#i usually have some sort of justification for why i like a certain ship but i dont have one for them. they just make me unreasonably happy
mushroomjuice · 1 year
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stableboys has taken over my mind i adore them so so so much
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I think a lot of people justify to themselves because there are gay people who have histories of dating the opposite gender before coming out, and there can be a weird reductive attitude fandom can take that anyone who has had relationship with people of multiple genders who doesn't meet a minimum level of "trauma" cannot be anything other than bi. Something that I can't stand as a gay person who fits that bill (had relationships with men before coming out as a lesbian, wasn't traumatized by them but just realized I wasn't into them in the way I was with women). But like, again, as that type of gay person, I think that's a ridic response by those other people in their fandom to what anon is talking about because:
there's a big difference between doing that with CANONICALLY bisexual characters - and let's not pretend that writers having characters casually talk about exes of the opposite gender from their current love interest the way people usually talk about their exes (NOT indicating some change of identity with it) isn't in fact signalling that - and doing it with a straight/unmarked-but-clearly-we-want-you-to-assume-they're-straight-by-default character. The latter I think are fair game for queer fandom to read however, and that's where I get irritated when well-reasoned meta for gay headcanons from people who clearly aren't uncomfortable with bi headcanons for other characters they like (and are often bi themselves) gets conflated with biphobia. But with the former.... idk, the idea of taking away representation from another marginalized group just really does not sit right with me, and I'm going to be more inclined to read that in a negative way and wonder WHY they're inclined to make that argument
Let's not pretend there isn't a whole lot of biphobia in the gay and lesbian communities and that a lot of justifications that people come up with are not in fact designed as a smokescreen for that. Like if they keep making this same excuse for EVERY character I'm really going to at some point suspect it's biphobia. I've seen people I gave the benefit of the doubt to the first time but it was the same arguments for EVERY character where that was ANY possible reading and like after a certain point you've just gotta wonder!
I also just think it's worth asking what a specific label or another gets you in these cases. There are some different experiences that gay vs. bi people have but it's not worlds apart in the way that some people talk about it, and I'm not sure why in the vast majority of shipping and romantic fanfics you necessarily need to establish that someone is JUST gay and has NO interest in the opposite gender, as opposed to just interested in this particular person (and the rest of their attraction just isn't mentioned because it's not relevant). I feel like so much of this shit in fandom these days from people who do the sort of thing this anon was talking about other people doing are from these young lesbians who are very online and buy into terf-adjacent shit about lesbian culture and experience being this super special separate thing from bi woman culture and like, girls, it's not true. If you go into any real life "lesbian" space you'll meet a ton of bi women too and that's how it should be! Because it's just a "women attracted to women" space and we have that in common. The idea that they're two separate non-overlapping communities is so online and is rooted in biphobia (and often other shitty bigotries like transphobia)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends?  I don’t keep contact.
Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual?  Hmmmm, I don’t think so. I feel like that would be the type of comment that would get to me so I definitely would’ve remembered it.
Would you get a lip piercing?  I don’t plan on getting any piercings.
Nose piercing?  Nopes.
What are you currently waiting for?  For this fucking day to end so I can be closer to Thursday and to the weekend.
Do you have feelings for anyone?  Nah.
Have you ever run over an animal?  Nope. I’ve had extremely close calls with animals who suddenly dart into the road, but fortunately these have all been situations wherein I got to hit the brakes with nobody behind me.
Have you chewed gum after someone else already has?  That’s disgusting, no.
When people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’?  Sure, out of habit and just to be polite.
When was the last time you were on a bouncy castle?  I don’t think I’ve ever been on a bouncy castle, but I’ve been on a lot of bouncy other things haha, like inflatable slides, soccer balls, Anpanmans, etc. The last time would probably be a nearly a decade ago; I definitely haven’t been near one in a while.
Have you ever went on a bouncy castle whilst drunk?  Well no, because the ones I’ve been on were situated in school fairs, which is the last place I would want to be drunk in.
Have you ever entered an art competition?  No, I have no justification to join one haha.
What is one thing you will never do? Try hardcore drugs. < Same. 
What is one food that you detest?  Pineapples.
Did you have a rebellious phase growing up?  Yeah I was a bit of a handful to raise, but I’m in firm in my stance that it had a lot to do with the way I was raised. I grew up mostly without a father figure because my dad worked abroad and I felt neglected by my mom who had her own shit to deal with. There was no stable support system to lean on, so I ended up lashing out a lot in my puberty years. Unfortunately everyone else just saw a rebellious child and not a plea for help.
These days when I show off my achievements on social media, I’ll see congratulatory comments from my mom’s friends and she’ll usually go on about some “late bloomers grow with time” narrative and it pisses me off because nobody knows how much I’ve had to grow and mature and learn how to be happier all by myself, all from scratch. If I had just received the proper care and attention early on, I wouldn’t have had to do any catching up to begin with.
What religion were you brought up with? Roman Catholic.
Are you still that religion?  Jesus no. I darted out of there as soon as I gained the consciousness to think about these sorts of things.
Do you often find yourself questioning your future?  Sometimes, but I do my best to not let it get to me.
How many friends do you have on Facebook?  Over 670.
What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school?  I started with punk rock in the first half of high school, so I had my Rancids, H2Os, Against Me!s, Cro-Mags, etc on my iPod. It evolved a little bit towards more indie, folksy sounds towards the latter half - Banks, alt-J, Hozier, Twenty One Pilots - which I largely attribute to the crowd I was part of at the time.
What pet names do you use with your significant other?  I’m pretty straightforward so baby works out for me. Other, more specific pet names just grow naturally with the relationship, I think.
What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries?  S&R.
Have you ever seen a theatre show?  Yeah. Most of them have been required.
What’s your favourite vegetable?  Broccoli or bell peppers.
Have you ever missed a flight?  Never. I’ve experienced several delayed flights, though, which is always such a hassle especially if the delays happen in provincial airports since they never have any recreational offers to keep passengers from getting bored other than TVs that run the same damn five ads.
Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them?  Yeah, a lot of have dogs. I’ve met some.
What color is your bedroom door?  Brown.
If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans?  Only towards obsessive ones who wouldn’t give me time to breathe or would go so far so as to stalk me or my loved ones. But I am a fan too, so I imagine I would actually be understanding of those who would ask for pictures or whatever as long as they were polite and not at all intrusive.
Have you ever met your favourite band/singer?  Nah. I am terrified of meeting celebrities HAHA so I’ve always shut down the chance. I’m pretty sure I would actually turn down the chance to meet BTS if I hypothetically suddenly got the magic keys to that door.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like?  No. I feel like that sort of thing just happens in like high school, when your friends are still a bit judgmental. Nowadays I don’t see why I should be embarrassed of anything I like, especially if it’s not hurting anyone.
Have you ever written a story?  I’ve made attempts but was always terrible.
Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it?  My homework that required me to write said poem hahaha.
Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? 
What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child?  Watching commercials at night. It’s still a slight fear of mine but it’s mostly dissipated now.
Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you?  About me? No. I don’t have a lot of those since I was a really shy kid who barely moved a finger anyway.
In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show?  I have a *really* soft spot for Perfect Strangers, which I actually revisited yesterday :) The show was never super popular so it’s near impossible to find clips online, but when I checked YouTube I did see a slight increase in short snippets from the show so I had a really fun time binge-watching yesterday.
What is the maximum number of children you’d ever have?  Three, but that’s pushing it. Ideally, I’d have two so my first would have company.
Have you ever been concerned you had a serious illness?  Mental ones, yes.
Are you comfortable with who you are?  For the most part, yes.
Would you date someone even if you knew you’d get made fun of for it?  No. Why would it be any of their business?
Does popularity matter to you at all?  I mean, yeah in the sense that I honestly aspire to be well-liked by as many people as possible. But I don’t necessarily want to rub shoulders with popular kids.
Would you ever consider homeschooling your children?  Continued from sometime this week ider. No. I don’t think I’m capable of teaching, and generally I’d want them to be able to learn in a more open environment where they can have regular contact with different kinds of people.
Who told you about the band/singer you are currently listening to?  Well Angela got into them first and since we’re best friends, there was a certain point where she just decided to loop me into conversations that involved them. I was impossible to sway for a long time, but then one day a video compilation of them showed up on my feed, and for some reason I actually watched it, and I watched all the way through, and I was immediately intrigued – particularly by J-Hope haha. I then asked Angela to tell me more about them and the rest was...financially irresponsible history HAHAHAHA
Do you ever read fanfiction?  OMG yes. Funny you should mention that because my favorite author uploaded a brand new fic this morning, which I obviously couldn’t get to all day because I had to go to work. I’ll be reading it in all its 44,000-word glory tonight :D
Would you rather die in a plane crash, ship wreck or fire?  Plane crash. Instant and mostly painless.
What are your top five favourite TV shows?  Breaking Bad, BoJack Horseman, Friends, The Crown even though I was never able to continue it since...andddd that’s all I got.
What is your favorite superhero movie?  Not a fan of superhero movies.
If you died next week, what would be the cause of death?  Stress from overworking. I’ve FINALLY started to consider taking a leave for the first time this year because I’ve just realized just how fucking exhausted, burned out, and overwhelmed I actually already am from having no rest at all in the last 13 months.
Have you ever taken a break from Facebook or other social media? Why?  Yes, I do mass deactivations when I’m severely depressed. These days I can’t really afford to that anymore, though, since my work is closely tied to social media.
Who is the most talented person you know?  Probably Andi.
Are you currently platonic friends with anyone you’ve had sex with?  No.
Where did you and your current interest go on your first date? 
Have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? What happened?  Nah. I’ve had two people like me at the same time, but there was never any tension to watch out for since they mostly didn’t know each other.
Have your parents ever thought you were gay? What happened?  I think they know I dated Gabie and that we broke up because they’ve stopped asking about her. Everyone knew we were best friends, so the fact that they’ve avoided her as a topic for a whole year is able to tell me something.
Are your parents more liberal or conservative?  Dad’s on the liberal side, mom dances around on the spectrum a little bit. I know she’s fine with things like tattoos and having LGBTQ+ co-workers, but she’s also conservative especially towards matters like religion.
What year are you going into at the beginning of the next academic year?  No longer in school.
How far away does your closest family member live?  A few footsteps away.
If you’ve seen both, did you prefer the Disney version or the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland?  It’s not my type of movie/genre to begin with.
Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not?  Yes. I don’t see the big deal; I’ve already done it anyway.
Are you more liberal or conservative?  Liberal.
Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?  Ooh not sure. I haven’t gone back to the books in a while, so I don’t remember if there was anyone I had an attachment to.
What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marry?  Nothing.
What’s the most sexual thing you’ve done?  Had sex...I guess? And a bunch of stuff that comes with it.
Name something that you are against.  Racial discrimination.
Why are you against it?  Because it is infuriating to see, and it shows me the very same treatment can happen to me or my family as well and that scares me, especially since some people turn particularly violent towards people of color.
Have you ever played the Tomb Raider games?  No.
Do you like it or hate it when your partner is clingy?  I imagine I wouldn’t enjoy it if I’m not as into whoever my next partner would be.
Beatles or Rolling Stones?  I don’t listen to either.
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody?  Not so sure about a whole change in opinion because that hasn’t happened in a while, but I grew more grateful for my manager today because I finally mustered the strength to tell her that I’m begin to struggle mentally with work and she not only encouraged (read: begged) me to file a damn leave for once, but she also got sushi delivered to my place.
What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why?  Andi was telling me about their day today and how they handled being misgendered by a prof, who then proceeded to throw a fit when he got corrected, and how they, again, maturely handled said fit. I was proud of them because there are a million ways that incident could’ve turned out, but they dealt with it in an extremely mature and calm manner considering they were the one who was wronged.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you?  If it was about an extremely personal problem I would probably be taken aback at first, but I still would definitely make some time for them and help in however way I can, since they apparently trust me enough to confide.
What was the last thing to fascinate you?  The music video for My Universe! Super cool to watch and I love that they made a short film out of it too.
Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you?  Doors being slammed shut, because that’s what my mom does when she’s furious. She did that when I was a kid and she does it to this day, so I get extremely nervous when I hear the sound, even if it happens by accident.
Do you have a favourite microorganism? Nope.
Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next?  My cousin Bree.
If you have pet fish do you bother to name them?  I did when I had them as a kid.
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge?  Yes?
Have you ever owned chickens?  Nope.
