#i want 2 try colour this sometime OOOOO BOY
batboys h.c. #1 - hair
- dick uses custom shampoo and conditioner because he is a vain bitch who never grew out of his trust fund baby ways (i’m picturing like the function of one here purely bc that’s what i have #notanad)
- he enjoys choosing the different colours and experimenting with fragrances; currently he has pear and apple which he likes but his heart lies with vanilla milkshake (soft)
- he’s an early bird (ha) and always works out in the mornings so he showers and washes his hair then
- he finishes his showers with a blast of cold water (one of a few reasons his s/o refuses to share showers with him) - he claims it’s to wake him up but it’s really bc he heard it would make his hair shiny and dick is very willing to suffer for Beauty
- dick mastered the towel turban at a very young age
- but nowadays he has a special microfibre turban to reduce frizz
- picture dick grayson standing in his kitchen eating cereal and making a gross green smoothie wearing nothing but the tightest black boxers and a towel turban
- never say i don’t do anything for you
- when it comes to styling dick is all about volume
- when he takes his hair out of the turban he works a huge blob of mousse into it and then spends up to twenty minutes scrunching it until it looks perfectly tousled
- he likes to walk around while he does this so he has mirrors all over the apartment sure that’s the only reason
- he has a habit of running his hand through his hair though so however neatly styled it starts out it always becomes a messy heap within a couple of hours
- still v charming tho
- jason is working his way down the curly hair aisle of his local beauty supply store. he picks up a different shampoo and conditioner set every time
- he’s friendly with the puerto rican women who own the store and sometimes asks them for advice
- they’ve recommended that he try a co-wash but he’s secretly worried it won’t be tough enough to clean blood and gotham harbour water out of his hair on a regular basis
- his actual routine is v basic though
- step 1: he showers when he comes in from patrol around 4/5am and washes his hair
- step 2: uses a ton of conditioner every time
- step 3: puts a towel over his pillowcase and goes the fuck to sleep
- naturally he wakes up with a mess
- drags himself to the bathroom sink, wets his hands, and rakes his fingers through his hair until his hair is at least more evenly distributed over his head
- it usually sorts itself out to some extent eventually and he spends so much time with a helmet on that he’s not too fussed about how it looks
- boom
- thatse it
- he does have a secret self care ritual - it’s not regular but every couple of weeks or so he covers his hair in a deep conditioning mask and tucks it into an old shower cap he found under the sink. next the face mask goes on, he gets a smoothie/glass of wine/elaborate cocktail depending on his mood, fluffy robe, and settles onto his sofa with a book for a couple hours
- he only does this when he’s sure to be alone and interrupting this ritual is liable to get you shot (ostensibly a warning shot but he’s not particular about where he aims said warning shot)
- listen i love tim to death but the truth is he forgets to shower on an upsettingly regular basis and his hair gets greasy easily :(
- luckily all it usually takes is an ‘ew snape’ and he’s off to the bathroom at a light jog
- a freshly shampooed tim drake however is the most beautiful thing in the world
- somehow manages to have nineties boy floppy curtains in the year of our lord 2020 and not look like a prick
- this boy is a serial shampoo thief and it is not uncommon for him to walk into a room, someone to sniff the air, and promptly beat him up for hair product theft
- will he learn from this? absolutely not
- when his bangs get long enough he tucks them back behind his ears (it’s adorable)
- even more adorable is when his s/o starts leaving hair accessories lying about
- timothy drake-wayne sitting in the batcave looking sternly over his case notes with glittery butterfly clips holding his hair back
- he does not use a single styling product on his hair it just does that
- perfectly straight and shiny every time, no cowlicks, no frizz
- it’s infuriating
- after a disastrous experiment with bleach in his early teens tim resorted to a buzzcut rather than let it grow out
- the effect was,,,,interesting
- he’s constantly threatening to shave it again but everyone knows he won’t go through with it bc he heard a barista at his favourite coffee shop swooning over his hair once and now he brings it up every time someone criticises him
- ‘oh yeah well if i’m such a waste of space how come i have “““ the prettiest hair in the world ohmygod it looks so soft don’t you just wanna touch it”””, damian’
