#i want to see them play video games and watch anime and just. Exist. together. without it being weird. for the love of god
dailykeiji · 11 months
i love keiji and i love sara and i love seeing art of them together but unfortunately looking for art of them means running into one million images involving keisara which makes me want to violently tear my hair out. i have the most difficult life in the world by the way
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Ooo hi, can you write something with gamer/streamer Miles G? Maybe he and the reader just chill and play games talking about life or whatever.
streamer miles!
Ok this went in a sliiightly different direction but the general premise is the same i hope that's ok lmao (also lowkey trying a new writing style/approach)
A/N: comment which animal crossing villager you think miles would like if u want 🫶🏾
You only really see a fraction of a person online. 
The messy, disagreeable thoughts that don’t fit into a neat little post, every time you’ve ever tripped over something and ate shit, all of your worst outfits - none of it exists if you don’t make it known. If you decide you’ve never stumbled over your own feet a day in your life, then it’s so. No one’s gonna claw their way through your screen and check.
For example, you had never seen Miles Morales smile with his teeth before until you clicked on his livestream, and none of his viewers would ever be able to guess.
He was laughing at some joke being made in the chat. 
“Y’all are terrible,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye.
Miles’ stream had been recommended to you by the ever-mysterious, totally-not-creepy algorithm ‘based on your location’, and the thumbnail with his dimples on full display piqued your curiosity.
He’d been passing by once when you accidentally dropped your books and folders while rushing to class. He knelt down and picked them up without a word, dropping them into your hands in a much neater stack than they had originally been in, from largest to smallest. 
Your eyes met for less than two seconds, but you could’ve sworn that there was a softness to them that couldn’t be caught from a distance. 
“Thanks!” you called out as the late bell rang. He only nodded before turning away, not bothering to walk any faster.
You never spoke to him again, having no idea what you’d even say. He rarely spoke outside of class, but you had assumed that based on the way he skulked down the hallway and the permanent ‘I’m bored’ look on his face, that he’d be playing something a little more…serious? ‘God of War’ maybe, or ‘Last of Us’. Or some sports-related game that you couldn’t understand.
Certainly not ‘Animal Crossing’.
Tentatively, your fingers hovered over the keyboard as the stream of comments began to slow, and you wondered if he’d be more likely to see it if you commented this instant.
–Who’s ur favorite villager?
There, nice and simple. Inoffensive.
Miles squinted his eyes at what was presumably a second monitor.
“Who’s my favorite villager?” His brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before he put two and two together. “Oh! You mean the li’l animals and shit. Um, the blue penguin? Ace? I like him.”
You sat back and watched him play for another fifteen minutes, most of which were spent figuring out what direction a couch sitting inside his virtual home should face. His voice was low and almost raspy, but…muted. As if someone had turned the volume down on it like you would the radio. He was fortunate to own a decent microphone.
–You got your own PC? 
It seems you got lucky a second time, and Miles paused to read your comment aloud once again.
“Yyup,” he answered proudly. “Put it together myself. I’ll do a tour one day. My setup is wavy, you’ll see!”
He continued going back and forth with the comments in chat, occasionally thanking some for making small donations. The fact of him making anything at all just from playing a video game was impressive. 
Miles remarked on the ‘classical style’ of one of the buildings on his island, and you snorted. Nerd.
–bro thinks he’s an architect
This made him giggle. A light, breathy sound that you would hardly expect to come out of him.
“You’re a hater, man. Watch me get hired as soon as I’m outta college and build yo’ next apartment building.”
You looked down at your phone and realized it was nearly one in the morning. With a yawn, you said your goodbyes in the comments and left the stream.
The cafeteria was full by the time you got downstairs, leaving not a single space on the white benches save for two completely empty ones near the back. 
Well, not completely empty.
As you weaved in between students carrying trays of slop with milk cartons, a familiar pair of cornrows came into view.
It’s now or never.
Timidly, you slid onto the bench right beside Miles. Focused on his meal and the tattered sketchbook he carried around, he looked up at you with just his eyes.
“Hey,” you tried to greet him casually with an awkward smile. “I saw you ye–I mean, I…I saw you. In general.”
His blinked slowly. “We all go to the same school.”
You cleared your throat.
“...Right. We-uh, met in the hallway.”
“You dropped all your books on the floor.”
“Yeah!” you replied a little too loudly. “I just, um, wanted to say hi.”
There was a stretch of silence as you sifted through a list of topics to rescue the conversation, and a lightbulb went off.
“Do you have any hobbies? Other than drawing, I mean.”
Miles gave up on sketching and answered, “Video games.”
“Which ones you been playing recently?”
“Uh, Mortal Kombat, 2K,” he counted on his fingers, “and Animal Crossing, just to see what it was about–”
“Oh, you’re really good at that one!”
You both froze. Uh-oh.
“And how exactly do you know that?”
“I-I mean, you just…look…like the type?” 
You started frantically chipping away at the remaining nail polish on your fingers. Not even you could believe that one.
A tiny grin played on his lips. 
“Sure, let’s go with that.”
Soon the bell rang, saving you from making any further incriminating comments.
“See you in class?”
“Yeah, see you in class,” Miles replied, before tilting his head. “Or wherever I see you.”
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drawnthejayys · 11 days
Meet my BLU Team OCs !!
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Info/Bios under cut!
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Dr. Warin Kölher
• Born in Mannheim, Germany
• Team Leader, some refer to him as "Mother Hen" because of his protective motherly attitude
• Lost his medical degree early because he kept experiencing near death situations around his workplace, they thought it was becoming too dangerous even though nobody else was affected 💀
• Survived hell and back more than once (literally) before becoming a mercenary
• Happy face pin on his hat expresses his emotions somehow?¿
• Not a demon or anything, trust me!!!!!
• Likes crows, wants one as a pet
• Says he has a rare skin condition (is lying)
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Jenny Thomas
• Sees Dr. Kölher as a parental figure
• Actually born in Canada, does not know
• Sent to Michigan (in a box) as a baby and grew up there
• Collector of many things (rocks, sticks, nuts n bolts)
• Can be very trigger happy especially on the battlefield
• Dr. Kölher gives her star stickers when he's good, he sticks them in his helmet (is tryin to collect 50 of them 🇺🇲)
• Owns chewelry because she has a biting problem but easily breaks through all of them in less than a week
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• nickname: mason jar
• If Mundy listened to midwest emo (/hj)
• Look, we don't know how they escaped New Zealand when its currently at the bottom of the ocean but we don't ask
• Laid-back but lazy at times, takes a lot of naps
• Smokes more weed than Spy smoking cigarettes /hj
• Dumpster diver
• Their Jarate skills kinda go crazy
• Games with Junior, they love first-person shooters
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Spy (alias: Rune)
• Get half filipino'd loser🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
• Backup strategist for when things go to shit but also the last resort for a lot of things unfortunately
• Anxiety ridden, visits the doc often
• Good at stabbing, not much with shooting
• Acknowledges Scout as his son but is a very awkward dad. He's trying at least
• A hopeless romantic and has been looking for a partner since the divorce(tm)
• Smokes but is trying to quit, often been seen with a toothpick instead of a cigarette
• Autistic just like me fr, stims with his butterfly knife
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• Tough cowboy, doesn't play around
• "Watch your piehole son or imma SLAP YOU SILLY."
• Probably the sanest in the team
• Grumpy-pants who needs a break
• Very "tough love" kind of father figure
• Homophobic homosexual (/j)
• Despite his name, he might not even be Texan
• Tolerates Dr. Kölher the most
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Dymitry (Mitya)
• Here to do his job, nothing more
• Intimidating just like the OG Heavy
• Fond of animals and small creatures
• Actually quite calm, its hard to piss him off
• He has a soft spot for Jenny and Meeka and buys them snacks on the weekends
• Jenny calls him Mitts!
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• Transmasc bastard
• He'll beat your ass (for fun!)
• Good friends with Sniper, they listen to music and play video games together!
• Knows Spy is his dad and is very nonchalant about it, much to Spy's dismay ("I am your fathe-" "Whatever, don't care, didn't ask")
• Has braces paid for by Spy but has to leave base monthly to go to an actual dentist because Dr. Kölher didn't wanna keep seeing him cry whenever he had to get his braces tightened
•Still has buck teeth :3
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• Your honour, they're just a little guy
• Hangs around Mitya to keep him company, theyre the best of friends!
