#i want all the camie hugs
mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
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Strawberry Pie 🍓 ~ F.W.
Part 1 • Black Bikini
Summary: You’re staying at the burrow for the summer like you do every year. All is well expect for the fact that you kind of slept with your long time family friend, Fred Weasley.
Warnings: thigh riding, cursing, mentions of sex
Your POV:
You woke up in Charlie Weasleys old bed to an unusual amount of chaos coming from a few floors below you. You groaned as you rubbed your eyes and stretched. The morning sun bathed your skin in warmth. You let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes once more. You loved being here, especially since you got Charlie’s old room, the best room. The window next to the bed looked out on the sprawling hills towards the east, a big tree sat in the middle of the view. Little birds chirped in the thick cover of leaves. You heard the patter of footsteps rapidly approaching your bedroom.
“Y/N!” The door busted open to reveal a bounding Hermione Granger with Ginny hot in pursuit behind her. Hermione threw open her arms and squealed as she jump onto your bed to tackle you with a hug.
“Granger! I didn’t know you were coming today, I would’ve gotten out of bed earlier,” you frowned as Ginny and her took seats on your bed.
“Sorry, I forgot to tell you yesterday. You know, too much sun at the beach and then I wasn’t allowed to hang out with you last night,” Ginny glared at you but you just laughed. Ginny couldn’t keep a straight face, but you knew that she really did want to hang out with you and twins last night. She was just too young for drinking games with the twins. And… oh Merlin.
Suddenly, you remembered what had happened last night. George had taken Ginny and Ron back to the house, leaving you and Fred alone on the hillside. One thing led to another and… well… you ending up naked with your oldest family friend.
“It’s okay! Now that you’re awake, we can start our day,” Hermiones voice tore you out of your thoughts.
“Okay, okay I’m getting up now,” you sat up straight and yawned, “what are we doing today?”
“Get dressed and meet us downstairs for breakfast,” she grinned, “we’re going strawberry picking.”
After Ginny and Hermione left your room, you quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a white cami. You checked yourself out in the mirror. You had definitely grown this past school year. The biggest difference was your chest which had filled out significantly in a just one school year. In fact, you really needed a new bra. But besides the physical side of things, you also just felt more mature. You swept your hair up into a loose pony tail, leaving your neck bare and exposed. You fell still as you saw a small purple blotch in the crevice of your neck.
“Shit,” you cursed, tying off your hair and reaching for your wand on the bedside table. You applied some glamour to your neck to hide the mark and then pulled out more than a few strands of your bangs to give you more coverage. You had forgotten that Fred was kissing you all over last night. You saw yourself blush at the thought. You continued to get ready like this. You started brushing you teeth and recalled opening your mouth for Fred last night. You applied lip balm and remembered his wet mouth in between your thighs. You walked downstairs and made yourself swear to stop thinking about it, but you wondered if Fred was in the kitchen too.
As you reached the bottom floor, you saw Molly cleaning in the kitchen and 5 seats taken at the dining room table. The Weasley children and Hermione sat around the table feasting on pancakes, sausage, eggs, potatoes, and toast with jam. You graciously thanked Molly before sitting down to get some grub of your own.
“Okay so after breakfast we’ll leave to walk to the fields. Definitely pack a hat or something to cover yourselves so nobody gets sunburnt. Also I was thinking that after we come back we could bake something with the strawberries,” Hermione spoke with incredible speed while simultaneously spreading apricot jam on her toast. Ron huffed out a smile and took a bite of his own breakfast.
“That sounds great ‘Mione. And while you girls cook, I’ll be taking a nap,” Ron said with a full mouth. Hermione turned to smack him on the arm causing the twins to laugh. Of course this made you look up, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Fred was wearing he wore a simple t-shirt, but it seemed like he was starting to grow out of it. You couldn’t fathom that the twins could grow anymore, they were already a full head taller than you. But there was Fred, leaned back nonchalantly in his chair. His hair had grown out slightly from the year away from home and his face seemed to be more dotted from the summer sun. He met you gaze and gave you a soft smile. You could’ve sworn he was blushing a little.
“What do you think Y/N?” Hermione turned to you to hear your opinion. You cleared your throat and ripped your eyes away from Fred’s.
“Erm- what were we talking about?” You asked with a sheepish half-grin. Hermione raised her eyebrow at you.
“What should we bake this afternoon?” She asked, sweeping her eyes to Fred as he sat back with a noticeable grin on his face. Merlin, couldn’t he keep that smile off his face for two seconds? It was hard to think.
“Hmm, strawberry pie,” you grinned as you sat up to bring your plate to the sink.
“Mm, that sounds simply divine,” George said in his best posh voice, standing up to join you by the sink. Fred gathered his plate as well.
“Indeed, George. That sounds delicious,” he crossed the kitchen to put his dish in the sink, “and I do like to have something sweet after dinner.” His arm brushed against yours. Immediately the contact made the hairs on your arm stand up. Since when did that happen? When did Fred start making you feel this type of way?
Maybe since his head was buried between my legs and he used his pretty mouth to give me the best orgasm of my life, you thought to yourself, making yourself blush a crimson shade of red. You cleared your throat and made your way onto the front porch. You sat down on the bench and began putting on your boots, you knew the fields would be muddy. The screen door swung open and Fred turned towards you with a half smile. As soon as you guys looked at each other, both your faces flushed red and you looked away. Fred took no time to recover and made his way over to sit next to you. Suddenly your boot zipper was extremely fascinating.
“I’m glad to see you up in this morning, Y/N. I was afraid the fire whiskey had gotten to you,” he teased, putting on his own boots.
“I don’t think it would’ve been the fire whiskey that took me out,” you mumbled, color running into your face again. At this point, you were sure you looked like a tomato, and you could hardly look up at Fred. You had a small moment of panic, what if last night ruined everything? Fred’s chuckle took you out of your doubts.
“Take a breathe, Y/N. You look like you’re about to faint,” Fred laughed as he took a look at your face. You smacked his arm and let out a breathe you didn’t realize you were holding. Your mouth couldn’t help but curve into a smile. That always seemed to happen around Fred. The two of you fell into a small silence as you both finished tying your boots. The door burst open as the rest of the gang piled out onto the porch to put their shoes on. You gathered some baskets and passed them around before the 6 of you set out towards the fields. They were right next to the burrow, but they spanned for acres. You and Fred naturally hung back from the group and strolled at a leisurely pace.
“Summers here are truly amazing,” you sighed, breathing in the fresh breeze. Fred smiled down at you.
“Truly, and I have a feeling this summer is going to be the best one yet,” Fred hummed as he veered right towards a particularly abundant bush.
“Oh yeah, and why is that Freddie?” You skipped up next to him and began picking berries. You figured you already knew the answer but you wanted to hear him say it. Half of your mind was still convinced that last night hadn’t happened at all.
“Well I told you, Y/N. I’m going to make you mine this summer,” he said this so casually, you almost didn’t hear him. You’d completely lost interest in the berries at this point.
“Fred,” you tested. You almost thought he was joking, but his face was dead serious. His expression was something you rarely saw on the face of a Weasley twin. “Are you serious?”
“Look at my face,” he said, pointing up at himself, “do I look like I’m joking.” He did not, but it only took about one second of his seriousness to cause both of you the keel over laughing. You dropped your basket which Fred promptly picked up for you. As you grabbed the basket from him, your eyes locked. It felt serious again.
“Fred, I don’t want to ruin anything while I’m here this summer. Even if last night was... I don’t want anything to go badly…” you trailed off, feeling vulnerable in front of your best friend. He only stepped closer to you and put his hand on your cheek. Even though he’d been inside you only last night, this felt more intimate than anything you’d done before.
“Just trust me, Y/N. Nothing is going to be ruined,” Fred whispered. His finger ran along your cheek, behind your ear, and down the side of your throat. He chuckled, “except maybe your neck.” You blushed and swatted his hand away.
“Can you see it? I thought I covered it this morning,” you grumbled, rubbing your neck as if to wash off the mark.
“I can only see it because I was looking for it. Don’t worry, you can keep up your little goody two shoes act,” Fred teased, flicking a strawberry your way. You rolled your eyes and smiled at his words. The two of began to walk toward the group once more. Ginny was laughing her ass off.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, strolling up next to Ginny. You soon saw why she was laughing. Ron was frowning, sinking into a mud hole, his boot stuck in the mush and filled with mud.
“He’s such an idiot,” Ginny barked, pointing at her brother. Hermione tried to stifle her laughs.
“Oh, come on now, Ginny. Let’s help Ron out,” George said, stepping up to grab Ron’s arm. Ginny grinned and grabbed his other hand.
“On three,” George said, “one… two… three!” The two of them tugged on Ron before releasing him back into the mud. He fell with an oof as the rest of you broke down in laughter.
“You guys are actually the worst,” Ron grumbled, throwing a handful of mud at Fred.
“Hey! What did I do?” Fred exclaimed, grabbing a handful of mud at slinging it at Ron.
“Oh, fuck,” Ron said as George pelted him with another handful. It took about 3 seconds before everyone was covered in mud, howling with laughter as you continued to pelt each other with mud pies. Your fun lasted all of two minutes before a shrill yell came from the house,
“What in Merlin’s name do you kids think you’re doing!”
Molly Weasley was marching out of the burrow and towards the strawberry fields. You all stopped. You let the mud slip out of your fingers and slop onto the ground.
“Come here right this instant!” She yelled, stomping her foot and pointing towards the ground she stood on. You looked towards Ginny who whispered, “oh shit.” The six of you started to head back towards the house, the twins grumbling to themselves.
“Its like she’s allergic to fun,” you heard George whisper, Fred laughing and elbowing him in the side.
“Seriously don’t make me laugh. We can’t get in trouble this summer,” Fred whispered back, earning an eye roll from George. His eyes looked back to you for a second, and you wondered if he knew about last night. He probably did.
“You kids are trouble! I thought you were going to go pick strawberries, not roll around in the mud!” Mrs. Weasley scolded, making Hermione drop her head in shame. “Go clean up in the pond-”
“But Mum! There are frogs in there!” Ron whined, earning a glare from his mother.
“I don’t care, you lot are a bunch of frogs. You’re not allowed back in the house until all the mud is off of you. You tried not to laugh at her sass as you walked towards the pond. Ron was grumbling to Ginny about this was her fault and Hermione looked like she was going to cry.
“Don’t worry, ‘Mione. She’s not really mad. Once we bake her a delicious pie she’ll forget all about this,” you smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. She swallowed and nodded. That girl was too sweet for this world. The grass grew longer as you entered the shaded brush near the pond. You stripped your shoes off and waded into the water. It really wasn’t too disgusting, it was just warm. The twins followed after you.
“Watch out for the bullfrogs, Ron,” Fred teased.
“Yeah, we caught at least 5 of ‘em yesterday,” George added, stripping off his shirt. Next came Ginny and Hermione, who were mildly grossed out by the slime. Then Ron who looked disgusted. You chuckled to yourself as you sunk into the water, rubbing the mud off of your arms. Fred watched as you rubbed over your chest, his lips twitching at the corner. You sent a splash his way to deter him from looking which didn’t really work. Fred followed George’s suit and stripped his shirt off, the shaded lighting making him look absolutely divine. Fuck. You almost groaned at the sight and had to turn away to prevent yourself from drooling. Gods, you thought he looked good playing quidditch this year but seeing him shirtless and wet everyday this summer made you feel insane. After a few minutes of washing off all the mud, and a few splash fights, you guys headed back towards the burrow. One by one, you all cast drying spells on yourselves, and headed inside.
“Before we start the pie, I’m going to go change,” Hermione said with a face of disgust. While the pond got the mud off your clothes, you definitely reeked of dirt and sludge. You all murmured in agreement and headed upstairs to change. You got off on your floor, heading swiftly to your room.
Fred’s POV
I watched her go towards her room as me and George kept climbing up the stairs. She was going in there to change, to take off that little white tank top that was just soaking wet against her chest. Fuck. I had to keep my train of thought from wandering. I didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be to control myself after last night. After I saw her perfect tits bouncing while I fucked her and watched her face as she came and fuck. I didn’t even realize I had turned around and started back down the stairs and towards her room. I knocked on her door swiftly.
“Fred?” She asked when she opened the door.
“Can I, uh, come in?” I asked, smiling sheepishly at her. She nodded and moved to the side to let me in. I shut the door behind me and stood in front of her. She looked nervous, waiting for me to say something.
“Y/N, can I be honest,” I breathed out a chuckle, feeling slightly awkward in front of what used to be only my best friend.
“Of course, Fred,” she replied, holding her hands behind her back as she looked at me.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, uhm, after last night,” I admitted, feeling a relief as the words left my mouth. She let out a breath.
“I know how you feel,” she chuckled, moving towards me.
“I don’t even really know why I’m here,” I chuckled again, breathing in as she stepped closer again.
“Do you want to, I dunno…” she blushed, looking up at me expectantly. I wasted no time in closing the gap between our lips. I let my hands grip around her waist, making her gasp into my mouth. I pressed her against my body, wanting to feel all of her. I couldn’t get enough, I just wanted to take her to bed.
“Com’ere,” I breathed, falling to sit on the bed and pulling her with me. She groaned as she straddled my hips, sinking down and feeling my length through my jeans. I groaned and pressed her down against me. Her legs felt so good under my hands, her hips gently moving on top of me. I swiped my thumbs across the front of her hips, causing her to whine into my lips. Merlin, she sounded so sexy. I moved my leg under her and used my hands to guide her hip back and forth on top of my thigh. She threw her hand back with a moan.
“Shhh,” I shushed her, bouncing my leg up and down as she rode me. I brought my lips up to hers, causing her to fall closer to my chest. She whined into me, giving me the change to slip my tongue into her mouth. I pushed her back and forth on my leg, earning more pretty moans from her mouth. I felt her shudder on me as she pulled back.
“Fred, I’m so close,” she whined, her face falling into my shoulder. I kissed down her neck.
“That’s it, come for me darling,” I murmured, licking over her neck and rubbing her down on my leg in a faster rhythm. Her moans got muffled in my shoulder as she sped up her movements. I wanted to hear her while she came, but shushed her gently as a reminder. She whined quietly as she shuddered on top of me, her hips grinding slowly on my leg. I kissed her tenderly as I helped her ride out her high. “Such a good girl,” I whispered in her neck before kissing up the side of her jaw and towards her lips. We shared on last kiss before she pulled back, her lips curling up into a smile.
“Fuck,” she giggled, panting on my lap. I smirked back at her.
“Did you like that?” I asked cheekily. She blushed and nodded before burying her face in my shoulder. I laughed and picked her up, placing her on her feet. “You should probably get changed. We don’t wanna be late to the pie making party.” She chuckled and playfully shoved my chest.
“Then get out of my room so I can change,” she teased, rolling her eyes. My face fell into a half grin as I threw my hands up and started towards the door.
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” I protested, exiting out into the hallway. She smiled as she shut the door behind me. Once again, a permanent grin was plastered on my face as I walked up the stairs. I readjusted my pants before stepping into my room.
“Mate, are you and Y/N fucking?” George asked, fixing his hair and the mirror. I breathed out a laugh and shrugged, moving towards the closet to change.
“Oh, it’s so much more than that, Georgie. I think I’m in love,” I sighed, pulling a band tee off the hanger. George chucked and came over to clap me on the back.
“Good for you, brother. I knew it was going to happen this summer,” George smiled at me and I smiled back. He would always be my number one wing man.
“Thanks, George. You mind helping me out with something? I have a plan,” I grinned. He grinned back at me.
“Count me in.”
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charlessainzz · 6 months
can do like reader with charles getting quite a few feature on dts here and there moments. thank you! i don't really like dts but I love the ferrari bits!!
My first request! Thank you for requesting this, it was fun to write! I hope it’s good! 
Drive to Survive’s Newest Star is… Not a Driver?? 
