#i walked in on ANOTHER girl throwing up in the bathroom like less than an hour later
heich0e · 2 months
went out last night (woof) and walked into an unlocked stall in the bathroom only to find some poor girl in an absolutely wretched state w her friend trying to take care of her and i got her water and gave her friend the pack of gum from my purse for when she was up to it and made sure they had a way home because in another life i could have been either of those girls but in this life i went home before midnight and scrubbed the bar stamp off my hand like lady macbeth
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ophelisstuff · 2 months
𝐁𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐍 | P.B x reader
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authors notes : i know absolutely nothing about cheerleading or cheer comps. But I hope you enjoyed
requested by : anon
paige bueckers x competitive cheerleader reader
warnings : none
word count : 1.1k
best suited in dark mode !
You sighed and walked into Paige’s apartment tiredly. exhausted from the numerous hours spent practicing with your teammates.
With All Star Worlds right around the corner, you had been at the gym practicing with your team almost every day.
Leaving you fatigue and eager to go home and be held in Paige’s warm embrace. Desperate to listen to her voice as you fell asleep in her arms.
Throwing your cheer practice bag on the floor by the entrance, you shut the door and walked further into the apartment. The sound of footsteps coming from the hallway seconds after the door had closed
Immediately coming from around the corner to greet you, it seemed as if the blonde had been waiting impatiently for your arrival.
A grin on her face as her hand trailed down to your waist, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. Paige finally felt at peace, having you in her embrace after going all day without seeing you.
“Hi baby, how was cheer practice?” She asked, her hand remaining on your waist as she smiled ear to ear.
“It was so exhausting” She began, the blondes eyes focused on you — giving you all of her attention. “Coach lectured us about how we can’t lack energy on stage like we do at practice.”
Paige laughed, a wide grin on her face. “You know, I could totally be a competitive cheerleader. if i wanted to” She spoke confidently “Just without the flips n’ shit, that’s way out of my category”
The blonde often times begged you to teach her your routines. Determined to learn them no matter how complicated they were.
Always having you seated on the living room couch, showcasing the steps you taught her proudly. Even daring to showcase and teach her teammates the steps as well.
Deeming herself as your Biggest Fan, which you never doubted whatsoever. The girl always showed up at your competitions and always helped you get ready. Explaining that she wouldn’t optionally miss any of them for the world.
Even when her games fell on the day of your competitions, Paige would always facetime you and watch as you got get ready through the screen. Wishing you luck and having a bouquet of flowers waiting when you returned home.
“Keep it up and Coach might just make you my replacement.” You laughed at your girlfriend, walking past her and making your way to the bedroom — looking through dresser drawers for a pair of pajamas.
“Oh! are we taking a shower?” Paige asked, her attention drifting away from the cheer topic as she watched you lay out the pajamas. Consisting of her hoodie and a pair of pajama shorts.
Walking over to the dresser as well, the blonde began picking out new pajamas to put on. Despite knowing she had showered less than an hour ago.
“No, I’m taking a shower — you already showered” You told Paige, walking into the bathroom. The girl trailing behind you like a lost puppy in disbelief.
“That is not fair! Another shower won’t hurt anyone!” Paige exclaimed, walking into the bathroom with you as she sat on the bathroom countertop.
“I’m hot and sweaty, i’ll be out soon” You promised your girlfriend, placing a kiss on her cheek as you turned the shower temperature on cold.
“I can cool you off better than the shower can.” She muttered beneath her breath, rolling her eyes as she exited the bathroom.
▏cheer comp day !
“Paige! I said high ponytail, not low ponytail!” You exclaimed, taking the elastic out of your hair as you looked back at your girlfriend who stood behind you. Holding the look of a stressed and confused mom.
“Well I don’t even do my own hair, you do!” Paige spoke as she opened safari, googling what a high ponytail looked like.
Acting as if she had never seen the hairstyle in her life. Forgetting the fact you had to wear one during nearly every competition.
Hair products, makeup and a wide array of other items laid out on the stand connected to the mirror. You watched as Paige sprayed unnecessary amounts of hairspray on your hair. Setting the phone down as she started the style over.
“Okay wait, I remember this now!” Paige exclaimed as she brushed your hair upwards. You slowly beginning to wish you’d hadn’t agreed to her doing you hair.
The blonde spent the entire car ride pleading to help you get ready, specifically asking to help do your hair and watch you do the required makeup.
Unable to say no, you eventually gave into the girl’s pleads. Allowing her to mess with your hair until she successfully pulled it into tight high ponytail. “Got it!” She beamed, grabbing the navy blue bow that was covered with sparkles. Placing it front and center as it normally was.
Quickly doing a light face of makeup with the help of your girlfriend, Paige gave you the occasional time check — letting you know how much longer you had until it was time to preform.
When it came down to competitions, Paige acted like an over the top cheer mom. Always making sure to be on time and making sure everything was going the way it was supposed to.
Making sure all your bags were packed the night before and even loading them into the car that same night. The blonde didn’t mess around when it came to cheer competitions. Always making sure there was no room for anything to go wrong.
Standing up in your shimmery, navy blue cheer costume with the word ‘Uconn’ engraved in a cursive font on the front. Paige embraced you one last time before you had to preform.
“I love you, and you’re gonna do so well” She smiled, wrapping her arms around your waist as she whispered the words of affection to you. Wanting to make sure you carried her support during the performance.
“I love you too. And you’re gonna be in the audience watching, right?” You questioned out of nervousness, looking up at her as you broke the hug.
“I always am and always will be” Paige reassured, watching as your other teammates made their way out of the dressing room.
You smiled at the girl and nodded, hurrying behind the others. Thinking about how lucky you were to have Paige in your life.
Her being someone who brought nothing but positive memories, treating you like a piece of fine china and always offering unconditional support.
Always showing up whenever you needed her the most, and being the first person you always spotted in the audience — cheering at the top of her lungs.
It was safe to say that Paige Bueckers really was your Number One fan.
authors note
i’m so so so sorry if this was bad! I actually have zero knowledge when it comes to competitive cheer. But I hope you enjoy !! Requests are open too !
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playingdxngerous · 9 months
Relaxation Break
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!!
Warnings: smut, hand kink, unprotected p in v, oral m! and f! receiving, digital penetration f! receiving, some teasing, use of the word sir, some pet names, shared hotel room, cussing, spencer reid x reader, begging, probably some more small ones that i'm forgetting, me actually not proofreading whatsoever
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first spencer reid fic, be nice to me guys
Sharing hotels with the BAU team was something you easily got used to as the job went on. You usually like to bunk with another girl, not wanting to have an awkward experience with someone like Gideon, for example. However, tonight will be different. With Garcia coming along this time, you have no other choice but to share a room with one of the men. You decide to stay with Spencer, feeling as if it would maybe be less awkward than Hotch. Hopefully, at least...
He unlocks the door and lets you walk in first, observing the room with every step you take. Two beds. Thank God.
"Care if I take the bed next to the lamp?" Spencer asks from beside you as he double checks the locked door.
"No, I don't care," you smile, trying to spark some form of emotion rather than the blank, quiet stares you share.
"Okay great," he replies, immediately setting his stuff down. You walk into the bathroom and wash your face, getting ready for bed. You walk out in sweatpants and a tank top, surprised to see Spencer is also dressed in comfier clothes. You've never seen this side of him, nor did you know it even existed. He's sitting criss cross, staring intently at the files in front of him.
"I'm going to try to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow," you say in a yawn.
"Is it okay if I keep the lamp on for a bit?" He asks innocently with a rasp in his voice. You like it a little more than it should, and it really surprises you. You've always thought Spencer was cute, but you never saw it any more than just admiring from afar. You've never pictured any form of relationship, or even touch with him. Especially when it comes to the two of you sharing a room. This is foreign land to you, and for some reason you can't help but let your mind wander further into it. You look at the grip on his black pen, his veins popping out with each quick movement. Heat rises in you, yet you force yourself to keep it in control. Not tonight. You are not falling for Dr. Spencer Reid tonight.
"Yeah of course, do whatever you need to do Dr. Reid." Did you really just say that out loud? You force a slight chuckle, masking the flirty sarcasm in your voice.
"Oh, that's sir to you actually. Don't forget I'm a professor too." He smirks with his comment.
"Whatever smarty pants," you say to lower the mood of the conversation. Not tonight. You are not falling tonight.
"Mhm..." he mumbles before focusing his attention back to the folders in front of him.
"Night," you say, covering your face with the covers to block out the bright light.
"Night," you hear him say from outside of the sheets. The white blankets don't do much to hide the light from you, which slightly aggravates you. This is definitely not something to look forward to after a long day of profiling a killer. You toss and turn for what feels like forever until you're all tangled up in the sheets. With an abrupt movement you throw them off of you and blow the hair out of your face.
"Is something wrong? A nightmare?" He asks worriedly.
"No not that. I haven't slept yet. Do you mind to maybe turn the light off? I understand you probably have a lot to do but it's okay to take a break sometimes. You can't let this job take over every part of your life." You pause and loudly sigh. "It's kind of worrying. You deserve the same amount of rest as everyone else in the branch. You don't need all of this hard work placed on you."
"I don't mind. I chose this job because I knew I could handle it. I'll be okay."
"Spencer..." you whisper to almost nothing.
"Maybe I can do the work in the hallway or in the bathroom or something. I want you to be able to rest. I'm sorry, I didn't know I was bothering you or-" He rambles on before you cut him off.
"Spencer no," you say as you walk over to his bed. You gently place the files to the side in an organized manner so as to not mess up his work. He looks at you in silence, his puppy dog eyes becoming strangely hard to ignore. You grab his hand, and he slightly flinches.
"I'm sorry I forgot you probably don't like that." You apologize and quickly pull away.
"It's okay, I honestly didn't mind."
"Are you sure?" You bewilder. He nods.
"Look Spence...," you take a deep breath. "I know you have a ton of work, but you deserve to take a break for once in your life. Let that be tonight. Get some good sleep for once. Wake up energized to finish the files."
"No one calls me that." He smiles. "I think I like it, to be honest."
"What happened to sir?" You laugh and grab his hand again. This time he doesn't pull away.
"Oh, you know." He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess you're not one of my students so it's cool."
'I'll still call you sir if you like', your mind threatens to say. However, for right now at least, this thought must be kept to yourself.
"Well, that's beside the point. I just want you to know that it's okay to relax sometimes," you actually do say.
"I don't really know how." He responds, giving you trouble deciding what to say back. You run your thumb along his hand, admiring every little perfection about it. He looks down to see for himself, and his breath slightly hitches at the commotion. You squeeze his other hand with your free one, causing him to meet your gaze once more. This time way closer than the last. Inches lay between your faces. His warm breath blows onto you, proving the closeness between you. He seems to finally be catching on to you as his eyelids only remain halfway open. Afraid to make a move, the two of you sit in silence wondering if he feels the same as you.
"I can try to help you," you whisper just loud enough for him to hear.
"Yeah?" He asks, his voice almost a whimper. He has definitely caught on. For a man who rarely even shakes hands with other people, he seems to love the attention you are now giving him. You squeeze his hands harder, admiring the way they tower over yours in size. He mimics your thumb movement, slightly going back and forth. Definitely caught on. Thankfully.
"Yeah." You slightly lean in, lips parted ever so softly. He follows your movement, not yet making contact with you. After what feels like forever, you decide to take control and simply peck his lips to see how he reacts. Once again he follows you, pulling away right after you do.
"I-" he pushes out in a stutter, his eyes wide and his face red. You smile as he swallows anxiously.
"Everything okay Spence?" You smirk, eyes slightly closed still.
"Yeah." He clears his throat and licks his lips. Silence barges in once again, the room filled with blushes and clandestine stares. Out of nowhere, your starving lips collide with his quickly. He slides his tongue over your bottom lip, forcing him inside of you. His change in demeaner surprises you to your core. Never in your job have you seen Spencer Reid so full of life and action. He moves quicker than ever, desperate to be as close to you as possible. He grabs your jawline, your pussy wet at the thought of what his hands probably look like again your soft skin. He moves back to your neck, grabbing a handful of hair to push you closer. He tastes sweeter with each kiss, driving you absolutely rabid
"Jesus Christ, Spencer, you're so different right now."
"Is that a bad thing?" His swollen pink lips ask. You can't move your gaze away from them.
"Not at all." You say and hurriedly go back into the kiss. After a few moments you pull away and stare into his dilated pupils as your brain seems to stop functioning. Arousal takes over the both of you.
"Just to be clear, how far are you wanting to go?" He asks.
"Wherever you take me." You say weakly.
"Just tell me if you need to stop, okay?"
"Yes sir." You smirk. Found his weakness. He rolls his head back and licks his lips, his adams apple moving as he swallows gently.
"I've never done this before, I'm sorry if-" He begins before you shut him up with a short kiss.
"Spence, you don't know how long I've looked at you in awe, forcing away my thoughts of seeing you on top of me. Fucking me until I can't breathe. Worshipping you." You breathe out.
"I never thought I'd enjoy this as much as I am."
"Let's make it even better." You say as you climb on top of him, pushing him against the pillows parallel to the bedframe. Your lips meet his again, this time neater than the last. You bite his bottom lip as you pull away, dragging it with you. You crawl down to his waistband, teasingly putting your fingers underneath it.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Wait. You first." He lifts up your chin with his index finger.
"Is there a problem with that darling?" His words echo in your mind. Darling, darling, darling. His darling. All his. No one else.
"No, just usually men don't care about the women's pleasure. I assumed you'd want me to suck you off first."
"Well, I personally care very much. I'm fucking dying to taste you." You've never heard Spencer curse before, and you've sure been missing out.
"Please do baby." You moan.
"On your back. Now." He says strictly. You love this side of him more than anything. You follow his rules and lay on your back as he looks at you in hunger.
"May I?" He holds the waistband to your pants in his perfect hands.
"Yes," you nod.
"Yes what?"
"Please Spencer."
"Yes what."
"Yes sir."
He finally pulls down your sweatpants, your soaked panties still on. He eyes them down, sliding one finger up the crease.
"You're so wet for me sweetheart."
"Spencer you're being so different. Ten minutes ago you would have passed out if I were almost naked in front of you. What's changed?"
"You think I haven't waited ages to touch you?" Oh.
"I don't understand. You're so much more... I don't know." You trail off.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks seriously, backing away slightly.
"No!" You almost shout. "I'm just so lost."
"I guess I just feel comfortable with you. I've wanted you for so long and now that I finally have you, I just feel so different." He smiles.
"I'm all yours."
"Good," he kisses your thigh. He begins to trail up to your pulsing heat in a line of kisses. Gently he pulls the remaining fabric off of you, leaving you in just a tank top that you happily remove. His fingers graze across your clit, your nerves sending tingles through your whole body. He grabs both of your thighs, squeezing gently as he drowns his head in you. His tongue moves all around, making you see stars. He licks at your entrance, slowly sliding in a finger out of nowhere.
"More..." you beg. He slides another in, slowly pumping. Each time he slides in he curls at just the right place, almost sending you over the edge. The mixture of his tongue and fingers begins to take over you, making you grab his hair to relieve some of the pressure.
"C'mon baby finish for me." His words vibrate into you. With this your orgasm finally collapses onto him, relief suddenly flowing through you. You raise up and look into his menacing eyes. The two of you exchange deep breaths as he holds you in his arms.
"Your turn." You exhale.
"Think you can handle one more?"
"Why don't you tell me, Dr. Reid. The corner of your lip curves up. Oh sorry, I mean sir."
"Guess we won't know unless we try." He leans in to kiss you, then kissing down your neck and leaving a red spot from sucking.
"Better hope Gideon doesn't see that," you laugh.
"Yeah good luck. He would never suspect it from me."
"I didn't either," you mumble, Moving down his body you slide his sweatpants off and run your hand up his shirt, purposefully ignoring his huge erection. He takes it off, the two of you completely vulnerable to each other now.
"Think you can take it?" He laughs.
"Watch me." You sit on his waist, slowly sliding his dick in. He whimpers, the unholy sound sending shivers down your spine.
