#i wanna go hunting and walk around in the country
splendiferous-bitch · 2 years
this episode of tlou really made me homesick
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
hi love ur work sm
can we have part 3 of yandere General i wanna know how their life after marriage and how he treats her
Yandere! General pt.3
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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You were afraid of your new husband and Yandere! General was well aware of this. He knew that after everything he's pulled it would take a while before you could fully love and trust him. Surprisingly, after getting married he starts to become softer and would often do acts of service for you. Although he was a lot kinder to you, you were still wary of him and tensed whenever he was around. Which is how you were right now, laying bed with your husband as stiff as a board. Yandere! General was currently big spooning you as he slept and whenever you tried to wiggle out, his grip only kept on getting tighter. You had a feeling that he was probably still awake and was just doing this on purpose. Every night he would do this as if he felt comfort in knowing that you were trapped in his arms. There was nothing that you could do about it so you just let it happen.
When mornings would come he would always make sure to wake up bright and early to cook you some breakfast. Even though he has maids to do the cooking he won’t let them, this is because you once complimented his cooking and he’s been living this high for a while. Surprisingly, he has really good cooking skills and it never fails to amaze you each time. Due to traveling and his many battles during war in other countries he knows a wide variety of recipes. He’s always whipping up something new for you each time. If he can, he always makes sure to whip your food into a cute shape for you to eat. It’s a part of his creative process so don’t question it.
As time goes on you begin to warm up to your husband due to how soft he is with you. After all, he did stop you from marrying an old man and from your family so you honestly can’t complain too much. On weekends, he likes to take long strolls hand-in-hand through the meadows and tell you stories about his many adventures. Sometimes, the two of you would engage in mock "strategy battles" in the garden where Yandere! General would always allow you to outwit him. Another thing that he enjoys is going on picnics with you, where he would playfully lift you up as the two of you crossed a little stream. Yandere! General loves dancing under the moonlight with you and he'd twirl you around like you were young sweethearts on their first date. He just finds you really adorable and cute.
Yandere! General can’t be home all the time due to his job and would make sure that you’re well taken care of when he’s gone. Will leave small notes for you to find from him all over the mansion like a treasure hunt. He makes sure that it’s damn near impossible for you to have any chance of escape and hires people to monitor your every move. When he’s out in war he’d make sure to stop by any shop that catches his eye to buy any clothes, accessories, trinkets, etc that he thinks that you might like.
Soldier: “Sir, what do you think our next course of action should be? ….. Sir?”
Yandere! General: *currently window shopping for you*
Soldier: “....”
Everytime he arrives back home he makes sure to never come back empty handed and will always bring back flowers for you. The flowers are proudly placed in the middle of the dining room table. He cherishes quiet nights by the fireplace, reading books and sharing laughter. He’d have you read aloud the book that you’re indulging yourself in so he can enjoy it with you. Occasionally, you would even fall asleep on the couch, wrapped right in his arms, reminding him of the peace he found with you. He lives for moments like these and when it's time to take you to bed he’d walk in circles in the living room just to hold onto you a little longer.
Fall is filled with the two of you making leaf piles that he would throw you into. During this time of year the two of you harvest apples together so that he can bake you an apple pie. Winter time is filled with joyous hours where the two of you would build snowmen, engaging in friendly snowball fights that often ended with laughter and playful kisses in the snow. During the springtime you are bombarded with many flowers and homemade chocolates. Then the two of you would plant flowers in the garden together. In the summer, when the fireflies adorned the night sky, Yandere! General craftily builds you a swing in the oak garden. Where the two of you would spend countless evenings gently swaying back and forth, laughing like carefree children, and promising (totally not Yandere! General forcing you to say this) to stay together, no matter where life's journey took you.
When he feels stressed, he comes to you for comfort. He finds solace having you in his arms. To him it feels like you're a haven of peace and love. He only shows his soft sides to you and never to others. Dislikes it when anyone sees him that way and would gouge out their eyes if they ever did. Isn’t very transparent about the things that are bothering him, he’d rather not have you stress or worry about it. Views you as something that’s delicate even if you’re not and believes that he can break you anytime he puts too much strength in you. Which is also another reason why he keeps weapons away from you.
As I said before Yandere! General is the type of guy who likes to maintain order and likes when his rules are followed. Make sure to absolutely never piss him off. So as long as you follow them and don’t disrespect him then he’s a fairly good husband but if not then he’s very harsh on the punishments. Follow his rules unless you wanna say goodbye to one of your legs.
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austonwithan-o · 1 year
Summer Job- Trevor Zegras x Reader
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After a certain boy walks into your hair salon. How could you say no to him asking you on a date? I mean customer satisfaction right?
No warnings!
You had just recently moved to Bedford, NY to live with your grandparents. They offered for you to live with them during the summers when it was too expensive for you to fly back to Portland where your parents lived. Attending NYU completely on scholarship you didn’t have time for a job during the school year. You did cut hair on the side for some of your friends and they paid you some which covered some weekend excursions but nothing too crazy. Little did you know that side hustle would lead to you meeting the love of your life.
Sitting in your bed you scrolled through job listings, a lot of grocery stores, gas stations, target, fast food places were hiring but nothing really caught your eye. Annoyed you closed your laptop letting out a groan.
“I refuse to work at McDonald’s mom. I’m not coming home smelling like fries and grease and it’s a whole 40 minute drive from here! There’s literally nothing interesting here.” You were annoyed with the sparse selection of employment available and despite your obvious disappointment your mom let out a laugh much to your dismay.
“Honey I know you don’t wanna come home smelling like a fast food place but you’re gonna have to choose something. Plus it’s just for the summer! Just like what, 2 months? You can survive 2 months y/n or here maybe ask grandma and grandpa if they have any friends who have businesses. They know a lot of people around there.” Her voice rang through the speaker phone on your nightstand, it wasn’t a horrible idea, your grandparents did have a great reputation in the town and a lot of friends.
“Hmm you’re not wrong?” You said picking up your phone, “I’m gonna go talk to them it’s dinner time anyways.”
“Alright sweetie I love you! Have a goodnight and keep me updated on the job hunt.”
“Will do momma! Love you too!” Hanging up and making your way downstairs the smell of your grandmas food was heavenly. You loved it here.
“Oh perfect! I was just about to call you down!”
Your grandpa said pulling a chair out for you to sit. You smiled and thanked him as he pushed it in.
“So grandpa I was on the phone with mom, looking for jobs with her and I was wondering if you knew anyone who would be willing to hire me for the summer? I mean there’s fast food and restaurants and stuff but I just thought maybe you’d have more, I guess, connections around here?” Taking a bite of the chicken on your plate. There was a few seconds of silence before your grandma spoke.
“You know I actually do know someone who’s hiring but are you good with hair? My friend Carla has a hair studio 10 minutes into town and she’s looking for another employee.”
“I can cut hair! I have a little side hustle at school cutting hair for like $10. I mean I’m not professional but I’m definitely not bad at it. I can also style and dye hair too!” This was the perfect job you thought plus the tips would be great!
“Her name is Carla! I’m going in tomorrow to get my hair trimmed. I’ll introduce you to her, she’s such a sweet lady!” Your grandma said, “We will leave around 11? My appointment is at 11:15 and I like getting there a bit early.”
You agreed. After dinner you spent a few hours playing cards and chatting with your grandparents eventually heading up to your room.
You woke up around 10:30am a little tired from staying up watching hair tutorials refreshing your memory on how to cut hair but you didn’t need much reminding.
You showered, got dressed and ran downstairs grabbing the keys to your old Jeep.
“Grandma I’ll drive!” You exclaimed rushing out the door.
“Alrighty I’ll be there in a second.”
The drive was peaceful. Driving through the colorful country you couldn’t help but admire how nice and green everything around you was. Your thoughts were interrupted by your grandma.
“I don’t know if you watch hockey at all but Carla has a little bit of a celebrity customer you know.” She smiled, “I’ve met him before his name is Trevor Zegras. He’s a hockey player. I’m not sure which team but he’s a cutie. Maybe you’ll get to cut his hair.” She shot you a wink making you roll your eyes.
“Ah yes grandma I definitely need a hot hockey player boyfriend to distract me all summer.”
“He’s a very charming young man! I bet you two would hit it off!” You laughed at her statement. A relationship was definitely the last thing on your mind for the summer. Making friends? That would be fun but definitely no boyfriend.
“Grandma you know I don’t need a boyfriend. I mean especially since I would just be leaving to school in a few months.”
“You never know y/n! People come into your life for different reasons.”
You smiled at her words but it was true. You didn’t want a summer fling. It wasn’t your style. If you were gonna date someone it was going to be serious and having a hockey boyfriend was definitely not on your list of things you needed.
You arrived at the hair salon. The sign displayed on top read, “Bedford Village Hair Design” it was a cute little shop. You could see a few workers at their stations and a few customers in the chairs. You both walked in hearing the chime of the bells, “Alice! Good to see you! You’re a bit early but I’ll just get you started over here-“ the woman who you assumed to be Carla gave you a wide smile.
“And who might you be?” She asked pulling you into a hug.
“Carla this is my granddaughter y/n! She’s staying with me for the summer and I brought her here to introduce her to you! She’s looking for a summer job and I think she would be perfect for your salon!” She said as she sat down in the seat, you followed close behind the two, standing beside Carla.
“Well I definitely wouldn’t be apposed! Can you cut men’s hair? I have more and more male clients coming in and I need more help around here!” Carla spoke trimming away at your grandmas hair. She was definitely not new to this.
“Yes! I cut my guy friends hair all the time in school. It’s like a little side hustle so I can make some money during the year.” You explained.
“You know what that sounds great! If you want just swing by tomorrow let’s say around 9:30am and you can start if that’s okay with you? I have someone coming in at 9:45am who you can do. He’s very sweet.”
“That sounds awesome! Thank you so much!”
You waited in the corner for your grandma to be done her hair which took about 20 more minutes and with that you both left after.
The next morning you woke up throwing on a flowy floral dress trying to match the vibe of everyone’s outfits yesterday. You wanted to make a good first impression so you took your time with your hair and makeup. Rushing out the door it was 9:15 by the time you left luckily there’s never any traffic in the small town.
Walking inside the small business you were greeted by Carla and another worker Gracie. She was around Carla’s age and very very sweet as well.
“Hi you must be y/n!” She greeted you giving you a hug.
“Yes! It’s good to meet you?”
“Gracie! My name is Gracie! Well I’ll give you the heads up since you’re new I’m gonna let you take my regular client at 9:45 today. His name is Trevor! He’s very nice so don’t be intimidated and he will let you know how he wants his cut.” She said handing you an apron.
For some reason your heart dropped a bit but you didn’t know why. You hadn’t even met the guy let alone seen his face and already freaking out.
“Are you sure? I mean I can take someone else if you want-“
“Lovely don’t be silly! I insist don’t worry he won’t bite you! I’ll still be here I’ll just be organizing in the back and Carla will be in the front or back with me.” She said and with that the sound of the door opening and the bells jingling made you freeze in your place.
“Carla! Gracie! And new girl?” You shyly turned around to face him. His smiled was so bright and his eyes were so pretty. He walked over and gave Carla a hug all while scanning you up and down. He pulled away eventually giving you a firm handshake. His touch sending sparks up your arm, making butterflies form in your stomach.
Oh my God he was gorgeous.
“Trevor this is y/n! Y/n this is Trevor! She’s gonna be cutting your hair today Trevor.” Gracie said grabbing his hand. His eyes hadn’t left yours and you could sense the nervous energy radiating off of his tall figure. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair which fell perfectly back into place framing his chiseled features.
“Oh cool! I’ll get a buzzcut this time.” The two older women let out exaggerated gasps slapping his shoulder making him laugh.
“Hey I’m kidding! You know I’d never do that Carla.” You couldn’t help but laugh as well at their reaction. You were already loving this job and you’d been there for about 10 mins.
“Trevor the day you get a buzzcut is the day I officially quit my job.” She handed you a barbers gown and he followed your lead by sitting down in the chair letting you throw it over him securing it in the back. Your hands were shaking and he could feel it as you tied the back lightly brushing the back of his neck.
“Alright y/n let me know when you’re done, I’m going to help Gracie in the back. Trevor no buzzcuts.” She gave him another light slap on the shoulder and he shot her a wink. The two ladies walked off exchanged glances at the two of you.
“You can lean back and I’ll wash your hair first.” He followed your directions placing his head in the neck rest.
“I’ve been coming here for a long time and I’ve never seen you here or around here for that matter. Where you from?” Trevor asked looking at you. You refused to make eye contact with him because you knew you’d fold under his eye contact.
“I’m from Portland but I live here in the summer times and I go to school at NYU.” You explained as you massaged his scalp with the shampoo.
“Oh that’s sick! Yeah I live here during the summers but I’m in Cali most of the year.” He was very obviously enjoying you running your hands through his hair and you couldn’t deny. You did as well.
“My grandma comes here a lot. She said you play hockey huh? I didn’t know there were hockey teams in California.” You admitted almost feeling a bit stupid letting those words leave your mouth. Trevor grinning at your remark.
“It’s a weird place for ice hockey that’s for sure but yeah the Anaheim Ducks. I’m guessing you don’t watch hockey?”
“Not at all. I’m not huge into sports but I played volleyball in high school.” You rinsed his hair off then wrapped his hair up in a towel and motioned for him to move to the hair cutting seat. His height shocked you a bit more when he stood up letting you really observe him. You caught the smell of his cologne as he walked by sitting down in the chair. You couldn’t get enough of him but you were fighting the feelings.
“I’ll have to get you to watch a few games. It’s important if we’re friends you watch hockey or at least know how the game works.” He stated looking at you through the mirror making it harder to concentrate with his gaze.
“Also, keep the shape but just make it a bit shorter. It’s kind of hard to see now.” Trevor grabbed a front strand of his hair pulling it down his face to see how long it was.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” Teasing him a bit. You snipped away at his hair following his request. You couldn’t help but notice all the tattoos on his arms as well letting your eyes scan his features more.
“I mean I’m trusting you with my hair so of course we’re friends but let’s say I ask you out on a date. Would that make or break the friendship.” The question caught you off guard.
Y/n you just said you weren’t gonna date anyone. Tell him no.
“I mean I don’t see how a date could hurt the friendship. I’m free anytime past 4 when the salon closes.” You couldn’t believe you just said that. It was like you had no control.
“Perfect I’ll pick you up at 4 tonight. What you’re wearing is perfect.” You blushed at his comment. Finishing up his hair and blow drying it. He stood up and you shook the barber cape off. You did a pretty good job you couldn’t lie.
“You know I might have you cut my hair from now on beautiful.” He turned around to face you.
“I mean I charge more so if you’re fine with that I’m fine with that.” Joking obviously you walked over to the wall grabbing a broom to sweep up all the hair you cut off.
“Worth every penny. I’ll pick you up at 4 from here. Leave your car here and we’ll just take mine.” Carla came back to the front soon after.
“Yay no buzzcut! You did really well Y/n.” Carla gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Trevor made his way up to the front with Carla to pay while you cleaned up the hair on the floor.
“I’ll see you tonight y/n.” Winking at you he left the salon.
“I’m guessing you two hit it off huh?” Carla smirked.
“I mean I wouldn’t deny it.” You blushed at her comment making her laugh.
“He’s a great kid y/n. I wouldn’t let him near you if he wasn’t.” Carla smoothed out her apron retreating to the back again.
This was gonna be a very interesting summer and an even more interesting school year.
Tbh idk how I feel about this one but oh well
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jaidens · 1 year
don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby, look at that idiotic fool that you made me
reader and dean maybe something angsty? i just keep thinking about dean and illicit affairs. reader is in love with him, but he doesn’t know and jokingly calls her baby and kid
illicit affairs — taylor swift
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pairing [s] : dean winchester x younger!reader
SUMMARY : in which, dean winchester, only sees you as the younger hunting friend.
warning [s] : mentions of : crying, angst w/o comfort, & unrequited love. cursing x1
a/n [s] : ty for the request!!
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Dean Winchester flips open the back of the 1967 Impala, rightfully known as ‘Baby’, and pulls out the supplies needed to hunt the werewolves that were terrorizing the small town. “Take this to Sammy, kid.” Dean instructs, piling the items in your arms and waving you off. You sulk as you drag your feet to take it to Sam as he researches more information on his laptop.
The Winchesters and your family had been hunting since the beginning of time. You and Sam grew up together, and you admired his elder brother. Whether that was watching him play basketball in a baggy sleeveless t-shirt and his muscles exposing in highschool. You were four years younger as well. When he was in senior year, you were just beginning your freshman year.
Shamefully, you loved him. Sam was like your brother and best friend, but Dean was different. He cared for you differently. He was more strict, but inherently you hadn't been angry about him. You couldn't tell him about your feelings; they were shoved deep down in your stomach and head. It was important in your field of work that mental health wasn't the orientation, physical health was much more dominant.
“Hey baby! C’mere.” Dean calls out to you. You turn around and walk over to him. “I want you to stay back at the motel. Get some trashy food and sleep. It's dangerous.” You frown and open your mouth to protest his directions, but he's turned away and back to make sure Baby has everything she needs for the ride down. You grumble and walk away, kicking a piece of gravel away from your shoe.
Another thing about Dean Winchester that laid heavy on you was his appreciation of nicknames. How he called Sam, Sammy. Or his beloved Impala, Baby. You were primarily known as “kid” or, his favorite, “baby”. They made you smile when you heard them, on the contrary the idea of it not having a romantic aspect that wasn't shown, hurt. You loved Dean and his antics, however they sometimes made you wanna scream in his face about how you weren't a kid, nor a baby.
Begrudgingly, you walk into the small motel room, and jump onto his couch that has more stains than a tablecloth. You turn on the TV and let it play some random movie after doom scrolling the channel list. Whenever Sam and Dean went on hunts, an unwanted feeling of worry lay in your stomach. You want to chase after them, and protect them in any way you can. They were the only family you had; after your parents had disappeared one day after going for a hunt in a foreign country.
After three hours, you began to worry even more. Usually, if the hunt was easy, it took less than two hours. You pick up your phone and type the numbers of Dean’s number in. It rings throughout the forty-five seconds, before the voicemail box begins.
‘This is the voicemail of Josey Wales. Say your message at the beep.’
You laugh at the sound of Dean’s voice, his Clint Eastwood false name, and the sound of mumbling after he hadn't recognized the box had finished. You stand up and grab your gun and knife that were sitting on the oak table. Shoving them into your bag and waistband, you walk outside to your car. It was smaller, and not as sexy as Baby, but it had worked for the time being.
You remembered the address Dean and Sam were discussing in the car, and pressed it into the GPS and started following the route. You were anticipating what would be there when you'd open the door. You park the car in the secluded area, shutting it off, taking a deep breath and grabbing your items.
The forest didn't exactly look the safest. Every branch that cracked made you flip your head around your look. The house’s chimney was puffing out smoke, and gave you a Northern Star to follow. The impala sits in the driveway, telling you that they were still fighting the creature that lurked inside of the cabin.
You walk around back and find the door, and push it open. Walking inside, you scan the area and see glass broken and other splatters of random objects that were tossed. “Kid! What the hell are you doing?” Dean’s voice fills the room and you turn to stare back at him. You gulp and he stomps his feet up to you. “Why are you here?”
“Because it's been three hours! I was terrified.” You jump to your defense, pointing at him with your finger. Dean furrows his eyebrows and lets out an annoyed sigh. He shakes his head and clasps his hands on his waist. Sam appears in the doorway, and goes to ask you the same question that you've already been accused of.
“Kid—” Dean begins and you snap.
“Stop! Stop fucking calling me kid! I’m 27 years old! For your information, I'm here because I was so scared of leaving you both alone. YOU! Of leaving you alone! Because I love you and I would die if you did!”
