#slight fearplay
kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
These aren't his best moments in his life (Surfer Dream pt 3)
Finally its here :D
Btw, a warning before you start reading. In this au, George is 24, Sapnap 21, Quackity 20 almost 21, Karl 20 and Dream 16
TW: Safe/soft vore, injury mention, slight fearplay?
George swam leisurely for another day, a big smile on his face every time he felt the human shift in his storage stomach. He could also hear him sob from time to time, which made him proud that he had kept him there for a day and a half.
He liked listening to the human suffer. "I didn't know you humans were so pathetic, stop crying already, what are you, a kid?" he spoke to the human while letting out a laugh, obviously laughing at him.
It wasn't long before another mer appeared in front of him, turning out to be his little brother, Quackity. “Quackity? What are you doing here?" It all happened so fast that George didn't have time to react when Quackity punched him right where the entrance to the storage stomach was supposed to be, causing him to spit Dream out because of nausea.
Quackity soon put the human in his mouth swallowing the water so he could breathe and immediately swallowed the human. He heard him cry out and he could feel him shaking, probably out of fear.
“What the fuck, George!? Are you out of your mind, or what!?” he yelled at his brother, still feeling the human slide down. George glared at him before responding in kind. "What!? He's just a piece of human shit! Why should you care!? Give it back to me!”
Quackity shook his head before answering. "No. You can't keep doing this to humans, you can hate them if you want but leave them alone! And now, without your permission, since I don't need it, I'll take him back to Sapnap." It was the last thing he said to him before swimming away from there.
When he was far enough away, he turned his attention to the human in his storage. He could feel him shaking with fear and he didn't like that... "Don't worry little one... You're safe now..." He thought for a moment before asking. “By the way… I've heard you complain… By some chance… have I hurt you? You know… when I swallowed you?”
He felt the human move for a moment before speaking. “U-Uhh… I-It hurt a little when you swallowed me… But you weren't the one who i-injured me….” Quackity hummed in understanding. "So... Your name is Dream, right?" The human was surprised when the mer said his name. “H-How do you know…?” "Calm down... Sapnap told me... My name is Quackity and I'm his fiancé."
He swam some more until suddenly he came across Sapnap. “Quackity!? Good thing you're here… My friend, Dream, is missing! I went to look for him at the beach but I ran into Karl and he told me that he had gone there too but he didn't come home!”
He placed his hands on Sapnap's shoulders. "Calm down Sap... He's with me..." "What?" Quackity nodded. "He's in my storage... Yesterday I noticed that George was strangely quite happy... It turns out that he had swallowed Dream, apparently he's been in his storage for a day and a half... Now he's a bit calmer, although he's still shaking a bit..." Sapnap hugged Quackity gratefully.
"Thanks, Quack..." "Don't worry about that, we're going to the beach now." Sapnap nodded, following his fiancé to the beach where he used to meet Dream.
“By the way Sapnap… How old is he? You've never told me and I think he's quite young…” “Uhh… I think he's 16 since he told me he'll be 17 soon…” Quackity's jaw dropped as he heard Sapnap. "I'm definitely going to have a long talk with George when I get back."
A few minutes passed before they finally reached the beach, where Karl was apparently waiting for both of them. "Have you found him?" he said, hoping to see Dream again. Sapnap nodded. “Quackity found him, apparently he's been in George's storage stomach this whole time..”
Quackity nodded as he began to bring Dream back to his mouth. It didn't take long for him to do so, he put two of his fingers in his mouth and carefully grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him out, leaving him on the sand.
Dream narrowed his eyes as the sun hit him, unaccustomed to the light having been in the dark for a day and a half. He tried to walk but stumbled, completely losing his balance, but luckily Karl caught him before he fell. "Thanks for the help guys... I'll take him home to eat and get some rest... I'll see you another day." He said with a smile.
The two mers blushed and looked away as they nodded. "You're welcome, Karl... See you another day..." They said goodbye, diving into the water. "Okay Dream... Let's go home." He told his friend as he started to help him go home.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Here’s some fluff for that angst too:
Part 7!
Warnings: slight fear, character shrinking, no vore this time, but mentions of it!
He doesn’t think he’d ever walked on such fragile eggshells before.
Since the trio had played that stupid chasing game, George has avoided anything that could potentially wind up with him being shrunk, and still had problems speaking to Sapnap face to face. It made working together in their country difficult, and Karl caught on pretty quickly. Despite all his attempts to get answers, Sapnap refused to give any, only puzzling out how he was going to fix this mess.
It had been a week, and he finally settled on one thing. It wouldn’t do much, but maybe it would help ease the worry George still felt upon seeing him. All he had to do was get it ready and have Karl help him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Sapnap groaned, dragging his hand down his face. “What will, Karl? He’s fucking scared of me still.” “I don’t even know what happened between you all that scared him so much! I can’t really help you if I don’t know.” The brunette stayed firm on his refusal, and Sapnap bit back another groan. He knew they were gonna find out eventually anyway, he just didn’t want it to be like this. Quackity wasn’t even home yet, still in his country.
“A couple weeks ago, Dream came up with a new game. He and George shrank and ran and I hunted them. If I caught them, I’d get to store them, but me and Dream did a shitty job of explaining that it was a game to George before jumping into it. I scared him really badly, and even though he says he’s forgiven us he still won’t look me in the eyes.” He looked down, not wanting to see his fiancés reaction to the truth. He didn’t trust himself to not get upset if the other did. He heard a sigh, then shuffling as he came closer to the ravenette. “…Do you really think this will help?” “I can’t think of anything else that would. I can’t offer to store him again, it would scare him. He refuses to shrink right now for any reason.” He finally looked up to the other, met with a kind smile he felt he didn’t deserve. “Well, it’s worth a shot then. How do you wanna do this?”
~ ~ ~
Sapnap sat very still in the box that Karl was carrying. He’d taken a shrinking potion that morning, which confused their third lover, and with a promise of an explanation when they came home, the two were off to help with Kinoko Kingdom’s affairs as a country. Except today would be different, as Sapnap wouldn’t be able to help too much.
He knew George wouldn’t try to eat him, he knew he couldn’t safely do so. What he was really hoping for was that the other would be able to work past his fear of him if he was small enough to fit in his hand. In case things went south, Karl had already set up brewing stands in his office and was carrying a splash potion of growth on him in case Sapnap has to call the plan off early. For now, he simply closed his eyes, letting the gentle movement of the box fill his mind and tried to ignore his nerves. He didn’t shrink often, and his first time shrinking in general hadn’t been a pleasant experience (at first. Once Quackity came back to them, it was better, but he hasn’t really shrunk since. He hasn’t been asked to).
“Hey George!” His thoughts were interrupted by his fiancé greeting their friend. “Why are you carrying a box around?” “It’s for you.” “For me? What’s in it?” He almost fell over when the box was changed to different hands, though he could tell both had tried to be gentle about the exchange. Without knowing what was inside, George probably would treat the box like it had a glass item in it, which Sapnap was thankful for. “You have to wait until you’re in your office to open it. See ya!” “Wait, wha-“ he could hear the telltale sound of shoes quickly going down the hallway, then heard his friend sigh. “Guess I’ll go to my office, then. Thought Sapnap would have been here by now.” The statement made the other wary. What would George have done if he’d come in normal size? …What would George do to him once he finds him at this size? He debated grabbing his communicator and calling it off immediately, but forced himself not to. He knew his friend. George wouldn’t hurt him.
The box was gently set on a surface, and soon afterwards the flaps at the top were opened, making the shrunken man wince and shut his eyes from the sudden light. They snapped back open at the shocked voice of the other. “What the…” Sapnap looked up with an uneasy grin. “Hey George!” “What are you doing?” He suppressed a flinch at the sudden accusatory tone of the brunette. “Just thought I’d say hi. You don’t really talk to me normally anymore.” “And who’s fault is that.” He winced, looking down. “I know. I’m just tired of you acting like I’m a threat to you, so I thought I’d try doing this? Make myself less of one, at least.” The other’s look was not amused, and he was beyond the point of nervousness. Finally, the larger male closed his eyes with a sigh and reached into the box to pull him out, eyes snapping back open before he’d even begun to lift him out.
He tried not to flinch, and he thought he’d done a good job but the movements around him faltering proved him wrong. “..Sapnap?” “Yeah?” He forced himself to make eye contact, only making himself feel bad at the sad look he got. “Your heart’s beating really fast..” huh. So it was. The giant hand pulled away from him, and he found it easier to breathe. Every breath just led to more guilt in his stomach.
You couldn’t even pull this off without messing it up. This wasn’t supposed to be about you.
“I’ve said it already,” he started, cutting off whatever the other had been getting ready to say. “But I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you scared of me. I didn’t want you to start feeling uncomfortable around me. I thought if I made myself tiny compared to you, it would help ease your fear of me.” George contemplated his apology before giving a response. “But all you did was make yourself uncomfortable. I didn’t want that, either.” “It’s not your fault. My first time shrinking wasn’t ideal. It’s nothing against you.” That sad look was back on the other’s face. “What happened?” “Quackity went feral.” “…Oh.” “He didn’t hurt me. But he got really panicked and slipped into complete instincts, and he needed the reassurance that me and Karl were with him and safe before he would calm down. He wasn’t calming down with us being normal sized, but he did after I shrunk.” He left out the part that Quackity had stored him, not knowing for certain that George or Dream knew that about him.
“Can I pick you up?” “Yea. Just not really fast, okay? I don’t know how you and Dream are so used to this.” “It’s jarring every time.” George reassured, setting his hand into the box so the other could climb on at his own pace. He placed a hand to the others, and when it didn’t move, pulled himself onto the palm awaiting him. He heard his friend pull in a sharp breath, and very slowly, he was pulled out of the box. “What now?” “I don’t know, up to you I guess.” Just don’t hurt me. “Do you want to go back to normal? Do you have a way to go back to normal?” The other asked the second question hastily, as if the thought that Sapnap was stuck at this size suddenly struck him. “Karl has a splash growing potion on him. And, I don’t know. If I grow, are you going to be okay?” The brunette was already pulling his communicator out, and he knew he was texting Karl. “I’ll be fine.” Then a sigh, and he moved the other towards his chest in a makeshift hug. “Thank you for doing this. I’ve been trying to stop acting nervous around you, but I think this really helped. I still don’t like that you had to make yourself uncomfortable to do it, though.” “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. Quackity’s more than made it up to me anyway.”
The two enjoyed the quiet afterwards, the silence peaceful once more and no longer stressful or tense. They stayed like that, George holding the other to his chest and enjoying his company again, when a soft knock came to the door. “Karl?” “Yeah?” The other responded from the other side. “Okay, come in.” The other brunette walked in, a strange and amused look on his face. “We’re calling our names through the door now?” “Just until you got here. Didn’t want anyone else to see him like this.” Only then did he pull the fireborn away from his chest, frowning at the whine he gave being pulled away from the source of heat. Karl gently took him from George’s hands, and smiled at him. “Floor or desk?” “Floor’s fine.” Sapnap responded, and the other pressed a quick kiss to the side of his head before lowering him to the ground. He shut his eyes, readying himself for the loud crash that would come soon after.
He flinched at the sound of glass breaking so close to him, willing himself to relax as he felt his body heat up due to the potion. When he opened them, that warm feeling was gone, and he was sitting on the floor at his normal height. Looking up, he caught Karl’s eyes first, then George’s. “Wow, I never knew cuties like you just came from the ground.” He huffed a laugh as his fiancé began giggling, George rolling his eyes behind his glasses. “Keep making jokes like that and I’m kicking you both out of my office.” “Upset cause Dream doesn’t flirt with you like that?” Karl snarked back. “Okay, get out. You’ve had your fun.” He made a ‘shoo’ motion with his hands, and Sapnap rose to his feet to join his fiancé outside the office door. “Sapnap?” “Yea?” For the first time in weeks, George smiled at him without a trace of nervousness. “See you around.” “Yeah. You too.” He grinned back, relief flooding his veins as he realized they would be okay.
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
9 for drake?
Howdy howdy, Anon! Thank you for asking from the game!
9. How does Drake feel about Fearplay?
When other people do it, like Lev for example, he thinks it's a little unusually cruel. He won't go telling anyone anything though. Except Alexander, because Alexander never engaged in fearplay or anything more than, "I'm hungry." Then eating someone.
Regarding Drake doing it, he was in a similar boat to Alexander with the "I'm thirsty," then drinks. But, I can imagine if he's trying to scare someone for information, or (mild spoiler) Drake had a human who found out he was a vampire (beast) and they offered- you know what let me write it for you... ....
Drake could hear the thrill of the male's heart. Normally they'd pump with fear, terrified once they saw him drink from someone, especially if they saw that person fall to the floor. But in their case, Drake could tell they had more excitement than fear.
Drake approached him, already at his limit, after drinking from the three.
"You're a vampire-holy shit! Are they still alive?" The male asked; he backed up casually from Drake. His eyes filled with a lustful intrigue. 
I drank from that many, so I didn't take too much from one. Drake thought to himself. He wanted to erase the guy's memory and be done. But still responded out of courtesy, "I don't kill people."
The guy bumped back into the tree, "h-hey, wait, can't we-" his bandana got pressed up as his ponytail smushed to the bark. "I don't mind you drinking from me. I won't even tell anyone what I saw, I swear." 
Drake stopped ten feet from the male. A cord was plucked. "You shouldn't say that to a vampire." His voice left sternly and held a slight annoyance.
The guy lifted his hand, "I mean, you clearly need it." He gestured to his friends who lay on the ground. Drake assumed they were friends. The guy was a little further away from the group when he arrived. It was the reason Drake didn't grab him right away.
"So, I really wouldn't mind." 
Drake flinched like those words hurt him, and he gulped shallowly. The thin, lengthy dude pulled down the part of his tye-dye tank top to better expose the left side of his neck. 
"And you know, if you need a donor, I'd be more than happy...I mean, if-" There was a shift, he offered so casually, but Drake could hear the nervous admiration.
His ruby hue touched the male's neck, tracing it before coming back to his face. The temptation remained whether he was full or not. It was another flavor he had yet to have. Though, once his mind reeled the words through, comprehensively analyzing their tone and willingness, his slight annoyance festered. 
Drake clenched his fangs, opening them enough to speak. "You want to offer yourself to me?" A boil from his anger bubbled up a laugh. Plain, irritated, and done. "And remain a donor?" 
The male struck back with defensiveness, "you don't have to laugh at me! I was being..." He trailed off with wide eyes.
Drake's arms slacked down, filling with bones and pressing on the ground. He hunched, his plates cracking apart and spreading with the growth of wings that tore his hoodie. His legs, along with his face, started to bend and twist their shape. 
The male back pressed harder on the pine, terrified at the ever-growing monster until the signal to run triggered in his brain. He went off the side and sprinted out through the trees. They were close to the main campsite, so he thought he'd make it. He hoped he would, but there were no narrow spaces between these trees to help him escape the giant beast. 
He was yanked back by his tank top and released, then grabbed once more by its clawed hands around his head. Its fingers curled tight, going around his whole face and upper neck. The claw tips played with his skin. 
The male whimpered, "you said you-you-you don't kill people."
Drake lowered himself down, his other hand crashed into the dirt floor, and he made sure his curled fur smile could be seen by the human. 
"You offered yourself to me, didn't you?" The softer tone Drake once held fled, replaced by the fierce struggle from his different cords, "this is what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted me to take that offer and bite into you as if I won't overindulge." His mouth hissed open, splitting at the jaw to show the large fangs about the size of one of his hands. Venom dripped from them onto the dirt as he neared. 
The male's heart throbbed, trying to break from his chest. The mouth itself was big enough to take his head clean off. There's no way it would simply prick his neck. 
He felt that if he twisted, the firm hand would crush his skull, and then the beast would grab his corpse and drink from it like a yogurt tube, organs and all. 
He couldn't take the encroaching doom once its pointed tongue crept forward, ready to sample his face through its clawed fingers. He went limp before Drake reached him.
Drake knew the male's racing heart would make him faint. All it needed was a push. 
He let the male go. He knew he wouldn't stay out for long. Drake went to turn back. But, a sudden sharp urge fluttered in him like a flap of his wings. For a second, he reached again for the male, thinking of taking a bite. 
He forced the thought away and shifted back. 
He took him back to the camp, erasing his memory of the event but carefully leaving the part where he scared him there. It would be like a dream. He dropped the male in the spot he was before he attacked his friends.
They always assume I'm so innocent. Drake grumbled in his head. It was inevitable to be looked down upon for his weaker, flawless appearance. He hated to be looked down upon, especially by those far more helpless than himself.  
End scene. It's mild fearplay, but that's the only instance I could see him really doing it. He doesn't play with his "food" much.
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crookedteethed · 17 days
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18+ smut, cursing, Dark!Rafe, fearplay, gunplay, manipulation, slut shaming, accused cheating, this is readers punishment : (
⋆ ★ dark!rafe fucks you with his asp pistol <3
plink (the catalyst for this fic frl)
Rafe puts his pistol to your dome and tells you:
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you."
The scent of gunpowder and leather filled the air, the taste of fear and desire lingering on your tongue.
You could feel his hot breath against your skin, his fingers tightening around the trigger.
A part of you wanted to fight, to defy him and refuse to give in to his demands. But another part, a darker part, was drawn to his power and dominance.
"Fucking answer me!" Rafe rattled your body.
Your cheeks had been wet with tears--your cunt wetter than a barrel of slugs.
"B...Because I love you?" You squealed.
"B-Because I love you." Rafe mocked your whiny tone, a small smile curling unto his lips.
"You don't fucking love me!" Rafe spat. "You think I'm an idiot, y/n?" He rattled your body once more. "I see the way you slut your way around the Country Club."
"I do love you, Rafe!" you whined, tears spewing from your eyes. How could he say this? "Rafe, I swear I love you, I don't want anybody but you." 
"I mean, do you intentionally try to fuck with me Y/n?" He asks, his brows furrowing together.
You quickly shook your head. "no." 
"It's like--" Rafe paused, his hand starting to get wobbly, but he never let down; he never kept the barrel aiming away from your brain. 
"It's like you don't even consider that I'm a person in this relationship too." He continued. "It’s like you don't even consider that it's men out there that want to hurt you--take advantage of you, but you continue to prance around here--shaking your little ass in these slutty fucking clothes--"
Your heart raced as you were certain his finger had pulled back on the trigger - a sight that made you let out a desperate "Please, I love you." in terror.
"Prove it to me, then. Get on your knees. Prove to me that you love me." Rafe lightly kicked your knees in to kneel under him.
Your body trembled as you sank to your knees, the hardwood floor cold against your skin. Rafe towered above you, his eyes cold and unyielding.
"Please, Rafe, let me prove it to you. Let me show you how much I love you." Your voice shook, but your gaze remained fixed on him, pleading.
"If you truly loved me, you'll do as I say." Rafe's voice was harsh, his breath coming in sharp rasps.
You reached for him, your hands shaking as you pulled him closer, your shaky hands palming his hard cock.
"Un uh." He hummed, pushing you away. "Turn around and get on all fours."
You did as you were told, feeling a slight relief from the release of the gun pointed towards your head.
As you took your position on all fours, Rafe trailed after you, settling into a kneeling stance behind you, mimicking the posture of doggy style.
As his fingers traced the hem of your mini skirt, baring your ass and swollen core glistening with wetness, you let out a heavy breath.
"You're such a slut," he elongated, his gaze and touch fixated on your buttocks.
Suddenly, his hand connected with your flesh in a sharp smack, eliciting a surprised cry from you.
And then, with a hungry urgency, he pulled your dainty panties aside, sending a shiver of pleasure through your body as the cool air brushed against your sensitive clit.
Just as you thought you could feel him entering you, the realization hit that it was not his cock, but the chilly draft from his gun.
A sharp intake of breath, a moment of anticipation, and then the cold, hard steel of the pistol pressed against your heated skin.
You flinched, a shiver running down your spine, as he held the weapon there, its tip teasing your entrance. "Please…" you whispered, your voice hoarse with need.
"I need it." He said nothing, only smirked, his eyes dark with desire, as he ran the barrel of the gun along your slit, collecting your juices.
"Look at this shit." Rafe said, showing you the barrel of the gun, coated in your arousal. "Such a greedy little cunt you have." he cooed.
You whimpered, your body trembling, craving more. Then, with a swift movement, he plunged the pistol into you, filling you with its unyielding length.
A gasp escaped your lips as he began to thrust, the sound of metal sliding against your wetness filling the room.
The feeling was incomparable to any other, a distinctive combination of delight and risk--and at no point did the thought cross your mind if his firearm was loaded.
All you cared about was proving to Rafe you love him.
You could feel the power in his movements, each thrust sending a rush of sensation through you.
"I should pull the trigger." Rafe grimacingly spoke into your ear, causing an illicit moan to escape your lips "My final staple to show everyone who really owns you--taking your life as if I brought you into it."
"Please Rafe--" You choke.
You were terrified but couldn't help but be aroused as Rafe pressed his gun into your cunt, threatening to kill you.
Each thrust was a punishment, a reminder of how much you truly loved him.
You wanted to tell him that you didn't care about anyone else, that he was the only one who truly owned you.
But the words were caught in your throat, choked out by the fear and pleasure coursing through you.
The gun felt cold inside your cunt, a stark contrast to the heat radiating from Rafe's body.
You could feel his anger and jealousy consuming him, his desire to possess you completely. And in that moment, you realized that this was all you ever wanted. To be owned by Rafe, to belong to him in every way possible.
But as Rafe's grip on the gun tightened and his thrusts became more bruising, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. This was a dangerous game you were playing, and you had no idea how it would end.
But despite the fear, you couldn't bring yourself to stop. All you cared about was proving your love to Rafe, even if it meant risking your own life.
Your body moved with his, your curves swaying, your breath coming in sharp pants.
You surrendered to the sensation, to the feel of the pistol's grip digging into your core as Rafe pounded it into you.
A cry escaped your lips as you climaxed, your body shaking with the force of it.
He continued to thrust the gun into you, his movements relentless, drawing out your pleasure until you thought you could take no more.
Then, with a final, deep push, he held the pistol still, its barrel buried within you—grazing that sweet spot.
You felt the warmth of his body against your back as he whispered, his hot breath on your skin, "You like that, don't you, slut?”
And as those last words escaped Rafe's lips, you had drenched the metal of his gun with your essence. Your fluids covered the ground, his hand, and your legs, leaving you spent and exhausted, your climax intertwining with the metal of Rafe's gun.
The ground beneath you was soaked, a testament to the intensity of your release. Your legs trembled, unable to support your weight, as you whispered those three words that held so much power.
"I told you I love you," you murmured, your voice hoarse and filled with emotion.
In that moment, as you lay vulnerable and exposed, you knew that your words carried a weight that could not be undone.
The metal of the gun, now cool to the touch, contrasted with the heat of your declaration.
Rafe, witnessing the raw honesty of your emotions, was rendered speechless, his hand still resting on your leg, feeling the tremors of your heart's confession.
What other lengths would you go to for his affection, Rafe pondered, what other depths?
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s-4pphics · 1 year
tag, you're it! (e.w.)
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omg this is kindaaaa…. yeah
imma lil proud LOL hope y’all like it 
wc;cw: 14.2k, ceosdaughter!ellie, tagger/artist!oc, ANGST!!, mentions of depression and suicidal ideation, illness, parental death & brief mentions of funerals, descriptions of foster care/homeless shelters and poverty, both oc n ellie have daddy issues, MOMMY ISSUES!!, brief mentions of drug addiction(coke), homophobia DURING PRIDE MONTH🤨🤨, internalized homophobia and misogyny, ellie is a horny touch starved loser n kinda stalkerish?, mentions of criminal injustice(police, prisons, etc.) i hate it here, rich ppl being demons, SMUT!!!!! MDNI!!!!, light descriptions of masturbation, potential dubcon!!, sexual tension😟, bratty subbottom!ellie, mean domtop!oc she carries her dick on her like a glock lol, slight fearplay, KNIFE PLAY/BLOOD, DIRTY TALK, finger and strap sucking, fingering, pussy eating, MOMMY KINK!!, nipple play, squirting <333 n creaming <333, riding, reverse cowgirl, slapping(FACE!!! ass titties), hitting it from the bbbbback, loss of virginity, masochism LOL, a lil ass play LOL, pretty taboo themes catch it
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“She’s… I genuinely believe she’s deranged, your honor! She’s… uncontrollable! Look at what she’s done to our city! Civilians can see her tracks everywhere they go, and it’s disgusting! Not to mention she’s a pervert!” 
You rolled your eyes as you listened to the high-pitched, ongoing shrieks of one of the wealthiest women in the state as she spat belittlements of you to the judge. 
You were… fucked. 
You adjusted in your uncomfortable chair, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest, turning your head to eye your lawyer, arching a brow at him as you waited for his defenses for you. He looked… scared shitless, to say the least. 
Yeah. You were definitely going to fucking jail. 
Were these pieces of shit really going to treat you like Satan himself for pulling a measly, little prank? Has April Fools truly lost all meaning?
A couple of days ago, on April 1st, you took it upon yourself to spray paint ♡GIRLDICK♡ across the largest building in the city, which just so happened to be owned by the Miller family, if anyone even bothered to call their cultist bond that. Their wealth swiftly accumulated when the now deceased founder of the organization, Joel Miller, discovered some new form of AI technology… or whatever the elders at the shelter told you. His death shook your city years ago; You weren’t sure why it was so moving for people, but R.I.P, you guess. 
You assumed they were just another group of elitist fuckers, but he must’ve been decent at the most; You still remember his memorial broadcasting on the small TV at the shelter as the other residents mourned in solace. 
Regardless, you hope all their institutions across the nation collapse one day, preferably with the rest of them inside. 
The broad in the black, silk suit kept pointing her finger at you, and it took everything in your spirit to not get up out of your seat and rip it clean off her hand and shove it down her throat. 
Not every tag you’ve done around the city has been rooted in “perversion”. There’s nothing perverse about… loving girldick. It’s a way of life!
Fuck security cameras. 
Unbeknownst to them, you’ve already been coined as a hidden talent in the city, at least according to some people you know at the shelter. You’re faceless in the eye of the public, but that separation doesn’t negate their appreciation for your artwork. You even went viral for the mural you painted of your father for his birthday two years ago, even though the fucker that posted it on Instagram hadn’t included your signature. You could bet millions of people have seen it by now, and you gained absolutely nothing from it. 
But, of course, your form of creative expression was being reduced to a jizzing penis. You've created countless mosaics around the city that represent the purest forms of love and sex, and now you are being blasted for being some sort of corrupt sicko. You only drew what came natural to you, and if people felt a way about it, they could choke on the fattest girldick known to humanity. You hate rich people.
Your father didn’t sacrifice everything he had to teach you the complexities of sketching for your name to be attached to outlines of dicks. You didn’t grow up watching your father skip meals so he could get you a new water paint set for your birthday every year for your art to be lawfully ridiculed. The only comfort this situation brought was that you knew he would’ve found the sloppily drawn cock hysterical. You still remember his laugh after all this time. 
You miss him dearly. You probably could’ve been just as rich, if not more, as the bitch at the other table if he was still here with you. He would’ve ensured you didn’t stray off into the life you live now. 
Being in foster care was the dissipation of your joy. You were considered a problem child very early on: fighting the caretakers when they tried to calm you, cursing at them, stealing, and nobody wanted to adopt you because of that, regardless of your talents. You were set up to fail too early, and you despised the world because of it. 
Your record was horrendous, and you were going to jail. You fucking hate rich people.
… Except the Miller's eldest daughter. She gets a pass. 
And she keeps staring at you. 
Every time you caught her sparkly eyes, she blushed and looked forward, her freckles surrounded by a deep red that rushed down her neck. She was dressed much less… sophisticated than her mother: her hair tied back in a low bun and littered with black bobby-pins, a dark-blue sweater, rings on her thumb, black pants, and clean Vanz. 
You knew a lesbian when you saw one. You could barely hide your knowing smirk. 
“My child doesn’t need to be exposed to such… nauseating ideologies! Think of the children of the city and what they’re forced to see because of vile people like that,” she pointed at you again. You were this fucking close to stabbing her with that pen in front of you. 
Your daughter’s gay, Mrs. Miller. 
“With all due respect, ma’am,” the judge started. What kind of backwards shit was this; Wasn’t she supposed to be respecting him? “It’s important that we stay on track. You’re specifically suing her for vandalism— “
“Ongoing, unchecked vandalism! This is not her first charge, your honor, it’s her seventh! She’s… she’s— “
You tried to tune her out, looking around the congested space of the courtroom, and you caught eyes—shiny, green eyes— on you. Again. 
She was fiddling with her hands in her lap, her teeth picking at the dry skin on her bottom lip. But she didn’t look away this time. You watched her eyes trail over your face, down to your jaw, your neck, your chest, only to come back up to your eyes. 
You did the same, taking in the dots on her soft cheeks, her eyes, her pretty nose, and mouth, looking her up and down, biting your lip, letting her know you were gauging her. She was cute, you had to admit. 
“—sentenced to three years in federal prison— “
You looked up in shock, feeling like your body had been dunked into a tub of ice water and left to die, instantly stiffening at the announcement of your sentence, the sound of the slamming gavel nearly putting you six feet under. 
You couldn’t do anything but stare at the judge in disbelief as he organized his papers emotionlessly, your lawyer putting his hand on your shoulder. You knocked it off and glared at him. You looked over to the table, the family already up and taking their leave, Mrs. Miller’s hand tightly enclosed around her daughter’s wrist as she dragged her out the wooden doors.
