#i wanna play with my partner and hes a halo guy and not really interested in 2d games as much
bucephaly · 4 months
Anyone have recommendations for co-op games? I just got internet and now I wanna play games with friends
Preferably 3d games, think portal or halo rather than like. Stardew or don't starve.
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boosolmates · 7 years
Drabble #3
High School Musical??? AU
New Year’s eve 2016 and it’s snowing heavily in the mountains where most middle class families run to for vacation. Dragging along their reluctant children and cramming the word “fun” into their bored little minds. Here, a popular ski-lodge is being overfilled with music and warmth and an atmosphere of this so-called “fun”. However, one lone boy steered away from the crowd. Opting to practice plays and receives in the gym instead. ‘Practice makes better’ he’s always said.
“The year is ending in an hour, Seungkwan, and you choose to play volleyball.” Seungkwan’s mother stood in the doorway watching on as her son sweated like crazy while spiking the balls with unbelievable force. She tapped her feet exasperatedly when he ignored her. “I know you hear me, young man.”
“Sorry, mah, I just got accepted to the school of my dreams! I can't afford to slack off especially when I was accepted to be the libero of the team!” the blonde argued. He knew he wasn’t as tall as most volleyball players, being barely taller than his mother. But, as he met his future teammates, a pink haired kid who was even shorter than him, another not too tall guy who was the captain by the name of Hoshi(?), an actually really tall guy but with awkward limbs and movement, finally a guy with tan skin a elongated nose and a smile that could very well light up the world. Seeing how normal his teammates seemed, made him gain a bit of confidence. “I just got to be on top of my A-game once the season starts.” he explained determinedly.
However the older more maternal version of him just rolled her eyes. “And who's going to keep your sisters from acting up?” she sassily replied, hands resting against her hip. Seungkwan finally looked at her noticing her attire. Very formal, overdressed in some senses, he rolled his eyes; she was trying to get a date. Walking over to her he wiped a bit of her lipstick off to her chagrin and smiled.
“Okay, okay, mah, I’ll shower and head out to that party, if only to chaperone you.” he responded fondly. His mother wanted to argue but was left no choice since her son was already halfway across the gym toward the locker room. She laughed to herself wondering just where did he get that personality from.
On the other side of lodge, was another lone boy. His nose was positively buried in his book. He blocked the outside world so much he barely heard his mother calling his name. Look up with teary eyes he saw his mother sigh and look upwards mumbling ‘what will I do with you?’ to the heavens.
“Vernon, Are you crying because of that book again?”
“Mom, Lord Aldersmith died!” Vernon replied as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. His mother just stared back trying to keep up with his nonsensical rambles about this fictional universe in which wizards exist, pigs can fly, and the main character is an alien from the future.
Vernon’s mom just sighed. “Okay, that's wonderful sweetie,” she paused cringing at the incredulous glare she received. “I-I mean it's tragic that Lord AlfredJones-”
“Aldersmith.” he corrected.
“Lord Aldersmith. Anyway, hun, you know I 100% support your literary interest and I know this is your way to cope with the big move from the other side of the world….” she stopped to see if Vernon was even listening.
“Moving to Korea wasn’t even my choice.” Vernon spat out closing his book harshly, finally giving her his full attention.
“I know. But, we did this for you and your sister….” she stopped when she realized her points weren’t going through. “Listen, no ifs, ands, or buts, take your behind inside and join the party.” She put her foot down and pointed at the doorway. “Make friends.” there was no question or room for argument. Vernon just complied and went inside.
The party was already in full swing. Music blasting, people dancing, and once Vernon entered he could already feel the uncomfortable stares of people who noticed his and his mother’s presence. Vernon rolled his eyes, there was virtually no shame. They all stared at him because of his Caucasian features a few of them even pointed.  He didn’t understand the big deal. So his hair was a lighter color, or his nose was high raised. Either way he doesn’t think this warrants hushed murmurs or intruding fingers. This was something he had grown accustomed to after a month. No longer was he the young boy that would cower at the intense stares. He instead, found the darkest corner with the least population density and holed himself there. His mother practically gave up and went off to join her friends.
Seungkwan had entered moments later on the other side of the room. He quickly found some acquaintances he met at the game earlier and stopped over to talk with them.
The MC—some guy who introduced himself as YoonAngel and wore some cheesy wings accompanied by a plastic halo wired above his head—grabbed the mic. He cleared his throat calling attention to himself. “Alright, alright, alright! It's time for angelme to turn into cupidme!” he cheered vehemently clearly excited about his next segment. “Time for the Love Connection Karaoke! Dj S.Coups, find us our first victims!”
Suddenly the lights went darker and two spotlights could be seen searching the crowd. They moved around for seemingly a long time before stopping right on two unsuspecting boys. Vernon and Seungkwan.
Suddenly the people around them cheered. Vernon who was reading was suddenly hoisted up and pushed towards the front. Seungkwan was battling a group of giggling girls on his own. They both insisted that they could not sing but their protest fell on deaf ears.
Vernon awkwardly grabbed the mic, feeling his face flush as he looked out at the see of people. His partner didn’t seem to be doing any better as his mouth simply opened and closed with no sound projecting making him look like a fish out of water. A beautiful fish, Vernon retracted. But, that was besides the point.
“I-I really can’t sing!” he pleaded for the both of their sake. He just wanted to read his book and be alone for the rest of the year. All his friend’s in New York weren’t even celebrating New Year's yet! It just felt so wrong and backwards to be celebrating so far away from home. Even if it was so his sister and him could have a ‘better’ life. He looked to his partner but he was still set in a status of shock.
“Sorry, bro, no can do! The spotlight has chosen and that is final~” Vernon clicked his tongue this Yoon guy seemed way too excited. “Can you rap?” the blonde man question. Vernon paused thoughtfully before slowly nodding, confirming his suspicions. “I can pick a song perfect for you then!”
Vernon wanted to continue his protest but was cut short when the music started up. “Ariana Grande? Really?” he wanted to judge but he was also guilty of singing along to this song as well. However, the biggest shocker was when his partner started to sing.
I love the way you make me feel, I love it, I love it.
I love the way you make me feel, I love it, I love it.