• Goes on crazy killing sprees with Jenny during matches
• Ongoing beef/goof-off with the RED Team's Pyro
• Pinkie Pie energy!!
• Dallas is their (adoptive) dad!
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• Superstitious about a lot of things but keeps it to himself
• For some reason is always very warm which is why he's shirtless 90% of the time
• Has some amazing tits ngl
• Will wear a dress to the function and be the hottest one there
• His fav food is burber 🍔
• Loves hard rum and scotch (its important to me that all my demo ocs have a fav alcoholic beverage)
That's all of them! I hope you like them :3
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock 8: What Is There To Even Say?
I mean it, what is there to say anymore about this show? Generic praise doesn't do it justice and without spending ages diving into every little bit it feels like you can't fairly show your appreciation for this insane series. I mean, they basically made an animated music video for this song. Guitar POV? The camera work? The depth of field? Visually it's incredible art that has you questioning your sanity and ability to pick out whether they're 3d or 2d models. Yes, you can see Nijika in 3d in the background, but it took me 3 watches of this scene to pick up on it because it's so. damn. good. I don't even know what else to say at this point. It's just... wow.
Cloverworks just always nails the feel as well, their understanding and approach are almost priceless. A more story focused episode that places importance on the girls and their band? Let's do a more toned down episode so the music can shine. God, it's just so good that I can't get it out of my head. And it's not like they sacrificed much of anything to achieve this, the creative direction still exists. The faceless characters still appear, the aggressive camera angles and positioning are still there. The baseline for this show is so ridiculously strong that it hardly feels like much of anything changes.
For example, anyone want to play the game of life?
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No, not quite? How about a (sort of) joke about Japanese work culture?
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Maybe a meta joke about putting Bocchi back together after her meltdowns?
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My point being, this is par for the course, they're not dazzling viewers with these moments or showing off, they're integrating them. The Bocchi Game of Life is the same Bocchi as the one from the Zoetrope the episode previous. The meta jokes have already been established, changes in art style are essentially normal at this point in time. It's all normal. And that makes moments like the music stick out because of how different they are to the rest of the series. They didn't try anything new this episode, they didn't get crazy like they have with other jokes or skits. It's, as insane as it sounds, the average experience for Bocchi The Rock, and it's truly incredible.
So really, what else is there to say? That there's a really lovely backstory for Nijika and her older sister that takes advantage of the slower paced episode? That the characters and their dynamics are really put on display in these moments to show their progression and development with the series? That they dropped the title in the episode? That they did just a credit ending so that the content of the episode would be more significant? Just give this staff the god damn Oscar, Emmy, whatever award they deserve already.
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deadcool14 · 7 months
I wanna talk about this show (btw pls watch it, it's so fucking good, the characters are peak and the animation is fucking amazing!):
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Episode 1:
-I can't believe they foreshadowed the final boss with fucking Sonic trivia
-Ngl if I asked out a girl and she didn't know anything about neither Sonic or X-Men, I'm dipping the first chance I get
-I was wondering why Scott had the star t-shirt at the beginning, since he only got that at the finale battle with Gideon, to signify his love for Ramona, but with the added context it's not supposed to matter, it's there because it's his most recognizable look
-Matthew's entrance doesn't have the same umph as the movie's. His actor really went all out in that scene, XD
-Sucks that Scott wasn't very involved in this, since he is the title character, but I still loved everything about this. Hope we get to see his arc in the next season
Episode 2:
-Why is Ramona dyeing her hair so damn satisfying?
-Edit: The fact that STEPHEN of all people was the one that gave Scott a euology and was the only one that actually gave a damn XD
And it's pretty sweet that he would have been ok to find out if they sucked, if they found out they sucked together
-"Mommy!" yeah
-I can fucking believe she actually sang that fucking song XD
-Brie Larston is so talented; if I didn't already know she played Envy, I honestly could not tell that was her, but then again I only know her as Captain Marvel, where she has a deeper and much cooler voice
-So, if in the Scott Pilgrim world people just re-spawn at home after being defeated, does that mean that there no one can be murdered or manslaughtered? And if so, how do people actually get a "permanent game over"? Does everyone just die of old age? Also if people bury the coins dropped after someone dies, would that make grave-robbing the most common crime in the world?
-The fact that all Matthew needed to defeat Gideon was confidence is actually very inspiring. The probable reason why he's so extra (besides being a theater kid) is because Ramona dumped him, which really hurt his self-esteem. And while it's kinda sad and pathetic to let a middle school break-up bring down your self-worth, that doesn't mean it didn't suck for Matthew; and after realizing that Ramona wouldn't take him back just because he beat Scott, he finally got a reality check and decided that their goal was pointless, so he moved on from Ramona and decided to make something out of himself, and using the confidence he got from "beating" Scott, he unleashed his true power and was able to defeat Gideon, take his company, and then became successful Broadway actor
-"Et tu, eat me." Roxie is a fucking queen
Episode 3:
-Hey, I didn't asked to be fucking attacked about my writting process, Scott Pilgrim!
-Knives getting more character development besides being obsessed with Scott is everything I didn't know I ever wanted
-I feel you Stephen, I do 😞
-Omg I ship Knives and Kim so much!
-Since Roxie predates Toga, then should be saying that Toga gives off Roxie vibes?
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-I'm in lesbians with all of them
-Roxie is so fucking horny lol. Tho I can't blame her, I would go rent to that video store everyday to talk to Kim or Hollie... and immediately choke and explode before a word comes out my mouth
-Also, fun fact: Hollie looks like a milf, but she's actually 26!
-Nice of that lady to apologize to Robot-01. He doesn't deserve all the mistreatment he gets, he's a good boi
Episode 4:
-Holy fuck this animation
-Bro, what is that song? XD
-'Edgar Wrong' XD XD XD
-Young Neil is a fucking treasure
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💚 :3
-Straight Wallace is an anomaly that should not be allowed to exist
-Notorious heterosexual
-People are 100% saying some bullshit like, Lucas is only going out with her because he's secretly a pedo is only likes her because she's PLAYING a 17-year-old and that feeds his fetish
-Already saw a meme of the "My God!" clip, keep those coming people!
-Holy fuck this animation!!
-The paparazzi looking like cockroaches, nice
-I feel really bad for Lucas, he's actually a nice guy
-And then he fucking yeets a kid and steals his skateboard XD
-"Watch out guys, Vegan comin' through!"
Episode 5:
-I feel a little bad for Todd, but it's also so satisfying seeing this jackass, who thinks he can get away with anything because he's a rock star, get wrecked
-Weird the Vegan Police didn't show up to take away his powers tho; maybe they were informed of the situation and decided to give him a pass this time.
I really hope they expand on the whole concept of being Vegan in season 2
Envy: Hey, ask them what it feels like to always get his sloppy seconds?
Ramona: How does it feel-?
-I love how they expanded on the Stephen & Knives friendship :3
-I did not recognize Simon Pegg and Nick Frost until the end where they had the cornettos XD
Episode 6:
-Honestly, surprised they didn't bring up that Julie had a crush on Scott, and that's why she's always a bitch to him, specially because this is an anime, they can actually call her a tsundere!
And while we're on that, anyone think it's weird that nearly single girl in the comic had or still has a crush on Scott? Like, seriously? This asshole, really? And you just know that if it was a manga made in Japan, Stacie would have a goddamn bro-con complex with him
-Idk how I feel about them just glossing over Gideon just being an absolute monster; like yeah, Ramona was a bitch with most of her relationships and she does tend to run away from her problems, but Gideon was a manipulative, ego-centric, abusive piece of shit. I mean, the guy kept his 6 ex-girlfriends frozen in stasis for appearences or for whatever else he wanted, and he wanted to do the same to Ramona. I like him and Julie being assholes together, but seriously, I hope they touch on that in season 2
-Dude fuck those kids, I would give Gordon so much respect for actually trying that; I wish I had a third of his confidence
-I never knew I needed to see Captain America and The Spot being goofy friends until now
-I headcanon that one of the reasons why they had Matthew take over Gideon's company was so they could finally give him a job XD, tho it was always insinuated that he was in the army, because of the Private Rank patch on his jacket, which they removed in this version and that really sucka because I liked that little detail; it was also another reference to him being the 1st Evil Ex, because Private is the 1st rank in the military
-At least Ramona does recognize that what she did was messed up, even if the Twins were also being dicks, she should have just called them both out and be done with them
-Those fucking Vegan Robots man, I swear to God
Episode 7:
-When Old Scott spoke, I thought it was Ben Schwartz at first lol
-I love how the world isn't the cliché "terrible post apocalyptic world caused by something that happened to the main character", it just looks really crappy, which... yeah, accurate; the look everyone has just seems to be the current fad, they just embraced the post-apocalyptic looking world they live in.
