you let out a litter of cuss words as you tried to push past, but there was no way out. Danny stood next to you, his arm barely lifted up as a form of protection. Fear screamed its way into your blood, your head racking through itself at how this plan had failed, how this could possibly be your fault for not double-checking things. And when Big Mama rounded the corner, you wondered if you would make it out alive. 
Danny couldn’t help but swallow as the spider yokai walked in, her long legs creaking against the concrete floor. His tail encircled itself around your ankles as Big Mama’s henchmen came closer, their eyes like daggers stabbing it each and every one of them. He knew he should’ve told you to stay out of this one, he knew that something always bad happened to them, and now you were caught in the middle.
“Ah! If it isn’t my wonderful yokai’s, the Mud Dogs. And my new assistant,” the female cooed as she switched to her human form. She circled around you, as if you were prey and she was a predator, even though all four of you towered over her with her being human. The anger that was held within her eyes blazed into you as she stalked over to you, her finger wiggling in your face as if you were a child. 
“Now, now, aren’t you a little disappointment,” she hissed, a slim finger curled under your chin and you quickly shook it off, your eyes narrowing at the woman. Big Mama only let out a rough chuckle as she snapped her fingers and you were separated from the Mud Dogz, your body barely having time to react as you gripped onto Danny’s hand. Danny instantly reached for you, the strength in his hand curled into your slipping hand as the guards came in between you two.
“Hey! Let go!”
“You keep yer slimy hands off of them!”
Leonard and Mickey lunged to help Danny keep ahold of you, their hands batting off the bug’s arms from the rat’s suit. You let out a cry as you felt the rat’s hand slip out of yours and the bug interlocked their arms around yours and slowly started to pull you away, Big Mama following behind them. 
“Finish them for me, I’ll deal with this one.”
Anxiety raced through Danny’s body as they placed their hands around you, dragging you away from them, from him. He couldn’t stop himself from watching you struggle in their grip, small grunts hissing out of your mouth as you were pulled further and further away from him. 
Rage didn’t even cover what coursed through his body, the blood within his veins almost boiled to the point of a fever as his nails dug into his hands. His eyes turned to Leonard and Mickey, and both of them looked at each other, because for a split second, they believed they saw murder within the rat’s eyes. Danny gave his friend’s one look and Leonard and Mickey nodded to the silent order that the rat gave and they each turned towards one of the guards.
You could barely see past the broadening shoulders of the soldiers, but you heard the brawling of fists and the heavy breaths from a fight. You struggled within the hold and then stomped your foot against the guard’s foot, your arm coming free to slam into the other guard’s face. The pain that pulsed through your hand was dull as you turned around-
And watched as Danny’s limpless body hit the ground with a deadly thud. 
For the first time, your mind went blank. You couldn’t focus on Leonard or Mickey or anything else around you except for Danny. He wasn’t getting up, why wasn’t he getting up, he had to get up.
“DANNY!” You called for him, Big Mama’s arms capturing you as you tried to race over him. His name drilled out of your mouth like a siren. You’ve seen him get knocked out, beaten up in a fight, but not like this, the way his body slammed into the ground was an inhuman sound that burned your ears. Your arms swatted against Big Mama’s resistance as you continued to wait, you waited for him to wake up, to give a signal that he was fine, just one flick of your ear Danny!
“Danny! Danny get up!!” You wailed to him and you could feel the clear liquid spill from your eyes. Big Mama changed back into her yokai form and spat onto you, cobwebs spilling over your wrists and mouth. But that didn’t stop you calling for him, reaching for him over the spider’s shoulder as she took you away. You thrashed around in the grip, sobs now clogging your throat with no release as the guard you had hit lifted you up and turned the corner, your eyes never leaving Danny as you were dragged away.
You blinked a few times as you took in the bright lights of the Battle Nexus. You believed it had been a few hours, but you honestly didn’t know. There were no more battles and the stands were empty, it was just you, a few guards, and Big Mama looming over you. 
Your eyes felt raw with no moisture and your body went weak everytime they made you stand. 
Your mind was still empty, even with the female spider talking your ear off with her weird words. Your legs ached from sitting on them and you could feel exhaustion come over you like a storm. Her webs were sticky and tangled within your hands, almost as if it was sinking into your skin.
If you were caught, what about the others? Wouldn't they be next to you getting the “big” talk from Big Mama. Or maybe there was no one left to talk to.
The images of Danny flashed through your head and you tried your hardest to keep the tears at bay. You didn’t know you could be so emotional over someone, but he was Danny, he was your Danny. You hated your mind for thinking was.