"Fuck," he says under his breath. As you gain speed his mouth falls open and he leans his head back. Moans escape his lips and you've never been more content in your life. He grabs your chin once more, placing it between his index and thumb. "You're so pretty riding me like the princess you are. I love it." You speed up at his words, desperate to make cum. "I'm so close love, keep going." Every new pet name sends you head over heels for him.
Acknowledging how close he is, you pull off and begin to suck on him. He releases almost instantly with a quiet moan. He looks down and watches as you swallow his load.
"Woah." Is all you can manage out as you both admire each other in such a state.
"Never thought this would happen." He says smiling.
"Me neither." You smile back and crawl up next to him, pulling the messy sheets over the two of you. He kisses you on the forehead and pulls you in closer. "Feel relaxed now?" You laugh.
"Oh definitely. More than ever."
"So... the lamp goes off now?" You ask excitedly.
"Yes," he sighs and reaches over to twist the knob on it. "The stupid lamp can go off."
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livingformintyoongi · 2 months
Can I make a request with smut and angst and a happy ending???
Reader has a crush with jk since they were young (they were neighbors growing up). Now they are 26 yo.Taehyung throws this party and they both attend.
She hears him talking with his friends about how he never liked her and was just close to her because he helped him study and their parents were friends. But in reality he likes her, he was trying to play it cool.When oc hears that she runs off.
A few days later she meets with Yoongi (an old friend, they had a fling a while ago) at her house and he holds her in his arms.
One thing leads to another and they fuck (could you please add some nasty smut?????) While they are doing it, Jungkook barges in (he has her house keys and was worried because she doesn't reply to his texts) and sees them, but they don't stop.
happy ending with Yoongi????
The new and the ex
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a/n: First of all, I want to apologize if the smut is not as nasty as you thought, I have never written anything like this before. Second, thanks for sending your request, I really got excited when you put that you wanted a happy ending with Yoongi, I wanted that too lol. Warnings: MDNI, fingering, hair pullling, a slightly jealous/possessive Yoongi, Jungkook being an idiot for wanting to make himself look good, a casual joke during sex (sorry, I swear it's unintentional), choking. wc: 5k
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"Have you guys really never had anything? I always thought you were a couple, or at least liked each other," Namjoon muttered, sipping some of the cheap alcohol from his plastic cup. His brow was furrowed and his head was barely tilted to one side. 
"Of course not" laughed Jungkook, shaking his head, "Y/N and I have always been just friends, what's more, if it wasn't for our parents I wouldn't have even approached her, we don't have similar tastes, you know?".
Namjoon and Hoseok shared a look. Neither of them understood the situation between the two of you very well, but it definitely didn't seem like nothing. The two of you were inseparable. You always hung out together, always walked hand in hand, even on more than one occasion you were seen almost kissing, so why would Jungkook say that?
Well, you were asking the same question.
You squeezed the two cups you had in your hands, not caring if your hands would end up sticky and smelling of beer. You walked to the nearest dumpster you could find, threw them there and stared at the one with Jungkook's name on it. You had even put a bunny on it. It took you a few seconds to react and realise how strange it looked that you were standing in front of a trash can looking at its contents. You probably looked like you wanted to throw up, which wasn't far from the truth. Your stomach felt upset and your eyes stung enough to make you blink faster.
“Y/N” Taehyung approached you with a big smile on his face. He was holding a girl by the hand. You'd never seen her before, and you couldn't care less.
"Taehyung" you muttered, shifting in your place. You wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but you also didn't want to ruin his party. 
"I was looking for you, I wanted to introduce you to someone" he smiled big, pulling the girl to his side and putting her almost on top of you. You were a little surprised at how small she was. "This is my girlfriend, Soomin, she also comes from Daegu, I was so surprised when she told me".
"It's a pleasure" she smiled, offering you her hand. You didn't hesitate to take it. She was as well not to blame for your desire to disappear from here as soon as possible. "Have we met before? Your face looks so familiar”.
"I'm sorry, I really don't remember seeing you before," you smiled through tight lips. You looked at the exit door out of the corner of your eye. It wasn't that far away, maybe, if you told him you were going to the bathroom, you'd have a chance to get out of there. Yeah, it sounded like a good plan. "Excuse me, do you mind if I go to the bathroom?", you shifted your gaze from Taehyung to Soomin, waiting for a response from either of them.
To your surprise, Soomin covered Taehyung's mouth just as he was about to reply, "No problem, take your time."
"Thank you" you smiled weakly, camouflaging yourself among the sweaty, joyful bodies dancing to a shitty song that didn't even seem to be made for dancing. It took you a while to get to the yard of Taehyung's house, there were a lot of people in the way and it was too difficult to pass without touching anyone.
A shiver ran through your body as you felt the cold winter air hit your bare arms. Usually Jungkook was the one who brought a jacket for you, and if he didn't, he'd give you his. Fuck Jungkook, you thought, you didn't even need him that much, the car you had come in was yours anyway, and you had the keys to it.
You were walking around for a good few minutes trying to find your car. You almost cried with excitement when you saw it on the other side of the street. You ran towards it, unlocked the door and got in as fast as you could. You let out a sigh of relief when you were finally out of the cold. 
The first thing you did was turn on the heater, blowing air into your hands in an attempt to warm them. You turned towards the passenger seat, and it wasn't until you noticed Jungkook's jacket that you burst into tears. 
You felt so stupid, how could you think you could ever have anything? Just because he was nice to you? Surely he had many girls much nicer than you by his side. You were just his childhood friend, that person he would never consider as a woman.
You felt like you threw away more than 20 years of your life. 
You cleaned your cheeks with your forearm, starting the engine so you could go home.
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You were taking the third tub of ice cream out of your fridge when your phone started vibrating. The thought of Jungkook texting made you nervous. Had he noticed you were missing from the party?
You picked up your phone carefully, turning on the screen and checking your inbox. You were surprised to see that the person who was writing to you wasn't even part of your contacts. You decided to check the messages without opening them.   
xxx: "Hi, this is Soomin, we spoke a while ago, remember?”
xxx: "Sorry to bother you again, but I really needed to talk to you urgently."
You opened the messages. Your curiosity won out over any other emotion. Besides, maybe she had something to tell you that would distract you enough to forget how bad you were feeling right now.
When you opened the messages, a photo was the first thing that appeared on your screen. You'd be lying if you said you weren't surprised to see it. How did she get it?
xxx: "I had a music tutor in Daegu, he taught me how to play the piano”
xxx: "His name is Min Yoongi, he had some pictures with some of his students on a shelf, that's you in the picture, aren’t you?”
You were a little hesitant to respond. You hadn't spoken to Yoongi in months, you were surprised that he still had that photo in his office. It had been taken after you won first place in a piano competition. You were so proud of that achievement.
"What difference does it make? It's just a picture," you whispered to yourself. According to what the girl had said, the two of them weren't friends, so they had probably cut off contact, just like you did with Yoongi after you moved here.
"Yes, it's me, I can't believe I still have that picture lol 😂"
You sent the message, feeling your heart in your throat as you saw the three dots. 
xxx: "I knew I'd seen you somewhere else 🙂" 
You took a second to think the situation through, why would Taehyung's girlfriend talk to you? The topic was important, right? It was the first thing she wrote in her message, so why was she asking you about a picture from a few years ago?
xxx: "Yoongi is coming to Seoul on holidays, why don't you two get together and talk? If you are who I think you are, I'm sure he'd love to get together with you and catch up!".
You went blank. Although at least now you understood why she was texting you. Would Yoongi have told her about his relationship with you? No, you couldn't even call what you had a relationship, it was barely a few months, most of the time you just had sex and then went back to their normal lives. Maybe you went out on a date or two, but nothing beyond that.  
xxx: "It's probably strange what I'm telling you, I'm sorry 😣"
You bit your nail as you noticed that Soomin had sent you a phone number.
xxx: "That's his number, in case you want to talk to him!"
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You weren't quite sure how you ended up crying on Yoongi's shoulder as you told him how your childhood love and ex-best friend had just broken your heart a week ago and was still going about his business as usual while you sank into your misery, and a ridiculous amount of ice cream and sweets, but that was exactly was going on.   
"I swear, he said it so obnoxiously," you sobbed, taking one of the tissues from the box in his lap and blowing your nose, "And in front of our friends! How am I supposed to look them in the face now? They all knew I liked him, or at least I think they did, I don't know".   
You threw the tissue on the table, where another overwhelming amount of papers were lying.
"Y/N" he muttered, pulling out another tissue and using it to gently wipe your cheeks, "You need to calm down a bit, unless you have another box of tissues to spare."
"No, this is the last one" you looked at Yoongi, "I'm sorry, am I being too annoying? This is exactly why I didn't want to call you" you shook your hair, avoiding looking at Yoongi, "You always look at me with that look that makes me want to spit out all the shit that happens in my life. I really hate that, you know?"  
"It's fine, I don't mind" he shrugged, setting the box down on the side of the couch you were both sitting on, "Just like I don't mind listening to all the shit that goes on in your life" he smiled briefly at you, his eyes locked on yours, "I missed listening to you in general."
"Really?" you muttered, feeling your heart pounding against your ribs hard. 
Jungkook was your childhood love, but Yoongi? Yoongi was something else entirely. You couldn't say for sure that what you felt for him was love, but it would definitely be a lie to say that you never felt anything for him. 
At first it was just physical attraction, on both our parts. Yoongi was so quiet and mature compared to what you were used to seeing, he seemed to know so much about everything, it was impossible not to be at least curious about him. You, on the other hand, were much more outgoing than he was; you were definitely like a breath of fresh air in Yoongi's life, someone he knew he could trust and tell things to without filters. 
Even though the whole time you were together you were never sure how you felt about him, he always knew how he felt about you. He loved you then, he loved you in the time when you disappeared, and he loved you right now, even if you had only called him to vent about your broken heart.
"Of course I do," he said as he moved closer to you. It was only a few inches, but it was enough for both of your shoulders to touch. "How could I not? You're so... so you" he laughed softly, caressing your cheek with his knuckles.
Almost unconsciously you leaned into his touch. You were surprised that, despite how long it had been since you last saw each other, his touch still sent an electric current through your body. You were unaware of how much you missed him until this moment.
"What kind of answer is that? Is that supposed to be a good thing?" you laughed teasingly, leaning a little closer to him. You could have sworn there was some kind of string drawing you to him.
"It's a hell of a lot better than good," he moved his hand down to stop at your neck, stroking the skin behind your ear with his thumb.
You smiled helplessly as you noticed how his eyes had dropped to linger on your lips.
"Do you want to kiss me, Yoonie?" you asked, running your hand up his arm until you reached his shoulder.
"I want to fuck you" his gaze returned to your eyes, this time it seemed darker, more intense. You shivered a little at it.
Has he always been this direct?
"Here?" you murmured, feeling Yoongi's nose brush against yours. You couldn't help but hold your breath for a few moments.
"I can take you to your bed if you want, or would you prefer the kitchen?" he replied teasingly, kissing the corner of your lip. You closed your eyes, leaning even closer to him. 
"I prefer my room, maybe next time it can be in the kitchen," you laughed softly, pulling Yoongi up to kiss him.
Kissing with him had always been rather slow and gentle, lazy even. He liked to savor every corner of your mouth, leaving you breathless and wanting so much more. That was how it had always worked so far at least.
You moaned softly the moment Yoongi slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you as if he was desperate. And he was. He hadn't had any contact with you for over four months after having a relationship that was too intimate to be forgotten overnight. Shit, he was still dreaming about you being under him, moaning and begging him to move harder because you were desperate to come.
He hadn't lied when he said he missed hearing you, he just left out the part where he made it clear that it was your moans that he had missed the most.
"Hold tight," he whispered into your shoulder, grabbing your thighs and lifting you into his arms. "Where's your room?"
"Second floor, back door" you took advantage of your position so you could kiss his shoulder, leaving a mark or two on his skin. You smiled as you noticed that his skin was still as sensitive as ever.
Yoongi climbed the stairs as carefully as he could, trying not to let you bump into anything. 
You probably would have appreciated the detail if you weren't too busy nibbling on his neck.
It took him a while to open your door while you were still in his arms, but eventually he did. He came in as fast as he could, throwing you onto the bed as soon as he set foot in the room.
You squealed as you bounced on the bed, propping yourself up on your forearms to see Yoongi. He had started to take off his shirt. You were a little offended to see that he had no intention of letting you help him take it off. 
For a second you thought you heard the sound of the front door closing, but the fact that Yoongi was shirtless in front of you was enough to make you let it go. It was probably the neighbors, you thought.
Yoongi threw his shirt back, not realizing that one of the pictures you had hanging on your wall was in the way. You both turned to look in its direction as you heard the glass shatter.
"Sorry, I didn't see that," he muttered, trying to get closer to it to pick it up quickly so he could continue without interruption. You stopped him, grabbing his wrist tightly. 
"Leave it, it was getting old anyway, I've been wanting to change it for a while". You tugged at it until it was over you, completely covering your body.
"If you say so" he laughed softly, slipping his hands under your shirt and pulling them up until they were on your breasts. "I'm not stopping now, honey, so I hope what you said is true."
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Jungkook took one last glance at his phone before he looked back at the door of your house. He bit his lower lip, hesitating whether to knock on the door or just open it with his keys. He looked at his cell phone again. You hadn't answered any of his messages for a week. At first he thought maybe you were a little sick, so he decided to give you space, but a whole week without talking to him? Whenever you got sick you always sent him a message asking him to buy you medicine, now you hadn't even done that. He was too worried.
He took a breath of air, reminding himself that he was only doing this to see if you were okay and if you needed anything. He pulled out his copy of your house key and opened the door. The first thing he noticed when he walked in were shoes that were much bigger than yours. They were black and looked fairly new. He frowned, trying to remember if you had any relatives or friends with such big feet. 
He shook his head, reminding himself that this was not the important thing at the moment. He advanced into the living room, grimacing at the sight of dozens of tissues strewn everywhere. For a second he thought he was right and that you were just too sick to speak or write. His doubts were soon answered just after the sound of glass breaking against the floor alerted him.
He ran up the stairs, approaching your room. 
His pace slowed as he got closer, remembering the shoes from earlier. 
His heartbeat began to ring in his ears, booming so loudly that it was almost the only thing he could hear.
"I'm not going to stop now, honey, so I hope what you said is true," he heard a man say.
He had to swallow the knot in his throat to keep from making a sound. He took just a few more steps, just enough to see into your room. The nausea was almost instantaneous as the guy with the big shoes kissed your neck and slipped his hands under your shirt. Nor did it go unnoticed as you arched your back to get closer to his touch, as your lips parted, letting out soft whimpers and moans.
He ran his hand over his face, rubbing his eyes and stepping back clumsily. He wanted to erase that image from his head, but it was so hard to forget, especially when he could still hear you moaning for that guy. He turned around, walking down the stairs much more cautiously than at the beginning. He didn't want you to know he was here, that he had just seen you in a situation like that.
He turned around one last time, looking at the stairs in silence. He needed some air, and lots of beer.
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"Yoongi" you gasped, gripping his shoulders tightly. At this point you cared little and nothing about hurting him.
"What?" he laughed teasingly, settling his fingers inside you. He'd forgotten how tight you were, how you'd made him in the past to take his cock? "Is that too much for you? When was the last time you fucked anyone? Was it me? Was it your little friend there?"
You weren't listening with full concentration to what he was telling you, you were too busy trying not to think about the stinging you were getting from feeling his fingers moving in and out of you in a slow but rough rhythm. You almost screamed when he separated them while still inside you. 
"Why don't you answer? It's just my fingers," he murmured, his voice a little deeper than usual. His free hand took care of removing your shirt to free your tits. You couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight of them. "They're so beautiful" he whispered to himself, squeezing your right breast tightly, smiling as he heard you squeal, "and so sensitive, do you still play with them like you used to when we were together?"
"Y-yes" you groaned, clinging to Yoongi's wrist. He seriously knew how to use his long, cool fingers to his advantage. 
"Who do you think of when you do that?" he moved down until he was face to face with your tits, starting to give little licks around your nipples. 
"Does it matter?" you buried your nails in his wrist, trying to move your hips against his hand. It was starting to make you desperate how slow he was.