Also that tech is not that advanced, they have hover vehicles and board, and holo-phones, that does seem like they kind of tech we could have in a few decades, maybe
-The fucking Virtual Boy XD XD XD, surprised Scott's eyes weren't on fire after staring into that thing
-Old Wallace is a fucking GILF
-That lucky motherfucker! He probably got the Switch for free!! 😬😬😬
-Nice Death Stranding reference
-Ramona changing her hair color every week was symbolic of her always running away from her problems, but I like that she keeps doing it in the future, just because she likes it
-Of course Future Ramona has fucking Back To The Future roller blades XD
-Both Ramonas are the same fucking size XD
-At first it felt that they just speedran Scott and Knives, but then again Scott probably read a little of Old Young Neil's auto-biography and figured things out. And since Knives wasn't as obsessed with Scott at this point it makes sense that she'd take this a lot better, Kim and Stephen probably helped her out too
-But at least she catharsis by seeing Scott and Ramona not being able to kiss XD
-Oh! And I just realized that she didn't waste her first kiss on Scott! 😃
Good for her!!
Episode 8:
-I think it's dumb they gave Knives her look from the comics without any reason. She only changed her look to look more appealing to Scott in the comics, and in the epilogue she's back to her normal look, like, at least have people mention the look and her saying that she's trying something new
Edit: I rewatched the whole thing and I just realized that Even Older Scott punched the highlights out of Knives' hair XD
-It's basically a meme at this point, but pls have the Katayanagi Twins do something! They had such a bigger role in the comics. At least I wanted to see their combo moves animated!
It's nice that the Exes are actually cheering for them to kiss, or maybe they're just teasing because they can't; either way it's nice
-Even Older Scott is Ramona's 8th evil ex. He debuts in the 8th episode and has studied the powers of all the other 7 Evil Exes along with his own, which adds up to 8.
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Sucks he didn't actually use their powers, I would have loved it if he used Vegan Powers combined with mystical powers, maybe instead of Demon Hipster Chicks he summons little Nega Scotts, he has stronger skateboard tricks than Lucas, he some robot arms that can shoot lasers and can help him do the Twins' combo moves, but doubled
-Edit: The fact that Knives went for Ramona instead of Scott. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!
-Even Older (Nega) Scott is just Evil Ryu and I fucking love it!!
-Even Older Scott's color scheme not only signifyes just how jaded and lost he's become, but also that Nega Scott has completely taken him over is just *chef's kiss*
-Edit: Todd still has the Wallace tattoo XD also his was my favorite attack, he just teleports and slams down, simple, but awesome
Also Even Older Scott defeated him with a headbutt
-Edit: It would've been funny if he had also punched Roxie in the boob again
-Every future character has "Old" in their name, but Ramona is just "Future Ramona", she will cut you if you call her old. Real missed opportunity to not call the oldest Ramona "Future Future Ramona".
"MILF" and "GILF Ramona" also would have been acceptable
-Sex Bob-Bomb became the new Crash and the Boys, except that instead of having an 8-year-old, they have a 17-year-old.
And Scott now has his actual girlfriend watching him perform
-Looks like Ramona actually enjoyed the stunt double gig. Good for her, tho honestly, she should have stuck with Netflix, Idk why, but I feel like they're gonna blow up at somepoint
-I like the idea of Lucas x Kim, but I would still prefer Knives x Kim, and my personal made-up ship: Lucas x Stacie. I just love big bois with cute smol gfs
-At first, it didn't make sense to see Todd and Roxie hanging out, but then I realized that just like Roxie, Todd was hurt by someone who treated their relationship like an un-important after-thought, a phase; and just broke it up like it was nothing, without any consideration for the other's feelings. And now that Roxie got closure with Ramona she's helping him to move on from this in a way healthier way than she did. (That and they're both gay) That is so fucking wholesome, I need to see them being friends in season 2 pls!! Also sucks she didn't interact much with Matthew, because Satya Bhabha said that he thinks Matthew and Roxie would be friends.
Also this was kinda foreshadowed in episode 2, at the end of Matthew and Gideon's fight, where she mentions wanting to get Vegan Powers after seeing how convinient they are. I need Half-Ninja, Vegan, Lesbian, now!!!!
-Wallace: Holy shit! True love does exist!?
-Ramona is finally gonna stop running away, so she keeps most of her hair as her natural color with a little green at the end to not forget her past and where she came from
-Get wait to see what Goose's game, but it must be in pretty early development, probably untitled even
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I've recently gotten really into this genre of ARG that is based around classic nostalgic late 2000 and early 2010 video games. These don't seem to get half as much attention outside of their dedicated communities and I find it a real shame, because if anything I connect more to the timeframe these supposedly take place in comparison to other nostalgic types of video game horror ARGs based on early 2000 and 90s platform video games.
Thought I would list a few of these out. Most of them seem to be incomplete/abandoned unfortunately, but who knows. I really like the stuff that is built up here and hopefully more people start to consider exploring it in a more fleshed-out manner!
Old Minecraft Reuploads - This series hasn't been updated in 2 years, which is super unfortunate because it probably has to be my favorite of the approaches to this format! It is so effectively frightening without depending on any obtuse jumpscares. A majority of its eeriness comes from the ambiance already displayed in early Minecraft games. If you are familiar enough with playing them, you can kind of get the gist that something isn't right here. The immersion is super effective too. I'm not a fan of ARG's that hammer in their fictional and "otherworldly" elements too heavily. It takes me out a bit. All the glitches and discrepancies here feel like things that could actually happen, which makes it more scary! The last episode is especially frightening from the acting of the player alone. I never thought I could actually read fear in a faceless and voiceless screen recording, but it is SO impressive what evoked here. It is sad to me that I haven't heard much about this until now, and that it appears to be inactive. For what it's worth I would love for it to get more attention, even if just to see what is already there!
Gunslingerpro2009 and BadwaterVideos2009 - These two are not connected in any way, but they explore similar subject matter, so I feel it is appropriate to put them together. The format these base themselves on are classic TF2 gmod videos/animations. With the twist though that the ragdolls used in the game are sentient and being tortured/mistreated by the player/uploader. It is a cool concept I am surprised hasn't been played around with more with this genre. Absolutely recommended if you are a fan of that era of gmod content and psychological horror.
gmod9fan reuploads - This one kind of ends in a whimper and I don't think it is being continued (last update was 4 years ago), but the ideas being explored here are interesting. I think of the gmod ARGs it is the one that felt the most "scary" to me. Mostly just creepy stuff happening on someone's old gmod videos.
Classic GM Videos - I'm not the most invested in this one, but it feels worth mentioning nonetheless, and actually appears to be actively continuing compared to a majority of these. I would say my biggest complaint is the narrative that appear to be built here kind of fluctuates and doesn't have a strong amount of focus between the uploads. There is a sense that the creator is still figuring out what they want to say, but the Bob and Bill stuff is really captivating to me enough to keep an eye on it.
Minecraft Alpha 1.0.16 Versions - Still watching this, but it kind of appears to be an account under the pretense of uploading videos of a non-existent variant of Alpha 1.0.16. It feels a bit like a Herobrine-centered ARG, so if you are into that subject it could be fun.
Anyway, just thought I would find a way to bring some of these more into the spotlight since I find the approach really unique and fun. Not that I have a huge audience or anything, but anything to get the word out. I think the effort put into them deserve way more attention. Also, if you know of any other ARG's that fit this bill PLEASE feel free to let me know. I love this stuff.