“You’re a great friend for showing up, Y/N.” Dean Winchester mumbles before giving you a small frown. You're attempting to catch your breath, chest rising rapidly. Then, he goes silent and walks outside. You hear his engine turnover and Sam stares at you. Your eyes are crowding with tears, pooling in embarrassment and shame. That's when you desperately wanted to hear that nickname. Even the softest whisper of it, you would be happy.
Maybe that's the thing about illicit affairs— they never stay.
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xxnomadsxx · 8 months
okay, we know how Branch found the feral things and started a grey troll village in your nomads au. And how Creek ended up in the village. BUT, how did the rest of the occupants come to be? Did they willing leave their kingdoms? Were they abandoned? Did they get lost and lose hope of anyone ever coming for them before they met the feral creatures and the others? I really wanna know some backstories.
Oooooo-This is a tough one.
Everyone in the village has there own story for why there their. These are a few examples I thought up of how they got there.
Pop: There are very few Pop trolls in the grey village (mostly due to their toxic positivity of always looking on the bright side for normal Pop trolls ) they basically were separated from the main tribe and didn’t find the putt putt trolls on there way out when escaping. Soon they lost all hope of finding the tribe and went to live in the wood (it went reeeeaaallly bad) a few were eaten and the rest went grey, they were kinda just wandering around for a few years till the (very few) nomads and feral (trolls?) showed up. They were taken in and found Branch there too. The grey pop trolls also were told were the village was but they didn’t go back because they were too ashamed about being grey.
Funk: There is a group of funk trolls in the village who all came in at the same time. They were researchers who were left behind by vibe city and had no hope of getting back to the always moving ship, so they went grey and were later found by a small hunting team and Branch while trying to create some traps to keep them safe (there are more funk trolls I’m just showing off random examples of how trolls got here)
Classical: There are a few classical trolls who can’t fly in the village due to wing injuries. The injuries go from difficult to stay in the air, to broken beyond repair, and looking at how there body is shaped (they have the bodies of LITERAL babies can they walk?) I don’t think it’s easy for them to get around since symphony vill is probably mostly made to fly around. It got too difficult for them and just left going grey in the process. 
Techno: There once was a dead techno troll who had some troll eggs with them beached on a nearby river to the village, they took in the techno eggs (The eggs HAVE to look like fish eggs right.. RIGHT?!) the trolling when they hatched just sorta knew there mother was gone and were born grey. they grew up in the village which didn’t…really help them get better and just sorta caused them more issues.(there have been a few lost techno trolls who had damaged fins to the point of not even being able to go back)
Rock: A lot more rock trolls live in the village then the other genres, mostly cause of their more feral and aggressive personalities (they look like biters) so some just had bad experiences in there lives that it just became too much and they just ended up Leaving volcano rock city. There is a rock troll who can’t hear in the village, and due to his deafness he felt like a freak to troll kind since he couldn’t even listen to music (which is kinda a big deal) he left and turned grey wandering the woods until he was found by some feral(trolls?) who have done the same routine of taking in grey trolls a lot at that point.
Country: There aren’t to many country (I feel like it would be harder for them to turn grey since they show how sad it can get in Lonesome flats) but the some who do show up have tons of kids, a while back a couple of country trolls were deemed criminals for liking another genre of music and playing it too loud, to which they were promptly kicked out of town, who later turned grey from getting forced to leave there only home. They were found fighting predators by a hunting team. (this was way before world tour so a lot less tolerance for other music)
Subgenres: There are some subgenre groups running around, like indie trolls, steam punk trolls, some grunge too (and many more) they usually are abandoned or just turn grey from living a isolated lonely life or some other reason like family was killed or taken by huge predators or what not.
Honestly most of them stay grey or go darker in color because they live in the village. It isn’t really going out of its way to help them get their color back but is really just a home for them. Growing up there influences many of the kids born there to turn grey or go grey later in their lives.
There are many other reasons why any of the trolls would be here these are just random scenariosthat I thought up to show as examples
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yanverse · 9 months
conrad my beloved 🥹 he’s not gonna win against the sheer force that is harley chicken man in the polls but he’s still number one in my heart <3
i think he’s been too uwu lonely russian boy from a small village in his tag lately from ur og blog so i wanna know what he’s like when he snaps hehe
like how would he hunt down and punish a darling who’s been affectionately biding her time to escape when he’s out hunting? cause idk if he’d be as scary as ilya but i would welcome it 👀
want scary conrad? i can give you scary conrad.....<3
hunted -- conrad dmitriev
(cws: DDDNE, yandere, stalking, kidnapping, violence against reader, blood, injuries, guns/knives, cutting/scarring, implied somno/noncon, manipulation, death mentions)
word count: 2k
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Not even the pitch of the settling dark could mask the eyes that follow you between the trees. 
These woods aren't for the faint of heart. Those who live here were born here, survived here, and will inevitably die here. Considering there's only been one–at least in recent memory–who has escaped that curse, it's clear to anyone with sight that this harrowing corner of the world is meant for only two things; locals and wildlife. 
And trees, of course. Enough to cluster in scattered array, leaving only tiny clearings in between in which to get your bearings, though you can never really stop moving in this cold. The snow isn't so much a hindrance as it is a hurdle; glaringly obstructive in the way caution tape would be around a bloody car crash. It should be circumvented with great caution by those who don't wish despair upon their own selves, yet here you are in the thick of it. Cold, wet, and completely, utterly lost. 
Conrad warned you of these dangers, but you ignored him. Why would you possibly take the advice of someone who betrayed you? His whole story was made up of lies–why he was conveniently in the area the night you came across each other, what exactly he had to do with your car that seemingly sprouted an issue from nowhere, and who he even was altogether. Course, you could've been a touch more scrutinizing…you can't exactly imagine, at least not easily, that a man who lives almost entirely alone in an isolated forest of the country could live comfortably with his sanity still intact. He isn't just an ice fisher that sells his produce to the near-zero visitors of this confusing wasteland. Conrad is a killer. A killer for hire, no less. 
And right now, unbeknownst to you, you're his next target….well, unknowingly until your footsteps halt in the knee-deep snow for a breather, and the softest click sounds right at the base of your skull. You don't need to turn your head to see. Nobody else would make it this far without leaving footprints in this awful snow. 
“Malyshka.” That word bleeds into you with every syllable, puffed hotly over the skin of your ear from behind. It stirs up memories, good ones for once, of that loving nickname uttered in laughter and scorn and a teasing lilt as Conrad takes you by the hand and waltzes you through his living room. The tinny scratchiness of his cheap, portable radio gave the cabin a hum that still resonates in your veins, but you can't go back to that world even if you wanted to. That place will forever be tainted with the memories of Conrad's twisted fascination with you, permanently marred by deceit and thinly-veiled manipulation. 
It doesn't seem like that matters at all to your former lover, however. Because when Conrad grips your arm in that deathly squeeze, you get the sense immediately that he's betting on taking you back. He's going to walk you through the snow right back where you came from, and he's going to be so angry he won't sleep for days. That's what you think.
The butt of his rifle cracking you in the skull isn't what you expected, however. The crunch of bone under the varnished chunk of wood sickens you to the core of your soul, a warmth exploding out from your hair and splattering the ground as you immediately collapse forward. Your dead weight sinks you deep into the snow, but even then, and even in your dazed state, you feel it's much shallower here than before. Maybe that's why Conrad waited to corner you here–maybe it will be easier to pile the snow on top of your body when he kills you in his rage. 
Time slows to a tick all of a sudden. Conrad's boots crunching in the snow around you ripples a series of shivers through you, your warm body growing colder by the minute as he circles you like a hungry predator. Shiiing, click, thummp. The sound of his gun being slung over his shoulder catches your focus, and then the distinct slice through the sheath as Conrad pulls out his knife. You know the one. That thing is big. And sharp. You cut your hand on it once accidentally and he just about lost his mind with worry. Doesn't seem like he's all too concerned about that now, though.
Although his voice carries between the whispers and howls of the wind, you couldn't understand him if you tried. You've lost the privilege of Conrad speaking your language, evidently, because while he is addressing you not a word of it is in English. It's just another way to control you…another way to show you his love, if he were to spin it that way. 
A beat of silence passes without note. He's stopped moving. You can feel him, his body heat, hovering over you from above. The knife is probably just dangling in his hand, wondering if he should drop it or bring your life to an end with force, grant you some kind of small mercy as he takes you apart before finally slitting your throat like a hunted animal. Conrad stands waiting, watching you lie motionless and dizzy in the snow, and even once you feel him sink to his knees on top of you there's no strength in you to move. Blood pools at the base of your neck from the gash he's probably left in your head. I'm going to die. Your own voice ringing from within triggers you into a push, your fingernails digging into hard, packed snow as you try to lift yourself up–but even though he doesn't hit you a second time, Conrad isn't gentle as he grips your neck and shoves you back down. 
“Still.” He quietly mumbles amid the harsh breeze whistling past your ears. “Stay, malyshka.” 
Clearly, he wanted an answer. Your silence is more than enough of one however, and with a swing and an arc of the blade your lover is rrrrrrripping your clothes apart, knife cutting cleanly up the back of the too-thin flannel that you stole in lieu of a proper coat. Through the layers underneath he slices with practiced ease, catching patches of skin with the tip but not allowing the beads of blood to distract him from his task. Your eyes dart sideways to see his gloved fingers carving out a lump of snow from near your head, a few trickles of blood from your wound staining the purity of those white, soft haloes. He raises it quick and your arms tense at the feeling of that sting hitting your bare back–but it isn't the blade first, it's that clump of snow dragging down your flesh…the knife comes straight after that, piercing your aching skin as insult to injury, and his deep, sudden strokes that split you apart have you writhing and kicking out on the ground in agony. 
Pure, violent hatred spills out of you in those moments, your screams echoing off the trees with just the same tremor as the howling, squealing winds blowing through the mountains. Conrad only cares for your pain when it impedes his progress, his knee coming down harshly on your lower back to keep you from squirming away as he makes his cuts. He must be trying to dig your organs out, he's killing you, he's surely tracing out your most valuable spots with such aggressive stabs of unconscionable, burning, violent torment. Will he wait for you to die? Will he make sure before he leaves? Will he drag your corpse back home with him, frozen and stiff, or will he leave you for the wolves and bears and god knows what else out in these woods? 
As your blood drains into the snow, those thoughts become less and less urgent. As your willpower fades into numbness, the cold pressing into your back grows from a sting into a shaking, fragile numbness that spreads outward. You must be dying now, you can only imagine that your body will give out at any moment if Conrad doesn't stop. It hasn't even occurred to you yet that he has stopped, not until you catch a peripheral glimpse of his black-cloaked hand cleaning the blade in the snow. It's your blood that trickles down the handle…and there's so much of it you're on the verge of losing all hope. There's only the tiniest, faintest glimmer left, and it's fading just as fast as your consciousness. 
“...Look how pretty you are now, malyshka.” 
Those words will haunt you into death, you're most certain. They're the last ones to linger in your ears as the whiteness grows dark, and your eyes flutter closed while the sound of a drip, drip, drip echoes your dreamless sleep…
Drip, drip, drip. 
You'd know the sound anywhere. It's easier to listen to without that wind howling in your ears, but it's going to be harder to locate. This time, when your eyes open within the warmth of a closed-in room, gratitude isn't the first thing you feel for surviving another night in this dense nightmare. 
It's pain. Hot, unbearable, searing pain, violating you in senses inconceivable as it crawls in waves down your back; violent, stiffening, and like a hot iron being pressed up and down and up and down on constant repeat. The warm air of the cabin isn't helping at all as it hits your marked flesh, it's only drawing further attention towards the dripping of something warm down your legs, but at the very least you can tell by the pillow you've drooled on that you're not laying on the open wounds. No, you've been left exposed, with the ache in your hips something you hadn't noticed before, and the weight that's shifted the bed alerts you that someone is tending them for you…and he's singing. Gently. Some lullaby in his native tongue, no doubt, as his hands move quietly and carefully up and down the flesh he ruined. 
“Pretty thing.” You can just barely catch a glimpse of him looming from behind, the din of the cabin shadowing the expression on his pale face. Conrad's muttering puts you off at once, but there's nothing you can do about it now. He meant to kill you, but he changed his mind. He took you back to the cabin to rest, and…make up for lost time, if the stickiness of your thighs is any indication. Maybe that mind will be changed again…and you can only hope it does, because whatever he carved into your back, it can't be out of love. No matter how much he's going to try to convince you it is. “You are hurt, love. You want whiskey?” 
What hurts more is that you can feel the smirk in his tone. He's having a laugh at you. You tried to run but I caught you. I'll always catch you. You can never hide from me. That's what he's probably thinking. 
“No…” Somehow, from some deep well of power within you, your voice forms in a trembling resistance to his strength. Conrad's hands covered in balm and fibres of gauze he's tying round you pause, if just for a moment, and in the relative silence with those drip, drip, drips in the background you find the rest of your voice. 
“...I want you dead.”
How laughable. Conrad doesn't laugh, he merely tuts at you–a disapproving parent scolding a young scoundrel. If you weren't so appallingly special to him, he might punish that rejection of his help with a slap or an elbow right into those throbbing wounds that spell out his name. Instead, he dips his head low, and lets his deep, rough whisper creep into your ear and make a home in the deepest pits of fear that reside in your pretty little head.
“Then you just try to kill me, malyshka.” 
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pinky-ghostface · 7 months
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Two Valentines Day Surprises
summary: It's Valentine's Day, a very important holiday to Alphonse and his Boo, but Seth is across the country and can't get back to them in time. Alphonse wants to cheer the reader up with a sweet surprise, but neither of them are prepared for the true surprise meant for them.
content/warnings: nsfw, femdom, pegging, strap on blowjob, deepthroating, nipple play, mmf threesome, hair pulling, p in v sex, afab gn!reader (no mention of boobs but they are referred to once as "a cruel mistress")
word count: 4.2k
wanna read it on ao3?:
A/N: I actually began this a couple years ago but finally decided to finish it😁 and things have def changed in the canon since I started. I think I thought after the Jessie/Derek situation Seth wouldn't want to settle down just yet in the little town he wasn't wanted in so long ago and would want to explore his freedom after prison and like, go on cryptid hunts or smth😚 so.. ig this is a semi AU where he does odd jobs across the country and experiences everything the road has to offer a lonely cowboy like him lol. and definitely listening to Orville Peck. also frequently communicating w Alphonse and SugarBoo bc they luv each otherrr🥰 and sometimes taking a break from his nomadic life to visit them. enjoy!
As I pushed my key into the lock of my front door, I heard a muttered curse from inside my home. Confused, I opened the door and peered into the kitchen to see my boyfriend’s very shapely, and completely bare, ass with just two thin strips of fabric tied behind his waist and neck to feign at covering him. “Al? I didn’t think you were coming over so soon?” 
He whirled around, revealing that he was wearing nothing but my favorite apron. “Oh! Hey, boo! Uhh, what time is it… I guess I thought I’d have more time for your surprise, heh.” He grinned at me sheepishly. 
“Surprise? Thought we were just gonna do dinner and a movie at home.” My eyes slid over his body as I took off my coat.
He smiled and moved closer so that he could loosely circle his arms around my hips. “I know, but I could tell you were kind of bummed about Seth not being here for Valentine’s Day, and I wanted to do somethin’ nice and romantic for you to cheer you up.” 
I smiled a little sadly and leaned my head into his shoulder. It was hard not seeing our other partner every day, but we both understood how important traveling and going on adventures was to him. We texted and called often, and Alphonse and I had been together long enough before Seth crashed back into Al’s life and cannonballed into mine that we were more than okay on our own. We talked about him daily, and on days when one of us missed him a little too much the other would be there to reminisce, joke, cuddle, and comfort until the ache went away. 
“But I guess that didn’t really work out, huh?” Al said, interrupting my thoughts. 
I furrowed my brow. “What do you mean?...oh.” I looked over his shoulder at the rest of my kitchen for the first time since walking in. I guessed I hadn’t smelled the burnt cupcakes that were sitting dejectedly on the stovetop. They were black on top and red goo was periodically dripping over the sides of the muffin tin.
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “You’re lucky I already cleaned up the spilled cake mix from the walls, the eggs I dropped, the… exploded buttercream frosting.” He shuddered. “Sorry, baby. I kind of messed up your kitchen for nothing. I don’t think those abominations can be saved.” 
I smiled up at him and brought my hand to his cheek. “Al, it’s fine. Really. It won’t take too long to scrub out the muffin tray, so we can have even more time together tonight. I’m glad you came over early!”
He pulled me closer and buried his head in the crook of my neck, whining. “I know, but I had, like, a whole thing planned out! I was gonna make a bunch of red velvet cupcakes for you so you could take a break from baking for once, and turn the lights down and do the ‘rose petals on the floor going to the bath’ thing and meet you in the bathroom with the cupcakes like this,” he gestured to himself with one arm, his face still in my neck. “And I was gonna feed you your cupcakes in the bath and give you a back rub and maybe even try to call Brown Eyes if he hadn’t left his rest stop yet…”
“Babe,” I said, halting his rambling. “We can still do all that, even without the baked surprise. I mean, I was pretty surprised just coming home to this, anyway.” I ran a finger underneath the apron ribbon on his waist. ‘I have so many treats already in the fridge for us, you have no idea. We’re gonna have a great Valentine’s Day.” 
He held me tighter and nodded but said nothing for a moment. After a few seconds, I heard him sigh through his nose. “I just miss him, y’know? This was supposed to be the first Valentine’s we all spent together. It just sucks we didn’t tell him we wanted to do something sooner so he could have time to get up here. I wanted to make it up to you a little bit.” 
Oh. I turned my head to look at him so that he was forced to take his head off my shoulder, and I wound my arms more fully around his waist, he and I chest-to-chest and my face looking up at his pouting one. “Alphonse, you don’t have anything to make up to me. I know this isn’t what we were picturing, but it isn’t either of our faults, and I’m still prepared to have an awesome, romantic, sexy Valentine’s Day with you. Seth should be stopping for the night near New Mexico in a couple hours; we can talk to him then. Until then we can have plenty of fun on our own, right?” 
Al smiled and leaned in even closer so our lips were just barely touching. “Yeah,” he breathed. “That sounds good. Now we’ve got more time to spoil each other, anyway. We don’t need that crybaby to have fun.” 
I laughed against his mouth. “Careful. You looked about ready to cry, yourself when I walked in.” His lips curved up playfully for a moment before quickly leaning in to kiss me. My hands gripped his waist more firmly in surprise, and he tightened his arms even further around me, pressing us fully together so his hands could move up my back. My left hand drifted downward to shamelessly squeeze his bare ass cheek. As my fingertips drew closer inward, they brushed something… plastic? 
I broke the kiss to look up at him in shock. I was met with cocked eyebrows and a toothy grin in silent response. “That would be the other part of your surprise. You’ve been puttin’ out vibes that you wanted to take control lately, and I thought tonight would be the perfect time to make a night of it.” 
I gasped in elation, smiling wildly, and kissed him hard for a moment. As I pulled away, I gave him a light swat on the butt and told him, “Get the strap.” 
“Yes, Boss!” he said, still grinning, but instead of moving past me to reach the bedroom, he turned around and retrieved my bubblegum pink strap on dildo and harness from behind the coffee pot on a nearby counter. 
Naughty boy, he’d planned out more than I’d thought. 
He handed it to me, smug as ever. I undressed quickly and performed the awkward, yet familiar dance of shimmying into the harness. Al and I exchanged one more lingering, messy kiss before he took a step back and sank to his knees. 
