#i want riku to be that kind of person that has to fight the urge not to completely squish what he finds cute.
cherriivaniila · 10 months
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its my birthday today so here is a quick soriku
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matenr0u · 10 months
Riku: “Taisetsu na hito - Cherished person”
Throughout the series we’ve seen an escalation of Riku’s enduring journey to find the “strength to protect what matters”. It appears to peak in KHIII with “strength to protect someone precious”, but I’m gonna propose that they could some day take it a step further than that. 
I am once again slamming my tiny fistful of evidence and wish fulfilment on the KH meta table.
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So as we know this line first appears in BBS when Baby Riku meets Terra and says he wants to protect his “daiji na mono”:
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I want to become strong.
Why do you want to be strong?
So that I can protect important stuff
友達や みんなを
Like my friend, everyone…
He repeats this in DDD as he fights to save Sora, recalling twice the secret promise he made that day:
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Power to protect important stuff
Finally this culminates in Riku’s KHIII sacrifice, following up from Mickey suggesting that he’s found the strength to protect someone he cherishes.
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Strength to protect someone precious—
Which is cool. But there’s room for more, if Squisney decide it won’t hurt their profits to go down that path. Or even if they just feel like addressing at any point the absolute non reaction everyone had to being obliterated on the spot and then Riku dying for Sora. With that in mind, I began to wonder if we’ll see just one more callback later down the line. 
I think there are two possible options. First:
Ichiban taisetsu na hito / Most precious person
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In CoM for example Namine urged Sora to remember his “ichiban taisetsu na hito” — number one most precious person. This one has more of an obvious romantic air I feel. I choose to think Namine was talking about Kairi when she said that but I respect that other SR fans think it’s Riku so I’m including it. If we’re going to hear this one again and in reference to Sora & Riku, we’ll surely get it around the time the necklace theory is inevitably revealed. Either way, it’s already been used in the series, so it’s not a crazy implausible love declaration or anything. It can happen.
I mean, in DDD Riku all but says it when Ven asks:
“Kimi ni totte ichiban taisetsu na mono tte nani?”
“What’s the number one most important thing to you?”
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And of course Riku replies:
“Taisetsu na shinyuu”
“My precious best friend”
As far as I’ve noticed, Riku only calls Sora his shinyuu. It’s cute.
Another possible route they could take is:
Aisuru mono / Beloved person
Which sounds far fetched at a glance, but it is what Terra says to Riku during the bequeathing, in response to Riku’s “daiji na mono”.
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いずれ選ばれし者として この小さな世界を出て——
Some day, you will leave this tiny world as the chosen one—
You will find me.
That’s the time—
The real wide world—
Will teach you the power to protect the people you love.
“Love” being such a diluted word in EN means it doesn’t convey the gravity of it well at all, but “aisuru mono” is one of the strongest ways you can say you love someone in JP. It can be singular or plural, platonic or romantic, and I’ve seen KH’s fandom war cousins cloti/clerith argue over the use of this term— so it highkey wouldn’t surprise me to see this one used by Riku or someone else in reference to his feelings for Sora. Like, in a ‘vague enough to not offend the unwashed dudebros but can also be read as incredibly romantic’ kind of way.
(By the way, I’ve seen “aisuru mono” or “aisuru hito” translated as “dearly beloved” in some places before, too. So naturally I’m gunning hard for this one. Shoot that probably unintentional symbolic double meaning shit straight into my veins.)
For the reasons above, I personally can envision a realistic pipeline of:
Daiji na mono / Important stuff ->
Taisetsu na mono / Precious thing ->
Taisetsu na shinyuu / Precious best friend ->
Taisetsu na hito / Precious person ->
Aisuru mono, Aisuru hito / Beloved person
Ichiban taisetsu na hito / Most precious person
Not to say it will happen in any capacity, but there’s space for it. A ton of weird stuff happened around That Moment, and even if that’s just down to KHIII bunk….. the whole ass Fairy Godmother herself has come to set Riku on a solo mission to make his dreams come true.
The setup is right there if they ever want to take that opportunity to clarify the depth and nature of Riku’s feelings for Sora specifically. 
Riku already promised Terra he’d find the strength to protect someone he loves, which he has now found, and in the case of ‘Aisuru’, I think it would round off that callback to the bequeathing perfectly.
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linagram · 1 year
[ meet the prisoners! (t2 edition) ] prisoner 010: himura reina
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also, i just want to mention that i will probably start posting the voice dramas in september bc i kinda wanna take a small break and like, prepare everything + the purge march is coming out soon. i will still do the predictions thingy though!
and about the interrogations: you can already start sending questions for the prisoners if you want! just a reminder that they will answer the questions as pairs and you can also send them in any order you want, for example, you don't have to start with akio and aimi (though sending questions in order is appreciated, but again, not necessary).
anddddd yeah, that's it! :D
General info.
T1 Verdict: Reina was voted innocent and.. yeah, she wasn't happy about it. She's not like Naomi and she still can't accept her verdict and thinks Milgram's judging system is flawed in general as she has noticed that a lot of the prisoners' verdicts.. don't really make much sense (including her own, in her opinion). Reina's T2 outfit isn't that different from her T1 one, it's just that she isn't wearing a hat anymore and she wears a different jacket now. She also got a haircut, but it's not as noticeable as Shun's new hairstyle or Riku's new hair colors and her hair is just a little bit shorter. The reason why she's decided to stop wearing her hat is because she used to wear it before Milgram and it was supposed to show that she's the leader of her friend group she has a cool hat, therefore she's the leader. So her not wearing it anymore is kind of.. no, she still loves her friends. She still thinks that her crime was entirely her fault. But she also has decided to accept that her life will never be the same after Milgram and who knows if she will even be able to go back home and see her friends again. She's not that cool and powerful leader anymore. She's just like all the other prisoners. 
T2 Personality: Reina is definitely colder now, even though you can often hear her talk in the same way she used to talk before T2, it's just that now it sounds more sarcastic and bitter. It's not her genuinely having fun or even pretending to be fine, it's her mocking her past self and/or people around her. She's also not as friendly as she used to be and if she doesn't want to be alone for some reason, she just goes to Kei. She doesn't even want to hang out with Aimi or Riku and she's also not a fan of whatever's going on with Asahi. You can usually see her just sitting in her cell, thinking about stuff or walking around without any purpose (or so it seems). If she sees you and you say hi to her, she will just give you a smile and wave her hand and turn away. When she's being more like her true self, her voice actually sounds more emotionless and calm at the same time, but you can still see just how angry she really is and that she's trying really hard to fight the urge to just try and blow this prison up somehow. Or just try to destroy this place in some other way. It's not because she's sick of the isolation or because she wants to go home. There's no reason for her to want to go back home actually. It's just that.. She's tired. Very tired. That's it.
T2 Relationship dynamics:
She and Kei are very close and she genuinely likes Kei and finds him fun and interesting to talk to. He reminds her a lot of her friends.. and herself too. She trusts him and he, surprisingly, trusts her enough to even tell her some things about his crime. He knows Reina is not the kind of person who would judge him. And he knows about her crime too and they became even closer after he found out about it. Both of them are trying their best to stop pretending to be someone they're not and they feel safe to act like their real selves only when they're with each other. Kei is not that interested in learning more about Milgram though, so yeah, when it comes to that, he's not really her sidekick or partner or anything.
Reina really did like Yurika and felt warm and safe around her and she really did trust her enough to think that Yurika is a good person who just had to kill her stalkers to protect herself. So.. yeah, this "new" Yurika scares her a lot. When Yurika asked Reina to team up with her, she refused because she knew that Yurika will only try to use her and make Reina do everything for her. This girl really just has no choice but to rely on someone, otherwise she won't survive. Also, Reina just wants to find out more about how this place works and she's not interested in killing everyone in this place or whatever Yurika wants her to do. 
Reina is just a little disappointed in Eiji. Just a little bit. Didn't he say that he wants to vote everyone in this prison guilty- Ah, right, something about "voting you innocent would be the best punishment for you".. She still kinda hopes that he will change his mind one day, but now she prefers to spend more time with Miki, rather than Guard 001. Her relationship with Miki is hard to explain: it's like she's a bit angry at her because it's obvious that she was the one who convinced Eiji to vote her innocent, but she also wants to know what's going on in that girl's head. How can someone be so obsessed with forgiving everyone? Reina doubts that Miki is just such a kind soul. 
Music info.
Milgram cover: GOD THIS ONE WAS HARD. I really had no idea what to choose for her, so, uh.. Let's say she gets Harrow this time. First of all, yes, because she's the tenth prisoner, but also, I feel like it's so ironic of her to sing something like this after the whole serial killer act and.. she might be singing this song from the POV of her victim, not her own POV. (I'm kinda starting to realize that if we're only counting the lyrics, Tear Drop would be good for her, but like.. No, I don't think that song is Reinacore in other ways)
DECO*27 cover: She gets Life Sick! Something about the Ghost album just screams Reina to me The song's vibe just feels like her and also the lyrics describe her relationship with her friends (or how she would act in a romantic relationship) pretty well ("Let's stop the jokes there, what should we do for dinner? Trying to forget things for a moment, hey, is fine right?", "So stay by my side, everything besides you is gonna end", "I was living wrong, I don't know why, it was just my heart pounding the whole time", "I'm not good enough and curse myself, myself, every time I lost something, you nicely laughed "Haha" at me, at me"). The very first lyrics also sound a lot like her describing her murder ("Ah, yup, I knew this would be bye-bye, your patience has reached its limit out of nowhere, hey, why?").
Different Vocaloid producer cover: She gets Snobbism by Neru! I just know that she would slay and also the lyrics sound a lot like something she would say herself as well ("Spending life like this, just throwing hearts at each other and sneering, that's the strange morality in this town", "We regret to inform you that today in the entirety of the Tokyo area severe levels of evil schemes will fall from the sky", "Regretting what's been done thousands, no, tens of thousands of times, like that's all we know how to do", "There's nothing more to lose, see, we're not in a position to be loved either"). 
Her T2 Trailer Voicelines:
"Hm? No, no, I can hear you! I'm just.. I'm too busy thinking about my evil plans, haha.. " *sighs* "It's time for me to drop the act, isn't it? Okay then. So, why did you come here? What do you want from me? I already know about the second trial, but I still have a lot of questions about the first one. And my first question is.. Why did you forgive someone like me?"
Her T2 Song Trailer Voiceline:
".. You all aren't even trying to figure out what's going on."
I originally planned to make her T2 version's hair much shorter, but for some reason it came out like this. Maybe I'll use the hairstyle I had in mind for her T3 version.
So, does she still want to be voted guilty then?.. It's hard to explain. She kinda does. She still wants to be punished. But it's like.. She doesn't want the guards to be the ones punishing her. She would rather do it herself.
Her MV will just feel more like a huge call-out post, but it will still have some hints to her crime and also her backstory and relationship with her family.
.. I'm going to be honest, both her MV and VD show her as someone who probably should be forgiven, so. Yeah. Reina innosweep /hj (It would be hilarious if she ended up getting voted guilty this time for some reason though)
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
A Steady Wish Chapter 5
~2040 words. Sora/Kairi. Set during KH4. Memory Loss, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Longing, Pining, Hurt/Comfort. Updates Weekly on Fridays.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Summary: Sora pulls Riku aside to grill him about what he knows, and Riku is torn between helping Sora and keeping his word to Kairi.
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Sora couldn’t stop looking at Kairi the rest of the evening. Every so often, she’d shyly meet his gaze and then smile, and this really nice warmth filled his heart every time she did. He couldn’t help but smile back, and the urge to be close to her just got stronger and stronger.
Strelitzia dropped off some spare clothes for her, and Sora smiled at how easily the two girls got along. He was glad that his friends were becoming friends too. Before long another hour had passed, and then Strelitzia went back to her place. When Kairi was showering, Sora figured this was his chance. He grabbed Riku by the jacket and pulled him aside.
Riku raised an eyebrow. “Is there a reason you’re—”
“Who is she?” Sora begged as he glanced towards the bathroom. “Tell me everything about her, I need to know.”
Riku just stared blankly at Sora, his mouth in a taut line, and Sora frowned. He knew his best friend better than anyone. Riku was hiding something, that much was obvious.
“Riku,” he said, and Riku winced. “What are you not telling me?” he asked, searching his friend’s face for clues. “Why are you helping her hide from me?”
Riku sighed deeply. “No one ever said anything about hiding—”
“You don’t have to break whatever promise you’ve made to her. Just tell me something, anything. I can’t get her out of my mind, my heart speeds up when I see her, and being near her just feels so right. I’ve never felt that way about anybody before. Please, you’ve gotta help me here.”
Riku was silent for a few moments, then at last he spoke. “She really likes thoughtful gifts. Pink, purple, and blue are her favorite colors. She’s sassy and likes teasing y-other people.”
It was Sora’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Yother people?”
Riku cleared his throat. “Her favorite flowers are hibiscus, but if you get her some, she'll think your memory is back.” He blanched. “Or she’ll figure out I’m helping you, so don’t do that."
“Then how should I show her I like her?” Sora thought back to all the happy couples he’d seen, the flirting and teasing and smiles. But he wanted to make this personal. He wanted to tailor it to what Kairi would like. It would be no good if he put on Flynn-like airs if that kind of thing repulsed her.
Riku smirked. "No need to do that. You’re an open book already."
“But I wanna do something special for her!” Sora said, flinging his arms out. Kairi deserved something nice. Something good. That much felt true, and he was trying to follow his heart here.
Riku opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it again. “Um, I think she’d just be happy if you spent time with her,” he said at last, and his eyes had a hint of melancholy in them.
"Then… what does she like to do?" Sora crossed his arms and wracked his brains for ideas. Shopping? Maybe? Fighting Heartless? Maybe not…
"C'mon Sora, you're in a realm none of us has ever seen,” Riku said. “Go to an arcade, take her shopping, grab dinner at a restaurant. Visit a park and walk around and have a nice time.”
“Right. I can do that.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Can I?”
“Yes, you idiot, and don’t worry about hiding your crush because it’s pointless anyway. The bigger a fool you make of yourself the more she—”
“The more she what?”
Riku hesitated for a moment. “The more she laughs and thinks you’re charming and sincere in that bumbling, goofy way of yours.”
Sora’s heart leapt in his chest. “So she does know me, we aren’t just acquaintances! I knew it! But then…  why won’t she say anything?”
His head drooped and his heart ached. This amazing girl knew him and liked him, and yet she wouldn’t admit to any of that? Why not? 
"Kairi’s very down to earth,” Riku said. “She might be a little spitfire and overestimate her abilities in the heat of the moment, but overall she knows her limitations pretty well. She's trying to be realistic about this whole situation. And by realistic, I mean she’s making herself come to terms with the possibility you’ll never remember her. And that's why she doesn't want to tell you. To make this whole thing easier on you."
Sora was very quiet for a few moments. He’d lost his memories of her, that much was clear. Why and how, he wasn’t sure, but even though she was hurt by his memory loss, she was so patient with him and kind to him. So gentle and understanding. Her words echoed through his mind: Whatever you need me to be.
“She’s a very selfless person, isn’t she?” he said at last, his voice breaking a little.
Riku smiled. "You have no idea."
“But I want to,” Sora said softly.
"Then take her out on a date tomorrow."
"A d-d-d-date?” Sora sputtered.  
"What date? Does Sora have an appointment?"
Of course Kairi had rejoined them at the worst possible moment. She tilted her head, and she was wearing a cute pair of pj’s with her hair carefully wrapped in a towel. Sora just stared at her, his face all red, and Riku rolled his eyes.
“Sora’s an idiot and wants to ask you out on a date, but puberty finally hit him, and he gets flustered by anything pretty with legs now.”
Kairi frowned. “Anything pretty with legs?”
Sora glared daggers at Riku. This was not how this was supposed to go. He had to say something, and quick. “Ignore him. I know I have lots of friends, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice a lot of girls seem to have crushes on me, but—”
Something flickered through her eyes, but she quickly masked it with a false smile and waved her hand. “Oh, it’s fine, we don’t have to go on a date. Um, it’s getting late. Thank you for dinner, it was good but I should be going now. Goodbye."
She strolled towards the door, and Riku exchanged a panicked look with Sora. “What the—Kairi?!” he called. “You don't have another place to stay!"
“I’ll stay with Strelitzia. She’s in the apartment next door, right?”
Sora chased after her and grabbed her hand. “Kairi, wait! I know I’m not myself, I know my memories are missing, but I still want to spend time with you. I want to get to know you.”
“So I can join all the other girls who have a crush on you?” she said, and he hated the hurt look in her eyes.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! You’re the only one who makes me feel—Hold on a sec, do you have a crush on me?”
She looked away and said nothing for several moments. “No,” she said at last.
His heart sank, and he felt himself deflating. “Oh. Did I do something wrong?”