Take One: 
Cameras were everywhere. It was another Drive to Survive filming day. These days always made you nervous. More cameras than usual, more eyes than usual, and more opinions than usual. Luckily you were feeling good. You were decked out in head to toe Ferrari merch. White lace cami, vintage red leather Marlboro pants, red peep toe Manolos, with a number 16 cap. You looked the part of a die hard Ferrari fan. More importantly you looked the part of a die hard Charles Leclerc fan. And you were. His wonderful, supportive girlfriend of 2 years. His biggest fan. 
You felt the camera pan to you as Charles made his way through the garage you. He had just finished FP1 and well lets just say it wasn’t looking great… He needed you now and Charles could care less if the DTS cameras were watching. Your eyes light up as you see him getting closer to you. He grabs your waist and nudges your nose with his. 
“Hi,” you squeak, anticipating a kiss. 
“Hey..”, he whispers. “That was pretty bad wasn’t it”.
“Mmhmmm car looks pretty rubbish”, you giggle. “But that driver…. He’s pretty great. Makes a worthless car worth driving”, you say as you give him a peck. 
You both embrace in a tight hug and another kiss. Feeling the cameras rolling and hearing the photographers clicking away, you both start laughing. Oh this will be Netflix gold. 
Take Two:
Rain in October and in Austin, Texas. What are the odds! A usual dry race with an unrelenting sun had turned into a gray, storm filled race. The track was almost flooded. The radios of drivers shooting off justifiably angry that the race hadn’t been red flagged yet. The DTS cameras were here of course. Another perfect scene for them, they’d definitely be getting the footage they wanted.
Your hands enclosed in a prayer, begging for the officials to do something. To call for a pause, to cancel! There was no way the race could continue like this. Visibility is almost next to zero. You intensely listen to the radio, checking for Charles’s voice. He’s mad, he can’t see, and he’s ready to get out of the car. 
You’re watching the screen as the cars begin to slow around a turn, you see Charles and Pierre bump sending Charles off the track. It was all in slow motion. His car and your reaction moving at the speed of molasses. While the bump seemed minor, there were more cars headed his way. That’s what scared you. Just as that thought enters your mind, Checo’s car shoots down the track and narrowly misses Charles sending water crashing into him. You let out a shriek and cover your face crouching to the ground. The cameras all turn to you, documenting your reaction. You peek through your fingers seeing everyone staring and the lens facing you. At first you feel embarrassed but then you remember, that’s your man! You stand back up, straightening your posture, and brushing your hair off your shoulder. Arthur envelops you in a hug and points to the screen. 
Charles is being rescued by the emergency crew and he’s making his way back to you. He’s coming back to the safety of the garage and the safety of your arms. The DTS cameras know what’s coming next, and they stay on you waiting for the paddock’s favorite couple to reunite. 
Take Three:
Silverstone was always packed. But this year felt different. The crowd looked like sardines packed into a tin can. No room to move or even breathe. 
Charles held open the car door for you and grabbed your hand. He knew you didn’t love these crowds. He held your hand tight as you walked into the paddock. Cameras flashing, fans screaming, and DTS film crews lurking. You and Charles had one mission. Get to the Ferrari building as fast as possible.
Hands stuck like glue, you’re both practically running through the paddock. Of course, Charles being the man he is, has to stop and take pictures. But this leads to more attention and bigger crowds. You don’t mind, you know they love him. He deserves the love. Yet, the crowd becomes more…. pushy, more desperate for a glimpse at the Ferrari man. 
As he takes the millionth picture, you feel someone clench your arm and rip you from Charles. Letting out a scream, you fall into the ocean of the crowd. A man, desperate to get a picture, had done the unthinkable. He put his hands on you. Charles felt you instantly leave his presence. He snaps around grabbing your hand once more, and focuses his attention at the man. 
“Don’t you dare touch her!”, Charles growls with a finger in the man's face. That’s when you notice a boom mic over you capturing every second of this interaction. You let out a groan knowing that this will probably be in an episode. But hey! Your man was protecting you! 
His arms wrap around your shoulders and you both rush through the crowd heading towards the Ferrari hospitality. To the safety of your second home. Fans still hot on your tails screaming, “Leclerc! Y/n! Wait!”. Unknown to you both, DTS cameras are right behind you. Capturing the knight in shining armor protecting his princess. After what felt like a marathon, you see the Ferrari crew waiting at the entrance to welcome you in. Like deer leaping through a field, you both jump through the front doors. Doors closing, the cameras catch you both hunched over trying to catch your breath still clinging to each other. Like a wildlife documentary they sit at the door documenting two creatures that had just escaped a near death experience. 
After taking that moment to pause, you turn and see cameras pressed against the door recording you and Charles. You can’t help but let out a big belly laugh tapping him on the shoulder to look. Charles sees, grabs your hand, and flips off the camera pulling you towards his room. 
This episode will definitely be talked about! 
Take Four:
He takes the checkered flag! Charles Leclerc wins the Las Vegas Grand Prix!
The whole garage erupts into celebration. Charles wins! Carlos in 2nd. It’s a 1-2 result for the Ferrari team. What more could Fred have asked for. The whole garage runs towards the podium, awaiting their boys. You take off running towards the barrier followed by a film crew of course. Unsurprising to anyone, the Drive to Survive team is here to capture the lavish race that is Vegas. 
The podium waiting area is front to back red. You want to see him, you need to see him. But how can you get to the front? Not wanting to be rude, you tap shoulders and whisper ‘excuse mes’. As people turn ready to shout at the person cutting through, they recognize you. With sheepish smiles they usher you through to the front. Cameras following, but you could care less. 
Finally, you're at the front waiting for the drivers to exit the cars. Barriers crushing your ribs, you can feel your heart ready to leap out of your chest in anticipation. Then there he is! He leaps out of the car and throws his hands up. He points to the sky, and then points to the team. Jumping down he sprints to the Ferrari team ready to welcome back their champion. He leaps into the arms of the first team members he sees. Everyone reaching to touch him, to congratulate him, to get a glimpse of their driver. He scans the front row looking for you. He knew you’d be there but where are you? As he takes off his helmet he sees you. Tears have stained your cheeks and hair a mess from running. 
Charles jumps to you and grabs your face. Hands over your jaw, he brings your lips together. The kiss says everything and more. Cameras push in closer and closer as you continue kissing your driver. You break apart and laugh knowing what they’re capturing. Charles looks you in the eyes and says, “Another kiss for the winner?”. 
“Always”, you beam and bring him back into you. Charles takes a hand and pushes the lens away from you both. Trying to get some privacy in the most public situation ever. The film crew lets up knowing they just got their shot. They just got the money shot of their number one F1 driver and Drive to Survive’s newest star… who’s not a driver. Who would’ve thought!
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kissitbttr · 2 years
can u please do one where Eddie asks to sucks on ur titties, and he super shy about it because ur his first girlfriend but u ofc let him and I think it’s absolutely adorable
BIG YESSSS oh mannn, he’d get so tittydrunk!! also i changed it up a little bit towards the end <3
eddie has seen tits before. not in real life, though. he’s seen them in magazines and home videos and he thinks they’re absolutely divine.
growing up, he never experienced what dating is like nor sex. he never even had a girlfriend before! does it bother him? not really, but it’d be such a blessing if he was gifted with a woman of his dreams. someone like debbie harry or cindy crawford. yeah, he was pretty unrealistic about that one. i mean, don’t all teenage boys?
and that’s when you happened. soft, girly looking princess who stole his heart with your gorgeous smile and rockin’ body. he admits he was a little shallow at first, but how could he not when he sees you dressing up in small clothings that shows the shape of your perfect tits? he’d drool.
eddie, just like any other hormonal teenager, has dirty thoughts that consumed his brain. but he never really acts on them, seemingly afraid that he’d do something wrong or make you feel grossed. he doesn’t want that.
but god, does he want so badly to touch and suck on your tits. just imagining his hands wrapped around the soft flesh makes his cock twitches.
“you okay there, eds?”
a soft voice pulls him out of the train of thoughts. he blinks rapidly and find your eyes looking at him in concerned. you’re sitting beside him, with legs tucked under your butt and his eyes casts down to see your thick thighs hugged perfectly by the grey cotton shorts.
he’s definitely not looking at your tits too right now. definitely. not
“hm? oh, y-yeah” he chuckles nervously, gliding his sweaty palms against his jeans. is your room always been this hot?
“you sure? you look a little red” as you lean over towards him to brush the sweat coating his forehead, he tenses. maybe it’s because your chest is now pressing against his arm. “did i do something?”
“n-no! you didn’t do anything wrong, princess. it’s just that-“ he pauses to glance down at your tits, gulping at the sight of them almost spilling out of your cami top. “you’re distracting. that’s all?”
raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms. which isn’t helping the case because your tits only pop out more. “how am i distracting?” he doesn’t give you an answer, only to eye at your chest once again and that’s when you realize,
“are you kidding me? my tits?! that’s why you’ve been acting weird?”
“what? I’m a guy! tits and ass make me hard! and yours are…” he trails off, tilting his head. “perfect—shit I’m sorry, i don’t know why I’m acting like this”
his tinted cheeks just make him ten times more cuter. like a kid getting caught hiding an adult magazine under his bed
“you know, just because you’re a virgin that doesn’t give you the right to be a perv” he knows you’re joking but he can’t help to blush when you say that,
“i’m not a perv! and god—you promised you’d stop making fun of me about that!” he pouts, brows tipping in as he watches his girlfriend laughs,
“i’m kidding” you give him a peck on his cheekbone, staring at the adorable boy who’s blushing like crazy as he looks at you, then a sudden question pops in his mind,
“c-can i… touch them?”
“you know—uhm, c-can i feel…your tits?” he points at your chest, voice grows quite and shy when he asks the question. looking over to you hesitatingly as he plays with his fingers. a habit of his when he’s nervous,
“you want to play with them?” a smirk plays on your lips, toying with the material of your top, “fondle a little and make a mess on my tits, baby?”
“god don’t say it like that. it sounds dirty” he rubs his face vigorously with his hands. also to hide the blush on his cheeks so you won’t have to see. “but y-yeah. can i ?”
“you’re so cute. asking for my consent and all. such a good boyfriend” you giggle, and his lips stretch into a smile when you say that. he likes being complimented that way. means that he’s doing a great job and hasn’t done anything to make you feel weird around him,
“of course you can. thought you’d never asked” you shift yourself into a much more comfortable position,
“really? that’s—oh shit—“ he gets interrupted by you plopping down on his lap, legs kneeling beside his. hands going over around your waist to keep your body steady. “okay uhm—wow—princess, god, you’re very close to me.”
your breasts are now at his eye level and dangerously close to them. wouldn’t be surprised if his nose brushes against them.
he feels goosebumps arise on his skin when your hands making their way towards his neck, tugging on his hair to get him to look up. he whines at the sudden contact,
“you can play, eddie—besides” you halt your sentences by giving him a soft kiss. “they belong to you, anyways. right?”
eddie feels a sense of pride inside of him when you mentioned that. confidence grows knowing he’s the only person that gets to feel and see your tits. one lucky motherfucker, that he is.
“y-yeah. fuck yes” he replies almost too shyly. watching you drag the straps down to your shoulders. enough to make your tits bounce free from the material.
eddie’s cock just turns painfully hard.
“they’re so—pretty” he breathes out, eyes locked on your breasts. hypnotized by the fullness of them and perky nipples just begging to be touched by him.
slowly, his shaky hands come up to rest them on your chest. a sigh of relief leaves his mouth when your nipples graze against his palms. he gives them a squeeze, cursing under his breathe by the softness of it,
“you like em?” you tuck a hair behind your ear. looking down at his hands. “how do they feel?”
“fucking amazing” he responds clearly amazed he’s too far gone now and refuses to look at you. “god, baby—they’re so” his hands give another squeeze. “soft and plushy—do they lactate?”
“jesus, eddie. I’m not pregnant.”
“you’d look hot if you were” he mumbles, hoping you don’t hear that but you manage to catch it,
“i’m still in high school dumbass. don’t even think about trying to knock me up” you swat his chest with the back of your hand, making him giggle childishly.
“after graduation then.” he shrugs playfully and he could sense you sending him a glare but chooses to ignore that,
his thumbs slowly drawing circles around the hardened nipples making you moan softly, and hearing it almost makes him cream his pants. eddie thinks you create the prettiest moans ever. plus, it’s an extreme ego boost for him.
“you do know how to make a man weak on his knees, sweetheart”. his voice grows cockier the minute you become putty in his hands. “fucking perfect.”
he’s in a trance at the sight of you. pupils dilating at your body arching back a bit with hands on your thighs. teeth sinking into your bottom lip and eyes screwed shut. making it impossible for him to stop playing with your breasts.
you’re looking like a proper dream to him,
“can i suck on them?”
you chuckle before nodding. “again with the questions? you should know the answers by now.”
“just making sure I’m not crossing any boundaries. trying to be a gentleman here.”
“stop with all the modesty. you literally have your hands on my boobs” with an eye roll, you push yourself back towards his chest. hands link around the nape of his neck. “need a little push maybe?”
he’s about to ask what you mean by that, only to be answered with your hips slowly rolling against his hard cock over the jeans. “jesus christ, y/n—“
“come on, now” you nod your head towards your chest. “do what you gotta do.”
in instant, his mouth is wrapped around your pebbled nipple. you yelp in surprise then giggle after seeing him like that, his hand flies to your ass and pull you close.
“easy, cowboy—i’m not going anywhere”
he can’t focus. you feel so good and soft inside his mouth. tongue messing around the nipple, painting it with his spit. suckling on the soft flesh like a baby with his eyes shut, his other hand moves to give a rough squeeze on your other breast.
“fuck i love them so much” he moans, leaving wet kisses on them. teeth dragging over the skin to mark you. “you have the prettiest of em all, sweetheart—i swear.”
he’s lost in them. truly hooked. and you thought to yourself that he could be just saying that because your tits are the only ones he has ever seen. when he knows for sure, that the others are nothing compared to yours.
“aw look at that. my baby is hooked” you coo at him, who’s resting his cheek on your body with his mouth still not letting go. his soft brown curls tickling the valley of your breasts. “enjoying yourself, my pretty boy?”
you pat his cheek to get him to respond, which he only hums instead while continuously flicking your nipple with his tongue. never wanting to stop. but he can’t stop the fluttery feeling in his stomach when you call him ‘pretty’.
circling your hips just a little harder now, you bury your hands in his hair. massaging the scalp that guarantees another moan from him. sending the vibrations down to your spine and straight to your core. he pinches your nipple between his thumb and fore finger, rolling it ever so gently. brown eyes snap open to see how you doing. smiling to himself when your jaw hangs open in pleasure.
“i have an idea.” your hands turn to grip on his shoulders, giving a firm squeeze before pulling his mouth off of you, making him whine. “how about i teach you how to fuck my tits now, eds?”
he has never felt more excited in his life.
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calicoheartz · 5 months
could you write something about going clubbing with Caitlin and dancing up on her, her not being able to take her hands off you?
Dancing With Destiny ; Caitlin Clark ┈﹒
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summary : you are out clubbing with Caitlin and she cannot keep her hands off of you!
warnings : suggestive content ahead! read at your own risk :)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : omg cami posting two days in a row?? tysm to the lovely anon who suggested this! enjoy ◡̈
Going clubbing with Caitlin was an exhilarating experience. The pulsing music, vibrant lights and energetic atmosphere created the perfect backdrop for you to dance the night away.
You wore the most tantalizing black skimpy dress imaginable, it hugged your curves in all the right places; and Caitlin couldn't keep her eyes off of you.
You knew that, and took it to your advantage. The club’s music was loud and headache inducing, but it provided the perfect environment to tease the living hell out of your girlfriend.
You started off slow, your hips slowly swaying from side to side, with a drink in hand, your hands made its way to her hips as a fun proposal to convince her to let loose. I mean you were at a club for christ’s sake!
After growing increasingly frustrated with your failed attempts, you then proceeded to raise your arms in the air and move your hips in ways that would mesmerize anyone who even dared to sneak a glance towards you.
As you resumed your twirling, you felt a pair of eyes staring daggers into you, those of which belonged to Caitlin.