Vernon’s mouth hung agape. Had he heard an angel? He didn’t think the guy couldn't sing or anything but he didn’t know he was just so...so talented! Vernon caught the sheepish look the boy gave when he noticed Vernon’s unabashed staring. He started to nod over to the machine that had the lyrics to remind Vernon his turn was up. The taller immediately shook off his instant goosebumps and cleared his throat. For some reason he just didn’t want to lose.
I thinkin’ ‘bout him
Every second every hour
Do my singing in the shower
Picking petals off the flowers like-
Do he love me, do he love me not?
I’m not a player I just ---- ----
The real surprise was how confident Vernon became once his turn came up. He smirked when he noticed he was now the receiver of that wow, you're really good look.
Seungkwan started up again. He didn’t think he could sing that well. But, given the cheers and shocked looks from around the room (even his own mother) he guesses he must have a pleasant voice at the most. He’ll embarrassingly admit that he sings a lot when no one is around, often to Ariana or Mariah Carey especially Beyonce but he never thought he was any good.
Although, the gasps when he perfectly executes a high note or when his voice soothe the crowd does make him feel really good. Good enough to become an addict. It also helps that his partner is some sort of model coverboy with a cool voice that seems like he could read the most boringest passage known to man and make is sound interesting.
I got a bad boy I must admit it,
You got my heart don’t know how you did it
And I don't care who sees it babe
I don't wanna hide the way I feel when you’re next to me…
At the climax Vernon even joined in the singing. He wasn’t amazing which caused the crowd to giggle but with Seungkwan’s low harmonic singing and his rough deep voice, it blended perfectly to end the song. Once the music faded out, the crowd stood in silence. Seungkwan worried for a moment that they were actually God-awful and they're going to get booed off the stage until thunderous clapping could he heard across the room. He was shocked at how much they liked it even calling for an encore. Vernon blush madly not used to having this many eyes on him all at once. Usually it was more side glances or peeks but now he was the in the public eye more than ever.
Seungkwan noticed the boy in his mini dilemma and grabbed his arm tugging him through the cheering crowd and towards the exit and out on the balcony.
They stood outside panting feeling exhilarated from what they just did. Finally looking at each other, they both secretly hoped they could blame the cold on their flushed cheeks.
“You okay?” Seungkwan started looking at the boy closer. He had the longest eyelashes and perfect skin he had ever seen. Vernon nodded trying to hide his face behind his long fringe. His blush was darkening at the proximity of their faces and he couldn’t help but notice how perfectly pouty and pink the smaller’s lips were.
“Yo-you were amazing in there…” Vernon wanted to facepalm at just how awkward he sounded.
“Thanks….you were really cool back there too…” Seungkwan replied avoiding the boy’s gaze. Seriously, just how long was he going to stare?
“Naw, you’re just saying that, I’m a nerd, nerds don’t rap,” Vernon mumbled the last part as if it was something natural and accepted in the laws of life. That yes, nerd do not in fact rap. Seungkwan let out a little choked laughter making Vernon furrow his bows.
“You were amazing, dude. Don’t sell yourself short.” the blonde smiled and Vernon admitted, it did something to his heart. They stayed outside admiring the night sky and talking about their parents, siblings, school, and pretty much everything in between.
“You’re going to be the libero at Pledis High School Varsity Volleyball team?!” Vernon blinked.
“Yeah...do you even know what that means?” Seungkwan was all smiles as the boy shook his head shyly. “It’s okay.” he proceeded to pat the taller on his shoulder. “Hey, we should like exchange numbers, who knows if we’ll meet up again…plus I could explain the rules of volleyball to you later” Vernon agreed and they switched phones putting their names and numbers in each other’s phone, Seungkwan even took a picture which Vernon did as well but quickly deleted it since he felt he looked weird. He ducked his head at the little giggle he earned from his spazziness.
The countdown began and they could hear the party growing louder as they neared number one. The two boys froze and looked at each other when the bell rang bringing in the new year. Thinking about all those movies in which couples kiss on new years made Vernon’s ears grow hot. The fireworks began and even then their eyes stayed trained on each other sharing some kind of silent connection.
‘Oh yeah, Kwannie, can you get anymore cheesier?’ Seungkwan puffed out his cheeks finally breaking the intense eye contact. He was known to fall in love easily by his friends but by the looks of Vernon he was probably straight. Aka, he had a snowball’s chance in hell. Maybe he was sadden by this, or maybe he was already numb to this realization since Seungkwan had a perfect record for falling for straight boys.
Vernon was rambling on about really nothing in particular but the smile on his face made Seungkwan fall just that much more in love. Shit he thought. He barely met this guy yet he was already thinking about what theme for the wedding and what their first born would be named.
Seungkwan could hear his sisters calling for him and knew that if he waited around any longer they would see Vernon and try to get him number. He couldn’t risk that. So while Vernon droned on he made a break for it.
The blonde’s woes went unnoticed by Vernon was he was too into describing his novel he was writing to even notice that Seungkwan wasn’t even next to him. Upon this realization, Vernon pouted. Feeling ditched, he looked at the picture of the boy he learned was named Seungkwan, and smiled to himself at the sudden notification.  
Seungkwan: sorry dude, family stuff.
Seungkwan: your story sounds dope.
Seungkwan: maybe I’ll see you around sometime?
Vernon felt his heart warm as the thought of meeting Seungkwan again made him practically jump for joy. Little did they know that they would be meeting again very soon…..
“Wait. You’re attending Pledis High as well?!”
