#i wanna go over my muse list. remove some add others
sennik · 1 year
so, turns out the best cure for being depressed, overworked and uninspired really is working less, spending time with friends, and consuming media you actually like.
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starsmuserainbow · 3 months
Sorry for, like, some days I think? of absence on my end. I was kinda focused on getting something ready bc I'm feeling the beachy/summery vibes.
Good news is I got it done though, so find some pictures here!
Starting through my list of muses from the back this time, because I don't wanna always have Star at the top.
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Akari would of course for obvious reasons not actually go into the water, so she doesn't really wear a swimsuit either. Alternatively, of course, if she does go into the water -
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this is what her outfit would be. Duh.
The rest of them below the cut because length and being multiple pictures!
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Next Pyrrha! Now that I look at it again the pose feels a bit weird, but, meh. This is definitely what she's wearing for beachy things, and if she's not in the water she'd have a somewhat see-through yellow/golden "towel" wrapped around her hips too.
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Did you expect anything different than her normal self from Sheshe?
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Having found this glowy beach some time during her young years,
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Mar'i still has it as a favourite spot years later.
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Not that she's any willing to put on anything other than her uniform, but if you somehow manage to convice her, something alike this would be what Lightning would wear for beachy summery stuff. Don't expect her to go into the water though.
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Alluring as ever, of course.
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Mia is always up for some summer fun!
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Not really all that comfortable with wearing bikins, it would still be Cat's choice for when invited to like the beach or something, it just is nicer to wear for her than a one-piece-swimsuit. Still doesn't mean she'll feel all that comfortable, much less enough so to have a picture taken.
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Having been invited to a beachy day with the Titans, and Starfire of course insisted he'd wear something appropriate instead of his armor too. Moonshot is about as passive as always, but he sat down and watches them do their stuff. (Don't ask me where Robin and Cy are, I had notyetbymeedited BB and Raven models available and not the other two) Also, I tried to add a distance blur thingie here myself, the game does have an option for it but I didn't manage to make it start at where Moonshot is so uh, had to do it myself.
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Colorful and fun for Starlight, of course! (I maybe should have removed the shoes on that right side picture oops)
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He's just as insecure and uncertain as always. Absolutely wears something to cover himself a little over the actual beach/water-wear which'd be only some swim-pants.
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Nothing to say here really. She wouldn't hesitate lying on the beach without that dress, either.
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And Star of course! Nothing I really have to add here.
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writersmorgue · 3 years
Something Immortal
word count - 3k
warnings: suicide attempt, drug use, addiction, cursing, teenagers being gross
pairing: model!Todoroki x canon!Bakugo
"Holy shit guys he posted!!" Mina squeals, vaulting herself over the couch to reach the rest of the Bakusquad sitting on the common room carpet. An old original copy of Monopoly splayed out in the center of their group.
"Ooh, show us! Show us!" Kaminari leans forward, swiping half of the properties off the board in the process.
Sero groans, "Dude you do this every time!!"
The blond pouts, "Hey it's your fault I was losing."
Kirishima just chuckles, picking up his dog piece from jail and throwing it into the box.
"Your smart people game can wait," Mina tugs on Sero's ponytail, "He hasn't posted in weeks."
"Oh my god he's so fucking hot," Kaminari's knee-jerk reaction is whispered as soon as he sees the post.
Todoroki Shouto, one of Japan- and America's- most well-known models. The teenager, who happens to be their age, regularly models for magazines like Vogue, Joker, and Elle. The teenager who has starred in countless American and Japanese short and independent films. The teenager who just so happens to be the son of the number one hero, Endeavor.
No one knows his quirk, but it just adds to the mystery. Some people theorize he's quirkless, but others think he's got a crazy dangerous quirk, which is why he's a model instead of an aspiring hero. Not like he's not perfect for the job, with his gorgeous bi-colored hair and heterochromatic eyes. The scar on his left side somehow only adds to his beauty. It doesn't matter what your sexuality is, you simp for Todoroki Shouto.
But that's the obvious, now this photo- this photo.
"It's ethereal, I've never seen him look so serene before."
"He's an actual angel."
"How is he only eighteen?!"
Mina nods as Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima go through the seven stages of grief just looking at the photo.
Kirishima's eyes dart to Todoroki's username... which is just Shouto. In fact, the Todoroki name isn't mentioned once on his account, a fact that has hundreds of conspiracy theories on its own.
"Hey Meens, can we stalk him real quick? I wanna see who he's following."
She grins, "Well anything for you, munchkin."
Sero snorts. Their couple nicknames never fail to amuse anyone within hearing range.
"Ugh gross," Kaminari gags as Mina giggles, swiping off of the picture (which already has over 600,000) and onto his main page.
It's simple, plain yet elegant in the way only a PR manager could manage.
The bio is a link to his most recent shoot with some magazine that Kirishima doesn't recognize, the profile picture is a rare shot of him smiling, a blue checkmark, and a follower count of over four million.
His following count, however, is the shocker.
"He only follows fourteen people?" Sero whispers, clicking on the number.
"Huh," Mina turns the phone slightly so she can see, "Who is he following?"
"Let's see," Sero squints, eyes scrolling down the list, "Hawks... his siblings... Mirko... some American models... his agency's profile... and- wait, isn't that Bakugo?"
"HAH?" Mina yells, whipping the phone around and clicking on the profile.
Sure enough, a slew of photos shows up on her screen, all of their resident blond pomeranian glaring at the camera in various locations.
"He- WHAT?? It must be a glitch!" Mina scrambles frantically, eyes darting across the screen.
"Uh, yeah," Kirishima chuckles, "a glitch."
Mina scrolls up numerous times as if refreshing the page will help.
"I mean what other explanation can you think of?! It's not like Thee Todoroki Shouto would know our Bakugou, they're totally in different leagues." Mina sounds absolutely scandalized, causing Sero to laugh.
"I don't know, Meens, the proof is right there. We should ask him about it!"
"And what- DIE?" Kaminari reasons.
Sero nods, "Fair point."
"Pussies." Mina stands, planting her manicured hands on the edge of the couch, "I'll ask him myself."
"I REFUSE." A fourteen-year-old Shouto screams at his father.
"what do you mean you refuse? Shouto she's a lovely girl, and you need to procreate while you're still young if you're not going to become a hero like I want. You get one or the other." Todoroki Enji grabs his youngest child by the arm to lead him out of the kitchen, but Shouto jerks out of his grip. "Wh- SHOUTO."
"I'm going to live with Fuyumi. She'll take care of me." He holds his ground, shaking his father off when he tries once again to physically lead him out of the room.
"OH?" Enji bellows a laugh, "And how do you expect she'll find the money to take you in? Raising a teenager is expensive, you know, and she's only a simple school teacher."
"She's not a simple anything. And I- I'll find a way. We'll be fine. I already talked to several agencies."
"Wait, Mina!!" Kaminari calls after the girl, but she's a woman on a mission and there's no stopping her.
They arrive at Bakugo's door in a heap, Kaminari clawing at Mina while she knocks calmly. Kirishima and Sero stand to watch because they have no idea what else to do. (They're just as nervous as Kaminari but they're more afraid of Mina if they're being honest.)
A crash comes from inside the room, but soon their resident angry boy is slamming open his door and glaring at them. The normalcy is comforting.
"Do you fuckers realize what fucking time it is?"
"Yes~" Mina coos sweetly, "I know old men need their sleep but it's only 8:30 and we have a question."
He sighs aggressively and stretches his arms behind his back, cracking his shoulders and then his neck, Kaminari whimpers in fear.
"Alright, what do you want pinky?"
She's practically vibrating with excitement at this point.
"Why is Todoroki Shouto following you on Instagram?"
Bakugo seems to mull over this for a moment, and then he just shrugs.
Mina nods like this answers any part of her question, "That's what I thought, funny glitch. He's pretty hot though, right?"
The rest of the group nods emphatically.
Bakugo scratches his leg with his other heel, "He's not ugly, I guess."
Mina waves her arms around in Bakugo's general direction, "See!!? Even the straight guy agrees!!"
"No one was disagreeing with you, Mina." Sero snickers.
Bakugo grunts, then promptly slams the door in their faces.
"Well I guess that was more than he'd usually do at this time, we're lucky we didn't get exploded." Kirishima muses.
Kaminari nods, shuddering at the thought.
"Welp! That answers our question!" Although it really didn't, no one was about to argue with Mina, "Anyway I'm going to bed."
"Say hi to your vibe for me!" Sero whispers after her.
She waves as she marches away, humming to herself.
Shouto stares at the street below.
He wonders if he'd die falling from a height like this. He hopes he doesn't hit anyone.
Slowly, he removes his expensive sneakers, dropping them on the modelling agency's roof beside him. It's breezy tonight, and Shouto, freshly sixteen, has nothing to live for anymore. So he won't.