Two security guards were already walking towards you with cuffs, gripping your arms too roughly to pull you up out of your seat and latching the metal around your skin. You started to panic as they walked you towards another set of doors.
“Wait, wait, my backpack, I need my— “
“You aren’t allowed to have anything on you. Your property will be held by the court until further notice.” 
“But— “
“No buts, and don’t resist,” you felt the security grip your arm harder, and your anxiety peaked, your panting breaths hardly leaving your body.
You didn’t resist. You couldn’t. Your life was shattering around you in slow motion, loose shards slicing through you with intent to kill. 
You allowed the brawly men to drag you… anywhere. You didn’t care anymore; You were tired, and no longer had the urge to fight left in your heart. 
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Ellie was brought up in isolation. 
Homeschooled, no friends, no purpose outside of being the vessel to represent her family name, creating the next line of heirs for her father’s company. 
The benefits of his successes had simply… appeared when she was fifteen. 
She remembered how he went from being present, gave her the utmost attention, played sports with her, taught her how to sing and self-defense with his past down switchblade, to not, completely cut off from society as he barricaded himself in his study and worked relentlessly on new forms of technology. Being an only child brought nothing but loneliness for her after a while. 
But then they were rich. They moved to an affluent neighborhood and into a two-story house in a matter of months, driving Porches and buying out stores. Wealth appeared, but the relationship with her family suffered because of it. 
Her father fell ill, and after a multitude of hospital visits, teary farewells, and a memorial, he was gone. Merely a memory that hardly seemed real. Her and her mother’s relationship became even more unsteady after his passing. 
Ellie’s mother swiftly took over the company in an almost authoritarian way. She interacted with society in a robotic, rehearsed manner. Mechanical, soulless, the only proof of her humanity exposing itself when she snorted white powder. 
Her mother had brought up the idea of marriage the second she turned eighteen, a year before her father’s passing, saying that there were multiple well-off men that were eager to be with her, willing to give her children. Multiple. 
Men…. children… having children with men. Money. The empire. Her mother.
It all made her nauseous. 
… But art didn’t. 
She’d always kept her journals secret. Left in a box on the highest shelf of her walk-in closet where the maids couldn’t find them.
She expressed everything that she couldn’t to her mother on paper. Her depression, her insomnia, her desire for death, her mourning, the need for sex with non-men, any form of physical connection, something—anything that made her feel human, normal.
She needed a fucking hug. A kiss. Sex. She wanted to fuck.
The first time she saw your artwork on an abandoned building as she chauffeured to the museum, she’d nearly fainted. 
It’d been two women on top of each other, the most intimate parts of their body covered with the other’s hands and skin. One had her head between the other’s legs atop blankets and flowers as the other… apparently in the middle of an orgasm. Her mother always made the point of sex sound so… stiff. Lifeless. Merely a factor of procreation.
But your art was so erotic. Sensual. So full of pleasure and softness and care. 
She’d almost jumped out of the car and onto oncoming traffic to get a closer look at every detail, but the car was too quick. She couldn’t even get a fucking picture. 
And she was soaking. How the fuck was she going to explore a museum when she was dripping like this?! 
You’d given her one of the strongest orgasms she’d ever had in her life when she returned home that day, and she didn’t even know who you were. She’d spent hours with her hand between her legs as she thought of your creation while her mother was out working, moaning and crying out as loud as she wanted, and she wasn’t even embarrassed. 
She would sneak out in the darkest clothes she had when her mother passed out on the couch, and just walk. Specifically in search for anything with your signature that she’d memorized like it was her own. She’d taken pictures of your content, memorized them, got off to the suggestive ones in secret, and appreciated your love and passion for your craft. 
She’d even started recreating her own depictions of eroticism. All with women. They never looked the same: different heights, all skin tones and body types, anything that she could think of, she drew it. She’d tried to envision what you looked like after only a few weeks, and she prayed her envisions were at least somewhat accurate. 
She never could draw self-portraits with precision, but she knew it was her. She was always in the middle of the raunchiness that she conjured up in her mind, being touched everywhere, tied up, beaten, completely ripped apart and forced to forget the suffocating world around her. Her reimagining's of herself would be drowned in pleasure, sometimes by you, by herself, by faceless strangers. Anything she wanted. 
When she saw you for the first time, she almost couldn’t control herself. 
She’d felt like a fucking creep as she ducked behind parked cars to watch you paint all over an abandoned freight train behind a trashed building. The streets had been silent as she watched you decorate the metal cart in floral interpretations of pussy, her heart in her throat. 
You looked gorgeous and focused and tired. So, so tired, only in sweats and a tank top with a hefty bag strapped to your back. She assumed you kept your art supplies in there.
Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes off you when she’d seen you during your court hearing. 
You were just as gorgeous as the first time she saw you, but, somehow, even more exhausted. Far away, not really present, but she couldn’t blame you. And she couldn’t stop staring, enthralled by you. Even in your grayest moments, you made her feel vibrant. And that brought her guilt.
But it also made her lustful. Hungry. 
And she couldn’t stop staring. 
When her mother dragged her out of the hearing, she was enraged, even more so when she degraded you on the way back to the car. 
You fucking stared at that whore the whole time!
Don’t ever, in your life, embarrass me again. 
I’ll throw you in the gutter with that rat if you ever disrespect me like you just did in there. Do you understand?
Ellie didn’t even know what she did to garner a response this aggressive, but she was used to it. And, for the first time in her life, she didn’t care. She didn’t give a fuck. 
At that moment, she knew what she had to do.
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It was your fifth day in prison, and you felt nothing. 
You didn’t cry, you didn’t plead, you simply succumbed to your destiny in silence. Your father would be so disappointed if he were alive. 
I raised a fighter, so you fucking fight!
But you couldn’t. You were tired, and you wished you could stay asleep, never to wake up again.
You’ve been working like a dog since you got here, and you accepted it. This was your life, and you felt nothing. 
Until your cell unlocked. These fuckers were probably here to shit talk you again. 
They cuffed your wrists and led you somewhere. You didn’t care where, keeping your head down as they encased your arms in a calloused grasp. You hoped this location would be your last forever. 
They led you into an empty room and uncuffed you. You saw the old sweatsuit that you’d received from the shelter, and your heartbeat sped up. You looked at the security in confusion. What the fuck were they doing? What were they about to do?
You could barely hear what the officers were saying, jumbled words of bail bond and cash payments molding together and sounding like a foreign language to you. They undid your handcuffs and pointed towards the clothes, murmuring for you to change so they could transport you back to the courthouse to retrieve your belongings. 
What the fuck is going on?
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When you returned to the shelter, you inspected your bag. After nearly scrubbing your skin off while showering. 
The contents were all in their original condition, each individual item wrapped in plastic with small notes attached to them. Except for your dick. You assumed the court had no comments. 
Your paint, your brushes, random hairpins, your notebooks. They were all there in their original condition. Thank god. 
What you didn’t expect to see was a new jacket, sweatsuit, and small note wrapped in the same plastic from inspection. 
You ripped the plastic open and retrieved the note, unfolding it and… confusion, arousal, and fear rushed through you, shocking your body as all your feelings shot down your spine. 
It was a sketch of… you. And a girl bent over with her hands bound behind her back as you fucked her. An… incredibly familiar looking girl. 
A freckled girl. A rosy-cheeked girl. The rosy-cheeked girl from a week ago with the psychotic, sadistic mother.
Her expression in the sketch was pure ecstasy. It looked like she was screaming, her cheeks shaded dark with water-paint and her hair a reddish-brown, thrown in all sorts of directions. Her eyes wild and erotic. Yearning. Teary. Her pleasure seemed dream-like.
And you looked just as gone. Head tossed back, sweaty with your dick shoved inside her pussy, your nails digging into the soft skin on her hips, small, but deep, bloody scratches following the painful glide of your fingertips that make the red blotches on her backside. There were small doodles of strap-ons and pussies smudged, erased, fixed to perfection that seemed almost manic. Obsessive. 
You looked at the bottom of the crumpled piece of paper, a small signature across the bottom of it. 
Come back home. Five days.
… Come back home? You don’t have a fucking home. And who the fuck is E.M? Your heart was beating against your chest, climbing up your throat in an attempt to escape your body entirely. You couldn’t stop your eyes from flying across the sloppy penmanship. 
… Miller Enterprise. 
… Freckles. 
…. What in the fuck. 
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It was almost dark, and you were shivering as the wind blew past you. 
It had been five days. 
You were eyeing the large building in front of you from across the street, a giant M slapped across the top of it, windows galore, hoodie on your head and trembling hands shoved in your pockets. 
You could see the last bit of employees trickling out of the building, clad in suits and tight pencil skirts, heavy briefcases and clicking heels. 
You could also see the fresh white and black paint covering where your spray-painted dick used to be, and it made you chuckle to yourself. You were almost tempted to recreate it with your new snagged bottle of acrylic. It supposedly glowed in the dark. 
But then you saw a dark shadow in the corner of your eye, hurriedly moving past the glass of the entrance. 
Your heart raced instantly at the thought of being discovered, and you followed the body's movement. You could see it was Ellie the closer she got to the glass, dressed in a black sweater and comfortable pants, and her same shoes from the court hearing. She looked antsy, a bit on edge, but curious. She was anticipating seeing you. 
You could see her messing with the keypad on the door, the loud sounds of locks clicking over the bustling streets. Flashes of red, swiftly replaced with flashes of green shined through the maxi-glass, and she looked around at all the doors. What was she checking for?
She seemed satisfied with her job, and she slid the entry door open, leaving it slightly ajar so she could slip something between it. 
She gave one last glance at the system before bolting back inside and down the lengthy hallway before all the hall lights shut off. 
Did she… did she just disable all the alarms for you? 
Now, you were the one anticipating meeting her. 
You ran across the street the second you got a chance, hurdling through traffic before running up onto the sidewalk and treading the stairs. 
You looked down and noticed two pens taped together, holding the door open. You picked them up and inspected them, a glossy, silver M near the gel tip. 
You stepped inside before anyone noticed, the door automatically shutting behind you before the same green lights came on, a robotic voice confirming that the doors were locked.
You were inside the Miller Enterprise, and you were terrified.
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Ellie was so nervous. 
She’d been checking her Chanel watch all day, obsessively monitoring the windows to see if anyone that resembled your form had arrived, but she was disappointed every time she looked. No sign of you, yet.
The later it got, the more anxious she became. Did you see the note she left in your bag? Was it too forward? Did you think she was fucking crazy? Did you hate her for what her mother did? She prayed not. 
She was currently pacing around her mother’s—father’s—dark office, every step of her shoes echoing in the nearly empty room. She hasn’t been in here since she was seventeen, and it brought just as much anxiety as it did the first time. 
This will all be yours when I’m gone, don’t fucking ruin it. 
She hated everything about this space. Every aspect of her dad was completely gone. All his pictures, his vinyl, his pens and pencils, his nameplate. Everything. All of it, completely void of emotion. 
She hated it, she hated it. 
But then she heard a clang in the hallway, and her anxiety picked up even more before she could process it. 
She quickly made her way over to the exit, peeking her head through the doorframe and examining the hallway, searching for you. The noise had to be you! You really came! She could feel her nipples getting hard already.
But she saw no one. No one was in the dark hallway. 
… Fuck.
Why did she shut the system off? The lights wouldn’t come on!
Her hands instantly got clammy, her heart racing, and her knees shook. She hadn't felt like this since she was a kid, and she was horrified.
Someone’s here to hurt you, someone’s going to come in and hurt you!
You never leave doors unlocked! He always said to lock your doors, never, never, never—
She couldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts from taking over her entire body, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her father’s switchblade, pressing its latch down to expose the blade. She slammed the door shut and walked over to the large window and tried to steady her breathing. She looked out of the glass and inhaled harshly. 
Keep your grip tight when you strike! 
Calm down calm down calm down—
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You saw Ellie jump with a hard gasp before spinning to face you, a fearful look on her face and her switchblade in hand, pointed edge towards you. 
You could see her chest rise up and down with every shaky breath she took, her body trembling and cheeks flushed. You felt like your body was going to burst into flames, but you hid it, grinning slyly at her as you stepped forward. 
Deep breath. 
“Hi, Ellie.”
Another step forward. She took two back, nearly pressed against the glass. 
“Y-You,” she stuttered as her eyes darted around nervously, and you could see her cheeks flushing in the darkness, “How’d you get in here?” 
“I think you know how.” 
You shrugged, the contents of your bag shuffling on your back. You pointed towards the large, stretched windows behind her that oversaw the entire city, the hustling streets and lights beaming into the dimly lit room from the last bits of sunset. 
“View’s incredible,” your mockery littered in sarcasm. Don’t let her know you’re scared. 
She took a bold step forward as her brows furrowed, anger twisting on her doll-like face. You took two, as well. You saw her eyes dart to your feet before meeting your gaze to hiss at you.
“There’re cameras on every floor of this fucking building! I press that button,” She darted her small knife towards the enclosed, red button on the side of the wall, a large print of EMERGENCIES ONLY directly above it. “And every cop in this city’ll show up and take your ass back to the fucking gutter where you’re supposed to be.” 
… How the fuck was she going to threaten you when she told you to come here?! What was she playing at?
She pointed her weapon back at you. You ignored your confusion and raised an impressed brow before walking forward without pause, pulling her mother’s chair out from under the desk, the wheels squeaking against the marbled tile. You saw the grip she had on her knife tighten. 
You smiled at her. “You’re pretty good with a knife, honey.” 
“Fuck you. Don’t fucking call me that.”
“I dunno,” you scoffed, twirling on your heels as you took in the luxurious space around you. “I can bet my bottom ass dollar that you like it.” 
Her glare hardened, and your smile brightened. You finally moved to sit in the chair, the plush leather molding against your body and stuffed backpack. You scooted back under the desk and rested your elbows on the hand-carved rosewood, completely calm. At least outwardly. Your insides were jittery from adrenaline. 
You quickly inspected the contents of the desk: her mother’s matching rosewood nameplate, some loose paperwork with large sums of money scattered on them, dark pens and markers, and a signed restraining order. With your name on it. 
You’re apparently not allowed a hundred feet within the perimeter of the building. 
… Funny. 
“Press it.” 
Her scowl hardened, “What?” 
You pointed a lax finger towards the button as you looked up from the document, “I said press it. You want me gone so bad, right?” 
She didn’t reply, her fingers fidgeting around the knife as she adjusted her grip. Her eyes nervously flitted across the room, all over the white floors, back on you. 
“You’re not gonna press the fucking button.” You spat with a devilish smile. “And I know why.” 
“Fuck you, you don’t know sh— “
“You paid my bail.” 
You heard her release a shaky exhale when you sliced through her words, her eyes widening in shock like she saw through you, and you knew you had her. Your smile widened as your nails pattered where you tapped on the desk. 
“Uh huh. Why’d you do it?” 
Her throat moved as she swallowed, and you almost laughed. 
You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out the piece of paper that kept you company in your small cot during your restless nights, unfolding it and holding up the explicit depiction that she left in your bag days ago. You pressed her as you swung the chair with your foot, “Think somebody’s got a little crush. Mommy’s gonna be so upset with you.” 
“FUCK YOU!” She marched towards you until she was in front of the desk, her scent enclosing around you before you felt the incredibly sharp blade against the side of your neck, and you stiffened in terror. You looked at her in shock, studying her expression. She looked pissed, but you saw… something in her eyes that made your core squeeze tight. 
It was vulgar, needy, and you hoped she missed your body’s excited shudder at her crude rage. 
She didn’t. Curiosity shone behind her lust and fiery, her enraged shrieks shook your eardrums. 
“You’re fucking worthless! You really think anyone’s gonna care about you rotting in a fucking cell?! You’re… you’re nothing! You’re a low life! You’re… you’re! —“
You deadened your own eyes as you slowly moved to stand, but she pressed the knife deeper into your skin as she leaned over the desk, your faces closer together. You stiffened and felt a sting on your skin, and a drop of wetness. Your pussy squeezed, and you could feel sweat looking under your jacket. 
“Gonna kill me, Ellie?” You glared at her, your heart pounding with fear and exhilaration. 
Say you want me. Say it, sayitsayitsayit!
Her eyes were vengeful as she scanned your face, but you saw that glint grow behind the harsh overcast. Something you craved just as badly as she did. 
“Really want mommy to see her precious girl killing somebody on camera? Hm?” 
“She,” her breath shuddered. “wouldn’t give a fuck if it were you, I promise.” 
You barely whispered your reply as you leaned even closer, your nipples hardening under your sports bra and your underwear clinging to your wetness. 
“Then do it.”
The heavy breaths she released hit your face in a burning wind, and your core tightened once more. You could see the aggression on her face slowly dissipate, that giddy sparkle in her eye overtaking her pupils as they darkened. 
You felt the cold steel pull away from you slowly, her hand coming down on the desk, — unfortunate— and it threw you into action.
Your hand flew up to her throat and squeezed the sides, and you heard the clatter of the object as it hit the wood. You heard her suck in a choked breath as her eyes glossed over, suddenly desperate and wanton and scared like you’d been seconds before. She looked like a neglected kitten, and it made you hold her neck in tighter constriction. 
She whimpered aloud as she attempted to gasp, her hand coming up to grab your wrist, but you snatched it away with your free hand, and it limply dropped to the desk, her body submitting. 
You leaned in closer to her, and her eyes squeezed shut, lips puckered, silently begging for you to kiss her. You snickered. 
You let her neck go and slammed your palm across her blushing cheek, a loud crack! filling the room. 
She cried aloud, looking like she was about to burst into tears as she jumped off the desk and backed away from you, her hand pressed against her searing cheek. You rose to your feet and circled around the desk, rushing towards her until she was pressed up against the window. Tears were running down her face. You shoved her closer against the glass, grabbing her cheeks to force her to look at you. 
“You’ve been watching me, haven’t you? I got a little fan, is that it?” 
“N-No— “
“Yeah, I do. Fuckin’ stalker. Probably gotta whole shrine t’me in your fucking room. Does mommy know that you worship me? The lowlife who fucked up her building?” You snapped at her.
She flinched at your tone before she choked out a gasped sob, “I j-just liked what you m-made.”
“Stop crying, Ellie.”
She nodded as she sniffled, wiping the tears off her cheeks. You grasp loosened on her cheeks as you cupped her face, your thumb brushing away the wetness on her already bruising skin. You noticed how she leaned into your caress. It made your heart jolt.
“Look at me,” you whispered. 
She hesitantly met your eyes. 
“You wanna kiss me?”
She looked down at her shuffling feet, and you saw her fist clench. 
“Answer me.” 
“Y-Yes, wanna kiss. Just… just one?”
You hummed in satisfaction, inching closer towards her like you did previously. She stiffened but shut her eyes tightly, her plush lips poking out in a pucker once more as your noses touched. You chuckled and whispered, your lips brushing against hers as you spoke. 
“You ever kissed anyone, baby?”
She sighed out an uneven nuh uh, her mouth chasing yours. You grinned wider.
“Oh? M’gonna be your first kiss?” 
She whined out a needy uh huuuh! 
You stuck your tongue out, slowly running the wet muscle over her lower lip, and you felt her whole body tremble against yours. She brainlessly stuck her tongue out to lick yours, but you pulled back. She tried to follow you, but you yanked her head back by the small bun at the back of her head, the soft strands curling around your fist. 
She let out a moan, and your tongue licked up her exposed throat, leaving a trail of spit up her chin, all the way to her mouth. 
You relented and connected your mouths, and she let out a shocked noise into your mouth. You slipped your tongue in her gaping mouth, wet, smacking noises filling the room as you kissed her hotly. She couldn’t keep up with your quick movements, her lips and tongue moving sloppily against yours. Her spit was all over the outside of your mouth. 
You felt her hands come up to your hips to grip your jacket in a tight fist as she moaned into your mouth. 
The noises she let out were so sweet: little, excited gasps and whiny keens as she tried to pull you closer. 
You released her hair and grabbed her chin to move her head to the side. You kissed down her neck, and she jerked against you. Her breaths increased in pace as you pecked her sweaty skin, lapping your tongue all over the side.
You sucked into the skin under her ear, right under her jaw, pulling her sweater down to mark her collarbone. 
“Pleeease, pleaseplease, ah— “
You mumbled in between gentle sucks, “What, Ellie? Talk.” 
You felt her hands grab your hips tighter, but she said nothing. You pushed her hands off you roughly and looked at her with piercing eyes. She shrunk into herself when she met them. 
“When I tell you to do something, you do it. You understand?” 
She nodded quickly. 
“So fucking talk,” you gritted out. 
“Want,” she whispered with a sharp gasp. “Want you.” 
You smirked, “You want me?”
You shoved your backpack off your shoulders, the thud echoing when it hit the floor. 
“Want me to do what?”
She paused before looking down at her feet again, twiddling and picking at her fingers as her face burned red. 
You rolled your eyes and turned away from her, but you felt her hand grab your wrist and you stopped. You looked at her in annoyance. 
She looked at you tentatively, her breathing shaky. 
But then she slowly brought your hand in between her legs. 
She shivered as she placed her hand on top of yours, making you rub her cunt back and forth. She released pleased sighs as her lashes fluttered, her head falling back against the window as she looked at you up and down. 
“P-Please?” She licked her lips. “Wan’you here.”
You scoffed in shock, and her thighs squeezed down on both your hands. You pressed your palm closer against her, and her hips bucked into you. 
You moved closer to her, your clothed chests pressed together. 
“Move your hand,” you spoke quietly, just for her to hear even though you were alone.
She dropped it limply. You pressed your palm into her covered clit, and she moaned. 
You leaned in, your lips brushing her cheek as you spoke.
“Baby just wanted her pussy touched? That’s why you acted out earlier?”
She didn’t speak as she panted heavily. You brought your hand up to slap her cheek again, and she released a pained cry as her hips twitched. 
“Yes! Needa… need t’be touched!”
“Tell me where.” You brought your hand back down to her pussy as fresh tears slid down her cheeks. 
She sobbed. “A-Anywhere!”
You leered at her soft face. “Yeah? I get t’choose?” 
She nodded quickly, her eyes screaming touch me, please! Make me cum!
“Open your mouth, honey. Stick your tongue out.”
She mewled softly, but did what you asked, her shiny, pink muscle glistening under the beaming city lights. 
You brought your hand up, rubbing your index and middle finger on her soft tongue. 
“Get ‘em wet.”
She hummed as she sucked them into her mouth with no hesitation. You felt her tongue messily swirl around your digits as she sighed contently, and you pressed an encouraging peck on her cheek. 
You slowly fucked your fingers in, pulling them out, only to push them back in again. You almost awwed aloud when she chased your digits every time you pulled out. She was already drooling for them. 
You pressed her tongue down as you fucked in, and she gagged on them. Her eyes shot open and they instantly watered, her throat tightening around you. 
“Bet you suck a mean dick,” you muttered before you could stop yourself. 
She moaned loudly as you fucked deeper into her mouth, pressing down on the back of her tongue. 
“Oh, yeah? Want mine down that pretty throat?”
She garbled and nodded as much as she could with your fast thrusts in her mouth. You couldn’t wait to fuck it open. 
“Snooped through my shit, didn’t you? Saw my fucking cock and creamed yourself? That’s why you bought me new shit?”
You saw her bring a hand down to touch her pussy, her hips bucking into her own hand, chasing any stimulation. You grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from her. 
You finally eased up on her throat and pulled out completely, lines of slobber connecting your fingers and her mouth together. You cut them with your own tongue, her spit clinging to the edges of your mouth. 
You planted a smacking kiss on her lips before you shoved your hand down her dark, flared pants and into her boxers. 
She squealed when you immediately found her clit with your spit covered fingers, the slippery bud sliding between your already drippy fingers. You watched her hand fly to the white windowsill for balance as your hand went wild on her cunt. 
“Such a wet fucking pussy. Feels good, baby?”
Her brows creased as she nodded, her body rocking with your movements. “A-Ah! —“ 
“Uh huh. You touch yourself like this when mommy’s at work? Hm?”
Her head shamefully jerked in confirmation. You could see her now: her pretty legs spread on her plush bed, her sopping pussy squeezing at the thought of you fucking her just how she needed. She’d be grabbing at her tits as she flicked her clit, desperate to cum all over her blankets for you. Your pussy was so wet. 
“You think about me when you do it?” You knew the answer, but you needed her to say it. Confirm that she thought about you just as much as you thought about her. 
“Yes! Yes, yes!”
“Fucking whore, no wonder she hates your guts.”
She moaned louder at your degradation. “S’c—coming! “
Your fingers were practically vibrating on her cunt, her clit thumping as her orgasm built. “Get my fingers nice’n sloppy, angel, c’mon— “
She reached down to grab your wrist as she jumped on your fingers, but before you could slap her, her body tensed, and her eyes rolled into her skull. You felt her clit pulsate under your touch, and you knew she was cumming.
You couldn’t stop the shock that appeared on your face as you watched her thrash on your hand, gasping out, asking you to please fuck me, mommy! Need you to fuck me!
You just massaged her through it, pressing your hips up against hers so she couldn’t run from your touch. 
“Wan’mommy to fuck you, angel?” you mumbled in your daze as your pussy dripped, your brain barely registering what you just said.
“Yespleasepleaseplease, gimme— “
“Fuck, baby, need mommy inside you?” Your heart was pounding in your ears. 
“Gimme your leg,” You lifted it up with your free hand, bringing it up so it came around your waist.
You slid your fingers down to her twitchy entrance and slipped the tip of your pointer finger inside. You almost moaned at how her walls clung to you, sucking you in deeper, milking you.
“Tightest fuckin’ pussy,” you mumbled to her, and she whimpered when your finger arched inside her. You prodded around until she slumped against you, pushing her hips down on your finger. You leaned in, your lips brushing her ear as you cooed right there? yeah? feels fuckin’ good?
She couldn’t even speak. She just plopped her head onto your shoulder and sloppily kissed your neck. Your cunt clenched and you flinched when her soft tongue licked into the small slit she made earlier. You heard her hum as her tongue swiped a line from your collarbone to your cut; She was licking your blood up like a fucking dog!
It made you punch that spot in her harder, and she cried out against your skin, her nails digging into your forearm. 
You slowly pushed your middle finger in, and she sobbed as she stretched around you. You arched your thumb out to rub her clit as you poked that spongy spot in her pussy; She was so loud for you. 
“Like when I touch you there?” 
“I like it, like it s’much!” You felt her nodding mindlessly against you.
“Gonna cum on me again?” you spat at her. 
“Fuck yes!” 
“Know you’re gonna cum hard, can’t even fuck you like I wanna, squeezing me so tight.”
You dug your fingers as deep and fast into her as her cunt would allow. Her walls were choking the fuck out of you, practically screaming for them to stay where you were pressed inside her. How the fuck was she going to take you fully?!
The thought of breaking her open made you shake, “Gonna make this pussy take me. Can’t wait t’give you this fucking dick.”
Then she started screaming out for you, trying to get you closer, wrapping her arms around you, her leg dropping onto the floor. “Ohgodohgodohgod, m’cumming, mommy, I’mcu—AH!”
You almost fell back when she went limp on you, her knees buckling as her slick coated your fingers, your palm, her panties. You used your weight to push her back against the window, her head thudding against the glass like before, but she seemed too engulfed in her desire to care. You almost brought your hand up to comfort her sore spot, anyway, but you stopped yourself. 
You took her in: practically dangling off you as she wailed from orgasm, her face beat red, the bun at the back of her head almost loose, her eyelids fluttering. You sneered at her, a nasty grin on your face. 
“Atta girl, so excited for cock, ain’t she?”
She could only grind out yesyesyes between her teeth, her fingers still squeezing down on you as you rubbed her clit, her orgasm slowing down. 
“You gotta make me cum first, m’kay?” 
“W’na make… mommy cum!” she nodded like a bobblehead as she slurred. 
“Yeah? Want mommy’s cum in your mouth?”
She wept desperately, “Yes, please, need it!”
You grinned, catching a glimpse of your desperate reflection in the mirror. You’re so glad she was too fucked out to notice.
“C’mon, honey.” 
Tumblr media
Ellie stood in front of you as you sat in her mother’s chair, her shoes kicked off. 
Your bag was tossed next to you as you stared at her, noting her fidgeting stance. She wasn’t looking at you, at all. She was looking down, specifically at your occupied hands. 
You’d picked up her discarded knife from the table, inspecting its rusty, scratched design, slightly bloody blade, retraction. You couldn’t stop fiddling with it. 
“W-What’re gonna do with that?” You heard her ask. 
You ignored it. “Where’d you get it?”
“It was my dad’s.” Her voice went sharp. 
“What kinda father lets his baby play with such sharp objects?” You said in between sarcastic snickers. 
“He’s fucking dead, who cares.” 
You finally looked up at her sharp tone, examining her tense face, and your playful smile slowly dropped. She tried to appear as if mentioning it didn’t bother her, but you recognized that look in her eye from anywhere. Grief fucking sucks, no matter how much time passed.
“… Hm.” 
You looked down at the blade again, then back up at her, “He taught you how to… handle it?” 
She shrugged, her brows raising as her arms crossed over her chest. You nodded. 
Your arm was suddenly incredibly itchy. “Mine taught me how to… draw n’stuff.” 
You looked off to the side awkwardly as you reminisced on the first pack of colored pencils he’d bought you. You remembered how particular he was about the art utensils and their conditions. You didn’t realize that he was trying to ensure their quality because he couldn’t afford another pack until you got older.