"Of course" he stuck a third finger inside you. From then on his pace only increased to the point where you needed to hold on to something to stay conscious. "Would you like me to fuck you thinking about someone else? I know you haven't done this with him before, he hasn't even kissed you, you may have touched yourself while thinking about him, but remembering the sensations I gave you," he bit one of your nipples, tugging at it with his teeth. It was much less delicate than you were used to. "And you don't know how annoying it is to think about you just using me, so yeah, I'd seriously like to hear who the fuck you were thinking about when you were touching yourself like I was."
You looked down, trying to see what Yoongi's expression was. You couldn't see much beyond his hair slightly stuck to his forehead. You thought about asking him about it, about trying to understand why he sounded so jealous, but it was hard to talk when his fingers kept moving inside you mercilessly.
"I did it with you in mind," you finally answered his question, feeling the knot in your stomach grow more and more unbearable. Yoongi might be being a little more rude than usual, but that didn't take away from the fact that he was still making you feel just as good as all the times before.  
"Fuck" he growled under his breath, pulling his fingers out of you. you took that moment to try to calm down a bit. 
You almost choked on your saliva when you saw Yoongi lick his fingers covered in your juices. "You're making it hard for me to control myself."
"Then don't" you whispered, taking Yoongi's hand and kissing his knuckles.  This time it was he who was surprised to see you sucking on the same fingers he had dipped into you and licked. "I don't mind."
"Shit," he mumbled through his teeth, rubbing his member over his pants. You'd just given him a free pass to do whatever he wanted, hadn't you? or had he just misunderstood? "Are you sure?" 
You leaned closer to him, taking his belt between your hands and removing it easily. You knew that specific one very well. "Very sure," you smiled at him, unbuttoning his pants and holding the waistband of them to pull them down.
"Wait," he held your wrists carefully, slipping a hand into the back pocket of his pants. You were quite surprised to see that he had a condom in it. "Now, where were we?" he finished removing his pants and underwear, leaving you in the same state as you.
Sometimes you seriously forgot how big this man was.
"You had a condom on? Really?" you teased him, lying down on the bed as he settled on top of you, "did you come with intentions of catching up or to fuck me?".
"I can do both at the same time" he opened the condom, taking it out and placing it over his member carefully, "Don't you think it's sexy to ask you how your work has been going while I pull on your hair and shove my cock all the way in?" 
You laughed loudly, slapping his waist playfully, "I thought I was the only one who had that wet dream, I'm glad there are two of us."
You watched as a small smile formed on his lips as he rolled your body over until you were face down. You felt a shiver run down your back the second Yoongi began to leave marks on your shoulders and back.
"I missed you" he whispered against your skin, pressing his member against your entrance. You moaned softly as he ran his tip all over your femininity. "I missed hearing you scream my name." You thought maybe he would enter a bit at a time, just like all the other times you'd had sex. To your surprise, he didn't hesitate for a second to thrust his entire member in one thrust. 
You didn't need any more to scream his name. 
"Yes, just like that" he smiled, sticking his chest against your back, starting to ram into you hard. Each thrust was even deeper and faster than the last, and each one hit your sensitive spot. He knew your body so well, perhaps even better than you did. "I love the sound of your moans."
"Th-thank you" you laughed between moans, squealing as you felt Yoongi's hand pull your hair tightly. Your head was now resting on his shoulder and he had full access to your neck. He didn't hesitate to take advantage of that.
With the hand he still had free he decided to tease your sensitive clitoris, squeezing and pulling on it mercilessly. You trembled violently in his arms as he did so. 
"See how you tremble," he growled teasingly, tugging at your hair again. He was fascinated by the sight. He loved seeing your tear streaked face and saliva running down the corner of your mouth. He knew that meant he was doing it right. "You've gotten so much more sensitive," he kissed your shoulder, letting go of your hair and resting his hand on your lower belly, smiling proudly as he felt his member bump against his hand across your skin. "You're so cute, drooling at the way I fuck you, I love it."
You moaned softly, squeezing his cock unconsciously. It felt so good to have him inside you again. 
Yoongi grunted softly in response, lifting you off the bed and resting you on his chest. You gasped as you felt his hand gently squeeze your neck. He hadn't applied pressure, but you still felt yourself running out of air. 
"Did you like that, honey? Is that why you squeezed my cock? Or is it because you want to come?" whispered Yoongi in your ear. You couldn't help but squirm. You felt so sensitive that just the brush of his lips against your neck made you drip on his cock. It was really embarrassing.
"Both of them" you looked at Yoongi from the corner of your eye. Shuddering as you felt his member bump more uncontrollably against your sensitive spot. "It felt so fucking good and..." you closed your eyes, resting your head on his shoulder, trying to regulate your breathing. "I seriously feel like I'm close. Shit" you moaned as soon as Yoongi pulled on your clit hard again.
"Then just come" he gently bites your ear, moving the hand he had on your belly up to your chest. At no point did he separate it from your body. "I've got you."
You relaxed a little at hearing him say that, but that moment of peace didn't last long.
His grip on your neck became slightly tighter, as did his thrusts. They were getting messier and rougher. 
"Yoongi" you moaned, clinging to his wrist. You bite down hard on your inner lip, feeling your legs tremble uncontrollably.    
He seemed to get your message. His finger began to roll over your clit, crushing it hard. The movement was pleasurable enough to cause the knot in your belly to untie and you cum hard on his cock. 
You almost cried when you felt Yoongi keep ramming even after you had just had your orgasm. 
"Just hold on a little longer, honey, just a little longer, you're doing it perfect" he whispered in your ear, moaning more and more desperately.
You were shaking uncontrollably as you felt his cock touch your G-spot again. You were still too sensitive, it burned to feel his member hit so deep. At least it was a pleasurable pain.
Yoongi's arms came down to wrap around your waist, clinging to you as if his life depended on it. It was only then that you noticed his cock twisting inside you as he released his cum into the condom. 
Yoongi pulled out of you a few seconds after he finished. You were both panting, and you barely managed to stay upright when Yoongi let go of your waist.
"I can't feel my legs," you laughed between breathless gasps, closing your eyes and letting the exhaustion slowly consume you.
"I'm sorry," Yoongi said, leaning back against you and resting his head on your chest.
"You're not sorry" you murmured with a smile, stroking his hair lazily.
"I'm not" he nodded, leaving a soft kiss on your collarbone.
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You moaned with satisfaction, resting your head on Yoongi's chest.
"Buying a house with a bathtub was the best decision we've ever made," you took the sponge off the table, poured some soap on it and started rubbing it against your boyfriend's skin, "don't you think?
Yoongi just nodded, letting you clean his arm with the sponge. "I think next time we should get some candles. I walked past a shop the other day and saw that they were selling strawberry scented ones".
"Yes!" you turned to look at him, giving him the biggest smile you could. "I saw them too, but I wanted to ask you before I bought them."
Yoongi's hands floated to your waist, drawing invisible circles on your bare skin. "Let's go buy some tomorrow."
You nodded quickly, turning around so you could sit on his lap. "You're really sweet, you know that?" you giggled softly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling your face close to his.
"I really don't understand why you think that," he murmured, resting his forehead against yours. 
He closed his eyes as the smell of your shampoo hit his nostrils. He loved that smell, it was so good on you.
You kissed him softly, stroking his wet hair with your fingertips. "You know exactly why I say that, Yoonie," you hummed against his lips.
He just smiled, bringing his nose to yours, "Whatever you say," he whispered, kissing your forehead.
You couldn't help but feel an immense warmth flood your chest. You would definitely never regret contacting him a few years ago. It was the best damn decision you'd ever made in your life.
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malereadermaniac · 3 months
Serial Cheater ~ Mako x Male Reader
This takes place somewhere along season 2 - Mako having just broken up with Korra and chatting to Asami again You are a core member of team Avatar! word count: 750 - Short fic! Sorry lol
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Even though Mako is the kind of guy fan girls swoon over, most people would say that he's pretty down to earth
Your friends wouldn't describe Mako as flirty or as a serial romantic
But for the entire time you've known the muscular fire bender, some things have stuck out to you - most notably that he is, in fact, a flirt and a serial cheater (on accident)
Mako never actually means any harm to the girls he dates, but you have noticed a trend in his dating patterns of dating drop-dead gorgeous girls with a little overlap between them
It may just be the law of attraction - maybe Mako is just a magnet to romance and he can't help it
But it's most definitely a fact that if an opportunity is presented to the police officer, he takes it
And that is exactly what got the both of you into this situation
Mako and you were hanging out, Korra away somewhere on avatar business and everyone else at their respective jobs
The two of you were just chilling in Mako's apartment, having ordered take-out and drinking some new companies mass-produced rice-wine
As conversations drifted from one to the other, Mako started to vent about his highly active love-life
Being a good friend, you listened to the tall police officer - nodding along to assure him that you're listening to his ramble about his feelings for Korra and also for Asami
You of course throw in a joking comment or two at Mako's adulterous nature, but all in all you listen to his problems and offer your comfort
And your comforting and caring nature, mixed with the alcohol in Mako's system, was what resulted in your current situation
That being you on Mako's lap, making out with you handsome friend
Yes, you broke the kiss initially
Yes, you said you two shouldn't do this because of your close friendship with both of Mako's love interests
Yes, Mako begged for your warm, soft lips and for your comfort
And yes, you gave in...
Even though Mako was just yapping on about kissing Asami less than 24 hours ago, his chiseled face and warm brown eyes drew you in like an inescapable black hole
As the two of you made out, clothing started to make its way off of your body - the air in Mako's apartment becoming hotter and stuffier
But as your nude chest rubbed against the handsome man's pecs, a knock of the door forced you two apart
"Mako? Hey I wanna... talk about earlier!" you could hear your dear friend's voice shout
Asami was behind that door, and you most certainly didn't want her to walk in and see you and her not-so-boyfriend-boyfriend getting it on
You and Mako struggle to get off of one another and desperately reach for your clothes to cover up
You head to the bathroom to hide and dress back up as Mako let's Asami in to talk
You over-hear the two as you wait in your friends' tiny bathroom
Their conversation had ups and downs, but it definitely ended in an up
You peaked out of the crack between the door frame and the door, watching as Asami and Mako kissed goodbye
As the front door shut, you open the bathroom door and lean on the frame
"Sooo... looks like you really just can't help yourself" you say with a smirk to Mako
The tall man chuckles as he walks over to you
"Heh... yeah, I guess so"
"I don't think you deny being a playboy much longer, haha..." you joke
Mako holds you head up with his soft hand to make you look him in the eye - Mako's height being emphasised
"Shut up... and what if I am?" Mako half-lids his eyes as he focuses on your features
And while you know that it's a dick move on your part, breaking Asami's and even Korra's trust, you couldn't help but push your lips against Mako's
Your hands rest on Mako's strong chest, his tongue slipping past your lips as his masculine hands slip onto your waist
"That's what I'd do if your were... Hmhm~" you laugh after breaking from Mako's warm lips
The two of you laugh as the strong man picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist and your arms around his neck
As Mako makes his way to his bed, all thoughts of guilt float out and away from your brain
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cupid-styles · 5 months
:DDDD a lil something based on this concept
word count: less than 1k
content warnings: angst! cheating (not on y/n), a little spicy but no smut
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
She can feel Harry's gaze on her as she sits on the couch, Ren's arm wrapped loosely around her shoulders. She swallows tightly as the guilt silently eats her alive, consuming her chest and lungs. She stares down at the floor, zoning out with her eyes set on the fluffy carpet.
Ren's voice tears her from her anxious thoughts and she instantly forces a smile on her lips, turning to look at the guy she's been seeing for the past month.
"Hm?" she hums, nibbling on her bottom lip.
"What do you think?" Ren asks, nudging his chin in the direction of Harry, who's sitting in the arm chair diagonal to her. She doesn't even want to look at him, fearing that the second she does, every snapshot of the previous night would come back to her.
"Fuck— Harry, this is bad—"
He shushes her, his mouth hot and wet against hers. They're all but swallowing each other's tongues, haphazard hands feeling every bit of one another's bodies. She doesn't even know how they got here — one second, they were having small talk about their childhood celebrity crushes, and the next Y/N's in his lap, his large palms squeezing the globes of her ass.
"Stays between us," he pants against her lips, "No one has to know. Promise."
She swallows, ducking her head back as he presses messy kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. Maybe it's the lust clouding her brain, or maybe it's because she's had the smallest of crushes on Ren's roommate since meeting him — regardless, she nods her head, echoing the same words he issued to her: "Between us."
"What do I think about what?"
"Always stuck in the clouds, huh, babe?" Ren chuckles, "Harry was talking about he hooked up with this girl but he doesn't know if she wants to do it again."
Her eyes nearly bulge out of her skull, coughing into her hand nervously.
"Um," she blinks nervously, "I mean, I guess you'd have to... talk to her?"
She may have made a huge, glaring mistake last night but she's not removed enough to realize that Harry's torturing her with this. She doesn't know why, so she glances up at him, giving him a death look. His plush lips curl into a smirk. Ren misses the entire interaction.
"You think?" Harry replies, cocking his head to the side. "I shouldn't just text her the next time I wanna hook up with her?"
"I-I mean, you could."
"Geez," Ren chuckles, squeezing Y/N's shoulder. "Who knew you were such a horndog, Y/N? You don't think he should talk to her about it first?"
Y/N hops up from the couch, the room suddenly feeling too small and warm. Ren's arm around her felt like it was suffocating her, and she needs to get away from both of them.
"I have to pee," she mumbles, walking to the bathroom. Ren and Harry instantly occupy themselves with small talk, shifting the conversation topic to video games. Swallowing harshly, she locks herself in the bathroom, leaning back against the door as she takes deep breaths. She only opens her eyes when she feels her phone vibrate in her back pocket.
She wants to throw up when she reads what it says.
From: Harry Styles
Busy tonight?
She hates that she knows she wants to end the night in his bed.
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wheels-of-despair · 4 months
A Situation Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: There's only one thing in the world that could make Eddie turn Evil Woman Action down��� and it's down there. Contains: Embarrassment, vague mentions of an uncomfortable development in a sensitive area, lying, angry eating, Uncle Wayne being glad he doesn't have the full story, kind of a fight, eventual reconciliation… oh, and some good old-fashioned fruit-fucking. Words: 2.4k
Note: Youths and ageless blogs, DNI. Writer will block your ass.
Other Note: This will never come close to My Beloved Melon Fic, but @fictionaldaze bullied me into another fruit fic anyway. Enjoy! 😂
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"Hey," she purrs. Wrapping her arms around his waist. Nuzzling her face into his chest. Breathing out a satisfied sigh that permeates his t-shirt and warms his skin more than the afternoon sun beaming down in the parking lot of Hawkins High.
Eddie relaxes into her and inhales deeply, getting a heavenly whiff of his favorite smell: his one and only.
"Wanna go fool around?" she mumbles.
Eddie feels his dick twitch at the suggestion. No! Stop that!
"Uh… can't today. Promised Wayne I'd scrub the bathroom." Right. Bathroom. Cleaning. Scum in the tub. Hair in the drain. Things that are not at all sexy.
"Need help?" She would really help him with this? That's so sex--NO. Not sexy! Plunger! Wads of slimy hair! The smells!
"Nah, wouldn't want to subject you to that."
She sighs, but it's not the good kind of sigh. She's getting mad. This is the third time this week that he's rejected her advances. And he feels terrible about it. But it's for her own good! Really!
There's something going on down there. He doesn't know what it is. He doesn't know why it's there. He doesn't know how he got it. But he knows that it's ruining his fucking life.
Is it a disease? A rash? Something he picked up in the locker room? Or The Hideout's bathroom, which hasn't been cleaned since 1959? It looks a little less horrifying that it did yesterday, but what if it's a fake-out? What if that's what it wants him to think? What if it's contagious? What if he gave it to her? He'd never forgive himself.
He'd picked up the phone to call the free clinic three times. Once, he even dialed a few numbers before hanging up. He was too ashamed to show anyone, even if they could help him. He'd rather just let his dick fall off and die horny and alone.
"What's with you this week? You're usually all over me, but you have now turned me down THREE times. What are you, on the rag?" She's pulled away. She's glaring. Not good.
"I'm just… not in the mood," he lies, rubbing the back of his neck.
She rolls her eyes and starts walking in the other direction.
