#i want the Story to start!!!!!! aaaAAAA
syrupyyyart · 10 months
Its exciting to finally actually be working on Motley, but it's also astronomically frustrating because I wanna Get Into The Good Stuff so BAD
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cheswirls · 2 months
sits down to write fic and writes 3k of notes for it instead, spends two separate hrs in the middle of it dwelling on pointless things, there were 8k notes prev so i def added almost half that amnt, have not written a single thing even tho i set down at 8p to write a scene and made a conscious decision to do this instead of starting laundry between 8 and 9 (laundromat closes at ten), it is three am currently,,,,,,
#ik the answer is yes BUT still gonna ask rhetorically#hey uh you ever sit down to write and five hours pass and you have written nothing#this doesn't happen often but i do have times where i want to write smth#then end up making notes for other scenes in the fic instead of actively writing prose#good in the long run and it is technically adding to the story!! somewhat!!!#but is it really writing???? not in my eyes no#but this is leagues better than when i was in hs and all my fic notes lived rent free in my head#at least now when i don't touch a fic for several months ill have some idea of what's going on when i go back to it#also dunno when i made it a habit to have fic notes at the start of the fic doc but i like this better#than having random handwritten notes scattered among planner / uni spirals / class handouts / paper at random#it's nice to have everything in one place#and if it gets annoying to navigate all i have to do is place a marker at start of prose#and format it as a heading so i can pull up the doc outline and click to get to it#but enough abt ease of access!!!!#i said i would eat at one when it was 12 how is it 3 already aaaaaaa#at least i am done. with notes. so now i can start writing for realsies#god it jus hit that this is why i can't jump freely into writing an ongoing longfic....#it takes so much effort to get back into it and i gotta have the time to do so#so sort n parse thru what i have so if i have an hr or only like 3 and it's been mths since ive looked at a fic#then i gotta put it aside again bc that's not enough time to absorb everything and actually get to writing#i rly need to like. cliffnotes all my longer ongoing fic. so much work but that's rly the obv solution
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zaras22 · 1 year
I'm terrified of chloe from dbh
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pinionpartridge · 2 years
Endwalker is making me s c r e a m
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well, I have an idea, feel free to ignore but I hope you like it.
Yandere Male Deliquent x GN Ex Bully
Like he tried to make them explode and being their “true self”, because in the past, when they were younger, they defend him and he became a delinquent just to see them again.
Sorry if my English is bad.
Also your English great anon! Dw about it.
AAAAAAA I’ve meaning to do more Yan! Delinquent recently anon!! You read my mind. For those new to my account. I already have a Yan! Delinquent OC named Mori Ban (see tag: hns.moriban) who was the first to really blow up from my yan! ocs. I always loved this trope with yan stories hhh
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tw/cw: DDNE, mention extreme bullying, assault, and harassment. (brought out my trauma for this one). i imagine reader to be amab/masc for this one but there are no explicits allusions to that.
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Uttering the name [L/N] [Y/N] was enough to strike fear in the hearts of men. Literally and figuratively speaking, your voice was enough to make even the highest of authorities piss their pants. Not only were you capable of destroying a person’s physical body with your very own hands, you were able to dismantle everything from their relationships and reputation to their financial situations in life.
People predicted you to grow up and become an even more menacing, ruthless person. You had the potential, and with the way you were it was simply the natural trajectory.
But like you always did, you broke everyone’s expectations.
You were like the delinquent version Serena Van Der Woodsen. Mindlessly strutting in as if you hadn’t put several companies to bankruptcy because the owner’s kid looked at you the wrong way. Nonchalantly eating your lunch in the same vicinity of your old victims as if you hadn’t shoved their face into the toilet as a way to pass time. Cheerfully waving at the student council president as if you hadn’t constantly blackmailed and assaulted them for several years just so they’d do your homework and projects. No one was safe from you. You had no code. As long as you felt like it, any life could be destroyed.
Standing opposite to your current path was Mori.
He used to be the punching bag of your lesser goons. Known for being weak and poor, only good for his academic excellence.
He grew up to be almost as fearsome than you. Where-areas you were coldblooded, revelling in the pain you brought upon others. He was a lot more morally guided. Sure, his enemies often suffered worse fates physically, but he wasn’t like you in the way he picked his battles. He only brought hell to those that deserved it. Those that hurt other people first.
And then there was the way he treated you.
You technically belonged to the category he dealt with. You ruined dozens, maybe even hundreds or thousands of lives in a whim. You were the devil in a pretty suit of skin. Despite your lack of hostility nowadays, you never apologised or took accountability, never attempted to atone for your mistakes. The only reason why others haven’t confronted you about it was because of fear. They didn’t want to potentially anger you and set off a bomb.
But Mori? Mori could handle you.
After all, he dedicated his whole life to being your equal; serving you, aiding you.
In fact, he was just so disappointed to see you this way. All disgustingly docile and horridly disciplined. What kind of monster tamed you to be like this? Mori chuckled at the thought. No one but him can match you. You must have started behaving yourself for the sake of appearance. All of this was just a façade. If you had truly changed you would have begged for forgiveness to those you’ve wronged. If you had become a better person then you wouldn’t be discreetly glaring at him when you thought he wasn’t looking.
If someone had truly taught you to be a goody-two-shoes he would have killed them ages ago.