When did you last listen to music?  Like five minutes ago. I tried to have a jazz playlist on but I realized I wasn’t in the mood for music so I changed my background noise to have a random VLive on instead. 
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Hey, thanks for answering my Hay LinxEric question. Now, how would you fix IrmaxJoel?
Sorry for the delay on this—I haven’t been in quite the right mindset for the in-depth analyses as of late, and the question of how to fix this couple is a tricky one.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a very good one. Compared to a number of the other relationship fix-its I’ve considered (CxC, Nigel x Taranee) where I haven’t had a particular attachment to the couples, I actually have a lot of feelings about and adoration for Irma and Joel. And while that can also be said about HLxE, my perspective on Irma x Joel is a bit different.
Namely, the fact that I love their platonic relationship as it was presented in canon, and would actually have been pretty aligned if they were kept that way for the rest of the series.
(But of course, we couldn’t even have that, as any sort of acknowledgement of their relationship was wiped out of existence, and then referenced out of nowhere and without explanation many, many issues later with Joel thinking on how “Aw, we used to be friends, but not anymore.”)
I’m not saying I don’t ship them romantically (I do, and we’ll get into my fix-it of that later on in this ramble), but it wouldn’t have necessarily been a deal-breaker if they didn’t end up together. Admittedly, I’d probably be eating those words if Irma and Joel were still hanging out by the time Stephen (or, really, any brand-new love interest) came into the story, if only because throwing Irma into a romantic relationship without any real on-page emotional buildup doesn’t sit right with me no matter how I slice it. To be fair, that’s also just a me thing, because I prefer my ships to have a strong personal foundation over having the characters be drawn together primarily because of looks, etc., so there’s definitely room for different views. 
For me personally, though, the only way I’d really be behind a non-IxJ endgame is if a) Irma didn’t end up with anyone (which could have been great! The other girls were single at various times in the series, but having Irma be the one who’d never been in any sort of relationship would have been good to show that it’s more than okay to not have a significant other at that age), or b) Irma ended up in a relationship with someone else with whom she already has a long-established emotional connection (i.e. I’m not counting an old summer camp crush that we’ve only just learned of when it’s convenient to the in-story events). Seeing as that second option pretty much leaves us with either the other girls (which is fair) or Martin (not as sold on this one, but it’s a little bit better than their animated series counterparts), that would potentially have to be a fix-it as well.
Regardless of Irma’s relationship status—in a similarly meaningful one or not in one at all—let’s look at a fix for platonic Irma x Joel. Honestly, this one can just be summed up as LET THEM REMAIN CLOSE FRIENDS.
Really, it’s… it’s not that hard. Kandrakar knows that I love these girls and their bond, but I also like to see their lives outside of Guardianship, and that means that they can have other friends beyond each other. (Which they did try to do with Taranee and having Luke and Sheila, and I appreciate the effort, even if it wasn’t really executed in the best way.) Irma and Joel were something special, with their shared adoration for Karmilla and complementary senses of humor and, frankly, the fact that neither of them initially considered each other in a different sort of light. They had so much in common, their personalities resounded with each other so beautifully—all these qualities building up to what I’d dare call soulmate material—and all either of them can think is, “Hey, this is an awesome friendship!” And I adore that.
Which is why I can’t fathom why they’d suddenly do away with a relationship that had been lovingly (and largely platonically) tended to on the side for a number of story arcs.
I’m going to caveat that I have only read New Power and beyond but once in my life so far, and a good number of years ago, to boot. I have no actual recollection of whether or not there was any sort of explanation for why the two of them stopped hanging out (besides that offhand comment that they just don’t anymore, which was given to us… oh, three or four arcs later?). No idea if there was any sort of confrontation between Joel and Stephen and Joel out-of-character gets jealous—I wouldn’t put it past them to have done this (which is awful), but given the notoriousness of vanishing things without any warning that inspired this whole damn fix-it series, there’s a fighting chance for it to have gone either way. 
Regardless of what actually happened in canon, there is no concrete reason why Irma having a healthy, happy friendship with someone of the same gender as her new significant other had to be done away with. Even if it could be argued that Irma and Joel had romantic chemistry and ooooooohhhh that could be a threat to her new relationship (um, no.), the two of them had already dealt with those potential feelings back at the end of the Book of Elements/beginning of the Ragorlang arc, and while they didn’t deny that the potential was there, there was unspoken agreement that both were more comfortable as friends at the moment. If we were to use that attraction as a justification against keeping their friendship around while one or both were in other relationships, it just wouldn’t—in a very apt turn-of-phrase—hold water. And there isn’t a reason at all to drop it if there’s no romantic relationship(s) happening whatsoever.
So yeah. Base-level fix-it for Irma and Joel is keep their friendship.
But let’s take it a step further and look at a fix-it for an IxJ romance. I’ll admit that I volleyed around a couple different thoughts about this, even going so far as being sold on an end-of-series-payoff slow-burn like I originally thought we got with Cornelia and Peter (back when I thought the series ended at issue #74 like the Philippines comics did). And while that could have worked for them, I thought back and realized that so many of the canon ships had big moments like that. Will and Matt have their Big Damn Kiss after facing off against Cedric and Matt discovering the truth. Hay Lin and Eric have their joyful spur-of-the-moment kiss when Hay gives him the CD he wanted. As mentioned, Cornelia and Peter have their supposedly-final issue culmination of long-brewing chemistry. And of course, let’s not forget Cornelia and Caleb’s fairytale romance in the early days.
Really, all the relationships—except Taranee and Nigel, although the tradeoff for that was long, drawn-out conflict—officially kick off with a fireworks-level big bang. It’s a Moment when the couples come together, something to be remembered. And with Irma being Irma, loveable loudmouth as she is, it’d make sense for her to have something like that as well—a blurted confession, maybe, or a deep, passionate first kiss.
That’s why I’m of the camp that would have a quiet, but no less meaningful resolution to Irma and Joel’s romantic feelings.
We all know Irma’s the outgoing type—natural comedian always on-hand, outspoken to a fault, passionate and unabashedly loud. But a number of times over the series, we’ve seen her have to get introspective or at least a bit more low-key (oftentimes in the wake of an outburst that hurts someone else). These quieter moments usually offer some great character studies and development for Irma, and I’d like to think that, if given the chance to accept and want to act on her deeper feelings for Joel, it would happen in a similar way.
Just give me the two of them hanging out like usual, but maybe with not as much chatter. Joel is playing his guitar, Irma’s kicked back with a magazine that she’s only half-paying attention to as she listens. Eventually, the magazine drops further and further from her face as her gaze drifts fully to Joel and that goofy face he makes whenever he hits that one chord and that warm fond feeling she gets…
Her thoughts skitter to a sudden stop, but she tries not to let it show outwardly. It’s been a long time since Irma’s thought of Joel in any more-than-friendly terms, probably not since the mix-up with the note to Karmilla that first brought the idea to her mind. It had been an accident, and maybe she hadn’t fully realized—or at the very least hadn’t been ready—to confront those feelings by that point, but the inklings were there. And they’re still here, and maybe a little bit more than just inklings, and maybe she’s actually ready to admit them.
So Irma sets down the magazine altogether, and carefully slides a little closer to Joel’s side. The movement doesn’t go unnoticed, but he looks up only in faint curiosity—not at all startled or displeased. Irma just returns with a small smile, maybe a little nervous (is this too much too fast? Does he even feel the same way anymore?). But there’s no need for worry—or even words, for that matter—as the two of them have always been so in-sync, and are in perfect alignment on this in particular. That’s clearly proven when Joel grins back and carefully shifts his body and guitar so Irma can comfortably settle in right next to him.
(There are words later, of course, if only to make absolutely certain they’re both on the same page, and just because hearing it out loud makes it feel so real. And really, things don’t change that much in their relationship—they still laugh and crack jokes and tease each other to no end, just with a bit more cuddling and kisses and comfy quiet between them, where neither feels the need to fill the silence just because.
And because I’m predictable, a situation wherein Joel gets clued in to the Guardian Secret would involve Joel being very understanding and patient… and also terrifyingly aware that he is never again going to win in a water fight against his girlfriend.)
So. Apparently I had more thoughts on Irma and Joel fix-its than I thought, but I also have zero regrets and too damn many feelings.
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distant-rose · 5 years
Villains That Live in My Head (1/4)
Notes: I made a promise back in June to @effulgentcolors a story about dealing with intimacy and PTSD and I’m like two months late. Lyubi, I’m truthfully sorry for how late this is but admittedly, I’ve been struggling with this subject material because it’s not just PTSD, it’s violent PTSD episodes so we’re straddling a very thin line which could constitute as domestic violence, which naturally makes me  uneasy. However, I think it’s important to stress that the violence depicted in this story is not due to any sort of maliciousness but due to a violent PTSD episode and this story is about exploring how to deal with trauma and intimacy issues and get past such issues as a couple. This is some hard, heavy and upsetting stuff, but I’m trying to be as sensitive and tentative to the material as I can. I can’t stress enough that this isn’t going to be for everyone and to approach with caution because this is a story about violent PTSD and accidentally hurting your partner, and please read at your own risk. A special thank you to @initiala and @shireness-says for helping me struggle bus through this story. Summary: The wounds made when we're young tend to linger. It’s something Killian and Emma learn a little too well when a well meaning surprise goes terribly wrong.  Word Count: 3,300+ Rating: M
The truth is that Emma Swan has never had a real boyfriend, so to speak.
Sure, she was with Neal during her teenage years, but their relationship wasn’t necessarily conventional. Born out of loneliness and camaraderie, theirs was based mainly on survival, and survival doesn’t mean dinner dates in fancy restaurants or going to the movies. The most romantic thing he ever did for her was steal a family pack of pop tarts and some boxed wine when she turned sixteen and she thought it was the sweetest thing to ever happen. That had been the pinnacle of romance for her until “pick a partner who knows what he’s doing” and “ you traded your ship for me?”
She’s so out of her depth when it comes to being in a real relationship, but so far, it seems to be going great. Killian is attentive and generous with affection, which comes in a variety of forms from bringing her coffee every morning to playing with her hair. He listens to her when she de-stresses after work, plying her with alcohol and... not sympathy, necessarily, but empathy and an understanding that everyone else seems to lack. Everyone views her as the Savior, including her parents, but it’s nice to have someone who just sees her as Emma. 
And then there’s the sex. Which is another story altogether. 
It’s good, don’t get her wrong. He’s surprisingly sweet and very generous, with soft eyes and even softer touches. However, it’s also intimidating, because while Emma is the one-night-stand wonder, she wouldn’t call herself particularly knowledgable when it comes to sex. It’s mainly been insert Tab A into Slot B, repeat until satisfaction (and more often than not, no satisfaction - but that’s another story altogether). Such relationships didn’t necessarily lead to a lot of exploration or discovery. Quite simply, you don’t ask a complete stranger to help you discover your kinks unless you’re a serial killer or preternaturally uncomfortable in your own skin. Emma was neither of those things. So, her experience, while lengthy partner-wise, didn’t necessarily extend beyond what was considered relatively standard.
Killian, on the other hand seemed to have a fountain of knowledge and experience.
He didn’t necessarily brag about it to her per say -- aside from his rather outrageous innuendos -- but there was a certain sureness and innate knowledge that wasn’t something you could necessarily fake, and could only come from wealth of experience. While there had been some fumbling in the beginning (usually on her end), he was nowhere near as clueless as others had been on how to touch her. It had been more like watching someone relearn a path rather than discovering it for the first time. And while it’s been great to be with someone who didn’t need a road map to her clitoris, it was also a bit disconcerting to be someone who was, quite frankly, a lot more experienced than you. 
And even more mortifyingly, teaching you things about sex despite getting your v-card swiped more than a decade ago.
It makes her feel like she’s being trained a bit. And honestly, she kinda hates that.
She doesn’t like the fact that he seems to be leading her around a training ring like she’s some skittish horse and he’s some absurdly patient seasoned equestrian. It makes her feel foolish and, even worse, she can’t help but feel like she’s boring him. And the last thing she wants to bore him.
(Boring means getting left behind.)
She knows it’s irrational to think so, but there’s nothing Emma is more terrified of than being left alone again. Sure, she has her family, and her boyfriend literally gave up his home and his entire way of life to be with her, but that fear runs deep. No matter how many justifications her parents, Neal, or anyone else give her, that pain doesn’t just disappear.  
(In the spirit of Jake Peralta: cool motive, still abandonment.)