Stepping carefully over the guardrail, not sure why since he's about to jump. Maybe part of him is still afraid.
Whatever he can get over it.
His thin frame wobbles in the wind, and he breathes deeply, too focused on relaxing to notice the roof door opening, and hurried steps coming up behind him.
A warm hand grabs him, almost startling him off the side of the building.
The interruption heaves heavy breaths in his ear as they both topple down onto the concrete floor.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Oh, it's Bakugo.
The only child of his manager, Mitsuki Bakugo, who happens to be a nosy little shit who can't stay out of other people's business.
"Get OFF" Shouto shoves him, frantically scrambling toward the railing again. He needs this.
"NO! Todoroki get the fuck back-"
"It's SHOUTO." blood spurts onto his gray sweater and he realizes with muted horror that he just elbowed his employer's son in the nose.
"Fuck I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He bends down, removing his trashed pullover, and holds it to his friend's nose.
Bakugo snorts, "Sorry- Shouto I mean." He winces when Shouto presses harder into his face, "I'll forgive you if you don't jump."
Shouto sighs, "You know why I was going to."
Bakugo visibly calms at the use of past tense, the outburst must have snapped him out of it.
"Your mom, right?" Shouto tenses.
"Yeah I- he barred me from ever seeing her again and I- I don't know what to do." He shudders and pulls his pills from his pants pocket.
He wonders what his mom would say if she found out her baby was addicted to drugs.
Bakugou frowns but lets his friend take the pill, not sure what to say.
"Fucking piece of shit. Is that even legal?"
"Legally the number two hero can do whatever the fuck he wants. We live in a flawed world, Bakugo.
"I- Shouto."
"Hmm?" Shouto collapses onto the ground, crunching the pill and sighing as he feels the effects start to take almost immediately.
"I care- I care about you, okay? So please let me help you. Let me get you help."
A tear slips down to Shouto's ear without his permission, he wipes it away as quickly as it came.
"I don't know, Bakugo. You haven't exactly seemed to like me in the past. Even though I like to think we're friends I know you don't feel the same." He frowns, admiring the shine of wetness on his palm in the moonlight.
Bakugo grumbles, "Don't fuckin' tell me what I do and don't feel. I really fuckin' care about you even though I'm an ass about it, okay? I'm not good with emotions so don't expect much from me. But I do want you to be happy and I don't think the uh- the pills are helping."
The blond holds out a hand and reluctantly Shouto slaps the container into it.
"Fine," he mumbles, "you're uh- not as bad as I thought."
Bakugo snorts, "You're just as bad as I thought, but I like you anyway."
Against his will, Shouto finds himself blushing, thankful that it's mostly hidden in the dark.
"C'mon," Bakugo gestures to his own chest, "I know you could use one."
Shouto whimpers as he curls himself into the blond's strong frame. He's built a lot of muscle since starting at UA this year.
A strong hand rubs along his back and Shouto finds he can't hold back his tears any longer as the shock starts to set in.
Fuck he almost just killed himself.
"Thanks, Bakugo."
"I almost just watched you die, you can call me Katsuki."
"Thanks, Katsuki."
"No problem, Shouto."
The Bakusquad once again finds themselves playing a game on the common room floor, this time Sorry, much to Sero's chagrin.
"Sorry!" Kirishima grins cheekily as he kicks Sero's piece back to his home base.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuck you guys-" He groans, flopping back onto the loveseat behind him, only to get an eyeful of Bakugo Katsuki's ass, "Oh hey Bakugou!"
Sero snickers, patting Bakugou on the hip, "Sorry dude, it was literally right there."
Small explosions popped from Bakugo's hands as he growled down at Sero.
"Aw come on blasty he's just playing and WHERE are you going dressed like that???!!!"
Bakugo blushes and tugs his light blue blazer down farther.
"I have a date." He mutters, tugging his sleeves.
“Sorry,” Kaminari laughs, “I think I misheard you. Sounded like you said ‘I have a date.’”
Bakugo rolls his eyes, “Because I do, dipshit.” He sighs, checking his -expensive-looking- watch, “Just watch the independent film awards when they’re on. I think it’s like four hours from now that it starts.”
“Whyyyy would you have anything to do with that?” Kirishima groans, very lost.
“Shut the fuck up.” Bakugo grunts, digging his phone out of his pocket when it vibrates and checking something before humming and striding towards the front door.
He looks unusually elegant, hair slicked back probably as well as Bakugo’s hair can be, shirt tucked in, a few rings on his fingers, barely visible and yet beautifully drawn eyeliner. He’s… pretty.
The three remaining members of the Bakusquad, as well as the rest of the common room, sit there in awe as he shoves a permission slip in Iida’s blubbering face.
“I- Wh- Bakugo is this from Aizawa? You cannot just leave!!”
“Fuck off glasses, I have his fuckin’ blessing or whatever.”
The blond shoots a middle finger off behind him and slams the door shut, leaving a stunned common room in his wake.
“Uh, well, that happened.” Jirou drones blandly from her place on the couch with Momo.
“Awards show watch party, anyone?!” Uraraka grins, standing, “I’ll get the mochi!!”
“I’ll make tea,” Momo stands as well, dusting off her perfectly clean jeans. Jirou groans at the loss of her girlfriend’s warmth and flops over on the couch.
“This is stupid, he probably got invited by some pro hero and he’s just going to yell at the paparazzi if he’s even gonna be there.” She pouts.
“Well,” Sero grins, “anyone wanna play Monopoly while we wait?”
Kaminari throws the Sorry board at his head.
“Alright, is everyone ready!!? The red carpet is about to start!!” Hagakure squeals, even though the entirety of class 3-A (minus Bakugo) is there.
“So… what exactly are we watching this for?” Shinsou scratches the back of his neck.
“Bakugo’s going to be in it apparently, the study group earlier saw him in the common room wearing a suit.” Ojiro answers.
“Not just a suit!!” Mina holds her hands out as if to deliver groundbreaking news, “A fancy suit.”
“Aren’t all suits fancy?”
“Shut up.”
“OOH LOOK there’s Arai Itō and Chiba Yoshida!! Aww, they’re so cute!” Uraraka swoons, clasping her hands together.
“I wonder when Kacchan is gonna come out, these things can take a while.”
“I honestly don’t even care, I heard Todoroki Shouto is nominated for an award this year!! Do you remember that really sad short film he was in about having an overdose? Gosh, I hope he wins.” Hagakure’s hair bow vibrates excitedly.
“THERE HE IS THERE HE IS!!!!!” She points at the bottom of the screen where a man in a pale blue dress has stepped out of a limo and onto the carpet, a heeled foot gracefully raising him to his full 6’2”.
“Holy shit he’s gorgeous.” Sero breathes, the reporters on screen basically saying the same thing.
Shouto reaches behind him and holds out a hand for the second person stepping out of the limo, broad shoulders, a shorter stature than Shouto especially with the heels, spiky blond hair, piercing red eyes-
The aerial camera pans down toward the blond, showing off his suit- which matches Shouto’s dress perfectly- and his, what appears to be professionally done hair.
“Holy shit does he have an undercut now!!?? We just saw him a few hours ago!” Mina screeches.
Momo shrugs, “They do that sort of thing for celebrities.” She sips her tea, unphased.
“Okay okay, we’re all ignoring the most important part. Kacchan is Todoroki’s date.” Izuku frantically waves his arms around.
“I didn’t know they knew each other,” Tokoyami muses.
“What the fuck is happening?” Sero asks no one in particular.
“Wait everyone SHUT UP they’re announcing awards!!!! Todoroki might win one! We can ask Bakugo about this when he gets back. Surely there’s an interesting story.” Uraraka chimes in, handing out mochi and popcorn.
The tv’s voice is muffled under the muttering of several class 3-A members, but Mina turns it up as the male announcer reads the winners of the award Todoroki is nominated for.
TODOROKI SHOUTO!!! For his work in The End of Me and the incredible performance that shocked-”
Cheers ring through the dorms, popcorn goes flying, and Mina frantically shushes everyone as Shouto makes his way gracefully onto the stage. He accepts the award from the previous winner, bowing elegantly and stepping up to the mic.
“Hello everyone,” He begins, shooting a shy smile directly into the camera. It has always perplexed his fans how nervous he can be in real life compared to in his photoshoots. “This is a really important award to me, not only am I incredibly grateful to the panel for gracing this title upon me, but as of yesterday,” He smiles at the ground, taking a deep breath, “I’m two years clean.”
Shocked gasps ricochet through the award hall as well as through the crowd gathered around the tv.
“He did drugs, kero?” Tsu whispers.
“Mon dieux,” Aoyama shakes his head, pressing a hand to his chest, “how brave.”