“Hey, [N/N]. Sweetheart. How ya doin?” Mori leaned forward. He grew to be quite a ways taller than you and had to lean over to meet you face to face. Much to your chagrin.
“Fine. It’s so nice of you to ask Ban. If you’ll excuse me.” You adeptly moved to the side. You had dealt with this man-child several times throughout the semester already and knew to just avoid him at all costs lest you lose braincells and precious energy talking to him.
However, you could only take two steps before his hands grappled unto your wrist.
“Woah woah woah there. We’re not done yet.”
You don’t look back, and firmly yet calmly stated, “Yes, we are.”
“It’s a little late but we have yet to give you a homecoming party. That wouldn’t be fair for the great [Y/N].”
You turned back. Eyes wide, not of surprise or anger, but from sheer awe of this man’s audacity.
“I know what you want, and you’re not getting it from me right now.” You scowled at his beautiful pink eyes and effortlessly yanked your arm away from him. You didn’t know it yet back then,
but you had already lit the match.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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thefourchimes · 1 month
okay, just gonna say this now before i start this post: i have absolutely no problems with alternate universes, go ham with them, go wild, you can have fun, etcetc, they're called alternate universes for a reason, after all
however. HOWEVER.
i have a problem when people say something should have happened in canon, when canon itself disproves or goes against whatever these people want
the reason why im bringing this up?
the whole thing with how some people keep saying mirabel should have [insert the usual things people say here, hate, slap, punch, left, get revenge, etc, take your pick, there's unfortunately a lot to choose from] the family. in the canon movie.
again, i have no problem with alternate universes and seeing them in fanfics or whatever, you do you, could be interesting to see even
but when you start saying this should have happened in canon, its just. no. no.
god, it just frustrates me so much whenever i see these posts and comments, the ones that said she should have gone evil or villain or hate the family and all that stuff
because mirabel herself loves her family. she literally said it outright in the movie!!! its not in her personality and character to just go against them and hate them and want revenge. there will be hurt and hesitance and some resentment after everything she'd gone through, yes, but outright hate to the point where she'll hurt them?? absolutely not.
not with her character, her love and empathy and understanding, the traits we see her show in the movie.
like my friend once said: mirabel "he loved this family. i love this family. we all love this family" would NEVER hurt her family
say it louder for the people at the back!!
and thats not all i want to rant about tbh...the real kicker on this one?
whenever this statement is added on top of it all: "if i were mirabel—"
well, news flash people who keep saying these things, mirabel isnt you. mirabel is her own character who has her own experiences and her own feelings. maybe you'll be able to relate to her, especially with similar experiences, but that doesn't mean you can just copy and paste your own feelings onto her and say this is what she should have done in canon because thats what i would have done!!
we all project onto our favorite characters in various ways, which is completely fine, go at it and definitely not surprising for a story about family issues, but when you start to project so much that you throw away the character's actual personality and characterization in favor of said projection? yeah...no.
thats not mirabel madrigal anymore, that's a completely new character...or dare i say, a self-insert for some people... 💀:////
yeah, im just so frustrated with this AAAAAAA 😭
but anyway yes.
thats it, really. again, AUs are absolutely fine but if someone starts yapping about how canon should have [insert whatever those people keep saying here] instead while disregarding actual canon and proper characters and personalities, im going to become violent
anywho...thats my thoughts on this, went on a bit of a tangent but
anyway bye—
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staghunters · 1 month
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Happy Birthday to her! Vampfic Jackie you will always be famous :3
Alt Version and ramble under the cut haha
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Wowza, a whole year!
Wouldn't have thought it to feel so long and short at the same time. If I had to look at all the stuff that happened inbetween posting that first chapter and whatever I'm doing now, there's so much change in there. And definitely all for the better!
I've met so many cool people in the span of this year. Very noteworthy case being @ordinaryhorror, since we started talking because of vampire!jackie, and then werewolf!jackie, and before you know it, you're on a train to Spain hugging the biggest dork in the world (love ya, my buddy, my pal). Oh no now there's a series rewatch, Ah no now a discord server and mutuals and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so many nice peeps!
Talking about fandom as something Big in my life feels a bit cringe, but in this case that rings very true. I think I put somewhere before that, ever since I got into YJ, my inspiration for making things has spiked for the first time in over a decade.
AND for the first time it really got me into writing fic. So that's why this is a bit of a special occassion, since the vampfic was the first multi-chapter thing of considerable length that I started with. It really forced me to think about a number of things like: - how the fuck do I outline things - what's good pacing - this could be a fun thing to include, but would it make sense - aaaaa multiple characters interacting and they all have their own personality and likes/dislikes about others aaaaaaa
A great lesson!
I liked working on it, and where the story ended up. I don't really re-read it except for the comments and chapter 7, since of that one i really am proud. On other fronts I feel that if I were to stare at it for too long, the flaws would begin to annoy me and I would want to fix things, which is not something I want to do.
If anything, I want to put the same level of energy into a new project.
Thanks for reading! And if you didn't, still super-duper thankful to have you here. Just knowing that there's people in the world that vibe with what I think of/make really is enough to me
Cheers <3
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 months
I just had a nap and dreamed this so bear with me. A HC where there's a meeting going on so Bucky is at her house (in my head, Bucky, Steve's territory are the closest to her father's so they tend to stick together and meetings take place at his house because her father is the oldest of the three) and she needs Ian to think she's only hooking up with Bucky, like he suspects she's plotting with him to take him down and she's a petty bitch that's just like 'how dare you be right about me' so she takes Bucky into her room and immediately starts making out with him and he is into it, of course, but also totally confused.