You felt heat vibrate against your face as the spider backhanded you, your eyes closing hard as you took in your surroundings and the pain. 
“Were you even listening?!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak dog.”
Big Mama smiled at you and lifted her hand, your face scrunched up to prepare for the blow. But the woman turned around, her fingers instead messed with her outfit as she smoothed out the wrinkles. 
“You won’t be saying that when you become a chew toy for my new Battle Nexus Champions,” she chirped, a wicked smile on her face as she walked away, the echo of her high heels ringing in your ears. 
You didn’t listen as the woman gave specific orders about you to the guards, how once dawn comes, you will be nothing more than table scraps. 
Maybe this is how it’s supposed to go. You were nothing more than a lying thief, you went behind yokai’s backs and would tear them apart until there was nothing left but the money in their pockets. Maybe your death will be quick, maybe Danny is waiting somewhere for you, it’s almost like you could hear him calling your name.
Wait a damn minute, you could hear it.
As the bug guards walked towards you, a knife struck the ground, barely a inch away from one of the yokai’s feet. You looked up to see one of the large flying birds that was used as transportation in the Hidden City, it’s bat-like wings flying effortlessly above the Battle Nexus as it came into view. 
Music blasted into the circular arena and you quickly rolled forward with it, aiming the webs perfectly with the blade as it tore your bondage into two. The guards next to you went flying towards the wall, the sound pushing them against it. Once free, your hand pulled the knife out and raced over to the nearest thing to protection, a large shield with half of it buried into the dirt of the arena. 
You gave a swift peek from behind the shield and watched as sound waves were perfectly aimed towards the guards that were rushing in, not even giving the yokai time to protect themselves. Confusion jittered inside of you as you finally looked up at who was on the birds. 
You could make out the band members of DIGG and you could recognize the singer, Prairie Dog, singing her heart out into the mic as her band members played their instruments alongside her. 
Big Mama came running into the arena and then was slammed into the wall by the bass of the music, the uncomfortable look on her face was unforgettable. 
Your body instantly perked up. Your head poked out from behind the shield as you looked for him. It had to be him, you heard it, you knew that only one voice could say your name like that, to call your name as if it was a melody. 
There he was, standing alongside Leonard and Mickey, beaten up and swollen, but as you watched his chest rise and fall and as he smiled when his eyes laid upon you brought everything back to you. 
As ideas and thoughts raced through your head like a car track, you came out of your hiding spot to fully show yourself to him. 
When you finally showed yourself to him, Danny swore that he felt like a whole new man. After you were taken away, Leonard and Mickey fought off the rest of the guards and dragged Danny out of the Battle Nexus and went to the closest place they could think of: The DIGGS apartment. Once he woke up and treated his wounds, all six of them came up with a plan to get you back, and after stealing a few birds from the stables, it seemed that they came just in time to get you. 
One side of your face was red and a dried up blood trail went down from the corner of your mouth. But you stood tall, you stood proud to show him that you were okay, and that you were ready to get the hell out of there with him.
 The sound of you screaming for him will never leave his head, for years to come he will think about it, even now just seeing you the flashes he barely saw during the fight when you were taken away crossed his mind. It was as if his heart was being scorched into charcoal. 
Danny was known for holding the best promises, and once he got you back, he will promise you that you would never feel like that ever again. 
And when you wake up in the morning after all of this, he will remind you that he is still there, and that he was not going to go anywhere at any time, not when he had you.
You had to find a way to get up to him, even with the music blaring the guards away, you noticed they were starting to break against the mold of the music. Then you saw the rope that Danny threw down, landing perfectly in the middle of the Battle Nexus. 
“Come on, darling! I’m waitin for ya!”
You released a heavy sigh as you sprinted towards the rope, the wave blasts of music barely missing you as you felt the guards chase after you. Every fiber in you was being burned but you made yourself go faster, and once Big Mama started to spit webs at you, you made yourself do twists and turns to dodge them. She kept calling your name, saying what she will do to you will be far worse if you ran, but you continued onward. 
Her words no longer mattered to you, nothing else mattered but one thing as you jumped onto the rope and out of one of the guard’s reach.
 Leonard sent the bird up and flew you above the large coliseum, the DIGG band following gradually behind, giving out howls and thanking the guards and Big Mama for being a good audience. 
Your fingers and waist were wrapped around the rope as you were taken over the city, you and the guys waved good-bye to the band DIGG as they flew back to their apartment and the ogre steered the bird towards home. You took in the musty and polluted breeze and looked up to see Danny looking down at you. 