Shouto clears his breath and continues, “In fact, that wasn’t the worst of it at the time, and I’m incredibly grateful to all who have supported me through my career. You keep me sane, and you keep me going. But especially, I’d like to thank my sister, brother, and my wonderful boyfriend-”
He holds an arm out to someone in the audience, and the camera pans to none other than Bakugou Katsuki, “who quite literally saved my life, and helped me drive myself back on track. I love you Katsuki, and you continue to improve my life every second that you’re in it.”
Most of 3-A are in tears at this point, and as Bakugo half-heartedly scowls into the camera, they can tell his eyes are shining too.
Shouto glances back at the camera as if directing his words to someone in particular.
“Thank you.”
And then he’s walking back down to his seat as the audience provides him with a standing ovation.
“THEY’RE DATING,” Mina sobs, shaking Kirishima’s shoulders as he sits, staring slack-jawed at the television.
“Yeah, yeah they are.”
Katsuki does NOT wipe tears from his eyes as he helps Shouto sit back down in his seat, but his boyfriend definitely does. His mascara, thankfully waterproof, still holds strong.
Shouto shoots him a watery smile, rubbing his arm as he pulls the blond into a hug.
“Happy two years, Katsuki.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Mission of Mercy: One
“Where’s she headed?” Bucky asked watching the woman loading the back of her small SUV with a duffle bag and assorted odds and ends.
She was a friend of Sam’s, one from his days at the VA, Bucky knew, but he couldn’t remember her name. Sam had got her the gig with SHEILD. I guess he figured they all needed counseling. Or a team mom. Or whatever it was she did. Outreach, Bucky figured. Generating good PR. 
“Looks like a mission of Mercy,” Sam said with a small, slightly sad smile. Bucky looked at him for explanation and Sam sighed, instantly looking sadder and a few years older. 
“She’s a third generation Army Brat,” Sam explained. “Dad never came home from Desert Storm and Brother didn’t come back from… whatever the fuck he was doing. Mom was a VA nurse before she retired… So Y/N knows a lot of grumpy old fucks that don’t like to leave their houses. She makes rounds a few times a week still, for the people she’s known since she was just a kid. Friends of her dad’s, some cousins twice removed.”
Bucky exhaled slowly and nodded. That he hadn’t known. He’d never really paid that much attention to you. But now he looked again. You were packing down styrofoam coolers with what looked like milk, eggs, cheese, and assorted lunch meat. And you had a few labeled boxes of cans. A couple cases of beer… That made Bucky smile a little. And he could respect what you were doing. 
“Y/N!” Sam called across the motor pool, “Who’s on your list?”
“Joe, Rocky, and Cooksy, at least for today,” you answer, “Mac and Wild man are still in the nursing home for rehab.”
“Joe, huh?” Sam said walking over, Bucky trailing after him looking confused.
“You wanting to go along?” you ask, smiling, tightening the ratchet straps that held the styrofoam coolers in place.
“That old man still owes me a rematch,” Sam said grinning. 
“Rematch in what?” Bucky asked, catching a case of beer that had started to slide of it’s perch and slotting it carefully into an open space for you. 
“Dice,” you snort, “Sam swears he cheats.” You give Bucky a smile of thanks and slot a small gift bag in next to the case and Bucky has to look away from you. His face feels hot and he feels like you’re looking through him. So he looks at your hands. Work roughened. Nails bitten to the quick. Useful hands. Not just ornaments at the ends of your wrists. Efficient. 
“He Does!” Sam’s voice breaks through Bucky’s distraction and jolts him back to the world. Back out of his head. And for that, Bucky is momentarily grateful. And a scolding gasp from you immediately makes him too aware. 
“Get off my bread you fucking heathen,” you grouse, only half playing as you give Sam a shove away from a bag.
“My bad,” Sam said, quickly, holding his hands up in surrender, “You got a minute though?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, “Go get your stuff. I don’t want to wake Joe up before he’s ready.”
Sam gives you a grin and trots off and Bucky sighs, mentally trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his day. He didn’t want to assume he was going. 
“Joe did intelligence work during WWII,” you tell him, “You guys can always swap some bullshit stories… If you want to come.”
Bucky looked at you. You aren’t looking at him, instead you’re leaning on the bumper of your car and looking somewhere not quite the middle distance, but at something, anything else. And he can’t decide if you’re nervous or just awkward. And he can’t decide how he feels about making you nervous. He was nervous. His palms felt clammy and the rolling in his stomach couldn’t decide if it wanted to be butterflies or hornets. 
“Joe won’t mind?” Bucky asked. 
“A friend of mine is a friend of his,” you say, and Bucky can see that the corner of your mouth is upturned in a smile. “He’s a cousin… kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“He’s a cousin of a friend of my mom’s… He used to look after me sometimes when mom had to run a night shift.”
Bucky nodded, “That-” he couldn’t decide if that was “nice,” or “Cool,” or “weird.” 
“He taught me how to draw in three point perspective, gamble, and make a decent martini,” you say, and Bucky can hear the fondness in your voice. “Most importantly I guess, he never let me be a weirdo by myself.”
Bucky let himself chuckle. And when you chanced looking up at him, the rolling in his stomach decided it was butterflies. 
You were smiling. The kind of smile that would be seductive outlines in red. But right now? With no make up on and your hair falling out of a haphazard ponytail? You looked like a kid about to cause trouble. And he wanted to see what trouble that was going to be. 
Sam retuned before Bucky could formulate something flirty to say. Something that wouldn’t sound too dirty or too corny. Something that might make you swoon a little... though. As you swore at Sam across the motorpool telling him to hurry the fuck up, Bucky doubted very much that you had ever swooned in your life. But he could absolutely see that having a grumpy old man baby sit you had had some other amusing outcomes. 
Swear words didn’t look like they fit you. Your mouth was too sweet looking and the words were too blunt and ugly. It looked like they would fit wrong and come out worse. But. The way you said them was so casual. As if you had never not said them. And that… For some reason, tickled Bucky. He likes smart girls. He liked girls with a temper. And listening to you bicker with Sam just… It definitely burst some more butterflies out of their cocoons. It was nice, Sam having to put up with a smart mouth instead of being the one to dish it out. 
The drive was fine. 
Sam didn’t even complain about the music you played. A blend that gave Bucky whiplash and something of a headache behind his eyes. But. That wasn’t your fault. A lot of the music past his own time did that. 
The Audio bombast of discordant sounds and coded meanings of the ever evolving slang was… a lot. So he mostly focused on the scenery. The cars. The people. The sky. The architecture. That helped. Some things about New York would probably never really change. There were more people now. Fewer dresses and more people in pants… And fewer roving packs of kids. But. It felt the same.
It wasn’t until he was standing on the doorstep. He and Sam looming over you like bodyguards that he noticed differences. The lack of washing hung out to dry. The consistent low hum of multiple air conditioners. The lack of kid noises. The lack of… community. The way everyone was together, and apart simultaneously. 
But when the door swung open slowly, and Bucky was greeted by a little old man. One with thick glasses, a bald head, and stooped shoulders. A neck that made him look like a turtle… A sudden warmth washed over him. 
“There’s my favorite ray of Sunshine,” he said, pulling you into an unembarrassed hug. The kind men in his time reserved for their mothers and beloved children. “And my second favorite pain in the ass!” he said, rasping a laugh as he clasped Sam’s hand in his. 
“I moved up a spot,” Sam chuckled.
 “Eh, the neighbor’s dog died last week,” Joe said, giving Bucky a steady, appraising look.
“Aww, Bear died?” you say sadly, “poor old man… How’s Irene doing with it?”
Joe turned back towards you and chucked you under the chin gently with a small smile. Bucky didn’t miss the tears that had welled up, and evidently, neither had the old man. “She’s heart broke,” he said, “But, she told me to tell you he loved the blanket and it made his last couple weeks more cozy.”
Joe stepped back and ushered you into the house, letting you pass him to go and quietly pull yourself back together, Bucky figured. The butterflies in his stomach catching a sudden chill. 
“Who’s he?” Joe asked, arms folding across his scrawny chest as he straightened himself to his full height… or as close to it as he could manage.
“Winter Soldier,” Sam said grinning, clapping him on the shoulder before going to get the stuff you had for him out of your trunk.
“No shit?” Joe said, adjusting his glasses.
“No shit,” Sam answered, calling over his shoulder. 
“Well Son,” he said to Bucky, “Come on in. I gotta add a bottle of Jack to my grocery list… it looks like I lost a bet.”
And Bucky can’t help it. He laughs.
In the Hall, just inside the door, Bucky  can hear you rattling around. It sounds like dishes being done. And maybe a broom being used and Joe shakes his head. “She’ll make someone a nice wife some day, but fuck if I know what kind of man could handle her.”