My eyebrows quirked in surprise as I gazed down at him, amused and loving. “Aw, you wanna choke on my strap, baby?” I teased. He smoothed his hands up my thighs, half-lidded eyes never leaving their gaze. “You know I’d love nothing more,” he mumbled against the tip. He took it into his mouth, sucking softly, and worked his way to the base quickly. As the tip hit the back of his throat, he pushed on, gagging slightly. I raked my nails through the hair on the back of his head, grabbing a handful to help him down. He choked loudly, and his hands tightened on the backs of my thighs, nearly making my knees buckle. A strand of drool hung down, reaching his chest, and he moaned deeply through his nose as he continued to deepthroat me. By now his cheeks were rosy flushed and tears were begging to fall from their perch on his long, dark lashes. “So pretty,” I murmured, pushing my fingers through his bright, slightly bleach-damaged hair more gently now, softly scratching his scalp. He looked up at me with an expression that could only be described as adoring, and I loved him for it. “My good boy.”
“Mmm…” he groaned at the praise. 
I tugged him off my strap and squeezed his shoulder, telling him to get up. When he got on his feet, he kissed me hard, wet mouth exploring mine, our teeth clashing a bit. He held on to me tightly and I embraced him, enjoying his being so desperate already. It was really no surprise he had such an oral fixation with all the lollipops he sucked on all day. 
With my arms around his waist and hands rubbing his lower back, I turned my face upwards so my lips could brush his ear and whisper: “Since you’ve done such a good job of getting my cock wet, I’d guess you were ready to let me bend you over that table and make you see tweety birds.” 
He lifted his head up from my shoulder and smiled dopily. “If I had to guess, I’d say you were onto somethin’, boo.” He leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine to whisper to me huskily. “I want you to mess me up.” 
With that confirmation, I pulled him with me toward my kitchen table, kissing him all the while. I turned us so his back was to the table and ran my hands up his chest, to his shoulders, to his neck, and gently began to tug at the bow holding the apron up. “I have been dying to tear this off you since the second I walked in,” I huffed hurriedly. 
Alphonse leaned down so our faces were even and looked at me with dark, dilated eyes. “Well, I promise not to keep you waiting if you promise not to tease.” I laughed and gripped his chin harshly. “Al, sweetheart, you’re really not in a position to be making deals like that.” I slowly pulled at the ribbon string in my hand until the bow loosened, and the light fabric that sparsely covered him fell off his defined chest, spilling around the attractive “v” of his hips and exposing his dark happy trail. “If you want me to give you what you need, you’ll need to accept that I can do anything I want to you.” I leaned in to nibble and suck at his neck, and he sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth. My other hand teased down the top of his shoulder, his collarbone, his chest, and paused to tweak a nipple. He yelped a bit, and when I let go of his chin, his head rolled back. My hand continued down to his hard cock, his raspy breaths keeping time with slow, languid strokes while his hips tried to buck up into my fist. I circled his tip with my thumb lightly, teasingly.
“You’re a cruel mistress, you know that?” he said to the ceiling. “Doesn’t mean I don’t love it, but it’s true. And as for what position I’m s’posed to be in, I’ll let you worry about that.” He opened one eye and looked at me. “You know I’ve never objected to you doing anything you wanted to me before.” 
“Hmm,” I mused, finishing a necklace of hickies across his clavicle. “Well, if that’s the case…” I grabbed his hips and turned him around quickly. He grunted in surprise and planted his hands on the table quickly to catch himself. He looked back at me with wide yet delighted eyes. “You wouldn’t mind if I finish what you started, would you?” I held the base of his plug in my fingertips, twisting it just a little, for emphasis. 
“Hah!... “Course not, Boss. You know I’m yours to play with however you please.” he said, a bit strained, and leaned even farther over the table. “Good,” I whispered, and eased the buttplug out of him. He exhaled slowly and forcefully, and eased his back into an arch. I placed it on the counter next to me. I smoothed one hand up his spine, admiring the pale expanse of his back and the cute pink bow still tied around his waist. With the other, I lined my pink dildo up to his hole and slowly, slowly, began to push in. “Mm!” Alphonse cried, stifled. I eased in carefully, rubbing his back and cooing at him the whole time.
Once completely inside, Al moaned loudly and pushed his hips back more to try and grind on my cock. To his disappointment, I almost completely pulled out of him. But before he could protest, I swiftly pushed in all the way, rubbing against his prostate. 
“Fuck, ohh, christ,” he choked out. I laughed a little at his reaction and kept fucking him the same way: slow and hard. 
I took the time to admire him- his fluffy hair mussed up, his cheek smooshed into the table, his eyebrows drawn together wantonly, and deep, rhythmic moans falling from them. My eyes drifted lower, loving the way the sheer of sweat on his lean back made his skin shine. Even lower, that bubble butt was still making me lose focus, rippling from the force of my hips meeting it with every thrust. 
And with every thrust, the base of the dildo ground into my clit, making me drive forward more quickly, more harshly, chasing the sweet sensation. I unknowingly gave Alphonse exactly what he wanted, it seemed, because he melted beneath me. His knees nearly gave out and he looked back at me, panting slightly. “Does that feel good, baby?” I grinned at him. “Nnghh,” he replied, letting his head fall back down. 
The building pleasure below and seeing his sweet expression gave me an idea for something else I wanted from him. 
I slowed down and pumped into him a few more times, then pulled out gingerly; he whined in confusion and tried to turn around. I leaned over him fully and put my lips next to his ear. “I want to ride your dick so I can see your pretty face when you come in me.” He picked his head up again, leaving behind a small pool of saliva, and grinned tiredly and replied, “If I can walk to the couch, you can make this already good Valentine’s Day a great one, boo.” 
When I pulled him up, the apron fell off him completely and he hugged me around my neck, leaning most of his weight on me. It must have looked funny, this lanky guy hanging off me, half-carrying him to the living room, and shoving him backwards onto my couch. He fell with little effort and a small oof. He looked up at me as I wriggled out of the harness, kicked it aside, and moved to straddle his thighs, and he said breathlessly, “Come take what’s yours.”
His dick was flushed pink and leaking against his stomach. So pretty. I took it in my hand and stroked it slowly, and at the same time leant forward and kissed him firmly. “I intend to,” I whispered against his lips, to which he smiled and squeezed my hips in his hands. I lifted my hips and guided his cock to my hole, and slowly sank down, moaning. I was already so wet from fucking him, and he slid in so easily. As the backs of my thighs met his hips, he threw his head back and let out a long, low sound through parted lips. With one hand on his chest and the other beside his head, I began to rock slowly, murmuring praise to him all the while. His hands slid up my body and he was begging me to go faster between whimpers, so I gently took his wrists in both my hands and pinned them on either side of his head on the armrest. He flexed his arms, but didn’t try to break free. His eyes were squeezed shut as I sucked on his neck, leaving a new rainbow of hickies. 
As I worked my way up to his jawline, I heard him suck in a harsh breath and he tried to sit up quickly. I blurted his name, confused, and sat back to look at him. His wide-eyed gaze was fixed behind me, towards the door, and I heard a low chuckle. Before I could turn around in surprise, or get myself off my man’s dick so I could fight off an intruder, a warm, rough hand curled around my waist and a familiar face leaned its chin on my shoulder.
“Well, ain’t this a pretty sight to come home to,” a deep voice drawled. He may have also said something teasing us for having so much fun without him, but Alphonse or I’d have no way of knowing because once I- ahem- removed him, we were all over Seth, hugging him and asking how on earth he made it all the way here. Once we’d settled in a pile, all of us kind of sitting on everyone else, he began to explain.
“You knuckleheads really thought I’d miss Valentine’s Day?” he laughed between kisses. “I’m no dummy, I know how y’all feel about it. I just thought I’d surprise you and tell you I was farther away than I was, but I’ve been making my way back to you for the last five days.” He had one arm around my shoulders and cupped Alphonse’s face with the other. “I thought when I got back y’all would be moping around, missin’ me. Instead, I come home to you both screwing like jackalopes without a care in the world.” he teased, pouting. 
Alphonse huffed. “What, we’re just supposed to spend our favorite holiday cryin’ our eyes out over you? That ain’t fair!”
“Mmm, I think he just means he missed being included in our cuddle puddle,” I purred and leaned my head on Al’s shoulder. 
“That, or the idea of you two being horny-sad thinkin’ of me keeps me warm on lonely nights.”
I glared at Seth. “You aren’t helping.”
He laughed. “No, but I love the look on my bubblegum prince’s face when he’s trying to be mad at me.” He leaned in close so he was an inch from Al’s flustered face. “But really he’s dyin’ to be put right back on his back so I can really show him how much I missed him.” 
The poor man’s blush deepened, and he grumbled a little. 
I smiled and wrapped my arms around Seth’s shoulders, pulling him back so we were both staring at Al. “I think he needs us, don’t you agree? Maybe you could help me put him back in his place.”
“Oh, no, sugar, this here’s your battle. As much as I’d love to beat the brat out of him, I’m too tired to really give it my all. I’d prefer to hang back and take a more… supporting role.” He smooched the side of my neck and leaned back. 
Grinning at Al, I put my hand on his chest and started to push him back down like he was. “Well, baby? You gonna put up a fight now that you know big bad Seth’s not gonna force you to sit pretty for me?”
He shook his head and grabbed my hand to kiss it. “I’m his brat, but I’ll always behave for you, boo.”
Seth chuckled and moved to straddle Al’s thighs behind me. “Well, he knows what’s good for him, that’s for sure.” 
Alphonse began to reply. “Shut up, man- agh!” 
I yanked his hair sharply. “Maybe not. But we can correct that together some other time. Right now, I only care about enjoying the rest of my evening the way I’d dreamed of spending it, with both my boys.” 
He whimpered softly. “Yes, Boss.”
Seth was so close to me I could feel his chest pressed against my back. He rested his chin on my shoulder again. “I always love to watch you work, sugar,” he breathed flirtily against my ear. He reached around me for Alphonse’s cock, and the second he touched it Al let out a huge sigh. He pumped it up and down in his fist a few times, surely enjoying the way his pearly precum dripped over the pink tip. I lifted my hips up so Seth could help me guide it in, and sank down, more easily this time and no less pleasurable. I could feel Seth smirking against my neck as he held onto my hip with one hand and held Al’s hand with the other. 
Al was already settled back into our former rhythm with his free hand gripping the side of my thigh, head thrown back against the armrest and eyes closed in bliss, moaning with each bounce of my hips. “So glad you’re here, Seth,” he panted. “Mm! Ahh, I missed you so, fuck, so much. I really did.” 
Seth let go of Al’s hand to trail it up his stomach teasingly. “Aww, Al. Well, I had to come take care of you, didn’t I?” Al’s back arched to meet his touch. I’d do the same; we were both so starved for his affection. Seth smoothed his hand back down Alphonse’s torso, all the way to where our bodies met, and ran both hands all the way up my body to my shoulders, forcing me to lean back against his warm, broad chest. “Take care of both of you,” he purred. And without warning, he brushed his fingers over my nipples, sending electricity running through my body, especially my clit. I moaned his name loudly and threw my head back to rest on his shoulder. He continued to circle my nipples lightly, and my hips began to move faster even though my legs were starting to burn. Alphonse flexed his hands on my thighs and began babbling brokenly and bucking up into me at the increased sensation. Seth grabbed my hips to help me bounce and at the same time left a wet trail of tender kisses across the back of my neck and shoulders- not skimping on the teeth, either. 
“Fuck, please!” Alphonse cried, his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. 
“What do you need, baby?” I panted. I was getting close. 
“Aah, m’gonna cum, please Boss, can I cum? Pleeease…”
I was about to reply when Seth spoke. “Not ‘til our sugar does.” And he began to rub my clit quickly with wet fingers. My back arched hard in shock and ecstasy so that I could hardly move at all, but they both helped me move on Al’s cock, moving faster, rubbing harder, pushing me through pulsing, all-consuming pleasure… until I fell from the threshold, rocking against Al’s cock frantically while he called my name, and falling against Seth’s chest once more into strong, safe arms. Al moaned sharply once more, and a warmth filled me and sent another wave through me. Once I opened my eyes again, Seth laid me down next to (on top of) Al and knelt down beside the couch, smiling down at us.
“Seth, honey... I missed you so much too. I’m so glad you could be here, tonight wouldn’t have been the same without you,” I said as I tucked Al’s head under my chin. 
“Me too, babe. Although it seemed to me y’all were gettin’ on just fine on your own…” he glanced at the strap on discarded next to the coffee table. 
Al laughed wearily. “Sure, but I ain’t this fucked out unless the both of you were involved in messin’ me up.”
“How’re you feeling, by the way? That looked like it took a lot out of you.” I said, squeezing him tight.
“Yeah,” he breathed. “It was a lot, but like… so good. Y’know. I’m really good.”
“Mhm, don’t I know it.” Seth remarked. “Once sugar here works that magic, you’re a goner.” He leaned over Alphonse to kiss me, his tongue sliding over mine. 
Alphonse let out a long sigh. “Guess I’m the one who needs the bath now.” 
Seth huffed a chuckle into my mouth and broke away to look at him questioningly. 
“I was gonna run a bath for us so we could spoil each other and eat cupcakes in it.”
“Not like that last part was gonna happen,”I snickered.
Seth gasped. “You tried to make cupcakes? I was wondering who got stabbed over that stovetop when I came in.”
“Boo said it wasn’t that bad!”
I giggled, knowing their bickering was loving. “If you two are done, I think we should get on with the rest of our night. All of us are hungry and probably sore, and I know I want to spend more time cuddling in our actual bed now Seth’s here.” 
Al grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.” He looked up at Seth. “I’ve been waitin’ to get my hands on you for a long time now, Brown Eyes. We gotta take advantage of a night like tonight.”
“I agree,” Seth murmured. “We’re not gonna do a thing but enjoy each other’s company.” Then he kissed him, long and deep. After they parted, he stood up, grunting. “I’m gonna go draw that bath y’all were talking about so you can rest. I’ll be back for you in a minute, so don’t go anywhere.”
“Say draw one more time,” I pleaded, smirking.
“Draw-er,” he obliged. “And don’t go teasing me about it, neither.”
“Us? Never.” Al smiled deviously. Seth stared sternly at us, then winked and turned to the bathroom. Alphonse nuzzled deeper into my arms and sighed contently. I planted a kiss into his hair and thought about how lucky I must be to have two amazing boyfriends to cherish and  surprise me everyday.
A/N: I loved writing this sm and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I hope to do more stuff like this, and soon. this is actually my first fanfic (first inspired by Valentine's Day with your Submissive Boyfriend audio rp by SweetKinkAudio on p*rnhub) and I'd love any criticism or advice if you're willing to give me any💖💖💖 happy valentine's day!!
taglist: @dizzy-n-busy
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snugglebug-92 · 1 year
I’m sorry
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Angsty fic btw.
You knew the second they pulled ports the score was going to be 2-5. You hated it when they pulled goalies and thought it was the dumbest thing ever. They never won or came out ahead in your experience so as you watched the Quinnipiac player skate towards the net you just about walked out. But you couldn’t do that to your boyfriend and the team so you just let a few tears slip out as the boys looked defeated. They knew they had just lost. You quickly make your way down to the locker room area so you can get to your boyfriend as soon as possible, hopefully before the scouts get to him so you can have 30 seconds with him.
You open your arms up for Nolan as he walks out of the locker room but instead he walks right past you. Dylan though is quick to bury himself in your embrace as he breaks down in your arms. You run your hand through his wet hair as he sobs on your shoulder.
“It’ll be okay Dyl,” you coo as you rock the sophomore in your arms. He just holds you tighter as his family comes down. His mom prys Dylan from you while Alyssa gives you a quick hug before you go hunting down your boyfriend. When you do it’s too late though because he’s already shaking hands with the Vegas reps and Briss, who you didn’t even know was here, gives him a big hug. You smile at the sight, happy he signed but you know that things won’t work with you and Nolan. You were in a 5-year program and still had a year left of college while Nolan was going to be halfway across the country.
“Hi baby,” you smile as Nolan looks up. He gives you a half-smile before going back to talking to Brendan. You knew the end was coming so why was this going to be so hard? This whole year you and Nolan had become more and more distant and now you were just going to pull the plug. Nolan talks to Briss for a while and you decide to go see if anyone needs a hug. You see Erik beating himself up and wrap your arms around the Swedish boy as he stiffens for a second before relaxing once he realizes who it is. 
“I feel like it’s all my fault,” he admits once he calms down.
“It’s not. I know it seems like it but it’s not. There are 21 other players on the roster and all of them played,” you say even though you know the boy will continue to blame himself. Eventually, Noah comes over to comfort his goalie friend and you go to find your boyfriend fresh off press. He’s crying in Seamus’ arms and you walk over before switching places with him. Nolan breaks down even more once he’s in your arms and your heart shatters. You gently run your hand through his hair and slowly he starts to calm down. He pulls his head out from your neck and cups your cheeks before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I wanna talk,” you both say at the same time. You both laugh and you shake your head at the boy.
“You can go first,” you say, hoping he’ll just rip the bandaid off. When he grabs a small black box out of his shorts pocket your eyes go wide and tears start to form.
“This wasn’t how I was planning on doing this. I was hoping we would have won a national championship first but baby I haven’t even asked the question you don’t need to start crying,” he laughs as he gets down on one knee. Your hands go to your face as you shake your head.
“I love you Y/N and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I talked with my agent and there’s a college right by Henderson you can transfer to. I also talked with your advisor and she said you can go online to finish your degree. So come with me not just as my girlfriend but as my fiance. I know this is a lot to process but I just want you by my side,” he says looking up at you. That’s when he sees you shaking your head no and visibly shaking.
“Nolan the reason I wanted to talk was to break up with you,” you whisper as you shut the ring box. Everyone who’s watching goes silent and you can hear his heart beating out of his chest.
“Baby please don’t,” he pleads as you walk out of the room. You quickly walk to the street and keep going, not caring about the attention you might be causing. You need to get back to Michigan and you need to get there now. You hail a taxi and quickly climb in before Nolan has the chance to catch up with you let alone say anything else. You give the driver directions to the hotel before watching out the window as Nolan falls to the ground. You see a few people rush to see if he’s okay and for the first time in 4 years, your heart genuinely hurts. You just broke the love of your life's heart for no good reason and now you are going to have to live with the consequences. 
You pay the driver as he pulls into the hotel parking lot and you quickly pack up your bags before transferring your ticket to the first flight you can get to Michigan. As you are leaving the airport you see the press conference on tv.
“Sorry for your loss,” a lady says to you.
“I’m sorry what?” you question, confused about what she’s talking about.
“Sorry I just saw you were wearing a sweatshirt with Moyle on the back,” she said. You look down and see what sweatshirt you are wearing and realize it’s one of Nolan's.
“Oh, it’s okay. There’s always next season,” you shrug. She gives you a smile before walking away. You hear your flight being called that boarding is starting and you head to your gate. Once you board the plane you look at your phone and see the array of notifications you have from Nolan and the boys. You turn your phone on airplane mode before looking out the window. You are shaken awake when the plane lands in Detroit 2 hours later.
“Honey we’ve landed,” the flight attendant says. You stretch out and grab your stuff before leaving the plane. You go to grab your suitcase before heading to your apartment. You ask your Uber driver to make a pitstop at Starbucks saying you’d buy them some and give them a $20 tip and they sigh before punching in the directions. You order your drink and something for them and your roommate before heading the rest of the way home. When you open the front door your roommate screams at you before pulling you into a hug.
“Don’t ever scare us like that again but also what happened?” Jenny asks as you hand her her typical Starbucks order.
“So you know how Nolan and I have been kinda distant the last month? Well after the game he said he needed to talk and I did like at the same time. So I let him so first and he proposed and I was freaking my shit out because I thought he was going to break up with me so the whole week I’ve been preparing myself for a breakup. So I told him I was going to break up with him and then just ran out because I didn’t know what to do and I got on the first flight back to Michigan and I’m here now and yeah,” you let out a breath as you said everything as quickly as possible.
“Wait he fucking proposed?” Jenny laughs.
“Yeah, and I said no. I turned down the love of my life,” you shake your head as the tears start to fall again.
