#i want to continue drawing them and never stop
fanaticsnail · 10 hours
Killer Watchdog
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,700+
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Synopsis: Studying at sea was never an easy feat, especially while travelling under the captainship and serving alongside the unruly crew sailing on the Victoria Punk. As you complete your intensive over Den-Den, you notice the silence and choose to investigate the cause.
Themes: Killer x gn!reader, fluff, sfw, studying, flirting.
Notes: @ushoppu said they wanted some Killer fics to help through studies. He is such a supportive blorbo, and everyone deserves a Killer watchdog to guard their valuable study time.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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The silence reverberating in your room had a subtle ring of tinnitus echoing in your eardrum. It was quiet. Too quiet. The most quiet it had ever been in all your time traveling and serving beneath Eustass Kid and his unruly crew. 
Never one to give up on your dreams, no matter where the vessel drew you towards, you took to earning your merit and continued to study despite your career in piracy. As your intensives drew all the closer, to say you were stressed was a gross understatement. 
The crew was loud, their ruckus was boisterous and unhinged, and there was no way you could ever aim to complete your final timed report over Den-Den with your assessor aboard the Victoria Punk. At least, that was what you thought. A call of your full name and title through the mouthpiece of the snail drew back your attention. 
“Are you still with me?” the voice called, snapping you back to reality, “You have another fifteen minutes for the final assessment. Do you require more time?” Drawing your eyes back to the page, you noticed your penmanship and calligraphy was almost completely concluded. All you had to do was flicker through your notepaper and cite your references, and your assessment was completed. 
“I can get it done in ten,” you smirked to yourself, the snicker through the mouthpiece from your assessor was emitted in response to your confession. 
“Well then,” the smirk they were wearing was depicted in their tone, “Make my day. Get it done, you've got this.” You hummed, steadily locating all of your quotes, highlighting your final masterpiece and running over your paper for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. As the clock’s minutes ticked over, you huffed out a sharp exhale and nodded at the snail’s eye lenses. 
“It’s done, stop the clock,” you smiled, presenting your sheet up to the snail's face for your assessor to shutter the final flicker over your page. You hum enthusiastically, turning through the pages and allowing a moment for several flickers to resound before removing them completely. 
“You’ve done well for so little time,” they praise you, their voice distorted in the crackled hum of the den-den speaker. “Especially considering the captain you sail under.” You huff, scoffing at the transmitter end of the speaker and glaring into the glaring lens. 
“Who I serve and sail with is none of your business,” you snarl into the snail, your aura turning dangerous and resolve dark and unwavering, “All that should matter to you is the merit of my marks, and quality of my work. That was our agreement, was it not?” The voice chuckles into the snail, the crackling voice reassuring you with a soft hum. 
“Of course. All I was saying is your companions have been awfully quiet during your intensive. I feel like the silence aided the quality of your work,” they relay on you, the rustling of printing paper and clinking of several pens retracting from a ceramic bowl over their desk while adding, “I will assess your etchings and research here and get it back with your final tally. Dismissed, and good job."
The click and muffled silence had you exhale in relief, slinking back into your chair and releasing a breath you didn't know you were carrying. The gentle rock and sway of the ship had you more at ease as you rose and fell your breath with each softening swell. Closing your eyes, you focussed on the sounds of crashing waves meeting the wooden hull, and noticing the absence of your captain's barking roars, and your crew's daily spats and roughhousing. 
Silence, the encumbering depths of uncomfortable unfamiliarity. Reopening your eyes, you furrow your brows as the silence grows more intense. Finally plagued by the bewilderment enough, your curiosity needed to be sated and you could no longer tolerate the unknown. 
Removing yourself from your chair, you cast the wood backwards and hastily stalked towards your door and flung it wide enough to indent the knob in the door beside it. 
“Why is everyone so fucking quiet?” you yell into the wooden hallway, your agitation and disdain for the silence forming in a rough grimace. 
“And here I thought you'd thank me for it,” you yelped in shock, jumping as you snapped your head over to the voice and gruff cough. Reclining beside your door, arms folded and feet outstretched on the hallway wall in front of him, his dual sythes lay beside him and itching to be claimed in his hands. 
His mask lay bobbed and downturned, his shoulders squared but his back arched in a concave atop the all-too-small stool beside the wall. Your lips parted as you attempted to reign in your grin. 
“You're keeping everyone quiet?” You gasp back your shock, gently reaching down and giving his shoulder a gentle nudge, “What made you decide to do that?” He gruffly grunts back his displeasure at the gruff motion, shrugging off your movement and seeming to pout with his biceps curling ever tighter.
“I enjoy being your watchdog,” he mocks his tone, shimmying his shoulders with pride at such a title, “Guarding you as you study, given what happened last time with your Den-Den presentation, has been my top priority.” He stands from his recline hastily, his hulking form immediately towering over your smaller stature. 
“It's true, Bubblegum’s shanties are still the talk of the lecture hall,” you give a gentle nod, smiling up at him while he steps all the closer to you. “I can still hear the chorus in my mind each time I try to recite my finals. I'm glad to have such a killer watchdog in you. But why do it?”
Slowly reaching for your chin with his scarred left hand, he steadies your face with his index finger and thumb while stooping over you. Drawing his mask all the closer to you, you could feel the whisper on his tongue before a sound was ever truly made. 
“I want to see you thrive,” his voice held sincerity and a gentle, soothing hum, “You’re the best of us, and we're all so, so,” he leaned in further, the blue of his eyes shining and glimmering between the circular holes, “Proud of you. I'm proud of you.”
You felt your breath stolen from you, as your eyes darting over the divots and indents within his mask. He held you captive, your lips parting within each moment he drew you up to him. 
As you stepped up to your toes in an attempt to make your distance close further, the sound of your crackling Den-Den printing immediately drew your attention away and back to your desk. Spinning on your heels, you sprinted to your desk and immediately clutched the papers in your hands. 
“I-... I-...” your eyes scanned the papers, darting over the page and noticing your final grade marked and annotated in bold. Your hands shook and shuddered the page, prompting a steady hand to cradle your arm from his presence behind you. 
“You…?” he whispered behind you, gently coaxing you to steady your hand, “You, what? How did you do?” 
“I did it,” you whispered, reaching up and clapping your hand over your lip to stifle your glee. Turning in his arms, you shriek your glee up at him, “Kil, I did it! I did it! I passed the- Kil, put me down!” 
Immediately hoisting you up over his shoulder, he stomped with heavy footsteps out of your room, your eyes wide with horror and shock as he chaperoned you like a sack of flour easily over his body. Marching upwards, you finally made it to the deck, glancing at the retreating darkened hallway beneath the stairs. 
“We got a pass!” Killer’s voice bellowed with glee in his tone, cheering your name in a hefty boom, prompting the crew to join him in celebrating your accomplishment. He spun you, earning a shriek from your chest as he twirled you so easily on his shoulders before grappling your waist and pinning you facing against his broad chest in a warm embrace. 
“That mean we can fuckin' speak now, Kil?” The captain bellowed in a gruff snarl, “Not gonna withhold our rations anymore? Gonna stop treatin’ us like children?” 
“You were going to withhold rations, Kil?” you slapped him in the chest with a soft pout on your features, “Why would you do that, big guy?”
“To ensure you had every opportunity to do your best,” he uttered nonchalantly, a soft shrug in his tone and a hidden smile on his lips, “And it paid off, didn't it?” Your heart began to flutter and flood your chest with a warmth unmatched. You offered a soft smile as your eyes began to glaze over. 
“Oh Kil, I could just kiss you right now-,” you began, your voice being cut immediately by a bark from your captain go break your attention away. 
“-Yeah, yeah. Food now, big guy. Hungry,” Kid brushed aside your moment together and marched over to your side, “Take our little scholar with you down there. Have ‘em in the kitchen with you for all I care. As long as I get some barbeque, I don't give a fuck. Food. Now.”
Both chuckling, Killer switched you to cradle his arms behind your knees and around your shoulders to make you more comfortable in his arms. 
“Alright, little scholar,” Killer whispered huskily into your ear, gently escorting you below deck, “Come put your hands and mouth to good use. You get first bite for being such a clever little scholar.” 
His rumbled purr rose peaks of goose flesh on your neck, your heart palpitating with each spurred moment. You attempted to stifle your nerves and gulp back your rising fluster. 
“Only if it's from your fork, big guy,” you flutter your eyelashes and feel the tense swell of his broad arms tighten their hold on you. 
He coughed his nerves back behind his mask, finally reaching the kitchens and placing you down on the stool at the kitchen island before walking to the other side of the island and beginning to ready the meal preparation for the crew. 
“You just sit right there,” he purred at you, gathering tongues, forks and several pots and grilling plates, “Be my muse, clever little scholar. Let me make you a reward.”
“Watching you work is all the reward I need, big guy,” you quirk back at him, leaning forward on the bench and slowly raking your eyes over his figure and watching him prepare the flames and fires. 
Killer attempted to stifle his soft, nervous giggle behind his lips to now avail, but he was ever thankful to have his blush hidden behind his blue and white mask. He couldn't wait to grant you a sample of the meal he'd been marinating for two days just for this occasion.
He would do anything to earn him that sultry and possessive gaze, alongside that smile he had come to pine for. The willingness to guard you as you worked stemmed from the fact that he was truly and deeply infatuated with you, and hoped you might be willing to reciprocate his affections eventually.
If not his stance as your noble knight clad in mask and leather, then perhaps his cuisine could grant him that final push to earn a more intimate look from you. For now, he could settle for flexing his muscles as he prepared your meal, and watching that hunger grow in your eyes for not only his barbeque, but for Killer himself.
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cosmopretty · 3 days
Break Up
UConn’s fem manger
warnings: angst, emotional abuse, a small sexual assault
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You have been managing UConn’s woman’s basketball team for almost two years now. You lived in the dorms with the rest of the girls, you were close with all of them. But recently you have been seeing this boy you met at one of the team’s basketball games. The girls all hated him and they said he was manipulative, rude, disrespectful but you didn’t see that.
Practice just ended for the day and you were walking back to the dorms in between Azzi and Aubrey. They were both talking about the game this weekend while you listened to them both. You were about to open your mouth to speak before your phone started ringing. You saw it was Luke you smiled before answering the phone. “Hey Luke” you said while Azzi rolled her eyes not liking the boy one bit. You heard him move around on the other side of the phone “Get dressed up I’m taking you out tonight at six” he tells you before hanging up without hearing you even respond.
You put your phone back in your pocket and smile to yourself, Aubrey nudges you “What’s got you all smiley?” she asks you. Shaking your head you look up at the girl “Luke is taking me out on a date today. What should I wear? Oh and my hair? to-“ you start rambling before Aubrey stops you putting her hands on your shoulders “Relax tiny just wait till we get home” you nod at her words and continue walking back to the dorms.
The second you got back to your dorm you went straight to the shower. It was around five pm now which meant you had around an hour to get ready. Stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around your body you flinch seeing Nika sitting on your bed. You put your hand on you chest “You scared the fuck out of me Niks don’t do that” you breath out. She shrugs “Heard you have a little date” the international girl states. Nodding your head slowly you go to your draws and slide on a pair of panties and grab the dress from your bed and slide it on. You were comfortable with the girls so you didn’t really care what they saw. Nika looks you up and down “Cute dress” she compliments you but you can tell she is holding back what she really wants to say.
Sighing you raise your brows at the girl “What is it Niks?” you ask her. She groans and gets up looking down at you “Luke isn’t the guy you think he is Y/N. I see how he manipulates and treats you come on I know you’re not dumb” Nika says. You furrow your brows at her and look down a lump forming in your throat “Get out” you say. Nika opens her mouth to speak again before you open the door “Now Nika” you say. The Croatian girl gets up and walks out knowing you were hurt by her words since you never used her first name. You sit down on your bed and think of what she just told you. Luke was sweet but he also liked to control everything you did, you saw it as him being protective the girls saw it as him controlling you. They had no idea the words he had said to you after you first met. He told you that he was the only boy who would ever love you as you are, he was talking about you liking both boys and girls. He made fun of your body and hair and told you no one would love you. But he also cared for you in a way no one ever has before, even though he did switch up and hurt you with his words he also held you and “cared” for you.
Sighing you get up and grab your makeup bag starting to put some mascara on. After finishing your makeup you start straightening your hair you do half before getting tired. Walking out of your room you knock on Paige’s door, she opens it and looks down at you raising her brows trying not to laugh at your hair being half straight half a mess “Can you help me please?” you ask holding up the straightener. Paige nods and follows you back to your room, she sits behind you on your bed and starts brushing your hair then straightening it. After she finishes you turn around smiling “Thanks Paigey I gotta go now” you grab your bag sliding in a pair of heels before smiling at her once more and running outside to meet up with your man, Luke.
“Hey Luke” you slide into the passenger seat of his car. He looks you up and down “Let’s just go back to my house instead of dinner I’m tired” you bite your lip.
“But I got all ready come on” you whine he shrugs and continues to drive down to his house ignoring you.
Once you get there you both sit down on his couch making out, you on his lap. You pull away out of breath “Lets watch a movie or something” you ask moving to get off of his lap.
Luke groans and rolls his eyes “Come on you never wanna go past kissing. What are you scared or something? You’re such a bitch bro like na” he groans again.
“What?” You ask him genuinely confused, he looks at you and pulls you into him grabbing your ass. You push his hands off of you “stop seriously” you try to walk away before he pulls you into him grabbing your ass again. You push him but it goes to no use has he feels all over your body, tears leave your eyes before you kick him hard in the stomach.
You take a few steps back away from him “What the fuck Luke? I said stopped I tried to push you off of me” you look at him wide eyes wiping your tears.
“Get out bro if you don’t wanna fuck we shouldn’t be together in the first place” he says throwing your bag at you.
You run out of his apartment and start walking back home to your apartment tears leaving your eyes, mascara down your ur face. You sniffle holding your arms close to your body in a way to protect yourself.
Walking into the dorms you see Aubrey, Nika, Paige, KK and Azzi sitting in the ouch on live. You immediately put your head down and try to walk past them unnoticed but of course KK had to say something “Girlypop come say hi to the live!” You shake your head no not trusting your voice and lift your head. KK straight away ends the live the second she saw your tear stricken face. “What happened bebo?” Nika asks walking up to your going to hug you before you step back shaking your head no.
“Im just tired” you voice cracks and you run to your dorm going straight into the shower trying to forget about what happened.
You step out of the water once it goes cold, not knowing hold long you have been sitting in there letting the water run over your body. You slide on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before looking in the mirror rubbing your face. Going into your room you see both Paige and Azzi sitting on your bed.