You can tell she is starting to become jealous, I mean who wouldn't be? HER girlfriend was moving her body in ways that would cause men to fall to their knees. She shoots you a disapproving gaze, telling you to cool it.
You made your way over towards where she was standing, immediately giving her a smirk, as you slowly begin to move your hips against hers, slowly grinding on her as the music rings through your ears. You hear her muffled grunts through the blazing music, her hands planted onto your waist, peppering your neck with kisses. Anything to make her feel closer to you. She simply couldnt keep her hands off of you.
Every move you made enchanted her, the way your hair twirled, how your sweat glistened under the dim lights, the way your perfume simply encapsulated her.
Her disparity for you was slowly but surely growing, the more you pressed against her hips the more her want and need for you grew.
Something in caitlin snapped. She grabbed you and practically dragged you out of club, lust practically spilling out. “You thought it was cute to practically throw yourself at me all night?”, you remained silent, “what? Now you cant even respond to a simple question?”
you sighed,
This was going to be a long night
i need her in me… anyways here’s my shot at writing something semi nsfw?? not sure if we fw it? remember to leave reqs in my inbox! tysm for reading
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 3 months
Luffy x mermaid reader please
I'm so happy to see this I've set the story as the Fishman Island arc, for an equally obvious reason. In advance, I hope you enjoy the story ( ꈍᴗꈍ). And, I don't know who made this amazing fanart one, but if you do, please let me know immediately so that I can give due credit.
"Like Ocean"
Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warning: nothing, just fluffy.
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You were living another monotonous day on Fish Man Island, trying to find any crumb or spark of adventure to give you a good laugh and a bit of adrenaline. Pappag and Camie tried to cheer you up with the idea of shopping and eating Hachi's takoyakis, but you had done the same thing three days ago.
It wasn't a certainty, it was a pure fact that nothing interesting was happening on this island for you. Until you, exhausted by boredom, went to Camie's house to see if she had any news. And that was a great idea, a really great idea.
As soon as you entered her house after a couple of knocks, you saw that there were three people and a strange being, apparently new to the area. On closer inspection, there was a blond man with elegant hair, who, as soon as he saw you, came running towards you, blood gushing from his nose. Speaking of noses, there was a big-nosed man next to a boy in a straw hat. But none of them interested you. What really caught your attention was the tiny creature that you had no idea what animal it was.
-Is that even an animal? - you asked yourself, your thoughts speaking aloud as you deliberately poked at the creature's antlers.
-I'm a reindeer! - the reindeer exclaimed, backing away from you angrily, covering its antlers with its fluffy paws.
-Y/N, I want you to meet my friends. This is Sanji," Camie approached you, pointing at the blond with the heart eyes.
-Oh, miss, I've never seen beauty as fascinating as yours. When can we get married? - the blond in question asked, kneeling down in front of you and holding out his hand to you.
Camie just laughed, ignoring the whole show, while you followed his finger-pointing.
-That's Chopper over there, isn't he cute? - you went over to the so-called Chopper, pulling his cheeks and feeling his soft fur.
-So cute… - you blushed, pulling Chopper into a hug, to which he responded not very pleasantly.
-That's Ussop, he's got great adventure stories. - the word "adventure" rang an alarm bell in your head, making you turn your head so quickly that anyone watching would be afraid you'd break your neck.
-Ho ho, people keep coming after the great Captain Ussop to hear his fantastic stories. - Ussop struck a superhero pose, as if he were looking towards the horizon.
-Captain Ussop, can you tell me about your adventures? - you asked, hoping to get a positive response from the big nose.
-Oh, but of course, I'll always be available to tell you all sorts of stories about my adventures! - he thickened his voice, nodding outrageously to say the least.
You were delighted, excitement electrifying every part of your body.
-Finally, this is Luffy, the captain of the gang. - Camie concluded, pointing to the boy who was looking at you, grinning from ear to ear.
On closer inspection, you found the brunette attractive, not to mention handsome, right off the bat.
-And I'm going to be king of the pirates! - Luffy concluded, his smile widening, his eyes closed tightly, making him cuter by the second. "So they're pirates," you concluded, thinking. Incredibly, that line moved you, burned you up inside, but you didn't know why or how. It was the first time you'd felt your heart beat so fast in so long. Oh, and that wasn't adrenaline. It wasn't the fear of being caught. It wasn't any of those things. It was something different, quite different from the usual. And from that moment on you silently decreed that you would find out what that strange feeling was, your eyes focused only on Luffy, who never tired of smiling at you.
-Nice to meet you - you smiled, Chopper kicking you in the face begging you to let go while sparks flew from his eyes from staring at Luffy.
-Hihihihi - Luffy just found the situation amusing, always smiling as long as he could.
-What about walking around? There's a lot of cool stuff you need to see! - Camie decreed, already tugging at her colleagues' hands, you going along out of sheer instinct for fun.
You all visited Pappag's clothing store, and you even met other members of Luffy's gang, who were just as kind. As you looked around, Luffy made a point of always catching your eye in any way, with anything. From some stuffed animal that, according to him, looked like you, to how the food was prepared, and even though you knew all this, you lent yourself to learning it all over again, just for Luffy.
-Look, it suits you. - Luffy came up behind you, putting on a straw hat with a purple scarf adorning the hat. - Now we're matching - he said, standing behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders, smiling as you looked at yourselves in the mirror in front of you. - Isn't it?
You agreed slowly, fascinated by Luffy's pure beauty. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere you went, Luffy always kept those warm hands on your shoulders, clinging to you like a tick. Did he… Liked you? Or was it just a figment of your mind?
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After a whirlwind of confusion that you unfortunately didn't take part in because you were "investigating" the sudden disappearance of your mermaid friends, you were directed by your pet seahorse to where Camie and the others were.
Your eyes popped out of their sockets at the sight of a giant mermaid, or rather, the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom, Shirahoshi.
She and Luffy were laughing together, like old friends seeing each other after so long. That unsettled you, and strangely your heart squeezed. What could it be? Were you ill? Something you ate or drank for breakfast?
-Oi, Y/N, over here! - Luffy's voice caught your attention, making your heart pound. It made you recall a vague memory of something Pappag told you.
"If your heart races when you interact with someone, it's because you like them."
Of course, you were inexperienced in this field, you'd never even considered dating. But you didn't give up easily. Oh no, you'd figure it out on your own.
Swimming over to Luffy quickly, you sat there, next to him. He was in a bubble to make sure he didn't drown, and quickly slung his arms over your shoulders, resting right there. He introduced you to the princess, to whom she was delighted to meet you, and you felt the same.
Looking around, you saw that you were in the sea forest, and it soon became clear that both Luffy's boat was there, and also the princess wanted to see her dead mother, to make up for the time she hadn't been able to see her.
Meanwhile, Luffy was already snoring on her lap. It was adorable to see him so vulnerable around you. Until his pet seahorse started to catch his eye, heading towards the pile of coral.
-What is it, Koryu? - you asked him, watching him point frantically at the pile of coral.
Koryu gave up and started pulling you towards it, waking Luffy up in the process. Koryu only let go of your arm when you could see a dolphin calf with its tail all bruised to the point where it could no longer swim. Perhaps the dolphin had run into predators and narrowly escaped.
You carefully picked up the dolphin and put it on your lap, and thought of a way to take care of it. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even see Luffy coming.
-Huh, a dolphin? - he asked, right next to your ear. You turned abruptly, so that your faces were right next to each other. Your lips were millimeters away from meeting, and your breaths danced together. Let's pretend there isn't a bubble separating you. You turned your attention to the dolphin, your heart almost bursting out of your mouth and your face turning into a blushing mess.
-A-ah, yes it's a…dolphin. He's hurt, so he needs to be looked after.
There was a moment of silent tension between you, and you wouldn't dare look at Luffy's face now, you felt like you could die from an attack if you did.
-If you keep avoiding looking at me like that, you'll never know if you really like me. - Luffy said, catching your eye. You widened your eyes, and turned to him, shocked.
-How did you know? - you asked, your stomach churning with that familiar feeling.
-Well, it's easy to tell when you keep saying your thoughts out loud. - he shrugged, smiling.
You closed your mouth, cursing internally. That was your weakest point, speaking your thoughts out loud without even realizing it. You must have done it at some point when the two of you were together and he must have heard it. Lucky you.
-Well, I like you. - Luffy said without blinking, giving you a quick kiss right after he declared himself.
It caught you off guard, and he just smiled, leaving the pile of coral and going back to where the others were. After your brain short-circuited for a few seconds, you smiled, bringing your fingers to your lips, where seconds ago they were being kissed by the first boy you ever liked.
Feeling his lips was the thing that gave you the most adrenaline in your entire life. And yes, it was addictive. And yes, you wanted more.
The truth is, Luffy, from the first moment he met you, he liked you. No, that's incorrect. He fell in love with you from the very first moment. Of course, he didn't know the first thing about love, God, hours ago he just wanted to be king of the pirates. Now he has another goal, and that goal is to love you until the day he die.
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(At some point I was even going to describe the color of the tail, but I left it to your imagination)
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edenalieth · 5 months
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Pairing: changbin x afab! reader
Genre:  established relationship, a bit of angst at first, smut (mdni!), he’s in love
Warnings: some swearing, induced self consciousness and depreciation, fingering fem receiving
Summary: Another family dinner, another disrespectful remarks from your aunt. You’re trying your best to ignore them, however you’re getting tired of it and it does lower your self-esteem. Changbin can’t bear seeing you like that and intends to make you feel loved and beautiful.
Words: 1.6K 
A.N: hello hello! im back with a fic which wasn't planned at all, oopsie 😬 i have several ones on my drafts so, be ready! as always, feedback is much appreciated and i apologize for the possible mistakes — cami, 240423
You were done. So freaking done with all this bullshit. You could never spend one family dinner without any remark from your aunt. In her eyes, you were always too lazy, too fat and she kept asking when you and your boyfriend would have kids even though she already knew the answer. All that pressure felt exhausting. You had been holding back for a while and tried to remain respectful, unlike her. However, she was truly pushing your limits. Your hands were shaking with anger as you stared into the bathroom sink, avoiding your reflection in the mirror facing you. Deep breath. Your eyes were tingling as tears were forming and threatening to fall. Suddenly, you heard a knock. 
« What ? » you harshly said. You didn’t want to talk with any family member at the moment. To your surprise, it wasn’t your mom as you expected it to be. 
« It’s me, love. » your boyfriend’s voice was a bit muffled by the closed door. « Can I come in ? » he softly inquired. You sighed and quickly wiped your tears away because you didn’t want him to see you like that. You half-opened the door. « I will be there in a sec, ok ? ». You forced a weak smile but your eyes betrayed your true feelings. Changbin’s soft brown eyes looked at you intensely, with a mix of concern and adoration. His heart ached at the sight of you being hurt, especially by words coming from an old hag with three divorces on her record. Before you could close the door again, he put his foot through the partially opened door. « Please ? » he pleaded, his plump lips forming a pout. How could you resist ? You let him in, going back to the sink and turning the water on. He glanced at you with your back turned to him. Closing the door, he then stepped towards you. You could feel his warm hands delicately running on your stomach as he was back hugging you. His broad chest felt like a cocoon and you directly melt into his embrace, your muscles relaxing a little. He gave a tender peck on your cheek and rubbed his nose against it. « You shouldn’t listen to her, Y/N. » he whispered in your ear. You whined. It was easier said than done. You put your hands on his and caressed them with your fingers. « I know, Binnie… I just wish that, once in her life, she would spend a dinner without unnecessarily spitting her venom to my face. » Your voice was a bit hoarse, sobs painfully tightening your throat. Changbin immediately noticed. "You know what ?" he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "You handled it with grace. You were poised and composed, even when she was being unreasonable. You're stronger than you realize. ». You sniffled, kind of skeptical about that. How he wished you could see yourself through his eyes. Then, you would realize how gorgeous and incredible you are. « Love, I can assure you that you’re perfect the way you are. Her words don’t define you.». He left more kisses on your cheek and jawline. You closed your eyes to the sensation of it and hummed. Only him could make you feel like that. Loved and peaceful. 
However, he didn’t stop there. If praising you didn’t seem to be efficient enough, he would go all the way for you to accept yourself. He wanted to convey how your only existence turned his world upside down, in a good way. How he found you exceptional. Not only was he feeling lucky to have the hottest woman as his but also the smartest and kindest soul of them all. So he kept going, his smooches on your skin getting slippery and feverish. You felt his hands lowering towards your thighs and crotch. « That’s all you have to say ? I will not be satisfied by a simple hum, Y/N. » he warned. His hot breath against your neck and his curly locks brushing against it made you shiver, heat building up in your inside. 
« Changbin, we should n… » you couldn’t finish your sentence, cut off by the look your boyfriend’s reflection was giving you in the mirror. 
« You’re finally looking up. » he breathed, visibly pleased by your astonished face which was betraying your aroused state. The brown haired boy was still staring at you, lips glued to your skin, unbuttoning your pants. « Binnie… they’re going to wonder wh… ». You felt his middle finger brushing against your clothed core. « To wonder about what ? » he teasingly mewled. You bit on your lower lip. « About what is taking us so long. » you faintly exhaled, holding back a moan as his fingers were slowly working on your sensitive spot. He pressed himself closer to you, until you were almost crushed between him and the bathroom counter. The furniture was applying pressure on your lower abdomen, increasing all the sensations. « Oh, don’t worry. I will be quick but you have to play fairly. » he raised a brow, an amused expression adorning his face. You nodded, unconsciously moving your hips back and forth to get some friction on his hand. « Great. All you have to do is to say those three words: I am great. »
Gosh, he was driving you crazy. You were craving to feel his fingers down on you, rid of any bothering fabric. « It’s ridiculous. Come on, Changbin can’t you just… » 
As if he had heard your thoughts, he sled his hands into your panties. His digits were welcomed by the warm wetness of your juices. Shit. Maybe the game will be slightly difficult for him too. However, he was a born competitor and wouldn’t admit defeat. His finger was circling your clit, variating pressure on it, going up and down to lubricate your slit. You clenched your fists and watched him pleasuring you. This was probably the hottest view you had ever seen. Any trace of tease had left his face now. He was towering you from behind, his free hand delicately bending you over. « I want to hear it. » he groaned. His eyes weren’t as soft and rounded as earlier and you could tell they were glaring at your soul. Fine. You would comply to his game and its stupid rule. « I am great » you weakly yelped.
Changbin’s heart race was increasing dangerously. How could you look so cunty and adorable at the same time ? And you weren’t even cumming yet ! Furrowing his brow, he put your pants down to your ankles. Using both hands, he grasped your butt and lightly spread it to expose your dripping folds. You gasped and tried to get his palm back on your slit. « Fucking beautiful… » he murmured to himself, his growing boner getting cramped into his boxer. He glanced at your reflection, as you waited like a puppy for its treat. « You’re doing great, love. But that’s still not enough. Say that you’re beautiful.» What ? He told you to play fairly just for him to play you like that ? « Shut up. » you growled and he couldn’t hold back a small laughter. 
« Say it. » he dared you, his index playing with your entrance. « I am beauti… Ah! » you loudly moaned as he started to finger you. Changbin hurried to hush you, stuffing two digits into your mouth. You greedily sucked on it, getting totally brain fucked. Seeing you desperately horny turned him on like crazy, his dick lightly twitching in his pants. He wanted to fuck you right here. To feel your warm mouth around his cock, your tits bouncing as he would thrust into you. The idea of it made him drool and work faster on your core. He fingered you with passion, his digits curling into your inside, going back and forth to a high then slow rhythm. You were a panting mess, trying your best to stay as quiet as possible. But the brown haired boy was doing magic on you and you were getting awfully close. « Changbin, I… will not be able… to handle it… any longer. » your legs were wobbly, barely supporting you. 