She isn’t sure that she’s in love with him. Considering the fact that her parents are the Olympic gold medalists of True Love, she’s more than a little gun shy when it comes to even broaching that subject. However, she knows she doesn’t want him to leave. She wants more than anything for him to stay.
And that’s how she reaches the decision to “spice” things up.
(And naturally, as it is with all situations where someone tries to perfect an already good thing, it blows up in her face. Spectacularly.)
She doesn’t remember how she settled on the idea of bondage, but it’s something she’s the most familiar with, and all kinky things considered, it seems pretty low level; exciting, but not as far out there as some of the other things she’s come across when perusing for ideas. She’s not looking to do anything Fifty Shades, but she thinks it might be fun to tie him up and make him the focal point for once. Killian always focuses on her, and it might benefit their relationship for things to be a little less one-sided when it comes to the bedroom.
Besides, Killian is a pretty adventurous guy, and a pirate to boot. She’s pretty certain he’s had more than a few nights of debauchery, featuring far more lewd acts than a little light bondage play. Hell, she wouldn’t be remotely surprised if he’s been involved in an orgy or two. He’ll probably find her plans as vanilla as everything else they’ve been doing.
(You know what they say when you assume. It makes an ass of you and me.) 
She doesn’t tell him her plans, mainly because she can’t imagine he would object and also because she wants to surprise him. After letting him take the lead in this aspect of their relationship, she wants to show him that what she lacks in experience, she can make up for with a willingness to explore new things. She wants to be on his level, not someone he needs to teach.
So, she doesn’t tell him. She just brings a box of condoms, a pair of cuffs and a smile.
It starts the way it always does - with a kiss that has them both swaying side-to-side until they teeter awkwardly backwards into his room. She chucks her bag on the nightstand, only to have it smack the table lamp and send both items to the floor. She can’t bring herself to care when she has Killian splayed out on the bed below her, pupils blown wide, lips bruised and noticeable tenting in his incredibly tight pants.
(Seriously, is he capable of wearing anything else? She might have to buy him a more relaxed fit, if only to help her sanity. While he doesn’t have much of an ass, they highlight the muscles in his thighs and make her eyes jump to places that aren’t necessarily appropriate for the public.)
And then there’s the hair.
She loves his hair and the way it’s starting to get a little longer and curl over his ears. She loves tugging on it and the noises he makes when she does. She leans forward, unable to resist threading her fingers through the dark strands as she tilts his head up for another kiss. He accepts it enthusiastically, a low pleased grumble emitting from the back of his throat as she gives his hair a playful tug. He pulls her into his lap, hips rolling upwards with impatience.
Clothes are shed gracelessly. It takes more than a few tries for her to unbutton his vest, cursing him for choosing such finicky clothing. It’s just so typical for him to pick style over functionality. He laughs at her impatience, eyes twinkling with amusement. She wants to rip the bloody thing off.
(Holy fuck, she’s starting to sound like him.)
“Why so impatient, love? We have all night,” he asks, chuckling as she finally manages to undo his buttons. 
She doesn’t respond immediately, more focused removing his hook from its brace and placing it on the nightstand. More articles of clothing have fallen victim to that hook than she cares to count, and she has such a limited wardrobe as is.
“Maybe I have plans,” she responds with what she hopes is a coy smile. 
Both of his eyebrows rise at this, a smirk spreading across his lips as he settles back on his elbows.  
“Yes,” she says, running her fingers along the length of his collarbone. “Plans. Fun plans. And if you’re good, you might even find out what they are.” 
“I’m not sure I’m capable of being good,” he responds, leaning up and placing all too brief kisses along her jaw and neck. “But I promise you, you’ll certainly like it when I’m bad.” 
“We’ll have to see about that.”
She pulls him into another fierce kiss, using it to distract him as she reaches back to riffle through her bag for her cuffs. It gets a bit awkward, the angle not quite right, but Killian does his best to make it work. When she finally gets her prize, she makes a noise of triumph against his lips before pushing him back against the bed and reaching for his wrists. 
Killian’s eyes go wide with shock, growing even larger as he catches sight of the handcuffs. Emma expects it, but it doesn’t last long. His face contorts into a new expression, one that’s far from the enthusiasm. 
She doesn’t get much time to process it, however because the world turns suddenly on its axis. 
One minute she’s straddling his thighs, trying to handcuff him, and the next thing she knows, she’s on her back with Killian looming above her with his only hand pressed to her throat, and not in a way that’s remotely friendly. His fingers dig painfully as they press into her windpipe, cutting off her oxygen. Every muscle in his body is tensed and his chest keeps heaving as if he’s struggling to breathe. His eyes aren’t shocked; they’re panicked. 
They stare at each other for a few seconds, Emma still stunned by the turn of events while Killian looks more like a frightened animal than a person. Her lungs burn painfully and she chokes a bit as she tries to breathe. He jumps at the sound, his face changing from frightened to horrified. He pushes himself away from her forcefully, propelling his body until he’s precariously close to falling off the bed. He pulls himself into a sitting position and turns his back to her, fingers gripping the side of the bed as if holding on for dear life. Emma lays there, mind reeling, still stunned by the sudden turn of events. Her fingers move to touch where she can still feel the hard press of his palm. 
A million questions buzz in her head, each too fleeting for her to truly grasp but each more panicked and disturbed than the next. She doesn’t know what the hell just happened, but her pulse is thundering loudly in her ears and she has the same feeling of ice water in her veins that she did in the Clocktower when Gold was about to crush his heart.
Killian still has his back to her and while she can’t see his face, his shoulders are shaking, and she can still hear the harshness of his breath even over the chaotic orchestra her insides are playing.
“I…” The vowel sounds hoarse leaving his mouth. “I…I’m sorry…I…” 
He reaches for his clothes, pulling Emma away from the hornet’s nest in her head. She sits up, on instinct reaching out to him. He flinches and inches further away from her hand, which somehow hurts more than when he tried to choke her. A wounded noise emits from the back of her throat. He doesn’t acknowledge it. He picks up his shirt and pulls it over his head one-handed. It’s on backwards but he doesn’t seem to care.
“What the hell are you doing?” 
“I need to go,” he says shortly, not looking at her.
She opens her mouth to speak, but her words fall short. Emma doesn’t know what she wants to say. She knows she should say something, but what exactly, she doesn’t know. She still hasn’t processed what exactly happened.
Emma can still feel his hand on her throat.
(What the hell just happened?)
She’s still trying to answer that question, while Killian’s haphazardly pulling on his boots. She raises her hand again, but pulls it back. She wants to touch him, to do something, but she doesn’t know what to do and she can’t bear the sight of him pulling away from her again, like she’s something vile. 
Before she can even come to a course of action, the door slams shut. And she’s alone.
She’s alone again.)
The thought leaves her feeling frozen, like she’s back in the ice prison again except this time she’s not surrounded by ice. It’s inside of her spreading over each and every one of her organs. She wraps her arms around herself in attempt at...warmth? Comfort? She isn’t sure anymore.
She isn’t sure of anything.
(What the hell just happened?)
One minute they were fine and about to have a good time, and the next thing he’s attacking her and then suddenly he can’t even look at her. All of it happened so fast that she’s still not quite sure what caused all of it. What the hell did she do?
She gets up, pins and needles shooting through her legs. They’re completely unhappy with her after sitting on the bed for so long. She doesn’t know how much time has passed, but she knows she needs to do something. Walking into the ensuite and turns on the light, she winces at the harsh intensity of the fluorescent bulb; sucking in a breath when she catches sight of herself in the mirror.
There’s an angry red ring around her throat.
She touches it again, this time more tentatively. The flesh is tender and a small hiss leaves her without her permission. Killian is long gone, but the phantom pain of his hand is still there. It had only been a few seconds but the feeling and the fear refuses to leave. 
The realization hits her like whiplash. She had been afraid of him. He could have hurt her.
He did hurt her.
She doesn’t have any answers. She doesn’t know what she did for Killian to act like this, but he’s left her and she’s pretty certain he isn’t coming back. 
She hates the fact that hurts her more than the potential bruises.
Angry tears form at the corner of her eyes and she splashes water on her face to keep herself from seeing them. She glances at the clock, not necessarily because she’s interested in the time so much as she doesn’t want to see herself reflected in the mirror.
She should leave. She hadn’t been planning on going back to the loft, but she knows she can’t stay here even if Killian doesn’t plan on coming back. She needs to get out of here and sleep somewhere else, where the imprint of his hand can’t follow her.
She pulls her hair into a messy, half-assed ponytail, not bothering it to smooth out the awkward bumps. Her limbs feel as heavy as lead as she puts on her clothes. She wants nothing more than to sleep, but she can’t. Not here.
The streets of Storybrooke are deathly silent as she walks back to the loft. It’s a cool night and the chill highlights the unnatural warmth pulsating from her neck. She pulls her jacket tighter around her. It has always been her shield from the world, but it’s protection was futile. What she needed protecting from had already gotten past her walls.
She can’t stop thinking about it, her brain like an old scratched DVD, playing the same scene over and over again in her mind. She can’t help but relive that moment when he was above her and she couldn’t breathe. She still remembers the look on his face; eyes wide, nostrils flaring and cheeks white. It hadn’t been anger on his face.
It had been fear.
What the hell did he have to be afraid of? He wasn’t the one with the hand on his throat.
Why did he do that?
Why did he leave?
The questions swirl around in her mind as she attempts to unlock the front door of their building. It takes her an embarrassing three tries to open it, but when she finally did, a sense of relief came over her. She’s home and she can sleep.
She’s so tired.
The door to the loft groans as she opens it, sounding unnaturally loud in the stillness of the night. The noise wakes the baby, his wails as ear-piercing as thunder. She can hear her parents waking up behind their curtain. 
She can’t face them. 
Not right now. 
Not after everything that happened with Killian.
She races across the room instead, making her way up the stairs. Her hands tremble as she clings to the bannister like it’s a life line, each ascending step feeling heavier and more precarious than the last.
It’s a relief when she finally reaches her bed and crawls underneath her covers, pulling them over her head in an attempt to cocoon herself away from the world. She wants to escape, to find some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, Little Neal doesn’t seem to want adhere that desire. His screams keep getting louder and louder.
“That’s a mood if I ever heard one,” she mumbles, burying her face in her pillow.
Her mother’s soothing voice sounds throughout the apartment as she attempts to lull Neal back to sleep. Slowly, the cries quiet down and the growing silence echoes inside of her. It’s then that the anger gives away to immeasurable sadness, tears dribbling at the corners of her eyes and leaking down her cheeks.
Once again, she’s alone and no one wants her. Not her parents. Not her brother. And especially not her pirate boyfriend, if he’s even her boyfriend anymore. She’s not so sure.  
(What the hell happened?)
It’s frustrating to be in this position again, hurt and confused as to why. She should have known it wasn’t going to work. She’s never been in a healthy and real relationship before and it was silly of her to think otherwise. She should have known it would blow up in her face.
(But why?)
It’s the question on her mind keeps playing over and over in her mind as she falls into a fitful slumber, hoping against hope that sleep will bring some clarity.
It doesn’t.
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Result Discussion: Total Ships (part 2)
Part 1 · Part 3 · Part 4 Results
Ship list in case you don’t know some of the ships
Some terminology:
I will refer to Viren, Soren and Claudia as Mage Family or magefam.
Non-canon ships between 11 and 90 shippers
I chose this number arbitrarily.
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Here, the ships in light blue are where characters know each other/have interacted.
The ship in dark blue - where they don’t know each other or have not interacted.
Normally, I don’t discriminate ships by such criteria, because there’s a lot more to a ship than on-screen interaction. Fans are capable of creating wonderful stories with characters who had never met each other in the show, fleshing out their personalities beautifully. Sure, some ships are based on the characters’ looks, but my theory is that personalities have a bigger influence.
Often, when I start shipping someone, it's not a deliberate choice. There’s hardly any “okay, now I’m gonna ship The Big Sword Guy and Sunforge Dagger Guy” moment. When it comes to ships where characters don’t have a lot of (or any) on-screen interaction, their personalities play an important role. If I like some characters, I start putting them into my own stories more. Sometimes, they interact with other characters and as the story progresses, so do relationships between certain characters who wouldn’t necessarily have a relationship in canon.
Usually, such ships are called “crack ships” and are not very popular. But then there’s Soryx.
