#i want to see more man. i want to see their arg
the-acid-pear · 3 months
Honestly I'd start downloading blogs I really enjoy. "nothing is ever deleted in the internet" actually backup Luly is an outlier and-
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
being wally’s newest friend!
(i love this arg and hopefully it gets more pickup in the near future!! especially love wally, silly little guy.)
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(i love this arg and hopefully it gets more pickup!! especially love wally, silly little guy.)
basically you moved into the neighborhood and wally takes notice. and is infatuated.
warnings,, wally has some tendencies of being a yandere?? possessiveness, gaslighting, possible love-bombing, kidnapping. house pretty much indulges on wally’s behavior. i actually don’t have much about house in this writing, sorry!!.,,(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) also a little short,,?
reader is g/n. (gender neutral)
what glances see first. :)
so! you’re the new neighbor, no matter how new you are, as said, you’re still an important denizen. pretty much everyone’s gotta be talkin about you, the first one to greet you though is wally, ofc. ♡︎
at first he seems a bit zoned out? chilled out? by the tone of his usual voice and his facial expression,, you probably think he’s zooted up. but nope, that’s just how he is. he’s pretty friendly when it comes to you, he greets you, tells you all about the neighborhood, and is overall hopeful.
a good charmer too, despite his tone at first and such that made you doubt it, there’s still a way to find this man charming. i mean cmon,, look at his fashion sense, that laidback expression, he definitely looks like he has it all figured out. if you want, he’d gladly show you around the neighborhood. helping you socialize with your new neighbors, despite his short answers and such, he’s still helpful.
after this good greeting, you seem him around all of the time. with barnaby, julie, or just anyone. it could take a bit before you guys get talking normally too, whether you have trouble taking at times or whatnot. you guys get on fine, he’s a pretty likable person.
little did you know, he was the one staring mostly.
the friendship within, ❤︎︎
when you guys are pretty good friends, he tends to show you his paintings, and art. which are impressive and cute, he offers to draw with you. and definitely likes your company, he also shows you, “house”! which is an actual legit living object, it’s a bit weird. but, ignoring that aside,,. it’s a swell time hanging around with wally. especially if you got barnaby, or one of the others around. it creates a good dynamic.
he likes hanging around with you all of the time, whether it’s doing the most or just sitting around with you. wally really enjoys the simplicity of things, especially if it’s with you.
wally is overall a nice and sweet guy to you, charming at times. he’s definitely the guy to have around, whenever you have issues and need some assistance, he’s gladly ready to help! whether it’d be a simple thing like, deciding an outfit, he’ll help you out. (listen to this man with fashion sense, he’s got a hella good one. (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ )
he’s mostly nice all of the time, but sometimes he does get a bit blunt at times. usually to others or you, which he quickly takes back. it’s strange.. but friendship with wally is worth it!
he’s an interesting little fella to have around.
the strange thing about this.
around later into your guys’ friendship, you take notice of how wally is getting a bit clingier? he definitely hangs around you more, definitely more touchy. like, before he sometimes puts an arm around you, but barely he would be touching you. now though, he always finds a way to touch you. (not like that ofc,,)
he for sure takes you around and brings you around his house more, in some way he sorta isolates you from the other. he insists on you being around him 24/7.
like cmon, forget those other guys,, we can have fun on our own, together.
is what he would definitely say, he’s a bit passive aggressive when it comes to others. it should only be you and him hanging out, house insists! and house knows most, so why won’t you just stay around him?
during this period, he for sure compliments you more. like, how you’re the most to him, you’re great at drawing, doing this, that.. of course he would hype his best friend up!
he tends to give you little trinkets too. whether it’s stuff he makes, or anything he finds and just thinks, “yep, they would love this, i want them to have this.”
he feels a bit threatened whenever he sees you hanging around anyone, it doesn’t matter if it’s barnaby, frank, eddie, he just doesn’t like it when his bff isn’t paying attention to him! (ง'̀-'́)ง
sometimes he rants to house about how you don’t pay attention to him enough, and house said some good advice. so of course, he would listen to house. he starts giving you stuff, showering you in compliments, even though, it still doesn’t work.
he just adores you too much! don’t you adore him too?
why won’t you just stay with him? why can’t you just focus all on him.
he does it for you, so why can’t you the same?
he just wants to be your bestest friend ever.
stay with him. ♥︎
this period of your relationship definitely heightens.
wally has this great idea, from house’s help ofc. that you should live with the two of them, like roommates! just without you finding out. (yeah he kidnaps you, basically.. uh)
once you wake up, he definitely is happy. and reassures you, that you’ll be with him 24/7 now, it’s like a forever sleep over, ain’t that sweet? even if you’re freaking out, he’s patient, it must be because you’re excited!
he can’t just stay in this house alone, he needs you. he assures you that he’ll always be with you.
he’s not so sure to let you out of the house though, can’t have his bff leave and run. nor does he want you lonely, so he barely leaves the house too. when he does go out, he assures everyone that you’re just sick, sad, or need some comfort.
that’s what friends do, they’re there for each other. so, he makes sure everyone doesn’t worry that much for you. after all, you’re in good hands with wally!
that’s what at least they think, wally doesn’t give you much free will. unless he’s there ofc, best friends have to do everything together.
he still showers you in compliments and gives you stuff, but he does reach limits. if you’re too angry or crabby with him, he does have to make sure you’re not anymore!
whether that’d be locking you in a room, so you can just let it all out. or just keeping you near him, but tied up. just so you don’t hurt yourself on accident.
if you’re crying, he won’t let you be. he’ll hold you, usher and coo to you that you’re fine, he’s here. he’ll never leave.
but that’s the thing, he never will. even if you’re in the other room, the looming thing that hovers you is that he’s just waiting for you. he won’t let you go. and that’s the scariest thing possible.
so, you just have to endure the near thought of him by you everyday now. even if you don’t see him, you’ll hear him talk to house, or sing. you can’t escape, anything you do, he’ll stay.
but that’s the charm, no matter what wally will be there for you. you’re his dearest friend, well besides house. he can’t just abandon you, your his and he’s yours. the bestest friends forever, even if the others did find out wally’s true intentions, it’s not like they can’t stop him. right?
well, they’re far from that.
if he’s stuck here; he might as well be stuck here with you.
his dearest friend, the one he truly loves and cherishes.
he loves you, takes care of you, so,
why won’t you just stay for him?
if he would do it, you’d do it too,
wouldn’t you? ❤︎︎
literally this is my first time writing on here, so sorry if it’s a bit weird! also first time writing wally,, soooo yeah again sorry if he seems out of touch or smth. (╥_╥)
but this was really fun to write, i literally love this arg and this silly funky dude. i might write more for this fandom, since i love it, def need some ideas.
arg by _PartyCoffin_ on twitter and tumblr!!
(pls support them and this arg, it’s underrated as of now at least,,)
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potatomountain · 4 months
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Pairing: Song Mingi x afab reader
Word Count: 3800
Warnings: cursing, smut, one night stand
Genre: enemies to lovers, one night stand
Summary: Public parties weren't your thing but for your best friend you could tolerate a dance club- even go home with someone for the night. Mingi was determined to make sure that was him, and after a little push from a hot stranger, you decided just for tonight you would give him a shot.
A/N: This was my third attempt, as I first tried a mingi/yeosang x reader enemies to lovers but i adore them as sweet beans too much so i stuck with the best puppy boy- Song Mingi. This is for you @mingsolo as you were right to put me on the suspect list as your secret admirer lol. Please melt like I did <3 Thanks!!!
This was done as a network event for @pirateeznet
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People do anything for their best friends, including putting up with their boyfriend’s douchebag friends. You swore up and down that you were going to have a good time tonight even if that meant being nice to the other half of the partygoers.
It was your best friend’s birthday, and of course she wanted to spend it with her boyfriend of a year now, Wooyoung. Both of them were hyper and outgoing, and so into each other it was almost nauseating. You were what she called the scary dog friend with resting bitch face until you liked someone. That was all you were to Wooyoung’s friends, but he still wanted you there at the party he planned.
Party at a dance club, which also wasn’t your thing- but it was hers. You did your best to make the most of it however, dressed to the nines and intent of having a good night. If that meant getting somewhat wasted and fucking a stranger then so be it.
Now if only the thorn in your side, Song Mingi, would let you do just that. Your friend would swear up and down that he was a good guy, that he was sweet, but considering your few interactions with him, his very presence left a bad taste in your mouth. And by the sneers he often gave you, the feeling was mutual. Somehow, for some reason, he had made it his mission to see your plan for the night fail.
Every man you found yourself dancing with or flirting with, Mingi was right there, butting his nose in and saying something that would scare the man off. Weird habits, or just spouting some obscene lie about you that had the man running off.
Three or four drinks in, and quite the cutie was chatting it up with you at the bar. Slight aussie accent, tattoos, open shirt- you were more than a little interested. But of course the tall man in his red cap slipped into the seat next to you, leaning in a bit closer and grabbing your drink out of your hands. Shocked, you watched him sniff your drink before taking a sip, your jaw dropping. “Mingi!” “That’s my name.” Licking his lips he handed you back the drink, giving the man in front of you side eye. “Newest conquest?” Scoffing, you pushed him away. “Seriously? Can I not have a chat with a hot guy in peace? Is it really your intent to ruin my night?” You offered the tatted dreamboat a smile, hoping he wouldn’t run off like the rest. “Sorry about him, he’s a friend of a friend please don’t pay him no mind.” He and Mingi seemed to look each other over before he got comfortable again, pointing to your glass. “Let me get you a new one then and we can continue our conversation? Or we can talk about your ‘hot guy’ comment?” With a smirk he waved the bartender over, leaving you a little flustered. You had said that in the moment, too heated about Mingi’s constant interruptions.
Apparently it worked in your favor as you handed your current drink over to Mingi. “You can have this now. Go away.” You attempted to shoo him but he didn’t budge, instead pouting out his thick bottom lip and watching you from under the cap. “What?” “You really are insisting on this?” He muttered out while the other was busy with the bartender.
You didn’t get why he was being pouty about this, every time the two of you interacted it became some playful and childish argument. You couldn’t think of any reason why he would have any interest in you. And your only interest in him had been that he was attractive. Sharp eyes, pouty lips, deep voice… You shook your head and sneered your upper lip at him. “What I do is none of your business Mingi. Why don’t you go find someone to take home for tonight?”
Mingi stared you down, lips parting and shutting several times before he sighed and looked away. “I mean, I can always leave you two alone?” The aussie accent drew your attention back to the hottie that was your target. “This doesn’t exactly look like just a friend of a friend.” He still offered the new drink and you took it, downing it rather quickly.
“That’s all he is. But if he keeps this up he’s going to be a thorn in my side as well.” You made an effort to avoid Mingi now, leaning against the bar top and towards the man that really was drool worthy. Why hadn’t he run off yet? With Mingi acting like this? Instead he laughed, watching Mingi sulk off over the brim of his own drink. “I think you hurt his feelings.” “So? He’s trying to ruin my night.” “Or make it a good one for you?”
“And how would he be doing that if he is chasing off, on purpose, any guy I have even a little bit of interest in, hm?” You rolled your eyes before finishing the last bit of your drink, the buzz going right to your head. Mingi’s constant interference had sobered you up on more than one occasion, and the little bit of a buzz you had before had been chased away. Now you were eager to chase it again and just feel good for the night.
Christian widened his smirk, looking you over through hooded eyes before glancing over your shoulder. “So that he stands a chance of being the one to go home with you tonight.” You nearly spit out your drink, blinking up at him with evident shock. “Excuse me?”
“I mean no guy likes watching the girl they have a crush on fawn and attempt to jump on other strangers’ dicks. I’m perfectly happy being that dick by the way, but I also think you should give the poor guy a chance.” Setting his drink down, he pulled out his phone and held it out to you. “How about, you give me your number but tonight you try him out for size? If it doesn’t work, shoot me a text and I can take you out on a date. But if it does, well still text me because now I’m invested.”
Flabbergasted, you could only laugh. “You’re crazy, why would I want to sleep with him?” You still found yourself putting your number in his cell and texting your phone from his to get his number as well.
He shrugged, leaning back in his seat and bringing his drink up to his lips. “You find me attractive, so I’d say look wise he is your type. Don’t blame you either. Besides, ever had a hate fuck? Some intense shit right there, highly recommend at least one in your life.” You turned in your seat to look over Mingi once more, taking note of the way he idly danced to the music that was louder on the floor where he was. Some of his friends were nearby, Yunho having draped an arm around him and seemed to be trying to talk to him or get him out of the pout. You couldn’t deny that he had a point- several points.