He smirked. « I know, love. Say it and I will let you cum. » He kissed your cheek and licked your neck, leaving a wet trail on its way. You looked at the brown haired boy. Your man was touching you with no mercy, softly rubbing his crotch on your butt. He looked outrageously handsome and lustful. His eyes glistening with love, his plump lips half opened as he was craving for air. Noticing how you were staring at him, he grabbed your chin with his left hand and made you watch yourself. « Look at you. » he moaned. The view made your inside flutter. You seemed so needy. Darting your ass up to feel him deeper, hands gripping on the counter, eyeing your boyfriend in such a sinful, sinful way. Your walls tightened around Changbin’s fingers and he knew you were seconds away from your climax. Despite this kind of degrading position, you found yourself beautiful and sexy. « I am beautiful. » you whispered, looking at yourself. « You truly are, Y/N » and with a few thrusts, you clenched around his digits, a wave of pleasure and relief hitting you hard. Your legs gave up under you and Changbin had to hug you tightly to prevent you from falling. You chuckled and he joined you. « Let me help you. »
He made you turned around and kneeled down. He had already done so much for you. And here he was, dressing you up and worshipping you as if you were a priceless treasure. When he got up, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. « Thank you. »
« Don’t, babe. I hope that, one day, you will love yourself just as much as I love you. » he replied, brushing his nose against yours. You closed the gap between the both of you. Lips crashing onto his, his tongue seeking for a way to enter your mouth, his firm body pressing onto yours. You were both panting and you could feel his hard on against your belly. « Should we go home ? So, I can help you back » you teased him. He took your hand in his. « Please. »
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munsonsfairy · 1 year
cowboy cowboy 🍒🥧🤎
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ib layout: @beforeimdeceased
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who sees you pulled over to the side of the road looking into the hood of your old truck. he sees you standing in front of it with no clue of what is wrong.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who’s voice is sweet and warm like apple pie. his dimples have you giggling like a high school girl.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who refuses to take your money after fixing your truck, but does say, “i think a home cooked meal will do the trick, sweet girl.”
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who shows up to your door in white shirt and blue jeans that hug his legs in all the right places. he has a bouquet of wildflowers wrapped in newspaper and you swear you could kiss him.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who could instantly melt seeing you in an apron with a floral dress underneath. the porch light shines the color of your eyes just right and he wishes he could stare at them forever.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who blushes when you pull him into a hug giving him a chance to smell your perfume.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who sits at the table and watches you do your things in the kitchen. you’re babbling about your job at the local nursery and he can’t help but admire how animated you get while talking.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who wishes he kissed you that night after dinner, but he promises himself next time.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who talks real slow ‘cause his uncle is in the other sleeping before work.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who takes you driving through the backroads. you’re sitting shotgun with your hair undone in the front seat of his truck.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who lays with you in the back of his chevy truck to look up at the stars. when he looks up, he just stares at you with love and whispers, “the way your eyes shine puts these indiana stars to shame.”
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who promises to build you the life you dream of. he probably can’t buy it but he will try his hardest to give you everything you deserve.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who kisses you that night under the stars. it’s passionate and breathless. his rough hands hold you close to him as if he’s scared you’ll disappear.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who’s favorite thing to do after a long day is sit on the porch swing with you cuddled into his chest. he will sometimes smoke a cigarette or sip on some warm honey tea you made. (it’s usually the tea lol).
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who stopped his truck during a tim mcgraw song and dragged you in front of the headlights just to slow dance. your head laid on his chest and it suddenly felt like home.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ nsfw
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who has you pinned down in the back of his truck. his mouth leaves sloppy kisses on your neck while he thrusts deep inside you.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who whimpers when you pull his hair while his tongue laps around your clit. his rough fingers fill up your hole having you cry tears of pleasure.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who makes you rub yourself against his bulge when you give him an attitude. he sits back smoking a cigarette while you cry and leave marks all over him — begging him to have his way with you.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who ties you up in the barn and has his way with you when he needs a break from working. the warm breeze hardens your nipples making eddie lose his mind.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who is the sweetest man ever to your parents only to have you bent over the sink while you’re washing dishes. you see his reflection in the window with his shirt unbuttoned and sweat dripping down his chest.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who wants to make you barefoot and pregnant so always finds a chance to fill you up. loves to watch his cum leak out of your abused pussy then uses two fingers to fuck it back inside. doing this only makes him hard again, “gotta make sure it stays inside sweet girl.”
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who watches you from across the ranch. you’re wearing your a cami with your panties — his favorite too. he has his hands on his hips with a smirk on his lips. you’re “watering the flowers,” but he knows damn well what you’re doing. “saw you lookin’ so cute from other there. think i don’t know what what you’re doing?”
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who isn’t giving you enough attention so you lay in his truck with nothing on. he hears your whimpering along with your wet pussy being fucked by your dildo. he’ll stand in front of the door and lean in making his muscles more prominent only sending you over the edge. eddie eddie eddie is all he hears. he licks his lips when he sees you cum all around the toy.
ꕥ cowboy!eddie who sits you at the edge of the tailgate with your legs wide open for him. your fingers are buried in his head of curls. his hand reaches up for your tits when his tongue flicks your clit. when you try to hide your moans, he squeezes your cheeks open with his rough hand then slaps you. “next time it’ll be harder if you don’t let me hear those pretty noises.”
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 11, Unsure - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Mentions of sexual situations, pettiness.
Word Count: 3k
Previously On...: You've been pulling away from Bucky as he's been spending more time with Jade. But now, on the eve of her first mission, you realize that you want to fight for him and your relationship. Gino's is just the place.
A/N: So, I have this thing where, I'll write the angst, but then I'm like "no, I want you to be happy!" and then I'll write something like this, which is only just a band aid on their relationship for more angst to come. Sorry :( But, also, relationships and emotions aren't linear. We might know things aren't going well, but if we see even a hint of improvement, we latch onto it in the hope that it means things are getting better, even if it's just a temporary blip. We're optimistic beasts.
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @crist1216 @vicmc624 @sashaisready @j23r23 @wintercrows
About forty minutes later, you walked into Gino’s looking like sin on legs. You’d made up your mind that you were going to stake your claim on your boyfriend tonight, in front of Jade and the entire team, but especially Bucky, once and for all. You were a little dizzy from the emotional whiplash you’d been putting yourself through of late, but you’d realized he was worth the chance of being hurt, and you loved him too much to not fight tooth and nail for him, and you would do so, until he told you himself that he didn’t want you anymore.
You’d chosen a pair of skin tight black leather pants that sat low on your hips and a sheer golden top with a matching satin cami underneath it. You’d left your bra at home. A pair of high, strappy gold stiletto heels completed the look, and with your hair flowing loose and curly down your back, you caught the attention of every man within line of sight as you made your way to the back of the bar.
“Jesus Christ, Pocket,” Nat said once you reached the tables at the back that your team usually secured for themselves. The redhead pulled you in for a hug, whispering in your ear as she did so: “Barnes isn’t going to be able to control himself when he sees you.”
“That’s the idea, Natty,” you said with a grin, taking the shot she offered you and throwing it back. “I’m playing for keeps tonight.”
Your friend smiled at you and motioned toward the jukebox. “Then I say ‘batter up’ because opposing teams’ already taken the field.”
You glanced in the direction she’d indicated and narrowed your eyes. Jade was dancing with Bucky. Or, at least, she was trying to dance with him. It was almost comical, really, the way she tried to grind up against him, yet he kept trying to put space between their bodies as he shuffled awkwardly from side to side. Your heart softened as you watched him resist her. He was being polite about it– of course he was, he was Bucky, after all, but his resistance was firm.
“I better go save him,” you told Nat as you put down the shot glass. “I’ll see you later.” You sauntered over to the makeshift dance floor, putting some extra sway in your hips as you did so. 
“Mind if I cut in?” you asked, your voice extra sultry. Not even waiting for a response, you positioned your body between Jade and Bucky’s, and were immediately rewarded with the feeling of his hands gripping your waist as he tugged you to him. 
“God damn, doll,” Bucky said as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his, “how’d you expect me to behave myself all night when you’re standin’ there lookin’ good enough to fuckin’ eat?”
You grinned up at him, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I don’t expect you to behave at all, Sergeant,” you purred. “In fact, I’m quite hoping you won’t.”
Bucky’s eyes visibly darkened at your words, and he took his bottom lip seductively between his teeth. You were both leaning in for a kiss when you felt an impatient tap on your shoulder. You knew without turning who it was going to be. 
With a roll of your eyes, you turned your head just enough to see Jade standing next to you, arms crossed over her chest, the anger on her face making her uglier than you’d ever seen her.
“Um, hello? Rude much? We were dancing.”
“Is that what that was?” you asked, turning so you had your back to Bucky’s front. You could feel the hard length of him pressed against your ass as you ground into him in time with the music. Taking his hands, you slid them under the fabric of your shirt so he could caress your bare skin. His rough fingers felt like heaven as they moved up and down the planes of your abdomen, dancing scandalously close to the underside of your breasts. You felt Bucky’s breath hitch when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra.
“If you’re that mad, why don’t you go live stream about it?” you said. “The adults are busy.”
“Bucky!” Jade whined, turning to him. “Are you going to just let her talk to me that way?!”
Your heart seemed to still, and it felt like time stopped while you waited on Bucky’s response, though in actuality, he answered her almost instantly: “You heard my girl, Vix. We’re busy.”
You closed your eyes, leaning your head back against him. His dismissal of her was like an aphrodisiac that sent wetness pooling into your panties. The sexiest thing you’d ever heard. With this new access to the exposed side of your neck, Bucky began to place wet, open mouthed kisses along your skin. God, you hoped he left marks. You wanted him to claim you, to let the world know you were his. You moaned his name as you reached your arm up to hold the side of his head, urging him to use more pressure and were rewarded almost immediately when you felt the sweet sting of his teeth as he nipped at the sensitive flesh of your skin, followed by the instant soothing sensation of his tongue against the love bites.
You heard Jade scoff, but didn’t open your eyes to see if she walked away or remained; you were too absorbed in the sensation of Bucky all around you for her to matter. You lost yourself in the feel of him, no concept of how much time went by as the two of you moved together to the beat of the music.
He eventually turned you around so you were facing each other once again. You tried to slide your hands up under the hem of his shirt, to feel the firmness of him, but gave an exaggerated pout when you were met with the resistance of it being tucked into the waistband of his jeans. 
“You tryin’ to undress me right here, sweets?” he asked, giving you a playful grin.
“Don’t give me any ideas, Buckaroo,” you hummed, opting instead to grab two generous handfuls of his ass. You were going to sink your teeth into that later.
“You know,” he said, leaning in close to speak directly into your ear, “I’ve been thinking: now that Vix’s gonna be out on missions, my schedule’s gonna clear up a lot. Maybe we should take that trip we talked about. Spend some time alone, just the two of us, like we used to. I miss you.”
Your face fell. You’d love nothing more than to reconnect with Bucky, away from all outside influences, but with the upcoming presentation of the crisis algorithm system looming before you, the timing couldn’t be any worse. “I can’t, Buck,” you told him sadly.
He pulled back, away from you, a new, hard glint to his eye. “Can’t,” he asked, “or won’t?”
“Come on, Buck,” you pleaded, trying to put his arms back around you, but he refused, stepping further away, “we were having a great time; I don’t want to fight.”
“Were we having a great time, Pocket?” he asked, his teeth now clenched. “I may be old, but I’m not stupid. I know you’re pulling away from me.”
You sighed. It seems like you were going to have this out right here in the bar. “Come with me,” you said, taking his hand and leading him toward the bathrooms.
As you passed the rest of your team, an obviously inebriated Sam raised his beer glass and winked at you both. “Yeah, get it, Tin Man!” he shouted, completely misconstruing the purpose of your journey to the bathroom as Bucky flipped him off. “Didn’t realize you liked it that dirty, Baby Girl!” You rolled your eyes, ignoring him as you made your way to the men’s bathroom. Checking to make sure each stall and urinal was empty, you locked the door behind you.
Bucky raised a brow at your choice of gendered bathroom. “What?” you shrugged. “Figure dudes’ll be more than willing to have pissing contests in the alley if they can’t get in here.”
You could see him struggle to fight the smile that threatened to cross his otherwise annoyed features. You always did know how to make him laugh.
“I’m not going to have sex with you,” he said, sounding petulant. 
“For once, that’s not why I dragged you into a bathroom,” you said, hoisting yourself up onto the sink counter once you’d checked it to make sure it was free from… well, whatever one might find in a men’s restroom. “I want to talk. Come here.” You beckoned him over with a crook of your finger, and like a fish on a hook, he crossed the room until he was standing in front of you.
You sighed. You didn’t want to do this now, but you were tired of lying to him, lying to yourself. You wanted your relationship back, and now was just as good a time as any to set things straight. “I wanna start by saying that the reason I can’t go away on vacation with you right now,” you said, making sure to emphasize the words, “is that I’m presenting to the Stark Industries Board of Directors in less than two weeks. I still have a lot to do to get ready.
Bucky tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “For your crisis prediction algorithm?” You nodded. Bucky’s eyes widened, impressed. “Doll, that’s amazing! But… I thought you said it was nowhere near being ready for demonstration?”
You swallowed. “We’ve been beta testing for awhile now,” you said, not meeting his eye. Normally, Bucky was obsessed with your work, keeping track of every fascinating detail, but with Jade monopolizing so much of his time recently, he’d stopped asking how things with your pet project were coming along. But you didn’t bring him here to make him feel bad. 
“I haven’t been paying enough attention to you,” he said softly. He reached out and held your face, tilting your head up so you would look at him. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “You’ve been busy,” you told him.
“I’ve been an ass,” he said. He took a deep sigh before coming closer, wrapping you to him. “I keep being an ass, and I keep hurting you, when I swore I never would.”
“I know you don’t mean to,” you reassured him. “But, you were right… I have been… pulling away.”
Bucky backed up to study you, his face gone white with worry. “Are you… Do you… Have I fucked this up completely? Do you not want me anymore?” If you had been standing, the desperation in his voice would have brought you to your knees.
“Baby, no!” you exclaimed, pulling his hand to your chest. “I did it because I was scared. I’m so scared I’m going to get my heart broken in all of this that I started putting my walls back up. I thought that, if I could act like your friendship with Jade didn’t bother me, didn’t drive me crazy with jealousy, then maybe I would eventually believe it. But all it ended up doing was push me away from you, and that’s not what I want. I want to fight for you. Fight for us.”
“Is that what this is, then?” he asked, indicating your outfit, hair, and makeup. “Is this some kind of offensive strategy in your battle against Vix where I’m, what– a prize?” He seemed… disgusted by the idea.
“No!” The word was out of your mouth before you even had a chance to think. “Not at all. I did all this because I wanted to look good for you. I know I’m never going to compete with her in terms of sexiness; I wouldn’t even try.”
“Huh,” said Bucky, running his hand through your hair. “And all this time I thought you were the smart one.” When you looked at him in confusion, he added: “Because that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Doll, when it comes to sexy, she doesn’t hold a candle to you. No one does.”
“Pfft,” you scoffed, turning your face away from him in embarrassment as color stained your cheeks. “You have to say that because you’re my boyfriend.”
“Sweetheart,” Bucky took a step closer to you, “I have to be your boyfriend because that’s how I feel. If this,” he took your hand in his and placed it over the hard bulge of his erection, “doesn’t prove that to you, I don’t know what will.”
You took a moment to palm him through his jeans, remembering back to a time when you relished the effect you had over him, not doubting it. “Are we good?” you whispered. 
“We are very, very good,” he said, leaning down to kiss you. You gripped onto the front of his shirt, slipping your tongue into his mouth. When he moaned into your lips, you felt yourself clench around nothing.
“Bucky,” you gasped, coming back up for air.
“Yeah, doll?” His eyes were blown, expression delirious with his lust for you. It was intoxicating. 
“You still opposed to bathroom sex?”
Bucky threw his head back and laughed, igniting even more desire within you. “I’m not, but I’d rather take you home, lay you out naked on our bed, all open and pretty for me. Let you be as loud as you want when I make you scream my name.”
Your entire body shivered at the picture his words painted, and you nodded stupidly. “Yeah,” you said, swallowing thickly , “yeah, that sounds way better. Let’s go do that.”
Bucky picked you up from the counter and gently placed you back on the floor. Putting his hand protectively on the small of your back, he led you to the door, unlocking it and walking you back into the bar.