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em44owls · 8 years
Joshler Fic
I Think I Lost My Halo- “When the boys end up lab partners at the start of last semester, Tyler finds a new good little Christian boy to lead astray, and Josh finds new reasons to feel guilty. But if it's so wrong, then how can being with Tyler feel so right?” (96041 words) 18/18
Isle of Flightless Birds- “It wasn't a soulbond. It couldn't be. Because they hadn't met. But this boy in Josh's dreams with the hazel eyes almost black with fear felt more real than the chair Josh was sitting on. And the pain in his wrist felt as if there should be healing lines. And the emotions washing over him didn't always fit. (75837 words) 15/15
My Treehouse Is On Fire- “Tyler's apartment complex gets evacuated at 3am because of a fire and he ends up talking to some pink haired guy wearing a hoodie and boxers.” (61372 words) 43/43
Million dollar man- “josh just needs a good story to keep his less than thriving journalist job, and tyler probably has enough dirty laundry to break the news.” (56278 words)
We're Young, We're Dumb, and We Don't Care- “In which Tyler leaves home for his reasons, and meets Josh who left school for his own” (49099 words) 48/48
Tyler and Josh vs. The World.- “An angel and a devil in a suburban Ohio high school. What could go wrong?” (48748 words) 58/58
falling for you, literally, three times- "I don't wanna be responsible for getting you into trouble." "Ah, I have a feeling you'll be doing a lot of that, Tyler Joseph." Tyler moves to London and finds himself falling for Josh, quite literally, and Josh wonders whether the shy new kid is exactly what he's been waiting for.” (43130 words) 17/17
Still high with a little feeling- “Josh offers Tyler to be his pet in the mafia, not knowing it’ll lead to something different.” (40658 words) 12/12
Innocent High- “Josh Dun, a Sex ED teacher at Columbus High, is receiving letters everyday from an unknown source. The letters are rather...sexual.” (39961 words) 51/51
Josh hates his job.- “It's not that he doesn't like helping omega's in need or that he can't manage the tasks, it's just that it's hard to watch them go when they don't need him anymore. He wants an omega that stays.” (33861 words) 14/14
every little thing is gonna be alright- “Josh is kinda stoned, Tyler is kinda broken, and this is the start of something kinda beautiful. (the chapters are all connected drabbles and are out of order. the chapters are numbered in the title in the order they should be read in! sorry for any confusion)” (31890 words) 15/15 
Take Care of You- “Business trips hardly feel like trips at all when you hardly leave your hotel room. Tyler hadn't planned on seeking company, but it seemed like making a friend for the week would be the most convenient thing, even if he was a little pricey.” (31180 words) 5/5
I Will Make You Believe You Are Lovely- “It's Josh's 18th birthday and he's finally going to receive his Soul Mark and find out who his Soul Mate is.” (30230 words) 13/13 
Entertain Mit’s always sunny in ohio- “Uh, my date—my date is, uh.” Tyler stutters, feeling his cheeks flush. “Spill, Tyler.” Maddy leans forward, her elbows resting on the table.“Josh,” Tyler blurts out. (26781 words)
~long way down- “a knock at the door leads to more than what Tyler was expecting, and it ends up being the one thing that saves him.”  (26013 words)
Let Me Take Care of You- “Josh is the Tyler is his boyfriend. Some of his teammates don't like that.It's almost exactly as high school as it sounds” (21140 words)
Into The Wild- “Two boys from two completely different worlds collide and things get interesting. Trust is shared. Feelings develop. And none of them suspects what the future brings.” (21734 words) 5/5
Safe- “Tyler is one step away from losing hope. Josh happens.” (21504 words) 
I'm trying to sleep- “Tyler is abused by his dad and bullied at school, until Josh comes along and gives him the love he always needed.” (21381 words) 22/22
I Don't Wanna Fall Away- “Lately, Josh has been having these weird, inappropriate thoughts about his best friend. He doesn't know how long he can fight them, but he doesn't want to risk their friendship either.” (21313 words) 14/14
Blue neighborhood- “brown eyes with colored hair covered in tattoos and piercings makes Tyler forget the differences between wrong and right.” (20903 words)
Wild Geese- “No offense,” Josh replied, unfolding his arms. “But the straightest thing about me is my middle finger.” In which the summer before college becomes the summer of Tyler, and Josh learns how to care.” (20598 words)
Her name is Tyler- “Josh didn’t typically pick up other guys in a bar and take them home but then again he also didn’t see many guys wearing a soft pink skirt.” (20147 words)
you belong to me (you must obey me)- ”hating someone more than Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun hate each other is not possible. but what are those strange feelings they get?” (19435 words) 16/16
Fanfic reading- “One, Josh has a secret: he's obsessed with reading Joshler fanfiction. And not the PG stuff either.” (19247 words) 2 works
Caught in the Act- “Tyler and Josh are best friends. Tyler and Jenna are happily married. But all hell breaks loose when Tyler finds them in bed together.” (18909 words) milk and honey- “Tyler doesn't like to be touched. Josh shows him he can touch him without using skin.” (17938 words) It's as good as I can be (This is all that I can be)- “Tyler struggles with the meaning of being religious as well as his developing sexuality” (16575 words) Bro.- “Tyler moves to Los Angeles, where he discovers his next door neighbor has gone from punk to hunk, and oh nooooo he's falling for him.” (15828 words) When You Really Gotta Go- “Just some really great Joshler omorashi” (15960 words) 10/10 Don't Leave (When Winter Comes)- “Josh and Tyler live in an unfamiliar city, far away and disconnected from the local culture and the homes they once knew. Tyler performs in grimy, alternative bars, and Josh idolizes him. They get involved, but Tyler seems hell-bent on destroying himself and everything in his path. Josh is really earnest and tries to hold on for the ride.” (15788 words) 7/7 Mustard- “The one where Tyler sits on street corners and plays his ukulele for money and Josh hates his life.” (14828 words)
He’s Got The Midas Touch- “So Josh, do you know why I called you in here?” Tyler starts.Josh closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before replying, “because I accidentally sent you a dick pic?”Tyler looks visibly surprised, he stops pouring his glass of wine when he sees the nervous look on Josh's face. “Accidentally?” (8838 words) 2/2
Screen- “Tyler is a camboy and Josh is an awkward young man.” (6432 words)
Cold Mocha- “Josh finally agrees to fuck Tyler.” (5712 words)
got caught under the covers- “Or, 5 Times Tyler and Josh Got Caught, and 1 Time They Didn't.” (5195 words)
get down on your knees and tell me you love me- “Tyler gets a new job as an assistant at a huge publishing company, and he doesn't make a good first impression on the boss' son.” (4570 words)
Fluffer- “Originally, Tyler applied as a camera assistant.” (4193 words)
everytime you come around (i feel like glitter)- "I accidentally grabbed your notebook and i found a crap ton of gay writings/doodles and they're amazing. Wait, are those combinations of our names all over the pages?" (4137 words) 2/2
Liquor- “Tyler likes instructions, Josh needs them.” (3857 words)
a little taste of heaven- "Can I touch you?" came the question. Tyler sighed, the sound turning into a sweet whimper. He nodded affirmatively, letting go of his own cock and placing his hand on the pillow instead, giving Josh better access” (3533 words)
Snowed In- “No power, no heat, no clothes, no problem.” (3490 words)
 Entertain Me (under lips)- “After three years, Tyler knew subtlety was dead. So when Josh poked Tyler's thigh and said, “I'm horny.” (2769 words)
Perfect Symmetry- “Josh likes his drums, but he also likes Tyler’s hips.” (2648 words)
Cedar Point- High School AU, Smut (2606 words)
A Milano- “After all the running he's done today, Josh is eager to get back to his tent for some alone time. Good thing Tyler's only a phone call away.” (2397 words)
get naked (i got a plan)- “Meeting fans after shows is great and everything, but sometimes you just need some private time with your boyfriend first.” (2005 words)
lights low, mouth open- “josh is a slob when it comes to the theater and tyler is just trying to do his job.” (1978 words) 
Variety- “prompt: "dom tyler with shy josh and dirty talk !!" (1846 words)
scarlet harlot [because you’re mine]- “He doesn't want to admit it, but this whole situation is slightly hot: Him bent over a sink, Tyler tugging his hair.... In which Tyler dyes Josh's hair and also gives him an orgasm.” (1810 words)
It’s not what it looks like- “Tyler underestimates the time Josh is supposed to be home at.” (1776 words)
Use me until ever little piece is gone- “Tyler is willing and adores being used for Josh's pleasure Josh is dominant and adores how Tyler lets him fulfil his darkest fantasies” (1761 words)
yellow- “has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”- Josh  “n-no.”-Tyler “you’re absolutely beautiful.”-Josh (1695 words)  
100 kinks.- “100 kink challenges". they start off cute and fluffy and gets more kinky as i go.” (14688 words) 6/? 