“Oh, honey it’ll be okay. Plus you always said you never wanted to do long distance.”
“He had it all set up for me to either transfer to a college in Henderson or go online so I could be with him.”
“Holy shit Nolan really thought of everything,” she says.
“Yeah, he did. I’m going to my room now,” you shrug as you head to your room. You plop down on your bed and start sobbing. How could you have been so dumb to say no to Nolan? You could have been halfway to becoming Mrs.Moyle right now but now you had to be stupid. Little did you know Nolan was just as much of a mess as you were. He had put on some random T-shirt before buying as much beer as possible and locking himself in his hotel room. He sat on the porch crying drinking bud light until the sun came up. Gavin finally opens up the porch door and sees Nolan passed out with a 24-pack of bud light. He picks up the cans and notices that while there are about 10 open they are all over half full. He puts the unopened beer in the fridge and dumps the opened ones out before calling Seamus since he was rooming with Jay. The 3 boys work together to move Nolan to the bed and he doesn’t even stir.
“Is he even alive?” Seamus questions.
“He’s fine. You guys can go to my room. I'll stay with him,” Jay says as the freshman leave to go to a different room. Jay watches Nolan’s chest rise and fall for a few seconds before going to get him some water and Advil. Since Nolan is passed out Jay takes the time to look at the ring. He takes it out of the box and checks it out before sliding it back into its spot. 
Around 1 in the afternoon, Nolan finally starts moving. He groans as the light hits his eye before turning over. He grabs the water and Advil muttering a thank you to Jay. 
“How are you feeling?” Jay questions.
“Like my heart got ripped out of my chest and stomped on,” Nolan says.
“I’m sorry Nol,” Jay says.
“It’s okay. I’d let her do it 1000 times over again if that meant things would be different,” Nolan sighs, “now I’m going to shower.” Jay watches as Nolan leaves and calls your roommate hearing your side of the story. He runs a hand through his hair before hanging up. He’d have to get you guys back together somehow.
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alemonyoyo · 8 months
No Country for Young Humans - Chapter 9:
Hi everyone!
Here is an actual LONG chapter for you. I have a feeling you guys will like this one :3333 ! Sorry for this chapter taking a while, hopefully the previous little nugget of lore could tide you over for the time being!
Thanks so much for the kind comments! Love you all.
NOTE FOR READING: A Parodia is a type of Cactus Flower!
Missed the previous chapters? Check out the Masterlist!
Words: 3283
Tags: GN Reader, Angst, (I don't wanna give the rest away)
Summary: Out on a bet, ready to capture your own beloved Sheriff, things get off track, and an encounter with a dangerous foe leaves more than just scars.
Chapter 9 - The Encounter: Undertale Yellow OST: 038 - Sandstorm Approaching + 069 - Getting The Thoughts Out
The whirling winds spin around you, the barrier between sky and sand breaking in the passionate dance of battle. You felt Moray right behind you, saw the shine of their rapier in the corner of your eye. 
Something launched your way, the eager panging of a rubber bullet piercing through the air.
You quickly dodged it, manoeuvring on the small path you had been led to, pulling Moray aside with you as the two of you huffed out in frustration.
“Shit, he’s gotta be just down there-” They said before dashing forward on the thin path, rapier in hand and ready to strike. 
The ground beneath you was frail, the thin path sloping off into steep cliffs on either side. North Star had led you up here, figurative tail between his legs as he ran from you and Moray’s keen approach. No wonder he brought you here, you’d have to navigate this terrain pretty carefully if you wanted to keep up.
“C’mon!” Moray yelled out over the swirling sound of the wind. Hesitantly you walked forward, quickly finding your footing amongst the stone and sand before confidently shifting into a dash, quickly meeting Moray’s pace.
You were too drunk prior to know that your bet with North Star would be a bad idea. Too hazy from the buzz of the alcohol to think such a thing through.
“You couldn’t catch a bandit if you tried!” Moray had fired out towards Star, you remember it clearly despite the drunken panging in your head. North Star had sat, offended, across the bar as you jokingly backed up Moray’s claim, “I bet if you tried to catch a bandit, they’d catch you!” You remember teasing, your face flushed.
And that’s when he had challenged you to that very thing. To hunt him down as if *you* yourself were the very Sheriff of the Wild East. With Moray as your feisty deputy, you agreed, setting off much later in the afternoon, slightly sober yet all the more groggy, to catch your beloved prey. And of course, he led you up here; the mountainous cliffs of the Dune’s upper terrain.
By the time you had caught up to Moray, a strange sight came into view. The cliff’s path split two ways, continuing on ahead you could see a row of square-shaped mechanisms.
“What are those things-?” You asked out into the thick air. It carried you worried tone over to Moray who quickly responded,
“Boulder dispensers.” Ah, of course. “Star’s gotta be ‘round here.” They continued, before directing their gaze down the other of the two paths. “I’ll go down here, you check behind the machines. Call out if you need me.” And with that, Moray left, eagerly darting away with such elegance, you almost couldn’t tell that it was only mere hours ago that they were more smashed than you were.
Now all was quiet except for the warm hum of the machines, which seemed to be off for there were no boulders being dispensed. You reached for your revolver, your precious gift from your adored prey. You were gonna catch this bandit fair and square!
Narrowing your eyes, focusing your gaze, you began the slow walk past the behind of each machine. Checking the space behind the first one, you were met with nothing but a lone cactus, choked out by the desert sands which clutched at its base. Poor thing. Moving to the second one; nothing. Third; nothing. Things weren’t looking good. You only had one machine left at this point, and you could seldom hear a sound. Maybe he wasn’t around here after all.
Checking behind the final machine, you are once again met with the quiet emptiness that subdued the air of these cliffs. Nothing! Though, this last machine has a letter stapled to the back;
“Built to order by Hotland Mechanics. Signature of Ownership: North Star.” Of course- of course your Sheriff, enthralled by all things invigorating, would have custom “Boulder Dispensers” commissioned for The Wild East. Looking closer at the machine, they sure looked expensive. And there were four of them too. Seems you have an expensive taste.
You shifted on your feet, retreating back the way you came. Seems North Star has escaped your clutches once again. That slippery bastard! He really was the Sheriff for a reason! The ground crunched beneath your feet, the hot air making your head spin, a wild concoction of drunken stupors and heat stroke mingling in your head to produce the most mind numbing headaches.
Wait- No. This was no headache.
Reaching a hand to your head, you felt a cold liquid brush your fingertips. Looking down at your hand, red and wet. Something had hit you!
Panicked, you looked around, shifting on your feet every which way. A blur flashed before your eyes before you once again felt a sharp pain, this time on your shoulder. You cried out, the stinging feeling bursting with an unbearable warmth, the blood soaking down the sleeve of your shirt, making the needy fabric cling to your skin.
You had to get out of here, lest this pursuer get the best of you. Turning to make your escape, the blur of a figure manages its way into view, blocking your only path of retreat. Looking at them from afar, they are far larger than any monster you had seen thus far. Sturdy, a wide chest, a face with draconic features covered with a metal helmet and matching suit of armour. A Royal Guard.
The monster wielded a large sword, almost machete-like in appearance. It was sharp enough to cut through you with a brief slice. 
As you contemplated their appearance, the monster failed to move or utter a word. Only gripping at their sword before they barrelled out into a charge, racing at you with uncharacteristic speed. You quickly shifted to your right, leaping in between two of the machines. The monster overshot, giving you time to dash behind them and try to escape.
You bolted out of the gap, trying to make it to the crossroads where Moray had left you; call for their help. As you neared the end of the path, you heard a crash just beside you. The monster, far more agile than they appeared, had leapt atop the machine. They had the upper ground now. But without warning they shot down from their height, brandishing their weapon at your skull.
As the beast charged down, you felt the whole world slow. Was this what death felt like?
You were wounded, wearing nothing but the flimsy clothes that The Feisty Five have gifted you with. You had no means of defence. No shield. Only a means of attack, something you weren’t willing to do.
Suddenly, you feel a tight grasp around your waist, before being tugged harshly to the left, the ringing sound of a bullet shifting you to your senses immediately. You’re safe. Safe yet tied up in the fibrous clutches of a rope, your hero at your side none other than your beloved Sheriff. 
“Get behind me.” He almost yells out, and you do as he says, too wounded to fight back atop such tricky ground. You saw as Star's eyes narrowed on his target as he wielded attacks that phased through reality. A monster's characteristic use of magic didn’t abide by the laws known to cripple the surface’s realm. The piercing attack of a magic bullet could penetrate any armour, and so North Star sent reams of bullets the Royal Guards way.
In response, the guard, expression hidden by their helmet, darted forward, sword aimed to slash instead of stab. One wrong move and North Star would be knocked off of his balance, sent tumbling down the cliff, or slashed to dust before your eyes.
Breathlessly you watched as he darted away, trying to struggle out of the rope to be able to provide some sort of aid. Your hands clutched at the ropes sides, tugging and pulling at it before you eventually had to give in and cut it. The rope fell to the floor, laying limp.
“Ah, Shit!” You heard him yell out, turning quickly and grabbing for your gun. He was injured, a deep gash across his torso that leaked dust out of every crevasse. Crumpled on the floor looking up at his enemy. The beast had its back turned to you, only now, its head was exposed, its helmet lolling on the floor beside Star.. As they loomed over him, you felt your panic set in. 
Before you could rush over to intervene, another bang of the revolver shot out, causing the world to go quiet.
You stood in your place, paralysed by the sight before you. Right through his head. Right where his brain would be- He-
The Royal Guard toppled to the floor, and Star quickly shifted away to avoid being squashed. Crying out in pain as he did, the both of you deeply wounded. 
Rushing over to him, you felt the panic well into thick rivulets of tears, rushing down your face faster than you could run. Reaching him, you got down on your knees beside him.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” It was getting harder to see, your tears making a kaleidoscope of the world around you. North Star’s face distorted, yet from this parodic view of the world, he had no wounds. Blinking out the tears you held him in your arms, “Fuck, I’m so sorry. Star, I- You didn’t-”
“It was a pleasure, darlin’.” He smiled up at you through the pain, “I’ll be just fine as long as you can get me back home.” He managed out.
“Guys!” You heard the cheery voice yell out before shrieks of panic were felt behind you. Moray came dashing over, “Oh- oh my god.”
Before they could even ask what happened, you jumped into action, slinking an arm beneath North Star’s knees, and another behind his back. Trying to shift up from you kneel, you carried him, before Moray leaned in to help.
“Fuck, you’re injured, you can’t carry him!” Yet you persisted, letting Moray hold him by the legs as your arms shifted under his shoulders, his head resting on your chest.
The both of you made quick work of getting down the cliff, though the journey was littered with your sobs and tears. It was embarrassing, as Moray only held a terrified expression, and Star seemed to only be in pain. Yet here you were with the lesser wounds, crying out as if you had been pulled limb from limb.
“Don’t cry, deputy.” You heard him mumble up to you. Moray’s eyes lit up at the title. He had never called you that in front of the others- “It’ll be okay! Our doctor is the… the be-” He was fading, his eyes faltering.
“Oh fuck.” Moray mumbled as you both quickened your pace. The Wild East gaining in your view. 
“Stay awake Star, c’mon, please.” You said to him, trying to pull at whatever energy he had left in him, “Star, I can’t do this without you please, just a little longer.” You plead through sobs, feeling your head also grow light as you bled out of your own wounds.
You eventually entered the town square, the townsfolk that stood by all turned in shock from the sight of their Sheriff so deeply wounded. You ignored their barrage of questions, rushing Star into the hospital instead.
“Doctor! We need an actual doctor!” Moray yelled out, helping you shift North Star onto one of the beds.
The sight reeled in your head, of him splayed out on the bed, a heaved expression as he tried to fight a smile for you. You felt yourself fading, being met with the delicious pain of the floor against your temple, then all went dark.
Deja vu trickled over your senses as your eyes shifted open. The familiar breeze breathing its life through the open doorway composed the atmosphere of your resting place. The sheets beneath you were rough, yet they were clean. You shifted up from the bed, gaining your bearings as your head reeled in pain, your vision blurring with every turn of your head. 
“You’re up.” The sound of his voice made your heart skip a beat. He was alive- Thank god he was alive.
Turning to him, you recognised where you were, the hospital. Having been here only once prior, when you first entered the Wild East. North Star was laying in the very bed you left him in, his torso bare except for the thick bandages that wrapped tightly around his stomach.
“Star- '' You called out before getting up hastily, fighting through the blurs of vision to rush over to him and take him in your arms, being careful not to hug too hard; he had already hurt himself enough for you. “I was so worried- I thought you had died- I just, fuck. I’m so sorry.” You pulled away from the hug, looking him in the eyes as you spoke. Even after everything, he still wore his hat. Relentless.
He managed to prop himself up against the headboard of the bed, shifting his grimace into a grin; “It’s all right sweets. As long as you’re okay.” You hated hearing that. That he was willing to put his own life on the line for your own. You sat down in the bed, feeling its springs creak beneath your weight. North Star’s life was infinitely more valuable than your own. In terms of the world you now dwelled in, you’d be far more valuable dead. Far more useful.
“Please don’t do that again.” His gaze shifted away from you as you spoke, looking out into the space, contemplating nothing at all.
“You know I will.” He replied in a flat, breathless tone. Nodding, you clasped your hands in your lap, feeling the pain in your shoulder where the blade of the Royal Guard had slashed you. Fuck! The Royal Guard- They were- “I can’t say I’ve ever killed a Royal Guard before. Can’t say I’ve killed anyone before.” His tone faltered, his expression scrunched. He couldn’t help but turn away from you, and you felt the pain in his expression leak into the surrounding air. His pain becomes your own. 
You leant into him, placing a tender hand on his cheek, “You saved me. I won’t say you had to do what you did but if you didn’t- well, then we’d both be dead.” You shifted closer to him, bringing your legs onto the bed to sit beside him, bare shoulder to bandaged shoulder.
North Star nodded to himself, clasping his own hands in his lap. The silence that fell between the two of you was solemn, contemplative. North Star was no killer, for killing wasn’t just. Yet, you saw that Royal Guard topple in front of you, laying limp like a doll, gaping wound in their head. You felt him tense beside you; his shoulders shifted as his arms folded in on himself. You couldn’t help but reach your hand out to hold his, squeezing slightly as his fingers accepted your embrace.
The brisk breeze carried with it the shrill sound of the outdoors, bringing in with it an uplifting sense of safety. You had survived, North Star had survived, yet the tense sob which broke out into the quiet air shattered any sense of comfort you once held. 
He was turned away from you, yet you could hear through the slight sniffles that the tears had begun. 
“Star,” You reached over to him, poising your hand gently on his face as you turned him your way. He brandished far less tears than you had, but to your credit, you thought the love of your life was about to die.
“I killed someone.” His voice broke, rippling with sorrow. He placed his hand on top of yours, leaning his face into your touch, “And I don’t regret it.” He shook his head slightly, your hand feeling the movement on the sensitive skin of your palm. It was too painful to look at him this way, yet having nearly lost him earlier, you took every chance to get a glimpse of him. He looked up at you, eyes clouded with tears, yet he wore a smile, a hopeful smile. “I swore to myself that I’d keep you safe, no matter who got in my way.” As he blinked more tears rolled out, creating streams down the side of his face; waterfalls.
Your other hand shifted, and now you cupped his face in your hands, loving how real he felt. He was here, not a figment of your hazy mind, still drunk off of painkillers and alcohol. “Yer brave enough to handle yourself, I know that. But, I want to be there for you.” His gaze pierces into your own. He meant it. 
You wanted to reassure him, tell him you’d always be there for him. That what he had done for you was more than enough. That you loved him, that you live for him. But the words wouldn’t come out, lest you risk another sob. Your hands trembled against the side of his face, before pulling him close to yours, your lips pressing against his in an effort to show what could not be said. 
His lips were uncharacteristically soft, and against yours felt like heaven. Like the sweet relief of a cool breeze on a warm day, the warm scent of the Parodia’s rolling in the wind. At first he seemed taken aback by the sudden display of affection, and you felt him tense under your lips before his mouth accepted your own. The kiss was tender, soft, delicate unlike the battle earlier that day. And yet it was brief, over the next second as you pulled away from him, looking down with a flushed face. His own teal-ridden features looking up at your own in shock. 
You shifted your hands off of him, giving him the space to process what had just happened. Frankly you needed the space yourself. This was it. You had given it all away with little subtlety to your name.
“St-stay with me. Please?” You heard him mumble under his breath, his voice sounding different.
“I’ll stay here as long as you need.” You breathed out, relieved.
“Right here.” He replied quietly, almost possessively, grabbing a needy hand to your arm. 
He laid down on his back, and you slipped under the covers beside him. You turned on your side, as his arm wrapped over your shoulder, pulling you close to him. You leant your pounding head against his bare chest, wrapping an arm around him.
The warm air simmered throughout the hospital, leaving you both in a daze, sleep knocking at the back of your eyelids. As you felt Star hold you tight, you could hear his heart pounding. You drank in the moment, letting the sweet syrup of the kiss linger on your lips as his body, so close to yours, tethered you to this realm. It wasn’t long before you felt his breathing steady, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath your head.
“I love you, Star.” You whispered to him, knowing he couldn’t hear you. And then you too, drifted off into a quiet slumber.
“Chujin Ketsukane… He had a wife, didn’t he?”
“I believe so, lived in the Dunes, around the Wild East.”
“Ah yes, Ceroba. Can’t believe she would do something like this.”
“Head into the Wild East first thing tomorrow. Bring your weapons.”
“Will you be accompanying us, Undyne?”
“Of course. I want to be the one to catch her in her filthy game.”
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Their Comfort
Summary - Part 2 to In-Air Comfort - You comfort Dean after his brother runs away without a word.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x OC Andre (platonic), Reader x Sam (platonic)
Warnings - minor swearing, fluff, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1,562
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs, comments, and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. Let me know if you want part 3 (personally I'm feeling like this could be a series - I'm really attached to these characters), and remember my inbox is always open for requests or even if you just wanna chat. Until next week, enjoy! 
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You wave until Andre’s hired SUV disappears into the distance. When you turn around, Dean had already begun to rap on the door, ready to kick it down, when Sam opens it revealing himself in only his boxers and a girl hastily dressing behind him. 
“You came all the way to Tampa, in MY car to get laid?! I’m all for having fun, but this is extreme, even for me, extreme, Sam!”
You put your hand on Dean’s arm in an attempt to calm him down, but he jerks away and storms off down the road toward the bar you’d passed on the way here. You give Sam an apologetic look and chase after your boyfriend. When you catch up to Dean he already has a glass of whisky in front of him. You sit down beside him and signal for the barkeeper to get you the same as the man beside you. 
“You know Sam, there’s gotta be more to the story. You just gotta give him a chance.”
“He stole my car and drove across the country in the middle of the night without so much as a text. And I found him in his underwear. That’s not Sam. I don’t know what’s possessing him or if it’s a shapeshifter or what, but it’s not my brother.”
“Isn’t that all the more reason to go back and find out? Before he takes off again.”
“You know what? Let him go! I’m done being his babysitter! I want to focus on you … on us … but I can’t while I’m babysitting his stupid ass.”
“I know how much he means to you. I knew that when I agreed to be your girlfriend. I’d never ask you to put me before him, he’s your family.”
“I want you to be my family too. I already feel like you are. There are so many places I want to take you, things I want to do with you and I can’t because of this stupid life … it’s not just Sam, it’s all the demons and shit that we deal with every day. I’m just over it all. I’m tired, baby.” He downs his glass and puts his head down on the bar. 
You run your hand through his hair comforting him. “I’ve seen more of this country since we’ve been hunting together than I’d seen in my whole life prior-“
“While third-wheeling with me and Sam…” he mumbles.
“You’ve saved my life more times than I can count.”