When you made your way back to your group’s designated tables, you were surprised to find everyone staring at you in anticipation. Tony stood in the center of the group, a wide smile on his face as he raised his arms wide open, tumbler of alcohol in his hand. “Pocket, Barnes!” he cried when he saw you emerge from the hallway leading to the restrooms. “The people demand to know! ‘What the ‘F’ Was It’?”
You buried your face into Bucky’s side to hide your laughter. Once again, your sex life had become the topic of group conversation. When had this become your normal?
“I think the ‘fucks’ have it!” Tony declared after taking in your smudged lipstick and messy hair. You watched in mock horror as Nat and Sam gave each other a double high five.
“Why do we put up with this?” you muttered to Bucky.
“Stark’s superior insurance coverage?” he suggested with a grin. You smirked back up at him before turning back to your friends.
“Sorry to disappoint, again,” you said, raising your voice to be heard over the din of the bar. “We did neither fucking nor fighting, so…” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Don’t tell me I missed out by not going with frottage again,” Nat moaned dejectedly. You laughed as you shook your head. 
“Very well,” said Thor. “It was not fornication, nor this frottage, nor fighting– sorry, little Fox Girl.” You raised an eyebrow as your gaze found Jade, who looked particularly put out, much to your amusement. “Let us guess!”
Your friends began shouting out answers, and they ranged from the vulgar (“‘Finger banging’!” “Oh my God, Tony! Gross!”) to the inappropriate (“‘Fertilization,’ you know, like puttin’ a baby in her!” “Clint, how’s he gonna do that without ‘fucking’?!”) to the perfectly tame (“‘Fraternization.’” “Boo, Rogers; you’re no fun!”) to, thankfully, nothing at all (“I hate this game.” “Nobody asked you, Rhodes!”).
“Frenchin’!” Bucky shouted after a moment with a snap of his fingers. Everyone turned and stared at him like he’d just grown a second head. “What?” he asked as a blush crept up his cheeks. “We talked, then we made out. Just took me a minute to think of ‘French kissin’, is all,” he finished in a mumble. 
“And with that,” you said, walking over to the booth where Bucky had stashed his two motorcycle helmets, “we are going home. Make of that whatever the ‘F’ you will.” Tony positively cackled at that.
“That’s my girl!” he gasped, clutching his sides. 
You didn’t even try to suppress your grin as you tossed one of the helmets to Bucky. Tucking the other one under your arm, you made your way over to him. “Ready to go, soldier?” you asked.
“With you?” he said, putting a hand around your waist and giving you a mischievous wink. “Always.”
Before you could even make it three steps toward the door, your path was blocked by Jade, who stood before you, chest heaving and fists clenched at her sides. “Hey,” she said, clearly upset, “what about me?!”
You took a step back, curious to see how Bucky was going to handle the situation.
He sighed heavily. “What about you, Vix?”
“You drove me here! How am I supposed to get home if you’re driving her?”
“Stark hired cars,” he told her, trying to steer you both around her, but the girl wouldn’t give up her ground. “Get a ride with everyone else.”
“But I wanna ride back with you,” she said, her voice a desperate whine that made you cringe internally. God, how had you been so jealous of someone who acted like such a child?
He just shrugged in her general direction as he finally guided you both around her. “Sorry, Vix; not this time.”
You couldn’t resist turning around to give her a parting smile as you walked out the door. When you turned around to follow Bucky, though, you could feel Jade’s stare boring a hole through your back.
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onlyfreds · 2 years
Someday | E.M.
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Title: Someday
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: A girl and an original, sounds like a fantasy, but nothing is impossible when it comes to love.
A/N: It's been a hot minute since I posted a fic, so hopefully this is half as decent as I hope it is and you guys like it
The story of a girl and her vampire: if any outsider were to hear the story, it would sound crazy, almost like some sort of fantasy.
Shutting the door of the taxi, you stepped out into the cobblestone streets and took a deep breath. 
“Finally.” You thought, having achieved your lifelong dream of moving to New Orleans. 
Lugging your suitcase behind you, you searched for the address of the place you’d be staying at. 
“And here is your room.” Cami, a friend from high school who’d you be staying with gestured to the guest room next to her own room.
“Thanks Cami. You’re the best!” You smiled, proceeding to give the girl a hug, “I promise I’ll move out the minute I find a more affordable apartment.” 
She laughed, “Nonsense, stay here as long as you like. Anyway, I have to go back to my shift at the bar now but when I close up, we can definitely go out for dinner.” 
“Sounds great! I can also help out at the bar if you want.” You offered. 
“Stop.” The blonde grinned, “You are my guest and you will do no such thing. Now go and unpack.”
“Fine. Fine.” You gave in with a playful eye roll.
“Does this place do deliveries? I don’t think I want to eat anywhere else ever again.” You took a sip of water making Cami laugh.
“I’m pretty sure they do.” She said as the waiter dropped off the bill.
While Cami was searching for her wallet in her bag, you pulled out some cash and hurriedly gave it to the waiter, “Take it before she finds hers.” 
Realizing what had just happened, Cami gave you a pointed look, “Y/N.” 
“Cami.” You mirrored her tone, giving her the same look, “It’s on me, I swear.”
“But-” She tried to protest. 
“Shh.” You interrupted, “You’re already practically giving me a place to stay, provided that I pay for my share for the water and electricity bills. Ever since I have arrived, you have been nothing but incredibly generous to me. Let me do this.” 
“Fine.” Cami gave in with a roll of her eyes, “But when you go to the bar, drinks are on me.” 
This made you smile, “Now who am I to turn down free drinks?” 
“Who are the Mikaelsons?” You asked after Cami had told you that you should come along to a party they were hosting that night. 
“They’re the most influential family in Orleans.” She said, ruffling through her closet in search of something to wear, “The Mikaelsons are practically like royalty.” 
You raised a brow in question, “So, they’re pretentious?”
“Not all of them.” Cami smiled, “Klaus is a little though, but the rest of them aren’t so.” 
Laughing, you said, “Can’t wait to meet them. I don’t have a dress though.” 
“There’s a boutique down the corner.” Cami said, “When can go take a look there if you want.” 
Cami sure wasn’t joking when she said that the Mikaelsons were like royalty. 
The compound you and Cami had just walked into was majestic and almost mansion-like. The lights that decorated the walls just seemed to make the place even bigger. 
“That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Cami said, noticing how awestruck and speechless you were.  
“First thought that came into my mind was ‘you’re joking’. But, after seeing this, I think it's not entirely impossible.” You said.
“Camille! Glad to see you could make it.” A deep and husky voice boomed from the corridor as the owner approached the two of you.
“Klaus.” Your friend smiled, “Nice to see you too.” 
“I see you’ve also brought a friend.” The man, or rather Klaus, mused before turning to you, “I’m sure that I’ve already been introduced by my entrance, so, may I know your name?” 
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled. 
“Niklaus.” A man in a suit came up next to Klaus, almost appearing out of thin air, “Are you causing someone an inconvenience again?”  
Klaus dramatically gasped, now turning his attention to the man next to him, “I’m offended at how you think I bother everyone.” 
“That seems to be the case, sometimes.” The man nods to Cami, “Camille.” 
He then turns to you, a small smile growing on his handsome face while he reaches for your hand and brushes his lips against your knuckles, “And may I be able to put a name to that beautiful face?” 
Giggling, you could feel the butterflies starting to stir, “I’m Y/N and you are?” 
“Elijah.” He answered.
“So, Y/N. May I have this dance?” Elijah asked, offering a hand to you.
Glancing over at Cami, she gave a nod along with a subtle wink.
“I would love to.” You grinned, taking his hand and he led you away from your friend.
That was where it all started, with two lonely hearts beating in the dark.
“Your company has been the best I’ve had in a while.” Elijah smiled as the two of you stopped in front of Cami’s house. Cami had disappeared with Klaus leaving you to fend for yourself.
“Glad to have been of service then.” You laughed.
“Hopefully, this isn’t the last time I’ll be catching any sight of your captivating presence.” He said. 
“I assure you, Elijah, you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.” You smiled.
The gentleman smiled as well, kissing along your knuckles the same way when you had first met earlier, “I’ll be counting on that.” 
“I’m home!” It’s been a month since your arrival to New Orleans, finally having signed a lease for your own apartment, the only downside was the fact that you couldn’t move there for another month.
“So, how was your date?” Cami came into the living room as you were kicking off your shoes. 
Rolling your eyes at her teasing, you retorted, “Cami, how many times do I have to tell you that it's’ not a date. Elijah and I just went to watch theater like friends do.”
“Yeah, friends do go to the theater but even a blind person could see how you and Elijah are a far cry from friends.” She said. 
You went to the kitchen to get some water, “Touche, I can literally say the same about you and Klaus.” 
Cami was immediately on your trail, “Klaus and I acknowledge our feelings. You and Elijah don’t. It seems like both of you have this intense fear of rejection. To be honest, the two of you would be a pretty amazing couple.” 
“Is my crush on him that obvious?” You asked, leaning against the door of the fridge.
“Even someone who doesn’t believe in the concept of love could see it.” She confirmed, throwing a teasing smile.
“Oh my-” You groaned, “Then this means that he knows as well.” 
Although Cami had been successful at holding back a laugh, a grin still appeared on her face as she fondly shook her head as a mother would, “You and him are the only people oblivious to each other’s feelings.” 
“Whatever.” You felt the heat starting to take over your face, “I’m going out, we’re out of milk.” 
“In the middle of the night?” Cami asked.
You started putting your shoes on, “No better time.” 
For the past half hour, you couldn’t stop thinking about what your friend had said, could Elijah possibly bear the same feelings for you?
Strangely, the city sounds and the gravel crunching under your feet didn’t distract you at all. But you couldn’t shake off the strange feeling you had, almost like your gut was telling you that something is…eerie. 
You could’ve sworn that someone had to be walking behind you but when you turned around, there was nothing but a gust of wind rattling the leaves.
Brushing it off as a figment of your imagination and the fact that it was almost midnight, you started on the way back home, how on earth did you think that a store would sell you some milk at this hour?
In an attempt to get rid of the chill that was running through your whole body, you tucked your hands into the pockets of your coat. 
Then, under a split second, you were suddenly thrown against the wall - feeling a bit dizzy from the impact. 
You kicked and tried to scratch the person but then the man holding you captive, grinned and flashed his fangs.
At first, you thought that you had gone mad. It was practically impossible for vampires to exist. Then the man’s eyes started to darken and the veins on his face became prominent as he said, “Guess I’m getting some dessert after all.” 
Nothing prepared you for this moment, in school, they never exactly taught what to do in case you run across a vampire (who also happened to not actually exist in the first place).
As the sharp points of the fangs inched closer, you braced yourself for the worst, hoping that you would jolt awake in your bed and find out that this entire thing was just some nightmare. 
The grip on your throat suddenly loosened as the man in front of you limply dropped to the ground.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” The husky voice of your savior pulled you out of your shock.
“Elijah?” If you thought that the prospect of vampires being real was enough of a surprise for a lifetime, wait till you are met with Elijah Mikaelson, seemingly wiping blood off his hands as a real heart lay discarded at his side while he asked if you were okay.
“Do you want me to walk you back to Cami’s?” He asked. 
“Did you just…” You started feeling dizzy, feeling completely overwhelmed with everything to be processed in the last few minutes, “pull his heart out?”
He was rendered speechless, not actually expecting that you would ask this. After a moment of silence, he answered cautiously, “Yes.” 
“H-how?” You asked, not really sure if you wanted to know the answer.
Elijah looked defeated as he offered a small smile, “Let me walk you back to Cami’s and I’ll explain everything once we get there.” 
In an attempt to lighten some of the tension, you asked, “Promise you won’t bite?” 
Elijah laughed, “Promise.” 
It’s been two weeks since you were told of the grand secret of New Orleans: that werewolves, witches and vampires not only roamed the streets but were also practically like royalty and the Mikaelsons happened to be called the “Originals” which are the very first vampires ever.
It’s also been two weeks since you had last seen Elijah Mikaelson. 
After doing everything, even dropping by the compound in desperate hopes that you would actually see him - it was almost like he was avoiding you.
Okay, he was actually avoiding you.
“Hello ‘Bekah.” You grinned as the blonde greeted you with a kiss to the cheek, ‘as the French do’. 
“This is exciting! We haven’t gone shopping in ages.” She asked with a mirroring smile, looping her arm around yours almost dragging you to the shopping center. 
“So, if you don’t mind me asking, did you and Elijah have a fight or something?” Rebekah asked out of the blue while browsing the dresses. 
“No. Why?” You replied.
“The two of you just seem so awfully distant lately.” She said, “And Elijah’s been in some kind of somber mood, he practically just shuts himself in his room all day. It’s Klaus who normally does that.” 
“He’s been avoiding me for two weeks, ever since the incident with a vampire.” You said. 
She raised a brow in question, “What incident?” 
“You mean he didn’t tell you?” You then recounted how you discovered the secret that lies beneath the streets of New Orleans.
Taking a deep breath, your fist hung an inch away from the door to Elijah’s room. After telling Rebekah the whole story, she pestered (and almost dragged) you to go to Elijah and talk it out.
You were about to knock when the door suddenly swung open. Elijah Mikaelson stood there, in a white shirt and pyjama pants, looking very much surprised. 
“Y-Y/N? What’re you doing here?” He asked once he had finally come around. 
“I’m worried.” You admitted, “You’ve been avoiding me for two weeks. I had no idea if something had happened to you or if you were mad at me or something. 
“I’m a vampire, an Original vampire, for goodness sake.” Elijah said, “I’m a monster, Y/N/N, I could hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“‘Lijah, what’re you talking about? You’re anything but a monster. You’re literally the sweetest person I know.” You protested. 
“Aren’t you terrified by the prospect that I was transformed into a creature that feeds off of blood? A creature that nearly killed you?” 
“I’m not and you wanna know why? Because I know the real you and you’re far from just a vampire.” 
“But-” Before he could utter another word you suddenly pressed your lips to his, effectively shutting him up.
“That was.” Elijah grinned as he found it difficult to find the words to describe just how perfect it was. 
You giggled, looping your arms around his neck, “If you’re going to pick back up on your monologue, I’m seriously kicking you.” 
The vampire chuckled, “I can’t seem to recall what the topic was anymore.” before pulling you in for another kiss.
The sun was shining, the air was cool, and all the factions of New Orleans were at peace - nothing could seem more perfect.
Especially with your arm looped around Elijah’s. 
“It feels like eternity since I last saw this.” Elijah mused. 
“Saw what?” You asked. 
“This.” He emphasized, “Everything is at peace, almost as if we were in some sort of paradise.” 
Looking up at him with a smile, you said, “As long as I’m around you, everyday is paradise.”
The original chuckled, pecking a kiss to your cheek, “Now look who’s stealing my lines.” 
“What?” You feigned offence, “Would you rather someone else did?” 
“Never in a million years.” Elijah answered.
“Where is she? Bring me to her, this instance!” Elijah almost screamed as he bursted through the doors of the compound.
“Elijah, you need to calm down, she’s okay.” Rebekah said in an attempt to console her brother. 
“I saw her, Rebekah, I know she isn’t okay - it’s my fault, I need to see her.” Her older brother pleaded. 
“She’s in the guest room with Cami.” 
As soon as the blonde uttered these words, Elijah ran to the room in question, “Camille! How is she?”
Cami shushes him, “She’s okay Elijah, her injuries looked worse than they actually were, she’s just resting now.” 
The original breathed a sigh of relief as he sat down on the seat Cami had been occupying earlier while nursing you, “Thank you Cami, I’m sorry for what happened.” 
Cami gave him a reassuring smile, “It’s not your fault Elijah, none of us would’ve seen it coming.”
She then left the room, closing the door behind her to give you and Elijah some privacy.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be here, go home, it’s too dangerous.” Elijah said the moment he saw you.
“I can’t Eli, I can’t stay home knowing  that all of you are out here.” You protested. 
“It’s too dangerous out here, you could get seriously hurt and I don’t want that.” He argued. 
