#i want to take a nap now
butterworthd · 7 months
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Ehh definitely not the best but I tried a different color mix
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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Charlie: “I’m so glad my most villain-coded friend is at full power again! 🥰💕”
*throws this to you angst goblins like raw steak* ❤️
(No I will not do a part 2!❤️)
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almond-gallery · 4 months
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cosmicwhoreo · 11 months
SO, I made my own tragic legendary sea cookie since that seems to be the theme for devsis in between comms-
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Beneath the dark, forgotten waves of the west sea, amongst a once bustling and colorful coral forest is it's sleepy monarch; Grand Reef Cookie. A jolly, yet strangely complaisant individual who spends his frail, doddering years tending to the decaying remains of his children's once proud homeland.
They have all left, of course. Some more hesitant than others to leave their loving father's side. But, Grand Reef Cookie was insistent of their retreat. That, unlike him, they were not bound to their namesake in soul and body. That the ocean held much more plentiful and vibrant sights that were not to be wasted fretting over a forgotten relic of the past. That doesn't stop many from visiting though... Bringing with them trinkets and offerings to help alleviate his wistful loneliness.
But, unlike some of his children, Grand Reef doesn't harbor any resentment for cookies. It's just not in his nature to harbor any hatred for... Well, anything, really. A reef is meant to be a nurturing and peaceful place for even the most ruthless apex predator, to be unwelcoming and unkind to even one creature would go against his very nature. ________
Why be a betrayed and/or volatile tragic, when you can be a sweet, hospice patient kind of tragic? That, and sea pollution and global warming tragic, I mean it's right there-
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kitocrystal · 5 months
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Checking out other Quest AUs as I wait for my will to come back to continue with Inky Mystery.
(The conflict has not let down yet and I’m starting to feel dread)
Anyway, go check out this neato retell of the og Quest story by @thequestfortheinkmachinecomics. The characters’ designs are nicely touched up, their personalities seems more natural now, the art is really cool and oh no, I’ve run out of juice for words… I just know that this retell will be good so I’ll be on along for this ride.
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echomimus · 1 year
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do you take it ? 💌
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shikisei · 4 months
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shadows of our former selves
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i-am-a-fan · 6 days
For every note this little post gets, i’ll work on my art projects for 2 minutes this month.
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fafrogke · 7 months
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below the cut there is uhhhh video
what does this even mean
i love that video
i often forget that they can wear glasses i would pass by him and fog them just to annoy but i think he would love that
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maculategiraffe · 2 months
amongst baby's many delighted questions about hildegard:
"does her tongue hurt if it touches you"
"does she have bones"
(pointing at her belly scales) "are THOSE her bones"
"is she purple"
"can I touch the pointy end of her"
"can I" (making fists) "SQUEEZE her"
"why IS she a snake"
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
the same clownery as usual lads 🌳🍑
!spoilers (but not for today's upcoming chapter lol)
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'cultivate' by amazing wonderful talented @neonghostcat
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torchickentacos · 29 days
I’m not saying that taking a sip of white wine every time someone at the family reunion says something republican is a HEALTHY coping strategy but like. I’m pleasantly tipsy and didn’t start a queer rights rant in the front yard so win?????
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ardustein · 1 year
Once the League finds out Billy's identity, they of course all try and get him into a better situation. But he's stubborn, and deeply independent due to his years on the streets. After a while the Justice League has almost given up because- despite how much it pains them, they don't want to force Billy to do anything. The least they can do is tell him that he always has his room and warm food in the tower.
Slowly, Billy starts to take them up on it. He'll sleep up at the tower on the really cold days, and eats at least one meal a day from there. Plain old Billy becomes a common site in the tower. Sometimes he'll just be wondering the corridors, but other times he'll be telling crazy story's in the middle of the cafeteria.
Members starts to slip him snacks and give him pats on the head. They begin to buy clothes for him- Wonder Woman even got him a Halloween costume once! People start finding him napping in random places all over the tower, sometimes in really inconvenient places.
One day, while walking up to the tower, he realizes.
He is a cat. They've turned him into the office stray. He doesn't even know if he should be mad or not. He is found sneaking food from the kitchen later that day, at peace with his new situation.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hello love! Hope you are well!
So I’ve had this cute idea for a while with AleRudy poly! Where Alejandro and their s/o spoil Rudy for a day, like make him dinner,, whatever you think lolz and then end it by both Ale and s/o spooning him?? I think it would be adorable!!