"Shit- Hi."
"Yeah, hey. Get on the bed and take off your shirt."
"Okay," his shirt already halfway past his head. "Wait a minute, what's happening?"
"I'll explain later," she climbs into his lap, ignoring his choked noise and threading her fingers in his hair. "I just need you to cooperate on this one, okay?"
"You can do whatever you want-" he stops when she bites his lip and rolls her hips against his. "Is this- fuck, baby. Does this mean you're saying yes?"
"Yes to what?," she looks at the door she very deliberately left open. Maybe if she unbuttons his pants her idiot cousin might show up faster, it always was the case based on the stories Becca told her about walking in on her brother and some girl.
"Huh? Yes to my proposal-"
Then Ian walks by and sees them.
This is absolutely genius and amazing and aaaaaaa I love it so so much! 😍 I can literally see this scene and it needs to happen in the story and I'm so gonna fangirl over you, just-
So first of all, definitely yes! I feel like Charm's father's territory is very close to theirs as well, that's also how they were in each other's house all the time while growing up 😁 And also, making Ian think she's only hooking up with Bucky makes so much sense! ❤️ They need to make their plans subtle 😏
"Okay," his shirt already halfway past his head. "Wait a minute, what's happening?" ASDFGHJKL I can almost hear this 😂 The blood was not going to his upstairs head, that's for sure 😏
"I'll explain later," Charm honey he's going to think you're going off to your honeymoon after this! 😂
"You can do whatever you want-" HELP, THIS LINE IS SO 😍
"Yes to what?," The fact that they both have completely different things in mind about what's happening, I can't stop giggling 😂
"Huh? Yes to my proposal-" Bucky still has one braincell left during all that and it's all about their marriage 😁
Darling I just- this is so amaziiiiing! ❤️ You're so so talented, I will reread this so many times! 😍
Lollll oh once Ian sees them, he would definitely go like,
"Ugh, get a room!"
"We are in a room!"
"Maybe bother closing the door then-"
"Go away!"
"Barnes, you're expected downstairs for the meeting-"
"Ian, if you don't leave right now, I will fucking shoot you. I don't care what it does to the truce."
And then Ian would leave and Charm would get off, then fix her dress and while Bucky is still in a haze, she'd be like;
"That was great, thanks a lot. You can leave now."
"You have a meeting, you heard him."
"I don't care about the meeting, what just happened?"
"I had a plan and you helped me out."
"We can uh- you know, we can continue with the plan-"
"No need, I'll see you later."
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quijabored · 1 day
Just realizing I don't know how to do the whole colored text or different font thingy BUT ANYWAYS
Funny thing when I first started getting into the fandom bit for bsd and I saw Fyodor being simped on I was like "eeehh I mean I guess hes cool but I dont really get it. Like sure hes an interesting character but..." AND THEN I SLOWLY STARTED BECOMING A FYODOR SIMP AND I JUST SKDHKSJD I HATE THAT MAN I HATE THAT MAN HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE
please I love him so much hes such a bitch I hate him I love him so much
"If Fyodor told me to cut my skin off I would" FUCKING SAME
AND POE BEING LIKE "But if Ranpo were to die what would be my reason for living..." LIKE HELLO??? I LOVE MY OTHER SON (Poe)
ALSO FYODORS ABILITY?? From what I saw it seems that it's just kill by touch but if Dazais like "welp, idk" then I'm guessing it's a bit more complicated than that AND I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS AAAA
Also Mori and Fukuzawa did the sskk punchy thingy they did in the end of S2!! I'm not sure if people ship them (I refuse to take in any content about Mori) but if people do then win for them :D
Also Im extremely excited to see Nikolai cuz hes me minus the Ukrainian terrorist bit BUT AAAA I HOPE I GET TO SEE HIM SOON
I can't watch BSD until tommorow now cuz I wanna have a minute to process everything BUT AAAA I CANT WAIT TO WATCH S4
Fyodor made me feel so many ways I love him
THE SCENE WHERE ITS LIKE "Are you sure youre the real Akutagawa?"
"...And youre not gonna try and kill me?"
"What did you have for breakfast?"
Like don't get me wrong I love Aku how he is and I'm gonna love him more when I learn more about his character, but god damn it hurts to watch him seem so reliant on Dazais praise and Dazais approval like akdjkajsdj Ive been there my boy :(
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Twas talking about this scene earlier btw :3
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sxtaep · 1 year
i want him. i want him so bad.
he’s such a gentleman, such a sweet talker, so good with words I WANT HIM
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venturelovebot · 2 months
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A/N: Aaaaaaa I tried my hardest with this one but as someone who doesn't exercise this is probably super badly written, I'll be honest. 😭 Either way I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting! Link to said request is here!
Premise: You were one of Overwatch's best fighters. Now, you're one of their best trainers. It just so happens the new recruit is extremely cute. Trainer!GN!reader x Insecure!Shy!Venture. ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Warnings: None! Pure fluff.
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"Great work everyone! Expect the same tomorrow." You watch as everyone slowly trickles out of the gym and into the showers.
You sit down on a nearby bench and down some much needed water. Your body is sore and aching from pushing yourself beyond your limits this session. With Null Sector attacks becoming increasingly relentless you couldn't let your team (and by extension– yourself) get sloppy now. You can tell they resented you for it... except for Zarya, who welcomed the extra pressure with no complaints.