Before you could argue any further, Elijah immediately vampire-sped you to a secluded part of the area, “Stay here and don’t come out unless you are in grave danger or I come to pick you up.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you quickly pressed a kiss to lips, “Little advice, getting stabbed with the white oak stake, because that will surely get you killed.” 
Despite the ongoing battle, Elijah managed to smile, “I’ll take note of that then.”
Elijah would surely lecture you for this, that is if the both of you make it out of this alive. 
It feels like actual torture to just stand around and wait for the battle to be over, so naturally, you ignored what Eliah had tol you and set out to fight.
Setting aside the tragedy, the whole scenery almost looked like something out of a movie - the blood splattered everyday could’ve been enough to stage a couple of crime scenes, hearts lay discarded, almost indistinguishable figures moved in and out and fortunately, no one has noticed you.
That’s when you saw it, Lucien with the white oak stake in his hand, ready to stab an unsuspecting Elijah busy fighting another vampire. 
So, you did the natural thing and took the stake for him.
Elijah closed his eyes, he could still remember the way his senses told him that something was wrong a little too late, the way the blood soaked your shirt, your pained scream.
He was supposed to protect you, how could he let that happen?
“Elijah…” He suddenly heard the voice he so desperately wanted to hear. 
“Y/N/N,” Elijah stood up, stroking your hair, “How’re you feeling?” 
You smiled at him, “I’m feeling fine, shoulder’s just a bit sore.”
“I’m sorry,  I should’ve been able to protect you, I was supposed to keep you safe. How do I manage to kill every woman I love?” He said.
“It’s not your fault, you protected me, you literally had me hide in a safe place. I was the one who walked into the battlefield.” You insisted. 
A slight pout formed on Elijah’s lips, “But you still got hurt, you literally got stabbed. I should’ve just brought you back to the compound first.” 
“And let you get stabbed with the white oak stake? Not a chance.” You laughed. 
“But you got hurt.” 
“And you’re alive, would you rather it be the other way around?” 
“I don’t like it when you get hurt.” 
“I told you to avoid the white oak stakes.” 
You sighed, intertwining your hands, “Eli, I’m not a damsel in distress, I appreciate that you want to protect me but know that I can also protect you. It’s basically just give and take.” 
“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always protected everyone I loved.” He said.
“Then, me and your family will always be here to protect you.” You answered.
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rinstaro · 2 years
Reader living their best life wearing a lil skirt n some thigh highs and sky cant take how cute they look and can’t resist making a creamy mess all over them while the reader begs him to hurry up and make them squirt but he js wants to take his time telling them how pretty they look in that lil Lacey top
Hella overstim
sky can rut into me like a dog
man can hit me with a bus and I’d thank him
that’s all thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🫡
this is so much good god 😭 first the time anon being in heat and now this akjjfcnjajns
how are the stans of the sweetest boy the absolute horniest. WHO ARE U HORNY SKY STAN
also sorry ive been taking so long with these! i havent been in a writing mood lately haha
cw: reader wears feminine clothes, clothed sex, coochie eating, overstim, fingering, he asks for explicit verbal consent, squirting, a little praise, he's pussy drunk!!! yay!!! not proofread, reader has a vagina no pronouns
minors do not react.
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to say you looked good enough to eat was an understatement.
sky couldn’t get enough of staring at your lace trim cami and short little skirt. not to mention the thigh high socks you had on. so instead of just staring at them, he put himself in between them.
“f-fuuuuck! gonna cuuuuum!” and not even a few minutes after he’d been on you, you’d already creamed on his fingers and his face once, the milky substance coating his tongue and making him crave more. he hadn’t bothered to remove any of your clothes, your skirt hiding his face from view.
your legs began to tremble when he refused to stop moving his fingers. you pushed at his head as he bullied your cunt, needy moans turning into weak sobs. "l-lemme go, quit it! 's too much!"
your boyfriend only moaned into your cunt, relishing in the feeling of your clit throbbing against his tongue. moments later he rose to press his lips to yours. sky's fingers crooked upwards and he broke away to laugh at how your legs tried to close in on him.
"'m sorry, sweetheart. you're just so pretty. dressed so fuckin' cute, look at you." sky swears he could drool at how you looked. his favorite place to be was between your thighs. he's had to look at how your thigh high socks complimented your figure perfectly, hugging the soft flesh. he wasn't sure if he wanted to rip them off you or just keep staring at them. while he ended up going for the latter, he couldn't just stare at you.
no, he needed to feel you or he was gonna go crazy. his dick was throbbing, only getting worse when you clenched around him and called his name. sky let out a shaky moan as you came again. "you feel so good around my fingers, sweetheart," he sighed. he finally stopped his movements, staring at you as you tried to catch your breath. your tiny shirt was pushed up your chest, pebbled nipples on display for him. all that sky bothered to get rid of was your underwear.
"can i fuck you, sweetheart? please, i need to feel you," he murmured, never breaking eye contact. you shuddered at his request. his voice sounded so raw and you hadn't even touched him. you could only nod, wrapping your arms around his neck. "need you to say it, (name)."
"yes, i want you to, link. please."
he wasted no time in pushing your thighs back, forcing your knees to your chest. it happened so fast you dont even know when he got his dick out, but in the next moment he slipped into you with ease. sky groaned loudly when he bottomed out, arms trembling in an effort to hold himself up. you felt so fucking good, he felt like he could cum already.
well, why not, he thought. he'd have you to himself all night.
sky slammed his hips into yours with no remorse, the sound of both your gushing cunt and your hips meeting his filling the room. your back arched, body still sensitive from the first couple orgasms. you whimpered weakly as he growled into your ear.
"so good, so good- fuck, gonna cum already-" he panted, his thrusts only becoming rougher. your toes curled as grabbed your hips, angling himself to where he knew he'd hit that spongy spot inside you every time. you keened when he did just that, determined to make you cum with him.
a few more thrusts and he was gone, throwing his head back as he filled your needy cunt. his thrusts wouldn't stop, sky hissing at the overstimulation. you felt so good it hurt, but he couldn't stop, not now. he was gorgeous above you, and you felt your own orgasm approaching fast.
"c-come on, cum," he demanded, somehow picking up his pace. you yelped at the sudden increase in speed. both of your moans increased in volume. "w-wait, mmm, slow down, i'll-"
"do it."
your body seized up, almost unable to handle the force of your orgasm. you sprayed all over the both of you, every thrust forcing more out of you. you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks at the overwhelming pleasure. sky was still going, letting his moans fall freely out of his mouth. "s-so good, pretty pussy's so good, cant stop," he groaned.
"link, too much! slow- fuck! please!" you begged, the overstimulation becoming too much for you to handle. your lover couldn't leave you like this. no, he needed you stuffed to the brim. only then could he be satisfied.
"if i can- fuck, fuck- if i can do it, you can too, sweetheart. don't give up on me now. dressed up so pretty for me, let me reward you for it, yeah?"
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reasonsmandy · 10 months
Anytime Soon
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Could you do prompt 22 “You're mine, all mine... But not in a possessive way, dammit, that sounded like an asshole, right? I was trying to be cute. Nevermind” where the reader says it to Eddie Roundtree?
✧.* summary — The band was growing, and with that, strategies on how to maintain this fame and use it to the band's advantage came. Which, unfortunately, became a hindrance to their relationship.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 1.9k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
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You hear a loud noise coming from downstairs, which makes you jump in fright and as soon as you pull yourself together, you run after what had caused it. As soon as you enter the kitchen, the image of Warren standing on the chair hugging a plate, avoiding Eddie for some unapparent reason.
“Get away from me!” Rojas protests, still protecting his plate from the bassist.
“Cami said it was one for each, give me my egg now!” He jumps to try to reach it, but he can't.
“What the fuck is going on here?” You say rubbing your eyes, trying to escape sleep.
“He lost the bet and now he doesn’t want to accept it” Warren says, adjusting the sleep shorts he was still wearing.
“Today of all days do you want to collect this bet? Seriously?” He rolls his eyes so hard you swear they could go through his skull.
You are intrigued by the statement, but decide to break up the fight before asking.
“Warren, can’t you bet on something other than food?” Tired, you say between a yawn.
“But I really like Cami’s special eggs.” He protests, almost like a sulking child.
“I’ll make a point of asking her for extra tomorrow, okay?” You help Roundtree who thanks you with a look.
Rojas jumps out of his chair, and you're shocked at how he can balance his food in one hand. He hands you the plate.
“Fine.” He sits on the chair he was previously standing on, and watches you, waiting. “But you cut it, to be fair! He always takes the biggest one.”
After calming down the drummer, he leaves towards the balcony to eat, leaving you and the bassist alone with just the sound of the wind between you. He cracks a smile, clearly happy to see you, to be with you.
“How was your night?” He says getting closer, you roll your eyes playfully, knowing that he was teasing you.
“Perfect, and you know it.” You say, getting closer to him, kissing his lips tenderly.
“Glad to know that…” He says, still close to you, which tempts you to kiss him again.
You sit together at the small table, watching each other and chatting idly. One of his hands caressed yours on the table, while the other held the spoon he used to eat his eggs.
“So what happens today?” You ask curiously, drawing inanimate things on his hand with your fingers.
“What do you mean?" He returns the question, in fact, lost.
“You told Warren ‘today of all days’” You mention what you remember from the phrase, observing the window.
“Oh that.” He seems to understand now, pausing to chew and then answer you. “Today a woman from the record company came to see us here at home, I think she's going to take care of our marketing... Something like that” He says shrugging.
“Do you mind that Cami and I are here?” You ask in a velvety voice.
“Of course not, pretty girl.” He says kissing your forehead, getting up to wash the dishes.
You go to him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back, enjoying his presence and from time to time kissing his shoulder. When he finishes, he turns to face you, kissing you and holding your hands on your face, you feel his skin cold from the water.
“I need to go get ready” he says between kisses on your lips.
“I’ll see you when I’m free?” you ask, leaning your body against the doorframe.
“For sure.” He winks at you, turning to access the balcony when he shouts: “Hey Warren! Let's go.”
Eddie and the rest had been gathered in the living room in advance by Billy, everyone was talking waiting for the woman sent by the record company, you and Cami took advantage of the delay to spend more time with everyone. You sat on the arm of the couch, one of Roundtree's arms wrapping around your waist as the doorbell rang in every ear in the place.
“I’m on it!” Graham jumps up, heading to the door to receive the visitor. “Hey” He greets her.
“Hello Graham.” She says asking for permission to come in, he gives her space.
As the door swung open, Valentina entered with an air of authority. A strand of raven hair fell perfectly out of place, framing a face adorned with subtle yet commanding features. Behind her glasses, her piercing gaze assessed the room, exuding a sense of unwavering control. Every step resonated confidence, and her polished heels echoed a rhythm that seemed to march to the beat of her own rules. The clash between her poised elegance and the band's laid-back atmosphere hung palpably in the air as she crossed the threshold into their world.
She feels tension when she enters, but instead of feeling uncomfortable she feels powerful. You lightly squeeze Eddie's shoulder, saying silently that you would leave so as not to disturb the meeting, then you and Camila head to the kitchen.
“So Val, what have you got ready?” Billy asks, looking not so friendly.
“Don’t call me that, uh- I have some things to pass on to you.” She takes some papers out of the briefcase she had with her, causing curiosity.
Warren leaned over, getting in front of Graham so he could see what she was showing, repeating a push from the younger Dunne to get him to quiet down.
Little by little the small fight grows, and Eddie - who also shared a sofa with the two, pushes them both with the strength he had, little by little everything becomes alarmed. Karen rolls her eyes and sighs deeply, Billy tries to ignore it but the discomfort grows in him.
Valentina clears her throat irritably, in order to get their attention, "I don't have all the time in the world, gentlemen, and miss..." She says to Karen, as if saying that she doesn't understand why she was there at all. “Now, can we continue?”
Like children who had been scolded by their teacher (which was perhaps the situation) they fell silent, Graham looked down, Eddie tensed his body in silent protest and Warren shrank back.
Valentina unfolds her plans with an air of meticulous precision. Each document presented is accompanied by a concise explanation, her tone unwaveringly professional. The boys, seated on the sofa, exchange glances, picking up on the gravity of her intentions. The weight of her scrutiny makes them subtly shift in their seats, a collective unease settling in.
As she projects charts and graphs, she casts a discerning eye over the room. Her attention, like a laser, dissects not just the details on paper but also the nuances of their reactions. A sense of judgment, though unspoken, lingers in the air.
The atmosphere becomes almost oppressive, and the band members, despite their casual exterior, feel the weight of Valentina's expectations. Then, with a pause pregnant with implication, she breaks the silence, looking deeply in each one of their eyes.
“Another important topic.” She says gathering the papers. “I already know Billy has a daughter and a wife, but what about the rest of you? Do you have a relationship?”
Silence, as she seemed to already want a negative answer to that question. Karen and Graham look at each other, but no one notices.
“Uh, no.” Graham responds, looking at everyone. “I mean, Eddie?”
Roundtree exhales cigarette smoke, coughing a little as Warren looks at him with a smirk.
“Yeah, I have a girl actually…”
She clicks her tongue in disapproval, writing something down in her notebook. The bassist didn't understand anything, so he just raised his eyebrows, however, Rojas couldn't help but say "What?”
“It’s not good for your image, especially as a band on the rise.” She clarifies, as if it were obvious and they were idiots.
“Why?” Graham asks, his voice was so quiet that the woman had to adjust her glasses to see his lips better.
“Isn't it obvious? It breaks the connection with your fans, they want to be close to you, they want to delude themselves into thinking that they can be part of the band or date you.”
“I dont care?" Eddie is direct, and she seems to bubble with disrespect.
“Well, you better start caring.” she says, in an almost threatening tone. “If you want this, to get somewhere”
The silence is broken by the voice of the band's lead singer, he looks directly at Eddie. “She has a point Eddie.”
Eddie lets out an angry look, rolling his eyes tightly. “You've gotta be kidding me.”
“You have to think about the band...” Billy reinforces, and tension gradually sets in.
“Look who's talking.” He clearly rolls his eyes, filled with anger. “You're not going to break up with Camila, are you? So why do I have to do it?”
“He has a point Billy.” Warren comes to the bassist's defense. “I don't see how it affects us that much, I mean, everyone already knows from our songs that you're married. We're not hiding anything”
Valentina disapproves of Rojas' speech with a clear denial with her head. Billy doesn't respond, he was irritated at being contradicted.
"I'll discuss this with Teddy," she declares, her departure leaving Eddie seething. "I'll reach out when there's a decision. Think about what's at stake here, gentlemen."
As the door closes behind her, Eddie's frustration hangs in the air, the clash of personal convictions and professional expectations echoing in the room.
The bassist storms out the room without sharing any other look with the others, he heads to his room to find you peacefully drawing in your notebook, you look up at him to find his face tense until your eyes meet.
He comes to you almost as if begging for support, you welcome him into your embrace without questioning too much, you knew he didn't always experience good things in this band, especially with his devaluation.
“Wanna talk about it?” You mutter after a few seconds of silence.
“He's such an asshole, I'd punch him in the face now." He blurts out, and you already knew who he was talking about.
“What did he do this time?"
“The woman at the record company is an asshole, she basically said I needed to break up with you.” The information shocks you, you don't know how to react. “Of course, I protested. But that stupid Billy agreed with her. Of course he agreed, right? He's not affected, he's not the one who's going to break up with Camila.”
“Hey, breathe." You ask him, observing carefully you noticed that his knuckles were stiff with so much anger. “But what does our relationship have to do with the band?”
“The woman said that it breaks the connection with the fans, because they want to feel close with us and bla blá blá.” He says rolling his eyes, you frown.
“She wants you to be a single to deceive your fans?" Now, you adjust yourself on his lap.
He nods, and it's your turn to roll your eyes.
“There’s no way!" You protest, kissing him affectionately. You can feel him lose all his angry face under your touch. “You're mine, all mine... But not in a possessive way, dammit, that sounded like an asshole, right? I was trying to be cute. Nevermind”
He laughs, wrapping both of his arms around your waist to get you closer, he kisses you once again. Intensifying your kiss with a touch of need. You stroke the strands of his hair, and he smiles into the kiss.