Always make sure these bastards are sharpened! That’s true precision!
“… Cool,” you heard her say, and you looked at her, “Were you guys, uh, close?” 
“Mhm,” You nodded stiffly, and silence surrounded the two of you. Ellie awkwardly nodded as she stared at the floor, and your lips twitched before you turned to stare out the window.
Some time passed in pure silence before you heard her speak. 
“… Still wanna, uh… D’you still wanna fuck?” 
You looked at her as she fumblingly scratched the back of her head. Her eyes met yours as her ears burned. You grinned as your shoulders rose.
“Up to you.” 
“Like… I still wanna if you do,” She nibbled on her bottom lip. 
You leaned back in her mom’s seat. 
The deep tone of your voice made her look up, her eyes shining like crystals as her arms dropped to her sides. 
“… C’mere.” 
She moved, her sock-covered feet padding on the floor until she was in front of you. 
You looked up at her, your hand coming up to play with the hem of her sweater. 
You spoke softly, “Off. C’mon.” 
She grabbed the back of her top and lifted it over her head, her bare chest jiggling with her movements. She tossed the fabric to the floor. 
You eyed her chest like you were going to swallow her whole, her perky nipples urging you to reach out and pull on them. Her pussy is so fucking sensitive; Were her nipples just as bad? Worse? Could she cum just from you touching them? Fuck, she probably could—
“Are they… Do you like them?” 
Her soft whisper cut through your gawking. You met her eyes through your lashes as she squirmed in front of you. 
Your hands came up to grab her hips, massaging them gently. 
“Yeah, baby. They’re so pretty, fit you perfectly.” 
She sighed in content, “T-Thank you.” 
You planted a soft kiss to her tummy as you looked at your thumb around the elastic of her pants to pull them down. 
Her stomach jerked with every sharp breath as your lips moved on her bare skin. You felt her hand come up to your shoulder to grasp it as she stepped out of her pants. 
Your hands traveled upward to grab both her tits in a rough squeeze. She wheezed and arched her back so you could get closer. You heard her murmur a quiet fuckme, and you looked up. She was watching your every move with wide, curious eyes. You held her gaze as you licked up her torso, and she whimpered. 
You brought your hands back down to grab the back of her thighs, moving her closer to your lap. She placed her hands on your shoulders as she climbed on top of you, and you sucked her nipple into your mouth. 
She grinded down onto you and moaned, and your eyes fluttered shut. Your tongue made circular movements on the pert bud, and you hummed at the taste of her soft skin. Her head fell forward as she gasped right in your ear, and it made you suck on her hard. 
Her hips were jerking on top of you, trying to fuck down onto your clothed thigh as her nails plunged into your back. 
“Feels so… mmh!”
You brought your hand back up to her other tit and played with her nipple with your fingers. 
And then you slapped it. Hard. 
She let out a sharp squeak and mindlessly bounced on top of your leg; You could feel a slight dampness building on your jeans, and you scoffed at her, sneering when you pulled away. You hit her other tit just as hard, your spit transferring onto your palm. 
“Ah! Fuckfuckfu— “
She squealed. “M’gonna cum!”
You reached up to slap her face before pulling her hair to the side with a tight fist. 
You quickly grabbed her switchblade off the desk and unlatched the blade, the sharp edge popping up. You instantly pressed it to her neck, and she choked on a ragged pant. 
The lust in her eyes was accompanied by fear, and you grinned. 
“Don’t get scared now. You were waving it around earlier. So ready to fight, huh?” 
She shuddered, rutting down on your leg again, and you pressed the sharp edge into her skin harder. Her eyes shut tight, and two fat tears fell down her cheeks. She nearly bounced on you. 
“I could fuck you up right here, you know that, right?” 
“Please, mommy, needa cu—!”
You moved the knife away and released her hair, slapping her in the face again. “Shut the fuck up, you nearly slit my fuckin’ throat and now you wanna fuck. I should leave right now, fucking brat.”
She sobbed, “Nonono, please don’t leave, mommy don’t go, m’sorryI’m— “
“Mommy, don’t go!” you mocked. “Get on your fuckin’ knees.” 
You kept the blade pressed against her jugular as she clumsily shuffled to the floor, her cries shaking her body. 
“You wanna apologize?” She nodded jerkily, minding the silver edge on her vein.
“Yeah? Wanna make mommy feel better?” You said with a mean pout. 
You sloppily kicked your boots off and shoved them under the desk. 
“Take m’pants off, baby. C’mon.”
She moved quickly, unbuttoning and tugging your jeans and underwear down your legs as she sniffled. She yanked them off with a hard tug, and her eagerness made you giggle as you lifted your hips. You unzipped your jacket and pulled it off your shoulders, tossing it to the floor, leaving you in your black tank top. You could’ve sworn you saw a glimpse of a grin on her face as she eyed your breasts before she dived towards your cunt. 
You shoved the knife closer against her, and you saw blood pool at the edge of the blade. She looked up at you with an anxious expression. 
“I didn’t say you could touch me. Ask nicely.” 
She looked confused as she mumbled brokenly, “Ask you what?”
Your brows furrowed at her, “My mistake. You probably never had to ask for shit in your life.” 
Her bruised cheeks glowed red as she looked down in embarrassment. 
You grinned slyly. “Say, mommy, may I eat your pussy, please?” 
Shock overtook her expression before she rolled her eyes at you and looked to the side.
“You’re fucking cra— “
You yanked her dark hair back and pointed the end of the blade against her bruised jaw. Her ragged breaths hit your face.
“Say it.” 
“Y-You're not gonna hurt me,” she stated unsteadily. 
“You don’t know shit about me, and even if I did hurt you, you’d want it. Admit it.” 
She avoided your gaze and her lips quivered. 
You continued. “You’d let me do anything I want because you’re disgusting. A filthy fucking slut with a silver spoon in her mouth.”
You huffed at her with a frown. “And you like girls. You’d be just as worthless as I am in her eyes if she found out.” 
You nodded over to her mother’s nameplate, and her eyes shut like she was a child getting scolded for stealing candy at the store. 
“I’m right, baby? You don’t want a husband? Don’t wanna get bred for the empire like she wants?”
She shamefully shook her head as tears fell down her face. You didn’t even know if she was in that circumstance or not, but by her reaction, it seemed to cut her deep. You ignored the searing pain in your chest.
“Mhm, so,” you turned her head so she could look at you, her red eyes burning through yours. “Something you wanna ask me?” 
Her mouth dropped open in submission.
“M-Mommy, may I… May I eat your pussy, please?” 
You smiled in satisfaction, placing a gentle kiss on her wet forehead. 
“Yes, baby, you may.” 
You pulled the knife away from her and set it on the desk, grabbing her chin to plant a kiss to her mouth. She whined happily into yours. 
You pulled back and adjusted your position, leaning back with your legs spread, the underside of your knees hooked into the armrests of the seat, your cunt on full display for her. Your sopping pussy was right next to her face, and you saw her eyes flutter in delight. 
“Want me t’show you how?” 
She nodded intensely. 
You brushed away the flyaway hairs on her forehead, your hand planted on the back of her head. 
“Spit on my clit, babe. Get it nice n’wet.” 
She released a glob of spit right onto your pulsing bud,
and you sighed as it dribbled down to your hole. You tilted her head back, remnants of slobber collecting on her chin. You gathered spit in your mouth and pulled her lower lip down, her mouth falling open. You spat onto her tongue, and she moaned, tilting her head down to spit it out all over your pussy. You bit your lip so hard; you almost drew blood.
You reached down and spread your lips, your throbbing clit poking through. You could see her trembling as she eyed you. 
“Wanna taste, Ellie?”
“Yeah, please, mommy,” she choked out. 
“Lick me, then, honey.” 
She wasted no time, the tip of her tongue circling around the nub instantly. Your mouth fell open at the sensation. The pink muscle was so soft, the licks slow and gentle, barely there. 
“Doing so good, baby, take your time,” you sighed out. 
She keened at your praise; her lashes flitted like butterfly wings in Spring as she rubbed your clit in deep licks. 
“Fuck, Ellie, s’so sensitive,” she whined against you, eyes begging for your approval as she watched your expression. You caressed her burning cheek with your pointer finger, and she licked deeper.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it, making me so happy,” her eyes rolled shut as she tongued you, sliding her tongue all over your pussy in slow strokes. 
You moaned out every time she came up to lap at your clit. You guided her head down to your hole, and her tongue slipped inside, slurping up all your slick. You were gasping her name out as her tongue wiggled inside you, swirling all over your walls. 
“Such a good girl, fuck, El!” you groaned out as wet sounds filled the room. “Wanna make mommy cum?”
She hummed excitedly and nodded, her tongue moving back up to massage your clit. You tightened her grip on her head, forcing it to move back and forth her hums shaking your clit. 
She moved her head faster against you when she sucked your clit into her mouth, and your head fell back against the chair as your eyes rolled back. Your thighs were shaking, toes curled as you squealed out encouragement. You needed to cum, she was going to make you cum!
“Get me there, pretty, m’— gonna make me fuckin’ cum— “
“Wan’mommy’s cum, please?” she sloppily murmured against you. 
“Gonna get it, baby, m’right there! —“
She was fully moaning all over your clit, “Gonna fuck you so good, angel, fuck yes!”
You peeled your eyes open and looked back down at her when she released your clit to moan aloud. Her drool and your pussy juice were all over her pink lips as she sighed and whimpered in pleasure. You couldn’t see what she was doing, but her forearm was moving frantically as quiet shhlcks filled the room. 
“Mommym’gonnacum— “
“I swear to g— “
“S’so wet, oh god, please!” 
Her head flew onto your thigh at your hard slap to her face, and she screamed out as her body tensed up. You watched her with a scowl as she squealed out m’cummimgsohardmommy against your skin, a puddle of drool forming on your skin. 
You yanked her hand out of her boxers, and she whined in protest as her orgasmed died, her hips bucking back into the air. You stood up, pulling her up by her waist and bending her over the desk, holding her down by her neck. 
“Stop fucking with me, Ellie.” You pulled her boxers down under her ass, taking in the sight of her still pulsating cunt and her twitchy ass. 
She spat at you over her shoulder, “Or wha— “
She groaned out in pain against the wood when your hand connected with her asscheek in a fiery slap, your hand burning. 
“Motherfuc— “
You hit her and hit her. And hit her again. And again. Until she was jerking away from you, her hips bucking against the desk and your handprints covering her ass in a cherry-red tint. 
You don’t even remember how many times you slapped her, but she was sobbing out apologies against the desk, asking for your forgiveness over her tears.
“You done fucking around?” Your hand felt like it was in flames when you dropped it on the desk.
“Yesyes, mommy, I won’t—sob— won’t fuck up again!” 
“I was actually gonna eat your pussy out,” you scoffed out nastily, and she only cried harder at the insinuation that you weren’t anymore. “You don’t want that, you don’t want me fucking nice.” 
You pulled away and walked towards your discarded
bag on the floor, digging through it and pulling your dick out, stepping into and adjusting the straps as you watched her bruised ass jiggle with each wail. 
Your dick stood up as you walked back over to her. You gave her one last hard slap on her marked ass and pulled her up by her arm, shoving her onto her knees in front of you so she was trapped between you and the desk. 
You could see her wiping away tears, but you grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at you. 
“You want dick so bad? Get it wet so I can fuck you.” 
Shock appeared on her face.
“Y-You’re gonna fuck me with that?” You watched her inspect the size of you. The length, the girth, all the ridges. Her breathing got heavier the longer she stared.
“Now you’re fucking scared, really, Ellie?”
“I’m not sca— “
“Talk back again, and I’m leaving. You’re getting on my fucking nerves.” 
She glared at you, but looked down, straight at your tip, then back at you. 
And then she spit on it, a fat glob of saliva dribbling down the sides of your cock. Her hand came up to wrap around the base, rubbing her spit into the silicone. She held eye contact with you as she stuck her tongue out. You reached down and placed your hand on top of hers, slapping your tip on her slobbery muscle. 
“Good fucking whore, good n’sloppy,” you let go to pat her still-red cheek with a heavy hand, and her pretty eyes hardened, her blush deepening. She dropped her mouth open, her lips curling on the tip as she sucked on it. You bit your lip as you watched her tongue swirl around you.
She moaned around the silicone, her eyes filthy. Her hand spread her spit up all over you as she took in your inches slowly, jerking you off and slobbering on you at the same time. She looked like a fucking pornstar, like she practiced for this, like she wanted to impress you, and you shook like you could actually feel her mouth. Your pussy was desperate to cum, but you pushed it aside and watched her. 
She released you with a wet pop, her tongue flicking around your tip like she was lapping at your cum, and you couldn’t stop the moan that left your mouth. 
“Nasty slut, goddamn— “
She smiled like you just called her the prettiest girl in the world before sucking you back in, her head bobbing up and down as she slurped you up. There was so much spit on your length that it started dripping onto the floor.
You bucked forward, your hips moving on autopilot, and she choked on you, her hand coming up to your thigh to squeeze it. You ignored her grasp and fucked into her mouth harder, pinning both her arms above her head on the desk. She gargled around your dick, and you could only imagine the tightness of her throat with each gag. 
“What, baby? Don’t like it? Want me t’stop?” You gritted out. And you thrusted deeper. She moaned and her mouth opened wider.
She was making wet noises around you, her head thudding against the top drawer of the desk when you fucked in. You fucked your entire cock down her throat, and she gagged hard. 
You pulled out and let her go.
She fell forward and coughed hard, her drool pooling down on the eggshell floors as she choked. You watched in irritation as she heaved.
“Get up,” her gasps slowed as she breathed in deeply, and she lifted her head to glare at you from her hunched position. 
“Get up.” 
“Fuck you,” she spluttered.
“I’m gonna. Get up.”
Despite her bitterness, she slowly stood and instantly bent over the desk with her scarred ass poked out towards you. You chuckled when you saw both her holes pulse in excitement.
“That’s how it is?” you slapped her asscheek, and her hips bucked back against your hand. 
“Uh huh,” you heard her crackly mumble dazedly. “Need you t’make me cum.”
“Seemed alright doing it yourself a few minutes ago.”
She ignored you, and you smirked, “Need your cock, mommy, pleeease, please— “
You reached out, running two fingers over her drenched slit, and she pressed back on them as she sighed in pleasure. You slowly slid your fingers down to her clit, and she moaned aloud, her thighs jerking. 
“Look at this fucking pussy, jesus.” 
“I-It’s pretty?”
“Yeah, baby, fuck,” your mouth watered when you saw her walls clench. “Can’t even be mad, you’re so fucking hot.”
“Then fuck me,” she whined out sweetly, looking at you over her shoulder. 
You leaned down until you were eye level with her pussy, her walls squelching and squeezing repeatedly. You bit your lip and kitty-licked her cunt, her slick painting your taste buds as her smell surrounded you, and she jumped at the feeling. 
“Taste like fucking honey.” 
“So do you, made me so wet,” she exhaled as she shivered in anticipation. 
“S’gonna hurt,” you whispered, more to yourself as you eyed her tightness. 
“Don’t care.” She pushed back on your face.
“Put your hands behind your back. Don’t move them.” 
She shuddered and obeyed instantly, her hands overlapping at the wrists at the small of her back. 
You pressed one last kiss to her pussy before standing upright, “You move your hands, I stop.”
“Not gonna move, mommy,” she whispered in between unsteady breaths. “Make me feel good, please. Please, please.”
“Shh. Got you, baby. Open your legs,” you caressed her back and she squirmed. You felt goosebumps rise all over her skin, and you smirked.
The gap between her thighs widened even more for you, her cunt on full display. You could hear her beckoning you to pop the tip inside her in tiny, desperate whispers, and it made your core clench. 
You inched closer to her until the back of her thighs pressed against the front of yours. You wrapped a hand around your wet dick and brought it up to her slit, soaking it in her gooey slick and sliding it between her silky lips. Her cunt was already soaking your entire length and you didn’t even fuck her yet. She was subtly pushing back on you, trying to get you inside her. 
You heard the enthusiasm in her voice when she keened, “Mommy, please, it’s right there!”
“Mhm, I know, I see it,” you mumbled wetly, her gooey cunt looked so pretty under the light of the city, shining like glitter.
“Making mommy so wet baby, such a pretty girl,” you brought your cock back up to her slit and pushed forward, slowly popping the tip in her snug opening. She squealed loudly, and you saw her fists clench at the end of her spine as her walls clung to you, pulling you in.
“Yesyesyes, oh god, mommy, fuck, uh huh!”
“Yeah, baby? It hurts?” 
“Nooo, feels s’good, oh shit! —“
You slowly pushed in another inch, gauging her reaction for any discomfort, your thumb moving on her hip softly. She tried to push back to take you deeper, but you held her hips down.
“Fuck mefuckmefuckme— “
“Gonna be my good girl, baby? Gonna take it nice’n deep?” 
“Yeah, mommy!”
You pushed in even deeper, and you could feel the resistance of her cunt the more you slid in. You couldn’t stop the moan you released when she said your name. 
“Y-You’re splitting me open, ffuck— “
You pressed in the last bit of your dick, her ass resting at the top of your thighs, your hands propping you up on the desk as you leaned above her, placed on either side of her head. She was sighing heavily in satisfaction, and you could see her glossy eyes rolling. 
“Feelin’ good?”
She nodded slowly, “U-Use me, mommy, please use me t’cum, fuck.”
“Gotta take care of my girl first,” you fucked out of her slowly before snapping your hips, fucking all your inches back into her, and she screamed. “Such a tight pussy.”
You bent down to kiss her pretty back, down her spine as you stroked her deeply. You’d barely completed your fourth stroke before you felt Ellie tense up under you, her body shuddering as she moaned quietly to herself. You snickered at her. 
“Baby’s cumming?” you licked up her spine again. 
You could only see her nod in jerky headshakes from where you stood, her cheek pressed against the desk. You looked down at where you were connected, and you could see how her walls struggled to choke your dick. You grabbed her wrists in one hand and fucked her through her orgasm, your free hand sneaking under her hips to rub her clit. 
The second her body relaxed, you saw the muscles in her back flex again, the arch in her back deepening, “Mommy, think—m’cumming again, oh god, motherfu— “
“How many are you gonna give me, angel?” you rubbed her clit faster, fucking in harder. 
“I feel it, I feel it, fuck!” She wasn’t listening to anything you were saying as she yelled in her pleasure. You could see how much she was wetting your cock, lines of her slick forming every time you pulled out of her. You angled your hips downward when you fucked back in, and she shouted your name out, her warnings of her orgasm echoing in your ears. You released her clit and pinned her down by her neck again. 
“Like it right there, baby? That’s the spot?” You could feel your core squeezing with every cry she let out, her voice completely broken, her squeals scratchy. 
She was babbling about something, but you weren’t listening, the squelchy sounds of her cunt increasing in volumes as you forced your dick in her, stirring her guts up. 
You looked down and saw her ass squeezing with every quiver of her cunt, and you licked your lips. You let her wrists go and brought a hand to your mouth, sucking your thumb in to wet it before rubbing her ass with it. 
She let out a loud slew of ah ah ahs before you felt a burst of wetness on your thighs, dripping down onto the floor. Her entire body was jerking back onto your, her rosy ass jiggling every time she hit your hips. 
But then you heard a slam above her shouts of pleasure and mommy!
You looked up to check on her unsteady form as she continued to drench your lap, her hand resting on the back of her mother’s nameplate, her fingertips digging into the wood as she screamed in her euphoria. 
It made you fuck her harder and pull her hand away from the dog tag. You didn’t even care about punishing her anymore, you needed to cum. You’d been riding that edge since you got here, and you knew you were going to cum so hard.
You leaned over her body and grinded into her, moving her hand away from the plate and sitting back up in its position. You grabbed her by her spit-coated chin so she could look dead at her mother’s name. She whimpered and tried to look away from it, but you tightened the grip on her face to keep her still. 
“Look at it, baby— “
She sobbed, murmuring how hard she was about to cum again, her eyes fluttering as she stared at it, her cheeks glowing like apples.
You bent down to her ear, “You embarrassed, angel? Huh? Wanna close your eyes? Gonna squirt on me again?”
She was looking dead at the plate, “You’re so deep, mommy, fuck yes, m’gonna!—“
“Nasty fucking slut, taking it so good,” You looked up at the clear window as your thrusts picked up pace again, the entire city shining through the glass in all its glory. Every light of every building, people roaming, honking, noises of construction. It was all beneath you, and it was all theirs. The strap was bumping on your clit with each thrust. 
“Look at your city, baby,” you lifted her weightless head by her wild, knotted hair and made her look into the distance as you groaned in pleasure. “Gonna be all yours one day, can do whatever you want with it soon.”
“Fuuuck— “
“Uh huh, you like having that power? You can get whatever the fuck you want— “
“Just need a baby, right? Gonna g-give her what she wants? Gonna give her that precious heir, that golden child?”
“Yesyesyes! Wan’your baby, ge’me fucking pregnant!”
You moaned at her begging as you babbled mindlessly to her, “Gonna cum in you, fuck, need it… t’catch— “
She was screaming about how your seed was going to catch in her womb, how hard she was going to squirt again, begging you to fuck her harder, hurt her, make her bleed, make her scream. You could feel your senses leaving as your orgasm built as she pushed back on you, and you moaned her name in her ear. 
“Fuuuck, Ellie,” your clit jerked, and you let her go, her head falling onto her arm in front of her as she yelled in euphoria. “Gonna make that bitch raise my fuckin’ kid while I’m gone? Huh?”
She didn’t even react to your slip of your departure, “Yeahyesyesyes! Fuck, I’m cumming!”
You felt another spray of liquid drip down your legs as you drilled her, and it triggered your own orgasm. Your clit jerked as your release rushed through you, your walls clenching as your body shook on top of hers, grinding against her to ride it out. You could almost feel the sensation of filling her up, her cunt sucking your cum deep inside her. 
She was still moaning above you, wringing the last bits of her orgasm out on your cock. You whined against her sweaty skin, the aftershocks moving through you. 
You felt her go completely lax underneath you, heavy sighs leaving her parted lips. 
You both caught your breaths in soothing silence. 
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After Ellie asked you to show her how to kiss properly, the pounding of your heart refused to slow down. 
You were seated in her mother’s chair once more, her wetness still coating you in stickiness as she straddled your lap, her arms around your neck as she gazed at you nervously.
“We just fucked, why do you look like that?”
Her brows creased, “Like what?”
“Like you’re scared.”
“I’m not scared,” she whispered, her eyes flickering down to your lips before looking back up at you. 
You only hummed at her, brushing your noses together before leaning forward, grabbing the back of her neck to pull her down to you. Her eyes shut tightly, and her lips puckered in front of yours, and you pulled back, grabbing her face to stop her.
“Stop doing that, just relax.” 
“… What’d I do?”
You mimicked her, poking your lips out stiffly before breaking out into a grin. She huffed with a tiny smile, shaking her head, “Sorry.”
You shrugged, uncaring. She looked down, “Where do I put my tongue?” 
You snorted, “Nowhere yet.”
You craned your neck up slowly and connected your mouth with hers gently, your lips molding against hers. She sighed and leaned closer into you, her arms tightening around the back of your neck. You felt a sharp sting in your chest at her delicate touch, and you pulled away. A soft smack filled the room when you separated. She smiled softly, “That was cute.” 
You nodded stiffly, murmuring a mhm, before looking down. Out the window. Behind her. Anywhere but her eyes. 
You felt her nuzzle against your cheek, kissing it gently, “Are we… uh, fucking again?” 
“You want to?” The pounding in your ears was giving you a headache. 
You felt her nod. Another kiss to your cheek. Another pull in your heart. 
Your hands planted on her hips, lifting them so she could sit on you, but she grabbed your wrists to stop you. 
Her hands latched onto the hem of your shirt, attempting to pull it up and over your head, but your hand caught her wrist. Not harshly, but stern.
Her eyes softened at your masked expression, releasing the gentle grip on your shirt, “I’m, uh… I’m sorr— “
“It’s fine. Ready?” you grabbed the base of your dick in your hand, and she mumbled a quiet yes. 
You felt her hand come on top of yours as she helped you guide it to her entrance, and your breath shook as you exhaled.
Her hips came down on you at her own pace, your free hand resting on her hip. She gasped when it slipped inside, her hands coming to support herself on each armrest. 
“Feels different like this,” she whispered huskily.
You smirked, “I know, take your time.” 
She nodded, slowly sinking down on you. You saw her eyelids get heavy as her walls caught on every ridge of you, her head falling back in her pleasure. Her soft locks disheveled all over her head, her bun nonexistent as her bobby pins stuck out from every direction. 
She slid in too deep, though. She let out a pained gasp as she caught herself on the chair, her brows furrowing. 
“Okay?” you checked in.
She nodded, her lip in between her teeth, “So deep like this, fuck… don’t know if I can go all the way down.”
“It’s fine, babe, make yourself feel good.” 
“H-Help me?” her breathing was picking up as her hips bucked. 
Your other hand flew to her hips, digging into her soft skin as you guided her hips on you. You eased her into a deep grind, and her hands flew behind you, landing on the headrest behind you. 
Her head rested in the crook of your neck as she followed your movements, her wet moans hitting the side of your neck. The sensation of her breath on your skin made your pussy clench. 
“Am I—gasp—doing good, m-mommy?” 
“Fucking me so good, baby, shit,” you whispered in her ear, and she moaned aloud in yours. She sped up on you, the harness digging into your clit with each swivel of her hips. 
Your hands moved down to grab her ass, spreading her cheeks before slapping them, grabbing the plush of them in your hands. She fucked you harder, and you felt her spit drip on your neck as she wailed into your skin. You threw your head back on the headrest when she sucked on your neck, right on your open scar.
She lifted her head up and looked at you with gentle eyes, her hands moving down from the headrest to grab your cheeks in a soft touch. She was panting on your mouth, her lips brushing against yours with every jump on you. She was so close and she smelled so good, her lips soft. 
She whispered dreamily, “Can’t stop cumming— “
Your eyelids fluttered, “Then don’t. Give it to me, m’so close— “
She grinded harder as she leaned down to connect your lips in a honey-sweet kiss. You reciprocated against your brain's desires. 
Push her away. She’ll never be yours! This is all she wants from you!
Tears built in your eyes as your peak approached, her moans increasing in urgency against your mouth. You sucked on her bottom lip, biting it hard. This is the most eager you’ve felt since you touched her. 
“Cum with me, pleasepleaseplease— “
“I’m gonna, baby, fuck me hard!”
She was going crazy on your dick, full-on bouncing on you, taking it all despite her protests earlier, and you felt yourself tipping. Your pussy squeezed and soaked the harness as your orgasm pulled in your gut. You looked down at your cock, and it was drenched in her white, sticky substance. She was creaming all over your cock as she used you. It made your eyes cross in your skull as your euphoria hit you. 
You were so loud as your nails tore into her skin, your moans matching hers in volume. You felt another splash of fluid on you, and you came harder, another wave crashing through you. You would’ve curled in on yourself if she wasn’t on top of you. 
You felt her tongue slide into your hungry mouth, swirling around yours as you shouted through your high. She was making you feel so good, and you couldn’t fucking think. 
You felt like you were cumming for minutes before the harsh pulses slowed into soft twitches, her hips slowing, and she bent down to kiss you. The touch was soft, sweet, undeserved. You stiffened, on guard immediately. 
She was close, she was too close. Her soft caresses on your face snapped you out of your intoxication, pulling away from her mouth and grabbing her hips to pull her off your dick. 
“T-Turn around, Ellie.”
“Huh?” she asked softly, her eyes teary and delicate. 
“T-Turn around,” your voice trembled.
She was too fucking close. 
She lifted off you, planting her feet on the ground and you spun her. You pulled her down on your lap, her ass in front of your cock. You grabbed your tip, pushing it past her entrance, and she mewled. She took it with ease, mewling out as her back arched into you, swallowing you whole as she sunk down again. 
She planted her hands on your knees and immediately bounced on you, her toned ass meeting the base of your harness with every jump on your cock. 
You could see her pussy suck on your inches, suffocating your girth, her walls clinging to you. 
You grabbed her neck and pushed her forward slightly, and she cried out in painful pleasure. You planted your feet on the floor and fucked up into her. 
“Fuck! Your dick feels so fucking good! Oh my—agh!”
You saw even move cream spread over your dick with every fuck inside her squishy walls. You were moaning with her, fucking her harder, faster, the hand on her neck moving up to pull her hair hard. The sound of wet skin slapping accompanied the sounds you both made in your pleasured state. 
You were going to cum so fucking quick, “Fuck, Ellie, shit— “
“I’m gonna cum so hard, mommy!” your hand in her hair flew down to her hip, grinding her down harder on you. You moaned at the feeling.
“Yeah? Already?” You were right behind her, those euphoric waves pulling in your gut.
“Want it so bad, get it all over this fucking dick, baby— “
Her hand that'd been playing with her tits flew down on top of yours on her waist, her fingers lacing with yours tightly as she shouted, screaming your name. She met your harsh thrusts as she bounced, and she squirted on you again, and you watched it gush out of her, wetting your stomach and harness and the chair beneath her, the sound of splattering liquid on the floor making you cum the hardest you ever had. Your vision whitened as your orgasm crushed you. 
