#i used to have piano lessons! i used to do cheerleading! i used to have gymnastics lessons! i was a daisy scout! i used to have tap lessons!
frankenruth · 6 months
I can say “I used to __!” about so many more things than I can say “I currently __!” about and its driving me mad
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logbush · 1 year
2010 words
idk enemies to lovers
santana lopez x reader
summary- you've always hated santana and santana has always hated you, but then for a duets lesson, you two get partnered up.
A/n: i've been wanting to write something else for santana for a while now, i've got somethings cooking up rn lol.
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you were sat next to mercedes and kurt waiting for glee club to start. “so y/n, whats up with you and santana?” mercedes questioned. “yeah i want to know too. there has to be something there,” kurt added on. you shook your head before looking behind them at santana, who, to your surprise, was already looking at you. as soon as your eyes met hers she looked away. you shrugged this off as nothing but a judge mental glare and looked back at your friends, “nothings up, we hate each other” you said sternly. they both shook their heads, “one of you wants more,” kurt stated. you shook your head as schue walked in, cutting your conversation short.
“alright!” schuester clapped his hands together as he started, “this weeks lesson is a return of our duets! our duet for regionals needs to be killer guys!” he walked towards the piano and looked at the teenagers watching him. “the winner of our challenge will be singing at regionals,” rachel raised her hand, “will you let us pick our partners this time?” schue grinned before leaning down “i am so glad you asked rachel” he said as he stood back up straight with a hat in his hands. the glee club groaned. “who wants to draw first?” he quizzed.
rachel shot up and walked towards the piano before reaching her hand in the hat and grabbing out a piece of paper. “kurt” she read. kurt gave her a fake smile before looking towards you and mercedes and rolling his eyes. you shrugged and walked down next. you grabbed a piece of paper from the hat before looking at schue “can i grab a new one?” you questioned quietly. “no,” he said while shaking his head. you sighed before looking straight at the latina cheerleader you hated. “santana,” you stated.
mercedes and kurt let out muffled laughs before you shot them a glare quickly making them shut up. you walked back to your seat with a sigh, “you guys are gonna be dating by the end of this week, im calling it,” mercedes said as soon as you sat down, “shut up,” you snapped back.
after everyone got their partners, they went to begin working on their songs. you walked over to santana and sat next to her, ignoring any eye contact. she did the same before sighing, “we need to work together, we cant hate each other for this week,” she acknowledged. you nodded your head “i know.” you began “lets do something upbeat” she nodded "yeah let's do something we can dance to" she agreed. you shook your head before turning to look at her "im not as good of a dancer as you" you said. santana smiled at you as she made eye contact with you. "you've never complimented me before" she said softly, you shook your head "don't take it to heart" you stood up and looked down at her "tonight, your place, 5, we're gonna work on the song" you said before walking out of the choir room.
you knocked at her front door at 5:05. santana opened the door for you a few moments later, "youre late" she stated. you shrugged "and you waited for me," the cheerleader rolled her eyes "it's my house stupid, come on," she heaved, walking downstairs. you walked inside and shut the door before following her into the basement. she turned back to look at you "what song do you want to do?" she quizzed you. you sat down on a brown woven chair and shrugged "you have to choose" santana groaned and stood in front of you with her arms crossed, why is she kinda hot right now?, you thought ignoring what she was saying. "y/ln." she said sternly, making you come back to life. "what'd you say? i got distracted by your obnoxious decor" not your best comeback, the only thing you could think of at the time though. santana rolled her eyes and pulled you out of her chair. "that the worst thing you've ever said," she exhaled.
the cheerleader pulled out her phone, putting it on shuffle. "whatever song this lands on is the song we're going to do" you nodded and watched her. santana was staring at her phone, praying that it wouldn't play something dumb. you listened as her phone speakers began playing p.y.t by michael jackson. you both looked at each other and sighed. you weren't going to back out and reshuffle it, so you settled on it. "you're the dancer out of the two of us, you have to make the choreo" you stated as she put her phone down. "i need to know what you can do first" she looked at you as you shrugged. "make the choreo and i'll tell you if i can do it or not" santana groaned and crossed her arms while watching you. "i'll make all the harmonies, and you make the choreo, it's a perfect mashup" you said as you went to go find some paper and a pencil. "the cabinet to your left dumbass" she yelled out to you as she began listening to the song over and over, trying to visualize the choreography.
you ended up staying over for hours. "we should get something to eat" santana called out to you, looking at you sitting on the same woven chair you sat on forever ago, doodling on the paper you had found. you shrugged before nodding. "yeah sure, but we should cook something" the latina looked at you, slightly disgusted. "why would we do that?" you stood up and looked down at her "because it would be a good bonding experience" you answered, reaching your hand out to her. santana grabbed your hand, using it to pull herself up. the two of you walked up the stairs together and walked into the kitchen. "you're still holding my hand tana" you said with a smirk as she looked down at your hands. she quickly yanked her hand back, scoffing "you were holding my hand" she mumbled, clearly flustered by the nickname you called her. "do you know how to cook?" she asked. you nodded "yeah, what do you have?" santana shrugged before moving back to let you search around. you weren't exactly sure what you were going to make "can i just make mac and cheese?" you quizzed. you looked back at her "im just going to order a pizza" she stated before quickly calling a local pizza place before you could interrupt.
the pizza arrived after about twenty minutes. "hey can i ask you a question?" santana questioned you as she went to grab two plates. "sure what's up" you took a plate from her before grabbing a piece of pizza. "do you like anyone right now?" she questioned you as you two began walking back down to the basement, pizza in hand. "why do you want to know that?" you questioned in reply. she shrugged, "so i can tell them and ruin your chances, obviously" she sat down on the floor, leaving the chair open for you, you instead sat down next to her, leaning against the wall, "i don't know, i don't think so but maybe" you said in reply, not trying to give her too much information. santana looked kind of sad as she said "oh i see"
now, you didn't want to admit this, but maybe you were starting to catch feelings for santana. you liked how controlling she was, no one ever fought back against you. you admired that quality in her. you admired her work ethic, and that she said whatever she wanted. and, bonus, she's super hot.
once you two finished eating, santana started teaching you the choreography. “bend and snap” she says as she did the motions. “i expected you to make this harder” you stated as you copied her. the cheerleader scoffed “do you want me to make it harder?” she asked with a soft smirk on her face. you nodded “oh you’re going to regret that” she says smugly. you shrugged before sitting back down on the chair “i doubt it”
in glee club the next day, you and santana had decided to do your duet. “i dont know if i can do the dip” you whispered next to her. the cheerleader looked at you with a soft smile, “you can do it. i know you can” she reassured, gently taking your hand in hers. this caused you to smile and gently squeeze her hand, before you realized what was happening and yanked your hand back. santana frowned at this before looking straight ahead and straight faced, trying to avoid anyone seeing her emotion. schue walked in to the choir room “we have our first duet today, give it up for santana and y/n!” he said while clapping his hands near the end of his sentence. the glee club clapped along with him. you and santana walked down and looked at each other "you can do this" she whispered so only you could hear. you smiled and pointed to the band, causing them to begin playing the song.
you started,
"you know you, you make me feel so good inside"
you and santana were circling around one another.
"i always wanted a girl like you
such a p.y.t"
neither you or she wanted to say this part, so you decided to flip a coin. it landed on heads. you chose heads. the rest of the performance went smoothly. the chemistry between you two was palpable. then, the scary part came, the dip.
the dip was when you dipped santana down between your legs before bringing her back up quickly and holding her close to your chest, ending the song. you were scared that you might drop her, you didn't think you had the strength. santana reassured you that even if you did drop her, she could save it and make it look like it was planned.
you quickly dipped her down before pulling her up, holding her against your chest as the song ended. you felt santanas breath against your neck. your hand gripped on her waist before you went for it. you placed your lips on hers, ignoring the glee club watching. the cheerleaders arms wrapped around your neck, deepening the kiss. you both saw fireworks. you continued like this for a few moments before schue walked over and tapped you on the shoulder "y/n, santana, wrap it up" you quickly opened your eyes before pulling away from her and running out of the choir room. santana chased after you, desperately trying to keep what she thought had formed.
"y/n wait!" she yelled out to you. you sighed and leaned against a locked, sitting down on the cold linoleum tile. santana stood in front of you and made eye contact "why did you kiss me?" she mumbled as she sat down across from you. you sighed and looked down at her "santana," you started, taking her hands in yours "yesterday, i think i caught feelings for you" she was about to speak before you cut her off "and i don't know if you like me back or what but i just-" santana cut you off with a quick kiss. you sat stunned before she pulled away "i have feelings for you too y/n" you stood up, pulling her up with you before kissing her deeply. she kissed you back as her arms wrapped around your neck. your hands gripped onto her waist as she pushed you against the locker. "we can't make out right now" you said in between kisses. santana pulled away and pouted "why not?" you chuckled and interlocked your hands before walking down the hallway "glee club is expecting us to make our relationship debut"
you and santana walked inside the choir room, hand and hand. you went to go sit down next to kurt and mercedes "i told you something was there" mercedes said "it didn't even take a week" kurt added on. "shut up." you said with a smile.
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elicathebunny · 7 months
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Why you NEED to pick up a hobby in 2024.
Finding something to get good at gives you something to work towards.
Before Covid-19, I used to be very active. I joined a dance school, I did swimming for the majority of my life, I took piano lessons for a while and I joined a robotics club throughout my primary school years. But after the virus hit, all of the clubs stopped. Even before it spread around, I had already quit 2 of my previous hobbies. Upon joining secondary school, I had pretty much stopped all of my extracurricular hobbies (from quitting and from COVID-19). When things started getting back to normal, I realised my friends had a sport or something they did regularly that would take up their time. They were big readers, cheerleaders, tennis players etc. I wasn't participating in anything at that point, so I started feeling bad because I felt like there wasn't much to me. I ended up joining a volleyball club just to give me something to do (although I didn't stay in it for long).
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Having hobbies gives you a sense of purpose. It allows you to explore different things to find out what you like.
It's good for personal development. I have recently been gifted a sewing machine. I have never learnt how to sew with a machine previously. So, this is exposing me to something new that I can develop and work on.
Helps you to continuously learn. Learning something (especially from scratch) helps to keep you busy and constantly challenging you. It gives you something to do and also benefits you with the end result (mastering new things to show off).
Fuels your creativity. Engaging in creative hobbies stimulates your imagination and problem-solving abilities.
Gives you something to talk about. When it comes to being asked about yourself, it gives you something to say. It can come up when trying to connect with someone else, maybe they happen to be learning or know how to do that skill you are building.
It gives you a sense of achievement and fulfilment. Progressing in your hobby and achieving goals boosts your confidence and self-esteem.
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songbirdlopez · 9 months
Santana Lopez is lazy. At least, according to herself in New Directions (5x13) "I'm too lazy to do eight shows a week". Now I have many issues with this episode and the entire understudy plot, but that isn't what I want to expand on here. I just want to talk about this one line.
Warning, this is a very long post.
Where on Earth did the writers get that idea? I can see Santana genuinely believing that about herself since her self esteem isn't always the greatest, but Rachel never corrects her. Santana says she is lazy, and that's it. She's lazy. But wait a minute, are we talking about the same Santana here?
Let me bring up the obvious. The cheerios. I don't think it's possible to be lazy and be a cheerleader under the leadership of Sue Sylvester (unless you're Becky, I guess). Santana was a cheerio for all of season 1 and 3, half of season 2 (only because without her, Quinn, and Brittany the cheerios weren't good enough to win), and presumably all of her freshman year. That's three and a half years of gruelling training and death-defying stunts. And for her senior year she is co-captain, so taking on extra responsibilities.
Also cheerios related, in Diva 4x13 Sue offers Santana a job as the cheerios coach. Despite knowing how tough Sue is she says yes. Later when speaking to Britt she says that she'll take over fully when Sue dies and she's gonna make sure that happens within a few years (presumably a joke but who knows what would've happened).
Then there's the New Directions. Santana is in the glee club for three (almost) straight years. We don't often see much more than lessons being introduced and then singing, but it's established in season 1 that they do vocal warm ups/training. There's also booty camp which runs late season 2 and all season 3. After she gets (unfairly imo) kicked out in The Purple Piano Project (3x01), she agrees to join Booty Camp to come back to ND. In universe she is one of the better dancers, so this is just a punishment that she accepts, she wants to be in the glee club and will do extra work for it. There's also practising for their competition numbers (even if it's the day of). In season 1 she helps come up with some choreography. Santana often has solo parts and was one of only a few members to get a full solo where she doesn't just park and bark (obvi Britt and Mike were the featured dancers but Santana has her own choreo). Santana is also one of only four characters who audition for a solo for nationals in Funeral (2x21), and she's one of only two who have some sort of choreography.