Bucky wasn’t sure if that was for him to hear or just Joe Musing to himself out loud, but he smiled anyway and followed him inside. On the walls, there were pictures. Covered bridges, flower gardens, portraits… Presumably of people that the old man knew. Or had known. And the smell of dust and old paper. Decades of smoke from meals cooked and packs of cigarettes. It smelled like age. A sepia tone that mellowed and dulled all the colors around him. But somehow there was nothing harsh. Or forbidding. 
“Will you sit down?” The old man groused, “I have a broad that comes in and does all that shit.”
“Then you’re paying her too much because she ain’t been doin’ it right, old man,” you tell him over your shoulder as you rinse a plate. 
“Bah,” Joe said, flapping his hands at you. Clearly realizing that this wasn’t a fight he could win as he lowered himself into his spot at the kitchen table. “Siddown, son,” he said to Bucky, “Take a load off and let these stupid kids do the grunt work.”
“Kids,” Sam scoffed, putting boxes on the counter with an eye roll as he nudged you.
“I hear him,” you snort. “Careful old man,” you tease, “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin and at your age, replacement parts are hard to come by.”
“Listen Heifer,” Joe said, eyes dancing behind his thick glasses, “If you wanna kick my old ass, you better pack a lunch.”
You shake your head, and pull the top off a styrofoam cooler, “I got your lunch meat and some eggs. That was it right?”
“Yup,” Joe said, “How much do I owe you?”
“A Dr. Pepper,” you answer over your shoulder, making Joe give you a stern look. 
“Young Lady-”
“You’re not giving me money, ya old coot,” you say, more fond than scolding as you kiss the top of his bald head.
“The hell I’m not-”
“I’ll tell momma and she’ll have both our asses. Me for taking the money and you for payin’ me.”
“She’s got you there Joe,” Sam said, grinning. 
“You shaddup,” Joe said grumpily, eyeing your back. And Bucky could see he was trying to gauge how likely it was that he could slip you some money without you knowing you’d been given any. Bucky grinned and Caught Sam’s eye before bumping the table with his knee to get the old man’s attention.
Once the Old man’s sharp eyes had fixed on him, Bucky glanced meaningfully towards the coat rack. Where your jacket hung so conveniently.And Joe followed his gaze, he grinned and touched his nose in acknowledgement. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ do it,” you say not turning around. 
And Joe made a silent “rats” gesture, before sticking his tongue out at your back
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The Good Life: Chapter 15
Hello, my lovelies! Long time no see...things have been hectic lately, but I finally finished up this chapter and I wanted to get it posted before anything else comes up that makes me put off posting this chapter longer than I have already. Also, sorry in advance that this chapter is so short!
Need to get caught up? The Good Life: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 , Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8 , Ch9 , Ch10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14
If you want to be added (or  removed) from the tags list for this story, just feel free to let me know!
@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus @eveerez @saintsisterwriter
The Good Life: Chapter 15
Monday morning when Rae walked into the office, she was surprised to see Anna sitting in the chair at her desk, idly rearranging the various pens and pencils that were in an empty coffee mug beside Rae’s computer.
“Uh…good morning,” Rae said as she set her phone and purse down on her desk, “you’re here early. Why?”
“I suppose,” Anna shrugged as she stood up from Rae’s chair and took a seat on an empty corner of the desk to allow Rae to sit down at her desk, “I hoped to catch you before work to have a bit of a chat. You’re usually not one to be walking into work right when your shift is supposed to begin.”
“What can I say? I’ve learned from the best,” Rae chuckled as she began to log into her computer to make up for getting to work later than she usually would.
“Dave isn’t even in the office for a few more hours. Does it really even matter if I show up a few minutes late here and there?” Anna shrugged.
“Happy Monday!” Henry sing-songed with a wide smile as he came around the corner from Rae and Anna’s shared cubicle.
“Ugh, why must you always be so cheerful,” Anna scoffed which earned herself a sarcastic smile.
“Morning, Henry,” Rae said when Henry leaned against the side of her desk and set down the paper bag and cardboard drink carrier he had been carrying.
“It’s good to see you again, Rae! I stopped by the cafe down the street on my way to work this morning and grabbed you some coffee.”
“You did? That’s really nice of you!” Rae said as she reached for the cup of coffee with her name scrawled on it and took a small sip.
“I hope you like the coffee,” Henry replied with a smile when Rae hummed happily after tasting her coffee. “I also grabbed a couple pastries, if you’d like one. There should be an almond biscotti and a lemon-blueberry muffin,” he added as he passed Rae the paper bag.
“Mmm, I love blueberry muffins! Thank you,” Rae said as she placed the muffin on a napkin beside her cup of coffee and handed Henry the bag back.
“I should probably get to work now, but I’ll talk to you later, Rae. See ya, later, Anna!” Henry called over his shoulder as he walked away from their desks.
“So, are you going to explain to me what just happened or are you gonna make me ask you?” Anna asked without turning away from her own computer as she continued getting logged in.
“I have no idea what you’re referring to,” Rae replied coyly as she took a sip of her coffee.
“Well, we can start with that! You’re the pickiest person I’ve ever met when it comes to how your coffee is made. How does he know how you take your coffee?”
“It’s simple, he asked me.”
“Uh-huh,” Anna replied skeptically.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, I don’t know! Maybe the fact that on Friday evening I introduced you to Henry, practically against your will too might I add, and now you two are all buddy-buddy.”
“Yeah, I mean...I really didn’t wanna talk to him initially but then once I stopped being a dickhead, I realized he was a pretty cool guy,” Rae shrugged.
“I knew you two would get on well!” Anna replied excitedly as she turned around in her chair to face Rae, “What else happened between you two? I want to know everything!”
“Well, shortly after you left the bar on Friday Henry decided to leave too. I did the chivalrous thing and escorted him to his car and we exchanged numbers.”
“Oooh! Look at you! I’m so proud of you! Is that all or…?” Anna asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Well…we’ve been texting and we grabbed dinner and a movie Saturday,”
“...and we also met up for brunch yesterday.”
“Rae!” Anna said as she gasped, “that’s great! It looks like the two of you really hit it off, huh?”
“Yeah, he’s fun to be around.”
“You’re welcome, by the way, since I introduced the two of you.”
“I know, I know. I’m glad that you made me talk to him the other night.”
“What can I say? I have a knack for matchmaking! Are you two going to go out again soon?”
“Maybe, yeah...I dunno. We’re just trying to get to know each other for now, so I don’t know where this could go, but I’m alright with that.”
“I guess that makes sense. I really do hope you two continue to see each other, though. I’m tired of hearing Henry pine over you every day in the break room during lunch and I’m tired of hearing about your love life—or lack thereof.”
“Oh, fuck off! He has not been pining over me!” Rae scoffed as she playfully threw the cap of her pen across the cubicle at Anna.
“I’m serious! I’ve been telling him so much about you these last couple months that it was only a matter of time before the two of you finally met in-person!”
“And yet you never told me a single thing about him until moments before we were introduced!”
“In my defense, I have two years of friendship with you as evidence that if I mentioned anything about him and tried to make it seem like I was setting the two of you up, you’d do everything in your power to fight me on it and sabotage my plan.”
“I suppose you’re not wrong,” Rae replied with a laugh.
Rae had already gotten started with her daily tasks for the day when she noticed that Anna was still leaning her elbow on her desk with her chin resting on her palm, staring at Rae.
“What...why are ya staring at me?”
“I don’t know. You seem different,” Anna mused.
“Different? ‘Different’ how?”
“I’m not sure…” Anna said as she wheeled her chair back in front of her own desk while she continued to find the right way to phrase her thoughts.
“I guess you just seem sorta happy.”
A/N: So I’m sure some of you recall in my prior couple posts when I mentioned that it seemed like the craziness in my life was calming down and I was going to try to enjoy it while it lasted, right? Well, either I managed to jinx myself or it was foreshadowing of what was to come in the near future, but the last month has been particularly crazy stressful. My life is a mess and after the month that I’ve had, it’s hard for me to not be a pessimist and to not let all the bad stuff effect me, but it just feels like I can never catch a break sometimes.
I don’t want to do nothing but complain here, so a few good things that have been going on are: I had a birthday. I got a new piercing, I still love my job after over 2 months, I finally completed my degree...and last but not least I’m trying to get back into writing beginning with this story! Until next time: Stay Awesome, my friends!
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toranoya · 7 years
9 September 2022
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Hello, I’m Ny! I’m pretty easy-going, so not much to add in here. (subject to change naturally!) I’m open to more or less anything and love (in character) drama so use your imagination. That having been said, also use your judgement and if you’re not sure ASK FIRST! A good guideline would be if it shows up in your rules, imagine it showing up here too!