She was silent, and he panicked and started talking again. “I’m sorry about that comment, what I meant to say is that you’re the only one who makes me feel like this.” He thought of his words about her to Riku earlier and smiled. “The only one who makes my heart speed up when I see you. I can’t get you out of my mind, and being near you just feels so right. I’ve never felt this way about anybody before.”
“But you have.”
His lips parted. “I have? Was it you?”
She said nothing.
“Then… are you upset because I forgot about you?”
"Do you really think my feelings for you would change just because you forgot about me?"
He searched her eyes. "I don't know, but I’m dying to. My heart aches when I’m around you and I don’t know why, I want to know what you mean to me but my memories aren’t there, and you won’t tell me what I mean to you. So I. don’t. know."
Kairi just stared at him, something like sorrow and pity flickering through her eyes. Why wouldn’t she tell him why he felt like this? Wasn’t she hurting too? Then why—
She smiled a little and held up a finger. “One date, then. Let’s go out on one date.”
“R-Really?” He felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. Was all of this gonna work out after all?
“Really really,” she said, her lips twitching, and a mischievous glint shone in her eyes as she put her hands on her hips. “And I’d better be the only one you’re going on a date with tomorrow, mister, or—”
“Of course you are. I've never even been on a date before!”
Kairi smiled sadly. “Now that's not true.”
“No, I'm telling you,” he said, his hand over his heart. “I really haven’t been on a date before, ever.”
“And I'm telling you." She turned around and put her hands behind her back. "Tomorrow at four."
“It’s a date,” he said softly.
"It's a date," Kairi echoed, then walked out the door without looking at him again. Presumably to go stay with Strelitzia like she’d said. 
He just stared after her until Riku nudged him. “Quit gawking and get ready for bed, we have an early morning tomorrow.”
Sora groaned and rubbed his face. “I’ll never be able to fall asleep like this!” Not when he had a date to plan and Kairi on his mind and—
“You need to go to bed.”
“I need to take a shower!”
Riku rolled his eyes. “I thought you said you showered before we came over.”
“Trust me, I need another one after mentioning other girls around Kairi.” Lesson learned. While Kairi was more playful in the end than anything, he could tell she felt insecure about the whole thing. Was that normal for her, or was his memory loss making things worse?
He hadn’t made her more insecure with his antics, had he?
“You walked right into that one,” Riku said.
“You led me there!” Sora protested. Sheesh, Riku had set him up for failure. It was a miracle Kairi had agreed to the date in the end after all.
Riku smirked. “I didn’t put your foot in your mouth.”
“You made me stumble over my feet so I ended up with my foot in my mouth!”
Riku shrugged. “You got the date anyway, so I’d say you salvaged the situation.”
“Yeah.” He froze as sheer panic and nerves hit him. “I have my first date tomorrow. With a girl I obviously have feelings for, but I can't remember her and I upset her and did I mention this is my first date?”
Riku rolled his eyes and ruffled Sora’s hair. “Relax, Sora, you’ll be fine. Just be yourself.”
“Consider this: Kairi likes you the way you are.”
“But she said she didn’t have a crush on me.”
“Did she?” Riku said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I asked her, and she denied it.”
“Did she though? What did she say exactly?”
“No.” Even repeating the word made him deflate again. He wanted her to have feelings for him, that much was clear.
Riku gave Sora a knowing look. “And you thought it meant she doesn’t have feelings for you.”
Sora just tilted his head. “Isn’t that what that normally means?” All of this was so confusing. Why wouldn’t anyone just be honest with him?
“Normally, yeah,” Riku said. “But this situation isn’t normal. What she means is, no, she doesn't have a crush on you. But there is more to feelings than just a crush."
“What do you mean?”
Riku went silent again, his mouth pulling into a taut line.
“Riku?” Sora pleaded.
“A crush starts out as a shallow thing, and Kairi’s way past a crush. Now stop badgering me for more information, or she really will kill me.”
“Way past a crush?” Sora echoed, but Riku had already escaped to the bathroom, leaving Sora alone with his thoughts.
Was it possible that… But no, didn’t dare hope. And yet everything tonight was telling him he was right.
Kairi was in love with him, wasn’t she?
A/N: Had a lot of fun with this one and all the character dynamics! Sora’s emotional intelligence is something I always enjoy exploring too, and I figured he’d figures things out about Kairi pretty quickly even without his memories. 
Thank you for reading and see you next week!
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For the ship ask game:
Ship it!
What made you ship it?
The heart eyes and obvious adoration. Sometimes, I'm just a sucker for a sweet ship where both adore each other and are not shy on the compliments in the slightest, existing to hype each other up.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
That, alongside the adoration and support, that they have differing opinions/philosophies sometimes, and reconciling those includes compromises and acknowledging where both of them are a bit wrong when they fight.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know the popular and unpopular opinions about Renga, because, while I love them, I haven't felt the urge to seek out other people's headcanons and fic all that much.
 If I had to wager on a less popular reading that I have though...Our sweet boys may live happily ever after, but it's going to be a bumpy road first. Reki has a lot of emotions and is not afraid to show them all, and he's very sensitive, which isn't a bad thing. Our unflappable Langa may seem like a good complement to him--and he is in my opinion--but he's also the type that, even though he has his list of Reki's best qualities handy, doesn't realize that he may need to say them more than once and doesn't read cues enough to know right away when hearing "the obvious" might help reassure Reki. 
Langa is also the type to just agree to things and then quietly do whatever he wants. We see it in canon and we see Reki take it badly, and yet I still think saying they will go through many different versions of the same fight without any change in behavior happening will be an unpopular opinion. Also, while Reki will always be able to make Langa's heart beat faster for his own reasons, Langa has more than a bit of a thing for danger and challenge, and having fun to infinity with Reki, may be what he'd always choose if he had to, but he's going to constantly seek out more challenges, whether it be increasingly dangerous stunts or places and people to race, seeking out the pulse pound until Reki's nerves fray apart. There will be dramatic fights and multiple break ups. They'll work it out though.
Now we read more the rest because of length
An intriguing concept, and they would be cute together, and probably work well as a unit because they would all care for each other's needs and be in tune to each other's emotions, but I'm going to say I lean toward don't ship it. But imagine it said with a question mark. Don't ship it?
You know what, why not? Why should I not ship it? I wrote a long, moralizing thing about not subjecting the girls to a double standard when I've already been clear that I just can't get past/reassess my twins/family type reading on Roxas and Sora. It's hard to work up a deeper feeling than "it could be nice" when there isn't much interaction--and none as a trio--but "I ship it" definitely does not need to be a deep or "forever" declaration (and I am the last person to ask others to justify/moralize what they like) , so just the fact that you said "namikaixi" and my mind can list a series of scenarios I would definitely find cute enough to excitedly chatter about....we say ship, for today at least.
What made you ship it?
This ask. Idk. It’s cute. I like the characters. You saw, I said “why not?” and there it is
What are your favorite things about the ship?
All three have dealt with being left behind, dismissed, and used then discarded. Two out of three have had their personhood questioned. They are not alone in these issues, but I just imagine these three, each finding the other two such an inspiration that it's criminal they could ever be made to feel insecure, going on validating and lavishing praise on each other, and healing together. I also see it as a very even polycule if that makes sense. I tend to dislike fictional polycules that are just "A should be able to date both B and C" in origin--which is personal taste and obviously in real life relationships come in all forms-- and prefer ones where all parties love each other just as much and I could see any 2 within the 3 functioning well as couple as well as the 3 working as a unit without falling into any more pitfalls than any other relationship (The "as well as" being important because, let's take Squall, Rinoa, and Seifer from FF8. Squall/Rinoa? Good. Squall/Seifer? Fantastic! Seifer/Rinoa? Underrated! But the three together, I can only see DISASTER and jealousy longterm. But I digress. This ain't about them).
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I feel that this is too rare to have popular or unpopular opinions, but my uncommon opinion about Namine in relationships in general is once she's comfortable she becomes vocal and dominant and just takes the lead in everything.
Eh, I'll probably always be ambivalent/just kind of playing along, but, no, no, you got a point when you talk about this one. Ship it.
What made you ship it?
Friends don't let friends ship alone.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Slow corruption. Voices whispering in ears. Ansem's whole *waves vaguely* deal from voice to wardrobe. Riku's willfulness and the fact that if he ever does give in to something it's because he wants to/that's there's no way for anyone else but Riku to win in any battle [insert "despite game mechanics" joke here]. It's a set up for a good "guilty pleasure" ship
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know. Let me muse on them enough to write something for Risem week and I'm sure I'll come up with something others  disagree with lol.
Ship it. Is there a Cloud ship I wouldn't ship?  Probably, but this particular ship I fell off the slippery slope awhile back
What made you ship it?
The compilation and their appearances elsewhere. Specifically, the directions that it started to move in portraying Cloud and Sephiroth's link, Sephiroth's respect and growing obsession/fascination that Cloud just keeps besting him and has proven to be so much more than he thought at first, and, yes, the fanservice-y "you didn't need to animate it that way, or have them say that line, but you did and now it's everyone's problem" type stuff . Such a short answer for the ship I have thought the most about and shipped the longest, but it's as simple as that---and, of course, moving to the "sometimes the ships that are the most problematic are fun"
What are your favorite things about the ship?
How joyfully Sephiroth approaches it versus how Cloud must loathe himself still being attracted to Sephiroth (Which he is. Don't make me break out gifs from the Remake) and bound to him, or even remembering that this was once his hero and maybe his first crush other than Tifa, in light of how Sephiroth killed his mother and set his hometown on fire and then decided that was only the beginning. Did I just say my favorite part is causing Cloud pain? Yeah, that's problematic too. I'll ring the shame bell now.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Such is the nature of the FF7 fandom, that there is no unpopular opinions. Every conceivable opinion has a large subsect of people about to go rabid defending it.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
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Thanks, LOL! I do want to write one eventually. I want to see what kind of things are in the Re:Mind DLC, though. KH3 had the Subject X stuff which seems to be nothing but a tweaked version of Isa’s original backstory. Maybe the DLC will have something similar for other unused plot lines, like with Xehanort.
“I have nothing to give you to eat but myself!” Then, the hare threw himself into the fire.
Sakra, still disguised as a Brahman, was astonished and deeply moved. He caused the fire to go instantly cold so that the hare was not burned, and then revealed his true form to the selfless little hare. “Dear hare,” he said, “Your virtue will be remembered through the ages.” And then Sakra painted the wise hare’s likeness on the pale face of the Moon for all to see.
Sakra returned to his home on Mount Meru, and the four friends lived long and happily in their beautiful forest. And to this day, those who look up at the Moon can see the image of the selfless hare.
Writing these posts has been a big inspiration. Just as a follow-up to the last question, if I was in charge of the Subject X plot, I would change the girl Lea and Isa were trying to rescue into Kairi, not Skuld. And I would make her story fit their backstory better. Saïx’s Mystery Gear is Moon Rabbit. It’s the story of a rabbit that was so virtuous and good, he was willing to sacrifice himself. I think Isa must have had a very pure heart, like Kairi and Ventus. It’s probably why Axel felt so comfortable with Roxas and Xion.
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Kairi looked up at him then. “Aren’t you…a bad guy?”
“I’m not,” Axel replied, completely serious. “But not really a good guy, either.”
“This doggy likes you, though,” she pointed out. Axel dropped his gaze, and indeed, Pluto was right there with his tail whipping back and forth.
“Just because dogs like someone doesn’t mean they’re a good person, y’know. Got it memorized?”
On the other hand, Axel didn’t feel the need to think of himself as a “good” person. Dogs liked him and he liked to help stray puppies as a kid. But he has changed. And if there was one thing that prevented Axel from considering himself a “good” person, it was the idea of self-sacrifice.
“This is right,” Xion said firmly. “It’s better this way.”
Axel hated that argument. Nothing was better any which way. All it came down to was what you wanted to do and what you didn’t. He’d learned that lesson back when he had a heart.
“So it’s better for you to disappear?” he protested. Because she would—they both knew it. No more Xion.
That might be why Axel’s sense of right and wrong became so screwed up. How could he be expected to do the “right” thing if that meant letting his best friend disappear? Of course, in the Moon Rabbit story, the hare survived because of his great virtue. But Lea wouldn’t know this. I highly doubt Axel was concerned with finding the girl that he and Isa were trying to rescue as humans. It’s far more likely that he resented that girl for causing them to wind up in their miserable situation. He probably wished they never tried to help her. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.
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Day 75 ~Inseparable~
Roxas and Xion went on a mission together like Axel suggested. Roxas met Aladdin’s friend Genie during his mission. When Genie attempted to magically repair the damage from the sandstorm, Roxas informed him that Aladdin had said he wanted to rebuild the town without relying on magic. Genie respected his friend’s resolve and decided against using his powers. Roxas reflected on the idea of a friend’s resolve.
Day 75 is about best friends picking up the slack for each other. Roxas was willing to do Xion’s share of the work so she wouldn’t get destroyed. 
“The dirty work doesn’t bother me,” Axel went on. “You just make for the top.”
There was nothing false in that, and he looked Saïx in the eye as he said it. Saïx stared hard back at him.
But what if the work that needed to be done was dirty work? After all, the experiments were to amplify the darkness of the heart. And as his best friend, what if Lea was willing to do the dirty work that Isa was unwilling to do?
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“Al said he wouldn’t rely on magic, right? I want to fix it for him, but you gotta respect your friend’s wishes.”
“Your friend’s… wishes…” So, even if you mean for something to be for your friend’s sake, their wishes are still more important?
Lea cared more about his friend than about doing what was right. Isa would sacrifice his life for the sake of morality, but Lea would sacrifice his morality for the sake of his friend’s life.
“That Genie person seemed very worried about that Al person. And then he said that you have to respect your friend’s wishes.” Xion bit her ice cream, swinging her feet.
Axel leaned his head to one side. “Your friend’s wishes, huh…” It feels like I have heard that before, a long time ago, when I was human.
He’d do whatever it took to save his friend, even if he had to go against his wishes. Then the situation became reversed. Saïx was trying to urge Axel to do the wrong thing and Axel went against his wishes. Axel was willing to get his hands dirty, and it’s interesting how often it involved Kairi and her various alter egos. He was willing to take out Naminé when she was in his way. In KH2, his arc involved trying to bring back Roxas, but he had to kidnap Kairi in order to do so. And he almost sacrificed Xion for Roxas. It’d be interesting if young Kairi was involved in Lea’s past in a similar way. She was supposed to be involved with Xehanort’s experiments, after all. That’s how she wound up on Destiny Islands.
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Day 353 ~Resolve~
Roxas asked Saïx if he could take Xigbar’s spot, but Saïx chided Roxas, asking if he was powerless without Axel. Roxas saw Xion and Axel off with a sense of unease.
What if Isa was actually ordered to turn Kairi into a Heartless or something? The experiments were to amplify the darkness of the heart. What better way than ordering someone to harm an innocent little girl? And as his best friend, what if Lea was willing to do the dirty work that Isa was unwilling to do? Kairi was the stray puppy they originally were trying to rescue. 
“…You’re sure this is for the best?”
Saïx finally turned his face to Axel at those words. “For you to say such a thing out loud…,” he said.
Such a thing—he must mean the uncertainty I’m holding inside my chest.
Saïx left his perch by the wall and came closer. “Which one is more dear to you? Roxas or the puppet?”
Axel looked away. “Dear” to him? What would he know about that as a Nobody?
But Lea had to make a choice of who was more important to him, just like he had to do with Roxas and Xion. And in both cases, Kairi came up short.
But just because we have no hearts doesn’t mean we feel nothing, thought Axel. We just know that we’re…incomplete somehow. When we were told that what we each lack is a heart, it made perfect sense. Because we definitely lack something.
Maybe this one choice to throw away his morality is what set the tone for Axel’s life as a Nobody. He became emotionally dead and nihilistic. A piece of him died after he made the choice to harm young Kairi, who he originally wanted to set free. This is what Isa didn’t want to happen to him.
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“He worries too much. Thinks he has to help Sora do everything…” Axel grimaced in irritation.
“But, Axel, aren’t you the one worrying about Riku and Sora?” Naminé giggled softly.
“Me, worry? You think I need to be worried about those two?” He stretched backward and rocked the chair back and forth, like a restless child. Naminé returned to her sketchbook.
In KH2 Axel’s worrying was also associated with disappearing and doing the right thing. He could relate to Riku being overprotective of Sora.
“Say, Naminé… Are you still going to try to meet Kairi?” Her head snapped up at the unexpected question. Across from her, Axel met her gaze, grave and earnest.
“I have to help her,” she said with a sad smile.
He scowled. “Is that really the best thing?”
“The best thing…?” Naminé set her crayons down on the table, her gaze dropping as she thought for a moment, and then she smiled at him again. “It’s the right thing.”