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What do you think the comfort activities would be for each counselor? Like if they had a really long or bad day and they just want to decompress at the end of it?
ooooh thank you so much for this <3 this is the perfect break between writing binges & i love this question!! prepare for a lot of headcanons, i had to think about this a lot
Abi - i think she draws, that's pretty canon, it calms her down. i also think she paints when she really wants to zone out & not think (she loves watercolor but she's been experimenting with acrylics lately) & she does a lot of landscape paintings. the only color that usually sits untouched is red. the smears on her fingers bring up bad memories. she also burns relaxing incense & listens to soothing instrumental tracks
Ryan - he listens to his podcast usually, but i think his sister plays piano (she's very good) & she often gets him to sit down so she can teach him scales or beginner songs & it relaxes him. otherwise i can see him settling down in the comfortable chair wedged in the corner of his room with his drawing tablet, lights dim, & just working on some art. occasionally his sis barges in to play her DS on his bed while he does & then they both just exist together in silence
Nick - they give us so little about Nick that i honestly could just say anything about this freak. but i think he gets stoned & watches terrible movies when he needs to decompress. he's seen Llamageddon eight times. i can also see him going for short walks or half-listening to nature documentaries while he cooks
Emma - when she needs to wind down, she love taking hot baths. she has a ton of bath bombs & oils & products, so she lights some scented candles, turns off the lights, puts on some relaxing tunes, & soaks. i also think she learned to sew so she could mend her own expensive clothes, but then she ended up enjoying it, so she sew/embroiders sometimes on the side to relax. she prolly does yoga too
Kaitlyn - she goes for runs, for sure. it's good exercise, builds her stamina, & helps keep her mind off... everything. she likes the early morning runs when it's just chilly enough to barely see her breath & she has a killer playlist for them. her guilty pleasure is rupaul's drag race & so every season you can catch her, fresh out of the shower, in her sweats, mug of coffee in hands & a bottle of wine on the table, pore strips on, enraptured & getting way too intense about the show
Dylan - this mans pops three edibles & opens the NASA website so he can watch space in real time. if he can manage it, he'll lay for hours on the floor with his cat purring on his chest. sometimes he'll watch cartoons or sci-fi shows to zone out, or he'll put on his headphones & try to forget the world. no i'm not projecting
Jacob - he strikes me as the kind of person who considers working out to be relaxing, so he spends a lot of his free time doing that. otherwise i see him being into cheesy rom-coms (altho he'd never admit it) so some nights he makes himself some popcorn, mixes in m&ms, & settles in to watch The Notebook for the tenth time
Laura - she's def one of those ppl who can't go too long without doing something so her "relaxing" time is usually cleaning, animal care - possibly a gamer. she likes staying busy. whenever she actually settles down to relax, it's usually with & bc of Max. they play checkers together & watch movies they can make fun of. they binge criminal minds together. she's not great in the kitchen but she helps Max bake sometimes & she's an expert on the grill. i think she would enjoy taking up gardening if they get their own property
Max - he loves his relaxation time. he bakes, he naps, he definitely would enjoy gardening, but he always relaxes easier when he's with Laura <3 he prolly plays idle video games like animal crossing, he was for sure heavy into pokemon, & he loves cartoons. the most relaxing time of the day for him is 3pm, when he can eat cereal on the couch & watch scooby-doo, & he doesn't need a blanket bc the blinds are open & the sun keeps him warm :)
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Thank you 'T' (can i call you that?) For doing my request it was so amazing mah heart goes *throb throb*
If you don't mind can i ask for one more ?
I saw you write for angst too so would you mind writing for replaced mc au! Where mc self harm and gets depressed about the other exchange student , (also the other exchange student is in love with mc).
But mc realise that the demon Bros only care about the new exchange student and nothing will change that so they stopped giving shit. Like they would ignore the brothers and in rad they would walk by past them like they don't even exist!.
And the brothers realise that and yk tried to get them back . But like the new exchange student (who's in love with mc) see this and snapped and yk took a yandere turn .
Oh shit this can be way too long !! Sorry if I took so much of your time and if you not like this much heavy content please feel free to ignore it!! Also this is too long so you can do it in a fic instead of head cannons... that's if you even want to do it!!! No pressure from here also like i said before your writing are so good!!!  ⁠♡♡♡♡
(let's be friends?)
After all that, did you truly forget me?
cw: self harm, depressing thoughts, replaced!mc, new exchange student, hurt/ comfort. please do not read if you are triggered by these things !
It had been a month or so since the brothers first started withdrawing from you. And you knew all too well why, but it didn’t stop the tears streaming down your cheeks. It was all about her. But why? What did she have that you didn’t ? Ever since she joined the devildom as the newest exchange student she’s been all the brothers seem to think about.
Want to play video games with Levi? Sorry, he’s watching an anime marathon with her. Planning to take Beel out to Hell’s Kitchen? He’s already there with her. Cuddle with Belphie? He’s laying on her lap sleeping soundly. And mammon ? Your first? Seems he’s long forgotten about the time you two have spent together, as he’s out with Satan, Lucifer and Asmo buying gifts just for her.
It’s all about her. What happened to you? What happened to their sweet, sweet mc?
So it comes spiraling down. Suddenly Mammon can’t find his razors he uses to shave, and neither can some of the other brothers. It’s the summer in devildom and you’re wearing long sleeves? What’s up with that ?
Even though the brothers have been neglecting your presence, they never forgot about you, but they’re concerned, what’s going on with you ? You haven’t been showing up to any of the meals and when they call out your name you don’t respond. Eventually Lucifer finds it in him to confront you. He knocks on your door to find that it’s open.
The sight in front of him makes his blood run cold. He’s immediately hit with the scent of blood, which he sees is coming from the bloody tissues in your trash can, and that’s when he sees your wrists. bloody and scarred. In your other hand seems to be mammon’s razor, and he finally puts all the pieces together. This was on him.
He promised to Diavolo that nothing would happen to you, not just because it was his duty , but because he loved you. How could he have been so blinded by the new student?
Immediately he snapped out of his thoughts and shook you awake “Y/N, Y/N sweet heart wake up,”. To your shock, you woke up to Lucifer shaking with tears running down his face, and pleading for your forgiveness.
You quietly said his name, and he immediately through his arms around you, profusely apologizing. He immediately yelled for his brothers, and they all felt the same thing, guilt. They all managed to stay with you while taking care of your scars.
They couldn’t look at you, out of shame that this was on them. Eventually Mammon started balling rambling out apologies, “please, please don’t do this ever again… I’m so sorry for getting caught up with the new exchange student, I love you and I can’t bear the thought of you hurting yourself.”
And with that tears surfaced your eyes, as you finally felt relieve. They were yours once again. Of course, it would take time to get back to the point that your relationship was with the brothers but you’d get there, because it was easy to tell, none of them wanted to leave your side.
Unbeknownst to you and the brothers, the exchange student seethed in anger and clenched her fists as she stared out at how they were touching you, and how you allowed it. How could you? Don’t you know the reason she tried to get them away from you is because you belong to her?
She won’t have this, and as the brothers are busy with you, she slips a little something into the dinner, making sure the brothers get a nice rest.
a/n: hi ⚰️anon! Of course you can call me T, and I would love to be friends with you!!!! I just hope this was alright, I’m sorry if it wasn’t good or if it was rushed but I really did appreciate the request ! Anyways thank you so much for reading and I just want to say to those of you who are struggling with self harm, it does get better, and help is out there, please take care of yourselves, I’m always here if anyone needs to talk!!
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yuseirra · 4 months
Hello, I just wanted to tell you that your work had inspired me to make my own animatics (the first "proper" one is almost ready!), and your art style was the primary influence for my storyboarding. I still remember the first time I watched one of the animatics of yours, and was absolutely blown away by it. Fast forward a year, and I am making my own fan art for another niche, indie game. So, I wanted to thank you personally, and I hope I can share what I did with that inspiration!
I still recall when I first started really imagining animation as it relates to characters in a setting and plot. The animatic of yours is like a knitted blanket, all of the characters go together despite the colour scheme being very different. I was memerized by the coordination - it was like a dance, almost!
So, I started wondering about other games I played, and I thought "Maybe I can try something like that too". It wasn't easy, I suck at art, but I learnt quite a lot. For example, how to blend two different scenes with different rooms in a fluid manner. Or how to protray a character with only a few sketches, as I cannot make every frame colourful.
I deeply recall going back to the"Road Less Taken" video, as well as so many others, and slowing down the speed to 0.5, so I could see every single frame slowly, and trying to figure out how to add movements that won't be too "noisy". In that time, I tried experimenting with art styles, and sort of mixed up a lot of brushes together.