*Please use ASK for first interaction as opposed to IM. I prefer to reserve IM for immediate plot questions/concerns.
*Please have a rough idea what you’d like to do in a plot, including which of my muses you’d like to interact with. For OC’s please have some info on them so I can read up. Ny will not respond to “Wanna rp” requests. Please elaborate!
-Will RP with anyone, canon, ocs, duplicates, etc. OC’s, please have an about page/post so I can read it.
-Mun is of age, so shipping and NSFW stuff may occur but will be tagged. However, Ny has a pretty high tolerance for what is safe for work SO let me know if I do not tag something that you would prefer to be tagged. Tag list is located below.
-On that note, Ny loves hypno, mind games etc. So they may show up from time to time in rp, especially if we do a lot!
-Ny will NOT do MPreg, scat and vore! (though some body waste stuff may occur in a medical setting. Most of my muses won’t leave their partner if they are really sick and figure that their s/o would prefer them doing it as opposed to a total stranger.)
-For applicable muses I will not write out duels/battles/matches. We can jump to the ending as I prefer to focus on relationships. (YGO/PKMN/I11)
-On above, please ask before doing a time skip and I will do the same. I may have something planned!
-Reply length, I usually do a short paragraph. You do not need to match mine, but please try to avoid one-liners.
-Thread count: Muns are limited to 3 threads per blog please.
-Please, do not hassle me for replies. You can remind me to get to a reply if it’s been over a week though or if you see me replying to other threads but not yours, I may have missed it. I will try to reply to threads daily and will put up notices when I will be away.
-Willing to do crossovers, but do try and have a good story for how two animes would mesh. For eg, I did one with Daisuke from DNAngel and Yugi from YGO and they became friends on the basis that they both had dual-souls. (Dark and Yami). Be creative!
-As above if you want to ship, try and come up with some chemistry first, or we can discuss.
-May temp characters on request, these will usually be tagged with a t replacing the first letting in their name (ie Hamano > Tamano). I’m weird, I know! Not responsible for how well I’ll play them though as they are not one of my gang. =) Try to minimize these interactions though, I use them primarily to drive a plot forward.
-Also please be patient since I am brand-new to tumblr and not entirely sure of what I am doing. Well not brand-new anymore, but Tumblr still does odd things to confuse me. :) Fear not, I do have RP experience, just private email kind. ;) My page is not as “fancy” as others, but if you need help finding something I’ll be happy to assist.
-Should you choose to stop a rp please let me know and let me know why if possible. I’d like to improve if I could. Be polite though!
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*If you don’t like the direction an rp is going please let me know BEFORE it becomes a problem and we can discuss it. Don’t let things fester and get all angry!*
*On that note, as of March 2021 my Bleach muses have been permanently removed due to fandom toxicity and I will no longer interact with Bleach muses or OC’s.
#nsfm = nsfw
#tw-bond = bondage
#tw-blood = blood
#tw-drugs = drug usage, usually noncon
#tw-oral = Playing with one’s tongue on someone’s...
#tw-torture = self explanatory
#tw-yaoi = self explanatory
#hypno (char name) = hypnosis post / #tw-hypno
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choupetit · 7 years
GOT Recap: The Spoils of War
Airdate: 8/6/2017 ; Season 7, episode 4 
 So, I don’t mean to be dramatic or anything, but…OMG, THIS WEEK’S GAME OF THRONES WAS FREAKIN’ AMAZING!!! This episode was a beautiful gift from the TV gods with more reunions, more Jon and Dany, more Littlefinger side eye, and dragons galore! I’ve managed to gather up my jaw from the floor to bring you the recap of “The Spoils of War”, so let’s not waste another moment! 
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But Jaime, I Want A Castle NOW! 
Ah, the spoils of war, indeed! The Lannister army has packed up all the goodies and gold they’ve won after their surprise attack on House Tyrell and they’re on their way home from Highgarden. Jaime Lannister grabs a hefty bag of gold from the money wagon and hands it to Bronn, then sends the driver on his merry way to King’s Landing. Mopey Bronn has a bad case of First World problems as he bitches and moans about how he wants a proper reward, like…oh, I don’t know, a castle…maybe even the one they just stormed. Jaime is all, “Seriously, dude? Quit yer whining, you just got a load of cash. Daenerys Targaryen would probably evict you in a week. And besides, castle upkeep is pricey.  Once you’ve paid the whole Downton Abbey staff and fed the moat monster, there’s barely enough money left to fill your Olympic-sized pool with champagne every day. You’ll get your pick of castles once we’ve won the war.” Bronn musters up the strength to silence his inner Veruca Salt as Randyll Tarly and Dickon (whom Jaime keeps calling Rickon) appear, and Jaime sends the three men off to shake down the local farmers for their harvest.
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 Meanwhile at the Red Keep in King’s Landing, Queen Cersei tells the Iron Bank representative that she’s able to repay the full debt she owes. The money is on its way as they speak. The rep is duly impressed and informs Cersei that the bank will be happy to make a new loan for her next venture: Restoring her rule in Westeros. Cersei shares that she’s growing her army and has reached out to the Golden Company in Essos - your basic mercenary placement agency. As soon as the gold arrives, the rep assures Cersei that she’ll have the Iron Bank’s full lending support to pay for her hired guns. 
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I Know What You Did Last (Long) Summer 
At Winterfell, Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger has a one-on-one meeting in Bran’s chambers to give him a gift: The dagger that was used in the assasination attempt against young Bran shortly after his tower-falling accident. The blade is made of Valyrian steel, btw. Littlefinger muses that it could be argued that this dagger launched the War of the Five Kings. He claims that it is his mission to protect the Stark children - anything Bran needs, Littlefinger is his guy. Gee, coming from a slimeball who arranged the worst marriage ever between Sansa and Vile Ramsay, I’d have to say that’s a hard pass. When Bran asks Littlefinger if he knows to whom the dagger belonged, Baelish says no. Littlefinger goes on to ponder that it’s so weird, doncha think, how the dagger led to all the craziness that happened to the Starks, and made Bran who he is today. He remarks that Bran must have seen unfathomable things beyond the Wall (cue laughter) and sympathizes that it must be odd to return to Winterfell among so much chaos. To which Bran flatly replies “Chaos is a ladder.” A hint of alarm flashes across Littlefinger’s face, and luckily for him, Meera Reed appears at the door and he has the perfect excuse to leave. 
Quick side note: If you, like me, were totally confused by Bran’s line, then rejoice for the interwebs! Apparently it’s a callback to a conversation Littlefinger had with Varys back in season 3, when the former said “Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder.“ 
Bran just out-creeped the resident creeper! Looks like Lord Baelish is going to have to recalibrate all those battles he is always fighting in his head to predict every scenario that could happen in real life! 
 As for Meera, she’s come to bid farewell. She tells Bran that she’d like to stay, but she needs to return to her family what with the snow zombie apocalypse coming, and Bran is about as safe as it gets now that he’s home. Bran goes, “K, cool. Gracias. Bye, Felicia.” Dumbfounded, Meera is all, “Really?! That’s all you’ve gotta say? Wtf, dude. Lots of people died or almost died helping you.” And Bran’s all, “Yeah, so…I’ve got a lot of data uploaded to my brain and it’s kinda hard to keep track of emotions and personality and stuff. But hey, girl, I vaguely remember what it’s like to have feelings and the old me is stoked that you were there for me, but the new me just can’t do this whole attachment thing right now.” Meera’s face crumbles and she says what we all have been thinking, "You died in that cave.” She fails to add “You may want to tone it down on the voyeuristic creepazoid thing, which is freaking everybody out." 
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Just outside of Winterfell, Arya has arrived and is trying to convince some a-hole bouncers at the gate that this is her home. They don’t believe her and tell her to eff off, but she talks them into letting her into the courtyard while she waits for them to get Sansa. The guards squabble amongst themselves and when they turn, she’s gone. 
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When the guards give Sansa the news of her little sister’s return, she knows exactly where to look for Arya. In the underground mausoleum, Arya stands at her father’s grave when Sansa arrives. It’s a sweet reunion as Arya’s first words are "Do I have to call you Lady Stark now?” And Sansa replies, stone-faced, “Yes.” She breaks into a smile, and the sisters hug warmly. Each hints to the other that they’ve been though hell since they last saw each other. Arya is eager to know if Sansa really killed King Joffrey, and when Sansa says no, Arya tells her he was at the top of her kill list. Sansa thinks she’s joking and Arya lets her. Sansa informs her baby sister that Bran is home, too, and the look on her face screams “Gurl, things are pretty cray around here." 