In response, Axel only leaned back and rocked in the chair again. She took up her crayons. No one could know what was right or wrong. The picture she was drawing depicted herself and Riku and Axel, too, smiling brightly.
Then he immediately brought up Naminé meeting Kairi. He hated the fact that she said disappearing was the right thing to do. Just like with Xion. I think it must have reminded him of Isa.
“And traitors are eliminated. That’s what the rules say!” Larxene chirped from beside him.
She wasn’t wrong. Under their laws, a member who defied the Organization would not be suffered to live.
Axel was a good person, but the organization warped him.
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Axel followed his own rules. And Xion had said herself that if Axel hadn’t acted as he did, she wouldn’t have come back. Roxas was still convinced there was another way to bring her home, but maybe that was the only choice back then.
“If you have a dream, don’t just wait. Act. One of life’s little rules. Got it memorized?”
He lived by his own rules. But he never had anybody on his side.
“I don’t get it. Riku and I both want the same thing—we both want to help Naminé. How come we’re fighting? I mean, we’ve argued about stuff since forever, but…”
We’ve fought a million times and made up a million times… Because we were best friends, weren’t we?
“Could be ’cos ya care what happens to each other,” Goofy said, trying to help.
I think one reason Axel empathized so much with Sora was because he was forced to oppose his best friend even though they both wanted the same thing. He hated Naminé for this and was willing to kill her at first. But when he met Xion, he recognized how screwed up he was for thinking like that.
“Namine, you and I have the same goal.”
“It’s the same, but–not the same. But, there’s no time for explanations now. I’m sorry, Axel.”
He said he and Naminé had the same goal, but they didn’t. She thought Roxas was better off returning to Sora. After Roxas disappeared, Axel was willing to take Naminé back to the organization, so he wouldn’t be branded a traitor. Then she decided to go back to Kairi.
“Everything is back to normal. Of course this is for the best, isn’t it?”
The reason I’m unable to answer Saïx is probably because I depend on him, thought Axel.
“Xemnas has also been irritated at the recent changes in plan. Everything has to go back to normal, for the sake of our goal too… Lea.”
Axel originally had a shared goal with Saïx, but he had to oppose him when he realized he was no longer the same person he remembered.
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“Don’t you understand, Axel? I can’t keep existing like this!”
“Yes, you can! There’s gotta be a way!”
Xion shoved him with the Keyblade, then leaped back to adjust her stance. “No, there isn’t. And I don’t want to be a puppet for the Organization. I won’t let Roxas be their tool, either.”
“Well then, we’ve got the same agenda!” Axel closed in on her again and surrounded her in a wall of flame.
He tried to help Xion, which is what Isa would have wanted. But then she disappeared. No matter what, he had nobody on his side.
“Well, I got something out of it, too. I learned that you don’t always have to bend the rules to reach your goals.”
“Indeed.” Minnie nodded with a smile.
Terra had been prepared to slip into darkness to complete his mission, but maybe there was a means of doing so without giving himself over to shadow. He embraced that sliver of hope.
Eventually, he decided to do the right thing, even if he had to give up what he wanted. He didn’t choose his best friend if it meant harming an innocent person. He stood up for Kairi and chose her over Roxas or Saïx. Because even after he kidnapped her, she wanted to help him. She had a pure heart. He thought he’d just disappear alone. But that choice allowed him to be reborn with a heart. Sora defeated Xemnas. Lea was able to become friends with Kairi for real. 
Luxord: Perhaps he was ready for it. Perhaps he put his existence on the line and won what he'd been longing for.
Xigbar: Wait a minute. How would that even be possible? We don't exist, remember? What you're saying goes against the laws of nature.
Luxord: Then perhaps he bet his NON-existence. Either way, he came out a winner. Oh, Axel. A grifter to the end.
Doing the right thing would also allow him to get what he wanted, which was to see his best friends again. He would learn that the little girl he turned into a Heartless was actually a Princess of Heart. She didn’t disappear. She went to Destiny Islands and lived a happy life with Sora and Riku. Lea is able to spiritually heal for what he did in the past after being forgiven by Kairi. He’d conquer the darkness inside of himself, finally. I would be more than happy for Kairi to be the female of Lea and Isa’s trio. She’d be like a little sister. She actually fits into the story. Skuld? Nah.
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Fragmentary Memories: Fanfic Preview
This is still a work in progress but I promised yall a rewrite with all of my head canons and its  HAPPENING. Gotta love me my Trans! Sora The fic, pairing is SoRikai, with moments of every combination! PS This fic also includes REAL TECHNIQUES FOR DEALING WITH PTSD and Panic attacks 
Tap Tap Tap the distant sound of rock against glass persisted againstthe calm sound of rain outside of the small room. On the bed sat a petite feminine figure of a person, crouched in a corner, their back pressed against the walls of their room, and their gaze fixed upon a tan paper, ink etched into its surface. It had become a nightly routine for the ‘girl’ to jot down her thoughts; it helped with the nightmares. On pages she could map out her deepest fears, that which were inarticulable to even those she held dear. The emotions that still ruminated in her soul, and weren’t yet ready to make themselves known. It was a practice she found to be almost sacred in that aside from being the arms (or sometimes plopped down ontop of or in between) of her two dearest people, eased the ever growing fear that nestled in her heart. Though this practice was sacred, she found herself snapped out of the moment by in incessant tapping.
“What on earth is that sound” she exclaimed as she pushed the curtains aside only to see a water drenched boy standing a story below, looking up solemnly at her. “Sora! What the hell are you doing out in the rain, you’ll freeze to death!” She exclaimed as she quickly opened her window.
“I know…it’s stupid but please …” he didn’t have to finish his sentence, Kairi saw the desperation in Sora’s eyes a look she hadn’t seen since the night that changed all of their lives. Without hesitation Kairi held her hand out to him knowing he could make the jump up into her window without rousing the attention of her sleeping grandmother a few doors down.
Sora backed up and ran towards the side of the house, skillfully using the leverage to jump up and grasp Kairi’s hand. Within a few moments he stood, soaked in the middle of her bedroom. “Thank you” he whispered softly, his voice husk and devoid of its usual playfulness. Kairi could make out the puffiness and faint red tint in his eyes and faint salt streaks along his cheeks almost washed away by the rain. Without saying a word Kairi reached out, clasping her hand in his giving him a gentle affirming squeeze. She didn’t have to know what happened or what was wrong, she only knew that whatever it was, it had shaken him to his core.
“Of course, is there anything you need right now, you’re soaked let me get you something to change into”. Kairi offered as she turned to go to her dresser. The suggestion sent a wave of nausea to the boys stomach and itch under his skin in protest; however all he could externalize was a faint defiant tug at her hand.
Drawing her attention back towards him Kairi tilted her head in confusion. Sora’s expression had quickly changed. There was a quick flash of fear, and storminess in his eyes, sending a wave of concern throughout her. Though she began to become increasingly worried about what could have possibly caused such a reaction out of him, she knew that remaining calm would be the best way help her friend. “No worries” she said softly, giving his hand another gentle squeeze. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Sora’s grip on her hand seemed to tighten at that statement as he averted his gaze. His body was tense, his breathing beginning to become increasingly shallow, as echos and images flashed in his mind.
We’ve had enough of this. You disappear for god knows how long doing god-knows what and you expect us to be okay with it? You’re delusional. You don’t know what youre walking about all of that stress has gotten to your head!
The voices and images of his parent’s anger continued to resonate over and over. His precious belongings, gone, his clothes gone everything. He couldn’t stop the recent memories, they replayed on repeat until he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand again, tethering him to the reality before him. Bringing him back into his body. His gaze darted around the room, taking in their surroundings.
“You’re safe” Kairi whispered softly as to not startle him.
“Sorry” he managed to choke out, worriedly “Sorry…sorry sorry” his words seemed more like expressions to himself, or an invisible other rather than to his friend as he repeated the words.
“It’s okay, I’m not upset, you’re safe…I will stay here with you as long as you need” she responded quietly. “Is it okay to hug you?” she asked to which Sora’s eyes widened and he frantically shook his head.
“Sorry” he replied again, his breathing growing more erratic.
“It’s okay, do you want to try some grounding exercises?” she asked, knowing that Sora’s condition would most likely escalate if he wasn’t able to ground himself soon.
Sora thought for a moment, or rather attempted to gather his scattered fragments of thoughts before slowly shaking his head.
“Okay, what’s five things you can see?” Kairi asked quietly, as she gently ran her thumb along the back of Sora’s hand in a soothing pattern.
Sora couldn’t formulate words but merely pointed to a few items in the room, each item slowly drawing his focus back from the fear ridden fog it had been in. He looked around, noticing the dimly lit lights, he pointed to the note book perched upon Kairi’s pale pink cotton sheets, the Crayon drawings of their adventures hanging on Kairi’s wall, the way Kairi’s face though relaxed, still showed concern in the faint furrow of her brow, the pale pink color of her nails as they brushed against his hand. Sora could only point at the things as Kairi gently urged him on.
“Good, what’s four things you can hear?” she asked again.
Sora closed his eyes for a moment taking in the sound of the rain pounding against the window, the sound of his own slowly stabilizing breathing, his occasional coughs and sniffles, the buzz of the heater, and the calming sound of Kairi’s steady breath. For each thing he heard he managed to choke out a single word indication.
“That’s excellent” she gave his hand another gentle squeeze “What’s three things you can feel?”
Sora thought for a moment, he could feel the gentle caress of Kairi’s fingers stroking his hand, their consistent motion soothing his racing thoughts. He could feel the fuzziness of carpet beneath his feet, as he’d ran over barefoot, and he could feel the cling of his damp clothes against his skin, and the tight nylon fabric of a binder pressed against his chest.
“I-I think…I’m okay…” he managed to respond, as he gave Kairi’s hand a gentle squeeze.
They stood just like that for a few moments in silence, as Sora gathered his thoughts, his breathing had stabilized and his incoherent memories began to solidify. After a few minutes he finally uttered.
“They threw out everything…they hate me…they’re…they’re going to disown me.” His voice cracked at the statement as tears began to fill his eyes. “Everything! All of my clothes, all of my belongings anything they thought was too boyish my parents through out! They screamed at me!”
Kairi felt a wave of anger course through body at Sora’s distress, at the way his usual happy kind eyes seemed so defeated, and broken. She clutched her free hand in a fist, trying to swallow her anger to be fully present for Sora but she couldn’t.
“Listen to me, they’re wrong. They are so incredibly wrong, whatever they think whatever they say, they’re wrong for treating you like that you hear me Sora?” She placed her hands gently on Sora’s cheeks to direct his gaze to her.
He stared back at her, eyes wide with tears. “You’re one of the strongest, kindest, loveliest boys I know, and if they can’t see that, if they can’t see all the things their sonhas done then theyaren’t worthy of you. You’re the boy who saved the universe for crying out loud. And they’re mad because what? They got your gender wrong? I’ll fight both of them goddamit.” Kairi tried her best to manage her anger.
Kairi’s words broke the floodgate Sora had been suppressing in his whirlwind panic. Relief, fear, sadness, hatred, visceral pain all bubbled their way to the surface as Sora reached towards Kairi, burying his face into the crook of her neck in a half attempt to muffle his sobs. Taking Sora’s lead on physical contact, Kairi wrapped her arms around him, gently placing the flat of her hand on his back, and gently rubbed circles into the damp fabric.  They stayed like that for a few moments, Kairi’s arms firm around him as he fell apart.
Kairi had always known Sora’s parents did not approve of who he really was even before their journey across worlds, but she never imagined they’d do something as drastic as disown him. During their time on the islands when they were younger, Sora always passed himself off as a tomboy much to his parent’s disapproval. But spending so many years away from them, meeting new people, new places, had allowed Sora the freedom to be himself. No one questioned, no one knew, except her and Riku. Sora had grown into the young man he was always meant to be, and yet, his parents could not see him for who he really was. The thought angered Kairi, the pain they caused him sent her into a rage, but more important than her rage was her ability to comfort her dear friend. She continued to simply breathe deeply and rub soothing circles into the boys back.
After nearly twenty minutes, Sora had cried himself dry. All that he could make out were faint whimpers and sniffles. He’d tired himself out emotionally, his head throbbed and his eyes were puffy and red, contrasting against the electric blue of his irises. “I’m sorry for causing so much trouble…I should probably head back” he managed to whimper out.
“Heck no” Kairi responded adamantly “you’re staying here tonight, or going over Riku’s but no way are you going back to that hell house. You’re no trouble at all I’m glad you came here, and that you’re safe. I will always be there for you Sora, you know that” she gently cupped his cheek with a soft smile.
Sora glanced up at her, his gaze meeting hers for a moment. Her tender smile sending an ache in his chest, the contrast of her kindness against a growing wound he carried, her warmth contrasted against his own. He hadn’t quite realized how warm she was. In their years a part, the quiet girl, had grown to become a kind warm protector. The tenderness of her touch and the gentleness of her smile enveloped him in a sense of safety. Content with her offer he simply nodded and snaked his arms around her in a grateful squeeze.
“I can even call Riku if you want, and make it a sleep over.” She suggested as she began to shift around looking for her phone. “Though god I don’t know what would stop him from not storming over to your house and fighting your parents on sight if he finds out.” She said with a slight chuckle to lighten the mood as she began to step away to grab her phone. However her actions were stopped by Sora tugging her back closer.
“In…in a moment…” he responded softly, not wanting to lose the warmth surrounding him. He felt far to tender and exposed to break the moment.
Kairi let out a surprised huff, before settling back into him, wrapping her arms around him again. Sora in response nuzzled into her and closed his eyes.  
Pt 2
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whereissora · 6 years
Sora’s Emotional Journey
This will be the second in a series of post’s analyzing Sora’s emotions throughout the kingdom hearts series.
The previous post can be found here:
 Back when the final battle trailer was first revealed, I read many comments on youtube saying things like how people were happy to hear his scream because it meant he was “finally showing more emotions than just happiness.” 
 Now Sora is an optimist, but something I know about optimism from personal experience? It’s usually a front/attitude people choose to live by to overcome thoughts/feelings that would otherwise be too much for them. It’s a coping mechanism and a state of heart/mind. Of course, no one can be happy all the time. This is what the term “cinnamon roll” refers to: a kind person who has suffered more than they deserve.
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 Not that all optimists are necessarily cinnamon rolls, but we can’t deny Sora is definitely BOTH.
 When Sora arrives at Castle Oblivion he is warned by Marluxia that its a place where things are forgotten to make room for older memories to be remembered.
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 Sora could just turn around and leave, but Marluxia baits him with another lie: Riku and the King are also in Castle Oblivion. So Sora takes the bait and in doing so falls into an awful trap.
Eventually, Sora picks up on the fact that he, Donald, and Goofy are losing their memories and it causes him to hesitate.  If he forgets that he’s looking for Riku, and that he made a promise to Kairi, how will he ever find them again?
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Sora is definitely the keep-forging-ahead sort. When he first got the keyblade, all he could say was “I didn’t ask for this.” But when he learned he may be able to find his friends by traveling to different worlds, he accepted his role and was able to move forward.
 Now the very existence of that role is threatened, and it worries him. He can’t help but doubt himself, and his mission here in Castle Oblivion. Maybe it would be a good idea to turn back--
But Goofy reminds Sora that, even as a heartless, Sora was able to hold on to the most important memories. So together, they decide to keep going.
What Marluxia said has some truth to it--as Sora starts to forget his adventures, his past comes to the surface. He tells Donald and Goofy that when he was very little, there was another kid, aside from Riku and Kairi, that he was always with. However, she disappeared one day, and Sora, who was only four at the time and unable to comprehend the situation, could only cry.
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Can I just say this little story ripped my heart out, first time I heard it? This sounds like a seriously traumatic childhood memory, and I thought Sora had repressed it unknowingly because that’s what happens when a small, helpless child is forced to go through something they mentally can’t handle: they block it out.
Sora has said “my friends are my power!” (”connecting hearts is my power” according to @phoenix-downer’s analyses) and yet he still forgot an important, childhood friend. You can see on his face when he admits he “can’t remember her name” that the guilt is KILLING him, but Goofy reassures him that it’s sure to come back to him, like the other memories. 
As he struggles to recall the past, Larxene appears. She mocks him for forgetting and attacks him, knocking something from his pocket. 
And when Sora sees his friend’s good luck charm, he is finally able to recall her name:
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 Namine is the name of the friend Sora lost all those years ago. Namine went missing for reasons he didn’t understand, and in doing so, slipped through his arms and from his mind. Namine is being held captive by Larxene and Marluxia, and he must rescue her. And even though he’s happy to remember her name, Sora is frustrated that it was Larxene who made him remember. 