“You guys okay?” You ask them both confused on what they were doing. Azzi looks at your shocked “Are we okay? Are you okay? You came home crying all scared looking like a lost puppy! What the hell happened?” Paige asks you.
Looking down you sigh letting out a shaken breath. The vibe in the room changed and you breathe out again “Luke broke up with me” your voice cracks again but you refuse to cry again.
Azzi pulls you down on the bed with her and hugs you. You don’t flinch away instead falling into her arms “He broke up with me because I didn’t wanna do sex. He kept touching me I-I tried to push him off of me but but h-he didn’t stop” you cry into her chest.
Paige mouth opens in shock “He didn’t uhm you know he uhm” she stutters out.
You look up and Paige wipes your tears “He didn’t do anything besides touch all over me but it was uncomfortable I thought he really liked me” you sit down bringing your knees to your chest.
Both of the two basketball players don’t know what to say to you. Nika walks in and looks at them both with a look for them to leave you alone with her. Paige and Azzi leave not before both of them kiss your forehead.
Nika sits next to you and you lay your head on her shoulder “You were right Niks” you say.
The Croatian girl shakes her head “I wish I wasn’t Y/n you deserve to be loved you know that” you shake your head no at her words. She lifts your head from her shoulder and looks at you she pulls your shirt up a bit seeing the red marks from how hard Luke was gripping your body.
Nika shakes your head “Ubit ću tog gada” she mutters under her breath.
You slap her shoulder “I don’t understand you Niks” you whine. She shakes her head and repeats herself in English “I will kill that bastard”
You laugh “How about no we need you to get into the WNBA you can’t do that jail” you laugh some more. Nika smiles seeing you laughing “Who says I get caught?” The taller girl teases. You laughs more not being able to stop yourself and soon Nika joins you.
She gets up “Come let’s watch a movie with the girls Aubrey ordered canes and KK has her trufru” she holds her hand out to you.
Grabbing her hand you both walk over to the living where, Azzi,KK,Aubrey and Paige sat in silence. You make a face at them “Who died god damn it’s so silent” you say.
KK runs up to you and hugs you twirling you around in a circle “Girlypop I swear to the trufru gods I will end that man” you laugh as she puts you down.
You sit on the couch and Aubrey hands you some fries and a milkshake “Thanks Aubs your the best” you smile sipping the shake.
“What movie we watching?” Paige asks sitting on the floor on the pillows. Everyone shrugs “Lets watch The Maze Runner I love that movie” Paige nods and grabs the remote turning it on. KK lays her head in your lap and hands you some trufru “You know I like you when I give your trufru” she says you roll your eyes at her words.
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madomens · 2 days
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Apocalypse mini series- Chapter 3
TW: gore(typical zombie gore), p in v unprotected sex, oral(f receiving), DRUNK SEX(all consensual of course)
side note: this is my first time writing smut so if it isn’t the best, yes it is
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“There’s no way you guys thought Noah’s card was funnier than mine!” Folio shouts.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his outburst, especially considering the winning card was “zombie apocalypse” and the question was “what has been making life difficult at the nudist colony?”
Everyone has let loose more now that everyone is at least tipsy. You haven’t been able to feel this way in years.. Including how the alcohol makes you feel. Looking back and forth between the four of them, you stop as your eyes land on Noah, who’s grinning from ear to ear.
Would it be so bad if you jump his bones right here right now?
Noah hasn’t given you the attention you’re craving, but him calling you “princess” has made you feel some type of way. Thinking of him using “princess” in a more intimate manner makes you squeeze your thighs together to get a taste of some kind of friction.
With the tequila flowing through your system, you have more confidence. When Noah has to go to the bathroom, you decide this is your chance.
“Now that you mention it, it is time to break the seal,” you giggle, getting up from your spot to follow Noah into the shared bathroom.
Folio gives a questioning look but you chalk it up to having too much to drink and continue walking slightly behind Noah, both of you stumbling a bit.
When Noah starts to leave the bathroom, you stop him. With the tequila coursing through your veins, you speak up again.
“I know this may sound like a crazy idea but I was having some thoughts,” you begin.
Noah raises an eyebrow at you, not sure where this conversation is going. “Yeah?”
You take a shaky breath and decide to just spit it out already.
“I’m drunk, obviously. I assume you’re about as drunk as me,” you have the hardest time making eye contact right now because not only has it been a while, but you’ve never had to initiate sex with anyone. He nods his head slowly, waiting for you to finish.
“I’m sure it’s been a while for you. It definitely has been for me. You’re very attractive to me.” Why is it so hard to just say it?
Noah knows where you’re going but he wants to hear you say it. Eyebrow cocked and a smirk on his face let’s you know he just wants you to keep going.
“I think we should hook up,” you finally say, biting your bottom lip a little too hard. “I mean, if you’re down.”
The smirk never leaves his face as he walks slowly toward you and leans down so his mouth is dangerously close to yours. You can smell a hint of tequila and the gum he was chewing earlier.
“Was that so hard princess?” is all he whispers as he brings his lips to yours. The kiss starts out slow but it doesn’t take long for it to become heated, lips crashing together with such need that no one could pull you away if they tried.
Without detaching from each other, you both quickly stumble back into one of the showers. Noah pulls your shirt and bra over your head before taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You let out a low moan at the contact and arch your back off of the cold, tiled wall, practically begging for more.
After four years of no intimacy, who wouldn’t beg for more? Leaving your lips, Noah finally decides to give your aching cunt the attention it deserves as he all but rips your shorts and underwear down your legs leaving you completely vulnerable. He sinks to his knees and palms at your exposed breast.
Noah wastes no time wrapping his perfect lips around your clit and sucking harshly, and one of your hands immediately grips his hair as the other holds yourself steady. “You’re so wet for me princess.”
“Fuck, Noah,” you whimper as you rut your hips against his face, legs shaking. His talented tongue draws small circles on your clit and you grip his hair even harder, trying not to cum already. He can sense how close you are so he slips a long, tattooed finger in your pussy and curls just right, sending you over the edge. You moan his name so loudly, you wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the guys can hear you. He wraps an arm around your thigh so you keep your balance as he continues finger fucking you through your orgasm.
You regain your vision a minute later and Noah is in the process of removing all of his clothing, leaving him only wearing a gold chain around his neck. Your mouth waters looking over all of the ink that almost completely covers his perfect body. He walks back over to you and gently grabs your face, kissing you again. You can taste yourself on his mouth and the coil in your belly tightens again, thinking of what’s to come.
“You ready?” He asks gently, reaching between the two of you to rub your clit. You hum and lean your head against the shower wall again, reveling in the feeling.
“Use your words,” he halts his movements on your clit earning a groan in protest from you.
You choke out a quick “please” and he turns your body so you’re facing the shower wall, ass perked up as much as you can and one hand gripping the rail. He teases your entrance rubbing his cock up and down your folds before slowly easing into you with a groan.
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping together are the only things you can hear, the echoes bouncing off the walls of the open room. His pace quickens and he reaches a hand around your waist to rub your clit again. With one hand on the shower rail, you instinctively put your other hand over Noahs to feel his fingers playing with your clit.
The feeling of his cold chain against the top of your back along with his fingers and his cock, you know you can’t hold out much longer, overstimulation hitting you in the best way.
Suddenly the creak of the bathroom door rings out as Matt steps in, not anticipating what’s going on in the shower of the shared bathroom. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry,” can be heard before the door opens and closes once again. You aren’t sure if it’s because it’s been so long or if you’re both just really in the moment, but neither of you showed any signs of slowing down. Noah lets out a slight chuckle and continues his thrusts. You can feel him getting sloppier and his fingers losing the rhythm they carried and you can tell he’s close.
You push your ass up a little more and it gives his cock perfect access to your sweet spot, causing a second orgasm to rush through you, clouding your vision once again. Your cunt tightens around him and he let’s out a string of curses as he pulls out and cums on your ass just as you start coming down from your high.
“Holy shit,” Noah breathes out, eyes still closed.
When both of you finally catch your breath, you decide it’s probably a good time to shower. Much to your surprise, Noah cleans you up and even washes your hair for you before taking care of himself. Not much is said while you get cleaned up but it’s a comfortable silence so neither of you mind.
“I do have to wonder why you decided to ask me. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad you did, but you haven’t shown any interest in me since we brought you here,” Noah finally breaks the silence as he pulls his plain black t shirt over his head.
You nibble on your lip for a second, not really having an answer. “I don’t actually have a good answer to that. Something in me just told me to go for it. There’s something about you I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.”
He chuckles at your confession, turning to face you again. Instead of giving his own input, he just replies with, “ Well you finally got to meet Matt.”
Your face turns a bright red as he reminds you that you haven’t in fact, been introduced to Matt and his first impression of you is seeing you getting railed in the shower by one of his friends. “Oh fuck me,” is all you can say.
“Again already, princess?” He smiles a genuine smile and you could melt into a puddle right then and there. It’s hard to tell if you would have liked him if it wasn’t for the end of the world. You’ve always been more into guys who dress like they’re about to go to a business meeting, and this is for sure not him. But there’s just something about the way Noah carries himself that you can’t seem to stop thinking about, and the fact that he’s one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever laid eyes on. There’s something about a man who is so unapologetically themselves that’s such a huge turn on.
You choose to ignore his comment and decide now was the best time to introduce yourself to Matt before the liquor starts wearing off more than it already has. Maybe one more shot first?
Walking back up to the guys, all of their eyes land on you and Noah, each with a hidden smile on their faces, apart from Folio. You finally see Matt, who looks nearly the same as the rest of the guys; straight out of Hot Topic.
A blush returns to your cheeks as you try to hide your face with your long, wet hair.
“Don’t be shy now. I’ve already seen everything you have to offer,” a new voice sounds. You start to think maybe going outside in the middle of a zombie apocalypse would be better than this conversation. You look up, slightly moving your hair out of your face to see Matt with a huge smile on his face. “I’m Matt. You must be y/n I’m guessing.” You give a tight lipped smile in response.
Folio doesn’t look up from his drink during the entirety of the conversation, you notice. Jolly and Nicholas don’t say anything, but the looks on their faces tell you everything you need to know.
Noah walks to Matt and gives him a hug, asking him where he’s been, as if he didn’t just see him pounding into you relentlessly.
“Just needed to chill out for a few hours.I Thought I would come back and get a shower but it was occupied,” he lets out a laugh. At least he isn’t mad about it like you assumed he would be. You take your spot back at the long plastic table and chug the rest of your drink, trying to forget this ever happened. You pick up your cards and pretend to read them over while Noah and Matt converse about the days happenings.
“So,” Jolly starts. “You’ve met Matt now.” You look up from your cards to give Jolly a quick smile and hum lowly.
Folio clears his throat and stands up from the table, stumbling a little as he starts walking toward the furniture store. “I don’t think I can hang anymore, guys. I think I’ll just call it a night.”
Everyone says their goodnights to Folio before he retreats to his own bed.
“Is he okay?” You nudge Nicholas with your elbow to get his attention.
He looks at you in the middle of stacking the black cards together to put the game away. “Oh yeah he’s fine. He’s an early bird most of the time,” he shrugs it off.
You start helping Nick by grabbing all of the white cards you can see and stacking them together.
After everything is back in the box, everyone hangs out for another 30 minutes or so before it’s time for everyone to go to bed. You and Noah hang back for a minute at his request and your first thought is he’s about to tell you that should have never happened and he regrets it.
Instead, he pulls you in for a quick peck on the lips. “I think we should make this a thing,” he smiles slyly. You furrow your eyebrows and nod your head slowly. How could you possibly say no to the best sex you’ve ever had?
“I think we should. But I also think we shouldn’t continue if either of us starts catching feelings. This is the end of the world; I couldn’t let feelings get in the way of my safety and neither should you,” you point out.
He agrees wholeheartedly and both of you return to the bedroom for much needed rest, in your own separate beds of course.
Waking up before the other guys, you decide this is the best time to get a quick shower. You grab your clothes and a new towel and hit the shower, letting the hot water relax your tired muscles. You, Noah, Nicholas, and Matt are going by the cabin you were staying in to get the rest of your supplies today so you’re probably getting two showers today. You aren’t complaining, because GOD have you missed showers.
“There you are,” Noah smiles as you walk back into the bedroom. You give him a small smile in return and throw your hair up in a bun since you’ll be going out today.
“Do you know when we’re heading to the cabin?” You question right as Folio walks into the room.
He strides across the room to grab his fishing gear and mutters a quick “hey” before walking out.
“Uh it shouldn’t be too long. Matt and Nicholas are getting a few things ready for the road. I’ll go check in a second,” he walks closer to you and you freeze for a minute. He grabs a piece of hair you missed and wraps it around your bun, letting his hand linger on your cheek for a few seconds. Even the smallest touch was enough to make you shiver.
“Thanks,” you respond, blushing again. He walks away to see how Matt and Nicholas are doing, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It’s about an hour walk to the cabin you were staying in so you all packed plenty of supplies for the walk. Halfway there, you stumble onto a small horde, around thirty zombies. Thankfully, there are four of you so taking out thirty dead ones wouldn’t be too difficult. You notice one of them sneaking up behind Nicholas as he’s busy killing the ones in front of him, so you act quickly. Right before it’s about to bite him, you quickly finish off the one you were working on and rush to stab the monster in the head.
Nicholas turns swiftly, nodding a thank you for saving his life before getting back to finishing off the few in front of him. After killing all of the zombies and making sure there aren’t any strays, Nicholas pulls you in for a hug.
“Thank you for saving my ass back there. I owe you one,” he gushes.
You pull away and wipe your knife on the leg of your pants. “Don’t mention it. We really should start looking for a vehicle so we can worry less about this kind of thing.”
“Everyone okay?” Matt asks, checking for bites and scratches on his arms. Everyone checks themselves and after seeing that no one was hurt, continues on to the cabin.
You finally make it there after what feels like a year later. In a weird way, you kind of missed being there. Being alone wasn’t always the best but you didn’t have to worry about other living people and their feelings as well as your own. The makeshift bed you made is untouched and everything looks exactly the way you left it. Nicholas and Matt get to work gathering the remaining food, water, and medicine while you have your own mission.
You grab the baby blue blanket off of the bed admiring it for a minute. The once soft material has turned into a scratchy, coarse piece of fabric. It belonged to your dog, Taz, who you lost at the beginning of the apocalypse and it’s all you have left of him. Most people would probably not bother coming back for a silly little blanket but Taz was everything to you. He was all you really had for years so when you lost him, it turned your world upside down all over again.