"I thought I was taking you home?"
"Not in the mood," she yells without looking back.
Eddie watches her stomp onto the big yellow school bus that she loathes. Oh, boy, is he in for it.
Stop that, he grumbles at himself, adjusting the front of his jeans with a wince as he hops into his van. He speeds home wondering what's more likely to happen first; his dick shriveling up and falling off, or his girl getting mad enough to rip it off and feed it to him. Either way, he's fucking doomed.
When he gets home, he enters quietly, hoping not to disturb a snoring Wayne. He steps into the bathroom to rid himself of the Mountain Dew he sucked down at lunch… and glares at the object of his ruination. Betrayed by his own cock. He sighs at the sight of it - although it does look less alarming than it did yesterday - and after a gentle shake, stuffs it back into his boxers with a hiss.
Eddie's stomach rumbles while he's washing his hands. Don't want that spreading, he thinks as he dries his hands on his shirt. He tiptoes to the kitchen and stares into the pathetically stocked cabinets, hoping for a snack to present itself. He never had this problem at her house. As soon as they got there, she'd throw a bunch of seemingly random stuff together and turn it into something creative that he'd happily bust a gut on… if Gareth would let him.
Shit. Forgot he was supposed to take some of the guys home. It's literally why they were there, loitering in the parking lot instead of peeling out of Hawkins High like two bats outta hell.
Eddie sighs and reaches for a can of pineapple. He'll save the Spaghetti-O's for dinner. And definitely go buy some damn groceries tomorrow.
He grabs the dull can opener, and after a fight, finally gets the top most of the way off. He bends it out of his way and grabs a fork from the dish drainer, leaning up against the kitchen counter to eat right there and reflect on what a shit-show his life has become.
She bought him the pineapple. And the fruit cocktail he ate a few days ago. And the green beans Wayne heated up for dinner last night. Just walked right in and started putting away groceries and lecturing him on "vitamins" and "minerals" and "eating a damn vegetable every once in a while."
He'd blushed and thanked her at the time, but now he wishes he could thank her over the kitchen table. Hard. Deep. Fuck. Stop it!
He stabs a ring of pineapple and lifts it out of the can, letting it drip for a second before tilting his head back and cramming the circle into his mouth. He stares at the takeout coupons on the fridge as he chews, wishing anything sounded appealing right now.
He'll never get to thank her properly ever again. Not that he'd have a reason to, since he'd rejected her so many times, she didn't even want him anymore. What an idiot. He had one thing going for him, and his dick fucked it all up.
He stabs another ring and lifts it to his mouth, spilling the juice down his chin and onto the front of his shirt. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and chews angrily.
Why does his mouth feel weird?
Eddie looks at the can. Ingredients: Pineapple. Pineapple juice. This isn't any different than the other can, is it?
He didn't exactly eat the other can.
He'd opened the can a few nights ago, being unable to find any proper junk food as a midnight snack, and after he got the lid off... he looked down to see a perfect hole just waiting for him.
He'd been all alone. So lonely. Thinking about his girl.
A strong man would've been able to say no to that perfect hole.
But Eddie Munson was not a strong man.
But after… wait.
Is this it?
Is he allergic to pineapple?
Did he stick his dick in something he's fucking allergic to?
The realization makes him choke. He coughs, leaning over the kitchen sink as chunks of yellow devil-fruit fly out of his mouth at high speeds.
"Y'alright, boy?"
Shit. He woke Wayne up.
Eddie tries to answer, but it kicks off another coughing fit.
When he finally catches his breath and rinses the sink out, he turns… to see Wayne sitting at the table.
"I taught you to chew before you swallow, right?"
"Yes," Eddie sighs with a roll of his eyes. And then he remembers what set him off. "Can you be allergic to pineapple?"
"Is that what you were choking on?"
"You ate fruit voluntarily?"
"For the very last time. Am I allergic?"
"Mouth feel weird?"
Eddie nods.
"Bromelain. Meat tenderizer."
"I didn't eat any freakin' meat tenderizers!"
"It's in the pineapple. That's what makes your mouth feel weird. Something with the enzymes trying to bite back or something, I don't know. Used to bother your grandma real bad."
"So it's genetic? I'm allergic?"
"Can you breathe?"
"Just a weird feelin'?"
"Yeah," Eddie says, shifting uncomfortably.
"You'll be fine. It'll ease up when you quit eatin' it."
Son of a bitch.
"Wayne, I gotta go. Sorry for waking you up."
"Almost time to get up anyway. Stop by the store on your way back."
"I will," Eddie says, darting around Wayne and grabbing his keys.
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A knock on your bedroom door interrupts your wallowing.
"No," you grumble into your pillow. When the bus dropped you off a few minutes ago, you'd walked straight to your bed and fallen into it face-first. You hadn't moved since.
You'd spent the loud and bumpy ride home wondering why Eddie didn't want you anymore. You don't know what changed. He was always ready to go at the drop of a hat. Hell, he'd get horny if the wind changed directions and blew against him just right. And then, all of a sudden… nothing. Even when you made the first move - which he used to love - you got shut down. What was the fucking problem?
You hear your door open, and wish you had the energy to throw something at your dumb brother.
But Eddie is the one who crawls into bed next to you.
You don't want to look at him. You turn your head so you're facing the other direction.
"I brought you a flower."
"I stole it from Mrs. Wallace's garden."
You smile, even though he can't see you. Mrs. Wallace is the old bat down the street from him who's always yelling at kids for playing too loudly and creating a public nuisance. Like her screeching isn't a public nuisance of its own. It's a wonder she has any blooms left, with all her spite-pickers.
"I love you," he says.
"Doesn't feel like it."
Eddie sighs a deep sigh.
"What changed?"
"What do you mean?" he asks.
"I mean, a week ago, you were practically humping my leg every time we got a second alone together. Now it's like…"
"It's not like that."
"What's it like, then?"
"I had… I had kind of a scare."
He pauses so long, you prod him with a "Continue."
"I had kind of a situation down there and I thought something was wrong but it's getting better and I didn't want to freak you out."
You turn your head back toward Eddie, who is lying on his back and staring at the ceiling. "A situation?" you ask.
"It was nothing, it's getting better, everything's okay, it'll be back to normal in a few days."
"A situation like a zit, or a situation like something you need to go to the clinic for?"
His face goes red. Your blood turns to lava. You prop yourself up on your elbows and glare down at him.
"Because I know I'm clean, and since you were a fucking virgin when we met, there is no reason for you to--"
"It's not that!" he cuts you off.
"Because if it's that, you need to tell me right the fuck now."
"It's not!"
"Then what the fuck is it, Eddie?!"
He brings his hands to his face and presses the heels of his palms into his eyes.
"I…" he squirms. "Did something stupid."
"How stupid?" you spit.
"So stupid we're gonna laugh about it one day."
"Spit it out, fucker."
He spreads his hands to cover more of his face.
"Eddie," you warn him.
He slowly drags his fingers down his face and exhales.
He winces.
"I fucked a can of pineapple."
He… what?
"And apparently there's something in pineapple that I'm allergic to or something? Wayne said my grandma had it too. But it fucked me up for a few days and getting hard hurt so fucking bad and that's why I've been distant but it's getting better and it's gonna be fine."
You stay silent for a minute, trying to process Eddie's confession. How the fuck… why the fuck… how?
"You fucked a can of pineapple?"
Eddie rubs his face. "Yeah."
"I just… don't make me say it."
"Oh, you're gonna say it," you tell him, turning to lie on your side. "I need details. I need to know everything."
"No you don't."
"Eddie, I have never wanted to understand something so desperately in my life. Explain it, or we're going into the kitchen for a demonstration."
"No!" he barks, instinctively drawing his legs up and covering his crotch.
He whines, and he squirms, and he looks at you pathetically. But you're far too curious to let this slide. Eddie pulls the pillow out from under his head and covers his face with it.
He lets out a long groan, and eventually moves the pillow out of his face. He hugs it to his chest.
"I was high and bored and lonely and hungry and I figured I'd try it so I could tell you I ate fruit and you'd be proud of me and stuff and I got the top off and there was just this… big… wet… hole? UGH!" Eddie groans and flips over to his stomach, taking the pillow with him to cover his head. You watch him wallow in his misery, becoming more amused by the second.
"Oh my god," you say in wonder. "I'm in love with a moron who literally fucked a can of pineapple."
Eddie tilts his head just enough so that you can make out his mumble: "I took it out."
"Took what out?"
"The can had sharp edges. I took out the pineapple and put it in a sour cream container before…"
You snort. He hides his face again, and you picture Eddie Munson dumping a can of pineapple rings into an old sour cream container the Munsons use as Tupperware and going to town on it. Right there in the kitchen. Sloshing pineapple juice down his legs and the cabinets and onto the floor.
You lose it. You cackle until your sides ache and tears stream down your face. You wipe them away with the backs of your hands, and look to Eddie. He's less red, but still clearly embarrassed as he stares at the ceiling.
"I take it you're not mad?" he asks.
"That you cheated on me with a can of fruit?" Another giggle fit erupts, and he lays there calmly while it passes. "Sorry," you say finally. "So you're allergic to pineapple?"
"I think it's safe to say that it's not something I'll be trying again anytime soon."
"What did it do to you?" you ask curiously.
"It kinda… it… uh… wasn't pretty."
"Can I see it?"
"Are you okay?"
"Will be."
You scooch closer, and he holds out his arm so you can snuggle into his side. You rest your head on his chest and slide your hand across his stomach until it reaches the other side.
"I'm glad you're okay," you say quietly. Eddie's hand begins stroking up and down your back. A thought occurs to you, and you smirk. "But it serves you right for trying to cheat on me with a can of fruit."
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kvtie444 · 7 months
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a/n: my grammar is atrocious i’m so sorry😭 BUT YAY MORE VOICE MESSAGES !!!
warnings: sfw, (just about😏)
summary: seeing chris after the breakup, there’s clearly some tension…. pt2????
what the fuck does he want.
i feel my stomach drop as i see his name appear on my screen.
chris is typing… just now
chris sent you a chat just now
i groan, throwing my head back against my pillow before grabbing my phone and unlocking it to read his message.
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Is he serious? i mean i expected this sooner or later given our nearly 6 months together ended a week ago, but it's still surprising. I furrow my brows, tapping the screen with my nails as I formulate a reply.
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he’s such a dick.
i gather all of his belongings, shoving them into an empty bag. Moving towards my dresser, I grab my perfume and generously spray it over everything, adding an extra grain of salt to the wound.
Entering the bathroom, I have a swift shower before proceeding to apply my makeup and style my hair. I take extra time to ensure that i look extra good; I refuse to let him see me looking anything less than my best. Once ready, I slide into my shoes, grab my bag and keys, and make my way to my car.
While driving, an overwhelming sense of anxiety washes over me, intensifying with each turn that brings me closer to his house. He’s still my ex, and despite my reluctance to admit it,i still have love for him equally as much as hate.
Overthinking consumes me, and as I stop at a red light, my mind drifts into a momentary lapse. He’s probably already likely moved on, merely seeking his things to give to another girl.
The honk of a car behind me jolts me back to reality, the green traffic light signaling my return to focus. Eventually arriving at his house, I turn off the engine and exhale. Glancing at the bag filled with clothes beside me, I take a few calming breaths before opening the car door and grabbing the bag. Approaching his front door, the ring doorbell goes off automatically, i can hear his steps from inside the house getting louder as my heart practically beats out my chest.
he swings the door open, leaving his arm casually perched on top of the doorframe, and leans his head against his arm. shit, he looks good. He's sporting a black tee paired with his chain, plaid pj bottoms, and clearly drenched himself with my favorite cologne, knowing it would drive me crazy. Keep it together y/n. composure.
His eyes roam over my figure, a teasing smirk playing on his lips as our gazes lock. "Took you long enough," he remarks. "Shut up," I roll my eyes. He bites his lip, a playful smile forming before gesturing for me to enter, holding the door open. I walk in through the deliberately narrow space he created, my body brushing past his as he follows behind. Settling on his sofa, I drop my bag beside me.
He leans against the opposite wall, arms crossed. "You look good," he comments. Heat rises to my face, and that familiar fluttering sensation stirs in my stomach. I glance down at the floor. "Look, can I just get my stuff? I've got places to be," I retort.
"Oh?" he chimes, "Where are you going?"
"Meeting a friend," I lie.
"Like a date?" he prods.
"What's it to you?" I snap, meeting his gaze with furrowed eyebrows.
He stares at me, his blue eyes sending sharp glares my way before shifting his gaze to the side, his jawline flexing. fuck. "Your stuff's in my room, just some makeup wipes and shit," he says, looking back at me.
"Is that it? Just throw it away, Chris," I reply. He shrugs his shoulders, then pushes himself off the wall, stepping closer. "Can you do something for me, princess?"
I feel myself grow hotter at the nickname. "Don't call me that," I mumble. He chuckles before continuing, "Can you drop me off at Nate's? I'll pay for the gas." I bite the inside of my cheek, weighing my options. Do I say no and look like the bigger person, or do I entertain this a bit longer?
fuck it.
"Yeah, fine," I sigh, rising from my spot on his sofa. I make my way toward his front door, feeling his eyes burning into my body as he follows behind.
We climb into my car, and he’s quick to grab the vape sitting on my console. I shoot him a look, laughing softly. I start the car, and as I drive, I notice him gripping the back of his seat with his right arm above his head, his head turned to face me, his bicep flexing in the process. Surprisingly, the car ride remains conflict-free. As we stop at a red light, he rests his hand on my thigh, exhaling smoke. I shoot him a look, biting my cheek—a habit I've developed when feeling flustered. Fuck me, could this red light take any longer?
I extend my hand, and he passes me back my vape, our skin brushing against each other, sending sparks through my body. As I inhale, I feel his hand trailing upwards slowly. I keep my eyes on the red light as his other hand reaches over, taking the vape out of my hand, his touch lingering this time. The quiet sound of music from my phone fills the car as I feel his hand grazing the hem of my shorts.
"Chris," I sigh, capturing my bottom lip between my teeth "Hmm?" he replies softly. I remain silent as his hand hovers over the place I need him most.
Finally, the light switches to amber when Chris speaks up, "Pull over."
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sissylittlefeather · 2 months
Hii!! I don't know if people are sending you photo prompts or you're finding them yourself but I've got one here🫠
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Hi @jhoneybees! Yes, you did it right! Also, I really hope you wanted smut for this one because it got dirty QUICK. This picture is just so hot. I couldn't help it! Anyway, I hope you love it!
Welcome Home, Baby
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie
You're unpacking some of your clothes in the bedroom at Graceland when Elvis brings in the last of your boxes and plops them on the bed.
"Honey, these say 'bathroom', right?"
"You can't read it?" You walk over to him where he's standing next to the boxes.
"It's not my fault I can't read your toddler scrawl."
"Hey! I was in a hurry. Like your handwriting is perfect!" You nudge him with your elbow and he throws his arm around your shoulders.
"Yeah, but you're a girl." He turns and kisses your temple. "My girl. In my house now."
"I still can't believe my mother let me move in here with you. If you were anyone else, she'd die before letting me live with you before marriage. You're lucky she loves you so much." You turn to face him and wrap your arms around his waist. He's sticky with sweat from moving all day, his sweatshirt marked with wet splotches, hair uncharacteristically messy.
"What can I say? I'm a lovable guy."
"That you are." You turn your face up and he lowers his lips to yours, pressing them against you softly.
"I just couldn't live without you here another second. Now we can finally be together in our own space. Just you and me." He leans in again and kisses you a little more deeply, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You can tell he's eager to christen the place as yours. It's not the first time you've been here, by far, but it's different now that you've moved in. There's a hint of future plans that has you both giddy with excitement. He kisses down your neck to your collarbone and rolls his hips into yours. You moan softly and run your hands down the front of his chest to the top of his pants.
"Mmm, baby, I need a shower first."
"You know I don't care. I like you salty." You whisper, nibbling on his earlobe. He chuckles and leans away, pulling his sweatshirt over his head and off. Now he's half naked and you want to wait for him to shower even less than you did before. The soft patch of hair on his chest drives you insane and you reach out to touch him. He grabs your hand with a devilish look on his face.