Indecent- “Tyler loses his virginity on his birthday in the back of a pickup truck.” (1453 words) 
somber- “Come here and kiss me some more.” Tyler says then, and it takes Josh by surprise, going over the sentence in his head, trying to figure out if it’s a simple joke between friends or not.” (1433 words)
room with a view- “They really didn't mean to put on a show like this.” (1399 words) (a series)
the best things happen at the worst of times, tyler thinks- “tyler Loved jenna. it took him too long to realize he loved josh more.” (1321 words)
angel- “tyler is a 50 year old ghost who haunts joshua's house, but is an absolute adorable lil' peach that joshua adores, but pouts when the brunet catches him doing something embarrassing.” (1183 words)
sweet- “ty and j turn into soft pants and delicate groans after a show.” (1102 words)
Dare me- “Tyler choked on a sip of his drink. Did he hear that right? Did Josh really say that?” (1181 words)
Fuck Fake Friends- “Fuck fake friends, we don’t need them, the only thing they’re good for is leaving.” (1136 words)
grinding Together with occasional Touch of  enamel- “Some pure Tyler and Josh being Tyler and Josh” {sex, masturbation, and smut} (1013 words)
It’s our hearts that make the (dubstep) beat.- “Tyler likes to play games and make challenges. Josh has only one rule when it comes to music during sex. Tyler is a little shit.” (982 words)
Caught in the shower- “Where Josh thinks dirty thoughts about his best friend in the shower and Tyler catches him.” (683 words)
Frozen Still- “Josh's lips tasted like champagne and new (670 words)
Pretty Sounds (Stick Around)- “You know what I want to do today?" (622 words)
Wendy’s- “Josh is popular but doesn’t realise it. Tyler’s always new.” (439 words) 
Frottage- fics with frottage in it
Already Read...//
(Part 1) Almost - “Five times Tyler almost told Josh he loved him and the one time Josh told him.” (2702 words)
(Part 2) Angry - “Five times Tyler gets angry with Josh and the one time Josh gets angry with Tyler.” (1510 words)
(Part 5) Care - “Five times Josh falls asleep and the one time Tyler almost does too.” (2111 words)
Nobody looks up anymore - “ Tyler staring up at the sky. Josh comes up to see if there way anything wrong.” (1302 words)
Friction - “Tyler needs something that Jenna can’t offer up and they turn to Josh for some help. Aka Josh is a-o-k with tying Tyler up and fucking him” (3418 words)
And Then There Was Pink- “Josh finds himself in Tyler’s flower shop and Tyler finds himself seeing color.” (6581 words)
1. Kissing - “Tyler has the sweetest and fullest lips Josh has ever seen, and he loves taking complete advantage of that.” (175 words)
Detention- “Josh and Tyler get trapped alone together inside their schools building when a vicious snow storm hits their town.” (5528 words)  
He’s Got The Midas Touch- “So Josh, do you know why I called you in here?” Tyler starts.Josh closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before replying, “because I accidentally sent you a dick pic?”Tyler looks visibly surprised, he stops pouring his glass of wine when he sees the nervous look on Josh's face. “Accidentally?” (6021 words)  
i get around- “Josh really hates parties.” (1882 words)
Million Dollar House- “Tyler loved to paint, and Josh's body was the perfect canvas.” (1395 words)  
Careful What You Wish For- “What’s more awkward than having front row tickets to your friends having sex?” (2233 words)  
The one with no electricity- “The electric goes off in Josh's and Tyler's apartment and Tyler is scared of the dark...” (1054 words)
Truth Hurts (Literally)- “Tyler drinks this weird foreign liquid and now he can't keep his big fat mouth shut.” (3361 words)  
Doritos - “Tyler picked up his packet of Taco Doritos before walking out into the living room and sighing when he saw Josh, who was sitting on his phone once again.” (589 words)      
14. Sex toys- “Ty...deeper...please..." His rasp is without pain but sweetly desperate.” (403 words)
24. Rimming - “Tyler holds to his chest like he’s forgotten what air is and whispers the sweetest blasphemies as Josh pays worship to his body.” (464 words)
94. Giggly sex- "Babe, we're already boyfriends. You don't have to pick me up. I'm yours!" (344 words)
Cheat - ”one finds the other one cheating.” (608 words)      
Mentors- Josh mentored Tyler and they like date and Tyler leaves his house because of his fucked up family. Oh and Josh was like dating Debby in the beginning woo (sarcasm)  (43659 words) 36/36
30 Day Smut Challenge (Joshler)- 30 days of smut basically. (36663 words) 29/30 
Brat- “Tyler is feeling ignored by Josh, so when they go to a bar Tyler kisses Brendon so Josh’ll see and punish him.” (706 words)
Hopeless | Joshler- “one where josh finds a boy in the school bathroom and knows he as no other option” (759 words)
Baby Boy- “Tyler has a diaper fetish.” (330 words)
Truce- “In the future, anyone can apply for assisted suicide. Josh works helping people end their lives in a peaceful, painless way, and he's okay with it. But it hurts so much when a brown eyed boy comes asking for his assistance.” (3162 words)
Get Through This Together- “Tyler and Josh are the type of people who can call each other 'best friend' after knowing each other for about 2 months. They share everything from food to their bed to their wildest dreams. They've even developed a routine together. Sadly, that routine gets shaken by something they weren't expecting…” (2971 words) 
The X-Files Fic- “In which Josh delves into the world of X-Files fanfiction, and decides that there needs to be X-Files fanfiction starring him and Tyler. But it’s totally not gay, okay guys? Just a story about him and his bro solving crimes about aliens and maybe they kiss sometimes.” (4782 words)
The Red Bull Fic- “The milk fic only with joshler and Red Bull.”  (3465 words)
itty bitty- “Tyler finds Josh on his heat. Josh needs his teeny tiny cock played with and a massive cock to fill his dripping hole.” (2509 words)