Noah notices your red, watery eyes and walks up beside you putting his long arm around your shoulder. “You okay princess?”
You snap out of your thoughts and wipe your eyes quickly responding with “yeah, sorry.” He gets a feeling that you don’t really want to talk about it so he doesn’t push you any farther, just rubbing your shoulder with his tattooed hands.
Nicholas and Matt basically did all the work themselves while Noah was busy looking through the books on the old bookcase in case he found one he hasn’t read yet. They don’t really mind, afterall, free food and water so who can complain?
The walk back to the mall isn’t nearly as bad as before and for that, all four of you are grateful. Being covered in blood and guts isn’t exactly the way you like to spend your time but this is the world now. It’s better than being one of those things chewing on people like they’re nothing.
Back at the mall, Folio and Jolly have their catches of the day laid out on the ‘Chik-fil-a’ counter in the food court. They definitely had some luck out there because not only are there around 15 decently sized fish, there is also a deer they must have gotten to before the zombies did. Do any of these guys even know how to skin a deer? If anyone, you’d think it would be Folio since he seems to have the most knowledge in these types of things.
Staying at the cabin on your own for so long, you taught yourself how to skin smaller animals like rabbits and squirrels, but never game as big as deer.
Matt and Nicholas take turns high fiving Folio and Jolly, who look very pleased with themselves. You decide to take your second shower of the day to get the blood and dirt off of you, but not before Noah invites himself to shower with you.
“Room for one more?” He asks slyly with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Even covered head to toe in blood that isn’t his, he’s still so beautiful.
You nod and move over slightly so he can get into the shower with you and he immediately starts washing your back. You can’t help but wonder who will be the first to catch feelings with him doing sweet things for you mindlessly. Probably you.
After both of you are clear of any more blood on your bodies, you turn to face him to see him already looking at you with those gorgeous brown eyes. His smile is intoxicating and as much as you hate to admit it, you may have already started catching feelings in the short amount of time you’ve been around him. He leans down to kiss you in the gentlest way possible, making you weak in the knees. There isn’t any rush to this kiss unlike the one you shared the last time you were in this position. This one was slow and sweet. You could taste the faint mint from his toothpaste as he slipped his tongue into your mouth causing you to let out a low moan.
“We should probably let everyone else shower,” you state as soon as you pull away from his kiss. As much as you want him to throw you against the wall, you’re sure Nicholas and Matt are uncomfortable sitting around smelling like yesterday's ass.
“Jeez took you long enough,” Nicholas teases as you and Noah finally walk back out to the hangout area. “Matt was scared to go in there again.”
Noah laughs and playfully shoves Nicholas. “Don’t worry, it was just a shower. Conserving water,” he winks and turns to smile at you.
You walk over to where Folio is preparing the fish him and Jolly caught earlier. “Need some help?” You ask, startling him. “I’ve gotten pretty good at skinning smaller animals but it can’t be too different from a deer, right?”
“Sure,” he replies after a few seconds and smiles one of his toothy smiles you haven’t seen in a few days. “I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you.”
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anywayyy lmk what you think
love u❤️❤️
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oinkawasleftoe · 3 days
Fanfic for the Chilchuck post <3
First, this little snip is for a post I made which is linked here so if you want a little more there’s that
Second, I haven’t written fics in a while so I might be rusty other than that, enjoy!
Female Reader version, for male click here
Warnings: F!Reader, 18+, Smut, Swearing, Dom-bot reader, Sub-top Chilchuck, Praise, Degradation
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“No no no!”
A certain half-foot shouted in anger. He snatched the lock pick from your hands. “Didn’t I tell you this was my job? You and Senshi just can’t keep your hands away, huh?!”
Chilchuck was currently yelling at you because you kept messing with his ‘job’. You never quite understood why he took it so seriously, it was just lockpicking!
“If you do it one more time, there’ll be a price to pay!” Now that caught your attention. “Oh yeah, what price?” You leaned down challenging his words. Chilchuck gave you a small smirk before whispering. “Follow me when the rest of the group falls asleep.”
Some time had passed and it was now time for you to ‘pay the price.’ Honestly you doubted he could do anything to you.
Chilchuck walked over to you and grasped your hand. “Let’s go.” It sounded like he was attempting to be seductive, a little pathetic.
He led you to a more secluded area and suddenly stopped. “What’s wrong? Chicken out?” You spoke with a small chuckle. You quickly shut up as he ‘pinned’ you to the wall. You eyes widened before you laughed a little.
Chilchuck face burned in embarrassment. “Wh-What are you laughing for?! You’re the one who’s pinned!” With one hand you pushed the poor thing away. “Sweetie, let me show you how it’s done.”
You pushed Chilchuck onto the cold floor and shook your head. “What exactly were you trying to do, seduce me?” You tsked. “Naughty little thing.” You stripped yourself of your shirt, watching as he gawked at your body.
“Drink it in while it lasts~” You turned away from the staring man and undid your pants, sliding them down. You glanced back over your shoulder, teasingly sliding down your undergarments and bra.
“You just gonna sit there dressed?” Chilchuck shuttered. He quickly stripped himself of his clothes. “I-I-“ He couldn’t get a word out as he reached a hand out.
Course he couldn’t handle you, all he’s seen were half-foots! You laughed softly and sat on the ground to reach his height. “Here, suck.” You held two fingers to his mouth. You shivered as he engulfed them, his mouth was so warm and wet.
You pulled them out after a minute of two and lined them up with your cunt muttering a simple, “Watch,” before putting them in yourself. Chilchuck could only stare, amused. Everything was just so much bigger on tall-men!
You couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure as your fingers moved in and out. Chilchuck could burn holes into you from how hard he was staring. You lock eyes with him, winking and biting your lip slightly.
You remove your fingers from your cunt with a small pop noise. “Be a dear and fuck me?” He was taken aback. “I…(name)…you..” He froze before nodding. He leaned down and lined up his cock, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.
He whimpered slightly as he was engulfed by your tight walls. “So tight, ‘m gonna die!” He whined as he carefully moved. You couldn’t help but laugh at the poor thing. “You’re doing good, move a little faster~”
His lip quivered as he followed your orders. He thrusted sloppily, his mind already in heaven. You held his cheek with a small smile on your face.
“That’s it, your doing so good for me puppy~” And that nickname alone kicked it into second gear. Chilchuck looked like he had lost it as he sped up, his thrusts getting worse. “Slow down, this ain’t a race.” You groaned and tilted your head back. You gasped softly as he hit your g-spot head on. “Good boy, you found my spot~” If he had a tail it would be wagging. He continued to thrust, trying his best to hit it each time. You locked hands with him, staring into his eyes. “You gonna cum? You wanna cum in me?” He nodded, looking more fucked out than you. “Cum f’me.”
He bit his lip harder and came, your insides filling up quickly. Turns out half-foot’s cum a lot, the more you know! Your soaking cunt throbbed as the cum oozed out. Your clit twitched as you panted.
He looked up at you then at your clit, leaning down and taking it in his mouth. “W-Wait!” You stuttered out as he sucked on it. You tilted your head back with a moan. “G-God!” Your legs shook as you came.
“Look at that, you got me to cum after all.” You smiled at him, panting , as Chilchuck lifted his head up, covering his face.
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flamestar126 · 5 months
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my 2023 art summary!
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13eyond13 · 6 months
#so far in my sporadic picking away at various manga series i feel i have the weirdest reader relationships with JJBA and Attack on Titan#when reading JJBA i am not really that invested in the characters or even whats happening to them and yet i still never decide to dnf it#and i dont even know what it is that keeps me reading except that its just very unique i suppose?#such an odd combo of different things that somehow manages to eventually have its own sorta cohesive logic and charm#also the art is just fun. its ornate and goofy and macho and flamboyant and gross#but as soon as i put it down i stop thinking about it too#and dont feel like picking it up again for at least several more days#with attack on titan i found the art style mostly really bad at first ngl#it reminded me of awkward drawings a high schooler would make like the inconsistentness#of like there are good action poses here but the people also look weird ugly bland and stiff and the backgrounds are often so empty#idk i was feeling pretty blah about it but something about how starkly straight-forward the story is was interesting to me#where its literally exactly what you heard its just#theres a bunch of humanoid giants attacking our city#and we have to stop them. that's it#and also the awkwardness of the art style i find works extremely well when it comes to the titans#like they are genuinely creepy to me. and they do actually feel massive the way theyre drawn. and the mystery around them interests me too#anyways im like 60% through part 1 of jojo(also read most of part 4 a few years ago) and only on vol 3 of AoT#but yeah those are the 2 series i have the most mixed feelings about so far#wouldnt say i love or hate either of them but still also continue to want to find out more#13readsmanga#p
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petorahs · 4 months
the first few art pieces for a new interest are always the loneliest, in my experience
#aishi.txt#i cant sleep despite drinking calming tea and my fav playlist being put on so forgive any emoness but#its a bit alienating... why does art have to be one of the loneliest hobbies ever#like i want people to care as much as i do but i also get it if they dont#i cant fault ppl for not seeing the vision as i do... which is why my art is there#but im just one guy who has many ideas and not enough hands and energy to draw all of them#draw them all and... make it match my view also?? i have to reconcile my current skill with my lack of time and energy with my perfectionism#a bit of a recipe for disaster... i will say#and even after all that effort... some people will still not see it or get it and the ones that probably do#will need time to warm up to me!!#and my art... ough.. idk.....#do i use art as a medium to bridge my social anxiety or what... why does this lowkey bother me#anyway. this happens every time i change fandom#persona art was the loneliest period... pokemon feels a bit alienating too idk#my conclusion always is to stop interacting altogether#just dump my art pieces and go#but thats never worked out for me as well... i always long for interaction and i always be yapping#its just!! a bit tiring i guess#having to continuously work on stuff to... feel connected? what am i saying#like yea i know it takes time. i just wish it didnt have to feel so lonely too during the waiting period#makes me not want to move on from one interest to the next#makes me worried the friends ive made for one fandom will think ive abandoned them for a new thing but its the opposite.#im scared to leave things ive built up.. connections ive already made#i would love nothing more for them to come with me (its not like theyre going anywhere) i just dont know#how to make them feel connected to a new interest i have? wtf am i on about#its like i based my self worth on what art i can provide to others lol 😂 thats silly#i think i'll just think of this as my real life friendships and leave it at that#but yeah. i still feel incredibly lonely and alienated when making art for a new thing. even old things feel incredibly. sad to me#art as a hobby is incredibly lonely. its frustrating for someone like me#an extroverted person with an introvert's hobby. disaster.
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empyreanmirror · 6 months
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i hope you know im selectively uploading things to protect you all from lies of p content
#(as in ive only uploaded the first and third one here and the other three are LOP)#not art#why? because i wasnt even the fucking one to play it i watched Asunder playing like. a few fucking scenes because he chewed#through that fucking game like he'd played it a million times (and enjoyed it). and like. i know nothing. of the game#im one of those ''if im making fanart i better know half the games lore minimum or have been playing for years (eg TES)''#but this game? I know next to nothing about it#im saving you from ''haha interesting character concepts go brr but i have to put it in my style so i know nothing AND am playing#with the characters like dolls'' content. just kidding mostly im stopping myself personally but like#its funny af bc i generally upload everything i do (yeah. i really genuinely did stop drawing for ages bc i havent been awake in this#body more than like five mins a day since spring yaddah yaddah but yeah its not that im just not uploading lmfao) and then i open#my recents and its like. I Do Not See It. its very clear that the only things i havent uploaded(or am avoiding working on BECAUSE#i dont want to upload them) are lies of p LMFAO#.... oh when i say ''if im making fanart'' i mean continuously. i do bits and pieces here and there but can you tell lies of p may become#a theme for a hot minute#god wtf has this game done to me. i really cant stand fairytale-based games nor do i ever really like soulsborne-likes lmfao#i also dont like character design when all the characters are really conventionally pretty or lean towards it#...... i fully expected to never even slightly connect w lies of p lmfao
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nariism · 10 months
neuvillette is aware that he shouldn’t have let you get so close. but he did, and now he’s lamenting the fact that your hands are grasping at his soft horns — his fucking horns, of all places — and he might like it.
uptight and strait-laced, you’ve never known the chief justice to be someone so easily flustered. yet here he is with heat crawling up his neck, so warm that you can feel it against your palms as they ghost over his skin.
you can’t help but laugh at his current situation.
he was vehemently against you coming anywhere near his hair at first, grumbling about how his horns were on the sensitive side and he would rather not have to go into work feeling uncomfortably aware of their presence on his head.
however, you were hard to deny with that little smile on your face and such soft hands grabbing at his arms, tugging him closer. a sweet voice chanting, "please, honey? pretty please?"
neuvillette has never been good at denying you what you want.
it’s how he ends up sitting at your shared vanity. you comb through his long hair, watching him with amusement in the mirror as he huffs and jolts with every brush of your fingers against his horns.
the fact that he was letting you get anywhere near them was surely a testament to his trust in you. he was completely vulnerable here, at your mercy.
“sorry,” you mumble disingenuously, clearly enjoying seeing your usually serious husband falling apart with a simple action. you quickly tie off the end of his hair with a bow and he sighs in relief, thinking that the torment is over.
it's far from over.
he draws a sharp breath when you lean forward and press two gentle kisses on him; one on either side of his head just beside his horns.
neuvillette glowers at you in the reflection, disapproval written all over his face. "stop that," he scolds.
you do, but only because you're worried he might melt into a puddle before your very eyes if you continue.
it becomes a daily routine after that, with him sitting patiently in front of the mirror while you brush and tie off his hair. and you always end it the same way: two kisses, a soft "have a good day at work," murmured against him, and a mischievous little smile that makes him sigh.
he responds everyday with the same two words. "stop that," with a narrow-eyed glare.
the day you do stop, he's confused and irritated.
not only because you have the audacity to throw a wrench into routine again, which you know he hates, but also because he can't figure out why he misses your lips so much.
"what are you doing? i am going to be late."
"hm?" you peer up lazily from your spot on the bed, still half asleep.
"you have to do my hair."