“Fine. We’ll see if you’re right. Don’t go anywhere.” Setting your empty glass down you got up, making your way down the few steps to the dance floor and right towards the two towers. Yunho spotted you first, grinning as he nudged his friend a bit in your direction, saying something too quiet for you to hear. Not that you cared, not when the moment you locked eyes with Mingi your chest felt warmer.
You blamed it on the alcohol.
“You happy now?!” You yelled so he could hear you, putting your hands on your hips. “Since you keep chasing away the guys, I don't have anyone to dance with. You can take responsibility for that now.”
You tried to ignore the way his boyish grin had your cheeks feeling hot, as well as the cheers from Yunho and your best friend a bit deeper in the swarm of bodies who you hadn't realized had been watching or could hear you. It had you questioning a lot.
Not that you had a moment to process or ask, as Mingi was placing his hands on your waist and stopping all other thoughts. “I'll be your dance partner for tonight then.”
Well shit, was he right about Mingi? Did the brat have a crush on you?
Better yet… Did you really like that idea?
With a smirk you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back into the swarm of bodies and away from his friends. He didn’t seem to care, entranced by you only. Now that he wasn’t being a thorn in your side, instead pressing into your side, you had to admit he was hella fine. And you would definitely enjoy a little hate fuck with him.
You let the music guide your body, moving it against his and turning in his grasp so your ass was against his thighs. You could feel him, the tight and slim waist under the white shirt, the designer blue and white jeans. He had looked like a fuckboy tonight and here you were, planning to test just how much of one he was.
Damn, you fell quick.
Out of simple curiosity you looked up, right at the bar on the raised landing to find the man who had pushed you to do this. He was leaning back against the bartop, watching you both with a smirk that widened when you locked eyes. As if to tease you, he grabbed the junction in his pants, giving a squeeze before pointing at Mingi behind you. Mingi who had dipped his head into the crook of your neck, his breath hot on your exposed skin and his hand splayed over your lower abdomen and holding your smaller body back against his.
Fuck you were enjoying this, enjoying his attention and touch and Christian could definitely see that. He was even laughing a bit, mouthing ‘I told you so.’
You mouthed back ‘fuck you’ only for him to grab at his dick again.
As if sensing he didn’t have your full attention, Mingi’s hold on you tightened, lips ghosting against your flesh. “I thought I chased him away?”
“Ah Mingi, were you really jealous all this time?” You couldn’t help but tease, body swaying against his to the music, purposely rubbing your ass against his thigh.
He hissed out, bringing his lips to your ear. “I just wanted to be an option, pretty girl.”
Your head rolled to the side, giving him more access to your neck as you tore your eyes away from Christian. He wasn’t your target tonight and damn, Mingi was making you really glad that you had listened to the hottie at the bar. “You’re an option now. Just for tonight, so make it count Mingi.”
“Fuck. Come home with me now? Like right now and I’ll make it a night you won’t forget.” He whispered in your ear, lips brushing the shell and hot breath on your neck causing you to shiver.
How could you tell him no when he was practically begging and rolling his body against yours to the point you could clearly feel his excitement against your lower back? Glancing over at your best friend, you caught her watching with a smug grin. Fine then, you knew when to give in. “Are you sober enough to drive?”
“Had only one- grab your shit I’ll meet you outside?” He mumbled, pulling away reluctantly, his hand sliding down to your ass and giving a quick squeeze before he did.
“Don’t make me regret this.” You huffed out, heading to the lounge area you had left your small bag at with the two of the friend group that wasn’t keen on dancing for the night. They were chatting away, paying you no mind as you grabbed your bag. Sure you talked as if you were doing Mingi a favor but you couldn’t deny how wet you were and just from dancing to three or four songs with him.
How he managed to make you even more wet from just his hand on your thigh while he drove was also beyond you. He barely talked, focused on the road with one hand on the wheel and both tense as he sped within limits. The anticipation was almost too much and you were tempted to whine.
That was the only touch until you were behind closed doors. “Wait, don't you live with some of your friends?” It dawned on you when you noticed several items that you were sure weren’t his. “They’ll find somewhere else for the night.” He kicked his shoes off, turning to lift you up before you had a chance to take your heels off. “Keep them on for now.” You lifted a brow and held onto his broad shoulders, unable to see his expression from this angle because of the cap. “Suit yourself. Your room then? I am eager to see how you’ll win me over Song Mingi.”
“Mmm you’ll see soon, princess.” He carried you down the hall, not giving you much of an option of taking in your surroundings. Not that you cared, not when you could feel his lips on the exposed skin of your chest, dipping into the valley of your breasts and breathing you in. “So soft, I could drown myself in you.”
You wondered if he had more alcohol than you to drink with how blunt he was being, or perhaps you were just easily flustered at the moment. You hadn’t even thought of Mingi in this way or would’ve given him a chance if it hadn’t been pointed out and now you were kicking yourself for not thinking about it sooner. When his lips worshiped your skin and his hands were kneading the flesh of your ass as he carried you into his room.
If you thought there were sparks before, it was full blown fireworks in your stomach when he tilted his head back and kissed you. He was a little messy, but not in a bad way. You felt like he was devouring you, laying you back on the bed as you took his hat off and tossed it aside so you could have him closer. “Mingi~”
“Yes Princess?”
“Too many clothes- get them off.” You all but demanded, yanking at his shirt as he pulled away from your body.
He made a sound of agreement in the back of his throat as he quickly made work of your clothes and his shirt. But even with the clothes gone, his hands still worshiped every part of your body. Your sides, stomach, hips and thighs before he pushed them open, licking his lips at the sight of your drenched pussy. “Oh that looks fucking delicious- you don’t mind if I have a taste do you?”
He was already leaning in before you could answer, instead gasping out at the small kitten lick he gave your folds. With a low moan he buried his face against your cunt, lips and tongue making quick work of licking up your arousal and rubbing his nose against your clit. He hitched your legs over his shoulders, your heels a heavy weight on his back as he went. Fuck he knew how to use his tongue, eating you like a starved man with his favorite treat.
Your head rolled back as pleasure assaulted your senses, breathing hitching and hands gripping at the sheets next to you. “S-shit Min- if you keep that up-” You broke off on a loud moan as his lips latched onto your clit and he sucked, making your head spin with electricity. He seemed intent on driving you to and orgasm, lips switching from your clit back to tongue fucking your pussy, back and forth, playing you like an instrument he was well familiar with.
So really you shouldn't be that shocked when he pulled a climax out of you that had you soaking his mouth and shaking against his sheets after several moments of bringing you to the peak before driving you over it. He didn’t pull away, making deep guttural sounds against your cunt as he licked up every drop he possible could while not overstimulating your bundle of nerves. You had to tug him off though, trying to catch your breath and see the dim room normally and not in a post-orgasmic haze.
“Still think you are going to regret it? Calling out for me like that?” He grumbled against your inner thigh, leaving a soft trail of love bites before he stood up.
“Fuck you.” You lashed out, pushing yourself up on your elbows and watching him through your lashes. 
“You’re doing that already Princess.” He hummed out with a cocky smirk, pulling his jeans down with his boxers and letting his fat cock spring free, slapping against his abdomen and smearing a little bit of precum in the process. “Let me get a condom first, no matter how amazing I’m sure your pussy feels raw.” Stepping out of his clothes and over to his nightstand. While he rummaged for the condom, you pushed yourself up onto your knees, kicking off your shoes now.
You couldn’t lie, you were eager for him, unable to tear your eyes off of his dick as he rolled the condom on, but you were also determined not to be outdone. “You were the one so fucking eager to fuck me you purposely chased away all the dick that I wanted.” You pointed out, patting the bed and demanding he lay down. 
He seemed a bit flustered as he laid down, leaning on his elbows and watching you swing your leg over his hips. “Was I really that obvious?” “I just thought you were being an annoying prick.” Rolling your hips to drag your cunt against the condom, you observed his reaction. 
Mingi couldn’t even look at you, his eyes trained on your cunt teasing him, biting down on his lip as he clearly enjoyed it. “What gave me away?” With a smirk, you reached between you and held him still at your entrance, teasing him with the prospect of sliding into you but not yet giving it. “Christian did. Even told me if you left me disappointed he would take me on a date.” 
His eyes flashed up to yours, anger and jealousy so obvious now. “You’ll have to tell him it's no deal then.” Gripping the bed, he thrust up, burying his full length into you. His hands flew to your hips to hold you still as he rammed up again, and again, not giving you a chance to speak. “I’ll leave you so fucking satisfied you won’t remember his name.”
With the way he filled you up, and how deep he hit in your womb, for a moment you thought he could actually do it. For a moment, he did. He stretched you out so perfectly, hitting every part of you with his big cock that you were a moaning mess and could only think of how good it felt. And how good he looked beneath you like this. 
Your hips slammed down to meet each thrust as you held onto his arms, pride swelling in your chest at his own parted and drooling lips. You weren’t going to be the only one so fucked out you couldn’t remember anything else. Intent on driving him just as crazy, you pulled his hands off him and pinned them to his sides, rolling your hips as you leaned forward and letting out a pornagraphic moan as he hit deeper. “Oh fuck- Mingi~” “Feels s’good Princess. Fuck fuck fuck~” His head fell back as he let you have control, brows pushed together as he desperately tried to meet your hips. “Ah… fuck… mm~ s’good…”
“Was it worth the wait Pretty Boy? This fucking cunt you were drooling over?” You panted out between moans, forcing yourself to stay focused on his expression because it was fucking hot. 
He nodded, gripping your ass and digging his nails in as you two fucked each other. When he moaned, like a desperate and deep whine, you clenched down around him, so close. You wanted to tell him, but his desperation grew until you were the one just getting fucked dumb on his cock. Head rolling forward and hands on either side of his head, you tried to look down between you two to watch his cock disappear into cunt with each desperate and rough thrust, the sounds of wet skin just adding to the cacophony of sounds filling the room.
It was also so much better to hear him beg for you to cum with him. “Please please- cream on my cock baby, want to feel it. S’good already, give me more.” With a broken whine, you could tell he was close.
That was all you needed to do to come undone, forehead resting against his chest and drool escaping your parted lips as you shook from the force you soaked his cock. Your head actually spun with how intense it was, vision blurry and the only thing you could process was his hot cum filling up the condom inside you, so deep you felt full.
You collapsed fully on him when he became a puddle beneath you, both of you sweaty and chests heaving in their effort to get more air. You settled in your orgasmic bliss, letting the high fade until the puddle of drool you left on his chest began to irritate your cheek. So you were the first to move, sitting up weakening and letting out a soft whimper when his softening cock moved inside you. “Gotta clean up pretty boy-”
“I know- get you some water, rest for a second…” He opened his eyes and looked up at you, full lips pulling into a smirk. “Get you ready for the next round.” You didn’t fight off the blush this time, giving his chest a playful slap before pulling off completely. “Who says I want a second round?”
“Mmmh, I do. You’re not screaming my name yet.” He sat up and pulled you back against him, kissing your shoulder in a gentle contrast to his rough hold. “Sit on my face this time. In fact, I want to eat you out until I come untouched. You taste so good I think I can. Want to test that?” Trying to hide the grin that couldn’t help itself, you nodded. “You’re on.” That date idea no longer seemed like a fun idea- not when presented with options just like that.
Just one night? Debatable.
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
ARRANGED - Draco M. x Reader - Part 5
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You laid in you and Draco's bed, the scene between you and Nicholas replaying in your mind.
Draco was out with his father, looking for a tree to put up; it was the holidays now. You, for the first time in a while, were alone.
Nothing had made sense to you, you never thought Nicholas could act the way he did. He never got angry with you, or even frustrated. You always bragged to your friends about how patient and understanding he was; he never raised his voice- nothing. His reaction was unexpected. It scared you.
You never had struggled saying "I love you" back to him, but when you'd start to think about it; it felt wrong, unnatural.
You were deep in thought when you heard a knock at your door, Narcissa then opened and gave you a small smile. She had been very sympathetic towards you since the Nicholas incident, she wanted to find him herself and hex him for you.
"Narcissa, how are you?" You greeted. "I am doing well, I just came to check in on you, haven't seen you since breakfast." She replied.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," You explained, running your hands through your long hair. "Thinking about everything that happened with Nicholas."
Narcissa shook her head in disgust. "What a foul little man." Narcissa said lowly. You chuckled at her description if him. "You know, I've never known Draco to defend anyone like he did for you, he must have taken a liking to you."
You blushed at the thought. "Well, being imprisoned in a house together and all, it kinda forces you to get to know somebody. I suppose he does care for me." You said, waving your hand. Narcissa looked at you apologetically. "I'm sorry for how things started, but you now must know how things must be."