Come On and Work it All Out- “Tyler and Josh wake up only remembering their own name, and try to figure out who they are.” (2665 words)
85 Percent- trans Josh gets pregnant on Tyler’s wedding (2991 words)
oh boy, did tyler fuck up.- "it's not like he actually wanted to sit in an almost empty emergency room in his local hospital a saturday evening, sipping on watery coffee that barely counts as lukewarm with a dildo stuck in his ass" (3753 words) 
Something Wicked This Way Comes- “Tyler is an urban witch. Josh is a bounty hunter. A lot of shit goes down.” (15440 words)
Frozen Still- “If he left this party knowing that Josh had been sitting alone, available, not having kissed anyone at all… he wouldn’t forgive himself for the entirety of the new year. This, Tyler thought, as Josh rested his chin against his knees, was a boy who should be kissed.” (1021 words)
there’s only one virgin left and that’s you- “tylers the last virgin in a sex crazed high school that even awards you points for the amount of people you get with. tyler thinks it's dumb and plans on keeping his virginity till he graduates, but with everyone after him it seems like a challenge.” (1306 words)
Lead Singer- “Tylers the energetic lead singer Josh didn’t expect to be fucking.” (940 words)
Discovering The Waterfront- “Tyler lives in a sexless village, where the very concept of even having a sex drive has become obsolete. Josh moves in from the city and changes that.” (9947 words) 5/5
He Belongs to the Game- “In which Tyler is kind of a stripper, Josh is kind of an asshole, and they both kind of figure it out.” (3207 words)
Handful- “adorable first date gone wrong.” (fluff) (3012 words)
Never Gunna Give You Up- “Prompt: Tyler goes into rut, and Josh helps him through it.” (2149 words)
gets off on being down- “tyler would do anything for attention.” (1352 words)
Fire In Every Sign of Winter Marasa- “Dude, I'm freaking out.” That’s a complete understatement.” (6262 words) 3/3 
Decode- “Josh is punk. Tyler wears floral skirts. They fuck on a bet.” (4337 words)  
Fifty shades of pink- “When Jenna's away the boys will play, but what happens when they lose track of time.” (2894 words)
Lights On- “Prom night is coming up, and Tyler knows that his date might have certain… expectations. The only problem? Tyler’s never done anything with a girl before. Fortunately, Josh has.” (4525 words) 
Show me what you've got- “Joshua dun is in love with his brother-in-law, Tyler. It's disgusting and wrong but he can't help it. It's worse when Tyler takes advantage of it.” (4118 words) 2/2 
Bold & Fearless In The Risks We Take- “The first time they met, Tyler made Josh bleed. But as blood brothers, the friendship endures all life's growing pains.” (42176 words)
Spicy cycle (dirty laundry)- “There were many tweets warning others ‘don't share the pics. You’re an asshole if you do. Be respectful!' but it didn’t take Tyler too long to uncover the first of the photos. Everything changed after that.” (26584 words) 7/7 
bold and fearless in the risks we take- “tyler doesn’t remember much of what transpired to have him walking down the side of an empty road well past midnight, gently clutching his broken nose, fingers dripping with his own blood.” (72677) 22/22 (never finished; Read: 3/16/18)
i wanna make you mine (but that's hard to say)- “in which tyler's an idiot who chooses to study for exams at two in the morning and josh wants to be cranky but tyler's lips are kinda distracting” (1290 words) 
let me love (let me touch)- “The atmosphere was light, the moon shone through the curtains, and there wasn't a thing that Tyler wanted more than to make his boy feel good.” (1289 words)
this love- “josh is trans and having a bad dysphoria day. tyler tries to help him out.” (1260 words)
Stateless- “Send me a pic. And then I'll help you out.” (1288 words)
Soul Love-”Tyler and Josh have a swap.” (1189 words)
No homo- sex on tour bus while tyler says no homo ironically. (1166 words) 
Idk what to title this- “In which Josh likes to take it and Tyler likes to give it.” (1165 words) 
you're the holiest thing i know- “Tyler is nervous. Josh is the biggest sweetheart in the world.” (1156 words) 
A Little Time Off- “Josh just wants to have a lazy day off watching cartoons, but Tyler misses him a little too much” (1146 words) 
In His Arms- “Tyler has a nightmare. Josh gives him a hand *cough cough* to help him sleep.” (1134 words) 
He keeps me warm- has exhibition and sex. (1104 words) 
Sweet Lovin'- “Tyler wants cookies and Josh's love.” (1025 words) 
Famous Last Words- “The one where Josh has Tyler cum trained.” (1015 words) 
keep my eyes closed and try to feel all of the effects- “Josh needs Tyler to help him with something.” (1013 words)
grinding Together with occasional Touch of enamel- “Some pure Tyler and Josh being Tyler and Josh” (1013 words)
Fluff blowjob stuff- “Tyler is an intern at the bakery where Josh works and they're so gay for each other and after closing time, things happen” (1010 words) 
In Tents- “Tyler's mind doesn't think all the way through at midnight.” (1421 words) 
I think I lost my halo- “A one shot where Tyler misses Josh desperately and decides to Skype him.” (1408 words)
Every You, Every Me- “Tyler no longer wanted to nap - he wanted to kiss Josh until both of them came in their pants.” (1357 words) 
you're out of the band- “josh 'helps' tyler after he is told he is out of the band, and maybe finds his way back in after he 'helps'.” (1335 words) 
Texts for Josh Dun- “Josh gets a text from an unknown number.” (1314 words) 
Light Me Up Inside- “It's Tyler's birthday, but an unexpected snow storm and the dropping temperature has him and Josh canceling their plans to have a little fun inside.” (1296 words) 
we do believe what's on tv- “tyler drunk calls josh. one thing leads to another, cause that's always how these things happen, right?” (1707 words) 
you give me lovin' (that good kind of lovin')- “phone sex b/c tyler and josh are away from each other for some reason.” (1661 words) 