I have to say, I did not expect Soryx. In fact, I would never have even thought of shipping them together. Then I saw how popular it was (5 people chose it as their favorite ship, which is not bad for a “crack ship”!) I started to think about it more. And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense! Their personalities really do go well together!
It’s incredible - Soryx is almost as popular as Virrow, and, given the 3.7% margin of error, either of them could be more popular than the other, given a bigger sample (my sample was only 701 people).
Speaking of Virrow, I was really surprised it wasn’t as popular as Viravos (Virrow - 12.55% vs Viravos - 28.39%), because when browsing for posts on tumblr and twitter, there always seemed to be an equal amount of content for both. Then again, I never took into account the age of those posts - perhaps Virrow has lost some of the fans it had in S1 after Aaravos’ introduction in S2.
Dominating characters
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Can you look at the graph above and tell me what’s in common between all the ships colored in orange?
You guessed it! They all involve a member of the Mage Family (Viren, Soren, or Claudia). The possible reasons:
Viren, Soren and Claudia are well fleshed out and complex characters;
they interact with many different characters;
if a person likes one member of magefam, they often like them all;
Soren is especially versatile because of his age - he’s young enough to be shipped with teens and he’s also an adult;
of all the teenage characters Soren and Claudia have the most screen time after Rayla and Callum. Viren has the most screen time from all adult characters.
We haven’t even covered the more rare ships, which also include plenty of magefam.
User added ships
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No user-added ships have made it into the top 11, and only three made it into top 30. Are they less popular? Liked less? I don’t think so. As I mentioned in part 1 - the reason for that is the fact that they weren’t on the list.
Consider Aarrow for a bit. As much as I like this ship, I don’t actively ship it and the only reason it made it onto my list was because I came across this post. I thought it was a cool idea for a ship and I wanted to see who else shipped it. And here we are - 11 people. 1 person even chose it as their favorite ship!
Another interesting example is Opiren. I hadn’t found anyone shipping them on tumblr, but I lowkey ship them myself, so I decided to add them. My boyfriend came up with the ship name and there we go - 19 people! No one chose it as their favorite ship, though.
Now compare it with, say, Grazi. It got an almost the same number of votes, but it wasn’t on the list, which means that only the users who care enough about it to include it manually voted for it. One person chose it as their favorite ship as well. If I had included it myself, I’m sure it would’ve got as many ships as Sabos or Swordjanne simply by being there.
Why didn’t I, then? Because it hadn’t occurred to me and I tried to limit my list to ships I could find content of on tumblr (I hadn’t thought of checking ao3 at the time).
Ezranya and Ezris are an interesting case, because quite a few people added “when they’re older” as a sort of justification, even though I feel like it’s ok to ship them as kids Shipping does not need to be sexual. You can have platonic or romantic kids ships (kids have crushes!) or just very strong friendships bonds. I don’t know if the latter counts as shipping in the eyes of most fans, but I just want Ezranya and Ezris shippers to feel happy and supported <3
Part 3
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hajiiwa · 7 years
tagged by @aizawashoutah, @shitabukenjirou, and @foxyena !! thank u guys so much~
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
hajime = haji, iwaizumi = iwa, haji + iwa = hajiiwa~ i love my mans but not many people understand my username 
(the rest will go under the cut!)
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
huh, well
FMK technically has the most hits and kudos (something i am a little disgruntled about, seeing as it was not a fic i worked very hard on), only fools has the most comments, kaminari is a schemer has the most bookmarks, and of fountains and flowers has the most subscriptions so idk what to tell you. i wish ofaf had more recognition bcos i’ve worked hard on it rip
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it’s kuroo!! and i just chose it bc i Love him and it was an icon i made that i sorta liked so
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
yes and i love them all!! seeing names that consistently pop up in my kudos/comments section really warms my heart <33 i’ve made good friends that way tbh
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
uhh there are many that i like to go back and read, mainly by my fav authors that i’m subscribed to
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
bookmarked: 53 subscribed: honestly, i... don’t really subscribe to works? i’m subscribed to 8 authors tho
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
oooh, probably... medieval aus or domestic magic aus? and slice of life
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Subscriptions: 80 (rip, i didn’t know if u meant user subs or work subs so i combined and it’s still a tiny number) Bookmarked: 203
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
umm... i don’t think so? 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
finishing current projects before taking on new ones, avoiding burnout, the usual
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
well i’ll go based on haikyuu since those works take up the majority-- iwaoi is set firmly in first place based on number of works followed by bokuroo, both of which are fairly popular so i’d say that i lean more toward the bigger ships but i also have works for kurooiwa, iwaaka, tengoshi, etc
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
22! that number fluctuates a ton because i’m very impulsive and if a fic doesn’t receive the recognition i feel it deserves/i no longer like it/etc i take it down
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
that i have yet to publish? too many.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
i normally keep them in my head, unless i think they’ll turn into something bigger and then i’ll jot them down!
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
not yeeet~ @frenchibi have plans to tho. i have tried to co-author in the past but it mever worked out
16. How did you discover AO3?
when i graduated from using wattpad,, fun fact, there is so much smut on there that i legitimately thought ao3 was just used to write porn. i was both horrified and confused
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
no...? this question assumes that i would be Popular (honestly do fanfic writers even have “fandom names” for their readers?? im)
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
not really, no. i stated writing fanfics when i was really young on my own, unprompted, and i’ve met other authors through that medium that have helped me?
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
interact with other writers! i know it seems daunting, but leave comments, go to spaces where you will find other writers, participate in events-- there are few feelings more satisfying than seeing familiar names pop up, either in your notifications or in a group you’re in. most of the time, they’re all very kind and you won’t regret letting them into your life!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
i plot out almost always, though this sort of bites me in the ass. it bores me when i’m writing to already “know” what’s going to happen and that’s why i lose steam. it’s weird
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
sort of. i write a lot of angst and i’ve gotten quite a few “fuck you author” comments-- most of the time they’re paired with “for making me feel these feelings” or “for writing something so sad” or some shit but i don’t appreciate that bc, like, fuck you too? i’m sorry that you felt the need to cuss me out?? i tag pretty liberally and if you felt that you couldn’t handle the topic i was writing about then you shouldn’t have clicked
unless it’s, like-- a friend or regular going “fffuCK YOU AHHH” which HAS happened and makes me snicker lmao
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
huh. i’m trying to become more proficient in the Big Three (smut, angst, and fluff) and thus far i’ve got one of three down p good. but specific scenes i have trouble writing would have to be scenes in which i have zero experience and pretty much have to improvise-- it helps me grow as a writer, ig, but it’s just frustrating
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
the rest of the writers’ inktober prompts
a fic wars piece with @frenchibi
a post breakup iwaoi
of fountains and flowers final chapter
a handful of voltron fics, 4 of them sheith
maaaany half-abandoned drafts
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
nah. motivation is fickle and i don’t want to make writing a chore. writer’s inktober was hard enough (it’s december and i am still not done :,)
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
considering i started on wattpad, yes lmao. i’d like to think that i have since i’ve been on ao3 but hahjajhjkh
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
i reeeeally liked writing a bit of magic is key and three’s a crowd because they were both humorous domestic magic aus~ but i’ve liked most things i’ve written tbh. also, obviously, of fountains and flowers.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
that i’ve posted? i honestly don’t know. maybe you can be so stupid sometimes because i was just starting to write iwaoi and i now hate the way i portrayed them, not to mention that this dumb little fic has more kudos than my recent stuff and i just *clenches fist* don’t think it deserves that
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
not sure. maybe i’ll have ofaf finished by then hahah,, but really i don’t know. writing is a tool but fanfic writing is just a hobby
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
i’m pretty good at writing emotionally charged situations. also dialogue, i find banter or long back-and-forth conversations fairly easy
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
transitions, justification of characters’ actions. the hardest thing writing-related would be fighting through envy and feelings of inadequacy but i experience the former plenty anyway rip
33. Why do you write?
i write because i enjoy it-- i love creating my own worlds, interacting with other writers, living vicariously through my characters
well, that was fun! i’ll tag @frenchibi, @astersandstuffs, @minyardxva, @josai
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kwamiwayzz · 7 years
I don’t see enough of the meta when it comes to citrus so I decided to ask myself these questions after copying and pasting them from another blog cause why not >.> 
And I may be low key still trying to ignore my responsibilities
Main ship <3 Yuzu x Mei (i dont even think they have an actual ship name) 
I’m gonna cut it at a certain point cause I realized how much I was rambling 
• When or if I started shipping it:
Ah...surprisingly I didn’t start shipping these two until a few months ago. I’ve been following the manga since the day it came out and I’ve always liked them but I never actively “shipped” them or anything. Even though I went all “YeSSSSS” when they started dating in chapter 16, I was still just more of a casual fan.
There are a few reasons I can think of to why I was drawn into shipping them (finally...) was that I somewhat got back into yuri over the summer after watching a clip from Fate Kaleid.......*cough* anyway...and started going back on dynasty-scans to see what kinds of new yuris have been made huehuehue. Long story short I shortly got back into MadoHomu and Yuzu x Mei, and saw the latter ship as the “less angsty” version and went on from there 
The other reason I got super into them was that the latest few chapters, and remembering chapter 24, was that I really started to notice how Mei became less cold and closed-off from Yuzu. And seeing her blush and be all nervous around her was just..... <3 <3 <3~~~~~~
Oh and this one comic by smxmuffinpeddling made me laugh (and still makes me laugh) so it spiraled from there. They are a blessing to Citrus. 
• My thoughts:
I tend to gravitate towards ships that have that dark/light dynamic. I’m cliche and I have a weakness for ships that have the aloof dark haired girl who’s usually looked up to or very popular fall in love with the ditzy, but kind and optimistic light haired girl and vice versa (see: Chikane/Himeko, MadoHomu, Diakko {to an extent}) Not exactly opposites attract, but I found their interactions funny when they initially hated each other and whenever I read the manga in retrospect in my head I’m all, “honey you two have no idea” 
i like ships where i can see a little of myself in both characters 
• What makes me happy about them:
I understand that the pseudo-incest thing can turn some people off from the pairing but in this story I feel like it’s justified enough that pretty much the whole fandom is cool with it. Yuzu and Mei didn’t grow up together nor are they blood related, but taking the “they’re not related by blood” justification out of the way while the kiss that Mei stole from Yuzu is what led to Yuzu developing feelings for her step-sister, Yuzu already started showing some sort of attraction in chapter 1 when Mei hugged her to just to get her cellphone. So, kiss or no kiss, Yuzu probably would’ve developed a crush on Mei regardless. As for Mei, the step-sister thing forced the seemingly-opposite girls to interact and it’s what led to Yuzu finding out all these things about Mei and help her with her issues. So, I think the fact that Yuzu would go great lengths for her is what would lead her to falling for her.
I really like how Yuzu doesn’t give up on Mei despite Mei always having to push her step-sister away. As much as I love Yuzu and do relate with her on a spiritual level, I do relate with Mei a lot (despite some friends saying I’m more like Yuzu lol). Anyone else who would try to get close with Mei would either get tired of her for being so closed-off and eventually just give up on her. I like the fact that Yuzu does see a lot of the good in Mei that she can’t see in herself. The whole dynamic of the closed-off, pessimistic, sometimes brooding person with the open, optimistic, never-gives-up person is a common dynamic I’ve seen everywhere and I happen to be one of those people that really do like it (at least if done right to an extent or I relate on a certain level) and also reminds me of sasuke and naruto despite never shipping that *cough* but anyway...
Plus, I remember smxmuffinpeddling mentioning this in the tags of one of their fics, but I really do like how both of them put in a lot of work to make their relationship work. Yeah, sure it seemed like Yuzu was doing all the work in the beginning, but as soon as Mei began to open up and trust Yuzu more, she does try to put in genuine effort in maintaining their relationship (using Yuzu’s notebook as a perfect date template, when she talked with Yuzu in chapter 24 that their relationship has nothing to do with other people’s opinions, asked Harumi for advice on how to start a conversation with Yuzu in the vol. 7 extra, being open to Yuzu’s offer of the one kiss a day thing, and i wish to see many more things~)
• What makes me sad about them:
Need I explain...
*Sigh* as much I love these two, I just want them to interact more with words. Like have more casual conversations. It could be the mundane things or about any problems or issues they could be having. I live for healthy communication, and I feel like Yuzu and Mei are still working up to that.