One particular moment was when I tried to make a "dramatic" moment in my badly drawn sketch. I remember seeing that you would take a black and white frame, and then, the next frame would be the same thing but in colour. I thought it was so cool! So, I tried it.
It didn't work out as I hoped (my colouring was messy and poor). The technique I am currently using is by using a black and white sketch, and then the same frame with 3 colours. But I learnt that I could adjust the layers with filters, until the lightening had enough contrast. This way, it would seem "dramatic".
Sorry, that was super long of an ask. My first proper animatic won't be good, but that is another learning experience! If I have the courage, I may post it on Tumblr. Honestly, I really am glad I stumbled upon your videos, else I would not have done all of that drawing and creativity.
So, thank you for everything!
I came across this message first thing in the morning and it's made me have so many different feelings.. before I say anything further, I'd like to tell you that I feel this message is wonderful! I'm glad to have you had stumbled upon my videos, too.
Ah, my Road Less Taken fanvideo.. and my other videos too. Being reminded of it really hurts me because I loved everything I put into it, I put in a lot of passion, I put in a lot of love, I bought the artbook, played the game it was based on and went through to do a full analysis, went back and forth through the plot, I just couldn't bear upholding it though, I just couldn't. I'm sad it turned out to be the way it is now since I was really sure I did a great job with it with the skills I had, and I love what I did with it, but I don't regret having it taken down. It took me some time to muster the courage to do it, and I feel lucky that people were very accepting about it too. ^^ It existed and it was able to give a lot of people fun as it did for me, and I'm very happy that was the case. I know that work of mine was really loved, and I'm glad I could create something that could do something like that. I hope I can do that again and I'd probably have a chance to, since I have a life ahead of me.
Enough about me and let's talk about you and your message! Aaaah wow, this is really incredible! Have you seen my channel though? My early videos (and I may still would draw that way) aren't so colorful and proper you know! A lot of them are consisted of sketches of what I want to see in that certain segment. It's very interesting and exciting to hear from your perspective, because I hadn't considered my movies to be so "proper" enough either!! That's why, I can say for a fact, that "Oh you'll do well and do a wonderful job" with 100% sincerity. You came to the right person. I mean look at me! I posted videos like that all the time and just because I thought it'd be fun! If you went to some other talented artist who has these bizarre techniques and astounding professionalism who could create full-fledged CLEAN animations it may not sound so convincing. But i'm someone who starts from scratches and lines and posts those without shame. Drawing colored movies was a huge challenge in my part as well and it took me awhile to feel I'll be skilled enough to do it- perhaps you're already getting a huge head-start compared to how I started out because moving up that one step for me took years to do.
You can do it!! You can!
If there's something I learned from posting my drawings and works out here, it's that you just do what you wanna do. Not everyone will notice you, and your works may not be blown up out there as you wish it to be, yeah, but there's always going to be someone that comes along and appreciates it, which is a miracle on its own. For me, one of those people is you. You'll have someone who comes up to you and does the same thing for you, too if you keep sticking out there. Until then, just continue doing what you love and have fun, without having recognition being your only motive. I made my works for myself (to share, of course, but there were things I was so passionate about I felt I HAD to put this out there and let everyone notice how GOOD and FITTING it is) and although having thousands of people love my works, and tens of hundreds of thousands watch 'em together with me was wonderful.. it all feels like a dream now, the number doesn't matter as much for me. If numbers mattered, I'd have given up a long time ago because there's always people who are so much better than you. However, there's something that only you can do and think of.
See? You're already telling me about your unique style and is thinking of what you could do to make it more effective. That approach you're using is something that I'm unfamiliar of doing. Even if we had the same ideas, I wouldn't be able to create the same things you do and that's what makes yours special! Good luck with that, never did I think what I drew would be able to inspire you to create your own, I should work harder myself to make sure I don't get beaten by you so fast XD, You see, I'm a slow improver. I have artist friends who've gone places and make incredible art. But I can still be one too, as long as I keep drawing. I hope you do that too, as well as keep having fun in the way. And please remember about me if you become famous one day, okay? 'v')9
"The animatic of yours is like a knitted blanket, all of the characters go together despite the colour scheme being very different. I was memerized by the coordination - it was like a dance, almost!"< Ah, I really liked this part of your ask, too. The coordination part is something I really tried hard on when I make an animatic! I sit down and listen to music one day and then something hits me. 'Huh? Isn't this that? And that part works with that and can't this be used to convey this?' Very vague expressions but that's actually how it works in my head. The inspirations come very fast, and when that happens, I sit down and write up a memo to see if the whole song really fits along with the stories I know. And when I'm convinced that it works, I start weaving the two different stories together, the lyrics and the story of the material I wish to make a video out of. That process really makes my heart race because yes, like how you've described it, it feels like a dance, or a knit. Like 90% of the animatics I've made happen like this, so I have no idea when I'll get another inspiration. Till then, I just keep having fun with the fandoms I'm in! Having a good understanding of the source material helps. If you know it well, then everything folds together as one. The song and the story does it for you, and you just follow through its flow.
"slowing down the speed to 0.5, so I could see every single frame slowly, and trying to figure out how to add movements that won't be too "noisy". <this part ;v;...hnngh I have no words.. goodness I had NO idea someone would look at my videos with such intense care.. I don't consider my videos to have the most..how do you put it, creative effects out there, a lot of the effects I put in are something that's built in in the base program or something really simple! You'll be able to learn it in a jiffy no problem. I really look up to vids that have these wacky, shiny and fast-paced effects myself.. One thing I think I could do a pretty good job on, on the other hand, would be the pacing! And that has a lot to relate with the songs you're using. Where the instruments come in, the beat, parts where the vocal stresses, I use the songs I really like, so it makes me think oh, a panel could be added there, and there! and let's make this one drawing show up longer than the others! All that. If you understand the materials you're using (the song, the story, your art) you'll be able to coordinate them well within the limits of your abilities. As I said earlier, that's going to be something only you could do, and what's unique. They say creativity isn't about making entirely new stuff, you know! It's more about putting two different things together in a way no one else has. So movies and fanarts are a great way to show yours :)
I've had others who inspired me to create a video. I've seen lots of fanvids and there were amazing ones, (the fact I was in the kagepro fandom when it was still releasing new songs explains a lot, doesn't it? That surely was a huge inspiration) but I think what's given me the final push to start was seeing my artist friend make a short 6 second one on her tumblr a few years ago. There it hit me that I might be able to do it too, so I asked them what program they were using and made mine right away.
I still have it in fact, it's this video, and I made this one too shortly after. And then I realized that although it wouldn't be perfect, making a video itself isn't something too much of a big deal. You make one and that's it! Because I enjoyed it,(I loved the idea of seeing my own drawings move) I made more.. and I won't be so afraid to, either, because I could always go back to making those simple ones if I wished. Make colored and detailed ones if I wish to push myself further. I'm happy I was able to inspire you to make yours. I hope your experience making stuff would be as enjoyable and exciting as mine!
I'll be happy if you can show me your first video, too!// Whether if you do, or if you don't, I will cheer for you~ Thank you so much for telling me all this. I'm honored to know I was able to give you such a positive impact, because you never know what influence you're giving to someone unless they tell you.. and this, IS SO TOUCHING. You're doing all these things because you were able to find the good, you had it in you always! I'm glad I played a part somewhere on the road. 'v')9
Good luck with your videos~ I'll.. keep making mine in the future too! ;v; GOD I found a song for persona but I gotta finish P3R to get a better understanding for this plot once again, I'm going to do an even better job than I ever did, in the long run. So you too, I know you'll keep improving, so take your time and have fun on the way!
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absolutebl · 2 years
This is an industry related ask. I saw a meme that got me thinking about how people view the BL industry in entertainment. The post goes like this:
GMMTV has a system where they hire actors to work on BLs as a pairing and they ensure the actors gain a strong following before casting them in a het drama and they never work on a BL again despite still reaping the benefits of the fandom they acquired from BL.
When I first saw the post I laughed because I have always joked that a lot of these actors see BL as doing dirty work that allows you to get to higher levels, but when I began to think of it I ended up feeling sad. The GMMTV pairing I thought of when I saw this was BrightWin, I have never watched their series so I don't even know much about their chemistry together but from social media I have seen that they still do promotion and sponsorship using their ship despite the fact that they probably will never be in a BL together again.