She kept cumming on you, and you kept cumming for her. The pleasure didn’t stop, and all you could do was scream her name out like she did yours, hold her hand tighter as your brain melted. She rocked back and forth on you, prolonging your orgasm, making you cum harder. It just kept building in intensity, the aggressive pulses wracking through you, your toes curling as she milked you, and all you could do was take it.
You blacked out in her mom’s chair, the last thing you remember seeing was her pulsing, squirting pussy, pulsing ass, and the auburn stars that painted her entire back. 
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Some time passed, your lashes fluttering open as you felt soft touches on your face. 
You were met with delicate, green eyes, Ellie looking at you with a softness you hadn’t seen in years. It felt foreign, deep, and it made your heart pick up in panic. 
You pulled away from her touches and looked around unsteadily. 
She was too close. Too fucking close.
The office was a mess: clothes everywhere, the floor was soaked, the whole room smelled like sex and pussy, desk askew, its contents thrown everywhere, Ellie’s tears and puddles of spit all over the surface. You could even see splatters of… her on her mother’s restraining order against you. 
You were suddenly terrified, moving into action and guiding her off your lap so you could stand. You undid the straps of your dick and stepped out of it, cringing at the drying stickiness, and throwing it into your backpack.
You heard her speak from behind you, “Hey, hey, you okay? What’s wr— ‘
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine, I gotta go,” you said tensely. Unwelcoming. Guarded.
“Did… did I do something?” She sounded too soft, too gentle. 
“No, Ellie, I just, I gotta go,” You dressed erratically, pulling your underwear up and jeans on, wincing at your cum sticking to your garments. 
You could hear the crack in her voice, “Can I… do you need help or— “
“Ellie, I’m fucking fine. I’m fine, okay? Forget it.” You spat over your shoulder as you repacked. Don’t look at her, don’t fucking look at her. 
She sounded just as anxious as you did, “W-Why are you so upset with me all of a sudden? What’d I do— “
“You didn't do shit! Can you fucking drop it please!”
Her breath shuddered, “I thought… I thought we were… okay?” 
You whipped around to face her, an incredulous look on your face. Your heart shattered when she flinched, but you yelled at her anyway. Why the hell did you look at her?
“Why the fuck would we be okay?! Did you forget how we fucking met in the first place!” You pointed behind her to the soiled court order, “We’re never going to be fucking okay! Get that through your fucking head.” 
You reached down to grab your heavy bag, throwing it over your shoulder in a hurry. You felt like you were going to suffocate. You needed to go. Right now. You turned towards the door. You hadn’t even shut it all the way when you came in. 
“I’m never going to see you again, am I?” 
Your own tears fell at the dejected acceptance in her voice. She sounded so broken, and it was all your fault. 
But you knew this was for the best. The two of you could never exist together in bliss, even though meeting her was the most human you’ve felt since you were a child. Since your father was alive. 
But you were too different, too damaged. All you would do is hurt each other, you would resent each other, grow to hate, to regret. The world was too cruel, and she was not prepared for its harshness. You were barely prepared, and you lived it every day. And you promised yourself to never go through the despair of loss again. You walked towards the door and heard her release a quiet sob. 
“No,” you pulled the knob, the spacious hallway being another reminder that you didn’t belong. Not here, not anywhere. Her mother was right. 
You were worthless. Held no value in this society. 
In another life, you could’ve been something great. Your cards could’ve been different, better. You could’ve made your father proud. The two of you could’ve been happy.
“You won’t.” 
You left the same way you came, moving in urgency before her sobs lured you back to take her in your arms, against your will. 
Maybe in another life. 
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this was heavy sorry gworlies i love sad shit 
don’t hate me too much? 
omg tell me what y’all thought or whatever *looks away shyly 
thank u 4 reading if u did :3
hi taglist love yall @cherriessxinthespring @ellieswifee @elliespookie @belovednanami @sevikasimp @saturnsellie
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1K notes · View notes
handful0fteeth · 1 year
sexy when you scream
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stranger kinks 2: roleplaying
summary: you told eddie you wanted him to stalk you. he obliges, and makes your wildest fantasy come true.
pairings: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: slight 90s!au, smut, minors DNI, explicit language, lots of dirty talk, A LOT of cnc, stalking kink, kidnapping kink, bondage, fearplay, (slight) knifeplay, rough sex
words: 9.7k
Oh, you are so fucked.
The cold, hard metal of your keys bite into your palm as you clench your hands together, pressing them against your chest as you slowly take inventory of your porch. 
You wouldn't believe it if you weren’t standing here and seeing this with your own eyes. But here it is, in all its terrifying, thrilling glory. You worry your bottom lip with your teeth and take a step back.
Hundreds of daisies have been sprinkled on your front stoop; some rest in clumps atop the seats of your wicker chairs and a dusty metal table, while others are threaded through the thin whorls of metal within your iron porch columns. A path of daises led you to this discovery in the first place, smatterings of pink, white, and red petals and long green stems guiding you to your home from the driveway. In front of your door, pink clusters have been arranged to form the first initial of your name inside of a crude heart.
 A cold wind blusters a few flowers across the tops of your tennis shoes, and you retreat down the concrete steps leading up the porch a little further. This egregious display was most certainly not here when you left for the gym an hour ago. You adjust your duffel bag on your shoulder and swallow hard despite your suddenly bone-dry mouth.
You know who did this. You spin on your heel, scanning the sparse forest encasing your home for anything - or anyone - who shouldn’t be there. 
“Hello?” Your voice is small, scared, fluttering away on the autumnal breeze with all the conviction of a mewling kitten. The forest remains defiantly silent. 
You see it when you’ve stepped onto your driveway, back turned to the floral explosion blocking your door. Nestled about one hundred yards away from your house, mostly camouflaged beneath a tapestry of oak leaves that have gone red and orange with the October chill, is the white-brown front bumper of a car. 
No, not a car - a van. 
Your stomach flips as you ascend your porch steps. The trees are blocking the windshield, so you can’t see if anyone occupies the van’s interior, but it feels like eyes are on you. Trying to find your house key proves difficult as your hands shake, and you keep glancing over your shoulder to ensure the van doesn’t move. Losing sight of it somehow feels scarier than knowing it’s there.
You finally slip the correct key into the lock, but when you turn it, there’s resistance. You try again - no luck. You hold the knob and lift, shimmying the key inside the door to dislodge whatever lay inside, but nothing gives. Sweat beads at your hairline and pools in your palms, and just as you’re about to throw the keys down in defeat, you notice your silhouette is pasted against the door. The world is suddenly much brighter than it was moments ago, and when you chance a look behind you, you realize why.
The van’s headlights have flared on. You blink against their harsh yellow light as your stomach drops into your shoes.
Shit. You bend, trying to peer inside your lock's narrow channel to figure out what’s jamming it. The dying evening light doesn’t give you much clarity, and you curse yourself for forgetting to switch on the porch light before you left. 
A loud rumble pierces the air, disturbing a few nesting birds nearby into flight; he’s revving the engine. 
Yep, definitely fucked.
You scrape the tip of your key along the rim of the lock, hoping you can dislodge whatever’s inside to unlock your door. White and pink petals crumble out, and it dawns on you as the glow of the headlights abruptly shuts off, and the engine cuts out. 
He’s stuffed daisies in the door.
“Motherfucker!” you growl, slapping your hand uselessly against the doorjamb. 
The sound of a car door slamming shut makes you whip around. The oak trees still obstruct your view, so all you can make out of the figure now slowly stalking toward you are a pair of dingy white sneakers crunching over the carpet of rotting leaves. 
You don’t think - you just act. You swing your duffel back off your shoulder, offloading the unnecessary weight, and hear it crash into one of your wicker chairs as you dash down your porch steps. You fly around the side of the house, mud squelching and slipping beneath your tennis shoes, and just before you reach your backdoor, you trip.
All the air in your lungs whooshes out as you collide with the cold, wet ground, and mud squishes up between your fingers as you skid forward on your stomach. Pain zaps through the knee you landed on like lightning, and you gasp, but you don’t have time to sit here. He’s gaining on you. You can feel his presence at your back, if you can just get inside before he reaches you…
You scrabble forward, clawing at the mud and flinging clumps behind you as you struggle back up to your feet. Footsteps squish behind you, measured, slow.
The screen door crashes against the wall as you fling it open, but you hardly hear it over the blood rushing through your ears. Luckily, or stupidly, you never lock your back door, and though you have a hard time grasping the knob with your mud-slick palms, it gives way quickly as you barrel your entire body through it. When you slam it shut, your whole house rattles. A silence settles over you, thick like smoke and just as suffocating. Over the roar of blood in your ears, all you can hear is your own ragged breathing. 
Then, you laugh.
You bend over, hands gripping your knees, lungs still burning, heart still pounding, and you start laughing. Mud is drying on your skin and clothes, and as your body quakes from the force of your laughter, flakes drift to the floor in front of you. Adrenaline throbs through your body, and something stirs in your stomach, intermingling with the fear that’s still got your teeth on edge and your hands shaking. Before you can name it, the doorknob in front of you jiggles.
He’s trying to open it.
You slap both hands over your mouth to stifle the giggles still pouring out. You wonder if he can hear you, if your girlish sounds of mirth are amusing or irritating to him. The knob wiggles harder, more insistently, forcing the door to tremble on its hinges, and just when you think it’s going to shake itself loose - it stops. The quiet creeps back in as you lower your hands, giggles under control for now. Seconds bleed into minutes, and you’re just standing by the door, watching it expectantly, like at any moment, the lock will magically fail and allow your unexpected guest inside. 
You can’t help the scream that bursts from your lips. The sound of a demanding fist pounding on your door rings out like a shot, and you aren’t even aware that your feet are whisking you away and into your kitchen until you’ve almost run straight into the counter. When you whip back around, ready to threaten the presence at the door and bluff your ass off, the banging stops as suddenly as it started.
Oh, he’s good.
You scurry to the living room and snap the curtains closed on all the windows, but not before peering outside. You eye the spot where the van is supposed to be parked and are met with nothing but empty forest.
Where did he go? He couldn’t have driven off that quickly, could he? Surely you would’ve heard the tires squeal over the forest floor, and surely he couldn’t have disappeared in a matter of seconds? You nibble your bottom lip again and back away from the windows.
You rub your bare arms, trying to soothe the gooseflesh that’s apparated over your entire body and take a deep, shuddering breath. Your heart still thunders against your ribcage, so much so that you’re sure it’d be audible from across the room. 
You only notice the envelope taped to your fridge when you turn to face the kitchen.
You almost scream again. The writing on the outside is a familiar scrawl, addressed in black ink to a “Sweetheart.” Your legs are like lead as they shuffle over to the fridge, and when you bring the letter to your face with trembling fingers, a blend of cigarettes, weed, and something earthy-sweet wafts into your nose. Your resolve melts a little when you peel open the envelope and read the note within:
Hope you liked the flowers. I picked ‘em special for you. I’ll be seeing you soon, sweetheart, even if you don’t see me. Behave yourself.
A shiver ripples down your spine. You run your fingers over the letter, feeling where he’s pressed the pen into paper so hard it’s left indentations. God, you’re so tempted to run outside and call for him now, to end this little game before it’s even truly begun - the heat in your cheeks and the throbbing between your legs demands it. But where’s the fun in that? 
You hug the note to your chest, chewing your lip, and slide down to the floor like a smitten schoolgirl instead of someone who should be terrified that their house was broken into and that whoever broke in left you a note promising constant observation. And on some level, you are scared. But the fear is the best part of all of this.
When Eddie asked you weeks ago if you ever had any fantasies you’d be interested in roleplaying, you’re sure he was expecting you to say you’d love to be the naughty student to his seductive professor or even something in a fantastical, magical vein that he could really sink his teeth into, but you didn’t. You hadn’t wanted to answer him at first, truthfully, because for all the dark, wicked things you’d already confessed made you embarrassingly wet, you didn’t think Eddie would be very on board with the idea of acting like some psycho stalker while you pretended to fear for your life.
Oh, how wonderfully wrong you were. 
You hardly had to elaborate on the finer details of your fantasy before he emphatically agreed to participate, and he didn’t allow you to leave anything out, either. When you tried, when you curled in on yourself or tucked your head out of shyness, Eddie was there, grabbing your chin and crowding into your space, encouraging you with his velvet-soft tenor to keep going. The words tumbled out of you so freely it was like you weren’t even thinking about them - you confessed to wanting to be desired so fiercely that nothing would stop Eddie in his pursuit, not even you running from him. You wanted him to obsess over you, to make it clear that he was always there, always watching and waiting for another opportunity to express his devotion, whether you liked it or not.
You admitted, with Eddie’s deft fingers rubbing tantalizing circles around your clit, that you wanted him to make you scared. True, bone-chilling fear isn’t what you were after; you just wanted that thrill, that dump of adrenaline that kicked your body into overdrive, like when you’d watch a scary movie. In the face of mundanity, the dreary day-to-day that was living in Hawkins, that jolt of fear let you know, doubtlessly, that you were alive. 
The shrill chime of the phone tears you from your thoughts, and you yelp. You back into the fridge reflexively, eyeing the phone on the adjacent wall like it’s a wild animal rearing to bite if you make a move toward it. Your heart batters so hard against your chest that you’re sure it’ll burst free at any moment and plop on the floor in a bloody, steaming heap. Gross.
You don’t move, and the phone rings out. The house isn’t silent for a full second before a second call jars the receiver, and you swallow thickly. You wonder how many calls you’d have to ignore before Eddie came banging around the house again, and for a moment, you consider doing just that. But that’s not part of the game. You’re supposed to be a poor, helpless victim who does just the wrong thing at just the wrong time. So you stand, your thighs quaking with the effort of keeping you upright, and pick up the phone.
“Why’d you run from me, sweet thing?” Eddie croons. His voice is dark and smooth, and even through the receiver, it rumbles right down into your core. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Who is this?” you ask, and though the tremble in your voice is real, it isn’t from fear. You’re so fucking excited. You have to chew on your thumbnail just to suppress the giggles building in your throat, and you’re glad, for once, that Eddie can’t see the smile on your face. 
“Aw, what, you don’t recognize me?” Eddie pouts, and you can practically hear him jutting out his bottom lip. “That hurts, sweetheart. Really stings.”
“Who…who the fuck are you?”
Eddie sucks in a hissing breath through his teeth. “Ouch, such foul language from such a pretty girl. I should wash your mouth out for that.”
The thought is, confusingly, very arousing. You decide you’ll table that and bring it up to Eddie at a later date.
“Anyway. D’you get my note?” he asks, as cool and casual as ever. 
“I…How the fuck did you get into my house?”
He laughs. “Let’s not pretend you live in Fort Knox here, sweetheart. All I needed was a few tools and five minutes, and boom - it opened up like it was waiting for me. Just like you will.”
Fuck. You choke on your tongue as you press your back to the wall, knees buckling and threatening to drop you to the floor. You wonder where he’s calling from, if he drove away from your house, or if he just retreated further into the woods. If he’s out there now, watching, waiting. 
“I’m not doing shit for you, you fucking weirdo,” you snarl, and Eddie laughs again. 
“I am definitely gonna have to teach you some manners, aren’t I? Rude little thing, you are. I wonder if you’d be so keen on mouthing off if I was standing right in front of you.”
“I’m not scared of you.” A lie; you’re most definitely scared, but you’re also so fucking horny you’re having a hard time thinking straight. By sheer force of will, you don’t beg down the phone for Eddie to just come and take you now. You want to wait and play this whole thing out just as you two had planned, but God, it is so hard to have patience when he condescends to you. 
“You should be,” Eddie purrs. “‘Cause you know what I like to do to mouthy little brats like you?” You hear him shift wherever he is, and the sigh that billows past his lips sends a shiver down your spine. You know that sound intimately, and how his breath hitches as he speaks confirms precisely what you’re thinking.
“I like to make them scream. Break ‘em ‘til they beg for mercy. And it’d be so easy to do, tiny little thing like you can’t even run two feet without tripping over herself.” 
Your mind goes blank. An embarrassed flush rises high on your cheeks, but you hardly notice; Eddie’s low, almost imperceptible groan is bouncing around the inside of your skull, and you know for a fact you heard the jingle of his belt coming undone. He’s touching himself, maybe pulling his cock out of his jeans as you speak, so aroused at what he has planned for when he gets his hands on you that he can’t help himself. You clench your thighs tightly, pretending your panties aren’t getting wetter by the second.
“I-I’m gonna call the cops,” you threaten weakly. “I’m gonna c-call them right now, and when they get here they’ll-”
“They’ll what, sweetheart? Hm? C’mon, don’t be silly, you know they won’t believe you. Not like they’d be faster than me anyway. By the time they busted in, I’d already have my cock down your throat.”
You have to bite down on the back of your hand so hard it hurts to stop the moan that wants to spill out. This side of Eddie, this arrogant, cold, mean side of him, is unexpected but dizzyingly sexy. You can’t help the image that trickles into your brain: you on your knees, your hair fisted in Eddie’s hand as he thrust himself so deep in your throat that you’d have no choice but to gag on him, blinking tears from your eyes as your supposed “rescuers” came face-to-face with the very man you called to report in the first place. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N,” Eddie promises, his voice gruff with arousal. “But I’ll make sure you don’t see me ‘til I want you to. Think you can be a good girl for me ‘til then?”
“Fuck you,” you spit, and he laughs.
“I thought so.” There’s a pause, and when Eddie speaks again, it’s softer, quieter, like he’s afraid someone is eavesdropping. “Are you okay, by the way? Like, really. That fall looked like it hurt.”
You smile, twisting the phone cord around your fingers. “I’m okay, baby. Just muddy. I don’t even think I scraped anything.”
“Good. Do you remember your safeword, angel?”
“Mmhm. Mercy.”
“And what happens if you call mercy?”
“Everything stops, right there and then,” you say, repeating what you’d gone over probably dozens of times before tonight. As excited as Eddie was, he refused to participate in anything risky like this without a safeguard, for both of your sakes. As he’d put it, “If the whole point is you sayin’ ‘no,’ how am I supposed to know when that really means ‘no?’” 
Eddie chuckles. “That’s my good girl. Alright, go get cleaned up. I’ll be watchin’ you.”
The line goes dead without another word.
You stare at the receiver for what feels like a long, long time. You’re half expecting him to call you back, maybe to taunt you some more, but he doesn’t.
You’re still so fucked. And you’re thrilled.
Days pass without much incident.
When you wake up the next morning, the daisies have all mysteriously disappeared from your porch, as if they were never there. Your duffel bag has been propped up in one of your wicker chairs, but when you unzip it, it’s empty, save for a single pink daisy at the bottom. You don’t know if Eddie’s around or watching, so you stealthily pluck the flower out of your bag and tuck it close to your chest. You suppose it sort of ruins the illusion if you keep your “stalker’s” creepy calling card, but beneath that, who are you to throw away the flowers your boyfriend gifts you?
You try to go about your life normally but catch yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, flinching at every twig that breaks in the woods, running to the window to fling the curtains open if you think you hear a voice on the breeze outside. There’s never anything there, but you always check. Nighttime is when Eddie’s decided he’s going to mess with you the most. He doesn’t need to break in, as you gave him a key ages ago, but you’d discussed that feeling more authentic for the fantasy, so he does it. 
He comes in at around three o’clock every night - you awake to footsteps creaking along your floorboards, shadows rippling over your wall, and dissipating in the blink of an eye, but when you gather the courage to storm down the hallway, he’s nowhere to be seen. You only know he was there because his scent lingers behind him, earth-sweet and smokey with cigarettes. The anticipation makes it harder to fall asleep every night, like a kid waiting to catch Santa Claus in the act.
After a week, he amps it up. You awake to daisies in front of your bedroom door, and when you return home from work that night, a white one is on your pillow. He’s edging closer and closer to you, circling like a vulture readying its descent toward its meal. You start waking up to calls in the middle of the night, but when you pick up, Eddie doesn’t speak. He only breathes, deep and slow, into your ear until you scream at him and hang up. You toothlessly attempt to brat at him, perhaps bait him into just doing whatever the fuck he’s planning already, but he remains cool-headed. When you swear at him, he merely chuckles, a knowing, expectant sound, and any insults you can conjure during your calls go unheeded. 
That’s possibly the scariest part about this - Eddie does not, and has never, taken your bratting lightly. He enjoys nothing more than putting you squarely back in your place should you decide to put even one toe out of line, so the fact that he’s permitting abject disrespect and taunting from you means he is biding his time. You know he’s running a mental tally in his head, and you will soon reap the consequences. 
That thought runs rampant in your head when you doze off one night, too exhausted to keep your eyes open. The book you’re reading lays askew on your lap, and the rain pattering against your window lulls you into a deep, dreamless sleep. You don’t know what time you drift off at, nor how long it is before you’re jostled awake, but when you regain consciousness, you’re immediately cognizant of three things.
First, you are upside down. Blood pools in your skull, making it very hard to concentrate on anything but the dull, persistent throb in your head.
Second, you can’t move. You thrash uselessly, but your arms burn in the position they’re forced into behind your back, and your legs have been bound at the ankles. 
Lastly, your mouth is full. You try to scream, but the sound comes out garbled behind a thick, round hunk of something that’s been shoved so far into your jaw that it aches. You can feel thin straps on either side of your face, digging into the tender flesh of your cheeks, and when you poke at the strange object with your tongue, all you feel is smooth, rubbery roundness.
The fog of sleep stubbornly refuses to clear quickly enough for you to orient yourself, so all you can gather for a moment is that you’re cold. When you shiver, a dark, gleeful sound slithers up your spine, one you’d recognize any day.
“Well, good morning, gorgeous,” Eddie hums, and when he shifts, you glean a better understanding of what’s going on. He’s thrown you over his shoulder as if you weigh less than nothing and brought you outside somewhere. You can’t tell if you’re just outside your house or if this is a different part of the woods - all you can see are the dark, spindly shadows of dying trees against the velvet black of the night. You thrash futilely, screaming obscenities at him as best you can as buzzing heat cracks through your veins like lightning.
“Aw, what’s wrong? Didn’t order a wake-up call, huh?” 
His voice sounds oddly muffed, though you can’t discern if that’s due to the blood roaring in your ears. Something clatters open ahead of him, and before you can blink, you’re being tossed through the air. You shriek and land on something warm and soft; when you flex your fingers against it, you realize it’s a pile of thick, fuzzy blankets laid atop what appears to be a mattress. You don’t need to look further to realize where Eddie’s dumped you - you’re inside his van.
He’d modified the back of it ages ago, when you first started dating, partially because having sex on the floor was murder on your back and hips, but mostly so you two could have somewhere private to sleep and hang out. Eddie didn’t have anything against going to your place, but he always seemed…stiffer, somehow, inside the four walls of your home. Like he was acutely aware that he didn’t belong there, or at least didn’t feel like he belonged. Your house's tidy, eclectic decor was so different than the cluttered, shabby interior of his trailer, and that had never bothered you, but it so clearly bothered him.
When your eyes fall on Eddie’s face, you realize why he’d sounded so strange. He’s wearing a mask, one he no doubt procured from a Halloween store - the long, white face appears perpetually frozen in a mournful scream, and its black eyes are narrowed at you in apparent anguish. A black shawl hides Eddie’s long hair, blending in with his all-black outfit tonight. He tilts his head at you slowly, crossing his arms and leaning against the van’s open door.
“Whatsa matter, pretty girl? You look so scared. You scared of me?” His voice is cloyingly sweet, deliciously patronizing. You whip your head from side to side, viciously denying it, even though your entire body is shaking and your heart is hammering against your chest. You’re coming to regret your choice of pajamas tonight, as the thin, silky nightgown you’d chosen before slipping into bed does nothing to protect you from the frigid air trickling into the van. 
You’d also forgone panties entirely, something you aren’t sure Eddie’s noticed yet.
How long had it taken him to tie you up? You wiggle your arms within their bonds and glance down at your legs, noting the white, plastic sliver encompassing your ankles. Zip ties? Where the fuck did Eddie get zip ties? And how did he manage to use them without you waking up? Surely, no one was that careful.
Drool oozes from the corners of your mouth, dribbling embarrassingly down your neck, heedless of your attempts to rub it away with your shoulder. 
“If you behave, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” Eddie coos. He bends toward you, and a single, black-gloved finger crooks beneath your chin. He angles your face toward him, expression entirely indiscernible beneath his mask. His thumb brushes over your cheek so gently, mopping up some of your saliva, and you have to remind yourself of the part you’re playing so you don’t lean into his touch.
Then, Eddie’s hand is gone from your face, only resuming occupancy on your body when it closes around your throat. You squeak, a wet, pathetic sound from beneath your gag, and your eyes go wide as saucers.
“Although, you seem fucking incapable of behaving yourself lately,” he snarls, jostling you back and forth. “What’d you think was gonna happen, hm? Acting all fucking high and mighty, talking to me like I’m some scumbag? You need to learn some fucking respect, girl, some goddamn humility.”
You whimper, Eddie’s threats tingling pleasantly down to your pussy. Tears well up in your eyes, and you desperately try to communicate an apology, but it all comes out as broken nonsense. You knew this was coming; you knew he wouldn’t let you off scot-free for anything you’d said over the past week, but something about the white-hot indignation in his voice makes the fear smoldering beneath your arousal burn that much brighter. You try wrenching out of his grip, but all that earns you is a fist knotted in the hair at the back of your head. 
“Oh, you’re sorry?” Eddie mocks, pitching his voice higher. “Yeah, I bet you think you are. But you’re gonna learn what sorry looks like soon, what it really feels like. I told you, breaking little brats like you and making them scream for mercy is one of my favorite pastimes.”
Eddie shoves you onto your back, and the faint light from the yellowish bulb inside the van vanishes as he crawls on top of you. The chalk-white features of his mask hover just above your face, shiny and thick and reeking of powder. You wail in protest, hurling muddled insults at him while trying in vain to tug yourself free of the zip ties. The struggle feels good, cathartic, in a way. It helps to alleviate all the jittery, excited energy pent up inside your body, and it thrills you to know that Eddie won’t stop fighting you right back unless you call mercy. He’ll take what he wants from you as roughly as he pleases, and in turn, you’ll give him everything you have. You trust him implicitly, so when he grabs your throat again and squeezes until you’re gasping around your gag, you lay there with raw, feral arousal roiling in your belly instead of fear. 
“How’s my angel?” Eddie whispers into your ear, and you relax further into his hand. His fingers slacken just enough to allow you a small, shallow breath, and you nod vigorously. You hope your eyes can communicate what your mouth can’t right now. 
“Good girl, you’re doing great. If you need to tap out, I want you to kick your feet down three times, okay?” He raps his knuckles by your head to demonstrate his point. You nod again.
When he lifts his body off yours, cold air sweeps you up in its grasp, and you shudder. Wordlessly, Eddie hops out of the van and slams the door shut, leaving you alone in the back. He jumps in the front and revs the engine just as you’ve begun to scream and flail around again.
“Scream all you want, sweet thing,” he encourages. “No one’s gonna be able to hear you anyway. Nobody’s comin’ to save you from me.” The metallic squeal of a guitar suddenly bursts into your eardrums; Eddie’s turned on the radio and cranked it almost full blast, effectively drowning out all your cries for help. If anyone were outside the van, they wouldn’t even know you were there.
Eddie hits the gas, and the van thunders to life before speeding off into the night.
You must be more tired than you’d initially thought because somewhere between your initial “kidnapping” and the van finally skidding to a stop, you doze off again. 
It’s hard not to - Eddie blasts the heat, probably because he can see you shivering in his rearview mirror, and the blankets pressed beneath your nose smell just like him. How can you not bury your face in them? And you only intended to shut your eyes for a second, honestly.
A hand caressing your cheek pulls you from your sleepy haze, and you blink at Eddie’s still-masked face. Having briefly forgotten he was wearing it, he startles you, and you suck in a sharp breath as best you can through your gag. He chuckles.
“Just me, pretty girl. Look at you, drooling all over yourself already.”
You feel the slimy wetness of your saliva coating the side of your face as soon as he mentions it, and you self-consciously try to wipe some of it away by rubbing your face into the blanket. He lifts the corner and dabs it along your cheek and jaw.
“Do you need a minute, baby?” he asks. “You look so comfy.”
You shake your head. You can sleep back here whenever you want, but Eddie’s gone through all the trouble of dragging you out here (wherever here is) for a reason. You’re dying to see what it is. 
Satisfied with your answer, Eddie wraps his fist in the front of your nightgown and pulls so hard he forces you into a sitting position. Your arms tingle and your head spins with the sudden decrease in blood as he tugs on the loops holding your gag secure. As they fall away, the rubber ball in your mouth plops into your lap, but your mouth isn’t empty for more than a moment before Eddie’s gloved fingers slide across your tongue and press into the back of your throat. You gag and gasp in surprise, trying to flinch away, but Eddie holds your head in place with his free hand.
“If you scream, the next thing going in your mouth is gonna be my boxers,” he warns, and you wrinkle your nose. That’s a soft limit, something you’re not entirely willing to try but are open to having your boundaries pushed about, especially for a punishment. Admittedly, a dark, perverse thrill slinks through your gut at the thought. Having Eddie on your tongue like that, inescapable and unavoidably pungent, is equally humiliating and intriguing. But you don’t have time to try and weigh that thought out, so you just whimper and rock your head from side to side as much as possible.
“That’s what I thought. Keep your fucking mouth shut.”
He drags you out of the van by your gown, swinging your body in front of his as you settle unsteadily on your feet. You squint into the surrounding darkness and realize with a cold squeeze of dread that you have no earthly idea where Eddie has driven you. The trees are thicker here, dying leaves black in the moonlight, and there are no stars when you look up at the sky, only bulbous clouds. The air is still and cold, dense with the threat of rain. 