You nodded, as if you agreed. But that was a lie. Your opinions still stood strong.
"I am just suggesting that there's a chance that Draco has strong feelings for you." Your eyes widen at her. "No, Narcissa. You're funny." You chuckle as you quickly get up from your bed, dusting yourself off and straightening your blouse.
Narcissa shrugged. "I know it may seem crazy, but I know my son." Narcissa said, eyeing you. You looked back at her, as if she put you into a trance. "Well," She said after a moment, clapping her hands together. "Let's decorate for the holidays."
You and Narcissa with the help of some house-elves decorated the Manor. You both listened to Celestina Warbeck's "A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love."
"Y/N, dear. I am going to get some more decorations for the Manor... I will be back soon." Narcissa said to you as she threw on her black fur coat. "Yes, Mrs. Malfoy." You said, smiling at her. She smiled back, "Narcissa." She insisted. You nodded. "Right. Narcissa, sorry."
Narcissa left, and Celestina Warbeck was still playing.
"Oh, come and stir my cauldron And if you do it right I'll boil you up some hot, strong love To keep you warm tonight To keep you warm tonight!" You sang to yourself while you were hanging up garland. "Well well, didn't know you fancied Warbeck's music." A familiar voice hummed. You jolted from fear and turned around, it was Draco.
"Draco! You scared the shit out of me!" You hissed, hitting his chest with the golden colored garland.
"Sorry, I just heard a very pretty voice." He mused. You turned around quickly before he could see the red form on your cheeks.
"You decorating?" He asked. You nodded. "Your mother went out to get more decorations." You said softly, going up on your tip-toes to hang the garland over the tall fireplace.
"Bloody-garland- so- tall." You struggled as your arms were out stretched towards the top of the fireplace. "Here, let me help." Draco said, stepping behind you, grabbing the garland from your hands. He hung the golden sparkly garland on the hooks of the fireplace.
You turned around, his body pinning you against the closed off fireplace. He looks down at you, and smiled. "D-did you find-"
"A tree?" He finished, his hands landing on your waist. "We did, father and I argued the whole time." He said, sounding annoyed. You nodded. Not abnormal for them. He flicked his wand upwards towards the ceiling. You looked up, a mistletoe formed. You blushed, without having a chance to hide it from him this time. "You know the holidays can be romantic," Draco suggested. You tilted your head with a chuckle. "Draco Malfoy being romantic? Seems unlikely." You teased.
"Oh come on, we've really gotten to know each other these past months. I've grown quite fond of you." Draco replied.
"I have grown fond of you too- it's just-" You stammered. You took a deep breathe and exhaled. "Ever since the Nicholas incident things have felt weird."
Draco's eyebrows furrowed. "He called you a whore, imagine what'd happen to you if I didn't step in." He pointed out, his hands leaving my waist, dropping by his sides. "Draco, I know but he was just mad. I mean, he expected me to leave with him."
"Did you want to?"
"No, of course not! But he's confused, probably lost." I explained, rubbing your temple with your fingers.
"You're making excuses for a man who called you a whore." Draco mumbled, now not even looking at you.
"You know, you're not exactly a peach, either. You haven't been the most pleasant roomate."
"So I'm a roommate now?"
"That's not what I meant." You sighed. Fuck, you messed everything up.
"I thought you were starting to like me." Draco hissed. "I do like you Draco, I've liked the time we've spent together I just, this has all happened so fast."
"What do you expect, Y/N? We're married!" Draco spat. "You are my wife! Mine!"
You looked at him, he was angry. "Listen. Let's forget this conversation ever happened." You begged, your hand going towards his, but he yanked his away from yours. Without another word, he turned away from you and left the room. You were all alone. Why was he all possessive all of a sudden?
The next few days were awkward between you and Draco, you both had small, short conversations.
You were up late one night, in the main living room, sipping on a glass of red wine, reading a book you snagged from the Manor library. All of a sudden, you heard some noise from down the hall. You poked your head out in the hall, and saw the door knob on you and Draco's door wiggle. It opened and you hid behind the corner of the wall. Out came a familiar face, Astoria Greengrass. You gasped. Her hair was a mess, she had visible hickeys on her neck, giggling.
"See you again?" She giggled, annoyingly you might add. "Of course, send me an owl, won't you?" Draco's voice mumbled, although you couldn't see him.
You felt your ears go hot. Astoria continued down the hall, not even bother fixing her appearance. You hid behind the corner of the wall so she couldn't see you.
After she left, and you heard the manor doors close and lock again, you made your way to your bedroom you shared with Draco.
You opened the door, he was in his boxers, laying on your unmade bed. Not only was it unmade, which was certainly not how you had left it, but it was a mess. To add on, it reeked of sex.
"Hello, Y/N." Draco said, nonchalantly. You ignored his greeting. "So this is what you do now?" You huffed. Draco smiled. It was a twisted one. "Why does it matter, Y/N? You clearly love Nicholas." He stated.
You felt your face go hot. "You asshole!" You exclaimed. Draco got up from the bed and crossed his arms. His blonde hair was a mess, you can tell it was gripped and pulled. The thought made you more angry, you weren't sure why.
"Why am I the asshole when you don't want to be with me?" Draco voiced. You did want to be with him. But you weren't supposed to. This wasn't the life you had planned in the slightest. You were supposed to be with Nicholas. You were supposed to be married to him and start a family with him. Never in your life did you plan for you to be right here, right now, married to Draco Malfoy, and be angry with him for sleeping with another woman.
"We are married!" You shouted. You were so angry, your fists were balled up, your chest heaving. "It doesn't matter! You don't love me." Draco's voice cracked. He seemed hurt, too.
"Who said I didn't want to be with you?" You questioned him. Draco looked at me. "I know you wanted to go off with Nicholas." His eyes shifted off of me. You brought your hands up to your head, tears were flooding your eyes. "I don't know why I am so upset." You sobbed out. Draco just sat there, emotionless.
"You- you don't even care. We aren't meant to be together, you were meant to be with that Greengrass girl." You sniffled. "Cleary." You added, your hand waving up and down his body that was covered with sweat, his collar bones covered with light red lipstick marks.
"I don't like Astoria." Draco mumbled out. "I just, I was bored and knew you were hung up on Nicholas, I didn't know how to feel. I was unsure if you'd ever end up wanting to be with me." Draco explained. You looked at him, you wipe your tears.
"That's ridiculous." You said quietly. Draco looked at you, a look of confusion mixed with anger creeped over his face. You noticed this, and put your hand up. "Let me explain." Draco reluctantly nodded.
"I like you, Draco. I now know Draco, the real Draco." You admitted. "You love flowers, you love to bake, well- maybe you enjoy eating baked goods more." You chuckled softly, Draco as well. "I am just so confused." You said, sitting down in the armchair near you. You rested your head in your hands.
Draco's head tilted in concern. "I wasn't supposed to be here, I thought Nicholas was the love of my life, but now he isn't anymore."
"He's not?"
I looked at Draco. "Of course not. He said he loved me, and I couldn't say it back." I admitted. Draco stepped towards me, not taking his eyes off of me.
"I don't know why, it just didn't feel like it used to. My brain didn't let me." I explained, my head still in my hands. I felt Draco's brush against my arm, I lifted my head and the platinum-blonde boy was looking up at me.
I swallowed thickly. "I like you, Draco. I like you a lot. I didn't think I would." I shook my head. He took my hand, and stood up, pulling me up with him. He sat in the armchair, and pulled me onto his lap.
I didn't care what I walked into 5 minutes ago, I sat in his lap willingly. He didn't say another word, letting me speak.
"I didn't want you to ever think I didn't like you, Draco. I love spending time with you."
"I love spending time with you, too." He softly spoke. "When I saw Nicholas pinning you against the bookshelf; I never felt so angry."
It was now your turn to listen, you took his hand in yours.
"There was something in me that was scared you wanted to go with him, or that he was going to take you. And I'd be alone again. Of course, I wasn't only worried about you being taken away would mean I'd be alone, it was that I wouldn't have you in general."
"I didn't want you to be taken away. I wanted to hex him." Draco recalled.
You took a deep breath and nodded. Your eyes wondering off to the portraits on his walls
Draco caught your attention again. "I am so sorry I slept with her."
You looked back at him. "It's okay."
He looked back up to you, his silver eyes putting you in a trance.
His free hand caressed your face. "I never wanted to hurt you."
"Draco, what are we?"
He shook his head. "Legally? Husband and Wife. Personally? Well, what do you want?" Draco asked.
"Yours." You said almost automatically. You shifted yourself to straddle him. "I would like to be yours."
Draco smiled, he cupped your face in his hands. "Sounds good to me."
Nothing happened that night. We cuddled for the first time, in bed. You could smell his cologne, and you snuggled deeper towards him. His arms held you tighter.
You weren't sure was was in the books for you two. "Could I, Y/N, really love Draco Malfoy?" You thought to yourself. You had felt safe in his arms. You knew that for sure.
Draco started to stir. It was the morning, the sun shining through. "Good morning" Draco mumbled, his voice was raspy.
It was just a little hot.
"Morning." You replied, turning towards him.
Draco deeply inhaled, his hand ran through your hair.
"I'm still very sorry."
"Draco, it's okay." You insisted, smiling up at him.
"Breakfast then?" He suggested, after five minutes of silence. You nodded.
You and Draco got dressed together, which was also for the first time. You had fallen asleep in your jeans after last night, you pulled your pants down, Draco tried not to look, trying to focus on throwing some sweatpants and a plain t-shirt on. You rumbled through your designated drawer in your dresser, and slipped on sweats of your own, combined with a matching top.
"Shall we go, then?" Draco said, holding out his hand. You took it, nodding.
Breakfast was already ready and laid out for you two, Narcissa was finishing up her plate. "Well, good morning love birds, made s bit of a ruckus, didn't you?" Narcissa asked, turning towards you both. Your breath hitched.
Draco changed the subject quickly. "What's for breakfast?"
Narcissa motioned towards the kitchen. "French toast, my dear, have a seat, both of you." Draco took a seat before I did, he patted the cushion next to his chair. I had a seat as well.
"Remmy! Plumb!" Narcissa called out. Two house elves appeared. "Get them both a plate, will you?" She demanded. "Yes madam Malfoy, on it." Remmy squeaked out, while Plumb nodded. They disappeared. "Well, I must go, children. I have a meeting to attend to." Draco's head tilted at his mother. "Meeting? For what?"
"No time to explain dear, got to go!" Narcissa quickly replied, and then apparated.
"Do you think she felt the awkward tension?" You asked, staring at the table. Draco looked at you, and you could tell he felt guilty.
"It's not your fault she doesn't know." You said, waving him off. He nodded, still with guilt.
The house elves arrived with a plate full of breakfast. French toast, eggs, and bacon.
"Imagine how it would be if we actually did, though." You shrugged.
Draco Malfoy almost choked on his French toast.
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jesncin · 6 months
The Potential of Asian Lois Lane. Pt 1: Girl Taking Over and American Alien, a comparative analysis
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Lois Lane has had many iterations over the years. But specifically in the last decade, Lois has been reimagined as an Asian American woman in both the comics and recently in the animated show My Adventures with Superman.
I believe making Lois Asian is a very inspired choice for the Superman mythos! I would like to take a moment to analyze these versions of Lois from an Asian perspective, seeing what works, what doesn't, and what I'd like to see more of. We'll start with the comics first, as MAWS is going to need its own post.
Usual disclaimers: I'm just one Asian perspective, I do not and never will claim to cover every Asian person's opinion on a thing ever. We're not a monolith, we come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. I'm simply a fan who enjoys media analysis and believes it's valuable to have my perspective in this topic. Secondly, this discussion covers the comic run American Alien, which is written by Max Landis. He's an ultra creep and while I think the comic is worth a read for what it is, I leave it up to you whether you'd like to buy the comic. You can always arg-arg-ahoy otherwise.
I'd like to start with Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story written by Sarah Kuhn with art by Arielle Jovellanos. This is a self contained YA graphic novel about a young Japanese American Lois dealing with the ups and downs of breaking into journalism as a career in National City. When her dream internship at Catco gets a corporate take over, Lois seizes an opportunity to write an exposé on a shady art director. But when her story is turned down, Lois does some out of the box things to get the story of marginalized performers shared with the world.
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Girl Taking Over is a fantastic story and I happily recommend it to anyone looking for how an Asian American Lois could be reimagined (with fabulous art by Arielle! The fashion especially is on-point). This story isn't just a diverse coat of paint on a Lois Lane story, being Asian informs Lois' experiences and choices. Both she and her frenemy roommate Miki, are ambitious Asian women yet have hidden insecurities where they still made themselves small to their respective white male bosses. They played into model minority in different ways, and it's only by working together that they're able to foster a community for their stories to be told.