• Things done in art/fic that annoys me:
So...finding actual fan content of these two, let alone for Citrus in general is like treading through the Sahara fucking Desert 
I haven’t really found anything concrete in art/fic that annoy me...yet but the most I’ll say is making both of them unreasonably OOC. This fandom is pretty small despite citrus apparently being a super popular yuri manga (I really didn’t know that until recently) so OOCness isn’t too much of a problem. I used to be heavily into the Frozen fandom so of course when you have a larger fandom you’re going to have a crap ton of fan interpretations and lots of AUs that either don’t fit or drive the characters being written about to be OOC.
• Things I look for in art/fic:
Lots of fluff cause we don’t get enough of it in the manga TT_TT 
If it’s just them talking or having a date or something mundane that allows them to get to know each other more then sign me the fuck up. I like seeing fics that go into Mei’s perspective and I’m also a huge fan of content that really showcases the support they have for one another because feels~
In fact here’s some fics I’ve read that show some of this stuff I’ve mentioned: 
citrus schtuffs by angel0wonder (literally anything written by smx/angel0wonder bless them)
 Citrus - A Compilation by mikotyzini
The Adventures of Mei and Yuzu by mikotyzini 
Citrus: Fantasies by epitomeodisaster (i literally don’t remember if i read this one but so far it has what i mentioned earlier)
Sweet and Sour by Cynical-Banshee (words cannot describe how much I love the writing style and characterization of Mei and Yuzu in this fic, it has almost everything I’m looking for that the manga doesn’t have enough of...and chapter 5...*dies*) 
that’s all i can think of for now, but despite low numbers of content most of the stuff ive come across so far is pretty good 
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
For Yuzu, I wanna say Harumin only because they’re best friends and she’s always got Yuzu’s back and stuff and I know some people in the fandom already highkey ship them...however (yeah I’m gonna be one of those people ^^;), in the story I feel like it would be a bit cheap having Harumi secretly have feelings/fall for her best friend because while I was used to the yuri cliches when I first read the manga, I personally feel like the story is already far in Yuzu and Mei’s relationship that adding more unnecessary third party drama would kinda be tiresome to me. That’s not saying I’m not open to it. If Saburouta does something new or different with the whole “best friend is in love with main protagonist” cliche that I’ve seen in other yuri like Strawberry Panic, then I wouldn’t mind reading it. 
For Mei...this is gonna sound like a weird answer, but I’d probably go with Matsuri. Part of the reason just being that they do kinda share some similarities together (being alone most of their life, sometimes clinging to the one person they feel like they can trust a.k.a Yuzu), but I’m also bad at explaining shit so I’ll probably just leave it at that :P 
• My happily ever after for them:
THEY HAVE A KID (i think i came up with a concept for them having a son in my head but i never drew it...yet) 
and they live in a cozy apartment together. Mei being self-conscious about her parenting skills and Yuzu always reassuring her that she’ll be fine and she’ll support her in everything she’s having trouble with if Mei has no fucking clue how to show love and affection to a child, let alone her own. The girl already took awhile trying open up and show her love to Yuzu, so this would be a challenge lol 
Yuzu trying to reassure their kid that while his mother is pretty stubborn and has a hard time expressing her feelings, she loves them both very much <3~
• What is their favorite non-sexual activity?: 
TALKING/COMMUNICATION (wait that’s my favourite lol) 
I’m assuming that once they’re deep in their relationship, just sitting down and talking about the mundane things whether it’s about their day or ranting about whatever, would be something they would find relaxing. In the end, they’re still learning more about each other (and I fucking love that) 
oh and trying new things with each other. Yuzu would be the one dragging Mei to try out something they’ve never done before (I can’t think of any right now), Mei would probably be super competitive when it comes to getting the skill down in whatever they’re doing but of course Yuzu would tell her she doesn’t need to get so worked up and should just let loose and have fun
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aftgonice · 7 years
Why is Otayuri getting so much hate: a possible explanation
Don’t get fooled by my title, also reminder that explanation =/= justification.
I always try to analyze phenomena and their possible causes, that’s the scientist in me I guess. So I started thinking about ant///is and I was like: but why. I just said in a recent post that Otayuri is obviously not the first relationship portrayed in the history of anime with such a (small) age gap, and I found some posts that talk about how some age gaps in older (and even recent) anime are just outrageous (even when one of the parts is a minor), and yet those don’t seem to be getting any hate or discourse.
But why?
• The sheer number of fans.
The first probably obvious reason is that Yuri on Ice has a lot more fans than other similar fandoms, and it gained them within a very short time span. It’s getting more and more fans every day, so it’s a mathematical rule that in a huge fandom there will be all sorts of people (it’s like a huge sample group), and some of these are an///is. The bigger the fandom, the more the a///is. 
• The particular moment in history in which YOI came out.
It’s no secret that there’s discourse everywhere now, especially on certain types of social media. A lot of discourse is good discourse, but we also need to realize that not all discourse is good discourse. I think this discourse wave has played a huge role in the way an///is have suddenly decided to become active in hating on people over idiotic reasons. It’s like a marketing thing: they saw a discourse niche that was unoccupied and decided to take it over. Regardless of whether your discourse is right or wrong, writing about it is one easy way to increase your follower count, and who ain’t a slut for that. 
• The fact that many YOI fans aren’t used to anime and manga content.
This goes together with my next point, but I thought I’d still make it two separate ones. A lot of people who became hardcore YOI fans don’t usually watch anime or read manga (myself included). This without my next point wouldn’t give much info on its own, but keep this in mind because I really think that the majority of an///is fall under this (and the next) category of people.
• The fact that many YOI fans are from the US and aren’t used to content not made in the US.
Listen, I know I’m making a huge assumption here, but I think it’s one that is generally accepted within the fandom: most (if not all) an///is are from the US. It seems obvious to me because the US is one of the few places where (though not even in every state, I think) the age of consent is 18, and all their interactions with us non-an///is seem very US-centric, especially in the way they generally aren’t willing to acknowledge the fact that different countries have different laws and/or traditions and generally a different mindset. 
My goal is not to attack the US mentality here, but, again, I feel like what I’m saying is pretty much accepted even by many of my US friends. And what I’m describing is certainly what an///is act like, so I’m just going to keep explaining why I think this is the main issue (and why I think my assumption is generally right).
We’ve seen before how the US (generally speaking) are scared of importing recreational content from other countries and they’d much rather buy the rights to said foreign content and remake it with their own rules to make it more appealing to a US audience (sometimes even inexplicably and with ridiculous and disastrous results). Recent cases of this have been the US buying the rights to the Norwegian teen TV-show Skam and the popular anime Death Note getting remade into a Netflix movie. The US are screaming at the rest of the world: we only want the idea of your content, but we’d rather make it our own than show yours for what it is, never mind that your show reflects what your country is about and how your the customs of your country reflect on your personal (pop) culture. We don’t want your content EXACTLY because it reflects something that might differ from our views, and our viewers won’t like it. 
And I guess they never will if you actually don’t show them what the rest of the world looks like.
I went a little bit on a tangent there, but my point is: US audience isn’t used to consuming content that isn’t made in the US. I’m not even talking about language here: TV shows aren’t dubbed or subbed, the US literally remakes them and remakes the content to fit the US views and mentality.
That means that the average US citizen will very likely find anything that is untouched by americanization weird if not completely out of their moral values. Couple this fact with the previous one: many YOI fans aren’t used to any kind of content that isn’t perfected and polished specifically for their tastes. 
It’s amazing and it speaks for the quality of YOI that many of them could still get used to a different form of art (anime) and enjoy it and even become hardcore fans (and are now probably getting interested in other anime and manga etc), but out of these amazing people, a (thankfully smaller) group of them still couldn’t wrap their minds around the fact that fans from all over the world, with their own set of morals, ship something that in their minds is controversial (just because of a man-made law that not even every US state follows). They don’t care about what the law in Japan, Russia or Kazakhstan is and they’ve made this loud and clear. 
Bottom line: 
The key to this (like for many other issues) is just one:
There’s little we as a fandom can do in this case, especially we people not living in the US since we always seem to be dismissed. They send us anon hate and if we reply saying that Otayuri is legal in our own country we never hear back from them. There’s not much we can do if they aren’t willing to listen to us. 
But all I tried to do here is offer possible reasons why this phenomenon even exists, and maybe by reading this someone will have a brilliant idea on how to fix this. I don’t offer solutions, but understanding why and how something happens is always the key for the next step, whatever the next step might be. 
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saunterfics · 7 years
picture this: dadsona jumping in craig's shower after a workout 👀👀👀
(I’m gonna answer the asks I’ve gotten these past two weeks in this post so it’ll be under the read more. I apologize I’m terrible at responding bc I always think I want to respond with more specific things to requests but maybe I shouldn’t keep hoarding asks…)
Craig would be so surprised lbr. But if you’re implying shower sex, then yes. Somehow instead of smexy I can only think of…angst…? Like 1) Craig might actually be annoyed bc he’s always so busy and he has a lot of work and stuff to get to after a shower so like, please, don’t? or 2) he does indulge in you and damn that was HOT but then he realizes he spent too much time there and starts to criticize himself for leaving River alone for too long, etc and blames himself for not being disciplined enough now that he allows himself to relax and actually be with you…? He’s someone who probably thinks too much bc he’s trying to set the bar so high and seriously. He needs to chill. 
Anon said: Will you write more Ddadds fanfics? Maybe something dirty, rough, fast with Robert? Or include some kinks, like chocking (with your hands) or rimming with any other character? 
Yes…maybe? I should? I just got really busy and haven’t been playing the game and then started losing the inspiration? I also usually browse tumblr on my phone, which doesn’t have blacklisting, so I’ve been avoiding it tbh because I am into Craig and also Robert, and tbh I like consuming content about Robert more, but I’d noticed quite the increase of Joseph/Robert stuff in there and I’m really not comfortable with that pairing so I’d rather not chance seeing it. Idk, the extent of my distaste for that kinda hit me all at once so…sigh. It just also feels very fetish-y too so that really nags at me. 
Anyways. Choking? Seriously? Hell yeah. Holy shit. I’m not into rimming myself, and I’m just indifferent to it so I don’t think I have the abilities to make it good. And something rough, fast, and dirty with Robert will most likely be when Dadsona is just “a tad” tipsy and he’s riling Robert on with dirty talk and esp calling him “daddy” and Robert just growls and holds you down but you’re just smirking up at him and continue to tempt him and he just. Can’t fucking handle you Jesus fucking Christ. (I also like someone’s hc I saw a while back about how Robert doesn’t actually enjoy sex all that much seeing as if you ever have sex with him he just chucks you out the window and all) so I like the thought that Robert slowly gets into sex more because he’s into you and it’s fun and Robert likes games and he quite likes the control play that you guys get into. 
Anon said: Concept – Robert getting hella excited to show dadsona his whole knife collection and the story behind each one ,,, what do you think
I think it’s cool…? But I personally would be more like “uh okay” tbh (I’m not a good partner to have let me tell you straight)…I’m not creative so I can’t think of what the cool stories would be behind his knives? Especially if there isn’t much to go off of on why he has them? I also don’t understand the notion of collecting things so…i’m sorry. 
Anon said: SO EXCITED FOR MORE KNIFE DAD, the first time dom robert stuff was super hot and endearing but i am so ready for FEELINGS, i can’t even tell you. (also don’t worry about the roseph requests, your writing should be for you first and foremost ❤︎)
I’M SORRY IF I’VE DISAPPOINTED YOU IN NOT PRODUCING MORE KNIFE DAD IN A WHILE. Anyways, thank you?? First time Dom!Robert will always be super cute in my heart. I had a lot of feels earlier this month but then it kinda got…knocked down several levels because of the Roseph stuff and how uncomfortable it made me? Like, it came as a shock with how much it affected me. I’m still kinda shocked, to be honest. So thank you for understanding that I want to avoid that. 
Anon said: I literally need an crave more Robert with a daddy kink
Lol same. Sorry, but I don’t really have inspiration for it right now? Unless you can give me a more specific scenario?
Brooo, im so glad u made that post abt roseph, some1 had to fckin say it 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
;n; It’s good to know that some people feel the same way. I really don’t like abusive relationships especially under the guise of hot hot BDSM (there’s a reason why I specifically say that I do not write hate!sex, which is a distinction from rough or angry sex). It’s also intriguing to me that most of the people I know who identify as male similarly want to indulge in Dadsona/one of the dads instead of pairing the dads together. I mean, I can’t say much because I try not to interact with the Roseph shippers, and I don’t really look into the other dads, but it’s another reason why it feels fetish-y to me bc why is Roseph hot…? I don’t really want the answer to that I’m just rambling bc someone is on my perspective. 