Naked Noises- “Crappy motel porn.” (1670 words) 
I can do that- “Tyler sees him at church.” (1619 words) 
you're the reason i'm alone and masturbate- “He doesn’t have a problem with masturbation; put a bunch of horny guys in their twenties together on a bus and you’re bound to hear someone at least once. It’s just, Josh could at least try to act like he wasn’t jerking off almost every single night.” (1540 words) 
Why not, we're buds- “When Tyler wakes up to Josh moaning his name, he gets hard himself. He asks Josh to fix it for him. Because why not? They're buds.” (1595 words) 
Øn his knees- "Gonna ride you, but you can't touch me," Tyler smirked before looking Josh right in the eyes, "you can cum whenever you want to." (1500 words) 
Secret Ways- “Tyler has a humping kink. Josh is okay with it. They're both a little desperate for each other.” (1440 words) Warm and wet- “Tyler wants to make Josh squirt” (1428 words)  
It Feels Better (Biting Down)- “Tyler masturbates for the first time ever in the most awkward, yet strangely hot way possible.” (1490 words) 
Get Through This Together- “Tyler and Josh are the type of people who can call each other 'best friend' after knowing each other for about 2 months. They share everything from food to their bed to their wildest dreams. They've even developed a routine together. Sadly, that routine gets shaken by something they weren't expecting…” (2971 words) Variety- "dom tyler with shy josh and dirty talk !!" (1847 words) Halo- “He's got an early class tomorrow and he doesn't know why he came here but now there's a drink in his hand and he can't turn back.” (1828 words) knowing everything is fine- “Tyler is a powerbottom, and Josh is a meek lil nugget.” (1824 words) odi- “Tyler smirked. "Why? Is Joshie gonna cry?" He said in a baby voice, his bottom lip coming out into a pout. Tyler's tongue was sharp. So sharp he once brought Josh to tears, and he never let Josh forget it.” (1793 words) Incomplete- “Tyler brushes his thumb over Josh's mouth. Josh doesn't stir, but Tyler wishes he would, because he needs something to tire him out. They could indulge in something simple like pillowfights or jumping on the bed until it groans.” (1778 words) Surprise, surprise- “Tyler wants to surprise Josh, but he falls asleep.” (2121 words) Perfect Symmetry- “Josh likes his drums, but he also likes Tyler’s hips.” (2648 words) your taste is so inviting (now i'm living in a dream)- “Josh and Tyler take a shower together after a muddy game of soccer and Josh can't fathom why he suddenly wants to put his dick in his best friend's asshole.” (2645 words) Loud and Quiet- “At such a close proximity, Josh suddenly catches a whiff of something vaguely familiar. He chases it to Tyler’s hair and inhales discreetly. Josh blinks. “Are you...are you high?” (1851 words) Fetish: Joshler- “Josh is sick of being alone and can tell by Tyler's posts that Ty is missing him too. After two weeks of separation and anger, Josh goes to Ty's house and works out his pent up frustration.” (1964 words) had me shakin' (just mine all mine)- (1949 words) It's not what it looks like- “Tyler underestimates the time Josh is supposed to be home at.” (1776 words) Use me until every little piece is gone- “Tyler is willing and adores being used for Josh's pleasure Josh is dominant and adores how Tyler lets him fulfil his darkest fantasies” (1761 words) We are so fucked- “This is my first work on archive so go easy on me. Okay so Tyler and Josh are teenagers who are madly in love but are convinced the other is straight so Jensen and Jared the cutest couple in school try to make them come together but will Tyler's worried that his past will get in the way But Josh has a secret of his own that might be just a little bit strange.” (1643 words) 4/4 And You May ask Yourself- “He’s never been with a boy before. But this isn’t just any boy. It’s Josh.” (1717 words) Clumsy- “Josh applauds Tyler's knot work; it's gotten better since last time and he can barely move his wrists at all. It's when he hears the soft patter of socked feet on carpet does he start to fumble.” (1717 words) periwinkle suits you [who i adore]- “Josh likes to secretly dress up in pretty lingerie. Tyler accidentally sees Josh's pretty panties when he's drunk.” (1451 words) 
Your Body Is My Wonderland- “Tyler is such a special person…he’s so soft and angelic looking…so fragile and pure. And yet at the same time he’s the pure embodiment of sin.” (1471 words)
Ferris Wheel- “Josh and Tyler take a break from their busy tour lives and head to a carnival. Tyler treats Josh with all the drinks he wants, which backfires. Aka the pee kink fic where josh gets fucked in a Ferris wheel then a bathroom” (1465 words) 
i get around- “Josh really hates parties.” (1882 words)
so where do we begin?- “Sometimes Tyler thinks of Josh as something a little more than just his best friend, and when Josh walks in on him with his hands down his pants moaning his name, things get a little awkward.” (1928 words)
House Of The Lord- “Sundays are meant to be spent in the bathroom, panting, and guilty.” (1940 words)
Back to school- “Tyler has some other desires he's been suppressing — desires to also be with men — more specifically, his openly gay college roommate, Josh. Desires he's ready to fulfill.” (2018 words)
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
Hey hey! Not to be entirely cliche and start with the weather BUT it was gorgeous today after a rainy week. Living in Wisconsin and enduring the long winters is tough. I get so used to the snow that I legitimately forget rain is in the realm of precipitation possibility (LOL). Baby, Nugget, and I had a nice little family day. We saw my mom and step-dad, as well as Baby's grandfather. Spent a lot of time outside and now we are all a little sunburnt! Now I'm laying in my comfortable bed next to Baby, eating Halo Top ice cream while I do what I love: write. My content today involves a lot of different types entertainment. It wasn't planned, I swear.