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Lois and Miki don't just "have a diverse friend group", that friend group is actively being taken advantage of and suppressed by white gatekeepers. By extension, Lois' friends from work find solidarity in each other. Lois looks up to Cat Grant, a Filipina-American journalist, because seeing Cat succeed made Lois feel like her dream as a journalist is possible. I love how Lois' mom (a character so rarely expanded on in DC canon) acts as a voice of comfort for Lois in the story. All these characters feel holistic and whole, going through their own unique struggles.
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It's clear from interviews with both the writer and artist that they care for the history of Lois, and saw an opportunity to reimagine her in a way that aligns with her character but also revitalizes her for new readers of color who aren't used to seeing themselves reflected in media. It's taking Lois' ambition and fearlessness and channeling them into the need to be a model minority, and the insecurities that can come from the desire to succeed constantly. It's taking a character historically frustrated by sexism and disrespected by her male peers- including Clark Kent (who got better treatment than her as a man), and expanding her to be a Lois that has to deal with both sexism and racism in the workplace. It's humanizing Lois' excellence into something painfully specific and relatable for many Asian women.
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The only thing I feel I want from this version of Lois is... honestly more of her! I want to see what Japanese Lois does when she moves to Metropolis and works at the Daily Planet. I want to see how her experiences in National City informs her adulthood. Girl Taking Over sets up an incredible groundwork for stories to be told in the Superman mythos. How would Lois react to Superman, a fellow immigrant? Would Superman see himself in Lois? Since she's someone who, in the American context, is perceived as the perpetual foreigner? What would their relationship be like? Out of all the Asian Lois' in media we have so far, this Asian Lois' story has the most rich potential in my opinion.
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Up next, we have American Alien written by Max Landis. This 7 issue series swaps artists for each issue, as a means of reflecting different milestones in Clark's life. I will be focusing on issues #4, 5, and 7 since those have the most prominent Lois appearances. With that, I'd like to celebrate the artists for those issues: Jae Lee (issue 4), Francis Manapul (issue 5), and Jock (issue 7). All these artists did a fantastic job, their art styles are energetic and fun to look at. Lee and Manapul are both Asian artists (Korean and Filipino respectively) and I love how they draw Lois- who looks undeniably Asian in their art styles.
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American Alien is a modern take on the Superman tale. It expands Clark's story to be connected to Batman, Green Lanterns, Green Arrow, and more. We see Clark grow from his days in Smallville to a city boy in Metropolis, coming into his own as Superman. It's a bold and pretty divisive take with some standout story moments. From what I know, this is likely the first time Lois has been reimagined as Asian- and continues to influence Superman media like MAWS (the producer specifically calls out this comic as inspiration).
In issue #4, Clark moves in to his Metropolis apartment and talks on the phone to his mom about "some bigshot guy named Louis Lane". The reader, likely familiar with the Superman mythos, knows Clark is coming in with biases and a preconceived notion of who he considers a promising student reporter. Once we meet Lois Lane however, the comic turns the reader's expectations on their head:
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Lois Lane is an Asian American woman (it's not specified what her exact ethnicity is)! This is a fun moment where the comic metatextually challenged the reader's own biases, showing it's not just Clark who had a different idea of who Lois Lane could be.
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Lois' introductory panel is my personal favorite part of her characterization in American Alien. Lois proudly stands as a wall of text behind her recounts how she was considered as a winner for the Daily Planet's Charlton Memorial Laureate Program. When asked why she deserves a place on the program, Lois snaps back that the very question itself is loaded. She's listed her credentials and looks professional- so she's either already been rejected and is just being made to "at least had my say" or she's been accepted and is "meant to garnish my success with eloquent affirmation" to which Lois refuses to do either.
This is a great defiant introduction to Lois, showcasing how jaded she is with the way the world perceives her- but is very confident in her self worth as a journalist. By the end of the issue she reaches out to Clark to combine their exclusive interviews into one story to make a big impression on the news. Her words inspire Clark to seize an opportunity to make a big change in the world as Superman.
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Afterwards, the comic plays the classic Superman and Lois dynamic straight. Lois is initially suspicious of Superman, but eventually comes around and is inspired to hope through him. There's a great back and forth between the two where Lois' words initially inspire Clark to be Superman, then Clark assures Lois that Superman is probably just a good guy, and when Clark loses hope from a bad day of heroism, Lois gives him hope again. In the end, Lois realizes her love for Clark Kent over Superman and they share a passionate ending kiss.
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Overall American Alien nails the Clark and Lois dynamic and understands their relationship. I consider this Asian Lois "just okay". I like that we get to see an adult jaded Asian Lois meet Clark Kent and Superman, and see them get together. Similarly to Girl Taking Over, I'd like to see how this Lois and Clark would play out. My only issue with American Alien's Lois is a sense of missed opportunities.
The writing overall leaves room for plausible deniability over Lois' Asian identity. The artists (particularly Lee and Manapul) are doing the heavy lifting delivering Asian Lois. If she was drawn as a white woman, none of the writing would need adjustment. Sure her introductory panel implies that people judge her based on her appearance- but that could be just sexism instead of the intersectional experience of Asian Lois going through racism and sexism. Clark did assume she was a man after all- it's never specified if he assumed she was a white man. The only thing you'd lose is the metatextual shock value of Lois Being Asian This Time. That's really what this Lois boils down to, initial shock value with no specific writing to follow through. Her marginalization and identity is written broadly enough that it could be attributed to general sexism and womanhood. It's not specific to being an Asian American woman.
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However, because of its broadness, there's room for Lois' Asian identity to be built on in the world of American Alien. The story centers Clark's experiences, but I can easily imagine a continuation of the story expanding on Lois'. The basic groundwork is there. I think it's telling that in a comic called American Alien, we get a more diverse Superman cast system. Jimmy Olsen is Black, Lois Lane is Asian- when Clark moves to the city it feels expansive compared to Smallville. It's a world that feels ready to tackle themes of racism if it was ever to continue (and probably in the hands of a writer with that kind of life experience!). In the end, there's room for this Asian Lois to be something special. Clark isn't the only American Alien in American Alien, if you catch my drift.
You can see how Girl Taking Over has a huge piece of what American Alien is missing. The characters aren't just diverse for shock value, they're not an aesthetic change over historically white characters. They have a story to tell that is inseparable from their identities. Whereas in American Alien, the art is doing the heavy lifting with the reimagined diverse characters- Girl Taking Over has both the writing and art carry the representation. Lois can't be changed into being white in Girl Taking Over.
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Both of these stories have potential- but if I had the choice to pick which story should continue, it would easily be Girl Taking Over. This graphic novel works for what it is: it makes sense that this is a younger and idealistic Lois that hasn't met Clark or Superman yet. It's a YA book and Lois can absolutely carry a story on her own. What I want as an Asian fan, is for the potential of Asian Lois Lane to be seen through to the point it's considered the definitive version. As of right now, Girl Taking Over is a fun twist on the Lois Lane story. Not something that is seen as inseparable from the Superman mythos. However! If those themes of marginalization and immigrant identity are tapped into for both Superman and Lois Lane? I feel that has the potential to radically strengthen the overall themes of Superman. It's certainly been touched on before.
(TW/CW: racial slur mention in below image)
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Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Yang with art by Gurihiru is a retelling of the Clan of the Fiery Cross arc in the classic radio show The Adventures of Superman where Superman faces off with the Klan who had been terrorizing a Chinese American family. The graphic novel adapts the story to center the Chinese American characters, and makes it a point to show that Superman relates to them. If that dynamic was applied to Asian Lois, that feels like a definitive love story waiting to happen.
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The classic two person love triangle with Clark and Lois is that Lois loves Superman and is indifferent to Clark Kent. She thinks Superman is this ideal macho man and Clark is a cowardly fumbling guy at work who rivals her. What happens when you take that dynamic and made it so Lois identified with Superman- the more othering identity? How complicated would that make Clark Kent feel? How would he navigate that when his marginalization isn't always visible? That's a whole new depth to the love triangle we're not used to seeing. I feel so far, none of these versions of Lois have touched upon this potential dynamic. The perpetual foreigner, Lois Lane and the ultimate alien foreigner that is Superman. The jaded city girl meets the alien farm boy who gives her hope. They inspire each other to be more of themselves in a world not ready to accept either of them.
Up next, we'll be discussing My Adventures with Superman's Korean Lois Lane in pt 2. It's well. You can probably guess how I feel about it from what I wrote here but welp. We'll talk about it.
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crocswithoutsocks · 2 months
What do cogs eat in Toontown: Corporate Clash?
I'm doing research for a fic and have been scrounging the wiki for this information so I thought I'd compile my findings as a nice organised tumblr post in case anyone else needs access to this very specific part of the lore. There's actually a lot more than I thought there would be! If I've missed anything, feel free to add! The definitive list will be way at the bottom of the post if you just want the cold hard facts.
Section A - Foodstuffs that have a lot of evidence pointing towards their consumption by cogs.
Oil - Massive evidence for this in both Derrick Man and the CEO battle. Heals suits in Derrek Man, and seems to be their preferred food given its literally the only thing being served at the banquet? Maybe more of a beverage than a food? Still makes the list either way. Different varieties of oil are also mentioned, including carbonated/seltzer oil (from the Director's Cuts ARG andHigh Roller's trivia questions) and crude oil (discussed further below).
Cogfee (Coffee) - Cogfee is mentioned all the time. There's promotional art of Chip promoting cogfee, and his secretary also requests a new cogfee machine in the April Toons ARG. Cathal and Brian have also both delivered/refused to deliver cogfee to Allan, respectively. The Toxic Manager also gives the Insider a cup of Cogfee in the Director's cuts ARG, and there's probably even more examples of cogs drinking cogfee that I haven't included here. It's also worth a mention that Jennifer's favourite drink is a soyl mechiatto, which I would have assumed to be the cog equivalent of a machiatto with soya milk, but the fact that High Roller's trivia question on the subject makes a distinction between soyl mechiatto and cogfee mechiatto makes me doubt that the soyl one contains cogfee at all. Alas, I don't know enough about actual coffee to be able to tell you if you can even make a machiatto without coffee.
Cookies - Most of the evidence for this comes either directly or indirectly from Belle. Evidence for suits eating cookies comes from Belle's interview notes, the 1.3 blog post, the comic with Flint and Belle baking, and the C.O.O's 2023 dialogue. These also provide other things suits can eat in the form of cookie flavours: charcoal, ginger tar and crude morsels. I don't know if ginger tar is ginger flavoured tar or a variety of tar called "ginger tar", so that's up for interpretation. As far as I can tell, all three seem to function as a chocolate chip substitute, but could also possibly be replacing things like fruit or nuts in the cookies. The only non-Belle-related cookie evidence comes from the Director's Cuts ARG, where the Middleman gives the Insider a plate of crude oil cookies. I assume the crude oil used in these is a different thing than the crude morsels in the C.O.O's cookies, and I can't really identify what crude oil is supposed to be a subsitute for food-wise since it appears multiple times in different contexts.
Sandwiches and assorted ingredients - Cathal eats a sandwitch halfway through his battle, and you can't really get evidence more definitive than that. The wiki says it's specifically ham and cheese, and looking at his renders I can see that probably. In the 1.3 key art, he's got a different sandwich that looks like lettuce and tomato, so from Cathal alone, bread, ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato can be added to the list of things suits eat.
Ketchup - This is really a subsection of the last category given tomatoes have already been confirmed, but Count Erclaim steals 'Chup from Rocky on multiple occasions (notably the 'Halloween Hater comic') and Cathal also has two bottles of it in his office. There are also a concerningly high number of ketchup bottles inthe Mozzerella Styx freezer. So... Ketchup. Interestingly enough, the ad for Mozzerella Styx on High Roller's website lists 'Chup as a drink, so maybe its a suit beverage? Sure, why not.
Water - The existence of the water cooler attack implies that cogs can and do drink water, and it's also listed as an available drink three times on Mozzerella Styx's menu, as 'water', 'dihydrogen monoxide' and 'corporate water supply'. They also drink sparkling water/seltzer/carbonated water, whatever you want to call it, since Jennifer asks where she's supposed to keep her sparkling water after Spruce takes a bite out of her desk, and seltzer is one of the available options in the Mozzerella Styx drinks machine.
Cereal - Dave buys 500 boxes of cereal in the April Toons ARG. The picture identifies the cereal as 'Oil-o-Flakes', but the description says they're 'corn flakes', soooo... corn confirmed? Maybe?