“After putting you in danger first-”
“Dean Winchester, would you look at me?” He turns his head slightly to face you. “I love you and I love spending time with you anywhere, whether it’s in the Impala, some old motel room, in a dingy old bar or hunting evil sons of bitches. I chose this life when I chose you and I wouldn’t change any of that.”
“But you talk about marriage and kids … and I can’t give you either.”
“I don’t see why not. Maybe not now, maybe not even in the next year or two, but someday. But for now, why don’t we go back and check on your brother? Find out what’s really going on here. Once we know Sam is safe, we are gonna have a good long talk about us and our future, okay?”
Dean nods at you, “sounds good, sweetheart. Thank you.”
“Hey, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Dean pulls a few bills out of his wallet and places them on the bar under his glass before taking your hand in his and leading you out. You walk hand-in-hand back to the motel finding Sam leaning on Baby’s hood; no sign of the scantily dressed woman. 
“Maybe let me take the lead this time, Dean.”
Dean just squeezes your hand in response as you approach the taller brother.
“Hey Sam,” you say, “
“Hey, I swear I didn’t run off just to get laid,” Sam says looking between you and Dean, “I caught a case here, and I thought I could handle it on my own … I was watching the two of you snuggled up together and you looked happy … you deserve to get out of this life, go get married, have a family. So, I wanted to prove I could handle myself so you guys can do that. I should’ve left a note and not taken your car but I guess I just wasn’t thinking straight.”
“Sam, you have nothing to prove. You’ve been doing this since you were a kid. Don’t think you’re holding us back. But, don’t think you have to do this alone either. I don’t think either of us are really ready to leave this fight yet, and as long as we’re hunting, we’re doing it as a team,” you say.
“What’s the case? Did you handle it?” Dean asks.
“Yeah, I handled it. It was a kitsune-”
“Where’s the body?” Dean asks.
“I’m not an idiot, Dean! Just trust me, I handled it.”
“And the naked girl?”
“I met her at the bar, the same way you used to every other week,” Sam spits out as he glances over at you. 
Dean glares at his brother, “you wanna try that again? You don’t get to look at her like that, you know damn well she’s not like them and that I haven’t done that since before we met.” You put your hand on Dean’s arm trying to calm him down. Sam walks back into the room. “No, he doesn’t get to disrespect you like that.”
“Dean, take a walk, or take Baby for a lap,” you say.
“Alright, come on,” he says, but you shake your head.
“Let me handle whatever’s going on here.”
“I’m not leaving you here with him.”
“Dean … Baby, I need you to trust me okay? I can handle myself. Something’s up with him and you’re too close to him and angry right now. Let me talk to him and find out what’s really going on here.”
“Fine, you’ve got an hour, then I’m coming back with dinner.”
“I love you, Dean,” you say as he kisses your hand and walks away.
You take a deep breath and cautiously enter Sam’s room. You find him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
“Hey,” you say as you take a seat on the end of the bed, leaving space between you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, not looking up. “I didn’t mean that out there, I know you’re not that … that you’re different-”
“I know. So, spill, Sam. What’s really going on here, with you? And don’t bother trying to keep up this bull- I’ve been dealing with that behaviour from Dean for too long.” 
“The kitsune … when I saw the article I knew I had to come before another hunter did … she was a friend from when I was a kid. She killed her own mother to save me. She doesn’t eat fresh meat. Her-her son was sick, she had to save him. She’s not a killer, but the circumstances…”
You put your hand on your stomach, “one day I hope to truly understand that love. I get it. So, you let her go?”
“Kind of…”
“You hooked up with her, and then us turning up scared her off…”
“Dean would never understand. She was one of the first girls I ever had a crush on. But I knew dad and Dean would’ve killed her so I let her go. They just see a monster, he’ll never understand how that feels. But I do, I’ve been a monster, I’ll always have demon blood coursing through my veins, and I can never change that. Does that mean I should die? Hell, it probably does, I’ve done bad things too.”
“Sammy, hey, you don’t deserve to die, and nor did that mother. I don’t care if she’s a kitsune, she’s a mother and having a sick child can make you do crazy things. It’s a mother’s instinct. And I know you think Dean won’t understand and you’re probably right, but I do. And I am gonna do everything I can to help him understand okay? Just leave him to me.”
“I hate putting you in this position, messenger or the buffer between me and my brother. And I saw that reflex by the way, does Dean know?”
“Hey, you did it for us, and I’ve never been happier. If it wasn’t for you, Dean and I would still be awkwardly hiding our feelings. Now I get to repay the favour. And there’s nothing to know, it’s just wishful thinking. But we’re not ready. Dean would never. And this life, even if … I wouldn’t be able to keep it. One bad hit or fall ... ”
Dean walks in with a bag of Chinese food and beer, cutting you off. Sam gives you a knowing look. Dean sets the table without saying a word. You look over at Sam, “let’s eat and then I’ll talk to him okay?”
Sam nods and follows as you get up and sit at the table. You eat in silence, no one game to say anything. Once you’re finished you take Dean’s hand in yours on the table.
“Can we go for a drive?” you ask him, he just nods despite just wanting to snuggle up with you in bed.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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mothxmoons · 1 year
Hey Raven! First off, I just wanna say that I love your stories.
Secondly, can I get an order of piers fluff? With a side of soulmates? I just finished Chris's campaign and it hurts now. I can offer chicken nuggies and chocy milk
I will take the chicken nuggies for I am lactose intolerant…but I will take the choccy milk anyways.
Piers always thought he’d never meet his soulmate. Always out in different countries, facing certain death over and over again while being expendable to who he works for. Valuing the mission above all else. He didn’t even think he’d have the time for it either, but as he kept going and going, it became harder and harder as he looked around him and the others found their soulmates. He felt out of place. Sure, it was nice not having to worry about someone back home but at the same time…he felt lonely. He wanted his soulmate and he knows they’re out there, he can always see the string after all.
But Piers never had the time, he could never…what matters is the mission. That’s all. But what he didn’t account for was you tracking him down instead. He really should’ve known better, after all if he’s persistent then his soulmate must be equally if not more so.
When you arrived in his life, persistent and hopeful, Piers was…shocked to say the least. He didn’t expect to meet his soulmate…at all. Especially this way, with you hunting him down instead. It was definitely a whole new experience when you found him too.
Piers was out in the town, just buying things and walking down the street. He saw a nice cafe and decided to grab a drink and a snack there. But when he sat down he didn’t expect that the few moment that he closed his eyes, you’d be sitting in front of him. It took him a few moments to realize the string connecting you two.
“…Hi.” He said, his voice was soft, mostly in shock from seeing you, his soulmate.
“Hi…” You said back to him, finally being able to meet your soulmate after trying to track him down time and time again. You smiled at him with a fond kindess. “I’ve been running after you for a while now.”
“Oh..sorry. I’ve been…everywhere.” He smiled back awkwardly, not knowing how to explain his work. “…You’ve must’ve come a long way, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I’ll chase you down to the ends of earth.” You nodded back, your own smile growing brightly. He laughed a bit at that, nodding along. It felt like you understood him but Piers couldn’t place why. This warm fuzzy feeling inside of him blooming when started to talk to him.
Why didn’t he chase you down before? Is this what he was missing? Playful banter in the middle of a cafe? Chris can tease him all he wants later, Piers will be thinking about this, and this moment for the rest of his life. Oh! Before he has to go back, he should call you.
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mailontumb · 8 months
Hello! I have been requested a fanfic about Mizu from Blu Eyed Samurai!
The person who asked the fanfic wants to stay anymous
Any who heree is the fanfic!
Note blue: mizu !! orange:ringo !! Purple:Mr Yogan !! Pink: butler
Mizu’s Father?
Mizu was wandering around at the market in the London. She was pretty hungry as she just got to the country known for the British monarchy. After wondering around she found a place to exchange her yen’s to pounds and decided to get a ride to go to a place to eat. She decided to eat at a small cafe, as she went in she ordered some fresh bread and tea. After the food arrived she burnt herself a lil trying to take a small sip of the tea. As she finally ate the last piece of her bread sand decided to continue her hunt to find the 4 white men that went to japan
Mizu decided to go find them but ultimately got lost for 3 hours in the woods…but during the 3 hours she heard a rustling noises coming from one of the bushes. She drew her blade out getting ready to attack but it was just but it was just ringo. “ ringo…why the hell are you here?…didnt i told you to stay in the hut and dont follow me?” “Uhh…sorry I just wanna follow you….” ringo replied awkwardly “whatever just stay away from me.” After that encounter with ringo she finally found her way out and ask around if they have seen the 4 men that went to japan and stayed there illegally.
After no success a man came from out of nowhere and gave Mizu a letter saying she looked exactly like the man in the picture. Mizu at first didn’t believe it before looking the picture and was shocked to find out she does and asked the man where he found it and who the person in the picture was , the man gave her a little envelope with an address written on it. As the man left Mizu gazed on the address wondering if she has found her dad.She decided to go and find a ride to take to the address which later on she found out was a mansion.
After finding a ride and going to the mansion , she gazed at it for a while and finally going to the front door and l knocking on it. A butler appears and asked “hello and good morning, please state your business & reason why you were to see Mr Yogan.” “Uhh…im here to see him to…interview him?”“Hm…I guess you’re the reporter, alright then come in…” the butler assisted Mizu to a living room and serve her a cup of tea which did not burn Mizu this time. She ask the butler if the Mr Yogan is gonna come home anytime soon. “Soon my dear pls be patient” the butler said firmly.
20 minute of waiting later a man who is appear to be in his mid 60’s looking worried walked in the room the butler who was sitting across Mizu this entire time introduce him as the Mr Yogan wich Mizu had so long waited for… the man who politely said hi to Mizu then said “so are we ready to begin to interview?” “Uh..yes Uhm sorry…let’s start?…” Mizu replied nervously”alright hit me with the question!” “Do you recognise this person in the picture?” Taken it aback the man inspect the picture and said…”oh…sorry what is your name?” “Mizu,why?” “Mizu,if your are trying to find this man im sorry but he was my late brother who was a terrible criminal and was executed not long after serving a couple of years in the famous prison of London, The Anastasia Prison… but you can find his grave at the High Gate cemetery it’s just around the block” Mizu who was surprise to found out that one of the 4 men she was searching for had passed away. She later then asked “im sorry but did he ever had a secret child back a japan?” “Oh yes he did! He told me before he was executed,why?” “Heh…nothing but Uhm that is all of the question! I got to go now! Hehe bye?” “Oh Uhm that was fast but alright? Bye.” Mizu quickly left and decided to head to the cemetery.
After entering she quickly searched for anyone who had the last name Yogan as she knows that Mr Yogan was the brother of one of the 4 men she was searching for. Suddenly she saw a grave with the last name being Yopgan and the grave wich appear to have a withered rose right next to and a stone wirtten on it ‘James Yogan, Born at 1578 and Died at 1613, was a beloved brother & a horrible criminal.’ “Yeesh…i didn’t expect to meet you here dad…i hope you ended up in hell after making my whole life themed after it. Goodbye and im glad you died”. She quickly left the cemetery and told ringo to stop hiding in the bushes. Ringo appeared and asked her how did she noticed him “ringo you are way too easy to predict. Now come one let’s go back home”.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic! I had fun writing it and i hope to post more fanfic of your request! And Here i am out tap out have a great day byeee!
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guilty-pleasures21 · 7 months
The end of this town
@queen-shiba as promised!
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: descriptions of sex including blowjob (f recieving), penetration (p in v) and slight somnophilia (consensual of course!)
“If you'd like us to take care of the horses as well, that'll be another five gold pieces, sire,” the slippery man sitting behind the counter informed Dara. ‘Slippery’ not just in the metaphorical sense - with that cunning grin he kept giving Dara - but the man had so much oil in his hair and beard, the Afshin truly believed he'd slip right out of his hands if he tried to grab him.
“Fine,” Dara replied, forking out the money begrudgingly. “But for that price, they'd better be getting honey-coated apples for breakfast!”
“Oh, rest assured, young master, Hassan is the best horse groomer this side of the country,” the man declared, grabbing at Dara's coins with glee.
“Well, there's not much competition if you're the only horse groomer this side of the country, is there?” Dara muttered under his breath. The man ignored his quip, that slippery smile still stretched across his face as he handed Dara the keys to the two rooms he'd booked - of course he wasn't going to let that Qahtani brat anywhere near his precious X while she was asleep. He turned around to head back to the tavern area, then realised that his surroundings had gone deathly silent. Suddenly, a loud cheer erupted, causing Dara's heart to start pounding in his chest in fear. Was X all right? Had she gotten hurt? Was she feeling threatened? That last one was especially bad, because then she might feel inclined to use her powers, and then she'd drain herself again. He dashed over to the drinking area and rushed over to X when he saw her swaying on her feet as Ali held her up.
“X?” Dara asked, wrapping his arm around her waist and cupping her cheek in his hand. She looked even more exhausted than when they'd gotten here - she definitely must have used her powers. “Are you all right, janam (my life)?”
X nodded sleepily, her eyelids fluttering shut as she fell against Dara's chest. “Mmm. Just tired. Wanna sleep.”
“All right, let's get you to bed,” Dara agreed, his fingers brushing through her hair soothingly. Then he raised his head to glare at Ali. “What did you do now?!”
“Me?!” Ali scoffed, keeping his voice at the same low pitch as Dara - they really didn't need any more attention on them than they already had. “I was trying to stop her from thrashing those men and drawing attention to us!” Dara's eyes flashed at Ali's revelation, but before he could continue reprimanding the younger djinn, X tugged on his shirt and let out a little whine.
“Yes, yes, I'll bring you to bed, janam,” Dara reassured X, turning around to start leading her up to their room. He stopped momentarily to toss Ali's keys to him, but didn't spare him a second glance as he continued walking with X.
“What happened, jaaneman (my soul)?” Dara asked her as he helped her to their door. X groaned in response, then let out a contented hum when he lifted her into his powerful arms and carried her over to the bed.
“They had no manners,” she mumbled sleepily as Dara helped her get her boots off. “They kept calling me rude names. But everyone hated them anyway.” Someone had dared try to insult his precious Banu Nahida?! He'd make them pay - he'd hunt them down and-
“I took care of it, Dara.” X tugged on his arm, sensing his anger as the heat began to build up around them. She wriggled aside to make some space for him beside her. “Come to bed.” She liked being cuddled up against him; his hard muscles pressing against her as he murmured sweet nothings into her hair, his calloused palms wandering all over her bare skin as he admired her soft curves. And he was always so warm, even when she was shivering with cold, her body unable to regulate itself after she'd spent too much magic.
Dara sighed, then settled himself at the end of the bed so he could start massaging her legs. Aside from her having fought an entire village that morning - and then God knew how much of the tavern just now - they'd also been walking the entire day, so she must have been thoroughly exhausted right then. Dara leaned forward, letting his hands climb higher and higher up her legs.
“Mmph!” X let out a little squeak as her legs twitched in response to the way he circled his thumbs around the insides of her thighs. She was so cute like this, her eyes remaining closed even as her features scrunched with arousal. Dara grinned at the sight, then curled his fingers around the waistband of her trousers.
“Janam,” he began softly, the low pitch of his voice barely concealing his excitement. “Can I … Is it okay if I …”
“Touch me?” X supplied unabashedly, a small giggle escaping her lips as she said it. “Please.” He was always so nervous when he asked her for it - so embarrassed by his needs and his desire for her, even when they'd already made love so many times before. But only until he'd gotten all her clothes off, then he'd forget all about his nerves, his thoughts consumed entirely by her naked body, all ready and waiting for him to admire.
“I'll be gentle,” Dara promised her, tugging her trousers off before discarding them on the ground. He pulled his own clothes off, then lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist so he could lean over her to start taking her top off.
“That’s what you always say,” X teased him, her voice heavy with sleep. But he was gentle, soft and sweet like every touch was a blessing he’d been granted. She still remembered their first time, after she'd confessed her feelings to him and he'd responded hopelessly.
“And I will never be able to let another man touch me, Darayavahoush,” she'd replied, her stomach curdling at the very thought. Dara had sucked in a breath, his muscles tensing as he'd imagined running his hands across her bare skin. But then he'd taken a step away from her.
“I … I might never be able to give you children, X,” he'd admitted, voice weighed down with fear. She'd smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand, her fingers brushing along the rough stubble lining his jaw.
“But you need to continue the Nahid bloodline,” he'd told her, his voice losing its resolve as his eyes continued to rove over her body hungrily. X had taken a step forward, quickly closing the distance he'd tried to put between them.
“I'm not going to let anyone else touch me, Dara,” she'd replied stubbornly, “even if you won't. I don't ever want anyone else to have me but you.” She'd let her eyes trail over his hollow cheeks then, his angled jaw, his wide lips. Then she'd brushed her thumb across his bottom lip, her mouth watering at how soft it felt against her skin. His eyes had darkened as she'd brought her mouth closer to his, his pupils growing with lust even as he'd stayed frozen in position, waiting.
“You're my Afshin, Darayavahoush,” she'd whispered, her warm breath grazing his lips teasingly. “And I am your Banu Nahida. Aren't you supposed to look after me? To cherish me and make sure I am well taken care of?”
He'd clenched his fists, his entire body heating up with desire as she'd smiled against his lips. She'd slid her fingers into his hair then, twisting the wavy strands between her fingers, and he'd parted his lips with a gasp, allowing her to slide her tongue between them and into his mouth. By God, she'd tasted sweet - sweeter than any of the desserts he and his sister would try to steal from their mother's kitchen when she wasn't looking. He'd kept his eyes open as she'd kissed him, his hands remaining frozen by his sides so he'd refrain from touching her. But he hadn't been able to stop his mouth from moving against hers, from winding his tongue around hers and licking up the sweet taste of her. Then finally, she'd pulled back and he'd found himself able to think again.
“I need you, my Afshin,” X had told him, undoing her robes and slipping them off her shoulders. “Aren't you going to take care of your Banu Nahida, Dara?”
“X,” he'd breathed, his voice hoarse with desire. She'd giggled at his tone, then taken a step back, that playful grin still stretched across her rosy lips as she'd looked up at him.
She'd let her robes pool on the ground by her feet, exposing her luscious curves to him: her delicious breasts, her hollowed waist, her rounded cheeks. Then she'd taken his hands and lifted them to her chest, letting him brush his calloused palms across her nipples. She'd shivered as he'd touched her, and he'd growled her name in response, his self-restraint hanging on by a thread at that point.
“You're so soft, jaaneman,” he'd murmured before dropping his hands down to her waist. She'd grinned at that, then dragged her finger down his throat to the collar of his tunic.
“Why don't you take this off and find out how much of me is really soft to the touch?” X had challenged him, stretching onto her toes to nip his earlobe. His jaw had tightened at her words, his breathing getting more laboured as his body begged him to give in. Then, as if he'd been in a trance, he'd pulled his clothes off, his eyes never leaving her naked form as she'd walked over to the bed.
X had lain down on her side, her silky curls tumbling over her shoulder as she'd propped herself up on her elbow. Dara had felt his heart begin to flutter as she'd let her eyes trail over him, her lips twisting with delight as she'd licked them hungrily. Then she'd curled her finger, beckoning him to her before sitting up again.
“Come here, janam,” she'd commanded him, flashing him a naughty smile as she'd pat the space in front of her. “Your Banu Nahida needs her Afshin, Darayavahoush.”
And for the rest of the night, he'd found himself incapable of doing anything besides worshipping his Banu Nahida, in exactly the way he'd been made to do.