 He is soon reunited with Riku, who also remembers Namine. They clash a few times, each time ending in Riku disappearing somewhere within the castle walls. Sora does know that he must somehow save Riku and bring him home, even if he has forgotten Kairi and the promise he made to her.
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Sora and Riku have been together since childhood--like brothers. They played, laughed, and ran together. Even though they’re so different, they’ve bonded, and Sora’s not willing to throw that away even if Riku is. Sora defeats Riku AGAIN (without hurting him too badly, too, which is impressive) and although Riku refuses to listen and runs off, Sora swears that Riku cannot “push him away.” It isn’t just to save Namine, and it was never just to fulfill his promise to Kairi. Sora wants to save Riku for his own sake, too. Even so, it must take tremendous determination and strength of heart to endure this--fighting Riku again and again.
 Later, Vexen appears and forces Sora to take a good, hard look at what’s really going on in Castle Oblivion. How real ARE his memories of Namine? Vexen tells Sora that it is his heart that remembers Twilight Town, and he’s right--Sora feels as if he has been to Twilight Town before, even though he KNOWS that isn’t true. This disturbs Sora so much that for a moment he almost believes Vexen, just as Vexen is about to tell him the truth. Unfortunately, Axel appears and puts an end to Vexen, shocking Sora to the point he actually appears grieved. 
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His eyes widen in shock, his mouth opens and closes multiple times, he starts to shake his head a little--he’s in a state of denial. He knows the Organization is his enemy, but he can’t believe they would strike each other down like that. As someone who values his connections to others above anything else, he becomes so disgusted with Axel that he demands to know: 
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He starts to say it but he has to speak up. He’s struggling to talk--he’s so shaken and repulsed that he can barely function. He’s truly, rightfully angry. On behalf of Vexen, of all people, because even if they were enemies, no one deserves that.
 Namine is still in danger, though, and Vexen, the one who claimed to be responsible for Riku’s strange behavior, is gone. When Riku reappears, Sora believes Riku is saved, But Riku still doesn’t want to work with Sora. Riku insists he only cares for Namine now, and he shares a little story: a memory he shared with Namine, when they were little children watching a meteor shower, where Riku vowed to protect her, and she gave him her lucky charm. Sora is confused because that’s his memory-- he promised to protect Namine, and in turn, she gave him her lucky charm. 
Donald and Goofy feel something’s amiss because it’s impossible for Riku and Sora to both have the same memory. Donald insists this is an important detail, and Goofy urges Sora to calm down and think things through, but this just angers Sora.
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 He just saw someone die FOR NO REASON AT ALL  and all he wants is to save his friends and get out of here. He takes off, leaving Donald and Goofy behind, and refuses to listen when Jiminy tries to talk sense into him. 
With Axel’s help, Namine escapes and she and Sora are finally reunited. Sora is relieved to see her safe, alive, and right in front of him. But Namine has a terrible secret, and she urges Sora to remember the girl he truly cares for. Confused, Sora looks at Namine’s good luck charm, insisting he cares for her the most when--
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Namine’s good luck charm transforms back into Kairi’s. When he looks at Namine’s silhouette in the distance, he sees her image replaced by Kairi’s.
 Still unable to remember, Sora runs to Namine to learn the truth. He’s devastated to admit it--but he now knows the girl he truly cares for, the one most important to him, whom he was always with, wasn’t Namine. He doesn’t understand how he forgot [Kairi] or why he can’t remember her name. Larxene appears and exposes Namine, right as she is about to tell Sora the truth: 
 Sora and Namine were never friends. Namine is “a manipulative witch” with power over memories. She’s able to rearrange them, even plant fake ones.  Everything Sora knows about her is a lie, and to make it worse, the Riku he met in Castle Oblivion was also a lie--it was just a replica, made to look and sound like Riku, whom Namine was forced to brainwash into thinking it was the real Riku. 
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Sora’s in complete agony over this revelation. Everything he’s been fighting for has been a lie--Namine was just being used against him and Riku was never even there. His anguish quickly sparks, turning to hatred, and he warns Larxene “you’ll pay”--kudos to Haley, for this, because I CANNOT hear this line without getting chills. Sora is furious, but he’s also helpless, he can’t move well enough to stand up (or heal himself?) as shown in the scenes prior where he struggles and fails to get to his feet. I feel like he’s referring to Donald and Goofy here. He must feel terrible over not listening to them, and now its too late. 
 Thankfully, Donald and Goofy arrive in time to heal Sora and together, they put Larxene in her place. Namine tells them that she was forced to manipulate Sora’s memory by Marluxia, and Sora leaves with Donald and Goofy to defeat him. Once that’s done, Namine explains that in order for her to put Sora’s memory back to how it used to be, he needs to forget everything that’s happened in Castle Oblivion. 
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This is not an easy decision for him to make. As I mentioned before, Sora values his connection to others above anything else. His friends are his power, and now Namine, even if he didn’t know her before, is definitely a friend. She told him --she called out to him because she was lonely, and she did what Marluxia said because she didn’t want to be locked away, alone in the castle forever. Sora doesn’t want to forget her, or leave her alone. But he knows that he must remember his past adventures and his real life.
 Sora chooses to forget Namine, and in so, chooses to risk their connection. However, they make a promise to meet again, face to face. 
 Sora has yet to remember any of this, and it was implied by Marluxia in Kingdom Hearts III that it’s impossible for him to remember:
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More important still is Sora’s need to thank Namine. The precious note Jiminy made in his journal before their long sleep began was the first, and for a time, only clue Sora had that he had forgotten something--someone--very important. 
 Someone he insisted he thank face-to-face.
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 Someone he has yet to be reunited with.
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 And hopefully, we’ll see that soon. 
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violethowler · 6 years
One Who Knows Nothing Can Understand Nothing (SPOILERS)
Can we talk about the beauty of “Ansem’s” final words? (Yes, yes, Xehanort’s Heartless and all, I still call him and DiZ by the names they were originally introduced as because constantly typing out Xehanort’s Heartless gets old) How it brings things full circle not just to the first game of the series, but to Xehanort’s entire backstory?
Long before any of the narrative tangling that would come later, all the way back in Kingdom Hearts I, Ansem’s characterization as derived from his reports that we’d been collecting throughout the game, was that of a scholar with a thirst for knowledge and research so great that he had no qualms about casting away his ethics, his humanity, and even his physical form in order to find the answers he sought. His first interaction with Sora in the Secret Place before the Destiny Islands fell to Darkness was chiding him for his ignorance of what he was getting into. When they meet again at the End of the World, Ansem expresses disappointment that Sora has learned nothing on his journey (Sora did learn things on his journey, just not the things Ansem considered important).
And that thread continues even in throughout later games. To quote the Fridge Brillaince page for Kingdom Hearts over on TVTropes:
“When KH2 was first released, a lot of people were pissed that the person we originally thought was Ansem was in fact his apprentice, Xehanort, and that his motivations for studying the darkness seemed to be much more For the Evulz than the Well-Intentioned Extremist we originally pictured him as. Then, in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, we meet Master Xehanort, who appears to be even more of a Card-Carrying Villain, coming across almost as an Expy of Emperor Palpatine. The thing is, Xehanort's characterization is actually pretty consistent throughout the series, even if his appearance and intermediate goals vary from game to game. His interest in darkness and Kingdom Hearts has always been academic, and his reports in Birth By Sleep show that he wasn't always as obsessed with them as he is now, maintaining the He Who Fights Monsters aspect established as far back as the first game. Almost everything we knew about "Ansem" from the first game still applies to Xehanort as he is now, even if the specifics differ.”
Both the Ansem Reports of KH1 and the Xehanort Reports of BBS establish that regardless of the horrible things he does to manipulate those around him, Xehanort’s ultimate core motivation in every incarnation is the pursuit of knowledge. The specific details may vary from one version of himself to another, but the broad characterization of Xehanort as a man who will do all these immoral things For Science remains unchained after sixteen years.
His desire to leave Destiny Islands as Riku wanted to in the original game also reflects that. Both knew that there was more to the universe than the islands they’d grown up on. Their desire to leave was driven by the urge to learn what was out there. They wanted to go out and expand their horizons, to see what mysteries lay beyond the islands. In a way, Ansem’s acknowledgement that Riku’s strength is “vaster than Darkness” felt to me like a part of Xehanort recognizing the similarities between them and giving a verbal tip of the hat to Riku as a mirror of what Ansem’s original human self could have been.  
But back to my main point, what are Ansem’s last words as he fades away for good in Kingdom Hearts III? “There is more to seek, so go forth now, and seek it.” He’s encouraging Riku and Sora to keep expanding their knowledge, to keep looking for new mysteries and secrets. Just the kind of thing you’d expect to hear from someone who’s driving motivation was the pursuit of knowledge. And as far as last-last words go for the final boss of the original game, it felt like things had come full circle.
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khantipode · 6 years
Fragmented Truths: Final Mix Changelog
Like with The Year Between, I had gone through Fragmented Truths to make edits to adjust for various problems throughout the fic. The original version had many issues, from Riku's choice at the Door to Darkness being underplayed to Riku Replica's arc being repetitive and not showing much progress. The climax was also lacking in many areas, and Riku's arc with him accepting his darkness was not handled with as much finesse as I would have liked. Thus, I went through the fic and did many edits to address these faults and bring the story up to my current standard.
For those who wanna see the re-edits blind, the vast majority of the edits are in chapters involving Riku Replica. The Agrabah arc and Sword in the Stone arc got a new climax, Great Mouse Detective saw several revisions across its chapters and a refined climax, and everything from Chapter 30 onward has seen some form of re-editing on the whole. These edits were done in 2015 - 2017, but are still worth noting here. I will be categorizing these changes by arcs, barring interlude chapters which will be placed in their own little category. The summaries of changes will cover the broad strokes of what has been altered. If you wish to see the earlier versions of Antipode chapters, you can find my drafts over here! So without further ado...
Chapter 3: The Hollow Bastion crew only learn of Riku's choice at the Door to Darkness now, rather than having heard about it before. As a result, there is some justified anger directed Riku's way. Leon and Beast are particularly angered, with the former urging them to go back to the door ASAP with reinforcements. The importance of Kairi continuing to train is also emphasized. Chapter 7: The original climax to this world has been completely rewritten so that even after Madam Mim gets sick, she stubbornly continues to fight, even summoning droves of Heartless. There is a big, over the top battle with the wild witch and Arthur plays a more active role by taking Excalibur and participating in the fight. Kairi also encourages him, as she too is new to combat. Sora's reasons for avoiding his friends have also changed. He briefly considers going to Merlin to help- at least so he can talk, if he can't change back outright, but the light from Excalibur leaves him uncomfortable, and is left contemplating his Heartless status while his friends walk the path of heroes. Agrabah Arc (Chapter 8, Chapter 11): Riku Replica and Sora showed more caution while dealing with Jafar. Rep is also far less hostile/spiteful toward Aladdin, with much of his vitriol directed at Riku. The climax for this world has been completely rewritten, with a greater emphasis on action and stakes, culminating in an over the top battle against Genie Jafar. Genie himself is also far more involved in this climax, and there are way more environmental hazards. This was more or less a complete rewrite to give the world a more satisfying finale. Chapter 12: The heroes are no longer aggressors to Seifer. Riku even emphasizes that they're just there to relax. The need to cool down after a rough journey is very heavily emphasized, with Seifer's fragile ego spurring the fight along. Riku's attack against Seifer is also given far more dramatic weight, and Kairi uses her light to try and soothe Riku. Riku's decision at the Door also comes back to haunt him, and he contemplates if he's truly a worthy hero.
Jungle Book Arc (Chapter 13, Chapter 14): Fairly simple changes here. There is a new scene at the start of the chapter where DiZ provides information to the heroes on particularly noteworthy worlds worth investigating in order to justify their presence there. He also gives some information on the inhabitants to justify the animal transformations. Additionally, the heroes are much more exhausted as they adjust to their new bodies and the animals have at least tried to put up a good fight against the Heartless beforehand. They also are more responsible in their reactions to Mowgli's stubborn and reckless behaviors.
Monstro Arc (Chapters 19 - 20): Riku Replica is all the more invested in helping Pinocchio and Geppeto and also shows much more regard for Pinocchio's safety. The only reason he doesn't send Geppetto and Pinoke to Traverse Town right away is due to the looming reminder from Saix that he is to focus on his mission before his personal interests. Riku and co. are also less hostile about the Replica upon learning that Geppetto and Pinoke truly believe him to be Riku and play along while contemplating if perhaps the Replica is more than just a vengeful pawn. Additionally, the Gummi Ship was lost in the crash, so the heroes have to find it before they can make their repairs and leave. Pinocchio runs off on his own, the heroes carefully contemplate how to proceed, and Kairi uses her light to help calm Riku and stop him from accidentally shooting dark fire again. The Parasite Cage now possesses a neutralizing gas that weakens Riku Replica, making it harder for him to escape. The characterization has been smoothed out so that Rep's brattiness is less apparent as well.
Chapter 21: Riku's use of darkness against DiZ remains a bigger talking point, both with DiZ and especially Donald. Riku's friends offer to support him, but he ultimately steps back to reflect and cool down. Riku Replica swears to close the Door to Darkness once Sora regains his heart, and then his friends can return home.
Great Mouse Detective Arc (Chapters 22 - 27): The heroes not only have more information about this world beforehand, but they opt to do more reconnaissance before they transform. The heroes are much more civil with Basil, Olivia provides more information about Fidget, and overall everyone exercises much more caution, even having Mrs. Juddson and Olivia go back to the Gummi Ship... until Olivia sneaks out and follows the heroes. Basil also prioritizes his personal Heartless research and the world over Olivia's sob story until he learns of Fidget's involvement. Riku's darkness once again is given more weight in this arc, as is his choice at the Door to Darkness. His friends take the matter far more seriously, leading to some awkward tension among the group. Luxord provides a better cover story for why he doesn't kill Donald and uses his temporal magic to repeatedly subdue him. Ratigan's initial fight has received a drastic overhaul to up the stakes and provide a more thrilling clash, and the chase scene and subsequent clock tower battles have received fine tuning as well. Most notably, Kairi now joins Riku and Basil in the battle, with Kairi offering additional support to Riku as he decides to accept his dark side. Chapter 29: Once again, Riku's darkness issues are treated far more seriously than before. His friends are scared of what may happen to him in light of past villains, but also wish to offer their support. Riku Replica is also less fixated on Riku having "stolen" his friends and instead offers support to Sora in hopes that he can rekindle his friendship with Jack and the others.
Halloween Town Arc (Chapters 30 - 31): Riku Replica and Roxas arrive first, and instead of hiding, join Jack, Sally, and Finkelstein and provide their side of the story. As a result, when Riku's group does arrive, Jack and co. have a skewed perspective, and the heroes handle it far more respectfully. Riku Replica's hostility is also toned down as. He's less angry at Riku's kindness and more confused and afraid. Riku challenges the Replica to prove he's a fake, the Replica questions Riku's use of the darkness as well as abandoning the Door. The Roxas and Kairi scene differs as well, with Roxas using his magic to try and ward off Donald and Kairi getting caught in between. Like previous edits, Riku's choice at the Door to Darkness also comes up here.
These edits ultimately serve to create a smoother sense of progress in Riku Replica's development as a character. He accepts that "the Fake" has changed, but is left with conflicted feelings. However, at this point, he's starting to realize he cares about Riku and wants to be his friend, even if he won't outright admit it.
Chapter 32: Riku owns up to his mistakes more readily here, and the interaction between him and DiZ is far more civil. Additionally, DiZ does acknowledge that an alliance with the Replica could be useful but urges the heroes to exercise caution. Ultimately, everyone communicates more and uses their heads far more efficiently than in the old version.
Castle Oblivion (Chapters 33 - 34): The flashbacks have been tweaked to include new scenes, heightened stakes, and updated introspection for Riku Replica to better respect his current views of Riku. He is much more conflicted by his memories of the "Fake" after everything he's seen, and additionally, Kairi in his memories is far more sympathetic than wicked, fitting with her remaining a Princess of Heart. Ultimately, the true complications of Rep's feelings toward Riku continue to progress.
Endgame (Chapters 35 - 46): The changes in these chapters range from small characterization and logic fixes to more noteworthy changes. For example, Sora tries to take Zexion hostage, but he manages to open a corridor as the Sleep spell sets in. Xemnas threatens Riku Replica outright by telling him that if he does not kill Riku, he and Vexen will flip a kill switch of sorts that will end his friends. This pushes the Replica into a difficult spot because he genuinely cares for Riku and has accepted that he trusts him over the Organization. Roxas, Kairi, and Riku's meeting is handled with far more civility and maturity from all sides. Roxas is no longer as angry about Riku and Kairi's memories and experiences. Instead, he engages in battle because Riku and Kairi have worked with Sora and he seeks to detain Riku in hopes that doing so will "fix this whole mess." Kairi gets more involved in the fight, trying to stop the boys from hurting one another, and though Riku still hits her with Dark Aura, it's only a light grazing, but the damage still remains. This gives his darkness surge more weight than before. Roxas considers working with the heroes but needs time to think. Meanwhile, Riku Replica is faced with the crushing dilemma of fighting and killing Riku to save his friends or defying Xemnas. This serves as the catalyst for the conflict, and when he and Riku meet in Traverse Town, he is far more forlorn and even admits why he has to fight them, all while showing a little fear. Sora and Xemnas' confrontation has refined dialogue, and when Sora is sent through a corridor, rather than Xemnas sending him to Twilight Town, it's Sora who tries to redirect the portal before he faints.