Hey there! I don't think I made this as fluffy as I could have, and for that I am truly sorry! But I tried!
Spoiling Rodolfo
I feel like he’d be surprised at first. Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t doubt the love you and Alejandro have for him one bit, but he never would have thought you’d go out of your way to spoil him this much. First you bring him breakfast in bed, essentially waking him with a kiss to each side. It was all there, French toast, eggs, orange juice. He didn’t have to lift a finger. Naturally, as he got out of bed, he’d try to make it up to you by cleaning up after himself, only for you and Alejandro to stop him from doing so, forcing him back onto the bed once again. Rodolfo would grow suspicious. Did he miss an important date? Did the both of you miss an important date? It wasn’t like it was his birthday either, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember something that you did where you had to make it up to him either. For the time being, he’d simply accept his fate. Eventually, he would get up to check up on you. And then there was the barrage of gifts. They were lovely, naturally, but what did he do to deserve them? Again, he would grow even more suspicious. From the beautiful flowers to the small stickers you stuck on him, he wouldn’t know what to do. However, he wouldn’t say something immediately. Maybe he can think of why you’re being especially nice to him himself. Were you about to get into a lot of trouble? Were you just trying to get on his good side?
Of course, Alejandro made the suggestion of going out together, spending the time outside to do whatever it is he wanted. And then came the idea of having a picnic, since it was nice and warm outside. As you went to pay for all the items, with Rodolfo already taking out his wallet, you almost tackled him to get him to put it away. Alejandro paid, even though he shouldn’t have. You were three people, and with the amount of snacks you bought it didn’t come cheap either. From a massage to a heartfelt poem from you, it all started to seem like a little too much. Again, Rodolfo doesn’t doubt the love you feel for him, but it seems a bit off. However, you wouldn’t give him a satisfying answer either when asked about it. Were you going to break up with him after all this time? Making your last day together as beautiful as possible so he had something to cry over? He hoped not, but it didn’t seem impossible with how nice you were being towards him. A kiss to the cheek, you even gave him a plushie of a small cat, claiming its silliness reminded you of him. Why on Earth would you do all of this? Why go to these lengths?
Even around dinnertime, when you wouldn’t let him help out, he almost felt a bit sad. Sure, it was nice to not have to lift a single finger for a day, but why? He loved helping out, you both knew that. He was very much an active man at home, doing what he could to keep everything clean and in order. He didn’t mind cooking for you either, pouring his heart and soul into every meal for you. Rodolfo adored doing something for you, so he wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of it all. The meal was delicious, but he felt almost sad as he was unable to help you out at least even a little bit. You watched his favorite movie with him, you took pictures of him with his silly cat plushie, hell, you would have likely spoon fed him as well on that day. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. What have the both of you been up to? He would ask you again regarding it all when you were spooning him, trapping him on either side. It would take the most embarrassing nicknames that you only use on him to calm his nerves. Something along the lines of “Hush, Rudy-Poody, can’t we show our love and appreciation for you for once? You always make us feel good, so it was time to return the favor.” and “Mi esposo, you need to have more trust in us. Sometimes we just wanna see you smile as well. Cheer up, we just wanted to spoil just once in this life.”
He’d sort of cringe at the nickname you gave him, but it was the reassurance he needed since you only ever used it when you were being especially sappy. You didn’t get in trouble again, you were simply a bunch of lovesick fools. He’d give you a kiss on the nose and a smile. However, he would also try to turn around as Alejandro was spooning him, only for the colonel to not budge in the slightest, saying that Rodolfo shouldn’t be tossing and turning like this. No kissy for Alejandro it seemed. Rodolfo was this close to just wrestling him down for that kissy. Although he can’t really get used to the feeling of being spoiled, he will accept it for just that day. He will pay the both of you back in his style, though. You will also be spoiled. He couldn’t wait to team up with one of you to spoil the third one. All three of you will have had a day like this at some point.
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soybean-official · 2 months
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Coloring style experiment with the sparda sisters! Dante design by me, Vergil by @/amamozarte !!!
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introspectivememories · 4 months
okay so i know that dash baxter barely gets any character development in the show but like the idea that danny hates dash? boo, lame, overdone!!!! danny who can beat dash up and dash knows this and everyone knows this but by god danny needs something normal to cling on to so dash shoves him in a locker everyday?? yeah that's the good shit
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