Pizza - You'd think this one would be easy, given the fact that literally the only cog owned restaurant is a pizzeria, but the fact that Mozzerella Styx is a front kind of raises the question of whether they actually serve food there. Either way though, Count Erclaim orders a "none pizza with left beef" in one of his monologues, and even if his pizza is a meme it's still a pizza, and Erclaim is still a cog that's probbably going to eat it. Oh. Also beef then, I guess.
The sustenance page on the gopher version of cogs.ink gets a special mention because I forgot about it completely and then felt like I'd struck gold when I stumbled back upon it. Things mentioned on this page that aren't already on the list include:
Coal, petrol-marinated beet and diamond dust inside a sandwich called the 'Money Christo'.
Sides include crispy steel bits, extra crude oil and gas-infused triple-fried coal.
Coal again, Turpentine Ansoff Jelly and Oxalic Acid patties, all of which are considered breakfast (or, deskfast, as the page says) foods.
Carbon carbonara, made with only the finest eggs and crude oil (but what ingredient can be used in cookies and also in carbonara?).
Canned bread (WHY IS IT IN A CAN?) and kerosene dip.
Compressed fish
Strawberry Daigou, which is a dessert according to the description, and also contains the allergen 'red'. I didn't know suits could be allergic to anything until now.
Section B - Things that I'm not certain on but I thought were still worth a mention.
Pie - Allan asks if the pies the toons are throwing at him "are imported blueberry", which implies that he's eaten both imported and non-imported blueberry pies before, to be able to tell the difference. Either that or he's been hit in the face so many times with both that he's now able to tell the difference, and he doesn't actually eat them. He can tell its blueberry though, which does suggest he's had those before and knows what they taste like. Given strawberries are already confirmed, its probably safe to say that cogs eat blueberries too.
Wood - Spruce, basically. He takes a bite out of Jennifer's table during his interview, says he's got at chomping trees in his personal statement and he's always got that log in his mouth. It's never really stated whether he actually eats the trees or just bites them, though. Also, eating trees feels very much like a Spruce thing, and not something any other suits would do. Like, they probably can eat wood, but would they want to?
Coins - Its mentioned in the cog building music backstage blog post that Dave ate 20,000 Cogbucks worth of quaters in the Cashbot mints. I'm confident this is a Dave exclusive thing and that no other cog would ever do this. I think.
Section C - Things that depend entirely on the validity of Mozzerella Styx as an actual cog restaurant.
Mozzerella Styx seems like it would be a veritable gold mine of information on cog food, but that actually depends on who Mozzerella Styx's target audience actually is. Mozzerella Styx's target audience is important because if they're trying to appear as a reputable toon resturaunt, then there's no gaurentee that cogs would even eat the things on their menu, as they would be toon foods rather than cog foods. The menu is weird though, since it definetly includes things that toons would never eat, like oil, which implies either that suits are intended to eat there or that whoever wrote the menu didn't know that toons can't drink oil. The menu does seem to be geared towards toons in some way, though, given the two 'toon drink here' options in the drinks section. Who are your target market, Mozzerella Styx??? And that's not even getting into if they even sell food there. The short with the two toons ordering a pizza implies that you can definetly order there, but the outcome of that short (the toons never getting any pizza) combined with the menu says 'pay upfront', 'product not gaurenteed' and 'no refunds' makes me incredibly doubtful that anyone has ever managed to successfully eat food from Mozzerella Styx (the fact that the toons are going here also suggests its a "toon" resturaunt. Or maybe they're just chill with going to a cog owned resturaunt? They definetly at least heard Styx over the phone). HOWEVER! The fact that the 1.4.0 patch notes say they're generating more money through pizza sales, combined with the (presumably paid for) ad on High Roller's website and the fact that they have actual pizza ingredients in the freezer makes me think that maybe they are actually running a resturaunt with real food on the side of all the money laundering? Perhaps? Either way, this big long ramble has acheived nothing, and I've got no idea if these foodstuffs are any more valid than I did at the start of it. Well then. If we're assuming that cogs do eat at Mozzerella Styx, for the sake of having more data, then everything on the menu can be added to the list. This includes:
Pineapple - The head huntin' hawaiian pizza, despite the pizza pictured under it not containing any pineapple, does make another appearance on a poster where pineapple is visible. There's no sauce, though. Why is there no sauce on this pizza. (Also, I'm going to remove pineapple from the 'Mozzerella Styx Clause', since Jennifer says in Buck's interview notes that he smells like pineapple, meaning she's eaten or at least smelled it before. Therefore, it's probably a valid suit food).
Nuts and bolts - The same poster with the hawaiian pizza also suggests you add [photo of nuts and bolts]. They aren't mentioned by name, but they sure are there!
New Year Cabbage
Salad - No idea what this salad contains, so I suppose every vegetable and other thing that could possibly be in a salad is up for debate. If you wanted to make it out of already confirmed salad stuff, it would probably be lettuce, tomato and beetroot.
Mushrooms - The picture of the aledgedly hawaiian pizza appears to have mushrooms on it, and mushroom pizza is also an option.
Broccoli - The alleged hawaiian pizza also has what I think is broccolli on it, and I really like broccoli so I'm adding it to the list.
Junior Executive Juice - I hope this is juice made for junior executives and not juice made out of junior executives
Ice cream cone - Not specified whether this is an ice cream cone as in 'its ice cream in a cone' or 'it's an ice cream cone with no ice cream'. I'll assume there's ice cream involved because it seems cruel to deprive these robots of ice cream.
Waffle cone
Traffic cone - I mean... it's on the menu?
Pine - Pine needles? Pine trees? Pineapples? We will never know
Jellybeans - I find it funny that these guys are just casually eating the toons' money. Maybe there's a difference between currency jellybeans and jellybeans for eating, but its still funny.
Soda Cold-a - The drink machine by the front counter actually provides a lot of new drinks that I'm specifically exempting from the 'Mozzerella Styx Clause' due to the fact that a) Toons definetly cannot drink half of this stuff and b) this drink machine for sure exists and probably does dispense all of these things. Available beverages not yet counted include antifreeze, diet oil, coolant, Cold-a and gas (which completes the C.O.G.S trifecta! Horray, suits can officially eat everything that C.O.G.S inc produces!)
Slushies - The slushie machine behind the counter appears to dispense slushy in flavours DRINK, Zap and BLUE. There are no cups present near this machine, only cones, which implies it could be a snow cone machine, but the ad on High Roller's website shows a cup with a straw labelled 'BLUE', so either they're drinking snow cone syrup or its a slushie machine.
Snow cones
Salt and pepper - There are salt and pepper shakers on all of the tables. Horray for seasonings! Why you would put those on a pizza I have no idea.
The List
Okay, I've probably missed something but here's my definitive list, colour coded, alphabetized and sorted for your convenience. Items in black are pretty much 100% confirmed, items in blue are speculative with not much evidence and items in green depend entirely on Mozzerella Styx's validity as a cog resturant.
Human safe foods:
Beef, Beetroot, Blueberries, Bread, Bread-sticks, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carbonara, Cereal, Cheese, Cookies, Corn, Eggs, Fish, Ginger(?), Ham, Ice cream, Jellybeans, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Pepper (the seasoning not the vegetable), Pie, Pineapple, Pizza, Salad, Salt, Sandwiches, Snow cones, Strawberries, Tomatoes (and derivitives ketchup and tomato sauce), Waffle cones.
Things humans should definetly not be eating:
Charcoal, Coal, Coins, Crispy steel bits, Crude morsels, Crude Oil, Diamond dust, Extra Crude Oil, Gas-infused triple-fried coal, Ginger tar, Kerosene, Nuts and bolts, Oxalic Acid Patties, Petrol, Pine, Traffic cones, Turpentine Ansoff Jelly, Wood.
Antifreeze, Carbonated oil, Cogfee, Cold-a, Coolant, Diet Oil, Gas, Juice, Ketchup(?), Oil, Slushies, SODIMM SOda, Soyl, Sparkling water/Seltzer, Water.
All of these things can probably be broken down into their core ingredients, too, which would really expand the variety of foodstuffs on offer. Basically, cog food seems to be pretty similar to human food, just with a lot more metal and machine-stuff.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
How To Get A Good Deal.
At the train station.
Weiss: It's going to cost us that much?!
Employee: I'm sorry miss, I don't decide the prices.
Weiss: But-! Arg! Where will we get so much money?!
Ruby: Don't worry Weiss, we'll figure something out. Right guys?
Jaune: I'm way ahead of you, Ruby.
Suddenly he began to remove all his clothes.
Weiss: *Half covering her face, blushing* What are you doing?!
Jaune: *Fully naked* Getting us a good price, duh.
Weiss: But why are you-?!
Ruby: *Interrupts her while Looking at his "stuff"* Shh, don't ruin this for me.
Jaune walks up to the ticket seller that was looking away and talks.
Jaune: Is it possible that you can give us a discount?
Employee: As I told your friend, I- *Turns to see him* Wow! Nice dick, I can give you 50% off.
Weiss: *Confuse* What?!
Jaune: Thank you, and is it possible that you can give us an upgrade to the VIP room?
Employee: I don't know, that's more my boss's decision.
Boss: *Shows up* Hey Harold, remember to take the money out of the register when- *He looks at Jaune* Wow! Nice cock. Harold, give this man his upgrade.
Employee: Yes sir.
Jaune: *Smiles* Thank you.
Weiss: *More confuse* WHAT?!
Rich guy: *Shows up at the counter* Why are you guys taking so long?! My wife and I- *Look at Jaune* Wow! What a nice penis you have. *To the employer* I want to pay for this man's tickets.
Jaune: *Smiles* Thank you sir.
Weiss: *The woman was too stunned to speak*
Jaune: *Holding the tickets and his clothes* What did I tell you? Now, who wants to share a cabin with me?
Ruby: *Excited* I do!
Jaune: Great, lets go!
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sonicasura · 5 months
I got done watching playthroughs of Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 from EmotionalMarcus and Superhorrorbro. Highly suggest the latter if you want to check it out as he found all the hidden tapes. Man was this chapter insane so here's my take on it with obvious massive spoilers.
Edit: For those who need a refresher, Ch 1 +2 VHS tapes, Chapter 3 Analog Trailers, Project Playtime VHS, Interactive ARG, and In-game Documents.
First off, Deep Sleep definitely answered a lot of questions but also left more too. The important ones revolving around the Prototype and the toys themselves. Here's a summarized version.
CatNap ran a cult worshipping the Prototype as his god. Toys were forced to follow him to survive in Playcare including the other Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters. However the food issue led to not only infighting but also cannibalism.
Picky Piggy ate Bubba Bubbaphant, KickinChickin and Craftycorn. Dog Day was labeled a heretic thus was slowly eaten by the smaller Critters until only his upper torso left. The horrific thing is he been left alive to suffer. At least until the smaller Critters' puppeted his body to chase after the Player.
Poppy and Kissy Missy wants to kill the Prototype. There's a possibility Kissy cared about a child in Playcare before she became a toy. Part of this being the theory that the Bigger Body was once a worker.
There were toys who served as teachers in the schoolhouse. Due to the Hour of Joy, one toy called Ms Delight gone insane and killed all her fellow teachers to survive. CatNap avoids her haunt for an unknown reason. Maybe because she's an ally or someone he once cared about.
CatNap had been a tool to the Prototype as he's killed for his failure. This might've not been a case once upon a time due to a theory about him used to being Elliot Ludwig. Apparently the Prototype acts as a hivemind with him assimilating and copying others.
Tom Sawyer/The Doctor gotten killed sometime before the Hour of Joy. It might've been the Prototype due to an interview tape between the two prior to Leith Pierre interview with CatNap. The abuse done to the toys might've spurred on the takeover.
Hour of Joy was a massive slaughter where every human been killed no matter who they were. CatNap might be responding for the kids death with Ollie being a possible toy survivor. Kissy Missy was taken over and been a participant as well. She might've gotten captured or killed at the end of the chapter.
Now onto my personal theories starting with the Prototype.
He is a hivemind based organism most likely made from Elliot Ludwig. The Prototype could've gone insane as he kept assimilating others. Possible breaking point that led to the Hour of Joy being the Doctor since he been studying him too than it being one sided.
The slaughter had an massive ulterior goal. Prototype doesn't require food and the shrine CatNap made of him has multiple human bodies in it. Ollie also confirmed that the shrine is nothing compared to the real deal.
The Prototype might've assimilated most of the victims before moving onto the other toys. Further proof is CatNap's state once you fully see him. He's so thin that you can his bones and ribcage. The employees were their only food provider which led to this post apocalyptic style cannibalism.