You bury your face deep into your towel and exhale a heavy sigh. Behind you there's a soft hiss of steam from the door being opened again. You don't pay much attention to it figuring someone simply left something behind and came to retrieve it.
"Oh. I'm sorry– I thought this place would be empty..." You hear an unfamiliar voice mumble.
You peak from behind the towel in the direction they were standing. "Empty? Most of us enjoy training together."
"I just prefer to do it on my own I guess," They avoid looking at you as they start to pick up their things and leave. "I'll come back later."
They glance back shyly. "Really– it's fine. I didn't mean to bother you."
"You're not bothering me at all. Why don't we train together?" You suggest. "I just finished but I think I could go for a little while longer. Besides, Winston always encourages team building."
A discouraged sound leaves their throat as they step back into the gym. The door hisses again and closes itself.
"It's nice to meet you! I'm [Y/N]. You're the new agent, right?" You stand up to greet them.
"Yeah. Venture! Uhh... Sloane, I guess. What does everyone usually go by?"
"Whatever they want. Most people used to call me [Code Name]. Now I'm just [Y/N]."
Sloane nods and sits down on a nearby mat. They fidget with their loose fitting shirt for a moment before hesitantly taking it off to reveal their binder underneath.
"Um... I didn't see a changing room so... I hope you don't mind."
You freeze for a moment as they begin changing in front of you.
"It's fine. We change in the barracks actually," You reply.
You glance away as they continue changing. A light pink adorns your cheeks as you listen to the sound of shifting fabric.
"Okay. I'm decent."
You take another look in their direction. They readjust their binder in an attempt to hide their body a bit more.
"Uh, so... you help train everybody, right?" They ask.
"Yep! I retired after the last mission for medical reasons. Angela said if I continue doing what I did then I wouldn't live to see my next birthday," You laugh and and take a seat on the floor next to them. "So I figured doing this was the next best job."
"I saw what you did! You're a hero! You saved so many people!" Their eyes light up recounting the story Winston had told them. "I hope I can be useful to you guys, too!"
You smile at their eagerness. "You can be useful in a lot of ways, not just endangering yourself on the battlefield. Now–"
You shift yourself to sit in front of them and hold their feet in place.
"Let's start training, shall we? How many crunches can you do?"
They blush softly watching you turn from kind to serious in a heartbeat. "Uh... I never counted. So I guess we'll have to see!"
"Then start. I'll count."
They assume position and lock their arms behind their head. They lift themself up and meet your face up close. You didn't even flinch.
They repeat the process. Their face once again comes close to meeting yours. Your stern look doesn't fade.
It continued for minutes on end. Their stomach begins to burn from the stress and still your disposition is rock solid. Their breaths begin to grow heavy on every rep.
"Twenty. Keep going," You demand. "I want at least fifty out of you."
"A-ah! Alright!" They cry out between heavy breaths.
"You can lift a sixty pound drill effortlessly. Don't tell me you can't get to fifty crunches."
"I-I can! Watch me!"
They strengthen their resolve and begin to hasten their work out. The look of seriousness is mirrored on their face as sweat begins to bead on their forehead. There was a deep sense of pride building up in them to prove themself capable.
"Forty eight. Forty nine,"
On the fiftieth they fly up so fast that your foreheads nearly collide. They open their eyes and meet your gaze once again. Embarrassment takes hold and they immediately throw themself back down on to the mat below them.
There was something about your rigidness that they found sincerely attractive– but there was no time to think about it right now.
"Fifty. Good job!" You let go of their feet and lay down next to them. "Now it's my turn."
They nod and hold your feet down just as you had done for them.
"No need to count for me. I'll keep track of it myself."
They nod one more time at your words. You lock your arms behind your head and begin your repetitions. Sloane watches you in awe– you're hardly tired despite working out for nearly an hour before this. They watch as your body strains and relaxes with every crunch. The fresh scars that batter your body seem use to being worked so hard. It all seemed so hypnotizing to watch.
"Your face is bright red. Do you need some water?" You ask.
"Oh. Uh, yeah! Water would be nice..." They look at the nearby water dispenser to distract themself.
"Go ahead and get a cup. I can take it from here."
Sloane scrambles to the dispenser and grabs a paper cup from the holder. The cold water refreshes them and they shake their head softly to center themself. Behind them they can hear you softly begin to groan from working your body so hard.
"How many have you done so far?" They turn to ask, becoming lost in your movements again.
"Fifty. Same as you,"
They watch as you collapse down on the floor for a moment before wiping your damp forehead.
"Maybe it's time to take a break?" They suggest. You laugh softly.
"Perhaps you can, but I'm just getting started."
"Just getting started? Didn't you train for an hour before this?"
"Indeed– but I don't mind showing off if you like to watch," You smirk, making your way to the pull up bar next. "Go ahead and get comfy. I'll show you how it's done around here."
Sloane is left speechless, mouth agape, as you picked up where you left off.
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dangermousie · 10 months
It kinda gets me how subtle and yet glorious this drama is at portraying her physical desire...like, they aren’t going to remove their clothes and go to town but it’s so crystal clear just how desirable she finds him and this is something he hugely needs because of his issues but also something she needs - to feel that, to feel safe in just being able to indulge and know it has a future.