The edge of something scintillatingly sharp drags itself down your spine, dangerous even through the fabric of your nightgown. You don’t dare turn around, but you can feel Eddie pressing himself closer as he allows that pointed edge to linger on your flesh. 
“Feel that?” he asks. He taps it against your thigh, and you gasp.
“Y-Yes,” you squeak.
“That’s my knife.” Fuck. You have to hold your breath to prevent the moan that wants to spill out.
When Eddie kneels by your legs, he takes a moment to drag both hands appreciatively down either side of you, fingers flexing and kneading the soft flesh of your thighs as his blade pokes menacingly through your skirt. Then, in one swift motion, he slices through the zip tie around your ankles.
As if sensing your inclination to bolt away immediately, Eddie stands and snatches the plastic loop still ensnaring your wrists and tugs you backward against his chest. He wraps his other arm around your neck and the steel of his blade glints from the corner of your eye. You refrain from inhaling his scent, leather, cigarettes, and sweet earth, but just barely. 
“Hold on, bunny, don’t hop away just yet,” he murmurs against your hair. “I haven’t explained the rules of our game yet.”
“Mmhm. And if I hear one bit of attitude from you, I’m gonna cut this pretty little dress off you and make you run around these woods stark-naked. Do you understand me?”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you bite, not entirely understanding why you feel the need to do the exact opposite of what he’s just told you to do. He laughs, a downright sinister sound.
In one fluid movement, his knife cleaves through the front of your nightgown, splitting it open all the way down to your belly and allowing your breasts to spill out. Your nipples harden immediately from the frosty air, and you gasp, hands instinctively trying to cover yourself up. 
“What were you saying? I wouldn’t dare?” Eddie teases. He nudges the torn fabric aside purposefully, further exposing you and taking the opportunity to grope your soft, chilled flesh. Warm breath washes over your ear, and he grinds shamelessly into your ass from behind.
“Now, our game. I’m giving you the chance to run, run, run aaall the way home. If you can find the way back through the woods and make it there before I find you, you’re free, sweetheart. I’ll leave you be and won’t darken your doorstep anymore. But…” Eddie bends you over forcibly, ghosting his lips across your skin as he speaks. You want to beg for him; your body cries out for it, but you don’t. You’re so fucking wet from all of this, from his threats and the glaring danger of his blade, that your thighs stick together every time you adjust your stance to gain some semblance of balance.
“If I find you before you make it home,” Eddie purrs, “I will spend the rest of the night breaking you, bit by bit until you can’t remember why you ever wanted to run from me in the first place. You’ll be my perfect little victim. Sound fair?”
“I…I…” You’re certain your brain just split clear down the middle. Something inside of you, something ancient, urges you to flee, to make your way back to safety by any means possible. But something else, the very same need that demanded it be known all those weeks ago when you first told Eddie about it, desperately wants to be caught. You want to streak through these woods, possibly getting yourself hopelessly lost in the process, only to have Eddie successfully hunt you down and make you suffer so beautifully for him. It’s so overwhelming that you don’t notice Eddie’s cut through the zip ties on your wrists until both arms have fallen limply at your sides.
He steps back, leaving you uncomfortably cold all over again, and lands a hard swat on your ass. You yelp and twirl around to face him, glaring heatedly at that morose white mask. His arms are folded, his posture is relaxed - you haven’t even started running yet, and he’s already so confident, the bastard. You pinch the sides of your shredded nightgown together and step back from him.
He flaps the hand clutching his knife at you, waving you off. “Go on,” he says. “Run along. I’ll even give you a thirty-second headstart since I’m so nice.”
When you, stupidly, don’t move a muscle, he heaves a sigh and pulls the sleeve of his jacket up to look at his watch. “Twenty-eight, twenty-seven-twenty-six…”
Shit. You pick a random direction and sprint.
The sound of him counting fades as distance mounts between you, and once you’re alone, in the total silence of the forest, Eddie is not the only thing you’re afraid of. You’ve heard stories about these woods, the frightening disappearances, and general odd goings-on that happen within. As you leap over a dead, fallen log while determinedly holding your rapidly disintegrating nightgown together, you recall what happened a few years ago to the kid Hawkins deemed Zombie Boy. Supposedly found long dead in a reservoir, bloated and green with decay, his family even held a funeral for him - only for him to turn up, alive and well, weeks later. What could’ve caused such a terrible misunderstanding? What’s worse, who’s to say that whatever - or whoever - caused that misunderstanding isn’t still out here? Who’s to say that they aren’t listening to every branch that snaps below your bare feet, that they haven’t picked up on your scent by now and are tracking you with all the stealth and efficiency of a wolf?
You shake the thought from your head and persevere. 
You can’t remember, for the life of you, what direction home is in. You must start down half a dozen different paths before you think better of it and double back to the place you started, and none of your options seem correct. You curse yourself for dozing off in Eddie’s van instead of trying to count how many turns he took, what direction he was going in, anything that might help orient yourself now. 
Something rustles the bushes a few yards behind you.
You don’t think - you pick a path and fly down it, swatting low-hanging branches out of your way and ignoring the brambles that hook into the fraying hem of your nightgown. Maybe you should’ve let Eddie cut this cumbersome thing off you when you had the chance. All pretense of trying to be sneaky, of trying not to attract attention, is gone - you are running blind, panting, heaving, whimpering, slapping down tree limbs, and crunching over dead leaves in the hopes you manage to stay just out of Eddie’s reach.
You are terrified. You are exhilarated. You’ve never felt this free in your entire life, and you can’t believe it’s taken you so long to ask Eddie for this.
You weren’t sure before, as you’d tried to tell yourself it was just the sound of your own footfalls echoing in the woods, but you’re certain now that you can hear Eddie’s boots striking the ground as he gains on you. Your thighs burn with the effort of propelling you forward, and every pull of ice-cold air into your lungs is like swallowing needles, but you press on. You want him to catch you, but he needs to work for it, and as you swing a hard left over fallen logs, his hysterical laughter explodes into your ears.
You chance a look over your shoulder. Eddie’s lithe body weaves and slinks through the forest behind you, seemingly unaffected by the foliage that’s presently slicing open the bottoms of your feet and legs; his mask bobs mournfully above his black clothes, a bloodless beacon reflecting what little moonlight leaks through the thick stormclouds above. He’s so close that if he really wanted to, he could reach out and snatch you up by the nape of your neck like a kitten.
You scream. The sound reverberates through the trees, shrill and elated, and another round of laughter booms from Eddie like thunder.
You’ve just managed to leap over a gnarled root without tripping over it or slipping in the mud when you feel fingers at the back of your neck. You squeal and swat aimlessly, which is a stupid fucking idea - Eddie nabs your wrist and pulls, forcing you to come to a skidding halt.
“Let go of me, you fucking freak!” you wail, thrashing against him as he gathers your hands together and snickers into your ear. 
“Looks like I win, pretty girl,” he breathes. Something jingles just beyond your head, and before you can wonder what it is, Eddie shows you - steel handcuffs, silver and glittering, dangle in front of your eyes. You whimper and drive your elbows backward, fighting with everything you have to force Eddie off you. You succeed, albeit minimally, and can free one hand. You swing and claw at him, fingers scraping for something to grab hold of until they finally pinch one of his mask’s eye sockets. Lightning cracks across the sky overhead as you rip the mask off Eddie’s face.
The brief flash of light gives you a full look at his face. His brown eyes are wild and bright, crinkled at the edges from the maniacal grin splitting his cheeks apart. His skin is pink and glowing with sweat, and you can’t help how your heart swells as you stare at him. Perhaps if you ever do this again, you’ll set a shorter time limit - you don’t know if you can handle not seeing him for over a week again. 
“If you’d stop squirmin’, this’d all go so much faster, sweetheart,” Eddie huffs, trapping your hands together again as you uselessly pound them against his chest. Despite your best efforts, Eddie snaps one cuff around your wrist with a soft click and, as he works on the second one, pushes you both up against the broad trunk of a tree. The bark scrapes painfully along your shoulder blades as you shriek and try to kick him off of you, but it’s too late. He wrenches your arms above your head by the thin chain connecting the handcuffs, and browning leaves descend onto your face as he loops them over a branch. 
It’s so high up that you must stand on your tip-toes to avoid burdening your arms with all your weight. Because of that, you can’t gain enough momentum to swing them back down, and Eddie takes a leisurely step back to admire how well and truly stuck you are. He pants, leaning forward on his knees and staring at you through his dark lashes.
“Goddamn, you are a feisty little thing, aren’t you?” he asks, giggling breathlessly.
“Get me down from here, right now,” you growl. Admittedly, it’s very hard to be intimidating while your tits hang out of your shredded nightgown, but you still try.
“That’s not what we agreed on. I told you - I catch you, you’re mine. Good thing, too, my dick was just achin’ watching your cute little ass running from me.”
You whimper as Eddie straightens himself out, heaving one final, deep breath before passing a hand through his hair. You don’t realize he’s flicked his knife out again until he’s got the blade right beneath your nose.
“Now, let’s get this shit outta the way.”
You gasp and reflexively bend your body away as Eddie plunges the sharp edge down through what remains of your nightgown, hacking away at it as if it’s personally offended him until it’s reduced to nothing but a pile of silken scraps by your feet. You shudder, wholly unprotected from the cold now and utterly incapable of hiding the arousal smeared down your inner thighs from him.
His breath clouds in front of him as his eyes roam over your naked body with all the hunger of a predator eyeing its meal. The pink of his tongue darts across his bottom lip as he stalks up to you, already making quick work of his belt.
“D-Don’t touch me, don’t you fucking touch me!” you howl, even though the idea of his hands on you right now makes your stomach flutter. He ignores you, of course, and casts his gloves aside before resting both hands on the trembling flesh of your biceps. He’s so wonderfully warm, blood pumping right below the surface of his skin.
“I can’t wait to split this pretty pussy open,” he murmurs, mouth hovering just above your cheek as he drags his fingers down, down, down until they’re slipping between your hips and cupping you. You try to disguise the pathetically aroused sound that falls from your mouth by shrieking in faux disgust.
“Stop it! Get off, get off!”
“Dirty girl, you’re soaking wet for me already.” Without warning, Eddie plunges two fingers deep inside you, chuckling at how your eyes roll into the back of your head, and a scream tears itself from your throat. 
“S-Stop it,” you sob. You throb around him, unable to disguise your body’s physical reactions, and it only sweetens everything for you. The way your cunt betrays everything you’re saying, twitching and clenching and gushing around Eddie’s fingers in the face of your pleas for him to stop, your insistence that you don’t want him, pulls you deeper into this fantasy. 
“I don’t think you really want me to stop,” he muses, thrusting in and out of you so slow you’re confident you’ll go bat-shit insane soon. “If you did, you wouldn’t be dripping for me. What a nasty girl you are, all worked up for the big, scary man who chased you down in the woods like a scared little bunny rabbit.”
“Fuck…fuck you,” you say weakly, and stars explode behind your eyes as Eddie curls his fingers inside you. You screw your eyes shut and press your lips together to trap the noises threatening to burst out of you. 
“Oh, I will,” he promises. “I’m gonna fuck you stupid. And then, I think I’ll keep you all for myself. Take you home and keep you tied to my bed like a good little pet. I’m sure you’ll learn to love it.”
You could cum just from listening to Eddie talk. Your heart is pounding so hard you can feel it beneath your tongue, and if it weren’t for the steel around your wrists forcing you upright, you’d sink to the ground and beg for him to fuck you already. You don’t care if it’d break the illusion, if it doesn’t coincide with the game - you are desperate, dripping just as he said, and the lust fogging your brain makes it impossible to consider anything but your own arousal.
“P-Please,” you whimper, hoping all you need from him is conveyed in that one word.
Something hot and hard nudges between your legs, and you gasp - you didn’t see him do it, but Eddie’s removed his cock from his jeans. The hand not buried against your pussy is fisted around the base of it, pale against his red, wet shaft and thick head. You gulp hard. 
“Please? What a sweet word out of that filthy mouth.” He crushes you harder against the tree and lifts one leg over his hip, stroking himself slowly as you struggle to keep your eyes forward. His fingers leave your weeping cunt painfully empty for a brief moment, and then he slides his cock through the slick puddling just below your hole and teases his head around the rim. 
“Oh, darn, looks like I forgot a condom, too,” Eddie says, sucking his teeth and shaking his head at his apparent negligence. Your stomach clenches, and heat pools between your hips. “I’m sure you don’t mind, do you, dollface?”
When Eddie enters you, you tip your head back and moan. It’s been a criminally long time since you’ve felt him inside you like this, hot and raw and forcing your muscles to stretch around his thick cock. It burns just a little, but the lack of prep and the pain hueing your pleasure makes it better.
“God, God, oh God…”
“Nope, just you and me, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s teeth latch onto the flesh below your jaw, pinching and sucking it into his mouth as he bullies his cock deeper inside you. Usually, he’d take his time getting you ready for it, loosening you up around his fingers and drawing a few orgasms out of you until you were perfectly pliant for him. Right now, though, he doesn’t have it in him to bother with all that, and you are so grateful.
Fat drops of rain plop onto your hair and dribble down the sides of your face as Eddie starts fucking you in earnest. His hands come around to grasp greedy handfuls of your ass and pull you in tighter against him, and he quickly litters the side of your throat with hickeys as his hips snap forward. You can’t help how you squeal and groan as you’re jostled against the tree, and you realize with a shudder of humiliation that you’re getting close already.
“P-Please…please, Eddie, please…” You don’t particularly know what you’re begging for; you just hope he’ll take pity on you for it and give you more. You need impossibly more. You need him to ruin you properly. The way he throbs inside you reminds you of the lack of protection, and you beg for him again.
“What a fuckin’ whore. I knew you wanted it,” Eddie snarls, the edge of his teeth rasping against your jaw. 
“I…fuck, Eddie, please, it’s so much,” you whine, choking on air as he buries himself as deep as he can get. He shushes you, and another flash of lightning in the sky illuminates his handsome face as he pulls back to look at you.
“Do you need mercy, baby?” he asks, blinking rain from his big brown eyes. Your hair sticks wetly to either side of your face, and you can’t tell if you’re shivering more from cold or pleasure. You whip your head from side to side.
“N-No, no mercy,” you mewl, “I-I just…please, please just fuck me, break me, I need it so fucking badly, baby, please.”
He doesn’t respond, not verbally, anyway. He yanks your other leg around his hip, settling your weight entirely in his lap, and the slight change in angle pushes him just that little bit further inside your twitching cunt. Your mouth drops wide open as he quickens his pace, the denim of his jeans slapping against your bare ass so hard it burns, and the way he grunts from the effort makes your toes curl.
“I didn’t think you’d be such an easy fuck,” Eddie teases. “Guess you’re just a dirty slut after all, huh?”
“Fuck, oh God, fuck, I’m cumming, I can’t stop, E-Eddie!”
Your orgasm scorches through you like molten lava, burning you from the inside out and robbing you of enough air to scream. As Eddie continues pounding into you, you claw at the branch beneath your fingers, desperate for something to anchor you to reality. You don’t think you’ve ever cum this hard in your entire life, and the fact you did so without even once touching your clit fills you with an odd sort of pride.
“Fuckin’ squirting all over me, fuck, sweetheart,” Eddie growls, and you only realize he’s right when warmth starts trickling down your thighs. You blush, trying futilely to bury your face in his neck out of embarrassment. When he doesn’t stop fucking you, and your orgasm ebbs enough for pain to start lapping at the edges of your pleasure, you whimper.
“H-Hurts, hurts.”
Eddie shushes you. “I’m not done with you yet. Just shut up and take it, like my good little victim.”
He crushes you tightly against the tree, huffing and panting into your ear while he desperately chases his own pleasure inside you. You cry out openly, the chill of the rain intermingling with the heat of his body against you so deliciously that you think that if lightning struck the pair of you right now, you’d die a happy woman. 
“You’re gonna take every drop of my cum, understand?” Eddie snarls. “If even one drop leaks out of you, you’re gonna lick it up.”
“Yes, fuck, I understand.”
“Your pussy clenches so hard when I threaten you, baby, fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”
Thunder claps overhead as Eddie presses stills inside you, cockhead pressed as deep as it’ll go inside your throbbing slit and starts cumming with a wanton howl into the night. Liquid heat floods into your core, and though you weren’t even aware of it building again, your second orgasm crashes into you as you realize the risk you’ve just partaken in by letting Eddie cum inside you. It feels so right, allowing him to claim you this way, bearing his mark on the deepest part of you, and you know for a fact that after tonight, you will beg him to never use another condom again. 
When he’s finished, Eddie sags against you, trembling hands digging into the globes of your ass as he shakily supports your weight. You pant, blinking rain out of your eyes, and kiss the wet curls beside your face.
“Thank you,” you murmur.
Turns out, Eddie didn’t take you far from home at all.
In fact, he drove only a mile away and spent about forty-five minutes doing circles in the woods because he didn’t want to disturb your nap. He tells you this as he leads you out of the forest and back to the van, holding his leather jacket above your head like a makeshift umbrella.
He retrieves a towel from inside and wraps it around your shivering, rain-soaked body before planting you in the driver’s seat. After he drapes a thick, flannel blanket around your shoulders and points all the vents toward you as the heat blasts, he cups your face in both hands and kisses your forehead.
“You did such a good job, sweetheart,” he murmurs, trailing his lips down over both eyes, your cheeks and finally landing on your trembling lips. His mouth, despite everything, is still so warm.
“I did?” you ask sleepily. He nods and rubs your arms to inspire blood flow back into your extremities. 
“You did. I’ll draw a bath for you once I get you home, okay?”
“Join me?” Eddie smiles and pinches the sides of the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
“I would, but someone’s gotta feed us both.”
When he hops into the driver’s side, you note with a snort that he’s stripped down to his boxers. He laughs and revs the engine, throwing an arm over your seat as he reverses out of the forest.
Eddie doesn’t allow you to walk the few paces up the steps and across the porch to get inside your house. Instead, he cradles you against his chest, bridal-style, and struts through the door he purposefully left unlocked before setting you down on the toilet in the bathroom. You slump against the sink as he readies your bath, arms pillowing your head and eyelids drooping. Steam fills the room and carries the sweet, light scent of roses, and the flash of a pink bottle in Eddie’s hand clues you into the fact he’s dumped some soap into the faucet to create huge piles of white, frothy bubbles.
You’re nowhere near steady enough to lower yourself into the tub alone, so Eddie grips you by the elbows and slowly sinks down until your butt hits the water. It’s almost too hot at first, but after your body adjusts to the sudden change in temperature, you recline against the porcelain at your back and sigh. Eddie brushes a hand over your hair and kisses your forehead again. 
“Thank you,” you mutter, eyes closed.
“It was my pleasure, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you, you handled everything like a champ.”
You glow under his praise and nestle further into the hot water and bubbles. It’s going to be a challenge not to doze off here.
When you blink your eyes open, Eddie’s still hovering next to you, lips quirked in a small, soft smile as the early morning light falls in purplish shafts over his face. You reach for him, sliding your palm through the hair at the back of his head, and bring him close enough to kiss his lips. He tastes like rain and cigarettes.
“I’ll come get you when the food’s ready, alright?” he whispers, squeezing the hand you’ve rested on the rim of the tub before standing. You nod dreamily.
“I love you,” you call after him, and though his frame is bleary through the steam condensing in the room, you see him turn back and smile at you.
“I love you too, pretty girl.”
taglist: @silky-luxe, @celestialwaavelength, @bornslippys. if you'd like to be added to my taglist, i have a post on my page, or you can dm me!
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beamergirll11 · 4 months
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Sukuna X You
Synopsis: Sukuna tells you to run just so he can chase you???
Content: Sukuna being confusing and scary af, noncon, dubcon, toxic, fearplay, controlling, possessiveness, extreme dom, amused Sukuna, mean, tag, power trip, smut of course, Does he love us or nah?
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Frozen in terror, you watched as Sukuna materialized from the darkness, seamlessly replacing Yuji. In that instant, the urge to scream for Yuji surged within you, but the knowledge that Sukuna had assumed control held you back. Your throat tightened as you attempted to form words, yet Sukuna spoke first, seizing control of the moment.
"I must admit... it's a pleasure to see you in person, rather than through that insolent brat," Sukuna remarked.
"Yuji... are you there?" You addressed Sukuna, silently hoping that Yuji could break through and regain control.
You observed Sukuna's slight reaction to being addressed as Yuji, followed by a smirk creeping onto his face, "Yuji isn't present at the moment, rabbit..." Sukuna declared, advancing forward.
"Please don’t hurt me." you begged Sukuna, your voice quivering, as you took a step back in fear. Your plea to Sukuna appeared to amuse him, his gaze sweeping over you as if assessing your every detail.
"I can't comprehend the fuss over you," Sukuna stated with disdain. His words left you feeling insecure as you lowered your head in hurt, "Ah, did I wound your pride?" Sukuna asked mockingly.
Meeting his gaze again, you knew running was your only option. But as you turned to flee, Sukuna abruptly halted you, wrenching you back by your wrist. His eyes locked with yours momentarily before he released you, leaving you shaken and confused.
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"Well, what's stopping you? Run, rabbit!” Sukuna taunted, his smirk accompanied by a wild gleam in his eyes. Tears streamed down your face as you obeyed, running away. Glancing back, you saw Sukuna casually strolling behind you, his sinister presence haunting every step you took.
As you raced upstairs and locked yourself in your bedroom, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was all just a twisted game to Sukuna. Frantically searching for your phone, you realized it must have been dropped somewhere along the way. The locked door offered no safety; you had inadvertently trapped yourself, knowing there was no way it could stop Sukuna.
You pressed yourself against your bed, heart racing, as the ominous echo of Sukuna's footsteps filled the room. Suddenly the door was forcefully ripped open causing you to scream out.
"You really aren't very clever," Sukuna sneered menacingly. As he spoke, he held up your missing phone, crushing it in his hand.
"What do you want?!" you shouted at Sukuna, your voice trembling with fear.
He appeared taken aback by your audacity in raising your voice to him. He took a few steps closer, observing as you cowered in fear.
"What do you think I want?" Sukuna inquired, his tone laced with malice. As Sukuna closed in on you, his fingers gently brushed across your chin, his presence looming over you.
"How can someone with such an innocent face possess such a sinful body?" Sukuna remarked, his tone filled with twisted fascination. You gasped as his hand tore your blouse apart, exposing your breasts to his twisted gaze.
“You’re not even wearing anything underneath…” Sukuna observed with a smirk, his gaze fixated on your form. You instinctively began to cover yourself, but Sukuna stopped you, his gaze lingering. With deliberate slowness his hands closed around your breasts, sending a shiver down your spine.
He looked down at you with a sinister grin as he held them, now rubbing them with a disturbing sense of possessiveness. Slowly he leaned down taking one into his mouth, his actions making you feel powerless. Sukuna watched intently as you struggled to suppress a moan.
“You enjoy the sensation of my mouth don’t you?” Sukuna taunted.
“N-No I don’t…” you lied. You gasped as Sukuna’s large hand abruptly reached under your skirt and beneath your underwear. His fingers finding your wet slit, causing a surge of mixed emotions to flood through you.
“Has anyone ever touched you like this?” Sukuna asked. You didn’t need to answer, for Sukuna already knew. His hand left your soaked slit, seizing your neck and pushing you back onto the bed. Sukuna pinned you down by your neck as he undid his pants, allowing his hard cock to spring free.
“You’re going to accept my cock, whether you cry or enjoy it. Either way you’re taking it.” Sukuna asserted firmly. You nodded helplessly, silently acknowledging Sukuna's dominance over you. A smirk played across Sukuna's lips as he observed your acceptance of the situation.
Pushing your legs back, he teased the entrance of your tight hole with the tip of his cock. Slowly, he pushed inside, relishing in the sight of you unraveling underneath him. “Don’t fight it…” Sukuna urged, his tone authoritative.
He started to thrust inside you each pump breaking your composure. Your moans now escaped freely, no longer restrained by any effort to hold them back. With each thrust your tits bounced, echoing the intensity of Sukuna’s movements. He gazed down at you , amusement dancing in his eyes as he listened to your moans.
“Tell me, do you want to run anymore, rabbit?” Sukuna moaned, his voice a blend of desire and dominance. With a tear escaping, you shook your head no, no longer consumed by fear but overwhelmed with bliss.
Sukuna could feel you tighten around him signaling your impending climax, “Do you want to cum on my cock?” Sukuna asked his voice low and provocative.
“Yes!" you exclaimed, utterly surrendered to his control. Suddenly he flipped you over so that you were now straddling him. He now gave you control over the rhythm and movement.
“Then earn it.” Sukuna challenged. You obeyed exerting all your strength as you began to bounce up and down on him. Despite being on top, he still maintained control, Your petite frame barely concealing his.
Finally you erupted crying out in ecstasy, “I’m cumming! I’m cumming on your cock!” You cried out to him as his hands pulled you down intensifying it. Before you could collapse on top of him he began to thrust up inside you.
He chased after his orgasm relentlessly slamming into you with determination. He moaned loudly with a strong growl as warmth spread inside you. His fingers gripped your body tightly, adding to the intensity of the moment as he reached his peak.
It took a few minutes for you to fully realize what you and Sukuna had just done. Carefully, you slowly disentangled yourself from him, keeping a watchful eye as you moved away. His eyes opened, scanning the scene and taking in the aftermath of his actions as he looked towards you.
He watched as his seed pooled between your legs. When he rose he noticed you flinch as he reached out for you. Expecting the worst you closed your eyes as you felt his hand grab a fistful of your hair. Unexpectedly you felt his lips on yours as his tongue slipped in exploring every inch of your mouth.
Once he released you he stood up fully looming over you. He smirked seeing your fear resurface loving the power he held over you. He took a quick stretch, a casual gesture that contrasted sharply with the intensity of the moment.
"Run along, rabbit," he said as he departed from your room, appearing to release you, yet the tension lingered, leaving uncertainty in its wake.
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the-riddlers-glasses · 6 months
Request: (NSFW and fearplay) I need one where the reader experiences Edward being the dominate one and sees his full on confident spooky Riddler side for the first time… 👀 😳
Fear Me - The Riddler/Edward Nashton x GN!Reader
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Word Count: 1,185
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MNDI (dom!riddler, fear play, knife play, giving oral, face f*cking, masturbation, climax denial, genital rubbing, penetrative sex, degradation, aggression, no aftercare)
⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧
Sitting on the bed, aimlessly scrolling on your laptop in the midst of the eery night. The cold wind blows through the slightly open window, making you shiver. You get up and walk towards the window, moving the curtains to the side gently, where is he…? you think to yourself as you latch the window shut. You sit back down on the bed, closing your laptop before you lay your head on the pillow.
You hear keys jingling at the front door of the apartment. You feel a rush of excitement jolt through your body, he’s safe. You remain on the bed as the door slams shut, his footsteps heavier than usual. His thick boots squelch towards the bedroom, and you turn to greet him as he enters.
“Hey Eddie, how was it?” You say with a smile, expecting him to fall into your arms like he usually does.
Nothing. He just stands intensely in the doorway and stares at you through his mask.
“Eddie? You okay?” You question, a slight sense of fear shuddering through your body.
He walks into the room, slowing getting closer to you. Your eyes watch his every move. He stands directly in front of you, still sitting on the bed, and places his finger under your chin, guiding you to look into his eyes. You comply and nervously await his response as he admires your face.
“Are you going to be good for me?” He groans through a breath.
Taken aback, you feel a familiar heat rush through your body. He’s normally quite gentle and submissive, but you like where this is going.
“Of course” you whisper as goosebumps develop under your skin.
With that, he begins removing his belt. The sound of the buckle clinking gets you excited. The belt hits the floor, closely followed by his pants. You look up at him as he slides his boxers down his legs, allowing his hard cock to spring free in front of your face. He’s standing in front of you, rock hard, full of confidence.
“Get on your knees” he demands.
You do as your told, and climb off the bed to kneel in front of him. Your eyes meet his as he grabs your hair and guides his cock into your mouth. You slowly slid your mouth up and down his length, teasing the tip with your tongue ever so often. He stares down at you as you picked up the pace, taking him in faster and faster, until you were gagging on him.
“Fuck you feel so good” he moaned, enough to fuel your desire to please him, even more.
He grabs your head and starts pushing himself into your throat, harder and faster. You moan around his cock, causing him to breathe out in ecstasy. Tears start welling in your eyes as his cock fills your throat, he notices this and bucks his hips into you.
“You’re such a slut for me, you know that?” he groans, still fucking your face. You try to answer, but your throat is filled with his warm length. “Answer me” he demands.
“Uh..hu..h” you moan onto his cock between thrusts.
He abruptly removes himself from your mouth, and grabs your throat, “say it.”
“I-I’m a slut for you” you whisper, trying to catch your breath.
He squeezes your throat tighter, “get on the bed.”
You do as you’re told and get off the floor, placing yourself on the bed. His domineering energy watches you place your still clothed body onto the soft quilt.
“Take your clothes off” he says, stroking himself to the sight of you.
You comply, and begin removing your shirt, bra, and then your pants. He stops you before you’re able to take off your underwear. He removes his hand from his cock, and reaches for his pocket. A slight sense of fear washed over you, but the adrenaline rush was far too intense to stop now. He pulled a small pocket knife from his jacket, and held it up in front of his face.
“Open your legs for me” he whispered sadistically.