If the Prototype was benevolent then a lot of strings could be pulled where the corrupt humans perish and they puppet Playtime Co in the shadows. No more experiments as the company would function under them. Clueless employees delivering a constant food supply and the kids could actually see the real world. Maybe the toys follow them out as no one is aware.
Poppy even mentioned the Player running the company so she knew there was a better way to handle things. The Prototype locked her up to prevent this foil in his plans. Hour of Joy was a purposely planned slaughter.
Second theory involves Huggy Wuggy and the Player. Throughout the chapter, our first Bigger Body had been a major constant element. He is the first and last one we see through CatNap's nightmares. There's a hidden important connection which involves the Prototype too.
I think the hivemind spared him as it's clear they were more of a victim than foe. CatNap would've spare him if he left this all behind. Huggy Wuggy might've attacked the Player near the entrance during the Hour of Joy before leaving.
Final theory revolves around the toys. Dog Day and CatNap are further evidence that the Bigger Bodies can have diverse bodies. Mommy Longlegs died when she cut in half but the canine Smiling Critter didn't. Boxy Boxy devours people whole hinting at very strong stomach acid despite his small body while CatNap has an expanded ribcage and can breathe gas.
There is one common similarity amongst all the toys except for Poppy. All of them can be affected by the Prototype. My theory involves their brain containing an actual fragment from him. The Doctor constantly dissected the Prototype and might've added portions to the other toys as a key material in their creation.
It also explains why Mommy alongside Kissy aren't on his side. The Prototype's influence acts sorta like a suggestion meaning they can resist him. Mommy Longlegs was left alone as the more hostile Bigger Bodies look over their own territories. Huggy Wuggy is an exception since he acts more like a puppet until the Prototype activates him.
Things are heating up as Chapter Four might be the last one for Poppy Playtime since CatNap was the Prototype's final key player. I won't say there could be complications on the way as more experiments were mentioned in Chapter 3 specifically Experiment 'Void'.
For now, this is all we got.
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zipper-ghost · 2 months
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Thank you for a 100 kudos! Here are a couple comments people have left on my fic so far. I love all the comments I get and read them over and over!
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I'm still working on chapter 7 but here is a sneak peek! Spoilers for the fic upto chapter 6
8:45 pm, 19 September 51’, Echo Park Apartments, Kim Kitsuragi
Kim pulls up behind Harry’s apartment building.
“Hey, wake up detective,” Kim says as he reaches back and taps Harry’s knee.
Harry wakes up with a jolt and looks around in a panic. When he sees Kim and that he is in the kineema he calms down.
“I fell asleep.”
“Khm, as soon as you sat down and I started driving you were knocked out. You must have been exhausted.”
“Oh,” Harry looks out the window and realizes they’re outside his apartment his face falls. “I thought we were having dinner.”
Kim snaps his fingers for dramatic effect although the sound is muffled by his gloves. “I got it covered. I bought some sandwiches on the way. Besides, you’ll be more relaxed at home right?”
Harry’s lips tremble as he smiles. “Yeah, thanks, Kim.”
Harry yawns five times walking from the Coupris Kineema to the door of his apartment. Kim switches on the lights as Harry kicks off his green leather shoes. The apartment is the same at the last time he was here, chaotic, colorful, and warm. Every surface is covered in some kind of knickknack Harry’s picked up, half-read books or discarded clothing. It is the very essence of Harry du Bois from the yellow wallpaper to the mismatched chairs to the miscellaneous art on the walls.
Harry takes the dirty plates from the table and puts them in the already overflowing sink. Kim places the bag on the table and hands Harry a wrapped sandwich when he sits across him. The circular dining table is so small their knees touch beneath it.
“Arg,” Harry huffs when he unwraps the paper. “Why did you get so much lettuce and spinach on mine?”
“When was the last time you ate a vegetable?”
“Probably the last time you made me,” Harry says.
Harry rolls his eyes and picks out the spinach before eating. Kim knows Harry likes ham and salami on soft sub rolls, he likes mustard, vinegar, and hot sauce. He knows Harry likes pickled onions but not olives, and avoids lettuce but would still eat it if Kim bought it for him even if he complains about it. A hundred Harry facts take up space in Kim’s mind. Ultimately useless but precious all the same.
Harry inhales half his sandwich, leaving a smattering of crumbs on his face. Unthinking, Kim leans forward and wipes away the stray breadcrumbs caught in Harry’s mustache. They both freeze when Kim notices what he is doing. Kim takes his hand back and silence fills the space between them.
He keeps his eyes down and takes a bite of his sandwich, his ears burn. What is he doing?
“Uh- this morning,” Harry begins leaning back in his chair, “before- you know everything happened. Vic and I went to Fire Pit and talked to the owner.”
Kim raised an eyebrow. “I thought the owner didn’t want to speak to the RCM.”
“He doesn't but we needed to know if the suspect had been seen at the club in the last few days. The apartment manager claims he hasn’t returned to his apartment but I don’t know if we can trust her. We needed to know if he is hiding, he might be suspecting we are after him since we’ve been asking around for him. Anyway- when we went to the club the owner recognised me from the night we went to the bar.”
“Did you meet him that night?”
“We kind of did. He was the bartender, the bald man who was wearing lipstick.”
“Ok,” Kim says. He didn’t remember what the bartender looked like. Harry’s memory was astounding. “So you told him we were there undercover?”
“No, I said it was a coincidence that we were there but I think he suspects it. We talked about the night the victim left with the suspect. He confirmed it was Maurice- the suspect. We pretty much already knew that but it was good to cross the t’s and dot the i’s. He confirmed the suspect went to the Fire Pit after the night we were there. I did not in fact scare him away.” Harry says sulkily. “But he hasn’t shown up in a few days. He might be in hiding, or he might just be going to other clubs.”
“Khm, did you ask about the drug dealing?” Kim asks around a mouthful of bread and cheese.
“Yeah but he didn’t say much. He claims he didn’t care to know so he didn’t. I don’t think we can get much more information out of him on that subject. Oh- but he said we could come back to the Fire Pit even if we are RCM officers.”
“We as in…”
“You and me,” Harry grins. “Next time we go I’m going to make you dance.”
“I’m not going to dance.” Kim says flatly although his heart flutters a bit when Harry says next time.
“Yes, you will. You seem to forget I got you to dance with me in the church.”
“That was different. It was only you, the speed freaks and Soona. I can't dance in a busy club in the middle of Jamrock where I work. It'll be utterly embarrassing.”
Harry leans in, a haunty glint in his eyes like he has caught Kim in a trap. “Does that mean it'll be ok if it's just us?”
Kim knits his brow. He wants to say no because Harry is planning something but Kim is also curious about where this is going. Harry gets up from the table and crosses the apartment in three large strides.
“What are you doing?” Kim asks. He turns to watch Harry but doesn't move to get up.
Harry simply hums by way of reply.
He takes a cassette tape from the stack next to his stereo, slips it into the player and presses play.
The upbeat rhythm of 30s disco music pours out of the speakers and fills the living room.
Harry makes a dramatic spin and winks at Kim. Kim shakes his head no. He shouldn't encourage Harry, he shouldn't smile.
“Yes, Kim.”
“I don't even know how to dance to disco.”
Harry saunters back to Kim, swaying to the music, fancy footsteps matching the beat.
“Of course you can! And I'm not accepting any excuses, we are alone and off duty.”
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TMAGP 19 thoughts, spoilers under the cut
Celia why do you have so much paper, what in the hell are you making that many photocopies of?
She’s looking into alchemical explanations for universe hopping, I think (transference stuff)
Celia why are you looking at incomplete transference stuff??? What was missing when you universe hopped????
Sam found alchemy stuff when looking into the Magnus Institute, which is very much consistent with the ARG
“What’s got you looking into this?” “Just curious” *immediate glitch* yeah Celia we’re all aware that this research is way more than just curiosity bestie
Sam is doing what’s best for his personal safety but not what’s best for narrative flow (ditching the institute stuff). Good for him tbh.
old ass statement this time (1684), I’m surprised it’s Chester reading it instead of Augustus tbh
A regrettable anti Newtonian PROTOCOL????
yooooo this dude is on a first name basis with the gravity man himself sir Issac Newton
Protocol against the entirety of London???? Destruction of knowledge?? DREAD EMISSION????
Did the people of this universe just straight up know about the fears in the 1600s? Was it then covered up???
Looks like this universe’s Newton got into alchemy and letter writer guy Does Not Like That
As an aspiring biologist I’m curious as to how exactly the “vegetative propagation of metals” would even work, seems like a funky little experiment
Awww Issac has a disabled dog!! Hell yeah animal rescue
“Yo what’s that big ass glowing flask?” “Oh that? Yeah it’s no big deal, just the philosopher’s stone in liquid form” bro WHAT
I sincerely hope that that means protocol verse Issac Newton is still alive and that we get to hear his voice in canon. I think that would be Neat.
bro has a tiny tree growing in a flask. That’s awesome. Why is letter guy upset at this? Is my brain refusing to see some horrific implications here? probably lol
I cannot get over the writer of this statement just casually calling Newton “Issac”, actually (might be because my dad is a physicist so Gravity Man is a fucking legend in my household)
ohhhh vegetative propagation of metals. The tree is made of mineral/metal
“I made a metal tree wanna eat its fruit?” “what???? No???” “Too late it’s already in my hand dude you’ve gotta try it”
fullmetal alchemist war flashbacks
dog is now an alchemy plant/dog pokemon what the fuck
The dog now has human intelligence, apparently
Oh it’s reversible. Dog is dog again. That’s so mean to the dog why would you do that to him???? Dogs don’t deserve the burden of human comprehension they are too babey
“Are the computers listening to us?” Daaaaamn Sam caught on fast
Alice, bestie, ignoring the obvious supernatural elephant in the room won’t make it go away I fear
I’m scared Sam is just going to stop confiding in people at this point and then get into danger alone. That ain’t good.
Alice seems to be getting a stupid amount of JMJ errors. Maybe it’s because the Jon, Martin, and Jonah are all arguing over which cases to give her lmao
lmao Lena’s basically just telling Gwen to put her big girl pants on and deal. Iconic.
oooh Lena lore, she used to be the externals liaison.
bros holed up in his house, probably paranoid as shit
Definitely paranoid as shit, he knows the phones are listening and wants to yeet it in a fish tank
Colin’s got alchemy on the brain too, apparently
Poor Alice, she just wants her friends to be okay and they’re all spiraling.
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slow-writer · 4 months
TMAGP Episodes 7 & 8 Reactions
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That was totally my face during both episodes, I swear.
Spoilers below!
Okay, I'm freaking out on a cellular level, it feels like.
Episode 6 had the introduction of new OIAR employee, Celia Ripley, who is voiced by Lowri Ann Davies. Those of us from the TMA fandom recognize her as the voice of Lynne Hammond who later became Celia because her name was taken from her after the Change. There have been speculations on whether she is playing the same Celia (even though this is a separate universe) or if this is just a little wink from Jonny and Alex behind the scenes. But then came the next 2 episodes.
The sheer amount of lore that was dropped in these 2 episodes has the fandom REELING. So, let's get into what we've heard!!
EPISODE 7: Right off the bat, Celia not only references that the dated computer system is basically better than "wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders." This feels like a TARGETED MISSILE at the TMA fandom. But right after that, she asks if any of the spoken cases have anything in common, and if there's a way to search the cases that have common threads, like, "Oh I don’t know. Every case about being buried alive or meat or… whatever." And if that wasn't enough, she recognizes the voice that Alice calls Chester (AKA, John!).
Those statements alone have me thinking with 99.99999999% certainty that this is the SAME Celia from TMA (or at least, she's tapped into her memories in some way).
Apart from Celia, we have Hilltop being referenced in a case, which could very well mean that it's a similar situation from TMA. Very possibly a rift in space-time or whatever. Some nexus of power or something.
Then Sam received a supposedly internal email from someone called "John" that contained an address and a name. Does this mean that John is truly trapped in the computer system like we've all been theorizing? Is this his attempt at making contact and warning Sam not to follow in his footsteps? AGH!
And then we have poor Colin, driven mad by whatever's corrupting the code he's been trying to maintain, taped over his webcam, and full on refusing any electronics to enter his office (that weren't already there, and he must have clearly tampered with them so they cannot spy on him). He even attacks Sam when he pulls out his phone. That man has a lifetime subscription to Paranoia Plus, if you ask me, poor thing.
Lastly, we get confirmation that Lena at least tried to kill Klaus, but may not have succeeded, and Gwen's blackmail of her puts her in a new role of "External Liaison," whatever that may be. (Oh boy, oh boy.)