"Come with me."
"To the shower." A smile spreads across your face and his eyes light up. "C'mon."
His fingers go to the buttons on your dress and he has you naked in less than two minutes, dropping his pants and pulling you toward the bathroom. He starts the shower and lets his mouth and hands explore your body while he waits for it to warm up. His dick was mostly hard already, but now it's standing at full attention, pressing into your lower stomach. You climb into the shower together with you behind him as he rinses himself. You press your body into his back and reach around to take his cock in one hand. As you begin to stroke him, sliding his foreskin back and forth, he leans his head back and groans. Your other hand massages his balls and his hips buck forward into your hold. After a few seconds, he turns in your arms and takes your face in his hands, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. He runs his fingers down your front, grasping your hip with one hand and your breast with the other. As his thumb grazes your nipple, a shiver runs down your spine. He leans down and pulls it into his mouth, flicking his tongue against you gently. Pushing you back to the wall, he gets down on his knees and presses his lips to your center. He thrusts his tongue into you a few times and then starts making bold circles on your clit.
"Oh, god, Elvis." You moan, wrapping your fingers in his hair. He slides a finger into you and pumps it in and out as he moves his tongue quickly on you. Your walls flutter around him and he knows you're getting close. He sucks your clit gently and then flicks it with the tip of his tongue. You dance on the edge of your release, your heart pounding as he dives in fully, licking your clit like his life depends on it.
"Come on, baby, cum for me." He says, his voice deep and husky with lust. You moan loudly as your climax slams into you, bursting out from your center to the edges of your fingertips. You shudder and pulse around his finger and feel him smile into you as his tongue makes its final sweeps over your clit.
He stands up, a smug look on his face. There's nothing he loves more than ruining you with his mouth and then watching as you try to compose yourself after. But this time, you don't even try. You immediately drop to your knees in front of him and take his cock in your mouth as deep as it'll go.
"Oh, fuck, baby." He stumbles backwards and slams his hand against the wall to regain his balance. This is the first time you've reciprocated with your mouth. Honestly, you have no idea what you're doing, but you figure you'll just lick and suck and move on him as long as you can, mimicking what you do with your hand. "Goddamnit..."
His teeth are clenched and his eyes roll back as you open your throat and press your nose into the patch of hair at the base of him. You gag a little, but his reaction is worth the discomfort. Pulling back, you pump him with your hand and lick a circle around his exposed tip.
"Baby, if you don't stop, I'm gonna cum in your mouth. My God." He still has himself braced on the wall, trembling slightly. You're trying to decide if you're okay with that when he pulls away from you quickly, standing you up and turning you to face the wall. He bends his knees and pushes into you from behind, pounding you relentlessly and holding your hips with his long fingers. You cry out with each thrust of his hips as he fills you over and over again passionately. He grunts and slams into you, balls slapping against your ass. You love when he gets like this, almost feral with need for you. Knowing that you've driven him this wild makes you throb with desire and his aggressive thrusting is exactly what you need. Your breasts bounce as he pounds into you and you feel his body tense as he groans.
"Fuck, yes, baby!" He cries out as he fills you one last time, shooting his release deep inside you. His legs shake as he slides out of you, stumbling backwards again to lean against the shower wall. You turn to face him and lean against the wall behind you too. You're both panting and sweating and the water is still running in between you. He starts to chuckle and you giggle a little and before you know it, you're both laughing, the sound echoing through the bathroom. He turns the faucet to make it run from the tap and begins to fill the bathtub. You both slide down the wall until you're sitting in the tub. He reaches out and gestures for you to come over to him. You do and then lean your back against his chest as the water rises around you. He turns the tap off and nuzzles your ear with his nose, whispering.
"I figured we needed to relax and recover."
"Ha! You were right!" He laughs his big booming laugh again and wraps you in his arms. You lay together in the tub, both of you still shaking from the feverish heat of your lovemaking. After a few minutes of silence, you start to relax. He kisses your cheek and sighs.
"Welcome home, baby."
The End
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seungiepop · 8 months
𝑵𝒐 𝑵𝒖𝒕 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓
just a little taste
pairing: enha x best friend reader
characters: all enha members, Shin Yuna (itzy), Choi Beomgyu (TXT), and Mark lee (NCT)
caution: sexual context (only implied on the legal line), cursing, the reader is an 03’ line with sunoo and yuna
genre: social media au and one shots
wc: 1.8k
Masterlist | previous | next
“you really do know how to make a good cupcake..”
Yuna moaned, taking another bite of the delicious raspberry cupcake. The older girl smiled amusingly towards her friend, taking a bite of her own chocolate cupcake.
The two girls sat on their living room floor, an ashtray filled with four big nugs, a few joint papers and clean blunt leaves right in front of them as they waited for their other friends to show up. “There’s no more toilet paper in your bathroom-” a voice suddenly spoke from afar. Beomgyu walked into the living room with an empty toilet paper roll in his hands “-and I couldn’t find your trash can..”.
“Did you even try looking for it?” Yuna huffed standing up from her spot and taking the roll from his hand to throw it away.
Beomgyu shrugged, walking over to the single couch, slumping down on the soft furniture, “What time are the no nut losers coming?” he asked, pulling out his phone to look at his messages. “In a bit, Jay said he had to stop to the store for some drinks” Y/n answered before stuffing the rest of her cupcake in her mouth and cleaning off her fingers with the napkin she had.
Picking up the tray, she began to pull apart the nugs into smaller pieces before placing them in the grinder to grind them up into even smaller pieces. “So how are you planning on breaking these boys?” Beomgyu spoke, looking away from his screen to see his friend shrugging “I don’t know. I mean I know they would give in to whatever, but they might actually try on winning this stupid challenge.” Y/n has thought of many ways she could make each other give in to her shenanigans but she always knew they were very competitive and they might not be willing to cooperate so easily.
“THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!” a sudden voice shouted from the entrance hall.
Y/n snickered watching Sunghoon tipsily walked into their living room “oh my baby!” he slurred, spotting the female on the ground. Walking towards her he leaned down to lift her chin and place a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Scrunching her face at the slight smell of alcohol on his breath she patted his cheek, cooing at his relaxed face that leaned to her sudden touch.
“you drunk my hoon?”
He shook his head “nooo, just tipsy”
Y/n chuckled at the boy and handed him one of the pre roll she had in her shirt pocket.
“Where is jay? He said he had drinks.” Yuna spoke walking out of her room. Y/n pointed towards the kitchen spotting two of the youngest members of their friend group.
“Hey Wonie!” Y/n greeted the younger boy with a smile.
The male smiled at the pretty girl standing in front of him, slightly blushing when she caressed both his dimpled cheeks “Hi noona!” he spoke in a trance, almost like he got hypnotized by her sudden touch.
Y/n went around and greeted the rest of her friends before making her way towards the kitchen to grab herself a drink, grabbing a cup from the stack she poured herself some of the liquor the boys had out on display, topping it odd with some juice she gave it a small taste. Satisfied with her drink leaned back against the kitchen drawers, her mind wondering how the hell she was going to get through all six guys in less than a month.
oh my god, im literally gonna be a whore for a stupid spider-man console.
Walking into the living room she placed her drink on the table, she asked Jay for the bong he had placed on his lap. Jay gladly handed her the glass object and lighter, telling her to be careful before continuing his conversation with Yuna, eyes not leaving her form for a second.
Y/n sat on her knees gently placing the bong on the table in-front of her. She grabbed the small bag of the grinded weed and carefully began to fill up the pipe until it was all nice and full. Her hands wrapping around the base of the bong as she began to leaned down towards the mouthpiece.
Before she was able to lean in a pair of hands grasp her loose locks, from the corner of her eye she could see Jay behind her. One hand holding her hair while the other held a half smoked blunt. Taking the opportunity she leaned down and lit up the small bowl, watching the way the water bubbled up and created the large cloud of smoke pilling up inside the glass. Taking out the bowl she inhaled the large cloud of smoke, letting it sit for a second before blowing it out.
Jay watched with hooded eyes, the girl's head leaned back against his legs, the drug slowly getting her more and more higher.
Out of all the girls he’s smoked with, Y/n had to be one of the prettiest ones yet, and to say he’s smoked with a lot of females back in his freshman year in college.
Letting go of the grip he had on her hair she opened her eyes and smiled dazedly at him “you look so pretty darling.” he softly spoke, the side of his lip curling at the sudden tint on her cheeks.
Y/n placed her hand on his thigh, moving her body so it was facing his standing one. Jay felt himself almost choke at her sudden change of position.
Is this how she would look on her knees for me? he thought.
Y/n bit back her giggle, removing her hand and holding it out “help me up please?” she sweetly smiled.
Taking her smaller hands in his he pulled her up like nothing “thank you!” reaching up she placed a kiss on the taller male's cheek.
y/n one, jay zero.
“That’s a nice way to start off— but I think you can do better.” Beomgyu spoke against his cup, taking a large chug of the strong liquid. “You think?” she hummed, tilting her head to inspect each of the guys leaning on the arm of the couch he was sitting on.
Each doing their own thing and looking stupidly hot doing too “Oh for sure! I mean look at Jungwon, the kid looked like he was going to bust a nut from a little cheek rub.”
“Leave him alone.” she hissed, pinching the side of his arm.
The older male winced, rubbing the sore spot “whatever.”
“Y/nnnn! Do you have any ointment? I’ve cut myself trying to open these jellies.”
Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion, walking over to the sitting male across from her. She leaned down to inspect his lip, noticing the small cut “poor baby-“ she cooed, pulling him up from his chin and leading him to her room “-let’s get that cleaned up.”
Closing the door behind them Y/n pointed to her bathroom letting him know she’ll be there in a minute. Grabbing the small first aid kit from her closet, noticing the mirror she walked and took a look at herself. She was still wearing her work outfit but it was cute enough to make him go crazy.
“Ok, let me see those lips, pretty boy.”
Setting the kit on the counter she turned to look over at the male who was sitting on the edge of the tub. Signaling him to pout his lip she gently started dabbing the ointment on his wound “sorry” she hummed at the small hiss he began to let out.
“All done!”
“Thank you sweet girl!” he smiled, caressing the exposed skin of her hip.
Y/n bit her lip, trying to contain herself from letting out the giggle that was trying to escape. “wait an hour before smoking again, so the ointment can set in!” she instructed. “Yes ma’am.” he hummed, sliding down his hand to her lower back pulling her closer to him.
its go time
Wrapping her arms around his neck she slightly leaned down closer to his face “does it still hurt?” she asked, looking down at the now slightly bruised lil. He shook his head no “A pretty nurse fixed it all up for me.” giggling at the nickname she kissed the corner of his lips where it began to swell. “I hope that made it better..” she whispered against his lips.
Jake stop thinking with your dick
the bet
oh but look at those glossy lips
maybe just a little taste
“Jakey…” her voice made him feel captivated like he was hypnotized.
Just a kiss jake just one tiny little kiss
Leaning in he gently placed his lips on hers, humming at the taste of the weed combined with the sweet taste of her gloss. Y/n smiled knowing she had won this one without him even knowing or did she? Deepening the kiss he placed his hand on the side of her neck. The way his tongue dipped inside her mouth made her melt, her hands making their way up to his neck, grabbing a hold of the back of his hairs, giving it a light tug.
god how can someone taste so good
Pulling the girl into his lap he brought his hand down towards her inner thighs, feeling the soft skin in his palm. This wasn’t the first time she’s done stuff like this with Jake or with any of the guys (except Ricky, gyu, and Mark of course). So just knowing how hard it was going to be for them made the bet a little more exciting.
Y/n started to rub her clothed cunt against his jeans, the fabric adding the right amount of pressure against her clit.
“Mhm, fuck-“ she panted
Jake could feel himself get hard as she grinded against him.
fuck wai-
Her hand slid down his chest down to his crotch, palming him through the rough fabric. Before Y/n could even unbuckle his belt or Jake could even pull her off him there was a loud knock on the door. Getting off his lap Y/n fixed her skirt and opened the door, an awkwardly looking beomgyu holding onto his crotch.
beomgyu i love you bro
“Sorry” he mouthed, pushing the girl over to the side not being able to hold his bladder that was seconds of exploding.
The other two walked out her room, Y/n had a faint smirk on her lips giving her only female friend a wink who gave her a questioning look passing the blunt she had on her fingers.
Yuna looked over at Jake, a pillow was covering his lower half “dude nice!”
the two girls fist bumping on the low.
“no fucking way ja-“ Sunoo laughed
“shut it!”
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Authors note: literally was turnt while typing this so I hope my high self did a good job! :)
taglist- @ilovecheese09 @namdeyuoi @moonshoon @xrr-s4sha @yannew @cup1dton @eternallyreid @heewonenthusiast @rikisly @parkhonnie @wvnkoi @slugism @yizhoutv @jakewife @bahngchatsfx @kangseulgithegreat
( if the blog isn’t a tinted color then it’s not letting me tag you )
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
I saw a post earlier about "women's spaces" and how the writer had often experienced them as hostile rather than inherently safe and welcoming and therefore precious. Now, I could relate to that to some degree, as I still tend to start off pretty tense at events for, say, queer women even though I now go quite a lot of them: "hello I'm bi! If anyone's going to have a problem with that it would be nice to get it out of the way immediately!" But I do value some women's spaces. I would be sad if gendered loos, for instance, went away completely. I've had mad, intense conversations in women's loos that I do not think would have happened in an evenly mixed setting. I have experienced the Drunk Girl Oracle who exists nowhere but in the queue for the ladies: I want her habitat to continue to exist. But the thing is: no "women's space" I've ever been in has ever been this inviolate grove of Artemis where no man may set foot without getting turned into a fucking stag.
Trans women are women. Trans women belong in women's spaces. Trans women make me feel not less but more safe in women's spaces, for reasons that will become clear. When transphobes are screaming that the sky will and does fall in whenever a trans woman walks into a women's bathroom, of course I argue from that starting point.
But also I think it's worth examining the entire premise that spaces FOR [this type of person] are inherently spaces from which [that type of person] is banned.
So like, where are these women's spaces that don't come with the common-sense understanding that while usually, mostly you won't see men in there, if you do he's probably got reasons and its fine?
Is no one else seeing those signs that say "these premises are cleaned by male and female staff"? What about dads with small daughters? Is it really that bad if a man just plain gets lost or has one shot to avoid an emergency from time to time?
There was this meetup for bi people I used to go to. But of course there were never only bi people there. People brought along friends and partners who might be straight or gay. And oh-shit-it-turns-out-I'm-bi people who were still identifying as gay in the rest of their lives came on the quiet. And there was this one lesbian who -- ironically given a certain slur the GC crowd like to throw at bi women -- came quite unapologetically as a tourist, to observe our strange ways and, as she put it, to "encourage us."
These people were explicitly welcome. It was not a space from which not-bi people were barred. It was still a bi meetup. It was still a "bi space." I was at a sapphics' club night last Friday. And there were some men there. I mean, apparently cis, entirely male-presenting, gender-conforming men in the Women's Space™ . Some of them were bar staff, for starters. Is that OK with the GCs? Does all the terror and horror and loss at the thought of a man in your precious Women's Space go away if the man's being paid? If so, it seems oddly ... conditional. But also some of them some seemed not to be working but just sort of ... there. Maybe they were somebody's friends? They certainly didn't bother anyone. I didn't see where they ended up. You see, I was mainly focused on the hot chicks.
There's another wlw event I go to, to which a guy regularly shows up and we've chatted a few times. He usually wears what you'd conventionally call "women's clothes" but does not present as a woman. I know he uses he/him pronouns at present, (I asked) though he implied there was some possibility that might change. I don't know if he's a regular because he's a friend of the host or if he's a friend of the host because he's a regular. I don't know if something about the wlw label speaks to him on some personal level or if it's about queer solidarity, or if he's like the encouraging lesbian at the bi meetups. Whatever the reason, he's just there.
And aside from the fact that we have similar taste in hats, his presence in ye olde sapphic space also makes me feel more safe, for much the same reason the presence of a woman I know is trans does. I'm afraid it's selfish. Because if everyone's being cool about him, or about her, I can be pretty confident no one who finds out that I, too, disrupt binaries just by existing, is going to decide to ruin the evening over it. Because, you know, that has happened to me.