You did as asked, and he crawled onto the bed between your legs. He made eye contact with you as he grabbed the fabric of your underwear, and cut it with the knife. You were completely exposed to him, at his mercy, he could do whatever he wanted to you. He placed the knife on your inner thigh and gently ran it down your leg, not hard enough to cut you but hard enough for you to feel the cold metal on your sensitive thigh.
“Mhhh” you moaned slightly at the overpowering touch.
He removed the knife from your thigh, placing it on the bed, and started paying attention to your aching crotch. Teasing you with his fingers, pushing you to beg for it. You were wincing at his touch, desperate for more.
“Oh you like that, hmm?” He breathed against your thigh, making you shiver.
He began to give into your desperation and pleasure you, just as you wanted. His hand moving gently over your crotch. He picks up the pace, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy. His dark eyes watch over you through his mask as you squirm underneath him, but he wasn’t done with you yet.
He opens his mouth and begins working your groin with his tongue, moaning onto you. You buck your hips closer to his face, aching to finish all over him.
“I’m close” you whine through breathes.
“No you’re not” he smirks as he removes his tongue from you. “No cumming until I say so, understood?”
You feel overstimulated, in desperate need for release, but you fear what may happen if you disobey him, “understood” you whisper, trying to compose yourself.
He repositions himself, placing his cock against your entry, and with a small smirk on his lips, slams himself into you. You feel your head getting lighter as he’s pounding you to high heavens, and begin moaning desperately for him to let you finish.
He grabs your throat, still fucking you, “say you’re mine…and you can finish” he pants in-between thrusts.
“I’m yours. Please let me cum Eddi-“ he cuts you off.
“Riddler” he says through gritted teeth.
“I- I’m yours. Please let me cum Riddler” you say, almost in a scream.
His thrusts become more sloppy, and you know he’s close. “Cum for me” he demands.
You feel the euphoric sensation rush through your body as you hit climax, feeling his hot cum filling you up. You ride out your highs and he removes himself from you, walking out of the bedroom and returning with a towel. He wipes the mess clean and looks at you, slowly taking off his mask and placing it on the dresser.
“You were so good for me” he says, whilst unbuttoning his jacket, “did you like that?”
“Yes… I did. That was the first time I’ve ever seen that side of you” you feel a blush creep upon your face as he looks down at you.
“And it won’t be the last.”
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sadesluvr · 10 months
Guilty - William Afton x Reader
To be a lawyer is to adhere to a strict code of ethics.
A/N: Slight AU, but not really. This is kind of tame compared to other William fics I have planned, but I thought it’d be fun to make Reader more dominant and less innocent than usual! This has a bit of build up, but it pays off ofc ;) You can imagine William to be in his 40s/50s like he is in the movie, or 30s as he would’ve been during his killing spree.
Word count: 2.6K
Tags: SMUT / Age gaps (Reader is in her 20s) / Sexual tension / Hybristophilia / Power play (Kinda) / Fearplay (If you squint) / Clothed sex / Unprotected sex / Mutual consent / Dirty talk / Discussion of murder / Mentions of cheating
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Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza was in a mess. A bunch of children had just gone missing - presumed dead - and there were even rumblings of a lawsuit from the victims’ families. It certainly wasn’t the case an up-and-coming lawyer usually received, but had the potential to be the one that cemented your career.
“I must say, I’m rather surprised you chose me to help you out,” you said to the man who was sitting at the table as you closed the door behind you. Your office was by no means large, but it was sizable enough to make you feel important.
“Why’s that?” He asked, cocking his head, his brows raising above the rims of his glasses. You’d done your pre reading; the man’s name was William Afton, a humble businessman who’d started the pizzeria and had come to you for help. He seemed well meaning enough.
“Well,” you began, adjusting your skirt as you sat down, “I’m not the typical face you’d imagine when picturing a bloodthirsty lawyer. Especially someone like you…”You said carefully. It was no secret that men either overlooked you, or went out of their way to hire you for your ‘assets’. “I find they’re usually set in their ways about having a woman deal with their issues,”
The man shrugged, a small smirk creeping to the side of his face. 
“Doesn’t bother me. I have a daughter of my own,”
“Oh,” you smiled, pushing your chair in as you fixed the paperwork around you. “Is she…?”
“She’s a little younger than you,” he said simply. “I make it a mission to practise what I preach at home,”
You smiled, and he smiled back, his skin wrinkling ever so slightly around his eyes and sides of his mouth. He was put together and certainly likeable; only driving you to want to help him out even more. you were quite comfortable, which was good as it was likely that the rest of the office, bar the receptionist and the interns, would file out over time, leaving you alone with him in your assigned wing.
“I suppose we should get started. First — Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“…In conclusion, I suggest you speak to this PR rep, he’s excellent,” you said, sliding a card across the table. “For now, our plan is to go ahead with the statement, and hold off on any retaliation,” you continued, making a few notes as you did. “Cooperate with the police, and let me handle things — But, if there’s anything I should know, it’s best you tell me…” you finished, looking up at him from across the table, your eyes meeting his own blue ones.
William smirked. His focus on the task had dwindled in and out over the past hour and a half, having watched the way you explained things with striking confidence, yet bit your pen childishly before writing things down. He couldn’t help but admire a woman with confidence, and it certainly helped that it wasn’t misplaced. You were good at your job. Perhaps too good.
He wondered how you’d ended up here. Young, attractive, yet closed off in a building with stuffy businessmen on a Friday night. You should’ve been at the club; dressed in your sluttiest attire, making out with random guys whilst you split Margaritas on yourself, eventually taking them back home and fucking their brains off. He wondered if you were the dominant or submissive type; if you liked to take charge and ride in cowgirl position, or into the classic missionary, arms above your head as you moan and whimper for more. You might’ve been good at your job, but it was impossible that you hadn’t fucked any of the seniors in the office during your time. 
More importantly, he wondered if you’d ever slept with your clients. After all, it wasn’t as if they were in his calibre; likely some shady businessmen who’d moved a few pots of money around, or middle-aged men moaning about real estate - none notable enough to ruin your reputation.
This was much different. Far different.
You didn’t know it, but you were face to face with a killer.
“Such as?” he hummed. Of course he knew what you meant, but he just wanted to hear you say it.
“…Anything that could damage your validity should there be a trial,” you said, sitting back in your seat. “Forged bank documents, hoarding evidence, an admission of guilt…”
“You think I had something to do with it?”
You paused, somewhat taken aback by how abrupt he was. Usually people reacted dramatically to accusations (especially ones as callous as this), and yet he was eerily calm, barely even flinching at the mention. It intrigued you, but more disturbingly it made you horny.
“I never said that,” you shrugged, trying to compose yourself. “But, if you did, it could change this situation entirely. Your wife, your daughter - the public - will look at you very differently,”
William chuckled, his leg beginning to bounce in excitement. The mention of his family was quite the mood killer, and yet you acknowledging them turned him on. They weren’t really any more than tools to look like a convincing family-friendly businessman, and yet you seemingly bought into it. In terms of the public, well, he had a big ego for sure, but his libido was bigger. Throbbing, even.
“And what about you?” He said, leaning in and placing his hands under his chin, grinning at the way you shifted under his gaze. It was time to turn the tables.
“Excuse me?” you choked, an uncomfortable feeling beginning to churn in your stomach. There was something in the way that he smiled at you, like he was getting some kind of satisfaction from making you squirm. Perhaps you’d been wrong about him. Perhaps there was something deeper. 
“Will you look at me any differently?” he insisted. You paused for a moment before shaking your head. 
“Absolutely not, Mr Afton. It’s my duty to be impartial,”
So prim and proper. It was time to blur the boundaries.
“Tch,” he scoffed before bursting into laughter. “Come on! That’s what they all say. It’s human nature to judge,”
You rolled your eyes, tossing your leg over the other as you began to drum your fingertips on your desk impatiently. This was usually the part where whoever you were talking to stopped to talk down to you. William could tell you were agitated, and he loved the way your brows were beginning to furrow and lips scrunch into a pout. He wondered how they tasted. Much more how they felt.
“It’s also human nature to feel discomfort when running over time,” you snapped, closing your files with haste. “This session is over, Mr Afton,”
So feisty. Repression had clearly done a number on you.
It was a blatant sign for him to move on, and yet he remained firmly in his seat, watching as you got up to put your files away, skirt slightly crumpled around your legs from how long you’d been sitting. You noticed this and pulled it down, turning to face the man yet again and leaning over the table, palms flat as you rested your hands on either side. 
You were rather close to him, and if anyone walked in it would seem sketchy. It didn’t help that he was quite handsome; with rugged yet refined features, a slowly greying goatee and bright eyes that were somewhat hidden by his large glasses. The longer that you stared at him, the more you felt weakened under his gaze.
“Can I help you, Mr Afton?”
“You can,” he said, and you raised a brow for him to continue. He felt his cock begin to harden and heart beat as he worked his way up to the moment. Yes, you were a lawyer, but the circumstances meant that you were game to react rather abruptly.
A killer and a lawyer in an empty wing, just after hours - doors shut with no one to hear a scream? It was the perfect scenario for a crime.
“I have something to declare…” he began, and he could barely contain his smile as you raised your brows, mouth slowly falling agape and body subtly recoiling. As if in a trance, you lowered your head further, the eye contact so intense that you could feel a tingle throughout each others’ bodies. You were 90% certain he could hear your heart pounding in your chest.
“…Go on,”
“I think you know what it is,” 
With a slow blink, as you tried to ground yourself. You could’ve vomited. In your eyes, murder was a grey area in the realm of self defence, but children were always off limits. 
He didn’t even seem to care. He seemed amused, actually. 
“O-Okay,” you whispered, swallowing a lump in your throat. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll have to revisit this with fresh eyes in the morning —“
You were so painfully uncomfortable, and yet part of you was aroused. Perhaps it was because you’d never encountered an actual killer, or it was because you were incredibly aware of the blatant fantasy being played out from both sides. He was a wolf; a hunter, bigger and stronger than you and waiting to ravish you like prey. 
You were dedicated to holding up the law, fighting for what was fair like a good girl, but sometimes good girls needed to be ravished.
“— What do you think, Miss L/N?” he teased, standing up to match you. “Am I a dead man?”
“No…” you whispered. “I’m going to do what I can…”
“Good,” he smiled, backing away from the desk, the outline of his bulge illuminated from the dimming lights. “That’s why I chose you,”
You gave an awkward nod, haphazardly rushing to hold the door open for him to leave. You held your head down as he passed, and squeezed your eyes shut as you realised he’d stopped in front of you. 
Your bodies were painfully close in the tiny doorway. William grinned, and he knew he had you from the moment you looked up at him through your lashes.
“…Are you going to kill me?”
“Not unless you want me to,”
Your lips were on each other in a heartbeat, your hands immediately finding the door and slamming it shut before focusing your attention on the killer at your feet. He wasted no time in effortlessly hoisting you up around his waist, his large hands firm on your hips and thighs as he held you steady, stumbling to find your desk. You returned the favour by holding onto his neck and beginning to grind yourself against his cock, your skirt riding up in the process.
“I bet you’re real happy I walked through those doors, aren’t you?” He teased. “How long have you been waiting for a fucked up guy like me, hmm?” he said, crudely sticking his fingers inside your panties as he placed you on the desk. He grunted at the sensation of your wet heat, hungry as he stuck a third finger inside without warning or hesitation. They were lithe and calloused, and seemed to hit your core immediately upon penetration, causing you to let out a moan. 
“I never –” you began, barely unable to form a sentence. “This is nothing —” you insisted, lips leaving his own as you began to fumble with his belt, cupping him through his pants. He was painfully hard. And big. Bigger than most guys your age. “— Just a formality,”
William scoffed, unable to hide his lascivious smile as he began pumping in and out of you, your lips swallowing him to just below his knuckles. Against the creaking of the desk and desperate pants you could hear the wet sound of your juices coating his fingers, sticky and copious as his motions continued; rough yet controlled. 
To think, they were the same hands that had murdered all those kids…
You’d taken out his cock now and was massaging the organ in your hands, causing him to hollow out his cheeks, sighing at the contact. It was over five inches, and considerably thick, with a long blue vein running along its underside. As you stroked him, a healthy secretion of precum coated your fingers, indirectly lubing him up further. His thrusts were lazy but needy as he fucked your hand, and with every movement you worked together to guide his cock to your entrance, his bulging tip teasing your folds.
“Fuck,” he whispered, throwing his head back. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you? Naughty girl, you know this goes against your ‘ethics’...” he teased again, and you could barely formulate an answer as his body was now almost completely on top of yours, your back arching as you stabilised yourself with your free hand on the desk.
He chuckled, reaching down to grip the base of his cock as he lined himself at your entrance. For a moment your hands touched, and the excessive hairs and slight wrinkles reminded you of just how much older he was.
“Fuck ethics,” you moaned, and his grin deepened, to the point he was baring teeth. You couldn’t take it anymore, and you were beginning to lose your grip on your panties as you held them to the side.
Next time he should just rip them off.
“William…” you moaned. “Please…”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he laughed, and thrust himself into you, rutting into you like a rabbit. To him the sensation was euphoric, it had been a long time since he’d fucked a fresh pussy, and admittedly his wife was getting rather stale. You were so tight and melded perfectly around him, but most of all you were eager, even if your morals were blatantly backwards. 
William’s cock filled you completely, repeatedly hitting the untouched crevices of your cunt that you hadn’t even known existed. He was big, skilled and oh-so painfully perfect - Perfectly bad for you. You could get disbarred, your public reputation ruined, much like the narrative of the man inside you - but with every thrust that drew deeper into your pussy and lustful kiss to your neck and lips none of it seemed to matter. His large hands cupped your sides, moving between your breasts and thighs as he groped and massaged; most importantly making sure that you remained spread wide and available for him as his clothed thighs hit against yours repeatedly. You were high; so high that you barely acknowledged the wedding ring on his left finger, even if you could feel it through the thin material of your blouse.
“You feel so fucking good,” he grunted. “I haven’t fucked a pussy like this in ages. You and I are gonna make such a good team — Ugh — I knew there was a reason I chose you…”
“Fuck…” you groaned. “W-William…”
“Does it bother you that I hurt those kids?” he snarled, beginning to feel his stomach knot up. 
You were too lost in your ecstasy to answer. 
Did it?
“…Tut, tut. You said you wouldn’t judge me, sweetheart,” he chided. “We were getting along so well…”
“We are. I’m gonna help you,” you said determinedly, eyes unable to shift from his own. You were close.
“I know you are,” he hummed, letting out an intermittent groan as he shut his eyes. “You have no choice. You’re just as guilty as me,”
There was something about those words that immediately sent you over the edge, squeezing your eyes shut and letting out a pornographic moan as you came, your body twinging as the man held your thighs apart, making sure you felt every inch of your shared ecstasy. William had barely found it in him to pull out on time, his heavy load painting a mess on your panties and thighs, but leaving a small trail of cum along the outer lips of your pussy, a subtle but telling reminder of what had happened.
Fixing your crumpled shirt and skirt, you adjusted yourself before hopping off of the desk, hands clasped in front of you. 
“So,” you said, clearing your throat. You were surprised it wasn’t sore from your incessant moans. “I’d like to see you at the same time tomorrow. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”
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@yellowbunnydreams @lonelyaxolotl13
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nvareim · 1 month
bite me, v. garza x fem! reader
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tags; predator/prey, fearplay, dacryphilia, degradation, drugging, thigh riding, stalking, dubcon and toxic dynamics. MDNI w/c; 4.4k ao3 link | pinterest board a/n; never arguining with a woman with big brown eyes, whatever u say gorgeous
The streets of Las Almas are still blood-stained the day you escape.
It’s been quieter since the Shadows combed through the city, killing anything that moved. The dogs no longer bark, kids don’t play in the streets, and the armed men who roamed every alley are few and far between. It’s the perfect opening. You spend the morning preparing. 
You pack lightly, only the things you’re sure you’ll need. Clothing for layering, socks, underwear, and cash. It all fits nicely in a backpack you can easily carry. You leave both of your phones on the nightstand, the backs pried off and batteries neatly stacked atop each other. 
The better part of an hour is spent prying at the metal collar around your neck. You pry at the latch until your fingers are bloody, picking at the screw that holds it together. As a last resort, you use the point of a utility knife. You sit just inches away from the mirror, neck twisted at an uncomfortable angle as you slowly unscrew the locking mechanism. You’re stock-still, barely breathing out of fear the blade will slip. 
 The second the collar unlatches, you rip it from around your neck and throw it aside. It slides across the floor, hitting the baseboard with a heavy thud. You take deep, ragged breaths as you study your reflection. The lack of weight around your neck is foreign. With it gone, your decision is final. There’s no turning back now.
Las Almas is teeming with Mexican soldiers. They pace the Greyhound station, X12s strapped to their thighs and rifles slung across their chests. Their watchful eyes follow you as you pay for your ticket in cash with shaky hands. The old woman in the booth hardly scrutinizes your forged papers, clicking away at her keyboard as she logs information. She slides your ticket through the opening in the plexiglass, wishing you a safe trip. 
You practically fall onto a bench, sighing as you hug your bag close to your body. Rain pours down from the roof, streaming toward the storm drains. The air is thick and warm with moisture, heavy on your skin. You bounce your knee nervously as you wait for the bus to round the corner. 
When it does arrive, you’re the first to board. You snag a window seat at the very back where you can watch every passenger enter. You hold your breath with each new rider, nervously anticipating Valeria or one of her men to be the next passenger. It isn’t until the bus is pulling away from Las Almas that you feel the weight lift from your chest, though just barely.
Your journey north becomes a slow crawl. The best ticket you could afford brought you just north of Denver. The rest of your cash is rationed out and stuffed beneath your clothing.
In the beginning, the kiss of cool air against your skin is refreshing. It’s a welcome reprieve from the sweltering Mexican heat. A reminder of how far you’ve gotten. But the novelty quickly wears off once the slight chill turns unforgiving. You attempt to adapt by picking up a free coat from a local church and bartering over warmer clothes from thrift stores, but they only do so much to protect you from the bitter cold. Homeless shelters aren’t an option, the lines are longer as the dead of winter draws nearer. By the time you reach Wyoming, you’re running low on money to spend. You resort to stealing food from gas stations and sleeping in alleyways. You spend your days in local libraries, reevaluating your route north and searching for updates on Valeria. Librarians typically quirk a brow at your peculiar behavior, but leave you alone until they close down for the night. 
As the nights grow longer, they become even more difficult to get through. You curl yourself into a ball, your money stuffed into the band of your bra and a knife clutched tightly in your hand lest anyone gets any ideas. Hostels are few and far between and only reserved for nights you’d surely die if you slept outside. 
In early December, you spend a decent chunk of your food budget on a cheap motel room. It’s a shady establishment just outside of a small city, the kind of place you pay for by the hour. Snow flutters down and gathers in the parking lot, the pure white flakes quickly soiled by the gravel beneath. Multicolored Christmas lights are wrapped around the wrought iron railings in honor of the upcoming holiday. A few women smoke in the shadows of the building, seemingly huddling together for warmth. 
Inside the room, The wallpaper peels away to reveal yellow-stained drywall beneath and the heating unit rattles when you turn it on, blowing a small cloud of dust into the room. You refuse to peel away the comforter out of fear of what you’ll find, so you toss a blanket overtop instead. The lingering stench of cigarette smoke and artificial lemon is nearly caustic. 
 You turn the TV on, upping the volume until it’s loud enough to drown out the noise of the heater. The throw beneath you is scratchy and thin, but the bed itself is comfortable enough that you allow yourself to sink into it. With so many miles between you and Valeria, it’s easy to lull yourself into a sense of false security.
You shrug your jacket off to use as a makeshift pillow. It’s a far cry from Valeria’s luxurious bed back in Las Almas, but it’s the best you’ve had in weeks. The steady flow of warm air filling the room thaws the stiff joints in your limbs and loosens the long-held tension in your shoulders. It’s easy to fully settle into the makeshift pillow, eyes fluttering shut in bliss. It’s the best sleep you’ve gotten in weeks.
It’s pin-drop quiet when you wake up. The constant hum of the heating unit has ceased, though the room has long gone cool. The TV had been shut off, leaving the room completely dark. 
You blink away the last bits of sleep from your eyes, willing your vision to focus. Something primal stirs in your gut, fight or flight instincts urging you to move. The darkness comes into focus slowly, the shape of the furniture comes into focus. So does a figure sitting at the foot of the bed. 
Your blood freezes in your veins. You push yourself up from the bed, heart pounding in your ears. A firm hand wraps around your upper arm, throwing you back into the mattress. The springs squeak from the force. You kick and thrash in Valeria’s hold, desperate to land at least one hit. You refuse to go down without a fight, not after all you’ve been through. You manage to land a single scratch across her cheek. Blood bubbles up from her skin, smearing onto your fingers and her face when you push her away. 
One of her hands pins both your wrists to your sternum as she bears down on you. Her knees press into the mattress on either side of you, caging you in place. You take in a gasping breath, lungs struggling to expand under her weight. For the first time, you get a good look at Valeria and what you see terrifies you. There’s a feral glint to her eyes and not a bit of playfulness in her smile. Your heart pounds against your ribcage like a rabbit. 
“You scream and I’ll gut anyone who comes in that door,” Valeria hisses, hand tightening around your wrists as she wraps a zip tie around them. Tears spill from your waterline as composure crumbles. The edge of the tie presses into your skin uncomfortably, but Valeria doesn’t soften at your whining.
“It was a fun chase, sweetheart, but it’s over,” She fishes a small bag from her pants pocket, shaking a small white pill into her palm. Valeria holds it to your lips with one hand, the other pinching your nose shut. You go as long as you can without air, stubbornly clenching your jaw shut until your lungs burn. 
Valeria watches with interest, grinning as the seconds tick by. You barely make it a minute before you’re gasping for air. Valeria doesn’t waste a moment before she’s pushing the pill past your lips and pressing her palm over your mouth before you can spit it out. Her fingers still pinch your nose shut, her grip unyielding against the restrained fists that pound against her chest.
“Swallow, baby,” She goads as black creeps into the edges of your vision. By now, the pill is reduced to bitter white chunks on your tongue, but you make a show of swallowing to satisfy her. The reaction is almost instantaneous, her fingers prodding past your lips as you desperately gulp down oxygen. Her fingers taste like sanitizer and lotion as she inspects your gum line and beneath your tongue. You cringe away from her touch but with the bed beneath you, there’s nowhere to go. 
When she’s confident you swallowed, she gives you a quick pat on the cheek. The corner of her lips twitch up in only a ghost of a grin before she’s hauling you to your feet and bending you over her lap. You huff, balance thrown off kilter by the sudden movement and lack of oxygen. Valeria’s knee digs uncomfortably into your stomach and ribs. A hand wraps around your upper arm, holding you firmly on her lap. 
“You thought I wouldn’t hunt you down?”  She asks, free hand trailing down the curve of your spine. Her chipped and jagged nails drag across your skin, leaving raised lines in their wake. Fingers curl around the waistband on your sweatpants, gripping tight. You kick your legs, gritting out empty threats as she pulls them down. She tugs until the cleft of your ass is exposed to the stale air.
“I’m sorry,” You sob into the comforter, tears wetting the scratchy blanket. You sound like a broken record, the apologies spilling from your mouth only broken up by promises to never do it again.
“I don’t believe you,” Valeria coos, a condescending smile playing at her lips. She splays her hand against your ass cheek, lightly pressing into the soft flesh until it dimples beneath her fingertips. Her grip on your arm has tightened enough to be bruising.
The heat between Valeria’s thighs only heightens at the sight of you draped over her lap. Idly, she considers the merits of a more sadistic punishment. Purpled bite marks across your shoulders would certainly remind you who you belong to. Or maybe nice ‘V’ carved into the soft fat of your ass. Both would crush your little attitude beneath her boot. Ultimately, she decides to stow those thoughts away for now, saving them for when you’re back home with her. It’d be easy to go overboard now, with the adrenaline and anger rushing through her bloodstream. For now, she just wants to make you cry. 
The first hit comes when you least expect it. The impact sends a ripple through the soft flesh of your ass. Valeria groans lowly at the sight. Your hips jump at the sensation, skin going hot beneath Valeria’s palm. The strike has you screeching, thrashing beneath her in a futile attempt at an escape. You clench and unclench your restrained fists.
“Count.” Her brown irises are swallowed by her dilated pupils, trained in the spot where her hand met your cheek. The heat of your skin bleeds into Valeria’s cold palms, goosebumps popping up across your exposed skin. 
“What the fuck?” You squeal, humiliation and fear petering into indignation. It’s not a surprise to Valeria, she’d always known there was a bit of you that needed training. You were impatient, even selfish at times. A wily little thing she enjoyed wrestling into submission. The brattiness was endearing in her own bed, but after the past few weeks, it only stokes her anger. 
“Count,” She repeats, a little louder this time. “Count and maybe I won’t fucking chip you.” The twist of anger in your expression has her raising her hand again, coming down in a perfect arc to hit the same spot again. You shriek into the bedding, fingernails sinking into your clammy palms. Valeria’s arm tightens around you, dragging you even further into her lap. “Not gonna do it?” She brings her hand down three more times, alternating which side she hits to keep you on edge. “You think I’m lying? Tracked you down like a fucking dog, tell me why I shouldn’t treat you like one?” 
“Won’t do it again, Val,” You sob. “Please, I’m sorry!” Hot tears stream down your flushed face, mixing with the drool smeared across your chin and mouth. Your voice cracks with the force of your crying. Valeria grows impossibly wetter, slick dampening the gusset of her panties. 
“Then start counting.” Your fingers claw at the blanket as she strikes you again. There’s no screech or resistance when her palm hits you, just sniffling. The seconds drag by like hours as Valeria waits with bated breath, hungrily watching the tears spill from your eyes. 
“ One .” Valeria releases your chin and you press your cheek to the mattress. She groans at your thin voice, hoarse from all your yelling. Her palm rubs soothing circles over the spot she’d just hit, contrasting the rough treatment just seconds prior. A shudder runs up your body at the sensation, eyes screwed shut. 
“Good girl,” She murmurs, lips curling into a predatory grin. The next hit has you tensing up beneath her, stammering out a low two . There’s still some resentment buried beneath your submission. It shows in the impudent curl of your lips, the angry furrow of your brow. The quiet whimper that slips your mouth before three is delicious. It appeases Valeria’s growing appetite.  
By ten , you’ve run out of tears. The quiet groans spilling from your throat have a knot winding in Valeria’s stomach. Your ass is marred with her handprints, raised marks from the trauma. Come time, they’ll darken into bruises, the sting of red-hot flesh fading to an overwhelming ache. And every time you see them, you’ll be reminded of your mistakes. Valeria loosens her grip on you, knowing you won’t even try to run. 
By fifteen , your eyes have glossed over and your thrashing has ceased. The numbers are whispered through gritted teeth between quiet grunts, attitude fully snuffed out by Valeria’s hand. A little pain and you’re her good girl again, all sweet and pliant beneath her. Your inner thighs are dewy with the slick that leaks from you, dribbling down your cunt to your swollen clit. 
There’s no resistance as she hauls you to your feet, hands placed beneath your armpits like you’re a doll. You brace your hands on her shoulder, legs too shaky to keep you upright. Valeria tugs your panties and sweatpants up, brushing the bruised curve of your ass too firmly to be accidental. You shift a little, lurching forward to escape the pain. 
Valeria grabs you by the hips, dragging you into her lap. You let out a little yelp upon resting your ass against her thighs, the sudden weight against the raw skin overwhelming. For a moment, you hover, but Valeria presses you down firmly, ignoring the way you wriggle away. Once the pain subsides, you practically meld into her, head resting in the crook of her neck as you sniffle. Valeria brushes the hair from your face, damp with tears and cold sweat. Your limbs are loose, heavy with warmth that emanates from the pit of your stomach.
“Why’d you run?” She murmurs, dragging her splayed palms up and down your thighs. When you don’t reply, she tugs your head from the crook of her neck, hand cradling the base of your skull. Valeria studies you with her dark eyes, searching for a flicker of resistance in your lachrymose gaze. She finds nothing. “Hm? What was it?” 
“I was scared,” The words slip out before you can consider them. It’s an admission only made more pathetic by your thin voice. Something in Valeria’s gaze shifts as her lips press into a line. Her hand tightens on the back of your neck. The weeks of false composure fracture when faced with her dilated pupils, only a thin rind of warm brown surrounding them. The fear hits you like a cold wave, washing over your body as the words are spilling from your chest. 
“I-I didn’t know if it was safe for me to stay,” You stammer out, clenching your hands into fists in an attempt to ward off the tremors overtaking you. “I was worried that maybe they’d come for me next and you wouldn’t be there, Valeria, and I-” The corners of her lips tug up into a smug, satisfied grin and your words are cut short with a stifled sob. 
It’s not a lie, but not quite the truth either. Valeria can see it in the split second of hesitation before you speak. There’s fear there, but not fear of her enemies. No, she saw that terror in your wide-eyed gaze when you realized she had been the one to find you. 
“Oh, mi vida ,” Valeria coos, a hand coming up to cradle your cheek. Her thumb brushes away the few tears rolling down your face. Her other hand brushes up and down your side, dipping beneath the fabric of your shirt. “You thought you’d be safer running?” You sniffle as she squeezes at the fat of your hip. “This,” She gestures to the room around you with a sardonic chuckle. “This is worse than if you stayed put. I can’t protect you when I don’t know where you are.”