And if that wasn't enough, we have today's episode....
EPISODE 8: No preamble on this one, just straight into a case. And man, are we having fun with the whole liminal horror plus Stranger vibes in this one! But the GOOD SH*T comes after the case ends.
Poor Colin's been put on Mental Health Leave, so I'm really hoping that wasn't the last we'll 'see' of him. And the banter between Gwen and Alice has much more of an edge now that Gwen's been promoted. But!!!
Sam and Celia went off together after they ended their shifts early (ooooh), and who did they meet?
And I checked, yes, they are 100% voiced by their TMA counterparts, Jon Gracey and Sue Sims (Jonny's mom).
Gertrude calls Gerry her grandson (though I'm curious if this means Gerry's actual mother is dead here too, and when Gertrude stepped in as a surrogate, or if she's actually his grandmother).
When Sam and Celia ask about the Magnus Institute, they both kind of go quiet, like they don't know what they're allowed to say or if they can trust these strangers who randomly showed up to their house. Sam reveals that he was part of their "gifted kids" program (hello, ARG info!) and saw Gerry was also listed and wanted to "swap stories." Gertrude seems to want to push them away, all protective, but Gerry just says he doesn't remember much.
Did Gertrude blow up the Magnus Institute in this universe and adopt Gerry after she found him there?!?
And finally, after Gertrude kind of rushes them out, Celia makes a deal with Sam. They agree to keep track of anything that falls under each other's mystery interests. Because she's "doing a favor for Georgie" (HFGJHFD!), she needs to look into "Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff."
Was Celia sent here from the TMA dimension to do recon?!?
Anyway, there's so much more to dive into, but those are the things that are currently making my brain buzz. How has your Thursday been?
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sezez · 4 months
The whole Elliot Ludwig podcast is a surprise and creepy thing to note. Elliot may not be the man he seems. And yet, I still wonder what this all means, did Elliot actually do it? Or was it a set up?
It was only half-true, Elliot was never blamed, the dead boy is actually the family member he lost so he blamed himself for his death:
I believe that Elliot is a good man, a family man at heart. And from his speech, he really sounds like a good guy. He wanted to make children happy, feel loved and find a place for them to belong.
I know people are already suspecting that Elliot front image of being a "perfect-family-man" is a lie to hide who he truly is, and the podcast about a dead boy in his bedroom stuffed into a duffle bag is raising some eyebrows. But, I still have a feeling that Elliot isn't at fault here.
We all know that Elliot got divorced in the 1930s, then in the 1960s a tragic family death pushed Elliot to his lowest. We never get to hear who died, many speculated it was Elliot's daughter who became the Poppy doll. But I don't think so.
I think I now know who died and what happened to them, I believe the family member Elliot lost is the boy found inside the duffle bag.
Now, I know there isn't any evidence to back this theory up, but work with me. I think that the whole podcast of Elliot being blamed and suspected for the boy's death is a lie, he was never blamed for it.
Remember, we heard the podcast when the Protagonist was dreaming after inhaling the Red Smoke and there's been some signs that the reverse audio we heard was the Protagonist talking to themselves for not being at the factory during The Hour of Joy and they came back because of survivor's guilt.
So I imagine that the podcast is Elliot's nightmare, his fear of being responsible for his lost and blaming himself for not saving the boy or being blamed for it.
I know this is a long stretch, but it's just a theory and I hope we get to know more of this in the next chapter.
The crime was just a set-up to keep the public occupied so the company can continue the experiments without getting any attention:
Now this one is I think is likely to be true. For all we know, Elliot made Playtime Co. to make toys for children to be happy. But then the experiments start to happen, in a VHS tape in Project: Playtime, Harley Sawyer (aka the Doctor/ the founder of the Bigger Body Initiative) said that people who starting to see things they shouldn't and lawsuits are coming in and out. So he propose the BBI to make giant toys to work for them.
I feel like after the whole program was in full swing, the public are starting to notice something fishy. Like the Catnap Recall, a news reporter talks about the concerns parents have about the Catnap toy because their kids start to have violent nightmares. So Playtime Co. recalled the Catnap toys, but damage was already done and I believe this became a slight problem for Playtime Co.
The company had to think up a way for the public to calm down and stay away from suspicion. And they came up with a plan.
Framing and making Elliot Ludwig, the Founder of Playtime Co. look like a sick psycho, hiding beneath his friendly-face is something worse.
I believe that Harley or Leith or someone killed a orphan boy at Playcare, took some of their bones and organs out, put him in a duffle bag then placed him inside Elliot's bedroom in his home.
And this seemed to work, with the public distracted by the new discovery of Elliot, Playtime Co. gets away with the experiments.
Elliot did kill a child, but he wasn't sick, he did it so Playtime Co. can shut down and stop the experiments:
This is a very long stretch, I know. But I think it be very unique if Elliot had no idea about the experiments and slowly overtime, he starts to notice something suspicious going on.
I imagine he investigated around for a bit, (like Rowan Stoll from the ARG) and found out about the Bigger Body Initiative. Imagine how horrified Elliot was, realizing the company was doing cruel experiments on orphans and turning them into toys. The complete opposite of what he originally wanted.
And perhaps he learned what happened to employees who knew or tried to expose Playtime Co. for it's experiments, getting killed off. And he tried to think up a good plan, any ways for him to expose the truth. But none seem to work, he knows he would end up dead, even if he was the CEO of Playtime, they could always replace him.
So, he did something he knew he would regret forever.
Killing a child inside his house.
I think Elliot did this because he knew if he did something horrible, the company would have taken some affect and perhaps it'll shut down due to the bad reputation.
And so he did it, he killed a young boy, had some of his skeleton and organs gone and stuff him into a duffle bag and placed it in his bedroom.
That's why Playtime Co. said they'll try and prove his innocents and keep his name on the brand. And I wouldn't be surprise if afterward they killed Elliot for spilling it out or turning him into a toy.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
For 2k celebration.
Argyle, Pizza Van, tiny baby fluffy kitten. Like I cannot express how fluffy this baby kitten should be. Maybe Jonathan is along for the adventure??? Go wild!
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I hope you enjoy this, bb! 💚 shoutout to @loveshotzz for inspiring me to make this smutty.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (f! receiving)
WC: 1.7k
After a long shift at Surfer Boy Pizza, Argyle is exhausted. He’d usually drive straight back to his place and blaze up a joint, but he has something much more important to do tonight. 
He goes to the Byers house, knocking on the door three times before Jonathan opens it, grinning and holding a fuzzy orange cat in his arms. “Did someone order a kitten to impress their girlfriend?”
“Shut up, man,” Argyle mutters, taking the kitten from his friend. “You know she’s not my girlfriend.”
“But you want her to be,” Jonathan goads, waggling his eyebrows, leaning over to grab the cat carrier. 
“I said shut up!”
Jonathan chuckles. “Dude, you are so in love with her!” He laughs even harder when he sees a blush creep into his friend’s cheeks. “You gotta tell her, bro. Ask her out, kiss her, I don’t know, but you gotta do something besides follow her around like a lost puppy. Or kitten, in this case.”
The long-haired stoner rests his head in his free hand. “Yeah, man, I know. What if she wigs out or somethin’? We’ve been best friends for, like, our whole lives, dude. I can’t just fuckin’ throw that away because of a crush.”
Sensing Argyle’s vulnerability, Jonathan’s expression becomes more serious. “That’s not gonna happen, all right? It’s obvious that she feels the same way; everyone already thinks you’re dating. You just needa go for it. Now,” he places the carrier in front of Argyle, “go deliver a cat to your future wife.”
After bringing the litter box, cat food, and toys out from the Byers’ house and loading them into his van, Argyle buckles the carrier into the back seat. “Okay, little dudette,” he says as he pulls out of the parking lot, “hold on to your little cat butt, because we gotta move fast if we wanna make it on time for it to still be her birthday.” He’s doing 50 in a 30, hoping there are no cops around. “I mean, she’s not gonna be mad if we’re late, but it’s the principle of the matter, you know? ‘Course you don’t; you’re a cat. I’m so nervous, I’m having a conversation with a cat.”
He lets out a soft chuckle as he merges onto the parkway. “Anyway, you’re gonna love her. She’s, like, the sweetest person ever, y’know? And super hot, but that’s besides the point.” He drums on the steering wheel and continues. “And Byers keeps telling me to make a move, but what if it ruins everything? It’s like, yeah, we could live happily ever after or whatever, or she could laugh in my face. Or,” he adds, anxiety rising, “we could get together and fall in love, and then break up. And that would really suck.” 
Your exit comes up quickly, and Argyle swerves onto the ramp, still chatting to the kitten in his backseat. “We’re almost there, gatita.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he parks in front of your apartment building. “Okay, I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna tell her that I wanna take her on a date.” 
Bringing the carrier and the bags to the front door, Argyle rings the bell, fingers trembling.
“Hello?” your voice trills over the speaker.
“Hey, birthday girl,” he drawls. “Can you come down? Got a surprise for you.”
He can practically hear you smile at the sound of his voice. “Args! Of course, just gimme a second.” A few moments later, the door swings open and you’re there, standing in front of him. You’re in your pajamas, but he swears you’ve never looked so beautiful.
“So, what did you get me?” you question, already walking towards the van. As soon as you slide open the front, the kitten pads to the front of the carrier and meows excitedly. “Oh my God, is that…” Your eyes widen and tears blur your vision. “Did you get me a kitten?”
Argyle nods, a grin stretching across his face. “Yeah, you kept talkin’ about how much you wanted one, and my mom’s friend’s cat had babies…figured it was the perfect match.” He watches, lovestruck, as you carefully open the carrier and scoop up the tiny, fuzzy tabby cat.
“She’s so soft,” you muse, pressing small kisses to her head. “Does she have a name?”
“Not yet,” he replies, reaching out to pet underneath the kitten’s chin. “Got any ideas?”
You ponder for a second, taking in the cat’s light coloring and the man who gifted her to you. “How about Pineapple?” you suggest with a giggle. “So she’ll always remind me of my favorite person in the world and his favorite pizza topping.” 
“I’m your favorite person?” he asks incredulously, putting the remaining bags on the floor and shoving his hands in his pockets. He ducks his head, long raven hair falling over his deep brown eyes. “That’s really fuckin’ cool, man, because you’re my favorite person, too.” He forces himself to meet your gaze. “Fuck it, I’m doing this,” he says, though you’re unsure if he’s talking to himself or to you.
“Listen, you’re more than my favorite person. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like…I think about you all the time.”
“Argyle,” you start, but he keeps going.
“And we’ve been best friends since, like, what? Sixth grade or whatever? You’ve always been the one who took me seriously, always looked out for me. Never called me stupid or–”
“I don’t wanna fuck up our friendship, but I can’t keep acting like I’m not in love with you–”
“Argyle!” You finally break through his thoughts, grabbing his large hand in your own smaller one, the one that isn’t cradling Pineapple. “Argyle, when you told me that you got me the gift I always wanted, do you know what I thought it was?”
Argyle just shakes his head. 
You take a step towards him, dropping his hand and cupping his cheek. “This.” You press on your tiptoes and kiss him softly and gently, allowing him to register what’s happening and part your lips with his tongue. When you part, the two of you are wearing matching blissed-out smiles. 
“Holy shit,” Argyle murmurs, leaning down for another kiss. “Wanted to do that for so fuckin’ long, and it was better than I imagined.” His gaze drops to the kitten nuzzled into your shoulder. “Pineapple clearly is not entertained.” 
As if responding, she lets out a content purr. You place her back in the carrier resting on the front seat. “Y’know, a kiss wasn’t the only present I was hoping for.” You bring your fingers to the waistband of his pants, running them along the elastic. “Only if you want to, though.”
“Oh, I want to.” If that isn’t the understatement of the century.
You kiss him again, harder and hungrier than before. He lifts you with ease, arms strong from years of kneading dough, and you wrap your legs around his waist. One of his hands supports your ass, while the other is on the back of your neck, holding you impossibly close.
“Inside?” he manages, glancing in the direction of your building.
You sigh in frustration. “Stupid roommate is home.” Biting your lower lip, you try to think quickly. “There’s always the back of your van.”
Argyle laughs. “Princesa,” he tells you, and your heart soars at the nickname, “I am not having our first time together happen in my van.”
“But it’s my birthday!” you pout, making him smile wider. “Pleeeeeease?”
It’s your begging that gets him. He flings open the back door, lowering you tenderly before climbing on top of you and closing the door behind him. “Whatever my birthday girl wants.”