Continuing on with glee clubs, the Troubletones. Santana joined TT to get more focus. We saw TT discussions and dance practise, and we know that Shelby did vocal coaching that was better than Will's (Mercedes: "Shelby's a great teacher, I'm hitting notes I didn't even know existed.") Santana also pushed through a majorly distressing event (outing) to perform and used that pain to lift the performance (RHI/SLY).
School musicals. Santana has roles in three different school musicals. The only one she doesn't participate in is Cabaret, but that is just a sham to get Rach away from the New Directions. In season two she plays two different characters in Rocky Horror, she's double cast as Magenta (a supporting character) with Quinn, and she plays the lips (this is a mistake on the show's part, the lips are Riff Raff's actor in the movie, but on stage this song is performed by a character named Trixie the Usherette who does a reprise of the song at the end). In West Side Story she plays Anita. Finally in Grease she plays Rizzo, it's worth noting that she gets the role with very little notice and still (from what little we see) nails it.
Jobs. Throughout highschool Santana doesn't seem to have any part time employment, but that's the case for most characters. While she's at Louisville she doesn't need to get a job since she got a scholarship and a bunch of money from her mom. I mentioned previously that she almost got a job as cheerios coach. Once she moves to New York in season 4 she works a shit ton of jobs, like a ridiculous amount. She's a bouncer, a cage dancer, she works at the Coyote Ugly Saloon Bar, she's a waitress, a reoccurring actor for Yeast-I-Stat, Fanny Brice understudy, Rachel's publicist, back up singer (and maybe dancer?) for Mercedes which includes touring with her, and she is an active member of Pamela Lansbury before she and Rachel are kicked out.
Even ignoring the jobs that were just word of mouth, she had five jobs, that's more than any other character in the show, and we unfortunately never find out what she ends up doing.
In season 4 after a push from her friends she takes on NYADA extension classes.
Also relevant, in season 4 she drops out of college. This isn't because she's "too lazy", it's because of the environment. She didn't gel with her fellow students, there's no mention of the work being too much, it's purely that the other cheerleaders don't respond well to her. Her "brutal honesty" or whatever, still not a reflection of her work ethic, just her lack of tact (to put it lightly). Also worth mentioning, the two times we see her at Louisville she is clearly working hard. She can't talk to Britt because she's too busy, and in the scene where that Virginia Wolfe girl eyes her up she's in the library studying. In Jagged Little Tapestry (6x03) Santana tells Brittany that she would like to go back to college, unfortunately we never see if this comes to fruition.
Volunteering. Santana is also the character who volunteers the most. In Silly Love Songs (2x12) she says that she often volunteers at the hospital which is where she got the candy striper outfit. Two episode earlier in A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) the glee girls are going to sell their hair, Santana is the one to tell the others to "stop yapping" and just do it and is just a about to cut off her hair when Will stops them, so clearly she was willing to do it. The next Christmas Santana joins Sam and Quinn at the homeless shelter with the other New Directions after the tv special (kinda goes against her prior eagerness to help out, but makes sense since fame is her mistress). In Lights Out (4x20) she joins Rachel and Kurt volunteering at the Ballet Gala. Admittedly here it's takes a push and she only goes after being offered dresses.
Mentoring. From season four the ND alumni often come back to mentor the newbies or just to help out in general. Santana comes back in Glease (4x06), Thanksgiving (4x08), Diva (4x13), All or Nothing (4x21), 100/New Directions (5x12, 5x13), Homecoming (6x02), and Jagged Little Tapestry (6x03). (I'm not including The Breakup or The Quarterback because she came back for emotional reasons.)
Knowing all of this about her shows how hardworking and passionate Santana is. She is constantly working at something. She has her down time (watching Facts of Life, scrolling Rizzoli & Isles lesbian subtext blogs), but that seems few and far between when knowing just how much she works. It can also be inferred that she is a good student at WMHS, seeing as she got the scholarship to Louisville and they probably wouldn't accept her on just cheerleading merit alone, and she is seen multiple times with her books open, studying. (Pot O' Gold and Saturday Night Glee-ver come to mind). We also know that she cares about her education because she reported Will for being a sub par teacher in The Spanish Teacher (3x12).
Along with everything I just mentioned, Santana also takes it upon herself to do side quests when she wants something. She is so determined to prove that Quinn and Finn are having an affair that she gives herself mono (she's immune apparently, but still). She also goes full spy to take down Sebastian, and to take down Brody. With everything else she does and the effort she puts into random situations to do with her friends she must be goddamn exhausted.
Something I must bring up is related to her being Rachel's understudy. But first another disclaimer: I don't want this post to become a discussion on who was in the right in the situation, both women did bad things, that is not what this post is about. I only bring it up because it is the plot where this line is said, therefore some parts a relevant.
Santana only gets the idea to audition for the understudy role as Rachel leaves to go judge the auditions. We do not know exactly how much time passes in between but it's presumably only a few hours at most. This means that Santana had to memorise the song, change the key and structure by herself, and choreograph the number in a few hours. That shows dedication. Later on in The Back-Up Plan (5x18) Santana goes on in place of Rachel to try and save her friends job. Again she has very little time to prepare to play the role as the show is that night, and hasn't been the understudy for approximately a good few months. We don't see her perform but Rach herself says she was really good. It's unfortunate that we never see Santana get any opportunities come from this, but it's Glee so I digress.
In conclusion (I feel like I'm back in highschool lol), Santana Lopez has many flaws and there are many valid reasons to criticise her, her work ethic is not one. Santana is shown to be an extremely hard working and dedicated character who aims high and will put in the work to get what she wants, she won't let other people get in her way. She can be her own worst enemy and can get into a slump when she can't see a direction to go in, but she always pushes through. I think it's cowardly that the show not only decided that she was the sole offender of the Understudy Situation, but also shunted her with a negative descriptor that is in complete opposition to what we know of her. Despite also saying cruel things during the understudy plot line Rachel gets away with not apologising, and then lets Santana insult herself. It's an unfortunate result and complete character assassination for Santana and shows how little the writers care for her. It also destroys the friendship that Pezberry developed up until that point. Santana is not the only character to be described in a negative way even when the rest of the show doesn't represent that, Mercedes Jones gets this treatment even worse and more often. I do have a discussion about her in my drafts, hopefully I'll finish it one day. It sucks that two of the most versatile and skilled characters in Glee are constantly said to not be enough.
Santana Lopez is not lazy.
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hcs about music and the island dads and their kids bc i am currently experiencing brainrot
x. linus used to play guitar as a kid. he wasn’t great at it, but he liked it, and he’d steal away half an hour a week to play around with the old, beaten up one they had in their public high school. he learnt all his favorite songs on it, mostly by ear, but never had the ability to practice at home. he mentions it to arthur at some point, and they magically find one back in the attic. 
x. arthur loves piano. he has the fingers for it, of course, and there’s nothing like a good jazz piano tune to pair with a philosophy book, but he also loves the expressiveness that some pianists put into their performances. when he was a young man, 20s-30s i’d say, and he didn’t live on the island yet, i like to hc he snuck into a few performances or practices for some great modern composers. 
x. lucy sees linus trying to tune the guitar and decides instantly he Must Learn How To Play alongside him. they buy a beginner’s guitar player book and start learning chords and songs together. lucy, turns out, has a great singing voice to pair with it. 
x. at some point, sal brings up the idea that maybe he could have lucy put one of his poems to music. lucy is absolutely honored, obviously. linus and arthur are in the background crying because omg their children have grown and healed so much
x. phee definitely learns how to make nature dance around her. she takes up doing it when she’s upset, and never really stops. zoe joins in sometimes, and the swaying of the branches, buzzing of bees, and soft sea breeze bring happiness all around the island.
x. talia would be amazing on drums. that’s all. she could wack them as good as she wacks people.
x. chauncey and theodore, albeit not incredibly gifted with musical instruments due to the lack of opposable thumbs, are the BEST hypemen whenever lucy wants to present a song during a lesson. cheerleading? they got u. posters, banners, and badly made t shirts? DONE. lucy isnt even making his own music, but its the thought that counts.
(yes the t shirts would just say hey yeah! music! in squiggly handwriting, instead of hell yeah, because arthur vetoed it)
x. linus and arthur actually learn how to dance instead of just swaying together; waltzing late at night in arthur’s study or the library, soft, stumbly back and forth dances in the kitchen while cooking breakfast, linus dipping arthur on the porch as the sun sets because he just felt like it and kissing the shit out of him. and, of course, the bad renditions of those dances by the children making fun of them.
x. no one expects it, but sal’s teenagehood turns out to be a big rock music phase. he never showcases it on the outside but his room slowly gets decorated with posters and cds of his favorite artists and bands. lucy and linus are over the moon about getting to add a third to their music shop escapades. sal mostly likes the music because he relates to the anger/hurt/ect of the lyrics, and it’s great to drown out any other noise in case it gets too much for him.
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kate dalton headcanons? i love the nickname of cheese for chess!!
They’re genderfluid and use they/them pronouns like 80% of the time, but they’re closeted about it
Can’t focus on anything they’re doing unless they’re listening to music
Will stay up until 3AM reading
They have autism and ADHD
On that note, their autism-dar is amazing. Out of the teammates, they’ve managed to clock Farrah, Annleigh, Mattie, and Eva so far.
Their top 3 Taylor Swift albums are Red, TTPD, and evermore
They and Chess would braid each other’s hair sometimes
Once they start talking, it’s not easy to get them to stop. Specifically when they’re either really passionate or really angry about something.
After Chess died, Kate started wearing her clothes. You know the hoodie they wear in Act 2? That was Chess’s favorite hoodie. And the beanie also belonged to her.
They like bowling, and they’re pretty good at it. They’re not as good as Reese, though. They go bowling together once a month.
As much as they love gymnastics, they absolutely hate gymnastics meets because they’re overstimulating.
AJR’s biggest fan (favorite albums are The Maybe Man and The Click)
Also Melissa Etheridge’s biggest fan because they’re both alto rockstar lesbians (favorite album is self-titled)
Super photogenic. Like, Eva will randomly take a candid picture of them and they’ll look gorgeous every single time.
Actually super sweet when they’re with those they care about (Chess, Reese, Eva, etc.). The only time they’re really a bitch is when the other person is being a bitch first.
After junior year, they quit cheerleading and go back to gymnastics
They have flannels in every imaginable color
They really like Halloween
On that note, they and Eva like doing matching couples’ costumes. So far their favorite was Gomez (Eva) and Morticia (Kate), with Tori (Kate) and Michael (Eva) from Solitaire as a close second.
A massive fan of silent reading time in elementary school
Their favorite color is green
They like making friendship bracelets
They took piano lessons throughout elementary school, but quit once they started getting serious about gymnastics and stopped having time for anything else. But they never got rid of the piano in their house, and they’re still pretty good. Sometimes they’ll play while Eva plays guitar.
Very protective of Mattie after the whole prison thing
Cat person
They avoid drugs and alcohol like the damn plague, especially after the murders. There’s just a lot of bad memories associated with it and Kate knows what a dark path Chess and Farrah went down.
They use humor and sarcasm to cope with trauma
They have two older sisters
And after said sisters left for college, Kate laid on their bedroom floor listening to “Come Back…Be Here” by Taylor Swift on repeat far more often than they care to admit.
They have a playlist for just about every occasion
Had a marriage pact with Chess. If they were both single by 30, they’d get married for convenience and have a cat named Monopoly.
They listen to “Let The Games Begin” by AJR before games and pep rallies because it’s a super high-energy song and hypes them up enough to be able to pretend they want to be there
It’s become a running joke that Kate borrowed their wardrobe from a ‘90s skater boy
Watched 10 Things I Hate About You one too many times growing up, and Kat Stratford became her role model. Which explains a lot.
Expanding on that last one, Kate was really excited for the Shakespeare unit in 10th grade English class because they were reading Taming of the Shrew, which inspired that movie. To say that they were pissed off once they actually started reading would be an understatement. Now they’re a Shakespeare hater.
Their favorite gymnastics event is floor
Eva fell first, Kate fell harder
They have a quality time love language
Solid A-B student
Meg from Hercules was their first fictional crush. Again, explains a lot.