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 The sisters meet up with their brother at the Godswood Tree, which is Bran’s version of “Central Perk”…without the friends, java, or general joie-de-vivre. Arya throws her arms around Bran, who looks like he’s absentmindedly trying to recall typical human interactions, and gives her an awkward emotionless hug. He tells her he saw her at the crossroads to King’s Landing and Winterfell, and seems a bit surprised that she is here. Wait a second, did he only briefly flip to the Arya channel and not bother to see what came next? I thought this guy was all-seeing/knowing! Harrumph! He shows both sisters the dagger he received from Littlefinger. Arya immediately notes it’s made of Valyrian steel while Sansa warns that Littlefinger never does anything for anybody without wanting something in return. Bran don’t care. He gives the dagger to Arya, saying she’ll get more use from it than a cripple. I can’t help feeling he knows that Arya is going to have a run-in with some Whitewalkers and will find that dagger mighty handy. 
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Then I Saw His Cave, Now I’m A Believer 
At Dragonstone, Queen Daenerys and Missandei are walking down to the beach to meet up with Jon Snow, who has found a cave full of Dragonglass, which he’s ready to mine. Jon calls Dany over. "Yo gurl…I wanna show you something inside this dark cavern…” and everybody immediately goes “Oooooh, Ygritte be spinning in her grave!” But this is Jon we’re talking about, and he legit wants to show her a bunch of cave drawings that he believes were made by the Children of the Forest. I'mma start to call them Toddlers of the Forest because they draw on walls, make rash decisions, and leave ginormous messes for others to clean up. 
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 Dany is amazed by the artwork in the cave and marvels that it could have been made before men even existed. But Jon’s all “Nuh uh, look over here.” And we see crude drawings of men and then…Whitewalkers. Jon’s all, “See, queenie? Living proof! They worked together to defeat their common enemy. Case closed! You believe me now?” I cannot properly express just how badly I wanted the camera to pan down to his hand holding a piece of chalk, or show a close-up of the tiny initials J.S. etched underneath the Whitewalker stick figures. 
Dany tells Jon she will fight for him on one condition: Bend the damn knee! But Jon is all “Yeah, but no, ‘cuz my people won’t accept a Southern ruler, so that’s not gonna fly.” To which Dany goes, “They will if their king tells them to. It would be a shame for them all to die, just because you couldn’t get over yourself.”
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 They emerge from the cave to bad news from Tyrion Lannister and Varys: Casterly Rock is won, but…oopsies, Dany’s fleet was destroyed and Highgarden is toast, too. Oh, and Cersei has made sure that all food has been removed from The Reach, so Dany's army of Unsullied will starve on their way back on foot. Daenerys is furious.  She’s lost all her allies and it seems the conversation she had with Lady Olenna about ignoring advice from clever men is really speaking to her. She wants to hop a dragon and go nuclear on King’s Landing. Tyrion strongly advises against it, but Dany points out that he’s been pretty sucky in the advice department.  She even suggests that perhaps Tyrion is purposely giving bad counsel to protect his family. Burn.  She turns to her Northern visitor and asks “What Would Jon Do?” and the reply is “Well, if I was trying to win the love and loyalty of all of Westeros and set myself apart from all previous and current rulers, I sure as hell wouldn’t lay fiery waste to an entire city, killing thousands of civilians.” You can practically hear Tyrion’s inner monologue screaming “Yes!!!! Thank you, Voice of Reason!" 
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 Back at Winterfell, Brienne and Podrick are sparring in the courtyard, when Arya comes along and tells Brienne she wants to train with the woman who beat The Hound in battle. We get a sweet sequence of Arya showing off her badass fighting skills while Sansa and Littlefinger look on from the mezzanine and Sansa seems to be wondering "Wtf is going ON with all my siblings?!” Arya has an exhilarated smile on her face as she fights and eventually bests Brienne. When Brienne asks who taught her to fight like that, Arya grins and says “No one”. She looks up and sees Littlefinger and her smile fades fast. Is he on her kill list, I wonder.
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 Hundreds of miles away, Jon and Ser Davos are walking the walls of Dragonstone and Davos asks what Jon thinks of Dany, hinting that she is a hottie. Jon’s all “Dammit, man, I don’t have time to date right now, I’m trying to save my people and all of humanity.” They encounter Missandei on their walk and she tells them what an inspiration Dany is to all the people who follow her. They notice a Good Greyjoy ship and head to the shore where Theon arrives by boat. Jon tells Theon he would kill him if it weren’t for the fact that Theon helped Sansa escape from Ramsay Bolton. Theon tells them he needs Dany’s help to rescue his sister from Uncle Euron, but Jon replies “Dany ain’t here, yo." Hmmm, where could she be? 
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Don’t Mess With The Dragon Mama
On an open field, still a distance from Kings Landing, a large group of the Lannister army is taking a rest while Jaime and Bronn look on. Commander Randyll Tarly rides up and informs Jaime Lannister that the gold has been safely transported to Cersei. He says the soldiers need to catch up with the front end of the regiment at the Blackwater rush and asks for permission to flog any stragglers as motivation to get moving. You get the sense that he considers flogging others a perk of the job.  Ugh, Randyll is such a miserable guy. 
Jaime and Bronn ask Rickon - I mean Dickon! - what he thought of his very first battle at Highgarden and he confesses it was hard to fight men he grew up with…and surprisingly stinky. Bronn smugly points out it’s the smell of men pooping their pants when they die. Lovely imagery there, dude. Suddenly Bronn realizes things have gotten too quiet. Jaime is on high alert and shouts to the soldiers to get into formation, because something’s a comin’. 
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The tension is palpable. In the distance we see a horde of Dothraki closing in. Hurrah for Team Dany! Although, it’s kind of a conflicting feeling of triumph, because I hate Queen Cersei, but I’m also rather fond of Jaime and Bronn.  Maybe they’ll be aight…hopefully. I know the term "epic battle” is brought out often, especially where Game of Thrones is involved (deservedly so), but believe me when I say what follows truly is an epic, heart-racing battle scene. Words can’t do it justice, but here are some of the need-to-know highlights: 
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 The Dothraki ride in like the unhinged, badass warriors they are, and as they get closer and closer to the Lannister army you just know a dragon is gonna appear soon. And appear it does! Drogon swoops over the horde, taking the lead, and we get a close-up of Dany on his back as she says “Dracarys!” and her Dragon spews out a stream of fire onto the shocked Lannister army. Total chaos ensues as burning men flail and run and we get lots of breathtakingly awesome shots of Drogon just shooting out flames like a laser beam, making a barbecue of any poor soul who happens to be in the line of fire. Meanwhile the Dothraki are handling things on the ground. 
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 Amidst the madness, Jaime instructs Bronn to get to the wagon with Cersei’s secret weapon: Qyburn’s jumbo dragon-slaying crossbow. In true Bronn fashion we get the retort “Why me?” -“Cause it takes two working hands, ya jerk, DO IT!!!" 
 A Dothraki warrior singles out Bronn as he makes his way through the burning hellscape, and there’s a sad moment for all animal lovers when Bronn’s horse loses a leg.  Bronn eventually gets the upper hand when he reaches the giant crossbow and fires it at his Dothraki assailant - skewering him. I mean…they ARE at a barbecue, after all. 
 As Dany continues to soar over the disoriented mass of soldiers and Drogon sets things ablaze, Bronn takes aim at the creature. He misses the first time, but the second shot hits Drogon in the chest. It’s not an immediately fatal shot, but the dragon falls from the sky.  Somehow the beast manages to regain enough control to land with Dany still safely perched on his back. Jaime is about a football field’s distance from where Dany and Drogon have landed, and Dany is trying to remove the massive spear from Drogon’s chest. 
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Tyrion and Varys look on from a great distance and Tyrion mutters "You effing idiot!” when he sees Jaime charging toward Dany on horseback. Just as Jamie is mere feet away, Daenerys turns around and Drogon turns his head to blow a giant stream of fire at Jaime. But before the inferno can engulf him, somebody rides up and knocks Jaime from his horse and both men fall into a conveniently-placed body of water. Jaime sinks deeper and deeper into the water and…the credits roll. 
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 Holy Mother of Dragons! What an intense final 20 minutes that was! The music and camerawork were simply perfect and I loved the sequence of Bronn making his way to the dragon-killing weapon - it was shot beautifully and conveyed the disorienting horror of the battle. I was covering my face for the whole battle scene, cringing and shouting expletives at the screen, praying that no Dragons would die. 
 Man oh man! Still kind of recovering from the excitement. I’m hoping desperately that Drogon’s wounds aren’t fatal. Dany can’t lose her favorite dragon-child! Perhaps it’s time to invest in some dragon-sized chainmail. 
Pretty sure Jaime will survive - at least till the next episode - and my guess is that Dickon saved him, and will be getting more screen time. Even though this was a set-back for Cersei, I’m sure she’ll return with a vengeance once her hired hands from Essos come to town. 