You feel his hand on your wrist, sliding a hair tie off of it and tying back his own mane. “Now, Princesa,” he begins, alternating between speaking and sucking on your neck, “I wanna stay true to my word and sleep with you for the first time somewhere special.”
“But, I am not opposed to making you feel good, since it is your birthday and everything.” The van is dark, but you can tell that he’s grinning mischievously as he tugs on your pajama pants, pressing his hard length into your thigh.
“Are you sure?” But he’s already pulling down your panties, which are wet with pleasure. 
Argyle trails kisses down your torso, sending shivers through your body. His middle finger finds your clit easily. “That feel okay?”
“M-More than okay,” you stammer, still in shock that your best friend is about to eat you out.
“Good.” He flattens his tongue against your folds, teasing you for a moment before bringing his lips to your sensitive bundle and sucking lightly. “Put those legs on my shoulders, baby doll,” he instructs you. “That’s my girl.” 
His tongue laps at your pussy, leaving you moaning and gripping the van’s carpet. “Argyle, fuck, right there.” Your voice catches and you feel your eyes well up as he devours you. His fingers dig into the plush of your thighs as you let out a pornographic wail. 
The coil in your belly is dangerously close to snapping, and you buck up your hips involuntarily. “Sorry,” you mumble, embarrassed. 
But Argyle remains pressed to your core, unfazed. “Nothin’ to be sorry for,” he reassures you, adjusting his ponytail. “Take everything you need. Tonight is for you.” With that, he brings his mouth back to your clit and pumps his thick middle finger in and out of your cunt. That’s the final straw, and you cry out his name as you cum. 
“You taste so perfect,” Argyle says, wiping your slick from his chin with the back of his hand. 
You lower your legs and push yourself onto your elbows. “You’re too good at that,” you manage, still catching your breath. “When can we have sex?”
Argyle chuckles. “I wanted to take you out to dinner first!”
“I have a frozen lasagna we can split, and Pineapple can have some kibble.”
“That’ll work.”
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solradguy · 8 months
Is Sin like, a Christian? You’ve talked about how Ky is a certain kind of Christian recently and I know Sin has a cross, but I wasn’t sure if that was a bit or a joke? Is he praying?
Mostly I’m just confused because I see like two topics of conversation around Sin and it’s his father issues (for either of them) and him being 5. Sometimes it’s about him giving Ram a sandwich. Even if it’s not a big part of his character (he’s not Ky, after all!) it seems like it gets mentioned more as a joke so I’m not sure if it’s like a serious…character trait, I guess?
I kind of get the impression that Sin is religious but not to the same degree as Ky is. We've seen multiple instances of Ky praying or otherwise being in a Christian church (GG2Overture Material Collection and an opening scene in Lightning the Argent chapter 1, part 2 are two examples) while Sin's expression of religion has been a lot more subtle. He's wearing a crucifix in all of his designs through Overture, Vastedge, Xrd and his new Strive outfit, to begin with:
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Baby Sin is also wearing what seems to be the same one:
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Dizzy almost definitely was not raised with any sort of religion comparable to Christianity; Ky would had to have introduced her to it and then raised Sin into it. Sin wearing the crucifix even through Overture when he was the most mad at Ky says a lot, I think, about Sin's feelings towards his religion. If he didn't have any sort of faith in it and it was solely Ky's thing, why continue wearing it?
He brings up God to Ram in Xrd Sign when trying to explain what emotions and opinions are to her:
Sin: Well, c'mon, what does "right" even mean anyway? Let's say Ky and the old man think something tastes bad, but I like it. Does that make me wrong? In a way everybody's right, see? They're right to say it tastes bad, and I'm right to say it tastes good.
Ramlethal: I don't understand your example.
Sin: Arg... How do I say this... Oh, got it! Do you believe in God?
Ramlethal: God? I acknowledge that the concept exists, and people find value in it, but without further evidence, I can't authoritatively state whether or not--
Sin: No, I'm asking you how YOU feel about it! Remember when you ate that hamburger? You had an opinion on it, YOUR opinion. Like that...
Ramlethal: I...I don't know...
Sin: You're impossible! All right, let's try something else. Look out that window.
Ramlethal: ?
Sin: [looking at the starry sky] He he. This is the real reason I'm here. Doesn't that look pretty?
Ramlethal: ...I don't know.
Sin: I think you just don't have the words to describe how you feel. See, I think that's suuuuuuuuuuuuuper pretty.
Ramlethal: Um...?
Sin: To me, that's enough. The way I feel, the way this looks... I don't want somebody trying to explain that to me with big words or fancy ideas. I just like the explanation "This sky looks beautiful because God made it that way." So to me, that would be a good reason for God to exist. Do you think that's the right answer?
Ramlethal: That's just what you WANT. It doesn't make anything real.
Sin: Maybe, but I don't think everything needs to be black and white. You don't need to shove yourself into a corner and tell yourself you have to be something.
That last bit about Sin crediting the creation of the sky to God might be the most concrete bit of evidence we have to gauge where on the scale his faith is. He's a smart kid and quick at coming up with efficient solutions to unusual problems (like telling the highly intelligent Dr. Paradigm, who is an aquatic Gear, to breathe using magic instead of maintaining a ball of water around himself), but he still attributes something as easily explainable by science as the composition of the sky to God. There's also the fact that Sol has consistently had negative opinions towards religion/God when it's brought up too. He almost definitely would have had some kind of conversation about it with Sin at one point and Sin still maintained his faith despite that.
For now I'd say it would be fair to assume that Sin is at least moderately Christian and that he's serious about it, it's not part of a joke or other setup. Maybe future story stuff will expand on this aspect of his character more one day though.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of lore discussion where Sin is involved that boils down to it all being a joke when very little of it actually is. He's lighthearted and not great at thinking deeply about complex issues unless he has to, but he's by no means a gag character. Take any post/meme that treats him as pure comic relief with a grain of salt.
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legobiwan · 1 year
How do you think an interaction with dimentio, king boo and antasma would go? Because I feel like they would make for an interesting interaction also their thoughts on luigi yeah a lot of room for thinking there
So I need to preface this by stating that there is a fantastic, albeit unfinished, comic series that delves into this EXACT scenario:
I entreaty the gods and whoever else on a regular basis that this will one day get updated, but alas, I do most definitely understand the mercurial nature of the muses and the regrettable demands of everyday life. So it goes.
ANYWAY (and I write this with the caveat that I'm only about 2/3 of the way through Dream Team, although I am familiar with the story beats).
Both Antasma and King Boo are pretty straightforward about their lust for power and control, so I feel they would be in a constant tug of war over who was the actual leader of their little demented trio. (Dimentio, on the other hand, is probably sharpening his knife while lying in a hammock and sipping at a fruity cocktail, waiting for the other two to tear each other to shreds).
I do feel that eventually, King Boo would win out in the end, just because he has more physical (metaphysical?) power in the real world, setting up an uncomfortable hierarchy wherein each being sees themselves at the pinnacle of by hook (Antasma), crook (Dimentio), or just outright murder (King Boo).
Essentially, they get along well enough to plot each other's demise and also band together against a common foe, who would be...
Ah, yes. Luigi.
So. This gets interesting.
King Boo outright loathes Luigi and wants his head on a wall (or a canvas). But he doesn't want to make it easy. A quick death would be too kind, too merciful for the humiliation he has put King Boo through and he wants Luigi to suffer, to recognize King Boo as his superior before he is granted the release of death which itself is a false promise, Luigi's eternal torture in canvas all but guaranteed.
Antasma, on the other hand, seeks revenge, but is more similar to Dimentio in that he wants to use Luigi. Yes, he will betray and destroy him in end, but Luigi's power in the Dream Realm is unprecedented for someone who is not a Pi'illo Island native. And beyond this, Antasma has had the opportunity to sneak into his subconscious though his dreams (nightmares), can identify all the little weaknesses that crack in the buttress of his personality. Antasma won't share, but likely would seek to bring Luigi, or Dreamy Luigi, into his thrall.
Dimentio (arg, Dimentio), who you may gather is my favorite character of this trio - surprisingly (or not) has no taste for revenge. At least, not against Luigi. What he does want is to manipulate Luigi to his side, to not only use him but also, in a strange way, to find a comrade-in-arms. I think Dimentio actually likes Luigi in his own bizarre way and would rather Luigi come to his side by his own accord rather than by brute force (the Floro Sprout was a necessary evil, in his mind, something forced by the confines of time and the impending apocalypse). This isn't to say Dimentio is good by any means - he's righteous bastard magic man and I will stand by that descriptor. But his relationship with Luigi is complicated, especially after their merge with the Chaos Heart, and for Dimentio, it would be far more rewarding for Luigi to come to him of his volition, for the two of them to wreak the chaos he so desperately desires (and which Luigi holds so much capability for) together.
Now, how these different aims play out as the three plot their ultimate victories (which take a variety of shapes) - well, that could be a story in itself.
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heavens-angels · 1 year
Oops, she let it go
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A secret fan, but her boyfriend plays for a mentioned rival team. Can she keep her facade when the team she swoons for wins infront her boyfriend?
Type : Mini story (fluff)
A/n : First time writing here, please be gentle 🥲 Also lmk if yall want some more stuff like this. Cliche fluffy story btw, read at your own will. Enjoy! Its not perfect i know, but give me a break never wrote fluffy shit before fml. ALSO CONGRATS ARGENTINA I LOVE YOU BB.
She had been a fan of Argentina since she was a little girl. Well she got introduced to being a fan because her father was a die hard himself, but she truly enjoyed watching Argentina. Especially, magical Messi. Her magical Messi.
She was sobbing, looking at the tv and see Messi kiss the golden ball as he achieved an award of his own. What a beautiful sight, and what a tight match. Her heart was outside her chest the whole time.
Her boyfriend on the other hand stared at her, amused and impressed of her loyalty. They met in her working place, her being an English speaking assistant to someone who works under her boyfriend. A long chain of hierarchy if you will.
“Bebe.. you know your boyfriend play for Brazil right?” He asks her.
She looks at him, mascara all over her face and nose and cheeks tinted pink from crying so much. “Umm yes I’m not stupid.” She tried to put out an understandable sentence as she huffs for air.
His confused eyes went away as he smiles, bringing her closer to him. He put her head on his chest and she feels comforted as his warmth from his hand on her head soothes the ache from crying too much. “Ayay, you always shock me amor.”
“I know how this looks, but I swear I love you. But Argentin_” and she can’t complete the sentence because she starts crying even harder.
He brings her closer and kisses her head whilst trying to hold in his laughter but oh man what a sight this was.
“Okay next time remind me to bring you Messi jersey and not mine.”
She looks at him with big old guilty eyes, “No neymar! I support you, I love you! But Arge-” And the water works just got bigger.
He laughs out loud this time, he was having a great time teasing her, borderline bullying her.
“Ney I promise I prayed for you and Brazil. I even acted like I didn’t care for Argentina, but today all the memories from childhood came back t-to my head and I can’t stop thinking of this win. I wanted this for soooo long.”
Neymar listened to her intently, not understanding a few words, but understanding her love was enough. It was true though, she gave no reaction for Argentina for their matches. Never bothered to look at Messi whenever he and Neymar were together, tried gaslighting herself even. That it looks odd to anyone, her boyfriend PLAYS for Brazil, but she supports Argentina, a rival team. But why would she have to throw away her love for one thing for another, is it that impossible to love both?
Neymar was understanding, and someone very caring, so he tried his best to support her. He even took a secret picture of her that he definitely was going to send to Messi later, he’ll prank her for sure.
She covered her face, embarrassed, supporting the opposing team, a rival team, him finding out this way, him losing a few days prior, and her facade coming undone, ugh, it just didn’t feel right.
She looks up to tell him something when she sees him smiling down at her, eyes gloomy from his eye smile, lips parted and pink, and damn his beauty all over. She blushes instantly. God this was not the time. So she snaps herself out of his trance.
“Ney.. don’t think I take you or supporting you as a joke okay? This is just a childhood thing.” She speaks slowly so that he can understand every word. He smiles even deeper.
“(Y/n/n). It’s okay. Loving me is not equals to loving Brazil, yeah? Infact, it’s good that you are supporting Argentina. Means next time I will play to win your love to Brazil, means I play extra hard, and I will win.”
Her little sobs fade away as she hears him say something so sweet, and proud he could explain something so heart felt with such little words. Just hearing it can swoon anyone.
This time she puts her hand on his face, kissing his cheeks slowly, feeling his long lashes bat against her cheeks. “I will always support you, win or lose. No matter where you are, or where you go. I am here, for you.”
He pulls her in, pecking her with soft motions to calm her down. “Te amo, princess.”
She laughs hearing such cliche sweet words, “I love you too, king without a crown.”
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