Yesterday, Melissa Etheridge posted a video of herself singing Red Wine Supernova x I Want To Come Over. If Kate were to see this, they would lose their shit.
Sorry this took so long. I have a lot of headcanons and wanted to make sure I got at least most of them in there. Also most of these are projection.
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jammie3132 · 11 months
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Summary: It’s been two months since they returned from Angelica’s totally awesome vacation. She’s thriving at her new school, Sebastian is loving being a stay-at-home dad again…and Blaine is bored.
10 Days of Seblaine 2023 Day 6: Free Part 3 of Poppy's Little Angel Series Dedicated to @seblaineaddict Warning: A lot of my works are "Kurt Unfriendly". Even if I feel it's not that bad, I put in the tag to avoid a certain section of the fandom. This time when I say "Unfriendly" I really mean it. I don't know if I've ever been this nasty in a one-shot (multi-chapters, absolutely). And for fun, I brought Rachel along for the "Unfriendly" ride.
After Angelica’s school year ended and they went on her surprise totally awesome vacation, real life caught up to them. Neither Blaine nor Sebastian was currently working, by choice. Blaine made what Sam called a crap ton of money over the years for his percentage in Machiavelli the Musical and then a shit ton of money when he and his partners sold not only their percentages in the musical but the movie rights as well.
Sebastian seamlessly transitioned back into his role of stay-at-home dad, making Angelica, his Angel, happier than ever. She’d missed him when he helped his friend with his show for those 2 months. She also LOVED her new school, especially when Class Dad Sebastian volunteered.
And Blaine was bored out of his mind.
Not that he wasn’t trying. He volunteered at Angelica’s school as well, but he wasn’t in her classroom (he taught advanced piano). He was the loudest cheerleader at her soccer games (Sebastian was the coach) and they had a Daddy/Daughter date every Sunday trying out different tea houses in the city. They also had French lessons together every evening, not necessarily by choice. Sebastian was a little tyrannical with this one.
But that wasn’t all. He watched Josh for Brittany and Santana once a week so they could run errands. He was going to the gym with Sam until he got a part in a cowboy movie filming in Montana. Now he was taking a yoga class every Monday and Thursday.
At home, he organized the closets exchanging summer clothes for fall. After that he turned Sam’s room back into an office and set up an entirely new organization system. Then there was his Halloween Extravaganza. He decorated not only their apartment but their entire floor (with their neighbors’ blessings, of course). There was a game area for little trick or treaters and full-size candy for the big kids. He even bought separate candies for children who can’t have sugar.
Now it was the day before Halloween, and he was still bored out of his mind. Or maybe he was throwing a pity party. His husband and daughter were BIG MEANIES! When he suggested family Halloween costumes, they told him they already had it taken care of. If that wasn’t bad enough, THEY WOULDN’T TELL HIM WHAT THEY WERE! Blaine looked at his phone and was surprised to see it was only 9:35 AM. That explained his current mood. Tuesday mornings were supposed to be Sebastian/Blaine, not Poppy/Daddy, alone time.
Yes, they were scheduling sex. Sebastian was having trouble with spontaneity (never thought he’d say those words) ever since the Our 4-year old Little Angel heard us having sex fiasco. So, he wasn’t bored…he was horny.
He needed a distraction. Unfortunately, the one thing he wanted to do was go to the container store and buy organizers for the kitchen. But Sebastian (the BIG MEANY!) told him if moved shit (organize!) in another room, next time he and Angelica had paint day he’d (air quotes) forget to put down the tarp.
In the middle of an internal should I go to a yoga even if it isn’t yoga day debate when he figured out exactly what he could do.
With Sebastian volunteering at Angelica's school and soccer practice after school, he had the next 7 hours to himself. Plenty of time to find where the BIG MEANIES were hiding the Halloween costumes.
An hour later he was even more frustrated than when he began. He had torn apart both bedrooms (and put them back together)…nothing. Could Brittany and Santana be hiding the costumes for them?
There was a storage room in the basement. He’d search there first. When he opened the door, someone was ready to knock. He didn’t bother to say hello. “Are you and Britt hiding our Halloween costumes?”
“Let me in Blaine. You want to hear this.”
He stepped aside to let her in, but something wasn’t right. It wasn’t the You want to hear this part. It was the fact Santana called him Blaine. “You have my attention.”
“Britt’s upset and I can’t deal with one of your overreactions right now.”
I overreact? “Have a seat.” Blaine left and came back with two beers. “I don’t care if it’s 11AM. You sound like these will be necessary.”
Santana took a swig from her bottle, further proving his point. “Someone Britt worked with on her last show called and said her current show was auditioning. It was word of mouth only, no open calls. Britt didn’t know it was the show Seb had worked with until she got to the theater.”
“Let me guess. She remembered everything Seb said on how the cast was talented, except the lead actress who was a nightmare both personally and professionally.”
“The nepo baby was fired.”
Blaine almost spit the drink he’d just taken. “Are you serious? It caused all sorts of drama when they announced her.”
“They replaced the Sugar Motta wannabe with Berry.”
“Rachel?” Then it hit him with a ton of bricks. “Kurt was at the theater when Britt got there. With the restraining order still valid, she couldn’t audition. Son-of-a-Bitch!”
“But there’s more! Berry chased Britt down as she was leaving.”
That was the end of Blaine’s beer. “Where was Kurt?”
“He stood off to the side. Britt said he just stood there. Didn’t say a word. It was all Berry.”
“I’m sorry San. Britt has been the collateral damage in my crap with my ex-husband.”
“B, that’s why Britt says this ambush was different. It wasn’t about her, it was getting a message to you.”
“I’m not surprised.” Blaine knew he screwed up. He didn’t know how much until Santana sunk into the couch and crossed her arms…great. “Don’t give me that look. The numbers of what my partners and I got for selling our rights to Machiavelli made the financial pages last week when you were in Jamacia for work. I’d have been surprised if Kurt didn’t react.”
“But Berry went after Britt.”
“I know, but this has Kurt written all over it. Tell me exactly what Britt said happened.”
Santana finished her beer then took a deep breath to center herself. This was going to get ugly. “Berry started with the oldies but goodies.” Blaine rolled his eyes because, of course, she did. “You’d think after all this time they’d have new material.”
“They do. Things only a very select group of people should know.”
“I’m going to kill him.” Blaine got up from his chair and moved across the room. He knew what Santana was going to say, but he needed to hear the words. When he heard those words, he needed to be away from anything he could throw, especially after last time. Sebastian really likes his new big screen. “What did Rachel say about my daughter?”
“She knew you guys adopted her from Seb’s 15-year old cousin.” Instead of flying off the wall, as she expected, Blaine became eerily calm…too calm. “What else?”
Should she call Sebastian? “Uh…Britt got away before the troll said anything else. But the girl who told her about the audition called to apologize. She also told her when Berry and Hummel returned, they were having one of those conversations where you pretend it’s between you and the other person, but make sure everyone else hears. The strange thing was Berry did all the talking. Hummel only nodded.”
“What did she say?”
“She trashed Seb…duh. The usuals of trapping you with a baby and not deserving his Tony…blah, blah, blah. But then…” Blaine held up his hand as the sign to stop. This time it wasn’t necessary to hear Santana say the words. “With all the times Kurt’s been shot down in court, I’m surprised he didn’t use the Slushie card sooner.”
“So, you were right? This was Hummel’s doing?”
“Never had a doubt. San, I understand more than anyone how much you want to go after them. I’m asking you to let me handle it.”
Santana walked over to her friend to look in his eyes. The dancing flecks of gold were gone. The warm honey/hazel color was now solid steel grey. “You’re showing no mercy.”
“In the words of my old friend Niccolò, If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”
20 minutes later Santana was on the subway home. Before she and Blaine went their separate ways, he was insistent she didn’t try to contact Sebastian. She promised she wouldn’t and Santa Lopez always keeps her promises.
From Santana: Some serious shit is going on with Blaine. He’s quoting Machiavelli and not in the funny way like the show. He was so angry he was calm. Like zen calm.
From Sam: I’m at the airport. They’re expecting an early snowstorm in the area and production is shutting down. Be home soon
3:45 PM
Rachel had no idea what was still doing there. The director cut rehearsal short without warning but told her to stay. They were only 4 weeks away from previews and she’d miss the first 8 weeks of rehearsals. If they would have given the part to her in the first place…
“Rachel” Kurt said breathlessly, as if ran all the way there. “I had to run the last five blocks. The subways…Uggh!”
Close enough. “What are you doing here?”
“You don’t know? I got a message from your director to be here at 4PM and don’t be one minute late. Do you think my hanging out with you finally convinced him to give me a part in the show. Isabelle is great letting me work at Vogue in between shows, but I’ve been there so long this time they’re trying to give me an office. So, unless my audition for Moulin Rouge went as well as I believe it did…”
“Kurt! Take a breath and grab a water. You’re beginning to schvitz.”
“No time. It’s 3:51 PM.”
“Make time. Fix yourself and I’ll find out what’s going on.” Rachel opened her dressing room door and was met by one of the stagehands…the big muscly kind, not the ones in a headset. “Hi William, do you know where Sean is?”
Kurt turned to her in a panic, but she motioned for him to calm down. “But Sean told me to stay and texted Kurt to be on stage at exactly 4PM.”
William started to walk away. He was told to stop the bitch from leaving until 4PM. Close enough. “I’m leaving and don’t give a shit what Sean told you. The only person here besides you two is some big Broadway muckity-muck. Nice guy though.”
Neither of them cared how rude the stagehand was once they heard big Broadway muckity- muck. Rachel grabbed Kurt’s arm and started hurrying toward the stage. “Remember, not one minute later.”
They arrived at 4PM on the dot but something didn’t feel right. The stage was lit for a performance, but why weren’t the lights in the theater on? It was so dark they couldn’t even see the front row seats.
“Have either of you heard the quote Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”
“Blaine?” The theater lights came on and the Broadway muckity-muck, sitting front and center in the first row, was indeed Kurt’s ex-husband. He looked at Rachel and she was as thrown as he was.
“I bet you’re wondering about my quote. It’s one of my favorites from Machiavelli and fits our dynamic so well. For example, those who really know me don’t see me as a depressed shell of a man, eager to please for scraps of attention. But for some reason you two still do. Those who know who I really know that I will destroy anyone who dares come after those I love, especially my husband and daughter. They would expect nothing less of me if I found out something like someone told a room full of people that in high school, my husband threw a Slushie full of rock salt. It hit me in the eye, and I required surgery.”
Kurt and Rachel looked at each other, only to see the other was just as confused. They’d wanted Blaine’s attention, but they didn’t expect this.
“So, I thought long and hard of a way for you to know the real me. Rachel, do you remember Sunshine Corazon? I was wondering since you suddenly want to bring up shit that happen in high school.”
Kurt put his arm around Rachel and held tight. She looked like she needed support. “She can say it was a rumor started by bullies. No one at McKinley saw the girl go into the crack house.”
“I know, that’s why when I talked to Sunshine I asked if she’d be willing to sit for an interview with a friend of mine at Playbill. She said she’d love to.”
Rachel’s hand was over her mouth, trying not to vomit so Kurt asked
“How did I find her? Easy…New Directions have contact lists of former members, so do the Warblers. Makes sense Vocal Adrenaline would too. Jesse was happy to help.”
Rachel gathered herself and began to walk toward the edge of the stage. “Blaine, I said…”
“I know for some inexplicable reason Kurt convinced you to do his dirty work. That’s the only reason I’m giving you a chance to fix it. One week, I don’t care, just fix it. If you do, my friend will download the interview to a thumb drive and clear her computer. Sunshine is fine with this plan. But Rachel, if you haven’t guessed, the thumb drive will stay with me.”
“I understand. Again, I’m so sorry.”
“The person you need to apologize to is Britt but don’t. Santana is ready to pull out your hair next time she sees you. Not your extensions…your hair.” An alarm went off on Blaine phone which caused him to sigh. “This is taking too long. Bas and Ang will be home before I can have dinner ready. Guess I’m going to have to order pizza.”
“If your so-called husband is lounging at home all day, why are you making dinner?” Kurt snapped back, even with Rachel begging him to shut up.
“My home life is none of your fucking business, but you can’t let go.” Blaine scrolled through his phone until he found the number he was looking for. “Hey Brad…I’m the one who asked you for a favor. Did Jason…He had no problem with my request?…(*laughter*) Sorry, I know I owe you big but not big enough to take over Christian myself. Although, my Come What May is stellar...” When he heard Kurt gasp, he knew his work was done. “Brad, I’ve got to go…yes, dinner soon. Bye.”