Now like I say, Actual Men in women's spaces aren't the reason trans women belong in women's spaces. But Actual Men entering women's spaces and not thereby ruining them forever do illustrate the utter pointlessness of thinking of women's spaces as these high-walled fortresses to begin with. Spaces for [a type of person] can exist, and still be porous. In fact, to be healthy and functional, they have to be.
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oh-austin · 2 years
going method, part six (austin butler)
summary: you're playing priscilla presley in the new elvis biopic, when your co-star asks you if you would like to date him during the filming of the movie to better understand elvis and priscilla's relationship.
word count: 3,615
authors note / warnings: no warnings! I KNOW IM THE WORST, I've just been disgustingly busy- but here is part six of going method, I know lots of you have been waiting. I hope you like it my loves, no more stupid y/n and austin, yay!
series masterlist / previous + next part
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It had been almost a week since Austin kissed you. 
You were embarrassed to admit that it was the only thing that your brain could conjure up to think of since it happened. The way his lips pressed softly against yours was a feeling you never wanted to forget. It seemed that Austin felt different to you.
At first, you thought he was just having a bad day, but when you asked he told you incessantly that he was alright to the point where you actually believed him. Now, you’re worried that he’s wallowing in his own regrets. He hadn’t been speaking to you heaps in between takes, or on breaks, or ever really. You couldn’t help the way your chest ached when he would turn away after a shooting a scene. 
You let yourself get your hopes up, you knew that. You let yourself walk into the flames and were swallowed hole, but you wouldn’t change it. You wouldn’t change the way that Austin looked at your lips just before he kissed them, or the way he held you when you both fell asleep that night. It hurt to think that he regret his actions, or regret that he crossed a line professionally, but that’s the way it was now and you had to deal with it for the film’s sake. 
You knew that it wouldn’t be hard to get into the right frame of mind for today’s scenes. Austin was able to get his stitches out earlier than they thought he would, which meant it was back to regular scheduling on set. Today Priscilla was leaving Elvis, and in a way, you were leaving Austin. Leaving the idea that you both could be anything more behind, just like he wanted. 
“You look great,” Louise smiled at you, putting a little more blush on your cheek. You smiled looking down at the ground, whispering a thank you.
“Everyone ready?” Baz called, “Yeah, good. Ready-“ You were cramped in the bedroom of the Graceland set, Austin on the bed in a purple velvet robe. You didn’t feel ready. “Mark, and Action!”
You sighed moving around the bed to the side that Austin was asleep on. Roughly opening the curtains, harsh sunlight fell into the room and onto Austin’s face.
“The hell you ‘doin?” He mumbled, his voice gravelly. 
You sat down on the bed next to him, picking up a few things from the beside table before looking at him. “I’m leaving you,” You said sternly, “and I’m taking Lisa with me”. You got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom as Austin stumbled out of bed to follow you.
“Uh, ‘cilla, is this about what happens on the road?” He mumbled again incoherently.
“About the what?” You called out to him, Austin still finding his way into the bathroom where you were.
“Is this about what happens on the road-“ 
You cut him off, “The girls?” You asked with your eyes wide “You think I give a shit about the girls that you sneak in through the side door?” You laughed as Austin tried to interject, you wouldn’t let him, “No. I couldn’t care less about whoever it is you sneak through the side door. It’s about this, Elvis,” You picked up a bottle of pills before throwing it at him, “And this,” You did it again, “And this!” And again.
“Hey! Whoa,” Austin put his hands up in defence as you threw the glass vials at him.
“And these goddamn pills those leeches and has-beens feed down your throat!” You turned away from Austin, grabbing another bag from behind you, shoving the things that you had gathered in there.
“God damn it,” Austin mumbled as you pushed past him.
“You’re strung out,” You shook your head walking back into the bedroom.
“Strung out?” Austin tried to scoff but was too out of it to muster anything, “Goddamn, I’m in the best shape of my life!” He argued.
“Best shape of your life? The only time you’re happy is when you’re on that stage and in between that, you’re a ghost” You left the bedroom with your bag in hand, Austin following after you as you went down the stairs.
“’Cilla, I give you everything you could want, you have everything that a girl-“
“Cut!” Baz called you. You sighed looking over at your director. You hated not having a clean run of the first take. The feeling of your performance lacking loomed over your head when you couldn’t finish the scene. “Y/N cut him off again, you’re tired, you don’t want to hear it” He instructed, “Take charge, okay?” 
“Yeah,” You nodded again, “Okay,”
“Reset from the top of the stairs and from Austin’s line,” Baz called. You and Austin went back up the stairs, you waited until he was on his mark before you walked back up. “Ready? And action!”
“’Cilla, I give you everything you could want-“
You cut him off like Baz told you to, “What I want is a husband!” You turned around to look at him, you felt the tears pooling in your eyes as you raised your voice at Austin, “I am your wife,” You told him, “I am your wife!” You pointed your chest repeatedly as the first tear fell. "And Lisa is your daughter,” You turned back around and walked quickly down the stairs, your voice was softer now, “She needs a father”.
“I am her father,” Austin’s words were slurred as he spoke to you. You stopped in your tracks at his words, sighing deeply and slowly turning back around to look at him. 
“Do you remember the last time that we laughed together?” You voice shook as more tears filled your eyes, “Do you remember the last time that the three of us sat down and had dinner together? You won’t even make love to me anymore,” You shook your head softly, “I gift you my life, and I have nothing left in me to give you” You shrugged at him hopelessly. 
You couldn’t help but hear Austin in these words and not Elvis, your brain taunted you as he spoke.“Do you still love me?”
Yes, you thought, but you just stood there as another tear ran down your cheek. 
Austin exhaled softly, sitting himself down on one of the bottom steps of the staircase. You turned away from him and balled your hand into a fist and put it over your heart before turning back to him. “When you’re 40 and I’m 50, we’ll be back together. You’ll see,” Austin didn’t look at you, instead kept his eyes down towards the ground. 
You took a deep breath before dropping your bag and walking over to Austin, holding him to your chest from where he sat. You felt Austin shake in your arms before he let out a quiet sob. You held him tighter as he cried, remembering how he felt against your chest the last time you held him this way.
You crouched down and kissed Austin’s forehead, then his cheek. “I have to go,” You whispered.
“Will you please stay?” Austin shook his head, sniffing away his tears.
“I have to go,” You told him, “Okay? If I stay, I’ll never leave” Austin kept his hold on you. 
“Please,” He cried as you tried to pull yourself out of his grasp.
“You have to let me go,” You told him, pulling his hand from your waist and putting it in his lap.
“Please, Priscilla,” He begged.
“You have to let me go,” You whispered, putting his other arm back before walking back to your bags. You swiftly picked them up and wiped a tear from your face as you walked out of the foyer. You stopped walking after you were out of frame, but you were close enough to hear Austin’s sobs. You felt your heart break for him, even acting, he had a hold on you that you never thought possible. 
“Cut!” Baz yelled. 
It became a routine very quickly, dry your tears, film the scene, repeat. Baz was constantly stopping you both to change or add small bits into the scene, but the pain you felt when filming it didn’t fade. You were very glad to be done with the scene when Baz finally called it. 
“Great work everyone,” He held up his arms, the films script in hand, “Before we move on I want everyone to turn to our beautiful Priscilla,” You suddenly felt around fifty pairs of eyes on you, but the only pair that you could feel belonged to Austin. “We’re going to sing a little song for Y/N today, because it’s her birthday!” He shouted. 
You looked at the ground with a sigh, a blush appearing on your cheeks as the crew cheered and clapped for you. Your assistant, Maisie, came out with a bouquet of flowers in her arms. 
“Happy birthday,” She passed them off to you whilst bringing you into her embrace. You only felt your blush grow as the crew sang happy birthday to you. After such a draining two hours, it gave you relief. Austin watched you as you stood there with flowers in hand. You looked beautiful, but he let his feelings of guilt overtake him. He forgot your birthday.
As he wallowed in his feelings about you, he completely blanked on the fact your birthday was coming up. You knew that he forgot, you didn’t mind though and you were ready to forgive him at any moment, for forgetting your birthday and more. 
“Thank you everyone,” You laughed, holding up your bouquet in the air whilst people clapped for you again, “Thank you very much, that was lovely,” You tried your best to speak over the commotion.
Baz eventually brought the conversation back to the filming schedule and reiterated what would be filmed tomorrow, but everyone was free to go home. Maisie wished you happy birthday again, Baz gave you a hug and gave you a small present. You unwrapped it whilst thanking him, a golden necklace with a P initial sat in a velvet box. ‘For my Priscilla’ he said, you could’ve cried. Hugging him once more, you thanked him again before he went to go finish looking over the last few takes.
You locked eyes with Austin as you went to walk away. Usually, your heart would beat faster under his piercing gaze- this time, it beat melodically and shallow. Your body trying to accept the fact that those feelings of nervousness and blush were no longer necessary. 
He looked like he wanted to say something. As if words sat on his tongue ready to be said, but stayed quiet. He broke your gaze momentarily before looking back at you once more, he just couldn’t help himself. You offered him a small smile, a pathetic excuse for one if anything. You took a deep breath, trying to stead yourself as you bit your lip. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you turned away from him and headed back in the direction of hair and makeup. 
You spoke with Louise as she took your hair-pieces out and took your makeup off. She asked you what you were going to do to celebrate your birthday, you lied to her about your plans. Talk of going out to celebrate were falsities, when in reality your bed and an episode of a trashy reality show was calling out your name. After ridding yourself of Priscilla, the walk back to your trailer wasn’t ideal. The rain poured heavy in the Queensland heat, a summer storm on your birthday. A cruel irony. 
Once back in your trailer, you stripped out of your now wet clothes and changed into a long sleeve white and grey stripped shirt, grey tracksuit pants adorned your legs. You crawled into the bed in your trailer, you knew it was unnecessary to go back to your apartment. Tomorrows early call-time would’ve mocked you as you left the lot.
Your chest heavy as you allowed the TV show to lull you to sleep. Sweet dreams danced on your mind as your eyes began to flutter shut. Flashes of Austin’s eyes, face, lips clawed their way back into your brain involuntarily, he was always going to be there regardless of his feelings for you. He was always in the back of your mind, taunting you with the fact you cant have him.
As your breathing evened out, flashes of colour glistened over your skin from the illuminated screen. A frantic knock on the door of your trailer woke you. You groggily made your way to the door, opening it to find the one person you hoped it would be.
Austin, soaking wet from head-to-toe, a gift bag in hand. 
“Oh my god, what are you going?” You rushed, “You’ll freeze, get inside!”. Raindrops fell off of Austin’s arms, his white t-shirt see-through- you tried your best to not look too much at his abs peaking through the soft material. 
Austin was panting almost as he put the gift bag on top of your countertop. Sniffing, he wiped the rain from his forehead. “Lets get you into some warm clothes,” You pulled a towel from your linen cupboard and passed it to Austin. As he dried off as best he could, you managed to find Austin’s old t-shirt he had leant you and some sweatpants of his that sat in your trailer.
“Thanks baby,” Rain droplets fell from Austin’s hair onto your hands as you held the clothes out for you.
“It’s okay,” You whispered, turning around so Austin could get changed. You heard the sopping t-shirt smack against the linoleum of your trailers kitchenette, Austin jagged breathing and sniffing was the only noise that filled the small space. 
You weren’t sure if you could turn back around, so you stayed still with your arms crossed over your chest. You were suddenly so aware of yourself as Austin stood so close to you again. You felt vulnerable all over again. 
“I’m sorry,” Austin said. You slowly turned around, taking this as it was okay to look at Austin once more. 
“For what?” You asked him. He stood guilty, he let his shame takeover his body.
“For forgetting your birthday, that was real shit of me” He took a step closer to you, shaking his head, “I’m so sorry Y/N”.
You smiled softly, “It’s okay, I don’t expect you to remember”
“Well I should” He finally met your eyes, “I- I’m your friend” There it was. Friend. Everything that you had been worrying about was finally true, no longer all up in the air. For now it was staring you right in the face. You were friends, nothing more. Co-stars, colleagues, not anything else.
“I’ll get you a blanket” You broke his gaze, leaving him alone in the front section of your trailer. You pulled a beige throw blanket from your bed, handing it to Austin.
“Thanks mamas” He took it from you. You sat down on the couch, ready to let it swallow you whole. “I am so sorry” Austin sat next to you, he had to stop himself from putting his hand on your thigh. 
“It’s alright,” You nodded with a small shrug, “You’ve got lots to think about and we haven’t really been talking much so-“ You trailed off. A sigh escaped your lips as you rested your elbows on your knees. “I’m sorry about that too” He whispered.
“Me too,” You looked at him. Austin was sitting in a similar position to you, he looked defeated almost.
“Not your fault I pushed you away” He looked down at the ground.
“I could’ve made an effort, it’s my fault too” You played with your fingers, letting them distract you from the conversation looming in the air.
Austin sniffed before getting up from the couch, “I got you something”. He took the bag from the countertop and held it close to him.
“I saw” You chuckled lowly, leaning back against the couch cushions.
“Come ‘ere” Austin sat back down next to you. You turned crossing your legs in front of you as you faced Austin. “Happy birthday baby, I hope you don’t already have it” You laughed as he handed you the pink gift bag, “Girl at the bookstore said it’s her newest one”
You opened the bag and pulled out your present. A paperback book laid in your hands, the newest book published by your favourite author. A small gasp left your mouth, then turning into a laugh.
“Austin!” You smiled, looking up to him and then back to your book, “As if you remembered that I like her books” You shook her head.
“I believe you said you were ‘a sucker’ for her stuff” He repeated your words. It astounded you that one little sentence that you said to him had stuck with him for so long. Long enough to get you a perfect birthday present.
“That’s because I am” You admitted, admiring the front cover once more. 
“So you don’t have that one?” Austin smiled, watching you examine the front and back vigorously. You looked up a him with a grin on your have, he admire the way your smile reached your eyes. His heart beating slightly faster.  
“I hadn’t had the chance to go out and get it” You admitted to him.
“Well now you don’t have to” He shrugged, “Happy birthday Y/N” He whispered to you.
“Thank you, I love it” You whispered, putting it back in the bag before putting it at your feet.
“I’m glad” He said as he leant against his hand, his elbow on the couch cushion.
You copied Austin’s position, holding his gaze for a while. Sitting in comfortable silence was nice after your week had been so harrowing. Though you wanted to relax and just sit with Austin, the question sat heavy on your chest. You both knew that it had to be brought up, it was just a contest of who would break first.
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered, “You can be honest, I won’t be upset or anything. I promise”
Austin nodded, “Course you can”.
“Do you-“ You swallowed the lump in your throat, gathering the courage to ask him straight out “Do you regret kissing me?”
“What?” Austin sat up, “No, of course not” He shook his head.
“Then why haven’t you been talking to me” You asked slowly.
“Y/N, I-“ Austin sighed, mulling over his response. He could be honest, vulnerable. He could leave himself open to be rejected by you, no matter the odds. He knew it was time to rip off the bandaid and be honest with you. “I like you.. more than I ever thought I would when we first, you know, ‘started dating’” Austin looked down at his hands, trying everything not to meet your gaze- terrified at the thought of your reaction.
But he didn’t need to be, “Yeah, me too”
It was almost as if Austin was so caught up in his own head that he missed your response. “And it’s been really, really messing with my head” He ran his hand through his hair, you saw his hands shaking slightly, “I can’t keep kissing you knowing that you just see me as some person I’m playing in a movie”. Austin shook his head, “I just- I can’t. It’s a lot and I can’t really handle it well, I- I haven’t been handling it well” He admitted.
“Austin-“ He cut you off, “You don’t have to say anything, I understand you’re a professional and you are- you truly are such a great actress, but I don’t know if I can keep up with this ‘dating’ thing anymore- because it’s very real to me, Y/N” Austin finally looked up to meet your eyes, “It’s very real to me now”. His eyes were glassy, you could feel yourself slowly tearing up.
“Austin-“ You sniffed, “I really like you,” 
“What?” He said.
You laughed at his response, “You’re a lot more than just ‘Elvis’ to me.. like so much more” You smiled. You knew you were crying now. “I thought that you only really saw me as Priscilla, not Y/N” You told him.
