#i wanna live and dream and be happy
inazuma-fulgur · 1 year
Feeling so bad mentally, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow
But also I need full time employment
But also the state made it possible for me to change my status to searching work but not to change my status regarding that I'm technically jobless + can't afford a flat + I have to move soon + I have no idea how I would get the financial support the state technically offers
I hate the state, why you offering services but not offering useful explanations of your services?
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rikkivoid · 1 year
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winter kiss
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be-an-echo · 6 months
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let's go my love, we don't belong here anymore...
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yabakuboi · 4 months
rating: G tags: established relationship, fluff, smooching prompt: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time. @steddielovemonth
Eddie wakes up to a heavy weight flopping gently down on top of him. He comes to with a hum and a stretch that pops down his spine even as Steve wraps himself around Eddie, his face pressed into Eddie's neck.
Steve is already dressed for the day, green vest and jeans, his hair a little crunchy with spray, his deodorant fresh and bright compared to the warm smell of sleep. Eddie has to wiggle a bit to get his arms from under the blanket to wrap around Steve's shoulders in return.
"Mmm, you're a jerk, waking me up so early," he whispers, even as he shifts them until he can hook a leg around Steve's hip, blanket and all.
"It's eleven, lazy bones," Steve whispers back. He lets Eddie move them more, until they're all tangled up again. Steve will have to fix his hair, but Eddie doesn't care. He should have thought of that before waking Eddie up.
Not that Eddie minds—would probably call Family Video as soon as the door closed behind Steve to make sure he wasn't mad at Eddie.
Eddie starts kissing a path from the top of Steve's forehead down to his lips, tasting toothpaste and mouthwash, and wondering if Steve's ever grossed out by Eddie's morning breath.
He must not be, because he returns Eddie's lazy kisses with a happy sigh, holding Eddie a little tighter. It drags on like that, and to Eddie it's timeless, too short and an eternity, bliss in just being able to kiss Steve like this, the smell of Steve in his sheets and his toothbrush in the bathroom, and his millions of hair supplies in a basket under the sink. Wayne's no doubt asleep in the front of the trailer, and Steve would have been as quiet as a mouse getting ready before he snuck back into Eddie's arms to say bye before leaving for work.
Eddie loves this. Says as much into Steve's mouth, swallowing it up when Steve says it back, whispers lost between them and the morning sun.
"Gonna be late for work," Eddie sighs, even though he doesn't move except to run a hand down Steve's back.
"Robin shift," Steve murmurs, moving in to kiss Eddie again, like he can't get enough of him, the same way Eddie can't get enough of Steve.
Laughing, Eddie kisses him more, addicted to the warmth, the wet slide of their lips, the heat of Steve's breath. "Gonna get fired one of these days," he says when Steve has to come up for air. Laughs again, when Steve just dips back in to start it all up again. "Steeeve."
"Don't wanna go," he whines.
"I know," Eddie says. This time, he shoves Steve onto his back to he can press him into the mattress, peppering his cheeks and nose with kisses. It's gotta be going on 11:30 by now, and Steve will be a whole hour late at this rate. "Just for now, baby, and I'll come visit you later."
"Promise?" Steve does this thing that he must have picked up from a girlfriend, where he looks up at Eddie with big eyes and pouts his lips and bats his lashes at him, and it shouldn't work. But it does. Every time.
"Promise," Eddie breathes, smiling, and leans down for another kiss. And another. And another, another. And Steve doesn't get to work until well past noon. When Eddie comes to visit around five, Robin chews him out too.
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Really wish everyone wasn’t like “don’t go to college if you aren’t passionate about what you’re majoring in”
Like unfortunately I am not blessed enough to really have a passion, much less one I can major in and get a job about, and I am not privileged enough to just do fuck all until I somehow find that passion
So I’m gonna keep doing what gives me a direction in life, and maybe I’ll never find that passion, maybe I’m not someone who was made to love working, but if I can find a career that doesn’t overwork me while paying me enough that I can take a few days off every week and get vacation time to do hobbies, I’ll consider that the jackpot and it’ll be enough for me
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nervocat · 3 months
Guys I'm in a mood rn where I just wanna like. Go out into this stereotypical ethereal comforting forest and just walk around and collect rocks and stuff.. bring some binoculars for birdwatching perhaps as well!!