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I love her little jealousy as to whether it’s the maids who take care and glee it isn’t.
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This...I am not kidding, I started making high pitched noises at my screen. Like -this is so gloriously sensual. And I do mean sensual not sexual. Just!!!!! It’s desire and tenderness and care all intermingled and AAAAAAA
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They kill meeeee!
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They are both so straightforward with each other. It’s so something they crave.
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Sheer playful gorgeousness:
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I have died. I have DIED!!! Like this is everything. The way the story not only gives her agency but desire and acknowledgement of that desire. The way their body truth is restored to them - to her, who lived for so long without being able to remember what her true self looked like and to him for whom his body was only a source of pain and ugliness. But just - the way it’s been all reclaimed and the way the story allows her to acknowledge her wants is so rare in cdramas, who love their FLs utterly bloodless.
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lady-of-disdain · 10 months
I've been totally OBSESSED with your writings, and since then have developed from not knowing anything about killer into going head over heels over him thanks to your beautiful stories
I'm totally invested in both save load reload and poor little meow meow, and had devoured your other oneshots as well since all of them are just soooo good and deliciously written! also I can't stress enough about the characterization!!
With that, while I prefer to remain anonymous, I present to you my contribution! It's not much but I totally love popsicles trope so I can't NOT draw this
https://imgur.com/ZVW7VxP (anonymous unfortunately means that I sadly can't upload any media, so please accept this link instead)
(Feel free to upload the art/use it however you want, it's made just for you afterall!)
pst raspberry amirite
Sweet, lovely Nonny! I got all the comments that you left on the fic and I love every single word of them! People who leave comments on every chapter of a fic as they read like you did are precious and so, so, so beloved. I would sneak away during work to peek and see if you had finished the next chapter yet. It was so much fun and gave me so much life through this week! It gave me a lot of motivation to keep working on the next chapter too (I'm about two-thirds of the way through!)
But oh my goodness! Your comments were so much of a treat, to find this art in my inbox also? You are simply amazing! I am so in love with this art! Your style is so cool, and you did Killer's expressions so well. I AM JUST INCREDIBLY UNWELL ABOUT IT! <3 <3 <3
Aaaaaaa! And you have no idea how happy it makes me whenever someone says that I helped them start simping for Killer! He is one of my favorite AU's and I love seeing him getting attention and love.
Gosh, I just don't know how much more I can tell you how much I appreciate you Nonny!
I'll go ahead and post the art for people who might have difficulty with the link, but I'll put it under a cut because A) it's a teeny-tiny bit suggestive, and B) it's not my art. <3 I would love to share this on the next chapter, I suppose I can link back to this post to do so. Would you mind if I also embedded the art into the chapter it was based on so people can see it like that also?
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
this is so cheesy but i couldn't stop thinking about it
Zukaang aladdin au!! look i just really really need them to sing a whole new world on a magic Appa carpet ride while staring lovingly into each other's eyes. the balcony scene is also peak zukaang. zuko's dragon druk (instead of jasmine's tiger) sniffing and growling at aang until he realizes he is Safe. Momo is Abu in this case. Hmmm who is prince zuko being married off to? (my vote is zhao=jafar lol)
Omgggg anon! I genuinely love this AU idea. It actually works so well, especially with Zuko as Jasmine and Aang as Aladdin. All of those iconic moments with Zukaang would just be aaaaaaa. So beautiful. You’re making me want to make fan art of this now lol.
I think you’re right that Zhao is the closest counterpart to Jafar, but also if I were to personally try and adapt this AU, I would probably just do away with the whole “marrying the love interest off to the villain” plot lol (it always made me uncomfortable in the original movie anyway). In my version, Iroh would probs take on the role of Jasmine’s dad (the Sultan), Zhao would be Jafar, of course Momo would be Abu and Appa would be the magic carpet, but idek who the genie would be… Sokka (fits the comedic aspect)? Avatar Roku (fits the mystical advice-giver aspect)?? lmao.
Though I guess technically it also doesn’t have to be a one-to-one direct adaptation of everything that happens in Aladdin - like it could just be about Zuko being the FN prince who wants to see the world and not be married off to a rando, while Iroh is his kindly father figure/Fire Lord, and Zhao is the advisor trying to take over the FN. Aang is of course the scrappy street orphan who manages to catch his eye, and maybe he’s also secretly the Avatar who went missing as a baby? Either way he would have hair in this AU lol.
Maybe Toph is one of Zuko’s close friends - she’s a rich girl from another country who lives in the FN bc her parents are like the ambassadors for the EK or something, but she and Zuko often sneak out so they can have “normal” days in the city (and so Toph can fight in underground bending tournaments). Maybe Katara and Sokka are some of Aang’s friends who are also peasants - I can’t really think of how else they’d fit into the story unfortunately lol.
Anywaysssss sorry for the long ass reply anon, you got me to start seriously brainstorming for a second there haha! Idk if I’ll ever write an actual fic, but I’m definitely seriously gonna consider making some fan art for this AU concept… :)
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whoslaurapalmer · 6 months
okay!!! got my thoughts together about in stars and time!!! many spoilers.
spoiler-free review -- Wow, There Are Certainly Things That Happened In That There Time Loop !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! !!!! ! ! ! ! this game broke my heart like six times. you should play it. heed those triggers though cause i probably maybe did not do that as much as i should have
-i! will think about this game for the rest of my life probably
-me at the beginning of the game, a seasoned player in shouting 'it's the human connection!!!!' at media, bc it's my favorite thing in the world: it's the human connection, siffrin!!!!!!!! talk to your friends!!!!!!! me at the end of the game: IT IS THE HUMAN CONNECTION. I AM IN TEARS. MY HEART IS IN PIECES -gets me every fucking time.