“Are you kidding?” He exclaimed. Austin finally fought his doubts, holding onto your hand.
“No!” You shook your head with a smile, a tear running down your cheek.
“You’re a lot more than just ‘Priscilla’ to me,” Austin said softly, wiping the tear from your cheek.
“I feel so stupid” You admitted.
“Why?” He smiled. His chest was full, content. 
“I got so worked up over the thought of you seeing me, kissing me as someone I’m not” You explained, “I should’ve just came out and said something. Would’ve saved us a lot of trouble,” You both laughed together. Austin pulled you close to him, sitting you in his lap.
“Trust me,” He looked down at you, holding you against his chest, “I’ve been kissing you as Y/N since our first day on set together”
“Good,” You smiled. You let yourself sit with Austin for a moment, taking it how it felt to be touching him again- to be so close with him again. “Do you think you could stay the night?” You whispered, closing your eyes as you buried your head in his neck.
“If you want me to, if you’re okay with that” He looked down at you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Austin,” You smiled, “I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me for a week now, you’re not going anywhere”
─── ∘◦❀◦∘
@rainydayz101 @sammybutler @klizzie93 @rockerchick05 @fanatics30 @sh-aniah @little-rythmix @austinsrealgf @hallecarey1 @catertotshitposts @abloversblog @inkpot-winters @adrientte715 @gabrielajimenez77-blog @butler-trouble @rodrig-hoe @b1llzb1tch @duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-blog1 @behindmygreyeyes @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker @teti-menchon0604 @sparklemarysunshine @xy05m  @onecrazydirectioner @knivqs @dre6ming @namoreno @all-lit-up @aesthetic-lyssa @butlersantics @earth-to-lottie
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horrorslu7 · 1 year
can you make a gunnar albright smut plz
Helloooo, of course I can! Turned out a bit angsty and very long sooo there's that. Hope you like it, though 🩷🫶🏻
Why'd you only call me when you're high?
Summary: You weren't good enough to be Gunnar's partner, but you were good enough for him to call you at 3 am after throwing a party.
Pairing: Gunnar Albright x Fem!reader.
Trigger warnings: Toxic relationship.
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You met Gunnar when you started going to his prestigious private school like a year ago.
Your parents were rich but they were "new money" rich, obviously to you that didn't matter. Money is money and you must definitely had way more than before.
The people at your school had this general idea that almost everyone seemed to share that you might be like them economically wise but status wise you weren't even close, whatever that meant.
And by most people at your school I mean all of Gunnar's friends. He said he thought the same, and at the beginning he did. He looked at you and saw a rich but most definitely "inferior" girl.
You couldn't give less of a fuck being completely honest, you were too busy trying to adjust to this new world of money and better education to care about what some rich pricks had to say about you. But eventually, it caught up to you.
They weren't mean to you directly most times, but you could hear the laughs when you walked by and heard the whispers they said behind you in class. And let's not forget their disgusted glares directed at you when you walked in any room they were in.
Gunnar didn't have any intention of having a friendship with you, let alone having feelings for you. But you can't help who you fall for.
And you weren't happy about liking him either, but sadly, you did. And if someone ended up the most hurt out of your "relationship," it was most definitely you.
You and Gunnar first interacted directly because of a history assignment. You two had a presentation to make together and sadly had no other choice but to hang out in order to do it properly.
Gunnar invited you to his house, mainly because he didn't want to go to yours, and he ended up quite captivated by your personality. You seemed quite sensitive but also straightforward and quite careless in some aspects.
You were different from his friends and he quite liked it. With time, you two ended up having a bit of a hectic, secret, and mostly painful relationship.
If you could go back to that night, you two went to the bathroom of a party to make out and stop yourself, you would if it meant that now, you wouldn't be feeling sad and insecure.
One thing is knowing that some stupid pretentious rich kids don't like you and would never hang out with you, and another completely different thing is knowing that the boy you sneaked into your room late at night and talked about everything and anything for hours on end didn't want you to be seen with him. He made you question yourself all the time.
Was it really just the status that you lacked? Or did he not want to be seen with you for something else?
Every saturday night was the same, Gunnar would throw a party, he wouldn't invite you and you would find out because one of your friends, you wouldn't go even if you knew about the party and after it ended Gunnar would call you to invite you to his house or ask you if he could go to yours.
And you always told yourself that this time it would be different and it never was. At the beginning you would tell him no and that you're tired but he would insist and tell you how much he wants to see you and how parties don't mean anything if you're not there at the end.
But this time it was really different.
It was currently 3 a.m., and usually, Gunnar's parties wouldn't end this early, but this time it seemed to be different. He has been calling you for thirty minutes now.
It was kinda funny to imagine his face when you didn't pick up and imagine how angrier and preoccupied it got with every call. And also with every text, which weren't just a few.
You have been in your living room watching movies since midnight, when your parents left because of some party a friend from work was throwing. Your phone was next to you on the couch on silence mode. You have grown tired of your ring tone on the 4th call, and vibration mode got tiring in the 7th call.
You had one foot up on the couch and the other hanging, not quite reaching the carpet. Your eyes were fixated on the screen, but your mind was somewhere else.
That was until you saw a light reflect on the shut curtains of your living room along with an engine of a car getting closer to your house and then stopping completely.
You got up thinking it must be your parents, hearing the quite aggressive knocks on the door once you got closer, you opened it being a bit weirded out and upon seeing Gunnar your face completely changed.
"Good to know you're still alive." He said with venom laced on his words when you opened the door. His gaze was quite dark.
"Yeah, well, I don't stop living when I'm not talking to you, much to your disbelief." You said with the same venomous tone.
Seeing Gunnar angry made you have this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you were too mad to think about that.
He rolled his eyes at your words and entered your house, pushing past you. "I was concerned, you know? Why weren't you answering my calls?"
"Why do you think you have the right to enter my house uninvited?" You asked and then hesitantly closed the door.
"When you sneak me in, I'm also not invited, and you don't seem to care." He smiled at you with that little smile he did when he was right and wanted to rub it in your face.
"Yeah, but those times I want to see you, and right now I don't, in case you didn't get the memo." Your eyes full of resentment never left his.
"I know that, I would like to know why if you don't mind."
"Because I'm tired of you being ashamed of me. You think you have all the rights in the world to just use me whenever you want and then pretend you don't know me in front of your friends? I'm done." It felt weird but liberating to finally say that. It has been bottled up for so long that you even got used to not saying it.
His gaze softened, and his eyes went from being full of anger and concern to being full of guilt and regret.
"I'm not ashamed of you, I just don't know how to tell them yet." He went silent for a second. You could see his eyes study you silently as his brain debated on what he was willing to do. "If what you really want is for me to tell them that we're together, then I will."
You scoffed. "And why should that mean something? You always say that Gunnar, and you never tell them."
It was true. The topic has come up on conversations before, and he always said that he would tell his friends about you two, but he never did. He would just participate less and less in the hate his friends would direct your way in conversations.
And you always thought maybe he'll actually come clean, except this time. And he proved you wrong.
His hands went straight to the pocket of his jeans reaching for his phone. Taking it in his hands, he opened the group chat he had with his friends and started typing.
Your expression changed to a puzzled one since you couldn't really see what was on his screen. "What are you doing?" You said in a much calmer tone that before but still with this hint of anger notable.
"What I should've done before." He said, finishing the text and sending it.
After that, he showed you the screen where you could clearly see the name of the group chat and his text, which said that you and him were dating for a while now and he didn't care if they wanted to stop being friends because of that but thought they should know.
"Here, you can see for yourself who's in the group chat." He pressed on his screen, and before he could show you, you kissed him passionately, placing your hands on his face softly.
The kiss caught Gunnar out off guard, but he quickly kissed back and shoved his phone back in his pocket so he could place his hands on your waist. You could taste the trace of liquor on his lips, but you didn't really care. It kind of added to the heat of the moment and turned you on a bit if you were being honest.
Slowly, he started to guide you to the living room. The back of your legs ended up pressed in the corner of the sofa that you were sitting on a few minutes ago. He pushed you softly, making you fall to the sofa, your head ending a few inches away from your phone.
Gunnar looked at it and then took it. "I thought you may have thrown it away." He joked and looked at you with a smirk on his lips before throwing the phone at the coffee table carelessly.
Your eyes kind of popped in surprise. "Hey! Be cautious, I still need that thing." You said, looking at him with a half joking half serious look.
"I can always buy you a new one." He joked cockily before kissing you again.
One of his hands was next to your head on the sofa while the other slowly made its way from caressing your cheek to hugging your neck. Your hands also traveled his body, going from his neck and the back of his head to his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it.
Your skin was way more warm than his, and his cold touch made you shiver slightly as it made his way down your body. He moved his hand from your neck to under your pj's top, caressing your ribs slowly, and then moving to play with the waistband of your shorts.
He played with them for a bit and then looked at you for approval to keep going. You looked at him with pleading eyes and with a breathy voice asked him to please not stop.
So he obeyed. He took off your shorts and then went back to your top, also taking it off.
His familar and very slightly dry lips from the cold left kisses on your chest, and then leaving meaningful hickeys on your chest, clavicle, and neck. He wanted everyone to know someone marked you, and he would make sure they knew that someone was him and no one else.
He lowered himself slowly, leaving behind a trail of kisses from your gorgeous chest, passing your abdomen, and then getting to your hips. His hands circled them quite harshly, probably leaving bruises for tomorrow, the slight pain making you more excited and full of anticipation.
Gunnar ended up kneeling on the floor, his face in between your legs, which he opened slowly after taking off your underwear. His kisses now went from the inside of one of your thighs to the other.
It was quite a sight to see. His hair was messy thanks to your desperate hands, his shirt almost completely unbuttoned, his veiny hands caressing your thighs, and his eyes going from your face to in-between your legs.
He started to accelerate his pace, making you a moaning mess and making you beg for more. The pit of your stomach became tight as your orgasm was closer, and he took advantage of that making his pace slower.
After a few more kisses, when he thought you had enough, he started very slowly circling your clit with his tongue. His fingers slowly entered you, making you moan and throw your head back.
At that moment, you thought you could most definitely forgive him anything. He was the only person who could make you feel that way.
Your moans transformed into groans, and after edging you for a bit, Gunnar decided he had enough for now. And picked up his pace again, making you come harshly moaning his name.
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Beef over Wands
Harry Potter meets Black Panther meets HBCU. #ReaderInsert
Fun lil one and done unless y'all want more.
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Nigga stole my wand, you glare as the six foot fool takes his turn in the duel. Erik is his name. He's up against Turner Pewter, Hufflepuff's best, and he's swishing all wrong. The wand is his only saving grace against his wack technique.
"Let's go Turner," you cheer when Turner defends Erik's blows perfectly. "As you should," you clap. He fires right back. "As to be expected from a HAMU senior." Blow for blow, he's proving to the dueling club why he's called the best of his year. "Turner dodge!"
Erik throws a potion bomb that erupts in green smoke, making Turner gag and cover his eyes as he's disarmed. Dammit Turner. Facepalming, you sigh. "Dirty play."
"Here's a free lesson. It's only dirty if it's against the rulebook."
"Tomato," you say flatly, turning to Turner. "That was all you, you did that."
"HIM? I won! Oooh..," he points. "I get it. You still mad about your lil wand." He twirls it in the air.
You wanted that wand. You draw its twin into your grasp and move into the dueling circle as you stare him down. He was so focused on taking something that didn't belong to him that he didn't do his research. You push your glasses up so they don't slip off your nose. He's not taking you seriously.
"I'm all about a duel, but this ain't what you want, sweetheart."
You hold your wand before your face, in starting position.
"Wands at the ready," Turner announces. Reluctantly, Erik gets into position.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts Agricultural and Magical University. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find an enclosed list of necessary books and equipment. Term begins February 1, 2023. We await your owl by no later than January 12, 2023. To avoid detection by muggles, please use the entrance located at Grand Central Station in New York, New York. We look forward to having you at our school.
Choosing schools was hell. Either way you went, you were disappointing someone. Your parents stood in the living room while you stood in the ashen fireplace. Your send-off was a personal and private affair. No outside family allowed. Dad held you by your shoulders and told you to send word at the slightest whisp should you find yourself in a pickle. Mom already had the start of a new photo album labeled for your college days. Neither of them mentioned the elephant in the room. Your boyfriend wasn't there.
Dusting it off, you said a proper goodbye and threw a fistful of floo powder. "Grand Central Station." In a poof, you were heading into a busy bathroom to change out of your dusty clothes into something appropriate and stylishly blue. You walked through the specified wall and boarded your express train, unnoticed by the muggles, and within the hour, you were in a new and unfamiliar town. Caldwell Avenue. Luckily, your acceptance letter came with a map.
"Where Cauldron Depot is," a girl stops in front of you to ask.
"I'm new like you, I don't know," you walk by. There's another girl with long braids staring at her map and standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Not everyone has a sense of direction. Ignoring her, you continue to a shop called Grim's Wands & Wonders. It's nothing like Olivander's. It's less antique, more like a Zale's diamond store. Everything expensive or superpowered is protected behind spelled glass.
"HELLO," a woman pops up. She's definitely British, wearing long black locs pulled back and a tailored purple twin-tailed suit. "I see you're interested in charms," she taps the glass you only glanced at for a second and points to the exact triangle-shaped charm that attracted you. "You need luck?"
"I do," you step forward to get a better look. "I assume you're Grim."
"Mhm. Oh dear, it's all over you."
"What? No. She's torn up about her one and only legacy choosing Hogwarts of all places."
"Excuse me?"
"Your mum." She takes the charm from its showcase. "She's disappointed. She did all she could to sway you in the direction of Beauxbatons."
"You know my mom?"
"Of course not," she laughs. "I do psychic work on the side. And that boyfriend of yours will come around." Putting the charm on a silver chain, she clasps it around your neck. "Pretty. This little stone in the center is peridot," her hands rest on your shoulders as you look at your reflection.
"The stone of innocence."
"It'll help you trust your intuition."
"Yikes," you wince.
"No worries."
"No, my intuition disappoints the ones closest to me. I need the opposite."
"You're a smart, young Ravenclaw and HAMU is a wonderful school. You'll do fine."
"Well I know that.."
She smiles as the entrance door audibly opens and shuts behind you. "Hello, just a sec-"
"I need a wand," the new customer demands, leaning on the glass despite the sign that says not to.
"Well. We have lots," Grim gestures smartly to the many many wands. "Take a beat. I'll be with you shortly." Returning her full attention to you, she glances to your school bag and extends her palm. "Now then. Let's get down to it, shall we? I have reason to believe the wand in your possession.. is ready to assist another young witch in finding her magic."
"Oh? What witch, because I don't foresee myself letting it go."
"Sentimental," she nods. "I suspected. As we develop, we become different people. Your wand has not changed with you."
Well, isn't that convenient. Confused, you pull out your wand and stare her down. Her intuition hasn't been wrong, so you'll trust her. She inspects it, gently closing it in a black rectangular wand box and setting it aside.
"Look I got things to do. Just gimme this wand right here," the other customer interjects. He's looking at a long and elegant black one, 14 inches and sturdy with a tribal cut embossed with silver metalfruit dye. It's very rare. "Give me that one."
"That one's not for you.. But I have one in mind. I'll be right with you. Now, as I was saying.. Let's see about a new wand."
Her fingers sweep gently over the glass cases as she walks around her store. There are hundreds of elaborate and unique wands neatly on display. No one in London had anything close to a wand this artful. She hesitates, muttering to herself as she hovers over one before changing her mind and hovering over another.
"Shit," the guy mutters under his breath. He's sucking the tip of his finger when you glance over. That's what he gets for trying to tamper with spelled glass.
"Is this your first wand," you shade.
He pulls out his current wand and lays it down. "My third." It's an Olivander wand, you can tell. It's very similar to yours, almost identical. Your nose wrinkles. It's possible he attended Hogwarts School of Magic with you, but he doesn't look familiar. Different year, maybe?
Grim returns with her find. You give it a wave, and the ceiling cracks.