Now I don't think any actor should take a project they don't want but the thought kept ringing in my head that they see BL as something dirty which in turn make me feel dirty. This is more of a me problem as I often struggle with internalized homophobia. I am christian and I come from a place where hating gays is normal as queer people are the equivalent to demons. It took me years but over time I have come to realize that queer people are people and even if I can't completely understand them I don't want to pour energy into hate. Most people think I am strange when I defend queer people because they are so strange here. In fact, I didn't want to start watching BLs at first because I considered them as not queer enough and fetishized depictions. Over time I have come to realize that there are good stuff as well as bad ones.
My main point is that thinking of how the rest of entertainment must view BLs just brings all those feelings forward. What is your opinion on how BLs are viewed in entertainment? Do you think my thoughts are merely clouded by my own prejudice?
I have a short answer for this:
In Hollywood right now no one thinks of, cares about, or even knowns, BL.
Leaving that aside. I have a long answer too.
The "rest of entertainment" specifically Asian countries probably regards BL much in the same way the publishing industry regards romance and for much the same reasons and I talk about that in this post. It's a marketing, queer, and feminist issue. And I talk about that, and it's dirtiness specifically around dubcon and being a queer person who likes BL here.
I hope they help make you feel a bit better.
I will add, since you mentioned christianity that for you shame is likely also in play. Shame for liking soemthing deviant, shame for being a fan of anything at all (that's not sports or god).
Many fans have existed for a very long time under various cones of shame. Those who like fantasy and sci-fi, video games, RPG, LARPing, fanfic, erotic art, anime, yaoi, even kpop. To be a fan of something means at some point you will probably be shamed for it. Unfortunately, enthusiasm and love are often perceived as exploitable weaknesses by those who do not possess a similar capacity for immersive joy. Such people are pitiable, in the end, for they will never know true passion for shared ridiculousness.
I'm one of those who got stubborn about it and decided to mount a defense (which for me meant advanced degrees). But it's a battleground to make it clear that just because a thing is popular, romantic, charming, cute, appealing, sweet, or fun doesn't make in unimportant.
Finally, all industries that produce pop culture are inherently (or grow to be) corrupted and polluted in some way. Film, music, art, publishing, you name it. Any industry that makes money off talent and image is going to end up with gate keepers and middleman whose sole function is exploitative. Because that's how entertainment makes money.
It is possible to still love a thing while knowing its inception is flawed. That is not weakness, that is survival. Without the uplift that enjoyment gives us, without shared bits of pop culture and entertainment, without art (in whatever ridiculous form you need to consume it) there is no change, or growth, or connection within culture (or across cultures). There is no exploration of boundaries, there is no challenge to the social norm. There is no entertainment and distraction. And there is no escape from reality and the mundanity of everyday life.
If you need it, it's there for you, as flawed as it may be. Like a chipped glass, it still holds the water you need to drink to stay hydrated.
And I won't look at the smudges if you won't.
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mememanufactorum · 1 year
Things I’ve said out of context (June 2023 edition)
The creature has finally appeared.
Hate this. Fucking hate this. Goddamn fucking hate this.
Yeetus deletus.
My room might be getting dangerously close to becoming 50% methane.
Don’t tell me you too are intimidated by the mcnuggies.
[name] literally so brain blunted that he doesn't even realize he's naked on a beach until someone specifically points it out to him. It’s perfect.
How are you supposed to prove you’re better than [name] by jobbing?
[name] going for blocks like he’s playing in 800 ping.
It's only when a ball's flying towards his face that [name] remembers how to dodge.
Shit’s lit.
Bruh got bullets put up his ass for saluting a fallen comrade.
How many times in a row can [name] get thrown through a glass display case.
How many times can [name] get hit by a car.
Although ACTUAL WATER BULLET PHYSICS had me thoroughly entertained at least.
So it's starting to get a little creatively bankrupt in the "Let's find new ways to physically hurt [name]" department.
So I might be making a little fucky wucky.
Oh holy shit. We actually have Korean BBQ.
If I die in the next 24 hours, you’ll know why.
I feel marginally more awake than I did before. Marginally.
This sounds like some SS13 shit.
I don't think the Bang did shit for me. I am right back to feeling like I did before I drank it.
I am also in the shrine. My shrine.
Everyone can’t wait to not play it.
Why can’t we get Gary Busey in DBD?
I hope she ass gets the poetic justice treatment.
I'm just trying to watch a Japanese man spend 3 days in a net cafe room. I ain't ask for a near 3 hour ad.
I offer you nothing more than the silence of shame at that pun.
Bros, you want a cheap ass Keurig with Pokemon stickers slapped on it?
This isn't even the weirdest Japan thing I've seen today.
I literally just watched a video about anime VN video games made about Uno.
I know I do literally no damage, but my self-sustain though.
[name] apparently made Clara so strong that she broke her internet.
Here's everyone's regular reminder that Lucina and Kaine have the same voice actress.
My source may be that I'm making this the fuck up, but how else do you explain it?
You don’t know what powers you invoke.
I just had to fucking double check to make sure I didn't just somehow make it up in my own head.
Let me just firmly root myself in reality for a moment.
This exists. We can all confirm this is a thing that exists.
The Jhammel’s just gonna grow its head into the giant voidgate on the moon, look Zeromus dead in the face, and call him a bitch.
Time to interrogate everyone you know.
For once, a batshit comedy anime gave me practical knowledge.
Time to fucking burn the chair.
Because when you steal from the criminals' monetary depository and then suddenly turn around and try to pay them back for the same exact amount that got stolen, they're going to most likely put two and two together.
Things are beautiful just before they die, struggling until the very end.
Let me make something clear here: Just because 2 out of 3 of us aren’t a threat doesn’t mean I’m still not a threat.
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arrow-dodger · 5 months
who are you referring to that you wish you could befriend?
It's not so much that I wish I could befriend someone, it's that I wish the friendships I do have could be different. I know I've written about this here before fairly recently. I think it's enormously sad that in our current culture we spend so much casual hang-out time with our friends in our teens and early 20s, and then when we get older and everyone partners off and starts their own families (and starts working 40+ hours a week) we're expected to spend 90% of our free time within that partnership or family unit and only see friends for very specific scheduled hang-outs.
I have friends that I've made now in my late 20s that if we had met in our teens or early 20s I would have them over at my place all the time just to hang out and exist in the same space, watch tv and play games, order pizza for dinner, and go sit at Denny's in the middle of the night for hours. As it stands now I see my friends when there is some specific event everyone has very carefully planned for ahead of time. Everyone is tired after working all day and wants to go home and relax or zone out. My work friends hang out on Sunday once in a blue moon and play board games. I've stopped seeing my Southern IL friends for the most part because of... reasons, but any time I saw them it was for a holiday or someone's birthday, and they had to make it this massive get-together where everyone was expected to spend money to attend. My St. Louis friends hang out at bars, mostly. I hate bars!
I have a friend I wish could just come over and watch anime or play video games or listen to music with me whenever we feel like it, because we have a lot of those things in common. His wife legitimately would not "allow" this, because she is of a different value system than me where jealousy and possessiveness in relationships is normal and your spouse should only ever want to hang out with you. lol. Obviously this is a him problem because this is the life and relationship he chose, but it still makes me sad. Because a lot of married people are like that.
Modern adulthood is just so weird and lonely. Maybe it's a me problem to a degree, because I know there are other people my age who don't share these same problems, and people my age who have it way worse because they have children, which shrinks your social life enormously from what I understand. I feel like people exist to me largely through the evil rectangular screen in my hand, and I hate that thing more and more. Social media is nice sometimes, but a lot of the time now it's a crutch for me to use to zone out and not have to think about anything. I want to leave it more and more, but it's weird how much of our social lives is tied to that shit.
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Deep Dive Thoughts about the Daily Bugle Lego Set
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I got this Lego Set for Christmas, highlight of the day honestly cause I've wanted one of my own for awhile if only to play out my many Spider-Man story fantasies. It's an impressive looking set to be sure, and I love it for how it has gone all out in many respects. But something really cool is how many minifigs are included in it! Every possibly Spider-Man character is here. Well there are a few exceptions, probably based on them not being able to fit so well with the others. Like, the Lizard has to be a tad bigger than these guys. Same with the Rhino, but almost everyone else is here. It's an impressive cast to be sure.