- no that’s not the reason it’s his favourite shop what are you talking about
- used to have it all figured out but a recent change in career path has left him high and dry
- before becoming the signal duke’s hair was the best on his street - he favoured twist braids but he was considering locs
- wearing a helmet has kinda limited his options, so his hair is in cornrows for now to make sure his helmet fits properly but he’s not mad keen and he’s trying to figure out how to broach the subject with his barber without compromising his secret identity
- speaking of his barber there’s only one guy at one shop who duke trusts with his fade
- the shop is in south gotham
- as in the other goddamn end of the city
- it’s a fuck ass long drive from the manor
- every time he goes he looks wistfully at his old street as they pass (a fifteen minute walk from his shop)
- his stash of products at the manor are the only ones safe from tim
- it’s not that tim respected his boundaries or anything but the one time he used one of duke’s deep conditioners without checking he came out of the shower with oilier hair than he went in
- duke brought his own satin pillowcases to the manor bc he guessed (correctly) that bruce would never think of it
- they make jason snigger bc he thinks it’s like a sexy thing (ooOOoo SiLk ShEeTs)
- duke just looks over jason’s hair with a judgemental stare and tells him maybe his curl definition wouldn’t be so poor if he got satin pillowcases of his own
- (dick and tim: OOOOOOOOO)
- ((roy, somewhere in star city: OOOOO, artemis: wtf are you doing ? roy: didn’t you feel it? the burn?))
- this one got out of hand rip
- when he was with his mother and the league he never concerned himself with the toiletries provided for him he just used them
- it’s only when he comes to america and is presented with fake apple scented goo that he misses what he had
- the issue is that he doesn’t even know how to start looking for his old products, and it’s not like he can just call talia up and ask her which shampoo she used on him as a child
- he does consider it though
- mostly he just sulks until dick takes pity and tries to help him figure it out
- it is not successful and damian is now somehow mad ???
- as a distraction and filled with regret dick buys him a shampoo bar, the decision primarily based on proximity and novelty value - he hopes the time it takes damian to figure it out will give him time to get away
- this is more like it - damian appreciates the more sophisticated sandalwood scent and also its environmental credentials
- the downside to the bar is that it’s somewhat drying
- damian solves this issue with the only product he can remember his mother using - moroccan argan oil
- as a result his hair is now smooth, shiny, and ethical as fuck
- it also smells nice, which is the only thing tim can think of while damian is furiously challenging him to a duel, the top of his head directly under tim’s nose
- as a young ‘un damian likes to gel his hair into a part swoopy, part spiked quiff, which both highlights the thickness and lustre of his hair and also adds a crucial few inches to his height
- as an adult though just keeping it swept back neatly away from his face is enough
(a/n i rlly wanted to include duke in these headcanons bc he gets left out a lot but idk much about afro hair so if any obvious mistakes jump out to anyone drop me an ask and i’ll edit!! will also be uploading a batgals post next)
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timoswerner · 7 years
happy easter everyone! i was tagged in these like a week ago, so and i literally just remembered about it so...
i was tagged by @penalteaze, thank you so much!! Rules: answer these 11 questions, then come up with 11 of your own & tag some friends!
1. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? If so, would you share it with me? when i was little there used to be this absolutely massive cat that lived down my road, and i used to keep dreaming that it would come in to our house and try to kill us all...
2. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move? ooooo this is so tough! i’d love to go and live back in swansea to be honest, it’s such a nice city
3. You win a billion in the lottery, what would you buy first? i’d probably go shopping and buy a lot of high end makeup
4. Do you believe in aliens? yes! there’s no way we’re the only planet with life
5. Who do you think inspired you most in life so far? ooooo tough question. i think my parents 
6. Skincare - yay or nay? YAY!!!!! i think skincare is really really important!! i’ve never been spotty but i’ve always had really dry skin so without a good skincare regime my skin would be truly awful
7. Do you want to have a child/children? yeah at some point, although i’m not sure how i feel about actually giving birth...