"NO MA'AM," she snatches it and locks it away. The guy snickers, but both you and Grim ignore him. Racing to the opposite end of the store, Grim grabs a few wand boxes seemingly at random. She races them back. "What house was your father? No that's not it," she removes an option. "When's your birthday? Never mind." She brings the box back. You hear the open and door shut behind you once more. Another customer.
She opens the boxes, revealing 4 beautifully made wands, all of different styles. Your hand is drawn to one, and when you touch it, you feel it taking you in, sizing you up. You can feel its intent. It's an elegant, beautiful, and powerful wand for a powerful, elegant, and beautiful witch. It has swirling gold patterns.
"The core is dragonheart string," Grim grins, reading your mind. The most powerful wands have a Dragonheart string core.
Grim steps away to greet the other customers. You place the wand back in its box and eavesdrop as she helps the guy who came in after you.
"Just gimme this," he points to the same wand he's been waiting on. He tosses his wand on the glass like trash, one of the most disrespectful things he could do in front of a wandmaker. Grim's tongue presses into her cheek.
"Big bad wizard. This old wand could never keep up with the likes of you." Her voice drips with sarcasm as she picks up his old wand from the counter, inspecting it. You're holding your breath. Her hackles are up. "I see you chose not to return this piece to Olivander. I'd know an Olivander wand anywhere."
"Then you know why I'm getting rid of it. It doesn't suit me."
"We wandmakers take great pride in the study and art of our craft. We know our wands inside and out. This wand is the one you need. Maybe not the one you want.. but it would behoove you to trust in decades of research and expert-"
"Gimme the wand."
Offended, Grim stores the old wand in an empty black box and puts it away, granting his request and pulling the long black and silver wand he was looking at. He strokes the pattern gently, barely waves it, and an engraved water canteen on a far shelf explodes.
You snicker and cover your mouth.
"I'm not paying for that," he sets the wand down quickly.
"That was the will of a wand that seems to know you better than you do," you remark.
"Try this one," Grim presses a second wand into his hand before he can respond. "Ancient olive oak from Ancient Sumeria. The core is pure dragon's scale. It's powerful but delicate."
"I don't need delicate," he frowns as it flips out of his hand and across the shop, rejecting him.
"Telling," your eyes roll.
Wands have personalities. His is aggressive. You see disaster come once more when he demands to try a sandy golden wand.
"Demanding which wands you want with no regard for the materials? You don't understand wands at all. That's Ashwood. Even I know you're incompatible. Ashwood wands gravitate to users who are stubborn and courageous, however, never arrogant or crass."
"You real chatty," his attention turns to you.
"I've been called worse." You watch him approach. "You'd know these things if you'd done any research."
"I like this one," he snatches up the box you've already chosen, or more accurately, has chosen you.
"Then give it a wave," you smirk in challenge. "I recognize an arrogant Slytherin when I see one. Go on."
He waves your wand and visible waves of power eb and flow around him. The wand didn't do that for you. Eyes wide, you look at Grim. She shrugs, like there's nothing she can do.
"This wand seems to be indecisive," she says.
"Indecisive? Dragonheart string requires a powerful user. I'm stronger than him. I'm smarter than him. What's to decide?"
"It sees you both as worthy weilders. However, it will always side with the most ambitious. This wand seeks power."
"Obviously not. Besides, I was first," you argue.
"The wand chooses the wizard, I do know that," the guy smirks, swirling the wand box in his hand. Shaking your head in disbelief, you stare at Grim and she has a stroke of memory.
"Oh! Wait. Wait right here," she says excitedly, disappearing into her storage and re-emerging with another box. When she opens it, it's nearly identical. "Why didn't I just do this from the beginning," she chides herself. "Your old wands were twins! Of course, your new wands would have that same possibility."
You grab it, and it feels like electricity flowing through your body. You can see your aura.
Grim snips a tiny curl from your head and fuses it to the wand. She makes a written record of the sale and you're back in Caldwell Avenue with your map.
(Return to Present)
"Incendio," you point and watch him burn where he stands. It tickles you. He wasn't fast enough. "Vaulting Charm." He's blown back on his butt, patting out the flames.
"That's right," Turner yells.
"Depulso," Erik casts, causing you serious physical pain, bad enough to distract you while he drinks a healing elixir.
"That's OK," Turner claps.
"Depulso," you fire back when you can.
"Jelly Legs Jinx." Doubled over, he attacks your stamina. You're shocked he even knows that spell. It's advanced. Still, he's looking to end this. You have to hit him hard or risk looking bad.
"Depulso." High damage.
"Stupify." You drink an elixir of your own while he's frozen.
"Depulso," you dodge his flames. "Expelliarmus!" He's diswanded.
"THAT'S RIGHT," Turner yells, raising your arm as the victor. "And our new winner," he bows in your direction.
Erik gets to his feet. Breathing heavily, he nods in your direction. "New class has some good wizards, what can I say. We the truth."
"We?" You watch him reach for his wand. You look closely, noticing the subtle look in his eye when it doesn't react to him the same as before the battle. It's rejecting him. "Well, isn't that interesting," you smirk. "Grim was right. It is ambitious."
He looks irritated, not angry, just annoyed.
"So now what? Wand number... 4?" You tease.
"This wand is shit. I don't need it," he tosses it to you. You toss it back.
"I'm straight," you laugh. "You two can have each other."
"Dayum," he sighs. "Now I gotta get my shit back..."
"Didn't she tell you! Tsk tsk."
"Aight, okay," Turner intervenes, holding your shoulder. "It's cool, we all a team and no one's dick is bigger than the other."
"Iunno.. she gotta pretty big dick," Erik chuckles.
"Wanna see," you smirk.
"I think I'm good."
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @nobodybaby93 @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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amatchinwater · 2 years
Recently obsessed with this one thing
Reader hits Jason with a lunch tray for making fun of Eddie and Eddie then falls in love with reader
She/her reader
Thank you so much!! This was super fun 💚
Peace Sells | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ (language), mild blood, mild violence, light angst (mostly caused by Jason), kind of possessive behavior, protective reader and Eddie
Words: 1562
Master List
Not my gif!! Credit to creator!!
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For the first time in your life, you don’t completely hate being the new kid. It took two days, two measly days for you to find people that you can not only call your friends, but that you actually care about. In your third period, Gareth hit you in the face with a crumpled up ball of paper. At first, you were furious because why the fuck did he just throw something at your face? Until he instructed you to open it. Inside, scribbled in awful handwriting, was a note telling you to find him at lunch. 
Which was weird because you didn’t think anyone would want anything to do with the new girl that showed up well over half way into the school year. But he had a nice smile and gave you a reassuring nod. When you found him as promised, he was surrounded by a bunch of guys smiling and laughing, the only one you’d cared to really look at was sat at the head of the table. Turns out, Eddie found out that Gareth shared a class with you and told him to invite you to their group. 
Now, well over two weeks later, you’ve got six of the best friends you could ever ask for. Honestly, you were a little intimidated at first. Not to have your entire friend group be filled with guys, you don’t care about that. No, it was more so that they all seemed so close with one another; very tight knit. And letting in outsiders didn’t seem like something they just did. Definitely not after knowing you for less than twenty-four hours at the time. But you were welcomed with open arms. 
Eddie said he’d never seen a girl walk into school confidently wearing a Motley Crue t-shirt, ripped black jeans, and combat boots. They all knew you were meant to be one of them. You didn’t know the first thing about DnD, but they offered to teach you and you’re actually really excited to learn about it. It sounds like a really fun game. 
Everything was going great until, for some fucking reason, Jason Carver of all people decided to take an interest in you. You tried your hardest to avoid the blonde at all costs. But he was like the world’s most annoying magnet. Gravitating towards you every chance he got. Sometimes out of nowhere too. It was aggravating to say the least. Jason didn’t really seem to care, doing his best to lay the charm on thick like it’d work to his benefit. 
It doesn’t. 
Not a big surprise that it doesn’t stop him either. 
Even when you’ve just gotten your tray of food and are making a beeline to the Hellfire table. Honestly, he’d probably follow you into the bathroom- where you often hide from him- if it wouldn’t get him into trouble. 
“Hey,” Jason steps in your path, flashing his pearly whites, hands in his letterman jacket. 
“What do you want, Jason?” You huff out, watching your friends turn their attention towards you from behind the jock. Jeff’s wincing in his seat while Gareth shakes his head at Eddie who’s already on his feet. Not coming over just yet, but watching with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. You love how protective they are of you, but you’re capable of looking out for yourself. 
“I was wondering,” he looks down as he laughs a little, “hoping, really.” Jason corrects himself, blue eyes landing back on your face. “Maybe you’d want to sit with us today? With me?” 
On one hand, you can appreciate Jason just shooting his shot so effortlessly. But you’re far from interested and have told him plenty of times that you’re not. “Jason,” you sigh, adjusting the now heavy tray from holding it for too long, “I really don-”
“Before you say no,” he holds his hands out, smile ever present, “I really like you and-”
“You don’t even know me.” 
“But I’d like to get to know you,” Jason retorts. 
Eddie’s moved, walking slowly towards the two of you now. 
“Look, I’ve tried being polite,” you chuckle dryly, “really, I have. But you just can’t seem to take a hint even when it’s blatantly obvious.” People close to you have ceased their conversations to listen to yours, your voice having raised a few decibels. “So I’m going to say this one last time and I really hope it sticks. I’m. Not. Interested. Nor will I become interested if you keep pestering me. It’s exhausting! I don’t like you.” 
“Is there someone else or something?” Jason looks confused. 
Of course, that’s the only scenario in his mind that someone wouldn’t be swooning over him. Damn near drooling that the jock is giving them the time of day. “Jason, that’s not-” 
“It’s because of Munson, isn’t it?” Jason’s eyes darken with his anger, malice seeping into his tone. “Him and his band of freaks have corrupted you, haven’t they? You know they’re satanists in their spare time, right? Yo-you’re not like them. You’re too pretty to align yourselves with a freak like Ed-” you don’t let him speak Eddie’s name, opting for flinging the food off of your tray onto his clothes as you whack him right in the face with the hard plastic. 
The whole cafeteria goes silent save for Eddie’s shouted, “yes!” 
Jason stumbles a little from your hit, rubbing his jaw, eyeing you with venom in his eyes. 
“You don’t get to fucking say his name. Eddie isn’t a freak, he’s an amazing, normal fucking human being who enjoys playing a game with his friends. If anyone’s a freak, it’s you. He’s ten times the man you’ll ever be,” you growl, lifting your tray to take another swing at him should he try something else. 
But you forgot how agile someone needs to be to be as good at sports like Jason. How fast. He grabs your wrist, the tray clattering to the floor as he yanks you to his chest. Jason’s face is two inches from yours when he seethes, “who the fuck-”
Once again, Jason’s words are cut short when a ring clad hand wraps around his shoulder, Eddie having made it over to the two of you. The twisting of Jason’s body made him let go of your wrist, which you rub to regain circulation, hoping it doesn’t bruise. “Wrong move,” is all Eddie growls, rearing back his fist and punching Jason right in the face. Hard enough that there’s dribbles of blood on his knuckles and the jock falls on his ass. Eddie squats down, absolutely furious, Jason clutching his bloody nose while Eddie yanks him close by his jacket collar. “You think you can put your hands on my girl?” 
His girl? Your heart does backflips in your chest. You can’t even begin to deny that Eddie is incredibly attractive. Or the several wet dreams you’ve had about him. Or how happy you’d be if you were his girl. But not once since you’ve been friends with him have you ever thought he had feelings for you that weren’t platonic. He treats you the same way he does the rest of the guys. One glance at your table shows your friends are just as shocked by his words as you. 
“Apologize, Carver,” Eddie spits his name, “now.” You half hear a muffled apology while Jason tries to stop the bleeding. “You ever touch my girl like that again, or any girl for that matter, I’ll break more than just your fucking nose. Got it?” The jock nods wildly and Eddie drops him, letting him lay back on the ground in pain. Eddie’s back up on his feet, one hand cupping your cheek, the other carefully holding your hand to inspect your wrist. “Are you alright?” 
You want to answer. Nod and tell him that yes, you're fine, just more shaken than anything. But those words don’t come out. What does is, “your girl?” 
“I’m sorry,” a saccharine laugh bubbling out of his chest, “did you not just smash him in the face defending my honor? I’m pretty sure my heart leaped out of my chest the minute your food went flying. I fell in love on the spot watching you hit him like that. And then that speech,” Eddie tucks your hair behind your ear, smiling, “I’m amazing, huh? Ten times the man?” 
“Well,” you shift on your feet, squirming under his undivided attention. He just punched a guy in the face for you and called you his girl. Your heart is practically levitating. Eddie just told you that he loves you because you defended him against Jason and you can barely think. “Yeah, you are,” you admit, a blush turning your cheeks and ears scarlett. 
Eddie pulls you to his chest by the small of your back, “so are you, beautiful.” He grins at the darkening shade of your cheeks. “So yeah, my girl,” he says with such confidence. But softens just a touch, “you cool with that?”
“Very,” you barely have a chance to fully utter the word before his lips are on your and you melt into him. Were it not for Eddie’s arm wrapped around you stabilizing you both, you’d have knocked him on the ground next to Jason. 
“Fucking bullshit,” the blonde grunts. 
You flip him off, smiling into the kiss with Eddie. 
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nothing0fnothing · 1 month
When I was 18 I chaperoned my baby brother at a party. He was 15 all his friends were 16 and I was there to make sure he was safe. He was at an age where kids would throw parties while the parents weren't home and would send the older looking good girls to buy drink to bring back. I was supposed to be protecting him.
When I got there alcohol bottles covered the dining table and the kids were stumbling drunk. I was there for about 10 minutes when I realised I wasn't the only adult there. The parents of the house were in.
The dad happily poured drinks for the kids and made merry. He poured me drinks too and wouldn't take no for an answer when I declined. I was trying to self moderate by drinking slowly but he'd put pressure on me to drink it fast. The other kids wanted what I had and he'd decline to prepare them a glass. The alcohol for them was out on the table to be mixed with 19p lemonade into clear plastic cups. My drinks were neat and came from seemingly nowhere before they appeared, perfectly chilled in a crystal glass in my hand. He wasn't drinking either. It made me uncomfortable but I was a girl and I wanted to be polite. I just chugged water to dilute the liquor and helped myself to a steady stream of whatever starchy foods were provided.
Less than two hours later I had locked myself in the bathroom. In a matter of moments I'd gone from silly and effervescent to stumbly and unsure of myself. Something had hit me and I fear it wasn't just drink. I was completely lucid, sharp and clear thinking, but my body was heavy and struggling. My hands were heavy and wouldn't follow direction, slipping off the taps as I tried to fill a basin to splash my face. My vision was blurred, my body wasn't listening to my brain and I was scared. I had to get the fuck out. Right now.
It would have been normal to call my mum right about then. Tell her that things were out of control, that I was out of commission and I needed her to get here and get us both out. I considered it for a second before a memory hit me so hard it was like I'd stepped back in time.
4 years before I sat on her couch while her boyfriend kicked me repeatedly. I'd been groomed by a sports coach. He'd added me through a team mate on Skype. He'd showed up to my school and walked me home. He'd proposed to me with a bracelet charm of a bicycle. My parents were furious. At me.
I yelped as the blows made contact with the fresh bruises he'd kicked onto me an hour earlier.
"I know this is all your fault" she'd told me as I cried. I heard it in my head like she was in the room with me and I started to cry again.
"This is all your fault"
"I know this is all your fault"
All my fault.
My fault.
I couldn't call her.
So what did I do instead? I ran away. Blacked out in a field. Came back to get my brother when I gained consciousness hours later, thankful I'd done it in a park instead of in the house I'd come from.
I got my brother and his friend, a 16 year old girl into an uber home. Then I went back to my flat and made a nuisance of myself for my housemate to deal with. I drank a half a bottle of her vodka, convinced if I could get it all down me I'd forget the entire day.
I really could have used a mum to count on then. Oh my gosh what I would have given in that moment to be a normal young girl whose fucked upbringing didn't make her a charged magnet for all of the perverts and freaks of the world. What I would have given while I cried in that bathroom and thought of another plan, to be someone who had someone to count on. Someone who cared and loved me and would show up because I needed them to. The type of girl whose mum wouldn't think it was my fault.
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