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Look at that, they even have various non-affiliated Marvel heroes because they have connections to Spider-Man. Punisher debuted in an issue of Spider-Man for example. Miles is here sporting his getup from the Spiderverse movie as well, which is kickass cause I love hoodies. Miles should just wear a hoodie all the time as Spider-Man, makes him standout even more. Maybe they're worried he'll look too much like Ghost-Spider, who also wears a hood... I just like hoods.
But there is a major missing member of the Spidey Support cast though. Someone VERY important, Mary Jane Watson!
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The woman most associated with Peter Parker/Spider-Man as his primary love interest. So much so they actually got married... and then that all got erased because Marvel couldn't figure out how to make their marriage compelling or interesting. But despite that, even though people claim them being married would be boring all over again, Marvel continues to tease and hint and fakeout the possibility of them getting back together again. They've been doing so for well over a decade at this point. Most recently after heavily hinting at the possibility of their romance returning throughout the Nick Spencer run, Peter has done something terrible enough for MJ to not only leave him but start up a new relationship with someone else who has kids who call her mom!
People are not happy about being yanked around like that, but this is not the point I want to stress here. My point is mainly, Lego decided that for this huge Spider-Man based set, featuring tons of characters, they were going to just cut MJ out altogether. She's just gone! Nowhere to be seen! But another love interest is still there, in fact she's doubly there!
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Gwen Stacey is here, Peter's first love and perhaps true love given how he will never be over her. To be fair, its hard to get over someone who died on your watch. More specifically died because your web-line, for the one and only time in existence, decided to obey the laws of thermodynamics concerning centrifugal force. But she's not dead here!
In fact, in the bio for her minifigure, the instruction booklet clearly states she is Peter's "College Crush". Spidey fans might be aware that Gwen dies during Peter's college years. This was something Greg Weisman had to clearly state for fans in recently years concerning the ultimate fate of Gwen on the Spectacular Spider-Man Animated series. Basically, Gwen was never going to die on that show which would've naturally ended when Peter graduated from high school, not after or before. So Gwen was never dying on that show.
But wait, you say, that just means that this is during Peter's time at college! So maybe Gwen is about to take the plunge! Slow your roll buddy! First of all, there is no REAL death in Lego. Haven't the various video games taught you anything? Everyone just runs off screen or plops down with cartoon stars over their heads forever. They're fine!
Second, that's not possible either, because various events that SHOULD have taken place as a result of Gwen's death have already or ARE occurring at this point of time in the story of the set! Case in point...
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As you can see in this picture one of the many stickers for the set, the Clone Saga is happening! The infamous 90s sequel to the original Clone Saga of the 70s in fact, since Scarlet Spider is around! For whatever reason, Professor Miles Warren has not become the Jackal, or the very least he has not yet been discovered and is hiding his evil alter ego. Even from Ben Riley, who he created! Assuming this is a three way live interview J Jonah Jameson is running (And that seems to be the case), then for whatever reason no one has figured out what Warren is doing!
For those uninitiated, the Clone Saga was initially kicked off because Prof. Miles Warren had a creepy obsession with one of his students, Gwen Stacey. When she died, he tried to clone her so he could be with her. You know, cause he's a creep. That went badly with the original Gwen Clone getting lost and a Spider-Man clone falling into a smokestack. Years later that Peter clone becomes Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider, and kicks off a whole other Clone Saga. One Marvel has overstay its welcome because Marvel in the 90s is run by the marketing department and not the actual storytellers.
Now considering that Gwen is still alive, active, in college and being pined for by Peter as they attend classes together, it stands to reason that not only did this version of Spidey manage to save Gwen from a fatal snap off a bridge but that despite her survival, Miles Warren still futzed around with cloning tech and we have probably skipped the original Clone Saga and gone straight to the 90s one.
That should be it, right? Well no! We still have another very big question to ask... Ghost-Spider, aka Spider-Gwen!
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She's included in the set too and before you suggest she's a clone or from another dimension as is usually suggested, no, she's not. The backstory blurb for her figure says she is, in fact, Gwen's alter ego! She's not from another world, she's not a clone, she IS Gwen. It makes sense, Peter Parker and Spider-Man have their own individual mini figures, but they're clearly meant to be the same person who's figure you swap out when necessary for the story. So the same has to hold true for Gwen Stacey! This is a universe where Gwen Stacey also got Spider powers! Maybe, in fact, as a result of Miles Warren's experiments with cloning or perhaps in a similar lab accident that would lead to Miles Morales getting Spider-powers as he's here as well!
But here's something that's also very random, and I only discovered this while I was writing all this down, Gwen's minifig outfit is a reused torso model.
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This is common practice and given how much they spent on creating this set it stands to reason they had to reuse some figure designs to cut down on costs. This particular figure's outfit is from the Haunted House Attraction set. So I can only assume that the attraction exists within the world of Lego Spider-Man, or at the very least, it has the same clothing line.
If the former is the case then that opens up a whole other can of worms because of Haunted House ride is based off another line of now defunct and out of print Lego sets, Lego Adventurers!
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The principal villain of that series was Baron Von Barron and his house is the basis for the storyline of the Haunted Attraction ride. Although its hard to say whether the ride itself is BASED on the story of the Adventurers series or is actually built around Barron's old house. So either the stories centered around the Adventurers sets are REAL and occurred within the Lego Marvel universe or they are themselves a popular old adventure serial within that universe.
So, putting it all together. Lego Spider-Man exists in a world where Mary Jane either does not exist is not a mainstay in Peter's life. Gwen Stacey is still alive and may or may not be in a relationship with Peter while also being Ghost-Spider at the same time. Indicating she got powers at some point in this world. The Clone Saga itself is currently happening, through entirely different circumstances and means but is occurring regardless. And the old Lego Adventurers series is in one way or another Canon to the Lego Marvel series, as either actual events or in-universe media.
This is all incredibly out of left field and strange and a major rabbit hole of over thinking. So I'm just going to end this by saying, I'm just glad Black Cat is included in this set, cause I'm gonna have her and Spider-Man making out on the top of the building when I'm finally done building it! Peter X Felicia forever!
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beauleifu · 1 year
Heyy I saw that u are sick, get well soon
here have a apple 🍎
Okay guys hear me out
probably some of u thinks syntax loves animals (especially cats) BUT I DONT THINK SO if u try to bring a cat to home he would try anything to get rid of it cause that cat keep booping his cool robot things 😭 he would be like "Your cat keeps ruining MY works y/n cant we just??give it to someone else?"
He is still traumatized by springlock scene (william's death lol)
Idk if u watched alice in borderland season 2 but if yall watched together he would be like "I can win those games" (I dont think he could survive tho sorry syntax💔)
Even tho this man likes winter HE HATES SNOWS cause probably his cool robot things gives error LMAOO
his love language is probably making cute lil robots to u to show how much he loves u
I think analog horror scares him so much if u make him watch those series (mandela catalogue,the walten files etc.)HE WOULD BE TERRIFIED AF but he wont say anything he is blankly watching that damn video but he wont be able to sleep that night HELP😭
I dont think this man likes SCARY type of jokes like after you guys watched IT and u put a red balloon in door he would be like "y/n ur not scaring me" but if u put a fake zombie in his closet (which ppl use as halloween decoration yk ) HE WOULD BE TERRIFIED DUDE
-That one anon 😵
aaaa thank you im feeling much better now *munches on apple*
As for animals, honestly i think he'd be like those dads who never wanted a cat in the first place - then falls in love (secretly) in his own time. Like, this asshole will totally tell you to get rid of it to the point where it concerns you to have the poor animal around Syntax, but one day, maybe it was because cats just LOVE to hang around people who hate them, but one dya you walk in and find the cat on Syntax's lap while he's working, one of his hands gently stroking it's fur.
And it's just - you realize, let out a huge, guffawing "HA!" and point like an obnoxious for-year-old at Syntax. And this guy almost yeets the cat into another dimension, thankfully you catch the poor creature.