8. Tell me something about your best friend :) i don’t really have one anymore :(
9. Is there something you really regret? lol probably some drunken decision involving boys...
10. Do you read fanfic? If so, recommend one maybe? i used to read loads when i was younger but then i sort of stopped and never necessarily got back in to it, although i will read something if i’ve seen recommended or someone i know’s written it!!
11. Ever met an online friend? no :(
thank you @ericdierlovesme for tagging me in this one!!
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
coke or pepsi: PEPSI!!! i like diet coke but that’s it disney or dreamworks: disney coffee or tea: neither, both are grim  books or movies: movies, i don’t have the concentration span for books windows or mac: i’ll have to say windows because that’s all i’ve ever really used dc or marvel: YOU CAN’T MAKE ME CHOOSE. a few years back i’d have said marvel but i’m a lot more in to dc now soooo.... xbox or playstation: eh, never been in to games dragon age or mass effect: eh same as above night owl or early riser: my favourite thing to do is to go to bed really late and then get up really early and then complain about how tried i am all day cards or chess: cards because i don’t think i’ve ever played chess properly chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, not a huge fan of vanilla vans or converse: vans - i like both but once i bought a pair of converse than just crippled my feet (although saying that, i have a foot that hurts a lot and my high top converse are the best shoes to stop that...) lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: you what fluff or angst: both i mean depends what mood i’m in beach or forest: hm... i like the sea but not the sand... and i like forests too... both dogs or cats: CATS!!!!! i love dogs too now but i used to be really scared of them soooo clear skies or rain: clear skies rain can go fuck itself cooking or eating out: i do really like cooking but sometimes it’s just nice to go out for a meal you know?? spicy food or mild food: spicy!!! halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas but don’t get me wrong halloween is awsome would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little bit too cold If you could have a superpower, what would it be: my favourite power appears to be superspeed so let’s go for that animation or live action: depends on the film paragon or renegade: huh? baths or showers: baths  team cap or team ironman: TEAM CAP UNTIL I DIE fantasy or sci-fi: both don’t make me chose do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so what are they?: probably, idk youtube or netflix: both??? they’re different platforms, you can’t really compare them???? harry potter or percy jackson: look percy jackson is cool but HARRY POTTER  when you feel accomplished: idk star wars or star trek: i couldn’t care less about either  paperback books or hardback books: not to fussed horror or rom-com? in general horror, not usually a fan of rom-coms to live in a world without literature or music: NEITHER!!!! pastel colors or dark colors: probably dark colours tv shows or movies: both city or countryside: city If any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: ??? dunno man If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: either fall out boy from under the cork tree, the academy is... almost here or paramore’s self titled OR take off your colours by you me at six cinema or theatre: cinema i’ve never really been to theatres If you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be? i have no idea, there’s too many characters swimming around my head smiling or smirking? well, it’s gonne depend on the situation are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent? probably consistent playlists or your whole library on shuffle? shuffle i ain’t got time to make playlists travelling or staying at home? well that’s gonna depend on what mood i’m in If you could have a meal with three people, alive and dead, who would you choose? you can’t ask me to pick just 3 tbh favourite sports team? Tottenham Hotspur Football Club until i die!!!! Paris or London? i love paris and want to go back there but damn i gotta go with london seen as it’s just down the road from me lol
i’m not gonna tag anymore because everyone else has already done them, but thanks again merle and trejsi!!!!