Anon said: i respect and understand your interpretation, but i personally feel like joseph/robert (roseph) are heavily implied to be exes? like, joseph kind of breaks robert’s heart because minor spoilers: there isn’t really a happy ending with joseph’s route - it always ends with him running away and using mary for an excuse. actually, something quite interesting happens if you date robert twice before going on joseph’s third date - a confrontation of sorts.
Thanks…? Sorry if I’m curt in my reply, but are you trying to voice your opinion in this discussion, or is this a justification on why you ship Roseph…? Because I’m taking it the latter way, and my response will be under that impression. The immediate response I had was, “So what?” because I did express that I don’t like certain implications that Robert was still involved with Joseph, etc. in addition to separate issues that I have with the fact that there’s no way Joseph/Robert can be in a healthy relationship whatsoever, unless I make Joseph a more mature man (than he canonically is, given that he leaves Dadsona in the end regardless, in his route). The fact that they’re implied to be exes means nothing other than add to the fact that Robert is emotionally wounded on many levels, and that he has so much to heal from. It only makes me sad, because this man already seems to be the type who is hard to open his heart, so then you’re telling me that he did open his heart to Joseph, only to have it broken terribly with the lame excuse of “I love you, but I don’t have the balls to leave my wife, whom I have a deteriorating romantic relationship with and that we are not attempting to repair” which implies “you’re still only second place to me, at most.” Not to mention the implications of what it would mean if Robert was previously involved with Joseph, and still is best buds with Mary? Was he still best buds with Mary when he cheated with her spouse? So you’re saying that it’s possible that Mary doesn’t know any of this, and Robert is hiding something this big from her? How much of a burden is that on his shoulders? (Although tbh, I’m more inclined to believe that Mary knows all this shit - she’s not a moron, she’s quite the intuitive woman - and she bonded with Robert over the fact that Joseph is a shit and really, I don’t think she and Joseph are in love anymore. They definitely still care, but the “in love” aspect of romance, that’s not there anymore. But the fact that there are also fan content that depicts that Mary knows and just kinda glosses over the issue by not reacting makes me uncomfortable, as well.) So basically, even if Joseph and Robert are exes, that doesn’t change anything imo. It only solidifies my belief that Joseph needs to man the fuck up and deal (and the fact that I think the game writers really failed in, in terms of representing the complexities of a relationship. They seemed to be on the right track, and then it turned to shit with the only excuse I’ve heard being “why would you want to be a homewrecker” and that’s not valid given that they gave Joseph a route). But anyways, about Joseph, that’s what it means to be an adult - relationships are complicated and there’s no black and white. You’ve got to work with that and keep moving. 
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mild-lunacy · 8 years
Inevitability and The One True Character
Alas, though it may seem from my last post on Sherlock Series 4 that I'm always obsessively going 'with the grain' of the text, I'm actually not a total purist.... Though I admit it sounds false when I just say so. So, all right, I'm probably a textual purist and/or a canon-whore (as I've often lamented), but I've been around. I mean, I've been a lurker in so many fandoms (usually at the far edges, where the truly wild things are), of course I've worn the 'transformative reading' shoe on my own foot before, so to speak. Usually I make up all sorts of *reasons* for why my relationship with Draco Malfoy or Loki is 'not the same' (and I did just recently), but my point is that I know what frustration with the canon feels like. I think that's a pretty universal experience, surely. It's probably impossible to always take everything in stride; if nothing else, sometimes the writing is just... bad. Right?
Sometimes that's not the problem, of course. I was never in fandom for Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series, but I remember my outrage quite clearly. I felt let down on a very fundamental level, even though now, I would probably try to rationalize it. I would probably say, 'well of course Will and Lyra are apart, that's the kind of story it always was'. That's the sort of thing I'm used to saying about The Raven Cycle and Sherlock, right? Except even then, young and relatively innocent as I was, I was certainly aware that it was an inevitable, built-in issue of narrative type. It's just... I didn't want to accept it. It went against every natural feeling in me, 'cause I was so certain the protagonist shouldn't *have to* go back home after their adventure in the fantasy world. Like, yeah, I know that's a founding trope of the entire genre, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Well, everyone has their limits, and things they are and aren't interested in seeing, particularly in genre fiction (where the whole idea is to have a special slant to reality). I don't begrudge people who need to nope out of any story, and of course I also understand the urge to fix what seems 'wrong' even if technically it's intrinsic to the story. I rebelled against Spike having to die as the ending of his relationship with Buffy, for sure. I read tons of fix-it fics. For an even better example than Buffy, or even Draco's arc in the Harry Potter books, you have Loki in the Thor movies. I was talking about it recently, and my friend told me that Loki and Thor's relationship is tragically doomed. Like, well, I get that it's basically what the story is saying, but... well, I don't think Loki and Thor *have* to be doomed. I think they're stuck in an endless cycle, stuck in this story *together* without beginning or end, and it ultimately seems satisfying and natural to imagine an actual resolution and growth for Loki. Same for Draco or Spike: where there's growth, there's a way.
Honestly, I'm not really sure how one can be a fan of a character and yet refuse to integrate a development that's truly logical for them, *regardless* of whether one accepts what happens in canon plot-wise. For example, to me, rejecting Spike's choice to go find his soul because of Buffy is *fundamentally* different than choosing to rewrite his death and/or have him get back together with Buffy afterwards anyway. Like... a *lot* of people in Buffy fandom did reject this choice for Spike, and I remember feeling really confused and frustrated by that, 'cause like... whether or not you ever *wanted* this for his character, it was so obviously necessary, so clearly in-character and a sign of progress. It's essentially equivalent to rejecting Spike if you reject it, rather than being about rejecting the *narrative*. There's no way around that, 'cause characters have their own logic. It's only when the narrative demonstrably *ignores* the characters' logic (as BBC Sherlock probably did by never allowing explicitly canon Johnlock) that you have real wiggle room. Even then, there's ways such a relationship does and does not make sense, depending how you write it.
Essentially, it seems that my frustration with the resolution of Will and Lyra or Buffy and Spike's relationships seems fundamentally different, even if it's still rejecting the canon on some level. I just feel like the *plot* development is a different animal altogether; it's not nearly so important as it is to maintain character continuity. That's why I said in my most recent S4 John post that the real problem with denying the plot in TST and TLD is the ramifications for the *characters*. Rejecting a character arc is absolutely not equivalent to saying you wish TFP didn't happen the way it did. TFP may or may not happen, as the plot of any episode is essentially fungible (as AU fics demonstrate), but the characters develop a logic that cannot be denied. Even in AUs... or perhaps especially in AUs, in my opinion.
I suppose I fundamentally don't think 'anything goes' even in reading transformatively; I've certainly felt that way when I shipped transformative pairings like Harry/Draco or Thor/Loki. It was always about rearranging canon trajectories while leaving the heart of the canon characters intact, 'cause otherwise, y'know, it's no longer recognizable as the canon character, and then what's the point? And that applies both to fic and to meta. Like, that happy ending I've often wanted to see 'my way' only seems valuable if it's fully believable and congruent with the text as far as possible... 'cause otherwise it's pure wish-fulfillment, and isn't that people's main critique of TFP to start with? Wish-fulfillment driven plotting makes for questionable storytelling choices, and I feel like if you're not actually going to genuinely improve on canon, why bother?
In the end, maybe you can convince me that Will and Lyra being apart is 'for the best' in terms of storytelling, of course. Maybe I could see it that way... but wish-fulfillment is a powerful thing, so I'd want to make it happen my way anyway. That's certainly natural. That's how one relates to fiction. I just... I want to believe in it. And for that, the characters have to remain who they are, every step of the way. That's something like my One True Character theory, and in the end it's a matter of faith, I suppose.
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The Fact About home remedies That No One Is Suggesting
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Right after viewing solution element pages, seem here to search out an uncomplicated way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. The cooling effects of aloe vera will soothe the itch. In the event you’re unsure why your head is itchy, Here are several extra possible explanations you feel like scratching your scalp. It is crucial to note that implementing apple cider vinegar to the skin may cause burns and discomfort, so it should really usually be Utilized in tiny amounts and diluted with drinking water. Crush the cubes and suck the icy chips throughout the day to supply your tummy with a gentle comforting dribble. Ginger's antinausea Qualities are significantly powerful through pregnancy or soon after operation. This home treatment for dandruff takes advantage of fenugreek seeds. Stick to the Guidance below to make use of fenugreek pack to get rid of dandruff: Witch hazel can act as an astringent, naturally drying and shrinking blemishes. To obtain its Added benefits, pour witch hazel on to a cotton ball and wipe your deal with Just about every early morning and evening. Normal ED treatments incorporate prescription medicines, vacuum pumps, implants, and medical procedures, but several Guys like natural possibilities. Study has discovered that some natural possibilities can improve ED symptoms. Read on to understand natural choices which have research to back again them up. It’s best to set a particular time slot with your working day in your training regime, so that you usually do not skip it due to the justification that you just don’t have plenty of time. ) Activate the tannins inside a tea bag by dipping inside a cup of hot water for quite a few minutes. Great in the fridge, then utilize the moist bag as a compress for the shut eye for 10 minutes. Chamomile allows minimize inflammation from acne. In a very blender or coffee grinder, Incorporate the contents of the chamomile tea bag with sufficient water to form a paste, and use that to acne. Aspirin consists of the same active component (salicylic acid) as a lot of medicated dandruff shampoos. Hold flaking in Look at by crushing two aspirins to your good powder and introducing it to the traditional quantity of shampoo you utilize every time you clean your hair. It's also possible to obtain aloe vera gel from the store, but be certain it truly is pure aloe with no additional ingredients. Coconut oil is a form of fat that has several health Positive aspects. This informative article looks in the proof to determine no matter if coconut oil is also good for the… Osteoarthritis leads to uncomfortable or disabling joint pain, but home solutions for osteoarthritis suffering aid may also help.
The Fact About home treatments That No One Is Suggesting
You can find a wide variety of exfoliation merchandise available in retailers and on the net, nevertheless it's just as simple to make a scrub at home employing sugar or salt. You can even invest in aloe vera gel from the store, but ensure it truly is pure aloe with no additional components. There are no scientific studies Discovering the benefits of consuming eco-friendly tea In relation to acne, but applying it on to the skin continues to be shown to aid. To stay away from that potent odor, healwithfood.org implies mixing crushed garlic with honey and massaging into the scalp ahead of washing as normal. As well as staying the most effective dandruff cures, You can utilize garlic in your hair, skin, as well as immune process. Thank you for developing your account on EverydayMe. This text or product has been added to the favorites. Dandruff may be the results of a dry scalp, or possibly a pores and skin situation named seborrheic dermatitis. It may be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, very normally, an overgrowth of the yeastlike fungus identified as malassezia. (Allow me to share 5 far more stunning causes of dandruff.) Drugstore dandruff treatments could involve shampoos with zinc pyrithione, which targets fungus and microorganisms; ketoconazole, which also fights fungus; coal tar and selenium sulfide, which gradual the growth and die-off of pores and skin cells in your scalp; and salicylic acid, which loosens flakes so they may be washed absent. Multani mitti aids to revive hair health. This straightforward dandruff treatment applying multani mitti provides gentle, silky hair and dandruff-free hair. For instance, consuming environmentally friendly tea has actually been revealed to reduce blood sugar and insulin stages, that happen to be aspects which will add to the development of acne (37). Summary: Implementing witch hazel on the pores and skin has become proven to combat microorganisms, reduce inflammation and support mend the pores and skin. It might be effective for individuals with acne, but far more research is necessary. Your not long ago seen things and featured suggestions › Watch or edit your searching record Dealing with dandruff and hair tumble at home could be a bit challenging. Apple cider vinegar is one of the better home cures for dandruff and hair tumble. Find out how to treat dandruff with apple cider vinegar under: Having a prognosis, your medical doctor could endorse a number of techniques that could probably improve both equally your heart health and also your ED. These actions incorporate reducing your cholesterol, lowering your excess weight, or getting drugs to unclog your blood vessels. Simply because apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, it’s very good for dropping weight. Acetic acid stops physique fat from build up. Apple cider vinegar also can help The body get in nutrients through the foodstuff you try to eat, treats digestive troubles, and fights bacterial infections. Whilst the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial Attributes of honey and cinnamon could gain acne-inclined pores and skin, no studies exist on their own capability to treat acne. How to produce a Honey and Cinnamon Mask
5 Essential Elements For natural cures
Home remedies are getting to be an more and more preferred choice to classic drugs. Find home remedies for frequent healthcare challenges You should use to take care of everything from slight ailments to diseases like asthma and diabetic issues. Lots of individuals have appeared to St. John's wort as an herbal substitute to prescription medications for anxiousness and depression. St. John's Wort: Herbal Remedies will let you know if this herb has what it takes To ease melancholy. Mix the mixture with milk cream and apply it on the deal with. Depart the paste to dry for 1 hour and rinse it employing basic water.  It lifts away the dry skin, offering a fresh new vibrant appear to your skin. Brahmastra actor Alia Bhatt hosted an impromptu Q in addition to a along with her admirers after achieving 25 million followers and he or she divulged some diet plan and beauty techniques! ) Activate the tannins in a very tea bag by dipping inside a cup of incredibly hot drinking water for many minutes. Awesome in the fridge, then use the moist bag as being a compress on the closed eye for 10 minutes. Whatever you place with your plate is all the more significant than Anything you put with your skin. If you've been loading up on junk food stuff these days, then you can find higher probabilities of ... Everyone knows besan, generally known as gram flour, is nice for our skin. It's a lot of healthful nutrients in it, which happens to be proved for being useful for the hair. It ... For those who grazed your skin by using a scorching-from-the-oven cookie pan, implement aloe vera gel towards the burn up as wanted. The soothing and anti-inflammatory gel produces a second skin to protect the burn off from air, which irritates uncovered nerve endings.  “Rose drinking water also lowers wrinkles and age places because of its anti-oxidants which include vitamin C and E along with the flavonoids.” It’s just one of numerous DIY skincare treatments frequently advisable by dermatologists. ” You'll find it in numerous common skin-care merchandise, normally together with licorice, which robust proof indicates can also naturally lighten dim places. Get used chamomile tea luggage and retailer them during the freezer. Grate fifty percent a cucumber and massage around eye area then lie down Together with the tea bags in your eyes for 10 minutes.You'll find An immediate difference in the way your eyes look and feel. I've read the Privateness Coverage and also the Stipulations. I offer my consent for my details to generally be processed to the uses as explained and obtain communications for services related facts. Regardless of the year, you need to choose care within your toes. Here are some methods to observe to have neat and shiny ft.