Blaine ended the call, grabbed his coat and prepared to leave. “And that covered the incompetence part of my earlier quote. Because you thinking I wouldn’t go all Machiavellian on your ass for using my 5-year old daughter in an attempt to blackmail me? That took a special kind of stupid.”
“Save your excuses, I don’t fucking care. Now listen very carefully, Dumbass. In that fantasy land you live in, where I’m your arm candy and constantly caving into your demands, you seem to have forgotten that one my Tonys was as a producer. I learned how to use all those parties, premiers, award ceremonies and balls I had to attend to make contacts.”
“Rubbing your success in my face…”
“No, setting a foundation for later. I actually want to begin with you. You were going to tell me you wanted 50% of what I made from Machiavelli. If I didn’t give into your demands, you’d let the world know what you believed was my biggest secret…I cheated on you.”
Kurt went suspiciously silent, telling Blaine he was on the right track. Thing was, he never needed confirmation. “That was your biggest mistake. I don’t care what people know about me. I’ve been dealing with their bullshit since I came out. But you went straight for my family. You brought my 5-year old daughter in this mess… Damn it! She’s a child! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even realize you’ve become a bully…”
“I’m a bully?! You took away my chance at a leading role on Broadway!”
“No, I’m not a bully. I’m a father and husband who will do whatever it takes to protect his family which also includes Britt, Josh, Sam and Tana. And so, here’s my counteroffer…disappear. I don’t want to see or hear from you ever again. The court filings are over. You’re never getting a dime of the money I earned.”
“That’s not fair!”
“What’s not fair is that ridiculous restraining order against Britt. I don’t know how it’s gone on this long, but if she doesn’t tell me it’s been rescinded within the next week, I will. That's it...disappear, the court bullshit ends, cancel the restraining order. If you do everything on my list, we’re done. Fuck this up, I won’t be calling one of my contacts, I’m calling all of them.”
Blaine rushed home and was surprised it was so quiet, then he heard “Daddy, is that you?”
That was strange. “It is. Can you come out and give me a hug? I missed you today.”
Angelica came running out of her room dressed like an angel, complete with moving wings. “I’m an angel for trick-treat Daddy! I’m an angel cuz I’m Poppy’s Angel.”
Blaine went to his knees in front of her. “You sure are. Speaking of Poppy…” Before he could finish, Sebastian walked out in a matching costume. Blaine went from his knees to his ass he laughed so hard.
“Hey, I’ve been a good boy” the taller angel protested.
“I’m just imaging what the Warblers would say if they saw you. I take it I’m an angel as well.”
“You’re a different kind Daddy.”
“A different kind?”
“I’ll show you!”
“Don’t run!” Angelica’s Poppy yelled before crossing his arms and focusing on his husband. “Did you take care of it?”
Blaine scrunched his face. It was his telltale sign he knew he was busted. “Santana promised not to say anything.”
“She didn’t, Britt did.” Sebastian pulled him off the ground and they moved to the couch. “Tell them yes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Before we left on vacation the studio called and asked you to play Machiavelli in the movie. You told them no because it’ll shoot in LA.”
“Blaine, you’ve been home full-time a couple of months and are bored out of your mind. Tell them yes.”
“What if I said instead of you filming in LA, we move to LA. We’ve been talking about getting a bigger place, one with a yard for Angel and the little sister she’s been dropping hints about.”
“I’ve already talked with a real estate agent. With our unique situation, what we’re looking for will be difficult to find.”
“Our unique situation?”
“I narrowed the recommendations from the administration at Angel’s school down to three. They are nowhere near each other, so we must choose school before house. Britt and Tana don’t want to be more than two blocks from us…closer if possible. And I suggested an apartment above our garage to Sam, but he wants a pool house.”
“You...? All of you…? When?”
“When I wouldn’t let you reorganize the kitchen so you turned Sam’s room back to an office. He’s coming back eventually, B. Did you forget he hadn’t found a new place? Of course, he would have had to start to look.”
“I can’t believe…wait! Did you forget Cooper lives in LA? There wouldn’t be 3000 miles to keep him from coming over unannounced. Hell, he’d probably fight Sam for a pool house.”
“We’ve already started a set ground rules. First being he’s not to be left alone with Angel, Josh or any other kids until they’re 10.”
“After they choose their superhero name and persona?”
“Think about it, if we buy a big new house, we can make sure Angel’s bedroom is far enough from ours she wouldn’t hear any activities we might be having.”
Blaine dropped his head and, despite everything he’d done that day, blushed like a bashful schoolboy. “That would be nice. I did miss our alone time this morning.”
“And our new house would need to be organized. Think of all the trips you’d have to make to the container store."
"I'd like that."
Sebastian lifted Blaine's chin to look at him again. "Remember what you told me when we reunited at West Side Story and again we found out Penny wanted us to adopt Angel?”
“The universe has a wacky sense of timing but sometimes you have to trust everything will work out how it’s supposed to.”
"Maybe it's time we were a little wacky again."
“Poppy! Have we waited long enough?”
“You had her go back to her room so we could talk?”
Sebastian put on a smile opposite of the angel costume he was wearing “She wants a pool. You can come out now!”
When Angelica joined them she was carrying a box and brought Brittany, Santana and Josh with her. The mommies were also dressed as angels…sexy angels.
Josh looked adorable in Santana’s arm wearing his little devil outfit (complete with cute little horns on his hoody). When Blaine opened the box, he found a matching costume except his horns weren’t as cute.
“A devil? I thought I was going to be an angel…oh, a fallen angel.”
“You were going to be the same as me and Poppy but Aunt Tana said this was better.”
Sebastian stood up, allowing Santana to take his seat. “You scared me this morning, Niccolò.” She handed Blaine the baby, but it was an excuse to lean closer. “Did you show mercy?”
“Not even a little bit.”
Angelica climbed up on Blaine's lap to play grab my finger with Josh. “Daddy, I’m hungry.”
“Oh my God! I was going to…”
“Did anyone order pizza?”
“Unc Sammy!!” Angelica freed her finger from the baby’s grip and ran toward her Godfather.
“Oh no, Angel” Sebastian said as he scooped her into his arms, carefully avoiding her wings. “Uncle Sammy is carrying pizzas and your costume is white. Why don’t we change and then you can get your hugs?”
“You’re Poppy is right, Jellybean, but don’t take too long. I’ve missed our tickle hugs.”
Santana and Brittany went to change as well, so Blaine and Josh joined Sam in the kitchen to set up. He put the baby in the highchair they had for him then hugged his best friend. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“So much you turned my room into an office when I was barely out the door?”
“Shut up!” Blaine pulled away and went to get plates. “Uh, Sam you’re not here because…”
“You finally had enough of Hummel? Nope, snowstorm. I called Santana when I landed, and she asked me to pick up the pizzas. You were later than you said you’d be. Was there a problem?”
“No, not with my plan. The problem is I don’t feel bad, but I do feel…unsettled, I guess. I didn’t recognize myself.”
“Can I ask what you did? I won’t say anything…Blam promise.”
“Found the girl Rachel sent to the crack house and called in a favor to make sure Kurt didn’t get a role he auditioned for.”
Sam stopped what he was doing and stared at Blaine in disbelief. “Wow! Remind me not to piss you off.”
“You can piss me off, just don’t go after my husband or kid.”
“Speaking of kids” Sam gave Josh some Cheerios then removed his hoody. “Are you going to give Jellybean her little sister before she figures out she technically has a little brother. It was obvious before but now that the curls are coming in…”
“When I volunteered, I never imagined a mini-me. But he’s not Ang’s brother, not even technically. Josh is Brittany and Santana’s kid…but if they want another it’s your turn.”
“Pizza!” Angelica ran into Sam’s arms for her hug. The rest of her family wasn’t far behind.
Blaine stepped back to watch the scene in front of him. He didn’t like the person he was today with Kurt and Rachel. He didn’t only scare Santana, he scared himself.
But he’d do it again if anyone dared go after his family…not just his husband and daughter, but the family they’ve chosen. The family currently destroying his kitchen. They really did need a bigger one.
Quotes of Niccolò Machiavelli are from The Prince written in 1513 but printed versions were not distributed until 5 years after his death in 1532.
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briamichellewrites · 6 months
Celine and her husband, Rene were watching a special interview with Bria on ABC News about her Grammy win and performance. It also covered her childhood and the loss of her parents. The show did a great job of showing who she was as a person and as an artist. They found out that she had been adopted when she was a baby. She was born with crack cocaine in her system and was immediately taken from her birth mother, who later signed away her rights to her.
She acknowledged that she had grown up rich and she had a lot of privileges other children might not have. While at boarding school in Switzerland, she discovered her gift of playing music by ear. She also could sing any genre perfectly on pitch.
Because of her ADHD diagnosis, she was active in the performing arts. She took jazz, hip-hop, and ballet classes; along with piano, guitar, and voice lessons. It showed her playing the guitar solo from Enter Sandman. It was believed that her ADHD diagnosis was caused by her birth mother’s use of crack cocaine during pregnancy. She spent about a month in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit going through withdrawal. The doctor believed that she would have significant developmental difficulties.
Her parents sent her to boarding school because it was more structured. They also learned she was fluent in Spanish, French, and German. During one of the scenes, it showed her singing How Do I by LeAnn Rimes while in the studio with one of her friends.
“It’s a simple song. The problem is that you don’t have a lot of room to breathe”, she said.
While she sang, she moved her hands to the rhythm. He demonstrated how to breathe through her diaphragm, instead of her throat. It would help her breathe longer and she wouldn’t make breathing sounds. She tried the chorus and second verse again. It sounded a lot better than the first time. He asked her about her hands.
“Jazz hands.”
He laughed. “What’s jazz hands?”
“Bring It On. It’s a chick flick about cheerleaders. Not your thing.”
“No, thanks.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Celine and Rene remembered meeting her at the Grammys. She was the same girl as the one they had just watched on television. Nothing seemed disingenuous about her. Despite her wealth, she was humble. Her adoptive parents did a great job of raising her. They died because of a driver under the influence. That made sense as to why she made that comment about safe driving during her acceptance speech. They couldn’t imagine losing their parents at a very young age.
Joe and Mike were having fun hanging out with Bria in her bedroom. They had stopped by to see how she was doing. Brad was keeping an eye on Phoenix to make sure he stayed sober. She seemed okay. Woody was keeping her company. He didn’t want to leave her side and he meowed more often for petting. Because he didn’t understand humans, he didn’t understand why the other human left. Mike suggested that he was mourning the loss of Phoenix coming over.
She should give him extra attention and love. It would make sense as to why he didn’t want to leave her side. Meow. She scratched his head and gave him pets. Thank you, human. They also pet him. He purred happily. Joe let him sniff his hand. He smelled like a human. After getting attention, he was satisfied enough to take a nap on her bed.
He had to be up during the middle of the night to run around the house. That was the most important part of his day. Even though he was sleeping, his ears were alert in case of danger. That’s just how cats were. Even house cats. Their instincts had evolved over thousands of years. Part of them were still feral. The difference was that house cats were adapted to humans, whereas feral cats were not. When they were hungry, they had to hunt for their food, instead of meowing.
When he played with his toys, he practiced his instincts to hunt and kill. He dreamed of hunting a mouse or a bird and bringing it back to his family. Just like he was in Africa and he was bringing home a zebra or a wildebeest. Look at me! I’m a good hunter! He could almost taste the delicious zebra hide. Would he share with the lionesses?
No. They could hunt for themselves. This was his zebra! Maybe in another life, he would be a strong lion in Sub-Saharan Africa. Until then, he was a small house cat. He tried to roar but it only came out as a meow. He batted his paws in the air like he was killing a zebra. First, he got low to the ground while he snuck up behind it. Then, he jumped up and pounced knocking it to the ground! I got you! When the animal was dead, he started eating. Yum! Yum! Yum!
Mike and Joe laughed as they watched him. Cats were strange animals. They didn’t understand them. She took pictures of the three of them with her camera. They laughed before deciding to go somewhere for dinner. Mike jokingly asked about Nobu. She didn’t have a reservation. Didn’t she just have to go there and say her name?
“OK, Michael. Just let me change my clothes.”
He laughed. The restaurant was fairly busy on a weekday evening. Like last time, they were shown a table after giving her name. Joe felt like a million dollars! They were able to be seated right away, despite not having a reservation.