Dara lowered himself to the bed and began pressing soft kisses to the insides of her thighs, his lips quickly making their way up to her centre. Then he pressed them to her folds and grinned as she sucked in a breath before he pulled her into his mouth. He licked and sucked on her gently, his tongue sweeping up her length to circle her nub of sensitive nerves before dragging back down to tickle her entrance. She shivered at the feeling of his mouth closed around her most intimate parts and he let out a chuckle when he felt her c*m beginning to leak into his mouth. He groaned against her in satisfaction and she shuddered again as the low rumble of his voice danced along her bones. She’d keep drifting in and out of sleep as he teased her, her brain shutting down momentarily whenever another wave of arousal hit her. He liked to take his time tasting her, the movements of his tongue always slow and appreciative as he swirled it around her vagina. X let out a whine as her body writhed helplessly, her arousal growing at the feeling of Dara’s tongue sweeping around her insides and lapping her up thirstily. Finally, he increased the pace of his movements, his tongue flicking against her walls hard and fast until her back arched off the bed and she came for him.
X frowned when she was done and gingerly hit Dara on the chest as he climbed up over her. She always looked so cute when she was annoyed with him, her lips twisting into that little pout beneath her scrunched up nose. Dara chuckled at her irritation, then bent over to begin kissing and nibbling on her neck. X sighed at the feeling of his broad chest pressing down on her and she slung her arms around his neck lazily. She scratched his back lightly, delighting in the feeling of his sinewy muscles beneath her palms, then he nipped her earlobe and she bucked her hips against his before flopping back onto the bed. X turned her head to the side and relaxed into the mattress, spreading herself out and letting Dara do whatever he wanted with her body.
“So beautiful, janam,” he murmured, brushing his lips and fingers down her torso. He squeezed her breast in his hand, then moaned against her collarbone before grazing it with his teeth. “So perfect and so delicious.” He moved his mouth lower to press soft kisses to her nipple and X bit her lip as her body stretched itself out again in response to his stimulation.
“You have such beautiful breasts, jaaneman,” Dara praised her before closing his mouth around her soft flesh to suck on it. A whimper escaped X's throat as she felt her arousal begin to seep onto her thighs again, then she giggled.
“I'm glad you like them, jaane delam: they were made for you, after all,” X joked, sliding her fingers into his hair. She let out a low moan as he circled the nipple that was in his mouth and flicked his fingers across the other. He gave her breast one last suckle, then pulled away, releasing her with a wet ‘pop’.
“You were not made for me, atashe delam (flame of my heart),” Dara informed her, his lips stretching wide as he took in her beautiful form beneath him, “but I was made for you. It doesn’t matter what you look like, I would have found you the most beautiful woman in the entire world.”
He took hold of himself then, and rubbed his length along her folds, coating his tip in her sticky juices so he could slide himself into her. X clutched onto the bedsheets and wriggled around, shifting in position to better accommodate his rapidly hardening bulk. Then she relaxed again when he'd buried himself firmly inside of her.
“And I would have loved you even if you didn't look so handsome while brooding,” X mumbled, yawning as her body contorted with delight at the feeling of him filling her up entirely. She reached a hand up to slide it along his chest, admiring the hard planes of his body, then she tugged on his shoulder, whining for him to move closer to her.
Dara chuckled at her impatience, but lowered himself on top of her and slid his tongue into her mouth when his lips landed on hers. X ran her hands all over his neck and shoulders and back as she kissed him, the movements of her fingers lazy and appreciative. Her body contracted around him, her walls squeezing his centre and begging him for more, and she whimpered at the feeling. Dara grinned and rolled his hips against hers, his hard length brushing against every inch of her walls as he stretched her out. He started slow, his thrusts deep and rhythmic as he moved himself in and out of her, then he picked up his pace and the bed began to creak beneath the force of his movements.
“Mmm … Not so loud, janam!” X warned him, curling herself around his deliciously muscled form. “Ali might hear. And then he'd never let me marry his brother and take over the kingdom.” She grinned as she said it, letting him know that she was only joking: as if she'd ever marry that useless fool - not when her heart had been so completely captured by her rough and overprotective warrior.
“Then maybe I should be louder, jaaneman,” Dara retorted, matching her tone. “I don't want you marrying that good for nothing womaniser either.” But in truth, he liked how quiet it always was between them: his low groans, her soft giggles, the tender praises that would fall from both of their lips. It was like nothing else existed in that moment but the two of them, the entire world falling away save for the luscious form of his precious little Banu Nahida beneath him.
Dara slowed down again, his thrusts careful and deliberate, his tip prodding against that one spot that always had her writhing with desperation. But it wouldn't be enough, he knew; she wouldn't be able to come unless he was hitting her hard and fast, until he was filling her up with such pleasure that her body wouldn't be able to contain it anymore. So he increased his pace again, not caring who heard them this time. X whined in protest, but then began moaning softly as her brain went numb at the feeling of him brushing up against all her most sensitive parts. Finally, her hips bucked up against his and she dug her fingers into his back as she came for him.
Dara slid his hand under her waist and held her up against him as she shuddered with pleasure, and then he was coming too, his warm seed spilling into her and filling her up entirely, making her as his. X let out a little whimper at the feeling and Dara growled as she wrapped her arms tighter around him. He lay her back down when he was done, then got up to find a towel to clean her up.
She huffed in irritation when he pulled himself out of her, her body already starting to shiver as his warmth left her. But he shushed her gently and brushed her hair away from her face as he reassured her that he'd be back soon. It wasn't long before he was settled back between her legs and wiping her down with a damp towel. X sighed at the feeling of the warm cloth against her skin, then quickly wrapped herself around Dara when he slid into the bed next to her. He laughed at the speed with which she'd attached herself to him, then readjusted their positions so she was resting more comfortably in his arms.
“I love you, janam,” X murmured, her words slurred with sleep. Dara smiled and cuddled her closer to his chest.
“I love you too, jaane delam.”
Ali tossed his keys onto the table in front of the innkeeper, his bloodshot eyes heavy with tiredness.
“Do you have any other rooms available?” he asked, taking care to keep his features covered. The innkeeper narrowed his eyes at him, studying him cautiously.
“What's wrong with your current room?” he asked him suspiciously. Ali hesitated, searching for the appropriate words.
“The walls … are a little too thin,” he replied finally, “and my neighbours are a little too loud.” The man grinned, immediately understanding his predicament. He took the keys from Ali and handed him a different set.
“I'm afraid we haven't been able to fix that particular problem just yet,” the man apologised, not looking very sorry at all. He leaned closer to Ali and his lips curled into a sly smile beneath his oiled moustache. “But we could always provide you with a little … ‘distraction’, if you'd like?”
“No thank you!” Ali replied quickly, snatching up the keys and backing away from the man. He wasn't that bothered by the sounds, if he was being really honest - they hadn't been too loud save for the occasional creaking of the flimsy bed. He just didn't want to hear those sounds coming from people he actually knew; from people he could actually imagine doing all the things that they were doing to each other. He shuddered at the thought, then headed for the stairs to go find his new dwellings. “The new room will be enough for me!”
He didn't care what the Afshin said; next time, he would be the one getting their rooms.
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soap-lady · 10 months
Tooth Decay Warning
Thanks for waiting, @angelqueen13art @tenebrare @idreamtofmanderleyagain
Does anyone remember when schools had Parents Nights or Open Houses? Just me? Okay. Let's see how former Cenobites and traumatized young women deal with meeting their "little sister's" teachers.
Parents’ Night
Tiffany had been attending her school for a month now. She was enjoying her classes and making friends. All very good things. Now came an event that could potentially ruin everything; not just legal difficulties but the possible destruction of life as they knew it.
Parents Night.
It might sound silly to an outside observer that such a normal if boring event could cause terror in a former Cenobite and the woman who’d defeated Hell. Twice. Yet when Tiffany had come home with a flier, looking worried and hopeful, her parental figures had been inwardly quailing.
Elliot had no idea what to expect. It was a fairly modern experience and he couldn’t imagine Father or Mother attending some school event when they had soirees to attend or country estates to tour. Then there was hunting season…
Tiffany interrupted his thoughts. “C’mon! It’s not completely mandatory but it’ll look weird if you don’t go.” Her blue eyes pleaded with him. “It’ll be good for you to get out of the house and socialize and meet other parents, not just my teachers. Maybe you can get tips on being a good dad. Guardian, whatever,” she shrugged.
Kirsty emerged from the dining room where she was learning how to refinish the floors. “So, what are we talking about?”
Tiffany left Elliot’s side to shove the flier in Kirsty’s face. “Parents’ Night!”
Kirsty took the flier, a smile spreading across her lips. “Wow, I didn’t know schools still did this. Especially not physical fliers. I guess they would have sent out a mass email but we don’t have a computer yet.” She looked at Elliot. “Considering you’re legally Tiff’s guardian, you have to go, El.” She grinned at him. “It’s what a good cousin would do.”
“You don’t wanna go?” asked Tiffany.
Kirsty looked apologetic but still shook her head. “Not really. No offense, but people around here knew not just my grandmother but my dad and…Frank.” Her smile was awkward. “I really don’t want to deal with a bunch of personal questions by strangers, you know?”
Oh, no. That little minx wasn’t making him endure a night of strangers alone. “Kirsty my dear, you don’t possibly think I could do this all on my own, do you?” He gave her a look Tiffany had told him was called “Puppy Eyes”. “Here I am, a stranger in the modern world, and you’re going to make me fend for myself in a room full of parents and instructors? I thought we were friends.”
Kirsty looked betrayed and he could tell she was weakening. “Family, even. You said so yourself.” He began to walk towards her. “Family aren’t necessarily those we are related to but the family we choose for ourselves. People who understand us and support us as much as we support them. Surely a little discomfort is worth showing our Tiffany how much we care about her?”
Now Tiffany was standing beside him in front of Kirsty and both of them were giving Kirsty puppy eyes. Unable to stand up to their joint assault she gave in.
“Fine,” she glared at both of them and sighed. “What should I wear?”
The event started at six o’clock so of course the Cotton-Spencers were there at promptly five forty-five. Kirsty wore a tan sweater with linen capris and ballet flats. Elliot wore a long-sleeved khaki polo with navy trousers and tan loafers. Tiffany of course wore her school uniform. They looked put-together but still approachable. With a nervous glance at each other and a deep breath, they entered the school together.
They were met by an attractive young man in black trousers, a gray button-down, and a patterned sweater vest. He introduced himself as Mr. McCormic, the 2-D art teacher. He gave them both a smile but his eyes lingered on Kirsty.
“Welcome to Parents’ Night! You must be the parents or guardians of Tiffany here.” He grinned at her and the girl gave him a nervous smile.
Elliot stepped slightly in front of Kirsty and offered the other man his hand. “Elliot Spencer, Tiffany’s cousin.” The younger man was handsome and clearly interested in his friend but really he was supposed to be a teacher and a professional.
The man took it and smiled. “Henry McCormic.” He shook his hand and stepped back. “Tiffany’s cousin from England. Tiffany’s mentioned you.” The man snuck another peek at Kirsty. “How do you like America so far?”
“A bit of culture shock,” Elliot answered honestly. “Fortunately I have my cousin and my friend to help me adjust.”
“Friend?” echoed the art teacher as he looked at Kirsty. He looked a little hopeful.
Kirsty smiled and also extended her hand. “Kirsty Cotton, nice to meet you.”
His eyes widened when he heard her last name. “Cotton. Didn’t you-” he cut himself off and smiled again. He pointed to a poster display stand. “Our schedule can be downloaded with this QR Code. All you have to do is scan it with your phone’s camera and it’ll tell you which classrooms to go to so you can meet all of Tiffany’s teachers. Afterwards we’ll have a reception in the cafeteria and a short speech by Principal Chalmers about what you can expect during the school year for your child. I mean cousin,” he corrected himself.
Elliot took pity on the man now that he knew the young man had no chance after almost bringing up family history. “Quite all right. Ours is an usual family. It’s as if I have two younger sisters instead of a cousin and a friend. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh, yeah. Same.” Kirsty smiled and waved to be polite. She scanned the QR Code and stepped away.
Tiffany gave the man a wave. “See you in class, Mr. McCormic!”
As they walked away Kirsty muttered to Elliot. “Yet another reason I didn’t want to come.”
The next hour was a blur as they spent ten minutes meeting various teachers, asking questions and receiving praise for Tiffany’s surprising maturity and good grades.
Finally they met Mr. Harris who recognized Elliot or seemed to. “You must be Mr. Spencer!” He took Elliot’s hand and shook it before it was offered. “Shawn Harris, Tiffany’s history teacher. The report she wrote for her World War One or Great War paper was accurate and incredibly vivid.” He sniffed a bit. “I felt like I was there in the trenches. So real.” He sighed and looked at Elliot, all but ignoring Tiffany and Kirsty. “It’s a shame the state requires me to teach so many facts and dates. Students are just taught to pass a test and not the human toll of war; deaths, separation of families and the lack of care afterwards.” He smiled at Elliot. “You must have had family members who fought in the war.”
“I come from a long tradition of military service,” Elliot kept to their agreed cover story and was as truthful as he could be. “My grandfather told me stories and some of the family kept journals.”
Mr. Harris sighed in longing. “Primary sources! You’re very lucky,” he told Elliot, who wanted to disagree. The teacher’s face was hopeful. “I don’t suppose I could borrow them?”
“Sadly, no.” Elliot would not have given anything to this man if he’d had it. He hoped none of his journals had survived and the man was being rude. “Family archivist has them and they’re rather delicate.”
The man looked disappointed and changed the subject. He offered his hand to Kirsty. “You look very familiar, have we met?”
Kirsty shook his hand. “We might have, as kids if you grew up in the area. My grandmother had a house here. We’re living in it while we sort things out.”
Mr. Harris nodded. “Mrs. Cotton. Very sweet. She played bridge with my grandmother.” He pointed at her face. “You have her eyes.”
She let out an awkward laugh. “So everyone tells me.”
The chime on the PA system saved them from further awkwardness. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and Nonbinary friends, this is Ellen Chalmers.” The voice was calm and professional. “Principal of Gillingham Academy. At this time I would like for you to proceed to the cafeteria for hors d'oeuvres, followed by a short little welcome speech. Please follow the orange arrows on the wall if you are new to our school or ask a teacher to guide you if you get lost. Thank you and I hope to see you all soon.”
Elliot offered both of his companions an arm and gallantly escorted them to the cafeteria. They giggled and thanked him.
“I’ll have to thank your principal later.” Kirsty beamed at Tiffany. “We were quite literally saved by the bell.”
The principal waited until everyone was done with the hors d’oeuvres, crudites, and tiny pastries to walk onstage and stand at the podium. Her image was projected on the screen behind her so people sitting in the back could see her.
Ellen Chalmers was an attractive woman in a sage green pantsuit that complimented her gray hair. She smiled at the assembled parents with real professional warmth. “I can’t begin to tell you all how privileged all of us at Gillingham Academy feel to be trusted with the education of your children. Believe it or not, I went to this school as a child and back then if you’d told me I’d come back as a Math teacher, and then principal, I would have laughed in your face!”
The audience chuckled politely as she spoke of the school’s record of academic excellence, the record number of students accepted to Ivy League colleges and its world class STEM, music, and ballet programs.
Tiffany sat in the middle of Elliot and Kirsty, trying to look interested but still sneaking a few texts to Callie and Antonio. Kirsty checked to see if she had any new emails from her financial advisor.
This was all new to Elliot, having been a student at a prestigious private school but never the guardian. It was a strange perspective to be a parent of sorts, to know that the future of a young person was in your hands. Unlike his parents he couldn’t pass on his responsibility to a servant or a boarding school and he was strangely glad. He wanted to be there for Tiffany and learn about her life, even if he had little to no idea what he was doing and what he could do to help. He glanced over at Kirsty. Did she feel the same way? She had been through so much at Frank and Julia’s hands…and his own. It would have been so easy for her to withdraw from the world and nurse her own pain and grief. She didn’t have to save him or Tiffany, much less take them in and treat them like family.
And yet she had. His once dead heart flooded with warmth as he thought of her generosity and the little family they’d made for themselves.
He felt Tiffany’s warm hand curl around his and glanced over to see she was holding Kirsty’s hand as well. The two of them looked at each other over Tiffany’s head and smiled, communicating with just their eyes.
Elliot had been a broken man when he’d begun exploring forbidden pleasures. The girls had been broken too, or at the very least damaged. Now they were healing and they had each other.
“And with your support, we’ll continue to make Gillingham Academy the best school of its kind!” The principal was saying and the audience clapped. The small family joined in the applause and stood, waiting for the room to clear out a bit before standing and making their way to Kirsty’s car.
“Hey, Tiffany!”
Callie and Antonio caught up with them on the way out. She looked from her friends to her family and asked. “Is it okay if I talk to them before we leave? Just ten minutes,” she thought about it. “Maybe fifteen.”
Elliot nodded then looked at Kirsty to see if she agreed. The brunette nodded.
“Fifteen minutes,” he confirmed. He gave the girl a smirk. “And if you’re not out front in fifteen minutes-”
“Or you don’t answer our texts,” Kirsty added.
“Yes, or answer our texts, you’ll be walking home,” Elliot threatened and Kirsty snickered.
“No I won’t. I’ll get a ride with Callie’s or Tonio’s parents. Or I can call an Uber.” Tiffany stuck her tongue out at Elliot. “You’re not the boss.”
“I am. At least until you’re eighteen,” he clapped back. “Don’t be impertinent.”
Tiffany opened her mouth to get in the last word when Kirsty spoke up. “Don’t talk that way to your father, young lady.”
Elliot and Tiffany gaped at her while she laughed at them. Callie and Antonio tittered at their weird family dynamic but did it quietly.
The blonde pushed her friends away from Kirsty and Elliot, rolling her eyes. “Come on. Grownups are so weird.”
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem-reader part 11)
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Warning: Angst, Fluff, Cussing, Smut, Bullying
“Okay so I will pick you up later.” I said as Santana walked out her bedroom door
“You know it’s weird seeing you in a uniform that you have to wear all the time. I miss the tight leather outfits.” Santana said
“Well we both don’t get to decide what we wear now so I guess we are officially equals.” I said
“Nice try I’m a cheerleader and popular.” Santana said
“Yeah well at this school Glee is the top of the food chain and then theater then sports then cheerleading.” I said
“Speaking of which we have a football game tonight…” Santana said
“at six thirty against Carmel High. I know and trust me that isn’t because the football team is good.” I said
“So you’re willing to skip the Eagles vs the Browns?” Santana asked
“To watch you perform I would skip the Super-bowl.” I said
“Santana we have to get going.” Mrs.Lopez yelled up the stairs
“Bye” Santana said
“Bye have a good day.” I said as she ran down the stairs
I also headed downstairs and jumped into my car. I started the 40 minute drive the Crawford County Day.
The first day at Crawford was amazing. It felt like I was walking around in a castle. The teachers actually knew what they were talking about. It was now the end of the day and The Crawford Country Girls had a meeting. I walked into the room it was nothing like McKinley’s choir room there was couch’s and snacks.