“I’m sorry.” You say for the millionth time. It’s the only response your brain can formulate. She’s right, running only left you more vulnerable to people who would use you to reach Valeria. But she doesn’t take your fear of her into consideration, even with the marks spread across your ass cheeks. 
“I believe you,” She says, “But it’ll take more than an apology to make me trust you. You understand, right?” 
You nod, eyes cast downward in shame.
“Good girl,” She tugs at your lower lip with her thumb. “Missed you s’much, you know?” She purrs, pressing two fingers past your lips. Your jaw widens to accommodate the push of her finger against your tongue. “Was so excited to see my girl. Bet you can imagine how I took the news, hm?” Drool gathers behind your teeth, dripping down your chin as Valeria ‘accidentally’ bumps your gag reflex. You lurch, but her fingers remain firmly hooked in her mouth. You don’t have the energy to resist her, any coherent thought slipping from your grasp before you can make sense of it. 
“So pretty like this,” She muses. Valeria adjusts you like a doll, one hand grabbing and moving your limbs until you're straddling her thigh. “You know who owns this cunt, don’t you?” Her other hand grips your hip, rolling it against her muscled thigh. Valeria laughs at your garbled moan as pleasure sparks in your core. “Just my stupid little pet that doesn’t know what’s good for her.” 
“M’not,” You slur, fingers curling into the collar of her shirt. She continues the slow pace, occasionally bouncing her knee to relish in your yelps. The heat in your stomach only grows. Electricity shoots up your spine when Valeria perfects the angle, pressing the seam of your pants against your clit just right. You moan around her fingers, lips and chin shiny with spit. In the weeks you spent running, pleasure had been an afterthought. You never had the time or privacy to worry about getting yourself off. The neglect left you swollen, sensitive, and all too receptive to Valeria’s touch. 
“Really?” She coos, slowly pulling her fingers from your mouth. They come to rest on your other hip, fingers dampening the fabric beneath them. “Grinding your cunt on me like a dumb mutt, aren’t you?” With a firmer grip on you, she presses your cunt even harder on her thigh, rocking you back and forth. You mindlessly follow her movements, chasing your high. 
Valeria studies the pinch of your brow and pitch of moans, watching every minute expression that crosses your face. Your thighs tighten around her own, desperately humping at her. Quiet pants escape your swollen lips, your head hangs low, and your eyes shut. The languid pace is entirely your own, she’s barely moving you along.
When your moans take a higher pitch, fingers tugging at her shirt, she knows you're close. Valeria’s hand comes to pull at your hair, tugging your head back and exposing the bare column of your throat. Her jaw clenches upon noticing your collar’s absence. She meets your wide eyes, your scleras flushed red and pupils dilated. Your pace falters, but Valeria prompts you to keep going with a bounce of her leg. 
“Please,” You whimper. “Wanna come.” The desperation in your voice is palpable. It’s pathetic enough to have Valeria pitying you. It’s hard for you to keep your grip on her shirt, your muscles seem to have a mind of their own. Your restrained hands fall to your lap, numb and warm as you continue to grind. 
“Yeah?” She taunts. “You wanna cum on my thigh?” Her fingers dance up your shirt, calluses brushing over your fluttering abdomen as she makes her way to your breasts. You part your lips when her fingers toy with your hardened nipples, plucking and twisting the sensitive buds. 
“Mhmm,” You nod, eyes fluttering shut. Your tongue is too heavy to form a proper response. By now, your head has gone cottony and light, filled with nothing but Val. It’s hard to even remember how you got into this situation or even recognize the dull ache of your bruised ass on every grind. Her body heat is suffocating, the scent of her perfume leaving you drooling. Valeria can see the distant look in your eyes, so she lets your lack of verbal response slide. She dips her head to your shoulder, pressing wet kisses along the curve of your neck.
“Please,” You manage to wail, repeating the word until your voice gives out on you. Valeria’s teeth glint in the moonlight as you come, nipping at the thin skin above your pulse point. Your wetness soaks the crotch of your panties, leaving them wet and sticky along the curve of your folds. The heat bleeds through your pants, warming Valeria’s thigh. 
When your hips stop twitching and your breath slows, you slump into Valeria. The hand beneath your shirt traverses up and down your spine as you hiccup and cry. Shame curdles in your stomach, tears burning at the corners of your eyes. Valeria presses soft kisses to your cheek, slowly making her way to your chapped lips. 
The kiss is sloppy and almost entirely one-sided. You struggle to keep up with her, clumsily tilting your head the wrong way and hardly moving your tongue. Her teeth knock against yours. When you cringe away at the sensation, she follows you, biting down on your lower lip hard enough to break skin. Hands wrap around your upper arms hard enough to bruise, pulling you closer to her. She licks along the sharp edges of your teeth, presses her tongue against yours. You squirm and whine through it all, only settling when she pulls away, a string of blood-tinged saliva connecting you. 
Satisfaction blooms in Valeria’s chest as she meets your teary eyes. You weeks of planning, the effort spent running, all of it was rendered pointless in a matter of minutes. The regret has your chest tightening, wishing you’d fought harder, bared your teeth. It’s too late, you realize as she heaves you to your feet. There’s no chance at escape with the way the room sways, legs weak beneath you. Valeria anchors you to her side just as you're about to fall, pulling you toward the door. Your mind desperately screams to push her away, but you can’t feel your arms anymore. You stumble and trip over the door frame, only held upright by Valeria’s arm around your waist. 
You can’t help but feel like a prisoner approaching the gallows when you see the idling car. Gravel crunches beneath your feet as she drags you forward, ignoring your attempts to dig your heels in. Each step is one step closer back to Las Almas, back to her mansion, to the gilded cage she’ll lock you in. Fear curdles in your stomach, but there’s nothing you can do with Valeria practically pinning you to her side. She pushes you into the car, quickly sliding in next to you and slamming the door shut. The click of the locks cements your fate. Valeria wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close when you try to shuffle away. She barks out orders to the driver. The car shifts gears, quickly leaving the motel and meeting the open road. Valeria murmurs something about going home as your body loosens, her knuckles brushing over your arm. It’s only a matter of minutes before you’re sprawled across the seat, head resting in her lap. The promise of deep, dreamless sleep is irresistable. 
Valeria idly brushes the hair from your face, humming a quiet tune just loud enough for you to hear. For a while, she watches you fight to stay awake, eyes fluttering shut adorably each time you do. She smiles when you finally slip away, that pinched, fearful expression finally leaving your pretty face. It’s the culmination of weeks of work, countless outbursts, and more than a few deaths. You gave a good chase, she’ll admit, but she won. 
Valeria’s sure once the rohypnol’s effects wane, you’ll be back to your feral self. It won’t be easy to earn your submission, but to her, that’s half the fun. Valeria can already hear the foul threats you’ll grunt out from behind your gag, drool dripping down your chin as you pull against your leash. But that’s trouble for another day, another training session. It’ll take more than one session to fully domesticate you, but Valeria is eager for the work ahead. She’s always enjoyed playing with her food. 
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improbable-outset · 10 months
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📂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧
Alan Orion x gn!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k
𝐀𝐎3 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 | 𝐌𝐃𝐇𝐌 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Established Relationship, Yandere Lover Unprotected Sex, Fingering, Grinding, Dry Humping, Slight Fearplay. MINORS DNI!!🔞🔞
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In the midst of a game of hide and seek, you find yourself pinned by your hatchet man lover in the middle of the forest.
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From a few hours ago up until now felt like a blur to you. You couldn’t pinpoint when you felt your heartbeat spike in your chest or the film of sweat that appeared on your forehead, despite it being cold outside. The temperature was low enough for you to see your breath forming misty clouds.
Having been surrounded by nothing but darkness and silhouettes of tree trunks was getting unnerving, and you were losing your sense of direction. Every path looked the same, and you lost count on the number of times you circled around the same area.
The moonlight that filtered through the leaves above you only served some sort of mockery, following you around as you continued to run aimlessly. The air was filled with the rustling of leaves and twinges that crunched beneath your feet as you filtered through the twisted maze of the forest.
However, your exhaustion was catching up to you, and you had to pause in your tracks. You knew it was a stupid idea to stop midway, but you had to catch your breath, leaning one hand on the tree truck as you lurched forward to recollect yourself while holding your midsection. You were panting heavily to the point where your mouth was becoming dry.
This all started with an innocent game of hide and seek. It was your turn to hide and you thought inside a hollow tree would be a good enough hiding place. The hole was big enough for you to fit through, and there was enough room for you to sit upright and wait until you were found.
However, as you got comfortable inside, you felt a chilling sensation of something crawling up your back, making the hair on the back of your neck stand and a shiver run down your spine. It didn’t help that it was dark — so dark that you couldn’t even see your own hands in front of you.
Panicking, you squeezed your way out of the hollow tree to find another hiding space. But as you emerged, a twig snapped in the distance, a sign that there was another presence nearby. Out of instinct, you fled, hoping whoever or whatever was behind the bushes, wouldn’t come chasing after you.
Now, you lost track of how long you’ve been running for. Your heart was thudding in your chest and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears from the adrenaline.
You quickly realised that you weren’t alone. In the distance, you could hear the bushes rustling, slowly at first before it got louder and more aggressive. Whatever was behind there was getting close and your legs were too exhausted to carry on.
Yet, you still forced yourself to move, even if you were staggering. You felt your fight or flight instincts activated with a surge of left over energy brewing in your system. However before you could move forward, a large hand grabbed your arm, pulling you backwards before pinning you onto the tree trunk.
The rigid tree bark pressed against your back with your wrists were pinned besides your head. You could feel hot breath fanning against your neck and unruly hair brushing up against your face.
Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and his face was becoming clearer now. It wasn’t until you saw the familiar scared face and the heterochroma eyes staring back at you that you recognised who was in front of you.
“Holy shit—Alan?!” You shrieked in annoyance. His face shifted from intimidating to a sweet smile after hearing your voice.
“Found you.” He teased, lowering his face closer to you. You grumbled in annoyance at his blissful expression; he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“Don’t…don’t do that again. You scared me to death!” Your mouth was still dry from how much you’ve been panting like a dog and you couldn’t moisten it no matter how hard you swallowed. You managed to steady your breathing, however. His face was so close to yours; the misty clouds that formed from both of your exhales merged together.
“But it was fun watching you run like that, trying to hide from me.” He chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent a tingling sensation down your spine and reached to your core.
The air between the two of you crackled and he was close enough for you to feel the heat radiating from his body. His fingers, that gripped around your wrist to keep you from getting away, spoke a controlled power over you.
You tried to maintain your composure while holding a stern gaze, but his proximity made it hard to ignore the magnitude of the situation you were in.
You were sure he could feel how hard your heart was pounding beneath your ribs the way he was pressing his body against you, the uneven barks of the tree digging further into your back. The aroma of fresh cut wood intertwined with the earthy fragrance of the forest floor lingered around him.
“Maybe you should think twice before scaring me half to death in the middle of the game…” you resorted, trying to sound as controlled as you could, but your wavering voice betrayed you, making you sound powerless. A playful grin played on Alan’s lip he was amused by the effect he had on you.
“Admit it, doe-eyes. It was exhilarating. And you were just too tempting.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from shaking beneath him, not from the cold, but from the newfound vulnerability you were feeling against him. You were suddenly acutely reminded of how much taller he was, and how his figure was looming over you, making you self-conscious about how small you were against him. His eyes bore into you and you noticed a hint of something dark emerging from beneath his gentle demeanor. The realisation of being alone with him in a secluded, dark place now settled on you.
“What’s wrong, doe-eyes? Are you scared?” He murmured, his tone carried something almost predatory. You always knew that the fear in your eyes excited him and as twisted as it sounded, seeing him dominate you like this sparked a fire in your gut too. You trusted Alan. Who knew being scared like this was also a turn on for someone?
Alan’s proximity that would always offer comfort, now carried an undeniable menace that made your skin crawl in both excitement and anticipation. There was a sudden jab that could be felt between your legs coming from Alan pelvic area.
He pulled himself away slightly, enough for both of you to see that familiar bulge beneath his pants. Something you were used to seeing by now, more often than not, when you’re both alone in his cabin. And it wasn’t a surprise to you to see him get turned on by this.
What you didn’t expect was seeing him grind his hard on against your crotch, earning a sharp gasp from you.
You quickly looked up at him to see his reaction and he gave you an innocent smile back, as if this whole predicament wasn’t happening right now.
“What are you…what are you trying to do?”
“What does it look like?”
His vague response and his gaze, that held a possessive edge, didn’t help with your nerves. The forest that was once a familiar place now felt alien and ominous.
He leaned in again, this time pressing his lips against yours in a feverish kiss. His tongue lapped your lower lip and teeth lightly grinding on the soft skin. He was needy for you right now.
His calloused hands still had your wrists anchored in place, a rugged sign of his labour as a hatchet man, while your hands trembled beneath his firm hold.
You felt him grind himself again repeatedly in a steady rhythm between your legs, his hard on pressing eagerly against your clothed sex making you whimper into his lips.
Even with how uneasy you were feeling right now, you could still feel your sex throbbing desperately under your clothes. A whirlwind of emotions was running through your mind right now and it was getting hard to focus. But despite that, you knew your body wanted this too.
He pulled away from your mouth, more misty clouds emerged from your lips. He buried his face into your neck and continued rolling his hips onto you. His breathing became ragged and it was fanning against the sensitive area of your neck.
The heat from his breath was getting closer to the neck until you felt his teeth sink itself into your skin. There was a momentary pain from the shock which made you hiss from the sensation, before you felt him suck on the area.
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the initial sting morph into something more blissful. As he released his mouth from your neck, you opened your eyes and noticed the string of saliva that was connected from your neck to his lower lip.
He stopped grinding himself against you now, and you watched him intently as he pulled himself away, releasing your wrists. Your eyes were glued on his hands as they reached down to unzip the flier of his pants before pulling him down.
You continued to watch the scene fold in front of you as his cock sprang out from his pants. Pre-cum was already dripping from the tip and was now starting to fall on the ground.
You were already aware of his size and how he could reach every crevice inside of you. Yet, you couldn’t hide the agitation that was written all over your face and body language. Alan was quick to pick this up.
“Are you okay? We don’t have to do anything now if you don’t want to.” His attentive tone quickly kept you grounded, all of the uneasy sensation quickly vanished. His question settled in your mind as you tried to articulate what to say next.
You knew that if you denied him, your body would hate you for it. Getting yourself riled up and ready only for you to say no. Pathetic.
Swallowing hard, you took a few steady breaths before you spoke up. “I want this Alan. Please.” You didn’t expect to hear yourself beg, especially given the fact that he was more confident about this than you were.
You knew no one was going to catch you out here fucking, but there was still an underlying nervousness you couldn’t ignore. Nevertheless, you still went along with this because there you trusted Alan and sharing a moment like this in a forest sounded hot.
After hearing your confirmation, his hands reached for your pants to pull them low enough so he could bury himself deep inside you, before lifting your legs up to wrap around his waist and pressing himself close to you against the tree again so you wouldn’t slip.
From your perspective, you couldn’t see where his cock was going but you could feel the tip brushing against your heated skin before nuzzling over your opening.
There were times where sex with Alan would be intimidating — he would start off with slow kisses and words of affection. But you knew this time wasn’t like that.
After the chase you just had and having you pinned against the tree, the adrenaline and thrill he felt earlier would morph into something more primal. There wasn’t going to be foreplay to prepare you to take his length this time. He was desperate to be inside you already.
You felt him inserting himself inside, eagerly pushing your walls open. You felt a dull pain as the walls of your muscles stretched out for his size. It was all happening too fast. With each inch of his cock that was inserted inside you, there was a fresh wave of the initial sting before it subsided.
The grip you had on his back was intense as you tried to relieve the tension. If he wasn’t wearing his jacket right now, you would’ve definitely left a few scratches on his already scarred back. He came into a halt, a sign that he was all the way in. You could feel how full he was making you, how much he was overwhelming your heat which coaxed a shaky breath of approval out of you.
You took this second to adjust yourself to the position, feeling his hands gripping firmly into your hips that were holding you upright.
You felt his cock slide out before slamming back into your swollen hole, forcing you to cry out and throwing your head back against the tree trunk. Heat ran up to your cheeks where you felt his cock throbbing and twitching desperately while moving in and out of you.
He buried his face into your neck and continued moving inside you. His pace was sporadic and desperate. The barks of the tree continued to dig further into you again with each relentless thrust he threw at you, making you utterly helpless under him.
The forest provided its own backdrop with wind continuing to howl through the branches and the leaves rustling in the trees. But the grunts and groans escaping him, muffled against your neck in response to how tight you were squeezing his cock, were the only sounds that you picked up from your earshot.
Your mind was slipping into a haze and all you could focus on was the feeling of Alan’s cock abusing your hole and the sounds he was making.
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying out his name like a chant that echoed in the emptiness of the forest. You squirmed under his touch but his grip held you in place, preventing you from slip away from him.
“Look at yourself doe-eyes. Taking me in so eagerly.”
Alan’s movement always held a control forecity. Every action and every step reflected his raw energy and the primal instinct that coursed through him.
His thrusts were becoming more and more harsh and primal. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass every time he pushed his cock into you. His cock was twitching eagerly now and you could tell he was coming up to his peak.
With a few more pumps, he held you closer, relying on the tree and his arms for extra leverage before he pushed himself as deep as he could into your core, before he unraveled.
His hot release started to fill inside you, making him moan desperately into your ear. Even after his balls were drained into you, he still kept his cock inside you and forced his cum to sit inside. He didn’t want a drop to go to waste.
Soon, you felt him pull out and you immediately felt a withdrawal from his dick. There was still a sticky string of his cum that leaked from your hole. Alan released your legs, gently putting your back down and gave you a chance to regain your balance.
He noticed the cum dripping out of your sex and used his two rough fingers to push it back in, making sure it stayed there.
“All the way in…”
You still had your grip on his but now you leaned into his chest. His arms wrapped around you, enveloping you into an embrace.
“That was pretty wild.” you commented, smiling up to him.
“You did enjoy it, didn’t you doe-eyes?” He chuckled. “But I think it’s your turn to seek now.”
“Can we go back to your cabin instead? It’s getting cold.” You asked, shivering slightly in the chilly night air. There was another part of you that wanted to go back inside because you were craving the safety of the fireplace in his cabin and the forest was starting to become an eyesore now.
“Of course.” Before you could say anything else, Alan lifted you off the ground again and carried you in his arms. His nurturing side emerged as he navigated his way through the forest.
You just hoped his boss wasn’t lurking and watching the both of you right now…
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
I honestly would love to see more monster dream or Mer stuff! Dream team + punz would be cool for either and it doesn’t have to be noms! :D (sent this from your post asking for writting prompts so here ya go! ^w^ )
I finally finished writting it!! >:]
I've never write about spiders/driders so, heh..
Word Count: 1.4K Woooo! (finally!)
TW: Spiders, fear of dying, loss of half of one limb, slight fearplay (this kinda end with a bit of fluff)
Loud, they were very loud. There was a lot of noise in that house. Dream really didn't know why he had stayed there to live. Many hiding places? Food?... Surely. Two humans lived in the house, although there was usually another human who used to visit from time to time.
He moved around his spiderweb. Although he found it hard for him to admit it, he felt quite alone. He had no mates of the same species, friends or siblings... Just him.
He closed his eyes letting out a small sigh when he heard someone knock on the door of the house. He peeked out of his hole a bit, wanting to know who it was. The black-haired human ran to the door to open it, greeting the newcomer.
“Punz! You have finally arrived! You've taken long enough." Punz gave a small laugh as he got in. "Sorry Sapnap, I had things to do." "Well, that doesn't matter, now let's play something for a while!" Sapnap responded to the blonde's answer, as he quickly dragged him away.
It had been a few hours since Punz had been in the house, which meant that he would probably spend the night here. Dream didn't find it strange, since they did this normally. He stretched a bit, moving his legs very carefully, heading towards the cabinet.
He was a bit hungry and he was sure there would be something to eat other than insects. He had to treat himself from time to time, right?
He finally made it to the cabinet when he was suddenly unable to move his body. He tried to look up, finally realizing where he was stuck. He had the very bad luck of falling into the web of another species of spider, this web being stickier than others and his own.
Not even a few seconds passed until his eyes widened horrified. Not only had he fallen into the trap of another species but it was also female. Which would have no mercy in eating him.
He desperately tried to get out of there to no avail, the web was too sticky. The long legs came close to his body, bringing it closer toward his fangs.
The spider was twice or three times as big as he was, he would have no chance of escaping. Finally the spider bit into one of his front legs, causing Dream to cry out in pain, tears falling from his eyes. He didn't want to die like this...
Suddenly, the cabinet was filled with light, followed by some voices that could be heard in the background. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say… Ahhh! Oh my God! SAPNAP!” The human yelled when he saw the spiders, rushing out of the kitchen as he called for his black-haired friend.
Since Punz had come to spend the night, they had decided to watch a movie while having something to eat. George got up from the couch, heading to the kitchen to get some snacks from the cabinet, when he ran back into the living room, screaming.
"Sapnap, please do something! There are two fucking spiders in the cabinet! One of them is even as big as my thumb! Kill them or whatever, but do something with them! So fucking gross!!" Sapnap just rolled his eyes as he got up, heading to the kitchen to see what was worrying the brunet so much.
His eyes widened in shock at the sight of the spider that was probably about two or three inches, until his eyes focused on the smaller spider.That wasn't a spider... Technically it was still a spider since it was a drider, a half spider half "human", so it was pretty much still a person.
He reached one of his fingers towards the big spider, turning it on fire as the arthropod went to bite him, causing it to back away from his finger and the drider.
Sapnap smiled as he watched the spider back away, his eyes focussing on the drider again, who had his full attention on him. He put out the fire on his finger as he reached out with his other hand and gently picked up the drider, taking it off The spiderweb.
He swore he could feel the drider shaking, but he was so small that it was hard to tell. He held the small one in a soft fist, clutching a few bags of chips with his other hand, finally closing the cabinet.
He walked slowly into the living room, throwing the bags of chips to the other two who were on the couch. "And good? Were they really that big or was George just exaggerating? asked Punz, making himself more comfortable on the couch.
"Hey!" The brunette complained. Sapnap chuckled slightly before sitting down with them. “What have you done with the spiders in the end? Have you killed them?" George continued, frowning when he saw his friend wince.
"I've let the big one go... There's no point in killing it..." he replied softly. George looked a bit annoyed because of that but seemed to brush it off when he asked again. "And the other? The one that was smaller?” Sapnap shifted a little uncomfortably in his spot, his eyes falling on his fist.
The brunet followed his gaze, his eyes widening. “Sapnap, what the heck?! Did you bring a fucking spider into the living room?!” The black-haired was going to answer him but Punz silenced them both.
"It doesn't matter what he did, since he surely has a reason for it, right Sap?" Sapnap nodded as George sat back down with a huff. "Okay... what's your excuse?" he asked, a bit annoyed by the fact that Sapnap was holding a spider in his fist.
The black-haired man sighed as he slightly opened his fist, making sure the drider was okay before opening it fully. “Apparently it's a drider, although technically it's still a spider, it's still partly human… Besides, I don't think he is a threat, it seems that he is more afraid of us than we are.”
Punz got up from the couch only so he could crouch down to the drider's height. "I've never seen a drider, much less one of this size... He's really scared- Wait... Is he missing a part of one of his legs?" Sapnap nodded slightly.
“Apparently the other spider reached him before I separated them.” The blonde hummed in response, getting up again and sitting back on the couch. Sapnap looked at the drider in his hands, speaking softly to him. “You can stay with us if you want… We won't hurt you, I promise.”
Dream was really scared, he was in front of two humans and in the hand of another. The dark-haired man seemed quite annoyed with his presence, probably because he was part spider... Then the one called Punz crouched down to be at his height, but the simple movement scared him, backing up a bit.
After a few seconds he sat back in his seat, making him sigh grateful that he had moved away. It wasn't long until the one who held him, Sapnap, talked to him, saying that they were not going to hurt him.
He didn't know whether to believe it, but he really had no choice as he was still trapped in the human's hand. Finally he decided to nod, responding to the black-haired man's words, although he didn't know if he would notice the gesture because of his size.
"Good. My name is Sapnap, the brunette one is George and the blond one is Punz. What's your name?" Did he really ask that? the human could simply call him whatever he wanted, but was he asking his name? “U-Uh… M-My name is D-Dream…”
The black-haired man, Sapnap, grinned at his response. “Great, now you are finally part of our group of friends.” "I guess you can make an exception for spiders for once right?" asked the brunette. Punz just laughed at his friend.
"I never thought I'd hear you say that George, but you're right." Huh? did they really want to be his friends? He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't realize it until he felt a black liquid drip down his cheeks. He quickly wiped it off, he hadn't cried for many years, not even mentioning when the spider incident happened.
He glanced slightly at the three humans in the room before smiling slightly. "Thanks…"
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★彡 on the hunt!
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synopsis: the fox was always born to hunt the lamb. to consume it beyond the bone; picked clean. you had thought this was only true in the wild but now? below the fangs above you and dripping with need? perhaps this was true for hybrids as well.
contains: fem/afab reader, chubby reader, foxboy childe, lambgirl reader, fearplay, predator-prey dynamic, slight dubcon?
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Morepesok was deceiving. the seaside town always felt small to you despite the vastness it truly held. the sea was long and wide, the forests were deeper than you could ever reach on your own, and the people were lower than those anywhere else. as a child being presented storybooks, you were always spoonfed the food chain. the biggest fish eats the most; you are far from that large. while young you were often frightened at the prospect that perhaps the wolf hybrids native to Snezhnaya would eat you up but your parents always settled those fears between giggles. you'd never be eaten alive like that, silly! while vicious, the wolves and foxes and bears roaming the nation wouldn't eat you up as they were still half human after all. cannibalism was still frowned upon.
you grew up to redden upon any mention of such childish worries you used to hold. for you that particular childhood fear was the most embarrassing. all children were afraid of the dark but you were also afraid of being eaten! how mortifying. nonetheless, such things were of the past.
the winters were the worst in Morepesok. combining such naturally low temperatures with the ocean air had people freezing to death often around the city; especially overnight. your parents had always taught you to never stay out past dusk in the winters lest you become a lamb flavoured popsicle. the thought never appealed to you. staying inside wasn't hard at all, it was desirable, with the wood fireplace located in your small cabin. to be warm was considered a gift from the Tsaritsa in Snezhnaya. it was her kindness that allowed you to live another day, not your own hard work. small prayers were often shared around fires but you never partook. it had always felt insulting to thank another for what you did. regardless, warmth was what you treasured the most, so how did you find yourself out in the cold darkness?
trees stood taller than any building you had ever seen. with branches slender and long like talons on the arms of a beast, you felt unsettled. foraging was always your strong suit and as such you spent much of your time collecting the edible plants and shrubbery that many could not find on their own. it fulfilled your diet and you were able to share and sell what you couldn't use yourself; you could eat and make money this way. despite the extensive maps you made to farm and gather such things you found yourself lost for the first time ever. the landscape was the same everywhere you looked and none of the landmarks you typically used to find your way home were visible. anxiety climbed and clawed at your throat as you ran as quietly as you could. getting somewhere, no matter where it is, thats safe and warm was a must. you would die out here otherwise. panicking would not help you and yet the silent tears kept forming. you can't die here. small and distant yips and barks from the roaming wildlife were all your ears could focus on. to run into actual wolves would be a death sentence; especially rifthounds. there were countless things that could take your life and you didn't want to succumb to any of them. but the forest never got clearer. no paths stuck out no matter how hard or far you looked; you felt hopeless.
perhaps your fluffy ears were your downfall, you thought. the weight that slammed into your side and had you hitting the ground felt as though it knocked the lungs out of your body. you hadn't been listening close enough, apparently, and now the mass on top of you would eat you. what a cruel death for the small child still crying in a sliver of your mind. your eyes squeezed shut and your limbs fell limp.
"oh? little lamb, i know you're alive," a voice teased. "perhaps you'd fool an animal but not me. c'mon now. stand up with me." you peeked up just barely. above you was a fanged boy. one with tall ginger ears and the widest grin you'd ever seen. a fox hybrid, presumably. "there 'ya go! see, i'm no monster. well..." he paused pretending to think, "not one that'll hurt you at least!" such a morbid statement said so gleefully didn't seem like a good sign. he wiggled the fingers on his outstretched hand to urge you to grab it and let him pull you up. so you did. "what a good girl you are... see, you're alright at running so how about we play a game?"
"a game? we'll die out here." your introjection seemed to surprise him if his facial expressions told you anything.
"oh no, i'll make sure we don't," he nodded with a bright smile that wasn't comforting in any capacity. "besides, you don't have much of a choice. so let me explain how this will work." he swiveled your body to face the way he wanted you to before pointing straight. "that way, is my home. once there, you'll be warm and safe just like anyone out here would want," that seemed good, "but in order to get there you'll have to run! from me, that is. sound fun?" you wanted to yell at him about how much that didn't sound fun but before you could his grip tightened on your shoulders. "sounds fun, right?" he reiterated.
"sure. sounds fun." you confirmed through gritted teeth and the tears welling up once more.