"i thought you didn't want me to, so i slept in today."
your husband is eerily silent for a moment as he mulls over your words. then, he carefully perches himself on the edge of the bed, back turned to you expectantly and still wordless.
no, he would never admit he likes it just a little bit — the vulnerability, the trust, the feeling of your hands threading through his hair, the intimacy of it. hell no.
but neuvillette doesn't have to say a lot of things for you to understand; not when the way his skin heats up says it all; not when you're the first person to touch his horns in centuries; not when he’s saying stop that with such an affectionate glimmer in his eyes.
you give him four kisses that morning, two on either side.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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kingkatsuki · 10 months
— lush
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It’s no secret to Bakugou that his friends think you’re hot, but he’s never allowed them to act on it before. Until they catch him using a remote controlled vibrator on you—
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader, implied Sero Hanta x f!reader, Kaminari Denki x f!reader, Kirishima Eijirou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, toys, Bakugou let’s the guys control your lush vibe, dub-con (consent isn’t explicitly stated so could potentially be seen as non-con), long distance, sexting, public setting, nudes, squirting, dirty talk, the guys talk pure filth about you.
Word Count: 3.6k.
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Bakugou did not want to be here, and frankly he wouldn’t have turned up at all if it hadn’t been for you. Especially when he knew what was waiting at home for him— you kissed him at the door with a promise to wait up for him when he returned home. Knowing that you’d more than likely fall asleep on the couch by the time he stepped back into the apartment, having to scoop you up into his arms and walk you into your bedroom.
This night out for Sero’s birthday had been planned weeks in advance, and rather than unwinding with him after your long day at work you practically forced him into the shower— alone no less, and made him get ready for drinks at a popular bar in central Musutafu.
Taking a sip of his cold beer as his friends talked animatedly around him in the plush booth, catching up with each other after a few weeks apart. Gathering as Pro-Heroes wasn’t as easy as his days back at U.A. Conflicting work schedules meant that it became near impossible to find the same days, or even evenings off as each other. So this was something to be savoured. Or at least, that’s what you told him as you watched him get ready. Sitting on your shared bed wearing one of his old Dynamight agency shirts and a pair of shorts while he pulled a plain black shirt out of his closet to wear tonight.
Nothing had annoyed Bakugou more than leaving you alone in your apartment to be here, the taste of your gloss still lingering on his lips as he thought about being home with you instead.
You’d made it abundantly clear what your plans were going to be tonight, pulling the little pink toy he’d bought for you out of your magic drawer (as he called it) and settling yourself on your shared bed.
“You put that in I ain’t goin’ at all, sweetheart.” He groaned, leaning against the doorframe as you shook your head with a laugh.
“You’re going,” You reached up to squeeze his cheeks together into a pout, the rough stubble on his face tickling your fingers as you pulled him down into a kiss, “I just need something after the day I’ve had. I’m probably gonna take a bath and wait for you to get home.”
“Then I’m at least controlling that shit.” He growled, pulling his cellphone out of his jeans pocket, “Give me access now.”
Maybe he’d be able to have one more drink before excusing himself early so he could get home to you and sink himself into your warm, wet cunt.
And god, you would be so fucking wet. You’d be soaked from the way his thumb continued to absentmindedly draw patterns against his phone screen. The pink cursor ascended for a few moments before dragging it back down. Picturing how you looked right now with the little toy stuffed inside your pretty pussy as you writhed on top of tussled sheets all because of him.
You[8.59PM]: Kats, stop teasing and let me cum :(((
The notification banner signaled at the top of the screen, causing Bakugou to grin. He’d been teasing you for the last hour with the toy, knowing that the settings he was using weren’t quite enough to have you coming undone for him. But just enough to have you riled up and begging for more—
Bakugou[9.00PM]: You’re the one that wanted to play these games, sweetheart.
You[9.01PM]: Yeah, but I wanna cum :((
The words had Bakugou’s cock throbbing in his pants, pressing against the rough denim as he tried to mask a groan through a tickly cough. Pressing the back of his hand to his lips as he typed another response to you.
Bakugou[9.02PM]: I promise I’ll take good care of you when I get home, baby.
You[9.05PM]: Turn it up a little please, baby? I need it.
With that text you’d sent an attachment. He’d been hiding the screen of his phone beneath the table all evening to avoid any prying eyes or accusatory questions, but this made him shield the screen from any unsuspecting gazes. A photograph of you staring up into the camera with needy eyes, your glossy lips curled into a cute pout as you pulled your shirt— his shirt, above your chest as the fabric bunched together to reveal your perfect breasts.
God, you were so fucking perfect.
Bakugou decided to take pity on you, his fingers pulling the circle up the screen to increase the vibrations. His free hand reaching forward to grab his bottle as he downed the rest of its contents. Determined this would be his last drink before excusing himself to come home to you, not that he’d have to think of any particular reason.
“Work still trying to contact you, bro? It’s gone nine.” Sero asked, leaning his forearms against the table.
“You have been on the phone a lot, is everything okay?” Kirishima looked concerned.
“He’s probably texting his girlfriend,” Denki practically sang.
“Shut up, idiot. Everything’s fine.”
Slipping his phone back into his pocket as he stood from the booth, smoothing his hands down the black denim on his thighs as he made a beeline towards the bar.
“It’s your round yeah, Kats?” Kirishima called after him, the sound drowned out by the loud bustle of the bar as Bakugou leaned against it waiting to be served. He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, knowing that it was texts from you. But he didn’t want to unlock it to read them now, not when anyone could look over his shoulder and catch a glimpse at what was his.
Forgoing a tray as he held the neck of the beer bottles between his knuckles as he carried them back towards the booth to a cheer and raised arms from Denki. Sharing them out as he resumed his seat and wrapped a palm around the cold base of the bottle, distracted as he pulled his phone out to finally respond to you.
You[9.21PM]: I can’t cum with this, baby. It’s driving me crazy.
You[9.23PM]: You are the biggest tease I swear, Kats. My clit is throbbing :(((
Bakugou grinned as instead of responding to your messages, he left them on read. Opening the lush app as he went back to dragging his thumb across the screen, increasing the vibrations to give you some much needed relief. Except this time Sero was quick to notice the app on Bakugou’s phone screen, quick reflexes snatching the phone from his hands.
“Is this what I think it is?” Sero’s eyes sparkled with mischief as his mouth settled into a wide grin, “No wonder you’re talking to us even less than usual tonight, Bakubro.”
“Give it back, tapeface.” Bakugou practically snarled, reaching across the table to try and grab his phone back. Knocking his beer bottle over in the process, which Kirishima’s quick reflexes managed to save with minimal spillage, the head foaming up from the movement.
“What is that?” Denki asked with curiosity as he leaned over Sero’s shoulder to look at the screen.
“You guys ever seen this app before?” Sero turned it to face the table, the circle still sat in the middle of the screen. An indication of the consistent hum of vibrations pulsing through the toy for you right now.
“No, what does it do?” Kirishima tilted his head slightly, “Is it like a game?”
“It’s an app for a remote controlled vibrator,” Sero explained, “So unless it’s inside you right now, man—”
“Piss off.” Bakugou snarled, baring his teeth.
“Then I’m guessing it’s inside your girlfriend.” Sero surmised, turning the screen back to face him.
“Oh,” Kirishima’s lips parted in surprise, and Bakugou could see the cogs turning in his mind as his thoughts clearly went to what you looked like with this little toy stuffed inside your pussy.
“Wait” Denki’s brows were furrowed as though deep in thoyght, the cogs turning in his mind, “So that means she’s got it in right now?”
“Looks like it.” Sero held the phone in one hand as he used his pointer finger to drag the circle down to the bottom of the screen, stopping the vibrations completely, “How many times has she cum already?”
None of your fucking business, Bakugou thought to himself as he sneered across the table. But he hoped you hadn’t cum at all, wanting to return home and experience the luxury of you coming undone on his cock firsthand.
“Oh fuck, man.” Denki whined, “Your girlfriends so fucking hot. How did you get so lucky?”
“Maybe you should give that back, Sero.” Kirishima shuffled beside Bakugou, clearly intrigued with the conversation but he tried to ignore the dark, depraved thoughts that were running through his mind at this moment.
“Yeah, give it the fuck back.” Bakugou snarled, swiping for the phone again as Sero held it over his head and away from Bakugou’s reach.
You[9.30PM]: Baby, why’d you turn it off completely that’s so mean?
“Oh shit,” Sero read the text that came through from you, “Happy birthday to me.”
“Give me the fuckin’ phone,” Bakugou practically snarled, venom laced in his tone as he hoped you wouldn’t try and send another selfie.
“Come on, man. Five minutes,” Sero pleaded, offering the phone back to Bakugou as a peace offering, “It could be my birthday gift, you know?”
Having his friends fawn over you like this had a warped sense of power rolling over him. It was debauched, depraved and downright scummy but Bakugou found himself falling into the sovereignty.
Bakugou knew he should call you to let you know that he was surrendering control to the app to his friends, or at the very least send you a message to let you know. But deep down he knew it was something that you would probably enjoy, maybe a bit too much, if you knew. Often talking to him about uses for the toy, and whether he’d ever share access with it with his friends. The thought of going home to tell you who had been controlling it just to see the wide-eyed look on your face had his cock throbbing beneath his jeans in anticipation.
“Five fuckin’ minutes.”
“That’s the spirit, happy fucking birthday to me.” Sero grinned as he began to slide his finger against the screen, “You shoulda brought her with you, that woulda been the best gift.”
“You’d never be that fuckin’ lucky, tapeface.” Bakugou snorted, taking a sip of beer as Sero’s tongue poked out from between his lips in concentration. Swirling his finger along the screen with such precision, but Bakugou was certain he had no real clue what he was doing.
“A girl online gave me her code to one of these before,” He grinned across the booth, “Let me watch her on video while I did it too—”
“Don’t even think about it.” Bakugou would rather blow his phone up completely than let his friends see you on video.
“How do you even know she’s got it in right now?” Denki asked, “You could just be messing with a dead toy.”
“She sent a text begging me to turn it back on.” Sero grinned, “He’s probably the one that put it in her, lucky prick.”
Bakugou wished he was the one that positioned the toy inside you, although he definitely wouldn’t have made it to the bar if he had. There’s nothing in this world that could’ve torn him away from your pretty little cunt.
“Can you get her to send us a picture?” Denki continued, “Do you have pictures?”
Bakugou had multiple pictures, and videos, of you using the toy. It had originally been a way for him to help you climax whenever he was called away on long missions, a fun addition to the already steamy video calls you’d have at random hours. The time differences were often large as he’d find himself fisting his cock for you on camera at four in the morning, helping you to cum just before you were getting ready for bed.
“Shut up, asshole.” Bakugou growled.
There was no way he was going to show them a picture of you, especially how hot you looked right now. Remembering the photograph you’d sent him just as he made it to the bar, of you spread out against soft sheets as you gave the camera a sultry gaze. Man, he really was a fucking idiot coming out tonight and leaving you at home.
“Oh, he’s definitely got pictures,” Sero smirked, “Look at the look on his face. I bet she looks hot in them too—”
“Don’t you dare, you fuck.” Bakugou made a swipe for the phone, but Sero was quicker. Handing the cellphone off to Denki as he leaned forward to pick up his bottle of beer with a chuckle, taking a large swig from it as he leaned against Denki’s shoulder to watch his friend play with the app.
“Have you used this when she’s out in public?” Denki asked, looking across the booth at Bakugou while his finger criss-crossed over the screen with speed— probably torturing your poor pussy with the intense changes.
“No.” Bakugou answered curtly. Neither of you had really toyed with the device outside long distance, but it’s definitely something that you’d both talked about before. You’d even suggested he wear it one night, so he could feel exactly what it did to you for himself.
“Man, that’s so boring.” Denki pouted, “If she was my girlfriend I’d have her wearing it to the grocery store.”
“That’s because you don’t know how to make a girl cum by yourself.” Bakugou scoffed, taking another sip of his drink as Denki scrunched his nose in response.
“Yeah I do,” Denki turned the screen to face him, giving anyone in the bar who looked over a glimpse at the adult app on the phone in use right now, “In fact I’m gonna make your girl cum without even touching her.”
Bakugou hoped you weren’t coming right now, especially with how intense Denki had the vibrations. He knew you were already riled up and desperate, and this was exactly what you needed to have you tumbling over the edge. But he’d never live it down if Denki was the one to make you climax, he’d never hear the end of it.
“You should invite her next time, man. We could do this with her here.” Denki continued, his finger pausing on the screen while the dot was sat at its highest point. Indicating that the vibrations were on the most intense setting as Bakugou pictured you writhing against the sheets while the toy buzzed inside you. Picturing the creamy slick that drooled out of your hole at the sensation and stuck to your plush thighs. Wishing that he was there to clean you up instead of fantasizing about it. His cock jumped at the thought as he palmed himself subtly through his jeans while shifting in his seat.
God, he had to go home and bury himself inside you.
“Can I have a go?” Kirishima mumbled shyly, his cheeks glowing as red as his hair as he fisted his beer bottle nervously.
“Knock yourself out, man.” Denki held the cellphone out to Kirishima like it belonged to him, the dot still sat at the highest point on the screen.
What Bakugou hadn’t been expecting is the amount of teasing Kirishima was doing for you. His thumb barely moving the circle above the slowest setting, the low rumble of the toy inside you would’ve been barely enough for anyone and Bakugou knew it had to be driving you crazy right now.
You[9.40PM]: I told you to stop being a tease. I was about to cum. :(((
“Oh, she’s texting you.”
Kirishima showed him the screen as he read the text, and Bakugou had never been so happy that Kirishima had managed to seize control of his phone and the app before Denki had a chance to actually make you climax.
Breathing a sigh of relief as he grinned in satisfaction, certain he’d never hear the end of it (from you or Denki) if he’d managed to make you cum.
Kirishima was gentle and cautious as he continued playing with the app, barely letting the vibrations go above the middle of the screen. But thick fingers continued to make it constant, pushing down to wiggle the line every few seconds as he began to make almost swirling patterns against the device.
“Come on, man. Turn it up to the max.” Denki whined, his arms going across the table in a silent plea to get the phone back into his hands.
“So you can make her completely numb?” Sero scoffed, “You know she’d stop being able to feel anything with you.”
“She’d be able to feel a lot.” Denki grabbed at his crotch crudely as the men sat at the table began to laugh, even Bakugou snorted as he took a large swig of his beer. He had to get home to you soon.
“You ain’t ever made a girl cum in their life so what makes you think you could make my girl cum?” Bakugou deadpanned as Denki pouted.
“I have too!” He whined.
“Oh yeah? When was that?” Sero pried.
“Come on, man. Don’t be on his side—”
“The girls on those camsites don’t count, I’m pretty certain they fake it too.”
“I don’t even use those anymore.”