“Hello my name is Nicky. I’m a senior here what’s your name.” Nicky asked
“Oh hi my name is Y/N. I am a senior I transferred out of McKinley.” I said
“Oh my god did you hear about that scandal that happened there two weeks ago.” Nicky asked
“Yeah.” I said shit they had knew about it
“As a lesbian myself I am completely appalled by what happened there and how they got away with it. At least they finally got arrested. I did not watch the video I just heard about it. What was it like being there.” Nicky asked
“Well given that I was the lesbian. It sucked.” I said
“Oh my god you’re gay too.” She said slightly touching my arm
“Everyone let’s start the meeting.” The person sitting at the table said name tag Jess
“Okay as usual we are gonna have our seniors sing the main parts and thanks to Y/N joining us we will be able to have a bass this year. So if anybody has any suggestions of things we could sing. Also since we have a new person let’s say our name and then what you want to say.” The person next to Jess name tag Lucy
“Hello my name is Maria and I was thinking we could do a pop song.” Maria said
“Hi my name is Melody and it’s not like we don’t have country in our name. You know why that is we sing country songs.” Melody said
“What if we do both?” I asked
“What do you mean?” Jess asked
“Like Ke$has tik Tok and Cop Car by Sam hunt can someone sing with me.” I asked
“I will.” Nicky said
“You might wanna take your cameras out.” I said
Sorry the highlights is acting weird and keeps un highlighting things
Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (Hey, what up girl?) Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city (Let's go) Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack 'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back
I'm talking pedicure on our toes, toes Trying on all our clothes, clothes Boys blowing up our phones, phones Drop-topping, playing our favorite CDs Pulling up to the parties Trying to get a little bit tipsy
Don't stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, I'mma fight 'Til we see the sunlight Tick tock on the clock But the party don't stop, no
Don't stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, I'mma fight 'Til we see the the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party don't stop, no
Ain't got a care in world, but got plenty of beer Ain't got no money in my pocket, but I'm already here And now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger But we kick 'em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger
I'm talking about everybody getting crunk, crunk Boys tryin' to touch my junk, junk Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk
Now, now, we go until they kick us out, out Or the police shut us down, down Police shut us down, down Po-po shut us
Don't stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, I'mma fight 'Til we see the sunlight Tick tock on the clock But the party don't stop, no
Don't stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, I'mma fight 'Til we see the 
blue lights were shinin' Bringing out the freedom in your eyes I was too busy watching you Going wild child To be worried about going to jail You were thinking that Running for it Would make a good story I was thinking you were crazy as hell You were so innocent But you were stealing my heart I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Man, they weren't playin' They sure put those cuffs on quick You tried to sweet talk 'em They didn't fall for it But I did You were on the left I was on the right I knew you didn't smoke When you asked him for a light And I laughed He got mad and slammed the door
I swear your daddy's gonna kill me But if I survive tonight I wouldn't change one thing Baby, yeah, I know it sounds crazy
But there was somethin' 'bout the way The blue lights were shinin' Bringing out the freedom in your eyes And I was too busy watching you Going wild child To be worried about going to jail You were thinking that Running for it Would make a good story I was thinking you were crazy as hell You were so innocent But you were stealing my heart I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Oh And you were like, oh Side by side And locked in tight They were taking their time But we didn't mind
We talked And we laughed We sat real close By the time they let us go I was already gone I was already gone, baby
'Cause there was somethin' 'bout the way The blue lights were shinin' Bringing out the freedom in your eyes And I was too busy watching you Going wild child To be worried about going to jail You were thinking that Running for it Would make a good story I was thinking you were crazy as hell But you were so innocent But you were stealing my heart I fell in love in the back of a cop car
Oh I fell in love in the back of a cop And you were like, oh And you were like, oh (And you were like) Oh
“Was that good?” I asked
“Good.” Nicky said
Everyone left the room except for me and Nicky
“We should hang out sometime it would be great to get to know you.” Nicky said coming closer to me
“Yeah that sounds great. I gotta go pick someone up.” I said
“Well here is my phone number.” She said putting her phone number into my phone
I ran off to my car and drove off headed towards McKinley. When I got a phone call from Santana.
“Hey were are you?” Santana asked
“Sorry I am running late. I will be there in about fifteen minutes or less. Sorry” I said
“No problem.” Santana said
I finished my drive to Santana so that I could drop her off at the game on time. I went over the speed limit a little bit. I pulled into McKinley’s parking lot.
“I’m so so sorry I’m late.” I said
“No problem we just don’t have time to go home so I will eat after the game.” Santana said as she hoped into the car.
“How is Crawford?” Santana asked
“It’s great actually, I really like it there. There glee club is amazing and so talented. It’s a legit castle it is so much fun.” I said
“Okay well that’s good. Did you miss anything.” Santana asked
“Yeah seeing a hot Latina in the hallways.” I said
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” She said kissing my cheek and grabbing my hand
We pulled up to the stadium.
“Okay well I am gonna go sit in the adult section. Have fun.” I said as I gave her. Her cheer bag in the back.
I went and parked the car and went through the entrance and payed the non-student fee. I went and found a seat away from the McKinley high students. There was no point in watching the game McKinley had a horrible football coach. So I went and got some food. I watched the Marching band and the color guard. Which were decent performances. Sadly I didn’t get to see Santana much as the cheerios were in front of the student section. But when the half time show happened I finally got to see what she loved to do. She had a smile on her face the entire time. At the end of the game McKinley lost 7-56. I stayed in the stands until Finn came over and joined.
“Hey buddy how’s it going?” I asked
“We just got our ass kicked.” Finn said
“Thats not your fault.” I said
“What do you mean it’s not our fault?” Mike asked coming and sitting next to Finn
“You have a horrible coach. It isn’t the team it’s the coach and the team a little bit. I bet I could get you guys to win a game.” I said
”you think.” Puck said coming and sitting on the other side of me
“How’s Crawford going?” Matt asked sitting next to me
”Good dude all the women are so hot and we did a pretty good mashup today. I actually got to sing in my deep voice. You guys are so going down at regionals.” I said
“Sure we are we have Rachel and Kurt.” Finn said
“Are there any adults still here?” I asked
”No just us and the Cheerios why?” Finn asked
“You guys want some beer?”I said reaching into my bag and grabbing a six pack
“No I am driving so I can’t drink.” Finn said
”hell yah.” Puck said
As Matt, Mike and Puck all grabbed a beer and my bottle opener got passed around. I finally opened mine and took a sip.
“So what’s new?” I asked
“I got my grades up so your sister would get off my ass.” Matt said
“I think I have feelings for Rachel.” Finn said
“You don’t say.” I said
“I feel like she’s trying to get into my pants.” Finn said
“Oh that’s nice I went crawling back to Santana and got back together with her cause Quinn still doesn't want me we fucked in the janitors closet during lunch.” Puck said
Inner thoughts
what they did what. I can’t say anything that will out her. Why didn’t she tell me. Am I not enough for her.
“Good job man. There’s this really really really…” I said
“Oh hey guys what’s going on here.” Quinn said
I didn’t look up to see if anyone else was there. But little did I know that not only was Quinn there but Hope and Brittnay and Santana.
“Finish what you were saying Y/N.” Puck said
“Oh there’s a really really really hot girl at Crawford. She’s a lesbian as well. She out of the closet the only thing that I have to worry about is that she just got out of a relationship and that she is also a senior so she’s going off to college soon. But besides that she’s hot.” I said
At the sound of that a jealousy built up in Santana. She ran down towards the car.
“Will we ever get to meet her?” Hope said
”Well she is in our Glee. There just one more issue I am still in love with someone from McKinley. I would rather keep the McKinley girl in my heart than let Nicky in.” I said
“Who is it?” Puck asked
Shit shit it was his on and off again girlfriend the same person that he had his dick inside earlier today
“Um it is one of the Softball girls.” I said
“Oh I didn’t know that you were dating a Softball player.” Hope said
“That’s cause her parents are extremely religious so she hasn’t come out and I have no clue if she ever will.” I said
“As someone who got kicked out of the house by religious parents. Don’t force her.” Quinn said slapping Finn upside the head
“Okay well I best get going one thing I did like better about McKinley is that they have less homework. I have to write an entire 10 chapter essay 15 pages each about myself and quoting the professor nothing superficial. So I gotta go soul searching.” I said as I grabbed my bag and headed off towards the car when I saw Santana standing against it with her arms crossed.
The car ride home was quiet like a deadly quiet when you can hear when someone blinks. That car ride could have survived the quiet place. You could hear every single piece of machinery working in the car. When we got home Santana got out and slammed her door shut and walked inside. I thought that she was just mad that the football team had lost. I mean if anything I was more upset she got back together with Puck are you fucking kidding me and she gave it up to him. I guess I wasn’t enough for her.
In Santanas room Santana ran upstairs and slammed her door shut she also locked it. She ran over to her bed threw herself on it and finally let the tears escape. How could she compete with that woman. She was out and proud lesbian who wanted her girlfriend. She had to do what Santana does best figure out who this girl is and get in with her. She had to make her girlfriend remember why she liked her even if that meant her being up all night and you not being able to walk
My room
I knew that she was dating Puck but she had said that she had stopped having sex with him and was only having sex with me. All of a sudden my door swung open to reveal Santana wearing
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What was she doing. I wasn’t just going to be her second fuck of the day. She quickly shut the door so that her parents wouldn’t see.
“Nope.” I said
“Oh really and does that have anything to do with the really really sexy lesbian that is at your school.” Santana said
”No it has to do with Puckerman dick being inside of you earlier today. You said I kiss him I give him bjs and hjs but anything under the belt I won’t let him touch that all for you baby and then not only do I here that you got back together and couldn’t even shoot me a quick text. The he goes on and on about he fucked you frontside, backside. So sorry if I don’t want to have sex with you after he clearly already pleasured you. I’m not your human dildo I don’t treat you like one and yet you treat me like one. Yeah you say I love you and stuff but maybe yeah maybe do find Nicky hot because I would know that I’m the only one who gets to see her naked and I’m not competing with a football dude that is so good at sex that he knocked up Quinn Christian loving, Celibacy dedicated, Quinn. Okay so yeah maybe I think she’s hot but I would never do anything about it because I don’t cheat on the people I love. Maybe I wish dating someone who’s got it figured out who knows that she likes pussy and not Dick. But I can’t because I’m in love with you and I can’t stop being in love with you no matter what. You have no clue what it’s like dating someone who I had to see making out with someone else in the hall. That’s why I left McKinley okay yeah the whole video thing helped but every time I see you two together I picture him inside of you and I just want to shoot myself okay. Because stupid me had to go and fall in love with another straight person.” I said
“I’m not straight okay I don’t know what I am and yes me and Puck had sex because I am still questioning what I like. But I also know that that isn’t what this is about. It’s because you like two women at the school me and Quinn Fabray and he got both of us.” Santana said
“See he got both of us why didn’t you say he had both of you. Just answer this one question do you still love him?” I asked
“Hell no it’s you okay it’s women it’s what I have been taught against my entire life okay.” Santana said
”Then take that thing off we’re not having sex but we can at-least cuddle.” I said
“I promise I will never let him below the belt again if you don’t let Nicky anywhere near your body.” Santana said
“Deal know come over here cause you parents refuse to turn the heat on and it’s 20 degrees.” I said
I snuggled into Santana knowing that when I woke up in the morning she would be gone and back into her bedroom away from me.
The next morning I woke up and surprisingly Santana was still asleep next to me. I looked over at the clock we only had 15 minutes before we had to leave. I tapped her shoulder
“Five more minutes.” Santana said
“Sorry no can do we overslept and you have to leave in fifteen minutes.” I said
Santana scooted back and feeling my warm body at the same time as her father’s footsteps scared her awake.
I threw the sheet over her head as her dad opened the door.
“Hey Y/N it’s time to wake up.” Mr.Lopez said
“Hey do you mind if I wake Santana up. I just don’t ever get to see her with how often I’m at Crawford.” I said
“Yeah sure.” He said
He shut the door and Santana ran to her bedroom. I sat up and threw on my school uniform.
Crawford gave all the Glee members a half day so that we could practice. Which meant that I could run by McKinley. I got to McKinley and found the Glee club in the auditorium watching one of there competitions in sectionals.
“Hey what are you doing here?” Mr.Schue asked when I came and sat next to him
“Don’t worry I’m not gathering information on you guys. Oh god they’re good.” I said
“Yes they are I guess you can watch us until after sectionals.” Mr.Schue said
“Can I call you Will now that I am not your student.” I asked
“I guess that I can’t stop you I’m just a random adult.” Mr.Schue said
We both watched the performance.
“You will have to step up your performance of your gonna compete with them.” I said
“What you’re saying that you guys can dance that good.” Mr.Schue asked
“Not all of us but we use the assets we have.” I said
“Okay well we will work on our hairography and I will invite you to watch.” Mr.Schue said
“Sounds great.” I said
“What’s up are you picking me up?” Santana asked
“Nope actually your parents are I have to go start working on this book I have to write but I will see you tonight.” I said
Walking away and driving to Crawfords off campus library. I was able to get the first two chapters done but I couldn’t find anything else about me. I wrote about how I love football and when I was little I wanted to be on a football team. I wrote about what it was like when I came out to my family. But I couldn’t figure it out. When I was leaving I saw a flier for Girls Flag Football. I mean it wasn’t an actual football team but it sounded fun. Tryouts were next week. I went home and I pushed my homework to the side I didn’t even know what to write. I started practicing for the team. I would go home and throw the pig against the wall trying to catch it for hours on end. Then halfway through the week I started moving furniture to practice. It was Friday and I was getting ready to practice when I got a text from Mr.Schue saying that the Glee club was hairogrphying monday after school with the deaf kids school. Friday
“Hey what you doing?” Santana asked me
“I have to get this homework done I’m so sorry.” I said
“Okay well my parents aren’t home and I was hoping for a little bit of girl on girl stuff.” Santana said
“That sounds great but I really need to get this finished. So that I can have time for other stuff next week.” I said
“Come on since you’ve gone to Crawford I haven’t been able to have any sexy time with you. I show up in lingerie knocking on your door and instead of doing it we fight.” Santana said
“Look how about you have a sleepover at Brittnay’s and I will make it up to you soon I promise. Trust me I like your sweet lady kisses.” I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing her.
“Okay fine I will go to Brittnay’s but you better make it up to me.” Santana said leaving the room
Text messages Santana: How’s the homework going Y/N: Not good your lucky that you go to McKinley Santana: Can’t you just not do it. Y/N: No its makeup work for my last couple of months that I have missed otherwise I would have to retake it. Santana: Can’t you just retake it? Y/N: I would be graduating the year after you if I fail again. Santana: Oh so your taking Sophomore English Y/N: yes okay but I need to write a ten chapter book about who I am. How am I supposed to write about myself when I don’t even know who I am anymore. Santana: what do you mean Y/N: Last year I knew exactly who I was the loner kid who was usually either drunk or high. Had no interest in anyone or anything because I was too scared to let anyone in and know I am have let people break down my walls. I just wish I knew who I was. Santana: Well I can’t tell you who you are but I know that you can figure it out. Text me later if you need anything. Y/N: Are you up? Santana: yeah what are you doing? Y/N:I think I’m going to lose my mind over this essay Santana:Is that all you wanted to tell me? Y/N:No I think that I have mono you wouldn’t no anything about that would you. Santana: Yeah I think that I got it too Y/N:You know you most likely got it from puck and then gave it to me. Santana:Oh well maybe I got it from someone else Y/N:Oh well I guess you should come back home I can show you who you belong too Santana:oh yeah well maybe Ive got something of yours. Y/N:Well maybe you’ll have to come back home and give it to me. Santana:Do you want me to come back home so that we can hook up tonight? Y/N:Well I have been on top of my homework all week what if I want something on top of me. Santana:Have you taken a shower yet? Y/N:yeah do you have any idea we’re all my panties have gone? Santana:Maybe that’s what I have so does that mean your not wearing any? Y/N:What about your panties tell me about yours Santana:not wearing any. Y/N: we’ll maybe you’ll have to come home and will have to do some naughty stuff cause lord knows that you’re fucking smokin’ hot and sexy when my fingers are inside your soaking wet pussy. Santana:Do you think that I am too hot? Y/N:oh baby your so fucking hot and sexy that your zip code should be 666 Santana:oh you see that’s not the kind of person I pray too. Y/n:Who do you pray too? Santana:well you see there’s a reason I’m always on my knees in front of you I’m praying and you always give me what I’m asking. Y/N:well how about we test your theory out? Santana:When? Y/N:you promised Brittnay you’d have a sleepover so how about tonight? Santana:well I guess that I won’t be wearing any panties this whole weekend. Y/N:if you don’t I won’t. I might just stop wearing them completely. Santana:Good maybe I need you so bad that I need to ditch Brittnay. Y/N:Goodnight love you. Santana:Love you too.
I went to bed after practicing Friday night and Saturday I woke up and decided I really needed to finish my essay so I picked up my idea book and went to the library I was able to get a couple more things out and on the paper. When I got a phone call saying that Santana got her drivers license and so they were going out to Celebrate with her entire family and they wanted me to come. So I hopped in my car and headed back home. When I got there I took a quick shower and threw on some dressy casual clothes.
But underneath was a suprise for Santana.
“Okay I’m ready.” I said as I went downstairs
“Okay she will be home in like 5 minutes she is driving down the street.” Mrs.Lopez said
Soon enough the door opened and Santana was holding her keys.
“I’m so proud of you baby girl.” Mrs.Lopez said
“Thank mom.” Santana said hugging her
“Does this mean that you will be driving me to the mall now.” I said
“Oh come on you like driving us to the mall.” Santana said
“Okay fine congrats now just don’t get into any car accidents. Be safe please.” I said
“I agree be safe.” Mr.Lopez said
“Now let’s go back in your car and head off to your dinner.” Mrs.Lopez said
“You got me a car?” Santana said
“Yes.” Mr.Lopez said
We all got in the car and headed off to the party. Which had a ton of gifts for Santana. I found some people that I recognized and walked over to the other Cheerios with Santana.
“Oh my god thank you for coming.” Santana said
“Are you kidding me you’re our best friend how couldn’t we come?” Brittnay said
“Congrats now I won’t have to drive you around everywhere.” Quinn said
“That’s what I said but be careful she scolded me for saying it.” I said
“Well we are all so proud of you.” Hope said
“I’m gonna go say hi to my family so my parents don’t get mad but then I’ll come back over here.” Santana said
“So Quinn how’s the baby doing?” I asked
“My stomach is so itchy.” Quinn said
“Yeah see I wish I had found something to help with that.” I said
“Also if I lift my shirt it looks like an alien is growing inside of me. I used to have abs.” Quinn said
“Yeah well if you work hard after you have the baby you’ll have them back in a couple years.” I said
“Years?” Quinn asked
“Yeah sorry. Have you decided what you wanted to do with the kid yet?” I asked
“No I think that I might want to keep it.” Quinn said
“We miss you at McKinley.” Brittnay said
“Yeah we do.” Quinn said
“I just miss you last year me and you spent every waking second together cause you had no friends and neither did I and now we don’t go to the same school we’re living in different households.” Hope said
“Well I can’t fix yours Hope but I am gonna come see you guys Monday.” I said
“Gift time” The Dj announced
Most of the gifts were for the car as excepted. I just didn’t realize Puck was there he gave her two gifts since he was her boyfriend. He gave her windshield wiper fluid and a picture of them to hand up. After gifts she walked up to me over by the drinks.
“WHY Didn’t you get me a gift?” She asked as I lead her to the bathroom. It was single stall so I just locked the door when I went in.
“I did I got you a lot actually. I have bought you a Subwoofer and a new Radio which will be getting installed by me sometime next weekend that and I have bought tickets for your parents anniversary this week a month long cruise and 3 weeks in Mexico. So it’s just you and me at home and for tonight. Well I guess you’ll just have to wait to see what I am wearing underneath this.” I said walking out of the bathroom leaving her flustered.
The rest of the party went by fast. We were getting ready to leave we were just waiting for her parents to finish up their conversation with one of her uncles. We waited and then they finally arrived. We drove home and her parents got in a car and drove off to the airport.
Once they were gonna Santana pulled me inside. Shut the door leaving the lights off she tore my clothes off me and then we ran up the stairs.
“Damn where have you been hiding this?” She asked.
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“Oh I bought it for you today. Why do you like it?” I asked
“I would like it better off of you.” She said
I slowly started to lean over her kissing her neck where she is the most sensitive. As she unclipped the Bra. I slowly started to turn so that she would be on top of me.
“Oh so I’m the one on top today!” Santana said seductively
“Well I need to know how good you are at being road if I'm gonna be driving with you soon.” I said
“No just no.” Santana said
“Yeah that was pretty bad.” I said
“Now shut your pretty mouth so that I can get to work of you screaming my name.” Santana said
I gladly obliged as she went down to my legs and pulled them apart. She put her mouth right over my clit and started sucking rubbing her tongue back and forth. I tried to close my legs and ride her face.