Thinking about it, I haven't really listened to any music this week at work. I love music. I love it. But there are times that I get impatient with listening to music. I’m not sure what it is, but work can be very slow overnight and listening to music when it's slow makes me almost more impatient. I’ve turned to listening to podcasts instead when I feel like this. Stuff You Should Know is my favorite podcast I have listened to so far. I think it's because there are so many random topics to choose from. These two guys, Josh and Chuck, will take any topic and research the heck out of it before recording a very interesting podcast about it. Topics range from what happens to the brain during an orgasm to "How Meth Works" to frogs to "How Hang Gliding Works." I personally gravitate towards the podcasts they do about real life murder mysteries. Josh and Chuck are funny and easy to listen to, so if you need to switch up your auditory entertainment and are down to learn something, give them a shot! I listen to Stuff You Should Know on my Spotify but you can listen to them on almost anywhere that you find podcasts in general. They also have their website you can check out. I hope you like them as much as I do!
Now. For TV. It is hell trying to get me to commit to a TV show. They are long and such a time investment. I feel better watching movies. They are shorter and less involved, obviously. But my mother had been HOUNDING me to watch Younger on Hulu. It didn’t sound bad or anything but it took me a year to actually do it and I only started it because I was sick and home during the day, alone and bored. For someone who isn’t easily hooked on shows, I LOVE Younger. Hilary Duff is in it! It's about a woman in her 40's who lies about her age to get back into the workforce. I know it is based on a book and I researched it because I love reading. All the book reviews were okay at best, unfortunately. The 5th season is coming June 5th and I am so ready for it. Again, something I recommend! Baby enjoyed Jersey Shore back when it was on, which... Who didn't watch it? My parents even watched it! I watched it in high school myself, but more so to make fun of it, but nonetheless I know the show's previous drama and such. So, now that the reunion of Jersey Shore is in full-swing, baby is all about it. Rather than reject watching it with him or at all, I will watch it and I will enjoy it. Mostly because I like to have things to discuss with Baby. Things we both are watching, reading, listening to, etc. It’s just nice to both be involved in some things together. That is something else I would recommend; sharing interests with your partner. You don't have to do everything together, but sharing a hobby or watching a show together creates quality time. Jersey Shore is light and easy, something Baby and I could use lately. Not to mention, the show is pretty funny.
READING! It's not everyone's favorite, which makes me a little sad. I have always been into books. I missed reading my own books so much when I was in college. There was absolutely no time for it. Now that I graduated, I've been on a Christopher Pike binge. I love this author. He has been writing mystery fiction books for kids and adults since the mid-1980's, I believe. I love all things retro, especially the 90's. All his books are relatively short, easy reads, but keep you hooked until the end. I recommend them if you can find them! Pike has a popular series called Thirst about a vampire. It's not the typical, cheesy vampire stuff. I really like how he executed the vampire genre because its easy to fall into the Twilight type of feel, but Pike did not (in my opinion). The main character is a woman and she is kind of a badass. There are 5 volumes in the series, totaling to 9 actual books (it's been condensed into volumes). It's sold for the cheapest on Amazon, add it to that cart. I know you wanna.
I'm going to end with my weekly win. I wouldn't say that it was a bad week. There were some good days and some rough ones. Female hormones can be very powerful, I'm sure you ladies know. Arguments still happen in the healthiest relationships, stress still gets to the happiest people. It was a long week, but I was given the moment that made it all better. Baby was playing with Nugget on the floor in our bedroom while I was working on my blog earlier this week. They were playing and laughing and I was happy to listen. All of the sudden, Baby got up and sat at the foot of the bed, his back away from me. He told Nugget to come to him because he had something to tell him. He said, "We love Sabrina very much, don't we? We are going to take really good care of her and protect her. I want you to know that Sabrina is going to be in our lives forever. How does that make you feel?" Nugget yelled, "HAPPY!" Baby couldn't see me but I cried. Moments like that are when I realize the many highs are worth the few lows. Let me be clear though: none of the lows this week had anything to do with Nugget, and they rarely do. He is an outstanding little boy and is incredibly well-behaved. I am blessed with that, but it is still hard to help raise a child that is not yours. There are toes you try not to step on and lines you try not to cross, but you should be most concerned with what is best for that little human, regardless of anything else. Stress and anxiety were fluctuating like crazy this week, but that moment was a big one for me and it melted all the negative away. What was your weekly win? Was is an accomplishment? An epiphany? Or was it a moment like mine? Comment away!
Next up: FOOD THINGS. But I gotta go now, Baby is singing goofy things to me and I'm all happy after talking about that moment with Nugget. Cuddle time. Good night!
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idiottantrum-blog · 7 years
Archived Post: Ask a Husband #2: The No Spouse Rule
This post was originally put up on a portion of the site that no longer exists. The content that was on there has been archived for the past few years, but I decided to put it up rather than let it rot for eternity. This is the second of these archived reposts. You can start from the first one here.
Ask a Husband #2: The No Spouse Rule
Originally Posted July 20 2015
Spouseless writes:
“A few months ago, when planning a group event with about 6-7 people one member of the group laid down the “no spouses allowed” rule meaning it was a night for just us friends to get together.  We all agreed although we noted that, at the time, he was one of the only single people in the group. Recently, however, at a similar group event where the rest of us had again followed the “no spouse” rule the same person who had been adamant about this rule for all get togethers brought his significant other along.  How can we speak to our friend about being hypocritical and rude to our significant others without attacking him? Sincerely, Spouseless”
Inviting or excluding significant others is always a touchy subject. It starts when we are teenagers, waiting all day to hang out with our best friend after school, only to be devastated when he brings his new girlfriend along and you spend the whole day uncomfortably trying to play Halo as they dry hump each other two feet from you in your parents basement. It's like f&k you Steve, I wanted to beat The Maw on legendary today, not spend four hours avoiding eye contact with the boner lump in your sweatpants.
Even into adulthood you run into it from time to time. My wife gets invited to weddings without a plus one every once in a while even though we're married presumably because the couple to be is trying to keep head count under control. If we're being honest in this situation, this is fine with me as I have no interest in attending Janet the HR person's wedding so that I can spend three hours at the weird leftovers table with someones socially awkward work friend Peg, the bride's asthmatic cousin Barry with the lazy eye and sweating condition, and a suit jacket that sits by itself on an empty seat all night because whoever was assigned to that spot did the smart thing and got the hell out of there.