 It’s great to have all the legit Stark kids back home and I’m loving the buddy pair-up of Arya and Brienne. Although poor Sansa is all “Damnit, I’m stuck with Littlefinger while everybody else gets to have all the fun.” What will Baelish do next? I feel like he probably wants to peace out of Winterfell, considering there is a highly trained assassin in the hizzy and a know-it-all who likely has seen every scheme and backstabbing thing Littlefinger has ever done. I think it’s high time for Bran to start giving people some useful info instead of just being all “I’ve been working on this cool time traveling Peeping Tom hobby lately” with everybody he meets; giving Arya the dagger is a good start. 
 Next week it looks like we’re getting some Whitewalker action, or, at the very least, an update on the Wildlings at East Watch. Will Jon finally “bend the knee” in order to get a dragon on loan from Dany to help out his pals in the north? He’s just gotta suck it up and do it, right? But will Dany even be able to spare any of her Unsullied what with Cersei’s sneaky outmaneuvering at Casterly Rock? So much can happen! With only three episodes left, every minute is precious and I’m pretty optimistic the final episodes are going to deliver mucho good times! Hang tight until next week, my dears!
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tarot-tatas · 8 years
Grease (19/?) Rarepair Grease!AU
Chapter Nineteen: The Snap
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“Nico-chan, are you sure about this?” Hanayo asked her smaller friend, flat as she could go against the lockers as students passed. The buzz of conversation spread as each student or groups of walked by, and the school walls didn't help the volume control as the echo increased to the point that Hanayo was wincing. Nico, the Pink Lady in question, was fixing her hair and seemed completely invested in her mirror that was attached to the door of her locker. “Positive, I skipped a period. Lucky Honk and Hoshi are cool,” Nico spoke brokenly as she fluffed each twin tail three times and twirled her hair around her bangs. Hanayo bit her cheek and fumbled with the books that were in her arms. She was still shaken from the drive-in, and had not seen or spoken to Nozomi since. The girl had run home and refused to go out with Kotori the following day, saying she felt sick. “And yes, they know.” Hanayo was becoming more confused by the second, so she just decided to drop the questions and fish around in her jacket for a snack. “I’d help you out with a sugar rush, but I’ve got two mouths to feed,” Nico didn’t sound to remorseful. Hanayo just sighed and pulled out a candy bar from her jacket. She was still fairly traumatised, and instantly felt worse upon realising that the block of chocolate she had just shoved down her throat was bought for her by Nozomi.
Ignoring the loud noises of banging metal and screeching steel as best she could, Nozomi leaned against the outside of the school garage. It was a surprisingly hot day, to the point that the majority of the T-Birds had taken off their jackets (Honoka and Rin were only wearing half of their jump suits, with the top halves wrapped around their waists to expose sweaty armpits.) Nozomi, however, was too stubborn to remove her jacket, so the leather was sticking to her skin as her hair became plastered to her face. She exhaled the smoke from her cigarette with a sigh, and looked down at her sketchbook. Nozomi, despite her shenanigans, was actually a decent student - in regards to her grades. However, her favourite subject was art. She would sit in a tree with her sketchbook, drawing all the designs she could think of. They ranged from drawings of cars, to neon signs, to action figures and little comics that would make the three idiots laugh and Umi angry. But in order to distract herself from her mistake with Hanayo, Nozomi had drawn up a rather interesting design: Thunderbolts, with two different shades of blue, along with orange and yellow accents and purple block colours. She was so lost in her work that she didn’t hear a pair of heels clicking up to her. “What’s with the dumb grin, Tits Mcgee?” Snapping her head up, Nozomi saw Maki with her arms folded and a packet of cigarettes in her left hand. “Has the heat finally made you mad? Not that you aren’t already.” Instantly, Nozomi scowled and flared her nostrils. “Whadda ya want, Red,” she growled, fists clenching over her notebook. “Got a light? Nico-chan took mine,” Maki raised an eyebrow. Nozomi roughly took her silver zippo out of her pocket and clicked it to life. “Ya ain’t concerned about Niccochi puffin’ with a bun in the oven?” “She isn’t pregnant,” Maki deadpanned, flicking a cigarette into the flame then bringing it to her lips. “Ya seem so sure,” Nozomi grumbled, puffing out more smoke herself. “My family are doctors,” Maki shrugged, inhaling the toxins slowly. “She had no obvious signs of pregnancy, and it’s more than just skipping a period. I’ll bet you by the time we graduate she will blow it off and make some shit up. Besides,” Maki exhaled and tossed her hair out of her face, “she’s dumb.” Nozomi smirked, but didn’t say anything. “You’re still a dog for what you did to Hanayo.” The T-Bird scowled again with gritted teeth. “None of ya business.” “It ain’t, but Kotori had to comfort her in the bathroom today. The poor girl couldn’t even go to class.” Nozomi’s heart plummeted into her stomach, and her blood ran cold. “Yeah, that’s what I thought t-” “Oh shut the fuck up!” Nozomi kicked herself off the wall and glared at the Pinky Lady, who didn’t flinch once. “Ya think ya know shit?!” The shouting clearly caught Honoka’s attention, because she bounded off the car and out the garage door to see what was going on. Upon inspection, Honoka stood between Maki and Nozomi, her orange shirt stained with sweat. She instantly reacted and grabbed Nozomi’s arms to pull her back from Maki. “Cool it, Nozomi-chan,” Honoka was strong enough to not be phased by Nozomi’s lurches and kicks towards Maki. “Maki-chan,” Honoka smiled, then turned around and manoeuvred Nozomi into a headlock, using the position to half-drag half-force the older T-Bird back into the garage. - “Honk! Get da fuck off me!” Nozomi snapped and tried to free herself from Honoka’s vice grip. Her voice echoed throughout the garage, as did the scuffing of her worn sneakers against the concrete floor. Rin, who was sitting on the bonnet of the Mercury, just laughed. “Nozomi-chan's nyat gonna get outta Honk’s grip,” Nozomi glared at the youngest T-Bird as she continued to struggle. “I ain’t lettin’ you go until you calm down,” Honoka remained calm and refused to loosen her grip. “Maki-chan always riles people up, that’s just Maki-chan,” she explained, ignoring Rin jumping down from the Mercury to skip up to the two. “Nyeah, and if ya wanna make up with Kayo-chin, its gotta be done by nyaself,” Rin added. Nozomi stopped struggling for a bit, her purple hair falling into her eyes. She remained quiet, only breathing heavily as she swirled around in her thoughts. Honoka and Rin looked at each other, confused by the sudden drop of resistance from the usually-stubborn older T-Bird. “Nozomi-chan?” Rin asked quietly, bending down to try and see through the mess of hair and into her eyes. Suddenly, Nozomi snapped up, finally getting out of Honoka’s grip. “C’mon tabbies,” she then pulled her sketchbook out of her pocket and stormed over to the table in the corner that had cans of spray paint. Honoka and Rin looked at eachother, confused. “Come to where?” Honoka asked, watching Nozomi slap her book down on the table and flicking it open to a page. The T-Bird then picked up a can of spray paint and marched over to the car. “We’re gonna spice up Muse Lightnin’,” Nozomi’s voice was muffled as she took her purple shirt and stuck her nose and mouth inside the neck hole. “Look at the sketchpad, pick a colour and get over here,” the oldest T-Bird ordered over her shoulder at the two gingers. When they still refused to move, Nozomi turned around and snarled at them. “NOW!” Honoka and Rin jumped in fear and scampered over to the table. Nozomi bit her lip and continued to focus on her design, ignoring the swirling dark thoughts about Hanayo crying.