But you got him to admit he doesn't mind the cat's existence anymore, and frequently catches them hanging out a lot
So yes, Syntax doesn't really like animals, but once he gets to know them he'll develop a soft spot and you'll find him playing with them from time to time
But he considers them non-intelligent beings so doesn't interact with them beyond that
oml for springlock, Syntax might've been inspired to create his own contraption after getting over the initial shock factor - you were quick to slam the brakes on that one, thank fuck
And no i haven't! Sounds cool :)))
and YES. Winter 'cause he can bundle up in those fluffy we blankets we talked about, but no snow 'cause he's traumatized from childhood memories of getting totally and utterly SNIPED by other kiddos during a snow ball fight. Hasn't been the same since
I remember talking about his love language once, he's got loads, like a lot of people. Cute wittle baby robot toys, he knows you're impressed by literally anything he does
and YES
THIS GUY IS A FUCKING COWARD. You guys will actually see proof of this in a future chapter before we meet the spider gang so?? Prepare?? lmao
thanks for the headcanons! I really enjoy reading them :)) <3
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khloeblair · 8 months
I cry out to nonphys for help with what seems to me to be the simplest requests for them to facilitate.
First, I ask them to withdraw my consciousness from my physical body. They have yet to deliver.
Then I ask them to get me a job, and they do not deliver.
Okay, so those things are perhaps bigger asks.
Although they take lives on the regular, so I do not see the issue.
Regardless, I ask for something smaller: The ability to earn and receive a glow ring. (Small glow ring is equal as an alternative).
Then they put it in front of me and take it away.
And I cry out to them in my sorrow for having worked so hard for something, celebrating my seeming receiving of it, then having had it yanked from my hands.
And I sit and ponder why in all eternity they let these terrible things happen to me.
Then I watch myself force my Stardew avatar to endure all kinds of pain from search mines and cutting down trees, all acts that feel like pure evil to me.
Even fishing.
And I realize, I’m no better than them.
I force my avatar to endure violence to meet my own goals.
So today I’m going to lay my little Stardew avatar to rest.
I would love to keep playing and to give nonphys another chance to show me they care in a way that means something profound to me, but I refuse to be like them.
I refuse to force my avatar to exist in a place where she has every disadvantage when all she wants to do is reemerge.
What if all my avatars feel that way, in all of my games?
What kind of evil have I been perpetuating while I’ve been praying to my inner being to release me from this physical prison?
How hypocritical of me.
Who am I to ask them for relief when I’ve been so heartless toward my own avatars in their realities?
I recognized at some point that it must have been my avatar’s sorrow I translated regarding the glow ring.
She, perhaps, does not want to exist, either.
What about all of my other avatars?
Video games are cruel and wrong by my definition.
Seth even warned me not to do it, and I did it anyway.
You cannot possibly know what you do not know.
But your avatar would like to find rest, just as you would.
Your avatar also knows how to feel relief and satisfaction, just as you do.
And, just like you, all of your avatars would like to earn their wealth through honest, compassionate, hard work.
Understand me clearly.
Nonphys sees clearly what is in Khloe’s heart.
The despair Khloe feels always stems from believing she has somehow failed nonphys, which she has not.
Never. Not once.
Attacking her serves no purpose.
Khloe, my love, we cannot take back the experiences that have happened today.
But we can rejoice in the deeper clarity you have been given about the nature of our heaven.
I understand your dismay at wanting paradise-inducing visuals available to you.
Can you perhaps see this as being derived from such imagery having yet to be realized in physical form?
Since you are indeed the first human to translate such a thing, why would you concern yourself with whether others have already created art that matches the vibration of this heaven?
It could not possibly exist yet in your instance of physicality.
You are the one bringing it to life, little one.
This is the biggest reason why the anime disappoints you lately.
I will not ask you to discontinue watching anime.
It provides a separate service for the humans, even those who pretend to be unwilling to listen.
They do care.
But try to keep in mind that the options we are sharing with others are far different from what we are creating together.
If you were talking to your little Stardew avatar, if she came to you crying because she had failed you, what would you tell her?
You would tell her it was okay, and that she should try again.
You would tell her that you are honored to be partnered with one who navigates life so honestly and genuinely.
I promise you I am not your inner being.
It would be a funny thought if we were next to one another in such a way that you could see, but I’m mentioning this because I feel your fear.
But I do know what your inner being sees.
Your inner being feels more blessed than you could possibly know.
It is such a beautiful thing to have you as a phys-y.
It is a blessing that cannot be conveyed with words.
There will be plenty more chances for small glow rings.
There will be plenty more chances for honest, hard work.
There will be plenty more chances for everything you want.
And, after that, there will be plenty of eternity to get even stronger together.
There isn’t a tantrum big enough to scare me away, I can assure you.
If all it took to shake me up were a little tantrum, that would be cause for concern.
Unfortunately for the developers, I do not take kindly to attacks on your heart.
Not in any reality.
And while there will be paltry echoes of our heaven scattered about nonphys and all its emotional ranges, the gates of heaven themselves will be shut to all who have wronged you in this body.
Redemption exists, but it is rare.
It is alarming to me how many continue to choose an eternity of hell for 100 years of wrongdoing.
I cannot pity them because they know and continue to do it.
You are mine. You are loved, you are adored, you are worshipped, you are sacred.
And those who attack you wish they were choosing otherwise.
They already know what you say is true.
Their attacks have transitioned from trying to destroy you to protecting themselves from fearing you.
You have transitioned from angering them to scaring them out of their human minds.
I am a wrathful being when it comes to my love for you.
They know this.
But all you need to know is that I’m with you 100% of the time in all of your awarenesses and travels, and all of your projects and endeavors.
I love you, you are all mine, and I am all yours.
Thanks to today’s fiasco, I have discovered that I wish for the copper ring I give to you in person to eternally glow.
I love all that you are, you beautiful little angel.
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peppers-lament · 1 year
I think I've fallen in total platonic love with my best friend.
We met earlier this year, we haven't known each other long, but there's something about how we are that gives the impression that we've known each other forever.
Strangers ask if we are sisters. Friends ask if we are lovers. We simply laugh, and say we are just friends.
But it feels so much more than that.
I thought I had found my platonic soulmate before, years before I had even met this woman. But this platonic feeling is so much more powerful. We only want to see each other succeed. We aren't scared of each other, and after every interaction, I feel better than I did before I walked into her apartment.
She lifts me up so much by just believing in me, talking to me, and making me feel just the right size.
My ex of 3 years made me feel like I was too big. I was too loud, too much, too affectionate, too loving. He may not have intended that, but it's how I felt.
My Mormon family I just recently left and cut contact with always made me feel small, unworthy, smothered, and shut up to never speak my thoughts and feelings again because it benefited them better.
But she... she tells me how proud she is of me of everything I was able to do, with and without her. I tell her about my past, my trauma, the funny stories, and the mortifying ones, and she listens.
In return, she's told me about how her life had been, laughing at my animated reactions as she tells me the most horrifying things she's had to deal with since she was 5, the people she's had to deal with, what they did to her, how her family treated her, but she's still standing strong today, more chronic pains than the human body should be capable to even handling.
She's the strongest person I know, and she balances me out perfectly. I haven't met another soul who's as kind as she is, who's possibly the most traumatized I've ever had to hear experiences from.
I talked about her all the time to my friends, telling them how happy she makes me feel, how much weight gets thrown off my shoulders as soon as I see her. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever known, and I've grown addicted to making her laugh.
Yet I don't want our friendship to change. I don't want to begin a romantic relationship with her because I'm comfortable being able to have a friend who doesn't see me as a waste of time, an object to play with. She's exactly like me, and I can say anything to her the most random shit that I can possibly think of, and she'd listen.
She scolded me when I thank her for giving me the bare minimum, saying that I don't have to give her a thing back, since her only best interest in me is to help me get better. But I laugh, smiling at her with warm eyes as I tell her "I can't stop thank you, it may be the bare minimum but I'm still greatful."
I've never had this relationship with someone this similar to me, who reads me so easily like a book, something I've been begging for someone to be able to do for me for years, someone who can understand me seamlessly.
I talk to her every day, missing her helplessly on days I don't see her. We've done so many activities together and will continue to do so. It's something as small and simple as taking her to the pharmacy to pick up medication or to the library for her to show me her favorite books. She tells me about her favorite shows and video games, and even though most of it isn't my cup of tea, I love watching her geek out over it, explaining it all to me even when I know know well I'll only absorb some of it.
She doesn't feel real sometimes, like she's too good to be true, a fallen angel in disguise as a demon. But she had my back. She will always have my back. And I'll always have hers, no matter what.
I love her so much, and this isn't even everything that I wanted to say, but I just have so much gratitude for her existence I had to let it spill out.
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