Phoenix broke down because he was so in love with Linsey but he didn’t want to hurt Bria. Brad acknowledged what he was feeling and he suggested talking to Bria about it. They broke up but their feelings were still fresh. He shouldn’t jump into a new relationship so quickly. Be single for a while and focus on your sobriety. If he was in love, he could wait. He wasn’t in high school anymore.
He was right. Love was exciting, but jumping into a relationship so quickly would only lead to broken hearts. He and Rob were both single and had been for a while before they started dating. They were taking things slow because they wanted their relationship to grow. He recommended again to talk to Bria. Why did he need to talk to her? So she didn’t get her feelings hurt. It was better to hear it from him than to find out about him dating again from someone else. It was only fair. Okay.
Bria got up and excused herself when her phone went off. Joe was in the middle of eating his sushi with chopsticks when she got up. Mike asked him what he thought. Was this what it was like to be rich? He laughed and nodded. Yes, it was.
It was like they stepped into a forbidden world where there was expensive wagyu, wine, and caviar. When she came back, she told them it was Phoenix. What did he want? He wanted to meet up the following day to talk but he didn’t say what it was about. It must be something he talked about with Brad. Would she be okay meeting him? Oh, yeah. She felt like they could have an adult conversation. He asked to be kept updated. She promised to let him know.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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musicarenagh · 11 months
A Walk Through Stephanie Phillips' Life, A Musical Journey of Honesty and Vulnerability" Today, we have the privilege of delving into Stephanie Phillips' world to uncover the stories, inspirations, and aspirations that have shaped her remarkable career. Stephanie Phillips is a singer-songwriter whose music is described as progressive folk or indie folk. She has been writing and performing music for over 30 years, and her latest album, "Retrospective," is a collection of songs that she originally recorded in 1993 but never released. In this interview, Stephanie talks about her creative process, her musical inspirations, and the challenges and rewards of being an independent musician. She also shares her plans for the future and her message to her fans. Stephanie was raised in a household where both parents were deeply involved in music, her parents' love for music, and her mother's poetic gift, ignited her love for music at an early stage of her life. He musical journey began at a young age, Stephanie took guitar lessons and that was when she uncovered her talent for songwriting and singing. In this exclusive interview, Stephanie opens up about her influences, creative process, and the evolution of her musical style from traditional folk to a folk-pop vibe. She also shares her views on the challenges independent artists face in the industry and her hopes for fair compensation in the streaming era. Join us in this candid conversation with Stephanie Phillips as she delivers a heartfelt message to her fans, emphasizing the honesty and vulnerability she pours into every song she writes. Listen to Retrospective below https://open.spotify.com/album/4lugsK2HbNI9F6DUuq6zNf Follow Stephanie Phillips on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Soundcloud “What is your stage name? Stephanie Phillips Is there a story behind your stage name? It is my maiden name. Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration from everywhere -- movies, tv shows, my family, my love... just living life! What was the role of music in the early years of your life? We always had music in the house when I was growing up. My mother played piano, and she my dad loved to have music on the background -- classical, jazz, pop, folk.... [caption id="attachment_52463" align="alignnone" width="1440"] We always had music in the house when I was growing up.[/caption] Are you from a musical or artistic family? Yes, both parents sing and play piano. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I think I inspired myself, but my dad was probably my biggest cheerleader in wanting me to take my music to the next level. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I took guitar lessons at age 9-11. The singing and writing I guess just came naturally. My mother is a gifted poet, so the lyrics are in my blood, you could say. [caption id="attachment_52464" align="alignnone" width="1738"] A Walk Through Stephanie Phillips' Life, A Musical Journey of Honesty and Vulnerability"[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I'm not sure I know the correct answer to this, but I think it was either the Beach Boys or America (the band). How could you describe your music? I call it progressive folk, but others call it indie folk. It is ballad-driven with strong melodies and lyrics that tell stories. Describe your creative process. Usually, i decide to write so I sit down with my guitar and paper/pencil. Generally, I write music and lyrics together. What is your main inspiration? I don't know if I have a main one. I just keep notes of little phrases or ideas for songs and use them when I sit down to write. What musician do you admire most and why? I have a number of musicians I admire, mostly because of their ability to touch me with their music: Cheryl Wheeler, Billy Joel, Dan Fogelberg, James Taylor, Pink. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes, it started out as more traditional folk sounding, and now it has more of a folk-pop vibe.Who do you see as your main competitor?
I don't think I have a competitor, per se. There's enough room for all of us. What are your interests outside of music? Reading, exercise, being with my girls, my love, and my pets. I also enjoy gardening in the spring/summer, traveling, and going to the beach. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? In my other life, I'm a personal trainer. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? I just think there are too many things for an independent musician to try and get done. There aren't enough hours in the day for all the marketing, promotion, performing, practicing, writing, etc. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I wish the streaming services actually paid artists fairly. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? This album is titled "Retrospective" as it was 30 years in the making. Originally recorded in 1993 but never released to the public (because indie artists couldn't do that then), I decided to release it this year on its 30th anniversary. So, I recorded harmonies with my much younger self and added a bonus track before remastering it. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Vj1LgmU7clxEWE2fDa5ih?si=1bJ0Azt9QOKDv2x_1hu--w What are your plans for the coming months? I am going to be starting a new album in the next few months, hopefully to be released in the first quarter of next year. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? I hope my daughter MCKNZ will continue to add her beautiful keyboard to my next album, as she has in the past. What message would you like to give to your fans? I would just like to say that I hope people who listen to my music get the honesty and vulnerability I wish to convey with every song I write. And, I thank those who listen, purchase, and give me feedback.
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greywoodrpg · 1 year
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𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕓𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒 𝕓𝕒𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕣
she was born twenty-four years ago, who is a witch and lives in downtown and is an assistant assessor at the town hall, and is in no coven. she looks an awful lot like victoria pedretti.
“I have the feeling of being born long, long ago; I drag my life like an endless train.”
tw: car accident
Since a young age, Katherine was a rather hotheaded kid that wanted to do only what she desired. Of course, she did what she was told, she went to all the lessons she needed to, played any available sport, switching between them as napkins, and tried to keep her grades up, managing highest marks in most classes. But consistent is not something you could call her. Sure, she is smart enough to read her lessons once and remembering everything, acing her exams and graduate high school with straight A-s, but how much she remembered those lessons was anyone’s guess. (Truth is, she remembered them all but rarely showed it). She played for the track team, the volleyball team, cheerleading, swam and even tried out for tennis before asking from her parents to buy a piano, then a violin and then a guitar, even having a short stint with drums that were quickly thrown out due to the ruckus. And all these extra curriculars were enough to get her a full scholarship in Yale, promising to do better there when saying goodbye to her family.
In university Katherine focused more on the parties and dates rather than on classes, experimenting with anything she could think of, deciding she might as while she was young. She signed up for Humanities, before she moved to Finance… and then she moved to Management where she was persuaded to stick to by her mom. I’m the end she decided to get diversity in her studies through languages and so she signed up for different ones throughout the four years there, leaving with some knowledge on French and on Ancient Greek, some Latin, a string of Armenian sentences on top of her already good knowledge on Spanish from school. You couldn’t say she was fluent, you couldn’t say she was a genius and knew them all… But she liked to pretend to know even less.
After using money she had saved up working throughout her university years and having managed to put aside most of the allowance her parents gave her while she was there, Katherine went on a trip to Europe. After coming to Greywood she had a long period where she wasn’t sure what she should do now. She moved in with one of her older sisters and started writing a book, telling her parents that was her passion before locking herself in and trying to remember her violin lessons, the typing machine she had purchased from an antique shop left somewhere under tons of paper on her desk. And then she had told her parents she would like to be a carpenter and renovator (maybe she had watched too many homestead videos online) and so she proclaimed she’s getting an apprenticeship. That, however, like most things Katherine takes up, fizzled out after a few months and then she entertained the idea of her book again before finally while browsing job listings she saw an opening in the town hall which fit her bachelor degree. She has been working there for a few months now but continues spending her free time wandering around, drawing, reading, looking after her recently adopted dog, going to the gym and to bars. Basically living life to the fullest.
“what power did she attain when settling in greywood?”
Since coming home from Europe, Katherine has been in touch with her magic powers a bit more and despite not being able to do anything with spells, potions and true magic, she sometimes does things with the elements unconsciously.
penned by... geri
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tenpointsav · 2 years
just like heaven
After asking your friend Dustin to help find interviews for the school yearbook, you get a note from the last person you'd expect.
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a/n: this is my first one-shot here on Tumblr! I've been obsessed with Eddie for weeks now and really felt the need to get this out of my system.
c/w: eddie being damn cute, making out
w.c: 3k
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"Dude we aren't going to make this deadline." 
You roll your eyes, slamming the stapler into the bulletin board outside of the gym. Ever since she became editor of the Hawkins High yearbook, your best friend has been stressing out non-stop.
"Hannah, chill out. We're going to get it finished. I just want to get these pages in and it'll be good to go." 
You look at the flyer neatly stapled up, surrounded by others advertising piano lessons, cheerleading tryouts for next year, and senior prom. 
Wanted: Volunteers for interviews and photos for a spread in the Hawkins High Class of '86 yearbook. Topic is "music and lyrics". 
Hannah fluffs her hair, using the reflection in the trophy case as a mirror. 
"Why do you think we even need a music spread? We have a whole damn section on the marching band!" 
You both start walking away as the bell rang. Students file out of classes, their chatter and laughter filling the air. You dodge and weave through groups of jocks in letterman jackets and the band kids hauling huge instrument cases. 
"You told me I could do the last two pages on whatever I wanted. Music is a universal unifier, something people can have in common no matter their age or location." 
Hannah snorts as you reach the locker you shared. Hers was on the bottom floor, beside the science classes and she hated having to walk that far. 
"Maybe you should go ask one of your freshman cult members for help finding someone," she says with a smirk as she passes you a math textbook. 
As if summoned, a head of curly hair covered by a ball cap appears at your shoulder. 
"Hello ladies. Why, Hannah, you are looking remarkably lovely today," Dustin Henderson says with a toothy grin as Hannah groans 
"Dustin, just the man I wanted to see!" you exclaim, slamming the locker door. "I have another quest for you." 
You love Dustin like a little brother, babysitting him when you were in middle school. Your moms work together and something about his persistence and attitude always makes you smile. Lately he has been helping you with the yearbook, riding his bike around town to gather donations and take pictures in between playing Dungeons and Dragons with the Hellfire Club. He always invites you, saying you'd have a good time, but you were just too busy trying to survive your senior year. 
Dustin follows you and Hannah down the long hall to your calculus class.
"Can you find some students to interview for the last pages? The topic is music. I need musicians, people with good albums, maybe some kids who work at the record store on 10th?" 
He holds his hand out as you stop by the door of the classroom. 
"My services don't come cheap, my lady." 
You dig into your backpack, pulling out a crumpled five dollar bill. You slap it into his waiting palm. 
"Whoa, what's this shit? You gave me ten bucks last time!" Dustin exclaims. 
You groan, digging around in your bag. Coming up empty you think of the one thing he'd want more. 
"I'll let you and your little posse borrow my Nintendo."
Dustin squints his eyes at you. You throw your head back in frustration. God, he could be obnoxious. 
"Fine, with Duck Hunt."
He smiles widely, pumping his fist in the air. 
"Yes! Deal. Don't worry, I know just where to go." 
Dustin scurries off down the hall, backpack jangling on his back. A couple of girls shout disgruntled "hey"s as he bumps into them, throwing apologies over his shoulder.
"I mean it, Henderson! Someone good! Don't screw it up!" you shout over the chatter as his back disappeared around the corner. 
Hannah sighs, linking her arm through yours as you go into class. You straighten the collar of your blue oversized sweater from where it slipped off your shoulder. Mrs. Lattimore was a bitch and you didn't need a dress code violation. 
"You really think he's gonna come through?" she asks, dropping her bag to the floor before sitting down.
You nod, blowing your wispy bangs from your forehead as you slide into the first open desk beside her. 
"Of course. Dustin Henderson can't resist a challenge. And God help anyone who tells him no." 
After calculus and study hall where you tried your hardest to memorize trigonometric equations for your next exam, you walk to your locker to put away your things. Pulling out your denim jacket, a piece of paper folded in a triangle falls to the floor. It has the distinctly scribbled handwriting of Dustin, nearly illegible and in red pen. 
Basement, after school. Come alone. 
You snort, folding the paper and sliding it into the pocket of your high waisted jeans. Why did this kid make everything sound like he was an undercover operative? 
Only one period passes between now and then. The final bell rings and students stream out of the classes to their cars and buses. You throw your notebook and some pens into your shoulder bag and take the quick trip down to the school's basement. 