She stopped and shook her head no pushing my legs back down. I concede letting her take the lead. I moaned when her fingers made contact with my aching center.
As she slid two fingers in and started thrusting in and out with her thumb following the same motion as her tongue over clit.
Yes Santana I moaned as she hit the G spot. I could feel the waves building up in me. When she finally curled both of her fingers. I exploded all over fingers and face. She moved her face coming up to my face to suck on my boobs as I finished riding out her fingers.
She came up and lied next to me in my arms kissing me as we made out. After a while of needing oxygen we let go of each other’s lips. We just laid there in silence for a few moments.
“That was…” I said
“The first of many you sent my parents away for pretty much two months. You just got yourself into a heap of trouble.” Santana said
“If this is my punishment. I guess I will just have to be really really naughty.” I said
We laid there for a little longer. Cuddling each other.
“I really need to get my homework done.” I said
“Well you could do your homework or we can have a round two.” Santana said hoping back on top of me
We went all night long. We lost track of time we didn’t realize how long we had been going at it til we could see the sun seeping through the window. In Santanas bedroom. Two sounds were filling the air Santana screaming my name as she orgasmed on my fingers and the song the birds were singing outside.
We went and laid together for a couple minutes until her alarm went off.
“You know we could just skip school.” Santana said
“That sounds so nice. We could just skip school until your parents come back.” I said
“realistically how long will you let me lay in this bed?” Santana asked
“Until 11:00am. I will have to drop you off at school and go to my Glee practice and then I’m going to see yours.” I said
“Wait are you actually letting me stay home today.” Santana asked looking at me
”Yes. I just want to sleep in with my sexy Latina girlfriend. Who kept me up all night.” I said
“Yeah well I think it was my sexy (whatever you want to put replace the next word with) Italian girlfriend was the one who started it with her gift for me passing my driving test finally I mean I am 16 and 1/2 and can finally drive.” Santana said
“Yeah well was it better gift than the windshield wiper fluid Puck gave you.” I said
“Yes babe your gifts are better than Pucks is that all you care about?” Santana asked
“No I also care about if you liked it.” I said
“I loved it i always love it when I’m on top of you and you’re screaming my name and moaning it too.” Santana said
“Okay we’ll set your alarm and let’s go to bed.” I said
We finally slept. Her twin bed felt so big with how close we were to each other.
We woke up a few hours later and got dressed and headed out to the car and I drove Santana to school. Realizing that it would be easier if we went together.
I went to Crawford and entered the choir room. I was still struggling to walk and stand from the previous nights activities.
“I haven’t seen you at all today.” Nicky said
“Hey Nicky yeah no I stayed home.” I said
“Oh I hope that you’re not sick.” Nicky said
“Nope just in pain.” I said under my breath but she still heard due to how close I was standing to her.
“Migraine?” She asked
“Yeah I think I got it from the stress of being at a new school.” I said
“Well I could maybe help you with that why don’t you stay after the club ends so I could try and help if you know what I mean.” Nicky said
“I actually have plans with my friends.” I said
“Okay well maybe you could ditch them. It won’t take long just like fourteen minutes.” Nicky said
“I’m really good I don’t have it anymore a day of sleep helped.” I said knowing what she was getting at
We had the meeting which lasted until two o’clock. I had finished packing up by backpack but was in the corner putting my guitar away in its bag.
“You know my offer still stands I don’t live far from here.” Nicky said
“No I have plans with my friends.” I said adamantly
“What so special about these friends.” Nicky asked confidently strutting towards me
“There like my family.” I said as she stood right in front of me with the look in her eyes that Santana had when she looked at me.
(This is Nicky)
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I pushed her away and walked away.
“Hey Y/L/N who got you waking like that?” Nicky said
“My hot sexy cheerleader girlfriend.” I said without thinking
“Is she gonna be there?” Nicky asked
“I mean it is her school.” I said
“Well tell her to not let her girlfriend out of her eyes because I could easily steal her.” Nicky said
“Nope shes already got me under lock and key. I belong to her.” I said as I walked out of the room and left the building.
I was sat in Glee club next in the corner so that I wouldn’t interfere with anything but so that I could still watch.
I kept my hand on my mouth as every time I saw Santana I just kept saying I am so gay. I mean there wasn’t even dancing they were moving their hair around. But I mean she was so hot her outfit everything. I watched in amazement wishing that it would never end. The deaf kids didn’t seem as impressed as me if at all.
The deaf kids song was really moving. Especially once the New directions stood up and started doing it with them. It reminded me of when I did silent night in sign language with my middle school choir.
Me and Santana left together after the performance. That night we had fun activities we had decided to take a break while Santana went downstairs to get our take out from breadsticks. When I got a phone call from Quinn.
“Y/N I have no clue what to do.” Quinn said crying and hyperventilating
“Quinn calm down where are you at.” I asked
“Pucks house I’m downstairs.” Quinn said crying
“I’m on my way okay. What’s the address ” I said jumping out of the bed and throwing some clothes on.
She gave me the address and I grabbed my keys and hopped in the car and drove to Pucks house. I ran up to the door and Knocked on the door.
“Hey what are you doing here?” Puck said opening the door
“Quinn wanted some mother advice something about her pregnancy.” I said not sure if he had done something to her
“Yeah she’s downstairs.” Puck said
I ran downstairs and saw her lying on the couch crying. I ran over and wrapped my arms around her.
“What happened?” I asked
“I thought that Puck was going to be a good father. I wanted to check so on Friday I had him babysit Mr.Schues Nephews with me.” Quinn said
“And what?” I asked
“He and Santana were sexting the entire time.” Quinn said showing me the pictures she had taken of his phone.
“What did you do?” I asked
“I told Mr.Schue’s ex wife that she could have the baby. She wants it so that Mr.Schue will take her back.” Quinn said
“Oh come here I got you okay but we aren’t giving the baby to her. Do you want your daughter to turn out as psychotic as her and her sister.” I said
“No.” Quinn said
“I can hook you up with my adoption agency or we can take it one step at a time.” I said
“Do you regret giving up your daughter?” Quinn asked
“Every single day. I would have been a great mother. But I also couldn’t have joined Glee and I would never have had time to watch Cheerio practice. So the life I have know wouldn’t exist.” I said
“I’m sorry I called you about this I know it probably hurts you. I know that you have crush on Santana and most of us Cheerios. You blush every time we talk to you.” Quinn said
“Yeah well there is a lot of hurt you have to go through when you’re a lesbian who usually falls for straight girls. Who are already in a relationship.” I said
“You’re telling me.” Quinn said quietly
“What did you say? Does Quinn Fabray have a girl crush.” I said
“What no?” Quinn said
“Coach Sylvester.” I said
“Gross” Quinn said
“Tina” I said
“No” Quinn said
“Okay fast round Brittnay.” I said
“No” Quinn said
“Too bad you too would be hot together.” I said
“Is that really who you ship in Glee club.” Quinn said
“No.” I said
“Then who do you ship?” Quinn asked
“Not saying.” I said
“Oh you have an ego so you’ll definitely ship someone with yourself. Do you ship a foursome with the unholy trinity.” Quinn asked
“Hey I’m not the one being Questioned here.” I said
“That wasn’t a no. You know what I understand that it is kinda hot. Too bad we’re all straight.” Quinn said
“You can’t say I’m straight and having a foursome with me, Brittnay and Santana is hot in the same sentence. It’s counter productive it’s like care Blanchett saying I’m married any time something gay happens.” I said
“Sure.” Quinn said
“Is your girl crush me?” I said smirking
“You wish.” Quinn said
“You know what I really do.” I said
“Okay well there’s only a couple left it isn’t Rachel is it.” I said
Quinn looked away
“O oh my god it is.” I said
“That just makes me sad.” I said
“Why?” Quinn asked
“Cause you could have a crush on anyone in glee and you choose her. You choose the straightest one. Also if you two do get together I’m not going to the wedding.” I said
“Do you hate her that much?” Quinn said
“Yes.” I said
“What has she done to you.” Quinn asked
“She foiled my plan for making you three fall madly in love with me also she gets everything she wants and she’s way to happy the only things that should be that happy are babies and dogs.” I said
“What was your plan?” Quinn asked
“Get you all to leave your boyfriend’s get Santana and Brittnay to finally get together.” I said
“Wait you know those two like each other I thought that I was the only one who saw it.” Quinn said
“I’m happy I’m not alone in seeing that. Anyway then I would beat someone up cause according to my sister you all found me hot when you guys were creeping on me and watched me beat the shit out of karofosky.” I said
“She told you about that? I mean it was hot only an idiot would think it wasn’t.” Quinn said
“Well what if I go beat Puck up. He deserves it.” I said
“That would not do anything.” Quinn said
“Dang it you know he has a very punchable face.” I said
“I think that you just jealous. That he got all of the wemon you like without trying.” Quinn said
“Wrong he had to get you drunk to get with you. I would never do that.” I said
“Shut up do you wanna watch a movie with me.” Quinn said
“Yes please.” I said picking up the blanket on the ground as we both laid down.
“Cream cheese covered pickle.” Quinn said overlong me one of her snacks
“Hell yeah.” I said grabbing one and biting into it.
“Puck thinks they’re gross.” Quinn said
“Well when I was pregnant I ate lemons that were covered in hot sauce.” I said
“That’s disgusting.” Quinn said
“You know what’s gross my craving for hot sauce was from before I was pregnant I used to drink bottles of hot sauce.” I said
“You must be loving living with a Latina family then. I know Santana’s family loves their spicy food.” Quinn said
“I know it’s my heaven.” I said as the movie started
After being four movies into the Harry Potter series Quinn fell asleep on me. I headed upstairs.
“Is she better?” Puck asked
“Yeah she is.” I said
“I don’t know what I’m doing.” Puck said
“Look trust me I know it’s hard. But lose your playboy ways and that baby will be in your life. You’ll be a dad and a good one at that.” I said
“That’s easy for you too say you keep on flirting with both my girlfriends.” Puck said
“Puck when you have too girlfriends you have an issue you’re going to have to choose Santana or Quinn and you better choose before you lose both of them.” I said
“What to you.” Puck said
Yes to me I am already fucking Santana and I easily could have taken that flirting down stairs in another direction “No they are straight they will never like me and I have come to terms with that.” I said
“Thank you.” Puck said
“No problem.” I said
“Hey did you need anything?” Puck asked
“Yeah actually could I borrow your phone I will bring it to you tomorrow my phone just died and I need to text my sister cause I’m meeting up with her and Matt.” I said
“Yeah sure just don’t look at any of the text.” Puck said
“I mean unless you’re sending dick pics to my sister then we will be fine.” I said
“Your sister’s Matt’s I’m not fucking with that.” Puck said
I got in the car and drove back to Santanas house. I sat in the car for a little bit. Comparing there texts to ours they were practically the same. Except Santana had clearly excepted his offer to have sex. Whereas I was being a good person and told her to stay with Brittnay.
“Where have you been?” Santana asked as soon as I came in
“Just helping someone out.” I said putting my jacket down
“Well I have been worried sick.” Santana said
“Oh really cause I think you have been sexting Puck just like you were Friday.” I said throwing both of the phones showing the text on the counter. “Come on Santana you were sexting us at the same time how long do you think it will take until you’ll have to choose which one of us. What would have happened if I had told you to come over and didn’t tell you to stay at Britney’s who would you have chosen.” I said
“Why were you even at his house?” Santana asked
“Quinn called me crying cause the baby was feeling weird and she knew that I would probably know what it was. Then after we had dealt with her Braxton hicks she told me about her plan to keep the baby and to raise it with puck and that she had him babysit to see how he was with kids and how the entire time he was sexting you.” I said
“What are you saying?” Santana asked
“Maybe we need to take some time apart you need to figure out what you want. I am gonna be staying downstairs. We’re just gonna be friends. Cause I can’t keep letting you break my heart one day your telling me you love me the next day your having sex with Puck.” I said
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Here’s some fluff for that angst too:
Part 7!
Warnings: slight fear, character shrinking, no vore this time, but mentions of it!
He doesn’t think he’d ever walked on such fragile eggshells before.
Since the trio had played that stupid chasing game, George has avoided anything that could potentially wind up with him being shrunk, and still had problems speaking to Sapnap face to face. It made working together in their country difficult, and Karl caught on pretty quickly. Despite all his attempts to get answers, Sapnap refused to give any, only puzzling out how he was going to fix this mess.
It had been a week, and he finally settled on one thing. It wouldn’t do much, but maybe it would help ease the worry George still felt upon seeing him. All he had to do was get it ready and have Karl help him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Sapnap groaned, dragging his hand down his face. “What will, Karl? He’s fucking scared of me still.” “I don’t even know what happened between you all that scared him so much! I can’t really help you if I don’t know.” The brunette stayed firm on his refusal, and Sapnap bit back another groan. He knew they were gonna find out eventually anyway, he just didn’t want it to be like this. Quackity wasn’t even home yet, still in his country.
“A couple weeks ago, Dream came up with a new game. He and George shrank and ran and I hunted them. If I caught them, I’d get to store them, but me and Dream did a shitty job of explaining that it was a game to George before jumping into it. I scared him really badly, and even though he says he’s forgiven us he still won’t look me in the eyes.” He looked down, not wanting to see his fiancés reaction to the truth. He didn’t trust himself to not get upset if the other did. He heard a sigh, then shuffling as he came closer to the ravenette. “…Do you really think this will help?” “I can’t think of anything else that would. I can’t offer to store him again, it would scare him. He refuses to shrink right now for any reason.” He finally looked up to the other, met with a kind smile he felt he didn’t deserve. “Well, it’s worth a shot then. How do you wanna do this?”
~ ~ ~
Sapnap sat very still in the box that Karl was carrying. He’d taken a shrinking potion that morning, which confused their third lover, and with a promise of an explanation when they came home, the two were off to help with Kinoko Kingdom’s affairs as a country. Except today would be different, as Sapnap wouldn’t be able to help too much.
He knew George wouldn’t try to eat him, he knew he couldn’t safely do so. What he was really hoping for was that the other would be able to work past his fear of him if he was small enough to fit in his hand. In case things went south, Karl had already set up brewing stands in his office and was carrying a splash potion of growth on him in case Sapnap has to call the plan off early. For now, he simply closed his eyes, letting the gentle movement of the box fill his mind and tried to ignore his nerves. He didn’t shrink often, and his first time shrinking in general hadn’t been a pleasant experience (at first. Once Quackity came back to them, it was better, but he hasn’t really shrunk since. He hasn’t been asked to).
“Hey George!” His thoughts were interrupted by his fiancé greeting their friend. “Why are you carrying a box around?” “It’s for you.” “For me? What’s in it?” He almost fell over when the box was changed to different hands, though he could tell both had tried to be gentle about the exchange. Without knowing what was inside, George probably would treat the box like it had a glass item in it, which Sapnap was thankful for. “You have to wait until you’re in your office to open it. See ya!” “Wait, wha-“ he could hear the telltale sound of shoes quickly going down the hallway, then heard his friend sigh. “Guess I’ll go to my office, then. Thought Sapnap would have been here by now.” The statement made the other wary. What would George have done if he’d come in normal size? …What would George do to him once he finds him at this size? He debated grabbing his communicator and calling it off immediately, but forced himself not to. He knew his friend. George wouldn’t hurt him.
The box was gently set on a surface, and soon afterwards the flaps at the top were opened, making the shrunken man wince and shut his eyes from the sudden light. They snapped back open at the shocked voice of the other. “What the…” Sapnap looked up with an uneasy grin. “Hey George!” “What are you doing?” He suppressed a flinch at the sudden accusatory tone of the brunette. “Just thought I’d say hi. You don’t really talk to me normally anymore.” “And who’s fault is that.” He winced, looking down. “I know. I’m just tired of you acting like I’m a threat to you, so I thought I’d try doing this? Make myself less of one, at least.” The other’s look was not amused, and he was beyond the point of nervousness. Finally, the larger male closed his eyes with a sigh and reached into the box to pull him out, eyes snapping back open before he’d even begun to lift him out.
He tried not to flinch, and he thought he’d done a good job but the movements around him faltering proved him wrong. “..Sapnap?” “Yeah?” He forced himself to make eye contact, only making himself feel bad at the sad look he got. “Your heart’s beating really fast..” huh. So it was. The giant hand pulled away from him, and he found it easier to breathe. Every breath just led to more guilt in his stomach.
You couldn’t even pull this off without messing it up. This wasn’t supposed to be about you.
“I’ve said it already,” he started, cutting off whatever the other had been getting ready to say. “But I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you scared of me. I didn’t want you to start feeling uncomfortable around me. I thought if I made myself tiny compared to you, it would help ease your fear of me.” George contemplated his apology before giving a response. “But all you did was make yourself uncomfortable. I didn’t want that, either.” “It’s not your fault. My first time shrinking wasn’t ideal. It’s nothing against you.” That sad look was back on the other’s face. “What happened?” “Quackity went feral.” “…Oh.” “He didn’t hurt me. But he got really panicked and slipped into complete instincts, and he needed the reassurance that me and Karl were with him and safe before he would calm down. He wasn’t calming down with us being normal sized, but he did after I shrunk.” He left out the part that Quackity had stored him, not knowing for certain that George or Dream knew that about him.
“Can I pick you up?” “Yea. Just not really fast, okay? I don’t know how you and Dream are so used to this.” “It’s jarring every time.” George reassured, setting his hand into the box so the other could climb on at his own pace. He placed a hand to the others, and when it didn’t move, pulled himself onto the palm awaiting him. He heard his friend pull in a sharp breath, and very slowly, he was pulled out of the box. “What now?” “I don’t know, up to you I guess.” Just don’t hurt me. “Do you want to go back to normal? Do you have a way to go back to normal?” The other asked the second question hastily, as if the thought that Sapnap was stuck at this size suddenly struck him. “Karl has a splash growing potion on him. And, I don’t know. If I grow, are you going to be okay?” The brunette was already pulling his communicator out, and he knew he was texting Karl. “I’ll be fine.” Then a sigh, and he moved the other towards his chest in a makeshift hug. “Thank you for doing this. I’ve been trying to stop acting nervous around you, but I think this really helped. I still don’t like that you had to make yourself uncomfortable to do it, though.” “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. Quackity’s more than made it up to me anyway.”
The two enjoyed the quiet afterwards, the silence peaceful once more and no longer stressful or tense. They stayed like that, George holding the other to his chest and enjoying his company again, when a soft knock came to the door. “Karl?” “Yeah?” The other responded from the other side. “Okay, come in.” The other brunette walked in, a strange and amused look on his face. “We’re calling our names through the door now?” “Just until you got here. Didn’t want anyone else to see him like this.” Only then did he pull the fireborn away from his chest, frowning at the whine he gave being pulled away from the source of heat. Karl gently took him from George’s hands, and smiled at him. “Floor or desk?” “Floor’s fine.” Sapnap responded, and the other pressed a quick kiss to the side of his head before lowering him to the ground. He shut his eyes, readying himself for the loud crash that would come soon after.
He flinched at the sound of glass breaking so close to him, willing himself to relax as he felt his body heat up due to the potion. When he opened them, that warm feeling was gone, and he was sitting on the floor at his normal height. Looking up, he caught Karl’s eyes first, then George’s. “Wow, I never knew cuties like you just came from the ground.” He huffed a laugh as his fiancé began giggling, George rolling his eyes behind his glasses. “Keep making jokes like that and I’m kicking you both out of my office.” “Upset cause Dream doesn’t flirt with you like that?” Karl snarked back. “Okay, get out. You’ve had your fun.” He made a ‘shoo’ motion with his hands, and Sapnap rose to his feet to join his fiancé outside the office door. “Sapnap?” “Yea?” For the first time in weeks, George smiled at him without a trace of nervousness. “See you around.” “Yeah. You too.” He grinned back, relief flooding his veins as he realized they would be okay.
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