Umi was used to getting into fights. She did have an older sister, after all, and they would do karate and such together. Her sister would always win, but Umi practiced and practiced until at the age of fifteen, right before her sister moved out, she was able to beat her. From then on, Umi was never beaten in a fight, and very rarely took any hits on herself. Once in a blue moon, her opponent would land a punch or scratch, but the worst she had ever received was a broken nose from Erena.To add to her bare list was what was happening right now: getting slammed into a gym locker back-first by Eli. “What the FUCK Umi?!” Umi remained calm, despite the sight of the tall angry blonde looming over her. Eli’s face was contorted in rage, with steam blowing out of her ears. “I apologise again,” Umi’s low voice only enraged Eli more, and it earned her another slam against the lockers. Brown eyes shut tightly as the force of her own body caused the pain to shoot through her body and the ringing to start in her ears. Eli’s fingers curled around the top of Umi’s dark blue shirt, lifting her off the ground with no effort at all. “You fucked me over!” “And for the third time, I apologise,” Umi was a master at remaining calm when it came to her gang members, but it was proving difficult with Eli. She knew how dangerous Eli could be, and she had to admit that owning up to this mistake was a double-edged sword. “SHUT UP!” Another slam, this time the back of Umi’s head collided with the three groove in the locker, and her vision turned dark for a few seconds. “You fucked me over in front of the town!” Eli shifted Umi’s shirt into one fist and raised her other. She clenched it so hard that her knuckles turned white. Umi braced herself for what was about to come. “You dick!” Eli punched Umi square in the cheek. “Asshole!” Another punch. “You No-good! Slimy! Mother! Fucker!” With each insult came a punch, and Umi knew she deserved every single one of them. Sure enough, her face went numb, and crumbled to the ground after one final slam against the lockers when Eli let go of her. Wincing in pain, Umi naturally curled up into herself, ignoring the metallic  taste of blood coming from inside her mouth. Eli was standing over her, her chest heaving in rage. “You think you can just apologise to fix this?!” Eli kicked Umi hard in the stomach. “No..” Umi coughed out blood and wretched as Eli kicked her again. “Then why tell me?!” Eli snapped, glaring at Umi in a blind rage. “Because...it’s the honorable thing to do…” was all Umi could manage, looking up at Eli with watery eyes as her mental defenses started to shatter. “Honorable?” Eli hissed through her teeth and clenched her fists tighter. “HONORABLE?!” another kick. “YOU DIDN’T THINK ABOUT HONOUR OR SHIT WHEN YOU TRIGGERED A PHOBIA?!” Umi knew there was no point in arguing. Because Eli, who was continuing to beat and kick her to a pulp, was right. The very reason why Umi messed with Eli in the first place, and it had come around to bite her. Surely what Eli was doing was not right, but this was Ayase Eli. Eli was right, she was always right, and there was nothing Umi could do about it.
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unfamiliarties-a · 6 years
canon divergencies in characters.
i'll try and keep these as short as i can, but basically if you want to know where any timelines or portrayals differ from general canon then here's a master list for everyone. i'll update this for any muses i add or remove from here. any additional questions then just drop me a line. there will be spoilers for various fandoms. if any muses i have don't appear on this list then either there's no canon divergency to consider or i'm still in the process of deciding these things, again, feel free to just ask about it.
tracy mcconnell. this one is kind of obvious but basically my tracy did not die at the end of the series and by extention ted did not wind up with robin after this, regardless of how much time had passed. ted and tracy both ended up together, had two beautiful kids penny and luke, and tracy was there for her daughter's wedding.
luke skywalker. i'm fine with everything that happened in the last jedi. i know a lot of other people weren't, but i'm cool with it. i didn't want luke to die particularly, but i'm okay with the fact that he did. i'm happy to write things with luke as a force ghost or luke if he had survived the finale fight.
elena gilbert. this is less a divergence of elena herself but more the general direction of the show that i didn't really enjoy. so with that everything after season three is considered to be divergent from the show. my particular peeves were plec's lack of care about elena's career goals from this point (aka the doctor thing) and her absence from the show after season six (aka why would you get rid of the main character of your show you dumb fucks). i'm fine with elena waking up as a vampire at the end of season three and the reveal of her and damon meeting before she met stefan.
loki laufeyson. no real canon divergency here. loki's death was heartbreaking and i definitely didn't want it to happen but i'm okay that it did and how well it was done. i will say here though that i do believe that loki was under some partial influence from the scepter during the attack on new york, but i'm not condoning anything either. that's just my five cents on the matter.
jess mariano. ooh, boy okay. so .. the kyle's bedroom thing. i wanna make it clear that jess, or my jess, or just how i saw things personally, was not going to rape rory. yes he was pushy and his behaviour that night was all around shitty and i do not excuse it for a moment, but he never would have gone all the way forcing her. and the first thing he did after the fight was apologise to her when he saw her next. that's just the tea for me. everything with a year in the life was cool with me i just wish there had been more scenes of him haha.
tony stark. the 'zuccini' comment just did not happen. k. thanks. bye.
natasha romanoff. i have my own bio for nat which you can read here. it's really the best guide for what i consider to be natasha's story, which is basically my own accumulation of natasha's appearances and history in the films and comics, so it would be nice also if no one stole what i wrote. also just a smol thing that the natasha and bruce trash romance did not happen here.
damon salvatore. similar to above that i have little to complain about with damon himself but with what way the show went after season three. i do think that damon's motivations and relationships with particular characters weren't put across properly to the audience, so i'll be here to clear up those instances. i'm okay with the damon and caroline thing, i don't ship them or i don't agree with what he did but i won't label it as rape. i'm not a survivor myself so i'm not telling anyone how to feel about it, to me i just think that caroline did want to sleep with him in the beginning but not after he attacked her and they didn't sleep together after that fact. the compulsion applied to damon getting her to help with with things in the town and feeding on her, but i don't think he compelled her for sex, so i treat it in that context. however i won't be explicitly writing this side of their relationship and my damon did apologize to her. i'm happy to keep the enzo and damon backstory but not them running off to kill people etc. the sibyl stuff however did not happen, nor the stuff with lily etc.
peter parker. i've seen a lot of the discussions about peter being transgender, i'm not against it in anyway, i actually think its kind of neat. i'm lgbt myself so its awesome to see some representation like that and i fully support all the trans peter's out there. personally for me however, i see peter as still figuring things out in all aspects of his life, including who he is as himself and being a friendly neighbourhood spiderman. so i'm not against exploring a trans peter in the near future, or atleast figuring that out, but for now i just think peter is too all over the place to put a label on himself either way, so he won't refer to himself as trans or otherwise, or who he's interested in sexually or romantically. it's all just one big figuring things out schtick, so be patient with him.
rory gilmore. okay so i liked the reunion series aka a year in the life but i didn't personally think that rory's arc was the best so i'm going to negate it entirely and do my own thing with it, whatever that will be. my biggest peeves really was her attitude to certain job prospects and her falling back into a crappy relationship with logan - which i never really cared for in the original series anyway. i can acknowledge that rory and logan were a thing back then, it actually lends to rory's conclusion at the end of that season but i won't write shippy things for them going forward, and i'm not even that keen in writing past shippy stuff for them. i'm a hardcore rory and jess shipper, so while she didn't wait around for him either, i'm totally down for them getting together. 
sam winchester. the whole becky rosen debacle did not happen. this includes them meeting, the love potion and the mess that was their 'marriage’. it just did not happen. becky rosen does not exist here. sam did not kill emma. if dean were to have a daughter then sam would not just kill her, monster or not, he would try to help first and probably to a fault, like he did with jack. there was never a romantic attachment with ruby. they were work partners of circumstance, they both used each other and slept together and ruby did manipulate him. sam has all his memories of the cage, due to the immense torture he went under during that time, a good portion of his 'memory’ is down to sensation, sight, sound, feeling, ect. from this its hard for him to say whether or not he was sexually abused / raped by lucifer in the cage. he was most definitely tortured and he retains the feelings of being violated in every way imaginable, but he doesn’t have a solid picture in his head of what exactly happened or atleast the whole of what happened.
dean winchester. though the show isn’t explicit with dean’s sexuality, my dean is considered to be a closeted bisexual. he has an interest in men and at times doesn’t hide it well and is very in denial about it. he’s never gotten a chance to even experiment it or entertain the idea due to the kind of life he lives, i.e. being a hunter. he will be very concerned about getting into a relationship or even a romantic entanglement with another guy, but it’s not to say its something he doesn’t want with the right person. dean was a demon for a lot longer than the show portrayed, we’re talking months and not weeks. dean loved being a demon, not looking back on it now, it makes him feel unclean whenever he thinks about it, but as a demon dean was as dangerous as they come and it took several botched attempts to bring him down by sam and castiel before they were eventually able to catch him.
john winchester. sam and dean were never beaten by john or harmed physically by him, who never would have raised a hand to his kids over anything. he wasn’t a perfect dad, he was a man grieving his wife and he made mistakes, he made his boys grow up too soon bc he couldn’t stand the idea of them not being ready someone or something tried to hurt them. no john winchester hate will be accepted here. john did tell dean to kill sam if he went evil. not because he didn’t believe in sam or hated him for anything. they had both made their peace with each other before john died. john just didn’t want his son to be corrupted or become something he wasn’t, he didn’t want azazael’s plan for sam to ever come to fruition. he wanted sam safe and himself always.
mary winchester. sleeping with ketch did not happen. bc good god, no. she was grieving her husband, john was the one. she would not jump into bed with a shit like ketch. that is all. mary did abandon the boys for the british men of letters. she was dealing with coming back to life, being a mother to two grown boys, grieving a dead husband and now living in a time and place completely different to her own time. she was adjusting to her new situation and granted she did not deal with that very well. i won’t make excuses for her in that respect but she didn’t do it out of spite or dislike for her sons.
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