The climax on the whole has revised characterization and action. As Riku and the Replica fight in Castle Oblivion, their magic sends them crashing through floors, while the memories within the castle alter the terrain of the battle. Riku Replica is far more troubled by his conflicting feelings as well, while Riku offers to help find another way. Meanwhile, Kairi's side of the climax has seen changes as well, with Donald and Goofy sharing their weapons as well as her fighting to the brink of exhaustion even when that fails. Roxas tries to urge her to stop, and she refuses. It's this raw will power and deep desire to save Riku that helps her manifest her Keyblade. Sora's side of the fight has also been reworked with characterization and combat fixes. He even steals one of Roxas' swords to shake up the battle. He keeps Roxas busy outside the castle while the others rush inside. Meanwhile, Riku's darkness goes out of control in this version due to exhaustion coupled with seeing Rep's worst memories coupled with an illusion of Ansem appearing to taunt Riku until, at last, he cracks under the pressure. Axel also intervenes when Riku goes berserk in this version before Namine smashes his heart. And since Rep did not discard his cloak in this re-edit, it's easier for her to tell them apart- the heart smash is a more conscious choice to save the Replica as a result. In the aftermath of the fight, the Replica has already accepted he's the copy- he even admits that he'd known for a while, but simply didn't want to admit it. He's much more remorseful and heartbroken as a result, and this reflects the overall tone of the scene. Additionally, Sora lets Roxas enter the castle once he senses something has gone amiss. Axel offers to distract Zexion while Roxas, Rep, and Namine take out Vexen to disable the alleged kill-switches and thwart any further Replication projects. They learn that the kill switches were never real. It was all just a ploy by Xemnas. Roxas leaves Rep this time out of a desire to keep the Org of his friends' trail and to try and find Sora and reach a better understanding about himself. The final significant changes include Riku's reason for being contained to the simulation being the out of control burst of darkness at the end of the final battle as well as his amnesia, a new set of scenes where Axel and Zexion investigate Vexen's death followed by an interrogation, and tweaks to the subsequent Organization meeting to show that they are already aware of Marluxia's traitorous intentions and are merely playing along while sending Axel off on his mission. Other characterization changes exist, but these are the primary ones.
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osakaso5 · 7 years
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Tenn Kujo TRIGGER Police Rabbit Chat Part 5: Relaxing With Re:vale And TRIGGER!? 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, good work. 
Tsumugi: Thank you for your cooperation in solving "The Drunken Incident At Yuki-san's House"..! 
Tenn: Good work. 
Tenn: Well, Nagi Rokuya and I were the sober ones, after all. 
1. How would you sum up that incident?
Tenn: It's a prime example of why you shouldn't drown your troubles in alcohol. 
2. Who do you think was the key player of that incident?
Tenn: Re:vale's not without blame either, but if I'm going to be brutally honest, it was Ryu. He kept drinking way past his limit. That part of him is a double-edged sword. 
3. What was the most delicious thing Yuki-san cooked for you?
Tenn: The fried tofu. It was simple but delicious. I would've liked for Riku to have some, too. 
Tsumugi: You really went through a lot... Nagi-san's cheered up now that he's received an apology from everyone. Thank you for your concern. 
Tenn: He's making each of them take him to see that anime movie that's in theaters now. Their treat, of course. 
Tsumugi: Yes! He's trying to get a complete collection of the postcards that are distributed randomly at each showing! 
Tenn: I have to salute him for being such a devoted fan. 
Tsumugi: I managed to compile a detailed account of that incident at you and Re:vale's meeting the other day. I'm aware that you already know the course of events, but I'll share it with you anyways. 
Tenn: I'm not sure why I needed to wear my boy detective costume to the meeting. 
Tsumugi: It's been a while since I've last seen Nagi-san in his Sherlock hat! 
Tenn: So this is a recurring thing for you guys. 
Tsumugi: A dinner party begins at Yuki-san's house.  Along with his home cooking,  the guests are treated to  wine and some sake they’d  brought with them. 
Tsumugi: Urged by Momo-san, Tsunashi-san steadily empties his glass  until he's blackout drunk.  He begins speaking exclusively in Okinawan. 
Tsumugi: This is where Tsunashi-san's recollection of the events stops. 
Tenn: That was way too fast. 
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san's comment: "I had the feeling  Momo-san wanted me to  keep drinking, so I didn’t  refuse his offers." 
Tenn: I know Momo-san's good at riling people up, but Gaku and Yuki-san were drinking heavily by that point, too. Even  though Gaku acted normal at first. 
Tenn: Our managers still had their wits about  them, so they were desperately trying to make it stop. 
Tsumugi: Momo-san's key phrase was "Aren't you going to drink when Re:vale's offering? (lol)"
Tenn: The (lol) adds a really   brutal nuance to that phrase. 
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san begins making Momo-san drink just as much as he's drinking. Their alcohol consumption increases drastically. 
Tsumugi: Unable to communicate due to both their drunkenness, Momo-san calls Nagi-san in to translate for them. 
Tsumugi: This is where Momo-san and Gaku-san's recollections of the events stop. 
Tsumugi: Momo-san's comment: "Things were awkward between me and Yuki, so I kept clinging to other people. I couldn't stop drinking. Ryunosuke turned into an alcohol beast." 
Tsumugi: Gaku-san's comment: "I had fun."
Tenn: What happened to you, Gaku? 
Tsumugi: Nagi-san tries to reject Momo-san's invitation, but is forced  into a taxi by Yamato-san  and Mitsuki-san, who tell him to spend more  time with other groups. 
Tsumugi: Yamato-san's comment: "I thought I'd repay Momo-san for helping me out with a scene I didn’t  want to do. I messaged  Yaotome asking him to  look after Nagi as a  fellow leader, and thought it'd be fine since he messaged me back and told me to leave it to him." 
Tenn: The man himself has no recollection of making that promise. It's a debt he'll have to pay for with his body. 
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san's comment: "Nagi doesn't trust guys outside of IDOLiSH7, so I wanted to help him overcome that. I thought it'd be fine since Momo-san, who's good at handling drinking parties, would be there."
Tenn: I understand that he was trying to be considerate, but you couldn't have sent him to a worse place. Don't you think all this might've made his fear of strangers even worse? 
Tsumugi: Nagi-san arrives at the scene and is unable to translate the non-stop flow of Okinawan. Not being able to keep up with the drunkards, he tries to leave altogether. 
Tsumugi: Hearing that Sogo-san and Iori-san are good at quizzes, Yuki-san starts testing them over rabbit chat. 
Tsumugi: Whenever they get something right, he toasts them on his end, and eventually decides to send gifts he thinks they'll enjoy to the dorm in the taxi that is supposed to take Nagi-san home. Unable to shake off the guests who want him to stay, Nagi-san gets left behind at the party. 
Tenn: It's still unclear to me how calling Nagi Rokuya over there turned into a quiz tournament. 
Tsumugi: Iori-san's comment: "We received Tsunashi-san's clothes even down to his pants, how was he able to get home? The fountain pen that was meant for me has Re:vale's name engraved on it, so I'll return it to them later." 
Tenn: Nagi Rokuya was bored, so I looked after him. I taught him a nursery rhyme (1) to kill time. 
Tenn: By the way, Ryu had to be driven home in one of Yuki-san's bathrobes. 
Tsumugi: This is where Yuki-san's recollection of the events stops. 
Tsumugi: Yuki-san's comment: "Those were really obscure music questions, so I was happy they managed to solve them." 
Tenn: Yuki-san doesn't seem to remember just how much he adored those two in that moment. 
Tsumugi: Noticing Nagi-san's displeasure, everyone begins talking about Cocona-chan. Drunk, Gaku-san and Yuki-san try to style their hair to look like Cocona's. 
Tsumugi: Momo-san posts a picture of it online, and  Okazaki-san rushes to  delete the post. 
Tsumugi: By the way, screenshots of it are still circling the net... ><
Tenn: I wouldn't say their hair looked anything like the real thing. 
Tenn: Each work of fiction has a creator behind it. They should've been more respectful. 
Tsumugi: Okazaki-san gives up on trying to control the situation and drowns his sorrows in alcohol. 
Tsumugi: This is where his recollection of the events stops. 
Tsumugi: Okazaki-san's comment: "We're a small agency, so I thought I'd let Yaotome Productions would do something about it!"
Tenn: I remember him crying: "Thank goodness Gaku-kun is also in the shot..!!"
Tsumugi: Around this time, an imitation contest begins. 
Tsumugi: Team Hure Hure: Kujo-san, Gaku-san, and Yuki-san 
Tsumugi: Team MATSURI: Gaku-san, Tsunashi-san, Momo-san, and Okazaki-san 
Tsumugi: Team L&G: Tsunashi-san, Nagi-san, and Anesagi-san
Tsumugi: The actual MATSURI costumes didn't involve fundoshi as underwear, but this group chose to put them on for authenticity. 
Tenn: I just don't get it. 
Tsumugi: The last bastion of reason, Anesagi-san, suddenly gets extremely excited during the taking of the L&G pictures, and passes out drunk instantly. 
Tsumugi: This is where Anesagi-san's recollection of the events stops. 
Tsumugi: Anesagi-san's comment: "I regret nothing."
Tenn: At least one of us had fun. 
Tsumugi: The topic shifts to the fact that Re:vale used to live together. Gaku-san, Tsunashi-san, and Okazaki-san keep casually suggesting that they move back in together, and they keep bashfully rejecting the idea. This goes on for the next 30 minutes. 
Tsumugi: Then suddenly, Momo-san erupts with a "Do you hate being with me that much!?", and Re:vale begins arguing. 
Tenn: I was starting to get tired of those two skirting around each other, but I was still surprised that they went off on each other like that so suddenly. 
Tenn: Also, I was honestly taken aback by how intense Re:vale's fights can be. 
Tsumugi: Momo-san declares that he will move into the IDOLiSH7 dorm, and begins gathering the things he keeps at Yuki-san's apartment. 
Tsumugi: Yuki-san responds with "I've always thought I should rescue him from the Kujo family, so I'll start living with Tenn-kun." 
Tsumugi: Thinking that he's going too far by bringing up Kujo-san's delicate family situation, TRIGGER begins booing loudly. 
Tenn: They did. 
Tsumugi: Momo-san decides that "Yuki, Tenn, and Sogo's uncle seem like the types of people Kujo will go after", and discusses forming an "Anti-Kujo front" with Riku-san and Tamaki-san. Tamaki-san agrees. 
Tenn: Seriously, what's with this supposed front. 
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san's comment: "I think he's in danger, but when I told So-chan, he started scolding me and we had a fight. We still haven't made up."
Tsumugi: Sogo-san's comment: "Though I'm honored, I think it's outrageous to compare me to Kujo-san or Yuki-san. If anything, I think it's an insult to them. I don't think I'm in the wrong, but I'm planning to apologize to Tamaki-kun." 
Tenn: So even they got dragged into a fight. Are they alright? 
Tsumugi: Arguments of that caliber are nothing new to them, I think they'll be fine! 
Tenn: It's in bad faith to apologize without understanding why the other person is upset. They're going to end up fighting all over again. 
Tsumugi: As he's being asked about possible vacancies in the dorm, Riku-san fids out about Kujo-san's potential move. 
Tsumugi: Riku-san's comment: "If he can go live with Yuki-san, then he can come back home, too! He should just live with me!!!"
Tenn: He says that as if he's prepared to leave the IDOLiSH7 dorm. Even though he doesn't have the guts to actually do it.
Tsumugi: At this point, Kujo-san loses his composure. He makes everyone except Nagi-san kneel on the floor and think of what they've done. 
Tsumugi: Nagi-san's comment: "Tenn-nii is an angel."
Tenn: I feel a bond of some kind with Nagi Rokuya due to this incident. 
Tsumugi: Final report. Nagi-san slept in Yuki-san's bed, while Tsunashi-san slept on the floor next to it. Yuki-san fell asleep while still kneeling on the floor. Anesagi-san took pictures of Nagi-san's sleeping face. Momo-san fell asleep while gathering his things into a cardboard box. Gaku-san and Okazaki-san fell asleep mid-drink.
Tsumugi: Your final comment: "I guess I could compare this to being a zookeeper for a day?"
Tenn: It was a mess. 
Tsumugi: So it seems... 
Tenn: Did Re:vale's fight get resolved? 
Tsumugi: Yes, they've settled down! 
Tenn: That's good, then. 
Tenn: Maybe if I'd heard them out properly, it wouldn't have come to that. 
Tsumugi: That's not true..! I pushed my worries onto you as well... You were a great help. Thank you so much. 
Tsumugi: I'm sure Re:vale would agree. They told me they were going to start celebrating that night as Tenn Kujo Appreciation Day! 
Tenn: Don't make  that hellish evening  into a thing. 
Tenn: I do appreciate the sentiment. Even Gaku and Ryu seem to remember some of Re:vale's spat, so they now have more self-awareness of what sort of people their supposed ex-partners are. 
Tenn: Now they hang around me because I'm safe and familiar. We're doing great. 
Tsumugi: I guess the fact that this gave TRIGGER the opportunity to reaffirm their bonds is a silver lining..? 
Tenn: It's not like our bonds were being tested to begin with. 
Tenn: But since those two are offering to treat me for dinner, I guess I'll take them up on the offer. 
Tsumugi: That's wonderful. Have fun! 
Tenn: I'll eat something really expensive. 
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Tenn: I'll need to start comparing dessert buffets. 
Tsumugi: I'm glad you seem to be enjoying yourself, Kujo-san! They really did return to you. 
Tenn: I'm not happy about that or anything. 
Tenn: Well then, I'll start heading to the set. I look forward to another shoot with you today. 
Tsumugi: Yes. I'll be waiting for you there..! 
Translator's notes..?
1) the nursery rhyme tenn mentions here is ちゃちゃつぼちゃつぼ (chacha tsubo chatsubo). you can watch what it's like here
next up: gaku's trigger police rabbit chats!
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lettersofsky · 7 years
Vincent, Zexion, and Demyx!
How I feel about this character. 
Vincent is my favourite brooding immortal, thereis no need for any others, plus his design is very pleasing. I like gold andred, I like them very much when they’re executed well. He’s usually on my teamwhen I go fight Sephiroth, just… shooting this pseudo-celestial being with handguns. It’s fucking hilarious. Especially after playing a game like Bloodbornewhich is full of Lovecraftian Gods (Ebrietas has a galaxy in her face and Ilove her)
All the people I ship romantically with this character. 
Cid, valenwind is anold favourite and I have a hankering for it on occasions. Reeve; Reeve’s acat-lover, he knows exactly how to deal with introverts and extremepersonalities.
My non-romantic OTP for this character. 
Tseng. Tseng knows. He doesn’t know everything but he knows enough and Vincentwill take what he can get because as close as he is to the others none of themcan ever know, Cloud was the closestto knowing but he hated talking about when he lived his life for someone else’sbenefit.
My unpopular opinion about this character. 
I like Dirge of Cerberus. I just…want Dirge of other platforms. Partly because I want to get a bit tipsy andlose a lung laughing at it and partly because I want all the Rosso scenes. ButDirge is some stupid fun and I can get behind stupid fun when the urge takesme, my love of Bloodborne’s a testament to that.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon. 
I can’twait for his recruitment scene in the remake! And his Limit Breaks! They’regoing to animate them and they might end up a lesson in body horror or amagical swell of light but that doesn’t matter because we’re going to get DeathGigas and Hellmasker animated and they’re going to be beautifully terrifying!
How I feel about this character. 
I like him, he was a good antagonist for Rikuin Chain of Memories and a very difficult boss fight, fuck you Zexion and yourstupid books stealing all me cards. I like his powers, when I wasn’t fightinghim, and I just remembered that he’s like 15-16 right? That certainly paintshis death scene in a worse light.
All the people I ship romantically with this character. 
I don’t think I haveany. I once read a pretty good three-chapter fic about him and Riku but that’sabout it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character. 
Lexeaus, giant man is good with hislittle ‘not-a-child-anymore’. Plus, I don’t think Zexion actually respectsanyone else in the organization, expect maybe Xemans? He certainly doesn’trespect anyone else in Castle Oblivion.