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perfectdreamvoid · 7 years
Unusual asks ❤
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify 🎵🎵 is your room messy or clean? Erm both kind of. what color are your eyes? Brown. do you like your name? why? I’m not sure never gave it much thought 😂 what is your relationship status? Single! describe your personality in 3 words or less. Erm crazy, LOUD, fun what color hair do you have? Peacock green. what kind of car do you drive? color? I have a 62 plate Ford KA in silver ❤ where do you shop? Any where with sales man! So poor 😭 how would you describe your style? Out there… crazy, erm opposite to fashion 😂 favorite social media account. Facebook and tumblr 😖 what size bed do you have? Single 😭 any siblings? Just the 1 if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Yorkshire dales… so so pretty and I can actually afford to live by my self there! favorite snapchat filter? To ugly to use that. So anything that like dosnt make me look like me! favorite makeup brand(s) too poor to have faves! how many times a week do you shower? Like 3-4 time a week. favorite tv show? Naruto, rupaul drag race and Big Bang Theory! shoe size? 5 how tall are you? 5"5 sandals or sneakers? Depends on the season but probs sneakers.. do you go to the gym? Nope can’t afford that either! describe your dream date. Erm theme parks, beach, zoos anything like that! how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -£100 what color socks are you wearing? Pink how many pillows do you sleep with? 1 or 2 depends how I feel 😂 do you have a job? what do you do? Nope 😭😭 use to be a dog groomer but my boss was the devil and is pure evil. how many friends do you have? Erm I don’t actually have any really…. whats the worst thing you have ever done? Try to kill my self… didn’t work though! This bitch is still breathing! whats your favorite candle scent? Ooooo black orchid😍 3 favorite boy name. Noah, Eli and Edward 3 favorite girl names. Matilda, Kitty and Daisy favorite actor? Gahhhhh too many favorite actress? Meh not enough who is your celebrity crush? Oh lord Jared Leto! Someone get me that man so I can lick his torso 😍 favorite movie? Any of the Harry Potters do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Harry Potters money or brains? Both? My heart says brains my head says money 😂 do you have a nickname? what is it? Nutmeg, megami or megz how many times have you been to the hospital? Erm a few 😂 top 10 favorite songs: anything David Bowie! do you take any medications daily? Nope what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) ergh what is it not! what is your biggest fear? Having to rely on help and no direction in my life.. how many kids do you want? 2 at most like max whats your go to hair style? Brightly coloured big mess 😂 what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I would say like a large small house? 😂 who is your role model? …. errrrmmmmm what was the last compliment you received? That I look beautiful 😂😂 (I swear it’s the camera if you actually met me you would be convinced you was catfished) what was the last text you sent? “Why does nature and mangos hate me 😭😭” how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I can’t even remember what I did yesterday! How can I remember that! what is your dream car? 1950s Chevy pick up! opinion on smoking? I don’t mind it.. I don’t smoke but it don’t bother me. do you go to college? Many moons ago. what is your dream job? Head stylist in a grooming salon! would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural any day!! More fields the merrier! do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Hell yeah! do you have freckles? In the summer 🤓 do you smile for pictures? Sometimes x how many pictures do you have on your phone? Like 80+ have you ever peed in the woods? Yup not even ashamed. do you still watch cartoons? Yep! do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonald.. ain’t no Wendy’s here in the U.K. Favorite dipping sauce? Sweet Chilli what do you wear to bed? What ever I can find 😂 have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope I’m dyslexic! what are your hobbies? Knitting, looking after my fish, doing my hair. can you draw? Yeah do you play an instrument? Violin what was the last concert you saw? Skindred tea or coffee? GREEN tea please ❤ Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks do you want to get married? Yep ❤ what is your crush’s first and last initial? Man I ain’t crushing on no one! are you going to change your last name when you get married? Yeah I think so what color looks best on you? Black! Like my soul do you miss anyone right now? My little sister do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed! do you believe in ghosts? Yep what is your biggest pet peeve? Ermm people not even know what breed thier dog is 😖 last person you called` my daddy ❤ favorite ice cream flavor? ALL OF THEM regular oreos or golden oreos? Normal chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow ❤ what shirt are you wearing? Harry Potter top😂 what is your phone background? Gaara from naruto ❤ are you outgoing or shy? Both.. I’m not even lying! do you like it when people play with your hair? Yush! do you like your neighbors? One side yes the other hell no! do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Both! have you ever been high? Nope 🙈 have you ever been drunk? Out cold drunk! last thing you ate? Baby sweet corn favorite lyrics right now. rock and roll suicide summer or winter? Summers! day or night? Day dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk! favorite month? September what is your zodiac sign. libra who was the last person you cried in front of? My aunt.. man my life is falling apart but she gets me ❤
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jacqal · 10 years
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this kullen is Not fluffy enough maybe its the summer edition
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