Thank heavens for The supply of mustard oil which is claimed to get selected Attributes that support decrease hair complications, thereby, trying to keep your locks healthy.
A Simple Key For beauty tips Unveiled
Lots of people have appeared to St. John's wort being an herbal substitute to prescription remedies for stress and despair. St. John's Wort: Herbal Remedies will tell you if this herb has what it requires To ease depression. From the Australian context This is often mentioned to incorporate acupuncture; aromatherapy; chiropractic; homeopathy; therapeutic massage; meditation and relaxation therapies; naturopathy; osteopathy; reflexology, conventional Chinese medicine; and the use of vitamin supplements.[eighty three] Home Remedies and Natural Cures is perfect companion whenever you need to have rapid and natural remedies for prevalent overall health alignments. All remedies recommended in the applying are natural and the ... Open up up eyes: Use a lightweight eyeshadow (like ivory or gold) just above the lashline and along internal corners of your eyes. Thoughts-physique medicine The brain can affect "bodily functions and indicators" and There may be an interconnection among the head, system, and spirit. [seventy eight] Nevertheless, There is certainly neither a trusted technique to distinguish in between cultures and subcultures, nor to attribute them as dominant or subordinate, nor any recognized standards to find out the dominance of a cultural entity.[seventy eight] When the tradition of a politically dominant healthcare process is held to be reminiscent of the perspectives of those charged While using the medical management of top healthcare institutions and applications, the definition fails to recognize the opportunity for division either within this kind of an elite or among a healthcare elite and the broader populace.[seventy eight] “We maintain nervous feelings and tough feelings in our muscles just as much as within our minds. Once we are battling to get back emotional wellness, we can easily change to your mood-boosting presents from environmentally friendly tea and higher-high quality dim chocolate,” suggests Dr. Small Canine explain that environmentally friendly tea is made up of little quantities of caffeine that maximize mental emphasis; In addition, it is made up of L-theanine, an amino acid that can help calm the head. Brush hair from roots to finishes nightly. This distributes natural oils all over the shaft and provides hair a nutritious sheen. Steep one tablespoon of dried herb (offered in wellness foodstuff merchants) inside of a cup of incredibly hot drinking water for quarter-hour, then sip. Drink 3 to 4 cups per day. If you still operate warm after a day of sipping tea, request medical interest.  Lots of the prescription drugs currently available to doctors have an extended historical past of use as herbal remedies, like opium, aspirin, digitalis, and quinine. According to the Entire world Overall health Firm, roughly 25% of contemporary medicines Utilized in The usa have already been derived from vegetation. In India, Ayurvedic medication has rather intricate formulas with 30 or more components, such as a sizable number of substances that have been through "alchemical processing", decided on to harmony dosha.[seventy eight] One of the most troubling skincare truths is that acne isn’t something which goes absent once you move your teenage several years. In actual fact, Women of all ages can put up with it well into adulthood. One of several excellent acne natural remedies is uncoated aspirin, which happens to be natural salicylic acid. Herbalism (also herbal medication) may be the examine of botany and utilization of plants meant for medicinal reasons. Vegetation are actually The idea for medical solutions by means of much of human historical past, and these types of common medication remains to be widely practiced today.[one] Modern-day drugs would make use of numerous plant-derived compounds as the basis for proof-based pharmaceutical medicines. Pat dry. Immediately after washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry by using a towel to ensure that some moisture continues to be in your skin.
5 Simple Statements About skin care Explained
This groundcover’s fragile stems and little leaves belie the tremendous power attributed to it by Europeans in the center Ages. Many considered inside the herb’s capacity to heighten bravery and push back nightmares. Anybody can declare to generally be an herbalist, so you'll want to search for somebody with intensive instruction. Practitioners of both of those Common Chinese Medication and ayurvedic drugs depend on herbs for treatment method. If you have a brownish tinge in the hair and haven't got time to henna or colour it, then take a several sprigs of rosemary through the kitchen shelf and simmer them in two cups of drinking water as well as two tsp black tea right until it decreases to 50 percent the quantity. When you are convinced your hectic everyday living is keeping you away from the properly-deserved beauty rest and monthly salon visits, then test these right away facial area masks that won't only Provide you ... Among The key methods to get care of your skin is to safeguard it through the sun. A life span of Sunshine exposure might cause wrinkles, age spots together with other skin issues — along with increase the threat of skin most cancers. So these are just a few of my secret 'insta' beauty recipes. Make use of them and enjoy but under no circumstances substitute them for a daily skin and hair care regime. For those who have oily skin, your skin calls for more focus throughout the Wintertime period. Winter season creams are high in oils and You can't steer clear of them. Here are a few approaches to deal with oily skin in winters. If you have dry skin, think about cold product like Pond's, which the French use, or make your own private natural cold cream using this simple chilly product recipe. Simply apply the product, then wipe off, no drinking water essential (When you have really hard drinking water, it might be Primarily harsh on skin). Mosambi, also known as sweet lime, is one particular probably the most scrumptious and nutrient-dense citrus fruits. Other than staying immensely multipurpose in character, sweet lime is really a abundant supply of critical nutrients as ... You should purchase microdermabrasion kits. See an inventory of the best facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. Exfoliate your skin as soon as every week. This may assistance buff away those dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling silky-sleek. You use scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Be sure you utilize a gentler exfoliator on your own facial area than on the remainder of your body. serious acupuncture treatments ended up no more effective than sham acupuncture solutions. There was, Nonetheless, evidence that both of those genuine acupuncture and sham acupuncture ended up more practical than no therapy, Which acupuncture could be a useful supplement to other forms of conventional therapy for very low back again suffering.[156] Historical Medical professionals methodically collected information regarding herbs and designed nicely-defined pharmacopoeias to take care of many different ailments. A lot more than 1 / 4 of all prescription drugs utilized today include Energetic components derived from those same historic crops. website with at least ninety% pure aloe barbadensis leaf juice in it really is perfect for sunburned or irritated skin. Aloe vera is recognized for its therapeutic Houses and can do wonders with the skin.
5 Essential Elements For skin care
Sore throats in infants and younger small children unquestionably aren’t fun, but The excellent news is they’re not often the sign of a health-related emergency by themselves. Even now, treating sore throats could be distinct for infants and youngsters. Here are some tips and remedies: Crimson wine has also been recognised being heart wholesome and one of many healthiest beverages to partake in, even though with a fat loss diet regime. Not only that, we also have dressing combs, hair brushes, headbands, roller sets, wigs, hair clips together with other extras. Regardless of whether your hair is very long or shorter, curly or straight, coloured or natural, you'll be able to look through our choice of professional hair care and styling appliances according to your unique desires. To finish off your search, you are able to store on the net for hair styling items from some of the major haircare makes. Go ahead and take guess figure out of flaunting stunning hair, shop on the web and uncover hair care will have to-haves. Environment spray is utilised as the final action in the entire process of applying make-up. It keeps applied makeup intact for prolonged durations. Eyes involve another sort of moisturizer in contrast with the rest of the deal with. The skin throughout the eyes is amazingly slim and sensitive, and is frequently the primary spot to indicate indications of aging. Eye creams are usually pretty light-weight lotions or gels, and are usually pretty gentle; some may have components which include caffeine or Vitamin K to cut back puffiness and dim circles underneath the eyes. Eye creams or gels needs to be used above the whole eye place with a finger, utilizing a patting movement. Locating a moisturizer with SPF is beneficial to forestall ageing and wrinkles. In a single review, researchers located that offering small children 10 grams of honey at bedtime lessened the severity in their cough signs. The youngsters reportedly slept a lot more soundly, which also allows lower chilly indicators. Although there's no substitute for the care provided by a very good doctor, some quite effective remedies could be procured with no prescription. You may learn more about home remedies from this information. Increase neat mist or possibly a humidifier to your son or daughter’s area. Dampness while in the air can assist decrease soreness from the sore throat. Did https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ inform you to toss away the painkillers and just take a nice lengthy Epsom salt tub? Is that this just an outdated wives' tale, or do these salts definitely have therapeutic powers? Eye liner is utilized to improve and elongate the evident dimensions or depth of the eye. For example, white eyeliner within the waterline and inner corners of the attention helps make the eyes appear even bigger and a lot more awake. It could possibly can be found in the form of the pencil, a gel, or maybe a liquid and can be found in Pretty much any coloration. Restricting your intake of oily and fatty food stuff In addition to taking aid of over stated beauty tips would further more assure naturally lovely complexion and spotless facial skin. Clinical research on a handful of herbs are underway, but that will help you understand the benefits and hazards, we've compiled an extensive guide to herbs, including possible uses, Uncomfortable side effects, and safeguards. In no time you might learn the way to utilize herbs to take care of some widespread overall health situations like allergies, indigestion, as well as stress and anxiety. Cosmetics happen to be in use for Countless a long time. The absence of regulation on the manufacture and usage of cosmetics has resulted in detrimental side effects, deformities, blindness, and also Dying through the ages. Hefty use was recognised to result in Loss of life. However, in the 2nd Component of the 19th century, good advances ended up produced in chemistry through the chemical fragrances that enabled a less difficult creation of beauty solutions.
Not known Factual Statements About healthy habbits
Hair care products and services are offered in salons, barbershops and working day spas, and merchandise are offered commercially for property use. Laser hair removing and electrolysis can also be out there, nevertheless they're provided (while in the US) by licensed industry experts in medical workplaces or speciality spas.