The only sound down here is the humming of the school's air conditioning and the boilers. You'd only ever been down here once to get art supplies
It creeped you out so badly you nearly sprinted back up the stairs. The hairs on the back of your neck are already standing up.
Dark doorways and corners surround you as you enter the only open door with a light. It's dimly lit, a large table in the center with chairs scattered around it. You raise an eyebrow at the ridiculous looking seat in the middle, almost like a throne. 
A threadbare couch is pushed up against the wall with a stereo in the corner. Cassette tapes are stacked against the wall, almost tipping over. You can't help going over to flick through them. Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Joan Jett…
You hear something and turn, knocking a stack of tapes to the floor with your bag. A shape sits up on the couch in the darkness, startling you. You let out a scream, eyes getting wide. The other person also screams, high pitched enough that you'd laugh if you weren't so freaked out. In the chaos you trip backwards over a chair, ankle twisting to the side painfully. Your limbs flail out to catch anything to break your fall. 
Before you can hit the floor completely, a hand flies out and grabs your forearm. The silver rings on the fingers dig slightly into your skin through your jacket. Wide brown eyes look down at you, nervously scanning you from head to toe. You gulp a little, mouth going dry as you stare wide eyed at Eddie Munson, leader of the Hellfire Club.
Never in a million years did you expect this. You'd known Eddie for a while, sitting near him in some classes that he usually failed. People called him a freak, making him out to be some spawn of Satan. To you, he seemed sweet. He was just trying to make it through another school year like the rest of you. Dustin worshipped the ground he walked on and you always appreciated someone at the school looking out for your pseudo-brother. 
His hair is messy, as always. You can smell smoke and something spicy on his clothes. It's actually kind of nice, you think. He's in a black Black Sabbath t-shirt. Your eyes glance at the bat tattoos on the fair skin of the arm that's still holding yours.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" he asks, a worried look creasing his face.
Something buzzes in your brain as you glance at his long eyelashes and plump lips. Has he always been this good looking? You'd never had a chance to really look at Eddie in class, always worried about what the teachers had to say instead. Not that many boys were even on your radar to begin with. 
"Um, yeah, I think so." 
You stand upright a little more before wincing as you put weight on your ankle. 
"Here, sit down. I think I have something…" Eddie guides you to the couch before chaotically looking around the room. You bite your lip to hide the smile forming there.
With a small cry of triumph, Eddie comes back holding a can of Coke that he pulls from a small fridge. 
"It's not much, but it's cold…can't really keep ice in that thing," he says, crouching down at your feet. 
"It's fine…thank you. I can be really clumsy sometimes," you murmur as he starts to untie your high top Converse. 
"Wow, you seemed so graceful looking at those tapes. Could've fooled me," he replies with a smirk. Your face heats up at the dimples in his cheeks. 
Eddie slides your shoe off gently. You study his face as he holds the cold can to your slightly swollen ankle. His eyebrows furrow as if he could make you feel better through sheer will alone. He glances at you through long eyelashes. The corner of his mouth turns up as he catches you staring. 
"So I'm guessing Henderson sent you down here?
Something about the yearbook?" Eddie asks. 
"Yeah. If he'd have told me it was you though–" you start
"You wouldn't have come?" Eddie asks, hurt flashing through his eyes briefly. 
"No, no," you reassure him. "I would've met you somewhere besides a creepy ass basement."
Eddie grins widely again as he stands up. He takes a seat on the end of the couch, pulling your leg into his lap. He props your foot up and rests the cold can on the top of your ankle. 
"He's always acting like it's a spy mission…" he says with a look of exasperation.
"Yes!" You exclaim with a laugh. "Every time! He takes shit too seriously." 
His brown eyes glitter as you smile. You meet his glance and feel warmth in your chest that spreads to your face. Seconds pass as the only sounds are breathing and the heavy thud of your heart in your ears. You almost forget why you're even here. With a rapid blink, you force yourself to look away, reaching to grab your notebook. 
"I'm guessing that means you agree to be in the yearbook?" 
Eddie hesitates, but nods. You feel his thumb dance across the top of your ankle at the hem of your jeans, so light you'd think it didn't even happen.
"What do you want to know?" 
An hour and a half later, you have enough for your spread and then some. You only intended on getting a few quotes, but Eddie is a fountain of musical knowledge. Everything from The Beatles to Blondie, you go back and forth sharing favorite songs and most disliked artists. A debate breaks out over Bowie versus Freddie Mercury that has you crying laughing. You've never seen anyone find so much joy in talking about a subject like Eddie Munson and music. 
Pretty soon, you don't even feel the pain in your ankle. Eddie is now in the middle of the couch, turned towards you with a long arm thrown across the back. Your knees are pulled close to your chest, arms wrapped around your legs. You threw your jacket on the table about twenty minutes in, too warm from the energetic conversation. 
Whenever you speak Eddie looks at you so intently that it almost makes you embarrassed. There's not a single word or phrase that he misses, completely going against any of your previous opinions on his maniacal behavior. Unlike other guys, he actually cares about what you have to say. It might just be an act, but Eddie doesn't seem like the type to string you along. 
You're writing down notes of albums Eddie's mentioned and musicians he likes when you notice him from the corner of your eye. He's a lot closer than before, eyes on the collar of your favorite sweater. You notice the cool air of the basement across your skin and move to pull it up. 
"No, wait," Eddie says quietly. "Is that…do you have a tattoo?"
"Yeah…I turned eighteen a few weeks ago so my dad took me. He has tons from the Navy, so I wanted one of my own. I don't usually show it off though." 
Eddie's eyes get a little darker, flickering down to your shoulder and back to your face. 
"Can I see?" 
You nod before turning your back completely to him. You let the soft fabric of your sweater fall, exposing the paler skin of your shoulder blade. Your tattoo, a small blue and black butterfly, appears. Eddie's gaze is burning into your back and you remind yourself to take deep breaths or you might pass out. 
His fingertips graze the outline of each wing, as featherlight as the touch on your ankle earlier. Goosebumps break out on your skin and you hear Eddie breathe in through his nose and out again. 
"Christ, you're so… he murmurs. 
There's a hitch in his voice and you feel his hand pull away. You turn back, looking over. He's fidgeting with his rings, looking down at the floor. You realize he's nervous. Maybe he wonders when you'll get up and run away, freaking out. Or maybe you'll laugh at him for seeming desperate. Your hand goes out and you brush a lock of wavy hair from his cheek. Eddie's eyes close as he inhales. 
The air in the room seems thicker, a crackling across your skin. You trail your fingers down the soft fabric of his shirt to his bicep. Your index finger traces the dark lines of one of his tattoos. You can feel the flexing of the muscle under your nail and smile when the goosebumps appear. Eddie's eyes open and he stares down at you, but you don't look up. You're afraid you'll lose your nerve. 
"That's a wyvern, right?" you ask. 
Eddie's eyebrows raise a little before he smirks. 
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
You rub a thumb across one of the wings. 
"You realize who I used to babysit right? Had to watch those little dorks play all the time."
He grins broadly as he leans forward into your grasp. You raise your head, hand still on his arm. Eddie's close enough for you to count the faint freckles on his cheek and the stubble on his upper lip. 
The tip of Eddie's nose is almost touching yours as his breath fans across your lips. A shiver runs down your spine as his hand comes back up, tracing the skin of your collarbone. You silently thank Hannah for making you buy this sweater. 
"You know Henderson said you were too good for me," Eddie murmurs.
You laugh softly and place your other hand on his knee. The rough denim is torn and his skin feels hot to the touch. 
"I'll be the judge of that, Munson." 
Eddie's fingers curl around the back of your neck as he pulls you in. The kiss is slow, his lips soft and warm against yours. He groans as your tongue teases the edge of his bottom lip. Your mouth opens against his, the heat from his tongue filling your mouth as it slides inside. 
Eddie's other hand comes to your waist and pulls you close until your knees are in his lap. You whimper and throw your arms around his neck, feeling him smile. The only sound is your lips against his and heavy breathing. The cold metal of his rings against the skin of your waist makes you shiver as Eddie's long fingers drift around your side. 
The kiss becomes more frenzied, your hips tilting up slightly as the warmth in your chest spreads lower. You pull on his full bottom lip with your teeth earning you a hair-raising growl. Eddie releases your swollen lips to dip into your neck, sucking and kissing at the soft skin of your throat. You moan and bury your hands in his hair as he grabs your waist tighter. Your knees spread and your back arches, looking for any relief for the throbbing that is achingly apparent between your legs. 
Eddie's tongue swipes up to your ear where he nips at your earlobe. You grab his hand from where it's clawing at the skin of your hips and pull it towards your center. Pressing kisses to Eddie's neck as he pants against your cheek, his fingers toy with the buttons of your jeans. 
Suddenly, a loud clamoring comes from outside the door and Eddie sits up quickly. You push off the cushions of the couch as you do the same, frantically adjusting your sweater. Appearing at the door are Dustin and Lucas Sinclair, holding notebooks. 
"Hey Eddie….and Eddie's….friend?" Lucas questions as his eyes narrow in confusion. "I thought we were gonna work on the campaign but we can…"
"Nope!" you shout, hopping up from the couch. "We're done. Yep, got all I need for the yearbook." 
You put too much weight on your sore ankle and mutter. You'd forgotten all about it. Dustin looks suspiciously from you to Eddie, taking in your flushed cheeks and Eddie's messier than usual hair. You shove your notebook and pen in your bag and throw it over your shoulder. 
Eddie rests his elbows on his knees, bringing a hand to his chin as he watches you. Your wild eyes and breathless voice are something he doesn't want to ever forget. You're not sure if you're about to combust from horniess from being mauled by Eddie Munson or embarrassment for being almost caught by his little followers. 
"Hey, wait," Eddie's teasing voice stops you before you can fly out the door. "I'm gonna want to see that yearbook page. Gotta make sure you don't misquote me or anything." 
You turn, meeting his broad smile and your heart flutters at the sight of those damn dimples. 
"Of course. I, uh, have a shift tomorrow at the Family Video, but we can meet after to…go over things. See you at 7?" 
Eddie leans back as a heated look flashes across his face. That throbbing is never going to go away now. 
"See you then, princess." 
like, comment, and reblog my friends!
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gleekto · 3 years
Fic: Crush Into Me (3/?)
Summary:  Third year NYADA student, Kurt, returns to Lima for an internship coaching the Glee club. The leather jacket and eyebrow ring-clad senior, Blaine, thinks he’s cute.
slightly older teacher-ish!Kurt/ badboy!Blaine
One, Two
Day Three (Blaine) (word: obligation):
“Why are you staring at the football team of all things?” Santana announces her presence conspicuously, knocking Blaine out of his bleachers’ zoning space after Glee club as she usually does. “Look, I know McKinley is not exactly your idea of a wet dream but the football team is seriously not it. Tubby homophobes who grunt and slap each other on the butt - that is not where you want to put your energy-”
“I’m not staring at the football team, Santana. Gross.” 
Santana follows his gaze with her own.  “Who’s that walking to the parking lot with your Glee club coach?” Blaine gestures.
“Mr. Schuester?”
“Yeah. Who’s with him?”
“That, Blaine, is actually none other than the Mercedes Jones. Somehow graduated from here and toured with Beyoncé while writing her own music. Bigger surprise is that Schuester managed to convince her to co-coach  Glee club this semester.”
Blaine admits that is impressive. He’s heard a couple of her songs and the woman can sing. Though he hadn’t even noticed her. “And on the other side?”
“That guy? Kurt. The other co-coach. He apparently graduated at the same time as Mercedes Jones and scored a spot at NYADA. So now he’s doing some internship to inspire us or something.”
“Kurt,” Blaine nods. At NYADA. Impressive.
“Oh my god are you so desperate that you’re pining after the teacher?”
“He’s not a teacher,” Blaine says too quickly, “He’s an intern.” Santana looks thoroughly amused. “And I’m not pining.”
“Mmmhmm,” Santana nods. “Well even I can admit he has a nice ass in those jeans.”
“Oh my god, shut up. I just noticed him. He’s probably not even gay.”
Santana raises her eyebrows. “Seriously, Blaine. You aren’t that sheltered, are you? Of course he’s gay.”
“He is?” Again too quickly. “I mean that’s cool that he’s out or whatever.”
“Yup. He was apparently the first openly gay kid in the Glee club. Came out his sophomore year.”
“He told you that?”
“Mr. Schuester introduced him that way.”