My unpopular opinion about this character. 
His death scene fucked me up so muchthe first time I saw it. I thought Vexen’s death would be the only awful thing inChain of Memories then I played through Riku’s story and low and behold; Zexiongets choked to death while Axel watches from the sidelines and he just… goeslimp in the Replica’s grip. I got to it again yesterday and it still left mepretty freaked out.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon. 
If heand the other apprentices don’t have some kind of relevance in KH3 then I willbe disappointed. I really want to see them animate his stupid messy hair intheir new engine, I bet it looks great. I also want to see Even’s exaggerated facialanimations, I will have so many videos of him it’ll be great.
How I feel about this character. 
I have so many conflicting feelings aboutDemyx; on one hand there’s ‘Dance, Water,Dance!’ (which I in no way ever think that to Magic Dance) and on the other hand he terrifies me because he coulddrown people just by strumming a few chords. I would love to bet that he’sdrowned multiple people when he’s been serious and felt nothing about itbecause Sociopaths! I also love his concept; murdering through the power of musicis great and I love it so much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character. 
Xigbar, I’ve seen somecute art, mostly from mintyskulls.  Also Saix, sometimes, when I’m in the mood and the content isn’t gross flanderization. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character. 
I think, it’d have to be Luxord,because they’d just be able to hang out together while doing their own thingsand enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about directlyinteracting with each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character. 
He is not the worst boss fight inKH2, for me at least. I struggled much more against Xaldin. Fuck that boss fight.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon. 
I wishthe Days cutscenes had shown off more of what a lazy dick Demyx was, I reallyfeel like a lot of people missed out on just how far he’d go just to avoidhaving to do any of the hard labour. Also his death scene, that could’ve been better,it’s kind of a joke as it is .
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p-artsypants · 7 years
My Kingdom For a Heart- (5) Dance of the Daring
FF.net | AO3
Three guest rooms were made up, one for each teen. Sora reclined in his bed, sleep a million miles away. To him, everything that had happened today was just a drop in the trauma bucket.
He wasn’t expecting to stay the night. So, he didn’t bring his pajamas. He almost feared sleeping without them. Yen Sid had promised they’d help with his nightmares, and they had. Now when the heartless appeared in his dreams, he wasn’t afraid.
Rather, now he had other things to worry about. The nightmares of fighting had covered up other dreams he should have been having instead. Conversations with people he hadn’t met, feelings of things that never happened…he knew some of them were Roxas’ memories. But some of the others…he wasn’t sure. Either way, sleep was not enjoyable to him anymore.
Especially when he was alone.
Quietly, Sora stole from his bed and crept to the door. He didn’t bother to look at his clock, he knew it was some ungodly hour in the morning. He crept into the hall.
The castle was silent and still.
He glanced over to Riku’s room, knowing that his friend was probably in a hard sleep. Riku wasn’t the type to rest during the day. And with all the running in the woods he did, doubtless he was exhausted.
Instead, Sora snuck across the hall into Kairi’s room. She laid in the middle of the queen-sized mattress, dressed in a silk nightgown. The servants had taken good care of her, he supposed.
“Hey Kai? Are you asleep?”
Her eyes opened slightly and glanced his way.
“Sorry if I woke you up, I couldn’t sleep.” He crawled onto the mattress and laid down next to her. “It’s weird, I…I kind of get anxious when I’m not with you. Like…we’ve been separated on and off for two years now…and now that you’re with me…I’m terrified to leave you alone. Especially like this.”
He laid on his back, looking up at the bed canopy. “It’s stupid. You’re a princess and you’ve gotten to sleep in two castles now. And I’m not counting the dungeon in The Castle That Never Was either. And now…we’re going to go to all these different worlds, and I’ve decided to bring you along, because I hope that you’ll get to experience it…but without your heart, you’ll never…”
He went silent and turned back over to face her. “Do you remember when we were kids, and the very last time we played Princess and the Dragon?” He smirked. “You were the Princess and Riku and I fought over who got to be the dragon, but he ended up winning. So I became the knight. He placed you ‘under a spell’ of eternal slumber and said that it could only be lifted if I beat the dragon.”
He reached over and fingered her bangs. “And so I fought Riku again, and this time I took it really personal. Then he told me I could only wake up the princess with a kiss. And you actually pretended to still be under that spell. So I kissed you, and it was awkward for everyone.”
His voice was barely a whisper as he leaned in a little closer to her. “So in a way, you’re the sleeping Princess again, and I’m your knight.”
Kairi sighed audibly. A pleasant sound.
“But…the dragon is a little tougher now…and a kiss isn’t going to wake you up.” He glanced down to her lips and felt his stomach clench. “At least…I doubt it could be that simple. But I also don’t want to try that yet…since…well…”
He fell silent, not really knowing what else to say.
“I feel bad, Kai. We were separated for two years…not even able to speak to each other, and now we’re together and you can’t speak…” he frowned. “All of my friends are important to me. No matter how they change. Like Riku, he’s…a lot different now. It’s sad, really. But you and I…”
He met her glassy eyes and stared a little deeper into them. “Things will never be the same between us again, will they?”
Her eyes fell shut softly.
“I guess not.” He looked away to the window. The moon was bright, it’s light piercing the thin curtains. Sometimes, if he stared long enough, the moon took on a heart shape, and terrified him. But for now, it remained a circle.
“Things won’t ever be the same. Not for anyone.” Then he smiled, and looked back down to Kairi. “But you know, I’m okay with that. It keeps things interesting.”
With a tender kiss to her cheek, Sora settled down beside her and found dreamless sleep.
He had never been to a ball before. A dance, yes, when he was back at the islands. But never an elaborate, glamorous ball. Sora did his best to tame his hair, and polish up in the former daunting west wing. He wore a borrowed suit from the castle, and if he was honest with himself, felt a little silly. It was almost the opposite of what he had been wearing, since the pants were tight and the shirt was long and loose. High socks adorned his now monstrous calves.
“Ugh, my toes are so cramped in these shoes.” He muttered to Riku.
“That’s because you’ve never worn anything smaller than size 50.” He snarked back.  
"Big talk from someone who has the same shoe size as Goofy."
"Hey, I only wore those to make you feel better about your ugly hobbit toes!" Riku protested.
"Boys boys!" Cogsworth pleaded. It seemed like the 'honored guest' title had worn down quickly. "Of course we are very excited to have you two and your lady friend as guests, but I urge you greatly to be on your best behavior.”
“Why? It’s just a ball with the servants. Everyone already knows how goofy we are.”
“I’m afraid it’s more then just a quaint get together. One part of the curse was that the castle became unfathomably dismissible by it former occupants. Tonight you shall be presented to them along with the Master."
"Adam's family is coming back and it will be the first time he's seen them since before the curse."
"Oh..." the boys spoke together.
"The queen passed away in childbirth. His father, struck with grief, travelled all around the world to forget her. All his life, he’s been trying to forget his son. And because of the curse, he nearly did. On birthdays the castle would receive a simple page boy who would open the front door and throw a letter inside, stating that the Lords of the castle hoped he was well and would be able to visit next year. The castle’s status was checked up on by his Uncle, Lord Gilbert…who was grossly negligent in that regard. We have received word that these two men, along with a hand full of other nobles, will be present tonight for the Master’s 21st birthday. So please, I beg you, be courteous."
Sora smiled, “No worries, Cogsworth! I've been around loads of royals. We can handle it."
Riku smirked, “Yeah, remember that one time the Emperor of China called me rude?"
"I mean...you didn't even introduce yourself."
"Introductions!" The majordomo exclaimed. "I forgot to write your introductions!"
"Can't we just introduce ourselves? That's a lot more friendly."
"Friendly? We want the proper etiquette! Most of these people won't even want to be friendly!" He dug through his pockets and found some notecards. "Here, write down your full names and titles and give them to the doorman before entering the Entrance Hall. Make sure you write one for the Mistress Kairi as well.”
"Oh you know, The Duchess of Cambridge, The Duke of Wellington, Regent Prince Adam de Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry?" He giggled. "That last one was a test, that’s the Master's title."
"No wonder he went by 'Beast’,” muttered Riku.
"But we don't have titles like that!"
"Well, then make something up! You're both proud world savers and warriors! Travelers extraordinaire! We are trying to impress! How you are perceived will reflect upon Master Adam!“
“Impress, huh?” Sora smirked a horrible little smirk. “Okay. I can do this."
“Why oh why do I have the feeling I'm going to regret this?"
Sora put his hands on the man’s shoulders and steered him toward the door. “You just go on ahead and worry about the rest of the house. You have our word that we’ll be on our best behavior and we’ll write some very nice and impressive titles.”  
“Oh all right…” Cogsworth relented. “There is a lot of stuff to tend to…just make sure you get those titles approved by someone in the house!”
“Of course!”
And with that, he was out the door.
“Here,” Riku handed him his notecard. “You can write mine, Eager McBeaver.”
Sora’s fiendish grin curled slightly. “Excellent.”
A moment later, Prince Adam paused timidly in the doorway. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Riku welcomed, leaning against the wall. “You all ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He admitted. “I’m not sure what I’m going to say to my father. I…don’t even really know him.”
Riku sighed, speaking to the floor. “I…think I kind of know what you mean. I haven’t been home in nearly two years. Before I left, I wasn’t really on good terms with my parents. We fought often, and I got in a lot of trouble. But I just kept pushing them away. There was nothing I would rather do than cast them off completely so I could be free to explore the outside world…but when I got out here, I realized how dark and lonely it can get. I miss them so much now and regret ever fighting with them.” He pushed off from the wall and clasped the man’s shoulder. “I think the best thing you can do is just tell him you love him and you want to get to know him.”
Adam nodded once, sagely. “I think I’ll do just that.” Then he turned and looked at Sora who was furiously writing something down on a notecard. He’d scratch a line, cross it out, tap the pencil to his chin and then write something else.
“What are you doing?”
“Writing our titles,” He answered simply. “Can you approve this?”
Adam took the notecard and gave it a withering glance. “I don’t know…I’m still practicing my reading. It’s not stellar.”
“Even better!”
The Prince read all the words he could. “It’s pretty long. But from what I can tell, it’s good.”
“What did you put for me?” Riku reached for the cards, but Sora snatched them away.
“You’ll just have to find out when you get introduced.”
A throat cleared at the door. “Your Majesty, your guests have arrived.”
In the Entrance Hall, Sora, Riku, Adam stood at the top of the stairs, just out of site from the crowd below. Riku peered around the corner to report. “I see the servants, and there’s a lot of other people here too.”
“Probably their families,” noted Adam.
“It looks like they’re starting the introductions.”
Sure enough, the doorman spoke loud and clear. “Introducing The Duchess of Cambridge, Marina de Coup Pans de Lyon.”
There was a short applause before the next guest was introduced.
“Alright, so apparently, once all the visitors are introduced, then they will introduce you three and then me. I think they will announce Kairi first.”
“Where is she?” Asked Sora, eager to see his friend all gussied up.
“She’s in the parlor, Mrs. Potts will wheel her out when she’s introduced.”
The guests kept pouring in.
“When do we start walking? When they say our name?”
“As soon as they start saying your title, go ahead and start walking down.”
Riku added from his vantage point, “wow, that’s a bit more than a handful.”
“How many?”
“A few…”
“How many is a few?”
“A couple…”
“Give me a ballpark figure.”
He sighed, “like thirty.”
“I knew this was going to happen,” Adam lamented, head in his hands. “I really don’t want to go out there.”
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re here, if you need anything, we’ll back you up.”
“Are you sure?”
Riku grinned, “I am wonderfully capable of throwing punch on someone and making it look like an accident.”
“So you did do that on purpose!” Sora whisper shouted.
“Tidus had it coming!”  
Lumiere’s voice cut through the conversation. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce our guests of honor. The household extends our welcome to these three young warriors visiting from a far off world. Without their help, the castle would not have returned to the glory it once held.”
“Debatable,” Riku muttered.
“The Princess of light, Kairi Shimomura, daughter of Ansem the Wise, the Sage King of Radiant Garden.”
There was a humble applause as Kairi was presented on the floor.
“What does she look like?” Sora urged, trying to see over Riku’s head.
“You’ll see her in a minute! Calm down!”
“Get ready!” Adam scolded.
“The Former Prince of Darkness, Riku Nomura, Pupil to King Mickey Mouse of Disney castle, wielder of the Keyblade.”
Riku made his descent down the stairs as people applauded. Despite the opening, the name was pretty good.
“And of course,” Lumiere cleared his throat, like he wanted this to be perfect. “The Champion of the Gods, Hero of Olympus, Lieutenant of the Chinese Army, First Mate of Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl," Sora strolled down the stairs, a glow with pride.
Riku stood at the bottom, rolling his eyes and huffing.
"Advisor to Aladdin; Sultan of Agrabah, Consort of King Simba of Pride Rock, Escort of Princesses, Slayer of Dragons and Monsters, Pupil to Master Yen Sid, Knight of His Majesty King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle, Captain of the Starship Highwind, Master of the Seven Elements and Master Keyblade wielder, Sora Hikari of Destiny Islands.”
The servants went ecstatic. Cheers like none other rocked the castle as Sora cockily strolled down the stairs. The new guests just stared in shock, and a bit in awe.
"How's that for a title?" He snickered.
"Cogsworth is going to kill you."
"And now, if you please, a round of applause for your honorable and humble host, Regent Prince Adam de Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry..." applause started as Adam nervously descended the stairs. He waited on the ballroom landing.
"And his beautiful lady," Lumiere smiled as he looked up to the East wing. "Belle."
No title, no family name, just her first name, because that was enough for Adam, so it was enough for everyone else. The servants cheered and sang as the master and mistress of the castle met on the landing, smiling brightly at each other, seemingly lost in their own world.
“Thank you everyone, for attending this wonderful celebration,” Lumiere beamed. “Please, be our guest!”
Hired hands, not previously attending the castle opened the doors to the ballroom. Maestro struck up the band and the party commenced.
Now that he had a moment, Sora crouched a bit and took in Kairi’s absolute beauty. She wore a deep blue dress with silver trimmings and bows and ruffles. Her hair was curled and pinned daintily. Sora blushed as he smiled tenderly at her. “Wow Kai! You look like a Princess!”
“Should she not?” A woman’s voice cut through the moment.
Both Sora and Riku turned to greet a sour looking woman in clothes of grandeur and splendor, pinks and reds of all different shades and hues. All layered together in one big flowery mess. “I thought I’d make my acquaintance to such an esteemed Princess of such an exotic title…but if she isn’t actually a princess…”
Sora rubbed the back of his head. “Gee uh, ma’am. I only meant that she actually looked like a princess. Where we are from, we don’t wear clothing this rich and fine. And girls don’t wear dresses this poofy.”
The noblewoman narrowed her eyes slightly. “I see. I am Madam Vivian Antoinette, Duchess of Corsica. Prince Adam is my nephew.” She held her hand out delicately.
Sora took it and shook it with warmth. “Nice to meet you! I’m Sora! This is Riku and this is Kairi.”
She smirked, withdrawing her hand. “That’s how you introduce yourselves? How…civilian.”
Riku mentally tagged in to this boxing fight of wits. “Our culture is much different then you’re used to, and we apologize. We experience so many different types of cultures in our travels, we find it best to keep it simple.”
“I see,” The woman stated, placated.
Sora took note of the guests making their way into the ballroom. “Well, we should join them. Ready Kai?” He stooped and scooped her up. Automatically, her hands draped around his shoulders.
Aunt Vivian sneered at the sight. “Is it also…proper to hold a lady like that in public where you’re from? Are you married?”
“They might as well be,” Riku quipped.
Sora blushed. “Ah, no we—we aren’t. But uh, as you can see by her chair. Kairi is unable to walk on her own.”
“Is she also unable to speak of her own accord? It seems odd that a servant would be answering for her.”  
Sora’s eyes widened, not sure how to respond to such a rude response in a way that wouldn’t embarrass Cogsworth or Adam. He simply looked to Riku. Sometimes he had better tact.
This moment was not one of those moments.
“Look lady, Sora and I are decorated warriors and master swordsmen, and we deserve way more respect than you’re giving us now. I would have thought you’d be a little bit more polite in front of Princess Kairi, Duchess. And no, she can’t speak either. Very rude of you to point that out.”
The woman laughed a haughty little laugh and unfurled her fan. “I merely wanted to see what types of people you were, since you seem to be well acquainted with my dear sweet nephew.”
Riku folded up Kairi’s chair while Sora started up the stairs. “I hate to be the barer of bad news, but you make a poor first impression.”  
Meanwhile, Adam and Belle were approached by two older men. He knew them, but he wasn’t prepared for how much older they appeared.  
“Father, Uncle,” Adam greeted calmly and genuinely.
His father, King Reginald, smiled and shook his head with a look of disbelief. “You look so much like your mother.”