“Oh wow.” Kirishima breathed deeply when Bakugou turned his attention back to his best friend. Noticing he’d opened the texting app and now a photograph you’d just sent sat open on the screen.
“What the fuck, man?” Bakugou grunted, grabbing his phone off Kirishima has he shielded the screen with his body. Curling over the table as he held the device beneath it.
“I’m sorry, it’s not my fault. I saw the notification and I clicked it—” Panic was evident in Kirishima’s tone as he begun a feeble attempt to explain himself. An attempt that would’ve been easier were it not for the alcohol currently circling through his veins, his voice slurred as his eyes glazed over. Trying to commit the picture he’d just seen of you to memory, as though he’d just had a near death experience and had witnessed the pearly gates.
“Let me see,” Denki practically begged, “God, dude. Please— let me see. Eiji got to see, it’s not fair!”
“Shut up,” Bakugou cut both men off, trying to focus on the picture you’d just sent.
It was a photograph taken from above your body, between the gap of your thighs and your chubby mound as he noticed the dark stain that now splashed across your bedsheets. Bakugou sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth when he noticed the text message that you’d sent with it.
You[9.45PM]: You just made me squirt omg
You[9.46PM]: You’re cleaning that up when you get home it’s not my fault :(((
“Fuck, she squirted.” Bakugou mumbled, eyes roaming your exposed skin and the mess you’d made on the screen.
That’s it, he was going home to you now.
“What?!” Denki gasped in surprise, practically jumping over the table in the booth to read the messages, “You made her squirt?”
“Clearly it was me that got her close enough to do it,” Sero grinned, “Eij just got lucky to get her last.”
“And she sent a picture? Can I see it, man? Please.” Denki looked as though he was about to cry, his knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the table, “Please just one pic.”
Bakugou chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, debating on whether to show the personal picture you’d sent. A picture that had clearly been intended for his eyes only— but he’d explain to you later.
Turning the screen to the rest of the table, ensuring it faced away from the busy bar as his friends leaned in to look at it. Eyes darting across the imagine to try and memorise it in the few seconds that Bakugou had given them.
“Holy fucking shit.” Sero grinned.
“That’s not fair that you get to go home to that,” Denki threw his head against the back of the booth with a groan, “I’d lick it off the floor.”
“You’re such a fuckin’ freak.” Bakugou sneered, scrunching his nose at the debauched comment.
Locking his phone before leaning forward to pick his beer bottle up to down the rest of its contents, slamming the empty bottle back down on the table as he grabbed his jacket.
“Well, you’ve seen what I’ve got waiting for me at home, I’m out.” Bakugou fist bumped Sero as before shrugging his jacket back on.
“Any chance at a video call?” Denki pleaded, clasping his hands together as Bakugou shot him a glare, “What? I’m just asking.”
Bakugou text you as he left the bar, moving quick on his feet to get home to you as quickly as possible as he hailed a taxi.
Bakugou[9.52PM]: I’m not cleaning that up when I get home, I’m making it worse.
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oinkawasleftoe · 3 days
Fanfic for the Chilchuck post <3
First, this little snip is for a post I made which is linked here so if you want a little more there’s that
Second, I haven’t written fics in a while so I might be rusty other than that, enjoy!
Male Reader version, for female click here
Warnings: M!Reader, 18+, Smut, Swearing, Dom-bot reader, Sub-top Chilchuck, Praise, Degradation
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“No no no!”
A certain half-foot shouted in anger. He snatched the lock pick from your hands. “Didn’t I tell you this was my job? You and Senshi just can’t keep your hands away, huh?!”
Chilchuck was currently yelling at you because you kept messing with his ‘job’. You never quite understood why he took it so seriously, it was just lockpicking!
“If you do it one more time, there’ll be a price to pay!” Now that caught your attention. “Oh yeah, what price?” You leaned down challenging his words. Chilchuck gave you a small smirk before whispering. “Follow me when the rest of the group falls asleep.”
Some time had passed and it was now time for you to ‘pay the price.’ Honestly you doubted he could do anything to you.
Chilchuck walked over to you and grasped your hand. “Let’s go.” It sounded like he was attempting to be seductive, a little pathetic.
He led you to a more secluded area and suddenly stopped. “What’s wrong? Chicken out?” You spoke with a small chuckle. You quickly shut up as he ‘pinned’ you to the wall. You eyes widened before you laughed a little.
Chilchuck face burned in embarrassment. “Wh-What are you laughing for?! You’re the one who’s pinned!” With one hand you pushed the poor thing away. “Sweetie, let me show you how it’s done.”
You pushed Chilchuck onto the cold floor and shook your head. “What exactly were you trying to do, seduce me?” You tsked. “Naughty little thing.” You stripped yourself of your shirt, watching as he gawked at your body.
“Drink it in while it lasts~” You turned away from the staring man and undid your pants, sliding them down. You glanced back over your shoulder, teasingly sliding down your undergarments.
“You just gonna sit there dressed?” Chilchuck shuttered. He quickly stripped himself of his clothes. “I-I-“ He couldn’t get a word out as he reached a hand out.
Course he couldn’t handle you, all he’s seen were half-foots! You laughed softly and sat on the ground to reach his height. “Here, suck.” You held two fingers to his mouth. You shivered as he engulfed them, his mouth was so warm and wet.
You pulled them out after a minute of two and lined them up with your hole muttering a simple, “Watch,” before putting them in yourself. Chilchuck could only stare, amused. Everything was just so much bigger on tall-men!
You couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure as your fingers moved in and out. Chilchuck could burn holes into you from how hard he was staring. You lock eyes with him, winking and biting your lip slightly.
You remove your fingers from your hole with a small pop noise. “Be a dear and fuck me?” He was taken aback. “I…(name)…you..” He froze before nodding. He leaned down and lined up his cock, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.
He whimpered slightly as he was engulfed by your tight walls. “So tight, ‘m gonna die!” He whined as he carefully moved. You couldn’t help but laugh at the poor thing. “You’re doing good, move a little faster~”
His lip quivered as he followed your orders. He thrusted sloppily, his mind already in heaven. You held his cheek with a small smile on your face.
“That’s it, your doing so good for me puppy~” And that nickname alone kicked it into second gear. Chilchuck looked like he had lost it as he sped up, his thrusts getting worse. “Slow down, this ain’t a race.” You groaned and tilted your head back. You gasped softly as he hit your prostate head on. “Good boy, you found my spot~” If he had a tail it would be wagging. He continued to thrust, trying his best to hit it each time. You locked hands with him, staring into his eyes. “You gonna cum? You wanna cum in me?” He nodded, looking more fucked out than you. “Cum f’me.”
He bit his lip harder and came, your insides filling up quickly. Turns out half-foot’s cum a lot, the more you know! Your untouched dick laid on your stomach, small spurts of cum shooting from it.
“Look at that, you got me to cum after all.” You smiled at him as Chilchuck covered his burning face.
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shaisuki · 11 months
“c'mere megumi. i know you're tired.”
gojo calls out to him but the boy ignores him and continued to walk.
“he won't satoru. you traumatized him.” you quipped at him.
teleportation is fun and all but not to a fourth-grader megumi who got almost dropped mid-air from the teleportation skill gojo have, only to catch him mid-air before he truly drops.
“i catched him before he fell.” the white-haired male pouts.
“catched him before he fell?” scoffing at him. “he's a child, satoru. think before you do something to him. you almost endangered him with your antics and you can't do whatever you please when you want. you're an ass and you know it.” you spat at him and gojo pouts and he's like a child kneeling down while being scolded.
you crouched down to meet the height of megumi. patting his head and you began to speak in a soft voice. “i'll carry you, okay? i promise no funny business.” drawing a cross in your chest to convince megumi. the poor child is sleepy and fighting the urge to not sleep caused by the earlier wrongdoing of an pre-adult.
deciding to trust you, megumi comes closer to you and puts his arms around your neck before carrying his small body in front of you. your arms tucked under his thighs and it turns to snuggle you. his jaw in your shoulder.
megumi blankly stares at the adult behind you. immature, he thought but his eyes are getting heavy and sleep is calling to him. before his eyes closed he reminds himself not to be carried by that weird man.
it took a few seconds before the child snuggling in you fell asleep. you can tell from the lack of movements of his body and the small snores. patting his back before continuing to walk.
gojo followed you. he felt bad and it was like a punch to him in the gut when you scold him but he likes it. loves it when your cheeks puff and your eyes rolling at him in annoyance.
stopping at a bakery to get a few sweets to satisfy his sweet tooth and for the siblings to eat back home. you continued to walk, enjoying the little peace and quiet before a old lady approached at you three.
“oh my! what a cute family.” the old lady commented and your eye twitched at the comment. giving the lady a smile before briefly bowing.
taken a back at the sudden statement before gojo burst out in a laughter. “she called us a family, (y/n).”
“ha-ha-ha. funny.” you dryly responds to him and adjusting your arm to make megumi comfortably settle in you. the child is completely passed out in your grasp and you can't help but to kiss megumi's wild hair in which megumi groans before going back to sleep.
“aww, come on. i didn't mean it, okay?” gojo whines, blocking your way as he walked backwards to meant he really is sorry.
“okay.” you replied back to him. “just don't do it again.”
“okay!” he beams up and once again silence filled in the long way of walking.
dusk is beginning to settle down and the sky turns into orange. the sunlight giving it's final rays before the night falls.
“kind of you to take them both, satoru.” you break the silence and gojo hums. thinking about something.
despite gojo's stubbornness and his lack of tact in things, you like that he's willing to help the children to have a roof over their head and spoiled them like it's his own. even preventing megumi to be taken away from his clan and let him have a normal childhood with his sister.
“say, (y/n). what if we adopt them both?” gojo asks you.
“we? and adopt?” gojo nods. waiting for your answer. “i think it's fine. these two will have two guardians to look them over if the other one's not around and in case something's happen to one of us.”
“don't say that, (y/n).”
you raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.
“it's inevitable, satoru. in this line of work we have.” you said to him. referring how dangerous the jujutsu society is and you'll never know what the future may hold.
“i'll protect you. us”" his bright blue eyes peeking through his dark glasses with sincerity. looking at you and megumi sleeping in your arms.
“satoru....” you call him and his eyes full of sincerity.
“that's nice, satoru.” you smile at him but the expression in his face is anticipating something more.
“i know you will, satoru.” and he grins. pressing a tender kiss in your forehead and patting megumi's head. “stop that, sato. you'll wake him up and don't get too sappy with me. it's not you.” he pouts at that but kisses you again.
he can't wait to be with you forever.
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tteokdoroki · 2 months
𐙚 🪷 TRUTH OR DRINK katsuki bakugou .ᐟ
⋆˙ᝰ about ! “you love me, you take care of me. that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done f'me." with the release of your husband's newest album and the announcement for his latest tour, the two of you are invited on set to film a special kind of promotional video for newlyweds. hopefully, this married couple leave without a hangover. ( 4.8K )
warnings ! minors blank and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, fluff, suggestive, angst if you squint, celebrity!au, all characters are aged up to 20s, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, drinking, newlyweds, exes, some family issues, long-distance, idol!bakugou, fem + model!reader - not beta read!
aali’s love letter ! happy birthday bakugou! another splendid year for our lord saviour dynamght !! i posted this late boo but its out!! i hope you guys are still able to enjoy <3 ty to @cuntcure for helping out n motivating me !! - m.list ⋆ read on ao3 ! ִ ࣪𖤐₊ ⊹
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“fuck, we’re really doing this, huh?”
across from you, katsuki bakugou shifts uncomfortably  — ruby red eyes darting around the plain white set. studio lights glare from all directions, illuminating the slight sweat that beads at the blonde’s hairline. artificial lighting, bright and made to capture everything, refracts of the pearling perspiration and almost creates the illusion of a halo around the crown of your partner’s head. almost as if he’s an angel.
reaching over the small table that the producers have set up between you both, you grasp at katsuki’s rough fingers, toying with them as if to test the waters before you hold them fully — once he’s comfortable enough to accept your physical affection. his palms are warm and a little sweaty, but that doesn’t stop you from giving them a gentle squeeze. 
“it’ll be fun,” you whisper, keeping your voice low and calm as the production crew continues to contrastingly flit around you in preparation for the shoot. “and it’ll be great promo for your album!” lifting his hands, you press a kiss to the blonde’s knuckles as though you’re sealing a promise, ensuring that they’re not empty. you smile reassuringly and bakugou returns it awkwardly, drawing back just a tad when a member of production sheepishly approaches the table to set down three different bottles of alcohol, two shot glasses and a pitcher of pineapple and coconut juice as your mixer of choice. 
glass bottles of whisky, rum, and vodka glit under the white light too.
“we can back out at anytime,” comes your soft reminder once the crew member retreats to check the sound mic and cameras along with some other staff. “i want you to be comfortable.” 
bakugou shakes his head, this time, bringing the backs of your hands to his lips — pale blonde lashes fluttering as he shuts away ruby framed eyes and takes a breath to calm himself. “wanna do it. like y’said it’ll be good. fun.” when he opens his eyes again, he’s looking at you with a toothy smirk that never fails to send a shiver down your spine and butterflies in a flurry through your tummy. “besides, we haven’t been able t’do somethin’ like this together in a while.” 
nothing beats your grin after that and with a few more touch ups to your make up ( the both of you ) — you’re ready to begin filming. 
“okay guys!” the director on set claps their hands. “wanna start us off? who are you and what are you doing here today?” 
you give katsuki’s hands one last comforting squeeze before his crimson gaze slinks towards the camera that’s now rolling, fixating on its blinking red light as it matches his stare. “‘m katsuki bakugou ‘nd this is my wife,” he juts his head over to you gently, muttering your name with love laced between each of its syllables. 
you too turn to face the camera, award winning smile settling gracefully on your lips. “and today we’re playing truth or drink!” you squirm excitedly. “we’re really happy to be here! thank you for having us!” 
“i’m not.” 
with a laugh behind the camera, the producer speaks again. “so, you’re some pretty special guests. what do you guys do? how long have you two been married?”
bakugou rolls his eyes at the enthusiasm. “i’m a singer-songwriter slash idol or whatever you wanna call it…and i’m on tour right now. so buy my album or you’re shit.” 
“and i’m a fashion model slash content creator. we’ve been together for like…five years? married for half a year? a year?” musing out loud, you switch your gaze from the camera to katsuki — letting him know with your eyes that he’s doing a great job.
“eight months, three weeks ‘n two days.” he corrects you seriously, causing sweet laughter to bubble up on your lips. 
“sorry, folks. eight months, three weeks and two days.”  you retort jokingly. bakugou rolls eyes ruby framed eyes again.