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oscill4te · 13 days
man i get kept up at night a lot thinking abt my family recently
#idk its funny how sm ppl tell me i should be happy they are struggling.. i just dont agree with that#they are hurting a lot. i have found true peace and i want them to experience it for once 💔#it hurts. i dont deserve the peace. they do. me finding peace just made life harder for them#oh thats a silly mindset. im gonna be so exhausted tomorrow. i just cant sleep recently#life is like simutaneously so good rn but also the unprocessed family feelings keep hitting me in the face#it gets easier as time goes on but damn.#pieces of me who hate them and never wanna see them and pieces who love them and want to reconnect#and fix their life. i imagined me getti g help for moms hoarding so my dad can have his own room#bc it would be a net positive for everyone if he disnt sleep in the living room and i got reminded of that yesterday :(#my sister texted me abt how she was so hungry but cant get food bc my dad is sleeping#i remember what its like to walk on those eggshells :(#i want my mom to get help so bad and my dad to have an actual bed to sleep on idk#oh man. why do i simutaneously hate my parents and feel so bad for them like they are kids i want to protect#this is all so stupid really and i should save it for therapy but thats on Tuesday#annoying bc i feel this all so raw rn but whenever i go to therapy im just so numb and disconnected. idk dude#a lot of emotions opened up with this recent move?#moving itself is kind of triggering. it was positive this time but still so hard. i think it threw me off balance#its over now but damn i kept asking my roommate if that day also felt like a dream to them (out of genuine curiosity)#and no; my roommate says that day felt real. im in my new room and i feel like its a dream still... a weird dream#i wish i could sleep -m-
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kyros-tha-soldier · 6 months
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My cuties having their best time together after ten years 🥺
Also, sorry but I couldn't find the artist, I'm sure they were on japenese twitter but i couldn't find their @, very btfl and amazing art 🙏🌻
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drella · 3 months
hey guys have u guys heard abt the darkness that’s on the edge of town……..
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cosmojjong · 11 months
good morning i landed back home and i am still in denial like i cannot believe i saw shinee 😭 the trip itself tested my anxiety so many times but seeing them canceled all of my worries in no time
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smilingberryy · 2 years
I need to find that one post I saw of the og meme but with little Bendy cropped ontop while I was sketching but
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little bendy.
sweet child.
Must care for them at all costs, I want to kick Wilsons ass but also thank him
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channelworldbluez · 4 months
The thought of never settling down and marrying a man: 🥱
The thought of never settling down with and marrying a woman: *in tears, hysterical, crying, throwing up …*
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witchwhaat · 1 month
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i miss london :(
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*head in hands* whats the opinion on the yakuza tv series brother
i cant have an opinion on a thing when the thing aint even out yet brother
#snap chats#im lying of course i can#i saw people complaining about the kiryu cast and like. eat rocks he's fine#also i saw more people complain about the fact they're adapting y1 again and like. Eat Rocks LMAO#if they're making a tv series it makes sense to start from the beginning. sins yakuza 0.#LIKE IT MAKES SENSE TO GO IN ORDER do i have faith they'll ACTUALLY go on to adapt y2 of course not#but hell if they're going to give a live-adapt series that's more in-depth compared to the movies and stageplay#then i'll be happy to watch it. again.#plus Genuinely it'd be weird to have a tv series and then skip right to y2 i KNOW people would complain bout the lack of y1 season#so it's a lose-lose situation in that respect#i know the real reason they can't do a y2 adaption is cause they'll never find a dude as yolked nor breasted as ryuji and thats ok#stageplay ryuji was cute but i understand wanting to be more on-the-money this time around take your time rgg ill understand....#could just have a xena moment. bro could be built like wireframe but his presence is what'll sell it yk what i mean#tho... kinda hard to do when he WILL have to be shirtless at some point.... anyways...#im always stoked to see what rgg puts out SO i wonder what the tv series will be like :)#i hope yumi is fleshed out... impossible since she's literally supposed to be missing the entire game but i can dream#I JUST WANNA SEE REINA AGAIN HIGHKEY and shinji....#also who's the dilf thats gonna play kazama.... i have my priorities straight ok#tl;dr im optimistic :) rgg keeps giving me reasons not to jump off a building so LMAO ill take what i can get to keep going
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neo-shitty · 1 year
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dazais-guardian-angel · 9 months
feeling sick to my stomach after that finale, actually, wow
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