-odile: you loved us so much you were going to break the whole entire world and honestly that's cute. sif: :( -it's so much. it's precious it's heartbreaking it's everything. odile's not wrong though!!!!! -me, regularly about cats doing Things: they just want love!!!! me, about sif, now: THEY JUST WANT LOOOOOOOOVE
-and it's not just the human connection!!!! it's being able to rely on yourself, too!!!! to show yourself the kind of kindness you need too, to be capable of being kind to yourself, not just accepting help from other people (as important as that is, as important as being able to ASK for it is, for siffrin) but accepting help from yourself -if that makes sense -helping yourself!!! you don't forget about your past self, or any self!!!! -'my self-loathing isn't that strong that i'd literally kill another me.' EXACTLY!!!!! IT NEVER IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that line took me out -i hated fighting loop so i was so happy. that one kinda worked out
-oh man loop being a sif from a different universe was not on my bingo card at all for this game (-i didn't have a bingo card. but i was wildly theorizing about OTHER things while i was playing.) -and that sif can start to be the person they needed? that loop needed? -MAN!!! AND THAT PUTS SO MANY OF LOOP'S STATEMENTS IN A DIFFERENT CONTEXT -when they're like. 'wow! what if you ARE manipulative and disgusting :)' - :( - :(((((((((((((((((((((( -loop i hope you can be happy.........wherever you are................................ -i want to have more thoughts about loop but right now i am still at 'aaaaaaa.......... :(' -'i asked for this job, stardust.' they asked to help themselves :') they asked to hurt themselves :') they asked to keep themselves trapped in the horrors :')
-one of the things i love about the game is that there's sooooooooo many little details that you pass as you go through the loops that you have to come back to bc they become important, like the carving tools, the weapon room, the books!!!!! -going through and seeing these details over and over and then going 'OH SHIT WAIT! I HAVE TO GO BACK THERE' -it's just built so well!!!! i liked that. -needing to try all of bonnie's snacks so you know what their favorite food is!!!!! -how sif's reaction to the same items changes!!!! -the list in the head housemaiden's office!!!!!!!!
-minor disappointments that there was no real resolution for the country that disappeared, just bc so much was made of it? -THAT'S what i was wildly theorizing about -but also, like, it still........doesn't ultimately matter? -like, i definitely would've liked to have known! -i feel so stupid saying this bc my favorite book series is literally a series of unfortunate events and i will defend the lack of answers in the end for my entire life!!! -but there's also. definitely enough to theorize about it all, too
-but yeah! ultimately in the face of other things in the story -- sif's deep-seated self-loathing and desire to remember and be remembered -- remembering, specifically, their home, as pivotal as it is, is not........necessarily the point -it's about identity, but there's lots of kinds of identity, lots of pieces of what makes up someone's identity, what contributes to a new identity when something about you has been taken away from you, what are the pieces of you in the first place? -and not just for sif, for odile, too
-and part of it is. sometimes, you have multiple homes. sometimes? your home isn't the Home you had, it's the people you come to love, and that doesn't make it less than the home you had before, but you can still feel the gaping absence of a "natural" or expected home, you can still feel the loss of what you did have and could've kepts to -/lulu vandelay sits up in a cold sweat bc she literally just wrote that exact same thing in her most recent headcanon ramble fic, and has to take a moment to stare at the wall about the joys and agony of the human connection again, and how precious found family stories are
-there's so much in this game that i feel like i could still unpack more boxes. gosh
-i put 55 hours into this game over like. a little over a week? almost two weeks??? -actually it was more like 45 -- there were some stretches of time i was not close to a save point and had to put my switch in sleep mode for a few hours until i could go back to it. so the game counted a little more than i actually played -I POWERED THROUGH. I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT EVERY TIME SO BADLY -and i love how. it's like, a little hard to get stuck. at least the way i played, i feel like it unfolded pretty consistently -i would, perhaps, have. played a little slower, though. just. -bc the game hits a point where it starts to get VERY HEAVY. it stays good but i was concerned about the time loops from the get go (i love time loops. i love the thoughts that come with time loops! and oh boy did this one.........bring the thoughts........) so by the time sif was starting to lose it about the time loops I WAS ALREADY THOROUGHLY LOSING IT ABOUT THE TIME LOOPS -also i'd put the game down and go 'no, lulu, you yourself are not in a time loop.' -it was very quickly breaking my heart!!!! sif was hurt and IT HURT!!!! sif's heart was breaking and SO WAS MINEEEEEEEE -sometimes it's like, cathartic in a way to experience those feelings through someone else -- sif being trapped, feeling trapped, feeling like he's always doing something wrong and it's always his fault, maybe if he didn't do this it would work out and it didn't, trying again and still getting punished for it, not wanting to be forgotten (so desperately that you trap yourself in a time loop bc you don't have a home!!!!) but it still hurt!!!!! it still hurt a lot!!!!!!!!!! -in a great way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god.