“Aren’t ya gonna climb up?”
“And risk falling? No thanks.”
He opened his mouth to answer back but you interrupted him by saying, “and don’t say you’ll catch me because last time that happened I fell on the floor while we were dancing.”
“Oh, that was one time, doll.”
“And it will be the only time I will get off this rope when we land.”
He let out a breezy chuckle as you situated his hat back on his head and then Mickey came into view, waving his left nub at you.
“Hiya Y/N! Did ya miss us?”
A faint laugh rumbled in your throat as you looked up at the Mud Dogz, at your boyfriend and your friends. Just mere hours ago you were crying, believing that they were all dead, that Danny was gone. And here you are, soaring over the city, a new enemy to track you down and an infinite pocket full of treasure. There were new tears sparkling in your eyes as you looked up at them.
“Of course I did.”
Danny carefully wiped the cut that was on your arm outside of his apartment. Leonard and Mickey were counting and almost rolling in the money they had taken out of the vacuum. You had taken a shower once you got there, cleaning off the dirt and sweat, your new wounds stung against the hot water. After it, your boyfriend called you to the balcony of their apartment to clean your wounds in peace, but you knew it was to get you two alone. 
You winced against his touch as he placed a binding around it, the alcohol burned into your body as he tugged your sleeve down.  
He placed a tender kiss on your shoulder as a way to say sorry and started to examine another wound on your leg when you finally spoke. 
“I thought you were gone.”
The rat paused in his place, the alcohol wipe in his hand had gone stiff. You looked away when he looked down at you, your eyes gliding over the hanging lights of the town, the liquid gold dripping over you and consuming you. 
“I know that this life is dangerous, we’ve had our fair share of beat downs and injuries,” you commented, the laughs of your friends barely reaching your ear as you continued.
“But when I saw you go down, I thought that was it. No more heists, no more dates, no more seeing you every day, no more hearing your voice or dancing in the kitchen at one in the morning.” He held up a hand to calm you, but you continued, new tears spilling from your eyes. 
“We never got to get married, to have kids, that I would never get to see you become a father and it killed me to the point that I accepted that Big Mama was going to-”
You closed your mouth as Danny lifted your head up, his long fingers gently curling around your chin and you let out a heavy sigh as you dropped your weight into it, taking in his touch, the warmth in his hands. He put the medical stuff down and scooted himself closer to you, the shiny tears that shot down your face continued as his other hand ran through your hair and he kissed you. 
Every kiss from Danny was different. There were the kisses before work, they were quick and meaningful, the kisses during good news, how he held you without effort and his mouth gave you goosebumps, as if he was saying good job within the kiss. The kisses in the bedroom were deep and he hunted for your lips every second to feel your moans, to taste his name on your mouth. And then this kiss, the kiss he gave when you came back to the apartment beaten up or when you both had a fight and he would crawl in bed, his tail lightly wrapping around you as you cave in and dashed into his arms, entangling your mouth with his. 
It honestly hurt that he kissed you like this, the importance behind each one filled you up with love, with something you never had while on the streets, the one thing you’ll always be greedy for, not money or the adrenaline of being a thief, it was him. 
When you separated, you swore that his eyes were watery, but he bent back down to go back to work on your wound. After he banaged up the last gash he turned back to you, his hands going into yours as he carelessly brought his face close to yours. His comforting scent slowed down your senses as his whiskers once again brushed across your face. 
“I’m not going anywhere, doll. Not without you. So, don’t be worrying about marriage and children and stop passing the buck onto ya. I’m here with you, I promise.”
“Good, I need at least someone to handle these emotional outbursts.”
“Well, I do know a yokai that would do the job perfectly. He’s tall, got a tail, and wears a suit that makes everyone swoon.”
“Oh he sounds charming, can’t wait to meet him.”
“Me too, sweetheart.”
You giggled into his whiskers as his arm wrapped around you. As you got comfortable under his arm, Danny finally felt his body loosen up. He didn’t know that you felt like that, of course he knew that you cared, that you worried, but when the tears started to form and how each fear about him started to bubble up and out your throat. 
He never knew his heart could break like that. 
You were a whole new significance to him. He has had lovers, but no one like you, no one has stuck around as long as you, no one has talked about marriage or children with him. Even with being a criminal, Danny still wanted a family someday, and to hear that you wanted one with him was now going to be his reason to get up everyday, to get enough money until you both have enough to live without worry. Images of living somewhere with just you and your children came over him and he brought you closer. 