“okay, so still pretty new. let’s start with a shot, shall we?”
ever the gentlemen, your husband  pours you a decently sized shot using a drink he knows you like without even asking. he even tops it off with a mixer because he knows that sometimes you can’t get past a bitter aftertaste if the alcohol is too strong. once done with yours, he fills up his own glass before clinking it against yours — both of you knocking back the shot with practised ease. 
“god, that shit’s strong.” the pale blonde grimaces. 
despite having a facial expression to match, you somehow make light of the situation. “really puts hairs on your chest, doesn’t it, kats?”
“you like my tits naked and juicy, shut the hell up,” smirking cockily, katsuki slides your shot glasses to the side and toys with the stacked white question cards in front of him. “her words not mine.” 
“anyways…first card please.” 
doing as he’s told, katsuki flips the first card over — skimming the letters written in bold on the other side before he slams it back down. “‘m takin’ a shot.” 
the shoot has barely begun and you already find yourself bursting into fits of adoring, amused giggles. “no! it’s not even your question to answer! you have to read it, it’s the first card!” you whine playfully.
“alright, fine,” flipping the card over again with a dejected air about him, bakugou announces the question to both you and the camera. “when was the last time we had sex and where did it happen?” 
“oh god.” you pinch your brow.
“told ya. no shots, it’s the first card. y’gotta answer it, babe.” bakugou teases as he casts the card aside, leaning back in his chair slow and sexy like while he watches you hungrily. it’s like making you embarrassed has made him forget that he’s on camera. 
sighing through your nose, you pout at the camera and producers who watch eagerly. “on the way here.” 
“on the way to this shoot? oh my god!” 
“yes! omg. shut up, this is so embarrassing. katsuki don’t laugh!” you practically wail as the set bursts out into laughter. “god, okay. it was on the way here and in the back of the SUV with the partition up. don’t ask me how we had time. katsuki always makes time.” 
said katsuki wiggles two fingers towards the camera knowingly and chokes back a raspy chuckle when you frown in response, scooping up your own card. “next question,” your say as your gaze skims the card. “who is your least favourite parent in law? oooh, spicy.” 
“definitely her dad,” your husband points a thumb in your direction without hesitation but mouths his words straight into the camera. “you’re a piece of shit by the way.” 
the producer pipes in. “can we elaborate?”
“my dad was never the most supportive of my career…but claims everything i have is because of him. it sucks, he's a narcissist and we don’t really speak because of it.” you answer truthfully, attempting to shrug the weight of your familial situation off. you know that most girls dream of having their father walk them down the aisle on their wedding day…but it’s just not in the cards for you. sensing your anger, your hurt and your pain beginning to rise to the surface, katsuki takes the card from you and grasps at your hand — eyebrows raised earnestly into his hairline while he checks to see if you’re okay. a small, wistful smile plays at your lips and you give your partner a gentle nod. “it’s okay though, my mum, mitsuki and masaru have been great parents. katsuki’s mum and dad kept me grounded throughout our engagement, pretty much designed all of my wedding outfits. they were all custom.” 
“outfits? as in multiple?” 
“ah yes! mitsuki insisted that i had changes throughout the day.” you beam, a giddiness replacing any negative emotion you once felt. your future mother in law had done everything in her power to make you feel like a princess on your wedding day — to this day it made you feel extremely grateful for your positive relationship with bakugou’s family.
“they still fuckin’ spoil her, ma styles her for a lot shoots,” the blonde scoffs but the adoration dancing in the almost brown flecks of his carmine eyes tell a different story. “no seriously, ma ‘n pa love you so much. you’re like the daughter they never had.” 
“aw, that’s so cute. i’ll cry.” 
katsuki’s turn to pick a card rolls around again, but he doesn’t let go of your hand the entire time — index finger toying with your engagement ring. “what’s was the most stressful part about planning a wedding?” he reads. “oh, definitely the micromanaging from other people. shit pissed me off,” your husband answers almost straight away, already preparing to fix himself a shot when the producer asks him to elaborate. 
he shakes his head and the producer turns to you. “our managers thought that they could have a say in our ceremony since it was like the celebrity wedding of the year,” shrugging, you fix your own shot which makes your spouse grin. “we ended up having one public and one smaller, private wedding to say fuck ‘em. and no, they didn’t fire me for this.” 
“so a follow up, when you announced your engagement to the world what was a difficult thing you dealt with publicly?” someone from behind the camera asks.
pursing your lips, you look to katsuki for an answer. “the fan wars? some of my fans were…are still caught up on my ex and others think the great singer katsuki bakugou is too good for an influencer like me.” 
“they don’t know shit. you’re too good for the world baby, i don’t deserve you.” 
“corny ass,” you snort directly into the camera’s shot. “i’m sure that’s one of his song lyrics.” 
“is fuckin’ not!” bakugou pouts, though he’ll deny that he was later. “pick another damn card.” 
he pushes the pile towards you once more and you cheekily swipe one from the middle to make the video a little bit more interesting for those watching from home when it comes out. hopefully the viewers get a laugh out of bakugou calling you a cheater and you sticking your tongue out at him in retaliation — he pinches it back. 
“ouch! owie, okay! okay, let go!” flipping the card so that the text is facing you, you begin to read it out loud slowly — nearly bursting out into an incredulous fit of giggles at the question printed in thick black letters. “this is so ironic, baby you’re gonna love this one,” katsuki raises a brow, intrigued by the coy smile you’re barely trying to hide now. “i dare you to call an ex and remind them that you’re happily married.” 
a small silence echoes throughout the studio as you stare at one another, waiting and waiting, until a loud, raspy and haughty laugh rips through bakugou’s throat. 
“what’s so funny?”
the blonde sat opposite you, still as handsome as the day you first met him — with glittering gem eyes that sparkle under the studio lights and a toothy smile that never fails to melt your heart, suddenly grows shy. a rose tint spreads its way over the bridge of his nose and his cheeks that have lost their youthful roundness, katsuki blushes softly but laughs with his entire body — only just embarrassed by the secret he's about to reveal to his most dedicated fans and the rest of the world. 
leaning forward on the table, elbows on the edge, while you tuck your chin in the seat of your palm — biting your lip in amusement. “do you wanna tell them or should i?” 
“i wanna take a fuckin’ short first. can i?” katsuki asks, almost innocently. he knocks back a glass of dark, bitter whisky once he gets the go ahead. “she’s my first. my first everythin’. girlfriend, time, wife—“ 
“i sure hope i’m your first and only wife, kats.” you cut him off swiftly, a mischievous lilt layered thick on your tone.
he slings an arm over the back of his chair, waving you off lovingly. “—you know what i mean, sweets.” bakugou shrugs in the direction of the producers. “i don’t have an ex to call.”
“okay, we’ll have your wife call one.” 
at the film crew’s suggestion, your voice raises an octave, notes of surprise littered through out your melodic voice. “me? who would i even call?” you can’t help but snicker, trying to reach for the juice used for mixer so you can plan your escape route out of the dare. 
your husband snatches the bottle from your reach, holding it protectively against his broad chest. “call shindou.” he grunts out low but highly amused. 
“oh no, i’m not doing that. let me take the shot katsuki.” comes your instant response, tone turning slightly serious.
“who’s shindou?”
“her ex.” 
“my ex.” 
the both of you announce in unison, though you’re a little less entertained by your menace of a blonde husband — still guarding the drinks as he chucks the used question card to the side. 
“why not?” 
“cause it’ll be mean? he still hasn’t recovered from finding out i’m dating the idol he used to train with. yanno, the one who debuted over him.” 
bakugou clicks his tongue cockily.  “he’ll get over it. call him. c’mon, it’ll be funny and you love making me laugh.” 
“alright fine but you have to swear you’ll answer the next one.” you turn to the camera. “he’s right though, his laugh is the prettiest in the world.” 
bakugou blushes as you pull out your phone and scroll to the bottom of your contact list, surprised at yourself for not blocking and deleting the number. holding up the sleek device for everyone to view, you jab a thumb into the speaker button and watch with baited breath as it begins to ring throughout the studio.
“hello, yo speakin’,” a voice a little higher pitched than your husband’s filters through the speaker. it’s familiar, but doesn’t hold any of the comfort that bakugou brings. it’s been years since you ended things with your ex, the relationship was rocky and full of miscommunications and mistrusts before either of you skyrocketed to fame. there’s no malice between you both or a reason to cause katsuki why worry, you hope, but talking to yo shindou nowadays is akin to talking to a stranger. 
giving the camera an awkward thumbs up, you reply shyly. “hi shin, what’s up?” 
“oh hey sweetheart, this is a nice suprise.” your ex purrs through the line. you click the buttons side of your phone to turn up the volume — making sure his every word is picked up by the mics in the room. 
bakugou chimes in, clearly looking for an opportunity to show off. “hey asshole, don’t get too excited.” 
“hello to you too kats, what can i do you for princess?” 
“shin, don’t call me that. also we’re shooting truth or drink right now — newlyweds edition with kats. they wanted me to call, tell you i’m married or something… which i’m sure you know by now.” explaining in a rush, you push at bakugou’s forehead, right between arched, dark blonde brows to keep him and his laughter at bay. 
“it’s all anyone can talk about these days, especially when i’m on set. married couple of the year.” 
the producers mouth to you to ask shindou a question, in which you almost miss underneath the sounds of your newlywed husband suppressing snarky jokes and giggles. “they’re telling me to ask you if you’re happy for me ‘n kats. you don’t have to answer—“ 
“i am. happy for you. katsuki, as big as of an asshole as he is, makes you way fucking happier than i ever did. he’s good to you, but you’re better to him. the world wants to see you guys grow old together… i hope it stays that way or else i’ll have to swoop back in—“
cringing along the millions that will be watching in the near future, you slice through his words politely before bakugou can blow a gasket. “thanks, shin. you’re sweet.” 
“anything for you, sweetcheeks—“ 
“alright, alright. you’re pushin’ it now, freak. r’member i’m the one clapping these sweet cheeks and i’ll always be a better fuck than you—“ abruptly, your newfound husband snatches up your phone — growling possessively down the line as if to ward your ex off. 
“okaybyethankyou!” squealing you hang up the phone and breathe a heavy sigh of relief, head banging on the table in front of you as you try to hide your flustered face. “that went better than expected.” 
the blonde before you shrugs nonchalantly as if he wasn’t seconds away from reaching into the phone and tearing shindou’s head from between his shoulders.  “i do love an opportunity to show you off, rub our marriage in people’s faces.” alas, he pours you both a shot, adding a mixer to yours, sort of as a reward for making it through the call. “kay, next card,” he swipes one from the top of the pile once more, carefully murmuring its contents into the studio’s cool air. “can the both of you name one person you would have invited into your marital bedroom on your wedding night? see if you’re both thinking of the same person. easy. on three?” 
“sure! one, two—“ you count, the temperature of the room raising as it awaits your big reveal. “kirishima.” 
“kirishima.” katsuki says at the same time before smirking cockily at the film crew. “next!”
you join him just as your foot flirtatious slides up his leg from underneath the table. “kats says eijirou is packin’, by the way.” your husband’s smile fades into an embarrassed look, everyone in the room laughing along with you. of course he’s seen it. of course you’ve talked about this before. “anyway, my turn! most romantic thing i’ve ever done for you? c’mon now kats, you can think of something. i’m pretty sweet.” 
reaching for your hand for the nth time during the shoot, bakugou laces his fingers with yours — decadent dark red eyes instantly drawn to the big rock on your engagement ring and the simple gold wedding band that sits above it as he recalls everything you’ve ever done for him. every gesture; every text, every act of physical touch or service. it would be hard to choose just one romantic thing.
the silence as he ponders almost fills you with dread, a nervousness fluttering about in your chest like a butterfly whose wings are beginning to fail them. they’d have to edit this part out if he couldn’t think of anything. 
but then, those plush pink lips that kiss you and call for you, part gently and a soft sentiment escape’s from between them. “you love me,” is all bakugou can say, eyes wide and genuine. “you take care of me. that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done f'me…and, if we’re talkin’ specifics, you remember that time just before my album came out? before our wedding? i was fuckin’ stressed ‘n i was always locked up in the studio, trying to figure out the track list, the final song…” 
you nod slowly, exhaling deeply through your nose. “yeah?”  the background noise from the crew, cameras and mics wither away until it’s just yourself and bakugou in the room — holding hands as though you’re one another’s life lines. 
“it was three am ‘n you were in another city for a shoot but…you still made the drive over to have dinner with me. to make sure i ate,” the tip of katsuki’s rough and calloused thumb brushes over the bumps formed by your knuckles. “just to help me run through things even though i was freakin’ the fuck out and you had a flight to milan the next day. you ate with me and that meant a lot.” he seems wistful as he talks, forgetting that the world will be able to see his heart beating all tender like when the cameras are put away and the footage is polished up.
perhaps he doesn’t care if the world sees him being so vulnerable with the woman he loves on screen. they’ll usually find such openness hidden between the lyrics of his songs. so, perhaps it’s the little alcohol running through his system. nevertheless, quiet love and appreciation seeps from katsuki bakugou’s pours into the quiet atmosphere of the set, the emotions crash over you in waves that you welcome — almost reducing you to tears brewed just for him.
“you asshole,” you sniff, lacking all the spite the insulting nickname carries. “i didn’t think that night  meant so much to you… i just wanted to see my baby. wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
cocking his head to the side fondly, the blonde singer uses the back of his hand to wipe at your free falling tears you hadn’t realised were there. bakugou doesn’t let go of you the entire time. “don’t cry sweets, you know i hate t’see you cry.” 
watery laughter bubbles up on the seam of your lips. “don’t tell me what to do,”
“you said she drove from another city, would you guys say that distance made things difficult for you?” 
“sometimes,” you answer the director truthfully. “while we were engaged we’d plan our wedding across different time zones. when i was awake walking for fashion week he was sleeping in his studio making songs.” you explain, looking to katsuki to confirm.
he nods along with another squeeze of your hand. “it was hard yeah, but we got through it. now she has my ring on her finger ‘n she’s stuck with me.” 
“send help.” you mouth to the camera.
resuming the game, you snatch up a card and secretly hope that the question is a little more light hearted than the previous. “has my line of work ever made you jealous? oooh, good one,” adding the card to the ones already discarded, you squirm in your seat — excited to know your husband’s answer. “no shots! i want you sober and honest.” 
“i’ve hardly had anythin’ to drink!” katsuki snorts. “what’s the sayin’? a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts? let me have something.” 