-i do kind of want to replay it, though. maybe not right away bc it's a game that works beautifully the first time you play it bc you uncover things at basically the same pace sif does, and right now i think i would just go, 'sif you need to act out of disrespect now and read marc's notebook, sorry.' -but i. would like to experience this story again. when some time has passed!!!!
-okay. look. -i was considering the diary in the orrery as either sif's or the king's; that either one of them was 'the original' and the other was 'the wish craft one' (-how else would the king have gotten that diary?) (-or, well, idk, maybe he found it. makes you wonder.) -bc the parallels between sif and the king were REALLY GETTING TO ME. there were SO MANY. literally wrote down 'oh sif you're not beating the 'actually the king' allegations here' -and that the power of that wish craft was what caused the country to disappear (which the ka buan book speculates anyway) -and -- also not that sif needs a reason to have a terrible memory, like that's fine on its own absolutely -- being the 'copy' was the reason they kept forgetting things, or being the 'original' was the reason bc they were missing parts of themself -or maybe it was someone else's!!!!!!! -mysteries............
-oh i should have thoughts about the king literally being frozen and at that point. getting the memories of his country -you cannot...........always stay in the past...............bc you cannot move forward...........bc we are always moving forward...................
-i don't mind not having an answer about the like, "ghost" sifs though -- that works fine as it is to me -pieces of past loops? pieces of future loops? a piece of the sif that went through the house alone -omg. i got the scene where the rest of the squad talks to the ghost sif bc i fastforwarded to floor 3 all unlocked on one loop but went back to the change god bc i didn't know if i got the keyknife or not -i then realized i could've just checked the inventory. -IT WORKED OUT THOUGH BC I GOT THAT SCENE //AND// FOUND OUT IT WAS MIRA'S STATUE, SO!
-i think there were a few loop conversations i missed? just a couple? -but i got the croissant one, which i was very thrilled to find out the story for -i did not get the dagger though (although i stg i used so many tears.) -and you know what????? i think that is for the best :) maybe next time :))))
-oh the croissant reveal did not disappoint!!!!! just like......... -being confronted with something you hadn't really thought about. and realizing suddenly how much it means -and ascribing so much terror to an innocuous piece of the situation bc it has to go somewhere. that you never want croissants again, you never want the reminder -but still keeping the coin to remind you, you never want to not remember the important thing, the current one, your family, this family, bc they mean so much to you and you've never been happier, you CAN'T REMEMBER being happier so this is what's important -so you'd hurt yourself to remember them!!!!!!! if that was what it took!!!!!!!!!!!! -I'M SCREAMING
-i was thinking, it wasn't necessarily the deeper wish at the favor tree, for sif (-although the second they made the wish at the tree i was like '............is it gonna turn out that the wish he made is what's trapping him. no. ...no. .......yes? yyyyyyyyyyeah.') -but. running from the boulanger while holding the coin, and desperately praying not to forget, not to be forgotten -bc A Coin is a ritual, too, and siffrin knows them subconsciously -but his wish and vaugarde's wish getting tangled together, is interesting too
-also. so i had like 55 loops total bc i also tried to go straight through the house as often as possible to get as much information out of each loop as possible (and i loved sif's 'touch exposure therapy' in the gardening room and always wanted to go back there specifically) (i was also DESPERATELY trying to see if odile would at any point ACTUALLY specifically comment so i was always letting sif be as weird as possible and look at stuff he should not have known) (and i loved the bathroom scenes, too. those were worth going through the whole house.) -oh anyway anyway sometimes i would loop forward though bc sometimes you do, in fact, have to -me: i am trying to loop the least amount of times. i feel so bad for sif and it's only the beginning of the game. sif's not even feeling bad yet about the loops!!!! the game itself: you WILL loop more and you WILL feel worse :) -AND THE GAME WAS ADDING LOOPS -like, i think if you fast forward over all the floors, it adds more loops, bc after i was like '......wait, for real? that many loops?' i checked as it saved one time after i skipped floors or something
-the gang: /talking about wish craft me: THE FAVOR TREE. THE FAVOR TREE IS RIGHT THERE. YOU HAVE ALL BEEN TO THE FAVOR TREE, GUYS!!!!!!! a loop or two later: /the tree book me: HALLELUJAH
-oh speaking of waiting for sif to notice something (but honestly not that long, which was nice) -i think this was........after you beat the king for the first time? me: sif. sif the change god's statue face as changed. sif. SIF THE FACE HAS CHANGED. LOOK AT THE FACE, SIF!!!!!!! SIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -he does in fact not notice. that's okay, sif.
-i love that all of them want to stay together for a little longer, too!!!! like!!!!!!!! no but that's so good -bc, how do you end this kind of journey??? how do you really just go your separate ways right after????? how do you..........stop after you just saved the world -none of them want to let go yet and that's okay and they can say it!!!!!!! -THEY'RE FAMILYYYYYYYYYYYYYY -but sometime they'll have to. and sif will have to be okay with it. but there's still time to grow. there always is!!!! there's time to. change. whatever that change is.
-the change god being real was A SURPRISE!!!!!! holy shit. that was scary. -WITH THE MOST CHILL SPEECH STYLE. THAT WAS HILARIOUS (-me, reading the change god's text: ........i miss you roxy lalonde.......)