You both still had a long way to go, your futures weren’t drawn-out and he feared that you wouldn’t be in his life in the long-run. But with how you curled into his touch and planted a kiss against his neck and then settled yourself into his chest, he knew he would fight for you. After today, he would fight for you and with you to reach what you wanted: Happiness. 
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sukumen · 4 years
YEEEEES i'm glad u like it 👀like can u imagine how elated he is to have her FINALLY look at him after yearning for a thousand years and having to pick up the pieces of her twisted relationship with sukuna during their first life? because she was probably hurting all the time struggling between loving sukuna and being obligated to fight him. imagine they were best friends so she cries into his arms and bares her soul but he couldn't!! do anything!! except comfort her bc her heart wasn't his!! 🥴
ok back AGAIN bc i deadass have been thinking abt a reincarnated sorceress / gojo / sukuna for DAYS so when i saw u drop those drabbles i was like oh my god someone to talk to jakdslfjs 🤪but i always thought about how sukuna probs used to be a rlly powerful sorcerer who turned into a curse?? like maybe a group of humans hurt the reader and he just got so pissed he cursified himself which is y the reader's gotta exorcise her husband now 😔at one point i was like "lmao what if she's pregnant too"
like sami imagine hotshot sorcerer!sukuna and michizane (it's what i've taken to calling pre-reincarnation gojo 👀) competing over our sweetheart priestess in their og lives and how that translates to pettiness in their current lives lmaooo. plus the outfits from that time (~heian era) are so pretty, the three of them paint such a lovely picture!! anyways more angst: sukuna and the priestess never being able to fight 100% against each other bc "fuck that's my wife/husband" SORRY for the spam 💋
omg don’t worry at all about the spam, i’m living! i have so many thoughts about this highkey, so i’m just going to ramble haha. read more for slight spoilers!
ok i’ve always been so curious about sukuna’s origin story; all we know at this point obvi is that he was a human sorcerer originally, so i’m right there with you re: some major turning point between that and him being a curse. and i think it would provide some valid background for why reader, as a priestess at that time, would even be around him enough to fall in love. like god can you imagine them having the type of dynamic that gojou, getou, and ieiri had in school? a trio growing up and realizing their powers for good side by side until one strays?
michizane and sukuna don’t necessarily like each other, but there’s a clear respect for each other’s power and skill. the real glue keeping them together, though, is the reader who’s been in both of their lives as long as they can remember and is the only other sorcerer around that rivals their skill.
they’ve both loved you for as long as they can remember too, but there’s always been something about sukuna in particular. he’s rougher around the edges, and is more inclined to make you mad than michizane is (you have that regal upbringing to thank for that), but for every argument, there’s a tender touch. For every eye roll, there’s a longing glance.
you’re so caught up in his that you never notice the ones from michizane too.
your relationship isn’t really a surprise. nor is the engagement or pregnancy announcement that follows. it causes a lot of stir all the same though - two of the most powerful sorcerers coming together is bound to send ripples in friendly and enemy circles alike.
unfortunately for you, the returning tide is too fast for you to see coming.
can you imagine if it wasn’t even curses that attacked you? but cursed users of a different sorcerer faction trying to break your union because the two of you together would ruin any plans they had for taking over the jujutsu world?
you manage to survive the attack, but your unborn child does not and the loss sends you both in a spiral. with everything you know about how curses are created, you do a good job of accepting the loss without denying yourself a period of mourning. sukuna, on the other hand, just...spirals. He can’t see you sad, hurt without feeling rage --- add to that the loss of a baby and you get hatred, fury, bloodlust.
he becomes so obsessed with revenge and retribution that he slips further and further away until he’s gone altogether. 
he swears he’s doing everything he is for you though - this crusade against jujutsu sorcerers. he tells himself it’s the only way you can be happy together, the only way he can know for sure that no one else will hurt you: to kill them all.
and even when you plead with him otherwise, he has his mind set. he will not stand down.
shift gears and that’s where you get you and michizane growing closer in this rough time - you crying to him about how to draw sukuna back from the edge (though, really, he’s already long past it). He doesn’t say it out of care and love for you, but he can’t understand why you’re even trying anymore. it’s like an unspoken agreement that sukuna has to be stopped before he ruins the world as you all know it.
but you just don’t agree. you know the man you love and you know his motivations - you think he can still be helped. 
which just makes it so upsetting that in the end, the war Sukuna starts is what kills you --- and that he has to be the one to take that light out of your eyes. :(
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