Adam looked away shyly, unsure of how to respond. He still wasn’t used to looking like a human in the first place.
“So, please tell us about this lovely lady.” His uncle changed the subject.
“Oh! This is Belle, she’s my uh…we are…”
“Adam has been courting me.” She curtsied politely.
The duke and king shared a knowing glance. “She’s very lovely,” Reginald praised. “How were you acquainted? As far as I know, you were never the social type, Adam.”
“Uh…well, she was my guest.”
“Adam was very kind to let me stay here while my father was away. You see, my father is a world famous inventor and he is well travelled to show his inventions to scholars.”
The king nodded with enthusiasm, “sounds like a very smart man!”
“And Belle is very educated as well,” Adam added. “She’s read over half the books in the library since she started staying here.”
“Charming, beautiful, and smart! My boy you’ve seem to found the perfect woman!”
Adam beamed.
“But if she is so well learned,” his uncle interjected, “why did she not take care of the house hold or go with him? I’m just curious.”
Adam swallowed. He was never very good at lying. Especially when he could just drop, ‘because I said so!’ and people would listen to him.
“Well, your excellency, I was being relentlessly pursued by a hunter who wanted my hand in marriage. And sought out your lovely castle as a sanctuary for a just a little time.”
“A hunter?”
“Yes, a man that was unafraid to kill any animal just for praise. He kept them all as trophies. He didn’t know how to read and he spent all his free time drinking beer.”
Adam scowled, hating the man even more.
The duke laughed, “sounds like an utter buffoon! You did well to seek out help.”
“So when’s the wedding?” The King asked.
At that, both Adam and Belle blushed heavily. “Well, the courting is only a recent development…” Adam cleared his throat. “That is, I do love Belle, and I would love to marry her, but I need a little time to get used to the idea.”
“Belle! There you are!” A man hustled into the group. “I saw you go into the ballroom and then I got lost in the crowd—this castle is so big, I still can’t—Oh dear, am I interrupting something? I’m terribly sorry.” Maurice looked up at the gentlemen gathered.
The king barked out a laugh and held out his hand. “It’s quite alright, monsieur…?”
He shook it warmly. “Maurice, just Maurice. I’m Belle’s father. And you are?”
The man laughed. “King Reginald VII, at your service.”
“K-K-K-King!?” Maurice fell down to his face on the floor. “Your Highness! I’m so so sorry, I should have…I’ve never seen you in person, and I wasn’t expecting…”
“Sir, please rise. Since it seems like we’re going to be in laws in the future, there’s no need to be so formal.”
“In laws!? You’re Adam’s—“
“He’s my son, yes,” The king smiled.
Maurice stood on shaky legs, staring between the group. “Oh what have you gotten me into, my dear?”
“Oh darling!” A shrill voice beckoned. The duke turned to greet his wife, Aunt Vivian.
“There you are Viv, where did you waltz off to?”
“I went to speak to the honored guests, the two young men and the princess. Aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Oh yes, of course you remember Adam, and this is his Beau, Belle. And her father, Maurice.”
“Ah, yes.” The woman smirked, “The girl without a title or even a surname.” She snapped her fan.
“Vivian,” her husband scolded.
Aunt Vivian gave her a cold stare. “So how did you end up here? I’m sure it’s a…riveting story.”
“Oh it is!” Maurice responded. “You see, it was a dark and stormy night—!”
Belle put a loving hand on her father’s shoulder. “Now dad, I’m sure Adam wants to get caught up with his family. We can tell them the story later, alright?” And she steered him toward the snack table.
“But Belle, don’t you think that’s important for them to know?”
“They don’t know about the curse,” She explained. “Cogsworth told me that his family just felt compelled to stay away. I do think they need to know about the curse but…not right now. Not tonight.”
Maurice nodded. “I understand, and I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for Papa.” She kissed the top of his head.
“If you don’t mind,” he began, his eyes searching the room, “I’m going to see if Mrs. Potts would like a dance.”
Belle giggled as he headed out into the fray. She proceeded into the room as guests and servants alike greeted her. Then, off in a corner, she saw the boy from Hollow Bastion sitting in a wheelchair, looking at a strange rectangular device.
She approached him quietly. “Now, I could have sworn you were the friend that could walk.”
Riku startled up from his seat. “Oh no, that’s not me…um, I’m just taking pictures.” He held out his phone so that she could see the images of the dancers taking the floor. One such image was of Sora waltzing with Kairi in his arms. Belle looked to the floor and saw him. He looked much more elegant in the photo. But he was happy, as Kairi had her arms draped around his shoulders and rested her head against his chest.
“Are you jealous?” Belle asked, a little bluntly.
Riku huffed. “You know, if you had asked me a year ago, I would have said yes without a doubt. But now I’m just sad.”
Belle turned her sympathetic gaze to Sora. “He seems to care a lot about her.”
“He loves her. He cares about everyone he meets, but he loves her. Did you know he took out his own heart for her? And because of her, he regained himself from a heartless.”
“I remember.” She smiled softly. “I remember waking up to Donald screaming for him. I remember mass panic as everyone left the great hall. But where were you?”  
Riku looked down in shame. “That was after I lost my body to the darkness. Ansem had taken control of my body and there was nothing I could do to stop it.”
Belle looked back at him. “Now everything makes sense.”
“How so?”
She smiled at him. “Several times in his travels, Sora visited our castle. He was looking for you each time. I could only wonder why. But now I know that the you I met back then wasn’t actually you.”
“In a way, it still was.” He sighed. “Before this whole thing started, when the three of us still lived on the island, I confessed to Kairi that I had a crush on her. She was really nice about it, but she told me that her heart belonged to someone else. I asked if it was Sora and she said it was. From that day on, I did everything I could to prove that I was better than him. I even teased him in front of her. In the end, when it mattered, I took a short cut to try to save her, and ended up bringing ruin to myself.” He crossed his arms, “when I kidnapped you, I had a major attitude problem. Since then, I’ve been severely humbled…and I’m sorry for what I did. It must have been traumatic.”
“Scary, yes.” She affirmed. “But I wasn’t harmed, and adventure never hurt anyone.”
He grinned. “In fact, I think it helps.”
Belle raised her hand out to him, “I would like to have a word with Sora, do you think you could help me out there?”
He bowed, “of course, m’lady.”
Riku and Belle danced out to the couple lost in their own little world. She tapped gently on his shoulder. “Excuse me sir, may I have this dance?”
Sora looked between her and Riku and nodded. Kairi raised her arms out so Riku could take her.
“Just so you know, I have two left feet.”
“That’s alright.” Belle grinned.
They awkwardly danced in the crowd of servants. “You’re so stiff,” She chuckled.
“I’m just not used to dancing!”
“Well, at least you aren’t looking at your feet. It took Adam a long time to figure that out.”
“To be fair, we aren’t really dancing…just swaying in a circle.”
“I don’t mind.”
“So…what’s the Beast—er, Adam up to?”
“He’s talking to his family in the grand hall. I don’t think his Aunt likes me.”
“Oh you mean—,” He pitched his voice high and made it overly proper. “Aunt Vivian?”
“You met her?”
“I was roasted by her. Riku and Kairi too! Some people are just awful.”
“I’ve dealt with worse,” Belle assured. “But, I’ve been meaning to ask you, I just haven’t been able to since you got here…what is wrong with Kairi? If I recall, she didn’t have any problems before.”
Sora looked away in sadness. “Well, you remember Xaldin, right?”
Her nose flared. “Did that awful man do this?”
“Not quite. He was a part of a group of Nobodies called Organization XIII. Their leader ripped Kairi’s heart out and shattered it. Riku and I are trying to find a way to restore it, since Kingdom Hearts is unstable without it.”
“Oh goodness! Is there anything we can do to help?”
“Actually…” He moved his hand to his pocket. As he did, there was a loud knocking at the door.
A hush fell over all the servants as they stopped dancing. Even the band stopped playing music. The guests looked around confused as nearly everyone looked to the door.
The knocks repeated.
Lumiere hurried from the ballroom and down the steps to get the door, but Adam was already heading towards it. As Belle and Sora reached the bottom of the steps, they heard Aunt Vivian scoff. “Answering the door himself? That’s a servant’s job!”
Adam adjusted his coat and opened the door with a welcoming air.
Lumiere paled next to Belle. “It’s her.”
An ugly old woman stood at the door, her knotted hands clutched a rotting cane. Her blind eye staring right into Adam’s soul. Though she never said so, he believed that she would return one day to test him.
Persistent rain pelted down on the stairs behind the woman. He couldn’t recall if it had been doing so when the guests arrived not long ago.
“Good evening, madam,” he greeted, a nod of his head.
“Please,” she begged. “Spare an poor old woman from the cold? I have but a rose to offer in return.”
“That’s very kind of you, please come in.” With a sweep of his arm, he gestured inside. “We are in the middle of a celebration, please enjoy the music.”
“That’s alright, what I’d really love is a warm bed for the night.”
Cogworth hurried up to Adam in a hushed panic. “All the rooms are full, and I know that our…distinguished guests would be…put out if your offered their room away.”
“Then the parlor,” Adam decided. “We’ll have a nice fire in the parlor and you can sit in my chair.”
Everything finally clicked in Sora’s mind and he joined the conversation. “Bea—er Adam, me, Riku, and Kairi have to get going tonight, so if you want to offer one of our rooms, that’s fine.”
“Ah! Thank you! There we go, a nice warm room for you ma’am!” He called back to the assembled crowd. “Is Mrs. Potts here?”
The housekeeper hurried down the steps to the Master. “Yes sir, I’m here sir.”
“I’m so sorry to ask this of you on your day off, but could you personally attend to our guest?”
“Of course, Master.” She curtsied.
“I’ve had just about enough of this!” Aunt Vivian exclaimed. “Treating this woman—this peasant with so much curtesy! It’s…well, it’s disgraceful.”
Adam cleared his throat. “Aunt Vivian, you don’t understand.”
“Oh I understand plenty! While we were gone, you resorted to rubbing shoulders with dirty commoners! You bring shame upon this family!”
The beggar woman looked at Adam, and smiled slightly. “Are you going to let her boss you around in your own castle?”
“You! You do not speak unless spoken too!” Vivian snapped. “Adam! This is a complete and utter embarrassment. If you will not do something about this, then I will.”
“Vivian, this is my castle now, and whoever needs refuge will get it. You must understand—“
But the woman was so lost in anger that she would not listen to him. “Guards! Anyone! Get this woman out of here!”
The old beggar woman narrowed her eyes. “Do not be deceived by my appearance. Things are not always as they seem.”
The resounding slap sent the crowd into silence. A maid sobbed.
“Get out.” Vivian snarled.
Instantly, the room was overtaken by a bright light. The old woman rose into the air and showed her true, beautiful form. Vivian fell to her knees in fear.
“Anger and hate will get you nowhere.” She proclaimed, raising her hands. “This is what happens when you let it fester!”
Prince Adam seized up instantly, pink magic surrounding him.
“Oh no!” Belle cried. “Please don’t!” She looked to Sora. “Please do something!”
Adam’s body was engulfed in light, as beams burst forth from his fingertips.
Sora drew his keyblade, but stood still, unsure of the right course of action.
“Steady your hand Keyblade wielder, I am not your enemy,” The enchantress claimed.
A horrendous roar shook the castle and the once handsome Prince was reduced to a Beast once more. He turned, snarling at his family.
The king took a step toward him, holding out his hand. “Adam…”
The enchantress lowered herself to their level and placed a hand on the Beast’s arm. “This is the product of your cruel, sad, sickening and hateful hearts. I once thought he was a spoiled, selfish, and wicked child. I now realize that he was merely a victim himself, of gross negligence and poor role models. These last ten years, he will never get back, and it’s all your fault.” She addressed the King, the Duke, and the Duchess.
The King was the first to act, in a way that no one would have ever expected. He ran to Adam and threw his arms around his son and wept. “Adam! My sweet little Adam! How cruel and foolish I’ve been!”
“Father?” The beast hated the gruff noise that was his voice.
The king looked up to him. “By god, you still have her eyes.” He clenched his eyes shut, pained. “Every time I looked at you, it hurt so bad. You took my wife away, but are the only thing I have left of her. And I chose to push you away and ruin your life. I know I can never make it up to you, but I will do everything I can to make up for it. I’m so sorry, could you ever forgive me?”
The beast hugged him back. “All I wanted was for you to love me.”
“Oh Adam, I did. I loved you so much…but I didn’t know how to show it. Anything would have been better than what I did. We’ll start a new, is that alright?”
“Yes…that sounds perfect.”
The duke approached him guiltily. “I don’t think I was much better. Your father asked me to watch over you, and I did a poor job. I have no excuse.”
The Beast clapped his shoulder, causing him to stumble. “You tried. And that’s okay. It didn’t help that I was awful to you.”
“I’ve long forgiven you for anything you did, my boy.” The duke assured.
The enchantress looked at the assembled and smiled. “Forgiveness is the mightiest sword. And with it, your hearts can be purified.” Then she turned her eyes upon the duchess. “But some hearts are so consumed by darkness, that they cannot be redeemed.” She raised her hand and a pink light surrounded Vivian, who still sat frozen on the ground. “You who have mocked and scorned others, who has pointed fingers and carelessly flung insults. You will have silence for the rest of your days. Nevermore will you sing your praises or defend your actions, and no one will stand up in your place. For you have damned yourself to a life of scorn and hatred as you have delivered it. There will be no redemption for you, for you have not learned this lesson yet.” And with that Vivian’s voice turned to dust.
“Vivian!” The Duke cried, running to her.
The Duchess finally snapped out of her trance and hurled every insult and swear she could think of. But it all remained unheard. Then, she hugged herself and cried.
Finally, the Beast spoke. “What must I do to turn back into a human?”
The enchantress graced him with a smile. “Through Belle’s love, and your love for her, your curse has been lifted forever. This form is for you to use as needed. I sense great danger in the future, and thought it might be of use to you.”
The Beast closed his eyes, and went still. Slowly, his form melted back into a human, as if there was never any change. Belle threw her arms around him in relief.
“You passed my test, young prince. And now my presence is no longer needed.”
“Wait!” Sora called.
She met his plea.
“Please, Kairi lost her heart.” He gestured over to the girl, still in Riku’s arms. “I hoped that you would know a way to regain it?”
The enchantress floated closer, examining him. “There is no magic in this world or any other that can regain a princess’s lost heart.”
Sora felt his stomach sink into his shoes.
“However, the item in your pocket holds the key.”
He pulled out the heart shard. “This?”
“Yes, follow your heart and it will lead to hers.” And with that, she finally disappeared.    
Once the staff realized that they weren’t going to be cursed again, the celebration continued.
Adam and Belle joined Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
“So that’s what you’re looking for?” Belle glanced at the crystal.
“Yeah, it’s a heart shard of a past Princess of Light.”
“Well, there’s going to be a lot of changes happening in the castle in the coming month. We will keep an eye out for one,” Adam assured.
Sora nodded, “I appreciate it. Stay safe you guys, I didn’t really like the warning the enchantress gave.”
“I’m not too sure about that either,” Belle confessed.
“Only a fool would try to harm anyone in my castle.”
“Your Beast is showing.” Riku smirked.
Sora clapped his hands, “Well, we have to get going. It is a long flight back to Hollow Bastion. But first, I’m going to get more of those little wienies for the road!”