-me: i want to do the 'sif helps everyone' tasks again bc they were such sweet and precious and comforting moments and doing them all in one run was the best thing ever (and then sif refers to everyone as their family afterwards which was shattering!!!!!), but doing them again after the first time would just cheapen them, for sif to have to relive such pivotal moments knowing this loop probably isn't the loop it'll stick........like, i could not redo them now, and i could not fast forward through them. i cannot do it. it would feel like a terrible corruption!!!! sif in act 5, going through his millionth nervous breakdown: hold. my. fucking. beer. me: 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 -AND THAT THAT'S THE LAST FUCKING LOOP -bc it can't be perfect, sif!!! you have to let people help you!!!!! you have to cry!!!!!!!!1 it won't be perfect it will be messy and terrible and people will get hurt but that's not the end of the world!!!!!! -i mean they really went for the gut in those convos, though. oh sif.
-i love that sif finally gets a chance to just sit and cry and gets a whole big squad hug at the same time. -and they're going to keep trying!! keeping growing!!!! keep going!!!!!! learning!!!! and so will all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-mal du pays: /appears me, with literally ten years of french practice: .............................................................................. still me: /googles me: OH FUCK HOMESICKNESS -i was mistranslating mal for a hot second there, okay. somehow. -fun fact, my favorite french word is malheureusement. (my least.....favorite.......is......fucking chaussures) (uggg, i can just never pronounce it right. chausette is fucking fine! but shoes.............)
-i would die for bonbon. the best chaos child. -i am picking them up and putting them in my pocket. i want them to make me snacks. -i want those madelines!!!!!! i love madelines............. -and the palmiers!!! good ol elephant ears -i love that, canonically, they do the naruto run. they are such a precious little kid my god
-isabeau: /talking about the cracked egg keychain me: utena??????????
-sif: will i ever like bananas again. me: what i want to know is if they will ever like PLAYS again. -i love how the banana is there so you can just. skip right to the house from dormont if you so choose (a few times towards the end of the game i did)
-i assumed sif stopped carving bc the depth perception was harder after losing their eye? -i hope you carve again too, sif...............
-also them starting to lose things that happened BEFORE the loops started bc they'd been going on for so long and there was so much more to keep in mind, forgetting odile's name one time and forgetting the vodka story and even forgetting THE YEAST JOKE........... -crying. screaming
-i spent most of the game with memory of bomb attached and then ONLY USED THE BOMB ONCE, I KEPT FORGETTING!!!!! -that was great. goddamn -i found all the bomb components pretty early but actually for the life of me i CANNOT remember where the long thingy-thing was so i never picked it up again. where. where was that........
-the game's universe being so casually lgbtq+ was so fun!!!! i love the bonding earrings and how. you'd make as many earrings as people in the relationship!!!!!!!!!! -giving your children multiple names in case they want a different one they already have more options!!!!!!!!
-i took. so many screenshots while playing (like. over 500) bc i just like to screenshot important or powerful lines or favorite jokes but tumblr is being dumb and does not want to put them in so i will just have to list them. -odile going 'as the kids say, yoink~' -BELLE LEARNING HOW TO CUT VEGGIES????? -i will literally never forget, ever, 'meow meow, cat's paw, can't cut my fingies nya!' -sif: /smacks into counter the squad: did you just say nya -sif you're not beating the catperson allegations either -'HOW BLINDINGLY WONDERFUL, FOR A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER TO BE THE ONLY HOPE YOU HAVE LEFT RIGHT NOW!' -it really do be like that. trying to appreciate something small in the throes of 'sometimes irl depression feels like a legitimate time loop of i have to do THIS AGAIN EVERY DAY!' turns into 'this is the most absurd thing in the entire world what the fuck :')' (-the game-universe-specific swears..........LOVE that. love small worldbuliding) -mirabelle's dangly thingies on her dress and her going 'pretty :) goes ding-ding when i walk :)' -speaking of ding ding! -THE FUNNY NOISES APPRECIATION CREW!!!!! i feel like that is such a perfect description of mira and isa and everything about them. i love them so much. i love their friendship. -bonnie going 'i am a child. i have a lot on my mind. i cannot help.' -THE VODKA WAS WATER. IT WAS WATER -pie smell......... (pie smell! pie smell! pie smell!) (the little moments of 'we're going to repeat something charming!' are SO GOOD!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!) -odile going 'but i would do anything to protect all of you. horrible things, to be honest.' -god. yeah. goddddddddddddddddddddd -bonnie going 'do you see me!!! do you see me!!!!!' before they touch sif bc they think that will help is so precious oh my god
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sovereignspades · 5 months
dont wanna seem like the oddball in here but can you please explain the cult au? What happened up to that point, what profecy about the dish people? I just dont know where to start 💀 It seems like a reallly good story and i dont wanna be lost
aaaaaaa;;;; my Cult of Ink AU is pretty much an au were I placed the characters of babtqftim into the roles of the characters in Cult Of The Lamb, which I can understand if no one has seen the game before, would be quite confused on the main plot I'm basing the au on ^. .>;;
I recommend looking up a summary as a quick way of seeing the game's storyline (unless you want to watch a play through or play the game, which I also recommend cause it's a fun game :D) cause I really am just following that with added extra bits for the characters I'm using ^^;;;;
Technically the start of this au is the post where Cup is killed, meets Bendy, who gives him a crown, and is then resurrected; because that is kinda how the game starts up and rn i'm just doing snapshot events that may take place before or after that event atm.
Sorry if this doesn't really help much :<? I'm not really the best at explaining an au that's based off an existing thing > <
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