Blaine grimaces. “Super inappropriate.”
“Always. Anyways, he managed to get out of this backwardsville of a town and I’m sure is living his dreams in the city that never sleeps.”
“He’s still at NYADA, right? Not graduated?” Blaine knows this fantasy is a little far fetched. Kurt may not be a teacher but Blaine is definitely a high school student. But Kurt is here, in Lima, not in New York, and gay, cute, and apparently talented enough to get into NYADA. Blaine’s parents may not want him to subject himself to the taunting that comes with being in the Glee club (and not a hot cheerleader), but lifelong piano lessons and a flare for the dramatic make musical theatre his kryptonite. And to get into NYADA, you have to be good. Besides, McKinley is boring. Kurt is eye candy.
“Third year internship, I think. Both doing it out of a sad sense of obligation to Schuester whose Glee club changed their lives or whatever.” Santana stares blankly at Blaine while he calculates. He’s 18. Kurt is probably what? 21. “Why? Wait-” Santana shakes her head. “You literally are after the teacher.”
“So what he’s hot.” Blaine crosses his arms and Santana rolls her eyes emphatically. “And he’s not the teacher.”
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elliemarchetti · 3 years
Lost In the Moment
Since they bothered me deeply, I tried to fix Euphoria’s plot holes with a new character’s help. Whatever this turns out to be, I hope you like it.
Words: 2007
Requests always open.
Elizabeth Clarkson was born at the end of a marriage, one of those countless children who should’ve acted as a glue but were actually the final blow that shattered something already full of cracks. After the divorce, her father never showed up again, his love for his progeny now corrupted by the hatred he felt for the woman who had destroyed his simpleton dreams, and despite continuing to pay the agreed child support, he started another family in the countryside, with a more accommodating wife, ten years younger than him. However, all the blame couldn’t be placed on them: Lizzy’s mother was the worst workaholic imaginable, the kind of mother who returns to her nine-to-five job twelve days after giving birth and less than a year later accepts a three months trip to Europe. In the age of internet, smart phones and the thousand ways to get in touch with someone on the other side of the world, one would’ve expected for her to call as soon as possible, but instead, with the excuse of different time zones, jet lag, the children’s correct sleeping schedule and many other little lies she told herself, she never did, not even once. Excluding the much agonized maternal love, Marie’s children had everything they could need, to the point that even the nannies she hired to take care of them used to run away faster than her husband, crushed by the impressive amount of work the woman was able to severely impose despite the distance. Lizzy distinctly remembered how her days were scheduled up to the age of ten: the alarm used to rang at five o’clock, after which she had to take a quick shower, put on the outfit the nanny had carefully chosen and let her do her hair differently based on the after school activities she was enrolled in, which were piano lessons on Monday, track and field on Tuesday and Thursday, reading club on Wednesday and the creative writing extracurricular on Friday. She didn’t remember ever watching much TV and neither her or her brother ever owned a video game, because there was no time to waste if you wanted to be the best. Unlike her mother, however, Lizzy didn’t have much of a competitive spirit, and anything that ended in a win or defeat situation didn’t interested her, so, at the ripe age of twelve, right after she started to bloom into her woman body, she joined the cheerleading team, where she met Cassie and Maddy, and even though she knew her mother would never approve of such friendships, they became inseparable. Slowly, everything that belonged to her past, made of limits and impositions, had been abandoned, with the only exception of Lexi, who always remained her closest friend, the only one she trusted blindly and a staple in the whole drama that revolved around the most famous girls in school. She was the only one, before Jules’ arrival, who had a serious aspiration to escape from East Highland, and this had kept them together despite the opposite characters. But before we talk about the new girl’s traumatic debut in the high society of the most generic American suburb, it would be wise to devote some of our time to what it means to grow up with only your brother and still end up not being too attached. Although Tyler and Elizabeth were only six years apart, they were a boy and a girl, and growing up in a patriarchal society from which no one intends to remove you doesn’t lead to many common interests. Tyler had been a football star, an excellent discussion club member, and the genius of the extracurricular robotics class, but in the end his aspirations weren’t far from his father’s, so he had applied to the nearest colleges, and when he had been admitted to one that allowed him to continue living in the house he shared with his sister and for which his mother continued to pay the bills, the cleaning lady and to which she delivered a monthly allowance for shopping and any possible extras without expecting much in return, the choice seemed to him as already made. When the school year started, Lizzy saw her brother even less than before, she learned to get around by public transport and soon to ensnare her schoolmates with some half-promises to get them to take her back and forth from the school district to the wonderful white housing complex where she was staying. That’s what made what happened to McKay’s party possible. A good older brother knows his sister’s friends, at least the closest ones, and even if he thinks they’re hot, he would never date them because they’re basically family and in this case specifically, also minors, even if they don’t look like it at all. The outfit Maddy chose for the occasion certainly didn’t help to guess it, but Lizzy understood why she had picked the pink co-ord, although she would’ve advised her not to, had she been invited to the pregame at her house, just as she would’ve told Kat not to lose her virginity to the first random guy who didn’t appreciate her for who she actually was, but before the party she was getting ready with Lexi, so she couldn’t do anything to prevent the avalanche of messes that was about to hit her and her friends right at McKay’s house. Lizzy had never been there when it wasn’t full of high teenagers and haunted by the stink of alcohol from the discount, but she was sure it was really nice, complete with accent walls, real leather sofas and a large vintage wooden kitchen. At the moment, however, every room was crammed with people she had the impression she had never seen before, all the faces, the clothing and the hairstyles alike in the dim light. Even the music, which came from croaking speakers distributed here and there, gave the feeling of having just entered a maze, so the two friends abandoned the idea of looking for the other girls and started to dance in the living room. The playlist was a little dated, very masculine, a mix of rap and EDM songs, but it was funny to be silly with Lexi and for a while Lizzy got lost in the moment, at least until she saw one of the most horrifying scenes she had ever witnessed, which was her brother’s tongue vigorously exploring the mouth of one of her closest friends. Before Lexi could stop her, she walked across the room oblivious to the people she bumped into, confident on her heels despite the sticky floor and the number of feet moving out of tempo.
“You’re disgusting, you know that, right?” she shrieked, trying to catch her brother’s attention. Maddy was the first to turn around, an incredible amount of emotions morphing her beautiful features and crossing her brown eyes accentuated by the winged eyeliner. Usually, she was pretty good at not letting on what she was thinking, but such a scene was far out of the ordinary and could only leave her puzzled as to how to react. The interaction had also attracted the attention of some of those present, who were looking forward to a good fight between girls, but the reality couldn’t be more different from their fantasies.
“What do you want?” he asked, without the slightest intention of removing his hand from her friend’s ass. “Don’t you have anything better to do at a party than pester me?”
“When I’ll visit you in jail you will be grateful for my presence,” she replied, flatly.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Maddy asked, jumping to her feet. Lizzy tried to hold back the laughter while she revealed he was her brother, but she failed miserably when the other girl immediately started to fix her skirt at a reasonable length, complaining that she wasn’t warned she had a hot brother.
“Believe me, there’s nothing hot about a college guy who still crashes high school parties,” she replied, but the other didn't hear her, already engulfed by the mix of glitter and sweat floating on the makeshift dance floor. Maybe it was the embarrassment of what she had done with Tyler, or maybe it was the lightness with which Lizzy had left it all behind, but for a while, Maddy completely forgot about Nate Jacobs’ existence, and it didn’t matter that he had a random girl smeared on him like jam on a toast, or his gaze didn’t leave his ex-girlfriend’s sinuous and minute body even for a second, it was as if she were immure to his teasing, or the attentions of anyone other than her own friends. Not even BB and her useless gossip managed to disturb that evening and the five friends had been gone for a while when the new girl had her manic episode and cut her arm. Returning to school, they discovered that obviously Rue had become her new friend, and Lizzy wondered if Lexi would start to go out with them too, perhaps to find a space of her own that didn’t involved her sister, but she didn’t ask since she was fine like that and didn’t wanted to give ideas to anyone. Having a stable relationship with a mother like hers wasn't easy, but making friends could also be problematic and she didn't have the slightest intention of losing her best friend because she had to keep up with an old drug addict acquaintance. When they were little they had actually been pretty close, but when Rue started taking drugs and she went out with Maddy and Cassie things got complicated, and it was easier to just say hello when they met in the hallways. She missed the old Rue a little, but she wasn't sure that the same person from four years ago still existed and if there is one thing that people with absent parents fear is losing someone. So there she was, following Lexi who had followed Rue after she ran out of the theatre room. What had been going through the teacher’s mind when she asked someone who was in rehab the whole summer to tell everyone a meaningful memories of their break she couldn’t tell but she hadn’t held back an harsh comment before leaving, for the wave of annoyance to be completely gone when she heard Rue take it out on Lexi.
"Wise decision to lose one of your few remaining friends over a line of cocaine," Lizzy hissed, before stepping out of the bathroom herself. Perhaps the only thing Rue needed was for someone to slap reality in her face, but no one who had to pretend to care would, too concerned not to hurt her delicate feelings. Still, she needed to know that by overdosing she was the one who hurt everyone around her and that maybe she had started to undermine all those relationships much earlier. Anyway, Lizzy decided not to do anything more than she had already done and the next day her attention was, like everyone’s, dedicated to Kat’s porn video. Within a week, she had silenced the rumour, playing on the Principal’s guilt, but there wasn't much time to devote to that either, with the cheerleader's first performance approaching all too quickly. Practice became intense, and Maddy, who was obviously the captain, had become ruthless, obsessed by the idea that Nate could start to think she wasn’t perfect anymore. In the end, all went well, as always. After all, they were a carefully selected team, with excellent athletic training, sexy uniforms and a choreography decidedly unsuitable for a school. But it was the East Highland High, and no one cared what was appropriate, so the dress code was basically inexistent, the police never brought drug dogs and no one checked that no guns were carried in the backpacks. It was a miracle nothing too bad ever happened, but the same couldn’t be said of the town from which the school took its name.
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wisdomofme · 4 years
Julie and the Phantoms Fic Recs
The JatP Fandom has gone above and beyond when it comes to good fics! I wanted to share with you guys a handful of my favourite ones that I think you might all enjoy (I won’t lie, most of them are Juke)
Don’t forget to comment and let the authors know exactly how much you love their amazing work!!
(all of these fics are on Ao3) ** most recently added
a holy thing (to love what death has touched) by heartofwinterfell ** (Juke) (Soulmate AU) - Julie Molina’s words have been grey since the day she was born // I know we all love a good soulmate AU so here’s one that made me smile all the way through it!!
and i know i’ve kissed you before, but i didn’t do it right (can i try again?) by Ephemeral_Joy (Juke) (Modern AU)  - Luke and Julie break up, but if feels more like growing up // Look, LOOK. I know it’s hard to get past the angst of the break up but you gotta. Do it for me, do it for this 19k longshot, do it for YOURSELF. This is a masterpiece and you all better read it.
close my eyes and jump by HomebodyNobody  (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Julie and Luke talk and bask in the fact that handholding is now a possibility // Ultra fluffy cute! Immediately post season 1 Juke just loving the fact they can touch each other now.
favorite t-shirt by jellie_bean ** (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Luke drives Julie to distraction after their first real date // Luke writes Julie a song but it’s cute instead of sad for once and I loVE IT!!
Hallucinations by jatpfan ** (Family) (Post Season 1) - Ray starts seeing hallucinations of Julie’s band around the house. It’s weird // I loved this fic so much! I have a real soft spot for Ray so it was nice to see a fic in his perspective.
Here in Front of Me (Shining So Much Brighter than I Have Ever Seen) by 8ucky8arnes  (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Luke flirts with Julie while in class. It’s… distracting // I giggled my way through this entire fic! I could totally see this happening in the show if they really decided to pursue the Juke relationship. I mean, I can hope!!
i once believed love would be burnin’ red (but it’s golden, babe) by Ephemeral_Joy (Juke) (Post Season 1) - The boys try to figure out what their unfinished business is. It has consequences // A very soft fic that made me feel all the butterflies, if you like this one definitely check out the rest of Ephemeral_Joy’s fics!
I’m Scared of My Piano by emullz  (Juke) (Missing Scene) - Luke and Julie writing music together (between episodes 3 & 4) // Very adorable and made me WISH we had gotten this in the show! Absolutely adorable
Is it cool that I said all that? by smol_fangirl (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Julie can’t sleep but Luke helps // A super sweet fic that feels like being wrapped in the orbit of these two characters. Just a lot of small soft moments that kept making me smile.
i’ve had the time of my life by dearhappy (Friendship) (AU) - The ‘New Girl’ AU you didn’t know you needed but definitely DO! // If you know anything about New Girl then you know that the boys work perfectly as well… the boys. So funny and got me thinking of all my fave New Girl moments with the JatP crew.