“No matter how crazy this all drives me, as long as I have you... Everything will be fine.” He whispers against your lips, kissing you tenderly once again.
“I love you" you say, watching the bassist smile. "And fuck Billy and that woman, we're not breaking up anytime soon.”
Eddie Roundtree: And she was right, we didn't. *says showing his wedding ring*
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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Taglist: @Jaidaschampagneproblems @boredshit-shadow @warrenrojaswife @o1iv3 @hopelessromantic727 @eddiesaurora
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mercurygguk · 1 year
hii cami for a time stamp i was thinking about oc covering up jungkook’s hickey with makeup before he goes to into work 😂
risqué ; timestamp #12
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+18 content below the cut !!
pairing; risqué!jk x risqué!oc
genre; smut/fluff (mentions of sex and hickeys)
[08:28 AM] “you’ve got to be kidding me–“
the words escapes jungkook’s lips in a grumbling voice as he stares at himself in the mirror just as he’s about to button up his freshly ironed white shirt. the purple red-ish bruise on his neck is staring right back at him as he leans closer to the mirror to make sure that he isn’t imagining it.
yep, that’s a hickey.
he smacks his lips before turning to face the culprit – you.
you flash him an innocent smile as you lay stark naked on your side on his bed, barely covered by his black sheets, supporting your head on your hand. the glint in your eyes tells him that you’re fully aware of your actions and the results of said actions.
jungkook cocks an eyebrow at you while pursing his lips, fighting a smile as he steps closer to the bed. your smile turns mischievous as he stands by the end of the bed, his dark gaze focused on you.
“you know i have work in like 30 minutes, right?” he asks calmly, keeping a straight face.
you nod softly before grinning, “oopsies.”
that smile he tried so hard to fight before has the upper hand as it spreads across his face. he shakes his head and reaches for your ankles, quickly pulling you to the edge of the bed. a surprised squeal escapes you as you’re taken off guard. you barely get to register what’s happening before jungkook places both hands on either side of you to lean over you.
“oopsies?” he repeats.
“mhm,” you hum as you nod again, fingertips playing with the opened edges of his shirt, his toned chest still on full display for you to admire.
“you’re gonna be the end of me, baby,” he quietly mutters as he dips down, brushing his lips against yours. however, there’s not a single bit of annoyance in his voice. if anything, it’s adoration. he couldn’t care less if you gave him a hickey – makeup exists for a reason.
“would that be so bad?"
the words are a soft whisper against his lips, causing goosebumps to rise upon jungkook's skin. and it makes him think for a second, your words circling his mind a few times before he shakes his head gently and mutters a quiet 'not really, no' before capturing your lips in a slow and sensual kiss.
a ever so gentle moan escapes your lips as he lets himself be pulled closer, your arms snaking around his neck to hug him closer as your lips lock together in slow, deep kisses. a low whine of protest emits from you when jungkook pulls away just enough to meet your eyes.
"as much as i love this little artwork of yours," jungkook teasingly says while pointing to the hickey you've left on his neck. "i need you to cover it up before i leave."
he presses a quick kiss to your cheek before getting off the bed to finish getting ready, grinning from ear to ear as you let out a annoyed groan at the lack of his body weight on top of you. he slips into his ensuite bathroom to brush his teeth and style his hair before appearing in the bedroom again.
obedient as ever, you've already found your makeup and are patiently waiting for him on the edge of the bed, still very naked but jungkook doesn't mind it; he loves that you're comfortable enough around him to not cover yourself up.
"where do you want me?" he asks, standing in front of you with his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
your eyes rake over him, taking him in as he stands in front of you in all of his tall, handsome glory. as much as you love to see him naked too, you love this look on him; the slacks, the cinched waist with an expensive belt, his crisp white button up shirt which always has a few buttons undone. jungkook isn't a tie guy – he rarely wears them.
"right here," you tell him, patting the spot next to you. a bunch of other answers ran through your mind but now's now the time to get freaky. he needs to leave for work in less than ten minutes.
once you've covered up the purple bruise you so kindly gave him earlier, jungkook thanks you with another deep kiss, leaving you breathless as he gets off the bed and gathers his stuff to leave. before leaving the bedroom altogether, he makes sure to kiss you once more; deeply and as if he has all the time in the world.
"meet me here again at six," he tells you between kisses, a faint smirk on his lips, "don't bother putting your clothes back on."
and then he's gone, heading to work and leaving you to spend the whole day by yourself in his big and quiet apartment.
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jujutsukatsuki · 2 years
I got bored and listened to the song Ex-Girlfriend by Melina KB. This is the outcome <3
“Camie. It’s good to see you.” His mom squeals as she stands from the table and hugs the model sized girls.
“It’s amazing to see you too Mitsuki!” Her ruby red lips smile before she looks to you. Her head cocks to the side like a confused puppy. What you wouldn’t give to knock that pretty little head off her slender shoulders.
You shake your head a bit before you give her a smile and stand from the outdoor dining table.
“Whose this?” She looks at Mitsuki who has a genuine smile as she looks at Camie. You listen to how Mitsuki explains that you’re Bakugou’s new girlfriend, that you’ve been dating him for over a year now.
Camie Utsushimi. You envied everything about her. How pretty she was. How she was good at everything. How happy Bakugou looked in photos with her from homecoming, prom, graduation.
Though you loathed the way she broke him. She had built the man before your eyes and torn him down in the blink of an eye like he was nothing but trash under her designer kitten heels.
He told her that he wanted to marry her, she rejected him, broke up with him on the spot and said she was seeing someone else, all in the same breath.
Even though it had been three years since the two had broken up, Camie still lingered.
The scarf his mom wore that Camie bought her for her birthday last year. Her phone number being favorited in bakugou’s phone until a few months back when he asked you to call someone for him. The way her name would pop up during stories from his friends and his face twisted up into regret and sadness.
The gold bracelet you found in his bathroom when you were looking for some rubbing alcohol, love notes stashed away in random places.
You couldn’t not envy her.
“Y/n, Y/n? Sweetheart see you alright?” You jumped when you felt a warm hand on your cheek, your eyes made contact with Mitsuki’s.
“Yeah, I’m.. I’m.. I’m not okay.” You whisper as you sit back down, Camie is long gone now, leaving just you and your boyfriends mother.
“Is it Camie?”
You silently nod
“You know, I prefer you over her.”
Your head shoots up as you look at the gorgeous blonde woman.
“Yeah, I mean, she shattered Katsuki, my son and I may have our differences but I’ll still be mama bear when I need too. She was also super bossy and only ever cared about looks. She never took an interest in stuff Katsuki liked. Always got on my nerves.” She sips her coffee like nothing happened. Like she didn’t just settle your nerves in a second.
“Honestly, I’m still only friendly with her because I like the gifts she sends.” She snickers and sets her cup down.
Your mouth opens as you stare at the woman. She snickers again “Honey, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies, now come on, we have to meet our boys at the restaurant down the street.”
You stand up with her and she locks her arm with yours. “You’ll never have to compete with her, I promise, Katsuki is head over heels for you.”
“Promise?” You ask her softly.
“Promise.” She confirms.
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
crossed wires. -> w. rojas
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WARNINGS: profanities (as usual), mutual jealousy, idiots
SYNOPSIS: A night of complicated feelings and jealousy lead to a revelation between you and warren. (based on this ask). word count: 1,527
Billy and Camila’s housewarming party was well underway by the time you arrived. You had lost track of time, swearing to Warren and Eddie when they’d left that you’d be right behind them, and then another hour of you reworking notes in your notebook had gone by without you even realizing. The sun was fully set, and the warm glow of the yellow lights through the windows and faint party sounds you could hear even from the street were incredibly inviting. You straightened your floral dress, which had gotten twisted on the ride over, and grabbed your gift– a few bottles of champagne for the party– from the back seat, heading inside. 
“(y/n)! Finally!” Camila shouted, spotting you as soon as you opened the door and coming over with her arms spread wide for a hug. Laughing, you squeezed her tightly, before presenting the champagne to her. 
“The house is beautiful, Cami, and so’s the party,” you said earnestly. 
“Thank you, and thank you for this,” she grinned, holding up the bottles you’d given her. “I think the guys are outside, if you’re looking for them.” 
You nodded and left her there to greet a guest that had come in behind you, winding your way through the crowded house toward the yard. You had to say, Camila had outdone herself. The lanterns hanging from the low tree limbs outside, the beautifully patterned cloths covering the little tables, all of it was magical. You warmed at the thought of your best friend making this place her own, making it so wonderful for her daughter to grow up in. 
You found yourself a drink and idled in place for a moment, looking for someone that you recognized– or, rather, recognized and liked enough to want to talk to. Unfortunately, a lot of the guys in the music scene were just creepy, and a lot of the girls were there trying to scout out a rock star to makeout with. Finally, you spotted Warren’s familiar head of hair on the other side of the yard. You were about to make your way towards him, but then you caught sight of the rest of the scene: a blonde you didn’t recognize wearing a micro skirt and go-go boots was standing in front of him, close enough that their noses were almost touching. She had a hand on one of Warren’s shoulders, and as you watched, she tossed her head back, laughing flirtatiously. You fought against the way the scene made you feel sick by taking a large swig of your drink, and turning on your heel, walking back the way you came. 
In all honesty, you didn’t know why it bothered you. It wasn’t like Warren was anywhere near celibate– neither were you, for that matter– and you’d seen him with groupies plenty of times before. Especially recently; as his style got more out there, more rock staresque, more and more groupies came looking for him after shows. And usually, you didn’t mind. Really. Sure, every once in a while seeing him disappear with a groupie after a show snagged strangely in your chest, but you didn’t feel like trying to work out what that meant. 
You walked around toward the front of the house until you felt a more secluded spot and sat down, sullenly nursing your drink. Suddenly, you didn’t feel much like partying anymore, and that in of itself made you mad. You didn’t even want to think about the why you didn’t feel like partying anymore. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was over here,” a voice sounded from behind you and you turned to see a man you didn’t recognize had come around the front of the house as well. He wore tight jeans and an equally tight t-shirt, with a mess of longish, unruly blonde hair on his head. Probably a member of a band you didn’t recognize. When you didn’t speak, he did so again. “Are you okay?” 
“Me? Oh, I’m fine,” you said, knocking back the last of your drink. “You can stay, if you want. Not like I own the place.” 
“Okay,” he said quietly, meandering over and sitting near you, but not near enough to be creepy. 
“You’re part of the band, right? The Six?” he asked eventually. 
You nodded, and stuck a hand out for him to shake. “(y/n) (l/n), nice to meet ya.” 
“Pleasure’s all mine,” he grinned. “Danny Whalen. Drummer for Dingbatz.” 
Drummer. Of fucking course. You sighed to yourself, thinking maybe the drink you’d had was a lot stronger than you first thought, because your brain was telling you it was a very good idea to bring Danny inside the house and go find an empty room. 
You fumbled, knocking into a piece of furniture, lips still locked on Danny’s. Neither of you had bothered to turn a light on when you found the unoccupied room. You tried to lose yourself in the feel of his hands all over you, of your mouth slanted over his own. He was attractive, surely; maybe not exactly your type, but the type that you had to be blind to not realize how hot he was. And when you flirted with him, there was that immediate receptive smile. He wanted you. He wanted you, and you wanted that to be enough. For now, at least, it needed to be enough. 
When it was over, Danny straightened his jacket and left the room with a simple ‘bye’. You took an extra few seconds to fix your hair a bit, to right your dress, and then walked out after him. The hall was empty, save for the only person you didn’t want to see at that moment. 
“Are you fucking serious?” Warren asked, gesturing vaguely behind him, where you assumed Danny had disappeared to. “You let the fucking drummer of Dingbatz–?” 
“So what if I did?” you asked defensively, eyes narrowing at the man in front of you. 
Warren scoffed, wiped a hand over his mouth. “Unbelievable.” With that, he turned and walked away. 
Instantaneously, rage bubbled up in your chest, and you began stomping after him. What kind of fucking audacity did he have, judging you for who you decided to get with, with the way he conducted himself? The idea of his judgment was so ridiculous that you would’ve laughed if you weren’t so infuriated. 
You weren’t able to catch up with Warren until he was out the front door, and on the street. 
“Warren!” You yelled, trotting down the stairs after him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
He turned as you met him in the street, and whatever judgment and anger had been written on his face minutes ago was gone. He rested his hands on his hips, posture tense, like he was wound to to turn and get the hell out of there at any moment. “Nothing, man. Nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Then what the fuck was that?” you asked, arm gesturing back in the direction of the house. “You have no right to judge me for anything like that, Warren. Not when you carry on the way you do. Is it ‘cause I’m a woman? Huh? You think I shouldn’t be allowed to do what I want?” 
“What? No!” Warren shouted, eyes wide with surprise at your outburst. “It’s not like that, man, okay? Can we just forget that happened?” 
“No, I don’t think so,” you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. “I want to know what you meant, you’re supposed to be–” 
The end of your sentence was swallowed up by Warren surging forward and pressing his lips to yours, hands grasping either side of your face. You stood for a moment, shocked, unmoving, arms dropping to your side. What the fuck even is this night? Just as it seemed Warren was rethinking his action and about to pull away, you grabbed both of his wrists, keeping his hands in place as you kissed him back. 
When you finally did pull away, breathless, you kept your hands on his wrists, kept his hands on your face.
“Now what was that?” you asked, arching an eyebrow. 
“Something I’ve wanted to do since I met you,” Warren responded. His voice had gone all soft in a way you had never heard before, and it was doing funny things to your heart. 
“Aw, Warren,” you said, voice taking on a teasing tone as things clicked together for you. “Were you jealous before?” 
You had to hold in your laughter at the way his cheeks immediately reddened. 
“So what if I was?” he shrugged, mirroring your earlier words. 
“You’re such a fool,” you laughed, shaking your head, a grin working its way onto your face. 
“Yeah, a fool for you, mama,” Warren retorted cheekily. 
“For the record, you could’ve had me the first day we met, if you tried,” you told him nonchalantly. 
“Are you serious?” Warren asked, his face dropping as you nodded. He groaned, dropping his head to your shoulder. “God, don’t tell me that. All the wasted time…” 
“Well, kiss me again and start making up for it!” 
taglist: @eonnyx
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aaakikoo · 1 year
paring -> b.katsuki x f!reader
an -> this might be the worst thing I’ve written in my entire life, but I had to write something since it’s been a long time lol. Probably also a lot of typos pls ignore that.
warnings -> jealousy, cursing, tell me if I missed any!
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“Alright I’ll see you later” you waved your best friend, Mina, goodbye as she made her way to the dorms. It was a Tuesday afternoon and you wanted to head to the gym. You were sick for a couple of days and sort of lost your daily routine, so you wanted to get it back.
As you entered the woman’s wardrobe you quickly changed into some Nike shorts and a cropped tshirt, you put on your headphone and got out.
You always warmed up with stretches, you walked to get yourself a yoga mat until you saw a certain someone with a certain someone else.
It was your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou, who looked absolutely eatable, loose basketball black shorts with a black tight tshirt, who was talking to someone else, it was a girl. You tried to find out who she was without looking like a stalker, it was Camie. Something stirred in you as you remembered when your boyfriend told you about how she always wants to see him at the gym so she can learn from him.
She had always been a little bit extra friendly with him, it wasn’t something you liked but you never really brought it up to your boyfriend unless it was really big, for you at least. Like the time she touched your boyfriends arm during a hangout, you got really upset, Bakugou had noticed your behavior and since then he kept a distance with Camie when it came to all the touches. But since that you haven’t really said anything about it, mainly because you didn’t want to cause drama or to ruin anything for your boyfriend.
You went on with your stretching exercises with a heavy weight on your shoulders as you got up to place the yoga mat in place. As you were making your way to the treadmill you heard from behind. “Oi, y/n!” You looked your back to see your boyfriend making his way to you.
“Hi kats.” You said as you gave him a quick hug, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “You could’ve told me you were coming to the gym, loser.” He said as he put his right hand on your forehead to check if you had any fever.