“no! i want sober words and sober thoughts, that’s the aim of the game, stink.” 
katsuki rolls his eyes so hard you fear they might drop out of his skull. “spoiled brat,” he mumbles begrudgingly, sucking his teeth. “okay before anyone says anythin’, i’m a secure guy. i trust and value my girl’s word above anyone else’s. i love seein’ her on billboards in every country i visit, on magazines at every airport I’ve ever flown from…”
“it feels like there’s a but coming.” 
“wait for it…” you hum gleefully.
“but i hate that one cover shoot you did with that nerd, izuku, for vogue. that’s it. never do that shit again.” bakugou finishes, crossing his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
nearly leaping out of your seat, you point at your husband — bewildered. “i knew it! you said it didn’t bother you!”
“of course it did! he had his grubby arms wrapped around you! he stinks.” 
“you did not just call izuku stinky, he’s got a feature on your album!” 
“his feature can kiss my ass,” you know that bakugou is only half serious, the two have written some beautiful songs together and the cover hardly meant anything — izuku models from time to time as well. it just so happens you also work for the same brands. “my turn again, rate my proposal on a scale of one to ten. how good did i do?”
“nine point five.” you nod assertively, speaking to your audience with love bursting through your heart. “he proposed to me at his first sold out concert, like literally stopped singing and apologised to all of his fans because he had something important to say. that’s when he asked me, in front of his entire world. kats’ is real private so it meant so much to me…”
the blonde leans back in his seat but brings your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss directly to your wedding rings. “only nine point five? cheeky fucker.”
“it’s only ‘cause your genius-self decided to chuck my ring into the crowd?” you scoff. 
“oi! i have good aim, you’re just shit at catchin’ things!” katsuki scoffs back, nudging you with his foot under the table. 
“back to the game love birds.” 
the two of you put your playful little spat on the back burner and you grasp the next card. “how many years into our our marriage do you think we’ll stop having sex—?” 
“never,” katsuki cuts you off, looking directly into the lense as he jabs a thumb in your direction. “i can’t ever get her off my cock. she’s fuckin’ insane.” 
heat flares up underneath the surface of your skin in embarrassment. “fuck you.” 
“right after this shoot, sweetheart.” he winks right back at you before nodding down at the cards. “last two, yeah? did your life turn out as expected?”
chewing on your bottom lip, you give the question some thought. life has an unpredictable nature, no matter who you are or where you come from. if someone had told you a year into your college degree, that you’d be in front of sorts of cameras as a profession for the rest of your life — you wouldn’t have believed them. if someone had told you that you’d find the love of your life shortly after, you would have called them a liar too. your past has been heavy, a dark cloud you never thought you’d be able to escape — hauntingly daunting.
and even though you know that it’s a burden to place the weight of your happiness on someone else’s shoulders — but you know that katsuki has always been your golden, blinding light at the end of the tunnel. he’s something you never expected, but someone you entirely deserve after everything life has thrown at you. 
“no, it hasn’t,” you whisper softly, ever so slightly distinct. your lover leans in, watching you curiously from over stacked question cards and bottles of barely touched alcohol. “i never expected to be so famous so young, that a silly little dream of mine could come true. that i never expected, i still can’t believe it…but, it’s like… meeting you. falling in love with you, on top of all that? it’s like i was destined to be with you, kats. you’re my soulmate. i knew that from the start.” 
just like you earlier, emotion wells up inside katsuki. it breaches the cavity of his chest, slows down the rate of his heart and lungs and brings a slight shine to his beautiful blood red eyes. he sniffs but doesn’t dare look away from you — reading deep into your soul despite knowing the pages of it off by heart. “i feel the same,” he mumbles, reaching over to cup your face even with all of the cameras around. “i never expected to go on tour, sell albums and make music…but i feel like my heart always knew you were waitin’ for me.” quietness fills the space between the two of you, neither of you needing to say much. you cup the wrist of his hand that touched your face, leaning into his palm and pressing a kiss to it. “we’re so fuckin’ corny.” 
“you love it.”  you reply instantly. “i love you.” 
“see?” katsuki asks the production crew as he draws the last card for both of you — holding it out for you to read. “cornball.” 
“it’s cute! she’s cute and corny!”
“what about the rest of our marriage do you look forward to most?” since the video shoot is coming to an end, and you hardly want to cry any more, you both decide to make your answers short and sweet. “i look forward to spending forever by your side, taking over the world one continent at a time.” you gush, meaning every single word, smiling adoringly. 
“ditto, can’t wait to grow old with you, brat.” bakugou mirrors your expression and finally, finally ends the shoot by pressing the ghost of a kiss to your awaiting lips. you feel warm knowing how comfortable he’s grown over the course of filming, even more so at all of the truths he’s given you tonight. 
“that’s a wrap! thank you so much guys!”
katsuki salutes the camera, finishing up for you. “we’ve been the bakugous playin’ truth or drink. buy my album, see me on tour, buy a magazine with my wife’s beautiful face on it. like and subscribe.” all the while, you reflect on everything that you’ve learned about your husband whilst filming — that he loves you a lot more than he lets on, that you have his heart for all of eternity, that nothing in this world and cause his love for you to waver, 
and as your matching wedding bands continue to gleam beneath the dimming studio lights, you only hope that he knows that you feel the exact same way about loving him too.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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erwinsvow · 1 month
would rafe ever let reader wear his rings? idk that’s just so hot and i feel like rafe would be the type 😭
godd pussy started doing jumping jacks!! your brain>>
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curled up next to rafe, still sweaty and sticky all over but not even close to tired, you trace patterns on his skin with your fingers. it's quiet in tannyhill except for the two of you breathing.
you thought rafe must be deep in thought the way he's gone so quiet, but when you look up from your position to see what he's doing or if, unsurprisingly, he's fallen asleep, you catch him staring right at you.
flustered, face warm, you press back against his chest, blinking fast. your fingers continue their path, now on his forearm, drawing little hearts and hoping he doesn't realize. you go further, all the way to his hand, and though you've been in this position a million times, do this or something similar almost every night, it feels different for some reason.
you run your fingers down the back of his land, looping around his fingers. they catch around his rings, and you move your own hand away when rafe stops you, grabbing your hand and keeping it in place.
"sorry," you let out quietly, wondering if he decided he didn't like the feeling. though you're still held in place against his body, you don't need to see him in order to know he's staring down at you, the way he always does, with the look that makes your heart thud so fast you can hear it in your ears.
"stop apologizin'," he murmurs, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. he keeps your hand next to his, and you can't help yourself, pressing your palm flat against his.
"your hands are big," you comment, liking the way the two of you are touching everywhere right now—legs entangled and palms together. he doesn't say anything, doesn't have to. rafe moves your hand, holding it next to his, using his other to slip his rings off.
without any words at all, he slips one of them, his golden signet, onto your ring finger. helplessly big, it falls down to the knuckle. if you move an inch, it would fall off. the other ring falls onto your index finger. you extend your hand, admiring how they look on you.
"too big, rafe," you say it with a laugh, not able to hold it back any longer.
"shit. lemme see." rafe takes your hand, holding it a little out and then closer. "jus' a little bit. looks good on you though."
"all your stuff looks good on me," you breathe out, suddenly feeling like there's no air left in your lungs. rafe just slipped his own ring onto your ring finger, your left ring finger. words and thoughts leave you, focused on nothing but rafe.
"that's right. don't worry, kid, i'll get you one that fits soon enough."
your heart beats even faster, realizing what he means. you smile up at him.
"i don't want a new one. i just want yours."
the next morning, there's a pretty chain and his golden ring waiting for you on the nightstand. both of you know that once you put it on, it's never coming off.
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ave661 · 3 months
Post about art-theft, AI and tracing of my render:
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Unfortunately, one of my renders I made a year ago, was traced, copied, edited by AI by "brothers in arms" store and now sold as a merch aimed towards CoD fandom. They are currently sending this out to various cosplayers asking them to promote it.
As someone who is affected by this, I have to speak up about it.
(post about it on twt & insta)
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I found out about it by accident when I saw promoted post on my insta feed. When I started talking about it in my stories, this store sent me a private message saying they had been working on this design for weeks and had never heard of me so they definitely didn't steal anything, and offered me free stuff. When I disagreed with them and sent them files comparing our works, they stopped replying to me, so I continued talking about it again on my insta. Only when my followers started leaving comments under their post saying this is wrong, they decided to continue discussion on the next day.
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2. They mentioned that they could have been inspired by some pictures they found on the internet and showed me their "first sketch" of design… which was made by AI.
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3. During the conversation, they mentioned that their artist could have based his work on a picture he found on the Internet, but he defended himself by saying that they might not have known it was mine. But even if they didn't know about me, even if they found some fanart on the Internet - it doesn't mean you can copy something detail by detail and sell it as your own. What is most important here, their offer to solve the problem was to give me credits in their design. IF they worked hard on it, why would they want to give me credits? My offer was to remove it.
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4. Why do I mention that it could have been done by AI? because many lines are unfinished and a lot of details don't make sense.
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5. Below is a comparison of my render that I published on March 18, 2023 with their first sketch they showed me, which apparently they drew themselves:
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I am saying this so that the CoD community, which is very large, will be aware of this, because there are many people who have already bought it and after my insta story, they felt bad and said they want return it because they don't want to support art theft.
It's not just about me anymore - it could have happened to anyone who creates fanart and share it on the Internet just for fun. One day someone may use it for their own profit without us being aware of it. It doesn't matter if it's a 3D render or a drawing. All artists in this (or any other) fandom do not deserve to experience such thing, and we need to speak out about it to prevent it from happening in the future.
Reposting fanart is, as this example shows, dangerous and hurtful, so please respect artists and don’t do this. Especially on pinterest.
Their only proposal and offer to give me credits for the work they traced is something I will never agree to.
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satoruhour · 9 months
a/n: continuation of this. ARRRGHHH also i swear i couldve written this better i kinda hate this lol / tagging @jabamin @shotorus @hyomagiri @crysugu @valberry @lov3rbody ✶
wc: 4.1k (got carried away again ! lord help me)
warnings: dad!gojo, fem!reader, he is enamoured with you, dom!gojo, calls you ‘mama’, also like slight daddy kink, sex while pregnant, lactation kink, pregnancy kink, implied f! masturbation, oral / cunnilingus, fingering, clit stimulation, praise, pet names, spitting, mating press, multiple rounds, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink, n*sfw under the cut
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✶ dilf!gojo . . .
. . . who, when you were pregnant, could never get enough of your glow. sure, you’d look tired and worn out half the time but gojo thought you never looked better cradling your belly whilst you took your afternoon nap, or when you’d do some light chores around the house (you won over gojo trying to stop you). not to mention, your breasts were fuller and heavier with milk, soaking through your slip dresses often that he’s had to hide his hard-on more and more.
. . . who, on more than one occasion has had your tits caged within his hand: watching television, in naps, sex, he was unbelievably obsessed with the way the fabric around your nipples would leak and darken in colour. all he wanted was to knead them as he eats up your delicious moans, sucking hickies into your throat and holding your baby bump with his other hand. and then when satoru first peels the dress off of you, he whimpers, admiring the way your tits lactate and leak milk from its tip.
“s—satoru—” you’re sat sideways on his lap like the sweet girl you are and the first contact of his tongue around your nipple makes you let out a long moan. the sensitivity is all too much for you together with the heaviness of your belly and your hormones spiking and your husband simply smiles into your skin. he slurps at the liquid that drips from your tits, groaning into your breasts and the vibrations makes you clench your thighs together. it doesn’t go unnoticed by him when he’s got his hand between them, playing lazily with your clit and he presses a little harshly into your bundle of nerves and it draws such a beautiful cry and a spurt of your milk from your nipples right into his mouth. satoru cleans up well, noises similar to when he’d eat you out, “mmh… such perfect tits, mama, leaking so much milk just f’r me.” ✶
. . . whose hands look more rugged than he was young, fingertips a certain roughness to it from the boxes of the furniture of the nursery he’s carried to the training he still partakes in for young sorcerers. but they look especially pretty when he cuts up strawberries and bananas for your pancakes and later on, a teacup that barely makes its appearance in his hand from just how large he was in comparison to your baby girl’s tea set. your eyes also like to trail his hands as they skillfully weave your girl’s hair in a braid, hypnotised in which he uses his teeth to drag the hair tie to his fingers. satoru has a different opinion — he likes to see it on your belly when he wants to feel the baby kick and on your plush thighs when he’s teasing you, so close yet so far to your uncomfortable cunt.
. . . who uses your badly shaven job against you when his lips graze along your still full breasts and down to your torso. you can feel him drag the stubble against your inner thighs and it’s like he’s relishing in the way you squirm and thrash around on the bed, but the gojo below you is the culmination of multiple years of missions and caring for a baby girl. he looks so damn stunning between your legs as he usually does, except his features are more wrinkly and lenient and gentle, white strands turning just a little silver — it may just be the trick of the light.
but the way he eats you out has never changed — he’s already gone past making you beg for it. a hand on your inner thighs, caressing the skin and letting him do his damage, but it’s usually not long that gojo needs to hear you. “i heard you like this?” he laughs as he uses his teeth to pull at your underwear as he lifts your hips like you weigh nothing and his eyes are fixated on the way you’re leaking so much that there’s a string of arousal that connects your panties to your pussy. “’toru . .” you’re whining, grasping at nothing ’cause your belly was just too big. he finds your hand easily and twines your fingers. “yeah, angel?” with your legs propped up, he can appreciate the glory of your soaking pussy, and he thinks your tummy just looks divine, carrying a whole new life within it and still looking beautiful as ever. you preen when his mouth licks a stripe up your cunt and you can practically feel the stubble along your pussy lips. “mmh— was made to eat your pussy out, mama.” it’s no different from before. gojo eats you out with his skillful tongue, lapping at your folds and clit messily. you’re squeezing his hands at the intense sensations and he squeezes right back, other hand slowly drawing circles around your clenching, needy hole.