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starcharmfunzies · 7 years
ok I’ve been thinking this over for a few days
Venqua Thumbelina AU only without the tiny This is a long one so brace yourselves:
-Set back when the worlds weren’t divided apart -Xehanort found Ven and took him as a pupil -Ven barely learns how to summon his Keyblade but falls in a comma when Xehanort fucking around out of curiosity takes the darkness out of him -With Ven’s pure heart of light and Vanitas’ pure darkness Xehanort thinks he can do something amazing but isn’t sure what -Before he can think of anything Vanitas is already trying to kill Ven -Xehanort fends him off and tries to keep him locked somewhere while he thinks of something  -Vanitas runs for it and escapes Xehanort, though still wants to murder Ven because he hates his guts -Xehanort spends his days searching for Vanitas but the world is freaking giant and has had no luck so far -Ven wakes up, not remembering a single thing that happened -Xehanort decides is best to not let Ven ever leave and fills his head with the idea that the world is a terrible place a la Frollo -Ven is actually grateful to Xehanort for keeping him safe
-Ven spends a few years secluded while Xehanort constantly leaves to try and find Vanitas -Because he’s always alone Ven ends up reading a lot of books and dreams of seeing all the things he reads about -In one of those books he finds out keyblade wielders are a thing and remembers he could summon his keyblade -Xehanort tells him indeed there are other keyblade wielders besides them but keeps saying how they’re all not good and Ven should never go out looking for them -Meanwhile Aqua is a keyblade wielder that just got her Master title -Eraqus is teaching Aqua the responsibilities that come with being Master while she decides what to do: find pupils or find a place to watch and protect from the darkness -While out patrolling Aqua wanders off from Eraqus because she feels the presence fo a very strong light -For a moment she thinks it’s one of the princesses of heart but is confused because none of them live nearby -Aqua follows the light to find Ven -She’s confused and doesn’t know if she should go talk to him or call Eraqus -Hey you know what he’s kinda cute I think I’ll go talk to him -Aqua introduces herself and Ven immediately spots her keyblade and is scared she might be one of those bad keyblade wielders -Aqua reassures Ven she won’t hurt him -Ven is still nervous because this is the first time he sees a girl in person and omg are they all supposed to be that pretty?? -She seems nice so Ven lowers his guard and starts asking her a bunch of stuff about the keyblade -Aqua answers to them all but wonders why Ven is so curious about it -Ven explains he can summon his keyblade but no more than that. Xehanort won’t teach him anything else and Ven feared that if he searched for others wielders they might be bad -Aqua is mortified by the idea of someone planting the idea that keybalde wielders are evil and offers to take Ven to her master so he can see for himself -Ven is hesitant because Xehanort might return soon and he doesn’t let him leave -Aqua tries to convince Ven that her Master could teach him of the keyblade’s power and summons her rider to show him -Ven is absolutely amazed and accepts when Aqua offers him a short ride -Cue musical number where they travel through different worlds and grow closer -While on their ride Vanitas spots Ven and follows them on their way back -Aqua returns Ven home and he is convinced to go join her but because he can hear in the distance one of Xehanort’s dark portals he urges Aqua to leave and tell hers he’ll go tomorrow -Aqua promises to come back tomorrow a little earlier to take him with her -Ven goes to sleep with butterflies in his stomach; Aqua tells Eraqus she’s decided what to do and explains everything that happened to him -In the middle of the night Vanitas barges in to Ven’s room and tries to kill him -Xehanort intervenes and fights him, but Vanitas escapes with Ven -Too drained from the fight to use a portal Vanitas runs the entire night to make sure Xehanort doesn’t catch up to him -Mickey, who is still training to be a keyblade Master under Yen Sid, was sent on a mission to watch over Radiant Garden -Mickey spots Vanitas appearing on the outside of town carrying a body -That’s some shady stuff I better go see what that is about -Vanitas kicks Ven awake whom had been knocked out the entire time -Scared and with no clue what was happening Ven asks Vanitas what was his problem  -Vanitas mocks Ven for not remembering and coldly explains how he was born -Because Ven is everything he will never be he wants him gone to try and live as his own person instead of someone’s shadow -Before Vanitas can kill Ven Mickey stops him and fights him off -Too tired from running the entire night Vanitas decides to leave Ven and escape -Ven is immensely grateful and is so happy to just be meeting nice keyblade wielders after another -Mickey wants to take him somewhere safe and asks where he is from so he can take him back -Ven explains he has nowhere to go back to and just wants to go with Aqua because of their promise -Mickey points out he actually knows Aqua, but because she’s being learning Master stuff he has no idea where she could be. He could take Ven to Eraqus but he doesn’t know either where the Land of Departure exactly is -Mickey is determined to find the Land of Departure -Mickey takes Ven out of Radiant Garden in case Vanitas returns to a nice island and asks him to wait for him there -Mickey leaves with his star shard and Ven stays in the island -Meanwhile Aqua is waiting impatiently in the Land of Departure for the appointed time to pick Ven up -Terra returns from a mission and immediately notices Aqua is visibly happy and asks what’s up -Aqua tells Terra everything that happened last night, adding at the end that some Xehanort had convinced Ven keyblade wielders were evil -Terra recalls meeting Xehanort a few times and mentions a bit worried how he remembered listening some gossip nearby Twilight Town that there had been a strange kidnapping and Xehanort was out searching  -Aqua is terrified that Ven might have been the one kidnapped and runs out to look for him -Terra decides to help and asks Aqua what Ven looks like before setting off to search too -Aqua stops by Ven’s home hoping that maybe it wasn’t him that had been kidnapped but finds the place completely trashed and goes out to search for him -Meanwhile at the island Ven meets young Sora, Riku and Kairi (Kairi lives in Destiny Islands too for some reason just don’t think about it) and befriends them -Led by the light of both Ven and Kairi Maleficent appears thinking it’s just Ven -Ven urges Sora Riku and Kairi to hide -Maleficent whom had been trying to capture pure hearts of light takes Ven away with her -Terra arrives to Destiny Islands and asks Sora Riku and Kairi if they’ve seen Ven -They say he was taken away by Maleficent and Terra hurries to her castle -At Maleficent’s castle upon closer inspection she realizes Ven is not exactly of a pure heart of light -She’s ready to throw him away to some heartless when Xehanort appears and kills Maleficent in cold blood -Xehanort tries to convince Ven to return to him, using Maleficent as example that everyone out in the world wanted to extinguish any kind of good light they encountered  -Ven is scared shitless and realizes Xehanort is actually an evil keyblade wielder -Ven refuses to go with him and when Xehanort tries to take him by force Mickey appears in a blast of light from his star shard. Mickey is confused because that old guy was not the one that kidnapped Ven -Xehanort is not even fazed and is ready to beat the hell out of Mickey but Terra shortly appears -Though its 2v1 Terra knows they won’t defeat him and tells Mickey to take Ven somewhere else instead -Mickey warns Terra of the masked guy if he were to appear and grabs Ven to escape with his star shard -They appear in Traverse Town and Mickey apologizes because he hasn’t found the Land of Departure -Ven knows Mickey is doing his best, but both being tired fall asleep in the dark corner of an alley -A bit later on Aqua finds Terra injured by Enchanted Dominion and he explains what happened and tells her how Xehanort left after beating him -Terra adds that not only Xehanort was after Ven but also some masked guy -Aqua just gets more frustrated and sends Terra to Land of Departure to recover while she keeps searching -Terra returns to Land of Departure and tells Eraqus of what is going on -Eraqus joins the search -Mickey is not sure anymore if he should leave Ven alone and decides to take him along -They travel to several worlds but to no avail. When arriving to the Badlands Ven is starting to lose hope of ever seeing Aqua again -Mickey tries to encourage Ven to hang on to the promise he did to Aqua and not give up -Ven doesn’t listen and wants some time on his own to think things over -Vanitas finds Ven again, but because Vanitas has fully recovered he easily takes Mickey down -Ven is cornered with nowhere to run and is ready to face the end -Aqua appears and clashes with Vanitas, protecting Ven -Though beyond happy Ven is more preoccupied over Aqua winning -When Aqua and Vanitas seem evenly matched Terra appears and joins the fight, succesfully striking down Vanitas -Aqua and Ven happily reunite -Relieved everything turned out fine Mickey returns to his world and Terra Aqua and Ven leave to the Land of Departure -Xehanort is waiting there for them with Eraqus nowhere in sight -Xehanort tries to convince Ven one more time to go back but he still refuses -He decides he’ll do it by brute force and fights Terra and Aqua -To Ven’s horror they are both defeated and feels useless because he can’t help despite having a keyblade -When everything seems lost Eraqus appears defying Xehanort -Ven is awestruck upon finally meeting Eraqus -When Aqua mentions Vanitas is gone Xehanort realizes there’d be no point in getting Ven back without Vanitas -Xehanort bitterly recognizes defeat and leaves -Eraqus takes Ven as pupil and assures him he’ll train him well -Aqua tells Ven how despite being Master she decides to stick around to help Ven train so he’ll grow strong -Terra Aqua and Ven hug and among the excitement Ven and Aqua share a tiny brief kiss -From then on Aqua and Ven slowly fall in love -Everyone is happy the end 
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yukinamizuki · 7 years
I’m sorry its a bit late. This is the first time I do this so... yeah..  [CONTAIN SPOILER] Please ask me if you want to reupload this somewhere ^^ 
I’m in the middle of doing my homework, when suddenly the notification for the 3rd season PV come and I get really hype and suddenly got the urge to translate this. Sorry for any grammar mistake and other such thing. I get help from my dearest friend to translate some word, thanks a lot!
1.Tenn, I think Tenn-nii said this to Kujo-san. I mean... other than him, who else?
2.Gaku, TRIGGER may be in trouble because of the rumour. (Fuck the paparazi)
3.Ryuu, I’m pretty sure Ryuu-san said this to Tenn and Gaku. Because they get angry because of the ‘problem’
What’s written on the red text is read as ‘tetorarukia’, and I actually get really confuse so I decide on ‘tetrarchy’ after some discussion with my friend.
NEW GROUP ZOOL, Because there’s no actuall text of the kanji, there may be some mistake.
4.Inumaru Toma, , I heard him said ‘trigger mo zama nai na’ and that zama is a bit confusing, but from the flow of the line. I think it can be translate as that.
5.Isumi Haruka, Hmm.. I’m really wondering who he said this to. Its only one person because he said ‘omae’ that means you,  and not ‘omaera’ that means you guys.  Maybe its either Mikki or Riku?
6.Natsume Minami, I think he say that to Idolish7 or TRIGGER because they said something like ‘want to surpass zero’ or anything like that.
7.Mido Torao, he said ‘damatta mama’ and I’m not sure if he mean it as either ‘silent’ or ‘hide’ one true self.  The targer are Yamato or Ryuu.. biggest possibility.
8.Yamato, ‘iyashii warujie’ seriously I need to use google translate for this one, its doesn’t make sense to me. Well I’m not a pro to begin with. And Yama-san said ‘kikenaku’ that means ‘can’t ask’ but I think that way is more make sense.
9.Riku, ..... okay Riku what’s wrong?
10.Iroi, Iorin said ‘shuuchaku dekiru nara’ that means ‘can be obsessed’ ‘-‘. But I think he mean that as ‘stay with’, so I decide do translate it like that. Does he said that to the manager? Because if he said that to the member, I think he’ll said ‘tatakaimashou’ instead, so all of the member will fight together.
11.Mitsuki, Mikki T^T. I think he said this to Nagi, most of time Mikki will tell Nagi story for advice first. Maybe another conflict with himself?
12.Sougo, Idk if you guys know or not. But Japan often doesn’t use ‘subject’ when they talk. So I have no idea, who So-chan said this too. But I think it’s Tamaki, so I decide to use ‘he’ here. (Also from the flow of the lines)
13.Tamaki, and again no subject. And I think he said this to So-chan because Sougo tend to hold everything by himself. Tamaki said ‘gokai’ which mean ‘misunderstanding’. And by ‘misunderstood about you’ here, is not ‘I didn’t know you are that kind of person’ but it means that Tamaki ‘misunderstand’ about something that So-chan does.
14.Nagi, well boy what happen to your country?? ._. or maybe what happen in your past?
15.Momo, I really got no clue what trouble with face them. Because Momo’s biggest problem is already clear at the 2nd season. (At least that’s what I thought, but who knnows?)
16.Yuki, Yuki said ‘koko ni iru nani ka wo’. ‘koko ni iru’ = exist here/ it is here, ‘nani ka wo’ roughly means something. But its not clear what or maybe who is the said thing.
Last... Who are you man? -_- Suddenly appear saying that, are you zero? Hmm.. Too young I think.. I’m really curious, like REALLY CURIOUS. Well all of that is what I THOUGHT, so let’s just see the truth in the game.
Now, I decide to separate this. Because there may be some person that don’t want to listen to my thought and other thing.  FINALLY I CAN RANT (In a good way), ABOUT THE OTHER THING.
First, let’s see the new unit!
New unit ŹOOĻ<ズール>!
Well I think this is the first time an actual antagonist like group appear, since TRIGGER have a nice rivalry with I7. And Re:Vale is an AWESOME senpai.
1.狗丸トウマ (Inumaru Toma):CV 木村昴 (Kimura Subaru)
From the line in the PV, I conclude that this Toma is some rude bastard with skill. The usuall pattern would be ‘Badmouthing – mouth fight – one of the member said ‘so u can do better bro?’ – end up really good’... Yeah :v Well, we still don’t know tho.
The seiyuu Kimura Subaru, I recognize his voice because ‘Dance with the Devil’ anime. Also he’s the seiyuu of ‘Giant’ from Doraemon XD.I have no worry for his singing skill tho, have heard it before and I like it.
 2.亥清悠 (Isumi Haruka):CV 広瀬裕也 (Hirose Yuuya)
I’m not sure how to describe him. He can be the hot-blood type like Gaku that hate losing but is cocky and will go ‘I don’t need any weak rival’ or the doesn’t care type like Yamato onii-chan.
His seiyuu Hirose Yuuya, I’m not familliar with his name. When I search him, turn out he’s the megane from the anime Handa-kun. The one who always wear the Gakuran. I’ll just watch over him with warm heart ^^ I hope he does a good job.
 3.棗巳波 (Natsume Minami):CV 西山宏太朗 (Nishiyama Kotarou)
He looks like the type that seems nice at first but will said the cruelest thing at the end, or maybe said it with no harm meaning. (But hurting instead.).
I recognize his voice, well Nishiyama-san voice is good so I wonder why he doesn’t get more role ._. I hope he get more in the future, and I think his voice kind of fit this kind of character.
 4.御堂虎於 (Mido Torao):CV 近藤隆 (Kondo Takashi)
I think since he said that kind of line, he may be blunt character that’ll say anything in his mind.I’ve a feeling I like him out of these 4.
KONDO-SAN!!! Well the reason I may like him is because of this too. I really like Kondo-san since hearing to his Drama CD XD. At first I didn’t notice (I forget his name kanji), when I translate it well man I’m really shock and start to getting hype. At first I was like “Oh all of the cast is ‘new’ to me. It will be kind of fresh then.” Means I’m not famiiar at seeing them in anime or other. But then Kondo-san come ^^. Well  I look forward to seeing them in the actuall game.
From the lines of Tenn, Gaku and Ryuu. I think they get into some kind of the trouble with public because of a wrong rumour by the magazine. But damn Tenn line at the end is so cool, his profesional attitude doesn’t drop at all. TRIGGER is this season main group (?) so I look forward to what will happen. There’s many side of Tenn and Ryuu that still unknown yet.
I’m really concern about Nagi, because that line is soooo unlike him. Well I think all of us notice that he might be some prince or something because he seems so used to do speech in the 2nd season. So.. what happen in his country... AHH NAGI!!
Then we have Yamato onii-chan. He has too much mystery for my liking,  So I expected we finally can know some fact. From Nagi and Yuki dialog in the second season, I think Yamato is former actor and quit for some reason. So that lines may be direct to.. someone that he want to revenge at first (?).
Riku and Iori lines may be connected. Riku said a day like today, might not come again while Iori said he will fight. So maybe there’s some trouble that will cause them to crumble, and the manager and Iori will try to do something about it.
I don’t have many thing to said about Sougo and Tamaki, because maybe they have some big argument again. But I don’t really have a clue about what it is, expected it is a misunderstanding. It can’t be about Aya-chan again, because she and Kujo go overseas. (Its amazing Tamaki can still meet Tenn-nii without asking him about Aya-chan, or.. did he?)
Mikki please realize that you’re love by many person ><, but I understand what he mean. Its scary to accept yourself when we don’t know what the other is thinking.
Momo and Yuki seems to have a new goal(?), Idk about Yuki but Momo’s past is mostly reveal. So let’s see what else they have for us. And that mysterious man in the last scene, seriously  WHO ARE YOU~ (Last dimention reference :v) That can’t be Zero.... right?
If you have play until the end of season 2, you can see a picture of TRIGGER and text saying  “The next stage is...” (Yeah, I think this is what is written there). So this 3rd season will focus on TRIGGER (?). Also from the Nico Nama from las year August, they said Nagi will play big part in the 3rd season. So its explain that word, that so unlike Nagi. They also said there will be a lot of tears again T_T like the usuall ainana.  AND from the official site, they said this 3rd season will have a big volume (the story will be long), also close to the core of the story.
Now soon they will have an anime too, but the release date is not clear yet. Tbh honest I’m a big dan of utapri, but the story is just too much of a failure as they get more season. (Let’s accept it guys). What’s the point of saying its reverse harem, just said that its music idol anime like B-project. Now, I just start playing ainana since february or march, but I’m a total fangirl now. Usually I play rhythm game for the music game, but for ainana I play for the character and most of all THE STORY. Yup its always soo good, that I cry. I like the music too of course ^^
And the character all of them is so awesome. I’m still not sure who’s my favourite right now, because yeah. ALL OF THEM IS GREAT. The rabbit chat is really interesting. And now they’re gonna make a new feature, I think its called ‘Tv Rabbit’ With this we can see the interaction between member and backstage scene (?). I’m really look forward to this ^^
Once again, I’m sorry for the late update and thank you for reading ^^ (If you do read until this far tho, lol)
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