You took his hand and smiled offering an “im fine” he was about to say something but then Camie came from behind. “Katsu! There you were.” She said.
You raised an eyebrow, “Katsu?” You looked at your boyfriend who was cringing. Then you made eye contact with the girl. “Yeah?” She said smirking.
“Can you not?” You said with a low voice trying not to make a scene in the middle of the gym. “What? I know you’re his girlfriend but he’s also my friend.” She said crossing her arms.
“There is a difference from being a friend and a super clingy and friendly friend.” You stated looking her in the eyes. “Don’t fucking call him that.” Bakugou didn’t know what to say as he tried to ease the situation.
“Whatever, come help me continue my exercise.” She turned around holding onto his arm so he can follow her, but her hand was slapped away. “I told you a billion of times to not touch me.” He told her and it made your heart a little warm, remembering how he promised to keep a good distance since she had ruined your hang out with your friends.
But nevertheless, he followed her and you were left alone. You put your headphones back on and did your exercises alone. Watching him counting her push-ups or her hip thrusts.
You saw how he coached her, probably telling her what she did good and what she can improve, just like the way he does to you. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of this, even if he followed both of your boundaries you couldn’t help but get annoyed at how he followed her instead of you.
After your gym session, you went back to the lockers to change into a comfy fit, as you were changing Camie stepped in, not muttering a single word to you at the beginning.
“You know? It could’ve been nice of you to not ruin me and Bakugou’s friendship.” She said as she changed.
“You know? It could’ve been nice of you to not ruin me and Bakugou’s relationship.” You said back, kind of proud of yourself for that comeback. “I am not trying to sabotage your relationship, what the fuck?” She yelled back at you.
“And I am not trying to sabotage your friendship either?”
“Whatever, he’s my friend whether you like it or not, jealous ass bitch.” She said as she stormed out.
You really didn’t care about what she thought of you, right now you were more mad at your boyfriend.
You stepped out of the lockers and walked towards the entrance, you were disappointed when you saw that your boyfriend didn’t wait for you like he always did. That was until you saw him outside.
“Hey, was waiting for you.” He said approaching you, however you just walked right past him not muttering a word.
“Huh?” He said out loud following you, “baby, are you okay?” He asked, “did someone irritate you again?” He asked as he reached for your gym bag so he can carry it.
You swung your hand just in time. “Baby, are you mad at me?” He asked for the final time before you answered him, “yes I am.” And started walking faster.
“Tell me why, y/n.” You still didn’t mutter a word to him, he gave up as you headed to the dorms, he came around five minutes after you, undressing in his dorms and grabbing your favorite candy.
The blond made his way to your dorm, he knocked. No answer, he tried again, still not answer. “Y/n? Please I want to speak to you, I promise I’ll leave you after you speak to me.”
With that you opened the door and him in, he caught you in his arms. “Katsuki! Get off” you tried to push him off but it was a failed attempt. He shut the door as he let you go from his strong arms. “What’s wrong baby? Did I do anything?” He asks genuinely concerned.
“No but Camie did, she called me a jealous ass bitch! Can you fucking believe? She’s the one who is jealous of us, jealous of me!” You yelled in frustration as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Calm down, why would she call you that.” Bakugou asked as he patted your head gently. “She said that I tried to sabotage you and her friendship, but I truly wasn’t, and you know that.” You looked at him expecting him to say something.
“Uh, nothing bad I’ve noticed from you baby, im sure you’re not, right?”
“Of course fucking not!” Silence.
You felt very uncomfortable during the silence Bakugou gave you. “Course not! I want you guys to be friends, truly.” You huffed.
Bakugou smirked as he asked, “do you?” Fuck, he completely saw through you.
You looked at him in the eyes, there wasn’t any point of denying it.
“Not..really. Well it would be okay if you weren’t that close, like I don’t want her touching your arms and— and, uh being so overly friendly with you but I—“
“Alright idiot we get it, you’re jealous and it’s fine.” Bakugou said with a smile. “I’m not jealous I just don’t want her to be touching you or being glued by your side all the time. You would blow off kirishimas hand if he touched me in way you didn’t like.” You teased him a little.
“Fair point.” Katsuki said as he gave you a hug. “Sorry for not noticing earlier that you were upset. I know she had previously tried to get close to me, but this time I’ll be cutting all contact.” He said as he pressed his lips to yours.
“Is that what you want?” It sounded perfect, you wanted her to step out of your relationship, but you couldn’t just say yes to that. “You can still talk to her idiot, say hi and everything even on social media, but just, don’t let her touch you or flirt with you again.”
He kissed your cheek as he said, “promise.” The room fell into comfortable silence, before katsuki had to say something. “We good now? You’re not mad at me anymore?” He asked as he tugged you to him.
“We good.”
— — —
The next day Bakugou was on his way from the library to the gym, before he heard someone yell his name from behind. He turned around to see Camie.
“Hi! Did you miss me?” She asked as she opened her arms for a hug. Bakugou didn’t respond. Camie awkwardly tugging her arms down. “I don’t miss someone who calls my girlfriend a bitch or assumes her of breaking friendships, that wasn’t a friendship if my girlfriend doesn’t accepts it.
“W-what? I- what are you talking about?” She asked acting confused. “You know exactly what I am talking about, later.” He said leaving her standing there.
— — —
a few years after Bakugou he became the second top pro hero in Japan. He had his own agency, PR team, managers, sidekicks and so on.
He had gotten married recently, to none other than his highschool girlfriend. Today he is supposed to take you both on a date to your favorite fancy restaurant. Unfortunately he had a long shift today, luckily for him, his co-founder Kirishima Eijirou, hero name red riot as he is known to the public, who also happened to be his side kick, offered him to cover his shift for today.
Bakugou thanked him as he left the agency early. On his way in the agency’s underground parking lot he was met with one of the secretaries that he, himself, doesn’t remember ever hiring.
“Hi Bakugou. Leaving early today?” Her familiar voice caught him off guard in the empty parking lot. “Uh, yes, actually.” He said back as he threw his gym bag at the back of the car.
“Is it fine if I invite you on a friendly hangout, nothing more than that, I promise. It’s just that I- miss talking to you, as friends!” She suggested and he gritted his teeth. She doesn’t get the fucking hint.
“I am taking my wife out on a friendly hang out. Aren’t you friends with Kaminari? You should ask him on a friendly hangout. Don’t you fucking bother me again.”
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klausysworld · 2 years
Hi, if it isn’t too much to ask can you do a continuation of “You were with Cami” and/or “A life i do not deserve”? I just wanna see Miss Reader living her best life & Klaus groveling (maybe she takes him back maybe she doesn’t the important part is that she’s happy) (and hey if Klaus suffers that’s a bonus) it’s fine if you can’t! Please and thank you!
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You were with cami pt 2
pt 1
(third person)
Klaus woke with a tight grip on a pillow instead of his lover. His head shot up as the memories from last night rushed to his head. He scrambled to sit up when he realised that y/n was gone from his hold. He looked to the clock to see it was only 4:30am, quickly he began searching the house, nearly ripping each door off the hinges as he yelled her name. Soon enough Elijah was in the room
“she’s not here! Where is she!?” Klaus was close to hysterical as his arms flew around the air, the entire room looked like a hurricane had come over it and Elijah had nothing but pity on his face
“last night… she mentioned that she would be gone before any of were to wake… we assumed it to be an empty, drunken threat but it would seem she was quite serious” Klaus’s rage grew as he watched his brother step back cautiously
“you knew she would leave? and none of you thought to tell me!? Rebekah! Kol!” All siblings stood apprehensively as he let out a laugh, the kind of laugh that signals something bad, a manic sort of laugh.
“Niklaus, perhaps some space is what she needs…she’ll return when she’s ready” that resulted in a table nearly hitting Elijah and Kol to run out of the room
“Jesus christ, What is wrong with you!? This is not our fault! You’re the one who had to go and Flirt your way around the town just because you’re so far up your own arse! I mean come on Klaus what did you think would happen? She’d come running to you with open arms?” Rebekah was getting right in his face, both she and Elijah expected him to scream, shove her, dagger her. But instead he remained silent for a moment before large uncontrolled tears began slipping down his face, confusion and panic washed over Rebekah as she hesitantly pat his shoulder in a sense of comfort, she was even more taken aback when he pulled in her for a hug, fully sobbing as she patted his back. Elijah made his way to put a hand on his brothers arm
“she’ll come back, she loves you” he whispered while looking into his heartbroken eyes. Niklaus shook his head rapidly against Rebekah’s shoulder
“she’s gonna hate me forever, i hurt her so bad” He chocked and Rebekah felt tears of her own sting at her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel her brothers pain, she understood the feeling of loosing someone you love.
They remained stood their quietly comforting Klaus until a phone rang, Klaus’s phone. He practically launched himself at it, only to be immensely disappointed when he saw if was Camille calling.
“what” was his response as he picked it up
“Klaus? Hey i need you to come to my apartment, i have something that you’ll want to see” her tone was seductive and it made him wince
“Camille i don’t want to see you ever again, don’t call” he replied simply and blocked her number. He handed his phone to Elijah before wiping his eyes and taking a deep breath with a roll of his shoulders
“i’m going out to find the love of my life, could you please compel someone to clean up the mess i made and can at least one of your stay here incase she returns. And can you keep my phone… i don’t think she’ll want to talk to me over the phone, its best i don’t call her” he then rushed out of the house, still in his clothes from yesterday, looking exhausted with his puffy, red eyes, pinker than usual nose from sniffling and his hair a state.
Klaus searched for her for weeks. Each time a witch sent him somewhere she was moving somewhere else. Your scent still faintly in the air as he sat in the apartment you had been staying in. Sometimes he managed to make it to the hotels she had been resting at before they had been cleaned, one time he went as far to turn into his wolf form and try to track her.
Each time he saw someone who looked just a tiny bit like her he practically chased the girl until realising it wasn’t her.
A few months later, he was still searching. He was mess, that much was obvious to anyone that saw him. The days he wasn’t looking for her, he was nearly passed out drunk, his art room remained trashed, Elijah realised that each time he had it cleaned it would only end up ruined a few days later anyways so he left it be. Y/n was the only thing that he would paint, draw, the only thing he though of, dreamt of. He needed her back. One night Klaus had been both drunk and high, the next day he woke locked inside a shopping centre with an extremely expensive engagement ring in his hand and apparently he’d left y/n 47 missed calls. But the thing that made him most angry at himself was that it said that she had picked up, there was a 19 minute call and he couldn’t remember any of it, but something in that call made him buy a ring. He knew that he had to find you or he would go completely mad.
(first person)
It had left the Mikaelsons nearly 8 months ago. Since the i have traveled pretty much everywhere, one time Klaus had promised he would take me around the world but it turned out that he was always too busy, whether it be a different war he was the target of or a therapist that he was attached to.
i was very aware that he was looking for me, if not from him turning up wherever i was then because he told me himself. After ignoring or declining nearly 50 calls from him in one night i decided i may aswell hear him out.
“y/n?” he mumbled
“yeah…it’s me” i whispered, i heard a load of rustling before he spoke again
“i miss you so so much, can i come see you please?” his words were slurred and sluggish, he must’ve been past drunk.
“klaus…have you been drinking?” i heard him sigh and sniff lightly
“a little bit yeah” he whispered, suddenly a loud crowd of people must’ve walked past as i could hear loud muffled yelling
“sorry, i think i’m by a pub” he muttered once they were gone
“you think?” i asked slightly worried
“um..yea i am, i think i’m in um Australia maybe? I don’t know but it’s really hot out here and its like 5 AM, you aren’t here, you were supposed to be here” he was crying, my heart ached as he sobbed down the phone, whether he broke my heart or not, i still loved him and hearing his pain hurt me too.
“Klaus i think you need to get inside, the sun will be up soon, i don’t want you to throw up from the heat and alcohol okay?”
“i wonder if my skin would still burn… did you know i’m a vampire and a werewolf? i heal like so fast, i can run fast too, i’ve been like this for so long” i laughed inwardly to myself as he rambled about his abilities as though it were brand new information
“do you enjoy being like this?” i asked, when he stayed silent for a few minutes i called him name
“i don’t know… sometimes maybe, but right now i just want to be human, i wish i could just live with you in a normal house, with our own little family. We would have a girl and a boy and we would all sit together as a family… we would be so happy, we’d visit my siblings maybe once a month and at holidays like christmas, we could celebrate christmas like regular people, no fear, just happiness and celebrate” some of his words were unclear as he cried and his voice cracked
“Niklaus…” i tried but he kept going
“do you remember when we spoke of Elena? there’s a cure, she has it, for vampirism and maybe i could have it and we can move away to somewhere quiet and secluded, i can keep us safe and i’ll give you babies, you want babies don’t you? we can be a family? we could get married and our daughter could be the flower girl and our son could hold the rings…” i cried silently while imagining the scene he was describing, a life where it was just us, our family
“maybe in another life Nik” i whispered and he sobbed
“no, this life, i can be human in this life, i need you in this life. Please don’t make me be alone, please i just want you, nobody else ever, just come home please come home please please please I’m so sorry i forgot our anniversary i didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’ll make it better, i can i promise, i really can”
i was fully crying now, tears streaming
“i know baby, i know” i whispered
“please let me see you”
“i’m in Italy at the moment… i’ll come back to New Orleans in a few days okay? I’ll meet you there okay?”
“i love you so so much, we’re gonna get married and be a happy family i promise”
Now i was sat in the compound for the first time in ages, listening to Elijah tell me that nobody had heard from Niklaus in over a month. I nodded, got up and left with a simple ‘goodbye’. I’ve decided to stay for a while, maybe he’s on his way.
(third person)
Klaus was lost. He wasn’t in Australia anymore, he didn’t know where he was, he didn’t know why he a had ring and he didn’t know where his love was. Somewhere along the way he had lost his phone and his wallet, he was trying compel people but he was never able to focus enough.
After about 3 more weeks Klaus arrived in New Orleans. He finally got through the compound door, ready to collapse in a heap before he saw her. She was sat in his chair speaking to Rebekah, she looked so gorgeous. Both girls looked right at him while he fell to his knees and crying out a string of incoherent words
(first person)
His clothes were torn, hair longer and probably matted, i short beard formed on his face while he blurred his words into one jumble. I made my way towards him, going down onto my own knees so i could wrap my arms around his torso
“shhh, it’s okay” i whispered but he just kept shaking his head
“i’m so sorry” he chocked
“it’s okay, it’s okay, breath Nik, you need to breath”
eventually he calmed down a little, we both now sat on the sofa, Rebekah had decoded it would be best to give us some time together.
“how come it took you so long to come back?” i asked quietly and his brows furrowed
“what do you mean? i was looking for you”
“well… klaus, do you remember our phone call?” i asked and his face fell
“did i say something stupid?” he asked and i laughed
“no, you were very sweet actually. you said you were going to take the cure and would be human so we could have a family and be happy. We agreed to meet here a few weeks ago” i told him softly
“oh god i’m so sorry, did you think i wasn’t coming?” his head was in his hands
“did i say we were gonna get married?” he asked muffled
“you did” i laughed
“what did you say?” he asked quietly
“i said…well i said in another’s life but you said that you could make it work in this one which is why we’re meeting…but Klaus i understand that you were drunk and probably on something else but i don’t think i need to know and so if-“
“i want to, i’m going to do anything and everything to be perfect for you, i’ll take the cure, we can move away, have our children and get engaged, i actual ready have a ring i think drunk me was very confident… maybe we’ll get engaged before the kids” he was staring at nothing while thinking things out
“klaus… i dont know if i can do all that right now…”
“no i know, not straight away, we’ll move slow, i wont push you but i mean…we can try…right?” he voice was small and his eyes full of hope
“we can try” i smiled slightly and i hugged him tight
“but first you need a shower and we’re shaving your beard and i’ll cut you hair a little and definitely brush it” he laughed and nodded picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom and handing me the hair brush. He was wrong for what he did, but he had suffered and he was sorry, there’s not much else i could want from him, he was trying his best.
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