“look at ‘er,” gojo moans softly in awe as his finger parts your folds and he eases it in, your cunt automatically clamping down. you were right — they did feel rougher, bigger — it’s like you can feel the pads of his fingers and the lines on his digits. “so damn wettt . .” gradually he adds another and starts pumping them, moaning alongside you as your filthy husband nuzzles the bottom of his face into your sex and the prickle of his facial hair is so prominent — you just have to grind your hips onto his face. “careful of the baby, darling.” he lightly warns, fairly muffled, but he lets his little wife continue whatever she’s doing. “’toru, ’toru— needa c-cum . .” you’re whimpering, looking like a greek goddess as you’re dripping, dripping, all over satoru’s chin. “yeah? give it to daddy, baby, c’mon.” he moans into your clit, slurping up your juices mercilessly as his fingers reach so deep in you. “that’s right, that’s my girl— oooh fuckk . . . so much cum for me—” you’re cumming with a loud cry, plump thighs squeezing his head and he only presses his tongue deeper into your core as flood his tongue with your juices. he smacks his lips together and shoots you a smirk, “what a sweet thing my lil wife is — sweetest pussy too.” ✶
. . . who has to fuck you at least once while you’re pregnant, but he hadn’t imagined he would get so addicted to the look of your body rocking back and forth, so limp and pliant for him, especially with how he could easily do anything to you with how strong he was and yet you’re surrending everything up to him. satoru who has you in all sorts of positions where he can look at your supple breasts bounce as you cradle the baby in anxiety with one arm and the other is lining his back in red. and he hadn’t expected you’d be so horny too.
. . . whose dick you just can’t get enough of, pouncing on him once he’s gotten home from missions all sweaty and out of breath and your heart gets caught in your throat. guiding your hand to your little cunt when you wake in the morning to his toned chest and the look of soon-to-be-father looking so good on him. sending him little voice notes as you go on appointments by yourself (gojo hates himself for having a mission clash), but the contrast of your husband’s tear-filled apology before your needy audios is a stark contrast, fingers rubbing at your clit in the hospital toilet, unsatisfied. high-pitched whines whenever his cock would kiss your cervix juuust right and moaning how you want his cum in you, again
your husband throws his head back when he first sinks into you, but not before he slaps his cock along your folds, already soaking the sheets from the four times he’s made you cum. “f—fuck, so warm in here, baby.” gojo presses your hands to his lips and lays multiple kisses along it, even licking at your fingers and keeping his eyes locked on you while plunging them into your mouth. the gesture is sensual, hips rocking into you while his tongue glides over your fingers; he brings it to your clit after, helping you and satoru hopes he wouldn’t cum too early. especially when your hair is all splayed out with that glow along your cheeks. the position accentuate the curves of your body and your swelling stomach, and fuck, if he could paint, the image of your anatomy would be burned into his brain. “s’full, daddy.” he simply caresses your sore belly, “yeah? is it now?” he’s buried all the way to the hilt and the deepness sends a chill up your spine, “takin’ me like the good girl you are.”
“satoru, satoru, mmhhfuck,” your hands are holding into his forearms so tightly as he rocks into you, legs wrapped around his waist to trap him with your pussy and you truly wish your baby bump would be bigger so you didn’t have to look at your husband’s fucked out face and sweaty locks, grunts leaving his mouth as he continues to fuck into you with firm, solid thrusts. “w-what is it, sweeth— s-shit, this pussy’s too fuckin’ good.” you mewl at the words, staring up at him through hooded lids and a lax jaw. “tell me what— fuucck— you want, baby,” your words are beyond comprehensible, so you only can moan louder and babble over and over again, “cum— wan’ your cum, wan’ your cum, ’toru!” and gojo has a full blown aneurysm at the way you beg even when you were already knocked up. gojo’s breath and hips stutter at the way you hold onto his arm and plead, cumming straight into the warmth of your cunt with a loud groan. “don’t know how much i love your cunt, sweets.” ✶
. . . who, once you give birth to your baby girl, has never stopped thirsting over you, but he’s a little more considerate in letting your body rest. most of the time he’s pleasuring you just as you were with your baby bump, always the quickest to stand up and run to the nursery when he’d hear the baby’s cries or pass off him being between your legs as just wrestling as your darling girl gets another terrible nightmare. satoru has put you first, always, but lately the chivalrous acts that he’s been doing is landing you in a position of a dilemma — between decorum of a mother and the filthiness of a wife whose husband is just too hot.
. . . who stands out to you more with his new found love for tight black shirts and low riding sweatpants, always prancing around the penthouse with it glued to his body and accentuates just the best parts of his body. you weren’t sure if it was the post pregnancy hormones doing its job or whatever, but there are many times where you can see yourself staring a little too much: on movie nights when he manspreads and adjust his hips, one hand tucked behind the sofa and you can see the muscles in his arm moving. all gojo asks is “take a picture. it’ll last longer, baby,” and you just roll your eyes, but not before one more glance to his inviting lap. when it’s the morning and you’re already up tending to the baby, bouncing her around and breastfeeding her before your head snaps to the low, raspy greeting and you’re blessed with satoru and his arm up on the doorframe, watching you. he’s yawning and scratching at his torso while the sweatpants ride low, showing a peek of his v-line and happy trail. he’s giving you the sweetest, yet somehow sexiest smile as he saunters up to you, surrounded by his toned body and strong arms.
. . . who knows what he’s doing when he sees your distracted stares to the point your baby girl has to drag your hand full of food to her mouth; or in times of sleepiness in the dawn where all he wears are boxers and he has the gift of hearing your not so quiet gasp when you see him emerge from the bathroom after his morning skincare. what really seals the deal though, is the day you had a reunion with the students of jujutsu high, a nice little picnic out near tokiwa bridge and gojo just had to show his girls off — what was meant to be a wholesome day turned into thoughts of your husband’s physique as he challenges nanami to a “carry-off”, the still stoic sorcerer not even bothering to participate as gojo swoops you both into his arms. your daughter on his right and you on his left, and you’re scrambling to grab his shoulder. it sinks into you like an anchor: just how fit he was, the lines of his tense arm, the cheeky wink he sends to you while you’re up there. you only hope he can’t feel your pussy throb from that.
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“you alright, darling?” your baby’s asleep comfortably on your chest, and your eyes can only burn holes into the hand that’s resting on your thigh, swallowing before facing your husband who only seemed to get hotter the more he ages. when you turn to him he’s already looking at you, a lopsided smile on his face before he breaks eye contact and steps on the gas when the traffic light turns green, letting out a loaded exhale when you grab his hand and twine your fingers.
that two person carry has been etched onto your mind long after you’ve reached the penthouse along with everything that’s been going on, but you’re interrupted when satoru squeezes your hand, pulling you into his embrace while keeping your darling girl asleep. he’s skilled at that, as he is with his lips, pressing a deep kiss to your mouth. you can feel your stomach turn with anticipation, tasting his gloss as he whispers “should we order takeout tonight?”
you hum, “i can cook, ’toru.”
his hands feel hot on your waist, “rest today, baby. we did spend a whole day in the hot sun,” they draw circles on your lower back, “plus, we have that event tomorrow, don’t wanna tire you out.”
“the event’s at night you goof,” you laugh, a slow hand stroking your daughter’s hair. stark white and striking as always.
“still.” he grins and winks like there’s some ulterior motive, leaning in to kiss you again before your girl rouses and yawns.
“good morning, my love.” satoru coos as she finds her bearings, looking around in confusion and only being able to focus on her father’s hand on her hair.
“na-na-min?” the awkward plea in her voice would drive gojo to burn the world down, to call nanami right now to meet up again, but he knows all that would only warrant annoyance. he could call yuji, but he did mention something about having dinner with his partner tonight.
gojo feels bad to be breaking her heart like this, “no, darling, ’m sorry.” his heart breaks even more when she breaks into a slight cry and he attempts to quell her sobs by baby-talking her.
“c’mon, why don’t you let papa carry you, and mama can head off to take care of herself, hm?” he suggests with a big grin, mood changing instantly as he plucks her out of your arms, again emphasising his strong arms when they hold her on one side and curl another around you. “go clean up first. i’ll settle dinner for her.”
but the shower seemed to be a bad idea at the time, emerging from the steamy bathroom to see your husband with his shirt off and the baby already all cleaned up and fed. she was swaddled in her most comfortable blanket, the fabric of it peeping out from the side as your eyes focus on the rippling muscles of gojo’s back. he bounces the baby gently as he burps her, muttering little praises and sounds.
“oh, baby—” he catches sight of you in the doorway in a towel and he only smiles, not knowing how you were trying to digest just how broad his shoulders were and how small his waist was. had he always been so fine?
“heard about skin to skin contact with your baby,” he whispers, “says it increases our bond.”
and if you could, you’d drag him back to the chapel all over again to renew your vows, because you didn’t expect him to be such a sap. you also didn’t expect him to read you so well. the baby’s asleep and it’s well past midnight, masking yet another shaky sigh when your body sinks more into his side.
“yeeess . .?” 
you stand up with vigour you didn’t think you have, plopping yourself down onto his lap and all he does is smile slyly. the way his bare body moves as he leans back is enough drive for you to shut him up.
“haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
“oh? you have a crush on me?”
so infuriating as always. you roll your eyes and grind down on him, igniting such a familiar and archaic feeling that you haven’t felt in a long time: his bulge against you, the soft groan he lets out. he’s always been treating you time and time, and yet he puts his own needs on hold. a perfect husband like him waited only for you to initiate things, and yet you wonder why it took you so long. maybe it was the baby taking up most of your time, maybe it was him being on missions and coming home dead-beat tired.
maybe you knew you’d never turn back if you indulged yourself — pushing out a whole baby wasn’t exactly easy. but you’ve missed him. on you, in you.
“we’re married, you dumbass.”
“still in disbelief, my bad.” gojo laughs, “is there anything you wanna tell me?”
you sigh, pulling him to you so your foreheads would touch. you breathe onto his lips — “please take care of me.”
oh, gojo satoru did take care of you and more, burying his face between your legs and making you cum over and over. he made your voice hoarse and your thighs ache, juices soaking the sheets from just how wet you were.
“oh, you needed this, huh?”
“shut up.” gojo moans when you push him back onto your cunt, already having orgasmed thrice just from his tongue. he was skillful and he knew it, just as much as he knew just how tight you’d be when he smeared your cum all over your pussy and pushed past your folds. satoru whines at the tightness, at having missed your cunt wrapped around him for so long that he can tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
“f—fuck . . so fuckin’ good, s’tight . .” you’re not that well off, either, thinking the shower was a waste of water as your sweaty stomach heaved in anticipation while he bottomed out. gojo cries out in a choked moan, “you feel so g—good, mama.”
“w-who’s needing it now?” you breathe out, fingers digging into his shoulders so harshly it hurt. you catch a glimpse of satoru’s smile and a shake of his head — you’d need to be carried tomorrow, for sure.
he pulls out and slams back in so accurately you let out a loud moan, insides turning to mush after so long. the feel of him filling you up is like none other, pussy gripping onto him like a vice. you can’t remember the last time you let him take you.
“so p-perfect for me—” gojo rasps out, looking at you drunkenly. the mother of his child, his wife, it weighs on him and he just thinks he needs to fuck you until you know how much joy you bring to his life. your body rocks as your lover fucks into you, hovering over your body and looking so ethereal. his hair falls into his eyes that you just have to pull him down, crashing your lips against his. the moans he lets out against your face is lovely and you can feel his cock twitch as your legs wrap around his waist.
“‘toru— shiiitt . .” your back arches off of the bed, body caving into satoru like second nature. he lets out babbles against your lips, room filled with the sounds of his balls slamming into your ass, coupled with your weeping pussy, coating his length with all that you can give to him. “so deep—”
“that’s ’cause you’re suckin’ me in, baby—” he laughs breathlessly, cutting off your answer with another kiss, feeling the brush of pelvic bone against your clit. it’s all you need to cum hard, still sensitive after so long and your pussy clenches around gojo’s shaft even tighter; it gets gojo whining into the kiss before he reaches his high too, spilling into you with wide eyes and stuttering hips. you moan at the sensation, eyes pleading your husband for more, more, more. 
“forgot how much i loved doing that, f-fuck—” gojo hums as he removes your legs from his waist, pushing you into a deep mating press and you squeal when you feel his cock barely hit your g-spot in this new position, “yeah? ya feel that?”
you nod mindlessly, hands now holding onto his forearms before his hips start moving again and you’re left to whining like a slut. your thighs dig into your chest as gojo folds your body in half, rutting into you messily. there’s so much cum, mixed in filthily as your words only descend into incoherence.
“yes, yes, yes!” are all you can manage as gojo grunts from above you: his stubble, his broad shoulders, his matured face, they all look beautiful in the cold night. he’s so focused on the way your cunt sucks him in, hips stammering when your hand comes into view to rub your clit. “give it all t’me, daddy.”
there’s a small growl that leaves his lips at that, pace reaching an animalistic one as he angles his hips. “open y’mouth.” 
satoru is driven crazy when you obey silently, and he has to push deeper into you to reach your mouth, making you falter and pull your brows together — you recover fast enough to catch the spit hanging from his mouth, dribbling slowly into your mouth even when gojo’s hips never stop their assault.
“attagirl,” he praises, smiling softly at the way your pussy twitched at that. he knows you’re close by the look in your eyes, grasping aimlessly at his shoulders. 
“gonna let me cum in you again? hm?” gojo’s thrusts are sloppy now, fuelled by the squelch of your drooling cunt, “gonna let daddy put another baby in you?”
you mewl at that, “wan’ that— want all of it—” intoxicated on his cock, they hit the deepest parts of you; you know and love the way his tip hits your sweet spot, you know and love the way the shaved pubes of his pelvis brush up against your clit so well.
“take it then—” gojo grunts, holding your legs up and meets your eyes and the simple call of his name has him shivering. he cums deep, shooting his load so white and hot in you that you’re moaning loudly at the feeling, hand on your clit increasing in pace before your fifth for the night, legs trembling in his grip and your mouth falls open in a silent scream. 
gojo thinks you’re god. “that’s it— shit, take all of my cum, mama.” you can barely see blue, rather seeing spots of white that fill your vision and you get dizzy and overstimulated, groaning finally when he removes his cock from you. so much cum spills out, pussy pushing it out and satoru bites his lips at the sight.
but you both know you’re far from done when gojo lies on his back, ulterior motive fulfilled when he sees you climb on top of him and drag your pussy along the base of his dick. with you like this, stretch marks and plumpier breasts, you still look as beautiful as you did before the baby, letting you interlock your fingers with his. 
your mouth falls open in a soft “satoru” as you sink down onto his still hard, leaking cock and he never wants to look at anyone else ever again, lest he misses even one second of witnessing a goddess like you at work.
gojo cannot resist sitting up to meet you halfway in a soft kiss (“thank you, ’toru. you always take care of me so well.”) and it gives him all the confirmation he needs when your hips first move and the moans and the lewd sounds of your cunt sound more heavenly than all the choirs in the world.
“it’s what you deserve, baby. only the best.”
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