Struck a Chord by Anonymous (Friendship) (Missing Scene/ Post Season 1) - Luke and Alex get into a fight. Reggie freaks out (Julie makes everything better) // A really bittersweet Reggie centric fic. Reading this made me hope for some amazing season 2 development for him.
try to change the ending (peter losing wendy). by lukesjulie (Juke) (Future Fic) - Julie falls in love with Luke but life moves on // OW! Like, real sad hours here guys. So, SO, worth the read but be ready for the rain before the rainbow.
unsaid julie by unsaidjulie (juggyjones)  (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Luke writes Julie a song about his feelings. It’s a process // Look, I won’t lie, this fic hurt me a little in ways I didn’t expect. But it was SO worth it. Pining Luke? Yes PLEASE!
we all got a second act inside of us by keep_swinging, rainstorm97 (Juke) (Post Season 1) - Luke’s curse doesn’t break // Seeing Luke in pain hurts but not as much as watching him try to cover it up. An amazing fic that I highly recommend.
A Lesson in Chemistry by Slytherin_Princess_Nysa ** (Juke) (Soulmate AU, Alive in 2020 AU) (Incomplete) - The first words Luke’s soulmate says to him are etched along his ribcage. He’s not too worried about finding out who they belong to // In this house WE STAN SOULMATE AU’s!! Get ready for some mutual pining here kids.
A Familiar Picture by captainkippen (Juke) (Alive in 2020 AU) (Complete) - a 5 + 1 of Julie realizing she loves Luke (and the 1 time she realized he loved her back) // I am such a SUCKER for these fics but REGGIE IS ALSO JULIE’S STEPBROTHER IN THIS?!?! Perfection. Literal Perfection.
Family Matters by morganoconner  (Family) (Post Season 1) (Complete) - Ray accidently adopts a few ghost kids // Okay, to start off with, Ray NEEDS more love and this fic GIVES IT. The best Ray focused fic I’ve seen (also technically has Willex and Juke but they aren’t the focus. Family is <3)
Feels like I’ve opened my eyes again by ICanSpellConfusionWithAK  (Juke) (Season 2 Speculation Fic) (Incomplete) - After everything that’s happened with Julie and her band, she’s tired. She doesn’t stop being tired // This fic is crazy good and has an INSANE update schedule (I have theories on where this may go and I hope they’re right!)
Give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around by smol_fangirl (Juke) (Missing Scene) (Complete) - Luke writes Julie an Unsaid Emily // This is one of the sweetest, saddest fics you will find. It takes place before the Orpheum and the FEELINGS that Luke has. This made me wish I could hug fictional characters. Now with a SECOND CHAPTER that RUINED ME even more!!!
Linger by apocalyvse, keep_swinging & rainstorm97 (Juke, Willex) (Season 2 Speculation Fic) (Incomplete) - Caleb vs Julie in (not) Ghost wars // The plot is so amazingly intriguing, every update gets me so excited!! (Julie with powers? JULIE WITH POWERS!)
Love Drunk by captainkippen ** (Juke) (Alive in 2020 AU) (Incomplete) - After a show (and a big night) in Las Vegas Luke and Julie accidently get hitched // Accidental marriage AU- ACCIDENTAL MARRIAGE AU! It’s here guys and it’s FILLED with funny/ sweet moments!
sweet dreams are made of this (who am i to disagree?) by juliemolina (nnegan13) (Juke) (Season 2 Speculation Fic) (Incomplete) - Julie and Luke share a dream after the events of season 1. It doesn’t bode well for Julie // The pure EMOTION in this fic gets me every time. Also, protective Luke is not something I knew I needed till I had it.
The Cheerleader Effect by Bluefire510 (Juke) (Post Season 1) (Incomplete) - Julie wears Luke’s clothes and it breaks his brain // This is like the quintessential Juke fic. Do you want fluff? Second hand embarrassment as Luke blue screens? Read it. 
Unfinished Business by captainkippen (Juke, Willex) (Alive in 2020 AU) (Incomplete) - Julie moves to a new school and meets ‘the boys’ // This fic has so much promise already and I can just FEEL how good it’s gonna get. I am DYING to watch the pining in real time.
Julie the Vampire Slayer by pearlcaddy ** (Juke, Willex) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU) (Ongoing) - The adventure of Julie the Vampire Slayer, her ghost Watcher Luke and their Scooby Gang // This may be one of the best AU’s I have ever read. I didn’t think it could work but pearlcaddy does SO MUCH to bring it to life! You won’t regret reading this!
I have definitely missed a ton of amazing fics but I’ll do my best to update this list as I find more!
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
How Lucifer Influenced His Brothers Personalities
Yes this piece is a little self-indulgent because I've been under a lot of pressure lately to be "the perfect role model". And while I know it's important for me to fulfill that role as the eldest, it stresses me out, and I can't even show it, so this is my version of coping with it.
Being the oldest means that you're the guinea pig. In their early years, Lucifer was the most perfect angel to have graced the Celestial Realm. He was constantly praised and pushed to achieve a high level of excellence. Attention, energy, and effort were poured into him, and never did he disappoint. While we won't get into what that may have meant for him, what did that mean for his brothers?
Mammon: Lucifer is always getting attention. He's the apple of everyone's eye. Mammon tried to compete with him, but constantly fell short of meeting the same bar as Lucifer. This sometimes took a toll on his self-esteem, but he would play it of as best as he could. As time went on he grew tired of being second to Lucifer for attention, in wit, and physically. As a result, he turned to small pranks, little things that would get him in trouble; not enough to get grounded or anything, just enough to have a bit of attention. To be a little like Lucifer.
Levi: well, he knew he couldn't surpass Lucifer. That much was clear to him. However, he didn't want to get attention the way Mammon did, because he didn't realize that Mammon actually wanted to get in trouble. He started to isolate himself. He felt if he couldn't be good at being perfect nor "bad", he didn't deserve any attention at all. Lucifer picked up on this. While Levi didn't know at the time, but Lucifer was getting chided and poked fun at by their parent(s?) for still having a couple Ruri-chan figurines in his room. Not really wanting to get rid of them for good, and wanting to cheer up Levi, he gave them to him, which introduced the idea of escapism through anime to Levi. (Thanks Barbatos for telling us that Luci deserves credit for Levi's obsession) He loved it, because he felt a little like Lucifer.
Asmo: When he was the youngest, everyone loved him immediately. When the twins were created, they had each other and did not thrive for attention like Asmo, so Asmo continued to be treated like the youngest. This was around when Lucifer started to pay extra attention to his physical appearance. Was his skin clear? Was his hair parted? Were his clothed unwrinkled and perfectly clean? Asmo picked up on Lucifer's habits, doing what he could from a young age to imitate him and his routine. Y'know, to be a lttle. Like. Lucifer. (Do you see where I'm going with this? No? That's ok, I don't understand myself half the time either)
Beel and Belphie: Wow. Their brothers are damn cool...all of them. But they could see how much Lucifer had done for their siblings, and strived to be like him from afar. Were there little things they could do to help? Yes? Ok! No? Ok! They respected Lucifer more as they got older (in the Celestial Realm), as they took note of every little sacrifice he was willing to make to protect and teach his siblings. However because of the age difference and the fact that they had each other, their bond with Lucifer was not as strong as they wished it could have been. Perhaps if Lucifer had spent a little more time with them, their relationship would not have fallen apart as quickly/easily after Lilith's death. At one point, they wanted to be a little like Lucifer.
Lilith: (Ok, idk much about Lilith, but I'm going to try.) Lilith was a source of inspiration and strength for Lucifer, a reason to keep striving for perfection. She was the one person he didn't feel the need to be perfect around. Perhaps it was because she was too young to understand. Or maybe she understood perfectly and did everything in her power to help him feel at ease. Either way, Lilith was the reason Lucifer felt ok with being Lucifer.
Simeon: Lucifer was always the best at everything, and Simeon was one of his biggest cheerleaders. He was always happy to see others succeed, but sometimes, like Mammon, it took a toll on his own self-esteem. Lucifer once confided in Simeon that he did not always feel confident, but to cope with those emotions he would play piano or write in his journal. Simeon took his advice and quickly found himself writing not only about his day, but full-blown stories. It was nice to feel a little like Lucifer.
Satan: He only came into being after Lucifer's fall. He only knew one emotion- rage. Despite having lost nearly everything, Lucifer immediately tried to help Satan to understand and control his emotion. Although Satan would never admit it now, he appreciates Lucifer for helping him in his early years, and admires him for the amount of patience he managed to keep with him. Just because he has more of a...direct relationship with Lucifer, does not mean that he is the same or similar to Lucifer. However, he admires many of his traits quietly, and as difficult as it is to admit it, he would like to be a little like Lucifer.
1. Guys I'm only on lesson 22, please don't leave spoilers😅
2. I'm sick and tired of my mom telling me that I'm not allowed to screw up and that my siblings are watching everything I'm doing, so I'm not allowed to do anything..."distasteful" ....yeah I'm fine, doing fucking great y'all
3. I'm sorry if some of this doesn't make sense.
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domesticnct · 3 years
Jungwoo as a Dad
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Ok, I see this man having two daughters that he would DIE for. 
He’s the dad who sobbed giant crocodile tears when his first daughter was born and wanted to give her a sister immediately. 
When he got his second daughter you both agreed it was time to stop.
When his daughters were babies he 100% supported dressing them up as little baby dolls.
He painted the nursery pink by himself and handpicked several of the outfits because he wants his princesses to look like princesses. 
When they got a little older he wanted to put them in piano lessons and ballet lessons as soon as possible. Though his younger daughter ended up wanting to be a little sporty, he supported her fully (though he was a bit distraught he would never see her in a tutu). 
He would watch all the princess movies with them and even dress as a prince for Halloween to match their costumes. That was until the two girls started fighting over being Princesses or pirates and then he had to compromise by being a Prince Pirate who wore an eye patch and a crown with a skull and crossbones. 
He’s the dad who buys his daughters candy and ice cream even when their mom says no, learns the words to all the Barbie movie songs to sing with them, and plays with their barbies and toy animals with them. 
Around bedtime he would always let them ride on his back while he pretended to be her big pet bear who they could demand to do anything. But sometimes he would tease them and pretend to be an evil bear coming to eat them and would crawl full speed towards them (my dad used to do this and it lowkey terrified me).
He would also let them paint his nails and do his makeup. 
Tea parties whenever they asked. 
He’s also the dad that cried on their first days of school because his babies were growing up.
He’d be their biggest cheerleader at all of their sports events.
He’d cook them breakfast everyday and pack their lunches, leaving little sweet notes in them until they’re in middle school and ask him to stop.
When they get their first crushes he would be distraught and want to ban all boys (why do I feel like he’d lowkey be like Kirin’s dad in School Babysitter’s.)
When they’re in high school and actually start getting boyfriends he’d be really strict and overprotective and have a lot of rules until you talked him out of it, but he’s just trying to protect them because they’re his little girls. 
When he drops them off at college he cries the whole car ride over and calls them every night the first week until you tell him to stop. 
When they experience their first real heart break he’s the dad who wants to fight the guy but you talk him out of it. He would buy lots of chocolate ice cream and let them come home to visit and do everything he could do stay out of the way while also showing his daughters he was there for them. He would let them cry in his arms if needed without asking any questions. 
When they graduate from college and start their first jobs that’s when he realizes that they’re really grown now and won’t be coming home. He’d be sad at first, but then he’d figure out all the ways he could convert their bedrooms into different rooms for different things. You’d be a little hurt by this because you felt it was too soon and if they wanted to come back you wanted them to have a place to go, but you also knew it was his way to cope with being an empty nester. 
At your oldest daughter’s wedding he would sob and have a really rough time. He’d probably get a little drunk after the wedding and curse under his breath at the guy who took her away from him but he’d grow to really like the guy and like take him fishing or something. 
When your other daughter came out to him he would be totally and completely accepting and want to welcome any significant other into your home. Or if she said she wasn’t interested in marriage and it wasn’t for her or having a family and decided to live on her own forever he would be equally supportive and told her that she always had a home with him and her mother. 
Overall I think Jungwoo would be a really sweet and supportive dad who would trade the whole world and his soul to make sure they were happy and safe.
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