"good! i'll give you a headstart of say... forty-five seconds? alright. one. two." after the first seconds passed your brain kicked into gear at the realization that you should be running now, not listening.
the snow crunched under your feet with every long stride. it was now that distance was more important than silence. you couldn't hear even a mouse of wildlife with that fox around. it was like he acted as some sort of repellant; he probably does. the terrain you were pointed to had a slight slope upwards and was riddled with rocks, branches, and brush. you were far from graceful as you desperately pushed yourself through the dense forest to whatever 'home' he has. whatever this game was, you didn't want to be caught. he seemed dangerous and perhaps, in some regards, unfeeling through the brief interaction. he wasn't nearly as kind as he seemed to think he portrayed himself as. the fox was much like this wilderness; unhinged. that frightened you enough to focus more on running and less on internally monologuing.
distantly, you heard, "twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-one." it almost sounded like he was singing the numbers. despite the scarf covering most of your face the thin branches from tall bushes whipped painfully at your face and ears. gritting your teeth you could only keep running. you'd have to soothe the pain and bandage the scratches and scrapes later. the time you had here was very limited.
"forty-five! keep running, little lamb!" the fox cheered in the distance. your heart was beating a million miles and hour knowing he was coming for you now. you knew he was faster and quieter than you based on how he initially 'approached' you. any amount of space between the two of you mattered now.
to make up for what you lacked in speed and silence, you maneuvered through and under spaces that made you hunch and would leave the fox nearly bent in half. he'd have to go around such spots instead of under the way you could. it gave you mild peace of mind to know you had at least something over him. though the thick trees, any sort of light beamed through as if it came from the heavens so the sight of glowing lanterns around a cabin had you nearly crying out of joy. the house was in a small clearing with fire wood piled up along the side and smoke gently dancing from the top of the chimney. with half a mind, you burst into the clearing and almost collapsed with all of your weight onto the front stairs of the home. you panted and heaved with a strength that nearly had you throwing up from the intensity of everything that just happened. the tears you released had frozen onto your face and your whole form trembled viciously. for something that was framed so happily, you were terrified of that fox. as you caught your breathe, your mind wandered back to the words of your parents as a child. these scary hybrids wouldn't eat you. this probably was his form of fun and you misconstrued this situation as something terrible and malicious. you nearly felt guilty for how you perceived the situation and perhaps you would've apologized if a rough hand didn't yank you up from the porch and spin you around till you felt dizzy.
"good job, little one! but," he paused with faux pity decorating his annoyingly pretty features, "you got off track. no wonder you got lost with such poor directional skills! this," he pointed to the cozy house, "isn't my home." the fox pointed slightly to the left and through another bunch of trees where you could just barely see another soft glow. "mines that way, sweetpea. good try, though!" his cheering and praise seemed genuine but the hungry look behind his eyes betrayed the innocent gestures. "come now, i'll take you over to my actual house. you can get warmed up and give me my prize, yeah?" he threw you over his shoulder like a sack of rice without waiting for a response and turned to walk away. you could do nothing but let him hold you and watch what you thought to be his house grow further away. perhaps you were exhausted but it seemed as though the houses owner, a tall... thing made of metal armour, peeked through a curtain to watch you go. you pressed your face into the slightly warmer back of the fox carrying you in effort to return feeling to your nose and lips. he huffed out a chuckle. soon enough, you felt him rising with the sound of his heavy boots hitting wood. a small series of jingles and rattles signified him opening the five locks adorning his door before he brought you in with him. continuing further into the house, after relocking the five locks plus the additional two one-way locks on the inside, he placed you down surprisingly gently onto the bathroom countertop.
"i'd clean you up but," his eyes scanned your deshevilved form up and down, "i think i'm only going to make it worse." where his eyes once grazed his hands now followed. long fingers pushed and pulled at the thick clothing you wore to combat the cold. as he unzipped and unbuttoned everything that covered you he leaned in to lick the shell of your ear and whisper, "i don't believe i said it but my names Ajax, lovely. use it." your mouth felt dry.
gradually you were stripped nearly bare with only your bra and panties protecting your form. the fox, Ajax, leaned back to admire his work. an appreciative hum left his throat. he had always had an affinity for the soft and plush female form. thick thighs, a tummy, soft breasts, and a plush ass... he loved every inch of such a holdable body. something he can seek comfort in, something he finds desirable. there were primal urges that labeled you as 'breedable' and 'a wife' in his mind that he couldn't find himself able to restrain. you were to be filled and wed; by and to him, of course. large and calloused hands explored every inch of your body as his hot and wet mouth trailed a path from soft kisses placed on your twitchy ears to your exposed neck. the act of submission had him throbbing. you were already barring your neck to him? well, he just had to have you now. his hands grabbed your own and tugged them to start undressing his coat and pants. you whimpered yet obediently followed his wordless request. his clothes were quickly shed while he began rubbing his fingers along your already slick cunt. the fingers on his left hand curled just slightly so the backs of his second knuckle could pinch and rub at your clit slowly. he reveled in the small whimpers and whines you let out at the touches. Ajax could only find it within himself to pull his boxers down just enough to release his cock before he started desperately pumping it in his fist with sharp grunts. he brought his face down to your pussy before lathering it with long licks and sucks as his ring finger finally slipped into you. massaging your insides softly and sucking your clit harshly, he certainly could have gotten you off this way if he wanted but it seemed as though he wasn't interested in that. he rose to his full height once again, panting and continuing to fist his cock as he leaned over you. for a fox, he certainly had a wolfish smile.
"gonna let me fuck it into 'ya now? promise it'll fill 'ya s'good... you'll be s'full, little lamb," he panted in desperation, "promise i'll get ya pumped full of my seed, kay? gonna breed 'ya full..." his drunken slurs had you keening for more. somehow you went from terrified and reluctant to a willing vessel for his kits in less than an hour. Ajax purred at your nods and whines to be filled. slowly, he began to inch himself into you.
when his cockhead pressed into your pussy you realized how big he truly was. his cock seemed massive in comparison to your sweet little hole. the sight only had you spreading your legs further in desperation. you needed to be stuffed and bred full. with a soft 'pop' the swollen tip slid into your cunt fully. the sensation had you whining desperately only for the fox to coo softly and console you with soft promises of putting the rest in. Ajax gently pushed until his hips met your own and he was fully sheathed inside of you. you could already feel the knot forming at his base and squishing against the entrance to your cunt. his arms shook and tensed with the constraint he displayed while slowly testing out a couple thrusts before settling into a steady but firm pace. loud slaps echoed around the tiled room as he fucked you. he wasn't going super fast by any means but his cock connected to all the most sensitive parts inside you so hard it had you gasping and mewling at the touches. his right hand shifted to hold your left leg up while the left resumed its place over your clit. Ajax had you crying with how good he truly and earnestly fucked you. your mind couldn't focus on more than the fat cock bullying your gooey cunt so good.
"'jax... s'good please don' stop... g'na cream on it please keep goin," you sobbed softly. he cooed and kissed along your collarbones and soft breasts gently. to stop would only be punishing the both of you. and so, the pace of the hand dancing against your clit sped up while his hips began to stutter just slightly before you felt a distinct warmth flood your insides and a firm pressure following. you yelped slightly at the large and unbefore felt intrusion before the pleasure washed over and your eyes rolled back.
"breedin' ya', pretty. fillin' my lamb up. gonna get you full of m'kits, kay? take it, dolly." drool dripped down your chin as the fox ground his hips where they were locked to yours by his knot. the vibration of his purrs seeped into you as he lapped and kissed at your neck. "such a good girl f'me..." and other absent minded hums left him in the afterglow.
well, he surely didn't eat you this time but perhaps he'd get between your legs properly next time.
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
(This is a continuation to "DO NOT disobey that trust". In this the character fails to run for the first time. Warning, this is a little heavier than before. And this is the Masterlist for the different endings).
My moments of freedom were cut short…I had studied, watched, and waited for a week. During that time, he always stayed close to me. He'd usually get very touchy, brushing my hair away, pinching my cheeks, or randomly picking me up out of nowhere and holding me close.
Yet, I never felt at peace in his presence. He'd always be watching, tentatively. It was like he waited for me to mess up, or do something against him. So I had to be cautious and make sure I knew the time he left and for how long. It was approximately three hours, every day.
The locks at his doors were like puzzles, so I had to see how he undid them, one every other day. I thought if he saw me watching too long, he'd get suspicious. I would have broken the windows of the cabin but they were barred, and I was far too afraid to fight him even with a weapon. He could easily overpower me, and he demonstrated his strength constantly by holding me to his own whim.
Though I was too hasty I waited an hour to make sure he was gone or far enough from the cabin to notice me undoing the locks. As I knew the puzzles had to be done on either side to unlock.
While doing the last one, I ran into trouble. I frantically tried to put them all back, but couldn't do that either. So I had to work on finishing it the best I could.
It took over an hour to do it and feel the fresh, crisp breeze on my face. I had not set foot outside since he had captured me. And even though it hurt to run on my bare feet, I was happy to be free.
It didn't last.
He held my arm and dragged me back into the house. We went over the threshold and inside. He kicked his leg back into the door, it didn’t shut properly but got stuck by the force. He pulled me past the living room and to the dining table.
He threw the corpse onto the table. It was another person who I met at the lake near town. I had no idea whether they would have helped me or not, but now they were lifeless.
He swung me over to face him. I didn't try to break the grip as he held the hunting knife. 
“What was our one promise?” 
My lip quivered. “Uh…I-”
His smile wavered, he slammed the knife into the table near the corpse. “What was it?”
I exclaimed, “Don’t disobey your trust!”
He hummed while nodding and got closer to me. He let go of my wrist and I fell back into a chair. “That’s right. And what did you decide to do?”
“Uh-huh.” He was close to my own face. “You ran away,” a chuckle started to spring to life, filling the dense room. “After everything I’ve done for you.”
He put a hand over his mouth, gripping at his cheeks, “I’ve been keeping you safe, my precious…” His other hand came up and caressed my face. I knew he could easily encompass it and crush my head. “sweet treasure.”
I shivered at his touch, and his sharp gaze.
He glanced back at the corpse, pulling his hand away from me and his face. I slightly moved in my chair and he grabbed the knife from the table. He pointed it at me, so swiftly that I didn't gasp until after. My body straightened in the chair my size.
"You're not going to leave me again." He said with grip.
"I….un-understand." I stared at the tip.
He noticed he had the knife pointed at me and lowered it with a kind smile.
He pressed his left fingers forward and moved some of my hair from my face. I barely took a breath let alone moved.
"That's wonderful to hear…" he trailed off petting my cheek. "You're very cute.” 
Before I could finish, he spoke again, “it’s a shame I have to punish you.” 
I flinched and my mouth opened but I couldn't speak. 
He tapped the knife to his chin, "maybe I'll take a finger? You didn't get far and I've been wanting to try it…" He muttered aloud.
A soft whimper left my throat, "what."
He pet my head after hearing it. He sheathed his knife in the case at his back belt loop.
"You need to learn." He said, lightly, he picked up my wrist. "And once you do, we can be happy like before and not have to worry about this EVER AGAIN."  
I realized where my hand was and that he held it by his lips. I tried to pull it away but his grip locked. Then, his other arm went over the top part of my chest to make sure my body stayed put.
I couldn’t close my hand in time. He slipped my pointer finger into his mouth.
He purred over it with his tongue, stroking it inside his mouth almost delicately while his teeth brushed my skin.
“I won’t run away again,” I whimpered, “please, don’t.”
He pulled back, allowing my glossed finger freedom. His warm breath casted over it. I forced my fist closed, and his deep wine colored hue laid over my hand, infatuated.
A smirk quivered up, “are you trying to avoid your punishment?" His tongue crept out, slathering across my bare knuckles.
His vision relaxed as he did so, while I felt far too unsettled to thrash. His twisted smile rose. He slowly opened his mouth wider to put my fist in it.
His teeth started to slowly press at my wrist, almost pricking me. I shakily whined trying to beat out his own moans as he tasted every inch.
It soon got worse.
He pushed further. His mouth slipped down my arm and I unclenched my hand when it pressed at the back of his throat. I could feel its soft spasms, awaiting his next swallow.
I wanted to pull yet my will wouldn't let me. He nearly had up to my elbow in his mouth and I felt my hand entering his tight esophagus. All the while, his eyes were occupied with pleasure.
Though, something made him release. He let up, and because I was teetering over in my chair, I fell off. I hit the ground far to worried about my wet arm then the drop. I cradled it close to myself.
He gulped thickly, before a laugh traveled out. 
“Your flesh is so soft and tender.~” He said between his snickering as he crouched. I wanted to crawl but my legs were weak.
“It makes you so VERY special.” He gave a deep exhale, obsessively eyeing my arm, almost like he wanted to take it from me.
And he grabbed at the wrist that cradled it. He pulled it toward himself, and started to wet it as well suckling over my forearm.
I cried out, and he let go. He inspected me as if he dislocated my arm with his hard tugging. It allowed me to push back and create more distance between us.
He stood up, “sorry, dear, I really can’t help myself.”
I kept my lips pursed, not knowing what to say or do. He was larger than me, nearly twice my height, but seeing his mouth open, feeling the sharp edges of his teeth, and the push of his strong wet, throat and tongue muscles, I was afraid.
“I-I’m so-so-sorry.” I could only apologize and hope he was done.
He smiled lovingly. It looked like he adored the fear in my voice and on my face.
He walked to me with heavy stomps of his boots.
I trembled as he grabbed me and forced me up. He hunched slightly, and pressed me into his body.
He whispered once he surrounded me, “shh, don’t worry you’re sweet sweet little head.” He lightly squeezed. "That was only a taste of what your punishment will be if you try to run away again.~” 
I flinched, not just from his soft serenade of his threat, but from the low, hungry grooowel at his abdomen where my head pressed...
(Hey, thanks for reading and Anon, I hope this satisfies that craving. xD AND YOU READING THIS, YES YOU, HAVE A GREAT DAY!)
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chaosduckies · 2 months
Friends In Small Places (Chapter 4)
As I’ve mentioned when I had first started writing this, this piece is meant to be gloomy. So, I give you the fearplay chapter. I’m so sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy! (I have no idea how to feel about this scene-) Also, I get to put my three years of spanish classes to use :D (Translations are included)
Word Count: 3.5k
CW: Anxiety, panic attacks, slight gore mentioned
A week can pass by quickly. 
Cas and I have been slowly getting to know each other a little more. Not a whole lot since some topics were a little too hard for him to talk about. Classes at college were getting even more tiring, and before I could ask to take the classes online it turns out that they had already handled it when I brought up the subject. So, now I was practically staying at Cas’s house almost all of the time. Although it isn’t too bad, I’ve noticed something about his behavior. He likes to stay close by me. 
It’s not a bad thing, I’m not complaining at all, it’s just that it’s nerve wracking whenever he asks if I’m okay with him sitting near me. I’m not used to him all that much. I know most people are fine with being around shifters but of course I’ve believed all my life that most shifters were scary, intimidating even. It’ll just take some time to get used to living with one I guess. After all, I was supposed to be a therapist. 
Today I was just writing some notes while Cas sat on the floor, a bright smile on his face as he looked at his phone. I was about to ask what that was about, but then I remembered him telling me something about seeing his parents sometimes this week. Was that today? If it was I should probably get ready. The only thing I knew was that I was required to be there the entire time. They didn’t tell me what was going to happen, how long it would be, but I’m sure Cas would tell me on our way there. 
I shut my computer closed, placing my notebook on top of it before shoving it into my bag and glancing over at Cas. He seemed excited to meet with his parents. I would be too if I had been separated for however long. Then again I live in an entire different city than my parents. They do like calling every once in a while though. I don’t think they let Cas have his own parents phone number. 
“Excited?” I mumbled, walking a little bit closer. I’m pretty sure we’ll have to leave soon. It was already noon and I was mainly waiting on a text or a call that explains that his parents were ready to see him. For some reason he’s not allowed to go in early which I find is kind of irrational, but I can’t just go against them. Heck, I wasn’t even supposed to be part of this organization. 
“Mhm. Last time we were only allowed an hour to talk.” He smiled sadly at me, still looking positive about today’s outcome. I do hope he gets to see them today. I think he needs this. But I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as excited to see their parents as Cas was. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but how old are you?” I asked, looking up curiously. He can’t be more than three years younger than me. He doesn’t go to school, and I doubt he’s any older than myself. 
“Eighteen. I know, I act like a child.” He chuckled, messing with his hands. Nervous? I don’t really think I could do anything about that. Actually, for someone who has depression and struggles with emotions, he doesn’t lose control a whole lot. Only ever twice has he in front of me, minus the times where he starts growing a couple feet from either watching someone thing or thinking about something. I try my hardest to shut it down before anything bad could happen. Last time I freaked out and couldn’t do anything useful to help him. 
“I don’t think you act like a child.” I laughed, hearing my phone go off. I hurried to pick it up, seeing Cas quite literally beam with a shocked smile. I told them we’d be right there, and then carefully climbed into his hands. Today would be a good day. I don’t know why I get the feeling something bad will happen. It’s just the way they had sounded on the phone… 
The building looked relatively normal on the outside, with a fancy look that had screamed “We’re rich,” there were different sized doors, but what caught me off guard was that there was an entire security system right at the front that makes sure you’r not bringing a weapon. Cas set me down near the human-sized doors, telling me to just do what they say and we’ll eventually meet up again. It’s kind of awkward taking instructions from someone younger than me, but he’s been here for much, much longer. 
I went through security, answered a few questions, like who I was with, how long I would prefer the visit time be, mostly questions about Cas if I were being honest. Was this why he was only allowed a singular hour to talk last time? Because he had someone else? I don’t really mind spending a few hours here. What could go wrong? I answered as long as Cas and his parents were going to be here. I’d feel bad if I set a time limit. Plus, I’m sure his parents would love to spend some more time with him. 
Eventually they lead me to a huge waiting room, where I was guessing I would be able to keep an eye on Cas. I was I trusted to stay in there in case something goes wrong, but I sincerely doubt it. What was there to be upset about in the first place? I think everything would be fine. I was just staying on the sidelines anyways. Maybe meet his parents, talk for a while. Heck, maybe I’ll even get to know a little more about him. Cas doesn’t answer some questions I have. All for good reason I hope, it’s not like I was going to force it out of him anyways. That would just be plain wrong. 
Out side of the room, Cas had walked in, standing up near the platform I was guessing they’d be at. Weren’t they supposed to take me up there too? A woman wearing a suit walked into my holding room, taking a seat right next to me, “Kayla Cruz. I was Casper’s old therapist.” She giggled, holding her hand out. Oh? What was she doing here then? Why was she replaced by me of all people? She certainly looked like she was more trained for this job than I was. Something wasn’t right here. 
“Oh, um, Liam Rover. It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled, shaking her offered hand and watching as Three people wearing a guard outfit instructed Cas about something to which he nodded to. Wasn’t I supposed to be up there? I think I know which way to go to get up to him. I guess I can wait an extra couple of minutes. I have no idea why, but I had a bad feeling about everything. Maybe I could ask Ryan later? I know the person he was placed with is a shifter who can only reduce their size, was this really any different? I’d have to ask. 
The woman next to me watched, a frown on her face as she looked at Cas, a worried look on his face. His eyes darted all around the room, still waiting for when his parents walk through the safety of the doors high above where I was sitting. Was it supposed to take this long? Why was I the one worried? Was it just a feeling? 
Th woman next to me glared at me from the corner of her eye, a smirk appearing on her face, “They told you he was meeting with his parents today?” She leaned back in the seat. I nodded my head, confused. “It’s technically true, but the company has deemed Casper here too mentally unstable to meet with anyone but shifters and his corresponding therapist, which would be you.” 
My heart sank. 
What the hell. This was just wrong! I have to go up there before they do anythi- I stared up at the platform, seeing a singular guard walk in, say something to Cas, have a short conversation that made his eyes grow wide and slide slowly down the metal-looking wall behind him. My eyes darted around the room, searching for a door to go and help him. Of course I was terrified about what they’ve done, mostly the outcome of what’s about to happen, but it’s not like I can just leave him here. I know what they do to shifters who can’t control their emotions. Their either sent off to a special captivity prison, or they… I can’t think about that right now. I am not about to become the reason Cas gets sent to a place like that. I don’t have the heart in me to do so. 
I found a door that looked like it lead to the room, and almost as if they knew I was searching for it, it unlocked. I threw it open, rushing out, my heart beating fast and uncontrollable. My legs were about to give out from underneath me, breath shaky, my mind screaming at me to get the hell out of here. But I don’t. I knew what was about to happen. They weren’t letting Cas see his parents. I heard slight screaming and yelling in another room that sounded like a woman’s and crying from a kid. But I didn’t focus on that right now. I was more worried about the situation in front of me. 
What do I do? Something tells me this isn’t going to be anything like that other time. Cas has always watched how he reacts to things, what he does, but right now he’s not. He’s most definitely depressed, and there was just something else I couldn’t pin point. People do dumb things while they’re upset. They regret it all later, so it would be best if I make sure Cas doesn’t so anything he’ll regret. Because then that’s an entire different problem to deal with after this one. 
“Cas!” I managed to scream at the top of my lungs, knees buckling underneath me, but I force them to keep me standing upright as his gaze falls onto me. I jumped, chest heaving up and down as I struggled to find the words to say. My body was frozen in fear, not even able to move a single limb from it’s place. He winced when his legs uncomfortably hit the wall opposite of him. I didn’t know what to do. It’s almost like… they wanted him to lash out. Why would they want that? Soon enough, guards ran in, yelling orders while one tugged at me to head back inside, but I didn’t move. Instead, I rushed forward, avoiding the somehow careful limbs that were trying to move into a compact position on the floor. 
A guard was running after me, but I guess someone held him back since I was somehow gaining ground when I was running extremely slow and tripping every once in a while. I found Cas’s head, seeing him scrunched up as much as he could manage as of right now. He laid on the ground, arms and hands covering his face and knees up against the chest. He still realizes that he can hurt people. Maybe I can actually do this? Still, the size difference between us is huge. 
Cas wasn’t crying or anything. Just mumbling words I surprisingly couldn’t make out. He didn’t sound angry. Just upset. That makes it easier to deal with. People do horrible things out of anger. And I could only imagine how devastating it would be if Cas wasn’t thoughtful enough to watch himself. 
I found his head, buried underneath his arms and muttering incomprehensible words to himself. He groaned a bit, slightly turning his body to face the wall, moving his arms away from his face to lay them down. I guess he didn’t see that I was so close to him because his arm almost killed me. I quickly jumped out the way just before I would’ve been nothing but a pile of flesh and bones on the ground. My heart skipped a beat, unable to stare at the spot on the ground where I could’ve died. My breathing became a ragged, and the sounds close to me were slightly muffled, but it’s not like anyone was saying anything important to me. 
Cas turned his head, eyes meeting my frozen minuscule frame and gasping. He moved his arm away from me, doing his best to slowly sit up without alarming the multiple guards in the room, along with the weapons they probably have imbedded in the room itself. I could tell he was still upset, but right now I was too focused on the fact that I could have died. That reminded me just how much power Cas had over me. Even if I was the one who was watching over him. 
“L-Liam I-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-“ He tried apologizing, voice hitching just before sucked in a sharp breath. My entire body was shaky, but I forced my legs to push me back up and walk over to the towering being. More people had walked in, Cas pressed his back closer to the wall scared. He knew what was going to happen. I knew what was going to happen. I just had to make sure it wasn’t the worst possible outcome of the the two. I don’t think I could handle the guilt that way. 
The week I’ve spent with Cas has been amazing really. Even though sometimes I get a little jumpy from the fast movements, or feel uncomfortable at times when he’s around me, Cas really isn’t bad at all. We’ve hung out for a while, watched movies, played a few games. I think we’re friends? With that thought in mind I’d hate to see them take him to a place he doesn’t even deserve to be in. Of course I was afraid of him still, instincts and all, but I don’t want him to end up being alone. 
I stood up, taking shaky breaths as I tried my hardest to stay upright. Come on I’m not even hurt- I was just terrified. Shocked. A little unstable right now even. If I had tried talking to Cas now he wouldn’t hear me. The distance between my and himself was huge. I looked back up at him, taking deep breaths. He stared worriedly at the people making their way in, looking ready to advance if he tries anything. 
“I’m not scared. I’m totally fine.” I kept muttering to myself. It usually worked when I felt like this. It’s what my dad would keep telling me. Little did he know that I was terrified of everything going on around me right now. 
Cas’s attention turned to me, a hand reaching taking up my vision as I stood frozen in fear. The next the thing I knew I was pinched tightly between two of his fingers, arms pinned to my sides and barely able to move any part of my body. The pressure against my chest increased, threatening to break my ribs. That was the least of my worries. I couldn’t breathe right now. 
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you like that!” He freaked out, holding me dangerously close to his face. He’s not being his usual careful self, but that was expected when a person was upset. I gasped for air, trying to free my arms from the prison I was in currently, but Cas just kept looking over the the people on the ground that was far, far below me and muttering words in a language I couldn’t hear. 
My heart was racing fast as my lungs had begged me for air. I managed to free one of my arms, and I forced my voice to work for once, “Cas!” 
“…Lo siento. Lo siento mucho. Estoy arruinando todo...” (*Translation: I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I’m ruining everything…*)He kept on muttering over and over again, and it just makes me wish I had paid attention to my spanish classes in high school. Something about him being sorry? I think have much, much bigger problems at hand though. 
Cas shifted me in his literal death grip, allowing me to breathe, but he was pressing down harder, and a sharp pain erupted from my leg, but I was fueled by the adrenaline. 
“Cas!” I screamed again, trying to pull myself out of his grip. His eyes darted to me, wide and shocked. It took him a moment to realize, but he let go, laying me down in his open palm, running a hand through his hair. I coughed for air, wincing when I checked out the leg that felt like it was on fire. Most likely broken, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It was fine though. I know he didn’t mean to. But still, my fear never wavered at the fact that he could quite literally kill me by not even trying to. 
“¿Estás bien? I-I didn’t mean to-“ I nodded my head, biting down hard on the bottom of my lip. It’s okay, you know him good enough to know that he wouldn’t do any of this on purpose. I had to remind myself before gathering up my remaining courage to actually do my job. 
“Cas, just take a few breaths, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong.” I had only hoped he heard over how shaky my voice was. He slowly nodded his head, I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them the ground wouldn’t be so far from me. When I peaked out, the ground was a bit closer, people stood on the ground, frozen in either fear or shock. I calmed my heart down enough to actually get a few more words in. 
“Feeling a little better?” I asked, putting on the best smile I could manage right now. He slightly nodded again, continuing to take slow breaths. 
“What happened?” I asked calmly, genuinely worried about what was said before I rushed in through here. Cas eyes me sadly, wincing, “I won’t… be able to see my parents for a long time.” He whispered, suddenly aware of everything around him again. He moved further into the wall, away from the people below us. 
“And that means?…” He bit the bottom of his lip, “Apparently I’m too unstable to even see my own family.” He sighed, and I could tell he wanted to cry, but he knew what would happen if he gave into those feelings. 
“I-I have a little brother. He loves trying to climb up anything he can,” He started laughing sadly, “You can imagine how much fun he has when he and my parents come for visits.” He sniffled a little, smiling. Oh. Oh. He’s calming down in his own way. 
Why was the world so adamant on having people watch over the “dangerous” shifters? Cas doesn’t need me… and maybe shifters don’t actually need anyone to watch over them. 
“Yeah?” I smiled, laughing with him while he seemed to have calmed down. 
“… I’m sorry, Liam.” He pressed me up agianst the bridge of his nose, this time a lot more gentle. I winced from the sharp pain in my leg, but sucked it up. I think Cas needs this. Even if I was scared he’d accidentally hurt me again. 
Cas let me down, facing the crowd on the ground that had rushed to help me up, limping the entire way until multiple people were talking behind me, rushing into places. I turned back, ignoring the warning from the people helping me. Cas gave a sad smile as the red band on his wrists started blinking, clasping themselves together like magnetic handcuffs. Cas sighed. 
I heard people in another room yelling, even a child’s voice. It’s his parents. I gasped, finding a door to another room I haven’t been in, seeing a guard and a person with a suit and tie in there. Through the small window, I saw a tall man trying to comfort his wife, who sat crying on the bench while the child stared, screaming at the guard to let him see his brother. My heart sank. 
They weren’t going to kill Cas. I knew they wouldn’t. I just hoped I would be allowed to see him in the hospital they’ll be placing him in. This wasn’t right. Not at all. 
Aghhh plot build up my beloved. This chapter leads up to something reallyyy important for later.
Aww all Cas wanted was to see his little brother 🥺
I hope you enjoyed! I have no idea how to feel about this chapter if I’m being honest, but I hope it’s alright TwT work is affecting my writing grahhhh. Thank you for reading though!
The drawing I did for this chapter is right here!
Taglist: @da3dm (If you would like to be added, leave a note or dm me! :D)
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G/T JULY DAY 5: Caught
“Little one…” A voice echoes around your whole body as if it’s a wave drowning you. You were so stupid- SO STUPID- you repeated to yourself. Trying to escape… you knew that it would be difficult but you had faith. And little did you know that your faith… would lead to your demise.
You were frozen… not able to move. You felt as if you were a mouse in one of those sticky traps. Subject to the giant beings wants and needs… and you couldn’t do anything about it. In the beginning- they weren’t as scary. They weren’t as controlling… but now-
They were obsessed with you. You should’ve ran while you could- but now…
Thick and soft fingers wrapped around your torso… surprisingly not too tight- but secure enough so you couldn’t even attempt escaping.
You were lifted into the air, your surroundings changing rapidly until you were brought infront of that all too familiar smile.
“Caught you.”.
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