I guess what I'm saying is that in all stages of life, sometimes there is going to be friction over when you do or don't bring along significant others.
That being said, this seems like it is much more commonly going to be a dating conundrum than a married person one. Married couples tend to have integrated into each others respective groups of friends, so it becomes less of an issue as opposed to when you are just dating someone, especially if it is a new relationship. Even so, I get the appeal of the no spouse rule on occasion for everyday social situations. Sometimes you just need a night with your friends minus significant others, it's healthy.
Now, it seems in your particular situation we're looking more at boyfriends and girlfriends as opposed to spouses. When you throw significant others into the mix with a group of friends, especially a 'new' significant other where they don't know anyone besides the person they came with it changes the whole dynamic of the group. Sometimes that's fine. In the sage words given to us by the Spice Girls "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends". If a significant other is going to be around for a while, they've got to become familiar with the group at some point, otherwise you end up with that friend nobody sees anymore because his new girlfriend or boyfriend is dominating all their time. Still, sometimes you just want to go bowling or something with the old gang.
I don't know any of the people involved in this situation, so I can only speak in the most general of terms and operate on some basic assumptions. 
The first basic assumption that I am making is that your friend is pretty much a good guy and not a raging self-centered douche scooter. With that assumption in mind, I don't see the request for the no spouse rule at the first gathering as totally out of the blue. As I mentioned, sometimes it's nice to just hang out with the old gang, and really nobody wants to be the only one at Applebee's who can't order the 2 for $20 because he's by himself. Is it maybe a little selfish to institute the no spouse rule if the rest of the group isn't really down for it? Sure, but I can sympathize with being socially uncomfortable as the odd man out. I feel for the guy, so I can't get too bent out of shape over it.
Now the second get-together is maybe a little harder to justify. To play devil's advocate, I guess I can understand after having been the only single guy in the group and now finally having a boyfriend or girlfriend to bring along he was excited to show them off to his group of friends. It's mildly annoying but really I guess it depends on the fit of this new significant other in to the group. If they turn out to be awesome and get along with everyone, no harm no foul for the most part. If they are an insufferable mule that makes everyone want to slam their hands in a car door so they have an excuse to leave early not so great.
As for how you proceed with this friend, I'd like to introduce you to a philosophy by which I try to live my life. A philosophy that I believe keeps me from being an insufferable piece of garbage in many situations where folks tend to take the aforementioned human garbage route. I always ask myself "Is the aggravation of pressing this issue worth the potential reward, versus just letting it go?" 
Let me give you a few examples from my own life of the application of this mantra:
I used one of those photo printing kiosks you see in drug stores or Walmart to print up a few pictures that my wife wanted to frame. On one of the pictures, the printer screwed something up and left a black ink smudge across the center of the photo. I could have gone back to the store, shown the incorrectly printed photo to them, asked for a refund and had the pictures redone. Or, I could eat the $2.14, not have to fight with anybody, and just reprint that picture. I did not consider the reward of maybe $2.14 and some sort of pointless moral justice for my screwed up picture worth the inevitably awful interaction I would have had to have with an employee. I just reprinted the picture.
An additional example: Once something malfunctioned with our cable and took out our TV and internet service. I spent an hour on the phone with customer service troubleshooting before it was determined that a technician was going to need to come out and replace hardware. When it was all said and done, by the time they were able to get someone out to us, we were without TV or internet for three days.
I love my wife dearly, but there is no reward too small for her not to go through any amount of headache in the pursuit of justice. She insisted that I call our service provider and demand a refund for the time we were without cable.
To break that scenario down, I would have started this process by spending a minimum of an hour on the phone, most of it likely listening to hold music as I resisted the urge not to bite through my tongue and bleed to death rather than listen to another second of a synthesizer rendition of "I'm sailing away". Once I finally reached someone I would then have to petulantly demand that I be reimbursed for my inconvenience. I would be making this demand to someone who has likely already had this conversation approximately eighty-seven times today and gives exactly zero fucks. After all of that, presuming that I don't walk away empty handed and get I my reimbursement what have I actually won? If I pay $140 bucks a month for cable, I'm paying roughly $4.60 a day which would come out to a whopping $14 reimbursement for the days we were without service. Thanks, but I'll take not ruining my evening for maybe getting fourteen dollars or maybe getting politely told to go fuck myself by Verizon's customer service associate and have the recording of it immortalized for quality assurance purposes.
Now, apply this principle to this trouble with your friend. You may have a different barometer for your hassle/reward ratio than I do, but were I faced with this situation, at least where it came to the two get-togethers already passed, I would just let it go.
At best it goes well and you have a decent conversation with them about it, but still ends up being a whole thing. You can't get away with just texting them "Hey Ur GF can't hang with us anymore LOL!" and be done with it.
At worst they get offended and defensive and everyone gets dragged into a fight about it. A poorly handled no spouses rule violation helped break up The Beatles, don't let it happen to you and your friends too.
In all reality probably the best thing you can do is let what is done be done and take a proactive approach for future outings. Knowing that this friend has a history not quite getting the memo just realize you've got to be extra clear with them on expectations going forward.
If you do find yourself in a situation where this person is the dissenting voice in the group on if significant others should or should not invited along, avoid terms like "hypocritical" or "rude" even if they may be fitting. If you put someone on the defensive, they often shut down and you get nowhere with them.
Demonstrate that you understand their point of view and offer them your alternative. Try to make your points focused around the group as a whole rather than singling this person out as a problem. If you can win them over to the rest of the group's way of thinking without making him feel like you lectured him or hate his partner's stupid face it'll make life a lot easier for everyone.
If the group is looking for a "no spouse night" let him know that you all still like his significant other and would love to plan something soon for everyone, but that tonight other folks have already worked it out with their own significant others and you'd like to keep to the plan this time.
If its the other way around and he's pouting about significant others tagging along, make it clear that there will be plenty of opportunity to have a "just the gang" night, but it's important to welcome the partners of members of the group into the fold as well. 
As I said before, this all operates under the assumption that your friend is not a rabid uppity twit and is capable of being reasonable like an actual person. I don't know him, so maybe he is in fact a giant bag of assholes. If that's the case my advice is the group just tells him to jog on.
Good luck, and may all your future outings be trouble free.
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