Undoubtedly not! Protein can reinforce hair, although not to this degree! You should definitely pick shampoos and products that in shape with the hair type plus your hair needs. There’s a greater selection around! Use lemon, chamomile tea or honey because they function as excellent hair lighteners. You may include lemon juice to water and spray it around your hair when you are heading out. You'll be able to rinse your hair with brewed chamomile tea Once you wash them with shampoo or increase honey for the water you utilize to scrub your hair. This all brings about dry, brittle ends that happen to be susceptible to splitting. Rare trims and lack of hydrating therapies can intensify this condition. Breakage along with other damage[edit] Keep in mind that previous week's responsibilities concerned organizing healthy foods and physical exercise. Keep on to accomplish Individuals functions as you move by way of this e-class and Create a much better human body. So prevent things like deep-frying, which drenches your food stuff in unnecessary energy, and boiling vegetables until finally they're drained of colour, as this will sap them of nutrients. As an alternative, just get started with generating a few very simple improvements in your working day. You can expect to shed slightly fat, truly feel somewhat better, after which you can obtain it lots much easier to incorporate a handful of additional healthy habits into your routine. Spend money on your wellbeing now to stop paying for it bigtime down the road. That means go to the doctor and dentist as generally as the specialists advocate — that includes checkups for gynecological health, eye examinations, full Bodily tests, and even more. Really don't waste your time and energy adopting the latest stylish diet plan or The existing Health trend. Irrespective of how remarkable the program, go all in and you're very unlikely to persist with it. Whenever you complete a weekly problem you'll have burned calories, improved your Conditioning stage, and reminded yourself remain effective at doing a little definitely great factors. For the duration of pregnancy and breast feeding, the conventional and natural shedding approach is usually suspended (starting off all around month 3 since it will take a while for the body to acknowledge and reset for your hormonal shifts the body goes by) for your duration of gestation and prolonged more time if a single breast feeds (this contains pumping for breast milk). Upon cessation of both of these, it generally usually takes around two months with the hormones to change once again to the normal hormonal settings, and hair shedding can improve exponentially, for about 3–six months until eventually hair returns to its standard volume. The exercise need to be determined by an accomplishment; It is an entire ton far more entertaining to mention, "I hiked to the highest of Bear Mountain," than it's to mention, "I walked 5 miles around the treadmill at an 8 % incline." Achievements are fun; It is like they're stuff you determined Conditioners in many cases are employed following shampooing to easy down the cuticle layer with the hair, which could become roughened through the physical process of shampooing. You will discover three key kinds of conditioners: anti-oxidant conditioners, which are mostly Employed in salons just after chemical services and stop creeping oxidation; internal conditioners, which enter to the cortex from the hair and help Increase the hair's inner issue (also called remedies); and external conditioners, or every day conditioners, which easy down the cuticle layer, making the hair shiny, combable and smooth. Nope! In case you find yourself pulling out your hair, you might like to speak to a health care provider. Strain will not be superior in your hair, nonetheless it shouldn't bring about you to rip out your hair you. There’s a greater solution to choose from!
Details, Fiction and healthy habbits
Disorders that call for this kind of Expert support contain, but are certainly not limited to, sorts of alopecia, hair pulling/picking, hair that sticks straight out, black dots over the hair, and rashes or burns resulting from chemical processes. Try this: Set aside a daily time to create a purchasing listing depending on healthy selections for Every of the meals and snacks in the week, and after that put aside an everyday time to shop. Last but not least, working towards these healthy habits will raise the blood and nutrients that happen to be sent to the tissues all over One's body. It's because, after you stretch, you might be expanding the temperature of one's tissues, which then boosts your circulation and also the transportation of nutrients. Having the ability to forgive someone will even increase your slumber. You will not spend time lying in bed at nighttime ruminating around a thing that happened before, or planning what type of retaliation you intend to make. Nonetheless, stay clear of ingesting h2o in the course of meals mainly because it slows down the digestion process. It's advisable to obtain drinking water 30 minutes ahead of or soon after your food. The most effective home treatment method for hair care is actually a healthy diet program. You are Everything you try to eat, and Everything you put into your body will probably be mirrored on the outside./p Having some time out of your working day to tranquil your head and meditate is a terrific way to minimize tension. It will help you connect Your system with all your thoughts and launch any designed-up tension from things that are going on in your individual or Expert lifetime. Obtaining physical action Added benefits equally Your whole body and your brain. It can help maintain your body weight in control, fights off chronic health conditions, minimizes pressure, increases your mood, and gives you a way of accomplishment. Allow it hold out right until early morning. Set a time and energy to log off and place the cellular phone down. Whenever you Lower back on display time, it frees you to do other matters. Have a wander, read through a book, or help your cousin chop veggies for her next terrific meal. Should you be hesitant to start with, chances are you'll find yourself surprised at the amount of you get pleasure from your new exercise or The brand new folks you meet up with. Concerned about hair drop? Try these essential oils and battle hair tumble. You can treat other hair difficulties also Using these important oils. Most long-lasting color alterations need which the cuticle on the hair be opened so the colour adjust can happen in the cuticle. This process, which utilizes chemical compounds to change the construction on the hair, can problems the cuticle or interior framework from the hair, leaving it dry, weak, or at risk of breakage. Following the hair processing, the cuticle may not totally shut, which results in coarse hair or an accelerated loss of pigment. Deciding upon and pursuing a fantastic and healthy diet plan should also be taken into consideration. No matter how hectic just one’s everyday living is, we are able to minimize the dangers by deciding on the proper kind of food stuff. Other illustrations: Pack a can of tuna and two apples. Or bring a skinless rooster breast and a few cucumbers. Just ensure that you get ready it beforehand--this way you won't really have to opt to take in healthy. You just will.
healthy diet - An Overview
Breastfeeding along with your diet Breastfeeding Ladies ought to take in regularly and contain a wide variety of healthy foods inside their diet... How to cut down on salt Even when you are very careful with regard to the salt you eat, you could be surprised that a lot of the foods you take in incorporates concealed salt that you simply’re not even aware of. Learn how to reduce salt... It’s also a good idea to replace saturated fats with “superior” fats, found in nuts, fish and vegetable oils, not with refined carbohydrates including white bread and snack foods. Deblina Biswas has an M.Sc degree in Nourishment within the College of Osmania and has a ton of practical experience in Conditioning and Nourishment. She loves almost everything about food items and Health and The truth that she is able to abide by her coronary heart when it comes to her career. Breakfast Little ones who skip breakfast may possibly deficiency enough vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B2... Drinking water accounts about 70% of human system body weight. Drinking water is shed from system by means of sweat, urine and faeces. Plenty of of safe water needs to be drunk to fulfill day by day fluid needs. Raw Vegan Diet: Added benefits and Pitfalls Associated Raw vegan diet has existed hundreds of years nevertheless it has gained momentum in recent times. Advocates of raw vegan diet assert this diet aids people lose pounds, increase digestion, supply a person with far more energy and make improvements to In general wellbeing. The best thing with regard to the 1200 Cal diet strategy is you can reduce weight and keep in shape although enjoying the foods you love. You don’t really need to starve by yourself or say farewell to the favourite foods. All you need is a certain amount of self-Management and restraint. Ingesting a healthy diet and obtaining enough work out can preserve system excess weight in typical ranges and prevent weight problems in the majority of people, and will Therefore protect against the Serious illnesses and weak outcomes linked to obesity.[35] Unhealthy diets[edit] Consume raw fruits and greens Anytime doable. It's even preferable to own fruits and Uncooked veggies rather than munching on snacks. Healthy having tips A very good balance amongst work out and foods consumption is essential to maintain a healthy overall body fat... Sugar Too much sugar in the diet can add to health conditions, so Restrict foods and drinks with large amounts of extra sugar... You can also consist of unsalted nuts, like walnuts and almonds, inside your diet so long as you limit the quantity you eat (nuts are also substantial in energy).Foods which can be superior in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol, raise your threat for heart disease, so they need to be confined. lessening incentives for the meals sector to carry on or enhance manufacture of processed foods that contains significant levels of saturated fats, trans
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mild-lunacy · 8 years
The Unspoken Truth about Shipping
I know I insisted yesterday (shouting it into the void for the millionth time) that seeing canon Johnlock isn't about shipping, and it's not like that's not true, but. The fact is that even if it were so, Johnlock isn't 'just another ship' no matter how you slice it, because all ships aren't equal on any analytical grounds. Any such equality is purely social. However, that can essentially be invisible because discussion of shipping is generally in the context of it as a social phenomenon, to do with cliques, popularity or unpopularity and/or social capital and the lack thereof. In other words, it's treated independently from characterization, as a pure expression of fannish whim or desire. And this would be fine, as long as the people doing so retained a measure of self-awareness, akin to the one slash fans used to have about the fact that they were slashing. Not *exactly* the same way, though, because slashers certainly helped pioneer this mentality that all slash ships are equal, if only equally non-canon.
Overall, clearly there are strong social forces at play in fandom to the effect that all ships are 'equal' insofar as they're all subjective preferences. And there's a certain, more broadly popular, polite fiction these days that all subjective feelings in general are equivalent to each other. Of course, this is understandable, because if left to their own devices, people will discriminate against others and claim one preference is morally superior to another. This is even true about ships. So to prevent or counteract such moralistic attacks, people say that all subjective preferences are the same and must all be respected, where such respect just means 'stay in your own lane'. Basic common sense, really. On a purely rational level, however, even aside from canonicity, it's clearly *not* all the same. More broadly, feeling that something is 'true' or believing in a pairing's validity generally doesn't actually make it real, plausible or genuinely workable for the characters in the context of fanfic. Note, I'm assuming you're talking specifically about 'shippy' or romantic fic that supports its pairing, rather than a PWP where two people simply have sex for no particular reason or a fundamentally abusive/unsatisfying relationship.
As an easy example, look at something really random or cracky like Sherlock/Jeff Hope, the cabbie, and compare it to Johnlock. You can talk about canonicity and the degree of canon interaction and apparent compatibility or personal interest the characters have in each other, like @ivyblossom has recently. In that sense, it's not that Sherlock/Jeff Hope is 'superior' (or inferior) to say, another protagonist/antagonist pairing like Sherlock/Moriarty (though this is fandom, so some people would certainly say so), but at the very least, Sherlock spent more time with and had paid more canonical attention to Moriarty, which makes it more plausible. (Note, Sherlock/Moriarty is still really implausible and is also counter to everything Sherlock stands for, but at least it's less cracky and could be explored in a dark AU). This is the difference between Ivy's Stage 1 and Stage 2 type ship. I guess I'm just saying you can definitely go deeper than that, given you're open to analyzing the potential relationships through the lens of the characters and interpersonal psychology in general. This probably goes without saying, but not all relationships are equally plausible either in real life or in fiction, and they're also not all equally well-advised or likely to last. Common sense for most people, really, though some folks will insist any relationship's success is only dependent on the work the people involved put into it. To some degree that's true, but that doesn't mean there's not a *limit* to the kind of success we're talking about. Factoring in basic compatibility means that for some couples, a lot of work and effort would add up to... a sort of fond tolerance. There's only so much you can do if someone's not sexually compatible with you, either due to chemistry or sexual orientation, for example, and that's just scratching the surface.
Remember, I'm saying this without suggesting any sort of moral judgment. Regardless, surely that is common sense. There is no universe where Sherlock and Jeff Hope are equally well-suited as a couple as Sherlock and John-- and I mean this purely on an interpersonal psychology and/or romantic narrative level. I don't mean people shouldn't *ship* Sherlock with Jeff Hope, of course. I mean, who cares (obviously not me). The point is that shipping them, or even postulating that relationship, would have to exist in a fundamentally different space in regards to the characters, the text, and probably reality in general. To make it work, you'd have to do certain things to the canon character of Sherlock which are automatically OOC, more or less, and even then it wouldn't last or go past a certain shallow level. The kind of relationship you can achieve is limited by the nature of the characters and their established dynamic, on some level, if they're going to remain recognizable as the two characters in question. Writing and using your imagination can certainly make a lot of unlikely situations feel real, but it's not magic.
On some level, I'm sure we all understand this, which is why I called the whole 'ship and let ship' reductionist fandom philosophy a polite fiction. Talking one on one with other fans, at a con or in a private chat, I really doubt many people would claim there's some sort of purely abstract equivalence between Sherlock/Jeff Hope and Sherlock/John for the actual characters. At least, unless the person in question was a really committed, pure philosophical subjectivist (which most people aren't). Anyway, obviously the whole thing is a defensive strategy to do with some people's hurt feelings and the need for self-justification. Plenty of people in fandom go so far as to dismiss or belittle the validity of actual canon or 'Stage 5' ships for whatever artificially constructed reason (it's not plausible or otherwise good enough, it's too 'abusive', it's out of nowhere, etc). So the bar for denial and dismissal is already quite low, since it applies to actual facts, let alone people's analyses. People also tend to assume every argument has to come down to a moralistic debate, so a false dichotomy gets created in fandom, where either one accepts people's preferences or one is automatically telling them how to feel about things. I get this. I just... find it frustrating, and so had to explain my passions on this matter yet again.
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